Re: [CTRL] Bush daughter allegedly tried to buy alcohol

2001-06-01 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

To cluck cluck gossip over a 19 year old having a beer is a ridiculous
waste of time, effort, net space and national attention.  Better to be
paying attention to the enemy.  

What he said.

=CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Big Brother

2001-06-01 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

Someone is censoring messages to the CTRL list.

Anyone else having problems?


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] WP: FBI Termed Uncooperative in Waco Probe

2001-06-01 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

FBI Termed Uncooperative in Waco Probe
Danforth Says New Documents Wouldn't Alter Conclusion Clearing Federal

By Dan Eggen
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, June 1, 2001; Page A12

The FBI was so uncooperative in the Waco investigation that special
counsel John C.  Danforth threatened FBI Director Louis J.  Freeh with a
search warrant to gain access to relevant documents, Danforth said
yesterday in an interview with The Washington Post.

Danforth, a former U.S.  senator from Missouri who conducted a 14-month
investigation into the 1993 deaths of 75 Branch Davidians in Waco, Tex.,
said that he could not be sure that he received all the records from the
FBI because of the agency's poor record keeping and its spirit of
resistance to outside scrutiny.

But Danforth also said that additional records would not change his
conclusion that federal agents did not fire shots at members of the
heavily armed religious cult or start the deadly blaze that engulfed
their compound.

It was like pulling teeth to get all this paper from the FBI, Danforth
said during an interview in the Washington offices of Bryan Cave LLP,
the St.  Louis-based law firm in which he is a partner and which
assisted in the investigation.

Can I say to you that there isn't some box of paper somewhere that we
never found?  I can't say that to you, he said later.  Do I think
there is any chance that it would be paper that would have any effect on
our findings?  I think there is no chance that it would have any effect
on our findings because the evidence was so overwhelming.

An FBI official said that many of the problems encountered by Danforth
were due to strained relations with one key lawyer in the FBI's general
counsel office, and that the problem was fixed once Freeh intervened.
The bureau also had trouble locating and retrieving many documents
because of outmoded filing and computer systems, the official said.

Freeh's intent was always to have full cooperation with Danforth, the
official said.  He said that on multiple occasions.

Danforth's comments came on the same day that lawyers for Oklahoma City
bomber Timothy J.  McVeigh asked for a stay in McVeigh's execution
because the FBI failed to turn over 4,000 pages of records in that case.

Danforth was appointed special counsel in the Waco probe by Attorney
General Janet Reno in 1999 after officials disclosed that potentially
incendiary tear gas canisters were fired on the Davidian compound on the
final day of the standoff -- contrary to years of denials from the
Justice Department and the FBI.  Danforth's investigation concluded that
the canisters did not start any of the fires that consumed the compound,
landing 75 feet from the main building hours before the fires started.

Danforth, an ordained Episcopal minister who served in the Senate for 18
years, said his St.  Louis-based investigation had a lot of difficulty
getting documents from the FBI.  The problem came to a head in late 1999
when his office threatened to get a search warrant from a federal judge,
he said.

Danforth said that he agreed in a phone conversation with Freeh not to
seek a warrant if 14 postal inspectors would be allowed to search bureau
files themselves.  The search netted hundreds of pages of documents that
had not been turned over, investigators said.

Freeh sent a clear message that FBI employees should cooperate with the
Waco probe, Danforth said, but I think there was a spirit of resistance
elsewhere in the FBI. Earlier in 1999, Reno had sent U.S.  marshals
into FBI headquarters to seize other Waco-related documents.

Danforth said his experience in the Waco investigation makes him doubt
the pledges of Freeh and Attorney General John D.  Ashcroft that every
FBI document in the McVeigh case has been located.  I bet that Timothy
McVeigh at some point in time, I don't when, will be executed, and after
the execution, there will be some box found somewhere, he said.

Danforth, who had scheduled yesterday's interview with The Post before
the new McVeigh documents came to light, said there is no evidence
whatsoever of dark acts by federal agents in the 51-day standoff with
the Branch Davidians, who killed four officers and wounded 20 others.
He said that conspiracy theorists will always find fault with the
investigation, but that most Americans realize the government did not
cause the Davidians' deaths.

Danforth, a Republican, also staunchly defended Reno in a controversy
that dogged her throughout her tenure.  Danforth said he penned a note
to Reno earlier this year commending her handling of the Waco situation.

She did a very conscientious job of trying to minimize the bad things
that could have happened, Danforth said.  She did the right thing.

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies 

[CTRL] Anti-chemtrail TV Commercial

2001-06-01 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Anti-chemtrail Commercial on TV

For local residents of Powell River, this commercial can be seen on channel
5 every 20 minutes as it follows a loop. To hear the audio of this short
commercial click the above picture. Get you friends to watch it or have
them come here to listen to it.

When talking to people you can bring up the fact that you saw this
commercial, and this will allow you to bring up the subject of chemtrails
without looking foolish in the eyes of others.

To keep the audio file, go to your Temporary Internet Files, find it by
name, then take it out and place on your desktop.

My Computer Your Hard Drive Windows file...

Back to Canadian Chemtrails


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  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] China Preparing Huge War Games in Taiwan Strait

2001-06-01 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

China Preparing Huge War Games in Taiwan Strait

BEIJING, May 31 (AFP) - China's armed forces are preparing their biggestwar
games in the Taiwan Strait since independence-leaning Taiwanese PresidentChen
Shui-bian took office a year ago, state media said Thursday.

In order to warn Taiwan's new leaders and the leaders of the US
governmentnot to play with fire on the question of Taiwan, the top mainland
leadershipdecided to hold large-scale exercises aimed at Taiwan, the
official Qianlongwebsite said.

The joint exercises between China's army, air force and navy are expectedto
take place in June near Dongshan Island off the coast of the
southeasternprovince of Fujian and are codenamed Liberation Number One, it

The report said the main aim of the exercises was to show how Chineseforces
would inflict heavy casualties on any foreign planes or ships thatinvade
China's coastal waters.

A guided-missile brigade, two tank brigades, marines, submarines andChina's
Russian-made Sukhoi SU-27s will be used in the exercises, it said.

Dongshan Island, which lies some 150 nautical miles east of Taiwan's
PenghuIslands, hosted large-scale beach landing exercises in 1996 during the
Taiwanmissile crisis when China tested-fired missiles over the island.

The upcoming exercises are aimed at showing China's growing impatience
withChen for refusing to recognize its One China principle, which
enshrinesChina's claim of sovereignty over Taiwan.

They are also being held after US President George W. Bush approved
amulti-billion dollar weapons package for Taiwan in late April.

Taiwan has been ruled separately from mainland China since nationalistforces
fled to the island following their defeat by the communists in 1949following
a long civil war.

China has since considered Taiwan a renegade province that must be
broughtback under its rule, by military force if necessary.

The article on the Qinlong website, which is run by the Beijing Daily
andother official newspapers, echoed reports in the Hong Kong press earlier
thisweek which said the exercises would include some 10,000 soldiers.

Taiwan's defense ministry last week played down the significance of
thedrills, calling the exercises routine and asking the public not to

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[CTRL] How Firearms Background Checks Backfire

2001-06-01 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

How Firearms Background Checks Backfire
Wes Vernon
Friday, June 1, 2001
WASHINGTON - The Brady anti-gun law has resulted in denial of a firearms
purchase to a former policeman who is an honored war veteran.
Why? A juvenile record from 42 years ago that was supposed to be sealed”
nonetheless came back to deny him the right to buy a gun for his wife’s

This is the story of Michael Bruce Williams of Jacobson, Minn., a veteran of
22 years of honorable active-duty military service. He was denied the right
to buy a firearm even though he had had plenty of experience with firearms:
in the Air Force (including a tour of duty in Vietnam), as a National
Guardsman, as a policeman, and then back into the service - this time with
the Navy for 14 years. In all of the above capacities, he served with honor
and distinction.

He now has a daughter, born while he was in Vietnam, who today serves as a
chief petty officer in the U.S. Navy.

Williams’ wife of 38 years, a long-distance bicyclist, felt vulnerable while
riding to train for a 200-mile bike ride last summer. He suggested she attend
self-defense courses sponsored by the local sheriff, get a permit to carry
and carry a handgun.

When he went to buy a handgun for her for Mother's Day last year, he was
denied that right because the background check required by the Brady law
found a juvenile conviction. It was spotted by the Justice Department’s
National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).

The conviction involved a juvenile burglary charge in 1959, when Williams was
16 years old. has obtained a copy of a court order dated Sept. 12, 1960,
wherein a judge in the Superior Court of Skagit County, Wash., acknowledged
that the young Williams had behaved himself during the probation period.
Therefore the court allowed him to plead not guilty to the crime. Further,
the judge ordered that the charge is hereby dismissed and the defendant is …
released from all penalties and disabilities resulting from the filing of
said charge.”

The records were supposed to be sealed and expunged. But as the 59-year-old
Williams told Thursday, You can’t expunge memories.” And a
sheriff had neglected to destroy or discard a card file that remained and
came back to haunt Williams more than 40 years later when he went to buy a
handgun for his wife’s protection.

When he protested to the feds, he got a letter last December from Monica
Snyder, speaking for Timothy Munson, section chief for the NICS Program

The letter stated that the document showing the Order of Dismissal in 1960
was insufficient to authorize your ability to purchase or redeem a firearm.”

Therefore,” it added, you are ineligible to purchase or possess firearms.”

Because Williams already possessed several guns, more or less as trophies
from his military and police days, he moved all firearms from his residence,
on the advice of his attorney.

The very fact that he was suddenly told he could not even possess firearms
after having used them over the years in so many official capacities seemed
bizarre. All because of a youthful error back in 1959.

The only other blemish on my record, he told, is a ticket for
going 65 mph in a 55 mph zone … while driving to the District 8 Republican

The next thing the veteran and ex-policeman did was to hire a lawyer, Gary
Jones, back in his native Washington state, where the youthful crime had
occurred. The attorney wrote the federal authorities arguing that the denial
does not follow the Washington State law” regarding the Certificate of
Rehabilitation that had been granted his client many years ago.

Ultimately, Williams ended up having to go to his senators and congressman
for help. Just within the last two weeks, he received a call from an aide to
Sen. Mark Dayton, D-Minn., who told him the senator’s office had seen to it
that the ancient record back in Washington state was expunged.

When Williams said he would like to see that in writing, the senate aide told
him to go ahead and buy a gun. You’re clear.”

As of this writing, he is awaiting the outcome of his latest attempted

The point is that Williams should not have had to go to the time, money and
headache of having to hire a lawyer or petition the office of a United States
senator to achieve his Second Amendment rights.

What if his wife had been harmed because he couldn’t get her a gun?

Does this red tape make sense for someone who carried guns in serious
professional pursuits as a member of the Air Force, the Navy, the National
Guard and the Montevideo, Minn., police force? The latter position was
achieved after he had been certified as a police patrolman by the state of

This is what critics of the Brady law are talking about when they point to
the unintended consequences.”


[CTRL] Deadly Infection From Ticks Underdiagnosed

2001-06-01 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Deadly Infection From Ticks Underdiagnosed Wires
Friday, June 1, 2001
HARTFORD, Conn. (UPI) - A potentially deadly infection carried by the same
tick that transmits Lyme disease is emerging along parts of the Eastern
Seaboard. Public health officials are concerned it may be going undiagnosed
in many people.
Babesiosis is a parasitic infection carried in mice and other rodents. The
disease, carried to humans by ticks, attacks the red blood cells and causes
symptoms often mistaken for the flu. Unlike Lyme disease, with its
distinctive target-shaped rash, tick bites carrying babesiosis are often
undetected. Symptoms appear one to six weeks after a tick bite and can last
several weeks or months.

In most people, symptoms disappear without treatment, but in the elderly and
those with compromised immune systems - and especially for people lacking a
spleen - the infection can prove deadly, Dr. Peter Krause, of the University
of Connecticut School of Medicine at Farmington, told United Press

Symptoms resemble the flu: fatigue, appetite loss, fever, chills, muscle
pains and headaches, Krause said. We are concerned that it may be more
widespread than we have previously thought.

The disease, once considered rare, is now classified by the federal Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta as emerging, meaning that the
number of cases is increasing at a steady rate.

Diagnostic tests are still fairly new so diagnosis is difficult. We believe
it's grossly underreported, said Krause, a researcher with the university's
Center for Microbial Pathogenesis and a pediatrician at Connecticut
Children's Medical Center.

Babesiosis was recognized in the Northeast in the 1960s and became endemic by
the 1980s in Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard, Shelter Island and parts of Long
Island, as well as other areas along the Northeastern coast, according to
Mary Shepherd, who is with the CDC's infectious disease branch. Cases
recently have been reported in New Jersey. While the number of cases is
increasing, the exact number of infections each year is unknown, she told UPI.

According to Dr. Sean O. Henderson, an assistant professor at the University
of Southern California School of Medicine, hundreds of cases have been
reported since the first domestic case in 1966. The increasing number of
cases over the past 30 years may be the result of restocking of the deer
population, curtailment of hunting and an increase in outdoor recreational
activities, he explained.

Adequate reporting is a major problem, especially in children, because of
masking by other infections and the disease's history of occurrence in
elderly patients, he said.

Krause said because the infection masquerades as the flu in most people this
number is probably in the hundreds, if not thousands.

Treatment of severe infection has had only limited success, according to the
CDC, but the disease, if properly diagnosed, can be treated in earlier stages
because of its similarity to malaria. A combination of clindamycin and
quinine kills infection, although newer combination therapy is available with
fewer side effects, Krause noted.

He and Dr. Andrew Speilman, of the Harvard School of Public Health, recently
completed a three-year study of 58 patients with non-life-threatening
babesioisis, gauging the effectiveness of clindamycin and quinine when
compared to atovaquone with azithromycin. While both combinations were
equally effective, just 15 percent of patients taking the newer drug regimen
reported side effects, compared to 72 percent who received the anti-malaria
combination. Almost one-third of that group had to reduce or discontinue
treatment because of the severity of their side effects.

Prevention is, of course, the best approach, Krause said. Persons living
in areas where ticks carry babesiosis need to be aware of this, just as they
are now more aware of Lyme disease. For those over age 50 and the
immunocompromised, any flu-like symptoms after being in wooded areas need to
be evaluated, diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.

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[CTRL] Korean War MIAs brought to Hawaii

2001-06-01 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Korean War MIAs brought to Hawaii

Associated Press

An honor guard at Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii, carries the remains of an
American soldier repatriated from North Korea. — AP Photo

HICKAM AIR FORCE BASE, Hawaii — A four-service honor guard lifted three
flag-wrapped coffins off a military cargo plane Wednesday.
The ceremony marked the latest recovery effort of Americans lost in the
Korean War.

The three coffins were brought off a C-17 cargo plane by an honor guard that
had flown with them from Pyongyang and placed on a blue military bus that
took them to the nearby Army Central Identification Laboratory-Hawaii.

The latest remains are believed to be those of Americans lost in fighting
between communist forces and the Army’s First Calvary Division and the 2nd
and 25th Infantry divisions in November 1950.

They were removed from Unsan and Kujang counties in North Korea, along the
Chong Chon River about 60 miles north of Pyongyang, by a joint U.S.-North
Korean recovery team.

The recovery efforts have been negotiated on an annual basis since 1996. Last
year, five operations recovered more than all previous years’ activities

The remains do not necessarily include complete skeletons and identification,
including DNA testing when the possibilities are narrowed down to the
smallest number of candidates, could take months or years to complete.

Samples for DNA analysis have been provided by only 25 percent of families of
the more than 8,100 soldiers missing from the Korean War, according to the

Ceremonies for arrival of the remains included no speeches or special
observances. About 100 people, including a handful of Korean War veterans and
other civilians, stood silently as the coffins were unloaded and placed
aboard the bus.

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[CTRL] EPA Gives Refineries Time to Comply

2001-06-01 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Monday May 7 8:13 PM ET
EPA Gives Refineries Time to Comply

By JOHN HEILPRIN, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - Two oil refiners will be given several more years to meet a
Clinton-era rule intended to produce cleaner air by cutting the sulfur
content in gasoline for passenger vehicles, Environmental Protection Agency
Administrator Christie Whitman announced Monday.

``The relief I am granting today will give these refiners the ability to
continue providing gasoline to consumers while moving ahead to provide
cleaner air for all Americans,'' she said.

The two refiners, Wyoming Refining Co. of Newcastle, Wyo., and the National
Cooperative Refinery Association of McPherson, Kan., had asked for the
flexibility in meeting the clean-air standards under a hardship provision
included by the Clinton administration in its December 1999 rule.

The new rule requires the nation's gas suppliers to meet an average sulfur
level of 30 parts per million under a phase-in approach starting in June
2004, less than the current average of nearly 300 ppm.

Earlier this year, the EPA also granted the same flexibility to United
Refining Co. of Warren, Pa.

The delay gives the cooperatively owned Kansas refinery, for example, an
extra 21/2 years to meet the average requirement so that it can come up with
the multimillion-dollar financing for new and expensive equipment that also
will be used to produce low sulfur diesel fuel.

``We applied for this hardship delay particularly because of the unique
problems farm cooperatives have in generating capital,'' the NCRA vice
president, Richard Leicht, said Monday. ``It was a solution that reaches a
happy balance between the protection of the environment and the economic
viability of a small refiner.''

Refiners also are required to produce cleaner diesel fuel with an average of
no more than 15 parts per million of sulfur for each gallon of gasoline used
in heavy duty trucks and buses by June 2006.

About 25 small refiners in the nation account for 4 percent of gasoline

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[CTRL] (Fwd) LP RELEASE: Jenna Bush's problem is not the boozing; it'

2001-06-01 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

Jenna Bush's problem is not the boozing;
It's drunk-with-power federal mandates

WASHINGTON, DC -- Jenna Bush's problem is not with underaged
drinking laws
-- it's with federal mandates. And Ronald Reagan.

If the federal government had not forced states to raise the legal
drinking age to 21, the First Daughter might be in trouble with her
parents but not with the law, the Libertarian Party pointed out today.

Federal mandates have turned Uncle Sam into a shaved-head, 300-
tattooed bouncer, checking the ID of college students, said George
the party's press secretary. And federal mandates have turned what
be an embarrassing family matter -- a college-age daughter with a
for margaritas -- into a legal matter.

Jenna (along with twin sister Barbara) is under investigation for
allegedly using false identification to try to purchase alcohol in a
restaurant in Austin, Texas. Jenna, 19, is a student at the University of

It's not her first booze-soaked brush with the law: Two weeks ago,
Jenna was sentenced to alcohol-awareness class by a judge for

But Jenna is not in trouble because the state of Texas thinks that 19-
year-old adults should not drink. Or even because her parents frown on
their daughter guzzling Hurricanes, Mudslides, or Absolut Disasters
(although they most certainly do).

She is in trouble because in 1984, the federal government (under
small-government conservative President Ronald Reagan) passed the
Uniform Drinking Age Act. The bill used federal highway money to bribe
states into raising the drinking age from 18 to 21. By 1988, every state
had complied.

It's that bill that turned what would have been a perfectly legal
activity by a 19-year-old adult into a crime...and landed Jenna on the
front page of newspapers across the USA as the poster child of College
Girls Gone Wild.

Now, said Getz, the Libertarian Party has some advice for President

Have a talk with your daughter. Explain to her the potential dangers of
drinking too many margaritas. Explain that she must accept the
for her actions. If you love your daughter, that's your job as a parent.

Then, work to repeal the kind of federal mandate that turned your
daughter into a criminal. Allow parents -- or state and local
governments -- to decide when someone is old enough to drink. If you
love the Constitution, that's your job as the president.

--- End of forwarded message ---

Best Wishes

Government should be concerned with anti-social conduct, not with
utterances. - Justice William Orville Douglas

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[CTRL] [Spy News] Duncan Campbell: Germany, UK breaching human rights with NSA spy link-up (fwd)

2001-06-01 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 19:39:07 +0200
From: Mario Profaca [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Spy News] Duncan Campbell: Germany,
 UK breaching human rights with NSA spy link-up

Germany, UK breaching human rights with NSA spy link-up

Duncan Campbell

Echelon system identified as legislation-free zone

Composite Signals Organisation Station Morwenstow, run by Britain's GCHQ,
was the first station built to intercept civil commercial satellite
communications as part of the ECHELON system

Echelon committee vice-chairman Neil MacCormick (Scotland) wants to see
legal changes to protect private communications; meanwhile people should
treat their e-mails like seaside postcards that anyone else can read.

The job of the US Department of Commerce's Advocay Center is to
aggressively support U.S. bidders in global competitions where advocacy is
in the national interest.

In a major report to be published this week, the Echelon committee of the
European Parliament has found that the conduct of electronic surveillance
activities by US intelligence breaches the European Convention of Human
Rights even when conducted, allegedly, for law enforcement purposes. It
concludes that if the British and German governments fail to prevent the
improper use of surveillance stations sited on their territory to intercept
private and commercial communications, they may be in breach both of
community law and of human rights treaties.

Two drafts of the proposed EP report, prepared by rapporteur and MEP Gerhard
Schmidt, were leaked earlier this month. The form and wording of the
committee's final report is due to be settled by the full committee in a
meeting in Brussels on Tuesday 29 May.

Comparison of the two drafts shows that the committee was waiting to
question American government and trade officials about their use of economic
intelligence before making its final comments. But, two weeks ago, the
American government decided to snub them after members had already arrived
in Washington, abruptly cancelling a series of planned meetings.

The declared policy of the US government, as explained last year by former
CIA director James Woolsey, is to use the U.S. intelligence system spy on
European companies in order to gather evidence of bribery and unfair trade
practices. Woolsey said Yes, my continental European friends, we have spied
on you. And it's true that we use computers to sort through data by using
keywords. We have spied on you because you bribe, he wrote in the  Wall
Street Journal.

US economic intelligence policies in support of business and trade were
exposed four months ago in a detailed new report to the Echelon committee.
That report on  COMINT impact on international trade is published here
exclusively for the first time today. The report traces in detail how U.S.
intelligence gathering priorities shifted dramatically after the end of the
Cold War, with the result that about 40 percent of the requirements of
U.S. intelligence collection became economic, either in part or in whole.

The new priorities for economic intelligence were approved by the first
President Bush in a document called NSD-67 (National Security Directive 67),
issued by the White House on 20 March 1992. By using the CIA and NSA to spy
on foreign rivals of American companies, the declared U.S. objective was to
level the playing field in foreign trade.

After the new policies came into force, the incoming Clinton administration
set up a new Trade Promotion co-ordinating committee, with direct
intelligence inputs from the CIA and direct links to U.S. business through a
new Advocacy Center. Intelligence from NSA and CIA was supplied to the
U.S. government department of Commerce through an Office of Intelligence
Liasion, which was equipped to handle intercepted communications such as
those supplied by the Echelon network.

According to documents provided to the Echelon Committee and now published
here, the CIA team in the Commerce Department proposed gathering information
on primary competitors of American business in a major Asian market. One
document shows that, of 16 U.S. government officials attending a meeting on
winning contracts in Indonesia, 5 were from the CIA (see  Annexe 2-3).

Two of the NSA's largest electronic intelligence stations are located at Bad
Aibling, Bavaria and Menwith Hill, in England. Both stations intercept
satellite communications and use surveillance satellites to collect
communications from the ground, anywhere in the western hemisphere.

The U.S. congress was recently told that, as a result of levelling the
playing field, American companies gained 

[CTRL] (Fwd) APFN Alert - Standoff in Idaho

2001-06-01 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

APFN Release:
(Idaho Standoff)

 Subject: Trouble in Paradise
 Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 20:16:09 -0700
 From: Edgar J. Steele -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My name is Edgar J. Steele. I am an attorney with an office in Sandpoint
Idaho. I have been asked by JoAn McGuckin to provide representation
to her
where her court-appointed attorney's representation ends, as well as for
her six children, now the subject of the highly publicized standoff in
Sagle, Idaho, which is the rural township where I maintain my personal
residence. Here is the statement I released to the press this afternoon:

Edgar J. Steele = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
102 South Fourth Avenue, Suite C
Sandpoint, Idaho 83864

Admitted in Idaho, Oregon, Washington  California

Facsimile: (208) 265-5329

Telephone:(208) 265-4153

PRESS RELEASE - IMMEDIATE May 31, 2001, 4:00 p.m., Sagle, Idaho

Contact: Edgar J. Steele, attorney for JoAnn McGuckin and her children

Sandpoint, Idaho. A modern American tragedy in the making. That’s
the Sagle, Idaho, McGuckin family “standoff” represents.

The McGuckin family home and the 40 acres upon which it stands were
recently sold for a pittance by the county government for past-due
brought only $50,000, while the property is in prime territory, with fully
half of Beaver Lake on its eastern edge.

Dad died recently, after a long and valiant struggle with multiple
sclerosis, not of “malnutrition and dehydration,” which has widely
falsely been reported as the cause of death. Just a couple days after this
tight-knit family buried Dad, county government lured her out with a
promise of money and free groceries, then arrested her, leaving them
to have to deal with the kids. That was a mistake, of course, but not their

Rather than allow this tightly-knit family a decent period to grieve the
loss of their beloved husband and father, the county government instead
doing its best to make the family’s worst nightmare come true.

For years, Mrs. McGuckin has been fearful of the government taking her
property and her kids. Today, that fear is realized, with the issuance of
an order through Child Protection Services, making the six children its
wards. Of course, the Sheriff can’t get near the house to make good
that order.

She has been jailed on a charge of felony child endangerment, allegedly
not providing a proper home for the children, including food, hygiene and

Well, admittedly the running water is off temporarily, because the well
pump broke and, what with Dad’s severe condition as his days drew
to a
close, they just didn’t have the time or the money to deal with it
properly. So, they drew water from the crystal-clear lake on their
for washing and to flush their toilets with.And, yes, the laundry did pile
up, but what family doesn’t have a few domestic backlogs when it
its patriarch?

And the children are home schooled, fact which makes them politically
incorrect, even by North Idaho standards.

But, they do have food, contrary to reports, and the power was hooked
and paid for when Mrs. McGuckin was arrested.

Are they armed?Who knows?Nobody has seen any weapons and no
gunshots have
been fired. Sheriff Jarvis has shown great prudence in executing the
he is lawfully obligated to follow.He did not cut off any essential
services, as has been reported.He has vowed to keep his men well
away from
the house and allow us time to effect a peaceful resolution to this crisis.

That resolution must begin with the release from custody of JoAnn
and the rescission of the order giving custody of her children over to the
government.Friends and family stand ready to accept responsibility for
children while Mrs. McGuckin puts her life in order and proves the
outrageous charges against herself to be false. However, the demand by
county Prosecuting Attorney that the bail, initially set for $10,000, be
elevated to $100,000, effectively guarantees that Mrs. McGuckin will not
given that opportunity.

We are now asking the court for a reduction in the bond requirement and
will then seek a modification to the CPS order, whereby the children are
given over, as a single unit, to the custody of a trusted family
friend.Then, we will take on these outlandish charges and give them the
ignominious end that they deserve. We are also investigating this
highly-questionable attempted seizure of the McGuckin family home.

Donations to the family can be made to:

McGuckin Family Trust,
PO Box 1255,
Sagle, ID 83860.




[CTRL] Trouble in Paradise....

2001-06-01 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

 Subject: Trouble in Paradise
 Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 20:16:09 -0700
 From: Edgar J. Steele -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My name is Edgar J. Steele. I am an attorney with an office in Sandpoint
Idaho. I have been asked by JoAn McGuckin to provide representation to her
where her court-appointed attorney's representation ends, as well as for her
six children, now the subject of the highly publicized standoff in Sagle,
Idaho, which is the rural township where I maintain my personal residence.
Here is the statement I released to the press this afternoon:

Edgar J. Steele = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
102 South Fourth Avenue, Suite C
Sandpoint, Idaho 83864

Admitted in Idaho, Oregon, Washington  California

Facsimile: (208) 265-5329

Telephone:(208) 265-4153

PRESS RELEASE - IMMEDIATE May 31, 2001, 4:00 p.m., Sagle, Idaho

Contact: Edgar J. Steele, attorney for JoAnn McGuckin and her children

Sandpoint, Idaho. A modern American tragedy in the making. That's what the
Sagle, Idaho, McGuckin family standoff represents.

The McGuckin family home and the 40 acres upon which it stands were recently
sold for a pittance by the county government for past-due taxes.It brought
only $50,000, while the property is in prime territory, with fully half of
Beaver Lake on its eastern edge.

Dad died recently, after a long and valiant struggle with multiple sclerosis,
not of malnutrition and dehydration, which has widely and falsely been
reported as the cause of death. Just a couple days after this tight-knit
family buried Dad, county government lured her out with a promise of money
and free groceries, then arrested her, leaving them only to have to deal
with the kids. That was a mistake, of course, but not their first.

Rather than allow this tightly-knit family a decent period to grieve the loss
of their beloved husband and father, the county government instead is doing
its best to make the family's worst nightmare come true.

For years, Mrs. McGuckin has been fearful of the government taking her
property and her kids. Today, that fear is realized, with the issuance
of an order through Child Protection Services, making the six children
its wards. Of course, the Sheriff can't get near the house to make good
on that order.

She has been jailed on a charge of felony child endangerment, allegedly
for not providing a proper home for the children, including food, hygiene
and education.

Well, admittedly the running water is off temporarily, because the well pump
broke and, what with Dad's severe condition as his days drew to a close, they
just didn't have the time or the money to deal with it properly. So, they drew
water from the crystal-clear lake on their property for washing and to flush
their toilets with.And, yes, the laundry did pile up, but what family doesn't
have a few domestic backlogs when it loses its patriarch?

And the children are home schooled, fact which makes them politically
incorrect, even by North Idaho standards.

But, they do have food, contrary to reports, and the power was hooked up and
paid for when Mrs. McGuckin was arrested.

Are they armed?Who knows?Nobody has seen any weapons and no gunshots have been
fired. Sheriff Jarvis has shown great prudence in executing the orders he is
lawfully obligated to follow.He did not cut off any essential services, as has
been reported.He has vowed to keep his men well away from the house and allow
us time to effect a peaceful resolution to this crisis.

That resolution must begin with the release from custody of JoAnn McGuckin
and the rescission of the order giving custody of her children over to the
government.Friends and family stand ready to accept responsibility for the
children while Mrs. McGuckin puts her life in order and proves the outrageous
charges against herself to be false. However, the demand by the county
Prosecuting Attorney that the bail, initially set for $10,000, be elevated to
$100,000, effectively guarantees that Mrs. McGuckin will not be given that

We are now asking the court for a reduction in the bond requirement and will
then seek a modification to the CPS order, whereby the children are given over,
as a single unit, to the custody of a trusted family friend.Then, we will take
on these outlandish charges and give them the ignominious end that they
deserve. We are also investigating this highly-questionable attempted seizure
of the McGuckin family home.

Donations to the family can be made to:

McGuckin Family Trust,
PO Box 1255,
Sagle, ID 83860.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives 

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] Plaintiff's new brief in suit against BIS, Fed, Treasury, and bullion banks

2001-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan


The plaintiff, Reginald H. Howe, submits this qualified
opposition to the separate motions of Paul O'Neill,
Alan Greenspan, and the Bank for International
Settlements for leave to file reply memoranda in
response to the plaintiff's consolidated opposition to
all defendants' motions to dismiss, including theirs.
Should the Court allow the filing of the memoranda
submitted with these motions, the plaintiff
respectfully requests that the Court also accept this
qualified opposition as the plaintiff's response

Statement of the Case

From March 15 through April 10, 2001, the defendants
filed seven motions to dismiss and two related
procedural motions, all supported by briefs having a
total combined length of 126 pages, including 45 pages
from Messrs. O'Neill and Greenspan and 20 from the BIS
in support of their four motions. On April 19, 2001, in
response to the defendants' entire barrage, the
plaintiff filed a consolidated opposition (cited as
CO) of 62 pages. Now, five weeks later, these three
defendants seek leave to file three additional
memoranda totaling 23 pages.

When reply briefs are allowed as of right in the
appellate courts, they must ordinarily be filed within
14 days of the principal briefs to which they respond.
Although these proposed reply memoranda thus stretch
reasonable limits of both total combined pages and time
for filing, the plaintiff does not urge their rejection
on these grounds if the Court believes that they might
nevertheless be helpful. However, since these reply
memoranda inaccurately, incompletely, or erroneously
describe important aspects of the matters addressed,
the plaintiff believes that they are unlikely to assist
the Court unless responded to in a way that not only
corrects these deficiencies but also may bring certain
key issues into better focus. Accordingly, that is the
purpose of this qualified opposition.



With respect to the Exchange Stabilization Fund, the
plaintiff does not rest his claim for damages against
former Treasury Secretary Summers simply on his use of
the ESF to deal in gold (O'Neill memo at 2), which
under certain circumstances and for certain reasons may
be permissible (CO 29), but on his use of the ESF for
the express purpose of manipulating gold prices. Nor
does the plaintiff assert that the Constitution
forbids the government from acting to depress the price
of gold (O'Neill memo at 3).

What the Constitution does forbid is what Congress has
not done: delegate to the president and the secretary
of the treasury authority to set the dollar gold price
in their uncontrolled and absolute discretion.

Far from questioning the power of Congress to regulate
the dollar value of gold (O'Neill memo at 3), the
plaintiff affirms this power. He asserts: 1) the
Constitution vests in Congress exclusive power to
determine the gold weight or value of the dollar (CO
25); 2) since 1971, Congress has by various acts
mandated that the gold value of the dollar be
determined solely by free market forces (CO 25-27); and
3) because of these actions by Congress, the president
and the secretary of treasury lack even colorable
authority to use the Exchange Stabilization Fund --
established in 1934 for the purpose of helping to
maintain the fixed $35/ounce gold price set by Congress
at that time -- to intervene in today's free gold
market for the purpose of manipulating, suppressing, or
otherwise affecting dollar gold prices (CO 27-29).

The O'Neill memo does not address any of these points,
and its silence on the last point is particularly
significant. Neither Secretary O'Neill nor the Justice
Department appears willing to argue publicly in
unambiguous language that former Treasury Secretary
Summers had authority, or at least a reasonable basis
to believe that he had authority, to use the ESF to
manipulate the free market price of gold. This
argument, could it be convincingly made, would undercut
the plaintiff's damage claims against Mr. Summers
because executive branch officials have a qualified
immunity for actions taken in a reasonable though
mistaken belief that they are constitutional (CO 24).
Failure to make this argument, however, supports the
plaintiff's assertion that Mr. Summers knew or should
have known that he lacked authority to manipulate gold
prices (CO 29-31).

The plaintiff's damage claims against Mr. Summers rest
on two causes of action that are also misstated in the
O'Neill memo.

The first arises under the Fifth Amendment, which
prohibits government officials from invading private
property rights without due process and supports a

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] 'Midas' commentary for May 31, 2001

2001-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan

Killer Move Down To End 21-Year Gold Bear Market 

May 31, 2001

  Gold $265.50 down 40 cents
  Silver $4.38 down 4 cents 

First, from John Brimelow: 

* * *

Indian ex duty premiums: AM $4.68, PM $5.32, with world 
gold at $267.20 and $266. Above legal import point, 
although showing understandable signs of shock. 

MarketVane's Bullish Consensus for gold fell 12 points 
to 43%, the biggest 1day fall since October '97, when 
gold first fell through $300. (The only other double- 
digit decline over the past 10 years occurred in 
November '93 as that bull move expired.) 

Amongst the very few positive wimpers, there is a 
marked tendency to hope for a large decline in open 
interest today, as evidence that the excessive spec 
long has been cut back. Standard London suggests that 
as much as 75% of the large spec long may have gone. 
However, if, as seems possible, predator funds were 
actively shorting over the past two days, this 
indicator might well prove misleading. Only when the 
CFTC data is published at the end of next week will it 
be possible to adjudicate this. 

A significant development last night was the 
capitulation of the dean of American newsletter 
writers, Richard Russell. Over quite a few years, 
Russell's strategy has been to watch gold closely, 
sometimes buying and sometimes selling shares and 
options, but constantly advocating the steady 
accumulation of bullion coins on a classical gold bug 
view. Consequently his comments on gold items below 
is particularly notable: 

What to do with the golds? Personally, I'm partially 
giving up. I sold half of my options, and I'm holding 
the other half, which don't expire until December. But 
the gold action is discouraging. I wouldn't buy any 
gold items here, and I wouldn't hold a bunch of gold 
items either. I repeat, damn it, more money has 
probably been lost on gold and silver than has ever 
been made. That's the metal markets, love 'em or leave 

Serious students of the gold market will want to read 
the LBMA conference paper by Herve Ferhani of the Bank 
of France on the gold leasing market. It appears at 
Ferhani makes clear the BOF's determination to force up 
lease rates and contract the volume of gold financing, 
which cannot have pleased those LBMA attendees sober 
enough to listen. 

-- JB 

* * *

Only two weeks ago the Richard Russells, Bill 
Fleckensteins, Lawrence Kudlows, et al., were explaining 
that gold was rallying because of increasing inflation 
expectations, etc. Gone overnight? How do they explain 
gold's meteoric rise and collapse? Perhaps they should 
contact Bill King: 

* * *

The King Report
Thursday May 31, 2001 

As we mentioned, yesterday was important for gold 
because futures settle next day, and the banker-broker 
cabal, under Fed protection, needed to push gold below 
last week's $275 breakout. Gold tanked $7.70 on 
increased central bank lending of gold (principally 
Asian central banks). Is it just a coincidence that 
central banks yesterday desired to increase their gold 
lending? What is the quid pro quo for the Asian banks 
that knocked gold? Anyone who doubts the conspiracy and 
its scope doesn't understand or pay attention to how 
markets work. 

The yen has strengthened noticeably against the dollar 
lately and gained 7 percent on the Euro -- a big move. 
Will the Japanese enter the gold-buying arena again as 
they have in the past? Some commentary on the Japanese: 

By Lance Lewis of 

Treasuries were uncharacteristically quiet with 
equities under so much pressure as the long end 
continues to sit near its lows and to be unable to even 
bounce. This may have something to do with noises 
coming out of Japan of late. My friend John Mesrobian 
pointed out an article a couple weeks ago in the Los 
Angeles Times by Kenichi Ohmae, who is advising Japan's 
new prime minister on economic matters. The article 
basically warned that Japan's financial institutions 
may be forced liquidate their U.S. assets in the next 
few months (the Japanese own 10 percent of U.S. 
treasuries and are the largest foreign holders) in 
order to clean up their chronic banking problems. 

Now that article in and of itself means nothing. But it 
may be worth giving a little credence to when taken 
together with the sharp rally in the yen last week, the 
inability of the bond market to rally over the last few 
days, recent statements by the Japanese government 
reflecting on the possibility of using Japan's foreign 
reserves as well as foreign assets to clean up their 
banking mess, and the fact that high-level Japanese 
government officials are in Washington today meeting 
with Secretary O'Neill and will meet with Uncle Al 
tomorrow. If the market is beginning to sniff out that 
the Japanese are planning to sell their U.S. treasury 
holdings, it would certainly explain a great many 

[CTRL] Fwd: Harvard Low Income Housing Story: Boston Globe Yesterday

2001-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan

[ Send this story to a friend | Easy-print version ] 

Rent agents called late- night intimidators 

By Thanassis Cambanis, Globe Staff Correspondent, 5/30/2001 

RAMINGHAM - Reinaldo M. Araujo never thought federal 
would bang on his door late at night demanding rent checks. So 
was distressed when at 10:30 one night, two men came to his 
saying they were federal court officers, and told him to start paying his 
to a company other than to his landlord.

But his fear turned to indignation when he discovered the men 
federal agents but representatives for a mortgage company that had 
control of the property after the landlord defaulted on a loan 

Now, Realty Financial Partners, a Boston group backed by Harvard, 
and other universities, stands accused of strong-arming a group of 
mainly immigrants, and sending representatives posing as FBI agents 
harass them - charges the company denies.

''I was very scared. It was late at night, and I thought soon I might have 
move from my apartment,'' Araujo said of the Feb. 28 visit.

Ten Brazilian and Central American tenants living in apartments owned 
Stanley Budryk have filed affidavits in Suffolk Superior Court alleging 
Realty Financial Partners sent a wave of men claiming to be FBI agents, 
marshals, and court officers to their apartments. They appeared in all 
buildings owned by Budryk, scattered at four locations 
Framingham, between 10:30 p.m. and midnight.

Yesterday, the tenants spoke to the Framingham chapter of the 
American Association, which scheduled a board meeting to discuss 

Through a spokesman, Realty Financial Partners issued a statement 
the charges ''ludicrous.'' After the group initiated foreclosure proceedings 
February, spokesman Bill Doncaster said, it sent an employee to 
Framingham properties to deliver written notices, telling tenants to 
future rent checks to Realty Financial Partners ''in accordance with 

''At no point did we or any of our agents misrepresent ourselves to 
holder of the mortgage, or the tenants,'' the statement said. ''Any 
that anyone from our staff represented themselves as anything other than 
representative of RFP is absolutely ludicrous, and simply didn't 

Harvard spokesman Joe Wrinn said officials had contacted the 
yesterday to ask about the allegations of impersonating federal 
''Obviously we don't think people should misrepresent themselves, 
according to information we have from Realty Financial Partners, 
didn't happen that way,'' Wrinn said. ''We believe what we've been 

Calls to Yale University's press office were not returned.

Framingham's human relations director, Karen Barrata, said she had 
contacted about the case but had not yet met with tenants.

Framingham Selectman Ginger Esty said the tenants might be afraid to file 
discrimination complaint because of their status as immigrants.

''They're picking on people who are really new to this country. These 
are probably petrified,'' said Esty, who called the alleged strong-arm 
unacceptable. ''Harvard should be more careful where they put 

Through a subsidiary called LR4A-JV Limited Partnership, Realty 
Partners bailed Budryk out of Chapter 11 reorganization bankruptcy 
February 2000 with a high-interest loan. When Budryk was unable to 
off the $1.35 million he still owed a year later when the loan matured, 
Financial Partners became legally entitled to start collecting rent 
from Budryk's eight rental properties. The group filed suit in Suffolk 
Court to assume control over the properties.

But when the group or its management company sent agents to the sites 
Feb. 28, the tenants felt their rights were violated.

''Two men came to my house and one asked if I speak English,'' Araujo 
in his affidavit. 

The court papers describe visits to all four properties between 10:30 
and midnight, in which representatives of Realty Financial Partners 
told tenants they were either ''FBI,'' ''federal agents,'' or ''federal 

Lucas Hernandez, who lives at the same Henry Street building as 
said two men woke him and his family at 11 p.m. ''They told me that 
were Boston federal agents and also told me to pay the rent to 
Hernandez said in his affidavit. The men then gave him some papers and 
he said. 

Ivanete de Oliveira, a Waushakum Street resident, said in her affidavit that 
man came to her door at 11:10 p.m. and flashed a badge, then told her 
to give her rent checks to Budryk.

''He give 

[CTRL] Fwd: Process Church of the Final Judgment

2001-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 It was rumoured that in the late 1970s she started an occult bookshop
in Toledo, Ohio, under the name Circe, but this hasn¹t been

 It has now. I met Circe, a very seductive satanic witch, in Toledo in
the '70s. She ran the shop on Collingwood Blvd., a street in the Old West
End chock-a-block with Christian churches of all denominations, the Jewish
Community Center and an imposing gothic Catholic cathedral with enormous
flying buttresses. Circe took me to her bedroom (we got along okay) to the
side of the shop, which had a large pentagram on the ceiling. It gave me the
chills and I made excuses to leave. Nothing happened. I can't swear that she
was Mary Ann McClean, but I did meet Circe. As a teenager, I also stumbled
into the Process Church in Boston. The black robes gave me the creeps, I
made excuses and left. As an adult, I moved to L.A., and a spin-off of the
Process was holding rituals in the woods nearby ‹ at the former Errol Flynn
estate. One day, I found a circle of stones, had a hunch and dug with my
fingers and immediately found a buried animal bone. All around me were
eucalyptus trees, some fallen, with Mr. Crowley and satanic symbols
painted on them. It gave me the creeps and I left... Alex Constantine


Death-worshipping church or apocalyptic prophets? GARY LACHMAN
investigates the Process Church of the Final Judgement, a Sixties movement
with a far-reaching influence.

Accused of being a black-caped, black-garbed, death-worshipping church
with ranks of mindless hooded snuffoids, they believed they were
visionaries warning of the coming apocalypse. In the wake of the shootings
at Columbine and with cult activity on the increase, this could have been
ripped from the mainstream headlines throughout 1999. But at the end of the
hippie dream, these were the charges levelled at one of the most
controversial cults of the Sixties: the Process Church.
In 1963, two people met at the L Ron Hubbard Institute of Scientology on
Fitzroy Street, London. They were both studying to be Œauditors¹. Based on
his earlier system of Dianetics, Œauditing¹ was Hubbard¹s method of
discovering and eliminating Œengrams,¹ the psychic residue from past
traumas. The aim of auditing was to become Œclear,¹ to wipe the psychic
slate clean and become, in effect, a kind of superman, no longer enthralled
to neurotic fears and hang-ups.
Robert DeGrimston Moore (left) and Mary Ann McClean were both fascinated by
auditing and soon grew proficient. Although they came from considerably
different backgrounds, both were enthusiastic Scientologists. Born in
Shanghai in 1935, Robert had served in the military as a cavalry officer,
for awhile stationed in Malaya. He had a middle class upbringing, and had
studied as an architect. He boasted an IQ of 163 and claimed to have been a
member of MENSA. Tall, handsome, dreamy and charismatic, Robert was passive
and emotionally dependent. A perfect match, it turned out, for Mary Ann.
Born in Glasgow in 1931, Mary Ann had a different sort of life. Her father
left before she was born; not long after, her mother abandoned her. She was
raised by relatives in an atmosphere of poverty and neglect. Attractive,
driven and ambitious, by the early 1950s she had emigrated to the States;
it¹s a good chance she paid her way through prostitution. For a time she was
married to the US boxing champ Sugar Ray Robinson. In the early 1960s, Mary
Ann left Sugar Ray and moved to London. The split must have been profitable:
she took a lease on an expensive flat and set up a high class call-girl
service. She entertained some top flight customers, and had connections with
the Profumo scandal. Manipulative, demanding and volatile, she knew how to
exploit emotional needs and fostered dependence in those around her. She was
attracted to Robert¹s intelligence and charm. She knew she could use both,
and she did.
It was soon clear they were too intelligent and wilful to remain Hubbard¹s
followers. Robert (left) and Mary Ann had ideas of their own, and tested
these successfully on some clients. Security on Fitzroy Street was high;
when Mary Ann discovered her session rooms were bugged, she and Robert left.
Mary Ann, who was sensitive to appearances, convinced Robert to drop Moore,
which she thought sounded too common, and to adopt DeGrimston. They married
soon after, and in 1964 they set up their own system.
They were both interested in the work of Alfred Adler, a Freudian who had
broken away to develop his own ideas. Adler, who developed the idea of the
inferiority complex, believed that people were driven by what he called
Œsecret goals,¹ hidden agendas that gave rise to compulsions and neuroses.
The idea was to discover these goals and make them conscious. Putting Adler
and Hubbard together, Robert and Mary Ann created a new system ­ Compulsions
When they tried the new therapy on some friends, the results were


2001-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan

Don't let your checking account get abducted!!
ALIEN ENCOUNTERS Checks and Address Labels

The below was recently sent to me.
I'm just passing it on for all those who may be interested.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
It  has been forty years since Jerry Lewis was sent the telegram from the Democratic National
Committee inviting him to JFK's birthday party in 1961. JFK and Jerry
looked great together  in 1961. John F. Kennedy and Jerry at
the White House. JFK was born in Brookline, Massachusetts, on May 29,
1917. He would have been 84 years old  on May 29th, 2001. His brother
Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated 33 years ago on June 4th, 1968 .
One  of world famous Conspiracy  Theorist Barry Chamish's most
interesting   theories is that the late JFK  Jr. was interested in the
Rabin Assassination. I wonder why that would  be so.  One would think
that the assassination JFK Jr. would Most be  interested in would be
that of his own father, then US President John  F. Kennedy on November
22nd, 1963 in Dallas Texas. Perhaps there is a  connection however:
Rabin is alleged to have been in Dallas on  November 22nd, 1963. If
true Rabin would have been lured to Dallas by someone seeking to
blame Israel, and Jews in general for the JFK assassination.
Incidentally I do not agree with the bulk of Barry's theories but
questioning authority is always a good idea. Here below some pure
speculation on such matters: Mr.A. Harriman was the  partner in Brown
Brothers Harriman, with Prescott Bush, the father of former President
Bush and with former President Bush's grandfather  George Herbert
Walker. The W. in George W. Bush stands for Walker.  Former President
Bush's father Prescott Bush was a US Senator from  Connecticut. Former
President Bush was not a Senator himself, having been narrowly
defeated by Incumbent Democratic Party Senator Ralph Yarborough of
Texas in 1964 when George Herbert Walker Bush ran for the US Senate.
Interestingly enough Yarborough's bitter enemy, then Democratic
Governor of Texas, John Connally, later to become a
Republican, and a close friend of Republican US President Richard M.
Nixon, was the other person shot If Connally had died as a result of
his wounds a suspicion which would be hard to prove might have
surfaced: that Connally's arch -enemy, Yarborough, was someone behind
the assassination-Things in Texas often get settled with guns.-
Connally managed to survive being shot in Dallas,Texas on November
22nd, 1963 while riding in the same car as then US Democratic Party
President John F. Kennedy. Kennedy had come to Texas to try heal the
infamous Yarborough/Connally Feud. Yarborough was riding with LBJ in
the same motorcade. Connally had been then US President Richard M.
Nixon's first choice to replace him as Vice President When then US
Vice President Sprio T Agnew resigned. Unable to get Connally past the
US Republican Party, then headed by Bush Sr. Nixon settled on Gerald
R. Ford as his Vice President, Ford would later succeed Nixon after
the infamous last cabinet meeting Which was attended by Bush Sr. in
his role as head of the US Republican party, who told Nixon : Mr.
President, you HAVE to resign. This was the culmination of the
so-called Watergate Scandal in which the telephone number of former
A.Harriman Press Secretary , E. Howard Hunt, at the White House, was
discovered in the address book of one of the alleged  Watergate
burglars who comprised a mixed bunch of ex- CIA, ex -FBI,
professionals ,and others who had been involved in the Bay of Pigs
fiasco, the invasion of Cuba, which had allegedly been managed at
least in part by alleged Harriman former Press Secretary E. Howard.
Hunt, and long time alleged Harriman friend Bissell.. Called
Operation Zapata, the invasion of Cuba took place at a time in which
Bush Sr. had allegedly been involved in an oil company named Zapata
Oil. The 2 ships in the Cuban harbor at the time of the Bay of Pigs
invasion were named The Barbara and The Houston. By another
interesting coincidence George Bush Sr. lived in Houston and was
married to Barbara. What an interesting coincidence it was for this
bunch to take along an address book on their burglary at the
Watergate which happened to have E. Howard Hunt's address in it.
Hunt is also alleged by some to have been one of the so-called Three
Tramps in Dallas on November 22nd, 1963 A.Harriman is of course
the person who was the former partner of Bush  Sr.s Father and
Grandfather in Brown Brothers Harriman. It 

[CTRL] Fwd: Correction: Gemstone Was Not an Influence

2001-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan

the gemstone file 
by Alex Burns ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - December 20, 2000
Grand narratives and unified theories are now prevalent in conspiriology
literature. The 'Gemstone File' cast the die for Val Valerian, William Cooper,
John Coleman, Alex Constantine, Jim Marrs, and David Icke

  Once again, I'm forced to correct Alex Burns at Disinformation.Com. I
have never read the Gemstone Files. I did glance at it six years ago and
concluded it was largely disinformation ... never looked at it again.
 Burns is mistaken, as usual. I object to this statement, and to the
ludicrous contention that this leftist belongs in the company of Cooper,
Coleman, Icke or Marrs. Insulting.
 The writers who did cast my die: George Seldes, Charles Higham, Mae
Brussell, Dick Russell, Sayers  Kahn, Christian  Turner, Paul Krassner,
Donald Freed and others on the LEFT.

‹ Alex Constantine



2001-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan

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Chuck wrote

When I read George Bush's Files it happened a little differently.

Nelson Rockefeller ordered Richard Nixon to appoint Gerald Ford as Vice President. 
Gerald Ford had done a
good job on the Warren Commission conducting the cover up of the assassination of John 
F. Kennedy and the
framing of Oswald for the assassination.

In 1973 Nelson Rockefeller ordered Richard Nixon to form the DEA just after Water Gate 
so future CIA
operations could be conducted under the cover of law as drug investigation under the 
protection of
warrants. The DEA replaced the CIA inside the United States and from that time on ran 
the drugs and did
the investigations and assassinated the political witnesses and targets to protect the 
massive corruption
in the government.

Next Nelson Rockefeller then ordered Gerald Ford to appoint him as Vice President so 
he could personally
complete the cover up of Water Gate which was a CIA operation that had gone wrong, 
which was suppose to of
gathered information on improper donations to be used against the Democrats in the 
coming elections to fix
the election for the Republicans.

Nelson Rockefeller then headed the commission investigating the CIA with George Bush 
being the director of
the CIA. The crooks investigating the crooks. That cover up lead to the designing of 
the devices they use
against us being cover up.

In the files we had Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and George Bush and many of the others 
all worked for
Nelson Rockefeller. Nelson Rockefeller ordered the assassination of John F. Kennedy 
and Robert Kennedy and
had Ted Kennedy framed at Chappaquiddick for the death of Mary Joe so he could never 
become president. We
even had George Bush's plans to kill John F. Kennedy Jr. They were going to promote 
him in their
newspapers, magazines and on TV and radio knowing that they were going to assassinate 
him after he became
a threat to them and became at least 35 years of age. If he had lived he would of 
become president in the

Cover ups are easy when you are the people conducting the investigation. The secret of 
the cover up of the
assassination of John F. Kennedy was to take the investigation out of the hands of 
Congress where it would
be openly investigated and put it in the hands of a few trusted people that worked for 
Nelson Rockefeller.
Then conduct the investigation in secret and classify the information for 100 years. 
This was the Warren
Commission which was the cover up of the Kennedy assassination.

We even had how the CIA had injected Jacky Kennedy to monitor and control her and how 
she would die from
the exposure to the bugging device of lymphatic cancer as she became older and her 
immune system became
less active. The device they used was similar to the devices they use on us and they 
were able to control
who she met with by controlling her feelings and making her sick on days she would be 
scheduled to meet
with people they didn't want her to talk to. Remote controlled humans. George Bush 
considered her the
greatest threat to the empire. George Bush believed that anyone she openly campaigned 
for was assured to
become the next president of the United States. They injected her and made sure she 
would not be able to
campaign for anyone.

We also had the files on how Ronald Reagan had been picked by Nelson Rockefeller to be 
the actor to play
the part of the president for the director of the CIA George Bush. Nelson Rockefeller 
wanted to become
president himself but he had to many skeletons in his closet to be elect able so he 
used George Bush. He
then died with his brother David taking command of the family and completing the plans 
to retake the

I was tortured for writing this letter and I have been framed as being a drug dealer 
and tortured for 24
years in the cover up of what I just wrote you. Chuck

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2001-06-01 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 31 May 2001, Steve Wingate wrote:
And even in the highly unlikely case of a few live viruses being in the water,
how do the propose that the virus enter the bloodstream of the body.
(Probably from the broken glass that they will claim might be found in the
pool. -- No, from mosquitoes that might breed near the pool. :)

In my neck of the woods (or fields or beaches) the bigger scare from
mosquitoes breeding in standing pools of water is West Nile Virus...last
week they found a crow which died of the virus in the next town over, but
unlike NY my state is taking a more conservative approach via placing
larvacides in breeding pools instead of indiscriminate spraying...


Check out Alternative Kite radio:

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Israelis Plan Blitzkrieg

2001-06-01 Thread Aleisha Saba

Maybe this will be the lit match to start a real holocaust in Holy Land?

The prophecy of Mormon Church is that 5 nations will wipe Israel off the
map - Syria will be a leader of the pack.

As Sharon said the Arabs have the oil, but he has the match?   And who
will light the match?  And who will blow up the oil fields?   For all
are wired to go if Israel or anybody ever attempts to take them over.

Day is coming when we will tell hem all to go straight to hell an drink
that oil...for water will be more precious than oil

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  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\©http://www.MiddleEast.Org 
  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups, 
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know! 
  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


MID-EAST REALITIES © - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 6/01/01:
For a long time now we have been desperately warning about what the true Israeli 
intentions are.  We have also been warning that the Palestinians are not at all 
prepared for these eventualities, neither with the terrible leadership provided by the 
Palestinian Authority nor for the world-wide information and public relations battle 
that accompanies all major developments in our world these days.  And we have been 
warning as well that the situation in Washington is far worse for the Palestinians 
than their friends and supporters try to pretend, largely because the client 
organizations in their own way are just as bad as the client regimes who control 
them.  These three press reports point the direction of what may be coming...maybe 
soon now:


JERUSALEM — Special to World Tribune, 1 June:  
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has been presented with a
plan calling for the destruction of the Palestinian Authority in two 

It's clear that the continuation of the terrorism and the restraint 
cannot continue for
much longer, not more than a few days, Israeli President Moshe Katsav 
state-owned Israel Radio on Friday.

The plan presented by National Infrastructure Minister Avigdor 
Lieberman would
launch an Israeli military invasion of at least six major cities in 
the West Bank and
another four in the Gaza Strip, Middle East Newsline reported. Israeli 
troops would
be given at least two days to destroy Palestinian military 
installations, weapons
factories and arresting leaders of the Palestinian insurgency.

The Israeli capture of these cities would be brief, according to the 
plan. The West
Bank would then be divided into a series of provinces administered 
separately by
Palestinians. Israel would then discuss with new Palestinians leaders 
such issues as

We have to go into Area A [PA territory] and destroy the entire 
infrastructure, Lieberman said.

Israeli officials said the military has drawn up similar plans and 
they are now being
reviewed by Sharon. The officials said Sharon is expected to delay any 
Israeli attack
until after he returns from his European tour, which begins on Sunday. 
The prime
minister is scheduled to fly to Berlin, Brussels and Paris.

Katsav was speaking in Washington where he met his U.S. counterpart, 
Bush. Israeli sources said Katsav submitted to Bush a request from 
Sharon for an
additional $800 million in U.S. military aid pledged by the previous 

Sharon is under increasing pressure from some of his Likud Party and 
ministers as well as Jewish settlers to launch an offensive against 
the PA. On
Thursday, several Israelis were arrested during a demonstration in 
Jerusalem against
the government's policy of restraint. We need Winston Churchill and 
Chamberlain, Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, spiritual leader of the Jewish 
settlement of
Efrat, said.

PA officials said they are preparing for an Israeli onslaught. They 
said Israel has
waged a psychological warfare that seeks to sow strife within the 

PA gunners fired mortars early Friday toward Jewish settlements in the 

Re: [CTRL] Bush daughter allegedly tried to buy alcohol

2001-06-01 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 31 May 2001, BB wrote:
To cluck cluck gossip over a 19 year old having a beer is a ridiculous
waste of time, effort, net space and national attention.  Better to be
paying attention to the enemy.  Better to examine some real issues.

I think a symptom of the 'real issues' is the question why the press
treated Chelsea Clinton with kid gloves, to the point where even the
editor of her college newspaper wasn't allowed to write about her, but
the Bush daughters are fair game.

There was a news article within the past year reporting a drinking spree
the underaged Ms. C. Clinton partook in with some friends, but the story
disappeared quickly.  One should be asking why the media follows this
double standard...if negative coverage of the First Daughter of one
administration was verboten, why is it okay for another administration?


Check out Alternative Kite radio:

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Sandpoint, Id: A modern American tragedy in the making (fwd)

2001-06-01 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

It does seem that my speculation that this family's property was coveted
and is the root cause for the state arresting the mother and attempting
to confiscate the children is spot on...


-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 22:17:43 -0700
From: American Patriot Friends Network [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Sandpoint, Id: A modern American tragedy in the making

Re: Children, Dogs Hold Off Idaho Sheriff

 Original Message 
 Subject: Trouble in Paradise
 Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 20:16:09 -0700
 From: Edgar J. Steele -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My name is Edgar J. Steele. I am an attorney with an office in Sandpoint
Idaho. I have been asked by JoAn McGuckin to provide representation to her
where her court-appointed attorney's representation ends, as well as for her
six children, now the subject of the highly publicized standoff in Sagle,
Idaho, which is the rural township where I maintain my personal residence.
Here is the statement I released to the press this afternoon:

Edgar J. Steele = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
102 South Fourth Avenue, Suite C
Sandpoint, Idaho 83864

Admitted in Idaho, Oregon, Washington  California

Facsimile: (208) 265-5329

Telephone:(208) 265-4153

PRESS RELEASE - IMMEDIATE May 31, 2001, 4:00 p.m., Sagle, Idaho

Contact: Edgar J. Steele, attorney for JoAnn McGuckin and her children

Sandpoint, Idaho. A modern American tragedy in the making. That’s what the
Sagle, Idaho, McGuckin family “standoff” represents.

The McGuckin family home and the 40 acres upon which it stands were recently
sold for a pittance by the county government for past-due taxes.It brought
only $50,000, while the property is in prime territory, with fully half of
Beaver Lake on its eastern edge.

Dad died recently, after a long and valiant struggle with multiple sclerosis,
not of “malnutrition and dehydration,” which has widely and falsely been
reported as the cause of death. Just a couple days after this tight-knit
family buried Dad, county government lured her out with a promise of money
and free groceries, then arrested her, leaving them only to have to deal
with the kids. That was a mistake, of course, but not their first.

Rather than allow this tightly-knit family a decent period to grieve the loss
of their beloved husband and father, the county government instead is doing
its best to make the family’s worst nightmare come true.

For years, Mrs. McGuckin has been fearful of the government taking her
property and her kids. Today, that fear is realized, with the issuance
of an order through Child Protection Services, making the six children
its wards. Of course, the Sheriff can’t get near the house to make good
on that order.

She has been jailed on a charge of felony child endangerment, allegedly
for not providing a proper home for the children, including food, hygiene
and education.

Well, admittedly the running water is off temporarily, because the well pump
broke and, what with Dad’s severe condition as his days drew to a close, they
just didn’t have the time or the money to deal with it properly. So, they drew
water from the crystal-clear lake on their property for washing and to flush
their toilets with.And, yes, the laundry did pile up, but what family doesn’t
have a few domestic backlogs when it loses its patriarch?

And the children are home schooled, fact which makes them politically
incorrect, even by North Idaho standards.

But, they do have food, contrary to reports, and the power was hooked up and
paid for when Mrs. McGuckin was arrested.

Are they armed?Who knows?Nobody has seen any weapons and no gunshots have been
fired. Sheriff Jarvis has shown great prudence in executing the orders he is
lawfully obligated to follow.He did not cut off any essential services, as has
been reported.He has vowed to keep his men well away from the house and allow
us time to effect a peaceful resolution to this crisis.

That resolution must begin with the release from custody of JoAnn McGuckin
and the rescission of the order giving custody of her children over to the
government.Friends and family stand ready to accept responsibility for the
children while Mrs. McGuckin puts her life in order and proves the outrageous
charges against herself to be false. However, the demand by the county
Prosecuting Attorney that the bail, initially set for $10,000, be elevated to
$100,000, effectively guarantees that Mrs. McGuckin will not be given that

We are now asking the court for a reduction in the bond requirement and will
then seek a modification to the CPS order, whereby the children are given over,
as a single unit, to the custody of a trusted family friend.Then, we will take
on these outlandish charges and give them the ignominious end that they
deserve. We are also investigating this highly-questionable attempted seizure
of the McGuckin family home.

Donations to the family can be made to:

McGuckin Family 

[CTRL] No Wonder Freeh is Resigning?

2001-06-01 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Lous Freeh signed a certification that all evidence has now been turned

Does it make a difference?   Maybe not in the case of McVeigh but what
about others sent to Court hanged before the hearing and why conceal any
evidence?  What about KGB viritually having an office in the FBI under

MSNBC should be hauled into court for some of the information they are
putting out also about the kids in the stand-off.they say now the
mother was alcoholic, made reference to kids being held hostage (this
stupid Dr. Audrey was on so excited) until a guest on show reminded this
stupid woman this was not hostage situation.   Building case for federal
violations against little kids and their dogs?Dare not shoot or
murder the kids and dogs after Waco and Ruby Ridge..MSNBC should be
sued and cited for attempting to create another Waco?

Considering Waco and Ruby Ridge,  I say the kids have a right to be
scared - at least now we see what a liar Freeh really was - and has been
all along.

Who fired first shot at Ruby Ridge?   Agents for Clinton or Agents for
KGB - or both?

Nice item here -  Timothy McVeigh has nothing to lose - he claimed he
did not know about the nursery - but that day in Oklahoma, the FBI and
BATF who stayed home along with a judge who had been warned did know?

Timothy took orders all his life, he did not give them..he knows by
now the conspirators are not coming to his rescue - he has been double
crossed maybe triple crossed?   Wonder he is still alive - for he
dropped a few clues that some of the people with whom he had obviously
made a covenant of death - are still around.


June 1, 2001
McVeigh Lawyers, Seeing Fraud, Ask Judge for Stay of Execution


 Reuters Timothy J. McVeigh's lawyers spoke Thursday about his request
for a stay of execution. Above are Richard Burr and Robert Nigh Jr. at
the federal prison Terre Haute, Ind., where the execution is scheduled
for June 11.

TERRE HAUTE, Ind., May 31 — Lawyers for Timothy J. McVeigh today asked
the federal judge who sentenced him to death for his role in the
Oklahoma City bombing to grant him a stay of execution, saying that Mr.
McVeigh wanted to hold the government responsible for failing to produce
thousands of pages of evidence at his trial.

He is scheduled to die by lethal injection at the federal penitentiary
here on June 11.

The lawyers, citing 4,449 pages of newly discovered F.B.I. documents
they have received in recent days, also asked the judge, Richard P.
Matsch, for a hearing to determine how and why the evidence was withheld
and whether other exculpatory evidence was still being withheld. In
papers filed today, they said they intended to argue that the federal
government had perpetrated a fraud on the court by not handing over
the documents during the trial.

Mr. McVeigh's lawyers, Robert Nigh Jr. of Tulsa and Richard Burr of
Houston, who held a news conference after meeting with Mr. McVeigh at
the federal penitentiary here, filed their brief under seal in the
federal court in Denver this afternoon. The brief included 300 pages of
exhibits, including an F.B.I. interview report that the lawyers said
they had received yesterday, after its author, Ricardo Ojeda, a former
F.B.I. special agent, appeared on television saying he believed that
possibly exculpatory evidence he had obtained was withheld from the

Mr. McVeigh, who gave up his appeals last December, is seeking the stay
because he wants to promote integrity in the criminal justice system,
Mr. Nigh said, adding that the Department of Justice and the F.B.I.
will not otherwise be held to account unless he takes this action.

To win a stay, Mr. McVeigh's lawyers must convince the judge that they
need more time to review the documents. To be granted a new trial, their
hurdle is higher: they would have to show that something in the withheld
documents had prevented Mr. McVeigh from receiving a fair trial, or cast
doubt on his guilt.

In accusing the F.B.I. of a fraud on the court, Mr. McVeigh's lawyers
suggested that the government had deliberately withheld documents and
had, even now, failed to fully disclose all the documents it was
required to produce, despite the assurances of Attorney General John
Ashcroft. Mr. Ashcroft said last week that the F.B.I. director, Louis J.
Freeh, had signed a certification that all F.B.I. documents had been
turned over.

Several lawyers said today that to show the government's conduct was
improper, defense lawyers would have to present evidence to the judge
indicating that the documents had been withheld deliberately by F.B.I.
agents who knew they were obliged to disclose them. So far, Mr. Freeh
has acknowledged that not turning over the documents was a serious
error, but unintentional.

Moreover, defense lawyers would be required to show that the withheld
documents were relevant to their defense of Mr. McVeigh and could have
affected the jury's consideration of the case against 

[CTRL] SNET: UN Assembly Approves Pact Against Gun Trafficking (fwd)

2001-06-01 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-

visit my web site at
My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2001 10:37:08 -0400
Subject: SNET: UN Assembly Approves Pact Against Gun Trafficking

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Arms Transfers to Israel: 1993 to Present (fwd)

2001-06-01 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Arms Transfers to Israel: 1993 to Present

The U.S. administration has notified Congress of the following proposed
government-negotiated Foreign Military Sales (FMS) agreements, export
licenses for industry-negotiated Direct Commercial Sales (DCS), or leases
of military equipment to Israel. The Arms Export Control Act requires only
that the administration notify Congress of FMS and DCS valued at $14
million or more. Sales below that threshold are not recorded here.

Read full report here:

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Illegal aliens may pay less for college

2001-06-01 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-,2933,26012,00.html

Education Bill for Illegal Immigrants Stirs Debate

Fox News

Wednesday, May 30, 2001
By William La Jeunesse

LOS ANGELES — Illegal immigrants pursuing a college
degree would be given legal status in the United
States under legislation making its way through

But critics are blasting the bill, saying those who
cross the border illegally could eventually pay less
than U.S. citizens to get a college degree. They say
legal status would give immigrants access to student
aid and possible breaks on in-state tuition for state

The bill, introduced in the House of Representatives
by Reps. Howard Berman (D-Calif.), Lucille
Roybal-Allard (D-Calif.) and Chris Cannon (R-Utah),
would provide relief only for students under 21 who
have lived in America more than five years, and who
are currently in the country.

The legislation also would give states the right to
decide whom it charges for in-state tuition, which
could pave the way for illegal immigrants to get
discounts on college costs.

It's hard to conceive of another country where people
can come illegally and have all other taxpayers
footing their bill, said Arnold Steinberg, chief
strategist with the California Civil Rights

Berman and Roybal-Allard refused to speak with Fox
News. But Berman said in a statement that the bill is
designed for those not eligible for aid and who cannot
afford out-of-state tuition.

We all suffer when good students in our communities
are prevented from completing their education and
realizing their potential, he said.

But critics maintain that could mean a Mexican citizen
studying in California would pay less  than an
American citizen from Iowa studying at the same

Steinberg said Americans will, in effect, subsidize
the education of illegal immigrants, even when
struggling to finance the education of their own
children. What it really means is that all
distinctions should disappear and the whole idea of
citizenship has lost its worth and value, he said.

In his statement, Berman said the law would help the
children of those who crossed the border, who he said
had no choice but to come with their parents.

This is not an amnesty, he said. Amnesty is for
people who have done something wrong. These kids had
no choice.

The bill, introduced May 21, has been assigned to the
House Judiciary Committee and the Committee on
Education and the Workforce.

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[CTRL] Eco-hypocrites

2001-06-01 Thread Yardbird

Free Congress Foundation's
Notable News Now
Excerpts from FCF Programming and Other FCF Projects
June 1, 2001

The Free Congress Guest Commentary
by Frederick B. Meekins

To the undiscerning, environmentalism connotes an effort by the selfless and
altruistic to save the planet and create a better quality of life for all
creatures dwelling upon it.  However, closer scrutiny reveals these efforts
are little more than a front to impose near total control upon the lives of
average citizens.

According to the April 24th editorial appearing in suburban Maryland's
Prince George's Journal, most Americans would be shocked to learn that, in
the minds of some, our obligations to the biosphere transcend the perennial
dilemma between paper or plastic.  Some green radicals contend these
responsibilities ought to impact and reshape every facet of existence.

The Journal editorial lists a number of these suggestions available at a
website called  Among these include picking up other
people's litter, living in smaller houses, or renting rooms out to others if
you own a larger home, using public transportation, and not going out as

In other words, the only way to save the environment is through the
diminution of personal freedom and one's sense of individuality.  Each of
the suggestions above requires that we relinquish control over our own lives
to various communal authorities.

For example, relying on mass transportation means having less control over
when one goes out and where one goes.  Living in more compact residential
arrangement means neighbors will be able to get into your business to a
greater degree, especially when they share housing with you.

A common tenet regarding public policy contends that today's voluntary
guideline will eventually become tomorrow's mandatory regulation.  In the
future, citizens will probably be compelled to dwell in collective housing
units, no doubt being encouraged to report to the authorities any
counterrevolutionary attitudes found among their housemates longing for
the individualism of the good ole days.

Employees at the University of Maryland will soon be subject to seeing this
kind of process first hand.  A memo was distributed detailing an upcoming
transportation survey conducted by the University's Department of
Environmental Safety to determine how many employees ay the College Park
campus use alternative modes of transportation and why some insist of
committing eco-atrocities by driving alone to work.

Frankly, it's nobody's business how someone gets to work, whether one rides
in on a mule cart or hovers in by jetpack.  Most employees aren't provided a
palatial mansion on campus like that enjoyed by the school's President.

The memo reads, Your responses will be integral to developing incentives
and improving transportation services to the campus.  In other words, this
is no mere exercise at information collection.  This information will be
used to impact the lives of university employees, no doubt punishing those
who continue to pursue their lives apart from the collective.  Students at
the University's School of Architecture have already drawn up plans to
redesign the campus into an auto-free school zone.

Maybe University President Dan Mote has a few rooms he can spare in that
mansion the school provides him.  Since us dumb regular folk are supposed to
surrender living space, shouldn't the same sacrifice be made of those deemed
to be society's leaders?

Often government officials couch these kinds of issues not even  related to
the missions of their assorted agencies in terms henceforward causing them
to fall within their respective jurisdictions.

For example, in Picture Maryland (Where Do We GO From Here?): A Citizen's
Guide to Shaping the Future of Maryland, published by the State Department
of Natural Resources with funds from the federal Environmental Protection
Agency, the ubiquitous environmental boogieman urban sprawl has been cast as
a public health threat since it is blamed for increased reliance upon
automobiles which supposedly leads to the epidemics of obesity and
cardiovascular disease  and social pathologies such as traffic accidents and
sedentary lifestyles.

If the response to the current hoof and mouth crisis sweeping Europe is to
serve as any indication, governments are exceedingly quick to use these
kinds of challenges as an excuse to rein in their populations through
excessive control.  Maryland has already canceled an upcoming 4-H rally out
of fear of this pestilence.  For the geographically challenged, it should be
remembered that Maryland isn't even in Europe.

In the future, Americans could find themselves forced out of their homes
into the tight confines of eco-hamlets with their neighbors on grounds as
preposterous as a spate of consecutive bad air days or a region's
consumption of too many fossil fuels.

To combat urban sprawl, the State of Maryland suggests that residents be
initially motivated through 

[CTRL] Sad story of a 3 year old....

2001-06-01 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Recently police were condemned for arresting a mother who permitted her
three children to ride in back seat of car, one of whom was only 2 or 3
as I recall, with their heads hanging out of the window alleged to be
looking for a lost toy which one has tossed out the window.

The Supreme Court took the case and ruled an officer can make arrest on
scene; usually a summons is written and subject ordered to Court so the
woman in question had been riding around like this before.The
officer has been really taken over the coals - I side with the officer,
the citation he issued may have saved their livies.the kids did not
have on their seat belts and this woman was put into the slammer maybe
until she got the message - for I would have gotten her for endangering

So this little girl, the mother must have had friends who understood the
situation but I believe she would have rather traded places with the
woman who went to jail


by Larry Roberts

Columbus, OH. May 31 -- A Ross County child is dead after getting her
head and neck stuck in a rolled-up car window.

 It happened Wednesday night in Londonderry in the western part of Ross

NewsChannel 4's Larry Roberts talked to the girl's mother.

It's a shocking story, and something you'd never expect to happen,
especially to your child. The victim was a little three-year-old girl.

The family car, a 1996 Chevy Blazer became a death trap for little
Destiny Sprouse. The vehicle was parked in a driveway as her mother was
behind the wheel talking to a friend outside.

Jackie Archie said as they were leaving, she thinks her little girl hit
the electric window button with her knee, rolling up the window on her

I didn't know it was up that far on here, but she was lifeless,
Destiny's mother, Jackie Archie said. She fell into the back floorboard
and I got her up I ran into the house and I was yelling call 9-1-1 and
we gave her CPR when we got in there.

Little Destiny was sitting in the back seat directly behind her mother.
And it wasn't even a minute, just long enough for me to stick the car
in reverse, I didn't even move because I turned around, Destiny's
mother said.

The parents had the Blazer towed away, saying they never wanted to see
it again. The wrecker driver is a close friend of the family. She was a
little baby doll, everybody loved her, said Charles Field, towing
company owner. She's like one of my own grandchildren… just a sweet
lovable little girl.   (now maybe these parents were financially well
off to dump a car - or have police connections not to have been issued
some type of citation - but that would not do any good for the little

Destiny was pronounced dead at Adenda Medical Center in Chillicothe. The
Ross County Sheriff's Department is investigating the incident as an
accident and says no charges will be filed.

You can read more about this story in Friday's Chillicothe Gazette.

 MSNBC is optimized for:
• Microsoft Internet Explorer

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) APFN Alert - Standoff in Idaho

2001-06-01 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

The victims are being portrayed as “paranoid” because they believe the
government is trying to take their land and break up their family. Yet,
by the government’s own admission, these charges are precisely true. The
family’s belief that the father’s MS was caused by environmental
pollutants is entirely within the realm of plausibility. By definition,
it’s only paranoia if one’s beliefs are not grounded in reality. 

This family is being persecuted because they are poor, and because their
land is valuable. If they were Of Color, the Left would be outraged. But
alas, they are white, so the Left is doing nothing to support them.
Racism cuts both ways. For shame, Leftists, for shame.

=CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Putting the dirt back into politics

2001-06-01 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Putting the dirt back into politics,3604,498878,00.html

US Democrat Bob Mulholland introduced
Labour to the Excalibur computer system,
and they haven't looked back since

Ed Harriman
Thursday May 31, 2001
The Guardian

Bob Mulholland is the US Democrats' leading dirty trickster. He's been an
informal adviser to Millbank for years. Mulholland is widely hated by
American Republicans, especially in his home state of California.That guy's
brought political discourse down to a new low level, Mike Madrid, former
political director of California's Republican party recently told me. He
thinks that Mulholland is totally cynical, destroying opponents personally
and driving down voter turnout. Total scumbag, said one of his colleagues.
You might say that with Republicans carping like that, Mulholland must be
doing something right. But no, Labour wants him kept in the closet.

Which is a pity. Because Mulholland has played a key role as Labour has
remodelled itself on cut-throat US politics. He's also shown them the black
arts of how to rubbish opponents with their powerful Excalibur computer,
about which Millbank is so secretive.

I happen to know and like Mulholland, a Vietnam vet who has a refreshingly
visceral commitment to democratic elections. As he's fond of saying, If
there's no knives and guns and it's legal, then what the hell, that's
politics. He showed up at the press conference of a California Republican
running on a family values platform with a large photograph of the guy in
a strip club. He threatened to expose the sexual delinquencies (there were
many) of Republican members of the judiciary committee who were impeaching
Bill Clinton. He dreamed up having Bob Dole followed around by Democrats
dressed as walking cigarettes - Mr Puff - in 1996 so Dole couldn't shrug
off his support from the tobacco industry.

For Mulholland, who is fiercely loyal, it's all good fun and keeps the
juices running. He calls it the General Patton school of campaigning. Get in
your opponent's face and keep shooting. As he says, people don't remember
the good things about your guy. They remember the bad things about the other
guy. That's what sticks. You gotta go negative to win.

What this means is simple. You dig up everything you can on your opponent -
a divorce, bankruptcy, child support problems. Then you throw it at them.

Pundits who prefer to believe that British politics is still the sport of
gentlemen don't like to admit to Mulholland's role, even though he is a
member of the Democratic National Committee and party spokesman in
California. Yet his contribution to reinventing the Labour machine - and
with it the creeping Americanisation of British politics - has been

Margaret McDonagh and Alan Bernard first came to see Mulholland after the
1992 election defeat. The meeting was set up - ironically - through the US
embassy in London. George Bush was then president. McDonagh was then
Labour's deputy secretary and Bernard, who now works for the Football
Association, was head of campaigns. More meeting followed.

Mulholland believes UK political culture used to be too polite. Candidates
took hours responding in turn to each other's press conferences. So he told
McDonagh that you have to come back hard, as Mulholland puts it, right in
the guy's face, interrupt his press conference. Then you make the news. You
get the headline.

But Mulholland did more. In 1995, a Labour team which included John Carr, a
computer consultant, met him in California. He explained how important the
Democrats' new computer had become. As the CIA and the Czech secret police
were using it, he felt it must be good. It also revolutionised his dirty
tricks - comparison politics - operation. He didn't have to send
researchers out on the street to dig up dirt on the opposition. Computers
meant they could collect it sitting at a desk and pull it all together.
Which means that today you can hit your opponent, faster, harder.

The Labour team went to San Diego and visited the computer programme
manufacturer, then called Excalibur Technologies.

Then Millbank set up its now well known Rapid Rebuttal Unit under Alan
Bernard. Since then Mulholland has made several trips to Britain, some off
his own bat, others arranged by the Labour party, to address activists,
offer advice and share trade secrets.

One of the San Diego Americans who saw the Labour delegation told me
Excalibur can handle huge amounts of unstructured information from over 200
different formats. Which means that Labour today can download and scan
information about anyone it wants to, from just about any source, to build
personal files on those people which it can then access and retrieve

According to him, someone in Millbank finally leaked it because they felt a
progressive party shouldn't be hiding these sorts of thing which are, after
all, perfectly legal.

The company says their customers include MI5, MI6, 

[CTRL] Fwd: HIV surges among young gays

2001-06-01 Thread Aleisha Saba

Love this Centers for Disease Prevention yet they continually throw
these people at the boy scouts and want to teach sodomy in the schools?

Oh then they have the HIV and AIDS Cocktail - simply wonderful, how

One would think under disease prevention they would consider the major
cause of this horrendous disease.meanwhilel, guard your children and
the little cub scouts.


Center for Disease Prevention?   Why not just call it Center for
Genocide by Promoting Homosexuality and Lesbianism?


HIV surges among young gays
New infections return
to mid-1980s levelsWatch a video of the NBC Nightly News report.By
Charlene Laino

May 31 —  About one in seven young, gay black men in major U.S.
cities is newly infected with HIV, an alarming new government survey
shows. Overall, new infection rates among young urban gays of all races
are as high as those recorded at the peak of the epidemic in the 1980s,
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Thursday.
[Saba Note:   Now I wonder why the alarming increase in this disease
among the urban gays and wonder about those who are bi sexual and their
contributions to our society]


Report Issued June 1, 2001 
       HIV IS SPREADING at stunning rates among urban gay men
who are too young to recall the beginnings of the AIDS epidemic two
decades ago, the CDC said.
       In a six-city study conducted between 1998 and 2000, 4.4
percent of homosexual and bisexual men aged 23 to 29 were newly infected
with HIV each year, the researchers reported.
       The figure was even more staggering among young blacks
— almost 15 percent of African Americans in this age group were
infected annually, the report showed. That's nearly five times as high
as the rates among whites and Latinos combined in the study.
       The overall high rate of new infections, combined with
recent increases in STDs and risky behaviors among gay men, suggests the
possibility of a resurgence of the disease in the gay population, the
CDC said.
       Infection rates among gay men dropped precipitously in
several cities after the intensive preventive efforts of the 1980s, said
Dr. Helene Gayle, director of CDC's National Center for HIV, STD, and TB
       But now we're seeing these extremely high overall rates
and really frightening rates among blacks — numbers similar to those
we saw in the beginning of the epidemic, during some of the peak years,
she said.
       Ironically, in some ways, the war on AIDS has become a
victim of its own successes, she noted, pointing to studies that show a
growing complacency among young men growing up in a era when potent drug
combinations can keep the virus in check.
       Thanks to the powerful drug cocktails that have
transformed AIDS from an almost certain death sentence into a chronic
manageable disease for many, some people think the disease is less
serious, Gayle said. And because they view it as less serious, these
people are less concerned about taking risks. Even if they do get sick,
they figure they can be treated.
       In one study released by the same group earlier this
year, for example, almost half of young urban homosexual reported having
unprotected anal sex during the past six months.
 HIV in seven U.S. cities* Both new infection and overall infection
rates among gay men aged 15 to 22 rose from the mid-90s to the late 90s.
Black4.0%14.7%14.1%  30%Hispanic1.8%3.5%  6.9%  15%White2.4%2.5%  3.3%   7%
*Cities surveyed: Baltimore, Dallas, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, San
Francisco, Seattle
**Percent newly infected with HIV annually.
***Percent infected with HIV, regardless of when they became infected.
SOURCE: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
       While cautioning that the sample size was small and the
findings may not be representative of all gay men, the extremely high
rate of new infections points to the critical need for public health
interventions, particularly in black communities, Gayle said.
       According to the CDC, blacks are increasingly bearing the
brunt of the epidemic regardless of their sexual orientation. Of the
some 40,000 new infections last year, more than half were among blacks.
And black women are four times more likely to carry the virus than their
white counterparts.
       The government's goal: to cut in half HIV infections
among all Americans within five years.
This page is too big to be shown completely.

[CTRL] The Internet and the Israeli Media Monopoly

2001-06-01 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


The Internet threat to truly honest reporting

'In the States, the Internet is challenging the monopoly of pro-Israeli

28 May 2001


I don't use the internet. I've never sent an e-mail in my life. But I've
got to admit a new political fact. The internet is changing the American
view of the Middle East. For the first time in decades, the monopoly of
pro-American, pro-Israeli news ­ in The New York Times, The Washington
Post, the Los Angeles Times and the big US TV networks­ is being
challenged by the websites of dozens of European papers whose reporting on
the tragedy in the Middle East is far less skewed towards the Israeli-US
State Department point of view.

And the Israeli lobby groups in the States don't know how to react.
Several papers, including The Independent, have been bombarded by hundreds
of letters and e-mails from supposedly outraged American readers ­ most
of them from parts of the United States where The Independent, for
example, is not on sale ­ and many of them written in vitriolic, even
violent language. A number have been written in answer to an appeal from
an outfit called, which carries a series of
misleading and, in some cases, untruthful statements about my own

They are balanced, however, by large numbers of letters and e-mails asking
why the American press doesn't give the full coverage of events found in
The Independent and other European newspapers.

Among my recent mailbag has been a letter that wishes my swift departure
for Hell and eternal punishment (Dear Mr Shit Fisk, it begins), and
another from an American law student at Oxford who addressed me as You
evil, fucking man. The student, who said he was Jewish, added his phone
number to the letter and apologised for his language after I threatened to
take his letter to the police.

Of course, it was ever thus. The Bahraini press has cartooned me as a
rabid dog for revealing details of Arab secret- police torture ­ since
rabid dogs have to be exterminated, this was a threat, not a joke ­ and
the Egyptian press has called me a black crow for condemning Egypt's
fraudulent elections. An Arab student in the American Midwest is e-mailing
friends with the information that I'm a member of Mossad, the Israeli
intelligence service, apparently because a Jewish family invited me to
speak at a local university.

But's supporters ­ whose letters often reveal that
they've never actually read anything I've written ­are in a class of their
own. Only last month, I wrote a comment-page article in The Independent
describing the way in which any serious journalist who criticised Israeli
policy ­ the operation of death squads, for example, or the building of
illegal Jewish settlements on stolen Arab land ­ was reviled as
anti-Semitic. This, the most disgraceful of the accusations made against
Western journalists, permeates many of the letters provoked by

There's no doubt what prompted this revealing deluge of purple prose. urges its supporters to read The Independent's
website. It would like, somehow, to close down The Independent's Middle
East coverage ­ and, to be fair, The Guardian's as well ­ and return
Americans to the bland, generally pro-American (and thus pro-Israeli)
reports of the US press. Much of my ordinary mailbag ­ I'm not counting
the lobby boys ­ now comes from the US. University departments are asking
me and other European journalists to lecture in the States, where our
discussions tend to be a lot more straight-talking than that of our
American colleagues.

But's methods are themselves revealing. In one
communiqué, it manages to quote my 1982 description of a Palestinian
woman's face as that of a Madonna and a Lebanese friend's (described by
the outfit as a Palestinian) weeping at the departure of the PLO from
Beirut. What they don't mention is that they were weeping because they
feared that in the absence of Palestinian fighters, they would be
massacred by Israel's brutal Lebanese allies ­ which is exactly what
happened a few days later.

Then it quotes from my article of 17 April this year, in which I remarked
that some Israeli leaders had been bestializing [sic] Arabs, referring
to my account of how Palestinian taxi drivers are humiliated as they
approach Israeli checkpoints on Arab land. But ­ and
the honest bit is a joke in itself ­ didn't mention that the quotes come
from two different articles. The bestialisation story referred to
Israeli leaders who had at various times called Palestinians serpents,
two-legged beasts, cockroaches in a glass jar, and crocodiles. Of
course, erased all mention of that in its

So, long live the internet. It certainly seems to be frightening the guys
who want to prevent Americans from hearing our voice on

[CTRL] Israel/ADL/US Media

2001-06-01 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Toward Palestinian justice in the Middle East

Scott Laderman - Staff Reporter

JUNE 1, 2001

For years, the two largest recipients of U.S. foreign aid have been Israel
and Egypt, which combined collect approximately $5 billion from American
taxpayers annually. Two weeks ago, Rene Kosirnik of the International
Committee of the Red Cross, the organization charged with overseeing the
1949 Geneva Conventions, told a news conference in Tel Aviv the
development and existence of Israeli settlements in the occupied
territories is tantamount to a war crime under humanitarian law.

Last Monday, following a trial roundly condemned by Amnesty International
and Human Rights Watch, the Supreme Security Court in Cairo sentenced
sociologist Saad Eddin Ibrahim to seven years in prison for defaming
Egypt, among other charges. Another 27 individuals linked to his Ibn
Khaldun Center for Development Studies were similarly convicted.

In a mild statement, Washington claimed to be deeply troubled by the Cairo
verdict. With respect to the unambiguous judgment by the head of the Red
Cross delegation to Israel and the occupied territories, however, the
State Department criticized it as not helpful at this particularly
volatile time. (After U.S. Representative Eliot Engel (D-NY) threatened to
withhold aid to the Geneva-based ICRC in response to the articulation of
its position, the organizations president said last Wednesday it would
refrain from using the term war crime when referring to Israels settlement
policy. Nevertheless, The case remains that Israeli settlements in the
Occupied Territories are a violation of the Geneva Convention and the
settlements are a cause of violence in the region, an ICRC spokesman
declared. )

Most Americans were prevented from learning about these stories. A Nexis
database search revealed only two newspapers in the United States  the Los
Angeles Times and the Seattle Times  disclosing the Red Cross statement,
and both of these carried wire reports mentioning the Tel Aviv news
conference merely in passing. None of the television networks reported it,
nor did National Public Radio or the News Hour with Jim Lehrer, which did
an extensive segment on the Middle East several days later. This is
disturbing, to say the least. Given the widespread coverage granted the
Mitchell commissions recommendation that Israel freeze all settlement
construction, and the fact that for years the occupation has been enabled
by American financial, diplomatic and military aid, the issue could hardly
be deemed un-newsworthy.

With several notable exceptions, the conviction of Saad Eddin Ibrahim
generated only slightly more coverage. As he holds both Egyptian and
American citizenship and his trial was so clearly a sham, it is unsettling
just two U.S. newspapers editorialized against his conviction. Political
imprisonment anywhere deserves media coverage; Professor Ibrahims mistake,
however, was upsetting an American client  the despotic government of
Hosni Mubarak  rather than, say, China or Cuba or North Korea. Thus his
confinement to relatively brief reports in a handful of papers across the
country, as well as a short interview with his wife on NPR. Again, the
television networks were silent.

Amid these events and the eight months of violence devastating the lives
of thousands of Palestinians and Israelis, many Jews and Arabs have been
courageously seeking a just settlement of the Israel-Palestine conflict.
Last week Ibrahim Abu-Lughod, long a Palestinian-American voice for
peaceful coexistence with Israel, passed away at age 72 after decades
devoted to writing, speaking and educating people around the world about
these issues.

In Chicago from May 4-6, nearly 200 Jewish activists from Israel, North
America, Europe and Brazil met to mobilize in opposition and declare that
not in our name does Israel maintain its colonial stranglehold over
Palestinian lands. And then there is the heroic resistance of Noam Kuzar,
the 19-year-old Israeli soldier jailed 28 days for refusing to participate
in the brutal military suppression of the Palestinian uprising.

Contrast this with the unconscionable response of the Anti-Defamation
League to the Red Cross statement regarding Israels
settlement policy. The ADL, which is bizarrely treated as a respectable
human rights outfit by a number of American journalists, issued a press
release expressing its outrage at the unfair accusation. The Red Cross
charge is completely unfounded and has no basis in reality, complained the
ADLs national director, Abraham Foxman. Rather than speak out against
those nations who are guilty of real humanitarian violations, Foxman
intoned, the Red Cross chooses to pin the blame on Israel for make-believe
human rights abuses.

As if there werent already sufficient grounds for doing so, such offensive
and nonsensical drivel  which is entirely in keeping with the
organizations record on 

Re: [CTRL] Sad story of a 3 year old....

2001-06-01 Thread Monique

Please explain why the extreme left are merely considered to 
be "eccentric" but thefar right is always "extremely 


[CTRL] No Go Israel?

2001-06-01 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Tourism decline continues to dent Israel's economy

By The Associated Press

May 31,2001

The number of foreign tourists visiting Israel has dropped to half its
previous level since Israeli-Palestinian fighting erupted eight months
ago, forcing hotels to close, thousands of workers to be laid off, and the
national airline to cut routes, officials said Wednesday.

The finance ministry estimates the losses from tourism will cost Israel's
economy $ 1 billion this year - about 1 percent of the gross national
product. The tourism industry last year brought in revenues of $ 3.2

This is a major hit on the tourism industry. The damage to tourism is a
long-term problem, said finance ministry deputy director Vered Dar. It
may not be over for years, depending on the situation.

In the first three months of this year, 485,000 tourists came to Israel,
50 percent fewer than the number of visitors in the same period a year
ago, the tourism ministry said.

Twenty-five hotels have closed and about 12,000 hotel workers - 35 percent
of the hotel work force - have lost their jobs since the fighting began
Sept. 28, according to the Hotel Association in Tel Aviv.

In an effort to save jobs, about 3,000 hotel workers now spend half of
their work week in government-subsidized training courses or are on unpaid
vacations until things improve. Pnina Ben-David, an economist with the
Hotel Association, worries that they will have to be fired in the next few

El Al, the Israeli national airline, has seen 20 percent fewer passengers
than normal since last year. The biggest drop was in passengers from
Italy, Germany and Spain, airline officials said.

To cut expenses, El Al is using smaller planes and in June will stop
flying to Manchester, England, and Simferopol, Ukraine, spokesman Nachman
Klieman said.

At the end of December the company reported a loss of $ 109 million for

The fall in tourism accounts for much the economy's decline since the
Palestinian uprising began. The Israeli Chamber of Commerce reported
Tuesday that losses in tourism, exports and construction had cost the
economy $ 2 billion.

Aside from the fighting, the drop in the Nasdaq stock exchange has had a
significant impact on Israel's economy, hurting Israel's many Internet,
biotech and other high-tech start-ups, said Dar from the finance ministry.

Israel's tourism ministry is shifting its marketing strategy to target
religious visitors - mainly Jews and evangelical Christians - and others
who may have a close connection to Israel.

We are telling people that Israel is more than just a place to visit,
it's a place of prayer that has meaning, said ministry spokeswoman Nitsan

To read more about tourism in Israel in the Internet, click

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Why Would the FBI Aid Klansmen?

2001-06-01 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

San Francisco Examiner
May 25, 2001

Why Would the FBI Aid Klansmen?

By Conn Hallinan

 In the aftermath of the recent conviction of Thomas Blanton Jr. for
the 1963 bombing of a Birmingham Baptist church, former Alabama Attorney
General Bill Baxley asked an agonizing question in his May 4 New York
Times commentary: Why would the FBI aid Klansmen in avoidance of
prosecution? I don't know.
 It is a question that deserves an answer.
 Shortly after the bombing that killed Denise McNair, Addie Mae
Collins, Cynthia Wesley, and Carole Robertson, Blanton, along with
Robert Chambliss and Bobby Frank Cherry, were identified as suspects by
the FBI. But when Baxley tried to prosecute them in 1971, he was forced
to drop the case because the Bureau said it had no hard evidence. In
fact, it did have such evidence, evidence that was used to convict
Blanton 38 years after the fact.
 The FBI claims that a combination of simple bureaucratic
inefficiency and suspicion of local police authorities was responsible
for the oversight, but past history suggests a very different
 When J. Edgar Hoover took over the agency in 1924, he turned it into
an organization that spied on, and disrupted, anyone whom the Director
considered a threat toU.S. security. Since this included anyone to the
left of Attila the Hun, civil rights organizations were among his first
 For more than 50 years, Hoover's FBI carried out a vendetta against
African-Americans fighting against segregation and for the right to
vote. He also made sure that the both the agency's leadership and the
bulk of the rank and file remained white. In the 1920s and '30s, when
the lynching of black Americans reached almost epidemic proportions in
the South, the FBI was nowhere to be found.
 It did, however, display considerable resources from 1956 to 1971
when it infiltrated and investigated civil rights organizations in operation
COINTELPRO. The agency wrote phony letters to Chicago street gangs aimed
at getting them to attack the Black Panther Party. It fed fake
information to the Chicago Police Department that resulted in the raid
that killed Panther leaders Fred Hampton and Mark Clark. And while it
was hiding the tapes of Klansmen discussing the Birmingham bombing, it
was busy taping Martin Luther King Jr.'s bedroom.
 Hoover leaked the contents of the King tape to the press, and approved
sending King an anonymous letter which read, in part, King you are
done. The American public, the church organizations you have been
helping---Protestant, Catholic and Jews will know you for what you
are---an evil, abnormal beast.
 The letter was part of a plan to discredit King and replace him as
an African-American leader with conservative Republican Samuel Pierce,
Reagan's Housing and Urban Development secretary, who presided over one
of the greatest cases of governmental looting and corruption since Tea
Pot Dome.
 For the full story of the agency's obsession with King, pick up David
Garrow's The FBI and Martin Luther King Jr. Another useful guide to the
organization's priorities is David Burnham's study of the FBI in the
Nation  magazine which demonstrated that civil rights has simply never
been on the bureau's radar screen, and while the agency refers vast
numbers of corruption and immigration cases for prosecution, virtual
none are in the area of civil rights.
 Indeed, the opposite is the case. When African Americans won the
right to vote in Alabama in 1965, they began organizing to elect black
officials. In 1982, African Americans won majorities on county
commissions and school boards in five counties, and, a year later, won a
seat in the state senate and three in the assembly. In 1984, 50 FBI
agents, aided by the notorious State Police, swept into Alabama,
interrogated more than 1,000 elderly black residents for felony voter
fraud, carting a bus load of them 165 miles to Mobile. Eight voter
rights activists were charged. All were acquitted or had convictions
reversed on appeal.
 The racial policies of the FBI were also an internal affair, finally
boiling over into a lawsuit by Hispanic agents in l988. At the time,
only one out of the agency's 58 field offices was headed by a Latino,
and Hispanic agents charged they were routinely denied promotions, given
dangerous assignments, disciplined, and assigned to what white agents referred
as the Taco Circuit.
 The presiding judge, Lucius Bunton of Midland, Texas, agreed with the
agents, finding the FBI guilty of systematic discrimination. And the
agency's response? To promote several of the supervisors who, according to
testimony, had referred to Hispanic agents as lazy spics, dirty
Mexicans, and wetbacks. One supervisor told a female Hispanic agent
that she was too ethnic.
 A similar lawsuit was brought by African American agents following the
harassment of black agent Donald Rochon in Chicago, including one incident
where white agents sent him 

Re: [CTRL] Sad story of a 3 year old....

2001-06-01 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well Monica, that is because the ADL (Anti Defemation League) prepared
Hit Hate Lists for the FBI and it contains names of only groups who are
considered right wingers.

The John Birch Society is included in this list so the ADL has a big
propaganda machine and lots of big bucks to turn loose all kinds of
elements against us...

Just look at your TV today - men kissing men in movies, women kissing
women and you see Liberalism in its rankest form.

Protect your children from these pigs; it is a matter of life and death
- if they break the boy scouts, see how they do it   This corrupt United
Way through the Chamber of Commerce?

It seems, however, greed is always where they get in trouble - ADL
taking $250,000 from Marc Rich and now saying so sorry

This is the same organization that put Christians, Moslems, and Militias
on hate lists.and this is the same organization that told their FBI
and BATF friends and one judge to hey, don't go to work today - in
Oklahoma on April 19Warsaw Ghetto Day.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Bush daughter allegedly tried to buy alcohol

2001-06-01 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

I have tried to repost the article you mentioned, but 3 times now in
the last 2 days it has been gobbled up and WILL NOT post on CTRL.

YnrChyldzWyld wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 On Thu, 31 May 2001, BB wrote:
 To cluck cluck gossip over a 19 year old having a beer is a ridiculous
 waste of time, effort, net space and national attention.  Better to be
 paying attention to the enemy.  Better to examine some real issues.

 I think a symptom of the 'real issues' is the question why the press
 treated Chelsea Clinton with kid gloves, to the point where even the
 editor of her college newspaper wasn't allowed to write about her, but
 the Bush daughters are fair game.

 There was a news article within the past year reporting a drinking spree
 the underaged Ms. C. Clinton partook in with some friends, but the story
 disappeared quickly.  One should be asking why the media follows this
 double standard...if negative coverage of the First Daughter of one
 administration was verboten, why is it okay for another administration?


 Check out Alternative Kite radio:

 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] McVeigh Request Renews Conspiracy Mystery

2001-06-01 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

 From Reuters,
Thursday May 31

McVeigh Request Renews Conspiracy Mystery

By Ellen Wulfhorst

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The request on Thursday by Timothy McVeigh
for a delay in his execution breathes new life into the
theory of a broader conspiracy in the Oklahoma City bombing case,
according to eyewitnesses who say they saw other mysterious figures
with McVeigh in the days before the blast.

Comments by McVeigh's attorney Richard Burr renewed the speculation,
in particular about the shadowy stranger who came to be known as John
Doe No. 2, they said.

Burr said in a news conference in Terre Haute, Ind., where McVeigh is
on federal death row, that ``if the evidence comes out as we believe
it is there, that there will be some credible evidence that other
people were involved.''

In seeking a delay in McVeigh's June 11 execution, his attorneys
accused the U.S. government of fraud for failing to turn over evidence
it had collected before his trial. The FBI recently
revealed that it failed to disclose thousands of documents in the
case, including interviews with eyewitnesses.

One eyewitness, Jeff Davis, who delivered Chinese food to an
unidentified stranger in McVeigh's Kansas motel room four days before
the bombing, said the developments could give more credibility to his
and others' accounts.

``I'm not the only person that put somebody other than McVeigh
there,'' Davis said from his job at the U.S. Army base at Fort Riley,
Kansas. ``One person can be a crackpot. You get more than one, and it
kind of loses the crackpot theory.''

The government has declared that John Doe No. 2 was a case of mistaken
identity and does not exist. It said nothing in the newly discovered
documents links anyone else to the bombing.

Along with Davis, other witnesses in the vicinity of Junction City,
Kansas, where McVeigh stayed prior to the bombing, also said they saw
him in the company of people still unidentified.

The owner of the motel where he stayed has said she heard several
voices coming late one night from McVeigh's room.

A waitress saw him eat lunch with three other men just days before the
bombing, while the owner of a diner in nearby Herington said she saw
McVeigh and convicted co-conspirator Terry Nichols with a third,
darker muscular man.

Others say McVeigh was not alone when he rented the Ryder truck to
carry the bomb, two days before the blast when Nichols was home with
his family.

Others saw a Ryder truck parked at Geary Lake days before McVeigh
parked his truck there.


McVeigh's attorney said one of those witnesses kept the jury in
Nichols' trial from voting for the death penalty.

``That witness was deemed to be credible by the jury and in interviews
after Mr. Nichols' trial, many of them said, 'We decided not to
sentence him to death because we believed on the basis of that one
witness' testimony there were other people involved,''' Burr said.

Georgia Rucker, a Herington resident who saw a second, earlier truck
at Geary Lake, said she still believes McVeigh should die, despite
what she and others may have seen.

``I believe there were other people involved, yes,'' she said on
Thursday. ``I don't believe taking this back to trial is going to
solve any problems. I believe that enough evidence came out against
McVeigh that he is guilty and deserves the death penalty.''

Burr told reporters the evidence question could affect the death
penalty imposed on McVeigh since there was evidence that Nichols was
spared the death penalty because jurors thought others might have been

The jury forewoman in Nichols' trial, Nikki Deutchman, said on the day
of his guilty verdict that she was convinced that other people had
been involved in the bombing.

``I think the government dropped the ball, and that there are people
who were very actively involved in this horrible crime,'' she said

Recently, she said she feels the same way.

``I'm puzzled. I think there's a lot more to the story. I don't know
what it is,'' she said from her home in Denver.

Asked if justice had been done in the Oklahoma City bombing case, she
said: ``Justice? We're not nearly there.''

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] 400+ Government Files Re: Pan Am 103 Available For DL

2001-06-01 Thread William Shannon

[CTRL] Fwd: Alex Burns Apology Not Accepted

2001-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 To: Alex Burns and Disinformation.Com

 Michael Aquino may have adversely affected your life, not myself. I
have posted news articles, court transcripts, interviews with Setians,
reporters' notes, military records and the like concerning the High Setian
with very little comment. He was free to respond, and I encouraged him to do
so. I have rarely rebutted him, and I HAVE BEEN VERY CAREFUL NOT TO DEFAME
AQUINO. If I were to make false statements about him, he would have served
me with legal papers long ago. You must know this is so. Yet you continue to
blame ME. This does explain your enmity toward myself, however, something
that has baffled me for weeks. (You have also explained why malice is your
motive, a necessity in a slander suit. Thanks.) You have NO reason to be
indignant about any of the documents I have posted about Aquino. You should
read them with an objective mind.
 You and D.C ‹ which allowed you to defame and plagiarize me ‹ are equal
partners in the coming lawsuit, and the company continues to employ you. I
retained legal counsel yesterday and will proceed with the suit.
 The company has no time to deal with me, you say? You and D.C have had
sufficient time to tarnish my reputation with lies, so I expect you and D.C
to take the time to compensate me for the theft of my work and slanderous
statements you have been allowed to make publicly.
 You HAVE made completely false statements about ME, and an apology is
due here, as well. 
 I have free-speech rights that you have attempted to subvert with
defamatory statements about my work and character.

 There was no conscious or deliberate campaign here.

 I wrote nothing whatsoever about a campaign. You missed the point
entirely. I DID write that your plagiarism of passages from Psychic
Dictatorship was deliberate, not unconscious, as you have argued. You
stole the material deliberately. I said that I can prove this, and will.

‹ Alex Constantine

[CTRL] (Fwd) [Mises Daily] Feminists for Taxes

2001-06-01 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Send reply to: Article [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:[Mises Daily] Feminists for Taxes
Date sent:  Fri, 1 Jun 2001 11:06:03 -0500

Feminists for Taxes

By Karen De Coster

[Posted May 31, 2001]

Patricia Ireland and her National Organization for Women have released a statement
attacking the Bush budget and tax-cut plan. She points to deficiencies in tax
and spending by virtue of accusing Bush of pushing budget and tax cuts that will
hurt women's physical and economic health as well as the safety of women and

No, George Bush is not personally injecting all women with the Ebola virus, nor is he
drafting them into involuntary servitude, chasing down coffee and donuts for men.
Ireland is simply lamenting the fact that the Bush budget plan does not include the
desired amount of welfare for women.

The Bush budget and tax cut are far from perfect, but Ireland's latest claim
essentially says that the new budget and tax-cut plan is good for all men, and bad
for all women and their children.

How can that be? How is it possible that Bush has managed to exclude women from a $1
trillion-plus tax cut?

Effectively, the president's agenda for tax relief aims at replacing the current tax
rates with a simpler and lower rate structure; doubling the child tax credit;
reducing the marriage penalty; eliminating the death tax; and expanding the
charitable deduction to those who don't itemize their deductions. Ireland's claim is
that most women are employed in low-wage sectors, and that the lower income brackets
are least likely to gain from the tax cuts. Hence, women lose out.

However, the lowest income bracket will see a reduction in tax rates from 15 percent
to 10 percent for the first $6,000 for singles and the first $10,000 for those filing
head of household-both categories typically including the women that Ms. Ireland
speaks of. The next income bracket upward would get a 3-percent reduction in tax for
the first $38,500 in that bracket and a 6-percent reduction for the next $71,200 on
top of that for single filers; for those filing head of household, a 3-percent
reduction in tax for the first $57,400, and a 6-percent reduction for the next

Of course, Ireland's emotionally-laden press release does not expound on how and why
tax cuts hurt women. She only maintains that right-wing extremism is inherently
dangerous to women, economically and socially.

According to Ireland, the Bush Social Security Trust Fund Plan that would allow
workers to pull a small percentage of their current payroll tax out of Social
Security would spell doom for older women, and would find them paying the price for
the Bush tax cuts and budget proposal. Here, Ms. Ireland finds it despicable that
working individuals should be allowed to have a tiny bit more say in how their money
is used instead of having the government decide where and when it should be spent.
What Ms. Ireland really means is that privatizing a small portion of Social Security
would mean there would be less currency to fall into the general-fund pot for further
welfare spending on women's causes.

The Bush budget, though loaded with spending and handouts, is not good enough for the
civic-minded Ms. Ireland.

Bush's budget, says Ireland's release, would cut breast- and cervical-cancer
screening; drop the requirement for contraceptive coverage for federal employees and
their families; cut the Maternal and Child Health Block Grants that provide health
care to women before, during, and after pregnancy and childbirth and reduce infant
illness and death; and freeze the Healthy Start program that also reduces infant
mortality and morbidity. The highly acclaimed Supplemental Nutrition Program for
Women, Infants and Children (the WIC Program) would be effectively cut, with actual
funds available insufficient to cover inflation.

This puts me in tears. How dare we expect people to take care of themselves, their
health, and to have babies only when they can afford the care and maintenance that
childbearing requires? After all, this would mean we expect personal responsibility
and accountability for one's own actions. That's too preposterous a notion for
Ireland's collectivist bunch.

The feminist posture is typically one of taking from men's health programs
(testicular cancer, prostrate cancer, etc.) and handing off the dough to the
breast-and-cervical crowd. Still and all, disease is disease. Spending other people's
money on the basis of gender specificity involves partaking in interest-group cabals
that deprive one group of people in order to promote another group. It's all trivial
when we consider that no one should be taking anyone's money to spend anywhere else.
This is something vigilant money-grabbers, like 

[CTRL] Price Manipulation In Calif. Power Crisis

2001-06-01 Thread William Shannon

Regulators say they're close to proving power manipulation

AP Business Writer

A year after California's electricity price shocks began, regulators say they
are close to proving how power wholesalers aggravated a crisis that so far
has raised customer rates by $5.7 billion, saddled two utilities with $8.2
billion in losses and dumped a $13 billion bailout bill on taxpayers.

California lawmakers and regulators are determined to recover some of that
money from the power wholesalers who have cashed in on the crisis.

Toward that end, the California Public Utilities Commission, Attorney General
Bill Lockyer and the California Electricity Oversight Board are trying to
prove out-of-state wholesalers illegally manipulated the market to create
artificial supply shortages that have driven wholesale electricity prices as
high as $1,900 per megawatt hour.

Before California's power woes began in June 2000, wholesale prices on the
spot market rarely climbed above $150 per megawatt hour.

California's Legislature also has formed two special investigative committees
to look into the allegations of market misconduct. And at least five suits,
including one filed by San Francisco City Attorney Louise Renne, are seeking
damages from power wholesalers on behalf of all Californians.

At the very least, the investigators say they will show the wholesalers
violated federal laws against "unjust and unreasonable" electricity prices.

"I don't think these are going to be very hard cases to make," said Owen
Clements, chief special litigator for San Francisco. "Even if they didn't
break the letter of the law, they clearly have violated the spirit of the

The investigators also suspect that the wholesalers have orchestrated a
variety of more sinister abuses, possibly by colluding. Those allegations
will be hard to prove, according to legal and energy experts.

The power wholesalers say they have done nothing wrong, arguing that they are
being turned into scapegoats by a 1996 deregulation law sculpted by
California lawmakers and the two utilities, Pacific Gas and Electric and
Southern California Edison, that have reported a combined $8.2 billion in
losses since June 2000.

The legal challenges facing the investigations haven't discouraged some bold
talk from California's political leaders.

Lockyer, a Democrat who voted for California's electricity deregulation law
while serving as leader of the state Senate, infuriated power wholesalers
last week when he told The Wall Street Journal he hopes to imprison Kenneth
Lay, the chairman of Houston-based Enron Corp., the nation's largest power

"I would love to personally escort Lay to an 8 X 10 cell that he could share
with a tattooed dude who says, 'Hi my name is Spike, honey,' " Lockyer told
the Journal.

Michael Aguirre, a San Diego attorney handling one of the private suits,
fears California regulators and politicians are spending more time rattling
cages than digging into the labyrinthine operations of the power wholesalers.

"Investigations like this require a lot of hard work, not a lot of rhetoric,"
Aguirre said. "So far, everyone seems to be talking loudly while carrying a
small stick."

The PUC investigation appears to be the farthest along.

With the help of former utility workers hired to assist in the investigation,
the PUC has been poring through power plant documents in an effort to prove
that some facilities shut down unnecessarily -- sometimes at the direction of
Houston energy traders monitoring the market over the Internet -- to diminish
supply and drive up prices.

Once prices spiked, the plants ramped up production to reap big profits,
under the theory being investigated by the PUC and Lockyer's office.

"I feel very confident that we are finding compelling evidence to prove our
case," said Gary Cohen, the PUC's general counsel.

Both the PUC and Lockyer also are investigating allegations that the power
wholesalers used industry Web sites to accumulate sensitive supply and demand
information in a possible violation of antitrust laws.

Power wholesalers say regulators are way off base in their probes. Industry
officials maintain that the plants, many of which are 30 to 40 years old,
shut down for legitimate equipment repairs and maintenance.

"No one in our industry cuts back on production so a competitor can make more
money. It just doesn't happen, at least not on planet Earth," said Gary
Ackerman, executive director of the Western Power Trading Forum, a Menlo Park
trade group.

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission earlier this year alleged that
Tulsa, Okla.-based Williams profited from the closure of two Southern
California power plants owned by a business partner, Arlington, Va.-based AES
Corp. Without admitting wrongdoing, Williams refunded $8 million to settle
the charges.

California's investigations are examining the conduct of Williams, as well as

[CTRL] Echelon Keywords

2001-06-01 Thread William Shannon

What are those words that trigger Echelon?
By Kieren McCarthy
Posted: 31/05/2001 at 16:17 GMT

According to various UK media sources today, the buzzwords said to trigger 
the US, UK, Canada, New Zealand spying mechanism Echelon have been "posted on 
the Internet". We haven't found the file and it hasn't popped up on the 
authoritative site for these sorts of things,, so we'd not put 
too much weight behind it. 

However, just for your interest, we give you a quick run-through on what some 
of the words are. 

There are the obvious phrases like "Kill the President" which caused two 
schoolboys from the UK to be quizzed by special branch, "anarchy", "echelon" 
:-), "nuclear", "assassinate". Then there are ones that are dodgy (cause they 
fit in with X-file type paranoia) like "Roswell", "Waco", "World Trade 
Center", "Soros" - after George Soros, "Whitewater". 

Then there are a suspiciously large number of hacker names: Furby, Bugs 
Bunny, Bubba the Love etc. But just when we thought it was obviously some 
script-kiddie hoax, a few interesting words crop up: 

FRU - the cover name for the SAS in Northern Ireland 

Lebed - an ex-Russian general, now a politician 

HALO - a type of parachute jump 

Spetznaz - the Russian SAS 

Al Amn al-Askari - a member of the Iraqi cabinet 

Glock 26 - a ceramic handgun that can't be detected by airport scanners (a 
reader informs us that the Glock 26 is only partly ceramic, the bullets are 
metal and is can be detected at airports - so we should really shift this one 
into the X-file list) 

Steak Knife - the codename for an IRA double agent 

And so on and so forth. 

Go through them carefully to satisfy your paranoid fantasies (you'll be safe 
under the bed, trust us). ® 

We've been sent this list which may or may not be the same as the one that 
Block Echelon Day used and which has hit papers today. Who knows? (They do). 

Rewson, SAFE, Waihopai, INFOSEC, ASPIC, MI6, Information Security, SAI, 
Information Warfare, IW, IS, Privacy, Information Terrorism, Terrorism 
Defensive Information, Defense Information Warfare, Offensive Information, 
Offensive Information Warfare, The Artful Dodger, NAIA, SAPM, ASU, ASTS, 
National Information Infrastructure, InfoSec, SAO, Reno, Compsec, JICS, 
Computer Terrorism, Firewalls, Secure Internet Connections, RSP, ISS, JDF, 
Ermes, Passwords, NAAP, DefCon V, RSO, Hackers, Encryption, ASWS, CUN, CISU, 
CUSI, M.A.R.E., MARE, UFO, IFO, Pacini, Angela, Espionage, USDOJ, NSA, CIA, 
S/Key, SSL, FBI, Secert Service, USSS, Defcon, Military, White House, 
Undercover, NCCS, Mayfly, PGP, SALDV, PEM, resta, RSA, Perl-RSA, MSNBC, bet, 
BZ, CANSLO, CBNRC, CIDA, JAVA, rsta, Active X, Compsec 97, RENS, LLC, DERA, 
JIC, rip, rb, Wu, RDI, Mavricks, BIOL, Meta-hackers, ^?, SADT, Steve Case, 
Tools, RECCEX, Telex, Aldergrove, OTAN, monarchist, NMIC, NIOG, IDB, MID/KL, 
BRGE, Europol, SARL, Military Intelligence, JICA, Scully, recondo, Flame, 
Infowar, FRU, Bubba, Freeh, Archives, ISADC, CISSP, Sundevil, jack, 
Investigation, JOTS, ISACA, NCSA, ASVC, spook words, RRF, 1071, Bugs Bunny, 
Verisign, Secure, ASIO, Lebed, ICE, NRO, Lexis-Nexis, NSCT, SCIF, FLiR, JIC, 
bce, Lacrosse, Flashbangs, HRT, IRA, EODG, DIA, USCOI, CID, BOP, FINCEN, 
bird dog, SACLANT, BECCA, DCJFTF, HALO, SC, TA SAS, Lander, GSM, T Branch, 
benelux, SAS, SBS, SAW, UDT, EODC, GOE, DOE, SAMF, GEO, JRB, 3P-HV, Masuda, 
Forte, AT, GIGN, Exon Shell, radint, MB, CQB, TECS, CONUS, CTU, RCMP, GRU, 
SASR, GSG-9, 22nd SAS, GEOS, EADA, SART, BBE, STEP, Echelon, Dictionary, 
MD2, MD4, MDA, diwn, 747, ASIC, 777, RDI, 767, MI5, 737, MI6, 757, Kh-11, 
EODN, SHS, ^X, Shayet-13, SADMS, Spetznaz, Recce, 707, CIO, NOCS, Halcon, 
NSS, Duress, RAID, Uziel, wojo, Psyops, SASCOM, grom, NSIRL, D-11, DF, ZARK, 
Schengen, SUSLO, TELINT, fake, TEXTA. ELF, LF, MF, Mafia, JASSM, CALCM, 
TLAM, Wipeout, GII, SIW, MEII, C2W, Burns, Tomlinson, Ufologico Nazionale, 
Centro, CICAP, MIR, Belknap, Tac, rebels, BLU-97 A/B, 007,, 
bronze, Rubin, Arnett, BLU, SIGS, VHF, Recon, peapod, PA598D28, Spall, dort, 


2001-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan

Subject:Ritual Crime
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 1996 06:58:17 UTC

 Another example regarding the FBI  for those who ask where's the
evidence? I would like to know where the FBI is keeping all the
pornographic pictures/evidence which could substantiate children's claims
all over the country that they were ritually abused and photographed. The
official stance: There is no evidence of a conspiracy. No? I'm typing in
two newspaper articles:

*The Boston Herald, Monday, March 11, 1991

Parents Eye Porn-ring link

Two Cape Cod couples who claim their children were molested and filmed by
child ponographers will today ask authorities for permission to view
videotapes confiscated during a New Hampshire raid of an alleged kiddie porn

This is the best chance we've had in three years to get some evidence,
said the mother of one 12-year old, who first revealed his role as a victim
in a child pornography ring in 1988. The parents said a March I raid by the
New Hampshire U.S, Attorney which resulted in the arrest of three suspected
pornographers may be the break we need to get authorities interested in
their case.

The parents decided to ask federal officials for permission to view the
videotapes after noticing similarities between their children's stories and
information released by FBI agents probing the New Hampshire operation.

(Our) children have talked about pregnant women being tortured, children
being kidnapped, they've talked about Satanisn. They've talked about
Providence, New Bedford and New Hampshire, said one mother. I'm interested
in knowing how many of these things match up with the New Hampshire case.

Three men, Wayne H. Bailey. 56, of Fairhaven, an audio technician for a
Providence, R.I., television station; Brian K. Schultz, 44, a Barrington,
N.H., man who allegedly produced kiddie porn; and Mark Colen, from Brooklyn,
Conn., an alleged pornographic filmmaker were arrested March 1 by FBI agents
in New Hampshire and charged with running a major child pornography

Investigators said videotapes recovered In searches of the men's homes and
businesses reveal pregnant women being tortured, children being molested by
adults, and child pornography with Satanic inferences.

The children in the Cape Cod case claim the perpetrators, posing as
relatives would take them during school hours to nearby homes where they
were sexually abused and filmed engaging in sex acts with other children,
adults and animals.

Their families, who did not want their names used said they have tried to
interest Massachusetts authorities in their case since 1988 but were
rebuffed by police, the FBI, the local district attorney's office and U.S.
Postal Inspectors.
The children were interviewed on several occasions by former Attorney
General James Shannon's office but their case was never officially

When we first started on this, we had no idea law enforcement would be this
way. We thought every- body would be as outraged as we were, noted one
mother, saying she doesn't understand why Massachusetts authorities have not
investigated the children's allegations despite two reports substantiating
their claims.

Reports from the Children's hospital sexual abuse team and the Department of
Social Services which were obtained by the Herald, confirm the children were
the victims of ritualized sexual abuse.

I want law enforcement to take a true interest in this, said another
mother whose four children, ages 7, 9, 11 and 12, were allegedly abused at
the hands of child pornographers. These kids are talking about too many
things they shouldn't know about at this age. 'They talk about people they
shouldn't know and the inter-relationship with those people. There are too
many coincidences and too many unanswered questions.'

A report on one of the children filed by the sexual abuse treatment team at
Children's hospital in Boston obtained by the Herald found the child's story
of ritualized sexual abuse is highly consistent with that of a child who
has experienced chronic physical and sexual abuse involving Satanic
The report also states the details of his revelations are very similar to
those of other reported cases, which serves to further support the
credibility of his disclosures.

Tom Smith, spokesman for Attorney General L. Scott Harshbarger, declined
comment on the case.

The parents, who have since moved from, the Cape Cod Community where the
alleged abuse reportedy occured, said that despite the lack of an official
probe, they are not giving up on their attempts to have their children's
allegations investigated.

*Boston Herald* March, 18, 1991
Cape parents want porn case reopened

The parents of a Cape Cod boy who says he was victimized by a child
pornography ring yesterday said they want authorities to reopen an
investigation because new evidence corroborating their son's accusations has

A yearlong probe into the alleged ring was dropped by the Cape and 

[CTRL] Interview W/ Jim Hatfield

2001-06-01 Thread William Shannon


A few days ago we posted an interview with Sander Hicks, from SoftSkull 
Press, publisher of “Fortunate Son,” the expose that the Bush propaganda 
machine got banned for awhile. Next month, “Fortunate Son” will be 
republished in a Second Edition. obtained an exclusive 
interview with Jim Hatfield, author of “Fortunate Son,” which we are posting 

“Fortunate Son” covers the seedy and hypocritical past of America’s Anointed 
President-Select. You get a full accounting of the dark underside of the 
front man for Bush Incorporated.

If you would like to reserve a copy of the second edition of “Fortunate 
Son,” e-mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED], and we will inform you when the 
book is ready to be shipped. We will be charging $25.00 per copy, of which a 
portion of the price will be a donation to So read Sander’s 
interview – and then reserve your copy by sending us your e-mail address to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] You’ll be helping to counter “At Any Cost: How Al 
Gore Stole the Election,” and you’ll be helping out BuzzFlash to boot. 


1. Why was the Bush Campaign so scared of "Fortunate Son" being published? 

For the obvious reason--everything contained between its covers is the truth. 
Pure and simple. Here it is a year-and-a-half later and no one has ever 
disproved anything in "Fortunate Son." The biography has withstood the test 
of time and, trust me, there has been an army of conservatives who would have 
given up their first born to destroy this book. But they had to settle with 
trying to destroy me instead. But to their absolute utter dismay, I'm still 
standing. My e-mail signature is from writer Langston Hughes and it fits me 
like a glove: "I've been insulted, eliminated, locked in, locked out, and 
left holding the bag. But I am still here." 

2.What are the five most important reasons that someone should read your 

1. You'll get an intimate, detailed biography of George W. Bush, the person. 

2. A reader will discover what a truly "fortunate son" he has been. If his 
name had been George Smith he would never have gone to Yale or Harvard with 
such abysmal grades, avoided Vietnam at the height of the war in 1968, he 
would have never made money in oil businesses that continually drilled dry 
holes or been able to buy into a major league baseball franchise (and become 
its Managing General Partner) and eventually become a multimillionaire, or 
campaign for Texas governor and defeat a charismatic incumbent, and, of 
course, raise more money than anyone in the history of this country to run 
for--and eventually win--the U.S. presidency. 

3. You'll get an in-depth look at his record in governor in the Lone Star 
State and come to the disheartening realization that he didn't lie about one 
thing: He made a campaign promise "to do for America what I have done for 
Texas." And he sure as hell is trying his best to honor that pledge with tax 
breaks for the rich that will eventually consume the surplus, turn the 
country into a toxic waste dump, push a conservative agenda through the 
legislature, and screw the poor and middle class. 

4. A reader of "Fortunate Son" will get a very detailed account--a 
blueprint--of how he planned to run and win the White House long before he 
even announced his intentions to be reelected as governor. 

5. Finally, you'll realize that he is nothing but a high-paid gigolo, 
beholden to his corporate sugar daddies who gave him enormous amounts of 
money to look after their best interests while he was governor. I name names 
and provide the dollar amounts in the book. Now you see these same executives 
and lobbyists greasing his palm at party fund-raisers. The man is shameless. 
Those are the five most important reasons why someone should read "Fortunate 

3. Do you consider the Karl Rove propaganda machine to be effective? As a 
victim of his hatchet jobs, do you give the devil his due?

In "Fortunate Son" I detail how Rove adroitly engineered Bush's move from the 
Governor's Mansion to the White House. He is the ultimate dirty trickster. 
He's the one who initiated the "whisper campaign" against John McCain and 
tried to make him look like the Manchurian Candidate when the senator started 
kicking Bush's ass in the primaries. 

Now word is leaking out that he pushed Cheney to have the illegal fund-raiser 
at the vice-president's residence recently and he was also behind the 
politics of personal destruction against Jeffords. Both have now exploded in 
his face. With the Democrats in the driver's seat of the Senate, they may 
push for an investigation into Bush-Cheney fund-raising irregularities and 
trying to punish Jeffords for voting against Bush's tax cut plan drove him 
out of the GOP and, in the process, has severely 

[CTRL] The Rev. And The Move

2001-06-01 Thread William Shannon

The Reverend and The Movement 

Big Daddy 
and the Plantation 

By Kevin Alexander Gray 

I grew up in a National Enquirer house. My mother reads it weekly and my 
brother works in the plant that prints them. There is something cosmic about 
Reverend Jesse Jackson, for whom I used to work, being in the same rag that 
regularly reports on space aliens. Now, every time I think of Reverend, Diana 
Ross's Love Child plays in my head. And I have gotten enough email cartoons. 
The one with Reverend's head (with a ponytail) on a little girl's body was 
low down-- as low down as the state of black and progressive politics. And 
that should be our real concern. 

Some defend Reverend as a prophet while others condemn him as a profiteer. As 
far as Reverend being a prophet I can only suggest counseling for the 
believers. In this case, the difference between prophet and profit resembles 
the difference between praying and preying. 

Recently, Reverend was cheered when he attended a Chicago area basketball 
tourney. Every church he has attended since the baby story broke has forgiven 
him. Often when a black leader faces attack or criticism by the powers that 
be, many blacks take the position that if white folk are giving a "brother" 
hell then he must be doing something right even when the person benefiting 
from support is screwing them royally. This is the present day's version of 
racial solidarity. Ironically, Bill Clinton benefits from this rule. Lani 
Guinier and Jocelyn Elders did not. And for all the love that folk like Toni 
'the closest we will ever come to a black president' Morrison shower on 
Clinton, more black men went to jail under NAACP Image Award winner Clinton 
than under Ronald Reagan. I guess it hate the game don't hate the "playa." In 
ghetto slang Reverend and Clinton are "playa playas." [Translation -- They 
are so good they can play the playas themselves; so good they can con the 

The age-old stereotype is that blacks care little about Reverend's sexual 
behavior due to their "inherent immorality." We hear the same thing whenever 
Bill "Cotton comes to Harlem" Clinton and black people are mentioned in the 
same sentence. A more useful idea-that black people practice that rarest of 
all Christian maneuvers, hating the sin not the sinner, understanding that 
Saturday night is followed by Sunday morning, not the other way around. But 
this is never suggested, possibly because in the "true" white American 
Christianity, such tolerance and forgiveness do not exist. (Ask Ashcroft.) 

For most of those doing the evaluating, the logic is far simpler: Clinton 
apparently likes to fuck so he's black. Jackson is unquestionably black, so 
we ought to expect him to fuck. 

But the problem with Reverend Jesse Jackson isn't that he fathered a child 
with a woman he didn't marry. The problem is that Reverend has used a 
movement predicated on protecting rights of the many with gaining privilege 
for a few. Our movement is anti-privilege. Now, Reverend's privilege and 
privileges are being challenged. Who's to say that's a bad thing?

I once believed that Clinton and Reverend really didn't like each other. For 
instance, I was with Jackson and Tom Harkin in South Carolina when Clinton 
called Reverend a backstabber. Reverend certainly didn't respond to the 
remark by joking "Hey, it's just my homey Bill jonesing a little on a 
brother." I was at the Rainbow meeting in Washington when Clinton trashed 
Sistah Souljah. It took Reverend a little bit to realize that Clinton had 
once again kicked him in the ass but when he figured it out he was pissed. 
(For some reason the expression "Arkansas cracker" comes to mind.) Truth be 
told, how could
Jesse Jackson and Bill Clinton not like each other? They are like peas in a 
pod or, anyway, at least a boss and a straw boss. When Reverend was 
counseling Clinton I had two thoughts: It's going to blow up in his face and 
they're comparing notes. So maybe it was inevitable that Clinton and Reverend 
would become cut buddies, each vying to be the cash and carry Negro leader. 

The new "morality" questions as well as past financial problems at Operation 
Breadbasket that led to his split with Martin Luther King's Southern 
Christian Leadership Conference are now regular fodder for the
Sunday morning talk shows. The pundits' assessment -- Reverend is not now and 
has never been accountable to anybody. Washington Post columnist David Broder 
gave Reverend's refusal to run for mayor of DC as evidence of his fear of 
accountability. Columnist Clarence Page, the only black guy on a news show on 
a regular basis, said the stories and financial questions were old news. Both 
fretted over Reverend troubles but neither counted him completely out. Still, 
maybe his days as a national leader were numbered. (Maybe?)

But the problem isn't that Reverend is a has-been. It's worse: he's become an 
insider. That's what makes my desire to see 

[CTRL] Killing Missiles From Space- Lasers?

2001-06-01 Thread William Shannon

Killing Missiles From Space: Can the U.S. Air Force Do It With Lasers?  
by Sandra I. Erwin  

 An experimental satellite loaded with a megawatt laser could be launched 
into orbit some time between 2010 and 2012. Its mission would be to zap an 
intercontinental ballistic missile, fired from a location on Earth, hundreds 
of miles away. 

Exotic space-based beam weapons—the so-called Star Wars systems—have been in 
and out of the spotlight for more than two decades. The idea of a space-based 
shield against Soviet nuclear missiles was embraced by Ronald Reagan in 1983. 
The plan faded away with the end of the Cold War. In the early 1990s, the 
Pentagon shifted its financial resources from celestial defenses to 
land-based theater systems that would protect troops from short-range 
tactical missiles.

But the notion of deploying a missile-defense system in space did not vanish 
entirely. Congressional Republicans, particularly, provided funding for 
military space research, even when the administration did not support the 

Space-based anti-missile weapons are banned by the 1972 Anti-Ballistic 
Missile Treaty. But, from a technological standpoint, it appears that such a 
system is achievable, provided that the Pentagon commits the funding. Even 
though the treaty prohibits the deployment of space-based missile defenses, 
it cannot stop the United States from pursuing research and testing 

That is exactly what the U.S. Air Force plans to do, under a program called 
Space-Based Laser Integrated Flight Experiment (SBL-IFX). The $4 billion 
program is co-sponsored by the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization.

The Air Force expects to formalize the technical specifications for SBL-IFX 
this fall.

The experiment currently is scheduled for 2013, which would require that, by 
2012, the Air Force launch what is expected to be a 40-foot long, 
40,000-pound spacecraft, loaded with a megawatt laser, beam-control optical 
mirrors and a beam-director telescope.

Only a heavy Delta IV-type launch could lift the SBL-IFX, which would be 
among the weightiest military payloads ever sent into low orbit (about 250 to 
300 miles high). By comparison, NASA’s Hubble space telescope weighs about 
30,000 pounds.

The program’s director, Air Force Col. Neil McCasland, cautions that it is 
too early to label the SBL-IFX as a definitive missile-defense option for the 
United States. “It is only a demonstration,” he said in an interview. But 
there is potential, he noted, to evolve the technology toward the deployment 
of a global network of space-based interceptor satellites, which would 
destroy intercontinental-class ballistic missiles (ICBMs) using directed 

Congressional supporters of the SBL would like McCasland to accelerate the 
program, and aim for a 2010 launch. It is not clear, however, how much it 
would cost to do that. 

The Pentagon budgeted $138 million annually for the program for the next two 
years, said McCasland.

According to a U.S. Senate source, there are “quite a few” members of 
Congress who would like to move SBL forward at a faster pace. 

The source stressed, nevertheless, that additional funding for SBL is not 
guaranteed, and that the system should not be viewed as a reincarnation of 
Reagan’s Star Wars model, but rather as a complement to the land-based 
national missile defense (NMD) currently in development. “SBL would be the 
final stepping stone” in a layered system, said the source.

The SBL-IFX is not about sending a robotic weapon into space, with no humans 
in the control loop, McCasland said. It is not going to detect, intercept and 
shoot autonomously, he explained. Like most engineering tests, it will have a 
carefully planned test scenario. The system will know where the launch is 
coming from, and the target vehicle will be flown deliberately into the 
engagement range of the laser. “There is no reason at this stage to make the 
system capable of autonomous operations,” said McCasland. The ground control 
station will be based at Cape Canaveral, Fla.
A full-fledged SBL constellation is not in the plans today and may never be. 
But the Air Force has looked at notional systems, which could range from 18 
to 36 platforms. Other studies considered the possibility of mixing shooter 
satellites with relay-only satellites, which would not have a laser and, 
thus, would lower the cost of the system. “It depends on the particular 
threat that we have to engineer against,” said McCasland. “It depends on the 
other layers in the NMD architecture.

“The Defense Department hasn’t made up its mind on what it wants to do in 
this area yet,” he said. “It’s way too early for it, frankly.”

If the U.S. government decided to deploy an SBL system, it would violate the 
ABM Treaty, said Nicholas Berry, an arms-control expert at the Center for 
Defense Information. Experiments such as the IFX, however, are not 

[CTRL] FN: Second-Hand Smokescreens

2001-06-01 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-,2933,26109,00.html

Second-Hand Smokescreens

World No-Tobacco Day 2001 was yesterday. Sponsored by the World Health
Organization, the theme was secondhand smoke. The event's poster
featured Secondhand Smoke Kills emblazoned over a photo of the
Marlboro Man riding into the sunset.

WHO proclaimed, Second-hand smoke is a real and significant threat to
public health. Supported by two decades of evidence, the scientific
community now agrees that there is no safe level of exposure to
second-hand smoke. The evidence is in, let is act on it.

That's quite an ironic statement, though. It appears the WHO doesn't
even put much faith in its own research on secondhand smoke.

The WHO's World No-Tobacco day web site lists, Comprehensive Reports on
Passive Smoking by Authoritative Scientific Bodies. The listed reports
include the 1986 reports from the Surgeon General and National Research
Council, the 1993 report from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
and two late-1990s reports from the California EPA.

For those unfamiliar with the reports, the list appears formidable.
Otherwise, it's just disingenuous.

The 1986 reports by the NRC and Surgeon General concluded secondhand
smoke was a risk factor for lung cancer. But of the 13 studies
reviewed, 7 reported no link between secondhand smoke and lung cancer.
Given the statistical nature of these studies, this split in results is
precisely what one would expect if no true link existed.

Neither report produced much progress for anti-smoking activists. So
they convinced the EPA to pick up the gauntlet.

Thirty-three studies on secondhand smoke had been completed by 1993.
More than 80 percent of the studies reported no association between
secondhand smoke and lung cancer, including the largest of the studies.
The EPA reviewed 31 studies - inexplicably omitting two studies
reporting no association between secondhand smoke and lung cancer - and
estimated secondhand smoke caused 3,000 lung cancer deaths annually.

Under the stewardship of the anti-tobacco Clinton administration,
secondhand smoke hysteria caught fire.

Observing the success of the EPA report, the California EPA adopted by
reference the EPA's conclusions into the state agency's own report.
Little original or independent analysis went into the Cal-EPA report.

Just when it seemed anti-smoking activists finally succeeded in
producing scientific reports establishing secondhand smoke as a health
risk, a federal judge overturned the EPA report in 1998. He ruled the
EPA cheated on the science.

Later in 1998, the WHO published the largest study ever done on
secondhand smoke and lung cancer. The study reported no statistically
significant association between secondhand smoke and lung cancer. Oops.

Now let's go back to the WHO's list of reports on its web page.

The 1986 reports don't carry any weight. That's why the EPA did a new
report. But the EPA report was in all important respects trashed by a
federal judge - by implication, a fate also deserved of the California
report that relied on the EPA report.

And the WHO omitted its own report from the list of comprehensive
reports by authoritative scientific bodies no doubt because the
wrong answer was reported.

If secondhand smoke really increases lung cancer risk, why all the

Of course, lung cancer is not the only health alarm sounded about
secondhand smoke. The science on these issues is also not as it's

The WHO claims secondhand smoke causes between 35,000 to 62,000 deaths
from heart disease annually in the U.S. But the WHO omits mention of an
important New England Journal of Medicine editorial on the controversy.

University of Chicago Hospital health studies chairman John Bailar -
hardly sympathetic to the tobacco industry - dismissed the link between
secondhand smoke and heart disease, citing the poor quality of study
data and evident researcher bias.

WHO claims, Second-hand smoke also causes and aggravates asthma and
other breathing problems, particularly in children. It is also an
important cause of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

But researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
examining data from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination
Surveyreported in January's Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent
Medicine there was no association between secondhand smoke and asthma
among 5,400 children aged 4 to 16 years of age.

No one knows what causes SIDS. Just this week, Wake Forest University
researchers reported SIDS may be related to a genetic deficiency.
Reportedly, the absence of a particular muscle enzyme allows fatty acid
products to accumulate, producing a toxic effect causing heart
arrhythmias and respiratory arrest.

Anti-smoking activists have yet to explain where were all the childhood
asthma and SIDS cases in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s when smoking indoors
was commonplace and adult smoking rates were much higher than they are

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: HIV surges among young gays

2001-06-01 Thread Nate Fischer

-Caveat Lector-

Hey Aleisha,

Blast from your past.  I see you are up to your no good antics.

Hmmm, i wonder who she could be referring to when she say throw these
people at the boy scouts.

I don't like what you are implying and I implore that somewhat stop you from
making these ridulous veiled threats.

If you want to protect your boy scouts and your children, educate them to
make their own healthy smart decisions and stop polluting the air with your
insane nonsense.

-Original Message-
From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
Behalf Of Aleisha Saba
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 1:17 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: HIV surges among young gays

Love this Centers for Disease Prevention yet they continually throw
these people at the boy scouts and want to teach sodomy in the schools?

Oh then they have the HIV and AIDS Cocktail - simply wonderful, how

One would think under disease prevention they would consider the major
cause of this horrendous disease.meanwhilel, guard your children and
the little cub scouts.


Center for Disease Prevention?   Why not just call it Center for
Genocide by Promoting Homosexuality and Lesbianism?


HIV surges among young gays
New infections return
to mid-1980s levelsWatch a video of the NBC Nightly News report.By
Charlene Laino

May 31 —  About one in seven young, gay black men in major U.S.
cities is newly infected with HIV, an alarming new government survey
shows. Overall, new infection rates among young urban gays of all races
are as high as those recorded at the peak of the epidemic in the 1980s,
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Thursday.

[Saba Note:   Now I wonder why the alarming increase in this disease
among the urban gays and wonder about those who are bi sexual and their
contributions to our society]

Report Issued June 1, 2001

   HIV IS SPREADING at stunning rates among urban gay men
who are too young to recall the beginnings of the AIDS epidemic two
decades ago, the CDC said.
   In a six-city study conducted between 1998 and 2000, 4.4
percent of homosexual and bisexual men aged 23 to 29 were newly infected
with HIV each year, the researchers reported.
   The figure was even more staggering among young blacks
— almost 15 percent of African Americans in this age group were
infected annually, the report showed. That's nearly five times as high
as the rates among whites and Latinos combined in the study.
   The overall high rate of new infections, combined with
recent increases in STDs and risky behaviors among gay men, suggests the
possibility of a resurgence of the disease in the gay population, the
CDC said.
   Infection rates among gay men dropped precipitously in
several cities after the intensive preventive efforts of the 1980s, said
Dr. Helene Gayle, director of CDC's National Center for HIV, STD, and TB
   But now we're seeing these extremely high overall rates
and really frightening rates among blacks — numbers similar to those
we saw in the beginning of the epidemic, during some of the peak years,
she said.

   Ironically, in some ways, the war on AIDS has become a
victim of its own successes, she noted, pointing to studies that show a
growing complacency among young men growing up in a era when potent drug
combinations can keep the virus in check.
   Thanks to the powerful drug cocktails that have
transformed AIDS from an almost certain death sentence into a chronic
manageable disease for many, some people think the disease is less
serious, Gayle said. And because they view it as less serious, these
people are less concerned about taking risks. Even if they do get sick,
they figure they can be treated.
   In one study released by the same group earlier this
year, for example, almost half of young urban homosexual reported having
unprotected anal sex during the past six months.
 HIV in seven U.S. cities* Both new infection and overall infection
rates among gay men aged 15 to 22 rose from the mid-90s to the late 90s.
Black4.0%14.7%14.1%  30%Hispanic1.8%3.5%  6.9%  15%White2.4%2.5%  3.3%   7%
*Cities surveyed: Baltimore, Dallas, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, San
Francisco, Seattle
**Percent newly infected with HIV annually.
***Percent infected with HIV, regardless of when they became infected.
SOURCE: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

   While cautioning that the sample size was small and the
findings may not be representative of all gay men, the extremely high
rate of new infections points to the critical need for public health
interventions, particularly in black communities, Gayle said.
   According to the CDC, blacks are increasingly bearing the
brunt of the epidemic regardless of their sexual orientation. Of the
some 40,000 new infections last year, more than half were among blacks.
And black women are four times more likely to carry the virus 

Re: [CTRL] Single Cocaine Exposure Triggers Long-Lasting Surge Of Brain Activity

2001-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Cravings are not only the domain of such focused demonization but are also
present in sugar, salt, and many other substances. We are in the midst of
drug warrior re-inforcement campaign—classic Chang Kai-Shek; et al. MHO

Not to be an endorsement of drug abuse, just offering another view.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Insight Magazine: Inside HUD's Financial Fiasco by Kelly O'Meara

2001-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 Inside HUDs Financial 
Fiasco As accounting horror stories mount at HUD because 
of faulty financial-management software, AMS has raked 
in hundreds of millions of dollars but still hasnt 
made the program work.  go to article

 Inside HUDs Financial Fiasco 

 By Kelly Patricia OMeara [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 As accounting horror stories mount at 
HUD because of faulty financial-management software, AMS has 
raked in hundreds of millions of dollars but still hasnt made the 
program work. 

 When President George W. Bush named Mel 
Martinez to take over the Department of Housing and Urban Development 
(HUD) from Clinton appointee Andrew Cuomo, he inherited a case study 
in mismanagement. So bad was the agencys computer system, 
known as the Central Account and Program System (HUDCAPS), 
that HUDs 1999 financial records could not be audited. Appalled at 
the mess, HUD Inspector General (IG) Susan Gaffney gave up on 
the 1999 records and refused to certify that the agencys finances 
were in order (see Why Is $59 Billion Missing From HUD? Nov. 6, 

Gaffney since has resigned but, before departing, she certified HUDs 
fiscal-year 2000 financial records. Officially, the audit says in 
bureaucratic jargon, In our opinion, the accompanying principal 
financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the 
financial position of HUD as of Sept. 30, 2000, and the net costs 
of operations, changes in net position, status of budgetary resources 
and reconciliation of net costs to budgetary obligations for the 
fiscal year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted 
accounting principles. 
 Insight carefully has 
reviewed the hundreds of pages of the IGs 2000 audit review. It 
describes gross mismanagement throughout the agency and, in 
particular, cites the financial-accounting system as a wreck. It is 
accordingly difficult to see where anything had changed at HUD from 
the previous year and even harder to understand how anyone, let alone 
Gaffney, could say with any confidence that HUDs monies were 
accounted for and its records in conformity with generally accepted 
accounting principles.  The 
following are just a few examples of the concerns the IG listed about 
HUDs financial management before throwing up her arms and 

 Office of 
Management and Budget (OMB) Circular 
A-127 requires that financial reports be 
derived directly from the general-ledger 
accounts. The SF-224 (statement of 
transaction) financial report (showing monthly 
disbursements and collections) submitted 
to the U.S. Treasury was not derived 
directly from the general-ledger accounts. It was 
based upon manually entered data on a 
separate personal-computer database 
system. When the source financial data is 
separated from the direct general-ledger 
data, the assurance that the information 
fairly represents the actual transactions 
data becomes difficult if not 
 HUD did not perform reconciliations 
between the data from the Decision 
Support System (DSS), a database that 
obtains and stores key financial 
information from various HUDCAPS tables, 
and the data in the HUDCAPS production tables 
to ensure accuracy and completeness. 
Without periodic reconciliation, there 
is no assurance the DSS is reliable. 
 Rejected transactions in the HUDCAPS 
Document Suspense File were not resolved 
in a timely manner, and the posting 
model for the Program Accounting System to 
HUDCAPS interface was not updated in a 
timely manner. As a result, HUDCAPS 
financial data may be neither accurate nor current.

 The department for several years has 
had difficulty identifying and resolving 
differences between its accounting records 
and cash transactions reported by the 
Treasury. There are many underlying 
reasons for HUDs difficulties. However, to 
avoid explaining a difference between 
the amount reported in its general 
ledger and the amount reported by Treasury, 
HUD adjusts its general ledger to equal 
the balance reported by Treasury. In 
short, it cheats!

 None of these 
accounting problems were new to the IG and, in fact, most of the 
issues she raised had been reported in previous yearly reviews. And, 
not surprisingly, the IG said she still believed the most critical 
need faced by HUD to achieve financial control was to complete 
development of adequate systems. The lack of an integrated financial 
system in compliance with federal financial-system requirements has 
been reported as a material weakness since 1991. Gaffney further 
pointed out that the departments financial-management systems, 
including its core financial system, do not fully comply with federal 
financial-system requirements. 
 The core financial system 
that is not compliant with federal regulations, and that apparently 
was the No. 1 reason the IG found for HUDs financial-data problems, 
is a product of American Management Systems (AMS). The Fairfax, 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Confessions of a CIA computer programmer

2001-06-01 Thread Kris Millegan

- Original Message - 
From: kenneth b thomas 
Sent: 6/1/01 3:37:42 PM 
Subject: [crimgov] Continuity of government program = FEMA= 500billion drug proceeds spent from 198
February 26, 1998   Senator Lauch Faircloth  317 Hard Senate Office Building  United States Senate  Washington, DC 20510   Senator Faircloth:   I am very concerned with recently published reports, which conclude that the Central Intelligence Agency was not involved in drug activity in connection with their activities in Latin America.   As a former Central Intelligence Agency officer I had direct knowledge of matters which may be relevant in this matter.   During the period of January 1986 until July 1990 I was assigned as the lead Computer Systems Analyst Programmer to a facility which was initially called Project Koral during the building phase in 1985, but upon activation was known as BYJURY within the Office of Communications (DA/OC) although this designation was later changed to OC/MIAMI. Our callsign was KKN39 and our routing indicators !
was RUEG and RUEGMI. Because it operated under the guise of being a U.S. Army facility it was also known as the United States Army Regional Communication Agency/National Communications System and telegraphically as RRF MIAMI. However, at no time did the facility ever support any DOD efforts. The primary mission of this facility was to support the activities of the Continuity of Government project which was identified by project cryptonyms as CHALLIS, FESTIVE, FENCER, FEDDER, PEGASUS and ZEUS and in this role the name of the facility was Atlantic Relay Facility I (ARF- 1). The overall umbrella organization for this effort was initially known as NEISS, later as NEISO and finally as SIO and at one point had space located in the basement of the Tysons Corner mall in Vienna, Virginia.   The facility itself was located on U.S. Government property, which was known locally as the Richmond Naval Air Station. This same property was also the location of a University!
 of Miami Primate Research Center, a Marine Corps Reserve unit, the Central Intelligence Facility and another NEISO activity which was identified as a unit of the U.S. Army 7th Signal Corps but which was known with NEISO as CPIC-East.   The OC/MIAMI facility was staffed with approximately 15 people. A facility manager, a senior watch officer, a station engineer, a programmer analyst, three electronic technicians, an administrative assistant and 7 communications officers. Because the activities in support of the NEISO operations was minimal in peacetime, the facility was used by the Office of Communications as a major relay to provide linkages between several CIA facilities in Southern Florida (LA/MIAMI, FR/MIAMI, Miatech, FBIS Key West) and several other sites in the Caribbean and South America. In addition we also periodically provided telecommunications service to other CIA facilities whose primary relay was the Office of Communications relay facility near Cu!
lpepper, Virginia which was known for years as YOGURT but was later known as BYJAMS and still later as OC/BRANDY with a callsign of KKN50 and a routing indicator of RUES.   By now I hope you realize that I did have access to the information which I am about to convey. The information given above can be verified by the CIA, although they will be extremely reluctant to do so since the extent of the NEISO project was withheld from Congress   About a 18 months after my arrival at the facility we were informed that we would be the primary relay facility for a small station which was established on Swan Island in support of a variety of operations which were being conducted as part of our support for the CIA's efforts in Nicaragua. This facility was centered on an airstrip, which was used as a base of operations for pilots who were dropping supplies to the rebels, which the CIA was supporting.   The communications setup for this facili!
ty was something that we called a flyaway package. Basically it consisted of a HF transmitter/receiver a PC-based communications terminal and a KG-84 encryption device.   The KG-84 was considered to be one of the most secure cryptographic devices in use at that time. It came into universal use by the CIA after it became known that the Walker's had compromised the KW-7 in 1985. When the encrypted signal was received at BYJURY, it was decrypted through one of our KG-84 devices and from there the signal was passed to the SPARS message switch in unencrypted form. However, much of the traffic, which was transmitted on this circuit, was super- enciphered with One-Time-Tape (OTT). This was extremely unusual under the circumstances since electronic encryption was considered quite adequate for secure CIA communications. I know from personal experience as a communications officer prior to becoming a computer programmer that except for annual exercises to maintain profici!
ency in one-time- tape techniques, there was 

Re: [CTRL] FN: Second-Hand Smokescreens

2001-06-01 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Boy, reading this is enough to make me want to start smoking
again.. snort

 -Caveat Lector-,2933,26109,00.html

 Second-Hand Smokescreens

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Breast Cancer Said Caused By Antiperspirants (2)

2001-06-01 Thread tnohava
Breast Cancer Said Caused
By Antiperspirants
Elizabeth Morin
Dept. of Medicinal Chemistry
Merck Frosst Canada  Co.
514 428-3222

I'm forwarding this to everyone I know because it makes so much sense.
Please forward it to everyone you care about and even those you don't.

Ladies - some awareness! Gentlemen - pass on to the ladies in your life!

Please read this... very important...

Some time ago, I attended a Breast Cancer Awareness seminar put on by Terry
Birk with support from Dan Sullivan. During the QA period, I asked why the
most common area for Breast Cancer was near the arm pit. My question could
not be answered at that time.

This email was just sent to me, and I find it interesting that my question
has been answered. I challenge you all to re-think your every day use of a
product that could ultimately lead to a terminal illness. As of today, I
will change my use.

A friend forwarded this to me. I showed it to a friend going through
chemotherapy and she said she learned this fact in a support group recently.
I wish I had known it 14 years ago. ___

I just got information from a health seminar that I would like to share...

The leading cause of breast cancer is the use of antiperspirant.


A concentration of toxins leads to cell mutations: a.k.a. CANCER.


Most of the products out there are an anti-perspirant/deodorant combination,
so go home and check. Deodorant is fine, anti-perspirant is not. Here's why:

The human body has a few areas that it uses to purge toxins; behind the
knees, behind the ears, groin area, and armpits. The toxins are purged in
the form of perspiration.

Anti-perspirant, as the name clearly indicates, prevents you from
perspiring, thereby inhibiting the body from purging toxins from below the

These toxins do not just magically disappear. Instead, the body deposits
them in the lymph nodes below the arms since cannot sweat them out.

Nearly all breast cancer tumors occur in the upper outside quadrant of the
breast area. This is precisely where the lymph nodes are located.

Additionally, Men are less likely (but not completely exempt) to develop
breast cancer prompted by antiperspirant usage because most of the
antiperspirant product is caught in their hair and is not directly applied
to the skin. Women who apply antiperspirant right after shaving increase the
risk further be! cause shaving causes almost imperceptible nicks in the skin
which give the chemicals entrance into the body from the armpit area.

PLEASE pass this along to anyone you care about. Breast cancer is becoming
frighteningly common.

This awareness may save lives. If you are skeptical about these findings, I
urge you to do some research for yourself.

You will arrive at the same conclusions, I assure you.

 Breast Cancer Said Caused By Antiperspirants (2).url

Re: [CTRL] Illegal aliens may pay less for college

2001-06-01 Thread Bob Stokes

-Caveat Lector-

 The bill, introduced in the House of Representatives
 by Reps. Howard Berman (D-Calif.), Lucille
 Roybal-Allard (D-Calif.) and Chris Cannon (R-Utah),
 would provide relief only for students under 21 who
 have lived in America more than five years, and who
 are currently in the country.

This sure sounds like rewarding criminals for not being caught for five
years.  This also sounds like these politicians are trying to get the
hispanic voters to re-elect them to office.

 The legislation also would give states the right to
 decide whom it charges for in-state tuition, which
 could pave the way for illegal immigrants to get
 discounts on college costs.

Illegal immigrants shouldn't have the right to anything, they are illegal,
they are criminals leaching off our society.

 It's hard to conceive of another country where people
 can come illegally and have all other taxpayers
 footing their bill, said Arnold Steinberg, chief
 strategist with the California Civil Rights

Only in this land could something so stupid actually happen.

 Berman and Roybal-Allard refused to speak with Fox
 News. But Berman said in a statement that the bill is
 designed for those not eligible for aid and who cannot
 afford out-of-state tuition.

Cowards spouting bullshit.

 We all suffer when good students in our communities
 are prevented from completing their education and
 realizing their potential, he said.

We all suffer when they use our tax dollars to support people who don't
belong in this country.

 Steinberg said Americans will, in effect, subsidize
 the education of illegal immigrants, even when
 struggling to finance the education of their own
 children. What it really means is that all
 distinctions should disappear and the whole idea of
 citizenship has lost its worth and value, he said.

Got that right.  Why should my tax dollars be used to third world people
dominion over my children.

 In his statement, Berman said the law would help the
 children of those who crossed the border, who he said
 had no choice but to come with their parents.
 This is not an amnesty, he said. Amnesty is for
 people who have done something wrong. These kids had
 no choice.

Propaganda.My children have done nothing wrong, but this asshole wants to
give them less opportunities than someone who is in the country illegally.
If they register for college as an illegal immigrant they should be deported
right then and there.

Bob Stokes

 The bill, introduced May 21, has been assigned to the
 House Judiciary Committee and the Committee on
 Education and the Workforce. 

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Single Cocaine Exposure Triggers Long-Lasting Surge Of Brain Activity

2001-06-01 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

This is probably all true, but the study was based on scientific methods and
the substance in question was cocaine, not sugar or salt. I sincerely doubt
that these foods are as addicting as cocaine.


On 1 Jun 01, at 22:25, Kris Millegan wrote:

 Cravings are not only the domain of such focused demonization but are also
 present in sugar, salt, and many other substances. We are in the midst of
 drug warrior re-inforcement campaign—classic Chang Kai-Shek; et al. MHO

 Not to be an endorsement of drug abuse, just offering another view.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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