Re: [computer-go] Sylvain's results

2007-04-11 Thread dave . devos
During last year i played a dozen of 9x9 games against a 1d (on a turn 
based site) and won 50% (and I don't think it will improve much if I 
played some more games). On 19x19 my winning percentage against the 
same player during the same period was 95% over dozens of games. (all 
even games with alternating colors and 6.5 komi). The statistics for 
similar pairings between similar players on this site are similar to 
these, so strength differences on 19x19 between fairly strong players 
are much less clear on 9x9.

For me this is an indication than my play on 19x19 is closer to 
perfect, because in general I would expect that in near perfect play 
the stronger player would win almost 100% of his games (perfect komi 
assumed) like Lee Chang Ho 9p will win near 100% against any player 
who is not one of the world's top 20. 

My explanation would be that I lack experience and heuristic knowledge 
on 9x9 openings and I also feel that there is very little room for 
error on 9x9. So unknowingly I regularly play a game losing move early 
in the game. Only later in the game (which means too late in 9x9) i 
realize that the game is lost. This causes more randomness in my 


- Oorspronkelijk bericht -
Datum: woensdag, april 11, 2007 8:01 pm
Onderwerp: Re: [computer-go] Sylvain's results

 On Wed, 2007-04-11 at 17:49 +0100, Jacques BasaldĂșa wrote:
  BTW. There is another stone in the way of 19x19 computer go.
  Humans play much stronger and do much stronger judgment than in 
 I think you said this backwards from what you intended.  Obviously,
 humans are closer to perfect play and understand 9x9 better than
 19x19.Someone on this group even expressed the opinion that
 professional players are close to perfect at 9x9.   
 At 19x19 I'm sure there is a great deal of distance to cover even
 for the very top players.   
 - Don
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Re: [computer-go] an idea... computer go program's rank vs time

2007-01-23 Thread dave . devos
- Oorspronkelijk bericht -
Datum: maandag, januari 22, 2007 9:59 pm
Onderwerp: Re: [computer-go] an idea... computer go program's rank vs 
 Nick Apperson wrote: 
  He is saying this (I think): 
  to read m moves deep with a branching factor of b you need to 
 look at p 
  positions, where p is given by the following formula: 
  p = b^m (actually slightly different, but this formula is 
 close enough) 
  which is: 
  log(p) = m log(b) 
  m = log(p) / log(b) 
  We assume that a doubling in time should double the number of 
  we can look at, so: 
  m(with doubled time) = log(2p) / log(b) 
  m(with doubled time) = log(2) * log(p) / log(b) 
 Your math is wrong (I think). 
 The correct equivalency for the last line would be: 
 m(with doubled time) = (log(2) + log(p)) / log(b) 

Yes. Don's scalability argument states that ELO gain is proportional 
to time doubling.
For me scalable use of time implies that time translates into depth.
The extra depth is:

m - m0 = log(2)/log(b). 

So if the ELO gain for time doubling in Chess equals 100 over a wide 
time scale and if Go has a 10 times larger branching factor than 
Chess, then the ELO gain for time doubling in Go would equal 100/log
(10) = 43 (everything else assumed equal).

I'm not sure i agree with Don, but i just want so say that if he is 
right, than mathematically he is also right with a larger branching 

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Re: [computer-go] an idea for a new measure of a computer go program's rank.

2007-01-21 Thread dave . devos

- Oorspronkelijk bericht -
Datum: zondag, januari 21, 2007 4:18 am
Onderwerp: Re: [computer-go] an idea for a new measure of a computer go
program's rank.
 also i suspect that at least 33% of the moves (at my 1-dan level) 
 wrong (what you might call in chess a blunder?).
 what do other people of different strengths think about this 33%?

I don't know the percentage of blunders. It also depends on what you 
call a blunder. Is a 1 point mistake a blunder?

But on average it would seem that a player loses about 13 points per 
game per grade separation from perfect play (11d?), implied by the 
definition of grade difference in relation to compensation by handicap 
stones. I don't know what the distribution of these mistakes related 
to their size would be (it would be interesting to find out), but I 
suspect the small mistakes would be more numerous. 

For a 1d this would imply a loss of about 130 points over the course 
of about 130 moves played by him in a game. So on average he loses 1 
point per move. I would guess that a handful of mistakes would be big, 
but most moves lose just a little bit or nothing at all.



computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] an idea for a new measure of a computer go program's rank.

2007-01-21 Thread dave . devos

- Oorspronkelijk bericht -
Datum: zondag, januari 21, 2007 7:02 pm
Onderwerp: Re: [computer-go] an idea for a new measure of a computer go
program's rank.

 By the way,  can I assume that in world champion GO matches they use
 fast time controls because long time controls don't help in Go?

Of course time helps. I guess the difference between 8 hours time and 
1 hour time gives an advantage of about 13 points (1 amateur grade) at 
the top professional level, which will probably swing the winning 
percentage from 50% to 90% at that level. Is this about 200 ELO? I 
would also benefit from more time. However, i don't think that 8 
folding the time limit once more will bring the same 200 ELO increase 
in winning probability. The human mind does not scale like this, i 
think. Also you have to train to use this much time effectively, to 
stretch you attention span as much as possible.

In Europe time limits in tournaments are usually set to about 1.5 
hours. Increasing it to 4 hours will surely improve my winning 
probability, because i can avoid a lot of (mostly tactical) mistakes. 
My guess is i may gain about 20 points (i guess that corresponds to 
150 ELO at my level). But giving me 8 hours will not improve it very 
much more. I don't think any time limit will increase my level by more 
than 200 ELO (30 points?), because:
1- I would not have the stamina to use this extra time effectively.
2- Mark Boon pointed out the problem of conceptual barriers. I just 
lack some of the concepts that 7d players master and I can't master 
these concepts on my own by thinking very hard during the course of a 

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Re: [computer-go] an idea for a new measure of a computer go program's rank.

2007-01-20 Thread dave . devos

- Oorspronkelijk bericht -
Datum: zaterdag, januari 20, 2007 9:06 pm
Onderwerp: Re: [computer-go] an idea for a new measure of a computer
go  program's rank.

 Years ago A player in the chess
 club kept beating me over the head with a non-standard
 opening move that was difficult to refute.   I got sick
 of this,  sat down in the privacy of my own home and 
 didn't get back up until I discovered the correct 
 response.In effect I consulted a much stronger 
 player, myself, given a lot of extra time.   I think
 I spent about 2 hours on this - so it was as if I consulted
 a player a few hundred ELO points stronger.   I found
 a move I had no chance of finding in 20 or 30 seconds,
 even after repeated ad-hoc unstructured attempts. 
 As soon as a started playing this move,  my opponent
 stopped using it and he had to work harder to beat me.
 It seems really odd to me that you are incapable of
 doing this in GO, or that the games are too different.
 If that's the case, then I prefer Chess, it is a far
 deeper game.   I would find any game boring if it was
 so limited that there is nothing to think about that
 can't be seen in just a few moments.

In my opinion in Go a game leaves the standard opening book very 
quickly, usually early in the opening. There are so many ways to play 
in the opening. If you opponent is trying to manipulate you into his 
favourite joseki(the taisha joseki for instance, with its proverbial 
1000 variations), you have so many options to avoid it. 
But usually you just don't know what my opponent will play, so 
preparing for a particulal opponent is usually a waste of time. In my 
opinion, the difference is that in Go the possibity of variation is so 
great that a player is forced to rely on his own strength much earlier 
in the game than in Chess (in relation to the full length of a game).
My level is 4d. For me the way to improve my results is studying 
professional games and Go problems. The aim is to get a very wide and 
general knowledge, more than a very deep knowledge of particular 
situations, because the level of variation in Go is so great. By 
improving you general knowledge of the game, you improve you ability 
to handle all those unique situations for which you cannot prepare in 

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] an idea for a new measure of a computer go program's rank.

2007-01-18 Thread dave . devos
In my opinion lowering the time limit just forces players (human and 
computer) towards random play. I am sure there exists a time limit 
where a random playing program can beat Lee Chang-Ho 50% of the time. 
But what is the use of that? To me it sounds like an invention to be 
able to show some progress in computer go, even if programs don't 
become very much stronger over the years: at least they will become 
quicker :) 


- Oorspronkelijk bericht -
Datum: donderdag, januari 18, 2007 11:19 pm
Onderwerp: Re: [computer-go] an idea for a new measure of a computer go
program's rank.

 There is one way to attempt to adjust for this - give the computer 
 a 1
 2 second penalty for each move.
 - Don
 On Thu, 2007-01-18 at 16:06 -0600, Nick Apperson wrote:
  especially because computers don't have to click the relevent move
  with a mouse.  They just think it and its done.  Make a computer go
  program move the mouse and click like the human or make a 
 computer go
  program physically place the stone on the board and if a 
 computer can
  win in speed go, i'll be impressed then.  Although that is a 
 somewhat different task
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Can Go be solved???... PLEASE help!

2007-01-12 Thread dave . devos
And Mark Boon also neglected the future use of wormholes, replicators 
and who knows what? :)

Sorry, but how do you what future quantum computers can churn so much 

10^400 is a rediculously large number. Even if you multiply the volume 
of the visible universe expressed in in cubic Planck lengths (1.4 e26 
1.6x10^-36 m) by the age of the universe expressed in Planck times 
(5.4x10^-44 s) and the higher estimate for the number of particles in 
the universe (10^87) you get only 10^326, wich is much, much smaller 
than 10^400. 

It is impossible to handle this much data in the lifetime of the 
universe, whatever the technology. Even if a device would use every 
particle and every spacetime wrinkle in the universe in a big parallel 
quantum computer at a clock cycle of 10^44 hz.

I do believe someone (something?) will eventually be able to build a 
program that beats any human. But solve go? Never.


- Oorspronkelijk bericht -
Datum: vrijdag, januari 12, 2007 7:03 pm
Onderwerp: Re: [computer-go] Can Go be solved???... PLEASE help!
 You neglected to consider the power of future quantum computers. 
 On 1/12/07, Mark Boon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
  On 12-jan-07, at 14:16, Chris Fant wrote: 
  Plus, some would argue that any Go 
  already is solved (write simple algorithm and wait 1 billion years 
  while it runs). 
  To 'solve' a game in the strict sense you need to know the best 
 answer to 
  every move. And you need to be able to prove that it's the best 
 move. To do 
  so you need to look at the following number of positions 
 AMP^(AGL/2) where 
  AMP is average number of moves in a position and AGL is the 
 average game 
  length. If I take a conservative AGL of 260 moves, we can 
 compute the AMP 
  from that, being (365+(365-AGL))/2=235 So we get 235^130, which 
 is about 
  10^300 as a lower bound. The upper bound is something like 
 195^170 (play 
  until all groups have 2 eyes) which my calculator is unable to 
 compute, but 
  I think it's roughly 10^400. I'm guessing it's questionable 
 whether we'd be 
  able to compute that even with a computer the size of this 
 planet before the 
  sun goes out. Distributing the work over other planets or star- 
 sysems will 
  only help marginally due to the time it takes to send 
 information to Earth 
  by the speed of light. So I'd say it's impossible. 
  computer-go mailing list 
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Re: [computer-go] Re: Interesting problem

2007-01-05 Thread dave . devos
In our club we estimate twice the komi for sente equal to a handicap 
stone, except for the first handicap stone one, which is just one time 
the komi.

Using a komi of 6.5 for sente amounts to: 
Hand.  Value
 1  =   6.5
 2  =  19.5
 3  =  32.5
 4  =  45.5
 5  =  58.5
 6  =  71.5
 7  =  84.5
 8  =  97.5
 9  = 110.5

Using a komi of 6 for sente amounts to: 
Hand.  Value
 1  =   6
 2  =  18
 3  =  30
 4  =  42
 5  =  54
 6  =  66
 7  =  78
 8  =  90
 9  = 102

These estimates are fairly close to yours.


- Oorspronkelijk bericht -
Van: alain Baeckeroot [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Datum: vrijdag, januari 5, 2007 8:17 pm
Onderwerp: Re: [computer-go] Re: Interesting problem
 Le jeudi 4 janvier 2007 22:37, Don Dailey a Ă©crit : 
  I have a question. With perfect play, obviously a 9 stone handicap 
  game is dead lost. If 2 perfect players played a game where one 
  was given the 9 stones, and they played for maximum territory 
 (obviously it doesn't make sense to play for a win) would the 
 handicapped player 
  be able to hold some territory at the end of the game? Could he 
  carve out a little piece for himself even against his perfect 
  opponents wishes? 
 9 handicap is equivalent to 120-150 komi (this is estimated by pro 
 playerstaking 9 handi and playing at maximum strenght) 
 8 h = 100 komi 
 4h = 40 komi 
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