Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Go programs do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

 No wonder it plays so well at 9x9, because the max length of playout is
 81, it can 'see' what the board look like when the game ends.

The *average* length of a 9x9 playout is roughly 100 moves.
The max length is much larger.

On a 2.2Ghz Athlon64, I get about 10 000 playouts/second, at an
average of 100 moves per game this is 1 million updates/second.

There are many programs that are much faster. On the same hardware
libego would be about 6 million updates/second.

19 x 19 is a bit slower, because strings are bigger on average.

 This also explains that when I read the games MoGo against GNUGo, toward
 end of the game, GNUGo would play PASS, but MoGo would continue to play at
 some very uncommon positions that a normal player would never consider.

Pass behaviour has little to do with the playouts themselves.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Go programs do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

 Playing randomly like that shouldn't work, but when you play Mogo et al,
 you see that intelligent behaviour emerges.

 Although interesting, I would hardly call that 'intelligence' :-)

Ah, the traditional flamewar topic: the definition of intelligence
shifts whenever a computer achieves what was formerly considered

 And I suspect how far it can achieve on 19x19 board (compare to human
 players of course).

Perfect play, no need to suspect anything. The real question is how far
humans are away from that :-)

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Go programs do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread Harri Salakoski

The *average* length of a 9x9 playout is roughly 100 moves.
The max length is much larger.

The *average* length of a 9x9 playout is roughly 100 moves.
The max length is much larger.
Hmm, sorry if this is old subject but does it effect much for playout 
quality if I cut playouts for example max 110 moves in 9*9 board?

Is that studied subject for almost random playouts.

Another thing, do you include random moves for playouts, after some number 
of playouts or when there is K number empty points or using some other 

By the wat made java board for random playouts it is currently 30 games 
/13sec 9*9 board having max 110 moves(double core 4000+), I have no lightest 
clue how to make it faster as optimized it as much i can, using two threads 
it is 7 seconds/30 games. Have think that maybe somekind of state 
machine could be faster.

t. Harri

On a 2.2Ghz Athlon64, I get about 10 000 playouts/second, at an
average of 100 moves per game this is 1 million updates/second.

There are many programs that are much faster. On the same hardware
libego would be about 6 million updates/second.

19 x 19 is a bit slower, because strings are bigger on average.

This also explains that when I read the games MoGo against GNUGo, toward
end of the game, GNUGo would play PASS, but MoGo would continue to play 

some very uncommon positions that a normal player would never consider.

Pass behaviour has little to do with the playouts themselves.

computer-go mailing list 

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Go programs do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread Don Dailey

mingwu wrote:


I read on the web, and some other places that most Go programs can only
evaluate "a dozen" of moves per second.  Is this still true today on a
typical machine, say, single 2GHz CPU, 2GB memory?

This is highly dependent on the program. You can evaluate fast if you
don't care about the quality of the evaluation and don't mind having a
crummy program. There is a general feeling that GO requires much
smarter evaluation than what we have now and many are working on
improving that. Of course this implies that current evaluation is much
slower than it should be because strength and speed are highly

I don't really understand what a dozen evaluations per second really
means. I think MFGO does a shallow global search but at end nodes
calls a special evaluation function that is relatively slow. However,
this evaluation function has a search component inside of it - routines
that check for life and death by doing ladder searches and such. 

All programs do a global search with some kind of static evaluation at
end nodes. It is customary in computer go not to call it "global
search" if the
program just does a fixed 1 ply search. Perhaps the feeling is that
if you don't actually call the evaluation function recursively it's not
a search, but whatever the case it is just semantics.  There are many
who believe a 1 ply
fixed depth search is the only number that works (which is
nonsense.) Nevertheless, even the older classic programs do at
least a 1 ply
search. They call the search "selective" if you only consider a
subset of the moves. However, even the subset not "considered" is
evaluated in some sense to determine that it should not be
considered! It is just evaluated less thoroughly, perhaps being
quickly rejected by a simple pattern lookup or some other system.

And if this is still true, how can we make it faster?


There is such a think called a "static evaluation function", which is
a non-recursive version of an evaluation function. Most programs
give their evaluation function a name like "search()" or evaluate() or
something similar. A recursive evaluation function tries to
evaluate positions by moving pieces around on the board to see what
happens - more like what humans do. 

Since recursive functions must have a termination condition, at some
point you must stop and the general method is via a "static evaluation
function", a routine that evaluates the position without moving
pieces around. Having said that, it's true that many programs
still move pieces around by further calling goal specific routines
designed to discover something about the position via a goal specific
search, such as determining if a specific group will live or die. 

To answer your question about how to make it faster, I think the
answer is to find ways to replace the recursive components with static
components. This falls into many categories:

  Routines that discover life and death statically.
  Routines that are effective at identifying moves not worthy of
  Any static or fast routine that can discover something useful
about the position without having to recurse.

Of course general optimizations will help, but cannot replace gains in
the above areas. Same with faster computers. 

At some point we all have to stop thinking of evaluation and search as
two different things. This in my opinion is the biggest stumbling
block in our way. You can find heated arguments going back 30 years
or more on the subject of search vs evaluation showing how most people
have partitioned these two things into separate unrelated concepts.

In some ways, computer go is ahead of chess in this regard. Chess
programmers think the two things are different but many good go
programs use local searches to discover things about the position -
nicely and properly blurring the distinction between the two.

You can look at ANY good game playing program and easily see that it's
all about doing as much useful work as you can, in as little time as

Probably the biggest source of misconceptions are articles you can find
on the web that claim search is out of the question for computer
go. These well-meaning articles are misleading and imply that
searching 1 ply with an incredible static evaluation function is the
"one true way." They generally make the all or nothing assumption
that you either don't use search at all, or you must design a program
with a brain-dead but super-fast static evaluation function and then
try to search 100 full-width ply deep to make up for this. So these
articles have kept computer go in the dark ages longer than necessary
and are written in an incredibly naive style showing a lack of
understanding of the general principles of how to evaluate a

Of course you can now see strong programs based on using the search
component much more heavily in the evaluation process. Aya is one
example for instance, which is based on alpha/beta searching (they now
have a monte 

Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Go programs do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread Don Dailey

   I'm sure many of us are surprised how well this stuff

I'm not surprised because I knew a little about the principle 10 years
ago. I create a game based on English/British checkers but played on
a 6x6 board and a slightly different jump rule (you can only jump one
piece in a move.)   It was just for testing idea on searching and I
wanted to keep it simple.

I discovered that a monte/carlo based evaluation function is superior
compared to a simple hand crafted one.   It was better even at the same
time control. This game was small enough that I could search
incredibly deep and discover diminishing returns (which must happen in
all games but happens much more gradually than intuition would suggest.) 

I tried a naive version of this with GO and discovered that it could
easily beat my alpha/beta searcher which had a naive static evaluation
function (because I had just learned the rules and didn't understand the
strategy whatsoever.)  But it was still very  weak and I temporarily
lost interest in it.

Then I saw a paper on the web about gobble,  a go program that evolved
a move list ordering using simulated annealing. My interest was
rekindled, I continued to tinker and eventually produced some simple MC
based programs which were predecessors of AnchorMan.  During this
period other papers started to appear which I followed closely and now
it's a common technique. 

Searching randomly is probably the quickest way to get an overview of
the landscape.   It's not very methodical,  but methodical methods are
much slower at quickly discovering the big picture. 

I'm thinking that the next big leap in computer go will be based on
generalizing the knowledge gained from the play-outs.   Right now,  we
structure this knowledge into a tree which is certainly an appropriate
representation but we are still throwing away a lot of useful (but
fuzzy) knowledge about the positions.(For instance we have to
discover over and over than a certain move is good, not just in one line
but probably in most lines of play.) There has been a lot of
progress in this direction but I'll bet there will be more.

I have tried some ideas that were failures so far - but I think this is
a productive direction in general.

- Don

 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Go programs do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread Don Dailey

mingwu wrote:

 Playing randomly like that shouldn't work, but when you play Mogo et al,
 you see that intelligent behaviour emerges.


 Although interesting, I would hardly call that 'intelligence' :-)  And I
 suspect how far it can achieve on 19x19 board (compare to human players of

The explanations given were greatly simplified.   Actually, these
programs have a ton of research behind them are not just explained
simply by a a bunch of random games.  So the approach is quite

One breakthrough has been making the play-outs less random and so they
actually have been crafted to give the best results with a lot of
outside knowledge added.   Also, they are search based which means a
search tree is built in memory and a great deal of effort has been spent
on how to expand this tree in the most efficient way possible.  

This has already proved to be the best way forward (so far) as the 19x19
programs using the approach are playing the best go of all the programs.  

So you may worry about how far it can achieve on 19x19,  but now it's
not the Monte Carlo approach that is really in question,  it's the OTHER
approaches that you should now be doubting.

With the current trend of Moores law to produce faster computers with
more cores and memory,  this is truly good news for go programs and
especially this technique which is guaranteed to improve with more
powerful hardware.  

- Don

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Go programs do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread Don Dailey

Harri Salakoski wrote:
 The *average* length of a 9x9 playout is roughly 100 moves.
 The max length is much larger.
 The *average* length of a 9x9 playout is roughly 100 moves.
 The max length is much larger.
 Hmm, sorry if this is old subject but does it effect much for playout
 quality if I cut playouts for example max 110 moves in 9*9 board?
Yes, that will significantly hurt your play-outs.Do you throw away
the results or score it as is?  

I have a very liberal cutoff on my program - from any position I play to
move 81*4 in 9x9  as long as I have played at least 20 moves.  

 Is that studied subject for almost random playouts.
What is commonly done is something called the mercy rule where you
stop the play-outs early if one side appears to have an overwhelming
advantage.Even this is somewhat risky if there is a large group with
no eyes. I don't use that rule but it's been reported to be anywhere
from no benefit to a minor benefit.I have not tested it,  but the
most you can hope for is a relatively small speedup for a small risk.

 Another thing, do you include random moves for playouts, after some
 number of playouts or when there is K number empty points or using
 some other way.
This is all a black art - you must try many different things and see
what works best for you. 

I haven't tried this,  but  it would be a major speedup to revert to
light move strategy after a few heavy moves are tried in each
play-out.My heavy play-outs are 3 - 4 times slower than the purely
random play-outs.   I suspect most of the benefit occurs in the first
few moves. Is this what you are suggesting?  

 By the wat made java board for random playouts it is currently 30
 games /13sec 9*9 board having max 110 moves(double core 4000+), I have
 no lightest clue how to make it faster as optimized it as much i can,
 using two threads it is 7 seconds/30 games. Have think that maybe
 somekind of state machine could be faster.

 t. Harri

 On a 2.2Ghz Athlon64, I get about 10 000 playouts/second, at an
 average of 100 moves per game this is 1 million updates/second.

 There are many programs that are much faster. On the same hardware
 libego would be about 6 million updates/second.

 19 x 19 is a bit slower, because strings are bigger on average.

 This also explains that when I read the games MoGo against GNUGo,
 end of the game, GNUGo would play PASS, but MoGo would continue to
 play at
 some very uncommon positions that a normal player would never consider.

 Pass behaviour has little to do with the playouts themselves.

 computer-go mailing list 

 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Go programs do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread Don Dailey

Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:
 Playing randomly like that shouldn't work, but when you play Mogo et al,
 you see that intelligent behaviour emerges.

 Although interesting, I would hardly call that 'intelligence' :-)

 Ah, the traditional flamewar topic: the definition of intelligence
 shifts whenever a computer achieves what was formerly considered

You could not have said that any better.If a program with Mogo's
strength had appeared 10 years ago,   I can imagine some very flattering
write-ups about it's incredible A.I.

- Don

 And I suspect how far it can achieve on 19x19 board (compare to human
 players of course).

 Perfect play, no need to suspect anything. The real question is how far
 humans are away from that :-)

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Go programs do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

Harri Salakoski wrote:

The *average* length of a 9x9 playout is roughly 100 moves.
The max length is much larger.

The *average* length of a 9x9 playout is roughly 100 moves.
The max length is much larger.
Hmm, sorry if this is old subject but does it effect much for playout 
quality if I cut playouts for example max 110 moves in 9*9 board?

Is that studied subject for almost random playouts.

Another thing, do you include random moves for playouts, after some 
number of playouts or when there is K number empty points or using 
some other way.

I play until there are only moves that put stones into a real eye, and 
then pass 2 times. I described my exact playout policy a few posts ago.

Multi-stone suicide is allowed, single stone not.

Light playouts (i.e. just random moves) were about as long, if I 
remember correctly the average playout length was 104 moves or so.

It's good practise to measure this regularly over say 1 million games. 
Sometimes you will find that the average shifts at a moment you didn't 
expect it = Oops, introduced a bug :)

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Go programs do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread Rémi Coulom

Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:

Multi-stone suicide is allowed, single stone not.

Strange. The reverse would make more sense to me.

computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] CGOS server fixed.

2008-01-15 Thread Don Dailey
We have not had a single server crash in the almost 5 days since this
bug fix.

So it's likely that this bug was causing most of the problems and now
it's fixed.
Thanks to Michael Williams who spotted the problem and proposed the fix.

- Don

Don Dailey wrote:
 I deployed a potential fix to the 9x9 cgos server as recommended by
 Michael Williams.

 If it goes over 3 days without crashing, the confidence that it is fixed
 will be high.

 Then I will ask Olivier to deploy the fix on the 19x19 server.

 - Don

 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Go programs do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread Don Dailey
Surely he meant the opposite.

- Don

Rémi Coulom wrote:
 Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:
 Multi-stone suicide is allowed, single stone not.

 Strange. The reverse would make more sense to me.

 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Go programs do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread dhillismail
Single stone suicide is much easier to test for. :)

- Dave Hillis

-Original Message-
From: Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: computer-go
Sent: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 12:11 pm
Subject: Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Go 
programs do these days?

Surely he meant the opposite.
- Don

Rémi Coulom wrote:
 Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:
 Multi-stone suicide is allowed, single stone not.

 Strange. The reverse would make more sense to me.

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Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Go programs do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread Andrés Domínguez
2008/1/15, Rémi Coulom [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:
  Multi-stone suicide is allowed, single stone not.

 Strange. The reverse would make more sense to me.

Multi-stone suicide is sometimes the best move (if the
rules allow  it). This is because multi-stone suicide is
sometimes a good ko thread (to kill a group).

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Go programs do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread compgo123

No, God creates all the rest, integers are just work of man.?


God create integers, all the rest are just work of man :-) 

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computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Go programs do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread dhillismail
Um, by easier I mean faster. Also, I think single point suicide is more likely 
to lead to infinite loops, depending on your eye-filling rule.
- Dave Hillis

-Original Message-
Sent: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 12:16 pm
Subject: Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Go 
programs do these days?

Single stone suicide is much easier to test for. :)

- Dave Hillis

-Original Message-
From: Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: computer-go
Sent: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 12:11 pm
Subject: Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Go 
programs do these days?

Surely he meant the opposite.
- Don

Rémi Coulom wrote:
 Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:
 Multi-stone suicide is allowed, single stone not.

 Strange. The reverse would make more sense to me.

 computer-go mailing list

omputer-go mailing list

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omputer-go mailing list

More new features than ever.  Check out the new AIM(R) Mail ! -
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Go programs do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

Rémi Coulom wrote:

Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:

Multi-stone suicide is allowed, single stone not.

Strange. The reverse would make more sense to me.

I do not track liberties, so the speed penalty for doing it that way is 
too much.

I wrote my program to track psuedoliberties because this is very fast 
and I thought I could take a lot of shortcuts and early exits when I had 
to know the real amount of liberties.

Unfortunately the interesting cases seem to be the ones that don't allow 
for the shortcuts.

I am now convinced designing the program with psuedoliberties was a mistake.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Go programs do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto


Um, by easier I mean faster. Also, I think single point suicide is more 
likely to lead to infinite loops, depending on your eye-filling rule.

- Dave Hillis


Particularly near the end of the game there are zillions of bad single 
stone suicides, but not often multi-stone suicides.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Go programs do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread compgo123
How can you call it 'intelligence' if a person limits one's thoughts and 
viewpoints to a narrow domain?


 Although interesting, I would hardly call that 'intelligence' :-)

More new features than ever.  Check out the new AOL Mail ! -
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Go programs do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread Christoph Birk

On Jan 15, 2008, at 10:00 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Um, by easier I mean faster. Also, I think single point suicide is  
more likely to lead to infinite loops, depending on your eye- 
filling rule.

- Dave Hillis

I don't understand why anyone would allow suicide in playouts. No  

used (in particular CGOS) ruleset allows it.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Go programs do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread Don Dailey
I think the only reasonable argument for suicide in the play-outs is
speed.  It's possible to improve the speed of play-outs significantly if
you avoid the suicide test.

But I'm convinced that it comes at a price.   Suicide is the best move
very rarely,  and in rule-sets that do not allow it,  it's NEVER the
best move and it makes no sense to include them in the play-outs.  

- Don

Christoph Birk wrote:

 On Jan 15, 2008, at 10:00 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Um, by easier I mean faster. Also, I think single point suicide is
 more likely to lead to infinite loops, depending on your eye-filling
 - Dave Hillis

 I don't understand why anyone would allow suicide in playouts. No
 used (in particular CGOS) ruleset allows it.


 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Go programs do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread Don Dailey

 How can you call it 'intelligence' if a person limits one's thoughts and 
 viewpoints to a narrow domain?
Yes,  I agree.   It really took some imagination and open mindedness to
discover UCT and Monte Carlo since it breaks so sharply away from the
old traditional way of writing a go program.

It's still not clear to me what the ultimate approach is.   It could be
that a properly written classical program can compete - such as the
approach David Fotland is using where global search is an important
component to an already knowledge rich program.

These are all intelligent approach as far as I am concerned.You see
that the programs continue to expand to utilize resources better and
continue to improve slowly but surely.

It's not uncommon in computer science and mathematics to eventually see
many  methods as a special case of some generalization.   All approaches
that are producing farily strong programs have a search component and an
evaluation component mixed in different ratios.   We just like to get
hung up on the exact implementation details and imagine that different
approaches have nothing in common.

- Don


  Although interesting, I would hardly call that 'intelligence' :-)

 More new features than ever.  Check out the new AOL Mail ! -


 computer-go mailing list
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Go programs do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread Gian-Carlo Pascutto

Christoph Birk wrote:

On Jan 15, 2008, at 10:00 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Um, by easier I mean faster. Also, I think single point suicide is 
more likely to lead to infinite loops, depending on your eye-filling 

- Dave Hillis

I don't understand why anyone would allow suicide in playouts. No commonly
used (in particular CGOS) ruleset allows it.

Passing is not allowed in chess. Yet nullmove is quite popular.

There is no reason to follow the rules during playouts. If playing 10 
moves at once made my program stronger, I would do just that.

...and yes, I did try that.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Go programs do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread dhillismail
Another possible reason could be for SIMD (vector) parallel processing. Years 
ago, I was a real-time image processing guy. Some time back, I did a 
back-of-the-envelope design for doing?light playouts on multiple go boards at 
once, on a dedicated parallel processing card. It meant?tiling all these boards 
into a large?image and using standard image processing-type operations. 
Avoiding single-stone suicide looked easy. Avoiding multi-stone suicide looked 
like a can of worms. 

If some one wanted to use, for instance, a graphics card to do fine grained 
parallel processing, permitting multi-stone suicides might be a tempting option.

- Dave Hillis

-Original Message-
From: Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: computer-go
Sent: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 1:43 pm
Subject: Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Go 
programs do these days?

I think the only reasonable argument for suicide in the play-outs is
speed.  It's possible to improve the speed of play-outs significantly if
you avoid the suicide test.

But I'm convinced that it comes at a price.   Suicide is the best move
very rarely,  and in rule-sets that do not allow it,  it's NEVER the
best move and it makes no sense to include them in the play-outs.  

- Don

Christoph Birk wrote:

 On Jan 15, 2008, at 10:00 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Um, by easier I mean faster. Also, I think single point suicide is
 more likely to lead to infinite loops, depending on your eye-filling
 - Dave Hillis

 I don't understand why anyone would allow suicide in playouts. No
 used (in particular CGOS) ruleset allows it.


 computer-go mailing list

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cgbg, was [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Go programs do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread wing
Gian-Carlo Pascutto [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 I wrote my program to track psuedoliberties because this is very fast 
 and I thought I could take a lot of shortcuts and early exits when I had 
 to know the real amount of liberties. Unfortunately the interesting
 cases seem to be the ones that don't allow for the shortcuts. I am now
 convinced designing the program with psuedoliberties was a mistake.

My friends and I have just finished an alpha version of a code
generator that compares go board implementations in a wholistic
manner. The results are complicated, but pseudo-liberties work
reasonably well, too. See below.

Michael Wing


The Critters Go Board Generator
Michael Wing
January 15, 2008

Ive wanted to develop a fast go board for many years, and have spent 
the last few months helping write a go board generator to figure out what 
fast means. The current code was inspired in part by discussions on the 
computer-go email.

CGBG generates many go board implementations: 4 methods of tracking 
liberties, 3 methods of tracking adjacent groups, 2 methods for mapping a 
location to a chain. It also can generate code with and without borders, and 
for many board sizes. It generates ptest, which runs 2 performance tests: 
filling the board to 90% full (which resembles Monte Carlo readouts) and 
ladder reading (which resembles local board analysis). It generates ftest, 
which runs many functional unit tests. 

Caveats. CGBG was intended to create apples-to-apples comparisons, 
but does not strictly do so. First, the current implementations are solid, 
but not necessarily optimal. For example, union-find uses classic 2-pass 
path compression, rather than the 1-pass version in libego. Also, Many other 
optimizations (loop unrolling) are not implemented. This is alpha code. Many 
ideas are just sketches. There is a lot of cruft.

Main conclusions:
* GnuGo data structures are pretty darn good, even for Monte Carlo 
simulation. I had hoped to find a linked-list data structure, but didnt.
* Behavior at 9*9 can be very different than behavior at 19*19.
* The complex nature of cache and processor architecture makes it 
very hard to predict the effect of any data structure decision. Trying it 
out empirically is the only way.
* Many reasonable implementations run within a factor or 33% or so 
of the best.

Main conclusions for 19*19:
* Using union-find is slower than changing the smaller chain, by a 
tiny amount.
* Using arrays to track liberties is best for board analysis.
* Using pseudo-liberties only is best for pure simulation.
* Using arrays to track adjacent groups is best for board analysis.
* Using search-only to track adjacent groups is best for pure 
* For a program that does both Monte Carlo and local board analysis, 
I would use arrays to track both liberties and adjacencies.
* For a program that does no local analysis, I would use pseudo 
liberties only.

Other Notes
* CGBG precomputes board and hash data, so they can be stored in 
read-only memory and do not need to be initialized. This can be used as an 
example, or cut and paste into other implementations.
* This implements positional superko checking (though not tested), 
which GnuGo and libego do not. Situational superko checking is sketched, but 
not complete.
* The play() routine uses gotos. The conventional technique of 
deciding the status of a move and then using a switch statement is about 1 
percent slower.

The code is written in Ruby, and currently generates C code for gcc under 
cygwin. It also needs to link in SFMT. It is available at

To Use
* ./cgbg config_file
* make
* ./ftest
* ./ptest

I would appreciate any feedback.
Michael Wing

computer-go mailing list

Re: cgbg, was [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Go programs do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread terry mcintyre

- Original Message 
To: computer-go
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 2:59:15 PM
Subject: cgbg, was [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top 
Go programs do these days?

Gian-Carlo Pascutto [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 I wrote my program to track psuedoliberties because this is very fast
 and I thought I could take a lot of shortcuts and early exits when I
 to know the real amount of liberties. Unfortunately the interesting
 cases seem to be the ones that don't allow for the shortcuts. I am
 convinced designing the program with psuedoliberties was a mistake.

My friends and I have just finished an alpha version of a code
generator that compares go board implementations in a wholistic
manner. The results are complicated, but pseudo-liberties work
reasonably well, too. See below.

Michael Wing

I visited the www page, and the combination of pre with very long lines does 
not work well at all. Tried both firefox and IE. pre prevents the browser 
from wrapping the text to fit the display page.


Never miss a thing.  Make Yahoo your home page.
computer-go mailing list

Re: cgbg, was [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Go programs do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread wing
terry mcintyre [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
 I visited the www page, and the combination of pre with
 very long lines does not work well at all. Tried both firefox
 and IE. pre prevents the browser from wrapping the text to
 fit the display page.

Thanks. Reformatted the text.
Michael Wing

computer-go mailing list

RE: [computer-go] How to get more participation in 19x19 CGOS?

2008-01-15 Thread David Fotland
I tried to send you a zip file, but the email failed, then it said it would
be delivered.  Let me know if you don't get it.

 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:computer-go-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark Boon
 Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 10:11 AM
 To: computer-go
 Subject: Re: [computer-go] How to get more participation in 19x19 CGOS?
 As suggested by David Fotland I made a simple referee type of setup
 so that I can have two engines play each other continuously. I got it
 working with GnuGo but with MoGo I get an Access denied message
 when I try to start it from the referee program. When starting from
 the command-line I have no trouble.
 Since I expect the games against MoGo to be much longer and thereby
 uncover more bugs I figured it would be a better test-opponent. Is
 anyone familiar with this error?
 In case it's relevant, I'm running it under Windows XP on a Mac using
 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Goprograms do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread Harri Salakoski

Hmm, sorry if this is old subject but does it effect much for playout
quality if I cut playouts for example max 110 moves in 9*9 board?

Yes, that will significantly hurt your play-outs.Do you throw away
the results or score it as is?

I have a very liberal cutoff on my program - from any position I play to
move 81*4 in 9x9  as long as I have played at least 20 moves.
Aha, sounds fair. I asked that when I noticed that my impl have constant 110 
moves preventing max playouts. After investigated that more that particular 
case NaruGo project ArrayBoard it really seems not to matter, because 
current implementation throws away empty points after point is investigated 
to be illegal only for other player. That I think should be corrected after 
it is figure out how should that be done. Other hand playouts 
non-naturally end more early than 110 moves regulary because empty points 
which are illegal for other are thrown away(and removed from playable empty 
points array) and so on change for that constant made no big effect. So 
thats situation no clue should I fix that, it seems so painfull to fix as 
afraid which slowdown it makes. But I am sure that atleast in end game 
playouts(which start near end game) all moves should offcourse be included, 
so I have think to use different playout code for playouts starting near end 
or starting early positions. So I should be asking is it bad for playouts 
throw away empty points if those are only illegal for other player? I afraid 
to hear yes it is very bad for playout quality :|

t. hArri 

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec can top Goprograms do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread Don Dailey
I'm trying to understand what you are saying.  

If a point is illegal for black, are you saying that black can never
play at that point, or are you saying white can never play there?   Or
are you saying neither side can?   

What is the reason for this?   I'm not sure I understand what you are

Once I tried something I hoped would speed up play-outs a lot without
hurting the quality.   I  considered all large captured points as out
of play.For instance if white captures a 10 stone group,  it becomes
permanently owned by white and neither side can move there again.The
assumption is that if you capture a large group,  you will  more than
likely be able to hold that space down.I tried a few variations of
this, but these things only hurt the program.I think with more
analysis you might be able to find shortcuts - one example is the mercy
rule which leans on certain assumptions.  

- Don

Harri Salakoski wrote:
 Hmm, sorry if this is old subject but does it effect much for playout
 quality if I cut playouts for example max 110 moves in 9*9 board?
 Yes, that will significantly hurt your play-outs.Do you throw away
 the results or score it as is?

 I have a very liberal cutoff on my program - from any position I play to
 move 81*4 in 9x9  as long as I have played at least 20 moves.
 Aha, sounds fair. I asked that when I noticed that my impl have
 constant 110 moves preventing max playouts. After investigated that
 more that particular case NaruGo project ArrayBoard it really seems
 not to matter, because current implementation throws away empty points
 after point is investigated to be illegal only for other player. That
 I think should be corrected after it is figure out how should that be
 done. Other hand playouts non-naturally end more early than 110
 moves regulary because empty points which are illegal for other are
 thrown away(and removed from playable empty points array) and so on
 change for that constant made no big effect. So thats situation no
 clue should I fix that, it seems so painfull to fix as afraid which
 slowdown it makes. But I am sure that atleast in end game
 playouts(which start near end game) all moves should offcourse be
 included, so I have think to use different playout code for playouts
 starting near end or starting early positions. So I should be asking
 is it bad for playouts throw away empty points if those are only
 illegal for other player? I afraid to hear yes it is very bad for
 playout quality :|

 t. hArri
 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec cantop Goprograms do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread Harri Salakoski

I'm trying to understand what you are saying.

If a point is illegal for black, are you saying that black can never
play at that point, or are you saying white can never play there?   Or
are you saying neither side can?

Yep currently neither side can anymore use that point.

What is the reason for this?   I'm not sure I understand what you are
Reason is that I have empty point array, it is fast to choose played points 
from that array.

Points which are consireded illegal or bad are thrown away.

Once I tried something I hoped would speed up play-outs a lot without
hurting the quality.   I  considered all large captured points as out
of play.For instance if white captures a 10 stone group,  it becomes
permanently owned by white and neither side can move there again.The
assumption is that if you capture a large group,  you will  more than
likely be able to hold that space down.I tried a few variations of
this, but these things only hurt the program.

I add empty points from killed groups to back that empty points array;
sound like that is not mandatory either. I know if I don't add points from 
killed groups back for empty stone array that is about 20% speedup.

I agree if group is big, other hand if group is big, game is usually over so 
maybe should stop playout for that, wonder if that only hurts program..

I think with more
analysis you might be able to find shortcuts - one example is the mercy
rule which leans on certain assumptions.

mercy rule?

t. Harri

- Don

Harri Salakoski wrote:

Hmm, sorry if this is old subject but does it effect much for playout
quality if I cut playouts for example max 110 moves in 9*9 board?

Yes, that will significantly hurt your play-outs.Do you throw away
the results or score it as is?

I have a very liberal cutoff on my program - from any position I play to
move 81*4 in 9x9  as long as I have played at least 20 moves.

Aha, sounds fair. I asked that when I noticed that my impl have
constant 110 moves preventing max playouts. After investigated that
more that particular case NaruGo project ArrayBoard it really seems
not to matter, because current implementation throws away empty points
after point is investigated to be illegal only for other player. That
I think should be corrected after it is figure out how should that be
done. Other hand playouts non-naturally end more early than 110
moves regulary because empty points which are illegal for other are
thrown away(and removed from playable empty points array) and so on
change for that constant made no big effect. So thats situation no
clue should I fix that, it seems so painfull to fix as afraid which
slowdown it makes. But I am sure that atleast in end game
playouts(which start near end game) all moves should offcourse be
included, so I have think to use different playout code for playouts
starting near end or starting early positions. So I should be asking
is it bad for playouts throw away empty points if those are only
illegal for other player? I afraid to hear yes it is very bad for
playout quality :|

t. hArri
computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list 

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec cantop Goprograms do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread Don Dailey

 I think with more
 analysis you might be able to find shortcuts - one example is the mercy
 rule which leans on certain assumptions.
 mercy rule?

Mercy rule:  if one side is way ahead, stop the game early.

 t. Harri

 - Don

 Harri Salakoski wrote:
 Hmm, sorry if this is old subject but does it effect much for playout
 quality if I cut playouts for example max 110 moves in 9*9 board?
 Yes, that will significantly hurt your play-outs.Do you throw away
 the results or score it as is?

 I have a very liberal cutoff on my program - from any position I
 play to
 move 81*4 in 9x9  as long as I have played at least 20 moves.
 Aha, sounds fair. I asked that when I noticed that my impl have
 constant 110 moves preventing max playouts. After investigated that
 more that particular case NaruGo project ArrayBoard it really seems
 not to matter, because current implementation throws away empty points
 after point is investigated to be illegal only for other player. That
 I think should be corrected after it is figure out how should that be
 done. Other hand playouts non-naturally end more early than 110
 moves regulary because empty points which are illegal for other are
 thrown away(and removed from playable empty points array) and so on
 change for that constant made no big effect. So thats situation no
 clue should I fix that, it seems so painfull to fix as afraid which
 slowdown it makes. But I am sure that atleast in end game
 playouts(which start near end game) all moves should offcourse be
 included, so I have think to use different playout code for playouts
 starting near end or starting early positions. So I should be asking
 is it bad for playouts throw away empty points if those are only
 illegal for other player? I afraid to hear yes it is very bad for
 playout quality :|

 t. hArri
 computer-go mailing list

 computer-go mailing list 

 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

RE: [computer-go] On average how many board updates/sec cantop Goprograms do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread David Fotland

  If a point is illegal for black, are you saying that black can never
  play at that point, or are you saying white can never play there?
  are you saying neither side can?
 Yep currently neither side can anymore use that point.

This is a mistake.  There are often moves that are illegal for black that
are big for white.  If you don't let white play there, white can lose a lot
of points.  Connections through false eyes are one example.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] On average how many boardupdates/sec cantop Goprograms do these days?

2008-01-15 Thread Harri Salakoski

This is a mistake.  There are often moves that are illegal for black that
are big for white.  If you don't let white play there, white can lose a 

of points.  Connections through false eyes are one example.
Yep agree that, knowing that it is not fair for other but kind of 
rationalized it that it is same for both players and there is half chance
that other player tries it before. I kind of think that it keeps spirit of 
random result still because it is same for both players,

but I change it.
t. Harri

- Original Message - 
From: David Fotland [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: 'computer-go'
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 8:56 AM
Subject: RE: [computer-go] On average how many boardupdates/sec cantop 
Goprograms do these days?

 If a point is illegal for black, are you saying that black can never
 play at that point, or are you saying white can never play there?
 are you saying neither side can?
Yep currently neither side can anymore use that point.

This is a mistake.  There are often moves that are illegal for black that
are big for white.  If you don't let white play there, white can lose a 

of points.  Connections through false eyes are one example.


computer-go mailing list 

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