Re: [computer-go] Re: Hahn system tournament and MC bots

2009-11-26 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu
On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 00:43, Darren Cook wrote:
 When I read this it reminded me of experiments I tried before to pass
 more than one piece of information up from the leaf nodes of a (min-max)
 tree. E.g. a territory estimate and an influence estimate. I gave up as
 it got too complex to handle incomparable nodes (e.g. move A gets more
 territory, less influence). I remember having a really good reason to
 want to delay reducing multiple features to a single number , but it is
 all a bit fuzzy now.

 Does this type of search have a name, and any associated research?

It feels like something that should be covered by some mathematical
area, but I spent half of last night searching in vain. It's possible
that I just didn't understand what those papers said.

One issue is that when the value at a node includes other features
than win/loss information, then the game is no longer zero-sum and
then maximin should be used instead of minimax. Also the linearization
of these feature's values should be done differently for each player
(even if we might choose to play a little recklessly ourselves, for
the opponent we should probably use the safest line of play).

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hahn system tournament and MC bots

2009-11-26 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu
On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 12:06, Alain Baeckeroot wrote:
 Maybe have a look at signal processing, using higher-orders statistics ?
  std-deviation = order 2 (or 1 ?)

  win by 10 with std = 100 seems much less secure than win by 5 with std=1
  but maybe this is included in modern bots (i stopped at naive MC + AMAF)

That's a good suggestion, thanks.

I still have a feeling that the values aren't really random, so I'm
not sure if regular statistics will work, but on the other hand MCTS
does work, so they might too.

best regards,
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hahn system tournament and MC bots

2009-11-25 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu
On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 12:04, Nick Wedd wrote:
 A program to play Hahn Go has no
 reason to calculate probabilities, it should just make the biggest move it

Ah, okay, now I understand your point of view. Thanks for explaining.

Making the largest move available is just one possible strategy to
attain the goal of ending the game with the most points scored. A more
general strategy is to weigh the moves' size with the risks they can

Evaluating the risks is probably just as difficult (or maybe more
difficult) than evaluating a move's value (which is difficult enough),
but IMHO just being greedy is not helping one's game. Might it be for
this reason that MCTS doesn't show good results when trying to
maximize score?

best regards,
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hahn system tournament and MC bots

2009-11-25 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu
On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 12:51, Alain Baeckeroot wrote:
 Le 25/11/2009 à 12:39, Vlad Dumitrescu a écrit :
 Making the largest move available is just one possible strategy to
 attain the goal of ending the game with the most points scored. A more
 general strategy is to weigh the moves' size with the risks they can

 This is taken onto account in the tree.
 If playing one move lead 10% of time to +10, and 90% to -20,
 the resulting value is -17
 (of course with the bot evaluation/playout)

Reducing the value to -17 is losing a lot of information. Another move
might have 20% chances of +10 and 80% chances of -24 giving -17, are
they really just as good?

Also, not all 10% are created equal :-) Let's say there are 10
possible moves, so only one leads to a win. It's a big difference if
that move is forced or obvious (for a human player), or if it is
something that only a professional would try after thinking for an
hour or more. I don't know how to instruct a computer to take that
into account...

To put this another way, I think that it would be a step in the right
direction to be able to handle the uncertainities of the values in the
tree. Maybe some already do that?

best regards,
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hahn system tournament and MC bots

2009-11-25 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu
On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 14:18, Nick Wedd wrote:
 If playing one move lead 10% of time to +10, and 90% to -20,
 the resulting value is -17
 (of course with the bot evaluation/playout)

 Reducing the value to -17 is losing a lot of information. Another move
 might have 20% chances of +10 and 80% chances of -24 giving -17, are
 they really just as good?

 If you are using Hahn scoring, yes, they are just as good.  With any other
 form of scoring, the lost information matters.

Ok, then we are probably having completely different mental models of
what we are talking about :-)

What I am considering is a way to analyze a list of moves, each having
in turn a value that is a list of expected outcomes and their
respective estimated probabilities, and to sort the moves by the
expected outcome in the context of a given risk strategy. In practice,
this means that the strategy is an algorithm that takes an
outcome/probability list and converts it to a number, so that it can
be compared to the other values.

The algorithm in the example above is a linear weighted sum. Normal MC
programs look only at the number of positive and negative outcomes.
These are only two possibilities. If using a more generic approach,
the strategy can be parametrized and optimized (both offline and
online), hopefully resulting in a better gameplay.

best regards,
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hahn system tournament and MC bots

2009-11-25 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu
On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 15:49, Alain Baeckeroot wrote:
 If using a more generic approach,
 the strategy can be parametrized and optimized (both offline and
 online), hopefully resulting in a better gameplay.

 I don't understand how anything could be better than the expectation,
 exept if you have additional information.
 For example mogo1 does not know bulky-five-dead-shape and has lots of
 problem to find it is dead (before being killed). So when playing against
 mogo1 you want to bias the estimator in the branches were bulky five
 appears ? Or did i totally misunderstood you ?

I wasn't going to go that far. The kind of detailed biasing you
mention belongs to a different layer, IMHO.

I was only considering the amount of risk one would like to take, so
that there is a difference between a move with outcomes ((+10,
10%),(-20, 90%)) and ((+9, 20%),(-23.5, 80%)) which with a simple
linear weighting both yield -17. Depending on the situation, I might
even rank higher ((+3, 50%), (-42, 50%)) that gives -20 with the
simple linear approach. The strategy can be dynamic, both in terms of
opponent (if it's stronger, play more carefully) and as the game
proceeds (my previous invasion failed, be more careful) (we go into
endgame, I'm ahead, play conservatvely).

best regards,
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hahn system tournament and MC bots

2009-11-24 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu
Hi all,

If I may get out of lurking mode and try to understand the problem here...

IMHO there is another issue here that creates a difference and makes
the strategies for normal go and hahn go incomparable. I has been
touched upon by previous posters, but not spelled out.

Normal go strategy applies as-is to both a single game and to a whole
tournament. One plays the in the same way no matter what happens
outside the current game.

Hahn go strategy is only relevant for a tournament (otherwise one can
simply play normal go, it doesn't matter by how many points one wins).
And thus it includes a meta-strategy involving the results in the
other games and knowledge of one's opponents.

Using a hahn strategy in a single game or in a tournament that is
scored as normal go will probably yield worse performance, like it was
pointed out here before, because it requires more processing whose
results are then ignored.

Or am I missing something?

best regards,
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hahn system tournament and MC bots

2009-11-24 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu
On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 11:18, Tapani Raiko wrote:
 Hahn go strategy is only relevant for a tournament (otherwise one can
 simply play normal go, it doesn't matter by how many points one wins).
 And thus it includes a meta-strategy involving the results in the
 other games and knowledge of one's opponents.

 One can also play a single game for instance with money bets based on
 the Hahn points, which makes Hahn go strategy relevant also for a single

Right. Didn't think about that. The idea however is that it's another
game altogether than normal go and we really can't compare playing
strength between them.

 In the tournament setting, in your interpretation, the goal is not to
 maximize the (expected) number of Hahn points in each game, but to
 maximize the probability of having more Hahn points at the end of the
 tournament than your opponent(s). It would also be useful to see what is
 happening on the other boards during a tournament round, since it might
 affect your point goal. It might even be useful to spend time waiting in
 order to gather information from the other boards. ;-)

Exactly. The goal is to win the tournament and this involves more than
just playing games. The meta-strategy is probably independent of which
games are played, but it affects the strategy chosen in each instance
of a game.

Of course, one can just ignore all that and just win all games with 40
points or more. :-) Then one can use a normal go strategy with the
appropriate komi.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hahn system tournament and MC bots

2009-11-24 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu
On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 11:18, Tapani Raiko wrote:
 One can also play a single game for instance with money bets based on
 the Hahn points, which makes Hahn go strategy relevant also for a single

Just a thought: if the bet is I can beat you with X points on the
board or more, then it's exactly like trying to win a normal game
with X points komi, right?

Are there any other kind of bets?

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hahn system tournament and MC bots

2009-11-24 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu
On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 14:20, Tapani Raiko wrote:
 Vlad Dumitrescu wrote:
 Just a thought: if the bet is I can beat you with X points on the
 board or more, then it's exactly like trying to win a normal game
 with X points komi, right?

 Are there any other kind of bets?

 Yes, having to pay the amount of Hahn points in money. The Hahn system
 originates from the Korean betting system, mentioned also in the novel
 First Kyu by Sung-Hwa Hong. Both players deposit the amount for the
 maximum loss under the go board and the money is split after the game
 according to the score.

Thanks, I had read that.

So the only difference in play is when losing, one has to keep trying
to lose as little as possible, resigning isn't an option. When ahead,
there's no reason to try to win big, unless the goal is to reach a
certain amount of points in a certain number of games. (Programs
aren't greedy in the same way we people are :-)

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hahn system tournament and MC bots

2009-11-24 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu
On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 15:45, Jeff Nowakowski wrote:
 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 03:06:51PM +0100, Vlad Dumitrescu wrote:
 So the only difference in play is when losing, one has to keep trying
 to lose as little as possible, resigning isn't an option. When ahead,
 there's no reason to try to win big, unless the goal is to reach a
 certain amount of points in a certain number of games. (Programs
 aren't greedy in the same way we people are :-)

 Let's assume that the program will play for a gambler, and will play
 many (an indefinite number) of independent games. Then I think no
 reason to try to win big is wrong. The rational approach to gambling
 is to maximize your expected value for each game.

Yes, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the strategy should be to
push each game to the limit. Trying to win with a large margin is less
safe than with a small one, so it depends on the gambler's mindset.

 So now the problem
 becomes harder -- you have to realistically guess the risk vs reward
 over a spectrum of points.

And also possibly add knowledge about the opponent(s).

 I think this game is clearly more difficult than a binary win/loss

This is exactly my opinion, too.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hahn system tournament and MC bots

2009-11-24 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu
On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 16:11, Nick Wedd wrote:
 Suppose my attempts to read the game tell me If I seal off my territory at
 A, I will win by 5 points.  If instead I invade at B, then 70% of the time I
 will win by 25 points, 30% of the time I will lose by 5 points.

 If I am playing Go, I will prefer A.  If I am playing bang neki, I will
 prefer B.

Sure. But different gamblers have different break-even limits, i.e.
different mindsets. Some are cautious and prefer 80% for those 25
points; some are reckless and would go for B even with 60%.

Anyway, we are digressing. Thank you all for the response!

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hahn system tournament and MC bots

2009-11-24 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu
2009/11/24 terry mcintyre
Please try to explain why the hahn calculation isn't working in a
normal game so as to ensure a win. I'm talking about strong human

In my view, we have
    hahn:    object of the game = max board score
    normal:  object of the game = board score  komi
Both seem just as easy and interesting.

 If you are winning in the Hahn sense, your score also exceeds komi; but Hahn
 scoring - either by accumulating points in a tournament ranking, or
 converting points to dollars in bang neki fashion, gives you incentive to
 achieve larger scores.

Thank you,Terry, for the explanation. I understand (and I think I
already said it too) that normal go is easier. What Nick said before

This calculation is correct for Hahn scoring, but not for normal
scoring, or indeed any other way of scoring.

The way I read it, just because one way is easier doesn't mean it is
incorrect in other cases. My question was about why he thinks the
calculation is incorrect for other ways of scoring.

best regards,
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hahn system tournament and MC bots

2009-11-24 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu
On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 23:58, Nick Wedd wrote:
 Vlad Dumitrescu writes
 Please try to explain why the hahn calculation isn't working in a
 normal game so as to ensure a win. I'm talking about strong human

 Are you talking about omniscient players?  If not, I have already answered:

 Suppose my attempts to read the game tell me If I seal off my
 territory at A, I will win by 5 points.  If instead I invade at
 B, then 70% of the time I will win by 25 points, 30% of the time
 I will lose by 5 points.

 If I am playing Go, I will prefer A.  If I am playing bang neki,
 [or Hahn scoring] I will prefer B.

Hi Nick,

I'm not talking about omniscient players. My problem with your answer
above is that 70% of the time I will win by 25 points contains
implicit assumptions, which affect the exact numbers and thus the
choice one would make.

How is the 70% calculated? Against whom? The ratio will be different
against someone 3 stones stronger, against someone of my strength or
someone three stones weaker. Do the playlines leading to a 25 points
win involve a stupid mistake that the opponent must make, or are they
about luring him gently in a non-optimal position? Or is it a big
fight that is involved, I can't read it but feel 70% confident I can
win it?

Opponent modeling will also play a role and then the percentage can't
even be computed anymore, the player has to guess, to gamble. It is
here that one's personality comes to play. This guy doesn't like to
invade deep, let's expand this moyo. That guy is a fierce fighter,
better to play it safe.

Personally, I would almost always play A in a tournament situation (or
with money involved). In a Hahn tournament, it depends on the overall
situation, if a small win in this game isn't enough then I must try B
if I want to win. If it's for fun, then exploring B is much more
interesting and offers more opportunity to learning.

best regards,
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Erlang and computer go

2009-08-14 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu
On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 22:16, Carter wrote:
 I have been considering experimenting with Erlang as a means of prototyping 
 certain aspects of a computer go program and I was curious if anyone has 
 tried this already. How does a system like Erlang compare performance wise to 
 writing something in say C/C++ (fastest) or Java?


I have started for some year ago to try to withe an Erlang library to
play go, but got distracted by other stuff.

Erlang has a lot of nice features, but in this particular instance
speed isn't one of them. The main issue is that there are no mutable
data structures, so for all processing there will be a lot of copying.
This is somewhat simplified, of course, but the conclusion still
holds. I don't have any hard numbers, it would depend very much upon
the choice of data structure.

Erlang would be good at coordinating work done by simple and fast
slaves, written in C for example. It would be very appropriate for a
distributed engine. The problem here is that the problem of
synchronizing a distributed UCT tree hasn't been solvet yet, to my

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Presentation of my personnal project : evolution of an artificial go player through random mutation and natural selection

2009-02-24 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu
On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 08:40, Daniel Burgos wrote:
 I worked on this some time ago. I did not use neural networks but patterns
 with feedback.

 The problem with feedback is that it is difficult to know when it reaches
 its final state. Usually you get oscillations and that state never happens.

 I tried to solve that using timeouts, but what I got were random players.

One way to handle this is to let the feedback loopbacks have a
significant atenuation, so that the system will eventually settle to
an equilibrium if the inputs don't change anymore. As with anything
else, YMMV.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Monte-Carlo Tree Search reference bot

2008-12-03 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu
On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 05:17, Mark Boon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I had set myself as an arbitrary goal that it should do at least 20K
 playouts. But with real liberties, AMAF and a RAVE formula I got stuck in
 the 16K-17K range. According to my profiler that is mostly due to the
 expensive formula used to compare nodes, where it says it spends 25% of
 total time. The formula I'm using is:

beta * (virtual-win-ratio + RAVE) + (1-beta) * (win-ratio + UCT)

beta = 1 - log(parent-visits) / 20
UCT = exploration-factor *sqrt( log(parent-visits) / (nr-visits+1) )
RAVE = exploration-factor *sqrt( log(parent-visits) /
 (nr-virtual-visits+1) )


This is probably something you already do, but just in case you don't,
here comes a simple optimization trick: since parents-visits is an
integer value and in a somewhat bounded range (0..max_playouts), the
logarithm can be precomputed in a table. Then even sqrt(log()) can be
precomputed also. Similarly, a table with sqrt(integer()) can be used
for the other values.

best regards,
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] small study

2008-10-27 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu
On Sun, Oct 26, 2008 at 21:22, Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm doing a small study of the scalability of the reference bot at
 various numbers of playouts.

 I still need a lot more games, but in general you eventually start to
 see a point of diminishing returns for each doubling.  I didn't take it
 any farther than 8192,  but my guess is that anything beyond this is not
 going to give you much.   I imagine that it approaches some hypothetical
 level in an asymptotic way.   I may test 16384 later.


I may remember incorrectly, but didn't your previous scalability test
show that when a new player was added at the top, the previous top
players' ratings got a slight boost too? Meaning that at the top (and
possibly at the bottom too, but that's unimportant) the levels may be
a little squashed by the border effect? It's very possible that the
effect is negligible, but we can't know until we measure...

The differences between adjacent levels look very symmetrical at the
top and bottom, so a few more levels might reveal what is going on.

best regards,
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] reference bots java and C

2008-10-21 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu
On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 00:11, Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would be willing for people to hosts these tests on a variety of

Sorry, I misunderstood your original announcement.

I suppose you're going to describe the whole setup once you get to
that part, so I will wait.

best regards,
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] reference bots java and C

2008-10-20 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu
On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 22:30, Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I will build a web site soon and hope others participate with conforming
 programs in any language or system.   The format I would like is that
 you zip it up and it unzips to a directory (or directory tree.)
 Preferably cross platform but not a requirement.   (My C version
 probably isn't cross platform without at least some minor changes.)

Cool, another good idea that is at least as good as CGOS :-)

If the reference bot is in an interpreted language, how will you
handle installing the runtime? What OS and distribution are you
running the bots on?

best regards,
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] programming (languages) light-simulation contest

2008-10-15 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu

On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 02:51, Claus Reinke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So, once you've got your representations (sets/bitmaps, arrays/hashtables,
 etc.) implemented in libraries, the programming language itself may not
 matter much any more (recursion simplifies things, but whether one
 recursively collects sets of liberties in imperative, functional, logic, or
 object-oriented code may not make much difference - even
 assembler might be manageable, given such libraries, just that it might
 doom your code when you move to a different machine in future).

Good points (even those I didn't quote).

I'd just like to point out that once the representations and libraries
above are implemented, one effectively has implemented a go-specific
language! One could in principle give it a concrete syntax different
than the one of the host language, but it's not certain it would be
worth it.

best regards,
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Paper for AAAI (David Silver) PDF problem

2008-04-07 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu

On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 12:48 PM, Jacques Basaldúa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Your paper has a PDF problem concerning embedded font BXGQFO+CMR12. I
 have used
  different versions of Adobe Reader. I even updated one of the computers to
 the latest version
  and I still cannot read any mathematical expressions. I guess this applies
 to all Windows users.

FYI, it works fine for me (on Windows).


( )/ ( )...
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Should 9x9 komi be 8.0 ?

2008-02-27 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu

On Wed, Feb 13, 2008 at 7:51 PM, Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  In a serious competition you would want to throttle down the playing
  strength (when playing black) so that it could win more and not just
  quit (resign) out of frustration!

Why throttle the playing strength? Wouldn't be enough to raise the
threshold where the program resigns?

Naively put: if all results say the game is lost, switch the
evaluation to best possible score and continue playing for a while.
If any winning paths appear, switch back to normal evaluation, else

best regards,
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] 19x19 Study - prior in bayeselo, and KGS study

2008-01-30 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu
Hi Don,

On Jan 30, 2008 9:02 PM, Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 According to Sensei's Library,  nakade is:
 It refers to a situation in which a group has a single large
 internal, enclosed space that can be made into two eyes by the right
 move--or prevented from doing so by an enemy move.

 Several examples are shown that where there are exactly 3 points.   My
 example shows 4 empty points in a big eye but they have even bigger

 So I think this is nakade.

3 points make a nakade, but 4 points in a line don't: c1 is answered
with d1 and d1 with c1.

computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] orego license?

2008-01-21 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu

This question is for Mr Drake, but maybe others can't find the answer
in the archives either...

What is the license for orego?
I thought I would run some tests like the ones from the Move Ordering
vs Heavy Playouts: Where Should Heuristics Be Applied in Monte Carlo
Go? paper and Orego seems like the least steep path.

Is it interesting to get feedback on the code? Maybe not the actual
go-playing stuff, but the generic framework so that it's easier to
plug in functionality in it.

best regards,

Some people see things that are and ask, Why?
Some people dream of things that never were and ask, Why not?
Some people have to go to work and don't have time for all that.
--- George Carlin
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Difficult and strong move

2008-01-08 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu

On Jan 8, 2008 7:17 PM, terry mcintyre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The www page for the Mathematical Go book refers to the Japanese word
 tedomori -- which I googled; this book page is the only reference to
 tedomori. No mention on; can anyone supply a definition?

It's tedomari and the sensei page is

best regards,
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Odd results on 19x19

2008-01-07 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu
On Jan 6, 2008 11:37 PM, Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm not sure I get the whole picture regarding multi-dimensional
  ratings. How can you compare two players with a 2-dimensional rating?
  You can't, so how would one use this rating? In my book, a rating's
  goal is to make things comparable...

 A 2-dimensional or more rating would be used to predict the winner.
 You would be able to say that a given player will beat another specified
 player some percentage of the time. With more than one dimension
 perhaps the formula would be a better predictor since it could take
 playing styles into consideration.

 It could not be used to rank players in the sense of putting them on a
 scale such as CGOS uses.   Since there is an inherently intransitive
 relationship,  you cannot rank players in strict order with more than 1

Thanks all who answered!

I see the point, the confusion in my mind was caused by the use of the
word ranking which for me does imply an ordering.

best regards,
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Odd results on 19x19

2008-01-06 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu
On Jan 6, 2008 11:00 PM, Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The idea of a non one dimension rating model is interesting.  If you
 decide to pursue this I can give you the CGOS data in a compact format,
 1 line per result.

Hi all,

I'm not sure I get the whole picture regarding multi-dimensional
ratings. How can you compare two players with a 2-dimensional rating?
You can't, so how would one use this rating? In my book, a rating's
goal is to make things comparable...

best regards,
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] A thought about Bot-server communications

2007-12-13 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu
On Dec 13, 2007 12:17 PM, Jacques Basaldúa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Nick Wedd wrote:
  In one of the British Championship Match games, a bit over ten years
  ago, Zhang Shutai made an illegal ko move against Matthew Macfadyen, and
  immediately conceded that he had lost the game.

 Is the game record available? I am interested because I have only found 2
 situations in real games:

 a. Triple ko
 b. Double ko when the group sharing the kos has nothing better than life in 

 Both have cycles smaller than 8 ply and my software doesn't check longer 

 I guess any human player would recognize these situations. So if a strong 
 didn't it must be something more complicated.

It doesn't have to be. It can simply be so that he recaptured the ko directly.

I remember (but can't find it) that it was relatively recently that a
japanese 9 dan pro did the same mistake.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] low-hanging fruit - yose

2007-12-12 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu

Thank you all who answered my question. I think I understand better
what each of you talks about. I still have the feeling that at some
level different people think about different things when referring to
some notion, but it's probably just me.

On Dec 10, 2007 11:26 PM, Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This uncertainity is what gives the less-than-1 confidence you
 discussed, but my feeling is that it varies too much with the sequence
 length -- the answer would be to add some intelligence, like MoGo and
 the other top programs do.

 Yes.You may not have 100% confidence, but it's a huge step in the
 right direction.   After all,  how can you do better than actually
 matching the goal of your program with the actual goal of the game?
 Beginners essentially make it their goal to win stones, advanced players
 set the goal of doing whatever it takes to win.

This is correct. But isn't a beginner that happens to have the right
goals still just a beginner, as long as it lacks the technique to
follow the goals and also can't properly evaluate the result of a line
of play?

best regards,
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] low-hanging fruit - yose

2007-12-12 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu
On Dec 11, 2007 3:34 AM, terry mcintyre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 But what about doing a top-level analysis of the board just before starting
 playouts, offering some hints
 to the more interesting moves? During the middle game, and especially during
 the endgame, top-level
 analysis can provide excellent guidance regarding good and bad plays, I
 would think.

Or maybe one could also add pit stops every 20 ply or so, where a
heavy playout is made and such higher-level analysis can be conducted?

Of course, it could be another case of
improvement-that-weakens-the-play, but I am not sure that all such
cases are really weakening the play -- maybe it's just an effect of
doing less simulations because of the heavier playouts.

best regards,
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Lisp time

2007-12-12 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu
On Dec 12, 2007 7:28 PM, terry mcintyre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What I've googled so far looks a bit rudimentary - mostly based on unix fork
 semantics. I'm looking for something much lighter-weight, Erlang-style,
 which could support thousands of cheap concurrent threads. In Erlang, the
 cost of such threads is comparable to the cost of a function call.

Why not go for Erlang, then? :-) There's people talking about starting
using a lispy syntax for erlang (of course that won't make it lisp)

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] low-hanging fruit - yose

2007-12-10 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu
Hi Don,

On Dec 10, 2007 9:08 PM, Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 /snipped a lot of interesting stuff/
 However MC play-outs is not horizon limited like this.   It's stupid to
 make it greedy because it may notice that winning the big group leads to
 a loss every time and that some other course of action is more productive.

I like the way you make your arguments. I have a question about the
above, hopefully you or somebody else will know the answer.

Am I confused in my understanding that a weakness of MC evaluation is
that due to its random play it will miss sequences where there is only
one winning move at each play? This is the way I am interpreting the
nakade problem discussed in another thread: to keep a dead-by-nakade
group dead, one must not miss one single move in the sequence. Of
course, in games the nakade example is just one of the simpler
variants, most semeai (capturing races) will fall into that category.

This uncertainity is what gives the less-than-1 confidence you
discussed, but my feeling is that it varies too much with the sequence
length -- the answer would be to add some intelligence, like MoGo and
the other top programs do.

best regards,
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Language [offtopic, aside]

2007-11-20 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu

On Nov 20, 2007 3:03 PM, Stuart A. Yeates [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The logical (but worrying) conclusion I draw from that paragraph is
 that you would like to see a language with an intended application of

Why would that be a worrying conclusion?

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Perudo

2007-08-27 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu

I don't know about the others, but I got all the messages you sent.


On 8/27/07, Nick Wedd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is not about Perudo, it is a test message.  I want to make an
 announcement that I make here every month, but I can't.  I've even tried
 making the whole announcement into French, but it seems that it still
 doesn't get posted.

 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Congratulations to GNU and to MoGoBot19!

2007-06-20 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu


On 6/20/07, Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

But it's least complicated with Fischer clock because everything is
steady state, no mode shifts where suddenly things are reckoned
differently. A simple glance at the clock is all you need to know
the situation.

I'm not sure I understand how Fischer time works in practice: can you
use it without a digital clock? The advantage of the Canadian system
is that it is easy to use with regular Chess clocks.

best regards,
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] On expanding the UCT tree

2007-05-07 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu


see below

On 5/7/07, Peter Drake [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In the first playout, my first move is A, so then I have:

A 1

Now I try move B, updating the tree to:

A 1
B 1

Fine so far. Now UCT likes A better, so the next playout starts with
A, C, giving me:

A 2
C 1
B 1

Here's the problem. On the next playout, I'll want to look at the
other alternative to A. In doing so, I will need to compute the UCT
value of trying C again, especially if (as in the Gelly tech report)
I don't automatically choose untried moves over tried moves. When I
look through the children of A and count a total of one playout, it
seems natural that I should update the playout count for A:

A 1
C 1
B 1

I am sorry, I may be much too tired right now, but why should A=C+D?
Isn't it C+D+1, because A was also evaluated as a leaf? (this requires
the root to be initialized at 1)

best regards,
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Time Control for the new CGOS

2007-03-28 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu


regarding time controls and the impossibility to please everyone, I'd
like to make a suggestion:

Let the engines specify a preferred time control and use a scheduler
that takes that into account (as a strong recommendation). For example
if there are two engines wanting to play at 10 minutes, pair them with
higher probability. There could be just a few predefined time limits,
maybe 5, 10, 15 minutes for 9x9.

IMHO this would be better than using a different server for each time
limit or than changing the time limit at intervals (although having a
one week rotation between 5 and 10 minutes seems ok).

Of course, the scheduling algorithm becomes more complex and it may
not be as fair. On the other hand, it may not be very important to
achieve fairness on a short scale as long as it is fair enough over a
longer period of time.

just my 2c
best regards,
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Is skill transitive? No.

2007-01-31 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu


On 1/30/07, Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It would be interesting if it would be possible to construct a 2
model statistically.   A 2 dimensional system would not be a perfect fit
but would simply be a better approximation.So in some way a players
strength could be expressed by 2 numbers instead of 1,  and the 2
together would predict your chances of beating another (2 dim) player
more accurately that a 1 dimension system could.   And of course you
extend this.   But I don't have a clue how one would construct such a
or if it's even possible - but it seems like more information should be
than less.

Unfortunately, having more than one dimensions makes comparisons
impossible - if an ordering relation is defined over the domain, then
this domain is one-dimensional with regard to that relation.

In other words, one can't compare vectors, just scalars. So the
multi-dimensional strength vector has to be turned into a scalar (by
for example a weighted sum) and we're back where we started...

best regards,
Vlad (master of the obvious :-)
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] an idea... computer go program's rank vs time

2007-01-25 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu

Hi Matt,

On 1/25/07, Matt Gokey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

But just because a rule of thumb holds for Chess doesn't mean it does
for Go.  Of course I could be wrong, but I was just trying to introduce
reasonable doubt, since Don always seems so sure of himself ;-)

If I may venture trying to rephrase your arguments, do you mean that
since difficulty grows exponentially there may be a qualitative leap
between chess and go?

Comparing chess and go is difficult, but I think this effect can be
seen between 9x9 and 19x19 go too: the two games are quite different,
because in 9x9 there is practically no strategic element and this
element brings a whole new dimension to the game.

Or did I misunderstand you?

best regards,
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Can Go be solved???... PLEASE help!

2007-01-12 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu


On 1/12/07, Nick Apperson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

yeah, there are upper limits placed on computation rate by thermodynamics.
19x19 is way beyond those as Dave pointed out.  But, even if you believe
that technology will improve and the most revolutionary change yet will come
to understanding of physics and that change will give us signifigantly more
computational power and time etc...  You can always make a bigger board.  If
life comes to a point where go could be solved for any size board, you will
no longer be in this world and solving things such as is go solvable? will
have no meaning.

Well, if I may be excused for being way too pedantic on this topic,
raw computing power isn't the only way. Mathematical solutions might
easily reduce the search space just enough to allow a full search of
what's left of it.

On the other hand, I'm not worried. There will always be challenging
games to play and to try to master.

best regards,
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Anchor Player

2006-12-25 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu

On 12/25/06, Jacques Basaldúa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hideki Kato wrote:
Nevertheless, I have certain experience (not with
MC) of computer go with handicap and I can tell:
Waiting for the opponent to blunder is only a good
strategy if the handicap is lower than it should.
E.g. 7 kyu difference  Handi 3. If the handicap
approaches its real value, that does not work.
I have seen (many times) GnuGo not being able to
win a H7 game to an opponent more than 10 kyu
weaker. That happens because it had to invade
unclear positions. The more the invasion is
postponed, the worse. The weaker player simply
does defensive uninteresting play and so does the
stronger player (with better yose, but that's not
enough). If I (manually) use two or three turns
just to invade, GnuGo tries to save the invading
stones and that's more than enough to win the game.


This depends on your definitions. If the position is unclear and GnuGo
doesn't invade, then I'd say *that* is a blunder (especially when
being behind). The idea is to play the best move available, and let
the weaker player make suboptimal ones -- in the end, if the handicap
is correct, the net result should be zero and the result would be the
same as in an even game with an equal partner.

The best move may be a somewhat risky invasion - of course one has to
assume the partner will not play perfectly, but everybody does that
every time anyway, right? Otherwise nobody would have any hope to win
and so nobody would play ;-)

best regards,
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Anchor Player

2006-12-22 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu


On 12/22/06, Stuart A. Yeates [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 12/21/06, Jacques Basaldúa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Handicap play is a *different* problem.
The rules of go include rules for handicapping.
It seems to me that this implies that a complete solution for the game of go
must include the ability to play such games.

Yes, of course. But is it that difficult? The goal would 'just' have
to change from winning to getting the best possible result. Now if
one has already solved the game for the former goal, it should be
trivial to adapt it for the latter, right?

As a matter of fact, after solving the game for any goal, almost any
computer science related matter would become rather trivial, I think
:-) I.e. if the NP complete problems are solved, only easy ones

best regards,
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Anchor Player

2006-12-22 Thread Vlad Dumitrescu

Hi Don,

On 12/22/06, Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It's easy to adapt monte carlo programs to have the goal of trying to
win as much space or territory as possible but many of us have studied
this as see that it seriously weakens monte carlo programs.

My (jokingly serious) point was that if you succeed solving the
normal game of Go, fixing it for this additional constraing should
be trivial (i.e. possibly only some 6 to 8 orders of magnitude

But this is not the real problem.  It seems that the handicap system
is not reasonable in general for computers. [...] It seems that playing the
best move possible (best in the sense of maximizing your territory gain) is
not the best strategy when playing a handicap game.  You literally have to
play foolishly in order to dupe your opponent into losing.

I would beg to partially disagree. The above is true if giving
handicap to a player of equal strength, or at least stronger than the
handicap would be fair for.

IMHO if I give handicap it is because the other player is weaker, so I
don't *have* to play foolishly - he will make mistakes that I can see
and exploit. If I still can't win, it means the handicap should be

This is the strategy that one uses even in even games, right? One
plays what one thinks is best given the position, and if the
opponent's reply is less than optimal one tries to punish it (with
various degrees of success, but that's another issue :-))

Best regards,
computer-go mailing list