Re: [computer-go] 3-4-5 rule

2008-12-30 Thread Berk Ozbozkurt

Don Dailey wrote:

After 842 games with 19x19 go the version with the 3-4-5 line rule is
scoring about 55%

I thought it might do better, I think the rule is reasonably sound - but
55% is pretty respectable for such an easy change and it hardly slows
down the search at all.

Rank Name   Elo+- games score oppo. draws 
   1 d2p   2037   12   12   842   55%  20000% 
   2 base  2000   12   12   842   45%  20370% 

You are using the rule for move selection during the playouts and the 
search, right?

I think such a change may make engine objectively stronger while making 
it more vulnerable against humans. Even if the human opponent isn't 
aware of the move pruning logic initially, it wouldn't take a lot of 
games to figure out that the computer never makes a move away from the 
last move to the center or to the sides. Once the player understands the 
reason (because the engine never _considers_ such moves) building traps 
should be very easy for a good go player. For example, start a losing 
ladder towards the center on one side, then start another losing ladder 
to the center from another side, such that a ladder breaker in the 
center can break both ladders. Now the engine would play thinking all of 
its stones in the ladder are safe, oblivious to the fact it will be able 
to rescue only one group of them, if a move to the center is made. Of 
course the same idea may be used by a programmer to specifically build 
an engine stronger against engines with 3-4-5 rule too.

The engine should at least allow _opponent_ to break the rule in the 
search tree. That is quite a bit harder to exploit. Now the player must 
find moves with refutations outside of the allowed search window. But 
there is now the problem of increased evaluation difference between odd 
and even depths (as one player is objectively stronger.)

Therefore I think you shouldn't let engine prune in the tree with *any* 
simple heuristic rule, no matter how often that rule is a useful guide. 
OTOH pruning in the playouts seems safe enough. Does that increase 
strength too?

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Publishing source for (yet another) MC simulator

2008-11-04 Thread Berk Ozbozkurt

terry mcintyre wrote:

From: Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Tue, 2008-11-04 at 10:13 -0800, terry mcintyre wrote:

Some language may make it easy to encapsulate information gleaned
during local searches into a kind of short term memory and exploit
that to speed up evaluation of many branches of the search tree. Who
knows? We have a long way to go before playing at the pro level on a
19x19 board.

I'm a firm believer that computer I.Q. is directly correlated with
processing power.   In this case, the ability to win at GO for a
computer is going to be a function of the CPU performance and memory

Some languages will facilitate the exploration of ideas exactly as you
say.   But at some level it will come down to an efficient
implementation.One can always take a good idea, and then
re-implement it in a boring but very fast execution language such as C
or assembly.   It would be a shame to have to do this however if you
already have a language that can really express the idea superbly.

At some level, this is true; it comes down to crafting an efficient implementation; but some languages make it easier to express some ideas than others. For instance, some languages make it very natural to perform operations on every element of an aggregate - a list, set, array, or whatever - without having to express the details of the loop. 
Haskell, among other languages, makes it easy to embed Domain Specific Languages in one's program; one can imagine a program which expresses Go-specific terms in a very natural way. C/C++ with MPI is not the last word on multiprocessing support; other languages probably do it better. Functional languages permit much lighter-weight concurrency and multiprocessing, avoiding the need for locks and semaphores.
That is excellent in theory but I would advise against anyone trying to 
*learn* a functional language for experimenting with go programming. I 
have tried doing exactly that with Clean, a very fast Haskell like 
language according to debian language shootout . Although very 
complicated parts of the search became easy to express, very simple 
things like using a doubly linked list for string membership or getting 
random numbers for the MC simulations became a nightmare. I'm sure 
someone experienced in the language could do a much better job than me, 
but it is not at all easy for a newcomer.

computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] random numbers with functional languages

2007-12-19 Thread Berk Ozbozkurt


I'm currently writing a UCT based go program in Clean to see if it is 
feasible to write one in a functional language. This is my first attempt 
at functional languages, and I'm having trouble with random numbers.

A mersenne twister module is available for Clean. Once initialized it is 
reasonably fast to extract a new random number from the generator. 
However, it is about a hundred times slower to initialize it with a new 
random seed. Therefore my first attempt at generating random numbers by 
storing seeds at tree nodes and creating a new random list and a new 
seed each time random numbers are required for mc evaluation is very 
slow. The alternative seems to be passing around an index to a global 
random list, which is both ugly and complicated. Is there another way?

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] random numbers with functional languages

2007-12-19 Thread Berk Ozbozkurt
That was not the problem, as the source code is available and it doesn't 
call system libraries at all. I was initializing with known seed in my 
tests anyway.

Thanks though, in the process of composing a reply demonstrating the 
problem, I found a partial solution. Now random number generation takes 
3% of running time, compared to 60% of older version and ~1% of a 
hypothetical ideal solution.


Stuart A. Yeates wrote:

Probably the reason that it is so slow is that it's aiming for a
cryptographically random number sequence. These are usually derived
ultimately from kernel timings (often via /dev/random on linux
systems) and it can take a while to establish a degree of confidence
in the randomness of these bits.

If you want a sequence of numbers that is very unlikely to repeat but
that doesn't have to be cryptographically random, standard practice is
to initialise the random number generator with the current time
(usually a long expressed in milliseconds). This naturally fails if
you ever create more than one sequence per millisecond.


On 19/12/2007, Berk Ozbozkurt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I'm currently writing a UCT based go program in Clean to see if it is
feasible to write one in a functional language. This is my first attempt
at functional languages, and I'm having trouble with random numbers.

A mersenne twister module is available for Clean. Once initialized it is
reasonably fast to extract a new random number from the generator.
However, it is about a hundred times slower to initialize it with a new
random seed. Therefore my first attempt at generating random numbers by
storing seeds at tree nodes and creating a new random list and a new
seed each time random numbers are required for mc evaluation is very
slow. The alternative seems to be passing around an index to a global
random list, which is both ugly and complicated. Is there another way?

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] random numbers with functional languages

2007-12-19 Thread Berk Ozbozkurt
Your solution would still be way faster, as I still have to generate a 
new random number every time I need one.

The problem is lack of side effects in Clean. If I stick to functional 
programming paradigm -and that is the whole point of my effort- I can't 
write  function which returns a different number each time it is called. 
A function is supposed to return same result every time it is called 
with same parameters so I can't/shouldn't write an analogue of 
getNextInt() (whether or not getNextInt() returns a number from a list 
or from a random number generator.)

I just shaved off time by not initializing a new random generator each 
time a node is visited. Instead, when a leaf node is visited, first 
maxMoves terms of random list is sent to MC evaluation, and remaining 
terms are used to create a new list. Sharing this list across whole 
search tree would be ugly and complicated. So I still initialize a new 
random list for each new tree node but reuse it for subsequent MC 
evaluations from that node.


Imran Hendley wrote:
A sorry about that. Glad to hear you fixed the problem. What was your 

It seems you mentioned the global list approach in your email which 
I missed too. Why did you think this was an ugly approach? I just put 
my random array in a Singleton object (call it 
MyRandomNumberGenerator) which internally stores the next index and 
has a method for getting the next random number. So I just replace all 
my calls to Random.getNextInt() with 
MyRandomNumberGenerator.getNextInt(). Actually I can see how a lot of 
people would still call this ugly... But it's just a lookup so I think 
it will beat any other solution that involves generating a new random 
number by a reasonable margin.

On Dec 19, 2007 5:15 AM, Berk Ozbozkurt [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

That was not the problem, as the source code is available and it
call system libraries at all. I was initializing with known seed in my
tests anyway.

Thanks though, in the process of composing a reply demonstrating the
problem, I found a partial solution. Now random number generation
3% of running time, compared to 60% of older version and ~1% of a
hypothetical ideal solution.


Stuart A. Yeates wrote:
 Probably the reason that it is so slow is that it's aiming for a
 cryptographically random number sequence. These are usually derived
 ultimately from kernel timings (often via /dev/random on linux
 systems) and it can take a while to establish a degree of confidence
 in the randomness of these bits.

 If you want a sequence of numbers that is very unlikely to
repeat but
 that doesn't have to be cryptographically random, standard
practice is
 to initialise the random number generator with the current time
 (usually a long expressed in milliseconds). This naturally fails if
 you ever create more than one sequence per millisecond.


 On 19/12/2007, Berk Ozbozkurt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I'm currently writing a UCT based go program in Clean to see if
it is
 feasible to write one in a functional language. This is my
first attempt
 at functional languages, and I'm having trouble with random

 A mersenne twister module is available for Clean. Once
initialized it is
 reasonably fast to extract a new random number from the generator.
 However, it is about a hundred times slower to initialize it
with a new
 random seed. Therefore my first attempt at generating random
numbers by
 storing seeds at tree nodes and creating a new random list and
a new
 seed each time random numbers are required for mc evaluation is
 slow. The alternative seems to be passing around an index to a
 random list, which is both ugly and complicated. Is there
another way?

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Efficiently selecting a point to play in a random playout

2007-05-30 Thread Berk Ozbozkurt

Álvaro Begué wrote:

At least for Windows programmers, providing a solution that
compiles with major IDEs would help. I assume what you do is
standard in Linux, but the things the compiler did not understand
neither did I, and I could not find the time for googleing.

With 1.08 version of lego and Turbo C++, there are too many errors 
related to namespaces, system libraries etc.

With *wx-Devcpp* windows compilation is 
relatively straightforward. Create a new project file (main.cpp and 
gtp.cpp is enough for benchmarking), Replace get_seconds(), install 
boost library (a package is available at if you don't want 
to compile the library) and you are done.


float get_seconds () {
   return double(clock()) / double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

I know this is not a precise way of calculating time, but if it is good 
enough for fruit, it is good enough for me.

computer-go mailing list