[CTRL] George W. Bush: Statesman or Dog Trainer?

2002-04-16 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

George W. Bush: Statesman or Dog Trainer?

David Turnley, AlterNet April 11, 2002

President Bush, April 4: Enough is enough.

President Bush, April 6: Withdraw without delay.

President Bush, April 8: I meant what I said.

You have to give President Bush credit. Whereas politicians are known for
saying whatever it takes to win over a crowd or sway a voter, Bush's vernacular
is consistently simple, even when he's on the international stage addressing
something as complex and awful as the current Israeli/Palestinian nightmare.
That he has nothing of substance to say is beside the point. To his credit, he
uses language and tone that most of us can relate to.

Unfortunately, it's the language and tone people use when talking to their

Dogs only understand a few, oft repeated words and phrases, such as sit,
fetch and, for particularly bright canines, I meant what I said.

Dog-haters in the Middle East and Bush-haters in Europe may take Bush's
approach the same way one takes condescension from an autistic cousin. It's
cute, a little disturbing, but mostly laughable. But the fact that Bush has
addressed the issue at all -- delivered in his patented cadence of disdain,
which is usually reserved for members of the press who have the nerve to ask
questions that require thoughtful answers -- actually indicates how seriously
he takes the situation.

Bush is trying to scold and shame the combatants. If he were able, he would
probably punish them by leaving them out in the cold while the rest of us eat
dinner inside. The meal finished, he'd invite them back in, look for contrition
in their eyes, and then -- maybe -- let them lie on the couch, lesson learned.

If only being leader of the free world in a time of international crisis were
that simple.

The problems in Israel demand a president that can articulate, to both sides,
sympathy rooted in comprehension of the situation. Instead, the president is
acting as if the dogs' incessant barking has awakened him from a nap.

For the first year of his tenure, Bush was satisfied to stay on the sidelines
of the peace process while deriding his predecessor for having gotten involved
at all. Then on September 11, he was forced to acknowledge that domestic
security relies on global security. So he demanded that the world help us hunt
down terrorists. But when the Mideast section of the globe requested that we
help secure peace in the region, they were given little more than a
contemptuous pat on the head.

The recent events have prompted a change in policy, though not in heart.

Both Press Secretary Ari Fleischer and Bush himself have recently suggested
that the failings of the Clinton administration led to the current spate of
violence in Israel. Both then clarified their statements, sorta kinda saying
they didn't mean it. Few people other than the rabid Clinton-haters buy it,
since it's like blaming the steaming pile of shit in the living room on the
previous owner's Labrador.

But what really seems to bother Bush is that he had wanted to use the public
confidence gained from the success in Afghanistan to remove
Saddam Hussein, but cannot while the world is focused elsewhere. Now Saddam is
humping Bush's leg by stopping oil production for a month.
And with the current situation in Israel, Arab and Muslim countries are now
even less likely to publicly support any US action against the Iraqi

Unfortunately for Bush, the Middle East is composed of and led by people, not
dogs. Understanding and responding to their problems requires a little more
than a yank on a leash and a command.

As the carnage piles up, maybe Bush will eventually feel obliged to scamper
onto Air Force One, fly to Israel, grab Sharon and Arafat by their fat, scruffy
necks and rub their snouts in the rubble of Ramallah and Bethlehem.

But until that happens, we'll just hear more irritable but impotent remarks
from a president who expects warm and fuzzy obedience in a complicated world
full of self-interest, greed and religion.

David Turnley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is a frequent contributor to AlterNet.

If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
long as I'm the dictator.
 -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on 12/18/2000.
As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on their website

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and

[CTRL] September 11, 2001: No Surprise

2002-04-16 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

The US has the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of
Investigation, the National Security Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency,
the National Reconnaissance Office, the Secret Service, and a host of other
intelligence and security agencies. These agencies employ Echelon, which
monitors the majority of electronic communication in the world; Carnivore,
which intercepts email; Tempest, a technology that can read a computer
monitor's display from over a block away; Keyhole satellites that have a
resolution of four inches 1; and other spy technologies, probably most of which
we don't know about. In 2001, the US spent $30 billion on intelligence
gathering and an additional $12 billion on counterterrorism.2 With all of these
resources, and more, we're supposed to believe that the government didn't have
the slightest inkling that terrorists were planning to attack the United
States, much less hijack planes and send them careening into major landmarks.

As we'll see in this article, the facts just don't support the ignorance
excuse. At the very least, the success of the 911 attacks reveals gross
incompetence, criminal negligence, and general stupidity on the part of
intelligence and other aspects of the government. Remember, this is truly the
most charitable interpretation that can be given. A darker scenario - and one
that, as we shall see, is quite supportable by the facts - is that some parties
in the government knew what was about to happen but failed to act.


If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
long as I'm the dictator.
 -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on 12/18/2000.
As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on their website

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] For Or Against

2002-04-16 Thread Euphorian

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[CTRL] Which One ?

2002-04-16 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://freedom.orlingrabbe.com/lfetimes/blood_brothers.htm

To give you a hint:  It's not the one on the ten dollar bill who inspired the
American holocaust (OKA the Trail of Tears)  AER 

Brothers in Blood

Guess Which President This Is

by Russell Madden

Back when I was wee tyke usin' a bit of charcoal to scratch my lessons on a broken
piece of slate, I was set the task of learnin' all the U.S. Presidents, in order. 
twarn't near as many of those buggers then as now. A couple handfuls of fingers and
a toe or two sufficed for the job. Nowadays, I got better things to 'member, sech as
what I et for breakfast or what my name is.

Still, I had a passin' ability onect upon a time to recite out loud the names of all 
leaders of this great nation of ourn, the United States of America.

Seems, however, though, that some things were missin' from my edukation. Nothin'
critical, mind you. Just like facts and sech.

Oh, we learned stuff and all. In my advancin' years, howsomeever, I wonder where in
thunder my teachers got all that information they larded into our heads. Cain't say
most of that pile I had crammed twixt my ears had a whole lot in common with, ya
know, the truth. Still, those what seem to know better'n me (least that's what they 
me) claim there ain't no sech thing as reality or truth. Leastwise, what's real or
true varies from person to person like mules' hind legs. Whatever opinion you're
spoutin', why, no one darest criticize, oppose, or judge that fountain of verbiage
emergin' betwixt your flappin' gums.

Always wondered some, though, why they had the gall and the gumption to tell me I
was wrong to disagree . . .

Anyways, mustn't badmouth my superiors . . .

As I was asayin', those presidents were interestin' folks, least some of 'em were. So,
I thought, hey, maybe you folks'd enjoy a bit of a quizz. Nothin' too taxin'. (Hah!) 
test is easy. Entertainment, mostly.

What I'm gonna do here, ya see, is spill the beans on what happened sometime
during the terms of all those presidents I usta have memorized. All you have to do is
tell me which president I'm talkin' 'bout.

Ready? Good. I knew ya were . . .

O.K. Which president believed in, encouraged, was, or did the followin':

-- A master at logrolling.

-- A liar for political gain.

-- Made a mockery of the notion of equality before the law.

-- Said one thing for public consumption but did the opposite; a consummate

-- An orator who excelled at weasel words so he could have it both ways in order to
gain political support.

-- Blasted extremists who opposed his policies.

-- Was a lawyer who never let the truth stand in the way of a good case and a good

-- Lionized by Marxist and liberal historians and commentators who did all they
could to spin his faults into virtues.

-- Promoted a strong, centralized federal government above the governments of the
various states.

-- Ignored the Constitution without any qualms.

-- Believed in the Constitution as a living document.

-- Waged war without seeking a declaration of war from Congress.

-- Issued arbitrary presidential degrees binding on state and local governments.

-- Was not overly concerned about collateral damage, i.e., the deaths of
noncombatant men, women, and children, and the destruction of their homes and
property; such destruction was simply a fact or war.

-- Blieved noncombatant men, women, and children brought their deaths or injuries
upon themselves because of their beliefs and actions, i.e., their opposition to the 
of the federal government.

-- Believed that the military draft was justified in the interests of national 

-- Pitted blacks against whites.

-- Made many promises to blacks but actually left them worse off.

-- Believed the best way to achieve national prosperity was the creation of
government-business partnerships.

-- Thought that subsidies to business and public expenditures for internal
improvements such as roads and railroads were economically sound.

-- Imposed tariffs and quotas to protect U.S. businesses from foreign competition.

-- Promoted federal management of the money supply.

-- Defended income taxation as good for the country.

-- Used inflation of the money supply to obscure the true state of government debt.

-- Used the power of the federal government to redistribute wealth from one section
of the country to another and from one group to another.

-- Had compliant intellectuals obscure the reality of his policies in the eyes of the

-- Supported federally-funded and government-directed public education.

-- Used public education to miseducate children.

-- Made full use of political pull and favors for his supporters.

-- Granted monopolies to certain businesses.

-- Mislabeled his policies as capitalism.

-- Passed massive amounts of legislation to implement his economic and social

-- Politicized economics and made the poorer citizens he 

[CTRL] (Fwd) Inspirational Statues

2002-04-16 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

 Well, you folks have a LOT more to worry about than the addled
 Pole Pope and
the nave naif fondled flockies.  And we thought Xmas was taking things
to an overly commercial extreme; but that only has to do with a
mythical figure variously known as Santa Claus or Saint Nicholas
(Nick) or Father Christmas.  I think it's time for the Papists to fold
their tents and boogie on off to wander in the deserted wildernesses
for eternity.  Maybe Karol can lead them in their pursuit for spirtual
emptiness.  And, you know, the end times HAVE to be near with what you
can buy for just $19.95 and shipping: souvenirs of a bygone era.
Those were the days my friend; we thought they'd never end ...  The
chapels will make nice museums and libraries, though. AER Red
River Rover of the North

(PS:  Don't forget pages two and three at the linque below!!!)


Inspirational Sport Statues

Handpainted resin statues on a solid wood base are the perfect gift
for every young Catholic athlete. These statues portray Jesus actively
participating with boys and girls in a variety of sports. A wonderful
way to reinforce Jesus as friend in everyday activities. Sizes vary
from 4 3/4 to 6 1/2 inches.

Many customers have requested these statues depicting children other
than Caucasian and playing other sports; we have expressed these
requests to manufacturers and importers. When and if other statues are
available, CatholicShopper.com will carry them. End{{{


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Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not
believe simply because it has been handed down for many generations.
Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by
many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy
Scriptures. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of
Teachers, elders or wise men. Believe only after careful observation
and analysis, when you find that it agrees with reason and is
conducive to the good and benefit of one and all. Then accept it and
live up to it. The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Tales of Two Demonstrations

2002-04-16 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From www.wsws.org


WSWS : News  Analysis : Middle East

Protests in US against Israeli atrocities

By a correspondent
16 April 2002

Back to screen version| Send this link by email | Email the author

Thousands of opponents of Israel’s current military campaign against the
Palestinians rallied on April 13 in several US cities. In New York City a crowd
estimated at several thousand assembled in Manhattan’s Times Square to oppose
the Sharon government’s assault on the West Bank. The protesters waved
Palestinian flags, chanted slogans and held signs charging the Israeli prime minister
with murder.

In San Francisco hundreds of pro-Palestinian demonstrators rallied in front of the
Israeli consulate. Demonstrations were also held in Chicago and two cities in

In Ann Arbor, Michigan more than 1,200 people marched from the federal building to
City Hall to protest the continuing attack on the Palestinians. The demonstration,
consisting largely of Muslims and Arab-Americans, also included Jewish-Americans
opposed to the atrocities, as well as students, professors and local residents. It was
loud and spirited, expressing a rising tide of outrage.

Taurus Colvin, a leader of the march, told the WSWS that the situation in Palestine
and the occupied territories had gotten out of hand. “People’s lives have been taken,
homes have been demolished. People’s blood is being spilled. Kids, six-year-old girls
are being murdered, shot in the head.”

“Jenin,” he said, “is just one of a long series of attacks on the Palestinian people. 
It is
the worst of the attacks so far. We want to show our solidarity with the rest of the

Mahya, a student at the University of Michigan, also spoke to the WSWS. “I am an
Israeli Jew,” she said, “and I am out here to support my cousins.” Mahya also made
a plea to Jewish Americans: “We must oppose this and find out what is really
happening. Most of the hundreds of dead are innocent. If we say it is not right to kill
innocent civilians and then we go in and kill a whole bunch of innocent civilians, it 
hypocritical. We have to open our eyes, speak out against this and support our

One student spoke of her family’s plight, caused by the Israeli occupation. Alma, a
sixth-year student at the University of Michigan, has family in Ramallah and lives with
her husband and mother-in-law. “During the occupation, my aunt’s mother-in-law was
confined to her home without being able to leave,” Alma said. “She had no access to
a phone or electricity and it was difficult to get her food. She is 90 years old and 
unable to leave her home for 10 days.”

Khalid, an Arab-American, said, “The situation for the Palestinians in Jenin and the
camps is devastating. The situation there has reached the boiling point.”

“The military position of Sharon is creating a situation where there will be more of a
crisis in the region,” Khalid stated. “What he is doing is creating more violence in 
region. Israel needs to establish good relations with its neighboring countries rather
than rely on the US to give it more military aid.”

About 50 students, professors and others protested at Georgetown University in
Washington DC. They waved signs, chanted, “Free, free Palestine!” and denounced
US government support for Israeli aggression. Protesters posing as Israeli soldiers
“attacked” students representing Palestinians. Some 40 students joined the Muslim
Spiritual Support Network at the University of Cincinnati to protest lethal force being
used by Israelis against Palestinians.

On April 11, 20 people, including Harvard University professor Cornel West and
Rabbi Michael Lerner of Tikkun magazine, were arrested outside the State
Department in Washington after they blocked the road in protest over US support for
the policies of Sharon. West and Lerner had earlier participated in a larger rally
across the street.

In San Francisco, police made arrests on April 10 outside the Israeli consulate when
protesters locked arms and blocked the street, denouncing the Israeli military
occupation of West Bank cities and towns. The protest was sponsored by the Jewish
Voice for Peace, a group opposed to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories.

Copyright 1998-2002
World Socialist Web Site
All rights reserved


Well, we know Wiesel is on a par with Peres as far as being a Nobel laureate.
If Gephardt, Reid or Armey (this last soon to go anyway) or Pataki or any of the
others belong to you, I hope you're making sure they're heads are being kept out of
Bubu's behind.  AER 

Wolfowitz Booed at Pro-Israel Rally
Mon Apr 15, 3:14 PM ET

By JIM ABRAMS, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - A top administration official was interrupted and booed Monday
when he told thousands of people gathered at the Capitol for a pro-Israel rally that

[CTRL] U.S. Aerospace Vehicle Where ?

2002-04-16 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,3604,685189,00.html

After the coup, Venezuelan president ponders mystery of American plane

Reuters in Caracas
Tuesday April 16, 2002
The Guardian

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said yesterday he would investigate the
mysterious presence of a US plane at the island prison where he was briefly detained
during last week's abortive military coup.

The military high command took Mr Chavez and demanded his resignation last
Friday, blaming him for the deaths of at least 11 unarmed protesters killed during a
massive anti-government demonstration on Thursday.

But power slipped from the inexperienced grasp of a newly appointed civilian
government over the weekend as Chavez supporters demanded his return and army
units came out in favour of the colourful president.

Mr Chavez said he was fascinated by the presence of a plane with US markings on
the Venezuelan Caribbean island of Orchila where he was held after Friday's coup.
At the time the military were trying to persuade him to resign and fly into foreign 

I saw the plane. It bore the markings of a private plane from the United States, not
an official plane. This is being investigated. What was it doing there? Mr Chavez
asked at a news conference.

But Mr Chavez, who was democratically elected in 1998, said he was prepared to
give Washington the benefit of the doubt over its ambiguous statements appearing to
welcome his shortlived downfall.

I think they were victims of misinformation, he said, adding that he guaranteed no
interruption of Venezuelan oil supplies to the US.

American officials made it known they were not unhappy to see the back of Mr
Chavez, a close friend of Cuba's Fidel Castro who is fond of anti-American rhetoric.
They greeted his swift return to the helm of the world's fourth-largest oil exporter 

A US state department spokesman, Philip Reeker, said yesterday: We want to see
a return to democracy.

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2002


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Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] GOP Cops Out on Shrub

2002-04-16 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.townhall.com/columnists/robertnovak/printrn20020415.shtml


Robert Novak (back to story)

April 15, 2002

The GOP for Sharon

WASHINGTON -- Conservative sage William J. Bennett, blunt as ever, last Thursday
said publicly what elected Republican officials say privately. President Bush's new
Middle East peace initiative, said Bennett, is making very angry ... his entire 
base. A firestorm is starting to build -- a firestorm of criticism. That defined the
political threat to the president for seeking peace between Israel and the

The transcript of Bennett's remarks (in his new role as a CNN contributor) was
perused, but not officially commented on, by senior aides at the White House. They
are concerned. Bennett may have exaggerated a little, but not much. I telephoned
several prominent Republican conservatives, some of them elected officials, who
were in unanimous agreement with Bennett while declining to go public.

The implications for George W. Bush are horrendous. From his first day in office, he
has tried to avoid his father's alienation of the conservative Republican base.
Nevertheless, his aides tell me, the president intends to proceed with peacemaking
even if it means undermining his political game plan. It does cause Bush to tread
carefully, however.

That reality is appreciated in Israel. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has been able to
brush off, with impunity, U.S. demands for military withdrawal without delay from
the Palestinian territories. When Sharon refused at their meeting Friday to give Colin
Powell any timetable for ending the military offensive, the secretary of state did not
publicly insist. Sharon has called Washington's bluff.

Congressional criticism of the Bush peace initiative has publicly come from the usual
suspects -- partisan Democrats with large Jewish constituencies, such as Sen.
Charles Schumer of New York. (We're telling Israel, which is simply trying to defend
herself, to pull back,  Schumer complained last week.) Bush doesn't worry about the
Chuck Schumers. What bothers the White House are the Bill Bennetts.

Bennett represents gradual but accelerating escalation of support for Israel from the
Republican Party's dominant conservative wing, especially from the Christian
religious right. When 46 years ago a Republican president in the midst of his re-
election campaign took a tough stand against the Israeli attack on Egypt, Dwight D.
Eisenhower did not have to worry about his party's base. Conservatives then tilted
toward the Arabs. The move by the American right, overwhelmingly non-Jewish,
toward Israel has intensified over the last 10 years.

Some Israeli policies are more popular with Republican conservatives than others.
The Oslo agreement and the former Prime Minister Ehud Barak's failed peace
initiative are not. Sharon's Bismarckian policy of settling the Palestinian question 
blood and iron are.

Even more popular than Sharon is former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who
was lionized by Republican lawmakers in Washington last week during an apparent
campaign trip to get his old job back. Netanyahu is even tougher than Sharon in his
stated intent to bring peace by destroying the Palestinian Authority and exiling Yasser
Arafat. When Netanyahu pleaded with Republican senators not to pressure Israel
to stop defending itself in an implicit criticism of Bush, no senator spoke in defense 
the president.

Nor did White House spokesman Ari Fleischer question the propriety of Netanyahu's
electioneering on Capitol Hill. Instead, Fleischer -- echoing what senior aides are
saying -- contradicted reality and what Sharon himself told Powell by insisting that 
Israelis really are obeying the president's demand, however slowly. In a calculated
White House hedge, Fleischer stressed that Powell's Israeli-opposed meeting with
Arafat was the secretary of state's idea, not the president's.

Since hedging won't get Bill Bennett back on the president's side, Bush might
consider the words of a distinguished Israeli Knesset member: former Justice
Minister Yossi Beilin. In a PBS interview Thursday, he asserted this operation has
cost us a lot, not only in our international image, which has deteriorated, but I 
that mainly we increased ambitions on the Palestinian side to take revenge, and we
increased the hatred toward us. Beilin also called the Palestinians not a group of
terrorists like al Qaida but a big nation with several millions of people who long 
chose Arafat as their leader.

Middle East specialists at the State Department agree with Beilin. For President
Bush to publicly concur would feed Bennett's firestorm.

Contact Robert Novak | Read his biography

©2002 Creators Syndicate, Inc.




Forwarded as 

[CTRL] Feds Link Anti-Terrorism Databases

2002-04-16 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-


Feds Link Anti-Terrorism Databases

Story Filed: Friday, April 12, 2002 10:18 AM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Attorney General John Ashcroft ordered federal agencies
Thursday to link the databases of local and federal law enforcers with
foreign intelligence sources to lower bureaucratic barriers and rivalries
that could stand in the way of fighting terrorism.

``Information is the best friend of prevention,'' Ashcroft said in a
statement accompanying the directive. ``To meet this continuing threat, law
enforcement officials at all levels -- federal, state and local -- must work

Justice Department officials said the order was designed to form something
of a link between domestic and international law enforcement agencies.

Ideally, a local police officer making a traffic stop would key in the
driver's name and receive database information about whether the driver is a
known or suspected terrorist, possible aliases and instructions on how to
handle the situation, officials said. Other law enforcement officials, such
as border guards, also would be able to access the information.

The database would be created from State Department, FBI and Immigration and
Naturalization Service files on the identities and aliases of thousands of
known or suspected terrorists, both foreign and domestic, officials said.
Much of the information is from intelligence gathered on individuals
connected to the 31 foreign terrorist organizations listed by the State

An agency head, however, can choose to withhold a name from the database to
protect national security, Justice Department officials said.

The information-sharing could be completed within weeks, because some of it
already has been shifted between agencies.

Civil libertarians have objected to some of the Justice Department's
counterterror measures, saying they go too far toward suppressing personal

In response to the agencies' own analyses, the Justice Department directed
them to take several steps to better share intelligence and other
information. The steps include:

--Adding terrorist information in law enforcement databases. The government
maintains several databases that provide real-time information to diplomats
and law enforcement personnel. The order directs that more information be
shared among them, including the names, photographs, and other information
about known terrorists to prevent them from entering the country. The
information will be shared among databases maintained by the State
Department, the FBI and U.S. Customs Service, according to the Justice

--Sharing more foreign terrorist information among nations. Ashcroft
directed the FBI, through legal attaches, to establish procedures to obtain
on a regular basis identifying information on terrorists known to other
countries. In addition, the FBI and the Defense Department must gather on a
regular basis to share information on terrorists known to the military

--Establish a secure system for sharing information with state and local
agencies. Ashcroft directed Justice Department officials to develop a secure
but unclassified web-based system to enable local, state and federal users
to post and retrieve information on counterterrorism that is now only
accessible to federal officials with appropriate clearance.

Copyright © 2002 Associated Press Information Services, all rights reserved.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] (Fwd) Reese: Language Of The Middle East

2002-04-16 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

From http://reese.king-online.com/Reese_20020415/index.php

 Recently, one of the Fox Network's foxy blondes belligerently
 demanded of a Palestinian spokesman why Yasser Arafat had not made a
 speech in Arabic demanding an end to terror.

You know?  This Torques my bolts considering John Gibson harangued the
Palestinian guest about this same issue.  As a result, I sent you a
copy of news story that stated the same things.  Let's put it this
way: This is NOT our fight.  I haven't seen nor heard any reportage
about Gephardt and Armey and Reid out there with their pom-poms for
Netanyuhu when the United States is supposed to be a mediator.  And I
hope the Kansans give ol' Dick a hat to keep the sun off his head just
before they unelect him and the same goes for Reid.  Armey is on his
way out, anyway. Then I haven't heard that Wolfowitz has been fired
yet for violating his bosses' positions for leading the cheers.  And
then there's Albert Jr; the fellow who didn't have the gumption to
tell Bill Jeff to either quit or accept his (A Jr's) resignation
during BJ's rank amateur roue' expose' scandal.  Now he's out there
sniping at W for trying to even-handedly deal with the Democrats'
payback for Flouridia.  This Mid East thing can be tied directly to
their having been aced out.  They're acting completely unAMERICAN and
should be exposed as such.

With the positions these leaders are taking, it'll be no wonder that
Sharon finally gets to go to the ICC (with Netanyuhu right on his
heels as a co-conspirator) come July.  These idolisers of the Reformed
Terrorist (Peace) Prize winner Begin will undoubtedly bring
Armageddon to that part of the world.

Red River Rover of the North

For Monday, April 15, 2002

Language Of The Middle East

Many Americans are confused and misled about the facts of the Middle
East because they don't understand the language of Israeli propaganda.

A terrorist is any Palestinian who wants to end the Israeli
occupation. A militant is anyone the Israelis kill. If they shoot you,
you are, by definition, a militant, even if you're only 6 months old
or 10 years old or 80 years old. The Israelis never kill anybody but
militants, so all of the more than 70 Palestinian children 15 and
younger shot dead by Israeli soldiers are militants. Most civilized
countries don't think militancy is a capital offense.

Unfortunately, members of the press often adopt the language of
propaganda. They report that the Israelis have killed 20 militants. In
fact, they don't know that. They themselves have never seen the 20
dead people. For all they know, they might be Palestinian nuns or
pacifists. A good reporter will just report what he knows: The
Israelis say they have killed 20 Palestinians.

Recently, one of the Fox Network's foxy blondes belligerently demanded
of a Palestinian spokesman why Yasser Arafat had not made a speech in
Arabic demanding an end to terror. When the Palestinian finally got a
chance to talk, he told her what everybody who follows the Middle East
already knows: Arafat has condemned terrorism in speeches made in
Arabic. The spokesman even gave the blond cutie two specific dates and

But what's important to us, as consumers of this bilge on television,
is this: I think it is a most safe assumption that the lady,
ordinarily quite pleasant and giggly, does not speak Arabic, does not
understand spoken Arabic and does not monitor radio and television
broadcasts in Arabic. So the question is, how would she know whether
Arafat had ever made a speech in Arabic on any subject? The answer is
that she doesn't, yet she adamantly and obnoxiously asserted that he
had not condemned suicide bombings in Arabic. Where did she get that
information? From Israeli propaganda.

It could be that these younger folks who are in-studio types are just
naive. Perhaps I can help them. All governments lie. Some governments
lie on some occasions, some lie on many occasions, and some lie on all
occasions. The Israeli government is a world-class liar. You can count
on almost anything it says as being all false, or partly true and
partly false, or true but out of context.

The members of the Israeli government are also the most self-centered
people on earth. To them it is unacceptable for any Israeli to die,
but perfectly OK if any number of Palestinians die. How little value
they place on Palestinian life is illustrated by a sentence an Israeli
court gave a Jewish settler. His sentence was a fine and community
service. What was his crime? He had knocked down a 10- year-old
Palestinian boy, put his booted foot on the child's neck and beaten
him to death with the butt of his military pistol. But as one of the
right-wing rabbis is now saying openly, a Jewish life is more valuable
than a gentile life.

President Bush, perhaps the most naive American, wants everyone to
call suicide bombers murderers. I won't. They are martyrs. Those young

[CTRL] ECTV/Breaking News - Earth Directed Coronal Mass Ejection Alert...04/16/02

2002-04-16 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

(You can see the comet on SOHO now. If I was a bookie I would take bets on
whether it will hit the sun. I'll give it 2/1 it survives. (see SOHO C3
http://lasco-www.nrl.navy.mil/rtmovies.html )
BTW, could the unannounced HAARP transmission last night contributed to the
storm that hit Nevada today described by Art Bell tonight? --SW)

--- Forwarded message follows ---

Earth Directed Coronal Mass Ejection Alert...04/16/02
by Mitch Battros (ECTV)

NASA has just published a geo-magnetic storm alert. A full halo CME
(coronal mass ejection) was unleashed yesterday afternoon which is
determined to be Earth directed. NASA has declined response as to why
we are witness to such severe solar activity, which is now 1 1/2 years
past the predicted Cycle 23 maximum.

Watch for M-Class and X-Class flares to continue most likely from Region
9906 sunspot group. Currently a M-Class flare has been reported. More
are expected to follow. Watch for freak storms and record breaking
temperatures to occur. On a lighter side, we should see a beautiful
performance of the Nothern Lights tonight.

NOAA's current announcement... Global Temperature For March Warmest On

Arctic air brought in by the jet stream in March kept temperatures
relatively low throughout the United States, making it the first
cooler-than-average month since March 2001. However, it was the warmest
March for the globe since reliable records began in 1880, according to
NOAA scientists.

Sunspots = Solar Flares = Magnetic Shift = Shifting Ocean and Jet
Stream Currents = Extreme Weather and Human Disruption (mitch battros)

New Comet Discovered... It is named SOHO-422, discovered just last
week by an amateur astronomer, is heading for our Sun. The icy comet
will pass a mere 0.08 AU from the Sun on April 17th. Coronagraphs on
board the SOHO satellite are recording the event. This will be one in an
apparent sharp increased number of comets captured by the SOHO
satellite.  Comet SOHO-422 will hit or graze the Sun on April 17th.

Thought For The Day

When we talk about forces with shifting charges (humans) we are, in
fact, talking about forces acting on charges which are moving in a
magnetic field; this is known as the Lorentz force.

Mitch Battros

Herbal Magnetic Therapies of America

Research has now confirmed the wisdom of ancient text in relation to the
Sun-Earth Connection. When solar activity hits our Earth’s magnetic
field, it in turn has a direct effect on human behavior and anatomy. Now
we have uncovered the secret to maintaining health and well being during
our current times of unprecedented solar magnetic activity and its
effect on human tissue, blood flow, and brain wave activity. ~
Revolutionary Transdermal Magnetics With Traditional Chinese Herbs ~

ECTV One Year Subscription: http://www.earthchangestv.com/subscribe.htm

Mitch Battros
Producer - Earth Changes TV

--- End of forwarded message ---
If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
long as I'm the dictator.
 -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on 12/18/2000.
As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on their website

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2002-04-16 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.chroniclesmagazine.org/News/Trifkovic/NewsST041202.htm

Friday, April 12, 2002

by Srdja Trifkovic

It seemed as if George Bush had been sleepwalking for weeks on end, mesmerized
by some neocon spell, and finally woke up on April 4, to the undisguised shock and
horror of his handlers. After weeks of kowtowing to Prime Minister Sharon’s doomed
policy of “solving” the Palestinian question by military means and doing nothing, last
Thursday Mr. Bush suddenly declared that Israel had to end its occupation of
Palestinian cities–Ramallah included, where Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat has
been besieged at his headquarters for over a week–and to stop building Jewish
settlements. The President also condemned “innocent Palestinians’ daily humiliation”
and asserted the Palestinians’ right to statehood. Speaking in the Rose Garden he
further said that “the storms of violence cannot go on” and declared, “Enough is

Mr. Bush quite properly also asserted Israel’s right to exist and defend itself, and
criticized Mr. Arafat for failing to prevent the recent wave of suicide bombers, saying
that “[t]he situation in which he finds himself today is largely of his own making… He
has missed his opportunities and thereby betrayed the hopes of his people.”
Nevertheless, after days of mounting international criticism of his apparently
immutable pro-Israeli stand as violence spread and escalated, Mr. Bush’s statement
was a breath of fresh air.

Secretary of State Colin Powell will travel to the area to pick up the pieces left 
over by
General Anthony Zinni, Washington’s failed special envoy. He will have to convey to
Sharon that Israel is a small foreign country, albeit friendly and emotionally 
close to some 2.5 percent of Americans, and that U.S. policy in the region will be
conducted accordingly. He will have to tell Arafat that unless he stops being a would-
be statesman one day and a “freedom fighter” the next the United States will look for
his replacement among his less compromised top aides. There is no shortage of
candidates for succession, and several would be better able to strike the right
balance between defying Sharon’s irrational, self-defeating policies and imposing
discipline and authority in the Palestinian camp.

The fact that he is now criticized by both sides in the Middle East indicates that Mr.
Bush is finally doing something right. In Israel editorials expressed predictable
resentment of President Bush’s demand that the IDF incursions be reversed. The
Jerusalem Post bristled at the “rank paternalism” of his remarks about “distinguishing
between the terrorists and ordinary Palestinians,” and other papers fretted that IDF
withdrawals would presage a “victory” for Arafat. The Arabs, for their part, were
offended by the president’s heightened criticism of PA leader Arafat’s passivity in
fighting terrorism. Many likewise fumed that Bush had “overlooked” the death and
destruction in the territories caused by the Israeli military offensive.

In Europe the reaction to the President’s retreat from the neocon trance was
invariably hailed as a rare piece of good news in the gloomy Middle Eastern
landscape. “Finally!” proclaimed a Paris daily, “Engagement at Last” headlined a
London paper. Nearly all media let out a collective sigh of relief that “America has
spoken with a strong and decisive voice” and acknowledged its unique responsibility
to broker an end to the violence. Bush’s speech was welcomed in Europe as a
turning point, marking a shift from what had been widely criticized as an irresponsible
wait-and-see approach. It was politely acknowledged but not over- emphasized that
European pressure contributed to Mr. Bush’s “turnaround.”

In the first few weeks after September 11 President Bush had wisely avoided
neoconservative pressure to broaden the war and to use terror as a pretext for the
final showdown with Saddam Hussein and indeed any other regional player disliked
in Israel. In the first few months in this year the pendulum apparently swung to the
other side, most notably with the President’s awful State of the Union address that
seemed to herald a new era of unrestrained, brazenly triumphalist global imperialism
of the worst neocon kind. Right now it is to be hoped that we are witnessing the re-
birth of the “real” George W. Bush, who understands the need for the United States
to reject the permanent bias in Middle Eastern affairs that breeds anti-Americanism
and Islamic fundamentalism. As an oilman he understands that it is vitally important
to the United States to have permanent access to secure and affordable sources of
energy; as a down-to-earth pragmatist he should come to see that it is not vitally
important to the U.S. who rules the Temple Mount.

The neocons now feel betrayed and may yet turn nasty, but it does not matter. They
can and should be challenged. In the past one could be forgiven for 

[CTRL] Israel 'usurping Arab water resources'

2002-04-16 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


Israel 'usurping Arab water resources'

Abu Dhabi |By Nissar Hoath | 15-04-2002

A two-day international conference began here yesterday  to discuss water
resources and how to meet future challenges.

Dubbed Challenges and Future of Water Resources in the Middle East, the
conference kicked off at the Zayed Centre for Coordination and Follow-Up,
under the sponsorship of Deputy Prime Minister Sheikh Sultan bin Zayed Al
Nahyan, who is also the chairman of the Centre.

Mohammed Khalifa Al Murar, executive director of the Centre, stressed the
depleting water supply in the region, saying he welcomes recommendations
from participants on how to remedy this situation.

Ali Sha'ath, Under-secretary at the Planning and International Cooperation
Ministry of Palestine State, presented in absentia a paper dealing with the
Palestinian struggle to augment water resources.

Titled Palestine Waters: A Struggle for the Overground and Underground
Water, Sha'ath's paper said that Israel has not only occupied the Arab land,
but also seized their water supply and other natural resources.

Israel is also desperate to deplete and destroy such resources, although
they are very scarce, Sha'ath said, noting that Israel has started
destroying a number of water wells since September 2000.

Sha'ath stressed that 85 per cent, or 483 million cubic metres, of
underground water in the West Bank is being exploited by the Israelis.

Israel also draws 50 million cubic metres of water from Gaza Strip, he
said, adding that this covers 25 per cent of Israel's water consumption.

He said Israel has also been exploiting the water resource of the Jordan
river at a much higher degree than that allowed by the Johnston Plan.

He said the Palestinian Authority has been struggling to win rights over
these water resources, as provided for in the Fourth Geneva Convention which
states that the use of water by the occupier is illegal.

The conference observed a minute of silence before it started, to praise and
express gratitude to the martyrs of Palestine who have lost their lives in
the Israeli attacks.

Al Murar said that Amnesty International has come out with a report
condemning all types of atrocities against the Palestinians.

The report, he added, described such dastardly act as group punishment,
indicating that if such an action had been committed in any country other
than Israel, it would have already been referred to an international

Dr Mona Mustafa Al Qadi, a representative from Egypt, offered some insights
on the water crisis in the Arab world while Professor Ilyas Salama of Jordan
University highlighted the water resources in Arab countries.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] UN rights body condemns Israel for 'mass killings'

2002-04-16 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


UN rights body condemns Israel for 'mass killings'

Filed at 9:19 a.m. ET

GENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations top human rights
body condemned Israel on Monday for ``mass killings''
of Palestinians and demanded it end its military
offensive in the occupied territories.

The annual session of the Geneva-based Commission on
Human Rights approved a resolution from Arab and
Muslim states that blasted Israel for ``gross
violations'' of humanitarian law and affirmed the
``legitimate right of Palestinian people to resist.''

The motion, backed by some European Union states
including France, expressed grave concern at ``the
killing of men, women and children'' in West Bank
refugee camps, among them Jenin where Palestinians
accuse Israeli troops of massacring Palestinian women
and children as well as fighters.

But it made no mention of particular incidents when
referring to ``acts of mass killings perpetrated by
the Israeli occupying authorities.''

Israel says around 70 Palestinian militants were
killed in the camp, which saw some of the fiercest
fighting of its 17-day incursion into Palestinian
controlled areas -- billed as a drive against suicide

But Israel's reluctance to let aid workers into Jenin
and other camps has stirred suspicions and triggered
protests from humanitarian groups.

The Jewish state has also not yet given the green
light for a special mission of inquiry, which the
Commission asked U.N. High Commissioner for Human
Rights Mary Robinson to lead, to visit the region.

The 53-state Commission passed the motion by 40 votes
to five, with seven states abstaining and one member
not present for the ballot which came as Secretary of
State Colin Powell pursued his bid to negotiate a
cease-fire in the conflict.

Britain and Germany voted against, while Italy
abstained. Canada, Guatemala and the Czech Republic
also voted no.


Explaining their decisions, the British, German and
Italian delegations said that the text was not
balanced and did not speak out clearly enough against
``terrorist'' acts such as suicide bombings by
Palestinian militants against Israeli civilian

``Germany remains deeply concerned at the extremely
serious human rights and humanitarian situation in the
occupied territories,'' German ambassador Walter
Lewalter said, adding that it backed calls for an
immediate Israeli military withdrawal.

But he said Germany could not back the resolution
because ''the text contains formulations that might be
interpreted as an endorsement of violence.''

Diplomats had indicated on Friday that the motion
would get significant European support after Arab and
Muslim states softened some of the language, removing
references to Israel committing acts of ``state
terrorism'' and to the Palestinians' right to use
``any means'' to fight military occupation.

``It is just window dressing,'' said Israel's
ambassador Yaakov Levy. ``Not only does it not condemn
it (suicide bombings), it gives them a license to
continue this policy of terrorism. That's why it is so

Israel, which has been denied the support of the
United States in the forum after Washington lost its
seat on the Commission last year, is routinely
criticized at the annual Commission sessions for its
treatment of Palestinians.

But last year, EU states all abstained when the
Commission voted to accuse Israel of using
``disproportionate'' force in the occupied territories
and deplored its carrying out of ''extra-judicial''
killings of militant Palestinians.

At least 1,272 Palestinians and 452 Israelis have been
killed since a Palestinian revolt against Israeli
occupation began in September 2000 after peace talks

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Survivors of Jenin Massacre Creep Home to See Destruction

2002-04-16 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


The Independent (London)
April 15, 2002

Survivors of Jenin Massacre Creep Home to See Destruction

By Phil Reeves, outside Jenin refugee camp

   A giant Israeli military bulldozer, mounted with a machine-gun, was
crashing through her neighbour's house, reducing it to dust, close to
the edge of the killing fields of Jenin refugee camp.

   We had arrived in time to see 65-year-old Rashida Raji Ahmed's trauma
as she examined what was left of her house after an 11-day invasion by
the Israeli army into Jenin, which has left hundreds dead and injured.

   The Palestinians and international humanitarian organisations were
still trying yesterday to establish how many people had been killed; how
many were still lyingwounded, and how many were buried beneath the rubble.
Rashida wanted to see her home.  She had crept back, for the first time
in days.

   She was crying uncontrollably when we arrived at her door.  The
upper floor of her home had been destroyed by a rocket, and chewed up
by machine-gun bullets, like many other homes in the area.  The house
had then been taken over by the armed forces as a sniper's nest.

   Her misery was one small part of the misery of Jenin that continued
yesterday.  Israel again barred Red Cross and United Nations ambulances
and aid lorries from entering the camp, as it continued systematically
to cover up the atrocities under the nose of Colin Powell, the visiting
US Secretary of State.

   And the stories of the death and destruction inside the camp of 15,000
also continued. Palestinians, ecstatic at the arrival into the no-go area
of foreign journalists to whom they could tell their stories, described
how camp residents had leapt from window to window to escape the advancing
bulldozers; how some, equipped with mobile phones, had survived beneath
the rubble; how some people had been cut in half by tanks.

   The reports were, of course, impossible to verify, and will be denied
by the Israeli army, which says that no atrocities have occurred, and
that the dead were terrorists killed in fighting. But the horror stories
keep on coming, rising steadily from the camp, like the fine haze of dust
that hung over its ruins yesterday as the bulldozers continued their work.

   One week ago, nine Palestinian policemen had been bound hand and foot,
stripped to their underpants, and executed against a wall, said Mai Ziyad,
a 21-year-old student. The relatives, who had been forced to watch, had
come to her house deeply distraught. She could remember several names, the
Abu Jamda and Abu Hjab families had both lost men. The wives and children
of those who were killed were here. They told us all about it, she said,
as we hid in a courtyard with an Israeli Merkava tank passing close by.

   They say that only a few hundred people were killed in there, but
we think it was far more. The noise was enormous. The soldiers were
all around us.

   According to the Jenin municipality authorities, two-thirds of
the homes have either been flattened or rendered uninhabitable. Adnan
al-Sabah, their spokesman, said there were about 5,000 people still
inside the camp, surrounded by tanks and snipers.  Many are still
under the houses. We have seen a few bodies, one burnt inside a house,
some buried in rubble, and one lying on the floor with his hands tied.
But we still do not know how many were killed.

  One woman cradled her dead son in her arms all night. Their children
kept on coming up to their father and trying to wake him up, asking for
food and milk.  His version of the execution story differed slightly:
seven had been executed.

   Residents around the edge of the camp say their water supplies were
running out. In al-Razi Hospital, Dr Mahmoud Abu Eslieh said the staff
had taken about 15 calls from worried mothers saying that they had been
feeding their babies powdered milk mixed with sewage water.

   Inside his hospital, Ali Abu Sariah, 42, who said he was a teacher,
was lying in bed with a bullet in his left leg.

   He said the Israeli forces used him as a human shield to go
house-to-house through the camp, ahead of an Israeli patrol. They ran
into another patrol, which shot him in the leg, he said. They left me
on the ground, bleeding.

   He said that he had spent five days in houses, still injured, before
he was carried to the hospital on a ladder.  Half of the camp has been
flattened.  I am not talking about bullets and rockets.  It is totally
destroyed and they have driven a highway through it. Alleyways that were
three metres wide are now 20 metres wide.

   We pressed him for more, warning of the importance of not exaggerating
but getting it right.  He did not waver for a second.  The bodies will
tell you if we are lying or not, he said quietly.




[CTRL] Bush Welcomes Big Pro-Israel Rally

2002-04-16 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


16 April 2002 / 3 Safar 1423

Bush welcomes big pro-Israel rally

By Barbara Ferguson, Arab News Correspondent

WASHINGTON, 16 April — Tens of thousands of demonstrators, encouraged by a
message from President George W. Bush, chanted and cheered solidarity with
Israel at the US Capitol yesterday, equating the military onslaught on
Palestinian militants with Bush’s war on terrorism.

The rally, held as US Secretary of State Colin Powell struggled to mediate
between the historic enemies and secure a cease-fire after months of
violence, heard emotional speeches from US and Israeli politicians and
Jewish activists.

Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, representing Bush, told the crowd
the president “wants you to know that he stands in solidarity with you. We
stand with you in this time of trial.”

Wolfowitz, a staunch advocate for Israel, was interrupted and booed when he
said Palestinians have also been victims of Mideast violence.

“Israelis are not the only victims of violence in the Middle East. Innocent
Palestinians are suffering and dying in great numbers as well,” he said. “It
is critical that we recognize and acknowledge that fact.”

But he added that Palestinians “must also recognize another fact — that
suicide bombers are the single greatest obstacle to ending their suffering
and to realizing the Palestinian state that the whole world is prepared to

He said since Sept. 11 the United States had one more thing in common with
Israelis: Americans now know what it is like to be attacked by suicide
bombers and why it is essential to fight terrorism.

Wolfowitz, the second-ranked official at the Pentagon, was one of dozens of
speakers at the massive gathering. Hours after the rally began, people
continued to stream. They came in on charter planes from New York, Los
Angeles, Miami and Boston.

Jewish groups also brought in more than 1,200 busloads of supporters from
more than 15 states and Canada to gather in the warm sunshine on the west
side of the Capitol.

“What is surprising to us is the widespread response we received,” said
Mortimer Zuckerman, chairman of the Conference of Presidents of US Jewish
Organizations, and editor-in-chief of US News  World Report.

“This rally is to show the president our support of his Mideast policy and
to show our support for Israel in defense of its citizens in the wake of
Palestinian terrorist attacks over the past year and a half.”

Other speakers, including former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,
former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel, AFL-CIO
president John Sweeney, and members of Congress, who all drew the link with
the hijack airliner attacks on America.

Netanyahu, a hard-liner seen as a prospective challenger for the premiership
in elections next year, declared: “Israel and the United States are today
fighting the same battle, waging the same war, confronting the same evil.”

“The people of Israel will see today that we stand with them at this
difficult time when so many have been victims of terrorist outrages
including scores of suicide bombings. Jews and non-Jews who care about
Israel and the global fight against terrorism stood together in Washington
and let their voices be heard,” said United Jewish Communities Chairman
James Tisch.

Most of the speakers conveyed similar messages: “We can’t expect Israel to
stand idle while its citizens are being slaughtered,” said Sen. Harry Reid
of Nevada, the Senate’s No. 2 Democrat.

House Republican leader Richard Armey of Texas said: “We reject any theory
of moral equivalence that would compare a homicide bomber with her victim,
that confuses an act of self defense with the act of terror that provoked

“Terrorism must not be supported, condoned, or rewarded as we work for a
resolution to this conflict,” added House Democratic leader Richard Gephardt
of Missouri.

Desperate attempt

The Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) issued a
statement calling the rally “a desperate attempt to put positive spin on
(Israel’s) brutal occupation of another people.”

Council Director Nihad Awad said the rally would not convince ordinary
Americans that complicity in Israel's denial of Palestinian rights is
anything but a strategic liability.

Powell’s mission came amid Israel’s 17-day offensive in the West Bank and a
string of deadly Palestinian suicide bombings. His meetings with Prime
Minister Ariel Sharon and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat have yielded
little progress.

Bush has declined to label Arafat a terrorist, citing his participation in
the Middle East process after the Palestinian leader signed the historic
1993 Oslo peace accords.

Observers say Bush will be unable to ignore the message from yesterday’s
rally. With elections in November in both the House and Senate, his main
supporters are said to be conservative pro-Israel Jews and right-wing
Southern Christian groups.


Re: [CTRL] Survivors of Jenin Massacre Creep Home to See Destruction

2002-04-16 Thread Xxx Yyy

-Caveat Lector-

The questions remain.  Did it occur as the Palestinians said it did or as the
Israelis said it did?  Why Jenin and not other places?  Had the people people
of Jenin stood by and let atrocities be committed in their name?  Evil exacts
a high price from those who are seduced by it whether Palestinians or
Israelis.  It stomps on the faces of those who let it happen.  The full
picture is not in our hands but in the hands of another.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Democrat Implies Sept. 11 Administration Plot

2002-04-16 Thread Ed Raymond

-Caveat Lector-

Maybe the paramedics hospitals  and firemen in NY were in on the
conspiracy also. Look at all the extra work they got...

Nothing better to do than throw more money at an Investigative committee

They were really effective at Oaklahoma, and how about JFK...

Samantha L. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

-Caveat Lector-

Yeah McKinney


By Juliet Eilperin
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, April 12, 2002; Page A16


Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-Ga.) is calling for an investigation into whether
President Bush and other government officials had advance notice of terrorist
attacks on Sept. 11 but did nothing to prevent them. She added that persons
close to this administration are poised to make huge profits off America's
new war.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Ed Raymond

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convenience of buying online with Shop@Netscape! http://shopnow.netscape.com/

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] U.S. Organized Coup of Venezuela Fails

2002-04-16 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


Venezuela: Not a Banana-Oil Republic after All

Gregory Wilpert

The Counter-Coup

It looks like Venezuela is not just another banana-oil republic after
all. Many here feared that with the April 11 coup attempt against
President Hugo Chavez, Venezuela was being degraded to being just
another country that is forced to bend to the powerful will of the
United States. The successful counter-coup of April 14, though, which
reinstated Chavez, proved that Venezuela is a tougher cookie than the
coup planners thought.

The coup leaders against President Chavez made two fundamental
miscalculations. First, they started having delusions of grandeur,
believing that the support for their coup was so complete that they
could simply ignore the other members of their coup coalition and place
only their own in the new government. The labor union federation CTV,
which saw itself as one of the main actors of the opposition movement to
President Chavez, and nearly all moderate opposition parties were
excluded from the new democratic unity cabinet. The new transition
cabinet ended up including only the most conservative elements of
Venezuelan society. They then proceeded to dissolve the legislature, the
Supreme Court, the attorney general's office, the national electoral
commission, and the state governorships, among others. Next, they
decreed that the 1999 constitution, which had been written by a
constitutional assembly and ratified by vote, following the procedures
outlined in the pervious constitution, was to be suspended. The new
transition president would thus rule by decree until next year, when new
elections would be called. Generally, this type of regime fits the
textbook definition of dictatorship.

This first miscalculation led to several generals' protest against the
new regime, perhaps under pressure from the excluded sectors of the
opposition, or perhaps out of a genuine sense of remorse, and resulted
in their call for changes to the sweeping democratic transition
decree, lest they withdraw their support from the new government.
Transition President Pedro Carmona, the chair of Venezuela's largest
chamber of commerce, immediately agreed to reinstate the Assembly and to
the rest of the generals' demands.

The second miscalculation was the belief that Chavez was hopelessly
unpopular in the population and among the military and that no one
except Cuba and Colombia's guerilla, the FARC, would regret Chavez'
departure. Following the initial shock and demoralization which the coup
caused among Chavez-supporters, this second miscalculation led to major
upheavals and riots in Caracas' sprawling slums, which make up nearly
half of the city. In practically all of the barrios of Caracas
spontaneous demonstrations and cacerolazos (pot-banging) broke out on
April 13 and 14. The police immediately rushed-in to suppress these
expressions of discontent and somewhere between 10 and 40 people were
killed in these clashes with the police. Then, in the early afternoon,
purely by word-of-mouth and the use of cell phones (Venezuela has one of
the highest per capita rates of cell phone use in the world), a
demonstration in support of Chavez was called at the Miraflores
presidential palace. By 6 PM about 100,000 people had gathered in the
streets surrounding the presidential palace. At approximately the same
time, the paratrooper battalion, to which Chavez used to belong, decided
to remain loyal to Chavez and took over the presidential palace. Next,
as the awareness of the extent of Chavez' support spread, major
battalions in the interior of Venezuela began siding with Chavez.

Eventually the support for the transition regime evaporated among the
military, so that transition president Carmona resigned in the name of
preventing bloodshed. As the boldness of Chavez-supporters grew, they
began taking over several television stations, which had not reported a
single word about the uprisings and the demonstrations. Finally, late at
night, around midnight of April 14, it was announced that Chavez was set
free and that he would take over as president again. The crowds outside
of Miraflores were ecstatic. No one believed that the coup could or
would be reversed so rapidly. When Chavez appeared on national TV around
4 AM, he too joked that he knew he would be back, but he never imagined
it would happen so fast. He did not even have time to rest and write
some poetry, as he had hoped to do.

So how could this be? How could such an impeccably planned and smoothly
executed coup fall apart in almost exactly 48 hours? Aside from the two
miscalculations mentioned above, it appears that the military's hearts
were not fully into the coup project. Once it became obvious that the
coup was being hijacked by the extreme right and that Chavez enjoyed
much more support than was imagined, large parts of the military decided
to reject the coup, which then had a snowball-effect of changing
military allegiances. Also, by 

Re: [CTRL] Democrat Implies Sept. 11 Administration Plot

2002-04-16 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/16/02 6:37:07 AM Central Daylight Time,

 Maybe the paramedics hospitals  and firemen in NY were in on the
  conspiracy also. Look at all the extra work they got...

  There's a reason why firefighters and paramedics top the list of the most
admired professionals in the country.  There's a reason why politicians are
at the bottom of the list.  These firefighters and paramedics were murdered.

  Nothing better to do than throw more money at an Investigative committee

  They were really effective at Oaklahoma, and how about JFK...

  True that any real investigation would be frustrated if there were inside
aspects to the crime.  And if a genuine investigation does not take place, it
is reasonable to ask why.  Better that we drop the whole thing?  Much was
learned by watching the 'powers that be' obfuscate the investigations you
mentioned.  I suppose you'd prefer we saved that investigative money and
spend it on something more important.  Yeah, let's channel that saved money
to DARE.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2002-04-16 Thread Samantha L.


Manila Times commentary


A compelling commentary on Bush from the Times?

No, silly wabbit, not the New York Times! It's from the Manilla Times.

This is one of the best sardonic commentaries on Bush BuzzFlash has read.


By Inday Espina-Varona
Georgie goes to school 
The word from Washington is, that Georgie, the Texan princeling who so badly yearns to 
be the man Dad wants him to be, is finally hitting the books and doing his homework. 

About time. Half a dozen chiefs of states have just told Colin Powell the world is not 
behooved to behave like patriotic Americans. Ariel Sharon and Yasser Arafat, not to 
mention rich Saudis and Bahrainis, have just shown how little Georgie knows about 
Abraham’s children. Even the Northern Alliance warlords have taken to killing each 
other again, in full view yet of their blonde peacekeepers. 

But friends will tell you Georgie was a late bloomer. So perhaps we should just say a 
prayer of thanks that Georgie is slowly learning, that hi-tech war toys and chiseled 
patrician features are not enough to earn genuine respect. 

No, change that. Let us give thanks that Georgie is finally realizing that respect 
from equals may be more rewarding than the groveling that merely masks smirks and 
dirty fingers, or the condescending prattle dished out by shifty-eyed father figures 
like Donald Rumsfeld or Dick Cheney, the latter well on his way to becoming a 
caricature of a simpering, vanishing Alfred Hitchcock. 

Maybe one day soon a li’l ol steel magnolia will march up the White House steps, brush 
aside those Secret Service hunks, sweep into the Oval Office, dump tomes on that 
glistening desk, and lecture Georgie on the dangers of being such a pompous dunce. 

Hopefully, one of those books will be a copy of the US Constitution, now under siege 
by both terrorists and the protectors of the people. Maybe Georgie, now that he’s in 
between sophomoric speeches, could be stirred into studying the real things that make 
his country great — like the belief that all men (and nations) are created equal, 
despite differences in color, creed, facial hair, or per capita incomes. 

He just has to look in his own backyard. While he’s at it, Georgie could pull Ali 
Flietcher from the White House Press Room for a review of simple English. 

Spell coup, boys. Never mind the Frenchy appendage. The simple verb says, “overturn, 
upset.”  The longer noun means “a sudden decisive exercise of force in politics; esp: 
the violent overthrow or altercation of an existing government by a small group.” 

Now spell Venezuela. Spell Chavez. You remember Chavez, Georgie? PRESIDENT Hugo 
Chavez, chief of state of an independent republic, and one elected in a democratic 
manner, was arrested last week by a small cabal of generals and taken to an island. 
While all that was underway, the same cabal installed Pedro Carmona, the leader of a 
band of oligarchs, as president, and started a manhunt for Chavez’s aides and 
supporters. A move presumably made to quell violence snowballed into something Latin 
Americans thought lay buried in their collective nightmare – dissolution of the 
National Assembly and the Supreme Court amid a vague promise of elections a year 

Spell commitment. Oops. Your turn, Ali. Figures. If you can’t spell, you probably 
can’t define. A commitment, gentlemen, is an agreement or pledge. 

In case your advisers haven’t told you yet, Georgie, the US signed last year the new 
Democracy Charter of the Organization of American States. It says, among other things, 
that all members of the group would act strongly against military coups. 

All OAS members condemned the Venezuelan coup and refused to recognize the new 
government — all but one – the US, whose president (that’s you, Georgie) loves to 
declaim on moral rectitude (no, Ali, rectum is a different word). 

Do you remember what you said, Georgie? 

It ain’t a coup. It ain’t a coup because he deserves it. He deserves it because I, 
Georgie, don’t like his mug and his pals. And because Uncle Otto Reich says he’s bad 
and you don’t argue with a man who saved Nicaragua from the Sandinistas. And because 
Dad’s amigos aren’t too fond of ex-parachutists who threaten to close a third of our 
oil taps. And because I know how to spell hegemony, and it means you can be an SOB but 
you have to be our SOB! 

Spell Venezuela again. Remember that word, Georgie. Ten years down the road, unless 
you’ve succeeded in redefining archives, that word is going to be an embarrassment. 

Ah, that one you got right. I told you, practice makes perfect.


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[CTRL] Grisly evidence of a war crime in Jenin

2002-04-16 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-


Amid the ruins of Jenin, the grisly evidence of a war crime
From Phil Reeves in Jenin
16 April 2002


A monstrous war crime that Israel has tried to cover up for a fortnight has
finally been exposed. Its troops have caused devastation in the centre of the
Jenin refugee camp, reached yesterday by The Independent, where thousands of
people are still living amid the ruins.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Grisly evidence of a war crime in Jenin

2002-04-16 Thread Edward Britton

A couple of days ago, I remember being puzzled about the
relatively recent flurry of clearly (in my mind at least)
anti-Israeli or anti-Semitic e-mail flowing
through this list. People whose posts I'd been reading for
years--people whom I would normally have classified as being
liberal and consequently pro-Israeli--were taking a
disturbing turn toward the classic dislike or even hatred of
the Jewish state and it's people in a manner which I had grown accustomed
to seeing as stereotypically right wing. I have seen
this turn not only among members of this list, but also among a few of my
closest friends. 
I was at a loss to explain or understand this phenomenon--until reports
such as the one excerpted below began to find their way into the
mainstream media. I may remain perplexed about the ancient hatreds
between Israelis and Arabs in general, but I am no longer confused about
the cause for the current outrage. Israel has become the monster it
most reviled. The victim of great horrors has become the
perpetrator great horrors.

Other accounts:

At 09:54 AM 4/16/2002 -0400, you wrote:
-Caveat Lector-
Amid the ruins of Jenin, the grisly evidence of a war crime
From Phil Reeves in Jenin
16 April 2002
A monstrous war crime that Israel has tried to cover up for a fortnight
finally been exposed. Its troops have caused devastation in the centre of
Jenin refugee camp, reached yesterday by The Independent, where thousands
people are still living amid the ruins.

Edward +

If you have fifty problems and one of them is government, you have only
one problem.

Re: [CTRL] [ctrl] Snooping On Neighbor

2002-04-16 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

There are plenty of reasons to worry about the attorney general's
neighbor-against-neighbor approach, which harks back to Cold War days and
fear-mongering. Because untrained members of watch programs lack the
expertise to identify terrorists, it probably means they would snoop on
every Arab or Muslim in a given neighborhood. That's racial profiling in
the extreme, guaranteed to encourage ethnic scapegoating.

That's the least of it; I foresee these untrained people also using their
position to get back at neighbors with whom they have problems...

About 10 years ago the tenants' group (now defunct) where I live kicked
around the idea of forming a sort of neighborhood watch for the complex;
those of us proposing the idea only envisioned a program where people would
make it a point to keep an eye out for what was going on around them, and a
sort of 'phone tree' of others to call if a member saw something
suspicious.  This would require no extensive training, and even elderly
ladies could easily take part...

But then some guys started talking about the neighborhood watch group as if
it would be some sort a paramilitary venture; where we originally were
thinking of members taking strolls about the complex in the evening as a
way to not only keep one's eye out, but to create a presence of neighbors
socializing amongst themselves, these guys talked about forming armed
patrols to specifically 'look for trouble', and started mentioning certain
tenants they thought should be specifically watched...tenants who had no
criminal history, who weren't a threat to anyone, but whose sole 'crime'
was having a spat with one of these paramilitary-wannabees

The idea of a neighborhood watch group was therefore abandoned, even though
it was sorely needed and still is...a REAL neighborhood watch group, and
NOT a paramilitary revenge group...

So I agree that these Homeland Security neighborhood watch groups are
fraught with danger, not only for those who may be racially profiled, but
for ANYONE who may be unfortunate enough to not get along with one of the
members of such a group and who will therefore find themselves targeted
just out of spite...as will any person in the neighborhood is thought
'strange', a loner, etc.

In this war, President George W. Bush has even given children a role. To
find out what stories the White House is feeding your kids about what good
citizens are supposed to do to thwart terrorism, go to
www.whitehouse.gov/kids. There you'll meet Lydia, a Philadelphia woman who
foiled a sneak British attack -- we didn't call it terrorism then --
against our country on Dec. 4, 1777. She overheard British military
planning the assault when they were guests in her home. She mentioned this
to nobody, not even her husband. Instead, she crossed British lines to
Gen. George Washington's army. Arriving for what it had expected to be a
sneak attack at Valley Forge, the British Army canceled the operation after
finding Washington's men armed and waiting.

One point of this story seems to be that all of us, youngsters included,
have a duty to spy on others for Uncle Sam. Another more disturbing message
seems to be that youngsters need not tell their parents what information
they have gathered to pass on to the government, just like Lydia.

What is also disturbing is the Orwellian doublespeak spin the government
puts on this incident...

First off, in December of 1777 the rebellious colonials were what we would
today deem 'terrorists', and the British were the rightful ruling power.
Indeed the British considered the sniping they were subject to by certain
rebelling colonials to be an act of terrorism on a par with murder, and not
'real fighting' as they had been trained to fight in a war...

Therefore Lydia was guilty of treason against the rightful government of
colonial America, and was guilty of consorting with a terrorist group,
namely George Washington and his army...

Conversely, if the government wishes to portray the British army as akin to
terrorists, then Lydia and her husband were guilty of aiding and abetting
terrorists, and under the current Homeland Security rules, would be deemed
as guilty as the terrorists...

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Fw: 245(i) RETURNS!

2002-04-16 Thread Archibald Bard

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 10:11 AM
Subject: 245 I RETURNS!

 STOP 245 I --- AGAIN

 Sen. Brownback (R-KS) and Sen. Hagel (R-NE) are still threatening to
attach Section 245(i) amnesty to the
 security bill later today.  They are the point men for the White House's
continuing effort to reward about a half-
 million illegal aliens with permanent residency.

 Anti-amnesty Senators may try to filibuster the amendment, while
pro-amnesty forces push for a cloture vote to
 speed the amendment through.


 Find your Senator

 Contact the Senate Toll Free (877) 762-8762 OR (800) 648-3516.  (I just
used both numbers and they worked
 fine. I told Sentaors Boxer and Feinstein of California that if they want
more Californians to flee for South
 Carolina, just vote for 245 I)

 Demand that they vote against any 245(i) amendment or any cloture (stop
filibuster) vote.

 If you can, do it before 2 PM Pacific time today, but do it.

 Glenn Spencer

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Boston Priest Bought Gay [Homosexual] Resort {PalmSpringsCA)

2002-04-16 Thread Archibald Bard

April 15, 2002 

Sent to California on Sick Leave, Boston Priest 
Bought Racy Gay Resort By NICK MADIGAN

PALM SPRINGS, Calif., April 12 —

When Boston church officials granted the Rev. Paul 
R. Shanley a medical leave 12 years ago and allowed him to move here, they saw 
it as a chance for him to heal various physical ailments, primarily allergies, 
in the desert air, and to do a little pastoral work if and when he was well 

At his insistence, Father Shanley's Boston 
superiors arranged for regular checks to be sent to him for living expenses and 
medical bills, and sent laudatory letters of recommendation to their 
counterparts at the Diocese of San Bernardino, carefully avoiding mention of a 
swirl of accusations that he had molested more than two dozen young boys in 
Massachusetts going back to 1967. 

What his superiors appeared not to know, however, 
was that the address to which they were sending Father Shanley's checks for most 
of his time here was the Cabana Club Resort, one of the many hotels that cater 
to the town's gays. Father Shanley became an owner of the hotel, along with the 
Rev. John J. White, another Boston priest who was also on sick leave and 
receiving money from the Boston Archdiocese. Father White was the sole owner of 
a second hotel, the nearby Whispering Palms. 

Neither remains in business, although the scene 
they were part of is thriving, with 40 such hotels and bed-and-breakfasts, 
mostly in the Warm Sands enclave. These clothing-optional places, protected from 
prying eyes by walls and towering bougainvillea, do year-round business for gay 
men from around the world. 

Interviews with some of his acquaintances in Palm 
Springs paint a picture of a man who immersed himself in the local gay scene 
soon after his arrival in 1990, although most people who remember him said he 
was quieter and less outgoing than Father White. On occasion, he helped out at 
St. Anne Church in San Bernardino, celebrating a weekend Mass or leading youth 

"My biggest surprise was that Paul was a priest at 
all," said John Kendrick, 47, co-owner of Inn Exile, a hotel that he expanded 
after buying the Whispering Palms, next door, from Father White in 1994. "I 
didn't know you could be a part-time priest." 

The disclosures about Father Shanley, 70, who 
vanished from his San Diego apartment building almost three weeks ago, have 
added heat to the controversy surrounding Cardinal Bernard F. Law of Boston, 
depicted in documents released on Monday as being consistently supportive of 
priests like Father Shanley and John J. Geoghan. 

Both were shuttled from parish to parish, even as 
evidence of abuses gathered against them, without regard to whether they had 
further contacts with children. Father Geoghan was later defrocked and convicted 
of indecent assault. Father Shanley has not been charged with a crime, although 
the Boston Archdiocese has settled at least three lawsuits against him. 

Officials at the San Bernardino Diocese who were 
supposedly watching over Father Shanley during his sojourn in Palm Springs said 
last week they had known nothing of his activities in Warm Sands. 

Kevin Rice, 46, who has lived in Palm Springs for 
14 years, got to know Fathers White and Shanley after he sold them space in 
Frontier News magazine for advertisements promoting the two hotels. 

"I knew Jack was a priest and thought he wasn't 
practicing," Mr. Rice said. "Jack introduced Shanley as someone he knew from his 
days in the seminary." 

Mr. Rice said that Father White "seemed to be a 
little off the wall" but that Father Shanley was a "very nice guy, personable." 
Father Shanley was "more of the business person," Mr. Rice said. "He had his 
head on straighter. There's no question about it, he's a very charismatic man." 

Having once stayed at the Whispering Palms, Mr. 
Rice described the resort as "one of the friskier places." Nude sunbathing was 
encouraged, and sex by the pool was permitted, he said. 

The two priests sold the Cabana Club Resort for 
$185,000 in 1997, three years after Father White had disposed of the Whispering 
Palms for $389,000. It is not clear how much they profited from the sales of the 
hotels, or at which point they stopped receiving money from the Boston 

Father Shanley seemed unable to understand that he 
had hurt anyone in his years as an active Roman Catholic priest, and painted 
himself as a victim. 

"I have done nothing wrong," he wrote in a letter 
dated March 14, 1991, to Father John B. MacCormack, then a senior aide to 
Cardinal Law and now bishop in Manchester, N.H. In the letter, he also wrote: 
"Do the decent thing. Allow me, quietly, to retire, or put me on permanent 
disability. Remove the unpredictability and my health will return. This is cruel 
and unusual punishment." 

Yet diocesan officials went out of their way to 
help him. In 1995, they transferred Father Shanley to New York, where he became 
acting director 

[CTRL] HOMOSEXUALS hijacking of public education

2002-04-16 Thread Archibald Bard

Tuesday, April 16, 2002 

The hijacking of education 

April 16, 2002 1:00 a.m. Eastern By Eric Hogue 
2002 WorldNetDaily.com The "Day of Silence" should speak loudly to America's 
culturally concerned. The gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender politicos 
organized another "hijacking" of public education on April 10, 2002, and their 
plans call for more to come. 

By using an oxymoronic ploy called a "Day of Silence," GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian 
and Straight Educational Network), orchestrated a silent protest encouraging 
middle-school and high-school students to protest the prejudice and 
discrimination of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender students. That's right, 
no talking for nine hours, which included the school day. 

GLSEN, an adult-run advocacy group led predominantly by gay and lesbian 
current and former educators, used the recently created GSA Clubs (Gay-Straight 
Alliances) on campuses to coordinate the event. 

GLSEN provided posters, flyers, signs and the all-important "speaking 
cards" that students were to offer their teachers during the school hours. These 
cards explained the silence and challenged the reader to "think about the voices 
that are silenced today. ... What are you going to do to end the silence?" 

This attack upon the educational day stimulated much-needed outrage from 
parents, citizens and taxpayers. Many parents and students have been motivated 
to turn toward the legal system, yet others are demanding a day for the messages 
of pro-life, abstinence and creation science. 

No matter the immediate response, the question on the "speaking cards" 
should ring loudly for the future battles to come: "What are you going to do to 
end the silence?" 

The ridiculous aspect of this recent demonstration is, if there ever were a 
social agenda that does not need a day of silent protest, it's the homosexual 
agenda. Yet, on a day where "the agenda" was willing to be silent, an 
appropriate question for the rest of us to consider was asked: "What are you 
going to do about the silencing of equal speech?" 

What are you going to do about the silencing of "free speech" and open 
debate? What are you going to do about truth that has been silenced by political 
pressure? Will you organize to simply attack or will you have the determination 
and the knowledge to respond with intellectual debate and open forum? 

Many still believe in today's youth. Teen-agers want to be told the truth. 
They long for the absolutes that define life's morality and liberty. Nobody sets 
out to learn from "truths that have been lied about and lies that have been 
truthed about." Students can handle the truth, and maybe it's time we organized 
to give them just that – the absolute truth and debate on an equal playing 

This Day of Silence needs to be taken as an open invitation for more 
creative means in this fight. Student groups are organizing "Teens for Life 
Clubs," "Virtue/Abstinence Clubs," "Creation and Evolution Clubs," as well as 
"Free Speech Clubs" to demand a place in the educational/cultural debate. 

Some local schools are seeing the creation of "Parents Rights Groups" that 
meet once a week. They monitor social and political activities inside of the 
schoolhouse. They build confidential relationships with traditional and 
conservative faculty members, offering them the support they need. These 
"Parents Rights Groups" also act as a steering committee, asking for regular 
school board meeting agenda placement to discuss their findings and announce 
their method of response. 

False agendas need "truth serum" and an antidote of free speech in the 
forum of open debate. Students on the "inside" are looking for help from the 
"outside." The left agendas stop at nothing to see that their message is 
propagated. The right seems to be asleep in the light of the truth! 

Yeah, it's easier to call an attorney and bring a lawsuit against the 
school board, the school administration and even the state board of education – 
and in some instances this is appropriate and needed. But this doesn't weed out 
the deep-seated lies that have been planted. 

Why can't the right receive the same creative energy that supports the 
left? If it's a battle for the mind and the soul, the engagement from all fronts 
is needed in this war. 

Since Sept. 11, we all know what to do if the airliner we are traveling on 
is hijacked. The message used to be compliance – but not any longer. If the 
hijacking of a plane can turn it into a smart bomb, think of what the hijacking 
of education can do when left unchallenged. 

It's not enough to feel happy about winning a few lawsuits. 

In a roundabout way, maybe this Day of Silence is what we all needed. A 
break from the 

Re: [CTRL] Grisly evidence of a war crime in Jenin

2002-04-16 Thread andrew hennessey

16/4/02 BBC TV news at 6 report '50 palestinain 
at janine ...
I listened on in disbelief then we quickly got 
the england soccer teams new captain michael 

andrew hennessey

[CTRL] Opium Lords- Israel, the Golden Triangle, and the Kennedy Assassination

2002-04-16 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Introducing the on-line book that solved the mystery of the Kennedy

Opium Lords

Israel, the Golden Triangle, and the Kennedy Assassination

by Salvador Astucia

Ó April 2002

Table of Contents

Order Opium Lords Book (400 pages)

About the Author

Contact Salvador



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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Illuminati Symbols Page 2

2002-04-16 Thread iggy


Title: Illuminati Symbols Page 2

Page 1 Page 
2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10
Page 11

I said earlier... the Illuminati symbols are everywhere. You just have to open 
your eyes. Most of the time the symbols are right underneath your nose. Like 
just recently I had to take a look at my birth certificate and sure enough I saw 
one there too. Which of course I scanned and placed directly above this 
paragraph. So let's see, now, we have Masonic symbols on the U.S. dollar bill, 
the logo for British Intelligence, in the center of the meeting table for the 
G-7, on the Federal Governments Y2K Page, the Washington Monument and Ben 
Franklins Fugio and of course my Birth certificate. Chances are pretty good that 
they are on yours as well. I will be putting new symbols on this page as often 
as I find them and can get them up. Remember keep an open eye you just might 
surprise yourself by what you see!   Korean Tank on parade(symbol on front of 
tank)  Great Seal of the United States 
 Russian Masonry  Grand Council, KnightMasons 
U.S.A.  Fidelity 
Investments  Illuminati Online  Masonry  Master Mason Symbol Symbols 

[CTRL] Enduring War and Infinite Battles

2002-04-16 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.bushwatch.net/bush.htm

 Last year the Coca-Cola Company received an award from the Israeli
 Government for its sustained support of Israel. According to the
 Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz also Danone, Nestle, Kimberley Clark,
 Nokia, Sara Lee, Lovable, Hanes, Douwe Egberts, Kiwi, Wonderbra,
 Playtex, Nur Die, General Electric, Raytheon, Hewlett-Packard,
 Cisco Systems, AOL Time Warner, Microsoft and many other companies
 worldwide are proud business partners of Israel!!


April 16, 2002

Dear Dubya,

Another week of Enduring War and Infinite Battles for unabashed, unashamed, and
unlimited Compassion the world over. Remember, how Halliburton under the
leadership of Dick Cheney engaged in a lot of deals with the Saddam Hussein-
regime? From 1997 until the summer of 2000 Dick worked with Dresser Industries,
Inc. and the Ingersoll-Rand Co. to sell spare parts for oil facilities and pipeline
equipment to Iraq. Although the UNO and Clinton were hammering on their boycott
of the Saddam Hussein-regime, those deals were perfectly legal. Not just legal, to
the contrary: would Dick ever care about any human rights abuses of some phoreign
regime, if the sweet smell of oil is in the air? Sure, not!! Via this joint venture 
Dresser Industries, Inc. and the Ingersoll-Rand Co. Dick's Halliburton managed to
sell $73 million worth in equipment to the Iraqis. Not only is Dick a true blue
businessman, he also stood up for American interests, when it comes to do
business. Time and again he attacked that softy Clinton government and its whining
about human rights in Iran, Iraq, China or Afghanistan. With you as the President of
the Christian Corporation of America that whining is finally over. Would you ever care
for human rights abuses in Afghanistan, Tibet, China, Iraq or Iran? Sure, not: the
sweet smell of oil covers everything and anything! Let this be a lesson to all those
softy human rights activists: Compassionate Conservatives don't give a damn if there
is oil in a country!!

Did you notice that Enron has totally disappeared from the national radar screen?
Not only is your Government and U.S. Congress full of well-paid Enroni, the financial
industry of this country is deep into Enronizing its operations. The Citigroup, J.P.
Morgan Chase, Merill Lynch, Bank of America, Lehman Brothers, Credit Suisse First
Boston were all proud Enron-insiders!! Soon all of America will become one big
Enron!! Thanks to the secret cooperation of Kenny Boy Lay and Dick Cheney the
U.S. economy will soon be completely Enron-ified and Dubyanomics will become the
rule worldwide. Never before we saw such a smooth confluence of Bush-iosi and

Senators Frank Murkowski and Ted Stevens, and their Alaska Jihadi's are still
fighting for oil and gas drilling in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). They
are now negotiating with Senator John D. Rockefeller IV of West Virginia to buy his
support. Frank and Ted promised to add health care coverage for former steel
industry workers to their energy bill. After all, the bush-iosi of the oil industry 
will build
pipelines in Alaska with American Steel. That sure will boost our National Steel
Security Industry, right? Remember, how the Alaska Jihadi's tried to woo the unions
by suggesting that drilling in the ANWR would generate 46,300 new jobs. To woo
those environmentalists the Alaska Jihad suggested that drilling the oil and gas out of
the ANWR would use only 2,000 acres of land. That means 46,300 workers would be
crammed into a space one fifth the size of Dulles National Airport!! The ANWR will
be sooo crowded that all its snow and ice will melt, thanks to the body heat of all
those workers. So, while the Alaska Jihadi's enhancificate our energy future they also
joined your Global Temperature Enhancement Plan. No more whining about Global
Warming and our National Energy Security, Right?

While we were celebrating the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the
government of Israel decided that it was time for a little Spring Cleaning. So, the
Israeli Army targeted the refugee camp of Jenin. Some 15,000 people live there; that
means lots of cleaning, right? No army in the whole world is sooo well equipped as
the Israeli Army. Thanks to your Compassionate Conservative budget the Israeli
Government receives per year military aid worth $2.04 billion from our dear U.S.
Taxpayers. The Israeli Government sure put that money to good use! Israel has a
standing Army of 630,000 men and women in uniform; they have 4,000 tanks (most
of them Made in the USA!), almost 8,000 armored vehicles, 600 ultramodern fighter
jets, 80 heavy duty transport planes, 290 helicopter gunships (our good old
Apache's!), 6 submarines and more than 30 surface ships. During the past week our
Compassionate Conservative spirits soared and soared while we watched the
supreme performance of our Weapons of Mass Compassion in the hands of the
Israeli Army.


[CTRL] Don't Just Get Mad, Get Smart

2002-04-16 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.bushwatch.net/partridge.htm


Don't Just Get Mad, Get Smart

Ernest Partridge
The Online Gadfly

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred
battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also
suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every

Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the
world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.

Margaret Mead

If Ari Fleischer Karl Rove, Karen Hughes or some other such Bushista operative,
were to read a sample of the progressive websites, would they be particularly
concerned about what they saw? They just might not. Instead, they might reflect,
this is a small cabal of discontents spouting off to each other, but not really going

There was a time, not too long ago, when such a brush off might have been justified.
But the progressive internet is alive, robust, and apparently growing. (Some
progressive sites, I am told, gather several million hits a month). So it is the 
task of
this and like-minded websites to give the Bushista media-wonks something to worry

To do so, we must assuredly work diligently to spread the word and attract many
more visitors to the dissenting internet. And the message must be aimed beyond the
choir of like-minded individuals.

So it is past time that the web writers, editors and publishers ask themselves: do we
wish merely to rage, rage, against the dying of the light, or do we wish instead to 
ignite the torch of liberty and take back our democracy?

If the latter, then we must understand that these two objectives are often at cross
purposes, and that if we are prevent our rage from getting in the way of our
objectives, we will often have to apply some self-discipline and employ some tactical

For example, in the progressive websites you will find demands by some
correspondents and occasionally some writers that such wing-nuts as Ann Coulter,
Pat Robertson, and the like be taken off the air. Bad move! On the contrary, the
more the public is exposed to these crazies, the greater the benefit for the
progressive cause. True, in the past, Robertson, Falwell and the religious right have
done great harm to our body politic. But now they are proving to be their own
undoing. No amount of left-wing criticism of Robertson and Falwell could possibly
damage them as much as they besmirched themselves with the inane post 9/11
comments (its all the fault of the gays, the feminists and the ACLU). And every time
Ann Coulter opens her pretty fascist mouth, she drives away droves of fair-minded
citizens from the Republicans ranks. So please, just hand them the mike and let
them rant. By and large the editors of the progressive internet are well aware of the
capacity of right-wing crazies to self-destruct, and thus are wisely more than willing 
give them ample space to do so.

Another cross purpose: rage leads to incivility and abusive language, while a soft
answer turneth away wrath. Remember that CNN's Aaron Brown cited the incivility
of his critics as his excuse for ignoring the substance of their complaints. As I read
some of the e-mails that he received, I must concede that he has a point. In contrast,
Tom Daschle's soft, sweet and unruffled demeanor is driving the GOP bonkers. Lott,
DeLay and the others would like nothing more than for Cool Tom to pop his cork.
So long as he refuses, he stands out as the one who keeps his head while all about
are losing theirs. (Kipling) Of course, the Democrats in Congress and beyond are in
urgent need of a backbone implant. But their message should be strong, passionate,
eloquent and focused, without being shrill and vituperative. The public has had quite
enough of the politics of personal destruction.

Here, for your consideration, are a few tactical guidelines for progressives:

Don't alienate Republicans – recruit them. To win back our government, we must
assemble a sizeable majority – sufficient to overwhelm Florida-style election fixes.
This means we must win the votes of most independents and more than a few
Republicans. Many Republicans are sorely offended by the takeover of their party by
right-wing crazies. So don't insult these moderate Republicans by calling them
Repugs, or by attributing the outrages of a few right-wing nut cases to all
Republicans. Instead, flatter our Republican fellow citizens with calm and reasoned
arguments. Remember that Nixon remained safe in his office until he lost the support
of Republicans such as Howard Baker and John Dean. Then he was finished. Even
now, there are some noteworthy defections from Bush's Republican party; among
them Arianna Huffington, David Brock, Kevin Phillips, John Dean (again), Jonathan
Turley, and even (Gawd help us!), Larry Klayman and Dan Burton. There is good
reason to 

[CTRL] Medical Experiments Without Informed Consent

2002-04-16 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-


Contact: Vera Hassner Sharav
Tel: 212-595-8974 FAX: 212-595-9086


A bill has been introduced in the California state Assembly, AB 2328,
that would allow human beings to be subjected to medical experiments
without their informed consent.

This is not a prank, if adopted, Californians would be able to earn easy
cash by consigning their aged or infirm relative for medical

A similar assault on the dignity of human beings, not to mention family
values, was foiled in Maryland.

Unless Congress enacts legislation explicitly prohibiting nonconsensual
human experimentation--and spells out penalties to ensure compliance--we
might wake up one morning and find ourselves consigned for experiments
by a feuding sibling, spouse, child, even grand child.



INTRODUCED BY   Assembly Member Wayne
   (Principal coauthor: Assembly Member Aroner)

FEBRUARY 21, 2002

   An act to amend Section 24178 of the Health and Safety Code,
relating to health.


   AB 2328, as introduced, Wayne.  Medical experiments.
   Existing law, the Protection of Human Subjects in Medical
Experimentation Act, prohibits any person from being subjected to any
medical experiment unless the informed consent of the person is

   This bill would authorize certain persons to give surrogate
informed consent for a person to be subjected to a medical experiment
when conducted within an institution that holds an assurance with
the United States Department of Health and Human Services in
accordance with specified regulations, if that person is unable to
give that consent.

   Vote:  majority.  Appropriation:  no.  Fiscal committee:  no.
State-mandated local program:  no.


  SECTION 1.  Section 24178 of the Health and Safety Code is amended
to read:

24178.   (a)  Except for this section and the requirements set forth in
Sections 24172 and 24176, this chapter shall not apply to any person who
is conducting a medical experiment as an investigator within an
institution  which that  holds an assurance with the  United States
Department of Health  and Human Services  pursuant to Part 46 of Title
45b of the Code of Federal Regulations and who obtains informed consent
in the method and manner required by those regulations.

   (b) For purposes of obtaining informed consent required for
medical experiments pursuant to subdivision (a), if a person is
unable to consent and does not express dissent or resistance to
participation, surrogate informed consent may be obtained from a
surrogate decisionmaker, who shall include any of the following

   (1) The person's agent pursuant to an advance health care
   (2) The conservator of the person.
   (3) The spouse of the person.
   (4) The domestic partner of the person.
   (5) An adult son or daughter of the person.
   (6) Either parent of the person.
   (7) Any adult brother or sister of the person.
   (8) Any adult grandchild of the person.

Status of bill: http://www.sen.ca.gov

Visit our website, check a chronolgoy of experimentation:


M. F. Abernathy -- [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] -- 04/16/02

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[CTRL] IS: Big Hack Attack

2002-04-16 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_1932000/1932750.stm

uesday, 16 April, 2002, 11:09 GMT 12:09 UK
Israel under hack attack

Cyber-war mirrors conflicts in the offline world

Israel has been suffering a barrage of hack attacks since the start of the Palestinian
uprising in September 2000.

According to security firm mi2g, the Israeli domain .il has been the biggest victim of
web defacements over the past three years, suffering 548 of the 1,295 attacks in the
Middle East.

As violence escalates in the region, cyber attacks on Israel are also on the rise.

In the past 14 days, Israel has suffered about two-thirds of the significant web
defacements in the Middle East.

Online threats

The tense situation in the Middle East is reflected in both covert and overt hack

DK Matai, mi2g Chief Executive
The most active anti- Israeli hacker group claims to be Egyptian and started its
activities just weeks after 11 September.

Cyber warfare can be used as a barometer for political tensions around the world,
said mi2g Chief Executive, DK Matai.

The tense situation in the Middle East is reflected in both covert and overt hack
attacks, he said.

Israel is vulnerable not just because of its action against the Palestinian Authority, 
also because it has the largest number of internet connections in the Middle East.

Israel has 2.4 million net connections, more than any of the 22 Arab countries.

Attacks on infrastructure?

So far hacktivism has been limited to web defacements and denial of service attacks.
This is where a web server is bombarded with messages causing it to fall over.

Violence has escalated in the Middle East
It is possible for the political hackers to intensify their campaign, said Peter 
senior fellow at the Computer Security Research Centre at the London School of

It is entirely feasible to mount an attack on critical national infrastructure, he 

From a pro-Arab point of view it would be far more effective than sending in a
suicide bomber.


Hacktivism is a growing problem on the internet as activists utilise the web to get
across their political messages.

One of the most prolific hacktivists is a group of Pakistani hackers calling themselves
GForce Pakistan.

Soon after the 11 September, the group defaced a server belonging to the US
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency.

It also threatened to target US and British military sites unless the US withdrew from
Saudi Arabia and ended its bombing campaign in Afghanistan.

Similar attacks were seen during the Serbian conflict, the US-China spy plane
incident in April 2001 and the China-Taiwan standoff in August 1999.


Forwarded as information only; no automatic endorsement
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Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Operation Final Solution

2002-04-16 Thread Labour Welfare Party

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 15:19:57 -0700 (PDT)
From: Labour Welfare Party [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: The Hidden Agenda

From http://www.canoe.ca/Columnists/margolis_apr14.html

Why Bush dances to Sharon's tune

America's media is strongly pro-Israel and averse to dissenting views. A coterie of
hawkish, Israel-first neo-conservatives dominates media opinion-making and the
Pentagon, leading the charge for a war against Iraq, Iran, and Syria. One even
helped to write Bush's foolish axis of evil speech.


It is all leading to Sharon ordering a US invasion of Iraq, Iran, Saudi
Arabia, Syria and all surrounding countries. Kale

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2002-04-16 Thread andrew hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

I'm sorry, but what you are about to read happened and is happening. There
are reasons for that - but they only fit together if the events are
constructed in terms of Reptoids, World Dominion, Telepathy - and the poor
little humans that they keep picking on.  I'm apologising because the truth
is hurtful and that our establishment is truly anti-human and anti-life.
This is where I can really see what happened to the Beautiful Mind of Nobel
Prize winner Nash - our stories are actually quite similar - although with
little or no academic credibility - my re-invent of Tesla's Free Energy
'Theory of Environmental Energy' is never going to go through into being
implemented. Only God knows what Nash might have achieved if he had
understood the full picture.
Lets hope that I gave them more than they bargained for.
This all started for me some very long time ago. Somewhere and somewhen I
came to the attention of the establishment. It may have been because my
sister worked for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine,
or, it may have been that as a young man over 20 years ago, I naively joined
the Scottish Knights Templar which at that time was being hijacked by
Pretenders to the Scottish Throne, or, it may have been that I had the
potential to be an excellent exponent of Scottish music and
culture -unfortunately - another option destined for the dustbin of the New
World Order, or it may have been that as a young student of Biology, I took
two Government Laboratories to an Industrial Tribunal for breaches in the
Health and safety at Work Act.
However it all got started - it all became very unpleasant very fast from
1980 onwards.
Initially harassed at my place of work, and at my home and during my leisure
pursuits, I soon found out what the Great in Great Britain meant.
Some of the anecdotes I wrote down and kept a diary of - and yes its painful
how the matters progressed - for I was always the innocent and pained party
attempting to apologise and 'work something out'. My crimes then became less
obvious as the various goalposts they decreed changed over the decades.
Initially I was to them a Scottish Activist and Separatist attempting to
spread anarchy and division by playing Scottish fiddle music too well and
too fast. They didn't want me to become . 'a Bonny prince Charlie Folk
Hero .' [Nobles Bar 1993]
Then after nervous collapse and a wasted family and a ruined career [1993] -
they changed their tack - I was still a criminal but I was some sort of
genius that balanced his left brain with his right brain, and that I had
redeveloped Tesla's Free Energy Theories and a musician as well . my
achilles heel appeared to be my sensitivities - so they all came in with
their nazi boots on to sort those out.
I formed a research group based at the Theosophical Society in Edinburgh
Scotland in 1996 - and then the swooping vultures of feminaziism came in to
roost - and there my true introduction to the Circus that was and is the
British Security Service became more and more like some surreal comedy
I discover that well balanced left and right brained geniuses like myself
make very good fodder for nazi mind control and 6th root race
experimentation - and as bad luck would have it I actually started to meet
the nazi hermaphrodites who had some sort of passing interest in myself.
They came in from all angles however - trying to get me into some gender
bending trip - but I tended to take it all very seriously - what I didn't
realise is that such garbage ideologies are absolute bog standard chit chat
for the lost souls of the wannabe Illuminati.
The British Security Service had found a new line in Bullshit to use to
intimidate and control with - sexual persecution.
They keep phoning me up, approaching me on empty trains and this bunch of
people around me keep telling me that fate worse than death awaits me. They
wish to abduct me, rape me and mind-control me. Over the past few years I
have had people telling me that they are going to surgically alter me and
enslave me - only last night I got a phone call from an illuminati spook who
tried to put her dirty and somewhat licentuous ideas into my head - she said
[I'm a musician etc] that I should come on stage with her and play Lady
Macbeth, that I should wear female clothes and 'feel powerful' - or that I
should play the fool for King Lear, or Bottom:-

We know that the Beautiful Mind of Nobel Prize Winner Nash was messed around
with as regards to gender roles.
Another who suggested that I should be reconstructed and made to wear a pink
dress:) [not my colour] and be humiliated in front of butch men - keeps
coming over with this crap - she says 'you will salute me in my Gestapo
uniform' etc They believe that the human race could be improved by following
the nazi and theosophical 6th root race ideal of hermaphrodism by creating
the ideal 'Aryan' - this is just control psychobabble -
It is more than likely 

[CTRL] McKinney:Bush must answer Sept. 11 questions

2002-04-16 Thread William Shannon

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution: 4/15/02 

Bush must answer Sept. 11 questions 


The need for an investigation of the events surrounding Sept. 11 is as obvious as the need for an investigation of the Enron debacle. Certainly, if the American people deserve answers about what went wrong with Enron and why (and we do), then we deserve to know what went wrong on Sept. 11 and why.

Are we squandering our goodwill around the world with what many believe to be incoherent, warmongering policies that alienate our friends and antagonize our allies? How much of a role does our reliance on imported oil play in the military policies put forward by the Bush administration? And what role does the close relationship between the Bush administration and the oil and defense industries play, if any, in the policies being pursued by this administration?

We deserve to know what went wrong on Sept. 11 and why. After all, we hold thorough public inquiries into rail disasters, plane crashes and even natural disasters in order to understand what happened and to prevent them from happening again or minimizing the tragic effects when they do. Why, then, does the administration remain steadfast in its opposition to an investigation into the biggest terrorism attack upon our nation?

News reports from Der Spiegel to the London Observer, from the Los Angeles Times to MSNBC to CNN, indicate that many different warnings were received by the administration. In addition, it has even been reported that the United States government broke Osama bin Laden's secure communications before Sept. 11. Sadly, the United States government is being sued today by survivors of the U.S. Embassy bombings in Africa because, from court reports, it appears clear that the United States had received warnings, but did little to secure and protect the staff at our embassies.

Did the same thing happen to us again?

I am not aware of any evidence showing that President Bush or members of his administration have personally profited from the attacks of Sept. 11. A complete investigation might reveal that to be the case. For example, it is known that President Bush's father, through the Carlyle Group, had -- at the time of the attacks -- joint business interests with the bin Laden family's construction company and many defense industry holdings, the stocks of which have soared since Sept. 11.

On the other hand, what is undeniable is that corporations close to the administration have directly benefited from the increased defense spending arising from the aftermath of Sept. 11. The Carlyle Group, DynCorp and Halliburton certainly stand out as companies close to this administration.

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld maintained in a hearing before Congress that we can afford the new spending, even though the request for more defense spending is the highest increase in 20 years.

All the American people are being asked to make sacrifices. Our young men and women in the military are being asked to risk their lives in our war against terrorism while our president's first act was to sign an executive order denying them high deployment overtime pay.

The American people are being asked to make sacrifices by bearing massive budget cuts in the social welfare of our country, in the areas of health care, Social Security and civil liberties for our enhanced military and security needs arising from the events of Sept. 11. It is imperative that they know fully why we make the sacrifices. If the secretary of defense tells us that his new military objectives must be to occupy foreign capital cities and overthrow regimes, then the American people must know why.

It should be easy for this administration to explain fully to the American people in a thorough and methodical way why we are being asked to make these sacrifices and if, indeed, these sacrifices will make us more secure. If the administration cannot articulate these answers to the American people, then the Congress must.

This is not a time for closed-door meetings and secrecy. America's credibility, both with the world and with her own people, rests upon securing credible answers to these questions. The world is teetering on the brink of conflicts while the administration's policies are vague, wavering and unclear. 

Major financial conflicts of interest involving the president, the attorney general, the vice president and others in the administration have been and continue to be exposed.

This is a time for leadership and judgment that is not compromised in any fashion. This is a time for transparency and a thorough investigation.


[CTRL] Bush Officials Met W/ Venezuelan Coup Leaders

2002-04-16 Thread William Shannon

Bush Officials Met With Venezuelans Who Ousted Leader


WASHINGTON, April 15 — Senior members of the Bush administration met several times in recent months with leaders of a coalition that ousted the Venezuelan president, Hugo Chávez, for two days last weekend, and agreed with them that he should be removed from office, administration officials said today.

But administration officials gave conflicting accounts of what the United States told those opponents of Mr. Chávez about acceptable ways of ousting him.

One senior official involved in the discussions insisted that the Venezuelans use constitutional means, like a referendum, to effect an overthrow. 

"They came here to complain," the official said, referring to the anti-Chávez group. "Our message was very clear: there are constitutional processes. We did not even wink at anyone."

But a Defense Department official who is involved in the development of policy toward Venezuela said the administration's message was less categorical.

"We were not discouraging people," the official said. "We were sending informal, subtle signals that we don't like this guy. We didn't say, `No, don't you dare,' and we weren't advocates saying, `Here's some arms; we'll help you overthrow this guy.' We were not doing that."

The disclosures come as rights advocates, Latin American diplomats and others accuse the administration of having turned a blind eye to coup plotting activities, or even encouraged the people who temporarily removed Mr. Chávez. Such actions would place the United States at odds with its fellow members of the Organization of American States, whose charter condemns the overthrow of democratically elected governments.

In the immediate aftermath of the ouster, the White House spokesman, Ari Fleischer, suggested that the administration was pleased that Mr. Chávez was gone. "The government suppressed what was a peaceful demonstration of the people," Mr. Fleischer said, which "led very quickly to a combustible situation in which Chávez resigned." 

That statement contrasted with a clear stand by other nations in the hemisphere, which all condemned the removal of a democratically elected leader.

Mr. Chávez has made himself very unpopular with the Bush administration with his pro-Cuban stance and mouthing of revolutionary slogans — and, most recently, by threatening the independence of Venezuela's state-owned oil company, Petróleos de Venezuela, the third-largest foreign supplier of American oil. 

Whether or not the administration knew about the pending action against Mr. Chávez, critics note that it was slow to condemn the overthrow and that it still refuses to acknowledge that a coup even took place.

One result, according to the critics, is that in its zeal to rid itself of Mr. Chávez, the administration has damaged its credibility as a chief defender of democratically elected governments. And even though they deny having encouraged Mr. Chávez's ouster, administration officials did not hide their dismay at his restora tion. 

Asked whether the administration now recognizes Mr. Chávez as Venezuela's legitimate president, one administration official replied, "He was democratically elected," then added, "Legitimacy is something that is conferred not just by a majority of the voters, however."

A senior administration official said today that the anti-Chávez group had not asked for American backing and that none had been offered. Still, one American diplomat said, Mr. Chávez was so distressed by his opponents' lobbying in Washington that he sent officials from his government to plead his case there. 

Mr. Chávez returned to power on Sunday, after two days. The Bush administration swiftly laid the blame for the episode on him, pointing out that troops loyal to him had fired on unarmed civilians and wounded more than 100 demonstrators.

Mr. Fleischer, the White House spokesman, stuck to that approach today, saying Mr. Chávez should heed the message of his opponents and reach out to "all the democratic forces in Venezuela."

"The people of Venezuela have sent a clear message to President Chávez that they want both democracy and reform," he said. "The Chávez administration has an opportunity to respond to this message by correcting its course and governing in a fully democratic manner."

On Sunday, President Bush's national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, expressed hopes that Mr. Chávez would deal with his opponents in a less "highhanded fashion."

But to some critics, it was the Bush administration that had displayed arrogance in initially bucking the tide of international condemnation of the action against Mr. Chavez, who was democratically elected in 1998.

Arturo Valenzuela, the Latin America national security aide in the Clinton administration, accused the Bush administration of running roughshod over more than a decade of treaties and agreements for the 

[CTRL] Ashcroft-He's Making a List...Checking It Twice

2002-04-16 Thread William Shannon

He's Making a List...Checking It Twice

by John Bottoms 

A. G. Ashcroft announced that the Justice Department plans to place the names of more than 100,000 Americans onto a database available to law enforcement nationwide. A spokesman insisted the new databases were simply “to make sure the distribution of potential terrorists' names to law-enforcement agencies is systematic and thorough.” Just what we need, a systematic and thorough government. Seems to me the only thing that governments have ever been “systematic and thorough” about is murder. 

Ashcroft has lots of help collecting and collating data on us. Silicon Valley's techno-geeks are falling over each other in a stampede to collect their share of federal loot for supplying “technologies that would allow the CIA to monitor and profile potential terrorists as closely and carefully as Amazon monitors and profiles potential customers.” 

So let's see, if there are about 200 million Americans who are in an age group to be potential terrorists, then 1 in 2,000 would be on that list! Well, fellow readers and internet newshounds, what are the chances that, in a random group of 2,000 of your fellow Americans, you would stand out as the most likely “terror” suspect? For me as a regular internet commentator, the chances might be pretty good. Just try this Google search on “John Bottoms” anarchist and find out how easy it is to achieve even more than one's allotted 15 minutes of digital notoriety on the internet. Nay, you say, they're only after Muslims, and Bottoms isn't a Muslim name. Since there about 7 million Muslims in the US, about 1 in 70 of them might be on Ashcroft's list. So, for you Muslim readers, what are the chances that you would be the most likely suspect out of 70 of your fellow Muslim-Americans? 

Our highly efficient justice department wants this information available to working cops so your “suspect” status would become known during a regular traffic stop. But what, exactly, is officer McPorcine going to do when his computer comes back with a “terror suspect” hit on you? He'll probably ask you a bunch of nosy questions, request to check your vehicle for weapons and “evidence” and write a report on the “incident.” But what if you're an uncooperative “privacy nut” like a lot of people these days and refuse to “cooperate,” or what if you do have a legal weapon in the car or even on your person? Or what if you’re carrying a book by green anarchist Edward Abbey? The situation could easily escalate and you find yourself “detained.” 

Even more ominous, once their backdoor national ID driver's license complete with digital fingerprint gets rolling, will you be denied service when you try to do your banking, check out a library book, enroll your child in school, pick up your prescription, board a flight, buy a firearm, or use your credit card? After a few officially denied reports of this type, how many future John Bottoms will be willing to put their everyday lives on the line by publicly criticizing the state? Intimidation is clearly at the heart of the state's campaign, most explicitly when unofficial propaganda czar Bill Bennett says, “It's your constitutional right to criticize. But when you criticize, you take the consequences for your words. Your words may be responded to and your words can be interpreted in such ways that they hurt the national resolve.” What can that mean except that, if what you say gets in the way of government's plans, the Bill of Rights won't protect you? 

But why would Ashcroft and company stop at a list of 100,000? Once the system is up and operating, they can make it as big as they want, and add to it anybody they’ve decided “hurts the national resolve.” Who’s going to stop them? “You’ll be at tomorrow’s Terrorism rally, won’t you?” asks your friendly federally funded Neighborhood Watch representative. If you make excuses too often, this Party Member may get your name placed on I style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal"The List. 

It doesn’t take a conspiracy nut to fit the pieces together and recognize a police state under construction. I'm sure that some would call me paranoid for having these fears, but actually it's the government, which is spending billions of our dollars to track and profile us, which is paranoid. I'm just scared. 

And other critics would insist that there really are terrorists out there and we can't just let them blow us up. The short-term response is that an alert, engaged public (starting with armed airline pilots), combined with good police intelligence is what's required to stop and apprehend terrorists and other criminals. But our centralized, authoritarian way of doing things discourages public participation in crime-prevention, and police intelligence will be an oxymoron as long as it's run by those bureaucratized morons in government. The long-term solution is to ask why terrorists are so intent on blowing us up, and 

[CTRL] Jenin

2002-04-16 Thread William Shannon

David Irving
April 16, 2002 (Tuesday)
London -- Eastbourne -- London 

HORRIFYING pictures are spread across the front pages all major British newspapers today of the destruction inflicted by the Israeli invaders on the Palestinian village of Jenin. The stories related by Arabs to the British journalists who have penetrated the Israeli cordon are too harrowing to read right through, at least if you have children of your own. It is Deir Yassin all over again.

One wonders what madmen can have ordered such crimes, and what went through the minds of the murderers carrying out the orders -- just as Daniel Goldhagen and others have often pondered about the "ordinary men" who killed the Jews in World War II. As I told Goldhagen, when he lectured at New Orleans, the question that would occupy me, if I were a Jew, is not whose finger was pulling the triggers of the murder squads, but why?

At risk of being accused of racism, I suggest that there seems to be a bug in the Jewish brain, a historic bug that needs fixing: the inability to relate cause to effect. They recognise this, because for anybody to suggest that they bring their misfortunes upon themselves is now commonly regarded as the height of anti-Semitism; but those of us who venture to suggest it do so in the interests of the Jewish people, in the urgent desire to prevent these things ever happening again. And now this.

Mr Ariel Sharon is an indicted war criminal whose trial before a Belgian court has yet, we hope, to come (we hope, that is, in the ever-fainter belief that at such a trial he may yet be able to establish his own complete innocence). He is the same Ariel Sharon whose catastrophic invasion of southern Lebanon killed 80,000 civilians in a space of weeks. I published one awful photograph at the time, 1982, in my printed newsletter Focal Point, infuriated that the British newspapers would not.

The Jews who surround him share his blind and racist hatred of the Arabs whose land they have stolen and are, in the eyes of the United Nations and the civilised world, illegally occupying even now.

The Arabs are the new Untermensch. To my dismay several British press barons, who know which side their bread is buttered on, chortle with glee at each new Israeli adventure. (As indeed do the most hardened anti-Semites, because they see it as bringing the ultimate perdition of the Jews one step closer.) 

 IN the old days of the Berry family and Lord Camrose, who owned The Daily Telegraph, I used to reflect that one thing made living in all the disagreeable turbulence of Britain bearable -- the comforting knowledge that there were still 2,000,000 people who bought and read that newspaper.

Now that it is owned by Conrad Black and his creepy spouse Barbara Amiel, it has become pro-Zionist to a jaw-sagging point of laughability. This morning's most disturbing news (for me), was that almost alone in Europe, Tony Blair's Britain had voted against a United Nations human rights resolution condemning Israel for "mass killing" and "gross violations of human rights." The Telegraph tucks it away in a two-square inch paragraph on page 12. The only other European country which sided with Britain in this disgraceful vote was Germany, who built and effectively donated those monster tanks which Israel has used in its rampage (the American taxpayers provided the Apache helicopter gunships).

Support for Sharon is almost as heinous as committing this monstrous crime: in my view, his claqueurs should not escape their punishment either. Let us start a little list. To adopt a recent phrase, those who don't condemn this terrorist, and in the most unmistakeable terms, are with him: they are no less criminal.

Those nations which provide shelter and succour to these terrorists should be made the enemies of the free world. The civilised nations should apply at very least the same sanctions against them as have been hesitatingly agreed against Robert Mugabe's Marxist gang: no airline should agree to fly the representatives of these nations: they should be barred from the shores of every civilised country: their funds should be hunted down and frozen: metaphorically speaking, their shoes should be taken off and searched at every airport barrier.

They should be made the new outlaws of the world, and forced to recognise and atone for their own criminality. That includes a sizeable slice of the European politicians, and most of those officiating in Washington too, from the nice Mr Wolfowitz downwards (I have been sent a list, yesterday, of the Israeli connections of leading members of the Bush administration and it is almost as eye-opening as during the Clinton years). 

 THE lavishly-funded Board of Deputies of British Jews is one accomplice, of course: their articles of association identify their principal task as being to represent Israel's interests in Britain. So the Board is a foreign agent in Britain. Their director 

[CTRL] Congress Chooses The Jewish Political Establishment Over Truth, Justice And The

2002-04-16 Thread William Shannon

Congress Chooses The Jewish Political Establishment Over Truth, Justice And The "Rule Of Law" 

Last week, while in Washington D.C. we were told by many on Capitol Hill of how constricting and intellectually rigid the environment has become in the U.S. Congress. Many members of Congress we learned, who have expressed their sympathies with, and lent their voice to the Palestinian cause, in the past, are feeling too insecure to make the same contributions in the present climate. Others, who don't necessarily have a vested or constituent-related interest in either side of the Middle East conflict told us that they recognize many human rights and U.S. treaty violations committed in the occupied territories but will not lift their voice to condemn such unless they are joined or preceded by other members of Congress. No one, it seems, is willing to publicize a dissenting view of U.S. foreign policy relative to Israel and the occupied territories, or disagreement with the Israeli government itself. Only a terrorist attack on American soil; a mainstream media guided by "breaking news" rather than the context of history; and the influence of the Jewish political establishment - in America and Israel - could produce this degree of bipartisanship.

But that does not change the reality that truth is on the side of those who would dare to criticize and point out Israel's transgression of U.S. law in not only its most recent actions in Palestinian-populated areas, but in its militarized conduct, throughout the past year. The Israelis are in clear violation of a stipulation in the Arms Export Control Export Act that allows the use of weapons purchased from the U.S. only for "legitimate self-defense".

Israel, as a sovereign nation and one of the biggest purchasers of US weapons, with the $2 billion a year it gets from Washington in military aid, certainly has a legitimate claim and capability to defend itself. Its vast arsenal consists of such US-made helicopters as AH 64As, AH 1Fs, AH 1Gs and hundreds of M-60 tanks and armored personnel carriers. And if that weren't enough, Israel is home to the largest collection of American fighter jets outside of the United States. That of course would be an impressive array of "made in the U.S.A." F-15s, F-16s, F-4s and A-4s. 

But the argument that Israel's "legitimate self-defense" is all that has been at work in the recent escalation of the conflict is fallacious and simply inaccurate. On the surface, the weekend news of the detention of 4,185 Palestinians (announced by the Israeli Army itself) while only 121 of them were previously-listed as "wanted" by the Israelis, should raise eyebrows at the claim that the Israeli military has exercised surgical precision in its past and present military operations in the West Bank and other areas - supposedly detaining and killing only terrorists and armed belligerents. For any interested member of the U.S. Congress, the truth remains that according to the U.S. government the actions of Israel's security forces have violated human rights and U.S. law. The fact also remains that the U.S. government is obligated to do something in response to such a scenario.

Section 556 of the FY 2002 Foreign Assistance Appropriation bill ("Leahy Amendment") prohibits U.S. security assistance to "any unit of the security forces of a foreign country if the Secretary of State has credible evidence that such unit has committed gross violations of human rights, unless the Secretary determines and reports to the Committees on Appropriations that the government of such country is taking effective measures to bring the responsible members of the security forces to justice." The State Department's Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2001 released on March 4, states "Israeli security forces committed numerous, serious human rights abuses during the year." The report goes on to state that, "The IDF [Israel Defense Forces] generally did not investigate the actions of security force members who killed and injured Palestinians under such circumstances, leading to a climate of impunity."

Section 4 of the Arms Export Control Act prohibits the use of American weapons supplied to its allies for any purpose other than "legitimate self-defense." The State Department's Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2001 released on March 4, cites numerous examples of Israeli security forces targeting civilian areas and institutions. Beyond these examples, the Report states that Israeli forces fired tank shells, heavy machine-gun rounds, and rockets from helicopters and F-16s at targets in residential and business neighborhoods located near the sites from which the Palestinian gunfire was believed to have originated. Such Israeli actions during the year killed at least 93 Palestinians, most of whom were noncombatants, injured at least 1,500 persons, and caused significant damage to buildings, schools, and 

Re: [CTRL] Opium Lords- Israel, the Golden Triangle, and the Kennedy Assassination

2002-04-16 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Uh, Kris, is there a URL? You did say ONLINE book. ;-D


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 Introducing the on-line book that solved the mystery of the Kennedy

 Opium Lords

 Israel, the Golden Triangle, and the Kennedy Assassination

 by Salvador Astucia

 Ó April 2002

 Table of Contents

 Order Opium Lords Book (400 pages)

 About the Author

 Contact Salvador



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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] 911 The Road to Tyranny Video Online!!!

2002-04-16 Thread InfoWarz

-Caveat Lector-

911 The Road to Tyranny  (48 minute RealPlayer Video Clip)

Defenders of Freedom

The government not only had prior knowledge of the terrorist attacks
of 9-11 and allowed them to happen, the national security dictatorship
publicly funded, trained and shepherded the terrorists into the United
States -- and went so far as to protect them from the FBI and Defense
Intelligence. Now the government is going to use SCAREorism to turn
America into a cross between Communist China and Nazi Germany.

9-11 The Road to Tyranny (48 minute RealPlayer Video Clip)
   The film in it's entirety is 2 hrs and 20 minutes long

Click below to order this video from the Alex Jones web site.

More video clips from the Defenders of Freedom web site.

The classic negative utopia from George Orwell, is portrayed in this
chilling film filmed in 1984. This particular scene illustrates the use of
torture and mind control.

Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove
Witness the movers and shakers of government supporting pagan
rituals. Hidden camera video along with documentary information.

Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports Exposed
The Biggest Game in Town exposes the two-tiered accounting of all
federal, state, county governments. Find out how the issue is confused
by focusing on the budget and not discussing the investments. There
is no reason for continued taxation.

Click below to download the Free RealOne Player

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Silicon Valley's Spy Game

2002-04-16 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-



The New York Times Magazine
April 14, 2002

Silicon Valley's Spy Game
The post-boom high-tech industry has found a new backer -- the Office of
Homeland Security. The mission is to help the government track its citizens
the way Amazon tracks its customers.


Jeffrey Rosen is an associate professor at George Washington University Law
School and the legal affairs editor of The New Republic. His last article
for The Times Magazine was about the growth of surveillance.

Gilman Louie is one of the most successful computer-game developers of all
time. ''I'm your classic entrepreneur,'' he told me recently. ''I started my
first business with my fraternity brothers at San Francisco State.'' Louie,
an amateur fighter pilot, had his first big success in 1987 with a game
called Falcon, which allowed players to simulate the flight of an F-16.
Falcon sold millions of copies, not only to teenage boys but also to pilots
in the United States Air Force, who found it so realistic that it helped
them learn to fly real fighter jets. Louie's biggest success came in 1988,
when he imported from the Soviet Union an unexpectedly addictive game called
Tetris, which became the best-selling computer game ever. ''Between Nintendo
sales and PC sales, 70 or 80 million copies of that game sold,'' Louie says.
''We even found out that Hillary Clinton loved playing Tetris on the Game

Lots of companies were impressed by Louie's success, including Hasbro, which
put him in charge of creating its games Web site. And then in 1998, Louie
was recruited by an even more powerful employer: the Central Intelligence
Agency. ''The C.I.A. actually thought that my computer-game background was a
valuable asset,'' Louie recalls. ''I look at the world as one big system --
one big game.''

The C.I.A. had just founded an unusual venture-capital firm called In-Q-Tel,
and the agency wanted Louie to be the C.E.O. ''The 'Q' stands for the 'Q'
factor -- it's named after the character in James Bond,'' says Louie.
In-Q-Tel was the brainchild of George Tenet, the C.I.A. director, who
believed that by investing $30 million a year in Internet startups in
Silicon Valley, the C.I.A. could encourage the development of cutting-edge
technologies that might be useful for national intelligence. Louie's
marching orders were to provide venture capital for data-mining technologies
that would allow the C.I.A. to monitor and profile potential terrorists as
closely and carefully as Amazon monitors and profiles potential customers.

The valley has long indulged its own antiestablishment mythology --
rebellious, libertarian hackers in their parents' garages, bucking the
system by inventing world-changing, personally empowering technologies --
and Louie was worried that persuading programmers to collaborate with the
C.I.A. would be ''borderline ludicrous.'' Despite his doubts, Louie agreed
to open one In-Q-Tel office in Menlo Park, Calif., and another near
Washington. He quickly discovered that far from recoiling at the idea of
working with the C.I.A., Internet entrepreneurs flocked to his door. The
chance to play with the government's cool toys trumped their fears of Big

After the dot-com crash, Silicon Valley, desperate for venture capital,
began to depend more and more on the federal government. Then came Sept. 11,
and the establishment of the Office of Homeland Security. In-Q-Tel now finds
itself just one of several deep-pocketed federally financed investors that
are eager to back technological solutions to our new security challenges.
The Bush administration is asking Congress for $38 billion for homeland
security, and much of this money will be parceled out among competing
federal agencies -- including the Defense Department and the F.B.I. -- which
can then use the money either to invest directly in security technologies or
to follow In-Q-Tel's model of providing venture capital to young companies
in the private sector. Like the C.I.A., the Office of Homeland Security has
concluded that the same technologies that were useful before Sept. 11 for
tracking, profiling and targeting potential customers can be turned today on
potential terrorists. In the wake of the bursting of the tech bubble and in
the thick of the war on terrorism, Silicon Valley is reinventing itself as
the new headquarters for the military-technological complex.

As always, the entrepreneurs are following the money. In January, this led
them to Las Vegas for the Consumer Electronics Show, the largest trade show
of futuristic gadgets in North America. After Sept.11, the conference
organizers decided to sponsor a special exhibition hall at the Riviera Hotel
for technologies that are especially well suited to homeland defense. That
old familiar gold-rush feeling was in the air at the Riviera: one speaker
estimated that federal spending on security technologies would grow 

[CTRL] Fw: [cp] Global Control - who is accountable for redress now? Tennessee funds welfare jobs in India

2002-04-16 Thread Joshua Tinnin

- Original Message - 

From: A Voice For Children 

To: A Voice For 
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 5:36 PM
Subject: [cp] Global Control - who is accountable for redress now? 
Tennessee funds welfare jobs in India

Watching how Enron was taking over the world, is 
nothing more than seeing the fact that the corporate government and what we 
think of as "corporations" are one and the same. Government and courts act 
in the corporate interest/money, which is their own 

Interviews on the news recently showed Indian 
officials testifying that they were threatened politically if they refused Enron 
contracts - billion dollar fraud. Right 
now Andersen accounting is manipulating a plea bargain so that there will be no 
trial where the facts come out about their racketeering, fraud and violations of 
the public trust. 

This is how the bar ALWAYS keeps the facts 
hidden from the people, these are crimes certain individuals have commiitted and 
they must be prosecuted. The courts throw out the counter claims, and th 
Supreme Court refuses to hear cases that would expose the rampant systemic 
public rights violations.

Thnking you are dealing with local business is 
as wrong as thinking you are in a constitutional court. You are not told 
who you are really dealing with. In America as it is you cannot get 
redress against the state, who thinks you will ever find 
accountability with the person you are dealing with across the world? 

The corporations call the banking and accounting 
fraud "business as usual", and now it is ccoming out that the only way all this 
has come to this point is that it has been kept secret.

In Oregon, when you call for DMV information you 
are routed through the prison. The uniformed people at the metal 
detectors in the Marion County Couthouse do not work for the state of Oregon - 
they are privately hired from Washington 
state. Our jobs are being sent overseas or prison labor, KEVIN MANNIX 
prison industry - the bar member agenda is corporate - and they 
figured out a way to get Americans to work for slave wages, and the rest 
ships overseas where they volunteer to work for slave wages. 

And right now they are talking about open 
borders, new money called the AMERICO for Mexico, US and Canada .. we 
are being forced into slavery to this corporate "state", if we don't stand up to 
all this NOW ..

With all the immigration allowed in the last ten years it has 
changed the face of our Nation. Other countries do not have a Bill of 
Rights or sovereignty, won't fight for it and don't expect it. 

Freeborn Natural People have to stand against this and 
excercise our rights.we are the only ones who can  It is our 
RIGHT, DUTY, OBLIGATION and RESPONSIBLIITY to protect this Constitution 
and Bill of Rights, and the foundation of God given Inherent 

-Original Message-From: 
Bill Mayhar protecor@...To: 
Undisclosed-Recipient:;@... Undisclosed-Recipient:;@...Date: 
Tuesday, April 16, 2002 5:06 PMSubject: Fw: Tennessee funds 
welfare jobs in India
Some of you have seen this and some have not. For those who have not, 
this is interesting reading.

Bill -

- Original Message - 
From: Raymond "Mike" Clausen, 

Cc: Steve Foley* (P) 
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 11:13 PM
Subject: Tennessee funds welfare jobs in India

Bob this is interestingDBD_Mike

  Tennessee funds welfare jobs in IndiaThis is a 
  story you need to read. It's by Lynn Redmon and it appeared in the Powell 
  Post, a weekly paper in Knox County. Since the Post doesn't have an internet 
  link, I have copied the column here, by permission.This is an example 
  of your Tennessee tax dollars at work, creating jobs in India. After you read 
  it ask yourself a question. Could this company be required, as part of the 
  contract, to locate the call center in Tennessee? http://www.frankcagle.com 
  By Lynn RedmondWhen a welfare recipient in Knox County calls a 
  toll free number asking for help with food stamp problems, 
  the representative of the state of Tennessee who answers 
  the phone is located in Bombay, India. 
  Tennessee's Department of Human Services has entered into a 
  contract with a large international company, eFunds, to provide 
  round-the-clock call centers to help food stamp recipients across Tennessee 
  work out problems with their benefits.
  At the program's beginning in 1999 Tennessee's callcenter was 
  located inMilwaukee, Wisconsin. In 2000 eFrunds closed the 
  Milwaukee center and moved all call operations to Bombay, 
  India.A spokesman for eFunds said of the closing "It was a 
  matter of staying competitive. It cost us $12 an hour for an 
  employee in Milwaukee and only $3 an hour for an employee in 
  India."These actions of the Department of Human Services stand in 
  stark contrast to the goal of Tennessee's much ballyhooed Families First 
  welfare program which is to get people off the 

[CTRL] Landowners sue DuPont, alleging herbicide damage

2002-04-16 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Landowners sue DuPont, alleging herbicide damage

Copyright © 2002 AP Online

By MARK WARBIS, Associated Press

BOISE, Idaho (April 16, 2002 9:33 p.m. EDT) - More than 100 farmers and
ranchers in Idaho are suing E.I. duPont de Nemours and Co., seeking potentially
hundreds of millions of dollars for crop damage allegedly done by the herbicide

Aerial and ground applicators of the DuPont chemical also were named in the 5th
District Court lawsuit, and a claim raising the same allegations was filed
against the U.S. Bureau of Land Management.

The precise amount of damages is to be determined at trial, including loss of
profits, land value, production capacity, rental income and reputation. Boise
attorney Walter Bithell, representing the landowners, said the total could be
in the hundreds of millions of dollars.

The complaints allege more than 100,000 acres in 11 counties were affected by
Oust. The chemical allegedly was carried by the wind from burned-off rangeland
where the BLM had the herbicide applied in 1999 and 2000 to prevent the
emergence of noxious weeds.

Bithell said some of the farmers have defaulted on loans or been driven to the
brink of bankruptcy by losses in potato, sugar beet, grain and other crops in
2000 and 2001.

The Idaho Department of Agriculture investigated the crop losses and reported
in January that the BLM violated state law by applying Oust near agriculture
property to dusty, highly erodible rangeland that had been denuded by wildfire.

DuPont spokesman Dan Goicoechea said the company was reviewing the complaint
but that the fault was not with the chemical's manufacturer.

Any alleged crop damage occurred from BLM's failure to follow product label
instructions and its own environmental analysis requirement, Goicoechea said.

The BLM instituted a statewide moratorium on Oust use last June 22. Agency
spokesman Barry Rose said Tuesday that the claim would be assessed. The BLM has
120 days to review the claim and determine whether to offer compensation or
possibly face a lawsuit.

We feel the situation was not caused by carelessness on our part, but by
environmental conditions that were extreme and unanticipated, namely a
prolonged drought, Rose said. We believe we applied the herbicide Oust in
accordance with label directions which had been approved by EPA and the state
of Idaho.

The lawsuit alleges negligence by DuPont and the applicators, and that Oust is
a defective product.

If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
long as I'm the dictator.
 -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on 12/18/2000.
As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on their website

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] supreme court, underwager, clergy abuse, mckinney, jenin

2002-04-16 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors.

Supreme Court strikes down ban on virtual child pornography - Anne Gearan
4/16/02 The Supreme Court struck down a law banning virtual child
pornography Tuesday, ruling that the First Amendment protects pornography or
other images that only appear to depict real children engaged in sex. The 6-3
ruling is a victory for both pornographers and artists such as moviemakers.


Mr_ Bubbles and Ralph Underwager on Australia 60 Minutes - Witness for Mr.
Bubbles Transcribed from Australia 60 Minutes, Channel Nine Network  (Aired
on August 5, 1990 in Australia) Produced by Anthony McClellan; Reported by
Mike Munro Reporter: Let me read it to you, this is what you said in court:
Children up to age ten or eleven simply do not have the capacity to think
abstractly. . . Underwager: Right  Reporter: and to consider what's true
Underwager: Yes. Reporter: So in effect, you're saying that, these children,
in the Bubbles case, aged three and four, were too young to understand the
truth. Underwager: No, not at all. What you are doing is distorting and
twisting the language that a psychologist would use. Reporter: In relation to
the Bubbles hearing, there were statements from children saying -- which I'm
sure you read -- what happened to them, there was positive ID of Tony Deren
as Mr. Bubbles, by a number of children, plus the fact that at least five of
the children, and all girls, were positively physically abused. Where you
aware of the medical evidence? At the time? Underwager: I have not reviewed
the file that I had at that time...

Ralph Underwager Expert Testimony - State of Minnesota v. Deloch, 1990 WL
48536 (Minn.App.), April 24, 1990 The trial court did not err in
excluding Dr. Underwager's testimony about learned memory. The record does
not establish that the scientific basis for his theory is reliable and
broadly accepted in its field. Furthermore, the basic rule is that expert
testimony, to be admissible, must be helpful to the jury, and we conclude
that Dr. Underwager's testimony. would not necessarily be helpful. Dr.
Underwager's testimony would tend to inappropriately interfere with the role
of the jury in assessing credibility. No evidence exists that Dr.
Underwager's testimony would add precision or depth to the jury's
conclusions Dr. Underwager's testimony was excluded precisely because its
helpfulness to the jury was seriously questioned. The trial court correctly
excluded Dr. Underwager's testimony. The evidence is sufficient to support
the convictions.

Lawyers: More Abuse Victims Surface

.c The Associated Press

BOSTON (AP) - More than 450 people have come forward claiming they were
sexually abused by Boston-area priests as a widening scandal engulfs the
nation's fourth-largest Roman Catholic diocese, lawyers said.


The Atlanta Journal-Constitution: 4/12/02
McKinney implies Bush knew of Sept. 11 plot
The Washington Post

WASHINGTON -- Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-Ga.) is calling for an investigation
into whether President Bush and other government officials had advance notice
of terrorist attacks on Sept. 11 but did nothing to prevent them. She added
that persons close to this administration are poised to make huge profits
off America's new war.

In a recent interview with a Berkeley, Calif., radio station, McKinney said:
We know there were numerous warnings of the events to come on September
11th. ... What did this administration know and when did it know it, about
the events of September 11th? Who else knew, and why did they not warn the
innocent people of New York who were needlessly murdered? ... What do they
have to hide?

McKinney declined to be interviewed Thursday, but she issued a statement
saying: I am not aware of any evidence showing that President Bush or
members of his administration have personally profited from the attacks of
9-11. A complete investigation might reveal that to be the case.


Amid the ruins of Jenin, the grisly evidence of a war crime
Phil Reeves in Jenin
16 April 2002

A monstrous war crime that Israel has tried to cover up for a fortnight has
finally been exposed. Its troops have caused devastation in the centre of the
Jenin refugee camp, reached yesterday by The Independent, where thousands of
people are still living amid the ruins.

A residential area roughly 160,000 square yards about a third of a mile wide
has been reduced to dust. Rubble has been shovelled by bulldozers into 30ft
piles. The sweet and ghastly reek of rotting human bodies is everywhere,
evidence that it is a human tomb. The people, who spent days hiding in

[CTRL] Eyewitness to the Venezuelan coup

2002-04-16 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-


News Agency New Colombia
Associated member of FELAP - Latin American Federation of Journalists
[EMAIL PROTECTED]www.anncol.com

Is the resignation of Venezuelan President Chavez due to a popular uprising,
as the media make it appear? Nothing seems less true! An eye-witness account
from Maximilien Averliaz, a leader of the popular movement that supports
Chavez, directly from Caracas.

[This eyewitness account was taken from the web site of the Belgian Workers

13.04.2002 (By Maximilien Averlaiz, Caracas) The plot appears to have been
well prepared. It all started with a call for a general strike for Wednesday,
April 10, launched by an alliance between the organization of the bosses
FEDECAMARAS and the corrupt union the Venezuelan Workers Central (CTV). The
big privately owned media helped create a climate of tension. They agitated
the population against the government. The strike, however, for the most part
failed. It occurred only in a few places. In the other places, the bosses
purely and simply closed their factories in such a way that the workers were
unable to work.

After the first day of the strike, FEDECAMARAS and the CTV prolonged their
action for an indeterminate time period, while calling for a demonstration
April 11. During this reactionary demonstration, large groups of partisans of
President Chavez gathered at Miraflores to defend his “Bolivarian
Revolution.” The poor people came down from the neighborhood on the edge of
the city toward the government building to support their president.

Chaven has always guaranteed the right to demonstrate to the opposition, all
the while appealing to his partisans to refuse to respond to provocations and
denouncing the crass media manipulation.

While Chavez was making a radio talk Thursday evening, the second phase of
the destabilization plan was unleashed. The leaders of the right-wing
opposition directed their demonstration toward Miraflores, where the
progressives had assembled. Their aim was clear: blood must flow.

The government gave an order to the National Guard to place itself between
the two groups to avoid battles. At this moment, some elite sharpshooters
began to fire on the pro-Chavez demonstrators. They had been posted on the
tops of high buildings, at 200 meters (650 feet) from the crowd. The first
two deaths fell from among the defenders of the populist president.

It is then that the right-wing demonstrators attacked the National Guard,
while the auxiliary police of the extreme right-wing mayor of Caracas,
Alfrede Pena, fired on the pro-Chavez demonstrators. They unleashed violence
to make a counter-revolution possible. The majority of deaths were from
defenders of Chavez.

In the night from Thursday to Friday the following step took place. A group
from the National Guard and a large part of the Command of the Army turned
openly against President Chavez and seized the state television station. The
national and international media have been the most important instruments of
this coup d’etat, orchestrated by the wealthy elite classes with the direct
support of the United States.

Please note that the reproduction and distribution of this article, also of
parts, is free provided that the source is mentioned

Back to news in English

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Hi-Jackson's Taxing Times

2002-04-16 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://asp.washtimes.com/printarticle.asp?action=printArticleID=20020417-

The Washington Times

Boycott targets gave to Jackson

Steve Miller
THE WASHINGTON TIMES Published 4/17/2002

 The Rev. Jesse Jackson's newly released tax forms for 2000 reveal that his top
donors that year were a who's who of companies that had been threatened with
boycotts or other sanctions by Mr. Jackson.
 The forms also show that Mr. Jackson's Citizenship Education Fund, his primary
tax- exempt group, accepted a $50,000 donation from Kevin Ingram, a convicted
criminal and the former head of the mortgage-backed securities desks at Goldman
Sachs and Deutsche Bank.
 Ingram — friends with Mr. Jackson for several years — last year pleaded guilty to
federal money-laundering charges related to Pakistani arms deals. He is in federal
 The coffers of the two principal economic engines for Mr. Jackson remained full in
2000, as donations from corporate America flowed freely, the forms show.
 The Citizenship Education Fund had $9,262,846 in revenue in 2000, according to
the tax forms, a $600,000 decline from the previous year. The Rainbow/PUSH
Coalition, which is tax-exempt in its home state of Illinois but does not have a 
exemption, saw a $300,000 increase in revenue in 2000.
 Tax forms for fiscal 2001 are due in June.
 Mr. Jackson's Wall Street Project, aimed at securing employment for minorities,
received $4.5 million in 2000 from the education fund.
 His contributors for 2000 include many firms that have had business dealings with
Mr. Jackson in the past. Viacom, Bell Atlantic and GTE all gave to Mr. Jackson in
2000, and all have been threatened with boycotts or other sanctions by him.
 Blaylock  Partners, which received a $750,000 account from ATT at Mr.
Jackson's behest, donated $30,000 to the education fund in 2000. ATT contributed
 SBC Communications, which solicited and received the support of Mr. Jackson
for its merger with Ameritech, contributed $500,000.
 The New York Stock Exchange, which Mr. Jackson has accused of redlining
minorities, donated $194,634.
 Mr. Jackson's office did not return repeated phone calls.
 Targets of Jackson boycott threats such as Toyota and SBC Communications
have denied any quid pro quo in their subsequent donations.
 The civil rights activist is 60 years old, and his organizations continue to incur
financial setbacks, requiring a change in accounting practices and a stepped-up
effort to collect membership dues in his trade groups.
 Earlier this year, Mr. Jackson laid off up to 50 employees from his top three
organizations in Chicago. His chief financial officer, Billy Owens, and Emma
Chappell, executive director of Mr. Jackson's Wall Street Project, also have
 Mr. Jackson is emboldened by a following that accepts his shortcomings, said
Mark Thompson, a radio talk-show host on the District's WOL-AM.
 Jesse Jackson is still a very articulate spokesman for the African-American
community, Mr. Thompson said. When it comes to the everyday issues that we
face, he is the man who has fought for people.
 Mr. Jackson's critics use the apparent quid pro quo business dealings as grist 
the mill, Mr. Thompson said.
 But among his followers, there may be some concerns and some doubts, but
people are willing to hold their noses and still be supportive of him and his service 
the community.
 Mr. Jackson, who earns about $500,000 annually, has repeatedly accused his
detractors of having political motivations.
 Jesse Jackson is still telling people that the Republicans are targeting his
supporters, an estranged colleague said this week of Mr. Jackson's financial
 He has continued to decline this year, after seeing his revenue fall off last 
he said on the condition of anonymity. His revenues are down — real big. He has
these associates who have gotten into all this trouble. And it is still the 
 Mr. Jackson warned a black crowd last year that we are in danger because of the
right wing.
 The right wing has seized government. Watch out in coming days of the right-
wing media, the FBI, the IRS, targeting our leadership, he told an audience at
November's State of the Black World Conference in Atlanta.
 But many of Mr. Jackson's associates have found trouble on their own.
 Miss Chappell, who is founder of the United Bank of Philadelphia, was sued by
the bank two years ago and accused of misconduct and fraud. In a confidential
agreement to settle the suit, Miss Chappell gave up her seat on the bank's board of
 Mr. Jackson, though, has relentlessly pushed his agenda. In a column last week,
he insisted that President Bush is systematically weakening the laws and regulation
on clean air, clean water, toxic wastes, workplace safety, civil rights and equal

[CTRL] The Strange Case of the Sugar Land Suicide

2002-04-16 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From www.wsws.org

WSWS : News  Analysis : North America

The case of Clifford Baxter: more questions raised over alleged suicide of Enron

By Patrick Martin
17 April 2002

Back to screen version| Send this link by email | Email the author

In the first major media inquiry into the alleged suicide of former Enron Vice
Chairman J. Clifford Baxter, CBS News broadcast a segment April 10 which raised
significant questions about the police handling of Baxter’s death.

Baxter was found shot to death in his car in the early morning hours of January 25, a
few days after he agreed to testify to Congress. Formerly the head of Enron’s gas
pipeline operations, and vice chairman of the company until his resignation last May,
Baxter was in a position to give insider testimony on the causes of the biggest
bankruptcy in US history.

According to congressional investigators, Baxter was being sought, not as a target in
his own right, but to provide evidence against other top executives. He was known
within Enron for having opposed the off-the-books financial manipulations directed by
CEO Jeffrey Skilling and Chief Financial Officer Andrew Fastow.

Police in the wealthy Houston suburb of Sugar Land declared the death a suicide
without any investigation, and the Harris County coroner initially declined to conduct
an autopsy, only reversing herself after media publicity and objections by Baxter’s

According to the story narrated by CBS correspondent Sharyl Attkisson, the network
obtained police, autopsy and lab reports and had them analyzed by two independent
experts, coroner Cyril Wecht and former homicide detective Bill Wagner.

Wecht noted that the ammunition used was so-called “rat-shot,” rather than regular
bullets, consisting of pellets that break apart and spread after discharge. “This kind
of ammunition cannot be easily or readily traced back to the gun from which it was
fired,” he told CBS.

“It’s not as frequently used by people for any reason. It’s not the type of ammunition
one finds in guns—it has a specific purpose: shooting at snakes and rodents in order
to get a distribution pattern of the small pellets contained within the nose portion of
the bullet. It’s not something that a person is likely to have and to use if they 
to kill themselves.”

Wagner said that murder could be ruled out, despite the evidence suggesting that
the shooting was a suicide. “Murder can be made to look like a suicide,” he said.
“Someone who is knowledgeable about forensics can very well have the ability to
stage a murder, commit a murder and stage it to look as if it was a suicide,
understanding what the police are going to be looking for.”

Apparently, however, the Sugar Land police were not looking for much of anything.
Wagner said their handling of the crime scene was deficient. They neither “bagged”
Baxter’s hands— i.e., checked for chemical residues and other indications that he
had fired the gun—nor did they fingerprint the interior of the car. “I’m just amazed
frankly that the hands were not bagged,” Wecht said.

The timeline produced by the Sugar Land police has major inconsistencies. For
instance, the police report says that a blood stain was found on the pavement
outside the car, caused by someone laying Baxter on the ground. Yet the body was
in the car when the funeral home personnel arrived to handle it.

This suggests two alternatives: that Baxter was shot on the pavement and then
placed in the car to make it look like suicide; or that the body was removed from the
car—perhaps in an attempt to resuscitate him—and then, for unknown reasons, put
back into the driver’s seat.

Crime scene photos were only taken after the gun and other evidence, as well as the
body, had been moved. There are unexplained bruises on Baxter’s left hand,
together with traces of black material, which are consistent with him putting out his
hand to brace a fall onto asphalt pavement after he was shot in the right temple—a
scenario that suggests murder rather than suicide.

Other questions have been raised about the fatal wound, which was very large—7.2
cm by 4.5 cm—according to the coroner’s report. One estimate of the spread pattern
of rat shot suggests that the gun muzzle must have been two to three feet away from
his temple for the shot to have diverged that much, an improbably awkward position
for a suicide.

The day after the CBS report, Texas Attorney General John Cornyn ordered the
release of the suicide note that was found on the seat of Carol Baxter’s car in the
family garage. Cornyn is the Republican candidate for US Senate in Texas, to fill the
seat being given up by Phil Gramm.

Sugar Land police refused to release the note for nearly three months, after the
Baxter family sought to keep it confidential, citing their right to privacy. Cornyn’s
office issued a ruling that cited “the substantial public interest in the causes of
Enron’s failure and its far-reaching consequences.”
