[CTRL] Globulisation

2000-11-03 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-



  of The West
by George Szamuely
November 3, 2000
Washington's Nightmare: The
  Rise of Europe
  is not going to happen. Borders are not about to come down; states are not about
  to disappear; US corporations are not about to take over the world. The moment
  of global US supremacy has come and gone. The world is dividing into geopolitical
  power blocs. The United States today confronts a superpower rival stretching
  across much of the Eurasian landmass – the European Union allied with Russia.
  The European Union, once merely a trading bloc, then a single internal market
  has evolved into a political federation, aspiring to its own foreign and defense
  policy. Now it is threatening to make Russia’s vast energy and mineral resources
  its own. This is the stuff of Washington nightmares.

  the Second World War, successive US Administrations have championed the cause
  of European unity. They never took the idea terribly seriously, of course. The
  Europeans had been fighting one another for centuries. They were hardly likely
  to become peace-loving nations now. By European unity Americans meant little
  more than the creation of institutions to facilitate compliance with Washington’s
  commands. Rather than having a dozen capitals to call, the President of the
  United States could convey his wishes with a single phone call to Brussels.
  The European Economic Community – as it was once known – was seen
  as a mechanism to ensure that the Europeans paid their share of NATO’s costs
  and did not wander off the reservation pursuing their own separate foreign

  the Cold War, any assertion of European independence was met by US threats to
  withdraw from NATO. It was all a bluff, of course, and the Europeans knew it.
  The Americans were not stationing hundreds of thousands of troops on the European
  continent out of the kindness of their hearts. Washington had always regarded
  NATO as a mechanism to ensure US supremacy over potential economic and political
  rivals. Nonetheless, the Europeans went to some trouble to avoid antagonizing
  the United States by overt displays of independence. The Soviet Union was still
around, and no one in Europe wanted to shell out large sums of money on defense.
  This suited Uncle Sam just fine, and thus was relationship of mutual dependence
  born. Europeans lived comfortably and America got to be "leader of the free
  end of the Cold War inevitably brought all this to an end. There was now nothing
  to stop the Europeans from asserting their independence. While the US subsidy
  was still nice, there was no real need for it any longer. Europeans could make
  do with a much smaller defense budget, one that even they could afford. The
  economic rivalries that had been suppressed for the sake of Allied unity during
  the Cold War broke out into the open. As individual nation states the Europeans
  could not possibly challenge the Americans. They were too small and vulnerable
  for that. But as member states of the European Union they comprised a Great
  Power. I wrote last week about the multiplying trade disputes between the two
  continents. The World Trade Organization has served to increase the ferocity
  of these fights, since everyone ignores its rulings. Indeed, it can only be
  a matter of time now before either the United States or the European Union pulls
  out of the WTO altogether. The US claims that the EU gives preferential treatment
  to bananas imported from its former Caribbean colonies. The WTO ruled against
  the EU. The Europeans ignored the ruling; the US unilaterally imposed sanctions.
  The United States claims the EU unfairly restricts imports of hormone-treated
beef. The WTO ruled against the EU; the EU ignored the ruling; the US imposed
  sanctions. The EU claims the US subsidizes the exports of its multinationals,
  through the creation of so-called "foreign sales corporations" –
  paper companies that US exporters have been allowed to set up abroad for the
  purpose of claiming breaks their US tax bills. The WTO ruled in favor of the
  EU; the US ignored the ruling; the EU imposed sanctions. Now the US is claiming
  that the EU subsidizes Airbus Industrie, Boeing’s chief European rival. Recently,
  the United States proposed to the World Trade Organization that governments
  change the way they subsidize farmers. Under the plan, the current domestic
subsidies system would be revised to eliminate those agricultural subsidies
  not directly linked to price and volume of output. There also would be a ceiling
  on the level of domestic subsidies based on a percentage of the country’s total
agricultural production. The Europeans strongly object to this proposal. The
  EU pays farmers not to farm. On the other hand, the Europeans claim that the
  US also subsidizes its farmers through the 

[CTRL] USDA urges processors to test meats themselves

2000-11-03 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

(In keeping with Bush's idea for Texas polluters to police themselves. We'll
see more of this nonsense if Bush is elected. Less government where it

BTW, it won't work so look for manditory irradiation to be proposed soon,
with only your $afety in mind, naturally. --SW)

USDA urges processors to test meats themselves

By PHILIP BRASHER, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (November 2, 2000 10:50 p.m. EST
http://www.nandotimes.com) - Meat processors that make hot dogs and
other precooked products are being encouraged by the government to do
their own testing for harmful bacteria rather than rely on federal inspectors
to do the monitoring.

Under a policy announced Thursday, the Agriculture Department said it will
stop doing routine microbiological tests in plants that have adequate
sampling programs of their own. USDA officials said they want to target
their testing on processors, usually smaller plants, that don't have adequate
monitoring programs.

The change will result in more testing being done industrywide, said
Thomas Billy, administrator of USDA's Food Safety and Inspection

"By following a strategy that encourages industry to test, there will be much
more product testing overall ... than FSIS could ever do on its own," he

The tests, which look for pathogens such as Listeria monocytogenes and
salmonella, are designed to catch contamination in plants or flaws in their
sanitation systems.

"This is a step forward, because you're going to end up with substantially
more tests," said Carol Tucker Foreman, director of the Consumer
Federation of America's Food Policy Institute.

Processors have a powerful incentive to do the testing themselves: When
federal inspectors conduct the tests, all the meat in the lots being sampled
is typically kept out of distribution until the results come back, in case there
is a positive test result, industry officials said.

If the companies are doing the routine testing themselves, there would be
no need to hold the product for test results, but plants would still be
expected to issue a recall for products in which harmful bacteria are found,
USDA officials said.

The new testing policy will result in safer food, said Lloyd Hontz, director of
food inspection issues for the National Food Processors Association, a
trade group.

"Consumers are better protected with a policy like this which encourages
the industry to do its own testing," he said. "They can really look for spots or
points or places in their production operations that might be harboring
pathogens and find them and get rid of them."

Plants that already do some pathogen testing may be required to do it
more frequently if they want to be exempt from routine USDA monitoring,
Hontz said.

Processors that start their own testing program will have just as many
USDA inspectors on site as they do now, but they will have more time for
other jobs, such as checking plant records to verify that sanitation
procedures are being followed, agency officials said.

The new policy is part of a general strategy by the Clinton administration to
require the meat industry to take more responsibility for improving plant
sanitation and testing for pathogens. While some critics say that USDA has
gone too far, consumer advocacy groups have generally supported the

Ready-to-eat meat products are a major source of listeria-related illnesses.

Listeria is estimated to kill 500 Americans a year and sicken 2,000 more. It
causes flu-like symptoms in most healthy people, but it can be serious in
the young, old or weak. In pregnant women, the bacterium can cause
miscarriage or stillbirth even if the mother feels no symptoms.

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[CTRL] RadTimes # 89

2000-11-03 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 89 October, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
--Anti-Capitalist Youths Challenge IMF in Montreal
--Protesters' message reaches economic meeting in Canada
--Global Stench
--The New Asterix
--Ecuador asks U.S. for $160 mln in anti-drug aid
Linked stories:
*Fingerprint Security Gets Handier
*Selling Votes or Peddling Lies?
*In Search of Cyber Humanity
Begin stories:
Anti-Capitalist Youths Challenge IMF in Montreal

Students, Cops Clash At Bankers' Summit

By Josina Dunkel

First in Seattle, then Washington, then Prague, now
Montreal. Once again the youths of a major city clashed with
the International Monetary Fund and the so-called free-trade

In a militant but mostly peaceful demonstration Oct. 23,
hundreds of protesters expressed their anger at the Group of
20 conference scheduled to begin the following day in

The crowd--mostly students--chanted in French and English
and danced to drums in front of the Sheraton Centre, site of
the conference.

A few students threw paint and eggs at the hotel, and a
plate glass window was broken.

According to the G-20 Web site, "In Sept. 1999 in
Washington, D.C., the finance ministers of the Group of
Seven (G-7) leading industrialized nations announced the
creation of the Group of Twenty (G-20). This new
international forum of finance ministers and central bank
governors represents 19 countries, the European Union and
the Bretton Woods Institutions (the International Monetary
Fund and the World Bank)."

The G-20 include both major imperialist powers and oppressed
countries. They are: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Britain,
Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy,
Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South
Korea, Turkey, the United States and the European Union.

One protester told the Canadian Broadcasting Co. evening
news, "The G-20, the IMF and their policymakers require
violence. The very policies they implement are violent by
nature. The fact that 19,000 children die each day in the
Third World because of IMF restructuring policies--I think
that is violent."

Police provoked the protesters to lash out. They pushed the
crowd back and chanted, "Move, move, move," to the menacing
beat of their billy clubs smacking their shields.

The cops were clearly prepared for the situation they
created, having worn riot gear all afternoon. A Molotov
cocktail was thrown at the cops, who responded with a gas
that choked the young crowd.

But the standoff wasn't over yet. Riot police, backed up by
the cavalry, repeatedly charged into the crowd to move the
protesters off the major street they were occupying.

While the protesters would fall back, moments later they
would surge forward to continue their action. Some pelted
the cops with rocks and pieces of a fence they were
dismantling. One cop was injured and seen limping away with
the support of two other riot police. Two other cops were
also reported injured.

Several protesters were aided by medics, mostly for the
effects of the gas. Thirty-nine were arrested. The
demonstrators marched away, vowing to return the following
day. Bigger, louder protests were expected at the conference

While the protest here was much smaller than those recently
held in Seattle, Washington and Prague, there was a high
degree of militancy. People expressed fierce opposition to
the cruelties of the so-called free trade system being
forced on the poor of the world by the United States, Canada
and the other imperialist powers.

Not surprisingly, Canadian Finance Minister Paul Martin, the
conference chairperson, refused to come out of the hotel to
meet with the protesters.

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Nov. 2, 2000
issue of Workers World newspaper

Protesters' message reaches economic meeting in Canada

October 25, 2000

MONTREAL (AP) -- After two days of demonstrations that deteriorated
into ugly battles with police, some of the world economic leaders who
gathered here insist they hear protesters' message and want to tackle the
problems of globalization.

Police pushed about 200 protesters away from the hotel where finance
ministers and central bank governors from the Group of 20 were meeting
Tuesday night. Seven demonstrators were arrested.

Inside the downtown Sheraton Hotel, Canadian Finance Minister Paul Martin
said he and others at the meeting, which convenes again Wednesday, shared
the fears of some 

Re: [CTRL] Bush Finally Admits DUI Arrest

2000-11-03 Thread T Nohava

-Caveat Lector-

I remember that well, it was on the Nightly News on one of the major

 And please, let's don't leave anyone out,  as we've known for eight long
 years that Albert Gore isn't ready for prime time either.

 I still vividly remember video of AL GORE,  visiting with William
 Clinton, in 1992,  at the Jefferson memorial,   pointing up to the
 president's busts that lined the round office of the former
 founding father,
 and Big Al asking:
 "Who are these guys?"


 eagle 1

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] [Fwd: Fw: [toeslist] Fast Track Trade...]

2000-11-03 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Fw: [toeslist] Fast Track  Trade...
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2000 21:57:40 -0600 (CST)
From: "Emilie F. Nichols" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

-Original Message-
From: Drusha L. Mayhue [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, November 01, 2000 6:25 PM
Subject: [toeslist] Fast Track  Trade...

1. Washington Trade Daily
Tuesday, October 31, 2000
FTAA, Fast Track Will Top President Bush’s Early Agenda

November 1, 2000
Candidates keep silent on trade Bush, Gore seem to want same things, but
the issues are complex, unpopular


Washington Trade Daily
Tuesday, October 31, 2000
FTAA, Fast Track Will Top President Bush’s Early Agenda

Completion of a hemispheric-wide free trade agreement will be a top
priority for Gov. George W. Bush if he becomes President S unlike the
Clinton/Gore Administration that has allowed the negotiations to “slow to a
crawl,” an advisor to the Republican Presidential candidate said yesterday
(WTD, 10/30/00).

A Bush Administration would have its Latin America policy firmly in place
within its first hundred days in office ­ in time for the Summit of the
Americas meeting of the hemisphere’ s leaders in Quebec City next April,
according to Mr. Bush’ s chief trade advisor Robert Zoellick.

This would include being “well on the road” toward winning Presidential
fast track trade negotiating authority from Congress. Unless the other Free
Trade Area of the Americas members know fast track is on its way, the
United States will be effectively shut out of the next hemispheric summit,
Mr. Zoellick told a forum sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations.

The Republican and Labor and the Environment
Gov. Bush would be better able to gain fast track negotiating authority
from Congress than his rival Vice President Gore because the governor will
address the sticky questions of labor and environmental issues in a way
that does not alienate either political party, Mr. Zoellick said. Candidate
Bush has made clear that he favors addressing labor and environmental
concerns as long as the issues do not become forms of protectionism. It was

the Administration of Gov. Bush’ s father that originated the labor and
environment side agreements in the North  American Free Trade Agreement,
Mr. Zoellick noted.

Gov. Bush is more likely to win Congressional consensus for fast track
negotiating authority because Republicans will be more “comfortable” if it
is a Republican President linking labor and environmental issues to trade.

Mr. Bush views the FTAA as critical to forging stronger strategic as well
as economic ties with Latin America. The Clinton Administration has paid
only sporadic attention to this hemisphere, especially in the last few
years ­ engaging in the region only when crises have forced their
attention, the Bush advisor said. The United States must “rebuild its
credibility” with Latin America and the best way to do that is by restoring
the momentum for free trade. That will send a clear signal to all of Latin
America that the United States is ready to make a long-term commitment to
the hemisphere, he said.


November 1, 2000
Candidates keep silent on trade Bush, Gore seem to want same things, but
the issues are complex, unpopular

James Cox
With Al Gore and George W. Bush mainly silent on the issue of trade,
Campaign 2000 is a race in search of a giant sucking sound.

Take the trade deficit, on pace to hit $ 353 million and top last year's
record by 33%.

"Neither side has said anything about it," says Ernest Preeg, senior fellow
at the Manufacturers Alliance, which does trade analysis. "Once you say
it's a problem, you have to say what you'll do with it."

With few exceptions, the candidates say they want the same things: expanded
trade, a new round of global trade talks, strong enforcement of U.S.
anti-dumping laws and a freer hand from Congress to negotiate trade pacts.

Even Gore adviser Laura Tyson, once a top economic aide to President
Clinton, notes some similarities between the vice president and the Texas
governor on trade.

Bush policy director Josh Bolten says the free-trade rhetoric coming out of
the two campaigns is a coincidence. "There's a very important difference:
We mean it."

Where do the two men stand on trade issues?

Labor and environment. Gore vows to build "core standards" for both into
new trade agreements. Bush pledges to keep labor and the environment out of
trade talks.

Unions say standards are vital to protect worker rights and natural
resources -- and to keep foreign firms from lowering costs by exploiting
labor and cutting environmental corners.

Poor countries insist they won't sign anything that holds them to U.S.
standards and robs them of the competitive advantage they get from cheaper

"The rest of the world is going to say, 'No way, Jose,' as far as any new
trade agreements," says Dean 

Re: [CTRL] Bush Finally Admits DUI Arrest

2000-11-03 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/02/2000 8:09:22 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 "It's not something he's proud of," Bush spokeswoman Mindy Tucker said,
 explaining why Bush had not come forward with the information on his own.

 Bush was pulled over by police for driving too slowly near his family's
 Kennebunkport, Maine, summer home during the Labor Day weekend.
 Other people were in the car, but Tucker did not know who. 

There are a lot of reasons why I don't want Dubya for president, but none of
them have anything to do with an ancient DUI.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] Bush Finally Admits DUI Arrest

2000-11-03 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/02/2000 10:09:34 PM Eastern Standard Time,


Oh surely not!  Prudy

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Bush Finally Admits DUI Arrest

2000-11-03 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/02/2000 9:11:45 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Who really cares about who lied about what?  The past is the past and no
one is going to change what either one of these nutzoids did in their pasts.
The bottom line is you are not going to find the perfect candidate in the
choices for president available.  So why bother?  And why even bother to
 NEITHER is worthy of my time to go to the poll.  

Now wait a minute.  We've spent eight years investigating things that the
Clintons might or might not have done for the past thirty years.  I thought
the past was the past, until the Republicans spent millions of tax dollars
insisting that every little bit of anything really counted.   So if you don't
want to vote, don't vote, but don't tell me the past is the past until you
can get the Republican party to cough up the money they cost us investigating
it.  Prudy

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: Fw: [toeslist] Fast Track Trade...]

2000-11-03 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/03/2000 7:16:52 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 This would include being “well on the road” toward winning Presidential
 fast track trade negotiating authority from Congress. Unless the other Free
 Trade Area of the Americas members know fast track is on its way, the
 United States will be effectively shut out of the next hemispheric summit,
 Mr. Zoellick told a forum sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relatio 

Smells like MAI to me.  I guess there's another reason to try really hard to
keep old Dubya out of office.  Prudy

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: GOP News Views - November 3, 2000

2000-11-03 Thread Aleisha Saba

Well Clinton let our West burn all to hell and the Los Alamos fire was
deliberately set - on a very windy day - so why not let the mid east

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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Clinton Campaigns While Mideast Burns

"Three Israeli soldiers and six Palestinians died yesterday in fierce
gunbattles throughout the West Bank and Gaza Strip in a day that Israelis
said had turned a civilian uprising into a war," reported the Washington
Times yesterday.  Still, the increasing violence hasn't detracted the
president from his important fundraising and campaign duties.  Priorities,

"October Surprise" Hits Two Days Late

OK.  George W. Bush was arrested for misdemeanor drunk driving in 1976.
Fine.  That was a long time ago, in Bush's youth, and well before driving
under the influence ... thanks primarily to the efforts of groups such as
Mothers Against Drunk Driving ... became such a social taboo.  And fact is,
Bush didn't use his family's influence to duck his responsibility and he his
dues.  In addition, he readily has admitted "youthful indiscretions" in the
past and quit drinking altogether some 16 years ago.

Now ... was the revelation of the incident politically motivated?  Duh.  Of
course it was.

But the real issue is how in the HELL does a $100 million+ presidential
campaign NOT know about an incident like this?  And if it DID know, why in
the HELL didn't they address it a LONG time ago?  How in the HELL does a
presidential campaign let something like this hang out there until 5 days
before D-Day, betting America's future that no one would "find out"?  And
how in the HELL did all those other Republican presidential candidates NOT
find this information during the PRIMARY?

This has got to be one of the most brutal examples of political incompetence
in the history of the GOP.  Fred Barnes of the "Weekly Standard" was right:
"Republicans never blow an opportunity to blow an opportunity."  Many
Republicans have worried for a long time that Bush's Austin team wasn't
quite ready for prime time.  Seems those fears were more than justified.
Let's hope the American voters are smarter than the boobs who tried to hide
this incident and allowed this stink bomb to go off so close to the finish

Trick or Treat

"Peter Roff, a well-known Washington political strategist, says he was out
trick-or-treating with his children Tuesday night in the left-leaning
streets of Alexandria, Va., 'and we come up to a house that has standing in
front of it a life-size cardboard cutout of Al Gore ... nothing else, just a
Gore cutout ... with a sign attached to it that says: 'This is the scariest
thing we could think of.' "

- John McCaslin's "Inside the Beltway," 11/2/00

Goin' Down the Toilet

"Faced with defections to Ralph Nader, the Gore campaign and its allies keep
talking about 'energizing the base' of the Democratic Party.  That led
Philadelphia Inquirer reporter Dick Polman yesterday to quote Democratic
activist James Carville: '[W]henever I hear a campaign talk about a need to
energize the base, that's a campaign that's going down the toilet. It's a
pretty good indication that ... they're getting shelled back into their own
bunker.'  Mr. Carville made the remark in his first book, referring to the
election of 1992 when President Bush was struggling to lock up his base as
many Republicans defected to Ross Perot."

- Greg Pierce's "Inside Politics," 11/2/00

No Wonder Sonny Dumped Her

"Cher is so panic-stricken at the thought of a Bush victory that she has
postponed a trip to Europe to stay in America and campaign for Gore,
ABCNews.com reports. The singer-actress spells out the case for her man with
her usual taste and subtlety: 'Has everyone lost their f---ing minds?
Doesn't anybody remember the illustrious Reagan-Bush years when people had
no money and no jobs? What has happened to people's memories? It's like they
have Alzheimer's or something.'"

- WSJ.com's OpinionJournal, 11/2/00

D.C. Dufus

"(I)f George W. Bush is a lightweight, Al Gore is a deep lightweight: deep
on the surface, profoundly shallow down below. ... He is the kind of
intellect that parrots whatever cyber-sophistry is dressed up in the livery
of au courant sophistication by phony futurists, M.I.T.-media-lab-type
gurus, Tom Peters-type management theory shills and snake-oil Internet
'visionaries'. ... Al Gore gives intelligence a bad name."

- New York Observer's "Edgy Enthusiast" columnist, Ron Rosenbaum

The Lyin' King

"Why should we believe you will tell the truth as president if you 

[CTRL] Fw: Physician's Group Opposes Mandatory Vaccinations

2000-11-03 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -

Please copy and distribute to other interested individuals and groups



Doctor's Group Opposes Vaccine Mandates

A leading national physician organization is calling for a moratorium on all
government mandated vaccines and has passed a resolution to that end at their
annual meeting. The resolution passed without a single "no" vote.


Full story for your convience:

Doctor's Group Opposes Vaccine Mandates

A leading national physician organization is calling for a moratorium on
all government mandated vaccines and has passed a resolution to that end at
their annual meeting. Members of the Association of American Physicians and
Surgeons (AAPS) voted this week at their 57th Annual Meeting in St. Louis
to pass a resolution calling for an end to mandatory childhood vaccines.
The resolution passed without a single "no" vote. (Resolution and mandatory
vaccine fact sheet posted at www.aapsonline.org)

"Our children face the possibility of death or serious long-term adverse
effects from mandated vaccines that aren't necessary or that have very
limited benefits," said Jane M. Orient, MD, AAPS Executive Director.
"This is not a vote against vaccines," said Dr. Orient. "This resolution only
attempts to halt blanket vaccine mandates by government agencies and school
districts that give no consideration for the rights of the parents or the
individual medical condition of the child."

Forty-two states have mandatory vaccine policies, and many children are
required to have 22 shots before first grade. On top of that, as a condition
for school attendance, many school districts require vaccination for diseases
such as hepatitis B -- primarily an adult disease, usually spread by multiple
sex partners, drug abuse or an occupation with exposure to blood.
And yet, children under the age of 14 are three times more likely to suffer
adverse effects -- including death -- following the hepatitis b vaccine than
to catch the disease itself.

Just last week, students in Utica, NY were sent home from school, and told
they could not return until they had been forced to receive hep B
vaccinations. Further, parents were threatened by Child Protective Services
with possible seizure of their children based on "education neglect."
"It's obscene to threaten to seize a child just because his parents refuse
medical treatment that is obviously unnecessary and perhaps even dangerous,"
said Dr. Orient. "AAPS believes that parents, with the advice of their
doctors, should make decisions about their children's medical care -- not
government bureaucrats. This Resolution affirms that position.


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Re: [CTRL] Bush Finally Admits DUI Arrest

2000-11-03 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Well why don;t someone ask Gore and Clinton if they are Communists?  They are


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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Physician's Group Opposes Mandatory Vaccinations

2000-11-03 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

This is probably the most important item I have ever read on the
web.recently it was speaking of this encephalitis causing the brain
to swell, etc., and way back in the 1970 period I had information put
out by the US Deprtment of Health that 1 in 150,000  could have
"swelling of the brain" which often leads to a child spending his life
in a wheel chair, or "palsied", etc., and it was taken as just one of
those things.

I had refused to submit my daughter to this one vaccine and was threated
with potential arrest - now I worked for a Court at the time and was not
easily threatened..I demanded that this loud mouthed school nurse,
or the doctor sign papers taking full responsibility should anything
happen - and of course, the doctor wanted no part of that and the school
nurse wanted no part of itmatter dropped.

Whatever ever happened to the vaccine where it was revealed 1 out of
every 5 children could be made autistic?   The "dumbing down" of
American children - could some of these vaccines be behind this?

Remember the deadly swine flu shots?   If that isn't insulting enough,
"swine" flu as opposed to Victorian flu - how many people today live a
life of hell because of that one and cui bono.

I am glad to see doctors fighting back - and I would like to know how
much Clinton has profitted along with Admiral Crowe - and see how the
anthrax vaccine controversy has faded awayso now to save face, they
claim there are shortages - hoping people will rush out like to the
Super Market prior to a deep freeze.

Vaccinations to give or not to give should be decision of the doctor -
and to think these tiny little babies, not yet two years old in some
instances - they want to give them HIV shots (so they won't get HIV like
our President) before they have a chance to live.

So now I question why they are bringing or going to bring in thousands
of Africans with AIDS, for that is the requirement to get in USA, you
mus have AIDS - why are they bringing in these people to America?   Food
shortage from murdering white farmers, or desire to spread this disease
further in America.

Keep out of public restrooms and public swimming poolsfirst place
Health Department closes down during epidemic, is your local filthy
swimming pool . street people in some instances have been sleeping
not only in the streets, but in public restrooms - many of whom have
AIDS and other diseasesdo not subject your children to these

And imagine - many of these Africans with AIDS will become food handlers
- goodoobye Sarah Lee..

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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Re: [CTRL] Bush Finally Admits DUI Arrest: Now Votescam...

2000-11-03 Thread Stopforth, Jamie

  Who really cares about who lied about
  what? The past is the past and no one is going to change what either one
  of these nutzoids did in their pasts. The bottom
  line is you are not going to find the perfect candidate in the choices for
  president available. So why
  bother?And why even botherto
  NEITHER is worthy of my time to go to the
  eagle 1
  Question there Eagle 1...
  You're running in your first election for City
  Council in a crowded field of 26 candidates. Nine will be elected. The No. I
  local anchorman comes on T.V. at about 9:15 PM and announces that you're going
  to do very well for a first time candidatehe flashes on the screen that
  you're running 12th; only three places from victory. Such a finish would give
  hope to all who were daring to fight city hall. Earlier in the
  evening, a liberal-leftist hometown university professor who was analyzing
  early returns for another local TV station had projected that your arch-rival,
  and his allya sweetheart of the anti-God portion of the establishmentwas
  headed towards defeat. But HO-L-L-L-D EVERYTHING !!!At
  approximately 9.45 PM the same anchorman announces that there has been a
  computer breakdown. 45 minutes later when the computers come back up, a
  massive switch has occurred. You and 7 other feisty challengers have fallen to
  the very bottom of the heap The establishment sweetheart has jumped into a
  winning positionagainst all odds. Despite unprecedented public
  dissatisfaction, the same oldfaces are elected once again. Many conclude that
  "you just can't fight city hall. " Things have worked out just great for all
  those entrenched politicians who seemed to be the object of such public
  dissatisfaction right up to election day. The next morning, you scan the
  papers in vain for any mention of the computer breakdown no record for
  posterity. The above scenario is my storybut it was happening in
  dozens of places all across the nation. It was 1979 and a new day had quietly
  dawned in America - UNVERIFIABLE, RIGGABLE computerized vote
  Ballots for
  BulletsWhen I was small I remember my Dad saying
  how in other countries they would shoot each other to decide the transfer of
  power. In our country it was done by the ballot at election time.
  Millions of American soldiers have fought and bled and died to protect
  your right to free and fair elections; to protect your right to an orderly,
  peaceful transfer of power when the people so will. 
  How Your Parents' Votes Were
  CountedOnce upon a time, Americans voted by Paper
  Ballot. At the end of the day after the polls had closed, neighborhood people,
  Democrats and Republicans, worked together to count the votes in the precinct
  (polling place) BEFORE the votes left that precinct. The count was then posted
  at the precinct polling place for all to see. This is the only way to
  insure a verifiable election. Variations of method are possible, but the
  elements of physical ballots which are counted and posted at the precinct
  before the ballots leave each precinct are essential to insure a fair and
  honest count. To rig an election with the above safeguards built in,
  one would have to bribe many hundreds of neighborhood people, including key
  Democrats and Republicans in each precinct you hoped to rig. Finally, the
  group of people bribed at each precinct would only have access to a tiny
  fraction of the vote. There would be no hope of throwing an election from a
  central location with the push of a button. 
  The Greatest Cover-up
  Begins About 1974 a
  sinister development was in full swing all over the United States. In many
  areas, especially high population regions, the votes were no longer being
  counted in the precincts by neighborhood people. The switch was on to computer
  vote counting systems. Typical was Cincinnati, Oluo where votes were bundled
  up immediately after the polls closed and sent to a mysterious centra computer
  room to be counted by secret computer codes. To add insult to injury, the
  votes were counted away from the watchful eye of the entire electorate and the
  press.Despite the brutal cover up that has been conducted for
  going on date decades by the newsmedia and the major parties to prevent you
  from hearing about this issue, some major media news items have appeared. In a
  rare but superb news story on the eve of the 1988 Presidential election, Dan
  Rather (CBS Evening News) engaged in this exchange with computer expert Howard
  J. Strauss of Princeton University: Rather- "Realistically, could
  the fix be put on in a national election?" Strauss: "Get me a job with
  the company that writes the software for this program. (ed-
  Strauss was referring to the most common computer program in use) Then
  I'd have access to one third of the votes. Is that enough to fix a general

Re: [CTRL] Could Israel Have Bombed The USS Cole???

2000-11-03 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/2/00 6:55:37 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Suicide missions have not been part of the Israeli military strategy.  I
would never suspect them.  Prudy 

But what if the mossad convinced a couple of arabs to do the suicide mission
for the greater good of all arabs against the Great Satan?

Of course it would be understood that they would not tell the arabs that they
were Jews but would pass themselves off as arabs.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Bush Finally Admits DUI Arrest

2000-11-03 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-

Let's see now...

Did Bush drive his car off a bridge while drunk?

Did a female passenger drown?

Did he fail to recue her?

Since none of these things happened, Bush obviously is totally

Those who expect to reap the benefits of freedom,
must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting
it. - Thomas Paine

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [corp-focus] It's No Accident

2000-11-03 Thread Kris Millegan

It's No Accident
By Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

Imagine this: You are a prosecutor. You indict a person for homicide. You
type up a press release and plan to hold a press conference to announce
the indictment.

But before you say anything to the media about the indictment, you must
first consult with the lawyer for the defendant. And under the law, the
lawyer for the defendant has a right to veto anything you say in the press
release, or at the press conference. And the lawyer for the defendant has
the right to negotiate the wording of the press release.

No prosecutor in his or her right mind would accept such an intrusion by a
person accused of a crime.

But a similar situation is being tolerated by the Consumer Product Safety
Commission (CPSC), the federal policing agency set up to enforce consumer
protection laws, including those covering children's products made by
companies such as Hasbro (Playskool), Mattel (Fisher-Price), Graco/Century
Products, Evenflo, Cosco, Safety 1st and Kolcraft.

Under the law that set up the CPSC, before the agency releases information
to the public, it must notify the company of its intention. If the company
disputes the accuracy or fairness of the information to be released, then
the general counsel of the CPSC gets involved and the dispute over the
press release could end up in federal court. But the CPSC is strapped for
resources, and the result is, in most cases, the company gets its way.

What's the consequence of such a policy? More than most, this policing
agency has become subordinate to the industry it polices. And the result
is that hundreds of innocent children are killed and thousands are injured
by consumer products every year -- products that would have been pulled
off the market by an independent agency not hamstrung by corporate

One such infant who died was Danny Keysar. In May 1998, 17-month old Danny
was at a daycare home. His daycare provider put him down for a nap in a
Playskool Travel-Lite portable crib. A short while later, when she went to
check on him, she found that the crib had collapsed with Danny in it. His
neck was caught in the rails. He wasn't breathing. He died.

Marla Felcher, then a professor of marketing at Northwestern University,
was a friend of Danny's parents. She attended Danny's funeral.

At the funeral, Danny's mother urged Felcher to investigate why Danny

Within a week of beginning her investigation, Felcher realized that
Danny's death should never have happened. The crib that killed Danny had
been recalled five years earlier. Danny was the fifth child to be killed
by this particular Playskool portable crib model. Other companies
manufactured cribs using the same design. And over 1.5 million units of
other portable cribs had been recalled, and at least a dozen children have
been killed in total.

The whole idea of the portable crib is that it collapses easily. The top
rails on these types of portable cribs have a hinge in the center. A child
could stand up, grab onto the top rail, and collapse it. Danny's weight
was strong enough to collapse the crib. When cribs of this sort collapse,
the top rail bends at the center hinge, forms a "V" and the child is
knocked down. His neck or chest can get caught in the grip of the V, and
he is no longer able to breathe.

The problem with the Playskool crib and others that were designed the same
way is that it is possible for a caregiver to set up the crib and assume
that it is locked into place, when it is not.

"The coroners' reports on all these portable crib fatalities are
shockingly similar -- the kid was found trapped in the 'V' of the folded
crib rails," Felcher told us last week.

The control that the consumer product industry has over the CPSC is truly
mindboggling. For example, some products pose a serious risk of injury to
children, while others present only a slight risk. But because the
industry has a stranglehold over the information flow from CPSC to the
public, reporters and consumer never find out whether the risk is serious
or not.

Thus while the CPSC rates how dangerous a product is -- A, B, C, D -- the
rating is not made public.

And because the CPSC is not aggressive in getting information out about
product hazards, when it does recall a dangerous product, a very small
percentage -- perhaps 10 to 30 percent -- of the product gets pulled off
the market. One of those recalled products that failed to get pulled from
the market was the crib that killed Danny Keysar.

Felcher has written up the findings of her investigation in a book (It's
No Accident: How the Infant Products Industry Compromises Baby Safety
(Common Courage Press, February 2001)). And Danny's parents have set up a
non-profit to help get dangerous children's products off the market

But true progress won't be made until a new political culture sweeps
Washington, one that values human life over the almighty dollar. Only then
will the police be liberated 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Perot endorses Dubya.....new dossier, going up tomorrow, I hope

2000-11-03 Thread Kris Millegan

Hi all, 
This will go up tomorrow evening at disinfo.com

So Can we Really Trust G. W. Bush?

While current Republican Presidential hopeful George W. Bush has admitted 
in 1976 he was arrested for DUI while driving in Maine with friends, (Nov. 1, 
2000), he
still portrays himself as the man who will bring honor and integrity back to 
the highest
office in the land. But this unfortunately is not the only shadiness in 
Bush’s past, nor the
only illegal action on his part.

G.W. Bush violated federal securities law at least 4 times in the late 
80s and early
90s, says a recent report from the Center for Public Integrity by Knut Royce, 
reported in
collaboration with TALK magazine. According to an internal government memo of 
US Securities and Exchange Commission CPI obtained, written in 1991 during an
investigation into a sale by Bush of Harken Energy Corporation stock just 
before the Gulf
War dropped the value of company Director Bush’s shares drastically. 
Investigators found
the Bush had made a habit of filing notice of insider information and sales 
with the SEC
in an extremely untimely fashion. The press made much of the investigation at 
one point,
alleging that because the SEC did not file charges on the one previously 
known sale of
Harken shares in 1991, it must not have been a big deal. But CPI found that 
there were
not one, but at least 4 separate instances where Bush had illegally waited to 
file notice
with the SEC, and that SEC investigators could see a pattern to Bush’s late 
filings, almost
as though he were trying to hide them for the maximum time he could. 

The Securities and Exchange Commission Act of 1934 requires that all company 
must report publicly all transactions, both sales and purchases by filing a 
Form 4 report
by the 10 day of the month following the deal. But Bush did not do that. This 
can alert
“outside investors that company officers or directors are nervous about the 
earnings or growth. They can also alert the SEC that an officer or director 
benefited from
information that only an insider could have known, a violation of securities 
laws,” report
CPI. All 4 late filings involved transactions totally more than $1 million 
dollars. While
the SEC decided not to press charges, it is obvious from the SEC memo that 
felt Bush knew he what he was doing, as he had already filed Form 4s in other
transactions involving other companies at which he either sat on the board, 
or was
director of.  

Bush has also been told by a judge in Texas that he must face a civil rights 
lawsuit filed
by environmental activists who were non-violently protesting outside of the 
mansion last Spring, according to Brian Hansen at the Environmental News 
Bush told reporters a5t the time that “people just gotta respect the rules,” 
even though it
was his action that was breaking the rules by allowing the Texas Department 
of Public
Safety police officers arrest lawfully protesting activists.

On Thursday, Nov. 2, 2000, Bush told a crowd of supporters during a campaign 
stop in
Pittsburgh, while standing next to Gulf War “hero” Colin Powell, “In my 
we’ll make it clear there is the controlling legal authority of conscience. 
We will make
people proud again, so that Americans who love their country can once again 
respect their
government,” reports Laurie Kellman of the Associated Press.

This guy wants to be President of the biggest, most powerful country in the 
Both he and his running mate, Dick Cheney, are harping on about how they want 
to bring
back a government the American people can trust. Ok, so who are they 
suggesting we can
trust? Certainly not themselves I’d hope, but unfortunately for us all, that 
is exactly who
they are talking about.
620 words
Preston Peet

1- Bush Gets Tough on Limited Liability
3 pyramids
This article and comment details G.W. Bush’s proposal to go after the 
shareholders for
crimes committed in their name by corporations and companies. Sounds 
idealistic as the
commentator notes, and more than a bit disingenuous.

2- The Bush Watch
4 pyramids
This is a great page, with tons of info on Shrub, and if you scroll about 
half-way down the
page you can see both info on Bush tax-cuts in Texas, the results of those 
cut, and his
Dad’s Savings and Loans connections.

3- George W. Bush- Billionaires Politician Puppet
4 pyramids
This is the book by Chris Fick, online free at the George W. Bush Issues- 
Right House
Home Page, for a limited time only, on Shrub and the strings that control him 
and make
him dance. This is quite a read, and not cheerful. “Read the frightening 
story of GWB,
and the Bush family’s involvement in the S and L scandal,” it says here.

4- George W. Bush Exploratory 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] The War Machine Outside the State

2000-11-03 Thread Kris Millegan

A reflection on the Virilio interview:

"Today, almost all-current technologies put the speed 
of light to work. And, as you know, here we are not 
only talking about information at a distance but also 
operation at a distance, or, the possibility to act 
instantaneously, from afar."

   -- Paul Virilio

Speed is very important to resistance. The goal isn't
to slay an anaconda without breaking a heel (meow!), but,
rather, to break heels, empires (and the ocassional
will) in the great babylons while not getting crushed
by the heels of the powerful. Power has set up
its mechanisms of eliminating and marginalizing
the dissidents. Mainly it wears them down and
then co-opts them in an apathetic haze.

Resistance today means establishing small, even temporary, 
territorial spaces from which to launch it. That can be
the classic guerrilla jungle terrain (where the
anacondas are our friends -- Mother Nature's land
mine for those who don't know the jungle) and it
can also be a "cyber-territory," a web site, an
email address, or a combination of them to speed up
Virilio's concept of a nuclear-type chain reaction
leading to the pulverization of established spaces
of power. And, yes, it does mean out-running the
fat and slothful beasts of institutional power.

Marcos of the Zapatistas, to me, is the pioneer of
applying the work of Virilio, of Deleuze and Guattari,
even of poor old Baudrillard. "This is a war of
words, not of guns," he said, but he had to use
guns to establish the small piece of territory
with which to launch his cyber-guerrilla. The
Party of the State in Mexico pulverized, but that
is only the first evidence of what the Zapatistas
have brought about. More is on the way.

Power knows it. Has anybody read David Ronfeldt's
work at the Rand Corporation on net-war? It was
the first attempt from the Cathedrals of Power
to offer an intellectual response to the new
tactics established by Zapatismo. And at the
same time it was part of the pulverization process,
as serious opponents of the system used Ronfeldt's
work as a model to improve upon cyber-Zapatismo.

The other brilliance of Zapatismo -- and here is
where they apply another realm of Virilio's work --
was in the resurrection of ancient indigenous
thought processes and war strategies using
the enemy's technological info-weapons. "The
war machine outside the state" is a term of
Felix Guattari and Gilles Deleuze from their
1972 "Anti-Oedipus." Virilio and others later
analyzed the system of indigenous tribal wars
in the Amazon as forces that prevented State
power from establishing domain over territory.

Given that the latest turn in the conquest is Power's
aim to conquer territory and sovereignty by eliminating
them, as Virilio spoke about in that interview,
the study and use of what are really indigenous
technologies of war and revolution is increasingly
important. In my times "on the mountain" I never believed
for a second that I had anything to teach the Zapatistas.
To the contrary, it is them who have everything to
teach us.

Speed is also important in defusing information
bombs thrown against the resistance. My view is
that at current rates of speed, one has 24 hours
to defuse a lie once it is launched, before it
reproduces and mutates in a thousand forms. Another
interesting reading on these concepts, less stodgy
than our dear French philosophers, is Douglas
Rushkoff's "Media Virus" and his concept of
replicating information "memes".

Baudrillard's "The Gulf War Never Happened", I and II,
I would posit, was also part of a pulverization. Of
course that concept was ridiculous, as a million or more dead
or suffering Iraquis, and some poisoned US Vets, know 
all too well.

In 1996, I co-hosted a birthday party in
NY before leaving the States. My friend Sylvere
Lotringer of Semiotext(e) came by with Baudrillard
and they sat down at a table. I snippet of the
conversation will always stay with me:

Sylvere: This is Jean Baudrillard.

Penny Arcade: You're not Baudrillard!

Baudrillard: (inaudible grunt)

Penny Arcade: You're not Baudrillard because
Baudrillard doesn't exist. He didn't happen!


But Marcos, he is still happening. And I sometimes
wonder why more people who've read those great
French works remain armchair readers and don't
apply them in a serious resistance to Power.
I've developed a distrust of almost anyone who
doesn't put their own "lives, fortune and sacred
honor" on the line. Talk is cheap.

And as the Zapatistas have shown, it involves
a whole lot more than developing "a culture of
technology." Asserting a culture of food, work,
home, land, justice and re-imposing these more
basic aspects onto the technological morass is
where the resistance is found. Ruthlessness,
cunning, patience and sweetness are the four
attributes said Castaneda's don Juan. Incoherence
is non-response. "Revolutionary coherence," as
Guy Debord writ, is mandatory. And it drives
the incoherent to distraction. Oh well, sun's

[CTRL] OEN 11/3/00

2000-11-03 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin
Withhold Not, and Ye Shall Not Be Withheld

Arrow Plastics Stops Working for IRS

Ends employee withholding taxes.

While there are an ever growing number of Employer's that are taking steps to
honor Employee request to legally stop withholding, it is a rare brave
individual who steps forward and publicly proclaims before the whole country
on the worldwide web that employee's are not required to furnish a Social
Security Number or W-4 to work, in fact no withholding will be made from
their remuneration.

The below letter from Mr. Simkanin was received at Taxgate:

As planned, starting the first of the year, Arrow Plastics stopped all
withholding from its 45 employees. A few of the people are upset because they
now have to take responsibility for themselves to pay a tax that they have
determined they are responsible for. Two employees actually quit because of
the new tax posture Arrow has taken. The rest have taken a wait and see
attitude. About half have said they would not file this year based on the
education they have been given by the company. NOTICE I said EDUCATION not

On January 31, we filed corrected and amended W-2s, 941s, 940’s and 1099’s
for the past three years. This involved $2,954,607.00 in remuneration.

We hired four new people in January told them we did not need their SS# nor
did we require a W4 from them. Needless to say they were delighted, after I
gave them an explanation as to why we didn't need this information. And that
reason is basically this:

The company does not have the authority nor the police power to determine if
the people that work for Arrow are or are not responsible for any tax
what-so-ever. Also, Arrow has determined that they are not an agent for any
government agency, including the IRS. In the past, Arrow has acted as an
agent, FREE of CHARGE, for the IRS and collected money from every employee
and passed it along to the IRS. Arrow has determined that this could be
construed a conspiracy with the IRS to defraud the people that work for
Arrow. Arrow Custom Plastics no longer wishes to participate in such an

BTW, 90% prayer and 10% consultation went into this decision.

Remember, "for evil to prevail, all it takes is for good men to do
nothing." - Edmund Burke.

Dick Simkanin, General Manager
Arrow Custom Plastics
817 540 1892 Ext. 204
FAX 817 283 1081
Web Site: .ArrowPlastics.com
Postal address:
Arrow Custom Plastics
3717 Commerce Place, Suite A
Bedford, Texas 76021
( Be sure to visit their website at
http://www.ArrowPlastics.com/opportunitie.htm )

Members have access to the latest data on how Employers are beginning legal
zero withholding for their Employees.

Thanks to several employers who have worked with us to forge ahead and
tactfully insist that the IRS abide by their own laws and procedures, we will
all benefit.

The Senior Members and Senior Associates of Taxgate will continue to achieve
newer and greater heights in this area as time goes on.

We are very excited with the projects that are currently on the drawing board
and being achieved as you read this.

Call us on this if you need more info in the interim!
http://www.taxgate.com/results/zero_withholding.htm, November 3, 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] Jerusalem bomb kills daughter of religious leader

2000-11-03 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


Click Here: A

rrqpg=/et/00/11/3/wmid03.html"Jerusalem bomb kills daughter of
religious lead…/A
ISSUE 1988  Friday 3 November 2000

Jerusalem bomb kills daughter of religious leader
By Alan Philps in Jerusalem

Roots of violence are found in the olive groves
Middle East Factfile

A CAR bomb in the centre of Jerusalem that killed two people, including the
daughter of a prominent religious party leader, yesterday complicated efforts
to prop up a shaky truce designed to end five weeks of clashes between Israel
and the Palestinians.

Killed: Shahar LevyShahar Levy, 28, a mother of three, was the daughter of
Yitzhak Levy, leader of the National Religious Party, which represents the
interests of Jewish settlers in West Bank and Gaza Strip, who are in a state
of near-war with their Palestinian neighbours.

Witnesses said that a Mazda car packed with explosives blew up in a narrow
street, killing two and injuring nine people. Yaakov Hassoum, a shopkeeper,
said: "I saw her on the ground and her legs had been blown off. I hoped she
was alive, but she was dead." The other victim was not immediately identified.

Mrs Levy had just left a West Bank settlement to seek safety in Jerusalem
from the violence in the Palestinian territories and was moving into a rented
flat. Six of the other wounded were members of a family that had also sought
refuge in the city - in their case from the southern suburb of Gilo, which
has been the scene of nightly gun battles between the Israeli army and
Palestinian militiamen.

Fresh fighting erupted last night between Gilo and the Palestinian village of
Beit Jala, with the army returning fire without its usual precaution of
warning the Palestinian residents to take cover. Two more Palestinians were
shot dead by the Israeli army yesterday, despite efforts to enforce a truce
negotiated on Wednesday night by the former prime minister, Shimon Peres, as
a way to bring both sides back from the brink of war. He said he had stepped
in to prevent "terrible bloodshed".

The fate of the truce hung in the balance last night, with the Israelis
demanding that Yasser Arafat, the Palestinian leader, issue a personal appeal
for an end to violence. This would be matched by a similar statement from
Ehud Barak, the Israeli Prime Minister, who had been due to make his appeal
when the car bomb exploded.
But there was no talk of truce at the bomb site. David Tayfield, who lives
near the site of the explosion, said: "Barak should go now and face justice.
He legalised the Palestinian terrorists."

A neighbour, Michael Bernstein, said: "The only answer is to raze Gaza and
take over the territory. Why should we give it back to the Arabs? Are the
Americans going to hand Texas back to the Spanish? The problem with us Jews
is that we are always looking for approval. We need a strong leader who would
not be afraid of the world."

Last night, Mr Arafat said his Palestinian Authority was completely against
the car bombing, which was claimed in Beirut by the militant Islamic Jihad,
an Iranian-backed group known for a string of suicide bomb attacks. He said:
"We are against it completely." Israel said it held the Palestinian Authority
responsible by releasing Islamic militants at the start of the wave of unrest
that has killed at least 168 people, mostly Palestinians.

The car bombing, in Shomron Street, a pretty alley of small houses, could
have been much worse. It is a religious neighbourhood and many residents saw
the hand of God in averting a much greater catastrophe.

French-born Mrs Camille Goslan said: "It is one of the miracles of the state
of Israel. Without these miracles none of us would survive. The terrorists
were heading for the Mahane Yehuda market. It is Thursday afternoon, the time
that everyone stocks up on food for the weekend. They wanted to kill as many
Jews as possible."
The car that blew up was heading away from the market down a one-way street,
perhaps lost in the maze of alleys. Some witnesses said the suspect car was
being chased by the police and was blocked by a removal van. The driver
apparently fled and detonated the explosives by remote control.

There was an angry mood as crowds chanted "death to Arabs". When it emerged
that the bombers had probably escaped, a manhunt began in all directions.
There are many Arabs who work in the market stalls, and they melted away
instantly, fearing possible vengeance.

John Phillips, originally from Newcastle, said: "I was half asleep when there
was an enormous boom. I heard the neighbours shouting and I rushed out
half-dressed and bare-foot. They were saying there was half a body in the

Last night, the atmosphere in Jerusalem was sombre, with people hurrying home
early in case the car bomb was followed by another, as has been the 

[CTRL] Judge threatens girls with `hell'

2000-11-03 Thread Carl Amedio

Judge threatens girls with `hell' 

November 2, 2000BY CHRIS FUSCO SUBURBAN REPORTER "If you lie, you will go to hell," a Cook County judge warned two girls in his court before they testified about their dead poodle.Judge James T. Ryan once kept a woman in court until she soiled herself, and fined another woman for speeding to a hospital to give birth. The former mayor of Arlington Heights says he has since learned to control his temper.Now, he's in trouble with Diane Tuzzolino, a Mount Prospect mother who says he scared her children, Karyn, 12, and Kara, 8."My older daughter went to testify," Tuzzolino said. "He told her, `You realize if you lie, you will go to hell. You realize what I'm saying, you will go to hell.' "The judge, she says, then made a similar statement to Kara.Ryan isn't disputing that he mentioned the afterlife in his Rolling Meadows courtroom. But he says he treated Tuzzolino's children with respect, speaking kindly to see if they were fit to testify in a heartbreaking case."I might have said, `It was conceivable you could go to hell,' though I don't remember exactly. Sometimes people misperceive what I'm trying to do."The family was in court Friday to dispute a $312.70 bill from a Schaumburg animal hospital, which cared for Tabitha, the family's 19-year-old black poodle-Pomeranian mix.Ryan, 66, sided with the plaintiff, Golf Rose Animal Hospital. But upsetting Tuzzolino just as much was Ryan's attitude toward her kids.State law requires judges to make sure that children under 15 know the consequences of lying. If judges have doubts, Ryan said, they can keep the children from testifying.Because small claims court doesn't have court reporters, it's impossible to know exactly what Ryan said. In an interview Wednesday, the judge said he "felt sorry for the kids" and was trying to discourage Tuzzolino from making them testify.A signed receipt for the veterinarian's work, Ryan said, made Tuzzolino responsible for the bill, despite her argument that the dog already had died when she brought it to the animal hospital last April. The girls testified that the dog's head had drooped in the car on the way to the vet, Ryan said."I didn't want the children to testify, but she was insistent," he said. "I questioned the children, asking them if they knew the difference between right and wrong ... and what would happen to them if they did not tell the truth."When she heard the judge, "I was basically speechless," said Tuzzolino, 38. "Never in my life have I heard a judge say that, even to an adult."Joseph J. Urso, presiding judge at the Rolling Meadows courthouse, said judges typically avoid such words."It has negative connotations," Urso said. "Most people would not use those kinds of words. But that doesn't mean the way it was used in this case was improper."Urso said he has received "virtually no complaints" about Ryan this year. Urso reassigned Ryan from traffic to small claims court in October 1999, after Ryan refused to let a Schaumburg woman use the bathroom. Ryan previously fined a Streamwood woman $95 for speeding to a hospital to give birth.Ryan, who plans to seek another term in 2002, said he's learned to control his demeanor in court, an opinion seconded by the chief judge."Judge Ryan has done a good job trying to curb many of the problems that might have occurred," Urso said. "I'm surprised to hear about this."

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[CTRL] Houdini Hillary and Bill four years from a White House return

2000-11-03 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A
Hillary and Bill four years from a Whit…/A


Houdini Hillary and Bill four years from a White House return

'Two for the price of one' - political fantasy (or prophesy?) as the Clintons
look towards a New York Senatorial victory and 2004, asks Jennifer Hewett.

When he was campaigning for the White House eight long years ago, Bill
Clinton liked to joke that people were getting two for the price of one. The
joke went horribly flat after Bill took it seriously and appointed Hillary to
reform health care.

The White House ended up with a political debacle and the deeply unpopular
Hillary was dispatched to deep background. She only really re-emerged in 1998
- courtesy of Monica - when she got to play the Much Wronged Wife defending
her husband no matter what.

Talk about revenge. It now seems more than likely that we are going to see
Senator Hillary Clinton, of New York. This should make Bill feel a little
better about the prospect of Al Gore losing the unlosable election and
squandering what he sees as the grand Clinton legacy.

Instead, we'd all have the good senator to burnish the Clinton myth. Not to
mention all the hype about Hillary using her victory to try for the White
House in 2004.

Oh dear. Just imagine all the trouble Bill could get into if returned to the
White House as First Gentleman. The political psychologists would be beside

The Clintons have already made the insides of the White House far more
riveting than television rip-offs of real life such as Survivor. Act II could
only become extraordinary essential daily viewing.

All right, all right, this may be entering the realm of democratic fantasy,
but the most remarkable thing about the Clinton twosome is that they are now
both proven political Houdinis. What seems ridiculous or downright impossible
becomes another amazing feat of escape and reinvention.
Bill Clinton managed to slip right through the Monica Lewsinky scandal and
out the other side, mocking everyone who had predicted his demise.

Yes, most people don't think much of his character - particularly Hillary's
former wife-in- arms, Tipper Gore - but he remains a highly popular
President. No guilt here that can't be immediately expiated by dropping into
a black church for forgiveness. Bill's latest trick was to suggest happily
that seeing that he'd said sorry about the Lewinsky mess, it was time for
Republicans to apologise.

Cut to image of Gore family, teeth clenching. For most of this campaign, Al
I'm-my-own-man Gore has treated his colleague as if Clinton has political
halitosis. Mistake.

Even though Clinton stirs some people to incandescent rage, their numbers are
overwhelmed by the power of the presidential personality and the general
feeling that the US has done well with him in the White House.

He still sounds inspiring even if he has proved that words don't mean much
other than the seamless spinning of illusion. If he could run for the
presidency again, he would probably win.
The Hillary picture is as complicated. She, too, has a large core of people
who hate her with great passion - a passion she reciprocates. In this most
unlikely campaign, though, she has managed to veer away from such obsessions
and concentrate on persuading New Yorkers she cares about their issues. Smile
sympathetically now.

In terms of marketing, her successful relaunch can only be applauded. She has
always had some of the Gore problem - lecturing people on detail in a way
that is always vaguely irritating and know-all. But, unlike Al, she has
proved quicker at learning campaign tricks from the master.
She now connects personally with voters, helped by the fact that they know so
much about the dreadful details of her marriage. It becomes harder to
describe her as imperious and easier to consider her dignified in the face of

It's also true that she got lucky when Republican mayor Rudy Giuliani dropped
out of the race. Despite the image problems of trigger happy police, he's
admired for cleaning up New York City and would have undermined Hillary's
strength there. Relentlessly suburban Rick Lazio doesn't have the star power
to compete.

Of course, Bill as senatorial spouse won't be quite the same as Bill as
President, but don't expect him to fade away either.

If Gore loses, the Democrats will be in despair. Clinton will be the best
known national leader left standing. If Gore wins, Bill will be irrepressible
and certain to claim his share of the credit.

He will certainly be the perfect partner for Senator Clinton, saving the
world in Washington. Think of it as two for the price of one.

Copyright © 2000. The Sydney Morning Herald
All rights reserved.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. 

[CTRL] Kasparov Loses His Crown As World Chess Champion

2000-11-03 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.iht.com/IHT/TODAY/FRI/FPAGE/chess.2.html"
Kasparov Loses His Crown As World Chess Champion/A
Paris, Friday, November 3, 2000
Kasparov Loses His Crown As World Chess Champion

International Herald Tribune

Garry Kasparov's 15-year reign as world chess champion ended Thursday in

The former champion drew the 15th game of his 16-game match with a fellow
Russian, Vladimir Kramnik, giving the challenger a score of 8.5 to Mr.
Kasparov's 6.5.

The psychological collapse of Mr. Kasparov, 37, in the match has baffled most
experts. Mr. Kasparov has shown little of the fighting spirit for which is
famous. Mr. Kramnik won the second and 10th games. All the others have been
draws. One of the drawn games lasted only 11 moves and another only 14.

Mr. Kasparov is the strongest grandmaster ever, with an Elo rating of 2,849.

Mr. Kramnik, 25, a former student of Mr. Kasparov and his second during one
of his successful title defenses, is the world No. 2 by Elo ranking, at
2,770. Mr. Kasparov had said that he expected Mr. Kramnik one day to succeed
him as world champion.

Despite Mr. Kasparov's loss of the title, the 16th game is to be played
Saturday under terms of the match.
As the victor, Mr. Kramnik is to receive $1.33 million of the $2 million
purse. Mr. Kasparov will receive $670,000

Mr. Kasparov's only hope to retain the title had been to win on Thursday and
again on Saturday, giving him a draw in a match in which he has not yet won a

To explain his poor performance, Mr. Kasparov said over the weekend that he
had ''experienced a problem all along during this contest.'' He added, ''It
is a long story that I shall reveal later on.''

Michael Greengard, the American chess master who runs Mr. Kasparov's Web
site, told The Associated Press before Thursday's game that he was tired of
being asked what the problem was.

''I just tell everyone,'' he said, ''that aliens have stolen his brain and
are going to transplant it into Elvis's body somewhere near Neptune.''

Mr. Kasparov won the world championship in 1985 at the age of 22 - the
youngest player ever to do so. He had held the title for longer than any
other player in the 20th century, with the exception of Emanuel Lasker of
Germany, who was champion from 1894 to 1921.

Mr. Kasparov was also the first world champion to lose his title without
winning a single game since Mr. Lasker lost in 1921 to Jose Raul Capablanca
of Cuba, who held the title until 1927.

Mr. Kasparov's collapse did not surprise one grandmaster, however, who bet on
Mr. Kasparov to lose before the match had even begun.

Nigel Short of Britain, who challenged Mr. Kasparov for the title in 1993 and
was easily defeated, has written that he made a $50 bet with a former world
champion, Anatoli Karpov, that Mr. Kasparov would be beaten.

Mr. Karpov, from whom Mr. Kasparov wrested the title in 1985, was so sure
that Mr. Kasparov would retain the championship that he gave Mr. Short 2-1
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CTRL] Fresia's book: The Secret Government and the Rise of Nazi Germany

2000-11-03 Thread Kris Millegan

From the extract presented it  appears this book is another one sided effort
..but the British and Americans supported BOTH  SIDES...the Whites and
the Reds (but not the Greens) in the inter war period.

Fresia is a good writer and researcher.  Lets have the other side please'

Good place to start is the Trans Siberian Railroad and Woodrow Wilson papers.

Until you see this is Hegelian terms you will have gigantic gaps in the story


[CTRL] CLuMs crown Klum

2000-11-03 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

As, always, Caveat Lector
-Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:649412"CLuMs crown
Subject: CLuMs crown Klum
Date: Sat, Oct 28, 2000 7:24 PM

  The clandestine Luciferian Masons (CLuMs) who manage the Coors
Brewing Company have crowned supermodel Heidi Klum as "Queen of
Halloween" for the year 2000.

  Halloween is a very important Luciferian feast.  For example, the
Masons of Massachusetts had asked the Governor of that state to issue an
official proclamation on Halloween recognizing the "contributions" of
Freemasonry.  Moreover, last year, on Halloween, CLuMs downed
EgyptAir Flight 990.

  As I have written in the February 2000 issue of "Contemporary
Indications of a Conspiracy", the birthdays of the two top German
supermodels, Claudia Shapiro, a.k.a. Claudia Schiffer, and Heidi Klum, had
presaged the assassinations of Pope Paul VI and Pope John Paul I, as well
as the Luciferian Masonic death and resurrection of CIA-asset Karol
Wojtyla, a.k.a. Pope John Paul II, on the thirteenth day of May 1981.

  These two birthdays also foreshadowed the assassination of Princess
Diana of Wales.

  The Coors "Queen of Halloween" for 1999 was actress Salma Hayek.
As I have written in the March 2000 issue of "Contemporary Indications",
Shania Twain, Salma Hayek, and Cindy Crawford celebrated the beginning
of the public reign of the Antichrist in last year's Revlon commercials by
proclaiming:  "Good-bye, clumps!"

  Here is wisdom:  There was a New Moon on Halloween in 1997.

  Ms. Klum was born in Bergisch Gladbach.

Subject: Re: CLuMs crown Klum
Date: Sun, Oct 29, 2000 2:04 PM

  Manny Blanco wrote:

Dear Kansan,
I understand that you fear Masonry as you have no true knowledge of what it
about. I do not understand your attack on these beautiful young ladies who
very hard in their industry.. Your jealousy has no bounds I see...


Bro. Manny Blanco  (J.W.)
Moreno Valley Lodge # 804
Moreno Valley, CA

"Behold  how good and pleasant it is for Brethren to dwell together in

  I have nothing against these ladies individually.  Heidi Klum, in
particular, is a very pretty young lady with a great sense of humor.

  However, CLuM apparatchiks have picked them for celebrity because of
their birthdays and birth places.

  Heidi's selection as "Queen of Halloween" further links the "accidental"
death of Missouri Governor Mel Carnahan to the Zodiac attack on the USS
Subject: Re: CLuMs crown Klum
Date: Sun, Oct 29, 2000 6:35 PM

  Jim For wrote:

Subject: Re: CLuMs crown Klum
Date: 10/29/00 4:38 PM Central Standard Time

(Kansan1225 wrote:)
   Heidi's selection as "Queen of Halloween" further links the "accidental"
death of Missouri Governor Mel Carnahan to the Zodiac attack on the USS

Please predict on this board several important things before they happen.


  My major long-term prediction concerns the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

  The central Masonic obsession is the Temple of Solomon and they have
planning to build the Third Temple over the centuries.  What I predict will
happen is that a CIA-guided "terrorist" organization like Hamas will take over
the Temple Mount.  The Israelis will then besiege them.  In the ensuing battle
the Islamic structures on the Mount will be demolished.  The destruction will
be blamed on the "terrorists" by Israel, and on Israel by the Arabs.

  The next step will be "urban renewal", the building of the Third Temple
by CLuMs, to serve as the headquarters of the Antichrist.

  Last year I used to think that this scenario would take place in June
1999, because of the two Blue Moons in January and March 1999.  It turned out
that the two Blue Moons were used by CLuMs to mark the "war" over Kosovo, the
final "world war" of the 20th century.  (WWI, WWII, and the Gulf War were all
started by CLuMs around the times of Blue Moons.)

My present estimate for the Temple Mount battle is within the next five to
ten years.
Subject: Re: CLuMs crown Klum
Date: Mon, Oct 30, 2000 10:52 AM

Thanks for the prediction.   The definition of a bogus predictive ability
involve "predicting"  things after they have occured.IMO, this seems to be
the case among certain predictors.   At least you made a prediction of
something  before it happened.  I will save your prediction and see what
happens.   If you are correct, 

[CTRL] Michael Parenti on American Fascism

2000-11-03 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:649251"Michael Parenti on
American Fascism/A
Subject: Michael Parenti on American Fascism
From: Alex Constantine A HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Date: Fri, Oct 27, 2000 11:17 PM



"... fascism in power is the open terrorist dictatorship of the most
reactionary, most chauvinistic and most imperialist elements of finance

*  Fascism destroys unions and assaults worker's rights.
*  Fascism is violent force an terrorist rule of
*  Fascism is divide and conquer; it is hysteria and scapegoating.
*  Fascism is the destruction of communism.
*  Fascism is state-legal murder.
*  Fascism is racism and anti-Semitism.
*  Fascism is the way they defend corporate Amerikkka and profits.

Germany was capitalism in the employ of the Nazis to destroy socialism
and perpetrate the holocaust.
America had similar aims, the destruction of socialism and socialists,
many of whom were Jewish.
Many monopolists supported Germany and the financial buildup of German
and Italian fascism.
But, when Nazi German became a threat to corporate interests in
Amerikkka, it was time to go to war against Germany. It was a phony war.
NATO are shock troops of imperialism and carry the banner of false
democracy and liberty while conducting acts of aggression.
Thousands of Nazi war criminals were expatriated to Amerikka because the
objectives of monopoly capitalism is to oppose class antagonisms,
liberation movements, communist ideology.
The ideological war against communism/socialism continues. And the
rewriting of world history is part of that ideological war. The truth is
the enemy of fascist capitalism.
There is class struggle and an awareness of this is necessary for our
The Golem

by Michael Parenti
Fascism is a false revolution. It makes a revolutionary appeal without
making an actual revolution. It propagates the widely proclaimed New
Order while serving the same old monied interests.
Before World War I, Benito Mussolini was a socialist, but the minute the
wealthy classes in Italy offered him financial support and power, he
didn't hesitate to switch sides. (We know about people who switch sides,
don't we?) And with the huge sums he got from wealthy interests,
Mussolini was able to project himself onto the national scene as the
leader of a movement that specialized in attacking unions, peasant farm
cooperatives, socialists, communists, and anarchists.
After World War I, to maintain profit levels, the large industrialists
and big land owners had to slash wages and raise prices. The state, in
turn, had to provide the big owners with massive subsidies and tax
exemptions. To finance this corporate welfarism, the populists had to be
taxed more heavily, and social welfare expenditures drastically cut.
(Does all of this sound familiar?)
But the government wasn't completely free to apply harsh measures
because many Italian workers and peasants had their own unions and
fairly strong political organizations. With demonstrations, strikes,
boycotts, factory takeovers, they won substantial concessions in wages
and work conditions and the right to organize and were able to defend
their standard of living. To roll back that standard of living and to
get the economic changes that the plutocrats and tycoons wanted, the
ruling interests had to abolish the democratic rights that helped
workers and peasants defend that standard. The solution was to smash
their organizations and their political liberties. The leaders of
industry, along with top bankers and agribusiness associations, met with
Mussolini to plan and finance the so-called "Fascist Revolution." Within
two years after seizing state power, Mussolini had shut down all
opposition newspapers and crushed the socialist, liberal, Catholic,
democratic, and republican parties, which together had commanded about
80% of the vote.
In Germany, there was a very similar pattern of complicity between
fascists and capitalists. German workers and farm laborers had won the
eight-hour day, unemployment insurance, the right to unionize. They had
built very powerful political organizations, but heavy industry and big
finance were in a state of near total collapse. Business wanted to cut
wages and get tax-cuts and massive state subsidies to revive profit
levels. The German tycoons greatly increased their subsidies to Hitler,
and the Nazi party was propelled onto the national stage.
Who did Mussolini and Hitler support once they seized state power? In
both countries a strikingly similar agenda was pursued. Labor unions and
strikes were outlawed, union property and publications were confiscated,
farm cooperatives were handed over to rich private owners, big
agribusiness farming was heavily subsidized. In both Germany and Italy
the already modest wages of the 

[CTRL] European Royal History: Bookstore

2000-11-03 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.eurohistory.com/erh_bookstore.htm"European
Royal History: Our Bookstore/A
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[CTRL] Iranian Newswire

2000-11-03 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

. I occasionally monitor the Iranian Newswire,
 to pickup on the latest going-ons there.


From that source this morning

   Anti-US, anti-Israeli Rally held in Tehran
 Tehran, Nov 3, IRNA -- To mark the "National Day of Struggle Against
 Global Arrogance", a large group of people held a rally in front
 of the former U.S. embassy in Tehran to express their hatred towards
 America and the usurper Zionist regime.
 The demonstrators shouted "Death to U.S." and "Death to Israel"
 as they marched through Tehran streets towards the former embassy
 which is better known in Iran as the "nest of spies".
 Today, Aban 13 (Nov 3) marks three important events: anniversary
 of takeover of the former U.S. embassy in Tehran by the Muslim
 Students Following the Imam's Line, anniversary of exile of the late
 Founder of the Islamic Republic Imam Khomeini by the ex-shah, and the
 Students Day (the day early after the revolution when several
 students were martyred)
 The demonstrators also shouted slogans in support of Palestine and
 called for "unity" as the "only key to victory."
 The ralliers, before proceeding to the site of the Friday prayers
 at the Tehran University, issued a resolution in condemnation of
 the U.S. and Israeli atrocities in occupied Palestine.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] RealClear Politics - Media Coverage

2000-11-03 Thread Amelia

All the political news and polls in one location.  More info than you would
ever ant to know!


 RealClear Politics - Media Coverage.url

[CTRL] RealClear Politics - Polls

2000-11-03 Thread Amelia

This is the link for the polls.  All the major ones, state by state on
charts for easy comparison.


 RealClear Politics - Polls.url

[CTRL] Bin Laden's name raised again

2000-11-03 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Bin Laden's name raised again

An intelligence primer
on America's archnemesis

By Robert Windrem
   NEW YORK, Oct. 18 -  Like Carlos the Jackal and Abu Nidal, Osama bin
Laden has become a nemesis of the West, particularly the United States. His
role in the deadly attack on a U.S. destroyer in Yemen is unclear, but
American officials automatically regard him as a suspect in such cases.

SLOWLY BUT SURELY, the United States has been building a database on
bin Laden and his al-Qaeda guerrilla network, a database that has helped law
enforcement and intelligence foil some plots, but not all, before they are
carried out. As one high-ranking U.S. official said recently, "You cannot
overestimate the threat this man poses to the United States."
   Here is a look at bin Laden's organization, according to U.S.
intelligence and law enforcement sources, all of whom spoke on condition of

   Where is Osama bin Laden?
   Most recently, he has been seen near Jalalabad, in eastern
Afghanistan. He moves three or more times a week, living in mud huts, tent
cities and caves. He is accompanied by a security entourage that includes
heavily armed bodyguards as well as anti-aircraft guns mounted on trucks.
   Often, multiple sites are set up for his use and he will choose one
at the last minute. He is believed to have a coterie of 400 operatives in
Afghanistan, most having arrived with him from Sudan in 1996.

   How often does U.S. intelligence know where he is?

  In recent months, U.S. intelligence has gotten a better grasp on
how he operates and where. "We are getting better at finding him. There are
days and days where we don't know where he is," said one U.S. official. On
other days, the United
   States has "different degrees of specificity as to where he is. Does
he move every night? Not every night ... but he moves a lot." At the time of
the embassy bombings, the United States had no idea where he was.

   How does he communicate?
   This is his biggest problem. The United States has successfully
compromised his communications. One official said, "He's stopped using
satellite phones. although we've caught many of his couriers; it only takes
fifty bucks to buy someone in Afghanistan." Bin Laden used Inmarsat phones
until he discovered that U.S. operatives were intercepting his
communications off the Inmarsat-3 satellite over the Indian Ocean. For
years, the National Security Agency would distribute transcripts of calls
bin Laden made to subordinates. One of the biggest breaks in the embassy
bombing investigation was the interception of a congratulatory phone call in
the days after the blasts.

  Wanted: Osama bin Laden

   Other officials note the clever combination of 19th and 20th century
means of communications bin Laden has adapted. His couriers often carry
encrypted floppy disks and meet in third countries with couriers from target
   nations. Once in the hands of the target nation's cell, the
information is de-encrypted. Bin Laden has also used faxes from remote
locations and in some cases, Internet-based e-mail.
   In addition to encryption, al-Qaeda has used various code words and
aliases to disguise identities. Bin Laden has been described in al-Qaeda
communications as "the sheik," "Hajj," "Abu Abdullah," and "the director."
   Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, the alleged mastermind of the embassy
bombings, used at least three aliases, and Ramzi Yousef, the convicted
mastermind of the World Trade Center bombing, used 15 as well as 11
   One law enforcement source said al-Qaeda has been trying to recruit
Americans as couriers, knowing an American passport is easier to use

   Can he travel outside Afghanistan?
   Bin Laden is believed to have access to "several planes," the
ownership of which is "a bit cloudily ... but there are certainly enough
aircraft to move a rather tall terrorist," said one senior U.S. intelligence
official. Bin Laden traveled around the Muslim world in charter jets for
years prior to his exile in Afghanistan. He also owns a private jet, said
another intelligence official.

   How is Bin Laden's network, al-Qaeda, structured?
   Bin Laden is the undisputed leader, called "emir" or "prince," by his
followers, who must take a sworn oath to him. Any violation is punishable by
   Beneath him is the "shura al-majlis" or "consultative council," which
includes his top lieutenants. His two aides are Egyptians: Ayman
al-Zawahiri, a physician and leader of al-Jihad, the violent Egyptian group
responsible for the Luxor tourist massacre in 1995, and Muhammed Atef, his
military commander, who also served in al-Jihad. A committee of the council
makes the decisions to carry out terrorist attacks.

   Where does al-Qaeda operate?
   Al-Qaeda is believed to have operations in 60 countries, and active
cells in 20, including the United States. It is 

Re: [CTRL] Bush Finally Admits DUI Arrest

2000-11-03 Thread Stopforth, Jamie
Title: RE: [CTRL] Bush Finally Admits DUI Arrest

I think you meant, did he even TRY to rescue her? In which he didn't.

Let's see now...

Did Bush drive his car off a bridge while drunk?

Did a female passenger drown?

Did he fail to recue her?

Since none of these things happened, Bush obviously is totally

Those who expect to reap the benefits of freedom,
must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting
it. - Thomas Paine

[CTRL] Why Israel Hasn't Attacked

2000-11-03 Thread Stopforth, Jamie
Title: Why Israel Hasn't Attacked


I just had the opportunity to talk to a man who scared the hell out of me. We will just use his first name. He is James, a physician and a former combat pilot, a major who saw combat duty in Korea and had been shot down a few times. He who helped train Israeli pilots.

James just made a call to the Savage show and the producer left him my number. He was gracious enough to call me. James just got back from a visit to Israel and told Michael on the air and then me off the air things which should worry everyone. His Isreali contacts go as high as brigadier general.

My head is still spinning, but here are some of the highlights:

- Israel was prepared to make a surgical strike WHEN IT RECEIVED A CALL FROM THE WHITE HOUSE AND

- Clinton has threatened to cut off diesel oil if Israel does not follow his directions

- .Six months ago the U.S. was supposed to ship Israel diesel equipment but it was never sent.

- Doctors and scientists are fleeing Israel. This situation is more serious than we have been led to believe.

- young people between 20-26 are leaving Israel en masse

- Arab millionaires are financing a coordinated effort in the Arab states because they see a real chance, thanks to Bill Clinton, to destroy Israel

- African mercenaries have been hired as private guards to protect worshipers at the Wailing Wall

- Arabs are mocking Christian and actually urinating on holy sites

- when people go into an Arab controlled area to plant an olive tree in remembrance of a loved one who died, the tree is actually ripped out of the ground by Arabs after the people leave. James saw that happen.

James is going to appear at Michael Savage's NAME 'EM AND SHAME 'EM event in San Francisco over the weekend. He has a story to tell that needs to be heard. In his opinion, a Gore victory will further encourage Arab terrorists and could lead to the destruction of Israel. The terrorists have felt very empowered with Clinton in office.

These are very dangerous times. James believes that if we moved our carrier group from the Adriatic and demonstrated a show of force, we might be able to stem this dangerous tide. He also has very disturbing info regarding the Cole. Officers who want to tell America things we need to know have been threatened into silence.

God bless you, doctor. If we FReepers have anything to say about it, your voice is going to be heard! Godspeed.

There's More!

* I sent the above to James in a hurry and he added the following in an e-mail:

Dear Doug: The shipment was a major desalinization plant developed by the Navy on former very large super-tanker and which along with other Army portables could provide enough potable and drinkable water for the major cities as well as begin to backup their reservoir supplies,,this was a done deal but cancelled by Clintonthe diesel fired power station is also very vulnerable to terrorist Arab attacks and lies almost on the sea in Tel Aviv,,,their is little or no safeguards to defend this
vital lifeline,,,

DROVES. Furthermore, their intelligence sources have determined movement of heavy Arab armor towards Israel and they expect an internal civil war and bomb attacks to occur simultaneously with external breakouts and attacks by other Arab nations across their frontiers..this is why the Israeli Army was poised for s surgical strike and were called down because of a telephone call by Clinton to Barak,,,

They were told they could do nothing without the USA not knowing about it,,,because all their communications equipment was being monitored, and that if they went ahead to do anything,,,that the USA would alert their Arab neighbors,,,In addition, he and other ranking military officers stated that the main problem that they have is water,,,water and water,,and that this is been brought up to Albright time after time,,and to Clinton by Barak OVER THE LAST EIGHT YEARS TO NO AVAILwhy didnt this administration help the Israelis establish other water supplies,,we have done this for every d*mn Arab country in the world as well as in Africa ,,,with countries who murdered our troops,,the time to do something is now,,before the clock runs out on the Israeli people,You are doing a good job,, Kindest personal regards,,JAMES 


2000-11-03 Thread J Taylor

-Caveat Lector-

31 October 2000

An IDF investigation and re-enactment appears to show conclusively that
12-year-old boy from Gaza, Muhammad al-Dura, was not shot by Israeli
* but was rather the victim of a cruel plot staged by Palestinian
sharp-shooters and a television cameraman.

The incident in question occurred on Oct. 6, when the boy and his father
happened to be walking past the scene of a major battle between
snipers and Israeli soldiers. Former IDF sniper Yosef Doriel, who
the re-enactment, said that he had several reasons to suspect that it was
not the Israelis who shot the boy. "For one thing, the boy and his father
were hiding behind and to the left of a barrel that was between them and
Israeli forces," he told Arutz-7 today. "In the video clip, you see four
clean bullet holes to the side of them. These were not shot by the
- they are 'clean' and full holes, not mere grazes that would have been
formed by the 30-degree angle of the Israelis - but rather by Palestinians
(stationed more directly in front of the father and son) to make sure that
the two would stay put. Suddenly, you see the boy lying down in his
lap, with another bullet hole in the wall directly behind him - again, it
could not have come from the IDF position, which was behind the barrel and
to the side, but only from the Palestinian position, which was more
in front of the father and son. This is the bullet that went through his
stomach and out of his back. At that point in the video, you can hear the
firing - but the Israeli position was far away! Rather, what happened was
that a Palestinian advanced to a spot very close to the photographer, and
shot the fatal shot. You can also notice that at that moment of the fatal
shots, the photographer suddenly 'shook' and the picture was blurred - a
signal that the shots came from close to him."
Doriel and a fellow physicist, Nachum Shachaf, proposed that O.C. Southern
Command Yom Tov Samiyeh oversee a re-enactment of the entire incident,
complete with the barrel and life-size dummies. Doriel concludes: "The
Palestinian forces staged the event. The Israelis were firing, for sure -
but the fatal shots came not from them, but from the Palestinian position
front of the boy, behind the cameraman."

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: UFO abductions and otherworldly experiences-all in the mind?

2000-11-03 Thread J Taylor

-Caveat Lector-

"sleep paralysis" explanation covers a particular part of the abduction
phenomenon but by no means all, or even the greater part of it.  And most
importantly, to my mind, it doesn't account for the strong
similrity bewween UFO abductions and near-death experiences -- by no
all of which occur in a state of being near to death, and few if any of
which involve hypnosis.

On the other hand, Michael A. Persinger has developed a theory that
abduction experiences involve microseizures in the temporal lobe, and he
has provided a number of empirical studies that support this theory. His
theory covers both differences in predisposing factors within individuals
and external, precipitating events. His theory does cover the similarity
between abduction experiences and NDEs. Furthermore, his temporal lobe
theory integrates a host of related phenomena, including hypnotic
suggestibility, mystical experiences, and OBEs. He's published over 50
articles on this topic; the following is a nice introductory overview to
his research programme:

Persinger, M. A. (1983). Religious and mystical experiences as artifacts
temporal lobe function: A general hypothesis. Perceptual and Motor Skills,
57, 1255-1262.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] Fw: 'Truth test' to uncover false rape allegations

2000-11-03 Thread J Taylor

-Caveat Lector-


news | UK  | This_Britain  | 2000-10

'Truth test' to uncover false rape allegations

As number of sex crimes rises but conviction rate falls, 'lie detector'
help police weed out bogus claims

By Jason Bennetto, Crime Correspondent

31 October 2000

A "lie-detector" test to help uncover false allegations of rape is being
developed by the police and criminologists.

Between 10 and 41 per cent of allegations of rape are made up by the
according to previous research. In the new test, a claimant's statement is
analysed and points are given from a list of set clues – people who have
up a rape allegation get a low score, while genuine complaints get a high

Using this technique in two studies, police officers and researchers had a
success rate of between 72 and 100 per cent in identifying genuine rape
from liars. All the cases were real-life examples selected because of the
existence of strong evidence, such as closed-circuit television footage, to
prove the defendants' guilt or innocence.

Full text:

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Multicultural brainwashing in Britain

2000-11-03 Thread J Taylor

-Caveat Lector-

Prince Charles 'should have married black woman'
By Alice Thomson

Report of the Commission on the Future of Multi-Ethnic Britain - Runnymede

Racial equality unit - Home Office

Commission for Racial Equality

Institute of Race Relations

  Runnymede trustees stay defiant to shrug off fuss

THE Prince of Wales should have married a black woman as a symbol of his
support for multi-cultural Britain, according to a member of the race
relations think tank the Runnymede Trust.
Lady Gavron, vice-chairman of the commission that produced last week's
controversial report on the future of multi-ethnic Britain, said the Royal
Family should take a lead in promoting racial integration.

"It would have been great if Prince Charles had been told to marry someone
black. Imagine what message that would have sent out," she said yesterday.

She did not want to "get rid of" the Royal Family. "We don't need them but
they're fun for tourists to look at." But she said they sent out the wrong
message about Britain today. "They're a symbol of our unmeritocratic
tendency and, of course, they're all white. It is part of a very
unattractive hierarchy."

Lady Gavron believes that Prince Charles's stated wish to be defender of
faiths rather than Defender of the Faith when he becomes Supreme Governor of
the Church of England is not enough.

Yesterday she complained that the hereditary peerage was also too
Anglo-Saxon. She said: "Anything hereditary is completely anachronistic and
illogical; you wouldn't have an hereditary cricket team. At least this
government has made some peers from ethnic minority groups."

Kate Gavron is the wife of the publisher Lord Gavron, who was made a life
peer after donating £500,000 to the Labour Party before the last general
election. The report by the Commission on the Future of Multi-Ethnic
Britain, which was launched by the Home Secretary, Jack Straw, nearly three
years ago, suggested that much of Britain's history needed to be

Lady Gavron said yesterday: "We need to acknowledge that there are different
ways of looking at history. The problem with the empire was the inequality
of power. It was something we did to the Indians and Africans, not with

However, she does not believe that British history should be totally
rewritten. "We should keep the name Trafalgar Square. If you got rid of
everything associated with anything bad you'd have nothing at all. A lot of
street names coincided with the height of the Victorian empire and the peak
of our colonial power, but we can't scrap all of them. We'd have to start
losing the Norman names too if we were being purist."

She said she loved hymns such as Jerusalem and I Vow To Thee My Country. "I
am embarrassed by the words but the music is wonderful."

In an interview with The Telegraph, she said that the Runnymede Trust had
received a stream of offensive telephone calls since its report was
published. "We've had non-stop hate mail. We had to turn the telephones off,
there were so many racist calls. One started, 'Dear creeps, why don't you go
and live abroad? Why not France, they're a bunch of bastards there as well.'

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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2000-11-03 Thread J Taylor

-Caveat Lector-

DEADLY RIOTS  the UNITED NATIONS by Emanuel A. Winston, a Middle East
analyst  commentator
Strangely, most of the members of the United Nations who voted that Israel
had used excessive force, themselves have killed attacking rioters in time
past. Rioters who are prepared to use and do use deadly force must be
before they reach their victims. Clearly, the countries in U.N. feel they
have the right to suppress lynch mobs in their own countries but, they seem
to believe that Israel must allow her enemies freedom to commit their
of shooting, firebombs and thrown rocks in order to kill Jews. This was the
custom in these  European and Islamic Mideast countries. So far this is
‘only’ a mini War of Attrition with the Arab nations’ Armies standing
by to
join in if they think Israel is vulnerable enough to fall this time.
The Arab nations have always used deadly force with no restraint and no
apologies to the U.N. or the world at large. The Egyptians have frequently
used deadly force to contain the Muslim Brotherhood who attack Egyptian
institutions. When the Palestinians rioted on the Egyptian side of the
border with Gaza at the start of the first Intifada in 1989, Egypt had her
policemen indiscriminately gun down the rioters with submachine guns and
then get back into their vehicles, leaving 20-30 rioters dead on the ground.
The Egyptians riots (Intifada) in Egypt ended. (The U.N. did NOT vote
condemnation of Egypt.)
In Jordan September 1970 King Hussein had his Army kill an estimated 10,000
of Arafat’s Palestinians, with the rest fleeing to Lebanon, Syria, Iraq
and Iran. Arafat’s gun-toting PLO was going to take over Jordan but
Hussein moved faster and with greater force. This was called Black September
with no apologies by King Hussein. (The U.N. did NOT vote condemnation of
Jordan.) Later Arafat created a mini-PLO state inside Lebanon while killing
more than 75,000 Lebanese Christians and Muslims. Arafat’s law of killing
off his enemies to make more room for his Palestinians was his formal
foreign policy - which led to a 12 year Civil War and a total of over
100,000 dead. (The U.N. did NOT vote condemnation.) Arafat has initiated an
almost identical war against Israel as he did in Lebanon.
The U.N. did NOT vote to condemn Syria for ignoring the TAIF agreement
wherein they committed to leave Lebanon. The U.N. did NOT vote to condemn
Syria for taking over Lebanon with 35,000 to 40,000 troops; for using the
Beka’a Valley in Lebanon as a opium field which produced 20% of the heroin
smuggled into America; or for undermining world currency by counterfeiting
$100 bills.
In 1982 the IDF (Israel Defense Force) came into Lebanon to counter
Arafat’s terror attacks and to prevent his “March on Jerusalem”
(according to documents and weapons discovered in huge bunkers and deep,
long tunnels). The Lebanese people welcomed the IDF with flowers, expecting
to be delivered from Arafat’s brutal tyranny. Later Syria, with U.S. and
U.N. silent approval, occupied Lebanon with 35,000 troops where they remain
to this day. (The U.N.  DID vote to condemn Israel and left the Syrians
entrenched and in power against the Lebanese.)
In Syria Hafez al Assad dealt with those who opposed him with Genocidal
deadly force. Who can forget that he and his brother Rifat surrounded the
town of Hamma and, with artillery and tank gun fire, leveling the city? Or
that Assad went over the rubble with poison gas to insure that survivors
would be gassed to death? The nations and media were virtually silent about
this massacre killing of an estimated 20,000 Syrians. (The United Nations
did NOT condemn Assad.)
More recently, Saddam Hussein of Iraq attacked Kuwait, with the assistance
of Arafat’s Palestinians who worked in Kuwait. They not only became a
fifth column inside their host (Arab) country but they guided Saddam’s
troops in their rape, massacre and pillaging of their Kuwaiti hosts. After
the Gulf War, Desert Storm, the Kuwaitis paid them back in kind by killing
and torturing those they caught. The Kuwaitis ejected more than 300,000
Palestinians into Jordan as untrustworthy and deadly enemies. (The U.N. did
NOT vote condemnation for this transfer or killing of the rampaging
At the same time Saudi Arabia deported into Jordan an equal number of
Palestinians who had worked there (approximately 350,000) because they were
considered a deadly threat to the country and to the Royal Family. (The U.N.
did NOT condemn this transfer of Palestinians.)
Palestinian Arabs led by Yassir Arafat have been recognized as traitors to
their countries of residence and disrupters of nations. All the Arab
countries cut off funds and support for Arafat because they considered him
the ultimate betrayer and never to be trusted.
In brief, these are the same Arab countries who pushed the vote of
condemnation of Israel in the U.N. for using “excessive” force against
Palestinian rioters who used deadly 

[CTRL] How smart are the candidates

2000-11-03 Thread J Taylor

-Caveat Lector-


How smart are the candidates? Part 1 of 3
Wednesday, 18 October 2000 1:22 (ET)

How smart are the candidates? Part 1 of 3
By STEVE SAILER, UPI National Correspondent

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 17 (UPI) -- A recent "This Modern World" comic strip
about the presidential debates featured the "Gorebot" admonishing voters:
"Foolish humans! Do you not recognize the superior processing capabilities
of my advanced neural network?"

In reply, a George W. Bush drawn so as to highlight his unfortunate
resemblance to Alfred E. Neuman, Mad magazine's "What, me worry?" cover kid,
sniggers, "Get a load of the brainiac."

As amusing as these widespread stereotypes are, voters need to ask whether
Vice President Al Gore really is the closest carbon-based life-form to the
supersmart HAL 9000 talking computer from the movie "2001:. A Space
Odyssey." And is Bush truly as dumb as a box of rocks? Is there objective
evidence to support these clichés? And even if it turned out that Gore's IQ
towered over Bush's, would this tell us that Gore would make a better

Fortunately, in 2000 the public has available more unbiased data on the
intelligence of the candidates than ever. A variety of SAT and IQ scores
have leaked out, allowing voters to compare candidates to each other or to
themselves. But, what do these numbers mean? Can these test results be set
in perspective? Part 2 of this series will cover the surprising consensus of
IQ experts, political scientists, and historians on just how important
innate intelligence is in the making of a good president.

Perceptions of candidates' intelligence have long played a major role in
American politics, as have attempts to manipulate those perceptions.
Misspelling the word "potato," for example, was one of the many mis-steps
that doomed former Vice President Dan Quayle's presidential ambitions.

Thus, it's hardly surprising that some candidates have cultivated an image
of brilliance. For example, Joseph Kennedy Sr. spent heavily on the
ghostwriters who largely concocted the two nonfiction bestsellers published
under his son John's name. JFK even won the Pulitzer Prize for "Profiles in
Courage," which is now known to be mostly the work of speechwriter Theodore

In reality, John Kennedy possessed a fine but hardly dazzling brain.
According to historian Thomas C. Reeves, author of "A Question of Character:
A Life of John F. Kennedy," in prep school JFK scored 119 on an IQ test.
Although a 10th of the population scores higher than 119, a recent C-SPAN
poll of 58 historians rated Kennedy as possessing the eight strongest
leadership qualities of all 41 presidents.

Similarly, the Democratic nominee in 1952 and 1956, Adlai Stevenson,
portrayed himself as an intellectual. The press created the term "egghead"
to describe the bald and supposedly scholarly Stevenson. In truth,
Stevenson's resume was similar to Bush's. Stevenson was the grandson of
Grover Cleveland's second vice president. As a rich socialite, Stevenson
barely scraped through Princeton and Northwestern. After a nondescript early
career, Stevenson unexpectedly became the popular and reasonably competent
governor of Illinois. He then ran for president only four years later. At
his death, the only book found resting upon his bedside table was "The
Social Register."

In sharp contrast, the man who twice beat Stevenson, Dwight Eisenhower,
took pains to hide his considerable brainpower. He found it expedient to
present himself as a kindly old duffer interested mostly in golf and Zane
Grey's cowboy novels. This masquerade fooled even the historians of the
time, who somehow assumed that the organizer of the staggeringly complex
D-Day invasion had the IQ of a tree stump. Shortly after Eisenhower left
office, a poll of historians rated him one of the 10 worst presidents.

After Ike's death, however, a new generation of historians unearthed much
evidence supporting the opinion of his vice president, Richard Nixon, that
Eisenhower was "The most devious man I ever came across in politics."
Therefore, this year's C-SPAN poll of historians rated him one of the 10
strongest presidential leaders.

There are many valid objections to relying excessively on the IQ test and
its close cousin, the college admissions exam, to judge candidates. IQ
critic Howard Gardner, a Harvard professor who theorizes that there are
between seven and nine "multiple intelligences," responded to an inquiry
about Gore and Bush's test scores, "Many thoughtful people, including me,
feel that the IQ test only captures aspects of scholastic intelligence and
is quite remote from other important intellectual faculties."

For all their limitations, IQ-style tests have a one unique advantage.
While they certainly don't reveal the whole truth about someone, they can't
intentionally lie. Professional spinmeisters can manipulate their clients'
images, but they can't manipulate their old test scores.

[CTRL] government hiding papers on U.N. peace missions

2000-11-03 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-


Investigators say government hiding papers on U.N. peace missions

November 2, 2000
Web posted at: 6:39 PM EST (2339 GMT)

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Clinton administration is
withholding information from investigators on how the United
States decided to get involved in four of the U.N.'s largest
peacekeeping operations, the General Accounting Office says.

"This is clearly inappropriate and unacceptable," said Henry L.
Hinton Jr., assistant comptroller of the GAO, Congress'
investigative arm.

Investigators say the lack of cooperation by the State
Department, Defense Department and National Security
Council since March is holding up a probe into whether the
administration followed guidelines on approving U.S. support
for peacekeeping missions in Kosovo, Sierra Leone, Congo
and East Timor.

The House International Relations Committee asked for the
study to see if the administration follows its own 1994
guidelines for considering things such as the cost of the
mission and number of troops involved, whether it meets the
objective and if there is a deadline or exit strategy.

Peacekeeping missions have been an issue in Congress, where
some lawmakers fear the United States is getting involved in
too many and providing too large a share of their costs.

They also have become an issue in the U.S. presidential
election with Republican candidate Texas Gov. George W.
Bush advocating a diminished U.S. peacekeeping role in
Europe and Democratic nominee Vice President Al Gore
countering that such a position demonstrates a "lack of
judgment and a complete misunderstanding of history."

In pursuing its investigation of the four missions, the GAO
said Wednesday that unless investigators get the information
they need for their probe within a week it will issue a rarely
used "formal demand letter" to the three government entities,
roughly the agency's equivalent to a legal subpoena.

Investigators say the State Department and NSC have failed to
hand over some documents related to the investigation and
handed over others that were so heavily edited they "provided
little useful information," Hinton said in a letter Wednesday to
the House International Relations Committee.

"One 20-page unclassified document had a note on its cover
page that ... it could be shared with U.S. allies and the United
Nations, yet the remainder of the document was completely
redacted, its pages completely blacked out," he said.

The GAO says the Pentagon waited to see how the State
Department was going to handle GAO access to records and
didn't agree to begin searching for its own until mid-September
-- six months after the probe began in March.

Pentagon officials say they plan to have the search done by
Nov. 6 but don't know when GAO can have access to the

"We're doing the best we can," said Pentagon spokesman Lt.
Col. George Rhynedance. "We're a large organization and
we're trying to do a comprehensive search."

The Clinton administration said it has offered to give the GAO
a private briefing on the matter but doesn't want to release the
documents because of the fear such an action would
discourage others from offering frank advice.

Rep. Benjamin A. Gilman, R-New York, who chairs the
House International Relations Committee, introduced a
resolution in the House expressing "concern at the
administration's lack of cooperation."

The United Nations is currently involved in 15 peacekeeping
operations involving nearly 38,000 civilian and military staff.
The United States has pressed the United Nations to keep a
zero-growth budget for the past several years as part of its
demand for a reformed and streamlined organization.

But the United States has also been at the forefront of demands
for an enlarged and more efficient peacekeeping department to
cope with the new peacekeeping challenges in, among other
places, Kosovo, East Timor and Sierra Leone.

   Copyright 2000 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
  This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

Re: [CTRL] Why Israel Hasn't Attacked

2000-11-03 Thread craig
Title: Why Israel Hasn't Attacked

  - Original Message - 
  Stopforth, Jamie 
  Sent: 03 November 2000 17:15
  Subject: [CTRL] Why Israel Hasn't 
  In his opinion, a Gore victory will further 
  encourage Arab terrorists and could lead to the destruction of Israel. 
  good thing too.
  too much fucking propaganda on this list- sooner 
  you americanos elect your choice of puppet the 

[CTRL] Fwd: Release: Computer Crime

2000-11-03 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-

From:   Libertarian Party Announcements [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
Washington DC 20037
World Wide Web: http://www.LP.org
For release: November 3, 2000
For additional information:
George Getz, Press Secretary
Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222

New international cybersnooping treaty
is all-out attack on privacy, says Browne

WASHINGTON, DC -- A new international computer-crime
treaty the U.S. government expects to sign this year is an "all-out
attack on computer privacy" and should be rejected, Libertarian
presidential candidate Harry Browne said today.

"This treaty doesn't attack crime," he said. "Instead, it
attacks privacy, the Fifth Amendment, and certain kinds of
software -- while giving the government awesome new powers to
cybersnoop on innocent Americans."

The so-called "Draft Convention On Cybercrime" -- the first
international computer crime agreement -- is currently being
negotiated by the United States and the 41-nation Council of

The treaty, which went through 19 drafts before the Justice
Department revealed its existence earlier this year, could be
finalized as soon as December, reported Wired.com.

However, the U.S. Senate, which must approve all
international treaties, should reject it outright, said Browne.

"This treaty is just the latest example of politicians trying
to prove they are tough on crime," he said. "As usual, they want to
give bureaucrats and law enforcement new powers to appear to be
fighting crime. And, as usual, it is innocent Americans who will bear
the brunt of these new police powers."

For example, the treaty would:

* Give law enforcement the power to order Americans to
reveal a computer password or encryption key -- in apparent
violation of the Fifth Amendment's protection against self-

* Require Internet service providers (ISPs) to conduct real-
time surveillance of customers' e-mail messages, at government
request. In July, the FBI admitted it had already created a
cybersnooping device code-named "Carnivore" that could scan
millions of e-mails a second.

* Effectively abolish anonymous e-mail by requiring "remailer"
websites (which automatically distribute messages after stripping
out the sender's name and return address) to collect information
about their users.

* Require ISPs to store at least 40 days worth of customer
data, including e-mails, chat-room transcripts, and website visits,
for possible review by the government.

* Make illegal certain kinds of common software -- including
network security utilities used by computer technicians -- on the
grounds that it could be criminally misused by hackers.

Although some of those provisions may be dropped in
negotiations, Justice Department officials have privately said it is
too late to make "major" changes to the treaty, according to the
Wall Street Journal.

That's why the U.S. Senate should reject the entire document,
said Browne.

"This treaty was negotiated in secret, with the approval of
 the same politicians who supported the Communications Decency
Act, Know Your Customer, anti-encryption laws, the FBI's
Carnivore system, the Clipper Chip, and innumerable other attacks
on your privacy," he said.  "And this treaty may be even worse than
those previous anti-privacy initiatives because it globalizes the
government's power to spy on you.

"If the U.S. Senate cares about privacy, the civil liberties
guaranteed in the Bill of Rights, and the Constitutional limitations
on government, it will unanimously reject this Draft Convention On

But for individual Americans concerned about privacy, the
problem is bigger than this one treaty, said Browne.

"Unfortunately, stopping this treaty won't stop the relentless
attacks on your civil liberties, because the same Republican and
Democratic politicians will remain in power," he said. "Neither of
those parties is dedicated to preserving an airtight individual right
to privacy. Only the Libertarian Party is."

That's why your vote on November 7 may be the most powerful
pro-privacy statement you can make, said Browne.

"Libertarians understand that we can't stop government
snooping by fighting every new intrusion on your privacy," he said.
"Our opponents will win too many of those battles, and government
will get more and more intrusive.

"Instead, we must fight to take completely away from
government the power to enter any area of your life for which it has
no explicit Constitutional authority. And the only way to
accomplish that is by voting 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Perot endorses Dubya.....new dossier, going up tomorrow, I hope

2000-11-03 Thread ThePiedPiper

-Caveat Lector-

Perot's son was in the Reserves at Carswell AFB at the
same time I was.  I believe that Perot was actually
blackmailed to throw in the towel when he ran last time,
so this makes me wonder why he would do this now.

a lot of background information and links at

Is a Vote for BUSH a Vote For ASPARTAME?

Adaptable Governmental Philosophies

Index of Piper Creations

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Why Israel Hasn't Attacked

2000-11-03 Thread Stopforth, Jamie
Title: Why Israel Hasn't Attacked

In his opinion, a Gore victory will
further encourage Arab terrorists and could lead to the destruction of

good thing too.

too much fucking propaganda on this list-
sooner you americanos elect your choice of puppet the better.

And whythe sooner the

[CTRL] Reno, press on 'anti-leak' bill/ CNN

2000-11-03 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Reno says 'anti-leak' bill will close gap in U.S. security

November 2, 2000
Web posted at: 2:43 p.m. EST
(1943 GMT)

David Williams
CNN.com Writer

U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno said Thursday that a controversial measure that
would increase the penalties for leaking classified information will not lead to
a dramatic increase in prosecutions.

The provision would make the willful disclosure of classified information a
felony punishable by up to three years in prison and a $10,000 fine. It cleared
the House and Senate as part of the spending bill for intelligence agencies, and
President Clinton has until Friday to either sign it or veto.

When asked about the bill in her weekly news briefing, Reno said it was needed
because current law only covers leaks related to national defense.

"That leaves a gap, a very narrow gap involving other material that might not
relate to national defense, but could jeopardize various interests of the United
States," she said.

Reno said the anti-leaking measure would not go after reporters, or other
recipients of classified materials.

At one point, a reporter asked why the administration is considering
strengthening the law, when current restrictions on news leaks are rarely

"I don't think there is a reluctance to prosecute the person who leaks
information, but finding that person while at the same time honoring the First
Amendment interests of the media is a very difficult task," Reno said.

The CIA sought the provision after losing agents and sophisticated surveillance
methods because of newspaper articles based on leaks of classified information.

When describing why they favor the bill, some U.S. officials cite the example of
a leak involving accused terrorist Osama bin Laden.

The officials say a news report that U.S. intelligence was monitoring bin
Laden's satellite telephone calls caused him to switch to other channels of
communication, cutting off that method of U.S. surveillance of his activities.

That reaction to the leak may have cost American lives, perhaps even in the
bombing of the USS Cole, the officials said. Bin Laden's organization is on the
list of possible suspects behind the terrorist attack.

"People have been killed," said Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Alabama, who is chairman
of the House Select Intelligence Committee. "Men and women that have operated
with our agency and with other countries dealing with national security issues,
when they are compromised, generally their lives are compromised," he said.

But news organizations such as the Washington Post, the New York Times, and CNN
sent a letter to the White House urging the president to veto the measure.

Rep. Henry Hyde, R-Illinois, also opposes the bill, saying that leaker of the
bin Laden satellite phone information could be prosecuted under existing laws.

"To put a three year -- up to a three year -- felony sentence for leaking
information that doesn't affect our national defense, our national security is
overkill," he said.

CNN National Security Correspondent David Ensor and
   Reuters contributed to this report.

© 2000 Cable News Network. All Rights Reserved.


News organizations ask Clinton to veto classified leaks bill

November 2, 2000
Web posted at: 9:19 AM EST (1419 GMT)

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Four of the nation's largest news organizations have asked
President Clinton to veto a bill that would expand criminal penalties for
government employees who leak secrets.

"For the first time in our nation's history, a law would criminalize all
unauthorized disclosures of classified information _ in effect creating an
'official secrets act' of the sort that exists elsewhere but that has always
been rejected in this country," wrote top executives of the four media
organizations in a letter sent Tuesday.

Congress passed the legislation in October and sent it to Clinton for approval.
Congressional intelligence committee leaders and the Justice Department say it
is a tough measure needed to stop the flow of classified information that
threatens to undermine national security.

Rep. Porter Goss, the Florida Republican who chairs the House Intelligence
Committee, has said the provision was "narrowly crafted to protect the rights
that all Americans hold dear. It is not, as some will say, an affront to the
First Amendment."

But critics warn it also could silence whistle-blowers and stop the media from
getting information to the public.

In their three-page letter to Clinton, executives with CNN, The Washington Post,
The New York Times and the Newspaper Association of America criticized the
"antileak" law, part of an intelligence agency funding bill, saying it "simply
goes too far."

The letter said several important stories -- including those involving the
Pentagon Papers, the Iran-Contra affair and cases of waste, 

Re: [CTRL] Why Israel Hasn't Attacked

2000-11-03 Thread craig
Title: Why Israel Hasn't Attacked

  - Original Message - 
  Stopforth, Jamie 
  Sent: 03 November 2000 19:18
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Why Israel Hasn't 

  In his opinion, a Gore victory will 
  further encourage Arab terrorists and could lead to the destruction of 
  good thing too.
  too much fucking propaganda on this list- 
  sooner you americanos elect your choice of puppet the better.
  And whythe sooner the 
  sooner the better so 
  that election 2000 propaganda masquerading as serious article will ease 
  off to the natural state once more. If it isn't that it is tedium of the 
  partisan dirge concerned with the eternal middle east 'crisis'. it makes a 
  girlyearn for some of that good ol gun freedom stuff that usually 
  pads the list 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Ross Perot Naked

2000-11-03 Thread Kris Millegan

The title of this message is about as appealing as what I saw Ross Perot
doing on Larry King last night. My reaction is about the same to the reality
of what I saw as it is to the contemplation of the title.

Many of you know that I have spoken to Ross Perot, corresponded with him and
served as the LA County Press Spokesman for his Presidential Campaign in
1992. Ross did a great job of creating an image over the years, with the
assistance of TIME Magazine even, that he and George Bush were enemies. What
I saw last night personally convinced me of the lengths that the "ruling
elites" will go to, to establish mechanisms of control and create Judas
Goats, stalking horses and false fronts.

Although I became wise to Perot's true colors after the 1992 campaign there
has been one individual on this list who deserves praise for having called
this one correctly from the gate - Brian Downing Quig. Good job Brian. You
had this one right all along. And, for a while, you had it nailed down
better than I did. You missed it on McCain I think but you hit the center
Bullseye with your analysis of Perot.

My sense of the election is that psychologically we are now offered the
choice between the "Don't really care to hide it too much," "We'll kill our
enemies but we really like having famous musicians around" sleazoid open
corruption of Clinton-Gore or the "I'm a clean and sober responsible good
guy at heart" fascist Bush gang on the other.

Either one will give us a war in Colombia and a bigger war on drugs.

So, with much greater conviction, I am still voting for Ralph Nader on
Election Day and that is my endorsement for Election 2000.

Mike Ruppert

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FONT COLOR="#99"eLerts
It's Easy. It's Fun. Best of All, it's Free!

[CTRL] This might be crude and insensitive but this is what Gore has done...

2000-11-03 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Forwarded by individual on list which I thought I would pass on for
this, is the Real Al Gore - and Stupid is, as Stupid Does.am glad he
got caught up on this one -

Since this story is a little - well its not as bad as what we have had
to read re Clinton and Monica and Hilliary all over the world...


Mail message
From:  xDate: Thu, Nov 2, 2000, 11:46am (EST-3)

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Aleisha Saba) Subject: stuffing pants?
maybe this will help explain it.
Placement is Everything

Once upon a time, there were two guys who wanted to pick up women on a
beach. One was Italian (Vito) and the other was Russian (Vladamir).

Vito had no problem picking up gorgeous women; he was the most popular
guy on the beach. But Vladamir had no success.
Vladamir: "Vito! How do you do it? How do you attract so many
beautiful women?"

Vito: "Well, I'll tell ya! But it's a secretjust between you and
me. I don't want my system to become too public."

Vladamir: "OK. Its a deal."

Vito: "You see those potatoes over there? Well, every time I come to
the beach I take one and put it in my Speedos. When the women see it
they come running from miles around."

Vladamir: "That's it? I can do that."

The next day, Vladamir went over to the produce stand and picked out the
biggest, most perfectly shaped potato he could find. He then went into
the changing room and slipped it into his Speedos.

As he walked out onto the beach he immediately noticed that women AND
men began to take notice of him.

"It's working!" he thought. But soon he began to realize that they were
not looking interested but rather upset, almost disgusted by the sight
of him.

He rushed over to Vito and asked "Vito, what's the problem? Why isn't it

Vito: "Because you're supposed to put the potato in the front!"

Contributed by: Tiki

So this is the legend now associated with "Big Al".big dumb
Stupid Al...

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Fw: UFO abductions and otherworldly experiences-all in the mind?

2000-11-03 Thread nessie

-Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
Persinger, M. A. (1983). Religious and mystical experiences as artifacts
temporal lobe function: A general hypothesis. Perceptual and Motor
57, 1255-1262.

See also:


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Perot endorses Dubya.....new dossier, going up tomorrow, I hope

2000-11-03 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Remember AL and Tipper Gore were also both diagnosed with some sort of
thyroid problem.  At the time, there was speculation concerning the Vice
Presidential residence as both they and the Bush pair had occupied it.  So
does this mean a vote for Gore is also a vote for aspertame?  They are both
Big Corporation through and through!

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2000-11-03 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

This is exactly what I thought happened at the time!  There were far, far
too many kids in the streets mixed among the Palestinians, even those trying
to draw fire by throwing rocks.  I also saw the women shouting to news
reporter "Yes, I want to sacrifice my children to eliminate the Jews."  How
else could children do anything to the heavily armed Jewish forces other
than as sacrificial PR lambs?  It is the same as using them to clear mine
fields then screaming about the mines injuring innocent children.

Why does not the UN intervene in this use of children since that is a great
concern of theirs?  They should be condemning the use of these youngest of
human shields.

Also, despite the speculation, there is not yet one shred of evidence that
Israel was behind the bombing of the USS Cole but what fun some folks have
blaming them for everything that happens.  Show me proof!  But then so many
"just know" these things!  Yeah, sure you do.  I'd rather meet a Jew in a
dark alley as an Arab any time!  And I hope the British do not think those
British casualties we killed with our own misdirected "friendly fire" in the
Gulf War were deliberate.  I hope they can forgive us and not be dragging it
up over and over again at every chance like some are doing with the USS
Liberty, ad nauseum.
Our mistake was more recent and we should have had better technology and
intelligence. I can't remember if we killed 15 or 23 but those are the
numbers that come to my mind.  We are hardly in a position to "cast stones"
in this regard, no pun intended.


- Original Message -
From: "J Taylor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 03, 2000 12:04 PM

 -Caveat Lector-

 31 October 2000
 An IDF investigation and re-enactment appears to show conclusively that
 12-year-old boy from Gaza, Muhammad al-Dura, was not shot by Israeli
 * but was rather the victim of a cruel plot staged by Palestinian
 sharp-shooters and a television cameraman.
 The incident in question occurred on Oct. 6, when the boy and his father
 happened to be walking past the scene of a major battle between
 snipers and Israeli soldiers. Former IDF sniper Yosef Doriel, who
 the re-enactment, said that he had several reasons to suspect that it
 not the Israelis who shot the boy. "For one thing, the boy and his
 were hiding behind and to the left of a barrel that was between them and
 Israeli forces," he told Arutz-7 today. "In the video clip, you see four
 clean bullet holes to the side of them. These were not shot by the
 - they are 'clean' and full holes, not mere grazes that would have been
 formed by the 30-degree angle of the Israelis - but rather by
 (stationed more directly in front of the father and son) to make sure
 the two would stay put. Suddenly, you see the boy lying down in his
 lap, with another bullet hole in the wall directly behind him - again,
 could not have come from the IDF position, which was behind the barrel
 to the side, but only from the Palestinian position, which was more
 in front of the father and son. This is the bullet that went through his
 stomach and out of his back. At that point in the video, you can hear
 firing - but the Israeli position was far away! Rather, what happened
 that a Palestinian advanced to a spot very close to the photographer,
 shot the fatal shot. You can also notice that at that moment of the
 shots, the photographer suddenly 'shook' and the picture was blurred - a
 signal that the shots came from close to him."
 Doriel and a fellow physicist, Nachum Shachaf, proposed that O.C.
 Command Yom Tov Samiyeh oversee a re-enactment of the entire incident,
 complete with the barrel and life-size dummies. Doriel concludes: "The
 Palestinian forces staged the event. The Israelis were firing, for
sure -
 but the fatal shots came not from them, but from the Palestinian
 front of the boy, behind the cameraman."

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 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to 

Re: [CTRL] Judge threatens girls with `hell'

2000-11-03 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Maybe this Judge has been watching that loud mouth obnoxious Judge Judy
and some of these TV judgesa Judge is to rule on the law, and it
is against the law to lie in Court and you are faced with perjury  not
hell..like our President we know he what happened when he
lied..he virtually got away with it in the end, but learned a

A judge is supposed to rule on the law and not intimidate
witnesses..this was intimidation.

A simple question such as have you ever told a lie would have sufficed,
and if the kid said no, well immediately the kid is suspect.

Either way that question is always a tough one to answer.

Most Judges can tell who is lying under oath be it a kid or an
adult..even body language is often a giveaway and I could always
read a Jury by their body language...

You can go to hell for lyinig?   You can go to  jail for lying..that
should have sufficed.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] No One Deserves the Power

2000-11-03 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

  The Wrong Question: No One Deserves the Power
  by James Bovard
  Once again, Americans are struggling to decide which candidate is least
  unfit to be President. Once again, the choice is between two major party
  candidates -- neither of whom scores of millions of Americans believe is
  mentally or morally equal to the job.
  We are asking the wrong question. The issue is not who should be trusted
  with all the power of the Presidency. Instead, we must ask how much
  any candidate can be trusted with.
  Would you choose Bush or Gore to have the power to read your email --
  without a court-authorized search warrant -- thanks to the FBI's
  wiretap software and the National Security Agency's Echelon system?
  the Federal Communications Commission has ordered that new cell phones
  homing devices for law enforcement, which candidate would you prefer
  knowing your location at all times?
  Would you choose either Gore or Bush to dictate the safety standards
  might save your life -- or kill you (such as federally-mandated airbags
  that smite children and petite ladies)?
  How many new regulations and restrictions should either candidate be
  to impose on you? Since 1993, federal agencies have issued more than
  new regulations -- criminalizing everything from reliable toilets to
  advertisements on race cars. The federal regulatory juggernaut is
  practically on automatic pilot, sure to continue advancing regardless of
  who wins on November 7.
  How many pretexts should the winning candidate receive to have you
  you in prison? There are now more than 3,000 federal criminal offenses
  the book -- 30 times more criminal laws than existed in 1900 and a
  times more than existed at the birth of the Republic. The proliferation
  vague laws are very convenient for federal agents and politically minded
  prosecutors who target certain citizens for ruin.
  Which candidate should have jurisdiction over federal agents who can
  your property -- without any criminal charges filed against you -- based
  hearsay evidence that you may have violated one of over 200 federal laws
  that authorize asset forfeiture? Which candidate should have sway over
  Justice Department lawyers who fight tooth-and-nail to deny due process
  forfeiture victims?
  How much would you voluntarily give either candidate to spend largely at
  his discretion? The average two-income median income household pays
  in federal taxes per year, according to the Tax Foundation. Would you
  out a check for that amount even though you knew that Presidents
  spend tax dollars for their own political aggrandizement? Would you
  out a check even after realizing that some of your tax dollars will be
  spent to deceive and lull you into thinking you have nothing to fear
  your rulers -- and thus no need to stand up for your rights and
  The federal government mangles the marketplace far more than most
  realize. Which candidate should have the right to continue doubling the
  price of the sugar and peanut butter you buy? Which candidate should be
  entitled to levy a 25 percent surcharge on Japanese-made trucks or a 40
  percent surcharge on Brazilian orange juice, as the U.S. tariff code now
  decrees? Does any President deserve a license to skewer consumers to
  campaign donors?
  How much power would you vest in either candidate to forcibly protect
  against yourself -- vetoing your choices of lifestyle, food, and
  Is there any prominent politician from either party who could run your
  better than you yourself? Is there any politician who is so superior to
  in character and intellect that you should effectively sign your life
  to his hands? Though few people would concede that any politician is so
  much their better, the current regime classifies citizens as, by
  definition, far inferior to their rulers.
  We have a paternalistic system with pervasive contempt for the
  Paternalist-in-Chief. We have created a huge engine of government --
  though there is no one even vaguely capable of intelligently driving it.
  A certain amount of government power is necessary to preserve the peace
  deter foreign aggression. But the government passed that point decades
  Einstein warned in 1945 that, with the invention of the atomic bomb,
  mankind had far more destructive power than people were capable of
  responsibly controlling. It is the same now with political power:
  government has amassed far more coercive power than politicians are
  of intelligently wielding.
  Even if the wisest, most virtuous citizen were elected President, our
  Leviathan would still be a public nuisance. There is no magic wand that
  even the best President could wave over the entire federal government.
  only sure 

[CTRL] WT: 'Drastic cutbacks' hurt Navy readiness

2000-11-03 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

November 3, 2000

'Drastic cutbacks' hurt Navy readiness

By Rowan Scarborough

The Navy has sent a message to Atlantic Fleet air units that
states budget shortfalls and inadequate spare parts are reducing
combat readiness.

The memo states a data cockpit display on the F-14, the Navy's
front-line air-to-air fighter, breaks so often it is one of the
"highest readiness degraders throughout the F-14 community."

The mission-capable rates for E-2 radar planes fell 12 percent in
the last three months alone because the units lacked money to buy
parts to keep all planes flying.

The October message also states that air bases at Oceana in
Virginia Beach, and Norfolk began the new fiscal year Oct.  1
short $16 million to buy crucial spare parts and instituted
"drastic cutbacks in spending."

"Present aviation spare parts funding is not adequate to support
the level of planned aviation operations," reads the message, a
copy of which was obtained by The Washington Times.

The message came from the Navy's Mid-Atlantic regional command
and was sent to Naval Air Force, Atlantic Fleet. The command
oversees 1,300 aircraft and their squadrons deployed on carriers
at sea or stationed at naval air stations. The message focused on
the woes of units in the Tidewater region awaiting a next

Mike Maus, a spokesman for Naval Air Force, Atlantic Fleet, said
he did not know how many planes are not functioning due to parts

"We're still meeting our missions," he said.  "We're not leaving
planes behind for deployment because they can't deploy.
Everything that is supposed to go on deployment is going."

He said the memo was meant to inform units they have to keep an
eye on spending.

Combat readiness has become an issue in the presidential race,
with Texas Gov.  George W.  Bush accusing the Clinton
administration of mismanaging the military.  Vice President Al
Gore argues the military never has been in better shape.

One naval aviator who reviewed the message says it paints an
"abysmal" picture.

Said another who read the memo: "The long and the short of this
is that air crew aren't happy because they are not flying, and
maintenance troops aren't happy because they are doing double
work for half the results.  This is what causes people to leave.

The Navy's Atlantic command message is particularly critical of
the F-14 fighter's "detailed data display," or DDD, which is
crucial to firing the jet's weapons.

"Maintenance actions indicate the high rate of failure of
numerous components in the DDD makes it one of the highest
readiness degraders throughout the F-14 community," it reports.
"This failure rate combined with known reliability of the DDD
directly impacting overall fleet readiness."

Paying the bills promises to get even worse this fiscal year. The
price tags for major components have jumped more than 50 percent
for some items, the memo states.

A propeller for the E-2 Hawkeye aircraft has jumped from $156,000
to $211,000.  A helicopter blade that cost $30,000 last year now
is $49,000.

"Increased [operational tempo], more expensive parts and lower
funding are driving up per-hour flying costs and reducing the
number of days" aircraft are air worthy, the memo states.  "The
inability to replenish stock assets had a direct negative impact
on the readiness of" units. "The shortfall in 4th quarter money
required drastic cutbacks in spending to the point where only
high priority requirements were requisitioned."

The memo reports squadrons coming off deployment "are swapping
parts at unprecedented levels just to maintain status quo."

When the carrier USS George Washington returns from deployment,
the message states, "many of the jets are expected to require
extensive repairs and maintenance from six months of carrier

The memo also states Oceana Naval Air Station had to cut back on
flight hours so planes could participate in Virginia Beach's
Neptune Festival Air Show in September.

Said one aviator: "It doesn't seem to be the kind of thing we
ought to see our guys do if we're having trouble fixing

But Mr.  Maus said such air shows are important to the Navy

"Air shows and flight demonstrations are still a very vital part
of the Navy," he said.  "They are very, very beneficial to the
recruiting effort."

Other alarm bells have sounded concerning the deteriorating state
of Navy aviation, a decline attributed to increased overseas
operations and spare parts shortages.

The Navy recently released an inspector general's report that
said the aviation community has "big problems" primarily due to
wear and tear on fighters and support aircraft.

Readiness woes also afflict West Coast-based aircraft.

Vice Adm.  John B.  Nathman confronted the problem during a
speech as he assumed command of Pacific naval air forces.

"To me, the fact is that we have reached such a low level of
funding it will soon be impossible to meet the 


2000-11-03 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Friday,November 3,2000

Dick Morris

THE bombshell revelation that George W.  Bush was arrested,
convicted and fined for driving under the influence of alcohol
could derail his candidacy five days before the election, or it
could pass as a blip in the night.  It all depends on how he
handles it.

DWI is one of the most potent issues in American politics.  In
one survey I took five years ago, it ranked No.  1 among the 50
issues I tested.  It is particularly important for mothers and
other women, a key constituency that already views Bush with

What impact will this disclosure have?  The key lies with other
facts and other questions that the report of his conviction

The extenuating circumstances surrounding his arrest will likely
shield the GOP nominee from the kind of initial damage which
could kill him outright.

Nobody was hurt.  There was no accident.  He was still young.
It never happened again.  He gave up drinking and moved on with
his life.

Most impressively, he didn't pull strings to avoid prosecution.
His father was a famous man, particularly near his Maine home: He
had already served as chairman of the Republican Party, head of
the CIA and ambassador to China.

George W.  could have tried to throw his weight around - as Ted
Kennedy did at Chappaquidick, for example.  Bush didn't.

He was arrested.  He was convicted.  He paid his fine.  His
license was suspended in Maine.

On the other hand, two key questions

loom.  Bush better have good answers to them.

First: Did he ever lie about this arrest?  In applying for
everything from a bank loan to security clearance, one is always
asked "have you ever been arrested?" The temptation to check "no"
and avoid the whole mess must have loomed large in his mind.
But if he lied about this unattractive episode in his life on any
official form, his candidacy may be cooked.

Second: Why did Bush not disclose the arrest and conviction
himself?  He must have known it would come out.  You don't keep
secrets and run for president.

Why did he let his party nominate him and never tell about
potentially damaging information which could impair his viability
as a candidate? Does his failure to tell us about so important a
fact reflect on his judgment, maturity and discretion?

Bush had better have a good answer.

On the other hand, one is driven to ask why this revelation
surfaced on Nov.  1.

Who tipped off the Portland TV station?  Did Gore's campaign
unearth this fact?  Did they hold onto it until five days before
the election deliberately?

I smell a dirty trick.  Did some of Bill Clinton's secret police
- the detectives he hires to discredit political opponents - dig
up this dirt on Bush and then hold it until it would do maximum

This story isn't over.  It will evolve in the coming days.
Every reporter will dig to discover the answers to these

Bush's success or failure may hinge on the answers.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Bush Finally Admits DUI Arrest

2000-11-03 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 11/2/00 11:39:43 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I still vividly remember video of AL GORE, visiting with William Jefferson
Clinton, in 1992, at the Jefferson memorial, pointing up to the
president's busts that lined the round office of the former founding father,
and Big Al asking:
"Who are these guys?"


eagle 1

What you "vividly remember" is a recent FOX News piece on this gaffe'...I hardly belive that you actually caught this when it was originally aired.


Re: [CTRL] Bush Finally Admits DUI Arrest

2000-11-03 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 11/3/00 7:38:25 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Well why don;t someone ask Gore and Clinton if they are Communists? They are

So "stoopid"...why ask such DUMBASSED questions of this well-read list???
Here's a thought...LOOK UP THE WORD "COMMUNIST"...methinks you'll see why nobody with an OPERATIVE BRAIN asks such a MORONIC question!

By the way..."socially liberal" DOESN'T equal COMMUNIST...



Re: [CTRL] Could Israel Have Bombed The USS Cole???

2000-11-03 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/03/2000 10:15:59 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 But what if the mossad convinced a couple of arabs to do the suicide
 for the greater good of all arabs against the Great Satan?

 Of course it would be understood that they would not tell the arabs that they
 were Jews but would pass themselves off as arabs. 

Find me a couple of "arabs" who would believe anything the mossad says, and
I'll give this matter more consideration.  Prudy

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Bush Finally Admits DUI Arrest

2000-11-03 Thread T Nohava

In defense of 
"Eagle" I VIVIDLY remember it well and didn't see it aired recently. Seems like 
it was a tour of DC they and their wives were on and remember Gore gazing at 
these busts that lined the upper portion of a wall while making that statement. 
The first thought that came to my mind was "Well...here we go...this is gonna 
get good". I also waited for the tax cut Clinton promised us in his first 
campaign...what did we get...a Tax Increase. Clinton and Gore in my opinion have 
and are making promises they can't keep. I like to think I'm non-partisan and 
don't care for either candidate but would have to decide against Gore in this 

  -Original Message-From: Conspiracy Theory Research 
  List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of William 
  ShannonSent: Friday, November 03, 2000 8:33 PMTo: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [CTRL] Bush Finally Admits DUI 
  ArrestIn a message dated 11/2/00 11:39:43 PM Central Standard Time, 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
  I still vividly remember video of AL GORE, visiting with 
William Jefferson Clinton, in 1992, at the Jefferson memorial, 
pointing up to the president's busts that lined the round 
office of the former founding father, and Big Al asking: "Who are 
these guys?" OH MY! eagle 1What you 
  "vividly remember" is a recent FOX News piece on this gaffe'...I hardly 
  belive that you actually caught this when it was originally aired. 

Re: [CTRL] Bush Finally Admits DUI Arrest

2000-11-03 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

On 3 Nov 00, at 21:12, T Nohava wrote:

  I also waited for the tax cut
 Clinton promised us in his first campaign...what did we get...a Tax Increase.

At least Clinton/Gore balanced the budget for a change, as opposed to
300 Billion + deficits and sluggish economy during the Reagan/Bush years.

Now we have an booming economy, and a budget surplus. I guess some
would like to return to the failed ways of the past. Get a few hundred more
dollars back from a tax cut, with higher interest rates, higher unemployment,
soaring medical costs, etc. Just give the big companies a big tax break
and everything will be ok! I think you are dreaming...


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Bush Finally Admits DUI Arrest

2000-11-03 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/3/00 10:04:05 PM Eastern Standard Time,

   I also waited for the tax cut
   Clinton promised us in his first campaign...what did we get...a Tax

  At least Clinton/Gore balanced the budget for a change, as opposed to
  300 Billion + deficits and sluggish economy during the Reagan/Bush years.

  Now we have an booming economy, and a budget surplus. I guess some
  would like to return to the failed ways of the past. Get a few hundred more
  dollars back from a tax cut, with higher interest rates, higher

  soaring medical costs, etc. Just give the big companies a big tax break
  and everything will be ok! I think you are dreaming...

you believe that?
We are about to lose the bill of rights and constitution with Clinton  Gore
and Democratic Party!

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Judge threatens girls with `hell'

2000-11-03 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Aleisha Saba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Maybe this Judge has been watching that loud mouth obnoxious Judge Judy
 and some of these TV judges...

Judge Judy's kewl!

So's her husband (People's Court) and Judge Mills Lane and Judge Joe Brown.  We need 
more people like them who
are willing to be politically incorrect and tell it like it is.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] OS: DUI story shopped at Dem conventon?

2000-11-03 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


The Bush DUI Story Was Brought to the Democratic National

It Comes Down to "Who's Telling the Truth - Bush or Gore?"

By: Mary Mostert, Analyst, Original Sources

November 3, 2000

Yesterday, faxes mysteriously appeared on the desks of reporters
telling them about a DUI arrest back on September 4, 1976 of
George W. Bush. A little bit of sleuthing soon revealed, as the
Washington Post put it, that a "lawyer who was delegate to the
Democratic National Convention, had a copy of the docket" at the

Peddling it, perchance? Fox News broke the story nationally and
it promptly became the major topic of discussion on talk shows.
Endless discussion followed. Will the revelation derail the Bush
juggernaut? Not likely.

In the first place, having too many beers and driving too slowly
hardly compares with the lying to a grand jury as Bill Clinton
did, smoking pot, an illegal substance, as Al Gore did during the
same period or leaving a body in your car at the bottom of a pond
on Chappaquidick Island, as Senator Ted Kennedy did in 1969.

And, secondly, this story is so obviously timed for political
damage that it's apt to make some voters mad at the Democrats,
not George W., who, after all, had said much earlier in the
campaign that he had drinking problems and that he quit drinking
14 years ago when he turned 40.

If, as I keep saying, this election is all about trust, what
impact will the Bush DUI have on the electorate? Does that story
mean we can't trust George Bush?

Well, George W. Bush has told us the truth all along. He SAID he
had problems with drinking. And, Calvin Bridges the arresting
officer 24 years ago, said in a telephone interview that he
recalled "driving home from work after midnight and spotting a
car slipping briefly onto the shoulder before getting back on the

The driver was George W. Bush and he failed a road sobriety test.
He registered 0.10 blood-alcohol level -- the legal limit at the
time, Bridges said. He also talked about Bush's attitude saying,
"The man was, and I say this without being facetious, a picture
of integrity. He gave no resistance. He was very cooperative."

Bridges said Bush spent about 90 minutes in custody. He said he
was contacted Thursday night by two Bush aides, including
spokesman Dan Bartlett, and asked if he would accept a telephone
call from a reporter.

On the other hand Gore campaign spokesman Chris Lehane said
yesterday, "This is just not something the Gore campaign is
involved with in any shape, way or form. It's not something we
would engage in."

When the story first broke it was claimed that "two Portland,
Maine, television stations said their reporters came across the
incident while covering an unrelated arson case yesterday and
overheard hallway conversations about the arrest. Reporters for
the stations, WPXT-TV and WCSH-TV, pursued the story and found
several documents confirming the Sept. 4, 1976, arrest, as well
as the name of the arresting officer."

Just 5 days before the election? Is that story true? Apparently
not. It turns out that a Democrat lawyer from Maine brought the
story to the Democratic Convention in Los Angeles. The Gore
campaign obviously had had the story at least a couple of months.

In fact, it turns out that the story came out of the Democratic
National Convention which appears to have been released five days
before the election.

Does the Gore campaign really think the American people are so
stupid that they will conclude they can't trust George W. because
24 years ago he had too many beers one night? Are we all supposed
to forget, as Newsweek reporter Bill Turque wrote, that Al Gore
and John Warnecke "would gather to talk politics late into the
night, fueled by Grateful Dead albums and the high-grade
marijuana that Warnecke imported from the West Coast. 'We'd get
stoned and talk about what we'd do if we were president.'"

"Warnecke and two other close friends from Gore's Nashville days
say Gore was an enthusiastic recreational user, smoking sometimes
as often as three or four times a week: afterhours at Warnecke's
house, on weekends at the Gore farm or canoeing on the Caney Fork
River. Andy Schlesinger, a former Tennessean reporter says that
in the first few months after Gore returned from South Vietnam in
1971, he smoked with him 'at least a dozen times' at the
Warneckes'. The partying continued, according to Warnecke and a
Gore friend who declined to be named, until Gore ran his first
House race in 1976."

"He continued: 'Al Gore stoned was a mix of expansiveness,
melancholy and paranoia, friends recall. 'These were low times,'
Schlesinger says."

Somehow, with all the scandals that have rocked the White House
in the last 7 years, I can't see the "too many beers" story
changing many votes. I also doubt that the "too many joints"
story about Al Gore will change many votes for Al Gore.

What is going 

[CTRL] FW: 11-02-00 -- URGENT ACLU Action Update: What Is The Government Trying to Hide?

2000-11-03 Thread Shane A. Saylor, Eccentric Bard

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2000 5:54 PM
To: ACLU Action List
Subject: 11-02-00 -- URGENT ACLU Action Update: What Is The Government
Trying to Hide?

TO: ACLU Action Network
FR: Jared Feuer, Internet Organizer
DT: November 2, 2000

President Clinton has until Saturday, November 3, to decide whether to
sign or veto a measure that would make it extremely difficult for the
media to meet its obligation to inform the public of information vital to
national debates on serious issues.

In breaking major stories, most major newspapers run articles based in
part on classified information.  In recent months the media has, for
example, informed the public of an Iraqi missile program, China’s likely
reaction to a U.S. missile program, and the sales by Russia of deadly
military technology to countries on the “terrorist” list.  Without this
free exchange of information and ideas, the freedom enshrined in the First
Amendment loses its meaning and power, threatening the very existence of
our democracy.

If President Clinton signs this law, every newspaper story that relies on
a leak of classified information to expose an abuse could be the basis of
a criminal prosecution of the source of the leak.  Exposing official
gaffes should not invite fines and imprisonment.  After all, what is the
government trying to hide?

Take Action!  You can learn more about the proposed measure and send a
FREE FAX to President Clinton from our action alert at:


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] POA Poll: Rasmussen comments on DUI

2000-11-03 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


November 3, 2000
Presidential Tracking Poll

With four days remaining in the campaign, Rasmussen Research
surveys for Portrait of America (POA) find Texas Governor George
W. Bush leads Vice President Al Gore, 46% to 43%. This is the
smallest lead for Bush since the first Presidential Debate. Much
like polling data released the morning after the Debates, these
results do not reflect any impact of the breaking news story
about George W. Bush’s 1976 arrest for driving under the
influence of alcohol. These numbers do not reflect a general
tightening of the race.

In the Electoral College, Portrait of America's survey shows Bush
leading in states with 231 Electoral Votes. Gore is leading in
states with 168 Electoral Votes. Bush needs to win just 39 of the
139 toss-up votes to reach the magic number of 270. Al Gore needs
to win 102 of those 139 toss-up votes.

Gore's gains in our tracking poll are the result of a very strong
night for the Vice President on Tuesday night. Our last two
nights of polling (Wednesday and Thursday) show Governor Bush
leading 47.4% to 41.8%. That 5.6% margin in favor of Bush is
virtually identical to the 5.5% margin in our six day tracking
average. Rasmussen Research’s assessment of the race remains

At least through Thursday night, Bush held a solid lead in the
race for the White House. This is true in both the popular vote
and the Electoral College. Barring something dramatic to shake up
the race, Bush will be elected President next Tuesday. At this
point, it is too early to tell whether or not the allegations
about Bush's arrest for will be significant enough to make Al
Gore the next President.

While virtually every political junkie in the nation has an
opinion about this, Rasmussen Research won't really know the
public reaction until more telephone surveys are completed.

Rasmussen Research will be conducting a special Friday night
Portrait of America telephone survey to give an early indication
on the impact or lack of impact generated by the story about
Bush’s 24-year old DUI arrest.

These results from Friday night will be clues, rather than
definitive answers because Friday nights are not considered
optimum polling times, and because it may take several days
before the full impact of this story is known. Results of the
Friday night survey will be posted on the Portrait of America web

POA demographic data shows 50% of government employees support Al
Gore, while only 39% in the private sector support him. George W.
Bush is supported by 50% of private sector workers, only 38% of
government employees support Bush.

Rasmussen Research will begin tracking the approval rating and
key political issues of the new administration as soon as the
elections are over. The next President will be the first in
history to have public reaction to his policies and popularity
polled every day he is in office.

Rasmussen Research has been collecting daily information on the
attitudes of investors, consumers, and the workforce about the
economy and financial markets. As soon as the elections are over,
this data will be available on the Portrait of America website.

The telephone survey of 3,000 likely voters was conducted on
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, October 31, November 1, and 2,
2000. The survey’s margin of sampling error is +/- 1.8 percentage
points with a 95% level of confidence.

Presidential Tracking Poll

Survey Dates   Bush Gore
October 31, Nov 1, 2 46 43
October 30, 31, Nov 147 42
October 29, 30, 31   47 41
October 28, 29, 30   47 40
October 26, 28, 29   47 41
October 25, 26, 28   46 42
October 24, 25, 26   46 42
October 23, 24, 25   47 40
October 22, 23, 24   47 41
October 21, 22, 23   47 41
October 19, 21, 22   47 41
October 18, 19, 21   46 41
October 17, 18, 19   46 41
October 16, 17, 18   45 41
October 15, 16, 17   47 40

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not 

[CTRL] NewsHawk: Bush LIED About ALL Post-'68 Drug/Alcohol Busts! (fwd)

2000-11-03 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2000 16:39:48 -0800
From: NewsHawk Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Bush LIED About ALL Post-'68 Drug/Alcohol Busts!

Bush LIED About ALL Post-'68 Drug/Alcohol Busts!

According to the Dallas Morning News, Dubya Bush has CONSISTENTLY LIED
and DENIED that he was ever arrested for drug and/or alcohol use any
time after 1968.

Again; our likely future president flat-out LIED about this VERY
important issue!!

NewsHawk® Inc.

WIRE:11/03/2000 19:19:00 ET
Dallas Paper Says Bush Denied Arrests
After 1968

DALLAS (Reuters) - The Dallas Morning News published on Friday in its
on-line edition claims by one its reporters that Texas Gov. George W.
Bush, who acknowledged a 1976 drunk driving conviction this week, had
denied two years ago any arrests after 1968. The newspaper also reported
that Bush, called on for jury duty in a drunk driving case in 1996
during his first term as governor, omitted any mention of his conviction
on a questionnaire for potential jurors. Bush confirmed on Thursday a
news report that at age 30 he was arrested for drunk driving in
Kennebunkport, Maine, pleaded guilty, paid a $150 fine and had his
permission to drive suspended for 30 days. "In a 1998 interview, Mr.
Bush responded, "No," when a reporter asked him whether he had been
arrested on any charges "after 1968"," the Morning News reported in its
on-line edition (http://www.dallasnews.com). The story was co-authored
by reporter Wayne Slater, who previously told reporters traveling with
the Bush campaign of the conversation with Bush as he recalled it.
Slater told fellow reporters that Bush had told him in September 1998,
in a brief exchange after a news conference at the Texas capitol in
Austin, that he had no other arrests except for an arrest linked to a
1968 fraternity prank involving a stolen Christmas wreath. Slater said
Bush answered "no" when he asked the Texas governor whether he had any
other arrests, but that Bush then said "wait a minute" and appeared to
want to say more when Hughes intervened to stop the interview. Campaign
spokeswoman Karen Hughes earlier disputed Slater"s recollection. "We do
not believe that is accurate," Hughes told reporters in Grand Rapids,
Michigan. She said the only time Bush was ever asked publicly whether he
had ever been arrested for drunk driving was in October 1996, when he
responded without elaborating: "I do not have a perfect record as a
youth." The Morning News said the jury questionnaire filled out by Bush
in 1996 contained no answer to several questions, including three asking
whether he had ever been accused, a complainant or a witness in a
criminal case. The questionnaire was not filled out under oath and did
not include a place for the governor"s signature, the paper said. The
newspaper did not say where in Texas the jury was convened. It said Bush
was dismissed from the panel before potential jury members were
questioned about their histories of drinking and driving.

 ++ NewsHawk subscriptions cost $15 US for three months, payable by MONEY
ORDER only, made out to JOHN QUINN (of course cash is OK, but
inadvisable for snailmail).

 ++ Any donations of funds should also be sent as a money order made out to

 ++ Mail donations and payments for subscriptions to:

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 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] CHECK THIS!: AP: Any insiders here? If not, any guesses?

2000-11-03 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

FBI Agent Sues To Report Misconduct

By Michael J. Sniffen
Associated Press Writer
Friday, Nov. 3, 2000; 5:56 p.m. EST

WASHINGTON ­­ A 20-year veteran FBI agent went to court Friday
seeking the right to report to President Clinton and key members
of Congress what he considers serious and criminal misconduct by
federal workers during a top secret, undercover national security

FBI Director Louis Freeh and Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder
have denied agent Joseph G. Rogoskey permission to relay his
allegations to Clinton, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and
House and Senate committees that oversee the FBI.

In a lawsuit against the FBI and Justice Department, Rogoskey
said that as an undercover agent he "witnessed acts of serious
misconduct and violation of federal law by employees of the
federal government during the course of their employment."

FBI spokesman Bill Carter said, "We understand all the
allegations of government misconduct have long been appropriately

Now on paid administrative leave, Rogoskey spent 12 years, 1987
through 1998, on top-secret, undercover operations involving some
of the government's deepest secrets that are accessible only to
specified people.

Rogoskey is barred from telling his lawyer, Stephen Kohn, any
details of the operation or the alleged misconduct. Kohn said he
understands only that "it doesn't involve anyone stealing money.
It involves what they were ordered and permitted by the
government to do in this operation."

Like the FBI, Holder advised Rogoskey by letter that he should
report "whistle-blower-type allegations" to internal FBI
investigators or Justice inspector general agents who "have the
appropriate security clearances."

But Kohn said, "Keeping whistle-blower allegations within the
institution that authorized the misconduct does not serve the
public interest and raises grave constitutional questions."

Rogoskey first reported his allegations to his immediate
supervisor in late 1997, "promptly upon observing them," Kohn
said. "We don't know if the FBI has fixed the problem," Kohn
said, because Rogoskey has been on leave since the summer of

Since making the allegations, the FBI has retaliated against
Rogoskey, the lawsuit said. The suit said this included an
allegation of misconduct against Rogoskey, of which FBI
investigators cleared him; efforts by superiors "to call into
question his integrity"; and recently threatening to fire him for
medical reasons if he fails a fitness for duty exam.

The FBI's Carter responded: "Any internal disciplinary or other
employment problems Mr. Rogoskey may have experienced are
completely unrelated to providing the earlier allegations."

Kohn said: "Fitness reviews are extremely intrusive. They include
psychiatric exams, interviews with his wife and examination of
his sex life."

A fitness exam was ordered of another FBI whistle-blower client
of Kohn's, Frederic Whitehurst, the FBI chemist whose allegations
led to an inspector general's finding the FBI Laboratory engaged
in sloppy science and gave biased testimony for the prosecution.

"Even though Whitehurst was found fit, the FBI tried to discredit
him with material from the fitness exam," Kohn said.

Kohn said Rogoskey has applied for workman's compensation because
two doctors concluded he suffers from post-traumatic stress
disorder caused by his work. "He has work-related injuries
because they kept him undercover too long and from the
retaliation," Kohn said.

FBI officials have said that agents who spend long periods
undercover can suffer tensions from maintaining dual

In the lawsuit, Rogoskey asked the U.S. District Court here to
decide whether he can transmit his allegations to Clinton,
Albright and congressional oversight committees, to bar the
government from retaliation and to process his workman's
compensation claim instead of ordering a fitness review.

Because of secrecy rules, Rogoskey submitted his allegations in a
sealed envelope to the FBI's publication review clearance board
in May 1999.

The agent had no publisher, wasn't seeking compensation and did
not intend to publish the material for the general public, but
wanted permission to send it to the named officials, Kohn said.

FBI attorney Lyn Brown "denied the permission the next day by
phone and said the information in the envelope should have been
transported by armed guard." Kohn said. Freeh and Holder later
upheld that denial.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing 

[CTRL] Gore's Daddy Fixed his Tickets

2000-11-03 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

So here is interesting item sent to me by friend on another list.

Now when tickets are fixed which is the case re Gore, a Reckless
Operation Charge it is mandatory you appear in Court - and this Reckless
Charge is usualy the result of drunk driving or driving under influence
of drugs.and it is all too obvious Daddy Gore fixed his little boy's
ticket - while George Bush so many years ago did not set himself above
the law - he went to court and was given the fine and sentence as
anybody else during that time frame.

Daddy Gore had so much respect for the law that he held his son and
obviously himself above the law - George Bush Sr.  probably had the
influence he could have done the same thing, but did not.

The charge was a misdemeanor - and surely nothing to brag about - and
having worked for the head honcho once in the Democrat Party, believe me
the parties have even copies of parking tickets for nobody is perfect -
look at Barney Frank and his male homosexual lovers on payroll..when
working for the people.   He was chastised, embarassed - but continues
to do his job as best he can, whether we agree wih all he does or not.

So Gore is desperate and at the last moment reveals an old ticket Bush
had many years ago where he plead guilty - in all fairness, looking at
the record and being a former clerk of court in a small city, when I see
Reckless Operation  with no other charge, this means the charge was
reduced from driving under influence of drugs and/or alcohol...and
we know, Al Gore inhaled.

So George Bush already got my vote - based on his promise hat no US
Soldier would wear UN Uniform so long as he was Presidenthe is his
own man - he proved that when he stood as a man before a Judge and pled
guilty to a misdemeanor charge of DUI and received the same sentence
that you or I would have received...while Daddy Gore fixed his son's
ticket..and sent two body guards with him to Viet Nam while he
played reporter.

Maybe the real test here is this..George Bush did not put himself
above the law - Al Gore and his daddy did.


Mail message
From: xxxaol.com
 Date: Sat, Nov 4, 2000, 1:00am

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Fwd: Gore Reckless Driving Charges

"...and he that was called Judas, one of the twelve, went before them,
and drew near unto Jesus to kiss himbut Jesus said unto him, Judas
betrayest thou the Son of man with a kiss?"   Luke 22

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Date:Fri, Nov 3, 2000, 11:25pm  Subject:
   Gore Reckless Driving Charges To:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

This story was broken after a tip by a former Commercial Appeal
reporter, Mike Fleming. Michael Reagan has picked it up on his radio
show tonight. Fleming said that national tv news was prowling around the

  Gore said today that he was never arrested. There are two
Tennessee State troopers who know this is false. They arrested him for
reckless driving (at different times) in the late 60's. One is named
Swift and the other is Overstreet (now retired). This was news on a
local Memphis radio talkshow hosted by Mike Fleming. Gore is visiting
the city today and tomorrow.

Bush opponent Al Gore declined to comment
on the Republican's admission but said he never had been arrested for
drunken driving.

``I´ve had speeding tickets, but no. Absolutely not,´´ Gore said.

[Saba note:  Liar, Liar - Pants On Fire .]

The vice president received a speeding ticket 32 years ago
on Interstate 40 in Tennessee and paid $21.75 in fines and costs, Smith
County records show.

Gore was given two tickets, one for speeding and a second
for driving without a license. The second ticket was dropped when Gore
appeared in court on Sept. 6, 1968.

  There were also reckless driving charges which Gore, Sr. fixed.

Saba Note:   And working for a court any police officer knows Reckless
Charges - what drove the officer to note this - why drunk driving or
driving under influence of drugs - for normal procedure is to get on
ROMV, test and then nail on one of the two or both of DUi...so Daddy
Gore got his little "he inhaled" off hook and booked on lesser charge,
which he fixed.

Know one Governor of Ohio arrested once for DUI and it was dropped
outside of Court and this police officer who gave me his masonic books
(Mackeys) never forgot that for he was the arresting officer - but as a
gentleman you would never see him use this isnformation for financial
gainthis man is still alive today, and true blue gentleman.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects 

[CTRL] George Bush Stands Tall....Big Al Needs Bigger Pants

2000-11-03 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

So A. Saba and her views this news item printed..was very proud to
see that this small voice, and just plain average citizen, was heard by
many people.

A. Saba

3, 2000, 10:58pm (EST-2) To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: GOP News  Views - November 7, 2000

Last Eight Years: RIP
"Here lies honor, decency, morality and integrity July 4, 1776 -
November 2, 1992
Slain by the Clinton/Gore gang"
- Tombstone inscription noticed by a GOPNV reader in Florida on
Halloween night
We'll Drive Off That Bridge When We Come to It
"The extenuating circumstances surrounding (George W. Bush's) arrest
will likely shield the GOP nominee from the kind of initial damage which
could kill him outright. Nobody was hurt. There was no accident. He was
still young. It never happened again. He gave up drinking and moved on
with his life. Most impressively, he didn't pull strings to avoid
prosecution. His father was a famous man, particularly near his Maine
home: He had already served as chairman of the Republican Party, head of
the CIA and ambassador to China. George W. could have tried to throw his
weight around - as Ted Kennedy did at Chappaquidick, for example. Bush
didn't. He was arrested. He was convicted. He paid his fine. His license
was suspended in Maine."
- Columnist Dick Morris, New York Post, 11/3/00
Timing Stinks Like Yesterday's Diapers

"As November surprises go, news that George W. Bush was busted for drunk
driving a quarter-century ago is pretty weak tea. If that's the best
that Al Gore's dirty tricksters can come up with, Bush is looking
cleaner than ever. ... News of the arrest gurgled up out of the
Clinton-Gore septic system scarcely five full days before the nation
goes to the polls next Tuesday. An accident of timing? A hard-working
investigative reporter who hit pay dirt precisely at the time Americans
are paying such close attention to the two men now seeking to lead them
into a new century? Please. ... (T)he issue that should alarm America -
and which certainly alarms us - is that all this comes to light with
fewer than 120 hours to go before the polls open on the East Coast. Here
are the questions: What did Al Gore know? And when did he know it?"
- New York Post editorial, 11/3/00

Leaker ID'ed As a Major League "Clymer"
"About the timing of the (drunk driving) revelation, Bush says: 'That's
an interesting question--why now, four days before an election? . . . I
got my suspicions.' WPXT airs a story saying that the source of the
report was Tom Connolly, a Portland lawyer who ran unsuccessfully for
governor two years ago and was a Gore delegate to the 2000 Democratic
convention. From the Drudge Report we learn that Connolly is the brains
behind an anti-Bush Web site, wienerboy.org, which offers such elevated
political commentary as this: 'Wiener Boy Bush is 97% filler with 2%
pigs lips and snout along with 1% pure bull coupled with .001% of rodent
feces.' ... For our part, we think Bush should have disclosed his
drunk-driving arrest at the outset of the campaign, precisely to avoid
such a 'November surprise.' But after eight years of finger-wagging
denials, I-didn't-inhale evasions and no-controlling-legal-authority
excuses, we find it refreshing to see a candidate for president candidly
acknowledge a past wrong."
- WSJ.com OpinionJournal, 11/3/00

Failure to Disclose Early a Tactical Mistake
"George W. Bush's Thursday admission that he was arrested in 1976 for
drunken driving (only to be one-upped by vice presidential candidate

Dick Cheney's admission that he was twice arrested for the same crime)
is a classic tactical error, although there's clearly going to be some
raucous parties at the White House if these guys get elected. Bush
should have been the one to disclose this little bit of
presidential-family trivia, and he should have done it long ago.
"Vincent Bugliosi, the former Los Angeles County prosecutor who handled
the Charles Manson case, has written in several of his books --
including 'Outrage,' the single best tome on the O.J. Simpson murder
trial -- that when he was prosecuting a case, if there was information
that hurt his argument, he would bring it out first on direct
examination. The approach not only let him control how the information
got out, but also showed his juries that he had nothing to hide. But
best of all, it left defense attorneys (who had no doubt prepared like
Democratic opposition researchers looking for an 'October surprise')
nowhere to go when it was their turn to cross."
- Columnist Steve Sebelius, Nevada e-Briefing, 11/3/00
Hold Me Closer Ballet Dancer

"The important thing here with George Bush, he faced the DUI as a man -
he did not try to use his father, his plea was guilty but without a
doubt he could have had the 

Re: [CTRL] Bush Finally Admits DUI Arrest

2000-11-03 Thread Bob Stokes

-Caveat Lector-

??? Clinton/Gore balanced the budget - since when, in what dream?

Do you really think some dumb asshole like Clinton is responsible for this
"booming economy?"

You even think we have a budget surplus?

This is a troll right?

not very funny
Bob Stokes

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fwd: [LIFE-GAZETTE] Real Hate Speech (fwd)

2000-11-03 Thread Aleisha Saba

So this item was of interest; now what if white people walked about
spouting garbage such as this..

Now you know why this lily white American prefers to live in her lily
white neighborhood with lily white friends.

Now you know why this year 18,000 African with AIDS - grounds for
admission to USA they must have AIDS - now you know why I am fed up with
black Americans such as this - we have a lot of white Americans who go
to bed hungry too .does anybody care?

So much for Hill and Bill's melting pot - like in bible, the scum also
rises - at times -

So read this article and lets hear it from the other side -

A. Saba
Lily White American and Proud Of It

Elridge Cleaver - it was he who over and over claimed the iniquities of
the fathers would be visited upon the children - and then I think of
Code Name Zebra where in particular a 19 year old kid with a Teddy Bear
for his little sister, little white sister, was slaughtered in the
street by these animals on his way home..and I think of the 6 year
old who murdered a little white 6 year old, and we are to hug the little
basard we are told?   Did not see Gore or Clinton crying over the little
6 year old drug by his heels through the streets by black car
thiefnot much was left of his little body..this goes on and on -
so read the garbage in this item, and then consider do you want to hug
the little 6 year old who murdered an innocent little white 6 year old
girl, who had previously stabbed another white child with a
pencil..won't he be sweet when he grows up for we are told to hug
him on - he escaped punishment for he is "deprived".well so was the
little while child, for they live in Flint Michigan and the town is
dying which is conveniently ovlooked by Gore and Clinton.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2000 18:50:44 -0800
From: Cyberdude [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: roundtable [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Real Hate Speech

'I don’t talk to you white motherf*ckers. . . . You bitch motherf*ckers in the
white press. . . . F*ck you you motherf*ckinging asshole . . . white
devils.' --Gus Savage (former U.S. Representative from Chicago to a white member
of the press)

'We have an aging white America. They are dying. They are shitting in their
pants with fear! . . . I love it! '--Prof. Jose Angel Gutierrez (University of
Texas Arlington)

'If black people kill black people every day why not have a week and kill white
people?'--Sister Souljah (rap artist and black activist)

'Hollywood is owned by these so-called Jews. Look at the movies they make about
us Black people killing Black people. Let’s make some revolutionary movies where
we kill white people in the movie. Kill ‘em so hard you have to cover up your
popcorn from the blood spraying out of the screen.' --Khalid Abdul Muhammed

'What we need is the destruction of whiteness which is the source of human
misery in the world.'-- Rev. James Cone

'I am writing this essay sitting beside an anonymous white male that I long to
murder.'-- Bell Hooks (black professor of English at City College of New York)

'Rape was an insurrectionary act. It delighted me that I was defying and
trampling upon the white man’s law upon his system of values and that I was
defiling his women' -- Eldridge Clever (former Black Panther leader on why he
raped white women)

'I am anti-white. I don’t limit my ‘anti’ to just one group of people.'-- Sonny
Carson (black activist in New York when asked if he was anti-Semitic)

'Go back to Simi Valley you skunks! Go back to Woodland Hills! Go back to
Boston! Go back to Plymouth Rock Pilgrims! Get out! We are the future. You are
old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you. Leave like beaten rats. You old white
people it is your duty to die'--Augustin Cebada, Brown Berets.

'I don’t care about your idiot children.'-- Willie Brown (Mayor of San Francisco
to a white parent complaining that affirmative action would penalize his

'After looking at all the evidence there is only one conclusion: white people
are devils . . . .
I believe that we must secure our freedom and independence from these devils by
any means necessary including violence. . . . To protect ourselves we should
bear arms (three handguns and two rifles maybe an M-16) immediately and form a
militia. . . . So black people let us unite organize and execute.' --Chino
Wilson (in an editorial in the Daily Collegian campus newspaper at Penn State

posted by Dude

-- eGroups Sponsor -~-~
It's Easy. It's Fun. Best of All, it's Free!

What would a complete society be like if it were to "do all for the glory of God"? (I 
Corinthians 10:31). What would Canada be like if it were a "Godly Society" functioning 
in this manner?

[CTRL] Judge Joe Brown

2000-11-03 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

Judge Joe Brown is the best.

"You people are unbelievable! You're wasting the court's time, but you I don't believe 
for a minute. I don't believe you. How can you say you don't engage in this sort of 
behaviour? I have here in front of me, you've been convicted of this on 9, 10, 11 
seperate occasions? How can you stand there and claim you don't engage in that 
behaviour? You need help.."

And the brilliant episode where these 2 indeterminate white/hispanic loonies (a 
retired army officer and his wife) were being sued by the black family they had driven 
out of their street by maliciously distributing pamphlets accusing them of dealing 
drugs from the house, welfare fraud, all their children having different names and the 
woman of the house was running a prostitution service (among other things). It was all 
completely bogus. The maniacs even claimed the couple weren't married, and wouldn't 
believe it even when shown the marriage certificate. The victims had a nice letter 
from the housing company apologising for their experience and offering to pay part of 
their moving costs. Judge Joe Brown got so angry with them, especially when he was 
claiming that his basis for believing that there was prostitutin going on was that 
another neighbour had claimed he had seen the woman working in the front garden, 
bending over and making eyes at him. Judge Joe Brown yelled at them and (not 
surprisingly) found against them.

Other gems: You're trying to get me to enforce on a debt from a drug deal? I'm not 
even going to hear this. Get out of here both of you.

You get the idea.

On Fri, 3 Nov 2000 22:40:54 -0500 Ynr Chyldz Wyld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-Caveat Lector-

From: "Aleisha Saba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Maybe this Judge has been watching that loud mouth obnoxious Judge Judy
 and some of these TV judges...

Judge Judy's kewl!

So's her husband (People's Court) and Judge Mills Lane and Judge Joe Brown.  We need 
more people like them who
are willing to be politically incorrect and tell it like it is.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Bush Finally Admits DUI Arrest

2000-11-03 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

On 4 Nov 00, at 2:00, Bob Stokes wrote:

 You even think we have a budget surplus?

You think we don't? Based on what evidence? You do have evidence to
back up you words don't you? No?

 This is a troll right?

Or are you trolling a long line of obfuscation?


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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