Re: [CTRL] Ask questions later by Bill C. Davis

2001-12-06 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

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12-06-01: Ask questions later

By Bill C. Davis

December 6, 2001-Most citizens capitulated to the dubious outcome of a
disputed election because there was little else one could do and-for the sake
of the country-we were told to ask questions later. There was however an
interesting reintroduction to a deeper patriotism. We asked questions about
the roots of our country and we contrasted our answers to the rhetoric and
policies from Bush and company. Something wasn't lining up and what the rest
of the world was seeing many Americans also began to see.

Only fear and terror could put aside those questions and put the will of the
people behind the besieged administration. Fear and terror arrived. All
questioning ceases; George is given dictatorial powers and Americans are
being force fed a manic and pumped up sense of confidence. We're going to be
fine-we're going to be fine-we're going to be just fine. No question.

The war on terrorism offers an absolute evil for the population to rally
against. It's simple and unambiguous. Ambiguity is not something George has
the patience, historical perspective or attention span for and he represents
and promotes this feature in the American sensibility. He says it's a new
kind of war against evil. But it appears to be the same kind of war we've
seen before against something much more complex.

What we're watching we have watched before. A powerful military bombs a
country that only has guerilla capabilities or an inferior militia. Many
civilians are killed; rage grows; terrorism becomes the only weapon of
reprisal. People will always organize to create chaos until there is no
reason to organize and until chaos is no longer useful or necessary. The
comparison has been made between the war on terrorism and the war on poverty,
the war on drugs and the war on cancer. It sounds macho and forthright but
these wars are fictions that by the heat of their own declaration must
ignore root causes and questions.

The war on terrorism has a particular reason for ignoring root causes since
whatever grievance a terrorist attack may be addressing instantly becomes off
limits, because addressing the grievance will be perceived as submission and
reward. Asking why a terrorist attack happens almost implicates the person
asking as an accomplice. Instead of being a dispassionate inquiry in search
of a solution, asking why becomes tantamount to harboring a terrorist.

Bush and Ariel Sharon believe violence is necessary-they believe in an eye
for an eye. They believe military action will bring peace. It has been said
that if violence could bring peace, Israel should be the safest place in the

We are told that terrorists are being killed in Afghanistan. There's no way
to know how true that is, but it is safe to assume that out of this new kind
of war terrorists are being born. The terrorists America needs to be
concerned about may not be in Afghanistan at all. The cunning and committed
terrorist is the one we need to be searching for. A fighter in Afghanistan is
surely committed, but he is most likely not a terrorist and he is certainly
not cunning. By definition a terrorist uses surprise and secrecy. The
soldiers/operatives being killed in Afghanistan are openly fighting a
military. That is not the action of a terrorist whose most important weapon
is secrecy.

Bush, although not a fan of terrorists, is a big fan of secrecy. If one were
suspicious, the accidental bombing of Al-Jazeera in Kabul could be
interpreted as a measure by which secrecy was secured. More blatantly, if
secrecy can be blatant, the suppression of the Reagan papers, the need for
military tribunals, his drunk driving record, the sources for his energy
policies, the Bush bin-Laden connection, the Carlyle group and now possibly
American casualties, are all covered with a veil.

Several Pakistani papers are reporting sixty-five Marine deaths in
Afghanistan. The official word from the Pentagon is there has been only one
casualty. No word that will encourage the opposition or discourage the
shoulder to shoulder pro war sentiment will be uttered from the Pentagon.
Keeping the price of a military solution secret must be considered necessary
for success. No one should ask how many soldiers have been killed. We are
told they most likely will be killed-but ask questions about that later.

As veils are lifted in Afghanistan, the veil in America gets tighter. Even
America's second lady, Lynne Cheney, is making the rounds encouraging college
elitists to cool the critical rhetoric and acknowledge and declare that
they are outside the mainstream, i.e., admit your opinion doesn't
matter-really. Prime Minister Sharon announced to 

Re: [CTRL] Hypocrisy re terror groups - Christopher Reilly

2001-12-06 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

12-06-01: Bush administration hypocritical on terror groups; CNN remains

By Christopher Reilly
YellowTimes.ORG Journalist

December 6, 2001

(YellowTimes.ORG) - The Bush administration has been completely hypocritical
in its attempts to stop terror groups. The US president announced to CNN that
he would be cracking down on financiers of the radical Palestinian group
Hamas; however, he completely failed to mention Saudi Arabia and other
moderate gulf states as being financial and verbal supporters of the
Palestinian terror group.

CNN reported Tuesday that the president froze the U.S. assets of a
Texas-based Islamic foundation…alleging that the organization acts as a front
to finance the militant wing of the Palestinian group Hamas.

The group, known as the Holy Land Foundation, is reported to have raised $13
million dollars in the United States; money allegedly used to help fund the
militant Hamas.

After condemning the foundation, Bush failed to even criticize Saudi Arabia,
who according to Britain's The Guardian, recently gave a grant to Hamas
amounting to over $140 million dollars; money which probably went toward
purchasing more nail laden plastic explosives.

Once again this highlights the Bush administrations hypocritical stance in
the war against terrorism. Going after the assets of small foundations will
do next to nothing in stopping terror groups when the main supporters are
left immune to criticism, as in the case of Saudi Arabia and their support
for Hamas.

Bush even went so far as to say, The money raised by the Holy Land
Foundation is used by Hamas to support schools and indoctrinate children to
grow up into suicide bombers. The money raised by the Holy Land Foundation is
also used by Hamas to recruit suicide bombers and support their families.

But Bush still had nothing to say about Saudi Arabia, who gave over ten times
that amount of money to Hamas.

The Bush administration also failed to criticize Egypt, Qatar, the United
Arab Emirates, and Kuwait, who have all given their support to Hamas in the
past, despite the terror group's indiscriminate killings of Israeli and Arab
civilians. These four countries have welcomed Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, the
spiritual leader of Hamas, with open arms.

Even more chilling is how CNN has continued to fail to address this
hypocritical stance of the Bush administration. The article on Bush's
crackdown, written by CNN correspondents John King, Kelly Wallace, and
Susan Candiotti, mentioned nothing of the Gulf States contributing to Hamas
and the failure of the Bush administration to address this issue.

The article, titled Bush announces crackdown on alleged Hamas financiers,
looked more like a press report from Bush spokesmen than an article from a
non-governmental media agency.

Concerns can be raised about the dangers of a large media outlet such as CNN
becoming a mouth-piece for the Bush administration, despite their claims of

The links between CNN and the Bush administration are even stronger when
considering how CNN chairman Walter Isaacson told his staff to balance their
war reporting, according to Britain's The Times on November 1st, 2001.

This order by Isaacson came shortly after journalist Michael Theodoulou
reported Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Abdullah telling a group of newspaper
editors, The vicious Western media attack against the Kingdom is only
because of the ancient spite against Islam and Saudi Arabia's commitment to

Much of the US media, led by CNN, have also been largely silent on
accidental civilian killings in Afghanistan as a result of US bombs.
Civilian deaths due to US bombs are now accepted to be in the hundreds, but
much of the US media does not seem to consider this important news.

Just yesterday, journalist Richard Lloyd Parry witnessed the remnants of the
Afghan town Kama Ado, completely destroyed after American B-52s unloaded
dozen of bombs that killed 115 men, women and children. Yet once again, the
US media has remained relatively silent on Kama Ado, and the Pentagon has
continued to deny the event even took place.

Perhaps journalist Robert Fisk said it best, We are not supposed to know the
details of these deaths.

Christopher Reilly can be contacted at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [CTRL] Monbiot Blasting Our Way to Peace

2001-12-06 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

Blasting Our Way to Peace
The West's victory is a defeat for civilisation
By George Monbiot. Published in the Guardian 15th November 2001

The armchair warriors have proved no more merciful in victory than the
Northern Alliance. Yesterday's Sun turned over two pages to an editorial
titled Shame of the traitors: wrong, wrong, wrong ... the fools who said
Allies faced disaster. Christopher Hitchens raised the moral and
intellectual tone of the debate in the Guardian yesterday with this lofty
sentiment: Well ha, ha, ha and yah, boo. It was ... obvious that defeat was
impossible. Such magnanimity suggests to me that it is not Afghanistan which
we have bombed into the Stone Age, but ourselves.

But almost everyone now agrees that this is the end of history, all over
again. The sceptics have been routed as swiftly as the Taliban. George Bush
and Tony Blair, with the help of their daisy cutters and cluster bombs,
have ushered in a new, new world order, the long awaited golden age of
democracy. But have the warriors of the West, both actual and virtual, really
won? And if so, what precisely is the prize?

There's no question that the advance of the Northern Alliance is a remarkable
turnaround, which took the hawks as well as the doves by surprise. All of us
-- warriors and sceptics -- overestimated the military difficulties of
capturing Kabul. But the Telegraph's repetition of Mrs Thatcher's injunction
-- just rejoice, rejoice -- may prove to be a little premature.

It would be rather easier to measure the success of the West's war aims if
those aims had not shifted with every presidential announcement. But a few
key questions may help us to determine how much the B52s have achieved. The
first and most obvious is: will the advance of the Northern Alliance lead to
the overthrow of the barbarous Taliban? The answer is, almost certainly, yes;
though they may persist as a guerilla force. The question this then begs is
will it improve the lives of the Afghan people? Almost everyone appears to
believe that it will. But we should be foolish to forget that just five years
ago both Afghans and western diplomats welcomed the Taliban's capture of
Kabul, as it relieved the inhabitants of the murderous dominion of the men
who now run the Northern Alliance. Yesterday the Telegraph claimed that the
NA's fearful violence towards Arab and Pakistani soldiers is a shocking
reminder of the fact that bin Laden's zealots have been a hated army of
occupation. Well, perhaps. But it is also a shocking reminder of the fact
that the Northern Alliance can be just as brutal as the hated regime it has
displaced. To the claim Polly Toynbee made on these pages yesterday that
nothing could be worse than the Taliban, one can only respond: don't tempt

The Alliance's willingness to cooperate with western plans for Afghanistan is
also questionable. Four days ago, we were told that its soldiers had been
persuaded not to advance on Kabul, and this was judged a victory for the
West. Now they have taken Kabul, and this too is hailed as a victory for the
West. That the military action has not gone according to plan, in other
words, is now presented as a vindication of the plan.

Given that the Northern Alliance has so far shown little interest in doing as
the West requests, why should we assume it would be prepared to abandon its
military gains for a broad-based political settlement? Countless
comparisons to the outcome in Serbia have been made, as if this somehow
offers proof that armed intervention leads inexorably to democracy. But
Serbia, unlike Afghanistan, already possessed a mature democracy movement.
Where is the Afghan equivalent? Where are the moderate leaders with which the
West wants to replace the Taliban? Who among all the named credible
candidates does not have blood on his hands? And will the fiercely
independent Afghans accept the writ of the United Nations? Or, given that
both Russia and the West have strategic and energy interests in central Asia,
will it come to be seen in the same light as the Soviet occupation?

Will the advance of the Northern Alliance save people who are at risk of
famine in Afghanistan? It will almost certainly save some of them. Much more
aid is now entering the areas which have come under Northern Alliance
control, though, like the retreating Taliban, the alliance fighters have been
looting supplies and commandeering UN vehicles. But for thousands the help is
likely to have arrived too late. The interruption of supplies during the
eight weeks in which they should have been stockpiled for the winter means
that many of those living in the valleys made inaccessible by snow will die
before they can be reached.

Will it lead to the capture or killing of Osama Bin Laden? Possibly. Will it
free the world from terrorism? No. Will it deliver regional or global
security? Probably not. The Northern Alliance's gains represented a bounty
for Russia and a blow for Pakistan, 

[CTRL] Secret US Plans for Next War on Iraq

2001-12-06 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related New Paradigms Posts at:

From: All The News That Doesn't Fit [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Secret US Plans for Next War on Iraq
Date: Monday, December 03, 2001 12:12 PM

Secret US Plans for Next War on Iraq

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

The Guardian/Observer - December 2, 2001

Secret US plan for Iraq war:

Bush orders backing for rebels to topple Saddam

by Peter Beaumont, Ed Vulliamy and Paul Beaver

America intends to depose Saddam Hussein by giving armed support to
Iraqi opposition forces across the country, The Observer has learnt.

President George W. Bush has ordered the CIA and his senior military
commanders to draw up detailed plans for a military operation that
could begin within months.

The plan, opposed by Tony Blair and other European Union leaders,
threatens to blow apart the increasingly shaky international
consensus behind the US-led 'war on terrorism'.

It envisages a combined operation with US bombers targeting key
military installations while US forces assist opposition groups in
the North and South of the country in a stage-managed uprising. One
version of the plan would have US forces fighting on the ground.

Despite US suspicions of Iraqi involvement in the 11 September
attacks, the trigger for any attack, sources say, would be the
anticipated refusal of Iraq to resubmit to inspections for weapons of
mass destruction under the United Nations sanctions imposed after the
Gulf war.

According to the sources, the planning is being undertaken under the
auspices of a the US Central Command at McDill air force base in
Tampa, Florida, commanded by General Tommy Franks, who is leading the
war against Afghanistan.

Another key player is understood to be former CIA director James
Woolsey. Sources say Woolsey was sent to London by the hawkish Deputy
Defence Secretary, Paul Wolfowitz, soon after 11 September to ask
Iraqi opposition groups if they would participate in an uprising if
there was US military support.

The New York Times yesterday quoted a senior administration official
who admitted that Bush's aides were looking at options that involved
strengthening groups that opposed Saddam. Richard Armitage, the
Deputy Secretary of State, said that action against Iraq was not
imminent, but would come at a 'place and time of our choosing'.

Washington has been told by its allies that evidence it has presented
of an Iraqi link to 11 September is at best circumstantial. However,
US proponents of extending the war believe they can make the case for
hitting Saddam's regime over its plan to produce weapons of mass

A European diplomat said last week: 'In the past week the Americans
have shut up about Iraqi links to 11 September and have been talking
a lot more about their weapons programme.'

The US is believed to be planning to exploit existing UN resolutions
on Iraqi weapons programmes to set the action off.

Under the pre-existing 'red lines' for military action against Iraq -
set down by Washington and London after the Gulf War - evidence of
any credible threat from weapons of mass destruction would be
regarded as sufficient to launch military strikes along the lines of
Operation Desert Fox in 1998, when allied planes made large-scale
strikes against suspected Iraqi weapons complexes.

Opposition by Blair and French President Jacques Chirac may not be
enough to dissuade the Americans. One European military source who
recently returned from General Franks's headquarters in Florida said:
'The Americans are walking on water. They think they can do anything
at the moment and there is bloody nothing Tony [Blair] can do about

Bush is said to have issued instructions about the proposals, which
are now at a detailed stage, to his Defence Secretary, Donald
Rumsfeld, three weeks ago. But Pentagon sources say that a plan for
attacking Iraq was developed by the time Bush's order was sent to the
Pentagon, drawn up by Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, chairman of the joint
chiefs General Richard Myers, and Franks.

The plan is to work with a combination of three political forces:
Kurdish rebels in the north of Iraq, radical Sunni Muslim groups in
and around Baghdad, and, most controversially, the Shia opposition in
the south.

The most adventurous ingredient in the anti-Iraqi proposal is the use
of US ground troops, Pentagon sources say. 'Significant numbers' of
ground troops could also be called on in the early stages of any
rebellion to guard oil fields around the Shia port of Basra in
southern Iraq.

(c) Guardian Newspapers Limited 2001

[In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior
interest in receiving the included information for research 

Re: [CTRL] Let Me Tell You About My Family

2001-12-06 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well June, the ADL came out with this neo nazi crap and went after those
two kids at Littleton and then they found out this Klebold kid came from
a jewish family - another smaller 'foundation which is nice point for
laundering dirty money.   End of story ..

Then they do not like to talk about these two kids wanting to hijack a
jet plane and crashing it into New York City - now somehow this reminds
me of the Twin Towers.

Now tell me where were these loving parents when these two little hoods
who were wearing black trench coats - these two alleged homosexual
lovers - when they plotted and planned and bought enough explosives to
wipe out a block area and their slaughter however due to their inability
to provide more effective pipe bombs, etc., which did not go off, saved
the lives of hundreds of people.

What they planned was a real blast reminiscent to the Twin Towers?

Tell me where were these loving parents?

Well Klebolds decided to sue the Sheriff for their lack of control over
their little animal.   Do not know if the Harris kid's family did - but
the minute it came out that Klebold was jewish - hey it sure stopped the
ADL from complaining further for we had a good look as to from where
some of this stuff was comingoh it was to celebrate Adolph Hitler's
Birthday, and to bring Judgment Day or Megiddo on their little

Such lovely parents - one suing the Sheriff blaming him - where the hell
did these kids keep these arsenals - one drugged up half the time, the
other boozing up so much vodka he took it as a nickname.

Both these homes had fatherstell me where were they, the
displinarian figure?

but somehow that wanting to hijack a jet plan and crash it into New York
City rang a familiar bell

So one of the first guys to get the anthrax in the Senate?   Why this
man Dascle - was against gun control during this periodbut
Clinton went after the guns because two little fascists,  wanted to
use propane gas tanks to take out an entire block - maybe he should have
gone after the propane?

Wonder, did they ever take these parents to juvenile Court for neglect
after the fact - the kids were 17 and still under their legal control.

But then like this 6 year old black kick who shot and killed a little 6
year old white girl we are to forgive and forget?

Now where did these kids keep their arsenal?

And to hijack and crash a jet plane?   These other kids whom they called
jocks these are the one's they were after.they were all Christians
and targeted kids, no doubt active in Christian organizations

But most of all their parents did not sue the Sheriff for neglect in
their kids being slaughtered - not it took Klebold's parents to do
that..hope they were heavily insured against the terrorist
activities of their kids.


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My APB About APB Contact APB Newsletters Downloads
New Details of Columbine Attack: 95 Bombs
Electronic Triggering Failures Prevented School Holocaust
Feb. 14, 2000
Columbine gunman caught on video in school cafeteria
DENVER (AP) -- Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were armed with 95
explosive devices when they launched their attack on Columbine High
School last spring -- a much larger arsenal than originally reported.
The explosives, enough to wipe out the school and hundreds of students,
included 48 carbon dioxide bombs, 27 pipe bombs and 11 1.5-gallon
propane containers. Most of the bombs did not explode.
The two Columbine seniors also had seven devices with 40-plus gallons of
flammable liquid and two duffel bags containing 20-pound
liquefied-petroleum gas tanks.
The extent of their arsenal was revealed last week when members of the
Littleton Fire Department met with Gov. Bill Owens' Columbine Review
Commission, The Denver Post reported today.
'Very, very lucky'
Related Stories:
Full Coverage: The Massacre at Columbine High School
As bad as this was, we were so very, very lucky, said Chuck Burdick,
operations chief of the Littleton Fire Department. It could have been
so much worse.
Following the April 20 massacre, authorities believed Klebold and Harris
had made about 60 bombs.
I look at Columbine High School as a 

Re: [CTRL] Let Me Tell You About My Family

2001-12-06 Thread Bill Kalivas

-Caveat Lector-

I wrestle with this. I also homeschool ours. People worry me about
socialization. We do ok with this. Either the responsibility is with my
wife and I, or the State. I know I can't protect them forever, but we wanted
them to be kids as long as they could. I think socialization makes kids
adults before they're ready.

They also don't watch the violence porn, mindless sitcoms, on the toilet
vision. No Soma for our house!


 Well Bill, I have discovered one thing - the kids who have parents who
 care for them, and live decent lives, are always the victims of those
 who do not.
 Littleton is a classic example of kids left alone - drugs, guns, TV
 videos, and let us say the wrong kind of upbringing.

 It seems to me that the alleged perps in Littleton both came from caring,
 loving, decent, intact nuclear families who cared for them -- not a broken
 home in the lot...

 And the victims watched the same TV, movies and videogames as those who
 attacked them...


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Re: [CTRL] Let Me Tell You About My Family

2001-12-06 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well we know now what all the pornography is about - as this lesbian
librarian said when displaying
pornographic art in main entrance of the library it was to prove to
Osama bin Laden we have freedom of speech.

So maybe this is why the moves are so lewd and lascivicious and vicious
for some people get thrills watching mutilation of others.

I bought my little 3 year old grandson he new Fantasia - and all
throughout this film were people like Beth Midler, or whatever her name
is - interacting with the movie, but the worse was these two  unknown
jewish comedians, who came on the scene and suddenly the one cut off the
hand of the other for a looked real but this is comedy?

I ripped the thing out of the VCR and took it back and got a refund.

Even Disney is being destroyed.but most parents get the message.

Note people no longer are taking their kids to these Disney World
gouging sites as they once did.

If you don't protect your children, nobody else will.

People are always envious and jealous of the good kids and they are the
first targetsColumbine is a good example - the innocents were
slaughtered -

I always wondered why suddenly Disney was a free channel for I always
had to pay for it.

Today it is not fit for little kids to watch and has become vicious
propaganda tool.

This evil lewd and lascivicious element has even taken Mickey Mouse from
the kids.

But I tape all the old ones now and watch closely any cartoons he
watches when here.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Bush administration hypocritical on terror groups

2001-12-06 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

12-06-01: Bush administration hypocritical on terror groups; CNN remains

By Christopher Reilly
YellowTimes.ORG Journalist

December 6, 2001

(YellowTimes.ORG) - The Bush administration has been completely hypocritical
in its attempts to stop terror groups. The US president announced to CNN that
he would be cracking down on financiers of the radical Palestinian group
Hamas; however, he completely failed to mention Saudi Arabia and other
moderate gulf states as being financial and verbal supporters of the
Palestinian terror group.

CNN reported Tuesday that the president froze the U.S. assets of a
Texas-based Islamic foundation…alleging that the organization acts as a front
to finance the militant wing of the Palestinian group Hamas.

The group, known as the Holy Land Foundation, is reported to have raised $13
million dollars in the United States; money allegedly used to help fund the
militant Hamas.

After condemning the foundation, Bush failed to even criticize Saudi Arabia,
who according to Britain's The Guardian, recently gave a grant to Hamas
amounting to over $140 million dollars; money which probably went toward
purchasing more nail laden plastic explosives.

Once again this highlights the Bush administrations hypocritical stance in
the war against terrorism. Going after the assets of small foundations will
do next to nothing in stopping terror groups when the main supporters are
left immune to criticism, as in the case of Saudi Arabia and their support
for Hamas.

Bush even went so far as to say, The money raised by the Holy Land
Foundation is used by Hamas to support schools and indoctrinate children to
grow up into suicide bombers. The money raised by the Holy Land Foundation is
also used by Hamas to recruit suicide bombers and support their families.

But Bush still had nothing to say about Saudi Arabia, who gave over ten times
that amount of money to Hamas.

The Bush administration also failed to criticize Egypt, Qatar, the United
Arab Emirates, and Kuwait, who have all given their support to Hamas in the
past, despite the terror group's indiscriminate killings of Israeli and Arab
civilians. These four countries have welcomed Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, the
spiritual leader of Hamas, with open arms.

Even more chilling is how CNN has continued to fail to address this
hypocritical stance of the Bush administration. The article on Bush's
crackdown, written by CNN correspondents John King, Kelly Wallace, and
Susan Candiotti, mentioned nothing of the Gulf States contributing to Hamas
and the failure of the Bush administration to address this issue.

The article, titled Bush announces crackdown on alleged Hamas financiers,
looked more like a press report from Bush spokesmen than an article from a
non-governmental media agency.

Concerns can be raised about the dangers of a large media outlet such as CNN
becoming a mouth-piece for the Bush administration, despite their claims of

The links between CNN and the Bush administration are even stronger when
considering how CNN chairman Walter Isaacson told his staff to balance their
war reporting, according to Britain's The Times on November 1st, 2001.

This order by Isaacson came shortly after journalist Michael Theodoulou
reported Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Abdullah telling a group of newspaper
editors, The vicious Western media attack against the Kingdom is only
because of the ancient spite against Islam and Saudi Arabia's commitment to

Much of the US media, led by CNN, have also been largely silent on
accidental civilian killings in Afghanistan as a result of US bombs.
Civilian deaths due to US bombs are now accepted to be in the hundreds, but
much of the US media does not seem to consider this important news.

Just yesterday, journalist Richard Lloyd Parry witnessed the remnants of the
Afghan town Kama Ado, completely destroyed after American B-52s unloaded
dozen of bombs that killed 115 men, women and children. Yet once again, the
US media has remained relatively silent on Kama Ado, and the Pentagon has
continued to deny the event even took place.

Perhaps journalist Robert Fisk said it best, We are not supposed to know the
details of these deaths.

Christopher Reilly can be contacted at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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as long as a link to YellowTimes.ORG is included.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects 

[CTRL] Ramadan TV Special: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

2001-12-06 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

MEMRI: Ramadan TV Special: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Special Dispatch - Arab Antisemitism
December 6, 2001
No. 309

Ramadan TV Special: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

During the second half of Ramadan, a number of television
stations, including Egyptian stations, will be screening
the thirty-part series Horseman Without a Horse, starring
the well-known Egyptian actor Muhammad Subhi and a cast of
400 others from Egypt, Syria, and France. The series, whose
budget ran six to eight million Egyptian pounds, was
produced by Arab Radio and Television (ART), established in
1993, which broadcasts to the Middle East, North America,
Latin America, Australia, and Africa.(1)

In a report on the series, the Egyptian weekly Roz
Al-Youssuf(2) described it as the first of its kind -
both artistically, as it is the first time a single actor
plays 14 different characters, and in the way in which it
deals with the issues it raises.  The following are
excerpts from a report on the series:

For the first time, the series' writer courageously
tackles the 24 Protocols of the Elders of Zion, revealing
them and clarifying that they are the central line that
still, to this very day, dominates Israel's policy,
political aspirations, and racism... The series' first
scene is set in 1948, after the retreat of the four Arab
armies and the Zionist invasion of the land of
Palestine.From this point, there is a flashback to the
mid-19th century.

The newspaper states that the idea of exposing the
Protocols of the Elders of Zion in a drama series took
shape in Subhi's mind as the result of two events. The
first of these was the London Convention [sic], which he
considered the greatest single calamity ever to affect the
Arab region. This agreement, Subhi claimed, was the work of
three Zionist rabbis, promoters of the Zionist idea, who
concocted an elaborate plot according to which Palestine
would be annexed to Egypt, and Britain would subsequently
conquer Egypt and hand Palestine over to the Zionists.

Subhi stated that this is what sparked his desire to
investigate the Zionist idea, which existed years before
the London Convention, but emerged only at the first
Zionist conference in Basle Switzerland, at which the Jews
began to appear as a Zionist organization; previously, they
had been active only in associations and large institutions
throughout the world.

Also motivating him, he said, was a book by the Egyptian
author Abbas Mahmoud Al-'Aqqad on the Zionist movement.
Al-'Aqqad said that, [In order to examine] whether the
Protocols of the Elders of Zion are an invention - as [the
Jews] claim - all we have to do is to trace the
[implementation of the] 24 protocols; if we find that some
of them have come to pass, we must expect that the rest
also will. Subhi followed Al-'Aqqad's advice, and found
that 19 of the 24 protocols had [already] been put into
practice. By means of the series, Subhi adds, I am
exposing all the Protocols of the Elders of Zion that have
been implemented to date, in a dramatic, comic, historic,
national, tragic, and romantic manner.

The weekly also offered quotes from the Protocols that the
series addresses:

We will act to establish a state to be a superpower that
will rule the world; [When we rule the world], we will
damage its morality with pornography, prostitution, and
drugs, and we will corrupt the world of the Gentiles; We
must choose someone corrupt [for the presidency of the
superpower] and when he resists us - we will expose him.
In this context, Subhi noted, We all remember what
happened to President Clinton and to other presidents
throughout history.

The series will also reveal advice reportedly taken from
the Protocols, such as: Feed a dog, [but] not a Muslim or
a Christian and Kill a Muslim or a Christian and take his
house as your house and his lands as your lands. He also
raises such questions as, How can a country like America
collaborate with the Jews when it is familiar with the
Protocols' directives against it [America]?


(1) Al-Alam Al-Youm (Egypt), October 4, 2001.
(2) Roz Al-Youssuf  (Egypt), November 17, 2001.

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) is an
independent, non-profit organization that translates and
analyzes the media of the Middle East.  Copies of articles
and documents cited, as well as background information, are
available on request.

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI)
P.O. Box 27837, Washington, DC 20038-7837
Phone: (202) 955-9070
Fax: (202) 955-9077

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by 

Re: [CTRL] Let Me Tell You About My Family

2001-12-06 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

--- c. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 um, hanging around with 12 other single men and a prostitute is the
 way to live?

NOWHERE in the NT does it say that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute. She
is described variously as a sinner out of whom went seven devils.
It is more likely that she was a priestess in an Astarte cult, which
may or may not have involved sacred prostitution, but she was not the
common streetwalker that the Christian Church has made her out to be.
At any rate, she was closer to Jesus than any of his disciples, being
the first to see him after the resurrection, which inspired envy in the
disciples, who were the ones who made up church dogma.

As for the 12 other single men this also is not supported by the NT.
In Mark 1:31, Jesus heals the mother-in-law of the disciple Simon
Peter. Outside of the Essenes, who cloistered themselves at Qumran, it
is extremely rare for Jewish men -- or women -- to remain single. The
rabbis at the time compared deliberate celibacy to murder. The disciple
James, the brother of Jesus, was apparently the ancestor of the
Desposyni, Jewish royal exiles in Southern France in the first century

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Saudi Shiek Linked to bin Laden

2001-12-06 Thread Kris Millegan


Germans investigate claim that Saudi sheik
tried to obtain weapons for al-Qaida

Copyright © 2001 AP Online

The associated Press

BERLIN (December 5, 2001 3:22 p.m. EST) - Authorities in Germany are
investigating claims by a businessman that he was approached by a Saudi
sheik seeking to procure missiles and potentially dangerous substances for
associates of Osama bin Laden, a spokesman said Wednesday.

Juergen Stoltenow, a spokesman for Germany's Federal Criminal Office, said
authorities questioned the German businessman in October and that an
investigation was under way. He declined to provide further details or
identify the businessman.

But in an interview published Wednesday in the German newsmagazine Stern,
the unnamed businessman said he met several times with a Saudi named Hassan
Enany. During a 1993 meeting, Enany allegedly inquired about missiles,
biological and chemical substances he said were intended for Arab friends
with connections to bin Laden, the prime suspect in the Sept. 11 terrorist

The unnamed businessman told Stern that he met Enany in London, the Spanish
resort town of Marbella and elsewhere and that he gave Enany documents about
Russian missile systems and how to obtain them.

It was not clear how the businessman came in possession of the documents.

According to Stern, the FBI - which has had field officers working in
Germany since Sept. 11 - is now trying to ascertain whether Enany was
involved in financing bin Laden's al-Qaida network.

Three of the Sept. 11 suicide hijackers lived and studied in Germany where
authorities believed they and at least three others hatched the worst
terrorist attack in history. 

---End Message---

Re: [CTRL] Info on Ashcroft Hearing: where/when

2001-12-06 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

  Ashcroft will be in front of the Senate Judiciary today at 10AM EST.  It
will be aired live on CSPAN3 (yeah, like who has that channel?)   To watch
live on the internet, go to and click on the CSPAN3 screen.
There's a filler program at the site when CSPAN3 isn't live but the hearing
will be live at 10AM.  Sometime later, this estimated 3 hour Ashcroft portion
will be at the 107th Congress page ( - in the
upper right hand corner click on Today's Feature.  Paul at CSPAN said it
should be there for about 24 hours.
  CSPAN2 will air the hearing sometime tonighton television.  They don't post
their schedule until after 5PM.  Go to CSPAN2 after 5PM EST and click on the
CSPAN2 screen for tonight's television replay schedule.  CSPAN2 has live
Senate coverage today and they don'tinterrupt Senate sessions for committee
hearing ever, apparently, when the Senate is in session.
  Contact info for

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: CNN: GW Bush says, I'm the dictator.

2001-12-06 Thread Kris Millegan



If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the
--President-Elect George W. Bush, CNN News, Aired December 18, 2000 - 12:00 p.m. ET




Government ESP:

People magazine
September 12, 2001
New York City,11859,174592-5,00.html

How could they let this happen? They knew this building was a target. Over the past 
weeks we'd been evacuated a number of times, which is unusual. I think they had an 
something was going on.
—Ben Fountain, 42, a financial analyst with Fireman's Fund Insurance, was coming out of
the Chambers Street Station, headed for his office on the 47th floor of the south tower,11859,174592-3,00.html

We were the first ones in the second tower after the plane struck. I was taking
firefighters up in the elevator to the 24th floor to get in position to evacuate 
On the last trip up a bomb went off. We think there was bombs set in the building. I 
just asked another firefighter to stay with me, which was a good thing because we were
trapped inside the elevator and he had the tools to get out.
—Louie Cacchioli, 51, is a firefighter assigned to Engine 47 in Harlem,11859,174592-2,00.html 

In 1993 we had smoke, a little bit of shake. This was a lot scarier. Last time you got
the sense that everything was going to be okay. This was like an action flick without 
heroes. There's no happy ending.
—Richard Egües, investment banker

I was in the Army during the Vietnam era. But this surpassed all of that. I just kept
thinking, 'It's a terrible world.'
—David Schnitzer, Empire Blue Cross and Blue Shield manager, 24th floor of World Trade
Tower 1 

LIFE - a Commemorative - September 11 and After ($9.95, Softcover)
[includes 2 pages of video shots of FIRST airliner hitting WTC]

On February 23, 1993, six people were killed an a thousand were injured when bombs 
detonated in the parking garage beneath the Center, leading to life-sentences for six
Islamic extremists. But the building held. Much earlier, on July 28, 1945, a B-25 
got lost in the fog and slammed into the 79th floor of the Empire State Building. 
lives were lost and there was massive damage, but that building held, too. When the 
Trade Center was in design, the Empire State incident was recalled, and the Twin Towers
were built to withstand the blow from a big jetliner—the biggest jetliner being flown 
the time [a Boeing 747].

Terrorism works. It is a tool of the strong. The United States studied Nazi methods 
picked up those methods, and these became US manuals for 'counterterrorism'. The US 
recruited Nazi war criminals. 'Counterterrorism' and 'Low-intensity conflict' are the 
definitions for its own acts of terrorism If I think that someone who robbed my 
lives in a neighborhood across the street, I don't take an assault rifle and kill every
innocent person in that neighborhood We organize and train terrorist armies
'Enduring' means 'suffer', and many nations have 'endured' US intervention.
—Dr Noam Chomsky, MIT, author of Manufacturing Consent, on Free Speech TV - Pacifica 
in Exile, November 2001





Project MKULTRA, the CIA's Program of Research in Behavior Modification

Joint Hearing Before the Select Committee on Intelligence and Subcommittee on  Health 
Scientific Research of the committee on Human Resources

August 1977

The Central Intelligence Agency drugged American citizens without their knowledge or
consent. [page 3, paragraph 7]

photocopies of government transcripts
[hard to read - maybe it's in local libraries]

= Transcripts


Transition of Power: President-Elect Bush Meets With Congressional Leaders on Capitol 

Aired December 18, 2000 - 12:00 p.m. ET 


FRANK SESNO, CNN ANCHOR: In the nation's capital, it's all about George W. Bush -- he's
here and doing business -- while in state capitals, it's the day the Electoral College
meets and votes. And if all goes as planned, the electors will certify Bush's narrow
victory in last month's election.

He's already looking forward as he makes the rounds here in the nation's capital. A key
item on his agenda today: meeting congressional 

Re: [CTRL] Aide: Clinton Unleashed bin Laden

2001-12-06 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

I have to research this
I seem to recall Clinton wanting to accept Sudan's offer, but the congress
at the time was busy voting against anything he wanted, while pursuing a
wotchhunt in order to have the republicans regain the white house

Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate
William of Occam


 From: Bill Richer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2001 22:08:28 EST
 Subject: [CTRL] Aide: Clinton Unleashed bin Laden

 -Caveat Lector-

 Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

 Aide: Clinton Unleashed bin Laden
 Chuck Noe,
 Thursday, Dec. 6, 2001
 Bill Clinton ignored repeated opportunities to capture Osama bin Laden and
 his terrorist allies and is responsible for the spread of terrorism, one of
 the ex-president¹s own top aides charges.
 Mansoor Ijaz, who negotiated with Sudan on behalf of Clinton from 1996 to
 1998, paints a portrait of a White House plagued by incompetence, focused on
 appearances rather than action, and heedless of profound threats to national

 Ijaz also claims Clinton passed on an opportunity to have Osama bin Laden

 Sudanese President Omar Hassan Ahmed Bashir, hoping to have terrorism
 sanctions lifted, offered the arrest and extradition of bin Laden and
 detailed intelligence data about the global networks constructed by Egypt's
 Islamic Jihad, Iran's Hezbollah and the Palestinian Hamas,² Ijaz writes in
 today¹s edition of the liberal Los Angeles Times.

 These networks included the two hijackers who piloted jetliners into the
 World Trade Center.

 But Clinton and National Security Adviser Samuel Sandy² Berger failed to

 ²I know because I negotiated more than one of the opportunities,² Ijaz

 ²The silence of the Clinton administration in responding to these offers was

 Thank Clinton for 'Hydra-like Monster'

 ²As an American Muslim and a political supporter of Clinton, I feel now, as I
 argued with Clinton and Berger then, that their counter-terrorism policies
 fueled the rise of bin Laden from an ordinary man to a Hydra-like monster,²
 says Ijaz, chairman of a New York investment company and a member of the
 Council on Foreign Relations.

 Ijaz¹s revelations are but the latest to implicate the Clinton administration
 in the spread of terrorism. Former CIA and State Department official Larry
 Johnson today also noted the failure of Clinton to do more than talk.

 Among the many others who have pointed out Clinton¹s negligence: former
 Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger, former Clinton adviser Dick Morris,
 the late author Barbara Olson, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Iraqi expert
 Laurie Mylroie, the CIA and some of the victims of Sept. 11.

 And the list grows: members of Congress, pundit Charles R. Smith, former
 Department of Energy official Notra Trulock, former House Speaker Newt
 Gingrich, government counterterrorism experts, the law firm Judicial Watch,
 New Jersey gubernatorial candidate Bret Schundler, the liberal Boston Globe ­
 and even Clinton himself.

 The Buck Stops Nowhere

 Ijaz's account in the Times reads like a spy novel. Sudan¹s Bashir, fearing
 the rise of bin Laden, sent intelligence officials to the U.S. in February
 1996. They offered to arrest bin Laden and extradite him to Saudi Arabia or
 to keep close watch over him. The Saudis didn't want their home-grown
 terrorist back where he might plot to overthrow them.²

 ²In May 1996, the Sudanese capitulated to U.S. pressure and asked bin Laden
 to leave, despite their feeling that he could be monitored better in Sudan
 than elsewhere.²

 That¹s when bin Laden went to Afghanistan, along with Ayman Zawahiri,
 considered by the U.S. to be the chief planner of the Sept. 11 attacks;
 Mamdouh Mahmud Salim, who traveled frequently to Germany to obtain electronic
 equipment for al-Qaeda; Wadih El-Hage, Bin Laden's personal secretary and
 roving emissary, now serving a life sentence in the U.S. for his role in the
 1998 U.S. embassy bombings in Tanzania and Kenya; and Fazul Abdullah Mohammed
 and Saif Adel, also accused of carrying out the embassy attacks.²

 If these names sound familiar, just check the FBI's list of most-wanted

 The Clinton administration repeatedly rejected crucial information that Sudan
 had gathered on these terrorists, Ijaz says.

 In July 2000, just three months before the deadly attack on the destroyer USS
 Cole in Yemen, Ijaz brought the White House another plausible offer to deal
 with bin Laden, by then known to be involved in the embassy bombings. A
 senior counter-terrorism official from one of the United States' closest Arab

[CTRL] Fwd: Chinese Germ Warfare Ignored By State Dept.

2001-12-06 Thread Kris Millegan


Super computers for Chinese Army nuclear/biowarfare labs

Chinese Germ Warfare Ignored By State Dept.

By Charles R.Smith

The Bush administration has refused to name China as a major
supplier of biological and chemical weapons despite overwhelming
evidence to the contrary.

The U.S. said that there may be some 'friendly countries' with
biological weapons programs who would not be named, noted
Michael Waller of the Center for Security Policy.

The State Department considers Communist China a 'friendly
country,' effectively providing diplomatic cover to continue to
conceal Beijing's biological weapons program from the world,
said Waller.

The State Department did issue a recent report naming Sudan,
North Korea, Iraq and Iran as countries known to be developing
dangerous biological weapons.

The refusal to name China as a seller of biological weapons
reportedly drew intense criticism inside the Bush


The internal dissent came after intelligence information
confirmed that China was operating a major biowarfare
development center in Xian.  Chinese military labs are reported
to be developing genetically altered Anthrax, Smallpox and Ebola
virus weapons.

There is no indication whatsoever that China has halted or cut
back its weapons of mass destruction programs, stated Al
Santoli, national security advisor to Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R.

Equally troubling, the Chinese government has recently made
military training mandatory for all high school and college
students, under the combined control of the Ministry of
Education and the Ministry of Defense.  These types of national
policies should set off alarm bells in neighboring countries and
in the West, that despite efforts to integrate China into the
world economy, Beijing continues to pursue belligerent
military/political goals, said Santoli.


Defense sources are also concerned because China has sold germ
warfare equipment to Iran.  In Jan. 1997, Madeleine Albright
confirmed during a Senate hearing that China had shipped
biological warfare equipment to Iran.

The concern is that Iran may have passed germ warfare technology
to terrorist groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah that have
carried out recent suicide attacks in Israel.  U.S. intelligence
sources refused to confirm or deny that China may be the
original source of recent Anthrax attacks in the United States.

In 1997, the Clinton administration refused to identify the
specific Chinese company that made the germ warfare shipments to
Iran.  The Clinton administration also refused to impose
sanctions required by export laws against China.


Instead, documentation obtained using the Freedom of Information
Act shows that in 1997 Clinton officials approved super-computer
exports to a known Chinese germ warfare lab without an end use

In December 1997, U.S. Commerce officials sought permission to
inspect Xian Jiatong University prior to the export of a high
performance computer made by Digital Corp.  American inspectors
wanted to verify that the Chinese university would not use the
computer for germ warfare research.

However, all efforts to inspect the site were denied by the
communist Chinese government.  The Clinton administration
approved the super-computer sale despite Beijing's refusal to
allow inspections.

Xian Jiatong University is a known center for Chinese Army
biological and chemical warfare research.  The Xian Jiatong sale
is the only reported U.S. super-computer export associated with
Chinese biological and chemical warfare.

Pentagon sources are convinced that the Chinese Army is now
using the U.S. made super-computer to develop a chemical cluster
bomblet munitions to arm missiles and bombers.  A bomblet
warhead can disperse hundreds of miniature germ filled grenades
over a vast area instead of a single large warhead, which would
infect a smaller target zone.


In addition, convicted China-Gate figure Charlie Yah Lin Trie
confirmed in a March 2000 Congressional hearing that he helped
China obtain germ warfare technology from the west.

If they don't get it from me, they get it from someone else,
testified Trie.  They gonna get it.

According to his testimony, Trie received thousands of dollars
in commissions from the Chinese by arranging a deal with a Swiss
biological equipment manufacturer.

The Trie led deal allowed China to obtain a 500-liter fermenting
machine used to cultivate microorganisms, viruses or biotoxins.
The institute in China that received the fermenting machine is
based in Xian, near the known Chinese germ warfare lab.


Re: [CTRL] Virus Warning

2001-12-06 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

This is a hoax -

No virus can destroy your memory, speakers, sound card, or other hardware.

Please check before forwarding
virus warnings. You can also sign up for real virus warnings at as well as check for valid virus warnings on the front
page of F-Secure:

- jt

- Original Message -
From: Bill Richer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 8:14 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Virus Warning

 -Caveat Lector-

 This virus message (from Compaq Computer Corporation)

 Virus with no cure.

 Please, send this information to every person in your address book.

 If you receive an e-mail that reads Upgrade Internet do not open it, as
 it contains an executable file named perrin.exe it will erase all the
 data in your hard drive and it will stay in your memory.

 Every time that you upload any data, that data will be automatically
 erased and you will not be able to use your computer again.

 This information was published yesterday in the CNN web site.

 This is a very dangerous virus.

 To this date. There ! is no known anti virus program for this particular
 virus please, forward this information to your friends, so that they will
 be on the alert, also check the list below, sent by IBM with the names of
 some e-mails that, if received. SHOULD NOT BE OPENED and must be deleted
 immediately. Because they contain attached viruses.

 This way your computer will be safe.

 The Titles are:

 1) buddylst.exe

 2) calcul8r.exe

 3) deathpr.exe

 4) einstein.exe

 5) happ.exe

 6) girls.exe

 7) happy99.exe

 8) japanese.exe

 9) keypress.exe

 10) kitty.exe

 11) monday.exe

 12) teletubb.exe

 13) The Phantom Menace

 14) prettypark.exe


 16) perrin.exe

 17) I love You

 18) Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

 i9) CELCOM Screen Saver or CELSAVER.EX

 20) Win a Holiday (e-mail)

 21) JOIN THE CREW 0 PENPALS Subject: Virus

 Announced by Microsoft

 This is VERY SERIOUS!! Please forward to everyone you know

 There is a virus out flow being sent to people via E-mail! il. lt. is
 considered the A.l.D.S. VIRUS of computers.

 It will destroy your memory, sound card and speakers, your drive and it
 will infect your mouse or pointing device as well as your keyboards,
 making it so that you can't type and it will not register on the screen.
 It seIf-terminates only after it eats 5 MB of hard drive space and will
 delete all programs.

 It will come via an E-mail called (OPEN. VERY COOL!:) DELETE IT
 immediately'! It will basically render your computer useless.


 Very Urgent, Must Read


If you receive an E-mail Titled Win A Holiday DO NOT
open it.
It will erase everything on your hard drive.

 Forward this letter out to as many people as you can.

 This is a new, very malicious virus and not many people
 know about it.

 This information was announced yesterday morning from

Neil Ferrick

Compaq Computer Corporation

 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:
  A HREF=;Archives of

 To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

 To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and 

Re: [CTRL] Report-Taliban Kill 93 US Commandos and Capture Six

2001-12-06 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 12/6/01 1:29:46 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:



How do you know?
Is it because FoxNews isn't reporting it? Or Limbaugh??

Is it not possible that we're not being told the truth about US casualties?


Re: [CTRL] Info on Ashcroft Hearing: where/when

2001-12-06 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

I'm watching it on MSNBC and on FOX News right now ...

Just so you know you don't need to rely on C-SPAN3 (I have digital cable
with hundreds of channels and don't have C-SPAN3) or their webcast - not
sure if either FOX or MSNBC will show the whole 3 hours, though.

- jt

- Original Message -
From: Samantha L. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Ashcroft will be in front of the Senate Judiciary today at 10AM EST.  It
 will be aired live on CSPAN3 (yeah, like who has that channel?)   To watch
 live on the internet, go to and click on the CSPAN3 screen.
 There's a filler program at the site when CSPAN3 isn't live but the
 will be live at 10AM.  Sometime later, this estimated 3 hour Ashcroft
 will be at the 107th Congress page ( - in the
 upper right hand corner click on Today's Feature.  Paul at CSPAN said it
 should be there for about 24 hours.
   CSPAN2 will air the hearing sometime tonighton television.  They don't
 their schedule until after 5PM.  Go to CSPAN2 after 5PM EST and click on
 CSPAN2 screen for tonight's television replay schedule.  CSPAN2 has live
 Senate coverage today and they don'tinterrupt Senate sessions for
 hearing ever, apparently, when the Senate is in session.
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 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [trance-formation] Mind Control Out of Control

2001-12-06 Thread William Shannon


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Mind Control Out of Control
Issue 6, 12/05/01

MCOOC is sent out by free subscription only
and is independently produced by TGS in
conjunction with Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips.

Well, here is a 'possible straw' that could legally break,
or at worst, expose the camels/CIA dark backside involving
mind control. Proving that the truth does live a wretched
life..but always survives a lie.

Much, if not all of aproximately 37000 (that's thousands!)
files of the information (not heavily redacted!) that CIA's
then Director a.k.a. head man Colsen handed over to
Dr. Frank Olsen's now deceased wife we now make available in
the PC/Mac friendly .gif file format on CD-Rom and reveal
that which has never been seen publically before..anywhere.
If you really want to be informed out of your socks  choose
to order these files on cd-rom for $30 plus SH you may do
so by simply clicking the other products banner on our web
site:, or for the same initial
can send a formal request, with your home address, directly
to CIA/Langley Va. However, what they offer FOIA is in a
impossible/difficult to sort through format called a .tiff
program..or they will send you the files in print form for a
mere $2000.00.

Now, we thought you may be interested in getting the rest of
the story while it is available..and a heads' up on the law
suit being launched against the US Army  CIA in New York, by
Frank Olson's son. Thank you for your interest in the truth
on gov mind control  OUR governments' blantant abuse of power
through covering up such crimes via the 1947 National Security
Act..and for your support of our financially feeble
whisleblowing efforts.

Mark  Cathy

P.S. Now let's all see how our military controlled press
Covers the stories of how three US citizens wound up defending
the Taliban terrorist cell ...yep, global use of mind control
is rampant..and the truth, for those who can still think for
themselves is finally available..some of it anyway. Stay tuned..
for news at the top of the hour.

If only one person knows the truth,it is still the truth

New Reprint of Trance Formation of America

The new reprint is out!  If you had an order in already through
the web page or the 800#, it's on the way to you.
Thanks for your patience.

Need more information? Wish to share with a friend?

Trance Formation of America - the book
Mind Control Out of Control - the video
Mind Kontrol: The Proof - the CD

All at:

Until next time, stay safe and keep your eyes open.

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subscribe by sending a message to: 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=Subscribe

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---End Message---

[CTRL] Fwd: [Fwd: Residents Express Outrage Over Howard Zinn (fwd)]

2001-12-06 Thread Kris Millegan


William Mandel wrote:

 John Johnson wrote:
  This sounds about right for 1964

  From: radtimes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Residents Express Outrage Over Howard Zinn
  Newton Residents Express Outrage Over Leftist Speaker at High School
  Howard Zinn Is Leftover from Radical '60s
  By Ed Oliver
  November 27, 2001
  Newton residents lined up at a school committee meeting last night to
  express their anger over an incident at Newton North High School on
  November 9 where many students were forced to attend an anti-war
  On that day, a controversial leftist professor, who is a holdover from
  the 1960s named Howard Zinn, gave a speech to high school students
  saying US military operations in Afghanistan were morally equivalent to
  the September 11 terrorist attacks.
  News of the incident enraged townspeople already upset with the radical
  school system's disdain for traditional displays of patriotism such as
  flags in the classroom and the Pledge of Allegiance, in addition to its
  legendary embrace of the homosexual agenda.

 This post arrived as I was trying to think of how best to call to
 people's attention the parallels between the Ashcroft-Bush time and that
 of Joe McCarthy and Harry Truman. Johnson is mistaken in thinking of the
 event as about right for 1964. My identical experience was at the turn
 of 1946-7 when McCarthy wasn't yet on the scene, but Truman's Loyalty
 Oath and prosecution of a hero, Leon Josephson, who had entered Nazi
 Germany before World War II to make contact with the underground, led to
 an atmosphere in which my expression of dissent against the brand-new
 Cold War resulted in my being barred from lecture platforms outside the
 Hazleton, Pennsylvania, cooked my goose. There, I had been booked into
 the Presbyterian Church and the Kiwanis Club, with radio broadcast. The
 response was splendid, and the superintendent of schools asked me to
 speak to the junior and senior classes of the high school. A few days
 later the Hazleton Sunday Times carried a very lengthy letter by a Naval
 SeeBee. He wrote of my 'active participation and campaign last November
 for the only Communist now seated in the U.S. Congress, Vito
 Marcantonio.' Marcantonio, who I later knew personally, was never a
 Communist. He was the only member of Congress to vote against U.S. entry
 into the Korean War.
 The Hazleton newspaper ran an editorial, which said, 'A front page
 story in today's Times tells how one William Mandel...after delivering
 TWO addresses in Hazleton [their emphasis here and below],...was
 permitted to lecture to the students at Hazleton High School, without
 even the pretense of proper rebuttal made availableWE call on the
 Hazleton city school investigate the conditions which permit
 an ostensibly tainted propagandist to be foisted on the faculty and
 student body of our school system, and to inform the public why the
 incident was at all possible and what will be done to preclude any
 The news story was a classic example of the technique we wrongly call
 McCarthyite--wrongly because it antedated his use of it by several
 years. I quote: 'It has been learned through the offices of Plain Talk,
 a magazine for the purpose of disseminating information on
 Totalitarianism, that Mr. William Mandel, from 1945 to 1946 was an
 instructor at the Jefferson School of Social Sciences...New York City.'
 The article then specified that my two books were used in classes of the
 Jefferson School and were sold currently in Communist book stores. That
 was quite true. They were also sold in every serious bookstore in the
 country. The later one was in use as a text at Yale, Stanford, and
 elsewhere. The earlier one had actually found its way into use at a
 university in South AfricaI had been mentioned twice in the past
 five months in the Daily Worker. One was for a local speech I had given
 at a Communist-sponsored summer camp, the other for a statement I made
 on a national radio broadcast. In the latter case, I quote the Hazleton
 Times, I 'very vehemently and emphatically demanded that United States
 troops be recalled from China and other outposts of the world. Everyone
 immediately recognized this kind of chatter as regular Communist Party
 talk.' But it was also the view of the then Secretary of Commerce, Henry
 Wallace, who had been vice-president under Roosevelt and, earlier, his
 Secretary of Agriculture, and whose thirteen years in the U.S. cabinet
 amounted to more time spent there than any other non-president in
 American history before or since. -- from my autobiography, SAYING NO

 So my lecture contract with the country's top management, which later
 managed Roosevelt's widow, was cancelled. A period of about 15 years
 began during which Americans could hear only proponents of the Cold War
 (regrettably, Eleanor 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Fwd: [trance-formation] Mind Control Out of Control

2001-12-06 Thread Kris Millegan

---BeginMessage--- specifies that a training camp for a
concentration camp currently is operating in Ft.
Campbell, Kentucky, including signs that :you will be
shot on sight if you try to escape here in the United
States.6 Black helicopters from Ft. Campbell made a
practice run against sT. Louis last week. All this was
done by the Rockefellers and Prescott Bush in German
when they owned I.G. Farben in Germany in Nazi
Germany.Checking for a national ID card  and face
scanning cameras went up everywhere after Spt
11...Also, Bush signed an executive order two months
before Sept 11 forbidding the FBI and other federal
agencies from investigating Al Qaida terrorists.

Note: forwarded message attached.

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Mind Control Out of Control
Issue 6, 12/05/01

MCOOC is sent out by free subscription only
and is independently produced by TGS in
conjunction with Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips.

Well, here is a 'possible straw' that could legally break, 
or at worst, expose the camels/CIA dark backside involving 
mind control. Proving that the truth does live a wretched 
life..but always survives a lie. 

Much, if not all of aproximately 37000 (that's thousands!) 
files of the information (not heavily redacted!) that CIA's 
then Director a.k.a. head man Colsen handed over to 
Dr. Frank Olsen's now deceased wife we now make available in 
the PC/Mac friendly .gif file format on CD-Rom and reveal 
that which has never been seen publically before..anywhere. 
If you really want to be informed out of your socks & choose
to order these files on cd-rom for $30 plus S you may do 
so by simply clicking the other products banner on our web
site:, or for the same initial 
can send a formal request, with your home address, directly 
to CIA/Langley Va. However, what they offer FOIA is in a 
impossible/difficult to sort through format called a .tiff 
program..or they will send you the files in print form for a 
mere $2000.00. 

Now, we thought you may be interested in getting the rest of
the story while it is available..and a heads' up on the law 
suit being launched against the US Army & CIA in New York, by
Frank Olson's son. Thank you for your interest in the truth 
on gov mind control & OUR governments' blantant abuse of power
through covering up such crimes via the 1947 National Security
Act..and for your support of our financially feeble 
whisleblowing efforts. 

Mark & Cathy

P.S. Now let's all see how our military controlled press 
Covers the stories of how three US citizens wound up defending
the Taliban terrorist cell ...yep, global use of mind control 
is rampant..and the truth, for those who can still think for 
themselves is finally available..some of it anyway. Stay tuned..
for news at the top of the hour.

If only one person knows the truth,it is still the truth

New Reprint of Trance Formation of America

The new reprint is out!  If you had an order in already through
the web page or the 800#, it's on the way to you.
Thanks for your patience.

Need more information? Wish to share with a friend?

Trance Formation of America - the book
Mind Control Out of Control - the video
Mind Kontrol: The Proof - the CD

All at:

Until next time, stay safe and keep your eyes open.

To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

subscribe by sending a message to: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=Subscribe

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

---End Message---
---End Message---

[CTRL] The Poster Police

2001-12-06 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A
Independent Weekly: The Poster Police/A

The Poster Police

A Durham student activist gets a visit from the Secret Service

B Y   J O N   E L L I S T O N

A.J. Brown, a 19-year-old freshman at Durham Tech, was thanking God it was
Friday. It was 5 p.m., the school week was over, and in an hour she'd be
meeting her boyfriend to unwind.
November 21, 2001

Then: Knock, knock ... unexpected guests at Brown's Duke Manor apartment.
Opening the door, she found a casually dressed man, and a man and woman in
what appeared to be business attire. Her first thought, she says, was, Are
these people going to sell me something?

Photo By Alex Maness

Threat or dissent? A.J. Brown and her anti-Bush poster

But then the man in the suit introduced himself and the woman as agents from
the Raleigh office of the U.S. Secret Service. The other man was an
investigator from the Durham Police Department.

Ma'am, we've gotten a report that you have anti-American material, the male
agent said, according to Brown. Could they come in to have a look around?

Do you have a warrant? Brown asked. They did not. Then you're not coming
in my apartment, she said. And indeed, they stayed outside her doorway. But
they stayed a while--40 minutes, Brown estimates--and gave her a taste of how
dissenters can come under scrutiny in wartime.

And all because of a poster on her wall.

Though she's still a teenager, Brown is already more informed about political
repression than most Americans. She's been politically aware and involved
since grade school. In second grade, I saw the Gulf War on television, and
seeing those bombs drop, it did something to me, she says. I knew from some
news reports that there were innocent people dying.

In middle school, Brown became interested in environmentalism and civil
liberties. She made the shift to full-fledged activist at Jordan High School
when she became involved with Youth Voice Radio, a media collective with a
leftist bent. Most recently, she's been involved with the movement against
the war in Afghanistan.

Brown and fellow activists often discuss government encroachments on free
speech and political organizing, she says, as do some of her favorite hip-hop
artists. She loves her music--and that may have been what sparked the turn of
events that brought the Secret Service to her door.

Brown suspects it began with the noise complaints. On Oct. 22, a Monday
evening, she stayed up late playing some new CDs for her boyfriend. By her
own admission, she was playing them too loud. Around midnight, a Durham
police officer came by to tell her to turn it down, and she obliged.

Two nights later, someone from Duke Manor called in another noise complaint,
and again a police officer came to Brown's door. This time, she says, her
music wasn't playing at an offensive volume. The police officer speculated
that the call may have been about someone else's stereo. During this visit,
and unlike the first, the officer had a full view of the wall that faces
Brown's front doorway, a detail that would become relevant two days later: On
that wall hung The Poster.

Brown got it at an anti-inauguration protest in Washington, D.C.
Distributed to hundreds of activists, it depicts George W. Bush holding a
length of rope against a backdrop of lynching victims, and reads: We hang on
your every word. George Bush: Wanted, 152 Dead--a reference to the number of
people executed by the state of Texas while Bush was governor. Brown believes
that the message caused the Durham policeman who paid the second visit to her
apartment to recommend a third.

On Friday, Oct. 26, two Secret Service agents, along with Durham police
investigator Rex Godley, came to Brown's apartment. Special Agent Paul
Lalley, who did most of the talking, spoke first. Ma'am, we've gotten a
report that you have anti-American material, or something like that, in your
apartment, he said, according to Brown. Then the female agent asked if they
could come inside.

When Brown pressed them for a warrant and refused to allow them in, she says,
They started to talk to me about how, 'We're not here to take you away or
put you in jail.' They were like, 'We need to follow up on every report we
get.' I said, 'That's understandable, but how would you even know what's in
my apartment?'

They just said they had gotten information from some place, she says. She
speculates that it was from the police officer who visited for the second
noise complaint.

Godley, the Durham police investigator, won't say where the authorities got
their tip about Brown's poster. The only thing I can tell you is that we
were assisting the Secret Service on one of their cases, he says.

Lalley referred questions about the visit to Special Agent Craig Ulmer, 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] P.D. Scott: Pre-1990 Drug Networks Being Restored Under New Coalition (12/5/01)

2001-12-06 Thread Kris Millegan

FLASH 5 (A): Pre-1990 Drug Networks Being Restored Under New Coalition

When we look at the Afghan leaders whom the US considers eligible to fill out
an interim government, we see that many are figures implicated in
drug-trafficking in the 1980s. The BBC compiled a list of these leaders in
November 2001. Leading the list was President Burhanuddin Rabbani, whose home
province of Badakshan became in the 1990s, while under his control, "the
stepping stone for an entirely new means of conveying opiates to Europe, via
Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Russia's Central Asian railway service" (Griffin,
Reaping the Whirlwind, 150). Veteran General Rashid Dostum, in
Mazar-i-Sharif, "was suspected of earning huge profits by exporting drugs via
Uzbekistan" (Cooley, Unholy Wars, 155).
Of the seven Pashtun leaders named, three (Pir Sayed Gailani and Gulbeddin
Hekmatyar, and Hazi Bashir) have been linked in the past to drug-trafficking. A
fourth, Younus Khalis, is a powerful figure from drug-rich Nangahar province,
and is the man with whom Osama bin Laden made contact in 1996, before offering
his riches to the Taliban. The restored leader of the Eastern Shura in Nangahar
province, Haji Abdul Qadir (who withdrew from the Bonn leadership conference),
became rich in former times as the Afghan source of a drug pipeline involving in
Pakistan Haji Ayub Afridi, "the lord of Khyber heroin dealing" (Griffin, 142-43;
cf. Cockburn, Whiteout, 267).
Under the headline "US turns to drug baron to rally support ," Asia Times Online
reported on 12/4/01 that "Afridi was freed from prison in Karachi last Thursday
[11/29/01] after serving just a few weeks of a seven-year sentence for the
export of 6.5 tons of hashish."
In the 1980s, according to Asia Times Online,
"All of the major Afghan warlords, except for the Northern Alliance's Ahmed Shah
Masoud, who had his own opium fiefdom in northern Afghanistan, were a part of
Afridi's coalition of drug traders in the CIA-sponsored holy war against the
Soviets. Sources say that Afridi's constituencies in eastern and southern Afghan
provinces have been revived following the withdrawal of the Taliban, and with
them the drugs trade. Commanders such as Haji Abdul Qadeer, Haji Mohammed Zaman
and Hazrat Ali are once again ruling the roost in these areas. These commanders
used to be the biggest heroin and opium mafia in Afghanistan's Pashtun belt."
(Hazrat Ali is currently directing the ground forces attacking the Tora Bora
cave stronghold in search of Osama bin Laden. Meanwhile Haji Mohamed Zaman has
complained about the US bombing of villages under his control.)
Asia Times
Online speculates that the US, sensing too much Russian influence being
exerted on the Northern Alliance, has decided to cultivate support from within
the majority Pashtun belt by reviving the old Afridi drug network. But the
independent behavior of Haji Abdul Qadir and Haji Mohammed Zaman suggests that
the true restorer of the Afridi network may be Pakistan, legitimately concerned
by the increasing role played in post-Taliban Afghanistan by Rabbani, the
Northern Alliance, and Russia.
What we may be seeing is a revival of the Cold War games in which both the US
and Russia sought control of the drug traffic, not just to fund their
operations, but above all in order to deny it to their opponent.
FLASH 5 (B): Developing US-Russian Tensions over Post-Taliban
It has been clear that the Northern Alliance has spurned US guidance and
listened to its backers in Russia, ever since the Northern Alliance seized
control of Kabul in defiance of US policy. After hard bargaining at Bonn, the
Northern Alliance has come away with the most important ministries in their
control: defense, foreign affairs, and the interior.
Eric Margolis argues in the Los Angeles
Times on 11/28/01 that "The Russians have regained influence over
Afghanistan, avenged their defeat by the U.S. in the 1980s war and neatly
checkmated the Bush administration, which, for all its high-tech military power,
understands little about Afghanistan.
"The U.S. ouster of the Taliban regime also means Pakistan has lost its
former influence over Afghanistan and is now cut off from Central Asia's
resources. So long as the alliance holds power, the U.S. is equally denied
access to the much-coveted Caspian Basin. Russia has regained control of the
best potential pipeline routes. The new Silk Road is destined to become a
Russian energy superhighway."
Margolis' pessimistic analysis ignores the extent to which Russia has to
fear, as well as hope for, developments in Afghanistan. Its client states in the
CIS, above all Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, have suffered from serious Islamist
terrorist movements funded by drugs. Other secession movements in Chechnya,
Georgia, and Abkhazia have been tied in with struggles over the local drug
traffic (Cooley, 161).
Control over oil and control over drugs cannot be separated. A 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: CNN: GW Bush says, I'm the dictator.

2001-12-06 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

How could they let this happen re the towers?

7 billion dollars insurance tax free was enough to let it happen?

After all nobody important was at work that day just like the plane that
went down after dropping the tail and two engines - nobody important

So come to the show..see the circus.  GW Bush is a dictator?   Not
in this country.

For you see our military began to revolt when Admiral Crowe came up with
the anthrax vaccine for profit ..


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-12-06 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

by Jared Israel
[Posted 5 December 2001]

In April, 2000, when the State Department announced
that a group of CIA employees were being punished for
supposedly causing the supposedly mistaken bombing of
the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, we republished Jared
Israel's original analysis of the bombing, 'Lies, Damn
Lies and Maps,' with an introduction including the
following remarks:

...Now the CIA fires one guy and disciplines six.
Isn't this a rather obvious attempt to scapegoat lowly
employees? If it really was these seven people's fault
- why did it take the government 11 months to figure
it out? And since the mistake ended in death and
destruction - isn't job discipline a mite weak for a
punishment? Doesn't all this suggest that these seven
have been bribed or coerced (or both) to take a fall?
(From 'The Arrogance of Rome,' at
For original refutation of the official cover story,
written in May, 1999, see 'Lies, Damn Lies, and Maps'

Well, maybe they tried to coerce and bribe these
people, but it doesn't look like it worked.

I assume these employees will be accused of being
unpatriotic. So let's talk about patriotism. The great
sin of the Milosevic government was that it resisted
an attack by terrorists - the so-called Kosovo
Liberation Army (KLA) - trained and financed by U.S.
covert forces. (4) The U.S./NATO bombing of Yugoslavia
was illegal (5) and without moral justification.
Civilians were routinely slaughtered (6) and a
beautiful country polluted with depleted uranium and
hazardous chemicals. The goal was not moral, as the
media rather ludicrously claimed, but geopolitical:
the control of the Balkans, one of the key strategic
regions in the world. The southern gateway to Russia.

The war criminals who attacked Yugoslavia stamped the
attack MADE IN AMERICA. But who is America? Is it a
handful of immoral billionaires with a crazy dream of
controlling the world? Or is it the rest of us, decent
people, who have no quarrel with the Yugoslavs. Many
of us opposed the war. And most of the rest were
tricked by war propaganda which barraged us with the
lie that 'The Serbs were monstrous racists and that
this war was needed to help oppressed people.

The bombing of the Chinese Embassy was an act of
murder. Moreover it might easily have led to a wider
war. The U.S. Establishment ordered this crime with
the purpose of warning the Chinese not to continue
helping Yugoslavia and other countries targeted for
punishment by the New World Order. But they wanted to
deny it was deliberate in order to avoid worldwide
censure. Hence the claim that incompetent employees at
the CIA were responsible.

Is it the patriotic duty of these employees to take
the rap?

Was the war against Yugoslavia patriotic? On the
contrary, it further sullied America's name,
convincing most people in the world that our country
is a very dangerous bully, driven by a lust for profit
and power and utterly unconcerned with international
law, justice, or the harm it does to other people's

For the people that control America, patriotism means
they get richer and conquor other countries and
ordinary Americans get poorer and take the blame.

Well, 15 employees at CIA have refused to take the

What do you know. Maybe there's some hope for us
Americans, after all.

Regarding the media coverage, two thoughts.

First, we have yet to see this explosive story covered
in the U.S. press or on TV. If any of our readers see
some coverage, please let us know.

-- Jared Israel

Employees sue CIA for 'abuse of power'
By Rupert Cornwell
04 December 2001
A group of CIA officers has brought a class-action
suit against the agency, alleging abuse of power
against employees – including the cover-up of mistakes
leading to the accidental US bombing of China's
embassy in Belgrade in 1999, for which several
lower-ranking employees were wrongly blamed.

The case, filed by 15 past and present mid-to-upper
level CIA employees, claims that the spy agency has
used illegal tactics to prevent them pursuing
legitimate grievances against the CIA, including
altering and destroying documents, and eavesdropping
on privileged discussions with their lawyers.

Roy Krieger, a lawyer for the 15, said: What the
agency is trying to hide is not its intelligence
sources but its own dirty laundry about internal
disputes, kangaroo disciplinary procedures,
discrimination and who is to blame for blunders.

Among those blunders was the mistaken bombing (2) of
the Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia during the Kosovo
war. One plaintiff alleges that he and other mid- and
low-ranking officers were falsely blamed to cover up a
mistake made by a senior officer. The former were
disciplined, while the senior officer received only a

[CTRL] Israel, Palestine and the U.S. war

2001-12-06 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

Israel, Palestine and the U.S. war
By Richard Becker

What is the Bush administration really trying to
accomplish at this time by sending a retired Marine
general and an assistant secretary of state to
negotiate between the Palestinians and Israel?

After a decade of intensive but failed talks involving
presidents and prime ministers, is it conceivable that
a much lower-level delegation could achieve a just
peace in the Middle East?

No, a real peace agreement is not the objective here.
The goal instead is pacification. What Washington is
seeking is diplomatic cover for its war effort. Public
opinion throughout the Middle East is highly inflamed
over Israel's brutal repression of the Palestinian
people, as well as the U.S./UN sanctions on Iraq.

Even among Washington's European allies, there is
strong popular opposition to Israel's use of
U.S.-supplied helicopters and missiles to assassinate
Palestinian leaders and wreak havoc on the people.

Holding together the U.S. war coalition, especially
if the Bush national security team decides to take the
war to Iraq, Yemen or anywhere else in the Middle
East, requires at least a feigned attempt to calm the
struggle in Palestine.

The soldier, retired general Anthony Zinni, and the
diplomat, Assistant Secretary of State for Near East
Affairs William Burns, landed in Israel on Nov. 26,
one week after Secretary of State Colin Powell's
major policy speech on the Palestine-Israel
conflict. The level of representation was treated with
editorial disdain by Israel's leading newspapers.
Instead of Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, Israeli
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has appointed a retired
hard-line general, Meir Dagan, as his lead
negotiator in the talks.

Zinni and Burns arrived 14 months after the start of
the second Palestinian Intifada (uprising). Since
September 2000, more than 700 Palestinians have been
killed and 20,000 wounded. Thousands of homes, offices
and other buildings in the mere 5 percent of Palestine
that is under the tenuous control of the Palestinian
Authority (PA) have been destroyed. In the same time
period, 190 Israelis have been killed, though Israeli
deaths always receive far more attention in the
corporate media here.

Secretary Powell's Nov. 20 speech included the usual
formulations, calling for the Palestinians to desist
from the struggle and the Israelis to show

Israel's war criminal prime minister, Sharon, showed
his government's restraint two days later when the
Israeli Army (IDF) assassinated Mahmoud Abu Hanoud,
one of the top leaders of the Hamas-Islamic Resistance
Movement. Abu Hanoud, along with two associates, was
blown to bits by a missile fired at his car from a
U.S.-provided helicopter.

Then, on Nov. 24, an Israeli army booby-trap exploded
in the Khan Younis refugee camp in Gaza, killing five
young boys from the same family.

Both of these attacks took place inside Zone A, the
tiny part of Palestine that is supposed to be
exclusively controlled by the PA. Since September, IDF
units have occupied large parts of Zone A.

Huge Palestinian marches in the West Bank and Gaza
protested these killings. Palestinian urban guerrilla
units launched a mortar attack on an Israeli base in
Gaza, killing an Israeli soldier, the first reported
Israeli death from a mortar.

When Israel struck back with massive firepower, it was
called retaliation in the U.S. mainstream media,
although the same term was not applied to the
Palestinian mortar attack. Retaliation implies moral
justification, something always conferred on the
Israelis in the U.S. media and never on the

What Bush wants, what Sharon wants

The widely publicized stance of the Sharon regime is
that there can be no resumption of negotiations until
the Palestinians desist from the struggle.

Sharon specifically says that there must be seven
days of absolute quiet. Of course, the Israeli army
doesn't have to end its occupation for the same week.

Sharon restated his position immediately following
Powell's speech, demanding again that the Palestinians
halt their struggle--in essence, call off the
Intifada--as a pre-condition for any further talks.

At the same time, Sharon directed the Israeli Army to
assassinate one of the top leaders of the Intifada.
Such a high-level hit could only have been carried out
with the prime minister's approval.

The assassination of Abu Hanoud and the murder of the
five Palestinian children in Khan Younis follow scores
of other political murders. In August, U.S.-supplied
helicopters and missiles were used by the IDF to
assassinate Abu Ali Mustafa, the general secretary of
the largest Palestinian leftist party, the Popular
Front for the Liberation of Palestine. The following
month, the PFLP retaliated by shooting an extreme
right-wing member of the Israeli cabinet.

There is nothing more guaranteed to evoke Palestinian
anger and action than the systematic campaign of

[CTRL] The Stimulus Scam

2001-12-06 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

The Republican-sponsored economic recovery package
currently before Congress isn't a stimulus -- it's a

The Stimulus Scam
by Robert Borosage Nov 20, 2001

Layoffs are cascading across the country. The
recession is spreading across the globe. The Federal
Reserve has cut interest rates ten times with little
effect. Everyone agrees it is time for the government
to act immediately to help kick-start the economy, but
Congress has adjourned for a holiday recess without
passing an economic stimulus program. The reason: the
largest corporations decided that the national crisis
was their best shot to raid the federal treasury and
Republicans immediately set out to help them.

Much to their own amazement, Democrats in the Senate
resisted the GOP effort. The question now is whether
the president will bow to pressure from Congressional
Republicans and try to finish the heist before the
public catches wind of it.

This caper all started in the days after Sept. 11,
when Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan called
for a $50-100 billion stimulus package to pump life
into the staggering economy. In the bipartisan spirit
of the moment, the president signed off on principles
drawn up by leaders of both budget committees: that
the stimulus package be balanced between spending and
tax cuts, be temporary in duration to avoid running up
permanent deficits, be targeted to those most in need,
and have immediate effect.

Then the business lobby kicked in. The lobbyists
realized the growing support forming behind a stimulus
package presented them with a great chance to pocket
tax breaks that they'd sought for years -- to the tune
of tens of billions of dollars. House Republicans
eagerly assisted them, forcing through a package --
adopted in a party line vote -- that violated every
one of the principles the president had previously

The House bill isn't balanced; it consists almost
entirely of tax cuts, most of them for corporations
and the wealthy. It isn't temporary; the corporate and
upper income tax breaks are permanent. It isn't
targeted to those most in need; the working men and
women who've lost their jobs in the downturn will get
little if any aid. It will provide little immediate
stimulus to the economy; the tax cuts will instead
contribute to large deficits down the road.

Moreover, the bill fails to meet basic economic
criteria. Corporate tax cuts don't work very well in a
recession, when businesses need customers, not
capital. Congress just forked over $15 billion to the
airline companies -- which still proceeded to lay off
nearly 100,000 workers, citing a sharp downturn in the
number of passengers.

Permanently eliminating various corporate taxes
doesn't pass the economic sniff test, either. A
permanent repeal removes any incentive for companies
to make new investments while the economy is in
recession. For example, the largest single item in the
House bill allows companies to write off new
investments at a much faster rate. The assumption is
that it will encourage companies to make investments
now while the economy is in trouble. But the House
bill extends the write-off for three years, removing
any incentive for a company to make an early decision.

The bill would also permanently legitimize the tax
dodge -- worth $21 billion over 10 years -- that
allows financial service corporations to avoid paying
taxes on income made abroad, provided they don't bring
the money home. This will be good for General Electric
and perhaps for Germany, but it won't do anything to
get our economy moving. The House bill also
accelerates the upper income tax cuts passed in the
original Bush tax relief bill. An estimated
seventy-five percent of American households would get
exactly nothing from this bauble.

But that's not the worst of it. The House bill repeals
the alternative minimum corporate tax, the tax signed
into law by Ronald Reagan that ensures that profitable
companies pay at least something in taxes no matter
how clever their accountants. To add insult to that
legislative injury, the bill doesn't only eliminate
the tax permanently; it repeals the tax retroactively
for 15 years. Sixteen major companies will pocket a
cool $7.4 billion in instant tax rebates. IBM would
get $1.4 billion; Ford $1 billion; General Motors and
General Electric over $600 million each. Many of the
big rebates -- no surprise here -- go to oil and gas
interests. This isn't a stimulus, it's simply a

Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill initially dismissed
the House bill as show time, for contributors and
lobbyists. But Majority Leader Dick Armey and GOP Whip
Tom DeLay, the House's conservative enforcers, marched
up to the White House to get the Bush administration
back in line. The president immediately abandoned the
principles he'd signed onto, and announced he was
pleased with the House bill.

Senate Democrats on the Finance Committee 

[CTRL] World opinion for Afghani war right? - WRONG!

2001-12-06 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

World opinion opposes
the attack on Afghanistan

By David Miller

According to Tony Blair and George Bush respectively,
'world opinion' and the 'collective will of the world'
supported the attack on Afghanistan. Yet analysis of
international opinion polls shows that with only three
exceptions majorities in all countries polled have
opposed the policy of the US and UK governments.
Furthermore there have been consistent majorities
against the current action in the UK and sizeable
numbers of the US population had reservations about
the bombing.

World opinion

The biggest poll of world opinion was carried out by
Gallup International in 37 countries in late September
(Gallup International 2001). It found that apart from
the US, Israel and India a majority of people in every
country surveyed preferred extradition and trial of
suspects to a US attack. Clear and sizeable majorities
were recorded in the UK (75%) and across Western
Europe from 67% in France to 87% in Switzerland.
Between 64% (Czech Republic) and 83 % (Lithuania)of
Eastern Europeans concurred as did varying majorities
in Korea, Pakistan, South Africa and Zimbabwe. An even
more emphatic answer obtained in Latin America where
between 80% (Panama) and 94% (Mexico) favoured
extradition. The poll also found that majorities in
the US and Israel (both 56%) did not favour attacks on
civilians. Yet such polls have been ignored by the
media and by many of the polling companies. After the
bombing started opposition seems to have grown in
Europe. As only the Mirror has reported, by early
November 65 per cent in Germany and 69 per cent in
Spain wanted the US attacks to end (Yates, 2001).
Meanwhile in Russia polls before and after the bombing
show majorities opposed to the attacks. One slogan
which reportedly commanded majority support doing the
rounds in Moscow at the end of September was 'World
War III - Without Russia' (Agency WPS 2001). After the
bombing started Interfax reported a Gallup
International poll showing a majority of Moscow
residents against the US military action (BBC
Worldwide Monitoring 2001)

Polling companies.

The questions asked by a number of polling companies
such as MORI, Gallup and ICM have been seriously
inadequate. They have failed to give respondents a
range of possible options in relation to the war. When
polling companies did ask about alternatives, support
for war falls away quite markedly. In the UK prior to
the bombing, all except one poll, which asked the
question, showed a majority against bombing if it
caused civilian casualties. After the bombing started
the polling companies stopped asking about concern for
civilians. From the start of the bombing to the fall
of Kabul on 13 November there were only four polls on
British opinion (by ICM (2001a, 2001b) and MORI
(2001a, 2001b)) compared with 7 between the 11
September and the start of the bombing on October 7.
None has asked adequate questions about alternatives
to bombing. ICM did ask one alternative questions
about whether bombing should stop to allow aid into
Afghanistan and 54% said it should (Guardian October
30). Where questions about aid or alternatives to
bombing are asked the results have been consistent:
Clear and sometimes massive majorities against the
bombing. In an ignored poll, the Scottish Sunday Mail
found that fully 69% of Scots favoured sanctions,
diplomacy or bringing Bin Laden to trial. Only 17%
favoured his execution and a minuscule 5% supported
bombing (21 October). The Herald in Glasgow also found
only 6% favoured the then current policy of bombing
alone (3 November). It is well known that Scottish
opinion tends to be to the left of UK opinion, but not
by more than a few points on average. Although the
Press Association picked up on the Herald poll it was
not reported in the British national press. Between
the start of the bombing and the fall of Kabul, (with
the exception of the single question in the Guardian
poll showing 54% in favour of a pause in bombing) not
a single polling company asked the British public any
questions about alternatives to war.

It is not altogether clear whether the lack of options
given to poll respondents is due to the media or the
polling companies. Certainly both UK and US polling
companies have been guilty of misrepresenting their
own data almost without exception overemphasising
support for the war. For example Mori claimed that
their polling in late October had 'extinguished any
lingering doubt' that support was 'fading' (Mortimore
2001). Of course this completely ignores all the poll
data which would give an alternative view and the fact
that the polling questions have been inadequate.
Furthermore, according to Bob Worcester of MORI, (in
an address to an LSE meeting on the media and the war
in November) the text of press reports on their polls
are cleared by MORI 

[CTRL] Fwd: I like to pass along methods

2001-12-06 Thread Kris Millegan



I like to provide helpful hints to people for 
methods ... that is the deal behind getting a list of names of companies from 
Kleiner Perkins and matching it against a database of company names at the 
Stanford class action site. People may know of venture capital that went 
into a certain company, and not realize the class action website, where 
sometimes the complaints can be revealing and helpful.

Realistically, it would be extraordinarily 
difficult to find client lists of other venture capital firms.

But it is in "where did the money come from" behind 
these firms that you find who really benefitted ... often this very same 
"seeder" would on the other end of the line use a fund and direct certain 
investments, to benefit themselves in a way that no one can tell they are both 
"creator" and "an investor who made a killing". When Kleiner Perkins 
itself holds share in the company, then whoever is seeding Kleiner Perkins is 
benefitting, whoever that might be ... 

So, we aren't there yet, but we have certainly 
learned a lot about how this all came to be through the Kleiner Perkins realm - 
keiretsu. And that's where Microsoft and Paul G. Allen began all these 
years ...

---End Message---

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Gold prices and drug cartels??

2001-12-06 Thread Kris Millegan


I don't believe any significant volumes of gold are in the hands of drugs
barons or that such holdings as do exist in these hands have any appreciable
impact on the world gold price.

I believe that large volumes of gold have been accumulated over a fairly
long time period.  In saying this it is of interest to bear in mind that the
actual quantity of gold extant in the world is probably closer to one
million tonnes rather than the present above ground stocks of around 140,000
tonnes as per official figures.  This in turn raises a number of questions.
Who controls gold and why?  Who can aford to acquire such vast amount and
what mechanism do they use to do so.  And, once under control how is the
metal used and for what purposes.

According to copy documents I have, the Corporation International sought
to acquire 62,321 metric tonnes of gold from the late President Ferdinand
Marcos of the Philippines in February 1986.  This represented almost 50% of
the total official world gold stock at that time -- albeit it in the form
of non-existant black gold.

Marcos refused to agree to the terms of the contract and was promptly

Significantly, Corporation International has been identified as the trading
arm of the Trilateral Commission -- the same elite grouping of which
Brzezinski is a leading light.

The plans of men, rather than mice, take years and often decades to


David Guyatt


 I was wondering about something. Is it reasonable to assume that the drug
 trafficking industry is involved in controling gold prices to accumulate
 large positions for themselves?? Would this explain the slow rise in gold
 prices despite the faltering western economy??

 David Goldman

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---End Message---

[CTRL] [2]Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: Gold prices and drug cartels??

2001-12-06 Thread Kris Millegan


The reason gold prices are low is as follows:

Banks have tons of it sitting in vaults doing squat. So they lend it
to the guys pushing derivatives. You buy a gold futures contract
expecting that wogs slamming jets into the WTC should get a steep
rise in gold prices. Nothing happens. The gold lending bank books a
couple percent interest on an otherwise wasted asset. To insure the
price stays low, the very banks and institutions who lend the gold
also short  a bunch in order to drive prices down. So when your
contract expires unexercised, the banks and institutions make out all
around. A couple of years ago George Soros bought a bunch of futures
contracts and said  I want delivery. You could hear the assholes
puckering in boardrooms all over the world. The Fed actually stepped
in and allowed non-delivery on the gold futures contracts. Gold,
which had spiked from about $271@oz. to about $330@oz., drifted back
down to the subproduction cost price of $285@oz.

Do you really think Gold is as important as Drugs, Oil and Arms in
the big equation. I'll take the latter three over the former any day
of the week and twice on Sunday.

I think that if two or three generations of businessmen see no
glitter in gold, the behind the scenes guys will hoard it all for
themselves while the rest of us look upon it as a vestige of ancient
commerce with about as much use as the appendix in the human body.

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], David Goldman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was wondering about something. Is it reasonable to assume that
the drug
 trafficking industry is involved in controling gold prices to
 large positions for themselves?? Would this explain the slow rise
in gold
 prices despite the faltering western economy??

 David Goldman

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---End Message---

[CTRL] Hewlett prepares for proxy fight

2001-12-06 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A
Hewlett prepares for proxy fight/A

Hewlett prepares for proxy fight

By Matt Berger
December 5, 2001 12:42 pm PT

STOKING THE FLAMES in a mounting shareholder battle to block the proposed
merger between Hewlett-Packard and Compaq Computer, Walter B. Hewlett filed
papers with the Securities and Exchange Commission Wednesday highlighting the
poor financial performance of the two companies since the merger was first

In the three months following Aug. 31, the last trading day prior to the
merger announcement, Compaq's share price has declined 17.8 percent from
$12.35 to $10.15, and HP has seen its stock price fall 5.3 percent from
$23.21 to $21.99, the filing said. The combined market value of the companies
has been slashed by $6.2 billion.

Meanwhile, analyst consensus estimates for earnings-per-share at both
companies for the 2002 and 2003 fiscal years have declined significantly,
Hewlett noted in his filing. Compared to forecasts prior to Aug. 31, analysts
lowered their earnings-per-share estimates for Compaq by 77.3 percent for
fiscal 2002 and by 60.2 percent for fiscal 2003. For HP, analysts lowered
estimates 17.1 percent for fiscal 2002 and 20 percent for fiscal 2003.

Hewlett, son of HP co-founder William Hewlett, is a board member at HP and
has opposed the planned merger, once valued at nearly $25 billion. He hired
proxy solicitation advisors MacKenzie Partners in November to aid in his

Mr. Hewlett has been making his case to a number of Hewlett-Packard
shareholders that the merger does not make sense, said Charlie Koons,
assistant vice president of MacKenzie Partners in New York. At this point
it's just preliminary.

The proxy statement's filing date hinges on when HP is going to hold its
annual shareholder meeting. The meeting is likely to be at the end of
February, Koons said. HP hasn't yet set a date for the meeting.

Hewlett -- along with his two siblings, Eleanor Hewlett Gimon and Mary
Hewlett Jaffe, and The William R. Hewlett Revocable Trust -- opposes the
merger. So does David Packard, the son of company co-founder David Packard.
Walter Hewlett is the only party named in the latest SEC filings.

Matt Berger is a San Francisco-based correspondent for the IDG News Service,
an InfoWorld affiliate.


FTC delves deeper into HP-Compaq merger


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Re: [CTRL] Let Me Tell You About My Family

2001-12-06 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

well, you can look for references in the good book and discuss biblical
accuracy til you explode- i was taking the piss more than actually
referencing my sources for my take on jesus' lifestyle. that clear enough?
but i think my version stands up- if only because it is an accepted truth in
a way... that jesus was knocking around with 12 guys and a hooker- it is how
it is seen- and in religious terms then that is enough really.
 the bible is a crock of shit if it is facts you are wanting from it.
so my interpreation of what happened is as real as your version. or anyone's
version. kinda.
well, call me thomas but i still cannot remember him recommending dogma and
beatings as the way to drag one's kids up. but i am sure someone can
reference it for me.
and tell me this, scholars, where does it say in the bible that TV is evil?
eh? eh?

- Original Message -
From: Tenorlove [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 2:24 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Let Me Tell You About My Family

 -Caveat Lector-

 --- c. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  um, hanging around with 12 other single men and a prostitute is the
  way to live?

 NOWHERE in the NT does it say that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute. She
 is described variously as a sinner out of whom went seven devils.
 It is more likely that she was a priestess in an Astarte cult, which
 may or may not have involved sacred prostitution, but she was not the
 common streetwalker that the Christian Church has made her out to be.
 At any rate, she was closer to Jesus than any of his disciples, being
 the first to see him after the resurrection, which inspired envy in the
 disciples, who were the ones who made up church dogma.

 As for the 12 other single men this also is not supported by the NT.
 In Mark 1:31, Jesus heals the mother-in-law of the disciple Simon
 Peter. Outside of the Essenes, who cloistered themselves at Qumran, it
 is extremely rare for Jewish men -- or women -- to remain single. The
 rabbis at the time compared deliberate celibacy to murder. The disciple
 James, the brother of Jesus, was apparently the ancestor of the
 Desposyni, Jewish royal exiles in Southern France in the first century

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[CTRL] Fwd: The Revival of Russian Regional Hegemony

2001-12-06 Thread Kris Millegan



Issue 97   December 6, 2001

  This is a follow-up report on the continuing
 threat of new viruses and worms.

  A new worm was discovered earlier this week.
 This one is more destructive than BadTrans.  It
 destroys anti-virus software and firewalls.  It's
 well-named: Goner.  Its full ID is

  It uses the same distribution technique that
 BadTrans does: an e-mail attachment that sends
 itself to everyone in your list if you open it.
 If you receive an e-mail that says Hi, and then
 goes on to tell you that the sender has included
 a file for you to open, delete it.  The
 attachment is named GONE.SCR.  For more
 information on this worm, visit

 It is analyzed on the home page, upper left-hand

  The good news is that Panda Software has
 already updated its PQremove freeware program to
 kill Goner.  You have to download the new
 version, and then open and activate it.  I did
 this today.  It ran a quick check on my hard
 drive.  So far, I have not been hit.

  Once Goner is gone from your hard disk,
 you're ready for the next test of your system.
 To test how secure your computer is from hackers,
 use Steve Gibson's free service, Shields Up!

  If you find that your system is at risk,
 here is a good way to protect your system.
 Install Zone Alarm.  It's free.

  You can buy Zone Alarm Pro, which updates
 your system as new threats appear.  But the
 freeware version will increase your safety by
 orders of magnitude.


 We remember the fall of the Soviet Union a decade ago.
I am one of those who believe that it really did fall.
Communism is dead as an ideology in Russia.  But this does
not change the reality of Russian expansionism, nor does it
change the fact of the desire of Russian leaders to re-
establish Russia as a superpower.  Only the ideology has
changed.  It is no longer messianic.  Marxism is dead, but
the competition for power is still alive.

 Russia has been striving for regional influence in the
Indian subcontinent for two centuries.  This has been
called the Great Game.  The competition between Russia and
the Anglo-American West in this region has never ended.  If
you have ever read Kipling's book, KIM, or seen the movie
with Errol Flynn, you know how long this competition has
been in operation.

 In the last two months, Russia has made greater gains
in the region than it did during the entire the twentieth
century.  The United States has opened the door the Russia
for regional hegemony.

 Pakistan has now been sacrificed by American foreign
policy.  Pakistan was closely tied to the Taliban, which it
funded in the 1980's with CIA money.  For the last five
years, the U.S. also made deals -- or attempted to -- with
the Taliban.  Now we have handed over control of the cities
to the Northern Alliance, which is more closely connected
to Russia.  Pakistan and the United Front have been hostile
from the beginning.


 Russia's client Muslim states in the Caspian Sea
region are sitting on top of large oil reserves.  This is
common knowledge now.  The implications for the West are
enormous.  Oil will flow into China and India when the
pipeline is completed.  Money will flow into Caspian Sea
states.  It will also flow to the nation and company that
control the pipeline.  This will undermine the oil-based
economies of the Middle East.  This will also put domestic
political pressure on the governments of the Middle Eastern
oil states.  The public's dreams of wealth will be cut back
-- a classic condition for creating a revolution.

 Downward pressure on oil has begun.  This is
recession-driven, but also the result of Russian oil
output.  Russia is making money, but it is also undermining
the Middle Eastern Islamic kingdoms, which are perceived --
correctly -- as under America's domination.

 Canadian columnist Eric Margolis, who has spent time
in Afghanistan, has written a perceptive analysis of the
return of the Russian bear in the region.  On November 25,
he wrote:

 When Pakistan ditched its ally, Taliban, in
 September, and sided with the US, Islamabad and
 Washington fully expected to implant a
 pro-American regime in Kabul and open the way for
 the Pak-American pipeline.  But this was not to

 In a dazzling coup, Russian leader Vladimir Putin
 stole a march on the Bush Administration, which
 was so busy trying to tear apart Afghanistan to
 find bin Laden it failed to notice the Russians
 were taking over half the country.


Re: [CTRL] Fear of fluoridation takes a left turn

2001-12-06 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

--- William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Fear of fluoridation takes a left turn

being careful what goes into the body is about as old
as the discernment that came with the jump in human
intelligence about ten thousand years ago...

there are people spinning issues to the left and
spinning issues to the right but this is not a
political is one of health...

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Hamas Founder Under House Arrrest

2001-12-06 Thread eric stewart

too bad no one is putting key Mossad figures under
house arrest...

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Hamas Founder Under House Arrrest

.c The Associated Press

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) - Palestinian police put the founder of Hamas
under house arrest Wednesday, officials said, in Yasser Arafat's boldest
move yet against the violent Islamic group.

Witnesses said a Palestinian policeman entered Sheikh Ahmed Yassin's home in
Gaza City and informed him that he was under house arrest. Yassin, spiritual
leader of the militant group that has claimed responsibility for dozens of
attacks against Israelis, is a quadriplegic who uses a wheelchair.

Palestinian security officials said only relatives would be permitted to
visit Yassin, and his telephone lines would be cut.

Hamas claimed responsibility for two weekend suicide attacks in Jerusalem
and Haifa that killed 25 people and the three bombers. In retaliation,
Israeli planes and helicopters blasted Palestinian installations in the West
Bank and Gaza, and Israel declared Arafat's Palestinian Authority an
``entity that supports terrorism.''

On Wednesday, the Israelis demanded that Arafat arrest leaders of the
extremist groups.

Yassin was in an Israeli prison for several years, but was released in 1997
in the aftermath of a botched Israeli attempt to assassinate a Hamas leader
in Jordan.

AP-NY-12-05-01 1622EST

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---End Message---

[CTRL] Hamas beats off Arafat's forces

2001-12-06 Thread eric stewart

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BBC World: Middle East
Thursday, 6 December, 2001, 03:44 GMT
Hamas beats off Arafat's forces

Gunmen from the Palestinian militant group Hamas freed their leader soon
after he was placed under house arrest by Palestinian security forces.
Hamas gunmen and security forces exchanged fire outside Sheikh Ahmed
Yassin's Gaza City home before the security forces retreated.

The Hamas leader has been under Palestinian house arrest in the past

Hamas has said it carried out the suicide bomb attacks on Israelis at the
weekend which killed 25 people.

The arrest attempt came as Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat asked for more
time from Israel, which has suspended its retaliatory air strikes, to clamp
down on militants.

Thousands of people came out onto the streets to demonstrate against Sheikh
Yassin's arrest after a call from loudspeakers at a nearby mosque.

The 62-year-old leader, who is paralysed and virtually blind, was believed
to be still inside his house on Wednesday night after the arrest attempt.

However, Palestinian security forces did successfully arrest a number of
other Hamas members on Wednesday, and Mr Arafat reported detaining a total
of 151 suspected militants in recent days.

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Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition, is the largest network of grassroots activists dedicated to Palestinian human rights. To subscribe to Al-Awda-News, send a blank message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] To unsubscribe, send a blank message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] To find out how to join an Al-Awda action committee in your area, please visit our website at
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---End Message---

[CTRL] International Community Condemn latest Israeli

2001-12-06 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

International Community Condemn latest Israeli
December 5 2001
Palestine Media Center-PMC

A considerable number of the world's nations have
strongly condemned the recent Israeli attacks on the
Palestinian People. According to news agencies, many
governments have expressed their anger and
disagreement with the latest Israeli military
operation, which aims to destroy the Palestinian
Leadership and was launched on 3 December.

The French Foreign Minister, Mr. Hubert Vedrine
slammed the Israeli Prime Minister's position, which
alleges that the Palestine National Authority (PNA) a
[terror-supporting entity]. He stressed that the
Israeli government is adopting a policy that aims to
weaken the PNA and render it incapable of doing
anything to stop the violence. The French top diplomat
also accused Ariel Sharon of trying to eliminate
President Yasser Arafat.

Turkey's Prime Minister, Mr. Bulent Ecevit warned
Israel that its military strikes against Palestinians
risked sparking a conflict that could be worse than
the war in Afghanistan. He described the latest
Israeli strikes as unjust actions against the
Palestinian [National] Authority's territory.

In addition, Mr. Ecevit appealed to the United States
to step up its efforts to mediate between the parties
in order to resolve the current crisis. He stated, I
believe that it will be helpful, and that it is
essential, for the United States to enter the arena in
a more active and effective way.

In another response, Pope John Paul II urged the
international community to step in and help Israelis
and Palestinians break this useless spiral of death.
The Pope's comments came on 5 December during an
address in the Vatican.

Violence never resolves conflicts, but only increases
the dramatic consequences, the Pope told the
faithful. He added, With ever greater determination
and courage, [the international community] can help
the two sides to end the violence and resume peace

Meanwhile, in the United Nations yesterday, 4
December, the General Assembly adopted a resolution
strongly criticizing Israel's policies toward the
Palestinians. The key resolution supported Palestinian
rights to an independent state on the basis of land
for peace and called for an Israeli withdrawal and a
return to negotiations on a final peace settlement.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-12-06 Thread Samantha L.

forwarded message



Our Attorney General, who was recently featured as the monthly poster boy by the 
National Rifle Association, is selling out the war on terrorism to appease the gun 
lobby.  He is willing to infringe on civil rights right and left, but he is 
prohibiting the FBI from checking on gun purchases and ownership of alleged 
terrorists.  That's not even an infringement on anyone's civil rights.  That's just a 
craven sell out to the gun lobby, at the expense of fully fighting the war on 

Why is Ashcroft doing this?  As a failed candidate for re-election to the Senate from 
Missouri in 2000, Ashcroft received more campaign money from the NRA than any other 
senate candidate.  The NRA has longed been more concerned about protecting the gun 
industry than protecting the health, safety and security of Americans.  Through other 
means, bypassing the Justice Department, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, 
has found that 34 guns seized in crimes had been bought at some point by people on 
the detainee list, according to the New York Times.

But that is probably just the tip of the iceberg.  The gun lobby doesn't want 
Americans to know how the porous gun purchasing system in the United States makes the 
whole country a virtual flee market for small arms trafficking by terrorists and 
others.  Our Attorney General, who pompously justifies trampling on civil rights 
guaranteed by the Constitution, stands by the dangerous self-protective stance of the 
gun industry, rather than allow law enforcement officials from taking the first steps 
to identify terrorists involvement with firearms ownership in the United States.

Whose side is the Attorney General on?  The side of the American people in the war on 
terrorism, or the side of the gun lobby who doesn't give a damn if terrorists buy guns 
in the U.S.?

If it weren't tragic in its implications for the nation, the Ashcroft/NRA effort to 
conceal the likely terrorist gun purchases from the American public and law 
enforcement officials would be the stuff of a dark comedy.  The Justice Department is 
refusing to turn over potential terrorist gun purchase information to the FBI, 
because, one Ashcroft DOJ official, ruled that these checks were improper, reasoning 
that they would violate the privacy of these foreigners. F.B.I. officials said 
foreigners normally did not have privacy rights unless they have achieved permanent 
resident status.

The NRA bragged, before the 2000 election, that if Bush won, they would have an office 
at the White House.  Well, they must have one at the Justice Department too, to the 
detriment of the safety and security of the American public.

A BuzzFlash Editorial Commentary

New York Times Article Follows

Here is the article from the New York Times that details the Ashcroft betrayal of our 
anti-terrorism effort to appease the NRA, his patron:

Go To:

December 6, 2001
Justice Dept. Bars Use of Gun Checks in Terror Inquiry
The New York Times

The Justice Department has refused to let the F.B.I. check its records to determine 
whether any of the 1,200 people detained after the Sept. 11 attacks had bought guns, 
F.B.I. and Justice Department officials say.

The department made the decision in October after the F.B.I. asked to examine the 
records it maintains on background checks to see if any detainees had purchased guns 
in the United States.

Mindy Tucker, a spokeswoman for the Justice Department, said the request was rejected 
after several senior officials decided that the law creating the background check 
system did not permit the use of the records to investigate individuals.

Ms. Tucker did not elaborate on the decision, but it is in keeping with Attorney 
General John Ashcroft's strong support of gun rights and his longstanding opposition 
to the government's use of background check records. In 1998, as a senator from 
Missouri, Mr. Ashcroft voted for an amendment to the Brady gun-control law to destroy 
such records immediately after checking the background of a prospective gun buyer. 
That amendment was defeated.

We intend to use every legal tool available to protect American lives, John 
Collingwood, an assistant director of the F.B.I., said, but he added that applicable 
law does not permit the background check records to be used for this purpose.

The Justice Department's action has frustrated some F.B.I. and other law enforcement 
officials who say it puts the department at odds with its own priorities. Even as the 
department is instituting tough new measures to detain individuals suspected of links 
to terrorism, they say, it is being unusually solicitous of foreigners' gun rights.

The International Association of Chiefs of Police, the nation's largest group of law 
enforcement executives, has already written one letter to the 

Re: [CTRL] Report-Taliban Kill 93 US Commandos and Capture Six

2001-12-06 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

--- John A. O'Neal [EMAIL PROTECTED]

an excellent command of the language and fonts...but
where is the beef?

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Snap Your Fingers, Tap Your Toes

2001-12-06 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


-- To the tune of Eleanor Rigby
   Steve Jackson, Joe Vail, Creede Lambard

They put a thing made of tinfoil on top of my door...
What is it for?
Shooting a ray at my cornflakes to make them turn green...
What does it mean?
The Illuminati... They're watching me, I know.
The Illuminati... They're everywhere I go.

Doing unspeakable things in the night to a cow...
Where are they now?
Sent an impostor in place of the Popsicle man...
What is their plan?
The Illuminati... They're watching me, I know.
The Illuminati... They're everywhere I go.

They cancelled Star Trek, The Fonz, and My Mother, the Car...
Are they bizarre?
You can't escape them;
Even if you take a plane to Nepal or Peru...
They'll be there, too...
The Illuminati... They're watching me, I know.
The Illuminati... They're everywhere I go.

I know that they know all about me...
They know that I know all about them...

Hide their assassins' instructions in newspaper text...
Who will be next?
They're all around us...
Underline every third word in the Times and you'll see...
How can it be?
The Illuminati... They're watching me, I know.
The Illuminati... They're everywhere I go.

They're in the attic and the cellar...
Bigger than Hunt or Rockefeller...

Go through my garbage and count all the pop bottles there...
Why do they care?
They're out to get me...
They're fluoridating my water from their UFO...
What do they know?
The Illuminati... They're everywhere, I see.
The Illuminati... And no one knows but me.
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Everyone has the seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Air Force DEEPLY Involved in Mind Control Projects

2001-12-06 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

(This is two years old, but hopefully worth repeating. )  Samantha


PROOF!--Air Force DEEPLY Involved in Mind Control Projects--
 According to Eric Harris's Air Force Controller AND Harris Himself
© 1999 John Quinn/NewsHawk Inc.
(The rights of UNALTERED reproduction/distribution hereby waived.)

The Air Force--THAT is, those divisions of what USED to be the U.S. Air Force
which are now under control of New World Order global governance masters,
seems to have trouble keeping itself out of NewsHawk's press releases lately.

We just issued a heads-up to our readers yesterday concerning the fact that
KC-135s and other aircraft KNOWN to belong (at LEAST on paper!) to OUR U.S.
Air Force are currently engaged in an extremely widespread campaign of
continual, all-out, virtually round-the-clock bombardment of the people of
North America (not ONLY U.S. residents) with chemical and biological
materials known to be injurious to human health--and almost certainly to the
health of most indigenous life forms on our planet (cloned
reptoid-zomboid-android-Nazoid test-tube vermin such as those overrunning our
entire governmental structure are obviously not affected by this most
unwelcome crud being showered down on us daily.)

We have also made note of the extremely interesting fact that mind-controlled
Manchurian Candidate perpetrators of at LEAST four of the recent mass
shooting nightmares in our country had/have SIGNIFICANT and HARD ties to the
Air Force.

In just the past two days, these articles of ours have stimulated additional
responses from others with knowledge and/or direct experience which further
confirms the high degree of involvement on the part of covert Air Force
intelligence operatives at specific Air Force bases in the engineering,
programming, indoctrination and training of those unfortunate subjects;
picked to become mind-controlled mass killers.

A wide variety of tactics and techniques are used in these utterly abusive
and demonic programs, which are almost completely derived from the infamous
MK-Ultra project, the Montauk Project and related intelligence agency
mind-control projects. The genealogy of all these evil, grotesque
activities leads DIRECTLY back to the death and torture slave camps of the
Third Reich by way of the Nazi-infested CIA, NSA, DIA and other U.S.
intelligence groups. This absolute, unqualified FACT. Check the records.
These agencies funneled HORDES of high-level Nazi Party members, intelligence
and military officers, scientists (yea right!) and vast quantities of Nazi
technology information databases into the most fundamental levels of OUR
United States government: after, DURING and even BEFORE WW2!

Two of these recent communications to NewsHawk in fact pinpoint a particular
Air Force base which has ALREADY been heavily outed by us in our articles
(The Rocky Mountain Horror Show and Putting the Columbine Puzzle
Together) on the Columbine High School massacre on April 20 . This
corroborates information from other widely divergent sources regarding
bizarre covert activities at this location.

The location we refer to is PLATTSBURGH AIR FORCE BASE in northeastern New
York State, roughly 80 miles south of the Canadian border. Beneath the
Plattsburgh base is a VAST, 18-level deep subterranean facility.

Eric Harris, whose father has been linked to covert AF intelligence projects
going back nearly 20 years, lived with his family at Plattsburgh AFB for over
4 years right before moving to Littleton.

We have previously received confirmation on the Plattsburgh base as (being) a
location for severe, horrendous, outrageous and scientifically very advanced
mind/consciousness-manipulation technologies and projects from a wide variety
of sources: from other victims and from those who were in the employ of
project operators.

Plattsburgh AFB was by some reports linked in the 1960s the horrendous known
Nazi-lover Ewen Cameron, president of the American Psychiatric Association,
The Canadian Psychiatric Association AND the World Psychiatric Association,
and Cameron's massive abuses in the CIA-contracted MK-Ultra (drug and
neuro-electrically-based) mind-control project just over the border in
Montreal. Firsthand accounts indicate that this legacy continued at
Plattsburgh through the 1970s and beyond to present times with
electromagnetic/radio-frequency  and drug-based mind control activities tied
to some of the experimentation at Montauk.

As noted in earlier reports this Air force installation SUPPOSEDLY
officially closed in 1994.

However, thoroughly credible testimony from many sources provides clear proof
the base remains quite active years after it’s official closure. Local
residents and other firsthand eyewitnesses report that the base, though
somewhat deserted, is currently in some level of operation even on the
surface, AND EM/RF signal detection equipment 

[CTRL] 1 - The National Center for Privatization

2001-12-06 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

this was sent to me by someone who has, time and time
again, proven to be a reliable source - because of the
sensitive nature of some of it i am afraid i cannot
reveal anything more about my little birdie...this is
the 1st in a series...

The National Center for Privatization

In 1983, Willard Garvey and other Wichita, Kansas
businessmen founded the National Center for
Privatization [NCP]. Its 1986 Board of Directors
included Willard Garvey and Robert D. Love, a founding
member of National Council of The John Birch Society
who, according to a JBS publication cited by The
Belmont Brotherhood, was a Thirty-second Degree KCCH
Mason, a member of the Median Shrine. 4.

The purpose of the National Center for Privatization
was to educate Americans about the then-new concept
of 'Privatization', which meant relieving the
government of services which Garvey and his partners
felt could be performed more efficiently and
effectively within the private sector. Ostensibly, the
objective was to eliminate government waste, reduce
taxes, and government control of the U.S. citizenry.

Therefore, the foremost objective of the National
Center for privatization is to encourage by all
practical and legal means, the transfer of activities
and responsibilities now being funded with coerced tax
dollars, to the private profit and voluntary sector of
the economy. 5.

Although privatization masquerades as relief for the
overburdened taxpayer, a different picture emerges in
real life scenarios where private enterprise and
government have collaborated to profit at taxpayer
expense. A practical illustration of how private
enterprise often works involved Willard Garvey's
profiteering at the expense of the taxpayer. Waste of
the West: Public Lands Ranching discloses that
ranchers, government and private entities have been
working together for decades to convert our public
land into profitable livestock ranches. 6. In 1934,
private interests pushed through Congress the Taylor
Grazing Act which created the Division of Grazing
under the Department of the Interior. This legislation
resulted in the establishment of federal, state and
local grazing advisory boards staffed by the same
wealthy ranchers who lobbied Congress for their
All these 'advisory' boards were composed mostly of
the same large-scale, aggressive, politically savvy
ranchers who helped create the Forest Service and
Taylor Grazing Act and awarded themselves federal
grazing permits (or else stockmen who followed in
their place). Most members were also livestock
association officials, and many were bankers, real
estate dealers, lawyers, timber barons, merchants, and
mining tycoons. Congress enacted regulations, created
grazing allotments, and charged a nominal 5 cent
grazing fee. Leases were issued to the privileged few,
generally the most wealthy and powerful cattlemen,
especially those who helped create the Taylor Grazing
Act, often those who had illegally fenced off public
land. . .

In 1939, under close supervision of the grazing
industry, the Division of Grazing was reorganized into
the Grazing Service. . .They went out and radically
turned it over to the big cowmen and the big sheepmen
of the West Why they even put them on the payroll. . .
It is common knowledge that they have been practically
running the Grazing Service. . . Seven years later, in
1946, again under the influence of powerful stockmen,
the Grazing Service and General Land Office were
combined to form the Bureau of Land Management
(BLM). . . 7.

Chapter 7 titled Welfare Ranching describes Willard
Garvey's illegal use of tax-funded public lands --
with a little help from fellow rancher, Ronald
Reagan, who also happened to be President of the
United States:
In 1984 appraisers for both the BLM and Forest
Service uncovered more than 2000 secret subleasing
deals providing the original holder of the grazing
permit 'the opportunity to profit at the expense of
the Treasury' (Com. on Govt. Oper. 1986). A recent
study by Colorado State University researchers found
more than 900 cattle permittees were subleasing
'their' BLM allotments. Considering there are only
about 19,000 BLM permittees altogether, 900 (almost 5%
of the total) seems to indicate a serious problem. And
one further wonders how many subleasers were not
revealed. These 900 were subleasing at an average
rate of $7.76/AUM -- more than 5 times the
then-current $1.35/AUM grazing fee charged by the
government. Most of the difference went into ranchers'
pockets. For example, according to the 5-11-87 Reno
Gazette-Journal, multimillionaire Willard Garvey
collected $120,000 rent in 1986 from a Humboldt
County, Nevada rancher, while the government received
only $14,587 in grazing fees for that public land.

In 1985. . .in a slick move that infuriated many
reform advocates, rancher Ronald Reagan rode to the
rescue and (while vacationing at his California ranch)
promulgated an executive order directing the
Secretaries of Agriculture 

Re: [CTRL] Jim Collier: Only a Paper Moon?

2001-12-06 Thread Gavin Phillips

-Caveat Lector-

But he is basing his assumptions on supposed facts of
science. You are arbritrarily deciding that science is
lying about there being no atmosphere on the moon.
Find a scientist who agrees with you.  You cannot
contradict something without evidence that it is
false. You can of course make up any story you want to
and using your rules so can everybody else. We'll
never know what is true or false though using your
methods. Gavin

--- Dale Stonehouse
 -Caveat Lector-
How could there be diffused  light on the moon?
   on the moon there is no prism of
   atmosphere to diffuse or bend light so the sky is
 totally black.

 Here we have a classic example of someone assuming a
 desired conclusion and
 fitting the facts to prove' that conclusion.

 I can do the same thing; all that is necessary is to
 change the assumed
 lie from we went to the moon to the moon has no

 The author, who is not willing to believe what he
 was told about the moon
 landing, is nonetheless unable to question the same
 authority which also
 told him the moon has no atmosphere. Did they lie
 about one and not the

 So if I assume then, that I have been lied to about
 the moon's atmosphere, I
 can conclude:
 1. There is atmosphere on the moon.
 2. Therefore light will be diffused and produce soft
 shadow and color.
 3. Therefore the NASA photos are not faked (at least
 not for that reason).
 4. Therefore NASA astronauts landed on the moon and
 the photos in question
 are genuine.

 See how easy it is? Not that I am happy about either
 lie; but this
 illustrates the trap of assuming we know anything
 or are even capable of
 knowing things as absolutes.
At what temperature does film melt? I asked.
One hundred and fifty degrees.
   But NASA video and film prove the astronauts to
 be on the moon's
   surface when the sun was at high noon; the
 temperature was +250 F.
The film, in the uncooled cameras would melt,
 Kodak said.

 Once again the author does not question the accepted
 surface temperature of
 the moon but chooses to question other things. The
 film would indeed not
 survive that temperature, IF true.

 So it seems we pick and choose the things we wish
 to believe.

 This is a trap set for the human mind that works all
 too well. The only way
 out of the trap is to question each and every
 concept we have been
 conditioned to believe is real. Until we can
 conceive the possibility of
 frequency (electromagnetic) manipulation of our
 minds by earthly or other
 means, we have no way out of our present reality

 And  we are so easily deceived as to make doing so
 child's play, even for
 lowly humans who have acquired the knowledge and
 methods. Can you tell the
 difference between reality and a holographic

 Neither can I. Yet.

 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list.
 Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not
 soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many
 half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically
 by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the
 spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the
 validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you
 read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need 

Re: [CTRL] Jim Collier: Only a Paper Moon?

2001-12-06 Thread Gavin Phillips

-Caveat Lector-

But he is basing his assumptions on supposed facts of
science. You are arbritrarily deciding that science is
lying about there being no atmosphere on the moon.
Find a scientist who agrees with you.  You cannot
contradict something without evidence that it is
false. You can of course make up any story you want to
and using your rules so can everybody else. We'll
never know what is true or false though using your
methods. Gavin

--- Dale Stonehouse
 -Caveat Lector-
How could there be diffused  light on the moon?
   on the moon there is no prism of
   atmosphere to diffuse or bend light so the sky is
 totally black.

 Here we have a classic example of someone assuming a
 desired conclusion and
 fitting the facts to prove' that conclusion.

 I can do the same thing; all that is necessary is to
 change the assumed
 lie from we went to the moon to the moon has no

 The author, who is not willing to believe what he
 was told about the moon
 landing, is nonetheless unable to question the same
 authority which also
 told him the moon has no atmosphere. Did they lie
 about one and not the

 So if I assume then, that I have been lied to about
 the moon's atmosphere, I
 can conclude:
 1. There is atmosphere on the moon.
 2. Therefore light will be diffused and produce soft
 shadow and color.
 3. Therefore the NASA photos are not faked (at least
 not for that reason).
 4. Therefore NASA astronauts landed on the moon and
 the photos in question
 are genuine.

 See how easy it is? Not that I am happy about either
 lie; but this
 illustrates the trap of assuming we know anything
 or are even capable of
 knowing things as absolutes.
At what temperature does film melt? I asked.
One hundred and fifty degrees.
   But NASA video and film prove the astronauts to
 be on the moon's
   surface when the sun was at high noon; the
 temperature was +250 F.
The film, in the uncooled cameras would melt,
 Kodak said.

 Once again the author does not question the accepted
 surface temperature of
 the moon but chooses to question other things. The
 film would indeed not
 survive that temperature, IF true.

 So it seems we pick and choose the things we wish
 to believe.

 This is a trap set for the human mind that works all
 too well. The only way
 out of the trap is to question each and every
 concept we have been
 conditioned to believe is real. Until we can
 conceive the possibility of
 frequency (electromagnetic) manipulation of our
 minds by earthly or other
 means, we have no way out of our present reality

 And  we are so easily deceived as to make doing so
 child's play, even for
 lowly humans who have acquired the knowledge and
 methods. Can you tell the
 difference between reality and a holographic

 Neither can I. Yet.

 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list.
 Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not
 soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many
 half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically
 by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the
 spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the
 validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you
 read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Send your FREE holiday greetings online!

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need 

[CTRL] Giuliani Wants to Take Control of WTC Fund Billions

2001-12-06 Thread sonsun2012

-Caveat Lector-

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], NY Transfer News [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit


NY POST - December 5, 2001


by David Seifman and Maggie Haberman

Mayor Giuliani is moving to convert the city's Twin Towers Fund into
a private charity he'll control even after leaving office, sources
told The Post yesterday.

Mayoral aides have asked state Attorney General Eliot Spitzer about
speeding up the process so it can be finished before Giuliani's term
ends on Dec. 31, the sources said.

Fund officials said the plan was always to transfer the assets to a
charity with Giuliani at the helm.

One source said the administration is trying to do this quickly. But
it's tough to fast-track something like this. It usually takes

The question is: What does [Mayor-elect Mike] Bloomberg think? Is
this what Bloomberg wants to do? the source added.

A Bloomberg spokesman declined comment.

Another source said that Giuliani's team doesn't anticipate any
problems with Bloomberg over the transfer, and that the process will
go quickly.

The move won't affect the families of firefighters, cops and other
uniformed personnel who perished in the Sept. 11 attacks on the World
Trade Center.

The fund has raised $113 million and distributed $46.7 million so far
to 389 families.

Creating a private charity would remove control from the city's
Public-Private Initiatives, whose board is appointed by the mayor.

If the changeover doesn't happen before Jan. 1, Bloomberg could
replace Giuliani's appointees with his own.

Twin Towers Fund spokeswoman Kim Serafin said the charity was created
with the intent that Mayor Giuliani, in the future as Citizen
Giuliani, would be in charge of this to make sure all the money is
handled properly and goes to the families of the 406 fallen heroes.

Spitzer spokesman Darren Dopp declined comment.

Giuliani's aides have already established a tax-exempt group to which
the funds would be moved, but the process entails petitioning the
state Supreme Court and must be reviewed by Spitzer.

Giuliani, who created the Twin Towers Fund, will serve as chairman of
the board that will run the tax-exempt charity.

A source said the transfer would have been completed by now if the
administration hadn't been busy with other major events, such as the
Flight 587 crash.


  NY Transfer News Collective   *   A Service of Blythe Systems
Since 1985 - Information for the Rest of Us
339 Lafayette St., New York, NY 10012  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--- End forwarded message ---

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-12-06 Thread William Shannon

Pravda.RU:Main:More in detail   

13:10 2001-12-06



Anyone who believes that the United States is waging a "War On Terrorism," hasn't been paying attention. The United States is not waging a War On Terrorism. The United States is waging a War On (Some) Terrorism. Like its equally ill-conceived predecessor, the War On (Some) Drugs, it is doomed from inception to failure. One may as well wage war on "vice" or on "evil." The entire concept is ludicrous. It's like pouring corn down a rat hole. The rats don't come out and you don't get the corn back, either. But we are not pouring corn, we are pouring blood and treasure. With them spill away our civil rights, our way of life, and any chance at all of living in peace and safety. 


There is no protection, least of all military, from a determined terrorist. If torture, internment, racial profiling, and the brutal punishment of innocent bystanders were a viable defense against terrorism, Israel would be the safest place on the planet. This is most definitely not the case. If Israel is ever to have peace, it must be surrounded, not by victims, but by friends and allies. It is still not too late, but Israel's rulers still fail to see the obvious. Instead, they make more enemies, and they make their enemies more determined. Must Americans repeat Israel's mistakes? If the powers-that-be are permitted to have their way about it, that's exactly what is going to happen. 


If this war were really a war on terrorism, it would be a war on all terrorism. Bombs would be falling on the terrorist training camp at Fort Benning and the terrorist headquarters in Langley, Henry Kissinger would be extradited to Chile and the men who wage biowar against Cuba would be answering for their crimes. This is not happening. The name of this war is just one more deception in a very long line. Deception is the essence of war. We should not be surprised. (Neither should we be complacent.) But let's not quibble over names. Whatever you call it, this war is a burgeoning disaster. How many more people must die before we make it stop? 


Anyone who believes this war will be over soon, just because the Taliban have executed a strategic withdrawal from some indefensible positions, has not read enough military history. Read military history. It's good for you. Specifically, read recent Afghan military history. All quiet on the Afghan front? Not any time soon. It ain't over till it's over, and it ain't over yet – not by a long shot. Even total destruction of the Taliban, and all of its foreign legion, would not bring an end to this war. The war is not being waged against them. The war is being waged against "terrorism," a term that can mean anything the powers-that-be want it to mean, a term so nebulous that it can even include dancing jaywalkers. A war on "terrorism" could go on forever. Think about it: perpetual war. 


The talking heads on network TV are already getting us ready for the next campaign: "Iraq -- Cakewalk or milk run?" is the depth of their debate. The possible extent of the potential consequences is not being adequately addressed. Here's one possible scenario: a cornered, Saddam Hussein orders a devastating counterattack launched by Iraqi sleeper agents already in place, and/or by their friends, also already in place. We can't know for sure, but it is exactly the sort of thing we have to consider. This is the nature of war in the 21st-century. Don't think it takes place "over there." 


This war can be stopped before it's too late, but it is going to take a mass movement to do it. To build it, we must set aside that which divides us. This is no easy task, but it can be done. Thinking of politics purely in terms of a left, right and center gets in the way. Not only does it pit one against the other, it leaves out everyone else. It also fails to explain the many, many things upon which we do agree. Fortunately, some of our most divisive politics are so obviously irrelevant as to not be a problem. Guns, abortion, affirmative action and social security just don't factor into this war. The global economy presents thornier issues. As long as access to resources and trade routes are distributed by force, war will plague this planet. (This century, that means literal plagues.) If we are ever to put an end to war, let alone terrorism, sooner or later we are going to have to address global economics. But not right now. 


Right now we must focus on the immediate danger. Only fools bicker over how to slice up the pie while the bakery is being burned down around them by a hideous alliance of villains and fools. Right now we have to concentrate on building a movement powerful enough stop this war before we wake up 

[CTRL] Fwd: BuzzFlash News Alert: 35 Shot at Indiana Factory

2001-12-06 Thread Samantha L.

forwarded message


From the Chicago Tribune

As many as 35 shot at Indiana factory
Associated Press

December 6, 2001, 2:39 PM CST

GOSHEN, Ind. -- Police officers responded this afternoon to reports of as many as 35 
people shot in a factory in an industrial park in northern Indiana, according to the 
mayor of Goshen, Ind.

Mayor Allan Kauffman said he did not know whether anyone had been killed or how 
serious the injuries were.

Police were working to secure the area, he said about 3:15 p.m. EST.

``They don’t know if the shooter or shooters are still in the area,’’ Kauffman said. 
``As of this minute the area is still not secured, so they don’t know if the shooter 
is still there or not.’’

Roy Beaupain, president of Economy Offset Printers, said his business was a neighbor 
of Nu-Wood, where the shooting had occurred. He said he had not heard any gunshots.

``There are cops on the roof of a building east of Nu-Wood and the alley is filled 
with cops, with guns drawn,’’ Beaupain said.

Chris Barouska, parts manager at Ingersoll-Rand, said the shooting had occurred at the 
neighboring factory Nu-Wood.

``The place is smothered in cops,’’ Barouska said. ``Completely surround.’’

Goshen General Hospital went on alert and was preparing for multiple patients in need 
of medical treatment, said Virginia Forgey, a hospital marketing assistant.

Forgey did not know whether anyone had come through their emergency facility.

A Goshen police dispatcher would not provide any immediate information, but said that 
all officers were being called in.

Officers from several departments were being sent to the scene, Indiana State Police 
Copyright © 2001, Chicago Tribune

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[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: via the board, Enron, the big daddy of them in keiretsu

2001-12-06 Thread Kris Millegan


SPREAD THE WORD ON ENRON! Wait till they name 
names ... when we get a copy of the complaint filed yesterday ...

Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 10:33 AM
Subject: Fw: via the board, Enron, the big daddy of them in 

- Original Message - 
From: Lois Battuello 
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 10:30 AM
Subject: via the board, Enron, the big daddy of them in 

While below will seem remote without knowledge of 
the board members, trust me, they jump out from the Keiretsu model completely, 
and include Keiretsu preachers such as Richard Jaedicke, an accounting prof from 
Stanford GSB and then Dean of GSB 1983-1990, coupled with the Harvard Business 
School wired Pug Winokur, both on an Enron board since 1985, but whose names 
never showed up on anything until Nov. 8, 1996. This is the linking of the east 
and the west to influence peddle into the investment banking sectors on both 
coasts ...

And who was doing a lot of the dealing in 
trading? Why Japan, and their top five funds took huge and crippling baths 
-- just how the laundering was going on, one never knows. But that whole 
thing is intell wired into Yakuza, that's for sure.

Yesterday a lawsuit was filed, naming 29 
individuals as defendants (see NY Times article below). I am just praying 
it was filed by Milberg in like the Southern District of New York, and that it 
names the directors individually -- like Richard Jaedicke and Pug Winoker 
(Herbert to the boys). Today I am going to look at Herbert Winokur's 
public issue involvements and see if other companies with which he is associated 
have filed class action  

Think of that "race to be first on the wire with 
real time and trading" -- were they controlling real time and skimming? 
Could that explain some of the $101 billion in revenues over the past 12 
months? Could they have been reporting revenue in their profit and 
loss statementsfrom the obscure ops they didn't present on their balance 
sheet so they couldn't be caught as "tax cheats?" I mean, even the present 
day mob pays their taxes many times in the laundering fronts -- it's a very 
small cut of the deal to them these days, because of the trillions they 

Think of the technology they have "leading edge" 
developed by Tadem Computing which Keiretsu chairman of Tandem Tom Perkins took 
into Compaq, providing him virtually a life-long position on the board of Compaq 
which set up in Houston and fed its leading edge tech into Enron for their 
trading program ... Tandem, which makes the equipment and software to drive 95% 
of all securities transactions (and I don't know if that means in the U.S. or 
world-wide). Someone has to take the trading programs away from Enron, or 
take the buggers out.

I just have a feeling they may have been 
controlling real time and skimming for the cause -- a 5 second delay probably is 
all that it would take -- maybe even less 

  December 6, 2001
  Enron Paid Out 'Retention' Bonuses Before Bankruptcy 
  ust days before Enron (news/quote) 
  filed for bankruptcy and laid off 4,000 people, it paid out $55 million in 
  bonuses to about 500 employees, according to several people who had 
  dealings with the company.
  Yesterday evening, an Enron spokesman confirmed the bonuses, describing 
  them as "retention incentives" for crucial employees. Bankruptcy experts 
  said that the payments were almost certain to be closely scrutinized  and 
  probably challenged  by Enron's creditors.
  Separately, the Labor Department said yesterday that it had opened an 
  investigation into how Enron managed its employees' 401(k) retirement 
  plans. Those accounts were heavily invested in Enron shares, and company 
  rules prohibited many employees from diversifying their holdings. The 
  Labor Department said that employees had lost up to 90 percent of the 
  value of their accounts.
  "Enron's employees have gotten the short end of the stick in the sudden 
  collapse of this company," said Labor Secretary Elaine L. Chao. Enron has 
  said that a temporary freeze that kept some employees from shifting 
  retirement investments was long planned and allowed another company to 
  take over the job of administering the plan.
  Enron declined to say how much was paid out in bonuses, who received 
  the money or what the range of payments was.
  Executives of companies entering bankruptcy defend such payments as 
  necessary if there is to be any hope of reorganizing as a going concern. 
  But they often prove to be incendiary. For example, in 1990, when it was 
  disclosed that Drexel Burnham Lambert had paid key executives some $250 
  million in bonuses before filing for bankruptcy, creditors and the 
  government reacted with outrage. In the end, 

[CTRL] N. Ron

2001-12-06 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From WorkingForAChange (URL @ bottom)

The power and problem of Enron

Arianna Huffington - Arianna Online

12.04.01 - The opponents of campaign finance reform keep trying to
convince us that it's a non-issue: a matter of inside-the-Beltway
baseball that no one cares about except a few money-hating policy

Rep. Dick Armey derided it as the lowest thing on the American radar
screen while Sen. Mitch Money Is Free Speech McConnell took time
out from his busy fund-raising schedule to chastise the editors of
The New York Times for continuing to obsess about an issue that has
completely dropped off the list of the public's priorities. In
other words, No one cares, why should we?

The answer is simple. So simple, in fact, it can be summed up in one
word: Enron. Its chairman, Kenneth Lay, is the former 800-pound
gorilla of Washington power brokers who is looking more and more like
the spiritual offspring of Charles Ponzi.

Enron stands accused of, basically, cooking its books, fraudulently pumping up the 
company's value by concealing massive amounts of debt in an array of complex 
partnerships set up by Enron officers. Nudged into reluctant
action by a Securities and Exchange Commission investigation, the company was forced 
to admit that it had over-reported profit by nearly $600 million during the last four 
years. These disclosures caused Enron's stock to p
lummet from a high of $90 to 26 cents, culminating on Sunday in the energy giant 
filing for Chapter 11 protection, the largest corporate bankruptcy in history.

And it gets uglier. Much uglier. While all these financial shenanigans were going on 
and the stock was flying artificially high, Lay, in his position as CPSO (Chief 
Pyramid Scheme Officer), cashed in stock and options wor
th $150 million. And former Enron executive Jeff Skilling pocketed $62 million before 
abruptly abandoning ship this past August.

Shareholders were not so lucky -- I mean market-savvy. Neither were some 20,000 
current and former Enron employees whose retirement accounts evaporated as the company 
nose-dived. It turns out that these employees were n
ot given the same opportunity as Lay and Skilling to cash out while the cashing was 
good. The company froze the retirement fund, and employees could only watch helplessly 
as their nest eggs cracked and turned sunny side d

But the little guys weren't the only ones taken in. Big-boy bankers Citigroup and J.P. 
Morgan lent Enron a total of $1.6 billion, $540 million of which is unsecured. Starved 
for a good laugh? Try asking your friendly neig
hborhood banker for an unsecured loan and watch his reaction. So what was Enron's 
secret? It was the aura of power that glowed around the company and Kenneth Lay -- a 
key shaper of the administration's energy policy, and
an intimate FOG (Friend of George).

This aura doesn't come cheap. Enron and its executives doled out $2.4 million to 
federal candidates in the 2000 election and were among George W.'s biggest donors. Lay 
and his wife alone have donated $793,110 to the GOP s
ince W.'s dad was in office.

Enron has also spent big bucks lobbying Congress and the White House: $4 million in 
the last two years. The money has bought the company a bipartisan who's who of 
Washington insiders -- including James Baker, Mack McLarty
 and Gore 2000 fund-raising director Johnny Hayes -- to help push its corporate agenda.

If the congressional investigations into Enron's collapse slated to begin this month 
are to have any political impact, they need to focus on how much clout and protection 
the energy giant was able to buy through lobbying
and donations.

Witness, for example, the unprecedented input Lay and Enron were given on the makeup 
of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), the agency charged with regulating 
Enron's core business. Lay went so far as to brag
 to one potential nominee about his friends at the White House. He also personally 
put the screws to FERC chair Curtis Hebert in an effort to change his views on 
electricity deregulation. Hebert didn't, and was soon the
 former chairman of FERC, replaced by an Enron ally.

The Enron debacle has exposed the dark side of capitalism -- and the unseemly link 
between money and political influence. Let's hope it also sheds a light on the 
desperate need for fundamental campaign finance reform. Bec
ause trust in the fundamental decency of our political system is not
a trivial, inside- the-Beltway issue. Just ask the scores of people
who were being sold on the virtues of investing their golden years in
Enron -- right up until the stock crashed.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Kleiner Perkins is HARBORING!

2001-12-06 Thread Kris Millegan


Again, and again, Yakuza  

- Original Message - 
From: Lois Battuello 
To: Linda 
Minor ; Catherine Austin Fitts ; katie ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 11:10 AM
Subject: Kleiner Perkins is HARBORING!

Check this out, down and out and to fully shut 
down, Excite@Home, while Kleiner Perkins 
harbors one of its keiretsu perps (last paragraph).


CNET tech 
  sites: Price 
  comparisons | Product 
  reviews | Tech 
  news | Downloads 
  | Site 











Reports | Newsmakers | Perspectives


Excite@Home and the lessons of 
hypeBy Ben 
HeskettDecember 6, 2001
  When @Home 
  Network Chief Executive Tom Jermoluk strolled into CNET's offices 
  in the winter of 1998 for an interview, he confidently dubbed the 
  company's broadband business prospects a "no-brainer." Things looked 
  promising for the company then, given the number of cable television 
  subscribers in the country and the deals @Home was striking with operators 
  like Cox Communications and Comcast. 
  Clearly, Jermoluk was on to something. The lack of brain power 
  exhibited during the rise and fall of what is now Excite@Home is truly 
  striking--the broadband equivalent of the ongoing Enron debacle. 
  You see, Jermoluk, or "TJ" as he's known to friends, is right. It 
  is a no-brainer. 
   Excite@Home, with 4.1 million subscribers as of its 
  last quarter, was a slam-dunk. You take the homes passed by a cable 
  network to deliver television, imagine that a certain chunk might like to 
  add fast access to the Web, and what have you got? A bankrupt non-entity 
  that drops service with little notice to hundreds of thousands of loyal 
  customers and subsequently announces its intentions to disappear 
  into thin air by the end of February 2002? 
  It's crazy. 
  Counting just the major strategic snafus, such as the bizarre $6.7 
  billion merger with Excite to "marry" broadband with Internet content and 
  its Byzantine relationships with its cable partners--particularly 
  ATT--Excite@Home may be best thought of as a triumph of that most 
  hated of marketing words: synergies. 
  Excite@Home has some assets, such as an Internet network. But it was 
  also born in the Net era, when everything was "virtual" or otherwise 
  represented by some PowerPoint cloud. As investors realized over time, the 
  company was simply a middleman between stodgy cable companies and the 
  Internet, taking a 35 percent toll for every customer along the way. 
   Taking that basic, stable business and extending it 
  to a broadband dreamland where someone would pay for a variety of services 
  we haven't even thought about yet--as is often spoken in technology--and 
  running the operations like the revenue possibilities are infinite was a 
  prescription for disaster. 
  But 4.1 million subscribers don't lie. 
  The loser is, as usual, the typical person who simply wants a fast 
  connection to the Net. What was once a healthy broadband market with a 
  wide array of competition between phone companies, cable companies and 
  start-ups has rapidly dwindled to next to nothing. Stodgy Baby Bell versus 
  stodgy cable company? That hardly seems like a recipe for competition, 
  pricing pressure or innovation. 
  Excite@Home had a little more than 200,000 subscribers back in 1998, 
  when Jermoluk--who now resides at original @Home investor Kleiner, 
  Perkins, Caulfield  Byers--predicted smooth sailing for the venture. 
  Now, with the dismantling of a 4.1 million subscriber broadband behemoth, 
  millions of customers are left holding the broadband bag as executives and 
  lawyers duke it out for the scraps. 
  Analyzing failed businesses can often be like so much Monday morning 
  quarterbacking--a day late and a dollar short. But no one in the Net era 
  has failed quite like Excite@Home, and as we now see, its demise is the 

  story|Send us news 
  Bullpen pennerBen 
  Heskett is CNET's Communications department editor, guiding 
  coverage of the networking and communications industries, which include 
  such companies as Cisco Systems, Lucent Technologies, Excite@Home, 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] From The Wilderness - Damning New Evidence on Insider Trading Connected to 9-11 - More CIA Connections

2001-12-06 Thread Kris Millegan

Title: From The Wilderness - Damning New Evidence on Insider Trading Connected to 9-11 - More CIA Connections

Please distribute and repost widely.

PROFITS OF DEATH -- INSIDER TRADING AND 9-11 (Part I of a special three-part Series)


Tom Flocco  Edited by Michael C. Ruppert

[ Copyright 2001. From The Wilderness Publications, All Rights Reserved. May be recopied, distributed or posted on the worldwide web for non-profit purposes only.]

FTW, December 6, 2001 -- On October 9th, FTW broke a story on insider trading connected to the 9-11 attacks on the World Trade Center that sparked worldwide controversy. In that story we reported how the Israeli Herzliyya Institute for Counterterrorism had documented that unknown individuals -- with accurate foreknowledge of the attacks -- had purchased an obvious and unusually large number of put options on United and American Airlines shortly before the attacks. 

Additional companies hit hard by the insider trading included Axa Re(insurance) and Munich Re as well as American investment giants Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley.

Put options are essentially a bet that a stocks price will fall abruptly. The seller, having entered into a time-specific contract with a buyer, does not need to own the actual shares at the time the contract is purchased. Therefore, if a holder of the put option has a contract to sell a stock such as American Airlines for (e.g.) $100 a share on a Friday and the stock falls to $50 on Wednesday, they can purchase the stock, sell it on Friday and double their money. The person on the other end of the contract (the call) has an obligation to buy the shares at the agreed upon price. The bank handling the transaction as a broker is the only entity knowing the identities of both parties.

FTW also revealed that the A.B. Brown (Alex Brown) investment arm of the banking giant Deutschebank/A.B. Brown had been headed until 1998 by the man who is now the Executive Director of the Central Intelligence Agency  A.B. Buzzy Krongard. In fact, Krongard is but one name in a long history of CIA interconnections to stock trading and the worlds financial markets. We also discussed, in detail, the evidence indicating that the CIA and other intelligence agencies monitor stock trading in real time for the purpose of identifying potential attacks of any nature that might damage the U.S. economy.

The original FTW story is located at:

Critics of FTWs initial story - not having read any of five related stories dating back to an October 2000 piece on PROMIS software - claimed that we had not made the links to establish culpability. But we knew that the links were there, that our case was solid, and that new evidence would not go undiscovered for long.

Now, investigative reporter Tom Flocco digs deep and strikes pay dirt in a three-part series that reveals not only deeper links between the CIA, Wall Street and the insider trades of 9-11, but also discloses that a key executive at Deutschebank  an American  became, just weeks before the attacks, a convicted felon. His crime: conspiracy to launder drug money to arrange the purchase of U.S. weapons  in association with two Pakistanis who also attempted to acquire nuclear bomb components  for use by Islamic fundamentalist terrorists.  MCR

CIA Does Not Deny Stock Monitoring Outside U.S. 

(Part I in a series) 

In a returned phone call from the Central Intelligence Agency, press spokesman Tom Crispell denied that the CIA was monitoring real-time, pre-September 11, stock option trading activity within United States borders using such software as the Prosecutors Management Information System (PROMIS).  

That would be illegal. We only operate outside the United States, the intelligence official said. 

However, when asked whether the CIA had been using PROMIS beyond American borders to scrutinize world financial markets for national security purposes, Crispell replied, I have no way of knowing what operations are [being affected by our assets] outside the country. 

Extensive media reporting confirms that investors at Deutschebank-Alex Brown and other global financial entities may have profited from prior knowledge of the attacks while purchasing disproportionate pre-attack put option contracts on targeted U.S. airlines and related insurance or investment firms. All of these firms suffered serious losses resulting from the September 11th attacks and their stocks abruptly plummeted. 

Confirmation that the CIA or other U.S. intelligence agencies were monitoring financial markets and had seen these trades before the attacks would have staggering implications for thousands of victims families.

The CIA official also declined to comment on the actual capabilities of PROMIS. The highly technical software has been described as a system that interfaces with any police can input an alleged terrorists name or credit 

[CTRL] Pre-1990 Drug Networks Being Restored Under New Coalition

2001-12-06 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

Pre-1990 Drug Networks Being Restored Under New

When we look at the Afghan leaders whom the US
considers eligible to fill out an interim government,
we see that many are figures implicated in
drug-trafficking in the 1980s. The BBC compiled a list
of these leaders in November 2001. Leading the list
was President Burhanuddin Rabbani, whose home province
of Badakshan became in the 1990s, while under his
control, the stepping stone for an entirely new means
of conveying opiates to Europe, via Tajikistan,
Uzbekistan and Russia's Central Asian railway service
(Griffin, Reaping the Whirlwind, 150). Veteran General
Rashid Dostum, in Mazar-i-Sharif, was suspected of
earning huge profits by exporting drugs via
Uzbekistan (Cooley, Unholy Wars, 155).

Of the seven Pashtun leaders named, three (Pir Sayed
Gailani and Gulbeddin Hekmatyar, and Hazi Bashir) have
been linked in the past to drug-trafficking. A fourth,
Younus Khalis, is a powerful figure from drug-rich
Nangahar province, and is the man with whom Osama bin
Laden made contact in 1996, before offering his riches
to the Taliban. The restored leader of the Eastern
Shura in Nangahar province, Haji Abdul Qadir (who
withdrew from the Bonn leadership conference), became
rich in former times as the Afghan source of a drug
pipeline involving in Pakistan Haji Ayub Afridi, the
lord of Khyber heroin dealing (Griffin, 142-43; cf.
Cockburn, Whiteout, 267).

Under the headline US turns to drug baron to rally
support , Asia Times Online reported on 12/4/01 that
Afridi was freed from prison in Karachi last Thursday
[11/29/01] after serving just a few weeks of a
seven-year sentence for the export of 6.5 tons of

In the 1980s, according to Asia Times Online, All of
the major Afghan warlords, except for the Northern
Alliance's Ahmed Shah Masoud, who had his own opium
fiefdom in northern Afghanistan, were a part of
Afridi's coalition of drug traders in the
CIA-sponsored holy war against the Soviets. Sources
say that Afridi's constituencies in eastern and
southern Afghan provinces have been revived following
the withdrawal of the Taliban, and with them the drugs
trade. Commanders such as Haji Abdul Qadeer, Haji
Mohammed Zaman and Hazrat Ali are once again ruling
the roost in these areas. These commanders used to be
the biggest heroin and opium mafia in Afghanistan's
Pashtun belt.

(Hazrat Ali is currently directing the ground forces
attacking the Tora Bora cave stronghold in search of
Osama bin Laden. Meanwhile Haji Mohamed Zaman has
complained about the US bombing of villages under his
control. A local loya jirga convened under control of
Qadir's Eastern shura has requested that the bombing

Asia Times Online speculates that the US, sensing too
much Russian influence being exerted on the Northern
Alliance, has decided to cultivate support from within
the majority Pashtun belt by reviving the old Afridi
drug network. But the independent behavior of Haji
Abdul Qadir and Haji Mohammed Zaman suggests that the
true restorer of the Afridi network may be elements in
Pakistan, legitimately concerned by the increasing
role played in post-Taliban Afghanistan by Rabbani,
the Northern Alliance, and Russia.

What we may be seeing is a revival of the Cold War
games in which both the US and Russia sought control
of the drug traffic, not just to fund their
operations, but above all in order to deny the
influence of the traffic to their opponent.

FLASH 5 (B): Developing US-Russian Tensions over
Post-Taliban Government

It has been clear that the Northern Alliance has
spurned US guidance and listened to its backers in
Russia, ever since the Northern Alliance seized
control of Kabul in defiance of Bush's public order,
and refused to accept a multinational peace-keeping
force. After hard bargaining at Bonn, the Northern
Alliance has come away with the most important
ministries in their control: defense, foreign affairs,
justice, and the interior. (See the London Guardian,

Eric Margolis argues in the Los Angeles Times on
11/28/01 that The Russians have regained influence
over Afghanistan, avenged their defeat by the U.S. in
the 1980s war and neatly checkmated the Bush
administration, which, for all its high-tech military
power, understands little about Afghanistan.

The U.S. ouster of the Taliban regime also means
Pakistan has lost its former influence over
Afghanistan and is now cut off from Central Asia's
resources. So long as the alliance holds power, the
U.S. is equally denied access to the much-coveted
Caspian Basin. Russia has regained control of the best
potential pipeline routes. The new Silk Road is
destined to become a Russian energy superhighway.

Margolis' pessimistic analysis ignores the extent to
which Russia has to fear, as well as hope for,
developments in Afghanistan. Its client states in the
CIS, above all Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, have
suffered from serious Islamist terrorist 


2001-12-06 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-



Tom Flocco – Edited by Michael C. Ruppert

[© Copyright 2001. From The Wilderness Publications, All Rights Reserved. May be recopied,
distributed or posted on the worldwide web for
non-profit purposes only.]

 FTW, December 6, 2001 -- On October 9th, FTW broke a
story on insider trading connected to the 9-11 attacks
on the World Trade Center that sparked worldwide
controversy. In that story we reported how the Israeli
Herzliyya Institute for Counterterrorism had
documented that unknown individuals -- with accurate
foreknowledge of the attacks -- had purchased an
obvious and unusually large number of “put” options on
United and American Airlines shortly before the

 Additional companies hit hard by the insider trading
included Axa Re(insurance) and Munich Re as well as
American investment giants Merrill Lynch and Morgan

 Put options are essentially a bet that a stock’s
price will fall abruptly. The seller, having entered
into a time-specific contract with a buyer, does not
need to own the actual shares at the time the contract
is purchased. Therefore, if a holder of the put option
has a contract to sell a stock such as American
Airlines for (e.g.) $100 a share on a Friday and the
stock falls to $50 on Wednesday, they can purchase the
stock, sell it on Friday and double their money. The
person on the other end of the contract (the call) has
an obligation to buy the shares at the agreed upon
price. The bank handling the transaction as a broker
is the only entity knowing the identities of both

 FTW also revealed that the A.B. Brown (Alex Brown)
investment arm of the banking giant Deutschebank/A.B.
Brown had been headed until 1998 by the man who is now
the Executive Director of the Central Intelligence
Agency – A.B. “Buzzy” Krongard. In fact, Krongard is
but one name in a long history of CIA interconnections
to stock trading and the world’s financial markets. We
also discussed, in detail, the evidence indicating
that the CIA and other intelligence agencies monitor
stock trading in real time for the purpose of
identifying potential attacks of any nature that might
damage the U.S. economy.

 The original FTW story is located at:

 Critics of FTW’s initial story - not having read any
of five related stories dating back to an October 2000
piece on PROMIS software - claimed that we had not
made the links to establish culpability. But we knew
that the links were there, that our case was solid,
and that new evidence would not go undiscovered for

 Now, investigative reporter Tom Flocco digs deep and
strikes pay dirt in a three-part series that reveals
not only deeper links between the CIA, Wall Street and
the insider trades of 9-11, but also discloses that a
key executive at Deutschebank – an American – became,
just weeks before the attacks, a convicted felon. His
crime: conspiracy to launder drug money to arrange the
purchase of U.S. weapons – in association with two
Pakistanis who also attempted to acquire nuclear bomb
components – for use by Islamic fundamentalist
terrorists. – MCR

 CIA Does Not Deny Stock Monitoring Outside U.S.

(Part I in a series)

 In a returned phone call from the Central
Intelligence Agency, press spokesman Tom Crispell
denied that the CIA was monitoring real-time,
pre-September 11, stock option trading activity within
United States borders using such software as the
Prosecutor‘s Management Information System (PROMIS).

 That would be illegal.  We only operate outside the
United States, the intelligence official said.

 However, when asked whether the CIA had been using
PROMIS beyond American borders to scrutinize world
financial markets for national security purposes,
Crispell replied, I have no way of knowing what
operations are [being affected by our assets] outside
the country.

 Extensive media reporting confirms that investors at
Deutschebank-Alex Brown and other global financial
entities may have profited from prior knowledge of the
attacks while purchasing disproportionate pre-attack
put option contracts on targeted U.S. airlines and
related insurance or investment firms. All of these
firms suffered serious losses resulting from the
September 11th attacks and their stocks abruptly

 Confirmation that the CIA or other U.S. intelligence
agencies were monitoring financial markets and had
seen these trades before the attacks would have
staggering implications for thousands of victims’

 The CIA official also declined to comment on the
actual capabilities of PROMIS.  The highly technical
software has been described as a system that
interfaces with any police can input an
alleged terrorist’s name or credit card, and the
software will provide details of the person’s
movements through purchases..., according to an


2001-12-06 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

--- Samantha L. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 forwarded message

 ATTACHMENT part 2 message/rfc822
 Date: 6 Dec 2001 16:34:11 -
 To: List Member [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Our Attorney General, who was recently featured as
 the monthly poster boy by the National Rifle
 Association, is selling out the war on terrorism to
 appease the gun lobby.  He is willing to infringe on
 civil rights right and left, but he is prohibiting
 the FBI from checking on gun purchases and ownership
 of alleged terrorists.

the guns are in the hands of adrenaline junkies -
militia recruits and police and military...

adrenaline junkies are easy to manipulate

good people that are militia icons that
are excellent at the art of doublespeak...versed well
in the methods of emotional arousal...liars...

i suspect most such icons...

Do You Yahoo!?
Send your FREE holiday greetings online!

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] mixed muck 12-6

2001-12-06 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

Federal agents have gone out of their way to shut down
Dr. Mollie Fry and attorney Dale Schafer of the
California Medical Research Center in Cool. Their
crime: providing marijuana to the seriously ill. They
thought it was legal in California.

A group of CIA officers has brought a class-action
suit against the agency, alleging abuse of power
against employees – including the cover-up of mistakes
leading to the accidental US bombing of China's
embassy in Belgrade in 1999, for which several
lower-ranking employees were wrongly blamed.

As I observe US foreign policy, especially as it
pertains to this new war on terror, and especially
as it pertains to our current economic destruction of
Somalia, I am reminded of the basic tenets of
satanism. There doesn't even seem to be any pretense
that the current power brokers want anything EXCEPT
the annihilation of the weak. If their methods weren't
so effective, they'd almost be funny.

Here’s something from the Roundtable to add to the
many bits of evidence regarding Zionists vs. jews (not
all jews are Zionists and not all Zionists are jews!).

Somalia is being pushed toward ''economic collapse''
by drought, a livestock export ban, and the U.S.
closure of a company that made major money transfers
to residents in the impoverished country, a U.N.
official said.

Scientific Facts on the Biological Effects of

While two anti-aspartame web sites (1996) grew to tens
of thousands (as of Oct, 2001, had over
80,000), and while Nutrasweet's 28 million pounds of
aspartame sold during 1996 slipped to only 20 million
pounds during 1998, Monsanto sought to counter the
truth (and their negative good growth) with more
pro-aspartame WEB sites.

The Organic Consumers Association is a public interest
organization dedicated to building a healthy, safe,
and sustainable system of food production and
consumption. We are a global clearinghouse for
information and grassroots technical assistance.

The mission of the Society is to stimulate the
generation of new knowledge concerning nicotine in all
its manifestations -- from molecular to societal.

Scorecard is the ultimate source for free and easily
accessible local environmental information. Simply
type in a zip code to learn about environmental issues
in your community. Scorecard ranks and compares the
pollution situation in areas across the US. Scorecard
also profiles 6,800 chemicals, making it easy to find
out where they are used and how hazardous they are.
Using authoritative scientific and government data,
Scorecard provides the most up-to-date and extensive
collection of environmental information available
online. Information is power - once you learn about an
environmental problem, Scorecard encourages and
enables you to take action - you can fax a polluting
company, contact your elected representatives, or
volunteer with environmental organizations working in
your community.

Food Not Bombs is one of the fastest growing
revolutionary movements active in North America today
and is gaining momentum all over the world. There are
over 175 autonomous chapters sharing vegetarian food
with hungry people and protesting war and poverty
throughout the Americas, Europe and Australia. The
first group was formed in Cambridge, Massachusetts in
1980 by anti-nuclear activists. Food Not Bombs is an
all volunteer organization dedicated to nonviolence.
Food Not Bombs has no formal leaders and strives to
include everyone in its decision making process.

The Labeled Release (LR) life detection experiment
aboard NASA's 1976 Viking Mission reported results
which met the established criteria for the detection
of living microorganisms in the soil of Mars. However,
a variety of reasons led to the consensus of involved
scientists that the positive responses at both Lander
sites were caused by a chemical agent in the soil and
not by microorganisms. In the years since Viking, new
information from Mars and Earth has come to bear on
this issue. Perhaps most spectacular are the analyses
of SNC meteorites ALH84001 and EETA79001. The Viking
LR experiment and each of the major chemical theories
that have been proposed to explain it are reviewed in
the context of these post-Viking developments,
together with some Viking data hitherto unapplied to
this important issue. Each of the theories attributing
the LR results to chemistry is shown to have one or
more key defects. It is concluded that the Viking LR
experiment detected living microorganisms in the soil

[CTRL] White Slavery In Israel

2001-12-06 Thread William Shannon

Fighting the flesh trade
By Marion Marrache

(December 5) - Although new laws are in the works to stem the white-slavery trade into Israel, Marion Marrache explains why the authorities must do more to treat the prostitutes as victims rather than criminals

"Woman's flesh for sale, woman's flesh for sale," yells a man in front of the Hamashbir department store in downtown Jerusalem, offering up to passers-by the young woman standing next to him.

Although trafficking in women is very much a reality in Israel, this scene was a protest staged two weeks ago by the Jerusalem Women's Center as part of the International Day of Protest Against Violence Against Women.

"Instead of just protesting rape and domestic violence as we do every other year, we could not ignore the terrible issue of thousands of women being trafficked annually into this country to be used as prostitutes," says Adi Kunstman, coordinator of activities at the center, adding "Trafficking is modern slavery."

Local organizations dealing with the issue, such as the Hotline for Migrant Workers and the Awareness Center, believe that some 3,000 women are smuggled into the country every year for the purpose of prostitution. The majority of these women are from Moldavia, Russia and the Ukraine. They are approached in their countries of origin - where they earn $20 to $30 a month - with the promise of employment which will bring in a magical monthly $1,000.

According to a report issued by the International Abolitionist Federation, an estimated one-fourth of these women are unaware that they will be working in the sex trade, believing instead they will be employed as waitresses, cooks, au pairs, models or masseuses. None are prepared for what they eventually encounter. Most suffer beatings and repeated rape. The women are viewed and bought at pimping auctions - during which they are forced to undress - at prices ranging from $4,000 to $10,000.

According to attorney Nomi Levenkron of the Migrant Hotline, those who fetch the lower prices end up working in the slum area around Tel Aviv's old central bus station. Their passports are taken from them, and they are often kept locked up in apartments with barred windows. This was the case with the four prostitutes who were trapped and burnt to death when a religious fanatic torched a Tel Aviv brothel in August, 2000.

That incident briefly raised public awareness of the issue, and sparked calls for the authorities to start treating the problem seriously. But it is only in the past month that two bills that might alleviate the situation began to make headway in the Knesset.

Last week, a private member's bill entitling women who were sold into prostitution to public legal aid, passed its preliminary reading in the Knesset. Meretz MK Zahava Gal-On, sponsor of the bill and head of the parliamentary commission of inquiry into trafficking in women, notes that these women, when arrested, usually find themselves represented by their pimps' attorneys, an obvious clash of interests that goes against the principle of fair representation.

Two weeks ago the Knesset passed, in its preliminary reading, a bill that mandates a four-year minimum sentence for traders in women. Currently, there is a 16-year maximum sentence, but no minimum jail time, and many white slavers end up getting off with relatively light sentences.

"Israel has become a convenient center for pimps who trade in women," says Gal-On, who also proposed this bill. "It is modern-day slave trading, and the sentences for the pimps are not harsh enough, as judges still do not take this matter seriously enough. The courts give the criminals ridiculous sentences, rendering the current law meaningless. At the worst, the pimps spend a couple of years in jail, but they make a fortune. But from now on, criminals will know that you cannot trade in women and get off lightly."

AN ILLUMINATED sign reading "Palace Club" flashes outside a seedy brothel in south Tel Aviv. A group of journalists joining Gal-On's committee on a recent fact-finding mission, head down a few flights of dark stone stairs to the reception area where three young women sit huddled in a corner waiting for clients. Beside them stands their portly pimp dabbing the sweat from his forehead with a large silk handkerchief.

There are approximately 250 such brothels in Tel Aviv, an increase of 100 since last year. This is by far the largest number of brothels in the country; in other parts of the country trafficking exists, but it is less common and there is far less awareness of the problem. Some of the women live in brothels, others have a room elsewhere.

If business is good, a shift can last from 10 a.m. to 3 a.m. They are paid at the end of the month after expenses and "fines" have been deducted - prostitutes can be fined by their pimps for almost anything. And this is only once the girls have paid back their purchase price, 

[CTRL] Israel's True Intentions in Removing Arafat

2001-12-06 Thread William Shannon

Israel's True Intentions in Removing Arafat

By R.S. Zaharna
December 4, 2001

It may be time--yet, then it may be too late--for Israel to confess to its true intentions in the Palestinian territories. The sustained and myopic focus on the Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat, has little to do with stopping "terrorism." What removing Arafat will do is induce a Palestinian civil war and, by extension, give Israel a pretext for re-occupying the Palestinian territories. The campaign behind this strategy has been ongoing, but it has rapidly intensified since the U.S. military action in Afghanistan. As the U.S. focuses its efforts on Osama bin Laden, Israel appears to be making parallel moves against Arafat.

The collapse of the Camp David talks in July 2000 represented the initial steps in what has emerged as a sustained campaign directed at isolating and removing Arafat from power. The Palestinian leader himself was reluctant to attend the talks at Camp David because he knew the mood among Palestinians was unfavorable to doing so. Under intense pressure from Clinton, he did come to Camp David. Despite repeated American assurances that the Palestinian leader would not be held accountable for potential setbacks, that is exactly what happened. Arafat was personally singled out as the reason for the failure at Camp David. Only months later did American officials privy to the talks reveal that it was the Israeli delegation that stalled. However, by then the campaign against Arafat had already taken root and protests to the contrary fell on deaf ears.

When a new Palestinian uprising began in late September 2000, again Arafat was labeled as the instigator of the renewed violence between the Israelis and the Palestinians. Analogies were made that, like a faucet, Arafat could turn Palestinian violence on and off. The Israelis, by intensifying the focus on Arafat and Palestinian “violence,” were able to downplay Israel’s continuing military occupation and Palestinian disenchantment with military occupation and the peace process that had perpetuated the occupation. The more Israel focused on Arafat and Palestinian “violence,” the more Israel was able to obscure the brutal realities of its military occupation.

The shift in Israeli leadership from Ehud Barak to Ariel Sharon only intensified the campaign to isolate and remove Arafat as leader of the Palestinian Authority. The antagonism between Sharon and Arafat is not politically or militarily strategic; it's personal, going back to his founding of Unit 101 to eliminate the Palestinian "fadayeen" in the early fifties, to his attempts to "pacify" Gaza in the late sixties, and culminating with the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon, where the PLO was headquartered at the time.

What did appear to shift with the emergence of Sharon to power was the gradual substitution of Palestinian "violence" with Palestinian "terrorism." Undoubtedly terrorism carries much more emotional weight than violence. If Barak was fighting a "war," Sharon was fighting "terrorism." As has been seen in the U.S. post-September 11, the rules of engagement and the bounds of legitimate military action regarding affected civilian populations become irrelevant.

By keeping the focus on Arafat and intensifying its focus through the new association of "terrorism," Israel was able to further downplay the role of its military occupation and the new measures introduced to control the Palestinian population. In fact, Israeli actions in early spring 2001 clearly suggest that Israeli actions to "maintain security," had a dual, longer-term, strategic purpose. First, the Israelis, by cordoning off the major Palestinian towns from each other and constructing a network of check points and trenches, were able to effectively isolate major segments of the Palestinian population from each other. The "power" of the Palestinian Authority was reduced to noncontiguous pockets of limited control.

Second, the Israelis began incursions into Palestinian-controlled territories, bulldozing areas of land bordering on jointly controlled Palestinian-Israeli territory. Again, the pretext was security; the Palestinian homes and territory were being used as a staging ground for attacks against Israelis. The effect, however, was that Israel created a convenient staging ground for itself should it find it perhaps necessary to launch a more sustained military attack in the future. The repeated incursions into the Palestinian-controlled territory had the additional effect of numbing the shock factor of such military action within international public opinion.

Third, the Israelis began a direct assault on Palestinian leaders. The first assassinations began as early as November 2000. After initial American and international pressure, they subsided briefly only to be renewed with greater intensity in the late spring. In August, after extensive reports of civilian deaths, again the 

Re: [CTRL] Let Me Tell You About My Family

2001-12-06 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Who said the Church follows the Bible??? ;-)


Make yourself at home. Clean my kitchen.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Hamas Founder Under House Arrrest

2001-12-06 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

eric stewart wrote:

 too bad no one is putting key Mossad figures under
 house arrest...

Why don't you do it?


 Note: forwarded message attached.

 Subject: [AL-AWDA-News] Hamas Founder Under House Arrrest
 Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2001 22:52:32 -0500
 From: Rima Anabtawi [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hamas Founder Under House Arrrest

 .c The Associated Press

 GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) - Palestinian police put the founder of Hamas
 under house arrest Wednesday, officials said, in Yasser Arafat's boldest
 move yet against the violent Islamic group.

 Witnesses said a Palestinian policeman entered Sheikh Ahmed Yassin's home in
 Gaza City and informed him that he was under house arrest. Yassin, spiritual
 leader of the militant group that has claimed responsibility for dozens of
 attacks against Israelis, is a quadriplegic who uses a wheelchair.

 Palestinian security officials said only relatives would be permitted to
 visit Yassin, and his telephone lines would be cut.

 Hamas claimed responsibility for two weekend suicide attacks in Jerusalem
 and Haifa that killed 25 people and the three bombers. In retaliation,
 Israeli planes and helicopters blasted Palestinian installations in the West
 Bank and Gaza, and Israel declared Arafat's Palestinian Authority an
 ``entity that supports terrorism.''

 On Wednesday, the Israelis demanded that Arafat arrest leaders of the
 extremist groups.

 Yassin was in an Israeli prison for several years, but was released in 1997
 in the aftermath of a botched Israeli attempt to assassinate a Hamas leader
 in Jordan.

 AP-NY-12-05-01 1622EST

Yahoo! Groups Sponsor

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The Revival of Russian Regional Hegemony --j2

2001-12-06 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Kris Millegan wrote:

Kris and all,

A lot of stuff about Russia is coming out based on Margolis'
story. Particularly this...

  In a dazzling coup, Russian leader Vladimir Putin
  stole a march on the Bush Administration, which
  was so busy trying to tear apart Afghanistan to
  find bin Laden it failed to notice the Russians
  were taking over half the country.

  The wily Russians achieved this victory through
  their proxy Afghan force, the Northern Alliance.
  Moscow, which has sustained the Alliance since
  1990, re-armed it after 11 Sept with new tanks,
  armored vehicles, artillery, helicopters, and
  trucks.  The Alliance's two military leaders, Gen
  Rashid Dostam and Gen Muhammed Fahim, were
  stalwarts of the old communist regime with close
  links to KGB.

Frankly, I have never been impressed with Margolis' judgment. He was
often wrong about the War on Yugoslavia. The paragraphs above seem to
be just his speculation. I think he's wrong.

We'll soon find out. My guess is that the country will be divided.
The Americans will be happy with a pipeline going south/east to Pakistan
and to the Arabian Sea.

The Russians will get North/West access.

We'll soon know.



 Subject: The Revival of Russian Regional Hegemony
 Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2001 10:30:00 -0500
 From: Gary North  Bill Bonner [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Issue 97   December 6, 2001

   This is a follow-up report on the continuing
  threat of new viruses and worms.

   A new worm was discovered earlier this week.
  This one is more destructive than BadTrans.  It
  destroys anti-virus software and firewalls.  It's
  well-named: Goner.  Its full ID is

   It uses the same distribution technique that
  BadTrans does: an e-mail attachment that sends
  itself to everyone in your list if you open it.
  If you receive an e-mail that says Hi, and then
  goes on to tell you that the sender has included
  a file for you to open, delete it.  The
  attachment is named GONE.SCR.  For more
  information on this worm, visit

  It is analyzed on the home page, upper left-hand

   The good news is that Panda Software has
  already updated its PQremove freeware program to
  kill Goner.  You have to download the new
  version, and then open and activate it.  I did
  this today.  It ran a quick check on my hard
  drive.  So far, I have not been hit.

   Once Goner is gone from your hard disk,
  you're ready for the next test of your system.
  To test how secure your computer is from hackers,
  use Steve Gibson's free service, Shields Up!

   If you find that your system is at risk,
  here is a good way to protect your system.
  Install Zone Alarm.  It's free.

   You can buy Zone Alarm Pro, which updates
  your system as new threats appear.  But the
  freeware version will increase your safety by
  orders of magnitude.


  We remember the fall of the Soviet Union a decade ago.
 I am one of those who believe that it really did fall.
 Communism is dead as an ideology in Russia.  But this does
 not change the reality of Russian expansionism, nor does it
 change the fact of the desire of Russian leaders to re-
 establish Russia as a superpower.  Only the ideology has
 changed.  It is no longer messianic.  Marxism is dead, but
 the competition for power is still alive.

  Russia has been striving for regional influence in the
 Indian subcontinent for two centuries.  This has been
 called the Great Game.  The competition between Russia and
 the Anglo-American West in this region has never ended.  If
 you have ever read Kipling's book, KIM, or seen the movie
 with Errol Flynn, you know how long this competition has
 been in operation.

  In the last two months, Russia has made greater gains
 in the region than it did during the entire the twentieth
 century.  The United States has opened the door the Russia
 for regional hegemony.

  Pakistan has now been sacrificed by American foreign
 policy.  Pakistan was closely tied to the Taliban, which it
 funded in the 1980's with CIA money.  For the last five
 years, the U.S. also made deals -- or attempted to -- with
 the Taliban.  Now we have handed over control of the cities
 to the Northern Alliance, which is more closely connected
 to Russia.  Pakistan and the United Front have been hostile
 from the beginning.


[CTRL] So Long It's Been Good To Know Ya

2001-12-06 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

REPORT: US-Israeli Sword over Arafat

Eight years after US President Clinton engineered the Oslo
Peace Framework Accord installing the exiled Palestinian leader Yasser
Arafat in the West Bank and Gaza Strip with self-determination for his
people, George W. Bush has taken the lead in the effort to end his

The Palestinian may try last-resort maneuvers, but he cannot escape the
joint American-Israel sword poised over his head. Neither can he hope
for any world leader to reach out and rescue him. Israeli foreign
minister Shimon Peres and his dwindling pro-Oslo adherents may try, but
they will do so in isolation.

In the diplomatic flurry surrounding this terminal process, Israeli
prime minister Ariel Sharon sent a secret envoy to Cairo Wednesday night
with a personal message to Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. The
response was immediate: Egyptian foreign minister Ali Maher was
dispatched to Jerusalem Thursday for urgent talks with the Israeli prime
minister. Maher, after meeting foreign minister Shimon Peres, is to call
on Arafat in Ramallah and goes on to Amman for talks with King Abdullah.

DEBKAfile's political sources reveal that Sharon's messenger was Shin
Beit Director Avi Dichter, who also set up the prime ministers' White
House talks with Bush Sunday, December 2, that laid the groundwork for
the current rush of diplomatic and military events. Our sources add:
Both the Egyptian and Jordanian rulers, appreciating that Arafat's days
as an effective leader are numbered, have moved forward to deliberations
with Israel on the post-Arafat order.

President Bush's strong and resolute stance against Arafat goes beyond
his pledge of support for Sharon's fight to the finish against
Palestinian terror. Firstly, the Bush team openly brand Arafat a cheat
and liar and will not forgive him for mocking General Anthony Zinni's
truce mission by blowing up the most brutal Palestinian terrorist
assault ever in his face.

But, most of all, Bush knows that government leaders the world over,
especially in the Middle East, are watching to see how he follows
through on his decisions.

In this important respect, the Afghanistan war will be strongly
influenced by America's handling of Arafat.

Additional potential American targets, such as Saddam Hussein, Bashar
Assad and Hassan Nasrallah, will be monitoring the US President's every
move regarding Arafat's fate. Whatever the Palestinian leader may decide
- a final, desperate round of terror strikes, or submission to America's
demands - or even one of his cunning blends of the two - in the eyes of
the Arab world and his own people, he is a goner.

Volume 2 Issue 129Jerusalem, Israel
21 Kislev, 5762 ** December 6, 2001


1. Ramadan Egyptian TV Special: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
2. REPORT: US-Israeli Sword over Arafat

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Re: [CTRL] So Long It's Been Good To Know Ya

2001-12-06 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

yes those two little freaks at Littleton I understand sang that as they
slaughtered the Christians.

Goodbye Israel is the ultimate ending.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] So Long It's Been Good To Know Ya

2001-12-06 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
 yes those two little freaks at Littleton I understand sang that as they
 slaughtered the Christians.

I simply do not understand why you keep harping that they were deliberately
killing Xians - they were after the popular kids, who they say taunted
them. The supposed religious/political agenda is your own invention, as is
your contention that Klebold's religion had anything to do with it, or that
he was somehow the leader. It's as bad as claiming they were neo-Nazis, as
you properly denounced earlier, but then you turn around and do the exact
same thing.

- jt

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Re: [CTRL] Wiccan is new state prison chaplain

2001-12-06 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

Wiccan is new state prison chaplain

of the Journal Sentinel staff
Last Updated: Dec. 5, 2001

The new chaplain at Waupun Correctional Institution is a Wiccan.

(please visit site for full story)


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Re: [CTRL] Ivins - Destroying freedoms in order to save them

2001-12-06 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-


Destroying freedoms in order to save them
Thursday, December 6, 2001

Molly Ivins

AUSTIN - With all due respect, of course, and God Bless America too, has
anyone considered the possibility that the attorney general is becoming

(please visit site for full article - it's GREAT!)

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Pentagon Still Scapegoats Pearl Harbor Fall Guys

2001-12-06 Thread William Shannon

Pentagon Still Scapegoats Pearl Harbor Fall Guys
By Robert B. Stinnett

As we remember the roughly 2,400 persons killed in the Japanese attack at
Pearl Harbor -- the worst one-day loss of American lives prior to Sept.
11th of this year -- recently declassified U.S. military documents authored
more than 60 years ago compel us to revisit some troubling questions.

At issue is American knowledge of Japanese military plans to attack Hawaii
prior to Dec. 7, 1941. The first question is whether President Franklin D.
Roosevelt and his top military chieftains provoked Japan into an "overt act
of war." The second question is whether Japan's military plans were
obtained in advance by the U.S. but concealed from the Hawaiian military
commanders, Admiral Husband E. Kimmel and Lieutenant General Walter Short.
Both Kimmel and Short were relieved of their commands, blamed for failing
to ward off the attack, and demoted in rank after the Japanese raid.

The latter question was answered in the affirmative last year on October
30, 2000, when President Bill Clinton signed a defense appropriations bill
containing congressional findings that both Kimmel and Short were denied
crucial military intelligence.

However, despite the numerous pardons he issued shortly before leaving
office, President Clinton deferred to the Pentagon's long-standing policy
against posthumously restoring the commanders to their 1941 ranks.
Nonetheless, the congressional findings should be widely seen as an
exoneration of years of blame assigned to Kimmel and Short.

But the other important question remains, looming ever larger in the
inevitable comparisons made between Dec. 7, 1941 and Sept. 11th: Does the
blame for the Pearl Harbor disaster revert to President Roosevelt?

Before Walt Disney Studios released the movie "Pearl Harbor" earlier this
year, the film's producer, Jerry Bruckheimer, commented on claims of FDR's
foreknowledge by saying "That's all b___s___."

Yet Roosevelt believed that provoking Japan into an attack was the only
option he had to overcome the powerful America First non-interventionist
movement. Though Germany had conquered most of Europe, and her U-Boats were
sinking American ships in the Atlantic Ocean, Americans wanted nothing to
do with "Europe's War."

However, Germany made a strategic error. She, along with her Axis
partner, Italy, signed the mutual assistance treaty with Japan, the
Tripartite Pact, on September 27, 1940. Ten days later, Lieutenant
Commander Arthur McCollum, a U.S. Naval officer in the Office of Naval
Intelligence, saw an opportunity to counter the U.S. anti-war movement by
provoking Japan into a state of war with the U.S., and triggering the
mutual assistance provisions of the Tripartite Pact.

Memorialized in a secret memo dated October 7, 1940, McCollum's proposal
called for eight provocations aimed at Japan.

President Roosevelt acted swiftly, and throughout 1941, implemented the
remaining seven provocations.

The island nation's militarists used the provocations to seize control
of Japan and organize their military forces for war against the U.S., Great
Britain, and the Netherlands. During the next 11 months, the White House
followed the Japanese war plans through the intercepted and decoded
diplomatic and military communications intelligence.

At least 1,000 Japanese radio messages per day were intercepted by
monitoring stations operated by the U.S. and her Allies, and the message
contents were summarized for the White House. The intercept summaries from
Station CAST on Corregidor Island were current -- contrary to the
assertions of some who claim that the messages were not decoded and
translated until years later -- and they were clear: Pearl Harbor would be
attacked on December 7, 1941, by Japanese forces advancing through the
Central and North Pacific Oceans.

As I explained to a policy forum audience at The Independent Institute in
Oakland, California -- which was telecast nationwide by C-SPAN on July 4th
last year -- my research shows that not only were Kimmel and Short cut off
from the Japanese communications intelligence pipeline, so were the
American people. The coverup lasted for nearly 59 years. ___

*Robert B. Stinnett is Media Fellow at The Independent Institute in
Oakland, Calif. and the author of Day of Deceit: the truth about FDR and
Pearl Harbor (Free Press).

[CTRL] 2 - The Mont Pelerin Society

2001-12-06 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

The Mont Pelerin Society

Milton Friedman is a Nobel Laureate in Economic
Science [1976] and has for many years been a member of
the Mont Pelerin Society, founded in 1947 in Mont
Pelerin, Switzerland by Frederich von Hayek. The
stated objective of the Mont Pelerin Society is to
strengthen the principles and practices of the free
society by encouraging market-oriented economic
systems with minimal and dispersed government as
opposed to government regulation of industry. Milton
Friedman was president of the Mont Pelerin Society
1970-1972. Edwin Feulner, president of the Heritage
Foundation, was president of the Mont Pelerin Society
from 1996-1998 and is currently the Senior Vice

The American membership of the MPS has included,
besides Milton and Rose Friedman and the late
journalist Walter Lippmann [CFR], influential
conservatives affiliated with the Heritage Foundation:
Michael Novak [CFR/American Enterprise Institute],
Thomas Sowell [Hoover Institution] and Deepak Lal
[Cato Institute]. Anther member of the Mont Pelerin
Society is former CNP member Dr. John A. Howard,
president of The Rockford Institute, Senior Fellow of
the Howard Center for Family, Religion  Society and a
member of The Bohemian Club -- a group of high-powered
elites whose retreats in the mysterious Bohemian Grove
near San Francisco are reported to involve Satanic

Friedrich Von Hayek is considered by libertarians to
be the greatest social scientist of the twentieth
century, an economist whose theories on
free-market economics have supplanted John Maynard
Keynes. Free market advocates claim that Keynes'
theories of government regulation of the economy have
been gradually discredited and Hayek's model of
Spontaneous Order accepted which contends that
social order, and thus social capital, can emerge in
spontaneous and decentralized fashion. Milton
Friedman, who was profoundly influenced by Von Hayek,
is the leader of what is called The Chicago Boys
School of Economics. Promulgating Hayak's monetarist
theories from the seat of Rockefeller power, the
University of Chicago, Friedman had Chile declared a
dictatorship in the mid-1970s in order to privatize

Starting from a tiny embryo at the University of
Chicago with the philosopher-economist Friedrich von
Hayek and his students like Milton Friedman at its
nucleus, the neoliberals and their funders have
created a huge international network of foundations,
institutes, research centers, publications, scholars,
writers and public relations hacks to develop, package
and push their ideas and doctrine relentlessly.  They
have spent hundreds of millions of dollars, but the
result has been worth every penny to them because they
have made neoliberalism seem as if it were the natural
and normal condition of humankind. . .

According to the Mont Pelerin Society, liberal in
the European sense means broadly epitomized by a
preference for minimal and dispersed government,
rather than in its current American sense which
indicates the opposite preference for an extension and
concentration of governmental powers. In theory,
diminishing the expansive power of government is
appealing. However, the wisdom of deregulating the
transnational corporations, thereby permitting them to
amass sufficient economic power to cripple whole
nations, has been discredited since the Asian crisis:
The devastating social and economic impact of the
global financial crisis triggered in East Asia in
mid-1997 has led a growing number of civil society
actors, UN bodies and governments to explore
strategies to regain control over global finance,
which many describe as a cause of increasing systemic
instability and social regress.  Many debates in this
area have focused on critiquing the neoliberal
rationale for unfettered financial liberalization
as part of the conventional policy package ascribed to
the so-called 'Washington consensus,' which has been
thrown into question in the aftermath of the East
Asian crisis.

The stated purpose of the classical liberal academic,
business and governmental leaders who comprise the
Mont Pelerin Society is to prevent world domination by
communist, fascist and socialist regimes. However, the
fruit of this elite society of has been generally of
the same variety. Roger Pearson, a British race
scientist, united the ex-Nazis and Nazi sympathizers
of the Europe in the World Anti-Communist League. In
1975, Pearson organized the North American
neo-fascists into an American branch of the WACL
called Council on American Affairs. The Council
sponsored seminars and published monographs with such
influential persons as Ed Feulner of Heritage, Ray
Cline, former C.I.A. deputy director, and others who
would later become high officials of the Reagan
Administration. With the support of New Right
leadership, Pearson became well integrated within the
conservative network. His influence in the U.S. was
demonstrable by his oversight of an organization that


2001-12-06 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-


1949 - Kim Koo, Korean opposition leader

1950s - CIA/Neo-Nazi hit list of numerous political
figures in West Germany

1950s - Chou En-lai, Prime minister of China, several
attempts on his life

1950s, 1962 - Sukarno, President of Indonesia

1951 - Kim Il Sung, Premier of North Korea

1953 - Mohammed Mossadegh, Prime Minister of Iran

1950s (mid) - Claro M. Recto, Philippines opposition

1955 - Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of India

1957 - Gamal Abdul Nasser, President of Egypt

1959, 1963, 1969 - Norodom Sihanouk, leader of

1960 - Brig. Gen. Abdul Karim Kassem, leader of Iraq

1950s-70s - José Figueres, President of Costa Rica,
two attempts on his life

1961 - Francois Papa Doc Duvalier, leader of Haiti

1961 - Patrice Lumumba, Prime Minister of the Congo

1961 - Gen. Rafael Trujillo, leader of Dominican

1963 - Ngo Dinh Diem, President of South Vietnam

1960s - Fidel Castro, President of Cuba, many attempts
on his life

1960s - Raúl Castro, high official in government of

1965 - Francisco Caamaño, Dominican Republic
opposition leader

1965-6 - Charles de Gaulle, President of France

1967 - Che Guevara, Cuban leader

1970 - Salvador Allende, President of Chile

1970 - Gen. Rene Schneider, Commander-in-Chief of
Army, Chile

1970s, 1981 - General Omar Torrijos, leader of Panama

1972 - General Manuel Noriega, Chief of Panama

1975 - Mobutu Sese Seko, President of Zaire

1976 - Michael Manley, Prime Minister of Jamaica

1980-1986 - Muammar Qaddafi, leader of Libya, several
plots and attempts upon his life

1982 - Ayatollah Khomeini, leader of Iran

1983 - Gen. Ahmed Dlimi, Moroccan Army commander

1983 - Miguel d'Escoto, Foreign Minister of Nicaragua

1984 - The nine comandantes of the Sandinista National

1985 - Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, Lebanese
Shiite leader (80 people killed in the attempt)

1991 - Saddam Hussein, leader of Iraq

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Re: [CTRL] Let Me Tell You About My Family

2001-12-06 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

Well we know now what all the pornography is about - as this lesbian
librarian said when displaying pornographic art in main entrance
of the library it was to prove to Osama bin Laden we have freedom of


I challenge you to show any PROOF that this librarian is a lesbian -- in
not one article I read did it ever mention the sexual preference of the
woman who runs the library and approved the art show.

I also challenge you to explain the difference between nudity in art and
what you deem is 'pornography'...

This post of yours amply demonstrates how you twist facts to fit your own
twisted prejudices...

 Even Disney is being destroyed.but most parents get the message.

Disney was ALWAYS 'destroyed', it's just become more obvious in recent
years; AMC just had a documentary on regarding how CIA and Hollywood have
always had a cozy relationship, and one of the prime producers they used --
going back to WWII -- was Walt Disney...

 Note people no longer are taking their kids to these Disney World
 gouging sites as they once did.

Says who?

 I always wondered why suddenly Disney was a free channel for I always
 had to pay for it.

It's always been free on my cable system, going back almost 20 years
now...if you're being charged, that's a decision made by your cable
provider, not by the Disney Channel...


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] FW: San Francisco Dismantles Huge Homeless Camp

2001-12-06 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

Wednesday December 05 04:27 PM EST 

San Francisco Dismantles Huge Homeless CampBy KPIX - Sharon Chin 
San Francisco work crews are dismantling a homeless camp, forcing 100 people to find a new place to say.
Tammy Lombardo has lived underneath Highway 101 on Cesar Chavez Circle on and off for the last few years. Wednesday, the city swept her out.
"They're just wrong, totally wrong," Lombardo said. "It's totally inhuman of them.
Armed with masks and gloves, the San Francisco Public Works and Health Departments are closing down the tent city, and scooping up the biohazard waste left behind.
"There are rats here. There are needles around here," said Mohammad Nuru with the Public Works Department. "This is a mess."
Homeless advocates say the campers and the city had an understanding -- the homeless could stay on the Caltrans property if they cleaned up their trash each week. But the campers tripled in number, to about 100 people in the last few months, and city workers say the health hazard exploded. They slapped the encampment with a three-day eviction notice.
"We have provided shelters, warm places for people," Nuru said. "We have storms. It's very cold right now. So I don't understand how they say it's inhumane."
But the homeless and their advocates say shelters aren't the solution.
"I'm not going to no shelter," said evicted camper Larry Robertson. "I don't like shelters."
"They're going to move to other areas," said Mora Raider, with the Coalition on Homeless. "The problem won't have ended. It will just be moved to another location."
An increasing number of homeless are seeking shelter, thanks to hard economic times. San Francisco has a third more homeless this year than last, and shelter space is going fast.
"There's not enough work," said DeWitt Nunery, a shelter administrator. "A great need is being filled here."
The homeless are filing shelters in San Jose and Oakland to capacity. Shelters report turning away several families a night. But the city of San Francisco says people looking for a place to say should not come back to the encampment under Highway 101. Wednesday afternoon, workers were building a fence to keep people out.
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[CTRL] FW: New York Struggles with Burden of More Homeless

2001-12-06 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

New York Struggles with Burden of More Homeless
By Grant McCool 

NEW YORK (Reuters) - For the first time in two decades, panhandlers, street sleepers and longer soup kitchen lines resurfaced noticeably in New York when the economy stalled this year, but the World Trade Center attacks have forced even more working families to seek charity.
People sleeping in railroad stations, subways and on sidewalks have become a more common city sight again, but advocates for the poor say a less-visible group of victims -- mostly service workers who live paycheck to paycheck -- lost their jobs Sept. 11 and struggle to feed their families.
``We know from our surveys that 90 percent of people going to food pantries and soup kitchens are people who live in families with jobs or are senior citizens or children,'' said Joel Berg, executive director of the New York City Coalition Against Hunger.
``The stereotypical, single male, substance-abusing guy on the street is a very small percentage of the people who are hungry in New York City ... the biggest problem is the so-called working poor,'' he added.
A record number of people -- more than 29,000 -- were spending the night in shelters in New York, the largest U.S. city, according to a November report by the Coalition for the Homeless, another nonprofit advocacy group.
Other advocates for the poor said city, state and federal agencies would need to create jobs in the effort to rebuild the financial district to avoid thousands more low income New Yorkers from being pushed back into poverty, homelessness and hunger.
``Unless they are willing to step up, you are going to see some very serious deterioration in quality of life issues for the city, obviously for the very poor but also for everybody,'' said David Jones, president of the Community Service Society of New York, a 150-year-old charity. ``All at a time when you are trying to attract tourists and businesses back.''
Berg said those seeking free hot meals included maids, restaurant workers, messengers, drivers, delivery people and airport baggage handlers whose jobs disappeared with the hijacked plane attacks that destroyed the twin 110-story towers in lower Manhattan.
``It has worsened, although the point must be made that hunger and poverty were growing significantly before Sept. 11, so I don't want elected officials and others to let themselves off the hook by saying this is just a problem caused by Mr. bin Laden,'' Berg said.
The United States has accused Saudi-born Islamic militant Osama bin Laden and his al Qaeda network of carrying out four hijacked plane attacks in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania that killed more than 3,900 people. The attacks on the U.S. financial and military centers pushed the economy into steeper decline.
In October, a total of 29,498 single adults and families spent the night in New York City welfare hotels and shelters -- the most in city history, the Coalition for the Homeless said. The figure had risen about 8,000 from October 1998, and was above the previous record of 28,737 in March 1987.
Advocates for the poor said outgoing Mayor Rudolph Giuliani must share the blame for the increase in those seeking city shelter. Giuliani, carrying out changes in welfare policy that were made nationwide in the late 1990s, pushed too many people off welfare rolls and food stamps into low-wage, insecure jobs, they said.
The Coalition for the Homeless said the eight-year Giuliani administration had spent too much on welfare hotels and privately-owned apartments and that money should be redirected.
It urged new mayor Michael Bloomberg to provide more emergency grants, for instance, to help families at risk of eviction and legal aid to help low-income tenants in disputes with landlords. The new administration, which takes office Jan. 1, should also examine new ways of providing more affordable housing, it said.
``Nearly 80,000 New Yorkers, many of them low-wage workers, lost jobs in October,'' said Patrick Markee, policy analyst for the Coalition. ``The new mayor and the city council need to develop effective prevention and housing policies to stem the tide of newly homeless families and individuals.
``The dramatic rise in homelessness before Sept. 11th clearly demonstrates the high cost of failed policies and cutbacks in housing investments,'' he continued.
Giuliani, who has clashed with the group over his ``quality of life'' policies that saw police prosecute street people more vigorously and herd them into city shelters, acknowledged the number of homeless people had increased.
``I don't know if it's at record levels, but in recent years it's the highest that it's been,'' Giuliani said in November in response to the coalition report. ``It's not quite over capacity yet, so we are going to have to expand the emergency system to make sure we don't get there.''
Some, like Jones of the Community Service Society, believe policing drove the 

[CTRL] FW: RI Activists Ready for Round 2

2001-12-06 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

12.6.2001 00:22 Ready for Round 2 • Clergy, activists vow to start 'a second wave' of protests over money cut from affordable housing BY KAREN LEE ZINER and EDWARD FITZPATRICK Journal Staff Writers PROVIDENCE -- Perhaps homeless people should post themselves across the street from Governor Almond's home in Lincoln. Perhaps other clergy members should commit acts of civil disobedience. It was an agitated crowd that met at the Trinity United Methodist Church last night, less than 24 hours after the arrests of four pastors during a State House prayer vigil they had intended would last through dawn. That demonstration -- over the $5 million for the Neighborhood Opportunities Program that Governor Almond has ordered frozen in the state budget -- ended abruptly with their arrest three hours into the vigil. State police charged the ministers with misdemeanor obstruction of a police officer; they face arraignment in District Court, Providence, a week from tomorrow. Last night, other religious leaders, advocates for the homeless, grassroots groups, Sen. Thomas J. Izzo, D-Cranston, and Richard Godfrey, executive director of the Rhode Island Housing Mortgage and Finance Corporation, applauded the pastors for their actions on behalf of affordable housing, and urged that others build on that boldness. "We cannot let this go," said the Rev. Marlowe V.N. Washington, pastor of the Allen A.M.E. Church in Providence, and president of the Ministers' Alliance of Rhode Island. "I cannot accept this. I am not accepting this." Vowing to start "the second wave" of protests by the clergy and others, Mr. Washington said, "It grieves my heart to see how a governor can take away something at the very start that hurts so many people." Two of the four clergy who were arrested, the Rev. Duane Clinker, of Hillsgrove United Methodist Church in Warwick, and the Rev. Anne Grant, of Trinity United Methodist Church, spoke to the 50 or so gathered in the room. The other two, the Rev. Edward Farrell-Starbuck, of Barrington United Methodist Church, and the Rev. Jack Fitzelle-Jones, of the United Church of Christ in Warwick, were unable to attend. "The governor has made a very bad mistake," said Mr. Clinker. Explaining "why we felt we had to cross the line a little bit," Mr. Clinker said that "Christianity is not about politeness." The ministers did meet with Almond yesterday, and, according to Mr. Clinker, the governor said, " 'I just can't do any better.' " Picking up one from a pile of state budget books, Mr. Clinker read a line item for a University of Rhode Island athletic facility. "That's $23 million," he said. "It's a $5-million increase for an ice rink, friends. "Ice rink?" the minister asked, "Or people on the streets?" Ms. Grant spoke of the bitterness she felt toward Almond during the short-lived vigil as she and the others prayed for Almond, and the lessons that taught her about the human heart. "God loves the governor," Ms. Grant said. When people in the crowd began to boo, she added, "I don't like it either, but God loves the governor. And God does not want the governor to make this mistake." In an interview with The Journal yesterday, Almond said he is sympathetic to the cause of the housing advocates. But with a $70-million budget deficit, the state could end up cutting funding for human-service programs if it allows all of the $5 million to be spent on the affordable housing program. "Next year we may have to cut human services significantly," he said. Almond said he raised that issue when he spoke with the ministers yesterday. "They basically said they didn't want to hear it. Well, I don't want to hear it either, but we have to do something." Almond noted that he issued an executive order in October calling for state departments and agencies to avoid purchases, travel and new hires unless they're "absolutely essential," and that he has frozen $20 million in capital projects. But yesterday, Mr. Washington pointed out that a state pay board just approved a variety of raises for state employees. The board last week approved a new top tier of jobs that the Almond administration and lawmakers created for sheriffs, including a new $74,622-a-year executive high sheriff. To allow those raises when the state is facing a $70-million deficit "is not proper stewardship," Mr. Washington said. "We are not having a wild, wild West episode here in Rhode Island that we need to create a high sheriff position, especially when you just took $5 million from affordable housing." Eric Hirsch, a member of the Rhode Island Coalition for the Homeless, said, that "the shelters have been full to overflowing for more than a year. There have been more than 700 people sleeping on the floor of Travelers Aid." And, he said, a child "was discharged from the hospital," only to end up "on the floor of Travelers Aid." The Neighborhood Opportunities Program is at least a viable partial solution, he said, but construction has halted on several 

[CTRL] A culture of life, a culture of death

2001-12-06 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

A culture of life, a culture of death
by Katharine Ainger
New Internationalist magazine, November 2001

It is the end of September and, as US war planes mass
in dark swarms over the planet, in Bolivia it is
spring. Fat humming birds thrust their heads deep
into. the purple blossoms of the jacaranda trees that
line the streets of Cochabamba.

This is the city whose citizens rose up last year to
reverse the World Bank-imposed privatization of its
water system. In the hills surrounding the town,
irrigation ditches built by the people were sold off
by the Government to a US multinational, the Bechtel
corporation - just one of many insults that instigated
a popular insurrection here in defence of water and
life'. The radical history of Cochabamba is written on
its walls in the poetic graffiti and murals dotted
around town.

This place has become a symbol of resistance to
globalization. I am here for the third conference of
Peoples' Global Action (PGA), an international
gathering of grassroots movements from North and South
that have been a catalyst for the increasingly
vociferous opposition to global capitalism. The PGA
network is made up of an unlikely constituency: Asian
peasant unions a million strong; European and Canadian
anarchists; indigenous peoples - Mapuche, Maori,
Aymara and many others; landless movements from
everywhere; South African activists against
privatization; Thai sweatshop unionists; Chilean
human-rights workers; and a mind-boggling array of
other assorted grassroots radicals of man: shapes,
colours, sizes and beliefs. They were pioneers of
global grassroots resistance to the World Trade
Organization's free-trade agenda, and have been
involved in the growing anti-globalization protests
from Bangalore to Seattle to Genoa.

This motley gathering is the embodiment of
'globalization from below'. In its multiplicity and
chaos, in its opposition to hierarchy, capitalism,
patriarchy and nationalism, and in its maddening
contradictions, it challenges the basic premises of
fundamentalists of all stripes. It challenges both the
market fundamentalists and their pact with
transnational finance, and the religious
fundamentalists who, threatened by the power that pact
has given to Western elites, respond with fascism and

But these are dangerous times to be fighting the
free-trade agenda when one of its most potent symbols
- the World Trade Center- lies in ruins. Italian Prime
Minister Berlusconi noted the 'strange unanimity'
between the movements resisting economic globalization
and Islamic terrorists, who were both 'enemies of
Western civilization'. In the British periodical New
Statesman, Johann Hari went as far as to draw
parallels between the writer Naomi Klein and Osama bin
Laden. As George Bush has made clear: you are with
him, or with the terrorists. The Governor of
Cochabamba District absorbs these instructions rapidly
and announces to the press that the PGA conference is
a meeting of 'international terrorists'.

Duly, on arrival in La Paz I am interrogated by an
intelligence official. With the correct visas but the
wrong political beliefs, dozens of us are threatened
with deportation; many are trapped for a week in a bus
on the border with Peru. Meanwhile, US Drug
Enforcement officers take upon themselves the powers
of local immigration officials and haul foreigners off
the buses into Cochabamba to conduct on-the-spot
identity checks.

Stanis, an unflappable Papua New Guinean, has had
possibly the most nightmarish journey to the
conference. In a sense his journey began when he
started using the internet connection of a friend who
lived two hours' walk from his village. In this way he
discovered, to his delight and astonishment, how many
others around the world there are who, like him,
oppose the policies of the World Bank. To come to this
conference he made the long trek to his capital, Port
Moresby, then took a plane to Sydney. Flight
disruption after the attacks in the US delayed him
there for three days. Despite the fact that he was in
transit, in Los Angeles he was held in a hotel under
armed guard for two nights - then sent on to La Paz.
Here he was detained for two more days, sitting in a
small office in the customs lounge with no bed, no
food and $10 in his pocket. He demanded to be
imprisoned, in the hope of having a bed to sleep on.
Occasionally officials brought him hamburgers, which
he refused, lining them up along the shelf 'I've been
eating junk for eight days. I did not come to Bolivia
to sit here,' he told them calmly. Finally he was
released when they realized they didn't have a flight
to send him home on.

The conference is held in a local school while small
children play around the 'terrorists'. The meetings
and workshops concentrate on exchanging realities,
developing strategy, and reshaping the PGA manifesto -
workshops on Plan Colombia, campaigns over community

Re: [CTRL] Self-Reported Memory for Abuse Depends Upon Victim-Perpetrator Relationship

2001-12-06 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Self-Reported Memory for Abuse Depends Upon Victim-Perpetrator Relationship
Jennifer J. Freyd, PhD Anne P. DePrince, PhD Eileen L. Zurbriggen, PhD,
Journal of Trauma  Dissociation, Vol. 2(3) 2001 by The Haworth Press, Inc.

Betrayal trauma theory (Freyd, 1994, 1996) offers a theoretical perspective
for understanding the psychological processes that underlie impaired memory
for abuse. Analysis of evolution ary pressures and developmental needs
suggests that victims of abuse may remain unaware of the abuse, not to reduce
suffering, but rather to maintain an attachment with a figure vital to
survival, development, and thriving (Freyd, 1994, 1996; DePrince  Freyd,
1999; Freyd  DePrince, in press).

Results support our prediction that the greater the victim's dependence on
the perpetrator, the more likely that memory for the abuse will be impaired
or disrupted in cases of physical and sexual abuse. Multiple regression
analyses revealed that age was not a significant predictor of memory
impairment, while caretaker status was. These findings highlight the
importance of obtaining information about specific aspects of the abuse
experience, including details about the relationship between the victim and
the perpetrator.

excerpt from

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] anthrax, saudi and al-Qaida, Iraq war, Afghan dead, protesters, media

2001-12-06 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Also articles on military tribunals and Afghanistan oil and gas

December 3, 2001

Terror Anthrax Linked to Type Made by U.S.

The dry powder used in the anthrax attacks is virtually indistinguishable in
critical technical respects from that produced by the United States military
before it shut down its biowarfare program, according to federal scientists
and a report prepared for a military contractor.

The preliminary analysis of the powder shows that it has the same
extraordinarily high concentration of deadly spores as the anthrax produced
in the American weapons program. While it is still possible that the anthrax
could have a foreign source, the concentration is higher than any stock
publicly known to be produced by other governments.

Anthrax Cloud¹s Silver Lining Bioport Corp. Lands Exclusive License to
Produce Vaccine

Adm. William J. Crowe Jr. is the most visible corporate director of the
Bioport Corp., which manufactures the anthrax vaccine. (Gary Cameron/AP
Photo) By Howard L. Rosenberg

Germans investigate claim that Saudi sheik
tried to obtain weapons for al-Qaida

Copyright © 2001 AP Online

The associated Press

BERLIN (December 5, 2001 3:22 p.m. EST) - Authorities in Germany are
investigating claims by a businessman that he was approached by a Saudi
sheik seeking to procure missiles and potentially dangerous substances for
associates of Osama bin Laden, a spokesman said Wednesday.

On to Iraq? Novelist Simon Pearson predicted a US attack on Iraq in his
fiction -- a scenario that is looking more and more like a potential fact.
by Stephen Miller Nov. 29, 2001

Even as the conflict in Afghanistan rages on, power brokers in Washington are
already debating where the US should open the next front in the war on
terrorism. Such aggressive talk worries Simon Pearson, a novelist and retired
British Royal Air Force pilot who finds himself living in a world
disturbingly similar to the one he predicted in a 1999 novel.

In that book, Total War 2006, Pearson envisioned a world in which the US
finds itself in a global war against a range of countries and groups that
resent the American-led West's economic and ideological world dominance. The
flashpoint of Pearson's predicted conflict: A terrorist attack by a radical
Islamic group, followed by a unilateral US assault on Iraq.

A former fighter pilot who flew missions over Iraq after the Gulf War and now
serves as a civilian military consultant to the British government, Pearson
says the Bush administration must understand it cannot afford to act
unilaterally in the post-Cold War world. With Washington conservatives
arguing for an expansion of the offensive, Pearson says he worries the US
might escalate the conflict in a way similar to that predicted in his book.
Such action, he says, would shatter the fragile international coalition which
has thus far backed the attacks in Afghanistan.

On to Iraq? Novelist Simon Pearson predicted a US attack on Iraq in his
fiction -- a scenario that is looking more and more like a potential fact.
by Stephen Miller Nov. 29, 2001

Even as the conflict in Afghanistan rages on, power brokers in Washington are
already debating where the US should open the next front in the war on
terrorism. Such aggressive talk worries Simon Pearson, a novelist and retired
British Royal Air Force pilot who finds himself living in a world
disturbingly similar to the one he predicted in a 1999 novel.

In that book, Total War 2006, Pearson envisioned a world in which the US
finds itself in a global war against a range of countries and groups that
resent the American-led West's economic and ideological world dominance. The
flashpoint of Pearson's predicted conflict: A terrorist attack by a radical
Islamic group, followed by a unilateral US assault on Iraq.

A former fighter pilot who flew missions over Iraq after the Gulf War and now
serves as a civilian military consultant to the British government, Pearson
says the Bush administration must understand it cannot afford to act
unilaterally in the post-Cold War world. With Washington conservatives
arguing for an expansion of the offensive, Pearson says he worries the US
might escalate the conflict in a way similar to that predicted in his book.
Such action, he says, would shatter the fragile international coalition which
has thus far backed the attacks in Afghanistan.

An obliterated village where nothing happened -- Independent (UK)
Despite the Pentagon's insistence that recent bombing raids in eastern
Afghanistan have caused no significant civilian casualties, Independent
reporter Richard Lloyd Parry found the mountain village of Kama Ado reduced
to rubble, apparently by American bombs. The cemetery on the hill contains
40 freshly dug graves, unmarked and identical. And the 

[CTRL] Fwd: [BIOWAR] re Anthrax mailings more likely Iraq then lone nut.

2001-12-06 Thread Kris Millegan


I suspect that the anthrax mailings were neither Iraq nor the work of a lone
In 1998 the FBI had posted an Anthrax Advisory regarding letters that were
mailed and contained written warnings that anthrax was contained within.
I posed some old anthrax news and expert discussion of anthrax mailings
circa 1998.  This was far before the terrorist attacks on 9/11.

I believe that if Iraq was going to take the risk of attacking America, the
goal would have been to kill as many people as possible.
The purpose of the anthrax mailings of 2001 was not to kill people but
rather to create fear and to really create public awareness of the
possibility of future bio attacks.  The envelopes were event taped closed in
order to prevent the anthrax from leaking out of the envelope.

Furthermore, I suspect that the source of the anthrax was from supposedly
destroyed bioweapon stock.  I think that the FBI needs to look into the
records and check those who were responsible for destroying our bioweapon's
stores.  If anthrax has been diverted, there is a strong possibility that
other bioweapons, such as smallpox, etal could also have been diverted and
not destroyed.  The Govt. used Becton Dickinson Co as an outside contractor
responsible for destroying Ft. Detrick's bioweapons.  A good place to start
backtracing those destroyed weapons, is with Becton Dickinson Co.

I did find it interesting that in 1998, Michael Osterholm, bioweapons
expert, made the statement that anthrax in letters would not transmit
anthrax under any conditons.  Had the sorting machines not punctured the
envelopes or pressed out the contents, perhaps no one would have died?

In summation, I believe that the anthrax attacks orginated in the US and the
source was right from our own bioweapon's stock.  Only someone with access
to destroyed stock could have perpertrated the attacks.

Patricia Doyle

Patricia A. Doyle, PhD
Please visit my Emerging Diseases message board at:
Zhan le Devlesa tai sastimasa
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[CTRL] Fwd: New Laissez Faire City Times Now Online V5.49 - 12/3/01

2001-12-06 Thread Kris Millegan


See the Galt's Gulch - On the electronic frontier it is called DODGE CITY

Freedom and privacy is a reality.   SEE IN NOW:  hundreds of sovereign
individuals building a world class digital community. This unique borderless
community offers business opportunities, private banking, worldwide stock
market access, anonymous and secured communications and more in an
environment free of nation-state interference.


Quality is Hard to Find - Bookmark Home page now:

The Laissez Faire City Times

The Front Page:

Ayn Rand and Business
by Russell Madden

Even though Ayn Rand thought of herself professionally as both a 
philosopher and a novelist, she and her
writings are often most closely associated with business issues.  More 
specifically, the ideas she
elucidated are used to support (or condemn) the actions of entrepreneurs 
and how they function in society.

The Bush Betrayal
by Tibor R. Machan

Armed Conflict in America - McVeigh and the Oklahoma Bombing
Epilogue 2: Waco, Mohammedism, and Domestic Terrorism
by Robert L. Kocher

La Comunidad
by Antonio Mascaró Rotger

Airport to Nowhere
by Richard S. Ehrlich

The Al Qaeda Complex at Darunta
by Richard S. Ehrlich

Arabs Abandon Jalalabad
by Richard S. Ehrlich

A Harley Parked Under the U.S. Embassy
by Richard S. Ehrlich

Book Libraries at the Laissez Faire City Times Bookshop
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---End Message---

Re: [CTRL] Ivins - Destroying freedoms in order to save them

2001-12-06 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

AUSTIN - With all due respect, of course, and God Bless America too, has
anyone considered the possibility that the attorney general is becoming

This begs the question of whether he was 'hinged' to begin with...  ;-)


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Stopping the Perpetual War

2001-12-06 Thread Nessie SFBG

-Caveat Lector-

Stopping the Perpetual War
by B. Ness
December 6, 2001

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Bush Betrayal, by Tibor R. Machan

2001-12-06 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=;The
Bush Betrayal, by Tibor R. Machan/A
The Bush Betrayal

by Tibor R. Machan

These are times that test all our souls because normalcy has been
interrupted, and now we need to figure out some new ways to act without
losing our integrity. In ordinary circumstances it is possible to rest on
true and tried ways. These do not dispense with the need for alertness but
there is no test of our integrity when routine prevails.

We now have a country that has had a major assault upon it, and one that's
been scared beyond anything it has known before. In response to this the
guidelines that we are used to seem insufficient. Most of us have made some
serious changes in our ways — we've reduced flying and shopping, decided to
live more for today than for a certain enough future, and, perhaps most
importantly, stopped laughing heartily and smiling joyfully, and become more

Yet these changes do not have to be permanent. What will, however, remain
with us for years to come are the changes in our government. President Bush,
contrary to what many of his supporters expected and hoped, has decided to
use the current emotional climate in America to engage in unabashed power
grabbing. Yes, he has cast a figure of determination when it comes to dealing
with the likes of Osama bin Laden, the Taliban and other foreign enemies. But
he has done it at the expense of the civil and economic liberties we have
been enjoying in America.

Not that the USA has been a fully free, laissez-faire capitalist society, no.
That is a myth created by those who do not want to admit that more and more
statism, the philosophy of Alexander Hamilton (as opposed to that of Thomas
Jefferson), has triumphed in America. But now even the moderate freedom we
have enjoyed is in jeopardy.

In a free society politicians would provide a specific kind of leadership.
This would involve their clearly explaining how challenges can be met without
the abrogation of the country's fundamental values. Even in times of crisis,
leaders would not rob citizens of their liberty but teach them something
about resisting the temptation to compromise. A principled political leader
would not resort to abolishing the criminal justice system and trade it in
for military law. Military law is actually a set of emergency rules suited to
the task of the military. It requires haste and cutting of corners — that is,
the circumvention of due process. In a volunteer military this is understood
and agreed to by those who sign up.

But non-military citizens have not chosen to give up the procedures due them
in the course of securing justice. A basic element of these procedures is the
protection, without exception, of every citizen's fundamental, unalienable as
well as derivative rights. All the basic rights mentioned in the US
Declaration — and partially laid out in the US Constitution and other legal
documents — would be guarded against corruption and distortion, even when
challenges are unprecedented. It is, indeed, the task of political leaders,
including those in the judicial branch of government, to make certain that
the tried and true principles of a free country do not get ditched but become
diligently deployed in the face of new, even drastic, circumstances.

Instead we now find our government simply abandoning all pretense of due
process and grabbing all the powers it can. Those who believed that George W.
Bush would guard our liberties have been proven wrong. Financial privacy has
been further eroded; the FBI is about to monitor the Internet and our e-mails
will be randomly checked. In other words, the practice of prior restraint
will be expanded so that its deployment in the futile and immoral War On
Drugs will soon become the norm.

After the September 11 attacks, George W. Bush, like his father after the
Gulf War, enjoyed enormous popularity in the USA. But he is now squandering
this asset on bad policies and precedents. I can only hope that he will be
punished for this. Perhaps by the time the next presidential election rolls
around, the people will have come to realize that casting a determined
posture against our enemies isn't the most important thing a president must
do. He must keep in mind what he must defend from our enemies, namely, the
liberties of our citizenry. Not that I cherish the rise to power of the likes
of The West Wing's fictional US president. But when someone fails to guard
the most precious aspect of our society, the liberty of its citizens, and
tries to face crises via shortcuts, he does not deserve another chance.

Machan, who teaches at Chapman University in Orange, California, advises
Freedom Communications, Inc., on public policy matters. His most recent book
is Initiative — Human Agency and Society (Hoover Institution 

[CTRL] A secret that could destroy the CIA

2001-12-06 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Wed, 05 Dec 2001 18:47:00 -0800 (PST)
From:   Herb Jamieson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The son of the CIA officer head of the Houston office during the former Pres
Bush presidency informed me that his father signed a nondisclosure
statement that upon retirement,he would agree to be deprogrammed. He
was brought to Washington,D.C. upon retirement, and brainwashed so badly
that his mind turned him into a mental vegetable and it eventually killed him.
CIA techniques are not mild mannered, and basically come directly from all
the Nazi scientist brought here after WWII  by Allen Dulles with Rockefeller
money. Rockefeller heading a commission of CIA abuses. What a big joke!!

 Original Message 
Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2001 12:08:20 -0800 (PST)
From: eric stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dr. Frank Olson's life was a mystery, full of dubious experiments for the CIA,
and unexplained trips to Porton Down. His death, in 1953, was stranger still.
Was it suicide? A failed exercise in brainwashing? Or murder? And what did
he know that made his death so convenient? Next week, a grand jury may
finally hear the truth about the Cold War's darkest Secret.

THE OLSON FILE A secret that could destroy the CIA by Kevin Dowling and
Phillip Knightley

In the early hours of 28 November 1953, Armand Pastore, the night manager
of the Statler Hotel, New York, was startled to hear a crash of breaking glass
and then a sickening thump on the pavement outside his hotel. He rushed out
to find a middle-aged man lying semi-conscious on the ground.

Pastore looked up to see light shining from a shattered window of a room on
the hotel‚s thirteenth floor. He knelt down alongside the man, cradled his
head in his arms and leaned closer as the man made an effort to speak, then
died. He had obviously jumped out of the window, just another suicide in a
city where the plunge from skyscraper to pavement was a shocking but not
unusual event.

Suicide was certainly the finding at the inquest—Dr Frank Olson, a United
States Army scientist, for reasons no one could fathom, had taken his own
life. And that was what the record showed for the next twenty-two years.

Then in 1975 the Rockefeller Commission, set up by President Ford to
examine the extent of the CIA‚s illegal domestic operations, revealed that an
unnamed army scientist had died after CIA experts, experimenting with mind-
bending drugs, had secretly slipped him a dose of potent LSD. During the
ensuing uproar, the scientist was identified as Frank Olson.

The US government moved immediately to show how sorry it was for what
had happened. Congress passed a private humanitarian relief bill which
authorised a payment of $750,000 to the widow, Mrs Olson, and her three
children. Mrs Olson and her son Eric were invited to the White House where
President Ford publicly apologised to them. And the then CIA director,
William Colby, held a lunch for Mrs Olson and Eric in his office at the CIA,
apologised and gave them the CIA file on the case.

According to the file, Olson had suffered a “chemically-induced psychotic
flashback” a week after he had been slipped the dose of LSD. So a CIA
doctor, Richard Lashbrook, had been deputed to look after Olson until he
was normal again. Lashbrook had been sharing the hotel room with Olson
and was asleep in a bed next to him when, he said, he was awoken by the
sound of breaking glass and realised that Olson had crashed through the

Eric, who is now 54,was never very convinced by this version of events but
kept quiet so as not to distress his mother. Then when she died in 1994 he
decided to test the official story of his father’s death. Experts told him that in
order to achieve the momentum needed to vault over a central heating
radiator under the window, burst through the closed blinds and smash
through the hotel’s heavy glass panes, Olson would have had to struck the
window travelling at more than 30km per hour. A trained athlete takes about
fifty metres to accelerate to that speed. But the hotel room was only 5.5
metres long.

Next there was Dr. Lashbrook‚s strange behaviour when the hotel manager
Pastore arrived in the room to tell him that his colleague was dead on the
pavement below. Lashbrook went to the telephone, rang a number and
simply said, “Olson’s gone”. Then he hung up and retired to the bathroom
where he sat on the lavatory with his head in his hands.

Eric Olson, a Maryland clinical psychologist, began to spend every spare
moment trying to get at the true story of what had happened to his father.
Today he is convinced he is on the brink of doing so. But the story is so
strange, so reminiscent of the TV series “The X-Files,” that despite
compelling evidence, it is uncertain that anyone will believe it.

THE TERMS of the $750,000 government settlement for Olson‚s 


2001-12-06 Thread Jim Rarey

By Jim Rarey

December 6, 2001


It has too often been the case in the last decade or so, the truth about 
important events is first published either on the Internet or in a foreign 
newspaper. And it usually is in direct contradiction to the (authorized) leaks 
from "knowledgeable" but unidentified government officials propagated by the 
"mainstream" media. The subject of mailed anthrax has followed this pattern.
Many (too many) Americans will only accept "facts" when they see them on the 
eleven o’clock network news or read them in the establishment newspapers, e.g. 
The New York Times, Washington Post or Los Angeles Times. One of the earliest 
bits of misinformation that probably resulted in several deaths was the 
assurance that those not in the vicinity where the envelope containing the 
anthrax spores was opened had nothing to worry about.
That had to be revised when victims hundred of miles from the capitol came 
down with anthrax poisoning. Cross contamination was finally acknowledged, but 
the danger was downplayed contending that treatment with Cipro (and later other 
antibiotics) was 100% effective in those cases.
We were told that inhalation of anthrax would require a concentration of 
eight to ten thousand spores in the lungs to be potentially fatal. We were told 
initially that the anthrax mailed was "crude" in form and could easily have been 
used by foreign terrorists. This was reinforced by repetitive showings of the 
crude lettering on the envelopes on TV.
As test results began to filter out, the focus of the media changed to the 
"weaponization" of anthrax spores, i.e. milling them down to a diameter of one 
to three microns. (A micron is one millionth of a meter.) This required a degree 
of expertise beyond that of a single individual without access to a fairly 
sophisticated laboratory.
After a spate of "speculation" in the media that a "right wing fanatic" might 
have been responsible, the FBI released a "profile" of its suspect. Predictably, 
they postulated a "loner" who may have worked in a laboratory and acquired a 
couple of test tubes of anthrax he kept in his basement for all these years. 
After the 911 tragedy this person, for his own reasons might have mailed the 
As test results confirmed the (Ames) strain of anthrax used in the mailings, 
attention began to focus on the army’s top-secret bioweapon laboratory at Fort 
Detrick, Maryland. The Ames strain is one of the most virulent (deadly) strains 
available and was in high demand both for developing weapons and vaccines to 
protect against all strains. Ft. Detrick’s records are incomplete but it is 
known to have furnished the Ames strain to Britain’s Porton Down laboratory, a 
number of university and private labs and probably to Iraq.
During the cold war, Ft. Detrick, Britain’s Porton Down, Russia and South 
Africa produced and stockpiled large amounts of toxic biological and chemical 
weapons including anthrax. In 1969, in contemplation of a treaty signed in 1972, 
President Nixon ordered Ft. Detrick to cease production and destroy the 
stockpiles. Although research and development was done at Ft. Detrick, the 
actual production and storage was at the army’s facility in the Pine Bluffs 
Redstone Arsenal in Arkansas.
Now, some thirty years later, the U.S. Government appears to be relying on 
the expertise of two cold war bioweapon veterans, Dr.’s William C. Patrick III, 
and Kenneth Alibek, President and CEO of Advanced Biosystems Inc. (ABS).

Patrick was in charge of the anthrax "weaponization" program at Ft. Detrick. 
He developed a process that resulted in anthrax far more potent than that known 
to have been produced by Britain or Russia. He holds five secret patents on the 
process. The army’s anthrax comprised up to one trillion spores per gram, double 
the amount other programs reached. To put that in perspective, if 10,000 spores 
is a lethal dose, then the two grams said to have been in the envelope addressed 
to Senator Daschle had enough for 200 million lethal doses. A gram is just 
one-twenty-eighth of an ounce.
But even the 8 to 10 thousand spore number is misleading the public according 
to Edgar W. "Bud" Larson, one of several other Ft. Detrick veterans who granted 
on the record interviews to Scott Shane of the Baltimore Sun. Larson says that 
number (which he helped develop) is an average for lethal doses. Depending on 
several factors, 100 spores or less could be fatal. Larson was head of the 
aerobiology division at Detrick. Another veteran of the biowars, Norman M. 
Covert, adds that their experiments showed that spores of one to four microns 
easily escaped from ordinary envelopes, which have pores of ten microns.
Another former Detrick expert is Manuel S. Barbeito who was in charge of 
decontaminating 75 to 100 buildings at Ft. Detrick after the program was shut 
down. He has doubts about the chlorine dioxide cleanup method that the EPA has 

[CTRL] Explorers view lost city ruins under Caribbean (Alantis?)

2001-12-06 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

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Subject:IUFO NEWS:  Explorers view lost city ruins under Caribbean 
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Explorers view lost city ruins under Caribbean

By Andrew Cawthorne

HAVANA, Dec 6 (Reuters) - Explorers using a miniature submarine to probe the
sea floor off the coast of Cuba said on Thursday they had confirmed the
discovery of stone structures deep below the ocean surface that may have been
built by an unknown human civilization thousands of years ago.

Researchers with a Canadian exploration company said they filmed over the
summer ruins of a possible submerged lost city off the Guanahacabibes
Peninsula on the Caribbean island's western tip. The researchers cautioned
that they did not fully understand the nature of their find and planned to
return in January for further analysis, the expedition leader said on

The explorers said they believed the mysterious structures, discovered at the
astounding depth of around 2,100 feet (650 meters) and laid out like an urban
area, could have been built at least 6,000 years ago. That would be about
1,500 years earlier than the great Giza pyramids of Egypt.

It's a really wonderful structure which looks like it could have been a
large urban center, said Soviet-born Canadian ocean engineer Paulina
Zelitsky, from British Columbia-based Advanced Digital Communications (ADC).

However, it would be totally irresponsible to say what it was before we have
evidence, Zelitsky told Reuters.

Zelitsky said the structures may have been built by unknown people when the
current sea-floor actually was above the surface. She said volcanic activity
may explain how the site ended up at great depths below the Caribbean Sea.

In July 2000, ADC researchers using sophisticated side-scan sonar equipment
identified a large underwater plateau with clear images of symmetrically
organized stone structures that looked like an urban development partly
covered by sand. From above, the shapes resembled pyramids, roads and
buildings, they said.


This past July, ADC researchers, along with the firm's Cuban partner and
experts from the Cuban Academy of Sciences, returned to the site in their
ship Ulises. They said they sent a miniature, unmanned submarine called a
Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) down to film parts of the 7.7-square-mile (20
square km) area.

Those images confirmed the presence of huge, smooth, cut granite-like blocks
in perpendicular and circular formations, some in pyramid shapes, the
researchers said. Most of the blocks, measuring between about 6.5 and 16 feet
(two and five meters) in length, were exposed, some stacked one on another,
the researchers said.

Others were covered in sediment and the fine, white sand that characterizes
the area, the researchers said.

The intriguing discovery provided evidence that Cuba at one time was joined
to mainland Latin America via a strip of land from the Yucatan Peninsula, the
researchers said.

There are many new hypotheses about land movement and colonialization, and
what we are seeing here should provide very interesting new information,
Zelitsky said.

ADC's deep-water equipment includes a satellite-integrated ocean bottom
positioning system, high-precision side-scan double-frequency sonar, and the
ROV. The company currently is commissioning what it calls the world's first
custom-designed ocean excavator for marine archeology to begin work both at
the Guanahacabibes site and at ship wrecks.

ADC is the deepest operator among four foreign firms working in joint venture
with President Fidel Castro's government to explore Cuban waters containing
hundreds of treasure-laden ships from the colonial era.

The Canadian company already has discovered several historic sunken Spanish

In an earlier high-profile find, ADC was testing equipment in late 2000 off
Havana Bay when it spotted the century-old wreck of the American battleship
USS Maine. The ship had not been located since it blew up mysteriously in
1898, killing 260 American sailors and igniting the Spanish-American War.

The rush of interest in Cuba's seas in recent years is due in part to the
Castro government's recognition that it does not have the money or technology
to carry out systematic exploration by itself, although it does have
excellent divers.

American companies are prohibited from operating in Cuba by the long-running
U.S. embargo on the Communist-run island.

11:11 12-06-01

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shall not be liable for any errors or delays in the content, or for 

Re: [CTRL] FW: New York Struggles with Burden of More Homeless

2001-12-06 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

  Thank you for posting these articles on increases in homelessness.  They
bring the administration's sickening economic pseudo-stimulus package into
clearer focus.  I can visualize Dubya waving a flag, jumping up and down and
joyfully proclaiming Let's Make War on the Weak!


In a message dated 12/6/01 6:58:07 PM Central Standard Time,

 NEW YORK (Reuters) - For the first time in two decades, panhandlers, street
 sleepers and longer soup kitchen lines resurfaced noticeably in New York
 the economy stalled this year, but the World Trade Center attacks have
 even more working families to seek charity.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] FW: New York Struggles with Burden of More Homeless

2001-12-06 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Hey maybe Hill and Bill would want to open up their mansions for which
the taxpayers pay - and how much to house their Secret Service?

They can Giuliani is about to become a billionaire re at the cost of
others; however, it was a known fact prior to 911 that homeless lie in
the streets of New York, in trash bags - but Larry Silverstein will
receive 7 billion dollars in blood money for a lease on the World Trade
Center which no longer exists.

Why come to the Broadway shows, and to the theatre - but as Shakespeare
once wrote I am sent with broom before to sweep the dust behind the door
- for when Clinton used to visit our city they shooed the homesless off
he streets - one in particular who used to lie in an American Flag for

Now this Mayor's control center which was in with the CIA in
Silverstein's building it is said cost 15 million dollars.this man
lives oh pardon, his wife lives in the Mayor's Mansion and I wonder how
much it costs to keep her in the style to which she has become
accustomed though the Mayor moved in with a homosexual couple.

New York - such a wonderful place to live.

Blame that on Bush?   Hey these people are so much refuse in the
streets.but then this is what the Statute of Liberty calls for
right?   The refuse from the shores of others..but please, no rocket
scientists or Europeans...for America is aboute to be recycled -
like what was that the Garden Plot?

Think Hitler called this The Final Solution?


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Stopping the Perpetual War

2001-12-06 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/6/01 8:53:18 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Stopping the Perpetual War
  by B. Ness
  December 6, 2001

  Thirty Seconds Over Cuba is a helluva compilation of information.  I
don't think I've ever learned so much in twenty minutes before, and all
entirely new.  I feel a little sick, but informed.  Thank you.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] FW: New York Struggles with Burden of More Homeless

2001-12-06 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/6/01 10:15:40 PM Central Standard Time,

 New York - such a wonderful place to live.

  Blame that on Bush?   Hey these people are so much refuse in the
  streets.but then this is what the Statute of Liberty calls for
  right?   The refuse from the shores of others..but please, no rocket
  scientists or Europeans...for America is aboute to be recycled -
  like what was that the Garden Plot?

  I don't blame it entirely on Bush.  Reagan increased the violent rape of
the poor a thousandfold.  Clinton didn't help by gutting the social safety
net.  But Bush is finishing off the middle class and the poor in a real
hurry.  And please no rocket scientists or Europeans?  What does that mean?
 Is that a not-so-veiled reference to the objections to welcoming Nazis with
expunged records?


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Explorers view lost city ruins under Caribbean (Alantis?)

2001-12-06 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/6/01 9:28:48 PM Central Standard Time,

 In July 2000, ADC researchers using sophisticated side-scan sonar equipment
  identified a large underwater plateau with clear images of symmetrically
  organized stone structures that looked like an urban development partly
  covered by sand. From above, the shapes resembled pyramids, roads and
  buildings, they said.

  I've just been reading about Atlantis in Dolores Cannon's new book The
Convoluted Universe.  According to the book (with info gleaned through
hypnotic regression and access to various dimensional storehouses of
information) Atlantis is underwater in the Atlantic, and pyramids were common
structures for them.
  Maybe the US military's psychotic preoccupation with Cuba has something to
do with knowing about its proximity to the lost civilization, whatever it is.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Fwd: Lies About Roosevelt?

2001-12-06 Thread Kris Millegan


Pearl Harbor Revisited
December 7, 1999 

World War II is raging again, at least in the press. Pat Buchanan has been
called a Hitler-lover for suggesting the currently unthinkable: that entry
into the war may not have been in the best interests of Americans. And Pope
Pius XII is still being smeared for his ³silence² about Hitler during the
war (though the greater mystery is his wartime silence about Communism).
Sometimes the rhetoric of these controversies gets so heated that one wishes
Hitler were still here to restore a little perspective.

Now a new book argues that President Franklin D. Roosevelt probably knew in
advance that the Japanese were about to attack Pearl Harbor. This ³sneak
attack² by those ³sneaky Japs,² as we used to call them, may have been
trumped by the sneakiness of our sneakiest president (current incumbent
included). Everyone knows that FDR wanted to get into the war and lied to
the American public in order to achieve this goal. But would he have gone so
far as to allow the preventable slaughter of thousands of American soldiers
and sailors?

In Day of Deceit (Free Press), Robert B. Stinnett amasses circumstantial
evidence that FDR knew what was coming. He shows that U.S. intelligence had
broken the Japanese military code and that, contrary to official U.S.
insistence, the Japanese fleet bound for Pearl Harbor did not maintain radio

Reviewing the book for the Wall Street Journal, Bruce Bartlett cites an even
more suggestive piece of evidence: ³a memo from Lieutenant Commander Arthur
H. McCollum, the top expert on Japan in naval intelligence before the war.²

³Dated October 7, 1940,² writes Mr. Bartlett, ³the memo outlines an
eight-point plan to force Japan to attack the U.S. Among the recommendations
were the relocation of the U.S. Pacific Fleet from San Diego to Hawaii and
an embargo on all trade with Japan. Mr. Stinnett correctly notes that every
item on McCollum¹s list was acted upon ‹ starting the day after Roosevelt
received the memo.²

Mr. Stinnett himself, amazingly, defends Roosevelt¹s deliberate inaction:
³Heinous as it seems to families and veterans of World War II, of which the
author is one, the Pearl Harbor attack was, from the White House
perspective, something that had to be endured in order to stop a greater
evil ‹ the Nazi invaders in Europe who had begun the Holocaust and were
poised to invade England.²

Here, sad to say, is an extension of the standard defense of FDR: that he
had no choice but to act cynically in order to achieve his noble goals. Such
is ³the White House perspective,² not to be confused with the perspective of
American boys and their anxious parents. To say that Pearl Harbor ³had to be
endured² is to lose sight of who was doing the enduring. It wasn¹t FDR, who
welcomed the opportunity Pearl Harbor gave him. With boundless cynicism,
Roosevelt proceeded to scapegoat the military commanders of Pearl Harbor,
stripping them of their rank for being unprepared for the attack he had
failed to forewarn them of!

The notion that Roosevelt was upset because the Nazis had ³begun the
Holocaust² deserves a particularly coarse horselaugh. FDR never mentioned
the persecution of Jews as a casus belli. As of December 7, 1941, all he
knew was that the Nazis had rounded up and incarcerated people of Jewish
ancestry ‹ a practice he emulated by rounding up and incarcerating American
citizens of Japanese ancestry, a policy even FBI director J. Edgar Hoover,
not exactly renowned as a civil libertarian, protested as unconstitutional.

Roosevelt turned the U.S. Constitution into a charred ember and helped the
Soviet Union win World War II, complete with the spoils of ten Christian
countries which fell to the tender mercies of ³Uncle Joe² Stalin. After
FDR¹s death, the United States, in partnership with Stalin, adopted Soviet
jurisprudence by conducting show trials of German officials at Nuremberg.

Roosevelt also deserves full credit for the terror bombing of German and
Japanese cities and for launching the development of nuclear weapons.
Killing millions of civilians, mostly women and children, may seem an odd
way to oppose the Holocaust; but by now we have all learned to internalize
³the White House perspective.²

Joseph Sobran


Robert B. Stinnett's interest in news-making history began when he was
growing up in his birth city, Oakland, California.  He was the oldest of
children born to Curtis and Margaret Stinnett.

 A favorite activity of Robert while still a youngster was listening on the
family radio to news reports from Europe by radio newscasters Hans V.
Kaltenborn, Edward R. Murrow, and William L. Shirer.  His interest in news
and how it is processed formed his ambition to become a journalist.

By age 16 Robert was shooting photographs and selling them to The Oakland
Tribune.  On the day of the Pearl Harbor attack, December 7, 

[CTRL] Fwd: Isnt this terrifying?

2001-12-06 Thread Kris Millegan


This campaign against terror is gonna go too far if it hasnt alreay:

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

---End Message---

[CTRL] FW: INS detainee anthrax suspect

2001-12-06 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

FWIW, both Oxford (where Otilie Lundgren lived and died of anthrax) and
Torrington are on Route 8; someone living in Torrington and commuting to
NYC would take Route 8 south and pass by Oxford


 [Original Message]
 Date: 12/6/01 8:11:29 PM

 From ZWire,;
 INS detainee anthrax suspect

 TRACY KENNEDY, Register Citizen Staff December 06, 2001

 HARTFORD - A Hartford judge set bail Wednesday for one of four local
 men detained by the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service since
 Nov. 25 for their suspected involvement in the deadly national anthrax

 At Immigration Court, Judge Michael W. Straus ordered Mohammed I.
 Khan, 46, of Torrington, to pay $12,000 bail during a hearing
 regarding his application for asylum. Kahn reportedly filed the
 application after arriving in this country from Pakistan in 1993.
 According to an INS representative, he had not posted the bail by late
 afternoon Wednesday.

 According to published reports, Khan and three other men, Najmul
 Hasan, 33, of Winsted, Ifran Ahmed, 36, and Ayazuddin Sheerazi, 32,
 both of Torrington, were arrested by local police and FBI agents after
 a tip from Torrington resident Robert Janco.

 Janco told authorities and America's Most Wanted, a nationally
 syndicated television show, that he believed Kahn and Hasan were
 involved in the recent anthrax scares. According to published reports,
 Janco told police he overheard the men talking on Sept. 8 about
 delivering letters to a Vietnamese immigrant in New York City named
 Kathy. When Janco heard of the death of 61-year-old Kathy Nguyen on
 Oct. 31, he reportedly contacted the police.

 According to source at the immigration court, charging documents have
 not been filed against Kahn or the other men and they are solely being
 detained on immigration matters.

 Gary Cote, acting deputy district director of INS in Boston, would not
 comment on the investigation or confirm the men were being detained by
 the immigration agency. I cannot discuss that or what action is being
 taken if any action is being taken concerning these men, he said
 Wednesday. Cote explained his office could not discuss any actions
 concerning immigrants that may be involved in national terrorist
 activities pursuant to a directive received from the Attorney General.

 However, according to prison records checked on Wednesday, Khan, Ahmed
 and Hasan are currently incarcerated in Osborn Correctional
 Institution in Somers, and Sheerazi is being held at Hartford
 Correctional Center in Hartford.

 Court dates have not yet been set for Ahmed and Hasan, and Sheerazi is
 scheduled to appear at a hearing on Wednesday in the immigration court
 in Hartford concerning his application to extend his visa.

 During Kahn's hearing on Wednesday, Assistant District Council
 Attorney John Marley indicated he would oppose Kahn's application for
 asylum based on Kahn's alleged failure to report his residence in

 Kahn, a native of Pakistan, said that while he works in Torrington, he
 still maintains his reside

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Lies About Roosevelt?

2001-12-06 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/6/01 11:22:59 PM Central Standard Time,

 We owe a debt of gratitude to Mr. Stinnett. Not only has he uncovered the
  truth behind Pearl Harbor, but in so doing he has exposed one of the
  greatest cover stories, or con jobs, of all time ­ American prewar naval
  intelligence and high command as keystone cop.

  My this sounds familiar.


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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] FW: New York Struggles with Burden of More Homeless

2001-12-06 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

im sending you all the meds i can find saba
hope its not too late
Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up
and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.
   Sir Winston Churchill


 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2001 23:15:25 -0500
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] FW: New York Struggles with Burden of More Homeless

 -Caveat Lector-

 Hey maybe Hill and Bill would want to open up their mansions for which
 the taxpayers pay - and how much to house their Secret Service?

 They can Giuliani is about to become a billionaire re at the cost of
 others; however, it was a known fact prior to 911 that homeless lie in
 the streets of New York, in trash bags - but Larry Silverstein will
 receive 7 billion dollars in blood money for a lease on the World Trade
 Center which no longer exists.

 Why come to the Broadway shows, and to the theatre - but as Shakespeare
 once wrote I am sent with broom before to sweep the dust behind the door
 - for when Clinton used to visit our city they shooed the homesless off
 he streets - one in particular who used to lie in an American Flag for

 Now this Mayor's control center which was in with the CIA in
 Silverstein's building it is said cost 15 million dollars.this man
 lives oh pardon, his wife lives in the Mayor's Mansion and I wonder how
 much it costs to keep her in the style to which she has become
 accustomed though the Mayor moved in with a homosexual couple.

 New York - such a wonderful place to live.

 Blame that on Bush?   Hey these people are so much refuse in the
 streets.but then this is what the Statute of Liberty calls for
 right?   The refuse from the shores of others..but please, no rocket
 scientists or Europeans...for America is aboute to be recycled -
 like what was that the Garden Plot?

 Think Hitler called this The Final Solution?


 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance?not soap-boxing?please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'?with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds?is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Hampshire College Condemns War in All-Community Vote

2001-12-06 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

Hampshire College Condemns War in All-Community Vote
CounterPunch Wire


The students, faculty, and staff of Hampshire College have voted to condemn
the War on Terrorism and propose alternative solutions. The vote, which was
won by a margin of 693-121 (with 11 abstaining or ambiguous votes), is
believed to the first such decision by a college community in the United
States. (A majority of the students, faculty, and staff participated in the

Our community has spoken, said Michael Sherrard, an organizer with
Hampshire Students for a Peaceful Response, which sponsored the vote and
authored the anti-war resolution. We refuse to fall into silent support for
an unjust war that kills innocents overseas, and threatens our safety and
civil liberties at home.

However, organizers were quick to defend the right to free expression of
those who disagreed with the vote.

As a diverse community of strong individuals, there are some at Hampshire
who do not support our views. Even if they are in the minority, their
opinions, and rights to free expression, must be respected. We wish that
politicians and the media would extend the same respect to those of us who
oppose this unjust war, or who happen to bear the same skin tone as Osama bin
Laden, said Donald Jackson, also a member of Students for a Peaceful

Hampshire has a precedent for trend-setting political statements. In the
early 70s, students voted for the impeachment of President Nixon. The college
was also the first to decide to divest from apartheid South Africa. With this
vote, organizers hope to make a similarly strong public statement, and build
a movement which can similarly change the course of U.S. foreign policy.

Students for a Peaceful Response is a multi-campus coalition in Western
Massachusetts formed in the wake of September 11, and active in the growing
nation-wide student movement against the war. It is organized around six
points of unity: mourning for the victims of the September 11 tragedies; a
call for the peaceful pursuit of justice, rather than war and militarism;
condemnation of religious, racial, and ethnic scapegoating and bigotry;
opposition to the curtailment of civil liberties; desire to provoke
discussion of the root causes of terrorism; and recognition of global justice
as the condition for a true and lasting peace.

Full text of the statement approved by the community:

The tragic day of September 11, and the days following, have been a time of
profound suffering for people everywhere: firefighters in New York,
secretaries in Washington D.C., and farmers in Afghanistan. One
indiscriminate act of violence has been followed by another, a pattern
seriously endangering the prospects for a just and peaceful world. In such a
time of loss, we must ask ourselves - is there a path out of this escalating
cycle of violence? Yes, we can respond to the tragedy of September 11 as a
crime against humanity, carried out by individuals, not as an act of warfare
for which a nation must be held responsible. This path would proceed within a
framework of genuine international cooperation and be designed to bring to
justice those guilty of the crime - without destroying the lives of innocent
millions. It would employ the proven tools of transparent and conclusive
investigations, diplomatic and police efforts, and fair courts of law to
achieve its goal. At home, we can meet the immediate need for effective
security through common-sense solutions that apply fairly to everyone, while
preserving our hard-won civil liberties.

Instead, the Bush administration has embarked upon a very different
path--with disastrous consequences:

The death toll of innocent Afghan civilians killed by inevitably imprecise
bombing is mounting.

The U.S. military campaign has made it impossible for international relief
organizations to deliver the food aid necessary to prevent the starvation of
millions of Afghan civilians in the winter now beginning. The token and
scattered aid efforts of the United States have been roundly criticized as
insufficient, or even counterproductive, by such organizations. A massive
humanitarian crisis remains.

While the Northern Alliance has forced the Taliban from power (certainly a
welcome development), they too possess a disturbing record of human-rights
violations, especially against women and political dissidents.

The current suffering in Afghanistan will only deepen the conditions of loss
and desperation which foster international terrorism. Even the CIA has stated
that strikes against Afghanistan are 100% certain to lead to terrorist

The recent U.S.A. P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act infringes upon everyone's First and
Fourth Amendment freedoms. Rights to privacy, speech, and association remain
as critical as ever and are, if anything, more so in times of trial.

The proposed economic stimulus package provides billions of dollars in
corporate giveaways and 

Re: [CTRL] Sharon or Arafat: Which Is the Sponsor of Terror?

2001-12-06 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

Dec. 6, 2001

Sharon or Arafat: Which Is the Sponsor of Terror?
By Alexander Cockburn

Arafat is guilty of everything here. Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon
declared on television Monday night. Arafat has made his strategic choices:
a strategy of terrorism. In sync with these fierce words, Israeli forces
launched attacks close to the Palestinian leader's house and destroyed his
helicopters, an onslaught that the US government conspicuously failed to

So, in the wake of the last suicide bomb attacks launched by Hamas, the sky
is now the limit for Israeli reprisals: the killing of Arafat, and, not so
far down the road, perhaps forced expulsion of tens of thousands of
Palestinians from the West Bank. In other words, the substitution of
untrammeled military repression by Israel's forces, and a deaf ear by the US
to all Palestinian calls for fair dealing. Write FINIS to all efforts across
the past 35 years to secure a just settlement in Israel and some measure of
satisfaction for Palestinian aspirations.

But to be honest about it, is not that exactly what militant Israelis like
Ariel Sharon have wanted all along? Can anyone claim with a straight face
that Sharon and those like him actually want a just peace that would see an
end to Israeli settlements on the West Bank, the rise of a Palestinian state
in any guise other than pathetic little Bantustans ringed by Israel's
security forces?

There are those in Israel who outlined clearly a couple of weeks ago Sharon's
plan to force matters exactly along the lines they have now taken.

Alex Fishman is the main commentator on security matters for Israel's largest
mass circulation paper, Yediot Achronot, a publication with right-of-center
politics. Fishman is known for his excellent contacts in the military. On
Sunday, November 25, Fishman issued a prediction based on the recent
assasination on November 23 by Israel's security services of the Hamas
leader, Mahmud Abu Hunud. It was featured in a box on the newspaper's front

It began, We again find ourselves preparing with dread for a new mass
terrorist attack within the Green Line [Israel's pre-'67 border]. Since
Fishman was entirely accurate in this regard, we should mark closely what he
wrote next. Whoever gave a green light to this act of liquidation knew full
well that he is thereby shattering in one blow the gentleman's agreement
between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority; under that agreement, Hamas was
to avoid in the near future suicide bombings inside the Green Line, of the
kind perpetrated at the Dolphinarium [discotheque in Tel-Aviv].

Fishman stated flatly that such an agreement did exist, even if neither the
Palestinian Authority nor Hamas would admit to it in public. It is a fact,
he continued,  that, while the security services did accumulate repeated
warnings of planned Hamas terrorist attacks within the Green Line, these did
not materialize. That cannot be attributed solely to the Shabak's impressive
success in intercepting the suicide bombers and their controllers. Rather,
the respective leaderships of the Palestinian Authority and Hamas came to the
understanding that it would be better not to play into Israel's hands by mass
attacks on its population centres.

In other words Arafat had managed to convince Hamas to curb its suicide
bombers. This understanding was shattered by the assassination of Abu Hunud.
Whoever decided upon the liquidation of Abu Hunud, Fishman continued, 
knew in advance that that would be the price. The subject was extensively
discussed both by Israel's military echelon and its political one, before it
was decided to carry out the liquidation. Now, the security bodies assume
that Hamas will embark on a concerted effort to carry out suicide bombings,
and preparations are made accordingly.

Ever since September 11 Israel's leaders followed with deep trepidation the
building of the coalition against the Taliban and Al Qaeda. The months of
studious indifference displayed by the Bush administration towards the Middle
East's crises suddenly gave way to President Bush's abrupt, post September 11
statement that he had always nourished the dream of a Palestinian state.

Consequently the prime task of the Israeli government and of its suppporters
here has been to turn back any serious pressure for accomodation with even
the most modest of Palestinian demands. In parallel the faction mustered
around deputy defense secretary Paul Wolfowitz and Defense Policy Board
chairman Richard Perle has been to push for the US to reopen direct
hostilities with Iraq and settle accounts with Saddam Hussein, once and for

The Wolfowitz-Perle group knows perfectly well that any serious new
confrontation with Saddam Hussein would probably be a prolonged and bloody
affair. There is no Northern Alliance ready and eager for US intervention in
Iraq. The Shia in the south remember well what happened in 1991 when they
rose against Saddam and 

Re: [CTRL] The Bush Betrayal, by Tibor R. Machan

2001-12-06 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/6/01 8:58:56 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 After the September 11 attacks, George W. Bush, like his father after the
  Gulf War, enjoyed enormous popularity in the USA. But he is now squandering
  this asset on bad policies and precedents. I can only hope that he will be
  punished for this. Perhaps by the time the next presidential election rolls
  around, the people will have come to realize that casting a determined
  posture against our enemies isn't the most important thing a president must

  What in the world would make anyone think there will be a next election
when there wasn't even an original election?  What could possibly prevent
Shrub from doing whatever it takes to hold the presidency by force?  Scruples?


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] BAE Crash Lands

2001-12-06 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


First the auto industry and now the commercial airline industry
... hmmm 

WSWS : News  Analysis : Europe : Britain

Britain: BAE ends production of commercial jets at cost of 1,700 jobs

By Richard Tyler
7 December 2001

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Aerospace and defence manufacturer BAE Systems is ending all
production of its short-haul commercial jets, with a loss of 1,700
jobs throughout Britain. This latest announcement comes after the
company recently cut at least 2,000 jobs in other parts of its

The decision signals the end of production of the Avro Regional Jet,
Britain’s last mass- produced commercial passenger plane. This brings
to a close nearly 50 years of commercial jet production in the UK,
where the world’s first passenger jet—the de Havilland Comet—was
launched in 1952.

The bulk of the jobs (1,000) will go at the company’s Woodford
factory, with 300 cut at Chadderton—both near Manchester—and 219 BAE
workers in Prestwick, Scotland will also be laid off. The rest of the
sackings fall at facilities at Salmesbury (140) and Filton (18) in

BAE has seen orders for its four-engine RJ jet, capable of carrying
between 85 and 100 passengers plummet to zero and has failed to find
any new customers for its modernised RJX version. BAE group finance
director George
Rose said, “It was already marginal, but September 11 pushed it over the edge”, 
adding, “We had a list of prospective customers but after September 11 they all 

Keith Hayward, research director of the Society of British Aerospace Companies 
estimates that at least 11,000 aerospace jobs have been lost in the UK recently, with 
a further 11,000 jobs destroyed at secondary manufacture
rs and suppliers. Moreover, Hayward said the jobs of some 40,000 working in the 
aerospace sector were vulnerable, if further cuts in capacity were made.

The job losses have affected all sections of the UK aerospace industry:

* engine manufacturers such as BAE and Rolls Royce

* components and systems suppliers such as TRW Aeronautical Systems, and GKN

* services companies such as FLS Aerospace, Europe’s leading aircraft maintenance 

* GE Aircraft Engine Services, which overhauls and repairs heavy jet engines

BAE chief executive John Weston said, “Since September, the trading outlook in these 
[commercial aerospace] markets has changed substantially... the outlook for the 
regional aircraft has deteriorated sharply. Regrettably
it has been concluded that our regional jet business is no longer viable in this 

Producing just 25 of the RJ and RJX regional jets a year, BAE’s output was well below 
that of its major competitors: Canada’s Bombadier (delivering 370 business and 
regional jets this year) and Brazil’s Epresa Brasileira
de Aeronautica (producing 160 aircraft). Financial analyst Howard Wheeldon said, “The 
[BAE] aircraft had been in production since about 1968 and they never made any 
significant money on it.”

Unions representing workers at the stricken factories expressed their “shock” at the 
closure decision, and organised a lobby of parliament on December 5. Far from 
mobilising BAE workers to defend their jobs, the lobby was
 only attended by union bureaucrats and some 100 shop stewards, many of whom had been 
given time off by their employers, who also paid their travel expenses.

The British union bosses are opposed to initiating a joint struggle by aerospace 
workers internationally, and particularly in the US where more than 100,000 workers in 
the airline industry alone have been laid off since S
eptember 11.

Instead, they are lining up with the employers in pleading that the government 
provides a financial rescue package for the airlines and to bring forward defence 
spending. “If we can increase military spending, companies c
an put work packages across their civil teams to ease the pressure in the short-term”, 
said Alan Robson, general secretary of the Confederation of Shipbuilding and 
Engineering Unions, who had organised the lobby.

MSF General Secretary Roger Lyons called the announcement “a wake-up call for the 
government. Our civil aerospace industry is under threat. It’s in danger of going the 
same way of our once proud motorcycle industry.”

The nationalist line of the unions was further underscored by their argument that 
without government support, Britain was in danger of falling behind its European 
aerospace competitors.

British Aerospace, rebranded as BAE Systems this year, was originally founded in 1977 
through merging the nationalised Hawker Siddeley Aviation with the British Aircraft 
Corporation (BAC).

With the ending of civilian aircraft production, BAE Systems is still left heavily 
involved in the defence industries. Half-year results to June 2001 saw over 70 percent 
of the company’s sales and profits coming from its
defence activities.

The company is the main UK contractor