Re: [CTRL] The Cost of Wing-Nut Journalism -- actually more of Alex's loose research ...

2004-12-06 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-
(B (JYour "post" below is one of the reason that I took down your Khasoggi
(B series  (B
(B (Jand has me wondering about the veracity of your many books.  ( (JPeace,
(B (B
(B (JOm (B
(B (JK (B
(BThe world is rife with real life conspiracies instigated by those with
(Bnefarious agendas. Our social and economic fabric is rent by the
(Bmachinations of miscreants and all around evil doers.
(BHowever the worst of the worst are the deranged misinformation obsessive -
(BThey are the worst because they divert attention from the real villians and
(Bpermit the corrupt establishment media purveyors to discredit legitimate
(Bmuckrakers and expose' specialists. The misinformation obsessive -
(Bcompulsives must be exposed, villified and ultimately given the punishment
(Bthey fear the most - ignore them.
(BConstantine is the worst of the worst. This has been obvious to anyone who
(Bever has had any dealings with this sociopathic character. Constantine
(Bshould be tossed into the electron information trash bin.
(BIgnore him.
(BCTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
(Bscreeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
(Bsordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
(Bdirections and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
(Bmajor and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
(BThat being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
(Balways suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
(Bcredence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
(BLet us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
(BArchives Available at:
(BA HREF=""ctrl/A
(BTo subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
(BTo UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

[CTRL] World Economy Has Been 'China-ized'

2004-12-06 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-
December 6, 2004
The Two Faces of China
FEW business executives watch the growth of the Chinese economy as closely
as Michael R. P. Smith, the chief executive of the Hongkong and Shanghai
Banking Corporation.
Yet even Mr. Smith was startled when his staff recently projected that in
2034, bank assets in China would surpass those in the United States.
When I saw that, I said, 'That can't be right,' and I went back to the
economics guys, who confirmed the projection, Mr. Smith recalled.
Much the same surprise is cropping up in industry after industry and in
country after country. From steel to oil to cars to credit cards, China is
poised to become the world's biggest producer and market for many goods and
Along the way, China has come to terrify many foreign business executives
and attract others - and sometimes both at the same time, depending on
whether they see the country as a competitor, a cheap source of supply, a
market, or all three.
Companies across many industries are facing enormous pressure to match
prices that are available in China or lose their customers. That can mean
deep price cuts of 25 to 50 percent, leading in some cases to job losses,
cutbacks and even closings. At the same time, American and European
companies are taking advantage of China's vast and inexpensive labor force
by moving some of their operations there - and by offering their products to
a country whose role as a consumer continues to grow.
China is already the largest user of steel and cement and is poised to
overtake the United States in consumption of everything from copper to
soybeans. These goods are needed in a fast-growing economy with many
highways, factories and office towers to build - and with 1.3 billion mouths
to feed.
China has become the world's largest market for cellphones, and it is
catching up with Germany and Japan as a market for cars, although it
considerably trails the United States in its appetite for new vehicles.
Businesses reaping the biggest rewards include companies that supply China's
need for infrastructure, like the General Electric Company, which sells
large turbines and aircraft engines. G.E. currently ships roughly $3.5
billion worth of goods each year to China from other countries, mainly the
United States, while exporting $2 billion of merchandise from China, mainly
to the United States.
But companies like G.E. are the exception. American imports from China
exceed exports by more than five to one, as retailers like Wal-Mart Stores
buy immense and growing quantities of goods from China. With as many people
as the entire industrialized world combined, China has tens of millions of
unskilled workers willing to work for less than $100 a month.
During the Democratic primaries this year, Senator John Kerry repeatedly
denounced Benedict Arnold C.E.O.'s who moved jobs overseas. Those
statements drew strong objections from the business community, including
Democratic business leaders, and Mr. Kerry's comments about trade were
relatively tame during the general election campaign.
YET many corporate executives wonder how much longer a big American trade
deficit and the moving of jobs overseas can persist without becoming the
subject of strong protests by Americans who say that foreign workers are
taking away their jobs
China kind of got a pass in this campaign; that may not always be the
case, said Benjamin W. Heineman Jr., G.E.'s senior vice president for law
and public affairs.
Even trickier could be the Chinese relationship with the European Union,
another big market for exports. Powerful European labor unions could force
limits on Chinese exports, much as they forced tighter restrictions on
Japanese automobile exports in the 1980's and 1990's.
I'm quite gloomy about Europe - the big industrial countries like Germany,
Italy and France, said Frank-Jrgen Richter, the president of Horasis, a
consulting company in Geneva. How do you keep growth in these countries if
everything is moving to China?
Like Japan from the 1950's through the 1980's, China has shown that a
country can sustain high growth rates for many years by combining hard work
with a closed financial system that channels very high household savings
into countless industrial projects and other ventures selected partly by
government bureaucrats.
Japan's stagnation since the early 1990's suggests that such policies may
have limitations. Predicting when China might hit such a wall has become
something of a cottage industry. This has been particularly true in the last
year, as Beijing has imposed fairly strict controls on bank lending. The
government has raised bank reserve requirements three times and increased
the benchmark interest rates for bank loans and deposits once, in response
to evidence that the economy may be overheating.
Climbing prices for industrial commodities like steel, bid up around the
world mainly because of China's rapid growth, have alarmed 

[CTRL] Tillman Death Cover-up - Army Lies Exposed

2004-12-06 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-
Army Spun Tale Around Ill-Fated Mission
By Steve Coll
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, December 6, 2004; Page A01
Second in a two-part series.
Just days after Pat Tillman died from friendly fire on a desolate ridge in
southeastern Afghanistan, the U.S. Army Special Operations Command released
a brief account of his last moments.
The April 30, 2004, statement awarded Tillman a posthumous Silver Star for
combat valor and described how a section of his Ranger platoon came under
He ordered his team to dismount and then maneuvered the Rangers up a hill
near the enemy's location, the release said. As they crested the hill,
Tillman directed his team into firing positions and personally provided
suppressive fire. . . . Tillman's voice was heard issuing commands to take
the fight to the enemy forces.
It was a stirring tale and fitting eulogy for the Army's most famous
volunteer in the war on terrorism, a charismatic former pro football star
whose reticence, courage and handsome beret-draped face captured for many
Americans the best aspects of the country's post-Sept. 11 character.
It was also a distorted and incomplete narrative, according to dozens of
internal Army documents obtained by The Washington Post that describe
Tillman's death by fratricide after a chain of botched communications, a
misguided order to divide his platoon over the objection of its leader and
undisciplined firing by fellow Rangers.
The Army's public release made no mention of friendly fire, even though at
the time it was issued, investigators in Afghanistan had already taken at
least 14 sworn statements from Tillman's platoon members that made clear the
true causes of his death. The statements included a searing account from the
Ranger nearest Tillman during the firefight, who quoted him as shouting
Cease fire! Friendlies! with his last breaths.
Army records show Tillman fought bravely during his final battle. He
followed orders, never wavered and at one stage proposed discarding his
heavy body armor, apparently because he wanted to charge a distant ridge
occupied by the enemy, an idea his immediate superior rejected, witness
statements show.
But the Army's published account not only withheld all evidence of
fratricide, but also exaggerated Tillman's role and stripped his actions of
their context. Tillman was not one of the senior commanders on the scene --
he directed only himself, one other Ranger and an Afghan militiaman, under
supervision from others. And witness statements in the Army's files at the
time of the news release describe Tillman's voice ringing out on the
battlefield mainly in a desperate effort, joined by other Rangers on his
ridge, to warn comrades to stop shooting at their own men.
The Army's April 30 news release was just one episode in a broader Army
effort to manage the uncomfortable facts of Pat Tillman's death, according
to internal records and interviews.
During several weeks of memorials and commemorations that followed Tillman's
death, commanders at his 75th Ranger Regiment and their superiors hid the
truth about friendly fire from Tillman's brother Kevin, who had fought with
Pat in the same platoon, but was not involved in the firing incident and did
not know the cause of his brother's death. Commanders also withheld the
facts from Tillman's widow, his parents, national politicians and the
public, according to records and interviews with sources involved in the
On May 3, Ranger and Army officers joined hundreds of mourners at a public
ceremony in San Jose, where Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), Denver Broncos
quarterback Jake Plummer and Maria Shriver took the podium to remember
Tillman. The visiting officers gave no hint of the evidence investigators
had collected in Afghanistan.
In a telephone interview, McCain said: I think it would have been helpful
to have at least their suspicions known before he spoke publicly about
Tillman's death. Even more, he said, the family deserved some kind of
heads-up that there would be questions.
McCain said yesterday that questions raised by Mary Tillman, Pat's mother,
about how the Army handled the case led him to meet twice earlier this fall
with Army officers and former acting Army secretary Les Brownlee to seek
answers. About a month ago, McCain said, Brownlee told him that the Pentagon
would reopen its investigation. McCain said that he was not certain about
the scope of the new investigation but that he believed it is continuing. A
Pentagon official confirmed that an investigation is underway, but Army
spokesmen declined to comment further.
When she first learned that friendly fire had taken her son's life, I was
upset about it, but I thought, 'Well, accidents happen,'  Mary Tillman said
in a telephone interview yesterday. Then when I found out that it was
because of huge negligence at places along the way -- you have time to
process that and you really get annoyed.
Army Cites Probable Friendly Fire
As memorials and news 

[CTRL] The New Cold War

2004-12-06 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

December 6, 2004 

The New Cold War We're in a "war of civilizations" – and not just against Islam 

by Justin Raimondo

The U.S. effort to export "democracy" to Ukraine has some skeptics of interventionism baffled and confused. A seeming throwback to the Soviet era, Leonid Kuchma, and his chosen heir, ward-heeler Viktor Yanukovich, were widely perceived as having stolen the election, and the Ukrainian Supreme Court, supposedly a tool of the regime, agreed. While one may argue about which side engaged in election fraud, and to what extent, in any case the Yanukovich crowd is closer to the Sopranos than the Boy Scouts, and anything would seem to be an improvement. Hundreds of thousands of orange-clad protesters seem to think so. But the view from Kiev is quite different from that of Washington, where the Ukrainian divide is depicted in more realistic terms: as the latest front in a geopolitical struggle for power. 
Listen to neoconservative columnist Charles Krauthammer, who writes with eye-watering clarity about the hypocrisy and double standards employed by Western liberal cheerleaders for Yushchenko who question the bona fides of the U.S. effort to implant "democracy" in Iraq:
"Zbigniew Brzezinski, a fierce opponent of the Bush administration's democracy project in Iraq, writes passionately about the importance of democracy in Ukraine and how, by example, it might have a domino effect, spreading democracy to neighboring Russia. Yet when George Bush and Tony Blair make a similar argument about the salutary effect of establishing a democracy in the Middle East – and we might indeed have the first truly free election in the Middle East within two months if we persevere – 'realist' critics dismiss it as terminally naive."
The conflict dividing Ukraine, Krauthammer writes, is "civilizational" war, with an evil authoritarian Russia on one side and the angels of the West on the other:
"So let us all join hands in praise of the young people braving the cold in the streets of Kiev. But then tell me why there is such silence about the Iraqis, young and old, braving bullets and bombs, organizing electorate lists and negotiating coalitions even as we speak. Where is it written: Only in Ukraine?"
Critics of Western intervention in Iraq questioned the democratic-liberal bona fides of an "opposition" headed by an embezzler with a deserved reputation as a ruthless opportunist, whose U.S.-funded Iraqi National Congress fed our intelligence agencies – and the American media – a steady diet of lies about nonexistent Iraqi "weapons of mass destruction." But their skepticism evaporates like dew in the morning sun when it comes to those two dubious vessels of Ukrainian "democracy," former prime minister and head of the central bank Viktor Yushchenko and oligarch Yulia Timoshenko (his sidekick and probable prime minister in a "reform" government). 
Yushchenko, as head of the National Bank of the Ukraine (NBU), presided over an unprecedented case of fraud, which enriched certain oligarchs and especially the firebrand Timoshenko and her faction, who control the western part of the country: their power is centered in the energy monopoly that is the domain of the "gas princess," as Timoshenko is popularly known. Remember that Chalabi, too, was a banker, but with this difference: while the Ali Baba of the neocons stole millions, not only from the Jordanian Petra Bank but also from U.S. taxpayers, and used it to benefit himself directly, scandal swirls around Yushchenko, but never actually touches him personally. He is seen as a "reformer" because he never enriched himself, only his cronies and political supporters.
Timoshenko's patron, the embezzler Pavlo Lazarenko – who, with the complicity of the NBU, stole a good portion of the International Monetary Fund bailout money and laundered it in the West – eventually had to flee the country, and was indicted and jailed in the U.S.
Yushchenko's Chalabi-esque tendency to spin some very tall tales is evidenced in his insistence that he was poisoned by some sinister conspiracy involving the pro-Yanukovich forces – darkly implying the KGB did it. This story has been trumpeted from here to Kingdom Come by the pro-Yushchenko Western media, but its ubiquity is reminiscent of the sort of open-mouthed credulity that accompanied Chalabi's lies about Iraqi WMD: as Gertrude Stein said of Oakland, California, "There is no there there." The New York Times ran a story completely denying Yushchenko's contention, and then followed up with a more sympathetic but still skeptical and very revealing account:
"The candidate refused a biopsy of his face because he did not want to campaign with stitches. But dioxin and related toxins are detectable in the body years after exposure. [Yushchenko press secretary Irina] Gerashchenko said such tests had still not been performed."
Okay, so let's see if we get this straight: He was willing to campaign with a 

[CTRL] What Are We Up to – in Ukraine?

2004-12-06 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

December 6, 2004 

What Are We Up to – in Ukraine? 

by Patrick J. Buchanan

In the 1940s, as Stalinists were seizing Czechoslovakia, ex-OSS agents were running bags of money to Italy and France to ensure the Communists were defeated in national elections. 
In the 1950s, using a rent-a-mob, the CIA effected the ouster of an anti-American regime in Iran and the overthrow of Arbenz in Guatemala. In the 1980s, after Solidarity was crushed by Gen. Jaruzelski, Ronald Reagan secretly aided the Polish resistance. 
Many of us applauded these Cold War means, as we believed that the ends – security of the West and survival of freedom – justified them. 
But when news broke that South Africa was maneuvering to buy the Washington Star in the 1980s, this city was ablaze with indignation. How dare they seek to corrupt American media! In the 1990s, when China was caught using cutouts to funnel cash to the Clinton campaign, we were full of righteous rage. 
Given this history, several question arise. Are we today using Cold War tactics in a post-Cold War era? Are we guilty of the same gross interference in the internal affairs of Ukraine, trying to fix their election, we would consider outrageous and criminal if done to us? 
Are we Americans hypocrites of global democracy? 
Consider what we have apparently been up to in Ukraine. 
According to the Guardian and other sources, NED – the National Endowment for Democracy – and USAid, Freedom House, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and George Soros' Open Society Institute all pumped money or sent agents into Kiev to defeat the government-backed Viktor Yanukovich and elect Viktor Yushchenko as president. Allegedly in on the scheme is the supposedly objective and neutral Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. 
The Guardian's Jonathan Steele describes how we put the fix in: 
"Yushchenko got the Western nod, and floods of money poured in to groups which support him, ranging from the youth organization, Pora, to various opposition websites. More provocatively, the U.S. and other Western embassies paid for exit polls ..." 
Those polls showed Yushchenko winning by 11, demoralizing the opposition and convincing most Ukrainians he was the next president. 
But, on Election Day, Yushchenko, like Kerry, lost by three, as the populous eastern Ukraine delivered the same huge margins for favorite son Yanukovich as did western Ukraine for Yushchenko. 
Into the streets came scores of thousands of demonstrators, howling fraud and demanding that Yushchenko be inaugurated. Engaging in civil disobedience, and backed by the West, the crowds intimidated parliament, President Kuchma and the judiciary into declaring the election invalid. 
John Laughland writes in the Guardian of the double standard our media employ: "Enormous rallies have been held in Kiev in support of the prime minister, Viktor Yanukovich, but they are not shown on our TV screen. ... Yanukovich supporters are denigrated as having been 'bussed in.' The demonstrators in favor of Yushchenko have laser lights, plasma screens, sophisticated sound systems, rock concerts, tents to camp in and huge quantities of orange clothing; yet we happily dupe ourselves that they are spontaneous." 
Laughland is saying the Yushchenko demonstrations may be as phony as that U.S-Albanian war in the Dustin Hoffman-Robert DeNiro film Wag the Dog. He calls Pora "an organization created and financed by Washington," like Otpor and Kmara, which were used in Serbia and Georgia to oust leaders Washington wished to be rid of. Pora's symbol, writes Laughland, depicts "a jackboot crushing a beetle." 
If the United States has indeed been interfering in Ukraine to swing the election of a president who will tilt to NATO, against Moscow, we are, as Steele writes, "playing with fire." 
"Not only is [Ukraine] geographically and culturally divided – a recipe for partition or even civil war – it is also an important neighbor of Russia. ... Ukraine has been turned into a geostrategic matter not by Moscow, but by the U.S., which refuses to abandon the Cold War policy of encircling Moscow and seeking to pull every former Soviet republic to its side." 
Our most critical relationship on earth is with the world's other great nuclear power, Russia, a nation suffering depopulation, loss of empire, breakup of its country, and a terror war. That relationship is far more important to us than who rules in Kiev. 
For us to imperil it by using our perfected technique of the "post-modern coup" – as we did in Serbia and Georgia and failed to do in Belarus – to elect American vassals in Russia's backyard, even in former Soviet republics, seems an act of imperial arrogance and blind stupidity. 
Congress should investigate NED and any organization that used clandestine cash or agents to fix the Ukrainian election, as the U.S. media appear to have gone into the tank for global democracy, as they did for war in Iraq. 

[CTRL] Preemption for All!

2004-12-06 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

December 6, 2004 

Preemption for All! 

by Paul Craig Roberts

Has President Bush lost his grip on reality? 
In his Dec. 1 speech in Halifax, Nova Scotia, President Bush again declared his intention to preemptively attack "enemies who plot in secret and set out to murder the innocent and the unsuspecting." Freedom from terrorism, Bush declared, will come only through preemptive war against enemies of democracy. 
How does Bush know who and where these secret enemies are? How many more times will his guesses be wrong like he was about Iraq? 
What world does Bush live in? The U.S. cannot control Iraq, much less battle the rest of the Muslim world and beyond. While Bush threatened the world with U.S. aggression, headlines revealed the futility of preemptively invading countries: "Pentagon to Boost Iraq Force by 12,000," "U.S. Death Toll in Iraq at Highest Monthly Level," "Wounded, Disabled Soldiers Kept on Active Duty." 
We are getting our butts kicked in Iraq, and Bush wants to invade more countries? It is clear as day that we do not have enough troops to deal with Iraq. The 12,000 additional troops "to improve security" are being acquired by extending the combat tours of troops already on duty in Iraq. More U.S. soldiers were killed in Iraq in November than in any previous month. The U.S. is so hard-up for troops that the Pentagon is deploying soldiers who have lost arms and legs in combat. On Dec. 1, the Washington Post reported: "U.S. armed forces have recently announced new efforts to keep seriously wounded or disabled soldiers on active duty." 
Redeploying the disabled is presented as a heroic demonstration of our gung-ho warriors' fighting spirit. But what it really means is we have no more troops to throw at the few thousand lightly armed Iraqi insurgents who have tied down eight U.S. divisions. 
According to the U.S. military hospital in Landstuhl, Germany, the hospital has treated 20,802 U.S. troops for injuries received in Iraq. According to the Pentagon's figures, 54 percent of the wounded are too seriously injured to return to their units. If that figure is correct, it would mean that the insurgents have put 11,233 U.S. troops out of action. Add in the 1,254 U.S. troops who have been killed for a total of 12,487. That's 9 percent of our total force in Iraq and a much higher percentage of our combat force. 
There is no indication that we have put 12,487 Iraqi insurgents out of action. Indeed, until very recently, the U.S. military estimated that there were only several thousand active insurgents in all of Iraq. 
Someone needs to tell Bush that terrorists are stateless and that invading states creates insurgencies. In Iraq, our soldiers are not fighting terrorists. They are fighting an insurgency that Bush created by invading Iraq. Bush's preemptive wars are a good way to depopulate the U.S. and bankrupt our country. 
For all our firepower, we are not winning the war. Fallujah has been destroyed, but the U.S. military can claim only 1,200-1,600 insurgents were killed. Many of the dead counted as insurgents are probably civilians killed by the U.S. military's indiscriminate use of high explosives. But even if we assume the military's estimate of enemy dead is accurate, it is an unimpressive figure in view of the 850 wounded and 71 dead Americans. U.S. Fallujah casualties of 921 is a strikingly high figure considering the heavy armor, artillery, helicopter gunships, jet fighters, and sophisticated communications that back up U.S. troops. 
Why was Bush in Nova Scotia advocating preemptive invasion unless Bush has other Middle Eastern countries targeted? Iran and Syria are the only two remaining Middle Eastern countries that are not ruled by U.S. puppets. 
Lacking sufficient military forces to successfully occupy Iraq, how is Bush going to engage in preemptive wars against Iran and Syria without bringing back the draft? If eight U.S. divisions can't do the job in Iraq, 16 U.S. divisions won't be enough for Iran. Defeating standing armies is a different game from occupying a hostile country. The U.S. military is good at the former, not at the latter. 
Bush would serve our country and the rest of the world far better by ceasing his macho aggressive talk and working to create trust and good will. Bush is a very foolish man if he thinks America will bear no consequences for his support of Israel's appalling treatment of the Palestinians. Is Bush really as stupid as he sounds? Is the president of the United States so poorly informed that he believes that the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon have nothing to do with U.S. support of Israel's destruction of the Palestinian people? 
Surely the American president is not so dumb as to believe that Osama bin Laden went to all the trouble of bringing down the World Trade Center simply because Muslims hate freedom and democracy? If all terrorists want to do is to show their disdain for Western freedom and democracy, they 

[CTRL] Full text of 9/11 police state bill draft

2004-12-06 Thread Total Information
-Caveat Lector-


Exclusive to, this is the Nov. 20 draft of the 9/11
police state bill (also known as intelligence reform or The 9/11
Commission Recommendations Implementation Act.) It is unclear whether
current negotiations have changed the text, or if the negotiations
are just plots to sandbag the House Republican opposition and pass the
bill as-is.

TITLE I: Establishes superpowerful National Intelligence Director
lording over integrated foreign  domestic apparatus -- Detailed

TITLE II: Role of FBI in domestic intelligence

TITLE III: Attack on financial privacy, including repeal of one
PATRIOT Act sunset - more

TITLE IV Data-mining of air passengers; codifying mandatory ID for air
passengers; biometrics for govt agents in aviation system; more
advanced screening hardware for airports: walk-through explosive
detection portals, document scanners, shoe scanners, and backscatter
x-ray scanners

TITLE V: Cosmetic immigration reforms

TITLE VI: Expands definition of terrorist even further, allows
holding of terror suspects without trial; more spying on
international transactions

TITLE VII: table of contents, part one, part two -- Misc. pork for
foreign muslim psy-ops; Misc. homeland pork  bureaucracies; biometric

TITLE VIII: Homeland Security satellites, human research

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] re Khashoggi Series

2004-12-06 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/5/04 11:51:55 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

BTW, there was really no reason to take it down.
That was a rash judgment, and shows no regard
for any good that might have come from having
it posted at your site.

You only have doubts about the series, you
can point to no real problem with it.

Your own loose journalism:

I am not with the CIA or anything of the sort.
That is a lie.

When do you retract?

- AC

Alex, when did I ever say you were with the CIA?


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[CTRL] [1] Stover at Yale

2004-12-06 Thread Kris Millegan
An excerpt from:
Stover at Yale
Owen Johnson
Grosset  Dunlap
386 pages
1911 The S.S. McClure Co.
1911.1912 McClure Publications, Inc.
1912 Little, Brown  Company
1940 Owen Johnson
Now in public domain


DINK STOVER, freshman, chose his seat in the afternoon express that would soon be rushing him to New Haven and his first glimpse of Yale University. He leisurely divested himself of his trim overcoat, folding it in exact creases and laying it gingerly across the back of his seat; stowed his traveling-bag; smoothed his hair with a masked movement of his gloved hand; pulled down a buckskin vest, opening the lower button; removed his gloves and folded them in his breast pocket, while with the same gesture a careful forefinger, unperceived, assured itself that his lilac silk necktie was in contact with the high collar whose points, painfully but in perfect style, attacked his chin. Then, settling, not flopping, down, he completed his preparations for the journey by raising the sharp crease of the trousers one inch over each knee  a legendary precaution which in youth is believed to prevent vulgar bagging. Each movement was executed without haste or embarrassment, but leisurely, with the deliberate savoir-faire of the complete man of the world he had become at the terrific age of eighteen

In front of him spasmodic freshmen arrived, strug-gling from their overcoats in embarrassed plunges that threatened to leave them publicly in their shirt sleeves.

 That they imputed to him the superior dignity of an upper classman was pleasurably evident to Stover from their covert respectful glances. He himself felt conscious of a dividing-line. He, too, was a freshman, and yet not of them.

He had just ended three years at Lawrenceville, where from a ridiculous beginning he had fought his way to the captaincy of the football eleven and the vice-presidency of the school. He had been the big man in a big school, and the sovereign responsibilities of that anointed position had been, of course, such that he no longer felt himself a free agent. He had been of the chosen, and not all at once could he divest himself of the idea that his slightest action had a certain public importance. His walk had been studiously imitated by twenty shuffling striplings. His hair, parted on the side, had caused a revolution among the brushes and stirred up innumerable indignant cowlicks. His tricks of speech, his favorite exclamations, had become at once lip-currency. At that time golf and golf-trousers were things of unthinkable daring. He had given his approval, appeared in the baggy breeches, and at once the ban on bloomers had been lifted and the Circle had swarmed with the grotesqueries of variegated legs for tile first time boldly revealed. He had stood between the school and its tyrants. He had arrayed himself in circumstantial attire  boiled shirt, high collar, and carefully dusted derby  and appeared before the faculty with solemn, responsible face no less than three separate times, to voice the protest of four hundred future American citizens: first, at the insidious and alarming repetition of an abhorrent article of winter food known as song-birds and sinkers; second, to urge the overwhelming necessity of a second sleighing holiday; and, third and most important, firmly to assure the powers that be that the school viewed with indignation and would resist to despair the sudden increase of the already staggering burden of the curriculum.

The middle-aged faculty had listened gravely to the grave expounder of such grave demands, had promised reform and regulation in the matter of the sinkers, granted the holiday, and insufficiently modified the brutal attempt at injecting into the uneager youthful mind a little more of the inconsequential customs of the Greeks and Romans.
The Doctor had honored him with his confidence, consulted him on several intimate matters of school discipline  in fact, most undoubtedly had rather leaned upon him. As he looked back upon the last year at Lawrenceville, he could not help feeling a certain wholesome, pleasant satisfaction. He had held up an honest standard, he had played hard but square, disdained petty offenses, seen to the rigorous bringing up of the younger boys, and, as men of property must lend their support to the church, he had even publicly advised a moderate attention to the long classic route which leads to college. He had been the big man in the big school; what new opportunity lay before him?
In the seat ahead two of his class were exchanging delighted conjectures, and their conversation, coining to his ears clearly through the entangled murmur of the car, began to interest him.

I say, Schley, you were Hotchkiss, werent you?
Eight mortal years.
Got a good crowd?
No wonder-workers, but a couple of good men for the line. Whats your Andover crowd like?
We had a daisy bunch, but some of the pearls have been side-tracked to Princeton and Harvard.
 Bought up, eh?
Sure, said the 

[CTRL] Fwd: Face to Face

2004-12-06 Thread Kris Millegan
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Title: Face to Face
-Caveat Lector-

From: Alex Constantine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 06 Dec 2004 00:58:47 -0800
To: Daniel Hopsicker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: a constantcrime for our time

Thanks for the message. I always liked you well enough, but you are pretty fucking pompous sometimes.

And I have to say, just for the record and to remind you, you and Kris have NOT been straight at all, even as you accuse me of the same. Speaking of lies ...

I am not on meds. 

I'm not a CIA agent. That is a complete fabrication. I wanted
to be sure about you after the attack on Ruppert. I could be next. We are hippies, and have a way of seeing the world. He's a cop, not perfect, but he did open the subect publicly. And there are good things in his work along the way. Everyone's jumping
on him - but not Catherine Fitts, who committed the same sins.

You've been sued had to remove a chapter of Barry and the
Boys. I don't know the details at all, you may have been error or 
probably not, but I've never been sued or had to remove a word.

Wasn't lying your occupation at NBC?

Was anthrax a diversion as you say? No. It was human experimentation. Get your facts straight. Kris keeps coming
on self-righteous about that, and you should see it from my
angle ... you-all have been lying about me from the start
with this who turned constantine crap.

I could go on but I'm tired of this shit, too. Sorry about the alien mix-up. I'll retract it. And I've had enough of this.
I don't care if you're Allen Dulles's favorite nephew. Good luck.

- AC

on 12/5/04 9:15 PM, Daniel Hopsicker at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

when billy bob bottoms was telling everyone he could 3-4 years ago that 'daniel hopsicker' was not my real name
i promised myself not to let this kind of bullshit affect me. and it hasn't.

but at least bottom's lies were faintly entertaining. 
the idea of ANYONE re-naming themself hopsicker when they could be smith or jones
or maybe even dirk diggler was just absurd enough to provoke a smile. 
alas, this lying asshole doesn't even rise to the level of 'amusing.'
did he think he wouldn't get caught putting my name down as the director of a show i haven't even seen? 
and his statement that he said that he produced a program for NBC called Global Business for 7-8 years
is another COMPLETE fabrication, and would also be actionable, if he had anything i wanted...
but he doesn't, unless a cranium that points to true north comes in handy in the future in some unforseen way. 
i am exactly who i say i am. and it isn't at issue, and the ravings of a lunatic diminishes me not a whit.
which is good. i like my wit. and plan to keep it.
daniel hopsicker 


On Michael Reagan's show in 1997, he said that he produced a program for NBC
called Global Business for 7-8 years. This means, as I read it, that he
produced a weekly show that appeared on NBC for years. Tell me: Did he say
anything else with that statement? Was he hiding anything behind rhetorical

So the show began in 1989-90, and it was on the tube every week ... this is
the impression that he gave viewers of Reagan's program (one that I would
never, ever appear on, BTW, though we makes our choices and live with them)

And I still don't see anything on Inside Wall Street. On what network did it air
- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2004 11:18 PM
Subject: Re: The Cost of Wing-Nut Journalism -- actually more of Alex's loose research ...


Your post below is one of the reason that I took down your Khasoggi series and has me wondering about the veracity of your many 

[CTRL] Fwd: The Cost of Wing-Nut Journalism -- actually more of Alex's loose research ...

2004-12-06 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Title: Re: The Cost of Wing-Nut Journalism -- actually more of Alex's loose research ...
-Caveat Lector-

Oh, well, you got me. 
I will retract that one. 

- AC

on 12/5/04 8:18 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Your post below is one of the reason that I took down your Khasoggi series and has me wondering about the veracity of your many books. 

You give as a source for your libelous accusations the website:

Well, that is interesting because at that webpage from Amazon, there is no mention of Daniel Hopsicker. 

You make it appear in your hit piece that Daniel Hopsicker was the director of that show. And then you try and tar Daniel because by association of the subjects of that show. So, you feel that directors should be held accountable for the efforts and associations? Are they also held responsible for the advertisers actions and beliefs? What if they are just working for a living? 

But then again, like I said, Daniel Hopsicker's name is nowhere on that Amazon page you trot out to defame Daniel Hopsicker. Why? 

Because he didn't direct that show. 

Phenomenon had more than one show aired. They aired a recut version of Dan's Secret Heartbeat of America show. And he did a Federal Reserve show for them. That is it. Daniel already told you that once, but you obviously cannot read nor do proper research. 

So, please, stop embarrassing yourself. 


In a message dated 12/5/04 3:00:15 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The Cost of Wing-Nut Journalism -
The Case of Daniel Hopsicker

By Alex Constantine

Daniel Hopsicker has written his own Mission Accomplished speech,
declaring himself a real journalist - top of the heap - because he has
bested me in a testosterone battle over his credentials, which I have
publicly questioned - just as he has questioned the credentials and ethics
of Mike Ruppert.

I do not recall Ruppert hooting, immaturely declaring himself the world's
mightiest reporter because he caught Daniel Hopsicker making a small error
or two in Peak Oil and the Level Above Saudi.

And I don't recall Hopsicker apologizing for his errors.

Is Hopsicker a real journalist? His television production credits, which
have been hell to substantiate (and I still haven't done so after a week of
trying, BTW), include Global Business 2000, which aired for eight years or
so in the nineties ? though the NBC Publicity Office has no record of the

We can rule out that it ever aired during prime time, Karen Horn at NBC
told me on December 3, and I can find nothing in the daytime files, either.
Maybe if you can tell me what time of day it aired, I can track down

But a friend of Hopsicker's e-mailed me a press release from January 1996
later in the day. I'm am still at a loss to explain why NBC has no record of
the show. But if that press release, detailing a deal struck between
MediaLink, a major PR firm, and Global Business 2000, is real, then
Hopsicker was a media propagandist at NBC.

The show, as of January 1996, at least, was composed of corporate public
relations video releases. The MediaLink deal was signed six months after the
Asian subsidiary was launched. I've already posted information about
MediaLink and its fake news VNRs - how is it a real journalist produces
fake news?

In 1999, Hopsicker directed a program called Phenomenon: The Lost Archives
(avaialable on video tape and DVD from Image Entertainment).

The self-described real journalist, top of the heap, turned out some very
unreal journalism in his time, I must observe. This is a level above
Lizard Alien propaganda, perhaps, by a hair ?

Phenomenon: The Lost Archives
Genesis Revisited

- Evidence of a civilization ruled by emissaries from 

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Constantine's credibility: zip

2004-12-06 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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-Caveat Lector-

For those who don't feel like spending about six or seven minutes on
Google looking for the website of the producers of Phenomenon,
which clearly states that Hopsicker produced two shows on the Fed
and the Arkansas train killings and nothing on UFOs, here it is.

This is apparently six or seven minutes Alex Constatine would have
us believe he didn't have.

I am glad Mr. Constantine is nice enough to remind us that Hopsicker
has no journalistic credentials that he can verify with
his contacts in journalism, but if he does have any, then that
means that Hopsicker is a tool of the mind control media.

The interesting question is what are Constantine's motives and how
has he suddenly felt the need to go after Hopsicker after AC has
never to my knowledge acknowledged the existence of Ruppert.
Because of an obvious set of cryptic motives Constantine's
credibility will never recover from this episode.

Liberty International Entertainment
Epiphany Pictures


Phenomenon: The Lost Archives

Hosted by: Dean Stockwell

Supervising Producer: Scott JT Frank

Associate Producer: Ayal Nitzan

Graphics: Robin Berman and David Miller

Music: Joey Viera and David Siebels

Sound: Chip Albers

Voice Over: Bill Rogers


In 1960, a joint US/Turkish expedition sets out to investigate the
aerial sighting of a boat shaped object located in the Ararat
Mountains of Eastern Turkey. Though this initial investigation bears
little fruit, the stage is set for explorer and archaeologist, Ron
Wyatt. 35 years later, at 6,300 feet above sea level, to assemble
the proof that may establish the half buried boat shaped object as
the mortal remains of the legendary Noah's Ark.

Produced by: Doug Snider
Written by: Doug Snider and Scott JT Frank
Edited by: Paul Belanger

Just prior to the Russian Revolution a mysterious 40 megaton
explosion lays to waste nearly 200 square kilometers of Earth in the
desolate northlands of Siberia. The Official Story alleges the
impact of an asteroid, but no known scientific explanation can
account for the metal fragments found at the site, the lack of an
impact crater or the high level of radiation present. Was it an
asteroid? Or could it have been the explosion of an extra
terrestrial craft? Scientifically speaking each conclusion has equal

Produced by: Scott Stillman and Elliot Haimoff
Written by: Elliot Haimoff and Scott JT Frank
Edited by: Paul Belanger

On April 12th, 1961, the Soviet Union reports the successful launch,
orbit and reentry of the first man in space, Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.
With the collapse of communism and the rise of freedom in the
Russian Federation, recent access to documents in the Kremlin
archives reveal a story intended to remain buried forever. Yuri
Gagarin, the icon of triumphant communism known world over, was not
the first man in space. Join us for a visit with Vladimir Ilyushin,
the unsung hero of the first manned Soviet Space mission.

Produced by: Scott Stillman and Elliot Haimoff
Written by: Barbara Sharp and Scott JT Frank
Edited by: Paul Belanger

On October 4, 1957, the Soviets launch the legendary orbiter,
Sputnik, ushering in the space age. In 1998, the Russian Federation
sends the first stage of the international space station, Freedom
into space. While at first glance it seems little has changed,
closer scrutiny reveals that billions of American dollars are being
funneled to Russia to secure their participation in the Space
Station partnership. Called by the elite of NASA, a foreign aid
project for the Russians, the 

[CTRL] Fwd: [smashthestate] Re: Bush arrested [ ? ] in Canada for war crimes ,  Alberto Gonzales    Can

2004-12-06 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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-Caveat Lector-

Learn to spell.  Learn to read.  Learn the read between the lines.
Learn to check your sources. is not
registered to Turner Broadcasting - it is a spoof of CNN, nothing

- P.

A certain fool wrote:

Many online seem to doubt this appaently letitimate
account of Bush's arrest becasue the incident appears
not to have been otherwise covered extensively by
mainstream media in the US other than , presumably ,
CNN . Go figure , maybe ? It seems to be a legitmiate
AP story picked up by CNN , and who else ?

Some of the questions raised about this story

are indicated in the post linked immediately below
which was written subsequent to this one and which
begins to look at some of the questions concerning
arrest and indictment of ' sitting heads of state  .

I have a longish rant down below,

written last night ,

preceding the full news item and the Canadian War
Crimes Act , but following material from Lawyers
Against the War , Straight Talk and a few search
engine runs about

 The Crimes Against Humanity War Crimes Act 

as well as excerpts from that Act .

Questions raised about the account of Bush's arrest
upon welcome in Canada are found in the link
immediately below and revolve around assertion by one
reader that the picture in the published jpg above is
derived from a previous incident (  Pretzelgate  ) .

Frankly , the story reads credible and the
documentation , as you will see, is extensive and, I
think , valuable .

Whatever the case ,

the post below recounts the suspicions of one groups
memeber that the jpg is not new , but moreover offers
material on Sharon and the ICC which is hopefully
intersting as supplementary to what is found below :

Subject: The alleged CNN  Bush arrested in Canada
hoaxThe Case of Ariel Sharon and the Fate of
Universal Jurisdiction 

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[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Wayne Madsen -Texas to Fla :W H-linked clandestine op paid for vote switching software

2004-12-06 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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-Caveat Lector-

Texas to Florida: White House-linked clandestine operation paid for "vote switching" software
By Wayne MadsenOnline Journal Contributing Writer
Download a .pdf file for printing.Adobe Acrobat Reader required.Click here to download a free copy.
December 6, 2004—The manipulation of computer voting machines in the recent presidential election and the funding of programmers who were involved in the operation are tied to an intricate web of shady off-shore financial trusts and companies, shady espionage operatives, Republican Party politicians close to the Bush family, and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) contract vehicles.

An exhaustive investigation has turned up a link between current Florida Republican Representative Tom Feeney, a customized Windows-based program to suppress Democratic votes on touch screen voting machines, a Florida computer services company with whom Feeney worked as a general counsel and registered lobbyist while he was Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives, and top level officials of the Bush administration.

According to a notarized affidavit signed by Clint Curtis, while he was employed by the NASA Kennedy Space Center contractor, Yang Enterprises, Inc., during 2000, Feeney solicited him to write a program to "control the vote." At the time, Curtis was of the opinion that the program was to be used for preventing fraud in the in the 2002 election in Palm Beach County, Florida. His mind was changed, however, when the true intentions of Feeney became clear: the computer program was going to be used to suppress the Democratic vote in counties with large Democratic registrations.

According to Curtis, Feeney and other top brass at Yang Enterprises, a company located in a three-story building in Oviedo, Florida, wanted the program, written in Visual Basic 5 (VB.5) and designed to operate in Windows and be portable to Unix-based vote tabulation systems, to be "undetectable" to voters and election supervisors.

Yang, an engineering and computer services company subcontracted to NASA prime contractors like Lockheed Martin, was founded in 1986 by Dr. Tyng-Lin (Tim) Yang. Granted minority-owned "Section 8A" and woman-owned preferential status by the U.S. government, Yang's clients also include the Florida Department of Transportation (DOT). Yang's President, Li-Woan (Lee) Yang, is Tim Yang's wife. Feeney was the registered agent for another Yang company, Y  H Greens, Inc., a company that was dissolved in 1988 and operated from the Yangs' residence on Merritt Island. The Yangs also serve as co-trustees for an entity called Yang of Merritt Island, Ltd., founded on January 31, 2000, and also run from their residence.

In the autumn of 1999, Curtis, who served as a sort of technology adviser for Yang, first became aware of Feeney's interest in election rigging. Curtis said at one meeting, Feeney "bragged that he could reduce the minority vote and deliver the election to 'George.'" At the same meeting, according to Curtis, Feeney said he had "implemented a list that would eliminate thousands of voters that would vote for Democratic candidates" and that "a proper placement of police patrols could further reduce the black vote by as much as 25 percent."

Feeney's desire to manipulate the vote would be manifested in his home base of Volusia County in the 2000 presidential election. According to The Washington Post, at 10 p.m. on election night, Al Gore was leading Bush in Volusia County by 83,000 to 62,000 votes. One-half hour later, Gore's vote total had been reduced by 16,000 to 67,000 and an obscure Socialist candidate saw a sudden surge to 10,000 votes in a precinct with only 600 voters. The information on the Volusia optical scanner voting anomalies came from a leaked internal Diebold memorandum. In the 

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] A Review of Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil by Michael C. Ruppert

2004-12-06 Thread Kris Millegan
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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-Caveat Lector-

By exploring the links between Wall Street 
and the CIA and emphasizing the influence of overlords like the Trilateral 
Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations, Ruppert encourages us to look 
beyond the current administration. For this alone we owe him a debt of 
gratitude: Four more years of hating the dynamic duo could have almost as 
debilitating an effect on us as their policies. Besides, as Ruppert says, ... 
you will change nothing until you change the way money 

Fueling a Profitable Future: 9/11 and U.S. 
Energy Policy
By Russ Wellen 
Review of Crossing the Rubicon: 
The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil by 
Michael C. Ruppert (New Society, 674 pages, $22.95). 
By marching his forces across that most infamous of rivers, the Rubicon, and 
into Rome, Julius Caesar not only trampled on its constitution, but sowed the 
seeds for fascism centuries later. Now, with Crossing the Rubicon, 
Michael Ruppert, founder of, implores us to make an 
about-face on our own march toward the system of governance on which even 
Mussolini bestowed the alias, corporatism. 
Like five other recent books (and the crucial Web site, 
Crossing the Rubicon outlines how the worlds supply of oil will trickle 
to a stop over the next twenty years. Its inevitability, though, hadnt been 
written in stone during the nineties, when oil fields around the Caspian Sea 
valued at $6 trillion were discovered. Then, when the Taliban conquered Kabul, 
the order they instilled provided fertile ground for a company like Unocal to 
build a pipeline through Afghanistan. 
However, when dry holes were reported in the Caspian oil fields, the US 
decided it needed to nail down the availability of known reserves in Saudi 
Arabia and Iraq. Then, besides throwing their support behind al Qaeda, the 
Taliban banned poppies, threatening US markets, which, Ruppert maintains, are 
propped up by drug money. Afghanistan thus became ripe for an invasion planned 
before 9/11. 
In the early going, Rupperts use of vague phrases like was connected to, 
somehow involved, and implicated in subvert his attempts to establish his 
authority. Oddly enough, its the chapter on that stalwart of conspiracy 
theorists, erratic naval intelligence officer Mike Vreeland, whose warnings 
about 9/11 went unheeded, where the author wins ones confidence. His refusal to 
discount Vreeland as just a con man and instead pan his shtick for intelligence 
gold turns out to be typical of how the author not only out-savvies, but 
outworks, any journalist this side of Seymour Hersh. 
When he was a police officer, Ruppert learned that physical evidence - 
seldom as cut and dried as in televisions crime scene kingdomtended to bore 
juries. Leaving questions like whether Flight 77 or a missile struck the 
Pentagon for others, he and his crew not only conduct 
interviews, but pore over official documents, newspaper accounts, and TV 
While many of us have heard about the Project for a New American Centurys 
lust for a new Pearl Harbor to open the floodgates for military intervention, we 
know little about Dick Cheneys US National Energy Policy Development Group. 
Extrapolating from the few documents the conservative watchdog Judicial Watch 
was able to secure under the Freedom of Information Act, Ruppert maintains that 
in April 2001 the NEPDG signed off on plans to cross the Rubicon - that is, 
secure what oil remains by facilitating attacks on the US. 
Next Cheney was placed in charge of all response to a terror attack, 
including control of FEMA. A month later most of the decision-making power to 
scramble NORAD fighter jets was taken out of the hands 

[CTRL] [U-S-A] Re: [EndingPoverty] MEDIA RELEASE: Separation of Church and State is BUNK SEE the US Constitution (fwd)

2004-12-06 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004 10:45:52 -0800 (PST)
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 AntiWar 4 the Million Worker March
 Betty Ray - Live365 Senior Editor [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], channel 4 [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Channel 6 TV [EMAIL PROTECTED], channel 7 news [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
 EvictedByToxicMold Moderator [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 letters [EMAIL PROTECTED], letters nytimes [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 secretaryofstate [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Glen Ford - The Black Commentator [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Subject: [U-S-A] Re: [EndingPoverty] MEDIA RELEASE:  Separation of Church
and State is BUNK SEE the US Constitution

By Constitution, Canada founded upon principles that recognize the
supremacy of God. Judge FE Howard told POC Director Watson when he went
before her that the Supremacy of God Clause as she called it refers to
our highest principles and practices (from Atheist to Zoroastrian).

Applying those highest principles and practices what is the best that the
Whitehouse faith-based works can give the world at Canada's Intellectual
Olympics in 2006? Tell the world about a model city-built-anew in YOUR
JesusLand U-S-A and give the world a laugh, President Bush.

  Citizens for the inherent dignity and worth of the human person
  Quoted words from UDHR/CAT

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U-S-A = Usurers, Sodomites, Abortionists.
The U-S-A Cult is the ruling power over America-the-Good and now seeks to a 
establish One World Government of Evil-Doers via the Afghanistan-Iraq domino 

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fascist Fred Hutter Endorses Rape of Undeserving Poor Women

2004-12-06 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

On Sun, 5 Dec 2004, elvira52 wrote:

 It has been acceptable all through history to hate and scapegoat this kind
 of person or that. Today only the UNDESERVING POOR can be hated by the

 This I think Is Sad it's time for Good change and Freddies can do it we have 
 many here they really don't think they can change they have done so much 
 wrong but I don't feel that way I believe many of then can let's just see. I 
 sent this to one that I know he can do it and in My Heart I know he will 
 right Mr. M.

It was Fred Hutter who gave us the deserving vs. undeserving poor
distinction when he emerged from under his favourite slimy rock as an
apologist for Premier Campbell.

Now have a look at the human rights links to the POC URL below. Some of
our complainants are women. One woman for example said she had been
threatened with a disconinuance of IA if she did not file a tax return
(though her physical handicap made that very difficult and she had no
income outside IA). Another woman said she was threatened with
discontinuance of IA if she did not go back to school.

IA Discontinuance - Eviction + Homelessness

What do women imagine when they are threatened with homelessness?


There are at least 20 men sleeping on the streets of Vancouver for every
woman. Rape is obviously a high risk and this government of Martin,
Campbell and Campbell either knows it or should know it.

So why not the rape rooms that President Bush harangues the world about,
Fred Hutter? Rape rooms for women victims of the Martin-Campbell-Campbell
gestapo; cruel and unusual punishment for women who have committed
neither crime nor misdemeanour.

This is Canadian Justice.


Not for long if this garbage regime of Libertarian-Fascists keeps going.
It was to rid the world of this kind of tyranny that we lost so many
of our relatives through the last century and we will carry forward their
war against tyranny and injustice as is necessary.

Until then I fly my Canadian flag upside down with a swastika on it.


   - Original Message -
   From: Party of Citizens
   Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2004 8:27 PM
   Subject: Re: Hu [INGRAM] Is Fred Hutter a Fascist?

if it wasn't for the war issue I would ask is this not like America sounds
like America the way they treat people I say to myself there has to be a
Place they doesn't have this problem. I know America has it because of
slave labor they don't like to help people understand each other it's seem
America love to teach Hate!

   It has been acceptable all through history to hate and scapegoat this kind
   of person or that. Today only the UNDESERVING POOR can be hated by the


   not America but the people in charge!?.
The World needs Good Change if we stay on this path in the end like many
from the past has lived to regret their action this we must all remember
in making discussion witch affect others.
I bet if my Grandparents was alive they would have done many things
differently why not do something great in life for all people.
Try it You just may like it...if the shoe fit.
  - Original Message -
  From: Party of Citizens
  Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2004 6:59 PM
  Subject: [INGRAM] Is Fred Hutter a Fascist?
  What is YOUR answer, Fred?
  -- Forwarded message --
  Date: Sun, 5 Dec 2004 15:53:39 -0800 (PST)
  From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cc: Carnegie Newsletter [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  Subject: [UNIVERSALHUMANRIGHTS] Extra-Judicial Execution in BC
  Dear Mr. Hawes:
  Further to your exchange with McDaniels in Carnegie Newsletter of Dec.
  1/04, and the page 6 article titled FASCISM may we ask you one
  The article on Fascism says that in 1939 anti-social elements were
  registered for the purposes of forced labour. But with poor
  elements like political dissidents, you can only apply effective
  punishment by using corporal punishment. Otherwise they have no
  material assets to take away as punishment. Thus comply or die
  effectively becomes the slogan of Fascist forced labour.
  TRUE OR FALSE, Mr. Hawes:
  The street is systematically used by government as an instrument of
  torture and extra-judicial execution for anti-social elements in BC
  according to an implicit comply or die policy in the interest of forced
  A straight-forward question. All you have to do is reply: false,
  outlandish etc. Or will your silence reveal the correct answer?

[CTRL] brain sensors, Navy Probes New Iraq Prisoner Photos

2004-12-06 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

scroll for articles

Biotech  Creativity - Paraplegic fitted with brain sensor ushers in cybernetic age 12/5/04 "In June, surgeons implanted a sensor under the skull and directly into the brain of a 25-year-old Rhode Island paraplegic named Matthew Nagle. That allowed him to control a computer and other machines using pure thought. Plugged into a computer with a fiber-optic cable attached to a node on his skull, Nagle can operate a computer by thinking."   
 AP: Navy Probes New Iraq Prisoner Photos
By Seth Hettena    The Associated Press Saturday 04 December 2004 
A photo found posted on a commercial photo-sharing Web site operated by a woman who said her husband brought the photos from Iraq after his tour of duty appears to show prisoners in the back of a truck with a foot atop one of the detainees. 
(Photo: AP) 
Coronado, Calif. - The U.S. military has launched a criminal investigation into photographs that appear to show Navy SEALs in Iraq sitting on hooded and handcuffed detainees, and photos of what appear to be bloodied prisoners, one with a gun to his head. 

Some of the photos have date stamps suggesting they were taken in May 2003, which could make them the earliest evidence of possible abuse of prisoners in Iraq. The far more brutal practices photographed in Abu Ghraib prison occurred months later. 

An Associated Press reporter found more than 40 of the pictures among hundreds in an album posted on a commercial photo-sharing Web site by a woman who said her husband brought them from Iraq after his tour of duty. It is unclear who took the pictures, which the Navy said it was investigating after the AP furnished copies to get comment for this story.
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] UPDATE: Full text of 9/11 police state bill draft

2004-12-06 Thread Total Information
-Caveat Lector-

[UPDATED to include reference in Title VII summary to national ID scheme]


Exclusive to, this is the Nov. 20 draft of the 9/11
police state bill (also known as intelligence reform or The 9/11
Commission Recommendations Implementation Act.) It is unclear whether
current negotiations have changed the text, or if the negotiations
are just plots to sandbag the House Republican opposition and pass the
bill as-is.

TITLE I: Establishes superpowerful National Intelligence Director
lording over integrated foreign  domestic apparatus -- Detailed

TITLE II: Role of FBI in domestic intelligence

TITLE III: Attack on financial privacy, including repeal of one
PATRIOT Act sunset - more

TITLE IV Data-mining of air passengers; codifying mandatory ID for air
passengers; biometrics for govt agents in aviation system; more
advanced screening hardware for airports: walk-through explosive
detection portals, document scanners, shoe scanners, and backscatter
x-ray scanners

TITLE V: Cosmetic immigration reforms

TITLE VI: Expands definition of terrorist even further, allows
holding of terror suspects without trial; more spying on
international transactions

TITLE VII: table of contents, part one, part two -- Misc. pork for
foreign muslim psy-ops; Misc. homeland pork  bureaucracies; biometric
borders; integratred biometric screening system with drivers' licenses
as biometric national ID cards

TITLE VIII: Homeland Security satellites, human research

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] re: Face to Face

2004-12-06 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

 From: Alex Constantine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 06 Dec 2004 00:58:47 -0800
 You've been sued had to remove a chapter of Barry and the
 Boys. I don't know the details at all, you may have been error or
 probably not, but I've never been sued or had to remove a word.

Since the legal game is run by the Octopus, and used as a tool to
destroy real journalists who seek the truth, when did never been sued
become something to brag over?

A while back, High Times published an article on Aleister Crowley
written by Alex. It contained actionable errors of fact, and when
Crowley's old lodge threatened a suit, and Alex was asked for his
documentation, Alex choose instead to disappear for many months,
leaving HT to work out a settlement without any assistance from the
culprit who created the problem.

So, saying he ain't never been sued,

ain't exactly the truth, is it?

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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---End Message---

[CTRL] Fwd: More Bang for the Penny: Media's Hope

2004-12-06 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

Shoe-string media outlets, like our own, may offer hope for 
a resurgence of independent  journalism by demonstrating how cost-effective 
Internet-based outlets can be. With more than 1.3 million readers this year,'s ratio of expenses to visitors is a fraction of a penny per 
reader. But serious money is still needed to take advantage of these new media 

For the full story about how investment in independent media is crucial for a 
resurgence of American democracy, go to at .

You can also help meet its budget needs by ordering a copy 
of Robert Parry's Secrecy  Privilege: Rise of the Bush Dynasty from Watergate 
to Iraq. For each book sold through the direct-sale Web site at, $2 goes to

In a new review of Secrecy  Privilege, the Web site wrote, 
if Americans read a single book about current affairs this year, Robert 
Parrys 'Secrecy  Privilege' should be it  As Parrys crowbar pries 
open the Bush family crypt, an entire cabal of deep power politicians and their 
subterranean backers are found within.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fwd: Halliburton = Dresser, Bush family's Nazi-era partner

2004-12-06 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-


This Day (Lagos), December 6, 2004 
Mike Oduniyi

House hails move 

The Swiss justice authorities have frozen bank accounts containing $100 million, which were linked to the $180 million allegedly collected as bribe by Nigerian government officials in the award of the Bonny Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) contracts.

The bribe saga is a subject of an on-going investigation by the House of Representatives.

In a swift reaction, the Chairman of the House Committee on Public petitions, Hon. Chudi Offodile, said the freezing of the accounts was "a plus for co-operation between nations in an attempt to unravel the mystery surrounding the scam."

Agency reports quoted a Geneva state investigator, Daniel Dumartheray, as having confirmed that the restriction on the account was imposed after France asked Switzerland to grant judicial assistance for its investigation in the case. Dumartheray declined to identify the account holders or the banks involved.

The French investigation, launched in October 2003, centers on allegations that the TSKJ consortium paid illegal commissions in connection with a $4 billion contract it won in 1995 to build and expand a Nigerian liquefied natural gas plant.

The four partners in the consortium were M.W. Kellogg Co., a subsidiary of Dresser Industries; Technip SA of France; ENI SpA of Italy; and Japan Gasoline Corp.

After the TKSJ consortium was formed, the consortium in turn, created a subsidiary, LNG Services based on the Portugese island of Madeira, a place where tax laws exempt businesses.

LNG Services, in turn, paid $180 million to yet another entity called Tristar (Gibraltar -- a British tax haven) for unspecified services.

US oil services giant Halliburton acquired Dresser in 1998 and combined its Brown  Root subsidiary with M.W. Kellogg to form engineering and construction unit, KBR.

The consortium got other contracts for the construction of the third, fourth, fifth and sixth trains of the Bonny LNG plant between 1999 and 2004.

Halliburton had disclosed in a regulatory filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, that improper payments to Nigerian officials might have been made in order to win the LNG contract.

The company also said US officials had issued subpoenas to current and former employees of Kellogg Brown  Root, its engineering and construction unit.

In September, Halliburton said an internal probe found information suggesting that members of the TSKJ consortium, which it helps lead, considered bribing Nigerian functionaries a decade ago.

At the time, the company turned over the evidence to the US Department of Justice, the Securities and Exchange Commission and a French magistrate who in turn gave the information to a Nigerian tribunal. Published reports have stated that Jeffrey Tesler, a TSKJ agent and British lawyer, is under investigation by the French magistrate.

The House of Representa-tives had equally summoned principal officers involved at the early stage of the LNG project. Those summoned included former petroleum minister Don Etiebet and former chairman of the Nigeria LNG Limited (NLNG), Alhaji M. D. Yusufu.

Etiebet, current chairman of the All Nigerian Peoples Party (ANPP) had since denied receiving any bribe, while Yussuf admitted taken some loans from Tesler

Offodile told THISDAY that there were moves by some of the parties involved to challenge the order freezing the accounts. He added that the House was trying to get the presidency to collaborate more with the legislative arm on matters such as loot recovery.

Offodile urged the executive to note that there was currently pressure from the Swiss private sector on what to do with recovered stolen money and called for a concerted approach by the 

[CTRL] Fwd: Prospects of Economic Armageddon

2004-12-06 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

Apocalypse, Not Just Yet
by James Galbraith

With the euro touching $1.33 and the pound so high I couldn't bear to look at the rate, my thoughts on a flight home from across the pond turned painfully to the decay of the once-almighty dollar, and to the cries of fear emanating these days from Wall Street. 

How We Got Here 

The current jitters are no surprise; the few Keynesians left in the economics profession have long thought them overdue. Here are the most important reasons why this is so: 

We have, over many years, worn down our trade position in the world economy, from overpowering supremacy 60 years ago, to the point where high employment in the United States generates current account deficits well over half a trillion dollars per year. We have become dependent for our living standard on the willingness of the rest of the world to accept dollar assetsstocks, bonds and cashin return for real goods and services, the product of hard labor by people much poorer than ourselves in return for chits that require no effort to produce. 

For decades, the Western World tolerated the "exorbitant privilege" of a dollar-reserve economy because the United States was the indispensable power, providing reliable security against communism and insurrection without intolerable violence or oppression, thus conditions under which many countries on this side of the Iron Curtain grew and prospered. Those rationales evaporated 15 years ago, and the "Global War on Terror" is not a persuasive replacement. Thus, what was once a grudging bargain with the world's stabilizing hegemon country is now widely seen as a lingering subsidy for a predator state. 

In the late 1990s, the United States position was held up by the glamour of the information-technology boom, which brought capital flooding in from more precarious perches in Russia, Asia and other parts of the world. Then, as so often on other occasions in history, America was the wave of the future. But that too has turned to dust and ashes. While major gains from new technology were achieved, few now think that silicon chips are the solution to the world's economic problems, and Silicon Valley has receded to an investment backwater. 

Since 1979, China, migrating slowly from the other side of the Iron Curtain, has become one of our largest trading partners, while the relative position of other Third World countries (more wedded to the free market and less effectively managed) has eroded. The concentration of our manufactures trade on China and Japan now means that those two countries now hold preposterous dollar reserves, and their actions substantially determine the dollar's value. However, the actions or potential actions of other players, including Russia, India and the European Central Bank, can also have important effects. 

China and Japan are constrained in their behavior by creditor's risk. If they sell dollars aggressively, the value of the remainder of their portfolio plummets and they inflict large losses on themselves. This consideration prompts caution. But everything depends on what everyone else does. The rising unpredictability of U.S. policy including foreign policy doesn't help. If one major player gets wind that others may dump, then the urge to join in becomes hard to resist. This is exactly analogous to an old-fashioned stock panic or run on the bank. 

Situation Unpredictable, If Not Perverse 

The current account is strongly linked in a triangular relationship to the budget deficit and also, critically, to the savings-investment balance of American households, as readers of the invaluable strategic papers by Wynne Godley (see ) will know. In the present environment, with households on average near financial 

Re: [CTRL] [INGRAM] Fascist Fred Hutter Endorses Rape of Undeserving PoorWomen

2004-12-06 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

 Saying that Fred Hutter condones rape is an extremely silly statement

Veritas odium parit. Fred Hutter gave us the distinction between
deserving and undeserving poor and it underpins the
Campbell-Martin-MHR gestapo.

The undeserving poor, including undeserving poor women are threatened with
being put out on the street and ARE put out on the street. THAT IS TRUE.


Just answer that because as far as Fred, Campbell and Martin are
concerned, that is what those undeserving poor women deserve!

 likely libelous if he didn't have a sense of humour.

Oh PUASE ... sue POC, Fred. Make our day

 You are going overboard, much as Kevin Annett does over Chief Ed John.

Veritas odium parit.

 You have really good stuff which becomes redundant and suspect when you
 come out with statements which are highly unlikely.

Answer the question above and that will tell us all about LIKELIHOOD.

But Fred is a cowardly fascist who has crawled back under his rock with
Premier Creepy Campbell and PM Creepy Martin.


Zandu Goldbar
Learned Elder of Zion and POC Financier

 - Original Message -
 From: Party of Citizens
 To: elvira52
 Sent: Monday, December 06, 2004 11:21 AM
 Subject: [INGRAM] Fascist Fred Hutter Endorses Rape of Undeserving Poor

 On Sun, 5 Dec 2004, elvira52 wrote:

 It has been acceptable all through history to hate and scapegoat this
 of person or that. Today only the UNDESERVING POOR can be hated by the

 This I think Is Sad it's time for Good change and Freddies can do it we
 have many here they really don't think they can change they have done so
 much wrong but I don't feel that way I believe many of then can let's
 just see. I sent this to one that I know he can do it and in My Heart I
 know he will right Mr. M.

 It was Fred Hutter who gave us the deserving vs. undeserving poor
 distinction when he emerged from under his favourite slimy rock as an
 apologist for Premier Campbell.

 Now have a look at the human rights links to the POC URL below. Some of
 our complainants are women. One woman for example said she had been
 threatened with a disconinuance of IA if she did not file a tax return
 (though her physical handicap made that very difficult and she had no
 income outside IA). Another woman said she was threatened with
 discontinuance of IA if she did not go back to school.

 IA Discontinuance - Eviction + Homelessness

 What do women imagine when they are threatened with homelessness?


 There are at least 20 men sleeping on the streets of Vancouver for every
 woman. Rape is obviously a high risk and this government of Martin,
 Campbell and Campbell either knows it or should know it.

 So why not the rape rooms that President Bush harangues the world about,
 Fred Hutter? Rape rooms for women victims of the Martin-Campbell-Campbell
 gestapo; cruel and unusual punishment for women who have committed
 neither crime nor misdemeanour.

 This is Canadian Justice.


 Not for long if this garbage regime of Libertarian-Fascists keeps going.
 It was to rid the world of this kind of tyranny that we lost so many
 of our relatives through the last century and we will carry forward their
 war against tyranny and injustice as is necessary.

 Until then I fly my Canadian flag upside down with a swastika on it.


   - Original Message -
   From: Party of Citizens
   Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2004 8:27 PM
   Subject: Re: Hu [INGRAM] Is Fred Hutter a Fascist?

if it wasn't for the war issue I would ask is this not like America
like America the way they treat people I say to myself there has to
 be a
Place they doesn't have this problem. I know America has it because
slave labor they don't like to help people understand each other
 it's seem
America love to teach Hate!

   It has been acceptable all through history to hate and scapegoat this
   of person or that. Today only the UNDESERVING POOR can be hated by the


   not America but the people in charge!?.
The World needs Good Change if we stay on this path in the end like
from the past has lived to regret their action this we must all
in making discussion witch affect others.
I bet if my Grandparents was alive they would have done many things
differently why not do something great in life for all people.
Try it You just may like it...if the shoe fit.

[CTRL] IMF: Outsourcing not draining jobs

2004-12-06 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

This won't help the IMF's credibility. - JR









  Posted on Mon, Dec. 06, 2004


IMF: Outsourcing 
not draining jobsBloomberg 
The movement of labor to India and other developing nations by 
U.S. corporations has little effect on jobless rates at home, 
International Monetary Fund economists say.
"Even if outsourcing leads to some shedding of labor, the 
increased efficiency could lead to higher production and an 
expansion of employment in other lines of work," IMF economist Mary 
Amiti and Shang-Jin Wei, head of the IMF's trade unit, write in 
Finance and Development, a quarterly in-house magazine.
The percentage of U.S. imports of private services, which 
includes labor outsourcing, from developing countries has grown to 
32 percent in 2002, compared with 28 percent in 1992, the IMF 
Support for free trade among wealthy Americans has eroded on 
concern that opening markets helped trigger the 2.7 million lost 
jobs since George W. Bush took office in January 2001. In 2003, 28 
percent of individuals earning more than $100,000 a year favored 
free trade, compared with 57 percent in 1999, the IMF said, citing a 
University of Maryland 

© 2004 Star-Telegram and wire service sources. All 
Rights Reserved.
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] IMF: Outsourcing not draining jobs

2004-12-06 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-
Even if outsourcing leads to some shedding of labor, the increased
efficiency could
lead to higher production and an expansion of employment in other lines of
work, IMF
economist Mary Amiti and Shang-Jin Wei, head of the IMF's trade unit, write
in Finance
and Development, a quarterly in-house magazine.
This is the latest spin. Outsourcing might increase profitability of
outsourcing companies but does not
lead to an 'expansion of employment in other lines of work'.
The reason it does not lead to an expansion of other domestic jobs is that
most of these jobs can no be performed
as efficiently and much more cheaply as foreign outsourced jobs.
Note there are no statistics offered to back up their propaganda claims.
The reality is the world has a surplus of labor and the US no longer has a
monopoly on worker skills, infrastructure, or
academic resources.
Unless your job cannot be performed at the end of an internet connection or
in a foreign factory - it is toast.
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] WHISTLEBLOWER AFFIDAVIT: Programmer Built Vote-Rigging Prototype at Republican Congressman's Request!

2004-12-06 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-

Forwarded with Compliments of Free Voice of America (FVOA):   NOTE: Please circulate this absolutely as swiftly and extensively as possible!   --  kl, pp

BuzzFlash News Alert

 December 6, 2004


 WHISTLEBLOWER AFFIDAVIT: Programmer Built Vote-Rigging

  Prototype at Republican Congressman's Request!

CLAIM: Rep. Tom Feeney (R-FL) Asked Company to Create E-Vote Fraud Software!


Due to an overwhelming amount of visitors, many  of our readers have been unable to read the information posted on BradBlog,  we wanted to offer you the alert he sent us and a link to the affidavit. The full article is available here.

* * *

In  stunning revelations set to rock the vote from Tallahassee to Capitol  Hill -- and perhaps even a bit further up Pennsylvania Avenue -- a  Florida computer programmer has now made remarkable claims in a detailed sworn affidavit, signed this morning and obtained exclusively by The BRAD BLOG!

* * *

You can read the whole article here (Brad says to keep hitting refresh):

The affidavit can be viewed as a  PDF (572k).


Fight Ignorance: Read

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[CTRL] RAPE OF WOMEN: Used by Martin-Campbell for public governance

2004-12-06 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

Dear Status of Women Canada:

Reason it out. What is the likelihood of a woman forced to sleep on the
streets being raped? HIGH. Scores of street women in DTES, Vancouver,
were raped and murdered in the pig farm case.

Every day, the women of BC are threatened with homelessness by this
government, knowing that this will TERRORIZE them as they conjure up
justified images of the horror which sleeping on the street will bring,
especially the likelihood of rape.

Martin and Campbell either know that or should know it.

How then can anyone deny that they are using rape for governance?

  Citizens for the inherent dignity and worth of the human person
  Quoted words from UDHR/CAT

On Mon, 6 Dec 2004, Party of Citizens wrote:

  Saying that Fred Hutter condones rape is an extremely silly statement

 Veritas odium parit. Fred Hutter gave us the distinction between
 deserving and undeserving poor and it underpins the
 Campbell-Martin-MHR gestapo.

 The undeserving poor, including undeserving poor women are threatened with
 being put out on the street and ARE put out on the street. THAT IS TRUE.


 Just answer that because as far as Fred, Campbell and Martin are
 concerned, that is what those undeserving poor women deserve!

  likely libelous if he didn't have a sense of humour.

 Oh PUASE ... sue POC, Fred. Make our day
  You are going overboard, much as Kevin Annett does over Chief Ed John.

 Veritas odium parit.

  You have really good stuff which becomes redundant and suspect when you
  come out with statements which are highly unlikely.

 Answer the question above and that will tell us all about LIKELIHOOD.

 But Fred is a cowardly fascist who has crawled back under his rock with
 Premier Creepy Campbell and PM Creepy Martin.


 Zandu Goldbar
 Learned Elder of Zion and POC Financier

  - Original Message -
  From: Party of Citizens
  To: elvira52
  Sent: Monday, December 06, 2004 11:21 AM
  Subject: [INGRAM] Fascist Fred Hutter Endorses Rape of Undeserving Poor
  On Sun, 5 Dec 2004, elvira52 wrote:
  It has been acceptable all through history to hate and scapegoat this
  of person or that. Today only the UNDESERVING POOR can be hated by the
  This I think Is Sad it's time for Good change and Freddies can do it we
  have many here they really don't think they can change they have done so
  much wrong but I don't feel that way I believe many of then can let's
  just see. I sent this to one that I know he can do it and in My Heart I
  know he will right Mr. M.
  It was Fred Hutter who gave us the deserving vs. undeserving poor
  distinction when he emerged from under his favourite slimy rock as an
  apologist for Premier Campbell.
  Now have a look at the human rights links to the POC URL below. Some of
  our complainants are women. One woman for example said she had been
  threatened with a disconinuance of IA if she did not file a tax return
  (though her physical handicap made that very difficult and she had no
  income outside IA). Another woman said she was threatened with
  discontinuance of IA if she did not go back to school.
  IA Discontinuance - Eviction + Homelessness
  What do women imagine when they are threatened with homelessness?
  There are at least 20 men sleeping on the streets of Vancouver for every
  woman. Rape is obviously a high risk and this government of Martin,
  Campbell and Campbell either knows it or should know it.
  So why not the rape rooms that President Bush harangues the world about,
  Fred Hutter? Rape rooms for women victims of the Martin-Campbell-Campbell
  gestapo; cruel and unusual punishment for women who have committed
  neither crime nor misdemeanour.
  This is Canadian Justice.
  Not for long if this garbage regime of Libertarian-Fascists keeps going.
  It was to rid the world of this kind of tyranny that we lost so many
  of our relatives through the last century and we will carry forward their
  war against tyranny and injustice as is necessary.
  Until then I fly my Canadian flag upside down with a swastika on it.
- Original Message -
From: Party of Citizens
Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2004 8:27 PM
Subject: Re: Hu [INGRAM] Is Fred Hutter a Fascist?
 if it wasn't for the war issue I would ask is this not like America