[CTRL] NYT: Mistrust in the Trust

2000-11-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


November 15, 2000


Mistrust in the Trust


WASHINGTON -  Finally, Al Gore got wise.

He has called in America's leading trust-buster.

He has stopped treating W. as a hapless daddy's boy and started
treating him as the face of the ruthless Bush family cartel.

The latest addition to the Gore legal armada is David Boies, the
cunning litigator who beat Microsoft to a pulp in court and
showed it to be a monopoly that unfairly stifled the competition.

Mr. Boies, whose knit ties and Macy's suits belie the fact that
he is a killer from Wall Street, showed up in Tallahassee
yesterday declaring that the judge's decision that seemed to be a
Gore defeat was really a Gore victory.

If the Democrats' Perry Mason could turn Bill Gates into a
stumbling incompetent in a deposition, I shudder to think what he
could do with W.

The New York lawyer (whose firm is also taking on price-fixing in
the art world cartel of Sotheby's and Christie's) is making the
same argument about Florida voters that he once made about
computer customers: They have a right to choose their products

"The voters have spoken and the votes ought to be counted," Mr.
Boies said last night.

W. campaigned on the issue of restoring trust. But it turns out
he meant restoring the Family Trust.

The Bush monopoly, after all, has operated in the interregnum
with the same arrogant philosophy as the Microsoft monopoly: You
can have all the choice you want ó as long as you choose us.

When questioned by Mr. Boies about stifling fair competition, Mr.
Gates would get petulant.

W. is just the same. The Bush family's elitist mantra ó "We were
born to rule. We know best. Leave it to us." ó was echoed at
Microsoft. Both monopolies simply assumed that Americans should
want what they were selling. Anybody who disagreed shouldn't
count ó or get counted.

Ever since the vice president refused to withdraw from the
marketplace, W. has snippily comported himself as

W. keeps acting as though he needs to get busy with a transition,
even though all he's doing is giving jobs to all the old Bush
family retainers and tiresome former Bush White House officials
who are already sitting around the ranch with him.

How much time and imagination does that take?

The Bushes are treating Florida as possessively as Microsoft
treated the rest of the computer industry. Jeb Bush runs the
Florida subsidiary of Bush Inc. and was supposed to roll over Mr.
Gore the way Microsoft rolled over rivals in the browser war.

But once Jeb failed to achieve market dominance in his region, it
fell to his subordinate, Katherine Harris, Florida's secretary of
state, to use her "discretion" to muscle out the interlopers. She
knows that if she succeeds, there might be a big bonus from Bush
Inc.: a cushy job as an ambassador or perhaps support for a
Senate run.

James Baker's strong-arm tactics are reminiscent of those
Microsoft executives who acted like thuggish enforcers of their
leader's will, warning that their company was so important that
any kind of assault on them would be bound to undermine the
stability of the Republic and destroy capitalism and impede the
march toward high-tech prosperity.

Mr. Baker held a press conference yesterday morning to warn of
dire consequences if W. was not immediately installed in the
executive suite. But just as the Bush Inc. not-so- Velvet Hammer
was pompously lecturing about international uncertainty and
"disturbed" markets, the Nasdaq and Dow indexes were sharply
rising, running across the bottom of the TV screen, mocking his
words even as he uttered them.

Mr. Baker keeps acting as though there's some phantom populace
impatiently demanding a swift resolution. That's simply not true.

W., of course, is eager to slide by with the help of family
connections, and start inaugural partying. But the rest of us are
perfectly content to wait for the arithmetical truth. (And not
Mr. Gore's selective truth either, cleaving to Democratic

It is not the tie, but the grating behavior of the contenders in
the tie, that is trying American patience.

At least there's this to be grateful for: Johnnie Cochran hasn't
shown up on the Gore legal team. (If the chads don't fit, you
must acquit.)

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] LDT: Russian planes 'buzzed US carrier three times'

2000-11-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Russian planes 'buzzed US carrier three times'

By Marcus Warren in Moscow
The London Daily Telegraph

RUSSIA revived the spirit of the Cold War yesterday with claims
that its military pilots had "buzzed" the American aircraft
carrier Kitty Hawk in the Sea of Japan.

Russian reconnaissance and fighter planes swooped low over the
ship after evading its battle group's radar systems three times
over recent weeks, the Moscow media boasted.

Not only did the planes, operating in pairs, feign an attack on
the aircraft carrier, but they were able to take detailed
photographs of what was happening on its deck, claimed press
reports.  Such "duals" were common in the Cold War.

Izvestiya commented: "If these had been planes on a war mission,
the aircraft carrier would definitely have been sunk." Only after
a second pair of Su-24 and Su-27 planes buzzed the Kitty Hawk on
Oct 17 did the carrier scramble an F/A-18 fighter to intercept
the intruders, the Interfax agency reported.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] IHT: In Vietnam, Clinton Is a Hero for His Anti-War Protest Days Days

2000-11-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

In Vietnam, Clinton Is a Hero for His Anti-War Protest Days Days

By Rajiv Chandrasekaran
International Herald Tribune via Washington Post Service
Wednesday, November 15, 2000

When President Bill Clinton arrives in Hanoi this week as the
first U.S.president to visit Vietnam since the fall of Saigon, he
will be warmly welcomed in part because of a decision he has
spent his entire political career trying to live down: avoiding
the war.

In this struggling but proud Communist country, which lost more
than 3 million people in a conflict known here as the American
War, Mr. Clinton's opposition three decades ago is seen as

"The bad Americans were the ones who bombed our country," said
Tran Duc Cuong, who directs the Vietnam Institute of History.
"The good Americans were the people who opposed the war and the
crimes that were committed here.  President Bill Clinton, because
he protested against a war that violated the freedom and the
independence of our country, he was a good American."

Mr.  Clinton's anti-war stance, coupled with his administration's
efforts to foster stronger diplomatic and commercial links
between the two countries, also has won him admiration from
Vietnamese leaders, many of whom are deeply suspicious of U.S.

During his three-day visit, scheduled to begin Friday, Mr.
Clinton is not expected to express his personal views about the
war.  He will not apologize for U.S.  policy at the time,
officials said, but will recognize the trauma inflicted on both

Although some Vietnam veterans have criticized the visit as an
insult to the 58,000 Americans who died in the conflict, Mr.
Clinton's journey has elicited a generally favorable reaction
from veterans groups, many Vietnamese-Americans and members of
Congress who fought in the war.  The relative lack of controversy
is a remarkable sign of how far both countries have come in
dealing with one of the most convulsive episodes in their modern

Parts of Mr.  Clinton's historic trip will touch on the past.
He will visit a rice paddy near Hanoi where forensic experts are
searching for the body of a U.S.  pilot whose plane was shot down
during the war. Mr.  Clinton also will attend a repatriation
ceremony for soldiers whose remains have recently been found and
hold talks about the lingering effects of the U.S. use of the
defoliant Agent Orange in Vietnam.

But the bulk of his visit will look toward the future and focus
on the growing economic, cultural and diplomatic ties.  Mr.
Clinton will discuss the landmark trade agreement reached this
summer and Vietnam's proposed entry into the World Trade
Organization.  He will announce new business ventures and a
debt-forgiveness program.

U.S.  officials say Mr.  Clinton also will encourage the Hanoi
government to allow its citizens greater political and religious
freedom, a subject of great importance to several congressional

"I will make clear to Vietnam that we expect continued
cooperation," Mr.

Clinton said in his radio address Saturday.  "I will also offer
the support of the American people as Vietnam becomes more open
to the world, promoting trade and more ties among our people and
championing human rights and religious freedom."

"I go to open a new chapter in our relationship with its people,"
he added.

The trip is a symbolic high point in a gradual process of
establishing ties with Vietnam that stretches back to President
Ronald Reagan, who sent General John Vessey Jr.  to press for a
full accounting of those missing in action.  Dialogue improved
when George Bush became president, and visits by such veterans as
Senators John McCain, Republican of Arizona, and John Kerry,
Democrat of Massachusetts, provided political cover for Mr.
Clinton to build the relationship.

It was during Mr.  Clinton's first term, in 1994, that the U.S.
government lifted the trade embargo against Vietnam.  The
following year, the two countries restored diplomatic relations.

Both countries have taken significant steps since to bring about
what the U.S.  ambassador to Vietnam, Douglas Peterson, calls a
"true normalization of relations between two former enemies."

Mr.  Peterson, a former prisoner of war, said Hanoi now provides
"full cooperation" in helping U.S.  officials locate the remains
of the more than 2,000 American soldiers still listed as missing
in action.

The U.S.  government has provided $1.8 million worth of equipment
to the Vietnamese military to locate the thousands of unexploded
bombs that continue to kill and maim dozens of people every year.
And last month, a U.S.  Air Force plane touched down for the
first time in 25 years at Tan Son Nhut Airport in Ho Chi Minh
City, formerly known as Saigon, to bring relief supplies to
victims of flooding in the Mekong Delta.

Officials on both sides view the trade agreement as the crowning
achievement in the rapprochement.  Once it is ratified by the
U.S. Congress and Vietnam's National Assembly, it 

[CTRL] Planet Project - November 15 - 18, 2000

2000-11-15 Thread Damaeus

-Caveat Lector-

Planet Project


You're invited to participate in an event that may become a part of history.
For four days, November 15 - 18, 2000, you and millions of other people
around the world are invited to answer a series of questions about what it's
like to be a human being at the beginning of the millennium.

As soon as you finish answering questions on topics ranging from health to
religion, sleep to sex, marriage to child rearing, and crime to politics,
you can immediately compare your answers to those of others who are
answering the same questions at that very moment.

Using a wide range of technologies never combined before, the project's goal
is to involve people of all nations in an experience that enables them to
instantly share and compare their thoughts, beliefs, opinions, fears,
similarities, and differences.

The Planet Project, aimed at being the largest collaborative online event
ever, will be conducted on the Web and in the field and will include 500
"Planet Pollsters." These individuals will be sent to remote corners of the
globe equipped with laptops, handheld computers, modems, and portable
satellite up-links. These Pollsters will ensure that the voices of people
without access to technology will also be included in the Planet Project.

A parallel Student Underground version of the project will be conducted
simultaneously and will consist of questions created by an international
team of students around the world.

Please mark the date on your calendar, and remember to tell your friends.

See you on November 15!

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Re: [CTRL] Strippers spice up Sicilian prime time TV

2000-11-15 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/13/2000 9:57:12 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 The Roman Catholic Church and the Sicilian Mafia have joined forces in an
 unlikely alliance to campaign against naked newcasts on Italian television.

"To the Mafia, the woman is sacred," said Tomas Buscetta, a former Mafia boss
who escaped and became an informer, after his fellow bosses complained of his
many affairs.

"Her place is not in the Mob, but the home, ironing her husband's clothes -
and certainly not in the television studio removing her own

Considering the Mafia's activities in prostitution, porn, and what amounts to
white slavery, I am astounded that they consider women sacred.  Come to think
of it, the Church has never seemed to think much of any women other than a
few saints and the mother of Christ.   When I think of how few folks in this
country know who is the vice president or the chief justice of the Supreme
Court, it seems that perhaps we should follow Italy's methods.  If an
educated and aware citizenry is required for a Democracy, and nude news would
do it, I say: "Take it off; take it all off."  Prudy

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] [Fwd: you may as well start now (The Rich and the Super Rich -- ONLINE)]

2000-11-15 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: "you may as well start now" (The Rich and the Super Rich -- ONLINE)
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 22:47:29 -0600 (CST)
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;



Lundberg, Ferdinand. The Rich and the Super Rich: A Study in the
Power of Money Today. New York, Lyle Stuart, 1968.

Lundberg was a student of American wealth and the power that flowed
from it. He wrote several books; this one is the summation of his
life's accumulated wisdom. Reading it will thoroughly disillusion
anyone who believes the American dream. I have reread this book about
once a decade since it was first published and with each reading I
discovered that almost everything I had thought I had learned over
the recent decade about America and the global economy to have
already been present in The Rich and the Super Rich. To see the
original dustjacket notes, click here. This is a very sizeable book;
it may take you a lifetime to fully assimilate everything that is in
it so you may as well start now.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: African-American Precincts Victims of Widespread Fraud

2000-11-15 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

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In case you didn't receive this the first time, here it is again:

African-American Precincts Victims of Widespread Fraud
Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

In the over four and a half years time period I've ran The
Konformist via email and the web, I have never come across a
story this huge.  What we have before us is an election scandal
that makes Watergate and The October Surprise look like patty

In Palm Beach County, as reported, 28,036 votes in the
Presidential race have been tossed, a number nearly twice as much
as the previous election.  Until recently, the focus has been on
the effects due to the butterfly ballot, which appears to have
caused confusion and led to votes for Pat Buchanan.

What has only been uncovered now is that nearly half of those
votes tossed out are in African-American precincts.

The percentage of disqualified votes countywide was seven
percent, an admittedly high number.  However, in two precints
of Riviera Beach with African-American populates at 94 and
96 percent, the figure of disqualifications was 20%.

As confusing as the ballot may have been, these numbers of
mistakes are virtually impossible.

There is an explanation: there are now reports that African
Americans have complained they were given ballots that
were already marked for rival candidates.

While some may have caught the problem, it is likely that
many people would not notice the problem while voting.

The implications are tremendous: a major attempt to swindle
votes from African-Americans was a deciding factor in the
2000 election.  We are no longer talking about "honest"
fuck-ups.  We're talking about a sinister conspiracy.

The Konformist will not state for sure who the culprit is,
but some questions must be asked: who would benefit from
suppressing African-American votes in the Presidential
race?  How could these votes have been tampered with and
who could have done it?  And, perhaps most important, why
is Katherine Harris, Florida's GOP Secretary of State, so
eager to end the investigation of the vote totals in Palm
Beach?  (She has claimed, falsely, that Tuesday at 5PM is
the drop-dead date for submitting voter totals.)

The Konformist will have this full story on its website
tonight.  It should also be on Conspire.com's and
Disinfo.com's websites too.  Parascope is working on this
as well.  Please feel free to post this, and the articles
below which supply the evidence to back up everything
that is stated above.

Thank you,

Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Nearly half of tossed ballots from black precincts

By Stephen Kiehl and Elliot Jaspin, Palm Beach Post Staff Writers
Sunday, November 12, 2000

Nearly half of the 28,036 ballots that Palm Beach County tossed out in the
presidential election came from areas of the county that are mostly black or
elderly, a Palm Beach Post computer analysis shows.

Those ballots were thrown out because the voter either didn't vote for
president or voted for two presidential candidates.

Almost 10 percent of the ballots cast in precincts where most of the voters
are over age 65 were thrown out, the Post found. And 16 percent of the
ballots cast in majority-black precincts were thrown out -- more than double
the percentage of ballots thrown out from overwhelmingly white precincts.

Overall, about 7 percent of the 387,094 ballots cast in the county were
tossed. (Another 75,000 absentee ballots were cast, though their precinct
wasn't reported.)

The disproportionate number of invalidated ballots in black and elderly
precincts -- traditional Democratic strongholds in West Palm Beach, Riviera
Beach and southern Palm Beach County -- gives a clue as to why Republicans
oppose a manual recount of all ballots in the county.

On Saturday, elections officials began counting by hand 4,695 ballots from
three precincts chosen by the Gore campaign and another precinct the county
canvassing board chose. If a lot of problems turn up, officials will consider
recounting the whole county.

The punch-card ballot used in Palm Beach County presented a number of
problems for seniors that could have led them to punch two holes or none at
all, according to ballot experts and geriatricians.

They said the now-infamous "butterfly" listing of presidential candidates,
along with the tiny stylus used to punch holes and the closeness of the
holes, all contributed to a senior-unfriendly ballot -- especially for
seniors with poor vision and arthritis.

"From a vision standpoint, you could even go so far as to say it
discriminated against the elderly," said Dr. Barry Schultz, a Boynton Beach
geriatrician. "It was designed 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The Five Sullivans

2000-11-15 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Their names, ranks and birthdates are as follows:

  George Thomas Sullivan, Gunners Mate Second Class, Dec 14, 1914
 Henry Sullivan, Coxwain, February 18, 1916
   Joseph Eugene Sullivan, Seaman Second Class, Aug 28, 1919
   Madison Able Sullivan, Seaman Second Class, Nov 8, 1919
   Albert Leo Sullivan, Seaman Second Class, July 8, 1922

Joseph and Madison, brothers, born THREE MONTHS apart? H, there's
more to this story than meets the eye...

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Legal battle could put Speaker in Oval Office

2000-11-15 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/13/2000 6:28:53 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 WASHINGTON: Should a legal battle drag on for weeks between Al Gore and
 George W Bush over the presidential election results, Americans could wake up
 in late January with a man named J Dennis Hastert in the Oval Office.

 Hastert, a 14-year member of Congress from Illinois, is the Republican
 speaker of the House of Representatives. Under the Constitution, in certain
 circumstances when the president and vice president cannot take office by the
 January 20 inauguration date, the House speaker takes the reins of power for
 the time being. 

Well, I don't like Hastert at all.  He is an arch conservative; however, you
all will be delighted to know that it is highly probable that he has NEVER
cheated on his wife.  It took the Republicans a long time to come up with a
candidate for speaker.  It seemed that everyone they wanted to make speaker
was either having an affair or had had one back in his/her salad days.
Finally they came up with Dennis Hastert.  There was not one whisper about
his sex life.  He didn't seem to be any kind of pervert--just a nice normal
husband, and while as I said, I don't like Hastert, it was a relief to know
there was one nice normal husband among the Republicans in Congress.  Still
Hastert is a total conservative, so if he becomes THE MAN, expect to see your
incomes and your freedoms deteriorate considerably.  Prudy

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Planet Project survey

2000-11-15 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

I tried to sign up to take the survey and it told me it couldn't verify
the name/email address combination. I tried other email addresses, too,
and it said the same thing. Perhaps it doesn't accept Web-based email
accounts. Must be trying to register people for a worldwide NWO

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Calendar - Get organized for the holidays!

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Time for a Revolt, er, Revote!

2000-11-15 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

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Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist


Number 55 
Time for a Revolt, er, Revote! 
Or, How George W. Bush, the Rich Kid Who Gets Away  
With Everything, is About to Get Away With His Own
Little Coup

 11/11/00 -- Ah, the good ol' days! When George Bush
was the conspiracy president. We miss the ol' CIA
chiefin', Big Oil shillin', Trilateral Commission
sittin' sonofagun. But wait! It seems that Bush has
passed the conspiracy bug on to his boys. The first
manifestation of this genetic predisposition: Votescam

We penned our little piece on Votescam almost a decade
ago (with an update a few years later in 70 Greatest
Conspiracies of All Time), but apparently we were well
ahead of our time. (You expected otherwise?) Now,
we're not saying there WAS a plot to rig the vote in
Florida, and we're not saying that there wasn't --
let's just look at the circumstances... 

Everyone knew in advance that Florida was one of three
must-win states for bumbling Democratic Veep Al Gore.
In one of the three, Florida, the Sunshine State, the
governor just happens to be the brother of Bush II.
Then on election night, the state that causes the most
problems, the closest and last one to get its vote
count finished is -- surprise! -- Florida. And the
voting process there, it amazingly transpires, is
riddled with "irregularities." Let's not be too
paranoid, but didn't Little Bush look just a tad too
serene after the networks, early in the evening,
projected Florida for Gore, thus effectively (had they
been right) sending the Busher back to the bushes?
Gosh, it's almost like he knew he was going to win, or
something. But of course, that's impossible. 

Maybe it all adds up to nada. Probably does. However
-- if you consider all of those circumstances and
you're not suspicious, you're stupid.  

In one sure-fire-Gore Florida county (Palm Beach) the
ballot proves "confusing," causing thousands of mostly
Jewish voters to vote for Pat Buchanan, the country's
leading defender of accused Nazi war criminals. Or,
they double-punched their ballots, voting by accident
for Buchanan, then punching through for
Gore/Lieberman, thus disenfranchising themselves. Talk
show hosts across America have had great fun
ridiculing the astigmatic, Alzheimer's-inflicted
Jewish voters of Palm Beach County -- aren't elderly
Jewish people a scream?? --  but no one argues that
voters didn't mean to vote for Gore. In other words,
George W. Bush won by accident. The notion of
returning something that is not rightfully his has not
occurred to him, as of yet. 

We use the term "acccident" carefully. Repeated TV and
radio interviews with voters from Palm Beach County
have yielded a description of the ballot that differs
from the ballot shown on CNN. Apparently, when the
computer-card ballot was slipped into its holder, the
holes didn't line up the way they were supposed to. We
guess no one checks for those things. 

In other counties, allegations that black voters were
intimidated by police roadblocks set up near polling
places, or told that when they showed up, the polls
were closed or that there were no ballots left. And
let's not forget the strange tale of Volusia County
where Gore lost 16,000 votes and the Socialist Workers
candidate gained 10,000 due to some kind of "glitch"
-- in a single precinct with only 600 voters.  

Interesting also to note that of the approximately
28,000 ballots that were thrown out and not counted in
Palm Beach County, nearly half came from precincts
that were mostly black or elderly, the Palm Beach Post
reports. In predominantly black voting districts, 16
percent of ballots were not counted, double the total
for predominantly white districts. 

According to the Washington Post, "Douglas Daniels, a
lawyer for Gore here, predicts there will be
'television movies about how the election was stolen
in Volusia County.' He frets that Volusia will become
conspiracy theorists' new 'Grassy Knoll gunman.'" 


Okay, so, what happened next? How about, incompetent
dolt Gore (how the hell an incumbent vice-president
sitting on a seemingly thriving peacetime economy
allows an election against the dumbest rich-kid,
frat-boy bozo ever to run for president to get this
close remains mind-boggling) at last gets his act
together. He demands that the votes be counted again
-- and again if neccessary. He, through his
surrogates, pledges to scrutinize the Florida SNAFUs
by legal means, if neccessary. He'll take it to court.
All pretty reasonable, despite the shrill wailing of
the punits and Republicans who have become nearly

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The Five Sullivans

2000-11-15 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Believe they are off a year or two on that one Tenorlove - didn't catch
that but someone made typo.

I am wondering about the story as to the death of the eldest son, George

Also wonder about the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald some years back -
they wrote a song on that one

So much misinformation on web you have to go to the source and I have
not found anymore on this story that George did not die on the ship, but
survived - as for the USS Cole - targeted along with this ship was the
USS The Sullivans?

Someone trying to make a point here?  I always wonder about John F.
Kennedy and his PT 109now the 91st Psalm is the Astrologers
Psalmmight say the 69th Psalm is for those who go down to the sea in
ships, like the Titanic all timed and keyed to certain dates.then if
you read that horrible 109th psalm you have key to vendetta and a lot of
things = planned mafia murders - but which Mafia to blame?

So my only reliable source of information today is the King James Bible
and a very strange little bible calendar code which is familiar to the
KGB, the Mossad, and the CIA- and FBI.

Chameleons all?   Include Bnai Brith is this, for the ADL and Bnai Brith
formed their own little masonic order.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] 'Dubya' Bush's nephew in car sex romp

2000-11-15 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/15/2000 1:04:54 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 Police Sgt Oscar Brannon found Bush Jr and his unnamed blonde companion, a
 student at an elite private school, "both naked from the waist down" and
 locked in a lusty embrace inside a blue Jeep Cherokee.

 Officer Brannon filed a "sexual misconduct" report for having sex in a public
 place and both sets of parents were informed.

 According to one of the security guards, "Jebby treated it all as a bit of a
 joke, especially, after he had spoken to his father. He said, 'My dad will
 fix it.'" 

It's odd only in that the Bush family values have not "trickled down."  Prudy

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Legal battle could put Speaker in Oval Office

2000-11-15 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well its the old Three Presidents routine..

So Prudy, today's conservatives were yesterday's old time democrats.

For there is no democrat party today - the CFR took its structure and
now has control.

Today it is blacks out, hispanics in.good Catholic votes here
normally,  who do not scream persecution.when I see Jesse Jackson
down in Florida, one has to remember he would have filled King's shoes -
but people were always a little suspect of Jesse - for he stood beside
King the day he was murdered and I always wondered who made the
reservations at that dumpy motel

So Black out, and Hispanics in - or like Colin Powell, Jamacian and
Asiatic or like Tiger Woods, half Asiatic.Asians are in too.

Its the old triple crossfor look at Africa and wonder how any
party deserves the vote of black America?

I liked it when we had segregation by choice - no guns to peoples backs
or guns directed to kids going to school and a George Wallace giving in,
only to the law refusing to start a war against Americans/.

For now comes the Genocidethe masses to be murdered and by their
fruits you shall know them.

These are not Democrats - these are the fascists in disguise as promised
by Huey Long, who made the statement when fascism comes it will come in

For sample see pre Nazi Germany - books on black magic, drugs,
pornogroaphy flooded the land.excuse to start the holocaust but who
finances same?

These are going to be interesting years - but consider too,  the next
elected President better have his OB written in advance.   For this is
the astrologers day of the Three Presidents and Three Popes...we
almost have three Presidents now, as if someone playing a big joke.

And it seems to me the joke is on the American people only I do not see
any humor in planned genocide be it in the Balkans or Africa or now to
be USA.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] 'Dubya' Bush's nephew in car sex romp

2000-11-15 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-

On 15 Nov 2000, at 9:49, Prudence L. Kuhn wrote:

 It's odd only in that the Bush family values have not "trickled down."

Actually, he's learned from Clinton's play book and aims to be
President himself one day.  He knows this will look good on his
resume and remind all the ageing libs of their boy Clinton,
garnering the nostalgia vote.


In an age of universal deceit, telling the truth
is a revolutionary act. - George Orwell

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Military Absentee Ballots - Some Sent Fourth Class Mail

2000-11-15 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

There are votes from the USS Cole in these absentee ballots - some of
these votes are the last votes oftes for some on the Cole..Thanks
Mr. President - Commander in Chief who should be Court Martialed by the

Mail message

15, 2000, 10:24am  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Fwd: WND: Navy flying
home 3,000 lost ballots

From:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Date:Wed, Nov 15, 2000, 9:10am
Subject:WND: Navy flying home 3,000 lost ballots To:
 Wednesday, November 15, 2000
  ELECTION 2000, Day 9
 Navy flying home 3,000 lost ballots
  Ship captain: 'A majority of the pilots aboard are registered
voters in Florida'
  At least one major instance of missing overseas military ballots
-- involving some 3,000 absentee votes -- appears to be on its way to
  WorldNetDaily reported yesterday that a source on the USS Tarawa,
a U.S. Navy destroyer near Yemen, said that "thousands" of absentee
ballots were languishing onboard.
  The Navy has now confirmed bundles of overseas ballots left behind
-- not on one, but three ships in the Persian Gulf region. According to
a New York Post account, Cmdr. Greg Smith, a Navy spokesman, said the
ballots of some 3,000 sailors and Marines on the USS Tarawa, USS Deleuth
and USS Anchorage would be flown back to the United States
  Before the discovery of missing Navy ballots, Defense Department
spokesman Kenneth Bacon and Navy Lt. Dave Gai had both criticized
WorldNetDaily -- Bacon publicly at a press briefing -- for its reporting
on this issue. Bacon referred to WND's initial story as "ludicrous" for
reporting that some servicemen and women suspect the Clinton
administration may have somehow purposely delayed sending absentee
ballots to military personnel overseas because most historically vote
Republican. Gai, the Pentagon spokesman quoted in two of WND's stories,
had previously said he was "not aware of any large-scale problems."
Nevertheless, the newssite's reports caught the attention of Rep. Joe
Scarborough, R-Fla., who is now calling for a congressional
investigation into the issue.
  In yesterday's WND report, Oregonian Judy Krutsinger, whose
brother-in-law is stationed onboard the Tarawa, said that although the
Pentagon had reportedly contacted Florida election officials to inform
them that mail from all area warships had been picked up Nov. 7, her
relative aboard the Tarawa denied that.
  "We e-mailed [him] aboard ship about that. ... [H]e e-mailed back
saying [the mailbags] are still onboard," Krutsinger told WorldNetDaily.
She said the mail was contained in orange bags on 17 pallets and that
"ballots were not separated from regular mail, as they should have
  A United Press International account reported comments from a
Marine Corps captain from the Tarawa who helped evacuate the dead and
injured from the USS Cole after it was attacked by terrorists on Oct.
  Capt. Van P. Brinson, who did not receive his absentee ballot,
wrote in a Nov. 8 e-mail: "I cannot speak for the remainder of the crew
of the Tarawa, but I do know that the majority of the Marines and
sailors that I have spoken with are in the same boat. What is
distressing about the situation," he added, "is that a majority of the
pilots aboard are registered voters in Florida."
  Florida law requires that overseas ballots be postmarked by
Election Day, and Friday midnight is the deadline for the state's 67
counties to receive them.
  Now that the large cache of ballots has been found, "all we're
trying to do is see if there's a way to get the mail there," Smith said
in the Post story.
  Smith explained that the reason the shipboard mail was forgotten
was because the three West Coast-based ships were preoccupied assisting
the stricken Cole after it was bombed last month.
  Once someone realized that the mail contained time-sensitive
ballots -- whose importance is now increased dramatically because of the
historically close race -- the Navy agreed to fly the ballots to the
U.S. post haste.
  Meanwhile, stateside, the U.S. Postal Service says it is
fast-tracking military overseas ballots destined for Florida --
promising to get them to the 67 county election departments the same day
they arrive in the U.S., the Post reported.
  The ballots are being processed by postal employees at the Air
Mail Center near Miami International Airport, according to an Associated
Press report, where all overseas military mail sent to the United States
  Ballots destined for South Florida counties are being driven to
the appropriate post offices for same-day delivery, while those
earmarked for north and central Florida counties are flown to regional
mail centers, then forwarded to the local post office for delivery to
election officials.
  According to the AP story, as of Monday the postal service had
delivered 446 military overseas ballots to Florida since Nov. 8. An
unofficial Associated Press survey of 64 of Florida's 67 election

[CTRL] Clinton Sets Aside More Land With No General Public Access...

2000-11-15 Thread Stopforth, Jamie
Title: Clinton Sets Aside More Land With No General Public Access...

Move out the citizens, move in the troops...



[CTRL] Lots of Military Remember USS Liberty and will remember Cole too.

2000-11-15 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

More on military vote...all that crap about fighting for freedom -
when it is the duty of the President to provide for the defense of this
nation not aid in its destruction.

Remember the USS Liberty and USS Coleand our military whom someone
tried to deprive of their vote.lay that at at Clinton Gore door.


Mail message

Date: Wed, Nov 15, 2000, 10:26am  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Fwd:
Those missing military ballots

   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date:Wed, Nov 15, 2000, 9:13am
Subject:Those missing military ballots To:

  Wednesday, November 15, 2000
 Those missing military ballots
  by Joseph Farah
  Now it's up to the military.
  In most countries, facing a constitutional crisis over a hung
election would be a scary prospect. But in America, military service
people have traditionally exhibited sounder voting judgment than the
civilian population. Thus, as America waits for the absentee ballots --
many from members of the armed services stationed overseas -- to be
counted this week in the closest presidential election in history, a
heavy turnout opposing Vice President Al Gore is expected.
  But will that be the case?
  WorldNetDaily's Jon Dougherty has been reporting that many
overseas service personnel have been denied their right to participate
in the selection of a new commander-in-chief. Many continue to say they
have been "cheated" out of their vote -- due to their absentee ballots
either arriving late or never arriving at all.
  Some military families speculate about the possibility of an
agenda behind the strange backlog. Many wonder out loud if a Democrat
administration purposely delayed or denied thousands of servicemen and
women their right to vote, assuming, based on past elections, that most
overseas military votes would end up in the Republican column.
  Some U.S. military families in Germany are reportedly flying the
American flag upside down -- a traditional sign of distress -- at their
places of residence, as a result of the presidential election and the
subsequent balloting difficulties.
  And it gets worse. There are reports of thousands of ballots still
sitting in mailbags aboard at least one U.S. navy ship, the USS Tarawa
near Yemen. They were reportedly never picked up, despite the fact that
mail is being delivered to the same warship.
  Keep in mind, WorldNetDaily broke this story before the election
-- before anyone had any idea just how close this election would be and
how much it would depend on absentee ballots.
  And though few official meaningful explanations have been
forthcoming from the Pentagon, there is no question that WorldNetDaily's
stories have attracted the attention of the highest officials in the
  First Kenneth Bacon, official spokesman for the Defense Department
and Monica Lewinsky's boss, did his best to disparage WorldNetDaily's
reporting in a press conference last week.
  Bacon referred to WorldNetDaily's first report as "ludicrous."
  Bacon attempted to shift blame away from the Pentagon and instead
put the onus on servicemen themselves, though he acknowledged that the
service branches -- at one point -- do handle mail for service members.
  One reporter, in an attempt to find out what information Bacon was
using to refute WorldNetDaily's story, asked, "How would you know
whether people are having problems [getting their ballots] or not? How
do you know that?"
  Bacon: "Well, apparently somebody talked to this Internet service.
  I assume they could go to an official on the ship or at the base
and say, 'I haven't got my ballot.'"
  Q: "But how would you know back here? In other words, on what
basis are
  you answering our questions today?"
  Bacon: "Well, I'm answering your questions completely on the basis
  procedure; what the procedures are -- "
  Q: "Right, so you don't know. There could be -- "
  Bacon: "and I think -- I think -- let me just point out; the most
  important thing for everybody to realize is that the Pentagon
encourages people to vote, but it -- and it tells them how to vote; that
is, it tells them the procedures to follow, and the procedures generally
involve requesting an absentee ballot from a local authority well enough
ahead of time so that the person can get the ballot returned by election
day. That's the primary role we play."
  The Pentagon has also said that about 130,000 service personnel in
1996 -- because of a failure of ballot delivery or request by the member
-- did not get absentee ballots and could not vote.
  The Pentagon has since done its best to quiet whistleblowers in
its ranks. Navy Lt. Dave Gai, the Pentagon spokesman who initially spoke
to WorldNetDaily about the story, admitted hearing reports "about this
[absentee ballot non-deliveries] within the past week," but said that
the Defense Department was "trying to get more information."
  The day after the story broke, however, an agitated Gai contacted
WND to complain, 


2000-11-15 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

This was sent from a humor list, but I wonder..

 The Lame Humor List - http://robeo.cjb.net?lhl


 To the citizens of the United States of America,

 In the light of your failure to elect anybody as President of the USA
 thus to govern yourselves and, by extension, the freeworld, we hereby
 notice of the revocation of your independence, effective today.

 Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will resume monarchial
 over all states, commonwealths and other territories including New
 but excluding Florida, Arizona, New Mexico, and California.  (Those
 states are returned to the jurisdiction of Spain, Cuba, or Mexico,
 whichever draws the short straw.)

 To aid in the transition to a British Crown Dependency, please comply
 the following acts:

 1. Look up "revocation" in the now official Oxford Dictionary. Start
 spelling English words correctly.

 2. Learn at least the first 4 lines of "God Save The Queen"

 3. Start referring to "soccer" as football

 4. Declare war on Quebec and France

 5. Arrest Mel Gibson for treason

 6. Close down the NFL. Learn to play rugby

 7. Enjoy warm flat beer and steak and kidney pudding. Train
 waitresses to
 be more aggressive with customers and not to tell you their names
 you eat.

 8. July 4th is no longer a public holiday, this has been replaced
 November 5th

 9. All members of this British Crown Dependency will be required to
 take 6
 weeks annual vacation and observe statutory tea breaks.

 10.Driving on the left is now compulsory - recall all cars to effect
 change immediately.

 11.Report to our Consulate General in NY - M Wragg - for your new
 and job allocation.

 12. Add the Royal insignia to the top of the Washington Monument -
 and the
 Queens Christmas speeches to the Lincoln Memorial.

 Tax collectors from Her Majesty's Government will be with you shortly
 ensure the acquisiton of all revenues due (backdated to 1776).

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Calendar - Get organized for the holidays!

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: {slick-d} Will There Be Blood In The Streets?

2000-11-15 Thread Aleisha Saba

Is this how Clinton will attempt to remain Commander in Chief?

Next thing coming our way will be another Jack the Ripper - who was a
poet, a barber surgeon, a slaughterman, an had the pen of a ready writer
operating under law of Draconians?

In my opinion Jack the Ripper has been sitting in the Oval Office for 8

 Further evidence to my contention that the next
armed American Revolution is closer than most think.
Bruce Chesley
Truth is a terrible cross to bear.
Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered.".  Thomas Paine
Treason for $$$:  ALL "pro 2A" orgs.

Will There Be Blood In The Streets?
Report By Hal Turner

 While Gore supporters are holding protests in the streets,
Bush supporters are buying bullets at gun shops.  In the three
days since the U.S. General Election, ammunition sales
throughout the United States have jumped an astonishing 900%.
Americans are furious over massive, blatant and widespread
vote fraud by supporters of Al Gore and many are openly talking
about "blood in the streets."
 Voter fraud in Tuesdays general election has Radio Talk
Shows throughout the United States burning up with callers who
are openly speaking about civil insurrection, blood in he streets,
state secession from the Union and wondering aloud whether
President Bill Clinton will use this election debacle as an excuse to
remain in power after his term expires on January 20, 2001.
 Such talk is not limited to fanatics; U.S. Congressman Ron Paul
(R-TX), lent credibility to the prospects of violence when he was
asked tonight on radio station WBCQ if President Clinton would use
this situation to remain in power.  Responding to that query, Rep.
Paul stated "Six months ago, I thought the idea was preposterous.
Now I'm not so sure.  The people would come out and there would
be total violence."

Here's a brief list of just some of the fraud:
 Tens of thousands of U.S. Military personnel around the world
were unable to cast ballots for the first time in US History because
their Military Absentee ballots "got lost in the mail."  In past
the Military voted 9:1 in favor of Republicans.
 Thousands of non-US Citizens - who cannot legally vote - were
sent letters by President Bill Clinton just days before the election,
informing them they had registered, and even providing them with
Voter Identification Cards to sign and use when voting !  These
mailings were sent to states with large Latino populations such as
California, possibly allowing enough non-citizens to vote and sway
the election.
 In New York City, voting machines were tampered with, disabling
the Republican voting levers.  When voters came out of the
malfunctioning voting booths and sought a paper ballot, it let polling
workers know the voter was going to vote Republican because those
were the only levers that weren't working.  A television news crew
caught Democrat vote counters in Brooklyn, New York throwing
thousands of paper ballots into garbage dumpsters - resulting in
thousands of Republican votes disappearing.
 Also in New York, registered Republican voters were told in
hundreds of polling places they were no longer registered to vote.
Those persons were offered a paper "provisional ballot" but when
those ballots were filled out, Poll workers refused to place the Ballots
in a locked box.
 In the Albuquerque, New Mexico area, computerized voting
machines were reprogrammed so that votes were not counted
whenever anyone cast ballots for all candidates from the same
political party !  Upwards of 68,000 votes may have been
reprogrammed out of existence.
 In Michigan, Gore campaign workers were paying drunks and
homeless hobos with cigarettes if those people would register to
vote and cast a ballot for Gore.
 In Missouri, polling places in heavy Democrat areas remained
open up to four hours after the legal time, allowing those Democrats
to cast ballots.
 In New Jersey, hundreds of voters in urban Democrat areas like
Hudson and Essex County, were jammed into the hallways at the
County Boards of Elections, casting absentee or provisional ballots
hours after the polls legally closed.

The media a willing participant:
 Just minutes after voting places on the east coast closed,
major news networks began "calling' the race.  But when the
networks "called" Florida as being won by Al Gore, they did
so despite the fact that a portion of that state is in the Central
time zone and those polling places were still open.
 These premature "call" of Florida by the media caused tens
-of-thousands of voters in the affluent Republican area of the
Florida panhandle, to leave polling places without voting because
they thought Gore had already won.  Florida is now the key state
in the Presidential race.
 False Claims of fraud in Palm Beach County, Florida Democrats
have been complaining wildly about alleged 

Re: [CTRL] 'Dubya' Bush's nephew in car sex romp

2000-11-15 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/15/2000 10:32:10 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 Actually, he's learned from Clinton's play book and aims to be
 President himself one day.  He knows this will look good on his
 resume and remind all the ageing libs of their boy Clinton,
 garnering the nostalgia vote. 

Now that really is odd.  Can you imagine a Bush boy-revolutionary wanting to
be a Democrat?  Maybe this one will even study in school.  Prudy

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Israeli War Crimes

2000-11-15 Thread William Shannon
Rights Groups Charge Israelis With War Crimes

Israel’s iron fist tactics have been condemned as war atrocities by an
international human rights group.

Exclusive to The SPOTLIGHT

By Christopher Bollyn

Israel’s military tactics in the occupied territories have been strongly
condemned and “could amount to war crimes,” according to the London-based
human rights group Amnesty International (AI).

An American group, Physicians for Human Rights USA (PHR), also investigated
the clashes by sending a team of three physicians to the occupied
territories in Gaza and the West Bank from Oct. 20-27. 

PHR reinforced AI’s findings, reporting that the Israeli Defense Force (IDF)
uses live ammunition and rubber-coated steel bullets “excessively and

Five weeks of Arab-Israeli violence have left 200 people dead—many of them
children—almost all of them Palestinian. 

“There is a pattern of gross human rights violations that may well amount to
war crimes,” said Claudio Cordone, AI’s international research director. 

AI’s latest findings go much further than its earlier criticism that Israeli
troops were using “excessive force” against Palestinians.

Cordone repeated long-standing criticism of Israel’s “iron fist” military
response to Palestinian demonstrations that applies “combat reflexes” as
opposed to what would be proper policing methods. 

“There is excessive use of force resulting in killings that shouldn’t take
place,” Cordone said. “If a kid is throwing stones at you but not posing any
other risk—you don’t shoot him.”

Geneva Conventions VIOLATED

AI says the Israeli forces are breaking the Geneva Conventions as well as
their own rules, namely, that lethal force must only be used to counter an
immediate threat to life.

As part of international humanitarian law, the Geneva Civilian Convention
(1949) protects civilians under occupation and has applied to Israel’s
occupation of the West Bank and Gaza since the 1967 war. An IDF senior
officer told PHR that “the Fourth Geneva Convention and other humanitarian
laws apply” to the current clashes.

The Geneva Conventions prohibit murder, torture and cruel, inhumane and
degrading treatment. Included in the Geneva Conventions is a law against
force that results in disproportionate and/or indiscriminate killing of or
violence toward civilians. 

In an occupation, such as Israel’s of the West Bank and Gaza, the rule of
proportionality applies and prohibits excessive force against civilians.


Israel has repeatedly used combat helicopters firing heavy machine guns and
armor-piercing missiles on Palestinian civilians, towns, and even ambulances.

The PHR team examined a Red Crescent Ambulance in Gaza which was damaged by
a helicopter gunship. The Israeli helicopter strafed the ambulance with five
50-caliber shells that passed right through the ambulance, including a metal

The bullets used by the IDF against Jewish citizens in Israel or Jewish
settlers in the occupied territories are very different than those used on
Palestinians. The bullets used for Jewish riot control are solid rubber.
There have been no reported deaths resulting from these bullets.

The so-called rubber bullets used by the IDF against Israel’s Arab citizens
and Palestinians are significantly different. The “Arab bullets” examined by
the PHR team are merely rubber-coated steel bullets and very lethal.

The rubber-coated bullets used on Palestinians are of two shapes: spherical
and cylindrical.

The bullets used against Arabs only look rubber with a thin 2 mm outer
rubber shell around a solid steel core 1.83 cm in diameter.


PHR concluded that Israeli soldiers are shooting high-velocity live
ammunition and rubber-coated steel bullets with intent to kill and maim
Palestinian demonstrators, based on the high number of injuries to the head
and thighs.

PHR’s analysis of fatal gun shot wounds in Gaza reveals that approximately
50 percent were to the head. The high proportion of fatal head wounds
suggests that soldiers are specifically targeting Palestinians’ eyes. 

The IDF spokesman told the PHR team that he was aware of the high incidence
of gun shot wounds to the head, and did not dispute that most of these
injuries were inflicted upon people who posed no immediate threat to any
member of the IDF.

After reviewing medical records of 31 Palestinians killed in Gaza between
Sept. 30 and Oct. 24, PHR found that 53 percent were shot by high velocity
weapons and 38 percent were under the age of 18.

PHR reported a pattern of high velocity gunshot wounds to the leg,
particularly to the thigh. These wounds cause extreme injury, usually
producing complex fractures and extensive muscle, nerve, and vascular
injury. The majority of victims of these injuries will be permanently
disabled, according to PHR.

Witness reports, IDF statements and information provided to other human
rights organizations indicate that those injured in this manner were at most

[CTRL] [6] Killing Pablo - Delta Force, in Bogota, gets the lay of a confusing land

2000-11-15 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A
Killing Pablo/A
Delta Force, in Bogota, gets the lay of a confusing land

By Mark Bowden

The U.S. Embassy suspected that a fax received on the day of Escobar's escape
was sent by his son, Juan Pablo.
Chapter Four of a continuing serial

Hopes at the U.S. Embassy soared when a Delta Force team led by Col. Jerry
Boykin arrived in Bogota late in the evening of Sunday, July 26, 1992.

Ambassador Morris Busby's request for Delta to assist in the hunt for Pablo
Escobar, much to his surprise, had sailed through Washington. The State
Department had approved it and passed it up to the White House, where
President George Bush consulted with Joint Chiefs Chairman Colin Powell and
then instructed Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney to give the ambassador
anything he needed. The word was that Bush, who had poured millions into a
new effort to stanch the flow of drugs from South America, had taken a strong
personal interest.

The order came through Maj. Gen. George Joulwon, commander of the U.S. Army
Southern Command in Panama, and Maj. Gen. William F. Garrison, commander of
the Joint Special Operations Command at Fort Bragg, N.C. Col. Boykin and his
crew flew south that evening with authorization to get the job done. Their
mission was code-named Heavy Shadow. They arrived on a U.S. Air Force jet
painted to look like a standard commercial flight.

Eight very fit American men dressed in civilian clothes were met at El Dorado
airport in Bogota by midlevel embassy officials and driven downtown in the
dark, moving swiftly along roads that in daylight would have been choked with

The U.S. Embassy was just north of central Bogota, a gray, four-story,
L-shaped structure with a windowless fifth floor atop one arm. It was set
back behind high walls. In the vault on the closed fifth floor, Busby was
waiting with CIA Station Chief Bill Wagner and Joe Toft, the top DEA man in

Busby and Boykin were old friends, and after a few minutes of getting caught
up, the ambassador began briefing the Delta colonel on the situation. It was,
to say the least, confusing.

From the rondos of blame taking place in the government palaces to the
furious caterwauling of the Colombian press, the July 22 prison escape of
Pablo Escobar had set off a great storm in Bogota. There were hourly
contradictory reports: Pablo had been captured; Pablo had been killed; Pablo
had surrendered; Pablo was still hiding in the jail.

To an extent that no one had anticipated, the Escobar problem was a keystone
that touched every fissure of Colombia's confusing power structure. When
Escobar walked out of jail, the hopeful administration of President Cesar
Gaviria had begun to splinter. Every day a new official investigation began.
The Ministry of Justice accused the army of accepting bribes to allow
Escobar's escape; one widely circulated (and false) report held that Escobar
had paid huge sums to the soldiers around the prison, then walked out dressed
as a woman.

President Gaviria had already fired all the guards and army officers
associated with the disaster, as well as the air force general whose pilots
had kept the assault force waiting for hours on the ground in Bogota after
they were ordered to attack the prison.

The military began spreading rumors that Escobar had escaped through a secret
underground tunnel. It seemed possible: On intercepted phone calls from the
prison in the weeks before the escape, Escobar and his men had been overheard
speaking about using "the tunnel."

Escobar had, in fact, left by more conventional means. The "tunnel" turned
out to be the drug boss' term for the covered truck that was used to roll
contraband - women, weapons, bodies, alcohol - up and down the mountain under
the studiously uninterested noses of prison guards and army patrols. The
truck helped Escobar maintain his extravagant lifestyle inside the
comfortable "prison" that he had paid to have built and that was guarded by
men he controlled.

The day after his disappearance, Escobar's lawyers had presented the
government with a surrender offer. In his typical arrogant, formal style, the
drug boss' demands were enumerated:

(1) That he would be able to return to prison;

(2) That his guards be rehired;

(3) That aerial surveillance of the prison be stopped;

(4) That no additional charges be brought against him;

(5) That his family and those of the others be allowed unrestricted prison

(6) That the National Police have nothing to do with his rearrest or

Much to the satisfaction of the U.S. Embassy, President Gaviria had flatly
refused to negotiate.

The following day an odd communique was broadcast by the national radio
station Caracol, from someone calling himself "Dakota," who claimed to speak
for "The 

[CTRL] RE: [CTRL] Israeli War Crimes- NOT!

2000-11-15 Thread Stopforth, Jamie

Wow, nice propaganda article here. 
If it's truth you seek then visit here...http://www.members.home.net/projectonesoul/israel/israel.htm 
and this one... http://www.rotter.net/israel/

throw rocks at you with the intent to kill you and if you have a gun, you have 
every right to fire back. "Oh wait, he's throwing rocks at me, I 
have to play fair, put down my weapon and throw rocks back." Since when is 
war fair? And not just that, but they are NOT only using rocks, they do 
have weapons, but CNN doesn't want us to know that either.


  -Original Message-From: William Shannon 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2000 10:00 
  AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [CTRL] Israeli War 
  CrimesRights Groups Charge Israelis With War Crimes Israel’s 
  iron fist tactics have been condemned as war atrocities by an 
  international human rights group. Exclusive to The SPOTLIGHT 
  By Christopher Bollyn Israel’s military tactics in the 
  occupied territories have been strongly condemned and “could amount to war 
  crimes,” according to the London-based human rights group Amnesty 
  International (AI). An American group, Physicians for Human Rights USA 
  (PHR), also investigated the clashes by sending a team of three physicians 
  to the occupied territories in Gaza and the West Bank from Oct. 20-27. 
  PHR reinforced AI’s findings, reporting that the Israeli Defense Force 
  (IDF) uses live ammunition and rubber-coated steel bullets “excessively 
  and inappropriately.” Five weeks of Arab-Israeli violence have 
  left 200 people dead—many of them children—almost all of them Palestinian. 
  “There is a pattern of gross human rights violations that may well 
  amount to war crimes,” said Claudio Cordone, AI’s international research 
  director. AI’s latest findings go much further than its earlier 
  criticism that Israeli troops were using “excessive force” against 
  Palestinians. Cordone repeated long-standing criticism of Israel’s 
  “iron fist” military response to Palestinian demonstrations that applies 
  “combat reflexes” as opposed to what would be proper policing methods. 
  “There is excessive use of force resulting in killings that shouldn’t 
  take place,” Cordone said. “If a kid is throwing stones at you but not 
  posing any other risk—you don’t shoot him.” Geneva Conventions 
  VIOLATED AI says the Israeli forces are breaking the Geneva 
  Conventions as well as their own rules, namely, that lethal force must 
  only be used to counter an immediate threat to life. As part of 
  international humanitarian law, the Geneva Civilian Convention (1949) 
  protects civilians under occupation and has applied to Israel’s occupation 
  of the West Bank and Gaza since the 1967 war. An IDF senior officer told 
  PHR that “the Fourth Geneva Convention and other humanitarian laws apply” 
  to the current clashes. The Geneva Conventions prohibit murder, 
  torture and cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment. Included in the 
  Geneva Conventions is a law against force that results in disproportionate 
  and/or indiscriminate killing of or violence toward civilians. In 
  an occupation, such as Israel’s of the West Bank and Gaza, the rule of 
  proportionality applies and prohibits excessive force against civilians. 
  DEATH FROM ABOVE Israel has repeatedly used combat helicopters 
  firing heavy machine guns and armor-piercing missiles on Palestinian 
  civilians, towns, and even ambulances. The PHR team examined a Red 
  Crescent Ambulance in Gaza which was damaged by a helicopter gunship. The 
  Israeli helicopter strafed the ambulance with five 50-caliber shells that 
  passed right through the ambulance, including a metal gurney. The 
  bullets used by the IDF against Jewish citizens in Israel or Jewish 
  settlers in the occupied territories are very different than those used on 
  Palestinians. The bullets used for Jewish riot control are solid rubber. 
  There have been no reported deaths resulting from these bullets. 
  The so-called rubber bullets used by the IDF against Israel’s Arab 
  citizens and Palestinians are significantly different. The “Arab bullets” 
  examined by the PHR team are merely rubber-coated steel bullets and very 
  lethal. The rubber-coated bullets used on Palestinians are of two 
  shapes: spherical and cylindrical. The bullets used against Arabs 
  only look rubber with a thin 2 mm outer rubber shell around a solid steel 
  core 1.83 cm in diameter. HEAD INJURIES PHR concluded that 
  Israeli soldiers are shooting high-velocity live ammunition and 
  rubber-coated steel bullets with intent to kill and maim Palestinian 
  demonstrators, based on the high number of injuries to the head and 
  thighs. PHR’s analysis of fatal gun shot wounds in Gaza reveals that 
  approximately 50 percent were to the head. The high proportion of fatal 
  head wounds suggests that soldiers are specifically targeting 
  Palestinians’ eyes. The IDF spokesman 

[CTRL] Fwd: AIDS body says catastrophe threatens Russia

2000-11-15 Thread Carl Amedio
In a message dated 11/15/00 8:46:15 AM Central Standard Time, AOL News writes:

Subj: AIDS body says catastrophe threatens Russia
Date: 11/15/00 8:46:15 AM Central Standard Time
From: AOL News
BCC: Ahab42

AIDS body says catastrophe threatens Russia

MOSCOW, Nov 15 (Reuters) - The spread of AIDS could reach catastrophic proportions in Russia unless officials take quick action to reduce runaway growth rates of the killer disease, Russian and foreign experts said on Wednesday

For the full text of this story, click here.

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For all of today's news, go to keyword News.

AIDS body says catastrophe threatens Russia

MOSCOW, Nov 15 (Reuters) - The spread of AIDS could reach catastrophic proportions in 
Russia unless officials take quick action to reduce runaway growth rates of the killer 
disease, Russian and foreign experts said on Wednesday

For the full text of this story, A 
HREF="aol://4344:30.L100S9E1.7269896.658766759"click here/A.

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For all of today's news, go to keyword A HREF="aol://1722:News"News/A.

[CTRL] Fwd: The liberal elite's plan for a second civil war

2000-11-15 Thread Kris Millegan

The Daily Telegraph...UK

The liberal elite's plan for a second civil war


By Janet Daley

WHEN I was in America recently, watching Al Gore strut around during his
last television debate with George W Bush - waving his finger in his
opponent's face and generally behaving like the most obnoxious smart
a - - e in the lower fifth - I thought to myself, "What kind of person
thinks that this is the way to behave when he is running for the
presidency?" Well, now we know.  Mr Gore is the sort of person who is
prepared to set fire to the stadium because he has lost the game.

I am what is known in official diplomatic terms as a "dual national",
having both British and American citizenship, so I view these startling
events with a peculiar kind of double vision.  (The American authorities
took my passport away at one point when I became a naturalised Briton, but
gave it back when the Supreme Court decided, in a characteristic resurgence
of American reason and fairness, that US citizens could not so easily be
deprived of their nationality.)

When I can peel myself away from the CNN coverage on my television screen,
I take a look at the parochial wittering that constitutes so much of the
British commentary on this great political spectacle.  Being immersed, as I
generally am, in Britain's own political discourse, it seems odd to see it
shrink before my eyes into this irrelevant, largely ignorant and obviously
self-interested babble.

Does no one in this country - including the American correspondents of our
broadcasting networks - have any real understanding of the political
culture and history of the United States?  Do the British Left-liberal
commentators who want to see Mr Gore elected at any price have any idea of
the logical consequences of what they are saying?

The opening shot of the British "Gore was robbed" school is usually the
popular vote case.  If marginally more people voted for Mr Gore than for Mr
Bush in the national vote, then he must be the moral winner.  Surely the
less popular candidate cannot be rightfully elected president?  Ergo, the
entire electoral college system is antiquated rubbish which should be
junked in favour of strict majoritarianism.

What this would mean in practice would be that all future presidential
elections would be determined by a few densely populated urban
conurbations: New York, Chicago and Los Angeles would have an unbreakable
stranglehold on the presidency.  The great mass of rural and small-town
middle America, virtually the whole sweep of the continent from north to
south between the two coastal fringes, would be effectively powerless.
This is precisely what those few Democrat hotheads in the United States who
have dared to suggest "a rethink" of the electoral college system would
like: the absolute dominion of urban liberal political tastes.

To institute such a thing would be to reignite the American Civil War,
which was settled - uneasily - on the understanding that metropolitan
interests would not be allowed to run untrammelled over local ones.  The
United States, unlike those foppish dilettantes in New Labour, takes its
devolution very seriously.

And what would the pundits' sudden passion for national majority rule mean
if it were applied to Britain?

Well, pretty much permanent Conservative government.
The vastly more populous South-East, which is usually far more Tory than
the country at large, would dominate the election.  Our constituency
system, which gives disproportionate weight to votes in less populated
areas, corrects for this tendency, just as the electoral college system
does in America.

If the total national vote were to be all that mattered here, voters of the
South-West and East Anglia would be largely disfranchised, and those in
northern Scotland and Wales should scarcely be bothered to get out of bed
on election day.  Presumably the majoritarian concept of democracy doesn't
look quite so attractive put like that.  In the United States, the
metropolitan liberal hegemony would be only too happy to write off the
hicks, but would the Left here want to disempower those reliable knee-jerk
Labour strongholds in the Celtic fringe?

Then there is the business of spoilt ballots.  Again, much of the British
media are allowing themselves to be whipped into a lather by the pantomime
which the Democrats have managed to create over ballot papers whose design
was considered uncontroversial even by their own party officials until Mr
Gore lost the election.

What with all the concern about the Palm Beach voters (now known as "Gore's
morons") who didn't seem to know how to punch a hole that corresponded to
an arrow, we seem to have lost sight of our own stringent attitude to
spoilt ballot papers.

I expect you are aware - and, certainly, all those commentators who are
fretting about the poor confused voters 

[CTRL] 20 Year Cycle - Bush or Gore: Whoever Wins, Loses?

2000-11-15 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

 20 Year Cycle - Bush or Gore: Whoever Wins, Loses.
 Letter from a friend:
 I'm sure you know about the "zero year" curse regarding US
 presidental elections, but I did some minor research to see how
 each president died.  It's pretty interesting.  Is this the result of
 an American Indian curse on the White House for breaking treaties,
 or is it that Saturn-Jupiter conjunction that happens every twenty

 US presidents dying in office when elected in the “zero” year (every
 twenty years since 1840):

 1840 -- William Henry Harrison (died of pneumonia after one month
 in  office).

 1860 -- Abraham Lincoln (assassinated the first year of his second
 term in  office in 1865).

 1880 -- James Garfield (assassinated his first year in office).

 1900 -- William McKinley (assassinated his first year in office).

 1920 -- Warren Harding (died of a heart attack his second year in

 1940 -- Franklin D. Roosevelt (died in office of a cerebral

 1960 -- John F. Kennedy (assassinated his third year in office).

 1980 -- Ronald Reagan (survived an assassination attempt his first
 year in office).

 2000 -- George W. Bush or Al Gore (?).

 Astrologers claim that Reagan survived because the Saturn-Jupiter
 conjunction was in a "soft" sign, but this time it's the most
 dangerous one since 1900.   Btw, rumor has it that Colin Powell
 didn’t run this year because of the “curse.”

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: Curse You!

2000-11-15 Thread Aleisha Saba

Now the above words in subject matter are not mine rather the title of
the original document describing a curse put on Rabin before he was
assassinated by alleged fanatic.

There is an old curse once used by the Pope which you can find in part
in the bible - a Mason once gave me a little green card about my going
in and going out and being watchedjoke, I ues, but in Bell Book and
Cancle - cursed be his going in and cursed be his going outyet it is
said none was worse, for the dreadful curse.

Original cursing may be fund in the bible naturally...and of course
there was the Fitzgerald Curse of which my grandmother Fitzgerald spoke
- men died at teir zenith but counter curse too, they will be someday
restored to their highest place and lads and estates restored - might
connect to the war of the Roses - Red and White roses,  like ones given
to Mrs. John F. Kennedy and Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson, in Dallas Texas.]

I did not know this gentleman put a double whammy on Rabin - but see the
Israelie govoernment evidently knows the secret of prophecy and
cursing..even in days of Shakespeare, anyone suggesting how long and
King or Queen should live, or when he would die - paid with their lives,
for you see another Royal Secret is straight out of Habbakkuk or
Habbaccuc depending on which bible you read

write the vision upon the table so he that readeth it may runfor the
vision though it tary - it will come true..write it down, like
little Sirhan wrote RFK must die, in his diary, over and over..but
boy that Jean Dixon got headline publicity, front page stuff where she
was proclaimed a "divine prophetess", this psuedo religious political
propagandist, to mark the Kenneds for murder - over and over
again.triggering off every nut in the country, but also part of
conspiracy  by premeditated murder by prophecy - the planting of seeds
of destruction - and Jean Dixon should have gone to jail as this man did
- who is said to have cursed Rabin and within a week or so, the vision
and curse came true.

Nice people - but as the old King said in the bible.hey, its the
psycic dumbo - did I not tell you he would prophecy no good to me, onl
evil..so you see 3,000 years ago and even further back - the Gift of
Propaganda was part of psychological warfare - like setting loose
firebrands...but lets not go into Los Alamos.


 Bradley R. Smith  Revisionism by: CODOH, POB 439016, San Diego,
CA 92143  The Revisionist  Campus Project 
Curse You!
JERUSALEM, May 28 (Reuter) - The man who put a curse on Prime Minister
Yitzhak Rabin a month before he was assassinated was convicted in an
Israeli court on Wednesday of violating the Prevention of Terrorism Act,
a court spokesman said.
``He was convicted under...the Prevention of Terrorism Act,´´
spokesman Moshe Gorali told Reuters. ``The conviction relates to the
interview he gave on television about the pulsa denura (curse)
Gorali said the section of the act violated was that against encouraging
Avigdor Eskin, according to local news reports at the time, stood
outside Rabin's house on the eve of the Jewish high holy day of Yom
Kippur in 1995 and cursed Rabin with the ancient curse of pulsa denura
-- Aramaic for ``lashes of fire.´´
The curse Eskin put on Rabin read in part: ``And on him, Yitzhak, son of
Rosa, known as Rabin, we have permission...to demand from angels of
destruction that they take a sword to this wicked man...to kill
him...for handing over the Land of Israel to our enemies.´´
He said the curse generally worked within 30 days. Roughly one month
later, on November 4, right-wing Jewish law student Yigal Amir gunned
down Rabin after a peace rally in Tel Aviv.
Amir said he shot Rabin to prevent him handing Israeli-occupied lands to
Palestinian rule under a deal signed with the PLO. Rabin's successor
Shimon Peres swiftly carried out the interim peace deal, handing chunks
of the West Bank to the PLO.
Gorali said Eskin would be sentenced next week. The Justice Ministry
said he could receive a maximum sentence of six years.
Rabin was the first Israeli prime minister to be assassinated.
Peres subsequently lost May 1996 national elections to right-wing Likud
party leader Benjamin Netanyahu, who opposed the Rabin-led government's
interim peace deals with the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO).
Return to NewsDesk
CODOH - Box 439016/P-111, San Diego, CA, USA 92143Home Bradley
Smith  Search Revisionism Freedom Email 
Curse You!

Installed: 5/16/98, 6: 00 PM, PST

So did Rabin die of Premeditated Murder by Prophecy?Then we have the
Curse of the Pharaohs.and all that gold and oil and uranium somebody
other than the owners want and will do anything to geteven commit
murder by prophecy aka propaganda.


Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Curse You!

2000-11-15 Thread Deborah Greenhill

-Caveat Lector-

Blessings, Aleisha,
Perhaps you can share specifically where these curses are located.  The
going in and going out one could be a reference to the one Laban gave to
Jacob?  And please site verses for Habakkuk, because I don't find any curse
about an angel with a sword in there...

It surprised me that you would make these generalized statements.  You are
usually so precise in your writings...

Dr. Deborah
- Original Message -
From: "Aleisha Saba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2000 6:46 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: Curse You!

Now the above words in subject matter are not mine rather the title of
the original document describing a curse put on Rabin before he was
assassinated by alleged fanatic.

There is an old curse once used by the Pope which you can find in part
in the bible - a Mason once gave me a little green card about my going
in and going out and being watchedjoke, I ues, but in Bell Book and
Cancle - cursed be his going in and cursed be his going outyet it is
said none was worse, for the dreadful curse.

Original cursing may be fund in the bible naturally...and of course
there was the Fitzgerald Curse of which my grandmother Fitzgerald spoke
- men died at teir zenith but counter curse too, they will be someday
restored to their highest place and lads and estates restored - might
connect to the war of the Roses - Red and White roses,  like ones given
to Mrs. John F. Kennedy and Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson, in Dallas Texas.]

I did not know this gentleman put a double whammy on Rabin - but see the
Israelie govoernment evidently knows the secret of prophecy and
cursing..even in days of Shakespeare, anyone suggesting how long and
King or Queen should live, or when he would die - paid with their lives,
for you see another Royal Secret is straight out of Habbakkuk or
Habbaccuc depending on which bible you read

write the vision upon the table so he that readeth it may runfor the
vision though it tary - it will come true..write it down, like
little Sirhan wrote RFK must die, in his diary, over and over..but
boy that Jean Dixon got headline publicity, front page stuff where she
was proclaimed a "divine prophetess", this psuedo religious political
propagandist, to mark the Kenneds for murder - over and over
again.triggering off every nut in the country, but also part of
conspiracy  by premeditated murder by prophecy - the planting of seeds
of destruction - and Jean Dixon should have gone to jail as this man did
- who is said to have cursed Rabin and within a week or so, the vision
and curse came true.

Nice people - but as the old King said in the bible.hey, its the
psycic dumbo - did I not tell you he would prophecy no good to me, onl
evil..so you see 3,000 years ago and even further back - the Gift of
Propaganda was part of psychological warfare - like setting loose
firebrands...but lets not go into Los Alamos.


Bradley R. Smith Revisionism by: CODOH, POB 439016, San Diego,
CA 92143 The Revisionist  Campus Project
Curse You!

JERUSALEM, May 28 (Reuter) - The man who put a curse on Prime Minister
Yitzhak Rabin a month before he was assassinated was convicted in an
Israeli court on Wednesday of violating the Prevention of Terrorism Act,
a court spokesman said.
``He was convicted under...the Prevention of Terrorism Act,´´
spokesman Moshe Gorali told Reuters. ``The conviction relates to the
interview he gave on television about the pulsa denura (curse)
Gorali said the section of the act violated was that against encouraging
Avigdor Eskin, according to local news reports at the time, stood
outside Rabin's house on the eve of the Jewish high holy day of Yom
Kippur in 1995 and cursed Rabin with the ancient curse of pulsa denura
-- Aramaic for ``lashes of fire.´´
The curse Eskin put on Rabin read in part: ``And on him, Yitzhak, son of
Rosa, known as Rabin, we have permission...to demand from angels of
destruction that they take a sword to this wicked man...to kill
him...for handing over the Land of Israel to our enemies.´´
He said the curse generally worked within 30 days. Roughly one month
later, on November 4, right-wing Jewish law student Yigal Amir gunned
down Rabin after a peace rally in Tel Aviv.
Amir said he shot Rabin to prevent him handing Israeli-occupied lands to
Palestinian rule under a deal signed with the PLO. Rabin's successor
Shimon Peres swiftly carried out the interim peace deal, handing chunks
of the West Bank to the PLO.
Gorali said Eskin would be sentenced next week. The Justice Ministry
said he could receive a maximum sentence of six years.
Rabin was the first Israeli prime minister to be assassinated.
Peres subsequently lost May 1996 national elections to right-wing Likud
party leader Benjamin Netanyahu, who opposed the Rabin-led government's
interim peace deals with the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO).
Return to NewsDesk
CODOH - Box 439016/P-111, 


2000-11-15 Thread Kris Millegan

I wouldn't make a move during tense times like these without
consulting Sherman Skolnick.


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Skolnick 11/15/00 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The former head of America's secret political police has three of his
sons and their cronies, in and out of state and federal government,in
various covert and reputed fraudulent enterprises. Family patriarch,
George Herbert Walker Bush, has a lot to answer for, which the
oil-soaked monopoly press never seems to question. The elder Bush, as we
have demonstrated, together with three of his sons, George W., Jeb, and
Neil, have 25 super secret  bank accounts worldwide,through which they
have laundered tens of BILLIONS of dollars of illicit funds from the
dope traffic, from weapons smuggling, and clandestine and illegal gold
smuggling overseas. The commissar of the Federal Reserve, Alan
Greenspan, we prefer to label him Redspan, through his secret
authorization codes, arranged the clandestine wire transfers for the
Bush Family.[See our website series, "Greenspan Aids and Bribes Bush"
and documents thereto
The major news networks have not publicized what they already know and
have corroborated about the Bush Family and  their cronies. One of the
most active of the family has been Jeb Bush, at the time of this
posting, Governor of Florida. He and his two brothers, and their
cronies, have reportedly committed a series of real estate frauds, bank
swindles, and other reputed massive rip-offs, for which they should have
been prosecuted and imprisoned, and which have caused the taxpayers and
innocent parties billions and billions of dollars. A list of their
reputed fraudulent enterprises includes but is not limited to the
===Marco Island
===Cosmos Development
===Destin Country Club Development (Destin,
===Harken Energy (Bahrain oil development and financial
===Swissco Management
===American Bank and Trust of Pensacola,
===Orange State Bank of Miami,
===Cadillac Development Group, Miami,
Jointly with his father and the American CIA, Jeb Bush used these
enterprises as a reputed massive money laundry for illicit funds,
including funds for bloody dirty tricks of the spy agency, such as
overthrowing foreign governments deemed unworthy or unfriendly to the
spy shop and, on occasion, assassinating foreign leaders. Reportedly
participating in these schemes has been Porter J. Goss, more recently a
Congressman (R., Florida), and previously a covert operations officer of
the American CIA. Also interwoven with these fraudulent enterprises has
been Henry Hyde, Congressman from Chicago suburbs. In violation of the
U.S. Constitution's mandate of Separation of Powers, Hyde is also head
of the CIA's "black budget" using the dope trafficking proceeds to
finance dirty tricks. Hyde was supervising authority of the Mena,
Arkansas airport dope trafficking for CIA, jointly with George Herbert
Walker Bush, Ollie North, and William Rockefeller Clinton. Hyde has
reportedly assisted the Bush family in laundering illicit funds through
the Paradise Island (Bahamas) gambling casino.[As we have pointed out
elsewhere on our website, Hyde has been criminally implicated with the
Paradise Island gang since
Goss, a Congressman from Florida's 14th Congressional District, has been
Chairman of the House Select Committee on Intelligence, that in secret
sessions, supervisers the American CIA and their murderous dirty tricks.
The Majority Staff Director of the Select Committee, John Millis, was
murdered, and typical of an intelligence "hit", was disguised as an
alleged "suicide". Just prior to being murdered, disgruntled for various
reasons, Millis arranged to leak to a certain outspoken independent
minded journalist, lists of CIA proprietary firms, used to disguise CIA
dirty tricks. The lists with accompanying details criminally implicates
George Herbert Walker Bush and his three sons,  Jeb, George W., and
Neil, and their cronies in Florida State government. Some of these CIA
adjuncts, privatized for "cover", have been owned, in turn, by Caribbean
and European tax havens, where local laws guarantee absolute secrecy,
and where financial enterprises and "shell companies" launder the
illicit proceeds from the dope traffic, weapons smuggling, gold covert
traffic, and the sale of nuclear bomb
[An Italian-based scandal, interwoven with this, was the Roger D'Onofrio
Affair, subject of Reuters and other wire service stories not
well-publicized in the U.S. These stories, under a Rome dateline, early
in December, 1995, 

[CTRL] 'Spy falcon' caught at India/Pakistan border

2000-11-15 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 19:44:35 +0100
From: "Mario Profaca" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: 'Spy falcon' caught at India/Pakistan border

'Spy falcon' caught at India/Pakistan border

A trained 'spy falcon' fitted
with radio antennae has been
caught at the Indian border
with Pakistan.

The bird, trained by Pakistan
to collect information and
transmit it back, was sitting
on an Indian border post in
Jaisalmer, border security
forces say.

It had a ring around its neck
and Indian officials say a
guard on the Pakistani side of
the border was listening to
conversations from the Indian
side through a transmitter,
reports The India Express.

Pakistani officials have
demanded the return of the bird
but the Indian government says
it plans to examine it thoroughly.
Indian border forces say it is
the third such 'spy bird' caught
near the border.

Last updated: 14:19
Tuesday 14th November 2000.


Mario's SPY BIRDS page

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] A Few Bell Book and Candle Curses and add the Masonic Touch as Well

2000-11-15 Thread Aleisha Saba

So Deborah - you got the hammer, I got the nail?

Now Deuteronomy 28 is probably the best source of the masonic green card
I was given before the FBI put a watch ono me over 30 years ago, for
they thought I had access to secret filesJ. Edgar Hoover personally
told two armed Teamsters who visited me that I got the stuff on my
ownI was not the thorn in their side for I was the Rose of Rose

I reproduce this in part...the curse against the Fitzgeralds is
found in the bible Book of Job...Jean Dixon in a book she sent to me
with her prayer card, called the Kennedy Brothers the Sons of Job.as
Bobby died, Jobs Coffin (delphinius) was approaching the June skies
What an old bat she was.she claimed direct NOBLE descent from the
Kaiser Wilhelm, but bet she could not prove her pedigree for she looked
like something the gypsys left in a basket on someone's doorstep

So Habakkuk 2 - you find the write the visiion upon the table so he that
readeth it may runHabakkuk sounds like Jehovah Witnesses
Watchtowerregardless, the Eagle that hasted to eath was the
symbolism of the President that day - along with Ezekial 38 and 39 you
have key to murdertimed to the Sword of Gideon and his 300??

The Gideon Bible Calendar is the master plan for murder - Gordon Novel
once told me no, why not call it the Master Plan for Life?

But if this be true - why were the democrats destroyed and murdered and
it was CFR taking over Democrat party, guys like Richard Celeste,
CFR/Rhodes Scholar, William J. Clinton, CFR/Rhodes Scholar and this
stupid John . Gilliigan who also managed one germ as Govenor is
Ohio.Celeste released Jewish Mafia Hit man who murdered black doctor
for no reason for his two Jewish Mafia doctor friends the one of whom
used to entertain Meyer Lansky..and we know Lansky had hand in JFK

So we got to the moon, and the Gideon Bible was taken to the moon along
with Dixon's astrological predictions for a laugh..as they circled
the moon they read from Genesis = but remember the Apollo sabotaged and
three men burnt to death timed to the Gideon Calendar of
Death..Shadrach, Meshenk and Abenego..and JFK's high noon in
Dallas all timed to this murderer's bible.

So see what you will...we are coming out of the wilderness again,
but who now plays Moses?Keeping in mind in Deuteronny 38 and 39 both
are knocked off on Mt. Nebo .
So who plays Moses this time - see Norman McKenzie's Secret Socieies,
and you find Jomo Kenyatta (super black mason) played Moses but wanted
to avoid crucifixion - he wanted to return to secular education and
restore lost foundariessound familiar?

Anyway God gave Ishmael all that oil.he also knew where the gold and
berylliam was located and the uraniam.

Bible big geography book with secret locoations of lots of lost gold -
some of it Nazi Gold ..but at least the Spear of Longinus made it
back to it its proper place, for who would want that old piece of metal
once held by Phineas and Charlemagne handed to Longinus - none other
than George Patton, who may have died for it.

Patton, saw the Master Plan.the men in Spandau had this bible code
and so did the CIA who once used it, and KGB who took from Nazis in
Spandau - from the Baron von Schirack.

So here we go - three Presidents againReagan lived though and broke
the cycle, but was never the same.and the CFR had warned him
publicly a week before the planned murder to knock it off...for you
see six month before Reagan was elected, the plan ws in the making for
his death should he make it.


Best I can do now Deborah as I am leaving my home for awhile - I wish I
could express myself better as I once did when I drove J. Edgar up a
wall...at least, I got his attention.

Here you go...a few curses...the Flaming Sword can be symbolized
by let us say even the rod of iron which struck through RFK or Oswalds
"curtain rods"   said that day upon inquiry when asked what he had in
the bag.curtain rods.the final curtaingoodbye old
pal..mafia talk and even Elvis sang he did it his way and knew he
had to die.for he had his final curtain.Mafia style, high noon,
low noon murder, in the open sight of otherssudden death - like the
movie Suddenly starring Frank Sinatra or like old plays of Shakespeare
said to inspire people to murder a King or a Queen ..

For its Show Time.Gore must be more stupid than I
thought..Baby Bush has already survived one attempt on his life - a
dump truck.
CFR controls cartage trucks now through AFSCME and they had (AFSCME
Jerry Wurf, CFR) invited Dr. King to his death to die for dues check
off.but he saw the promised land, climbed Mt. Nebo and met sudden
death all timed date wise, to his sermons and calendarfor where did
King get this Calendar?   KGB stuff?   CFR stuff?Or is there a
difference between the two?

...Could call this good news and bad newsin other 

Re: [CTRL] RE: [CTRL] Israeli War Crimes- NOT!

2000-11-15 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-

 Stopforth, Jamie wrote:

 Wow, nice propaganda article here.  If it's truth you seek then
 and this one... http://www.rotter.net/israel/

 I'll throw rocks at you with the intent to kill you and if you have
 a gun, you have every right to fire back.   "Oh wait, he's throwing
 rocks at me, I have to play fair, put down my weapon and throw rocks
 back."  Since when is war fair?  And not just that, but they are NOT
 only using rocks, they do have weapons, but CNN doesn't want us to
 know that either.



Can you tell me why the large difference in the body count?  Are
Palestinians such shitty shots?  Any fool can get a good body count
with an Uzi or an AK on full auto, what's the problem?  Is it that we
aren't getting the facts?

I don't know why the Israelis just don't herd the Palestinians onto
trains for "relocation", hell they already have them in ghettoes.

Mark McHugh

Israel--Hitler's revenge on the world

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] RE: [CTRL] Israeli War Crimes- NOT!

2000-11-15 Thread Stopforth, Jamie
Title: RE: [CTRL] RE: [CTRL] Israeli War Crimes- NOT!


Can you tell me why the large difference in the body count? Are
Palestinians such shitty shots? Any fool can get a good body count
with an Uzi or an AK on full auto, what's the problem? Is it that we
aren't getting the facts?

I don't know why the Israelis just don't herd the Palestinians onto
trains for relocation, hell they already have them in ghettoes.

Mark McHugh

Israel--Hitler's revenge on the world

So by default the people with the less body count are the Bad Guys? Hmm Let me see, I have a grenade launcher, an enemy soldier fires at me, I launch back killing him and his surrounding soldiers? Just one of the many scenarios that can play out in the dynamics of battle

 But as for body count numbers... Can I get a recount? My point being, just how accurate are those numbers? Do you know for sure? Are issues like that still open to question even after they've been reported by the major media outlets? I would hope so.

As for the catchy quote... People are free to say anything they feel is true... I don't even know the Anon guy, maybe he was famous, maybe not, but if he was, does it make his statement anymore correct? 


Reality--The perception of truth based on observation


 Look, I have a cool quote now...

[CTRL] Address by Dr. Doug Rokke, former head of the Pentagon's Depleted Uranium Project

2000-11-15 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

Vieques Libre - http://www.viequeslibre.orgThe 
following is a copy of the Address given by Dr. Doug Rokke, formerhead of 
the Pentagon's Depleted Uranium Project, at the National Vietnamand Gulf War 
Veterans Coalition 17th Annual Leadership Breakfast, at theU.S. Senate 
Caucus Room on November 10, 2000. Adrian Cronauer was Masterof 
Ceremonies. Distinguished Members of 
Congress, Coalition Leaders, FellowWarriors, and Guests-- It is a distinct 
honor to address you today.During the Gulf War I was the U.S. Army health 
physicist assigned to 12thPreventive Medicine AM theater command staff and 
the 3rd U.S. Army MedicalCommand headquarters. I was recalled to 
active duty 20 years afterserving in Vietnam, from my research job with the 
University of IllinoisPhysics Department and sent to the Gulf to ensure that 
all military andcivilian personnel were prepared for the anticipated 
nuclear, biological,chemical, and environmental exposures. I also was 
assigned to two equallyvital special operations teams: Bauers Raiders and 
the Depleted UraniumAssessment team. The 
preparations for war take many forms. Infantry soldiers learnand 
practice their combat skills, truck drivers practice maneuvering theirrigs 
to make sure they can deliver supplies, and medical personnel prepareto 
treat the expected combat casualties. Ideally, preparations are 
drivenby intelligence reports. However as the recent bombing of the U.S.S. 
Coleshows commanders may ignore intelligence information and not 
protecteither their personnel or equipment. Prior to the start 
of OperationDesert Storm military intelligence reports and threats issued by 
PresidentSaddam Hussein suggested that nuclear, biological, and chemical 
warfareand environmental hazards (NBC-E) would be employed to win 
battles. As we prepared for the battle 
in the Deserts of Saudi Arabia,Kuwait, and Iraq, medical and combat unit 
commanders realized that medicalpersonnel must be able to provide emergency 
medical care to conserve thefighting strength in an NBC-E environment. 
This required an assessment ofmedical capabilities. Four deficiencies 
were identified.First, an assessment of existing emergency medical response 
capabilitiesin the staging areas located within Saudi Arabia revealed the 
need torespond to medical emergencies resulting from combat to disease 
andnon-battle injuries (DNBI). Second, an assessment of medical 
personnelarriving in Southwest Asia verified that most of them did not have 
theknowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to provide medical care for 
theexpected nuclear, biological, chemical, and environmental 
(NBC-E)casualties much less the conventional weapons casualties. 
Third, the weverified that that most operations personnel needed a NBC-E 
defenserefresher course that was specifically designed for verified 
threats.Fourth, we needed to design and construct decontamination 
facilities,prepare standard decontamination procedures, and train personnel 
toprovide immediate personnel and equipment 
decontamination.Consequently, Bauer's Raiders, the 3d U.S. Army Medical 
Command theaterNBC-E special operations planning and teaching team was 
formed. Each teammember had prior combat experience and was a 
qualified medical and NBC-Einstructor. This team also designed and 
supervised the construction ofthe NBC decontamination facilities and 
provided operations assistancethroughout the echelons above corps, corps, 
and coalition forces.Since 1991 numerous Department of Defense reports have 
stated thatmedical and tactical commanders were unaware of the probable 
NBC-Eexposures and never told about the medical and environmental 
consequencesof these exposures. THAT IS A LIE! They were 
told! They were warned!Immediate and long-term medical care was 
recommended. The threats, healthand environmental consequences, and 
medical care recommendations wereprovided in written messages and during 
courses such as the 3rd U.S. ArmyMedical Command  ARCENT Medical 
Management of Chemical and BiologicalCasualties, the NBC-E defense refresher 
course, the Combat lifesavercourse, and the Decontamination procedures 
course which we taught to over1200 military personnel in the theater between 
December 1990 and February1991. I gave the classified threat briefing 
specifically identifying theanticipated NBC-E exposures, taught the 
NBC-E defense refresher course,the combat lifesaver course, and 
decontamination procedures course. ThusI can confirm that commanders 
knew what to expect and how to beprepared!!!Another important fact is 
that although Department of Defense officialshave stated over and over that 
the vital chemical and biological logs weremisplaced or lost, U.S. 
Government Accounting Office representatives andthe Pulitzer prize winning 
author Seymour Hersch have verified that theselogs were ordered destroyed in 
Florida during December 1996 whileCongressional committees were conducting 
hearings on potential exposures.As the DU assessment team 

[CTRL] Baker Says Gore Camp Refusing to Accept Finality

2000-11-15 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Baker Says Gore Camp Refusing to Accept Finality

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (Reuters) - Republican George W. Bush (news - web sites)'s
campaign insisted on Wednesday that it was Democrat Al Gore (news - web
sites)'s camp, not Bush, that has delayed the election process in Florida.

``The Gore campaign has been unwilling to make any commitment to accept
finality in this election unless it achieves the results that it is
seeking,'' the top Bush envoy to Florida, former Secretary of State James
Baker, told reporters.

Democrats are arguing Bush is delaying by trying to stop manual hand counting
of votes in heavily Democratic counties. Baker said the Gore camp has been
instrumental in filing a dozen lawsuits over the recounting process, compared
to only one by the Bush side.

``We're not the cause of the delay. That should be clear to everybody,'' said

He said it was ``patently false'' of Democrats to suggest that the Bush side
was hoping to delay the hand counting until Saturday to enable Florida's
final tally to reflect the current Bush lead and give him the election.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Buchanan threatens injunction in recount

2000-11-15 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

 ELECTION 2000, Day 9
Buchanan threatens injunction in recount
Says Palm Beach officials failed
to notify him of county's action



By Jon E. Dougherty
© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

An attorney for Reform Party presidential candidate Patrick J. Buchanan has
warned Theresa LePore, Palm Beach County elections board supervisor, to halt
any further manual recounts of the 425,000 ballots cast on Election Day
because she failed to notify the Buchanan campaign of the county's action.

According to a letter sent to LePore by Thomas Buchanan, the Reform
candidate's brother -- of the Winston  Strawn law office in Washington, D.C.
-- LePore has not notified the Buchanan campaign officially that a manual
recount of some of his votes is taking place.

Florida state law, under § 102.166(4)(c), says that when a county canvassing
board authorizes a manual recount, "the county canvassing board shall make a
reasonable effort to notify each candidate whose race is being recounted at
the time and place of such recount."

"It is clear that this statutory provision requires you, or your
representatives, to notify Mr. Buchanan of the manual recount taking place in
your county," the letter to LePore stated.

Tom Buchanan, in his letter, said the statute was "obviously designed to
provide Mr. Buchanan and the other presidential candidates timely notice of
the recount, so that they can effectively participate in the process."

However, the letter said, "neither the canvassing board of Palm Beach ... nor
your office, nor any other agency or department of the state, has made any
effort to notify Mr. Buchanan, formally or informally, of this recount.

"Considering that Mr. Buchanan's campaign address is on file in Palm Beach
County and is easily accessible," the letter continued, "there is no excuse
for not notifying him of the decision to initiate a manual recount."

Also, Tom Buchanan wrote, "subsection 7(a) of Fla. State. Ann. § 102.166
provides that the county canvassing board must include, when possible,
members of at least two political parties in the manual recount process."
Though Republican and Democratic representatives are in Palm Beach to oversee
the recounts, Buchanan, in his letter, said his Reform Party brother's
ballots "are at issue."

"By not notifying him of the manual recount he was precluded from even
attempting to have a representative from his party present during the
recount. ..."

The letter, he said, was sent to request "a cessation of the recount in your
county until [Patrick Buchanan] receives proper notification and the
opportunity to be heard as to why a representative from the Reform Party
should not be present during the manual recount."

The letter said if LePore refused to stop recounting ballots "and allow Mr.
Buchanan or a member from the Reform Party to participate in the process, we
will have no choice but to seek injunctive or other relief to stop the
process in its tracks."

The Buchanan campaign requested "a prompt response," or threatened to seek
remedy in a court of law.

Tom Buchanan told WorldNetDaily that the Palm Beach letter had also been sent
to Volusia and Broward counties, and that he was considering sending one to
Dade County as well.

"The state statute requires us to be notified" when manual recounts occur,
Buchanan said. "They never notified us or allowed us to participate in any
decision as to which parties should be present" during the recounts.

As of last night, Buchanan said he had not received any response in writing
from any of the counties.

Some analysts said the Buchanan letter may have been responsible for the
abrupt announcement by Palm Beach county election officials early yesterday
to stop the manual recount that had already gotten underway.

WorldNetDaily could not confirm that analysis with Palm Beach officials or
with officials with the Buchanan campaign before press time.

Other officials connected with the Buchanan action suggested that it was
likely county election officials also failed to contact Libertarian Harry
Brown and Green Party nominee Ralph Nader, but they could not confirm that.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not 

[CTRL] Navy flying home lost absentee ballots

2000-11-15 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Navy flying home lost absentee ballots
Marine captain: 'Majority of the pilots
aboard are registered voters in Florida'



© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

At least one major instance of missing overseas military ballots -- involving
the votes of some 3,000 sailors and Marines -- appears to be on its way to

WorldNetDaily reported yesterday that a source on the USS Tarawa, a U.S. Navy
assault ship near Yemen, said that "thousands" of absentee ballots were
languishing onboard.

The Navy has now confirmed bundles of overseas ballots left behind -- not on
one, but three ships in the Persian Gulf region. According to a New York Post
account, Cmdr. Greg Smith, a Navy spokesman, said the ballots of some 3,000
sailors and Marines on the USS Tarawa, USS Duluth and USS Anchorage would be
flown back to the United States "expeditiously."

Before the discovery of missing Navy ballots, Defense Department spokesman
Kenneth Bacon and Navy Lt. Dave Gai had both criticized WorldNetDaily --
Bacon publicly at a press briefing -- for its reporting on this issue. Bacon
referred to WND's initial story as "ludicrous" for reporting that some
servicemen and women suspect the Clinton administration may have somehow
purposely delayed sending absentee ballots to military personnel overseas
because most historically vote Republican. Gai, the Pentagon spokesman quoted
in two of WND's stories, had previously said he was "not aware of any
large-scale problems." Nevertheless, the newssite's reports caught the
attention of Rep. Joe Scarborough, R-Fla., who is now calling for a
congressional investigation into the issue.

In yesterday's WND report, Oregonian Judy Krutsinger, whose brother-in-law is
stationed onboard the Tarawa, said that although the Pentagon had reportedly
contacted Florida election officials to inform them that mail from all area
warships had been picked up Nov. 7, her relative aboard the Tarawa denied

"We e-mailed [him] aboard ship about that. ... [H]e e-mailed back saying [the
mailbags] are still onboard," Krutsinger told WorldNetDaily. She said the
mail was contained in orange bags on 17 pallets and that "ballots were not
separated from regular mail, as they should have been."

A United Press International account reported comments from a Marine Corps
captain from the Tarawa who helped evacuate the dead and injured from the USS
Cole after it was attacked by terrorists on Oct. 12.

Capt. Van P. Brinson, who did not receive his absentee ballot, wrote in a
Nov. 8 e-mail: "I cannot speak for the remainder of the crew of the Tarawa,
but I do know that the majority of the Marines and sailors that I have spoken
with are in the same boat. What is distressing about the situation," he
added, "is that a majority of the pilots aboard are registered voters in

Florida law requires that overseas ballots be postmarked by Election Day, and
Friday midnight is the deadline for the state's 67 counties to receive them.

Now that the large cache of ballots has been found, "all we're trying to do
is see if there's a way to get the mail there," Smith said in the Post story.

Smith explained that the reason the shipboard mail was forgotten was because
the three West Coast-based ships were preoccupied assisting the stricken Cole
after it was bombed last month.

Once someone realized that the mail contained time-sensitive ballots -- whose
importance is now increased dramatically because of the historically close
race -- the Navy agreed to fly the ballots to the U.S. post haste.

Meanwhile, stateside, the U.S. Postal Service says it is fast-tracking
military overseas ballots destined for Florida -- promising to get them to
the 67 county election departments the same day they arrive in the U.S., the
Post reported.

The ballots are being processed by postal employees at the Air Mail Center
near Miami International Airport, according to an Associated Press report,
where all overseas military mail sent to the United States arrives.

Ballots destined for South Florida counties are being driven to the
appropriate post offices for same-day delivery, while those earmarked for
north and central Florida counties are flown to regional mail centers, then
forwarded to the local post office for delivery to election officials.

According to the AP story, as of Monday the postal service had delivered 446
military overseas ballots to Florida since Nov. 8. An unofficial Associated
Press survey of 64 of Florida's 67 election supervisors showed that more than
19,300 overseas ballots had been mailed from the state. While over 10,000 had
been returned -- and most of those already counted -- officials could not say
how many ballots were still outstanding.

Many service personnel and their families have complained to WorldNetDaily
that their ballots were sent to them 

[CTRL] Those missing military ballots

2000-11-15 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

 Those missing military ballots



© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

Now it's up to the military.

In most countries, facing a constitutional crisis over a hung election would
be a scary prospect. But in America, military service people have
traditionally exhibited sounder voting judgment than the civilian population.
Thus, as America waits for the absentee ballots -- many from members of the
armed services stationed overseas -- to be counted this week in the closest
presidential election in history, a heavy turnout opposing Vice President Al
Gore is expected.

But will that be the case?

WorldNetDaily's Jon Dougherty has been reporting that many overseas service
personnel have been denied their right to participate in the selection of a
new commander-in-chief. Many continue to say they have been "cheated" out of
their vote -- due to their absentee ballots either arriving late or never
arriving at all.

Some military families speculate about the possibility of an agenda behind
the strange backlog. Many wonder out loud if a Democrat administration
purposely delayed or denied thousands of servicemen and women their right to
vote, assuming, based on past elections, that most overseas military votes
would end up in the Republican column.

Some U.S. military families in Germany are reportedly flying the American
flag upside down -- a traditional sign of distress -- at their places of
residence, as a result of the presidential election and the subsequent
balloting difficulties.

And it gets worse. There are reports of thousands of ballots still sitting in
mailbags aboard at least one U.S. navy ship, the USS Tarawa near Yemen. They
were reportedly never picked up, despite the fact that mail is being
delivered to the same warship.

Keep in mind, WorldNetDaily broke this story before the election -- before
anyone had any idea just how close this election would be and how much it
would depend on absentee ballots.

And though few official meaningful explanations have been forthcoming from
the Pentagon, there is no question that WorldNetDaily's stories have
attracted the attention of the highest officials in the land.

First Kenneth Bacon, official spokesman for the Defense Department and Monica
Lewinsky's boss, did his best to disparage WorldNetDaily's reporting in a
press conference last week.

Bacon referred to WorldNetDaily's first report as "ludicrous."

Bacon attempted to shift blame away from the Pentagon and instead put the
onus on servicemen themselves, though he acknowledged that the service
branches -- at one point -- do handle mail for service members.

One reporter, in an attempt to find out what information Bacon was using to
refute WorldNetDaily's story, asked, "How would you know whether people are
having problems [getting their ballots] or not? How do you know that?"

Bacon: "Well, apparently somebody talked to this Internet service. But I
assume they could go to an official on the ship or at the base and say, 'I
haven't got my ballot.'"

Q: "But how would you know back here? In other words, on what basis are you
answering our questions today?"

Bacon: "Well, I'm answering your questions completely on the basis of
procedure; what the procedures are -- "

Q: "Right, so you don't know. There could be -- "

Bacon: "and I think -- I think -- let me just point out; the most important
thing for everybody to realize is that the Pentagon encourages people to
vote, but it -- and it tells them how to vote; that is, it tells them the
procedures to follow, and the procedures generally involve requesting an
absentee ballot from a local authority well enough ahead of time so that the
person can get the ballot returned by election day. That's the primary role
we play."

The Pentagon has also said that about 130,000 service personnel in 1996 --
because of a failure of ballot delivery or request by the member -- did not
get absentee ballots and could not vote.

The Pentagon has since done its best to quiet whistleblowers in its ranks.
Navy Lt. Dave Gai, the Pentagon spokesman who initially spoke to
WorldNetDaily about the story, admitted hearing reports "about this [absentee
ballot non-deliveries] within the past week," but said that the Defense
Department was "trying to get more information."

The day after the story broke, however, an agitated Gai contacted WND to
complain, saying the report was "biased" and incorrect -- though he failed to
cite any factual error, other than that he had been incorrectly referred to
as an Army spokesman instead of a Defense Department spokesman.

Would anyone put it past the Clinton administration to manipulate an election
this way after eight years of political dirty tricks and abuse of federal
agencies? I wouldn't. And at least one member of Congress has called for an

[CTRL] RadTimes # 106

2000-11-15 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 106 November, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
Multiple political parties are a fact of life throughout Europe and most of the
West.  Today the only countries without strong multiparty political systems are
the United States and a number of third world military dictatorships.
--Thomas H. Naylor
--President? We don't need no stinking President!
--Post-Election Decisions
--Nation Plunges Into Chaos [satire]
--Bush Team Prepares 'Scorched-Earth Plan'
--Suit challenges Cheney's status
--How Democrats steal elections
--Greening From Ear To Ear
Linked stories:
*U.S. Government Allow Unabated Union Busting
*Adventures Through Inner Space
*Libertarians Demand Neutral Observers in Recount
*Getting ugly
*U.S. Spy Office Dying, Group Says
*Butterfly ballots no problem for first-graders in mock vote
*Navy flying home 3,000 lost ballots
*The government gang battles over the goods
*The Florida lawsuits
*U.S. Media: Egg On Their Faces?
Begin stories:
President? We don't need no stinking President!


 Hey, why all the hand-wringing and tumult?  So, we won't have a new
President named Gore or Bush.  Big deal!  Since almost half of the eligible
voters didn't vote and the other half mostly split their vote between Gore
and Bush, you can figure that 3/4ths of the American people would be
unhappy with either.  So, why not declare neither a winner and forget about
having a President?
  I mean what does the President really do besides being a front man
for corporate interests.  Why not just get GM, Exxon, General Electric,
Ford, etc., etc. to select the Central Committee and let them square off
with the Congress they mostly own?
 Yeah, I know, we need someone to occupy the White House, help with
state dinners and go abroad now and then.  Well, the corporate sponsors
could rotate this job and roll out their corporate logos accordingly.
Wouldn't the White House look good with a big Nike Swoosh on its pillars?
Hell, the Swoosh is already everywhere else.  Why not the White House?
 So, you think this is just a cynical response to the present
crisis?  But what could be more cynical than the political establishment
and the corporate media counseling an end to the election battle by denying
the popular vote?
 Even more cynical is trying to cover-up the endemic undemocratic
nature of the whole political system.  Most people know the system is a
racket that favors those with the bucks and those who curry favor with all
the corporate lobbyists.  Seven out of eight candidates who outspent their
opponents were elected this time.  Talk about buying elections.
 But, you say, look at how long this democracy has managed to
survive.  Isn't there something to be said for the grand traditions of the
American political system?  Which traditions are those?  The ones born out
of slaveholding politics that denied freedom and liberty to millions, or
those elitists fearful of the democratic rabble?
 But look at the wonders of the Constitution with its elaborate
system of checks and balances.  Anyone taking a good look at the history of
the Constitution knows that it was originally (minus the Bill of Rights) a
reactionary document intended to stop the more radical forces of the
American revolution, such as those Quaker artisans in Pennsylvania whose
agitation against an executive branch, for rotation in office, and imposing
a limit on how much money individuals could make almost became the rules of
the game in that state.
 So, if we need a tradition to call upon in this moment of crisis,
let's not haul out the worst elements of our past.  Rather, let's pay
homage to those radical working class Quakers who fought power, privilege,
and slavery.  Let's look even further back to the Iroquois Nation and its
federation principle.  Did they need a President?  Hell, no!
 So, my fellow Americans, let's just pick ourselves up, dust
ourselves off, and start all over again.  I've even got a good slogan for
the anti-Presidential campaign:  "Don't Tread on Me!"

Post-Election Decisions

Institute for Public Accuracy
915 National Press Building, Washington, D.C. 20045
(202) 347-0020 * http://www.accuracy.org * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[CTRL] Text of Judge's Ruling on Deadline For Florida Counties to Report Results

2000-11-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

November 14, 2000
Wall Street Journal
Election 2000

Text of Judge's Ruling on Deadline For Florida Counties to Report

Following is the text of Tuesday's ruling by Leon County Circuit
Judge Terry P.  Lewis on the request by Florida's Volusia and
Palm Beach counties to extend the 5 p.m.  EST Tuesday deadline
for reporting their count results.

The text is provided by the Associated Press.

This declaratory judgment action is before me on the Motion of
the Canvassing Board for Volusia County for a temporary
injunction against the Secretary of State and the Elections
Canvassing Commission.  By motion and agreement of the parties,
the Florida Democratic Party, Candidate Al Gore, and the
Canvassing Board of Palm Beach County have intervened as Party
Plaintiffs, and Candidate George W.  Bush and Elector Matt Butler
have intervened as Party Defendants.

The heart of the issue raised by the motion is this: Section
102.166, Florida Statutes, contemplates that upon request a
county Canvassing Board may authorize a manual recount of votes
cast in election.  Both Volusia and Palm Beach Counties have so
authorized, and are in the process of conducting, a manual
recount.  The Boards are concerned that the manual recounts may
not be completed by 5:00 p.m.  today, November 14, 2000, which is
the deadline imposed upon them by Section 102.112, Florida
Statutes, to certify and report the election returns to the
Secretary of State.  This section provides that if the returns
are not received by the deadline, such returns may be ignored by
the Secretary in her certification of results statewide.

The Plaintiffs insist that the Secretary of State must consider
the certified results from Volusia and Palm Beach Counties, even
if they are filed late, if they are still engaged in the manual
recount of the votes.  The Secretary of State insists that,
absent an Act of God such as hurricane, any returns not received
by the statutory deadline will not be counted in the statewide
tabulations and certification of the election results.  For the
reasons set forth below, I find that the county Canvassing Boards
must certify and file what election returns they have by the
statutory deadline of 5 p.m.  of November 14th 2000 with due
notification to the secretary of state of any pending manual
recounts.  And thereafter file supplemental or corrective
returns.  The secretary of state may ignore such late-filed
returns but may not do so arbitrarily, rather only by the proper
exercise of discretion after consideration of all appropriate
facts and circumstances.

The Secretary of State takes the position that the law requires
the County Canvassing Boards to certify and report the results of
elections in their counties no later than 5:00 p.m.  November 14,
2000, that there are no exceptions to this mandate, and that the
Secretary is likewise required by law to ignore any untimely
received returns unless the untimeliness is caused by a hurricane
or other Act of God.  I give great deference to the
interpretation by the Secretary of the election laws, and I agree
that the Canvassing Boards must file their returns by 5:00 p.m.
today.  I disagree, however that the Secretary is required to
ignore any late filed returns absent an Act of God.  There are
several reasons for my conclusion.

A reading of the entire election code suggests that legislative
intent to balance the desire for accuracy with a desire for
finality.  By concentrating on the deadline imposed by section
102.112, Florida Statutes, the secretary has come down hard on
the side of finality. This interpretation ignores, however,
section 102.166, Florida Statutes, which gives to the County
Canvassing Board the authority to authorize a manual recount.  A
request for such recount may be made within three days of the
election.  If a manual recount of at least three precincts and at
least 1% of the total vote indicates an error in vote tabulation
which could effect the outcome of the election, the Canvassing
Board shall either correct the error and recount the remaining
precincts with the vote tabulation system, request the department
of state to verify the tabulation software, or manually recount
all ballots.

Depending on when a request is made and then acted upon, it is
easy to imagine a situation where a manual recount could be
lawfully authorized, commenced, but not completed within seven
days of the election.  The Secretary of State responds that the
authority to authorize a manual recount is subject to the
requirement that such recounts be done and the results certified
no later than the deadline imposed by section 102.112, Florida
Statutes.  This would mean, however, that only in sparsely
populated counties could a Canvassing Board safely exercise what
the legislature has clearly intended to be an option where the
Board has a real question as to the accuracy of a vote.

Section 102.166, Florida Statutes gives any candidate, or a
qualified elector, the right to 

[CTRL] MJS: MU students voted more than once

2000-11-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

MU students voted more than once, survey finds Freshman says he
did it to draw attention to 'screwed up' system


Milwaukee Journal Sentinel staff
Last Updated: Nov.  14, 2000

A Marquette University freshman who said he was one of 174
students who told a campus newspaper they cast multiple
presidential ballots said he doesn't fear prosecution if it
highlights the holes he found in the political system.  Election
2000 "I wanted to make the point that the system is screwed up
here," said the student, 18, who asked not to be named.  "I hope
people can recognize the system is flawed, and if a poor college
kid with no resources can manipulate the system, a person with an
agenda and who wants to get things done - think how easily they
can manipulate the system."

The Marquette Tribune, the university's student newspaper,
surveyed 1,000 students and found 174 admitted voting more than
once, said Michael McGraw, the Tribune's metro news desk editor.

The paper conducted the survey in person and by telephone after
state Republicans on Friday alleged instances of voting
irregularities, including claims that some students at Marquette
and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee voted multiple times.

Milwaukee County District Attorney E.  Michael McCann said Monday
that his office is investigating reports that students at both
universities voted more than once in last Tuesday's election.

McCann said his office's "most serious focus" in its
post-election investigation thus far is on allegations of
multiple voting by students and the accusation that a Democratic
Party volunteer gave homeless people cigarettes in exchange for
their votes.

Crime is a felony "Our focus is on those areas first, because
those allegations concern crimes," McCann said.  "It is a felony
to vote a second time."

McCann said an investigation by his office so far indicates that
some Marquette and UWM students voted at "chaotic" polling

As word of the multiple voting spread across Marquette's campus
Monday, some students acknowledged the disorganization they found
at the polls but disagreed with their peers' actions to take
advantage of the chaos.

"I don't feel like my vote counted, because someone voted for
their candidate two times," said junior Meghan Kurtz, 21.  "I
don't think it's fair.  Students here are intelligent enough to
know one vote, one person."

Kevin Kennedy, executive director of the state Elections Board,
said under Wisconsin law, deliberately voting twice is punishable
by a maximum of 4 1/2 years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

The Marquette student interviewed Monday, who is from northern
Wisconsin, said he is concerned that authorities might try to
make an example of him but noted overall, "I'm not that concerned
about it.  . .  .  If I do get prosecuted for a felony, it's just
going to show more people how easy it was."

He said he cast his ballot at Grand Avenue Middle School four
times. Each time, he wrote in his own name as his candidate of
choice because none of the candidates on the ballot "represented
my ideas."

It was shortly after his first vote that he thought about casting
another.  He said he was asked to write on the registration card
his name and address and to provide a signature.  He raised his
hand to swear he was the person on the card but said he was not
asked for identification or proof of residency.

"I got my ballot and voted," he said.  "I put the ballot in.
The same thing happened multiple times.  There was zero to
prevent that from happening.

"I realized the system could be so easily manipulated," he said.
"I noticed there were very evident holes and room for

Thirteen vote 4 times Of the 174 Marquette students who said they
voted more than once, 95 said they voted both by absentee ballots
from their home state and also in Wisconsin.  Forty-one said they
voted twice in Wisconsin, 25 said they voted three times in
Wisconsin and 13 said they voted four or more times in Wisconsin.

McGraw, the student editor, said the multiple voting occurred at
three polling places: the university's Alumni Memorial Union, the
Highland Park Housing Complex and Grand Avenue Middle School.

McGraw stressed that all three sites were operated by the City of
Milwaukee Election Commission.

"They said they saw the system was being run poorly, wanted to
show how easily it could be abused and how it needed to be
reformed," McGraw said.

About 50 survey respondents said they witnessed some form of
voting irregularity, McGraw said.

Both the university's College Republicans and College Democrats
denied any involvement in the multiple votes, McGraw said.

A statement from the university released Monday said: "These
allegations, if true, are frankly appalling.  .  .  .  Marquette
University will, of course, cooperate in any way we can with the
district attorney's office and other authorities investigating
these allegations.

"And we will reserve the option of 

[CTRL] Help needed for Streisand, Sheen, Saradon, Goldberg, Baldwin

2000-11-15 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

 It Costs So Little, And It Means So Much

 As you are probably aware, if the voting results in Florida stand as
 are now, George W. Bush will be our next President. This will have
 catastrophic results in our vital, no, indispensable entertainment

 Barbra Streisand, Martin Sheen,  Susan Sarandon, Whoopie Goldberg,
 Baldwin, Martin Sheen, among many others have sworn to leave the
 country if
 George W. Bush is elected President.

 And this is where YOU can help. We need volunteers to help pack and
 to load
 moving vans. We also need volunteers to provide airfare for these
 irreplaceable national treasures so they can relocate before they can
 their minds.

 For the cost of a small SUV you can sponsor one of these celebrities
 their unfortunate relocation.  You will know that your efforts are
 when you receive postcards, letters and pictures from your chosen
 "refugee"as they learn to become a useful citizen in the third world
 of their choosing.

 You will help, won't you. It costs so little, but it means so much.
 1-800-deport-a-lib. Operators are standing by. Major Credit cards are

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Calendar - Get organized for the holidays!

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] 'Dubya' Bush's nephew in car sex romp

2000-11-15 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-


You probably did not mean to put down women. But you did, by implying
that they would vote for Bush's nephew because of his sex escapades.


On 16 Nov 00, at 1:57, Johannes Schmidt III wrote:

 Good for him. These are the sort of red-blooded genes we need running the
 world. And he's sure to get the female vote (just who do you think votes
 overwhelmingly for Clinton? It's mainly women).

}}} ANOMALOUS RADIO {{{ - Techno, Ambient, Talk (33k+)

}}} RADIO ANOMALY {{{ - Techno, Ambient, Jazz (Cable, DSL)

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Proof Of Serious Ballot Trouble In Palm Beach

2000-11-15 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

   Proof Of Serious Ballot
Trouble In Palm Beach
  From Cliff Ribaudo

 Dear Jeff,

 This is from a friend of mine who knows the author
 of the email below. He is the son of one of the
 Precinct Clerks in Palm Beach on election day.
 Amazing and for once, FINALLY we have first hand
 proof of all the BS. He has given his permission (at
 the end of the email) to send this everywhere, and
 so, I send it to you.

 Truth Is Justice Cliff Ribaudo

 -Original Message-

 From Ben Austin
 Subject: My mother, Palm Beach County Precinct

 Dear friends,

 I don't normally send long emails like this to a large
 block of people, certainly when it comes to my
 family, and certainly when the import of the issue
 makes it seem like the letter might travel far and
 wide. But so many people have asked about this
 story that it seems important to send it out. This is
 the true story of my mother, precinct clerk in Palm
 Beach county, Florida.

 My mother was a precinct clerk in Palm Beach
 county, Florida, election day of 2000. Mom's very
 good friend Leah was a precinct clerk as well. Both
 of them were incredibly upset during and after
 election day, before anyone knew the import of
 these specific voters. And my mother was convinced
 there were serious irregularities long before they
 gained national prominence, and she called me to
 say so.

 I note this because some Republicans are now
 asking "if there were these irregularities, how come
 they were not raised until after the election?" In fact,
 my mother and the other precinct clerks raised
 these issues from the moment that the polls opened
 in the morning - the problem is that the person they
 intially called on was Theresa LePore, elections
 supervisor of Palm Beach county. She was the
 source of the ballot confusion, and was uninterested
 in the issue.

 First, the paper ballot was extremely confusing to
 these voters. Although both major parties got a
 chance to review the card layout, it is not clear if
 any had a chance to put the actual ballot in an
 actual machine and punch the holes. The card is
 laid horizontally as you vote, and it is hard to see
 the holes as you punch them. And my mother, who
 supervised the precinct she was in (this is a paid
 position, and she reported directly to Ms. LePore)
 said the card did not even fit correctly in the ballot
 machine, so the holes in the card did not line up
 with the ballot.

 Anyone who thinks this was minor voter confusion
 has never dealt with retirees in a West Palm Beach
 retirement village in Florida, I promise you.

 My mother, following the rules, said the poll workers
 had been told not to help people with the cards, as
 it might bias the voters. My mother witnessed many,
 many people who voted incorrectly. Some stayed on
 a second line and had their cards re-done, some
 punched the second hole (and thus were probably
 thrown out), and some found out they voted for
 Buchanan after they had deposited their cards in

[CTRL] Winning fair or winning ugly?

2000-11-15 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Winning fair or winning ugly?
Bush shouldn’t fear hand-count of Florida’s disputed votes


Nov. 15 —  Al Gore has made George W. Bush an offer the Texan should
grab with both hands: a peace meeting between the two candidates and a
hand count of the entire Florida vote. Given his now continuous court filings
to prevent full ballot counts, coupled with the partisan behavior of Florida
Secretary of State Katherine Harris, Bush is looking more and more like a
man afraid of an honest vote count. Should his minuscule advantage hold
owing to the forced exclusion of any number of recount totals, Bush’s best
hope would be a presidency tarnished beyond repair before he even takes
the oath of office. For beginning last weekend, Bush campaign has
appeared ready to sacrifice every pretense of principle to try to make off
with the main prize.

George Bush should take Al Gore up on his offer. He’ll look like a wimp if
he doesn’t.

TALK ABOUT getting snippy and winning ugly: First the Bush team attacks
Gore and Democrats for considering a move to court on behalf of misled
Palm Beach voters, the next day it jumps into court itself to try to prevent an
honest hand-count of the votes already cast. One day Bush campaigns as
the champion of state’ rights and local control over the power of
dangerously power-hungry federal government, the next day it is seeking to
have a federal court overturn the state of Florida’s constitutional right to
monitor its elections as it sees fit. One day Bush, Baker and company are
demanding a non-partisan solution to the election crisis. The next day,
Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris, a Bush delegate to the GOP
convention, fundraiser and campaign co-chair (and close political ally of the
candidate’s brother, Governor Jeb), is seeking to discount locally ordered
manual recounts in order to sneak the new president into office while the
numbers are still being tallied. The court tells her this is unnecessary, so
she fiddles with the deadline a bit, before deciding the entire matter should
go before the state Supreme Court. NOBODY KNOWS

Bush’s strategy is dependent on sowing confusion in the minds of ordinary
Americans. In this regard, it is almost certain to be a success, as the
election count in Florida has become impossible to understand. No one —
and I mean no one — fully understands just how the election of our next
president is being decided. Is Broward County going to recount manually or
not? Is Katherine Harris going to accept the new vote count if they do? Who
won Tuesday’s court decision on this point? What’s going on in Dade
county? Who stands to benefit from a recount in Palm Beach? How do you
count a ballot with two punches? How do you count a ballot that has a
mistaken half-punch and another full-punch. What about the “butterfly ballot”
and the “will of the people” clause in Florida election law? Aren’t they in
conflict, and if so, what is to be done? Which are really more accurate,
machine counts or hand-counts? Didn’t actual hands design the machines?
Which court gets to decide these questions? Nobody knows. MEDIA
INTERFERENCE In every poll so far, the American people have clearly
stated a preference for a fair and clear result, rather than a speedy
questionable one.

A second ally of the Bush efforts to make off with an election they appear to
have lost has been a clear bias on the part of the media. The network pooh-
bahs mistakenly called the election for Bush early Wednesday morning and
ever since, they have been trying to vindicate themselves. The fact that the
first of these calls came from W’s cousin, John Ellis, whom the Fox network
apparently hired in order to help them slant their coverage even more
favorably toward Bush hardly seems to embarrass them. (“I am loyal to my
cousin,” he has written. “I put that loyalty ahead of my loyalty to anyone else
outside my immediate family.”) The Wall Street Journal has gone
predictably ballistic warning of a Gore “coup d’etat” and a “Democratic
legal hurricane ravaging across Florida.” But how to explain the oddly anti-
democratic bias of such nominally good citizens of the New York Times
and the Washington Post? Why have both sides ruled out any legal
remedies for the discounted voters of Palm Beach County, whose true
intentions and legal rights could clearly put Gore in the winner’s circle?

Why, in the words of the Washington Post editorial page, was it “a
poisonous thing to say in these extraordinary and unsettling circumstances”
for William Daley to suggest that Al Gore was the rightful winner of Florida
and the election, when the Bush team has been claiming the same thing
from minute one? And what of the weird coverage in the news stories too?
Why did the Post headline a front-page story on Sunday, “Both Sides
Increase Legal Wrangling As Florida Begins Slow Hand Recount,” when in
fact, only the Bush side had gone to court at that point? (The point was

Re: [CTRL] priest accused of molestation

2000-11-15 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Below please find a url for an article from the San Francisco chronicle.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

PS This may be triggering for survivors of abuse.

from :


"High-Ranking S.F. Priest Accused of Molesting Boy
Police found cleric, youth disheveled in parked car

Jaxon Van Derbeken, Chronicle Staff WriterTuesday, November 14, 2000

San Francisco -- A high-ranking official of the San Francisco Roman Catholic
Archdiocese has been arrested for allegedly sexual molesting a 17-year-old
boy in a parked car, authorities said yesterday."

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Re: [CTRL] RE: [CTRL] Israeli War Crimes- NOT!

2000-11-15 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-

 Stopforth Jamie wrote:


 Can you tell me why the large difference in the body count?  Are
 Palestinians such shitty shots?  Any fool can get a good body count

 with an Uzi or an AK on full auto, what's the problem?  Is it that
 aren't getting the facts?

 I don't know why the Israelis just don't herd the Palestinians onto

 trains for "relocation", hell they already have them in ghettoes.

 Mark McHugh

 Israel--Hitler's revenge on the world

 So by default the people with the less body count are the "Bad
 Guys?"  Hmm Let me see, I have a grenade launcher, an enemy soldier
 fires at me, I launch back killing him and his surrounding soldiers?
 Just one of the many scenarios that can play out in the dynamics of

It seems that you're under the black/white, Good Guys/Bad Guys
dualistic illusion.  This is a much more complex reality.

If these pages, whose URLs you mention, are the truth, that all these
armed Arabs actually have ammo, wouldn't there be photos of Israelis
swinging from lampposts and masses of dead strewn through the
streets?  They're armed and pissed.  Those LAWs featured on both pages
(same photo) would make one hell of a mess.  Where's the carnage?  Why
the large difference in the body counts?

The Rotter page you mentioned shows a bunch of pissed off Arabs.  I'd
be angry too if I lived under the conditions they do.

The One Soul page mentions Israel granting the PA rule over
Palestinian reservations.  Isn't the PA a puppet of the Israelis?
Don't the Palestinian people hate the PA?  Maybe all that I've read is
wrong.  Maybe the Firesign Theatre is right.

I want to know who has the superior force and tactics.  Propaganda
from both sides shows mere skirmishes.  Assuming easily that the
Israelis have the advantage, the ultimate high ground of the sky, why
haven't they pressed the attack?  Do they plan a war of attrition?

But as for body count numbers... Can I get a recount?  My point
 being, just how accurate are those numbers? Do you know for sure?
 Are issues like that still open to question even after they've been
 reported by the major media outlets? I would hope so.

Do you mean to say the Israelis have no media outlets to the outside
world?  You give URLs for two pages that show no numbers.  Do you have
any sources for the Truth other than propaganda photo spreads?

 As for the catchy quote...  People are free to say anything they
 feel is true... I don't even know the Anon guy, maybe he was famous,
 maybe not, but if he was, does it make his statement anymore


Famous does not make it correct.  I'd be happy with a book of good
quotes from normal people.  People are free to say anything, true or
not, whether they believe it or not.  My quote and mention of trains
and relocation are examples of black humor--Socratic, ironic and
sardonic.  My foul mood inspired their inclusion.

I'm in a foul mood because, by nature I seek balance, yet I
continually see one-sided opinions.  "Israeli War Crimes" "Israeli War
Crimes- NOT!"  Can't people be honest with themselves and admit that
acts on both sides are criminal or do we subscribe to the idea that
the ends justify the means?

Do I take sides?  Yes.  I back the people who are sick of the constant
warfare.  I believe the peace-loving people on any side of any
conflict are being screwed by greedhead leaders whose best control
method against them is division.  What can we do about it?  Education
is the only thing I can come up with that may do some good.

 "Reality--The perception of truth based on observation"


   Look, I have a cool quote now...

Not so sure about that, Jamie.

Reality exists independent of observation--a very strange, uncertain
reality, albeit.

Perception is flawed, considering the minuscule portion of the
electromagnetic spectrum we are able to perceive, thus the merit of
observation is questionable.

Define "truth".  Nevermind.  I'm being a tired shit.

Mark McHugh

More cool quotes:

It is not a sign of good health
to be well adjusted to a sick society.
 -- J. Krishnamurti

Like it or not, a riot is the voice of the unheard.
--Maxine Waters

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as 

[CTRL] Fwd: Eduardo Agnelli Dead

2000-11-15 Thread Kris Millegan

Suicide suspected after Fiat heir found dead
Philip Willan in Rome
Thursday November 16, 2000
The Guardian
The heir to Italy's most powerful industrial dynasty, was found dead
yesterday. The body of Edoardo Agnelli, 46, was lying at the base of a 200ft
viaduct in northern Italy after what police said was an apparent suicide.
It was the second time in three years that tragedy had struck the family
that controls the Fiat manufacturing group: Edoardo's cousin, who was being
groomed to lead the business, Giovanni Alberto Agnelli, died in late 1997 of
a rare form of stomach cancer at the age of 32.
Police saw Edoardo Agnelli's dark Fiat Croma parked at the side of motorway
between Turin and Savona, near the village of Fossano. His body was lying at
the foot of one of the viaduct's pillars among plastic bags, bottles and
other refuse. 
His father, Gianni Agnelli, 79 - long the charismatic figure at Fiat's helm,
and now its elder statesman as honorary chairman - visited the site to
confirm that this was the body of his only son.
At the family villa outside Turin, at Villar Perosa, relatives came and went
by helicopter through the day, preparing for the funeral that will follow a
post-mortem examination.
Edoardo Agnelli, had shown little aptitude for the business world in which
his family has played a leading role for more than a century. Rather, he
went looking for spiritual illumination in India, having graduated in
oriental religion and philosophy.
But his exclusion from the family's businesses - the closest he came to a
responsible management role was as a director of the Agnelli-owned Juventus
football club in the 1980s - caused him considerable unhappiness, as he
showed in interviews where he protested at being marginalised when younger
relatives got preferment.
"It's a tragedy," an unnamed woman friend in Rome was reported as telling
the Italian media yesterday. "I was expecting him in the next few days. He
certainly didn't seem depressed, but sometimes a moment of anguish can be
Edoardo Agnelli hit the headlines in October 1990, when he was arrested in
the Kenyan beach resort of Malindi for possession of heroin. "I feel
exhausted," he said on leaving court after learning of his acquittal on the
drug charges. 
"It has been a tough battle, which I think I have faced fundamentally on my
own." He found it hard to live up to the expectations of his father.
Gianni Agnelli, a former playboy who married Princess Marella Caracciolo,
had abandoned a life of jet set dissipation to reveal an unexpected gift for
business. Unlike his reclusive son he was at ease in the limelight occupied
by a family that resembled royalty in republican post-war Italy.
Tension over the Fiat succession came to a head in 1986 when Edoardo - known
by friends in New York as "Crazy Eddy" - announced his interest in taking
charge of Italy's top industrial conglomerate.
In a newspaper interview in Assisi he criticised his family for seeing "my
personal search as a voluntary abstention from the problems of the group,
almost as though I were incapable of assuming responsibilities".
But there was no fulfilling role available for the family scion who was more
at home in the company of Indian gurus or the denizens of psychedelic era
New York than in a Turin boardroom.
In 1998 he again vented his frustration at being bypassed in favour of
younger relatives."Part of my family has been taken over by a baroque and
decadent logic," he said in an interview with the leftwing daily Il
Manifesto. "Meaning no offence to anyone, we are approaching the gesture of
Caligula, who made his horse a senator."
For his 22-year-old cousin, John Elkann, it was an unflattering parallel:
the young man had just been selected to fill the shoes of Giovanni Alberto.
In recent years Edoardo Agnelli, who never married, lived quietly on an
uncle's country estate near Capalbio, Tuscany, pursuing his religious and
philosophical interests.
Angelo Magrini, the chairman of a blood donors' association in Turin,
yesterday paid tribute to his social sensibilities and his generous work for
charity. "He was a marvellous person who dedicated his life to others. He
was always very attentive to those who suffered and ready to help people in
need," Mr Magrini said.
As the oldest child of Gianni Agnelli - he has a sister aged 43 - Edoardo
should have assumed command of a workforce of 240,000 and a global business
empire spanning car making, construction, fashion and media.
His spiritual curiosity and rebellion against materialism took him in a
quite different direction, to an obscure life and a lonely death that
confirmed his role as the black sheep of Italy's first family.
Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2000   

[CTRL] SLPD: Ex-prosecutor declares innocence in Waco case

2000-11-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Ex-prosecutor declares innocence in Waco case

St. Louis Post-Dispatch
November 14, 2000

ST. LOUIS - A former federal prosecutor says he'll "let the
process run its course" now that he has declared his innocence to
charges he obstructed the investigation into the siege at the
Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas.

 Former Assistant U.S. Attorney William Johnston entered a not
guilty plea Monday in federal court in St. Louis. U.S. Magistrate
Judge Mary Ann Medler released Johnston on his promise to show up
for scheduled court appearances.

 Johnston has a trial date of Jan. 2. But his lawyer, Michael
Kennedy of New York, said he will probably ask for a later one.

 A federal indictment accuses Johnston, 41, of hiding his notes
about the FBI's use of incendiary tear gas rounds at Waco from
the Justice Department and Congress. He also is accused of later
lying about the notes to the grand jury and investigators for
John C. Danforth, special counsel in the case.

 Johnston left the U.S. attorney's office in February. He has
admitted that he withheld several pages of notes from 1993
dealing with the FBI's use of pyrotechnic gas. He has said he did
it for fear that hostile colleagues would use the notes to
discredit him.

 "My actions were foolish, regrettable and wrong, but they were
not criminal," he said.

Johnston is charged with two counts of obstruction of justice and
three counts of lying to investigators and to the grand jury that
returned the indictment.

 Grand jurors returned the indictment the same day Danforth
released his final report clearing the government of crimes in
the siege of the Davidian compound.

 Johnston helped draw up the search warrant that agents of the
Treasury's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms tried to serve
on Feb. 28, 1993, at the Branch Davidian compound. The incident
turned into a gunbattle in which four federal agents and six
Davidians were killed.

 The resulting 51-day standoff ended in a fire that destroyed the
compound. Sect leader David Koresh and about 80 followers died.
In 1994, Johnston helped convict nine Davidians of crimes.

 Danforth's final report criticized others who had withheld
information and evidence, but other than Johnston, no one is
being prosecuted. The criminal case is the final development in a
14-month investigation that cost $17 million. The final report
was the last of Danforth's findings.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] LT: Chance remark shakes balance

2000-11-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

London Times-THURSDAY NOVEMBER 16 2000

Chance remark shakes balance


A CHANCE remark by a woman with a key role in the choice of
President threatened to sabotage George W. Bush’s chances

Obsessed with chasing law suits, the Republican high command
forgot to check with the 25 party faithful who comprise their
Electoral College delegates to confirm that they will vote for Mr
Bush when they meet next month.

But then Berta Moralejo, a 52-year-old grandmother, let slip that
she is so troubled by all this wrangling that she is dithering
over who to back.

There is no law obliging her to back Mr Bush, even if he wins the
disputed popular vote in Florida, and Mrs Moralejo said in a
television interview: “It’s a free country. Nobody has contacted
me yet. Nobody said you have to vote Republican, so I’ll go on my
own will.”

This hint of rebellion sent Republicans scurrying around to
ensure that no other delegates were about to break ranks. A party
official refused to say whether Governor Bush had telephoned Mrs
Moralejo but by last night she was, in the party’s words, “firmly
on side”.

She insisted that she had not been leant on. The Democrats seized
on Mrs Moralejo’s remarks as evidence that some of their
opponents are uneasy about the tactics being used to stifle
recounts and legal battles.

Mrs Moralejo, who moved to Florida from Cuba in 1962, was
astounded last night at the constitutional crisis she had
provoked. Only seven Electoral College delegates have deserted
their party in the past century, and they did not matter because
the results were a foregone conclusion.This time it is much
closer and the vote of every delegate counts.

Mrs Moralejo insists that she will not defect. Yesterday both
parties were considering making “courtesy calls” to their 25
Florida delegates to ensure that there was no more wavering.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] WT: Observers say ballots manipulated by examiner

2000-11-15 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


November 16, 2000

Observers say ballots manipulated by examiner

By Steve Miller

 WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. ‹ Five observers to Saturday's hand
count in Palm Beach County have filed affidavits in federal court
charging that a Democratic county commissioner manipulated
ballots so Al Gore would receive more votes than George W. Bush.

 Carol Roberts, a de facto appointee to the three-member
elections canvassing board, is accused in the filings of asking a
Democratic observer to the count whether ballots should count and
that she "twisted the ballots and poked her finger directly in
sections of, and aggressively handled, the ballots."

 On one occasion, observer John Grotta said in a sworn
statement, Miss Roberts looked at a ballot and said "
'Unfortunately, the corners aren't detached,' as she was
referring to a ballot that would have been a vote for Vice
President Gore."

 The most pointed charges in the affidavits were cited in a
request by the Palm Beach Republican Party that Miss Roberts, a
longtime Democrat, step down from the board because of her
partisan behavior in last week's sample count of 4,600 ballots.

 When the count found that Mr. Gore netted 19 more votes,
Miss Roberts was adamant about a full recount, asserting that Mr.
Gore could claim as many as 1,900 more votes based on the

 Miss Roberts refused to remove herself from the panel,
saying in a public statement ‹ read by canvassing board chairman
Charles Burton to a press gallery that is now an encampment
outside the Emergency Operation Center here ‹ that the count was
done "in full view of public observers from both parties and
cameras from all over the world.

 "All board members examined and voted on all questioned
ballots and nearly all votes were unanimous. . . . I will
continue to be fair and impartial and will not recuse myself."

 Yesterday, Miss Roberts publicly challenged the election
powers of Secretary of State Katherine Harris, a Republican, in
the recount dispute, saying Attorney General Robert Butterworth,
a Democrat, had the proper authority. Mrs. Harris has been the
target of Democrats, who claim she is partisan and must recuse

 The partisan rancor has completely divided the sides in the
manual recount debate. Palm County's hand count was delayed
yesterday pending the state Supreme Court's opinion on the legal
standing of the process.

 The charge against Miss Roberts "is not a witch hunt," said
Mark Hoch, administrator for the county's Republican Party.

 "We have complaints coming out of the woodwork, and most of
the things we look at are unsubstantiated," Mr. Hoch said. "Carol
Roberts, though, can be seen as truly partisan."

 Miss Roberts arrived at the emergency center around 6:15
a.m. yesterday with a sheriff's deputy bodyguard and a personal
assistant. As a vocal advocate of the manual count in both Palm
Beach County and three other surrounding ‹ and Democrat-dominated
‹counties, Miss Roberts has thrived on the controversy
surrounding the recount.

 At one point this week, Miss Roberts said she would go to
jail to have the manual recount accomplished. In Palm Beach
County, recounts by hand and machine have added 787 votes for Mr.
Gore to an extra 119 for Mr. Bush ‹ a net Gore pick up of 668.

 The affidavits filed yesterday also include charges that
elections workers were reluctant to reassess votes despite the
protests of observers.

 In one case, a worker refused to recount a stack of ballots
that contained Bush votes, according to observer Mark Klimer.

 Mr. Klimer's statement included the accusation that Miss
Roberts picked up ballots from a stack that was to be evaluated
later by the entire board and interspersed them with a stack of
Gore votes.

 He also said the ballot evaluation was inconsistent. Some
ballots judged as Gore votes did not meet the agreed standards
for a valid vote, the West Palm Beach banker said.

 Mr. Klimer said yesterday he was in the counting room for 4
and 1/2 hours on Saturday. A Republican, Mr. Klimer said his
interest was not partisan: "I was there to make sure it was

 "Beyond a shadow of a doubt, what I saw is the absolute
truth," Mr. Klimer said.

 Miss Roberts is one of three Democrats on the seven-member
County Commission. She was elected in 1986 after serving 11 years
on the West Palm Beach City Council.

 When she became president of the Florida Association of
Counties in 1996, Miss Roberts took some heat for marking the
occasion with three days of festivities paid for with $55,000
from her business friends.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy