[CTRL] Tony Blair - A Representative of the British or the Americans?

2002-08-30 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


The cost of Bush's war

Tony Blair must choose whether to represent his own people - or a US
Republican clique

Seumas Milne
Thursday August 22, 2002
The Guardian

Don't say they didn't warn us. Even as debate is raging on both sides of the
Atlantic over the threat of war against Iraq, US leaders have already
declared their hand. George Bush's defence secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, this
week announced that the US could not afford to wait for additional
evidence about Saddam Hussein's weapons programme before taking action. That
followed national security adviser Condoleezza Rice's insistence that we
certainly do not have the luxury of doing nothing about the powerful moral
case for regime change. And earlier this month Bush himself boasted he
would use all the tools at his disposal to topple this threat to
civilisation, who was thumbing his nose at the world. All three were in
conclave in Texas yesterday, as US military preparations mount in the Gulf,
bombing raids by British and US warplanes on southern Iraq intensify - there
were three in the past week, out of 28 so far this year - and war fever
pushed oil prices over $30 a barrel.

With the failure to capture Osama bin Laden or Mullah Omar, the overthrow of
Saddam has become the war on terror. And the US administration shows every
sign of pressing ahead in splendid isolation. Internationally, only Israel
appears to be committed to an attack, even if Tony Blair's loyalty is taken
for granted in the White House. But in the US itself, what is striking is
the narrowness of support for war on Iraq at the heart of the political
establishment. When Republican hard men such as Henry Kissinger, Brent
Scowcroft and the victor of the 1991 Gulf war, Stormin' Norman Schwarzkopf,
come out against Bush Jr's return match, the president might be thought to
be in some difficulty. Presumably the assumption is that, with polls
recording strong support among the US public, dissent will be duly stilled
when the call comes.

No such comfort is available in Britain, where opposition to a new assault
on Iraq has reached critical levels. Put on one side the legions of bishops,
retired generals, mandarins, Tory grandees, ex-ministers and trade unionists
lining up to denounce the prospect of war. Even someone like the former
Foreign Office minister Lord Chalfont, battle-hardened cold war warrior and
a hawk in every conflict for well on half a century, has balked at this one.
With the Tory hierarchy refusing to speak out, it has become increasingly
hard to find any mainstream figure prepared to put the case for the American
adventure. What supporters there are have floundered for lack of a coherent
and consistent argument. It hasn't helped that the usual guidance from
Washington has been so flakey and would-be cheerleaders have been left
begging Bush and Blair to make a proper case for their war.

First the pretext was Iraq's non-existent links with al-Qaida and September
11. Then it was the anthrax attacks in the US, which turned out to be a
domestic problem. Then it was the long-running dispute over Iraq's
drastically depleted chemical and biological weapons capacity and its
resistance to the return of UN weapons inspectors. But now that Saddam has
begun to signal a climbdown on inspectors (apparently going a good deal
further in private messages passed to the US administration via Jordan's
King Abdullah), they seem to be something of a side issue after all. As John
Bolton, the US undersecretary for arms control, blurted out, the regime
change policy will not be altered, whether inspectors go in or not. And
according to General Wesley Clark, Nato's commander during the Kosovo war,
the Bush administration's hawks concede in private that Iraq is no threat to
the US. Meanwhile, it is increasingly widely acknowledged that the only
circumstances in which Saddam is now likely to pose a threat to his
neighbours is, ironically, if he faces a full-scale American invasion. The
implication of all this could not be clearer. The US is committed to
overthrowing the Iraqi regime, not because of terrorism or weapons of mass
destruction or brutal internal repression, but because it is an obstacle to
the imposition of a new pax Americana on the world's main oil-producing

The last-ditch argument by the war party is that a US attack, expected to
produce further large-scale destruction and civilian casualties, would at
least give the Iraqi people what they want. No doubt many Iraqis
passionately hope for an end to the rule of Saddam Hussein. But testing
Iraqi opinion on the prospect of a new war, or anything else for that
matter, is impossible in current circumstances. What we do know is that the
Iraqi opposition itself has become increasingly polarised over the expected
US assault. Both main influential Islamist parties are opposed to a US
attack, as are the communists - the largest political force in Iraq before

[CTRL] Detailed Israeli plan for etnic cleansing: The Logistics Of Transfer

2002-08-30 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Gale Courey Toensing [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2002 3:56 AM

Go to   www.gamla.org.il/english for the entire ``plan :
``The Logistics of Transfer.
Gamla is an Israeli organization founded by former military officers and
settlers. The entire nine-part plan to completely remove Palestinians --
known and despised  everywhere else in the world as ``ethnic cleansing --
from what's left of their historic homeland (half of 22 percent of historic
Palestine when you count up all the settlements and roads etc) is published
on their website. This is the kind of discussion that takes place in ``the
only democracy in the Middle East.  The only thing not mentioned here is
cattle cars.

Why does the world stand by silently and allow the Israelis to plan the
destruction of an entire nation and its people?

``Eretz Yisrael is God's bedroom where He interacts with the Jews, His
chosen people, and where others do not belong. They have no business being
involved in the relationship between God and the Jewish people.

The Logistics of Transfer July 3, 2002

E. Israel's Actions in Yesha and the relocation itself

Though the importance of all these information campaigns can't be
overstated, Israel must accompany them by actions carried out in Yesha, to
demonstrate the seriousness of her intentions. It is absolutely clear that
the first step is the destruction of Arafat's regime and the annexation of
Judea, Samaria and Gaza. The Arabs must be led to understand that these
lands are an inseparable part of the Jewish state forever. Professor Paul
Eidelberg, president of the Yamin Yisrael party, has the very worthwhile
idea of selling plots of land in Yesha at low prices to Jews residing
anywhere in the world and wanting to move to Israel. Also deserving of
consideration is his other suggestion of relocating various governmental
institutions to Yesha. The continued development of Jewish life in Yesha
must became a priority in Israel's policy. A similarly important task is the
development of Yesha's infrastructure including the construction of
highways, an airport and a sea-port.
Meanwhile, any attempts on the part of the Arabs to carry out sabotage or
terrorist activity must be immediately suppressed in the most brutal way. It
is possible, for example, to implement a suggestion by Harvard Professor
Alan Derschowitz, an American liberal lawyer. With slight modification, it
works as follows: Israel issues a warning that, in a response to any
terrorist attack, she will immediately completely level an Arab village or
settlement, randomly chosen by a computer from a published list. The essence
of the idea is to make the Arabs completely responsible for their own fate,
and to make it clear that terrorism will not be merely tolerated, but will
be harshly punished. Along with the world community, the Arabs will know
precisely what will result if they attack Jews. The use of a computer to
select the place of the Israeli response will put the Arabs and the Jews on
a level footing. The Jews do not know where the terrorists will strike, and
the Arabs will not know which one of their villages or settlements will be
erased in retaliation. The word erased very precisely reflects the force
of Israel's response. The Arabs residing there will be evicted without
compensation, all houses and buildings completely demolished, and the
settlement itself, with the help of bulldozers and any other necessary
equipment, will be leveled into a large field. After the appearance of
several such fields the Arabs will lose any desire to commit terrorist
attacks and the number of Arabs wanting to leave Eretz Yisrael will
certainly increase.
Israel will need to develop something like a timetable for the transfer to
take place, establishing certain time windows within which various stages of
the transfer should be completed. This information should, of course, be
shared with the rest of the world, since Israel's goal is to involve other
countries in furthering this process. It is most favorable for the entire
transfer process to be as quick as possible, hopefully not to exceed a 5 to
8 year time period. The faster it is completed the better the outcome for
all involved. Both the Jews and Arabs can start recovering their lives and
establishing real neighborly relations no longer marred by constant
Israel must make clear to the world community that, if a decision cannot be
made within 3 to 5 years to establish a state for the Palestinian Arabs in
some viable location, she will be forced to start the forced expulsion of
Arabs into Jordan and the Sinai. If all the other elements of the transfer
strategy are concurrently implemented throughout this time period, it is
valid to assume that the number of Arabs remaining to be resettled will be
far less than one million. 

[CTRL] Israel: Unpardonable wall of silence

2002-08-30 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent
about things that matter. - Martin Luther King


11:00 2002-04-05


The unpardonable wall of silence behind which the international community
hides is an injustice to human rights and an affront to the notion that the
condition of basic human dignity is a birthright.

As Pope John Paul II embodies the feelings of outrage felt around the globe
in reaction to the implacable wave of violence unleashed by the hatred of
Ariel Sharon’s regime, reports from the occupied territories tell of
unspeakable acts of barbarism and cruelty perpetrated by the Israeli Armed

Referring to the siege of the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem, Pope
John Paul II declared that “The Basilica is a place of refuge for
everyone...We reject the unjust conditions and humiliations imposed on the
Palestinian people and also the revenge attacks and reprisals which serve no
purpose except to feed the feeling of hatred and frustration”.

The Vatican took the opportunity to reiterate its official line on the
issue, translated in five points: the unequivocal condemnation of terrorism,
condemnation of the injustice, humiliation and reprisals imposed on the
people of Palestine; respect for UN Resolutions; proportional use of means
of defence (by Israel) and the respect for protection of people in holy

Meanwhile, reports start to stream in to international press circles about
the horror inflicted on civilians and foreign journalists by the Israeli
armed forces. The photographs speak for themselves – savage beating of
unarmed pacifists, male and female alike, the shooting of civilians as they
enter and leave hospitals, the refusal to allow aid into the besieged areas,
bodies lying around unburied and summary detentions and executions.

The director of the organisation Seeds of Peace, the American paramedic Adam
Shapiro, declared in an interview to the Portuguese daily Diario de
Noticias, that the situation in Ramallah is catastrophic. “There are people
wounded. There are Israeli marksmen all around the hospital and it is very
difficult for us to move about. The Israelis are arresting medical staff
from the Red Crescent and are stopping ambulances from circulating”.

He declared that while their governments do nothing, there are personnel
from the USA and EU countries putting their lives at risk trying to help the
Palestinian civilians who are being murdered before their eyes. Civilians
“cannot reach the hospital” because the Israeli troops are not allowing them
through, despite their wounds. They have taken to the churches, where they
are being treated by nuns.

Worse,in a flagrant act of wanton violence, a war crime to add to the
growing list perpetrated by Ariel Sharon and his armed forces: “Yesterday a
56-year-old woman who had come for treatment (to the hospital) tried to go
home, which is near the hospital. When she left, an Israeli sniper shot her
in the face. She died, instantly”.

Journalists are also being prohibited from circulating freely, against the
norms of international press rules, which require the authorities to do
everything within their power to assist in their free circulation. This is
printed on the International Press Card.

Atta Isawat, a Palestinian photographer working with two journalists from
AFP, arrested along with him, was subjected to acts of torture before the
eyes of his co-workers, in broad daylight. The Israeli soldiers told him
“You are walking strangely, we will have to shoot you”. He suggested that he
should take off his clothes to prove that he was not carrying explosives.
This he did, but was forced to lie in the street, under torrential rain, for
over an hour, with his face in the mud and his hands behind his back, before
an Israeli soldier smashed his face into the mud with his boot, shouting
“This is a war zone”.

When a society loses sight of the path which is right and reason, its
death-knell begins to toll. Israel has isolated itself from world public
opinion. Now, if it does not change course rapidly, it is ponly a question
of time. The palestinians have won their cause, paid in the blood of their
men, women and children.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as 

[CTRL] Iraq: Don't Go There

2002-08-30 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


Published on Sunday, August 25, 2002 by Christian Century magazine
Iraq: Don't Go There
by George Hunsinger

Wars are not won on the defensive, asserts Vice President Dick Cheney. We
must take the battle to the enemy and, where necessary, preempt grave
threats to our country before they materialize. For the Bush
administration, this policy appears to include a preemptive strike against
Iraq, which is viewed as another installment in its war against terrorism.

A war of preemption, advocates maintain, will bring about a highly desired
regime change in Iraq, install a democratic government there and free the
Iraqi people. By just war standards, however, a preemptive attack against
Iraq must be condemned.

According to just war theory, three criteria determine whether going to war
is justifiable: the cause must be just, the chances of success must be
reasonable and the authority to wage war must be competent. None of these
conditions can be met by the preemptive strike planned against Iraq. It is
not likely that the main criteria for justifiable conduct in war--providing
immunity for noncombatants and using means proportional to the ends--can be
met either. Let's look at each of these principles in light of the proposed
attack against Iraq.

Just cause? Having a sufficient cause is the most important condition
justifying war. Historically this has involved (a) self-defense (b) against
an act of aggression and (c) used as a last resort. Initiating an act of war
violates this requirement, since the only sufficient reason for warfare is
self-defense against physical aggression.

The right to preempt an anticipated attack can be extrapolated from the
self-defense principle if preemptive strikes meet a high standard of
justification: the attack being prevented must be imminent, not merely
conjectured or vaguely feared in the long run. Everything depends,
therefore, on whether Iraq plans to launch an attack against the U.S. in the
near future.

Two questions are relevant: Does Hussein actually possess weapons of mass
destruction? And if so, do they pose a clear and imminent danger to the U.S.
or its allies? The answer to both these questions seems to be no. No
evidence has been produced that Iraq is manufacturing weapons of mass
destruction. According to experts, both the capacity to manufacture them and
the capability of delivering them are lacking. This assessment has been
confirmed by sources as diverse as Former Defense Secretary William S.
Cohen, current Secretary of State Colin Powell and former UN arms inspector
Scott Ritter.

As a result of the gulf war, Iraq had virtually all of its major weapons
programs destroyed--including its nuclear weapons capability, as reported by
the International Atomic Energy Agency. Even if Hussein does retain some
minimal capability in weapons of mass destruction, mere possession, by just
war criteria, is not enough. Iraq has obvious incentives not to implicate
itself in using such a capability against the U.S.--unless Iraq itself
should be attacked first in an unprovoked war of preemption. In that case,
Saddam Hussein would have nothing to lose by unleashing, in desperation,
anything he may have.

Reasonable chance of success? The just war theory requires stringently
weighing in advance the consequences of a military campaign, even though
this requirement by itself is not decisive. Any one who has read Tolstoy's
War and Peace or who remembers the Vietnam War should know that when success
is made to sound too easy, skepticism is the order of the day. Precious
human lives and scarce economic resources are at stake.

Would liberating Iraq really be a cakewalk, as Ken Adelman, former U.S.
arms control director, has claimed? Or is Immanuel Wallerstein of Yale
University correct when he warns that Iraq could become another Vietnam:
Just as in Vietnam, the war will drag on and will cost many U.S. lives. And
the political effects will be so negative for the U.S. that eventually Bush
(or his successor) will pull out. A renewed and amplified Vietnam syndrome
will be the result at home.

According to some estimates, as many as 250,000 U.S. troops will be needed.
While other estimates are lower, one Pentagon study has projected an
acceptable death rate of 20,000-30,000 U.S. soldiers. (The number of
acceptable Iraqi deaths has apparently not been calculated.) The Iraqi
army, estimated at 500,000 troops, will be defending their homeland against
a foreign invader who has been bombing them for years. Dissident military
analyst Carlton Meyer says: Ideally, the campaign can be won by sending in
50,000 troops charging in from the air and sea. . . . However, they could
get bogged down if the Iraqis fight in the cities and mine the roads. In
every military operation there are a hundred things that can go wrong; if
you can anticipate half of them, you're a genius.

Arab leaders have warned that a U.S. war against Iraq could 

[CTRL] Discrimination in Israeli Law

2002-08-30 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

Discrimination in Israeli Law

Wednesday, June 12 2002 @ 06:42 PM GMT

The Declaration of Independence in 1948 defined Israel as both a
Jewish and democratic state, committed to the ingathering of the
exiles, and to guaranteeing equality to all its citizens. Yet
insofar as Israel defines itself as Jewish, it overrides and
compromises the extent to which it can be democratic.

Article 26

All Persons are equal before the law and are entitled without any
discrimination to the equal protection of the law. In this respect
the law shall prohibit any discrimination and guarantee to all
persons equal and effective protection against discrimination on any
grounds such as race, colour, sex, language, political or other
opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)

Discrimination in Israeli Law

Despite Israel's ratification of the ICCPR and its guarantee to
protect all of its citizens against discrimination, Palestinian Arab
citizens in Israel are discriminated against in a variety of forms
and denied equal individual rights because of their national
belonging. Though this discrimination is politically motivated, the
Israeli legal system is part of this political context. As well as
offering limited provisions for equality or political participation
to members of the Palestinian Arab minority, the law in Israel
subjects them to three types of discrimination: direct discimination
against non-Jews within the law itself, indirect discrimination
through neutral laws and criteria which apply principally to
Palestinians, and institutional discrimination through a legal
framework that facilitates a systematic pattern of privileges(1).

The Jewish and Democratic State

The Declaration of Independence in 1948 defined Israel as both a
Jewish and democratic state, committed to the ingathering of the
exiles, and to guaranteeing equality to all its citizens. Yet
insofar as Israel defines itself as Jewish, it overrides and
compromises the extent to which it can be democratic.

Israel as a Jewish state has been legally defined as resting on three
minimum conditions: where Jews form the majority, where Jews are
entitled to special treatment and preferential laws, and where a
reciprocal relationship exists between Israel and the Jewish people
in the diaspora. Yet in all these conditions, the Palestinian Arab
minority is both excluded and hence discriminated against: by
privileging Jews, the state treats others as second-class citizens.

Constitutional Equality

Israel does not have a formal constitution, but has drawn up a series
of Basic Laws that form a constitution in evolution. Prior to 1992,
none of these Basic Laws guaranteed any basic rights. However, in
1992 the Basic Law: Human Dignity and Freedom was passed (2) which
subsequently authorised courts to overturn Knesset laws that were
contrary to the right to dignity, life, freedom, privacy, property
and the right to leave and enter the country.

Specifically, however, it did not include the right to equality.
Further, section 1A of the law states that it aims to anchor the
values of the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state.
Given the lack of an explicit law that constitutionally protects
equality for all citizens, this emphasis on the Jewishness of the
State again compromised the equal rights protection for the
Palestinian Arab minority.

Political Participation

Palestinian Arabs rights to run for elections to the Israeli
parliament, the Knesset, are also limited by their acceptance of the
notion of the Jewish state. These limits are expressed in the Law of
Political Parties (1992) and, in particular, the amendment of section
7A(1) of the Basic Law: The Knesset which prevents candidates from
participating in the elections if their platform suggests the denial
of the existence of the State of Israel as the state of the Jewish
people. Under this section a party platform that challenges the
Jewish character of the state, that for example calls for full and
complete equality between Jews and Arabs in a state for all its
citizens, can be disqualified, as lists have been in the past.(4) The
law demands that Palestinian Arab citizens may not challenge the
state's Zionist identity.

Direct Discrimination

There are two main examples of laws that discriminate against
Palestinian Arabs by directly distinguishing between Jews and non-

Citizenship Rights  the Law of Return: National identity is the main
factor in deciding the acquisition of citizenship in Israel. The Law
of Return grants every Jew the right to immigrate to Israel. The
Nationality Law automatically grants citizenship to all Jews who have
done so, and also to their spouses, children,s grandchildren, and all
their spouses. This privilege is for Jews only. Palestinian Arabs can
only get citizenship by birth, residence (after meeting a cumulative
list of conditions) or naturalisation.

Special Status 

Re: [CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: U.S. Weighs Flight Restrictions Near Sept. 11 Crash Sites

2002-08-30 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

 Considering that none of the aircraft involved in last September's
 event were foreign, private, or charter aircraft, these proposed
 restrictions for this coming 9/11 are odd, to say the least...

These are the planes least likely to be under the thumb of Uncle Sam.
It's about CONTROL. Those 3000 people who died Sept. 11 were just
expendable pawns to the ones who set this whole thing up.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Mohamed Atta's Girlfriend is Missing

2002-08-30 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Key Witness "Disappears" In Venice, FL.
Mohamed Atta's Girlfriend is Missing

August 29— A MadCowMorningNews world exclusive. At least four months before the FBI says he first arrived in this country, terrorist ringleader Mohamed Atta was living with (and physically abusing) an American girlfriend at an apartment they shared across from the Venice Airport.

According to numerous eyewitnesses, including their next door neighbor and the apartment manager, Atta lived with a girl named Amanda Keller during March and early April of 2000, four months before the FBI says he first entered the U.S.

The two shared an apartment located directly across the street from the Venice Airport at the Sandpiper Apartments, a drab two-story stucco building which was the American home of dozens of foreign pilot trainees from Huffman Aviation and the Florida Flight Training Academy, the two Dutch-owned flight schools that trained three of the four terrorist pilots.

During her year-long sojourn in Venice Amanda Keller was a willowy 20-year old bleached-blond cocktail waitress (at a restaurant at the airport, the 44th Aero Squadron), and also, according to observers, an out-call 'lingerie model' for an escort service called Fantasies  Lace in nearby Sarasota, where she may have first met Atta, who is known to have frequented Cheetah's, a nearby strip club.

Another 'disappeared' witness

While Amanda Keller’s present whereabouts are a mystery, what is clear is that the FBI has been inordinately eager to suppress the story of her and Atta’s dalliance… so eager that agents from the Bureau have engaged in a regular and systematic pattern of intimidation of eyewitnesses to the affair.

"The question they asked was always the same," says Stephanie Frederickson, who lived next door to the couple: "You aren’t saying anything to anybody, are you?"

For six months after the Sept 11 attack, Frederickson says she received weekly visits from agents from the FBI’s Sarasota office.

"At first, right after the attack, they told me I must have been mistaken in my identification. Or they would insinuate that I was lying. Finally they stopped trying to get me to change my story, and just stopped by once a week to make sure I hadn’t been talking to anyone. Who was I going to tell?"

She shrugs. "Most everyone around here already knew."

"All the news that's ripped from print."

Curiously, Frederickson says that a New York Times reporter to whom she told the story also accused her of making it up, and urged her to stop talking about it.

What makes this especially strange is that the N.Y. Times reporter need only have read early wire service reports in the days after the attack to learn that the story about Atta’s American girlfriend had already been confirmed by numerous witnesses, even including Amanda Keller herself as well as her mother and the apartment managers where the duo co-habitated.

"Charles Grapentine, the manager of Sandpiper Apartments on Airport Avenue in Venice, said he remembers seeing Atta at the complex for about three weeks in April," read a Sept 15 AP story. " He said Atta was living in the apartment of Amanda Keller."

"In a telephone interview late Friday, Keller said she met Atta through a friend and let him stay in the apartment with her and her then-boyfriend, Garrett Metts, because she felt sorry for him. She said authorities told her not to say anything at all about Atta," the story continued.

"I can't really discuss anything," she said. "I'm afraid I'll get in trouble."

"Real Americans won't be silenced."

Now the duo's next-door neighbor, a 50-year old housewife named Stephanie Frederickson, has stepped forward to testify about the affair, as well as the FBI harassment that has—so far— been successful in preventing the story from surfacing.

"Amanda moved in next door first, saying she had come from Orange Park (near Jacksonville," Frederickson says. "Then one day in the middle of March (of 2000) she brought home Atta.

‘I’d like you to meet my friend Mohamed Atta,’ she said to me. ‘He’s from France.’"

"Later when I saw her alone I asked her if she realized that Mohamed Atta wasn’t really a French name, and he was definitely not French. She looked at me like I was nuts. I didn’t know if she really believed he was French or not, but it was clear to me that he wasn't."

The relationship was troubled. While Atta's cheesy taste for infidel flesh is well-known, he apparently balked at sharing it with others.

Blows Against the Empire?

"There were a couple of time he beat her up that I know about," Frederickson says, "mostly over the slutty way she dressed to go to meet her escort service clients. Her hair was always done up in a half dozen funky colors and she always dressed…well, like a hooker."

Frederickson said that Fantasies  Lace would send a car and driver to get Keller. "And I would hear the driver and Atta arguing out 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Key 9/11 Witness 'Disappears' in Venice FL

2002-08-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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-Caveat Lector-


a MadCowMorningNews world exclusive 

At least four months before the FBI says he first arrived in this 
country, terrorist ringleader Mohamed Atta was living with (and 
physically abusing) an American girlfriend at an apartment they 
shared across from the Venice Airport.

According to numerous eyewitnesses, including their next door 
neighbor and the apartment manager, Atta lived with a girl named 
Amanda Keller during March and early April of 2000, four months 
before the FBI says he first entered the U.S.

The two shared an apartment located directly across the street from 
the Venice Airport at the Sandpiper Apartments, a drab two-story 
stucco building which was the American home of dozens of foreign 
pilot trainees from Huffman Aviation and the Florida Flight Training 
Academy, the two Dutch-owned flight schools that trained three of the 
four terrorist pilots.

During her year-long sojourn in Venice Amanda Keller was a willowy 20-
year old bleached-blond cocktail waitress (at a restaurant at the 
airport, the 44th Aero Squadron), and also, according to observers, 
an out-call 'lingerie model' for an escort service called Fantasies  
Lace in nearby Sarasota, where she may have first met Atta, who is 
known to have frequented Cheetah's, a nearby strip club.

Another 'disappeared' witness

While Amanda Keller's present whereabouts are a mystery, what is 
clear is that the FBI has been inordinately eager to suppress the 
story of her and Atta's dalliance… so eager that agents from the 
Bureau have engaged in a regular and systematic pattern of 
intimidation of eyewitnesses to the affair.

The question they asked was always the same, says Stephanie 
Frederickson, who lived next door to the couple: You aren't saying 
anything to anybody, are you?


The MadCowMorningNews 

When Matt  Katie Aren't Enough.

see a segment from Mohamed Atta  the Venice Flying Circus @ 

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[CTRL] Headlines 8/30/2002

2002-08-30 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

Todays Headlines:
[U.S. Dept of State] - USA/ ITALY - U.S. and Italy Designate 25 New Financiers of
Terror (Al Quaeda)
[DETROIT FREE PRESS] - DETROIT - Prosecutors seeking new terror suspects
[UPI] - ATLANTA - Additional smallpox vaccine ready soon
[AP] NORTH CAROLINA - Prison Guard Fired for Flag Patches
[USA TODAY] - USA - Air marshals' resignations flood TSA, managers say Chief
says fewer than 80 have quit
[KMBC] - KANSAS - Threat Prompts Officials To Test Town's Water Supply
[WJXT] - FLORIDA - Suspicious Powder Closes St. Johns Sheriff's Office
[Daily Press] - VIRGINIA - 2 Ghost Fleet ships listing after exercise
[USA TODAY] - USA - Feds target homegrown terror operatives
! [WDIV] DETROIT - Mercury Scare At Fire Headquarters Investigated
[KCBS] CALIFORNIA - San Jose Police Hazmat Teams Investigate Underground
[KOAT] NEW MEXICO - House Fire Turns Into Hazmat Situation
[POST-GAZETTE] - PENNSYLVANIA - All ends well in pretend Mon River terror
[REUTERS] WASHINGTON - Cyber-Attack Fears Stir Security Officers
[KANSAS CITY STAR] - KANSAS CITY - Drill tests county's readiness to respond to
terrorist attack
[AP] SWEDEN - Tunisian Man Charged With Planning to Hijack a Plane After Gun
Detected at Swedish Airport
[AP] AFGHANISTAN - Afghan military arrests 95 after receiving reports of links to al-
Qaida, Taliban
[TIMES ONLINE] - IRAQ - Secret files on Baghdad's weapons plans
[INTERFAX] - RUSSIA - Number of anonymous terrorist phone calls growing in
02tz=0tz_format=MSKre! q=bomb
[DAWN.COM] - PAKISTAN - 13 Harakat men held with weapons and CDs
[REUTERS] MONTENEGRO - Shoelace strangler subdued on Montenegro flight
[AP] Switzerland - Athens Olympic organizers: terrorist threat is solved
[AP] ATHENS - Terror Suspect Talks of Greek Murder
[AP] GERMANY - Fifth suspect from Frankfurt terror cell released on lack of
[AP] TURKEY - Turkey rescues 50 illegal migrants bound for Italy; detains 219 others
[ Afghans/ Iraqis]


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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat 

[CTRL] Fw: [cp] Poll Shows Free Speech Support Down

2002-08-30 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: philip andrews [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thursday, August 29, 2002
Last updated at 5:03:23 PM PT


NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- Support for the First Amendment has eroded significantly
since Sept. 11 and nearly half of Americans now think the constitutional
amendment on free speech goes too far in the rights it guarantees, says a
poll released Thursday.

The sentiment that the First Amendment goes too far was already on the rise
before the terrorist attacks a year ago, doubling to four in 10 between 2000
and 2001.

The poll found that 49 percent think the First Amendment goes too far, a
total about 10 points higher than in 2001.

Many Americans view these fundamental freedoms as possible obstacles in the
war on terrorism, said Ken Paulson, executive director of the First
Amendment Center, based in Arlington, Va., which commissioned the survey.
Almost half also said the media has been too aggressive in asking the
government questions about the war on terrorism.

The center, which also has offices in Nashville, asked the University of
Connecticut's Center for Survey Research and Analysis to measure views about
the First Amendment.

The poll of 1,000 adults was taken between June 12 and July 5, and has an
error margin of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

The researchers said they designed this year's survey, in part, to test the
public's willingness to tolerate restrictions on the First Amendment
liberties during what they perceive to be wartime.

They found that 48 percent of respondents agreed the government should have
the freedom to monitor religious groups in the interest of national
security - even if that means infringing upon the religious freedom of the
group's members. Forty-two percent said the government should have more
authority to monitor Muslims.

The survey also found a significant dip in the number of people who believe
newspapers should freely criticize the U.S. military about its strategy and
performance. Fifty-seven percent were supportive this year, compared to 69
percent in 2001.

Seven in 10 respondents agreed newspapers should publish freely, a slight
drop from 2001. Those less likely to support newspaper rights included
people without a college education, Republicans, and evangelicals, the
survey found.

Republican respondents also were more likely than Democrats or Independents
to see the news media as too aggressive in seeking war information from
government officials.

Among other poll findings:

- About four in 10 favored restrictions on the academic freedom of
professors to criticize government military policy during war. Twenty-two
percent strongly supported such restrictions.

- While 75 percent considered the right to speak freely as essential,
almost half, 46 percent, supported amending the Constitution to prohibit
flag burning.

- Sixty-three percent rated the job the American educational system does in
teaching students about First Amendment freedoms as either fair or poor.
Five percent rated the educational system's job in this area as excellent.


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Freedom Forum: www.freedomforum.org

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[CTRL] U.S. and Italy Designate 25 New Financiers of Terror

2002-08-30 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

Washington File

29 August 2002
U.S. and Italy Designate 25 New Financiers of Terror
(Will notify UN of financiers' connection to al-Qaida) (3340)

The United States and Italy are blocking the assets of 25 individuals
and groups that support terrorism and are informing the United
Nations Sanctions Committee of the connection between these
entities and the al-Qaida terrorist network, the U.S. Department of
the Treasury has announced.

This action furthers international efforts to shut down identified
terrorist financing networks using targeted freezing actions under
domestic and international law, Treasury Under Secretary Jimmy
Gurulé said in an August 29 Treasury Department news release.

The 25 new designations include 11 individuals related to the
Salafist Group for Call and Combat (GSPC), an Algerian-based
terrorist organization that operates in North Africa and Italy. The
other 14 entities are owned or controlled by either Ahmed Idris
Nasreddin or Youssef Nada, both of whom have been previously
designated as supporters of terrorism by the United States and the
UN Security Council.

The U.S.-Italy action to block the assets of these individuals and
groups is notable for being the direct result of cooperation and
collaboration among four nations -- the United States, Italy, the
Bahamas and Luxembourg -- Gurulé said.

All four of those nations provided financial information,
investigative assistance, or key documents or support which allowed
us to make the case necessary for today's designation, he said.
Today's action demonstrates the commitment of the international
coalition to the fight against terrorist financing.

Since September 11, the United States and other countries
combined have frozen more than $112 million in terrorist-related
assets, and 234 individuals and entities are currently designated as
financiers of terror, Gurulé said.

Following is the text of his statement, followed by a Treasury
Department release listing the 25 individuals and entities affected by
the new blocking order:

(begin text)

U.S. Department of the Treasury

From the Office of Public Affairs

August 29, 2002

Statement by U.S Treasury Secretary for Enforcement Jimmy
Gurulé in Support of Today's New Terrorist Financing Designations

In a significant action in our ongoing campaign against terrorism,
today, our two nations -- the United States and Italy -- are blocking
the property of 25 individuals and entities based on their support for
terrorism. This action furthers international efforts to shut down
identified terrorist financing networks using targeted freezing
actions under domestic and international law. In accordance with
relevant United Nations procedures, we are submitting these names
to the United Nations for listing by the UN 1267 Sanctions
Committee because of the connections between these entities and
individuals and al-Qaida.

Of the 25 new designations, the 11 individuals are related to the
Salafist Group for Call and Combat (GSPC), a separatist faction of
the Gruppo Islamico Armato (GIA). The GSPC, an Algerian-based
terrorist organization that continues to operate in North Africa as
well as Italy, is a lethal terrorist group and its members support and
finance terrorism around the globe. The United States designated
both the GSPC and the GIA on September 24, 2001, and the United
Nations placed them both on the list of terrorist entities linked to al-
Qaida on October 8, 2002.

Fourteen of the 25 entities designated today are owned or controlled
by either Ahmed Idris Nasreddin or Youssef Nada. Both of these
individuals have been previously designated as supporters of
terrorism and the al-Qaida network by the United States and the
international community under U.N. Security Council Resolutions
1267, 1333 and 1390.  Today's action is another step toward
shutting down the terrorist-financing network orchestrated by Nada
and Nasreddin. This designation of additional corporate holdings will
further choke the flow of funds that facilitate the financing of

The simultaneous blocking of the assets of these individuals and
entities by Italy and the United States demonstrates the international
commitment to choke off the sources of financing for terrorist acts.
This particular designation is also unique, in that it is the direct
result of the collaborative and cooperative efforts of not just two,
but four nations -- the United States, Italy, the Bahamas, and
Luxembourg -- working together toward a common goal.

All four of those nations provided financial information,
investigative assistance, or key documents or support -- which
allowed us to make the case necessary for today's designation.

 Today's action demonstrates the commitment of the international
coalition to the fight against terrorist financing.

We are confident that our efforts are having real-world effects.
Al-Qaida and other terrorist organizations are suffering financially
as a result of our actions. We also believe 

Re: [CTRL] Doctor arrested in Florida is a 'terrorist,' too

2002-08-30 Thread Nurev Ind

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2002 10:10 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Doctor arrested in Florida is a 'terrorist,' too

 -Caveat Lector-


 Aug. 28, 2002, 6:52PM

 Doctor arrested in Florida is a 'terrorist,' too

 ACCORDING to the FBI, a Florida doctor arrested after police found more
 15 homemade explosive devices in his home allegedly drafted a detailed
 to blow up an Islamic educational center. The search of Robert J.
 residence also turned up a list of about 50 Islamic worship centers in the
 Tampa-St. Petersburg area and other locations in Florida. Attached to the
 criminal complaint against Goldstein was a three-page mission template
 an attack on an unidentified Islam education center, which included a
 of the center showing where bombs would be placed.

 Referring to Webster's Dictionary, terrorism is defined as the unlawful
 use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized
 against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing
 societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.
 According to the damning evidence against the Florida podiatrist, there
 should be absolutely no hesitation in classifying Goldstein as a

I agree. If his intent was to harm Muslims, he IS a terrorist and should be
charged as one.


 Yet, in news coverage from The Associated Press to CNN, there was not one
 mention of the word terrorist. However, if we change one facet of this
 scenario, we would have a completely different ballgame.

 Instead of Goldstein, let's say his name was Dr. Muhammad. Assume the same
 bomb materials were found in the same Florida home. Instead of blueprints
 Islamic centers and mosques, his house was littered with floor plans of
 than 50 synagogues and Jewish day schools. In addition to the blueprints
 the arsenal, there were scattered pages of his manifesto that claimed to
 eliminate all traces of Judaism from America. Surely, one would be hard
 pressed to find one person alive who would not consider the hypothetical
 above a terrorist.

 So why the double standard? There was not one mention of Goldstein's
 or political affiliation in any of the media outlets. It would follow a
 simple logical progression that his fiery hatred of Muslims was either
 by a dogmatic or political doctrine. Was Goldstein a Jewish extremist who
 wanted to rid this country of all rags? Was he a member of a militia
 aimed at targeting those affiliated with the terrorists of last September?
 don't know, because no one made his political or religious affiliation an

 On the contrary, the media wasted no time in classifying as a possible
 terrorist Hesham Mohamed Hadayet, the man responsible for the shooting
 the El Al counter at Los Angeles International Airport in July.

Is it even POSSIBLE for an Arab/Muslim reporter to NOT LIE. Even when he
has a good case?

Hadayet was NOT charged as a terrorist or even called one.
As a matter of fact, it was downplayed by the authorities.
It was the
backlash by Jews and Israelis which made it an issue at all.


 Hadayet, a
 disgruntled limousine driver from Egypt, was automatically categorized as
 possible terrorist because he was an Egyptian Muslim. In a rare flash of
 brilliance, the FBI cautioned the media against the classifcation. All
 evidence points to the fact that he was just a discontented limo driver
 unjustly took his frustration out on innocent civilians. There were no
 found in his home, no treatise on his hatred of a religious or ethnic
 Yet, Hadayet was vilified as a possible terrorist, while the extent of
 Goldstein's vilification was that he was a podiatrist from Tampa.

 Not all terrorists are Muslims, and not all Muslims are terrorists. I know
 it's hard to believe, but mass violence in the advancement of a personal,
 religious or political agenda is not something exclusive to the Islamic
 paradigm. Before Osama bin Laden became the most infamous terrorist known
 America, Timothy McVeigh used his perverted political agenda to slaughter
 innocents, including many children, who were playing at the day-care
 in the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building on that fateful day in 1995. Last
 year, Irv Rubin, chairman of the Jewish Defense League, plotted to blow up
 Los Angeles mosque and the office of a U.S. congressman. If these
 men are not guilty of terrorism, then no one can be honestly deemed a

 The incarceration of Goldstein shows quite vividly that terrorism knows no
 color or religion. If we want to be consistent with the Justice
 current trend in the war on terrorism, we 

[CTRL] Two sides to every coin

2002-08-30 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1892941066/ref%

Dollars for Terror: The Us and Islam
by Richard Labeviere

From Publishers Weekly
In a provocative expos , Swiss TV journalist Lab vi re argues that the real threat to 
West from radical Islamic fundamentalism comes not from Iran or Iraq but rather from
America's solid allies--Saudi Arabia and neighboring oil monarchies. Based on his 
investigation, Lab vi re charges that Saudi Arabia is the principal financial backer of
extremist Islamist movements around the world. The linchpin in this operation, he 
states, is
Saudi billionaire Osama bin Ladin, trained by the CIA, who recruited, armed and 
trained in
turn Arab volunteers to fight the Soviet army in the Afghanistan war, thereby 
the totalitarian Muslim Taliban regime. Bin Ladin, who, according to the author, 
close ties with the Saudi and Pakistani secret services, now bankrolls terrorist 
camps in Afghanistan and abets Islamist extremist movements in Egypt, Yemen, Somalia,
South Africa, Algeria and elsewhere. Veterans of the Afghan holy war have been
implicated in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center in New York City and the
attempted murder of Egyptian president Mubarak in 1996. In Lab vi re's riveting, often
shocking, analysis, the U.S. is an accessory in the rise of Islam, because it 
manipulates and
aids radical Muslim groups in its shortsighted pursuit of its economic interests, 
the energy resources of the Middle East and the oil- and mineral-rich former Soviet
republics of Central Asia. Lab vi re shows how radical Islamic fundamentalism spreads 
influence on two levels: above board, through investment firms, banks and shell 
and clandestinely, through a network of drug dealing, weapons smuggling and money
laundering. This important book sounds a wake-up call to U.S. policy makers. (May)

Copyright 2000 Cahners Business Information, Inc.
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[CTRL] Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war ...

2002-08-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

From Shakespeare

  Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the
citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a
double-edged sword.  It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows
the mind.

And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood
boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no
need in seizing the rights of the citizenry.  Rather, the citizenry,
infused with fear and blinded with patriotism, will offer up all of
their rights unto the leader, and gladly so.

How do I know?  For this is what I have done.  And I am Caesar.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Advocates of peace

2002-08-30 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.guardian.co.uk/israel/comment/0,10551,783231,00.html


Now every Jew must decide

The Israeli right is calling for the chief rabbi's resignation. Advocates of peace 
must defend

Jonathan Freedland
Friday August 30, 2002
The Guardian

The chief rabbi has made waves before, but never like this. His comments to this
newspaper - noting that the conflict with the Palestinians was forcing Israel into 
incompatible with Judaism's deepest ideals and corrupting of Israeli culture - have
reverberated far beyond Britain's Jewish community. They have provoked outrage in 
and fierce debate across the diaspora.

One Jerusalem rabbi, Sholom Gold, told the BBC that Jonathan Sacks's statements were so
far beyond the pale, he was now irrelevant in the world Jewish community. Yesterday's
edition of the hardline Jerusalem Post ran an editorial with the simple headline: 
Rabbi Sacks.

It will be of little comfort to him, but the scale of this row is testament to the 
chief rabbi's
standing in the Jewish world. There are not many diaspora clerics whose pronouncements
would lead the morning news bulletin on Israel radio - as the Guardian interview did on
Tuesday - even fewer from a community as small as Britain's. But Professor Sacks's
standing as a first-class scholar and, crucially, his reputation as a passionate 
advocate for
Israel, ensured that his words carried an extra punch - making them all the more 
to those who now condemn him.

Those critics' complaints are worth tackling head on, for two reasons. First, they are
grossly unfair to him and usually involve a stubborn refusal to look at what the chief 
actually said.

The Jerusalem Post, for instance, claims that Prof Sacks has forgotten that the state 
Israel is at war. Of course, he has done no such thing. In my conversation with him, 
chief rabbi stressed repeatedly that Israel was forced into its current stance by a 
war it
would rather not fight. That was clear in the comments we published, but also in his
description of Israel as a country that has been on the frontline against war and 
incessantly for 54 years.

Every time Israel had reached out to make peace, he said, the Palestinian response had
been violence. He cited Israel's June 1967 offer to return all the territories it had 
just gained
in war. The reply was the famous three Nos of the Arab League in September 1967: no
peace, no negotiation, no recognition.

If only the Palestinians would reverse that habit and end the violence, said Prof 
Sacks, it
could all be so different. If I was advising the Palestinians right now, I would ask, 
'what is
it that will get you to your destination quicker than anything?' And my answer would 
peaceful protest. Adopt the tactics of Gandhi. I would say: 'Guys, I know Israelis, I 
them deeply and if you want to make an impact, peaceful protest will get you there in a
week instead of a lifetime.'

So Jonathan Sacks does not need to be tutored in the pro-Israel line. He knows Israel 
to defend itself and he knows from whom. And nor does he have to be lectured by his
critics on the view that Israel is fighting hard to remain compassionate, humane and
committed to human rights. That's what he said, adding his belief that the ethical 
of the Israeli army, which is one of the most reflective of all armies, would survive.

This, then, is the first reason to defend the chief rabbi: his critics are attributing 
views to
him that he does not hold, seeking to cast him as an enemy of the Jewish state when he 
the very opposite. As a statement from his office insisted yesterday, it's clear to 
who reads the actual Guardian interview... that the chief rabbi expressed passionate
support for Israel.

But the second reason to back Prof Sacks goes far deeper than the matter of his own
reputation. He stands for the simple principle that one can be a friend of Israel and 
offer a
heartfelt warning for its future, all at the same time. He wants Jews and Israelis to 
see the
risk they run if this conflict goes on much longer - the risk not to human life, but 
to Jewish

And this is what Rabbi Gold and his ultra-right friends cannot bear to hear. On this 
they are
in complete denial, refusing even to acknowledge that a challenge to Israel's moral 
exists. Witness the Jerusalem Post: Rather than 'corrupting' us, this war of 
has brought out some of our finer qualities, such as patriotism, national pride and a
willingness to make personal sacrifices on behalf of the common good.

The chief rabbi had the courage to see through such self-delusion, and to state the
uncomfortable truth about the occupation. I can't believe that Jews, having been 
all we've been through, actually want to rule over another people, he said. He went 
on to
quote the great Jewish sage, Maimonides: 'Israel did not long for the Messiah so it 

[CTRL] Headline - Short cut across top of world as ice melts

2002-08-30 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Euphorian wants you to know about a story on www.smh.com.au

Personal Message:

Short cut across top of world as ice melts
By Mike Toner in Atlanta
August 31 2002

URL: http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2002/08/30/1030508124982.html

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Gama'a

2002-08-30 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://globalization.about.com/blterr6.htm

Gama'a al-Islamiyya (the Islamic Group, IG) a.k.a. al-Gama'at, Islamic Gama'at, 
Egyptian al-
Gama'at al-Islamiyya, GI

Description: Egypt's largest militant group, active since the late 1970s; appears to be
loosely organized. Has an external wing with a worldwide presence. Signed Usama Bin
Ladin's fatwa in February 1998 calling for attacks against US civilians but publicly 
denied that it supports Bin Ladin. Shaykh Umar Abd al-Rahman is al- Gama'at's 
spiritual leader, and the group publicly has threatened to retaliate against US 
interests for
his incarceration. Primary goal is to overthrow the Egyptian Government and replace it 
an Islamic state.

Activities: Armed attacks against Egyptian security and other government officials, 
Christians, and Egyptian opponents of Islamic extremism. Al-Gama'at has launched 
on tourists in Egypt since 1992, most notably the attack in November 1997 at Luxor that
killed 58 foreign tourists. Also claimed responsibility for the attempt in June 1995 to
assassinate Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Strength: Unknown, but probably several thousand hardcore members and another several
thousand sympathizers.

Location/Area of Operation: Operates mainly in the Al Minya, Asyu't, Qina, and Soha
Governorates of southern Egypt. Also appears to have support in Cairo, Alexandria, and
other urban locations, particularly among unemployed graduates and students. Has a
worldwide presence, including in the United Kingdom, Afghanistan, and Austria.

External Aid: Unknown. The Egyptian Government believes that Iranian, Sudanese, and
Afghan militant groups support the IG.

This background information on
foreign terrorist organizations was issued
by the US State Department, Office of Counterterrorism.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Forwarded as information only; I don't believe everything I read or send
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Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth
--- Ernest Hemingway

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[CTRL] Eu wanted you to see this!

2002-08-30 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

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[CTRL] Everyone's pResident

2002-08-30 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


World Socialist Web Site www.wsws.org

WSWS : News  Analysis : North America

Letter from a Portland protester

29 August 2002

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On August 22, about 500 demonstrators outside a downtown Portland, Oregon hotel were
assaulted by riot police, who attacked the protesters with batons, tear gas, rubber 
bean-bag rounds and “pepper balls” The demonstrators had gathered to protest Bush’s
environmental and economic policies and the administration’s war threat against Iraq. 
WSWS received the following letter from a protester whose family was pepper-sprayed
during the demonstration.

This is an open letter describing our experience and an urgent call to action.

First and foremost, I want to thank from the bottom of my heart the kind human beings
who helped my children, my wife and me after we were pepper sprayed by the Portland
Police. We were aided immediately by fellow demonstrators, the Black Cross and 
caught in the crossfire. These people shielded us with their bodies and soothed us with
their treatments and words, and argued with police, putting themselves in danger, to
secure our safe passage through the cordon. Their actions stand in beautiful contrast 
to the
savage inhumanity of the police.

We brought our children to a peaceful protest, we stayed in the back and we were 
on the sidewalk. The march stopped at the intersection of 2nd and Alder, we could not 
why from our position on the SW corner of the intersection. Police quickly moved up 
us and a moment or two later sprayed pepper spray into the crowd from the NE corner of
the intersection. The crowd ran toward us to escape the spray. We asked the officer 
to us how we should exit the intersection. He pointed and said to exit to the NE, into 
spraying police opposite him.

As the crowd pressed toward us I yelled to him to let us through (south on 2nd) because
we had three small children. He looked at me, and drew out his can from his hip and
sprayed directly at me. I was at an angle to him and the spray hit my right eye and our
three-year-old, who I was holding in my right arm. In the same motion he turned the can
on my wife, who was holding our 10-month-old baby and doused both of their heads
entirely from a distance of less than three feet. My six-year-old daughter was holding 
left hand and was not hit directly.

We ended up on the sidewalk a few feet down Alder with fellow protesters holding my
screaming children and pouring water on our eyes. Someone yelled that the police had 
that we could pass through the cordon on Alder with the children. I picked up the baby 
other protesters brought my wife and other children to the police line. We attempted to
pass through, but they leaned in shoulders to block us. I yelled at them to let us 
pass for
about two minutes and finally some officer up the line nodded me and the baby through.
They were not going to let my wife and other children out, but after a few minutes of
pleading from the crowd and another signal from up the line they let them out. As we
passed, the officers were laughing and said something to the effect of “that’s why you
shouldn’t bring kids to protests.”

I immediately called 911 as we moved up to the corner of 3rd and Alder. I explained 
that a
baby had been directly pepper sprayed and that I needed an ambulance. They informed me
that they would not send one and that all protesters were to report to a first aid 
tent on the
other side of the police lines. Fellow protesters aided us until Black Cross arrived. 
people brought water from the nearby offices and someone bought some juice for the
children. Two KBOO staffers drove up in their Volvo and took us to Emmanuel ER. One of
the protesters who had helped us from the beginning accompanied us to the hospital and
waited with us until the kids were admitted (special thanks!). The children were 
for respiratory problems and chemical burns. Luckily all were only suffering “normal”
pepper spray reactions that have no treatment but to wait. The pediatrician kept us a 
longer so that she could call poison control to check for other recommended 
procedures, as
she had never in her career seen an infant pepper spray victim.

On the way to the ER my three-year-old said that those guys back there were trying to 
us and said we should call the police.

That is the story.

We need the help of every person who was at the corner of 2nd and Alder and witnessed,
photographed, or made video of any of this. Even if you are unable to testify later we 
facts written down (location of police, names of officers, timelines, everything). We 
keep it anon if you request

Please help us expose this extreme, undemocratic, and brutal attack on peaceful 

Email info to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you again to all the wonderful people who helped us. All power 

[CTRL] Caspian Basin

2002-08-30 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


World Socialist Web Site www.wsws.org

WSWS : News  Analysis : Europe : Russia  the CIS

Caspian Basin oil pipeline company founded

By Paul Stuart
30 August 2002

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On August 1, after eight years of bitter political intrigue, the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan 
Company (BTC Co.) was founded during a document signing ceremony in London.
Witnessed by representatives of the pipeline’s host countries Azerbaijan, Georgia and
Turkey, the new corporation marks a major step in the opening of a new export route for
Caspian Basin oil resources to the United States, Israel and Western European markets.

The objectives of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline, according to US officials, is to 
dependence on OPEC oil producers in the Middle East, create a secure supply of oil to
Israel, and begin to end dependence on Russian and Iranian oil transportation networks
from the Caspian region. The preparation for the huge pipeline has already seen an
escalation of US military activity in the former Soviet Republics bordering Russia, 
them further into US military plans. The construction phase will see a dramatic further
growth in US military operations.

At an initial cost of $2.5 billion, estimated to double before completion and funded 
“free public money” and private finance, BTC Co. will construct, operate and own the 
kilometre pipeline from Baku in Azerbaijan, through the Georgian capital Tbilisi then 
the Turkish Mediterranean oil terminal at Ceyhan. The pipeline will be ready to pump 
oil in
2005 from a phase one development of the Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli oil field. Its capacity 
be one million barrels per day. A 900-km gas pipeline running between Baku-Tbilisi-
Erzarum, terminating in Turkey’s Anatolia region, will form the axis of the US 
Eurasian Energy Corridor.

Since the Eurasian Energy Corridor project was officially launched in 1994, the US and
Turkish government’s have sponsored various events announcing the “imminence” of a
deal. As a result such declarations were increasingly greeted with cynicism. This time,
however, pipe-lay contracts have been awarded. Consolidated Contractors International 
Greece will construct Azerbaijan’s section. France’s Spie Capag will lead a joint 
with US Petrofac to lay the Georgian sector. BOTAS, the Turkish State pipeline company,
will continue as the lump sum turnkey contractor for the Turkish sector of the 
Bechtel (US) will be the main contractor for engineering, procurement and construction.

The British Petroleum (BP) umbrella consortium, Azerbaijan International Oil Consortium
(AIOC) first signed contracts to explore Azerbaijan’s Caspian oil and gas fields eight 
ago. The BTC Co. project has caused fracturing within the Consortium. AIOC major
shareholders, ExxonMobil and ChevronTexaco continue to object to the pipeline project 
commercial grounds, but the project is ready to move into construction phase.

BP is the leading shareholder in the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline Company. September
marks the tenth anniversary of BP’s outline agreement with Azerbaijan for exploration 
the Azeri- Chirag-Gunashli oil field. Since then investment in BP projects in the 
country’s oil
sector total $16 billion and is said to be the most complex infrastructure development 
in the

Since November 1999, BP has shifted from a public “position of scepticism” to leading 
formation of BTC Co. BP has not explained the abrupt change of policy, but oil industry
analysts have accused BP of entering a political alliance with the Bush and Blair
governments. A BP spokesman replied that Azerbaijan at present has limited oil 
but it is a “key component of its [BP’s] growth strategy” and that “the pipeline was a
strategic route out of the South Caspian and had to be built.”

BP’s policy change was in all likelihood prompted by a combination of the discovery in 
1999 of the Azeri Shah-Deniz oil field and the US administration’s financial 

Negotiators for BTC Co. and US politicians were unable to convince executives of
ExxonMobil and ChevronTexaco, major shareholders in the AIOC, to become shareholders
in the new corporation. At a conference on the BTC pipeline attended by US government
officials, Chevron vice Chairman Richard Matzke declared, “pipeline projects required 
incremental approach grounded in commercial realities, not perceived geopolitical
imperatives.” He added, “Oil cannot be pulled through a pipeline, but can only be 

ChevronTexaco and ExxonMobil are not objecting to political interference in commercial
decisions. Through AIOC they have completed a new Russian pipeline from the Tengiz oil
field in northwest Kazakhstan to the Russian Black Sea port of Novorossiysk. 
between oil executives over oil pipeline routes from the Caspian fields are not only

[CTRL] Abraham Dubya Bush

2002-08-30 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

~~for educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]

Abraham Dubya Bush
by Thomas J. DiLorenzo

As has been their tradition for decades now, neocons
who are in favor of waging total war against
somebody (this time it's Iraq) have been invoking the
sainted Lincoln (Father Abraham, as the war
enthusiasts at the Claremont Institute call him) as their
role model. After all, there must be some kind of
ideological cover for mass murder (as all wars are),
and that is the role of the Lincoln Myth.

As Joseph Stromberg recently noted (Bring on the
Honors List!, LRC, Aug. 28), George Will has
written in the Washington Post that President Bush
should look to Lincoln's war tactics as a model for
American ways of waging war. In recent months
historian Jay Winik has written in the Wall Street
Journal that, in the spirit of Lincoln, security should
come before liberty. To hell with civil liberties. Tony
Blankley repeated this same anti-civil liberties theme
in the Washington Times; and David Broder and
Ronald Radosh, among many others, have explicitly
invoked Lincoln in advocating that we send a quarter
of a million men to invade Iraq (for starters). A recent
article posted on the Neo-conservative website
FreeRepublic described President Bush's developing
foreign policy as Lincolnesque but on a world-wide

What, exactly, should President Bush do in order to
mimic Lincoln's war policies, as the neocons are
urging him to do? Well, the first thing he should do (as
Lincoln did) is to unilaterally suspend the writ of
Habeas Corpus and order the military to begin
arresting and imprisoning all dissenters, especially the
press. He should issue an order to one of his top
generals similar to the one Lincoln issued to General
John Dix on May 18, 1864: You will take possession
by military force, of the printing establishments of the
New York World and Journal of Commerce . . . and
prohibit any further publication thereof. . . you are
therefore commanded forthwith to arrest and imprison
. . . the editors, proprietors and publishers of
aforesaid newspapers.

Imagine the cheering at the Claremont Institute if
President Bush were to put the New York Times and
Washington Post out of business and throw their
editors and owners into military prisons without
issuing any warrants, making any charges, or even
telling their families where they were. Father
Abraham lives! Just to make sure all other members of
the press get the message, President Bush should also
follow the practice of President Lincoln, the founder
of his party, and have federal troops physically
demolish the printing presses of opposition
newspapers (see Dean Sprague, Freedom Under
Lincoln, and James G. Randall, Constitutional
Problems Under Lincoln).

In order to assure congressional support for his war,
President Bush should also order federal troops to
interfere with elections in predominantly Democratic
districts, as Lincoln did. In Maryland, for example,
Lincoln ordered the arrest and imprisonment of
several dozen state legislators, Congressman Henry
May, and the mayor of Baltimore. He won New York
State in the 1864 presidential election, writes Pulitzer
Prize-winning Lincoln biographer David Donald,
with the help of federal bayonets. President Bush
might also consider re-instituting the draft, and
instructing the draft board to conscript primarily young
registered Democrats.

Senator Tom Daschle of South Dakota is the current
leader of the opposition, and he has been dutifully
performing his proper role by criticizing the Bush
administration every chance he gets, even on the topic
of starting a war in the Middle East. If President Bush
really wants to be considered to be Lincolnesque he
would have 60 or 70 heavily armed Marines break
down the door to Senator Daschle's home in the
middle of the night, throw him into military prison
without charging him with any crime, and eventually
deporting him.

That's exactly what happened to the most outspoken
member of the Democratic Party in Lincoln's day,
Ohio Congressman Clement L. Vallandigham.
Congressman Vallandigham had protested vehemently
on the floor of the House of Representatives against
Lincoln's suspension of Habeas Corpus and his
trashing of much of the rest of the Constitution. He was
also a vociferous opponent of Lincoln's high-tariff
policy and his adoption of an income tax. He favored
seeking a peaceful resolution to the conflict; Lincoln
did not, so Vallandigham was deported.

There were a great many prominent Northerners like
Vallandigham who preferred peace and compromise
over what became the bloodiest war in all of
American history. Lincoln's political strategy, carried
out by the propaganda arm of the Republican Party
known as the Union League, was to spread the lie
that all of these men were traitors and Confederate
sympathizers. They were denigrated as
Copperheads, a form of snake in the grass. To make
this point Vallandigham was ceremoniously escorted
across the lines 

[CTRL] two ra/mc conference transcripts now on web, clergy abuse, custody case

2002-08-30 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-
also has Texas spends more on prisons than education, florida election fraud 

this may be heavy for survivors

The transcript by Jean Riseman at The Fifth Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference, 2002 is now on the web at http://members.aol.com/smartnews/jr02.htm
The title of her presentation is "Simplifying Complex Programming." This may be very heavy for survivors. 

The transcript by billie rain at The Fifth Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference, 2002 is now on the web. The title of her presentation is: "The Healing Journey as a Site of Resistance." This may be heavy for survivors. 

Charges Reinstated Against Priest - Theo Emery - Boston (AP) The Hartford Courant reported that a Roman Catholic priest from Bridgeport accused of sexually abusing teenage boys is living a secretive but comfortable life on a Caribbean island. The Rev. Laurence Brett disappeared in the early 1990s, and was discovered recently on St. Maarten by reporters from the newspaper. Bridgeport Bishop William Lori issued a statement saying he was satisfied Brett had been located. Brett, 65, has been accused of abusing two dozen altar boys and others in Connecticut, New Mexico, California and Maryland; accusations against him date back to the 1960s. Since he vanished, church officials have said they wanted Brett found and brought to justice. From AOL 8/30/02
Abusive Priest Found In Caribbean Hideaway - Trail Of Accusations Goes Back 30 Years For Clergyman Who Worked Under Auspices Of Bridgeport Diocese 8/29/02 By Eric Rich, and Elizabeth Hamilton Courant Staff Writers "The Rev. Laurence F.X. Brett vanished abruptly almost a decade ago, leaving clothes still hanging in his closet and a trail of accusers stretching across four states and back 30 years." http://www.ctnow.com/news/local/hc-brett.artaug29.story?coll=3Dhc%2Dheadl=
ines%2Dhome=20ctnow_com CONNECTICUT runaway priest

from L. Moss-Sharman 
Judge Blamed For Sending Sex Abuser Home in Md.
By Phuong Ly Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, August 29, 2002; Page B01
A Montgomery County judge has angered law enforcement officials by allowing
a sex offender to live with the stepdaughter he abused, despite a
prosecutor's objection. His return allegedly resulted in further sexual
contact that came to light after the girl, now 15, gave birth in November.

Bar for the course: A new study shows state has increased spending faster on prisons than education By MICHAEL HEDGES Copyright 2002 Houston Chronicle Washington Bureau

WASHINGTON -- Percentage increases in spending for Texas prisons has far
outstripped state spending hikes for higher education since the mid-1980s,
according to a report...

Florida Faces 2000 Election Fraud, Will Settle With NAACP 
By Catherine Wilson 
Associated Press | Boston Globe Tuesday, 27 August, 2002 MIAMI (AP) The NAACP's lawsuit over Florida's disputed 2000 presidential election appears headed for a close as the state and two counties the only remaining defendants have agreed to a settlement, attorneys said Tuesday. Joe Klock, an attorney for the state, told U.S. District Judge Alan Gold that all parties promised to file final papers by Friday for approval. Attorneys would not discuss terms of the settlement. The class-action lawsuit filed by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and other civil rights groups argued voters were disenfranchised during the on Nov. 7, 2000 election; it included allegations that blacks were kept from voting in some counties.
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Re: [CTRL] Fw: [cp] Poll Shows Free Speech Support Down

2002-08-30 Thread Bill Kalivas

-Caveat Lector-

Who charted this poll, Herr Ashcroft?

Bill Kalivas

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] I Call It Treason

2002-08-30 Thread RoadsEnd

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-



I Call It Treason

Doug McIntosh
You have 
to hand it to Mr. Magoo. I'll give him an A for chutzpah, that's for sure. The 
man is nothing but a common criminal of the white collar type. I openly and 
publicly call the FED chief a traitor, a coward and a common white collar 
criminal. The system is beyond accountability and I have a bad feeling this will 
end in blood. "Strike for Liberty and Honor" was the battle cry of our 
Revolutionary War, the Irish and also Bonnie Prince Charlie's cry at Culloden. 
Our criminal leaders have to go to jail on treason charges and there is no 
beating around the bush, pun intended. 

Alan Greenspan did conspire, manipulate and commit "high crimes and felonies" 
by forcing state pension funds to bail out the stock market on July 24th, 2002. 
Quite honestly, for this alone Mr. Greenspan should be tried and executed for 
treason. In fact, what's left of America is headed towards a racial, economic 
and cultural civil war. The system is collapsing a little more every day. As for 
Mr. Magoo, he used his position to jawbone the pension funds to reverse the 
nearly 20% freefall in both Citibank and JP Morgan stock. Each one point of the 
DOW represents around one billion United States fiat dollars. The 1000 point 
swing since late July represents a staggering ONE TRILLION dollars of 
investment, or mal investment. Even the mainstream press admitted that the 
"little guy" sat this one out and the money came from pension funds, insurance 
companies and the like. In other words, the FED had the system bail out the 
system. Talk about economic incest. What the FED did is to loot the retirement 
plans of public employees. The government has already looted the private 
retirement plan called Social Security. The looting is done. The money is gone. 
What cynical, arrogant whores these people are. Common criminals posing as 
upholders of the law.
The FED is a private banking corporation that sets the economic policy for 
the people of the United States. I call that treason and worthy of death or 
exile for the oligarchic elite that has been destroying America since 1860. I 
think the United States was a Republic until 1860; then began a transition 
period until 1912 and 1913 with the FED and the Income Tax. We are now in the 
final phase. I guess you could call me a revolutionary seeking to restore the 
Republic. The bankers and the elite has already overthrown the true government. 
Here at gold-eagle.com we are all not so much revolutionaries as restorers. How 
can you overthrow the government when the current government has already 
overthrown it? And frankly, I think we are all getting pissed off about these 
usurpers posing as patriots. Our leaders are arrogant oligarchs bleeding the 
common people dry for their own purposes. And it will soon stop, one way or 
As for the current economic situation, it is almost beyond comprehension. The 
disconnect between economic reality and the true economic reality is getting 
narrower every passing day. We were told there was no recession and then there 
was but it ended quickly. Now we are told we are in recovery, except the 
recession never ended. There is no double dip; there is only the death spiral. A 
wave of corporate bankruptcies has been happening since 2000. A wave of personal 
bankruptcies has been happening since 2000. June durable goods orders were down 
nearly 4% from May. I find it fascinating that the same court economists who 
ignored nearly two years of manufacturing declines, were so pleased with a few 
months of "reported increases." 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-Drugs_TheDarkSide] HoffmanWire: Hitchens Debates Hoffman

2002-08-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

THE HOFFMAN WIREDedicated to Freedom of the
Press, Investigative Reporting and Revisionist HistoryMichael A. Hoffman
II, Editorhttp://www.hoffman-info.com/news.html***August 30,
2002Readers of the Hoffman Wire and visitors to our website will recall
thatChristopher Hitchens targets Michael A. Hoffman II in the current
issueof Vanity Fair magazine.Hoffman answered Hitchens in an online
corrective, "Punks of ZOG 2002."Now Hitchens' secretary has e-mailed us,
asking us to post Hitchens'rejoinder to Hoffman online, and we have
complied. You can read "Hoffmanis a Deranged Bigot and Nazi Sympathizer" by
Christopher Hitchens at:http://www.hoffman-info.com/hitchens.htmlHoffman's reply: "Cheap Shot Fascist-Baiting Advances
Ignorance, notUnderstanding," will also be found at the preceding
URL.It looks as though we have the makings of an online
debate.Hitchens has suggested that he might be willing to debate Hoffman
inperson if Hitchens is paid to do so. Hoffman will debate without a
fee,but to save on travel costs, has stipulated that the debate take
placein a Northwestern city like Portland or Eugene, Oregon;
etc.---^Moshe Lieberman and
Michael A. Hoffman II have written a stunning newbook, "The Israeli
Holocaust Against the Palestinians." Order your copytoday:http://www.hoffman-info.com/cgi-bin/store/commerce.cgi?item=125-^-Hoffman is a former
reporter for the New York bureau of the Associated PressThe HOFFMAN WIRE
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[CTRL] Fwd: Proof of Chomsky's CIA Past

2002-08-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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-Caveat Lector-

From the WBAI People message board: The text you posted does not say
Chomsky worked for the CIA - Anonymous

 It is well known that during the 1950s, the CIA funnelled finances for
its classified research projects through the military.  It is also well
known, as reported in Barsky¹s biography of Noam Chomsky, that the budding
MIT linguist worked on a ³machine translation² project at MIT funded
ostensibly by the Pentagon, but as will be shown, in fact by the CIA and

³Ironically,² the project was the very sort of intelligence activity Chomsky
has criticized publicly:
From the Barsky bio:

³Chomsky was made an assistant professor [at MIT] and assigned,
ironically, to a MACHINE TRANSLATION PROJECT of the type
he had often criticized. The project was directed by Victor
Yngve and was being conducted at the MIT Research
Laboratory of Electronics, which was subsidized by the U.S.
But this project was actually funded NOT by the military, but by the CIA and
NSA. From a prior post, ³Manovich on Chomsky's CIA Ties,² which observes
that Chomsky, who worked on the program, took some of the ideas he helped
develop for the CIA and NSA to his work on ³mechanical translation,² a
full-fledged intelligence program directed against the Soviet Union:

³... The idea of computer vision became possible and the economic means to
realize this idea became available only with the shift from industrial to
post-industrial society after World War II. The attention turned from the
automation of the body to the automation of the mind, from physical to
mental labor. This new concern with the automation of mental functions such
as vision, hearing, reasoning, problem solving is exemplified by the very
names of the two new fields that emerged during the 1950s and 1960s --
artificial intelligence and cognitive psychology. The latter gradually
replacing behaviorism, the dominant psychology of the Fordism era. The
emergence of the field of computer vision is a part of this cognitive
revolution, a revolution which was financed by the military escalation of
the Cold War. This connection is solidified in the very term artificial
intelligence which may refer simultaneously to two meanings of
intelligence: reason, the ability to learn or understand, and information
concerning an enemy or a possible enemy or an area. Artificial intelligence:
artificial reason to analyze collected information, collected intelligence.
In the 1950s, faced with the enormous task of gathering and analyzing
written, photographic, and radar information about the enemy, the CIA and
the NSA (National Security Agency) began to fund the first artificial
intelligence projects. One of the earliest projects was a Program for
Mechanical Translation, initiated in the early 1950s in the attempt to
automate the monitoring of Soviet communications and media. The work on
mechanical translation was probably the major cause of many subsequent
developments in modern linguistics, its move towards formalization; it can
be discerned in Noam Chomsky's early theory which, by postulating the
existence of language universals in the domain of grammar, implied that
translation between arbitrary human languages could be automated.²

-- Alex Constantine

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[CTRL] Fwd: Gulf War II and the Coming Oil Crisis

2002-08-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

Dear Daily Reckoning Reader,

Saddam Hussein is going down. George W. Bush has already
announced his intention. For many the question is not if,
... but when. Even the most sensible voice in the cabinet,
Secretary of State Colin Powell, has made it clear that Iraq
is the next U.S. target.


As a Daily Reckoning reader put it this week on the
discussion board: Iraq: It's so obvious.

With 112 billion barrels of oil, at least according to Oil
and Gas Journal, Iraq has the second largest oil reserves in
the world. And although you may not be aware of it... 90% of
Iraq's oil exports -- 24.2 million barrels a month -- already
go to the United States.  Only the invasion strategy
appears to remain in question.

Now, here's a fact that should be fairly obvious to all

Arab Wars = Oil Profits

It's simple. Conflict in the Middle East invariably leads to
higher oil prices. Consider recent history:

* The Yom Kippur War, 1972  -- fought between Israel and its
Arab neighbors, it quadrupled the price of oil, from $3 to
$12 a barrel.

* The Iranian Revolution, 1978 -- effectively removed one of
the world's kingpin oil producers and pushed oil
prices from $12 a barrel to $24 a barrel.

* The Iran/Iraq War, 1980 -- jump-started oil prices again,
sending them from under $22 a barrel to over $35!

* Iraq invades Kuwait, 1990 -- propelled oil markets into the
stratosphere. The price of crude climbed from $20 a
barrel to over $35 a barrel.

In each case, investors who caught the move early made
fortunes.  So the question seems to me to be: What are you
going to do about it?

I'm writing you today to suggest that if you want to position
yourself to take advantage of the coming oil profits, I can
recommend no better advice than that of John Myers.

You may recall the man, the myth, the legend... his portfolio
is already so strong in the year 2002 that The Hulbert
Financial Digest has recently profiled Myers as one of the
leading resource investors in the newsletter industry.  And
in August, Forbes.com published a lengthy interview with
Myers asking: Your portfolio has gained 32% the first half
of the year. How did you do it?

The answer is quite clear. Myers is the insider's insider. He
grew up in the resource business. As a 14-year-old living on
a farm outside of Calgary, the Forbes interview begins,
John Myers says he turned $20,000 into $150,000 over five
years by buying Canadian and South African gold. At his
father's recommendation, he bought the bullion at $35 and
didn't sell until it reached $650.

No surprise, then, Forbes continues, that Myers -- still
living in Calgary and now editor of John Myers' Outstanding
Investments -- is a poster boy for investing in natural

By knowing the industry inside and out, Myers has
consistently turned profits from crisis situations... the
electricity crisis in California two years ago... the natural
gas shortage that plagued the East Coast last winter... and
as he told the Forbes crew: Gold has been especially strong
[for us this year]. We took profits to the tune of 668% on
Metallica Resources and 162% on Intrepid Minerals. We've also
done well with some of our intermediate oil companies like
KeyWest Energy, up 41% for us, and Canadian gas pick Niko
Resources, which gained 102%.

Right now -- as we speak - Myers is adroitly positioning his
readers for quick profits from Gulf War II and the coming oil
crisis. Don't hesitate to join them; click here to read your
free copy of Myers' special report:

Vengeance, Blood and the Coming Oil Crisis

Cheers and good luck,

Addison Wiggin,

[CTRL] [LIFE-GAZETTE] Re: Abraham Dubya Bush (fwd)

2002-08-30 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 18:44:24 -0700 (PDT)
From: Franklin Wayne Poley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [LIFE-GAZETTE] Re: Abraham Dubya Bush

On Fri, 30 Aug 2002, M.A. Johnson wrote:

 Abraham Dubya Bush
 by Thomas J. DiLorenzo

 As has been their tradition for decades now, neocons
 who are in favor of waging total war against
 somebody (this time it's Iraq) have been invoking the
 sainted Lincoln (Father Abraham, as the war
 enthusiasts at the Claremont Institute call him) as their
 role model. After all, there must be some kind of
 ideological cover for mass murder 

Yes, of course, Johnson...Bush Junior is a mass murderer. He is a typical
American. And an example of Methodist Whoredom. That is why he lauds
the Grovelling Grahams (religious liars and whores) as the Whitehouse


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Gulf War II and the Coming Oil Crisis

2002-08-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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-Caveat Lector-

Dear Daily Reckoning Reader,

Saddam Hussein is going down. George W. Bush has already
announced his intention. For many the question is not if,
... but when. Even the most sensible voice in the cabinet,
Secretary of State Colin Powell, has made it clear that Iraq
is the next U.S. target.


As a Daily Reckoning reader put it this week on the
discussion board: Iraq: It's so obvious.

With 112 billion barrels of oil, at least according to Oil
and Gas Journal, Iraq has the second largest oil reserves in
the world. And although you may not be aware of it... 90% of
Iraq's oil exports -- 24.2 million barrels a month -- already
go to the United States.  Only the invasion strategy
appears to remain in question.

Now, here's a fact that should be fairly obvious to all

Arab Wars = Oil Profits

It's simple. Conflict in the Middle East invariably leads to
higher oil prices. Consider recent history:

* The Yom Kippur War, 1972  -- fought between Israel and its
Arab neighbors, it quadrupled the price of oil, from $3 to
$12 a barrel.

* The Iranian Revolution, 1978 -- effectively removed one of
the world's kingpin oil producers and pushed oil
prices from $12 a barrel to $24 a barrel.

* The Iran/Iraq War, 1980 -- jump-started oil prices again,
sending them from under $22 a barrel to over $35!

* Iraq invades Kuwait, 1990 -- propelled oil markets into the
stratosphere. The price of crude climbed from $20 a
barrel to over $35 a barrel.

In each case, investors who caught the move early made
fortunes.  So the question seems to me to be: What are you
going to do about it?

I'm writing you today to suggest that if you want to position
yourself to take advantage of the coming oil profits, I can
recommend no better advice than that of John Myers.

You may recall the man, the myth, the legend... his portfolio
is already so strong in the year 2002 that The Hulbert
Financial Digest has recently profiled Myers as one of the
leading resource investors in the newsletter industry.  And
in August, Forbes.com published a lengthy interview with
Myers asking: Your portfolio has gained 32% the first half
of the year. How did you do it?

The answer is quite clear. Myers is the insider's insider. He
grew up in the resource business. As a 14-year-old living on
a farm outside of Calgary, the Forbes interview begins,
John Myers says he turned $20,000 into $150,000 over five
years by buying Canadian and South African gold. At his
father's recommendation, he bought the bullion at $35 and
didn't sell until it reached $650.

No surprise, then, Forbes continues, that Myers -- still
living in Calgary and now editor of John Myers' Outstanding
Investments -- is a poster boy for investing in natural

By knowing the industry inside and out, Myers has
consistently turned profits from crisis situations... the
electricity crisis in California two years ago... the natural
gas shortage that plagued the East Coast last winter... and
as he told the Forbes crew: Gold has been especially strong
[for us this year]. We took profits to the tune of 668% on
Metallica Resources and 162% on Intrepid Minerals. We've also
done well with some of our intermediate oil companies like
KeyWest Energy, up 41% for us, and Canadian gas pick Niko
Resources, which gained 102%.

Right now -- as we speak - Myers is adroitly positioning his
readers for quick profits from Gulf War II and the coming oil
crisis. Don't hesitate to join them; click here to read your
free copy of Myers' special report:

Vengeance, Blood and the Coming Oil Crisis

Cheers and good luck,

Addison Wiggin,