[CTRL] TWA800: New evidence of missile attack (fwd)

1999-12-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-





New evidence of missile attack

Metal plume seen emerging from side of doomed airliner

By David M. Bresnahan
© 1999 WorldNetDaily.com

New evidence from radar data and analysis on the crash of TWA
Flight 800 is "as convincing as a fingerprint in a murder case"
that a missile, according to an independent investigator brought
down the plane.

Radar images only recently available and analyzed by Ret. Naval
Cmdr. William Donaldson show what he describes as a plume of
metal debris coming from the right side of TWA flight 800 at a
very high rate of speed. Click HERE for a larger view. VIEW:

Exclusive graphic shows new evidence of missile. The green
numbered dots show pieces of metal traveling away from TWA flight
800 at high speed. The numbers begin with the first radar sweep
after the transponder failed. Sweep 1 shows a piece of the plane.
Sweep 2 shows two pieces of metal at a point about 7 seconds
after impact. The farthest number 2 blip is thought to be the
remains of the missile 3,200 feet from the impact point in just 7
seconds. Sweep 4 most likely shows the same piece of metal from
sweep 1, according to Cmdr. William Donaldson.

"Only a missile body, with its hundreds of thousands of foot
pounds of kinetic energy would have the inertia to perform this
way on radar," Donaldson explained in a report sent to Duncan's
committee Wednesday.

Donaldson claims the evidence is now irrefutable that a missile
is responsible for the downing of TWA flight 800. He also claims
that the FBI, CIA, and the National Transportation Safety Board
have known about this evidence from the beginning.

Donaldson received help with the analysis of the recently
acquired radar data from a member of the U.S. Air Force weapons
guidance systems division. That source, who asked to remain
anonymous because of fears of reprisals from Air Force officials,
agrees with the conclusions of Donaldson.

Radar sends a signal out which is reflected off any object it
hits and comes back. Each sweep of the radar creates a new echo,
or image on the screen. The time between sweeps is 4.69 seconds,
according to Donaldson.

"The one thing that you're going to focus in on tightly when you
look at the radar is the sweep after the initial breakup of the
aircraft. If it's hit by a weapon, you're going to have metal
pieces going in the direction that the weapon hit the airplane.
No matter if it's an anti-aircraft shell or a missile," explained

In the event of a missile strike to a large commercial aircraft,
the extremely high speed of the missile would carry the warhead
right through the plane "almost like it's not even there," said
the Air Force source.

"I can't over emphasize this point. This is not theory, not
speculation, but hard physical evidence," Donaldson told Rep.
John Duncan, R- Tenn., in a recent report to the Subcommittee on
Aviation. Duncan has not yet replied and could not be reached
over the weekend.

TWA flight 800 crashed off Long Island, New York July 17, 1996
and the investigation has been one of controversy ever since. The
FBI and National Transportation Safety Board have ruled out the
possibility of a missile or bomb as the cause of the crash, but
Donaldson insists they are ignoring or covering up the facts.

Donaldson is the chairman of the Associated Retired Aviation
Professionals, formed in early 1997. Its members are former
military, civilian, and aviation professionals who organized to
independently investigate the downing of TWA Flight 800.
Donaldson has many years of aviation and investigation
experience, as do many of the members of his organization.

Donaldson has testified before Congress, and continues to pursue
evidence and witnesses.

WorldNetDaily learned the FBI had been given preliminary
information immediately after TWA flight 800 went down from the
same Air Force office. Even at that time, the Air Force advised
the FBI to look for missile debris on radar. They even told the
FBI where to look in the water for the debris.

"They (the Air Force) told the FBI that in order to find the
missile body, you go to the radar and you look at the first sweep
where you see the aircraft in trouble. If there's anything
displaced laterally, take a look and get the ballistic line of
that and when you search for the missile body it's going to be on
that line when it hits the water," Donaldson explained.

The Air Force told the FBI that the missile body would be in the
water between 1 and 3 kilometers beyond the track of the
aircraft, if it were a shoulder-fired weapon, according to the
Air Force officer.

"What you're describing is exactly what we told the FBI," he
said. He didn't think the FBI agents recognized the importance of
what was told them at the time because they didn't 

[CTRL] Fwd: eBook-List-Digest V1 #189

1999-12-14 Thread Kris Millegan

For your enjoyment.

It IS becoming a whole new world.

#$%^ the New World Order.

Onwards to the Utmost of Futures.


eBook-List-Digest  Tuesday, December 14 1999  Volume 01 : Number 189


Date: Sun, 12 Dec 1999 10:13:06 -0500 (EST)
From: "David P. Dillard" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [eBook-List] [DUC] INFO/NYT: The Romance of the Paper Book and the Developing 
Reality of Electronic Text for Document Delivery As Seen By a Published Author


 A published author shares her emotional reactions and
observations regarding the developing trend away from paper text
to electronic and web based formats in book publication.  Uploading the
next days reading at home may have advantages over the rush to the
airport bookstore the next day.

David Dillard
Temple University
(215) 204-4584


Source:  New York Times (NYT)
Title:  Ready to Download Now
Source Date:  December 12, 1999
Resource Type:  News Article
Description/Keywords:  Electronic Books, Cultural Values, New
Technologies, Social Adjustment
URL:  Listed Below Article Summary

December 12, 1999
  Ready to Download Now

 As I spend more of my time in front of the computer -- writing,
perusing online newspapers and magazines, sending e-mail -- it has become
clear to me that one day I will read like this. I mean really read:
novels, poetry, lengthy prose, for the purpose of deep, slow literary
pleasure. I will end my life, if I am blessed with a normal span, embraced
by a new technology, adjusted to it, and still in love with stories and
the English language.

 I refused to believe this a few years ago. How could something like
an electronic book -- a small, wireless computer one can load with any
volume off a comprehensive menu, at a price that will probably be less
than the cost of a paperback now -- compete emotionally with ''real''
books, those flexible, paper- and ink-scented companions we have all
tucked under an arm to read on the train; carried off triumphantly from
the store, signed by the author; left out in the rain or used to prop up a
wobbly table? Real books are discovered in vacation cottages, inherited
from a grandmother or your husband's first wife; they're scribbled in,
bled on, thrown at the wall.

Lately, I've started to look forward to the new era. I can imagine
becoming attached to my e-book, my carry-everywhere entertainment
center, a cornucopia that never empties -- what I feel now toward my
laptop but more so.

   As for the love of paper, my suggestion is to transfer it back to
trees. Visit them, sniff their bark or a crisp curled leaf in October. The
natural world is always with us. What matters, in literature, is the word.

An abstracted citation for this story will be archived in an edition of
E-Carm News at http://www.ecarm.org

Check My Articles on Database Searching on CyberPlayground by Clicking
on Ringleaders and Then My Name at the CyberPlayground Website:

Full Story May Be Read At:

The Educational CyberPlayGround http://www.edu-cyberpg.com
Diversity University Collaboratory Listserv [DUC]

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Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 00:27:26 -0600 (CST)
From: "Michael S. Hart" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [eBook-List] December Project Gutenberg Newsletter

***The Project Gutenberg Newsletter of Wednesday, December 15, 1999***
Etexts Readable By Both Humans and Computers Since Before The Internet
[Usually sent the first Wednesday of each month, delayed if by relay.]
Main URL is promo.netWebmaster is Pietro di Miceli, of Rome, Italy
*Check out our Websites at promo.net, and ask me for our FTP servers.*

I will most likely already be gone by the time you receive this, so if
you have questions, you might want to cc: one of these fine people, in
addition to emailing me.  I should be back by mid to late January.  mh

Greg Newby [EMAIL PROTECTED], sysadmin, FTP, mirrors, etc.
Dianne Bean [EMAIL PROTECTED], US Director of Production
Sue Asscher [EMAIL PROTECTED], AU Production 

[CTRL] Drudge/Excite: Tripp Hung Out to Dry (fwd)

1999-12-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

[This x-post begins with some relevant questions by a member of
another list.  --MS]

--begin forward--

There's a legal finesse-point or two that I don't pretend to
understand here.

Tripp maintains she didn't know that what she was doing was not
protected (Maryland's law, from what I've read, immunizes those
who don't comprehend the illegality of recording).  Today's
testimony clarifies this not at all.  If she were counseled that
the "grant of immunity... would make it difficult for any state
prosecutor to use her recorded conversations as evidence in a
criminal proceeding", then it would sensibly seem to be a
get-out-of-jail-free card for Tripp.  Bennett testified, "[We
made] the task (of state prosecution) insurmountable." Certainly
this testimony would argue *against* the hysteric "Hung Out To
Dry!" headline on Drudge.  Unless I'm missing something.

Secondly, Tripp's recording always (as far as I know) crossed
State lines and would therefore seem to be a Federal issue, over
which Starr's office's immunity grant would seem to be

Could somebody please explain why this isn't a slam-dunk for

--Scott J.



Starr staffers say Tripp not guaranteed protection
Updated 2:20 PM ET December 13, 1999
By David Morgan

ELLICOTT CITY, Md. (Reuters) - Linda Tripp, whose secretly
recorded phone conversations with Monica Lewinsky led to
President Clinton's impeachment, was never guaranteed protection
against state charges she violated Maryland's wiretap laws, an
independent counsel's office lawyer said Monday.

Investigators from the office of former independent counsel
Kenneth Starr instead offered the former White House secretary a
grant of immunity that they believed would make it difficult for
any state prosecutor to use her recorded conversations as
evidence in a criminal proceeding.

"We told her the state of Maryland was a separate sovereign (from
the federal government) and that they may ultimately be able to
return an indictment against her," Stephen Binhak, a federal
prosecutor attached to Starr's office, testified at the start of
a hearing in Howard County Circuit Court that will determine
whether Tripp should be tried on two criminal counts of violating
the Maryland wiretap statute.

Jackie Bennett, the Starr deputy who signed Tripp's immunity
letter, said, "What we could do, and intended to so, and did do,
was to make the task (of state prosecution) insurmountable."

Tripp secretly taped more than 20 conversations in which Lewinsky
discussed her illicit affair with Clinton. Some were taped from
Tripp's Maryland home, violating the state law that makes it a
crime to record telephone conversations unless all parties
consent to it.

The best form of protection Tripp could hope for, Binhak said,
was a grant of federal immunity "that would make it
extraordinarily difficult, if not impossible for the state of
Maryland to use those tapes in the prosecution of a criminal

Binhak, one of four former Starr staffers to take the stand
Monday, testified that "Mrs. Tripp was not grasping the
technicalities" of her legal situation when she first met at her
home with four members of Starr's staff around midnight on Jan.
12, 1998.

But now, nearly two years later, that same distinction could be
crucial for the Columbia, Maryland, woman who faces up to five
years in prison and $10,000 in fines on each count if convicted.

Howard County Circuit Judge Diane Leasure was expected to rule in
open court Tuesday morning as to whether Tripp's immunity began
on Jan. 16, when Starr's office gave her a letter of immunity and
subpoenaed her tape-recordings of conversations with Lewinsky, or
on Feb. 19, when it was officially ordered by a federal judge in

Tripp's attorneys, who want the case dismissed, claim her
immunity protection began on the earlier date. If Leasure agrees,
prosecutors will lose a crucial piece of evidence, namely a taped
conversation with Lewinsky from Dec. 22, 1997.

Tripp is charged specifically with making the tape and sharing
its contents with a reporter from Newsweek magazine.

On Monday, Tripp was absent from court but submitted a sworn
affidavit maintaining that she would never have come forward with
her evidence against Clinton without Starr's immunity letter and
the later court order to assist investigators.

Later in the week, the judge also will oversee a so-called
Kastigar hearing in which prosecutors must show that their
evidence against Tripp is independent from the protected findings
of Starr's investigation. Lawyers have said that Lewinsky herself
may be called to testify.

Because of the White House sex scandal's rampant coverage by
myriad media outlets, ranging from supermarket tabloids to
cable-TV talk shows, the challenge facing Maryland prosecutors is
being compared with a failed attempt by U.S. authorities to
prosecute former Reagan aide Oliver North for his role 

[CTRL] What has happened to the capstone of the great pyramid?

1999-12-14 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

Subject: What has happened to the capstone of the great pyramid?


What Has Happened To The Capstone Of The great Pyramid?
By a fellow researcher

"Although the capstone is supposed to be a one-night affair or celebration
to usher in the New Millenium there are some who believe the Capstone will
"turn on" whatever kind of machine the pyramid
was built to be. They believe this function will have lasting changes in the
consciousness of mankind. We will soon see. The Millenium is close at hand."
( Oh dear will the holograms be ready in time for the false rapture? or
whatever they have planned? Nicky)

We hear a lot about the pyramids of Giza but we don't hear much about the
missing capstone. Yet we have reminders of it everytime we pull a dollar
bill out of our wallets. There are plenty of places on the web that explain
the symbol of the eye over the pyramid. What we don't see much of is
speculation on what happened to the original capstone. What was it, did it
have a purpose, where did it go?

What little speculation we do see is usually more of an assumption that it
was stolen or lost somewhere in the sands of time. Why do I get the feeling
this is what we are meant to believe, but this may not be entirely accurate.
Whatever the capstone was I doubt it would have been left to the mercy of
robbers. It is more likely it was been spirited away in the same manner as
the Ark of the covenant, the Holy Grail and the Tablets with the Ten

The pyramids have held a fascination for people thruout recorded history.
There are many reasons for this. One reason is because the great pyramid is
the largest ancient structure on earth. The shape itself has power called
Pyramid Power which has been studied and reported in several books. Many
people have reported
strange experiences while in the pyramids. But the biggest mystery has been
why were they built and what did they mean to the ancients who built them.

Pyramids are thought by some to be a kind of mystical machine. We are
learning more everyday about the mystical forces of the Earth, Ley Lines,
Power points, gravitational anomalies. If the pyramids were built in one of
these areas the capstone could have been an amplifier for one of these earth
energies. The Great Pyramid could have been a beacon similar to our
lighthouses of today. The pyramid is the only manmade object on earth that
can be seen from the moon. If the capstone was a crystal it could have been
also been a communicator. What is a laser but a crystal!

When we read the fables of Atlantis we read how the Atlanteans used crystal
power and how it was the misuse of this power that caused Atlantis to break
up and sink.

There is more evidence coming to light all the time that Atlantis did indeed
exist. If it did exist then there must also be something to the accuracy of
the fables. It is possible that the capstone of the great pyramid was not
only a crystal but part of the Atlantis energy network. If this is the case
then it is quite possible the Atlanteans themselves spirited away the
capstone before even more damage could be caused. Another possibility is
that the capstone was an energy device that was spirited away by someone
else for their own purposes. It could have been hidden by a benevolent group
of people simply to keep it from being used for further destruction on our
planet. It may lie hidden in one of those mysterious mounds that are
scattered around the Earth or it may be buried inside one of the Earth
energy vortexes. At the rate our geologists are making new discoverys today
it may not be long now until we know the answers.

There are plans to recap the Great Pyramid on December 31st with a
gold-encased capstone that will be lowered by helicopter.

There will be a special dusk-to-dawn music and laser show by French musician
Jean-Michel Jarre called The Twelve Dreams of the Sun" according to Jarre.
Jarre also made the comment "The pyramids are a reflection of mankind and
eternity." How close will this "new" gold-encased capstone be to the
original capstone we can only guess.
Although the capstone is supposed to be a one-night affair or celebration to
usher in the New Millenium there are some who believe the Capstone will
"turn on" whatever kind of machine the pyramid
was built to be. They believe this function will have lasting changes in the
consciousness of mankind. We will soon see. The Millenium is close at hand.

It should be noted that Planet Mars will be 33.33 degrees below the horizon
from the perspective of Cairo on January 1, 2000 at 12:19 AM.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  

[CTRL] Review of Naomi Cohen's bio of Jacob Schiff

1999-12-14 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

New York Times Book Review
December 12, 1999


 From 1880 to 1920, no one in America did more to fight
 anti-Semitism than Jacob Schiff.


JACOB H. SCHIFF: A Study in American Jewish Leadership.
By Naomi W. Cohen.
320 pp. Hanover, N.H.: Brandeis University Press/ University Press
of New England. $35.

 Modern American Jews generally believe that until the period after
 World War II American Jewry was afraid to exert political power.
 ''Jacob H. Schiff: A Study in American Jewish Leadership,'' by
 Naomi W. Cohen, the author of ''Jews in Christian America,'' is a
 useful corrective to this mistaken idea.

 Surprisingly, Schiff has not been the subject of a serious
 biography until now. That makes this book particularly welcome.

 A resolute defender of Jewish rights, Schiff was the American
 Jewish community's pre-eminent leader from 1880 to 1920. He came
 before presidents not as a supplicant but as an advocate, convinced
 that in fighting against discrimination he was upholding American

 A partner at the New York banking house of Kuhn, Loeb  Company,
 Schiff was one of a cadre of German Jews who in the 19th century
 created a kinship network of investment houses on Wall Street.
 Though many of these men demonstrated intense communal
 responsibility, none compared to Schiff in terms of philanthropy,
 political activity and unashamed Jewishness.

 Affectionately called ''unser Yankele'' (our Jacob) by eastern
 European immigrants, Schiff vigorously opposed every attempt to bar
 immigrants from this country. Similarly, he spoke out for American
 Jews excluded from the country's leading institutions by the WASP
 power structure of the time. He gave Barnard College a half-million
 dollars for a building for ''social and ethical activities''
 because Barnard, unlike Columbia, forbade social groups that
 restricted Jews.

 But he did more than fight discrimination. He sought to engender
 respect for Judaism by financing translations of the Hebrew
 Scriptures and other classic Jewish texts, and by donating the seed
 money for Harvard's Semitic (that is, Jewish) studies program, the
 first of its kind in the country. Harvard's president, Charles W.
 Eliot, said he believed Schiff's efforts would help reverse ''the
 centuries-long antagonism of the Christian church to the Jews.''

 Schiff was not without his contradictions. Although he viewed
 anti-Semitism as an irrational sentiment that existed irrespective
 of the presence or behavior of Jews, he nonetheless believed that
 Jews could take steps to prevent it. Arguing that resentment
 against Jews was fostered by their congregating in ethnic
 neighborhoods in Northeastern cities, he created the Galveston Plan
 to encourage Jewish immigrants to enter the country in the
 Southwest. So, too, he thought that if the immigrants Americanized
 by abandoning their distinctive dress, language and leftist
 politics, anti-Semitism would dissipate.

 As an effort in Americanization, Schiff brought Solomon Schechter,
 a learned rabbi and Cambridge University Semitics scholar, to New
 York to revitalize the Jewish Theological Seminary, then a moribund
 institution, and to reach out to the staunchly traditional eastern
 European immigrants with a form of Judaism that bridged tradition
 and modernity. In this way, Schiff, a resolutely Reform Jew,
 secured a foothold for Conservative Judaism in America.

 Outside the United States Schiff waged a personal battle against
 czarist Russia's brutal anti-Semitism. Failing to persuade Russia
 to abandon its persecution, he arranged for substantial loans to
 Japan during the Russo-Japanese War. And he assiduously lobbied a
 series of presidents -- Harrison, Roosevelt, Taft and Wilson -- to
 abrogate the 1832 American-Russian treaty because Russia refused
 visas to American Jews. He insisted that Washington could not
 countenance a double standard in the treatment of American

 Unlike contemporary Jewish leaders, Schiff never felt the slightest
 obligation to achieve communal consensus. As Cohen so amply
 demonstrates in her well-written and well-researched book, he did
 what he believed was right and he expected others to follow.

 Deborah E. Lipstadt, the author of ''Denying the Holocaust: The
 Growing Assault on Truth and Memory,'' teaches Jewish history at
 Emory University.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not 


1999-12-14 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

© A New Enlightenment Feature. Word count  1334 plus credits
P.O. Box 7024,
New York, NY 10128-0010


US INTERVENTION AND THE WORLD WARS -Wilson's Intervention and Duplicity Led
to World War II, the Russian Revolution, the rise of Adolf Hitler, and the
Cold War. Yet the United States continues interventionist policies.
By Robert John*

Should the United States have participated in the World Wars of this
century? Presidential candidate Patrick J. Buchanan in his 436-page new
A Republic, Not an Empire. depicts an American foreign policy over more than

two centuries that, far from being "isolationist," has been deeply engaged
the world, but--at least until 1917-almost always for the national interest.

He argues that the country went wrong in a period of imperialism, and now
seeks to impose its image on other countries, using force-economic or
military-if they resist.
The main focus of criticism has been on defending American participation

in World War II - that "just war." That is an argument potent with emotions
and pitfalls.

What is simpler to demonstrate, is that World War II was a result, or
even a continuation of World War I. American intervention in World War I,
participation in its aftermath, including the Versailles Treaty, produced
circumstances that led to the to the rise of Hitler, National Socialism, and

the Second World War (and the Bolshevik take-over in Russia).

President Washington's guiding principle of American policy toward
European conflict prior to World War I was the principle of neutrality.
to belligerency, the United States of President Wilson had not been neutral.

On 15th May 1915 by Order in Council the British government declared goods
all kinds entering or leaving Germany contraband, a full blockade. Yet the
U.S.A. sold war materiel to France and Britain, and virtually supported
food embargo of Germany. The copper in every shell the Allies fired enriched

the Guggenheims, who controlled copper; every use of nickel enriched Alfred
Mond who controlled that metal. William Jennings Bryan resigned as Secretary

of State in 1915 on this and other issues and Wilson's neglect of his
Early on in the war, Britain had cut the undersea communication cable
between the United States and Germany, and therefore had the lead in the
propaganda war for American public opinion. Stories of German soldiers
impaling Belgian children on their bayonets were hard to counter. British
intelligence services in the United States, were successful in bringing much

of the American press to support intervention on the side of Britain and
Without American partiality, and the expectation of American direct
belligerency, the war might have ended in compromise toward the end of 1916,

when, according to British Prime Minister Lloyd George, "the Allies had
almost exhausted the gold and marketable securities available for American
purchases." The saving in lives and suffering would have been enormous. The
Bolshevik coup d'état would have been highly improbable.
As for the peace, America failed to honor President Wilson's Fourteen
Points for peace which were announced by him on 8th January 1918, but
particularly Wilson's declaration a month later: that there were to be no
annexations, no contributions, and no punitive damages. It was on that basis

that General Ludendorf had recommended to Field-Marshall Hindenburg that
Germany ask for an Armistice. Diplomatic exchanges followed until 23rd of
October 1918.
Classified as Secret in the U.S.A. until the 1990s, only now do we  know

that on 23rd October Wilson, who had become the key player in bringing the
Great War to an end, informed the German government that if the United
had to negotiate "with the military masters and monarchical autocrats of
Germany now, or if it is likely to have to deal with them later in regard to

the international obligations of the German Empire, it must demand not peace

negotiations but surrender."
The Kaiser abdicated for his country and people. They were led to
that he had voluntarily deserted them in their darkest hour. The Berliner
Tageblatt of 10 November 1918: reported, "Yesterday morning . . .everything
was still there"¾the Kaiser, the chancellor, the police chief¾"yesterday
afternoon nothing of all that existed any longer." The March 1917 Menshevik
Revolution in Russia was being re-enacted in Germany, with Friedrich Ebert
playing the role that Kerensky had played in Russia the year before.
According to the outstanding British military-and geopolitical analyst
Maj. General J.F.C. Fuller, "Thus chaos was planted in Europe." Europe
stability and political evolution. Wilson used American power in the name of

peace and democracy, interfering with the local process of political
evolution, for revolution.
In spite of the Kaiser's 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Brian The Name of the Rose

1999-12-14 Thread Kris Millegan

I was 
hanging out with my very cool stepmother, Stella, tonight in Jackson Tennesse 
tonight. I went to Blockbusters and rented In the Name of the 
reminded me how right Brian is and how important it is to keep our eye of the 
eight boxcars of drugs.

Name of the Rose is about power, money and the manipulation of knowledge to deny 
access to knowledge that will alter the power and money formula. It is monks and 
the Pope in the medieval ages but the metaphor is clear.

monks keep all the books hidden because the accumulated wealth of knowlege does 
not sort with church doctrine. Meantime, they keep the peasants in a state of 
starvation, highly dependant and not in a position to access knowlege, capital, 
or to build alternative systems. The peasants fall into the trap by competing 
with each other instead or organizing and collaborating.

Meantime, murders start to occur as the younger monks try to access the 
knowledge. Access is provided in exchange for sexual favors, etc. To cover up 
the murders, the Inquisition prosecutors tee up a soup full of witchhunting and 
devil worship that off course has nothing to do with anything, but offers all 
the entertainment and mystery and ritual that folks are otherwise denied. 
Meantime, the inquisition folks gain power and status until the failure to 
address the real problem results in the library buring up and being 

inquisition gets stopped and the prosecutors run out of town, but now until 
total disaster.

Driving the long drive back to Hickory Valley with my dog Forest leaning 
way out the the car trying to smell all the cows and skunks, I am trying to 
estimate how much I could increase the equity value of a prostitution ring if I 
had a 100% reliable vacinne against AIDS. But I was also thinking about how much 
time it takes to research some of the giant steps forward that technology has 
made possible for those whose purpose is making the rich richer, and how 
important it is for me to not let that time investment deter me from seeing a 
framework that is very much controlled and driven by the cash cows of essential 
servicesair, water, roads, food, drugs, sex, electricity, gas, 
is all about energy and creating a critical edge. In a world where all the 
players are sure that winning requires winning at war and that war is inevitable 
and that the way to survive is to help the rich get richer, the power of this 
technology can sure cause send Planet Earth off course.

question is can we learn to collaborate and to provide the sacred and the 
mysterious and the pleasing to ourselves? . If we lead, the leaders will follow. 
They have to if we can prove we can build alternative systems without 


1999-12-14 Thread Kris Millegan

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Friday, December 10, 1999

   by Barry Chamish

   Today was supposed to be special. This was to be the day that Israel's
only secular alternative newspaper, Makor Rishon, returned to life. And to
celebrate its revival, Makor Rishon was going to expose the full extent of
the Rabin assassination coverup in detail.
   And indeed, the newspaper was printed and a six page article written by
Tsur Ehrlich about my work did appear with the headline, Khaver Ani Khoker;
Friend, I'm Investigating. The radio commercials were broadcast this morning
declaring the revival of Makor Rishon and proudly announcing that its
feature article was a focus on my latest Rabin revelations.  But at 10:30
this morning Tsur phoned to say, "We're not sure what happened yet, but the
paper wasn't distributed."
   "What do you mean?" I asked. "What happened to the copies?"
   "We really don't know yet. They could all have been trashed by the
   "Do you think it's because of the Rabin expose?"
   "Not very likely. We think the distributors are taking revenge for old
  So, I make no claims that the authorities suppressed the issue. Still I
have my suspicions and here is why:
for the past month I have suffered one media disappointment after another.
Every time it looks like I will finally be given a widespread forum to
present the facts to the public, something comes up at the last minute to
wipe out the opportunity. Two examples: three weeks ago I was filmed at
length by the Channel Two morning program, Coffee Time, only to have my
segment nixed from the show minutes before air-time. The next week, I was
invited to appear on the Channel One program Politika. The producer came in
the morning to interview me and by 4:30 in the afternoon, he called to say
he was told to cancel my appearance because a balancing opinion could not be
   The powers that be have been doing a marvelous job of repression in the
past two weeks. Barely a fortnight ago, the Rabin family called for a
reinvestigation of the Rabin murder and the media was forced to report that
the circumstances of the assassination didn't add up. Then suddenly there
was nothing. Rabin's children and wife were no longer newsworthy and the
truth was stopped in its tracks.
   So here I am, giving you some of the new revelations that you will not
have a chance to read in Makor Rishon today and that you will never read in
the mainstream media. I am very grateful to several of my correspondents for
pitching in to spread this letter as widely as possible. Most of you reading
this are concerned correspondents who have long ago asked to be updated on
my work. Some of you are friends of my regular correspondents who
recommended you as recipients in an attempt to fight the media suppression
through an alternative e-mail network.
  A mere five years ago, the Rabin assassination coverup would have failed.
Then came the Internet. Because of you fine folks spreading the truth, the
latest polls (Gallup, Jerusalem Post) show that some 65% of Israelis want
Rabin's murder reinvestigated. And these people have bought my book Who
Murdered Yitzhak Rabin by the thousands and made it number three on the
Yediot Ahronot bestselling Israeli books list last week.
  So let's have a look at some new developments.

  * One of the most intrepid truthseekers has been Asher Zuckerman, editor
of the religious newspaper Kol Hashavuah. He just broke the disturbing
report on the condition of the head of the surgical team which operated on
Rabin, Dr. Mordechai Gutman. For those unfamiliar with the medical
inconsistencies of the Rabin murder, according to the State Pathologist's
report and the findings of the Shamgar Commission, Rabin was shot twice in
the back and was not inflicted with any spinal wounds. Dr. Gutman's notes
reveal that Rabin was shot once frontally and that two vertebrae were
   For the past five weeks Dr. Gutman has been incarcerated in Tel Hashomer
Hospital with headaches that have all but incapacitated him. His doctors
have sent his test results to hospitals around the world and cannot find the
cause of his debilitating affliction.

  * At a recent lecture, a member of the audience asked to speak with me
privately and requested that I do not reveal his name. He opened my Hebrew
book to the page where I presented the report on Hagai Amir's weapons from
police ballistics laboratory. Hagai Amir was imprisoned for keeping an
arsenal of weapons in his home and for giving his brother Yigal the bullets
which supposedly murdered Rabin. Included in the armory was a pistol whose
serial number was noted.
The audience member took out his own weapon and asked me to read the
serial number. It was the very same number as Hagai Amir's pistol. How could

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: KN4M 12-13-99

1999-12-14 Thread Kris Millegan

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

AOL Actions Trigger Massive Internet Censorship Row

This very important information was sent ot us by our recipient and good
buddy Para.

NewsHawk® Inc.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --


The launch of a new book (July 17th) entitled 'The Stargate Conspiracy'
by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince, and published by Little Brown, has
triggered a massive censorship row across the Internet. The book exposes
governmental plans to hijack Millennium mysteries, through political
interference or by manipulating belief structures.

Evidence has come to light that AOL, the UK's largest subscription based
Internet service, is through its actions assisting CIA designs on
introducing a new belief system and form of racist fundamentalism for
the New Age.

Despite connecting 8 million users across the UK and Europe, and
carrying over 55 million "Instant Messages" every day, AOL has
engineered a sudden and unexpected clampdown on Egypt News, an
independent electronic newsletter supplied free of charge to 600
voluntary subscribers. Having operated successfully and completely
unhindered since September 1997, Egypt News now defends itself amidst
accusations of 'spamming' - a term used to describe the delivery of
unsolicited mail across the Internet. Whilst AOL claims to have
responded as a result of a single complainant, Egypt News vehemently
defend themselves, saying that subscribers are able to cancel their
subscription without charge and at any time, adding that AOL closed down
the service by changing its password without any form of consultation or
investigation. In a statement, Chris Ogilvie-Herald, editor of Egypt
News, asks "Does this not raise serious questions concerning the freedom
and transmission of information?" He adds: "Despite our explanations
that we were not sending unsolicited mail, AOL expressed no interest in
reviewing the situation, reading the content of prior postings,
acknowledge that the service was of a non-commercial nature, nor
recognise the fact that it could not be termed unsolicited mail." A key
clue into the reasoning behind AOL's intransigence appears to lie in the
content of the offending Egypt News article. In less than 30 lines, this
message describes the content of The Stargate Conspiracy, a book by Lynn
Picknett and Clive Prince which exposes a long term plan to take
advantage of the turn of the Millennium by mixing established religious
beliefs with ideas relating to ancient Egypt, extraterrestrial contact,
alien abductions and channelling. Speaking on the unusual experiences of
Egypt News, Clive Prince says "It is interesting that our posting
provoked it". The Stargate Conspiracy reveals that behind the plot are
intelligence agencies of more than one country, but led by the CIA as
part of the Pentagons psychological warfare and parapsychology
experiments. Involving the use of false prophets, ideas promoted by
famous authors, hallucinogenic drugs, hypnosis and electromagnetic
influence, the conspiracy has already influenced the decision making of
world leaders and has led one social scientist to state that the project
was "an elaborate psychological experiment sponsored by the defense 

However, unexplained experiences have not been restricted to email
messaging. As part of the offending email, subscribers to Egypt News
were referred to the official website for the book - a public forum for
issues arising, debate and questions to the authors known online as the
Stargate Assembly. However this website has experienced extremely
erratic access patterns and an extraordinary level of interest from
Virginia, USA, headquarters of the CIA. Within days of full details
being posted, access rates for information on the The Stargate
Conspiracy inexplicably dropped by at least 80%, whilst at the same time
monitoring from Virginia peaked at 69% of total traffic.


Despite claiming to provide customers and businesses with "an
unprecedented array of new choices", AOL's action against Egypt News
appears to have acted against the terms of the Internet Content Rating
Association (ICRA), a group devoted to the protection of free speech on
the Internet, and of which AOL is a founder member.

Speaking on May 12, 1999, David Phillips of AOL Europe, confirmed that
the ICRA initiative was being taken to provide "concerned citizens the
tools to protect their children and communities while ensuring the
essential openness and freedom of the Internet." Chairman of the ICRA
board, Jens Waltermann, added "It is not for us or for governments to
decide what is inappropriate." Further announcements made on June 10th
and 17th, 1999, declared AOL to be operating an alliance with both BSkyB
and Verio Inc. Targetting both Sky subscribers and web users via
traditional forms of direct mail and television advertising as 

[CTRL] Forbidden knowledge links.

1999-12-14 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

Please click on RELATED LINKS at the bottonm of the frame.
Subject: Forbidden knowledge links.


Related Links
SOHO -   The connection between SOHO and masonic rituals. Keep
Angkor and Draco in mind here.

NASA and ISIS - NASA Continues Ritual Pattern as Discovery Docks with

RAVEN RESEARCH - "The history of liberty is a history of of resistance. The
history of liberty is a history of the limitation of governmental power, not
the increase of it." - former US President Woodrow Wilson

Illuminati News  - What's Big Brother up to?

The Illuminati and Proofs of Conspiracy - *Proofs of Conspiracy*

Bilderberg Group - Planning the World's future behind close doors.


The Great Pyramid of Prophecy - How close are we to the second coming of

Disinformation - Disinformation News.

Microsoft TerraServer - Lansat images of Earth.


XTL's Contrail Page - just what is going on?

The Contrail Connection - Is Satan er I mean,  the government poisoning us?

WIOLAWA.COM - It's time for some advanced LEARNING!

Debs ancient future prophecy page Prophecies of our Ancestors

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White Buffalo Calf is born
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Great Seal of the United States of America
Strategic Intelligence...What you don't know...Can hurt you!
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anti-Masonic (antimasonic) Books from Acacia Press; also thoughts on
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Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government
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Index of -illuminati
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Michel Chossudovsky DESTROYING NATIONAL CURRENCIES, Professor of Economics,
University of Ottawa, author of The Globalisation o
Abductions 9
NSA mind control and psyops
ESR The Un-American United Nations - Page 1
Sovereignty International
Provable Accusations Against American Public Schools
TOP 25 1998
anti-Clinton sign irks neighborhood; Repeats Broaddrick's claims of rape
[Free Republic]
ACLU Freedom Network Your Rights and the Police
King-Kill 33 Masonic Symbolism in the Assassination of John F.Kennedy
Progressive Review Home Page
barcode beast
Proof mind altering technology has existed for some years
WWWVL Sumeria - -Politics
Mindsong, Inc.
Blue Beam
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STOA Political control technologies - Summary of Interim Study
Washington Monument Homepage
List Member Sites
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Massacre of the Branch Davidians ( in parts )
Earth Portals
Sacred Geometry Stories of Jesus 

[CTRL] Nuclear-Weapons Scientist Pleads Not Guilty; Held Without Bail (fwd)

1999-12-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

[Note the last sentence.  --MS]

December 14, 1999

Nuclear-Weapons Scientist Pleads
Not Guilty; Held Without Bail


   ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. -- A weapons scientist
   pleaded not guilty on Monday to the illegal computer
downloading of a vast trove of nuclear arms data, but a
federal magistrate ordered him jailed pending trial,
declaring that the acts he is accused of represent "a clear
and present danger to the security of the United States."

The defendant, Wen Ho
Lee, was ordered held
behind bars after all-day
proceedings here, where
he entered the courtroom
smiling broadly at relatives
and dozens of supporters
and left to live in a cell
while awaiting a trial that
may be months away.

"I plead not guilty," Lee
responded in a loud, clear
voice after Magistrate Don
Sven asked what he had to
say about the 59-count
indictment returned against
him on Friday.

The hearing produced
testimony that Lee's
unauthorized downloading
of highly classified data in
1993 or 1994 roughly
coincided with his notice
from the Department of
Energy that he might lose
his job at the Los Alamos
laboratory because of

There was also testimony
that seven computer tapes
containing a virtual
blueprint for much of the
country's nuclear arsenal
had been created by Lee,
then had vanished -- not
turning up despite an
investigation involving
about 1,000 witnesses, a
review of a million
documents and inquiries
by the FBI in Europe and
in Asia.

And at the end of the day,
Lee's lawyer, Mark
Holscher, said his client
had destroyed the tapes.
But he refused to tell
questioners outside the
courtroom where or how
they had been destroyed,
or whether there was any
proof that they had been.

FBI investigators have
concluded after a search
of Los Alamos computers
that Lee copied
information relating to the
design, construction and
testing of the most
advanced nuclear weapons
in the American arsenal --
data that Lee's former
boss said on Monday was
of extraordinary

The former boss, Stephen
Younger, said that the
material Lee is accused of compromising could, in the
wrong hands, make the U.S. missile systems vulnerable to
hostile nations, perhaps even change the global balance of

"The very first day I entered the nuclear weapons program
it was made crystal-clear to me how important this
information was to national security," said Younger, the
associate laboratory director for nuclear weapons. "We are
more aware of anyone else of the destructive capability of
these weapons. It is a sacred trust to me that we have taken
on for the country, and we take that very seriously."

While he is not accused of espionage, or passing the
classified data to another country, Lee has not explained
why he downloaded the data or what he did with it. A few
of the computer tapes he used have been recovered, but
most are unaccounted for.

An FBI special agent, Robert Messemer, testified that the
volume of material downloaded by Lee would have made a
stack of paper 134 feet tall if it was printed.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] With Berger in Catbird Seat, Albright's Star Dims (fwd)

1999-12-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

December 14, 1999--NYTimes

With Berger in Catbird Seat,
Albright's Star Dims


 WASHINGTON -- The end of the war in Kosovo
 was supposed to be a moment of glory for
Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, who had argued
passionately for the fight.

Instead, in the six months since, Dr. Albright has been
effectively eclipsed in foreign affairs by Samuel R. Berger,
the national security adviser, who has brought his physical
proximity to the Oval Office and his personal relationship
with President Clinton to bear on every foreign policy
issue, according to administration officials and foreign
policy experts.

From forging China's entry into the World Trade
Organization, to the unsuccessful battle to win the Senate's
approval of the nuclear test ban treaty, to shaping
American policy toward Russia's war in Chechnya, to
running President Clinton's 11-day trip to Europe, Berger's
presence has been unrelenting.

Nobody would argue that Dr. Albright has been locked
out. The secretary was at center stage in the Middle East
last week when the Syrian president, Hafez al-Assad, told
her during their meeting in Damascus that he was prepared
to resume negotiations with Israel. Her assistants were
quick to note that Assad had told a visitor the week before
that "nothing can happen until the lady comes."

The Israeli-Syrian breakthrough was announced by
President Clinton, but Dr. Albright was in the spotlight
explaining the deal on television, even though she is less a
fixture on the talk shows than she once was.

Despite what will be continued visibility for Dr. Albright
this week as the Middle East peace talks resume in
Washington, officials inside and outside the administration
say there is little doubt about who actually formulates the

"There is no dispute who runs the show on foreign
policy," said Ivo Daalder, a senior fellow at the Brookings
Institution, who is working on a study of the national
security council, and who worked with Berger in the first
Clinton term.

Of Dr. Albright, he said: "She remains a participant in the
process. But her weight as secretary of state in the
determination of foreign policy appears less than at any
time in the Clinton administration, including Secretary of
State Warren Christopher's term."

Berger, a trade lawyer by profession and longtime
Washington political insider, has emerged on top not
because of his expertise in foreign policy, said Daalder.

Rather, what helped him rise so forcefully are his skills as a
hands-on manager, his obsession with finding a consensus
among top officials and the fact that, in this administration,
foreign policy has often been redefined as economic policy
advanced through increased trade.

Administration officials say Berger emerged the much
stronger of the pair from the Kosovo war.

Dr. Albright, who is seen as a policy maker driven by
convictions with a large human rights concern, convinced
Berger and Clinton of the need to go to war against the
Yugoslav leader, Slobodan Milosevic, many officials have
said. It was a position that the president and Berger came
to much later and more warily than the secretary.

But once the war began, the White House became the
center of operations, a place that Dr. Albright visited for
meetings but where Clinton and Berger held the fort. For
the most part, her task was to work the phones from the
State Department to try to keep the NATO foreign
ministers on board and fully briefed.

The administration's foreign policy emphasis then shifted
away from Dr. Albright's strengths -- the Balkans and
Europe -- to China, Russia, the Middle East and Ireland --
where a special envoy, George Mitchell, reported to Berger
and the president.

At the same time, Berger was being reinforced by a bigger
and more operational National Security Council than ever
before. There are currently 99 policy assistants at the
council (35 on loan from nongovernmental institutions like
the Council on Foreign Relations), many of them
micromanaging issues. A decade ago, there were about 70.

On Clinton's recent trip to Istanbul for a meeting of the
Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe,
where Russia was the major topic, Berger briefed reporters
every day, a job often done by the White House

On Russia 

[CTRL] More on: The Fed and gun suits: Interesting facts. (fwd)

1999-12-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

From: CNS

Yale Professor Says Gun Lawsuit May Have Harmful Effects
By Jim Burns
CNS Senior Staff Writer
13 December, 1999

(CNSNews.com) - A criminal justice expert and author of the best
selling book More Guns, Less Crimes argues that a possible
lawsuit by public housing authorities against gun manufacturers
may do more harm than good.

Dr. John Lott told CNSNews.com, "I think these suits are going to
result in more deaths rather than fewer deaths. . . . It's an
abuse of the legal system."

President Clinton, during a White House news conference last
Wednesday, said the public housing authority litigation against
gunmakers has a good grounding in fact.

"There are 10,000 gun crimes every year in the largest public
housing authorities. They spend a billion dollars on security and
I think it's important that the American people know that they
(public housing authorities) are not asking for money from the
gun manufacturers, they are seeking a remedy to try to help solve
the problem," Clinton said.

But, Lott believes such lawsuits are going to worsen the crime
situation in America's public housing projects.

"Poor people who live in high crime urban areas like these public
housing units benefit the most from having the option to be able
to protect themselves. . . . Raising the price of guns through
these suits is merely going to be price those people out of the
market for being able to defend themselves," said Lott.

"The question I have for him (Clinton) is what advice does he
give to someone who's living in one of these poor, high crime
areas. What are they supposed to do when they are confronted by a
criminal and there's no police around?" Lott said.

Clinton also said irresponsible marketing practices by gunmakers
should be stopped as well.

"One company advertised an assault weapon by saying that it was
hard to get fingerprints from. You don't have to be all broke out
with brilliance to figure out what the message is there." Clinton
did not say what company was using selling assault weapons using
such a sales pitch.

Lott called Clinton's comment a "complete distortion."

"They say that fingerprint oil is easily removed from the gun . .
. otherwise the metal on the gun can rust, " Lott said.

Another thing public housing authorities are looking for in the
suit, according to Clinton, is "some safety design changes. We
have a lot of gun manufacturers in this country who have been, I
think, immensely responsible. If you remember a majority of gun
manufacturers signed on to our proposal for child trigger locks.
I still would like legislation to cover them all."


--begin forward--

Lott comments:

More legislation, according to Lott, would be counterproductive.

=== "This constant haranguing on deaths involving children greatly
=== exaggerates in people minds what the true risks are. In 1996,
=== for children under the age of 10, there were 8 accidental
=== handgun deaths in the United States, according to the Centers
=== for Disease Control (CDC). There were 21 for children under
=== the age of 15. If you compare it to the number of guns that are
=== owned in America compared to other risks that are in the
=== home, guns are extremely safe, as far as having to worry
=== about actual gun deaths," Lott  told CNSNews.com.

=== Lott thinks there are "more children under age 5 who die from
=== drowning in waterbuckets than you have children under the
=== age of 15 who die from accidental handgun shots. You have
=== 40 children a year who die from drowning in 5 gallon
=== waterbuckets under age 5. You have 80 children a year under
=== age 5 who drown in bathtubs around the home."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


[CTRL] White House Calling --Washington post (fwd)

1999-12-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

White House Calling
Howard Kurtz

Weekly Standard reporter Tucker Carlson was surprised recently to
get a call from Sidney Blumenthal's White House assistant. The
aide, Sean Johnson, wanted Carlson's home address.

Johnson acknowledged to Carlson that he was calling people at the
direction of Blumenthal's private attorney in connection with the
libel suit Blumenthal has filed against cybergossip Matt Drudge
over a false allegation of wife-beating. The purpose of the call
became clear last week, when Carlson was served at home with a
subpoena from Blumenthal. "You can't use the White House press
office for a private lawsuit," Carlson says.

Blumenthal says he was in Europe when the calls took place and
that he "admonished everyone" involved. "I didn't know about it
until afterwards," he says. "It was an innocent mistake on the
part of a young person. Certainly I've told people not to let it
happen again."

Blumenthal's aide also asked for the address of Carlson's father,
consultant Richard Carlson, who calls his pending subpoena
"political payback" because he helped Monica Lewinsky with her TV
and book deals. The Carlsons say they know nothing about the
allegation published by Drudge.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] Politically Correct Jesus

1999-12-14 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-12-13 18:03:51 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The TRUTH is that Jesus probably looked like Woody Allen without glasses.
Or perhaps, Gene Wilder. Or, if Christians are really lucky, Bernard Schwartz
a.k.a. Tony Curtis.

Personally, I like the unprepossessing face imprinted on the Shroud of Turin.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] Aborigines were the first Americans

1999-12-14 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-

Bucky Fuller said in Critical Path that the first towns grew up around
rivers and coasts, and the first technologies after primitive tools
were sailing technologies. It is now becoming clear that Bucky was right.


Das GOAT wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

  Who were the first Americans?
  This is beginning to sound like a silly academic question on the order
 of "Who were the first Europeans?" or "Who were the first Asians"?
  Like, who were the first people in the Northern Hemisphere?  In the

  The moment we admit the very real possibility --indeed, the likelihood
 now-- that "primitive" human beings were able to navigate the world's oceans
 far earlier than we've assumed --THOUSANDS of years before urban
 civilization-- we run into a little problem ...  We then have to deal with
 the likely phenomenon of MULTIPLE ethnic groups traversing the planet and
 colonizing spots on each and every continent, at one period or another, even
 in PREHISTORIC times.
  The whole planet has ALWAYS been potentially within the reach of any
 human being willing to travel, and almost every ancient civilization was more
 or less "global" in its scope, through trade missions, colonial expeditions,
 and expanding territorial border wars.  So, what's the big deal?  If we widen
 our lens on "history" from FOUR thousand years to FORTY thousand, we find
 that "everybody" has been around "everywhere."
  Once the mongrel cat is out of the bag, and the sacred myths of any
 given race's genetic preeminence and cultural superiority are set reeling
 from the blows delivered by PRE-historic archeological findings around the
 globe, what's the point of all this looking for "the FIRST" men "arriving" on
 ANY continent from "elsewhere"?  Is there some kind of politicized Olympic
 "race"1 to determine which "race"2 travelled farthest the fastest and
 earliest, offering gold, silver, or bronze medals, prizes worth their weight
 in vanity?
 An attempt to argue continental-scale "eminent domain" via retroactive deeds
 of title?
 A cloud of meta-political pretensions still hangs dark and heavy over this
 which, to archeologists at ground-level, looks more like a round-robin game
 of tag ...

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Morris Dees' Divorce Papers Expose Dark Side.

1999-12-14 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-

William Shannon wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 12/12/99 4:17:11 PM Central Standard Time,

  Who gives a shit? 

 Well, I have it on good authority that Joshuas 1  3 do...

And you believe someone who uses a phony name with a number after it???


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Covert Operations of the CIA _

1999-12-14 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-

Try William Blum's " Killing Hope."

Kris Millegan wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 12/12/99 2:40:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Have you tried Tom Davis Books in Aptos California?



 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Crazy Country needs medicine?

1999-12-14 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-12-13 20:25:03 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

If one in five people each year experience an episode of mental illness, I
suspect that 90% of those cases are among government officials under
pressure of stupid laws.  Perhaps cannabis medicine would be good for their
mental health and improve social policies to ameliorate crime.

As a comedian put it:  "Think, at random, of four of your friends or
relatives.  Alright, try another group of four.  Now, if none among them are
crazy, guess who that leaves?"

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Re: [CTRL] Y1K and GERBERT, the First European

1999-12-14 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

 -Caveat Lector-

On Mon, 13 Dec 1999, Tatman, Robert wrote:
Yes, of course...I had forgotten "the Head" in *That Hideous Strength*. I
first read the Perelandra Trilogy in seventh grade, and came back to it only
a couple of years ago. June, you're absolutely right about Lewis's
prescience. The book is  chilling...and perhaps Lewis's best writing aside
from *The Screwtape Letters*.

Like Lewis, I 'much prefer bats to bureaucrats...'

June ;-)

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artist -SheDragon (Laura) (ldb)

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frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Politically Correct Jesus

1999-12-14 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

 -Caveat Lector-

The TRUTH is that Jesus probably looked like Woody Allen without
glasses.  Or perhaps, Gene Wilder. Or, if Christians are really lucky,
Bernard Schwartz a.k.a. Tony Curtis.

The TRUTH is that Jesus would probably NOT have looked like the men you
mentioned, who are of European ancestry (albeit Judaic), rather Jesus
probably looked just like any other modern Palestinian...which means he
was NOT blond-haired and blue-eyed, but of a somewhat dark complexion...

More of a chance of him looking like Arafat than Allen...

June ;-)

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|__//|\\| []  [] || [] [] || []  [] |___/---\___ldb__|

artist -SheDragon (Laura) (ldb)

revcoal AT connix DOT com
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 address per United States Code Title 47 Sec. 227.  I assess a fee of
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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
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frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Politically Correct Jesus

1999-12-14 Thread Terry Trainor

 -Caveat Lector-

I would agree with the dark complexion; probably look like
someone that would not be allowed to sit at the front of
the bus in the 60's.

As soon as some idiot clones from blood stains on the shroud, I guess
we'll know for sure, huh?



 -Original Message-
 From: YnrChyldzWyld [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 1999 7:01 AM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Politically Correct Jesus

  -Caveat Lector-

 The TRUTH is that Jesus probably looked like Woody Allen without
 glasses.  Or perhaps, Gene Wilder. Or, if Christians are
 really lucky,
 Bernard Schwartz a.k.a. Tony Curtis.

 The TRUTH is that Jesus would probably NOT have looked like
 the men you
 mentioned, who are of European ancestry (albeit Judaic), rather Jesus
 probably looked just like any other modern
 Palestinian...which means he
 was NOT blond-haired and blue-eyed, but of a somewhat dark

 More of a chance of him looking like Arafat than Allen...

 June ;-)

 | \ /|
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 |   /|\/__\  /_\  /__\   /-\ |
 |__//|\\| []  [] || [] [] || []  [] |___/---\___ldb__|

 artist -SheDragon (Laura) (ldb)

 revcoal AT connix DOT com
  It is UNLAWFUL to send unsolicited commercial email to this email
  address per United States Code Title 47 Sec. 227.  I assess a fee of
  $500.00 US currency for reading and deleting such
 unsolicited commercial
  email.  Sending such email to this address denotes
 acceptance of these
  terms.  My posting messages to Usenet neither grants consent
 to receive
  unsolicited commercial email nor is intended to solicit commercial

 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list.
 Proselyzting propagandic
 screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are
 sordid matters
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths,
 misdirections and outright
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major
 and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That
 being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always
 suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to
 Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] IMPORTANT: Final Y2K preparations

1999-12-14 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Every night, while taking a smoke break at work, I look up at the night sky,
and for what seems like months now, I've seen the same two planets, Jupiter
and Saturn, always separated by a hand's-breadth.  As an astrologer, that
tells me something about the "crisis" everyone seems to be expecting around
Y2K Day, December 31st.  The Y2K CHART is unexceptional.  But come May 2000,
when the "gap" between Jupiter and Saturn CLOSES, it's time to worry ...  The
ancients always treated the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn as a
ending-cum-new-beginning point in a 20-year [as well as in a larger
SIXTY-year] cycle of expansion and contraction (analogous to the lunar cycle
of new and full moons or the lunisolar cycle of eclipses) in all spheres of
collective human life -- for example, in the progress of religion (Jupiter
and Saturn were conjunct at the birth of Jesus and said to have been conjunct
when Abraham and Moses were born)
and in economics, as the turning point in a recurring cycle of surpluses and
It has meant something important also in POLITICS -- a radical change in
"era," as a rule marked by the tragic death of the head of state, followed by
a kind of reversal of values with the succeeding office-holder.  Every
astrologer is familiar with the 20-year cycle of deaths of American
presidents in office:  Since 1776, almost every time, the presidents ELECTED
during Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions --e.g., 1900, 1920, 1940 and 1960-- died
under unusual circimstances (often by assassination) shortly afterward.  One
of the rare exceptions --but not necessarily signalling a CHANGE in the
pattern-- was the 1980 election of Ronald Reagan, who somehow SURVIVED
(bodily, at least) ATTEMPTED assassination.  The year 2000 is another one of
those fateful elections, and it'll be interesting to see if the SOCIOLOGICAL
pattern observed thus far repeats
itself.  That pattern involves a complete polar-shift in political temper --
as after 1940, when, following the death of FDR, American politics veered
from far Left to far Right,
under Truman, culminating in the McCarthy era; and after 1960, when, after
the JFK assassination, '60s liberalism was driven back by Nixon, Kent State,
and Watergate.
(Post Watergate, the snowballing revolt against Nixon and covert ops resulted
in Jimmy Carter, whose "October Surprise" LOSS to Reagan-Bush inaugurated the
1980 cycle.)

So, if the historical correspondences to NATURAL (planetary) cycles are any
guide, the ARBITRARY (calendrical) "turning point" signified by Y2K --not
even the TRUE end of a century and millennium, technically-- will come and go
with a "whimper."  But don't give up YET, if it's a "bang" you're expecting.
That's still coming, in the immediate future ...

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Re: [CTRL] IMPORTANT: Final Y2K preparations

1999-12-14 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

 -Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 14 Dec 1999, Edward Britton, believing the sky will fall, wrote:

1. Remove any cash assets from your checking accounts and be sure to obtain
an electronic statement clearly indicating your checking and savings
balances prior to 12-20-99. Store large amounts of cash in several secure,
readily accessible locations.

That is, if you aren't mugged by all the savvy crooks who know how
foolish people will follow this advice and be carrying large amounts of
cash on themselves when they leave the bank...

And if you succeed in getting home without being mugged and losing your
life's savings in the process, pray that your hiding place is fireproof
and floodproof, and that you don't experience either disaster before
retrieving your stash...

And then sit back in your barcolounger, secure in the fact that your
actions -- along with a million or so other Chicken Littles, -- will help
bring about the very thing you fear...

The rest of us know that banks, as an industry, were one of the first to
become compliant, and even in a worse-case scenario, we will be able to
physically walk into the local branch of our bank on January 3rd and
present a demand deposit writ to the teller, and walk out with cash in

2. If practical, liquidate stocks, bonds and any other financial
instruments on or before the first sign of market instability. Whether you
invest in the market or not, monitor market activities very closely for the
remainder of this year.

Again, if everyone follows this advice, they will actually bring about
the very thing they fear...

Wall Street, like banks, has been compliant for a long time...

Feel free to add whatever I haven't thought of to this list and pass it on
if you consider it appropriate.

No...I, unlike you, will NOT be crying 'Fire!' in a crowded theater, when
there is no fire

June ;-)

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artist -SheDragon (Laura) (ldb)

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 address per United States Code Title 47 Sec. 227.  I assess a fee of
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Re: [CTRL] Politically Correct Jesus

1999-12-14 Thread Tenorlove

 -Caveat Lector-

--- YnrChyldzWyld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 More of a chance of him looking like Arafat than Allen...

If that's the case, Jesus would truly have my pity, 'cause Arafat is
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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[CTRL] June: IMPORTANT: Final Y2K preparations

1999-12-14 Thread Edward Britton

 -Caveat Lector-


While I certainly respect your disparate opinion on this, I do have a few

That is, if you aren't mugged by all the savvy crooks who know how
foolish people will follow this advice and be carrying large amounts of
cash on themselves when they leave the bank...

Do you find that people in general are not smart enough to take this into
account when visiting the banks or are we all just sheep, ripe for the
pickings of governments, banks, and other criminals?

And then sit back in your barcolounger, secure in the fact that your
actions -- along with a million or so other Chicken Littles, -- will help
bring about the very thing you fear...

Why should I be concerned with banks when it is MY butt that will be out in
the cold IF something does happen?

The rest of us know that banks, as an industry, were one of the first to
become compliant, and even in a worse-case scenario, we will be able to
physically walk into the local branch of our bank on January 3rd and
present a demand deposit writ to the teller, and walk out with cash in

Oh, do "the rest of us" really know this? Do the rest of us place the same
trust in bank and government propaganda that you do? Do we all accept as
gospel the garbage pumped out by the media machine in this country?

Again, if everyone follows this advice, they will actually bring about
the very thing they fear...

Again, my concern is NOT for the freaking ponzi scheme market. Those who
lose money in the market should try earning their own money as opposed to
extracting the profits from the efforts and production of others.

Wall Street, like banks, has been compliant for a long time...

Do you believe in the tooth fairy too :-)?

Edward   +
WARNING!  Stay OUT of America's cities on 1/1/2,000!!
Edward   Britton   +
Reality Pump: http://www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/Reality_Pump2

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] June: IMPORTANT: Final Y2K preparations

1999-12-14 Thread Terry Trainor

 -Caveat Lector-

I'm wit' you, Ed.

 Subject: [CTRL] June: IMPORTANT: Final Y2K preparations

  -Caveat Lector-


 While I certainly respect your disparate opinion on this, I
 do have a few

 That is, if you aren't mugged by all the savvy crooks who know how
 foolish people will follow this advice and be carrying large
 amounts of
 cash on themselves when they leave the bank...

 Do you find that people in general are not smart enough to
 take this into
 account when visiting the banks or are we all just sheep, ripe for the
 pickings of governments, banks, and other criminals?

Perhaps if the gun grabbers get their way we will be, but not yet!

 And then sit back in your barcolounger, secure in the fact that your
 actions -- along with a million or so other Chicken Littles,
 -- will help
 bring about the very thing you fear...

 Why should I be concerned with banks when it is MY butt that
 will be out in
 the cold IF something does happen?

Last I heard, all banks were NOT compliant.  Even the FAA's CLAIM of
compliance is subject to question.  (I wonder how many US airline VEEP's
will follow Chinas example and be airborne though midnight on NY eve?

 The rest of us know that banks, as an industry, were one of
 the first to
 become compliant, and even in a worse-case scenario, we will
 be able to
 physically walk into the local branch of our bank on January 3rd and
 present a demand deposit writ to the teller, and walk out
 with cash in

 Oh, do "the rest of us" really know this? Do the rest of us
 place the same
 trust in bank and government propaganda that you do? Do we
 all accept as
 gospel the garbage pumped out by the media machine in this country?

Not hardly!  Worst case scenario?  This sounds like the BEST case scenario,
to me!  How can you assume that the FIRST business day there will be
electricity, employees, and $ in your bank, even IF it happened to be 'Y2K
compliant'???  And you assume that you will be able to get there, as well -
- -

 Again, if everyone follows this advice, they will actually
 bring about
 the very thing they fear...

 Again, my concern is NOT for the freaking ponzi scheme
 market. Those who
 lose money in the market should try earning their own money
 as opposed to
 extracting the profits from the efforts and production of others.

Some of us have retirement $ there; I am not actually worried LONG term; it
is the SHORT term that bothers me - I believe that within a few weeks, all
the glitches will be ironed out.

BUT - I do not bet my, nor my families, LIFE on this belief.

 Wall Street, like banks, has been compliant for a long time...

 Do you believe in the tooth fairy too :-)?

Oh come on, Ed - don't burst all the bubbles in a single post!



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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] Fwd: [00] Sandline and Lieutenant-Colonel Tim Spicer

1999-12-14 Thread Kris Millegan

"An Unorthodox Soldier - Peace and War and the Sandline Affair"
by Lieutenant-Colonel Tim Spicer
Mainstream Publishing, Edinburgh, Scotland.
  [ ISBN: 1 84018 180 X ]

"Expecting the Unexpected"

One of the lessons I have learned in a lifetime of unorthodox soldiering is
that you must always expect the unexpected. Try as you will, things creep
up on you, and what might appear at first sight to be a perfectly normal
process can rapidly turn into a very dicey situation or become completely
surreal. This book is full of such events, but I shall give two examples of
what I mean, illustrating both eventualities. The first incident took place
during our time in Papua New Guinea, the second during a visit to an
African country which will remain nameless.

When the Sandline operation was in its final stages, it was thought
necessary to visit the PNGDF Special Force unit which was then in training
at Wewak, on the northern side of the main island. Wewak lies about two
hours by air from the capital, Port Moresby, and since many people were
interested in the training we were giving to the PNGDF units, we filled our
CASA 212 aircraft with representatives from the government and the PNG
military, including the Deputy Prime Minister and the Defence Minister. The
visit went well, the standard of training - mortar training, range work,
battle drills and some physical training - reached by the PNGDF was found
to be impressive, and the day concluded with lunch in the officers' mess of
the 2nd Battalion, The Pacific Islands Regiment, one of the elements of the
PNG Defence Force. We returned to the aircraft in the early afternoon,
ready to fly back to Port Moresby. At that point a rather agreeable day
turned very nasty indeed.

The weather was already beginning to break when we got back to the airfield
at Wewak. Heavy storm clouds were building up, lightning was flickering
about and there was the constant rumble of thunder. To this can be added
periodic tropical downpours and winds rising to gale force. All in all, it
was not the sort of day to go flying about the mountains in a light
aircraft - but we had to get back to Port Moresby.

Papua New Guinea - mountainous, tropical, sparsely populated - is difficult
flying country at any time and our pilots, both Americans, were anxious to
get away before the impending storm broke or we ran out of daylight. The
CASA 212 is a great little aircraft with a few passenger seats and good
freight-carrying capacity, and we took off and battered our way back
towards Port Moresby against a driving headwind and torrential rain,
stopping midway at another airfield to drop off some of our passengers.
Then we took off again.

This was not entirely wise. Visibility was practically zero and the
aircraft was constantly being buffeted and thrown all over the place. It
got incredibly dark, with lots of lightning and driving rain. I am never
very happy just sitting about, strapped in on an aircraft; I like to stand
in the space behind the pilots, so I can talk to them and see what is going
on. In this case the pilots were clearly struggling to control the aircraft
and were very worried about either being struck by lightning, which could
knock out our electronics, or flying into a mountain.

Eventually, after about an hour, when we were nearing Port Moresby and it
was getting rougher and rougher, I had a conversation with the pilots, who
told me that because of the visibility and the lightning they could not
pick up the usual landmarks and radio beacons. Therefore they could not
land - and because of the headwinds we had been battling we were getting
low on fuel. In fact we were very short on fuel, and unless we found
Jackson Airport soon we would have to fly out to sea and ditch. I did not
find this news particularly comforting; thoughts of swimming about in dark,
gale-tossed, shark-infested seas began to drift into my mind.

We circled around as long as we could, trying to pick up the red marker
beacons leading to the runway. We were all concerned because the airport is
surrounded by hills, each with a marker beacon, and we did not want to fly
into a hill while attempting to pick up a beacon. This went on for some
time. Then there was more discussion about ditching and I said that, on
balance, I would rather ditch in the sea than attempt a landing in the
mountains or the jungle, but before it got to that would it not be sensible
to fly out to sea and try and fix our position along the coast, before
coming back in on a compass bearing for another go? If we ran out of fuel
in the interim, we could ditch in the sea. It was not a very enticing
prospect - an encounter with a salt-water crocodile now joined the one with
a shark at the back of my mind - but what choice had we?

Just at the point when it was getting critical, we saw, just ahead and
slightly to our right, one of the red beacons. We were too low and climbed
immediately, circled to the left and, through a brief gap in 

[CTRL] Fwd: [01] Sandline and Lieutenant-Colonel Tim Spicer

1999-12-14 Thread Kris Millegan

"An Unorthodox Soldier - Peace and War and the Sandline Affair"
by Lieutenant-Colonel Tim Spicer
Mainstream Publishing, Edinburgh, Scotland.
  [ ISBN: 1 84018 180 X ]

Chapter One

'Everything changed with the end of the Cold War. Up to then we knew what
we had to do and who the potential enemy was and we could train and prepare
accordingly. Now its all guesswork.'

This is a story in three parts. Part of this book concerns the events
leading up to what became known as 'The Sandline Affair', in which, during
1998, the British government tied itself into an almighty knot over the
work of my company, Sandline International, in Sierra Leone. That may seem
a small, transient incident, worth a few feature articles in the national
press or an in-depth analysis on television, but the issues raised by the
Sandline Affair are not going to go away.

However, I did not create Sandline International on my own, nor start it
without a great deal of previous experience in the military arena. Over the
years, in different places and at different times, the need for something
like Sandline began to grow in my mind. Therefore a major part of this book
is autobiographical, tracing my military career over two decades, from my
time at Sandhurst to the time I commanded the 1st Battalion, Scots Guards,
on operations in Northern Ireland. Sandline came later, after I had served
in Bosnia and seen what level of chaos the world is heading for unless some
practical steps are taken to tackle the growing list of problems in a
pragmatic way. The last part of the book offers my views on those issues
that are likely to trouble the world in the next century, issues where
private military companies like Sandline may have a useful role to play.

Private military companies - or PMCs - are corporate bodies specialising in
the provision of military skills to legitimate governments: training,
planning, intelligence, risk assessment, operational support and technical
skills. Sandline International is just such a company and was created to
tackle a growing number of situations which the world's major nations are
unwilling or unable to tackle themselves, or to assist smaller nations
where these military skills were found necessary - and lacking. This raises
the 'Sandline Affair' from an issue that affected only a small number of
people in a couple of countries - in this case Britain and Sierra Leone -
to something that will affect many governments and many people in many
parts of the world for decades to come.

The hard fact is that the world, having come out of the Cold War into the
'New World Order', is not actually getting any safer. One of the greatest
of the Cold War warriors, Henry Kissinger, said as much in an interview in
January 1999. Asked if the world seemed a safer place now than when he was
in government, he replied:

 From the point of view of nuclear danger, infinitely safer; from the point
of view of structure, far more chaotic. In those days you had a Cold War;
you had basic criteria of what would benefit one side or the other. Today
you have a very amorphous situation. What exactly is NATO supposed to do?
What do we want to happen in Bosnia, in Asia, in the Middle East, in the
long term? Moreover, you have the economic and political organisations of
the world at variance from each other. The economic concerns are global,
the political firmly regional. And all these forces are moving at a time
when the quality of political leadership is declining - because the leaders
are too busy getting elected or re-elected.

In other words, we have inherited the ancient Chinese curse 'May you live
in interesting times'. The world's political leaders are afraid of
political or military involvement in the world's endemic conflicts because
they don't want the bodybags coming home as in Vietnam or, more recently,
Somalia, or because they don't want to take risks or to be blamed if
matters go awry, or, rather less creditably, because they simply want to be
popular and garner votes at home. This creates a vacuum in the search for
world peace, part of which private military companies like Sandline should
be able to fill.

Until Sandline was established I had spent most of my life as a
professional soldier in the Scots Guards, one of the crack regiments of the
British Army, a career which gave me the chance to see the world, to gain
experience in a growing and diverse number of roles, to serve in dangerous
places, including Northern Ireland, the Falklands and Bosnia, to take part
in two wars and to rise to a respectable military rank. I can fairly say
that life has not been dull.

This experience has given me a few precepts that I apply personally. First,
I believe that your effectiveness comes totally from within your own
efforts, and the excellence you obtain in whatever you do is directly
proportionate to the effort you are prepared to put in. I know that war or
combat 'Is 

[CTRL] Fwd: [02] Sandline and Lieutenant-Colonel Tim Spicer

1999-12-14 Thread Kris Millegan

"An Unorthodox Soldier - Peace and War and the Sandline Affair"
by Lieutenant-Colonel Tim Spicer
Mainstream Publishing, Edinburgh, Scotland.
  [ ISBN: 1 84018 180 X ]

Chapter Three


'An army may be likened to water: water leaves dry the high places and
seeks the hollows; an army turns from strength and attacks weakness. The
flow of water is regulated by the shape of the ground; victory is gained by
acting in accordance with the state of the enemy.'

Having described the traditional role of the military company and laid the
'mercenary' canard to rest, it is now necessary to describe the purpose of
private military companies. Private military companies are organisations
which do more than provide passive assistance in areas of conflict. The
accent is on the word passive - PMCs are not passive; they do not stand
about murmuring soothing words, and their operations extend beyond the
guarding role. PMCs offer practical military help in an acceptable form to
legitimate governments.

Before continuing and providing some examples, it would be as well to
outline the differences between a legitimate PMC and a modern mercenary. A
mercenary will be an individual, recruited for a specific task. He is not
part of a permanent structure and has only a limited range of capabilities.
There is no group cohesion; before the job he will not know his colleagues.
He subscribes to no doctrine or collective training standards and his ideas
on discipline, the rule of law and human rights may be well short of those
required by the law of armed conflict. He is recruited without adequate
vetting, his standards of competence are not checked and his motives are

A PMC, on the other hand, offers a packaged service covering a wide variety
of military and quasi-military skills - a study of the chart will be
helpful here. PMCs are permanent structures, corporate entities, which are
run like a business. They have a clear hierarchy, are run on military lines
and operate to high disciplinary standards and within the law of armed
conflict, with a particular concern for human rights. In a well-regulated
PMC, the involvement will begin with an analysis of the situation facing
the client government and the preparation of a commander's estimate - a
process known to an older generation of soldiers as 'making an appreciation
of the situation', or, in lay terms, finding out what the real problem is
and suggesting ways to solve it.

The commander's estimate is crucial to the PMC's ethos. In it, the PMC's
senior executives will analyse the situation facing the client, examine
what is feasible and suggest what might be done to resolve the situation.
PMCs do not simply supply what the client asks for. The closest and
simplest analogy is with the medical profession. The patient goes to the
doctor and says he feels ill; the doctor examines the patient, organises
any necessary tests and proposes a course of treatment that will cure the
condition; he does nor simply respond to the patient's request for a sick
note and a bottle of pills. In short, as professional organizations
operating in a highly technical field, PMCs expect to be consulted.

The range of PMC facilities at the disposal of any suitable client can be
considerable. PMCs may provide training and equipment to extend the
capabilities of the client's existing military resources, or provide them
with whatever strategic or operational advantage is necessary to suppress
their opposition, or, going even further, play an active role alongside the
client forces, as 'force multipliers'.

A 'force multiplier' is something that makes a force more effective, a term
best summed up by the use of helicopters during the Borneo Confrontation of
the 1960s between Britain and Indonesia, when it was said that 'a battalion
with helicopters is worth a brigade without them' - in other words, adding
helicopter support increased the battalion's effectiveness by a factor of
three. PMCs can be responsible for supplying trained manpower or equipment
such as helicopters or battlefield radar, even deploying their own
personnel into the field of conflict but with the strict caveat that they
are acting within the chain of command of the client's military hierarchy,
and, certainly in the case of Sandline, that military hierarchy must be the
arm of a legitimate government.

A PMC is, by this very definition, not in the business of providing arms to
its client in isolation, and Sandline, incidentally, is not an arms-dealing
company. Like any well-run PMC, we would prefer only to supply weaponry and
systems within a wider package of training, support and operational use. To
touch on the moral issue, we need to know what we are getting into, but the
practical point to remember is that PMCs are not 'arms dealers' per se but
packaged-services providers. Using the example of computers, well-run PMCs
are not hardware providers. They deliver a workable package 

Re: [CTRL] McCain's ties with Vietnam

1999-12-14 Thread Aol user

 -Caveat Lector-

Reference the part on USMC Captain Cook.

Captain Cook tore off the right pocket of his fatigues.  On it was stenciled
the USMC emblem he denied the enemy the knowledge of his branch of service.
Captain Cook was held with a young man who was released in the mid to late
60's in South Vietnam.  This young man, an Army private, came to Cook and
admitted he was worried.  The young soldier had signed enemy propaganda
literature.  Captain Cook gave him two pieces of paper to smuggle out on his
exchange.  One was letter to Captain Cook's wife.  The other was a summary of
punishment under the UCMJ.  Captain Cook stated that as the senior POW he
administered appropriate punishment under the UCMJ to the soldier for signing
the propaganda.  It ended with "No further action is required for this

Mark Giddens, Intelligence Analyst, Joint Casualty Resolution Center, Sep 74
to May 76.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] OEN 12/14/99

1999-12-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin

Panama Canal

Communist Rebel Threat to Panama

45 Marines Killed Near Border

COLOMBIAN communist rebels have attacked a naval base on the border with
Panama, killing 45 marines, it was reported yesterday. The hostilities came
as America prepared for the official handover of the Panama Canal today after
an occupation lasting almost a century.

About 600 members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia launched the
attack on the Pacific coast town of Jurado on Sunday. US military authorities
are worried that the guerrillas could launch attacks inside Panama and even
on the canal itself once America's withdrawal is complete.
The attack was one of the heaviest in more than a year and was thought to be
the worst defeat suffered by a naval unit in Colombia's long-running war that
has claimed more than 35,000 lives in the past 10 years.

Today's handover ceremony will be a deliberately low-key affair, with America
wanting to bow out of the region quietly. Madeleine Albright, the US
Secretary of State, cancelled her visit, leaving former President Jimmy
Carter, who signed the Canal Treaty in 1977, to lead the American delegation.
Panama's Foreign Minister, Jose Miguel Aleman, played down the significance
of the low level of US representation and hailed a new age in relations with
the superpower that has dominated Panama's history. Other dignitaries due to
attend the ceremony include King Juan Carlos of Spain and the president
Ernesto Zedillo of Mexico.

With the transfer of the waterway, Panama's chief economic resource will pass
into Panamanian hands, giving the country of 2.8 million people full
sovereignty over all its territory for the first time since it won
independence from Colombia in 1903. Panama will regain all 363,000 acres of
lush tropical land the United States has used for military bases.
A recent poll in La Prensa daily newspaper disclosed that 61 per cent of the
population were opposed to a complete withdrawal of the American military who
will be gone by Dec 31, the official handover day.

Panamanians have good reason to fear the departure of American troops, whose
numbers peaked at 64,000 during the Second World War. Colombian guerrillas
and drug smugglers have already begun to wage "turf wars" near deserted US

"The truth is that we cannot believe they're going," said Javier Castano, a
bar owner. "We always thought there would be some deal, like the anti-drug
centre, which would mean US troops stayed."
The Colombian army, which is 120,000 strong, has struggled to contain the
20,000 guerrillas and it is widely accepted that Panama would have little
chance against them. It simply hopes the border problem will go away.

While US-Panamanian relations in the next century largely remain to be
defined, leaders said mutual economic interests and democratic principles
would be key. The United States is the canal's largest customer.
The London Telegraph, December 14, 1999

Fear 2000

Asia Is Not Afraid of the Big, Bad Y2K Wolf

The cell phones may be out, but the hookers will still be in service.

KATMANDU - Less than a year after doomsayers painted Asia and the Pacific as
the world's biggest millennium-bug black spot, officials throughout the
region are proclaiming that their banks, businesses, governments and airlines
will greet the new year with few noticeable computer glitches.

''Eight months ago we drew up some very scary scenarios for Asia,'' said
Raeleigh Napier, Singapore-based regional millennium coordinator for British
American Tobacco PLC, one of the world's largest manufacturers and
distributors of cigarettes. ''Since then, the situation has dramatically
improved, with tons of old computers having been retired, replaced or
Many experts had warned that Asia was woefully behind in attacking the
millennium bug and predicted widespread chaos due to power outages,
communication failures and errors in aircraft navigation.

The millennium bug, also known as the Y2K bug, is a programming glitch that
could cause some computers and electronic equipment to fail when their
internal clocks roll over from 1999 to 2000.
''We are now quite confident there will be no disruption whatsoever at the
port and business will continue as normal,'' Ms. Napier said, referring to
Khlong Toey port in Bangkok.

Nonetheless, British American Tobacco will follow through with contingency
plans for a two-week failure of the port facilities.

Although many private-sector analysts share the new confidence in Asia, some
skepticism persists. Many Asian airlines have reduced flights on New Year's
Eve, and many countries have advised people to prepare for problems.

Both Japan and the Philippines have urged people to stockpile canned goods,
cash and enough food and water to last for several days.

''We don't think any big disruptions will take place, but it 

[CTRL] The World War III Scorecard, by Dr. Jack Wheeler

1999-12-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.48/ww3.htm"The World War
III Scorecard, by Dr. Jack Wheeler/A
The World War III Scorecard

by Dr. Jack Wheeler

This century, as we know all too well, has seen two wars of such global scope
that they were christened "World Wars." Will the next century see a third? I
fervently hope not, and might even venture to say probably not, but I
certainly can't say never, that there will not. At the end of the 19th
century, there was the euphoric conviction that the new century would be one
of unparalleled peace and prosperity. The prediction that 14 years later
Europe would be engulfed in mass slaughter beyond anyone's imagination would
have been called lunacy. I am making no such prediction now. Yet I do think
it prudent to see where in the world the best chances for a war of global
scope might be in the first decade or two of our new millennium.

Let's first look at where it almost cannot be. Not Africa. Local slaughters
will remain endemic until the entire map of the continent is redrawn into
political units that make cultural, geographical, and economic sense. But
there is nothing there that can engulf other continents. Not South America,
even though Colombia is now the most dysfunctional state in the Western
Hemisphere, while its neighbor and the US's biggest foreign oil supplier,
Venezuela, has embraced a Castro-type pathology. It's possible the US could
get involved here militarily, but it wouldn't go beyond that. Not North
America, surely. Canada could break up with Quebec, Mexico could break up
with northern Mexico bailing out of being controlled by the irretrievably
corrupt national government in Mexico City, and either or both could put
severe stress on US border regions wanting to shear off from Washington's
clutches. Again, whatever hostilities might emerge from this won't go global.

We'll also leave out Australia and the Pacific. How about Europe? It's just
about impossible to see where and how a big war would develop there. All most
Germans dream about, for example, is going on vacation. The Middle East? The
odds obviously increase here. Yet in any major conflict between Israel and
the West versus the Arabs, it's hard to see who the Arabs' allies would be.
Don't bet on their Moslem buddies. Islamic countries everywhere are
deafeningly quiet about Russia's genocide of the Moslems in Chechnya, or
China's oppression of Moslems in East Turkestan. That's why all the Arabs can
threaten is terrorism. And it's also hard to see how Russia all by its
lonesome could get a global conflict going. Stripped of Marxism as the
ideological justification for imperialism, all it has left is naked Russian
colonialism, which everyone except the fascist goofball who runs Belarus

So we come to Asia. Here is where WWIII, if it happens, will take place – and
it will be between India and China. India already has a billion people. They
are the two biggest boys on the block, and they almost have to fight sooner
or later. The rationale for India's army is to oppose Pakistan, which is
disintegrating. Another enemy is needed: the oppressors of India's cultural
brethren in Tibet, who stole the Aksai Chin region from it in 1962, and still
claim half of Arunachal Pradesh. Further, both India and China may require a
war as the only means to generate enough fervent nationalism to override the
centrifugal forces building to break both countries apart.

Information Age Capitalism is deadly to Beijing's and New Delhi's control
over their territories. As various regions of China become more prosperous,
the more they will bolt from national control and seize more regional
autonomy. As more and more people become prosperous in India, the more
destructive it is of the caste system upon which Hinduism depends. The more
non-Hindi speaking regions like Tamil Nadu flourish, the more independence
from New Delhi they will demand. Both governments will conclude that only a
war of sufficient size with a sufficiently infuriating foreign devil will
keep them intact and in power. If such a war breaks out, it will be of global
immensity – and China will lose.

China will lose for two reasons: it will have no allies, and it will not have
enough people. Japan, Korea, the Philippines, the US, Europe would either
attempt to stay neutral or support India as a fellow democracy. China's only
possible ally of any significance would be Russia. Yet China is already in
the process of sub rosa taking over Far Eastern Russia (primarily the
district of Primorski Krai which blocks all of Chinese Manchuria from access
to the Sea of Japan, and which the Russians stole from China in 1860) through
immigration. The odds are high that China will go to war with Russia over
this border region, and before war with India has burgeoned. Russia will lose
badly and thus be driven into the Western camp, and into India's with which
it has had a 

[CTRL] Cheap Labor, by Tibor R. Machan

1999-12-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.48/cheap_labor.htm"Cheap Labor, by
Tibor R. Machan/A

Cheap Labor

by Tibor R. Machan

One of the complaints raised at the WTO meetings in Seattle, Washington,
echoes the accusations that have for years been leveled at Nike, Kathy Lee
Griffin, WalMart and others, all of whom have employed workers abroad who
charge far less for their labor than do workers in most Western countries,
especially in the US. It is said that it is evil to pay so little for the
work being provided and, moreover, it is unfair to other workers who have
fought long and hard to obtain better wages from their Western employers.
Now, after all this struggle and the benefits finally reaped from it,
companies are managing to escape the results by moving to countries where
wages are still low, where there is no organized labor movement, and where
other harms befall workers as well (for example, environmental destruction
via the costless dumping of wastes, wrought by the lack of legal sanctions).

It is difficult to judge these charges without actually living in the regions
of the world where labor accepts the "cheap" wages, at least cheap in
comparison to what labor gets paid in, say, Detroit or Dallas. After all,
medical care is less expensive and less up to snuff in most such regions, as
well, as is entertainment, transportation, clothing, food, furniture and the
rest. "Cheap" is not an absolute concept!

In short, in most regions of the world the quality of life is lower than in
the West. Ironically, that is largely because in most regions of the world
free trade had been either outlawed completely or curtailed severely by
governments that have ruled there. Without free trade, labor cannot organize,
wages cannot be bid up, the environment suffers, and, of course, the quality
of goods and services lags. It is hardly the fault of corporations that do
business in these regions that they need not pay more for what they get.

But to this the response is that corporations ought to, and even be made to,
pay more for the work. Curiously, on a recent TV magazine program Kathy Lee
herself said that she wished the minimum wage were higher in Central America,
where she does some business—as if she were prevented from raising wages
unless the government forced her to do so.

At any rate, there is a widespread sentiment, fueled by the likes of Ralph
Nader and Michael Moore (the man responsible for those badly made but
sentimental favorite movies with many people, Roger and Me and The Big One)
that it is the obligation of people in business to seek out badly paid
workers and raise their wages to what is confusedly called a "living wage."
I don't wish to address the basic moral issue for the time being—it is just
not possible to argue that out here. Suffice it to note that this complaint
very likely does not square with the behavior of most people—I'd bet even
those who advance it.

Consider just this much. You are in a grocery store and shop for some item,
say tea or chicken or soda pop. If you see that your preferred item comes in
both an expensive and a cheap rendition, which do you purchase? At the mall,
do you avoid the very expensive stores and the very expensive items and,
instead, look for sales or good deals? When you shop for shoes do you seek
out the most expensive if you can find more reasonably priced ones that meet
your needs? When you bid on a house, do you volunteer a higher price than the
seller is asking? How about a car—even from Korea? When considering going to
a hair dresser or barber, do you look for the most expensive place to get
this service?

I doubt that the answer is that most folks want to part with more than less
of their wealth as they make their way about the market place. It is to throw
away good opportunities—for saving for a rainy day, or being able to afford
something else—to behave in such an irresponsible fashion. People in the
market place aren't there to be charitable and that goes for everyone, not
just managers of multinational corporations. If you shopped the way the
critics expect companies to shop, your family would be outraged at your
carelessness, your lack of prudence.

But it must be remembered now that just as charity begins at home, so does
charitable wage negotiation. If you avoid the stores where goods are
expensively priced, you are putting into motion a process that leads to the
manufacturer of the goods sold there to seek out the cheaper rather than more
expensive labor, overhead and transportation. Folks who buck this trend
simply cannot attract customers and will go out of business, thus leaving
what used to be "cheap" now simply unemployed labor!

The fact is that in a free market there are better opportunities to improve
one's bargaining power than in a regimented economy. The latter relies on the
non-existent omniscience of bureaucrats to set prices, wages, and production

Re: [CTRL] Politically Correct Jesus

1999-12-14 Thread Eagle 1

 -Caveat Lector-

Hello Terry,
They've already tried to clone the stains on the shroud.  So far, no luck.
But,  then again,  there are prominent groups who have significant proof
that the shroud is bogus.  WHO really knows?  Carbon dating isn't always so
You can see an article about the shroud though,  at http://www.shroud.com/

As far as Jesus with dark complexion?  Who really knows? His body was never
found.  And really, what does it matter what color his skin was?  However,
if we follow the heritage,  his skin was most likely what we know today as
European caucasian. Tracing the skin color isn't that difficult. Jesus'
claimed ancestry is directly from Adam,  which the word Adam in Hebrew means
"ruddy complected" or "able to show blood in the face".  It tells us really
nothing more. If you follow the Biblical historical record,  his mother was
Jewish and of the Levites. Chances are most likely he was fair complected.

Those who are considered "Arabic" or dark complected,  are technically from
the premature liason of Abraham with the bond woman, which produced and
whose descendants are of Ishmael,  not the sons (descendants) of Isaac.

Historically, it can all be proven by Biblical history,  for those who are
willing to do the research,  and not listen to what some man says about it.

eagle 1


- Original Message -
From: "Terry Trainor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 1999 7:07 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Politically Correct Jesus

 -Caveat Lector-

 I would agree with the dark complexion; probably look like
 someone that would not be allowed to sit at the front of
 the bus in the 60's.

 As soon as some idiot clones from blood stains on the shroud, I guess
 we'll know for sure, huh?



  -Original Message-
  From: YnrChyldzWyld [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 1999 7:01 AM
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Politically Correct Jesus
   -Caveat Lector-
  The TRUTH is that Jesus probably looked like Woody Allen without
  glasses.  Or perhaps, Gene Wilder. Or, if Christians are
  really lucky,
  Bernard Schwartz a.k.a. Tony Curtis.
  The TRUTH is that Jesus would probably NOT have looked like
  the men you
  mentioned, who are of European ancestry (albeit Judaic), rather Jesus
  probably looked just like any other modern
  Palestinian...which means he
  was NOT blond-haired and blue-eyed, but of a somewhat dark
  More of a chance of him looking like Arafat than Allen...
  June ;-)

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] FLASH! Navy base near Panama under siege FLASH!

1999-12-14 Thread BARD

 -Caveat Lector-


 Rebel threat to Panama as US
 canal back
 By Jerry McDermott in Panama

Panama Canal Commission:

 COLOMBIAN communist rebels have
attacked a naval base on the border
 with Panama, killing 45
marines, it was reported yesterday. The hostilities
 came as America prepared for
the official handover of the Panama Canal
 today after an occupation
lasting almost a century.

 About 600 members of the
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
 launched the attack on the
Pacific coast town of Jurado on Sunday.
 US military authorities are
worried that the guerrillas could launch attacks
 inside Panama and even on the
canal itself once America's withdrawal is

 The attack was one of the
heaviest in more than a year and was thought to be
 the worst defeat suffered by a
naval unit in Colombia's long-running war that
 has claimed more than 35,000
lives in the past 10 years.

 Today's handover ceremony will
be a deliberately low-key affair, with
 America wanting to bow out of
the region quietly. Madeleine Albright, the US
 Secretary of State, cancelled
her visit, leaving former President Jimmy Carter,
 who signed the Canal Treaty in
1977, to lead the American delegation.

 Panama's Foreign Minister, Jose
Miguel Aleman, played down the
 significance of the low level
of US representation and hailed a new age in
 relations with the superpower
that has dominated Panama's history. Other
 dignitaries due to attend the
ceremony include King Juan Carlos of Spain and
 the president Ernesto Zedillo
of Mexico.

 With the transfer of the
waterway, Panama's chief economic resource will
 pass into Panamanian hands,
giving the country of 2.8 million people full
 sovereignty over all its
territory for the first time since it won independence
 from Colombia in 1903. Panama
will regain all 363,000 acres of lush tropical
 land the United States has used
for military bases.

 A recent poll in La Prensa
daily newspaper disclosed that 61 per cent of the
 population were opposed to a
complete withdrawal of the American military
 who will be gone by Dec 31, the
official handover day.

 Panamanians have good reason to
fear the departure of American troops,
 whose numbers peaked at 64,000
during the Second World War. Colombian
 guerrillas and drug smugglers
have already begun to wage "turf wars" near
 deserted US bases.

 "The truth is that we cannot
believe they're going," said Javier Castano, a bar
 owner. "We always thought there
would be some deal, like the anti-drug
 centre, which would mean US
troops stayed."

 The Colombian army, which is
120,000 strong, has struggled to contain the
 20,000 guerrillas and it is
widely accepted that Panama would have little
 chance against them. It simply
hopes the border problem will go away.

 While US-Panamanian relations
in the next century largely remain to be
 defined, leaders said mutual
economic interests and democratic principles
 would be key. The United States
is the canal's largest customer.

[CTRL] Spanning The Century - Harriman Bio/Bones material

1999-12-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Spanning The Century
Rudy Abramson©1992
William Morrow and Company, Inc.
1350  Avenue of the Americas,
New York, NY 10019
ISBN 0-688-04352-6
778 pps – First/only edition – Out-of-print
At the same time the question of professional-versus-amateur crew coaching
was being argued, Yale's venerable senior societies, a bedrock of
undergraduate social order and alumni loyalty, were under growing student
criticism and public ridicule. Fanned by a new novel, Stover at Yale, written
by Owen Johnson, Yale 1900, the controversy saw the societies belittled for
fostering offensive elitism that was out of place at a modern educational
institution. But Averell was no more inclined to support the overthrow of the
social order than he was to ignore the decline of Yale rowing. The societies
bonded men like himself to Yale and to each other across the generations. As
much as he had wanted to row under the Blue banner, he wanted even more to be
tapped for membership and inducted into one of the imposing secret fortresses.

He returned from his first trip to Oxford just as the three societies
prepared for the annual Tap Day ritual. Vying for men from proper families
who had distinguished themselves in ways deemed exemplary, each selected
fifteen members from the forthcoming senior class to perpetuate the secret

The taps of 1912 were anticipated with uncommon interest not only because of
Owen Johnson's best-seller but because the class of 1913 included a bumper
crop of offspring of publicly prominent Americans, Averell being conspicuous
among them.

Opinion among the undergraduate cognoscenti was divided over whether he would
go to Skull and Bones or to Scroll and Key. The latter made claim to
scholarly superiority, but Bones was the first of the societies, the list of
its members an awe-inspiring roll of men at the top of America's political,
financial, and social institutions. Over the generations, its pledge of
secrecy had stood more firmly than marriage vows and professional oaths.
Except for the fifteen active members and alumni, Yale men could only guess
at what was inside the prison-like oaken doors of the great ivy-covered

Wolf's Head, the third society, was out of the question for the son of E. H.
Harriman, even though the family had no Yale tradition of its own to uphold.
Unlike most of his friends, who represented second or third generations and
hoped to follow fathers and grandfathers into Bones or Key, Averell could
point only to his uncle, William H. Averell, and an Averell cousin as Yale
men before him, and he had hardly known them, if at all.

On May 16, as juniors did on Tap Day year after year, members of Averell's
class with aspirations for society membership gathered beneath a gnarled oak
in front of Battell Chapel to wait for a man from each of the societies to
emerge from the fortresses. A spring downpour soaked them to the skin and
left them standing in mud. They waited without hats and with their coats
draped about their shoulders, seemingly oblivious to the rain as their
judgment approached.

Dozens of underclassmen scrambled up into the tree and took places on the
lower limbs where they could have an unrestricted view of the proceedings,
during which representatives of the societies would walk into the crowd to
find the juniors found worthy, whacking them on the back and ordering, "Go to
your room."

Every window was filled in Durfee Hall, and faculty members crowded onto the
porch of the chapel. Girlfriends, graduates, newspaper reporters, even
parents—including athletic director Walter Camp, who was anxious to see
whether Walter junior would follow his famous father into Bones—huddled under
umbrellas on the fringe of the crowd.

At the moment the clock on the front of the chapel struck five, a man from
each of the societies, wearing a derby, a blue serge suit, and his gold
society pin in his lapel, approached waiting candidates. The grave emissary
from Bones walked straight to Harriman, spun him about and whacked him on the
back with the command, "Averell Harriman, go to your room." From the tree, a
shout went up, "Harriman goes Bones," and Averell hurried away through the
parting crowd to his dormitory.

The supreme honor of the tapping ritual was not being chosen first, however.
By long-standing tradition, the moment of highest drama went to the juniors
chosen last, and in the class of 1913, the last tap for Bones went to George
Cortelyou, Jr., whose father had been an important figure in New York
Republican politics before going on to the White House as Teddy Roosevelt's
private secretary. Key's last tap honor went to Vanderbilt Webb, chairman of
the Yale Daily News, who had continued to shine at New Haven as he had at

There were more poignant moments, however,, as others arrived at the
crossroads which many considered the most important of their college careers.
At times, Owen Johnson's acerbic criticisms of the 

[CTRL] [0] Syndicate Abroad

1999-12-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Syndicate Abroad
Hank Messick©1969
The Macmillan Company
LCCCN 69-11590
246 pps. – First/only edition – Out-of-print
Command Decision

NEW YEAR'S EVE in Havana and two "high rollers" prepared to quit the game.

General Fulgencio Batista y Zaldivar and Maier Suchowljansky—better known as
Meyer Lansky—possessed an active sense of realism. International gangsters of
long standing, both had surrendered power before only to rebuild as the
vagaries of man's ignorance created new opportunities.

It was a warm night as 1958 died, and cloudless. Business boomed in a hundred
brothels where virgins—real and alleged—asked top prices. Experience was a
commodity also concealed in the plush casinos where syndicate technicians
cleaned the suckers as they had done for decades in scores of stateside
joints. In the ballrooms of plush hotels subsidized by the casinos, tourist
and Cuban bureaucrat danced the old year away.

Reporters, their stories filed, joined the fun and games. The New York Times w
ould be scooped by no newspaper next day for reporting:


Perhaps reporters who never learned of the relation of crime to politics back
home should not be expected to recognize a similar combination in a foreign

For behind the official blandness things were happening. As bands in
nightclubs across Havana broke into "Auld Lang Syne," President Batista began
a series of telephone calls. The message to crook and crony was the same.
Only those who had proven their value in the past received the warning.
Presumably they might be useful in the future.

To Camp Columbia, the military fortress in the suburbs of Havana, the chosen
were directed. A ten-foot-high Christmas tree still stood in the lobby of the
Air Force building, and it attracted the wonder of sleepy children who might
otherwise have asked why Santa Claus was fleeing by plane.

The short, stocky Batista, escorted by seven carloads of armed men, arrived
about 2:30 A.M. Once again the hopeless military situation was reviewed.
Contrary to the reporters' stories, the rebels were advancing, and resistance
had collapsed. The decision to run was ratified. Farewells were short. Most
of the men had prepared for this day by stashing their loot in Swiss banks.
Within the hour planes began taking off with the world's latest—and
richest—crop of refugees.

The Dominican Republic was Batista's immediate destination. His home in
Daytona Beach, Florida, occupied for four years during a previous exile, was
not politically practical. Since regaining power, Batista's public image had
suffered. Perhaps later, when the excitement died, and new villains caught
the public fancy, it would be possible to return to Florida and from that
base plot a new coup in Cuba. Meanwhile, Generalissimo Rafael Trujillo
offered temporary haven at a price Batista was well able to pay. Within two
years El Benefactor would be dead, shot down like a dog while returning from
a visit to his mistress. Unlike Batista, he proved unable to adapt to the
realities of a changing situation. Long before that happened, however,
Batista moved to the Madeira Islands off the northwest coast of Africa.
Portuguese officials were happy to welcome the wealthy visitor.

At least one effort would be made to get Batista into Florida. Leonard
Bursten of Miami Beach, a man with important friends, conceived a scheme to
have Representative Abraham J. Multer (D-NY) invite the ousted dictator to
testify in Washington before the House Banking and Currency Committee. The
FBI investigated, and the plan was dropped. Later the Department of Justice
found "no sufficient predicate for criminal prosecution."

Meanwhile, as rumors swept Havana, and dice continued to roll, some of the
new refugees headed straight for Florida. Among them was Meyer Lansky. He had
been an international gangster even longer than Batista but, over the years,
had learned how to make himself virtually invisible. The Gold Coast, which he
had looted ten years before, was still open to him as home and headquarters.
It was to Broward County he flew in a chartered plane.

For the short, slender Lansky, the flight marked his second retreat from
Havana. In the late Thirties he had begun building a gambling operation
around the Hotel Nacional, only to have Pearl Harbor interrupt his plans.
Before the war ended, Batista gambled on a free election and lost—making it
impossible for his friend to resume the gambling program when peace returned.
Only after Batista's second coup had the syndicate been able to pick up the
pieces in Havana.

As the plane soared over the Florida Straits, Lansky wasted no time on
regrets. Even yet he was not ready to write off Cuba as hopeless. Every man
had his price—be it money, women, ideals—and presumably Fidel Castro was no
exception. When 

Re: [CTRL] Indictment Sought for Scientist Lee (fwd)

1999-12-14 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/10/1999 6:47:35 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 It was not until after he was fired that authorities discovered
 that Lee, around 1994, had improperly transferred thousands of
 computer codes, the "legacy codes" that provide a history of
 nuclear weapons development, from Los Alamos' highly secured
 computer system to his less-secure personal office computer. 

Does anyone know what happened in the case of the former head of the CIA who
had all kinds of highly classified material that he had taken from CIA
computers and transferred to his home computer?  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Politically Correct Jesus

1999-12-14 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

Actually, there is a sort of underground tradition, mostly in the later New
Testament apocrypha, that Jesus was in fact an ugly man with one twisted
leg. Paul is also reported to have been a cripple, possibly bow-legged from
rickets; note that while *Paulos* has no specific meaning in Greek, one
meaning of its Latin homonym *paulus* is "lame".

 -Original Message-
 From: Tenorlove [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 1999 10:58 AM
 Subject:  Re: [CTRL] Politically Correct Jesus

  -Caveat Lector-

 --- YnrChyldzWyld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  More of a chance of him looking like Arafat than Allen...

 If that's the case, Jesus would truly have my pity, 'cause Arafat is

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Indictment Sought for Scientist Lee (fwd)

1999-12-14 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

Basically zilch, aside from having all of his privileges as a former DCI
revoked. No criminal charges were filed.

 -Original Message-
 From: Prudence L. Kuhn [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 1999 1:36 PM
 Subject:  Re: [CTRL] Indictment Sought for Scientist Lee (fwd)

  -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 12/10/1999 6:47:35 PM Eastern Standard Time,

  It was not until after he was fired that authorities discovered
  that Lee, around 1994, had improperly transferred thousands of
  computer codes, the "legacy codes" that provide a history of
  nuclear weapons development, from Los Alamos' highly secured
  computer system to his less-secure personal office computer. 

 Does anyone know what happened in the case of the former head of the CIA
 had all kinds of highly classified material that he had taken from CIA
 computers and transferred to his home computer?  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Politically Correct Jesus

1999-12-14 Thread Eagle 1

 -Caveat Lector-

Hello Robert,
I've been quoted almost the exact thing you wrote...  about Jesus  Paul,
from my estranged dad who is a Mason,  first and above all other things.
(The fact that he believes this from Masonic folklore, to me,  says enough).

I happen to disagree with that opinion, both about Jesus and Paul, and leave
it on that step.  I would rather follow the Biblically historical facts that
show an entirely different point of view.  In historical records,  it is
noted that Paul was not lame but rather nearly, if not completely, blind.
This is why he had others write for him so often, such as Luke and Timothy.
This is also why historians often disagree about the authenticity of Paul's
writings, and often renounce his writings,  because the handwriting varies
in more than one copy of the manuscript notations.

eagle 1

- Original Message -
From: "Tatman, Robert" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 1999 12:52 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Politically Correct Jesus

 -Caveat Lector-

 Actually, there is a sort of underground tradition, mostly in the later
 Testament apocrypha, that Jesus was in fact an ugly man with one twisted
 leg. Paul is also reported to have been a cripple, possibly bow-legged
 rickets; note that while *Paulos* has no specific meaning in Greek, one
 meaning of its Latin homonym *paulus* is "lame".

  -Original Message-
  From: Tenorlove [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 1999 10:58 AM
  Subject:  Re: [CTRL] Politically Correct Jesus
   -Caveat Lector-
  --- YnrChyldzWyld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   More of a chance of him looking like Arafat than Allen...
  If that's the case, Jesus would truly have my pity, 'cause Arafat is

 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
 screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:

 To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

 To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] [2] Syndicate Abroad

1999-12-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Syndicate Abroad
Hank Messick©1969
The Macmillan Company
LCCCN 69-11590
246 pps. – First/only edition – Out-of-print

Rise of the Syndicate

AMERICANS, uneasily sensing that organized crime is but a logical extension
of their cherished free enterprise system, have stubbornly avoided learning
too much about the subject. Investigators who try to dig are certain to incur
the wrath of the John Birch Society, which wants you to support your local
police regardless of how corrupt your local police may be.

Million of words have been written and spoken about crime, but there has been
very little research worthy of the name. Nevertheless, law enforcement
agencies on local, state, and federal levels have amassed a tremendous amount
of information while investigating individual cases. Many of the answers to
the problems of organized crime are buried in dusty file cabinets from coast
to coast. Some day, when citizens fear gangsters more than politicians, a
central agency will be created to collect and coordinate these millions of
isolated facts and permit investigators for the first time to know what is
going on and why. When that happens, a war on crime can begin to achieve

In the absence of any real understanding of the problem, certain
misconceptions have been foisted on an ignorant public by officials more
interested in empire-building than crime-busting. Newspapers, while
occasionally living up to their traditions, have welcomed the misconceptions,
because they made it possible to treat crime on a day to day basis.

Thus it was in the Depression decade following Prohibition, the emphasis was
not on syndicate gangsters, who even then were consolidating their power, but
upon such "public enemies" as John Dillinger, Ma Barker, and Pretty Boy
Floyd. The FBI, aided by a flock of semi-official books, won great renown
during this so-called "Gang era" and became so identified with crime fighting
as to exclude from public consciousness such other effective federal agencies
as the Secret Service or the Intelligence Division of the Internal Revenue

Nevertheless, it was apparent by 1950 that despite the great work of the FBI,
a lot of gangsters were operating almost openly. The Kefauver Committee in
1950-1951 dug for the first time into the compost pile of crime and politics
and traced the careers of men and organizations back to Prohibition. The
committee's work made it plain that crime was not the special province of any
one ethnic group, although it did recognize the existence of the Mafia and
called it the "cement" that binds together various syndicates.

Despite the fantastic revelations of the Kefauver Committee, and a degree of
public indignation it aroused, very little was done to follow through with
new legislation or new investigation in the next decade. The McClellan
Committee did produce a mass of testimony that more than confirmed the
findings of Kefauver, but its preoccupation with the sins of the Teamsters
prevented other findings from being put into perspective. As a result, the
labor movement got a lot of heat that could better have been applied to the
businessmen of organized crime, who had made league with Jimmy Hoffa to
exploit the pension funds of honest truckdrivers. Ironically, although Hoffa
at last went to prison, many sincere liberals perferred to overlook his
crimes and blame a Bobby Kennedy "vendetta" for the pursuit of Hoffa.

Uninformed liberals notwithstanding, Kennedy learned enough about what he
called "the enemy within" to launch a Coordinated War on Crime when he became
Attorney General in 1961 The big problem was to bring the FBI into the
battle. J. Edgar Hoover had long maintained there was no syndicate, no Mafia,
no organized crime. Kennedy could and did get laws passed that put the FBI
into the areas of gambling and racketeering for the first time, but more was
needed to get Hoover off the limb where he had roosted so long above the

La Cosa Nostra was the answer.

Joe Valachi, a minor punk, was arrested and convicted by the Federal
Narcotics Bureau, which had been talking about the Mafia for decades. Joe,
seeking a break, began squealing. The narcotics bureau dutifully reported the
development to the Organized Crime Section set up by Kennedy in the Justice
Department to coordinate the work of a dozen agencies. Who had the
inspiration remains a classified secret, but it was quickly decided to turn
over Valachi and his tales of the old days in New York to the FBI.

Nothing that Valachi said was new except the name he gave the old "Honored
Society" of the Sicilians. Yet such was public ignorance, and credulity, that
La Cosa Nostra was hailed as a breakthrough in the fight against crime. The
McClellan Committee, which had plowed much the same ground in 1957,
cooperated in 1963 by giving Joe maximum publicity. The FBI took bows left
and right for exposing the New Menace, and everything that conflicted 


1999-12-14 Thread piper

GE Foods

Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually you
will be.

Atrocities happen when the people about you - start considering you surplus.

"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of
others to differ from me in opinion"
   Thomas Jefferson

My Grandfather told me there are two kinds of people:
those who do the work and
those who take the credit.
He told me to be in the first group -
 there is less competition there. -
Indira Gandhi

ICQ 14484977
NEW - my sites are having a problem staying up right now.
So, here they are mirrored.

-Original Message-
From: Debbie Ortman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Recipient list suppressed Recipient list suppressed
Date: Monday, December 13, 1999 12:42 PM

CONSUMER WARNING - The Frankenfoods Fifteen(see list at end)


* Lab tests and industry disclosures indicate that 60-75% of all
non-organic supermarket foods now "test positive" for the presence of
genetically engineered (GE) ingredients.

* Despite growing public concern over the safety of milk and dairy products
from cows injected with recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH), as well
as human health and environmental concerns over genetically engineered
corn, soy, canola, and cotton, the US government refuses to require
safety-testing or labeling for genetically engineered foods. As a result
Europe, Japan, and other nations are now refusing to buy many US food

*  Mounting scientific evidence suggests that genetically engineered foods
may present serious hazards for human health and the environment. The
British Medical Association has called for a global ban on GE foods, while
the New England Journal of Medicine has warned that "the allergenic
potential of these newly intoduced microbial proteins is uncertain,
unpredictable, and untestable." Scientists warn that GE foods may set off
allergies, increase cancer risks, produce antibiotic-resistant pathogens,
damage food quality, and produce dangerous toxins.

*  Environmental hazards of genetically engineered crops recently discussed
in scientific journals and the media include: increased use of toxic
pesticides, damage to soil fertility, genetic pollution of adjoining
farmlands, harm to Monarch butterflies and beneficial insects such as
ladybugs, and the creation of "superpests, "superweeds," and virulent new
plant viruses.

*  Consumer polls over the past decade have shown that 80-95% of Americans
want genetically engineered foods to be labeled--mainly so that we can
avoid buying them. Fifty members of Congress recently sent a letter to the
Food and Drug Administration demanding labeling. In addition, a federal
lawsuit has been filed by a broad coalition of scientists, environmental
groups, religious leaders, organic farmers, and consumer organizations
demanding that all genetically engineered foods be taken off the market
until they have been properly safety-tested and labeled.

*  Turn over this leaflet to see what you can do today to protect yourself
and your family from genetically engineered foods.


Ask  your grocery store manager for a written statement on their policy
regarding genetically engineered foods. Request that they identify which
food products are genetically engineered and which are not.

Tell your grocer to offer a full-line selection of certified organic foods.
Organic farmers and producers operate under strict certification rules and
do not use any genetically engineered seeds or ingredients.

Buy certified organic foods from your local co-op, health food store,
farmers market or through a  CSA - (Community Supported Agriculture)

Join the Organic Consumers Association and volunteer to help organize
opposition to genetically engineered foods in your local community.  Keep
informed on genetic engineering and food safety issues by visiting our  web
site at http://www.purefood.org

Call the 15 companies listed below - The Frankenfoods Fifteen - and tell
them you will not purchase their foods or beverages unless they can provide
you with written
assurance that their products do not contain genetically engineered

800 452-1971
Heinz Foods

Re: [CTRL] Hoffmans Oklahoma book ordered destroyed

1999-12-14 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/12/1999 11:48:05 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 This is just in from the RichSlick mailing list. David Hoffman's complete
 book, "The Oklahoma City Bombing and the Politics of Terror" is available at
 the hyperlink below. Can anyone verify that it has been ordered destroyed?

The Erie Morning Times contained the following on ll Dec l999:  Quote

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP)--The California publisher of a controversial book about
the Oklahoma City bombing will destroy copies of the book as part of a
settlement of a lawsuit filed by a former FBI official over false and
inaccurate statements in the book.

Stan Twardy, attorney for former FBI official Oliver "Buck" Revell, said
Friday that the number of books being destroyed was not available but it he
described it as "substantial."  The publisher said all books in its
distributor's warehouse would be destroyed.

Revell said David Hoffman's book, "The Oklahoma City Bombing and The Politics
of Terror" contained false and inaccurate statements about him and "by
innuendo" portrayed him as a co-conspirator in the bombing.  Unquote

Seems official.  Prudy

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] [3] The Squad

1999-12-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Squad
Michael Milan
Rose Ann Levy and Shadow Lawn Press©1989
Shapolsky Publishers, Inc.
136 West 22nd Street
New York, NY 1001
ISBN 0-944007-52-X
304 pps.  – First/only edition[there is also a UK printing] -- Out-of-print

The Old Man

On the Lower East Side, people used to say that when Roosevelt had a problem
he couldn't solve, he turned to God. If the problem had to do with the Lower
East Side, God would tell him to talk to Sam Koenig.

Sam Koenig was the macher, the ganzer macher, the center of life in the
neighborhood. He wasn't important because of how much he knew. It was who he
knew that counted, and how he could get people he knew to do what he wanted.
So when I found out many years later that it was Sam Koenig who had put
Costello and J. Edgar Hoover onto me from the very start, I wasn't surprised.
But if you had told me then, even in 1948 when I was just two years out of
the Navy, that Koenig had steered me into the Special Group, you could have
knocked me right over.

Koenig seemed to know everybody, and when he put the fix in, it wasn't
because he expected something in return the next day. That wasn't it at all.
He was a man who built up a vault of favors. Everybody owed him and he knew
how to exchange favor for favor, even putting people together whose paths
might never cross. That's bow he built himself one of the most powerful
neighborhood political machines in the country. He put judges on the bench,
sent congressmen to Washington, and got you out of hot water with the* cops.
If your nephew was laid off and needed a job with the city, you saw Sam. And
if some paper-pushing son of a bitch was putting the bite on you for a chunk
of dough under the table, you saw Sam.

His word went all the way to the top. When Roosevelt needed votes from New
York, he went to the Republican Sam Koenig. And in 1942, when Captain Roscoe
McFall, who was running an OSS operation out of a hotel room in midtown,
needed local muscle to cut a deal with Charlie Luciano to put some boys he
could trust on the docks, he also went to Sam. Luciano was spending the war
stamping license plates up at Dannamora so Koenig talked to Meyer

Lansky and Frank Costello about setting up a meeting with him. Meyer,
especially, thought he could get Luciano sprung when things cooled down after
the war. Koenig got Governor Dewey to bring Lucky downstate to Sing Sing
where he could enjoy some of the comforts of home. And he also got Dewey to
grant him a pardon as his cut for letting his button men organize the docks.
What nobody knew except Meyer and Frank was that Luciano had his own men in
the OSS underground units sent to Sicily in advance of General Patton. By the
time our troops entered Palermo, Lucky's men had organized the entire island
and were diverting U.S. fuel supplies into the European black market.

When I was drafted out of Seward Park High School in 1944, it was Sam Koenig
who put me in the OSS operation he'd setup with Luciano, Lansky, and Costello
in 1942. 1 worked undercover at Navy bases up and down the east coast until
the end of the war. And that was how I came to Hoover's attention. So you
could say that it was Sam who put me into the Squad, and years later before
he died, he admitted that he had spoken to Hoover about using me for some
special jobs.

Just like any of the celebrities Ed Sullivan wrote about in his column, J.
Edgar Hoover was a man of mystery to a Lower East Side kid like me. I knew
that he liked to stay at the Carlyle up on Madison Avenue whenever he came to
town. He didn't mind being seen at a swanky place like that, especially when
he stepped out at night with the local politicians and the show dames they
hung around with. He liked it when he saw his picture in the papers the next
day. What I didn't know was on that afternoon in 1948 while I was looking at
his picture on page one of the Daily News was that Hoover was in town looking
for people to beef up an operation he was running strictly on the q.t.

Like most afternoons, I was eating lunch at one of the rear tables in
Ratner's. And like most afternoons, I was alone, reading the results of the
horse races the day before. Because I had to make my collections from the
East Side book around dinnertime, I always liked to know who had made out on
the day's action and who had taken beatings. As usual, I sat facing the front
so I could keep an eye on the door while I read the papers.

I noticed these two guys come in who I made to be cops right away. They stood
up too straight for local torpedoes and their shoes were shined up real
bright like they had marched in a lot of parades. I made like I was just part
of the local scenery, but I knew they were looking right at me. I was glad I
wasn't carrying a gun. One of them walked over to one of the waiters and
whispered something in his ear. Then they followed him to a table and sat

So far so good, I said to myself. If they were cops looking for me, 

Re: [CTRL] Morris Dees' Divorce Papers Expose Dark Side.

1999-12-14 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/12/1999 5:17:11 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Who gives a shit?

Hear, hear!  Prudy

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Politically Correct Jesus

1999-12-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/14/99 11:08:00 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

This is why he had others write for him so often, such as Luke and Timothy.
This is also why historians often disagree about the authenticity of Paul's
writings, and often renounce his writings,  because the handwriting varies
in more than one copy of the manuscript notations.

 There are  the actual manuscripts of Pauline letters available?


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Politically Correct Jesus

1999-12-14 Thread Eagle 1

 -Caveat Lector-

Let me ask you this Kris,  if there are not manuscripts and or written notes
and or notations,  who did the King James Committee copy their works from?
It is my understanding that there are five copies of the Septuagint in
various hands over the world.  I've seen one copy with my own eyes about 20
years ago.  These seem to reflect what is written,  to the "T",  in what is
commonly called the King James Bible.  Where other translators got their
translations or transliterations,  I cannot say.

However,  I do not believe that this work we have come to call the Bible is
merely a collection of simple hand-me-down hagadah's,  but rather it is a
documentable and historical reference regarding the tribes of the Hebrews
and their migrations from Adam and Eve until we end with John's writings of
the Messiah's Revealings - the Revelation.  The original recordings are
mostly obtainable,  or at least viewable. If you want a more exact resource,
give me a couple of weeks,  since I have to work through and including New
Year's Day,  and I'll give you a documentable resource of where you can go
to view, or where you can obtain a copy of these same documents I viewed.

I believe that they are available.  I do not believe,  however, that they
are all in manuscript / coptic form,  as you may think of the "Dead Sea

eagle 1

- Original Message -
From: "Kris Millegan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 1999 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Politically Correct Jesus

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 12/14/99 11:08:00 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 This is why he had others write for him so often, such as Luke and
 This is also why historians often disagree about the authenticity of
 writings, and often renounce his writings,  because the handwriting
 in more than one copy of the manuscript notations.

  There are  the actual manuscripts of Pauline letters available?


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Politically Correct Jesus

1999-12-14 Thread Terry Trainor

 -Caveat Lector-

Lighten up, Eagle -

I'm quite sure that this was a joking reference to your use of the
term 'handwriting';  I know that no one here thinks we have an ORIGINAL
manuscript, one that Paul himself penned - - -


 -Original Message-
 From: Eagle 1 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 1999 2:14 PM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Politically Correct Jesus

  -Caveat Lector-

 Let me ask you this Kris,  if there are not manuscripts and
 or written notes
 and or notations,  who did the King James Committee copy
 their works from?
 It is my understanding that there are five copies of the Septuagint in
 various hands over the world.  I've seen one copy with my own
 eyes about 20
 years ago.  These seem to reflect what is written,  to the
 "T",  in what is
 commonly called the King James Bible.  Where other
 translators got their
 translations or transliterations,  I cannot say.

 However,  I do not believe that this work we have come to
 call the Bible is
 merely a collection of simple hand-me-down hagadah's,  but
 rather it is a
 documentable and historical reference regarding the tribes of
 the Hebrews
 and their migrations from Adam and Eve until we end with
 John's writings of
 the Messiah's Revealings - the Revelation.  The original
 recordings are
 mostly obtainable,  or at least viewable. If you want a more
 exact resource,
 give me a couple of weeks,  since I have to work through and
 including New
 Year's Day,  and I'll give you a documentable resource of
 where you can go
 to view, or where you can obtain a copy of these same
 documents I viewed.

 I believe that they are available.  I do not believe,
 however, that they
 are all in manuscript / coptic form,  as you may think of the
 "Dead Sea

 eagle 1

 - Original Message -
 From: "Kris Millegan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 1999 1:57 PM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Politically Correct Jesus

  -Caveat Lector-
  In a message dated 12/14/99 11:08:00 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  This is why he had others write for him so often, such as Luke and
  This is also why historians often disagree about the
 authenticity of
  writings, and often renounce his writings,  because the handwriting
  in more than one copy of the manuscript notations.
   There are  the actual manuscripts of Pauline letters available?

 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list.
 Proselyzting propagandic
 screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are
 sordid matters
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths,
 misdirections and outright
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major
 and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That
 being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always
 suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to
 Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FW: Politically Correct Jesus

1999-12-14 Thread David Rupp

 -Caveat Lector-

Nah, that's an image of Jacques de Molay created by Leonardo DaVinci for his
Illuminati bretheren.

Get caught up in The Web of Fate at

Sent:   Tuesday, December 14, 1999 6:55 AM
Subject:Re: Politically Correct Jesus

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-12-13 18:03:51 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The TRUTH is that Jesus probably looked like Woody Allen without glasses.
Or perhaps, Gene Wilder. Or, if Christians are really lucky, Bernard
a.k.a. Tony Curtis.

Personally, I like the unprepossessing face imprinted on the Shroud of

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Indictment Sought for Scientist Lee (fwd)

1999-12-14 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/14/1999 1:57:13 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Basically zilch, aside from having all of his privileges as a former DCI
 revoked. No criminal charges were filed. 

Amazing.  I thought I had just missed it.  It's all a matter of who you are.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Psyops / mindwar booklist ... free energy techno-linkage

1999-12-14 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Most folks have no life outside of TV, job,  minimal interaction with
It is difficult to talk to the average person in the street since I am not
aware of the plotline or "star" of the latest "Miami Vice" or "Baywatch" or
whatever the fools are wasting their lives on.
I haven't read Peter Moon on Montauk. I don't believe that there is a
successful mass-mindcontrol other than TV in place.. although there are many
collaborative effects impinging on people's ability to be "themselves" and
to develop intellectually and spiritually.
TV is broad spectrum. It is psychocultural behaviour modification.
It is a constant message of fear, insufficiency, elevation of the primitive
spiritual attitudinal states over the advanced states...  mass-market
monoculture .. theism of materialism subliminally inserted into the viewers'
PR .. "Public Relations" was developed as a means of controlling "the
masses" .. TV is PR's Disneyland, where the masses are invited daily into
the enchanted castle for poison apple pie.
Many people living today are people whose Realities are shaped primarily by
TV... people who've been accustomed to TV since earliest childhood.
Such people are entangled in a web of TV created pseudo-reality.
Nothing more is needed to control them. They are ACCUSTOMED to being told
what to DESIRE. What could be more basic?
The fundamental programming for controlling these people was inserted
beginning years ago, and  is being maintained and upgraded on a daily basis.
Many were virtually parented by TV.
It is very difficult for these people to think outside of any reality
paradigm which is not directly supported by TV, and they are easily led to
acquiescence .. look at the "public support" engineered by the media for the
U.S. Military orgies in Kosovo and the Gulf War which were based in false

an interesting site on "Communications studies,"  the media, monopolies,
censorship, "PR," media violence ...

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: Catherine Austin Fitts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 13, 1999 4:41 PM
To: Dave
Subject: RE: Psyops / mindwar booklist ... free energy techno-linkage

Holy smokes. I was sitting here thinking almost the same. I am reading
Eustace Mullins, The World Order. I am coming to grips with the facts that
this is my family, my friends, my former partners and business associates,
investors I have worked with, and on and on.

Have you read Peter Moon's series on Montauk? I keep trying to understand
what mind control technology is being used on the general masses. These has
to be something. I can not explain folks behavior any other way.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Institute for Molecular Medicine / GWS

1999-12-14 Thread Dave

Dave Hartleyhttp://www.Asheville-Computer.com/dave
from http://www.immed.org/prod/chronic/chronic.html
Chronic Infections | 
Chronic Fatigue 
Illnesses | Gulf 
War Illnesses Signs and Symptoms | 
General Information 
| Veterinary 
Infections | Search 

Articles available on-line are categorized 
as follows: Gulf War 
Illness, Chronic Fatigue and 
Arthritis, General 
Information,, and Veterinary Infections 

Click here 
to go to the  article. 

  also to CFS/Arthritis 
  or General 
  Information or Veterinary 
Nicolson, G.L. and Nicolson, N.L. Doxycycline treatment and 
  Desert Storm JAMA 273: 618-619 (1995).
html doc 
Nicolson, G.L., Hyman, E., Kor nyi-Both, A., Lopez, D.A., Nicolson, 
  N.L., Rea, W. and Urnovitz, H. Progress on Persian Gulf War 
  illnesses--reality and hypotheses. Int. J. Occup. Med. Tox. 4: 
  365-370 (1995).
html doc 

Nicolson, G.L. and Nicolson, N.L. Chronic fatigue illnesses and 
  Operation Desert Storm. J. Occup. Environ. Med. 38: 14-16 
html doc 
Nicolson, G.L. and Nicolson, N.L. Diagnosis and treatment of 
  mycoplasmal infections in Persian Gulf War Illness-CFIDS Patients 
  Int. J. Occup. Med. Immunol. Tox. 5: 69-78 (1996).
html doc 

Nicolson, G.L. Further information about Persian Gulf War 
  Illnesses. Int. J. Occup. Med. Immunol. Tox. 5: 83-86 (1996).
html doc
Nicolson, G.L. and Nicolson, N.L. Chronic Fatigue Illnesses 
  Associated with Service in Operation Desert Storm. Were Biological Weapons 
  Used Against our Forces in the Gulf War? Townsend Lett. Doctors 154: 
  42-48 (1996).
html doc 

Nicolson, G.L. and Nicolson, N.L.Mycoplasmal infections--Diagnosis 
  and treatment of Gulf War Illness/CFIDS. CFIDS Chronicle 9(3): 66-69 
html doc
Nicolson, G.L. and Nicolson, N.L. The Gulf: War or Human Laboratory 
  (comments on an article by John Nichols) British Society for Allergy 
  and Environmental Medicine: Medicine, Conflict  Survival 12: 260-262 
html doc
Nicolson, G.L.and Nicolson, N.L. The Eight Myths of Operation 
  Desert Storm and Gulf War Syndrome. Medicine, Conflict  Survival 
  in press (1997).
html doc
Nicolson, G.L., Nicolson, N.L., and Nasralla, M. Mycoplasmal 
  Infections and Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue Illness (Gulf War Illness) 
  Associated with Deployment to Operation Desert Storm International 
  Journal of Medicine In Press 2/17/97.
html doc
Nicolson, G.L., Nicolson, N. L., and Nasralla, M. Chronic Fatigue 
  Illness and Operation Desert Storm (Report) 
html doc
Nicolson, G.L., and Nicolson, N.L. Politics interfere with 
  diagnosis and treatment of Gulf War Illness Criminal 
  Politics January 1996: 20-27. (Text and 2 references)
html doc
Nicolson, G.L.and Nicolson, N.L. Mycoplasmal Infections in Gulf War 
  Illnesses. President's Panel on Gulf War Illnesses Washington D.C. 
  August 14-16, 1995 
html doc 
Nicolson, G.L. and Nicolson, N.L. Summary of Persian Gulf War 
  Illness Pilot Study on Mycoplasmal Infections in Veterans and Family 
  Members. (Text and 5 references) 
html doc 
Nicolson, G.L. and Nicolson, N.L. Written Testimony to the 
  Subcommittee on Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations, House of 
  Representatives, U. S. Congress, April 2, 1996. (Text and 3 
html doc 
Nicolson, N.L. and Nicolson, G.L. The Enemy-- From Within. 
  Criminal Politics October 1996: 13-18. (Text)
html doc 
Nicolson, G.L. News Release for American Academy of Environmental 
  Medicine Annual Meeting. October 14, 1996 
html doc 
Nicolson, G.L. Recent Peer-Reviewed Publications of Garth L. 
  Nicolson on Gulf War Illness/myalpic 
html doc 
Nicolson, G.L. Brief Summary of Possible Sources of Chronic 
  Infections Associated with Gulf War Illness 
html doc 
Written Testimony of Dr. Garth L. Nicholson, Committee on 
  Veterans' Affairs, Subcommittee on Benefits, United States House of 
  Representatives, July 16, 1998 
html doc
Emerging Infectious Diseases 1998 in press ; Hospitalization 
  for Unexplained Illnesses Among U. S. Veterans of Persian Gulf War 
html doc
Poster: Diagnosis and Treatment of Systemic Mycoplasmal Infections 
  in Gulf War Illnesses, Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Syndromes 
  ,Garth L. Nicolson, Marwan Nasralla, Joerg Haier and Nancy L. Nicolson 
  The Institute for Molecular Medicine, Huntington Beach, CA 92649-1041 

[CTRL] [BRIGADE] PJB: GOP Walking Away from the Unborn

1999-12-14 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Dear Brigade,

PJB on last nights debate - fyi - and GO PAT GO


December 14, 1999


VIENNA, VA -- Today, Presidential candidate Patrick J. Buchanan released
the following statement:

"Last night, Texas Governor George W. Bush, the front-runner for the
Republican presidential nomination, pointedly refused to rule out a pro-
abortion running mate such as Christine Todd Whitman.  Senator John
McCain, his closest rival in the polls, also refused to rule out of a pro-
abortion vice presidential nominee.

"Mr. Bush and Mr. McCain have also refused to commit themselves to
nominate Supreme Court Justices who would overturn the 1973 abomination
Roe v. Wade.  The retreat of the national Republican Party from the Reagan
principle that all human life is sacred, and must be protected, is now
headlong and irreversible.

"I urge those within the GOP who believe in the cause of life to walk away
from a party that is turning its back on the unborn-and to join my campaign
to win the nomination of the Reform Party for President.  If nominated, I
choose a pro-life running mate.  If elected, every nomination I make to the
Supreme Court will be of a jurist who believes in the sanctity of human life,
and understands that Roe v. Wade was a crime against God and the

"The time for trust in the national Republican Party is over."

-  end  ---

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purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

(Note:  GOP is more like Democrats every day, Lets jump on Pat's Bandwagon!--

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Rebel threat to Panama as US gives canal back

1999-12-14 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Rebel threat to Panama as US gives canal back
   By Jerry McDermott in Panama City

Panama Canal Commission:

COLOMBIAN communist rebels have attacked a naval base on the border
with Panama, killing 45 marines, it was reported yesterday. The hostilities
came as America prepared for the official handover of the Panama Canal
today after an occupation lasting almost a century.

About 600 members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
launched the attack on the Pacific coast town of Jurado on Sunday.
US military authorities are worried that the guerrillas could launch attacks
inside Panama and even on the canal itself once America's withdrawal is

The attack was one of the heaviest in more than a year and was thought to be
the worst defeat suffered by a naval unit in Colombia's long-running war that
has claimed more than 35,000 lives in the past 10 years.

Today's handover ceremony will be a deliberately low-key affair, with
America wanting to bow out of the region quietly. Madeleine Albright, the US
Secretary of State, cancelled her visit, leaving former President Jimmy
who signed the Canal Treaty in 1977, to lead the American delegation.

Panama's Foreign Minister, Jose Miguel Aleman, played down the
significance of the low level of US representation and hailed a new age in
relations with the superpower that has dominated Panama's history. Other
dignitaries due to attend the ceremony include King Juan Carlos of Spain and
the president Ernesto Zedillo of Mexico.

With the transfer of the waterway, Panama's chief economic resource will
pass into Panamanian hands, giving the country of 2.8 million people full
sovereignty over all its territory for the first time since it won
from Colombia in 1903. Panama will regain all 363,000 acres of lush tropical
land the United States has used for military bases.

A recent poll in La Prensa daily newspaper disclosed that 61 per cent of the
population were opposed to a complete withdrawal of the American military
who will be gone by Dec 31, the official handover day.

Panamanians have good reason to fear the departure of American troops,
whose numbers peaked at 64,000 during the Second World War. Colombian
guerrillas and drug smugglers have already begun to wage "turf wars" near
deserted US bases.

"The truth is that we cannot believe they're going," said Javier Castano, a
owner. "We always thought there would be some deal, like the anti-drug
centre, which would mean US troops stayed."

The Colombian army, which is 120,000 strong, has struggled to contain the
20,000 guerrillas and it is widely accepted that Panama would have little
chance against them. It simply hopes the border problem will go away.

While US-Panamanian relations in the next century largely remain to be
defined, leaders said mutual economic interests and democratic principles
would be key. The United States is the canal's largest customer.

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [4] Inside the Covert Operations of the CIA Israel’s Mossad

1999-12-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an  excerpt from:
Inside the Covert Operations of the CIA  Israel’s Mossad
Joel Bainerman ©1994
S.P.I. BOOKS/Shapolsky Publishers, Inc.
136 West 22nd St.
New York, NY 10011
ISBN 1-56171-350-3
291 pps. – First Edition – Out-of-print

Vice President Quayle’s Role In President Bush's CIA Agenda

When Dan Quayle was chosen as George Bush's vice-presidential candidate most
people had never heard of him. Some speculated that he was "impeachment
insurance" for Bush in case Iran-Contra blew up in his face if he was elected
President. Others claimed that it was to satisfy the conservative wing of the
Republican Party

While the media labeled Quayle as an "idiot" and the public views him as a
dummy, incapable of sophisticated thinking, Bush knew otherwise. He chose
Quayle because of the ability of Quayle to carry out covert operations, such
as the key role he played in the secret effort to supply the Contras during
the Reagan White House.

To carry out his secret agendas Bush has to control key committees in the
House and Senate, such as Finance, Intelligence, and Armed Forces, and
command the loyalty of legislative assistants to congressmen and senators.
Senator Quayle served the then-Vice President Bush well in the Senate as an
integral part of the Secret Team. He was the Vice President's point man for th
e Contras, soothing Congress' mind over the nasty rumors it was hearing about
the Contras' ties to drug dealers and unscrupulous mercenary groups. When
money is spent, congressmen and senators have to be informed. When
"humanitarian aid" for the Contras was granted by Congress, Quayle did the

In the summer of 1991, I got to know William Northrup, the Israeli arms
dealer who was arrested in Bermuda in 1986 for selling arms to Iran. Before
leaving for the States in September, he told me to try and get gut to
California and meet Gene Wheaton. "Gene's a good man," he assured me.

Wheaton had been investigating Reagan-Bush covert operations since the early
1980s and had seen from the inside how these secret agendas operated. In
addition to his 25 years' experience as a criminal investigator for the U.S.
Army, he had designed security systems for airports in the Middle East and
served as an anti-smuggling narcotics advisor to the Shah.

By that time I had interviewed covert operators like Richard Secord, and
Iran-Contra players such as Yaacov Nimrodi. Now I had someone who looked at
the world of covert operations from the perspective of an investigator.
Unlike intelligence agents, Wheaton didn't thrive on lies and deceit. Judging
from his very modest home, he obviously wasn't in it for the money.

In 1985 Wheaton was vice president of a small cargo airline company that
Oliver North's network wanted to use to haul arms to the Contras and rebels
elsewhere, such as in Afghanistan. Wheaton had the expertise the secret team
wanted, so they set out to recruit him. While Wheaton may have fit their
political profile, he was conservative and right-wing; he was a cop, not an
intelligence agent. He was brought into the center circle, where he stayed
tong enough to learn about the White House's ties to drug runners, the
massive arms transfers to rebel groups, the mountains of falsified
documentation and miscarriages of justice.

"I had no objection to the covert end of it, as long as it was legal," says
Wheaton. "It wasn't. Whenever I asked about the legality of certain operation
I was told, "It's all right, this is a vital national security issue.' I
talked myself out of the inner circle but I was in- it long enough to get to
know the players and their method of operation. The government officials I
met in the Pentagon called supporting the private covert operator
'intelligence support activity.' These covert operators trampled on our
Constitution and made a mockery of our judicial system. They aren't motivated
strictly by anti-communism, power, or money, but by the adrenaline that stems
from being able to create chaos. They would gladly destabilize a democratic
ally of America just so they can go back in and save it."

Wheaton explains that the origins of Oliver North's network was in the
mid-1970s. There were, he says, literally tens of thousands of ex-covert
operators and former Air America "employees" running around loose in the U.S.
These weren't the kind of guys to lay back and run 7-11 stores, so they set
up an array of covert airlines using the assets of Air America, the former
CIA proprietary airline which had helped fly heroin out of Burma and Laos.

When Air America was liquidated it created scores of smaller airlines,
including Global, Capital, and Southern Cross. All tolled, these companies
employed over 15,000 people. The subsidiary companies of Air America,
Southern. Air Transport, Continental Air Services, and Air Asia were also
broken up. This meant this secret team was able to supply pilots and
mechanics, logistics and control people for future, privatized covert

Re: [CTRL] Politically Correct Jesus

1999-12-14 Thread Tenorlove

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Eagle 1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-

 Let me ask you this Kris,  if there are not manuscripts and or
 written notes
 and or notations,  who did the King James Committee copy their works
 It is my understanding that there are five copies of the Septuagint
 various hands over the world.

The Septuagint is only the Old Testament. No New Testament MSS exist
that date prior to the reign of Diocletian, who ordered all Christian
documents destroyed. Constantine, after his conversion to
Christianity/Sol Invictus monotheism, commissioned new documents.
Do You Yahoo!?
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Yahoo! Shopping: http://shopping.yahoo.com

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] U.S. Weighs Cost of Involvement After FARC Attack

1999-12-14 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

STRATFOR.COM Global Intelligence Update
December 14, 1999

U.S. Weighs Cost of Involvement After FARC Attack


Guerrillas of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)
overran a Colombian naval base near the Panamanian border on Dec
12. The raid highlights a new lack of Colombian military
intelligence and is likely to precipitate calls for increased
military aid to both Colombia and Panama. The incident will likely
result in more U.S. intelligence aid to Colombia and force a
reevaluation of U.S. involvement in both countries.


On Dec. 13, the Colombian Defense Ministry confirmed reports in the
Colombian newspapers El Tiempo and El Universal that at least 34
Marines, one policeman and a civilian, were killed and at least 40
Marines were wounded after more than 600 FARC guerrillas attacked a
Colombian naval base Dec. 12. The assault demonstrates how a
reduction in U.S. intelligence aid to Colombia has left that
country's military more vulnerable, which may increase pressure for
more U.S. aid to both Colombia and Panama.

The attack on the base, located in the Pacific coast town of Jurado
near the Panamanian border, came just two days before a formal
ceremony in Panama marking the U.S. handover of the Panama Canal.
It was the heaviest attack this year and coincided with a wave of
other clashes over the weekend in northwest and western Colombia.
In a separate incident in San Luis, in neighboring Antioquia
province, rebels killed eight police and two town hall officials.

The area around Jurado, a key staging post for arms and drugs, has
a heavy guerrilla and paramilitary presence and is 150 miles from
the Panama Canal, separated by the nearly impenetrable jungles of
the Darien province.

Earlier this year, some U.S. military authorities had warned that
Colombian guerrillas, who hold sway in the border area, could
launch attacks inside Panama and even on the Canal itself once the
U.S. pullout was complete. But, the guerrillas have long been in
the territory, and this recent attack does not signal any
particular increase in the threat they pose to the canal. The
potential for increased FARC presence in Panama Canal Zone is not
the direct issue.

The real issue from the Colombian perspective is the new lack of
adequate intelligence on rebel movement. Almost certainly as a
result of U.S. intelligence aid, the Colombian military foiled at
least two major FARC offensives last summer. The first incident
occurred in the run-up to peace talks when the FARC attempted to
strike at the mountain headquarters of paramilitary leader Carlos
Castano. They were quickly intercepted and driven back by Colombian
army troops. The second incident occurred following the
postponement of peace talks when a column of FARC guerrillas
marching on Bogota was intercepted and routed by the Colombian
Army. [ http://www.stratfor.com/services/giu/072999.ASP ]

But since the crash of a U.S. RC-7B intelligence gathering aircraft
in southern Colombia in late July, the Colombian military has
carried out no other major offensives. Prior to the employment of
the RC-7B, the kind of rebel attack launched against the naval base
was becoming all too common. The Colombian military was attacked in
its barracks at Mitu and Miraflores, and its columns were regularly
ambushed. Improved U.S.-provided intelligence support, however,
seemed to have turned the tide of the war, allowing the Colombian
military to carry out two massive ambushes of its own.

From the U.S. perspective, the issue is the attack's proximity to
Panama. It serves as a signal to the United States that its
increased involvement in the Colombian drug war has to be weighed
against a potential rebel threat to Panama, which has no standing
military of its own. U.S. involvement in Colombia has been growing
rapidly since Colombian President Andres Pastrana's ascension to
office, while U.S. forces are drawing down in Panama.

FARC has tried to draw the United States into its war with the
Colombian government. Its latest attack will pressure the U.S.
government to either increase its presence in Panama or increase
its military aid to Colombia. Either case works to FARC's favor in
that it heightens U.S. involvement in Colombia and thus leaves the
Clinton administration's policy in question.

This attack and its success will also strengthen the hands of those
in Colombia and the United States who want to see an increased U.S.
presence in Colombia and an extended U.S. presence in Panama. Most
certainly, it will at the very least immediately result in
increased U.S. intelligence aid to Colombia. It exposed the massive
intelligence deficit faced by the Colombians at a time when the
U.S. lost its primary asset in Colombia, the RC-7B, and in Panama,
Howard Air Base. The incident will force a reevaluation of U.S.
involvement in both countries.

(c) 1999, Stratfor, Inc. 

Re: [CTRL] Fw: SNET: Fw: [theseries] Earthlink knows everything about you!!

1999-12-14 Thread Tenorlove

 -Caveat Lector-

3 questions:

1. What is Total Access? I couldn't find a file with that name on my

2. Does this only pertain to people who use Earthlink as an ISP?

3. What other ISPs are involved?

Thanks in advance,
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Pitchers Hit Better!

1999-12-14 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

Published Monday, December 13, 1999, in the San Jose Mercury News

Doomsayers Are Batting Zero
Y2K provides another chance for failed prophets of disaster
Mercury News Staff Writer

What if nothing happens?

What if after years, months, days, hours, minutes and final seconds of
Chicken Little-ing, the world wakes up on Jan. 1 to discover the great Y2K
disaster is a yawner?

Actually, there are eons of precedent for Armageddons that never happen. Fact
is, ever since time began people have been predicting that it was about to
end in a cataclysmic disaster.

And there is one common link to each and every one of the forecasts of global
gloom and doom.

``They have all been wrong,'' said Professor Richard Landes, founder and
director of the Center for Millennial Studies at Boston University. Landes, a
professor of medieval studies, said hysteria in 1000 wasn't much different
than it is today, although computer breakdown makes today's a more secular
end than a heaven-sent doomsday.

Yet despite a 100 percent failure rate, disaster predictions keep on coming
and people keep believing the worst, said Landes. Why? Because no one can see
into the future.

``As a result, we want to know about it, we fear it, we use it as a
depository for our hopes, and, when someone who claims to know it comes
along, we are susceptible to their rhetoric.''

Here is a look at some of the best and brightest, or dumbest and dimmest,
predictions of disaster in our recent times:

IBEN Browning, a 72-year-old climatologist from New Mexico, alarmed America's
heartland when he predicted, more than a year in advance, that a record
earthquake would strike within 48 hours of Dec. 3, 1990. It would hit along
the New Madrid Fault in Missouri, last struck in 1811.

As the Big One approached, schools were dismissed, businesses closed,
National Guard troops alerted. Hundreds fled their homes, and thousands from
Mississippi to Illinois stocked up on food and water.

They even canceled the annual Christmas parade in Pine Bluff, Ark. And on
Dec. 3?

Oh, never mind.

CLAIMING to be a channel from a round table that included Jesus, Buddha, Pope
John XXIII, Christopher Columbus, King Arthur, Merlin and the ``Cosmic Master
Ray-o-Light,'' Elizabeth Clare Prophet warned that Dec. 31, 1989, would be
the world's last New Year's Eve. Nuclear war and economic collapse would
occur when Russia attacked the United States.

Prophet gathered 2,000 followers on a 12,000-acre ranch near Yellowstone
National Park in Montana, where they built underground shelters to be safe
from nuclear incoming.

Many of the group closed bank accounts and paid $10,000 to guarantee
themselves a haven underground. They called their enclave Glastonbury, after
the place in Britain said to be the sanctuary of King Arthur. They also ate
macrobiotically and wore purple on Thursdays.

When war did not erupt on New Year's, Prophet updated her doomsday to April
23, 1990. And what happened?

Oh, never mind.

THE appearance of comets are sure signs of pending disaster. Remember the
1997 mass suicide in San Diego, when 39 members of the Heaven's Gate cult
killed themselves to shed their ``earthly containers'' to join a UFO
tailgating the Hale-Bopp comet?

Less deadly was the worldwide fizzle experienced with the 1973-74 no-show of
the Comet Kohoutek, which many feared would collide with Earth. Proclaimed as
the Comet of the Century, so bright it would burn retinas and augur global
catastrophe, the comet was a bust, barely visible. It is still known as the
shy comet.

But none holds a candle to Halley's, a regular returnee every 76 years for
the last 4.6 billion years. Halley's, last here in 1986, has been an ill omen
for centuries. In 1910 it was suggested that all life would end when Earth
passed through the comet's tail because the tail was made of deadly space
gas. Thousands rushed out to purchase newly marketed anti-comet pills and gas

Out in Oklahoma a group called the Select Followers determined that the only
way to save the planet was to reach back to a tried-and-true method from
another time and sacrifice a virgin. A candidate was actually chosen until
police got wind of the plan and stepped in. And when the comet came?

Oh, never mind.

MORE recently, Paris designer Paco Rabanne, modeling himself more on
Descartes than Chanel, said he had interpreted Nostradamus, dead since 1566
but still cited for his prescience. Rabanne said he learned that Paris would
be destroyed at 11:22 a.m. on Aug. 11, 1999. The City of Light would be
extinguished in flames by the crash of Russia's Mir space station during that
day's solar eclipse, Rabanne claimed. A poll showed 10 percent believed this.

Rabanne fled to Brittany. A group of 1,000 unfortunates left behind gathered
Aug. 11 at his Left Bank boutique and counted down to 11:22 a.m. ``Caramba!
No Paco-lypse,'' shouted the champagne-sipping celebrants as the appointed
hour came and went.

Rabanne, perhaps 

Re: [CTRL] Ritilin/Prosac, Gun Control, and School Shootings

1999-12-14 Thread lloyd

 -Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Subject: Re: Ritilin/Prosac, Gun Control, and School Shootings
Date: Saturday, December 11, 1999 5:27 AM

A hypothesis for your consideration:

Could the recent wave of school shootings have been deliberatedly caused by
globalists and extreme liberals for the purpose of ushering in a one-world
government which would be facilitated by: a) undermining the legitimacy of the
Judeo-Christian heritage of America, and b) instigating anti-gun laws and ever
bigger government?

Reasons for hypothesis:

1) Most of these school shootings have been strangley isolated in rather
mundane, "heartland of America" areas with relatively large Christian
populations. The probable reaction of an increasingly atheistic and ignorant
population would be disgust for "traditional" America.

2) In a democracy, a major motivation for sweeping legislative changes are
public spectacles that produce a mass emotional reaction in the population.

3) There are serious and well organized elements in our society and the world
that want to disarm the domestic U.S. population in particular and the world
population in general as a prelude to or in facilitation of a one-world

4) The means currently exists to engage in the deliberate and sophisticated
psycho-social manipulation of school children with the aid of sophisticated
computer diagnostic testing and expert psychological consultanting firms. Also,
the political attitudes of the organizations who have both expertise in these
methods and access to our nations school children are extremely liberal,
atheistic, and even out-and-out communists with a clear and proactive agenda to
change American society through the destruction of our existing culture. For
details, see the book: "The Cloning of the American Mind: Eradicating Morality
Through Education" by B.K. Eakman.


1) The "heartland" of America has been targeted for undermining by those who
want to portray normal America as sick and in need of severe changes.

2) Existing pervasive computerized testing technology could be used by existing
psychological consulting firms to identify those adolescents from the target
population that are having the types of emotional problems that are most likely
to lead to violence.

3) Once identified, this troubled adolescent sub-group could be pumped up on
judgement distrupting drugs and provoked by additional psycho-social
manipulations until a sub-set begins wigging out.

4) As the sub-set starts snapping like popcorn in a microwave, the one world
government political agenda could be pursued, it's advocates all the while
waving the latest headlines in the face of policy makers and opponents.
Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:
Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
Ferndale, MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for the
entire political-ideological spectrum.  Quarterly journal, book sales,
rare/out-of-print searches, New Paradigms Discussion List, Weekly Up-date
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Soy Update

1999-12-14 Thread lloyd

 -Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
From: Ian Goddard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Soy Update
Date: Saturday, December 04, 1999 3:05 AM

  A second article in another Hawaiian paper on the tofu
  study has been located. The papers published follow-ups
  that sought to allay concerns about tofu, raising points
  from the need for more research before coming to definitive
  conclusions (obviously) to harming local tofu businesses.
  Here are the articles I've found on the tofu study:


  I contacted a researcher in a study I quoted showing that
  the soy phytochemical genistein killed testicular cells.
  I asked if those cells were normal or cancerous. He said
  they were altered, but in other studies he has and/or is
  working on, genistein is found to kill normal testicular
  cells, yet increase their proliferation at lower doses.

  While healthy folks may not need chemicals increasing
  or decreasing the number of their cells, that evidence
  suggests that if there's a toxic level, there may also
  be a safe and possibly beneficial level of soy. With
  respect to reducing rates of cancer and other major
  illness, research suggests that soy works. The FDA
  recently approved the use of health claims on soy
  products.[*] PubMed searches find numerous studies
  (see: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/PubMed) over the
  years that demonstrate an anti-cancer effect of soy
  phytochemicals, and their cytotoxic effect appears
  generally to be highly specific to cancer cells.

  Of course, the possibility of a risk of brain atrophy
  is not to be taken lightly. Of all organs, the brain
  is arguably the most valuable and important to preserve.

  [*] http://soy.com/Soy_Information/News/newfdaclaim/newfdaclaim.html

  IS SOY SAFE?: http://users.erols.com/igoddard/soy.htm

GODDARD'S JOURNAL: http://www.erols.com/igoddard/journal.htm

  Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:
Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
Ferndale, MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for the
entire political-ideological spectrum.  Quarterly journal, book sales,
rare/out-of-print searches, New Paradigms Discussion List, Weekly Up-date
Lists  E-text Archive of research, intelligence, catalogs,  resources.
 To Discuss Ideas:
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://msen.com/~lloyd/
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   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://a-albionic.com/formaddress.html
  For Discussion List:
   text in body:  subscribe prj [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Explore Our Archive:  http://a-albionic.com/a-albionic.html
Every Diet Has Failed!  What Can I do?
Click Below to "Ask Dr. Kathleen"!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Spiked Hoax Returns

1999-12-14 Thread lloyd

 -Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
From: Ian Goddard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Spiked Hoax Returns
Date: Thursday, December 02, 1999 6:00 PM


  (c) 12/02/99 Ian Williams Goddard

  The FBI recently went into panic mode and intimidated
  Mike Zieper's Internet Service Provider to shutdown
  his website. While the ISP caved in at first, they
  have since allowed his site to go back up. The furor
  was over a video that Zieper claimed came from his
  brother in the army. The video claims to be a U.S.
  Army briefing pertaining to an Army plot to incite
  riots at Time Square as the New Year (Y2K) arrives.

  Here's the page: http://crowdedtheater.com/index1.html

  About the video, Zieper's site still states: "I got it
  from my cousin Steve who's in the army. ...If it's real,
  then we're in really big trouble." But there's nothing
  to indicate that Zieper himself created it. A report
  from Zieper's ISP, and from Wired, defines the video
  without question as a "spoof" created by Zieper:
  Zeiper's ISP: http://www.becamation.com/crowded.htm

  If it was a hoax, it was fraud and thus the FBI had
  grounds to take action to shut it down, although
  perhaps not in the way they did. But if it's a hoax,
  why would the ISP allow it to go back into operation?
  It seems to me that if Zieper created the video, but
  is to this day saying on his webpage "I got it from
  my cousin Steve who's in the army," and claims not
  to know if it's true, then it's a lie and is fraud.

  Zieper's ISP, BECamation, said they got complaints
  (http://www.becamation.com/crowded.htm) about their
  having taken down the hoax. They said in their press
  release (http://rumormillnews.com/pulled.htm) that
  when the FBI contacted them, they already knew the
  video "was a farce." I think that they should get
  complaints about putting it back up! Put it back up,
  BUT with a statement that it's FICTION. If it doesn't
  say it's fiction, they're perpetrating fraud. Here's
  exactly what the page has said and says to this day:



  Is there going to be a Military Takeover of New York
  City on New Years Eve 1999?

  I don't know too much about this tape you are about
  to see. I got it from my cousin Steve who's in the
  army. He said that copies of this tape are floating
  around the base, and nobody knows who made it. If
  it's fake, then there's nothing to worry about. If
  it's real, then we're in really big trouble.

  I posted it with Real Video G2, but it should work
  with other versions of Real Video.
  Go here for a free download of the Real Video software.

  Click here to see the tape.



  IAN: The page clearly states that the presenter, who
  is the site owner and the person who has since admitted
  that he made the tape, instead received the tape. It
  also clearly indicates that the presenter is unsure if
  the content of the tape is what it purports to be, which
  is a U.S. Army briefing. Both of those allegations made
  by the site are FALSE according to the presenter and to
  his ISP, which means they're willfully promoting a lie.

  I'm all for free speech, but not free fraudulent speech.
  It seems to me that there's a confusion here between
  free speech and freedom to make fraudulent claims. All
  they need to do is state that the video is fictional.

GODDARD'S JOURNAL: http://www.erols.com/igoddard/journal.htm

  Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:
Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
Ferndale, MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for the
entire political-ideological spectrum.  Quarterly journal, book sales,
rare/out-of-print searches, New Paradigms Discussion List, Weekly Up-date
Lists  E-text Archive of research, intelligence, catalogs,  resources.
 To Discuss Ideas:
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1999-12-14 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

13 December 1999
Source: http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/aces/fr-cont.html


[Federal Register: December 13, 1999 (Volume 64, Number 238)]
[Page 69548-69549]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Drug Enforcement Administration

Contingency Plans for Year 2000

AGENCY: Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Justice.

ACTION: Notice; Guidance.


SUMMARY: In light of the possibility that computer or operational
difficulties may arise due to the transition to the year 2000, the Drug
Enforcement Administration (DEA) is detailing its contingency plans for
the Year 2000. In consultation with the regulated chemical and
pharmaceutical industries, DEA has prepared these plans to ensure a
smooth transition to the new millennium.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Patricia M. Good, Chief, Liaison and
Policy Section, Office of Diversion Control, Washington, D.C. 20537,
(202) 307-7297.


What Is the Purpose of This Notice?

This notice makes public the Drug Enforcement Administration's
(DEA's) business continuity and contingency plans to deal with any
computer or operational difficulties which may result from Year 2000
(Y2K) problems.


Concerns have arisen within both the public and private sectors as
to possible computer or operational problems which might occur due to
the use of two-digit date fields in computer files as dates change from
December 31, 1999 to January 1, 2000. Functionality of key systems,
including telephones, power and other utilities, as well as computer-
based business functionality have been questioned. Much discussion has
occurred as to the types of problems which might be encountered and the
best contingency plans available to deal with them should they arise.
DEA undertook a thorough review of its systems to determine where
problems might exist and to work proactively, both internally and
externally, to ensure that the regulated industries are prepared for

What Steps Has DEA Taken To Prepare for the Possibility of

In order to prepare for the possibility that problems might arise,
either internally or externally, DEA has developed a business
continuity and contingency plan to have in place back-up systems, where
necessary, to deal with problems, should they arise.

Registration and Reregistration

Many registrant services are computer-based. While all efforts have
been made to ensure that DEA's registration systems are unaffected, as
a contingency against interruption of controlled substance registration
service, DEA has taken a number of precautionary steps:
1. All renewal applications that would normally be printed in
January, February, and March 2000, have been preprinted. Matching
certificates of registration have also been preprinted. the forms and
certificates will be manually sent to registrants.
2. Until computer-generated certificates can be issued, form
letters will be provided to new registrations to serve as proof of
3. Until computer generated certificates can be issued, form
letters will also be provided to registrants requiring modification of
their registration.

Quotas for the Manufacture of Controlled Substances

Concerns have been expressed that there may be some stockpiling of
controlled substances by patients worried about the availability of
controlled substances. This stockpiling, should it occur, could result
in shortages of controlled substances for patients in the early part of
2000. In an effort to ensure that any stockpiling does not strain the
controlled substances system, and to ensure that manufacturers and
distributors of controlled substances do not experience shortages of
raw materials, DEA has adjusted the aggregate production quotas to
include the allowable maximum of 50 percent inventories for each basic
class of controlled substances manufactured for legitimate medical use
(64 FR 56366; October 19, 1999).

Automation of Reports and Consolidated Orders System

The Automation of Reports and Consolidated Orders System (ARCOS) is
the automated system used by DEA to monitor selected controlled
substances inventories and transactions. All registrants required to
submit ARCOS reports should do so under the normal schedule of
reporting. If there are interruptions in the computer system, the ARCOS
Unit of DEA will collect the reports and catalog them into a library
until such time as they can be entered into the computer system.

Importation and Exportation of Controlled Substances

Many countries, including the United States, use import/export

[CTRL] The right to bear arms

1999-12-14 Thread lloyd

 -Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
To: undisclosed-recipients:; undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: The right to bear arms
Date: Tuesday, December 07, 1999 4:01 PM

The right to bear arms
Joseph Farah

There's a reason the Founding Fathers considered the right to bear
arms fundamental in a free society.

A couple of recent unrelated incidents should bring this home to
all of us.

In Seattle last week, the local government, faced with widespread
civil disobedience over the city's hosting of the World Trade
Organization conference declared a state of emergency, a curfew
and even went so far as to ban the use of gas masks by anyone
except police.

Now, in case you hadn't considered this before, gas masks are not
weapons. They can only be used to defend oneself, usually from
tear gas fired by government police. Now imagine you lived in
Seattle and had some urgent business. Perhaps you have an
asthmatic son or daughter with a doctor's appointment. You live
outside the immediate area of protests, but as a precaution against
what could be a life-threatening attack to your child, you feel
compelled to break out the gas mask collecting dust in the

In Seattle, you would be treated as a criminal.

It's arbitrary. It's capricious. And I say it's unconstitutional. And the
Constitution doesn't even explicitly guarantee the right to bear
strictly defensive tools such as a gas mask. I think many, if not
most, people -- left and right -- would agree with me.

Nevertheless, there is still, somehow broad debate in this country
about whether the Constitution really means what it says about
firearms. I don't get it.

Some of the anti-gun, anti-Constitution, anti-freedom crowd looks
at it this way: "Yeah, it's in the Constitution. But the Constitution
is outdated and in need of change -- especially the Second
Amendment. Our first priority needs to be to protect people from
violence. If we take the guns away from ordinary people, they will
be safer and more secure. They can rest easy knowing the
government will protect them."

Of course, the facts, the statistics, the evidence just doesn't bear
out any such theory. On the contrary, the only cold, calculating,
objective, scientific research conducted in this area, by Dr. John
Lott, shows just the opposite to be the case -- more guns mean less

But put that aside for a moment and consider a recent
development in a police shooting case in Claremont, Calif. Last
January, Irvin Landrum Jr., 18, was stopped for a traffic violation.
The cops say Landrum pulled a gun on them, so they shot him and
killed him. The family never bought the story and filed a lawsuit
suggesting the police shot the kid and planted a gun on him.

It turns out ballistics tests showed the gun was not fired that night.
It had no fingerprints on it. And the last traceable owner was the
late police chief of a neighboring town.

I don't know about you, but I believe the kid was shot three times
by the cops and the .45 was dropped on him.

It happens. You see, some cops are crooked. Some cops are
dishonest. Some cops are even unbalanced, untrustworthy and
unqualified to carry a gun. And even more of them are unsuited to
that role if and when the police hold a monopoly on firepower.

When some nut climbs a tower somewhere and shoots innocent
people, too many Americans begin clamoring to take away guns
from perfectly law-abiding citizens who need them to protect
themselves as well as to protect our own liberty from the creeping
police state. When a nutty cop goes berserk and kills innocent
people -- and it happens -- I never hear anyone suggesting we
disarm all police.

True self-government requires an armed citizenry. If the
government holds a monopoly on force, tyranny is only a shot

We can never allow that to happen in America.

Nor can we ever tolerate American city governments, state
governments or federal government suspending the constitutional
rights of free people. The WTO be damned. Let the organization
meet in China. Let it hire its own private security force to protect
Fidel Castro and Bill Clinton. We shouldn't suspend the
Constitution to protect people who would like to shred it

Remember, gas masks don't kill people. Overbearing, unchecked,
heavily armed governments kill people.

  The Second Amendment is the RESET button
   of the United States Constitution.
  ---Doug McKay"mckay003_AT_maroon.tc.umn.edu

Joe Sylvester
Don't Tread On Me !

=Forwarded for info and discussion from the New 
Paradigms Discussion List,

[CTRL] Tofu Study Update

1999-12-14 Thread lloyd

 -Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
From: Ian Goddard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Tofu Study Update
Date: Thursday, December 09, 1999 2:44 AM

 The following contains much information about the "tofu study"
 reported: http://starbulletin.com/1999/11/19/news/story4.html

 I contacted Lon White, lead researcher in the tofu study
 to ask some questions. I asked him about the statistical
 significance of the findings in the study. He informed
 me that there were four major endpoints in the study:

 1. cognitive impairment of men (number of men=3734)
 2. cognitive impairment of sample of wives (n=502)
 3. brain atrophy by weight of men who died (n=290)
 4. brain atrophy by volume measured via MRI (n=574)

 The probability (p) value was less than .05 (significant)
 for a correlation between each endpoint and tofu intake
 (there was no significant correlation for other foods).
 In some cases the p value is less than .001 (if the p
 value is more than .05, it's not significant, if it's
 .05 or less, it's significant). Here's what this means:

 IF  p = .05  there's 95% chance the correlation is true
 IF  p = .01  there's 99% chance the correlation is true
 IF  p = .001 there's 99.9% chance the correlation is true

 So the correlation between the four endpoints listed above
 and tofu consumption had an over 95% probably of being true,
 with a probability of truth as high as 99.9%. Of course this
 cannot be read as proof that tofu causes those problems, but
 at the least it signals the need for further investigation.
 What is perhaps most significant is that Dr White informed
 me that there is a dose-dependent relationship between
 tofu consumption and the endpoints, ie, the more tofu was
 eaten, the more impairment and/or atrophy is found. The
 odds that such findings would be chance are extremely low!

 Here are two papers Dr. White, et al., have had published:

 White, L., Petrovitch, H., Ross, G.W.,  Masaki K.H. (1996)
 Association of mid-life consumption of tofu with late life
 cognitive impairment and dementia: The Honolulu-Asia Aging
 Study. The Neurobiology of Aging, 17 (suppl 4), S121.

 White, L.,  Petrovich, H., Ross, G. W., Masaki, K. H.,
 Abbot RD, et al. (1996) Prevalence of dementia in older
 Japanese-American men in Hawaii. JAMA, 276, 955-960.

More: http://www.soyonlineservice.co.nz/References/Brain.htm

 Here's a brief review of those two papers found in a letter
 to the FDA from Daniel Sheehan, PhD, Director of the Estrogen
 Base Program Division of Genetic and Reproductive Toxicology,
 and Daniel Doerge, PhD, Division of Biochemical Toxicology:

On 02/18/99, Dr. Sheehan  Dr. Doerge comment on White's work
Finally, initial data from a robust (7,000 men) long-term
(30+ years) prospective epidemiological study in Hawaii showed
that Alzheimer's disease prevalence in Hawaiian men was similar
to European-ancestry Americans and to Japanese (White, et al,
1996a).  In contrast, vascular dementia prevalence is similar
in Hawaii and Japan and both are higher than in European-
ancestry Americans. This suggests that common ancestry or
environmental factors in Japan and Hawaii are responsible for
the higher prevalence of vascular dementia in these locations.
Subsequently, this same group showed a significant dose-dependent
risk (up to 2.4 fold) for development of vascular dementia and
brain atrophy from consumption of tofu, a soy product rich in
isoflavones (White, et al, 1996b).  This finding is consistent
with the environmental causation suggested from the earlier
analysis, and provides evidence that soy (tofu) phytoestrogens
causes vascular dementia.Given that estrogens are important
for maintenance of brain function in women; that the male brain
contains aromatase, the enzyme that converts testosterone to
estradiol; and that isoflavones inhibit this enzymatic activity
(Irvine, 1998), there is a mechanistic basis for the human findings.
Full Letter: http://www.soyonlineservice.co.nz/files/nctrpti.doc

 The following is the abstract to the recent study, which
 should be published by April. Below that is a memorandum
 sent out by Doctor White after the newspaper publications:


[CTRL] Toxicity of Environmentalism

1999-12-14 Thread lloyd

 -Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
From: Kenneth Nebel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:  Toxicity of Environmentalism
Date: Monday, December 06, 1999 5:24 PM

Here is a summary of Reisman's Toxicity of Environmnentalism.  The essay
is available online at http://www.capitalism.net.


Summary of "The Toxicity of Environmentalism" by George Reisman

Human life and well-being depend on science, technology, and economic
progress. As
the leading evidence of this fact, man's life expectancy has increased
by two and a half
times and the quality of his life improved immeasurably since the
beginning of the
Industrial Revolution. The key to this marvelous success has been the
growing use of
machinery driven by man-made power. The application of the energy
released by
man-made power, primarily in the form of the combustion of fossil fuels,
and more
recently in the form of atomic radiation, has enabled human beings to
accomplish with
their relatively feeble muscular endowments, amazing productive
results--from the
making of automobiles, airplanes, computers, and television sets to the
moving of
mountains, the irrigation of deserts, and the clearing of entire
jungles--and to do all this,
and much, much more, with less and less fatigue.

The so-called environmental or ecology movement is the enemy of man-made
of the Industrial Revolution, of economic progress, technology, science,
and man. Thus
far, it is has been responsible for the energy crisis, a decline in the
average standard of
living, and the enrichment of terrorist governments, which last is a
direct result of the
artificially high price of oil it has caused through restrictions on the
supply of oil and
competing forms of energy. In its absence, the war in the Persian Gulf
would not have
been necessary, because Saddam Hussein would not have had the oil
revenues to
finance his military buildup. The ultimate goals of the environmental
movement are even
worse: namely, the destruction of industrial civilization, mass
impoverishment, and
depopulation. Its ethical perspective is that of the anti-human doctrine
of "intrinsic
value"--i.e., the notion that lower animals and inanimate matter are
valuable in and of
themselves, apart from all connection to human life and well-being, and
that man must
sacrifice himself for their sake. The philosophical corruption that the
acceptance of the
movement represents, not the environmental pollution it alleges,
constitutes the genuine
crisis of our time.Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion 
not necessarily endorsed by:
Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
Ferndale, MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for the
entire political-ideological spectrum.  Quarterly journal, book sales,
rare/out-of-print searches, New Paradigms Discussion List, Weekly Up-date
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[CTRL] The Paul Garson Show.

1999-12-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.CyberRadioTV.com/"CyberRadioTV™/A

Just a note to confirm your appearance on The Paul Garson Show. I have you
scheduled for Monday, 12/14.  7-9 pm PST.

We're looking forward to the show.

Catherine Silvestre
The Paul Garson Show

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Paul Garson Show.

1999-12-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/14/99 7:20:16 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


Just a note to confirm your appearance on The Paul Garson Show. I have
scheduled for Monday, 12/14.  7-9 pm PST.

We're looking forward to the show.
 I have just been informed that I come on at 9pm .

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-12-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Highly Recommended.
Matrix, Larry gardner Kenn Thomas and more.

 Al , I couldn't acces your site at www.members.aol.com/alhildell/paranoia
though. Wha's up?


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Paul Garson Show.

1999-12-14 Thread Eagle 1

 -Caveat Lector-

Would really be interested in hearing the show,  but the media player keeps
cutting out to where not a word can be understood. Is there a way to make it
quit resetting and rebuffering?  Anybody know?

eagle 1

- Original Message -
From: "Kris Millegan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 1999 9:22 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] The Paul Garson Show.

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 12/14/99 7:20:16 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Just a note to confirm your appearance on The Paul Garson Show. I have
 scheduled for Monday, 12/14.  7-9 pm PST.
 We're looking forward to the show.
  I have just been informed that I come on at 9pm .

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Paul Garson Show.

1999-12-14 Thread Tenorlove

 -Caveat Lector-

Way to go, Kris!

I'll try to stay up that late, I'm 3 hours ahead of you.

inserts coffee IV

also need sugar  nicotine to stay awake
Do You Yahoo!?
Thousands of Stores.  Millions of Products.  All in one place.
Yahoo! Shopping: http://shopping.yahoo.com

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Seattle Wrp-up from Pogressive Review

1999-12-14 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley


POST-INTELLIGENCER: We had some follow-up meetings and an officer whose
brother works for King County said there was FBI and Secret Service in their
riot training sessions and they were told to fully anticipate that five to
six officers would be lost during the protests, either seriously injured or

SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER A handful of officers took matters into their own
hands, getting permission to empty the munitions stores of police
departments in Auburn, Renton and Tukwila, the King County Jail and the
Department of Corrections. In addition, some drove around in a sport-utility
vehicle to buy chemical agents from a local law enforcement supply business.
Meanwhile, a police captain flew to Casper, Wyo., to pick up a stock of gas
from federal agents."

BRASSCHECK http://www.brasscheck.com

Arianna HUFFINGTON, SALON: The most significant aspect of the World Trade
Organization protests in Seattle is that they embodied the widespread fears
and anxieties of millions of Americans who do not share the prevailing
assumption that these are the best of times, and who in effect represent
America's unrecognized third party, made up of those so disgusted with the
system that they have even given up on voting . . . The emerging populist
alliance cuts through both parties and across generations. It traces its
roots not to the street protests of the '60s but to the progressive reform
movement of the '90s -- the 1890s. "The humblest citizen in all the land,"
said populist William Jennings Bryan in his 1896 "Cross of Gold" speech,
"when clad in the armor of a righteous cause, is stronger than all the hosts
of error." In "The Age of Reform," Richard Hofstadter analyzes Robert
LaFollette's watershed address in the U.S. Senate in 1908: "He attempted to
prove, with careful documentation from the interlocking directorates of
American corporations, that fewer than one hundred men, acting in concert,
controlled the great business interests of the country. 'Does anyone doubt,'
he asked, 'the community of interest that binds these men together?'"

SALON http://www.salon.com

ECONOMIST: As politicians pore over the disarray in Seattle, they might look
to citizen groups for advice. The non-governmental organizations that
descended on Seattle were a model of everything the trade negotiators were
not. They were well organized. They built unusual coalitions
(environmentalists and labor groups, for instance, bridged old gulfs to jeer
the WTO together). They had a clear agenda to derail the talks. And they
were masterly users of the media. The battle of Seattle is only the latest
and most visible in a string of recent NGO victories . . . The NGO agenda is
not confined to economic issues. One of the biggest successes of the 1990s
was the campaign to outlaw landmines, where hundreds of NGOs, in concert
with the Canadian government, pushed through a ban in a year. Nor is it
confined to government agendas. Nike has been targeted for poor labor
conditions in its overseas factories, Nestlé for the sale of powdered baby
milk in poor countries, Monsanto for genetically modified food.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] LA Police Scandal

1999-12-14 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

From Drudge:


According to publishing sources, the LOS ANGELES TIMES is fronting a
blockbuster in Wednesday runs revealing that "Los Angeles County District
Attorney Gil Garcetti and Public Defender Michael Judge have vastly
increased their estimates of the number of convictions that need to be
reviewed as a result of the city police scandal, and both now say they will
need more resources to handle what could be more than 3,000 questionable

The previous estimate was 500.

The TIMES' Henry Weinstein reports that Garcetti has already put seven
prosecutors on the case full time reviewing trouble cases -- but that number
could multiply shortly.

Los Angeles law enforcement is coping with what is being called the 'Rampart
Scandal' -- dirty cops in the city's Rampart Divison's anti-gang unit
accused of illegally beating, shooting and framing individuals for no
apparent reason.

So far, four inmates have been released as a result of the investigation --
and seven no longer in custody are looking to have their convictions

Judge believes that the scandal will take years to unravel:

"People who saw `L.A. Confidential' and said it could never happen now were


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] IMPORTANT: Final Y2K preparations

1999-12-14 Thread flw

 -Caveat Lector-

 No...I, unlike you, will NOT be crying 'Fire!' in a crowded theater, when
 there is no fire
 June ;-)

Well, we will soon know if there is a fire or not.
Unfortunately the Feds are not as confident as June
about the fire proof status of the theater.

Clinton Readies 50 State Emergency Declarationshttp:

 WASHINGTON, D.C. (BP) -- Fifty declarations of emergency, one for each
 state, have been prepared for President Clinton to sign on New Year's
 weekend if regional computer glitches occur in the United States due
 to the "Y2K" problem.

 "For the weekend beginning New Year's Eve, we have prepared 50
 emergency declarations in case there is any scenario in which a local
 area's problems cannot be handled by local and state emergency
 personnel and a request for a presidential declaration of emergency is
 requested by a governor," said Mark Wolfson, a spokesman for the
 Federal Emergency Management Agency told Baptist Press.

 FEMA, based in Georgia, is responsible for coordinating the federal
 government's nonmilitary response to all national emergencies, such as
 those caused by acts of terrorism, war, hurricanes, tornadoes and
 disruptions of power or other necessary services which could be
 sparked by Y2K glitches related to computer's coping with the turn of
 the millennium.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Forwarded Post

1999-12-14 Thread lloyd

 -Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
  Part Two
   by Sherman H. Skolnick

Adolph Hitler was joined at the hip with American big business
jointly with the British royal family. They financed him as a
bulwark, they thought, against the Soviets. The Moscow government was
perceived by them as a great threat to the West.

The British royals were and are heavily German and were originally
Von Battenberg. Following World War One, they changed their name to
the House of Windsor, which sounds harmless. King Edward 8th
abdicated the throne in the 1930s with the cover story that he wanted
to marry a commoner. In fact, it was because he was very pro-Hitler
and this would cause trouble with war clouds gathering. As the Duke
and Duchess of Windsor, they lived mostly in the Bahamas, and he was
the Governor there. He treasonously permitted Nazi U-boats to refuel
there and be able to sink U.S. and British ships. After all, the
British royal family was tied to the Nazis. See: John L. Spivak's
book, "Secret Armies, The New Techniques of Nazi Warfare" [Starling
Press, N.Y. N.Y., 1939], pages 17-30.

World War Two started when the Germans invaded Poland, September,
1939. Three weeks AFTER that, Rockefeller's Standard Oil of New
Jersey and the German chemical octopus, I.G. Farben, made an unholy
deal to share patents, royalties, and deals all during the war via
neutral South American countries like Columbia. To make it seem
legal, they arranged to fraudulently back-date the deal to THREE
WEEKS BEFORE THE WAR STARTED. Who brokered and arranged this? Why,
Joseph P. Kennedy, the pro-Hitler U.S. Ambassador to London until
October, 1940, and "Founding Father" of the Kennedy clan. See: "The
Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben" by Joseph Borkin. I.G. Farben
had a secret arrangement with the top U.S. Military brass, not to
bomb any of Farben's facilities during the war. At the close of the
conflict, Farben's facilities were 93 per cent untouched and intact.

A U.S. Military officer wrote a heavily documented account of Farben
being not bombed. See: the book "I.G. Farben" by Richard Sasuly, Boni
 Gaer Publ., N.Y. N.Y, 1947.

With Joseph P. Kennedy having a strong financial link to Hollywood,
he ORDERED some 50 of the leading screenwriters NOT to write anything
about the Nazi concentration camps. See: Ben Hecht's book, "Child of
the Century", Simon  Schuster, N.Y. N.Y., 1954, page 520.

"The Cliveden set" of the British aristocracy wanted peace and
collaboration with the Nazis. [Jacqueline Bouvier Auchincloss
Kennedy's family were close to that group.] Hitler's top aide,
Rudolph Hess flew to Scotland on a peace mission shortly after the
war started. He was murdered by British Intelligence on behalf of the
anti-Cliveden set and a double inserted instead. That double for
Rudolph Hess was designated a war criminal after World War Two and
was kept in Spandau Prison until he was way past 90 years of age. He
was never allowed to write anything down or communicate with anyone.
Hess's wife once proclaimed it was not her husband that was in jail
because the jail inmate did not have her husband's tell-tale battle
scar from World War One. To protect the secret about the peace
overture, British Intelligence murdered the Hess double in jail. In
1962, after Joseph P. Kennedy's son, John F. Kennedy, had become
President, the President and his brother, Robert F. Kennedy, as U.S.
Attorney General, arranged for hundreds of millions of dollars of
Nazi alien property, still in the hands of the U.S. Government, to be
returned to Nazi war criminals by way of a Swiss front, Interhandel.
See: New York Times, September 21, 22, and 24, 1964.

Some contend these treasonous dealings by the Kennedys justified the
"patriotic" political assassinations of President Kennedy, and then
later, his brother Bobby, each murder falsely blamed on a "lone
assassin". How far into the next century will one have to wait for
the truth? The American CIA has used dozens of Nazi war criminals as
consultants, particularly on how to cover up political murders and
how to snuff out material eyewitnesses to the same.

A magazine called "The National Tattler",before they ceased
publication, had a hard-hitting story, February 22, 1976, showing how
Nazi war criminals after World War Two, run an international secret
police group called Interpol, which specializes in hunting for people
with Jewish surnames, often fingering them for minor offenses. In the
1970s, in Chicago, Cook County Undersheriff, Ross V. Randolph, was
Interpol's key man in the Windy City. For many years, holding a top
Post-War position also with Nazi-war-criminal-run Interpol, was FBI
Director J. Edgar Hoover.

As we stated in Part One of "Great Secrets of the 20th Century",
"1912- the British ship TITANIC sunk 

[CTRL] FW: Liberty Update/radio program schedule

1999-12-14 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Ollie North has a radio show that is syndicated to 147 affiliates?!
That is  uh... disgusting? dangerous? demoralizing?

Congressman Ron Paul seems to be worth listening to ... but Oliver
"Contra/Crack" North?  sheesh... I figured it must be some OTHER Ollie
North... but no..

I just don't know what to think about this. What does Joe SixPack think of
Ollie North?
Just a good 'ole boy patriot Marine stand-up kinda guy?
Funny... I thought it was COMMON KNOWLEDGE that North was very near the top
of the chain of command in several C-R-I-M-I-N-A-L conspiracies (the ones
that he got CAUGHT in.. ) related to COCAINE smuggling and distribution,
illegal armaments trade, and who knows how many associated misappropriations
of Gov't funds, aircraft, personnel, etc.

Even the stoopid Grolier's Encyclopedia recognizes a tiny fragment of this
vast criminal conspiracy

A radio show, syndicated to 147 affiliates.
This guy and his associates armed and trained Nicaraguan military to murder
peasants and opponents of drug lords (like Catholic Nuns) and took COCAINE
in trade for guns and "services" and smuggled TONS and TONS of this cocaine
into the U.S. and SOLD this COCAINE to inner-city black dealers (one of whom
was sentenced to life in prison) and unknown others (probably "W" (dubya 
his Texas friends.)
A radio show, syndicated to 147 affiliates.
The mind vomits to think of it. Brainpuke.
Truly, we are living in an Alice-in-(perverted)-Wonderland world...
(ranting, SHOUTING, gesticulating wildly, spittle flying)

Listen to Ron Paul anyhow, if you get a chance.

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: Liberty Study Committee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 1999 8:06 PM
Subject: Liberty Update/radio program schedule

Dear friend of liberty,

Congressman Paul has appeared on several radio talk shows during
this last week talking about executive orders.  We will soon be posting
on our Web site an audio archive of some of these programs so you
can listen to them at your convenience.  Please note that we are only
making available those programs that the station has given us

The following is a list of upcoming live radio programs featuring
Congressman Paul discussing how presidential executive orders
relates to Y2K, martial law, and federal land grabs:

Wednesday, 12/15
Oliver North Show, Radio America (syndicated nationally to 147
2:05 p.m. PT/3:05 p.m. MT/4:05 p.m. CT/5:05 p.m. ET

Thursday, 12/16
Rick Barber, KOA-AM 850 Denver (50,000 watts)
3:00 a.m. PT/4:00 a.m. MT/5:00 a.m. CT/6:00 a.m. ET

Monday, 12/20
Doug Wright, KSL-AM 1160 Salt Lake City (50,000 watts)
10:00 a.m. PT/11:00 a.m. MT/12:00 p.m. CT/1:00 p.m. ET

Tuesday, 12/21
Quinn in the Morning, WRRK-FM 97 Pittsburgh (25,000 watts)
5:30 a.m. PT/6:30 a.m. MT/7:30 a.m. CT/8:30 a.m. ET

Monday, 12/27
Ron Engelman, Talk Radio Network (syndicated nationally to 200
10:00 p.m. PT/11:00 p.m. MT/12:00 a.m. CT/1:00 a.m. ET

Tuesday, 12/28
Roger Fredinburg, Talk Radio Network (syndicated nationally to 300
8:00 p.m. PT/9:00 p.m. MT/10:00 p.m. CT/11:00 p.m. ET.

A big "thank you" to Congressman Paul for getting up early and staying
up late to appear on these programs!  A big "thank you" to the 19,516
people who have sent a message to their U.S. representative urging
them to support H.R. 2655!  If you haven't already sent a message to
your congressman, please go to http://www.executiveorders.org and
urge them to co-sponsor H.R. 2655.

Kent Snyder
Executive Director
Liberty Study Committee

If you have a question or comment, please

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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Irish and Aids

1999-12-14 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

I usually send something terribly depressing on Aids..but every now and

An Irishman named O'Malley went to his doctor after a
long illness.  The doctor, after a lengthy examination,
sighed and looked O'Malley in the eye, and said, "I've
some bad news for you.  You have cancer, and it can't
be cured.  I'd give you two weeks to a month to live,"

O'Malley was shocked and saddened by the news, but
of solid character. He managed to compose himself and
walk from the doctor's office into the waiting room.
There, he saw his son who had been waiting. O'Malley
said, "Well son. We Irish celebrate when things are
good, and we celebrate when things don't go so well. In
this case, things aren't so well. I have cancer, and I've
been given a short time to live.  Let's head for the pub
and have a few pints."

After 3 or 4 pints, the two were feeling a little less
somber.  There were some laughs and more beers.
They were eventually approached by some of O'Malley's
old friends who asked what the two were celebrating.
O'Malley told them that the Irish celebrate the good and
the bad. He went on to tell them that they were drinking
to his impending end. He told his friends, "I've only got a
few weeks to live as I have been diagnosed with AIDS."
The friends gave O'Malley their condolences, and they
had a couple more beers.

After his friends left, O'Malley's son leaned over and
whispered his confusion. "Dad. I though you said that
you were dying from cancer??? You just told your
friends that you were dying from AIDS!"

O'Malley said, "I am dying of cancer, son.  I just don't
want any of them sleeping with your mother after I'm

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Fw: Publisher agrees to destroy copies of Hoffman's Oklahoma bombing book

1999-12-14 Thread Kris Millegan


Y2K NEWS FLASH?:  Here's a summary of a "supposed" interview from late
summer, 1999 which  I thought you would all appreciate. High ranking former
j*int chi*fs of st*ff member makes statement (after guarantee made to
withhold his identity for reasons of national security and continued
sustenance).  States emphatically that Y2K safety for all of USA, its
territories, and nations of the western world can be "virtually assured" if
the following groups are immediately detained:  Division V, fb*,; c*a
directorate of operations, d*d, d*a counterinsurgency and milintell groups,
on*, desc  disc operatives, ns* blackcard holders, adl, southern p*vert*y
law center, m*ss*d, mi5, mi6 on US and its territories' soil, etc. etc.  He
further states that this would have to be ordered by congress and/or potus,
and unless an "serious incident" occurs this this is extremely unlikely due
to the cowardice of congress.  He said the non-criminal high ranking
military's view was that potus is a traitor put in place to disassemble our
military and nation and represented foreign based entities!   But, he did
state that if  any large scale terrorist incident occurs as "sting gone bad"
or supposed "islamic attack", this would be enough to create an actual
martial law directive straight from the military through the navy.

Ret. Col. __ emphatically stated that all major acts of international
and domestic terrorism are actualy intel ops classified as deep cover, black
ops; and further states that the concept of mass terror was started as a
chinese and roman war tactic, to be further developed and "finely honed" by
most military related intelligence agencies after wwII.  He further states
that the fb* and *tf were competitive and did everything they could to
master these black op skills, developing their own particular practices best
known as "stings gone bad".  These two groups have considered their tactics
superior because they contain their own misinformation coverup functions.
He stated that it was common knowledge that the at one time the kkk was over
50% undercover operative based, and that so called right wing neo-nazi and
christian identity groups were 10-15% undercover operative based, and in
most cases almost completely directed and supported by key operatives well
skilled in filed manipulation skills toward their cutouts and assets. He
stated that the c*a's  typical style terrorist black op is to use supposed
"radical cutout groups" which could not exist on their own.

Col. _ emphatically stated that the only entity legally qualified,
powerful enough and patriatic enough to seize these criminal covert elements
and detain them in whatever manner is necessary is the United States Armed
forces and National Guard, operating at a field level.  He further stated
that any clear efforts by the covert op criminal elements in these covert
agencies to inititate "stings gone bad" or "terrorist attacks" on the US or
its territories could and would likely result in an immediate declaration of
martial law by the navy (the only entity so authorized by the us
constitution to enact national security) and that a 100% mobilization
against these extra legal covert agencies would then become immediately
imminent.  He further stated that many of the greybeards and army/navy
general staff were tired of the r*ch**d *rmit*ges. etc. and self serving,
weapons for drugs scams, and were about a "hair" from being pushed to act.
He said there were a lot of arms stockpiled for such contingencies and the
"criminal" operatives in these agencies were grossly outnumbered and
outgunned.He said the public would support such martial law once given
the facts but that most congressmen and senators would be too afraid of
being murdered by these agencies to support any action either way, until
they saw the public giving full support which would be imminent once the
media were utilized to fully disclose the truth about these covert criminal

He further stated that these covert criminal elements constantly surveilled
military officers through their hold on the comintel and many patriotic
officers had been targeted for murder by strange "helicopter accidents" and
other means.  He stated that only 10% of the members of these agencies were
criminal, but that they had control of the comintel and had well organized
hit squads.  He also said we were very close to an all out attack on these
covert criminal elements by two large military factions: a very well
organized command and control group and a vastly numbered and very well
"decentralized"  that could function in disorganized, massive and well
targeted guerilla actions against these enemies.  He had no further comments
about this expected response but stated the die was set and something would
cutlosse in the next year or so if not sooner.  He said that when the dust
settled most members of the american public would be pleasantly surprised at
the outcome, which 

[CTRL] UPDATE: Copy Tracking

1999-12-14 Thread lloyd

 -Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
From: Ian Goddard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: UPDATE: Copy Tracking
Date: Monday, November 29, 1999 6:42 AM


  J.J. Johnson, husband of Libertarian Party VP candidate
  Nancy Lord Johnson, has received confirmation [1] of
  the existence of invisible tracking numbers encoded
  into color photocopies, which he recently reported on.
  [2] I also found and received some confirmation. [3]

  Johnson received confirmation from Color Laser Printer
  Engineer Richard Longcoat with Xerox. Longcoat told
  Johnson: "The 'encrypted' code reveals the serial
  number of the color copier that made the document. This
  is because the quality of a well tuned color laser
  printer could be used to print extremely good counterfeit
  money, Stocks and Bonds, Etc... My understanding is that
  Xerox, as well as other makers of High Quality Color
  copiers have an agreement with the Treasury Department,
  (not the CIA). Since there is no foolproof way for the
  copier to recognize...currencies, a code is included."

  Apparently the government actually prohibited color
  photocopy machines from being sold unless they included
  the encoding technology. It's surprising that so few
  people have heard of this, yet it supposedly goes back
  many years. Even searching counterfeit-related-Internet
  resources turned up nothing on color-copy encoding. It's
  so unheard of I got responses after forwarding Johnson's
  initial post that said it was "another crazy conspiracy
  theory... too many people would know, how would they all
  keep it secret..." But it seems that it has been kept
  "secret" from most people. But why keep it "secret"?

  The purpose of keeping color-copy-encoding quite may be
  to encourage counterfeiters to do their dirty deed, so
  they will then get caught. Or maybe it's feared that
  if they figure out the encoding technology, it could
  be circumvented. Whatever the reason, if the government
  compels private makers of any color-printing presses to
  include a technology that places hidden tracking codes
  on all the prints, then that is clearly a violation of
  both the letter and the spirit of Freedom Of The Press.

  [1] http://www.jj-johnson.com/copiers2.htm

  [2] http://www.jj-johnson.com/copiers.htm

  [3] Statements about the existence of hidden codes can be
  found here http://www.c-prompt-dev.com/bulletin.0119.htm
  and here http://www.naqp.org/staging1/press/copier_fraud.html

  Interesting history of covert photocopy technology:

GODDARD'S JOURNAL: http://www.erols.com/igoddard/journal.htm

  Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:
Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
Ferndale, MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for the
entire political-ideological spectrum.  Quarterly journal, book sales,
rare/out-of-print searches, New Paradigms Discussion List, Weekly Up-date
Lists  E-text Archive of research, intelligence, catalogs,  resources.
 To Discuss Ideas:
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://msen.com/~lloyd/
  For Ordering Info  Free Catalog:
   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://a-albionic.com/formaddress.html
  For Discussion List:
   text in body:  subscribe prj [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Explore Our Archive:  http://a-albionic.com/a-albionic.html
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Surveillance Society: Exposing Echelon

1999-12-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.cbnnow.com/newsstand/stories/991214.asp"Surve
illance Society: Exposing Echelon/A
 CBN News
 Surveillance Society: Exposing Echelon
By Erin Zimmerman
December 14, 1999

 -- A Russian spy made headlines last week after he was found listening in on
conversations through a bug planted at the U.S. State Department, and there
are renewed concerns about Chinese spying.
But the government is using methods that are far more sophisticated -- and
far more secret -- to capture everything from phone calls to e-mails to
faxes. And there's growing evidence that they may be using it, not just on
terrorists, but on you.

"I think that people need to understand that we’re entering an age of a new
America, and we’re not going to like it," says privacy expert Lisa Dean of
the Free Congress Foundation. "This is not a society where what we say, or
what we do, or what we tell people is kept a secret."

"And people's conversations are being eavesdropped on in violation of the 4th
amendment," says Greg Nojeim of the American Civil Liberties Union. "If
Americans don't wake up to their diminishing window of privacy, as it were,
pretty soon, there's not going to be any left."

In a high-tech world that now contains 40 million cell phones, 14 million fax
machines, and 180 million computers, just how private is your communication?
The answer may surprise you.
"I don’t think we have a whole lot of privacy left in America," says Dean.
"We think we do, but we really don’t."

Big Brother may not be watching yet ... but he may be listening to your phone
calls and reading your e-mail, all in the name of national security.

"Secretary of Defense William Cohen has said publicly, the American people
need to decide how much privacy they’re willing to give up in favor of more
security," says Dean. "Well, the answer to that should be none."

And as Americans move further into the information age, Big Brother is
rapidly becoming public enemy number one.

"The Wall Street Journal conducted a poll about a month ago and asked
Americans what do you fear most in the next century. Terrorism? No. Crime?
No. The thing that concerned most Americans was the loss of personal

At the center of the firestorm over electronic privacy is the National
Security Agency, headquartered in Fort Meade, Maryland. With a global staff
of around 38,000 the NSA is larger than the FBI and the CIA combined.

"The NSA has two missions: one is foreign intelligence gathering, and the
other one is creation of codes to protect U.S. diplomatic and military
secrets," says former NSA analyst Wayne Madsen. "Historically, that’s been
NSA’s two major functions. Unfortunately, with the end of the Cold War,
they’re now looking into other areas."

These other areas may include your own home, through a global eavesdropping
system known as ECHELON.

"What ECHELON basically is is a system that, based on key words in a
conversation or key words in an e-mail -- it takes those key words of
interest, which are basically pre-programmed in something called a

According to Madsen, this dictionary may be searching your phone calls,
faxes, and e-mails to sniff out terrorists, hackers, and other potential
threats. Privacy experts charge that even accidental use of these so-called
key words could put you under the sharp ears of the NSA.

"I think the NSA would say, 'I wonder what they’re up to,' and I think there
might be increased monitoring of their communications."

Most of the public information about ECHELON is based on a report
commissioned by the European parliament.

Published last April, the report charges that the NSA's global spy bases,
like the one at Menwith Hill in England, routinely intercept around
two-million communications every hour.

"So basically, you can think of it as a giant drift net that captures
everything," says Madsen.
The countries casting this global drift net are members of what's known as
the UKUSA alliance: the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and
the United Kingdom. According to the EU report, this five-pronged partnership
also forms the legal loophole that allows the NSA to spy on its own citizens.

"The NSA has no jurisdiction here in this country," says Dean. "So it can’t
legally listen in on Americans’ phone conversations or electronic
communications. However, according to the European parliament, what it’s
doing is getting its British counterparts, or Australian counterparts, and so
on, to do their dirty work."

For example, if you send an e-mail message from New York to Los Angeles, it
may be routed through Canada or the UK before reaching its destination. And
once a message travels outside U.S. borders, it's fair game for ECHELON's web.

Most Americans got their first glimpse of the super-secret agency in the 1998
action film Enemy of the State. Former attorney and journalist James Bamford
wrote The Puzzle 

Re: [CTRL] NSA: Hard of hearing

1999-12-14 Thread [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 -Caveat Lector-

POOR, POOR General Whathisname feeling a little embarrassed at the reception
his agents and his agency receive at the theater.  Let's all have a pity
party for him okay.

Pity that is perhaps warranted, given the penchant of Hollywood to give every
wild conspiracy theory about the NSA the widest possible airing.

Oh and let's not forget to raise the old budget for the
NSA who are, presumably, according to this article running the risk of
falling behind.  They gotta catch up to catch those "rogue nuclear powers",
and those "sinister hackers who are just itchin' to crash global computer
systems".  Why I'm just as amazed that with such a paltry budget of [deleted
for NATIONAL SECURITY reasons] that they are able to do anything at all.  And
with only [UNKNOWN] agents they certainly can't be expected to do everything.

Do you even have a sound idea of what they do?

Wait a minute!  I think I got the answer!  How about this, let's have the
good old NSA start actually using it's resources for productive National
Security purposes and have them QUIT WASTING ALL OF OUR MONEY ON MONITORING

Nope. You don't have a clue. But it's obvious that you only see Big Brother
down in Fort Meade...

Simple isn't it.

If only you were right, but I think you're not.

I'm so stupid!

Well you said it. Why argue with that?

There is even a better answer, how 'bout we scrap the
hulking piece of shit instead, especially since the FBI has field offices in
other countries (not that there's anything wrong with that (lol)).

Ah. Of course. Don't understand what it does. Someone or other told it was
bad. I don't believe officials who say it does good. Smash, crush, kill,
destroy is the only answer.

Perhaps if you examined some of the literature around the traps about the
essentially foreign intelligence collection role of the NSA as opposed to the
speculative and alarmist work of the all too numerous "Big Brother watchers"
out there, you might realise that some things are not what they seem...


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Forest Service Seeks Public Comments On Roadless Areas

1999-12-14 Thread Richard Sampson

 -Caveat Lector-


Forest Service Seeks Public Comments On Roadless Areas

WASHINGTON, Dec. 8, 1999 -- The USDA Forest Service wraps up a series of
national public meetings on roadless areas with two sessions Thursday,
6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the Hyatt Arlington,
1325 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, Va.

"Our goal for these sessions is to hear people's ideas on what we should
address in developing a proposal to care for this unique part of their
National Forests and Grasslands," said James Furnish, Deputy Chief for
the National Forest System (NFS).

The listening sessions are designed for "scoping" -- a legally required
process of seeking public comment to help identify the scope of issues
to be addressed when a federal agency proposes any action potentially
affecting the human environment. The Forest Service is seeking comments
on what actions, alternatives, values and impacts should be considered
in a proposed rule and draft Environmental Impact Statement for
administering more than 50 million acres of NFS lands in its roadless
area inventory.

After a brief overview by Furnish, brief comments from members of the
public will be heard and recorded during the two sessions. Citizens who
want to listen only and submit comments later will receive background
information, comment cards, and instructions on where to send comments.
Forest Service Associate Chief Hilda Diaz-Sotero will give a short
closeout for each session.

The scoping meetings are among 187 held around the country -- 10
national meetings and local meetings hosted by each National Forest and
Grassland office. The scoping period ends Dec. 20, 1999.

President Clinton kicked off this process Oct. 13, 1999 by asking the
Forest Service to address the roadless area issue. On Oct. 19, 1999, the
agency published a Notice of Intent in the Federal Register to prepare
an Environmental Impact Statement for rulemaking on roadless areas.

Based on public comments and extensive analysis, the Forest Service will
release a proposed rule and draft EIS (DEIS) in spring, 2000, for
further public comment. The DEIS will analyze effects of various
alternatives for roadless area management. After another public comment
period and further analysis, the Forest Service plans to release a final
rule and EIS before the end of 2000.

Citizens who cannot attend the public meeting can send written comments
to USDA Forest Service-CAET, Attention: Roadless Areas NOI, P.O. Box
221090, Salt Lake City, UT 84122, e-mail them to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or fax them to 801-517-1021.

A website called roadless.fs.fed.us provides further information on the
roadless proposal.


Contact: Cindy Chojnacky (202) 205-1596



Mich Briefs

   OSCODA, Mich. (AP) -- The U.S.
   Forest Service is giving the public one
   more week to comment on its plan to
   limit motor vehicle access to national

   The state has three national forests --
   the Hiawatha and Ottawa in the
   Upper Peninsula and the
   Huron-Manistee in the Lower

   President Clinton's ``Roadless
   Initiative'' calls for preserving certain
   national forest wilderness areas. It
   would restrict development activities,
   like road building, in large forest
   tracts that have no roads. It also
   would develop rules for managing
   forest lands without roads.

   The first step in drafting the plan is
   public comment.

   U.S. Forest Service planners will
   accept public comment by letter or
   e-mail until Monday.

   A series of public meetings also are
   being held nationwide, including one
   in Cadillac on Thursday.

   From snowmobiles to all-terrain
   vehicles, sport-utility vehicles to vans,
   motor vehicles seem to be central in
   the way Michiganians experience their
   federal forest lands, said Nick
   Schmelter, a 20-year U.S. Forest
   Service veteran.

   The ranger has worked in national
   forests from California to West
   Virginia and now works at Oscoda's
   Huron Shores Ranger Station in the
   Huron-Manistee National Forest. He
   said he never has seen forest motor
   traffic like Michigan's.

   ``Michigan is a motor state,'' he told
   The Bay City Times for a story.
   ``People everywhere like their land,
   but here, they want to drive it.''

   Planners say Michiganians' love affair

[CTRL] The (tactical) Lessons of Seattle

1999-12-14 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Mr. Elmore seems a bit underinformed in some areas, but has offered an
interesting viewpoint.

Dave Hartley

The Lessons of Seattle
by Bruce Elmore
Well, the Circus-in-Seattle appears to be winding down, and upon close
examination of the events that occurred there, I have gleaned what I feel
are a number of useful tactics which will be necessary for freedom lovers to
use sooner or later.

It must be obvious to all but the most completely stupid among us that the
protestors won this battle. While I personally disagree with this band of
Luddites, I must admit that their tactical and strategic planning was
completely successful.

Smart people learn from others, whether they agree with them or not.

I believe there are many useful lessons to be learned from the protestors in

I will attempt in my own way to elucidate those lessons here.

General Observations
First off, the "mobs" won this round. That fact is indisputable in my
opinion. The array of groups who assembled in Seattle had as their goal the
disruption of the WTO talks. This goal was accomplished in a rather
spectacular fashion in spite of the forces which were arrayed against them.

Forget about what you saw on your television sets. What is important to
remember is the fact that a bunch of citizens managed to shut down a meeting
of Government Officials from over 100 nations in a major American city, and
they did it without resorting to the use of any weapons at all.

Think about it. Not one foreign dignitary was killed, and the only people
who carried, displayed, or used any firearm of any type were members of the
Seattle Police Department.

The Seattle Police Department knew well in advance that these people were
coming to protest the WTO meeting. In fact, the City Fathers of Seattle had
issued "permits" allowing some of these protests to occur. They were warned
well in advance that "trouble" was likely. Hundreds of thousands of dollars
were allocated to deal with anticipated problems, yet still, the protestors
managed to accomplish their goal of shutting this conference down. They

How did they do this?

My sources tell me that this feat was accomplished quite easily, and I will
tell you, my gentle reader, how they pulled this off.

Strategic Communication

Sources indicate that the protestors took advantage of a number of means of
communications technology. All of these means are available at little or NO
cost to you.

First, the protestors made contact with a number of persons of like mind via
the Internet. They then set up (relatively) secure means of e-mail
communication using any number of free e-mail providers and using the simple
and free encryption program known as PGP.

Their planning was done via e-mail and was encrypted using this very
powerful tool. The leaders of this bunch located and used maps of the
downtown Seattle area which they also located and exchanged among themselves
using the Net.

Maps of ALL major cities are available on the Internet. They are incredibly

Yahoo.com will give them to you for nothing. All one needs to do is log onto
their site, and follow the simple instructions, and these maps can be
printed out on your PC at home. From there it is a rather simple matter to
identify choke points, rally points, and other tactical information. You can
then communicate this critical information to other like-minded groups and
individuals via (relatively) secure e-mail.

I mentioned PGP. Allow me to explain.

PGP is a very simple, and very secure method of encrypting private
communication over the Web.

Without getting too complicated, PGP renders one's e-mail almost unbreakable
to all but the most dedicated of opposition. Some readers will no doubt be
familiar with this incredible piece of technology and point up that
Government can indeed "crack" PGP encrypted e-mail. Those people are
correct, but cracking PGP requires a very large committment to decypher even
ONE e-mail message, using the most sophisticated resources of the NSA.

In this case, there were hundreds of people exchanging their plans using
this amazing tool.

The Seattle Police Department never had a chance to monitor the plans of a
dedicated group using this form of secure communications technology.

Tactical Communication

The tactical communication methods used by the "protestors" appear to have
been fully integrated with their strategic methods. All of these methods are
available to any U.S. citizen for a very small investment.

The news media made mention of the fact that two-way radios were "banned"
during the uprising. This "ban" appears to have made little or no difference
in the outcome of events in Seattle.

My research and sources have revealed that at least three and possibly four
methods of tactical communications were used by the "protestors". I will
detail them here.


[CTRL] FW: WTO/Seattle - uniform duplicity of media threatens democracy

1999-12-14 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

Tue, 14 Dec 1999 19:31:46 -0800
by Jared Israel

[Note from www.emperors-clothes.com Readers are encouraged to distribute
this article but please do so in full, with credit to
emperors-clothes.com. Thank you.]

On December 9, AP issued a news report about a Seattle City Council
meeting in which citizens protested police behavior during the World Trade
Organization protests. I read this AP dispatch quickly but it bothered me
so I read it again, and then once more, carefully, and found what seemed
to be a deliberate effort at misinformation. (Either deliberate or these
guys got very lucky.)

Let's look at the AP piece together.

It begins with the following headline: "Seattle Police Actions Questioned"

Studies of how people read newspapers confirm what common sense suggests:
if a group of people are given a newspaper, some will look at a particular
headline and some won't; a smaller number will read the first paragraph of
the article but no more; an even smaller number will read the second
paragraph and so on, with more and more dropping away as they move toward
the end.

Even for those who read the entire text, the headline has a big impact. It
lingers in the imagination, suggesting a certain tone, coloring the story.

What about this particular headline: "Seattle police actions QUESTIONED"?
(my capitals)

What does "QUESTIONED" suggest?

Don't we use the verb "to question" to administer a mild rebuke? For
example, would you say, "I questioned the mugger's right to break my
wife's jaw"? Would you say, "The policeman pulled off the non-violent
protester's gas mask, sprayed pepper gas in his face at point-blank range
and rubbed it into his eyes. I questioned his behavior"?

By saying police behavior is being "questioned", the headline sets a
gentle tone. It suggests that people may be concerned but not terribly
upset. I'm OK, you're OK, everybody's friends.

The first paragraph continues along these lines, creating a gentle

"DETRACTORS far outnumbered defenders of police at a special City Council
meeting on the handling of protests surrounding the World Trade
Organization meeting." (My capitals.)

"Detractors" and "Defenders" - nice, very balanced. What's a detractor, by
the way? Isn't a detractor a gentle critic?

For example, mightn't one say: "Her detractors commented that she was too
old for that outfit." But mightn't one be viewed askance (perhaps even
questioned) if one said: "Charles Manson's detractors thought he should
have been executed."


People generally read news stories to satisfy their curiosity. But what is
left to wonder after this first paragraph? Doesn't it suggest that nothing
much happened at the City Council?

It does. The suggestion is false. Reading on, we are informed that:

"Kathy Cado, alarmed that her husband had been tear-gassed on his way home
from work, told the hearing she ventured to the city's embattled Capitol
Hill neighborhood last week to witness for herself the clash between
protesters and police.

"'What I saw was as frightening as anything I've ever seen in my life,'"
Cado said. "It was a cross between Star Wars and Tiananmen Square."

"At the hearing that drew an overflow crowd Wednesday, Cado and others
described police officers indiscriminately tossing tear gas canisters at
not only the demonstrators they were trying to disperse, but also at
residents out shopping, dining and walking their dogs...

"Speakers particularly took police to task for their actions the night of
Dec. 1 in the Capitol Hill neighborhood east of downtown - first for
forcing demonstrators in that direction from downtown, and then taking
aggressive actions that included firing tear gas and pepper spray.

"'I basically think they were treating residents of Capitol Hill like
animals,' said Clark Pickett." (AP dispatch)

"As frightening as anything I've ever seen in my life" - ?!

Would you describe Cathy Cado's remarks as "questioning" the police? Is
Clark Picket a "detractor"? What's going on here? Is the AP scrambling
stories? Mix and match? Did they take the headline and first paragraph
from the report on a ruckus over Christmas tree lights at a Seattle-area
PTA and stick them on the City Council piece?

Let's do some editing, change a word here, a word there and voila, here's
the headline and the first paragraph:

"Seattle Residents Denounce Police" "Attackers far outnumbered defenders
of police at a special City Council meeting on the handling of protests
surrounding the World Trade Organization meeting."

Isn't that better? Doesn't it suggest what actually happened?


By using the inaccurate opening, the AP sends busy readers away with
impressions diluted. Remember, readers tend to skim news articles, not
study them. They will recall the mild tone of the headline and opening
paragraph; if they read further they may remember that some 


1999-12-14 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

From: "JP"

Y2K NEWS FLASH?:  Here's a summary of a "supposed" interview from late
summer, 1999 which  I thought you would all appreciate. High ranking former
joint chi*fs of staff member makes statement (after guarantee made to
withhold his identity for reasons of national security and continued
sustenance).  States emphatically that Y2K safety for all of USA, its
territories, and nations of the western world can be "virtually assured" if
the following groups are immediately detained:  Division V, fbi,; cia
directorate of operations, dod, dia counterinsurgency and milintell groups,
on*, desc  disc operatives, nsa blackcard holders, adl, southern povert*y
law center, mossad, mi5, mi6 on US and its territories' soil, etc. etc.  He
further states that this would have to be ordered by congress and/or potus,
and unless an "serious incident" occurs this this is extremely unlikely due
to the cowardice of congress.  He said the non-criminal high ranking
military's view was that potus is a traitor put in place to disassemble our
military and nation and represented foreign based entities!   But, he did
state that if  any large scale terrorist incident occurs as "sting gone bad"
or supposed "islamic attack", this would be enough to create an actual
martial law directive straight from the military through the navy.

Ret. Col. __ emphatically stated that all major acts of international
and domestic terrorism are actualy intel ops classified as deep cover, black
ops; and further states that the concept of mass terror was started as a
chinese and roman war tactic, to be further developed and "finely honed" by
most military related intelligence agencies after wwII.  He further states
that the fb* and *tf were competitive and did everything they could to
master these black op skills, developing their own particular practices best
known as "stings gone bad".  These two groups have considered their tactics
superior because they contain their own misinformation coverup functions.
He stated that it was common knowledge that the at one time the kkk was over
50% undercover operative based, and that so called right wing neo-nazi and
christian identity groups were 10-15% undercover operative based, and in
most cases almost completely directed and supported by key operatives well
skilled in filed manipulation skills toward their cutouts and assets. He
stated that the c*a's  typical style terrorist black op is to use supposed
"radical cutout groups" which could not exist on their own.

Col. _ emphatically stated that the only entity legally qualified,
powerful enough and patriotic enough to seize these criminal covert elements
and detain them in whatever manner is necessary is the United States Armed
forces and National Guard, operating at a field level.  He further stated
that any clear efforts by the covert op criminal elements in these covert
agencies to inititate "stings gone bad" or "terrorist attacks" on the US or
its territories could and would likely result in an immediate declaration of
martial law by the navy (the only entity so authorized by the us
constitution to enact national security) and that a 100% mobilization
against these extra legal covert agencies would then become immediately
imminent.  He further stated that many of the greybeards and army/navy
general staff were tired of the r*ch**d *rmit*ges. etc. and self serving,
weapons for drugs scams, and were about a "hair" from being pushed to act.
He said there were a lot of arms stockpiled for such contingencies and the
"criminal" operatives in these agencies were grossly outnumbered and
outgunned.He said the public would support such martial law once given
the facts but that most congressmen and senators would be too afraid of
being murdered by these agencies to support any action either way, until
they saw the public giving full support which would be imminent once the
media were utilized to fully disclose the truth about these covert criminal

He further stated that these covert criminal elements constantly surveilled
military officers through their hold on the comintel and many patriotic
officers had been targeted for murder by strange "helicopter accidents" and
other means.  He stated that only 10% of the members of these agencies were
criminal, but that they had control of the comintel and had well organized
hit squads.  He also said we were very close to an all out attack on these
covert criminal elements by two large military factions: a very well
organized command and control group and a vastly numbered and very well
"decentralized"  that could function in disorganized, massive and well
targeted guerilla actions against these enemies.  He had no further comments
about this expected response but stated the die was set and something would
cut loose in the next year or so if not sooner.  He said that when the dust
settled most members of the american public would 

[CTRL] [2] Drug Politics

1999-12-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Drug Politics
David C. Jordan
University of Oklahoma press©1999
Norman Publishing Division of the University
ISBN 0-8061-3174-8
288 pps -- first edition -- In-print

--With the drugging of the general population, governing elites come to see
themselves as a ruling class and not as public servants accountable to a
public that believes in limits on private and public behavior. And, finally,
as these unaccountable elites forge alliances with their counterparts in
other countries, a transnational alliance of finance capital is facilitated,
an alliance freed of democratic republican accountability. Borderless and
unchecked capital is thus available for speculative assaults on states
resisting the agendas of unaccountable money interests.--

Quite the interesting book. A bit of a view from an ivory tower, but all in
all thought-provoking.
It would have been a bit interesting if he had used Kwittney , Marshall, PD
Scott, and Stitch in his sources. Highly recomended.  A taste.

Governments, Organized Crime, and International Finance




An understanding of governmental involvement is essential to an understanding
of the narcotics problem. The economic model alone does not include an
awareness of governmental support of and protection for drug trafficking.[1]
Furthermore, it impedes an enhanced understanding of the embedded nature of
criminal activity within the political system.

As mentioned before, the standard economic model focuses solely on supply,
demand, and profits and explores only those areas where the system is
vulnerable in controlling drug trafficking. Proponents of this model center
their debate around the relative merits of targeting crop eradication,
interdiction, and interruption of profit repatriation. Thomas B. Fowler
suggests the key to disrupting the drug trade lies in severing the flow of
money from smugglers to drug barons. (See figure 3.) "Interception of
laundered money or the flow of money back to the drug barons," Fowler has
said, "has much greater promise of achieving the desired goal of making drugs
unavailable and can be carried out at a cost which is significantly less than
that of drug interdiction efforts."[2]

But the purely economic model ignores the mutual dependency among
governments, organized crime, and transnational capitalism. Governments may
operate in the international environment to insulate themselves from domestic
accountability. Historically, governments have had an interest in the drug
trade for reasons of revenue. In 1797, during the war against Napoleon
Bonaparte, Great Britain decided to formally supervise narcotics trafficking
in the Far East to ensure the nation's revenues and tea supply British Prime
Minister William Pitt the Younger placed the management of the East India
Company under a government-appointed board, the Calcutta Council. (The center
of opium production in India was in the Bengal where Calcutta served as the
capital.) Although the Calcutta Council officially prohibited the import of
opium into China, it rescinded the company's direct control of the opium
business because it was not being run with sufficient profitability. Thus the
council appropriated that share of the profit that the contractor had
previously enjoyed, and, more important, it was in a position both to
supervise and restrict production.[3]

The British government's involvement illustrates how trade in opium began as
a government-protected monopoly and later became a fully
government-controlled business. The Calcutta Council officially recognized
its duty to discourage the sale and consumption of opium, except for
medicinal purposes, when "in fact, it would be using it as an additional
source of revenue, . . . making the government of British India still more
dependent upon its production." Consequently, the British government,
"needing some commodity which would sell in sufficient quantity in China to
maintain the balance of trade, was equally involved. As it held the
controlling interest, parliament, in a sense, had become the chief
shareholder in the opium business. And the government had again to consider
how best to protect it."[4]

This pattern of government-granted monopoly or direct government management
has become a model for organized crime. Governments sometimes protect the
illegal activity or knowingly permit it through a lack of regulation or
enforcement. The opium wars (1840-42 and 1858-60) between Great Britain and
China demonstrate a government's historical involvement with the narcotics
trade and willingness to engage in war to protect it.


Early in the seventeenth century, Great Britain's East India Company secured
trading rights to buy tea from the emperor of China. As British demand for
tea increased, a balance of payment deficit resulted between the two

[CTRL] [3a] Drug Politics

1999-12-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Drug Politics
David C. Jordan
University of Oklahoma press©1999
Norman Publishing Division of the University
ISBN 0-8061-3174-8
288 pps -- first edition -- In-print

--With the drugging of the general population, governing elites come to see
themselves as a ruling class and not as public servants accountable to a
public that believes in limits on private and public behavior. And, finally,
as these unaccountable elites forge alliances with their counterparts in
other countries, a transnational alliance of finance capital is facilitated,
an alliance freed of democratic republican accountability. Borderless and
unchecked capital is thus available for speculative assaults on states
resisting the agendas of unaccountable money interests.--

Quite the interesting book. A bit of a view from an ivory tower, but all in
all thought-provoking.
It would have been a bit interesting if he had used Kwittney , Marshall, PD
Scott, and Stitch in his sources. Highly recomended.  A taste

Organized crime has spread with the internationalization of capitalism and
the increase in global trade. Although it is not the only variable, organized
crime plays a significant role in corrupting the state. Most observers are
familiar with the problem of organized crime in large cities but do not
consider it as having a statewide or international presence. Yet organized
crime is embodied in modern and well-established international groups that
infiltrate governments and financial institutions. The illegal activities of
these groups extend beyond narcotics trafficking and money laundering.
Organized crime, whether called a syndicate, mafia, or cartel, is at the root
of "productive" criminality. It is an organization that manufactures or
appropriates for markets both illicit and legitimate goods and services while
seeking either the de facto or the de jure protection of portions of the
government. This definition of organized crime draws on insights gained from
numerous studies that demonstrate that its effective operation requires
exploitation of the market and its cooperation with elements of the

In his study of the traditional Sicilian mafia, Hermer Hess found that "The
phenomenon of the traditional Sicilian mafia has combined in itself the
characteristics of two types of crime: [those] of organized crime with those
of repressive crime. In other words, those of an illegal enterprise for
financial gain and profit with those of an illegal defense of econon-dc and
political privilege."[1]

Organized crime is intimately connected with people in the political
structure who facilitate its activities. As authors Pierre Tremblay and
Richard Kedzior note, "An admission that organized crime exists is an
admission that political corruption exists and that power is exercised
through patronage. On the other hand, the denial that organized crime exists
may emanate from a conviction that patronage is no longer a part of the
political process or that it will be harmful to admit that this is so. "[2]

Organized crime's relationship with the government provides for political
immunity from the law. The mafia or cartel boss operates at a midline between
the upperworld and the underworld. Figure 4 illustrates a model of the
relationship between upperworld and underworld mafia systems. In this model,
the crime boss operates as a broker between local, regional, and national
levels of the political system. Political connections in the upperworld
protect the organization's production and distribution of goods and services
while the organization's enforcement apparatus protects business in the

Sometimes enforcement mechanisms of the underworld ally themselves with the
upperworld against political opponents. A three-level hierarchy of power is
evident in both the upperworld and the underworld. The boss is clearly number
1 with respect to the underworld but, depending on the nature of the
political system, the boss may or may not be subordinate to a more powerful
political figure in the upperworld. These relationships are fluid and
dynamic. Organized crime may be part of the productive economy and the social
system in that it depends on mass markets and exploits the level of social
tolerance for its products. The fight for legalization only promotes the
social acceptability of the activity.

The evolution of organized crime in societies ranging from Japan and China to
Italy and the United States indicates that struggles between the cartels are
frequent and ongoing, as are the struggles between the political bosses. The
conflicts between the underworld and the upperworld merge as the
relationships between the mafias and politicians consolidate. This is
occurring in Mexico and has been underway in Colombia since the early 1980s,
as will be shown in later chapters.

The corruption stemming from organized crime provides a substitute 

[CTRL] [3b] Drug Politics

1999-12-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Drug Politics
David C. Jordan
University of Oklahoma press©1999
Norman Publishing Division of the University
ISBN 0-8061-3174-8
288 pps -- first edition -- In-print

--With the drugging of the general population, governing elites come to see
themselves as a ruling class and not as public servants accountable to a
public that believes in limits on private and public behavior. And, finally,
as these unaccountable elites forge alliances with their counterparts in
other countries, a transnational alliance of finance capital is facilitated,
an alliance freed of democratic republican accountability. Borderless and
unchecked capital is thus available for speculative assaults on states
resisting the agendas of unaccountable money interests.--

Quite the interesting book. A bit of a view from an ivory tower, but all in
all thought-provoking.
It would have been a bit interesting if he had used Kwittney , Marshall, PD
Scott, and Stitch in his sources. Highly recomended.  A taste


Organized crime in the United States "(1) is not some random or episodic
thing, but a patterned and structured activity; (2) finds and exploits
opportunities for illicit gain; and (3) operates across time regardless of
individual changes in personnel or leadership," one observer has claimed.
According to Peter A. Lupsha, "Organized crime in the United States tended to
be dominated by an Italian-American-Jewish coalition Charles 'Lucky'
Luciano's group appeared paramount over all other socalled 'La Cosa Nostra'
groups, and with its multi-ethnic leadership mix, it acted as the link
connecting Jewish and Italian organized crime across the United States."[59]

The characterization of organized crime in America as uniquely Italian has
led to a misdiagnosis of the range, extent, and multiethnic nature of the
country's National Crime Syndicate (NCS), which was designed to protect its
leaders from competition, to provide funds for political protection, and to
tax regional bosses according to their ability to pay. When the U.S. Senate's
McClellan Committee investigated organized crime in 1959, Meyer Lansky was
identified as the head of the National Crime Syndicate.[60]

According to Hank Messick, the author of an in-depth study of Lansky, when a
high-ranking Justice official was asked why the department placed emphasis on
the mafia instead of the National Crime Syndicate, the man explained, "The
Mafia was small and handy The feeling was the American people would buy it
with its family relations and blood oaths a lot quicker than they could
understand the complex syndicate. You must remember, we wanted to get public
support behind the drive on crime. "[61]

Born Maier Suchowljansky in Grodno, Russia, Meyer Lansky came to the United
States in 1911 when he was nine years old. In time he filled the vacuum left
by the previous brain of organized crime, Arnold Rothstein the fixer of the
1919 World Series, who was murdered on November 4, 1928, in the Park Central
Hotel of New York. Lansky, who had traveled about the country meeting with
the bosses from Philadelphia to Kansas City, subsequently inspired the 1929
gangland convention held at the Hotel President in Atlantic City to search
for additional sources of income. Lansky was the informal leader of the New
York delegation which included Lucky Luciano and Joe Adonis. Other city or
state organizations represented at the meeting were those of Cleveland,
Detroit, Philadelphia, Kansas City, and New Jersey. This Atlantic City
meeting demonstrated the multiethnic character of the NCS.[62]

Although no formal organization was created at the Atlantic City meeting,
Lansky initiated the New York group's cooperation with the Cleveland
syndicate. From that time on, arrangements were developed with other gangs
throughout the United States, with Lansky the de facto chairman of the board.

Organized crime expanded during Prohibition, and when it ended, the major
distributors of alcohol made large fortunes in the legal market. Most of the
hard-core criminals who stayed in illegal activities after Prohibition went
into gambling. Gambling houses were often located far from major cities, in
towns such as Covington, Kentucky, and Hot Springs, Arkansas. Gambling was
facilitated by the nationwide wire service, which ultimately led the FBI to
recognize organized crime as a national problem.

In addition to gambling, the NCS moved into Hollywood. Key to controlling
Hollywood was dominance of the performing artists and their unions. In 1924,
Julius Caesar Stein started the Music Corporation of America (MCA). He
achieved his first great success when he signed Guy Lombardo and his
orchestra to an exclusive contract. MCA gradually came to represent many of
the major Hollywood stars, including Betty Davis, Joan Crawford, John
Garfield, Betty Grable, and Jane Wyman. Stein's "enforcer" was Willie Bioff,
who "specialized in disrupting the 

[CTRL] The European Arms Hustle by Col Hackworth

1999-12-14 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

The European
arms hustle

By Col David hackworth.


Defense Secretary William Cohen has been in Europe doing his thing, hustling
U.S. arms.
The Sec Def is America's top salesman for all that deadly stuff produced by
his buddies in the U.S. arms business and then promoted and authorized by
his pals in Congress in their never-ending quest for more pork and jobs for
the folks back home.

These days he's got an uphill job. Made-in-the-USA fighters, bombers,
missiles and tanks sold briskly in Western Europe until the Iron Curtain
collapsed. But with no major military threats on the horizon, some European
nations have reduced their defense spending by as much as half. Others,
weary of the U.S. monopoly in arms, have made it a point to take their
shopping elsewhere.

For the U.S. military-industrial-congressional complex, this is very bad
news. The American defense industry gang, the world's biggest arms supplier,
misses the golden days of the Cold War, not unlike the mob missed
Prohibition when it was repealed back in the 1930s.

So Cohen's been pushing the line that while the Soviets are no longer an
issue, Europe must be prepared for new threats from rogue states like North
Korea and Iran. With a straight face, Cohen's putting out the word that
Pyongyang, Tehran and a dozen other meanies are assembling intercontinental
ballistic missile systems to blow everyone away. Long-range missiles capable
of putting a nuke weapon right splat on top of that wonderful little cafe
across from the Eiffel Tower and other fun spots in Western Europe.

His pitch is right out of the Cold War: Create a threat, fan the fear that
the bad guys are coming and then sell weapons to save the "Free World." Hey,
it's worked for 50 years. Why not 50 more?

Take the recent case of the United States and Red China. First the White
House, Hughes and Loral give the Reds the high-tech capability to whack an
ICBM down in any front yard in the USA. Then Cohen tells us we're once again
nuclear targets and only the creation of a multibillion-dollar protective
umbrella will save us from those nasty incoming Chinese missiles. There's no
mention that what triggered this new anti-missile arms race was our
providing Red China with the secrets of how missiles hit targets, or that
since Reagan kicked off Star Wars more than $100 billion has been blown on
this unworkable scheme.

But at the end of a bloody century where more money's been spent on arms
than in the complete history of humankind, most European leaders aren't
falling for Cohen's line.

Nor are they gung-ho about remaining dependent on the U.S. security
apparatus, especially since our bungles in Serbia. American leadership both
in Washington and among the top brass at NATO -- starting with Gen. Wesley
Clark, the biggest doofus since William Westmoreland of Vietnam shame -- has
made European leaders leery about being led down the tubes by another
American Gen. Humpty Dumpty. Going it alone with an all-European defense
force commanded by their own generals is looking better and better.

And it should. They're big boys and girls who can well defend their own back
yard. We've been propping them up for 55 years, and it's time they did the
Bosnias and Kosovos on their own while we attend to our home fronts,
beginning with securing our southern border.

Hopefully, then, NATO won't be around much longer to waste your tax dollars.
When this obsolete defense treaty disappears, we can bring 100,000 troops
back to the USA and save about $50 billion per year.

One of life's ironies is that our government arms most of the so-called Free
World with horrific weapons. Meanwhile, the same politicians are scheming to
take away our peashooters in order to make our country a more peaceful
land -- just as we enter a decade of the worst terrorism in history.

Perhaps we should all make a New Year's resolution to disarm the world
instead. We could start by putting an end to the mass exportation of
weapons. And we could also stop sticking our noses in everyone else's

Of course, this wouldn't be good for our Sec Defs. How could they afford
their post-Pentagon lifestyle? Since 1961, there hasn't been one U.S.
secretary of defense who didn't end up a multimillionaire. Ever wonder where
the money comes from?

Col. David Hackworth is co-author of the 1989 international best-seller,
"About Face," and the subsequent "Brave Men" and "Hazardous Duty.[per thou]
His latest books, available from WorldNetDaily, is "Price of Honor."

CTRL is a discussion and 


1999-12-14 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

Kris I'm getting so many of these messages the last 2 days is there some
block on the good sites I wonder?


-Original Message-
From: Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, 15 December 1999 16:32
Subject: [CTRL] New PARANOIA out

-Caveat Lector-

Highly Recommended.
Matrix, Larry gardner Kenn Thomas and more.

Al , I couldn't acces your site at www.members.aol.com/alhildell/paranoia
though. Wha's up?


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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