Re: [CTRL] Screw these Tesla Coils or We Lose -- Second Call

2004-09-19 Thread A. Bpyer
-Caveat Lector-

As far as the Tesla coil things proving themselves and
continually being in use by the Golden Dawn and
FBI...they may make money guy...and even constitute
a new economic scheme in use by the cults since the
70s...this does not mean the coils are healthy or
needed or warranted or wanted by any culture or
country.  This does not mean that the coils are not
creating horrific weather problems world wide and
problems which the cults ignore or attempt to does not mean the world may be permanently
harmed by the continuance of the coils usage
worldwide.  THe coils are contributing to massive
human my take.

E. Murray

--- Daniel Mio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 --- Damon Richter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-
  In, A. Bpyer
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] posted on
  Tue, 14 Sep 2004 22:39:31 -0700:
   Suppose greedy Golden Dawn, Wicca and
  cults are still
   milking these forces for special gifts and that
  these upper
   atmospheric powers aren’t gonna take it any
  Suppose they
   are worn out, tired...angry...and doing what
  can to stop the
   onslaught of violent and vicious humans who keep
  zapping them
   with electronic frequencies unrelentingly.

 Weather modification gets more funding all the time,
 exponentially.  That is not the kind of thing that
 happens when a technology is not proving itself.

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[CTRL] Ready or Not (and Maybe Not), Electronic Voting Goes National

2004-09-19 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

How can there be any basis for contesting results when there is no record 
of each individual ballot cast? - JR

  September 19, 2004
  Ready or Not (and Maybe Not), Electronic Voting Goes 
  NationalBy TOM ZELLER Jr.

  ust over six weeks before the nation holds the first 
  general election in which touch-screen voting will play a major role, 
  specialists agree that whatever the remaining questions about the 
  technology's readiness, it is now too late to make any significant 
  Whether or not the machines are ready for the election - or the 
  electorate ready for the machines - there is no turning back. In what may 
  turn out to be one of the most scrutinized general elections in the 
  country's history, nearly one-third of the more than 150 million 
  registered voters in the United States will be asked to cast their ballots 
  on machines whose accuracy and security against fraud have yet to be 
  tested on such a grand scale.
  Because of the uncertainties, experts say there is potential for 
  post-election challenges in any precincts where the machines may 
  malfunction, or where the margin of victory is thin. Sorting out such 
  disputes could prove difficult.
  "The possibility for erroneous votes or malicious programming is not as 
  great as critics would have you believe," said Doug Chapin, the director 
  of, a nonpartisan group tracking election reform. "But 
  it's more than defenders of the technology want to admit. The truth lies 
  somewhere in between."
  Since the 2000 presidential election and its contentious aftermath, 
  voting systems that record votes directly on a computer - as opposed to 
  those that use mechanical levers or optically scanned paper ballots - have 
  quickly moved to the center of a rancorous debate. The disagreement pits 
  those who see them as unacceptably vulnerable to vote manipulation and 
  fraud against those who see them as an antidote to the wretched hanging 
  Even in the final run-up to November's elections, the issue remains in 
  flux. In California, the machines have been certified, decertified and 
  recertified again. In Ohio, a closely contested state, an electronic 
  upgrade to the state's predominantly punch-card system was halted in July 
  by the secretary of state there, who cited unresolved security concerns. 
  All the while, a vocal mixture of computer scientists, local 
  voting-rights groups and freelance civic gadflies have relentlessly cited 
  security flaws in many of the machines, with some going so far as to say 
  that the flaws could be intentional and accusing the major companies of 
  having ties to conservative political causes. 
  The companies and election officials have fought back bitterly, 
  accusing the activists of being wild-eyed fearmongers. A study released by last month would seem to suggest that partisan politics 
  plays less of a role than critics have claimed. 
  That report found "no industrywide partisan trend to political 
  contributions among the largest election system companies." The leader in 
  the electronic voting machine market, Diebold, and its executives have 
  given more than $400,000 to Republican interests since 2001, the study 
  found. But other large companies, including Election Systems  
  Software and Sequoia Voting Systems, "gave a slight edge to Democratic 
  candidates and party organizations." 
  Concerns over the security and accuracy of the machines have proved 
  harder to dispel, though, and they have not always come from the fringe. 
  At the end of June, two prestigious groups - the Brennan Center for 
  Justice at New York University School of Law and the Leadership Conference 
  on Civil Rights - issued a set of recommendations for technical upgrades 
  and procedures that they said could help shore up high-tech voting systems 
  in time for the November elections. 
  Nancy Zirkin, the deputy director of the Leadership Conference, said 
  she thought that the report had been taken seriously, but conceded that 
  the group did not know how many states or precincts had actually adopted 
  the recommendations. 
  Other critics say that too little has been done in response to numerous 
  problems - and that it is now too late to do much more before the 
  election, because software and technology have to be tested and "frozen" 
  well ahead of voting to avoid malfunctions and electoral chaos.
  "Switching now, approximately 40 days before the election, would 

[CTRL] 9/11 Panel Members Form Group to Press Recommendations

2004-09-19 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

The commission's report and recommendations are as bogus as Dan Rather's 
memos. JR

  September 19, 2004
  9/11 Panel Members Form Group to Press 
  RecommendationsBy PHILIP 

  ASHINGTON, Sept. 18 - Members of the independent Sept. 
  11 commission have received pledges of nearly $1 million for a private 
  educational group they have created to press for enactment of the panel's 
  recommendations, commission officials said Friday.
  The group, the 9/11 Public Discourse Project, opened an office here 
  this week and has a Web site,, where the 10 former 
  commissioners said in a message that the "perils of inaction are far too 
  high - and the strategic value of the commission's findings too important 
  - for the work of the 9/11 commission not to continue."
  The panel's final report, issued in July, has created a whirlwind of 
  activity at the White House and on Capitol Hill, with a bipartisan group 
  of lawmakers rushing to complete work on bills to enact many of its 
  recommendations before Election Day. 
  President Bush has said he supports the central 
  recommendation to establish the position of national intelligence 
  director, and on Thursday he provided Congress with draft legislation to 
  do that. 
  The draft met with a mixed reception. Some lawmakers said the plan did 
  not give the director the full range of powers recommended by the 9/11 
  panel. And, Congressional aides said the plan, which is likely to form the 
  outline of legislation that House Republican leaders are drafting, also 
  allowed the government to continue to classify intelligence budgets that 
  the panel wanted to be made public.
  A spokesman for Speaker J. Dennis Hastert, John Feehery, said in an 
  interview that he believed the White House proposals would probably be 
  incorporated into a House bill to be introduced within days. "Obviously," 
  Mr. Feehery said, "we've been talking to them extensively, and I think the 
  proposals are very close." 
  Officials of the 9/11 panel said that the new project had received the 
  pledges of nearly $1 million from a group of foundations and that the 
  donors' identities would be made public after final commitments for the 
  donations had been received. 
  "There will be no corporate money," said Al Felzenberg, spokesman for 
  both the panel and the new group.
  Mr. Felzenberg said in an interview that he would be one of the five 
  paid employees of the project, which will be led by Christopher Kojm, the 
  deputy staff director of the 9/11 panel and a State Department official 
  under President Bill Clinton and the current President Bush. 
  Mr. Kojm will have the title of president, though commission officials 
  said the work of the group would largely be directed by the commission 
  chairman, former Gov. Thomas H. Kean of New Jersey, a Republican, and its 
  vice chairman, former Representative Lee H. Hamilton of Indiana, a 
  A statement on the Web site said the project would "undertake a 
  yearlong nationwide public education campaign" to add to "the 
  understanding of American citizens of the nature of the terrorist threat." 
  Timothy J. Roemer, another former Democratic congressman from Indiana 
  and a panel member said: "This is a temporary operation to serve the 
  purpose of educating the American public about the recommendations of the 
  commission and to encourage the White House and Congress to implement 
  those recommendations."
  Commission members have voiced support for two bills before the Senate. 
  But Mr. Roemer, like other commission members, said he was more anxious 
  about the intentions of the House, where Republican leaders have been 
  unwilling to commit to many specific recommendations. 
  "It doesn't look to be a bipartisan process at this point in the 
  House," he said. "We'd like to see pressure exerted on the House by the 
  American people and the White House."
  Copyright 2004The New York Times Company | Home | Privacy Policy | Search | Corrections | RSS | Help | Back to Top
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[CTRL] How Does Radiation Affect Humans?

2004-09-19 Thread Daniel Mio
-Caveat Lector-

Radiation may come from either an external source,
such as an x-ray machine, or an internal source, such
as an injected radioisotope. The impact of radiation
on living tissue is complicated by the type of
radiation and the variety of tissues. In addition, the
effects of radiation are not always easy to separate
from other factors, making it a challenge at times for
scientists to isolate them.


How Does Radiation Affect Humans?

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[CTRL] Gen. Jimmie

2004-09-19 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-

DefenseWatch The Voice of the Grunt

Hack's Target

Balad's Gen. Jimmie
By David H. Hackworth

Bad outfits - military or civilian - are all about bad leadership: the top being
out of touch with the bottom, not setting the example or leading from the front.
It's a major reason why we lost the Vietnam War, why we're in such a mess in
Iraq, and why most of our senior Army leadership stinks - and, incidentally, why
so many of our country's corporations are going down the drain.

The widespread atrocities in Iraq would have ended with the first dog attack or
the first camera shot had Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez and the brass, hunkered down
in the Green Zone, bothered walking with and talking to their troops, applying
the best incentive in the world - the boss's footsteps.

And other roiling issues, such as the wave of mass rapes against American female
soldiers in Kuwait and Iraq, wouldn't have reached numbers so shocking that the
top Pentagon brass are still retching in recoil.

The current Army promotion system rewards mainly careerists like Sanchez -
well-educated, corporate-type slickies with MBAs in sucking up. The Army general
in Afghanistan who turned Tora Bora into a Waterloo, for example, has been
promoted and now runs the Army's personnel system.

Then there's Brig. Gen. James E. Chambers, the commanding general of 13th COSCOM
in Balad, Iraq, where morale is lower than clam dung. Chambers' latest exercise
in non-leadership was to have a unit in his command reschedule a memorial
service for a dead soldier originally set for Aug. 13. The reported reason: The
superstitious general was not about to incur bad luck by flying on the 13th.

I've previously blistered Chambers' command in this column for proposing to
charge soldiers three bucks a head to see movies at the newly rebuilt base
theater and nine uxorious bucks for a pizza while meanwhile failing to ensure
that truckers had sufficient armor on their vehicles to protect them from
guerrilla attacks.

Apparently, these probes are beginning to get to Gen. Jimmie, who recently put
out the word reminding everyone serving under him of the regulatory
requirements for Information Security and proper Public Affairs information
release and dissemination, according to a source who's asked not to be
identified for fear of being burned at the stake.

I immediately thought, 'I'll bet this is because Hack nailed ol' Jimmie again,
  the whistle-blower writes. Then this morning one of Jimmie's deputies said
at a staff meeting, 'It's to remind people they can't be writing to Hackworth
and s***.' I guess 'and s***' includes any attempts to exercise their rights
under Article One of the Bill of Rights - as well as embarrassing their CG.

Jimmie's big into protection - not only of his career, but also of his own
precious butt. To secure the latter, he had a ring of huge, concrete barriers
erected around his VIP trailer complex quarters a full two and a half months
before even 10 percent of his soldiers had any mortar or blast protection around
their digs. The Texas barriers were placed with no gaps between them except
for two breaks to allow the residents a walk-through - while nowhere else on
this general's base are any other soldiers afforded this airtight quality of
force protection.

Nope. Gen. Jimmie's soldiers try to survive with only one large ring - with many
gaps - around mini-zones consisting of some 40-50 trailers. So only one side of
any trailer on the perimeter gets any protection - unless you're lucky enough to
live on a corner. The rest of the trailers are shrapnel magnets, and - since
attacks against American forces across Iraq have increased from 25 a day a year
ago to 100 a day - enemy mortar attacks are an almost daily event.

Then there's the goat. One of the general's entourage introduced the animal into
the general's personal fortifications to keep the grass neatly trimmed around
Jimmie's headquarters. Things went trimmingly well until a troop complained,
citing the no pet rule, and the goat was relieved of duty and sent out to less
safe pastures.

All of the above might be somewhat amusing if these poorly led troops were at
Fort Hood and not in Iraq, where bad leadership can get our country's daughters
and sons killed in the flash of an incoming round!

--Eilhys England contributed to this column.

Col. David H. Hackworth (USA Ret.) is co-founder and Senior Military
Columnist for DefenseWatch magazine. For information on his many books, go to
his home page at, where you can sign in for his free weekly
Defending America. Send mail to P.O. Box 11179, Greenwich, CT 06831. His newest
book is Steel My Soldiers' Hearts.  © 2004 David H. Hackworth. Please send
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[CTRL] The 51st (Spying) State

2004-09-19 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-
September 13, 2004
All in the family

By Arnaud de Borchgrave

In these history-making times when the Laci Peterson killing got more air time
than Iran's or North Korea's (and now South Korea's) nuclear weapons program,
the convergence of domestic and foreign interests is sometimes hard to discern.
And this is where the FBI needs a little help.

Understanding the U.S.-Israeli relationship can be difficult if one thinks of
Israel as a foreign country. Think of Israel as the 51st state, or as an
integral part of the American body politic, and it's no longer spying, or even
influence-peddling; it's family. One family member showing a close relative a
secret document, or quoting from it over lunch, is not a prima facie case of
spying. Nor can it be called a leak. Anymore than sharing with your brother a
rival's plan to undermine the family business is a leak.

This is the way Washington's Likudniks view their relationship with the
family patriarch, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, now 74. Mr. Sharon is not like
any other head of government in the world. He has met nine times with President
Bush. He also has close relatives in key command posts in the Pentagon. And he
can count on them to derail policies whose linguini backbone would condemn
Israel to a short shelf life.
Back in 1996, the same perception led three prominent American Likudniks to
write a policy paper for then Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu titled,
Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm. The realm is Israel.
The clean break advocated was with the Oslo peace accords. Israel, they
said, should not concede an inch of the West Bank to the Palestinians because it
has been sacred Jewish soil from time immemorial; Saddam Hussein was to be
removed from power and the Hashemite dynasty (that ruled Iraq until overthrown
in 1958) restored; surrounding Arab autocracies and radical regimes were to be
replaced with democracies.
The White Paper was sprinkled with references to We in Israel and Our
land, written by American citizens.
Mr. Netanyahu's successor, Mr. Sharon, adopted these recommendations by
three close members of his family. Their judgment clearly would secure the realm
against the machinations of rival Semite families (the Arab families biding
their time while plotting to shorten Israel's life). Israel surrounded by
pro-American democracies could look forward to at least a generation of
security. The 1996 document provided the strategic underpinnings for Operation
Iraqi Freedom seven years later.
When President George W. Bush was elected, these same three Likudniks
quickly found their way to key positions in the new administration: Richard
Perle became chairman of the Defense Policy Board, a de facto Pentagon think
tank where some 30 prestigious personalities are close friends of the family;
Douglas Feith, was suddenly propelled to the No. 3 slot as defense
undersecretary for policy; and David Wurmser, principal deputy assistant for
national security to Vice President Dick Cheney.
Mr. Perle removed himself from the chairmanship of DPB over financial
irregularities of which he was subsequently absolved. More recently, he has
found himself again in financial hot water, accused of allegedly helping himself
to $5 million from the $400 million that Lord Black, deposed Hollinger chairman,
is accused of looting from his own company, which owns the Jerusalem Post. Mr.
Feith is in everyone's doghouse because he stands accused of delusions of
adequacy by failing to plan Iraq's postwar policy and to anticipate the widely
predicted insurgency. He is also the strategic brain that recommended invading
Iraq, not Afghanistan, after September 11, 2001. Because, as he attempted to
justify his cunning strategic ploy 2½ years after September 11, we would have
caught the enemy by surprise by attacking a country not involved in September
11. Oops, my mistake. The Likudniks argued all along there was a seamless
connection between Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Baghdad, and al Qaeda. This
was how Mr. Sharon and his American family convinced President Bush his war on
terror is identical to Israel's war on terror.
Mr. Feith, who has 1,500 people working for him at the Pentagon, was also
the Likudnik whose Office of Special Plans cherry-picked and then shaded
intelligence to make the case for war on Iraq. At least so say senior folk at
the CIA and even at the Defense Intelligence Agency, albeit off the record.
The invasion and occupation of Iraq made the family's view a self-fulfilling
prophecy and Iraq is now a global magnet for wannabe Islamist terrorists. This
sealed Mr. Sharon's seamless argument.
So what is the FBI to make of AIPAC, the American Israel Public (Political)
Affairs (Action) Committee? Arguably the most powerful lobby in Washington, it
once was a support group for any Israeli government in power. The recent

[CTRL] Iraqi Bound Nat'l Guard Unit Locked Down To Prevent AWOL

2004-09-19 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-
Strains Felt By Guard Unit on Eve Of War Duty

By Thomas E. Ricks
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, September 19, 2004; Page A01

FORT DIX, N.J. -- The 635 soldiers of a battalion of the South Carolina National
Guard scheduled to depart Sunday for a year or more in Iraq have spent their
off-duty hours under a disciplinary lockdown in their barracks for the past two

The trouble began Labor Day weekend, when 13 members of the 1st Battalion of the
178th Field Artillery Regiment went AWOL, mainly to see their families again
before shipping out. Then there was an ugly confrontation between members of the
battalion's Alpha and Charlie batteries -- the term artillery units use instead
of companies -- that threatened to turn into a brawl involving three dozen
soldiers, and required the base police to intervene.

That prompted a barracks inspection that uncovered alcohol, resulting in the
lockdown that kept soldiers in their rooms except for drills, barred even from
stepping outside for a smoke, a restriction that continued with some exceptions
until Sunday's scheduled deployment.

The battalion's rough-and-tumble experience at a base just off the New Jersey
Turnpike reflects many of the biggest challenges, strains and stresses
confronting the Guard and Reserve soldiers increasingly relied on to fight a war
7,000 miles away.

This Guard unit was put on an accelerated training schedule -- giving the
soldiers about 36 hours of leave over the past two months -- because the Army
needs to get fresh troops to Iraq, and there are not enough active-duty or
regular troops to go around. Preparation has been especially intense because
the Army is short-handed on military police units, so these artillerymen are
being quickly re-trained to provide desperately needed security for convoys. And
to fully man the unit, scores of soldiers were pulled in from different Guard
outfits, some voluntarily, some on orders.

As members of the unit looked toward their tour, some said they were angry, or
reluctant to go, or both. Many more are bone-tired. Overall, some of them fear,
the unit lacks strong cohesion -- the glue that holds units together in combat.

Our morale isn't high enough for us to be away for 18 months, said Pfc. Joshua
Garman, 20, who, in civilian life, works in a National Guard recruiting office.
I think a lot of guys will break down in Iraq. Asked if he is happy that he
volunteered for the deployment, Garman said, Negative. No time off? I
definitely would not have volunteered.

A series of high-level decisions at the Pentagon has come together to make life
tough for soldiers and commanders in this battalion and others. The decisions
include the Bush administration's reluctance to sharply increase the size of the
U.S. Army. Instead, the Pentagon is relying on the National Guard and Reserves,
which provide 40 percent of the 140,000 U.S. troops in Iraq. Also, the top brass
has concluded that more military police are needed as security deteriorates and
the violent insurgency flares in ways that were not predicted by Pentagon

These soldiers will be based in northern Kuwait and will escort supply convoys
into Iraq. That is some of the toughest duty on this mission, with every trip
through the hot desert bringing the possibility of being hit by roadside bombs,
rocket-propelled grenades and sniper fire.

The drilling to prepare this artillery unit for that new role has been intense.
Except for a brief spell during Labor Day weekend, soldiers have been confined
to post and prevented from wearing civilian clothes when off duty. The lockdown
was loosened to allow soldiers out of the barracks in off hours to go to the PX,
the gym and a few other places, if they sign out and move in groups.

There's a federal prison at Fort Dix, and a lot of us feel the people in there
have more rights than we do, said Spec. Michael Chapman, 31, a construction
worker from near Greenville, S.C.

Some complaints heard during interviews with the soldiers here last week
centered on long hours and the disciplinary measures -- both of which the
battalion commander, Lt. Col. Van McCarty, said were necessary to get the unit
into shape before combat.

Sgt. Kelvin Richardson, 38, a machinist from Summerville, S.C., volunteered for
this mission but says he now wishes he had not and has misgivings about the
unit's readiness. Richardson is a veteran of the 1991 Persian Gulf War, in which
he served with the 1st Cavalry Division, an active-duty regular unit. This
battalion doesn't come close to that division, he said. Active-duty, they
take care of the soldiers.

Pfc. Kevin Archbald, 20, a construction worker from Fort Mill, S.C., who was
transferred from another South Carolina Guard unit, also worries about his
cobbled-together outfit's cohesion. My last unit, we had a lot of people who
knew each other. We were pretty close. He said he does not feel that in the
178th. Here, he said, I think there's just a 

[CTRL] China's Environmental Nightmare

2004-09-19 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-
China's Blurred Horizon

By Joshua Kurlantzick

Sunday, September 19, 2004; Page B01

The road between Urumqi, capital of the vast western Chinese province of
Xinjiang, and Turpan, a breathtaking oasis city two hours' drive from Urumqi, is
one of the finest drives I've taken in China. The modern highway snakes amid
stunning rust and ocher-colored mountain ranges bathed in sunlight, passing
camels, colorfully attired Kazakh herders with their flocks of goats and sheep,
and small, round yurts -- all under a wide desert sky.

Unfortunately, when I drove this road last month, the stunning scenery at times
was hard to discern. Clouds of brownish smoke poured from natural gas refineries
and coal plants in the distance, blackening the sky and discoloring the roadside
mountains and caverns. Dust storms whipped our windshield. Lakes and rivers
along the road had dried up, leaving vast gullies in their place. When I arrived
in Turpan, the hood of the car was covered in black soot.

Xinjiang, which borders Pakistan, Central Asia and Mongolia, is hardly unique.
While most foreign observers have focused on the potential social and economic
problems lurking beneath China's success story -- rampant corruption, an
authoritarian regime and hundreds of millions of people potentially left
unemployed as state enterprises shut down -- the country is now home to the
world's worst environmental problems, extending far beyond the polluted air. And
it is totally unprepared to combat them.

The catastrophe is already unfolding in sickening detail. In a new book on
China's environment, The River Runs Black, a Council on Foreign Relations
scholar, Elizabeth Economy, documents how two-thirds of Chinese cities have air
quality below World Health Organization standards, by far the worst rate of any
large country in the world. By some measures, at least six of the world's 10
most polluted cities are in China, including Beijing and Urumqi. Several have
the highest rates of airborne carbon monoxide in the world. The country's
environmental agency says that living in Chinese cities with the worst air
pollution does more damage to an average Chinese person's lungs than smoking two
packs of cigarettes a day.

Meanwhile, as trees are ripped out of northern and central China -- forest cover
has fallen by more than half over the past two decades -- the country's deserts
are expanding by several hundred thousand square kilometers per year, faster
than anywhere else in the world. The government's efforts to replant tens of
millions of trees have thus far proven woefully ineffective at stopping the
desert's march. The Gobi Desert, which stretches across central China, has moved
so close to Beijing, at a pace of about two miles a year, that its borders are
less than 200 miles from the capital. Beijing is buffeted every summer by
sandstorms that fill the sky and sometimes send particles drifting as far as
South Korea.

According to Economy, the water in five of China's largest rivers is so polluted
it is dangerous to the touch, because it causes skin diseases; the Huai River,
in the fertile province of Anhui, is filled with garbage, yellow foam and piles
of dead fish. Several of the country's main waterways, including the Yellow
River, a vital artery, run dry before reaching the sea. More than 600 million
Chinese, roughly half the country's population, now drink water contaminated
with animal and human waste, says Jasper Becker, a longtime China analyst based
in Beijing.

Anyone living in China should not be surprised by these statistics. Last winter
in Shanghai, nearly everyone I met had hacking, never-ending coughs that are
partly caused by the gray, sooty air that blankets the city like split pea soup.
In heavily industrialized northeastern China, city aquifers are filled with
heavy minerals. Even Hong Kong, by far the wealthiest part of the country, now
frequently suffers from such horrific air pollution that its breathtaking
skyline is almost totally obscured on some days.

The environmental catastrophe is the result of a storm of factors. In the past
two decades, China has witnessed an extraordinary migration from rural to urban
areas, as more than 200 million people, looking for work, have moved to the
cities, overstressing resources. In the next two decades, another 300 million
are expected to join them.

In a mark of the nation's rising consumption, these new urbanites are buying
cars as fast as they can, making China the top emerging market for most
automakers, but also contributing to air pollution, since relatively tough
emissions requirements are not tightly enforced. A study by Chinese ministries
estimated that the number of cars in the country will rise sevenfold by 2020. On
a recent visit, I spent afternoons in Beijing in gridlock that made the Capital
Beltway look like the autobahn; the hot summer air outside the car was so smoky
it almost made me choke.

Beijing has meanwhile focused on rapidly 

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Bush Ordered 9/11 -- Cheney Ran the Operation

2004-09-19 Thread Kris Millegan
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 "CM" [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: SatSep18,2004 7:32 am Subject: Bush Ordered 9/11 -- Cheney Ran the Operation


From: Christopher Rudy [EMAIL PROTECTED]NOTE: The article below has proven to be quite prophetic - written more than a year ago. The real method to the madness of the on-going Iraq attack status is equivalent to throwing gasoline on a smouldering fire... so that even greater "war powers" can be justified by the Skull  Bones War Party flying their pirate flag in both the Bush and Kerry campaigns.Desperate pirates do desperate things. What people don't realize is that the power elite worldwide have felt the pressure of populist-democratic accountability, due to the Internet and exposure of their war-creation history. The response of the power elite has been tighter control of the media for orchestration of endless war agendas - the last gasp or the tyranny tyrants who are desperate to sustain their love of power, money and their aristocratic way of
 life. Now the unspeakable, unthinkable TRUTH is coming out, thanks to the Alex Jones interviews with Stanley Hilton who is bringing a lawsuit against the US Government on behalf of the 9/11 victims, saying that, "Bush and his puppets Rice and Cheney and Mueller and Rumsfeld and Tenet, were all involved not only in aiding and abetting and allowing 9/11 to happen but in actually ordering it to happen." Hilton has deposed top military officials who assert that the government were complicit in the attack. Audio of this "Must Hear" interview is at . A transcript is at Stanley's website at Once you realize how evil our leaders are -- murdering thousands of Americans for their endless war agenda -- you will understand the articles previously sent explaining how these Illuminati satanists use war for human sacrifice of blood even as they consider abortion a satanic rite. When will the sheople wake up to the wolves in sheep's clothing in Church and State, devouring our children with so much religious and patriotic BS? -CR - article follows:
Elite Sets the Stage for World War Three 
"While Americans are distracted by jingoism and jiggle, they are being set up for a nasty fall. The leadership class has already "left the building" as it were. The end of the Iraq war will find the United States isolated and reviled. As the Bush cabal tries to push its advantage, it will come into conflict with China and other nuclear powers."By Henry Makow Ph.D. March 24, 2003 Something very worrisome is happening. Some of Rockefeller's best toadies oppose the Iraq war. But Rockefeller and his ilk are responsible for this war. What gives? It appears the global elite is dividing its minions into two "house teams" again. The last time this happened we had the Fascist-Communist slugfest called World War Two. The same satanic cabal controlled both sides and picked Germany to take the fall. This time, the U.S.,
 Britain and the "coalition of the willing" are on one side. On the other are France, Germany, Russia and China. The centre of global power is moving to China, Europe and Russia. I see a world war over Korea, or more likely Iran and control of Middle East oil. The U.S., overextended from Kuwait to Korea, will come up short. My guess is that the US will find itself increasingly isolated and vilified as a result of the Iraq war. I suspect the hidden agenda is to bring down the world's last superpower; to replace the UN with a new instrument of "world government"; to kill a lot of people, and to wean Americans off democracy and their high standard of living. GLOBALISTS AGAINST THE IRAQ WAR?Jimmy Carter, Nelson Mandela, George Soros, Mikail Gorbachev and Walter Cronkite are all globalist elder 

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Symbols of Control - Part One

2004-09-19 Thread Kris Millegan
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Symbols of Control - Part One

Conspiracy researcher Jordan Maxwell explains how the world has been tricked
Religious symbolism scholar Jordan Maxwell says he has learned a few things over his 63 years of living. For 43 of those years he has been doing research into the occult meanings and origins of religious and other societal symbols. His conclusion is that they are all used to one end: to magically control the "ultimate destiny" of the human race.And the magical control does not stop with religious symbols either. 
Both corporate and pop culture symbols are used as well to weave the spell.
Maxwell claims to have seen the all-encompassing pattern throughout history that points to such a grand endeavor, through a process known as "pattern recognition" gleaned from simple observation. He has spent a "lifetime" in libraries cross-referencing various symbols, emblems, flags, monies, and catchphrases to draw this conclusion. Reaching back from secret society to secret society--the Freemasons, the Illuminati and the Priory of Scion--Maxwell has traced these symbols and their corollary meanings back to a common source: Sumeria. The pattern of symbols goes at least 6000 years and is the reason, says Maxwell that the oldest-known modern civilization started without any evidence of evolution.

Sumeria was literally created "through some type of intervention" by beings whose specific purpose of was to control human energy and actually feed off of it. Maxwell cites the situation in the motion picture The Matrix as a good metaphor. He contends that we are literally solidifying our own trance-like states; that humanity is helping to hypnotize itself by accepting societal institutions and practices and their corollary symbols without knowing what they really mean. While society views these symbols on a common level, Maxwell assures that they have much deeper meanings, in many cases indicating a phallic, male energy being used to control human energy. With such seemingly benign institutions as the two-party political system, television and movies, consumerism, and even language itself, humanity is perpetuating the male, patriarchal, and phallic energy that is associated with the planet Saturn.

Maxwell discusses Saturn in great detail in his most recent work, The Matrix of Power, in which he describes a magical ritual being performed on a daily basis that utilizes this saturnine energy to manipulate humanity’s "ultimate destiny." He has written one other book, The Book Your Church Doesn’t Want You to Read (1986), edited by Tim C. Leedom, and he participated in That Old Time Religion (2000), co-authored by Paul Tice and Dr. Alan Snow. His studies about Hollywood and its role in society has led him to come to know several actors and other stars–Robert Wagner and Gary Busey are but a few. He has participated in several made-for-TV shows about ancient history and even has a few rap video credits. Maxwell has a cameo in Ice T’s video for the song "Freedom," and also with Ice T’s manager/performer Africa Islam in a video for the song "New World Order."

Maxwell sees himself as "trying to enlighten the world with the hopes of not offending anyone." That’s ironic because if more people understood who Jordan Maxwell is and what his work means, then most probably more people would get angry at what has been allowed to happen in society. An FBI friend called him once and told him that the government doesn’t see Maxwell as a threat to the status quo specifically because more people haven’t listened to him. If more did, then they would reevaluate him.

Maxwell says that the use of symbols on such a grand scale can only mean one thing: they are part of a grand magical ritual. So as I talked with Maxwell via telephone from his home/office in southern California, he explained 

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] name the october surprise website

2004-09-19 Thread Kris Millegan
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I invite readers to submit entries to the "Name the October Surprise" contest by answering this question: "What do you think is a possible October Surprise that Bush will announce in order to try to win a close election?"
This contest emerges out of history -- political history and Bush history.
First, a president or party in power with the ability to create reality or affect events has in the past tried to influence elections with late revelations. The best modern example occurred in 1972 when then National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger announced at the end of the Nixon-McGovern campaign that "peace is at hand" with Vietnam. This was near-perfect example of an O.S. because it provided an upbeat answer to a vexing problem for the incumbent...and couldn't be disproven by Election Day.
Second, there's the Bush family history. From the time that Bush 41 hired such gunslingers as Lee Atwater and Karl Rove on his behalf (see the untraceable slanders of Mark White, Ann Richards and Jim Hightower as described in "Bush's Brain" by James Moore and Wayne Slater), dirty tricks were a family staple. More recently, John McCain, Max Cleland and John Kerry all saw their war valor besmirched by Bush operatives. And, of course, there's been Bush's and Cheney's serial dissembling on most aspects of the war in Iraq. Also, given the temporary "bounces" Bush got after 9/11, the invasion of Iraq, the capture of Saddam and the Republican Convention, one assumes he'll seek a last, late bounce pre-November 2.
Given this stew of under-handed tactics and political temptations, it's "prudent" to speculate that this October the only surprise will be if there isn't one.
Here's the deal: please send me your prediction of a possible and creative October Surprise. It must be described in 100 words or less and there is only one entry per person (also, please summarize it in up to five words in the Subject line). On Wednesday, September 30th, we'll announce preliminary results - e.g., several of the most interesting submissions as well as the volume of similar submissions per surprise. Then on Sunday, October 30, we'll announce the "winners" based on the submission(s) which predicted what actually happened. Winners appear live on Air America to bask in the gratitude of a skeptical nation...and will receive a signed copy of The Book on Bush and cool Air America gear.
The goal is to anticipate particular "surprises" in the hope, however small, that Bushies may shy away from what's widely anticipated because it reeks of a political ploy. That is, I believe in preventive wars politically, not militarily.
Is this contest cynical? No, just realistic. A governing elite which seems to embody Mark Twain's axiom that "a lie gets halfway around the world before truth puts on her boots" should be presumed capable of saying or doing almost anything to hold onto power. As Eric Alterman and I wrote in The Book on Bush: How George W. (Mis)leads America, the President straight-facedly declares that there's no proof of global warming, that the jury is out on evolution, that the recession began under Clinton (it started in March, 2001), that there were an adequate 60 stems cells lines for research (when there were 11), that Saddam = al Qaeda - and now that a vote for Kerry is a vote for a terrorist attack on the U.S. Such a record requires vigilant voters to begin a conversation about what the most messianic, radical, divisive and dissembling president of the modern era could do to win re-election.
Mark Green is the former head of Public Citizen's Congress Watch and Public Advocate of New York City. He's president of the New Democracy Project, a lecturer at New York University and recently edited What We Stand For: A Program for Progressive Patriotism (Newmarket 

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Physician sees 'presenile dementia' in Bush's faltering speech

2004-09-19 Thread Kris Millegan
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Physiciansees 'presenile dementia' in Bush's faltering speech

By Jerry MazzaOnline Journal Contributing Writer
Download a .pdf file for printing.Adobe Acrobat Reader required.Click here to download a free copy.

September 18, 2004—In a letter to the editor of Atlantic Monthly, October 2004, Joseph M. Price, M.D. of Carsonville, Michigan, comments that James Fallows' July/August Atlantic article on John Kerry's debating skills ("When George Meets John"), "was interesting, but most remarkable was Fallows's documentation of President [sic] Bush's mostly overlooked changes over the past decade—specifically 'the striking decline in his sentence-by-sentence speaking skills.'" Dr. Price understands Fallows' initial "speculations that there must be some organic basis for the President's [sic] peculiar mode of speech, a learning disability, a reading problem, dyslexia or some other disorder." 

Quoting Fallows, Dr. Carson also agrees with him that "The main problem with these theories is that through his forties Bush was perfectly articulate." Yet, Dr. Carson stated he felt "that something organic was wrong with President [sic] Bush, most probably dyslexia, but . . . was unaware of what Fallows pointed out so clearly: that Bush's problems have been developing slowly, and that just a decade ago he was an articulate debater." He was as Fallows said, "artful indeed in steering questions and challenges to his desired subjects . . . [one] who did not pause before forcing out big words, as he so often does now, or invent mangled new ones." As Dr. Carson suggests, "Consider, in contrast, the present: 'the informal QA he has tried to avoid,' 'Bush's recent faltering performances,' 'his stalling, defensive pose when put on the spot,' 'speaking more slowly and less gracefully.'"

Dr. Price suggests that "not being a professional medical researcher and clinician, Fallows cannot be faulted for not putting two and two together. But he was 100 percent correct in suggesting that Bush's problem cannot be 'a learning disability, a reading problem, [or] dyslexia,' because patients with those problems have always had them." The doctor. goes on to say, "Slowly developing cognitive deficits, as demonstrated so clearly by the President [sic], can represent only one diagnosis, and that is 'presenile dementia'! Presenile dementia is best described to nonmedical persons as a fairly typical Alzheimer's situation that develops significantly earlier in life, well before what is usually considered old age."

Dr. Carson adds, "It [presenile dementia] runs about the same course as typical senile dementias, such as classical Alzheimer's—to incapacitation and, eventually, death, as with President Ronald Reagan, but at a relatively earlier age." Dr. Carson adds, " President [sic] Bush's 'mangled' words are a demonstration of what physicians call 'confabulation,' and are almost specific to diagnosis of a true dementia." His advice: "Bush should immediately be given the advantage of a considered professional diagnosis, and started on drugs that offer the possibility of retarding the slow but inexorable course of the disease."

As the son of an Alzheimer's victim who passed at 80, I might add that my father exhibited some of Bush's recently reported explosive behaviors, starting at least 15 years earlier. This along with an inflexibility of opinion and attitude, a kind of relentless insistence that he was on the right side (not just the Republican right) of every issue we discussed. It was a set of behaviors that eventually made it almost impossible to speak with him, and led to his wife [my stepmother] leaving him, leaving myself as his sole caregiver. Ironically, it was only in this state of aloneness and 

[CTRL] Fwd: [consortium]Re. 9/11:  new book and S F Bay Area People's Grand Jury

2004-09-19 Thread Kris Millegan
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Re. 9/11:  new book and S F Bay Area People's Grand Jury


You're receiving this e-mail because you've signed a sheet for further contact
in regard to events about 9/11/01 and/or you've bought the   '9/11'  Great Crimes/ A Greater Cover-Up booklet (2003) or the  '9/11'  Facing Our Fascist State book (2002).

Thank you for your interest in a subject that many find too much to handle.

Now I want to convey two pieces of related news.

1) JIM HOFFMAN and I have published a book, titled Waking Up from Our Nightmare/ The 9/11/01 Crimes in New York City. It's full-color, highly documented, and features 91 illustrations. We hope that it advances public knowledge of the events of 9/11/01 and those events' consequences. As with the booklet, we want Waking Up ... to be an educational tool.

Parts One and Two of Waking Up ... prove, we believe, that the Twin Towers and WTC Building were demolished by internal explosives. Such demolition could have been  accomplished only by a team with guaranteed access to the Buildings' central
columns of structural steel and with guaranteed cover-up of their operation. Such demolition renders absurd the story that Arab  'terrorists'  with box-cutters carried out the crimes of 9/11/01.

Our new book then considers the implications of its proofs, examining who what have profited from the World Trade Center's destruction and from the ensuing  'War on Terror.'  In its third section, The 'Financiers behind ' 9/11' , we focus on U.S
military contractors, oil-and-gas corporations, narcotics traffickers, and above all on the global financial institutions whose debt-based systems have made billions from the  'War
on Terror'  while they've increased perils to us all.

Our fourth and final section is Cooperative Solutions. Here we look at community-based measures that are now working around the world: community currencie in more than 1900 locations, organic farming in Cuba, women's development banks in Venezuela, ecobanks in Germany, wind and solar power on several contients, and truly independent media.

You can check out Waking Up ...  further at http://www.wtc7net/store/books.wakingup/

2) The second piece of news is that A People's Grand Jury on the Crimes of 9/11/01 will be taking place in San Francisco,

The idea is to advance our knowledge in a concrete fashion and to produce a concrete
result that can be shared with the world.

The concept is to have 15 volunteers from the public form a Grand Jury that will see and hear evidence about two areas of the 9/11/01 crimes. Each area will have one hour for initial review, followed by 30 minutes of questioning by the jury and audience.

Jim Hoffman and another researcher will present findings about the crimes of 9/11/01
in New York City in the first hour.

Pilot MICHAEL DIETRICK (whom some of you may have heard receently with BONNIE FAULKNER on KPFA's Guns and Butter show) and widely published analyst RALPH SCHOENMAN will present findings about the hijackings of aircraft on 9/11/01 (by whatever means those hijackings were accomplished), the supposed hijackers, and the
stand-down of U. S. defenses. Another researcher will add findings about the damage
to the Pentagon and the cover-up of evidence there.

A 15-miunte break will follow.

We'll then regather to deliberate and decide on whether evidence justifies the indictment of the following ten people for roles in the crimes of 9/11/01 and the cover-up of those crimes: DICK CHENEY, DONALD RUMSFELD, General RALPH G. EBERHARDT, Major

The deliberations and possible indictments are to occupy the final 1 hour and 15 minutes of the night.

I'm to act as the 

[CTRL] clergy abuse, memory, dissociative disorders, ritual abuse and mind control

2004-09-19 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

scroll for articles

Judge says Catholic Church 'may have ratified' abuse Don Lattin, Chronicle Religion Writer 9/17/04 "Northern California victims of alleged child sexual abuse by priests got some good news Thursday in their long legal battle to collect damages from the Roman Catholic ChurchSabraw's tentative order, the subject of a hearing today in Oakland, comes in response to 27 legal motions from some 150 civil lawsuits filed under the new law in 2003. The order said the church "may have ratified sexual abuse by their employees by retaining and/or promoting those employees after knowledge of sexual abuse." Sabraw also overruled church arguments that the new law was unconstitutional and interfered with the free exercise of religion. "The state has a strong interest in preventing childhood sexual abuse,'' Sabraw ruled. "There is minimal imposition on religion by permitting the claims for child sexual abuse against the church defendants.''"

Articles on child abuse, memory, dissociative disorders, ritual abuse and mind control
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Re: [CTRL] China's Environmental Nightmare

2004-09-19 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-

Isn't man's stupidity amazing? When the Soviets, the Chinese, and 
just about every other previously less developed nation had the opportunity to 
observe what happened in the United States and Europe, wouldn't you think they'd 
have enough brains to make their progress in such a way that they would not 
leave their environment in ruins? But no, they gallop along like the 
perennial drunken Joseph never noticing for a moment that they are leaving their 
world in ruin. I guess they are getting money and lots of toys, but think 
before they leap--no way. Anyonebelieving the Chineseto be 
bright had better think again. It appears that mankind shares its 
principal attribute - acquisitiveness - no matter where you go, and it is in 
tandem with that otherbit - shortsighted stupidity. 
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] China's Environmental Nightmare

2004-09-19 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-

 Isn't man's stupidity amazing?  When the Soviets, the Chinese, and  just
 about every other previously less developed nation had the opportunity to
 what happened in the United States and Europe, wouldn't you think they'd
 have enough brains to make their progress in such a way that they would not
 leave their environment in ruins?  But no, they gallop along like the
 drunken Joseph never noticing for a moment that they are leaving their  world
 in ruin.  I guess they are getting money and lots of toys, but think  before
 they leap--no way.  Anyone believing the Chinese to be  bright had better
 again.  It appears that mankind shares its  principal attribute -
 acquisitiveness - no matter where you go, and it is in  tandem with that other
bit -
 shortsighted stupidity.   Prudy

Life has always been cheap in China and the Chinese are pretty smart

Post Cold War Chinese leaders now they must seize the opportunity to take the
world's lead and short circuit the West's relentless march towards west
dominated World Corporatism.

The Chinese have a pretty good understanding of human nature. They have finessed
the West (US and Europe) into funding their speedy industrialization,
educational and communication infrastructure.

The Chinese Elite figure when they become the world's dominant country, they
will clean up their environment. They do not care if millions of Chinese die
first in the process. This has always been the way of China - for several
thousand years.
Remember, until the early 19th century, China accounted for about 2/3's of the
world's economy.

Greenspan has basically funded the Chinese super rapid economic development.
Greenspan makes sure 'real' interest rates are negative permitting Americans to
stupidly spend themselves into long term poverty. The Chinese take the cheap Fed
dollars and sell us the stuff produced in their rapidly expanding super
industrial economy. They take our Fed created $$$ and buy our Treasury notes in
order to fund our massive deficits. This will continue for about 10 more years.
Then, when the Chinese have fully developed their own huge domestic market they
will pull the plug. The average US worker will be flushed down the toilet.

It is happening now but the frog (US worker) is being boiled slowly. Of course
the 1% US Super Elite will continue to have wealth beyond imagination and
probably another 10% will thrive (the elite's servants, i.e. lawyers,
accountants, doctors, etc.). The rest of the US working population (at least
80%) will inhabit a poverty stricken, overpopulated, environmentally devastated
US. NYC, LA, Chicago, etc. will be the new Calcutta's.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Feds sked next ludicrous lie-fest on WTC collapse

2004-09-19 Thread Total Information
-Caveat Lector- 


 Federal Register via September 15, 2004:

National Construction Safety Team Advisory Committee Meeting

AGENCY: National Institute of Standards and Technology, United States
Department of Commerce.

ACTION: Notice of partially closed meeting.


SUMMARY: The National Construction Safety Team (NCST) Advisory
Committee (Committee), National Institute of Standards and Technology
NIST), will meet Tuesday, October 5, 2004, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
and Wednesday, October 6, 2004, from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. The primary
purpose of this meeting is to discuss draft findings of the Federal
building and Fire Safety Investigation of the World Trade Center
disaster (WTC Investigation) and the Rhode Island Nightclub
investigation. Consequently, all of the first day and all but the last
one and one-half hours of the second day will be held in closed
session. The agenda may change to accommodate Committee business. The
final agenda will be posted on the NIST Web site at .

DATES: The meeting will convene on October 5, 2004, at 8:30 a.m. and
will adjourn at 3 p.m. on October 6, 2004. The closed portion of the
meeting is scheduled to begin on October 5 at 8:30 a.m. and to end at
1:45 p.m. on October 6, 2004. The last portion of the meeting from 2
p.m. to 3 p.m. on October 6, 2004, will be open to the public.

ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held in the Administration Building,
Room A1038 at NIST, Gaithersburg, Maryland. Please note admittance
instructions under the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of this

Construction Safety Team Advisory Committee, National Institute of
Standards and Technology, 100 Bureau Drive, MS 8611, Gaithersburg,
Maryland 20899-8611. Mr. Cauffman's e-mail address is
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and his phone number is (301) 975-6051.
The primary purpose of this meeting is to present draft findings of
the Federal Building and Fire Safety Investigation of the World Trade
Center disaster (WTC Investigation) and the Rhode Island Nightclub
Investigation. The Assistant Secretary for Administration, with the
concurrence of the General Counsel, formally determined on August 2,
2004, that portions of the meeting of the National Construction Safety
Team Advisory Committee that involve discussions regarding the
proprietary information and trade secrets of third parties, data and
documents that may also be used in criminal cases or lawsuits, matters
the premature disclosure of which would be likely to significantly
frustrate implementation of a proposed agency action, and data
collection status and the issuance of subpoenas may be closed in
accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(4), (5), (9)(B), and (10)
respectively. ...

Individuals and representatives of organizations who would like to
offer comments and suggestions related to the Committee's affairs, the
WTC Investigation, or the Rhode Island Investigation are invited to
request a place on the agenda. On October 6, 2004, approximately
one-half hour will be reserved for public comments, and speaking times
will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. The amount of
time per speaker will be determined by the number of requests
received, but is likely to be 5 minutes each. Questions from the
public will not be considered during this period. Speakers who wish to
expand upon their oral statements, those who had wished to speak but
could not be accommodated on the agenda, and those who were unable to
attend in person are invited to submit written statements to the
National Construction Safety Team Advisory Committee, National
Institute of Standards and Technology, 100 Bureau Drive, MS 8611,
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899-8611, via fax at (301) 975-6122, or
electronically by e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

All visitors to the NIST site are required to pre-register to be
admitted. Anyone wishing to attend this meeting must register by close
of business Friday, October 1, 2004, in order to attend. Please submit
your name, time of arrival, e-mail address and phone number to Stephen
Cauffman and he will provide you with instructions for admittance.
Non-U.S. citizens must also submit their country of citizenship,
title, employer/sponsor, and address...

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] First Lady's Speech Interrupted By Dead Soldier's Mother

2004-09-19 Thread Daniel Mio
-Caveat Lector- 
First Lady's Speech Interrupted By Dead Soldier's Mother
Woman Blames Bush For Son's Death

POSTED: 12:20 pm EDT September 16, 2004
UPDATED: 6:11 pm EDT September 16, 2004

HAMILTON, N.J. -- First lady Laura Bush made a campaign stop in New Jersey Thursday.

The visit comes as her husband, President George W. Bush, gains strength against John Kerry in the Garden State.

"There is a lot of intrigue with this race in New Jersey. Imagine if we were competing at full throttle, and that's why the first lady came here today," said Sen. Joseph Kyrillos Jr., chairman of New Jersey's Republican party.
The firehouse trip was a first visit by Bush/Cheney campaign to New Jersey that wasn't a fund-raising event.


Mother Talks To NBC 10 About Dead Soldier 

The visit didn't go exactly as planned. One woman was arrested and removed from the event.
Bush talked about more tax relief for businesses, healthcare reform and defeating terrorism. Many people in the crowd had lost relatives on Sept. 11, 2001.
"It's for our country, and our children and our grandchildren that we do the hard work of confronting terror and promoting democracy," Bush said.

During Bush's salute to the men and women in Iraq, Sue Sapir Niederer, of Hopewell, N.J., was pulled outside the firehouse after she staged a war protest. Sapir Niederer's son, Army 1st Lt. Seth Dvorin, 24, was killed in Iraq. He died in February while trying to disarm a bomb. Niederer was wearing a T-shirt with the words "President Bush You Killed My Son" (pictured, left).
As shouts of "Four More Years" subsided, Sapir Niederer, standing in the middle of the crowd of about 700, continued to shout about the killing of her son. Secret Service and local police escorted her out of the event, handcuffed her and placed her in the back of a police van.
"Excuse me, what are you charging me with," Sapir Niederer repeated to officers as they arrested her.
Sapir Niederer was charged with defiant trespassing, even though she had a ticket to the rally.
As the first lady continued speaking, several people shouted back at Sapir Niederer. One woman yelled, "Your son chose to fight in that war."
Hamilton, a sprawling bedroom community of 90,000 near Trenton that is home to a large number of state employees, has traditionally been a swing community in local, state and national elections.

Copyright 2004 by The Associated Press contributed to this report. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. 

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] The Lie Factory

2004-09-19 Thread Daniel Mio
-Caveat Lector-

The Lie Factory 

This special Mother Jones investigation late last year detailed how, only weeks after 9/11, the Bush administration set up a secret Pentagon unit to create the case for invading Iraq. Here is the inside story of how they pushed disinformation and bogus intelligence and led the nation to war. 

By Robert Dreyfuss and Jason Vest 
January/February 2004 Issue 

The Intelligence ChainHow a Pentagon intelligence unit created to build the case for war against Iraq funneled faulty information up the chain of command, often all the way to the White House.

E-mail articlePrint article

West Wing Pipe Dream 
A Spurious 'Smoking Gun' 
The Misinformers 
The Thirty-Year Itch 

PBS series:Frontline 
Project for the New American Century 
American Enterprise Institute 

E-mail the editor 
It's a crisp fall day in western Virginia, a hundred miles from Washington, D.C., and a breeze is rustling the red and gold leaves of the Shenandoah hills. On the weather-beaten wood porch of a ramshackle 90-year-old farmhouse, at the end of a winding dirt-and-gravel road, Lt. Colonel Karen Kwiatkowski is perched on a plastic chair, wearing shorts, a purple sweatshirt, and muddy sneakers. Two scrawny dogs and a lone cat are on the prowl, and the air is filled with swarms of ladybugs.
So far, she says, no investigators have come knocking. Not from the Central Intelligence Agency, which conducted an internal inquiry into intelligence on Iraq, not from the congressional intelligence committees, not from the president's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. All of those bodies are ostensibly looking into the Bush administration's prewar Iraq intelligence, amid charges that the White House and the Pentagon exaggerated, distorted, or just plain lied about Iraq's links to Al Qaeda terrorists and its possession of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons. In her hands, Kwiatkowski holds several pieces of the puzzle. Yet she, along with a score of other career officers recently retired or shuffled off to other jobs, has not been approached by anyone.
Kwiatkowski, 43, a now-retired Air Force officer who served in the Pentagon's Near East and South Asia (NESA) unit in the year before the invasion of Iraq, observed how the Pentagon's Iraq war-planning unit manufactured scare stories about Iraq's weapons and ties to terrorists. "It wasn't intelligence‚ -- it was propaganda," she says. "They'd take a little bit of intelligence, cherry-pick it, make it sound much more exciting, usually by taking it out of context, often by juxtaposition of two pieces of information that don't belong together." It was by turning such bogus intelligence into talking points for U.S. officials‚ -- including ominous lines in speeches by President Bush and Vice President Cheney, along with Secretary of State Colin Powell's testimony at the U.N. Security Council last February‚ -- that the administration pushed American public opinion into supporting an unnecessary war.
Until now, the story of how the Bush administration produced its wildly exaggerated estimates of the threat posed by Iraq has never been revealed in full. But, for the first time, a detailed investigation by Mother Jones, based on dozens of interviews‚ -- some on the record, some with officials who insisted on anonymity‚ -- exposes the workings of a secret Pentagon intelligence unit and of the Defense Department's war-planning task force, the Office of Special Plans. It's the story of a close-knit team of ideologues who spent a decade or more hammering out plans for an attack on Iraq and who used the events of September 11, 2001, to set it into motion. 
Six months after the end of major combat in Iraq, the United States had spent $300 million trying to find banned weapons in Iraq, and President Bush was seeking $600 million more to extend the search. Not found were Iraq's Scuds and other long-range missiles, thousands of barrels and tons of anthrax and botulism stock, sarin and VX nerve agents, mustard gas, biological and chemical munitions, mobile labs for producing biological weapons, and any and all evidence of a reconstituted nuclear-arms program, all of which had been repeatedly cited as justification for the war. Also missing was evidence of Iraqi collaboration with Al Qaeda. 
The reports, virtually all false, of Iraqi weapons and terrorism ties emanated from an apparatus that began to gestate almost as soon as the Bush administration took power. In the very first meeting of the Bush national-security team, one day after President Bush took the oath of office in January 2001, the issue of invading Iraq was raised, according to one of the participants in the meeting‚ -- and officials all the way down the line started to get the message, long before 9/11. Indeed, the Bush team at the Pentagon hadn't even been formally installed before Paul Wolfowitz, the deputy secretary of Defense, and Douglas J. 

[CTRL] Thatcher Gave Cool Quarter-Million to Guinea Coup Plot

2004-09-19 Thread Daniel Mio
-Caveat Lector-

 ATTACHMENT part 2 message/rfc822
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2004 14:15:36 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [NYTr] Thatcher Gave Cool Quarter-Million to
Guinea Coup Plot
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Via NY Transfer News Collective * All the News that
Doesn't Fit

[Note the headline says Thatcher contributed #260,000
to the plot;
the text says it was $260,000 (USD) or #145,000.
Whichever, it was
a lot of bucks.]

The Independent - Sept 18, 2004

Thatcher to face #260,000 claim over leader coup plot

By Kim Sengupta

In three days' time, lawyers acting for Sir Mark
Thatcher will go before
a court in South Africa in an attempt to save him from
having to answer
questions about his alleged role in a coup attempt in
Equatorial Guinea.

If they fail, then 24 hours later will come the latest
twist in this
tale of intrigue - details officially emerging of the
case against
Baroness Thatcher's son, which will also show to what
extent he might
have been implicated by his supposed fellow

If it goes ahead, a magistrate at a court in Wynberg
in Cape Province
will ask Sir Mark questions on behalf of lawyers
acting for President
Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, who, it is claimed, was
due to be
overthrown in the plot by a group of mercenaries and
replaced by an
opposition leader in exile. The prize, it is alleged,
was lucrative
business concessions in the oil-rich central African

The main allegation likely to be levelled against Sir
Mark, The
Independent has learned, is that he was an active
participant in the
coup plot, providing $260,000 (#145,000) for the
operation. The fund, it
will be claimed, was to be used for leasing an
aircraft to fly an exiled
opposition leader, Severo Moto, to Equatorial Guinea
from Mali. [Note
the headline says it's #260,000. The text says
$260,000 US.]

The coup attempt had to be aborted when a planned
uprising was
discovered and sweeping arrests took place in Harare,
Zimbabwe, and the
Equatorial Guinea capital of Malabo. Mr Moto,
accompanied by two British
businessmen, was at the time in Las Palmas, Gran
Canaria, having arrived
there from mainland Spain on the way to west Africa.
The Thatcher money
was also used, it is likely to be alleged, to help
acquire a Boeing 727
to transport a former SAS officer, Simon Mann, and 67
men to Zimbabwe,
en route to Malabo.

Sir Mark did make a payment to Crause Steyl, a pilot
and businessman.
Both the men are involved in an air-ambulance service
called Triple-A
Aviation. In January this year the company signed a
contract to supply
aircraft and aviation services to Logo Logistics,
owned by Mr Mann, who
was jailed for seven years in Zimbabwe last week on
charges in
connection with the coup. The plane, which was also
used to pick up
weapons at Harare, was flown by Mr Steyl's brother

According to senior South African sources, Mr Steyl
has claimed to
police that Sir Mark knew that the money would be
passed on to Mr Mann
for the coup. They refused to discuss suggestions that
Mr Steyl had
taped conversations with Sir Mark. Sir Mark has
maintained, through his
lawyers, that the investment was purely for the
air-ambulance service.
They say if Mr Steyl passed Sir Mark's money on to Mr
Mann, it was done
without Sir Mark's knowledge.

Authorities in Equatorial Guinea are said to have
received new
information from Nick du Toit, a former South African
soldier and
alleged member of the coup gang, currently on trial in
Malabo, though
they have made no attempt to present it. In a previous
statement, Mr Du
Toit had said Sir Mark was present at a meeting to
plan the coup, but
was unaware of what was going on.

Acquaintances of Mr Du Toit say that any accusations
made by him are
likely to have been extracted by a mixture of coercion
and offers of

The trial of Mr Du Toit had been adjourned until after
Sir Mark was
questioned. The Equatorial Guinea Deputy Prime
Minister, Ricardo Obama
Nfube, has said that Mr Du Toit could receive clemency
is return for

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[CTRL] Secrets of Cheney's Energy Task Force Come to Light

2004-09-19 Thread Daniel Mio
-Caveat Lector-

 ATTACHMENT part 2 message/rfc822
 Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2004 21:00:25 -0500 (CDT)
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rich Winkel)
 Subject: Censored: Secrets of Cheney's Energy Task
 Force Come to Light
 To: undisclosed-recipients:;

 (#8) Secrets of Cheney's Energy Task Force Come to

 JUDICIAL WATCH, July 17,2003
 Title: Cheney Energy Task Force Documents Feature
 Map of Iraqi Oilfields
 Author: Judicial Watch staff

 Title: Bush-Cheney Energy Strategy:Procuring the
 Rest of the Worlds Oil
 Author: Michael Klare

 Faculty Evaluators: James Carr, Ph.D., Alexandra Von
 Meier, Ph.D.
 Student Researcher: Cassie Cypher, Shannon Arthur

 Documents turned over in the summer of 2003 by the
 Commerce Department
 as a result of the Sierra Clubs and Judicial Watchs
 Freedom of
 Information Act lawsuit, concerning the activities
 of the Cheney
 Energy Task Force, contain a map of Iraqi oilfields,
 refineries and terminals, as well as two charts
 detailing Iraqi oil
 and gas projects, and Foreign Suitors for Iraqi
 Oilfield Contracts.
 The documents, dated March 2001, also feature maps
 of Saudi Arabian
 and United Arab Emirates oilfields, pipelines,
 refineries and tanker
 terminals. There are supporting charts with details
 of the major
 oil and gas development projects in each country
 that provide
 information on the projects costs, capacity, oil
 company and status
 or completion date.

 Documented plans of occupation and exploitation
 predating September
 11 confirm heightened suspicion that U.S. policy is
 driven by the
 dictates of the energy industry. According to
 Judicial Watch
 President, Tom Fitton, These documents show the
 importance of the
 Energy Task Force and why its operations should be
 open to the

 When first assuming office in early 2001, President
 Bush's top
 foreign policy priority was not to prevent terrorism
 or to curb the
 spread of weapons of mass destructionor any of the
 other goals he
 espoused later that year following 9-11. Rather, it
 was to increase
 the flow of petroleum from suppliers abroad to U.S.
 markets. In the
 months before he became president, the United States
 had experienced
 severe oil and natural gas shortages in many parts
 of the country,
 along with periodic electrical power blackouts in
 California. In
 addition, oil imports rose to more than 50% of total
 for the first time in history, provoking great
 anxiety about the
 security of the country's long-term energy supply.
 Bush asserted
 that addressing the nation's energy crisis was his
 most important
 task as president.

 The energy turmoil of 2000-01 prompted Bush to
 establish a task
 force charged with developing a long-range plan to
 meet U.S. energy
 requirements. With the advice of his close friend
 and largest
 campaign contributor, Enron CEO, Ken Lay, Bush
 picked Vice President
 Dick Cheney, former Halliburton CEO, to head this
 group. In 2001
 the Task Force formulated the National Energy Policy
 (NEP), or
 Cheney Report, bypassing possibilities for energy
 independence and
 reduced oil consumption with a declaration of
 ambitions to establish
 new sources of oil.

 The Bush Administrations struggle to keep secret the
 workings of
 Cheneys Energy Task Force has been ongoing since
 early in the
 Presidents tenure. The General Accounting Office,
 the investigative
 arm of Congress, requested information in spring of
 2001 about which
 industry executives and lobbyists the Task Force was
 meeting with
 in developing the Bush Administration's energy plan.
 When Cheney
 refused disclosure, Congress was pressed to sue for
 the right to
 examine Task Force records, but lost. Later, amid
 political pressure
 building over improprieties regarding Enrons
 colossal collapse,
 Cheney's office released limited information
 revealing six Task
 Force meetings with Enron executives.

 With multiple lawsuits currently pending, the Bush
 asserts that its right to secrecy is a matter of
 executive privilege
 in regard to White House records. But because the
 White House staffed
 the Task Force with employees from the Department of
 Energy and
 elsewhere, it cannot pretend that its documents are
 White House
 records. A 2001 case, in which the Justice
 Department has four times
 appealed federal court rulings that the Vice
 President release task
 force records, has been brought before the Supreme
 Court. The case
 Richard B Cheney v. U.S. District Court for the
 District of Colombia,
 No. 03-475, to be heard by Cheneys friend and duck
 hunting partner,
 Justice Scalia, is now pending. Cases based on the
 Federal Advisory
 Committee Act and Freedom of Information Act which
 require the Task
 Force a balanced membership, open meetings, and
 public records, are
 attempting to beat the Bush Administration in its
 battle to keep
 its internal workings secret.

 dependence on 

[CTRL] Nazi and Terrorist Connections of Helmut Kohl

2004-09-19 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
(J Nazi and Terrorist Connections of Helmut Kohl(B
(JAlex Constantine, E-ditor(B
(JThe History of the "Business With Disease"(B
(J... Today each of the three daughters of the IG Farben is 20 times as big as(B
(Jthe IG Farben mother was at its height in 1944, the last year of the Second(B
(JWorld War. More importantly, for almost three decades after the Second World(B
(JWar, BASF, Bayer and Hoechst (now Aventis) each filled its highest position,(B
(Jchairman of the board, with former members of the Nazi NSDAP:(B
(J*  Carl Wurster, chairman of the board of BASF until 1974 was, during the(B
(Jwar, on the board of the company manufacturing Zyklon-B gas(B
(J*  Carl Winnacker, chairman of the board of Hoechst until the late 70's,(B
(Jwas a member of the Sturm Abteilung (SA) and was a member of the board of IG(B
(J*  Curt Hansen, chairman of the board of Bayer until the late 70's, was(B
(Jco-organizer of the conquest of Europe in the department of "acquisition of(B
(Jraw materials." Under this leadership the IG Farben daughters, BASF, Bayer,(B
(Jand Hoechst, continued to support politicians representing their interests.(B
(JDuring the 50's and 60's they invested in the political career of a young(B
(Jrepresentative from a suburb of the BASF town of Ludwigshafen, his name:(B
(JHELMUT KOHL. From 1957 to 1967 the young Helmut Kohl was a paid lobbyist of(B
(Jthe "Verband Chemischer Industrie," the central lobby organization of the(B
(JGerman pharmaceutical and chemical cartel. Thus, the German chemical and(B
(Jpharmaceutical industry built up one of its own as a political(B
(Jrepresentative, leaving the German people with only the choice of final(B
(JNuremberg War Tribunal 1946/47: 24 managers of Hoechst, Bayer and BASF were(B
(Jindicted for mass murder, slavery and other crimes against humanity. The(B
(Jresult is well known: HELMUT KOHL was chancellor of Germany for 16 years and(B
(Jthe German pharmaceutical and chemical industry became the world$B".(Js leading(B
(Jexporter of chemical products, with subsidiaries in over 150 countries, more(B
(Jthan IG Farben ever had. Several billion people will now die prematurely, if(B
(Jthe pharmaceutical industry gets its way. Germany is the only country in the(B
(Jentire world in which a former paid lobbyist for the chemical and(B
(Jpharmaceutical cartel was head of the government. In summary, the support of(B
(JGerman politics for the global expansion plans of the German pharmaceutical(B
(Jand chemical companies has a 100-year-old tradition.(B
(JIt is with this background that we understand the support of Bonn for the(B
(Junethical plans of the Codex Commission.(B
(JThe U.S. lead prosecutor in the Nuremberg War Criminal Tribunal against the(B
(JIG Farben anticipated this development when he said, "these IG Farben(B
(Jcriminals, not the lunatic Nazi fanatics, are the main war criminals. If the(B
(Jguilt of these criminals is not brought to daylight and if they are not(B
(Jpunished, they will represent a much greater threat to the future peace of(B
(Jthe world than Hitler if he were still alive."(B
(J... Serbs had the most to lose from ethnic cleansing, which was in fact(B
(Jstarted by the Croatian state government of NAZI SYMPATHIZER and friend of(B
(JHELMUT KOHL, Franco Tudjman(B
(JEvidence Mounts Of Bonn Cover-Up In Bombing Link To Top Kohl Aide's Son(B
(JDENVER -- There are growing signs that the German government acted to(B
(Jprevent U.S. law officials from investigating links between the son of(B
(JChancellor Helmut Kohl's former chief of staff and the terror bombing which(B
(Jkilled 168 persons at Oklahoma City's federal building.(B
(JA newly released U.S. State Department document shows that German police,(B
(JGerman intelligence and the German Office for Protection of the Constiution(B
(Jall claimed they had no data concerning Andreas Strassmeir, the 37-year-old(B
(Json of Kohl confidant Gunther Strassmeir.(B
(JYet Strassmeir must have been well known to authorities.(B
(J- By 1995, when the information request was given, the German government had(B
(Jproclaimed frequently in public that its security services had identified(B
(Jand isolated just about every German involved with neo-Nazi activities. Yet(B
(Ja parade of investigative reports put the junior Strassmeir high in the(B
(Jechelon of neo-Nazi connections.(B
(J- Strassmeir's links to U.S. right wing extremist leaders 


2004-09-19 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-

The Creepy Sides of the 911 Truth Movement

... Continuing in the movers  shakers vein, we've got Kyle Hence's partner,
Byron Belitsos, the co-founder and Board Member of Actually,
we're moving into the 911 Truth Movement funders category because Byron is
also a publisher. He edited and published Jim Marrs' 911 Inside Job book.
(And in a Time-Warner-ish aside, Bryon writes in Marrs' book without
indicating he's in any way himself connected with the organization, let
alone one of its two founders: "P.S. A special note to researchers: Be sure
to visit, the portal site of the leading researchers, writers,
publishers, activists, webmasters, and leaders in the 9/11 truth movement.")
Besides being a self-proclaimed leader of the 911 Truth Movement, Byron is
another one of these one world government people and is, in fact, releasing
next month a book he co-wrote urging a world government, which he indicates
in his preface to Jim Marrs' 9-11 book is meant to really supplement Marrs'
9-11 book: "I also felt directed to publish a second book, which is an
Origin Press companion to Inside Job. This book is entitled One Planet: A
Progressive Vision of Enforceable Global Law. I saw in an instant that these
two books go together, one stating the problem in stark terms, and the other
offering a visionary but achievable solution to the war system--the
abolition of war altogether." Here's more from Byron, who also promotes an
'alternative bible' called The Urantia Book: "In times of great crisis,
opposites often arise together in pristine purity. Unleash a great evil in
one place, and its nemesis arises somewhere else. Knock a dying paradigm off
the world stage, and a new one kicks up out of the blue. (PNAC-ish, right?)
. . . The Bush administration, representing the last gasp of imperialist
unilateralism in an interdependent world, is perversely teaching us one such
isolated truth: that firm enforcement of international law is needed in a
dangerous world."

Byron has also published the book of another one world government promoter
making the rounds in various 9-11 Truth Movement programs, Jim Garrison,
president of the State of the World Forum. The book is entitled "America as
Empire: Global Leader or Rogue Power?"

Let's turn to more 911 Truth Movement funders and examine whether they have
agendas beyond the mere exposure of 9-11. Who funds various 911 Truth
Movement organizations and projects, and why? It's actually not so easy to
get details on this. Nicholas Levis, of NY(NewYork)911Truth and one of the
regional directors of the national who also works on its
website has noted, for example, that: "Donors have a right to remain
anonymous. I will tell you that does not accept any money with
conditions attached, except that of course all money is supposed to be spent
in keeping with the group's published mission statement." (For an aside on
that group's mission statement, see Lori Price, moderator of the
911 Truth Alliance internet riseup newsgroup, (in which I used to
participate until she kicked me off), also of CLG, Citizens for a Legitimate
Government, believes movement funding is not a question to be addressed
publicly ...

Byron Belitsos is currently CEO of Origin Media Group, Inc., which owns the
website, a content management and e-publishing site offering
"integral studies" content in all media for popular audiences. The firm also
owns Origin Press, an award-winning trade book publishing house focused on
integral spirituality and esoterica, whose authors include Ralph Metzner,
Peter Russell, and Charles Tart, among others. A writer and lecturer,
Belitsos has extensively studied the history, psychology, and philosophy of
religion, with an emphasis on Buddhism and Christianity. He's also been a
student of The Urantia Book for over 20 years, co-authoring the acclaimed
recent title The Center Within: Lessons from the Heart of the Urantia
Revelation (Origin Press, December 1998). Belitsos is an inaugural member of
the business branch of Ken Wilber's Integral Institute.

The Center Within:
Lessons from the Heart of the Urantia Book
by Byron Belitsos
Essay Excerpt:
Jesus, when he lived and walked on this world, experienced life at its
fullest. He knew the heartache that so many of you suffer on this world. He
knew the pain of losing a loved one, the distress of not being understood by
his family members. He lived as deeply as he could so that in his
incarnation experience he would fully understand your pain and distress.

He was, among other things, a master storyteller; he could weave stories
that wrapped around the minds and hearts of those who listened and held 

Re: [CTRL] China's Environmental Nightmare

2004-09-19 Thread Marilyn Wright
-Caveat Lector-

If you know anything at all about what the Chinese have done in Tibet you would
know they are both very smart and absolutely ruthless.
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: 911 In Plane Site or 911 with Blurred Vision? by Judy Andreas

2004-09-19 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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911 In Plane Site or 911 with Blurred Vision?
By Judy Andreas
When I first learned about Dave Von Kleist’s documentary, "911 In Plane Site," I was very excited. People I respected were calling it “the smoking gun.” I was familiar with the work of Joyce Reilly, Dave's wife, and had the utmost respect for her courage. Mr.Von Kleist was making the rounds of internet talk shows and stating a compelling case that seemed to refute the official story of the U.S Government’s version in the 911 Commission Report as well as the story that was covered by the US media from that tragic day until the present. My excitement led me to purchase four copies of the video, sight unseen, to share with friends and family.
The first time I viewed the video I was impressed. It was all that I thought it would be and more. I excitedly shared it with my friends. Later, at the 911 event at the Manhattan Center, I heard Mr.Von Kleist speak and was even more convinced that he was “the real deal” . I introduced myself to him and applauded his work, telling him that I’d bought several copies of his video. He looked me straight in the eye and his "thank you" had the ring of sincerity. My previous article, “An Evening In Pursuit of the Truth,” contained a glowing report of both Von Kleist and his video. 

The printing of that article generated lots of letters of response. Among the letters were those containing disturbing information about Von Kleist’s video. Such information stated that there was at least one forgery and other questionable content. I did not want to believe what I was hearing, but I have always considered myself a truth seeker and, as such, I had to open myself to the reality that the truth is most often not as I’d imagined. With this new data in mind, I watched the video a second time, and yet, I still had not lost the hope that the critics were wrong.

The first part of the video, in which Von Kleist addressed the Pentagon attacks, was still powerful and just as convincing upon the second viewing. The footage was clear and the questions asked were valid. How could a plane 125 ft wide and 155 ft long fit into a hole which was only 16 ft across? Why was there no wreckage or crater from “Flight 77” on the lawn of the Pentagon? How could a 757 exit the Pentagon’s 3rd ring and leave a hole approximately 16 ft across with no visible wreckage. Then Dave made an ironic comment. He cast doubt on anyone who would obfuscate, detract or distort any footage of the evidence of 911, claiming that such a person or group would lend themselves to involvement or even guilt in the events of September 11, 2001. 

[CTRL] Fw: [LOGES-DE-CORBEAUX] Why did Saddam not take General Dallaire's advice?

2004-09-19 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: t r u t h o u t [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2004 6:47 PM
Subject: [LOGES-DE-CORBEAUX] Why did Saddam not take General Dallaire's

 Only Saddam knew for sure that he did not have WMDs. All he had to do to
 avoid invasion was saturate the country with UN inspectors as General
 Dallaire said.

 Was Saddam bent on self-destruction? Or was it that he was led in this
 direction by Blix? Tariq Aziz announced just before attack that IT MAKES

 Who could have convinced him of this (false though it was) but UN? So
 played a little cat and mouse with the inspectors to wile away the time
 before doomsday, knowing that he was the mouse.


 - Original Message -
 From: t r u t h o u t [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2004 5:15 AM
 Subject: FOCUS: Iraq Had No WMD: The Final Verdict

  FOCUS: Iraq Had No WMD: The Final Verdict
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[CTRL] [chapter] The Many-Headed Hydra: The Hidden History of the Revolutionary Atlantic

2004-09-19 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-

The Many-Headed Hydra: The Hidden History of the Revolutionary Atlantic



With Rachel Carson, let us first look from above: "The permanent currents of the ocean are, in a way, the most majestic of her phenomena. Reflecting upon them, our minds are at once taken out from the earth so that we can regard, as from another planet, the spinning of the globe, the winds that deeply trouble its surface or gently encompass it, and the influence of the sun and moon. For all these cosmic forces are closely linked with the great currents of the ocean, earning for them the adjective I like best of all those applied to themthe planetary currents." The planetary currents of the North Atlantic are circular. Europeans pass by Africa to the Caribbean and then to North America. The Gulf Stream then at three knots moves north to the Labrador and Arctic currents, which move eastward, as the North Atlantic Drift, to temper the climates of northwestern Europe.
  At Land's End, the westward foot of England, break waves whose origins lie off the stormy coast of Newfoundland. Some of these breakers may even be traced to the coast of Florida and the West Indies. For centuries fishermen on the lonely shores of Ireland have been able to interpret these long Atlantic swells. The power of an ocean wave is directly related to the speed and duration of the wind that sets it in motion, and to the "length of its fetch," or the distance from its point of origin. The longer the fetch, the greater the wave. Nothing can stop these long waves. They become visible only at the end, when they rise and break; for most of their fetch the surface of the ocean is undisturbed. In 1769, Postmaster GeneralBenjamin Franklin noted that packets from Falmouth took about two weeks longer to reach New York than merchant ships took to sail from Rhode Island to London. In talking to Nantucket whalers, he learned about the Gulf Stream: the fishermen and the whales kept out of it, while the English captains stemmed the current, "too wise to be counselled by simple American fishermen." He drew up some "Maritime Observations" in 1786, and with these the chart of the Gulf Stream was published in America.

* * *

The circular transmission of human experience from Europe to Africa to the Americas and back again corresponded to the same cosmic forces that set the Atlantic currents in motion, and in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the merchants, manufacturers, planters, and royal officials of northwestern Europe followed these currents, building trade routes, colonies, and a new transatlantic economy. They organized workers from Europe, Africa, and the Americas to produce and transport bullion, furs, fish, tobacco, sugar, and manufactures. It was a labor of Herculean proportions, as they themselves repeatedly explained.
  The classically educated architects of the Atlantic economy found in Herculesthe mythical hero of the ancients who achieved immortality by performing twelve laborsa symbol of power and order. For inspiration they looked to the Greeks, for whom Hercules was a unifier of the centralized territorial state, and to the Romans, for whom he signified vast imperial ambition. The labors of Hercules symbolized economic development: the clearing of land, the draining of swamps, and the development of agriculture, as well as the domestication of livestock, the establishment of commerce, and the introduction of technology. Rulers placed the image of Hercules on money and seals, in pictures, sculptures, and palaces, and on arches of triumph. Among English royalty, William III, George I, and George II's brother, the "Butcher of Culloden," all fancied themselves Hercules. John Adams, for his part, proposed in 1776 that "The Judgment of Hercules" be the seal for the new United States of America. The hero represented progress: Giambattista Vico, the philosopher of Naples, used Hercules to develop the stadial theory of history, while Francis Bacon, philosopher and politician, cited him to advance modern science and to suggest that capitalism was very nearly divine.
  These same rulers found in the many-headed hydra an antithetical symbol of disorder and resistance, a powerful threat to the building of state, empire, and capitalism. The second labor of Hercules was the destruction of the venomous hydra of Lerna. The creature, born of Typhon (a tempest or hurricane) and Echidna (halfwoman, half snake), was one in a brood of monsters that included Cerberus, the three-headed dog, Chimera, the lion-headed goat with a snake's tail, Geryon, the triple-bodied giant, and Sphinx, the woman with a lion's body. When Hercules lopped off one of the hydras heads, two new ones grew in its place. With the help of his nephew Iolaus, he eventually killed the monster by cutting off a central head and cauterizing the stump with a flaming branch. He then dipped his arrows in the gall of the slain beast, which gave his projectiles fatal