[CTRL] Skeptic News - Friday #1

2000-02-04 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000204a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* No meteorites slammed into Earth during the production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Cat Exercise Patent: http://www.patents.ibm.com/details?pn=US05443036__
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Scientists Eye New Cell Growth. (Wired) Researchers have discovered a
  gene mutation that controls photoreceptors in the retina. They hope
  that more research will lead to creating new cells in the retina.

  A deadly new breed of "super" head lice has killed 5 people here in the
  past two weeks - by boring right into their brains! The mystery parasites
  have so far proved impervious to every insecticide used against them by
  anxious health officials. http://weeklyworldnews.com/stories/1726.html

: Have you created any new cells lately? Do you need new cells to replace
those eaten by head lice? Do you have many head lice? Do you breed them? Are
they genetically-modified mutants, tailored to suck brains? Are they cute??

@ Aquatic Ape Theory: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/5168/aat_leaflet.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ AntiGravity Underground: http://eskimo.com/~billb/freenrg/antigrav.html
@ How2Build a UFO: http://www.concentric.net/~asciiexp/chill/tesla.ufo.txt
@ Steam-Engine Aviation: http://firedragon.com/~kap/scd4n40.html

  It is very unlikely that a major comet will crash into the earth - but not
  so unlikely that leading scientists around the world haven't begun to plot
  ways to make sure it doesn't happen. Scattered enclaves of humans may sur-
  vive a major comet impact but human civilization almost surely will not.

: Are you ready for a major celestial strike? Do you have a stock of oxygen,
food, drugs, weapons, water, porno, CDs, frozen embryos, cats? Will you miss
civilization much? Is civilization greatly overrated? Whats the alternative?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Now the Ancient Ways Are Less Mysterious. Each June for at least the last
  400 years, farmers in 12 mountain villages in Peru and Bolivia follow a
  ritual that Westerners might think odd, if not crazy. Late each night for
  about a week, the farmers observe the stars in the Pleiades constellation,
  low on the horizon to the northeast. If they look big  bright, farmers
  know to plant their potato crop at the usual time 4 months later. But if
  the stars are dim, the usual planting will be delayed for several weeks.

@ Yaks http://www.maroon.com/yaks/ are great. You get neato wool garments
  http://nbpea.com/dongfan/ from them, have some nice butter [especially
  http://library.thinkquest.org/10131/tibet_butterphotos.html clarified],
  a http://www.iagora.com/pages/html/articles/culture_shock/yak_tibet.html
  spot of yak jerky, or just http://www.maroon.com/yaks/yaksfor.htm give
  in and buy a whole yak. And see http://www.memepool.com/Subject/Culture/

: Are all your ancient traditions rational, workable, useful? Have you aban-
doned any ancient traditions lately? Do your deities punish you for straying
from the old ways? Do you eschew genetically-modified yaks? Are they evil??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# In Kentucky, Clerks Ask Couples Who Wed: "Are you related?" State law
  says they must inquire -- to protect the gene pool, of course. "Most
  people just look at you like you have three heads," said a town clerk.

# Christians try to pray river's pollution away - Orthodoxi gather for
  ritual: http://www.starnews.com/news/citystate/2000/jan/0120st_river.html

: Have you married your cousin lately? Was it a church wedding? Were your
parents cousins too? D'ya have 6 webbed toes, a vestigial tail, big floppy
ears, deep faith? Have you prayed for genetic cleansing? Did it work well?

# Karmapa Lama to concentrate on studies, girls, videogames, fast cars:
# Duo Indicted In 'Psychic' Scam - Two Suspects Charged on 94 Counts:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Tracing Origin of AIDS Resurrects Grim African History. SAN FRANCISCO
  (Reuters) Somewhere in central Africa, a colonial patrol marches into a
  small village, demanding its rubber quota. A fisherman who is unable to
  pay up flees. 

Re: [CTRL] Religion-Online

2000-02-04 Thread Mick Poirier

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

 Since the WORDS from your website are on the same database as the
porn, smut, kid-porn, drugs, echelon ops, psyops, mind-control etc entries,
somebody must be using your website for coding, eh? Not sure if I'm comforted
at the thought of "god" having an email address on a military server, though..


   1.) EAGLE, BREC_first_name

   2.) EAGLE, BREC_first_name

   3.) EAGLE, BREC_first_name

   4.) EAGLE, BREC_first_name

   5.) EAGLE, BREC_first_name

   6.) EAGLE, BREC_first_name

   7.) EAGLE, BREC_first_name

   8.) EAGLE, BREC_first_name

   9.) EAGLE, BREC_first_name

   10.) EAGLE, BREC_first_name
   1.) FLESH, BREC_first_name

   2.) FLESH, BREC_first_name

   1.) BLOOD, BREC_first_name

   2.) BLOOD, BREC_first_name

   3.) blood, BREC_first_name

   1.) RAPTURE, BREC_first_name

   2.) RAPTURE, BREC_first_name

   3.) RAPTURE, BREC_first_name

   4.) RAPTURE, BREC_first_name
41.) NAPHTALD, BREC_first_name


   3.) beholder, BREC_first_name

   1.) TRUMP, BREC_first_name

   2.) TRUMP, BREC_first_name
1.) SEVENTHWOW, BREC_first_name

   1.) KINGDOM, BREC_first_name

   2.) KINGDOM, BREC_first_name

   3.) KINGDOM, BREC_first_name

   1.) GOD, BREC_first_name

   2.) GOD, BREC_first_name

   3.) GOD, BREC_first_name

   4.) GOD, BREC_first_name

   5.) GOD, BREC_first_name

   6.) GOD, BREC_first_name

   7.) GOD, BREC_first_name

   8.) GOD, BREC_first_name

   9.) GOD, BREC_first_name

   10.) GOD, BREC_first_name

   11.) GOD, BREC_first_name

   12.) GOD, BREC_first_name

   13.) GOD, BREC_first_name

   14.) GOD, BREC_first_name

   15.) GOD, BREC_first_name

   16.) GOD, BREC_first_name

   17.) GOD, BREC_first_name

   18.) GOD, BREC_first_name

   19.) GOD, BREC_first_name

   20.) GOD, BREC_first_name

   21.) GOD, BREC_first_name

   22.) GOD, BREC_first_name

On Fri, 4 Feb 2000 01:48:14Eagle 1 wrote:
-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

"earthman" wrote:

I didn't see the book of Enoch though

Here's a link,  if you're interested in the book of Enoch.

You can also purchase the book of Enoch by going:

eagle 1

- Original Message -
From: "earthman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2000 9:17 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Religion-Online

 -Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
 /A -Cui Bono?-

 I didn't see the book of Enoch though


 Full texts by recognized religious scholars More than 700 articles and
 chapters which you can read, download, and print.  Topics include Old and


2000-02-04 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Without the card, you will not be able to travel on airplanes, as this will
become the new ID required to board domestic flights across the nation. [ED.
NOTE: Already airline personnel are demanding that your picture ID (now
required to get on a plane) must be government issued - either state or
federal.] There is even a proposal by the Department of Health and Human
Services, recommending the establishment of the Unique Patient Identifier.
It would have a person's entire medical record stored in a national
database. The list of other daily activities for which the national ID card
could be required is far too long to include here.Biblically, the question
comes to mind as to whether this is the forerunner to the Mark of the Beast
as detailed in the book of Revelation: "He was granted power to give breath
to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and
talk and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be
killed. And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and
slave, to receive a mark on their hand or on their foreheads, and that no
one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or
the number of his name." (Rev. 13:15-17, NKJV) Regardless of what rapture
version you believe, we must still consider this question. Is this the mark
or a precursor? Honestly ask yourself, "How much further would it be to
place a microchip under the skin in the forehead or hand?" I think we would
agree that it is not a giant leap. [End of Article.] - Monetary and Economic
Review - FAMC, Inc. - 3500 JFK Pkwy, Ft. Collins, CO 80525An odd mix of
groups combined in September to oppose the National Drivers License ID
(i.e., the ACLU, Christian Coalition, Libertarian Party, the CATO Institute,
etc. and the card program has been temporarily postponed. In a State of
Emergency due to Y2K, terrorism, etc., Clinton could quickly move to
implement the ID card issuance - in spite of present Congressional
issued rules in early December that, if implemented, will turn banks - to an
even greater extent than they already are, into surveillance agents for the
government. As the Orange County Register (12/15/98) wrote in an article
entitled: "Enforcement Banking:"

The rules would make mandatory a similar, voluntary program called `Know
Your Customers' at federally chartered banks and extend that program to
state-chartered banks that aren't FDIC members but have FDIC insurance, and
to other institutions.

Specifically, the regulation `would require each nonmember bank to develop a
program designed to determine the identity of its customers; determine its
customers' sources of funds; determine the normal and expected transactions
of its customers; monitor account activity for transactions that are
inconsistent with those normal and expected transactions; and report any
transactions of its customers that are determined to be suspicious, in
accordance with the FDIC's existing suspicious activities reporting
regulation,' according to the FDIC's summary of the proposed rule. It was
published Dec. 7 in the Federal Register.

Members of an alliance forming against the rule include the conservative
Free Congress Foundation as well as the American Civil Liberties Union and
the Electronic Privacy Information Center.

The federal government already requires that banks report cash transactions
of $10,000 or more, a requirement justified as a way to catch
money-laundering drug dealers. In addition, banks are supposed to report
patterns of suspicious activity, such as repeated cash transactions just
under the $10,000 limit.

But economist Richard Rahn, CEO of Novacon and author of the forthcoming
book `The End of Money,' believes the regulations will substantially
increase the cost of doing business and are another example of government
asking the private sector to do its investigative work in catching criminals
in the illegal drug trade.

Do you really want your bank wondering whether or not your account activity
is `suspicious' on an ever-larger variety of grounds?On 11/23/98, World Net
Daily carried an article by David Bresnahan entitled: "Big Brother Banks?
FDIC Has Snooping Plans," which wrote: Are you a potential criminal? Are you
a threat to banks, airlines, a potential spy, or perhaps an IRS tax
protester? The government would like to know and they are about to force
banks to be their detectives. The federal government wants banks to
investigate you. Soon your banker will know more about you than anyone else
in town. Banks must not only determine your correct identity, they must also
know how you make your money, and how you spend it. Once you establish a
pattern of deposits and withdrawals, banks must inform federal agencies when


2000-02-04 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

 Part 1
LAW. . . an extract
January 1999

The whole equilibrium has been deranged and the terrible words have been
pronounced against the Western democracies. `Thou art weighed in the balance
and found wanting.' And do not suppose that this is the end. This is only
the beginning of the reckoning. This is only the first foretaste of a bitter
cup which will be proffered to us year by year unless by a supreme recovery
of moral health and martial vigor we arise again and take our stand as in
olden times. Winston Churchill, 1938 (as he was trying to rally and awaken
the sleeping, apathetic British people to their growing danger from the

History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral
decay have not passed into political and economic declines. There has either
been a spiritual awakening to overcome the moral lapse, or an ultimate
national disaster. General Douglas MacArthur

For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know
the whole truth, to know the worst; and to prepare for it. Patrick Henry,


The year 1999 has arrived! It is likely to be a hell year - the most
turbulent, crisis filled, challenging year in many decades - perhaps in all
of U.S. history, to be followed by the year 2000 with even more upheaval.
The foundations of America (i.e., financial, monetary, social, political,
moral and spiritual) are about to be shaken like at no time in our history.
To best understand the present period in America, it is useful to consider
the parallels with the 1920s and '30s in Germany. The 1920s, in the German
Weimar Republic, saw an inflationary depression; widespread government
corruption and paralysis; an incredible moral disintegration with rampant
promiscuity, homosexuality, pornography, pedophilia, adultery and divorce;
widespread abortion and euthanasia (especially as Germany moved into the
1930s); a formerly prosperous and intelligent people who lost their moral
compass and their ability to discern between good and evil; a weak,
corrupted, spineless German church which raised no voice against the evils
of that day; and finally the rise of one of history's most vicious
dictatorships under Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Third Reich.In the 1980s and
'90s we are seeing many of the same phenomenon in America, except that our
moral, spiritual, governmental decline has been masked by a great
speculative bubble in the stock and other financial markets which has
created a pseudo-prosperity which has blinded the discernment, thinking, and
sense of right-versus-wrong of the great majority of the American people.

As we move into 1999, the stage is set for the greatest financial collapse
in U.S. history; a protracted power struggle at the top of the U.S.
government; a triple crisis - economic/political/Y2K - which will begin to
impact America in the first and second quarters of 1999; a State of National
Emergency and martial law which are being readied at this writing and which
could be launched in the second or third quarters of 1999; and a growing
onslaught from the government and liberal media against the politically

"dangerous religious right" who, like the Jews in the 1930s in Germany,
could end up being the scapegoat for many of America's emerging problems.On
December 19, two history-making events took place. The second Republican
Speaker of the House, Rep. Bob Livingston, resigned in a little over 30 days
(the Clinton White House was reported to have leaked information to Hustler
Magazine about sexual affairs Livingston had had); and the second President
in U.S. history, Bill Clinton, was impeached on two articles (for perjury
and obstruction of justice). Vowing that he would never resign or be thrown
out of office prior to the end of his term, Clinton, the Democrats, and
Republicans will now move to do battle in the Senate in January.Though, at
this writing, there are not enough votes to convict Clinton in his Senate
trial, new evidence of wrongdoing could be submitted and the outcome is
anything but clear. If Clinton were to be found guilty and removed from
office, he and Hillary would be likely to face a long string of criminal
indictments. Whatever the outcome, a very dark cloud now hangs over
Washington and American politics. A scramble is now on to put another
liberal in as the GOP Speaker of the House. Newt Gingrich and the GOP
liberals are pushing liberal GOP Rep. Dennis Hastert (R-IL) for the powerful
position.On the economic front, the world, with huge manufacturing
overcapacity, continues to sink inexorably into a global deflationary
depression - the recent rash of interest rate cuts, monetary expansions, and
bailouts notwithstanding. To avert an almost certain financial crash and
meltdown in October, the Clinton Treasury and 

[CTRL] Is the Russian army incompetent? J R Nyquist

2000-02-04 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Is the Russian army incompetent? by J R Nyquist


© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

Gen. William E. Odom, former head of the National Security Agency (NSA) and
author of an important book on the collapse of the Soviet military, believes
that the Kremlin war machine has rotted clean through to its core. "Their
nukes are rotting in their silos," he was recently quoted as saying. Richard
Perle, the coldest of all Cold Warriors, says: "Russia is not an enemy --
and their weapons are rusting away anyway."
Is this really true? And if so, how can we verify it?

The Kremlin has a track record of successful deceptions. The problem of
estimating the true military capability of Russia is a thorny one. The key
is to be found in Chechnya. As everyone knows, Russia lost the first Chechen
war. Now we find nearly 100,000 Russian troops struggling against a few
thousand lightly equipped rebels for months on end. This latest war has been
described as "a bloody quagmire." But how can this be? The Chechens are
entirely surrounded and cut off. They have been bombed continuously for many
weeks. One recalls Russia's assault on Berlin in World War II. Tens of
thousands of Hitler's elite troops, dug in and, equipped with heavy tanks,
did not last so long against the Russian army. How could tiny Chechnya
resist the sheer firepower and manpower of the Russian military, let alone
the superior training of a Russian officer corps which is famous for
providing military advisers to so many of the world's countries?

A month ago it was reported by Itar-Tass that only 2,000 rebels held the
city of Grozny against several times that many Russian troops. In addition,
the Russian soldiers had tanks and heavy guns. They were supported by
missiles and aircraft, a vast intelligence network, satellites and
helicopter gunships.

How is it possible that a few thousand rebels can overcome the war machine
of the Russian Federation? We even have reliable reports that the Russians
have been using fuel-air bombs on the rebels. According to the Russian
General Staff, fuel-air bombs are weapons of mass destruction, as powerful
as small nuclear weapons.

In last week's Final Phase columns, evidence was presented that former Prime
Minister Stepashin sent arms to villages in Dagestan. According to Mufti
Akhmed-Khadzhi Kadyrov, a respected Chechen religious leader, these arms
were used to trigger the war. When confronted on this issue by a group of
North Caucasus religious leaders led by Kadyrov, Prime Minister Putin did
not attempt to deny the fact. Evidence has also been presented that the
terror bombings in Moscow and other Russian cities were the work of Russia's
security services. And now, there is another bit of testimony out of Russia.
Former Prime Minister Stepashin, in an interview with the Nezavisimaya
Gazeta, admits that the war in Chechnya was planned last March, long before
the Dagestan incursion or the Moscow terror bombings.

Before his brief stint as prime minister last summer, Stepashin headed the
Interior Ministry. Before that he headed the secret police. Curiously, he is
now positioning himself as a leading liberal politician by letting loose
with "honest" admissions. But we must be wary of these admissions. Stepashin
supports his KGB colleague, Vladimir Putin, for president. "We worked
together in St. Petersburg at a difficult time," admits Stepashin. And this
leads us to a fascinating inquiry. Why did Stepashin undermine the pretexts
for Putin's war in Chechnya? Belonging to that great clandestine
brotherhood, Stepashin could not have turned renegade. In fact, he remains a
firm supporter of the security establishment, even as he slithers up to the
Yabloko Party -- supposedly the only "honest" reform party left in the
Russian Duma.

A good deception has many layers. Since the truth itself is multifaceted,
deception must also be multifaceted. To successfully pierce a veil of lies i
t is necessary to know why the lies were told. Unless we know the full
truth, which must include the reasons behind the lies, we yet remain in the

Intelligent observers of the Russian scene now believe that the war in
Chechnya was arranged to propel Yeltsin's chosen successor into the
presidency. This explanation has been supported by a variety of "candid"
Russian sources, including Gen. Aleksandr Lebed and Garry Kasparov. While
this explanation for the invasion of Chechnya is true on some level, it is
almost certain to be a dangerous half-truth.

It is gradually becoming clear that Chechnya's military leaders crept into
the light of day -- in the first Chechen war -- from the Main Intelligence
Directorate of the Russian General Staff (GRU). Chechen rebel leader Shamil
Basayev, for instance, has been involved with the GRU in the past. According

Re: [CTRL] Religion-Online

2000-02-04 Thread Eagle 1

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

WHATEVER... Mick ...

Anyone can find and twist anything up to say or mean whatever they want it
to say...
and your input of email addresses  and etc...  (that makes no sense),  is no
exception.  I'm impressed with your unintelligible handiwork. Oh, and thanks
for your enlightenment.  I'm sure we all needed your customized information.

And I'm also sure that all those poor people's email addresses you blatently
listed were necessary to be posted to a group that they probably know
nothing about.  How thoughtful of you. I hope they think the same.

eagle 1

- Original Message -
From: "Mick Poirier" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2000 3:14 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Religion-Online

 -Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
 /A -Cui Bono?-

  Since the WORDS from your website are on the same database as the
 porn, smut, kid-porn, drugs, echelon ops, psyops, mind-control etc
 somebody must be using your website for coding, eh? Not sure if I'm
 at the thought of "god" having an email address on a military server,



 On Fri, 4 Feb 2000 01:48:14Eagle 1 wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
 /A -Cui Bono?-
 "earthman" wrote:
 I didn't see the book of Enoch though
 Here's a link,  if you're interested in the book of Enoch.
 You can also purchase the book of Enoch by going:
 eagle 1
 - Original Message -
 From: "earthman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2000 9:17 PM
 Subject: [CTRL] Religion-Online
  -Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
  /A -Cui Bono?-
  I didn't see the book of Enoch though
  Full texts by recognized religious scholars More than 700 articles and
  chapters which you can read, download, and print.  Topics include Old
  New Testament, Theology, Ethics, History of Religion, Comparative
  Religions, Sociology of Religion, Religion and Communication, Pastoral
  Care and Counselling, Homiletics, Liturgy and Worship, Missions and
  Religious Education.
  We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] FW: VATICAN LAW SUIT - circulate widely

2000-02-04 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: David Guyatt
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2000 9:03 AM
Subject: Re:   VATICAN LAW SUIT - circulate widely

Tom Easton contacted me recently to ask if my own research on plundered WW11
gold dovetailed in any way with his lawsuit of the stolen Ustasha treasury
bullion.  It seems that the Ustasha gold moved through Austria on its way to
wherever (?) - a fact I was not previously aware of.

This is interesting, as Gunther Russbacher's story spoke of gold that had
left Austria just prior to war's end, thence to Spain, onward to Argentine
and finally to the Philippines a few years later.  Fifty years later in the
1990's, the same gold was apparently shipped back from the P.I's to
Austria - via a certain well known facilitator - with the help of Russbacher
and his merry band of men.  It thereafter ended its life back in the
Austrian central bank (or even possibly the Bundesbank?) allegedly to
support the Eurodollar -- but more likely to form part of the gold reserves
that now back the Euro.

One member of Gunther's "team" told me that the amount of gold involved was
"nearly" 400 metric tonnes.  This is a very interesting figure.  In the
international black market quantities of AU (gold) often are often used as
an identifier to a given transaction. A wise seller will, if unsuccessful
the first time around (as often is the case) will re-offer the bullion in
smaller volumes - or in tranches - to camouflage the fact that it is the
same transaction on offer.  For example, a large block of gold originating
from Thailand continues to re-appear periodically in the black market and is
immediately identified by its quantity - marginally above 5,000 metric

But back to the Russbacher deal.  Argentina's dictator, Juan Domingo Peron,
was elected president in 1946, (re-elected in 1951 and again in 1954) and
fled to exile to Spain in 1955 following a military coup d'etat.  In Spain
Peron retained control over 400 metric tonnes of gold that was placed under
the "tutorship" of the Spanish government.  "Tutorship" presumably meant
that the Spanish central bank was able to lease the gold to its benefit, but
not assume overall ownership.

Significantly, this 400 tonnes was put on sale in 1973, the same year Peron
won re-election as President of Argentina, allegedly as a result of the
vital support of OPUS DEI -- and the year of the OPEC oil price shocks.
Travelling in the plane back to Argentina with Peron was non other than
Licio Gelli.  Gelli was, of course, a fascist and was Venerable Master of
the now infamous P2 Masonic lodge that was riddled with powerful right wing
Catholics.  Gelli's boss was Umberto Ortolani, a member of the inner council
of the Knights of Malta - who sometimes hawk WW11 gold on the black market.
One of Ortolani's protégés was Giuseppe Valori, secretary to the then newly
formed Institute for International Relations (IIR), an appendage of the
Pinay Circle.  Interestingly, Valori was a dedicated Peron supporter.

Of considerable interest was that the code-name of the proposed Peron gold
sale.  This was "BOR 1345."  This raises the question that the code-name
might be an identifier for BORMANN?  Despite almost five decades of
disinformation to the contrary, we know that Martin Bormann escaped Berlin
to live to an old age in Argentina, where as legal heir, he assumed control
of all Hitler's personal assets and those of the Third Reich.  In the view
of some respected writers these amounted to an incredible fortune.

No one knows for sure if the proposed 1973 Peron gold sale was actually
consummated or not and the intermediary, a senior official at the Italian
Ministry of Finance - allegedly operating in a private capacity - did not
reveal the outcome of the affair.


- Original Message -
From: Brian Downing Quig
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2000 12:20 AM
Subject: VATICAN LAW SUIT - circulate widely

From: Brian Downing Quig [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tom Easton CSB#109218 ORIGINAL
Jonathan H. Levy CSB# 158032 FILED
Law Office of Thomas Dewey Easton JAN 21 2000
1335 Pebble Beach Drive
Crescent City, CA 95531
Telephone: 707-464-4513
Facsimile: 707-465-5389
Attorneys for Plaintiffs and the Class
and all other persons similarly situated;
UNION OF NAZI VICTIMS AND PRISONERS, on behalf of themselves and all others
similarly situated,

[CTRL] FW: [Raytheon] E systems importing cocaine and kidnapping children for sale overseas(copy of pleading)

2000-02-04 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

This stuff may be difficult to understand - if understood difficult to
believe - if believed difficult to bear.
I believe it is important to remove the veil of secrecy behind which such
activity can take place. I've been studying corruption and crime on high
government  corporate levels for several years, and for the past year or
so, have been focussing on the area where Mike Ruppert has spent the last 20
years - importation of heroin  cocaine, and money laundering by CIA 
associates, including many politicians  military personnel. This goes into
another area of covert trafficking in human misery.
Don't read it if you're not ready for some upsetting stuff.

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: Mike Ruppert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2000 11:58 AM
Subject: RE:  E systems importing cocaine and kidnapping
children for sale overseas(copy of pleading)

For the record -

I have slept in Win Richardson's home in Lone Oak, Texas. I have stood on
the lake shore where private E-Systems planes used to drop bales of cocaine.
I visited a small sail boat on the lake that was set up as an ELINT
Intelligence eavesdropping post on Win's house. I have met his wife and
daughter - the same daughter whose boyfriend was suicided.

Another brave former E-Systems employee (an accountant) named Michelle
Cooper, had once shared a lot of information with Win and me. She produced
documents showing how E-System funded Top Secret weapons and communications
research with drug money which they called "Black Rock" money.

Win Richardson is a solid, solid man. I have delivered documents for him to
investigator from the U.S. Senate.

It is no coincidence that E-Systems (now Raytheon) has always had a retired
or current DCI on it's Board. Years ago it was Adm. William Raborn. Today
it's (guess who?) John Deutch.

Mike Ruppert

-Original Message-
From:   Herbert Jamieson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Wednesday, February 02, 2000 1:05 AM
To: cia
Subject: E systems importing cocaine and kidnapping children for
sale overseas(copy of pleading)

From: "Herbert Jamieson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Original Message -
From: Winfred Richardson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2000 10:08 PM
Subject: [patriotawareness] Re: Proof gov is kidnapping andsellingchildren

 Attached is the brief filed in %th Circuit. Its long but will give a lot

 Case No. 99-10682
 United States of America, ex rel, WINFRED E. RICHARDSON
 Plaintiff - Appellant
 Defendant - Appellee

 Brief In Support Of Appeal
 Plaintiff/Appellant Winfred E. Richardson files this appeal. because the
 lower court erred in its decision.
 The Court should grant Plaintiffs' because:
 1) The ruling denies appellant the right to a trial by jury as guaranteed
 by the Constitution.
 · In Apodaca v. Oregon, Justice White observed: "Our inquiry must focus
 upon the function served by the jury in contemporary society. As we said
 Duncan, the purpose of trial by jury is to prevent oppression by the
 Government by providing a 'safeguard against the corrupt or overzealous
 prosecutor and against the compliant, biased, or eccentric judge.' In
 Williams; 'This is the fundamental of jury trial which brings it within
 mandate of Due Process' was added.
 a. One thing that is obviously clear is how far individuals in the
 government has gone, including breaking the law and trampling on the
 Constitution, in order to cover up wrong doing committed at and by
 b. A case in point is the DoJ's involvement in setting up 30 year IG/DCIS
 SSA Chris Hallien and it's attempt to falsely imprison him in order to
 cover up The DoJ, DoD and E-Systems RICO activities.
 c. E-Systems legal staff attempted to do the same to me by filing
 false charges against me with FBI National Security Agent Danny James.(A
 tape of the conversation with Agent James and the head of the Dallas
 of the FBI has been entered in the records).
 d. E-Systems delivered what looked like a 'wanted poster' (in the records)
 to the Hunt County Sheriffs Department at which time the Sheriff informed
 deputies that I was possibly a terrorist and they should use extreme
 caution when approaching me. An obvious attempt to have me legally
 murdered. When I asked the sheriff why he did it he informed me E-Systems
 wanted him to as they thought we were taking pictures of them changing the
 tail numbers on aircraft (Tpe entered of this conversation). In the State
 of Texas v. Michael Ferris the attorney for the Northeastern Drug
 Interdiction Task Force admitted knowing about the drug (cocaine)
 by or through E-Systems (transcript entered in records).

 · William's v Florida
 Mr. Justice White delivered the opinion of the Court.***

[CTRL] Mankind Research Unlimited: CIA Psy-war RD proprietary

2000-02-04 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley





In the 1970's the U.S. Navy and the Central Intelligence Agency spent
millions of dollars to finance an obscure District of Columbia corporation
called Mankind Research Unlimited, Inc. (MRU). The personnel of this bizarre
company and its affiliates and subsidiaries include some of the most
frightening scientists the government had at its disposal. Its goal, despite
the jargon of its brochures, was the military application of psychic

I first learned of MRU in 1972 from a young friend, Ronnie Sunshine, who
knew Dr. Stanley Krippner, then Chief Researcher at the "Dream Laboratory"
of Maimonides Hospital in Brooklyn, and Vice-President of the
Soviet-American Association for Psychotronic Research. Dr. Krippner told my
friend that he had returned from the Soviet Union with a schematic drawing
for a " Kirlian Device" given to him by a colleague there. A "Kirlian
Device" reportedly photographed electrochemiluminescence, an as yet
undefined energy field which allegedly surrounds living matter and is
sometimes referred to as the "human aura." Ronnie Sunshine took the above
picture of his penis with a Kirlian device, despite the fact that mild
electric shock was involved. He made a great sacrifice for science.
According to Krippner, "The U.S. government had information on Kirlian,
photo-graphy in 1959, but released it only to Rand, the Air Force, etc. It
wasn't until I went to the USSR and brought back the blueprints personally
that this in-formation was made available to the general public." Krippner
gave a copy of the schematic to my friend Ronnie Sunshine who then assembled
such a camera and began some experi-ments with it. Shortly thereafter, he
stopped by my office to tell me that he had been contacted by some very
strange dudes: "They are either Martians or CIA agents. They call themselves
Mankind Research, Unlimited. Whoever they are they want my schematic and
they want it bad." The minute I heard the Russians were involved I told
Sunshine, "It's the fucking Agency and we're going to do a number on them."

The man who wanted the schematic was Paul Sauvin, who, we later learned, was
MRU's expert "specializing in the detection and analysis of life energy
emissions," in the words of MRU's brochure. Sauvin was an electromechanical
engineer and inventor who had worked in the aerospace industry for thirteen
years before moving to the National Institute for Rehabilitation and
Engineering at St. Joseph's Hospital, Patterson, New Jersey. According to
the MRU materials his research dealt with thought-controlled devices and
psychokinetic switches. Roninie Sunshine told this researcher that some of
Sauvin's switches were allegedly activated when Sauvin had an orgasm.
Although the MRU bro-chure indicates that this research was directed toward
the development of prosthetic devices for the severely disabled, the
military's interest in a trigger which could be actuated by thinking the
command to fire was obvious.

Ronnie Sunshine met with Sauvin, indicated his interest, and hinted at his
willingness to part with the Kirlian sche-matic, but asked if he could visit
MRU's headquarters in Washington. Sauvin agreed, and in early 1973 Yippie
Sunshine drove to Washington and went there late in the afternoon to see MRU
Director Carl Schliecher. Without much difficulty my agent succeeded in
talking Schlicher into letting him crash at the MRU offices, during which he
"inspected" the available files and stole a number of documents, all of
which he subsequently sold me in return for a video camera given to me by
Tom Forcade. Here are the files, presented for the first time on




Mankind Research Unlimited, Inc. was organized to collect, study, develop
and apply extensive and proliferating data on what may be called the
"frontiers of science". This data has come into being as a result of the
cross-fertiliza-tion of various scientific fields which long had little or
no direct contact with one another, and the re-examination of research areas
which were previously ignored by academe as heterodox.- This orthodoxy of
thought was also shared by many applied scientists in both industry and the
government. Consequently, the probability of achieving technological and
scientific breakthroughs by the use of innovative ideas and concepts,
however imaginative or esoteric they might be, has gradually diminished to
the point where, in certain critical areas, the United States is falling
behind existing technological state of the art in other countries of the

[CTRL] Who says........

2000-02-04 Thread ali andrew
Title: Sources of Information

So who says that 
Clinton is
Murder of Waco?

Only the Brave because they 
know that Bill Clinton cut the children and the women to peices and then set 
them on fire. The Brave fear no man so why should they fear the 
sub-man ? 

I have been asked for the 
sources of my information here are some of them. To this list you could add the 
Holy Bible.


Sources of Information

(also see Bibliography) In assembling the Waco Holocaust 
Electronic Museum, the following information sources were consulted. A specific 
listing of these and other applicable materials can be found in the Bibliography. 

US Government Reports 

The Report of the 
Department of the Treasury on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and 
Firearms Investigation of Vernon Wayne Howell also known as David 
Koresh. We will call it the Treasury Report. 
The Report to the Deputy 
Attorney General on the Events at Waco, Texas, February 28 to April 
19, 1993. We will call that the Department of Justice 
Report, or the DoJ Report. 
Veracity of US Government Reports The US Department of Justice 
and the FBI have a track record of destroying, fabricating, and altering 
evidence. See one such example described by FBI explosives expert Dr. Frederick Whitehurst 
during his direct testimony in the World Trade Center bombing case. The US 
Government reports concerning the Waco Holocaust are examined critically, 
but fairly. 

Autopsy Reports 

Autopsy Reports from the 
Justice of the Peace in McLellan County, Texas, in June and July, 1995. 
Autopsies were originally obtained by Waco Remembrance, from which the 
Museum project grew. 
Veracity of Autopsy Reports The people 
performing the autopsies had no discernible reason to exaggerate the degree 
of decomposition, dismemberment, and incineration of the corpses. The Museum 
accepts the descriptions of the corpses as accurate, but does not 
necessarily accept evaluations made by the autopsists, and will examine 
those evaluations in light of the evidence as a whole. 

Autopsy Photographs and Crime Scene Photographs 

Autopsy, crime scene, and a number of other photographs were donated 
to the Museum by unofficial sources. 
Veracity of Autopsy Photographs and Crime Scene 
Photographs Secret police and military intelligence 
organizations employ disinformation specialists whose mission is to guard 
the secrets of the agency. To achieve this, disinformation is leaked through 
unofficial sources with intent to mislead the recipient. The disinformation 
contained in the false leaks is often mixed with true information to give 
credibility to the package as a whole. Thus information from unofficial 
sources can be almost as unreliable as information from official sources. 
All sources of information must be reviewed critically. Internal 
inconsistencies are the most damning, of course. Corroboration from several 
sources is not always confirmation. 
The Museum has relied primarily on the Autopsy Reports for information on 
the condition of the remains of the Branch Davidians. Most of the autopsy 
photos bear close resemblance to the remains described in the reports. In 
those cases, the autopsy photos have been used to supplement the Autopsy 
Reports. In a few cases, the autopsy photographs are not consistent with the 
Autopsy Reports. In those cases, the official Autopsy Reports alone have 
been relied upon, and the photographs are regarded as problematic. 
The veracity of the crime scene photos are evaluated in the appropriate 
Many photos were taken at the crime scene by the FBI, the ATF, and the 
Texas Rangers. Many photos and x-rays were taken in the autopsy rooms. The 
Museum is currently in the process of requesting both crime scene and 
autopsy photos from official sources. 

Trial Transcripts 

Transcript of the 
trial of surviving Branch Davidians for the murder of ATF agents, 
held in San Antonio in 1994 (US v. Branch et. al., Case No. 
W-93-CR-046). Turn to Bibliography for more information. 
Transcript of the World Trade Center bombing trial; testimony of FBI 
explosives expert Dr. 
Frederic Whitehurst. (US v. Rahman, Case No. 93-CR-0181).) 
Completeness of Branch Davidian Trial Transcript At least one 
segment of 1994 San Antonio trial of the Branch Davidians is missing from 
the official transcript. That section is Judge Walter Smith's instructions 
to the jury regarding the right to self defense when faced with the threat 
of death or serious bodily harm at the hands of police forces. 
Judge Smith's instructions were made available to those who attended 

Re: [CTRL] Is GW Bush a Frontman anyway?

2000-02-04 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 02/03/2000 11:27:41 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 The question that I've wanted out there all along regarding G.W. Bush has
 is he a "front man"?

 I ask this because it does not make sense otherwise why this guy was suddenly
 getting the kind of GOP money that he was.  Afterall, his father was
 practically ex-communicated from the party a few years back for not being
 "conservative" enough.  Now, GW was being showered with funds.  Why?

 Some words (and below, some graphcis) for thought . 

Of course, and he is not too bright so won't give his handlers any grief at
all.  What's funny is that they keep trying to discouirage Republicans from
McCain.  It's really fun to watch this.  Now they're trying to tell us he
didn't withstand torture too well.  If that's a requirement, we should find a
way to get Clinton to serve another term.  He's another Republican anyway.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Warning - the 1930's again !

2000-02-04 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 02/03/2000 11:30:40 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 The Kondtratiev long wave cycle is upon us again.
 We are just about to enter a time similar to the 1930's.
 A Worldwide economic downturn.
 The Rise of the Dictators.
 Weimar Russia.
 Although not the same look to the 1930's and learn about
 the next ten years 

What fun, all this and pollution too.  Prudy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] OEN 2/4/00

2000-02-04 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin
Looking the Dollar in the Face

Central Bank Wars

ECB Raises Interest Rates to Defend Euro.

FRANKFURT - The European Central Bank raised interest rates in the 11-nation
currency bloc Thursday, weeks earlier than many had expected, to try to stem
the euro's slide against the dollar.

The central bank justified its quarter-percentage-point increase, which
lifted the euro zone's benchmark lending rate to 3.25 percent, in part with
concerns that the slumping euro causes inflation in Europe by raising the
price of imports.

The central bank's president, Wim Duisenberg, also said the credit tightening
was meant to shore up trust in a currency that had lost 17 percent of its
value against the dollar in its 13-month existence.

''We hope to underscore by our actions and by appropriate policy'' that the
central bank wants ''to preserve public confidence in the currency to the
maximum extent possible,'' Mr. Duisenberg said.

The weak euro has become ''a cause for concern,'' he added.

The euro rose to 99.06 U.S. cents in 4 P.M. New York trading from 97.67 cents
late Wednesday. Major euro-zone stock markets posted strong gains, with the
CAC-40 index in Paris rising 3.4 percent to a record 6,149.67 and the DAX
index in Frankfurt gaining 2.5 percent to 7,354.26, also a record.

The ECB also raised its other two main lending rates by a quarter of a
percentage point, bringing its deposit rate to 2.25 percent and the marginal
lending rate to 4.25 percent.

The central bank also cited other factors, such as brisk activity in the
global economy and across Europe. ''Growth in the euro area is now robust,''
Mr. Duisenberg said.

He denied that the Frankfurt-based central bank had coordinated its
announcement with the U.S. Federal Reserve Board, which announced an
identical quarter-percentage-point rate increase Wednesday.

Overall inflation across Europe has proven more worrisome than previously
suspected, even without the euro's potentially inflationary slump, Mr.
Duisenberg said. Led by a big rise in crude oil in the past year, price
pressure has been ''larger and more protracted than foreseen earlier,'' he

Surging money-supply expansion and brisk private-sector lending also herald
the risk of future inflation, he said.

The announcement had a hurried character because it lacked the weeks of
advance signals that the ECB carefully furnished for its previous
interest-rate changes, economists said.

Before the euro's decline last week, many economists figured on a rate
increase in March or April. In a tumble that caught many off guard, the
common currency plummeted through parity with the dollar last week and struck
a new low Monday of 96.65 U.S. cents.

''We do not think it will do much,'' said Elga Bartsch, an economist in
London at Morgan Stanley Dean Witter.

The session of the 17-member central bank council Thursday was almost
certainly fractious. The euro's slide left the council without any easy
options and thrust it into one of the most difficult dilemmas in its short

Had the central bank failed to act, it would have reinforced the view that
Europe's political elite secretly favor a weak euro. The impression of
indifference has helped drive the euro lower, raising fears in recent months
of an erosion of public confidence, economists said.

But some economists have warned that an early rate hike could throw sand into
the gears of Europe's recovery.

''You cannot rescue the euro with an interest-rate hike,'' said Ruergen
Roethig, an analyst at the B. Metzler Sohn  Co. bank in Frankfurt.
International Herald Tribune, February 4, 2000

US Politics

Bush is Not a Cunning Linguist

Is the Bush-Clinton era coming to an end?

WITH nine months of public speaking left before the presidential election,
the oratory of George W Bush is coming under increasing scrutiny as he
continues to test the limits of the English language.

Like President George Bush, his father, the front runner in the Republican
presidential nomination race has already won a reputation for verbal
contortion, linguistic gymnastics and the accidental coining of words.

The governor of Texas can lay claim to having invented "tacular", "mential"
and "bariffs" and has begun to explore new forms of eloquence. He told
children at a New Hampshire school who were celebrating "Perseverance Month"
that he was happy to be joining them for "Preservation Month".

Proving it was not just a slip of the tongue, he added: "I appreciate
preservation. It's what you do when you run for president. You gotta
preserve." Having described himself in a Texas re-election campaign as "the
education governor" he recently told an audience: "Rarely is the question
asked - is our children learning?"

Mr Bush, who was heavily defeated in the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday,

[CTRL] Linear connection between the Rothschilds and the Bank of England?

2000-02-04 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www4.50megs.com/andrew6/Chart1.htm"Chart/A
Chart jpeg/gif at site. Quite interesting.


chart at site

CHART 1 reveals the linear connection between the Rothschilds and the Bank of
England, and the London banking houses which ultimately control the Federal
Reserve Banks through their stockholdings of bank stock and their subsidiary
firms in New York. The two principal Rothschild representatives in New York,
J.P. Morgan Co., and Kuhn, Loeb Co. were the firms which set up the Jekyll
Island Conference at which the Federal Reserve Act was drafted, who directed
the subsequent successful campaign to have the plan enacted into law by
Congress, and who purchased the controlling amounts of stock in the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York in 1914. These firms had their principal officers
appointed to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and the Federal Advisory
Council in 1914.
In 1914 a few families (blood and business related) owning controlling stock
in existing banks (such as in New York City) caused those banks to purchase
controlling shares in the Federal Reserve regional banks.

From, "Secrets of the Federal Reserve," by Eustace Mullins, $10.00,
softcover, 198 pgs.
Bankers Research Institute, P.O. Box 1105, Staunton, VA 24401.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Religious Right itself may well be the Antichrist foretold in Revelation . . .

2000-02-04 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.bway.net/~halsall/radcath/rad-relright1.txt"h
As always, . . .

Fri, 5 Aug 1994 13:20:11 EDT Anglican Mailing List
David Aeschliman
Religious Right and Prophecy

Here's a wonderful piece that I am forwarding with the permission of its

A favorite pastime of the religious right is deciphering "Bible prophecy."
Peering into the phantasmagoric imagery of the Book of Revelation, these
scriptural sleuths conjure up all sorts of insights and predictions about
present and future geopolitical events. (some can scarcely contain their
delight when describing the apocalyptic horrors God will inflict -- any day
now -- on non-Christians.) In the 1980s, prominent evangelicals issued dire
warnings of nefarious deeds that, according to the Bible, the Soviet Union
was about to commit, deeds that were, they said, preludes to the Second
Coming of Christ and the Battle of Armageddon. But when the Evil Empire
unexpectedly disappeared, they were all caught with their prophetic pants
down. So I never put much stock in Bible prophesy . . . until I realized that
the religious right itself may well be the Antichrist foretold in Revelation.

Consider the evidence: Jesus instructed his followers not to be sanctimonious
or judgmental, but the religious right is the most sanctimonious and
judgmental cult around. Their relentless persecution of homosexuals really is
reminiscent of the Nazi obsession with Jews. In fact, some fanatical
adherents of the religious right openly advocate the death penalty for gays.
Jesus abhorred religious ostentation and told his followers to pray "in
secret." But the religious right is the most ostentatious religious cult in
America. They like to advertise their religiosity at political rallies and on
television. They sport bumper stickers, buttons, T-shirts, and a hundred
other kinds of "Christian" paraphernalia; just the sort of superficial
religious window dressing Jesus detested.

Jesus told the rich man to give his money to the poor. The television
evangelists reverse this, exhorting the poor to give money to the rich,
namely themselves, which they then spend on golden toilets, kinky hookers,
and billowing, "born again" hairstyles. Jesus said the truth will make us
free, but the religious right resorts to intellectual fraud in its efforts to
force biblical mythology into American science classes. "Creation science"
literature, of which I have a collection, is a gross hash of lies, errors and
insane theological threats. It is not designed to persuade the scientific
community but to deceive and intimidate the scientifically illiterate. Jesus
said, "My kingdom is not of this world." When Satan tempted him with the
offer of worldly power, he wouldn't touch it. But the religious right lusts
shamelessly after worldly power. Its political flagship, the Christian
Coalition, is a theocratic dreadnought bristling with crosses.

The Coalition's godfather, Pat Robertson, is on the record advocating
abolition of the separation of church and state in this country. Anybody who
thinks that the religious right is bent on anything less ambitious than
establishing a Christian fundamentalist theocracy in America has not been
paying attention. The Bible says the Antichrist receives a moral wound, but
miraculously recovers. This obviously refers to the squalid sex and money
scandals that pole-axed the religious right a few years ago, but which it has
unfortunately survived. There can be little doubt that the religious right
is, in fact, the Antichrist of Revelation, and it is certainly a ploy worthy
of the King of Hell to seize control of the Republican Party by disguising
his agents as Christians.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:



Re: [CTRL] Religious Right itself may well be the Antichrist foretold in Revelation . . .

2000-02-04 Thread Eagle 1

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Thanks Kris,  for the article.

I've been saying this nearly same thing for thirty years; but notably,   the
"right" doesn't hear,  because they don't want to hear... they like to stay
wrapped in their blanket of false traditions.  They choose to remain
ignorant,  as Paul,  Jeremiah and Isaiah all put it.

Gene Scott once said in 1983,  "TBN will become the mouth piece of the false
prophet(s) and the antichrist,  and not even realize it".  And so it is.

eagle 1

- Original Message -
From: "Kris Millegan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2000 10:16 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Religious Right itself may well be the Antichrist foretold
in Revelation

 -Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
 /A -Cui Bono?-

 Click Here: A
 As always, . . .

 Fri, 5 Aug 1994 13:20:11 EDT Anglican Mailing List
 David Aeschliman
 Religious Right and Prophecy

 Here's a wonderful piece that I am forwarding with the permission of its

 A favorite pastime of the religious right is deciphering "Bible prophecy."
 Peering into the phantasmagoric imagery of the Book of Revelation, these
 scriptural sleuths conjure up all sorts of insights and predictions about
 present and future geopolitical events. (some can scarcely contain their
 delight when describing the apocalyptic horrors God will inflict -- any
 now -- on non-Christians.) In the 1980s, prominent evangelicals issued
 warnings of nefarious deeds that, according to the Bible, the Soviet Union
 was about to commit, deeds that were, they said, preludes to the Second
 Coming of Christ and the Battle of Armageddon. But when the Evil Empire
 unexpectedly disappeared, they were all caught with their prophetic pants
 down. So I never put much stock in Bible prophesy . . . until I realized
 the religious right itself may well be the Antichrist foretold in

 Consider the evidence: Jesus instructed his followers not to be
 or judgmental, but the religious right is the most sanctimonious and
 judgmental cult around. Their relentless persecution of homosexuals really
 reminiscent of the Nazi obsession with Jews. In fact, some fanatical
 adherents of the religious right openly advocate the death penalty for
 Jesus abhorred religious ostentation and told his followers to pray "in
 secret." But the religious right is the most ostentatious religious cult
 America. They like to advertise their religiosity at political rallies and
 television. They sport bumper stickers, buttons, T-shirts, and a hundred
 other kinds of "Christian" paraphernalia; just the sort of superficial
 religious window dressing Jesus detested.

 Jesus told the rich man to give his money to the poor. The television
 evangelists reverse this, exhorting the poor to give money to the rich,
 namely themselves, which they then spend on golden toilets, kinky hookers,
 and billowing, "born again" hairstyles. Jesus said the truth will make us
 free, but the religious right resorts to intellectual fraud in its efforts
 force biblical mythology into American science classes. "Creation science"
 literature, of which I have a collection, is a gross hash of lies, errors
 insane theological threats. It is not designed to persuade the scientific
 community but to deceive and intimidate the scientifically illiterate.
 said, "My kingdom is not of this world." When Satan tempted him with the
 offer of worldly power, he wouldn't touch it. But the religious right
 shamelessly after worldly power. Its political flagship, the Christian
 Coalition, is a theocratic dreadnought bristling with crosses.

 The Coalition's godfather, Pat Robertson, is on the record advocating
 abolition of the separation of church and state in this country. Anybody
 thinks that the religious right is bent on anything less ambitious than
 establishing a Christian fundamentalist theocracy in America has not been
 paying attention. The Bible says the Antichrist receives a moral wound,
 miraculously recovers. This obviously refers to the squalid sex and money
 scandals that pole-axed the religious right a few years ago, but which it
 unfortunately survived. There can be little doubt that the religious right
 is, in fact, the Antichrist of Revelation, and it is certainly a ploy
 of the King of Hell to seize control of the Republican Party by disguising
 his agents as Christians.


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are 

[CTRL] [Fwd: THE UNION JACK] a must read 4 list newbies

2000-02-04 Thread Bard

This will knock your socks off.

Also, visit 'The Creature '
and read how the international banking cartel
established its Plantation in 1913 to enable
the enslavement of the American people:


The Most Important Book after The Holy Bible (Lord Hamilton)
RELATED SITE:  http://www.marianland.com/jekyll.html

"It is not the function of our Government to keep the citizen from
falling into error;
it is the function of the citizen to keep the Government from falling
into error."
-- U.S. Supreme Court
American Communications Association v. Douds,
339 U.S. 382,442

federal government defined:
...a welfare/subsidy protection racket.

Dear Mr. Bard,

The definitive book on Britain's subversion of America is THE UNION JACK,
written in 1970 by the late Helen Peters.


From: "Lloyd Miller" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: "New Paradigms Discussion" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [prj] Re: Subject:  Federal Reserve + IRS = The Protection Racket
Coup of 1913
Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2000 07:02:14 -0500
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Priority: 3
Precedence: bulk

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http://a-albionic.com/search.html * Conspiracy Shopping Cart:
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Well, it was very clear that Britain wanted the US to get ready to
save the British Empire in World War I.

The Federal Reserve and the IRS were war measures required
for the US to dragoon previously decentralized US resources
for the war economy.

To: Lloyd Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: Subject: Federal Reserve + IRS = The Protection Racket Coup of 1913

Great Post, Lloyd!!
You have any Links to the role played by the powers behind the British
Crown which were instrumental in the creation of the FRS in 1913;
already have The Creature...

A-albionic's Books Can Be Browsed and Purchased Conveniently in the
Shopping Cart at http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html Shop For Cars On-Line
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[CTRL] ECHELON:Declassified documents confirm secret worldwide US surveillance network

2000-02-04 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Friday, February 4 7:49 PM SGT

Declassified documents confirm secret worldwide US surveillance network


Declassified US official documents obtained by a non-governmental
organization confirm the existence of a US-controlled
network of worldwide surveillance called the Echelon.

Created in the early 1980s, Echelon intercepted telephone, facsimile, and
e-mail communications by means of land- and
satellite-based interceptors which relayed the information on to the US
Defense Department's National Security Agency
(NSA), the documents showed.

The documents were obtained under the Freedom of Information Act by George
Washington University's National Security
Archive and published in the archive's website: www.gwu.edu/nsarchiv/.

The world's most powerful intelligence agency with 38,000 employees, the NSA
is twice the size of the US Central Intelligence
Agency and has a budget to match, according to NSA researcher James Banford.
It's task is to detect electronic espionage in
the United States.

Headed by US Air Force Lieutenant-General Michael Hayden, the NSA has never
confirmed the existence of the Echelon
network. An NSA official questioned by AFP Thursday declined to comment on
the network.

Two declassified documents mention Echelon by name specifically: one dated
September 3, 1991, details the work of an
electronic surveillance center at Sugar Grove, in western Virginia state,
linked to the 544th Intelligence Group.

The other document dated June 15, 1995 mentions the activation of Echelon
units at several US Army and Air Force bases
around the world, especially those of Elmendorf, Alaska, Yakima, Washington
state, and others in western Virginia, Puerto
Rico and Guam, in the Pacific.

The US Congress opened a hearing on NSA activities in December to look into
charges that the agency was eavesdropping on
US citizens indirectly through British intelligence, by virtue of the UKUSA
Alliance agreement signed in 1948.

In 1998, the European Parliament also charged the NSA with violating the
privacy of communications between European
citizens, companies and governments.

The NSA was created by the Defense Department in 1952 to intercept and
analyze foreign communications and to provide a
safe and encoded means of communication for the US government.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Skeptic News - Friday #2

2000-02-04 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000204b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* No holy basketball tournaments were canceled to produce this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Bemushröömed: http://deoxy.org/bmushrmd.htm
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Cattle Ranchers Browse Web. MEDELLIN, Colombia (Reuters) - Home, home on
  the Web! Colombia's cattle ranchers should soon be able to do most of
  their business over the Internet and avoid forays into the countryside,
  where they risk being kidnapped by Marxist guerrillas. Telecomuting for
  survival: http://news.excite.com/news/r/000203/08/odd-cattle

@ Markov Localization for Mobile Robots in Dynamic Environments. Localiza-
  tion (estimation of a robot's location from sensor data) is a fundamental
  problem in mobile robotics. This version of Markov localization provides
  accurate position estimates and is tailored towards dynamic environments.
  The key idea of Markov localization is to maintain a probability density
  over the space of all locations of a robot in its environment. Where it's
  at: http://www.cs.washington.edu/research/jair/abstracts/fox99a.html

: D'ya know where you are? Do y'r enemies know where you are? Do robots know
where you are? Can you accurately localize yourself within dynamic environs?
Are aliens/agents/clones tracking you? Do you appear to be somewhere else??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Argentina UFO Spawns a Tornado: PUERTO BELGRANO NAVY BASE - Witnesses saw
  a shiny object at an estimated altitude of 2,000 meters (6,600 feet) and
  simultaneously the presence of a powerful whirlwind on the ground surface
  below. The weather station Commandante at Espora Air Base stated that
  atmospheric conditions at the time were not conducive to the formation
  of tornadoes.  http://www.caus.org/mu020400.htm

: Does your UFO regularly cause tornadoes, whirlwinds, dustdevils? Have you
checked the exhaust system lately? Do you need to install new baffles? D'ya
like to blow humans around for fun, instruction, warning? Do you cause other
wind/weather phenomena on Earth? Is weather-control mere childs-play to you?

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  wide are hot to celebrate as the Lunar New Year approaches, and countless
  numbers are trying to reach their hometowns before the Year of the Dragon
  arrives Saturday. http://CNN.com/2000/ASIANOW/east/02/04/china.new.year/

: Are you ready for the new year? Did'ya think that the new year had already
come? How many new years are ahead? What's your favorite calendar? Is it in
your belief system? How do you celebrate time.marks? What's your ritual??

# Basketball - Distilled Traditional Religion of Oaxacan Expatriates in
  Los Angeles: http://www.laweekly.com/ink/00/11/news-mittelstaedt.shtml
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


# Pieces of downed airline found, see
# Also: Beach memorial for Alaska Air crash, see
# And: Alaska jet had pretty clean record, see
# Alaska crash victim's ring sends signal, see

  Techies at the National Transportation Safety Board's labs in Washington
  will today begin deciphering the flight data recorder tape from Alaska
  Airlines Flight 261: http://CNN.com/2000/US/02/04/alaska.airlines.01/

# Flight 261's Black Boxes Found - Probers Hope Recorders Explain Crash:
# 'Twisted Minds' Scam Crash Victims Online - Bogus Web Sites:
# Divers search for 'black box' off Ivory Coast, see

* ED.NOTE: There have been allegations about govt/Navy/HAARP links to the
AK.261 crash; we're still assembling material, and will have a presentation
up on such allegations Real Soon Now. Your conspiracy theories are welcome.
_ _ 

[CTRL] Peter McWilliams -victim of the Federal Insanity

2000-02-04 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.petertrial.com/letters.htm"letters/A

Please help keep me
out of federal prison
by writing a letter to the judge

My name is Peter McWilliams. I am a cancer survivor living with AIDS. I was
arrested in July 1998 on federal medical marijuana charges, even though I
live in California, a state that approved medical marijuana use in 1996.

In November 1999, the federal prosecutors successfully obtained an order
prohibiting me from mentioning to the jury that I have AIDS, that marijuana
is medicine, that the federal government supplies eight patients with medical
marijuana each month, or that California has a law permitting the very act
that I was accused of violating.

As I never denied my medical marijuana cultivation, that left me with no
defense whatsoever. To avoid an almost certain guilty verdict and a ten-year
mandatory-minimum sentence, I pled guilty to a lesser charge. (The whole
story is at www.petertrial.com) My sentencing for this charge will be on
March 27, 2000. The deadline for turning in letters of support is February
20, 2000.

Would you please take the time to send a letter, or a fax, or even an e-mail,
to the judge on my behalf? It would make all the difference in my world.

The letter need not be long or eloquent. One sentence is sufficient.

The judge can sentence me to 0 to 5 years. The federal sentencing guidelines
place my recommended (but not mandatory) sentence in the 5-year range. It is
probably unavoidable that I get a sentenced to some time -- perhaps the full
five years.

What I am asking the judge -- and what I am asking you to ask the judge -- is
that I be able to serve my sentence under "home detention," also known as
"electronic monitoring." (An electronic transmitter would be permanently
fastened to my ankle and my whereabouts would be monitored 24 hours a day. I
would not be able to leave my home except for medical or court appointments.
As I live in Los Angeles, this will allow me to write my books, including Gali
leo LA.)

In writing the Judge King, please observe these commonsense guidelines:

1. Please be respectful. The judge owes me, or you, nothing. You are asking
for a favor. When Judge King was asked to allow me to use medical marijuana
while out on bail, he said to the attorneys on both sides, in a voice
trembling with compassion, "I am struggling mightily with this. Please,
struggle with me." Alas, there was nothing in federal law that permitted him
to allow me to break federal law, even to save my life, but I believed the
sincerity of his struggle. Personally, I don't want judges rewriting law as
they see fit. Judge King is a good judge upholding a bad law. My sentence,
however, is at his discretion. I believe he will be fair, that he will read
the letter you send, and he will be moved by your heartfelt request. I
believe we owe courtesy to the King.

2. Please focus on my health (www.petertrial.com/undetectable.htm) and my
contributions to society (through my books www.mcwilliams.com/books) as
reasons why I should receive home detention or electronic monitoring (the
term can be used interchangeably). The legal arguments will be made by my

3. If you know me, please say so, and state any positive character traits you
may have noticed wafting by from time to time. (This letter is not written
under oath, so you will not be arrested for perjury.)

4. If you have read any of my books, please say so. If they helped you,
please say how. (Exception: Please do not mention "Ain't Nobody's Business if
You Do." See 5.)

5. Please do not give your opinion of the War on Drugs (unless you're in
favor of it), how the government treated me in this case (unless you
approve), your views on medical marijuana (unless you're against it), or
anything else critical of the status quo. Save those remarks, however
well-reasoned and accurate, for letters-to-the-editor. Such comments may be
counterproductive in a letter to a federal judge.

6. If you can, please keep the letter to one page, and no longer than two.

Actual letters (those things made popular in the last millennium, printed on
paper, put into envelopes, and sent through the Post Office) are best. Typed
is better, but handwritten is fine. Please use the most impressive letterhead
to which you have legitimate access. (Your business stationery is better than
your personal stationery, for example.) If you don't have stationery, you
can  create a letterhead on any word processor in about two minutes.

Please address the letters to:

"The Honorable George H. King"

and begin the letter:

"Dear Judge King,"

Please mail the letters TO ME at:

Peter McWilliams
8165 Mannix Drive
Los Angeles, California 90046

If you know you're probably not going to get around to writing a letter (and
I know just how you feel -- I don't know where 

[CTRL] Fwd: DRCNet Update, 2/4/00

2000-02-04 Thread Kris Millegan

DRCNet Update, 2/4/00


(To sign off this list, mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the
line signoff drc-natl in the body of the message, or
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] for assistance.  To subscribe to
this list, visit http://www.drcnet.org/signup.html.)

Due to a combination of staff sick time and other staff
attending the NORML conference here in Washington, DC, The
Week Online does not include our extensive, original
coverage of drug policy and the reform movement this week.
The Week Online will return in its usual form next week.
However, there are a few important items that people need to
know about now, so please read on:

1. SSDP on MTV
2. Please Write a Letter to Keep Peter Mcwilliams Alive and
   Out of Prison
3. National Call-In day on Colombia, February 15, 2000
4. State Action Alerts
5. The Cambridge Two

1. SSDP on MTV

MTV is airing its first "Choose or Lose" edition of MTV
News, a special edition covering the New Hampshire
presidential primary campaigns, as part of its effort to
increasing young people's political awareness and
participation.  We've been told that the program will
include a segment on Students for Sensible Drug Policy's New
Hampshire activities, which included a protest of drug war
hypocrisy outside a George Bush rally and a successful
effort to pose cutting drug policy questions to the major
candidates.  (See our "College Convention Report" by Steve
Silverman at http://www.drcnet.org/wol/122.html#cc2k for the
full story.)  "Choose or Lose" will air Friday, Feb. 4
(tonight) at 7:30pm, Saturday, Feb. 5 at 9:30am, Sunday,
Feb. 6 at 8:30am and Monday, Feb. 7 at 7:00am and noon.

2. Please Write a Letter to Keep Peter McWilliams Alive and
   Out of Prison

We reprint the follow plea from author and friend of the
movement Peter McWilliams, and ask your support for him.
You can subscribe to McWilliams' e-mail distribution list by
visit http://www.mcwilliams.com and clicking on "Add Your
Name to My E-mail List."


Please help keep me out of federal prison by writing a
letter to the judge

My name is Peter McWilliams.  I am a cancer survivor
living with AIDS.  I was arrested in July 1998 on
federal medical marijuana charges, even though I
live in California, a state that approved medical
marijuana use in 1996.

In November 1999, the federal prosecutors
success fully obtained an order prohibiting me from
mentioning to the jury that I have AIDS, that
marijuana is medicine, that the federal government
supplies eight patients with medical marijuana each
month, or that California has a law permitting the
very act that I was accused of violating.

As I never denied my medical marijuana cultivation,
that left me with no defense whatsoever.  To avoid
an almost certain guilty verdict and a ten-year
mandatory-minimum sentence, I pled guilty to a
lesser charge.  (The whole story is at
http://www.petertrial.com.)  My sentencing for
this charge will be on March 27, 2000.  The
deadline for turning in letters of support is
February 20, 2000.

Would you please take the time to send a letter, or
a fax, or even an e-mail, to the judge on my
behalf?  It would make all the difference in my

The letter need not be long or eloquent.  One
sentence is sufficient.

The judge can sentence me to 0 to 5 years.  The
federal sentencing guidelines place my recommended
(but not mandatory) sentence in the 5-year range.
It is probably unavoidable that I get a sentenced
to some time -- perhaps the full five years.

What I am asking the judge -- and what I am asking
you to ask the judge -- is that I be able to serve
my sentence under "home detention," also known as
"electronic monitoring."  (An electronic
transmitter would b  permanently fastened to my
ankle and my whereabouts would be monitored 24
hours a day.  I would not be able to leave my home
except for medical or court appointments.  As I
live in Los Angeles, this will allow me to write
my books, including Galileo LA.)

In writing the Judge King, please observe these
commonsense guidelines:

1.  Please be respectful.  The judge owes me, or
you, nothing.  You are asking for a favor.
When Judge King was asked to allow me to use
medical marijuana while out on bail, he said to
the attorneys on both sides, in a voice
trembling with compassion, "I am struggling
mightily with this.  Please, struggle with me."
Alas, there was nothing in federal law that
permitted him to allow me to break federal law,
even to save my life, but I believed the
sincerity of his struggle.  Personally, I don't
want judges rewriting law as they see fit.
Judge King is a good judge upholding a 

Re: [CTRL] Who says........

2000-02-04 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Big yawn!


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: [RuMills] THE MCCAIN REVOLUTION -- VOTE! It may be ILLEGAL in 2004

2000-02-04 Thread Kris Millegan


February 4, 2000


McCain's Message is Reaching an Unlikely Group


"VOTE! It may be ILLEGAL in 2004"


For years now, I have been struggling with two conflicting stories about
John McCain.

From former POW's, the wives and families of MIA's, and from POW
groups around the country, I have heard stories about McCain's
brainwashing at the hands of the Vietnamese. I was told he not only gave
secrets to the enemy, but supervised the torture and interrogation of
American POW's in Laos.

On the other hand, I have also been told that McCain was fully
deprogrammed when he returned from Viet Nam. The people who
deprogrammed him were members of an intelligence unit that is aligned
with Faction 2, the faction that opposes the New World Order. I was told
that John McCain has been part of this group since he returned from Viet

Most of you know that I was married to Navy Captain Gunther Russbacher,
a Naval Officer attached to the CIA. What most people don't know is he
was a POW in Nixon's undeclared war in Laos.

Gunther was held for 18 months. The types of tortures that were used on
him are so unbelievably brutal and inhuman that words can't even come
close to describing them.

Anyone who met him knew immediately that something terrible had
happened to him. He had no fingernails. They had been pulled out so many
times that the nail beds were damaged and they never grew back.

When Gunther was a "POW" in George Bush's political prisoner gulags, he
was forced to clean the kitchen using boiling water and lye soap. The soft
skin on his fingers, where  fingernails should have been, became infected.
They swelled with pus, broke open and bled all over the dining room tables
he was cleaning.

He had been infected with hepatitis C while he was in SE Asia, but  the
prison staff did not consider him a threat to the other inmates, even though
his infected blood was on the dining room tables. A fellow inmate took
color photos of his swollen and bloody fingers. The photos graphically
showed his lack of nails, and what the lye soap and boiling water had done
to him. These photos were sent to the head of the prison system. Gunther
was immediately removed from this assignment.

Pulling his fingernails out with plyers and sticking bamboo in the nail beds
was the most humane of the tortures his Vietnamese, North Korean and
Chinese torturers used on him.

After studying the methods of mind control, i.e., "brainwashing" that was
used on the POW'S of the Viet Nam war, I realize that the HORROR of
what these men went through was done  to split their mind into many
different personalities. These personalities could be programmed and then
buried deep within childhood memories. A small part of this is explained by
Gunther in the article he wrote called, "Operation Open Eyes".

After Gunther escaped and was rescued by a team of operatives which had
been put together by his family, he was taken to the VA hospital in Denver.
This would have been 1972. He said that the United States government
refused to put a POW back into circulation until he had been
deprogrammed. When he first told me this, I assumed that deprogramming
meant the same as "debriefing". After he had been released, and we were in
Austria, he told me what it really meant.

The American programmers who deprogrammed Gunther, repeated the
same tortures that his Vietnamese captors used on him. He said they did this
to find the various personalities that were hidden in his early childhood
years. He said that once they felt they had discovered all of these programs,
he was reprogrammed as a covert operative.

Gunther never like John McCain. I never fully understood the reasons he
didn't like McCain. I know that McCain had been involved in the Saving
and Loan mess through his involvement with Lincoln Savings and Loan.,
But I also know that the Savings and Loan scandal was created by former
OSS operative William Casey, (later CIA director), as a plan to bankrupt
the Federal Reserve by the year 2000, and put the control of the Treasury
back in the hands of the United States Congress rather than foreign

I also know that Charles Keating, the head of  Lincoln Savings and Loan,
was part of a group of covert operatives that worked with Rudolph Guiliani
in tracking and eliminating pedophiles.

(One mission that was carried out by this group was called Operation
Clydesdale. Put the word "Clydesdale" in theRMNews Forum  search
engine and you will find the report that Gunther wrote. There is another
"Operation Clydesdale" on the RMNews webpage. It is a piece I wrote to
correct information put out by someone else. Make sure you read the report
written by Gunther and not the one I wrote.)

According to Gunther, Charles Keating was targeted by pedophiles within
the United States government. The Democratic Senators who were caught
up in the scandal could have been protected. Most political crooks are

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Disinfo.con 2000

2000-02-04 Thread Kris Millegan

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Disinfo.con 2000

Disinformation, the Web's Leading Subculture Portal and Search Engine
Announces Disinfo.Con 2000

Set For February 19, 2000 Disinfo.Con Will Explore the Future with Robert
Anton Wilson, Douglas Rushkoff, Genesis P-Orridge, RU Sirius and More!

New York, NY - Richard Metzger, Creative Director for The Disinformation
Company Ltd. announced the details of the much speculated upon Disinfo.Con
today. Disinfo.Con will be the first event of its type in New York since the
legendary Nova Convention, honoring author William Burroughs, in 1979.
Featuring a line-up of speakers drawing from the best of the underground
media, new science and far fringes of the art scene, Disinfo.Con 2000 will
turn New York City's majestic Hammerstein Ballroom into an 11 hour
Technicolor dream house of revolutionary thought, visionary art and lysergic
lectures. The event will be "one part rave, one part performance, and one
part mind fuck," according to Metzger.

The event brings together many of today's most important thinkers including
Cyberculture pioneer RU Sirius, comic book artist Grant Morrison, elder
statesman of conspiriology Robert Anton Wilson, future culture "queen" of
all media Genesis P-Orridge, visionary artist Paul Laffoley, outsider artist
Joe Coleman, new media pundit Douglas Rushkoff, and Feral House publisher
Adam Parfrey and several other major names to be announced in ensuing

The event will also feature a Conspiracy Theory Roundtable featuring
publisher and researcher Kenn Thomas, Robert Sterling, editor of The
Konformist, editor Greg Bishop, and conspiracy theorist and academic Jodi
Dean. Paleo-psychology and mass behavior expert Howard Bloom will present a
special video lecture. There will also be an exclusive preview of the new
Disinfo Nation TV series produced for Channel 4 in the UK, featuring a
behind the scenes look at the Montauk Project, a biographical short about
Timothy Leary, the brain damaged snuff film carnage of "Uncle Goddamn,"
Salvador Dali advertising Alka Seltzer and more!

Disinfo.Con 2000 will take place on Saturday February 19, 2000 at the
Hammerstein Ballroom, 311 West 34th Street off of 8th Avenue in New York
City. Doors open 10 am; the event starts at 11 am and finishes at 11 pm. The
Ballroom is walking distance from Penn Station and The Port Authority Bus
Station. There are also a limited number of rooms at a special conference
rate reserved at the New Yorker Hotel, next door to the Ballroom. Passes for
the full 12-hour event cost $99.95 and for the evening session only $49.95.
Attendees can register online at  http://con2000.disinfo.com/

# # #

The Disinformation Company Ltd.

The Disinformation Company Ltd. owns and operates the Disinformation Web
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2000-02-04 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

a friend



(Special to the Wanderer)

CHICAGO -Fr.Andrew Greeley,  a priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago, and a

millionaire novelist and popular  sociologist, has indicated in his memoirs

that he knows the truth about a criminal clerical sex ring operating in


Greeley's startling statement in volume two of his memoirs, Furthermore!

Memories of a Parish Priest  (Forge, a division of Thomas  Doherty: New

York), gives credence to the rumors many Catholics around the country have

heard for years about the sinister operations of this group of clergy, which

allegedly dabbles in the black arts and has committed murder to cover up its


This ring, though operating in Chicago, is duplicated by, and part of, a

wider circle of rings operating across North  America, and includes not only

priests, but bishops, police, judges, and politicians, according to these


What Greeley notably leaves out of his brief revelation is that the

first man who was allegedly murdered by this ring was not a priest - though
he was

a member of the ring. The deceased was the unmarried choir director for a

Catholic church, who was murdered by a ring member because he wanted to

leave the group of clerical pedophiles he had become involved with during his

tenure at the church.

Malachi Martin, in Windswept House, gave a thinly disguised account of

these murders, and the role of the cardinal of "Centurycity" in covering up

the crime by derailing the police investigation.( see[[/254-257)

The priest who murdered the choir director, say people familiar with

this real case (which remains officially "unsolved"), was himself allegedly

murdered a short time later.

Greeley's curious comments appear in a section regarding the pedophilia

crisis in the American Church.Fr. Greeley  remarks on the steps taken by

various bishops to address the problem. "The review boards," he writes,

"established by many bishops frequently have no credibility."

Bishops, he says, are more hesitant than before regarding the

reassignment of pedophiles, but that is because they fear lawsuits.

He describes a clerical culture instinctively attempting to stonewall,

and its legal tactics. "The national hierarchy protests that it doesn't know

how many priests are abusers or how many money settlements have cost. And,

one must add, doesn't want to know.  There are some exceptions, of course,

including Chicago.

"But even in Chicago, the ring of predators about whom I wrote in the

paperback edition of Confessions {of a Parish Priest}  remains untouched.

There is no evidence against them because no one has complained about them

and none of their fellow priests have denounced them. Those who have been

removed are for the most part lone offenders who lacked the skill to cover

their tracks. The ring is much more clever.Perhaps they always will be. But

should they slip, should they get caught, the previous scandals will seem

trivial.Others like them still flourish all around the country.

"There have been some improvements," he writes.  "The problem, however,

is not solved, the crisis remains, the powder keg is still volatile, the

bomb is still ticking. Keep your fingers crossed.

He adds in a footnote on the same page, 80, regarding the Chicago ring:

"They are a dangerous group. There is reason to believe that they are

responsible for at least one murder, and may perhaps have been involved in

the murder of the murderer.Am I afraid of them? Not particularly. They know

that I have in safekeeping information which would implicate them. I am more

of a threat to them dead than alive."

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Peter McWilliams -victim of the Federal Insanity

2000-02-04 Thread Colleen Jones

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Will write letter..if it is okay for the Bush Whackers and Clinton
and Gore to use drugs, hard drugs...why is it not okay for this man
to use marijuana for medicinal purposes..

We had our CIA selling cocaine to poor blacks in ghettos.we have
military by order the the President putting toxic waist in our
servicemen in the name of humanity to protect from Anthrax.we have
vaccines that one of ten children will become autistic; we have poison
and toxic waste being dumpted from the skies.we have drugs now
controlled from the White House, for the Snow Birds have come home to

And thisi man is in prison?  Why is he in there, and these bums are out

So will write letter...but that guy needs a new lawyer and they need to
file Civil Rights Case, Equal Protection of Lawswonder if any of the
blood transfusions this man may have to have, or has had, came from
tainted blood sold by Clinton.the blood to Canada traveled world
wide, and our own Red Cross permitted poison blood to be given to the
peopleand they knew it was poison.

And this man is in prison for wanting to smoke a bit of pot that grows
in a garden naturally?

Get them all, if you are going to get him...get Flynt, Carville, and
Oliver Stone...he had Hash...where did he buy it, it is good
questionfrom whom does Stone buy his drugs?   Carville and Flynt and
does he get discount price.

Look at themand this man ill, in jail.but then those prisoners
who were in prison in Arkansas who had HIV, they were ill too, but yet
they took their blood when they should have been receiving medical

These people in the Oval Office and in our Judicial System - Equal at
the top but not so equal at the bottom.

This man should sue them...for he did what he had to do in an emergency

Lately I am wondering all these sports figurs traveling world
wideany of them used to bring in the cocaine?   Could someone have
found out about it...why did they want to shoot down Payne Stewarts
plane?   I keep thinking drugs involved here...something wrong.

But regardless, this man sits in prison for what a crime he did
commit..smoking a bit of pot for medicinal purposes?

Wonder they do not get him on the IRS charges to boot.

Sue them all.free thisi man.


Colleen Jones, Chairman of the Board
*International Order of the Irish Mafia*
The Clan of Dan*

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Federal Reserve Board Reportedly Considering Emergency Session

2000-02-04 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.skolnicksreport.com/fedemergency.html"Sherman
 Skolnick's Report/A

by Sherman H. Skolnick

A reported emergency has been developing regarding two major banks and a
major bond and gold trading firm. The highly secretive Federal Reserve,
America's PRIVATE central bank, is reportedly considering the possiblity of
an emergency session. The necessity apparently of an emergency session has
been caused in part, or in whole, by the following:
[1] Rumors have apparently been sweeping Wall Street that one of the world's
largest, if not THE largest bond and gold trading firm, Goldman Sachs, is
possibly going under. This stems reportedly in part from the U.S. Treasury's
announcement that it is reducing 30 year Treasury Bond supply. Goldman Sachs
reportedly has been heavily speculating in derivatives, that
little-understood, highly dangerous tinkering with assets inside of assets
inside of and linked to underlying assets. {Remember how Orange County
California went bankrupt by their reported speculating with these mysterious
manipulations called "derivatives".] Goldman Sachs reportedly has been in the
forefront of worldwide efforts to knock down the price of gold and reap huge
profits at the expense of workers and stockholders of the gold mining
industry.[A South African gold mine went into bankruptcy in 1999 when the
"wreck the price of gold" crowd, including the Bank of England, forced gold
down to just over 250 dollars per ounce. The average cost of production of
gold, by the best, most efficient mines, is about 285 dollars per ounce.]
The derivative gambling, in the trillions of dollars, is a complex formula of
tricks, involving gambling on gold and oil and Treasury Bonds, all interwoven
like a group of Chinese magic boxes inside of boxes inside of boxes.
When gold shot up from 252 dollars per ounce to 330 dollars per ounce in the
fall of 1999, some contended at the time that Goldman Sachs and other gold
trading houses were heavily SHORT on gold and could not come up with the gold
supply to make good the LONG speculators that reportedly included worldwide
financial pirate George Soros. At the time, there was reason to believe that
Goldman Sachs would invoke an emergency clause, used when there are storms,
wars, and revolutions interfering with complying with contracts, called Force
Majeure. [For background see our prior story: "Bank of England and the Gold
Crisis", on our website.]
[2] Goldman Sachs is reportedly in a sinking boat with Germany's huge
financial ship, Deutsche Bank, and the worldwide bank octopus Bank of
America. This trio are major players in Foreign Exchange, called ForEx,
trading and speculating in foreign currencies. If the emergency continues,
the Federal Reserve, according to some bond and gold experts, would have to
come up with some 600 Billion Dollars, as a rescue attempt for the reputed
trio of bust financial players. According to other financial sources, the
Federal Reserve can come up with 130 Billion dollars, that is, some say, "the
limit of the number of lifeboats the Fed can supply in a hurry". Beyond that,
some experts contend, the Fed would have to order the printing of a flood of
paper money, falsely masquerading as the "U.S. Dollar", in fact, Federal
Reserve notes backed by nothing but hot air.
[3] Do not expect the sphinx-like Federal Reserve to admit there IS an
emergency and that they are considering an emergency session of their
highly-secretive deliberations.
Some extremely well-informed financial experts have their views posted on a
website called: http://www.LeMetropoleCafe.com [a summary can be obtained,
but further details require you to be a subscriber]. They quote a bond dealer
as saying "something should happen because this thing is lethal for all asset
[4] Bank of America, headquartered in San Francisco, already is facing
billions of dollars of problems as the result of a suit filed in U.S.
District Court in San Francisco. The details of that suit have been
publicized primarily only by us. It is a class action on behalf of victims,
heirs, and beneficiaries, of World War Two whose assets were stolen by the
Nazi puppet government of Croatia, the Ustasha, and later secretly deposited
during and after the war reportedly with the Vatican Bank. [Emil Alperin, et
al vs. Vatican Bank, No. C99-4941 MMC, in the U.S. District Court, Northern
District of California. Details of the suit as well as the complete First
Amended Complaint are on our website: http://www.skolnicksreport.com under
the title "Vatican Bank Sued For Alleged War-Crimes"]. Little-known by the
public, and rare if ever mentioned by the monopoly press, Bank of America,
and its parent holding firm, Bank America, 

[CTRL] Judge says gay [homo] school club can meet.

2000-02-04 Thread Bard

"It is no longer a matter of whether homosexuals will achieve political
power, but what will they attempt to do with it."

"They have two aims: one is to isolate, marginalize and silence the
voices of religious conservatives
 in the public square; the second is to crush
all opposition to the political agenda of the homosexual
 lobby — for special rights, for same-sex
marriage and for homosexual education in the schools.
-- Gary Bauer

Judge Says Gay School Club Can Meet

 Issues Preliminary Injunction Against District

 SANTA ANA, Calif., Updated 10:12 a.m. PST February 4,
2000 --
 A federal judge issued a preliminary injuction against
the Orange Unified
 School District Friday, temporarily allowing a
controversial gay-straight
 alliance club to meet at El Modena High School.

 "Though it may educate many of Orange's students, the
Orange Unified
 School District must not become an Orwellian
'guardianship of the public
 mind,'" U.S. District Judge David Carter wrote in his
ruling, according to
 news wires.

 Anthony Colin, 15, and Heather
 Zetin, 16, both students at El
 Modena, sued the school
 district after its Board of
 Trustees rejected the proposed
 formation of the "Gay Straight

Carter cited a prior decision
 when he wrote that "public
 school students do not 'shed
 their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or
expression at the school
 house gate.'"

 A school district lawyer submitted a request for a stay
immediately after
 Carter issued his ruling. The judge indicated that he
might rule on the
 motion as early as Friday afternoon.

 If it stands, Carter's ruling means that the club would
be allowed to form
 and meet on campus while the lawsuit makes its way
through the court

.txt document:  Remove the Homosexual Agenda ...


A MUST view website:
Why I Write About The Homosexual Agenda


University took bold stand in resisting gay agenda

Infusing the Homosexual Agenda Into Schools by Phyllis Schlafly

WARNING:  It's all part of the pro-death agenda!
Only YOU can reverse the course of the path of the
Forces of Darkness,
Liberals/Socialists, come November 7, 2000.

From: Peter L. Sroufe [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 05, 1999 1:24 PM
To: Snetnews
Cc: Conservative; New Paradigms; Patriot_Net

Restore America's Moral Pride


The "Homosexual Agenda" is very real and is destroying children and families across 
the country. IT MUST BE STOPPED! On May 1st, Jodi Hoffman, a Florida mother of three, 
sued the Ft. Lauderdale public school district for teaching inappropriate sex 
education to over 220,000 children. An ABC/Disney-produced video teaches kids how to 
keep their parents from finding out they are receiving condoms, contraceptives and 
abortions. Other portions of the course promote abortion, pornography, homosexuality, 
adultery, masturbation, promiscuity, 'coming out', being "young and gay", 
cross-dressing and transsexualism. Children were also given photos of teenage 
homosexuals hugging and kissing, ads for nude strip clubs, massage parlors, escort 
services, two-woman nude shows, nude lap dancing and friction dancing and worse!

Jodi's husband, Paul, needs the help and support of all parents to win this battle. He 
is also preparing a lawsuit against the school district in Miami. This lawsuit marks 
the first time in history that sex ed curriculum has been so extensively challenged in 
the courts and is the model which will be used in every state. This case (JODI HOFFMAN 
vs BROWARD COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD, CASE NO. 97-06619) is being hailed as "the trial of 
the century" by Washington, DC and is being closely watched from coast to 

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Friday #3

2000-02-04 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000204c - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* Few files were transferred from govt computers to produce this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ The Declaration of Evolution: http://deoxy.org/dec_evo.htm
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Cloning: What Hath Genomics Wrought? Occasionally, a great change in his-
  tory comes about quickly  without warning, transforming the very way we
  perceive ourselves  the world around us for generations to come. Such was
  the case when the world first heard about Dolly the cloned sheep. Now the
  Scottish scientist who cloned Dolly, has made history a 2nd time, likely
  with even more impact on the world. Where and when will it ever end?

: Have you evolved lately? Did you have help? Would you prefer evolution to
be random, directed, stopped? Is natural selection highly overrated? Have
you tried unnatural selection? Should your genes be re-engineered? To what?

@ The Biosafety Protocol: http://www.usia.gov/topical/global/biosafe/
@ Darwin's Correspondence: http://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/Departments/Darwin/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# CIA Defends Breach That Mixed Porn  Secrets. WASHINGTON (AP) Ex-DCI John
  Deutch fucked up, but not as seriously as Wen Ho Lee. A CIA report that
  Deutch stored some of the US's most sensitive national security secrets on
  a computer that also was used to access pornographic Internet sites and to
  receive and send e-mail has thoroughly pissed-off politicos  intel wonks.

  alleged use of a home computer to store classified info sparked a security
  scare in spyland and also points out a problem many net.users are not
  aware of. http://www.CNN.com/2000/TECH/computing/02/04/pc.security/

@ CIA For Kids: http://www.odci.gov/cia/ciakids/index.html
@ CIA's Canine Corps: http://www.odci.gov/cia/ciakids/dogs/index.html
@ Major Mind-Control Projects: http://www.trufax.org/research/projects.html
@ Angels Don't Play This HAARP: http://www.xyz.net/~nohaarp/pandora.htm
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Size Of Brain Linked To Violence. Men who are most prone to rage/violence
  have significant deficiencies in a brain region that enables most people
  to learn moral sensibilities  exercise self-restraint. The study joins a
  growing body of findings that may force society to rethink how it regards
  violent crime, blame, punishment and the scope of free will. Drugs or
  surgery: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2000/02/000203075358.htm

: How small is your brain? Can it be pumped-up? Should all violent offenders
have brain-pumping procedures performed? Would you commit a violent crime to
get your brain pumped-up? Is brain-pumping a cool high? D'ya get off on it?

@ Sleep Disorders Research: http://rover.nhlbi.nih.gov/about/ncsdr/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  "lessons learned" report on 1999's military campaign in Yugoslavia will
  include a high-tech shopping list for military hardware aimed at fixing
  problems encountered during the NATO air attacks. Send lawyers, guns and
  money. Especially money: http://CNN.com/2000/US/02/03/kosovo.report/

# Defense Dept. denies sharing secrets with China - Briefing on US bombing,
  strafing methods called 'imaginary' training - "they're only simulations"

: How much military hardware is enough? Do you lobby for more? Do your alien
masters siphon it off? Do they give secrets to your enemies, friends, me??

@ SearchMil.com - search .mil sites: http://www.searchedu.com/
@ SearchGov.com - search .gov sites: http://www.searchgov.com/
@ SearchEdu.com - search .edu sites: http://www.searchedu.com/
@ NSA Declassified: http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB23/
@ Propaganda: http://carmen.artsci.washington.edu/propaganda/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Parson faces prison in kidporn case. TAMPA, Fla. (AP) A former Methodist
  minister faces up to 15 years in prison after pleading guilty in federal
  court to receiving child pornography on his computer. Masturbated  wept,
  see http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2563857333-e78

: Why is it that in looking at family characteristics related to child abuse
the most significant indicator after alcoholism is religious fundamentalism?
Is religion necessarily linked to non-consensual and incestuous sexuality?

# Clinton hosts prayer breakfast, calls for damnation of opponents:

[CTRL] ...voting for the lesser of two evils... [new site]

2000-02-04 Thread Bard

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Who does God tell you to vote for?

 Answer: "Moreover thou shalt select out of all the people able men,
such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over
them to
 be rulers ..." (Exodus 18:21) "Choose wise, understanding, and
knowledgeable men ..." (Deuteronomy 1:13)

 Question: If there are no such candidates on the ballot, should we
vote for the lesser of two evils?

 Answer: "Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil" (Exodus

 Christians have been voting for the lesser of two evils for
decades. And guess what? That's exactly what they've been getting — evil
 more or less. Voting for the lesser of two evils is voting for
moral relativity — denying that there are moral absolutes.

 If there is one good candidate, but he has no chance of winning,
should we then vote for a different candidate who is the "lesser of two
evils," but who
 may have a chance of winning, in order to prevent the "greater of
two evils" from winning? That is the kind of argument which will forever
keep good
 candidates from winning. As long as everyone continues to vote for
"one of two evils," I reckon the only choice we will be given is between
"one of two
 evils." The good candidates cannot gain ballot access, and they
cannot get their message across, simply because the vast majority of
voters continue to
 vote for one of the two choices of evil offered them. In other
words, they continue to vote overwhelmingly for moral relativity.

 You see, the fact that we are persuaded to choose what we perceive
to be "the lesser of two evils" is positive evidence that our own
consciences are
 already quite infected with moral relativity. To vote for the
lesser of two evils is to vote for evil. Christians must vote for
positive good, and if they are
 not given that choice, they must vote for none of the above.
Amorality is sin. Moral absolutes do not change in a voting booth.

 Both major political parties implement policy which is not
authorized by the supreme law of the land — the Constitution. Both
political parties want to
 continue implementing such policy. One party often implements
socialism more slowly and gradually or in a more conservative manner
than the other.
 But they both continue in the same direction. They know little or
no restraint, either by Constitutional law or by God's Law. They are
lawless. They are
 neither moral nor immoral. They are amoral. They are a law unto
themselves. They do what is right in their own eyes. They do not fear
God. They are
 only restrained by their fear of the people. Therefore, they
neutralize the people by only allowing them a choice between two evils.

 "The... two parties should be almost identical, so that the
American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without
leading to any profound or
 extensive shifts in policy." — Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope,
pages 1247-1248.

For more information visit www.ustaxpayers.org

I seek your forgiveness if you consider this Post off-topic.

"Pick the lesser of the two evils."
'political parties suck'

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-02-04 Thread Andy

This is my first post to this list, so greetings 
everyone...I've been interested in Manna and psychedelics for a while now and I 
agree with the "shroom theory". Soaking shrooms in honey for a long time 
will result in a stained blue and psychedelic honey...I liked the idea so much 
that I created www.bluehoney.org - This 
is my reply:

"Something falling from heaven is entirely 
different than something springing from the earth. The Israelites just 
couldn'thave been so stupid they could not tell that 
difference"--No one saw anything fall from the sky, the 
Manna appeared overnight with the morning dew (also they had no roots like other 
plants that they were familiar with). Now, I wouldn't call anyone stupid 
but the Israelites did wander for 40 years, you can't do 
that without going in a lot of circles. Besides...look at what these people did 
before they left Egypt...they were slaves, not gardeners. This is ignorance, not 
stupidity. How many Israelites could have had a mushroom experience before they 
escaped Egypt? None, hencethe name Manna - meaning "What is it?" - Whatever 
it was, it was important enough to preserve for future generations and keep in 
the Ark of the Covenant."Shrooms in the 
desert!?! No way. Too dry. Need rain and cow pies. Trust 
me".--Exodus 16-14 "And when the dew that lay was gone up, behold, 
upon the face of the wilderness there lay a small round thing, as small as the 
hoar frost on the ground.".. Frost? Dew? Wilderness? Is this a desert?? Need 
grass, trees and moisture. Trust me.As for cows, well (to quote that 
web-page about Manna) "again referring to the Bible, it is clear that the 
children of Israel had journeyed to a land where there was dew in the morning. 
As a large, nomadic tribe, the Israelites brought a lot of cattle and sheep 
together in the area. That meant a great deal of manure. The change of climate 
from the arid lands of Egypt to the dewy climate of the wilderness created ideal 
conditions for the propagation and spread of psilocybe mushrooms in livestock 
dung."the taste of it was like wafers made with 
honey(l6:31)...Wrong!After trying EVERY 
conceivable methos of eating those babies without gagging, the ONLY way we ever 
found that was tasteless(later in life the taste of freeze dried Kubensis 
didn't even really bother us that much any more), is to make a REAL ice cream 
shake out of them. That is the ONLY way that we ever found that even the 
slightest taste of them is not detectable...and we triedALL KINDS of 
things using honey in my dayto no avail!--Wrong!I have 
mushrooms that have been soaking in honey for many months (that's what blue 
honey is), you don't even need to eat the mushrooms, just the honey will do; but 
if you did you would not taste anything but sweet honey. Is there any other 
natural preservative other than honey?John 6-56 He that eateth my 
flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him.He is saying 
pretty clearly that the eating and drinking is physical. My body is flesh 
indeed, and My blood is drink indeed, and the added statement that when you eat, 
it is inside of you leaves little room for debate that this is a substance and 
not a phantom symbol alone. For those who choose to debate this I ask that they 
show me their substance because according to Jesus' words unless you eat and 
drink of "IT" you have no life in you. By the way, do I really need to mention 
that this is not some strange reference to Cannibalism? I sure hope 
not.John 6-31 Our fathers did eat manna in the desert; as it is written, 
He gave them bread from heaven to eat.John 6-32 Then Jesus said unto 
them, verily verily I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from heaven; 
but my father giveth you the true bread from heaven.John 6-34 Then said 
they unto him, Lord, evermore give us this bread.John 6-35 And Jesus 
said unto them, I am the bread of life.John 6-41 The Jews then murmured 
at him, because he said, I am the bread that came down from heaven.John 
6-43 Jesus therefore answered and said unto them, Murmur not among 
yourselves.John 6-48 I am that bread of life.John 6-56 He that 
eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him. 
Rev 2-17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit sait unto the 
Churches; to him that overcometh will i give to eat of the hidden manna, and 
will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man 
knoweth saving he that receiveth it.If you are interested in this 
and want to read more - there are many books out there: http://www.bluehoney.org/Books.htmBegin 
with "The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross" by Jon AllegroWhat I suggest 
that you do is this: Go here:http://www.bluehoney.org/Mankind1.htm 
and start reading, this text is divided into 4 large sections and it will answer 
a lot of your questions about Manna and many other Christian 

[CTRL] Waco Shrooms?

2000-02-04 Thread ali andrew

I have been following this talk and 
it is great! McKenna's food of the gods is a good referance book for 
any good preacher of the word.

my reason for writing is that I've 
been down here from Philadelphia for the last three years and have been 
unfortunately Shroomless : ( I have searched 
through more cow shit than a little but no luck. my studies show that the Wac 
Indians used maskel beans. You would think being so close to the Holy land there 
would be plenty of Manna.

Question: what is the deal on the Shrooms in Waco 
(City of the Noble One)?


-Original Message-From: 
Friday, February 04, 2000 2:54 PMSubject: Re: [CTRL] MANNA 
This is my first post to this list, so greetings 
everyone...I've been interested in Manna and psychedelics for a while now 
and I agree with the shroom theory. Soaking shrooms in 
honey for a long time will result in a stained blue and psychedelic 
honey...I liked the idea so much that I created www.bluehoney.org - This is my 

Something falling from heaven is 
entirely different than something springing from the earth. The Israelites 
just couldn'thave been so stupid they could not tell that 
difference--No one saw anything fall from the sky, 
the Manna appeared overnight with the morning dew (also they had no roots 
like other plants that they were familiar with). Now, I wouldn't call 
anyone stupid but the Israelites did wander for 40 
years, you can't do that without going in a lot of circles. Besides...look 
at what these people did before they left Egypt...they were slaves, not 
gardeners. This is ignorance, not stupidity. How many Israelites could have 
had a mushroom experience before they escaped Egypt? None, hencethe name 
Manna - meaning What is it? - Whatever it was, it was important 
enough to preserve for future generations and keep in the Ark of the 
Covenant.Shrooms in the desert!?! 
No way. Too dry. Need rain and cow pies. Trust me.--Exodus 
16-14 And when the dew that lay was gone up, behold, upon the face of 
the wilderness there lay a small round thing, as small as the hoar frost on 
the ground... Frost? Dew? Wilderness? Is this a desert?? Need 
grass, trees and moisture. Trust me.As for cows, well (to quote that 
web-page about Manna) again referring to the Bible, it is clear that 
the children of Israel had journeyed to a land where there was dew in the 
morning. As a large, nomadic tribe, the Israelites brought a lot of cattle 
and sheep together in the area. That meant a great deal of manure. The 
change of climate from the arid lands of Egypt to the dewy climate of the 
wilderness created ideal conditions for the propagation and spread of 
psilocybe mushrooms in livestock 
dung.the taste of it was like wafers 
made with honey(l6:31)...Wrong!After trying 
EVERY conceivable methos of eating those babies without gagging, the ONLY 
way we ever found that was tasteless(later in life the taste of freeze 
dried Kubensis didn't even really bother us that much any more), is to make 
a REAL ice cream shake out of them. That is the ONLY way that we ever 
found that even the slightest taste of them is not detectable...and we 
triedALL KINDS of things using honey in my dayto no 
avail!--Wrong!I have mushrooms that have been soaking in 
honey for many months (that's what blue honey is), you don't even need to 
eat the mushrooms, just the honey will do; but if you did you would not 
taste anything but sweet honey. Is there any other natural preservative 
other than honey?John 6-56 He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh 
my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him.He is saying pretty clearly 
that the eating and drinking is physical. My body is flesh indeed, and My 
blood is drink indeed, and the added statement that when you eat, it is 
inside of you leaves little room for debate that this is a substance and not 
a phantom symbol alone. For those who choose to debate this I ask that they 
show me their substance because according to Jesus' words unless you eat and 
drink of IT you have no life in you. By the way, do I really 
need to mention that this is not some strange reference to Cannibalism? I 
sure hope not.John 6-31 Our fathers did eat manna in the desert; as 
it is written, He gave them bread from heaven to eat.John 6-32 Then 
Jesus said unto them, verily verily I say unto you, Moses gave you not that 
bread from heaven; but my father giveth you the true bread from 
heaven.John 6-34 Then said they unto him, Lord, evermore give us 
this bread.John 6-35 And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of 
life.John 6-41 The Jews then murmured at him, because he said, I 

[CTRL] Fwd: The Politics of Terror

2000-02-04 Thread Colleen Jones

This is the entire book and more than a theory re Oklahoma.the one
question that has never really been answered what role did Morris Dees
and ADL play here; and who, actually warned of pending disaster and
having this information, why did the permit a day care center within the
building, why did they leave the babies in the cribs and children

Was this another shock test..like the little boy gunned down with
his dog at Ruby Ridge, or the children of Waco and the children at
Chechnya - the little boy whose legs were amputated because Russian
guard would not permit medical attention...gangrene was result.

What kind of butchers do we have in our White Househumanitarians
with whips and guns and bombs and flame throwersSeattle was a
previewbut the WTO got the message did they not.

New York had a very Happy New Year with 2 million people having fun and
celebrating..Seattle stayed home in fear, of their own local

Why did the FBI and BATF stay home, and the Judge in the case stay home,
and let mothers put their children in the nursery?   FBI now opening
works with KGB.George Bush Jr. let it be known, he does not support
this Putinand would never permit our soldiers to wear UN
Uniformsthen nearly run down by dump truck.so even the sure
thing might be overtaken by a dark horse which may just be the game


This is entire book.have not read, but looks good if you have not
read same as yet.   Oh the press was right there to take a picture of a
fireman holdiong a dead baby...why did the FBI and BATF stay
homeand the Judge stay home.are the iniquities of the fathers
being visited upon the children?


[CTRL] Skeptic News - Friday #4

2000-02-04 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000204d - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* No realities were shifted to produce this bulletin. Well, not too much.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ MalkoCaus: http://www.lfw.org/jminc/http://www.caus.org/home.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Remaking the World One Atom at a Time. Nanotechnology, manipulating mater-
  ials on a molecular scale, holds the promise of unlocking nature's secrets
  in everything from industrial engineering to medicine. In the not-so-dist-
  ant future, bricks in new homes may repair themselves when cracks appear.
  Cars are coated with a diamond-strength layer to guard against scratches.
  Doctors might be able to diagnose hundreds of illnesses by placing a
  droplet of blood in a machine and reading the results in a few seconds.

@ Who Shifted My Reality, Anyway??? http://www.caus.org/cz020400.htm

: Have you rebuilt any persons/worlds/universes/realities lately? Have you
cloned/miniatuarized/expanded them? Did you have alien help? Are nanobots
indistinguishable from angels/demons/kobolds? Is nanotech indistinguishable
from magic? When we have complete control over matter/energy, are we gods?

@ How about using some genetically engineered bio-luminescent proteins to
  make http://www.biotoy.com/ fun toys? Like some glow-in-the-dark-water?
  http://www.biotoy.com/h2oglow.htm Be sure to watch the Quicktime movies
  www.innousa.com/movie/squirting1.mov www.innousa.com/movie/squirting2.mov
  Then squirt on over to http://www.memepool.com/Subject/Gadgets/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# UNARIUS ACADEMY OF SCIENCE. In the year 2001, most of the human race will
  be coping with endless streams of new and as yet unheard-of environmental
  crises and grisly immunological disasters.  But the members of UNARIUS -
 UNiversal ARticulate Interdimensional Understanding of Science - "countless
  thousands of advanced spiritual beings" (mostly Californians) will despair
  not, for they'll be confident of the impending arrival of the 32 saucer
  ships of the Space Brothers from the 32 confederated planets.  These space
 aliens will come to the Earth world to invite us to join the Interplanetary
  Confederation of Worlds  of course we'll accept the invitation, becoming
  the 33rd confederated world. Thereafter all of the problems on Earth will
  be solved.  Hallelujah.  http://www.teleport.com/~dkossy/unarius.html

: Are you ready for the Space Brothers? Are the Space Bros ready for you? Do
you regularly explore uncharted galaxies? Are there any uncharted galaxies
left? Is interstellar space overpopulated?Will the Space Bros dispossess us?

@ What the U.S. Government Knows About Unidentified Flying Objects:
@ Planetary Data Sets Currently Distributed on CD-ROM:
@ Secrets of the Ice - An Antarctic Exploration:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Alien Invaders Are Stealing Our Brains. Alien invasions and plots to take
  over our minds are the stuff of B-grade horror movies and stories printed
  on cheap paper, but I'm here to tell you it's not all fiction. I hope I
  can convince you before it's too late. They cruise TV airwaves and the
  Net: http://www.calgaryherald.com:80/opinion/stories/000203/3538132.html

: Has your brain been sucked out yet? Did you hear a great sucking sound? Do
you suck? Have you sucked out any brains lately? Were they tasty? Who has
the smallest brains? How many d'ya need to suck out before you're satiated?

@ God's final warning? Christian persecution: http://www.mcalvany.com/b2/
# Multi-Witness UFO Sighting Over Hollywood - is Lucas filming anything?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Confessions of a telephone psychic. http://www.giantrobot.com/issue9/duke/

@ For the horoscope http://www.horoscope.com/ believer, swoon.com brings
  you http://www.swoon.com/horoscopes/seduction/index.html Seduction by
  the Signs. For future reference, I supposedly like sincerity. Shows how
  much http://www.swoon.com/horoscopes/seduction/libra.html they know.

@ There is now a homepage http://www.uccs.edu/~cwetheri/GRT/BP.html for
  Martian bachelors. This may be somehow related to Transactional Analysis,
  http://www.itaa-net.org/what-is-ta.htm but I can't quite figure out how.
  And it's ever so loverly over at http://www.memepool.com/Subject/Sex/

: What's your favorite sexual aid? Do you prefer sex with psychics, astrolo-
gers, aliens/Martians, bachelor(ette)s, warriors, telephones, demons/gods,
mind-control agents, Illuminati, robots, me? How much help do you need? Eh?


[CTRL] Bushies' Slippery Tongues

2000-02-04 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

And all the while I thought Dannie Boie was reaching out on his lonesome own
when he really got to talk like he did ... and be understood!   Unfortunately
for the article's writer, he ignores the difference between the "English" (OKA
"Britlandese") and "American" (spoken by 5 or so times as many people as speak
Britlandese) languages.  Then there are the American dialecticalities, one of
which emanates from Tejas.  AER

From The Telegraph (UK)


 ISSUE 1715
Friday 4 February 2000

Bush image damaged by his slips of the tongue
By Ben Fenton in Washington

WITH nine months of public speaking left before the presidential election, the
oratory of George W Bush is coming under increasing scrutiny as he continues to
test the limits of the English language.

Like President George Bush, his father, the front runner in the Republican
presidential nomination race has already won a reputation for verbal
contortion, linguistic gymnastics and the accidental coining of words.

The governor of Texas can lay claim to having invented "tacular", "mential" and
"bariffs" and has begun to explore new forms of eloquence. He told children at
a New Hampshire school who were celebrating "Perseverance Month" that he was
happy to be joining them for "Preservation Month".

Proving it was not just a slip of the tongue, he added: "I appreciate
preservation. It's what you do when you run for president. You gotta preserve."
Having described himself in a Texas re-election campaign as "the education
governor" he recently told an audience: "Rarely is the question asked - is our
children learning?"
Mr Bush, who was heavily defeated in the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday, has
demonstrated evidence that his malapropisms are hereditary.

President Bush was renowned for putting syntax, vocabulary and meaning, not to
mention style, through a cerebral shredder before issuing his own memorable
remarks. "I mean, I think there will be a lot of aftermaths in what happened,
but we are going to go forward," he said after his candidate for a cabinet post
was rejected by the Senate in 1989.

His ability to trivialise the tragic was demonstrated when, on being shown
around Auschwitz, the then President said: "Boy, they were big on crematoriums
weren't they?"

He also showed the way for his son by combining two words in one. On live
national television he once refused to answer what he called a "hyporhetorical
question" and later refused to "hypothecate", presumably a combination of
hypothesise and speculate, on another reporter's inquiry.

His 53-year-old eldest son forges neologisms wherever he goes. He told an
audience that they lived in a "world of madmen and uncertainty and potential
mential loss". Last month, he risked the wrath of the animal rights lobby when
he spoke of a desire to "rip down terriers and bariffs".

Governor Bush has worked hard to eradicate his father's habit of rambling at
the podium during press conferences by using cue cards to answer even the most
"hyporhetorical" of questions. But he has not eradicated the vagueness of
expression that led President Bush to refer in less than inspiring tones to the
"vision thing". Both men are masters of not quite expressing thoughts.

Mr Bush Jnr told an interviewer: "When I was coming up, it was a dangerous
world and you knew exactly who they were. It was us versus them and it was
clear who them was. Today we are not so sure who the they are, but we know
they're there."

Father and son have recognised their shortcomings. "Some of the best of us
mispronounce words," George W told a classroom recently, echoing his father's
famous observation that "fluency in English is something that I'm often not
accused of".

But the difference between the two men is that President Bush was never thought
of as an unintelligent man, merely one who could not express his thoughts in a
way that made much sense to the rest of the English-speaking world. His son is
facing increasing questions about whether he has the basic qualities necessary
in a President, including intellect.

He has publicly called the East Timorese "East Timorians", the Kosovars
"Kosovians", the Slovenians "Slovakians" and the Greeks "Grecians".
In the light of growing doubts about his oratorical reliability, not to mention
brainpower, Republicans may not have been completely reassured to see yesterday
that he had called for support in South Carolina from the master of the
malapropism, Dan Quayle, a former vice-president.

It was Mr Quayle who gave America perhaps the greatest of its recent political
speeches when he said: "What a waste it is to lose one's mind. Or not to have a
mind is being very wasteful. How true that is."


Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. 

[CTRL] Oblong Ball Woes

2000-02-04 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

You know ... I've been wondering ltely if football (American Style) shouldn't
be banned altogether.  It's considered a sport, teaching its players all the
virtues of teamwork, strategy, and healthy living.  Yet, when these 'sportsmen'
leave the field of play, one wonders how much of their sport they leave in the
locker room.  Do parents and society in general want people running loose who
get paid enormous salaries for blindsiding 1/4 backs, piling on, and generally
being completely offensive when they're not being completey defensive.  What
are the *real* lessons learned in this 'sport'?  Then there's the work ethic:
'work' for 7 seconds (if selected to 'work' at all ... trampling turf on the
sidelines is the other option), take a two or three minute break; work for 7
seconds ... and so on.  Then they only have to 'work' for half the allotted
time for the game, assuming the offensive and defensive postures are somewhat
balanced.  Think about this:  What if YOU got to work for a short period of
time followed by a break equal to TWENTY times (or more) of the time you had to
work ... and made a base $50K + per annum {season}, living off the hard earned
$$$ of so-called 'fans' {being fleeced for tickets and food items to put
virtual plumbing fittings on the fingers of the likes of Jerry Jones} ?

From http://www.charlotte.com/observer/sports/docs/Zo1.3rd.Sports-front-011.htm

Published Friday, February 4, 2000
Email this story to a friend

Panthers' Lane arrested

Running back faces misdemeanor drug, weapons charges By DAVID SCOTT
Carolina Panthers running back Fred Lane could face jail time if convicted on
the misdemeanor drugs and weapons charges he was arrested on Thursday in
Jackson, Tenn.

Jackson police chief Rick Staples said Lane spent the night in the Madison
County Jail after he was arrested early Thursday morning.

If convicted on the simple possession of marijuana, Staples said, Lane could
face a jail term of up to 11 months and 29 days and a $1,000 fine. If convicted
of carrying a weapon with intent of going armed, Lane could be sentenced to up
30 days in jail and a $50 fine.

Lane, who attended Jackson's Lane College, was arraigned by a Madison County
judge at 8 a.m. Thursday and released on $1,000 bond. His trial is scheduled
for March2 in Jackson.

Former Panthers receiver Rae Carruth spent three nights in the same Madison
County Jail last December, awaiting extradition to North Carolina. Carruth had
been found hiding in a car trunk in nearby Wildersville, Tenn., after being
charged with the murder of Cherica Adams.

Panthers owner Jerry Richardson was very disappointed to learn of Lane's
arrest, a team spokesman said. The team declined further comment.

After the 1998 season, Lane met with Richardson after failing to stand for the
national anthem before one game and performing a lewd end-zone celebration
after scoring a touchdown in another.

Lane's is one of a string of legal run-ins for NFL players recently. Baltimore
linebacker Ray Lewis was charged in a double-murder in Atlanta. Kansas City
Chiefs kick returner Tamarick Vanover and former Chief Bam Morris were linked
to a federal drug investigation; neither has been charged.

Under the NFL's guns and weapons policy, a player can face suspension if a
player is convicted of violating a weapons law.

According to the Jackson police's Staples, two Jackson-Madison County Metro
narcotics detectives saw Lane's blue Mercedes pull onto a side street in an
area known for drug trafficking shortly after midnight Wednesday. The car
stopped in the middle of the road, and three of the car's four occupants got
out and one opened the trunk. Staples said the officers approached the men and
found a fully loaded assault-style .22-caliber rifle in the trunk. Staples said
the gun's registration was unknown Thursday.

Staples said Lane also was in possession of 1.3 grams of marijuana and another
man, Charlotte resident Bryant Peoples of 4944 Hamilton Dr. was in possession
of 4 grams of marijuana. They were both charged with simple possession of
marijuana and possession of a deadly weapon.

A check of Lane's criminal background in North Carolina turned up only five
minor traffic violations.

Peoples, 24, has had troubles with the police before. He was charged with
felony marijuana possession and possession of drug paraphernalia in January
1999. He pleaded guilty to a lesser charge and was sentenced to 30 days in jail
and given two years of probation. Previous criminal charges against him include
two 1997 marijuana possession convictions and a 1996 guilty plea on a charge of
carrying a concealed weapon.
Police said two men who were with Lane and Peoples, Howard Burns Jr., 24, and
Rodney Simmons, 24, both of Jackson, were charged with possession of a deadly
weapon and remained in custody.

A drug charge or conviction alone isn't cause for admission to the league

[CTRL] Vaticanian Apologetix

2000-02-04 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

This uncorks my bottle ... AER

From The Telegraph (UK)


 ISSUE 1715
Friday 4 February 2000

THE Roman Catholic Church was said yesterday to be deeply divided over a report
which seeks forgiveness for past "sins" including the Crusades, witch-hunts of
heretics and the Inquisition.

Opponents of the report doubted the value of apologising for past wrongs,
arguing that anachronism was the "worst sin for an historian". After three
years in the making, the mea culpa document, completed by an international
theological commission headed by the doctrinal expert Cardinal Joseph
Ratzinger, is to be read by the Pope on March 12.

It follows an apostolic letter in 1994 in which the Pope said that for the new
Millennium the Church should own up to the past "sins of its children . . .
when they have strayed from the spirit of Christ and his Gospel". While the
document will not carry the Pope's authority and will have only consultative
value to enable "theological reflection", it is said to have split the Vatican.

The most significant opposition to the document, wanted by the Pope to "purify
the memory of the Church" to celebrate the Holy Year 2000, has come from a
respected group of historians. The document, entitled The Church and the Faults
of the Past, is thought to have taken into account some of the objections.


Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said
it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers." Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut." Ernest Hemingway
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
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[CTRL] 'Right' Is Wrong

2000-02-04 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


February 4, 2000
Religious right is wrong about homosexuality

* Edward Manier's Web site
Twenty years ago, philosopher Thomas Nagel developed a complex metaphor of
human intimacy implying that the only sexual perversion is the use of another
person as a passive or uninvolved tool for one's self-centered purposes,
whether these are procreative, hedonistic, or nothing but expressions of power.
I endorse a variation of that thesis by combining it with dicta concerning
"genuine intimacy" as necessary for "good sex." Genuine intimacy builds on
friendship, a reciprocal relation built on mutual compassion, sharing,
sympathetic criticism and love. Genuine intimacy and good sex must be
generative -- i.e., they must be directed to the genuine good, the continued
growth, development and maturation of the intimate other and the intimate
relationship. Genuine intimacy and good sex also require shared commitments to
the common good, and to the general welfare of present, previous, and future

Such intimacy is equally compatible with a celibate life and with monogamous
sexual relationships, homosexual or heterosexual. Monogamous, fecund,
sanctified heterosexual marriage may be totally perverse, while monogamous,
generative, genital but childless, homosexual unions have exemplified morally
heroic forms of friendship and love. Neither biology, psychology, metaphysics,
ethics, jurisprudence nor politics sustain a valid argument that genuine
intimacy requires genital activity of a preferred sort, or any sort.

Some forms of sexuality explicitly renounce the goal of genuine intimacy. Such
relationships, if consensual, are little more than the reciprocal exchange of
erotic satisfaction. Inability to move beyond such (implicitly) contractual
relationships to real friendship is a distinctive perversion of modern life.
Mutually satisfying erotic relationships between true narcissists, whatever
their sexual orientation -- e.g., the central characters in the current remake
of "The Thomas Crown Affair" -- offend ethical criteria I am willing to defend.

I suppose that's where Nagel and I part company. But let me be clear: I am not
a movie critic. This movie simply illustrates heterosexual erotic behavior that
falls short of the moral standards of genuine intimacy and good sex I defend.
Sharing the thrills of free fall, in other words, is a tempting but eventually
inadequate metaphor for genuine intimacy.

The Religious Right
The target of this essay is that segment of the religious right which seeks to
uphold the conjunction of the fundamental religious imperative of love for all
humanity with variations of the latinate thesis that homosexuality is an
"objective disorder." This latter thesis, to American ears, has clinical
overtones. It suggests that homosexuality is an illness, or even a mental
disorder. It suggests that love for homosexuals should be like love for
alcoholics, that upright folk should encourage homosexuals to seek help in an
appropriately structured twelve-step program.

The term "objective disorder," uttered by highly placed leaders of a world
religion, also has a completely non-clinical and even an anti-clinical aspect,
a tone strongly suggesting moral condemnation. This second tension of the
therapeutic and the punishing enhances the combustibility of the first.

Subtleties of translation and mistranslation aside, there is much evidence that
many folk on the religious right think that while they are directed to treat
homosexual persons with love, they are also directed to continue the social
stigmatization of homosexuality as a threat to the family and its norms. But
stigmatization is a form of discrimination. Our society makes certain social
resources and opportunities available to married heterosexuals; denial of those
same resources and opportunities to homosexuals is discriminatory.
Discrimination, we all know, is one of those offenses which often occurs in the
absence of specific intent.

Stigmatization is perhaps the most oppressive, inhumane form of punishment any
group of human beings can inflict on one of its members. For primitive,
uncivilized or semi-civilized peoples, "scapegoating" was the ultimate weapon
of social control. The scapegoat, like an adolescent primate at the bottom of a
dominance hierarchy, is driven out of the group and into an arena where only a
narrow range of behaviors in the species' repertoire succeeds, where death
comes early and often violently.

Scapegoating survives as an element of dysfunctional forms of the family
romance. The practice enables the dysfunctional family, society or church to
localize the source of all its pain in one or a small number of its members,
deferring or completely avoiding accurate diagnosis of its own plight and

[CTRL] Early Xtian Manuscript Raises Eyebrows

2000-02-04 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


By Ken Gewertz
Gazette Staff

François Bovon has spent many years peering into the mists that shroud
the early history of Christianity. His investigations have shown him
something that might surprise nonscholars ­ that even in the religion¹s
infancy, when the first generation of Christians were spreading the
faith, diversity of belief was already the norm rather than the exception.

"The usual view is that in the beginning was unity and then schisms
developed. Now we have to say that in the beginning there were several
communities that differed significantly from one another," Bovon said.

Bovon, the Frothingham Professor of the History of Religion at the
Divinity School, has made a major contribution toward clarifying our
picture of the early Christian world with his publication of a
4th-century text describing the acts of the apostle Philip. The
manuscript describes a community of celibate vegetarians in which both
women and men functioned as priests.

Bovon and his colleague Bertrand Bouvier of the University of Geneva
discovered the manuscript in a monastery library on Mt. Athos in Greece.

That they found the manuscript at all is a testimony to Bovon¹s finely
honed detective skills. While examining a catalog of the monastery¹s
holdings, the Swiss-born scholar noticed that a Greek word in the title
of a manuscript was plural rather than singular.

"Only one letter, and yet it makes a great difference."

The word was praxeis, meaning "acts. The word jumped out at Bovon because
most of the other known manuscripts chronicling the career of the apostle
Philip record only one praxis or "act," that of Philip¹s martyrdom

"It was an invitation to me, to find out what was behind that plural."

Philip is mentioned several times in the New Testament, but little is
known about him from canonical sources. But there is more information
about Philip and other first-generation Christian missionaries in a body
of literature known as The Aprocryphal Acts of the Apostles, comprising
stories that were eliminated from the New Testament by 4th-century

Both the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches have tended to
preserve these accounts, even though they do not have the status of
sacred scripture. This is because the apostles (except for Judas
Iscariot) are also saints, and in order to celebrate their feast days,
the churches needed information about their lives on which to base
ceremonial and iconographic traditions.

But these apocryphal texts have themselves been subject to editing by
Church authorities in order to bring the liturgical and theological
elements in line with orthodox doctrine. The revisions tend to leave out
passages that reveal the diversity of practice and belief that
characterized early Christianity.

"As scholars, we would like to go back before these revisions were made,"
Bovon said.

Recovering this earlier narrative of Philip¹s ministry involved something
very much like a journey through time. The monastic community of Mt.
Athos is a world unto itself, residing on a narrow, rocky peninsula that
reaches into the Aegean like a bony finger. At its tip is Mt. Athos, a
peak of white marble 6,670 feet in elevation.

Along the coast are some 20 Orthodox monasteries that govern the
peninsula as an autonomous theocracy. There are no automobiles, little
electricity, and by a 1060 edict of the Emperor Constantine Manomachos,
which is still in force, neither women nor female domestic animals are
permitted to set foot on the monasteries¹ territory.

There is evidence that the first Christian hermits arrived at Mt. Athos
in the 7th century, driven out of Constantinople by the Muslims.
According to legend, however, the place became a sacred sanctuary in 49
A.D. when a boat bearing the Virgin Mary was blown off course and landed
on its shores. At the time, the peninsula contained many pagan shrines,
but upon Mary¹s arrival, these spontaneously crumbled, and a stone statue
of Apollo spoke out, declaring itself to be a false idol.

Bovon found the manuscript describing Philip¹s exploits in the
Xenophontos monastery, founded in the 10th century. The manuscript was
copied in the 14th century, but the original text dates from the fourth
century and itself reflects earlier traditions.

These traditions are different in many ways from later Church practices.
For example, instead of the Eucharist with its ceremonial consumption of
bread and wine, Philip¹s fellow Christians simply sat down to a common
meal of vegetables and water. Church leadership was democratic rather
than hierarchic, and men and women served equally as priests. In fact,
the manuscript describes Philip and the apostle Bartholomew traveling
from town to town with Philip¹s sister, a woman named Mariamne. Bovon
believes this woman to be Mary Magdalene.

The community described in The Acts of Philip also seemed to 


2000-02-04 Thread William Shannon

February 4, 2000
Free-range journalism
from Washington's most unofficial source
Editor: Sam Smith 
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From the conclusion of this war we shall be going downhill. It will not then 
be necessary to resort every moment to the people for support. They will be 
forgotten, therefore, and their rights disregarded... The shackles, 
therefore, . . . will be made heavier and heavier, till our rights shall 
revive or expire in a convulsion. -- Thomas Jefferson

Internet Censorship

SAN FRANCISCO WEEKLY: So far, the ADL HateFilter has been marketed as a 
service to be used in the home. But that may soon change ... The ADL's 
national director, Abraham Foxman, met with President Clinton at least twice 
last year . . . After the latter meeting, Malcolm Hoenlein, a top official 
in the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations, told 
reporters that Clinton had agreed to take the lead in persuading Americans 
to install a "hate filter" on their computers. In October, Clinton again met 
with the ADL, and began his speech with a tribute to the organization's new 
software . . . More recently, Elizabeth Coleman, the ADL's director of civil 
rights, was asked to participate in a panel discussion concerning a "family 
friendly" Internet at a conference for the National Association of Attorneys 
General a few weeks ago  . . .  She said over lunch that the organization 
had also shown the filter to Vice President Al Gore, who "loved it." 

 . . .  If made explicit, White House support for the ADL filter could have 
a significant impact on the policy decisions of public schools and libraries 
across the country. Although decisions regarding school and library Internet 
filters are currently made at the local level, a bill before Congress 
spearheaded by Sen. John McCain, called the Children's Internet Protection 
Act, would require all schools and libraries receiving federal funds to 
install Internet filters on computers accessible to children. If the bill 
wins approval, even a mention by the White House, combined with the ADL's 
strong regional lobbying, could go a long way toward encouraging local 
jurisdictions to choose the HateFilter from the filtering software on the 
market. But if Clinton likes and Gore loves the HateFilter (at least in the 
ADL's eyes), many are aghast at the thought of the ADL having any say over 
what children may or may not see. These critics, whose political and 
religious affiliations vary widely, repeatedly describe the ADL as a 
self-appointed agent of Israel that cloaks itself in the rhetoric of 
fighting hate, while actively attempting to silence those who are not 
hate-mongers, but mere opponents of Israeli government policy...

Shepherd Family Search. Here are some of the subjects for which over 95% of 
the hits were filtered out when compared to a normal Alta Vista search: 
AARP, American Cancer Society, American Red Cross, Catholic Relief Services, 
Congress of National Black Churches, Leukemia Society of America, National 
Organization for Women, UNICEF, United Jewish Appeal, Boy Scouts of America, 
Girl Scouts of America, Cleveland Orchestra, Disneyland, Independence Hall, 
Metropolitan Museum of Art, National Zoo, PBS, Smithsonian, and Yellowstone 
National Park. A search on Alta Vista for the National Basketball 
Association produced over 18,000 hits. When Family Search was used, only two 
items came up. The state-run Utah Education Network filtered out the 
Declaration of Independence, US Constitution, bible, Book of Mormon, Koran, 
all of Shakespeare's plays, and George Washington's farewell address. 

EPIC http://www.epic.org
SAN FRANCISCO WEEKLY http://www.sfweekly.com/

Political bullies

JAMES RIDGWWAY, VILLAGE VOICE: The way the Democratic presidential 
candidates try to manage the press is a study in propaganda. In the Gore 
campaign, nothing is left to chance, and when it suits their purposes, a 
little intimidation is not considered out of bounds . . . Not long into [a] 
stump speech (which has been known to last more than an hour), a small 
street-theater group called Class Act unraveled a banner in the bleachers 
challenging him to speak out on the Amazon rain forest . . . Gore supporters 
immediately tore down the banner, and Secret Service agents assembled at the 
foot of the bleachers to escort the protesters from the gym . . .  Later, 
local cops rushed across the floor 

[CTRL] Most Zionists are Militant Christians

2000-02-04 Thread Bill Kingsbury

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

 --- forwarded ---
 Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2000
 Subj: "DISPENSATIONALISM" Impacting U.S. Policy

  "DISPENSATIONALISM" Impacting U.S. Policy


  During the 19th century-long after the
  birth of Christ, a former con-man came up
  with his own twist on the teachings of the
  Bible that is taught by some people
  virtually as "scripture."  It is having
  a major impact on the world today,
  particularly U.S. policy in the Mideast.

  This peculiar philosophy -- known as
  "dispensationalism" is political -- and
  most emphatically not biblical.  Yet many
  Christians in America consider it "gospel."

  A courageous author who has investigated
  this bizarre phenomenon was the guest on
  the Jan. 15 broadcast of The SPOTLIGHT's
  weekly call-in talk forum, Radio Free
  America, with host Tom Valentine.

  The guest, Grace Halsell, a veteran
  international journalist, author of 10
  books and a professing, Bible-believing
  Christian, described her findings regarding
  this influential politico-religious force
  in her new book,  Forcing God's Hand: Why
  Millions Pray for a Quick Rapture, which
  is available for $12 from Liberty Library,
  300 Independence Avenue, SE, Washington,
  D.C. 20003.

  What follows is an edited transcript of the
  interview with Ms. Halsell.  Valentine's
  questions are preceded by the word HOST:
  and Ms. Halsell's responses are preceded
  by the word GUEST:

  HOST:  How did you come about writing this

  GUEST:  Let me go back to the very
  beginning.  I've written a number of books
  and lived around the world in many
  different countries.  I was born in Texas
  and I set out very early to see the world:
  Japan, South America etc.  Actually, I went
  to the Middle East after I had been almost
  every place else and I did a book, Journey
  to Jerusalem.  This was about 20 years ago.
  In that book, I lived with the Christians
  and Muslims and Jews and told their story
  and how they were living in Palestine and

  One day I started living with the Jewish
  settlers who were taking land illegally
  from the Palestinians and many of these
  Jews were Americans who had moved over
  there from Brooklyn, N.Y.  One of these was
  Bobby Brown, a third generation American
  who had moved to the Middle East.  Sitting
  in this illegal colony outside Bethlehem,
  I heard Brown say,

"You know God gave us all this land and
the Palestinians all have to leave."

  That hit me very hard because I had to ask
  myself what I believed as a Christian.  Was
  God in the real estate business?  Was he
  really giving land and taking it away from
  the people who had been living there for
  about 2,000 years?

  So that question in my mind stayed with me
  and then later I began to take these tours
  with Jerry Falwell and meet Christians who
  condoned what Bobby Brown was doing, which
  was taking guns and illegally confiscating
  land from the owners who lived there.  This
  led to this latest book, which is called

Forcing God's Hand: Why Millions Pray
for a Quick Rapture.

  HOST:  I would assume that the Jews living
  there (and being Old Testament people)
  would say, "Well, God dealt in real estate
  then.  Why not now?"

  GUEST:  That's correct.  So these are the
  questions I raised and which I am raising
  in this current book.  I think I definitely
  do answer the question in the book.  As a
  Christian, I think I believe in the message
  of Christ, which is peace and brotherhood
  and love -- and not murder and not
  confiscation of land.  I very definitely
  come out and say that Christ's message is
  what we need to accept if we want peace in
  the world.

  HOST:  You're originally from Texas.
  In your book you examine how the Southern
  Baptist Convention has been manipulated by
  this theory.

  GUEST:  There are 16 million Southern
  Baptist Convention members and the entire
  leadership has been taken over by this
  group of what I call these "militant
  Christians" who support Israel 

Re: [CTRL] Bushies' Slippery Tongues

2000-02-04 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Sure, if you have every word and action caught on tape you're bound to be
found by some as not as slick as the slickest of them all -- Bill Clinton.
Perhaps it's time to return dignity and honesty to the White House?

A.C. Szul
"There is no truth, only fictions woven by power to justify itself." --
Bruce Thornton, "Plagues Of The Mind"
- Original Message -
From: Alamaine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2000 06:24 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Bushies' Slippery Tongues

 -Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
 /A -Cui Bono?-

 And all the while I thought Dannie Boie was reaching out on his lonesome
 when he really got to talk like he did ... and be understood!
 for the article's writer, he ignores the difference between the "English"
 "Britlandese") and "American" (spoken by 5 or so times as many people as
 Britlandese) languages.  Then there are the American dialecticalities, one
 which emanates from Tejas.  AER

 From The Telegraph (UK)


  ISSUE 1715
 Friday 4 February 2000

 Bush image damaged by his slips of the tongue
 By Ben Fenton in Washington

 WITH nine months of public speaking left before the presidential election,
 oratory of George W Bush is coming under increasing scrutiny as he
continues to
 test the limits of the English language.

 Like President George Bush, his father, the front runner in the Republican
 presidential nomination race has already won a reputation for verbal
 contortion, linguistic gymnastics and the accidental coining of words.

 The governor of Texas can lay claim to having invented "tacular",
"mential" and
 "bariffs" and has begun to explore new forms of eloquence. He told
children at
 a New Hampshire school who were celebrating "Perseverance Month" that he
 happy to be joining them for "Preservation Month".

 Proving it was not just a slip of the tongue, he added: "I appreciate
 preservation. It's what you do when you run for president. You gotta
 Having described himself in a Texas re-election campaign as "the education
 governor" he recently told an audience: "Rarely is the question asked - is
 children learning?"
 Mr Bush, who was heavily defeated in the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday,
 demonstrated evidence that his malapropisms are hereditary.

 President Bush was renowned for putting syntax, vocabulary and meaning,
not to
 mention style, through a cerebral shredder before issuing his own
 remarks. "I mean, I think there will be a lot of aftermaths in what
 but we are going to go forward," he said after his candidate for a cabinet
 was rejected by the Senate in 1989.

 His ability to trivialise the tragic was demonstrated when, on being shown
 around Auschwitz, the then President said: "Boy, they were big on
 weren't they?"

 He also showed the way for his son by combining two words in one. On live
 national television he once refused to answer what he called a
 question" and later refused to "hypothecate", presumably a combination of
 hypothesise and speculate, on another reporter's inquiry.

 His 53-year-old eldest son forges neologisms wherever he goes. He told an
 audience that they lived in a "world of madmen and uncertainty and
 mential loss". Last month, he risked the wrath of the animal rights lobby
 he spoke of a desire to "rip down terriers and bariffs".

 Governor Bush has worked hard to eradicate his father's habit of rambling
 the podium during press conferences by using cue cards to answer even the
 "hyporhetorical" of questions. But he has not eradicated the vagueness of
 expression that led President Bush to refer in less than inspiring tones
to the
 "vision thing". Both men are masters of not quite expressing thoughts.

 Mr Bush Jnr told an interviewer: "When I was coming up, it was a dangerous
 world and you knew exactly who they were. It was us versus them and it was
 clear who them was. Today we are not so sure who the they are, but we know
 they're there."

 Father and son have recognised their shortcomings. "Some of the best of us
 mispronounce words," George W told a classroom recently, echoing his
 famous observation that "fluency in English is something that I'm often
 accused of".

 But the difference between the two men is that President Bush was never
 of as an unintelligent man, merely one who could not express his thoughts
in a
 way that made much sense to the rest of the English-speaking world. His
son is
 facing increasing questions about whether he has the basic qualities
 in a President, including intellect.

 He has publicly called the East Timorese "East Timorians", the Kosovars
 "Kosovians", the Slovenians "Slovakians" and the Greeks "Grecians".
 In the light of growing doubts about his oratorical reliability, not 

[CTRL] Land of Deutch

2000-02-04 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


Publications of the Center for Security Policy
No. 00-D 12


4 February 2000

Deutch Debacle but the Latest Evidence of Clinton-Gore Team's Reckless
Disregard for Security Fundamentals

(Washington, D.C.): Recent revelations about former Director of Central
Intelligence John Deutch's mishandling of highly classified information suggest
that potentially grave damage could have resulted. Unfortunately, the failure
by the head of the CIA to adhere to the most basic principles of intelligence
is not an isolated incident. Rather, it is symptomatic of the cavalier -- if
not actually contemptuous -- disregard exhibited by the Clinton-Gore
Administration over the past seven years for the most basic fundamentals of
information, physical and personnel security.

The full price that the Nation will ultimately pay for such behavior cannot be
determined with confidence at this juncture. But the Deutch affair, combined
with myriad other examples like those enumerated below, indicate that the cost
may well prove to be very high indeed:

Personnel Insecurity: From the earliest days of the Clinton-Gore
Administration, standard operating procedures for clearing individuals for
access to sensitive information have been flouted. Incredibly, personnel who
could not ordinarily get clearances (e.g., for reasons that have traditionally
been seen as constituting a disqualifying risk of blackmail, such as
potentially embarrassing sexual proclivities,(1) tax problems, drug abuse,
criminal conduct, etc.) were nonetheless given temporary, and in some cases,
permanent, White House passes.(2)

Thanks in part to Vice President Gore's program for "reinventing government" --
whose principal effect has been to portray a radical, unilateral downsizing in
the Nation's national security personnel as evidence of the Administration's
commitment to shrink government -- the number of investigators available to
conduct background checks has declined dramatically. There is now, as a result,
a backlog of over 600,000 cases. Many of these apparently involve government
and contractor personnel who currently enjoy access to classified information.

Physical Insecurity: In the wake of concerns about Chinese and Russian
espionage at Los Alamos National Laboratory and the State Department,
respectively, the Administration's relaxation of guidelines governing "no-
escort" access to these and other highly sensitive facilities has been
subjected to public scrutiny and ridicule. Press reports indicate that,
pursuant to this policy, Russian "diplomats" were actually given the run of the
Defense Intelligence Agency's headquarters in Washington.

While physical access procedures have recently been improved in many -- if not
all -- such government- and contractor-owned sites, the barn door was open for
a long time. What "horses" got out and, for that matter, what "Trojan Horses"
might have gotten in, is a matter about which we can only speculate (and worry)
at present.

The Department of States' Inspector General finds hundreds of "unswept" rooms
and unreturned NSA documents of the highest classifications, saying "The
Department is substantially not in compliance with the DCI's directives
governing the handling of SCI materials." The same report says earlier security
upgrades have still not been adopted even after the expulsion of Russian agent
Gusev for operating the 7th floor bug.

Information Insecurity: The possibility that thousands of pages of highly
classified documents could have been compromised by unauthorized access to Dr.
Deutch's insecure personal computer is profoundly worrisome. This is
particularly true if some of the characterizations of the information contained
in those documents -- notably, the statement by the present CIA Director,
George Tenet, that "enormously sensitive material" was involved -- are correct.

This possible breach by a man who has rendered important service to the
security of his country (not least, his public acknowledgment that the Clinton
policy toward containing Saddam Hussein had been an abject failure -- which
cost him his shot at the job of Secretary of Defense -- and his condemnation of
the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty as ineffectual and unverifiable), must be
weighed, however, against the Administration's purposeful, comprehensive and
ongoing effort to "share" classified information with dubious foreign
nationals, governments and multinational organizations.

As the Center has repeatedly warned,(3) the Clinton-Gore attitude of noblesse
oblige with respect to such sharing has profound and deleterious implications
for typically perishable U.S. "sources and methods" of collecting intelligence.
Yet a succession of senior Administration officials -- including National
Security Advisors Tony Lake and Sandy Berger, Secretaries of State Warren
Christopher and Madeleine Albright, and senior State Department officials like

[CTRL] A Declaration All Right-Minded Folk Can Live With!

2000-02-04 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

The Declaration of Evolution
When in the course of organic evolution it becomes obvious that a mutational
process is inevitably dissolving the physical and neurological bonds which
connect the members of one generation to the past and inevitably directing
them to assume among the species of Earth the separate and equal station to
which the Laws of Nature and Nature's God entitle them, a decent concern for
the harmony of species requires that the causes of the mutation should be
We hold these truths to be self evident:

That all species are created different but equal;
That they are endowed, each one, with certain inalienable rights;
That among them are Freedom to Live, Freedom to Grow, and Freedom to pursue
Happiness in their own style;
That to protect these God-given rights, social structures naturally emerge,
basing their authority on the principles of love of God and respect for all
forms of life;
That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of life, liberty,
and harmony, it is the organic duty of the young members of that species to
mutate, to drop out, to initiate a new social structure, laying its
foundations on such principles and organizing its power in such form as seems
likely to produce the safety, happiness, and harmony of all sentient beings.
Genetic wisdom, indeed, suggests that social structures long established
should not be discarded for frivolous reasons and transient causes. The
ecstasy of mutation is equally balanced by the pain. Accordingly all
experience shows that members of a species are more disposed to suffer, while
evils are sufferable, rather than to discard the forms to which they are
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, all pursuing invariably the
same destructive goals, threaten the very fabric of organic life and the
serene harmony of the planet, it is the right, it is the organic duty to drop
out of such morbid covenants and to evolve new loving social structures.

Such has been the patient sufferance of the freedom-loving peoples of this
earth, and such is now the necessity which constrains us to form new systems
of government.

The history of the white, menopausal, mendacious men now ruling the planet
earth is a history of repeated violation of the harmonious laws of nature,
all having the direct object of establishing a tyranny of the materialistic
aging over the gentle, the peace-loving, the young, the colored. To prove
this, let Facts be submitted to the judgement of generations to come.

These old, white rulers have maintained a continuous war against other
species of life, enslaving and destroying at whim fowl, fish, animals and
spreading a lethal carpet of concrete and metal over the soft body of earth.

They have maintained as well a continual state of war among themselves and
against the colored races, the freedom-loving, the gentle, the young.
Genocide is their habit.

They have instituted artificial scarcities, denying peaceful folk the natural
inheritance of earth's abundance and God's endowment.

They have glorified material values and degraded the spiritual.

They have claimed private, personal ownership of God's land, driving by force
of arms the gentle from passage on the earth.

In their greed they have erected artificial immigration and customs barriers,
preventing the free movement of people.

In their lust for control they have set up systems of compulsory education to
coerce the minds of the children and to destroy the wisdom and innocence of
the playful young.

In their lust for power they have controlled all means of communication to
prevent the free flow of ideas and to block loving exchanges among the gentle.

In their fear they have instituted great armies of secret police to spy upon
the privacy of the pacific.

In their anger they have coerced the peaceful young against their will to
join their armies and to wage murderous wars against the young and gentle of
other countries.

In their greed they have made the manufacture and selling of weapons the
basis of their economies.

For profit they have polluted the air, the rivers, the seas.

In their impotence they have glorified murder, violence, and unnatural sex in
their mass media.

In their aging greed they have set up an economic system which favors age
over youth.

They have in every way attempted to impose a robot uniformity and to crush
variety, individuality, and independence of thought.

In their greed, they have instituted political systems which perpetuate rule
by the aging and force youth to choose between plastic conformity or
despairing alienation.

They have invaded privacy by illegal search, unwarranted arrest, and
contemptuous harassment.

They have enlisted an army of informers.

In their greed they sponsor the consumption of deadly tars and sugars and
employ cruel and unusual punishment of the possession of life-giving
alkaloids and acids.

They never admit a mistake. 

Re: [CTRL] Judge says gay [homo] school club can meet.

2000-02-04 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

It's interesting that Bard homophobically labels this a
'gay club' in his Subject heading (interjecting the
unnecessary and offensive 'homo' to drive his point),
when the article quite pointedly tells us that this is
in fact a 'Gay-Straight Alliance' club...


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Judge says gay [homo] school club can meet.

2000-02-04 Thread Bard

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


PS:  It's a HOMO Club!

Ynr Chyldz Wyld wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
 /A -Cui Bono?-

 It's interesting that Bard homophobically labels this a
 'gay club' in his Subject heading (interjecting the
 unnecessary and offensive 'homo' to drive his point),
 when the article quite pointedly tells us that this is
 in fact a 'Gay-Straight Alliance' club...


 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
 and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
 frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:

 To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

 To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] [evoco_discussion] Mirror, Mirror...

2000-02-04 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

I filled the survey, and gave these comments:

"What particular issues or causes matter to you the MOST today?
(Please type in your response below. Be as specific as possible)"

The manipulation of the populace by elite criminal deviants acting through
CIA, government, monopoly mass media, the unconstitutional fiat
money/banking federal reserve swindle, importation by CIA and military of
heroin and cocaine, BCCI, World Bank/IMF links to drug money laundering and
black market gold, a myriad of oil and coal and nuclear swindles, (how much
time have you got to read about elite criminal deviants in control?)
NOTE ** I checked "GUN CONTROL" because it is another major incursion
against civil liberties and the Constitution of the U.S. "Gun control"
(euphemism for disarming the populace, the only thing keeping this country
from complete totalitarianism being the constitutionally MANDATED "militia"
... the armed public-at-large) ... gun control has been pushed by the elite
deviants through methodical orchestrated campaigns of hysterically
publicized mass murders  shootings carried out for the most part by persons
with military intelligence connections, and persons under the influence of
"psych drugs" which the elite deviants are attempting (with some success) to
push onto American children, despite the TOTAL LACK of "drug safety" testing
for these "psych drugs" - and despite the KNOWN CONTRAINDICATIONS of many of
them for non-adults. I will go to any length possible to combat "gun
control," and I suggest that everyone review modern history, which shows
"gun control" has inevitably been followed by extreme totalitarianism.  Let
us speak instead of ENDING the SECRECY under which CIA and associated
"covert ops" carries on a $400 BILLION per year business of smuggling and
selling drugs, the drug money laundry which floats the equity-empty but
still record high Stock Market, and on, and on.
Gun Control is knowing how to hit your target.
If the majority of American citizens practices this form of gun control and
begins to take a stand for truth, it may be possible to oust the elite
criminal deviants who currently have control of the reins of government,
finance, military, and covert "intelligence" in this country.
Otherwise, it is the continuous and accelerating slide toward narco-capital
funded totalitarianism.

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: Katie Hernandez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2000 4:07 PM
Subject: [evoco_discussion] Mirror, Mirror...

Folks, check this out!


Fill it out or not, but please read the whole thing.

They're thinking of doing a big chunk of what we are trying to do.  Perhaps
we should see how we can connect.  I've written to them and requested more
information and indicated there is a possibility of connecting existing
efforts...did not name names.

My thinking -- I'm going up there soon, and will try to put in a personal
appearance, maybe get on staff.  What do y'all think of this idea?

Applying the Methods of Business to the Business of Transformation,

Katie Hernandez - ICQ 11136094 - FireTalk 403766
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
EVOCO - Transformational Leadership - http://www.evoco.net/
CHANGE AGENT LEADER COURSE  - http://www.evoco.net/calc/
HEI Kids! / Children's Bill of Rights 2000 - http://www.hei-kids.org

Please review and comment on the Evoco Mission Statement and the
Agreement to Form Corporation, located in the Vault - Core
Documentation section of the eGroups site.

Shop for your Valentine at eGroups!

-- Easily schedule meetings and events using the group calendar!
-- http://www.egroups.com/cal?listname=evoco_hei_discussionm=1

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


[CTRL] FW: DrugSense Weekly, February 4, 2000 #135

2000-02-04 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley


DrugSense Weekly,February 4, 2000 #135
A DrugSense publication  http://www.drugsense.org/
Read This Publication On-line at: http://www.drugsense.org/current.htm


* Feature Article

Kill the Meth Bill
by Mari Kane

* Weekly News in Review

Drug Policy-

(1) Attorney General Janet Reno Releases Methamphetamine Study
(2) Uphill Battle Against Meth Epidemic
(3) Teenage Drug Use Highest in Rural Areas
(4) N.M. Gov. Chastised on Drug Stance
(5) White House Accused of Hampering War on Drugs
(6) Lockney District to Test Students, Teachers for Drugs
(7) Struggle With a Stubborn Drug Trade
(8) Heroin Overdose Deaths Rise
(9) Wife of Army Anti-drug Officer Pleads Guilty to Drug Charge

Law Enforcement  Prisons-

(10) Cop Drug-Buy Cash Missing
(11) Officer Allegedly Was Planning to Steal More Drugs
(12) Cop's Allegations Investigated
(13) 99 Reportedly Framed By Former L.A. Cops

Cannabis  Hemp-

(14) Hemp Takes a Hit
(15) Medical Pot Bill Introduced
(16) Woman Convicted After Using Marijuana in Congressman's
(17) Jury Acquits Medical Marijuana Grower

International News-

(18) Anti-Drugs Chief Wanted To Buy All Taliban's Opium
(19) A New Political Generation is Ending the Cannabis Taboo
(20) Mexico Trumpets Drug-Fighting Success
(21) Colombian Jungle Base is Focus of U.S. Anti-Drug Aid

* Hot Off The 'Net

Article by Dr. Dean Edell
UK Medicinal Cannabis Project Launches Website
MAP Media Contact Database

* Quote of the Week

Samuel Stiles


KANE'S WORLD February 2000 by Mari Kane

Kill the Meth Bill

America loves the outlaw, especially in glitzy Los Angeles. That's
something I discovered last year over dinner at a Hollywood Bowl
concert with my mother, sister and daughter. We were talking about the
business I'm in- industrial hemp- and mom said she had a dream where
she met a certain movie star hemp celebrity and, in it, he told her
that I was going to go to jail.

By the time I finished choking on my pasta salad there seemed to be a
lull in the din, and I said, perhaps a little too loudly, "well, I
might just have to go to jail." As soon as the words left my mouth I
was in an EF Hutten commercial with the voice-over saying: "when Mari
Kane talks, people listen." The vibe that a crowd of opera buffs heard
my announcement of guilt was so strong you could have heard a napkin
drop. Sitting there, I got the feeling they were more than a bit
titillated as they wondered if they'd seen me on TV.

My reason for imparting this amusing memory and the reason I blurted
out that I was headed for jail, is because it now looks, more than
ever, that I am.

This is because the Federal bill I told my mother and sister about that
evening is still alive. It is S.486, and is called the Defeat of
Methamphetamine Act but will be remembered as the Death of Free Speech

Sponsored by Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT), the co-author is none other than
my own Senator, Diane Feinstein (D-CA) from the state where the most
valuable crop is cannabis.

Anyone who was shocked to learn that taxpayer dollars are being used to
insert anti-drug themes into Hollywood productions will be mortified to
know that producers of pro-drug information are soon to become canaries
in a constitutional coal mine. The part that would put me in jail reads:

"It shall be unlawful for any person to teach or demonstrate the
manufacture of a controlled substance, or to distribute by any means,
information pertaining to, in whole or in part, the manufacture or use
of a controlled substance, with the intent that the teaching,
demonstration, or information be used for, or in furtherance of, an
activity that constitutes a Federal crime."

I've never been arrested, have always filed my taxes and I vote
regularly.  But it just so happens that I have a web site devoted to
industrial hemp, the legal stuff that is connected, both politically
and genetically, to marijuana. I never thought of hemppages.com as a
tool for teaching an activity that constitutes a Federal crime, but it
does contain an excellent article on medical marijuana by Harvard MD
Lester Grinspoon, as well as various stories about Prop 215 and
cannabis-related books for sale. If the Meth bill becomes law, I will
be a criminal for posting all of this information!

It's a wacky world where one can go to jail not for growing,
trafficking or dealing drugs, but by simply talking about them! Today's
law-abiding activist is tomorrow's political 

[CTRL] Hillary McCain's Wife w/Illuminati Phoenix Pin

2000-02-04 Thread The Extremist

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Hillary Clinton and Mrs. John McCain wearing the Illuminati "Phoenix" Pin:
(scroll down after clicking this link for the pix)

Also noted by Drudge:
X DRUDGE REPORT X FRI FEB 04, 2000 13:58:
22 ET X


The wife of GOP presidential hopeful John McCain stunned campaign
watchers by wearing the famed "Hillary pin" as she celebrated victory
in the New Hampshire Republican presidential primary, INSIGHT
magazine is reporting.

The brooch, which has been gracing Democrat power suits from
Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to Maryland Lt. Gov. Kathleen
Kennedy Townsend to Betty Currie, was poised prominently on the
shoulder of an ebullient Cindy McCain on Tuesday night, reports the
magazine's Sheila Cherry.

Former Clinton White House communications director Ann Lewis
was quoted in the MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL in 1998
explaining how the pin -- golden bird, perched defiantly atop a
pearlescent sphere -- "became a symbol for women who were
supporting the president."

"Local sellers say most purchasers now consider it a solidarity
statement supporting first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton," who wore it
as she assailed a "vast right-wing conspiracy" on NBC's TODAY
show in 1998.

Asked why Cindy McCain wore the pin, a McCain spokesman
replied: "I will get back to you."

But they never did, reports the mag.

--- Filed by
Matt Drudge Reports are moved when circumstances warrant
http://www.drudgereport.com for updates (c)DRUDGE REPORT
2000 Not for reproduction without permission of the author
None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] The Patriot Resource Center:
**Live Free or Die!**

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] [apfn]BEWARE McCain if CFR/TC advisors appointed

2000-02-04 Thread Bard

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Bruce,  If he pulls a Reagan if elected and surrounds himself with the
CFR/TC thugs it'll be the same old status quo.
We have no guarantee if his appointments will be influenced by CFR/TC.
GeeW will most certainly appoint CFR/TC;  I need some 'sign' from McCain
what he'll do re. appointments.
Since PJB not on Kalifornia Ballot, will vote for Alan Keyes, then PJB
in the General.  You believe I'm doing the right thing?

"They have a bigger army, but that doesn't matter.
 We have spirit and we are fighting for our country.
 Chechnya has God on her side and the Russians have
 got vodka and cigarettes."
-- President Aslan Maskhadov,
 head of the self-declared
Chechen nation.

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they
 are free." -- Goethe

Bruce Chesley wrote:

 From: Bruce Chesley [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  BINGO !!!  Now we know why he wants campaign finance reform.
 McCains' looking more dangerous every day.
 Bruce Chesley
 Truth is a terrible cross to bear.
 Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered.".  Thomas Paine
 NRA=Nazi Rifle Assoc.  Treason for $$$
 Massachusetts.  Elitist gunowners urinating their powder - every day.
 - Begin forwarded message --
 From: "Weldon Clark" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: GSL BEWARE of McCain
 Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2000 16:12:38 -0500
 Message-ID: 006001bf6f54$91f5bc00$91f89cd1@oemcomputer

 http://thePentagon.com/FullBookJacket  http://GunsSaveLives.org
 BEWARE of McCain
 By Weldon Clark

 McCain breathed new life into the Juvenile Justice Bill's anti-
 gun amendments, after it had been KILLED.  McCain and 4
 other moderate Republicans said they would vote for the
 Lautenberg gun show ban bill unless the Republican
 Leadership brought up a bill.  They did and it passed the

 McCain told Neal Knox and the present Second Vice
 President of NRA that he would never forget what NRA had
 done in the 1994 election.  He then cosponsored the McCain
 Feingold Campaign Finance bill.  This bill would prevent all
 independent groups such as NRA, Christian Coalition, Right
 to Life and other conservative groups from doing effective
 election campaigns.  They could not report the voting records
 of candidates 60 days prior to the election.  ALL elections
 would be tilted toward anti-gun liberals.

 The ratings of the Arizona Rifle  Pistol Association are
 Bauer, Keys and Forbes all A
 Bush a B
 McCain a C minus.

 McCain is the most liberal of the candidates and a US
 Senator who lives and breathes in Washington DC.

 Nations Most Ant-Gun newspaper fawns over McCain
 John McCain Wins
 Copyright 2000 The Washington Post Company
 Wednesday, February 2, 2000

 THREE MONTHS ago, George W. Bush seemed to be
 coasting toward victory in the Republican primaries, whereas
 the contest between Democrats Al Gore and Bill Bradley
 looked as though it might tip either way. Yesterday's vote in
 New Hampshire roughly confirmed the Democratic half of
 that prognosis. But the Republican result shows that politics
 remains delightfully surprising. The combined ranks of
 pundits and pollsters and big-money donors could neither
 predict nor prevent John McCain's striking victory.

 New Hampshire has a way of favoring mavericks who go on
 to defeat in subsequent primaries, so it would be wrong to
 suggest that Mr. McCain has attained front-runner status.
 This is even truer this year than previously, since Mr. McCain
 got a major boost from independent voters, who are allowed
 to take part in New Hampshire's Republican primary but not
 in those of many other states. Moreover, Mr. Bush retains a
 daunting advantage in organization and money.

 Even so, the New Hampshire result does show that Mr. Bush
 is defeat able. The Bush campaign had the backing of the
 New Hampshire establishment and spent much more than
 Mr. McCain could on ads in the state. But Mr. Bush did poorly
 anyway, not only among independents but also among
 Republican voters. His loss, combined with the
 disappearance of his lead over Mr. Gore in hypothetical poll
 match-ups, tarnishes the image of a sure winner.

 Whether or not Mr. Bush recovers, Mr. McCain's win
 yesterday holds lessons. It shows that the New Hampshire
 primary is marvelously open to modestly financed
 challengers, who can build support voter by voter in town
 halls and school gyms. What's more, it shows that insurgents
 can skip Iowa's much less open caucuses and still win New
 Hampshire. Alone among the major candidates, Mr. McCain
 did not besmirch himself by pandering to Iowa's farm vote.

 The McCain victory also boosts the issues he campaigned
 on. Campaign finance reform has been Mr. McCain's favorite
 crusade, as well as the most powerful contrast with the anti-
 reform Mr. Bush. Mr. 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Whoever is after Goldman Just Don't Quit

2000-02-04 Thread Kris Millegan

From: "Catherine Austin Fitts" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

And I thought that a $4.7 Billion seizure of HUD loan sales was
big.silly me...check out two articles below...


 Home - Yahoo! - Help
Friday February 4, 2:18 pm Eastern Time

Surging gold hits 14-week spot and futures high

NEW YORK, Feb 4 (Reuters) - Gold futures and bullion prices stormed to their
highest levels since late October on Friday,
as short covering, rumored producer hedge unwinding and fresh buying fueled
panicky rallies past $300 an ounce.

COMEX April gold at 1415 EST stood at $314.50, up $25.10, or over seven
percent from Thursday's close. It reached its highest since October 21, when
gold was retracing from the spike to two-year highs near $340 on October 5.

Rumors swirled all morning that a gold mining company had bought back a
hedge position. The move got momentum when fund stop-loss buy orders were
executed at $292.50/$294 and then above $300, the break of which occured
just after noon.

``You're seeing short covering in this market and I think you are also
seeing probably funds reversing their short positions and probably going
long,'' said
George Parrill, a director at ScotiaMocatta.

Spot bullion was quoted at $301.80/2.60 an ounce, its priciest since October

Bullion's leg up over $300 came just minutes after Canadian miner Placer
Dome (Toronto:PDG.TO - news) said it was moving to suspend all gold hedging
programs immediatly, based on expectations of improving gold market

For the April contract, the rise was the biggest in one day since the
September 27-28, $285.30-to-$310.90 surge, on the back of the September 26
Washington Agreement by 15 European central banks to cap gold market
activities for five years.



 Reprinted with Permission

 Two Bills: Scandal and Opportunity in Gold?

 Last week the world's movers and shakers held their annual confab in
Davos, Switzerland. Bill C. and Bill G. were there. No
 doubt the scandal enveloping Helmut Kohl, Europe's greatest statesman
since Churchill and De Gaulle, provided much grist for
 gossip. But here at home, some began to glimpse the outline of a
possible new Clinton scandal -- one that could ultimately
 eclipse Watergate or Teapot Dome.

 Evidence is accumulating that the administration of Bill Clinton may
have turned the Exchange Stabilization Fund (the "ESF")
 into a political slush fund to make itself look good and simultaneously
profit some of its closest Wall Street friends and
 supporters. Specifically, the known facts support credible allegations
that the Clinton administration has effectively capped the
 gold price by using the ESF to backstop the selling of gold futures and
other gold derivative products by politically
 well-connected bullion banks. Such interference in the free market
price of gold would undermine its traditional role as a leading
 indicator of inflation. And it would do so at the same time that the
administration's many adjustments to the CPI have rendered
 that lagging indicator of inflation also suspect. Among the bullion
banks most heavily involved in selling gold futures and
 purveying gold loans, forward sales and other derivatives that undercut
its price is Goldman Sachs, former Treasury Secretary
 Robert Rubin's old firm.

 These are serious allegations, but the current administration scarcely
merits much benefit of the doubt. If these allegations are
 incorrect, Treasury Secretary Summers can deny them in unequivocal
language as Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan did two
 weeks ago with regard to similar allegations of gold price manipulation
by the Fed. Indeed, in a formal letter to Senator
 Lieberman (Dem., Conn.) (reprinted at
www.egroups.com/group/gata/346.html), the Fed chairman not only denied that
the Fed
 had intervened in the gold or gold derivatives markets, but also added:
"Most importantly, the Federal Reserve is in complete
 agreement with the proposition that any such transactions on our part,
aimed at manipulating the price of gold or otherwise
 interfering in the free trade of gold, would be wholly inappropriate."
[Emphasis supplied.]

 The odd behavior of the gold price over the past five years, including
massive gold leasing and heavy bouts of futures selling
 apparently timed to abort threatened rallies, has generated
considerable speculation regarding intentional manipulation by
 governmental authorities. What has made weakness in the gold price all
the more perplexing are mounting shortfalls of new
 mine production relative to annual demand. Because most nations deal in
gold through their central banks, they are prime

Re: [CTRL] [apfn]BEWARE McCain if CFR/TC advisors appointed

2000-02-04 Thread Joe Gillaspie

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


Bard wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
 /A -Cui Bono?-

 Bruce,  If he pulls a Reagan if elected and surrounds himself with the
 CFR/TC thugs it'll be the same old status quo.
 We have no guarantee if his appointments will be influenced by CFR/TC.
 GeeW will most certainly appoint CFR/TC;  I need some 'sign' from McCain
 what he'll do re. appointments.
 Since PJB not on Kalifornia Ballot, will vote for Alan Keyes, then PJB
 in the General.  You believe I'm doing the right thing?

 "They have a bigger army, but that doesn't matter.
  We have spirit and we are fighting for our country.
  Chechnya has God on her side and the Russians have
  got vodka and cigarettes."
 -- President Aslan Maskhadov,
  head of the self-declared
 Chechen nation.

 "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they
  are free." -- Goethe

 Bruce Chesley wrote:
  From: Bruce Chesley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   BINGO !!!  Now we know why he wants campaign finance reform.
  McCains' looking more dangerous every day.
  Bruce Chesley
  Truth is a terrible cross to bear.
  Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered.".  Thomas Paine
  NRA=Nazi Rifle Assoc.  Treason for $$$
  Massachusetts.  Elitist gunowners urinating their powder - every day.
  - Begin forwarded message --
  From: "Weldon Clark" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: GSL BEWARE of McCain
  Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2000 16:12:38 -0500
  Message-ID: 006001bf6f54$91f5bc00$91f89cd1@oemcomputer
  http://thePentagon.com/FullBookJacket  http://GunsSaveLives.org
  BEWARE of McCain
  By Weldon Clark
  McCain breathed new life into the Juvenile Justice Bill's anti-
  gun amendments, after it had been KILLED.  McCain and 4
  other moderate Republicans said they would vote for the
  Lautenberg gun show ban bill unless the Republican
  Leadership brought up a bill.  They did and it passed the
  McCain told Neal Knox and the present Second Vice
  President of NRA that he would never forget what NRA had
  done in the 1994 election.  He then cosponsored the McCain
  Feingold Campaign Finance bill.  This bill would prevent all
  independent groups such as NRA, Christian Coalition, Right
  to Life and other conservative groups from doing effective
  election campaigns.  They could not report the voting records
  of candidates 60 days prior to the election.  ALL elections
  would be tilted toward anti-gun liberals.
  The ratings of the Arizona Rifle  Pistol Association are
  Bauer, Keys and Forbes all A
  Bush a B
  McCain a C minus.
  McCain is the most liberal of the candidates and a US
  Senator who lives and breathes in Washington DC.
  Nations Most Ant-Gun newspaper fawns over McCain
  John McCain Wins
  Copyright 2000 The Washington Post Company
  Wednesday, February 2, 2000
  THREE MONTHS ago, George W. Bush seemed to be
  coasting toward victory in the Republican primaries, whereas
  the contest between Democrats Al Gore and Bill Bradley
  looked as though it might tip either way. Yesterday's vote in
  New Hampshire roughly confirmed the Democratic half of
  that prognosis. But the Republican result shows that politics
  remains delightfully surprising. The combined ranks of
  pundits and pollsters and big-money donors could neither
  predict nor prevent John McCain's striking victory.
  New Hampshire has a way of favoring mavericks who go on
  to defeat in subsequent primaries, so it would be wrong to
  suggest that Mr. McCain has attained front-runner status.
  This is even truer this year than previously, since Mr. McCain
  got a major boost from independent voters, who are allowed
  to take part in New Hampshire's Republican primary but not
  in those of many other states. Moreover, Mr. Bush retains a
  daunting advantage in organization and money.
  Even so, the New Hampshire result does show that Mr. Bush
  is defeat able. The Bush campaign had the backing of the
  New Hampshire establishment and spent much more than
  Mr. McCain could on ads in the state. But Mr. Bush did poorly
  anyway, not only among independents but also among
  Republican voters. His loss, combined with the
  disappearance of his lead over Mr. Gore in hypothetical poll
  match-ups, tarnishes the image of a sure winner.
  Whether or not Mr. Bush recovers, Mr. McCain's win
  yesterday holds lessons. It shows that the New Hampshire
  primary is marvelously open to modestly financed
  challengers, who can build support voter by voter in town
  halls and school gyms. What's more, it shows that insurgents
  can skip Iowa's much less open caucuses and still win New
  Hampshire. Alone among the major candidates, Mr. McCain
  did not besmirch himself by pandering to Iowa's farm vote.
  The McCain 


2000-02-04 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

New York Post-February 4, 2000



THIS week America crosses one of its great economic milestones,
breaking the record for the longest expansion in U.S. history.
But this isn't exactly sweet vindication for Clintonomics: The
politician most responsible for laying the groundwork for this
prosperous era is Ronald Reagan.

America's economic turnaround started in the early 1980s, a
decade before Bill Clinton arrived in Washington. In fact,
according to the National Bureau of Economic Research, what we
are really celebrating this month is the 18th straight year of
prosperity -- the longest of the 20th century.

Reagan's supply-side economic ideas -- cutting tax rates; a
strong dollar, trade globalization (the Gipper started NAFTA with
a U.S.-Canadian free trade agreement); deregulation of key
industries like energy, financial services and transportation;
and a re-armed military -- unleashed a great wave of
entrepreneurial-technological innovation. That wave transformed
and restructured the economy, resulting in a long boom prosperity
that continues to throw off economic benefits to this day.

Reagan also set the stage for America's winning of the Cold War.
That victory has been a major contributing factor to the growth
of the '90s: By our estimates, the "peace dividend" is saving
U.S. taxpayers more than $100 billion a year. And peace is
bullish -- when fears of war vanish, long-term investment booms.

The trend of the stock market, shown in the nearby chart,
provides compelling evidence that the real turning point of the
U.S. economy was the early 1980s, not the early 1990s. From
1967-82, the 15 years before Reaganomics, the Dow Jones
Industrial Average suffered one of its blackest bear markets in
history, falling 23 percent in nominal terms and nearly 6 percent
a year in inflation-adjusted terms. The wealth of American fami-

lies vanished right before their very eyes.

In 1982, the Dow Jones Industrial Average swooned to its nadir of
800. Then Reagan's policies began to take effect. Over the rest
of the Reagan years the market more than tripled. In the 1990s it
would nearly quadruple (to 11,000 today). During the 1982-2000
Reagan bull market, stocks soared by 12 percent per year, raising
the net worth of U.S. households by some $30 trillion.

More evidence of the Reagan-induced boom comes from Michael Cox,
an economist at the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank and co-author of
the brilliant new book "The Myth of Rich and Poor." Cox recently
calculated that, since the dawning of Reaganomics 18 years ago,
the U.S. economy has slumped into recession for just 6 of the
last 200 months, or a mere 3 percent of the time. That is almost
unprecedented -- historically, the U.S. economy has been in
decline one-third of the time.

Yes, Bill Clinton and ex-Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin deserve
some credit for keeping the expansion moving. Their strong-dollar
and hands-off-the-Fed policies extended disinflation, creating an
economywide tax-cut effect that offset the mistaken 1993 tax
increase. Free-trade measures during the mid '90s also
constituted a tax-cut stimulus effect.

Importantly, the Republican Congress forced Clinton to swallow
his opposition and sign into law key measures such as welfare
reform, the balanced-budget bill and capital-gains tax cuts. The
congressional heirs to Reagan's legacy helped restore business
confidence, setting off a phenomenal investment boom over the
past five years.

Bill Clinton's greatest economic achievement has been that most
of his liberal policy ideas never became law. Remember the
proposed energy tax, the $50-billion fiscal stimulus package and,
most of all, Hillary's health-care plan? Thankfully, we dodged
all of these economic wrecking balls.

The lesson of the past 20 years is that when American
entrepreneurs and workers are liberated from heavy-handed and
intrusive fiscal policies, punitive tax rates and destabilizing
monetary policies, the U.S. economy's growth potential is almost

If Washington officials can resist four key prosperity killers --
high inflation, big tax hikes, re-regulation and trade
protectionism -- then more decades of technology-led growth are
clearly possible.

It was Reagan's vision of economic freedom that blazed the path
to prosperity. Numerous countries in Europe, Latin America and
Asia are now adopting free-market policies. For its part, the
United States must not rest on its laurels. To maintain our
leadership abroad, there is more work to be done here at home. A
frequently confused and agitated political class need only
consult Ronald Reagan's compass of liberty and freedom to arrive
at the next right decision.


Lawrence Kudlow is chief economist at Schroder  Co., Inc. and
CNBC.com. Stephen Moore is an economist at the Cato Institute.



2000-02-04 Thread The Extremist

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Who's most to blame for Waco?
Let them know that we know.
McCain, Gore, Bush, Bradley...
Different names, different faces,
But the same one world government socialist agenda.
Alan Keyes for Prez.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] The Patriot Resource Center:
**Live Free or Die!**

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] 1997 prediction about gold blowout

2000-02-04 Thread Linda Minor

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


The Michigan Militia Corps'
Weekly Update
Internet Edition
Volume 4, Issue 27
Week of July 28, 1997

London's Gold Hoax Exposed!
By Richard Freeman
July 21,'97
July 16 (EIRNS) The rumor trumpeted by the British-controlled press, that
gold is being phased out as a significant force in the financial system, is
a giant hoax, intended to hoodwink the suckers in America and elsewhere into
getting out of gold and other hard commodities, and into bloated financial

The precious metals section of the British Commonwealth raw materials cartel
has developed this hoax. The cartel has organized, in a controlled fashion,
a dumping of gold which has sharply reduced its price from $365 per troy
ounce on Jan. 1, 1997 to $320 per ounce at the close of trading yesterday
(see graph). The controlled price fall is bankrupting weaker gold-producing
companies, and the kingpins of the British Commonwealth cartel--like Sir
George Bush's Barrick Gold and Anglo American Corporation --are snapping
them up. The cartel anticipates a seismic collapse of all stock, bond, and
other paper values in the months ahead, most likely the period of
September-October, concurring with the forecast of economist Lyndon
LaRouche, who has demonstrated that the speculative world financial bubble
has outstripped the loot it can extract from the underlying economy, and
will now implode. The world's press now assertains reports daily from
political insiders and financiers warning of such a crash. Following that
crash, the oligarchy intends to reverse the fall of the price of gold, and
to place the world on a British Commonwealth controlled, deflationary gold
standard. Gold will be pegged to as much as $800 per troy ounce. Such an
arrangement is meant to shrink the world economy and genocidally slash
population. This will repeat--but on a global scale--the experience
following the U.S. Specie Resumption Act, a piece of treason enacted by the
U.S. Congress in 1875 and implemented in 1879, which virtually bankrupted
the U.S. during 1879-1907.

The tempo of this process is fed by the disintegration of the financial

Aiding the Commonwealth cartel plan is the central bank of Australia, which
announced last week that it had sold 5.37 million troy ounces of gold, 60%
of its official gold holdings. This depressed gold's price and fed the lie
that gold is being phased out.

Positioning itself to take advantage of that gold trap is Peter Munk,
chairman of the Canadian-based Barrick Gold, the world's second largest gold
producing company. Crack cocaine kingpin George Bush is head of Barrick's
international advisory board. In return for gold concessions in Congo-Zaire
last year, Barrick helped clear the way for Laurent Kabila's Nazi
dictatorship in that country.

Barrick chairman Munk told the New York Times July 10 that the benefit of
the gold price drop is that it "would breed a Darwinian consolidation in the
industry, much like an earlier shakeout in the steel industry." He added,
"There is going to be a period of rapid consolidation. And it will end with
a couple of really good (sic) producers," at the top. Munk also boasted to
the Wall Street Journal July 9, that he "wouldn't be surprised if gold
dropped another $40 an ounce," that is, to $280 per troy ounce.

But Munk says this knowing that Barrick has shielded itself against the
price drop. Through futures contracts, Munk has hedged future production of
Barrick gold production, for sale at $420 an ounce. Thus, regardless of
whether gold is trading at $320 per ounce or $50, someone is obligated, at
the other end of the future contract, to pay him $420 an ounce.

Another company that had hedged its future sales of gold is Anglo American
Corporation of the Oppenheimer family, the world's largest gold and raw
materials producer, and a key cog in the British Commonwealth raw
materialscartel. In addition, Anglo American has been buying into the huge
Ashanti Gold Company of Ghana, which has two advantages: It has a low cost
of production for mining gold, and it has also hedged on future sales.

But many gold-producing companies report that they didn't hedge their
forward sales, because they figured that once the price hit about $340 an
ounce, it wouldn't go lower; they are being crushed. Leon Esterhuizen, a
gold stock analyst with Societe Generale Frankel Pollak in Johannesburg,
said that at $320 per troy ounce, more than half of South Africa's top gold
mines are unprofitable, and at $305 per ounce, only five could stay open.
Russia, the world's fifth largest producer, with the world's third largest
reserves, would have to shut down most of its mines at the current gold
price. British Commonwealth mining firms are poised to buy these 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Gold and Oil: Something Up?

2000-02-04 Thread Kris Millegan

From: "Catherine Austin Fitts" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A HREF="http://www.egroups.com/group/gata/357.html?"Click here: gata
message #357/A

  Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

 Subject: Big stresses building in financial markets
 From: gatacom-

10:05p EST Thursday, February 3, 2000

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Here's GATA Chairman Bill Murphy's "Midas" commentary
posted tonight at www.LeMetropoleCafe.com. Big things
are happening.

Please post this as seems useful.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

* * *


By Bill Murphy

Spot Gold $286.60 up $2.30
Spot Silver $5.24 up 5 cents

Here is what we hear is going on in Financial Land.

Treasury bond yields have collapsed, dropping from 6.76
to 6.06 percent before settling at the end of the day
today at 6.15 percent. The yield curve has inverted
sharply; long-term yields are now less than shorter-
dated notes. Ten-year notes closed today 30 to 40 basis
points higher than Treasuries.

The incredible speed at which this has occurred has
rocked traders and investment houses in the credit
market trading game. Last week I alerted Cafe members
what was going in this, but because of the tremendous
financial market implications, I will touch here
briefly on what has been set in motion.

The U.S. Treasury Department has made a decision to
restrict the supply of 30-year bonds. This sudden
change in policy has caused a surge in price of 30-year
Treasuries, as demand has overwhelmed supply, much of
it due to technical considerations. The dramatic rise
in the price of bonds and the reduction in long-term
yields has caused a rapid inversion of the yield curve.
Some financial institutions have been caught with
wrong-way trades on. These institutions have been
"long" the short-dated instruments and "short" the
Treasuries. Now those trades are under water, as the
Treasury market has exploded up.

This development is not good for most banks either, as
by the natural course of their business they are
borrowing short and lending long. This quick inversion
has to reduce bank profits.

Rumors began flying at mid-morning that a major bond
dealer was in trouble. I heard this early from a Denver
source. Then a Canadian source said it was Bank of
America. That was followed by a New York source
identifying Goldman Sachs as the one in trouble. A
Chicago source told me the same thing. Then a European
bond dealer told me the rumors over there kept bringing
up Deutsche Bank and Goldman Sachs.

The Chicago source said the problem was astronomical, a
derivative blowup. That source, who long has had
Washington sources, also told me that the Federal
Reserve was in emergency session, contrary to what the
Fed said in public today.

More of the same just in from another Cafe member:

"I have very good (trading floor-based) connections in
the Chicago Board of Trade. According to my sources,
Deutsche Bank is the bond dealer in trouble. Your
recent bulletin indicated that the Fed denied calling a
meeting to address the dealer's troubles, and that may
be an accurate answer. But I have heard that rather
than calling an emergency meeting for the dealer, the
Fed called the meeting to discuss the condition of two
hedge funds that are in deep trouble due to the change
in the yield curve. Those two firms, according to my
sources, would be Merrill Lynch (very interesting,
given its recent flight from the commodities business)
and the traders that left Long-Term Capital Management
to form their own fund. I can't swear by the stories
that I've conveyed, but I know the sources and have
good reason to believe them."

This would not be the first time Merrill Lynch got in
trouble with fixed-income trading. Remember Orange
County! Wouldn't that be something if the LTCM crowd
and Mr. Meriwether are right back in the soup again?
Another LTCM-type bailout? I would hope not. How many
chances should this guy and his hapless crew get?

A denial by the Fed should be no surprise. Somewhere in
one of my old Midas commentaries I have a Wall Street
Journal quote from Allen Binder, former Fed official
and now a Princeton professor, who said something like:
"The last role of a central bank is to tell the truth
to the public."

This just in, hot off the Bridge News wire:

"Goldman shares slip on talk of fixed-income loss.

"Sources dismiss rumors of abnormal bond losses at

"Goldman Sachs' share price closed the day at 85 3/8,
down 5 3/4, while the general market closed much

In addition, Goldman Sachs has been the big gold buyer
with gold rallying around $5. Does it have something to
do with the firm's rumored fixed-income problems? Too
early to tell, but if Goldman does have serious bond-
related financial problems, it would make sense for the
firm to pare back on short gold positions.

Ironically, Goldman was finding it hard to buy gold
today. They would come in and bid and the offers 


2000-02-04 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Date: Thursday, February 03, 2000 7:56 PM

COMMUNIQUE  #2263  http://TeamInfinity.com/~ralph/church


FREE DSL  ???   http://WWW.FREEDSL.COM   http://www.truthbeknown.com

DEICIDE - "Do you really think so ?"

"Did you go yourself and examine this, or how
do you know?"

[Socrates 469 - 399 B.C.E.].




Porn sites, and Russian scientist involved...

My theory here is that the strategy here is
"accidental" massive leaks are being used so that
there is 'plausible deniablity' meanwhile the info
leaks occur and quid quo pro payoffs are still made.
Not reported below but in other reports are details of
how 17,000 pages of the top secret documents that
Duetch took home with him were then erased by him, so
we do not even know what EXACTLY he may have leaked
other than their classification.  Do you really think
this stuff is accidental ?


  Ex-CIA chief's computer use scrutinized

 Thursday, 3 February 2000 0:33 (ET)

 Ex-CIA chief's computer use scrutinized

 Unauthorized outsiders were in a position to gain
 access to state secrets that former CIA director John
 Deutch had stored on his home computers in violation
 of agency rules and possibly federal law, according
 to senior intelligence sources.

 The sources said Deutch, who was stripped of
 his security clearances in August, two years after he
 retired from the CIA, was in electronic mail contact
 with someone who identified himself as a Russian
 scientist. His computer was also used to access "high
 risk" Web sites, including pornographic sites.

 Deutch lost his access to the nation's
 top-secret information when it was revealed that he
 had regularly created top-secret documents on
 CIA-issued personal computers in his home that were
 not cleared to handle such sensitive information.

 CIA Director George Tenet said Wednesday
 there was no way of knowing whether any information
 Deutch put into his unclassified computer was
 intercepted by foreign governments or hackers.

 "We don't exclude the possibility," Tenet
 testified before the Senate Select Committee on
 Intelligence. "I can't tell you it has or has not
 occurred." "There is no evidence to suggest that it
 happened," he said.

 Tenet said Deutch put "enormously sensitive
 material" at the highest level of classification on
 his unsecured Macintosh home computer which was
 connected to the Internet.

 "He was sloppy in what he did," Tenet said of
 his friend and predecessor. "He worked around the
 clock. He didn't think about what he was doing.
 Nevertheless...as director I believe he should have
 known better."

 Computers that don't have exceptional
 security devices and are connected to the Internet
 run the risk of having their hard drives examined,
 copied, altered, or wiped out by hackers. In light of
 that vulnerability, the Defense Department and CIA
 put top-secret information on secure private networks
 inaccessible without a special computer and software.

 Deutch, who headed the CIA from May 1995 to
 December 1996, opted not to have the special system
 in his home and, instead, wrote many documents on his
 personal computers. Sources said secrets were in a
 position to be compromised because Deutch used the
 computer for e-mail and was in contact with someone
 who could have been a foreign agent.  Tenet said
 Deutch did not transfer information from the CIA's
 secure system to his home computer, but instead
 created documents that he would later put into the
 secure system.

 Ironically, Deutch was one of the first government
 officials to raise the flag about how vulnerable
 computers are to information attacks.

 "We have evidence that a number of countries
 around the world are developing the doctrine,
 strategies and tools to conduct information attacks,"
 Deutch told Congress in 1996.

 The CIA knew Deutch was using his home
 Macintosh computer to write and store highly
 classified documents, at least in 1997, after Deutch
 retired. The agency took no action -- failing to
 notify the Justice Department and Congress -- until
 August when Tenet suspended Deutch's security

 Tenet admitted the CIA botched the handling
 of security breaches by Deutch, but insisted that the
 agency made up for its slow 

[CTRL] Masonic Ring from Alaska Airlines flight source of conflict

2000-02-04 Thread Nicky Molloy
Title: Masonic Ring from Alaska Airlines flight source of conflict

-Original Message-From: 
Loren Coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: 
Octopus [EMAIL PROTECTED]; fortlist 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; list forteana 
Saturday, 5 February 2000 15:06Subject: [the_octopus] Masonic 
Ring from Alaska Airlines flight source of 
conflictFrom: Loren Coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
4 February 2000 6:54 
PM ESTCrash Victim's Ring Spurs 
ConflictBy TOM VERDIN Associated Press WriterLOS 
ANGELES (AP) -- When Tracy Knizek learned a fisherman collecting debris from the 
Alaska Airlines crash had found her father's ring, she felt the amazing recovery 
was a signal from the loved one who died in the crash.The fisherman, 
Scott Jarvis, was arranging to get the ring to Knizek in Washington state. But 
then deputies arrived at his door and demanded it be turned over, Jarvis' mother 
said Friday.``We were very upset because my son and daughter-in-law have 
gone to great lengths to get this ring to the right people,'' said Cathy Jarvis. 
``Like I told one of the officers, it's almost like no good deed goes 
unpunished.''Ventura County sheriff's deputies threatened to arrest 
Scott Jarvis' wife, Mary, when they went to the couple's Oxnard house and he 
wasn't home, said Cathy Jarvis. She said they cited federal law governing air 
crash evidence.Cathy Jarvis said her husband, Cliff, stepped in and said his 
son had the ring and was at a meeting. She said the family consulted a local 
attorney and would hand over the ring.Sheriff's officials confirmed 
deputies went to Jarvis' house to get the ring, but said they merely told his 
wife she was breaking the law and could be arrested.Knizek, of 
Suquamish, Wash., lost her father, Bob Williams, 65, and mother, Patty, 63, in 
Monday's crash.The ring had been the subject of news stories for two 
days.Scott Jarvis' boat Meridian was part of a flotilla of commercial 
fishing boats that helped illuminate the crash scene Monday 
night.Jarvis, 37, and his nephew, Kevin Marquiss, 21, found it nestled 
in a deck hatch after turning over wreckage to investigators 
Tuesday.Studded with three ruby-colored jewels, it had a large capital G 
in the center, which stood for ``Grand Master Mason.''``It's like he 
sent it from heaven and just set it on the boat,'' Jarvis said.Until she 
learned of its recovery, Knizek had struggled to accept her parents' 
deaths.``Ever since I was a little girl, my dad and I had a deal. 
Whoever died first, the other one would come back and tell them what it's 
like,'' Knizek said at her parents' home in Poulsbo, Wash. ``It was just to let 
the other person know if it's OK, like we think it's going to be.''She 
said it was as if her father had left the ring to say their connection would 
never be broken.``When that ring came around, I thought, 'Wow.' It's 
just to tell us, 'This is really happening, Tracy, this is real, and you're 
going to be OK and your brothers are going to be OK.'''AP-NY-02-04-00 

Please click above to support our 

Jim Keith1949 - 1999 


2000-02-04 Thread pmeares

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

 Andy wrote:

 "Shrooms in the desert!?! No way. Too dry. Need rain and
 cow pies. Trust me".

 Exodus 16-14 "And when the dew that lay was gone up, behold,
 upon the face of the wilderness there lay a small round thing,
 as small as the hoar frost on the ground."..
 Frost? Dew? Wilderness? Is this a desert??
 Need grass, trees and moisture. Trust me.

Further, the Exodus quote from above goes on (verses 15,31):

When the people of Israel saw it, they said to one another, "What
is it?"...And Moses said to them, "It is the *bread* which the
Lord has given you to eat." Now the house of Israel called it
manna; it was like coriander seed, white, and the taste of it was
like wafers made with honey.

Consider the following passage from Ezekiel 4:15:

Then he [The Lord] said to me, "See, I will let you have cow's
dung instead of human dung, on which you may prepare your

Prepare your bread on cow's dung? I'm certainly no Biblical
scholar, but to me that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever,
under any set normal circumstances; yet in the context of magic
mushroom 'manna' -- a small round thing, the color of a coriander
seed, gathered in the morning dew, or else left to rot and be
consumed by worms in the hot sun  -- it seems to make perfect

From The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, Plate 13, by William Blake,

I then asked Ezekiel why he eat dung and lay so long on his right
and left side? He answered, "The desire of raising other men into
a perception of the infinite"

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [NA] The Meaning of Gary Bauers Drop Out

2000-02-04 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.htmlFrom: Jim Condit Jr. 
Subject: [NA] The Meaning of Gary Bauers Drop Out
Date: Friday, February 04, 2000 3:34 AM


"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."
Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

February 4, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire

The Meaning of Gary Bauer’s Drop Out

Gary Bauer is dropping out on Feb. 4rd, it’s been announced on the Big
Media. If you hearken back to our January 17,2000 e-wire entitled:
“Motive, Opportunity, Votefraud,” you can read or refresh yourself on
why only Presidential Candidates Pat Buchanan and Howard Phillips offer
any threat to the dominant faction of the Ruling Elite behind the 5 Big
TV networks and the two major parties.

This threat comes from the opposition of these two candidates to the two
major “non-negotiable” programs of the Ruling Elite: Eugenics and
Monopoly Vulture Capitalism - a virtual synonym for Communism - in every
critical field of human endeavor. (Both Monopoly Vulture Capitalism and
Communism are diametrically opposed to true free enterprise and true

 In fact, due to his celebrity status, Buchanan is the only nationally
known candidate who is feared by the Ruling Elite at this time. Howard
Phillips is still being blacked out with the exception of rare cable
shows like Larry King Live once before the 1996 election, and the Full
Nelson on Fox recently.

Keyes, Bauer, and Forbes are all “free trade” and therefore in favor of
the major plank of the Ruling Elite now moving the world towards
Monopoly Capitalism in each important field of human endeavor. Forbes
also has a VERY mixed record on the abortion/eugenics issue, including
being for abortion up to the 24th week in 1996, and making a turn around
since, at some unspecified point.

Much energy has been put into dividing Buchanan’s vote by putting
similar sounding candidates in the political ring against him. This is
the significance behind the candidacies of Steve Forbes, Alan Keyes,
Gary Bauer, and Donald Trump. DON’T MISUNDERSTAND here!

I am not necessarily saying that Keyes, Bauer, and Forbes do not believe
in what they are saying (although, as stated, Forbes more, and Keyes
less, have glaring inconsistencies on the record). I’m saying that all
three were given encouragement and guided into Presidential politics by
the super powerful “false opposition” Bill Kristol/neo-conservative
faction, and were allowed to bask in the light of sufficient publicity,
as long as they figured into the “Stop Buchanan” strategy of the Ruling

(A sidebar here is the dominant influence in Today’s America of the
faction represented in public by Bill Kristol of the Weekly Standard.
This “false opposition” conservative is in reality still pushing the
Trotskyite policies once openly promoted by his dad, Irving, in decades
past before Irving became one of the first so-called neo-conservatives.

Now listen up. Alan Keyes was Kristol’s college roomate, which ads the
missing piece to Keyes’ rise. Keyes is talented for sure, but many
talented people bask in obscurity. Gary Bauer vacations with Kristol,
according to our sources. And Forbes is involved with the same
neo-conservative circles as Kristol, including the “false opposition”
Empower America Foundation which houses “False opposition” conservatives
Jack Kemp and Bill Bennett, two Buchanan critics, Bill Bennett being
positively rabid in his anti-Buchananism.)

This year, when Buchanan jumped from the GOP to the Reform Party, the
reason for the existence of the Keyes, Bauer, and Forbes campaigns
collapsed. At that point, the Big TV Networks ceased to give those
campaigns any meaningful publicity, and began to push their “two man
race” propaganda.

It is a testimony to the still-reigning power of the TV networks that
the horrifying sell-out and total zero, John McCain, could be made into
an “exciting” “outsider” candidate “full of integrity.”

In fact, you will notice that when Buchanan jumped from the GOP, the
“split the Buchanan vote” effort transferred immediately to the Reform
Party, as seen by the fact that the slandering political idiot, Donald
Trump, filed his move to the Reform Party on the very day Buchanan gave
his speech announcing his switching from the GOP to Reform.

In another e-wire, we’ll give an extended analysis for the super sudden
emergence in 1996 of Forbes and in 2000 of the political moron Trump.
The Ruling Elite had to find a man in each circumstance who could
legally and instantly spend unlimited money to run for President, in
order to try and insure the success of the Stop Buchanan movement.
Whether Trump is going to work out is highly debatable, so don’t drop
your eye teeth if 

[CTRL] Terence McKenna interview for Mondo 2000

2000-02-04 Thread pmeares

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

[O]nce you've been exposed to the psychedelic mindscape of the
man referred to as 'the Timothy Leary of the Nineties' (by Leary
himself!), your worldview may never be the same ever again

CLASSIC Terence McKenna...  This article will shred your mind.
A must. -- Richard Metzger

Gracie and Zarkov interview Terence McKenna for Mondo 2000

M2: Why did you write Food of the Gods ?

TM: I felt if I could change the frame of the argument and get
drugs insinuated into a scenario of human origins, then I would
cast doubt on the whole paradigm of Western Civilization, in the
same way that realizing that we came from monkeys did a great
deal to re-set the dials in the 19th Century Victorian mind. If
you could convince people that drugs were responsible for the
emergence of large brain size and language, then you could
completely re-cast the argument from: "Drugs are alien, invasive
and distorting to human nature" to: "Drugs are natural, ancient
and responsible for human nature". So it was consciously
propaganda, although I believe all that and I believe it's going
to be hard to knock down.

M2: Who is your target audience?

TM: The target audience will be the converted first of all, but
my hope is that the engines of public relations and publicity
will move it much more into the mainstream. The 18-25 year old
group that is drug-friendly but has no rationale except that it's
a good time. This book is what I want every co-ed next Fall to be
carrying to Anthro 101 to beard the professor with.

You've heard me talk about meme wars, and how, if we could have a
level playing field, these ideas would do very well. The theory
I'm putting forth - to disprove it you would have to get your
feet wet and get stoned. Anybody who doesn't want to do that
should rule themselves off the case. So that presents academic
types with a real problem.

M2: If you're going to challenge the conclusions you must come to
grips with the empirical facts of being high.

TM: That's right. It's not a metaphysical argument, or an
emotional plea; it's an argument on their own terms. Can they do
better? What was happening?

I think we should look at the impact of diet and realize that
what you eat changes the parameters of the environment that is
selecting you. I found no discussion of the impact of diet on
human evolution, and yet at the very moment that the great
[primate] evolutionary leaps were being made, there was a
transformation of the diet towards omnivorousness, meat-eating,
predation - away from the fructarian original state.

I'm not saying that civilization fucked up what was otherwise a
naturally-occurring politically correct situation. There was a
period when, because of the presence of psilocybin in the diet,
the natural tendency to male dominance hierarchies was
interrupted. It was in that moment that community values,
altruism, language, long-term planning, awareness of cause and
effect, all the things that distinguish us were established.
Then, as the mushroom became less available due to climatological
factors, after 15,000 years of this human-mushroom
quasi-symbiosis, the old dominance hierarchy hard-wiring
reasserted itself in the ancient Middle East with the invention
of agriculture, the need to become sedentary in order to carry
out agriculture, the need to defend surplus, the establishment of
kingship. These are a reassertion of an older pattern that had
been interrupted by a factor in the diet which basically made
people mellow.

M2: Did that interruption occur throughout the entire human
genome, or are there areas which would have been outside the
mushroom Garden?

TM: People have been migrating out of Africa during each
interglacial. I think the mushroom was having an effect in Africa
over the last three million years, but what really kicked the
process into high gear was that during the last interglacial,
true pastoralism evolved. All previous migrations out of Africa
were the migrations of hunter/gatherers. The migration that began
at the melting of the last glaciation about 18,000 years ago,
were the first herders out of Africa. It's the cattle/human/
mushroom triad that reinforces the partnership, non-dominant,
orgiastic style.

I talk in the book about how apparently at a certain point in the
evolution of human cognition, cause removed from effect became
something that people noticed. At the very moment that men were
realizing that the consequences of sex were children 9 months
later, women were realizing that the consequences of tossing
trash onto middens was food availability in those very spots 12
months later. This ability to correlate a cause with a delayed
effect indicates a certain level of neurological processing that
sets the stage for the suppression of orgy. Because the
suppression of orgy is linked to a concern for male paternity.


2000-02-04 Thread Colleen Jones

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Well people have been fired for less than thswhat right does any
librarian have to suppress a book - usually someone pays off someone.

Banning Books used to be done by the Catholic Church; and any banned
book immediately made a best seller book.

So perhaps the author of this book might have a good law suit -
violation of his civil rights perhaps.sues for 10 million
dollars..freedom of speech so long as Clinton approves it?

Let us see..what book do they burn next, the Bible?

And of course, replace it with UN One Bible Suits All..and Clinton
Sodomy forgiven, homosexuality way to go, and genocide, murder, and more
genocide.and do not forget polluting the blood banks, for Clinton
had a hand in tht too.

The Clinton's Bible, Drugs, Sex, All Kinds of Sex, and Cocaine Snorting
New Religion.


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2000-02-04 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

(Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality) -- Page #7
[7th edition]
Compiled by 'The Group' -- Edited by 'Branton'


continued from Page 6 

"During the Third Reich even 'the party liners' who lived around 'the death
camps' were reluctant to believe that 'their government' could commit such
horrendous crimes as were discovered after the invasion of Germany. Yet,
although they heard faint screams in the far distance and cries for help --
they SHUT THEIR EARS TO IT. Even though they saw carloads of people by the
thousands going into the concentration camps -- and none return -- THEY SHUT
THEIR EYES TO IT. Even when they saw billows of smoke belch from the bowels
of the burners and smelt the stiff strong stench of burning flesh -- THEY
SHUT THEIR SENSES TO IT. And, in spite of the fact rumor had it that
'unspeakable horrors' were going on in the 'killing camps' - THEY SHUT THEIR

"Those that asked local government officials, like yourself, WHAT WAS GOING
ON were told that it was all 'TOP SECRET' and involved 'NATIONAL
SECURITY'.and NOT TO QUESTION AUTHORITY. Then one day when the war came
to a close and the truth was unearthed, the 'party people' acted shocked
when it became public that millions had been mass-murdered. They just
couldn't believe that genocide, infanticide and homicide could have been not
only allowed but carried out to the last deadly detail by other 'party
liners' in the government who just went along.. saw nothing, said
nothing and did nothing.

"When it came time for the TRIAL at Nuremberg, Mrs. Cafferata, the 'Vun,
Vurid, Vurkers' who ran the killer concen- tration camps at Auschwitz and
Dachau -- 'CLAIMED INNOCENCE'. Even those 'party people' who shoved and
shoveled their victims into those carnivorous crematoriums - 'CLAIMED
merely carrying out the MASTER PLAN -- for the Master Race.

"I am not accusing you of any crime, Mrs. Cafferata. It is possible that you
could just be so inordinately apathetic or just so blindly obeying orders
that you cannot see, or simply refuse to open your eyes to what's going on.
Or do you 'CLAIM INNOCENCE', Mrs. Cafferata? The Attorney General's office
will be the judge of that. It is the A.G.'s responsibility to determine if
any crimes have been, or are now being committed or allowed 'to be
committed' by your office. Ultimately, any decision with regards to the
'wholesale abuse of the law' is made by the prosecution who tries the case,
be it in a court of law or before the bar of public opinion..."

"Sincerely, Anthony J. Hilder - RADIO FREE AMERICA"

Perhaps those of us who read these words should heed the battle-cry of the
Jews when they say: "NEVER AGAIN!!!"

In the early 1990's an avowed high-level Intelligence Worker in the U.S.
Government who refers to himself only as "Commander X", for his own
protection, 'spilled the beans' on a key secret concerning the interaction
and conflict taking place below the Mojave Desert, against the Gray Empire
which had entrenched itself in the subterranean levels of the Southwest:

"The underground...base outside of Dulce, New Mexico, is perhaps the one
MOST FREQUENTLY referred to. It's existence is most widely known, including
several UFO abductees who have apparently been taken there for examination
and then either managed to escape or were freed just in the nick of time by

"According to UFO conspiracy buff and ex-Naval Intelligence Officer Milton
(William) Cooper, '...a confrontation broke out between the human scientists
and the Aliens at the Dulce underground lab. The Aliens took many of our
scientists hostage. Delta Forces were sent in to free them but they were no
match for the Alien weapons. Sixty-six people were killed during this
action. As a result we withdrew from all joint projects for at least two

"CENTURIES AGO, SURFACE PEOPLE (some say the ILLUMINATI) entered into a pact
with an 'Alien nation' HIDDEN WITHIN THE EARTH." Commander X alleges. "The
U.S. Government, in 1933, agreed to trade animals in exchange for high-tech
knowledge, and to allow them to use (undisturbed) UNDERGROUND BASES, in the
Western U.S.A. A special group was formed to deal with the 'Alien' beings.
In the 1940's 'Alien Life Forms' (ALF) began shifting their focus of

"The CONTINENTAL DIVIDE is vital to these 'entities.' Part of this has to do
with magnetics (substrata rock) and high energy states (plasma)... This area
has a very high concentration of lightning activity; underground waterways
and cavern systems; fields of atmospheric ions; etc..."

The following is taken from an article by 'TAL' LeVesque, titled 'THE COVERT

[CTRL] Fw: The Page of Anxiety

2000-02-04 Thread Amelia K Edgeman

  The Page of Anxiety.url


 The Page of Anxiety.url

[CTRL] Fw: Dulce Base Revelations! Billy Dee Remarks! (PLEASE READ!)

2000-02-04 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

-Original Message-
To: (Mailing List 1)  ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (Mailing List 1) 
Date: Saturday, 5 February 2000 20:30
Subject: Dulce Base Revelations! Billy Dee Remarks! (PLEASE READ!)

I am no expert by any means on the Dulce base.  But I have spent a lot
of time in research, as well as I have personally spoken with several
people who were either connected with the Dulce Base, or were once a
CIA agent (turned sympathetic and pledged now to the uncovering of the
UFO cover-up, and a well known Ufologist that personally did an
interview with an ex-military man that worked in the Dulce base.)

I have several comments to make on the post below.  The report on the
Dulce base seemed fairly good, but I have some inportant things to add.
And before everyone reads the post, I would like to make one thing
further very clear.  The Dulce base must and should be the first priority of
the UFO community and the many Ufologists.  It must be the first priority,
because within the shocking and horrible underground (also inside a
mountain) base, there are the most terrible inhuman tests, experiments
and human degredation going on, in this world today.  The Dulce base is
the grand daddy of them all.  This base holds secrets of almost
everything of the UFO cover-up and more.  The Dulce base is the
ultimate nightmare on earth.  It is perhaps best said, that human kind
involved in the Dulce base, (many of them), are involved with evil itself,
and have met dark forces that defy description.  Please read on of my

Billy Dee

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Date sent:  Fri, 4 Feb 2000 01:04:39 -0800 (PST)
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Subject:[SD] Dulce Base Revelations

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Skipping the prelimenary's.

A Memorandum.
By Paul Bennewitz.
  The Beginnings.

   1) Contact was made with a culture by the name of Eban. This has
independently confirmed says governmen source and rumor. Of that
culture there was one lifeform supposedly by the name of Ebe. Based
upon what I have learned it is doubtful that was correct. This group,
one or more did meet with Ike.
Billy Dee Remarks!
   I am not sure if Ike or or any president has ever stepped one
in the Dulce base.  I don't think those in charge at the base would ever
want any president, much less anyone outside of their own ranks to really
see all that goes on there.  Keep in mind, there is human experimentation
going on many levels deep in the Dulce base.  These are not kindly
experimentations, but people that are held against their wills, and kept in
filthy conditions.  Two of the men I spoke with that were there, told me
that the human captives that are used for genetic testings, live in cage
like cells, and often live in their own excrement (no proper toilet
Believe me, I know this sounds to hard to believe.  But had it not been
for meeting and being informed by those in the know, and those that have
held position at the base, and in past government agent positions, I
would have probably scratched it all off as nothing more then a hoax and
a big fabricated lie.  There is just to much documentation, and confirming
documentation to dispute the Dulce base and all that goes on there.
  I even had to Christians contact me from the other side of the world,
who knew nothing about the Dulce base, or even where it was located.
They both claimed (niether of them knew each other) that they had had a
vision of sorts of a terrible place in New Mexico, and they described
much of what was going on there, that went along perfectly with my
contacts, and the well known, "Mr. Branton, of the famous Branton
Reports on the Dulce Base.

   Before proceeding further--it is necessary that one learn how these
lifeforms speak; at least to human, there is a
thought-form-articulation pattern that goes on where because of the
thought articulative interface much drops out, either deliberately to
create confusion or as a natural process  relative to vocalization
expression combined with thought comprehension and velocity.

   As with others the thought communicative process seems to be
over the old method of vocalizing. Though they do have a language and
are capable of using it generally they do not. They do know the
lanuages of the planet earth actually better than most of the well

   They tend to form the languages around the literal romance forms or
will use sanskrit or greek just as well. However their sentence
structure to one who generally takes the language literally can be
totally misleading. Also, pronunciation which even to them seems to be
tied by the primitive to