[CTRL] U.S. to Add Preemption to Military Policy

2002-06-11 Thread Jei

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U.S. to Add Preemption to Military Policy

WASHINGTON -- The Bush administration is drafting a formal military policy
that supports preemptive attacks against terrorists and hostile states with
weapons of mass destruction, the ***Washington Post ***said in Monday

The new strategic doctrine, which moves away from the Cold War era's policy
of containment and deterrence, will be part of the administration's first
national security strategy slated for release by this fall, the report
said, quoting senior officials.

The ***Post ***cited one official as saying that the document will for the
first time add preemption and defensive intervention as formal options
for striking at hostile nations or groups that appear determined to use
weapons of mass destruction against the United States, Reuters reported.

President George W. Bush spoke of where the United States was headed
strategically in a commencement address at the United States Military
Academy at West Point on June 1.

Bush told the graduates that future U.S. military leaders must be ready to
launch a preemptive strike in the war on terrorism, warning of an
unprecedented threat of chemical, biological or nuclear attack from
terrorists and tyrants. Administration officials drafting the new policy
said the United States has been forced to move beyond deterrence since Sept.
11 because of the threat posed by terrorist groups and hostile states
supporting them, the ***Post ***reported. The nature of the enemy has
changed; the nature of the threat has changed, and so the response has to
change, said a senior official, noting that terrorists have no territory
to defend. ... It's not clear how one would deter an attack like we
experienced. Under the new doctrine, nuclear first strikes would be
considered weapons of last resort, especially against biological weapons
that can be best destroyed by sustained exposure to the high heat of a
nuclear blast, Pentagon officials told the ***Post.***


U.S. Military Policy

By Our Staff Writer

The Thursday edition of the Washington Post quoted U.S. Defense Secretary
Donald Rumsfeld as saying that during his upcoming trip to India and
Pakistan, he would warn the two countries of the disastrous consequences of
a nuclear war.

However, in an unprecedented statement on the U.S. nuclear attacks against
the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II, Rumsfeld
said, Today, more than 55 years have passed since the first atomic bomb was
exploded out of fury. This is the first time in history that a weapon with
such great power has been available to governments, but which has not since
been used. He said that nuclear weapons have not been used for the past 55
years because the leaders of countries possessing these weapons have been
aware of the unpredictable and dangerous consequences of using them.

As regards the present tension between India and Pakistan, this U.S.
official noted, The possibility of using nuclear weapons in a war between
India and Pakistan not only increases the danger of hundreds of thousands of
people on both sides being killed but also could lead to a cessation of the
campaign against terrorism and the weakening of Pakistan's cooperation with
the U.S. on the issue. Rumsfeld's remarks, in which he described the motive
behind the U.S. nuclear attacks on Japan as fury and called on world leaders
to act with wisdom in dealing with nuclear weapons, sound very surprising to
political experts who are familiar with the warmongering and belligerent
attitude of this U.S. official. In other words, such sweet-sounding remarks
will neither help to change the hawkish image of Rumsfeld in the eyes of the
world public nor alleviate the concern of the international community over
the possibility of the United States using this weapon once again against
other nations.

The fact is that the new U.S. military policy, which authorizes the use of
nuclear weapons even against nations that do not possess these weapons such
as Iraq, Libya, Syria, North Korea and Iran is the brainchild of Rumsfeld
and his colleagues at the Pentagon.

In addition, the world knows very well that the reason for the U.S. atomic
attacks against Japanese citizens during World War II was not mere fury, but
that the attacks were a calculated move by U.S. leaders to demonstrate their
strength as a superpower in the political arena of that time.

However, the U.S. pretext was the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

Indeed, in retaliation for the September 11 incidents, U.S. officials are
currently implementing a policy of intimidation of nations, which in nature
is the same as the furious and hegemonic moves of Washington half a century

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[CTRL] Shallow Throat Reveals BushCo.'s Weak Spots

2002-06-11 Thread Jei

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Shallow Throat Reveals BushCo.'s Weak Spots
By Bernard Weiner
t r u t h o u t | Satire/Comment

Monday, 10 June, 2002

With all the complicated scandals and maneuverings in the White House, it
was time to seek out Shallow Throat again.

The disenchanted Republican mole, located high in the Bush Administration,
previously had supplied us with the transcript of an inner-Cabinet meeting,
which revealed how BushCo. had decided in the Summer of 2001 to take
advantage of the terrorist attacks they knew were coming, and which did
arrive on 9/11. (See The 'Shallow Throat' Documents: A Pre-9/11 Scenario,
published here in February.)

I needed the reactions of Shallow Throat as to whether we were on the
right track in our opposition tactics to BushCo. I suspected that this
mole -- who might well be agitated as the Administration veered even further
into HardRight territory -- would be willing to decipher for us what was
going on, and what is about to go down. And would keep us pointed where we
needed to go.

I made the coded call. Later that evening, Shallow Throat, wearing a wig
and shades, joined me at a loud club, and, with the music blaring, we
talked. What follows is the conversation transcribed from tape.

I don't understand, I started out. With BushCo. under all this heat
about pre-9/11 knowledge, Enron, Halliburton, anthrax, neo-imperialism
overseas, courts ruling against them, our allies openly disagreeing with
their policies, and all the rest, they're behaving as if they don't care.
Indeed, they're proceeding to carry out even more outrageous moves, such as
enlarging the government's capabilties to spy on American citizens whenever
and however it wants.

You namby-pamby liberals still don't get it, said ST. They want it ALL.
They're going to push you, bully you, threaten you, lie to you, ruin you
until someone pushes them back and says enough. Trying to accomodate them,
as the Democrat party leaders tend to do, just encourages them. It justifies
their by-the-throat, bullyboy strategy. All they respect is power. Present
them with a unified opposition, which threatens them with painful
consequences, and they'll back off, or, more likely, first try another way
to get around you. But at least you'll have slowed them down and put some
fear into them.

Aren't they fearful about the current Congressional hearings on pre-9/11

Sure, they're worried, but figure as long as the hearings are in the
political arena, they have enough leverage to lean on key senators and House
members to make sure nothing really explosive comes out; in addition, as
you're witnessing, they using their distraction-strategy, stories designed
to deflect attention elsewhere. What they're really terrified of is a truly
independent blue-ribbon commission composed of analysts and academics and
folks of integrity that they might not be able to control or threaten. In
short, they're frightened about the pre-9/11 truth coming out.

What else gives them the willies? I asked.

They're nervous about hearings and investigations that might start
connecting dots.

Like what?

Enron, Halliburton, anthrax, pipelines, influence-peddling, pre-9/11
machinations, interesting things happening in Florida, etc. If American
citizens are permitted to peek under those rocks, they're going to find some
horrifying surprises, and their reactions might not be pretty.

You mean, we'll find out that these individual scandals can be connected in
some way to BushCo.?

It's a complex web these guys weave, said ST.

[ At this point, a waitress came over to check on our drinks. Shallow
Throat seemed a bit nervous as she took our orders. ]

But how to enter this web and figure out the threads?, I continued.

It's all there. Follow the greed. That's their vulnerable spot. Greedy for
money, greedy for power, greedy for control. But they're sloppy at times;
they've left clues around in their arrogance, thinking nobody would have the
courage to challenge them because everyone knows they play for keeps.

I countered with: But some Democrats -- and even some Republicans, like
Sensenbrenner, Safire, Shelby, Specter, some moderates in the House and
Senate -- are starting to develop spines, and are beginning to raise
potentially embarrassing questions. Isn't this a hopeful sign?

The Administration gets whacked by some embarrassing revelation or another,
a few of the more courageous stick their necks out a bit -- but quickly
return to their hiding places when their patriotism is questioned or when
the Administration heavies lean on them. There's no bloody follow-through!
The only way you're going to get these guys is to build up oppositional
momentum that never lets up. The far-rightists in the Administration and
Congress are in this fight to the end; they figure this is their last, best
shot to control American politics for the next decade or two. That's why
they're so tough and mean; they fight 

[CTRL] ISrael PM meets NSA Rice; will tell Bush: No pullback to 1967 borders

2002-06-11 Thread Jei

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Tuesday, June 11, 2002
Tamuz 1, 5762
Israel Time: 05:05 (GMT+3)

Last update - 07:49 10/06/2002

PM meets NSA Rice; will tell Bush: No pullback to 1967 borders

By Aluf Benn and Daniel Sobelman

 Bush and Mubarakat a news conference Saturday in Camp David.
(Photo: AP)

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon met with U.S. National Security Advisor
Condoleezza Rice on Sunday, starting off his visit to the United States, in
which he will deliver one basic message: No withdrawal to the 1967
borders. Sharon will also tell his American counterparts that he opposes a
timetable for a final status agreement with the Palestinians.

During his talks with top officials in Washington, Sharon will emphasize
that Israel's willingness to take chances under any future peace agreement
framework will increase if it has a credible Palestinian partner.

Sharon will meet Monday with President George Bush at the White House. It
will be their sixth meeting since both men took up their current roles.

Ahead of his White House talks, Sharon has published an article in Sunday's
New York Times on the strategic horizons of peace. In an analysis of
regional developments since the 1967 Six-Day War, Sharon concludes that
Israel must not return to the 1967 borders, since they endanger its

He calls for adherence to UN Resolution 242 as a basis for negotiations,
since the resolution acknowledges that states in the region have a right to
uphold safe, recognized borders, and does not enjoin a full withdrawal from
the territories.

Sharon rejects both a peace initiative which Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak
brought to the U.S. presidential retreat at Camp David over the weekend, and
a peace plan drafted by the U.S. State Department. Sharon is unhappy about
both plans because they propose that the 1967 borders ought to be used as a
basis for an agreement, and they also set out a three-year timetable for the
consummation of an Israeli-Palestinian final status accord.

Sharon opposes the imposition of a timetable for a final status accord, but
he is willing to accept the establishment of a Palestinian state under a
long-term interim agreement.

Sharon's main lobbying point during his U.S. visit was reinforced Saturday
by his predecessor, Ehud Barak, who published an article in The Washington
Post calling on the U.S. and the international community not to force Israel
to withdraw to the 1967 borders. Such a demand on Israel would constitute
the conferral of a prize to terror, Barak argued. Barak added that the U.S.
should act first in Iraq to bring about the removal of Saddam Hussein's
regime; such a change in Baghdad, Barak maintained, will create a new Arab
world, and a new Palestinian leadership.

Bush says no timetable for Palestinian state
U.S. President George W. Bush on Saturday sidestepped Arab pleas to impose a
deadline for Palestinian statehood while Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak
defended Yasser Arafat and urged, Give this man a chance.

Ending weekend talks on the Mideast crisis, Bush and Mubarak agreed that the
Palestinian Authority must enact political reforms to give Israel the
confidence to negotiate peace. But they parted at the Camp David
presidential retreat still divided over whether Arafat is the man to deliver
those changes.

Chairman Arafat, as far as I'm concerned, is not the issue, Bush said at a
news conference. The issue is whether or not the Palestinian people can
have a hopeful future. I have constantly said I am disappointed in his
leadership. I think he has let the Palestinian people down.

Bush had invited Mubarak to the secluded retreat hoping he would play an
instrumental role in leading Palestinians to the peace table, much like his
predecessor, Anwar Sadat, did in forging the first peace accord between
Israel and an Arab state. Islamic radicals assassinated Sadat after he
signed that 1979 Egypt-Israeli treaty.

The diplomatic niceties could not disguise their differences on Arafat, a
timetable for a Palestinian state and even how much Mideast violence each
nation was willing to tolerate.

Look, we should give this man a chance, Mubarak said. We are working very
hard with cooperation with the United States for the reform in the
Palestinian Authority. Such a chance will prove that he is going to deliver
or not. If he's going to deliver, I think everybody would support him. If
he's not going to deliver, his people will tell him that, he said.

Bush, taking pains to find common ground with Mubarak, noted that the
Egyptian president did not commit to dealing with Arafat forever, but only
asked for time to see if he will deliver.

Mubarak said violence will come to an end unless the people feel that there
is hope for peace and there is something to show that peace is coming. If
they didn't feel that, they will not stop violence. It will continue

A hard edge in his 

[CTRL] Bush Plan's Underground Architects

2002-06-11 Thread Jei

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Bush Plan's Underground Architects

In Silence and Stealth, Group Drafted Huge Security Overhaul

By David Von Drehle and Mike Allen
Washington Post Staff Writers

Sunday, June 9, 2002; Page A01

There was little doubt in the White House that the creation of a Cabinet
department would have to be done in secret. That's the preferred style of
the Bush administration.

But how secret?

Near-total. In the beginning just four men and a few trusted aides worked on
the most ambitious reorganization of the government's national security
structure since the creation of the Department of Defense half a century

As the work became more detailed and the PEOC Group (from their underground
meeting space, the Presidential Emergency Operations Center) expanded, White
House Deputy Chief of Staff Joseph Hagin gravely explained the omerta, or
code of silence, to each new arrival. At the end of each meeting, all the
papers were collected: nothing left that room.

The work was virtually completed before two of President Bush's most trusted
confidants, Karen Hughes and Karl Rove, were briefed on the plan. Commerce
Secretary Donald L. Evans -- known around the White House as Uncle Don for
his long and close relationship with Bush -- heard the news for the first
time the night before it was made public.

No Cabinet secretary was directly consulted about a plan that would strip
170,000 employees and $37 billion in funding from existing departments,
according to members of the PEOC Group interviewed late last week.

Time will tell if these extraordinary measures meant too little input in
answering an extremely complicated set of questions. The heads of several
hard-hit departments declined to comment on the process.

Architects of the Bush plan say they were able to learn all they needed to
know through feints and sleight-of-hand, along with think-tank style
research. We consulted with agencies and with Congress, said White House
Chief of Staff Andrew H. Card Jr., but they might not have known we were

Card concluded this extraordinary secrecy was necessary last spring. Tom
Ridge, director of the Office of Homeland Security, had proposed just one
piece of what became an enormous reorganization. In the aftermath of the
Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, Ridge wanted to gather the agencies responsible
for protecting American borders under one umbrella.

The bureaucracies erupted.

Ridge hoped to have the proposal finished in time for Bush's State of the
Union address in late January. It frankly went nowhere, according to
Nicholas E. Calio, the president's lead liaison to Congress. Turf squabbles
delayed things for nearly three months.

Finally, in mid-March, Bush stepped in. He convened the Cabinet secretaries
who could lose agencies from their departments, including Treasury Secretary
Paul H. O'Neill and Attorney General John D. Ashcroft. He found obvious
examples of bureaucratic inertia that would prevent this from happening,
according to Card.

Card -- and Ridge, and Bush -- drew the following lesson: Ideas introduced
piecemeal will be killed piecemeal. Trial balloons, an administration
official explained, are easy to shoot down.

The scale of the project was dictated by Bush, influenced by months of
nudging from Ridge and Vice President Cheney, and galvanized by the
bureaucracy's success in scuttling the border proposal. Start with a clean
piece of paper, Bush instructed the group, according to one senior
official. It's going to have to be something big or nothing at all.

On Thursday, Bush surprised Washington with a proposal that would combine
such agencies as the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the Customs
Service, the Coast Guard, the Secret Service, the Federal Emergency
Management Agency -- even the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory -- into
the third-largest unit of the federal government, behind the Pentagon.
Congressional leaders learned of the plan only hours before the public did.
Same with members of the Cabinet.

We were worried about the rumor mill, explained Hughes. People get scared
in an agency when they think something's going to happen to their agency. A
lot of these are front-line agencies that we were counting on to defend us.
So we didn't want rumors starting and people being worried about losing
their jobs.

According to Card and other sources, the work of the PEOC Group can be
traced back to Bush's presidential campaign, when he and his opponent,
then-Vice President Al Gore, agreed on the need to bolster the country
against terror. This subject intrigued Cheney, who did a deep dive into
the available research and theories, Card said.

Aided by a small staff, Cheney examined security proposals from commissions
headed by former Virginia governor James S. Gilmore III, by former senators
Gary Hart (D-Colo.) and Warren B. Rudman (R-N.H.), and others, going back a
ways, Card said in an interview Friday.

[CTRL] Sharon says We Control America

2002-06-11 Thread Jei

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Sharon says We Control America

Dear Mr. President, Israel is not only guilty of state terrorism but also of
being a mafia or gangster state. Now, Mr. Sharon is blackmailing you to
quickly release and additional $800 million in aid to Israel as a reward for
having withdrawn from Lebanon.

On October 3, 2001, I.A.P. News reported that according to Israel Radio (in
Hebrew) Kol Yisrael an acrimonious argument erupted during the Israeli
cabinet weekly session last week between Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
and his foreign Minister Shimon Peres.

Peres warned Sharon that refusing to heed incessant American requests for a
cease-fire with the Palestinians would endanger Israeli interests and turn
the US against us. Sharon reportedly yelled at Peres, saying don't worry
about American pressure, we the Jewish people control America. The
Israelis control the policy in the congress and the senate. -- Senator
Fullbright, Chair of Senate Foreign Relations Committee: 10/07/1973 on CBS'
Face the Nation.

I am aware how almost impossible it is in this country to carry out a
foreign policy

[in the Middle East] not approved by the Jews.

terrific control the Jews have over the news media and the barrage the Jews
have built up on Congressmen  I am very much concerned over the fact
that the Jewish influence here is completely dominating the scene and making
it almost impossible to get congress to do anything they don't approve of.
The Israeli embassy is practically dictating to the congress through
influential Jewish people in the country. -Sec. of State John Foster
Dulles quoted on p.99 of Fallen Pillars by Donald Neff The long history of
bipartisan Congressional support for Israel led former Secretary of State
James Baker to call the Congress The Little Knesset after Israel's Knesset
(parliament) in Jerusalem. Congress's embarrassing and unpatriotic display
of allegiance to a foreign country that is dependent on American largesse
and support is the unknown scandal to the American people. With the media's
strong, biased and sympathetic portrayal of Israel while simultaneously
denying any opposing view of Israel or human pictures and stories of the
endless suffering of Palestinians, its no wonder that we the American people
are so unaware of the true face of Israel. Thus shockingly but not
surprisingly only 4 % of the American people are aware of Israel's 34 year
brutal military occupation of the Palestinian people.

Only at times of war and threat upon the U.S. does our Senate ever exhibit
the strong bipartisanship support of America it regularly provides Israel.

Despite our current crisis in airline security, Congressional political
bickering continued for weeks between Republicans and Democrats placing
American lives at risk while foreign aid to Israel was quick and automatic
(about $6 Billion), even at a time the Congress is telling us of budget
deficits and lack of money for the unemployed American workers. As an
American I am outraged at the blind historical allegiance our Senators have
provided Israel while they neglect many of our pressing domestic issues such
as airline security, Social Security and Medicare Reform, Education Reform,
Health Insurance for needy Americans, Money for Dilapidated Schools, and
Prescription Coverage for our Elderly. Our Congress operates on the premise
that most Americans are disinterested in foreign policy thus they have a
vacuum to provide Israel with blank checks and our latest F-16 fighter jets
that Israel uses to kill Palestinian civilians. They depend on our media to
keep us uninformed and distracted with Sports, Harry Potter, and scandals.

During America's war on terrorism, President Bush and Secretary Powell have
worked hard to keep a fragile coalition among the 55 Arab and Muslim
nations. To do that they've finally listened to British Prime Minister Tony
Blair, other European and Arab leaders and reengaged in the MidEast peace
process. Bush has ignored the Israeli Palestinian conflict since taking
office thus allowing Sharon to reconquer and reinvade Palestinian
territories during this Intifada that has cost over 800 Palestinian lives
and 175 Israeli lives with hundreds of Palestinian homes demolished.

For the first time Bush uttered the word a Palestinian state (is it
conceivable that the President of the most powerful nation on earth doesn't
even dare utter these two words). Powell has repeatedly criticized Israel
for its assassination policy, its house demolitions, its invasion of
Palestinian controlled territory, while he and Bush have repeatedly asked
Sharon to pull out of Palestinian territory, Sharon simply ignored them and
even compared them to Nazi appeasers. None of Sharon's rebuttals of the
American President during this crisis even generated any criticism from our
brave Congress.

No one can imagine any other country able to tell its benefactor take your
demands and 

[CTRL] Bush's Snub Of Criminal Court

2002-06-11 Thread Jei

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Bush's Snub Of Criminal Court
Undermines World Justice By Amy Ross, Pacific News Service, May 7, 2002

In its opposition to the International Criminal Court, and its legally
dubious and arrogant unsigning of the treaty that created the ICC, the
Bush administration continues on a regressive, dangerous path, writes PNS
contributor Amy Ross.

The International Criminal Court (ICC) is now a reality. But the United
States won't be at the table. Office space has been rented. Professionals
from around the world will serve as judges, attorneys and translators,
tasked with prosecuting human rights violations such as war crimes and
genocide. But the U.S. chair will be empty.

This week, President Bush unsigned President Clinton's signature on the
treaty creating the court, a move dubious in its legality and shocking in
its arrogance. Bush's insistence that the United States stands above the
court really means that America will be left outside this important
international body.

The new court enjoys the support of nations worldwide, including all of
the European democracies and a majority of the countries the United States
considers its closest allies. The ICC won't take the place of these
national courts; it has jurisdiction only if the courts fail to act. It
will be located in The Hague, a city with a long tradition of hosting
international treaties and institutions.

The Bush administration's move typifies its disregard for multilateral
cooperation. The White House has made it clear that it will use its muscle
to stymie the ICC, which it believes might hold U.S. citizens (soldiers
and public servants) accountable to international justice.

Last fall, the Bush administration endorsed legislation -- the American
Servicemembers' Protection Act -- calling for sanctions against countries
that support the initiative. This legislation was characterized in Europe
as The Hague Invasion Act, because it authorized the United States to
use force to bring about the release from captivity of any U.S. service
member detained or imprisoned by the ICC in the Netherlands.

At a time when allies in Europe and around the world are rallying to
stand with the United States against a common threat, the State Department
should not be embracing legislation that authorizes an invasion of the
Netherlands, the group Human Rights Watch stated in a letter to Secretary
of State Colin Powell. It hardly seems like a good moment for the U.S. to
be threatening sanctions against dozens of countries simply because they
want to bring to justice perpetrators of crimes against humanity.

Opposition in the Senate managed to remove the extreme language from a
defense appropriation bill.

It must be noted that American aversion to the International Criminal
Court predates the Bush administration. For five weeks in 1998, under
President Clinton's watch, the U.S. delegation to the United Nations
conference wrestled with the rest of the world over the ICC treaty.
Washington strenuously objected to elements in the treaty that gave the
ICC its powers, and in the minds of the vast majority of the other
participants, made the court viable.

The United States insisted on conditions that would essentially make it
impossible to try an American. As one frustrated delegate said at the
time, We are being forced to accept a court that is either weakened by
'American exceptionalism,' or weakened by the lack of involvement of the

Despite accommodations and compromises, the United States became
increasingly isolated, watching as its allies coalesced into the group of
like-minded nations. In the end, 120 countries voted to adopt the
treaty. Only seven voted against it. The United States and Israel publicly
announced their opposition; the five other countries in the secret vote
were reported to be China, Libya, Iraq, Yemen and the Sudan.

Behind this movement to combat bestial crime with rational justice is the
recognition that warfare increasingly affects civilians. In the past,
soldiers were the victims of war. But throughout the 20th century,
civilians made up more than 90 percent of the casualties of war.

On Sept. 11, we Americans felt this reality. Now we share with others
across the planet the knowledge that we can become civilian casualties,
the collateral damage of conflict. As the Bush administration's
bellicose and increasingly unilateral response to 9-11 appears to be
failing in its objectives -- Osama bin Laden has eluded capture, and
threats against the United States at home and abroad continue -- it is
time to reassess our strategy.

With the ratification of the ICC on April 11, the global community will
commit itself to responding to outrageous crimes with rational legal
mechanisms. The ICC cannot try past crimes; it looks toward the future. In
theory, the very existence of a professional court -- competent and
empowered -- could deter individuals from committing crimes 

[CTRL] One Florida Doctor

2002-06-11 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.rense.com/general25/dllor.htm


Israeli West Bank Policy Links
To One Florida Jewish Doctor
Comment From Ziva Cohen
Tel Aviv Israel

Dear Jeff,

Most Americans - and indeed most Israelis - are not aware that one of the key
triggers in the death and suffering (and war crimes) Israel has conducted in the West
Bank in the last two years, is tied to the influence of one American Jewish physician.
His name is Dr. Irving Moskowitz, a right wing extremist, Miami resident, the patron
of the settlers in Judea and Samaria, and a member of the club of donors to former
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

This is one of the best kept secrets in Israel. The incredible number of Arabs and
Jews who have been killed/massacred, are in significant measure reflective of the
power and influence of this single American Jewish doctor. In Dr. Moskowitz' own
words (below): We must never forget for a moment that our generation was chosen
to carry out the return to Zion. After two thousand years of sacrifice on behalf of the
dream of returning to Jerusalem, we must not let it slip from our fingers.

Today, it is essentially taboo to mention Moskowitz in the Israeli press. If the 
public knew the whole story, we may have a civil war in Israel. I could never write you
about it as you probably wouldn't believe me, but I found today an old (4-10-96)
article from the Hebrew daily Yediot Aharonot (Israel's largest daily) which describes
the Moskowitz story in considerable detail.

Recent Israeli atrocities in the West Bank could only rivalled by the Nazis which we
all learned to despise. In fact, it is known that Israeli military leaders closely 
the actual Nazi operations procedures in the infamous Warsaw Ghetto tragedy
before launching the recent West Bank invasion and the subsequent devastation
done there, especially in Jenin.

Wouldn't it be ironic if the reported activity of a single Jewish American might 
in two years what Arafat could not achieve in 50 years: the destruction of the State of
Israel. After the last two years of violence and death on both sides, the dream of
many Israeli families now is to emigrate to the USA; many of us are afraid to even
get out of our houses. Many of our young people are travelling around the world with
the hope to get citizenships in other countries. Young Israeli women are going to the
beach with the hope of finding foreign tourists and marrying them to escape.
Meanwhile, our government is converting Catholics in Peru to Judaism, and
emigrating them to the new settlements in the West Bank !

If a single person could influence all that, what other proof do you need to conclude
that we are really 'The Chosen people' ?

Ziva Cohen

The Millionaire Behind the Tunnel

By Zadok Yehezkeli Yediot Aharonot
October 4, 1996

Dr. Irving Moskowitz contributed to fund excavating the Tunnel at the Wall and was
among the few who participated in the opening. He is a personal friend of
Netanyahu, one of his major donors, and is considered the patron of the settlers in
East Jerusalem and Gush Katif (in the Gaza Strip).

Just a handful of people close to him were invited to the opening ceremony of the
Hasmonean Tunnel that was held the night after Yom Kippur, orchestrated by the
Mayor of Jerusalem, Ehud Olmert. The media were not there. On the other hand, two
Jewish moguls from the American diaspora were present: the millionaire Sandy
Eisenstadt of the Lubavitch movement, in the oil drilling business, and Dr. Irving
Moskowitz, a right wing extremist, Miami resident, the patron of the settlers in Judea
and Samaria, and a member of the club of donors to Prime Minister Benjamin

Moskowitz has already become a living legend among the right as the largest
purchaser of houses in East Jerusalem. He also donated monies for excavating the
controversial tunnel. Those in the know do not exclude the possibility that the timing
of the opening of the tunnel was set by Moskowitz's movements: the doctor simply
was in Israel on Yom Kippur.

In the last ten years, it is estimated that Dr. Moskowitz invested tens of millions of
dollars in Judea, Samaria, and East Jerusalem. Dubbed the well-known benefactor
by settlers, Moskowitz is the money behind the acquisition of houses by the Ateret
Kohanim organization in the Muslim Quarter of the Old City; he is owner of the land
and the building of the Beit Orot Yeshiva on the Mount of Olives; he acquired the old
Shepherd's Hotel (now known as Shetier) in East Jerusalem; he owns land in Ras al-
Amud on which a new Jewish neighborhood is planned; he helped finance
acquisition of the St. George Hostel near the Church of the Holy Sepulcher; and he
financed acquisition of the White House at the Gush Katif junction, a building that
today serves as a restaurant and minimarket. All of this was in addition to his
contributions to propaganda campaigns of the Council 

[CTRL] UbL's TX Connexion

2002-06-11 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From WND

This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which follows.
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Tuesday, June 11, 2002


Bin Laden connection
at Fort Worth airport
Osama's pilot taught at flight school near facilities attended by 14 Syrians

Posted: June 11, 2002

1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Paul Sperry

© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com

WASHINGTON – One of Osama bin Laden's personal pilots was a flight-school
instructor at the small

Texas airport where the FBI, just weeks after the Sept. 11 hijackings, let 14 Syrian
nationals go to learn to fly.

Essam al-Ridi, a government witness in the U.S. embassies-bombing trial, testified
that he had taken classes and taught at the now-defunct Ed Boardman Aviation
School at Fort Worth Meacham International Airport.

The airport's manager says the school went out of business in the early '90s.

But the airport's al-Qaida connection is disturbing, because Meacham has become a
magnet for Middle Eastern student pilots, some from terrorist countries such as

In fact, 14 young Syrian men enrolled at one school there in early October, alarming
local Immigration and Naturalization Service agents, as WorldNetDaily first reported.

Four of the seven schools at Meacham are owned and run by Middle Eastern men,
most of them from Syria or Lebanon, the airport manager told WorldNetDaily.

Al-Ridi – an Egyptian, like hijacking ringleader Mohamed Atta – testified that in 1993
he bought a used Saber-40 aircraft for $210,000 for bin Laden. He said bin Laden
wanted it to transport Stinger missiles, so he flew it from Fort Worth to bin Laden,
who at the time was based in Khartoum, Sudan.

Last year's trial of bin Laden operatives for the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in
Africa produced documents revealing a number of references to bin Laden pilots and
U.S. flight schools. The FBI has come under fire for failing to connect these and
other dots before Sept. 11, which may have shown an outline to al-Qaida's terrorist

Even after Sept. 11, the FBI did not seem overly concerned about the flight-school

INS inspectors at Dallas-Forth Worth International Airport, where the Syrians entered
the U.S., alerted the FBI about the clean-shaven men, who came in groups of seven,
but were told only to copy their visas and other papers. The FBI did not detain or
even interview the men.

However, Meacham manager Luis Elguezabal says FBI agents paid him a visit after
WorldNetDaily's story broke, and was amplified by local and national media. He says
they asked him for the names of the owners of the flight schools and their phone

They were concerned about the students, he said in a recent WND interview.

FBI agents returned this year to ask him more questions, Elguezabal says. He
declined to say more.

The 14 Syrians enrolled at Delta-Qualiflight Aeronautics, owned by Khaled Miloud.
They entered the U.S. on M-1 visitor's visas, which expired in April, according to INS
agents. Elguezabal does not know if they've left the school and returned to Syria.
Neither Miloud nor his wife, contacted at their Arlington, Texas, home, would say if
they've left.

He's been very tight-lipped even with me on that issue, said Elguezabal, who has
managed the city- owned airport since 1996.

The INS, for its part, does not track foreign visitors – even those from terrorist
countries – after they've entered the country to see if they've overstayed their visas.

Meacham's three other Arab-owned schools are: Gold Star Aviation (owned and run
by Wael Alborghie), MK Conquest International (Eric Kudimi) and Skywings Flight
Training (Walid Yammine). Elguezabal says the men are from Syria and Lebanon.

A Meacham flight-school instructor, speaking on condition of anonymity, says the
Arab nationals at neighboring schools are allowed to speak in Arabic, even though
the Federal Aviation Administration requires that pilots speak English, the universal
language of aviation around the world. Meacham is certified by the FAA.

Meacham's schools teach student-pilots to fly small-engine planes, not jetliners.

But Atta's original plan, it turns out, was to pack small planes with explosive
chemicals and slam the flying bombs into U.S. targets.

The government's Pantex nuclear-bomb facility in Amarillo, Texas, and President
Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas, are not long flights from Fort Worth.

Large numbers of Middle Eastern men, including the alleged 20th hijacker, Zacarias
Moussaoui, received flight training at schools just north of Fort Worth in Oklahoma.

What's more, Abdul Hakim Murad, who was convicted several years ago of a plot to
crash a suicide plane into CIA headquarters, trained at Alpha Tango Flying Services
in San Antonio, Texas. The flight school is owned by Hamid Afzal.

Not long after federal authorities let the Syrians attend flight school in Fort Worth, 

[CTRL] Senate Catches On

2002-06-11 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.washtimes.com/national/20020609-22093908.htm

The Washington Times

September 11 attacks called avoidable

Joyce Howard Price
THE WASHINGTON TIMES Published 6/9/2002

 The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee said yesterday that the
September 11 hijackers could have been stopped had U.S. officials acted on
intelligence information available before the terrorist attacks.
 Sen. Patrick J. Leahy, Vermont Democrat, in an interview that aired yesterday on
CNN, called September 11 the worst example of what happens when information is
not shared and is not acted upon.
 There was plenty of information available before September 11. I think historians
are going to find, tragically, that, had it been acted upon, the hijackers could have
been stopped, Mr. Leahy said on CNN's Novak, Hunt  Shields.
 The Democratic chairman, whose committee is holding public hearings examining
the failure of top FBI officials to take seriously leads given to them by field agents
about the possibility of hijackings and planes being flown into the World Trade
Center, joins at least two others on the Judiciary panel who have said they believe
the September 11 attacks could have been prevented, given the clues that were
 Last week, Sen. Arlen Specter, Pennsylvania Republican, said, I don't believe
any longer this is a matter of connecting the dots. I think they had a veritable road
map. And we want to know why they didn't act on it. I think there was a distinct
possibility of preventing 9/11.
 Likewise, Sen. Herb Kohl, Wisconsin Democrat, told CBS: It appears that the FBI
had information enough and resources at its disposal to possibly unravel the terrorist
plot before September 11.
 Sen. Bob Graham, Florida Democrat and chairman of the Senate Select
Committee on Intelligence, and Sen. Dianne Feinstein, California Democrat and a
member of the Judiciary Committee, have both said Americans can expect to learn
through the congressional inquiries now under way of other circumstances in which
federal investigators failed to follow up on intelligence leads before September 11.
 President Bush has acknowledged the FBI and CIA should have done more with
the intelligence they had, but he has said he thinks it's unlikely they could have
stopped the terrorist attacks. In his weekly radio address yesterday, the president
called on Americans to push members of Congress to pass legislation this year to
create a new Cabinet-level Department of Homeland Security to fight terrorism.
 The nation needs dramatic reforms to secure our people at home I'm asking for
your help in encouraging your representatives to support my plan, said Mr. Bush,
whose proposal would consolidate dozens of federal agencies — including the
Immigration and Naturalization Service, the Customs Service, the Coast Guard, the
Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Border Patrol and the Secret Service
— and hold them responsible for protecting Americans against another terrorist
 The president's radio message was followed by the Democratic response
delivered by House Minority Leader Richard A. Gephardt, Missouri Democrat. He
urged Congress to enact the legislation creating the new department by September
11 as a tribute to more than 3,000 Americans who died in last year's attacks.
 On CNN's Saturday Edition, Sen. Richard C. Shelby, Alabama Republican and
ranking member on the intelligence committee, said he has long pushed for a
massive overhaul of our intelligence agencies. While Mr. Shelby says he does not
know if the new department will solve the kinds of intelligence failures the joint 
and Senate intelligence panels and the Judiciary committee are uncovering in their
investigations, he said he thinks it will improve things.
 But I believe it will help a lot. I think we have to have something better than 
we do today. We've got to have somebody that's going to take control of the security
of this country in the domestic way, Mr. Shelby said.
 He said he believes it is possible for Congress to complete work on the
authorization measure to establish the new department by September 11.
 Asked if he believes it's a problem that the FBI and CIA will not be part of the 
department, Mr. Leahy said: It's going to be a problem if the kind of balkanization
that has existed for decades between those two agencies continues. He said he
recognizes the current directors are trying hard to break down those walls but said
whoever is appointed secretary of homeland security must get them to cooperate
and work closer together.

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[CTRL] The challenge from Europe's Left

2002-06-11 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

 The challenge from Europe's Left


 A look at Palestinian propaganda in Europe and in the rest of the
 leads to the clear conclusion that the new anti-Zionism, which is
 like anti-Semitism, resides within leftist and far Left circles, and
 necessarily with the extreme Right, as is commonly thought. The
 apparently choose to conceal their hatred of Jews for the time being,
 tactical electoral reasons.

 Palestinian propaganda has infiltrated deep into intellectual circles
 far left parties, exploiting their supposed sensitivity to human
 in order to harness them to the Palestinian struggle, while ignoring
 negative features. The criminal terrorism of Palestinian suicide
 who strike indiscriminately at innocent women, children, and the
 barely gets a mumbled condemnation from those circles. The European
 calls the terrorists martyrs, activists, or militants. These
 circles also ignore the Palestinian refusal to come to terms with
 Israel's existence as a Jewish state, one of whose obvious
 is the Palestinian demand to implement the right of millions of
 Palestinians to return to Israel as a condition for a peace agreement

 with Israel.

 The intensive work of the Israeli peace camp overseas, which
 fundamentally does stand against Palestinian terrorism, has not
 in mollifying criticism by the leftist European circles against
 On the contrary, European leftists usually hear the criticism voiced
 the peace camp selectively, and use it to attack Israel and blindly
 embrace Palestinian propaganda, which arouses dormant anti-Semitic
 feelings. These are then given expression by harassing Jewish
 institutions in France and other places in Europe. No less
 infuriating is
 that these circles, which carry the torch of defending human rights,
 not loudly condemn the killing of innocent civilians by Palestinian
 suicide bombers. This apathy is most reprehensible and inexplicable,
 given that the same tactic could spread to Europe and the western
 in general.

 The recent elections for the French presidency are a case in point.
 were no fewer than 16 candidates, including 10 Trotskyists and other
 members of the far Left. While the extreme Right Le Pen and others
 for the moment, avoiding addressing the Israeli issue, the far Left
 candidates made their anti-Israeli vitriol part and parcel of their
 election campaigns. These circles are directly responsible for the
 anti-Israeli decisions in European and international forums including
 European parliament. This phenomenon is especially salient in
 Scandinavian and other European countries that used to be Israel's
 friends, such as the Netherlands, Denmark, and Belgium.

 An in-depth analysis of the patterns of Palestinian penetration of
 European media proves there is nothing as effective as a
 recruitment of influential reporters and intellectuals, as the
 Palestinians did by sending talented representatives to Europe's main

 capitals. Israel's public relations effort overseas is facing
 challenges we have never seen before. Israeli diplomatic delegations
 abroad were and remain the most important front line position for the

 infiltration, contact and recruitment of a sympathetic press for
 The main obstacle to fulfilling this difficult and complex task is
 the problem of resources. The central challenge is in finding the
 appropriate people, who can make contacts, defend the Israeli
 government's policy, and overcome the conflicting messages coming

 These mixed messages certainly complicate the diplomat's task, but
 are a factor we have lived with for years, as befits a democratic
 and a nation still fighting for its survival.

 The writer is a former Israeli ambassador to France.


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[CTRL] A Remarkably Funny Story

2002-06-11 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-


 The Daily Standard

 June 3, 2002

 Le Jour de Gloire n'est pas Arrivé

 Beautiful France.  With its romantic countrysides, fine wines, and
 burning embassies.

 by Larry Miller

 I JUST SAW the funniest thing that has ever occurred in history.

 I'm choosing my words as precisely as I can, with no hyperbole.
 Take any kind of comedy down the entire line of human civilization,
 in every facet of life, true or not, fiction or non-fiction,
 intentional or unintentional.  Throw it all together, from your
 favorite Marx Brothers movie to Henry II slipping on a banana
 peel just before kneeling down in the snow; traveling salesman
 jokes, Shakespeare, a great pun, seeing an annoying uncle bang
 his head into the door jamb.  Anything at all, real or imagined,
 however you like it:

 broad farce, delicate satire, mordant wit, silly slapstick;
 the funny face, the perfect line, light or dark; Jimmy Stewart
 slyly winking, or the video of a baby throwing up on the camera.
 Yes, across the spread of time, from the day Adam woke up,
 counted his ribs, and realized someone was yelling at him,
 'til now, what I just saw is, in my opinion, the out-and-out
 funniest thing that has ever happened.  And it's real.

 And here it is: The Israeli Embassy in Paris burns down in the
 middle of the night, and the French official stands up in
 front of the bank of microphones and actually says, with a
 straight face, We believe it was an accidental, short-circuit,
 electrical fire.

 Is that gorgeous, or is that gorgeous?  Now, it's certainly
 true that this isn't the firsttime the French, God (INSERT
 YOUR OWN WORD) them, have, over the years, contributed some
 of the most hysterical events to the world of comedy.  I mean,
 building the Maginot line and never realizing that someone like,
 say, the Germans, could just walk around it-well, that's a
 pretty good one, too.  Or, the instant World War II ended,
 having the number of French Resistance fighters miraculously
 increase from two dozen to just over forty million.  That's a
 knee-slapper.  And their taste in comedy is certainly worthy
 of remark.  I mean, forget giving Jerry Lewis an award, they
 should give out medals to anyone who can watch one of his
 movies start to finish.

 (Congratulations, monsieur, I kiss your cheeks.  No one has
 ever made it through 'The Bellboy.')

 But it was just an accident.  A short circuit.  At two in the
 morning. Just a few hours after that great Jewish sage, Woody
 Allen, was in Cannes in front of the French press insisting
 he has never seen or heard of any anti-Semitism in France.
 Yup, just a short circuit with no investigation.  Well, why
 look into something when no one can even imagine a stray
 reason to think it was anything else?  Let's see, you're
 in France, these days, and a building burns down in the
 middle of the night.  Hmm .  .  .  Was it the Louvre?
 No .  .  . Was it the palace at Versailles?  No .  .  .
 Was it Disneyland?  No .  .  .  Was it the big, concrete
 building full of Jews?  Bingo!  Just an electrical problem,
 though.  (And the head electrician, Mohammed Jihad, agrees

 After all, accidents like that happen all the time.  When
 the Germans invaded Poland?  It was just a wrong turn.
 Oh, yeah, the light turned green, we made a left, and,
 next thing we knew, we were in Warsaw.  By the time someone
 stopped at a gas station and got a map, we had taken Holland.
 It could happen to anybody. Hey, is that poison gas coming
 out of those showers?  Sounds like a plumbing problem.

 And you know what's even funnier than that?  The best joke
 of the series? The topper, as we say?  I'll bet you a dollar
 virtually none of you even knew this had happened.  I'll bet
 almost everyone reading this article is thinking, Did the
 Israeli Embassy in Paris burn down?  I didn't hear anything
 about that.  Is he kidding?

 Nope.  Not kidding.  2 a.m., early Thursday morning, May 23,
 2002, down to the ground, no questions asked.  And you didn't
 know, did you?  I almost didn't, either.

 That day, Thursday, I was talking to my friend and editor
 (and wonderful writer) here at The Daily Standard, Jonathan
 Last, and he asked what I was writing about for my next
 column, and I said I didn't know yet, and why didn't he get
 off my back and worry about his own damn column, I can't take
 it anymore, pushing, pushing all the time, and he said, Hey,
 come on, take it easy, I'm just asking, and I said, It's
 the voices, they're still getting in, the tin foil on the
 windows isn't stopping them anymore, and I can't think of
 any ideas, and he told me about the embassy burning down,
 and I said Neat! and started writing.  And that night,
 when I got home, I couldn't wait to turn on the news and
 get the details.

 But no one had it.  Not CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, no one.
 Not the local eleven o'clock news.  Nothing.  No network,

[CTRL] Seeds of Fire reviewed

2002-06-11 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

Published by the Church of Scientology International
Behind the Terror

When Greed Sacrificed Democracy
The high costs of failing to safeguard human rights
Seeds of Fire
By Gordon Thomas
Dandelion Books,
Tempe, Arizona, 2001

Reviewed by Marie Bannon

Bob Dylan was once asked for his opinion of his critics. He thought for a
moment and answered, Well, imagine ... writing ... about rock'n'roll. The
same goes for book reviews-attempting in a few pages to explain or criticize
what a writer took years of sweat and research to get down on the page is a
questionable occupation, and, in the face of genius, can reach absurdity.
What is important is that pivotal works be brought to public attention.

Seeds of Fire is such a work. Beyond just good journalism, it is a
compelling history of some of the most crucial, and unknown, events of the
last two decades.

Gordon Thomas (left) in Tiananmen Square; facing the camera is Tan Yaobang,
a People's Liberation Army company commander. Decisions by U.S. and other
leaders to do nothing to help the Chinese people in their quest for
democracy had serious consequences-for the demonstrators and for America.

he book, released at the close of 2001, begins with a story of international
intrigue: how Israeli spies stole Enhanced Promis, a computer program, and
how China obtained six sets of the software for $9 million from newspaper
magnate Robert Maxwell, ultimately enabling them to access secrets of our
government, including the nuclear secrets of Los Alamos. While this is
interesting enough, it is only the beginning of the complex history that
Gordon Thomas attempts.

The work really comes alive when the author takes us into China, on the
verge of the student demonstrations in 1989. Thomas is a master at
personalizing history, bringing the reader onto the scene through firsthand
observations of people who were there. Nowhere has he done this better than
in Seeds of Fire.

Through the eyes of Cassy Jones, an American teacher in Beijing who became
involved with Yan Daobao, one of the leaders of the Chinese students'
resistance in the 1980s, we see the growth of the student movement that
culminated in the Tienanmen Square demonstrations. It's like a Greek tragedy
unfolding, and although you know how it will end, it is still a
heart-wrenching journey.

Thomas takes us on a day-by-day, sometimes hour-by-hour, voyage through the
life of China and its recent history-the infighting among its leaders, the
hopes and dreams of the youth that swept the nation, and how close they
really came to overthrowing the Communist regime. With interviews of
diplomats and officials, he brings us into the analysis and decision-making
processes of American intelligence, and the economic and political decisions
of the major powers to do nothing to help the Chinese people in their
desperate quest for democracy.

In the Beijing office of Kissinger Associates, staff sent an update on the
demonstrations to the consultancy's office in Washington The report
would be distributed by Henry Kissinger to his fellow board members, former
Presidents Jimmy Carter, Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, as well as executive
members Alexander Haig, Robert McFarlane and Zbigniew Brzezinski. Some of
the most powerful men in the United States had 'had their alarm bells rung,'
a Kissinger Associates employee would say. ...

[T]he United States, insisted the President, would do nothing to make
things more difficult [for Chinese leader Deng]. Any approach by the
students to the U.S. embassy in Beijing for help was to be firmly refused.

The President's view was that the reality was they [the students] were not
going to achieve very much, and we don't want to be on the losing side. His
view was that could set us back in all sorts of ways, politically and

The ... view was that the reality was [the students] were not going to
achieve very much, and we don't want to be on the losing side [T]hat
could set us back in all sorts of ways, politically and economically.

It may not be too surprising that the U.S., the land of the MK ULTRA mind
control program, would countenance a regime that had to drug its soldiers to
ensure they would slaughter thousands of their own unarmed people. Through
the account of soldier Bing Yang, Thomas relates how shortly before the
Tiananmen Square massacre, soldiers were ordered out of their barracks,
marched to the parade ground, and injected to protect their health. Yang
recalled a warm sensation through his body. Climbing into a truck, he felt
even more determined to deal with the enemies of the people.

In addition to the immediate cost in human lives, the U.S. decision to
support the regime had serious longterm consequences. Indeed, by protecting
our economic interests in China at the cost of 

[CTRL] Behind the Terror

2002-06-11 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-


Published by the Church of Scientology International
  Behind the Terror

by Thomas G. Whittle  Linda Amato

En route to work at the American embassy in Beirut on March 16, 1984, Bill
Buckley encountered what could be anyone's most terrifying nightmare.

Smashed on the back of his head with a rock-filled briefcase, he was knocked
senseless. Powerful hands stuffed him into a car. After a short ride, his
abductors forced him into a darkened basement, chained him to a wall, and
pulled a hood over his head.

The worst was yet to come.

Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri (left) and terrorists identified following the attack
of September 11, 2001.

Over the next 444 days, Buckley, the CIA's Beirut station chief, was
tortured by psychiatrist Aziz al-Abub, a member of the Iranian-based
terrorist group, Hezbollah. They were 444 days in a living hell, whose devil
had substance enough in the form of al-Abub, trained to inflict pain and
suffering by drugs and other means. Each day, the psychiatrist would visit
to inject or otherwise administer substances to the bound and helpless

As the torment proceeded, a series of three videotapes of al-Abub's victim
were released, finding their way to the CIA. The systematic destruction of a
once-proud and capable man was all too visible on the tapes. By the time the
third video arrived at CIA headquarters, 224 days after the kidnaping,
al-Abub had reduced Buckley to a gibbering, drooling mess, screaming in
terror as his eyes rolled and his naked body shook.1

The videos communicated far more than any words ever could, moving then CIA
Director William Casey to say, I just want that motherf - - - doctor. Dead
or alive. I want him.2

Today, Aziz al-Abub, also known as Ibrahim al-Nadhir, is reportedly alive
and well, working in Iran in that country's prison system.3 Hezbollah, of
course, has been one of the Middle East's most active terrorist
organizations, drawing even more intense international scrutiny in the wake
of the September 11 attacks.

The agony and ultimate death of Bill Buckley demonstrated that by 1984,
terror masters were in command of psychiatric drugging and conditioning
techniques capable of thoroughly altering a person's behavior or destroying
his sanity.

By 1984, terror masters were in command of psychiatric drugging and
conditioning techniques capable of thoroughly altering a person's behavior
or destroying his sanity.

The degree to which such methods have permeated and shaped today's terrorist
networks, however, is only now beginning to come to light-along with the
extent to which political and ethnic agendas have motivated religious

What the Brain Is to the Body

While the international spotlight since September 11 has focused on Osama
bin Laden, key information that helps to explain how terrorists are
created-including facts to clarify their conversion into violent, seemingly
inhuman killers-has remained obscure.

In this regard, an examination of the background of a particular al-Qaeda
principal proves enlightening. News accounts have depicted surgeon Ayman
al-Zawahiri as bin Laden's right-hand man and personal doctor. The facts,
however, reveal him to be more.

 Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri (above, right), perhaps the world's deadliest
terrorist since the 1970s, is to Osama bin Laden what the brain is to the
body, according to one terrorism expert. A master of psycho-political
terror and bin Laden's closest associate, al-Zawahiri claimed credit for the
September 11 attacks.

Al-Zawahiri's terrorist history is, as even a cursory review will determine,
far more formidable and extensive than bin Laden's. According to Dia'a
Rashwan, an Egyptian expert on militants, al-Zawahiri's name has come up in
nearly every case involving Muslim extremists since the 1970s.4

Attorney Montasser El-Zayat, a former friend of al-Zawahiri's who
represented him in Egyptian courts, said that al-Zawahiri is to bin Laden
what the brain is to the body.5 According to El-Zayat, al-Zawahiri was
able to reshape bin Laden's thinking and mentality and turn him from merely
a supporter of the Afghan Jihad [against the Soviet Union] to a believer in
and export[er] of the Jihad's ideology.6

It was al-Zawahiri, trained in Cairo, who convinced bin Laden to establish
al-Qaeda7 in 1988, thereby providing The Base for training, supply and
operations of militants from Egypt and elsewhere.

Some consider him to be the mastermind of the September 11 assaults on the
World Trade Center and the Pentagon-a belief bolstered in mid-April when
Qatar's Al-Jazeera (The Peninsula) television aired portions of a
videotape in which al-Zawahiri claimed credit for the attacks, referring to
them as this great victory and to the hijackers as 19 brothers. On the
tape, bin Laden sits beside the doctor, muttering to himself while caressing
his beard.

The exact methods utilized by al-Zawahiri to influence bin Laden are as yet
unknown, but more 

[CTRL] 'Hate Crimes' Bill

2002-06-11 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2002/6/10/170606.shtml

Reprinted from NewsMax.com

Opposition to 'Hate Crimes' Bill Grows

Wes Vernon, NewsMax.com
Tuesday, June 11, 2002

WASHINGTON – Public outrage over a hate crimes” bill that would impose a policy
of protecting some citizens more than others may have played a pivotal role in
postponing a procedural vote in the Senate.

The office of the prime sponsor of the bill, Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., told
NewsMax.com on Monday that a scheduled vote today on cloture (to limit debate and
filibuster on the bill) had been postponed. Another source and the Associated Press,
however, said the vote would proceed.

Behind the scenes, there was a furious battle raging over whether to allow
amendments. Democrat leaders feared that offering a series of votes to change or
modify the bill would put some of their more vulnerable members on the record and
supply opponents back home with campaign ammunition in an election year.

When cloture is invoked, the end is in sight with a set time usually scheduled for a
final vote. Amendments thus can be avoided. Though Kennedy’s office did not say
so, postponement of a cloture showdown usually means a bill’s advocates don’t have
the votes to cut off debate.

It's wrong to treat some victims of violent crimes as more special than others, said
Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz. All victims of violent crime should be equal in the eyes of the
law. When such a crime occurs, the police should not first have to ask, for example,
what is the victim's race or religion or sexual preference?

But Sen. Gordon Smith, R-Ore., said, I know it is the strategy of many opponents of
this bill to add unrelated amendments, and we're going to have to vote against those,
no matter how attractive they may be standing alone on their own merits.

Another liberal Republican, Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, said, The best way to get
this bill through is to invoke cloture, to move it, to pass it and then move on to the
other important legislation that is before the Senate, and that's the argument I'll be
making to my colleagues.

Many conservative groups have alerted their members and urged them to phone
their senators to protest S. 625, the Kennedy hate crimes” bill. It would add crimes
motivated by sexual orientation, sex or disability to the list of offenses already
covered under a 1968 federal law, the Associated Press reported Monday.

Conservatives' talking points include the following:

Constitutionally Dubious

Hate crimes legislation violate constitutional protections by promoting unequal
justice under the law.
Hate crimes legislation (as opposed to all those love crimes being committed)
creates a two-tier system of justice where some preferred classes of victims are
more equal than others under the law.
All Americans – black, white, homosexual, heterosexual or whatever – should have
equal protection from criminals. The concern is that under this bill, a father of four
attacked, beaten and robbed would have less protection than a preferred minority
who is supposedly attacked because of his minority status. A crime is a crime,
regardless of motivation.
One of the groups protesting the bill, Traditional Values Coalition, argues that
supporters of the measure have not sufficiently proven that local law enforcement
authorities are not prosecuting crime.

In fact, perpetrators of the horrible crimes used to promote the legislation have been
brought to justice. The most high-profile example was a racial killing in Texas where
the perpetrators were handed the death penalty or a life sentence.

These tough punishments did not prevent advocates of hate crimes” laws from
running ads in then-Gov. George W. Bush’s presidential campaign implying he was
somehow responsible for the crime merely because he didn’t go along with certain
hate crimes” legislation. Notably, these left-wing activists, many of whom oppose the
death penalty, failed to suggest what harsher punishment they would have imposed.

So-called hate crimes account for a small number of crimes. Of the supposed hate
crimes reported, a significant number are not violent but rather insults. There are
other ways to deal with insults than to pass legislative curbs on the First Amendment
or implementing thought control.
S. 625 overrides state law and would not allow for the death penalty to be handed
down for heinous crimes. Again, this deals with such considerations as the race,
ethnicity or sexual orientation of the perpetrator and the victim.
Rape victims are excluded from S. 625’s protection.
The acts of violence covered under S. 625 are already criminal offenses under state
law and are adequately prosecuted and punished.

Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C., and others have warned that creating a special class of
victims is a slippery slope that can lead to abridgement of constitutional protections
and would violate the basic principle that all men are created equal.”

Though Kennedy's office 

[CTRL] Complete Behind the Terror

2002-06-11 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-


Behind the Terror

by Thomas G. Whittle  Linda Amato

En route to work at the American embassy in Beirut on March 16, 1984, Bill
Buckley encountered what could be anyone's most terrifying nightmare.

Smashed on the back of his head with a rock-filled briefcase, he was knocked
senseless. Powerful hands stuffed him into a car. After a short ride, his
abductors forced him into a darkened basement, chained him to a wall, and
pulled a hood over his head.

The worst was yet to come.

Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri (left) and terrorists identified following the attack
of September 11, 2001.

Over the next 444 days, Buckley, the CIA's Beirut station chief, was
tortured by psychiatrist Aziz al-Abub, a member of the Iranian-based
terrorist group, Hezbollah. They were 444 days in a living hell, whose devil
had substance enough in the form of al-Abub, trained to inflict pain and
suffering by drugs and other means. Each day, the psychiatrist would visit
to inject or otherwise administer substances to the bound and helpless

As the torment proceeded, a series of three videotapes of al-Abub's victim
were released, finding their way to the CIA. The systematic destruction of a
once-proud and capable man was all too visible on the tapes. By the time the
third video arrived at CIA headquarters, 224 days after the kidnaping,
al-Abub had reduced Buckley to a gibbering, drooling mess, screaming in
terror as his eyes rolled and his naked body shook.1

The videos communicated far more than any words ever could, moving then CIA
Director William Casey to say, I just want that motherf - - - doctor. Dead
or alive. I want him.2

Today, Aziz al-Abub, also known as Ibrahim al-Nadhir, is reportedly alive
and well, working in Iran in that country's prison system.3 Hezbollah, of
course, has been one of the Middle East's most active terrorist
organizations, drawing even more intense international scrutiny in the wake
of the September 11 attacks.

The agony and ultimate death of Bill Buckley demonstrated that by 1984,
terror masters were in command of psychiatric drugging and conditioning
techniques capable of thoroughly altering a person's behavior or destroying
his sanity.

By 1984, terror masters were in command of psychiatric drugging and
conditioning techniques capable of thoroughly altering a person's behavior
or destroying his sanity.

The degree to which such methods have permeated and shaped today's terrorist
networks, however, is only now beginning to come to light-along with the
extent to which political and ethnic agendas have motivated religious

What the Brain Is to the Body

while the international spotlight since September 11 has focused on Osama
bin Laden, key information that helps to explain how terrorists are
created-including facts to clarify their conversion into violent, seemingly
inhuman killers-has remained obscure.

In this regard, an examination of the background of a particular al-Qaeda
principal proves enlightening. News accounts have depicted surgeon Ayman
al-Zawahiri as bin Laden's right-hand man and personal doctor. The facts,
however, reveal him to be more.

Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri (above, right), perhaps the world's deadliest
terrorist since the 1970s, is to Osama bin Laden what the brain is to the
body, according to one terrorism expert. A master of psycho-political
terror and bin Laden's closest associate, al-Zawahiri claimed credit for the
September 11 attacks.

Al-Zawahiri's terrorist history is, as even a cursory review will determine,
far more formidable and extensive than bin Laden's. According to Dia'a
Rashwan, an Egyptian expert on militants, al-Zawahiri's name has come up in
nearly every case involving Muslim extremists since the 1970s.4

Attorney Montasser El-Zayat, a former friend of al-Zawahiri's who
represented him in Egyptian courts, said that al-Zawahiri is to bin Laden
what the brain is to the body.5 According to El-Zayat, al-Zawahiri was
able to reshape bin Laden's thinking and mentality and turn him from merely
a supporter of the Afghan Jihad [against the Soviet Union] to a believer in
and export[er] of the Jihad's ideology.6

It was al-Zawahiri, trained in Cairo, who convinced bin Laden to establish
al-Qaeda7 in 1988, thereby providing The Base for training, supply and
operations of militants from Egypt and elsewhere.

Some consider him to be the mastermind of the September 11 assaults on the
World Trade Center and the Pentagon-a belief bolstered in mid-April when
Qatar's Al-Jazeera (The Peninsula) television aired portions of a
videotape in which al-Zawahiri claimed credit for the attacks, referring to
them as this great victory and to the hijackers as 19 brothers. On the
tape, bin Laden sits beside the doctor, muttering to himself while caressing
his beard.

The exact methods utilized by al-Zawahiri to influence bin Laden are as yet
unknown, but more than one source has reported that the doctor is also a


2002-06-11 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-


	From: Mike Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED]Some 
persons have mailed me saying that IODIZED SALT would 
properlyfill up the THYROID with IODINE and prevent the 
collection of RADIOACTIVEIODINE 131. 
Evidently this is not the case.It is definitely not 
the case. One would succumb to sodium poisoning if one tried 
to get enough iodine via table salt to be effective against 
radioactive iodine iosotopesFor some 
reason IODINE has been added to table salt for the last 50 
yearsprobably relating to nuclear testing in the western 
states. [sigh]It would be nice if people 
would do a modicum of research before posting bullshit like 
this...If one does not get enough iodine in one's diet 
the thyroid gland can become underactive, and one develops a goiter, 
an enlarged thyroid gland, which results from the remaining active 
portion of the thyroid gland -- a butterfly-shaped gland in the 
front of the neck -- trying to take up the slack of the inactive 
portion of the gland...Most people get enough iodine 
via diet (sans iodized salt), *IF* they live in coastal areas; even 
if they don't eat fish, there is enough iodine in the sea that it is 
both vaporized in the air and is in the ground, so people both 
breath in trace amounts of iodine and gain iodine via eating crops 
grown in coastal areas...The term 'coastal area' 
doesn't mean the area just immediate adjacent to saltwater, but for 
some hundreds of miles inland...But people who lived 
in the middle of the continent, far away from any body of saltwater, 
tended to suffer from goiterism before the introduction of iodized 
salt. If people living in the midwest and mountain states 
somehow were able to eat sea fish (say, canned sardines, canned 
tuna, canned shrimp, etc.), then they would have sufficient iodine 
in their diet to avoid goiterism...But the common diet 
of American midwesterners and mountain-state residents of the early 
20th century rarely included sufficient amounts of sea fish, even of 
the canned variety. So it was decided that an easy way to 
avoid having children in those geographic areas developing goiterism 
was to introduce iodine into table salt. Iodine was introduced 
into table salt in the late 30s and early 40s, long before nuclear 
bombs and radioactivity entered the picture.And let me 
strongly reiterate -- one would die of sodium poisoning if one tried 
to get enough iodine to protect the thyroid gland via table salt 
alone...But it 
doesntappear that table salt with IODINE would be 
sufficient to insulate theTHRYOID GLAND from RADIOACTIVE 
IODINE 131.See my comment above; one would die of 
sodium poisoning if one tried to get enough iodine via table salt 
for this purpose...  June

__Created and best viewed 
with IncrediMail!Get your free copy at: www.incredimail.com

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Bush Developing Military Policy Of Striking First

2002-06-11 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-


Bush Developing Military Policy Of Striking First
New Doctrine Addresses Terrorism

By Thomas E. Ricks and Vernon Loeb
Washington Post Staff Writers
Monday, June 10, 2002; Page A01

The Bush administration is developing a new strategic doctrine that moves
away from the Cold War pillars of containment and deterrence toward a policy
that supports preemptive attacks against terrorists and hostile states with
chemical, biological or nuclear weapons.

The new doctrine will be laid out by President Bush's National Security
Council as part of the administration's first National Security Strategy
being drafted for release by early this fall, senior officials said.

One senior official said the document, without abandoning containment and
deterrence, will for the first time add preemption and defensive
intervention as formal options for striking at hostile nations or groups
that appear determined to use weapons of mass destruction against the United

Bush hinted at the new doctrine in his State of the Union address in
January, when he labeled Iraq, Iran and North Korea an axis of evil and
warned that he would not allow them to threaten the United States with
weapons of mass destruction. The president articulated the doctrine for the
first time June 1 in a commencement address at West Point.

By adopting the doctrine as part of its formal national security strategy,
the administration will compel the U.S. military and intelligence community
to implement some of the biggest changes in their histories, officials said.
That is already touching off heated debates within the administration and
among defense commentators about what changes need to be made and whether a
doctrine of preemption is realistic.

But there is general agreement that adopting a preemption doctrine would be
a radical shift from the half-century-old policies of deterrence and
containment that were built around the notion that an adversary would not
attack the United States because it would provoke a certain, overwhelming
retaliatory strike.

Administration officials formulating the new doctrine said the United States
has been forced to move beyond deterrence since Sept. 11 because of the
threat posed by terrorist groups and hostile states supporting them. The
nature of the enemy has changed, the nature of the threat has changed, and
so the response has to change, said a senior official, noting that
terrorists have no territory to defend. . . . It's not clear how one would
deter an attack like we experienced.

The administration's embrace of the new doctrine has triggered an intense
debate inside the Pentagon and among military strategists about the
feasibility and wisdom of preemptive strikes against shadowy terrorist
networks or weapons storage facilities.

It has aroused concern within NATO as well. Defense Secretary Donald H.
Rumsfeld told the United States' 18 NATO allies in Brussels last Thursday
that the alliance could no longer wait for absolute proof before acting
against terrorist groups or threatening countries with chemical, biological
or nuclear weapons.

NATO Secretary General George Robertson, reacting to Rumsfeld's remarks,
said NATO remained a defensive alliance. He added, We do not go out looking
for problems to solve.

Some defense analysts said preemption carries the risk of causing a crisis
to escalate quickly by increasing pressure on both sides to act sooner
rather than later -- forcing them, in the parlance of the nuclear chess
game, to use it or lose it.

Preemption is attractive on the surface, said defense analyst Harlan
Ullman. But he added: As one gets deeper, it gets more and more complicated
and dangerous.

Critics also note that a botched attack that blew chemicals, biological
spores or radioactive material into the atmosphere would risk killing
thousands of people, not only in the target nation, but in neighboring

Even proponents of preemption inside and outside the government concede that
this more aggressive strategic doctrine requires far better and far
different intelligence than the U.S. government gathers -- at a time when
the abilities of the CIA and the FBI to fulfill their current duties are
under scrutiny.

Michele Flournoy, a former Pentagon proliferation expert now at the Center
for Strategic and International Studies, said that to be effective, the
United States will need to strike preemptively before a crisis erupts to
destroy an adversary's weapons stockpile. Otherwise, she said, the adversary
could erect defenses to protect those weapons, or simply disperse them.

But Flournoy said she favors moving toward a doctrine of preemption given
the proliferation of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons among states
supporting terrorists. She said the policy may offer the best of a series of
bad choices.

In some cases, preemptive strikes against an adversary's [weapons of mass

[CTRL] Fw: [narconews] Venezuela Media Workers Speak

2002-06-11 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Alberto M. Giordano [EMAIL PROTECTED]

June 11, 2002
Please Distribute Widely

Dear Colleagues,

The Trade Union at Venezuela's largest newspaper, El Nacional, released this
historic statement yesterday through its Executive Council, serving warning
to the Media owners that we will no longer allow ourselves to be used in
the ways that occured during the attempted coup d'etat last April in


It says, in part:

It was made abundantly clear from the disastrous image of those days of
disinformation, in which the majority of employees, reporters and
journalists put our lives on the line only for media owners and board
members to decide not to publish anything and hide from the public the
serious events that were taking place in the streets, while mainstream TV
channels aired old movies as if nothing was happening. We all must assume
those days of confusion, tensions, interests, and mistakes with courage and
rectify with deep sincerity. No more manipulation. We workers say firmly and
responsibly that we will not accept such behavior again.

- Venezuelan Media Workers Statement
  Caracas, June 10, 2002

To my knowledge, this is the first time anywhere in the capitalist world
that media workers have risen up so coherently against the simulators of the
mass media. It serves as a model for the task that all of us who are media
workers must begin to undertake.

It also serves as concrete evidence, as we begin Immedia Summer 2002, that
the revolution against Media is alive and well (a fact that, understandably,
may not be evident yet to many within the United States and the developed
world, because it comes from below, and from the outside in).

We await further instructions from headquarters, the only one that we obey:
Civil Society.

from somewhere in a country called América,

Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin

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[CTRL] 9-11 AM Emma E. Booker School full video clip

2002-06-11 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

  In order to get the entire clip of the Prez in the classroom that morning
to download, I went to the Parent Directory


  clicked on movies


  and right-clicked scsb.bush.mov and downloaded using FlashGet.  It took
about 15 minutes to downlaod on my DSL connection.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2002-06-11 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

And if one eats sea salt, as I do for culinary purposes, the iodine is
already there.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2002-06-11 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

This is from Weekly World News, but quite intersting and revealing nonetheless.
--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Tue, 11 Jun 2002 12:39:49 +
From:   stewwebb2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

by Stew Webb
Federal Whistleblower
702 362-9567
P.O.Box 31052
Las Vegas NV. 89173
Donations welcome to
further expose the truth.
www.paypal.com enter [EMAIL PROTECTED] and your generous donation
or mail to my PO Box, thank you.

EXCLUSIVE By Cliff Lindecker


FLATHEAD LAKE, Mont. - Convicted Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh
survived his execution and was spirited away as part of an
intricately planned
govermenrt scheme to prepare him for his new life underground.

The covert CIA operation was organized weeks before the staged
execution at the
U.S. Penitentiary at Terre Haute, Ind., according to longtime federal
Stewart Webb and others opposed to what they described as America's
Shadow government and the New World Order:
McVeigh never wanted to be executed, Webb told Weekly World News in
exclusive interview.
And he wasn't--he went out the back door.
Incredibly, sinister forces within the government were aware of the
former Special Forces
dropout's plans to bomb a federal building--and steered him to the
Oklahoma City facility
because they wanted incriminating government records that were stored
there destroyed,
Webb disclosed.
One hundred sixty-eight innocent people died on April 19, 1995,
because sinister government
leaders and bureaucrats wanted to demonize the burgeoning militia
movement by linking
ultra right-wing patriots to the bombing, and to get antiterrorism
legislation passed quickly,
he said.
The diabolical plan worked perfectly. Even though militias had no
involvement in the terrorist
act, they were viciously attacked in the press.
McVeigh hurt us, John Trochmann, founder of The Militia of Montana,
told The Washington
Times in a telephone interview.  We don't beleive in violence. We're
trying to get citizens to
rally with us against the government.

According to the astonishing scenario drawn by Webb and other sources
in three states,
including former government agents, the scheme to save McVeigh's life
was hatched after he
refused to walk the plank and threatened to reveal the wider
So the CIA arranged for the phony execution, and flew McVeigh from
Terr Haute to a closely
guarded island on Flathead Lake in northwestern Montana.
McVeigh 33, spent nearly ywo weeks enjoying the outdoors--and
undergoing a series of
silicone injections and other treatments from a CIA employed plastic
surgeon to change his facial
Then he was whisked off to a new location, a highly placed contact
told Webb.
About 20 people were on him, they were heavily armed locked and
loaded, Webb reported.
He even had his own food taster.
The Las Vegas--based investigator claimed the Bush family, the
Clintons and other major players
on the national political scene are deeply involved with other
federal officials in large scale fraud
against American taxpayers and other crimes.
Webb played major roles in exposing a series of national scandals,
including the Silverado Savings
and Loan debacle in Colorado; and the so-called Keating Five campaign
contribution affair tied to the
Lincoln Savings deal in Irvine, Calif., that reputedly funneled hugh
amounts of money to John McCain
and other prominent U.S. Senators.
But this is the only time I've ever encountered such massive
resistance, Webb said of McVeigh's
brilliantly executed excape from death.
These are some of the shocking facts and developments uncovered by
Webb and other investigators,
including current CIA employees:
**McVeigh did not act alone, and several players, including a pair of
terrorists attached to
the Iranian embassy in Mexico City, were involved in the bombing
One of the Iranians married a woman who worked at the Alfred P.
Murrah Federal Building
so he could use her to keep up-to-date on activities there.  She was
unaware she was being
used and was killed in the bombing.
**The CIA and other federal agencies were tipped off in advance
that a lone ranger named
Timothy McVeigh was planning to bomb a federal building in either
Omaha, Kansas City
or Oklahoma City.
**CIA operatives and other federal agents working on the clandestine
project steered McVeigh
to the Oklahoma City structure because sensitive records tied to the
scores of government
scandals surrounding the Clintons and other national leaders were
stored there.
Sensitive records collected during the investigation by Special
Prosecutor Ken Starr
on the mystery deaths surrounding the Clintons, including the Vince
Foster case, had been
transported to 

[CTRL] Fwd: [smashthestate] The 9/11 Evidence that May Hang George W. Bush

2002-06-11 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

June 10, 2002

The 9/11 Evidence that May Hang George W. Bush
By Cheryl Seal - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Case Against G.W. Bush: a Preliminary 
Hearing in the Court of Common Sense 

At the very least Bush allowed 9/11 to happen. But the evidence indicates his 
guilt involves more than just a huge intentional sin of omission –this now 
seems certain. So it is ulcer-fomenting to watch him, Cheney, Condoleeza Rice 
and their PR army try to sell America yet another Big Lie–that they had no 
idea such a thing as 9/11 could happen...they could never have imagined it 
in their wildest dreams...they had no specific warnings...there was nothing 
unusual about the summer 2001 warnings, etc, etc, ad nauseam. I have compiled 
some material that clearly shows that the above litany is blatantly, 
arrogantly false. But first, let's hold a preliminary hearing in the
Court of Common sense. 

To all living under the shadow of 911 and the War on Terror:

9/11 Attack on America - info and links:

Tearful FBI Agent Apologizes To Sept. 11 Families and Victims
FBI Special Agent Robert Wright, Jr., who wrote the memo, led a four-year 
investigation into terrorist money laundering in the United States. 

Concerning the war powers of Congress and the President.


Lawmakers See More Intelligence Failures — Robert Lederman

Dick Eastman - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - wrote:

Here is solid information about who wants World War Three and
what they have done so far to get it.

Larry Chin

   David Bosankoe
  Bosankoe statement



2002-06-11 Thread magnetic field

-Caveat Lector-

Timothy James McVeigh is dead either way. Whether he was sheep
dipped and re-established elsewhere or was cremated is an interesting
speculation.  The media could not decide whether Tim was diabolically smart
or too lame to have done everything by himself.
   Tim Is Dead . . . . . . Long Live Tim


- Original Message -
From: Steve Wingate [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 2:41 PM

 -Caveat Lector-

 This is from Weekly World News, but quite intersting and revealing
 --- Forwarded message follows ---
 Date sent:  Tue, 11 Jun 2002 12:39:49 +
 From:   stewwebb2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 by Stew Webb
 Federal Whistleblower
 702 362-9567
 P.O.Box 31052
 Las Vegas NV. 89173
 Donations welcome to
 further expose the truth.
 www.paypal.com enter [EMAIL PROTECTED] and your generous donation
 or mail to my PO Box, thank you.
 SEPTEMBER 18,2001
 EXCLUSIVE By Cliff Lindecker


 FLATHEAD LAKE, Mont. - Convicted Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh
 survived his execution and was spirited away as part of an
 intricately planned
 govermenrt scheme to prepare him for his new life underground.

 The covert CIA operation was organized weeks before the staged
 execution at the
 U.S. Penitentiary at Terre Haute, Ind., according to longtime federal
 Stewart Webb and others opposed to what they described as America's
 Shadow government and the New World Order:
 McVeigh never wanted to be executed, Webb told Weekly World News in
 exclusive interview.
 And he wasn't--he went out the back door.
 Incredibly, sinister forces within the government were aware of the
 former Special Forces
 dropout's plans to bomb a federal building--and steered him to the
 Oklahoma City facility
 because they wanted incriminating government records that were stored
 there destroyed,
 Webb disclosed.
 One hundred sixty-eight innocent people died on April 19, 1995,
 because sinister government
 leaders and bureaucrats wanted to demonize the burgeoning militia
 movement by linking
 ultra right-wing patriots to the bombing, and to get antiterrorism
 legislation passed quickly,
 he said.
 The diabolical plan worked perfectly. Even though militias had no
 involvement in the terrorist
 act, they were viciously attacked in the press.
 McVeigh hurt us, John Trochmann, founder of The Militia of Montana,
 told The Washington
 Times in a telephone interview.  We don't beleive in violence. We're
 trying to get citizens to
 rally with us against the government.

 According to the astonishing scenario drawn by Webb and other sources
 in three states,
 including former government agents, the scheme to save McVeigh's life
 was hatched after he
 refused to walk the plank and threatened to reveal the wider
 So the CIA arranged for the phony execution, and flew McVeigh from
 Terr Haute to a closely
 guarded island on Flathead Lake in northwestern Montana.
 McVeigh 33, spent nearly ywo weeks enjoying the outdoors--and
 undergoing a series of
 silicone injections and other treatments from a CIA employed plastic
 surgeon to change his facial
 Then he was whisked off to a new location, a highly placed contact
 told Webb.
 About 20 people were on him, they were heavily armed locked and
 loaded, Webb reported.
 He even had his own food taster.
 The Las Vegas--based investigator claimed the Bush family, the
 Clintons and other major players
 on the national political scene are deeply involved with other
 federal officials in large scale fraud
 against American taxpayers and other crimes.
 Webb played major roles in exposing a series of national scandals,
 including the Silverado Savings
 and Loan debacle in Colorado; and the so-called Keating Five campaign
 contribution affair tied to the
 Lincoln Savings deal in Irvine, Calif., that reputedly funneled hugh
 amounts of money to John McCain
 and other prominent U.S. Senators.
 But this is the only time I've ever encountered such massive
 resistance, Webb said of McVeigh's
 brilliantly executed excape from death.
 These are some of the shocking facts and developments uncovered by
 Webb and other investigators,
 including current CIA employees:
 **McVeigh did not act alone, and several players, including a pair of
 terrorists attached to
 the Iranian embassy in Mexico City, were involved in the bombing
 One of the Iranians married a woman who worked at the Alfred P.
 Murrah Federal Building
 so he could use her to keep up-to-date on 

[CTRL] Bishop resigns, false allegations witness arrested, Bush said will attack Iraq

2002-06-11 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

Institutional Child Abuse in Canada - Criminal Cases - Prepared for the Law
Commission of Canada By Goldie M. Shea - Oct. 99

Pope Accepts Resignation of Accused U.S. Bishop - 6/11/02 Vatican City
(Reuters) - Pope John Paul accepted on Tuesday the resignation of the Roman
Catholic bishop of Lexington, Kentucky, who has been accused of molesting a
boy more than two decades ago.


from Lynne Moss-Sharmann Abuse trial halted after police raid - By Stewart
Tendler, Crime Correspondent A child sex abuse trial was halted yesterday
after police raided the home and office of an expert witness for the defence.
 Bill Thompson is a lecturer in sociology at Reading University and an expert
witness in sexual assault cases and disputes over sexual material in print
and on the internet.  Dr Thompson, who specialises in miscarriages of justice
linked to interview techniques involving children He told the court that
Dr Thompson was recognised as a leading voice on the subject of false
allegations of abuse.  He said: All his material and his computer and
everything else was taken into the possession of the police. It became very
clear then that question marks must arise as to the viability of him as a
witness.He denied police claims that he had downloaded child pornography
from the internet and said he could deal with any allegations.


Bush reportedly tells Koizumi he's going to attack Iraq
TOKYO — U.S. President George W Bush told Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi of
his intention to attack Iraq when the two met in Tokyo in February, a
Japanese daily reported Sunday. Citing Japan-U.S. diplomatic sources, the
Mainichi Shimbun said in a front-page story that Bush did not refer to any
specific date but said twice, It would be swift. We'll attack Iraq. We'll
do it definitely, Bush was quoted as telling Koizumi.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2002-06-11 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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“Awareness Leading to Solutions” 


By Sharon Smith

Homeland Security is going to cost another $38 billion,
adding 170,000 new jobs to government payroll at taxpayer's expense.  By John O'Neill's own admission, we have a
$515 Trillion deficit, and they are going to rob government pensions to raise
the debt limit.  The AFL-CIO did the same
thing when building Las Vegas. It was called Racketeering.   

What the talking heads are not telling us is:  President Bush is attempting to sideline our
courts by having them answer to the Supreme Nation Council, and the Supreme
National Court controlled by the Office of Internal Security under Homeland
Security directly under the President. 
Moreover, there is secret pending legislation HR 1433 and S. 975 which
will take power away from local government, bringing it under Federalization of

Bush has written 57 executive orders, and started 47 new
agencies.  Homeland Security will
consolidate all of these agencies, intelligence services, and all military
forces under Northcom (after appointing a 4-Star general not yet named);
leading to a totalitarian government just as Hitler did in 1933 with SS

We can only draw conclusions from identical parallels:  Hitler first burned the Reichstag and blamed
the Communists.  He got all of his laws
in order, consolidated his intelligence, combined his military forces, declared
himself dictator, invaded Poland under false pretenses, and then started on the
rest of the world.  

The little man with the mustache also controlled the
churches and synagogues using taxpayer dollars in much the same way as Bush's
Faith Base Initiative.  Those
participating in this program may only give sermons approved by the government
according to Dr. Dixon, of the criminally seized Indianapolis Baptist Temple
under U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft. 

No wonder he wants the FBI in all the Churches.  Every despot in history has always controlled
religion.  German citizens were also
blindly influenced by Hitler's overwhelming charisma, creating their false
sense of patriotism and loyalty to the Vaterland.  

Do we see a pattern here?  
Conversely, is one man's War on Terrorism another man's
ego-maniacal lust for world dominance, or are they one and the same?

The problem with totalitarian regimes is that they outlive
the so-called terrorist attacks that justify them by many years,
sometimes by decades, and cause far more damage than mere physical terrorists
could ever cause. 

Ashcroft has announced civilian police
volunteers to do the grunt work and surveillance of suspicious people, so
sworn officers can stay on the front lines in the war on terrorism.
Doesn't this sound a lot like the precursor to Hitler's brownshirts, who found
anyone who objected to tyranny to be a terrorist who was then sent
to the Gulags? 

FBI Director Robert Mueller, sounding for all the world like
“Herr Mueller of Hitler's Gestapo, has announced a restructuring of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation into what amounts to a federal internal
surveillance agency designed to throw fear into the hearts of anyone who even
thinks about claiming their right to privacy. Can we say Secret

America could withstand a hundred Twin Tower attacks without
doing half the damage these fascist, totalitarian programs will inflict on the
values and liberties America was founded to defend and protect. 

We are witnessing what amounts to 

[CTRL] Robert Steinhäuser Not Guilty of Erfurt Mass Murder

2002-06-11 Thread William Shannon

"A Step Too Far"
Robert Steinhäuser Not Guilty of Erfurt Mass Murder
Part Two (Part 1 here)

The original intent of this extended report was to examine and compare the mass murders at Dunblane, Port Arthur and Erfurt. In the view of this author, all three atrocities were staged deliberately by professional contractors, paid by globalist lobbies determined to disarm the general public under United Nations supervision.
Guided by invisible hands in New York, each new manufactured “atrocity” lends weight to lobby claims that guns are simply too dangerous for members of the public to be trusted with. Indeed, long before each individual atrocity was perpetrated, a set of UN-designed draft anti-gun laws was ready and waiting in the target governments of Britain, Australia, and Germany.
Part two of this report was originally intended as a comparison of the crime scenes at Dunblane and Port Arthur, but that has now been changed due to developments at the third crime scene at Erfurt in Germany. The most important development was the sudden death on Saturday of an 18 year-old student from Gutenburg Gymnasium high school, where 17 were killed and 7 injured in the mass murder executed on April 26, 2002.
So far as it is possible to establish at this early stage, the dead student was one of the most vociferous in claiming that two or more shooters were involved in the mass murder. This unfortunate student was found at 0120 hrs on Saturday morning, hanging by the neck from a beam in his parent’s barn. He could not be revived, and there was no suicide note.
The fact that this student's death was reported by media at all, shows a marked difference in mind-set between Germans and Australians. Back in 1996, most of the Australian public accepted without question the absolute rubbish peddled by the Tasmanian Government and Police about the mass murder at Port Arthur. Nowadays in Germany, tens of thousands of citizens are actively suspicious about the mass murder at Erfurt. And unlike most Australians, Germans demand detailed and accurate investigations. 
Apart from the dramatic hanging in Erfurt on Saturday, there have been a large number of other suspicious incidents and media misquotes surrounding the Gutenburg high school shootings, many of them well beyond my limited capabilities to translate accurately from the original German text. Though I spent more than a year at boarding school in Germany when I was a teenager, most of the schoolboy German I learned back then was forgotten years ago.
Rather than provide inaccurate information by personal misinterpretation, I have decided to insert a report here by German writer Ralph Kutza. Ralph speculates that a secret service probably orchestrated the mass murder at Erfurt, though understandably he does not seek to identify the country of origin of the shooters involved.
All text beyond this point is therefore the copyright property of Ralph Kutza, and has been edited by me only for English structure and grammar with Ralph's permission. Editorial comments by me on evidential links to other mass murders at Port Arthur or Dunblane, are shown clearly in italics.

Ralph Kutza writes:
 “Finally - more than one week after the Erfurt terror massacre - police claim that more than 70 bullets were fired! The apparent differences in reports of the weekly magazines SPIEGEL on the one hand, and FOCUS on the other, of how Robert Steinhäuser is supposed to have killed himself or how he was found, must be considered a scandal! More and more eye witnesses talk of at least two people shooting After doubts has arisen concerning the evidence given by the hero who supposedly stopped the shooting [School teacher Herr Heise], the evidence given by the Head of the high school has come under closer scrutiny.
Let me speculate today about the background of the crime, trying to give it a concrete shape. The following, I have to admit, is a rather daring hypothesis in 12 steps. But these can be checked scientifically against the Erfurt reality, and in principle could thus easily be disproved. In fact you are invited to disprove me. I really won’t mind if you can prove I’m wrong!


1. They would create a scapegoat, who under no circumstances would be allowed to survive the mass murder.

Was Robert Steinhäuser such a scapegoat, i.e. a red herring? Certainly Robert can be credited with halfway fitting the required emotionally suggestive profile, and alleged professional shooting skills supposedly gained at the Police Sports Club. The media has already pointed the finger of "joint" guilt at police by stating that Robert was trained to shoot by a staff member of the Erfurt "Bereitschaftspolizei", i.e. riot police.
For emotionally supercharged members of the public this will sound alarm bells, and they will automatically be wary of specialist police who wear black [just 

[CTRL] Pakistan: More Americans arrested

2002-06-11 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-


Pakistan: More Americans arrested 
By Anwar Iqbal and Richard Tomkins
From the Washington Politics 
Policy Desk
Published 6/11/2002 6:20 PM

WASHINGTON, June 11 (UPI) -- As many
as a half-dozen men of
U.S. origin have been captured in the tribal areas of Pakistan near
Afghanistan and handed over to U.S. authorities in an ongoing
operation to root out al Qaida terrorists and Taliban extremists,
Pakistani sources told United Press International Tuesday.

The men, whose identities were not
revealed, were taken prisoner
by the Pakistani army following tip-offs by tribal chiefs, sources said.

Yes, we confirm it, Zamir
Akram, deputy chief of mission at the
Pakistan Embassy in Washington, said when asked about the
arrests. It is an ongoing operation.

We have been arresting people
and handing them over to the
Americans, he said.

It was not known if the five or six
men were already in the United
States. The definition of American origin was also unclear.

The FBI, when asked about the handover,
referred all questions to
the Justice Department. The Justice Department was not
immediately available for comment.

U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft,
together with FBI and
Department of Defense officials, announced Monday the arrest and
detention of New York-born Jose Padilla. Padilla, who allegedly
received bomb-making training from al Qaida and was part of a
conspiracy to plant a radiological bomb somewhere in the United

Al Qaida, the terror network of Osama
bin Laden, is accused of the
Sept. 11 attacks on New York and Washington that killed about
3,000 people, and of earlier terror strikes, including the bombing of
the USS Cole in Yemen and the bombing of U.S. embassies in
Kenya and Tanzania 

Padilla, who adopted the name Abdullah
al Muhajir, was arrested at
Chicago's O'Hare International Airport on May 8 as he returned to
the United States from Pakistan in a helter-skelter route that took
him twice to Zurich, Switzerland, and once to Egypt.

U.S. officials Tuesday said Padilla
was shadowed on his odyssey to
Chicago by U.S. law enforcement and intelligence officials who even
traveled on the same aircraft with him.

A Pakistani security official, speaking
by telephone from Islamabad,
told UPI Padilla went to Europe where he met several of his
contacts while FBI agents were watching him. They might have
made some arrests in Europe too, but we don't know.

News reports indicate the journey
took place over 1 1/2 weeks, but a
U.S. intelligence source told UPI Tuesday it was closer to a month.

We have captured a known terrorist
who was exploring a plan to
build and explode a radiological dispersion device, or 'dirty bomb' in
the United States, Ashcroft said Monday.

He traveled to Afghanistan and
Pakistan and on several occasions
in 2001, he met with senior al Qaida officials. While in Afghanistan
and Pakistan, Padilla trained with the enemy, including studying how
to wire explosive devices and researching radiological dispersion

Officials said Padilla, who is believed
to have visited Switzerland to
get money for his operation, was coming to the United States on a
reconnaissance mission, scouting out possible targets for the
conventional bomb that would spew radioactive materials into the

Pakistani officials said they tipped
the United States off to Padilla.

U.S. authorities said his alleged
connection to al Qaida was gained
through information provided by captured al Qaida operations chief
Abu Zubaydah and other al Qaida captives and a checking of an FBI

Padilla, 31, is an ex-convict and
street gang member who grew up in
Chicago, converting to Islam while in prison.

He is believed to have traveled to
Pakistan and Afghanistan in 1998.

Although news of his arrest and detention
was only released
Monday, it is believed members of the Senate and House Select
Intelligence Committees were informed earlier.

I understand the intelligence
committees were given information
about Padilla within the last several weeks, a U.S. government
source said on condition of anonymity, but I don't know how much
detail they went into.

A Western European diplomat told UPI
his embassy had been
informed of Padilla's capture last week.

Padilla, being held as an enemy
combatant, is the third American
detained in connection with al Qaida and its Afghan protectors, the
extremist Taliban regime deposed late last year by U.S.-backed
Afghan forces.

John Walker Lindh, 20 at the time
of his capture in Afghanistan by
anti-Taliban forces last December, faces trial in Alexandria, Va., on
charges ranging from providing support to a terrorist organization to
conspiracy to kill U.S. citizens abroad.

Yasser Esam Hamdi, 22, is being held
at a U.S. Navy brig in
Norfolk, Va., but has not yet been charged with any offense. Hamdi,
born in Louisiana but raised in Saudi Arabia, was also captured
fighting with the 

[CTRL] The Truth About National ID Cards

2002-06-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Truth About National ID Cards 

Oracle's Larry Ellison and Harvard's Allen Dershowitz have been all over the media recently pitching a National ID Card. One poll indicates 70% public support for the notion. Most critics of a National Identity Card mention Hitler, police stops, and personal privacy to argue against the proposal. Those are good reasons to oppose a National ID Card, but they miss the idea's worst features.

Proponents of a National ID Card have a responsibility to tell us exactly what the system will do to day-to-day life in America. They are unlikely to do so because most thoughtful Americans would be alarmed at the prospect.

A National ID card is *not* really about identity. It is about authorization.

A modern National ID System will:

* Require Americans to obtain federal government authorization to travel, work, rent or buy housing, obtain medical care, use financial services, and make many purchases.

* This federal authorization could be denied for many reasons including database errors, a suspicious transaction profile, being a deadbeat parent, failure to pay taxes or fines, and any other social control measures Congress wishes to hang on the system.

* The system will almost certainly create an outlaw class - as large as 10 to 20% of the population - cut off from "normal" life in America. This class will include political refuseniks as well as those whose behavior has caused the system's software to deny their transactions. This outlaw class will sustain the underground economy for the use of future terrorists (and ordinary criminals).

These effects are easy to predict because they've already happened on a lesser scale.

Previous National ID proposals covered such activities as travel, work authorization, national health care, and licensing of drivers.

All of these proposed systems were meant to deny access to air travel, work, medical care, and driving to those who were not authorized for these activities. The events of September 11th mean that many more transactions will require a National ID. It is likely that the ID will be required for the purchase of alcohol, tobacco, Rx drugs, firearms, ammunition, knives, fertilizer, flying lessons, or any other goods or services the government considers dangerous. Additionally, in order to track the movement of potential terrorists, the New Improved National ID Card will have to control all transportation including car rentals and purchases, accommodations and financial services. A large chunk of our lives.

When you present your National ID to complete a transaction, you will actually be asking the Federal Government for its permission. It converts most significant transactions that you make from private ones to public ones. It creates a government license for all jobs, all travel, all medical care, and many purchases. This is a profoundly troubling departure from American traditions.

Beyond federal licensing there are all the reasons that the system will reject your proposed transaction. A National ID System can't control terrorists or illegals unless it uses software based on credit card fraud detection software to block suspicious transaction and then deny the use of the ID Card and notify the appropriate authorities.

To understand how this will work, you have to understand how modern credit card software works. A credit card authorization system performs a large number of checks to decide whether or not to authorize a proposed transaction. First, it checks to see if the card is in the system, has not been reported stolen, and has adequate credit for the transaction. But then it goes further. It checks the customer's transaction history, it checks the exact nature of recent transactions and of the proposed transaction to see how they fit the customer's profile and the profile of fraudulent transactions that it has stored in its system. It then produces a "score" which it uses to determine whether or not to authorize the transaction. This is real "profiling".

But even if you are you, the ID card is valid, and your transactions aren't suspicious; your right to travel, work, and buy will still likely be blocked by social control measures added by Congress or the administrative bureaucracy. We know that this will happen because that is exactly what *has* happened with drivers licenses. A drivers license once meant that your state considered you a safe driver. Today, you can be denied a license for failing to pay child support, failure to pay traffic and other fines (including library fines), being a non-resident alien, and for hundreds of other "offenses".

State legislatures could not resist the temptation to leverage the drivers license system to control their populations. Their actions were based on the idea that "driving is a privilege not a right." The future abuse of the National ID Card will be based on the idea that 

[CTRL] LaRouche:Who Did Kill Cock Robin, After All?

2002-06-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

>From the Vol.1,No.14 issue of Electronic Intelligence Weekly

Who Did Kill Cock Robin, After All?

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

The following was issued by the LaRouche in 2004 campaign committee for Presidential pre-candidate LaRouche, on June 5, 2002.

Who is to be blamed for not preventing September 11th? It is clear that there are some people, Democrats and others, in the U.S. Congress, and elsewhere, who are as quick to blame President George W. Bush for not acting to prevent the true horrors of Sept. 11, 2001, as some Democrats, and others, were to impeach President Clinton for the sake of what was, at bottom, merely a disgusting bit of personal fiddle-faddle.

Every sentient adult alive in the United States today knows, like most leading literate folk around most of the world, that I am stoutly opposed to President Bush's current, foolish economic and military policies; but, neither I, nor any other sane and honest person, is going to resort to the purely factitious fraud of blaming the President of the U.S.A. for errors he did not commit. I am not some corrupt opportunist, like those donkeys who staged an attempted lynching of President Clinton—or some of the same donkeys, and others, now attempting to pin the donkey's tail on President Bush for Sept. 11, 2001.

For example. Where is the proof that Al-Qaeda organized and conducted the horrors of Sept. 11, 2001? No government anywhere has yet presented plausible proof that Osama bin Laden was the author of that attack on the U.S.A. Close examination of the physical evidence of the crime itself, proves that bin Laden could not have organized such an operation. Apparently, no one among those self-important critics of the President, has even asked the crucial question which I asked publicly, in a live broadcast interview, during the moments the attack on those towers was being announced: Why did the attackers hit the New York towers first, when they were in a position to choose to hit the nation's capital first? I said then, that I hoped no one would be silly enough to blame Osama bin Laden for these attacks.

Evidence be damned: Now, in the Congress, and in much of the mass media, the dog-and-pony show rambles on, and on, and on.

A Matter of Competence

Before accusing either the CIA or Justice Department of incompetence in this matter, why not begin with what should be the obvious first question to be asked: Is the Justice Department usually competent in its report of any important investigation? Consider a few glaring examples of that problem.

The customary practice of the Justice Department, as in the case of Sept. 11, is to try the evidence in secret, and then present an indictment and conviction without any display of actually truthful evidence supporting that claim. Often, relevant evidence is simply excluded, on grounds that it might tend to prevent the jurors from returning the pre-programmed "guilty" verdict.

Or, take the evidence of massive Israeli spying against the U.S. military and other targets, even on the territory of the U.S.A. Or, take the role of George Soros and other Wall Street figures' support for drug trafficking into the U.S.A. and elsewhere from Central and South America. Or, take the related case of end-runs to protect the money-laundering of such drug money through financial-derivatives channels.

In these and other ways, government institutions, such as the Justice Department or Congress, choose their findings first, and then select, or concoct their evidence to fit such biased pre-judgments. One can hear the prosecutor shouting: "We are going to hang Joe Doaks; it is your job to invent the testimony and other evidence needed to convict him before a rigged jury."

In the case of Sept. 11, the pattern of crucial known facts about the attacks themselves, shows that no one outside of a handful of very high-level inside plotters had any actual knowledge of that operation beforehand. It is known that intelligence and law-enforcement agencies did have foreknowledge of a potentially terrorist "anti-globalization" riot in Washinngton, D.C. for later in September.

In any case, since bin Laden et al. were intrinsically incapable of organizing the actual operations of Sept. 11, no U.S. intelligence/security agency not complicit in the attacks could have had relevant knowledge warning of such attacks.

Truth, Not 'Spin'

The lesson to be learned from the furor about the presently rewarmed old gossip about "Who lost us China?" is that until we have security and intelligence services which are committed to discovering and telling the truth, and a Congress which wishes to hear plain truths—contrary to its perceived factitious self-interest—the intelligence and security processes of the U.S. government will continue to stink. A competent intelligence service tells us truthfully what we need to know, not what 

[CTRL] Ron Paul On The Declining Dollar

2002-06-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Declining Dollar

by Rep. Ron Paul, MD

US House of Representatives, June 5, 2002

Mr. Speaker, I have for several years come to the House floor to express my concern for the value of the dollar. It has been, and is, my concern that we in the Congress have not met our responsibility in this regard. The constitutional mandate for Congress should only permit silver and gold to be used as legal tender and has been ignored for decades and has caused much economic pain for many innocent Americans. Instead of maintaining a sound dollar, Congress has by both default and deliberate action promoted a policy that systematically depreciates the dollar. The financial markets are keenly aware of the minute-by-minute fluctuations of all the fiat currencies and look to these swings in value for an investment advantage. This type of anticipation and speculation does not exist in a sound monetary system. 

But Congress should be interested in the dollar fluctuation not as an investment but because of our responsibility for maintaining a sound and stable currency, a requirement for sustained economic growth. 

The consensus now is that the dollar is weakening and the hope is that the drop in its value will be neither too much nor occur too quickly; but no matter what the spin is, a depreciating currency, one that is losing its value against goods, services, other currencies and gold, cannot be beneficial and may well be dangerous. A sharply dropping dollar, especially since it is the reserve currency of the world, can play havoc with the entire world economy. 

Gold is history's oldest and most stable currency. Central bankers and politicians hate gold because it restrains spending and denies them the power to create money and credit out of thin air. Those who promote big government, whether to wage war and promote foreign expansionism or to finance the welfare state here at home, cherish this power. 

History and economic law are on the side of the gold. Paper money always fails. Unfortunately, though, this occurs only after many innocent people have suffered the consequences of the fraud that paper money represents. Monetary inflation is a hidden tax levied more on the poor and those on fixed incomes than the wealthy, the bankers, or the corporations. 

In the past 2 years, gold has been the strongest currency throughout the world in spite of persistent central bank selling designed to suppress the gold price in hopes of hiding the evil caused by the inflationary policies that all central bankers follow. This type of depreciation only works for short periods; economic law always rules over the astounding power and influence of central bankers. 

That is what is starting to happen, and trust in the dollar is being lost. The value of the dollar this year is down 18 percent compared to gold. This drop in value should not be ignored by Congress. We should never have permitted this policy that was deliberately designed to undermine the value of the currency. 

There are a lot of reasons the market is pushing down the value of the dollar at this time. But only one is foremost. Current world economic and political conditions lead to less trust in the dollar's value. Economic strength here at home is questionable and causes concerns. Our huge foreign debt is more than $2 trillion, and our current account deficit is now 4 percent of GDP and growing. Financing this debt requires borrowing $1.3 billion per day from overseas. But these problems are ancillary to the real reason that the dollar must go down in value. For nearly 7 years the U.S. has had the privilege of creating unlimited amounts of dollars with foreigners only too eager to accept them to satisfy our ravenous appetite for consumer items. The markets have yet to discount most of this monetary inflation. But they are doing so now; and for us to ignore what is happening, we do so at the Nation's peril. Price inflation and much higher interest rates are around the corner. 

Misplaced confidence in a currency can lead money managers and investors astray, but eventually the piper must be paid. Last year's record interest rate drop by the Federal Reserve was like pouring gasoline on a fire. Now the policy of the past decade is being recognized as being weak for the dollar; and trust and confidence in it is justifiably being questioned. 

Trust in paper is difficult to measure and anticipate, but long-term value in gold is dependable and more reliably assessed. Printing money and creating artificial credit may temporarily lower interest rates, but it also causes the distortions of malinvestment, overcapacity, excessive debt and speculation. These conditions cause instability, and market forces eventually overrule the intentions of the central bankers. That is when the apparent benefits of the easy money disappear, such as we dramatically have seen with the crash of the dot-coms and the Enrons and many other 

[CTRL] ICC May Charge Jewish Settlers W/ War Crimes!!!

2002-06-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
Last update - 03:01 12/06/2002  

A-G: New Hague court may indict settlers for war crimes 

By Gideon Alon, Ha'aretz Correspondent  

Israelis could be indicted by the new International Criminal Court (ICC) starting next month, when the court is formally inaugurated, Attorney General Elyakim Rubinstein warned at a meeting of the Knesset Constitution Committee Tuesday. 

Among other items, Rubinstein said, the court could decide to try Jewish settlers who move to the territories after June 30, since one article of the treaty establishing the court defines the settlements as a war crime (the June 30 cutoff stems from the fact that the court has jurisdiction only over acts committed after its inauguration on July 1). It could also indict Israel Defense Forces soldiers and officers involved in operations like the one in Jenin during Operation Defensive Shield. 

Overall, Rubinstein stressed, "I have faith in the 'purity of arms' of IDF soldiers'," and in cases where soldiers were found to have violated orders, they have been put on trial )according to the ICC treaty, the court cannot indict anyone who has already been subjected to genuine legal proceedings in his home country). Since the start of the intifada in September 2000, 140 soldiers have been investigated for crimes such as looting, and some have been indicted, he said. 

"[But] the international court is a great unknown for us," he said. "We don't know who the judges will be or who the prosecutors will be. We don't know what it will mean for the Jewish settlements in Judea, Samaria and Gaza or for the neighborhoods of Jerusalem that were set up over the Green Line following the Six-Day War." 

Rubinstein noted that Israel never ratified the ICC treaty not, he stressed, because Israel has anything to hide, but out of fear that the court would be guided by political rather than strictly legal considerations. The decision not to ratify will reduce the danger represented by the court, but will not eliminate it entirely, he said. 

Deputy Attorney General Rachel Sukar explained that had Israel ratified the treaty, it would be obliged to assist the court by, for instance, handing over any documents it requested. But non-ratification does not provide immunity from prosecution by the court. 

The court also does not recognize diplomatic immunity, so even a sitting prime minister could be indicted, she said. 

Professor Ruth Lapidoth, an expert in international law, said that based on the list of candidates for seats on the ICC's bench, Israel cannot be confident that the court's judges will rule in a fair and unbiased manner. 

State Prosecutor Edna Arbel said the establishment of the court obligates the state to get ready to provide legal representation for any soldier indicted by the ICC for having faithfully executed the government's orders in the territories. The Justice Ministry has set up a special task force headed by Sukar to prepare for the court's inauguration, and the team will include representatives of the Foreign Ministry and the Judge Advocate General's Office. 

But Alan Baker, the Foreign Ministry's legal adviser, warned against creating unnecessary panic over the court. Even though it is being inaugurated on July 1, it will actually begin working only in about a year, he said. 

Committee Chairman Ophir Pines-Paz (Labor) said the new situation created by the ICC's establishment requires Israel to change its policy regarding the settlements in order to avoid becoming embroiled in legal and political problems. 

MK Shaul Yahalom (National Religious Party) suggested that the Justice Ministry set up a database of complaints against terrorists who have murdered innocent civilians and transfer them to the court. For instance, he said, the ICC should be asked to indict Tanzim leader Marwan Barghouti. These complaints, said Yahalom, could serve as an acid test for determining whether the court is objective or politically biased.

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[CTRL] Fresh Vision

2002-06-11 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0224/foa.php


Week of June 12 - 18, 2002

Letter From Israel
by Sylvana Foa

Israel Akheret's Fresh Vision
Life for the Party

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JAFFA—Boy, the Gang of 40 had better watch out. There are new kids on the block
and they're hell-bent on taking over. Inshallah, as we say around here.

Thousands of college kids and young professionals are flocking to join a new political
party called Israel Akheret or A Different Israel. And what they want is 
different than what we've got.

Boaz Nol, 25, who flew into New York this week, is one of the founders.

We started at the end of February with just 10 people, said Boaz. We haven't had
any media— word just got around from one friend to another. Now we have more
than 10,000 members.

Our idea is that you can't sit still in front of the TV and cry about how bad things
are—you have to do something, he said. The young generation, the future of this
country, should take matters into its ownhands to create a new vision for Israel.

The movement's mere existence is surprising in an apathetic student population
dedicated to passive protest, a nice euphemism for whining.

We have always been accused of caring only about ourselves, said Danny
Frishman, a 24- year-old student in Jerusalem and one of the party's first members.
Now you see hundreds of people coming and saying they are willing to work for
change. Everywhere people tell us, 'We've been waiting for something like this to

We all share the feeling that something is going terribly wrong in this country, he
said. Not just the situation between us and the Palestinians. The problems within our
own society are much bigger, but the government only worries about Arafat.

This is not a party just for young people, he added. Some people in their thirties 
even forties are joining us. The most important thing is to have a young spirit.

Students are not getting off their tushes simply because they dream of a new, blue
Israel. The economic reality in Israel today is bad enough to spark unrest on a scale
of the 1969 Chicago Days of Rage.

Tens of thousands of Israeli businesses have gone under since the current Intifada
began at the end of September 2000. Unemployment has jumped from 8.8 percent
to 10.6 percent—a 20 percent increase. Today 271,000 people are without work—a
shocking figure in a nation of only 6 million. Tourism, a mainstay of the economy, is
at its lowest point in a decade.

The shekel has depreciated nearly 17 percent, seriously cramping the style of young
travelers. Taxes are high, and soar to a whopping 50 percent for those who make a
decent living.

Surprisingly, the astronomical cost of Israel's war against Yasir Arafat is not the
biggest bloodsucker.

There are 19 political parties in Israel today, most representing special interest
groups like Russian immigrants, the settlers, the ultra-religious, etc.

With that many butts to kiss, the government survives by issuing kosher certificates
to an outrageous amount of pork barrel legislation.

Every special interest group, the ultra-religious in particular, demands a
disproportionate slice of the pie and holds the government hostage with constant
threats to resign from the coalition.

When Prime Minister Ariel Sharon tried to form a government, every coalition
member demanded ministerial-level jobs. When he ran out of titles, he began
naming ministers without portfolio, deputy ministers, and senior officials. So, 
any given day, give or take a few stormy resignations, there are 40 people in the
cabinet room. We call them the Gang of 40.

The government, the politicians, live on their own planet and care only about their
own selfish interests, said Boaz. We need new, clean, young blood. I tell all my
friends who are leaving to live in New York, 'Stay and fight with me for a new

Israel Akheret is preparing for elections scheduled for 2003, and their platform
makes good reading.

We are very concerned and angry at how the vision of the founders of the State of
Israel has been derailed, the platform says. National priorities are determined by
the intensity of sectarian pressure and not on the basis of long-range goals.

The first thing they plan to do is replace the politicians with professionals.

We talked to business people, academics—the people who built this country and
fought in all its wars, said Boaz. We found that they think like us. So we are going
to ask the best, most experienced professionals to come and do 'reserve duty' in the
government for a limited term.

I immediately volunteered for a term as foreign minister, but Boaz didn't bite.

The party also promises to stop subsidizing vast layers of society while productive


2002-06-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


By: Dorothy Anne Seese

Yes indeed, there is a web site called the Global Nation, a utopian site for wannabe global officionados who are willing to donate to the cause. The "presiding officer" of this Global Nation utopia calls himself Amadeus Rockefeller, apparently attempting to capitalize on a name that symbolizes unbelievable wealth to English-speaking peoples. This "Amadeus Rockefeller" is so consumed by his Global Nation (GN) cause that he is actually offering you a chance to participate (and donate). 

Apparently this gentleman, whose site has a page for making donations and applying for membership or both, doesn't realize that all Rockefeller philanthropies and foundations give grants or sponsor causes, they don't solicit donations. The Rockefellers need donations like the earth needs three more moons. In fact, it is the very extent of the Rockefeller wealth that has given them the inside track in their globalist ventures, and they do exist. A verifiable site that is part of the real Rockefeller Foundation's globalist work can be found here.

On the Australian GN, this "Amadeus Rockefeller" envisions a world, a planet, without nations, borders, wars, slavery, just one big happy family (probably drinking free Bubble Up and eating Rainbow Stew). Well, the Rockefeller family of the USA doesn't need his help, they are doing quite well without it, which explains why there are so many powerful influences in this nation aimed at globalizing the US as well as the rest of the planet. There is just so much truth on what appears to be a hoax site using the Rockefeller name that it is easy to fool the average reader, especially ones who are aware of the Rockefeller interests in globalism (on verifiable sites through searches on the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation, Rockefeller philanthropies, etc.). It would seem that Amadeus' interest is in the donations for membership, something not solicited by the real Rockefellers. 

Reading from various sites, such as IIE cited above, folks who wondered why things seem to happen in spite of what the people want should be able to determine that it's because the average people really aren't in control. It's about time they woke up to that fact, particularly here in the USA where we still have a Constitution and a Bill of Rights, albeit pretty powerless ones at times. The doubters need to stop blathering about vast right-wing conspiracy theorists who dream up spooky shadow governments out of boredom or mental aberrations ... the globalists are there right along with the hoaxers who are out to make a buck or enhance their ego . And, in case you've forgotten where the original, real John D. Rockefeller originally made his bazillions of dollars, well, he had a little company called Standard Oil. Oil is driving more than motor cars, it's driving world movements and dictating much if not most of what is occurring in the world today. That's why Amadeus' site is dangerous. He knows this, and the site is quite convincing in its appeal to fight war, slavery and poverty ... however, the real Rockefellers aren't this blatant about their global-elitist vision. And they don't solicit money or make partners out of internet readers. 

It would be nice to believe that the real Rockefellers (and other bazillionaires who control oil, currencies, etc.) really envisioned and had absolute faith in the globalist dream of a world free from war, famine and slavery, but can anyone in their right mind believe that removing national borders and cultural differences will change human nature? We don't have wars, famines and slavery because we have nations, we have wars, horrors and savagery because the nature of man is inherently evil, no matter how nice your neighbors might be. My neighbors are very nice also ... until there's a difference of opinion at a condo board meeting. I feel perfectly safe here, my neighbors are not going to do me harm, but there's hardly a spirit of genuine affection and brotherly love among them when it comes to selecting insurance coverage or getting a contractor to pave the driveways and parking areas. 

Globalism is meant to put elitists in control and enforce "peace" around the planet, a planet which will have a controlled population. Not only do the globalists envision controlling the number of humans allowed on earth (the "sustainable earth" number) but by genetic engineering, they hope to create what der Fuhrer wanted to create ... a master race to rule the earth, and drones to do the work. 

Visitors to the Global Nation site may find nothing amiss with the philanthropic, idealistic goals of the globalists. They may see nothing vastly wrong with the site ... unless they dig deeper into what the real Rockefellers actually do. The real globalists are far more than visionaries. They cite their charitable and philanthropic missions, but not their dream 

[CTRL] Foxman Says Slaughter Of Entire Races Acceptable Means Of Fighting Terrorism

2002-06-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Foxman Says Slaughter Of Entire Races Acceptable Means Of "Fighting Terrorism"

Ironically, In Doing So, He Justifies The Mass Killing Of All Jews In Response To Their Role In Western Society

6/11/02 1:48:57 PM

The ForwardNew York, NY -- [LSN: Note that by this logic, the entire Jewish people earned the "fate of 
Amalek" by their actions against the German nation in the 1930s, and thus the 
wholesale slaughter of Jews by Europeans was justified. Also note that these 
are not "fringe Jews" saying these things -- this is a leader of the Jewish 
community who may become a federal judge -- where he will be empowered to mass 
execute, say, white nationalist dissidents because they threaten the Jewish 
power structure in the US. Also note that this kind of thinking is 
specifically barred in the US Constitution, which states that punishment 
of "corruption of blood" is specifically prohibited for *any* crime. The 
bottom line is that Western morality and Jewish morality are absolute 
incompatible extreme opposites, and that Jews who have lived in Western 
societies that have adopted Jewish morality -- like the morality of 
exterminating entire people for corruption of blood -- have fared very badly --
and should think twice about encouraging it in a nation that could, 
potentially, destroy them as a people.]

Top US Lawyer Nathan Lewin Urges Death For Families Of Martyrs 

uploaded 10 June 2002

A prominent Washington attorney and Jewish communal leader is calling for the 
execution of family members of suicide bombers. 

Nathan Lewin, an oft-mentioned candidate for a federal judgeship and legal 
advisor to several Orthodox organizations, told the Forward that such a policy 
would provide a much-needed deterrent against suicide attacks.

"If executing some suicide-bomber families saves the lives of even an equal 
number of potential civilian victims, the exchange is, I believe, ethically 
permissible," wrote Lewin, who served as president of the International 
Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists and is a vice president of the 
Orthodox Union. "It is a policy born of necessity ,Äî the need to find a true 
deterrent when capital punishment is demonstrably ineffective."

Lewin argued that the biblical injunction to destroy the ancient tribe of 
Amalek serves as a precedent in Judaism for taking measures that 
are "ordinarily unacceptable" in the face of a mortal threat. His proposal, 
however, was rejected by an Israeli diplomat in New York, and discounted, in 
terms ranging from mild to condemnatory, by a range of commentators, terrorism
experts and Jewish communal leaders from across the American political 

"The State of Israel is determined to respond to every Palestinian 
provocation," said Ido Aharoni, consul for media and public affairs at 
Israel's New York consulate. "Israel's military approach is to pursue the 
perpetrators and those who seek to carry out acts of terrorism against 
innocent Israelis. Within that framework, Israel is trying to minimize, if 
possible to eliminate, the number of innocent lives lost."

Several leading Jewish figures, including Harvard Law School professor Alan 
Dershowitz, argued that the plan represented a legitimate if flawed attempt to 
strike a balance between preventing terrorism and preserving democratic norms. 
But the proposal was strongly condemned by the head of the Reform movement, 
Rabbi Eric Yoffie, and the executive vice chairwoman of the Jewish Council for 
Public Affairs, Hannah Rosenthal.

"The opinion is utterly reprehensible and totally contrary to the most 
fundamental principles of the Jewish religious tradition and everything the 
State of Israel has been about since its founding," said Yoffie, president of 
the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. "I've said it, and everyone 
realizes, that in a war all of our standards on civil liberties may not apply. 
But to say that you need to make common-sense compromises is a long way from 
saying we are going to kill innocent people to bring about deterrence."

Yoffie rejected Lewin's reference to Amalek as a possible justification for 
killing innocents. He argued that for nearly 2,000 years talmudic sages and 
other rabbinic commentators have argued that the lessons of Amalek could not 
be applied to contemporary times. In an article that appeared in the Sh'ma
journal alongside Lewin's essay, Brandeis University Jewish studies professor 
Arthur Green wrote, "I only wonder how long it will take [Lewin], by the force 
of this proof-text, to go all the way and suggest that the Palestinian nation 
as a whole has earned the fate of Amalek."

Green, former president of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, wrote 
that his first desire upon reading Lewin's essay was to "tear my garments, as 
a sign of mourning on hearing the desecration of God's name."

The criticisms of Lewin: Burton argued, in his own 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Script of Art-Andy-Enron Cover-up Trial

2002-06-11 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

One glance at Judge Melinda Harmon's bio says it all:
'The presiding judge in the Andersen criminal case, U.S. District 
Court Judge Harmon was named to the federal bench by President George 
H.W. Bush in 1989 after spending 12 years as a lawyer for Exxon. 
Through the luck of the judge-selection draw, 55-year-old Judge 
Harmon also happens to be simultaneously overseeing various civil 
cases against Andersen, a class-action lawsuit against Enron and 
Enron's $10 billion lawsuit against Dynegy. She has said the Andersen 
criminal trial must end on May 29 because she is going on vacation 
and has nonrefundable plane tickets'.


A Recap of Proceedings
In the Andersen Trial

Arthur Andersen's criminal trial on a single felony count of 
obstruction of justice opened in U.S. District Court in Houston on 
May 6. David Duncan, the Andersen auditor fired for the Enron 
document shredding, testified for five days. The case went to the 
jury on June 5.

Latest Developments

Jurors in the Andersen criminal obstruction-of-justice trial retired 
to their hotel rooms once again after a fifth day of deliberations 
without reaching a verdict.

Week 1
Day One (May 6):

Highlights: Andersen's defense lawyers struggled to pick a jury to 
try the document-shredding case that could determine the fate of the 
embattled accounting firm. The government, facing a Texas jury and a 
fiery Texas defense lawyer, Rusty Hardin, made a last-minute change 
in its lineup, giving former Texas federal prosecutor Matt Friedrich 
a more prominent role in the case. ... Several would-be jurors 
admitted they harbored anger about the fall of Enron, and some said 
they couldn't separate the actions of Enron and the actions of 
Andersen, its former auditor. ... A jury of seven women and nine men 
was picked, including one juror who asked Mr. Hardin what the SEC was.

Full Story: U.S. to Say Andersen Officials Knew of Efforts to Cover 
Up Enron Mess

Day Two (May 7):

Highlights: Judge Melinda Harmon allowed prosecutors to introduce 
evidence of Andersen's audit failures at Sunbeam Corp. and Waste 
Management Inc. during the 1990s. ... Prosecutors laid the foundation 
of their case for a motive, contending that they can prove Andersen 
feared it would be suspended from auditing publicly owned clients 
were it to be found in violation of a consent decree signed with the 
SEC last year. It was out of that fear, prosecutors argued, that 
Andersen's partners and employees devised a careful plan to destroy 
evidence of Andersen's faulty audit work for Enron, the once-powerful 
energy trader that collapsed last year ... Andersen's lead attorney, 
Mr. Hardin, replied in his opening argument, The evidence will show 
that there was no organized effort to get rid of any specific 
documents in advance of the SEC's probe.

Full Story: Andersen Runs Into Major Setback One Day Into Its 
Obstruction Trial

Day 3 (May 8):

Highlights: James A. Hecker, an energy specialist in Andersen's 
Houston office, warned colleagues in August 2001 of  'smoking guns' 
that you can't extinguish relating to the accounting firm's 
controversial audits for Enron Corp. ... An SEC attorney testified 
that the abrupt resignation of Enron's chief executive and potential 
conflicts involving its chief financial officer led the SEC to launch 
its investigation into Enron last August. ... Thomas C. Newkirk, who 
led the SEC's 

[CTRL] Erfurt school shootings

2002-06-11 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From World Socialist Web Site www.wsws.org


WSWS : News  Analysis : Europe : Germany

Germany: The social and political background to the Erfurt school shootings

Comment by Wolfgang Weber
12 June 2002

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The social and political shockwaves from the April 26 murder of 12 teachers, two
students, a secretary and a police officer by a 19-year-old student at the Gutenberg
Gymnasium in Erfurt continue to be felt throughout Germany.

Many Germans had cherished the illusion that such a thing could occur only in
America, a country with extremely sharp social tensions, where violent disputes were
part of daily life. But Erfurt is situated in Germany, and Germany is in Europe.

This terrible event in a small German town reveals how much the country and the
entire continent have changed in the course of a few years. The conditions in Erfurt,
and in German schools and cities in general, are European conditions.

Ever broader social layers have to deal with worsening social conditions and their
lack of input into the important decisions taken by the state and the corporate
interests that dominate society, while a small elite lives a life of luxury and sets
government policy. As far as their future is concerned, today’s school-going
generation can be certain of only one thing: it is at best uncertain.

A few years ago social democratic parties came to power in many European
countries, having promised to eliminate poverty and unemployment, and prevent
“American” conditions from coming to Europe. Today it is clear to all that once in
power, these parties did the opposite. Governments are not ending mass
unemployment; instead they are destroying the social safety net.

Below the surface, political tensions have intensified to the point where the 
mechanisms and institutions of political rule are failing. With the end of the Second
World War and the defeat of the fascist dictatorships in Germany, Italy and Spain,
social conflicts were controlled within the framework of parliamentarianism—through
publicly reached compromises or secret deals in parliamentary committees, by
means of collective bargaining, or through “roundtable” talks. Expanding world
markets and credit provided the economic basis for maintaining social peace within
the national framework.

The establishment of the welfare state did not eliminate the contradictions between
the ruling and working classes that had torn society apart in the first half of the 
century. They were, nevertheless, cushioned. Today, under conditions of global
production and a global jobs market, all of the old nationally regulated relations and
mechanisms are breaking down. As class contradictions resurface, so too does
racism and the danger of fascism, together with all of the other political problems,
rooted in contemporary class society, that were only papered over after 1945.

In face of these dramatic changes and the oppressive demands of a global market,
workers, apprentices, students and school pupils see themselves as isolated
individuals—no organization or party represents their interests. One hundred years
ago, mass socialist parties existed in many European countries, showing a way out
of social pauperization and political and cultural oppression. They advocated a
radical transformation of society as a whole, so that the working population could
have the decisive political say, in order to improve social conditions for all, abolish
undemocratic conditions and prevent wars.

At that time, it was above all the young people, who had their whole lives in front of
them, who placed their hopes in these parties. But today? Organizations that once
represented these aims only practice deception by continuing to adorn themselves
with the old names, such as “socialist”, “communist”, or “social democratic”. In
reality, their policies serve only the wealthy.

Is it any wonder that under these conditions, some people, who for this or that reason
feel incapable of dealing with the growing pressure and feel they are in a hopeless
position, react as disoriented, disturbed and distraught individuals? Their inhuman
acts can be explained only as a result and reflection of dehumanized social relations.

In the eyes of such individuals, other human beings, with all their strivings, feelings
and life aims, are simply objects, at best to be ignored, at worst to be eliminated or
hunted down on the streets, or driven out of the country as unwelcome strangers.

The reaction of the establishment parties to the outbreak of lethal violence in Erfurt
was to cover over the underlying social wrongs and tensions, instead of looking for
means and ways of overcoming them. Apart from hypocritical expressions of sorrow,
the only thing to be heard from the politicians was calls for harsher laws, stronger
state censorship and more repressive police controls over what the individual can
see on television