[CTRL] Bolivia - Public Announcement

2001-05-03 Thread Amelia
Title: Bolivia - Public Announcement


BoliviaApril 27, 2001
American citizens traveling to or residing in Bolivia should be aware that 
several groups have been staging marches, setting up road blocks, and organizing 
strikes in protest of various Bolivian Government policies. These groups include 
an organization protesting privatization of basic utilities in the city of 
Cochabamba as well as transport workers, illegal coca leaf growers and 
indigenous groups in other parts of Bolivia. Coca growers recently marched in 
Yungas and similar events may take place in Chapare. As these are the major 
coca-producing regions in Bolivia, American citizens may wish to avoid both 
these areas. While the Government of Bolivia has actively sought to engage all 
legitimate groups in dialogue and to discourage violent demonstrations, there 
have been clashes that have resulted in the accidental deaths of two Bolivian 
Although American citizens have not been specifically targeted by any of the 
protesting groups, they should avoid crowds and demonstrations, keep a low 
profile, monitor local news sources and review their travel plans to avoid areas 
that may be the scene of roadblocks, marches, strikes or other kinds of 
For general information on travel to Bolivia, please consult the Department of State’s Consular Information Sheet 
available at http://travel.state.gov. U.S. citizens are urged to register 
with the U.S. Embassy either via the Internet at 
http://www.megalink.com/usemblapaz/ (click on Citizen Registration) or in person 
at the U.S. Embassy in La Paz (Tel 591-2-430251), the Consular Agency in 
Cochabamba (591-4-273166), or the Consular Agency in Santa Cruz (591-3-426476). 

This Public Announcement expires July 26, 2001. 

Department of State travel information and publications are 
available at Internet address: http://travel.state.gov. U.S. travelers may hear 
recorded information by calling the Department of State in Washington, D.C. at 
202-647-5225 from their touchtone telephone, or receive information by automated 
telefax by dialing 202-647-3000 from their fax machine. 
Return to Consular 
Information Sheets and Travel Warnings Page 

[CTRL] : Defending the Southern Heritage, 2001

2001-05-03 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

 {{I am sure that some of our kinder, gentler (ha!) lib posters will want
 claim this is off topic but let me assure you that I have watched this
 conspiracy evolve over my entire lifetime.  The South is the scapegoat
 which the nation foist its various social ills regardless of the nature of
 the truth of the matter.  Example:  Everyone knows that no matter how
 their own area is, it is MUCH worse down South, right???  This is totally
 false but is so beloved an idea that the rest of the country will never
 abandon this way of thinking.  How long since there has been any kind of
 race riot, march, etc. in Birmingham?  At least 40 years, a lifetime for
 majority of people living there.  Compare and contrast to Watts, Compton,
 Miami, New York (Benson Heights), Detroit, Cincinnati and on and on. Check
 the latest census for confirmation of blacks returning to the deep South,
 etc. since 1970 when jobs became available. I DO hope we stop fighting the
 wars for America and let others do this in the future.  Too many
 have died fighting for a country that treats them and their families as
 second class citizens.  Every time there a major disaster like the bombing
 of the Marine barracks, etc. the number of Southerners listed is far out
 population proportion.  Like Jimmy Carter, I am a Southerner before being
 American and shall remain so at least until the war crimes committed
 this region and the following economic sanctions which lasted until WWII
 admitted and addressed.  Why make such an issue of Kerry when there is
 a tradition of waging war against non-combatants?  Erect a monument of him
 ala Sherman and pay homage!

 Subject: FW: Defending the Southern Heritage, 2001

  Defending the Southern Heritage, 2001
  by Clyde Wilson
  Many good people have been working in recent years to preserve public
  acknowledgment and celebration of our Confederate history. Our fights
  been largely defensive reactions to the innumerable strokes of our
  and most of them have been defeats. Our enemies control most of the
  respectable political, religious, educational, business, and media
  institutions of American society, including nearly all Southern
  We have lost in part because many defenders of Confederate symbols have
  understood the nature of the battle. Southerners are a conservative
  They prefer the traditional to the abstract and are slow to adopt new
  theories (one of the several characteristics that distinguish them from
  other inhabitants of the United States). This is a good and healthy
  but like all virtues it can, if we are not careful, become a
  rigidity. The conservative philosopher Russell Kirk contrasted mere
  stand-patter conservatism of the dull-witted or poor in spirit who
  anything new with the true conservatism of an Edmund Burke or a John C.
  Calhoun who perceived that it was necessary to change in order to
  because new conditions had created new threats to our patrimony.
  Unfortunately, too many spokesmen in the fight for Southern heritage are
  stand-patters, i.e., dinosaurs on their way to extinction. They are
  to live in a world that they grew up in but which does not exist any
  The world that they grew up in accepted Southerners and Southern
  a positive part of America. That world began disappearing a half century
  and is almost gone.
  After Reconstruction, which all sensible Northerners came to realize had
  been a grievous mistake, most Americans, North and South, took the Road
  Reunion. Southerners had to agree that they were glad that the Union had
  been saved and a stronger America had emerged. (They were already
  glad of the end of slavery.) For the most part they did this with
  and enthusiasm (they had to if they had any hopes of personal success).
  Southerners became good and loyal members of the new America. They have
  lived up to that pledge every generation since, in fact have been the
  loyal of all Americans and done more than their fair share in every war.
  As their part of the bargain, Northerners acknowledged that Southerners
  been brave and honorable in their war for independence, and their
  like Lee and Jackson, would be celebrated as American heroes. (There
  always a few old Yankees around who wanted to exterminate the rebels,
  indeed there still are, but they were a minority.)
  This is why The Birth of a Nation, creation of D.W. Griffith, son of a
  Confederate soldier, could be regarded as a national epic at the
  of the twentieth century. Will Rogers, another son of a Confederate
  was a national institution and he and Shirley Temple and many others
  portrayed very sympathetic Southern characters in the 

[CTRL] Nationwide survey shows bullying widespread among students

2001-05-03 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

 Survey figures
Nationwide survey shows bullying widespread among students

 From News Services
 Wednesday, April 25, 2001

 Amid growing concern over school violence, a nationwide study has found
 bullying affects nearly one of every three U.S. children in sixth through
 10th grades. Young students and boys were most likely to be affected.

 The authors say their 1998 survey of 15,686 public and private school
 students is among the first to document the prevalence of bullying in U.S.
 classrooms, and the results show that not enough has been done to prevent
 what is often seen as an unpleasant rite of passage.

 It's a problem that has been in a lot of ways ignored for quite a while,
 said lead author and researcher Tonja Nansel of the National Institute of
 Child Health and Human Development.

 The survey appears in today's Journal of the American Medical Association.

 It is part of the U.S. contribution to a study of worldwide childhood
 and behavior by the World Health Organization.

 Bullying has been implicated in recent school shootings, including the
 slayings of two students in Santee, Calif., and the 1999 massacre of 13 by
 two students at Columbine High in Colorado.

 A growing number of schools across the country have adopted bullying
 intervention programs; the Colorado Legislature is considering a proposal
 that would require school districts to develop an anti-bullying policy.

 Among the most recent programs in Minnesota schools to combat violence,
 including bullying, is the Safe Schools/Healthy Students program that is
 being organized in the St. Paul public schools and the Fertile-Beltrami
 School District in northwestern Minnesota.

 They are two of 77 sites nationwide with grants from the U.S. Departments
 Education, Justice and Health and Human Services that are intended to make
 schools safe by making their communities safer, using a combination of
 educational, mental health and social services.

 The initiative is based on evidence that a comprehensive communitywide
 approach is an effective way to ... address the problems of school
 violence, program sponsors said.

 According to information from the Department of Justice, the St. Paul
 program includes a violence-prevention curriculum, mental health centers
 schools to combat violence and suicide, and projects on peaceful parenting
 and school readiness.

 Participating schools are Battle Creek Middle School, Cleveland Quality
 Middle School, Hazel Park Academy, Mississippi Magnet and Bruce Vento
 Elementary School. Participating agencies, besides the school district,
 include the Wilder Foundation, the St. Paul Police Department and Big
 Brothers Big Sisters.

 The Fertile-Beltrami Schools, trying to rebound from the 1997 flooding
 among other things prompted a soaring school mobility rate, is leading
 school districts and social agencies with plans for home-based nurse
 for struggling mothers, expanded after-school programs, and Spanish
 translations of all school materials.

 Such programs, Nansel said, have been shown to work in other countries but
 are untested in the United States, where efforts to address the problem
 been hampered by a pervasive attitude that kids will be kids and this is
 just going to happen.

 Since nationwide research on bullying is so scarce, the survey doesn't
 whether the U.S. prevalence is rising, she said. And while it did not
 examine criminal behavior, the survey found that fighting was more common
 among bullies and bullied children.

 Researchers also point out that the study has limitations. It relies on
 children's own assessments, which may not be wholly accurate.

 The merits of the study are obvious: the size of the study and the fact
 that it's a representative sample covering both middle and high school,
 said Jaana Juvonen, a behavioral scientist at Rand Corp. in Santa Monica,
 Calif. But it's important to recognize that this study is all based on

 Children who said they were bullied reported more loneliness and
 making friends, while those who did the bullying were more likely to have
 poor grades and to smoke and drink alcohol, the survey found.

 Other research has shown that people who were bullied as children are
 to depression and low self-esteem as adults, and that bullies are more
 likely to engage in criminal behavior.

 Kevin Dwyer, a school psychologist and adviser for the National Mental
 Health Association, said there is evidence that the incidence of physical
 fights and violence in schools has declined in recent years.

 To reduce bullying, schools need to involve all staff members, parents and
 even student bystanders.

 People need to recognize that adolescence is not an easy time, he said.
 We should prepare for it, which we don't. We treat adolescents as if
 they're little adults and we request of them to kind of take care of

 -- Star 


2001-05-03 Thread Amelia

{{NOTE: I have not read all of this article. Just 
appeareed to be interesting and a new theory. Amelia}} Title: 

Subtitle: Even as British farmers are facing financial disaster, and their 
farms being poisoned by the burning of carcasses,Environmentalist 
advocates are suddenly proposing a "rewilding" of this farm land, letting it go 
back to Nature! This is the ultimate goal, and the Blair Governmentseems 
to be implementing the U.N. Biosphere Plan. 
The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you 
understand what this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually 
implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily news!! 

Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones! 
Stand by for insights so startling you will never look at the news the same 
way again.

For those of you who have not heard of the New Age term, 
'rewilding ', please stop and click on this two-year-old 
article, entitled, The Rewilding of America, NEWS1101; then, please NEWS1368. You need the background information 
provided by these two articles to understand the shocking revelation this 
article is to provide.
NEWS BRIEF: "Environmentalists and Farmers Clash Over The 
Future of Farming: Horns Locked In Combat", The Herald, April 19, 2001, 
Rural Viewpoint Section. [NOTE: This is a British paper]
" 'The loss of sheep from hillsides as a result of 
foot-and-mouth epidemic may be good for the rural environment' ... 
That is the view being put forward by Morgan Parry, head of the Worldwide Fund 
For the Future (WWF) in Wales. Speaking from his home in Rhos Isaf, Mr. 
Parry said: 'Their sheer numbers on many hills reduced the landscape and 
wildlife value dramatically. Many formerly common birds ... are near to 
extinction in Wales ... The cost of keeping the sheep is equal to, or greater 
than, their sale value. If the sheep were to be removed tomorrow, the loss 
to the rural economy would be insignificant."
Animal Rights advocates and their counterparts, the Extreme 
Environmentalists, have long been espousing the ultimate viewpoint of Radical 
Humanism. This viewpoint says that, while man is the most sophisticated 
animal in the world right now, he is also an evil predatorthat needs to be 
constrained if Mother Gaia [Earth] is to survive. You see, they believe 
that man has used his temporary mental intelligencesuperiority to rule 
harshly over Mother Nature, and to cause the death of countless numbers of 
animals, and extinction of entire species.
Man must be forced to curtail his ruinous ways, especially men 
of today's Industrial Civilization. Such advocates firmly believe man must 
be removed from enormous stretches of the landscape, if the indigenous creatures 
that have lived there in the past are to survive. Extreme 
Environmentalists and Animal Rights advocates have long called for an end to the 
killing of animals for meat, and for letting the land go back to 
Nature.Such advocates have even coined a term for this position -- 
"re-wilding", i.e., letting the land go back to the normal Nature that existed 
before wicked modern man came on the scene.
We have reported on this extremely dangerous aspect in the 
above articles, and we point out that this viewpoint was firmly supported by the 
Clinton Administration. Many of Clinton's Executive Orders setting aside 
land by preventing any Industrial Civilization development of it, were issued 
because Clinton and Gore were firmly supportive of this radical viewpoint.
Now, let us go back to our feature article, above, as Morgan 
Perry outlines his radical views that the English countryside should just now go 
back to the wild.
"The hard economic reality is that there is no money in keeping 
sheep in the hills. A major shift in rural policy now could be hugely 
beneficial to the rural economy, from wildlife conservation, tourism, to 
woodland management."
The terms, "wildlife conservation" and "woodland management" 
are code words within Radical Environmentalism for "re-wilding". They 
literally mean forcing human beings with their modern despicable farming 
methods, off the land, and allowing the land to return to its natural 
state. Fortunately for our understanding, Mr. Parry makes this point 
rather clear in his next statement.
"For wildlife, the benefits would come very quickly. 
Ungrazed land ... would develop a rich mosaic of grasses, rushes, and herbs 
under scattered shrubs and individual trees. Far from being a problem, 
hawthorn, hazel, and willow scrub is marvelously rich in bird and insect 
life. In time, some woodland would develop and more could be 

Re: [CTRL] Behold There is a Dead Horse..

2001-05-03 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Moore is not to be trusted based on his voice inflection in my early days of
UFO speaker monitoring. He is very pleased with himself and speaks from
a position of externally-imposed authority, i think.
but what do i know???)

On 2 May 01, at 10:21, Dale Stonehouse wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In December 1984, via the mail, in a plain brown envelope, to
  private UFO investigator Bill Moore and his film producer friend, and
  associate, Mr. Jaime Shandera. Mr. Bill Moore is a well known private
  UFO investigator, and is co-author, with Charles Berlitz, of the book
  The Roswell Incident.  Unknown to the public is the fact that Bill
  Moore was recruited as an agent of the CIA.

 Maybe it is generally unknown, but some of us had it figured out years ago.
 The following post drew some nervous denial from Friedman on various mailing
 lists, but he didn't convince me. In the acknowledgments section of The
 Roswell Incident are several people I met in Herman, MN (home of the world's
 most famous bachelors a few years ago). Some are school administrators,
 fellow teachers, coaches and some are farmers. Regular yokels, if you will.
 If anyone has any recent information on Moore I would like to see it.

 From Feb. 1998:
 To: RISKERS/NUFOIA Mailing List
 Subject: The Front: William L. Moore

 From: UFO Sky Searchers International
 From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dale Stonehouse)
 From:   SearchNet's   IUFO   Mailing List

  In the 1976 movie The Front, Woody Allen played a dimwit hired to put
  his name on scripts authored by blacklisted writers in the 1950s.

  Is Bill Moore also a front for unnamed writers in his published books
  The Roswell Incident and The Philadelphia Experiment, both possibly
  works of disinformation? Both were allegedly coauthored by Charles
  Berlitz, but it is accepted that he agreed to have his name ascribed to
  get publishers to take the books.

  Consider that Moore was teaching drama and French at Herman High School
  in Herman, MN (pop. 600) in the 1970s after leaving military service,
  when he met Stanton Friedman at a lecture at the University of
  Minnesota-Morris, 14 miles away. Herman is about as rural as America
  gets. I know, having spent much time there. My ex-wife is a 1977
  graduate of Herman High School and in her school yearbooks there is
  Moore, just the average teacher.

  Soon after meeting Friedman Moore became the author of The Roswell
  Incident, even though Friedman was much more qualified to write such a
  book, having done the lion's share of research on Roswell. Yes, Moore
  did additional research and his books are entertaining, but when Moore
  announced at a UFO conference in 1989 at Las Vegas that he had helped
  intelligence agents with the Paul Bennewitz problem, feeding Bennewitz
  false information, he was dismissed by much of the UFO community.

  Even more puzzling is this: Moore had two books published in a two-year
  period, and in the 18 years since then, has had no other books

  As a military veteran myself, I know how recruits are approached early
  in their career if they are thought to have potential for use by
  intelligence agencies. And once an asset, you are always potentially
  available for use by the agencies, even as a civilian. Is this the real
  story behind Moore and his books?

  Friedman knows the answer to that question, as he probably recruited
  Moore for just such a purpose. Perhaps Moore's 1989 revelation in Las
  Vegas was his way of ending his association with the agencies, perhaps
  out of disgust for what he had been asked to do.

  Whether any of this is accurate or not, the publication of the book The
  Roswell Incident has kept researchers running around in circles for
  almost 20 years trying to confirm its validity. As disinformation it is
  probably the best ever produced.

  Posted by: Dale Stonehouse [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:
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Re: [CTRL] Behold a Dead Horse?

2001-05-03 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Some see through the charade, others see only a paranoid psychotic. Both
are correct.

On 2 May 01, at 11:23, A* S* wrote:

 Yes but Dale who has more fun than Mothershiphave lots of good old
 books, even got the Unicorn re story of Ira Einhorn who managed to make
 connections with people associated with Red Stone - and the story of
 Billy Milligan who lived in our small town - had 5 personalities but he
 was also involved in murder and someone was going to make fast buck on
 this guy.

 But I wondered why a man in ultra top secret, Joint Chief of Staff
 stuff,  Thor Chief, Doolittles Staff at one time, CO of Clark field,
 Vice Commaner Far East AirTechnical command - worked with Vandenberg =
 why would he warn me about anyone attached to these people?

 With a long line of murders to follow way back in 1964 a rocket
 scientist about to go to Wright Field was murdered - his desk had been
 stuffed with pornography and then a blonde with a flower (yellow flower)
 was found murdered in an area where peacocks roamed loose.thought of
 the Peacock Society into which the Shah of Iran had been initiated - now
 this Ira Einhorn they alled the Unicorn - got involved with the Shah -
 this creep who murdered his girlfield and then somehow he hooked up with
 Tom Beardon of Red Stone Arsenal..so this is why my brother in law
 turned mad bull when I mentioned weather control, etc.for he
 believed no place to wander into secret world of sabotuers, murderers,
 spies,  wht nots.

 UFO's make good front; however, I was told just recently that I was
 right aboutone thing - when my friend a pilot flew to Georgia and
 Alabama to load up munitions for Viet Nam during this war,  he got to
 base and Viet Kong waiting for them - had infiltrated outside base
 during the night for they knew their arrival time.

 How could this happen?  Well sudden reports of UFO's over Georgia and
 Alabama - this was tip off the planes had left the field and were on the
 way.so UFO's - this one I saw the other day had to be Chinese and it
 is a joke - if they bought this stuff, Clinton got the best of them for
 they can send these UFO's right back to Chinese, turn them around and
 back to sender unopened, with love.

 So my relative worked with von Braun and was in his stuff from the start
 - everybody smiled when talk of UFO's would come upalways liked
 that oldl poem which I write once more:

 I shot an arrow in the air;
 It dropped to earth, I know not where.
 Of the 20 people to see it go;
 Al reported, a UFO.

 Anyway Gordon Novel made that bunch on Mothership remove his name for
 they wanted a picture of him.   But surely, he is still so handsome his
 face did not belong of UFO Mothershp with little gray and green men.

 So Cooper now goes after NWO.now there is a bunch of UFO's -  got
 get them Coop.


 My old friend was original Ghost Buster with Hans Holzer - been to
 Amityville?  She was real spook..tracked drug shps like hound from

 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
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 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to 

[CTRL] FOXNews.com

2001-05-03 Thread tnohava

Professor Cites Evidence That Guns Stop Crimes

Wednesday, May 02, 2001
Kris Osborn

 Email this Article

When Thomas Shim moved to Augusta, Ga., and opened up a small convenience
store more than four years ago, he planned to build his business peacefully.

But that plan was abruptly shattered by violence when he was robbed at
gunpoint in his store. His wife Yougim was shot and wounded in the robbery.

Fed up and scared, Shim bought a .38-caliber pistol for protection.

That decision that may have saved his life, because in July of 1999, Shim's
store was robbed at gunpoint once again. Fearing for his life, Mr. Shim shot
and killed the armed robber, a career criminal named Anthony Boyd.

If I didn't have a gun I would have been killed, Shim told Fox News. I
grabbed my gun, clicked it ... and shot him. At that moment, I had to

Shim's story is one of many cited in research by Yale University Professor
John R. Lott Jr., author of More Guns, Less Crime.

Lott says his research shows that guns used defensively stop about 2 million
crimes a year, five times the amount of crimes in which guns are used.

No one has found bad effects resulting from right-to-carry laws, Lott
said, citing instances in which the mere presence of a gun played a key role
in preventing crimes.

When guns are used defensively, most of those times, the gun is not fired,
said University of Georgia Professor David Mustard, who collaborated with

Lott says most media reports ignore the life-saving aspects of guns. In his
research, he compiles instances across the country where the simple
brandishing of a gun prevented crime.

But not everyone agrees. The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, which advocates
the banning of handguns and assault weapons, cites different statistics and
says Lott's findings are incorrect.

Its a myth to believe that people carrying guns creates a safer society,
said spokesman Mike Beard. If you look at the FBI uniform crime reports,
they show that gun deaths are the highest in the areas of the country that
have the highest gun ownership.

But Lott stands by his reasearch, telling Fox News: The vast majority of
academics who have looked at this issue have found results similar to what I
have found.

Arguments in the statistical war will continue to be shot back and forth,
but as far as Thomas Shim is concerned, the matter has been decided.

As long as I have a gun, I feel better,  he said.


Re: [CTRL] Behold a Dead Horse?

2001-05-03 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

I think I heard about that, ten years ago. I doubt it is true. William Cooper
and William Moore have very different voices. Or did you not take the time
to research this for yourself before spewing the libelous disinformation that
is the norm for you, whoever you *really* are. (I think I know.)


On 2 May 01, at 0:26, Aleisha Saba wrote:

 Dale have you seen this item?   This Cooper Milton William and William M
 and William C appear to be same man.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Democratic strategist Beckel driven into protective custody

2001-05-03 Thread tnohava

X DRUDGE REPORT X WED MAY 02, 2001 09:37:28 ET X



Vice President Al Gore's lawyers high-fived each other after disqualifying
more than 1,000 military ballots from overseas on trumped-up
hypertechnicalities during the Florida recount, a new book reveals.

Here comes the book of books on the Florida election standoff: At Any Cost:
How Al Gore Tried to Steal the Election, by Bill Sammon, Senior White House
Correspondent for the WASHINGTON TIMES.

A win's a win, crowed one of Gore's lawyers after tossing out the ballot
of Navy Lieutenant John Russell, who at that moment was off the coast of
Yemen, where he had just finished rescuing the USS Cole in the wake of a
deadly terrorist attack.

Sammon tracked Russell down for the officer's first ever interview.

I was hot, Russell said. Here I am, deployed overseas. I've done
everything I can to cast my ballot properly. And I find out my vote doesn't
count because of a lousy postmark ­ even though they received it before
Election Day. Oh, I was torqued.

Sammon, who spent 18 months covering the Gore campaign and all 36 days of
the post-election debacle in Florida, has inked a blow-by-blow of the
historic standoff.

The DRUDGE REPORT has secured the first advance copy.

Sammon reveals how Republicans got their hands on the Gore team's secret
memo detailing how to disqualify military ballots.

Sammon also gets Democratic strategist Bob Beckel to describe, for the first
time, how his quest to flip Bush electors unleashed a backlash of public
outrage that frightened him and his family.


Beckel told the author:

It got nasty, I tell you. I got 15,000 faxes, 10,000 letters, 2,000 phone
calls, 132 death threats. They picked up a guy in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
with my picture and a bullet hole through it ­ with a gun. So it was just
brutal. They got into my garage at my office and wrote 'You're dead.' I had
to go into protective custody.

Sammon secured exclusive interviews with Bush and Cheney, asking them to
describe their darkest moments during the 36-day standoff.

AT ANY COST is set for release next week; it ranked #4011 on AMAZON.COM's
sales list early Wednesday.

Filed By Matt Drudge
Reports are moved when circumstances warrant
http://www.drudgereport.com for updates
Not for reproduction without permission of the author


[CTRL] Sale of widow's house causes uproar

2001-05-03 Thread tnohava

May 2, 2001, 11:32PM

Sale of widow's home causes outrage
Homeowners' group tried to buy property
Copyright 2001 Houston Chronicle

While public officials are outraged over the sale of an elderly widow's home
because of unpaid property-owner association dues, information from a Harris
County official shows the homeowners' group tried to buy the house at an

Champions Community Improvement Association called for the auction of
82-year-old Wenonah Blevins' $150,000 home in Champions subdivision in March
because she had failed to pay two years of homeowner fees totaling $814.50.

An e-mail from Constable Ron Hickman to county Tax Assessor-Collector Paul
Bettencourt detailed the March 6 sale and the three offers by two bidders.
The association bid $4,200. The home was sold for $5,000 to Daniel Hilal,
who initially bid the minimum $499.

Blevins, however, said she didn't know the association had initiated the
foreclosure proceedings.

She said she put a check for the overdue maintenance fees in the homeowners'
association mail slot last August and didn't know it wasn't cashed.

Attorney Marian S. Rosen, who represents Blevins, said her client had
pneumonia at some time during the two years and may have neglected to pay
some of her required fees.

She also may have mistaken correspondence from the association for junk mail
because it was addressed to Mr. W.L. Blevins, Rosen said.

Bob Cheaney, the association's accountant, said the group sends certified
letters, and that Blevins' check was returned to her by registered mail.

The check was returned, Rosen said, because legal proceedings had already
been initiated against Blevins. She said Blevins has no record that she
received the returned check.

But Cheaney said, At that point in time, it was not in the courts. It was
in the preliminary stages. (Her check) was returned because it was not full

Blevins, who has no living family, now resides with a friend. Her only
companion, a house cat, is living with her neighbor. She had paid for the
house, where she lived alone for the past 15 years.

A court hearing is set for May 18 on Blevins' suit to prevent the sale of
the contents taken from her house, which are now in a storage facility.
Blevins also wants the court to void the sale of her house and return it to

The auction has outraged local and state politicians, including legislators
who scurried to pass laws to prevent such proceedings.

It was an unconscionably stupid thing to do, said Bettencourt, adding that
foreclosure should be used only as a last resort.

They kicked an 82-year-old woman out of her home over 800 bucks, which is
absolutely asinine, he said.

Al Brooks, association president, said he could not comment on the sale
pending the outcome of Blevins' lawsuit.

The association did not bid on the home on Blevins' behalf, Rosen said.

Upon Bettencourt's request, the county attorney's office agreed to look into
the association's actions and study the matter to determine if the office
has jurisdiction.

Bettencourt was not the association's only critic Wednesday.

We have received at least 30 calls this morning, calling us Gestapo and
Hitler, Cheaney said.

There's no way we can put a good spin on this; it's a horrible story. We
never, ever wanted to sell property out from under someone just because of
maintenance fees.

In Austin, meanwhile, two area GOP legislators -- Sen. Jon Lindsay and Rep.
Peggy Hamric -- began applying pressure on the homeowners' association.

This is simply unfair, Lindsay said.

As early as today, he is expected to introduce a bill that would force a
homeowners' association that auctions a foreclosed home to pay the original
owner the difference between the home's appraised value and the auction
price. In Blevins' case, she would be paid $145,000.

But Lindsay admits it will be difficult to pass the bill in this legislative
session with less than four weeks remaining.

Lindsay and Hamric also plan to add a pair of amendments to legislation
relating to homeowners' associations.

One amendment would make the rules by which an association could auction a
foreclosed home similar to those followed by taxing entities, including
cities, counties and school districts. Such entities must allow an original
homeowner to repurchase a foreclosed homestead within one year of the
auction for the sale price plus 25 percent.

The second amendment would require an association board member to visit a
homeowner against whom the board is considering action. The board member
would have to clearly explain the ramifications of not paying association
fees, Lindsay said.

In a related development, Bettencourt said he plans to investigate the
unpaid taxes on many of the 200 properties owned by Hilal of First Capital
Interests, which purchased Blevins' house. Hilal, who has not returned phone
calls, owes 

[CTRL] Smart Guns

2001-05-03 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


Gun maker may get $2.8
  million for 'smart gun' research

  By Associated Press, 05/02/01

  SPRINGFIELD -- Smith  Wesson is reportedly in line for a
  $2.8 million federal grant to develop a smart handgun that
  can be fired only by an authorized user.

  The Union-News in Springfield reported Wednesday that the
  Bush administration has agreed to provide the money after
  personal lobbying by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., and
  U.S. Rep. Richard Neal, D-Mass.

  The money had been promised by the Clinton administration
  as part of the Springfield gun maker's agreement last year to
  install safety locks on all of its guns and to adopt other safety
  features and marketing changes. In return, the gun maker was
  dropped from some federal lawsuits.

  Following the agreement, other gun makers and gun rights
  supporters accused Smith  Wesson of selling out. The
  company said its sales were cut in half and last fall it laid off
  125 workers.

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[CTRL] Worn-out America?

2001-05-03 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-







No boring patriotic music, fire works, and worn-out Americano history.

is where it is at!

AT least THIRTY blocks of downtown
Los Angeles will be closed off for this annual occasion.

Come learn to speak, read, sing and dance in Spanish!

Visit the many booths of our corporate American sponsors, such as
all in SPANISH!

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] 12-Year-Old Girl Won't Be Charged (fwd)

2001-05-03 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Comment from a Gunsafe member:
Notice that this AP article showed no compassion for the child or the mother
who were the victims.   There was no mention of grief counseling or sympathy.
 I saw nothing on the daily news.  They didn't mention the mothers pain or if
the child cried!  As a matter of fact they specifically stated the girl would
not be charged in the incident, as if she should be.

This is the a good example of how  deeply rooted the media ignorance and bias
really is.   I guess since it was a positive use of a gun saving a life it
doesn't deserve   national TV or newspaper coverage.

For saving her Mom's life, I think the girl is a hero.


Tuesday May 1 11:21 PM ET
12-Year-Old Girl Won't Be Charged

CLARKSDALE, Miss. (AP) - A 12-year-old girl who shot and killed her mother's attacker 
will not be charged, police said

The girl was asleep in her room when Anthony Fox chased her mother into their 
apartment, forcing his way through the door,
Detective Danny Hill said.

``She heard the commotion and she knew from past experience what was going on,'' Hill 

The girl saw Fox choking her mother, grabbed her mother's pistol and fired a single 
shot into his chest, Hill said.

The county coroner said Fox, 25, died of a single gunshot wound to the chest Saturday 
at an area hospital.

Fox had been arrested for domestic violence against the girl's mother, his on-and-off 
girlfriend, at least twice, Hill said.

A youth court judge ruled the shooting self-defense, Hill said. The girl's name was 
withheld because of her age.

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Re: [CTRL] Behold a Dead Horse?

2001-05-03 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well Steve go ahead you have made the charge - who am I really?

Back it up bucko.

Note you site - do you ever give any credit to those who took all those
On your web site?

Now I should have taken a picture of that Chinese missile shugging
across the sky and you would have had you event of the past ten years at
least, that was original.

Expect more UFO's of China for now they will try to reach Tijuana by
June I hear.

Who am I Steve?   What is my name?  The only allegiance I owe is to my


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Behold a Dead Horse?

2001-05-03 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

Actually this does not even refer to Bill Moore.

The original post mentioned that in various places are references to a
William Milton Cooper and a William C. Cooper who are the same guy.

For those who think they know the true identity of various people on the
list, why not just say what you are thinking? Is there a penalty for that or

Because of my research on Bill Moore that includes his teaching job in
Minnesota and Stanton Friedman's account of how they met in his book Top
Secret Majic (or whatever the title was), it is difficult for me to see how
anyone, even 10 years ago, could think Moore and Cooper are the same person.
Even their MOs are vastly different.

 -Original Message-
 From: Steve Wingate [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 3:02 AM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Behold a Dead Horse?

 I think I heard about that, ten years ago. I doubt it is
 true. William Cooper
 and William Moore have very different voices. Or did you not
 take the time
 to research this for yourself before spewing the libelous
 disinformation that
 is the norm for you, whoever you *really* are. (I think I know.)


 On 2 May 01, at 0:26, Aleisha Saba wrote:

  Dale have you seen this item?   This Cooper Milton William
 and William M
  and William C appear to be same man.

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Re: [CTRL] : Defending the Southern Heritage, 2001

2001-05-03 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

I notice there is no mention of segregation and lynching of blacks in all
the mythology of 'southern heritage' that was posted...

If the vast majority of southerners didn't support slavery, why did it
take Union troops to free the slaves?

If the vast majority of southerners didn't support slavery, why did they
institute de facto slavery after the war via segregation and a
sustained campaign of terror against any 'uppity' blacks who tried to
circumvent segregation?


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Re: [CTRL] : Defending the Southern Heritage, 2001

2001-05-03 Thread Foxter

It seems to me that the South has done 
remarkably well in the last l50 years and more particularly since l963 
desegregation conflict. Wish the Northeast democrats could do as well to 
ease social problems by other means than throwing money at them.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 8:39 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] : Defending the 
  Southern Heritage, 2001
  -Caveat Lector-I notice there is no mention of 
  segregation and lynching of blacks in allthe mythology of 'southern 
  heritage' that was posted...If the vast majority of southerners didn't 
  support slavery, why did ittake Union troops to free the slaves?If 
  the vast majority of southerners didn't support slavery, why did 
  theyinstitute de facto slavery after the war via segregation and 
  asustained campaign of terror against any 'uppity' blacks who tried 
  tocircumvent segregation?JuneA HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/ADECLARATION 
   DISCLAIMER==CTRL is a discussion  informational 
  exchange list. Proselytizing propagandicscreeds are unwelcomed. 
  Substance-not soap-boxing-please! These aresordid matters and 
  'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-directions and outright 
  frauds-is used politically by different groups withmajor and minor effects 
  spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.That being said, 
  CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, andalways suggests to 
  readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives nocredence to Holocaust 
  denial and nazi's need not apply.Let us please be civil and as always, 
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[CTRL] Fwd: Nuclear Back Packs to UFO's

2001-05-03 Thread Aleisha Saba

Interesting item most of which can be documented.  Find stuff re
Einstein hard to believe, but Einstein and Marilyn Monroe had gotten
together which proved one thing - J.Edgar Hoover probably went

Good item...note reference to Jason Society and Tesla and Beardon and a
very interesting item - I was looking up who all had nuclear back packs
and was surprised

by One Who Knows
PART 29:
If you doubt the fact that the Nazis never gave up and that they planned
to continue the war after their defeat in Germany, and planned to make a
comeback to finally achieve their goal, then perhaps you should read the
following books:
Connell, Brian, *A Watcher On The Rhine,* William Morrow  Co., New
1957. Old wine in new bottles, how the Nazis have come back into
Horne, Alistair, *Return To Power,* Fredrick A. Praeger, Inc., New York,
1956. The struggle for unification, rather than any revival of Nazism,
may one day force Germany out of the Western camp.
Tetens, T.H., *The New Germany And The Old Nazis,* Random House, New
1961. A frank and often shocking account which details how 'Hitler's
own' have managed to return to power in almost every walk of German
Winkler, Paul, *The Thousand-Year Conspiracy,* Charles Scribner's Sons,
1943. Secret Germany behind the mask.
White, Theodore H., *Fire In The Ashes,* William Sloane Associates, New
York, 1953. The fire of Nazism in the ashes of Europe.
Sayers, Michael and Kahn, Albert E., *The Plot Against The Peace,* Book
Find Club, New York, 1945. ...uncovers Nazi Germany's secret plans for
a Third World War.
Schultz, Sigrid, *Germany Will Try It Again,* Reynal  Hitchcock, New
1944. Does the title give you a clue?
Dornberg, John, *Schizophrenic Germany,* MacMillan Company, New York,
1961. Is the new West Germany of the postwar years as democratic as we
have been led to believe, or does Nazism still smolder?
Lord Russell, Brigadier, of Liverpool, C.B.E., M.C., *Return of the
Swastika? David McKay Co., New York, 1969. Russell was part of the
Nuremberg prosecution team.
There are more, these just happen to be the ones in my personal library.
I read them, mostly about 20 or 30 years ago. I do not mean to give the
impression that Germany is the source of the world's problems; Germany
has simply been a part of a much bigger picture. Other valuable books
that will give you insight are:
Bacque, James, *Other Losses,* Stoddart Publishing Co., Canada, 1989.
The truth about how Eisenhower murdered thousands of German prisoners of
war AFTER the surrender. Many of those starving soldiers and piles of
dead bodies you have seen in atrocity photos were NOT Jews, they were
Germans. Don't argue with me, read the book. General George Patton wrote
in 1945 that Eisenhower was using practically Gestapo methods in
torturing and killing German POWs. You can obtain the book probably from
*Spotlight* Newspaper if you can't find it otherwise.
Sutton, Anthony C., *Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler, '76 Press, Seal
Beach, Calif., 1976.
Albert Einstein is a good example of another deception and hoax involved
with the atomic bomb program. When many people think of the atomic bomb
they think of Einstein. He was presented as the world's greatest
scientist, and a hero of the atomic bomb program. Upon closer
inspection, you will find that his major contributions were his use of
his influence to obtain President Roosevelt's support for the bomb and
he was the one personally responsible for bringing the major Communist
atomic spy Klaus Fuchs into the Program. The Russians know nothing about
the atomic bomb until Fuchs brought it to their attention in 1942.
(*Heisenberg's War,* p. 524).
Thanks to Fuchs, (and to a massive amount of Secret material illegally
shipped through Lend-Lease) they were able to explode their own bomb in
1949. Einstein was a communist cell member with Fuchs. Fuchs was the top
scientist on the Manhattan Project and he gave the atomic secrets to the
Soviets. (Jordan, George Recey, *From Major Jordan's Diaries,* Harcourt,
Brace and Co., New York, 1952.)
We are taught that Einstein is the author of the Theory of Relativity,
yet evidence has come for the proving that the real author was Mileva
Maric, Einstein's first wife.
Einstein had a reputation at the Swiss Polytechnic Institute in Zurich
of being a man with poor work habits and was often reprimanded for
laziness during all his school years, including the University. He
developed a romance with classmate Mileva who helped him with his math.
His autobiography says In my work participated a Serbian student Mileva
Maric who I married later. She had an illegitimate daughter in 1902,
which they gave up for adoption. They got married in 1903, separated in
1912 and divorced in 1919. This is when Einstein married his cousin
Elsa. The original manuscript of the *The Theory of Relativity*
submitted for publication had Maric's name on it as co-author.
For more proof, 

Re: [CTRL] White Race to be wiped out by immigration? (fwd)

2001-05-03 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

 Yardbird [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Well flw I believe you have mistaken Herbert Spencer's concept of Social
 Darwinism with Darwin himself. Darwin never spoke of inferior and/or
 superior species but of those that are the most capable of adapting to
 changing environmental conditions. Spencer is the man who coined the
 phrase survival of the fittest and began to apply the theory of
 evolution to society. Also I'm not convinced that this the white race is
 doomed scenario is apt in the longterm what with the rampant spread of
 AIDS, TB, typhoid, cholera, inter alia, in the non-white population.
 Of course in keeping with your Spencerian views we could say that the
 reason is is that these people are simply too stupid to live.

You assume too much. I merely said I admire Darwin, not that Darwin ever
promulgated the theory of survival of the fittest. Of course Darwin opines
that species disappear or thrive due to their ability or failure to adopt to
changing circumstances whether or not that equates with inferiority is
in the mind of the beholder. The concept of race is ignorant. There is no
different races, merely local environmental adaptations. If people are capable
of breeding, they cannot be a different species.

However there is no doubt that different races, i.e. different localized tribes may
hold different cultural / economic / political values based on their local experiences.
That said, I do find that the whole false notion of diversity is a red herring
promulgated by those who seek to glorify tribalism and separatism.

When  multi culturalism includes collectivism; dependency; statism instead
of different types of cookingthat is where it becomes a stalking horse for
those with a hidden agenda.

It is a matter of values and ideasnot race.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] : Defending the Southern Heritage, 2001

2001-05-03 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

 -Original Message-
 From: YnrChyldzWyld [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 7:40 AM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] : Defending the Southern Heritage, 2001

 If the vast majority of southerners didn't support slavery,
 why did they
 institute de facto slavery after the war via segregation and a
 sustained campaign of terror against any 'uppity' blacks who tried to
 circumvent segregation?

Probably for the same reason murder still occurs and the USA is known as one
of the most violent countries in the world despite that fact that most
Americans never indulge in violence or killing.

If you tell a negative person 20 positive things and one negative thing they
will completely forget the 20 and obsess on the one. Try it.

History records the worst events and ignores the little things good people
do every day. In some people's view the nice things therefore did not
happen. The majority of U.S. soldiers in ground combat in WWII intentionally
fired their weapons into the sky to make sure they didn't hit anyone, but
history ignores this.

Recorded history has little to do with reality. Just ask Japanese children
if they are taught that the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were
good because they prevented the loss of American lives.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Who Changed JFK Route

2001-05-03 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well it was JFK's own men who lamented the fact they had themselves,
chanaged the routebut then who kept the original calendar all the
way?   JFK read his bible on way to Dallas - a very special bible that
disappeared after LBJ sworn in.he was set up by not his own, but the
enemy within.

In The Unicorn's Secret you see how this guy got next to Tom Beardon, Lt
Col. an a Nobel Peace Award winner..and not to forget his
association with Shah of Iran who was member of Peacock Society  and
fled with a solid gold John in his .


Please help support the Crime Library by visiting our sponsor:

Here is first chapter on Ira.

Ira Einhorn: Psychedelic Unicorn of Death
by Joseph Geringer

Counterculture Killer

When the Philadelphia police came to the apartment building at 3411 Race
Street at 9 a.m. on the morning of March 28, 1979, they weren't too sure
what they would find. The Powelton Village district of the city was not
a high-crime area; it was too collegiate for that, housing the
University of Pennsylvania within and emanating a scholastic aire. As
well, the person whose quarters they were just about to search was not,
by the farthest stretch of the imagination, the type of individual who
would commit the depth of crime for which he was suspected.
Stepping into the foyer as a group, the police – mixed of
plainclothesmen and uniformed officers – watched quietly as their
commander, Detective Michael Chitwood, pressed the caller button under
the name, EINHORN, stenciled above it. The cops paused a moment,
waiting, studying the dimness and age of the entranceway, before an
electronic buzzer sounded to open the security door to the stairwell.
When Chitwood, leading the entourage up the wooden steps, saw the fat
man with a grisly beard in a bath robe staring down at them from the
landing, his first thought was, He doesn't look like an icon.

For a moment the detective's and Ira Einhorn's eyes caught. The former's
set of orbs communicated determination and probably cold determination;
the latter's seemed not fearful, as Chitwood might have expected, but
blankness. Maybe hollow. There was, however, a bit of a quizzical shape
to his lips.
But, there he was, looking half-asleep more than anything. The fat man
with the unkempt beard, the King of the Radicals, the Prince of Flower
Power, the Guru of Peace and Love. He called himself poetically,
Unicorn, because the name Einhorn (a German-Jewish name) means one
horn. But, this character was not a myth; he was very real and had
created from an innocent era a flip-side world of reefers and LSD and
free love. His was an innovation in the Age of Aquarius and he was the
Chief Acquarian in Philadelphia, at one time revered by the new
generation of the 1960s.
Now, as the detectives ascended the steps, this self-imposed media hype
considered as great as Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin, wore a bathrobe
stained with rust,; his dirty ankles and dirtier toenails protruded from
under. Coming yet closer, the detective chief thought he sensed a
scratch of worry in his eyeballs. Chitwood passed him a search warrant,
told him to read it, then sign it. The Unicorn, he noticed, had body
The favorite son of the psychedelic crowd seemed to be a wash-out.
Neighbors below Einhorn's flat had been complaining for some time that
that they were detecting a terrible stench coming through the
floorboards, accompanied by an occasional oozing of putrid brown matter
that stained their ceiling. They tried to paint it out and sanitize the
smell with disinfectants. But, the odor increased. And the oozing
continued. When the building foreman investigated the problem, Einhorn
refused to let the man check a closet from where the smell seemed to be
The city police got wind of this occurrence, they started wondering if
maybe – just maybe – it had something to do with a body they had
been unable to find for the last 18 months. That is, what might be left
of Holly Maddux, Einhorn's old flame, who had disappeared one day into
the ether.
Holly's disappearance hadn't made sense to her family in Tyler, Texas,
not from day one. She had been bright, beautiful and bouncy; and, while
not particularly overjoyed with the essentials of her life back in
September, 1997, she just didn't seem the kind of woman who would run
off to a deserted isle or join a left-wing group of dissidents as had
Patty Hearst. But, disappeared she had, Ira said back then. Gone to the
store to never returned.
The relationship between Einhorn and his live-in girlfriend had been, to
say the least, stormy over the five years they had been together. She
had been a fresh, blue-eyed former cheerleader-turned-Bryn Mawr
student-turned women's libber when they met in a college café. He,
being one of the politically vocal icons of the time, totally
overwhelmed her at first.
Physically, they were the odd couple. Einhorn, a hulk of a man, a
behemoth at 5' 10and 230 pounds, wore a prophet's beard, went 

[CTRL] Lee Harvey Oswald a Mole??

2001-05-03 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

So he was not too bright it is alleged?

Here is an item by little Priscilla - as I recall she was part of the
Kellogg Heirs and they used UFO's one August to sell a new cereal?

KGB for years and years used KKK as a front - blaming neo nazis for
their murder and assassinations which is more polite term..for even
in the authorized book Death of a President Mrs. Kennedy had reference
to the KKK removed - for she knew it was a silly little communist who
had murdered her husband and the criminal syndicate of Marcellos and
Meyer Lansky was involved.   It still did not savae her son in the end
did it.

So little Priscilla who wrote this story, is the same Priscilla who
interviewed Oswald when he was in Russia - Oswald left with a mastoic
scar behind his ear but when he returned, no evidence of such a scar in
his autopsy?

Marilyn Monroe and Albert Einstein?   Now what possibly could these two
have in common - not that they needed anyting..she was once a good
propaganda tool for USA when married to Joe DiMagio - but, when married
to Arthur Miller she became cats paw for Communists.think JFK did
not know she was used to get next to him?

As Marilyn once said prior to her death and during her friendship with
Albert when asked what she thought about communism replied

well they are for the people, aren't they.

If the KGB did not get her - somebody's Mafia did, but it was not J
Edgar Hoover.try Arthur Miller's side of fence.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy's dream was to land a man on the moon in the 60
period; he didmeanwhile the KGB had set up KKK's around the country
which later boasted the Navy Walker spies, an would not be surprised if
Jonathan Pollard was card carrying Klansman - what a front - it took the
help of 5 golden KKK Dragons to week out the KGB in Klan.


NOTE:   Priscilla interviewed Oswald when in Russia.was she used as
messenger and if so for whom?   Presume this is Yankee Doodle Girl on
nobody's payroll for with their money, they do not need a charge

Year Index | Month Index
The Sudoplatov File

Flimsy Memories
By Priscilla Johnson McMillan
Years ago, Lord Alfred Duff Cooper, a member of Britain's wartime
cabinet, wrote a much-reviewed memoir called Old Men Forget. The book
was a helpful addition to what we knew about British politics and
diplomacy in the 1930s and 1940s. Special Tasks: The Memoirs of an
Unwanted Witness-a Soviet Spymaster by Pavel and Anatoli Sudoplatov with
Jerrold and Leona Schecter, is an opposite sort of memoir-an example of
what can happen when old men try to remember, prodded by editorial
collaborators who publish a story without corroborating evidence. As a
result, an 87-year-old retired Soviet secret police officer with a line
to peddle has been abetted in accusing four Manhattan Project scientists
of espionage, charges that reopened wounds that had never completely
healed after the Oppenheimer Security Hearings of 1954.
Make no mistake, Pavel Sudoplatov has a line to sell. He joined the Red
Army in 1919 at the age of 12, entered army intelligence a year later,
and spent his career in the Soviet secret police under chiefs whose
names still evoke shudders in Moscow-Genrikh Yagoda, Nikolai Yezhov, and
Lavrenti Beria. His version of history is Stalinist, with the Great
Purges excused on the grounds that Stalin built the Soviet Union into a
great power, and that his reformist epigones brought about its downfall.
Sudoplatov believes that after Stalin's death, Beria, his boss for 15
years, could have reformed the country while deploying sufficient terror
to hold the Soviet system together.
In sum, Sudoplatov is a unique and sinister figure and, although there
has been a flood of reminiscences in Moscow in recent years, he is the
first official of his rank in the Soviet secret police to speak out
since Alexander Orlov published The Secret History of Stalin's Crimes in
1953. Special Tasks was introduced in April in this country via an
excerpt in Time magazine and a segment on the MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour.
It has even produced a fissure between two Hoover Institution
fellows-Sovietologist Robert Conquest, who wrote an admiring forward,
and Edward Teller, who disagrees with the charges against the
scientists, especially those leveled against Enrico Fermi and Niels
Is the book, as Conquest claims, the most sensational, the most
devastating, and in many ways the most informative autobiography ever to
emerge from the Stalinist milieu? Or has potentially useful oral
testimony been so doctored and so misleadingly presented as to have
forfeited credibility?

Even a skeptical reader is likely to feel that Sudoplatov's story rings
true when he describes operations in which he had a hands-on role, such
as the murders of Ukrainian nationalist leader Yevhen Konovalets in
Rotterdam in 1938 and Leon Trotsky in Mexico City in 1940, as well as
his own imprisonment from 1953 to 1968 and his efforts to achieve
rehabilitation thereafter.

Re: [CTRL] Behold a Dead Horse?

2001-05-03 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

I would like Steve to put my identity on this listthis Trojan
Horse has big mouth now he should  back up the charges?

Note many people write under numerous names; some of these people you
would be surprised who and what they really are but their tactics are
the same:

When you find someone with whom you do not agree who prints truths on
certain issues, try to smear and focus all your hatred on them.

My my, what nice people;  now who else do we know who tries to act as


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Truth About the 14th Amendment~~Southern Heritage

2001-05-03 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

{{I have always liked de Tocqueville's account of Democracy in America
because he was not a federal government propagandist--maybe one of the few
objective reports of the time.  He had no reason to give things the 'spin'
being promulgated from Washington so maybe that accounts for his perennial
popularity with professors who are a least somewhat objective and interested
in a more truthful account.Amelia}}

 ~~for educational purposes only~~
 [Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]

 Truth About the 14th Amendment
 Thomas J. DiLorenzo

 Legal scholar Gene Healy has made a powerful
 argument in favor of abolishing the Fourteenth
 Amendment to the US Constitution. When a fair
 vote was taken on it in 1865, in the aftermath
 of the War for Southern Independence, it was
 rejected by the Southern states and all the
 border states. Failing to secure the necessary
 three-fourths of the states, the Republican
 party, which controlled Congress, passed the
 Reconstruction Act of 1867 which placed the
 entire South under military rule.

 The purpose of this, according to one Republican
 congressman, was to coerce Southern legislators
 to vote for the amendment at the point of a
 bayonet. President Andrew Johnson called this
 tactic absolute despotism, the likes of which
 had not been exercised by any British monarch
 for more than 500 years. For his outspokenness
 Johnson was impeached by the Republican Congress.

 The South eventually voted to ratify the amendment,
 after which two Northern states -- Ohio and New
 Jersey -- withdrew support because of their disgust
 with Republican party tyranny. The Republicans
 just ignored this and declared the amendment valid
 despite their failure to secure the
 constitutionally-required three-fourths majority.

 The Cato Institute's Roger Pilon, who is a supporter
 of the Fourteenth Amendment, has defended the way
 in which the amendment was adopted on the grounds
 that after the war some Southern states had enacted
 the notorious Black Codes (Liberty Magazine, Feb. 2000).

 What should Congress have done, Pilon asked, turn
 a blind eye to what was going on? The notion that a
 racially-enlightened and benevolent Republican Congress
 unconstitutionally imposed the Fourteenth Amendment
 on the nation because it was motivated primarily (if
 not solely) out of concern with racial discrimination
 in the South is childishly naive and ahistorical. The
 fact is, Northern states pioneered viciously
 discriminatory black codes long before they existed
 in any Southern state, and these codes were supported
 by many of the same Northern politicians who voted
 for the Fourteenth Amendment.

 The Revised Code of Indiana stated in 1862 that
 Negroes and mulattos are not allowed to come into
 the state; forbade the consummation of legal contracts
 with Negroes and mulattos; imposed a $500 fine on
 anyone who employed a black person; forbade interracial
 marriage; and forbade blacks from testifying in court
 against white persons.

 Illinois -- the land of Lincoln -- added almost
 identical restrictions in 1848, as did Oregon in 1857.
 Most Northern states in the 1860s did not permit
 immigration by blacks or, if they did, required them
 to post a $1,000 bond that would be confiscated if
 they behaved improperly.

 Senator Lyman Trimball of Illinois, a close confidant
 of Lincoln's, stated that our people want nothing to
 do with the Negro and was a strong supporter of
 Illinois' black codes. Northern newspapers were
 often just as racist as the Northern black codes
 were. The Philadelphia Daily News editorialized on
 November 22, 1860, that the African is naturally the
 inferior race. The Daily Chicago Times wrote on
 December 7, 1860, that nothing but evil has come
 from the idea of Abolition and urged everyone to
 return any escaped slave to his master where he

 On January 22, 1861, the New York Times announced
 that slavery would indeed be a very tolerable
 system if only slaves were allowed to legally
 marry, be taught to read, and to invest their
 savings. In short, the cartoonish notion that the
 Republican party was so incensed over racial
 discrimination in the South after the war that,
 in a fit of moral outrage, it trashed all
 constitutional precepts to dictatorially adopt
 the Fourteenth Amendment, should not be taken
 seriously. As Alexis de Tocqueville wrote in
 Democracy in America, it was obvious to all that
 racial prejudice was stronger in the North than
 it was in the South. The prejudice of race, wrote
 Tocqueville, appears to be stronger in the states
 that have abolished slavery than in those where
 it still exists.

 If the Republican party was so sensitive about racial
 discrimination in the post-war era it would not have
 sent General Sherman out west just three months after
 the war ended to commence a campaign of genocide
 against the Plains Indians. The very same army that
 had recently conquered and occupied the Southern
 states -- led by 

[CTRL] FW: NEWS RELEASE: NYC protest against forced psychiatry, 5/21/2001

2001-05-03 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

From: David Oaks - Support Coalition International [EMAIL PROTECTED]
NEWS RELEASE -- May 2, 2001



Below is a news release from Rita DiCarlo, who is helping
to organize a protest in New York City, on May 21, 2001.

To be notified of speakers and for further information,
e-mail to Rita at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Rita DiCarlo [EMAIL PROTECTED]


MAY 21, 2001 AT NOON



Dr. Gary Null unites with victims, activists,
psychiatrists, lawyers, psychologists, former OMH
employees and other concerned persons to come to the
defense of Pilgrim Psychiatric electroshock victim 
prisoner Paul Henry Thomas, and to seek legislative
changes on the heels Of State Supreme Court Judge
Hall's unbelievable decision to continue inducing
convulsions in this Political prisoner's brain
against his will. Forced electric shock is alive and
kicking in 2001.

Be there! Wear black! We are in mourning for the
Mengele-like forced treatment of trusting and
unsuspecting citizens who seek help for their
emotional difficulties and are subjected to inhumane
procedures due to payments per treatment sought by
the institutions at the expense of the lives of
those subjected to this atrocity.

For more information e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Visit http://garynull.com, http://breggin.com, http://stopshrinks.org,
http://mindfreedom.org, http://Banshock.org, http://adhdfraud.com,
http://wildestcolts.com for info on current abuses by

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] 16th St. Baptist Church Timeline

2001-05-03 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

 {{I think it speaks volumes that the State of Alabama has done battle with
the FBI for forty years to bring this man to trial.  It was J. Edgar who
closed the case originally and since the FBI owned the tape of Blanton
discussing this, the only real evidence to connect him to the bombing, it
could not be brought to trial without it.  Why would the FBI do this?  Many,
myself included, have always wondered.  The tape WAS probably illegally
obtained based on the laws as they existed then. And one man had been
convicted in '71. And at the time of the crime, bombings were quite frequent
on all sides~~whites bombing blacks, blacks bombing whites and other blacks
and probably whites bombing whites!  Nothing concerning human nature is ever
simple.  Finally, in 1997 and with new laws in place, the FBI co-operated
resulting in a conviction of the co-conspirator at long last.  It would have
been so easy to just forget about this and give up and I am very proud of my
State's Prosecutor General for not doing that after all these years.

  16th St. Baptist Church Timeline

BIRMINGHAM, May 2 - The investigation and trials of the 16th St. Baptist
Church bombing case have spanned almost four decades.

  Sept. 15, 1963
 A bomb rips through the 16th St. Baptist Church during services. Denise
McNair, Cynthia Wesley, Addie Mae Collins, and Carole Robertson are killed.
Twenty others are injured.

 The FBI closes the investigation without making an arrest.

 Alabama Attorney General Bill Baxley re-opens the investigation. That
results in the arrest and conviction of Robert Chambliss.

 Chambliss dies in prison.

 Attorney General Don Siegelman opens the case for the third time.

 Case closed again with no arrests or convictions.

 U.S. Attorney Doug Jones and FBI open the case for the fourth time.

 A grand jury is convened.

 Thomas Blanton Jr. And Bobby Frank Cherry are indicted on murder

 April 2001
 Cherry is ruled medically unfit to stand trial.

 May 1, 2001
 Blanton is convicted in the case.

   MSNBC is optimized for:
. Microsoft Internet Explorer
. Windows Media Player .  MSNBC Terms, Conditions and Privacy © 2001

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] When do demonstrators become terrorists?

2001-05-03 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] China's Execution, Inc

2001-05-03 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

{{I always thought this was an urban legend like the story about the guy
waking up in the bathtub of ice with a kidney misssing!  Apparently it is
true, at least to some extent.  And one must go to China to have the organ
implanted, etc.

All guts, no glory: Dr. Thomas Diflo, the first American doctor to talk
publicly about the issue
(photo: Rebecca Cooney)

Week of May 2 - 8, 2001

The People's Republic Has Long Been Suspected of Selling Organs From
Prisoners. Now One New York Doctor Knows the Rumors Are True.
China's Execution, Inc.
by Erik Baard and Rebecca Cooney
hree years ago, Dr. Thomas Diflo's moral nightmare walked into his
examination room: a patient freshly implanted with a kidney bought from
China's death row, where prisoners are killed-sometimes for minor
offenses-and their organs harvested.

Since then, Dr. Diflo, director of the renal transplant program at the New
York University Medical Center, has seen half a dozen such people, typically
young Chinese American women. The surgeon says his patients weren't
distressed about snatching organs from the condemned, but he was overwhelmed
by the implications.

Unable to shoulder the burden alone, on January 11, Diflo took his horror
at a real ethical quagmire to the medical center's Ethics Committee.

Diflo is the first American doctor to talk publicly about this experience,
and he did so only after being drawn out by the Voice. The gruesome practice
has been documented among ethnic Chinese communities throughout Asia, but so
far every attempt to prove that people were leaving U.S. soil to buy organs
from China's massive death row has failed.

To tell you the truth, the original rationale for bringing this situation
to the Ethics Committee was my own discomfort in taking care of these
patients. I was outraged at the way in which they obtained their organs, and
I had a great deal of difficulty separating that fact from the care of the
patient, Diflo told the Voice.

Several patients were very up-front and candid about it, that they bought
an organ taken from an executed convict for about $10,000, Diflo recalls.
Most of the patients are ecstatic to be off of dialysis, and none has
seemed particularly perturbed regarding the source of the organs.

There's no telling how many kidney buyers returning to the U.S. have gone
for follow-up care at a less elite institution or stayed within secretive
medical channels recommended by their brokers. Diflo gets his patients on
referral from recognized hospitals. Patients sort of arrive on their
doorstep and they don't know what to do. Not everybody who's had a
transplant is cared for by a transplant specialist. I tend to see the more
complicated ones, Diflo says.

Of all medical disciplines, organ transplantation is perhaps the most
bittersweet. Transplants are gifts that coax life from death, that close the
door for one person while opening the future for another. But the outright
sale of organs is abhorrent to nearly all surgeons in the field. Selling
organs is a felony under a 1984 federal law that was spearheaded by then
senator Al Gore, and is punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine
of up to $50,000. Live or executed prisoners in the U.S. are forbidden to
donate an organ, even for free, except to family members under special

In China, human rights groups say, citizens have been executed for
nonviolent offenses like taking bribes, credit card theft, small-scale tax
evasion, and stealing truckloads of vegetables. Political dissidents have
also been sentenced to death. Chinese embassy officials did not respond to
requests for comment, but in the past the government has denied promoting
the for-profit organ trade.

Diflo says he and his colleagues wrestled with the issue in a debate that
was quite lively and revealing, but the bottom line was that we take care
of patients who come to us, regardless of their situation-moral, ethical,
financial, or social. Although I might find what they had done
reprehensible, I was still nonetheless obligated to care for them in the
best way that I knew how, and that is what I do.

But Diflo refuses to let it end at that. Because it is not really
appropriate for me to take my outrage out on the patients who come to me, I
began to think that I would be better off addressing the root problem, the
pilfering of organs from prisoners in China. That is what pushed me to
pursue this further, he says. And so he's going public.

America-based human rights activists have sought this break for years.

The trafficking of human organs from Chinese executions to American
residents is something we've always known was going on but something we've
never been able to document, says an American investigator working for the
Laogai Research Foundation, a group founded by renowned human rights
crusader Harry Wu and named for the gulags of China.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation partnered with Wu in 1998 in a sting
operation aimed at 

[CTRL] Fw: Bolivia - Public Announcement

2001-05-03 Thread Amelia
Title: Bolivia - Public Announcement

Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 1:59 AM

Subject: Bolivia - Public Announcement


BoliviaApril 27, 2001
American citizens traveling to or residing in Bolivia should be aware that 
several groups have been staging marches, setting up road blocks, and organizing 
strikes in protest of various Bolivian Government policies. These groups include 
an organization protesting privatization of basic utilities in the city of 
Cochabamba as well as transport workers, illegal coca leaf growers and 
indigenous groups in other parts of Bolivia. Coca growers recently marched in 
Yungas and similar events may take place in Chapare. As these are the major 
coca-producing regions in Bolivia, American citizens may wish to avoid both 
these areas. While the Government of Bolivia has actively sought to engage all 
legitimate groups in dialogue and to discourage violent demonstrations, there 
have been clashes that have resulted in the accidental deaths of two Bolivian 
Although American citizens have not been specifically targeted by any of the 
protesting groups, they should avoid crowds and demonstrations, keep a low 
profile, monitor local news sources and review their travel plans to avoid areas 
that may be the scene of roadblocks, marches, strikes or other kinds of 
For general information on travel to Bolivia, please consult the Department of State’s Consular Information Sheet 
available at http://travel.state.gov. U.S. citizens are urged to register 
with the U.S. Embassy either via the Internet at 
http://www.megalink.com/usemblapaz/ (click on Citizen Registration) or in person 
at the U.S. Embassy in La Paz (Tel 591-2-430251), the Consular Agency in 
Cochabamba (591-4-273166), or the Consular Agency in Santa Cruz (591-3-426476). 

This Public Announcement expires July 26, 2001. 

Department of State travel information and publications are 
available at Internet address: http://travel.state.gov. U.S. travelers may hear 
recorded information by calling the Department of State in Washington, D.C. at 
202-647-5225 from their touchtone telephone, or receive information by automated 
telefax by dialing 202-647-3000 from their fax machine. 
Return to Consular 
Information Sheets and Travel Warnings Page 

[CTRL] White Slavery?

2001-05-03 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Interesting item in February 2000 Ebony Magazine.their opinion of
Abraham Lincoln and some opinions expressed by Honest Abe.

Many people have long loved John Wilkes Booth - and the picture I have
of his great grandfather, John Wilkes - Illuminati and Hells Fire Club -
I shall cherish alwayseven though Hogarth enraved horns upon his

So see what the biggest black magazine has to say about Lincoln, who
should have stuck to splitting rails ...



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 Did Lincoln REALLY Free The Slaves?(Excerpt)
Author/s: Lerone, Jr. Bennett
Issue: Feb, 2000
New Book Says Most Famous Act In American History Never Happened
THE presidential campaign of 1860 was over, and the victor was
stretching his legs and shaking off the cares of the world in his
temporary office in the state capitol in Springfield, Illinois.
Surrounded by the perks of power, at peace with the world, the
president-elect was regaling old acquaintances with tall tales about his
early days as a politician. One of the visitors interrupted this
monologne and remarked that it was a shame that the vexatious slavery
matter would be the first question of public policy the new president
would have to deal with in Washington.
The president-elect's eyes twinkled and he said he was reminded of a
story. According to eyewitness Henry Villard, President-elect Abraham
Lincoln told the story of the Kentucky Justice of the Peace whose first
case was a criminal prosecution for the abuse of slaves. Unable to find
any precedent, he exclaimed angrily: `I will be damned if I don´t feel
almost sorry for being elected when the niggers is the first thing I
have to attend to.´
This story, shocking as it may sound to Lincoln admirers, was in
character. For the president-elect had never shown any sincere sympathy
for Blacks, and none of his cronies was surprised to hear him suggest
that he shared the viewpoint of the reluctant and biased justice of the
peace. As for the N-word, everybody knew that old Abe used it all the
time, both in public and in private. (Since Lincoln supporters are in a
state of constant denial, I have not used elision in reporting his use
of the offensive word n--r.)
In one of the supreme ironies of history, the man who told this story
was forced by circumstances to attend to what he called the nigger
question. And within five years he was enshrined in American mythology
as the great emancipator who freed Blacks with a stroke of the pen out
of the goodness of his heart.
Since that time, the mythology of the great emancipator has become a
part of the mental landscape of America. Generations of schoolchildren
have memorized its cadences. Poets, politicians, and long-suffering
Blacks have wept over its imagery and drama.
No other American story is so enduring.
No other American story is so comforting.
No other American story is so false.
Abraham Lincoln was not the great emancipator.
The testimony of sixteen thousand books and monographs to the contrary
notwithstanding, Lincoln did not emancipate the slaves, greatly or
otherwise. As for the Emancipation Proclamation, it was not a real
emancipation proclamation at all, and did not liberate African-American
slaves. John F. Hume, the Missouri antislavery leader who heard Lincoln
speak in Alton and who looked him in the eye in the White House, said
the Proclamation did not ... whatever it may have otherwise
accomplished at the time it was issued, liberate a single slave.
Sources favorable to Lincoln were even more emphatic. Lincoln crony
Henry Clay Whitney said the Proclamation was a mirage and that Lincoln
knew it was a mirage. Secretary of State William Henry Seward, the No. 2
man in the administration, said the Proclamation was an illusion in
which we show our sympathy with the slaves by emancipating the slaves
where we cannot reach them and holding them in bondage where we can set
them free.
continued ...

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[CTRL] Anchor Babies

2001-05-03 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

By Allan Wall
FrontPage Magazine.com | April 30, 2001
URL: http://www.frontpagemag.com/guestcolumnists/wall04-30-01.htm

I AM AN AMERICAN CITIZEN who lives and works (legally) in Mexico. On July
8th, 1999, my son David was born here in
Mexico (and is doing fine, thank you). Although he was born in Mexico, my
son is a natural-born American citizen, and has an
American birth certificate to prove it. That birth certificate is just as
valid as if he had been born in the U.S.A.

In order to obtain that birth certificate for David, I had to take the
little baby 370 miles to the U.S. consulate in Monterrey, Mexico.
I had to turn in a lot of paperwork to process the application. I had to
provide documentation to prove that I myself was an
American citizen who had lived in the U.S. for at least 5 years. I had to
pay for copies of documents and for official photographs.
And the burden of proof was on me to prove that I was an American.

I share this not to complain. I understand that my situation is special ,
and that I have to play by the rules. (And the consulate
service was excellent.) What bothers me is that while I have to play by
the rules, another class of people does not have to play by
the rules. These people do not have to prove they are American citizens -
in fact, they are not. They do not have to prove they
lived in the U.S. for at least 5 years. They do not have to pay for any
paperwork to be processed. In short, this class of people is
granted a number of privileges that I, an American citizen, am not
entitled to.

To what privileged class of people do I refer? I refer to the illegal
aliens in the U.S.A.. An illegal alien can cross the border, have
a baby five minutes later, and that baby is automatically declared a
citizen of the U.S.A. Automatically! The illegal aliens don't
have to go through any of the things that I did. They are exempt from all
that. They are, in fact, rewarded for disobeying U.S. law
by having their children granted automatic citizenship. In addition, the
happy family is entitled to welfare benefits. And, illegal alien
parents who have children born in the U.S. are seldom deported . That's
why their children are called anchor babies - they
anchor their families securely in the U.S.A.

You might ask me, Well, why didn't you arrange to have your baby be born
in the U.S.A.? I certainly would have preferred that ,
but it's not so easy. You see, in my present situation, living and working
in Mexico, I couldn't afford it, and I don't have U.S.
medical insurance. The illegal aliens, like myself, can't afford it either
and don't have medical insurance either. But not to worry -
my government pays for them, and their children are automatically declared
citizens. A lowly American citizen such as myself,
however, is not entitled to the taxpayer-supported privileges of the
illegal aliens.

How big is the anchor baby phenomenon? It has been estimated that about
165,000 anchor babies are born (and automatically
granted citizenship) each year. It might actually be higher. The exact
figure is uncertain because all hospitals and physicians
receiving federal funds are forbidden from inquiring as their patients'
legal status. In other words, the U.S. taxpayer is financing
medical care for illegal aliens, and those providing such care can't even
ask if patients are legal or not! The state of California has
a particularly liberal program to reward illegal aliens which includes
free pre-natal care and delivery, and it's no surprise that 60%
of babies born in LA community hospitals are born to illegals. In 1994, a
majority of California who went to the polls voted to end
such nonsense. But the will of the people was placed under a judge's
restraining order until a later state government, at the behest
of the president of Mexico struck it down. So the gravy train rolls on!

Of course the birth of an anchor baby is only the beginning. As the child
grows he or she is entitled to a multitude of other
taxpayer-funded programs. Since most anchor babies are classified as
minorities, they can expect to enjoy legal preference over
non-Hispanic white males under today's civil rights regime. Upon
reaching adulthood, the citizen anchor baby is eligible to
import relatives from the home country through America's nepotistic chain
migration system , in which the principal qualification
for a prespective legal immigrant is having relatives already in the U.S.
When you look at the vast cornucopia of benefits, you
have to conclude that the U.S.A. offers powerful incentives for illegal
immigration. For those who disobey U.S. law and their
children, America is certainly the land of opportunity!

Why does the U.S. have such an insane policy? Most countries of the world
do not! The United Kingdom and Australia formerly
had similar policies, but changed them when they were subject to the same
abuses which the U.S.A. still endures.

Present U.S. anchor baby policy is an abuse of the 14th Amendment. This

[CTRL] Tower of Babel

2001-05-03 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

 Oakland begins building the tower of Babel
  © 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

  The city that gave us Ebonics just established language quotas for municipal 

  Last week, Oakland's city council voted unanimously to require certain 
departments to fill vacancies with workers who are bilingual in either Spanish or 
Chinese until there's one such employee for every 10,000 residents who speak these 
tongues. (Thanks to porous borders, 35 percent of Oakland residents now are 
foreign-born.) San Francisco is expected to embrace the same language-coddling later 
this month.

  At the council meeting, resident Carol Kolenda was jeered for stating the 
obvious, when she told immigrants, It's your choice to learn the language or not 
learn the language.

  Also last week, the Supreme Court issued its ruling in Alexander vs. Sandoval, a 
challenge to Alabama's official English law. Prior to its approval by an 85 percent 
vote in 1990, Alabama gave drivers' tests in 15 languages, including Farsi. After the 
amendment passed, the test could only be taken in English.

  Though she'd lived in America 17 years, Martha Sandoval never bothered to learn 
our language well enough to take an exam written in English. On the theory that her 
adopted country should adapt to her, Sandoval decided this was discriminatory. So did 
the 11th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, which held the law violated the 1964 Civil 
Rights Act. By a 5-to-4 majority, the Supreme Court reversed that ruling, holding a 
citizen can't sue a state under the act unless authorized by Congress.

  It declined to rule on the constitutionality of official English, a stand 
against language fragmentation taken by 24 states to date. Jim Boulet of English First 
called the decision a chilling reminder of the slender threads upon which hang the 
last shreds of our nation's linguistic unity.

  Bill Clinton left that fabric in tatters. The lower court ruling in Sandoval was 
the excuse for Executive Order 13166, issued in July 2000, mandating that all 
federally funded entities, in areas with large immigrant populations, provide for 
bilingual communication in public contact positions.

  Washington has been busy passing guidelines to implement the order. The 
Department of Justice now requires competent interpreter services at all security 
checkpoints, and reception and information desks -- at an undetermined cost to 
America's English-speaking taxpayers.

  Congress could have the last word here. H.R. 969, with 50 cosponsors in the 
House, seeks to repeal Clinton's order. Given sufficient public involvement, the bill 
has a fair chance of passing. Bush could repeal 13166 without congressional 
involvement, if the White House didn't fear alienating alien lobbies.

  At the Oakland council meeting, non-English speakers were compared to the 
handicapped. If we provide special assistance for the physically disabled, why not the 
language-impaired as well? -- it was argued. But those who don't learn English have 
chosen their disability.

  The ACLU, which represented Sandoval, compared Alabama's English-only policy 
(for official business) to its whites-only policy of the 1960s -- a cunning but flawed 
analogy. Race is an innate characteristic. People aren't born in a language 

  It is an organizing principle of liberalism that America not only has a moral 
obligation to take in an unlimited number of immigrants, but the latter have an 
absolute right to the delivery of tax-funded services in the language of their choice.

  This diversity dogma could soon result in a national crisis. Today, 10 percent 
of our nation is foreign-born. The Census Bureau projects that over the next 
half-century, two-thirds of all population growth will be due to future immigrants and 
their descendants.

  If newcomers can't talk to us and those from other lands, what will become of 
our nation? How can we reason together if we can't communicate with each other?

  Will Americans of the future have to take a 15-language electronic translator to 
the supermarket? Will high-school classrooms resemble sessions of the General 
Assembly, with simultaneous translation over headsets?

  How can immigrants identify with America if they can't read Lincoln's words in 
the language in which they were spoken? Will we devolve from e pluribus unum (out of 
many, one) to a multicultural boarding house, whose fractious tenants babble at each 
other incomprehensively in a welter of tongues?

  Don Feder is a columnist for the Boston Herald and the author of Who is afraid 
of the Religious Right?

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[CTRL] Power Puff Girls

2001-05-03 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

conservativeinfo - Subscribe to the Conservative Information email list at 

Bush’s ‘Power Puff Girls’

The new team boasts a record number of top female aides

By Martha Brant

May 7 issue — Ari Fleischer needed answers, and he knew where to go. Early
this spring, when the Bush administration quietly closed the Office for
Women’s Initiatives and Outreach, the White House press secretary was swamped
with questions from reporters. Was the new president signaling a retreat on
women’s issues? “What’s our answer?” Fleischer asked at the daily 7:30 a.m.
senior-staff meeting. His boss, presidential counselor Karen Hughes, looked
around the Roosevelt Room, where Bush’s 18 top staffers had gathered. Eight
of them were women. She let out a laugh. “In this White House, the women’s
office is the senior-staff meeting!”
 IT’S A PRETTY GOOD comeback. Though mainstream women’s groups have
long opposed George W. Bush for his positions on issues like abortion and gun
control, they have to give him credit for this: he has appointed more women
to positions of power and influence than any president in history. The steely
Hughes, arguably the most influential White House aide of either gender, is
Bush’s alter ego, so in tune with his thinking that they sometimes make the
same edits on speeches independently. Condoleezza Rice is the first woman
ever to serve as national-security adviser. Rice spoke with Bush each morning
at 5:30 to discuss overnight developments during the recent standoff with
Bush appointed Harriet Miers, his personal lawyer, as his staff
secretary—the gatekeeper who controls every piece of paper Bush sees or
signs. Domestic-policy adviser Margaret LaMontagne is Bush’s eyes and ears on
education, the issue at the top of the president’s agenda. Mary Matalin,
adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney, has referred to the women of the White
House collectively as “the Power Puff Girls.” And that cadre doesn’t even
include the cabinet, which features women at the helm of the EPA, Labor,
Agriculture and Interior.

  Friends joke that Bush wound up surrounding himself with tough,
straight-talking women who are a lot like his mother, Barbara—nicknamed “the
Enforcer” by Bush for her tart tongue. Bush says as much himself. “Part of
the reason why I feel I value the advice of very strong-willed and
strong-minded women is because of my mom,” he told NEWSWEEK. “My wife is a
very strong-willed, strong-minded woman. And neither of those two are afraid
to tell me what for or what to do.”
Conservatives complain that Bush—an affirmative-action opponent—is
enforcing a stealth “quota system” for women. White House officials deny
there is any affirmative-action plan for women, but they acknowledge that
Bush passed down an informal diversity policy that women should fill about 30
percent of administration jobs. At the same time, women’s groups complain
that Republican women are benefiting from decades of feminist activism. “We
knew if we kicked the doors open, conservative women would walk through,”
says Patricia Ireland of NOW.
 You can measure the influence of women in Bush’s White House just by the way
the place clears out at dinnertime.
  Those are fighting words. Few things irritate Bush’s female aides
more than the suggestion that they got ahead because they’re women. “That’s
ludicrous! It doesn’t make a difference that we’re women—nor do we want to
be treated differently,” says Margaret Tutwiler, Bush’s communications
director. No wonder Hughes and other female aides had no problem closing the
women’s office. “Tax cuts, education, Social Security: those are women’s
issues,” says Lezlee Westine, who heads the Office of Public Liaison.
Even so, the number of women working in the White House has led to
one noticeable change: staffers are going home at night. Though Bill Clinton
preached about a family-friendly administration, even young parents often
wound up staying late into the night waiting on the undisciplined president.
Bush put an end to that. “Don’t run off my mothers!” he ordered his chief of
staff, Andy Card, when word got back to him that some women staffers with
kids were worried about inflexible hours. Instead, they take mobile-phone
calls at home after normal business hours. You can measure the influence of
women in Bush’s White House just by the way the place clears out at

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[CTRL] (Fwd) LP Release: U.N.'s War on Smoking

2001-05-03 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Thu, 3 May 2001 13:07:29 -0400 (EDT)
Subject:LP Release: U.N.'s War on Smoking
From:   Libertarian Party Announcements [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
Washington DC 20037
World Wide Web: http://www.LP.org
For release: May 3, 2001
For additional information:
George Getz, Press Secretary
Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222

U.N. bureaucrats are drafting treaty
to declare 'World War' on cigarettes

 WASHINGTON, DC -- United Nations bureaucrats are drafting an
international treaty to try to get everyone on Earth to stop smoking -- a
troubling development that could mark the beginning of a World War
against cigarettes, the Libertarian Party warned today.

 It's bad enough that American politicians are trying to tax
your cigarettes, and regulate or prohibit your right to smoke, said
Steve Dasbach, the party's national director.

 But now, instead of having to fight local and state battles
over smoking, Americans need to be concerned about politicians from
France, Zimbabwe, and Brazil who want the power to decide whether you will
be allowed to smoke.

 This week, representatives from 190 governments are meeting in
Geneva, Switzerland to negotiate the terms of the Framework Convention on
Tobacco Control (FCTC) -- a multi-national treaty designed to battle what
they call the devastating effects of tobacco around the world.

 Cigarette smoking is such a global problem, say U.N. bureaucrats,
that it calls for a coordinated international response.

 The conference, sponsored by the U.N.'s World Heath Organization,
is expected to result in a treaty that will call for:

 * Dramatic increases in cigarette taxes to discourage smoking,
and an agreement to make cigarette prices the same everywhere in the

 * Severe restrictions on cigarette advertising.

 * A ban on tobacco companies' sponsorship of sporting events.

 * Some undefined action, such as multibillion-dollar lawsuits,
to hold cigarette companies responsible for tobacco-related health

 The World Health Organization says it wants the FCTC ratified by
U.N. member nations and in effect by 2003.

 But the Libertarian Party says that American adults have the
right to decide whether they will smoke -- without U.N. bureaucrats
trying to make that decision for them.

 Smoking is a personal choice, not an international crisis,
said Dasbach. Adult Americans should have the right to engage in
behavior that hurts no one but themselves, as long as they are willing to
take responsibility for the health consequences.

 We don't need United Nations politicians trying to lecture us
about the dangers of smoking. And, more importantly, we don't want
United Nations politicians trying to raise cigarette taxes, attack the
First Amendment with advertising bans, or encourage nuisance lawsuits
against legitimate, legal businesses, he said.

 In fact, the only international crisis here is the eagerness of
politicians from 190 nations to try to run our lives.

 The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control treaty is ironic,
said Dasbach, given that the original intent of the United Nations was to
help nations prevent war.

 It's a classic case of mission creep, he said. U.N.
bureaucrats apparently don't have enough real wars to keep them busy, so
they have started declaring war on behavior they don't like.

 With this proposed international treaty, we've met the New
World Order -- and it's a global nanny state with a 'No Smoking' sign in
its hand.

Version: 2.6.2


--- The
Libertarian Partyhttp://www.lp.org/ 2600
Virginia Ave. NW, Suite 100voice: 202-333-0008
Washington DC 20037   fax: 202-333-0072
--- For
subscription changes, please use the WWW form at:
http://www.lp.org/action/email.html Alternatively, you may also send a
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with just the word subscribe or
unsubscribe in the subject line.

--- End of forwarded message ---

Best wishes

When robbery becomes the purpose of the law, and the policeman's duty
becomes, not the protection, but the plunder of property -- then it is
an outlaw who has to become a policeman. -- 

Re: [CTRL] Tower of Babel

2001-05-03 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Took how many years to break the language barrier?  Catholics spoke
Latin at one time and could communicate in any country in the world.

Look how disoriented Europe is, but believe me when this EU is organized
Hitler will look like Mickey Mouse.

New name, same game.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Tower of Babel

2001-05-03 Thread JOHN PORTER
-Caveat Lector-


From: Aleisha Saba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Tower of Babel
Date: Thu, 3 May 2001 15:45:06 -0400

-Caveat Lector-

Took how many years to break the language barrier? Catholics spoke
Latin at one time and could communicate in any country in the world.

Look how disoriented Europe is, but believe me when this EU is organized
Hitler will look like Mickey Mouse.

New name, same game.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Beast of the Year 2001

2001-05-03 Thread Kris Millegan

http:Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist


Beast of the Year 2001
The George W. Bush Votescam 2000, Election Swindlers

The votes are in, and The Konformist readers have spoken. The George
W. Bush Votescam 2000 is your choice for the 2001 Beast of the Year -
a choice that is well deserved.

It seems that in terms of Beastliness, we are on a new Information
Age low with Shrub. The man is an incredible combination of stupidity
and pure evil: in a strange way, his stupidity has helped him, by
masking what a malignant cynic he is. Give him this much: as stupid
as he is, he is at least smart enough to know to serve his masters,
and so far he has done that very well, at the expense of everyone
else. The policies of president Bush have barely been implemented,
and already the writing is on the wall. After merely 100 days of
Sodomization by the Bush mob, it is clear - whether by economic
policy, energy policy, environmental policy or law and order - that
we are screwed.

The fact that this sorry excuse for a man has no business posing as
president makes his destructive policies even more appalling. Make no
bones about it, the Beast known as Shrub is going to be causing
damage even past the four years he and his cohorts in crime will
thieve any pathetic crumbs of democratic rule we have left.

Still, Shrub couldn't have pulled this whole damn thing off alone:
he's nowhere near as smart to do that. That's why the winner here is
a group award: it goes not merely to Dubya, but all the president's
kreeps who helped install the swindle.

Which leads us to the worst participants in the Bush swindle: the
American public, who pathetically bowed in cowardice in the face of
fraud. It shouldn't be surprising that so far, Shrub and his gang of
swine have consistently pushed such a destructive agenda. Authority
only tries what it can get away with. When the American public
announced with its own spineless apathy that they really didn't care
if their government was stolen in a coup d'etat, it was an invitation
for us to be shafted. Needless to say, Bush and co. have take full
advantage of this invitation, and likely will continue to for years
to come.


Ariel Sharon
In the unlikely event that Shrub and co. can no longer fill their
duties as Beast of the Year (such as doing something shockingly
decent), Ariel Sharon is ready to take over the crown. Rest assured
the BOTY trophy is in good hands either way, as Sharon has been the
prime manipulator and provocateur in tensions surrounding the Middle
East, tensions which could explode into a World War to end all World
Wars. The rage surrounding Sharon in the Arab world is well deserved
and easy to understand: having earned the nickname The Butcher of
Beirut for his thuggery, Sharon would be labeled a terrorist is he
came from any other Middle Eastern nation. Despite (or perhaps
because of) his actions, Sharon has been awarded the office of Prime
Minister, proving that Israeli public is as easily manipulated as the
American public is.

The Bronze:

Jacques Nasser
If, on the unlikely event that both the Shrub thieves and Sharon
can't perform their Beastly duties, we always have Jacques Nasser to
fall back on. Rest assured Nasser will continue to do all he can to
earn his Beastly honors.

In any case, we salute you all, Shrub Swindlers, Sharon, and Jacques.
Congratulations, and keep up the great work!!!

If you are interested in a free subscription to The
Konformist Newswire,  please visit:


Or, e-mail  [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the
subject: I NEED 2 KONFORM!!!

(Okay, you can use something else, but it's a kool
catch phrase.)

Visit the Klub Konformist at Yahoo!:

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[CTRL] Power Tools

2001-05-03 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-

From WND

This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which follows.

To view this item online, visit http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?22676

Thursday, May 3, 2001
Gun-wielding agents
raid tax activist's home
Officers on 'fishing expedition' also take items from business location
By Ed Oliver
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

Armed revenue agents from the California Franchise Tax Board, with support from
local police, raided the home and business of a high-profile tax-resistance activist
yesterday morning.

They are here on a fishing expedition, business owner George Nick Jesson told
WorldNetDaily on his cell phone from outside his offices at N.T.D. Electronics in
Huntington Beach, Calif. Inside, agents were breaking into file cabinets, removing
hard drives and boxing up the company's books and records.

Jesson is one of several employers who have directly challenged the IRS and state 
revenue departments by publicly declaring that they will no longer withhold taxes from 
their employees and will no longer pay taxes because
 they say the law does not require them to do so.

The employer tax revolt gained national attention this year with the help of several 
full-page ads in USA Today -- including one in March featuring an open letter from 
Jesson to IRS Commissioner Charles Rossotti. The lett
er referred to a February New York Times article in which reporter David Cay Johnston 
pointed to Jesson and other employers by name in the context of reporting that the IRS 
was planning to prosecute some business owners
 for tax evasion and other crimes.

Also in the letter, Jesson requested a face-to-face meeting with Rossotti or a 
delegate in order to clear up any misunderstandings about the tax law and regulations 
that the employers say they are acting on.

Jesson told WorldNetDaily that the raid occurred while he was driving his two boys to 
school about 8:45 a.m. yesterday morning. His wife Trina was already at the office. At 
that time, approximately 10 state tax agents wen
t to his home in nearby Fountain Valley and demanded the nanny let them in.

The nanny did not open the door for the agents, but asked them for a warrant. She said 
the tax agents then kicked the door in, terrifying her and her 3-year-old boy. Agents 
then proceeded to search the house without showi
ng her a warrant, said Jesson.

Meanwhile, a second team of armed tax agents stormed the offices and warehouse of 
N.T.D. Electronics. Trina Jesson said she was sitting at her desk when three agents 
burst in and held guns to her head. She said they told
her to get away from the desk, cooperate and she wouldn't get hurt. Revenue agents 
also rounded up warehouse employees at gunpoint, according to Jesson. Everybody was 
escorted out of the building.

After Nick Jesson arrived, he said he was informed verbally that agents were there 
because he did not pay his taxes. They presented him with a search warrant. A partial 
copy of the search warrant faxed by Jessson to WND r
efers on the front page to a possible felony. Two pages were missing from the warrant, 
said Jesson, who claimed that is how he received it, and he assumes those pages 
describe probable cause.

Jesson said he asked Senior Special Agent Edward Wilson what the felony charge was, 
but that Wilson couldn't tell him.

I called the district attorney handling the case. I asked him, 'What is the felony 
charge?' He couldn't tell me, said Jesson.

Jesson said he asked the agents to leave after he noticed the warrant was incorrectly 
dated with the year 2000. The agents refused to leave, he said, but later told him 
that they called the judge who said he made a mistak
e and would correct the date. According to Jesson, a corrected warrant was never 

Describing the armed raid, Deputy District Attorney William Overtoom told WND: There 
are no charges. Nobody was arrested. Basically, this is an investigation into possible 
violations of California criminal law. The searc
h warrant was to get hold of records and other evidence as part of that investigation.

Overtoom said he could not discuss what prompted the investigation. When asked what 
was on the two missing pages of the search warrant faxed by Jesson, Overtoom said 
there were actually four search warrants served yesterd
ay at different California locations of properties belonging to Jesson.

Those pages he's not talking about are descriptions of items and property to be 
seized at other locations, said Overtoom. I don't know what he's talking about.

Overtoom added that he could not fax copies of the warrants for another two weeks by 
law because the searches are still ongoing.

The search warrant is saying that the judge made a finding that, based upon the 
affidavit that is not available for public viewing yet, there is probable cause to 
believe that there are at specific locations certain item
s which tend to show that a 

[CTRL] How it's done: Elites and Power: Full version.

2001-05-03 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Understanding the New World Order
By Joshua2

Elites  Power:


 The discovery that in all large scale societies the decisions at any given
time are typically in the hands of a small number of people, confirms a basic
fact: Government is always government by the few, whether in the name of
the few, the one, or the many.
( The Comparative Study of Elites - by H. Lasswell and D. Lerner )


 All communities divide themselves into the few and the many. The first are
the rich and well-born,the other the masses of people.The voice of the people
has been said to be the voice of god; and however generally this maxim has
been quoted and believed, it is not true in fact. The people are turbulent
and changing, they seldom judge or determine right.


 In general, we understand by  power  the chance ( ability to enact ) of a
number of men to realize their own will in a communal act even against the
resistance of others who are participating in the action.
-- Max Webber

   Simply put, power is the ability of people in certain positions or roles,
or of certain social status to make decisions which direct the behavior of

   There is also power inherent in physical size, or willingness to threaten
the use of deadly force. But we are not concerned with these aspects of
personal power in this study of social power.

   Powerful persons are not powerful because they possess remarkable
qualities or skills, like intelligence, beauty, ambition, willingness to
have sex, or being somehow related to a powerful individual. All these
things are certainly helpful, but it is the attainment of the position
( of power )itself that gives an individual control over others.


instiòtuétion n.
1. an organization devoted to the promotion of a cause or
program, esp. one of a public character.
2. the building occupied by such an organization.
3. a place for the care or confinement of people, as mental patients.
4. any established law, custom, etc.
5. any familiar person, thing, or practice.ù instiòtuétionòal,  adj.

 No one can be truly powerful unless he has access to the command of
major institutions, for it is over these institutional means of power that
the truly powerful are, in the first instance, powerful.
-- C. Wright Mills, author of  The Power Elite .

 If we took the one hundred most powerful men in America, the one hundred
wealthiest, and the one hundred most celebrated away from the institutional
positions they now occupy, away from their resources of men and women
and money, away from the media of mass communication... then they would
be powerless and poor and uncelebrated. For power is not of a man.
Wealth does not center in the person of the wealthy. Celebrity
is not inherent in any personality. To be celebrated, to be wealthy , to
have power, requires access to major institutions, for the institutional
positions men occupy determine in large part their chances to have and to
hold these valued experiences.  C. Wright Mills

   While Mills keeps referring to men, this also applies to women operating
in the world of power and institutions. Though it is clear that  power 
is in the realm of the masculine mystique.

   An institution could be viewed as a large powerful machine. Using that
analogy, the head of an institution takes on the powers and abilities inherent
to that machine. For example; a human can't lift and transport 40 tons of
material at 65 miles per hour. But a truck driver can.

   A  President, King, Dictator or General can subdue or kill a nation.  A
Federal Reserve chairman can decide the value of your money. A boss can
decide whether not you will earn a living. A manager can tell you how to
expend your life energy. Etc.


1) Banking, (The Federal Reserve,) investments, and insurance ( Wall Street
2) The national government. (The Federal Reserve.)
3) State government.
4) The Supreme Court ( 90% from upper class ).
5) The military.
6) Corporations.
7) The privately owned media.
8) Private institutions of higher learning ( Ivy League ).
9) Private foundations.
10) New York and Washington law firms.
11) Private  Civil  groups like :
  The Council on Foreign Relations, pro business think tanks
  like the American Enterprise Institute, the Brookings Institution.
  The National Association of Manufacturers.
  The Business Roundtable.
  The Committee for Economic Development.
12) Cultural institutions, private and public. ( The Smithsonian Museums,
  The Met, The Kennedy Center, PBS, etc.).
13) Religious institutions.
14) And More.

Persons occupying leadership positions in institutions like these are referred
to as  The Power Elite . It is not uncommon for these  Elites  to hold
powerful decision making positions in SEVERAL of these institutions at the
same time, thereby accumulating enormous power. They also seem to cycle

[CTRL] The Insanity Of Bush Sharon- Larouche

2001-05-03 Thread William Shannon

The Insanity of Bush  Sharon:
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
April 21, 2001

    The charge of insanity to be made against both President George W. Bush 
and Israel's "Mega" minister Ariel Sharon, is that, considered either 
separately, or in their present combination, they are, functionally, 
clinically insane. The sudden spate of hysterical attacks on President Bush's 
Secretary of State Colin Powell, from the London Telegraph and KKKatharine 
Graham's Washington Post's concert of orchestration of press inside the 
U.S.A., only echoes the murderous, "bi-polar" quality of hysteria, which both 
madmen have bestirred among Bush's and Sharon's versions of a "Goebbels" 
press following.

     That is to emphasize, that each, and both combined as one, is a clinical 
model, like Adolf Hitler's Nazi regime, is an expression of the Nietzschean 
existentialist principle of "the triumph of the (arbitrary) will." Having 
adopted a course of action, they, together with that collection of wild-eyed 
gnostic cults which form the hard core of the Bush Presidency's social base, 
will pursue that as what they, like a secret meeting of mafia bosses, or the 
Washington Post  crowd, may call a "done deal." It will be a "deal" done in a 
way which is in willful disregard for the consequences of their actions, 
either for the welfare of the U.S. economy and our citizens, or the peace of 
the world.

    The loonier their decision is, the more likely it will be made, and the 
more hysterically they will push it through against any and all reason, 
unless you act to prevent this. Under President Bush, things will never 
become better, until they first become much worse.

    The financial and economic policies of both that self-discredited 
desperado, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan "Ayn Rand" Greenspan, and of the 
inner circles of President Bush, typify a common, again Nietzschean, quality 
of disregard for what should be the obvious short-term economic, social, and 
political consequences of their desperately enforced, lunatic decisions. The 
lunatic degree of idiocy shown by panic-stricken Greenspan's latest drop in 
the interest-rate, is an example of what the financial speculators' sheer 
terror will cause them, like the legendary lemmings, to do.

 However, neither of that particular pair of Nietzschean "conservative 
revolutionaries," the infinitely greedy President George W. Bush, nor Sharon, 
are, in any sense of the term, self- made men, financially or otherwise. They 
are merely the carriers of a disease, like mad-cow disease, which they did 
not invent, the spread of that mass-murderous quality of insanity which their 
current behavior expresses.

    If we wish to halt the deadly pandemic they are spreading, we must locate 
the exact source of the mass-murderous insanity presented by the relevant 
symptoms, for their case, as for the cases of Thatcher Britain's launching of 
policies leading into the spread of BSE. To give that sickness an 
historically, precisely accurate name, recognize it as "The Jeremy Bentham 
Syndrome," as the "Open Conspiracy" madmen, the Benthamite pair of H.G. Wells 
and Bertrand Russell, typify the very worst of the numerous evils which the 
past century has bequeathed to the present one.

 That connection, "The Bentham Syndrome," is not only an accurate 
description, is not only the most precise historical vantage-point for 
understanding the Bush-Sharon phenomenon; it is indispensable for a clear 
conception of the roots of the problem threatening humanity as a whole at 
this moment.

 - Bentham, Wells and Russell -

 The general, pathological phenomenon of which the current Bush 
Presidency is, historically, but one recent expression, is the determination 
of what had been, since the days of the medieval alliance of the imperial 
maritime power of Venice with the landed Plantagenet pestilence, a 
Venice-centered opposition to the struggle to bring forth the modern 
sovereign nation-state, as the alternative to both the model of the Roman 
empire and ultramontane forms of feudal order in western Europe. The 
relevance, and the practical efficiency of this historical connection, is 
usually beyond the comprehension of those relatively historically illiterate 
persons who are typified by the majority among recent generations' graduates 
from our universities. Nonetheless, diseases unseen to the illiterate's eye 
may nonetheless kill the unwitting, diseases whose existence they may 
hysterically deny. So, today, what people stubbornly refuse to know, is, most 
often, that which will hurt them the most. 

    No political figure, or thoughtful citizen of the U.S. today, would be so 
foolishly reckless as to proceed politically without improving his or her 
education on precisely the following leading points respecting the realities 
of modern European history in general.


[CTRL] Screw Yahoo

2001-05-03 Thread William Shannon

Yahoo!'s secret war
by annalee newitz

THERE HAS BEEN sensational gossip in the Web world ever since Yahoo!'s 
mid-April announcement that it would be expanding its "adult" (i.e., 
sex-related) content. Two days after this business decision, Yahoo! freaked: 
suddenly, in a move that made the already unstable company look like its biz 
development department was run by monkeys, Yahoo! announced that it would be 
completely removing all "adult and erotica" vendors from its Shopping and 
Classified networks, as well as its banner ads.

Yahoo! offered few concrete reasons for its surprising about-face, other than 
to note that they were responding to "user concerns." InternetNews noted that 
the conservative Capitol Resource Institute in Sacramento had called on 
consumers to boycott Yahoo!, but it seems unlikely that this threat, or 
"concerned user" e-mail, was responsible for Yahoo!'s sudden, extensive 
business reorganization.

Probably we'll never know exactly what Yahoo!'s inscrutable reasons were for 
shutting down its adult shops (thus taking a bite out of the ass of my former 
employer, Webpower.com – sorry, Al!). What we can be sure of is that Yahoo! 
has begun waging a secret and weirdly disorganized war on those of its loyal 
users who are part of the adult-related Clubs and Groups networks.

Although the company has made no public announcements about removing adult 
content in the user-run community areas known as Clubs and Groups, it has 
begun to shut down adult clubs (some of which have thousands of subscribers) 
without notice, making it virtually impossible for users to find valuable 
information on sexual health and alternative relationships. Perhaps more 
importantly, Yahoo! is cutting off a community support lifeline for many 
people whose sexual lifestyles may lead to their isolation and loneliness if 
they live in areas without an urban center. Several owners of gay adult 
groups have posted their protests at gayshavedmen.com/yahoo.htm
One Yahoo! adult club moderator, who asked to remain anonymous, recently sent 
an e-mail to her club membership telling them that she feels she's been 
forced to remove members from her community whose Yahoo! "user profiles" are 
largely sexual in nature. She feels she's had to do this just to protect the 
existence of her club, which is a discussion space for nontraditional 
relationship issues.

Yahoo! has announced publicly that it is "evaluating adult content across the 
network," but there is a difference between evaluation and censorship. 
Shutting down community groups without notice or due process is censorship at 
its worst: it destroys communities which may have taken years to evolve, 
purely on the basis of what its members are writing to each other about.

I'm the first to admit that some of these groups are little more than public 
places to trade porn pictures. But so what? If Yahoo! is so concerned about 
"user response," why are they treating these users like crap? How hard is it 
for Yahoo! to send out a polite e-mail notifying clubs or groups that they 
will be shut down? With forewarning, group moderators at least have the time 
to notify their members and find another service to carry their community.

From a censorship perspective, it's perhaps even creepier that Yahoo! has 
also removed the category "adult" from its clubs index (it's been replaced by 
the incomplete and watered-down Sex  Romance category). This change means 
that even the adult clubs which haven't been deleted – erm, I mean 
"evaluated" – will be hidden from view, known only to their already existing 

When I spoke to Yahoo! spokesperson Jackson Holtz, he claimed that Yahoo! 
hadn't shut down any groups. He added that the adult index in Clubs was "down 
for maintenance," but that it would be back up when the maintenance was 
finished. Um, hello? Web sites aren't like buildings – you don't have to shut 
them down to "maintain" them. You can make site changes on a thing called a 
"computer" while the site is still live, then upload the changes to the site. 
Either Yahoo! has hired people who understand nothing about their company's 
technology to represent them, or there's something a wee bit fishy going on 
Holtz also confirmed that Yahoo! has "not communicated directly with users" 
about its evaluation policies. When I asked him who was evaluating the adult 
clubs and groups, or when they would be finished evaluating, he refused to 

Needless to say, word of Yahoo!'s "evaluation" methods has spread like 
wildfire across the adult Clubs and Groups networks. Many sex-related groups, 
like the club moderator I mentioned earlier, are changing their club 
memberships or preemptively moving their memberships to MSN's Communities 
network (smooth move, Yahoo!, sending your customers over to Microsoft). A 
Microsoft spokesperson told me that the company has no plans to crack down on 
adult communities as 

[CTRL] Ted Olson's Inconsistancies

2001-05-03 Thread William Shannon

Olson's inconsistencies
After further questioning, Bush's solicitor general-designate now admits he
knew more about the anti-Clinton "Arkansas Project" than previously stated.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
By Jake Tapper
May 3, 2001 | WASHINGTON -- The Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to
vote Thursday on the nominations of Ted Olson as solicitor general and Larry
Thompson as deputy attorney general -- nominations that Democrats on the
committee have threatened to block until the Bush administration addresses
their concerns about the judicial nomination process.

But at least for the ranking Democrat on the committee, Sen. Patrick Leahy of
Vermont, there is another serious issue as well: the forthrightness Olson has
or hasn't displayed concerning the role he played in a privately funded
investigation into the lives of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Known as the
Arkansas Project, and funded with around $2 million from conservative
billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife, the investigation was run from late 1993
to 1998 through two educational nonprofit organizations under the aegis of
the American Spectator magazine. The nonprofits were, by law, not supposed to
participate in partisan political work.

According to a copy of Olson's responses to follow-up questions by the
committee, obtained by Salon, Olson now admits to being involved with the
Arkansas Project a year earlier than he had previously said. He also now
admits, though vaguely, to a greater involvement in the project than he has
previously stated.

But Leahy is apparently less concerned about what Olson did than how honest
he was about it when testifying before the Judiciary Committee.

According to a Leahy aide, the senator "is concerned about the lack of
specificity in the first round" of questions the Vermont Democrat asked near
the end of Olson's confirmation hearing on April 5. Olson dismissed many
allegations about his involvement in the project, occasionally speaking in a
way one could charitably describe as not quite adhering to the same spirit of
full disclosure that Olson once demanded of President Clinton.

So Leahy subsequently submitted follow-up questions to Olson, which the
nominee answered. As of Wednesday afternoon, Leahy was "looking at the
follow-up answers to see if they're sufficiently substantive," according to
the Leahy aide. The White House would not comment on the matter, as it has "a
policy not to discuss nominees before the confirmation process has
completed," according to spokesman Jimmy Orr.

At the April 5 hearing, Leahy's questions were direct. "Were you involved in
the so-called Arkansas Project at any time?" Leahy asked.

"Only as a member of the board of directors of the American Spectator," Olson
responded. "It has been alleged that I was somehow involved in that so-called
project; I was not involved in the project, in its origin or its management."

Olson downplayed any involvement other than to have voted in 1998, as a
member of the Spectator executive board, to end the investigations and
refocus the magazine's energies on profits. "I was on the board of the
American Spectator later on when the allegations about the project were
simply that it did exist," Olson testified, but he insisted he had nothing to
do with its inception. He didn't even know anything about it until 1998, he
said, after he became a member of the Spectator's board of directors and
voted to shut down the project.

Leahy continued. "There were no meetings of the Arkansas Project in your
office or --"

"No, there were none," Olson interrupted.

But this testimony stands in stark contrast to "The Hunting of the President,"
 by Gene Lyons and Salon columnist Joe Conason, which claims that Olson's
involvement was likely far greater than that. A 1995 audit of the Arkansas
Project's books showed that the American Spectator nonprofit funding the
Arkansas Project paid more than $14,000 to Olson's law firm of Gibson Dunn 
Crutcher, from March until August of 1994.

Interestingly, the first payment came just a few weeks after the Spectator
published, in February 1994, a scathing hit piece against both Bill and
Hillary Clinton called "Criminal Laws Implicated by the Clinton Scandals: A
Partial List." The authors of the piece were the Spectator's pseudonymous
legal team -- "Solitary, Poor, Nasty, Brutish  Short," a reference to Thomas
Hobbes' description of the life of man -- but Olson, as he has conceded, was
one of its two coauthors.

And, also interestingly, Olson's answers to Leahy's follow-up questions
contrast with his April 5 testimony.

Olson remains, according to Senate Judiciary staffers, all but assured of
confirmation both in committee and on the floor of the Senate. But his
evolving responses are illuminating.

Olson states that he was counsel for the American Spectator "from time to
time beginning in 1994," around when the Arkansas Project was born.
Asked by Leahy for billing 

[CTRL] Shocked Over Kerry? It's How We Fought The War.

2001-05-03 Thread William Shannon

Shocked Over Kerrey?
It's How We Fought the War

Here's one of the many unsettling things about Bob Kerrey, and it doesn't
even address the issue of what exactly he did in the Vietnamese village of
Thanh Phong. Supposedly riddled with indecision whether to accept the Medal
of Honor for a military action subsequent to the one now under dispute, he
finally did so on May 14, 1970, just 10 days after after the Ohio National
Guard killed four anti-war student protesters at Kent State.

In other words, at a moment of maximal national revulsion against the Vietnam
War, former Sen. Kerrey went along with the Pentagon's urgent desire for
heroes and presented his chest to President Richard M. Nixon, who pinned the
medal to it. So much for "ambiguity," one of the words used now to salvage
his reputation. And now, and only now, is he considering whether to give back
the Bronze Star awarded him for the 1969 mission in which (if you believe, as
we do, his fellow SEAL Gerhard Klann) he assisted in the throat-slitting of
an elderly Vietnamese peasant and ordered the killing of 13 women and babies,
or (if you believe him) less wittingly supervised the slaughter of an old man
and 13 or more women and children.

It's pretty clear that Kerrey's raid was part of the CIA's Phoenix program
(as was My Lai, where "Task Force Barker" killed 504 men, women and children
the preceding year). The intent of Phoenix was terror, precisely the killing
of not only suspected Viet Cong, but also their families. The late William
Colby, the CIA man who ran the program, told Congress that between 1967-1971,
20,587 Vietnamese "activists" were killed under the Phoenix program. The
South Vietnamese declared that 41,000 had been killed. Other estimates go as
high as 70,000.

Barton Osborn, an intelligence officer in the Phoenix program, spelled out in
a congressional hearing the prevailing bureaucratic attitude of the agents
toward their campaign of terror: "Quite often it was a matter of expediency
just to eliminate a person in the field rather than deal with the paperwork."

And who was classified as a "VC sympathizer" and, therefore, fair game to be
slaughtered by units like Kerrey's? The CIA's Robert Ramsdell, one of the two
men who developed the My Lai operation, said, "Anyone in that area was
considered a VC sympathizer because they couldn't survive in that area unless
they were sympathizers." Thanh Phong was in "that area," which lends credence
to Klann's account of what Kerrey's raiders did.

The death squads run by the CIA men supervising Phoenix were a particular
favorite of the man who pinned the medal on Kerrey: Nixon. After My Lai there
was a move to reduce funding for these killing programs. According to
journalist Seymour Hersh, Nixon passionately objected: "No. We've got to have
more of this. Assassinations. Killings." The funding was swiftly restored.

When he was at Newsweek in 1998, reporter Gregory Vistica had Kerrey cold,
but the newsmagazine's editors decided that since Kerrey was no longer a
presidential candidate it wasn't worth exposing him. It was apparently OK for
a U.S. senator to be an alleged war criminal. Then the New York Times finally
decided to run Vistica's story because Kerrey had left the Senate. Given the
lack of disquiet among faculty and students, it's also apparently OK for an
alleged war criminal like Kerrey to be head of the New School University in
New York, which in earlier days hosted refugees from Nazi Germany.

So will the Kerrey brouhaha nudge the nation or Congress into confronting the
past and what the Vietnam War really involved? Of course not. Right before
the last election, CounterPunch ran a story by Doug Valentine, who wrote "The
Phoenix Program," one of the best histories of what really happened in
Vietnam. Valentine's CounterPunch story concerned Robert Simmons, in the
midst of an ultimately successful campaign to represent Connecticut in
Congress. The specific charge against Simmons, originally leveled in the
Connecticut paper New London Day in 1994 was that he routinely violated the
Geneva Convention while interrogating civilian prisoners during his 20 months
of service with the CIA in Vietnam. Simmons claimed he'd always steered clear
of the dirty stuff. Same way Kerrey claims that when his unit cut the throats
of the old folk in a Thanh Phong peasant hut, he was outside.

When Simmons was battling to become a congressman (after a long career in
state government in Connecticut), no national paper cared a whit about the
fact that a possible torturer and war criminal was on the hustings. Small
wonder Congress is being protective of Kerrey, admonishing the Pentagon not
to probe what happened at Thanh Phong. How many executive agents of the
Phoenix program are strolling up and down the aisles of government?

[CTRL] Simple RF Weapon Can Fry PC Circuits

2001-05-03 Thread William Shannon

Simple RF Weapon Can Fry PC Circuits
Scientists show device that could make the electromagnetic spectrum the 
terrorist weapon of choice.

Reggie Beehner, Medill News Service

Wednesday, May 02, 2001

ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, MARYLAND -- A weapon built out of parts from any 
electronics store can deliver radio frequency radiation that can burn out 
electronic circuits within seconds, according to a recent demonstration by 
scientists here. 

Many government officials fear terrorists could use the simple device to 
disrupt computer networks or paralyze electronic equipment. Because of its 
small size, the weapon could be stowed in a van or briefcase and used to 
wreak havoc on government offices, hospitals, airports, or other targets.
The device, assembled with commonly available components, delivers quick, 
powerful bursts of RF radiation. Just about any unprotected electronic 
equipment is at risk, including PCs, home security systems, police scanners, 
and medical and air-traffic control equipment.

Businesses can protect their computer networks by using metal product 
enclosures on hardware and radio frequency filter lines on power lines, says 
Randy Bernard, vice president of Schriner Engineering, which built the device 
for a demonstration to government officials. Also, Bernard urges businesses 
to keep an offsite data storage area to back up materials that could not be 
"For the guy at home in front of his computer, I'd say don't worry about 
this," Bernard says. "But if your business has something to lose, then you 
might want to pay attention. It may not be an immediate threat, but it's 
something you should keep in mind."

But the demonstration is a wake-up call for government and others in 
technology industries, Bernard notes.

"Our whole nation is vulnerable," says David Schriner, a weapons specialist 
and engineer who codesigned the radio frequency device. "We dance along with 
all this high technology, and we're very dependent on it. But if it breaks, 
where will we be?"

Though less dramatic than those officials envisioned, the RF weapon 
demonstrated did inflict noticeable damage on an assortment of electronic 
equipment. Computer screens flickered and froze, medical equipment died, and 
a home security system lost all power. Even a camera, purchased earlier in 
the week to videotape the demonstration, came too close to the radiation 
pulses and was added to the list of casualties. 

When building the RF device, the scientists stuck to using "backyard means" 
to see how easily it could be done. They bought all the components from 
retail stores or online, finding some on eBay. Total cost for the parts ran 
about $10,000. 

"There's nothing classified," Schriner says. "This is all homegrown stuff, 
everyday tools and parts. And though we're a bright group, we're certainly 
not unique. Others, including terrorist groups, could do this very easily."

Whether such a device could be used effectively by terrorists is unclear, and 
scientists plan to conduct tests this summer to answer that question.

"There's a lot of innuendo that [terrorist groups] have used this," Schriner 
says. "Is it true? I don't know. Sometimes when you start researching this 
you find out it's a lot of crock. But the question still remains."

That question was enough to convince the Defense Department to spend $4 
million on the project and attract the attention of the House Armed Services 
Committee's Special Oversight Panel on Terrorism. 

"One of the lessons of warfare is the need to keep ahead of the curve of 
technology," says Rep. Jim Saxton, R-New Jersey, who chairs the terrorism 

Saxton was among a handful of congressional leaders who turned out to witness 
the 45-minute demonstration at a U.S. Army testing ground. 

Since the dawn of the Cold War, the government has been careful to protect 
the nation's military computers and infrastructure, officials say. But high 
costs and cumbersome materials have left those precautions largely ignored in 
the private sector, leaving many businesses vulnerable. 

[CTRL] Middle East Double Standard

2001-05-03 Thread William Shannon

Kill a Pal and You’re a Hero, Kill a Jew and You’re a Terrorist 

by Amir Meshkin 

In one of my last articles, I focused on the forgotten meaning of terrorism. 
Now let us focus on Israel's blatant double standard which encourages 
militant Jewish settlers to attack Palestinians without fear of prosecution. 
Palestinians that throw stones are labeled as terrorists. Journalists who 
speak the truth are labeled are anti-Semitic. Only Israelis get away with 
murder, racism and civilian violence. When will the world realize that 
religion and race have nothing to do with the human heart? Israel and its 
multitude of poisons will soon pass from the sympathetic and forgiving eye of 
the world.

On April 14, Hizbullah killed an Israeli soldier in the Shebaa Farms district 
which belongs to Syria but is still under Israeli occupation. In retaliation, 
Sharon not only committed an act of war by attacking a Syrian radar base in 
Lebanon killing three Syrian soldiers but pounded on civilian villages in 
Gaza with tanks relentlessly. Israel’s brutal 1978 and 1982 invasions of 
Lebanon took the lives of thousands of civilians. Israeli warplanes attacked 
more civilian targets than military targets it seemed.. As many as 600 
civilians were killed at one time by soldiers, yet the world still turns a 
blind eye to such abhorrent actions executed by Israel. There is an obvious 
double standard that can mean life or death depending on your race.

Rabbis such as Ovadia Yosef constantly state their will of annihilating all 
Arabs and call them serpents. Yosef also stated that God regrets creating the 
Arabs because they are evil. Maybe it is just me but, Rabbi Yosef sounds a 
little evil himself. Tommy Lapid, an Israeli politician who was fortunate 
enough to escape the Nazi death camps as a child stated, "If the Austrian 
nationalist leader, Jöörg Haidar, had said this, we would have declared war 
on Austria," which proves further the double standard that Israel has. 
Although the biggest of the bigots, Rabbi Yosef is a powerful politician, 
making him and his followers very dangerous. Other rabbis have also asked the 
Israeli government to avenge the deaths of Israelis killed by Palestinians, 
arguing that Israel is not harsh enough on the Palestinians. Violence 
answered with violence is an issue religion is suppose to condemn, but the 
core of the fighting and struggle of millions of people is religion. 
Americans and other democratic nations truly take freed 

Some Israeli citizens, specially militant settlers, feel the way David Glam, 
whose daughter was almost killed by a suicide bomber, does. He recently 
stated in an interview that if he had an atomic bomb, he would use it on the 
Arabs. David Glam cannot take the blame in full however, he and other Israeli 
citizens are subject to a very racist media in Israel. "Palestinians make up 
about 20 percent of the Israeli population, Jews from the Middle East another 
50 percent. If you include the West Bank and Gaza, the figure reaches 90 
percent——yet they are forced to view advertising, the media and films from 
the perspective of the minority Western Jews," states Professor Ella Habiba 
Shohat, a Jewish writer now living in New York. Prof. Shohat claims in her 
book that the media in Israel brainwashes the population into believing that 
the blue-hair and blue-eyed or "white" looking jew is the "ideal" Jew. Maybe 
Beshar Assad’s speech comparing the Israelis to the Nazis deserves a second 
look and not condemnation.

Jewish settlers have recently killed Palestinian children picking olive 
trees, torched Palestinian shops and cars, attacked Israeli police (almost 
killing a few and wounding many), vandalized mosques, publicly burned Korans 
(remember Nazi book burnings?), fire-bombed Palestinian homes(current trial 
of ex Ku Klux Klan member Thomas Blanton Jr comes to mind), and even sprayed 
stars of David on many shop windows (remember Nazis painting swastikas on 
Jewish shop windows?), belonging to Palestinians. "I'd like to ask the 
parents why they let their children play here," states an Israeli soldier in 
heavy protective gear, speaking about settler kids playing in Palestinian 
territory. "These settlers, they are crazy people, if you ask me." On April 
20 an Israeli policeman, suffered a concussion when a Jewish settler struck 
him on the head with a rock. Earlier in the week, two officers were almost 
stabbed by settlers. Settlers often vandalize police cars, curse at 
policeman, and throw things at them not fearing any type

 Every month, another American is accused of Anti-Semitism, this month being 
a couple of Knicks players. Stating your opinion or even the facts will cause 
the biased media to label celebrities as anti-Semites, but many Jews such as 
Sharon have written many articles showing hatred and racism, yet they are 
elected as Prime Ministers and considered heroes. The facts are that Israel 

[CTRL] God shall send them Strong Delusion....

2001-05-03 Thread The Extremist

-Caveat Lector-

The Evolution Conspiracy

Even him, whose coming is after the working of satan with all power and
signs and lying wonders,
and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because
they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should
believe a lie:
that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure
in unrighteousness.

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after
their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching
ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be
turned unto fables.

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[CTRL] So Much For Gun Control

2001-05-03 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

The UK and Australia have seen a dramatic rise in violent
assault and home invasions since they both passed draconian
gun control.

Electronic Telegraph
ISSUE 2170 Friday 4 May 2001

Britain leads the world on risk of being assaulted
By Philip Johnston, Home Affairs Editor

VIOLENT crime is rising faster in England and Wales than anywhere else in Europe, new 
figures showed yesterday.

In 1999, robberies and assaults rose by 16 per cent compared with five per cent across 
the rest of the EU. Overall levels of
violence were far higher in Britain than in countries of comparable size.

There were 703,000 assaults recorded by police in 1999 - more than twice the number 
only four years earlier. This compared with
186,000 in Germany and 216,000 in France. The risk of assault, while low, is higher in 
Britain than almost anywhere else in the
industrialised world, including America. Only in Australia is it greater.

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[CTRL] The Corporate State Marches On

2001-05-03 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

For all you Big Government Lovers - why Statist Regulation
is an oxymoron. Not that this is anything new with Bush. Al Gore's
cousin and Monsanto Flunky pushed BGH (AKA cow pus
enhancer) through the FDA.

Bush Names Monsanto Executive
To Top EPA Position

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An executive with Monsanto Co (MON.N), a leading developer of 
biotech foods, has been nominated for the
second-ranking job at the Environmental Protection Agency, the White House said on 

Linda Fisher, who worked for the EPA for 10 years before heading Monsanto's Washington 
lobbying office, was nominated for the post
of deputy administrator. Fisher also served on a U.S. Agriculture Department advisory 
committee on biotech foods.

One of the major issues currently before the EPA is a request from Aventis SA 
(AVEP.PA) to approve a genetically- modified corn
known as StarLink for human consumption. StarLink, a variety altered to repel pests, 
was barred from human food in 1998 due to
concerns that it might trigger allergic reactions in some people.

The discovery of StarLink contamination in taco shells last autumn prompted a massive 
recall of more than 300 kinds of snack chips,
corn flour and other foods. Aventis contends the corn is safe and poses no risk to 
people who eat it.

The EPA, which regulates plants altered to produce their own pesticides, is also 
considering whether to renew the registration of Bt
corn, cotton and potato varieties that were approved six years ago. The registrations 
are set to expire in September.

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Re: [CTRL] Nationwide survey shows bullying widespread among students

2001-05-03 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

  Survey figures
 Nationwide survey shows bullying widespread among students

Schoolkids should be taught to beat bullies with sticks during
self esteem class.

OTOH, I suspect that there is a hidden agenda here. Bullying is
encouraged by school authorities in order to program the young as
helpless victims and to accept future bullying from the Government.


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Re: [CTRL] Simple RF Weapon Can Fry PC Circuits

2001-05-03 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Old news. See:




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Re: [CTRL] Behold a Dead Horse?

2001-05-03 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

On 3 May 01, at 8:15, Aleisha Saba wrote:

 Note you site - do you ever give any credit to those who took all those
 On your web site?

Saba, I give credit to everyone who has asked me to post pictures on my
site, and all others where the origin is known. Most other photos were taken
and processed by myself.

Steve Wingate


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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