Re: [CTRL] The Reluctant Anarchist

2003-01-29 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

klewis wrote:

 Murray died a few years ago without quite having made an anarchist of
 me. It was left to his brilliant disciple, Hans-Hermann Hoppe, to finish
 my conversion. Hans argued that no constitution could restrain the
 state. Once its monopoly of force was granted legitimacy, constitutional
 limits became mere fictions it could disregard; nobody could have the
 legal standing to enforce those limits. The state itself would decide,
 by force, what the constitution meant, steadily ruling in its own
 favor and increasing its own power. This was true a priori, and American
 history bore it out.

 `The thing I keep running into with libertarians is that
 they are purposely blind to the following: if you start
 with a weak state and a laissez-faire economy,
 eventually megacorporations will coalesce and become a
 defacto state, usually fascist and obviously not held
 accountable by the democratic process. And the
 megacorps will mold and embolden the state so that it
 has the authority and agenda to serve them. I don't
 have to wonder about the viability of this theory, since
 I have discovered that the US is more or less living
 proof.' -Daniel Pouzzner

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fw: (en) Freedom 6401 25 Jan, 2003 - Behind the panic

2003-01-29 Thread Joshua Tinnin
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -

  A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E

The arrest of a number of Algerian refugees on 14th
January for allegedly making the poison ricin, and the
accompanying death of a Special Branch officer, have
led to an ever-intensifying media panic. Strange that
this should suddenly happen now, when Blair is
having real difficulty selling Bush's oil war to his
cabinet colleagues, let alone the public. There have
been stories in the media since last year about
random terrorists of north African origin.
'Terror attack on Tube planned' was one
sensationalist headline in December, though the men
arrested for it were later released without charge,
like some of those arrested this time. But the
releases haven't made it into most of the mainstream
media while, with a couple of exceptions, journalists
have remained silent on the nature of ricin. This has
led people to believe a mass gas attack in the style of
Winston Churchill may have been planned.
The truth is that ricin is a lethal toxin. But it has to
be delivered into the body to work, so it's a weapon of
individual terror or assassination rather than the
indiscriminate terror that an F-15, say, is capable of.
The most infamous use of ricin was when Bulgarian
secret police murdered dissident Georgi Markov in
London in 1978, using a poisoned umbrella.
It's perhaps worth speculating why police made such
an elemental error when they arrested the men in
Manchester. In my experience, they're not slow in
handcuffing people. And this was an anti-terrorist
operation, which implies they at least thought the
men were dangerous. Did someone higher up in
Greater Manchester Police tell the officers to go easy,
or was it just a cock-up? It's unlikely we'll ever know
the full facts, but it's certainly convenient for Blair if
he can pretend these men have a link to Iraq. This,
however, may prove difficult.
The mainstream media have focused on the number
of Algerians coming to Britain and claiming asylum,
and how some of them may be terrorists. There's
been precious little attempt to understand why
Algerians might flee their homeland, why they might
turn to terror and why they may not want to go to
In 1991, the Algerian generals scrapped elections
because the Islamic Salvation Front won them. Since
then, over 80,000 people have been slaughtered.
European, primarily French, intelligence services
knew all about this, but guess what - Algeria has oil
and gas, so they've kept schtum.
In 1997, Observer journalist John Sweeney wrote, so
why the silence? Let us not underestimate the power
of the state of Algeria. It squats on huge oil and gas
deposits worth billions. It supplies the gas that
warms Madrid and Rome. It has a £1.8 billion
contract with British Petroleum. No western
government wants to make trouble with the state of
Algeria. Its wealth buys silence, buys complicity.
Since the military junta overthrew the country's
democracy, 80,000 have been killed: Europe's gas
The sad truth is that the Algerian military behave in
the same way Saddam Hussein does. They suppress
all opposition, particularly working class, ethnic and
Islamist groups. The only difference is that their
paymasters haven't fallen out with them yet.
Martin H.
See the current issue of Black Flag for a report of the
Kabylie revolt against the Algerian military
government. Available from Freedom Press, price £1
plus 50p postage in the UK, £1 elsewhere.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] mobs of Boston

2003-01-29 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

The mobs of Boston
Martin Scorsese is right: America was born in the streets - but not of New

By Drake Bennett, 1/26/2003

AS ITS MANY CRITICS have pointed out, Martin Scorsese's Gangs of New
York is a big-budget historical epic about as concerned with history as,
well, the average big-budget historical epic. Since the movie's release,
historians have been telling anyone who will listen about just how fast and
loose the movie plays with its facts, how capriciously it distorts
chronology, conflates characters, and ignores inconvenient events. How,
most inexcusably, it glosses over the virulent anti-black animus of the 1863
Draft Riots so as to fit them into an immigrant-versus-nativist ur-narrative.

But if Scorsese and his handlers at Miramax had been able to look beyond
their TriBeCa environs, they might have been able to keep their America
was born in the streets tag-line without rewriting history. They just would
have had to change the sets and costumes. Because in fact, the streets
that birthed America were largely Boston streets, and the midwives
weren't 19th-century gangs, they were 18th-century mobs.

When we think of mobs nowadays we imagine Detroit or Los Angeles in
flames, or perhaps a Jim Crow lynching. But in Revolutionary America,
popular uprisings were celebrated as well as condemned. It was the
tumults of the

mob that Jefferson had in mind when he famously professed to Abigail
Adams, I like a little rebellion now and then. It is like a storm in the
atmosphere. Even the Tory Thomas Hutchinson-who as lieutenant
governor of Massachusetts had received the unwelcome attentions of
Stamp Act rioters-had to admit that, Mobs, a sort of them at least, are
constitutional. They were considered democracy in the raw, a check
against governmental overreach.

Of course, the Founding Fathers also had their troubles with the masses.
The word mob was, then as now, a pejorative term-a contraction of the
Latin term mobile vulgus, or excitable, fickle crowd. Radicals and Loyalists
alike referred to the mobs of ancient Rome as a shorthand for
licentiousness and savagery, and regarded their own homegrown varietal
with a particular mix of disdain and trepidation. Gouverneur Morris once
compared a milling colonial crowd to poor reptiles basking in the morning
sun, ere noon they will bite. Robert Livingston recalled a few years after
independence how, in their alliance with the mob, the revolutionaries had
been swimming with a stream it is impossible to stem, yielding to the
torrent in order to direct its course. Even a darling of the mob like James
Otis, when faced with a street protest in 1776, responded by scoffing,
When the pot boils, the scum will rise. The enraged masses made a
convenient ally, but they were an unsavory and unsettling one, too.

Until fairly recently, historians-studying the Revolution primarily through
the writings of the Founding Fathers-tended to accept these negative
portrayals of the mob. In the 19th century in particular, crowds were seen
as irrational and brutal; Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness
of Crowds, by the Scottish poet and journalist Charles Mackay, was one of
the most influential books of its time. This view of the crowd as what John
Adams disdainfully called the grazing multitude held up all the way
through the Progressive historians. Even these champions of democracy
saw the mobs primarily as tools created and manipulated by radicals like
Otis and Samuel Adams.

But the much-maligned mob found an influential defender in the late
historian George Rud. Rud proposed, first of all, a name change. In his 1959
study The Crowd in the French Revolution, he drew a firm distinction
between mobs-in his words, hired bands operating on behalf of external
interests-and what he christened, in a public relations coup, the
revolutionary crowd. Painstakingly picking through police arrest records,
court transcripts, and other primary sources, Rud found a crowd not at
the beck and call of its betters, but with its own agenda and a nascent
political consciousness. While Scorsese's gangs live and die by the ancient
codes of combat (whatever those are), revolutionary crowds, both French
and American, had their own set of codes, one dating back to the Middle
Ages-and their uprisings often proved strikingly obedient to it.

As traced back by Rud and the English socialist historian E. P. Thompson,
the roots of political uprisings lay in the venerable medieval tradition of
food riots (usually over bread, with some exceptions like the Great Cheese
Riot at Nottingham's Goose Fair in 1764, where whole rounds of liberated
cheese were rolled through the streets). In England and France, artisans,
craftsmen, laborers and the like felt that the law was simply an oppressive
yoke laid on them by the rich. They lived instead according to an
unwritten popular code in which crimes- counterfeiting, smuggling,

[CTRL] Australian fires

2003-01-29 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

World Socialist Web Site

WSWS : News  Analysis : Australia  South Pacific

Australian fires: Canberra residents left to fend for themselves

By a WSWS reporting team
29 January 2003

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Just over a week ago, Canberra, the Australian national capital, was hit by
one of the worst fire disasters in the country’s history. Driven by hot, dry
winds, bush fires broke containment lines on January 17 and engulfed
several suburbs the following day. Four people were killed, over 200 were
treated for injuries and 530 houses and buildings were destroyed.
Hundreds more homes were badly damaged.

Canberra, which is located in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), is a
city of some 320,000 people. A team of World Socialist Web Site reporters
last week visited the working-class suburbs of Duffy and Holder, two of the
worst affected areas, directly opposite forest and pine plantations.

The suburbs resembled a battlefield with row after row of burnt-out
homes and the scorched remains of cars. Fires were still burning on the
northern and western outskirts of the city and a smoky haze covered the
area. Homes that survived the flames were uninhabited and, apart from an
occasional resident searching through the ashes of their homes, the place
was almost deserted. Gas, telephone and other utilities, such as electricity
and sewerage, were non-existent. Power-poles had been incinerated and
electric wiring hung across streets.

Two things soon became evident. Fire precaution and other emergency
measures were woefully inadequate. When the firestorm hit, city
inhabitants were largely left to fend for themselves with government
services in chaos and the leadership of emergency services either non-
existent or seriously unprepared. Senior-deputy captain Peter Holding,
from a New South Wales fire crew, told ABC radio: “There was no field
command, [and] there were no group captains there that knew the area,
that were telling us where to go and what to do.”

Secondly, as soon as the firestorm had passed, politicians and the press
immediately tried to silence anyone critical of emergency planning. Those
raising questions were denounced as “white-anters” who were responsible
for undermining frontline firefighters. ACT Chief Minister Jon Stanhope
accused critics of “damaging the morale of the Emergency Services Bureau
and ... those 400 people we now have out there standing between this fire
and the suburbs of Belconnen.”

The real responsibility for the lack of preparation rests with local and
federal governments. A significant issue is the rundown of professional fire
fighting services in Canberra. Until early last year, the current force of
just 290 officers was at least 20 percent understaffed. To cut costs, fire
officers who resigned or retired were not replaced. The service was only
brought up to full strength, with 50 new recruits, just prior to the ACT

The damage, however, had already been done. Low manning levels
prevented the implementation of specialised training programs over the
previous five years. The new recruits lacked experience and training. This
problem combined with a lack of equipment—only 12 fire
tankers—hampered the determined efforts of professional fire fighters to
help organise and fight the fires.

Despite attempts to quash public discussion, many Canberra residents, in
letters to the local press and interviews with WSWS reporters, were highly
critical of authorities and the lack of emergency planning.

In a letter to the Canberra Times, Derek Emerson-Elliott wrote: “There was
not a single fire unit made available last Saturday afternoon to assist
residents fighting for their homes in the streets of Weston Creek and
North Tuggeranong, where we suffered our most grievous losses. Why not,
and where on earth where those fire units?

“I don’t criticise the firemen themselves, brave and selfless men and
women who regularly put their lives at risk to help us. But surely the
armchair strategists, the men in charge with their maps and theories, have
something to explain.”

In another letter, local resident Geoff Carter, asked why “two fully
trained, fully equipped fire crews, complete with a total of 11,000 litres of
water, were forced to sit idly by, totally ignored by emergency-services
management despite numerous pleas from the crews themselves to be
called into the fray.”

Carter later told the WSWS that the spare fire crews were attached to the
Canberra airport and had been used when fires broke out in Canberra 12
months earlier. These crews, however, were not mobilised when the fire
hit Canberra on January 18. He explained that Rural Fire Service trucks
carried a maximum of 900 litres of water but the two airport trucks had a
far larger capacity—one 4,000 litres, the other 7,000 litres.

“That’s what stinks. Nothing would have stopped the fires 

[CTRL] Hawk/Dove Quiz

2003-01-29 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Jan 28 2003

Memo on the Margin
Quiz: Answers to the Hawk/Dove Quiz.

To Website Fans, Browsers, Clients
From: Jude Wanniski
Re: Answers to Yesterday’s Quiz

We posted the quiz yesterday, the day the United Nations weapons
inspectors made their first report to the United Nations Security Council
on their progress to date. Today we post the correct answers, correct at
least according to our best sources and analysis. If you got all the answers
correct, you are a certified dove. And vice versa. There is, though, some
room for quibbling.

1. Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. True or False.

False. The U.S. Armed Forces only consider a nuclear weapon a weapon of
mass destruction. Iraq has neither nuclear weapons nor chemical or
biological weapons, although it may possess some of the ingredients that
would enable it to develop a chemical or biological weapon.

2. Saddam Hussein has had weapons of mass destruction in the past. True
or False.

False. Iraq had a program to develop a nuclear weapon and acquired a
design for one that would use highly-enriched uranium (HEU), but was
unable to produce more than a few grams of HEU when it would take
several hundred pounds to make one nuke.

3. White House officials assert that Iraq has been training terrorists. True
or False.

False. Iraq did support a terrorist network prior to 1983, but in that year
the U.S. offered to provide support for Baghdad in its war against Iran on
condition that it withdraw support from the network. There is no
evidence it has resumed.

4. Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda’s terrorist forces have been operating
inside Iraq. True or False.

True. Al Qaeda is known to have operatives inside Iraq, but in Kurdistan,
outside the reach of the Baghdad government.

5. In March 1988, Saddam Hussein committed genocide, killing several
thousand Iraqi Kurds at Halabja with poison gas. True or False.

False. According to the CIA, “hundreds” of Iraqi Kurds died at Halabja
when caught between the Iraqi and Iranian armies, both of whom used gas.
The U.S. government in 1990 concluded the Kurds who died were victims
of a cyanide- based gas, which the Iranians possessed, but not the Iraqi
army, which used mustard gas.

6. In August 1988, Saddam Hussein committed genocide, killing 100,000 Iraqi
Kurds with machine guns, then burying them in mass graves. True or False.

False. This is an assertion of Human Rights Watch, which originally reported
in 1988 that 100,000 Kurds had been killed by poison gas. When U.S.
intelligence services uniformly dismissed this as a possibility and that there
was no evidence of mass graves in Kurdistan, Human Rights Watch altered
its story to say the Kurds were put in trucks, driven south, machine
gunned outside of Kurdistan, and buried in mass graves. No such mass
graves have been found and the U.S. Army War College says none exist,
that the story was a “non-event.”

7. In June 1990, Saddam Hussein asked permission of the United States to
settle his border dispute with Kuwait, with force if diplomacy failed. True
or False.

True. Iraq argued that Kuwait was cheating on its OPEC agreement to
produce only a certain amount of oil per day, and was driving down the
international price of oil. Saddam said his country would be bankrupt
unless Kuwait relented and compensated Iraq from what it had stolen from
Iraq, by overproducing and by slant-drilling into the Iraqi oilfields on the
other side of the Kuwait border.

8. In 1990, the United States advised Saddam Hussein that his issues with
Kuwait were a local matter, and that the U.S. had no diplomatic obligation
to defend Kuwait if attacked by Iraq. True or False.

True. The U.S. State Department testified before congressional
committees to that effect: at the time Saddam Hussein was weighing his
options with Kuwait.

9. Saddam Hussein personally assured the United States Ambassador to
Baghdad that he would take no military action against Kuwait if the emir of
Kuwait -- in a meeting scheduled to take place in July 1990 -- agreed to
end its “economic warfare”” against Iraq. True or False.

True. The Ambassador, April Glaspie, was assured and left on vacation. The
emir of Kuwait decided not to show up at the meeting in Baghdad, with
assurances from the Pentagon that it would defend Kuwait without an
agreement to do so. Saddam invaded.

10. After quickly occupying Kuwait, the Iraqi army positioned itself on the
border of Saudi Arabia and threatened an invasion. True or False.

False. The U.S. government advised King Fahd that Iraq was poised to
invade Saudi Arabia. King Fahd sent scouts to check and they could find no
sign of the Iraqi army. But when the Pentagon showed aerial photographs
of the army, King Fahd agreed to join the coalition. Commercial aerial
photographs of the region subsequently showed no signs of any Iraqi army
movement at the border area. The details are still Pentagon classified.

11. After Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait by Iraq in 

[CTRL] Sharon calls

2003-01-29 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

10.45am update,3604,884534,00.html
Sharon calls for unity government

Staff and agencies
Wednesday January 29, 2003
The Guardian

The Israeli prime minister, Ariel Sharon, today called for a national unity
government against what he described as the murderous hatred of
Palestinian militants. The call came after his Likud party had secured a
resounding election victory.

However, Mr Sharon's efforts to form a broad-based coalition are likely to
be thwarted by the defeated Labour party. That would leave him little
choice but to ally with religious and ultra-nationalist parties that oppose
US and European-backed peace moves and demand a tougher stance
against the Palestinians.

Israel TV quoted Mr Sharon as saying, off-camera, that he would rather call
fresh elections than preside over such a narrow coalition.

Before debate over the coalition began, Mr Sharon savoured victory. The
74-year-old, who was elected in February 2001, achieved what no Israeli
prime minister has managed since 1961: calling an early election and

Likud almost doubled its strength, going from 19 to 37 seats in the 120-
member parliament. Its main political rival, centre-left Labour, recorded its
worst-ever showing in dropping from 26 to 19 seats.

In a triple front page headline, this morning's Yediot Ahronot newspaper
said: Sharon wins, the left crashes, Lapid leaps. The latter reference was
to pundit turned politician Yosef Tommy Lapid, head of the centrist
Shinui party, which more than doubled its strength to 15 seats and became
the third-largest faction in parliament.

Mr Lapid has further complicated the issue of a coalition by insisting that
his party would join a grouping with Likud and Labour, but not with
religious parties.

We think that the country is facing very grave crises and a narrow right-
wing government is not the solution to this, he told Army Radio.

For Mr Sharon, setting up a secular government would mean breaking a
strategic alliance with Shas, an ultra-Orthodox party representing Jews
whose families originated in Arabic-speaking countries. The Israeli prime
minister profited from the electorate's shift to the right in response to the
conflict with the Palestinians. Many Israelis feel that the Palestinians
turned their backs on negotiation to launch an uprising 28 months ago.
The election results indicate that many voters blame Labour, which led
the failed peace talks, for the current troubles.

Addressing Likud supporters in Tel Aviv early today, Mr Sharon said that
the Israelis must unite against external threats. The differences between
us are dwarfed by the murderous hatred of the terror organisations, he

The prime minister has said that he wants to revive his 20-month alliance
with Labour following its collapse last November. However, he did not
mention the party by name in his victory speech, and did not offer policy
incentives that might tempt Labour to reverse a campaign promise to stay
out of a government led by Mr Sharon.

There's no doubt that Likud can go and establish a right-wing, nationalist
government based on yesterday's results, Limor Livnat, a Likud cabinet
minister, told Israel Radio.

But the prime minister has said all the way that he supports, with all his
heart, a broad national unity government, because the challenges we are
facing now are especially difficult, she added.

Israeli commentators also said that Mr Sharon wanted to avoid presiding
over a narrow, right-wing government because it would limit his political
options and be prone to collapse.

A right-wing government would severely reduce the political manoeuvring
in facing the Americans and make it difficult for (Mr Sharon) to find a way
out of the economic collapse, columnist Nahum Barnea wrote in Yediot

In his concession speech, Mr Mitzna pledged to lead a spirited opposition
and prepare Labour for the next election. Politics are a marathon, and we
are only in the first few kilometers, the 57-year-old said.

It is no shame to be in opposition, and I promise you that our time there
will be short, he added.

However, Labour's disappointing showing has resulted in growing
speculation that the party could try to depose of Mr Mitzna, who took
over as leader only two months ago.

Yossi Sarid, the leader of Meretz, a party associated with peace moves
toward the Palestinians, resigned after it had dropped from six seats from
10 in the outgoing parliament.

Many Palestinians have said that they fear a worsening of the Middle East
crisis during a second term in power for Mr Sharon. You have Sharon in a
new government, a war against Iraq imminent, the disappearance of the
peace process: all these factors, said Palestinian cabinet minister Saeb

During the vote, the Israeli military imposed stringent travel bans in the
Palestinian areas, including curfews confining hundreds of thousands of
West Bank residents to their homes. Mr Sharon has 

[CTRL] Counting the dead

2003-01-29 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Counting the dead

In the event of war, how many Iraqi civilians will die? And how many will
starve, or be displaced? In secret, the UN has been doing the sums

Jonathan Steele
Wednesday January 29, 2003
The Guardian

With as much secrecy as the Pentagon, the United Nations has been busily
counting the likely casualty toll of a war on Iraq. While the Pentagon
focuses on its troops, the network of UN specialist agencies is trying to
estimate what would happen to Iraqis.

The assessments are dramatic, though for reasons of internal diplomacy or
because of American pressure the UN is unwilling to go public with the
figures. But a newly leaked report from a special UN taskforce that
summarises the assessments calculates that about 500,000 people could
require medical treatment to a greater or lesser degree as a result of
direct or indirect injuries, according to the World Health Organisation.

WHO estimates that 100,000 Iraqi civilians could be wounded and another
400,000 hit by disease after the bombing of water and sewage facilities and
the disruption of food supplies.

The nutritional status of some 3.03 million people will be dire and they will
require therapeutic feeding, says the UN children's fund. About four-fifths
of these victims will be children under five. The rest will be pregnant and
lactating women.

Although Iraq's population at 26 million is almost the same as Afghanistan's,
UN agencies say the effect of war in Iraq would be far worse. Afghanistan
is largely rural so that people have long traditions of coping mechanisms.

By contrast, Iraq has a relatively urbanised population, with the state
providing the basic needs of the population. Some 16 million depend on
the monthly food basket of basic goods such as rice, sugar, flour, and
cooking oil, supplied for free by the Iraqi government.

The expected bombing of Iraq's infrastructure would disrupt these supplies
and the UN would struggle to send in food from outside Iraq. The
electricity network will be seriously degraded, the UN says, leaving
millions without proper drinking water because treatment plants will be
unable to function. At the moment 70% of the urban population has access
to water from treatment plants with standby generators, but if these are
also hit, the numbers at risk would escalate. Only 10% of the sewage
pumping stations have generators so bombing could quickly provoke
cholera and dysentery.

The United Nations high commission for refugees estimates at least 900,000
Iraqi refugees will go to Iran. No figures have been given for those who may
go to Kuwait, Syria, Jordan, or Turkey. Another 2 million could be
displaced inside the country.

The UN report makes no estimate of likely Iraqi war deaths. In Afghanistan
it is calculated that bombing killed about 5,000 civilians directly. Up to
20,000 other Afghans died through the disruption of drought relief and the
bombing's other indirect effects, according to a Guardian investigation of
death rates at camps for the internally displaced. Bombing in Iraq would
probably produce similar proportions of direct and indirect fatalities.

The UN estimates that city dwellers who lose their homes will be able to
move to partially destroyed buildings nearby but it foresees that hundreds
of thousands will escape to the countryside and be forced to sleep in the
open. It says 3.6 million will need emergency shelter.

The UN report does not make any distinction on whether the war is
authorised by the security council or not, since a bomb is just as lethal
whoever orders it to drop. It is taken for granted that the United States
will be in charge of the targeting, and the UN will not have any influence.
The report was leaked to an American non-governmental organisation and
posted on the website of the UK-based anti-war group, Campaign against
Sanctions in Iraq. UN officials have not challenged its authenticity.
Nathaniel Hurd, who obtained it, said yesterday: The UN may have
updated some assessments but this is only likely to affect estimates of
refugee flows and not the figures on damage and destruction.

Other NGOs have been conducting their own assessments. Oxfam, which
has sent water specialists to the region, says half of Iraq's sewage
treatment plants already do not work because of shortages of spare parts
caused by sanctions. We are particularly concerned about water and
sanitation and the problems of pumping. There is no normal economy
because people rely on state food distribution on a massive scale, says
Barbara Stocking, Oxfam's director.

Medact, the UK affiliate of International Physicians for the Prevention of
Nuclear War, estimates casualties could be five times higher than in the
1991 Gulf war. The avowed US aim of regime change means any new
conflict will be much more intense and destructive, and will involve more
deadly weapons developed in the interim, it says in a report available on

[CTRL] Power Lust

2003-01-29 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Power Lust

by  Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

I would rather eat my keyboard than watch the State of the Union speech,
so consider this article an act of sacrificial public service.

The most irritating thing about the State of the Union is that we are a
captive audience – in every way. This guy taxes us, spends our money on
stuff he likes, sends our kids to war on his decision, lies to us, dares to
believe that his personal will is somehow more important than yours or
mine or anyone else's solely because he managed to eke out a few more
electoral votes than Gore two years ago, and to top it off, expects that
we will watch for more than an hour as he prattles, while his minions
interrupt him only to stand and applaud.

Where to begin to criticize? George Bush is the biggest spender since
Lyndon Johnson, increasing federal spending at a rate twice that of
Clinton, and yet he stands up and demands spending restraint, seeming to
blame everyone but himself.

He talks about freedom and opportunity and then brags about his new
bureaucracies, spending programs, mandates, comprehensive plans,
regulations, and goals concerning all our lives, from how our kids are
educated to the cars we drive to the way we care for those in need.

He claims to care for life, decries partial-birth abortion, but refuses to
rule out the use of nuclear weapons in the war he is plotting. He calls on
America to feed the entire world, liberate all its women, educate all its
children, and cure all its sick, even as ghettos rife with every social
pathology languish miles from the White House.

Hypocrisy? He denounces bureaucrats and praises innovation only to
demand a huge new boondoggle program to put researchers on the dole.
Indeed, the underlying assumption behind the entire speech was that
America’s commitment is identical to his own commitment, which is
reflected in his plans for your money.

Don’t write me to say that he wants to cut taxes, and so we should like
him. Every few minutes, we heard spending numbers: tens and hundreds of
millions, tens and hundreds of billions! It is never too much, and nothing is
outside his purview. Indeed, he calls for the federal government, under his
leadership, to transform our souls. He went further: he says he is
defending the hopes of all mankind.

His entire foreign policy seems like a massive effort to incite every
terrorist in the world against this country, and otherwise encourage every
small country to arm to the teeth against the US threat. From the
government’s point of view, such would only increase the power of D.C.,
so one has to wonder whether this is the point after all. And not to
nitpick, but how can he at once say that Iraq is despotic for ignoring the
UN even as he brags that he will ignore the UN if he chooses?

The course of this nation does not depend on the decisions of others… I
will defend the freedom and security of the American people.

Are these not the words of a dictator?

It's too much! There should be a break at the midway point, in which we
could broadcast messages like: You are our servant, not our master!
Everything you do, you do with our money! There are three branches of
government, and you only represent one! The powers not granted to you
are reserved to the states and the people! You are not king of the world!
The founders envisioned frequent impeachments!

Instead, we must sit and sit and watch a despotic display that seems like
an import from the times of Pharaohs and Caesars, or the modern world of
dictators and commissars. What does this one fellow, holed up in the
White House, living off other people's money, surrounded by sycophants
and pollsters, know about the state of the union?

The speech was particularly bad this year because we are dealing with a
man who has clearly lost perspective. He speaks about his desire for peace
even as he ignores the whole world's plea for him not to bomb and kill. He
talks about a war on terror but the words Osama Bin Laden never pass his
lips. He speaks of all the things the government will do to make us
prosperous even as a two-year track record has failed to put a dent in the
worsening recession.

Indeed, his language seems to reflect a very dangerous state of mind. He
habitually speaks about America as identical to the central state, and
seems to regard that state as incarnated in himself – the entire apparatus
of government embodied in his person. His will is the people's will, the
perfect realization of Rousseau's fantasy. But rather than the language of
the French Revolution, he uses the cadences of his evangelical
constituents, invoking God and quoting old-time hymns.

Americans have a hard time recognizing just how fascistically scary all this
is because we are surrounded by it all the time, and we read and watch a
media that rarely draws attention to it. But foreigners see it.

Hardly a day goes by when I don't receive a call from abroad, 

[CTRL] One Stone = 14 Pounds

2003-01-29 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Ever-heavier Americans face a pre-flight weight test,1371,884466,00.html
Gary Younge in New York
Wednesday January 29, 2003
The Guardian

Americans travelling on small aircraft will be asked to weigh themselves as
well as their luggage for the next month in response to concerns that the
nation's growing girth may be jeopardising air safety.

The Federal Aviation Authority has ordered that passengers on small planes
carrying between 10 and 19 people should be weighed in order to test
whether the average weights the industry applies are still correct.

The FAA assumes that fully dressed adults weigh 82kg (12st 12lb) in summer
and 84kg (13st 3lb) in winter - a figure that includes 9kg (1st 6lb) carry-on
luggage and takes account of heavier clothing in winter. Children aged
between two and 12 are assumed to weigh 36kg (5st 10lb) all year round.

But those assumptions were last revised eight years ago, and Americans
have become significantly larger since then, with obesity among adults
increasing by 60% over the course of the 90s.

Between 1999 and 2000 the number of obese children and teenagers grew
by around 15%.

Travellers will be asked their weight or told to step on a set of scales.
Given the likelihood that people will lie about their weight, airlines will add
4.5kg (10lb) to whatever figure they are told: They usually lie in the single
digits, said Peggy Gilligan, the director of flight standards at the FAA.

Airlines could be forced to leave some larger passengers or baggage behind
if the studies indicate that average passenger weights have increased

On larger aircraft such differences would be of minimal importance but
heavy people on light planes can make a crucial difference.

Investigators from the FAA believe that flawed weight estimates could have
contributed to a crash in Charlotte, North Carolina, earlier this month
which killed all 21 people on board.

The plane's flight data recorder showed that the aircraft suddenly started
to rise at an angle of 52 degrees at take-off before crashing. They are
examining whether an overload in the rear caused its nose to rise
dramatically as the plane left the ground.

Soon after the crash, investigators asked airport staff if there had been
any large-statured people among the passengers.

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2003
Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
have to stand on their own merits.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it. The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sut

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Sharon calls

2003-01-29 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 1/29/2003 8:10:01 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Many Palestinians have said that they fear a worsening of the Middle East
crisis during a second term in power for Mr Sharon. "You have Sharon in a
new government, a war against Iraq imminent, the disappearance of the
peace process: all these factors," said Palestinian cabinet minister Saeb

Well not so much a worsening as an elimination. I foresee that since all Israeli have been vaccinated against smallpox (and not with that killer thing we're getting here; they've developed a decent vaccine for Israeli use), and as soon as the war with Iraq gets going, there will be a sudden "bio attack" of smallpox on Israel which will of course be blamed on Saddam. It will not sicken the Israeli, but the the unvaccinated Palestinians will die off, and Israel's major problem will be solved. I guess it's a modern enactment of that old saw, "killing two birds with one stone." Ah well. Prudy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] The CIA's Secret Army

2003-01-29 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 1/27/2003 6:59:21 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Why not mention the British agents who will be working with them? Or agents from any of a number of other international intelligence spooks the CIA has ties with?

Why not indeed. You're right about that, but they still haven't decided to do whatever they want without so much as a "by your leave." Prudy
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] The CIA's Secret Army

2003-01-29 Thread thew
Title: Re: [CTRL] The CIA's Secret Army
-Caveat Lector-

What makes you think Israel doesnt have US permission to do this? Because you didnt hear about it?

Israels military and intelligence is pretty much an independent division of the US military and intelligence. It serves both nations to have this sort of arrangement. They get protection, money, and status  we get a foothold in the oil regions, and a place to test weapons and techniques we pretend to abhor, and make illegal here.

My point, really was more about your focus, than Israels actions.

on 01/29/03 8:35 AM, Prudy L at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Why not mention the British agents who will be working with them? Or agents from any of a number of other international intelligence spooks the CIA has ties with?

Why not indeed. You're right about that, but they still haven't decided to do whatever they want without so much as a by your leave. 

-- --- - 
Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it

Elwood P Dowd 


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Sharon calls

2003-01-29 Thread thew
Title: Re: [CTRL] Sharon calls
-Caveat Lector-

Can you cite a source for this info on a different vaccine, or is this just fantasy?

BTW  anything that Jewish citizens get in Israel, the Muslim citizens will also get

on 01/29/03 8:30 AM, Prudy L at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Well not so much a worsening as an elimination. I foresee that since all Israeli have been vaccinated against smallpox (and not with that killer thing we're getting here; they've developed a decent vaccine for Israeli use), and as soon as the war with Iraq gets going, there will be a sudden bio attack of smallpox on Israel which will of course be blamed on Saddam. It will not sicken the Israeli, but the the unvaccinated Palestinians will die off, and Israel's major problem will be solved. I guess it's a modern enactment of that old saw, killing two birds with one stone. Ah well. Prudy

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better
than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not
your counsel or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands of those who feed
you. May your chains set lightly upon you. 
Samuel Adams


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] People Bible Stories Are Based On

2003-01-29 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

The thing about Hitler,2763,884274,00.html
Mussolini, Mao, Stalin - the 20th century spawned its fair share of
monstrous dictators. But none lives on in our minds like Hitler. On the eve
of the 70th anniversary of his gaining power, acclaimed biographer Ian
Kershaw unpicks our continuing fascination with the Führer

Kershaw has written a very good two volume biography of Der Fooey or
the LAFF (Leetle Austrian Fascist Fellow), the titles of which are given at
the end of the article.  

Ian Kershaw
Wednesday January 29, 2003
The Guardian

Nazi rule, it has been said, is a past that will not pass away. Tomorrow it
will be 70 years since Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany.
Only a tiny proportion of people alive today, and those by now very old,
can remember that fateful day. Even those who experienced the end of
Hitler's rule, 12 years later, are now elderly. And yet it seems as if scarcely
a day goes by without Hitler and the Nazis in one way or another - in
newspapers, films, books, on radio and television - entering into our public

This is so not just in Germany itself, where Hitler might be expected to
have cast a long shadow, but in this country, in other parts of Europe, in
the US, and elsewhere. In fact, it appears at times as if we are becoming
more prepossessed with Nazi Germany the further in time we move away
from it. This has happened with no other 20th-century dictator - not with
Mussolini, Franco, Mao, Pol Pot, even Stalin. However nasty their regimes,
however vicious their repression, however horrific their inhumanity, they
leave little mark on our present-day consciousness. Why is it so different
with Hitler? The explanation is not altogether straightforward.

Part of it, of course, lies in the very magnitude of Hitler's historical legacy.
Very few observers of his moment of triumph in 1933, when he was finally
handed power over the German state (and after the Nazi party had
suffered serious losses at the previous general election), had any inkling of
the scale of the human calamity that would follow. The left, inside and
outside Germany, thought of him as the frontman for big business,
presuming that he would not last long and would usher in the terminal
crisis of capitalism. He was frequently taken for a political charlatan - a big
mouth without substance. The biggest-selling newspaper on the left in this
country, the Daily Herald, described him as a clown.

On the conservative right, too, he was grossly underestimated. He was
generally thought at first to be not up to the job. Many assumed he
would soon make way for the traditional wielders of power in Germany.
Even after he had had the leaders of his own stormtroopers massacred in
June 1934, the British foreign office feared Prussianism - the power of
those who had taken Germany into war against Britain in 1914 - more than
Hitler. Such misjudgments, based on established prejudices and helping to
condition contemporary responses to Hitler, sound bizarre today. For we
know what contemporaries only gradually grasped - that Hitler meant war
and genocide.

So if we ask why nazism continues to feed the imagination more than the
horrors of Stalinism, or of other dictatorships, the first point is that no
other dictatorship has spawned both a world war (which produced the
greatest explosion of bloodletting and violence the world has yet known)
and the worst genocide in history to date. The second world war shaped
the rest of the 20th century across the globe, while the Holocaust has
come to be seen in many ways as the defining episode of that grim
century. For both, Hitler was the inspiration. But this historical legacy,
monumental though the scale of the evil was and clearly as Hitler's central
responsibility can be established, does not entirely account for our
continuing concern with the Third Reich, and the sense that this seems to
be increasing, not decreasing with the passage of time.

Somehow nazism feeds the imagination more than the Stalinist or other
forms of dictatorship. Mussolini, Franco, even Stalin appear to be more
understandable products of their own societies and state systems,
whereas the riddle of how such a devastating doctrine of inhumanity and
regime of breathtaking brutality and destruction could arise in a modern,
economically advanced, and culturally sophisticated country such as
Germany (with its many similarities to our own society) prompts unceasing
interest and inquiry. Beyond that is the perennial anxiety: could it happen

While there is no fear of Stalinism ever regaining any popular appeal, there
are many reminders in today's world that some, at least, of the idiocies and
illusions that went into inter-war fascism are by no means dead. Even here,
the implicit worry is less of a recurrence of the brand of fascism
associated with Mussolini's Italy, but of a revitalisation of the racism,
antisemitism, and imperialist 

Re: [CTRL] Sharon calls

2003-01-29 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

1/29/2003 7:30:15 AM, Prudy L [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Well not so much a worsening as an elimination.  I foresee that since all
  Israeli have been vaccinated against smallpox (and not with that killer
  thing we're getting here; they've developed a decent vaccine for Israeli
  use), and as soon as the war with Iraq gets going, there will be a sudden
  bio attack of smallpox on Israel which will of course be blamed on
  Saddam.  It will not sicken the Israeli, but the  the unvaccinated
  Palestinians will die off, and Israel's major problem will be solved.   I
  guess it's a modern enactment of that old saw, killing two birds with
  one stone.  Ah well.  Prudy

This is not far-fetched.  With the less mature of the English-inspired
governments of the world, the image of English and their treatment of
their far-flung subjects and enemies should be quite fresh.  After all,
there were the Original Americans who were given the smallpox infested
blankets in the 18th century that wiped out a significant number of them.
Perhaps the budding pols tend to think we'll roll over on their situations as
they think Americans (who were not yet Americans) rolled over for the
blanket policy.
 Smallpox blankets

 Despite his fame, Jeffrey Amherst's name became tarnished by stories of
smallpox-infected blankets used as germ warfare against American Indians.
These stories are reported, for example, in Carl Waldman's Atlas of the
North American Indian [NY: Facts on File, 1985]. Waldman writes, in
reference to a siege of Fort Pitt (Pittsburgh) by Chief Pontiac's forces
during the summer of 1763:

 ... Captain Simeon Ecuyer had bought time by sending smallpox-infected
blankets and handkerchiefs to the Indians surrounding the fort -- an early
example of biological warfare -- which started an epidemic among them.
Amherst himself had encouraged this tactic in a letter to Ecuyer. [p. 108]


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Kissinger, Scowcroft BNL Iraq

2003-01-29 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


UQ Wire: Kissinger, Scowcroft BNL  Iraq
Tuesday, 28 January 2003, 5:02 pm

Unanswered Questions: Thinking For Ourselves
Presented by…

UQ WIRE - Recovered History

Banca Nazionale Del Lavoro:

Kissinger Associates, BNL and Iraq
g/ bnlkiss.html)

(UQ WIRE EDITOR’S note: Nothing ever changes under the sun… the
following comes from deep within the archives of, but it could
have been written today with a few names changed. Kissinger you will
recall was nominated to head the 911 Commission, before he disqualified
himself on the grounds of conflict of interest…. )

More on Kissinger and BNL
BNL actually a client of Kissinger Associates
Letter to President Bush
Scowcroft stock ownership
Many large defence contractors
Background on National Security Council
NSC influence over export licensing for Iraq
Scowcroft and EXIMBANK military sales
Financial Times, 26 Apr 1991
Stock Holdings of Brent Scowcroft

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the
gentleman from Texas [Mr. GONZALEZ] is recognized for 60 minutes. Mr.
GONZALEZ. Mr. Speaker, during a special order last week, I revealed that
Henry Kissinger was a paid member of the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro
Consulting Board for International Policy. Mr. Kissinger held this position
during the height of the biggest banking scandal in United States history-$4
billion in unreported loans to Iraq by the Atlanta branch of BNL. This week
I will reveal some new information regarding Mr. Kissinger and his
relationship with BNL. I will also include in the RECORD a detailed list of
Mr. Brent Scowcroft's stock holdings.


In order to learn more about Mr. Kissinger's role at BNL, committee
investigators contacted an attorney representing BNL in the United States
and asked him to contact BNL in Rome. The BNL employee in Rome told
BNL's attorney the following:

Mr. Kissinger has been a member of the BNL International Advisory Board
since 1985. Mr. Kissinger is paid $10,000 for appearing at an Advisory Board
meeting and he is paid extra for speaking at BNL functions. It is important
to bring these facts out because BNL is owned by the Italian government.
In effect, Mr. Kissinger's fees are indirectly paid for with Italian taxpayer

Banking Committee investigators were also told that Mr. Kissinger may still
be a member of BNL Advisory Board. His term does not expire until next
month. This information conflicts with what Mr. Kissinger was quoted as
stating in a Financial Times article on April 26. In that article Mr. Kissinger
stated that he resigned from BNL's advisory board on February 22, 1991. I
will write BNL and Mr. Kissinger in order to clear up this discrepancy.

Mr. Kissinger went on to state in the same Financial Times article:

I resigned earlier this year because I don't want to be connected, I don't
want to be asked about this sort of thing.

But it should be noted that Mr. Kissinger supposedly did not resign his BNL
post until over 18 months after the BNL scandal became public in August

Another interesting point to note is the timing of Mr. Kissinger's supposed
resignation from BNL on February 22, 1991. That date is just days before
the Justice Department announced a 347 count indictment against the
former employees of BNL after an exhaustive 18-month investigation. This is
quite a coincidence.


BNL was actually a client of Kissinger Associates at the same time BNL's
former employees in Atlanta were providing Iraq with billions in unreported
loans. This solidifies Mr. Kissinger's link to BNL and raises the question of
whether Mr. Kissinger had knowledge of the BNL loans to Iraq.

As I stated last week, many Kissinger Associates clients were doing business
with the Iraqis as a direct result of the unreported $4 billion in BNL loans
to Iraq. Volvo, whose chairman serves on the Kissinger Associates board of
directors, was doing big business in Iraq and it was the beneficiary of BNL

BNL was also the largest participant in the $5.5 billion CCC program for
Iraq. Between $800 and $900 million in BNL loans to Iraq were guaranteed
by the CCC. BNL was also the second largest participant in the Export-
Import [Eximbank] program for Iraq. Over $50 million in BNL loans to Iraq
were guaranteed by Eximbank. Through these programs it became common
knowledge in the export community that BNL was Iraq's prime banker in
the United States.

I also reported last week that Mr. Lawrence Eagleburger had ties to BNL.
While he was serving as president of Kissinger Associates, Eagleburger was
a board member of a Yugoslavian bank that had a substantial and even
incestuous relationship with BNL. BNL was a main factor in the growth 

[CTRL] Kurt Vonnegut vs. the !?*!@

2003-01-29 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Kurt Vonnegut vs. the !?*!@
By Joel Bleifuss | 1.27.03
print | email | comment

Kurt Vonnegut |

In November, Kurt Vonnegut turned 80. He published his first novel, Player
Piano, in 1952 at the age of 29. Since then he has written 13 others,
including Slaughterhouse Five, which stands as one of the pre-eminent
anti-war novels of the 20th century.
As war against Iraq looms, I asked Vonnegut, a reader and supporter of this
magazine, to weigh in. Vonnegut is an American socialist in the tradition of
Eugene Victor Debs, a fellow Hoosier whom he likes to quote: “As long as
there is a lower class, I am in it. As long as there is a criminal element, I am
of it. As long as there is a soul in prison, I am not free.”

—Joel Bleifuss

You have lived through World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the Reagan wars,
Desert Storm, the Balkan wars and now this coming war in Iraq. What has
changed, and what has remained the same?

One thing which has not changed is that none of us, no matter what
continent or island or ice cap, asked to be born in the first place, and
that even somebody as old as I am, which is 80, only just got here. There
were already all these games going on when I got here. … An apt motto for
any polity anywhere, to put on its state seal or currency or whatever,
might be this quotation from the late baseball manager Casey Stengel, who
was addressing a team of losing professional athletes: “Can’t anybody here
play this game?”

My daughter Lily, for an example close to home, who has just turned 20,
finds herself—as does George W. Bush, himself a kid—an heir to a
shockingly recent history of human slavery, to an AIDS epidemic and to
nuclear submarines slumbering on the floors of fjords in Iceland and
elsewhere, crews prepared at a moment’s notice to turn industrial
quantities of men, women and children into radioactive soot and bone
meal by means of rockets and H-bomb warheads. And to the choice
between liberalism or conservatism and on and on.

What is radically new in 2003 is that my daughter, along with our president
and Saddam Hussein and on and on, has inherited technologies whose
byproducts, whether in war or peace, are rapidly destroying the whole
planet as a breathable, drinkable system for supporting life of any kind.
Human beings, past and present, have trashed the joint.

Based on what you’ve read and seen in the media, what is not being said in
the mainstream press about President Bush’s policies and the impending
war in Iraq?

That they are nonsense.

My feeling from talking to readers and friends is that many people are
beginning to despair. Do you think that we’ve lost reason to hope?

I myself feel that our country, for whose Constitution I fought in a just
war, might as well have been invaded by Martians and body snatchers.
Sometimes I wish it had been. What has happened, though, is that it has
been taken over by means of the sleaziest, low-comedy, Keystone Cops-
style coup d’etat imaginable. And those now in charge of the federal
government are upper-crust C-students who know no history or
geography, plus not-so-closeted white supremacists, aka “Christians,” and
plus, most frighteningly, psychopathic personalities, or “PPs.”

To say somebody is a PP is to make a perfectly respectable medical
diagnosis, like saying he or she has appendicitis or athlete’s foot. The
classic medical text on PPs is The Mask of Sanity by Dr. Hervey Cleckley.
Read it! PPs are presentable, they know full well the suffering their
actions may cause others, but they do not care. They cannot care
because they are nuts. They have a screw loose!

And what syndrome better describes so many executives at Enron and
WorldCom and on and on, who have enriched themselves while ruining
their employees and investors and country, and who still feel as pure as
the driven snow, no matter what anybody may say to or about them? And
so many of these heartless PPs now hold big jobs in our federal
government, as though they were leaders instead of sick.

What has allowed so many PPs to rise so high in corporations, and now in
government, is that they are so decisive. Unlike normal people, they are
never filled with doubts, for the simple reason that they cannot care what
happens next. Simply can’t. Do this! Do that! Mobilize the reserves!
Privatize the public schools! Attack Iraq! Cut health care! Tap everybody’s
telephone! Cut taxes on the rich! Build a trillion- dollar missile shield! Fuck
habeas corpus and the Sierra Club and In These Times, and kiss my ass!

How have you gotten involved in the anti-war movement? And how would
you compare the movement against a war in Iraq with the anti-war
movement of the Vietnam era?

When it became obvious what a dumb and cruel and spiritually and
financially and militarily ruinous mistake our war in Vietnam was, every
artist worth a damn in this country, every serious writer, painter, stand-up
comedian, musician, actor and 

[CTRL] Sing-A-Long

2003-01-29 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

--When you're happy and you know it bomb Iraq--
(If your happy and you know it clap your hands)

If you cannot find Osama, bomb Iraq.
If the markets are a drama, bomb Iraq.
If the terrorists are frisky,
Pakistan is looking shifty,
North Korea is too risky,
Bomb Iraq.

If we have no allies with us, bomb Iraq.
If we think someone has dissed us, bomb Iraq.
So to hell with the inspections,
Let's look tough for the elections,
Close your mind and take directions,
Bomb Iraq.

It's pre-emptive non-aggression, bomb Iraq.
Let's prevent this mass destruction, bomb Iraq.
They've got weapons we can't see,
And that's good enough for me
'Cos it's all the proof I need
Bomb Iraq.

If you never were elected, bomb Iraq.
If your mood is quite dejected, bomb Iraq.
If you think Saddam's gone mad,
With the weapons that he had,
(And he tried to kill your dad),
Bomb Iraq.

If your corporate fraud is growin', bomb Iraq.
If your ties to it are showin', bomb Iraq.
If your politics are sleazy,
And hiding that ain't easy,
And your manhood's getting queasy,
Bomb Iraq.

Fall in line and follow orders, bomb Iraq.
For our might knows not our borders, bomb Iraq.
Disagree? We'll call it treason,
Let's make war not love this season,
Even if we have no reason,
Bomb Iraq.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] do it yourself,  oh jury of public opinion

2003-01-29 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-


 For us Brits who don't know the lie of the land I think you will have
to add this into your package. The killer plane came in from the right
and chopped the street lighting down. This we can understand but why the
757 didn't and couldn't will have to be explained.

I cannot make thedesired diagrams. No scanner, graphics

However here are the photographs that I would like to enlarge and
copy segments of etc.and draw lines on.

They each are big downloads -- but together they do the job.

In this picture -- the camera facing west -- shows the Pentagon
to the right.
The dark upper right is Arlington Cemetery. In the foreground is
National Airport. At the right edge of the cemetery can be seen
long buildings side by side -- this is the Naval Annex which FLight
flew directly over. The cemetery and the Annex are on a hill,
the Pentagon. The Colombia Pike can be seen in front of the
of the eight buildings of the Annex and it can be seen curving off to
the right around the cemetery further to the west.

To the right of the Pentagon is a large parking lot and behind that
the "cloverleaf" highway interchange where the lamp posts were
(Here consult the aerial map photo with the down posts indicated.)

Remember it was the side of the Pentagon facing the cemetery that
was hit.

What we have seen so far merely establishes that the Naval Annex is
considerably higher up than the Naval Annex. Flight 77 came over
Annex, parallel with that stretch of the Colombia Pike highway.

Now you know what to look for in the dead-overhead photo map
(over 2000KB sorry to say -- but wow! it does the job!)

Just note that the distance from the Annex to the crash point is
is between .5 and .3 miles --NOT a heck of a lot of
to turn, level off and align an airliner -- especially if it is to
off at 20 feet so that the required steep banking turn is impossible.
The wing span of the Boeing 757 is 135 feet.

Here is all that is needed to make a determination.

The statements of passengers can be found at the French site, 
but I havesomeon the page APFN has made available to me.

The critical point of the witness testimony is that the 
Boeing was over theAnnex and parallel to the Colombia
Pike in front of (south of) the Annex:

Other pictures in my site give the lay of the land best. Most
just show closeups of the Pentagon and closeups of the 
highway where the lamps were downed.

I hope you will take a look and tell me if you obtain the same result
I do.

BTW, Just got off the phone with my ISP -- I have service until the
31st then I am
cut off. That is a good time frame for me to finish my work on the
Bush will have caste the die by then -- there will be no need to warn
consequences -- the consequences will be self evident.


 - Original Message - From: "Eastman"
To:  Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 11:09 PM Subject:
Re:The Annex is on a hill and the Boeing went
over it. The Annex is only  three tenths of a mile from the
crash. How could the plane get down  to the low horizontal
approach that everyone saw and the video  recorded and also align
for meeting the poles and the holes all in a row?  To make a turn
that sharp would require banking the plane severely --  and while
leveling out for the horizontal approach? Opposition now 
demands actors from the theatre of the 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Missionary Paedophiles at the Residential Schools in Thailand???? Gee, where did we hear of this before?

2003-01-29 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

Dear Friends:
Please continue to contact your Thai Embassies about the plight of Bah Kaew Akha, Chiangrai, Thailand, to prevent their forced relocation.
Look at the pics of the village chaos at links on right with picture take you to a full page of pics.
While the story rages that we have listed below, we think there is high reason to investigate in Thailand all these organizations which have Akha children posed as orphans locked behind mission doors, far from family and friends, culture, language, all being made to toe the western evangelical line and maybe a few other things as well.
Matthew McDaniel

Rumblings Turn Into Heat. 
Will The Evidence Be Forthcoming?
If There Is Evidence Will There Be A "White" Wash?
Dear Friends:
For years we have been protesting the removal of Akha children or any children from their families and villages in that conversions are pressured, children are removed from the environment of their culture and villages and in fact many times the "orphans" are not orphans at all.
While for years we have heard rumors that there was considerable financial rewards out the "back door" of missions, and special arranged marriages for kids, etc, we think there is still a lot that needs to be investigated.
In the Chiangrai area alone there are scores of "homes" that remove particularly young girls from the villages in the hundreds to remotelocations that pose as mission compounds and orphanages. In addition to the fact that these organizations are not supervised by anyone accountable to the parents, there is also the problem that there are pressured conversions, condemnation of the culture, and the boys left in the villages now have no one left to marry. In a word, genocide.
Below is the tip of the suspected iceberg and we will wait and see what develops of this. Certainly the removal of Akha children from their homes and families is without precedent in scale in Thailand and the fat missionaries are making millions for their families, lives and compounds out of this process of skimming the compassion of donors, the money never going to help the Akha as it could in the village, to a much more useful per person ratio, as compared when it is used for the missionaries who run the orphanages and mission compounds.
We strongly oppose the removal of ANY children from their families or villages. All aid must be applied directly in villages to preserve those good ole family values, rather than breaking up families with coercion and duress at the hands of tragedy. Some missions, while getting these children for "free" even demand that the village converts in whole before "accepting" them. Gee, how generous.
How odd that the missions are silent on the human rights tragedy imposed by the Thai government as well. Are they in collusion?
Matthew McDaniel
PATTAYA ORPHANAGE: UK 'expose' rocks shelter
Published on Jan 27, 2003 
British newspaper says head priest promised self-described paedophile benefactors access to young children A weekly British tabloid has accused a top US priest who runs a Pattaya orphanage of being prepared to let wealthy paedophiles meet his vulnerable boys.Father Ray Brennan, who has preached in Westminster Cathedral, counts celebrities among his supporters and has received more than £400,000 (Bt27.7 million) in UK National Lottery funds, was not available for comment on The People's charges yesterday. He left the Pattaya centre just before The Nation contacted the facility. Staff there said he had no mobile phone.The People claimed its undercover investigation found that Father Brennan, 70, was "perfectly happy" to invite wealthy paedophiles to meet street children in his care, allow them to take the children out on picnics, discuss 

[CTRL] [2] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Missionary Paedophiles at the Residential Schools in Thailand???? Gee, where did we hear of this before?

2003-01-29 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

Dear Friends:
Please continue to contact your Thai Embassies about the plight of Bah Kaew Akha, Chiangrai, Thailand, to prevent their forced relocation.
Look at the pics of the village chaos at links on right with picture take you to a full page of pics.
While the story rages that we have listed below, we think there is high reason to investigate in Thailand all these organizations which have Akha children posed as orphans locked behind mission doors, far from family and friends, culture, language, all being made to toe the western evangelical line and maybe a few other things as well.
Matthew McDaniel

Rumblings Turn Into Heat. 
Will The Evidence Be Forthcoming?
If There Is Evidence Will There Be A "White" Wash?
Dear Friends:
For years we have been protesting the removal of Akha children or any children from their families and villages in that conversions are pressured, children are removed from the environment of their culture and villages and in fact many times the "orphans" are not orphans at all.
While for years we have heard rumors that there was considerable financial rewards out the "back door" of missions, and special arranged marriages for kids, etc, we think there is still a lot that needs to be investigated.
In the Chiangrai area alone there are scores of "homes" that remove particularly young girls from the villages in the hundreds to remotelocations that pose as mission compounds and orphanages. In addition to the fact that these organizations are not supervised by anyone accountable to the parents, there is also the problem that there are pressured conversions, condemnation of the culture, and the boys left in the villages now have no one left to marry. In a word, genocide.
Below is the tip of the suspected iceberg and we will wait and see what develops of this. Certainly the removal of Akha children from their homes and families is without precedent in scale in Thailand and the fat missionaries are making millions for their families, lives and compounds out of this process of skimming the compassion of donors, the money never going to help the Akha as it could in the village, to a much more useful per person ratio, as compared when it is used for the missionaries who run the orphanages and mission compounds.
We strongly oppose the removal of ANY children from their families or villages. All aid must be applied directly in villages to preserve those good ole family values, rather than breaking up families with coercion and duress at the hands of tragedy. Some missions, while getting these children for "free" even demand that the village converts in whole before "accepting" them. Gee, how generous.
How odd that the missions are silent on the human rights tragedy imposed by the Thai government as well. Are they in collusion?
Matthew McDaniel
From The Nation: Thailand
PATTAYA ORPHANAGE: UK 'expose' rocks shelter
Published on Jan 27, 2003 
British newspaper says head priest promised self-described paedophile benefactors access to young children A weekly British tabloid has accused a top US priest who runs a Pattaya orphanage of being prepared to let wealthy paedophiles meet his vulnerable boys.Father Ray Brennan, who has preached in Westminster Cathedral, counts celebrities among his supporters and has received more than £400,000 (Bt27.7 million) in UK National Lottery funds, was not available for comment on The People's charges yesterday. He left the Pattaya centre just before The Nation contacted the facility. Staff there said he had no mobile phone.The People claimed its undercover investigation found that Father Brennan, 70, was "perfectly happy" to invite wealthy paedophiles to meet street children in his care, allow them to take the children 

[CTRL] Missionary Paedos Position: Tejas?

2003-01-29 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector- -- | Section:
Local  State

Jan. 25, 2003, 11:38AM

Pregnant teacher pleads guilty to having sex with boy

Copyright 2003 Houston Chronicle
James Nielsen / Special to the Chronicle
Lisa Zuniga leaves the Harris County Criminal Justice Center after a hearing
in November.
A Pasadena church schoolteacher on Friday pleaded guilty to aggravated
sexual assault of a child, admitting she had a sexual relationship with a 13-
year-old student.

Lisa Zuniga, 27, could be sentenced to life in prison or as little as five
years' probation. Prosecutor Denise Oncken said the state is not
recommending any particular punishment.

Zuniga is about eight months pregnant. Oncken said she will probably
not request DNA or blood tests to determine whether the teen, who is
now 15, is the father.

Her attorney, Arthur Parras, said he does not intend to seek such tests
either. Police said the boy told them Zuniga was pregnant, which she had
denied, and that he was the father.

Zuniga has admitted to having a six-month relationship with the boy while
she was a supervisor at the Victory Academy church school, 712 Llano. The
teen told police he and Zuniga had been meeting at her apartment on the
school property after classes.

Visiting state District Judge Charles Hearn told Zuniga to cooperate with
probation officers in a background investigation and return for sentencing
March 21.

Zuniga's baby is due in February, perhaps Valentine's Day, said Parras.

Free on $30,000 bond, Zuniga left the courthouse with her mother without

She spoke little in court except to answer guilty and respond yes or
no when Hearn asked if she understood the proceeding, whether she
had been coerced or promised anything for her plea, and other routine

Oncken said the student, who was not identified, is living in Oklahoma with
his mother and stepfather. Parras, however, said he had heard that the
youth had returned to the Houston area.

Oncken and Parras agreed that the only factor making the charge
aggravated -- and carrying such a severe maximum sentence -- was the
boy's youth at the time of the offense.

Parras said he does not know whether Zuniga has a job. If she receives
probation, he said, gainful employment will be required.

Great Cosmetic Ideas from JC Penney

Click for Details

Donate the Car Graduate the Student -- | Section:
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[CTRL] Shinui

2003-01-29 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

w w w . h a a r e t z d a i l y . c o m

Lapid: Shinui given historic chance to alter 'face of Israel'

The big winner of the 2003 election, Shinui leader Yosef Tommy Lapid,
told supporters at the party's election night headquarters in Tel Aviv's Beit
Sokolov Tuesday evening that the public had given his party a historic
opportunity to change the face of Israel, [to] shape the government, its
policies and Israel's image.

But in the same speech he called on Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to form a
secular unity coalition with Shinui and the Likud and reiterated his vow
not to join a coalition government with ultra-Orthodox parties.

But Lapid said his party would play a major part in shaping the next
government of Israel. The public has clearly declared that it wants a
different Israel.

The Shinui leader also called on his counterpart in Labor, Amram Mitzna to
reconsider his decision to stay out of any coalition government led by

Does Mitzna want to leave the State of Israel in the hands of the extreme
right? he said, as the party faithful cheered loudly. Is the Labor Party
more important than the state of Israel?

Lapid told the cheering crowd at that we will be a bridge between the
left and the right to form a balanced policy that will bring us to peace and
security with the Palestinians. But the first job is to form a secular unity

Begging for quiet several times, he went on to say that does not mean
Shinui is against the religious. We will tell the religious in this country -
don't be frightened of us. We are not against religion, not against Jews,
and not against religious Jews. We are against the exploitation of religion
for money and power.

Lapid said we will not conduct a religious war in this country. We will not
make a civil war. But we want equal rights for equal duties, for all citizens.
And after we straighten out the line between us and the religious, the
country will be able to rest, it will be equitable and reasonable toward all
its citizens, Jews, Arabs and Druze, all citizens.

In an Israel Radio interview Wednesday morning, Lapid said that Shinui
couldn't join a government that includes Shas, because it would make it
impossible for the secular party to implement the changes it wants in the

Meretz leader Yossi Sarid, meanwhile, announced that if the projections of
the three television channels proved correct - they gave Meretz between
five and eight seats - he would step down as party chairman. When the
results are so disappointing, he said, someone has to take responsibility.

Likud lawmaker Tzachi Hanegbi said that the voters have had their say.
The people want the left removed from positons of power. The people
have also made a clear statement regarding the Oslo accords.

The public is saying clearly today that it supports the prime minister and
his policies... along with the message that it is tired of elections every two
years - and that's why we need a broad coalition, Likud cabinet minister
Limor Livnat said.

Yuval Steinitz, a senior Likud member, said: It is going to be difficult to
form a coalition, a solid and stable government.

The secretary-general of the Labor Party, Ophir Pines-Paz, admitted that
the peace camp has been humiliated; the burden of proof is now on the
right. We will not join Sharon's government. I can only hope that Sharon
manages to accomplish in his second tenure what he failed to achieve in
his first.
By Ha'aretz Service


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the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
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Then accept it and live up to it. The Buddha on Belief,
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[CTRL] US opinion and the war

2003-01-29 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

US opinion and the war
By James Zogby
Anti-war sentiment, on display during last week’s mass demonstrations,

is actually deeper and more wide-spread than those protests. To be sure,
the demonstrations were substantial and noteworthy given the range of
endorsers and organizers and the diversity of the actual participants. But,
significant opposition exists on other levels as well.

In almost 50 cities across the United States, resolutions have been passed
by city councils declaring opposition to the Bush Administration’s march
toward war. Three items stand out. First is the range of the cities involved.
In the past, efforts such as this occurred in predictably liberal
communities with large universities and a history of peace and social
justice activism. So it is not surprising that university cities like: San
Francisco and Berkeley California (University of California); Ithaca, New
York, (Cornell University); Madison, Wisconsin (University of Wisconsin); and
New Haven, Connecticut (Yale University)-all have passed such anti- war

When the list, however, grows to include such major cities as Chicago,
Illinois and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, then Washington had better pay

Chicago’s resolutions, passed just two weeks ago, by a vote of 46 to one,
echoes many of themes found in similar initiatives passed in smaller
communities. Major objections are raised against the Bush administration’s
unilateral foreign policy noting that: A pre-emptive and unilateral US
military attack would violate international law and our commitments under
the UN Charter and further isolate the US from the rest of the world. The
resolution also chides the administration for failing to exhaust traditional
diplomatic efforts and articulating a clear strategic objective or
outcome both of which have cost the US the support of many of our
important allies.

While acknowledging that Saddam Hussein is a tyrant who should be
removed from power, both for the good of the Iraqi people and for the
security of Iraq’s neighboring countries the resolution goes on to
question whether or not a unilateral US military action would result in the
installation of a free and democratic Iraqi government and whether US
military actions would risk the deaths of thousands of Iraqi civilians without
guaranteeing the safety and security of US citizens.

Finally the Chicago elected officials question the cost of such a war and
conclude their protest resolution by objecting to a pre-emptive US
military attack and urging the Bush administration to work through the
UN Security Council and reaffirm our nation’s commitment to the rule of
law in all international relationships.

A second issue to note in all of this national anti-war activity is the
advanced state of the mobilization even before a war has actually
occurred. Congress may have been afraid to confront the administration’s
war build-up, but city councils, trade unions, churches, and other major
constituency organizations have responded.

Polls show that the content of these anti-war efforts reflect the
mainstream of public opinion. Even when a poll shows that two-thirds may
express support of a US invasion of Iraq, on closer scrutiny, the softness
of that support becomes clear. While the regime in Baghdad has no US
support, most Americans are not supportive of a unilateral US war. They
are wary of the dangers of the US acting alone. They feel that the
administration has not made a clear and convincing case, and they fear the
impact of such recklessness on long term US relations with allies and
friends around the world.

A third item to note is the apparent spontaneity of the protests. While
some efforts have been coordinated, and some groups have been
instrumental in mobilizing anti-war sentiment and providing communication
links, for the most part there is a grassroots upsurge at work that is quite

As I have traveled about the United States, speaking before various
community groups, I find anti-war sentiment to be widespread. Invariably, a
statement expressing discomfort with Administration’s Middle East policies
and opposition to a US-led war will generate an ovation from diverse
audiences-whether student groups or gatherings of businessmen.

Given this, the widespread and still growing phenomenon of city-council
resolutions, as a reflection of public mood, is important to note.

Another indication of the significance of this sentiment is its impact on the
developing 2004 presidential contest. It’s intriguing to watch the Bush
administration attempting to make its case for a war. They may have the
rest of the world convinced that war is inevitable, but they aren’t winning
points at home.

When George Bush, the father, and his Secretary of State James Baker
worked to confront Saddam Hussein’s invasion and occupation of Kuwait in
1990 and 1991, they worked steadily to build public support. They started


2003-01-29 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


William Russell, the great correspondent who reported the
carnage of imperial wars, may have first used the expression blood on his
hands to describe impeccable politicians who, at a safe distance, order
the mass killing of ordinary people.

In my experience on his hands applies especially to those modern
political leaders who have had no personal experience of war, like George
W Bush, who managed not to serve in Vietnam, and the effete Tony Blair.

There is about them the essential cowardice of the man who causes death
and suffering not by his own hand but through a chain of command that
affirms his authority.

In 1946 the judges at Nuremberg who tried the Nazi leaders for war crimes
left no doubt about what they regarded as the gravest crimes against

The most serious was unprovoked invasion of a sovereign state that offered
no threat to one's homeland. Then there was the murder of civilians, for
which responsibility rested with the highest authority.

Blair is about to commit both these crimes, for which he is being denied
even the flimsiest United Nations cover now that the weapons inspectors
have found, as one put it, zilch.

Like those in the dock at Nuremberg, he has no democratic cover.

Using the archaic royal prerogative he did not consult parliament or the
people when he dispatched 35,000 troops and ships and aircraft to the
Gulf; he consulted a foreign power, the Washington regime.

Unelected in 2000, the Washington regime of George W Bush is now
totalitarian, captured by a clique whose fanaticism and ambitions of
endless war and full spectrum dominance are a matter of record.

All the world knows their names: Bush, Rumsfeld, Rice, Wolfowitz, Cheney
and Perle, and Powell, the false liberal. Bush's State of the Union speech
last night was reminiscent of that other great moment in 1938 when Hitler
called his generals together and told them: I must have war. He then had

To call Blair a mere poodle is to allow him distance from the killing of
innocent Iraqi men, women and children for which he will share

He is the embodiment of the most dangerous appeasement humanity has
known since the 1930s. The current American elite is the Third Reich of
our times, although this distinction ought not to let us forget that they
have merely accelerated more than half a century of unrelenting American
state terrorism: from the atomic bombs dropped cynically on Japan as a
signal of their new power to the dozens of countries invaded, directly or
by proxy, to destroy democracy wherever it collided with American
interests, such as a voracious appetite for the world's resources, like oil.

When you next hear Blair or Straw or Bush talk about bringing democracy
to the people of Iraq, remember that it was the CIA that installed the
Ba'ath Party in Baghdad from which emerged Saddam Hussein.

YELLOW: Tony Blair and George Bush

That was my favourite coup, said the CIA man responsible. When you next
hear Blair and Bush talking about a smoking gun in Iraq, ask why the US
government last December confiscated the 12,000 pages of Iraq's weapons
declaration, saying they contained sensitive information which needed a
little editing.

Sensitive indeed. The original Iraqi documents listed 150 American, British
and other foreign companies that supplied Iraq with its nuclear, chemical
and missile technology, many of them in illegal transactions. In 2000 Peter
Hain, then a Foreign Office Minister, blocked a parliamentary request to
publish the full list of lawbreaking British companies. He has never
explained why.

As a reporter of many wars I am constantly aware that words on the page
like these can seem almost abstract, part of a great chess game
unconnected to people's lives.

The most vivid images I carry make that connection. They are the end
result of orders given far away by the likes of Bush and Blair, who never
see, or would have the courage to see, the effect of their actions on
ordinary lives: the blood on their hands.

Let me give a couple of examples. Waves of B52 bombers will be used in
the attack on Iraq. In Vietnam, where more than a million people were
killed in the American invasion of the 1960s, I once watched three ladders
of bombs curve in the sky, falling from B52s flying in formation, unseen
above the clouds.

They dropped about 70 tons of explosives that day in what was known as
the long box pattern, the military term for carpet bombing. Everything
inside a box was presumed destroyed.

When I reached a village within the box, the street had been replaced by
a crater.

I slipped on the severed shank of a buffalo and fell hard into a ditch filled
with pieces of limbs and the intact bodies of children thrown into the air
by the blast.

The children's skin had folded back, like parchment, revealing veins and
burnt flesh that seeped blood, while the 

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] MAsonRY-pYRAMid-MARRY-g.RAM.MAR -MARrow-MAR-Y

2003-01-29 Thread RoadsEnd
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-Caveat Lector-

From Glen Kealey, National President,
Canadian Institute for Political Integrity

Noah and Lott Redux:

The stories of Noah and Lott are Masonic allegories written to define
who are the non-believers who hear no evil, see no evil and speak no
evil and will not act in the face of overwhelming evidence. (The

If you believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God, before
reading the following message (once more?) I would ask you to consult
your Bible and read both these stories, first that of Noah (Noe) and
then, that of Lott.

Once you have refreshed your memory about how the citizens of their
times refused to believe the message they heard from these ancient
patriarchs, then, ask yourself the question: Why do I believe that
which was written more than two thousand years ago but I am unable to
believe the preponderance of the evidence that is all around me today.

The answer quite is simple. Unbeknown to you, you were programmed to
believe what you believe today, in spite of the evidence to the
contrary that is evident all around you. This overriding programming
was inserted into your brain by your care-givers; those who claimed to
love you most, ie: parents, priests, teachers and the media and
entertainment industries. But don't blame your parents, or your
teachers, as they were programmed before you were and they have only
transmitted to you what they also were programmed to believe.

To be truly human you must at one point in your life before you die,
stop taking other peoples word on faith, and begin to examine the
evidence for yourself. The Bible, a compilation of 66 books, is a book
which was dictated to the Christian Church by the Essenes at Byblos,
who main purpose was for it to be the principal open-source coding
manual of Freemasonry. It states, In the End Times the signs will be
all around. Well, look around!

MAsonRY-pYRAMid-MARRY-g.RAM.MAR -MARrow - MAR-Y (Y means 2 into 1)

Everyone I meet today still ask me about how it was that I managed to
have the three top RCMP Commissioners charged with corruption by an
Ottawa court in 1991, and what happened to them and to the four
Senators, the four Cabinet ministers and former Prime Minister Brian
Mulroney's Chief of Staff who were charged, simultaneously, with
conspiracy to commit fraud upon the Canadian people. The following is
a synopsis of how I came to be involved and the 15 year investigation
I undertook that followed.

In 1959 I began a 14 year career with Gestetner Canada, a British firm
that manufactured and sold duplicating/copying equipment worldwide.
After spending time on service and customer relations in Toronto, I
was promoted to sales and then sales management, in Montreal and Ottawa.

I left Gestetner in 1973 to open a company of my own called Safari Office

Products and operated it for a year and a half. Lacking challenge
doing this I had stints managing the sale of printing and typesetting
equipment and then ran a couple of copy centre operations of which I
was part owner. It was in one of these businesses that I conceived the
Micot project, a $160 million Intelligent Building Complex. This was
in 1981, long before the advent of the Internet. I put together a
fund-raising program that raised the interest of bridge financing
partners. Together we then raised a firm committment for the $160
million construction cost (from blue chip pension funds) of MICOT, the
Hotel/Office/Showroom/Convention/Retail/Education city-within-a-city
to be constructed on a 200,000 sq. ft. site directly across the Ottawa
river from Parliament Hill. It would enclose 1.5 million square feet
of intelligent space (pre-wired on a ten foot grid for computers and
communications) and the two towers would rise to 24 stories.

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] A detailed and illustrated account of the Vancouver conference

2003-01-29 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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-Caveat Lector-

8:28p PT Tuesday, January 28, 2003

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Our friend Richard Lancaster has not only written
but also illustrated a detailed account of the Vancouver
Resources Investment Conference and posted it at his
Internet site, here:

Thanks to Richard, now GATA Chairman Bill Murphy
doesn't have to recover his notes, for Richard seems
to have taken down almost verbatim the most
important things Murphy told the conference.

If only there were a few financial journalists like

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Off Topic:PBS Frontline Video's Onlinel

2003-01-29 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
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-Caveat Lector-

 As part of Fronline's 20th anniversary they have
several shows available free online...check it out @


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[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] China's central bank sells gold to keep price from soaring

2003-01-29 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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-Caveat Lector-

8:53p PT Tuesday, January 28, 2003

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Here's the best gold story of the month. What's
the difference between China's central bank and
the central banks of the West? China's central
bank is quite open about its intervention in the
gold market to suppress the price.

Here it is, in black and white below.

Is there really anyone left who seriously argues
that this kind of thing doesn't happen? Is there
really anyone left who does not believe that gold
demand is now much greater than supply?

But is there anyone in the financial press who
can grasp the significance of this and make it
plain to the public?

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

* * *

China's central bank intervenes
to rein in gold prices


SHANGHAI, Jan 28 (Reuters) -- China's central bank, seen
intervening recently in Shanghai's gold exchange to curb
sky-high prices, is expected to allow trade to return to
normal after the Lunar New Year holiday next month,
traders said on Tuesday.

Domestic gold prices rose to such dizzying heights that
the central People's Bank of China sold some of its precious
metal to cool prices, which had risen above world levels
due to a demand spike before the important annual
holiday, they said.

But demand for gold should slacken after the February
1-7 holiday and prices would stabilise, traders said.

The central bank attempted to rein in prices to help
domestic gold processors curb rising production costs
and prevent firms from importing gold illegally to cash in
on spreads between domestic and global prices, they said.

The central bank is unlikely to intervene if everything goes
back to normal after the New Year, said a floor trader.
The government will still want to let the market determine

The central bank sold nearly 600 kg of gold just before the
market closed last Wednesday, pushing prices down by more
than one yuan to around 96 yuan ($11.6) per gramme,
although prices and volumes still closed at record highs.

The central bank intervened several times in the past few
weeks because prices went too high, said a second floor trader.

Domestic gold prices have hit new highs repeatedly over the
past week, surpassing world prices and hitting six-year highs
this week at $372.60 an ounce as worries of a possible war
in Iraq intensified.

But Shanghai's gold prices have eased, with prices of 99.95
percent gold falling to 97.20 yuan per gramme on Tuesday,
down from a record 98.26 yuan on Monday as domestic
demand began to taper off.

Shanghai's average price on Tuesday was equivalent to
$365.20, lower than global spot prices (XAU=) of $368.00/8.50
in Asian trade as many processors had already bought enough
gold to produce ornaments and jewellery for the New Year

Some traders said the central bank used gold from its
reserves to intervene. At the end of 2002, China's gold
reserves were 19.29 million ounces (546.9 million grammes),
up from 16.08 million ounces at the end of November.

The central bank has the right to intervene, an exchange
official said, declining further comment.

Traders said the central bank, the sole intermediary
between gold buyers and sellers until the exchange opened
in October, has maintained some control in hopes of
keeping end-products affordable for consumers by controlling
raw material prices.

If domestic prices rise way above global markets, the
government is afraid that some companies might import
illegally and refine it to standard gold to sell domestically,
the second trader said.

Gold smuggling is common in the country, especially in
the south, as China's annual gold demand of 250-300
tonnes (8.8-10.6 

Re: [CTRL] Sharon calls

2003-01-29 Thread Branko @ 10s
Title: Message
-Caveat Lector-

i have never heard of such vaccination or they have deliberatly skipped me. Hmm, 
smells like a conspiracy against ME!

Branko, Jerusalem

  -Original Message-From: Conspiracy 
  Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Prudy 
  LSent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 3:30 PMTo: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [CTRL] Sharon 
  calls-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 1/29/2003 
  8:10:01 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Many Palestinians have said that they fear a worsening of 
the Middle Eastcrisis during a second term in power for Mr Sharon. "You 
have Sharon in anew government, a war against Iraq imminent, the 
disappearance of thepeace process: all these factors," said Palestinian 
cabinet minister SaebErekat.Well not so much a 
  worsening as an elimination. I foresee that since all Israeli have been 
  vaccinated against smallpox (and not with that killer thing we're getting 
  here; they've developed a decent vaccine for Israeli use), and as soon as the 
  war with Iraq gets going, there will be a sudden "bio attack" of smallpox on 
  Israel which will of course be blamed on Saddam. It will not sicken the 
  Israeli, but the the unvaccinated Palestinians will die off, and 
  Israel's major problem will be solved. I guess it's a modern 
  enactment of that old saw, "killing two birds with one stone." Ah 
  well. Prudy A 
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  of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives 
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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: Ruppert, Credibility and Vreeland2

2003-01-29 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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-Caveat Lector-

Look, Leo, I posted your own paperwork on this list a few
months agoshowing US Treasury documents revealing you to be a confidential
informant and authorising payment to you for information provided. Two
seperate payments. I can post them again if you or anyone else

You can object and splutter all you want. You can play
Goebbelian truth-games about what is reality and what is not. But for my cents worth, the only "intell operations" I am interfering
with, are those of the delusional variety.

- Original Message - 

  Ambassador Leo E
  Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 6:21
  Subject: Re: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: Ruppert,
  Credibility and Vreeland2
  Dear "Goldbug"
  CEASE and DESIST, your false allegations that Ambassador Wanta is a
  paid informant, as you are fully aware that this is absolutely false and
  misleading - and -interfering with other ongoing INTEL investigations..
  simply, try harder to e an objective investigative journalist in
  Reference to: -

Emerald Green, let's get some facts straight and while
we're doing it finally put to bed some old, but lingering

Wanta posted on this list last year,links to
documents that showed he was a paid confidential informant for the US
Treasury and Customs. No spookery there, just an old fashioned snitch
going about his business.

Wanta doesn't have a "power" attorney and never has had
one. he's a con man.

Vreeland was a con man who ultimately conned Wanta which
resulted in Wanta's arrest, last year, by the FBI.

There is no honour among thieves.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 4:15
  Subject: Re: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: Ruppert,
  Credibility and Vreeland2
  Dear Sean and Lday,As one of the few who actually met
  Vreeland and spoke extensively with his attorneys and of which
  an attorney from the US came with me to Canada.It is perfectly clear
  to us that Vreeland works for the so-called Shadow Government. He was one
  of the Power of Attorney;s for ambassador Wanta.We saw proof of this.
  Wanta's accounts are clearly front companies for the "company" there is no
  questions that Vreeland was and is an agent. The big question is was he a
  freelancer for hire? Vreeland was in a bad position, being under the
  National Security Act of 1947 he could not give out certain info which
  made him appear illegitimate. But that's the way the spook world likes it-
  its easy to distance themselves from an agent that is easy to discredit.
  Its their game,illusion, deception denial.At 03:30 PM
  1/27/2003 +, you wrote:
wrote:"...I came under heavy attack from
Ruppert supporters, but eventually most of them had to reverse
their opinion and admit the obvious -- Vreeland was
a con man."This was one big psy-op to distract people (like
you?) from the important and critical issue. Determining "..the
obvious -- Vreeland was a con man" was never a relevent
matter. Of course he was a con man:All good field operatives are con
men, otherwise they don't get the job. No "reversal of opinion" was
ever necessary.Was Vreeland **JUST** a con man? No, absolutely
not,the hypotheses is destroyed by the evidence.I wonder if
you have read Sander Hicks' "Wildcard" articleat GNN? He set out to
write the "just-a-con-man" story,but that is not where the facts

Re: [CTRL] Is Bush Guilty of Mass Murder?

2003-01-29 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-


 * **

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] The Reluctant Anarchist

2003-01-29 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

  `The thing I keep running into with libertarians is that
  they are purposely blind to the following: if you start
  with a weak state and a laissez-faire economy,
  eventually megacorporations will coalesce and become a
  defacto state, usually fascist and obviously not held
  accountable by the democratic process. And the
  megacorps will mold and embolden the state so that it
  has the authority and agenda to serve them. I don't
  have to wonder about the viability of this theory, since
  I have discovered that the US is more or less living
  proof.' -Daniel Pouzzner

The above shows a basic misunderstanding of libertarian free
market philosophy.

Daniel P. discribes the current US economic system which is 'corporate
state capitalism'. Corporate State Capitalism requires an all powerful
state that through its bureacratic structure deems to regulate the
business economy. In actuality this 'regulation' acts to encourage
corporate monopolies and semi monopolies. It is 'regulation' by and
for the alleged targets of regulation. It is govt that bestows the legal
fiction of 'personhood' upon corporations providing these fictional
entites with real people legal rights and govt legislated 'limited

Corporate statism includes massive subsidies of corprate welfare that
takes many forms such as direct govt subsidies through govt contracts
(military - industrial complex); special tax legislation; export subsidies;
keeping a massive expensive taxpayer paid military in order to coerce
foreign govts to offer trade concessions to corporations. Govt entities
such as the FDA; FCC, SEC, etc. etc. act to promote monopolies
and semi monopolies through statist rules, regulations and law.

Corporate State Capitalism cannot exist without Statism. Libertarians
absolutely oppose statism. Without statism there can be no Corporate
State Captialism.

Don't blame libertarians for corporate state captalism.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] [COUNCILFIRE] is Bush a psychopath? (fwd)

2003-01-29 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2003 12:23:49 -0700
From: Teresa Binstock [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [COUNCILFIRE] is Bush a psychopath?

Dear Dr. Chernus,

I appreciate your columns in CommonDreams

My primary field is biomedical aspects of autism. I've published in
neuroanatomy, molecular genetics, immunology, and several related fields. I've
long realized that were Dubya's word-use mistakes evaluated at a diagnostic
clinic such as the Child Development Unit of a Children's Hospital, he would
merit a diagnosis within the general ballpark of learning disabled. That his
verbal errors indicate that type of disability suggests that his decision-making
process is not fully informed by memory.

A professor intending to write a book about Dubya's errors noticed an important
fact (as reported in Toronto Star, 11.28.03), an observation that has increased
the specificity of Dubya's potential diagnosis. Dubya's errors tend to occur in
positive contexts and not to occur in negative and aggressive contexts. Dr.
Miller concluded that the patterning in Dubya's gaffs is consistent with similar
patterns found in sociopaths (10). Needless to say, I was intrigued. Analysis of
linguistic patterns is a recognized diagnostic tool often accompanied by genetic
testing (eg, for Fragile X syndrome), brain imaging (eg, MRIs), and brain-wave
testing (eg, MEGs  EEGs).

A Medline search (within databases of National Library of Medicine) led me to a
number of related studies published in peer reviewed medical literature, studies
that focus upon language use by sociopaths and psychopaths and, relatedly, upon
observable alterations in brain function. An initial bibliography is presented
below (1-9). I have perused these articles and, as a result, have become more
concerned about the likely validity of Dr. Miller's initial observation.

Diminished empathy is associated with the psychopathic personality. He or she
(usually he) does not react normally when perceiving emotional expressions of
others. These differing reactions can be perceived via MRI and EEG and can
differentiate normal people and non-psychopathic criminals from psychopaths.

Furthermore, aside from his verbal gaffs, Dubya's public-policy choices and
pronouncements regarding Iraq, the environment, and health care are consistent
with diminished empathy. He does not give sufficient weight to the expressed
opinions and feelings of others. For instance, several months ago Dubya et al
made factual pronouncements about Iraq. Quickly, the CIA and FBI announced
disagreement with the Dubya team's statements. But that disagreement did not
register as important to Dubya. 'Twas an annoyance to be brushed aside.
Similarly, Dubya seems to have no real feelings for the environment nor
for the tens of millions of people who want a cleaner environment and who want
to preserve natural areas. Now, I'm not saying that he or any other politician
can't have a position different from pro-environmentalism, but Dubya's stance is
too often that of the neighborhood bully for whom a victim's cries of anguish
have no meaning. He appears to have impaired empathy that manifests as political
*decrees* imposed without the give-and-take even of Congress.

Conclusion: Although further consideration is needed by others versed in
neuroanatomy and psycholinguistics, I believe we ought take seriously Mark
Crispin Miller's observations about Dubya's sociopathic personality as indicated
by patterns in his language (10). The U.S. government may never have had a
sociopath as President. The nearest parallel is Adolph Hitler -- who also was
elected to high office before revealing his heart's innermost ambitions. Dubya
is frighteningly similar. And many sociopaths are known to be bright and to have
kept the darker side of their personality hidden for years.

Let's consider another parallel for its instructiveness about perception and
time. Ted Bundy was a serial killer of women. Most of us learned about him and
his personality *after* his arrest. Thus we knew the evil that lurked in his
heart. But consider victim #4 (or #7, whatever) when she was just meeting Mr.
Bundy. He was a good looking young man, and he must have had a fair amount of
charm -- and that's how he set the stage whereon his deeper motives played
forth. If, as Dr. Miller has suggested, President Bush indeed has a sociopathic
personality, we as observers would (as in the case of Hitler) have been fooled
for a long time prior to his innermost self showing forth clearly. And now that
Dubya has been in office for slightly more than two years, most of us are no
longer fooled. As prompted by Dr. Miler's preliminary observation. dubya's
sanity and the underlying basis of his motivations and decision-making merit
intense scrutiny.

This letter and its citations are a preliminary step, one that furthers the
observations offered 


2003-01-29 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2003 11:29:45 -0800 (PST)
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Prime Minister Chretien:

As France has said on the side of the PEACE PROCESS in Iraq, vs. the
U-S-A/Blix WAR PROCESS, war is always a failure. There is absolutely no
reason why Iraq cannot have all of its WMD's removed by peaceful means.
I have illustrated with the search and rescue analogy, how a team of a
few thousand inspectors could map out units of .10 square miles and search
each and every one in a reasonable period of time. That could also be a
post-inspection model for keeping Iraq free of WMD's after the trade
sanctions have been lifted. A few surprise visits to these units now and
then would do the job.

Thus opening doors is sufficient and Iraq has done enough by complying and
opening its doors. Blix over-played his hand of treachery as he was
stabbing the UN and Peace Process in the back. He is co-ordinating his
propaganda machine with that of U-S-A to blacken the international image
of Iraq as noncompliant in the Peace Process. Ask the Auditor General of
Canada about accounting for inventory which has long ceased to exist. Blix
does not want Iraq's past inventory of WMD's accounted for. He wants to
use it as rhetoric to rationalize more U-S-A genocide. This past inventory
is IRRELEVANT if the present WMD searchers do the job which they are
capable of doing. If there are no MMD's now, the job is completed.

Likewise the smoking gun rhetoric of the Pro-War faction is fatuous.
After two months of inspections, the most that will be discovered in
future will be small and easily taken care of weaponry. Disposing of it
peacefully will be easy for the UN. Of course Bush and his accomplice in
fostering mass murder, Blix, want to use any such weaponry as an excuse
for war. But it is up to you and the Pro-Peace faction as to which it will
be. You know that this matter can be resolved peacefully as does the rest
of the world.


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[CTRL] USA bio-chem plant goes bang today ?

2003-01-29 Thread Tony Dickinson
-Caveat Lector-

Any one got a handle on reports of an explosion at North Carolina
pharmaceutical supply plant today. I wonder what kinds of evidence may
explode with it ?


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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2003-01-29 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Man of Mystery Metal

2003-01-29 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

All He Left Unsaid
By William Rivers Pitt
t r u t h o u t | Perspective
Wednesday 29 January 2003

On Tuesday night, the wretched specter of September 11th returned to
Logan airport, departure point for the planes that took down the Twin
Towers. Hours before George W. Bush delivered his State of the Union
speech, a commercial aircraft had to be emptied, and its passengers re-
screened, after a box cutter was discovered in a seat pocket.

During his speech, Bush attempted to tout the actions he has taken to
secure the nation against terrorism. He spoke of the Homeland Security
Department, increased border patrols, and 50,000 new airport security
screeners in place across the country. He failed, of course, to mention
the devious Total Information Awareness database that came along with
Homeland Security, and he failed to mention how bitterly he fought to
keep those 50,000 screeners out of the airports, because they would be
Federalized workers and thus able to unionize.

So much went unsaid during his speech. That box cutter at Logan,
however, spoke volumes.

The first twenty-five minutes of the Bush speech was dedicated to
domestic and economic issues. These are proving to be the Achilles heel
of this administration, just as they were the last time a Bush occupied the
Oval Office. Bush began by touting the education reform bill passed several
months ago with the help of Senator Ted Kennedy, but failed to mention
the degree to which Kennedy has since distanced himself from that bill
and the added flaws he never agreed to. He spoke of holding corporate
criminals to account, failing to mention the incredible number of Enron
executives - including his beloved Kenny-Boy - who still walk free and clear
across the nation they defiled with their fraud and deceit.

Bush had words of great praise for the trillion-dollar tax cut he foisted
during his first year in office, and rattled off a number of demands for
Congress to make those cuts permanent. Don't wait one year or three
years or five years, he said, but cement those cuts today. He failed to
mention the soaring deficits these tax cuts have caused, and likewise
failed to mention that the cuts did not one single solitary thing to help
this flagging economy.

Bush went on to roll out his new tax cut, aimed at stock dividends, which
will once again benefit the wealthiest Americans. He failed to mention how
the budget will handle this added stress; likewise, he failed to mention the
fact that a number of prominent Republicans, along with virtually every
Democrat and a mob of economists, saw this new tax cut concept as
essentially flawed and dead on arrival. Every man and woman who wants a
job must have one, said Bush. He failed to mention the millions of jobs that
have been lost by Americans since he took office.

After an inordinate amount of praise for his tax cuts, and no mention of
how the budget can survive them, Bush went on to rhetorically spend
billions and billions of dollars he does not have on hand. He proposed an
end to the 'marriage penalty', and went on to propose $1.2 billion in
spending to develop hydrogen-powered automobiles. He failed to explain
how he can afford any of this, and likewise failed to parse the hypocrisy of
touting hydrogen cars while his new tax plan provides tens of thousands of
dollars worth of write-offs for owners of gas-guzzling SUVs.

Another $450 million will go to a mentor program for children whose
parents are in prison. $600 million will go to another drug treatment
program. A whopping $15 billion will go to the noble cause of assisting the
catastrophic AIDS crisis in Africa, but not a word was spared to explain
where this money will be found. The mother of all financial boondoggles,
the Ballistic Missile Shield, got it's due to no one's great surprise.

At one point during the reading of this fiduciary laundry list, Bush
demanded fiscal responsibility from the government. A roving camera
caught House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi bursting into laughter when
that line came across.

Using a raft of semantics, Bush proposed that Medicare be moved into the
HMO system, with newly minted Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist smiling
from the crowd. He failed to mention how much HMOs loathe caring for
senior citizens. He proposed the development of cleaner energy
technology while increasing energy reliance at home, but failed to explain
that this was code for the despoiling of the Alaskan National Wildlife

The faith-based initiative earned a return appearance in the Bush speech,
with much talk of compassion and service. He failed to describe the
degree to which such a program will annihilate the sacred and absolutely
necessary separation between church and state. The Federal government
will be offering services to those Americans who deserve attention, and
the rest will be left to the whims of religious institutions.

To be sure, this was a generalized 

[CTRL] Burn Iraq, Burn the Evidence

2003-01-29 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Go To Original
U.S. Had Key Role in Iraq Buildup
Trade in Chemical Arms Allowed Despite Their Use on Iranians, Kurds

by Michael Dobbs

High on the Bush administration's list of justifications for war against Iraq
are President Saddam Hussein's use of chemical weapons, nuclear and
biological programs, and his contacts with international terrorists. What
U.S. officials rarely acknowledge is that these offenses date back to a
period when Hussein was seen in Washington as a valued ally.

Among the people instrumental in tilting U.S. policy toward Baghdad during
the 1980-88 Iran- Iraq war was Donald H. Rumsfeld, now defense secretary,
whose December 1983 meeting with Hussein as a special presidential envoy
paved the way for normalization of U.S.-Iraqi relations. Declassified
documents show that Rumsfeld traveled to Baghdad at a time when Iraq
was using chemical weapons on an almost daily basis in defiance of
international conventions.

The story of U.S. involvement with Saddam Hussein in the years before his
1990 attack on Kuwait -- which included large-scale intelligence sharing,
supply of cluster bombs through a Chilean front company, and facilitating
Iraq's acquisition of chemical and biological precursors -- is a topical
example of the underside of U.S. foreign policy. It is a world in which deals
can be struck with dictators, human rights violations sometimes
overlooked, and accommodations made with arms proliferators, all on the
principle that the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Throughout the 1980s, Hussein's Iraq was the sworn enemy of Iran, then
still in the throes of an Islamic revolution. U.S. officials saw Baghdad as a
bulwark against militant Shiite extremism and the fall of pro-American
states such as Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and even Jordan -- a Middle East
version of the domino theory in Southeast Asia. That was enough to turn
Hussein into a strategic partner and for U.S. diplomats in Baghdad to
routinely refer to Iraqi forces as the good guys, in contrast to the
Iranians, who were depicted as the bad guys.

A review of thousands of declassified government documents and
interviews with former policymakers shows that U.S. intelligence and
logistical support played a crucial role in shoring up Iraqi defenses against
the human wave attacks by suicidal Iranian troops. The administrations of
Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush authorized the sale to Iraq of
numerous items that had both military and civilian applications, including
poisonous chemicals and deadly biological viruses, such as anthrax and
bubonic plague.

Opinions differ among Middle East experts and former government officials
about the pre-Iraqi tilt, and whether Washington could have done more to
stop the flow to Baghdad of technology for building weapons of mass

It was a horrible mistake then, but we have got it right now, says
Kenneth M. Pollack, a former CIA military analyst and author of The
Threatening Storm, which makes the case for war with Iraq. My fellow
[CIA] analysts and I were warning at the time that Hussein was a very nasty
character. We were constantly fighting the State Department.

Fundamentally, the policy was justified, argues David Newton, a former
U.S. ambassador to Baghdad, who runs an anti-Hussein radio station in
Prague. We were concerned that Iraq should not lose the war with Iran,
because that would have threatened Saudi Arabia and the Gulf. Our long-
term hope was that Hussein's government would become less repressive
and more responsible.

What makes present-day Hussein different from the Hussein of the 1980s,
say Middle East experts, is the mellowing of the Iranian revolution and the
August 1990 invasion of Kuwait that transformed the Iraqi dictator, almost
overnight, from awkward ally into mortal enemy. In addition, the United
States itself has changed. As a result of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist
attacks on New York and Washington, U.S. policymakers take a much more
alarmist view of the threat posed by the proliferation of weapons of mass

U.S. Shifts in Iran-Iraq War

When the Iran-Iraq war began in September 1980, with an Iraqi attack
across the Shatt al Arab waterway that leads to the Persian Gulf, the
United States was a bystander. The United States did not have diplomatic
relations with either Baghdad or Tehran. U.S. officials had almost as little
sympathy for Hussein's dictatorial brand of Arab nationalism as for the
Islamic fundamentalism espoused by Iran's Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. As
long as the two countries fought their way to a stalemate, nobody in
Washington was disposed to intervene.

By the summer of 1982, however, the strategic picture had changed
dramatically. After its initial gains, Iraq was on the defensive, and Iranian
troops had advanced to within a few miles of Basra, Iraq's second largest
city. U.S. intelligence information suggested the Iranians might achieve a
breakthrough on the 

Re: [CTRL] Sharon calls

2003-01-29 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 1/29/2003 11:53:06 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

-Caveat Lector- WEll, i have never heard of such vaccination or they have deliberatly skipped me. Hmm, smells like a conspiracy against ME!

Maybe it is. I heard about this on television. I thought how nice it must be to have a decent vaccine, since the one we all had to take in the old days didn't have the side effects that seem to plague this one. The individual talking said that all Israeli were being vaccinated. Sounded good to me. Of course, television news has been wrong before. Prudy
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Sharon calls

2003-01-29 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 1/29/2003 8:55:16 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

BTW – anything that Jewish citizens get in Israel, the Muslim citizens will also get

Well they didn't get the gas masks, but maybe they are getting smallpox vaccinations. I heard the business of the vaccine on television. I wish I could remember just which. It might have been C-SPAN. I remember being quite envious that Israel had come up with a good vaccine that didn't have the side effects our does. If I can locate a reference somewhere, I'll put it on. Prudy
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Gold... er ... Greenspan

2003-01-29 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Wednesday » January 29 » 2003

Alan Goldspan
Seemingly out of the blue, the U.S. Federal Reserve chairman is hinting at
a return to the gold standard. If so, currency markets are in for a shock

  Reuven Brenner

National Post

Tuesday, January 21, 2003

CREDIT: Kenneth Lambert, The Associated Press

ALAN GREENSPAN: Is US$350 the target?

Last month in a speech before the Economic Club of New York, Alan
Greenspan praised the gold standard, the first time he has unambiguously
done so since joining the U.S. Federal Reserve.

Although the gold standard could hardly be portrayed as having produced
a period of price tranquility, it was the case that the price level in 1929
was not much different, on net, from what it had been in 1800, he stated.
But in the two decades following the abandonment of the gold standard
in 1933, the consumer price index in the United States nearly doubled.
And in the four decades after that, prices quintupled. Monetary policy,
unleashed from the constraint of domestic gold convertibility, had allowed
a persistent over- issuance of money.

Is Greenspan returning implicitly to his long-held strong beliefs, which he
voiced explicitly before he became Fed chairman, of having the gold price
guide U.S. monetary policy? If so, that would mean keeping the gold price
(in terms of the dollar) stable. Under this standard, as Greenspan
accurately points out, the price level in the United States stayed stable
through wars and much technological and political upheaval. The
implication is clear: There is no problem achieving such stability in future,
even if the United States goes to war, and even if much technological and
political upheavals continue.

During the six decades since the Americans left the gold standard, prices
rose tenfold. This happened not because these decades were more
turbulent than the preceding 13, but because of the faddish belief,
rationalized by much of the economic profession, that central bankers
could do a better job managing monetary policy by setting interest rates
and exchange rates than by market-guided, gold- price-anchored

The fad's long life is not surprising. Central planing, based on the belief
that bureaucrats know how to price wheat, physicians, nurses and
teachers better than people involved in the respective businesses, has
been enduring for centuries, in spite of evidence to the contrary. The
view that central banks could best manage monetary affairs by pricing
interest rates and exchange rates thus fit perfectly into this bureaucratic
frame of mind. Though, as Greenspan points out, the evidence contradicts
this viewpoint.

Before 1996, Greenspan often indicated that gold prices were guiding his
monetary policy. Then he abandoned all reference to them -- until last
month's speech. His strong statement comes like lightening out of the blue
sky. With another Federal Reserve governor, Ben Bernanke, repeating part
of Greenspan's comments, we get a strong signal of where the U.S. dollar is
heading -- if Greenspan goes from words to actions. Before we get to the
numbers, here is what Greenspan said concerning monetary policy and
deflationary pressures:

But the adverse consequences of excessive money growth for financial
stability and economic performance provoked a backlash. Central banks
were finally pressed to rein in over-issuance of money, even at the cost of
considerable economic disruption. By 1979, the need for drastic measures
had become painfully evident in the United States. The Federal Reserve
under the leadership of Paul Volcker, with the support of both the Carter
and Reagan administrations, dramatically slowed the growth of money.
Initially, the economy fell into recession and inflation receded. However,
most important, when activity staged a vigorous recovery, the progress
made in reducing inflation was largely preserved. By the end of the 1980s,
the inflation climate was being altered dramatically.

Greenspan also said that, in the short and medium run, the link between
money and prices is unclear, which means that targeting inflation rates
cannot have the desired effects. If Greenspan will act upon all these views
-- and that's yet to be seen -- U.S. monetary policy will be radically

What can we expect, then, to happen to the U.S. dollar? To gold prices?
To the euro? To the Canadian dollar?

First, let's understand that using gold prices for monetary guidance means,
as Greenspan emphasizes, that companies and governments can safely get
into U.S. dollar contractual agreements without worrying about its value,
be it over short, medium or very long hauls. The difference between a
gold-guided policy and one guided by inflationary targets is important.
Price levels are backward looking and mismeasured. It's not surprising,
then, that although central bankers have targeted low inflation in the

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] darlene novinger

2003-01-29 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-


Darlene Novinger

Former FBI operative

Died Thursday, January 23rd, 2003

Novinger was known to hold sensitive information on the Clinton and
Bush I administration's drug operations.

Her husband murdered March 1987 when she went public with initial

Her father died July 8, 1993 four hours after Darlene was a guest on
the Tom Valentine show.

Novinger died after a long bout with cancer.

Darlene Novinger, contract agent for the FBI, suffered retaliation
after reporting discussions by government protected drug smuggler who
described contacts with Vice President George Bush and his son, Jeb

Darlene Novinger, an ex FBI informant... uncovered how the Bush
family is deeply involved in drug trafficking and money laundering in
the state of Florida.She received many death threats. She wanted to
continue the investigation that her superiors told her to stop. Her
husband was murdered and her father was poisoned because she dared to
make public such accusations against the Bush family in an interview
issued by a radio program.

After and before the killings, she got phone calls that reminded her
the cruel destiny she had to face: to lose these two loved members of
her family was the price she had to pay to expose the dirty dealings
of the Bush family, and she was really going to pay, she was told by

In Rodney Stich's book DEFRAUDING AMERICA we find the best overall
compendium of the workings of the dark side of government. In it and
his new book, DRUGGING AMERICA, there are pages of CIA and DEA
whistleblower testimony documenting George Bush, involvement in CIA
drug trafficking operations as CIA chief, VP and President. For
example, one former federal agent, Darlene Novinger, told Stich
that she discovered during an FBI investigation that Vice President
George Bush and two of his sons were using drugs and prostitutes in a
Florida hotel room while he was Vice President.

Stich recently queried Novinger about which sons were involved, and
Novinger indicated that she did not remember George jr being involved
in this particular drug-sex incident. But the fact that the father
was proportedly involved in this corruption of his sons is
potentially damaging to the family conservative reputation.

Rodney Stich, in his 1994 edition of Defrauding America

HTTP:// writes that Novinger was a former
FBI operative, (who) reportedly discovered during an FBI
investigation that Vice President George Bush and two of his sons
were using drugs and prostitutes in a Florida hotel while Bush was
vice president.

She reported her findings to FBI supervisors and then (was) warned
no to repeat what she had discovered, continues Stich.

Novinger had been requested to infiltrate drug trafficking
operations in South America and the United States. She was pressured
to quit her FBI position; her husband was beaten to death; and four
hours after she appeared on a July 1993 talk show describing her
findings (after she was warned not to appear), her father
mysteriously died. A dead white canary was left on his grave as a
warning to her. After receiving death threats she went into hiding,
from where she occasionally appeared as a guest on talk shows and
called from undisclosed locations.

Presumably, the long arm of the Bush crime family syndicate has kept
her in hiding ever since.

According to a later 1998 edition of Defrauding America, Novinger was
a former investigator for the Federal Crime Task Force working with
the FBI in an unofficial capacity. She was 

[CTRL] New Video - The John Birch Society Alert Network (fwd)

2003-01-29 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all.

 visit my web site at My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2003 12:52:39 -0800
Subject: New Video - The John Birch Society Alert Network

Behind the Big News

Most Americans know the mainstream media manipulates stories, manufactures
illusions, and exploits fears. But the reason is more than just liberal
bias or sloppy reporting. Behind the Big News exposes a revolutionary
agenda that defines today's headlines. This powerful and fast-paced video
examines some of the biggest news stories in recent decades to discover
how this subversive agenda is promoted and reveals an effective strategy
to overcome this ongoing assault on American freedom.

Find this exciting new video at:

You are receiving this email alert because you have subscribed to The John Birch 
Society's Email Alert Network as: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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The John Birch Society

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] abuse/custody, Bakersfield, Duplessis, serial perp, Iraq/Bush, censorship

2003-01-29 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-
also has 
Bush: "Leave No Millionaire Behind" 
Humanitarian consequences of war
Comcast refuses anti-war ads during State of Union
Bush wants war, Pentagon urges caution

this may be heavy for survivors

The Scandal in Our Own Backyard "According to The American Judges Foundation, in 70 percent of cases in which abusive men ask for custody, they succeed in gaining full or joint custody. This national scandal is made possible by the secrecy within the Family Court System and by public disbelief in the scope of the problem. The very system designed to safeguard helpless children has become a national disgrace as injustice has reached epidemic proportionsa study by the California Protective Parents Association found that 91 percent of fathers identified by their children as sexual predators received full or partial unsupervised custody-while in 54 percent of these same cases the non-abusing mother was placed on supervised visitations."

The Lords of Bakersfield "Vulnerable teen-age boys. Murder. For years, some prominent local men who led secret lives were rumored to be protected. Whispers surrounding another important man's death prompt the question: Is there really a conspiracy? Questions dog Jagels 1/20/03 District Attorney Ed Jagels watches the arraignment of Chris Hillis, accused of murdering Stephen M. Tauzer, who was Jagels' top assistant. Some have questioned whether Jagels should have reined in Tauzer from his involvement in the legal proceedings of Lance Hillis, Chris Hillis' son and a sometime housemate of Tauzer's. If it's true that Stephen Tauzer's relationship with a young drug addict led to his own brutal murder last September, uncomfortable questions could be asked of Kern County's district attorney. By all accounts, Tauzer went to bat in an unprecedented way for Lance Hillis, giving him money, cars and lodging, and writing letters to judges on Lance's behalf."

Murder Case Grips Bakersfield 12/25/02 Murder Case Grips Bakersfield "Man accused of killing a top prosecutor has people wondering what 'secrets' he knows about D.A.'s office and what a trial might reveal. By John Johnson and Mark Arax, Times Staff Writers - Bakersfield - Years before he was accused of killing a top prosecutor, then-district attorney investigator Christopher Hillis won a $50,000 stress retirement that was five to 10 times the usual award in tightfisted Kern County.When the decorated ex-cop was asked how he had pulled it off, Hillis told former colleague Kyle Beckman that he knew some "secrets" about the district attorney's office: " 'I know where the skeletons are buried.' " "He apparently wasn't joking," said Beckman, who is still fighting the county on his own mental stress claim."$6941

three from L Moss Sharman Sex ring suspect to stand trial By David Runk AP 1/28/03 Detroit- "A Chicago man accused of drawing women and girls into a multistate prostitution ring was ordered to stand trial...Prosecutors say cult-like tactics were used to enlist the girls and women as prostitutes. This involved physical and sexual assaults, as well as cultivating what Duggan described as a ``feeling of friendship or family among those in the ring.",1,105737.story?coll=3Dchi%2Dnewslocal%2Dhed

'All we want is justice' Duplessis orphans stage protest. Group demonstrates at courthouse to demand cash for sex-abuse victims Charlie Fidelman The Gazette 1/28/03 "...demonstrators pressing for compensation for children who were sexually abused in church-run institutions. The victims are known as the Duplessis orphans because they were institutionalized while Maurice Duplessis was premier. "It's a question of money. All we want is justice - equitable justice - for the Duplessis orphans," Breton said of children who were abused in church-run institutions during the 1940s, '50s and '60s."{DAF1F2A4-89D9-40B8-A2B5-816FAAF326B2}

Ex-teacher told police he molested about 100 victims Jim Adams 1/28/03 "A former teacher who told police that he molested about 100 people, including students, during 20 years at Jordan High School was sentenced Monday to more than seven years in prison for sexually abusing two teenage boys who were his studentsEx-teacher told police he molested about 100 victims Jim Adams 1/28/03 "A former teacher who told police that he molested about 100 people, including students, during 20 years at Jordan High School was sentenced Monday to more than seven years in prison for sexually abusing two teenage boys who were his students."

Bush: "Leave No Millionaire Behind" 
Bush Finds Money to Give Every Kid Health Insurance and Head Start,
Then Gives It To The Rich. Tell Congress to Say No.

[CTRL] World Bank Secret Documents Consumes Argentina

2003-01-29 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

World Bank Secret Documents Consumes Argentina
Alex Jones Interviews Reporter Greg Palast
Monday, March 4, 2002
(Courtesy of A Great Listener) 

AJ: This is earth shattering. Can you break it down for us and tell us what the economists have done? 

GP: Well, I'll tell you two things. One, I spoke to the former chief economist, Joe Stiglitz who was fired by the (World) Bank. So I, on BBC and with Guardian, basically spent some time debriefing him. It was like one of the scenes out of Mission Impossible, you know where the guy comes over from the other side and you spend hours debriefing him. So I got the insight of what was happening at the World Bank. In addition, he did not brief me but I got some other sources. He would not give me inside documents but other people handed me a giant stash of secret documents from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. 

AJ: So to insulate himself, somebody else did it. 

GP: No, I'm telling you. He wouldn't touch it but I really did get from completely independent sources a big stack of documents. 

AJ: Just like you got W199I, from the same folks we got it from. 

GP: And so one of the things that is happening is that, in fact, I was supposed to be on CNN with the head of the World Bank Jim Wolfensen and he said he would not appear on CNN ever if they put me on. And so CNN did the craziest thing and pulled me off. 

AJ: So now they are threatening total boycott. 

GP: Yea right. So what we found was this. We found inside these documents that basically they required nations to sign secret agreements, in which they agreed to sell off their key assets, in which they agreed to take economic steps which are really devastating to the nations involved and if they didn't agree to these steps, there was an average for each nation that signed one-hundred and eleven items that they are required to sign on to. If they didn't follow those steps they would be cut-off from all international borrowing. You can't borrow any money in the international marketplace. No one can survive without borrowing, whether you are people or corporations or countries - without borrowing some money and having some credit and ... 

AJ: Because of the debt inflation pit they've created. 

GP: Yea, well, see one of the things that happened is that - we've got examples from, I've got inside documents recently from Argentina, the secret Argentine plan. This is signed by Jim Wolfensen, the president of the World Bank. By the way, just so you know, they are really upset with me that I've got the documents, but they have not challenged the authenticity of the documents. First, they did. First they said those documents don't exist. I actually showed them on television. And cite some on the web, I actually have copies of some... 

AJ: Greg Palast dot com? 

GP: Yea, So then they backed off and said yea those documents are authentic but we are not going to discuss them with you and we are going to keep you off the air anyway. So, that's that. But what they were saying is look, you take a country like Argentina, which is, you know, in flames now. And it has had five presidents in five weeks because their economy is completely destroyed. 

AJ: Isn't it six now? 

GP: Yea, it's like the weekly president because they can't hold the nation together. And this happened because they started out in the end of the 80s with orders from the IMF and World Bank to sell-off all their assets, public assets. I mean, things we wouldn't think of doing in the US, like selling off their water system. 

AJ: So they tax the people. They create big government and big government hands it off to the private IMF/World Bank. And when we get back, I want to get to the four-parts that you elegantly lay out here where they actually pay off the politicians billions to their Swiss bank accounts to do this transfer. 

GP: That's right. 

AJ: This is like one of the biggest stories ever, Sir. I'm sorry, please continue. 

GP: So what's happening is - this is just one of them. And by the way, it's not just anyone who gets a piece of the action. The water system of Buenos Aires was sold off for a song to a company called Enron. A pipeline was sold off, that runs between Argentina and Chile, was sold off to a company called Enron. 

AJ: And then the globalists blow out the Enron after transferring the assets to another dummy corporation and then they just roll the theft items off. 

GP: You've got it. And by the way, you know why they moved the pipeline to Enron is that they got a call from somebody named George W. Bush in 1988. 

AJ: Unbelievable, Sir. Stay right there. We are talking to Greg Palast. 


AJ: We are talking to Greg Palast. He is an award-winning journalist, an American who has worked for the BBC, London Guardian, you name it, who has dropped just a massive bomb-shell on the Globalists and their criminal activity. 

[CTRL] Another Sad Week for Federalism

2003-01-29 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Another Sad Week for Federalism
by John Bottoms 

If America ’s founding fathers could look in on their political offspring this week, I’m sure they’d be thinking, “This is just what we sought to prevent.”  The consequences of the death of federalism, which posits that the dangers of raw political power are best limited by spreading it thinly among competing groups, were starkly apparent in several recent power-grabs by our central government in Washington .  (We mistakenly call it our federal government, but any semblance to a confederation of semi-sovereign States was obliterated decades ago.)   

The feds may soon begin criminal prosecution against former UN weapons inspector and high-profile anti-war activist Scott Ritter, after federal prosecutors demanded and were given the records of his 2001 arrest for allegedly falling for a sex sting operation which used a 16-year-old girl as bait.  At the time, the case was sealed, which probably indicates a weak case with which local prosecutors didn’t think they could win a misdemeanor conviction for endangering an underage girl.  The entrapment doubtless weakened their case.   

The federal crime is that Ritter allegedly tried to lure a minor into sexual activity.  Those of us who engage in the quaint hobby of observing that nowhere in the US Constitution have the states delegated to the federal government the power to protect the public from sexual misconduct, recognize that the feds’ real motive is to discredit and silence a highly influential critic of the current junta’s policy of war on Iraq.  So far, their tactic is succeeding, as Ritter has cancelled his latest trip to Iraq .  It’s possible that the feds themselves orchestrated the sting of June 2001, sensing that Ritter may become a vocal opponent of an imperial land grab already in the planning stages.  It’s the classic honey trap borrowed from the world of international espionage.  If Ritter’s weakness had been gambling, or boys, or drugs, some other suitable enticement would have been provided. 

This last week has also seen a concerted attack on the Internet, dwarfing a similar event from last October.  The FBI's National Infrastructure Protection Center (brought into being by the newly-enacted Cyber Security Enhancement Act, which was eased through Congress by the previous attacks ) and Bush cybersecurity adviser Howard Schmidt, were ready and willing to “take charge” of the situation, making ineffectual but important-sounding pronouncements.  Again, of course, there is no constitutional basis for this de-facto power-grab, as the central government lays claim to the Internet as they have our entertainment, communication, transportation, and electoral infrastructure.  But it’s not like they had to muscle anybody out of the way.  This 500 lb gorilla sleeps wherever it wants.  So much for power-sharing. 

The attack was obviously orchestrated by a criminal conspiracy against western countries, and the United States in particular, since Americans have the most to lose from interruption of internet service.  The most likely guilty party, the one with the means, motive and opportunity to commit such a crime is the US government, or more precisely, a shadow government within the larger entity.  But whether the guilty parties are Middle Eastern terrorists, Asian cyber-punks, or the feds, it is the latter group which benefits the most.  As I wrote a couple of months ago, these are dangerous days for the internet; more so every day. 

Don’t be surprised when they begin to use this power to political advantage, just as IRS audits are used against political enemies, a “no-fly list” has been created to inconvenience and intimidate anti-government activists, and radio and television stations are kept in line with required FCC licenses.  Some new set of “security” regulations will be announced shortly, to protect the internet from future attacks, you understand.  One of the “side effects” of the new rules will be to squeeze freedom of speech and political dissent out of the internet, just as last year’s Incumbent Protection Act (a.k.a. Campaign Finance Reform) has silenced “issue ads” close to voting time, which proved so damaging to incumbents in recent elections.  Such a campaign will be their admission that we’re winning the contest for the hearts and minds of the public. 

So what can we do?  There are many good ideas out there, and here’s my recent contribution.  But the first task is to understand that our central government has launched a covert war on dissent.  They’ll use the courts and the police to silence those they can, like Scott Ritter.  Their no-fly list will expand.  And we should expect them to use new internet security rules to prevent people like me from writing articles like this, and getting them published. 

January 28, 2003 


[CTRL] The Iraq Claque

2003-01-29 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-


In 1997, during the Clinton administration, a number of refugees from the
administration of President George Bush Sr., including Dick Cheney and
his chief of staff, I. Lewis Libby, got together to lobby then-Speaker of
the House Newt Gingrich to invade Iraq. This group was still smarting
from the unfinished first Gulf conflict. Calling themselves the Project
for the New American Century, the group drew up the plans for a second
Iraq war.

In a letter to President Clinton dated Jan. 26, 1998, the PNAC called for
the removal of Saddam Hussein's regime from power. In a letter dated May
29, 1998, to Gingrich and Sen. Trent Lott, they stated that Clinton had not
listened to them and asserted: We should establish and maintain a strong
U.S. military presence in the region, and be prepared to use that force to
protect our vital interests in the Gulf -- and, if necessary, to help
Saddam from power. Chair of the PNAC was William Kristol, editor of the
conservative Weekly Standard magazine.

Signatories to the plan constitute a neo-conservative Who's Who. Aside from
Kristol, they include Elliott Abrams, the convicted Iran-Contra conspirator
whom Bush recently appointed director of Middle Eastern policy on the
National Security Council; Paul Wolfowitz, deputy to Secretary Rumsfeld at
the Pentagon; John Bolton, now undersecretary of state for arms control and
international security; Richard Perle, chairman of the Defense Science
Board; William J. Bennett, secretary of education under President Reagan;
Richard Armitage, deputy to Colin Powell at the State Department; Zalmay
Khalilzad, President Bush's ambassador to Afghanistan; and other members of
the current administration.

Their ideas are no secret. They were printed in a September 2000 PNAC
entitled Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces, and Resources
a New Century, and in the book Present Dangers: Crisis and Opportunity in
American Foreign and Defense Policy, edited by Robert Kagan and William
Kristol. These publications make it clear that the ultimate aim of the PNAC
is permanent colonial occupation of Iraq and American domination of the
region and its oil from that base of power.

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[CTRL] US Government Is Everywhere

2003-01-29 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

US Government Is Everywhere
State Of Our Union Is Ubiquitous
By: Dorothy Anne Seese

Listening to the State of the Union address was rather like hearing a speech on the 
total control of government, for everything imaginable was mentioned ... except 
liberating American citizens from government control.

Not only will the United States take care of us, cradle to grave, we'll move out and 
take care of the world.

An ever-expanding nation of government expenditures will redistribute what little is 
produced in America, by Americans, to take care of our global duties to care for the 

Of course, we have to eliminate terrorism by continuing our war against evil.

Last year, the President of the United States sounded rather imperial, he gave the 
impression of being the new emperor.

With what he wishes to accomplish now, he sounds like he has received a promotion to 
the Messiah!

In a quiet manner, with a confident voice and an outreach of humanitarianism, justice 
and liberty for all (under government supervision), the emperor almost became 
transfigured before the television cameras ... it was almost as if he could feel the 
flowing white robes and the aura around his head as he spoke.

However, the message has not changed and Americans will have no new liberties, they 
will have fewer liberties as the United States moves ahead with the mission to protect 
and to encompass the planet.

Emotionalism permeated the entire message, even though nothing in the message had 
changed one whit from what has been going on since Bush II stepped onto the world 
stage in September 2001, eight months after he took office.

We have some solemn duty to destroy evil, wherever it exists, because we are a free 
people, and we must make all others as free as we are.  Shades of a chicken in every 
pot draped over the great hall as the words flowed forth, filled with hot air and  
the kind of pep talks provided by multi-level marketing promoters.

We will not be blackmailed by North Korea (but we sure won't attack there).  Iran 
needs a democratic regime and it's our duty as a free people to see to it they have 
one (perish forbid they should do it themselves, as did the founders of the United 

And then ... on to Saddam, the Great Satan of the Fertile Crescent ...  and fears of 
anthrax, botulism, nerve gases.  If Saddam has all the military and technological 
might that our president states he possesses, it's a miracle that he hasn't rebuilt 
Babylon, changed his name to Nebuchadnezzar II and taken over the world.  Based on all 
that Saddam could do, might do, possibly has in mind to do ... we need to blow Iraq 
off the face of the earth.  And last year, we all thought Osama bin Laden was the 
essence of evil.  Leaving things alone is not an option.  Well, so much for minding 
our own business.  So much for diplomatic solutions.

We strive for peace?  That's what the president said.  I had not noticed because it 
seems to me we're always dropping bombs somewhere.

War seems to be justified if it's in the name of peace and liberty.  What is elusive 
at home is always achievable abroad.

It would be interesting to the average American to see how much security was deployed 
around the Capitol as the President and Vice-President were both present.

Of course, the State of the Union address ended with references to God and His 

Amazingly enough, Bush II walked out of the Capitol.  After his quiet speech and 
messianic manner, I kind of expected him to ascend heavenward ... it would have been 
totally appropriate with the President's theistic mannerism throughout the speech ... 
the man whom God has chosen to deliver us all.

I think in 2004 I just might vote for Joe Sobran.

Published originally at : republication allowed with this notice and 
hyperlink intact.
Dorothy Anne Seese is a freelance political writer for Patch Work papers and a regular 
columnist for Ether Zone.
We invite you to visit her website at
Dorothy Anne Seese can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Published in the January 29, 2003 issue of  Ether Zone. Copyright © 1997 - 2003 Ether 
Bush a Conservative?
Bw Haaa Haa Ha Ha Ha Haaa!

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, 

[CTRL] Junk food 'may lead to eating addiction'

2003-01-29 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

Junk food 'may lead to eating addiction'

By Robert Uhlig, Food Correspondent
(Filed: 30/01/2003)

Eating hamburgers, chips and fat-loaded junk foods could be addictive,
scientists said yesterday.

They think that high-calorie fried foods could trigger hormonal changes
that make it difficult to control eating.

Suggesting that putting on weight may involve more than simply a loss of
self-control, the findings could help explain soaring obesity rates and the
phenomenal success of fast-food outlets.

The studies indicate that a single fast-food meal could contain a dose of
fat and carbohydrate large enough to cause changes in brain structure
usually associated with addiction to drugs.

As with heroin addicts, people who are denied their high dose of fat and
sugar can experience withdrawal symptoms and need increasing quantities
to feel the same level of satisfaction.

By stimulating the release of natural opioids in the brain, sugar and fat
could have a similar effect to addictive drugs such as heroin, according
to John Hoebel, a psychologist at Princeton University in New Jersey.

He fed rats a diet that was a quarter sugar. The rats were thrown into a
state of anxiety when denied their sugar.

Their symptoms, including chattering teeth and the shakes, were similar
to those of people suffering nicotine or morphine withdrawal. The
is that some animals - and by extension some people - can become overly
dependant on sweet food, he said.

The brain is getting addicted to its own opioids as it would morphine
or heroin.

Anne Kelley, a neuroscientist at the University of Wisconsin Medical
School in Madison, found that if rats' brains were stimulated with a
synthetic version of the natural opioid enkephalin, they ate up to six
times their normal intake of fat.

They also increased consumption of sweet, salty and alcohol-containing

Overindulging in tasty food led to marked and long-lasting changes in the
rats' brain chemistry similar to those caused by extended use of morphine
or heroin, she said.

This says that mere exposure to pleasurable, tasty foods is enough to
change gene expression, and that suggests that you could be addicted to

Caesar Barber, a middle-aged New York janitor, sued McDonald's,
Burger King, KFC and Wendy's, claiming that their foods were partly at
fault for causing his diabetes and double heart-attack.

Although he lost his case, lawyers are preparing Big Fat class actions,
which could see the fast food industry forced to contribute to the health
care costs of obesity.

Their cases will be bolstered by the new studies, which suggest regularly
eating junk food can switch off the body's mechanisms for controlling

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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2003-01-29 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
To: Dick Eastman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:   Eastman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:  Wed, 29 Jan 2003 20:45:02 -0800
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Now they can get into ths country that Chinese heroin made from the opium
that is now  once again supplied by the National Allicance drug lords of
Afganistan which the Taliban was erradicating before Bush moved in and murdered
the Taliban  etc.  Of course it is a plan to recover the US economy.  The drugs
in the US mean  big revenues for the druglords who then launder the drug revenues
to the investment bankers, who then invest the proceeds in China  --  and so the
service sector (which includes financial services like these) will once again
carry the economy  --  i.e., hide the major big-time economic depression by
averaging in the profits from drug laundering of  the financial sector.

ANd that is why we need to send the Coast Guard to Iraq --  It's the economy
stupid!  Ain't that right?)

Dick Eastman

A wise observer writes:

   I was watching CNN and a ticker came across the screen sAying the
the US Coast Guard is sending forces to the Pursian Gulf.  Why would
we send our Coast Guard there?  This thing is way way
off track.  If the coast guard is gone, who will prevent some ship from
coming in from the coast with a bunch of nasty stuff to attack us?

   This stupid idiot in the President's job has gone too far off the
mark for me!  I might just join the immigrants high tailing it outa
this country.

  Oh God Please save us from this waco President


Two world wars, shame on them;
a third world war, shame on us.

Case solved.  America's criminal ruling elite is
responsible for the war-instigating mass-murders
of 11 September, 2001. The proof is in the Pentagon

As you will see here, the  Pentagon's security camera
video sequence is SMOKING-GUN EVIDENCE, establishing
the  September 11 mass-murder as an INSIDE-JOB, a
frameup conspiracy devised to involve the U.S. in a war
for  monopoly Control  of  oil, for war munitions and
war-debt profiteering, for greater centralization of
Federal power over our lives, and for the continuation
of Afganistani Northern Alliance druglords' opium
shipments over the Silk Road to China to boost world
HEROIN PRODUCTION thereby increasing the flow of drug
revenues that are laundered into the big New York and
City of London investment banks for investment in
global plantation penny-labor super factories in
the People's Republic  of Chinese Triad Princelings.

--- End of forwarded message ---
Steve Wingate

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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