[CTRL] OEN 3/6/99

1999-03-07 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A
Nukes R Us

US Says China Stole Nuclear Secrets from Los Alamos

White House says secrets were just borrowed

WASHINGTON -- Working with nuclear secrets stolen from a U.S. government
laboratory, China has made a leap in the development of nuclear weapons:
the miniaturization of its bombs, according to administration officials.

Until recently, China's nuclear weapons designs were a generation behind
those of the United States, largely because Beijing was unable to
produce small warheads that could be launched from a single missile at
multiple targets and form the backbone of a modern nuclear force.

But by the mid-1990s, China had built and tested such small bombs, a
breakthrough that officials say was accelerated by the theft of U.S.
nuclear secrets from Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico.

The espionage is believed to have occurred in the mid-1980s, officials
said. But it was not detected until 1995, when American experts
analyzing Chinese nuclear test results found similarities to America's
most advanced miniature warhead, the W-88.

By the next year, government investigators had identified a suspect, an
American scientist at Los Alamos laboratory, where the atomic bomb was
first developed. The investigators also concluded that Beijing was
continuing to steal secrets from the government's major nuclear weapons
laboratories, which had been increasingly opened to foreign visitors
since the end of the Cold War.

The White House was told of the full extent of China's spying in the
summer of 1997, on the eve of the first U.S.-Chinese summit meeting in
eight years -- a meeting intended to dramatize the success of President
Clinton's efforts to improve relations with Beijing.

White House officials say they took the allegations seriously; as proof
of this they cite Clinton's ordering the labs within six months to
improve security.

But some U.S. officials assert that the White House sought to minimize
the espionage issue for policy reasons.

"This conflicted with their China policy," said a U.S. official, who
like many others in this article spoke on condition of anonymity. "It
undercut the administration's efforts to have a strategic partnership
with the Chinese."

The White House denies the assertions. "The idea that we tried to cover
up or downplay these allegations to limit the damage to United
States-Chinese relations is absolutely wrong," said Gary Samore, the
senior National Security Council official who handled the issue.

Yet a reconstruction by The New York Times reveals that throughout the
government, the response to the nuclear theft was marked by delays,
inaction and skepticism -- even though senior intelligence officials
regarded it as one of the most damaging spy cases in recent history.

Initially, the FBI did not aggressively pursue the criminal
investigation of lab theft, U.S. officials said. Now, nearly three years
later, no arrests have been made.

Only in the last several weeks, after prodding from Congress and the
secretary of energy, have government officials administered lie detector
tests to the main suspect, a Los Alamos computer scientist who is
Chinese-American. The suspect failed a test in February, according to
senior administration officials.

At the Energy Department, officials waited more than a year to act on
the FBI's 1997 recommendations to improve security at the weapons
laboratories and restrict the suspect's access to classified
information, officials said.

The department's chief of intelligence, who raised the first alarm about
the case, was ordered last year by senior officials not to tell Congress
about his findings because critics might use them to attack the
administration's China policies, officials said.

And at the White House, senior aides to Clinton fostered a skeptical
view of the evidence of Chinese espionage and its significance.

White House officials, for example, said they determined on learning of
it that the Chinese spying would have no bearing on the administration's
dealings with China, which included the increased exports of satellites
and other militarily useful items. They continued to advocate looser
controls over sales of supercomputers and other equipment, even as
intelligence analysts documented the scope of China's espionage.

Samore, the Security Council official, did not accept the Energy
Department's conclusion that China's nuclear advances stemmed largely
from the theft of U.S. secrets.

In 1997, as Clinton prepared to meet with President Jiang Zemin of
China, he asked the CIA for a quick alternative analysis of the issue.
The agency found that China had stolen secrets from Los Alamos but
differed with the Energy Department over the significance of the spying.

In personal terms, the handling of this case is very much the story of
the Energy Department intelligence official who first raised 

[CTRL] [2] America's Secret Establishment

1999-03-07 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
America's Secret Establishment
An introduction to The Order of Skull  Bones
Liberty House Press
2027 Iris
Billings, Montana 59102
Highly recommended. There is more in this book than can be presented here.
Many charts and reproductions of orginal source material. As always,  . . .
In stock  at:  A-albionic Research, PO Box 20273, Ferndale, MI 48220-0273
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lloyd Miller, Research Director)
Memorandum Number Two: The Order
  What It Is And How It Began

 Those on the inside know it as The Order. Others have known it for
more than 150 years as Chapter 322 of a German secret society. More
formally, for legal purposes. The Order was incorporated as The Russell
Trust in 1856. It was also once known as the "Brotherhood of Death
Those who make light of it, or want to make fun of it, call it "Skull 
Bones". or just plain "Bones".

 The American chapter of this German order was founded in 1833 at
Yale University by General William Huntington Russell and Alphonso
Taft who, in 1876. became Secretary of War in the Grant Administra-
tion. Alphonso Taft was the father of William Howard Taft, the only
man to be both President and Chief Justice of the United States.

What Is The Order

 The Order is not just another campus Greek letter fraternal society
with passwords and handgrips, common to most campuses. Chapter
322 is a secret society whose members are sworn to silence. It only
exists on the Yale campus (that we know about). It has rules. It has
ceremonial rites  It is not at all happy with prying, probing citizens -
known among initiates as "outsiders" or "vandals''. Its members always
deny membership (or are supposed to deny membership) and in check-
ing hundreds of autobiographical listings for members we found only
half a dozen who cited an affiliation with Skull  Bones. The rest were
silent. An interesting point is whether the many members in various
Administrations or who hold government positions have declared their
members in the biographical data supplied for FBI "background

  Above all, The Order is powerful, unbelievably powerful. If the
reader will persist and examine the evidence to be presented - which is
overwhelming - there is no doubt his view of the world will suddenly come
sharply into focus, with almost frightening clarity. (1)

  Before we go further we need to add a couple of important observa-
tions about The Order:

   * It is a Senior year society which exists only at Yale. Members are
chosen in their Junior year and spend only one year on campus.
Senior year. with Skull  Bones. In other words, the organization is
oriented to the post graduate outside world. The Order meets annually
_ patriarchs only - on Deer Island in the St. Lawrence River.
  * Senior societies are unique to Yale. There are two other senior
societies at Yale, but none elsewhere. Scroll  Key and Wolf's Head
supposedly competitive societies founded in the mid 19th century. We
believe these to be part of the same network. Rosenbaum commented in his
Esquire article. very accurately'. that anyone in the Eastern Liberal
Establishment who is not a member of Skull  Bones is almost certainly
a member of either Scroll  Key or Wolf's Head

  What is the significance of the "322" in Chapter 322? William Russell
imported the society from Germany' and so it has been argued the 322
stands for- '32 (from 1832). the second chapter. of this German
organization. Possibly a chapter 320 and a chapter 321 may exist
somewhere and 323 is the designation of a room within the Skull 
Bones temple at Yale.

  Another interpretation is that The Order is descended from a Greek
fraternal society dating back to Demosthenes in 322 BC  This has
perhaps some credibility because Bones records are dated by adding
322 to the current year. i.e.. records originating in 1950 are dated
Anno-Demostheni 2272.

How A Member Is Chosen By The Order

 The election procedure for new members of The Order has not
changed since 1832. Each year 15, and only 15, never more, never
fewer, are selected  in the past 150 years about 2500 Yale graduates
have been initiated into The Order. At any one time about 500-600
alive and active. Roughly about one-quarter of these take an active role
in furthering the objectives of The Order. The others either lose interest or
change their minds. They are silent drop-outs.

 A Yale Junior cannot ask to join. There is no electioneering. Juniors
are invited to join and are given two options: accept or reject. Ap-
parently some amount of personal information is gathered on potential
members. The following is the kind of evaluation made in the last cen-
tury: we doubt it has changed too much down to the present time:

   * "Frank Moore is an ideal Bones man, he is a hard worker and a
man whose efforts have been more for Yale than himself. He is
manager of the Musical clubs and has been active in Dwight
Hall. His election will be 

[CTRL] Fwd: Right Blames '60s for Moral Apocalypse

1999-03-07 Thread Kris Millegan

 Clinton's misbehavior has now resulted in demonizing an entire generation
 While Republicans have finally succeeded in finding (or creating, via the
media) a COUNTER-icon emotionally charged  --polarizing-- enough to divert
attention, by sleight of hand, from the image of Richard Nixon, hanging like
an albatross around their neck for so long, limiting their capacity to
hoodwink the public with Far Right magic  ...

Some Say America in Cultural War

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- There's a ``war'' going on in this country, but most people
may not notice. It's about whether absolute right and wrong exist and whether
Americans can even tell the difference.

In the midst of prosperity, some thinkers see a decline in things money cannot
buy -- values, morals and old truths.

Commentator Pat Buchanan pledged at the onset of his third presidential
campaign to ``clean up all that pollutes our culture.'' Another prominent
activist from the right, Paul Weyrich, has gone as far as suggesting
conservatives separate themselves from U.S. culture -- ``an ever wider
sewer,'' he called it -- because the ``enemy'' has won.

A president who lied and still leads is held out as an example of cultural
decline. So are magazine covers peddling sexual gratification and raunchy TV.
Even the move toward turning George Washington's birthday into a generic
Presidents Day is cited as a sign of how this country has fallen.

``I wonder if, after this culture war is over that we are engaged in, an
America will survive that will be worth fighting to defend,'' Rep. Henry Hyde
of Illinois, the leading House impeachment prosecutor, told the Senate in his
effort to unseat President Clinton.

The culture war is an apocalyptic struggle ranging across the landscape of
national life, yet hardly visible to so many. It takes multiple forms: the
constitutional impeachment drama, Hollywood fare, billboard advertising, the
teaching of history, behavior on college campuses, Internet content and more.

The question about absolute truth vs. relativism has engaged philosophers
since the earliest time: Is truth eternal and unchanging or is it relative,
depending on circumstance, time and place?

To the cultural warriors, America is ``slouching towards Gomorrah,'' the
biblical city destroyed for the sinfulness of its people. Yet the disquiet is
difficult for many to fathom. Most social indicators either are good or

``There is a cultural war among the elite,'' says Boston College sociologist
Alan Wolfe, author of ``One Nation After All.'' ``But it doesn't go much
farther than that.''

Even some of the book titles at the center of the conflict recognize that
people are not really with it: William Bennett's anti-Clinton ``The Death of
Outrage'' and Robert Bork's ``Slouching Towards Gomorrah.''

James Hunter, who popularized the phrase in scholarly circles with his 1980s
book ``Culture Wars: The Struggle to Define America,'' agrees the fight
mobilizes no more than 10 percent of the population.

But he says that does not diminish its intensity or importance. Elites, after
all, shape what is taught to children, shown on TV, turned into law and
resolved in courts.

``Certainly the majority of Americans live their lives fairly removed from
these kinds of tensions,'' he says. ``That doesn't mean there's not a culture

The culture war is often traced to the 1960s, the decade of protest, free
love, beads and bad pants. Some slogans from that time still hold meaning
today, among them ``Do Your Own Thing.''

``Americans are pretty tolerant,'' says Todd Gitlin, once at the vanguard of
the counterculture as president of Students for a Democratic Society. ``They
have their judgments. They just don't think people should enforce their

Gitlin, who wrote ``The Twilight of Common Dreams: Why America Is Wracked by
Culture Wars,'' concedes the 1960s eroded traditional authority and brought on
the ``rambunctious relativists'' -- perhaps the sort of people who later would
judge that Clinton should stay in office.

That is how GOP Rep. Tom Delay of Texas, the majority whip, saw the
impeachment struggle. He told the House it was ``a debate about relativism vs.
absolute truth.''

Some public opinion research indicates Americans, while more religious than
many cultures and hardly freewheeling about sex, are moving toward consensus
on many social issues. No seething cultural conflict is apparent.

Wolfe ticks off areas where he is finding common ground among most Americans.

``Working women,'' he offers. ``That used to be a big fight. Race -- we used
to have overt and explicit racism. No one questions the principle any more of
racial equality. God -- we used to have furious battles between Catholics and

An August 1998 poll by The Washington Post and the Kaiser Family Foundation
found strong majorities supporting both ``traditional family values'' and the
idea that people should be tolerant 

[CTRL] HRC's speech at UN

1999-03-07 Thread A.C. Szul

 -Caveat Lector-

See http://www.brama.com/news/press/990304un.html

"The sharpest tool in the shed." -- anonymous

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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1999-03-07 Thread Kris Millegan

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

- Begin forwarded message --
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
Date: Thu, 04 Mar 1999 22:39:19 -0800

As the reality of martial law approaches ever so surely, ever so close to
home, in all quarters of the nation, it is so important to bring to our
fullest awareness exactly what MARTIAL LAW would impose and how it would
affect our lives.  This article articulating the wishes of Medford's city
fathers, is notable and succinctly clear, right here in the US of A., and
not just in some distant banana republic or in merely any number of
narcocrasies worldwide.

  Just take a good and somber look at Medford's studiously written
EMERGENCY POWERS Act and tell me there was not long deliberation on all
dictatorial protocols listed within?  Besides gun confiscation, the
prohibition of citizens gathering, of alcohol, of transportation, note
"control of food and its distribution."  Also observe carefully that
Administration Chief Phil Kessler said the council directed staff to come
up with an emergency management plan in 1995."  1995??  Aren't we to
understand by this, then, that all our "current hyped dangers of
domestic and international, not to mention potential Y2K chaos," were in
fact well known at least as early as 1995--or do I dare say...horror of
horrors!...apparently systematically and methodically planned, years ago?
Note also how private citizens, in the advent of "an emergency," however
and whatever the anointed chieftains deem an emergency, perhaps even a
"blight," could be compelled to house other citizens at the command of
town czar!  Adding great insult, we the proletariat, must be subjected to
the boring and well shorn excuse that all this pernicious business is ad
nauseum in the name of "protecting the lives and property of your
community...," and let us not forget it must be for the welfare of the
children, naturally.  ac


Feb. 18, 1999

Plan would allow city `martial law'

   Medford council considers measure today


   Medford's city manager could establish a citywide curfew,
   prohibit public gatherings and close businesses under an
   emergency-powers proposal city leaders will consider today.

   Manager Michael Dyal would be granted those powers and
   others after declaring a "state of emergency" during disasters.

   "Why do you do all of this? To protect the lives and property of
   your community," Dyal said. "That's why all of this is in place."

   The proposal is part of the city's emergency management plan.
   Such laws are common, Dyal and other city officials said.

   But the ordinance raises "serious constitutional issues," said Bill
   Mansfield, a former city attorney and councilman who reviewed
   the proposal Wednesday.

   Mansfield pointed to the curfew and the prohibition against
   gatherings as well as a clause that would exempt city employees
   from liability if citizens die or are injured during the state of

   "It authorizes a city manager to become the czar," Mansfield

   Medford City Council will consider adopting the ordinance at its
   noon meeting today at Medford City Hall, 411 W. Eighth St.

   Medford Fire Administration Chief Phil Kessler said the council
   directed staff to come up with an emergency management plan
   in 1995.

   The emergency-powers ordinance portion of the plan defines an
   emergency as any human-caused or natural event, including
   fires, explosions, spills of hazardous materials, terrorism, riots or
   the interruption of public services.

   Under the state of emergency, the city manager would be
   granted authority to work with state organizations and to redirect
   city funds for emergency use.

   It also would grant power to the city manager to enforce "martial
   law" regulations upon the city's populace. Those include setting
   curfews, prohibiting gatherings and ordering evacuations.

   It also would allow the manager to stop the sale of alcohol and
   gasoline and the sale or carrying of weapons. It would give him
   power to turn off water, gas and electricity.

   Medford City Attorney Gene Hart, who drew up the ordinance,
   said it wasn't in response to the fear that computers will crash at
   the end of this year and cause turmoil throughout society.

   He said many cities already have similar laws. And he noted the
   ordinance has checks and balances.

   It would allow the council to vote to end the state of emergency,
   for example. Also, the ordinance has a "due process" clause that
   would allow any person "deprived of a liberty or property" to have
   a hearing before a city officer.

   Ashland adopted a similar law in 1997, said Paul Nolte, Ashland
   city attorney.

   "The declaration of martial law by local 

[CTRL] Fwd: Spy in the Cold

1999-03-07 Thread Kris Millegan


March 4, 1999

Spy in the Cold

By Robert Parry

The two decades of U.S. isolation from Iran have permitted the British to
rebuild their historically strong intelligence ties to Iran's ruling elites,
according to Jamshid Hashemi, an Iranian who worked for both U.S. and
British intelligence.

In an interview in the United States, Hashemi said he helped British
intelligence regain that edge through his work for the Secret Intelligence
Service (SIS), the parent organization of MI-6, the British foreign
intelligence agency.

Hashemi asserted that he helped the British recruit 17 Iranians in sensitive
positions. The total number of Iranians working as British agents, he added,
was certainly much higher.

"I'm only one man," he observed.

Now, bitter over his prosecution in Great Britain on fraud charges, Hashemi
said he intends to divulge the identities of those Iranians. "The SIS agents
should get out of Iran within two months," he warned in the interview on
Feb. 16.

When asked if he was disclosing the names because the British had "betrayed"
him, Hashemi answered, "Exactly."

Court records in London reveal that Hashemi was recruited by British
intelligence in 1985 and that he supplied Great Britain with accurate
information about Iran's military needs when that data was unavailable from
other sources.

Hashemi's work for British intelligence involved setting up arms deals for
Iran that gave his SIS superiors insights into Iranian strategies as well as
access to communist-bloc technology. One Hashemi deal bought “silkworm”
missiles from China.

British intelligence discontinued its use of Hashemi in spring 1993 because
information about Iranian military needs was deemed less vital, the papers

Four years later, Great Britain's Serious Fraud Office charged Hashemi in a
fraud scheme that used allegedly non-existent commodity deals with Iran to
deceive suppliers of American satellite phones, German gas masks and
Vietnamese rice.

Hashemi was incarcerated in August 1997 after he tried to flee England on a
false Italian passport. Hashemi, 63, who suffers from a serious heart
ailment and walks slowly with a cane, was held part of the time at Belmarsh
prison, Great Britain's highest security facility.

Eventually, four charges were dropped because British intelligence feared
disclosure of state secrets. In December 1998, at a pre-trial hearing at the
Old Bailey, Hashemi agreed to plead guilty to four other charges, with the
understanding that he would be freed within a few months.

Judge Andrew Collins said he granted Hashemi leniency because of the
"valuable information" he had given British intelligence. [The Guardian,
Feb. 6, 1999]

Hashemi was released in early February and returned to the United States
where he holds citizenship.

Although Hashemi's relations with the U.S. government have been stormy, too,
he expressed thanks to the interest section of the U.S. embassy in London,
which "helped as much as they could."

Even before Jamshid Hashemi spied for the British, he assisted the CIA and
U.S. Customs. His younger brother, Cyrus Hashemi, an international
financier, sent for Jamshid in late 1979 after Iranian Islamic radicals had
overthrown the U.S.-backed shah of Iran and seized 52 American hostages.

The Hashemis had close ties to the new Islamic government and were seen as
useful intermediaries. Cyrus also had business ties to CIA-connected
Americans, including businessman John Shaheen and Shaheen's lawyer, William
J. Casey.

Jamshid Hashemi arrived in the United States on New Years Day 1980 and
promptly met with U.S. officials, including a CIA officer. According to U.S.
government records, the Hashemi brothers became conduits for negotiations
with Iran about the American hostages.

Jamshid Hashemi has testified that Shaheen and Casey, who became Ronald
Reagan's campaign director in February 1980, used the same channels to send
Republican messages to Iranian radicals urging them to delay the hostage
release only after Reagan was elected, the so-called "October Surprise"

Other October Surprise witnesses, including senior Iranian officials and
Middle East intelligence operatives, confirmed key elements of Hashemi's
story when it surfaced in 1990-91. But Republicans angrily denied the

A House task force was assigned to examine the October Surprise case. But
its leaders -- Reps. Lee Hamilton, D-Ind., and Henry Hyde, R-Ill. -- moved
quickly to reject the troubling allegations.

The task force concluded that Hashemi had lied about arranging a
face-to-face meeting in Madrid between Casey and a senior Iranian cleric in
late July 1980. But the task force’s alibis for Casey’s whereabouts
collapsed under scrutiny, and Hashemi still insists his account was true.
[For details on the bogus alibis, see Robert Parry's Trick or Treason or The
October Surprise X-Files.]

Though Hashemi's credibility was assailed, the task force report 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Confession in DC Starbucks killings

1999-03-07 Thread Kris Millegan

From: Michael Novick [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Report: Confession in Starbucks murders
(Last updated 9:45 AM ET March 4)

WASHINGTON, March 4 (UPI) WTOP radio and WRC-TV are reporting that
29-year-old Carl Cooper has confessed to his role in the 1997 triple murder
of three Starbucks coffee shop employees.

Cooper was arrested earlier this week for attempting to kill off-duty
Prince George's Md. police officer Bruce Howard in 1996. He waived an
extradition hearing in Washington, and has been in custody in Maryland.

The July 7, 1997 early-morning killings of Aaron Goodrich, Mary Caitryn
Mahoney, and Emory Evans shocked the Georgetown neighborhood, and local
police have endured criticism for not solving the case earlier.

According to the reports, Cooper confessed overnight, during interrogation
at Prince George's County police headquarters, and implicated two others.

WTOP reports the second suspect is already in custody, while police look
for the third.

The FBI has been looking at Cooper as a suspect for more than a year.
Agents have been monitoring a wiretap at his home.

Cooper came to the attention of law enforcers after the Starbucks murders
case was featured on the television show, "America's Most Wanted," which
mentioned a large reward for aid in the case. According to reports, a phone
tip suggested police investigate Cooper.

On Monday, Cooper was arrested at his District of Columbia home.


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[CTRL] The Mysteries of Rennes-le-Chateau and the Prieure du Sion

1999-03-07 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/seeker1/fortpages/rennes-sion.html"The
Secrets of Sion/A
The Mysteries of Rennes-le-Chateau and the Prieure du Sion

by Steve Mizrach

A Rennes-le-Chateau Refresher

For those who have not already read the excellently researched book Holy
Blood, Holy Grail , and have not stumbled across other books which have
capitalized on the current Rennes "cottage industry" in France, I
present the basic outlines of the mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau. It was
clear that Berenger Sauniere, the parish priest of the small village
during the late 19th and early 20th century, had been receiving vast
sums of money to refurbish the local church and also to build many
structures in the area, such as his Tower of the Magdalene (Tour
Magdala). (Sauniere was originally so poor that he relied on the
generosity of parishioners to survive in 1885.) Sauniere died in 1917,
leaving the 'secret' of where he got his fabulous wealth to his
housekeeper, Marie Dernaud, who promised to reveal it on her deathbed -
but sadly she had a stroke which left her paralyzed and unable to speak
before her death in 1953. Speculation was rife on the source of the
parish priest's money. Was it the lost treasure of the Templars or the
Cathars in the area? Might it have been buried Visigothic gold? Was he
being paid by the Hapsburgs or some other government for his services?
Did he know the lost goldmaking secrets of alchemy? Or was he
blackmailing the Church with some terrible secret? The evidence that
points to the last possibility is that Sauniere's confession before his
death was so shocking that the priest who heard it denied him absolution
and last rites[1].
What could Sauniere have known? The mystery is rendered greater by a
series of parchments found by the cleric in 1891, which contained an
easily discovered (but extraordinarily diificult to translate) cypher.
They were apparently written by his predecessor, Abbe' Antoine Bigou,
confessor to Marie d'Hautpoul, in 1781. (The same cypher appears on her
tombstone.) The parchments were, on the face of it, Latin transcriptions
of passages from the Gospels; but they contained deeper mysteries.
Sauniere also appears to have left certain other "clues" in the highly
unusual redesign of his church and of the other structures in the area.
Hidden within those Latin parchments was a message in French:

Within the second parchment was an even stranger message:

A third cypher that appears, not in the documents, but at Shugborough
Hall's Shepherd Monument, is the curious "D.O.U.O.S.V.A.V.V.M" which has
never been translated.

There is a famous painting by Poussin entitled Les Bergers D'Arcadie
 (the Arcadian shepherds) which shows them around a tomb containing the
mysterious inscription "Et in Arcadia Ego..." This tomb appears to be a
virtual replica of one not too dissimilar to it right outside of
Rennes-le-Chateau. Sauniere's church indeed contains a "daemon guardian"
which is a representation of the Biblical Asmodeus, who helped Solomon
build his Temple; and some say the rays of the sun at midday passing
through the glass create an optical effect they call "blue apples."
Needless to say, these were not enough clues to unravel the mystery. But
three intrepid historians searched far and away for others to help d
ecipher the puzzle. Suffice to say, Lincoln, Baigent, and Leigh did a
masterful job of "unearthing" the Merovinigian monarch Dagobert, and
tied together many mysteries of history with a fantastic thesis that can
be stated as thus: Jesus and Mary Magdalene, legitimate nobility from
the Judaic Houses of Benjamin and David, married and sired heirs. Jesus
did not die on the cross but went either to England or India.

The Magdalene's heirs married into the Visigoth families of the time,
and gave birth to the sacred Merovingian ruling family. The Visigoths of
the area might have themselves been descended from the House of
Benjamin, which had fled to the Arcadia region of Greece, and thence
north into France, a thousand years earlier. The Merovingians were not
wiped out by the Carolingian usurpers, and their lineage survives in
some of the other royal families of Europe; apparently the goal of the
secret society entitled the Prieure du Sion is a Merovingian restoration
in France. Apparently . For nothing is as it seems with the Rennes
mystery. But in the hands of Leigh, Lincoln, and Baigent, it seems to
encompass myriads of others - the dissolution of the Templars, the
downfall of the Cathars, the bizarre Rosicrucian manifestoes, and other
political intrigues of French history. For it seems that Sion has a

[CTRL] [2] Report On The Opening Of The Tomb

1999-03-07 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:498333"Report On The Opening Of The
Tomb. Part 2./A
Subject: Report On The Opening Of The Tomb. Part 2.
From: "John F. Winston" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, Mar 5, 1999 2:08 PM

Subject: Report On The Opening Of The Tomb. Part 2.  Mar. 5, 1999.

  Back to the beginning of the show again.  The show started out with
the pretty lady producer being shown in front of the Great Pyramid
telling us what we were going to do in the show.  Next Richard
Hoagland was shown, as Art Bell said, "Looking very dapper." which
means that he was dressed very nice and looked like a Dapper Dan which
was a person who always looked very well dressed.

  Richard then showed some scenes taken from Mars showing "The Face"
and pyramids that looked like the ones in Egypt.  He said that we
came from Mars.  In my opinion the Chinese people did come from Mars
to get away from a lot of debris that hit their planet many years ago.
Some of those who didn't come to Earth constructed Canals and covered
them with a thin material that can be seen through from Earth.

  Now I will put down something that talks about what might be found
in The Hall of Records.  I'm not saying it's exactly true, but it
is one way of looking at things.


From: J L
 by J L
  Part 2

(JW Please don't ask where part 1 is because this is all I have at
the present time.)

  "Deep, and Deeper We Go."
  Other that the records of ancient civilizations, the Hall of
Records holds many treasures that revealed the accomplishments of
mankind.  Among them were thin metal discs on which various
"Documentation" was transcribe. Such metal recordings indicated that
music was the key to the universe and life on the planets. There are
recordings of music for every possible phase of man's life. There is
music to soothe the savage beast.  Music which can even anger. Music
to march off to war with. The greatest treasure is found in the
strange but enchanting music that is designed to cure all known
  These metal plates contain not only music and historical recordings,
but some are of a video nature. When placed into the non electrical
computer, they show actual 3-D scenes that are thousands of years ago.
Such as Noah's actual ark, Je--s on the Mount of Olives and his
Sermon of the Mount. As well as Adam, Cain  Able, George Washington,
Lincoln, Roosevelt, Churchill, Gladstone, St. Francis of Assisi, and
Groctine, master of the Atlantean race.
  The chamber located on the top level of the four-story tomb, which
was named on discovery as the "King's Ball Room." contains the Great
Book of Knowledge.  Amazingly this book lays open to the present day of
our civilization! Thus, the records of the forbidden chambers date from
the first man on earth up to the present day and years that are to
 Among the artifacts there is stored the oddest collection of
computers, machines, visa phones, communication systems and displays
of ultra modern portal to portal transportation.
  One item is a "Telabrain." From all appearances it is in working
condition. The lettering on the 25 dials has not been translated, nor
has it any meaning in any known earth language. The only markings that
seem translatable are the triangles, for this Telabrain is directly
connected with the other pyramids located around the earth in a very
sacred geometric pattern.  The markings are known only to Mayan Priests
who went underground since the time of the last delude when Atlantis
  Other treasures found in the hidden chambers may be on  science
fiction shows such as Star Trek. But these devices Do exist.  They are a
reminder that civilizations existed thousands of years ago which were
more advanced than ours today. That is because we go in cycles and not
in a straight line manner of growth.
  One invaluable device looked like a modern day search light. But
it had a box behind it which measured 21" X 21" (divisible by 7). It is
a computer, bearing tiny glass circles of various colors, over an equal
number of toggle switches. The markings on the face plate have been
translated to mean, "Antigravitor." This man made device was responsible
for lifting the tons of marble slabs into place to form the pyramids.
It's still operational!
  The famous "Time Machine" is next. It is sitting in an antechamber
on the third floor. It contains one giant-sized metallic ring that
measures roughly 25 feet in diameter and is more than 6 feet deep. On
its base, in the exact center of its deep tubular ring, there is a
square marking. On both sides of this ring are banks of computerized
dials, buttons, lights and a viewing screen 4 feet square. The markings
are like a set of hieroglyphics.
  In addition to these artifacts of which only a few have been
mentioned, additional records contain histories of our universe. One
set of 

[CTRL] Military exercise in Lowell, Massachusetts . . .

1999-03-07 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:498217"Military exercise in Lowell,
Subject: Military exercise in Lowell, Massachusetts
Date: Fri, Mar 5, 1999 6:12 AM

I had read about the same thing  going on in Texas.  Well it happened
here.   The other night I heard loud helicopters and wondered if a
police search was going on (even though it was dark).  Now, I was in a
suburb of Lowell, at least 3 to 5 miles (as the crow flies) from the
action.  It was pretty  loud there, I can imagine how loud it must
have been at the site of the exercise.

Last night's local paper (The Lowell Sun) had an article about it and
it was featured on the Boston TV newscasts this morning.  I did an
altavista search but there is no word of it on the Internet (yet).

According to the paper, Lowell has the best type of urban landscape
(old mill buildings, overhead wires, etc.) to train Navy SEALS in some
sort of urban assault.  OK, well fine, but the TV report this morning
said that there was no advance warning to the public and people were
scared and panicky in some cases.  Why no warning?  That was because
they don't want people gathering around to observe and perhaps get

I can't help but think that these explanations are hiding something.
Has the military always rehearsed smack dab in the  midst of our daily
lifes?  Texas, Massachusetts, what poor neighborhood will be terrified
out of their wits next.  Is there a precedence for this type of

Feeling paranoid,

ML Starkey

Subject: Re: Military exercise in Lowell, Massachusetts
From: "mikee." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, Mar 5, 1999 11:14 AM

The marines will be storming the beaches near Monterey, CA, the weekend
of the 13th.

Subject: Re: Military exercise in Lowell, Massachusetts
From: John Klapperich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, Mar 6, 1999 2:45 PM

I think Somali is a pretty good precedence for training in urban
environments.  There were a lot of questions about "how this could have
happened" when the bullet ridden bodies of 18 young rangers came home.
Could it have been the fact that training in inner city fighting did not
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The CIA Drugs

1999-03-07 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.angelfire.com/id/ciadrugs/outline.html"
Many embeds and links.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, material found on this
website is reproduced without profit or payment for non-profit research
and educational purposes only.

The CIA  Drugs
(this a large page, please allow it time to load)

TopHomeIntroDEA AgentsContrasAnalysisPatternsLinks

Introduction: The purpose of this web site.
Volume 2 of the CIA Inspector General's Report on Contra drug smuggling
and the CIA's acquiesence was released late last fall (Fall '98), and is
available here with additional commentary here.

This stands as the official CIA admission of its collusion with
narcotics traffickers allied with the CIA-supported Nicaraguan Contras.
The Contra drug-running was part of the vast Iran-Contra affair that
mushroomed during the Reagan administration, whereby various Contra
supporters (known CIA assets and Contra leaders) were found to have
heavy ties to drug couriers, middlemen and the major cartels.

Taken alone, one Contra drug ring, that of Rafael Caro Quintero and
Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo (two Contra supporters based in Guadalajara,
Mexico) were known by DEA to be smuggling four tons A MONTH into the
U.S. during the early Contra war. Other operations including Manuel
Noriega (a CIA asset, strongman leader of Panama), John Hull (ranch
owner and CIA asset, Costa Rica), Felix Rodriguez (Contra supporter, El
Salvador), Juan Ramon Matta Ballesteros (Honduran Military, Contra
supporter, Honduras) along with other elements of the Guatemalan and
Honduran military. Cumulatively, the aforementioned CIA assets were
concurrently trafficking close to two hundred tons a year or close to
 70% of total U.S. consumption. All of these CIA assets have been
ascertained as being connected to CIA via public documentation and

The 300 page report holds many revelations; however, it is was
originally a 600 page document. Robert Parry (
http://www.consortiumnews.com) did a story in the Fall of 1998 regarding
the omitted sections of the report, particulary concerning a second CIA
drug ring (distinct from the one examined in Dark Alliance) in South
Central Los Angeles that existed between 1988 and 1991. And according to
Parry, there was yet another drug ring in L.A. that remains classified,
because it was run by a CIA agent who had participated in the Contra war
. It remains classified because of an ongoing CIA investigation into the
matter, leaving one to speculate whether the CIA will utter another word
about this case.

TopHomeIntroDEA AgentsContrasAnalysisPatternsLinks

Evidence: Three DEA agents and their first-hand experiences:
•Bradley Ayers  traces of drugs found on CIA-related airplanes in
Miami, Florida.
•In 1985 and 1986, Ayers surveilled airplanes (parked at Miami
International Airport) belonging to two CIA-related airlines ("formerly
owned" by the CIA) under contract with the Dept. of Defense to transport
materiel for the Contras. •He repeatedly found traces of cocaine and
marijuana inside the planes. •Ayers' findings became court evidence in a
lawsuit by the airlines against a Miami TV station, and was found to be
truthful and accepted as evidence.
•Cellerino Castillo's surveillance of CIA/NSC airplanes in Panama.
•Castillo gathered evidence during 1984 and 1985 that known traffickers,
with multiple DEA files, piloted CIA- and NSC-owned airplanes, using two
CIA and NSC hangars at an airbase in Central America. •These CIA-paid
pilots obtained U.S. visas, despite their drug trafficking dossiers
being in U.S. Gov't databases. •Some of the pilots were quite bold about
their smuggling of drugs: Once stateside, some would use their CIA
credentials to ward off U.S. Customs and DEA agents. Other pilots,
Castillo noted, were more discrete. •"Hundreds of flights each week
[through Ilopango] delivered cocaine to the buyers and returned with
money headed for ... Panama."
•"From Panama, the money was wired to a Costa Rican bank account held by
the Contras" (Castillo, Powderburns: Cocaine, Contras, and the Drug War
[Oakville, Ont.: Mosaic Press, 1994], 138-39) •"There is no doubt that
they were running large quantities of cocaine into the U.S. to support
the [Nicaraguan] Contras."
•"We saw the cocaine and we saw boxes full of money. We're talking about
very large quantities of cocaine and millions of dollars."
•"...my reports contain not only the names of traffickers, but their
destinations, flight paths, tail numbers, and the date and time of each
flight." (1994 interview (How the 

[CTRL] out of control

1999-03-07 Thread Troy Griggs
Title: out of control

Nation and World 

Copyright © 1998 The Seattle Times Company 
Posted at 08:44 a.m. PDT; Monday, September 28, 1998 
Three reports of embezzlements expose Pentagon's lack of control 
by Ralph Vartabedian 
Los Angeles Times 
WASHINGTON - A string of embezzlements at military installations across the United States is pointing out serious weaknesses in the Pentagon's control over its multibillion-dollar contractor payment system, according to three investigative reports out today. 
The embezzlements, ranging from $11,000 to $3 million each, were executed mainly by low-level employees at federal payment centers exploiting loopholes in the government's troubled accounting system, the reports found. 
In one recent case, an Air Force staff sergeant in Dayton, Ohio, arranged for his mother and girlfriend to receive more than $900,000 in government checks, a scheme he executed even after managers had been warned that he should not be trusted, an internal Defense Department memo states. 
Weaknesses in the payment system, which is operated by the Defense Finance and Accounting Service, have played a key role in more than a dozen cases of embezzlement in recent years, according to a General Accounting Office report obtained by the Los Angeles Times. 
Even clerks are able to manipulate the Pentagon's computerized finance system to create fictitious contracts and then direct the Treasury Department to send checks to personal postal boxes, according to a second GAO report. 
The known embezzlements represent only the tip of waste and fraud throughout the Pentagon's financial system, said Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, who requested the investigations out of growing concern about lax internal controls. 
If we can send missiles to a bulls-eye at a factory in Khartoum and a Bedouin training camp in Afghanistan, we ought to be able to set up an accounting system at the Defense Department that operates with precision, Grassley said. Let's say it takes a rocket scientist to do that; well, the Pentagon has rocket scientists right there. 
The problem has been exacerbated by the administration's touted effort to reinvent government, which has curtailed safeguards in an effort to cut red tape for defense contractors, according to a probe by a Senate subcommittee staff. 
In addition, the Pentagon is cutting back on audits. In July, the Defense Contract Audit Agency stopped all routine reviews of contracts under $10 million. 
Susan Hansen, a Pentagon spokeswoman, denied that such streamlining has compromised the integrity of the Pentagon's finances. But investigators for the Senate Judiciary's subcommittee on administrative oversight and the courts, which will issue its own report today, note that the Justice Department investigated 807 financial crimes against the Pentagon in 1997 alone and obtained 88 guilty pleas. 
The finance service has long been troubled by serious accounting problems. The agency has never been able to balance its books and has set a goal of producing its first clean financial statement in 1999, a spokeswoman said. 
Senate investigators conducted 15 on-site inspections to check whether ordered goods actually existed. The list of missing items included furniture, televisions and computer equipment. No proof existed that services were performed even after payments were made. In some cases, cheaper goods were substituted for higher-cost products. 

[CTRL] net patrol

1999-03-07 Thread Troy Griggs
Title: net patrol

This article was forwarded through the Red Rock Eater News Service (RRE). 

The following is an article from The Nation magazine (March 4, 1996) that
reports on a Pentagon study on how the military can exploit the Internet.
The Pentagon paper suggests using the Internet for the routine interception
of global e-mail, for covert operations and propaganda campaigns, and for
tracking domestic political activity, particularly that of the left. The
article was written by David Corn, the Washington editor of The Nation. If
you have any comments or leads for follow-up stories, please contact him at


To subscribe to The Nation, a magazine of politics and culture, call

Pentagon Trolls the Net
By David Corn

Internet users beware; Pentagon snoops are taking an interest in your
cyber-communications. Last summer, Charles Swett, a policy assistant in the
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and
Low-Intensity Conflict, produced a report that assessed the intelligence
value of the Internet for the Defense Department. His study discovered the
obvious: By monitoring computer message traffic and alternative news sources
from around the world, the military might catch early warning of impending
significant developments. Swett reports that the Internet could also be
used offensively as an additional medium in psychological operations
campaigns and to help achieve unconventional warfare objectives. A striking
aspect of his study is that there is one sort of Internet user who attracts a
large amount of attention from Swett: cyber-smart lefties.

The thirty-one-page, unclassified study is mostly cut and dry. Much of it
describes what the Internet is and what can be found within its infinite
confines. Swett lists various fringe groups that are exploiting the
Internet: the white-supremacist National Alliance, the Michigan Militia,
Earth First, and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). He
highlights MUFON--the Mutual UFO Network--which uses the Internet to
disseminate information on U.S. military operations that members believe
relate to investigations and cover-ups of UFO-related incidents. MUFON
computer messages, Swett notes, contain details on MUFON's efforts to
conduct surveillance of DoD installations. The report does not suggest that
the computer communications of MUFON and these other groups should be
targeted by the military--though X Filers will be forgiven for wondering if
something sinister is afoot.

What Swett apparently finds of greater interest than MUFON and the fringe
groups is the online left. A significant portion of the report is devoted to
the San Francisco-based Institute for Global Communications, which operates
several computer networks, such as PeaceNet and EcoNet, that are used by
progressive activists. I.G.C. demonstrates, he writes, the breadth of
DoD-relevant information available on the Internet. The paper refers to
I.G.C. conferences that might be considered noteworthy by the Pentagon,
including ones on anti-nuclear arms campaigns, the extreme right, social
change, and multicultural, multi-racial news. Swett cites I.G.C. as the
home for alternative news sources that fill gaps in the mainstream media.
(It might be good for Pentagon analysts to read I.G.C. dispatches from
Holland's Peace Media Service.) Yet he seems to say that one can also track
the left around the world by monitoring I.G.C.: Although [I.G.C.] is clearly
a left-wing political organization, without actually joining I.G.C. and
reading its message traffic, it is difficult to assess the nature and extent
of its members' actual real-world activities.

Swett's paper presents the world of opportunity awaiting a cyber-shrewd
military and intelligence establishment. The Pentagon and intelligence
services will conduct routine monitoring of messages originating in other
countries in the search for information on developing security threats.
That means overseas e-mail, like overseas phonecalls, will be intercepted by
the electronic eavesdroppers of the National Security Agency or some other
outfit. The data will be fed into filtering computers and then, if it
contains any hot-button words, forwarded to the appropriate analyst.
Networks of human sources with access to the Internet could be developed in
areas of security concern to the U.S. (But bureaucrats rest assured; this
approach--using computer-assisted spies--could never replace official DoD
intelligence collection systems or services.) The Internet can also serve
counterintelligence purposes by identifying threats to the Pentagon and U.S.
intelligence activities. As an example, Swett refers to a message posted in a
discussion group for left-wing political activists that repeated an A.P.
article about an upcoming U.S. Army Special Operations Command training
exercise at an empty 

[CTRL] no subject

1999-03-07 Thread Troy Griggs

Yahoo! NewsAP Headlines 
Saturday March 6 11:34 AM ET 

Some Say America in Cultural War

By CALVIN WOODWARD Associated Press Writer 
WASHINGTON (AP) - There's a ``war'' going on in this country, but most people may not notice. It's about whether absolute right and wrong exist and whether Americans can even tell the difference.
In the midst of prosperity, some thinkers see a decline in things money cannot buy - values, morals and old truths.
Commentator Pat Buchanan pledged at the onset of his third presidential campaign to ``clean up all that pollutes our culture.'' Another prominent activist from the right, Paul Weyrich, has gone as far as suggesting conservatives separate themselves from U.S. culture - ``an ever wider sewer,'' he called it - because the ``enemy'' has won.
A president who lied and still leads is held out as an example of cultural decline. So are magazine covers peddling sexual gratification and raunchy TV. Even the move toward turning George Washington's birthday into a generic Presidents Day is cited as a sign of how this country has fallen.
``I wonder if, after this culture war is over that we are engaged in, an America will survive that will be worth fighting to defend,'' Rep. Henry Hyde of Illinois, the leading House impeachment prosecutor, told the Senate in his effort to unseat President Clinton.
The culture war is an apocalyptic struggle ranging across the landscape of national life, yet hardly visible to so many. It takes multiple forms: the constitutional impeachment drama, Hollywood fare, billboard advertising, the teaching of history, behavior on college campuses, Internet content and more.
The question about absolute truth vs. relativism has engaged philosophers since the earliest time: Is truth eternal and unchanging or is it relative, depending on circumstance, time and place?
To the cultural warriors, America is ``slouching towards Gomorrah,'' the biblical city destroyed for the sinfulness of its people. Yet the disquiet is difficult for many to fathom. Most social indicators either are good or improving.
``There is a cultural war among the elite,'' says Boston College sociologist Alan Wolfe, author of ``One Nation After All.'' ``But it doesn't go much farther than that.''
Even some of the book titles at the center of the conflict recognize that people are not really with it: William Bennett's anti-Clinton ``The Death of Outrage'' and Robert Bork's ``Slouching Towards Gomorrah.''
James Hunter, who popularized the phrase in scholarly circles with his 1980s book ``Culture Wars: The Struggle to Define America,'' agrees the fight mobilizes no more than 10 percent of the population.
But he says that does not diminish its intensity or importance. Elites, after all, shape what is taught to children, shown on TV, turned into law and resolved in courts.
``Certainly the majority of Americans live their lives fairly removed from these kinds of tensions,'' he says. ``That doesn't mean there's not a culture war.''
The culture war is often traced to the 1960s, the decade of protest, free love, beads and bad pants. Some slogans from that time still hold meaning today, among them ``Do Your Own Thing.''
``Americans are pretty tolerant,'' says Todd Gitlin, once at the vanguard of the counterculture as president of Students for a Democratic Society. ``They have their judgments. They just don't think people should enforce their judgments.''
Gitlin, who wrote ``The Twilight of Common Dreams: Why America Is Wracked by Culture Wars,'' concedes the 1960s eroded traditional authority and brought on the ``rambunctious relativists'' - perhaps the sort of people who later would judge that Clinton should stay in office.
That is how GOP Rep. Tom Delay of Texas, the majority whip, saw the impeachment struggle. He told the House it was ``a debate about relativism vs. absolute truth.''
Some public opinion research indicates Americans, while more religious than many cultures and hardly freewheeling about sex, are moving toward consensus on many social issues. No seething cultural conflict is apparent.
Wolfe ticks off areas where he is finding common ground among most Americans.
``Working women,'' he offers. ``That used to be a big fight. Race - we used to have overt and explicit racism. No one questions the principle any more of racial equality. God - we used to have furious battles between Catholics and Protestants.''
An August 1998 poll by The Washington Post and the Kaiser Family Foundation found strong majorities supporting both ``traditional family values'' and the idea that people should be tolerant of those who live by moral standards that they consider wrong.
But for some warriors there remains too much moral equivocation, too much garbage on the tube, too far a drift from the verities.
Weyrich, president of the Free Congress Foundation, declared that his side has ``probably lost the culture war.''
He is suggesting conservatives consider such steps as home schooling and getting rid of TV, 

[CTRL] Unocal accused in Federal Court of conspiring with narco-traffickers in Burma

1999-03-07 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.angelfire.com/id/ciadrugs/BurmaUnocal.html"
Unocal accused in Federal Court of conspiring with narco-traffickers in

San Francisco Bay Guardian
April 23, 1997
by Dennis Bernstein and Leslie Kean
Los Angeles-based Unocal has become an active player in the expanding
global heroin trade as a result of the oil giant's business activity
with the narco-dictatorship of Burma (also known as Myanmar), according
to an affidavit filed as part of an ongoing federal lawsuit. The
affidavit - filed April 7 with the U.S. District Court in Los Angeles -
states that the government-controlled Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise
(MOGE) "has been the main channel for laundering the revenues of heroin
produced and exported under the control of the Burmese army." The legal
document was filed in support of a suit that seeks to hold Unocal - the
largest American investor in Myanmar - liable for widespread human
rights abuses allegedly committed by the Burmese regime. Francois Casani
er, an associate researcher for the Paris-based Geopolitical Drugwatch,
wrote the affidavit. Unocal and the French oil giant Total are partners
in a joint venture with MOGE to build a $1.2 billion gas pipeline
project through southern Burma. The 14 plaintiffs in the federal lawsuit
are ethnic minorities who live in the region where the pipeline is being
built. They charge that the Burmese military, in providing security and
infrastructure support for the pipeline's construction, is committing
human rights abuses, including forced labor, forced relocations, rape,
torture and killings.

A little-noticed March 25 ruling by Federal District Judge Richard A.
Paez held that Unocal and its executives could be held liable for
illegal and repressive actions committed by the Burmese government in
the course of their business dealings.

The court action, the first of its kind, was reported by several
newspapers in mid April. But the explosive contents of Casanier's
affidavit, which have received virtually no coverage, paint a disturbing
picture of an oil giant benefiting from the international drug trade.

According to a 1996 State Department report, Burma now supplies over 50%
of the world's heroin and 60% percent of the heroin sold in the United
States. "Drug traffickers and their families are among the leading
backers of high-profile infrastructure projects in Burma," said Robert
Gelbard, Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and
Law Enforcement Affairs. "They launder their money with impunity in
banks controlled by the military," he says.

In announcing sanctions against Burma on April 22, President Clinton
stated "The regime has shown little political will to stop the narcotics
exports from Burma and prevent illicit drug money from enriching those
who would flaunt international rules and profit by destroying the lives
of millions. " These sanctions are not retroactive, and will not affect
companies like Unocal who are already invested in Burma.

The plaintiffs have submitted Casanier's sworn affidavit in support of a
request for a preliminary injunction that would prevent Unocal from
doing any further business in Burma pending the outcome of the case.

In his affidavit, the French researcher lays out a compelling case that
the foreign partners of Burma's ruling State Law and Order Restoration
Council (SLORC) provide "big shields for [the] money laundering" of drug
dollars. Casanier states that because "heroin has become the country's
highest valued export, accounting for 50 percent to 70 percent of the
cash flow into the country," money laundering strategies have become an
integral part of government operations.

"MOGE has transferred hundreds of millions of dollars into Singapore
banks since setting up the joint venture," states the affidavit by
Casanier, "[yet] it has no assets other than the installments of its
foreign partners and makes no profit."

According to Casanier's four year investigation, MOGE has been able to
purchase military hardware from Portugal and Poland, run embassies in
Europe, and invest in companies at home, all through the use of drug

Randy Renick, an attorney with Hadsell  Stormer handling the federal
lawsuit, said that the drug allegations are directly related to human
rights aspects of the case because the military has used its extensive
arsenal, purchased with profits from the drug trade, against the Burma
people while protecting foreign investments. According to Renick,
Casanier's sworn declaration to the court "provides irrefutable evidence
that Unocal is in partnership with criminal drug dealers who are making
profits off the backs of the indigenous people of Burma."

In January, the SLORC launched a series of on-going military offensives
against the Karen and Mon, ethnic minorities living in the area
surrounding the pipeline, sending thousands of 

Re: [CTRL] no subject

1999-03-07 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

I like Buchanan - whether he is liked or not, he seems like a good guy.

The generic President's Day;  I always wondered by St. Patricks Day
could not be made into a National Holiday - the Fitzgeralds carried the
arms of Saint Patrick, or vice versus - he carried their Coat of

St. Patraicks Day is a day a lot of people celebrate, the Irish Catholic
in particular; even the orange Irish, celebrate it I image.

It is said the Irish make the sign of the cross when they hear the name
of JOhn Fitzgerald Kennedy - but the Fitzgeralds name was virtually
blotted out of history.almost a biblical curse against them by King

Anyway, for those who did not like JFK, you would get an official day
off work; for those who make the sign of the cross when their hear his
name, you have a day you earned through grief of the death of a
potential Saint.

And for those who don't give a hoot - well life goes on, and the sun
also rises.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] net patrol

1999-03-07 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Well, the Rusians, the Chinese, the Alaskans, Artic and Antiartic
Circle, friends and foes; are already doing that.

And what they call hackers, believe me, now and then get in.

If that is all they have to do is sit around and read each others mail -
they are going to have a lot of fun with this list.

Consult the works of Col. Beardon, Huntsville, Alabama...and get on
Mothership on the net;   boy,  these guys are way ahead of the pentagon

I do believe this 2000 computer glitch is a farce.  Nobody, but nobody
could be hat stupid as to say doomsday is fst approaching with the
computer glitch   If the Russians and Chinese stole our stuff, I still
believe if we gave them our stuff and system, they will or should be in
a worst spot than we are .

What is the world - disinformation.

The Chinese should really be in for it, because their calendar - what
year is it, the year of the rabbit???

Chinese and Soviets did not steal anything; the USA had to give it to
them; they now will feel the afterglow of Yankee Doodle Dandy at his

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] net patrol

1999-03-07 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] net patrol

1999-03-07 Thread Troy Griggs

 -Caveat Lector-

sure, there has been talk of doomsday problably since the first days
of man. i'm sure the US gives away more information than needed.
but in that, there has to be info that sould not get out. that
would be my concern. if hackers are getting to that info, then
maybe it souldn't be there. what did this world do before we
had computers?

From: Colleen Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [CTRL] net patrol
Date: Sun, Mar 7, 1999, 1:00 AM

 -Caveat Lector-

Well, the Rusians, the Chinese, the Alaskans, Artic and Antiartic
Circle, friends and foes; are already doing that.

And what they call hackers, believe me, now and then get in.

If that is all they have to do is sit around and read each others mail -
they are going to have a lot of fun with this list.

Consult the works of Col. Beardon, Huntsville, Alabama...and get on
Mothership on the net;   boy,  these guys are way ahead of the pentagon

I do believe this 2000 computer glitch is a farce.  Nobody, but nobody
could be hat stupid as to say doomsday is fst approaching with the
computer glitch   If the Russians and Chinese stole our stuff, I still
believe if we gave them our stuff and system, they will or should be in
a worst spot than we are .

What is the world - disinformation.

The Chinese should really be in for it, because their calendar - what
year is it, the year of the rabbit???

Chinese and Soviets did not steal anything; the USA had to give it to
them; they now will feel the afterglow of Yankee Doodle Dandy at his

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substanceónot soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] net patrol

1999-03-07 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

You know before computers, there were filing cabinets with locks.

I remember years ago reading about the communists stealing all our
secrets re satellites and the space program in one article, and then in
another article reading where we were ten years behind the Soviets.

So, I wrote a letter to the editor in the local paper and said good, let
them steal them and get ten years behind like we are.

Maybe there is some method to our madness?   One must always retain
a sense of humor and have some fun too.

Before computers, there were local tv news shows you had to watch; today
I have more fun reading the computer news, and learn more from this list
of people than I have ever learned from a managed MSNBC news show.

Well, it is 3 in the morning; I am sober, but got home at 2:30.could
not resist reading all the good stuff and will probably use up m 7
letters again.

Thanks for the note;  people are only human, and the only thing I cannot
tolerate is the rich, stealing from the poor; or someone dumb enough to
get cornered in an oval officejust kidding.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [2] Report On The Opening Of The Tomb

1999-03-07 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

I tell you , I will never be bored reading material on this list.

When I was 5 years old, I used to look at the planet Mars.  I told
everyone I was from Mars, and I really believed it.  Strange
child...I read about the music in the super markets - leisurely
hypnotic music when they want you to take your time and shop and spend
all your loot, but when they want you out of their,wow - you go out to
the straiins of Yes We Got No Bananas.

King David played the Saul to soothe the savage soul; even in biblical
times, the psychological impact of music and sound and vibrations, was
understoodand  lood at the walls of Jericho tumbling down at the
sound of trumpets.

In Job, it was remembered when all the Morning Stars sang together.

And a poem by Edgar O'Shaughnessy back in the 1870 period.in part
reads (and this is by memory, so forgive me)

We are the music makers; we are the dreamers of dreams;
Wandering by lone sea breakers, sitting by desolate streams.
Earth movers, and world shakers

Now how is that for an ego  - but they also made Nirvana, in their

We sent our troops to war with songs written by Berlin - and who could
hear Dixie and ever forget the Southern Cause and spirit.

Maybe the history of the world and the universe has been written in a
song that has yet to be played - but I still hate that song
Feelings.and as for Rap.which way we going, anyway.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Mysteries of Rennes-le-Chateau and the Prieure du Sion

1999-03-07 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

This was fascinaing; I always wondered if the Holy Grail had some
meaning in Auld Lang Syne, or Drink to me only with thine eyes.this
cup of kindness.

Back in 1983 Frank Sinatra and the name escapes me - Brazzi, the one who
played in South Pacific, found this little poverty stricken island,
with a chicken walking down the road.and wanted to buy this Island
and establish the Order of the Viskgoths.

If we are talking about gold.and this Vesco supposedly was connected
to this = at the time, all I could think of was Columbian Gold.

I do not believe any one of the three had the pedigree to form this
group, unless there was someone else involved.Anyway, nothing ever
came of it

There is a cathedral in Chartres my spelling is awful on this
stuff.where on a certain day of the year, the sun hits a certain
point..there is a lot of gold carefully recorded in the bible, and
coded without a doubt;  somehow I think our Treasury Department and the
Pyramids are involved here.

But Frank Sinatra and the Visigoths;  along with Vesco, if this be true
lurking in the shadows..on an  island with a chicken walking down
the road  -  a dirt road.  What a half-way house, for what.

Thank you for a beautiful item.I will save this - but I did always
wonder if the cup of kindness (charity) was not the answer to the
question of the Holy Grail - the eyes are the windows to the soul.

Thank you again.  There goes my 7 letters, and I am out of here.   I
have not gone to bed yet, and its almost time to get up.

As Fitzgerald said - In the dark of the soul it is always three o'clock
in the morning.

To me, after three, the magic is gone.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Spy in the Cold

1999-03-07 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

I must add to this - the Shah of Iran.

After his departure from Iran, he appeared on Barbara Walters show; she
asked one of the most - well for lack of a better word, un-intelligent
question I have ever heard which in went something like this.

Mr. Shah, do you intend to return to Iran.

The Shah said - I have been accused of a lot of things, but never being

So much for diplomatic services.  My friend in M16 said that the Shah of
Iran was a member of a secret society called the Peacock Society.do
not recall much on this,  but the Shah probably had a lot of gold hidden
in a volcano..

But never be let it said, that the Shah didn't have a sense of humor.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] net patrol

1999-03-07 Thread Troy Griggs

 -Caveat Lector-

i like your reply. i could not agree with you more about
computer news today. i hope it continues for years to come.
From: Colleen Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [CTRL] net patrol
Date: Sun, Mar 7, 1999, 1:38 AM

 -Caveat Lector-

You know before computers, there were filing cabinets with locks.

I remember years ago reading about the communists stealing all our
secrets re satellites and the space program in one article, and then in
another article reading where we were ten years behind the Soviets.

So, I wrote a letter to the editor in the local paper and said good, let
them steal them and get ten years behind like we are.

Maybe there is some method to our madness?   One must always retain
a sense of humor and have some fun too.

Before computers, there were local tv news shows you had to watch; today
I have more fun reading the computer news, and learn more from this list
of people than I have ever learned from a managed MSNBC news show.

Well, it is 3 in the morning; I am sober, but got home at 2:30.could
not resist reading all the good stuff and will probably use up m 7
letters again.

Thanks for the note;  people are only human, and the only thing I cannot
tolerate is the rich, stealing from the poor; or someone dumb enough to
get cornered in an oval officejust kidding.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substanceónot soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] History of Secret U.S. Gov't Programs/Samantha

1999-03-07 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 3/7/99 5:13:37 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Okay.  I like Peter King from NY (R) and I admired Cohen long before he
 became Sec. of Defense.  And I do believe that some D's are probably pond
 despite what they say publicly.  Truth is, I don't know everything there is
 know about all the Reps and Senators.  I only know what I know.

 Oh, Phil Graham from Tx disagreed with the proposed banking-spy laws, and
 I agree with him on that.  Orrin Hatch, whom I normally despise, doesn't want
 the FDA regulating alternative health care products because so many of them
 come from Utah, so I agree with him on that.  I do try to keep an open mind
 and judge people on their actions rather than their parties.  But I do have
 political preferences and lean toward the left rather than toward the
 Christian Coalition Right.

 I will admit that I agree with Pat Roberton on at least one thing:  we
 shouldn't lie to our children about Santa Claus because it might undermine
 their trust in us on other matters.  I know this sounds humorous, but I
 do believe it.

 I love JFK, MLK, RFK in hindsight.  I also admire Ike in hindsight.  I
 think Truman was really dumb to allow the conversion of the OSS to the CIA
 allow them so much financial freedom, but, then again, Truman thought he was
 dumb to do that, too, in hindsight.  I don't care for LBJ -- social programs
 aside.  I identify with "Hey Hey LBJ how many kids did you kill today?"

 Seemed to me, as a kid in the 60's, the social emphasis was on tolerance,
 peace and brotherly love.  I miss that.  Now, the emphasis is on net worth,
 clean urinalysis, and D.A.R.E.  The sixties were much more interesting.  The
 human spirit had a place in the sun then.  I have preferences.

 I don't overlook all of the Kennedy faults.  I've never heard a bad word
 about Maxine Waters.  Just don't malign Henry D. Gonzales and I'll be fine.
 may have illusions, and I've been accused of being idealistic.  There are
 worse things to be.  There are heroes.  I do think it's sad that some don't
 believe that's true.  My heroes are JFK, RFK (mostly), MLK, Jim Garrison,
 E. Mack, M.D., Lillian Hellman, Charlotte Bronte, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Kurt
 Vonnegut, Alex Constantine, Maxine Waters, John Conyers, Whitley Streiber,
 Barbra Streisand, Henry D. Gonzales, Mike Levine (DEA) ...

 I do try to keep an open mind, Teo, especially since you've challenged me
 to.  Not to anger you, though, but Bill Clinton has earned my admiration
 simply by standing up to the forces arrayed against him.  I admire HIllary
 many reasons, yet I read her book , "It Takes a Village" and found her
 emotionally vacant.  I wished to admire her unreservedly and couldn't.

 I admire Ted Kennedy.  You ought to read his speeches sometime (and yes,
 know he doesn't write them all.)  I even read the book written by his former
 aide, who told of coke use, etc. and only admired Ted all the more for just
 being an imperfect human being with high ideals.  (The anecdotal evidence of
 Ted's class came through loud and clear to me.) I admire Joe Sr., even. I
 simply believe what I believe, while trying hard to keep an open mind.

Samantha, truly a response worthy of your intelligence!  Thank you.  Your list
of people you admire has a few people on it in which I would wholeheartedly
agree.  JFK, MLK, RFK, all of whom were murdered as either examples to NOT be
emulated or because they threatened the power structure of the country and had
to be eliminated to ensure that people would continue to be fed to the meat

 Jim Garrison, John
 E. Mack, M.D., Lillian Hellman, Charlotte Bronte, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Kurt
 Vonnegut, Alex Constantine, Maxine Waters, John Conyers, Whitley Streiber,
 Barbra Streisand, Henry D. Gonzales, Mike Levine (DEA) ...

I also am an admirer of Mack, and Jim Garrison for their efforts to find the
truth in the face of so much opposition (though Garrison carried a lot of
baggage) Kurt Vonnegut, truly an original thinker.  Alex Constantine was one
of the first people I read in order to get a handle on "conspiracy theory" as
such I owe him more than anyone else for what I have become and where I am
today (which may be good or bad depending on your perspective, ha, ha!).  As
for Ted Kennedy, I can't admire him because he is too much of a buffoon, or
class clown, BUT he has largely been made the way he is by the forces who
destroyed his family and murdered his brothers, so I do feel sorry for him
(but would have a vast respect for him if he reopened the investigations and
spoke publicly about the assassinations of his brothers, though that probably
will never happen).  He had great potential, that was destroyed when his
brothers were killed and when "they" got a hook in him with the Chappaquiddick
incident which may have been staged (at least partly) to compromise him.  His
dad Joe Sr. 

Re: [CTRL] McDougal Defiant In Face of Trial

1999-03-07 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 3/7/99 1:05:11 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Any ideas on why shy is being silent?  Hilary

 MARCH 07, 12:44 EST
 McDougal Defiant in Face of Trial
 Associated Press

 LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — Whitewater figure Susan McDougal remains adamant.
 She says she has no pertinent information on President Clinton and the
 first lady's business dealings in Arkansas and insists she's ready to go
 back to prison. 

Sure, dealing with Ken Starr (the AntiChrist) is a no-win situation.  She
might as well not say anything as say something Starr doesn't want to hear.
Besides with Starr's peculiar fetish about pressuring women, he should enjoy
the trial immensely.  He has all the friends in court, so he can put this poor
woman back in the slammer and get a tickle at the same time.   Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Tripp Alleges There Is Another Woman

1999-03-07 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 3/7/99 1:17:26 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 WASHINGTON, March 7 (UPI) - Linda Tripp, the woman who secretly recorded
 her telephone conversations with Monica Lewinsky, told ABC's  "This Week"
 (Sunday) there is another woman named Juanita "who has not yet surfaced."
 Tripp said the woman in question was not Juanita Broaddrick, who recently
 alleged Clinton sexually assaulted her 21 years ago, but that Clinton had
 talked on the telephone with this woman for 158 minutes in 1996. Tripp also
 alleged that first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton "was complicit...in
 virtually every scandal." 

Yada yada yada yada yada yada yada yada.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] McDougal Defiant In Face of Trial

1999-03-07 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

 From: Prudence L. Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] McDougal Defiant In Face of Trial
 Date: Sunday, March 07, 1999 11:21 AM

  -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 3/7/99 1:05:11 PM Eastern Standard Time,

  Any ideas on why shy is being silent?  Hilary

  MARCH 07, 12:44 EST
  McDougal Defiant in Face of Trial
  Associated Press

  LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — Whitewater figure Susan McDougal remains
  She says she has no pertinent information on President Clinton and the
  first lady's business dealings in Arkansas and insists she's ready to go
  back to prison. 

 Sure, dealing with Ken Starr (the AntiChrist) is a no-win situation.  She
 might as well not say anything as say something Starr doesn't want to
 Besides with Starr's peculiar fetish about pressuring women, he should
 the trial immensely.  He has all the friends in court, so he can put this
 woman back in the slammer and get a tickle at the same time.   Prudy

Hiya Prudy,

Can't say that I would like to face K. Starr.  But, why is she protecting


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Tripp Alleges There Is Another Woman

1999-03-07 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

 From: Prudence L. Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Tripp Alleges There Is Another Woman
 Date: Sunday, March 07, 1999 11:23 AM

  -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 3/7/99 1:17:26 PM Eastern Standard Time,

  WASHINGTON, March 7 (UPI) - Linda Tripp, the woman who secretly
  her telephone conversations with Monica Lewinsky, told ABC's  "This
  (Sunday) there is another woman named Juanita "who has not yet
  Tripp said the woman in question was not Juanita Broaddrick, who
  alleged Clinton sexually assaulted her 21 years ago, but that Clinton
  talked on the telephone with this woman for 158 minutes in 1996. Tripp
  alleged that first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton "was complicit...in
  virtually every scandal." 

 Yada yada yada yada yada yada yada yada.  Prudy


You're adorable!  Were you sticking your tongue out and covering your ears
when you felt motivated to write this? :)


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: [InTheShadows] U.S. Believes Bin Laden Is Hiding In CIA-Built Caves

1999-03-07 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

 Subject: [InTheShadows] U.S. Believes Bin Laden Is Hiding In CIA-Built
 Date: Sunday, March 07, 1999 9:40 AM




 Saudi millionaire terrorist Osama bin Laden is believed to be on the
 move and hiding in a network of high-tech mountain caves built by the
 CIA during the Afghan war, The Post has learned.

 U.S. intelligence agencies assigned to track the world's most dangerous
 terrorist believe bin Laden and his entourage have been moving around in
 remote regions of Afghanistan since the Taliban, the Islamic militia
 that controls most of that country, reported his alleged "disappearance"
 three weeks ago.

 The agencies are convinced he's taken refuge in specially fortified
 caves that were built for the Afghan resistance during its war against
 Soviet occupation in the 1980s.

 Nicknamed the "bat caves" by CIA operatives in Pakistan, these secret
 remnants of the last Cold War conflict are scattered in key strategic
 regions throughout Afghanistan and were used as headquarters and staging
 areas for the Afghan mujahadeen fighting the Soviet Red Army.

 "They are very deep, very fortified and were built to withstand carpet
 bombing by the Soviets. The U.S. government financed their construction
 and helped build many of them," said Yousef Bodansky, staff director of
 the House Task Force on Terrorism.

 In fact, the nerve center of bin Laden's Kandahar headquarters, which
 was targeted for U.S. missile attacks last August, was in one of the
 CIA-built and-financed caves.

 Journalists and other people who have visited bin Laden in the Kandahar
 cave have said there were three rooms: one with one desktop and two
 laptop computers, two faxes and a satellite telephone system; another
 loaded with weapons and a third, bin Laden's private study, that
 contained a library of classic Islamic writings and three beds.

 Bin Laden was a hero in the holy war against the Soviets when he left
 his privileged life in Saudi Arabia to finance and organize a global
 network of Islamic fighters in the Afghan war.

 He has kept his network, known as al Qeda, intact and is now turning it
 loose on U.S. interests in an attempt to drive U.S. forces out of the
 Persian Gulf.

 Last month, the Taliban, responding to growing U.S. pressure to
 extradite him to New York to face charges of plotting to blow up U.S.
 embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and other terrorist attacks, told the
 State Department it had a falling-out with him and he had disappeared.

 But U.S. intelligence has sporadically tracked him by monitoring his use
 of his satellite phone and his Internet log-ons, sources told The Post.

 He was first tracked down in Tora Bora, Afghanistan, and then in
 Helmand. Most recently he's been placed in Jalalabad, a region
 controlled by former Prime Minister Gulbuddin Hekmatayar, a grizzled
 warlord and veteran of the Afghan war who is associated with, but not
 part of, the Taliban.

 Jalalabad was a key staging area for the mujahadeen during the Afghan
 war, and sources report there are several cave complexes in that area.



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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] EPA Probes Purple Pigs and Stunted Crops

1999-03-07 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

Philadelphia Enquirer

EPA probes purple pigs, stunted crops
A malady plagues some farms in the region. ``We don't know why,'' an
official said.

Deformed calves. Discolored crops. Purple pigs dying by the hundreds,
then decomposing quickly.

It isn't some Old Testament pestilence. It's a here-and-now mystery
that has driven one farmer in western Montgomery County out of
business and has others in the area scared for their own businesses --
and for their health.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency officials will visit at least
four farms today as part of a continuing effort to figure out what is
going on, said Carrie Deitzel, an EPA community-involvement

Thus far, the long series of reported problems, first noted in the
early 1990s, has confounded environmental and agricultural officials.
The EPA did its most recent round of soil and water testing on the
farms in January, and more tests will be run in the next few weeks.

"The data we've got back so far do not indicate any kind of
environmental or human health emergency out there," Deitzel said.
"We're looking at what needs to be done from here on out."

Deitzel acknowledged that the lack of environmental danger did not
mean the lack of an environmental problem. And the problem does not
appear to be restricted to these parts.

"This isn't an isolated thing," said Lynn Campbell Wingert, an EPA
spokeswoman. "Throughout the mid-Atlantic region, farm animals are
dying, and we don't know why. We're going to make any connection we
can to figure out what is going on here."

One farmer, Wayne Hallowell of Douglass Township, said there was no
real way to know how many farms were involved locally because it was
unlikely every farmer would be willing to cooperate with

"A lot of farmers with something wrong won't tell anyone," Hallowell
said. "They don't want the government coming in and shutting them
down, or they're trying to sell their land. They're very tight-lipped
on that."

But problems there are -- enough that Tom Yarnall, a farmer for 30
years, finally gave up raising pigs on his Gilbertsville spread.
Yarnall still grows some corn, but spends most of his time these days
as a carpenter.

"I had almost 1,000 pigs when this thing started," Yarnall said. "In
the spring of '92, it all went downhill. We had whole litters die when
they were born."

More than 200 pigs died during a two-month period in 1993, Yarnall

All displayed similar symptoms: turning a purplish color, with
newborns just not growing to maturity.

His crops also turned purple, and have been stunted for several years,
Yarnall said. "The yields are way down," he said. "They just don't do

The pigs' bodies decomposed in about half the normal time, Yarnall
said. Generally, dead pigs decompose in two to seven days, depending
on the surrounding climate and other variables, said Arlen Wilbers, a
large-animal veterinarian at the Quakertown Veterinary Clinic who
examined livestock at Yarnall's farm.

"Whatever was in their system broke down their fat," Yarnall said.
"They'd turn into slop."

Kenneth Kephart, an associate professor of animal science at
Pennsylvania State University, investigated the goings-on at Yarnall's

"We went at it from a lot of different directions, and unfortunately
we came up with zero," Kephart said. "Whatever it was seemed to be
pretty persistent. It's extremely rare that you can't find at least
some evidence of what's going on." Kephart added that livestock
management might have accounted for some of the problems.

But Yarnall is not the only local farmer facing unexplained and
unusual disease among his livestock.

Merrill Mest said he had had a decade's worth at his farm, just a few
miles from Yarnall's.

"I've had health problems with cows," Mest said. "They just waste
away. They don't grow right. Couldn't live, couldn't die. Kind of

Other cows on Mest's farm have had displaced stomachs and cystic
ovaries, he said.
"My vet says I have a lot more problems than I should," Mest said.
"But nobody knows why."

Wilbers, who is also Mest's veterinarian, said that some of the
problems again might be chalked up to livestock management.
"Some of the stuff kind of rings true" as being caused by external
problems, Wilbers said. "But there's nothing I could specifically say.

Nothing seems to crop up" as a definitive cause.
Down the road at Hallowell's dairy farm, three deformed calves were
born in a year and a half in the mid-1990s -- after nearly 50 years
without any deformed calves being born on the land.
One newborn calf weighed three times the typical birth weight. Another
was born with both a testicle and a vagina. A third was born without a
neck, without a tail and with reversed leg joints.
During the same period, Hallowell said, several calves on his farm
would not grow.
"They more or 

[CTRL] [3] America's Secret Establishment

1999-03-07 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from-
America's Secret Establishment
An introduction to The Order of Skull  Bones
Liberty House Press
2027 Iris
Billings, Montana 59102
Highly reccomended. There is more in this book than can be presented here.
Many charts and reproductions of orginal source material. As always,. . .

In stock at:  A-albionic Research, PO Box 20273, Ferndale, MI 48220-0273
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lloyd Miller, Research Director)

Memorandum Number Three: How Much
 Known About The Order?

  The openly published literature on The Order amounts to merely two
articles over a span of one hundred years: The Iconoclast) (Volume
One. Number One only) published October 13. 1873 and an already -
cited article in Esquire by Ron Rosenbaum. published in 1977. This
book and its successors are based on unpublished archival material
originating with The Order.

The Iconoclast (October 1873)

  Back in October 1873 an enterprising Yale student. stung to action
because The Order had taken over Yale finances and left the University
near poverty, took it upon himself to publish an expose. Unfortunately
some of the anonymous student's acutest observations were buried in
not so good verse. We will reprint some of the verse below as in the
original Iconoclast because it's impossible to summarize.

  The Yale college newspapers, Courant and Record, had a blackout
policy on The Order. As Iconoclast puts it.

   "We speak through a new publication. because the college press is
   closed to those who dare to openly mention 'Bones' ".

  The College Press was controlled by The Order. From time to time
Yale newspapers were run by Editors in The Order. For example, one
noteworthy editor of the Yale Record also in The Order was Thomas
Cochran ('94). who went on to make a career as an influential partner
in the influential banking firm of J.P. Morgan.

 Three paragraphs in this anonymous publication summarize the
iconoclast accusation.

 First, there is a Yale secret society open only to a select few:

 "For more than forty years a secret society called Skull and Bones has
existed in Yale College. It receives a certain number of men from each
class. There are chosen nominally by the members of the class . . .,
although it is understood that a prominent man's influence avails for his
friends and relatives through several years after his graduation. By
observing the men elected from year to year, we find that they are
chosen with a distinct end in view, namely, that of obtaining for the
society the most honors. Some of these honors are given to literary,
some to wealthy men. This, then, is the case. Men receive marks of
distinction from Yale College or from their entire class, because of
which they are taken into this secret society. Since Yale honors men
this fraternity professes to honor them also."

 Secondly', the Iconoclast states that The Order has obtained control
of Yale. and its members care more for their society than for Yale:

To Whom It May Concern

We come before the college now on Justice's side arrayed,
To claim redress for open wrongs that Vandal hands have made,
To give a college sentiment expression bold and free,
Asserting each man's native right, if such a thing there be.
We represent no clique or clan, but honest men and true,
Who never will submit to that which fifteen men may do,
Who feel the shameful yoke that long has on the college lain
And who propose to do their best to break that yoke in twain
We are not "soreheads. " God forbid that we should cherish strong
Desires to be identified with principles that long
Have been a blight upon the life and politics of Yale,
Before whose unjust aims the glow of "Boss Tweed's" brass
 would pale.
We represent the neutral men, whose voices must be heard,
And never can be silenced by a haughty look or word.
Of those whose influence here at Yale would be but void and null
Did they not wear upon their breasts two crossed bones and a

We hold no grudge 'gainst any man, but wish that all may be
United by the common bond of peace and harmony;
Yet, when a few do to themselves most proudly arrogate
The running of affairs, there can be no such happy state.
What right, forsooth, have fifteen men to lord it over all?
What right to say the college world shall on their faces fall
When they approach? Have they, indeed, to "sickly greatness
 grown, "
And must each one with servile speech them his "superiors" own

If they have grounds on which they base their claim as just and
We challenge them to set them forth exposed to public view,
That all may know the reasons why this oligarchy proud
Elect themselves as lords supreme o'er us, the "vulgar crowd."
We offer no objections to their existing clan, -
No one disputes with them this right, we question but the plan
On which they act, - That only he who wears upon his
Their emblem, he for every post shall be considered best.
We wish this 

Re: [CTRL] The 33 Year Question

1999-03-07 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 3/3/99 12:16:49 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I would like to know the SOURCE of this story about the courier getting
by a lightning bolt.


 I have seen this several places. Here is one source:

 an excerpt from:
America's Secret Establishment
An introduction to The Order of Skull  Bones
Liberty House Press
2027 Iris
Billings, Montana 59102

--The information on The Order that we are using surfaced by acci-
dent. In a way similar to the surfacing of the Illuminati papers in 1783
when a messenger carrying Illuminati papers was killed and the
Bavarian police found the documents.--
p 66
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Prudy: Tripp Alleges There Is Another Woman

1999-03-07 Thread Edward Britton

 -Caveat Lector-


Yada yada yada yada yada yada yada yada.  Prudy

This is twice that have I found the both of us in agreement (although
perhaps for differing reasons :-)). The people have spoken: Americans have
no problem with a pervert and a rapist as a president. So, for the rest of
us, LET IT DROP already!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Saunire Society Symposium

1999-03-07 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

 [Rennes-le-chateau] Digest Number 43
Message: 1

   Date: Wed, 3 Mar 1999 20:31:27 -0500

   From: Andrew Ormston [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: Sauniére Society Symposium

The latest Sauniére Society Symposium has been done, and a good time was

had by all, from my initial feedback. Other people who came will give you

their own impressions.

From information received it was better than the first one, better

lectures, better speakers and the organisation was improved. We will strive

to make the next one even better !

The web page to show this times symposium is at:


or via the Templar Lodges web site (follow the link) at:


It is under construction so please bookmark it and come back regurarly.

This time we had Henry Lincoln in good voice, Christopher Knight and Robert

Lomas, together with usual stalwarts of Prince/Pinknett, Alan Butler (this

time with his co author Stephen Dafoe), along with some new speakers Ian

Campbell, Mark Oxbrow (spelling?), Penny White, Ahmed Osman and others.

There was an unusual addition to the proceedings on Sunday night with an

interjection by a Dr. Barbara Young who proceeded to give the audience an

inpromptu "mystical templars" mind experience. This was handled well by

Henry Lincoln, who in his slow, deliberate fashion calmed the whole

audience and received almost a standing ovation.

Retreating to the bar, we all had a good time, networking, rubbing

shoulders with famous authors in a relaxed environment. Many malt whiskies

went down well.

Lets look forward to the next one.

For details of the next Sauniére Society Symposium, please see the above


Thanks must go to the following : The staff of the Templar Lodge Hotel (for

making it work), all the delegates (who wore their badges), Malcolm and Liz

Littler (for the use of the digital camera for the whole weekend that made

the web site), the speakers (who gave us a treat) and all the extras and

people who contributed, especially John and Joy who made it all possible.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Hate Literature calling Father COUGHLIN: once America's No. 1 Fascist

1999-03-07 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 3/4/99 12:53:24 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Kris, if you see Coughlin as more of a danger to the

world than FDR . . . . where in the Hades are you coming from?? I'm

afraid I've already made a correct educated guess . . . Jim Condit Jr.

Howdy Jim,
Facts on File is a rather innouccous source material. Actually, I thought
their presenatation was rather bland.

Jim, you seem to be coming from a very dualistic world-view. Your continued
diaorama colors your thoughts.  Facism and communism both have their roots in
Hegel and much of the opposing forces you see are a planned dialectic. MHO.

BTW, I came across La Popessa, a very interesting book, and will be posting

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] OEN 3/7/99

1999-03-07 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A
Spy vs. Spy

MI5 Arrests British Army "Neo-Nazis"

Combat 18

SOLDIERS with the elite Parachute and King's regiments, together with
several civilians, were under arrest last night after a year-long MI5,
Special Branch and military police inquiry into organised neo-Nazi
infiltration into the Army and civilian life.
Fourteen addresses were raided on Friday as MI5 officers examined
possible links between the arrested men, members of the violent Combat
18 fascist group, and Loyalist terrorists in Ulster. Racist literature,
computer disks, knives and, in one case, ammunition were seized.

Some of those detained, who include two serving members of the Army and
at least one ex-soldier, are suspected of using their military expertise
to offer weapons training to neo-fascist organisations and Loyalist
terrorists. Security sources refused to confirm or deny whether any of
the arrested men were also suspected of involvement in arms trafficking
to Ulster paramilitaries.

Another senior defence official said that in addition to the soldiers
involved in Friday's raids, a further dozen men in Regular and TA units
were under investigation for neo-Nazi activity. Some were under
surveillance and some will be questioned shortly.

He said: "There are pockets of neo-fascist activity in some regiments.
There has been an attempt [by neo-fascist groups] to spread the word in
the Army and that is the basis on which we are acting. But 99 per cent
of the Army would rebuff this sort of activity very strongly."

Combat 18, which takes its name from Adolf Hitler's initials, the first
and eighth letters of the alphabet, has long been connected with illegal
activity. It orchestrated hooligans to disrupt a football match between
Ireland and England in 1995 and sent letter bombs to mixed-race couples
such as Sharron Davies and Derek Redmond.

High-ranking members of Combat 18 have been photographed with the
leadership of the Ulster Defence Association and the Ulster Volunteer
Force. A World In Action programme last year claimed that Charlie
Sargent, the former leader of Combat 18, spied on Ulster Loyalists for
the Special Branch. It also showed that Combat 18 members acquired guns
and detonators for the UDA.

A Scotland Yard spokesman said raids took place in London, Lancashire,
Merseyside, Kent, Thames Valley, Humberside, West Yorkshire, and South
Wales. Ten forces were involved. He said: "We can confirm that a number
of warrants were executed to seek material including compact disks and
publications suspected of contravening Part Three of the Public Order
Act 1986 which concerns acts intended or likely to stir up racial

Those being questioned are a private with the Parachute Regiment, whose
background is in logistics and whose Para service includes deployments
to Northern Ireland and Bosnia. He has been seen at a number of Blood
and Honour events, which are run by members of Combat 18. The second
soldier being questioned is a private from 1 Bn the Kings Regiment,
based in the North West.

The Army knew of Combat 18 activity within its ranks as early as last
July. MoD documents obtained by Searchlight, the anti-fascist magazine,
and seen by The Telegraph, show that the Army commissioned a detailed
report into neo-Nazi activity last year. It identified at least 12
soldiers as supporters of Combat 18 - but there were no arrests.

One security source said: "We had to get evidence against these people
or there was a risk of things going off at half-cock. We conducted an
extremely painstaking long-term joint investigation including

Nick Lowles, co-editor of Searchlight, said: "The Army is seen by
neo-Nazis as a potential breeding ground. The investigation is positive,
but could have been launched months ago."

An Army spokesman said disciplinary action would be taken against any
soldier shown to be involved in racist activities. He said: "There is
absolutely no place in the Armed Forces for racism or harassment."

The London Telegraph, March 7, 1999

Spy vs. Spy

Russia Puts Scientologists Under Scrutiny

Who is spying on whom?

MOSCOW, Mar. 05, 1999 -- (Agence France Presse) The Russian secret
service has recently stepped up its surveillance of the Church of
Scientology amid suspicions that it is violating basic rights of
members, using violence if need be, and engaging in illicit financial
Russian Orthodox Patriarch Aleksiy II this week welcomed recent police
raids on four premises owned by the Scientologists in Moscow. He said
they might "shed light on what these sects inspire in people; charity
and peace or confusion and evil."

The Moscow public prosecutor has initiated proceedings against the
Scientologists, citing legislation covering commercial activities and
religious and social organizations.

Persons found guilty of breaking these laws face from two to three

[CTRL] Anti-Privacy Bank Rules Crushed

1999-03-07 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.wired.com/news/news/politics/story/18311.html"Political
News from Wired News/A
Anti-Privacy Bank Rules Crushed
by Declan McCullagh
4:45 p.m.  5.Mar.99.PST
The US Senate on Friday took the first step toward derailing a
controversial government regulation that will require banks to monitor
every transaction their customers make.
By an 88 to 0 vote, the Senate approved a change to an education bill
being debated. The amendment blocks banking regulators from proceeding
with the so-called Know Your Customer plan.

"If you ever wondered whatever happened to the people in the former
Soviet Union who used to run things there and now are permanently out of
work, the answer is they're all in the Clinton administration, and
they're running the banking authorities of this country," said Phil
Gramm, a Texas Republican who chairs the Banking Committee, in a speech
on the Senate floor.

Senate Democrats first blocked Gramm's standalone bill that would have
repealed Know Your Customer, but then joined their GOP counterparts in a
unanimous vote to add the amendment to the education bill.

Under Know Your Customer, banks will be required to tell the Feds about
transactions that aren't "normal and expected" for a particular
customer, based on a profile of that person.

Over 140,000 irate Americans have complained about the proposal in a
comment period that ends Monday.

"We're hoping that Know Your Customer will be over and done with on
Monday and the regulators will see the error of their ways," said
Christi Harlan, a spokesman for Gramm. Harlan said the Senate planned to
continue debating the education bill next week.

Agency officials have responded to the unprecedented storm of outrage --
proposed regulations generally draw few public comments -- by

On Thursday, the comptroller of the currency said he wants to ditch it.

"I firmly believe that any marginal advantages for law enforcement in
this proposal are strongly outweighed by its potential for inflicting
lasting damage on our banking system," John Hawke told a House Judiciary

The Federal Reserve, the Office of Thrift Supervision, the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Office of the Comptroller of the
Currency simultaneously introduced the plan last year.

Also on Thursday, the House Banking Committee voted to dump Know Your

Unless the full Senate and the full House vote to block it or
executive-branch officials change their minds, the regulation will take
effect early next year.

But on Thursday, critics told Congress that just stopping Know Your
Customer isn't good enough.

"If Congress stops there and fails to repeal or substantially modify the
statutory basis for the proposed Know Your Customer regulations or to
strengthen the Right to Financial Privacy Act, it will itself have
perpetrated a massive deception on the 100,000 people who spoke out
against the Know Your Customer regulations," said Greg Nojeim, ACLU
legislative counsel.

When a bank detects any "suspicious activity," current regulations
already require that the company complete a five-page report that
includes the customer's name, address, Social Security number, driver's
license or passport number, date of birth, and information about the

Under the existing rules, banks are required to telephone law
enforcement "in situations involving violations requiring immediate

But Know Your Customer would compel banks to also identify their
customers, determine their source of funds, and profile them to measure
account activity against historical patterns.

Representative Ron Paul, a Texas Republican, has introduced bills to
repeal current regulations as well.

Related Wired Links:
Bank Plan May be Doomed
Foes Target 'Know Your Customer'
Banking with Big Brother

Copyright © 1994-99 Wired Digital Inc. All rights reserved.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Theft Of A Billion Dollars A Day From The US Treasury

1999-03-07 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.angelfire.com/fl/BriansHouse/happenings.html"Print Up
Back To Back Copies (Landscape) - Cut  /A
The Theft Of
A Billion Dollars A Day
From The US Treasury

  Those Serving Criminal Operations: Yes, the US Congress, the
US Supreme Court, the Executive Branch, the unconstitutional Independent
Agencies ... all knowingly support and protect International Organized
Crime (I.O.C.) as their vile operations rob this nation, its citizens,
and the whole world.

  Indeed, the Forty Billion Infidels (FBI), the US Justice
Department, the Media Moguls, and Agents everywhere knowingly serve the
vile thieves rather than truth, honesty, integrity, ethics, etc.

  Proof Of Corruption: Simple logic.  Creating paper money, then
"borrowing" it, and paying the thieves a billion dollars a day in bogus
interest payments has involved blatant theft of trillions of taxpayers'
dollars.  Not even imbeciles would deposit money in a bank that charged
interest when they spent it.  So, why does the US Government deposit its
paper (fiat) money in the private Federal Reserve and pay fantastic

  Check Out The Scams on the Internet, Scam # 1 is only part of
International Organized Crime's world-wide operations.

A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/WallStreet/Floor/7845/index.html"
brianshouse: The Year 2000 Has Passed, The LORD /A
Counting From The 5 BC Birth Of Christ
The Year 2000 Ended In 1996 AD
The LORD'S Day Is Here

A Broad But Detailed Discussion Of Prophetic End Times Events
Lays Out The Schedule Now Unfolding.  Reality Becomes Obvious!  Matters
Are No Longer Hidden.

Slavery To International Organized Crime (Goliath) Robs Nations,
People, And Corporations.  Corruption In Government And Wall
Street.  Biblical History And Prophecy Coming True.  Scripture Explains
End Times Events In Detail.  The 35 Years Of Severe Tribulations Are
Only The Beginning For Wrongdoers.  Humanity Divides Into Two
Kingdoms: The Holy Kingdom Survives But The Tares Will Not.  Their
Doomsday Is Coming.  The Temple Will Be Built.  GOD'S Holy Ark Taken
Captive, The Glory Of GOD Returns, The Eternal Congregation Becomes True
Israel.  The Second Exodus Is Now Underway.  Prepare For The Glorious
Solemn Assembly And Utopia.

Welcome To Brian's House!


THE GANG: Those Who Serve The Gang Are Part Of The Gang:

SCAM #1: International Organized Crime is ripping off the people via the
National Treasury while being aided, abetted, and protected by the US
Government.  This amounts to $350 Billion annually and far more when
wages of agents on the public payrolls are considered.  Why isn't the
White House, The Congress, The Justice Department, The FBI, etc. doing
anything to stop this larceny? Slavery is illegal!  So, why do
slavemasters take a cut out of every paycheck before the workers get to
spend it?  People who don't "volunteer" go to prison and/or have their
property seized.  Again, that's illegal slavery plain and simple.  The
Scriptures foretold of this larceny.

SCAM #2: International Organized Crime is controlling the national
markets selling bogus counterfeit receipts while being aided, abetted,
and protected by the US Government.  Legitimate receipts are being
severely "watered" and companies are being deliberately damaged and
bankrupted to eliminate the thieves' liabilities to repurchase their
counterfeit receipts.  Again, why isn't Government protecting the public
interests?  The Scriptures foretold of this larceny.  It's the same
age-old scam used by the thieves in the Temples and by the Gold
Merchants of old.  Thievery is thievery!

Three significant hyperlinks that supplement SCAM #2 are
identified here for your convenience:

1.Copy Of: US Senate Subcommittee Letter Dated 30 January 1974.  This
letter acknowledges the existence of SCAM #2, the responsibility of US
Government enforcement agencies, and the intricate tiein between
organized crime and stock manipulations.
2.Diagram Of Dow Jones Industrial Average (1964 thru 1974) whose
explanation thereof clearly reveals the artificial nature of the DJIA to
further verify SCAM #2.

3.Market Operations provides a further explanation of SCAM #2 that
everyone, including all investors and corporate management, should know
and understand.

The chicanery could materialize with a deliberately concocted
depression far worse than the 1929-1930's maliciously engineered debacle
if people do nothing. The 35 years of Severe Tribulations are here!

SCAM #3: International Organized Crime's international loan scam robbing
nations everywhere.

SCAM #4: International Organized Crime's invasion of the USA.  I.O.C.'S
conquest and control of the US 

[CTRL] TERMINATOR UNLEASHED: Patenting life -- patenting death

1999-03-07 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.ratical.org/ratville/terminatorTech.html"Terminator
Unleashed, "policing the unauthorise /A
Links and embeds, galore, a virtual sea of blue.

June 1998: We have at best two years, and at worst six months
to safeguard the right of farmers as seed-savers and breeders.
•December 13:
"Monsanto Terminates Terminator?, ... or is the "Monster" just taking
its own sterility strategy underground? Get Ready for Terminator II -
the ``T'nT'' of agriculture," RAFI News Release, 12/11/98 Monsanto may
choose to avoid negative publicity by giving up its high-profile
association with the Terminator patent, and instead conduct in-house
research on a second-generation variation of the suicide seed.
"Unfortunately, this isn't goodbye to Terminator, it's probably hasta la
vista," explains Mooney, "It's likely that Monsanto's research on
genetic seed sterilization will move under-ground where it can be
conducted away from public scrutiny and negative publicity." Mooney
adds, "After all, this is a technology that is still in the early stages
of development, why invite more negative publicity when its still some
years away from commercialization?" . . .
 A handful of multinationals are racing to dominate the "Life
Industry." Zeneca is proposing to merge with Sweden's Astra to create
AstraZeneca - possibly the third largest life industry company. Hoechst
and Rhone-Poulenc are also merging and they could be the largest of all
in this field. Novartis, DuPont and Monsanto will likely respond to
these mega-mergers by creating more and bigger alliances. "Together,
these five account for virtually one hundred per cent of the global
transgenic seed market," explains Mooney. "They aren't about to abandon
a profitable monopoly opportunity like Terminator. If Monsanto does what
rumours suggest - and low-keys the Terminator," Mooney concludes, "we
can take heart in knowing that the Terminator can be terminated. We can
win this fight. But the battle is far from over."
•November 2:
"Terminator Seeds Rejected by Global Network of Agriculture Experts,"
RAFI News Release, 11/2/98 The Terminator - and related genetic seed
sterilization technology - has been banned from the crop breeding
programs of the world's largest international agricultural research
network. The strong and unambiguous policy was adopted by the
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) at a
meeting at the World Bank in Washington on Friday, October 30th.

Although RAFI's report, Monsanto's `Spectre' Dims, provides an
insightful timeline on the "`Goldfinger' of biotechnology"'s
crash-and-burn activities, the fact of such utterly inappropriate human
activities -- as the Terminator patenting of life and death -- require
ongoing vigilance and awareness by our entire, single human family to
avert these life-annihilative "bids" during this time of massive

•October 2:
RAFI invites you to join an international e-mail campaign to protest the
licensing and commercial development of the Terminator technology. At
http://www.rafi.org/usda.html you can automatically send a customized
e-mail to US Secretary of Agriculture Dan Glickman and others to
politely demand the USDA both immediately ceases negotiations to license
Terminator technology to a Monsanto subsidiary and abandon its worldwide
patent applications on this immoral and dangerous technology.
See also:  1. Terminator Science Explained: How the Terminator
 2. list of people who have written the USDA about terminator tech

From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tue Aug 18 17:57:58 1998
From: Mary Jo Olsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: Indigenous Earthlings
Subject: Terminator technology, "policing the unauthorised use of
American technology"
Your site is wonderful! Didn't see any info specifically on this topic,
so am sending you mine. I'm sorry it is so long, it is as short as I
could make it. Included at the end are the places the info came from, so
you can do your own checking.
I've gotten some feedback suggesting my concern is an over-reaction,
but I think that is the same argument we heard when AIDS was new ("why
worry, it only kills gay men"!). Right.

This file is RICH with hyper-links. Find it at

patenting life -- patenting death

by Mary Jo Olsen
The only thing that can keep pace with the rate of agricultural
biotechnological change these days is the speed with which the
transnational Life Industry is eating itself. In the last couple of
years, Monsanto has 

Re: [CTRL] Anti-Privacy Bank Rules Crushed

1999-03-07 Thread Howard R. Davis III

 -Caveat Lector-

Kris Millegan wrote:

 But Know Your Customer would compel banks to also identify their
 customers, determine their source of funds, and profile them to measure
 account activity against historical patterns.

 Representative Ron Paul, a Texas Republican, has introduced bills to
 repeal current regulations as well.

   In recent discussions, most have condemned all politicians as being
bought, etc. I wonder if there is any controversies in this regard
concerning Ron Paul. As far as I can tell, he seems as honest a man as
you will find. Any body have reason to disagree?

Howard Davis

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-03-07 Thread Kris Millegan


  PIKE, ALBERT (1809-1891). Albert Pike, lawyer, soldier, and author, and
one of the most remarkable figures in American history, was born in Boston,
Massachusetts, on December 29, 1809, the son of Benjamin and Sarah (Andrews)
Pike. He attended school at Newburyport, the town to which his parents moved
while he was still a boy, and at an academy in Framingham, Massachusetts.
Through most of the years 1824 through 1831 Pike taught at schools in
Gloucester, Fairhaven, and Newburyport, while pursuing private study and
writing poetry in his spare time. His self-acquired knowledge of the
classics was prodigious, and he acquired a working knowledge of Sanskrit,
Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and French. In addition to a strong literary bent, he
possessed unbounded physical energy and great determination. More than six
feet tall and large of frame, with hair that reached his shoulders and a
beard that reached near his waist, Pike also presented an impressive

When the restraints of New England life became too irksome for his
adventurous spirit, he set out, in March 1831, for the West. Reaching
Independence, Missouri, with little money and less of a plan for his future,
Pike joined a party of traders and hunters bound for New Mexico. On the
trail his horse broke away, leaving him to walk the remaining 500 miles to
Taos. His party was caught, as well, in a ferocious snowstorm that caused a
layover of five days and froze many of the horses. After reaching Taos at
last, Pike accompanied another expedition to Santa Fe, but left that "city
of mud" in 1832 for a trapping venture on the Llano Estacadoqv of West
Texas. He found the beaver population negligible, however, and traversed the
Caprock,qv crossed Oklahoma, and finally arrived at Fort Smith, Arkansas,
having traveled 1,300 miles, 650 on foot, and experienced many hardships and
exciting adventures.

While serving as associate editor of the Little Rock, Arkansas, Advocate in
1833, Pike wrote in travel narrative, short story, and verse of his recent
adventures. These vivid memoirs, tales, and poems, which first appeared
serially in the Advocate were published by Light and Horton of Boston in
1834 as Prose Sketches and Poems Written in the Western Country. Pike's
narrative is said to be the first book ever printed dealing with the region
between Fort Smith, Arkansas, and Santa Fe, New Mexico. Certainly Pike was
New Mexico's first Anglo-American poet as well as its first short
story-writer in English and was among the first to describe in print the
Mexican borderlands.

On October 10, 1834, Pike married Mary Ann Hamilton, and her dowry enabled
him to purchase an interest in the Advocate. The following year he became
its sole owner and editor. In 1837, however, he sold the newspaper, having
been licensed to practice law. Within a few years he was regarded as one of
the most capable attorneys in the Southwest and became the first reporter of
the Arkansas Supreme Court. He wrote "Maxims of the Roman Law and Some of
the Ancient French Law, as Expounded and Applied in Doctrine and
Jurisprudence," which, although unpublished, greatly enhanced his reputation
as a student of the law. As a staunch Whig and later a Know-Nothing, he
championed many internal-improvement causes against the Democratic majority
in Arkansas.

During the Mexican Warqv Pike commanded a troop of volunteer cavalry in
Archibald Yell'sqv regiment and performed quite credibly at the battle of
Buena Vista in February 1847. His Civil Warqv record, however, was not so
handsome. Although opposed to both slavery and secession,qv he cast his lot
with the Confederacy and during the first year of the war greatly assisted
Gen. Ben McCullochqv in formulating alliances with the civilized tribes of
the Indian Territory. He was commissioned a brigadier general on November
22, 1861, and led a brigade of Creeks, Choctaws, Chickasaws, and Cherokees
at the battle of Elkhorn Tavern (Pea Ridge), Arkansas, in March 1862. There
the Indian troops performed disgracefully, taking scalps and then routing in
the face of federal artillery. Criticism of Pike and his command caused him
to offer his resignation on July 12, 1862, but it was not accepted until
November 5. His response to continued criticism led a fellow officer in the
department to the conviction that Pike was "either insane or untrue to the
South," and on November 3, 1862, he was arrested and was briefly placed
under confinement in Warren, Texas. The end of the war saw him an associate
justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court.

With his property confiscated and viewed with suspicion both in the North
and the South, Pike became something of a wanderer. He first moved to New
York in 1865 but feared arrest for inciting the Indians to revolt and so
fled to Canada. When Andrew Johnson issued him a pardon on August 30, 1865,
however, Pike returned to Arkansas 

[CTRL] Important Info on VCRs

1999-03-07 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

 Do not throw away your VCR in the year 2000. Set it on 1972 because the
  days will be the same. Thought u can use the info. Pass it on because u
  know the manufacturer will not share this info, they want u to buy a new

  one!!! Let's fool them and correct it ourselves.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Who Finances Oliver Stone?

1999-03-07 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy.spy
As always, Caveat Lector.  For your perusal.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy.spy:856"Who Finances Oliver Stone?/A
Subject: Who Finances Oliver Stone?
From: Michael Collins Piper [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, Mar 6, 1999 3:25 PM

The Israeli-born Hollywood producer who financed Oliver Stone's JFK
assassination epic has been linked to Israel's nuclear weapons intrigue.
Imagine if it had been an Arab arms dealer who had financed the movie!

Oliver Stone is widely known as the creative genius behind the
controversial motion picture, JFK. However, the film's executive
producer--the man who actually put up the money to make the movie--is
little known outside Hollywood's inner circles.His name is Arnon

And although he's now a major player in the film industry, the
Israeli-born Milchan was described in the May 18, 1993 edition of The
Nation as one Israel's llargest arms dealers In 1985 Milchan's name
popped up in a United States federal criminal inquiry into covert
efforts by Israel to obtain U.S. nuclear weapons technology.

A Huntington Beach, California, computer engineer, Richard K. Smyth, was
indicted by the Justice Department on charges that he had illegally
exported 800 electronic timing devices (known as "krytons") that can be
used to trigger nuclear bombs. The recipient of the illegal exports was
Milchan's Heli Trading Co., based in Israel.

Smyth, a former advisor to NATO and the U.S. Air Force, told
investigators that he was involved with Milchan in a joint venture,
Milco (based in Huntington Beach), that had shipped the nuclear devices
to Heli Trading. According to Smith, the Israeli government had provided
"encouragement" to the endeavor.

Milchan, however, said he had nothing to do with the Milco company (the
company name notwithstanding) and that he knew nothing about the alleged
kryton exports.Milchan said further that all Heli business was in the
hands of its Israeli managers. Milchan's hands were clean.According to
Milchan:"At the end of the day, [a moviemaker like Milchan] can't be
expected to read scripts, go to marketing meetings and still worry about
everything else"

 Despite Milchan's denials, Robert Mainhardt, one of two nuclear
scientists on Milco's board of directors, contradicted Milchan's claims
about having no knowledge of Milco's affairs In a 1993 interview with
NBC, Mainhardt, who had been involved in the development of the hydrogen
bomb, said that he (Mainhardt) quit Milco after Milchan asked him to
obtain nuclear reactor designs and a uranium compound needed for
Israel's nuclear bomb-making program.NBC also unveiled coded Milco
records that revealed the sales of other classified items to Israel and
reported that one source said that Milchan's company had sold Israel
enough rocket fuel to propel all of Israe's long-range missiles.

Perhaps to mitigate the scandal, the Israeli government returned 460 of
the 800 nuclear devices saying that the materiel had nothing to do with
Israel's nuclear bomb program, which, of course, then (as now) was
officially denied by the Israelis. According to the Israelis, the
krytons were to be used only for development of conventional weapons

.In the end, before he could be brought to trial, Milchan's partner,
Smyth, disappeared. According to NBC, citing U.S. authorities, Smyth had
taken refuge in Israel in the high-toned Tel Avia suburb of Herilya
Pitua.NBC also conducted an interview with Arthur Biehl, a former
director of hydrogen bomb design at Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratories, who told NBC that he had gone to the FBI after Milchan
introduced him to an Israeli official who wanted to gain access to
nuclear weapons and delivery vehicles for nuclear weapons without going
through official [i.e. U.S. government] channels.

Oliver Stone had excuses for his relationship with Milchan. "I've heard
the rumors," Stone told The Los Angeles Times, "but, then, I've always
had a penchant for larger-than-life pirates. If Arnon comes from an arms
or defense background, well, so did Rhett Butler. If those stories are
true, I'm sure Arnon sees himself as a patriot

Somebody should tell Mr. Stone (who may be confusing reality with his
motion pictures) that Rhett Butler, the swashbuckling Confederate arms
smuggler in Gone With the Wind, was a fictional character. Milchan's
arms deals, however, were very real, Stone's typically artistic
explanation notwithstanding.

And by the way, has anyone bothered to find out what happened when Jim
Garrison's family sued these big Hollywood types after they were bilked
out of the profits that Milchan and company made from JFK. To coin a
phrase, just a thought.--MICHAEL COLLINS PIPER
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. 

[CTRL] [Fwd: Rambo's 'First Blood' Warn U.S. about 'Hope?']

1999-03-07 Thread A.C. Szul

And, BTW, did anyone catch the name of the reservist who was screamed at
by the neanderthal sheriff for blowing up the cave where Rambo was
allegedly hiding out?


Talk about a tall Hollywood tale?! ;-0

"The sharpest tool in the shed." -- anonymous

7 Mar 99

This afternoon, USA Networks is showing "First Blood," the first
installment of the long running and successful Rambo films.

In the beginning of this late 80's film, there's a scene in which the
sheriff, played by Brian Dennehy, drops off Johnny Rambo, portrayed by
Sly Stallone, at the end of the bridge, on the opposite side of the
neighboring town. In the background, there's a sign with the town's
name, though it's somewhat faded and difficult to make out.

Did anyone catch the name?

It reads, "Hope." Could it be _that_ town called "Hope?"

Could Hollywood have been warning us years before about 'em folks from

Of course, as the story goes, the wicked 'ole sheriff tries to get rid
of the Vietnam Vet, because "they" --the townspeople-- don't look kindly
on soldiers of war (i.e. our hero Johnny Rambo). Especially, someone who
fought in 'Nam.

Rambo's jacket had an American flag sewed on, something the sheriff
didn't apparently like either, based on several derogatory remarks he
made after first meeting tough guy Special Forces Rambo.

We learn from the sheriff that _they_ "don't want any trouble."

So, doing his job his way, the neanderthal-type sheriff decides to send
Rambo on his merry way 30 miles up the road to the next town, and get
rid of him, rather than allow him to eat at the town's local diner.

In that rain and miserable weather who, in their good conscience, would
send a fella packing when, after all, he didn't provoke or cause any
trouble in the first place?

A town named Hope would, according to Sly's machismo flick about a
solider who, after being cornered like a rat by the unkindly sheriff and
his posse, grumbled to his commanding officer, Col. Trautman, "They drew
first blood, sir."

Trautman, as you might recall, was played by Hollywood veteran Richard

We all know how the films ends and who the hero is.  If you don't, rent
it at your local Blockbuster and enjoy.  It really is a good movie, if
you haven't seen it yet.

Hopefully, in this case life _will_ imitate art and the U.S. will not
bleed to death over unethical and immoral behavior that seems to pervade
the highest levels of our government.

Go, Johnny, Go!!

Now, back to the film

"The sharpest tool in the shed." -- anonymous

[CTRL] Anthropomorphizing the Corporation

1999-03-07 Thread Edward Britton

 -Caveat Lector-

Anthropomorphizing the Corporation
by John H. St.John ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

There is a troubling element of opportunism in discussing corporations as
though they were human beings. Corporations are slippery. They are organized
that way. Originally created for the purpose of eliminating liability for
investors; they now have become legal individuals in their own right.  As a
subterfuge to avoid liability they have the even more curious ability to
shift the blame for their crimes to human beings.

Even pulling the charter of a criminal corporation still leaves the
impression that there are good public corporations that are law abiding
citizens. The reality is that no corporation is wedded to any other law than
the bottom line. When  corporations  adhere to the law it is only because
not doing so would be bad public relations. Corporations are very fearful of
public opinion but they do not fear the law because they can not be put in
jail.  If they are caught breaking the law, they throw the blame on Chain
Saw Al or some other obedient employee.  They invest large sums of money in
law  and public relations firms. They also invest money in a large number of
think tanks composed of hired academics with the mandate to screw up higher
education and provide talking-heads for C-Span. The American Enterprise
Institute has over 200 corporation CEOs on its board. The Heritage
Foundation likewise.

They have tightened control over the government and the media to the point
where the government has become a select committee to do their negotiating
with other countries and enable them to raid the US Treasury with impunity.
The culture spewed out by a corporate media reveals the inherent lack of
humanity endemic to the corporation hierarchy.  The corporation is not human
-- it is a golem, a robot with one prime directive -- the bottom line.  Even
investors, the privileged beneficiaries of the corporation, are victimized
by insider trading, class warfare, environmental degradation, genetic
tinkering, radio-activity and eventual chaos.

The public corporation is a Frankenstein monster that will kill its creator
unless stopped. It is a genie that can not be put back in the bottle. To
think of reforming corporations or “returning corporations to the control of
a sovereign people is like advising Pandora to put the troubles, she
released, back in the box. By threatening  to pull their charter and selling
their assets to some other good corporation, and we can be sure that
Unocal’s CEO Roger Beach would be part of the deal; would not be a victory
but would put us in the position of creating another merger.  Dan Lundgren
lost the election for governor of California, but not because he tabled the
Alliance petition.  His successor as Attorney General promises to revisit
the petition; but will he actually pull Unocal’s charter?  The killer is
that the whole affair probably won’t even make the news.
Never the less I rejoice at any attack on a corporation, but I still
remember Neville Chamberlain’s attempt to reform Adolph Hitler. Public
corporations are criminals by definition. Selling stock is a criminal act.
It is in violation of common law. Ownership and liability can not be
separated. No other organization has ever had this particular ability. If a
government or any other organization wants to raise money, they ask for
donations, borrow it, or issue bonds.

Today there are a lot of people making money on the stock-market and I
realize that outlawing stock would be as popular as outlawing motherhood but
many financial experts are fearfully expecting an inevitable Black Monday
with Wall Street  laying another egg.  We also have y2k waiting for us. We
should be thinking in terms of using this catastrophe to sound the death
knell for the illegal Ponzi scheme known as the public corporation. This
time we should put them in cement overcoats and sink them in the ocean.  If
the Roosevelt administration had done this when it first took power we would
not have had to suffer sixty years of war Kenesianism.

The word corporation is from the Latin word corpus, or body.  In its
inception with the Merchants of London, a guild; it was a body.  When they
decided to sell stock to outsiders it became a corporation. Thus a
corporation is not a corporation.  It is made up entirely of employees who
have no interest unless they own stock, and this is not a large enough
interest to confer ownership. In order to make a corporation truly a
corporation; you would have to give ownership to those who run it -- the
employees and change the stocks to bonds. Those who run and manage the
business are much more entitled to ownership than are stock-market gamblers.
If the corporation were a corporation and it committed some illegal acts.
Then it could be dissolved and the owners (employees) held liable.

Ed Yardeni; chief financial officer for Morgan Deutche and Grenfell.
(Europe’s largest bank) said at the 

[CTRL] [2] La Popesa

1999-03-07 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

excerpts from:
La Popesa
Paul I. Murphy©1983
w/R. Rene Arlington.
Warner Books

Upon becoming archbishop, Spellman immediately went to work to clear up not
only the New York archdiocese's financial plight but that of the Church
throughout the United States. Unknown to Catholics and even to many within the
hierarchy in the United States, near chaos characterized the Holy See's
financial affairs in America.

Long-overdue debts had accumulated to almost $200 million nationally, in
addition to the $28 million owed by the New York archdiocese.

Spellman named as his financial adviser his longtime friend John A. Coleman,
one of Wall Street's ablest and most influential brokers. From then on the
Holy See in America was into big business in a big way.

In their successful drive to turn the heavily debt-ridden New York archdiocese
into the richest in the world, the ambitious pair began by playing upon
Spellman's "amazing capacity for getting things done by the give-and-take of
favors through powerful people." Day after day they staged luncheons and
dinners with bankers, industrialists, Wall Street traders, corporate
executives, labor leaders, real estate brokers, financial editors-anyone of
influence in any field.

Titles in the Knights of Malta, the Holy See's most prestigious organization
of laymen, were offered as bait to the wealthy and powerful who sought
personal gilding in exchange for funds and favors. The title of knight became
so eagerly sought after by Catholic laymen that it was not uncommon for an
aspiring applicant to give Spellman from $50,000 to $100,000 for the honor.
Some Catholics were known to have paid the New York archbishop as much as
$200,000 to be named a knight.

Spellman became so greatly indebted to Coleman and trusted him so implicitly
that he eventually appointed the financier to the top post of the Knights of
Malta. From then on Coleman was known as "The Pope of Wall Street."

The archbishop took Knights of Malta funds and sums from another of the
Church's secretive male organizations, the Knights of Columbus, to use as seed
money for investments. The New York archdiocese also established its own bank,
the Archdiocesan Reciprocal Loan Fund, to borrow and lend money. Soon the
high-pressure team of Spellman and Coleman began making deal after deal-huge
multimillion-dollar transactions-principally with the Catholic establishment's
elite in big business, industry, and commerce.

In one deal alone during Spellman's reign $30 million was invested through
Coleman in the purchase of stock in National Steel, Lockheed, Boeing Aircraft,
Curtiss-Wright, and Douglas Aircraft. Large Church investments also were made
in other leading U.S. corporations, including Goodyear, Firestone,, General
Foods, Procter  Gamble, Standard Oil, Westinghouse, and Colgate-Palmolive.

A considerable interest in the Lambert Pharmaceutical Company, manufacturer of
Listerine Antiseptic, was bequeathed to Spellman by the firm's founder and
later sold by the archbishop for $25 million.

Spellman was rarely one to let personal feelings or ethics stand in the way of
opportunity. He heatedly denounced from the pulpit certain motion pictures
that he considered unfit and immoral. Forever Amber and Baby Doll, both made
by Paramount, were loudly condemned by him. Spellman nevertheless viewed
Paramount, despite its Church-censored movies, as a particularly wise
investment. Just how heavily the Holy See invested in the motion picture
company in later years has never become known, since the stock was traded
through disguised channels.

Almost all Church investments have been made through dummy corporations, or in
the names of those commissioned to act as straws. The negative image of a
religious organization being into big business in a big way has been the chief
consideration for its coverture.

Spellman even drew upon his personal hobbies in considering investments. An
avid baseball fan and even a fairly good player himself while in high school
and college, he thirsted for the glamour of owning a part of the New York
Yankees. Though the team was not for sale at the time, Spellman-using Knights
of Columbus fundssettled for the purchase of the Yankee Stadium grounds and
the surrounding parking lots.

Always the pragmatist, morality stood second to money on Spellman's list of
priorities. His attacks were frequent on show business people for what he
considered the entertainment industry's "loose morals," yet that did not stop
the archbishop from building a close relationship of his own with Broadway
showgirl Mabel Gilman Corey. When Corey became widowed from her wealthy steel-
magnate husband, William E. Corey, Spellman persuaded the former dancing
beauty to turn over to him her entire $5 million inheritance.

In a handwritten letter to the Chase Manhattan Bank, Corey directed the
transfer of all her wealth to Spellman's New York archdiocese. She wrote:


I desire to transfer 

[CTRL] [1] La Popesa

1999-03-07 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

excerpts from:
La Popesa
Paul I. Murphy©1983
w/R. Rene Arlington.
Warner Books
An interesting book. A bio of Sister Pascalina, girl Friday to a
Monsignor/Cardinal Pacelli, who was the Vatican's Secretary of State, then
Pope Pius XII. Knights of Malta, mafia, fascists, big bucks and more. Thanks,
Jim. As always, Caveat Lector.

"We sail for the United States under a cloud of suspicion," Pascalina wrote in
her diary their first night at sea aboard the Italian liner Conte di Savoia on
its maiden voyage from Naples to New York.

Many serious reasons-political and personal-compelled Pacelli publicly to
minimize the significance of the trip. "I am going to America simply on a
vacation," he told the Associated Press in an interview before they sailed. "I
have a great longing to see the United States." In response to reporters'
questions the secretary of state added, "There is no political aspect to my
trip whatever."

But The New York Times and other papers around the world were not convinced
that the Vatican secretary of state would make a historic journey at so
crucial a time in Church history merely for enjoyment. Pacelli was too
responsible, in the press's view, to leave Rome and travel to a foreign land
for an extended period with the Pope in his late seventies and not in the best

Punching holes in the papal announcement that the trip was purely for
pleasure, the Times said that Pacelli was forced to come to America because of
a serious rift that had been developing between the Holy See and the Roosevelt
administration. "He will most certainly visit President Roosevelt," the paper
reported of Pacelli's visit, "and is also expected to investigate the
situation brought about by the Reverend Charles E. Coughlin's radio attacks
against President Roosevelt." The Times further claimed that their
undercurrent of difficulties had finally reached crisis proportions.

The trouble between Church and state had started a few years earlier when a
priest from Canada, bent upon destroying Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New
Deal, took to a radio microphone in Detroit, Michigan, and began attacking the
new President, calling him "a liar," a double-crosser," and "an upstart
dictator in the White House." Though decidedly out of line with the Holy See's
hands-off policies in politics, the rebel priest—Father Charles E. Coughlin so
inflamed emotions among Catholics throughout the United States that he began
to politicize the nation and the Church itself in America.

As mail poured in to the priest—sometimes as many as 350,000 letters in a
single week and almost all supportive—the radio priest, as Coughlin became
known, kept up his tirade against FDR. Every Sunday afternoon from his Shrine
of the Little Flower in Royal Oak, Michigan, the cleric addressed the nation
for a full hour over a growing network of stations. His followers increased
rapidly into the millions, and by the time Roosevelt sought reelection in
1936, the priest's influence on the Catholic vote was considerable.

Though FDR's New Deal policies had the blessing of the nation's vast army of
liberals, millions of conservatives saw their personal freedoms threatened and
were in a crusading mood. For a President whose strategy was to rule through
his hold upon the country's combined minorities, the Catholic vote was
essential. It was this crucial vote, which Coughlin claimed as his, that posed
such a serious threat to Roosevelt. A poll published by the Literary Digest,
the leading news magazine at the time, not only had the Democratic President's
reelection in doubt but predicted his Republican opponent, Governor Alfred M.
Landon of Kansas, as the winner by a landslide.

The Vatican anguished in silence, torn by its strong affinity toward Roosevelt
and by fear of Father Coughlin, who—though merely a priest in the Holy See's
lowliest ranks—had taken extreme hold upon much of the Catholic mind in
America. At the time that Coughlin first came upon the scene in the early
1930s, the Vatican and the White House were seen as having never been closer.
Anxious to continue to build his bridges with American Catholics, FDR had
proposed a plan with Catholic leaders for formal recognition by Washington of
the Vatican as an independent state. The President himself had been quietly
conferring with Joseph P. Kennedy, later to become ambassador to the Court of
St. James, and with Bishop Francis J. Spellman, FDR's favorite Catholic
churchman at the time,*[*During World War I, when FDR was assistant secretary
of the Navy and Spellman was a priest in Boston, Roosevelt had thought so
little of Spellman that he refused the cleric's request for a simple
chaplaincy. After Spellman later appealed, FDR, aggravated by Spellman's
persistent brashness, went out of his way to block the priest's appointment.]
since he was the Vatican secretary of state's intimate friend and choice
confidant in the United States. It was important 

[CTRL] Fwd: THE SCOOP: A Fellow Of Infinite Jest

1999-03-07 Thread Kris Millegan

The Scoop - http://www.bobharris.com/

New subscribers: thanks for joining up.  Yes, the column really is free,
and you're encouraged to forward it to friends.  That's how my readership

If you live somewhere near Los Angeles and you'd like info concerning my
live appearances, send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You'll get updated info on where I'm performing once a month or so,
depending on the schedule.

Thanks again.


THE SCOOP for March 8, 1999

Del Close
A Fellow Of Infinite Jest
© 1999 Bob Harris

[] = italics

Del Close died this week.

If you have laughed out loud anytime in the last thirty or forty years,
chances are Del touched your life.

The world will not be as cool without him.

Del Close was one of the early performers and directors who helped create
the venerated Second City improvisational comedy troup in Chicago.  And as
a creative guru to various Saturday Night Live casts, Del influenced
entire generations of performers, from John Belushi and Bill Murray to
Chris Farley and Mike Myers.

You may not recognize his name, but Del was at least partly responsible
for a large percentage of what you probably think is insightful and funny.

The name of Del's textbook was [Truth In Comedy.]  Convinced of an abiding
and inherent human compassion, he taught that your richest, finest
connection with an audience comes not when you go for an easy joke, but
when you mine the deepest parts of your soul, wrestle with your emotions,
and speak with total candor.

Whether playing a character in a scene or engaging in direct monologue,
Del taught militant, unflinching honesty, believing that audiences would
recognize their own frailties and fears and react accordingly -- with a
laughter every bit as deep and honest as the performance itself.

This was a revolutionary idea thirty years ago, when live comedy consisted
largely of guys named Shecky doing set-up, punchline, set-up, punchline,
thank you, drive safely.

If you think about it, that kind of comedy -- which as the 1980s
demonstrated, capuchin monkeys and Andrew Dice Clay can do passably well
-- is inherently conservative.  It's not easy to engender empathy and
challenge prejudices in ten words or less, so stand-up tends to play to
the audience's assumptions.  Which is why so many comics play to base
impulses and obvious stereotypes.

Del would throw you out of class for that.  Del would rather see you work
through a half-dozen honest moments -- even uncomfortable ones, which are
often still amusing as hell -- for one insightful laugh than get a score
of Shecky laughs.

I went through the Calendar section of my Sunday paper to see how much
Del's influence is felt in film comedy today.

"Analyze This" was directed by Harold Ramis.  "Rushmore" features Bill
Murray.  Both are Second City alumni who readily acknowledge Del's
influence.  And consciously or not, Julia Sweeney's "God Said Ha!" and "20
Dates" by Myles Berkowitz also exeplify Del's guiding principle of
trusting honesty and openness to lead to a deeper laugh.

Ironically -- given that Del's own film career was little more than a
series of bit parts, sometimes in surprisingly cheesy movies -- literally
half of the comedies onscreen right now (or anytime), including pretty
much all the cool ones, would not be what they are without Del Close's


He also had a phenomenal resumé of countercultural contacts.  Beyond
knowing half the comedy world, Del did experimental theatre in San
Francisco in the late '60s, ran with Timothy Leary and Ken Kesey, and
produced light shows for the Grateful Dead.

But more than just a gadfly, Del was a genuine subversive, in the best
sense of the word.

Del didn't consciously try to change anyone's political ideas in the way
you or I normally imagine such things: protests and placards and parades
in the street.

Instead, and to much greater effect, Del's work simply liberated the
creative spirits of his students and audiences.  The cardinal rule of
improvisation is to "yes, and" -- which means to agree with any premise,
no matter how absurd, and then follow and amplify it, working with fellow
players who will "yes, and" any idea of yours.

Implicit in this exercise is the obliteration of the superego, a voluntary
abolition of internal authority.  It's a magnificent creative tool.  And
as a side-effect, it teaches self-reliance, tolerance of others, and
disrespect for rigid totalitarianism, either emotional or political.

If you've ever sensed that the richest comedy is inherently
anti-authoritarian, that's the deal.

Spending time with Del Close is the reason I eventually came to read Noam

I studied with Del for a couple of years.  I can't say I liked him,
exactly.  What I felt was more like awe, like a boy feels toward a father
he both fears and admires.

When Del was at full speed, he was amazing.

I once saw him play Polonius in a production of 

Re: [CTRL] Rosslyn

1999-03-07 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

At 11:31 PM 3/6/99 -0500, you wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

If this is true of the 3 men - and the 3 witnesses were interviewed by
Garry Woods a prominent media figure and UFO researcher, then it would
that the mystery of Rosslyn; with its devotion to Bloodlines, Blood worship,
Genetics, Occult, Lunacy, Satanism, Animism [there are over 140 'green men'
in Rosslyn Chapel] a place thought to be the ultimate connection to God
and the 'new messiah' - near Edinburgh - a City with Seven Hills [ref.
Revelations] - takes on a much more sinsiter aspect.

Wow.  What a place.  That must be  where they're keeping HItler's
living brain and Walt Disney frozen in suspended animation.


You may think that that's amazing - well that is a MERE werewolf story,
There is some stuff about Edinburgh and Rosslyn which is truly incredible -
for which there is enough physical evidence to talk about.
I will post it to the list soon.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] More Jesse James KGC

1999-03-07 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

  Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 11  Num. 37
 ("Quid coniuratio est?")


The question arises:  If Jesse  James got $5 million from Emperor
Maximilian, then why did he bother to  rob  trains?   Supposedly,
the  answer  is  that  James  was  working  for  the  Confederate
underground, adding to their treasury.

The  question  lingers:   Who  is "HH?"  The anonymous author (CN
11.32) tells of the  mysterious  "88"  and  "88, Jr.," with those
numbers said to signify the eighth letter of the  alphabet,  "H."
The  anonymous author claims that a Felix Monroe Hughes raped and
impregnated an  illegitimate  daughter  of  Abraham Lincoln.  The
child therefrom was named "88."  Shedding possible light  on  the
mystery, one CN reader states:

  Felix Monroe Hughes... the father of 88.
  88 is HH is of course Howard Hughes...
  Howard Robard Hughes, Sr. 1869-1924
  Howard Robard Hughes, Jr. 1905-1976

In  his book (*Jesse James Was One Of His Names* by Del Schrader,
with Jesse James III.   Arcadia,  California:  Santa Anita Press,
1975.  Library  of  Congress  Catalog  Card  Number:   74-33962),
Schrader  claims that Jesse James took the $5 million (see above)
and parlayed it into  a  huge fortune, partly through investments
in the Texas oil boom.  Schrader adds that "with capital to burn,
Jesse was a backer of the Hughes Tool Company, which was  founded
by Howard Hughes' father."

But the anonymous author has indicated that, no, "HH" (88) is not
"Howard  Hughes."   So who is "88?"  Is it Herbert Hoover?  Is it
Hannibal Hamlin? The anonymous author won't say.

As noted in  the  previous  issue  (CN  11.36),  the  Confederate
government  went  underground  in  1865, and was headquartered in
Nashville until about  1884.   The  South's  spy network was very
good.  How did the Confederacy stave off defeat during  "The  War
of  Northern Aggression," four long years, 1861-1865?  The answer
in part, says  Schrader,  is  that  the  South  had  a better spy
network.  And that spy network did not just go away in 1865.

Feeling  in  the  South  still  simmered  and  boiled against the
"damnyankees" after  1865.   When  those  "damnyankees" increased
their war upon the indian nations  of  the  American  West,  many
southerners  strongly  sympathized  with  the  indians.  To Jesse
James,  "Sitting  Bull,  Chief  Joseph,  and  other  chiefs  were
Confederate allies..."   (Schrader)  The  underground Confederacy
began smuggling guns to the indians.  Furthermore, says Schrader,
military training was provided.  The  indians  "were  trained  to
fight  like  Morgan's Raiders and Quantrill's Missouri guerrillas
-- to split up  on  command,  hit  with force and devastation and
then fade away before the enemy could recover." (ibid.)

Jesse James eventually rose to the  position  of  "chief  of  the
Inner  Sanctum of The Knights of the Golden Circle."  He was "one
of the most  powerful  men  in  America.   The  Golden Circle had
industrial as well  as  military  spies  on  both  sides  of  the
Atlantic." (ibid.)

Unfortunately  for our tale, The Knights of the Golden Circle are
linked to the infamous Ku  Klux Klan, an organization responsible
for many hateful acts over the years.  Schrader does consistently
point out  that  James  himself  was  not  a  racist.   In  fact,
according  to  Schrader,  some  of  James'  gang  were themselves
blacks, including  chief  James  lieutenant  John  Trammell, "the
black cobra."

Reportedly  belonging  to   a  lesser-ranked  Confederate  secret
society, The Knights of the  White  Camellias,  was  John  Wilkes
Booth.   Booth  worked  for  Confederate  Intelligence, smuggling
messages and contraband between  North  and  South.  In the final
year of the Civil War, Booth reported that "a  representative  of
the  European Rothschilds called on President Lincoln and offered
him money at 27.5  percent  interest,  but  was thrown out of his
office."  (qtd.  in  Schrader)  After  Booth  shot  Lincoln,  the
Knights of the Golden Circle began to suspect that Booth had been
recruited  into  the Rothschild organization.  Booth had not been
ordered by the South to kill  Lincoln,  so on whose orders had he
acted?  However, whatever the circumstances, Booth knew too  many
secrets  and  had  to  be  smuggled  to  safety.  The Confederate
underground eventually moved him to  the Free State of Van Zandt,
Texas. (Schrader)

But Booth slowly developed a  drinking  problem  and  his  tongue
began  to  wag.   Schrader  notes  that Booth, by about 1890, had
hired a lawyer "to write a book about his secret life and how and
why he  shot  President  Lincoln."   (This  book  may  have been,
*Escape and Suicide of John Wilkes Booth* by Finis L. Bates.  See
CN 3.91) It was decided, 

[CTRL] Jesse James Bibliography

1999-03-07 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

  Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 11  Num. 38
 ("Quid coniuratio est?")

Bibliography and Partial List of Sworn Statements
(From:  *Jesse James Was One Of  His Names* by Del Schrader, with
Jesse James III.  Arcadia, California:  Santa Anita Press,  1975.
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number:  74-33962)

*Jesse  James  Rides  Again*,  1948,  by  Frank  Hall and Lindsey
Whitten.   Covers  "emergence"  of  Jesse  W.  James  in  Lawton,
Oklahoma, May 19, 1948.   Strong  documentation to prove J. Frank
Dalton really was Jesse W. James.

"I Rode With Quantrill," August, 1937, Rocky Mountain News, by J.
Frank Dalton.  Story deals chiefly with Frank  and  Jesse  James.
Dalton  says,  "My name today isn't exactly what it was the day I
enlisted under Quantrill's black flag."

"Double Life  of  Jesse  James."   The  National  Police Gazette,
March, 1951.   "Privileged  and  confidential  information  truly
reveals that 'Dalton' is Jesse James."

Columnist  Robert  Ruark.   In  three  national  columns the late
author wrote, "J.  Frank  Dalton  is  the  real  Jesse W. James."

Aunt Cora's Letters.  She was Cora James Anderson, who died a few
years ago  [ca.   1972]  in  Nashville,  Tennessee.   She  was  a
daughter  of  Jesse  W.  James  by  a Sioux Indian woman.  Highly
educated, she knew all the facts of her father's "lost years."

"Who Lies Buried  in  Jesse  James'  Grave?"  Real West Magazine,
January, 1967, by Dr. W.D. Chesney.  States Jesse James  was  not
killed  in St. Joseph, Missouri, in 1882.  Cites medical evidence
of the corpse which was buried.

*The Lost Cause*, a book published  by J.L. James in 1961, states
St. Joseph ["death" of Jesse James] was a  "hoax."   Tells  about
Jesse W. James' war record and has quotes from JWJ.

*The  Day  Lincoln  Was  Shot*  by  Jim  Bishop.  Gives screwball
background of  actor  John  Wilkes  Booth,  which  coincides with
Confederate Underground secret records.  Bishop has  Booth  dying
in a Virginia barn.

*This  Was  Frank  James*  by  Sarah Vaughn Snow, 1969, who was a
daughter of Frank  James.   She  casts  serious doubts that Jesse
James, her uncle, was gunned down in  St.  Joseph,  Missouri,  in

*Notorious  Ladies  of the Frontier* by Harry S. Drago, 1969.  He
covers "emergence"  of  Jean  Hickock  McCormick  in  1941, which
coincides with James family records.

Search Magazine, September 1968.  Editor  Ray  Palmer  helped  in
identification of J. Frank Dalton as Jesse W. James in 1948.

True  Magazine,  September, 1947, ran photo of Jesse, Frank James
and their Kentucky mother which was so identified.  The old photo
was found in a cabin  near  Bottomless lake, New Mexico, in 1940s
by man named Yourkes.

*Jesse James the Outlaw* by Henry Walker.

*The Truth About Jesse James* by Phyllis Argall.

*Jesse James Was My Neighbor* by Homer Croy.

*Jesse James Was His Name* by William A. Settle, Jr.

*The Complete Authentic Life of Jesse James* by Carl Breihan.

*The Private Papers* by Jesse James III.

"Jesse James Alive in 1949," by George McGrath.  Police  Gazette,
April 1950.

"More  Proof -- Murder of Jesse James a Hoax," by George McGrath.
Police Gazette, August 1950.

*Cow By The Tail* by Jesse James Benson.

List of Sworn Statements (Sample)

Fulton County, Georgia, December 31,  1948, by Young Mathis.  His
mother and Jesse W. James' mother were first cousins.  Identified
Jesse W. James.

Lawton,  Oklahoma,  May 19, 1948.  All Jennings, reformed outlaw:
"It's him. That's the face. My word of honor."

Escambia County, Florida, October  26,  1948, by Joseph L. Hines,
who was Jesse R. (Dingus) James, JWJ's first cousin:  "He is  the
real  Jesse  W.  James  alright.   I would know him anywhere.  He
pulled the biggest deal of  all  time in St. Jo., Missouri, April
3, 1882. I know all about it."

County of Alameda, California, Feb. 5, 1949, by Florence Corbett,
daughter of "Gentleman Jim" Corbett,  the  heavyweight  champion,
who was a first cousin of Jesse W. James.  "I positively identify
this  man as Jesse James who once stayed with us for more than 11
months near Mooringsport along the Texas-Louisiana border."

Jackson County,  Georgia,  Dec.  16,  1948,  by  Harvey Devereaux
James, 87, a second cousin of Jesse W. James.  "After talking  to
him  about  happenings of the past, I'm sure this man is Jesse W.

Logan County, Oklahoma, July 27, 1948,  by R.E. James, 87:  "I am
a second cousin of Jesse W. James... am convinced  after  talking
with him he is the real JWJ."

Logan  County,  Oklahoma,  July 27, 1948, by Eugene E. Robertson:
"I worked for Frank James,  1910-1912,  and  he often told me his
brother, Jesse W. 


1999-03-07 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-


in response to the other article from texas sorces about Pike the genius,
and nice guy, here is an excerpt from 'The Dark Gods' - Roberts and Gilbertson
isbn 0 586 06233 5  pub panther 1985.

page 235 ... 'In 1840, another american freemason, the notorious general
albert pike, whose indian auxiliary troops had committed various military
atrocities, became friendly with Mazzini and, being an apt pupil, was
quickly initiated into the higher grades of luciferic hierarchy.
Being unusually proficient at his new task - he was a 33 degree mason -, pike
rapidly assumed ipsissimus status in the conspiratorial priesthood, and
1859 and 1871 he constructed a truly diabolical military plan that was an
improvement on Weishaupts original. There were to be 3 world wars and three
revolutions and they were all to reach their fruition by the end of the
20th century, the closing of the piscean age. Pike coolly drafted his plan
in his mansion of thirteen rooms in Little Rock, Arkansas. He organised the
new and reformed palladian rite of freemasonry and founded three supreme
councils, one in Charleston, One in Rome and one in Berlin. They are
probably still funcyioning today. Pike under the dark auspices of Mazzini
also established 23 subsidiary cabals in strategic locations all over the
The Pike Plan was fiendishly simple. What we now term Nazism [aryan
supremancy], communism [atheistic totalitarianism] and Zionism [religious
extremism] were to be used as the instigators of the full scale wars and
their supplementary revolutions. The First World War was to destro the
Tsars and allow Russia to become a stronghold of communism. The second
world war was to weaken the whole western economic and political structure
and the tools used were the differences between nazism - fascism and the
Jewish race [Zionism],
so allowing the state of Israel to come into being.
The fact that millions of people would die was an extra bonus that must
have pleased the ultraterrestrials far more than their Illuminati puppets.
As the second world war progressed, communism was to be built up so that in
the aftermath it would grow and be as strong - if not stronger - than the
whole of united christendom. It would then be held in check to be unleashed
when the final apocalyptic social upheaval was considered necessary ...'

General Pike wrote a revealing letter to Giuseppe Mazzini, dated 15 august
1871, which exists today in the archives of the British Museum.
In the letter he said that after the third world war, the illuminati would
precipitate the ultimate social disaster ... to quote Pikes letter ..

'We shall unleash the Nihilists and the Atheists, and we shall provoke a
formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to
the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the
most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend
themselves against a world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate
those destroyers of civilisation, and the multitude, disillusioned with
Christianity, whose deistic spirits will be from that moment without
compass [direction], anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to
render its adoration, will receive the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought
finally out in the public view, a manifestation which will result from the
general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of
Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.'

here endeth the reading from Brother Albert Pike, and the quote from the
Dark Gods.
Here is a quote from the same book by HP Lovecraft - [remember the Arizona
Wylder evil-shape-changing-aryan-bloodfest-Reptile stuff I posted]
page 66 ' All of my stories unconnected as they may be, are based on the
fundamental lore or legend that this world was was inhabited at one time by
other races who, in practising black magic, lost their foothold and were
expelled, yet live on Outside ever ready to take possession of this Earth

Andrew Hennessey
Transformation Studies Group

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


[CTRL] Microsoft Alters Windows in Response to Privacy Concerns

1999-03-07 Thread Edward Britton

 -Caveat Lector-

Microsoft Alters Windows in Response to Privacy Concerns


March 7, 1999

Microsoft to Alter Software in Response to Privacy Concerns


SAN FRANCISCO -- The Microsoft Corporation moved to defuse a potentially
explosive privacy issue today, saying it would modify a feature of its
Windows 98 operating system that has been quietly used to create a vast
data base of personal information about computer users.

Microsoft conceded that the feature, a unique identifying number used by
Windows and other Microsoft products, had the potential to be far more
invasive than a traceable serial number in the Intel Corporation's new
Pentium III that has privacy advocates up in arms. The difference is that
the Windows number is tied to an individual's name, to identifying numbers
on the hardware in his computer and even to documents that he creates.

The combination of the Windows number with all these data, the company
said, could result in the ability to track a single user and the documents
he created across vast computer networks. Hackers could compromise the
resulting data base, or subpoenas might allow authorities to gain access
to information that would otherwise remain private and unavailable.
Privacy advocates fear that availability will lead to abuses.

"We're definitely sensitive to any privacy concerns," Robert Bennett,
Microsoft's group product manager for Windows, said.

"The software was not supposed to send this information unless the
computer user checked a specific option."

Mr. Bennett said the option to collect the information had been added to
the software so that Microsoft support employees would be able to help
users diagnose problems with their computers more accurately. He said the
Redmond, Wash., software giant had never intended to use the data for
marketing purposes.

In response to a complaint from a software programmer in Massachusetts,
Microsoft will not only alter the way the registration program works in
the next maintenance release of Windows 98, Mr. Bennett said. He said
Microsoft technicians would look through the company's data bases and
expunge information that had been improperly collected as a result of
earlier versions.

The company is also exploring the possibility of creating a free utility
program that would make it possible for Windows users to delete the serial
number information from a small data base in the part of Windows system
known as the registry, where it is now collected.

Microsoft has been discussing the issue with a Cambridge, Mass.,
programmer who contacted the company earlier this week after discovering
that the Microsoft Office business software was creating unique numbers
identifying a user's personal computer and embedding them in spreadsheet
and word processing documents.

The programmer, Robert M. Smith, who is the president of Phar Lap Software
Inc., a software tools development company, told the company that he
believed the practice created a potential threat to privacy.

Microsoft officials said earlier this week that the numbers generated by
the company's software were part of an effort to keep different components
from interfering with each other in an increasingly complex world of
networked computers.

However, Mr. Smith said that the number, in effect, created a "digital
fingerprint" that could be used to match a document created by a word
processing or spreadsheet program with a particular computer.

On Thursday, after further studying the "registration wizard" -- the
software module that enables customers to register their copies of Windows
98 operating system for support and updates -- Mr. Smith discovered that
the number, known as a Globally Unique Identifier, was being transmitted
to Microsoft as part of a list of registration information that generally
includes the owner's name, address, phone number and other demographic
information as well as details about the hardware and software on or
attached to the user's computer.

"Microsoft never asked me if it was O.K. to send in this number, and they
never said it was being sent," Mr. Smith said. "They are apparently
building a data base that relates Ethernet adapter addresses to personal

Ethernet adapters are cards inserted in a personal computer that enable it
to connect to high-speed networks within organizations and through them to
the Internet.

The controversy erupted just weeks after Intel, maker of the most widely
used processors for machines that use the Windows operating system, agreed
to make it possible for computer manufacturers to set its new Pentium III
computer chip so that a serial number on the chip would not be recorded
without the computer user's permission.

Privacy activists have been attacking both companies, arguing that
identification numbers can be easily misused to create electronic
monitoring systems. Such systems could track a computer user's behavior in

[CTRL] Microsoft Will Fix Privacy Problem

1999-03-07 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

March 7, 1999

 Microsoft Will Fix Privacy Problem

 By The Associated Press

 WASHINGTON (AP) -- Microsoft Corp., whose Windows software runs
most of the world's personal computers, acknowledged that the latest
version of its dominant operating system can be used to help trace the
identity of authors of some types of electronic documents.

 A software programmer, Richard M. Smith of Brookline, Mass., first
noticed last week that documents created using Microsoft's popular Word
and Excel programs in tandem with its Windows 98 operating system
included within their hidden software code a 32-digit number unique to his

 The number, called a Globally Unique Identifier, is at least partly based on
a 12-digit number unique to a computer's so-called Ethernet network
adapter, a hardware device common in business environments that allows
high-speed Internet connections.

 The disclosure carries important privacy implications, since those
documents can be traced back to a specific computer even when an author
wishes to remain anonymous.

 The majority of home computers aren't equipped with such network cards --
 although they're becoming more common as even consumers in their
homes opt for high-speed Internet connections.

 But even without an Ethernet card installed, Windows 98 still generates
this 32-digit identifier -- it merely bases the number for those computers on
a ``dummy'' network address that is the same for all such machines.

 Robert Bennett, Microsoft's group product manager for Windows, said
Sunday that the company will create a software tool to let customers clear
the ID number from the Windows repository of system settings, called its

 The ID number is transmitted to Microsoft whenever a customer registers
his copy of Windows 98 using the automated ``registration wizard''
included in Windows.

 ``Since people's Ethernet addresses are also being placed into Word
documents, someone at Microsoft could use this database to look up
where a document came from,'' Smith warned in e-mail.

 Bennett said Microsoft was investigating whether the number ever was
sent to the company even when customers had explicitly indicated they
didn't want information sent about their computers, such as their network

 ``Microsoft is in no way using that identifier, or any identifier, to track user
behavior or to do any marketing,'' Bennett said, adding it was never
intended to be sent regardless of consumer preference.

 ``If it is, it's just a bug,'' Bennett said. ``If it is indeed happening, and we
have testers working this weekend, we'll absolutely fix that.''

 Bennett promised that Microsoft also will wipe any of those numbers from
its internal databases that the company can determine may have been
inadvertently collected.

 Privacy groups said they were appalled by Microsoft's decision to
generate an identifier that can so easily be traced.

 They warned, for example, that a coworker could easily verify the address
of a colleague's network card and then prove whether that colleague
anonymously wrote specific Word or Excel documents.

 ``The impact is, if you have one of these tattooed numbers, you can extract
the Ethernet address of the computer that created the document,'' said
Jason Catlett, president of Junkbusters Corp. of Green Brook, N.J., which
lobbies on privacy issues.

 Microsoft's decision and its implications comes as Congress considers
whether to propose new federal privacy laws governing the high-tech

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