Re: [CTRL] Daniel Pearl Video

2002-05-29 Thread Wes676767
In a message dated 5/29/02 1:24:36 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The video you will find at the following address is, to say the very least, unpleasant and graphic in nature. Be advised that neither the FBI or the Pearl family wish for you to see this video.

The video contains mere seconds of violence towards Pearl but is pretty well produced for a few 3rd world extremists.
Pearl makes good points in his speech though...wonder if he believed what he was saying. 

Thanks for the link!


[CTRL] Nanotransistors Readied For Humans

2002-05-29 Thread Wes676767

Nanotransistors Readied For Humans
By Texe Marrs

Following the lead of American researchers, scientists in Korea have moved from the realm of science fiction and developed the worlds smallest transistor (the nanotransistor) using a single molecule. Dr. Eric Drexton, a leading proponent of nanotechnology, says that nanomachines, or biological robots, injected in human bodies, can be programmed to recognize and kill cells. "Intelligent nano-scale devices will, in a few years, be injected into the human body," says Phil Kuekes, a computer scientist at Hewlett-Packard Labs.

Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, is reputed to be leading a massive nanorobot research effort headquartered in India and Korea. Could this research effort involve the injection of nanorobots into humans via vaccines?

Meanwhile, at IBM, a scientific team expects to have a nanomachine called Blue Gene built and in use by 2003. Other advanced biotech teams are working on similar projects. In January 2000, President Clinton even declared a National Nanotechnology Initiative, promising $500 million for the effort. Physicists at Harvard, Yale, Berkeley, and other universities believe that nanotechnology will be for the 21st century what computers, aircraft, autos, atomic power, and electricity were for the 20th century. Scientists believe that, eventually, tiny nano-technology robots will rebuild all of society and even fabricate new baby humans! 

[CTRL] Fwd: Call to Boycott Israeli Goods Faces Threats

2002-05-29 Thread Wes676767


La Voz de Aztlan Preface

La Voz de Aztlan is being increasingly quoted by
the world media. The article below is written by
award-winning London based journalist
Felicity Arbuthnot. She quotes statements made
by our Editor-in-Chief, Ernesto Cienfuegos, concerning
threats made to La Voz de Aztlan because of our
participation in the Boycott Israeli Products
Campaign.  American Jews have managed to have
their congressional lackeys pass two laws
that make it illegal for U.S. citizens to participate
in boycotts against Israel that are also endorsed by
certain Arab nations.  Jews are increasingly
corraling American freedoms and especially after
the September 11 attacks by unknown, possibly
Zionist, terrorists.

Call to Boycott Israeli Goods Faces Threats

May 21, 2002

Felicity Arbuthnot
The Herald (Harare)

Trade unions and campaigners around the world are
urging a global boycott of Israeli goods to protest
the Jewish state's violence against the Palestinian

Among them are Jewish organisations too - such as the
Israeli human rights group B'Tselem and prominent
individual Jews who are rejecting Israeli policy and
saying not in our name.

 But some of them are being threatened with violence
 by pro-Israeli activists who on 11 May attacked
 organisations maintaining stalls in support of Iraq
 and Palestine in several British cities, including
 Manchester, Leeds and Cambridge.

The police were summoned when the threats became

Britain's biggest trade union Unison has now been
joined by Christian Aid, one of the country's largest
international non-governmental organisations, in
urging British MPs to demand the suspension of the
European Union-Israel Association Agreement.

This agreement which came into force on 1 June 2000,
is an extensive free trade arrangement that
liberalises goods and services, permits free movement
of capital and economic, social, political and
cultural co-operation.

Europe accounts for 23 percent of Israeli exports, and
40 percent of Israel's imports are from Europe.

They have also called on the minister of state at the
Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Peter Hain, to
endorse this at the European Union-US Summit held in
Washington in early May and the EU-Mediterranean
Summit in Spain in late April.

But nothing happened. Hain, a prominent campaigner for
economic sanctions against South Africa's apartheid
regime in his youth, now holds government office and
Britain toes the line of most Western administrations
sympathetic to Israel.

When the European Parliament voted for suspension of
the EU-Israel Association Agreement in April, a
foreign office spokesman in London said: Sanctions
won't help; we should use our influence with both

Labour MP Lynn Jones has tabled an Early Day Motion in
parliament supporting Christian Aid's call for an end
to the agreement.

Even some big manufacturers, such as Texas Exports, an
American auto parts exporter, are willing to put
pressure on Israel.

We will not do business with Israeli citizens at this
time, Texas Exports chief executive officer John
Harris wrote to an Israeli business in April. We urge
you to reign in your military and stop your oppression
of the Palestinian people. Your country has lost the
respect of the civilized world.

The letter resulted in Harris receiving hundreds of
telephone calls and death threats.

Pro-Israeli organisations that outnumber protestors on
many US university campuses hit back accusing
lobbyists of dubious motives.

The boycott lobby's goal, David Livshiz, a member of
the American Movement for Israel told the New York
Times, is to get Israel disliked, to see it as a
racist, horrible regime (and Palestine) as a trendy

Christian Aid also came under attack. Fiona McCauley,
public affairs director of the Board of Deputies of
British Jews dismissed the boycott call, saying, We
are appalled at the statement by Christian Aid which
is absolutely outside their remit. Further they have
completely omitted any historic(al) perspective.

Israel, she says, has suffered 12 500 acts of
terrorism in the last 18 months.

Across the Atlantic, the boycott of Israeli goods can
cost US citizens dearly. On this issue even protesting
can be an offence.

In the mid-1970s the US adopted two punitive laws to
counteract the participation of US citizens in
economic boycotts and embargoes.

The 1977 amendments to the Export Administration Act
and the Ribicoff Amendment to the 1976 Tax Reform Act,
forbid US citizens from participating in them. Refusal
to do business with Israel may result in a fine of up
to US$50 000 and five years' imprisonment or five
times the value of exports involved - whichever is the

The updated Emergency Economic Powers Act of November
2000 threatens imprisonment of up to 10 years for
willful violation.

La Voz de Aztlan, a California-based pro-boycott
online news 

[CTRL] How The Bush Family Wealth is Linked To The Jewish Holocaust

2002-05-29 Thread Wes676767

Heir To The Holocaust
Prescott Bush, 1.5 Million Dollars, and Auschwitz:
How The Bush Family Wealth is Linked To The Jewish Holocaust
By Toby Rogers

While the Enron scandal currently unfolds, another Bush family business scandal lurks beneath the shadows of history that may dwarf it.

On April 19, 2001, President George W. Bush spent some of Holocaust Remembrance Day in the Capital Rotunda with holocaust survivors, allied veterans, and their families. In a ceremony that included Jewish prayers and songs sung by holocaust victims in the camps, Benjamin Meed, a survivor of the Warsaw ghetto uprising, movingly described to the gathering what he experienced on April 19, 1943.

"I stood outside a Catholic church, which faced the ghetto," Mr. Meed said, "a young Jewish boy posing as a gentile. As I watched the ghetto being bombarded by the German artillery, I could see many of the Jews of my community jumping out of windows of burning buildings. I stood long and mute."

The survivor concluded his reminiscence saying, "We tremble to think what could happen if we allow a new generation to arise ignorant of the tragedy which is still shaping the future."

President Bush, appearing almost uncomfortable, read a statement that said that humanity was "bound by conscience to remember what happened" and that "the record has been kept and preserved." The record, Mr. Bush stated, was that one of the worst acts of genocide in human history "came not from crude and uneducated men, but from men who regarded themselves as cultured and well schooled, modern men, forward looking. Their crime showed the world that evil can slip in and blend in amid the most civilized surroundings. In the end only conscience can stop it."

But while President Bush publicly embraced the community of holocaust survivors in Washington last spring, he and his family have been keeping a secret from them for over 50 years about Prescott Bush, the president's grandfather. According to classified documents from Dutch intelligence and US government archives, President George W. Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush made considerable profits off Auschwitz slave labor. In fact, President Bush himself is an heir to these profits from the holocaust which were placed in a blind trust in 1980 by his father, former president George Herbert Walker Bush.

Throughout the Bush family's decades of public life, the American press has gone out of its way to overlook one historical fact – that through Union Banking Corporation (UBC), Prescott Bush, and his father-in-law, George Herbert Walker, along with German industrialist Fritz Thyssen, financed Adolf Hitler before and during World War II. It was first reported in 1994 by John Loftus and Mark Aarons in The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People.

The US government had known that many American companies were aiding Hitler, like Standard Oil, General Motors and Chase Bank, all of which was sanctioned after Pearl Harbor. But as The New York Times reporter Charles Higham later discovered, and published in his 1983 groundbreaking book, Trading With The Enemy; The Nazi American Money Plot 1933-1949, "the government smothered everything during and even after the war." Why?

According to Higham, the US government believed "a public scandal ... would have drastically affected public morale, caused widespread strikes and perhaps provoked mutinies in the armed services." Higham claims the government thought "their trial and imprisonment would have made it impossible for the corporate boards to help the American war effort."

However, Prescott Bush's banks were not just financing Hitler as previously reported. In fact, there was a distinct business link much deeper than Mr. Higham or Mr. Loftus knew at the time their books were published.

A classified Dutch intelligence file which was leaked by a courageous Dutch intelligence officer, along with newly surfaced information from U.S. government archives, "confirms absolutely," John Loftus says, the direct links between Bush, Thyssen and genocide profits from Auschwitz.

The business connections between Prescott Bush and Fritz Thyssen were more direct than what has been previously written. This new information reveals how Prescott Bush and UBC, which he managed directly, profited from the Holocaust. A case can be made that the inheritors of the Prescott Bush estate could be sued by survivors of the Holocaust and slave labor communities. To understand the complete picture of how Prescott Bush profited from the Holocaust, it is necessary to return to the year 1916, where it all began.

Post World War I: Thyssen Empire On The Ropes

By 1916, August Thyssen could see the writing on the wall. The "Great War" was spinning out of control, grinding away at Germany's resources and economy. The government was broke and his company, Thyssen  Co., with 50,000 German workers and annual production of 

Re: [CTRL] Daniel Pearl Video

2002-05-29 Thread Wes676767
In a message dated 5/29/02 8:21:20 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Yeah, "mere seconds" of a man's head being cut off. So much for the "peaceful" religion of Islam, huh? :-)

So only Muslims behead people? Was it a Muslim who nearly beheaded Nicole Simpson? Were Muslims running the guillotine in France? 

Considering the funding they receive from Americans via their dependence on the Arab oil tit, I'm surprised it wasn't produced in Technicolor with Dolby Surround Sound.

Kinda like the funding so-called Israel recieves from us in order to maim, torture and kill Palestinian children and women??

Yep, after being tortured for hours, he admitted to he and his family being Jewish. Everything else from beginning to end was torture induced horse shit.

I'm not sure how you know he was "tortured for hours"...were you there? Or are you taking this on faith? And frankly what he was saying near the end rings quite true and is the feelings of the majority of the world and many Americans of all ends of the political spectrum, possibly including Pearl.

Would you after the same treatment for the same length of time. Nuclear evaporation is too good for those "Islamic" cock suckers.

Again how exactly do you know how he was treated before his death? And actually that death scene looked not a little fake, like a movie, and since you claim they are so well funded I wonder how we know that was even real? Perhaps Pearl is living the high life away from his less than attractive wife in the UAE or somewhere...

And your sophmoric kneejerk nuclear answer is tiresome.
I bet you fly an oversized American flag from the back of your pick-up truck too eh?


[CTRL] Northcom Raises Legal, Constitutional Questions

2002-05-29 Thread Wes676767

This article appears in the May 31, 2002 issue of Executive Intelligence Review. 

Northcom Raises Legal,
Constitutional Questions

by Carl Osgood 

Since Sept. 11, there has been increasing pressure from both within and without the Bush Administration to expand the role of the U.S. military in "homeland defense." To this ostensible end, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld announced, on April 17, the formation of a new unified military command, the U.S. Northern Command, to—as Rumsfeld put it—"help the [Defense] Department better deal with natural disasters, attacks on U.S. soil, or other civil difficulties. It will provide for a more coordinated support to civil authorities such as the FBI, FEMA [Federal Emergency Management Agency], and state and local governments."

Rumsfeld described the new command as "assigned to defend the American people where they live and work, and it will be functioning in a supporting role to civil authorities as occasions arise." Northern Command's geographic area of responsibility will include Mexico and Canada, as well as the United States and parts of the Caribbean, including Cuba.

EIR Founding Editor Lyndon LaRouche warned (EIR, May 17, 2002) that in the current context of strategic policymaking, the creation of Northern Command "is clearly a proposal to 'cross the Rubicon,' " a reference to Julius Caesar's 49 BC march into Rome that ultimately led to the establishment of the Roman Empire under Augustus Caesar in 31 BC. The danger, today, stems from the possibility that, under this new arrangement, the Pentagon might become a tool of Attorney General John Ashcroft. LaRouche pointed to the doctrine of law encompassed by the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act which "may be properly viewed as the U.S. government's recognition of the danger of allowing the circumstances under which corrupt elements of the Federal government might act to establish a military dictatorship in the U.S.A."

LaRouche is not alone in his concerns. Military experts and state legislators consulted by EIR have raised numerous questions as to the Constitutionality and legality of the Northern Command as it is being constituted. One expert argues that, if the intent of the Northern Command is to facilitate the use of Federal troops in emergency situations, the required legal authorities already exist under Title 10 and Title 32 of the U.S. Code. If, however, the intent is to deploy Federal troops to assist other Federal departments, such as Treasury or Justice, in the enforcement of civil law, then Constitutional and legal problems arise.

Erosion of Posse Comitatus

The deployment of Federal troops for civil law enforcement purposes is strictly prohibited by the Posse Comitatus Law, formally known as Title 18, section 1385 of the U.S. Code. It simply reads, "Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army [later amended to include the Air Force, then extended to the Navy and Marines by Defense Department regulation] as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both." The act has specific application to regular military forces functioning under Title 10, and Title 10 provides exceptions, such as for disaster recovery assistance. Title 10 also defines circumstances under which the regular military forces can provide assistance to law enforcement, such as the provision of equipment and training.

The National Guard, when functioning under state status, is governed by Title 32, and is not subject to the Posse Comitatus Act. The National Guard only comes under Posse Comitatus when it is Federalized under Title 10. The Coast Guard is normally under the Department of Transportation, and itself has significant law enforcement authorities and responsibilities, and is therefore also not subject to Posse Comitatus.

The law has its genesis in the aftermath of the contested Presidential election of 1876, when Federal troops on duty in the South were used to guard polling places. No prosecutions have ever taken place under the law, and exceptions have been made to it during its history, such as the deployment of troops to end rioting in Chicago in 1919 and against the "Bonus marchers" in Washington, D.C. in 1932. In the 1970s, Federal courts drew the distinction between active participation of the military in law enforcement activities, and passive assistance, such as the lending of equipment, in a series of cases that arose in the aftermath of the 1973 standoff at Wounded Knee, South Dakota between Federal law enforcement authorities and the American Indian Movement.

Real erosion of the posse comitatus principle came with the deployment of the military in drug interdiction in the early 1980s. Later on, border duty and investigative support were added. Matthew Carlton Hammond, writing 

[CTRL] Part 2 of a two-part series: The complicity connection

2002-05-29 Thread Wes676767

Part 2 of a two-part series
The complicity connection: What did the Bush administration know and when did it know it?

By Joyce Lynn
Online Journal Contributing Writer  
Strange Goings-On

May 29, 2002—In May 2001, Secretary of State Colin Powell gave $43 million to the Taliban because under its regime poppy growing was drastically reduced. Despite its human rights abuses, the "gift," in addition to other aid, made the U.S. the "main sponsor of the Taliban" at the time, according to a column by Robert Scheer in the Los Angeles Times May 22.

Last summer, then Pakistani ISI Chief General Mahmound Ahmad through an aide wired $100,000 to Mohammed Atta, according to a Times of India report. The FBI named Atta, who died in one of the hijacked planes, as the ringleader of the September 11 attacks.

Last September 4, General Ahmad, the ISI chief, arrived in Washington for meetings with high-level State Department officials and presumably with his CIA counterparts, reports Michel Chossudovsky of the Centre for Research on Globalisation.

Five days later, Ahmad Shah Masood, leader of the Northern Alliance, was attacked. He died September 13. The Northern Alliance blamed the Pakistani ISI.

Last October 7, Pakistan's government dismissed Ahmad after the Indian government informed the U.S. about the wire transfer, and the U.S. requested his removal, according to the Times of India. 

It appears either Ahmad was acting as a rogue state of one or the Pakistani intelligence service was involved in the September 11 attacks.

Key members of the U.S. State Department's Asia team made both clandestine and public trips to Pakistan and India last summer. These officials, including Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, were CIA operatives in the Reagan and Bush administrations. CIA Director George Tenet visited Pakistan and met with Pakistani president General Pervez Musharraf.

In addition, last September, three members of the Senate Intelligence Subcommittee also visited Pakistan with an entourage of espionage operatives.

 "It is a mystery how bin Laden could have planned the U.S. attacks without the knowledge of the U.S. since the entire State Department team for South Asia visited or were stationed in the capitals of Pakistan and India during the past summer," maintains Yoichi Clark Shimatsu, former general editor of The Japan Times Weekly and now a journalism professor at the University of Hong Kong in a September 20 article.

Airline Stock Trading

Unusual trading in put options on American and United Airlines occurred in the week before September 11. According to investigative journalist Michael Ruppert, the CIA and other intelligence services monitor trading in real time using Promis software to "detect potential warnings of terrorist attacks and other economic moves contrary to U.S. interests."

Ruppert's website, From the Wilderness, reports on the effects of illegal covert operations on society. The following is excerpted from his report. Ruppert relied on the Israeli Herzliyya International Policy Institute for Counterterrorism's September 21 article, "Black Tuesday: The World's Largest Insider Trading Scam," as well as business stories in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and San Francisco Chronicle for his information and data.

September 6–7, 2001: 744 put options (a hedge that a stock will decline in value) are purchased on United Air Lines. Only 396 call options (a hedge that a stock will increase in value) are purchased. This is an unusual increase in put options.

A large number of the UAL put options are purchased through Deutsche Bank/AB Brown.
September 10, 2001: 4,516 put options are purchased on American Airlines compared to 748 call options.

The put options on United and America airlines were 600 percent above normal. They were the only airlines with such trading patterns the week of September 6–11.
On September 29, the San Francisco Chronicle reported that investors left more than $2.5 million in profits they made trading options in the stock of United Airlines before the September 11 terrorist attacks uncollected. "The uncollected money raises suspicions that the investors-whose identities and nationalities have not been made public-had advance knowledge of the strikes . . . 

 " . . . The source familiar with the United trades identified Deutsche Bank Alex Brown, the American investment banking arm of German giant Deutsche Bank, as the investment bank used to purchase at least some of these options . . ." 
The current CIA Executive Director is A.B. "Buzzy" Krongard. He became CEO of A. B. Brown Inc. in 1991 and chairman in 1994. When A.B. Brown merged with Bankers Trust Corp. in September 1997, Krongard became vice chairman of Bankers Trust until he became counselor to the CIA Director in March 1998. Deutsche Bank acquired Bankers Trust in 1999, making it the largest bank in Europe.

Re: [CTRL] Daniel Pearl Video

2002-05-29 Thread Wes676767
In a message dated 5/29/02 9:03:03 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Take a look at the video again. Watch his body movements as he speaks. Also, you might note the fact that he was dead prior to having his throat slit and his head cut off.

Oh I noted that he was inanimate and I've seen similar scenes in Fulci films from 20+ years ago...I wouldn't be at all surprised if this turns out to be a big hoax.

Watch the video again. This time, put your sniveling crusade for those poor "Palestinians" aside and watch (as) objectively (as you can).

Sorry but the nifty editing of Israeli atrocities are what really catch my eye.
If they have the know-how to edit like that they certainly also have the ability to create a semi-realistic looking fake death scene a' la the aforementioned Fulci or Argento or Lamberto isn't rocket science. 

This (non-interference on the part of the USA in the affairs of ANY other nation) is my sentiment as well, but I don't go around chopping people's heads off, blowing up buses and/or flying planes into buildings to make my point.

But you do go around parroting the corporate/Zionist press as if it were gospel.

You've been snorting those government mind control rays again, haven't you? Maybe Pearl is flying around in Elvis' UFO. :-)

Yup, it's just gotta' be true if the media says it is, right?




2002-05-29 Thread Wes676767


Carl Jensen

"It is extremely easy for us to say that the German people, for instance, even under the threat of physical violence, shouldn’t have allowed their government to do what it did. But we of the United States, under no intimidating threats and with a long history of individual freedom, did not stop this forced evacuation which took place over a number of months and subjected many thousands of local citizens not only to bewilderment and misery of barren, crowded barracks but to large, permanent losses in the form of hard earned businesses and properties; sudden amputation of plans and hopes; disillusionment about their citizenship in America. If we ask ourselves why we did not stop it, and listen to the reasons we start to put forth, perhaps we may understand why similar questions asked Germans about ‘stopping Hitler’ are in reality too vague and inadequate to be helpful."


"Knowing what those camps meant to people caught up in the event of the 1940’s, knowing the shame that afflicts the American people as we look back on the incarceration and dislocation of a people because of their race, [or political beliefs], we can only feel repugnance and fear at the fact that today we have locations available for another round-up [1970’s and again in 1999] and that we live under a law which would permit another mass detention of people without any proof that they had committed any illegal actions."


Source: Committee on the Judiciary House of Representatives, Prohibiting Detention Camps, March 18, 1971, Pg. 93.

 U.S. Detention Camps During WW II 


The socialist experiment with detention camps began during the era of 1931 – 1948 in Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, and the United States. Stalin exterminated 7 – 10 million people in civilian detention camps from 1931 – 1933, and another 10 million between 1934 – 1939. Hitler opened Dachau on March 9, 1933, and Auschwitz in Poland in January, 1940. It has been determined that by the end of World War II as many as six million people died in Hitler’s detention camps. On August 24, 1939, the FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover met with FDR to develop a detention camp program in the United States.


Some people today will remember the detention camps which were setup in the United States immediately after President Roosevelt declared war on Japan and formally entered World War II. What many don’t realize is that the Japanese were not the only people who were forced to go to these camps. Germans, Italians, and Mexicans were also sent to these camps during WW II. It should be said that the camps in the United States were not the death camps which were so feared in Europe, yet these people were denied their Constitutional rights when the federal government forced them into the camps.

 Immediately after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, the government began discussions concerning what to do with aliens that were from countries that were now considered enemies of the United States. There was an immediate call to evacuate the Japanese from the west-coast states of California, Oregon, Washington and the state of Hawaii. 


Over the next two months, the public’s attitude toward the Japanese rapidly deteriorated. In February of 1942 the government began registering enemy aliens and large-scale "spot" raids were conducted to seek out potential dissidents and evidence of espionage. In the next four months the raids produced little in the way of proof that Japanese residents were plotting against the United States.


Due to the increasing anti-Japanese sentiment unemployment among the Japanese soared, reports of personal attacks grew, desperately needy were denied relief funds, and the Japanese were refused licenses to operate businesses. They were also subjected to heavy travel restrictions. 


By the middle of February 1942, it was decided to begin to evacuate all persons of Japanese lineage and all other aliens whose presence would be considered dangerous to the defense of the United States. It was estimated that 100,000 enemy aliens would be involved in the evacuation. (NOTE: to this day the United States government still looks upon this forced evacuation as a voluntary evacuation.) It should be said that there were people in the government and the military that thought that these evacuations were wrong and should not be instituted, but their objections were ignored. On February 19, 1942, President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, which ordered the evacuations to begin. 


One month later on March 18, 1942, President Roosevelt signed Executive Order

9102 which established the War Relocation Authority. It ordered the establishment of this agency in the Office of Emergency Management to manage the evacuation. The Authority quickly began planning the building of ten relocation camps that would house over 110,000 people. 


The Quakers helped the 

Re: [CTRL] Daniel Pearl Video

2002-05-29 Thread Wes676767
In a message dated 5/29/02 9:41:51 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Oh, like the occasional winces at the beginning of every line of his statement? He looked mighty "animated" to me.

During the beheading he was inanimate...
Clearly he was lucid and well-spoken during his speech and I didn't see him wince. Methinks you see what you want to see.

In all seriousness, neither would I. Now, who are the hoaxers?

I have no idea.

Yes, interesting how a non-combatant American journalist is made to pay for Israeli "crimes." Add unjust, cruel and cowardly to my list of epithets :-)

If indeed he did "pay for Israeli crimes" that is wrong...and your epithets would be apt.

No, but there's no point to such a charade on their behalf either. What's the pay-off for having the rest of the world thinking they are barbarians (assuming the hoax was perpetrated by Muslim extremists in Pakistan or elsewhere)?

Perhaps the hoax, if it is one, was done w/ CIA complicity...I don't know. 
It seems to have whipped YOU into an anti-Arab frenzy!



2002-05-28 Thread Wes676767


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May 28, 2002 (GNN) 
The following article by Mike Blair is published in GNN with the permission of American
Free Press. We are grateful to AFP and its editor, Christopher Petherick, for
allowing GNN to re-issue it because it supports the information delivered in Seeds of Fire: China and the Story Behind the Attack on America,
by Gordon Thomas.
. (Toll free 1-877-609-5006).

Seeds of Fire reveals who was
really behind the 9/11 attack on America, background on CIAs MK-ULTRA mind
control program, the PROMIS spy surveillance software theft, gory details of
the Robert Maxwell Story and how China obtained access to Los Alamos defense secrets,
insight on the Jonathan Pollard Israeli spy case, the full story of the
Tiananmen Square Massacre, the CIA Global Forecast for 2011, and more.

Dandelion Books has learned that this book may not be found on
the shelves of the large chain bookstores or even in independent stores -- although
it is distributed by all the major North American wholesalers and listed in
their databases.

Gordon Thomas, a best-selling author with a track record for
having sold 50 million copies of his 42 books, has not appeared on any of the
major media television networks, to discuss the contents of Seeds of Fire.

Have you wondered who makes buying decisions for major chain
bookstores? Who decides which books the store will promote? Who is responsible for
delivering information about new books and promoting them to independent

Who decides which authors and reporters should appear on
major television media programs?

According to the information and official CIA documents
contained in Seeds of Fire, Chinas
agenda is clear. It intends to become a global superpower. Only through awareness
can we understand critical issues and make informed choices. The most important
action each of us can take right now is to continue to spread awareness.


--Carol Adler, Editor-in-Chief

Global News Net (GNN)

Red Chinas Military Benefits From American Giveaways 


Americas leaders and international financiers value profits over patriotism.


Exclusive to American Free Press

By Mike Blair


leaders, in bed with globalist bankers and industrialists, have been
systematically and greedily selling the nations ability to defend itself
to a Chinese government eager to destroy America.

The past century demonstrated that Americas
strength has been its industrial base. It is being literally shipped away and
being re-established in Red China. 

Two factors were paramount in America prevailing
during World War II. Foremost was the nations industrial base, its
ability to produce weapons in such quantities that the Axis powers of Germany, Japan, and Italy were

Secondly, there was Americas
development of the atomic bomb, which blasted Japan out of the

Two books have since shown that Japan was racing
the United States in
developing an atomic bomb. If Japan had won
that race, its been speculated that the Asian country could have won the
wareven in the last desperate summer months of 1945 (American Free
Press, Jan. 21).

Today, Americas
military might is being sold out to Red China. 

Nearly every major company in the nation, because of greed,
is moving production facilities and capacity to the Chinese mainland.

Ford Motor Co. is building vans in a joint venture with the
Chinese in Nanchang and later
this year will be producing passenger cars at another joint facility in

Few companies symbolized America more than
Ford with its development of the automobile assembly line in the early 20th
Century. And, during the dark days of World War II, it was those assembly lines
that were converted virtually overnight to build tanks, armored cars and

General Motors is there, too, building Buick sedans and G18 executive
wagons at its joint venture with the Chinese in Shanghai. 

Other well-known companies, including Corning, Boeing,
Kodak, IBM, Gillette, Johnson and Johnson, and Die bold (manufacturer of automated
teller machines), have located production facilities in China. Corning alone
has spent more than $200 million on facilities    in China. 

As these companies build facilities in China, always
utilizing the latest in production technology, older factories in America are shut down
or employees are laid off to make them more lean.

Today, there are more than 200 

[CTRL] Teslas Electromagnetic Pyramids (1 of 2)

2002-05-28 Thread Wes676767

Written as fiction, based on fact
Tesla’s Electromagnetic Pyramids
(And The Later "War on Terror")

Copyright Joe Vialls, 11 September 1998, All Rights Reserved

In 1905 physics genius Nikola Tesla submitted his US patent 787,412 which describes “The Art of Transmitting Electrical Energy Through the Natural Mediums”, and includes a design for a series of worldwide generators. It is beyond doubt this patent led to the construction of the “Omega” network of radio transmitters erected around the world between 1963 and 1982, officially for the purpose of global navigation, though navigation is the least important function of the Omega network.
Tesla was eloquently misleading in some of his patents and this is probably the ultimate example. Although until recently Omega did offer very-low-frequency navigational services they were only a secondary function: a “security cover” for the network’s real purpose of subtly manipulating the resonant frequency of the earth itself, and the resonant frequency of the earth-to-ionospheric gap.
Anyone able to manipulate resonant frequencies between five and fifteen cycles per second, to three decimal places of accuracy, can influence every dynamic electromagnetic activity on the face of the earth and beyond, including global weather patterns, human thought and thus human behaviour. Put simply, Omega is the most powerful integrated global strike and C3i (Command, Control, Communications intelligence) network ever constructed.
In late 1968 a small group of men gathered in a rambling old house situated a few miles outside the German city of Munich. The weak afternoon sunlight was starting to fade as they sat down at the polished oak conference table, and despite a roaring log fire in the ornate fireplace there was a noticable chill in the air. These men were of no particular religion, nor were they politicians, bankers, bureaucrats or mainstream military personnel. To use their own self-effacing term they were "no-persons", just a group of intelligent men from all over the world deeply concerned about the looming probability of global thermonuclear war. The American Department of State, the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and the Russian Kremlin were brimming over with megalomaniacs quite capable of destroying all life on the planet in their blind quest for power, unless they could be persuaded not to do so.
Global thermonuclear war was not the only problem. Since the end of the First World War and the subsequent formation of the League of Nations, the same megalomaniacs had frequently expressed their determination to implement a "New Order", bureaucratic code for a one world government. If left to run unchecked, within a single century the megalomaniacs would remove national borders entirely, destroy delightfully diverse national cultures developed over thousands of years, and replace them in-toto with hordes of multicultural drones willing to slave for endless hours in "worker's paradises" for the exclusive benefit of a tiny but immensely powerful global elite. The first successful phase of the New Order exercise was at that very moment in full swing, less than a thousand miles away in the worker's paradise known as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
Faced with a completely unacceptable Orwellian future, the Munich Group had two objectives: stop the megalomaniacs from destroying all life on the planet with thermonuclear weapons, and at the same time protect the myriad national cultures existing around the world from extinction. The critical question facing its members was how to achieve these awesome objectives with strictly limited resources.
The politicians and mainstream military controlled more than 90% of the conventional and nuclear weapons so their use was not an option. Besides, if the Munich Group resorted to such methods they would risk triggering a global thermonuclear exchange, the very event they were determined to prevent. Many years later this and other groups would supplement their arsenals with micronized atomic weapons for use against specific targets, but the primary weapon system under discussion at the 1968 Munich meeting was quite different, and well beyond the comprehension of any professor of classical or quantum physics.
Rising from the table, each member of the group approached a small strongroom and removed a thick black file. The strongroom door remained open throughout the meeting. If the security perimeter of the house was breached the files would be placed back in the strongroom in less than ten seconds, and the strongroom's twelve inch-thick thermite filled walls would explode into searing white-hot flames, destroying the files, the safe and most of the old house in seconds. Group members might or might not have time to escape the blazing inferno but none worried about the lethal possibility. Omega project security was far more important 

[CTRL] Teslas Electromagnetic Pyramids (2 of 2)

2002-05-28 Thread Wes676767

Nikola Tesla knew it was rubbish, because he knew that everything in the universe is connected to everything else by an endless loop of electromagnetic particles, also known as energy, which Tesla proved resonated (vibrated naturally) within identical frequency ranges. If you hook a man up to a piece of medical equipment called an electroencephalograph or EEG, its chart will display Delta, Alpha, Theta and Beta "brain" waves vibrating through a range of frequencies from about one to twenty-five cycles per second, with most of the meaningful activity in a central band between five and fifteen cycles per second. But if you then remove the electroencephalograph sensors from the man and push them deep into damp conductive earth instead, you will find the EEG chart faithfully displays Delta, Alpha, Theta and Beta waves in identical frequency ranges.
Indeed, if the medical sensors could be suitably adapted they would detect identical vibrations in air and "outer space" as well. Thus man is merely an integral part of an electromagnetic whole which embraces his eyes, the apparently empty space between his eyes and the hill, the hill itself, and the universe. Remove or even deflect any of the billions of particles comprising this electromagnetic whole, and man would be rendered incapable of seeing anything at all.
The source for all of this electromagnetic activity is the universe itself, with billions of stars emitting incalculable amounts of energy, in turn used or replicated by the planets. Planet earth is a gigantic electrical generator spinning around two magnetic poles from which limitless energy can be tapped at will, provided appropriate tuning is used, which in the case of Omega means magnifying and applying appropriate resonant frequencies.
When the Munich Group designed the aerials for Omega's cover navigational role, they used Tesla's 787,412 which stated the frequency "should be less than twenty thousand [cycles]". So the group designed aerial arrays perfectly suited to transmitting at frequencies between five and fifteen thousand cycles per second. Man-made electrical generators provided power for Omega's navigation transmitters, which worked perfectly, allowing pinpoint accuracy for submerged submarines monitoring the standing waves emitted by at least three of the Omega stations, known to navigators as a "position fix".
What the group did not tell the politicians and the military was that aerials which can transmit at five to fifteen thousand cycles per second can also transmit on all other frequencies with direct mathematical relationships, known as harmonics. The secret of Omega's hidden electromagnetic control role was its ability to simultaneously or sequentially transmit on even numbered sub-harmonic frequencies between five and fifteen cycles per second, a range embracing the resonant frequencies of the earth itself and the earth to ionospheric gap.
And just as submerged submarines could fix their positions with pinpoint accuracy by monitoring the standing waves emitted by at least three of the Omega stations, the Munich Group could use the Omega network to direct sub-harmonic standing waves and thus resonant effects of virtually any magnitude to literally any point on earth, with equal centimetric accuracy. Exactly which effect was produced at that point on earth would be determined by the precise resonant frequency used, accurate to three decimal places.
Every material in the universe, organic or inorganic, has its own unique resonant frequency, allowing Omega extreme accuracy in its electromagnetic control role. The best known example of natural resonance is the soprano who shattered a wine glass twenty feet away by singing a particular note. She was singing a note at the unique resonant frequency of the glass itself, which vibrated in sympathy until it exceeded its stress tolerance, then shattered into hundreds of pieces. Using exactly the same principle, if Omega directed the resonant frequency of, say, basalt rock, at a precise point on the earth's surface at vastly increased magnitude, the effect would be identical in that the basalt rock would vibrate naturally with increasing force, until eventually a tremor or earthquake occurred at that precise point.
Destroying entire regions by earthquake or tempest would be a complete overkill for a network designed from the outset by the Munich Group to "persuade" a bunch of megalomaniacs to cease and desist from violence, threatened against whichever small sovereign nation was the chosen "Terrorist State of The Month", so the Omega network would normally be used to demonstrate the likely catastrophic punitive response if the megalomaniacs refused to heed warnings from the Munich Group.
Say, for example, that the American megalomaniacs were planning to bomb another hundred thousand Iraqis into instant bloody oblivion, the Munich Group might send a telex or 


2002-05-28 Thread Wes676767


The bin Laden-Bush monster defense contractor The Carlyle Group, which just happens to be making a mint from the war on terrorism, stands to reap enormous profit from any India-Pakistan conflict, because it has direct ties to the companies (BAE) and intelligence agencies (CIA) that supply both war machines!

Propaganda exclusive by Paul Joseph Watson   

The imminent nuclear conflict between Pakistan and India has been funded and fomented by the same nefarious influences that brought you the 'war on terrorism.'

It's common knowledge in intelligence circles that the Inter Services Intelligence Agency (Pakistan's secret service) runs the entire country in the shadow of dictator General Pervez Musharraf. In turn, the CIA co-ordinates the activities of the ISI. This alliance gave birth to Osama bin Laden, Al-Qaeda and the current war on terrorism. Osama bin Laden left Saudi Arabia in 1979 to fight the invading Soviets in Afghanistan. By 1984 he was running the front organization known as MAK, (Maktab al-Khidamar) which eventually mutated into Al-Qaeda, consisting of the more extreme members of the former group. During the war MAK was nurtured by Pakistan's Inter-services Intelligence Agency, ISI.

The ISI was the CIA's covert ally and conduit against Moscow's occupation. Via the ISI the kindergarten Al-Qaeda were trained, armed, funded and empowered by the CIA. The new covert U.S. assistance began with a dramatic increase in arms supplies -- a steady rise to 65,000 tons annually by 1987, as well as a "ceaseless stream" of CIA and Pentagon specialists who travelled to the secret headquarters of Pakistan's ISI on the main road near Rawalpindi, Pakistan. There the CIA specialists met with Pakistani intelligence officers to help plan operations for the Afghan rebels, bin Laden included. The Central Intelligence Agency, using Pakistan's ISI, played a key role in training the Mujahideen.

It was reported by the BBC that the ISI aided bin Laden's escape from Afghanistan at the end of 2001. Since the CIA are basically the administrative masters of the ISI, they mandated and approved bin Laden's escape.

Furthermore, by direct order of President Bush, 5,000 members of Al-Qaeda and the Taliban were rescued via cargo planes as Kunduz fell to the Northern Alliance in November 2001. Bush had ordered the United States Central Command to set up a special air corridor to help insure the safety of the Pakistani rescue flights from Kunduz to the northwest corner of Pakistan, about two hundred miles away. To emphasise, these rescued individuals were high level Taliban and al-Qaeda operatives fighting against the United States. These secret airlifts gave these terrorists refuge primarily in Kashmir, the disputed border. The first incident that could have led to a nuclear war between India and Pakistan occured when, on December 13th 2001, a suicide squad of five heavily armed Muslim terrorists drove past a barrier at the Indian Parliament, in New Delhi, and rushed the main building. Nine people were killed in the shoot-out. Would this have happened if the Bush administration hadn't rescued 5,000 of these terrorists just three weeks previously?

OK, the Bush administration are fomenting tension amongst the Pakistani militants - what about India - who's stoking their fire? Answer, the Carlyle Group, of whom the Bush dynasty are stakeholders!

In January of this year, the Moscow Times reported that British Prime Minister Tony Blair made a visit to India and Pakistan in an attempt to calm ethnic tensions between the two. In reality he was pushing the sale of a lucrative deal with arms merchant BAE Systems for 60 new jet fighters. The Russian newspaper stated 'Blair's minions are putting the squeeze on India to accept a $1.4 billion deal with arms merchant BAE Systems for 60 new jet fighters. This will no doubt have a very "calming influence" on the balance of power as the subcontinent teeters on the brink of nuclear war -- the same kind of calming influence gasoline has on fire. Of course, if Blair can get those billion warbucks into BAE's coffers, Master Georgie will be very pleased. For one of BAE's business partners is -- God, this is almost too easy! -- our old friends the Carlyle Group. Faithful readers know that Daddy Bush -- the former peddler of poison gas to Iraq -- has long been feeding at the Carlyle trough, working his contacts with Saudi royalty, the bin Laden family, Asian dictators, South American junta honchos and other respectable characters to cement sweetheart deals for the Reagan-Bush retreads who skim the cream off Carlyle's $13 billion nest egg.'

The BBC reported these BAE-India negotiations back in August 2001.

Here's the BAE-Carlyle Group partnership announced on BAE's own website.

The bin Laden-Bush monster defense contractor 

[CTRL] Bilderberg Split on Iraq War

2002-05-28 Thread Wes676767

Bilderberg Split on Iraq War

The super-secret Bilderberg Group, meeting at Westfields Marriott May 30 through June 2, remains united on its main agenda—global government and all its attendant financial benefits for international banksters and others—but there is a serious split over the issue of going to war.

By James P. Tucker Jr.

CHANTILLY, Va.—There is sharp division among Bilderberg luminaries—who are making their final arrangements to arrive for the secret meeting May 30-June 2 at the Westfields Marriott 30 miles outside of Washington—over the issue of war with Iraq.

Like their brother group, the Trilateral Commission, according to a report in the April 22 issue of American Free Press, many European leaders object to America’s determination to attack Iraq. Warhawks in the Bush administration are pressing for an attack in late summer or early fall.

American officials attending the globalist confab will be trying hard to convince the Europeans to not oppose the war if unable to outwardly support the pending attack.

On the domestic front, Bilderberg needs to convince a few generals and admirals. Secretary of State Colin Powell follows orders like the good soldier he is. But his heart is not in his saber-rattling words.

On the larger, global agenda, Bilderberg enjoys its traditional unity. There is broad agreement on the need to turn the United Nations into a world government.

Bilderberg is using its influence to promote Fast Track in Congress. Their messenger boys are Sens. Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.) and Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.). Both have been invited to the last three meetings. Hagel was supposed to attend the meeting in Sweden a year ago but had to remain in Washington when Sen. James Jeffords bolted the Republican Party.

By giving President Bush Fast Track authority to negotiate expansion of NAFTA throughout the Western Hemisphere, Bilderberg’s goal of creating an “American Union,” with all countries in North, Central and South America, will be advanced. The ultimate goal is to divide the world into three great regions for the administrative convenience of a world government. The dollar is to become the common currency.

The split over waging war emerged when the Tri laterals met in Washington in April. Bilderberg and Trilateral have interlocking leadership and a common agenda. Vice President Dick Cheney, Powell and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld made the case for war. 

[CTRL] The Drudge Report: Outlet for Covert Disinformation?

2002-05-28 Thread Wes676767

Matt Druge and The Drudge Report 
Outlet for Covert Disinformation?

>From Ken Adachi [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
May 26, 2002 

I repost the following article posted at the Drudge Report for one reason: to illustrate a typical discrediting takedown operation. David Brock hit a lot of tender nerves in his book and it required a smear job to discredit him and reduce his credibility. And here it is, provided courtesy of an 'exclusive' by that kitchen table to riches kid, Matt Drudge. I suppose Brock was sent a message when Bill Clinton, a major player in the Illuminati hierarchy, couldn't resist saying: " ..they should read Brock's book to illuminate anew what they were all fighting against for eight years..." 



TUESDAY MAY 21, 2002 20:01:39 

Controversial author David Brock suffered a breakdown last summer and was committed to the psychiatric ward of Sibley Hospital in Northwest Washington, sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT. The breakdown came just months before Brock finalized production of his bestselling book BLINDED BY THE RIGHT -- a book that has been widely challenged on points of accuracy! "He had delusions, he thought people were trying to kill him," reveals a source who befriended Brock last July at the hospital. Brock told fellow patients that he did not feel safe -- even inside of the hospital's secure medical setting! "He spent time in the ''The Quiet Room', there was just a mattress on the floor, and he had some books. He was so tired and stressed." Reached by phone in Washington late Tuesday Brock strongly denied the hospitalization and breakdown in any way affected his ability to recall events depicted in BLINDED BY THE RIGHT. Brock strongly denied that any portion of the book was written at the hospital while he was under medical treatments, as is claimed by one source. 

Publisher CROWN could not be reached late Tuesday. 

Brock's book of personal observations and first-hand accounts involving various Clinton scandals and scandal players generated divided opinion. Former President Clinton chatted up Brock's effort in Los Angeles last weekend. "Clinton, who seems to have practically committed passages to memory, told his former aides that whenever they feel down, they should read Brock's book to illuminate anew what they were all fighting against for eight years, and as a reminder of what 'unhappy' people their counterparts on the right truly are," the LOS ANGELES TIMES reported. But one source familiar with Brock's breakdown questioned: "With all of this, how can he be considered credible?" Brock said by phone, "I am not going to comment on private medical matters." 

[CTRL] Angolagate: Another Bush/Cheney Scandal?

2002-05-28 Thread Wes676767

Wayne Madsen, May 28, 2002 

As the U.S. Congress continues its investigation of the Enron affair, human rights advocates are calling for a probe of the Bush administration's possible role in another energy and influence-peddling scandal. According to a recent report by the British-based non-governmental organization Global Witness, Bush and U.S. oil interests have ties to some of the key figures in the arms-for-oil scandal which has devastated Angola.

Known as "Angolagate" in France, the scandal involves arms-for-oil deals between French businessman Pierre Falcone, the head of a firm called Brenco International; his colleague Jean-Christophe Mitterand, the son of the former French president; and a Russian-born Israeli named Arkadi Gaydamak.

According to "All the Presidents' Men," a March 25 report on Angolagate by Global Witness, Gaydamak funneled billions of dollars in arms and oil-backed loans to Angola's government in return for lucrative oil contracts with Western oil companies. Falcone and Gaydamak, relying on the special access that Mitterand had to the Angolan government, managed to transfer some $463 million in arms to Angola.

The net effect of the Angolan arms buildup was the scrapping of the 1994 Lusaka Peace Agreement between Angolan President Jose Eduardo dos Santos and long-time UNITA rebel leader Jonas Savimbi, a one-time favorite of the Central Intelligence Agency and a person who President Reagan once hailed as the "George Washington of Angola."

The newly-armed Angolan Army -- supported by an array of U.S.-based private mercenary companies like MPRI and AirScan -- went on a bloody offensive against UNITA in 1998 and was eventually able to push Savimbi's rebels further into the jungles in the eastern part of the country. This compelled UNITA to mine and sell more diamonds on the black market to buy arms. The trade in "blood diamonds," in turn, led to a number of human rights abuses by UNITA. Ironically, Savimbi -- Reagan's George Washington of Africa -- was gunned down by Angolan Army troops in a remote area of Angola on February 22, the birthday of America's first president.

According to Global Witness, the links between Angola's corrupt government and the Bush administration are just as odorous as those linking Luanda's leadership to past and current members of the French government, both Socialist and Gaullist. In addition to the French oil giant Total-Fina-Elf, oil companies like Chevron, Texaco, Philipps Petroleum, Exxon Mobil, and BP-Amoco -- all with close links to Bush and his White House oil team -- were heavily involved in propping up dos Santos in return for profitable off-shore oil concessions.

After transferring some $770 million in oil revenues to their own private bank accounts, dos Santos and his cronies became convinced that pluralism in their country would be a very dangerous thing for their future business deals. They also quickly abandoned their former Marxist beliefs in favor of the type of capitalist principles embraced by George W. Bush and Jacques Chirac.

Paris, Texas

There are similarities between dos Santos' new relationship with George W. Bush and the Bush family's historical ties to the House of Saud. Both represent the murky nature of oil politics that places U.S. economic, national security, and human rights interests far behind the priority assigned to ensuring maximum corporate profits for a tight-knit and secretive international oil fraternity.

Just as Bush's past financial links to the Bin Laden family have been exposed by the media, so too have his links to Angolagate and Falcone. Falcone's wife, Sonia, a former Miss Bolivia and a friend of First Lady Laura Bush, became a big-ticket contributor to Bush's 2000 election campaign. Contributions were made to the campaign through Sonia's Essanté Corporation, a distributor of health, beauty, and sexual pleasure products (such as a cream called Entisse that Essanté's web site says is guaranteed to duplicate the effects of Viagra).

In 2000, Esssanté, which is linked to Falcone's arms trafficking Brenco through the same corporate addresses and shareholding accounts in the United Kingdom and British Virgin Islands, respectively, gave the GOP and Bush campaign over $100,000. Sonia was also an early supporter of Bush. Federal Election Commission records reveal she was on board with a $1000 contribution to Bush's presidential exploratory committee on April 14, 1999. She also rubbed shoulders with George H. W. Bush at an October 6, 2000 fundraiser -- a Bush campaign event that netted $10,000 per person.

Only after Newsweek and The Arizona Republic published details of Falcone's international arms dealing involving Gaydamak was the money returned by the GOP to Essanté, and then only a few days prior to Bush's inauguration. The money, of course, was available to Bush all during the contested Florida election and the state and federal Supreme 

[CTRL] Fwd: PEPIS #38 - Bilderberg 2002 Press Release

2002-05-28 Thread Wes676767


This is being sent on behalf of [EMAIL PROTECTED]
as part of the mailing list that you joined.

1. Bilderberg 2002 Press Release
2. Robert Fisk on Bush and Bin Laden
3. Roundtable added to
4. The Explosive Plan for a Third Temple in Jerusalem
5. Is Bush an Occultist?
6. Amnesty report from Janin
7. How Biased is Your Press?
8. Weird New Website - a bit too close to the truth?

Dear Friends,

This Thursday, while all eyes are on the world cup, the first Bilderberg since the 
transatlantic élite declared 'war on terrorism' gets under way. The secretariat are 
keeping their heads down as ever, hoping and praying that they can stop any press 
scrutiny of or speculation about the event.

This communique contains a suggested press release as part of my campaign for proper 
press access to Bilderberg. I ask you to use all means to poke it under the noses of 
journalists, editors, indeed anyone you know who might like to mention the conference 
in the national and international press. Fax or email it into newsrooms wherever you 
can, a phone call to your favourite channel or paper will usually suffice to get 
newsroom fax numbers.

It's also available in 'Word' and 'rich text' format at

Anyway do please see if you can help spread the word about Chantilly. Also enjoy - as 
I'm sure you will - the brilliant piece by Robert Fisk plus the usual PEPIS concoction.

And could anyone with a good copy of the Bilderberg 'secret rulers of the world' 
channel 4 programme please let me have a copy.



Power Elite Public Information Service  -  
-  to join/leave list.
Please put in a link to - now funded 'til 2003.
This is an occasional (max. 1 per month) email list as part of the campaign for an 
open press conference at and public awareness of Bilderberg and similar elite meetings.
See  for more info.

1. Bilderberg 2002 Press Release

PRESS RELEASE - 00:00 GMT - 29May02 - For immediate release

Transatlantic Elite to meet in secret on May 30th
Tony Gosling -

The latest initiatives needed to usher in a United States of Europe and to bring about 
global domination for the Western powers are about to be revealed at a secret power 
elite conference West of Washington D.C..

If you ever wondered why so many nations signed up to the Euro currency without the 
people in those countries being asked, or how the war on terrorism has arrived just in 
time to save the gravely indebted U.S. economy you may need to look no further.

This year's Bilderberg Conference, featuring 120 or so of the most influential men in 
Europe and North America, looks certain to be taking place between Thursday 30th May 
and Sunday 2nd June 2002 at The Westfields Marriott Hotel in Chantilly Virginia. In 
its Élite Conference Guide of Christmas 1987, the Economist described Bilderberg as 
'Ne plus ultra' or 'the top of the top.'

The élite that attend Bilderberg have real power to change the world for the better 
but the press are 'encouraged' not to cover the event because Bilderberg's power 
centralising policies such the Euro, the war on terrorism and cuts in public spending 
are making things much, much worse. Bilderbergers are afraid that the global 
strategists who plan and force through these geostrategic policies will be identified 
and exposed as the real villains of the world.

Venues for these annual élite meetings are consistently palatial. Hotels generally 
have their own golf course attached and are sealed off from the outside world behind 
high walls. Though the Bilderberg secretariat insists the meetings are private, 
national military agencies such as MI6 or the CIA provide round-the-clock security at 
public expense.

But there have been leaks. Top of the agenda this year, we're told, is Saddam 
Hussein's Iraq, and how to persuade a reluctant west to once more attack one of the 
world's weakest countries. Already ravaged by ten years of sanctions 


2002-05-27 Thread Wes676767


 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor -~--
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and no minimums.
FREE Money 2002.

Note from Rayelan:

When the first plane hit the first tower on 9.11, everything that had been news, 
anywhere in the world, no longer mattered. Chandra Levy was forgotten. The disputed 
Florida Presidential race was suddenly a case of sour grapes. The changes in the 
banking system were torpedoed and their wreckage erased from memory.

I think it is time for us to take a close look at some of the stories that were posted 
in the Rumor Mill News Reading Room just prior to 9.11. RMNews Agents have a keen 
knack for choosing stories that most people miss. It is my belief that many of the 
missing threads to the 9.11 mystery lie in these stories. See the my next email WHAT 
YOU MISSED READING DUE TO 9.11 for MORE of the stories that you missed due to 9.11


A coup d'etat during the Reagan administration created a Reign of Darkness which 
continues to this day. Some have compared this Reign of Darkness to the Rise of the 
Third Reich.

From the Rumor Mill News Reading Room


Posted By: Phoenix
Date: Saturday, 8 September 2001, 5:54 a.m.


  It is my contention that a coup d'etat occurred in the White House during the Reagan 
  Three of the Heart of Darkness, George Bush Sr., William Casey and Oliver North 
performed a coup d'etat, and proceeded to dictate the Presidency.
  The Reign of Darkness has continued since the Reagan administration.
  There are many seen and unseen in this Heart of Darkness.
  I call them The Family.
  In fact, as you will see, The Family ties even go back to Nazi Germany. Some have 
compared our current Reign of Darkness to the Rise of the Third Reich.

  According to the American Heritage Dictionary of the English language:
  Fascism is defined as a philosophy or system of government that advocates or 
exercises a dictatorship of the extreme right, typically through the merging of state 
and business leadership, together with an ideology of belligerent nationalism.

  We are currently seeing the transference of our government leaders' allegiance from 
our government as defined by The Constitution to global multinational corporations. 
Hence we are in the process of moving (or are already there!) to a Global Fascist 
Corporate State.

  The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate our transition to a Global Fascist 
Corporate State and to examine and explore The Family's agenda through the saga of the 
National Missile Defense system (NMD), AKA Son of Star Wars.

  The documentation of the above assertions is currently hindered by suppression of 
full disclosure of documents and testimony.

  At this time, there are the three following examples in the news of document 
suppression. By the way, the National Archives building was closed when I went to 
visit in August and perhaps still is.

  1. The current Bush in the White House, W, has arrogantly violated the law for the 
past seven months by preventing the National Archives from releasing 68,000 pages of 
Ronald Reagan's correspondence with his top presidential aides.

  2. W is prepared to invoke executive privilege if Congress demands to see documents 
about prosecutors' decisions in three Clinton-era cases, administration officials said 

  Some who do not realize that Clinton and his associates are part of The Family are 
having difficulty understanding why W is going to such extraordinary lengths to keep 
these documents hidden.

  Is W concerned we might learn more about his father and others in The Family who are 
being recycled through the White House such as Ashcroft, Cheney and Rumsfeld?
  Full disclosure of key operations such as October Surprise, Iran Contra and Mena, 
Arkansas would reveal much about The Family's global drug and arms business and the 
massive financial fraud that has been perpetuated upon the American public.

  3. W is still ignoring a demand from the General Accounting Office for the names of 
lobbyists and business executives the Bush administration met with in formulating its 
energy plan.

  Despite death and great suffering imposed by Gestapo-like actions from The Family, 
some have been able to tell the true stories of this Reign 

[CTRL] An Update on the Bilderberg Meeting: May 30-June 2

2002-05-27 Thread Wes676767

An Update on the Bilderberg Meeting: May 30-June 2 
by David Martin 

Concerning your article on the Bilderberg meeting. The Westfields Marriott Hotel in Chantilly is not 7 miles south of Washington, DC, but about 25 miles slightly south, due west of Washington. 

The interesting thing about that hotel and conference center is that it is only a couple of tenths of a mile from the new National Reconnaissance Office complex where a security guard was mysteriously murdered shortly before it became operational. The funny thing is that the Marriott Hotel and Conference Center has always had an eerie quality about it that gives me a bigger case of the creeps than even the NRO building. I fancy that some very sinister and nefarious things go on in that building. I ride my bike by there frequently because the traffic is very light on the weekends. 

Here is what I have posted about the NRO murder and cover-up on Usenet: 

Is James Bamford Real? 

Carol Valentine's deduction that James Bamford is a false secret-government critic, I'm afraid, rings all too true. See . 

Let me relate my brief experience with the man. A few years ago the Fund for Constitutional Government organized a panel discussion in a large room of the Capitol Building regarding a book whose late author they had partially funded. The book was "Secrets, the CIA's War at Hom," by the deceased Angus MacKenzie and David Weir, who finished it up for him. On the panel were Bob Woodward of Watergate fame; Scott Armstrong, his co-author of "The Brethren" and founder of The National Security Archive; Tim Weiner, who writes on spook matters for The New York Times, and Bill Clinton's first National Security Adviser, Anthony Lake. I would estimate that 100 or so people were in attendance, virtually all of whom were spooks and/or "journalists." I had been given a heads-up about the program by its organizer and my friend at the Fund, Ernest Fitzgerald. (The days when regular citizens like me can just show up at a gathering in the Capitol Building, alas, appear to be long gone.) 

I was told later that when they opened the floor for questions, the first person recognized was the stooge standing next to me in the back of the room. I conveniently thought they were recognizing me and beat the stooge to the punch with my question. I asked Woodward why the Washington Post had never written anything about the unsolved murder of the young female security guard at the super secret National Reconnaissance Office complex shortly before the purpose of the new buildings was revealed. I'm sure the panel was made uncomfortable by the question, and Woodward looked more pained than usual. He pleaded ignorance and asked me to fill him in after the meeting. I did so, giving him (by mail) the clipping that is excerpted as the "Tina Ricca Story" at 

I asked Woodward to alert me when The Post did its own story, but I'm still waiting. Interestingly, of the large number of writers and journalists present, the only one to approach me afterward and ask for more details was James Bamford. To my knowledge, he never wrote anything about the murder and apparent cover-up either. Now that I see what kind of person Bamford likely is, I think it's a very good thing that the only information I had about the Ricca case was already out in the public arena. It's pretty clear to me now that the role of these "investigative reporters" is not that of a watchdog on government corruption, but that of a bird dog on the citizenry, pointing out to the corrupt authorities the ones they might have a problem with. After all, suppose I had some private information that pointed to, say, the CIA as the culprits. Who would I go to, the FBI, the local cops? 

Valentine speculates that convicted FBI agent Robert Hanssen might have gone to rotten FBI higher-ups with advance warning of 9-11. Maybe it was Bamford he went to, and that was his big mistake. The odd cozy relationship they had reminds me of the ties between the Washington Post's CIA-beat reporter, Walter Pincus and the late Vincent Foster. Pincus' revelations about Foster, as I point out in part One of my "America's Dreyfus Affair: The Case of the Death of Vincent Foster," represented "the first instance of anyone publicly saying that he noticed any behavior in Foster that one might describe as, at most, agitated." As such, it played a very large role in planting in the public mind the notion that Foster had been "depressed" enough to commit suicide. These are the kinds of friends our journalists make these days. 

[CTRL] FDR and the Controllers: War-Time Traitors (part one - Pearl Harbor)

2002-05-27 Thread Wes676767

FDR and the Controllers: War-Time Traitors (part one - Pearl Harbor) 
by Victor Thorn 

When researchers study American history and try to pinpoint certain time-frames that signal the beginning of our "takeover" by a hidden ruling elite, the first glaring example is Woodrow Wilson - by far this country's most manipulated President. While Wilson and his evil cohorts like Colonel House were re-elected to their second term, the Controllers were already searching for another devil to take his place somewhere down the line. They found their pigeon in Franklin Delano Roosevelt, whose family had been in banking since the 1700's. In fact, FDR's uncle, Frederic Delano, was one of the original members of the Federal Reserve Board. 

FDR was so familiar with elements of the "shadow government" that he said at one time, "Sixty families in America control the wealth of this nation." During the 1920's he held 11 corporate directorships, two law partnerships, and was the president of a law association. To highlight these associations with high level financiers, Anthony Sutton, in his book "Wall Street and FDR" said, "Roosevelt was a creation of Wall Street, an integral part of the New York banking fraternity." Curtis B. Dall, FDR's son-in-law, went even further with this startling confession. "Most of his thoughts, his political ammunition as it were, were carefully manufactured for him in advance by the CFR-One-World Money Group." Finally, Des Griffin, in "Descent Into Slavery," characterized the Roosevelt Presidency as such: "In the twelve years during which he occupied the White House, FDR probably did more than any other single politician in history to bring to fruition the plans of the 'Invisible Government' of the international bankers." 

In this essay I could criticize President Roosevelt's policies that set the stage for creeping Socialism, or how he allowed the Soviets to begin a substantial land grab during World War II. But instead, I'll focus primarily on two different aspects of the FDR Presidency that incriminate both him and the Controllers as traitors to this great nation. The first example will focus on how Roosevelt had foreknowledge of the Pearl Harbor attack by the Japanese in 1941, while part two examines the larger implications of why we dropped the atomic bomb in 1945. Finally, part three of this essay will delve into a truly unforgivable act - how the Roosevelt administration gave nuclear secrets and raw materials to the Soviets at least two years before we even dropped the bomb! This was, in my opinion, one of the most shameful chapters in American history. 

Keeping America Out Of War? 

On October 30th, 1940, Franklin Delano Roosevelt assured the American public, "I have said this before, but I shall say it again and again and again: Your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars." 

Considering how brutal WWII was, and how Americans at that time wanted nothing to do with another European bloodbath, FDR's promise was quite noble. The only problem was; he didn't mean it. In fact, he was lying through his teeth while uttering these words. How did I arrive at such a conclusion? Well, in January, 1941, only three months later (and eleven months BEFORE the Pearl Harbor attacks), FDR's closest advisor, Harry Hopkins, traveled to England and met with Winston Churchill. There, he told the Prime Minister, "The President is determined that we shall win the war together. Make no mistake about it. He has sent me here to tell you that at all costs and by all means he will carry you through." 

During this same time, a man named Tyler Kent, who served as a code clerk at the American Embassy in London, unearthed some secret wire transmissions between Roosevelt and Churchill where FDR disclosed that he intended to bring America into the war. Mr. Kent tried to reveal these transcripts to the American people, but, mysteriously, he was imprisoned until the war was over. The behind-the-scenes deceit was so blatant that FDR biographer Robert Sherwood concluded, "If the isolationists had known the full extent of the secret alliance between the U.S. and Britain, their demands for the President's impeachment would have rumbled like thunder through the land." 

Adding fuel to the fire, Henry Stimson, FDR's War Secretary and a Council on Foreign Relations big wig, wrote in his diary after meeting with Roosevelt in the fall of 1941, "We face the delicate question of the diplomatic fencing to be done so as to be sure Japan is put into the wrong and makes the first bad move - overt move." After his next conference with FDR, Stimson wrote on November 25, 1941 (still two weeks prior to the Pearl Harbor attacks), "The question was how we should maneuver them into the position of firing the first shot without too much danger to ourselves. It was desirable to make sure the Japanese be the ones to do this so that there should remain no doubt in anyone's mind as to who were 

[CTRL] Interview W/ Adam Parfrey

2002-05-27 Thread Wes676767

Babel Spotlight: Adam Parfrey 
interviewed by Victor Thorn 

Adam is the founder of Feral House, which can be found at: He is also the editor of Apocalypse Culture I  II, and his most recent books are: "Extreme Islam" and "Lexicon Devil: The Fast Times and Short Life of Darby Crash and the Germs" (co-authored with Brendan Mullen and Don Bolles) 

1) Alex Burns from "Disinformation" calls you "Probably the most influential underground publisher in post-millennial America." Tell us about Feral House, and your motto, "A publisher who refuses to be domesticated." 

Feral House started in 1989 after a friendly break-up of Amok Press with Ken Swezey, who now does Blast Books. Amok Press lasted a couple years, 87-88, and we did eight books together, including the first Apocalypse Culture. But when Amok, which was also a bookstore and a catalogue, had a fraternal bickering, and when I moved from New York to L.A., and Ken moved from L.A. to New York, it made sense to do our own companies. Ken originally was the money man behind Amok Press, and I think I made five thousand dollars total when we separated, which I then put into the first Feral House book, the Anton LaVey Satanic Witch volume. The fact that Anton's books sold fairly well, and that I was making a living otherwise writing freelance journalism, made it possible to carry on with Feral House, slowly and surely. 

A "feral" human or animal, by definition, means that it's wild. Boyd Rice came up with "Feral House," and it fit better than anything I thought of, so that's what it is. 

2) You got your start in the business with EXIT Magazine, then as co-founder of Amok Press. Could you tell us about your early days in the 80's, and what type of material you were publishing? 

When living in New York in the early-mid '80s, I worked a minimum wage job at the Strand bookstore, which is where I met George Petros who wanted to put together a graphic magazine to show off his cartoons. But I talked him into doing a publication like "Exit," and my involvement with that magazine lasted three of its six issues. Georganne Deen, the artist, introduced me to Ken Swezey, since she thought we both had similar ideas about a publishing company, and so we did. That's when Amok Press started. 

3) I was telling someone two days ago about William Burrough's "Code of the Johnson Clan," then today I read an old interview of yours where you also mention it. Please elaborate on this concept. 

This Burroughs "Johnson Clan" thing came from a favorite book of his when he was a kid: "You Can't Win." After buying a very hard to find copy of it in a small bookstore on the Oregon coast back in late 87, Ken Swezey and I thought it a good thing to put out with Amok Press. Burroughs kindly wrote an introduction for our edition. I think we printed something like thirty five hundred copies. Joe Coleman did the cover, and it slowly went out of print. AK Press put out another edition using the Burroughs intro we got, but it doesn't have Joe's cover. AK is also going to issue another Amok Press book: the Boxcar Bertha biography, "Sister of the Road." 

Other Amok Press books that also found reprints include "The Grand Guignol," "Disneyland of the Gods" by John Keel, and "Apocalypse Culture," when I put out a revised Feral House edition. If some other company does "Rants and Incendiary Tracts," which I co-edited for Amok and Loompanics in '88, and the Joseph Goebbels novel, "Michael," then all the Amok Press line would be in print again. 

4) In 1993, you published a book edited by Jim Keith entitled "Secret and Suppressed" that delves into "banned ideas  hidden history." In the preface to this book, Jim Keith writes, "Electronic and print media are a pacification program run by the HappyFace Enforcers. There is an ideal mental/emotional state for rabid consumerism, and that is the state of glad that the media promotes." What are your thoughts on the mainstream media being nothing more than a vehicle for conditioning the majority of people in this country? 

It's difficult to imagine that all the major papers in the U.S. purposefully "condition" people to become consumers, but whether intentional or not, that's the result. 

It might be more accurate to say that the type of person who becomes a salaried staffer or editor for the major daily and major weekly papers are very careful about not writing or editing things that go against the status quo in any way. That would endanger their livelihood. But the type of person who becomes a staffer or editor only seems to pay attention to competitive papers. No staffer or editor wants to put out news prior to other papers, nor do they want to do so too late. 

In regard to books, most papers follow The New York Times Book Review both in format and what is reviewed. And if you read that paper, you'll see that hardly any books outside of the major New York houses, or a couple academic presses, 

[CTRL] Microwave Vertical Array ELF Towers Being Erected Countrywide

2002-05-27 Thread Wes676767

Latest Info On The Microwave Vertical Array 
ELF Towers Being Erected Countrywide

[Editor's Note: The info you are about to read was posted today (May 25, 2002) by Don Croft to his Chembuster forum and other chat groups. The explanation for the ELF towers discussed below from the anonymous source makes perfect sense to me. I had already learned from Sterwart Swerdlow that the kickoff date for the NWO takeover was supposed to have been year 2000, but the date was pushed up to 2003 due to unforseen obstacles impeding the agenda; gun control in America being one of them. It's worthwhile to note from the anonymous writer that Kevlar suits, lined with lead, can effectively block these ELF waves and prevent brain entrainment. Don Croft is convinced that the presence of DOR, or Deadly Orgone energy, is necessary for these mind control towers to be effective. Don maintains that an orgone generating device called a Holy Handgrenade transmute DOR into the more positive, life affirming form of orgone called "OR" by discoverer Wilhelm Reich. Don and his wife feel that removing the DOR component from the environment of an ELF tower, will mitigate the mind control function. He may be right. I can't say for sure, but it's worth your time to at least read about this easy-to-build orgone generator and acquaint yourself with the topic. The numerous testimonials and anecdotes that I've read at Don's Chembuster forum about the HHg makes for fascinating reading. The effectiveness of another orgone generating device, called the Chembuster, to disperse and clear the sky of chemtrails has already been demonstrated to me directly. I can attest, first hand, that the Chembuster breaks up chemtrails and returns the sky to a normal color of blue 

If you've been looking into the NWO takeover story for any amount of time, you should know by now that negatively orientated aliens, especially the negative Reptillians and negative Sirius B aliens, are behind the Illuminated humans pushing for the NWO enslavement/genocide agenda. Universal Law requires that an equal and opposite force be in place to offer an alternative choice and so it is that friendly alien groups have been assisting certain individuals in this harrowing period of our evolutiomn to counter the negative agenda. I believe Don  Carol Croft are recipients of a portion of that positive assistance and this is what accounts for many of their discoveries and insights. If you take the time to read their Adventures, you will see that higher dimensional entities and friendly aliens have saved their butts on more than one occasion...Ken Adachi] 

>From Don  Carol Croft [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
May 23, 2002 

Are you curious about why those new towers are going up in all populated areas? My wife and I found a way to neutralize them and have been doing so in recent months. If you go to, the `chembuster' section has the instructions to build the `Holy Handgrenades.(HHg)' That's right-I borrowed that term from the movie, Monty Python's Holy Grail, but I'm dead serious about this work. 

There are people in 12 countries now making and deploying these, but this is just a start, of course. I figure that if one person in every populated area decides to do this, the whole tower network will be disabled in a short time. The effective range of the device described in Metatch's material is at least a quarter mile, so don't put it close enough where a team of searchers would find it. It's best if the person doing it doesn't discuss it with me or many others and keeps their activites to themselves. This will only succeed as a grassroots effort. 

Here's some skinny on these towers from a friend of mine who has had access to some crucial inside information. My comments are in squared brackets( [ ] ) He's not fully informed, yet, of what our HHg's can do 
Don Croft 

The Purpose Behind The Neighborhood ELF Microwave Towers

Sent To Don Croft By an unidentified friendly source 

Think grid triangulation. Like the old grid paper, put a dot at each corner. expand the box outward. Each level of panel acts also dimensionally (not like 4th, but in 3d space dimensions, don), or to put it another way, pitch, yaw, up, down, right, left, x, y, intensity, duration, frequency pulse, etc, those kind of dimensions. 

The whole damn dumb show was supposed to go down in late 99, but they didn't get people's guns, that big final obstacle to fascism. That's when they hit upon these 

[CTRL] Whos Minding your Money?

2002-05-27 Thread Wes676767

Who’s Minding your Money? 
By Wayne Hicks
Published 05. 27. 02 at 8:24 Sierra Time 

Americans who send and receive money, even as part of day to day business procedures, are subject to far more scrutiny by the Federal Government than ever before, under the USA PATRIOT Act, the Bank Secrecy Act, and other so-called “anti-money-laundering” laws. 

Money laundering is the attempt to conceal or disguise the nature, location, source, ownership, or control of illegally obtained money. Unfortunately, an accusation of money laundering is not an easy one to defend against, no matter how innocent you may be… and a number of innocent Americans have already been placed under surveillance or arrest, simply because money they send or receive appeared “suspicious” to a clerk at a store or bank, without any evidence to support that suspicion.

This is because Money Service Businesses (MSB’s), as well as Banks and other financial institutions, are now required by law to make such reports anytime you use cash to send money, or exceed certain limits on the amounts you send or receive. The fines and penalties these businesses are threatened for non-compliance are so severe that most of them admit that they prefer to err on the side of caution, filing such reports on most, if not all, of the transactions they are involved in.

In other words, they don’t care how innocent you are… it’s safer for them to finger you as a possible criminal and let Federal Authorities investigate (read: threaten, intimidate, harass, arrest, possibly shoot) you, than to take a chance that you might have been exactly what you appeared to be: somebody sending some money to help out a friend or relative.

Let’s examine the laws and see just how they might affect you.

The USA Patriot Act requires that all MSBs adopt an anti-money laundering program in order to

guard against money laundering. Accordingly, they must establish an anti-money laundering

program that includes, at a minimum, the following: 

A. Internal policies, procedures and controls;

B. The designation of a compliance officer;

C. An ongoing employee training program; and

D. An independent audit function to test the program

Item D gives away the key to why this is posing such a problem for Americans, since the testing program must necessarily be a secret from the employees of the business. Since they don’t know which customer might really be a company or government decoy, they tend to report every customer that fits within the minimum guidelines for possible criminal activity, and as we’ll see in a moment, that means most such customers!

Money Orders: Whenever a customer purchases money orders, or checks, with cash in the

amount of $3,000 to $10,000, whether in a single transaction, or in several transactions on the same day, certain information must be obtained and retained. (Purchases of more than $10,000 require filing a Currency Transaction Report (CTR.) The information is to be recorded on a Monetary Instrument Log (“Log”). If you send more than $3,000, your information will be recorded and provided to Federal Authorities!

Note that only cash purchases are covered by this requirement – purchases by check or credit card are not, regardless of the amount.

Before completing a transaction that requires a Log entry, the clerk must verify the name and address of the individual buying the money orders by looking at a valid identification document, such as a driver’s license, passport or alien identification card that contains the customer’s name and address.

The regulations require them to record:

1. Customer’s name;

2. Customer’s address;

3. Customer’s Social Security number or alien

identification number;

4. Customer’s date of birth;

5. Date of purchase of the money order(s);

6. The serial number of each money order(s) purchased;

7. The dollar amount of each money order(s) purchased;

8. The location where the money order(s) was purchased;

9. The total amount purchased with cash;

10.They are also required to record specific information on the identification used to verify the purchaser’s identity (e.g., driver’s license number and state of issuance).

11. If the clerk knows or suspects that the money orders being purchased are for a third party (someone other than the purchaser), then the following information also needs to be recorded in the Log: the third party’s name, the third party’s address and the third party’s Social Security number, alien identification number or tax identification number. They must obtain all of this information before completing the transaction.

Cash transactions involving more than $10,000, whether in one lump sum, or scattered throughout the day, require even more ominous paperwork to be filed, called a Cash Transaction Report (CTR). This report must be filed with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on a Currency Transaction Report Form 4789, which can be 

[CTRL] The Tree Of Liberty and 9 11

2002-05-27 Thread Wes676767

The Tree Of Liberty and 9 11 

I have a friend that I met three years ago in a neighborhood diner. After exchanging pleasantries for a while one morning he sat down next to me and commented that I was always reading the paper. Then he asked if I believed what I read. I informed him that I did not really trust the corporate media and that I got most of my news from foreign sources. His only comment that was I was a smart fellow. The rest of that morning he remained silent and I thought that maybe I had offended him somehow. A couple days later he asked me what I thought about the Kennedy assassination. He liked my response and from then on morning coffee would be full of conversation. It turns out my friend is an old news hound himself and has an extensive library on government wrong doing and conspiracies. Next to nothing escapes his eye. Whets more he can cite off the top of his head the principals involved in every damn act of wrong doing the government of this country has ever engaged in. His library is extensive and often times he feeds me tidbits from it testing my knowledge. 

When the story broke about the Smirk Junta having foreknowledge of the 9/11 tragedy, it was of course the main topic of discussion that morning. Soon lets call him John Doe got very secretive and whispered that he wanted to talk to me outside. We both finished our coffees and went outside leaning up against my pickup. He then proceeded to tell me; he had absolute proof that the government as he put knew exactly when and where the terrorist would strike. He told me of taping some news broadcast of 9/11 at the time and giving them to a friend that he sees only 2 or 3 times a year for safe keeping in case anything happens to him. 

I am a cautious man and I could not quite believe the story my friend had just conveyed to me as I went to work. His story kept gnawing at me all day. I thought maybe he was mistaken but then he had never been wrong before. When I got home that evening, I did a quick Google search. There it was. He had been right after all. Financial CEOs with offices in the World Trade Center had been evacuated to Offutt airbase the morning of 9/11. Smirk hid out like a scared rabbit at that same air base. 

It is easy to see how everyone missed it. We were all distraught and on information overload in the days following 9/11. Sometimes the best place to hide something is right out in plain sight. There was no doubt that my friend was right, the Google search confirmed everything he had told me that morning as the following excerpt from the article shows. 

On the morning of Sept. 11, Tatlock herself had just arrived with a small group of business leaders at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha for a charity event hosted by Warren Buffett. She then heard the news of the first plane hitting the World Trade Center's north tower.

The clip comes from the following San Francisco business journal.

Tatlock is a high CEO in the Franklin Funds group, a group that had offices in the World Trade Center. The cover story in this article for her presence at Offutt was a charity event. However, note the unusual time for this supposedly charity event. It would have had to been around 8 AM Central Time, too late for a charity breakfast and much too early for any charity lunch or dinner. Notice also in the article that she arrived with a small group of "business leaders" all obviously from the East Coast. 

Its in print folks the top financial CEOs that had offices in the World Trade Center were at Offutt airbase on the morning of 9/11. In addition, according to my friend there was a broadcast clip with the same info. I will not doubt my friend’s information again. 

To add further credibility to this story, we need to look no further than a recent exposure of Smirk’s plans for a shadow government. Congress has uncovered the tip of Smirk’s plan for government succession in case he met an untimely demise. The most amazing thing in Smirk’s plan was the omission of any one from the Democratic Party including those members of Congress that are in the constitutional line of succession. Moreover, various business leaders were included in these plans. In other words, Smirk found the time to save these financial rats but did not have the time to save the 3000 or so expendable people that worked in the World Trade Center. 

This brings up the question of the missing Dick. It seems as if Dick only pops up once Junior gets himself over his head. Once Dick has made an appearance on a couple news program ranting about patriotism and how this country is at war, he promptly disappears. Is Dick quietly laying plans to establish martial law or some other draconian restrictions on our freedoms all under the disguise of security? Has Dick been working at activating the exposed CIA Operation Garden Plot? The question has been 

[CTRL] The Federal Reserve: Big Government's Silent Partner

2002-05-27 Thread Wes676767

The Federal Reserve:
Big Government's Silent Partner
by George F. Smith

"Centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly." 
— Fifth plank of the Communist Manifesto, 1848 

Statists have long prized and fueled crisis as the means for enlarging government. They convince enough people that the federal government never does wrong, yet the evil that lurks in the world will on occasion strike us. Sometimes the evil is external, as in 9-11, other times it is internal, as in the case of certain economic upheavals. When the crisis is mostly economic, the culprit is always the private sector, and the guilty parties are usually big shots who got swept away with avarice. With a lapdog media clamoring for "reform," politicians pass more laws and flood the airwaves with rhetoric about how their new legislation will crush the forces of greed. 

It was crisis that helped launch one of the greatest destroyers of our world, the Federal Reserve System. 

In the era following the War of Secession, the federal government aggressively promoted development of the West through huge subsidies and other favors to business cronies. Corruption flourished, and overextended banks occasionally failed, causing panics in 1873, 1884, 1893, and 1907. Throughout this era there was growing opposition to sound money, eloquently expressed by railroad speculator Jay Cooke in 1869: "Why," he asked, "should this Grand and Glorious country be stunted and dwarfed—its activities chilled and its very life blood curdled by these miserable 'hard coin' theories—the musty theories of a bygone age." [1] 

The Panic of 1907 is especially significant because it led to government-directed banking "reform." The panic got underway when United Copper's stock price collapsed. Knickerbocker Trust of New York had invested heavily in United Copper, and depositors made a run on the bank to get their money out. When Knickerbocker failed, depositors at other banks got nervous and demanded their money, igniting the panic. [2] 

J. P. Morgan got together with other banking leaders and met virtually nonstop for three weeks to solve the crisis. They secured credit from foreign investors, redirected funds from strong banks to weak ones, and bought stock in foundering but still promising companies. [3] The panic died a few weeks later. 

For the New York bankers, there remained a much more serious problem. The growth of state banks over the previous 20 years had slowly eroded their power. By 1896, state and other nonnational banks constituted 61% of the total, and by 1913, 71%. More significantly, nonnationals commanded 57% of banking resources by 1913. [4] 

With such a troubling trend, what did the New York bankers do? They turned to their pals in Washington. As we've seen, from the time of Lincoln's administration government sought to partner with business, delivering special favors in return for political support — this is mercantilism, the system America rejected in 1776. By the early 20th century, America was neck-deep in Progressive propaganda, so there was no viable group opposing government takeover of their lives. The once laissez-faire, sound-money Democratic Party died with the nomination of William Jennings Bryant for president in 1896. From that point on, Republicans and Democrats alike were promoting more statism as the miracle cure for ills it had bred. 

Both Congress and the American Banking Association had been pushing for central banking since the 1890s. The Panic of 1907 gave them another excuse to make it a reality. Amid all the maneuvering and proposals for fundamental change, Morgan banker Henry Davison organized a duck hunting trip at Jekyll Island, Georgia in December, 1910. The ducks they took aim at were not the web-footed kind, but the unsuspecting American citizen who had always thought of money as gold. 

The hunters were major players in American mercantilism: Senator Nelson Aldrich (R., R.I.), who had headed up the National Monetary Commission, a congressional committee dedicated to developing ideas for central banking; Frank Vanderlip of Rockefeller's National City Bank; Paul Warburg of the investment firm of Kuhn, Loeb,  Co., who was there to promote the German central bank of Bismarck; Charles Norton of First National Bank of New York, a Morgan company; and Davison, a partner of J.P. Morgan's. [5] 

They devised a plan whereby a board of commercial bankers would supervise regional reserve banks. When Aldrich later introduced it to Congress, Democrats blocked it. In 1913, Carter Glass, a Democratic congressman from Virginia, used the Jekyll Island scheme as the basis for the Federal Reserve Act. [6] 

The Act created 12 regional reserve banks ruled by a board of Washington bureaucrats, including presidential appointees. Though the reserve banks are officially "private" institutions, they're 

[CTRL] The FBI's Magic Lantern

2002-05-27 Thread Wes676767

Nat Hentoff
Ashcroft Can Be in Your Computer
The FBI's Magic Lantern

Before being confirmed for the Supreme Court, Louis Brandeis was known as the People's Lawyer because he was pro-labor and fought monopolies and trusts. It took months before the Senate agreed to put this "Radical" on the court as the first Jew in its history. Brandeis was particularly passionate about the right to privacy, and one of his dissents on that issue foresaw the Bush-Ashcroft administration's ominous assaults on that right. 

In 1928, the first wiretapping case, Olmstead v. U.S., came before the Court. A majority of Brandeis's brethren ruled that wiretapping a phone without a warrant did not violate the Fourth and Fifth Amendments because the taps were planted outside the home. 

Brandeis, who was widely read and suspicious of government's overreaching tentacles, wrote prophetically that "in the application of a constitution, our contemplation cannot be only of what has been, but of what may be. The progress of science in furnishing the government with means of espionage is not likely to stop with wiretapping. Ways may some day be developed by which the government, without removing papers from secret drawers, can reproduce them in court, and by which it will be enabled to expose to a jury the most intimate occurrences of the home. . . . Can it be that the Constitution affords no protection against such invasions of individual security?" 

Brandeis could not anticipate the advent of the computer and the Internet, but his prophecy has come true. Already, as Reuters reported last December 12, the FBI has asked "Internet service providers to install technology in their networks that allows officials to secretly read e-mails of criminal investigation targets." That molestation of privacy was called "Carnivore." But the FBI has developed an even more insidious device to obtain "the most intimate occurrences of the home"—and office. 

Beware of "The Magic Lantern." Under the "sneak and peek" provision of the USA Patriot Act, pushed through Congress by John Ashcroft, the FBI, with a warrant, can break into your home and office when you're not there and, on the first trip, look around. They can examine your hard drive, snatch files, and plant the Magic Lantern on your computer. It's also known as the "sniffer keystroke logger." 

Jim Dempsey, deputy director of the Washington-based Center for Democracy and Technology, tells me that you have to be remarkably computer-savvy to detect the presence of the Magic Lantern in some crevice in your computer. 

Once installed, the Magic Lantern creates a record of every time you press a key on the computer. It's all saved in plain text, and during the FBI's next secret visit to your home or office, that information is downloaded as the agents also pick up whatever other records and papers they find of interest. 

Dempsey, who has been my guide to increasingly invasive technology for years, points out that this new version of J. Edgar Hoover's "black bag jobs" is not subject to the "sunset" clause of the USA Patriot Act, which requires Congress to review in four years much of the rest of that law to see if Ashcroft went too far in dismantling the Constitution. These legal break-ins, including the use of the Magic Lantern, are not limited to investigations of terrorism but are now part of regular criminal investigations. 

By the way, in case you might be just musing at the computer—typing in thoughts or theories you don't intend to send—the Magic Lantern will capture those strokes, too. 

Under previous law, the FBI had to let you know right away when they've made these uninvited visits in your absence, and tell you what they've taken. The agents may have gone to the wrong address, which is not unheard of, or gotten a bad lead, or manifestly exceeded their authority. On being given swift notice of the FBI's burglaries, you could quickly challenge the search. 

But under the USA Patriot Act, the FBI can go to a judge and get permission for a "delayed notice" of up to 90 days. Moreover, during this open-ended Justice Department war on terrorism, the FBI can keep going to court for further "delayed notices," since part of these secret searches may ostensibly be concerned with terrorism. 

And, Jim Dempsey notes, if they don't find anything the first and second times, they can keep breaking into your home or office until they come across a smoking gun. Eventually, they'll have to tell you they've been there. 

But Justice Brandeis predicted that the government one day would be able to remove private materials without physically having to go into your home or office. Well, never underestimate the capacity of advancing technology to further diminish what little is left of your privacy. 

Reuters also has reported that the Magic Lantern would allow "the agency [the FBI] to plant a Trojan horse keystroke logger on a target's PC by sending a computer 

[CTRL] Magic Lantern Lights the Way, for Hackers

2002-05-27 Thread Wes676767

Magic Lantern Lights the Way, for Hackers 

The rumors surrounding the US Federal Bureau of Investigation's developing of its own Trojan program, Magic Lantern, have drawn interest from the computer underground. On December 11, it was discovered that a seventeen-year-old Argentinean hacker, going by the pseudonym of "Agentlinux," has developed a Trojan that poses as the widely advertised Magic Lantern.

We remind readers that in mid-November, the news agency MSNBC reported that the FBI has begun developing its latest spy program that will allow the Bureau to discover and crack PGP encoded messages sent by suspects under investigation. Magic Lantern is a classic keystroke-tracking bug that FBI authorities, by logging a suspect's keystrokes and transmitting them to a secret file, could use to decipher encoded files and messages containing supposed evidence.

The FBI has yet to comment about the Magic Lantern program, but, according to ZDNet, two US-based anti-virus developers, McAfee and Symantec, have already decided not to include detection procedures for Magic Lantern in their databases, causing varying reactions amongst users.

As previously mentioned, December 10 witnessed the appearance of a Trojan program that masks itself as Magic Lantern. "Malantern" (the Trojan's given name) is a very simplistic malicious program written in Visual Basic. Upon start up, Malantern deletes files in the Windows temporary directory (C:\WINDOWS\TEMP) and all .SYS files in the Windows system directory (C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\DRIVERS\).

"So far, we haven't registered any reports of incidents caused by Malantern. However, it isn't important that the program isn't spreading. What is necessary to realize is that with the appearance of the official ‘Lantern,' virus writers won't wait long to release numerous clones," commented Eugene Kaspersky, Head of Anti-Virus Research at Kaspersky Labs. "In addition, the possibility that the original Trojan version could end up in the hands of hackers cannot be excluded. In this case, hackers could use Magic Lantern as a means to their own ends."

For this reason, the refusal of anti-virus developers to include detection procedures for Magic Lantern could cause a large epidemic leading to unpredictable consequences.

At this time, Kaspersky Labs has not received any confirmation about Magic Lantern's existence or the FBI's intention to develop such a program. In this case, we view these rumors as they are - just rumors without any basis in fact.

Defense procedures thwarting Malantern have already been added to the Kaspersky Anti-Virus database.

A more detailed description of this malicious program can be found in the Kaspersky Virus Encyclopedia.

[CTRL] Oil Moves the War Machine

2002-05-26 Thread Wes676767

June 2002
Oil Moves the War Machine
by Michael T. Klare

Since its inception, the Bush Administration has launched two great foreign policy initiatives: a global war against terrorism, and a global campaign to expand American access to foreign oil. Originally, each possessed its own rationale and mode of operation. As time has passed, however, they have become increasingly intertwined, so that today the war on terrorism and the struggle for oil have become one vast enterprise.

The underpinnings of the Bush foreign policy can be found in the national energy policy paper of May 17, 2001, known as the Cheney report. This report became infamous for two reasons: Cheney wouldn't release the names of the people he consulted for it, and the report recommends drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. But these controversies distracted attention away from the gist of the report, which is spelled out in chapter eight, "Strengthening Global Alliances." There, the report "recommends that the President make energy security a priority of our trade and foreign policy."

The report says the United States will become increasingly reliant on foreign oil. At present, we obtain about half of our petroleum from foreign sources; by 2020, imports will account for two-thirds of U.S. consumption, the report predicts. From this, it draws two conclusions: The United States must maintain good relations with Saudi Arabia and other oil producers in the region, and the United States must diversify oil suppliers around the world. "Middle East oil producers will remain central to world oil security," it says, but "our engagement must be global." This means developing close ties with major suppliers in all oil-producing areas, including the Caspian region, Africa, and Latin America, which the report calls "high-priority areas."

The Administration was already poised to act on this policy when Arab hijackers struck New York and Washington on September 11. These plans were then put aside, as the White House concentrated its attention on efforts to immobilize Al Qaeda and to topple the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. By December, however, the Administration was ready to focus again on the security aspects of growing U.S. dependence on imported oil.

The primacy of oil is clear in several places, most obviously, Saudi Arabia. Though fifteen of the eighteen hijackers were Saudi, though Osama bin Laden himself is Saudi, though the Saudis practice Wahhabism and finance some of the most reactionary madrassas around the world, the Bush Administration is in no position to break relations with the kingdom. Saudi Arabia possesses 25 percent of the world's known oil reserves. And, as the Cheney report notes, "Saudi Arabia, the world's largest exporter, has been a linchpin of supply reliability to world oil markets." It seems Washington has embraced the current Middle East peace initiative by Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia as a way not only to break the Sharon-Arafat logjam but also to shore up the reputation of this crucial ally.

Or look at the U.S. military training operation in the Republic of Georgia, which is just getting under way. Ostensibly, the aim of the operation--which will involve the deployment of several hundred U.S. Special Forces advisers--is to enhance the capacity of Georgian forces to fight terrorists and other insurgents along its border. While this is certainly one of the operation's objectives, it is also evident that Washington seeks to reduce the threat to the vital pipelines that will carry oil from the Caspian Sea across Georgia to ports on the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. Although the main pipeline is still under construction, U.S. officials are clearly worried that it will become a major target for the various ethnic militias that operate in the area.

"The Caspian Sea can also be a rapidly growing new area of supply," the Cheney report notes. "Proven oil reserves in Azerbaijan and Kazakh-stan are about twenty billion barrels, a little more than the North Sea." One find in Kazakhstan, it adds, is "comparable to Prudhoe Bay," the giant oil field off the north coast of Alaska. Its recommendation to the President: "Ensure that rising Caspian oil production is effectively integrated into world oil trade." One way it is doing this, in the wake of September 11, is to establish permanent bases in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan.

A similar situation is developing in Colombia. The United States has increasingly involved itself in Colombia's civil war, first on the pretext of fighting the war on drugs. (Both the leftwing guerrillas and the rightwing paramilitaries are involved in the drug trade, but the United States shows little interest in the paramilitaries.) Increasingly, the Bush Administration is seeking to aid the Colombian military directly in its war against the guerrilla groups--often described as terrorists by U.S. and Colombian officials. In the 

[CTRL] A Contract to Spend

2002-05-26 Thread Wes676767

A Contract to Spend 
A company with powerful Washington connections stands to earn millions supporting the Pentagon's War on Terror -- thanks to a contract critics call an invitation to overspend. 
by Kathleen Hennessey May 23, 2002

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld may be playing the role of a budget hawk these days, advocating the Army abandon its highly-touted $11 billion Crusader artillery program. But that doesn't necessarily mean the Pentagon is being pushed to tighten its belt. 

Embracing a policy trend initiated during the Clinton administration, the Bush White House has advocated the use of civilian contractors to fill scores of government needs. "Only those functions that must be performed by the [Department of Defense] should be kept in the DoD," Rumsfeld wrote in a state-of-the-military review just seven months ago. "Any function that can be provided by the private sector is not a core government function." 

For one defense contractor in particular, that approach is proving staggeringly fruitful. Kellog Brown and Root Services, a division of Vice President Dick Cheney's former employer, Halliburton Companies, has provided the bulk of logistics services for the Army since 1992. Whenever US troops venture abroad, Brown and Root builds the barracks, cooks the food, mops the floors, transports the goods and maintains the water systems before and after the soldiers arrive. 

The support services Brown and Root delivers represent the kind of work the Pentagon has said does not require the attention of today's highly-trained GI's. Using a civilian contractor instead, Army officials insist, is simply less expensive. 

Brown and Root's most recent deal with Washington, however, is unlikely to be cheap. Awarded on Dec. 14, the deal with the Army's Logistics Augmentation Program -- the Pentagon division responsible for providing support services to Army bases around the world -- has a base period of one year. But the contract can -- and if history is any guide will -- be extended for an additional nine years. 

The total cost of the deal is almost impossible to estimate, as Brown and Root's fees will be limited only by the amount it spends to meet the Army's requests and the degree to which it pleases military brass. If the company's past performance is any guide, Brown and Root's bill could quickly climb into the billions. 

The contract places no limits on the quantity of services delivered -- an approach Army officials argue is designed to maximize flexibility. It enables the Army to send Brown and Root employees to Uzbekistan on 72 hours notice to build a base camp. It also allows the Army to comply with mandatory downsizing guidelines established as part of former Vice President Al Gore's campaign to streamline government. In essence, Brown and Root provides the Pentagon with a private battalion of engineers, janitors and other support staff. 

The unusual manner in which the contract was awarded is another cause for concern, budget watchdogs claim. The companies bidding for the contract were asked to submit support proposals for a theoretical scenario. When the proposals were reviewed, Army officials concede, cost was not the deciding factor. 

"Brown and Root offered the best value to government, considering price and non-price factors," says Army lawyer Dave Defrieze. "Cost was considered but because of the nebulous nature of cost in the contract, it wasn't the most significant." 

Under the new contract, Brown and Root will be reimbursed for every dollar it spends to support the troops, and will also receive a base fee of one percent, which will guarantee the company a profit. In addition, the contract provides that Brown and Root can earn another fee provided the military approves of the company's performance. That award will be calculated as a percentage of Brown and Root's costs, a fact which critics suggest will serve only to encourage the company to spend as much as possible. 

"The more money [Brown and Root] spend, the more profitable the contract is," says Professor Steve Schooner, a contract expert from George Washington University. "Nobody in their right mind would enter into a contract that basically says: 'Come up with creative ways to spend my money and the more you spend the happier I'll be.'" 

Operating under similar rules, Brown and Root consistently earned high points -- and high award fees -- from military officials for its support of US troops in the Balkans. 

"The government was very happy with all the things that Brown and Root did because they were building to maximum standards rather than minimum standards," says Mike Noll, the deputy program manager of the Army's logistics program. 

According to Joan Kibler, spokeswoman for the Army Corps of Engineers, over a five-year period Brown and Root received 96 percent of all available awards fees. 

"The military folks love them. They're ecstatic 

[CTRL] Why Dick Cheney's Secrecy Scheme For Pre-9/11 Information Makes No Sense

2002-05-26 Thread Wes676767

More Than Just His Location Remains Undisclosed: Why Dick Cheney's Secrecy Scheme For Pre-9/11 Information Makes No Sense 
 By John W. Dean 
 Friday, 24 May, 2002 
Vice President Dick Cheney is at it again: More secrecy. Now he wants to bury the intelligence information given to President Bush on August 6, 2001 - over a month before the terrorist attacks. Indeed, Cheney wants Congress, far more generally, to keep its investigative nose out of issue of what intelligence the Bush Administration did, or did not, have about terrorism prior to September 11. 
Nor does Cheney want Congress creating a high-level commission to look into this issue. In resisting any investigation, the Vice President advised Congress threateningly, "Be very cautious not to seek political advantage by making incendiary suggestions." Furthermore, Cheney has even gone so far as to warn the Democrats that they could be aiding the enemy by going where the Administration does not want them. The accusation takes aim not just at the wisdom, but at the purported lack of patriotism of such an investigation. 
According to The Washington Post, White House political types have been putting the word out to their network of conservative radio talk show hosts throughout the country to rally the troops, set the dogs loose, and shout the Democrats down. Secrecy, however, is a tough sell, so they're going to have to attack some of their own as well. 
Even Some Republicans Are Sharply Critical of the Secrecy Policy 
Increasingly, stalwart conservative supporters of Bush and Cheney have become critical of what columnist Robert Novak calls their "passion for secrecy," noting that they only have themselves to blame for the public and Congressional reaction. 
After all, Bush and Cheney could have revealed at the time, rather than keeping secret, that the White House had pre-9/11 intelligence warnings from the CIA and FBI about potential terrorist hijackings, and about the unexplained influx of middle-Eastern men in pilot training. Had they done so, the reaction would have been very different. No one expected the Administration to be psychic and the information, thus far, does not seem to rise to the level of a warning of the type of attacks that actually occurred, in which planes were used as missiles. 
Secrecy itself has risen to the level of a policy of the Bush administration - and threatens to achieve the status of an end in itself. National security is only one of the policy's rationalizations. 
Conservative columnist Phyllis Schlafly has been quite blunt about this secrecy business. In March, she blasted the White House for the Vice President's refusal to turn over the records of his energy task force. (I agree with her criticism, as I discussed in a recent column .) She finds Cheney's "pursuit of secrecy" comparable to "Clinton's refusal to disclose documents revealing who attended the meetings of Hillary's task force on health care." 
Ms. Schlafly declared correctly that: "The American people do not and should not tolerate government by secrecy." And she told the Bush White House that no one's "going to buy the sanctimonious argument that the Bush Administration has some sort of duty to protect the power of the presidency." 
Meanwhile, Bruce Fein, a former Justice Department official whose Republican credentials and constitutional scholarship are exemplary, has recently reacted to the claims of the Bush White House about the need for secrecy. The loss of secrecy, the Administration has contended, is eroding presidential power. Yet according to Fein, "What the president is claiming is legally and historically absurd and politically stupid." 
Fein added, "I've been around this town a long time, almost 30 years, and I've never encountered one individual who told me he's not going to the Oval Office unless he's promised confidentiality. It's the biggest hoax in the world. Why he's making up all this stuff is utterly and completely baffling." 
Why The Secrecy? Claims of Eroding Presidential Power Are Implausible. 
President Bush, Vice President Cheney, and all their aides claim that - contrary to any impression they might be giving - they seek to hide nothing. They are keeping secrets for either national security reasons, or to protect the functions of the presidency. 
This is only about fundamental principles, they say. It concerns nothing less than preserving and redeeming the power and authority of the presidency. In brief, just as Ms. Schlafly said, they are resting their claim on the "sanctimonious argument" that they are "protect[ing] the power of the presidency." 
For example, in January of this year, Dick Cheney told NBC's Campbell Brown during an interview: "For 35 years that I've been in town, there's been a constant, steady erosion of the prerogatives and the powers of the President of the United States. And I don't want to be a part of that." 

[CTRL] ''Bush's desire to attack Iraq''

2002-05-26 Thread Wes676767

''Bush's desire to attack Iraq'' 
Printed on Friday, May 24, 2002 @ 05:09:50 EDT 
By Keiler Hook Guest Columnist (United States) 

( – ( – What exactly is the legal basis for a war with Iraq? President Bush has tried to connect Iraq with the terrorists who attacked New York City and the Pentagon. The administration has admitted recently that there is no such connection. A massive investigation by the government failed to imply Saddam Hussein much to the dismay of the government.

The resolution that Congress passed on September 14, 2001 gave President Bush wide range to "use all necessary and appropriate force against the Nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed or aided the terrorist attacks." Further, the resolution allows Bush to use military action "to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United Stares: by those who perpetuated the September 11 attacks." Iraq doesn’t apply to either of these resolutions. 

Iraq has not seriously threatened the United States; we have been the ones who are bombing Iraq, not the other way around. After finishing off Iraq, we’re rumored also to go after Syria, Iran, Somalia and Sudan. These are other countries that are not tied to the terrorist attacks on the United States. There is an apparent double standard applied to the war on terrorism. We keep stretching across the globe glaring and threatening countries we suspect of, well, for want of a better word, terrorism. 

Why isn’t the government paying attention to Scott Ritter, an arms inspector that left the government because he thought President Clinton was too lenient on the Iraqi’s? He wrote in the Boston Globe on March 9, 2000, that, "from a qualitative standpoint, Iraq has in fact been disarmed. ... The chemical, biological, nuclear, and long-ranged missile programs that were a real threat in 1991, had by 1998 been destroyed or rendered harmless." 

Donald Rumsfeld, U.S. Secretary of Defense, said recently that Saddam Hussein is building up weapons of mass destruction but the U.S. government has no proof of that. The UN’s Robert Butler said in July 1998, "if Iraqi disarmament were a five-lap race, we would be three quarters of the way around the fifth and final lap." 

On the other hand, we do have proof of how China mistreats its citizens; arrests all political activists, bans public discourse; prohibits free press; threatens Taiwan; and terrorizes any dissident religious groups. The Chinese do have weapons of mass destruction. China is our ally because of the financial benefits we get from having China as a trading partner. Walmart, world dominating Walmart, would not be if not for the slave labor provided by the Chinese government to make products for Walmart that are sold to U.S. consumers at a huge discount. China, a huge trading partner, is also an ally in the war on terror. 

Pakistan is overrun with "terrorists"; everyone knows this, no one discusses it. Why is it not discussed? Simply because the war on terrorism is not as clear as the Bush administration has put it; Pakistan is an ally of ours in the war against certain terrorists, therefore Pakistan's terrorist activity will be overlooked. 

General Musharref is a dictator whose newly acquired faux title of president seems to cloud any real clear insight into this thug by either our administration or our press. President Bush has overlooked Musharref’s brutal prisons filled with political dissidents, now appropriately named terrorists. Is this the same President Bush who demanded that Fidel Castro of Cuba release all political dissidents? By this logic, President Bush is calling for President Castro to release Cuban terrorists from prison! 

Pakistani also has weapons of mass destruction. President Clinton’s sanctions against Pakistan for this exact reason was lifted by the Bush administration, because, yes, Musharref is a terrorist against the war on terror. 

The Bush administration props up a bully because of perceived economic and military advantages to us and, in doing so, we ignore Musharref’s ambitions for Kashmir, the territory in dispute between India and Pakistan. The general fights terrorism at home and encourages terrorist groups that launch attacks against India. Thirty people were killed, mostly women and children, in Jannu, a city in Kashmir, just this week. The terrorists wore army clothing; it was a slaughter. 

Saudi Arabia, our staunchest ally among the Arab nations, mainly because of our oil dependency, happened to be the spawning point of a majority of the Hijackers of 9/11; Osama bin Laden is also a Saudi. Saudis fought with the Taliban against Russia. 

Saudi Arabia is also the home of the Wahabbi sect of Islam that trains scores of would-be "terrorists." Doesn’t the Bush Doctrine state that "Nations that sponsor terrorism, or house terrorists operating freely within 

[CTRL] Patriot Act's supposed justification is gone

2002-05-26 Thread Wes676767

Peter Erlinder: Patriot Act's supposed justification is gone
Peter Erlinder
Published May 22, 2002

The storm of questions and criticism following revelations that the Bush administration had numerous warnings of an impending hijacking before the Sept. 11 tragedy have focused primarily on the Nixon-era mantra, "What did he know, and when did he know it?" But even if a congressional investigation agrees with Bush administration protestations that the warnings weren't specific enough to know what to do, administration policy after Sept. 11 is going to require some explaining, too.

The "lack of specific warnings" defense may justify a lack of action before the airliners hit the World Trade Center, but it can't explain away the lies that were told to Congress and the American people after Sept. 11 to justify the administration's war on civil liberties. The administration has been cynically using its own failure to act on intelligence developed under then-existing laws to justify vastly increasing its own power at the expense of civil freedoms.

Within a month of Sept. 11, Attorney General John Ashcroft packaged an old FBI wish list as the USA Patriot Act and demanded Congress pass it without discussion, because of the threat of yet another "Pearl Harbor-like attack." He told us the administration needed new "tools" to prevent unexpected terrorist attacks -- new wiretap authority; secret searches; the use of secret evidence; secret immigration hearings; taping lawyers' conversations; locking up "undesirables" on his command, and other measures.

No less an expert than Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor told us that concerns about civil liberties and abuse of power had to be shelved because of the "unexpected" new threat. Members of Congress have been accused of being the next thing to traitors for questioning administration policy and have even been forcibly expelled from Ashcroft's secret immigration hearings. Thousands have been locked up and deported, though no terrorists have been found, and our allies object to our holding of prisoners in violation of international law.

By presidential decree, the press has been cut off from normal access to government information. Local law enforcement is being deputized for federal immigration duty and Ashcroft is indicting lawyers who represent alleged terrorists a bit too independently. Even at the state level, in places like Minnesota, local law enforcement has gotten on the bandwagon with state "antiterrorism" bills that ape the Ashcroft proposals. 

All of this has been justified in the name of preventing another "surprise attack." The administration, however, had the right "tools" in place before Sept. 11. Those tools would have proved effective, if the administration had known how to use them.

Now we know that we were all deceived. Recent revelations about the Sept. 11 tragedy prove that existing investigative powers were effective. The Bush administration used its own failure to act on the warnings it had received to justify grabbing even more power, at the expense of our civil liberties, by deceiving Congress and the American people. 

The USA Patriot Act became law in less than a month, without any hearings. Now that we know it was passed under false pretenses, Congress should repeal it just as quickly. And the Bush administration should rescind the policies that diminish our civil liberties, until we can get an honest assessment of what went wrong in the months before Sept. 11.

-- Peter Erlinder, a professor at William Mitchell Law School, is a past president of the National Lawyers Guild.

[CTRL] More on the BCCI-bin Mahfouz-bin Laden Intelligence Nexus

2002-05-26 Thread Wes676767

More on the BCCI-bin Mahfouz-bin Laden Intelligence Nexus 

It is clearer than ever before that the nexus of connections made by BCCI in Washington -- to US banks, law firms, politicians, and the CIA -- as well as of connections to top Saudi intelligence officials and members of the Saudi royal family, was preserved after the closure of BCCI in 1991, and was utilized later to fund Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda. 

A key figure in the survival was the Saudi banker Khalid bin Mahfouz, from a prominent family with background and connections similar to the bin Ladens. After indictment in the US, Khalid bin Mahfouz paid $225 million, including a $37 million fine, to escape possible charges in connection with the disappearance of BCCI's assets. 

In 1999 the Saudi Government bought out his stake in the huge Saudi National Commercial Bank, then forced his dismissal. After a financial audit of the bank's $21-billion assets, bin Mahfouz was placed under house arrest in a hospital. Some $2 billion of the bank's funds were suspected of being missing. 

French sources have located Khalid bin Mahfouz and his family at the center of a nexus involving other firms owned by his family, the bin Laden family and members of the Saudi royal family. Some of these were oil companies, like the Saudi companies Delta Oil and Nimir Oil. Both are partners with UNOCAL in Azerbaijan, and Delta was a partner in UNOCAL's efforts in 1996 to build a pipeline through Afghanistan. Bin Mahfouz himself was named to the governing council of the Saudi oil giant Aramco by King Fahd in 1989 (Brisard 187). 

The bin Mahfouz family also emerged as major donors and/or trustees of foundations, such as the Muwafaq or Blessed Relief Foundation and the International Development Foundation, which the US now says were used to transfer funds to Osama bin Laden. 

Many details of this BCCI-bin Mahfouz-bin Laden nexus have since been corroborated by the British, Canadian, and US press. Some of these articles are reproduced here and are well worth reading. However I have as yet seen no references in the US press to two aspects of the nexus that throw even more light on its scope and power. 

I. The personal indebtedness to Khalid bin Mahfouz's millions of the family of James Baker, close personal confidant and Treasury Secretary to the first President Bush, and later an officer with him of the Carlyle Group, in which the bin Laden family also invested. In 1985 bin Mahfouz was one of the Saudi financiers who purchased the Bank Tower in Houston of the Baker family Texas Commerce Bank, for $200 million. This was $60 million more than it had cost to build the Bank Tower four years earlier; and the sale was made "in the depth of Texas' real estate crash... at a time when it was difficult to give away office space in Houston" (Beaty and Gwynne, The Outlaw Bank, 355). 

II. The involvement of both a bin Laden family affiliate, the Saudi Investment Company (SICO), and of the bin Mahfouz family National Commercial Bank, with the Bank of New York - Inter Maritime Bank of Geneva, owned and managed by Bruce Rappaport. The Kerry-Brown Report gave details of the involvement in the 1980s of Rappaport, and of his bank's Vice President, Alfred Hartmann, with BCCI, with former CIA Director William Casey, and with the National Bank of Oman which forwarded Arab money to the Afghan mujahedin (Beaty and Gwynne, The Outlaw Bank, 311-12; Kerry-Brown Report, 318-20; cf. 69). 

The bin Laden family have tried to depict Osama as a renegade, and more recently the bin Mahfouz family have tried to say the same of Khalid. The details of this nexus make both claims highly unlikely. It would appear that the main reason we do not get the whole truth about this nexus is the involvement of Saudi, British, and US intelligence, not just before 1991, but today. 

[CTRL] Prior Knowledge

2002-05-26 Thread Wes676767

Sunday, May 26, 2002

Prior Knowledge 
by James Ostrowski
[Posted May 22, 2002]

Concerning the foreknowledge of hijackings by bin Laden a month before September 11, the reaction is more interesting than the story itself. Democrats responded with feigned outrage masking restrained glee. Prior to this revelation, Bush had more of a lock on 2004 than George Washington in 1792.

If you think their real concern was stopping terrorism, please tell me why Democrats have done so much to provoke terrorism in the last 100 years. Their Wilsonian foreign policy and the long-range consequences of various "Democrat wars" helped get us into this mess in the first place. Democratic fingerprints are all over the disastrous U.S. foreign policy:

Wilson’s World War I allies carved up the Middle East for their own purposes after that war. Roosevelt agreed to be the Saudi commander in chief in exchange for oil. Truman prematurely recognized Israel and made generations of Arab enemies for Americans who have no dog in that fight. Carter had the bright idea of arming the Mujahideen in Afghanistan. Clinton bombed a pharmaceutical factory in the Sudan.

Yes, the Democratic Party has a lot of explaining to do. Are the Democrats playing politics with this revelation; that is, are they manipulating facts and emotions for their personal aggrandizement? Of course. That’s what Democrats do for a living. They are also covering their own backsides since, as Robert Novak pointed out, some congressmen got a similar briefing and did even less than Bush did.

Now let’s talk about the Republicans. Republicans style themselves as the smart and competent and tough and realist party in foreign affairs. They clean up the messes the Democrats get us into, they say. Incredibly, the Republicans boast that their Democratic friends secretly tell them they are glad the Republicans are in charge at times like these. Well, the Republicans were in charge and on guard on September 11 and we got the worst day in American history. But it wasn’t their fault, they say; it was Clinton’s.

This is the same phenomenon currently described by the wily Novak: when you screw up, quick, blame the other guy. Republicans also manipulate fact and emotion to preserve their own power and pelf. They do what all politicians do: prevaricate for power. I was so revolted by the blame game that I held my nose and defended Clinton (sort of).

Now, the Republicans say the exact opposite: There was no way we could have known; there wasn’t enough time to act; feasible targets had not yet been identified. But if they can condemn Clinton for not acting prior to January 20, 2001, how can they say they didn’t know enough on January 21?

The truth is, truth has nothing to do with it; they’re politicians; they manipulate "facts" and emotions to achieve and hold on to power. Let’s see how they dissemble. They tried the red-herring/straw-man shuffle. Bush PR man Fred Barnes conflated concern over Bush’s response to the August briefing with charges that he actually knew the specific attack was coming but let it happen anyway. This ploy distracts attention from the original question: What did Bush do in response to the briefing and all prior intelligence?

Condoleezza Rice chimes in: nobody said there would be a suicidal hijacking. Nonsuicidal hijackings are okay? Actually, armed with information that bin Laden might plan a hijacking, one could easily imagine it would involve suicide. He was suspected of engineering the prior suicide bombings of the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi in 1998 and the USS Cole in October 2000.

Just in case anyone could not connect these enormous dots, a 1999 government report explicitly identified suicide hijackings as a possible terrorist tactic. These pathetic responses by the administration, and their failure to disclose the August briefing earlier, suggest a guilty conscience and make you wonder what else they knew that we don’t.

The really interesting question for Ms. Rice and the entire U.S. foreign policy establishment is: If these attacks were not foreseeable and not preventable, why were you people out and about, before September 11, in a dangerous world, when our nation has not been invaded since Lincoln invaded Virginia in 1861, kicking sleeping dogs and using beehives as punching bags?

Now, let’s broaden the critique to the federal government generally. On August 15, 2001, I wrote for "The FBI is a case study in how government agencies, programs, and powers expand, regardless of poor performance." Twenty-seven days later, the worst single day in American history occurs, about which the FBI ignored specific warnings by its own staff.

Low-level FBI staffers suspected bin Laden had terrorists in American flight schools; the INS had Moussaoui in custody; and the CIA had reports about bin Laden using hijackers. "They didn’t connect the dots." Why? Simply because bureaucracies are 

[CTRL] There is a firestorm coming, and it is being provoked by Mr Bush

2002-05-26 Thread Wes676767

Robert Fisk: There is a firestorm coming, and it is being provoked by Mr Bush

More and more, President Bush's rhetoric sounds like the crazed videotapes of Osama bin Laden

25 May 2002

So now Osama bin Laden is Hitler. And Saddam Hussein is Hitler. And George Bush is fighting the Nazis. Not since Menachem Begin fantasised to President Reagan that he felt he was attacking Hitler in Berlin – his Israeli army was actually besieging Beirut, killing thousands of civilians, "Hitler" being the pathetic Arafat – have we had to listen to claptrap like this. But the fact that we Europeans had to do so in the Bundestag on Thursday – and, for the most part, in respectful silence – was extraordinary.

I'm reminded of the Israeli columnist who, tired of the wearying invocation of the Second World War to justify yet more Israeli brutality, began an article with the words: "Mr Prime Minister, Hitler is dead." Must we, forever, live under the shadow of a war that was fought and won before most of us were born? Do we have to live forever with living, diminutive politicians playing Churchill (Thatcher and, of course, Blair) or Roosevelt? "He's a dictator who gassed his own people," Mr Bush reminded us for the two thousandth time, omitting as always to mention that the Kurds whom Saddam viciously gassed were fighting for Iran and that the United States, at the time, was on Saddam's side.

But there is a much more serious side to this. Mr Bush is hoping to corner the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, into a new policy of threatening Iran. He wants the Russians to lean on the northern bit of the "axis of evil", the infantile phrase which he still trots out to the masses. More and more, indeed, Mr Bush's rhetoric sounds like the crazed videotapes of Mr bin Laden. And still he tries to lie about the motives for the crimes against humanity of 11 September. Yet again, in the Bundestag, he insisted that the West's enemies hated "justice and democracy", even though most of America's Muslim enemies wouldn't know what democracy was.

In the United States, the Bush administration is busy terrorising Americans. There will be nuclear attacks, bombs in high-rise apartment blocks, on the Brooklyn bridge, men with exploding belts – note how carefully the ruthless Palestinian war against Israeli colonisation of the West Bank is being strapped to America's ever weirder "war on terror" – and yet more aircraft suiciders. If you read the words of President Bush, Vice-President Dick Cheney and the ridiculous national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, over the past three days, you'll find they've issued more threats against Americans than Mr bin Laden.

But let's get back to the point. The growing evidence that Israel's policies are America's policies in the Middle East – or, more accurately, vice versa – is now being played out for real in statements from Congress and on American television. First, we have the chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee announcing that Hizbollah – the Lebanese guerrilla force that drove Israel's demoralised army out of Lebanon in the year 2000 – is planning attacks in the US. After that, we had an American television network "revealing" that Hizbollah, Hamas and al- Qa'ida – Mr bin Laden's organisation – have held a secret meeting in Lebanon to plot attacks on the US.

American journalists insist on quoting "sources" but there was, of course, no sourcing for this balderdash, which is now repeated ad nauseam in the American media. Then take the "Syrian Accountability Act" that was introduced into the US Senate by Israel's friends on18 April. This includes the falsity uttered earlier by Israel's Foreign Minister, Shimon Peres, that Iranian Revolutionary Guards "operate freely" on the southern Lebanese border. Now there haven't been Iranian Revolutionary Guards in Lebanon – let alone the south of the country – for 18 years. So why is this lie repeated yet again?

Iran is under threat. Lebanon is under threat. Syria is under threat – its "terrorism" status has been heightened by the State Department – and so is Iraq. But Ariel Sharon, the Israeli Prime Minister held personally responsible by Israel's own enquiry for the Sabra and Shatila massacre of 1,700 Palestinians in Beirut in 1982, is – according to Mr Bush – "a man of peace". How much further can this go? A long way, I fear.

The anti-American feeling throughout the Middle East is palpable. Arab newspaper editorials don't come near to expressing public opinion. In Damascus, Majida Tabbaa has become famous as the lady who threw the US Consul Roberto Powers out of her husband's downtown restaurant on 7 April . "I went over to him," she said, "and told him, 'Mr Roberto, tell your George Bush that all of you are not welcome – please get out'." Across the Arab world, boycotts of American goods have begun in earnest.

How much longer can this go on? America praises Pakistani 

[CTRL] Link- Chickenhawk Database

2002-05-26 Thread Wes676767


2002-05-25 Thread Wes676767

Title: Mark, here are a few edits

#1 in On-Time Delivery, QTR1 2002. Thousands of
consumers must know something. Free same-day shipping with
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by Mark Dankof 

   [GNN, May 25, 2002] The February 7 commentary by Douglas J. Brown for the
Republican GOP USA website, entitled, The Israeli Spy Flap Will
Fade Away, But at What Cost? reflects
the continued reverberations within both the Bush administration and Republican
Party hierarchy in Washington over what shoes may still drop in the unseemly
revelations of Israeli spy operations within the United States.

Brown notes the irony surrounding the U. S.- Israeli intelligence cooperation
in assisting Israel to discover the 50-ton Karine-A
weapons shipments in transit from Iran to the Palestinians -- at the same
time that  . . . Fox News and NewsMax were reporting allegations of Israeli intelligence
possibly infiltrating U. S. law enforcement
wire-tapping operations. 

   Mr. Brown notes that the allegations are not the first credible ones involving Israeli tapping
of U.S. phone lines. Citing the charges swirling around a
subsidiary of the Israeli telecommunications company, Telrad,
Brown references a Washington
Post story of May 7, 1997 and stories from May 2000 in Insight
magazine and the Sunday
Times, to suggest that a major political and
security flap for the Bush administration is around the corner.

   A senior source at the
Washington-based Conservative Caucus told Global News Net, You bet we have a problem here. Our constituents divide between the Christian Right
folks who believe that our support for Israel should be unequivocal, and American
conservatives who believe that Israel should be held to the same standard
of accountability for their actions in this country as
everyone else. 

    It is a simmering problem that might boil to the
surface--both for us as well as for Bush. Especially with renewed questions within
the conservative movement over the wisdom of American involvement in a wider
Middle Eastern war. 

    The problem
for Bush is 1) how to sustain the unified political support he needs from
the Republican Right for his War on Terrorism and future military operations
abroad; 2) how to sustain his unlikely coalition for the War which
involves both Israeli and historically friendly Arab states; and 3)
how to
avoid political embarrassment and catastrophe, domestically and abroad. Future
shoes yet to drop could implicate Sharon, Netanyahu, and Israeli
intelligence in the wholesale pick-pocketing of American national
security secrets. These disclosures could be followed up by potentially damning revelations
concerning Israel's wholesale buying of
silence on Capitol Hill.

Israeli Political Action Committee (AIPAC) funds and sources of cash linked to
powerful forces on the activist Christian Right and Reagan wing of the
Republican Party, could add up to some significant shekels.

has become a dangerous and costly game of roulette.

Mark Dankof, an ordained Lutheran pastor with the Lutheran Ministerial
and Synod--USA (
, serves as a correspondent for the orthodox Lutheran weekly, Christian News. A past
candidate for the United States Senate in Delaware, Pastor Dankof is currently
conducting interviews with human rights organizations based in the United States and abroad, for future inside
exclusives for GNN. His web site is located at 

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[CTRL] Busy Year For Big Brother

2002-05-25 Thread Wes676767,1283,52781,00.html

Busy Year for Big Brother 
By Declan McCullagh 

2:00 a.m. May 25, 2002 PDT 
WASHINGTON -- Wiretaps leaped in number once again last year, mostly due to drug investigations, new government figures show. 

Federal and state police legally intercepted approximately 2.3 million conversations and pager communications in 2001, spending about $72 million in the process, the federal court system's annual report says. 

The true number of authorized wiretaps is likely to be far greater. This week's figures do not include all U.S. Customs surveillance -- some of their records were lost in the destruction of the World Trade Center -- or those super-secret investigations done under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. 

Here are the raw numbers: 1,491 wiretap applications were authorized, each intercepting an average of 1,565 conversations. No judge anywhere in the United States denied a police wiretap request. State courts authorized 67 percent of wiretaps. The average length was about two months, and 68 percent of taps were on "portable" devices, such as pagers and cell phones. 

The total number of wiretaps jumped 25 percent from 2000. Drug-related crimes were the cause of 78 percent of them. 

According to the report: "Encryption was reported to have been encountered in 16 wiretaps terminated in 2001; however, in none of these cases was encryption reported to have prevented law enforcement officials from obtaining the plain text of communications intercepted." 

Only court-authorized wiretaps appear in the report, not illegal ones performed in violation of state and federal law. In 1999, the Los Angeles County Public Defender's office estimated that the local police illegally under-reported actual wiretaps by a factor of ten. 

- - - 
Basic electronics: Hollywood's war against Silicon Valley is escalating. 

In a report (PDF) sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee, the Motion Picture Association of America warns of the dangers of rampant piracy of digital works if they are transformed into analog form. 

According to the MPAA, "all devices that perform analog to digital conversions" should be regulated -- something that critics say would roil the U.S. electronics industry and eliminate its ability to compete globally.

 - - - 
E-mail risks: A mis-addressed, e-mail message on Capitol Hill has turned into a minor political flap. 

A Democratic aide confessed in a message that her party's complaints about Republicans' Social Security proposals were "not entirely factually accurate ... but it is sooo fun to bash Republicans. :)" 

Whoops! The aide, who works for Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio), accidentally sent the e-mail to a Republican staffer, who then sent it through the GOP ranks. The Washington Times reported this week that Virginia Rep. Tom Davis, chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, made the accidental message public. - - - 

Critical right: 
Bill Sheehan has filed suit in federal court against a state law designed to outlaw his site. compiles and republishes publicly available information on law enforcement officers in Washington state. While a presumptively legal act, it was still offensive enough to local politicos that it led to a suit against Sheehan and to a state law making his site verboten. 

Now Sheehan is suing to overturn that law, which takes effect on June 13, saying it violates the First Amendment's guarantee of free speech. 

"The (law) suppresses truthful information of interest to the public," the complaint says. "The First Amendment prohibits any attempt to punish the publication of lawfully obtained, truthful information about a matter of public interest absent a need to further a state interest of the highest order." 

- - -
Jim Bell update: 

Way back in the 1980s, entrepreneur Jim Bell owned a company that sold computer storage devices. 

Now Bell works in a California prison, demolishing computers and their monitors at the handsome wage of 46 cents an hour. "I've taken a day job destroying computer monitors," Bell said in a phone call from prison this week. "I've gone through about 100 so far." 

Bell is the infamous author of Assassination Politics, an essay that discusses ways to eliminate bothersome IRS agents. That captured the attention of the feds, who charged him with stalking federal agents. Last year, a jury found Bell guilty and he's been sentenced (PDF) to 10 years. 

Bell says that it's easy to destroy a monitor without making it implode. "That almost never is impressive, particularly if you do it right," he says. "There's a little nib at the end of the CRT that if you hit it just right with the hammer it creates a small hiss. There's an ooomph if someone drops the monitor, but other than that it's pretty innocuous." 

He gets paid by Unicorp, the Justice Department-affiliated business that markets prison labor to federal agencies. 

[CTRL] Moonies use Washington Times as Front Group to Gain Power and Legitimacy

2002-05-25 Thread Wes676767

Moonies use Washington Times as 
Front Group to Gain 
Power and Legitimacy 

On Tuesday, May 21st 2002, controversial religious figurehead, alleged cult leader and self-proclaimed Messiah Sun Myung Moon, is to sponsoring a banquet celebrating the newspaper's 20th anniversary. A substantial list of host Senators, Representatives and other politicians think they are supporting just a conservative newspaper, but are unwittingly endorsing the Moon agenda. Mr. Moon has used the newspaper along with U.P.I. to develop his power base for his ambitions­to establish and "automatic theocracy" in which he runs the world. Despite a politically conservative pro-family slant, the Times has also been the paper of choice for several Christian groups who are apparently unaware of Moon's true theology. 

"The public thinks that the Moonies have gone away. They haven't. They have been quite busy in recent years, focusing their recruitment efforts to politicians, business people and even Christian clergy," says Steven Hassan, former Moonie, author, licensed counselor and mind control expert. "They are still deceptive and quite dangerous," Hassan says, "Back in 1974-1976, Moon talked about setting up a global infrastructure so that when the world economy faltered, we would be there to feed people and give them jobs." 

Moon's stated ambitions include the establishment of a one-world government run as an automatic theocracy by Moon and his leaders. "Bush's faith-based initiative seems to be ideal to help them in their quest for a one world theocratic government," Hassan says, "I am sure President Bush is not aware that Moon has repeatedly said that America (and democracy) is Satanic." Moon's vision of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth includes the absorption of all the world religions into Unificationism as well as the abolishment of all languages except Korean. Core Moonie members do a ritual pledge service every Sunday morning, bowing before an altar with Moon's picture on it and promising to fight for the Fatherland (Korea). 

Moon is an 82-year old Korean billionaire and convicted felon who served 13 months in federal prison for income tax evasion and conspiracy in the mid-1980s. Moon owns the Washington Times newspaper, U.P.I., Insight magazine, The University of Bridgeport (CT) and The New Yorker Hotel. His empire was part of a 1977-78 congressional investigation which looked at Korean CIA activities in the United States (list of front groups and report is on 

Tens of thousands of families have suffered because of the deceptive, mind control practices of the Moon organization. Members are told their parents are Satanic and are kept, sometimes for years, from visiting their families. While the Moonies have only several thousand dedicated American members now, there are an estimated 70,000 former members in the United States alone. Many of these people are still suffering from their involvement with the cult. The Moonies are actively recruiting in Africa, South America, China and the former Communist countries and have an estimated 100,000 members worldwide. 

While Moon professes upholding high family values to others, he is a hypocrite with major family problems of his own. His "blessed" eldest son, Hyo Jin (by second wife) are long divorced. According to ex-wife Nansook Hong's book, "In the Shadow of the Moons," Hyo Jin was physically violent, emotionally abusive, had a cocaine problem and has been arrested several times. In 1999, Moon's son, Youngjin P. Moon, then 21, committed suicide by jumping out of a Reno hotel window. 

Sun Myung Moon and his wife are considered to be "sinless" and are called the "True Parents" of humankind. He claims to be the new Christ and is fulfilling what Jesus failed to accomplish. In fact, Moon believes that until he married Jesus to a Korean church member, Jesus was unable to enter "Heaven". "I am certain that people are not aware of the real theology of Moon, says Hassan. "What people have to understand is that destructive cults use deception. Back in 1974, I was told that The One World Crusade, was "not religious at all." As a Jew, I would never have agreed to be involved if I had known what the group was really about. 

Throughout its history, the Moon organization has been involved with many questionable activities. The 1977-78 congressional investigation into KCIA activities in the United States stated it had found evidence that the group had systematically violated numerous federal and state laws. Moon eventually was convicted and spent thirteen months in jail for conspiracy to evade taxes. In Japan, his church has been the subject of the largest consumer fraud scam in Japanese history in which tens of thousands of people were manipulated into giving large sums of money to "liberate their suffering ancestors." "Moon has not changed his desire to convert the world," warns Hassan. "Responsible people 

[CTRL] James Madison On Continual War

2002-05-25 Thread Wes676767

James Madison On Continual War

"Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes. And armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of the Executive is extended. Its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds, are added to those of subduing the force of the people. The same malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced in the inequality of fortunes, and the opportunities of fraud, growing out of a state of war...and in the degeneracy of manners and morals, engendered by both. No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare." 

--James Madison, April 20, 1795 (Works. Vol. 4, Pp. 491-2)  

Re: [CTRL] Hating Israel: What We Know But Can`t Say Out Loud

2002-05-24 Thread Wes676767
In a message dated 5/24/02 2:21:43 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The point is if you're going to apply the standard to one country, you
should apply it to all, else it looks like a major display of
I never see criticism of Turkey's occupation of Cyprus in the media.

I never see any mention of the Turkish lobby bullying and blackmailing members of Congress in the media either. Nor do I notice the Turkish stranglehold on media. Hmmm...


[CTRL] BREAKING-Pentagon Attack Plane Was An El Al Lookalike

2002-05-24 Thread Wes676767

Pentagon Attack Plane Was An El Al Lookalike
Flights 77 and 1862 both had "vanishing" wings
Joe Vialls, May 2002

Many weeks ago I wrote a report designed to rebut arcane French suggestions that American Airlines Flight 77 did not strike the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. According to the French, the building was allegedly hit either by a much smaller aircraft, or perhaps by a bomb planted inside the Pentagon by its own ”evil” occupants, the United States Military.
Though I was not surprised by such extraordinary suggestions from a bunch of wine swilling Parisians, I was certainly surprised by the immediate and rampant American response. Within days, hundreds of US bulletin boards and web sites were awash with similar claims. It was an incredibly successful “divide and rule” exercise that pitted American against American, and civilian against soldier. Needless to say, the French were delighted.
The apparent problem was quite simple. American Airlines Flight 77 was a Boeing 757 twin-jet with a wingspan of 124 feet, but the hole in the Pentagon was less than 124 feet across. Conspiracy heaven! Obviously then, according to those determined to undermine American national security, the attack aircraft was a remotely-controlled F-16 fighter or Martell missile, almost certainly guided to its American military target by a crazed four-star American general buried deep inside Cheyenne Mountain at NORAD headquarters.
My original report sought to stem this rising tide of disinformation by using the personal example of a British Mach 2 Lightning fighter with a wingspan of 35 feet, which vanished completely into a hole in the ground with a diameter of only 22 feet. Unfortunately I could not prove this with a photo because the 400 mph Lightning crash occurred at the height of the Cold War, and anyone [including me] caught taking happy snaps of the impact crater with a Brownie box camera, would probably still be locked up in the Tower of London today.
What I should have done instead, was conduct a simple Internet search for photographs of civil equivalents of this exact phenomena where a big plane vanishes into a small hole. So should the French… Not far north of the wine-swilling Parisians lies the elegant Dutch city of Amsterdam, whose residents had a terrible shock at 6:35 PM on October 4, 1992. Henk Prijt in the suburb of Bijlmer put it this way:
“We were in the living room, watching the sports program on television, like so many others in our neighborhood did that Sunday evening. It was a few minutes after sunset when I noticed an airplane flying low. Low-flying airliners are nothing special here since we live near Schiphol and the route over our heads is one of the busiest for Amsterdam airport.
“But this particular plane did something strange: it flew in the wrong direction. I didn't pay much attention and it flew out of my sight. Shortly after, however, there it was again, coming right at us as we stared out of the window. My son yelled and dashed for the back of the house. As he looked out the door he saw something no one should ever have to see: the huge plane plunging into the next block, some 250 meters to the east of our building.”
What Henk Prijt Junior saw was Israeli El Al Flight 1862, a massive 747 Jumbo freighter with a wingspan of 212 feet, crashing horizontally into the apartment block. At the point of impact in Bijlmer, El Al Flight 1862 weighed 680,000 pounds, roughly three times the gross weight of American Airlines Flight 77 when it crashed into the Pentagon
Shortly after take-off from Amsterdam for Tel Aviv, the Israeli jumbo lost both starboard [right side] engine pods, and was attempting to return for an emergency landing on Schipol Airport’s runway 27. We know from the official accident reports that although now fatally under powered, El Al Flight 1862 remained under control while descending into the building, and thus was horizontally orientated at the point of impact.
“At 17.27:30, as the aircraft was climbing through 6500ft, the no.3 engine and pylon separated from the wing in an outward and rearward movement, colliding with the no.4 engine causing this engine and pylon to separate as well. An emergency was declared and the crew acknowledged their intention to return to Schiphol Airport and reported that they had a no.3 engine failure and a loss of engine thrust of both no.3 and 4 engine.
 “At 17.28.57 the Amsterdam Radar controller informed the crew that runway 06 was in use with a 040 deg / 21kts wind. The crew however requested runway 27 for landing. A straight in approach to runway 27 was not possible because of airplane altitude (5000ft) and distance to the runway (7mls). The Amsterdam Arrival controller then instructed the crew to turn right heading 360deg and descend to 2000ft. During this descending turn the El Al crew reported that the no.3 and 4 engine were out and that they were having 

[CTRL] George W Bush, Political Terrorist

2002-05-24 Thread Wes676767

George W Bush, Political Terrorist 
 by William Rivers Pitt 
 t r u t h o u t | Thursday, 23 May, 2002 
The earthquake began on Thursday, May 16th: The Bush administration had been warned by the CIA months before September 11th of Al Qaida terrorists and plans to hijack airplanes. Nothing of substance was done to address the threat – "The proper agencies were warned," we were told, but no representative of any pertinent agency has since stepped forward to acknowledge receipt of any warnings. 
In fact, the spokesman for Massport, the Massachusetts state agency responsible for security at Logan airport, stated bluntly in the pages of the Boston Globe that his agency never heard from the Federal government regarding any hijacking threat. The two aircraft that destroyed the World Trade Center towers and killed thousands of Americans went wheels-up at Logan. 
By Friday the news was sprayed across the headlines of virtually every newspaper on the planet: Bush Knew. 
The implications were deadly for the Bush White House. Information had been given that indicated terrorist attacks were imminent, but little if anything was done to prevent them. Concern for the profit margins of the airline industry, which would have been crippled had a serious terrorist warning been disbursed in high summer, were first offered as a good reason why no true measures were taken to prevent the hijackings. 
Later, spokesmen like Ari Fleischer and Dick Cheney came forward to claim that the warnings were "vague" and "non-specific" and therefore not worthy of notice. We were told that the hijack warnings pertained to "traditional hijacking" scenarios, as if that forgave the lapse in security. The weekend political talk shows became a showcase for spin, and the word went out for all to hear – the Bush administration is blameless, and anyone who says otherwise is a traitor. 
The truly interesting part came on Monday. All of a sudden, the world was coming to an end. FBI Director Mueller claimed there was no chance that another terrorist attack could be stopped. Dick Cheney stuck out his jaw and stated bluntly that another terrorist attack was inevitable. Don Rumsfeld said terrorists would definitely get their hands on nuclear or biological weapons, and then use them to terrible effect. The newswires vibrated with images of suicide bombers on New York subways, and a warning went out to apartment building landlords – watch for suspicious characters, because the next WTC-type catastrophe could be yours. The Statue of Liberty and the Brooklyn Bridge were draped with bullseyes by the administration, though no one spoke of means to prevent these horrors. 
The effect of these warnings was dynamic. People from coast to coast felt the clutch of fear in their guts as images of smallpox and mushroom clouds flickered behind their eyelids. New York City, battered and bruised, clenched its collective fist in a spasm of dread. It must be real, these threats, because the President and his people say so. Let there be terror and meekness in equal measure on the streets of the greatest city on earth. 
And yet comes Wednesday, and an extraordinary series of revelations. An article in the May 21st edition of the Toronto Globe and Mail reported that, "the White House quietly acknowledged that the threats are not urgent and that they are partly motivated by political objectives" and that "the blunt warnings issued yesterday and Sunday do not reflect a dramatic increase in threatening information but rather a desire to fend off criticism from the Democrats." 
It seems that everyone can calm down. Horrific terrorist attacks are not, in fact, imminent. Everything is well in hand. The Bush administration is merely using the fear and horror that another September 11th-type attack may happen again as a means to deflect legitimate criticism from the Democratic Party. Nothing to see here. Go about your business. This is, after all, just politics. 
It was bad enough that Bush had made his crass 'trifecta' joke eight different times. You know this one: Someone reported that Bush promised not to raid social Security or dive into deficit spending unless the nation was faced with war, recession or national emergency. After 9/11, Bush was heard to crack on eight separate occasions, "Lucky me, I hit the trifecta." Let it be noted that the country is running a $66.5 billion deficit seven months into the budget year, and the 9/11 death toll between America and Afghanistan stands above 5,000 souls.. That is one hell of a trifecta, and no laughing matter. 
It was bad enough that Bush and his people were selling photographs of his phone calls during the 9/11 attacks to raise political funds. Al Gore called the practice "disgraceful;" the word is not strong enough. The English language is deficient in words required to describe those who seek to profit from a day of such blood and horror. 
Now, with 


2002-05-24 Thread Wes676767


By: Alan Stang

As your intrepid correspondent launches this new series of commentaries, it would be helpful to explain what we shall be writing about. As always, we shall be elucidating the queen of the issues--the one that separates the women from the girls: the Conspiracy that orchestrates many of the horrors we presently suffer. 

What do we mean by "Conspiracy?" 

We mean the orchestrated scheme conducted by the billionaire totalitarian socialist power-lusters who rule us, and whose purpose is to submerge our country in a brutal world government that would impose a dictatorship on all people in all former nations, a dictatorship so severe it would make Hitler look in retrospect like a simpering playground bully. 

It is important to establish what world government means. However respectable and innocuous its advocates have made it, world government still means the destruction of the U.S. government, for the simple reason that the two things are mutually exclusive. You can have either the U.S. government--or you can have world government. You can't have both, because two solid objects can't occupy the same space at the same time. An American who schemes to destroy the U.S. government in behalf of a foreign power--some other (world) government--is guilty of treason. If the world government conspirators succeed, what was the United States would become simply a wide spot in the road--and they are now very close to success, via immigration, international agreements, etc., among other subjects we shall discuss. 

One is not supposed to talk about that. Such discussion breaks some unspoken rule. One is allowed to talk about the effects of conspiratorial machination, about the surface of events, but not about the conspiracy itself. Anyone who does is usually covered by opprobrium extruded by kept capons in the media whose job is to obfuscate, especially including the anatomical males at the New York Times, who put their pants on backwards. Among their complaints is the accusation that revelations about a "so-called conspiracy," are "simplistic," because they attribute everything to one cause. As usual, the exact opposite is true. It is "simplistic" to the max to believe that everything "just happens." According to the Just Happens school of historical analysis, there are no basic causes and effects, no connections, no reasons. Things "just happen," by themselves. It is much more taxing to uncover who met with whom, said what to whom and did what with whom, just as flatfoot police work to uncover clues is more taxing than mere speculation. 

Another sissy accusation is that those of us who expose the Conspiracy oppose the U.S. government. On the contrary, we expose the Conspiracy because our purpose is to protect the historic system bequeathed us by the Constitution. The men who do everything to destroy it are the termites who scheme to destroy our independence. Remember, we are not talking about people who are sick, poor and illiterate, but about the most powerful people in this country. 

Do you mean that the conspirators we are talking about actually sit down around a table and make plans? 

Yes, that is exactly what we mean. The dictionary says that a conspiracy consists of two or more people, who meet in secret for an evil end. All you need are those people sitting around that table. A conspiracy does not need to incorporate under the laws of Delaware or Nevada. It doesn't need to issue membership cards. If a couple or three people meet secretly to plan a burglary, there is a conspiracy. Because secrecy is an essential element of conspiracy, conspirators will do everything to stay under their rock. When someone turns their rock over, they scatter. Exposure tends to destroy a conspiracy, because when the victims discover its evil end, they rebel. 

For instance, anyone who has been to the movies is familiar with the Mafia. Here is an informal group of men who sit down at a table and plan. They don't exist officially, on paper. They shrug, laugh and deny there is any such thing, but no one else denies they are very real. 

In the same way, once or twice a year, the most powerful people in the world meet at a resort, surrounded by guards with machine guns, and decide what will happen to us, to our lives our property and families, during the next year. This particular instrument of the Conspiracy doesn't have a name. It consists merely of congenial megalopolists who meet to plan policy. The most powerful people in the U.S. media--the men who run the television networks and big American newspapers participate in those meetings, but they have never reported a word that was said. In fact, David Rockefeller, of the Trilateral Commission, another arm of the conspiracy, once explained that without the cooperation of those media moguls, those meetings could not have taken place. 


2002-05-23 Thread Wes676767

Title: **Globe-Intel**

#1 in On-Time Delivery, QTR1 2002. Thousands of
consumers must know something. Free same-day shipping with
*every* order over $25. makes it simple.



Number 80

May 23, 2002







Seeds of Fire: China and
the Story Behind the Attack on America, by Gordon
Thomas (Dandelion Books)

There was no doubting
Maxwell was a brilliant marketer of Enhanced Promis or, as far as Mossad was
concerned, of the effectiveness of the system. 
The service had been the first to obtain the program and it had been a
valuable tool in its campaign against the Intifada.  Many of its leaders had left Jordan
for safer hideouts in Europe after several had been
assassinated in Jordan.

A spectacular success
came when an Intifada commander who had moved to Rome
called a Beirut number that
Mossads computers already had listed as the home of a known
bomb-maker.  The Rome
caller wanted to meet the bomb-maker in Athens.  Mossad used Enhanced Promis to check all the
travel offices in Rome and Beirut
for the travel arrangements of both men. 
In Beirut further checks
revealed the bomber had ordered the local utility companies to cut off service
to his home.  A further search by
Enhanced Promis of the local PLO computers also showed the bomber had switched
flights at the last moment.

It did not save him.  He was killed by a car bomb on the way to Beirut
airport.  Shortly afterwards, in Rome,
the Intifada commander was killed in a hit-and-run accident.

Soon other examples would
create complete satisfaction of the efficiency of Enhanced Promis as a powerful
weapon with which Mossad could fight terrorism.

In the months which
followed, Maxwell continued to sell the version that Rafi Eitans
programmers had reconstructed around the world. 
Using the same pitchwhat I have is better and
cheaper than anything else on the marketMaxwell persuaded
the South African regime to purchase the software to track black revolutionary
groups.  A planned strike by black miners
protesting apartheid was stopped when the software was used to track down the
strike leaders through their required identity passes.  All were incarcerated without trial.

In Guatemala
the system was sold after Maxwell had personally demonstrated how it could
track all opponents of the regime.  Using
the software, some 20,000 government opponents were rounded up.  They were either killed or joined the ranks
of the disappeared.

Maxwell rampaged through South
 America hawking Enhanced Promis. 
The security forces of Brazil,
Columbia and Nicaragua
all bought the system.  In Tel Aviv, Rafi
Eitans technicians knew who had been arrested even before the families
of a regimes opponents were picked up.

Maxwell launched his
sales offensive into the very bastion of securitythe Swiss banking
world.  He persuaded Credit Suisse Bank
to install the Israeli version.  Through
the trap door installed in the system, Rafi Eitan could learn many of the
secrets of sensitive bank accounts.  The
data was passed on to Mossad.  Often the
depositors were Israeli millionaires who had opened overseas accounts, illegal
under the countrys strict financial controls.  After finding out who had
lodged overseas deposits, they were approached to make a donation to help Israel.  If they refused they were exposedand
faced heavy fines and imprisonment.

Maxwells greatest
coup was to persuade the Soviet Union to
accept the system.  Through the secret
trap door microchip, Enhanced Promis was able to access Soviet military
intelligence.  The information passed to
Mossad made it probably the best-briefed service on Russian intentions.

Next, South
  Korea, Australia
and Canada were
persuaded by the tireless Robert Maxwell to buy the software.

He might have gone on
forever but for the fact that, massive though the sales were, Maxwells
cut did not give him enough to save his publishing empire.  Even worse, he started to throw his weight
around Tel Aviv.  He behaved like a
modern day pharaoh.  But his boasting and
bluffing had finally become too much. 
Time was running out for Maxwell,
Rafi Eitan was to recall.

More dangerous for
Maxwell, Mossad decided his instability could become a threat to their
operations.  A senior katsa, a field
agent, code-named Shimon Goldstein was assigned to track the tycoons

Early in 1985, Maxwell
made another, his third, visit to Beijing.  Once more he stayed in one of the guest
houses the regime reserved for its most important visitors.

According to
Goldsteins report, Maxwell met 

[CTRL] Martin:Scams Away: The Boom Is Falling

2002-05-23 Thread Wes676767

Scams Away: The Boom Is Falling
by Al Martin

In an incredible display of arrogance, George Bush said that HE (not the White House, but HE) will no linger tolerate second-guessing on the subject of the growing questions of what did the Bush Administration know and when did it know it regarding threatened terrorist attacks against the United States prior to 9-11. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld then came out with a press release from the Department of Defense, stating that "those who ask questions could face government charges."

 The Bush Administration publicly stated that there is one congressional investigation ongoing into this matter, and they will not allow any further congressional investigations to be formed. Nor will they answer any further questions by the media on this subject.

 This all happened when Fox News and MSNBC began to leak out some FBI documents, which our inside source had told us about a long time ago. This source actually knew the people who had been dealing with the major media outlets. They were FBI documents including a memorandum, which indicated that the warnings the White House had prior to 9-11 were in fact more substantial than what the White House let on.

 The White House has admitted that it did have vague and nebulous warnings of a potential terrorist attack, led by Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda group. But it had numerous such warnings, and as presidential press spokesman Ari Fleischer said, how many times can you cry wolf before people won't listen to you anymore? The White House also claimed that none of the information they had gotten from the FBI and the CIA was in substantive enough detail to put together any defensive plan of action.

 As it turns out, there was a key FBI memorandum, which never went up the chain of command. It was written by an agent in Phoenix, in which he specifically mentioned that Osama bin Laden and the al Qaeda group may use hijacked aircraft in a terrorist attack against a CIA building or other principal federal offices in Washington. The FBI also believed that potential commercial targets included the World Trade Center and the Sears Tower in Chicago. This document, for some reason, never went up the chain of command.

 The Bush Administration is trying to claim that they weren't aware of it. Their attitude is that they didn't know that terrorists were going to hijack aircraft and use them as missiles, and there is no real way to defend against that. However, what has since come out of the Department of Defense is that they took the threats more seriously and did upgrade White House, Pentagon, CIA and Capital building anti-aircraft security capability. But they did nothing to attempt to protect any commercial assets.

 The FBI documents in question weren't actually leaked. Originally they were simply sold -- for cash money to a major news outlet.

 This news outlet then simply sat on the documents apparently waiting until they believed the time was right. They tried to get other media outlets interested in it, and they couldn't. This goes back to August of 2001. The problem was that they couldn't get the other networks interested in it, and the other networks were frankly frightened. They couldn't get any Democrats in Congress interested in it either because the Democrats were also frightened of raising the subject.

 Fox then had to wait for others to catch up to them, a common game in the media. (I played it the same way before.) Sometimes one media outlet or one newspaper has to wait for the rest of the world to catch up to where it is. This is very common in the media particularly when it comes to exposing government misdeeds.

 All the newspapers played this game after Iran-Contra. They'd get a hold of something hot. They'd spread it around a little bit. But other media outlets, investigative organization, and congressional committees were still too far behind the eight ball to want to get up to speed that quickly. There would be still too many missing gaps. It's not uncommon in the media business to sit on documents for months or even, in some cases, years. It's often done by individual investigative reporters themselves. They'll sit on information they have - just waiting because they don't want to stick their necks out too far.

 John Crudele, a political investigative reporter for the NY Post, and Rodney Bowers, a political reporter for the Arkansas Democrat Gazette, were probably the two best players of this game. They used to call it "Texas Hold-'em."- like the poker game. They would talk to everyone they knew, all the other political investigative reporters. They would tell them this is what we've got, then everyone else would start looking into it, and gradually they would get caught up to the lead guy. Then they would actually collaborate on the story.

 (By the way, John Crudele recently wrote a great story on the missing half a trillion dollars from the US Treasury called "$1/2 

[CTRL] Ghosts Surround You as the World Watches

2002-05-23 Thread Wes676767

Ghosts Surround You as the World Watches

Ghosts Surround You as the World Watches:
An Open Letter to George Bush from America's Youth

Dear George:

At this critical juncture in human culture, you must realize the role you have chosen to play is fraught with danger, both personal and planetary. You cannot say that the American people chose the role of President for you, since the majority of voters elected your opponent, Al Gore. 

We have no illusions anymore that America is a democracy. Your regime has made the military rule of our country clear as bulletproof glass. Do not mistake our silence for complacency, however. We have you surrounded, and we are watching. You will not escape justice, nor will your associates. A war criminal is a war criminal, no matter how much patriotic propaganda you wrap around them. 

We have the truth on our side, what have you on yours? More weapons, more deadly explosions, more contagious germs, rampant terrorism, cover-ups, shredded papers, lies and more lies. Let's let the little secret out of the bag, George.

The rest of the world already knows your daddy's "Company," the CIA, is not known for truth-telling. Their business has been organizing terrorist activities to facilitate exploitation and weapons sales, and hiding covert wars from US taxpayers. Unfortunately for you, millions of us have actually been watching and paying attention.

You have gotten a glimpse of what your fate will be if you and your CIA family are found, in any way, to be culpable for the World Trade Center bombings, even if it's only that you ALLOWED it to happen. You will be one of the most despised and cursed men in history, along with your grandfather's friends, the Third Reich. You will be on the dock alongside Uncle Dick, Henry Kissinger, and your daddy. Justice does not sleep, George. It is coming for you. No amount of bombing, spreading of germs, deploying of stormtroopers will stop it. Didn't your Skull-and-Bones elitists learn anything from Hitler's experience?

Oh yes, you did. That's right. A kinder, gentler fascism. Homeland security, sponsored by McDonalds. Mass-murder weapons masked as "daisy-cutters." Beautiful actors posing as CIA agents on TV. Make the assassinations exciting and trendy, even fashionable. Sell it as a game, a push of the button for instant status. "An Army of One." Yeah, right.

You and your ultra-conservative cronies have grossly underestimated the intelligence and rebellion that surrounds you. Now you are leading our country, and our world into HELL, mistaking your fate for ours. You have endangered all of us by seizing power the way you did, with your careless and callous foreign policies. We can safely say that if your Skull-and-Bones buddies had allowed the US election to be determined as a democracy, we would not now be on the edge of a global war. But this is what they wanted, what they always want, isn't it? That's where the REAL profits lie, don't they George?

Your family, its "Company," and their "Order" can try to cover-up the millions of dead in developing countries invaded by the CIA, the secret "weaponized" microbes injected into soldiers, the billions of dollars worth of drug-running, the policies of genocide against native peoples, and your secret "Space War" without any oversight, but you'll never escape our probing minds. Not only have you underestimated our intelligence and determination, you don't really understand the power of human potential. We see you while you are sleeping, we can read your mind, we see right through you.

We aren't just fringe-dwellers and misfits, either. We are veterans of your wars, college professors, your limo drivers and police officers. We are firefighters who have lost our friends, mothers who have lost children, former CIA agents and military officers. We are computer hackers, recording artists, and film stars. We are the future, after you have been exposed, George.

Make it easy on yourself. Come out with the truth. Spill the beans on the old man, let Uncle Dick take his lumps. We'll forgive you as a patsy, and if the Skull-and-Bones boys take you out, well, at least you'll die a martyr's death. You have a chance to save the world from global nuclear war, environmental catastrophe, and rampant poverty. Only the truth will set you free, George. Further lies and terror will only dig you deeper into Hell.

We see you squirming and sweating under the strain of deception. We see your family's accounts being broken open, the war machine under scrutiny, the CIA being called up on the global carpet. All the bombing in the world won't stop history's inquiring eyes. Give it up, George. After all, you're not REALLY an elected President, and you've already ruined your chances of ever being elected, by your regime's clumsy cover-ups.

Enjoy your brief time in the sun. How the light turns all skin 

[CTRL] Act Would OK Snail Mail Searches

2002-05-23 Thread Wes676767,2100,52739,00.html

Act Would OK Snail Mail Searches 
By Declan McCullagh 
2:00 a.m. May 23, 2002 PDT 

WASHINGTON -- Just a few years ago, the U.S. Postal Service got savaged by privacy advocates after suggesting that private mailbox services were somehow objectionable. 

Since services like Mailboxes Etc. could encourage fraud, the post office declared, businesses must limit anonymity by demanding photo ID from all customers. 

Three years later, the Postal Service's lobbyists are fighting for Americans' privacy rights -- and opposing a bill in Congress that would allow U.S. Customs agents to open any internationally-mailed letter or parcel for almost any reason. 

So far, the Postal Service has had little luck: On Wednesday, the U.S. House of Representatives approved the new surveillance powers by a 327 to 101 vote. The bill, titled the Customs Border Security Act, says that incoming or outgoing mail can be searched at the border "without a search warrant." 

The vote on the larger bill -- which deals mostly with the budget for the U.S. Customs Service -- came after a surprisingly heated debate on the House floor over an amendment that would have deleted the mail-snooping sections. 

"Exercise of these new powers could infringe on the right of innocent Americans to travel and communicate internationally free of unnecessary federal control," says Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), Congress' most ardent libertarian. "Please say no to unconstitutional searches and unaccountable government, and say yes to liberty and constitutional government " 

Under current law, it is already legal for Customs agents to open packages they deem to be suspicious. 

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-California) sponsored the amendment, which also would have preserved the current legal status of Customs officers, who can be sued civilly for wrongful searches. 

It failed. On a largely party-line vote of 197-231, with only five Republicans voting in the affirmative, the House rejected Waters' proposal and voted to keep the bill intact. 

In other words, that retains the Customs Border Security Act's original language, which says a customs agent cannot be held liable for any type of search, including racial profiling, as long as the "officer or employee performed the search in good faith." 

Last December, the House's previous attempt to pass the bill failed by a 256 to 168 vote. It was considered under a procedure reserved for ostensibly noncontroversial bills that requires a two-thirds majority. 

Even critics of the Postal Service say the agency has -- at least in this particular legislative tussle -- been sticking up for privacy rights. 

"While I have been publicly critical of the U.S. Postal Service for their poor overall record on privacy, I will admit that they have been consistent and resolute in their adherence to our Fourth Amendment protections against warrantless searches," says Brad Jansen, deputy director of the Center for Technology Policy at the Free Congress Foundation. 

But, Jansen says, the politicking may be mostly "a bureaucratic turf battle with Customs trying to poach authority from the Post Office." 

Customs boasts that it "is considered one of the most effective agencies at congressional" lobbying and says that the Customs Border Security Act "carries a great number of important legislative requirements for the agency." 

Katie Corrigan, legislative counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union, says she was heartened by Wednesday's floor debate. 

"They expressed concern that the bill would undermine individual privacy," Corrigan says. "With each step in the process, people become a little more educated. We hope that when it heads into (a future Senate-House conference committee), we can strip that section out." 

Last December, the ACLU sent a letter to Congress saying that: "People in the United States have an expectation of privacy in the mail they send to friends, family or business associates abroad. The Customs Service's interest in confiscating illegal weapons' shipments, drugs or other contraband is adequately protected by its ability to secure a search warrant when it has probable cause." 

In the Senate, a similar bill with identical mail-opening language is waiting for a floor vote, which is likely to happen as early as this week. 

Democratic senators Jon Corzine (New Jersey) and Dianne Feinstein (California) are expected to introduce amendments to delete the mail-surveillance sections. 

Other opposition to the mail-surveillance proposals comes from industry groups. The Direct Marketing Association says "this would be the first time since Ben Franklin created the Postal Service that seizure and searches, without warrants, of outbound international mail would be allowed." 

[CTRL] Online Poll- Chandra's Discovery:Coincidence or Diversion?

2002-05-23 Thread Wes676767

[CTRL] Skolnick:The Chandra Levy Affair - Part 3

2002-05-23 Thread Wes676767

The Chandra Levy Affair - Part 3
By Sherman H. Skolnick 

Chandra Levy disappeared about May, 2001. About a year later, her body was found in a park near her apartment in the District of Columbia. But the spy-riddled, oil-soaked monopoly press, now or ever, is in no position to tell you what may be helpful to understand what happened. Such places had been searched in the past with no results. Did someone just dump her body there recently? 

>From all the best sources and notebooks of private and government investigators, the following details appear to be quite correct: 

[1] Like Monica Lewinsky, Chandra Levy made herself available to be used by the American CIA, certain officials of which, informally and formally, act jointly with Israeli intelligence, The Mossad, as well as other spy agencies of purported friendly powers. Both Monica and Chandra were both good looking. Some subjectively contend that Chandra was moreso. Both apparently wanted to be used as a latter day Mata Hari, the World War One spy who infiltrated the highest level of certain military command structures. 

Even as a child, Chandra liked to volunteer to assist the local police in her home town. Those who knew her, contend she wanted, when she grew up, to be a covert operative with the American CIA. 

[2] After graduating with a University Master's Decree, specializing in criminal justice and journalism, she somehow wiggled her way into the Washington, D.C. Public Affairs, or Press Office, of the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Was it all actually prior arranged by her espionage handlers, foreign and domestic? Among other things, she helped arrange the media coverage at the prison death house for the execution of the alleged Oklahoma City bomber, Timothy McVeigh. A reporter, viewing the alleged execution, stated McVeigh was still breathing when he was supposedly pronounced "dead". [Visit Part Two of this website series.] 

[3] Chandra somehow became a sexmate of Congressman Gary Condit (D., Ca.], Representing her home District. Was it a mere concidence that he sat on several committees in respect to espionage agencies, including as overseer of the American CIA, namely, on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence??In that capacity, Condit had top security clearance to be privy to closed door sessions dealing with covert operations of the spy community. As earlier stated by us, Chandra was repeatedly pumping Condit, in return for sexual favors, on details on McVeigh and other hot items. She used her position, as we have earlier stated, to find out why and how co-founder of the Colombia Medellin Drug Cartel, Carlos Lehder, somehow disappeared from U.S. Federal Prison. WIth her computer and other expertise, in a key office of the prison system, Chandra was in a perfect position to find out key details. Such matters were good for blackmail purposes against Lehder's business partners, the Bush Crime Family. 

[4] According to the secret reports of highly-skilled private and government investigators, Chandra was compiling data, for The Mossad jointly with the French CIA,on wealthy Arab businessmen, such as in the beltway. The foreign spy agencies were interested to find out, apparently for blackmail purposes, the business links to the Bush Family and others of that circle. The foreign intelligence agencies contended that the Arab makers and shakers in the District of Columbia area, used a group of beltway bedmates, some of whom, separate from Chandra, were also snuffed out. 

Chandra's task was plainly dangerous and she was clever and bright enough to know it. 

Through Chandra's knowledge of kinky sex tricks required reportedly by Condit, with or through as well the Arab hotshots, many of whom were Saudis, was Condit compromised? For example, Chandra had the task of finding out details of members of the bin Laden Family residing in the U.S., some of whom reportedly had national security contracts with the U.S. Government. AND, OSAMA bin LADEN, contrary to fake stories in the monopoly press, was not on the outs with his family that secretly funded him. Right after Black Tuesday, while all civilian aircraft were grounded, the FBI arranged by plane to whisk some 24 bin Laden Family members out of the U.S. Chandra was exploring the clandestine business arrangements of the Bush Crime Family with the bin Laden Family, as residents in the U.S. and elsewhere. 

[5] For some time, The Mossad jointly with the French CIA, wanted to know what, if anything, was known by the Saudi Ambassador to the U.S. and his staff, as to the murder of Clinton White House Deputy Counsel Vincent W. Foster, Jr., the most major political assassination of a U.S. Government official since the wipe-out of President Kennedy. The Saudi Ambassador's mansion is located right across the road from Fort Marcy Park, Virginia, where Foster's body was found in July, 1993. What, if 

[CTRL] Chandra Levy Found Just In Time To Help Bush

2002-05-23 Thread Wes676767

Chandra Levy Found 
Just In Time To Help Bush
By Robert Lederman

What an amazing coincidence. Chandra Levy's body turns up just in time to distract the entire US media from questions about what the Bush administration knew before 9/11. Her body miraculously appears in a wooded area that was thoroughly searched by police officials after her disappearance. It's "discovered" just in time to bounce all questions about Bush right out of the news. Will we get to hear more about the man who was, "looking for turtles" and found her? I doubt it. 

The right's responses to questions about the Bush administration and 9/11 have been classic examples of obfuscation. They range from blame it all on Clinton to grim warnings that daring to even ask such questions are tantamount to being a terrorist oneself. The real issue is not, "what did semi-literate dimwit GW Bush know before 9/11" but what did Bush administration officials - Cheney, Rice, Ashcroft et al - know. 

Why was John Ashcroft - but not the American people - warned not to fly on commercial airliners before 9/11? Why were FBI agents warned not to investigate bin Laden and the Saudis? Why were Saudis flown out of the U.S. immediately after 9/11 by the US government? Why is no one in the mainstream asking hard questions about the Bush families many business ties to the bin Laden family, including financing GW's oil company, employing former President Bush as a spokesperson and working with Neil Bush on various business deals? 

The media will now be completely preoccupied for months with Gary Condit and Chandra Levy as if that's America's most important news story. 

Meanwhile, in a supreme moment of irony GW will speak at the German Reichstag, painting Saddam as the new Hitler - which he may well be. It is a given that neither Bush nor the media will make any reference to the historical fact that the Bush family worked for Hitler and that George Bush' s political career was financed with the money his father, Prescott Bush, made operating banks for the Nazis. 

Nor will there be any mention that the Bush family and key GW Bush administration officials like former President George Bush and Dick Cheney gave Saddam his chemical, biological and possibly nuclear capability. These firmly established historical facts are well-known to the entire US media but won't appear in your newspaper. They need the space for 24-7 cover-to-cover reporting on Chandra Levy. 

The massive disinformation campaign by our own government against the American people has many fronts, all of which are closely tied to 9/11. Here in NYC, non-entity Mayor Mike Bloomberg has just put Rudy Giuliani in charge of bringing both the Republican convention and the Democratic convention to NYC as part of a ludicrous "We aren't afraid of terrorists" campaign. If they really expect a massive attack on NY why would they want to bring both conventions here? 

Perhaps what is actually planned is a a mass die-off of our elected officials, a clean-sweep that makes possible the total restructuring of the U.S. government. My prediction is that at the very least, fake "hero" Giuliani will become Bush's running mate and the next US Vice President. Not long afterwards, Bush will be out of the picture (another pretzel attack?) and Giuliani will become President/Fuhrer. 

Ultimately, for those pulling the strings GW Bush is as expendable as were the thousands who died on 9/11. To find the real power look at who and what is behind Bush. The Manhattan Institute. The Saudis. The financial backers of the far right. David Rockefeller and his various Wall Street banks like JP Morgan Chase and Citibank. 

Rockefeller, his business interests and his employees gave us Hitler, bin Laden, Saddamn, West Nile Virus, eugenics, Enron, and the whole Middle East problem. Of course, it was all done to "help America". 

Giuliani is tied to all of the worst in recent American history and works for the exact same bosses as GW Bush. His "consulting company", Giuliani Partners, is a presidential-administration-in-waiting. His first job as a consultant? Helping Merrill Lynch wiggle out of a major criminal investigation. 

HBO begins the Giuliani coronation on Sunday night titled, "Mettle and Honor ", the latest 9/11 tribute, this time narrated by Sir Rudy Giuliani himself. Is this a historical documentary or a political ad? You decide. 

On the heavily advertised special presentation there will be no mention of how Giuliani personally caused WTC #7 to collapse by illegally storing thousands of gallons of fuel there, thereby destroying thousands of active criminal cases and investigations against terrorists, US officials and top corporations. All of the files and evidence in these cases were stored in the CIA, FBI and Secret Service offices in WTC #7. There will be nothing of how the radios the Giuliani administration gave to firefighters failed causing 

[CTRL] Fwd: More Terror Attacks A Certainty - But No One Dares Ask Why

2002-05-23 Thread Wes676767



More Terror Attacks A Certainty

But No One Dares Ask Why

J.B. Hood

Tuesday, May 21, 2002

This morning, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
told a group of U.S. senators that the terrorists
currently at war with us will almost certainly
acquire nuclear weapons to use against U.S. citizens.

Two days ago, Sunday, Vice President Dick Cheney told
the nation that more Al Qaeda terror attacks against
U.S. targets are almost a certainty. Cheney said,
on Fox News Sunday, It could happen tomorrow, it
could happen next week, it could happen next year,
but they will keep trying. And we have to be prepared.

Then, on Monday, during a speech to the National
Association of District Attorneys, FBI Director
Robert Mueller said that Americans should brace
themselves for walk-in suicide bombings, like those
that have occurred in Israel. I think it's
inevitable, said Mueller. There will be another
terrorist attack…. It's something we all must live

Really? And why is that? Why are random terrorist
attacks against U.S. civilians something we all must
live with? Why didn't we have to live with Arab
suicide bombers before, say during the 1950s, 60s,
70s or 80s? There were plenty of pissed off Arabs
(and Israelis, of course) around back then. So why is
their filthy, bloody little war now being waged on
our turf?

Oh, that's right: because the Arabs hate our freedom
and democracy, of course. Right.

Also, the attacks aren't exactly random. They are
targeted at specific enemies. Al Qaeda terrorists (if
indeed they are responsible for the horror of 9/11)
aren't lashing out at Sweden or Switzerland, are they?
They aren't flying airliners into tall buildings in
London, Tokyo or Madrid, are they?

Huh uh. They are attacking us - and only us. (And
Israel, or course). Again, the question is Why?

Maybe, instead of responding in Pavlovian fashion
whenever that Great Big One about our freedom and
democracy is repeated, we ought to hear what the
Arch-Fiend himself had to say about his motivation.
After all, this was a millionaire who threw it all
away to go live in caves, eat bugs and send young men
on suicide missions to kill thousands of total
strangers, thus incurring the wrath of the most
powerful nation on earth (and Israel, of course).
What the heck was he thinking about?

It's important that we know this - bin Laden's
motivation. After all, unless we know why he did it,
we can't hope to prevent these kinds of acts in the
future. And why are millions of others around the
world growing to hate America so much? Why are
increasing numbers of young men willing to sacrifice
their lives to get at us (and Israel, of course)?
Even if we could find and kill all the terrorists
currently on earth, unless we figure out how to
defuse the growing world-wide hatred against us, more
terrorists will simply take their place, and the
attacks will continue. Our Vice President, FBI Chief
and Secretary of Defense have just admitted as much.

So, again, why? Why do they hate us so? What did bin
Laden have to say about his motives, if anything? Why
is he attacking the good ol' U.S. of A. these days?
Besides our freedom and democracy, that is?

ABC's John Miller interviewed the Evil One In May of
1998, and bin Laden admitted freely why he sought to
attack America. You can still find the interview on
ABC's website. Here are a few excerpts of what the
Arch-Fiend had to say:

- - -For over half a century, Muslims in Palestine
   have been slaughtered and assaulted and robbed
   of their honor and of their property. Their
   houses have been blasted, their crops

- - - This is my message to the American people: to
  look for a serious government that looks out
  for their interests and does not attack other
  people's lands, or other people's honor. And my
  word to American journalists is not to ask why
  we did that but ask what their government has
  done that forced us to defend ourselves…

- - - So we tell the Americans as people, and we
  tell the mothers of soldiers and American
  mothers in general that if they value their
  lives and the lives of their children, to find
  a patriotic government that will look after
  their interests and not the interests of the

- - -I say to them that they have put themselves at
 the mercy of a disloyal government, and this is
 most evident in Clinton's administration… We
 believe that this administration represents
 Israel inside America. Take the sensitive
 ministries such as the Secretary of State and
 the Secretary of Defense and the CIA, you will
 find that the Jews have the upper hand in them.
 They make use of America to further their plans
 for the world…

Notice that the Evil One said nothing about
hating our freedom and democracy. Notice that
he didn't say a single word against democratic
principles. Instead, he 

Re: [CTRL] Breaking News -- Skeletal Remains in D.C. Park May Be Missing ...

2002-05-22 Thread Wes676767
In a message dated 5/22/02 4:17:46 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

And it's back, the story to dumb us all down even
further. Funny how these monumental breaking stories
show up just in time to take our attentions away from
Administration issues! 

You've just pointed out a key strategy of the cryptocracy!
And it works oh so well too!


[CTRL] Fwd: Kosher Nostra Laws Declared Unconstitutional

2002-05-22 Thread Wes676767


Kosher Nostra Laws Declared Unconstitutional

Ernesto Cienfuegos
La Voz de Aztlan

Los Angeles, Alta California - 5/22/2002 - (ACN) A
Federal Appeals Court  trashed New York State's
kosher laws yesterday, on grounds that they violate
the constitution by using the state to promote
religion. The Court of Appeals formed by a
three-judge panel found that New York state
regulators wrongly adopted orthodox Judaism's
definition of kosher, and thus giving Jewish
businesses an unjustified and illegal advantage over
markets that adhere to different standards.

This is also a great victory for non-Jewish consumers
who are presently paying a hidden Jewish Tax on many
food and other kitchen products to Rabbinical
Councils throughout the United States. Food companies
are paying Rabbinical Councils millions of dollars
per year to use Jewish kosher symbols on their labels.
This cost is passed down to the non-Jewish consumer.
The most common is the (U) symbol licensed by the
Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of New York
City. The (U) symbol now appears on kitchen products
such as aluminum foil, brillo pads, plastic sandwich
bags, Folgers instant coffee, Arrowhead Mountain
Spring Water and a host of other products that have
nothing to do with the Jewish Torah guidelines for
pork and dairy products. This is truly a scam and a
swindle on the American consumer.

The federal appeals case first started when a Commack,
N.Y. butcher sought relief from a violation he had
received by challenging the constitutionality of the
New York State kosher laws. His argument was that the
laws were an unconstitutional violation of the
Establishment Clause since they establish Orthodox
kosher standards as the baseline for compliance. On
July 28, 2000 an opinion and order of the U.S.
District Court for the Eastern District of New York
declared portions of New York Kosher Laws
unconstitutional. The District Judge determined that
certain sections of the Agriculture and Markets Law
violate the Establishment Clause of the U.S.
Constitution. After this opinion and declaration,
Manjewrian Candidate Governor Pataki appealed to the
Federal Appeals Court. Yesterday the Appeals Court
affirmed the lower court's decision. This decision
can now be extended to every state in the Union where
the rabbis through corrupt politicians  have passed
these intolerable laws.

La Voz de Aztlan

---End Message---


2002-05-22 Thread Wes676767

Title: **Globe-Intel**

You can be debt free in 12-30 months! This reputable non-
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Number 79

May 22, 2002





Maxwell was no ordinary run-of-the-mill
millionaire.  Physically a Falstaffian
figure, Maxwell had a gargantuan appetite for everything:  food, wine and women.  Unwilling to enter into any permanent affair,
he chose to satisfy his sexual needs through high-priced prostitutes.  In every city he visited, his aides had call
girls on hand to satisfy his needs.  Like
many despots, he worked anti-social hours, waking exhausted aides in the small
hours to execute some minor whim that had come into his head.  

His chauffeur once had to drive half-way across London to bring Maxwell a brand of ice cream
that he fancied.  On other occasions he
would arrive in the newsroom of his flagship tabloid, the UK-based Daily Mirror, and terrorize the night staff by taking charge
of production.  He sacked people without
warning, rewarded others with unexpected gifts. 
Unpredictable, volcanic in temper, he ruled by fear from which no one
was safe.  His own sons were publicly
abused by him and his wife treated as a drudge.

But to the rich and powerful his lack of manners, his
sexual peccadilloes, his unsavory eating habits, his often shambolic dress
style:  all these were of little
consequence because of the power he wielded through his global publishing

Like William Randolph Hearst, he strode the newspaper
world like an emperor; like Hearst, Maxwell had a xenophobia, in his case a
dislike of the United States. 
Maxwell was a Zionist.  He
believed that the United States had not done enough to help the Jews
flee from the Nazis in the run-up to World War II.  He also resented what he saw as an attempt to
Americanize post-war Europe.  But, like so
much else about him, Maxwell kept such views secret.

All his life, Maxwell had cultivated the rich and
famous to help him promote his publishing interests and political
aspirations.  In Britain in 1964, his contacts with its
government had seen him return as a Labor Member of Parliament.  His election had opened doors for him in Washington. 
He became a frequent visitor to the White House.  

Among those he came to know was Senator John Tower. 
Tower had regaled Maxwell with stories of how he had helped to get
George Herbert Bush into Congress.

On a visit to Israel, it was to Rafi Eitan [who, for a
quarter of a century, had been deputy director of operations for Mossad, Israels legendary secret intelligence
service] that Maxwell revealed his own dislike of America. 
Eitan, who had no such antipathy, noted the tycoons feelings and
decided that one day that could be
useful to know.

  The call had come on February
 10, 1983,
to the offices of Inslaw, a small company [William] Hamilton and his wife
[Nancy] co-owned.  The caller was Madison Brick Brewer, a senior
official at the Justice Department. 
Inslaw developed software programs in its offices on Washingtons 15th Street NW. 
Ernest Midwesterners, there was something endearingly old-fashioned
about [the Hamiltons] in their soft drawls, courtesy and
quiet determination to see if their latest invention would secure for them what
Bill called at last our place in the world.

  Their expectation was
based on how they had transformed a software program, PromisProsecutors
Management Information Systemsinto something very different.  It was now called Enhanced Promis and it had
the potential to turn the Hamiltons into multi-millionaires.

  Their creation of
Enhanced Promis also seemed to them the perfect way to repay their
patriotismand make a fair profit from their hard work.  They wanted the United States government to be their first
client.  This decision exemplified their
own unassailable belief in the Constitution and those it served.  They spoke of their creation with an
excitement usually seen in new parents for their child.

  On that February day in
1983 the call to William Hamilton from Brewer thrilled the Hamiltons. 
As the Justice Department Project Manager, Brewer had considerable power
over the future of Enhanced Promis.  In
one of the many twists the story was about to assume, Brewer had once worked
for Inslaw.  Bill Hamilton had fired him
because of good cause. A circumspect man of few words, Hamilton had never elaborated in public his
feelings towards Brewer.  For his part,
Brewer had maintained a stoic silence. 
But on that 

[CTRL] The War on Cash

2002-05-22 Thread Wes676767

The War on Cash
by Russell Madden 

As a communication instructor and informal philosopher, I find it fascinating — if a bit disheartening, at times — to see how different groups of people can examine the same set of facts and reach diametrically opposed interpretations of what those facts imply. 

For example, few dispute the notion that the Drug War frequently results in excessive violence among dealers, degraded lives of users, burgeoning prisons, and enriched thugs who then use their money to corrupt police and judges. The pro-Drug War crowd appeals to those negative results to justify such draconian policies as asset forfeiture, no-knock raids, the militarization of our police and borders, and further expansion of the War on Drugs. 

The anti-Drug War folks, however, see those same bad consequences and claim that such destruction demands the end of the War on Drugs, aka, the War on People. They state that drug prohibition — not the recreational drugs per se that people consume — is the primary cause of those very reasons used to bolster support for drug prohibition. 

Poking into nearly any politically contentious controversy yields similar dichotomies. I find it amazing how consistently wrong the statists, collectivists, and altruists can be in evaluating life's little difficulties and suggesting — excuse me: forcing — solutions on the rest of us that are designed to "solve" problems they themselves have created or exacerbated. 

The Big Cash Threat

A clear illustration of this phenomenon was provided recently in an article by Beth Barrett, a staff writer for, the online version of The Los Angeles Daily News. The title of this piece elegantly captures the article's theme: "Cash Economy Threatens Wages, Tax Base." Lest there be any room for confusion, this effect of "cash" is A Bad Thing. You will search in vain through this long article by Barrett for any hint that we should encourage a cash economy. The economists, labor leaders, and community mavens universally condemn this dire trend. Nowhere does Barrett bother to quote a dissenting voice . . . not that such evasion and tunnel vision is surprising given the source. 

Also intriguing in this story is what is left unstated, i.e., precisely how the Political Hordes intend to "solve" this problem. National identification cards meld with smart cards combining credit cards and drivers licenses which blend with the aforementioned Drug War and its attendant "money laundering" and offshore banking accounts. That's just for starters. The dovetailing of seemingly disparate trends shows yet again how pols doing what pols just naturally do leads to outcomes, i.e., further erosions of freedom, virtually indistinguishable from intentional collusion. 

According to Barrett, the L.A. County's "underground cash economy has exploded, jeopardizing public services and new investments." [Translation: the State is not getting all the loot it wants for bribing and controlling the voters.] The president of the Economic Roundtable, Daniel Flaming, says that a new study "estimates that up to 1.5 million" L.A. area workers receive cash instead of a paycheck. This practice is economically "destabilizing." [Translation: the politicians find their power base weakened when they can no longer guarantee a particular level of graft and corruption.] 

Even worse, the bastions of the altruists — "Social Security, workers' compensation, health insurance" and other programs that "protect workers" — are being deprived of "about $1.1 billion a year." This leads to "hundreds of thousands of workers" being bereft of "a safety net." [Translation: people actually have to take responsibility for their own lives.] 

And all of this — horrors — is "in violation of the law"! [Translation: people are making their own decisions and doing what is right instead of blindly performing the immoral actions forced upon them by the State.] 

This is just the tip of the heart-wrenching tragedies L.A.'s underground employees face. Workers who prefer anonymous cash to trackable bits of paper "lose an additional $1.5 billion a year" when they don't claim the benefits of that disguised welfare program, i.e., federal tax "credits," for those poor folks who owe no federal income tax in the first place. [Translation: some people prefer self-respect and independence to the dole, i.e., money stolen from other people.] These exploited folks are (*sob*) prevented from experiencing the joys of having "federal and state payroll taxes withheld." [Translation: they get to keep their own money rather than forking it over to the State that returns a small percentage of it to them.] 

This creates "economic unpredictability" supposedly abhorrent to "potential employers." [Translation: the State is the one really worried about unpredictable tax revenues.] Flaming assures us that a "changing environment" is undesirable. What is a worthy objective is 

[CTRL] INVESTIGATE 9/11 Congress must not shirk its duty

2002-05-22 Thread Wes676767

May 22, 2002

– Congress must not shirk its duty

We are now hearing calls for a national "blue ribbon" commission to investigate what really happened on 9/11, and answer the question "what went wrong?" Don't fall for it. An investigation is the prerogative and responsibility of our elected representatives, and Congress must not shirk its duty. No body, other than Congress, has the legal standing to demand the information – "classified" or otherwise – that such an inquiry will entail.

And don't tell me a "bought off" Congress will unanimously whitewash the truth – there's always one or two "loose cannons" who can't be bought, and would rather make political gain out of it. That's why they call it democracy – if the official "commissions" and the bureaucracy are intent on burying the truth, a dissident member of Congress can always take it to the demos. 

We can only look askance at those, like Bill Kristol of the Weekly Standard, who raise the cry to "investigate!" at this late date. Where were they before CBS revealed the existence of the August 6 memo? In Kristol's case, he was too busy calling for the eradication of the Arab world to notice that something was seriously amiss. As for the Congress, the pundits, and the political class – they were all too easily intimidated by the President's men, particularly Dick Cheney, who pressured Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle into postponing the 9/11 inquiry. Now, they mean to sandbag it completely….

The fix, it seems, is already in: Senators Joe Lieberman and John McCain introduced legislation last December to have a "nonpartisan" commission set up. In his press release, Loserman piously intones:

"It must be a hunt for the truth, not a witch hunt. The initial weeks and months after September 11 were – understandably and appropriately preoccupied with mourning and healing, and then with the war on terrorism. But since the first stage of the war is now drawing to a close with the defeat of the Taliban – and with many perplexing questions left unanswered – this is the right time to begin in earnest the process of finding answers to our questions."

Ah, but who is "us" – who, among the perplexed, will get to ask questions? Not you, not me, and – reading further on in Lieberman's missive – certainly not our elected representatives:

"The bill would establish the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, composed of 14 appointed members. Four members, including the Commission's chairperson, will be named by the President, and ten members will be selected by Congressional committee chairs. No more than seven members may be of the same political party."

A panel of political appointees, representing all wings of the national security bureaucracy, will be mandated to bloviate on the "lessons learned from the recent terrorist attacks." Gathering in solemn conclave, these "experts" will deliver a final report, a year or so from now, that few will read. But that won't stop the keepers of the conventional wisdom from citing it as proof that alternative views are irresponsible "conspiracy theories" unworthy of serous attention. We have the Official Story: what more do we need to know?

While Loserman and the McCainiacs are pursuing this diversion strategy – hoping that one of the "lessons" to be learned turns out to be the need for new leadership in the White House – the Bushies are manning the barricades, denouncing the prospect of an inquiry as "a mistake" and refusing to hand over the crucial August 6 memo. Sunday morning, on "Meet the Press," Cheney was adamant:

 "That presidential daily brief is developed from some of our most secret operations and it has to be treated that way. It's never been provided to the Congress before, to my knowledge."

Yes, well, we live in precedent-setting times: "everything's changed," don'tcha know. Except, of course, for the politicians' penchant for secrecy….


What strikes me, however, is that here is a hint, however oblique, that more is involved with this brief than meets the eye. For what sort of "secret operations" are we talking about here? In the context of 9/11, Cheney is almost certainly referring to covert operations carried out on American soil. This can only mean counterintelligence activities carried out pre-9/11. Who were we watching, and why? For some reason, the Vice President doesn't want to go into that, at least not in public, but we aren't entirely in the dark. What we do know is that, in August, the Israelis made a special trip to Washington to brief the Americans on a threat specifically emanating from Bin Laden. According to the [UK] Telegraph:

"Two senior experts with Mossad, the Israeli military intelligence service, were sent to Washington in August to alert the CIA and FBI to the existence of a cell of as many of 200 terrorists said to be preparing a big operation."

Two hundred Al Qaeda operatives 

[CTRL] Oracle The CIA

2002-05-22 Thread Wes676767

Oracle's coziness with government goes back to its founding 
Firm's growth sustained as niche established with federal, state agencies 

Todd Wallack, Chronicle Staff WriterMonday, May 20, 2002   

Long before Oracle became embroiled in a controversy over selling its software in Sacramento, the Redwood City software giant was building its reputation and its business on government contracts. 

>From a Central Intelligence Agency deal that launched the firm 25 years ago, to recent software contracts in Sacramento and Los Angeles, Oracle is no stranger to the halls of political power. 

The CIA was not just Oracle's first customer. Founded in May 1977, the firm's name came from a CIA project code-named "Oracle." Company co-founders Larry Ellison, Robert Miner and Ed Oates worked on Project Oracle at a consulting firm, before striking out on their own. 

A quarter century later, close to a quarter of the company's revenue -- $2. 5 billion a year -- still comes from selling software to federal, state and local agencies. 

"Oracle wouldn't exist if it weren't for government contracts," said Mike Wilson, author of the book "The Difference Between God and Larry Ellison." 

Oracle has 1,000 sales and consulting workers focused exclusively on government work. And in the wake of Sept. 11, Oracle is counting on the heightened interest in staving off terrorism to boost its government ties even more. 

Oracle has been actively pitching software to local governments to create detailed digital maps that could be used to respond to attacks. In March, the company formed a partnership to focus on airport security. Ellison even offered to give the federal government software to help create a national ID to thwart terrorists. 

In a background paper, Oracle boasts that it is "very active in homeland security." 


Banc of America Securities analyst Bob Austrian believes the entire high- tech industry could profit from the increased security spending. But he suspects Oracle could do better than most because it already has an unusually large share of government contracts and is in a particularly relevant niche. 

"The majority of interest surrounds tracking individuals and information, which by its nature is a database-intensive application," he said. 

So, perhaps it's fitting that Oracle is making headlines because of concerns over the recent $95 million government contract. 

Among the allegations are that Oracle persuaded California officials to buy more software than needed, misrepresent the costs savings and rush through a no-bid award without considering alternatives. It didn't help that Oracle handed a $25,000 check to Gov. Gray Davis' technology adviser just two weeks after the deal was signed. 

Oracle retorts that California received an "exceptionally good price" and says it was just one of 30 tech companies to pledge money to Davis at a fund- raiser. Davis has since decided to return the money. 


Regardless, the timing of the contribution raises questions about whether Oracle has tried to help win some of its government contracts by making donations. 

Campaign disclosure forms, for instance, show that the company gave $1,000 apiece to four Los Angeles school board members from March through June of last year: Valerie Fields, Jose Huizar, David Tokofsky and Julie Korenstein. Fields was defeated in the June election. 

A few months later, the Los Angeles Unified School District started buying Oracle software to "warehouse" vast amounts of records. The district said that it had bought $2.3 million in software from August 2001 through March of this year, but that the school board members not not voted on those purchases. 

Though Korenstein said she vaguely recalled someone from Oracle calling to make a contribution, she said she immediately had the person transferred to her treasurer. She said she didn't even know the amount. 

"There was no discussion that if you do this, I'll do this. There was nothing," said Korenstein, whose campaign cost half a million dollars. 

State records show that Oracle also gave $500 to Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca in August. The sheriff's office has used Oracle software since 1999 to track criminal records and Oracle touts it as one of its "success stories." Oracle says the system is designed to support 10,000 terminals, including 2, 000 logged on at once, and keep track of 500,000 arrests a year. 


Like many tech firms, Oracle also has tried to boost its political clout at the national level in recent years. 

Last year, Oracle spent $2.3 million on lobbying, up from $900,000 in 1997, and was the computer industry's fifth biggest lobbyist, according to the Center for Responsive Politics in Washington, a nonpartisan research center. Microsoft ranked first. 

In the past couple of years, Oracle also has hired key 

[CTRL] Did the Media Misreport Moussaoui's Suspicious Activities?

2002-05-22 Thread Wes676767

Did the Media Misreport Zacarias Moussaoui's Suspicious Activities?
By Kate Taylor
Posted Tuesday, May 21, 2002, at 3:28 PM PT 

In the last week, Time, USA Today, and CNN all reported that accused terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui asked his Minnesota flight instructors to teach him how to steer a 747 but not take off or land. New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd repeated the claim last Sunday. Is it fact or urban myth?

Urban myth. The facts are just the opposite: Moussaoui told his Eagan, Minn., instructors he wanted to learn only how to take off and land.

American newspapers began reporting the false story—usually sourced to anonymous government and intelligence officials—on Sept. 17. FBI Director Robert Mueller set the record straight at a Nov. 14 meeting with federal prosecutors, covered by the Associated Press and the Washington Post, and again in a Nov. 15 meeting with reporters, covered by the New York Times. An assistant director of the FBI reiterated Mueller's correction in his Feb. 6 statement to the Senate Intelligence Committee.

A spokesperson for the Pan Am International Flight Academy would not confirm anything Moussaoui discussed with his instructors. But the spokesperson said that if Moussaoui made any statements about takeoffs and landings, they "were not one of our red flags" that led the school to alert the FBI.

[CTRL] Netanyahu's Prophecy Confirmed by FBI Director Mueller

2002-05-22 Thread Wes676767

Netanyahu's Prophecy Confirmed by FBI Director Mueller

Last month former Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu made the following prophecy: "It is only a matter of time before suicide bombers will terrorize your cities" (Speech to the US Congress, April 10, 2002).

On Monday, FBI Director Robert Mueller repeated the cue given by Netanyahu: "It is inevitable that suicide bombers like those who have attacked Israeli restaurants and buses will strike the United States." (Speech to the National Association of District Attorneys, May 20).

The probability of such attacks is predicated on continued US support for Israeli terrorism. What makes such attacks likely, though not "inevitable," is the enormous financial and media clout of the Zionist power bloc in the U.S. which ensures continued support for Israeli terror and occupation. However, "inevitable" is a word that can only be used authoritatively by perpetrators and their co-conspirators. In other words, Netanyahu and Mueller know for certain that there will be suicide bombings in the United States because either they are the ones who will plan and implement such bombings through Arab and Muslim patsies under their surveillance and indirect control, or they are associates of those who exercise such surveillance and control. This is the esoteric significance of the FBI director's declaration.

Re: [CTRL] Was 9-11 Preventable?: Opinion and Retort :-)

2002-05-21 Thread Wes676767
In a message dated 5/20/02 9:32:23 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

"They"--meaning Israelis AND "Palestinians" have no desire for peace

I disagree.
The Palestinian people,before this occupation, have been among the best educated and secular people in the Middle East, their current attitude shows clearly what level of trauma this Israeli occupation has caused and to what ends a people are willing to fight for what is rightfully theirs.


[CTRL] Fwd: HoffmanWire: Kooks in Our Midst

2002-05-21 Thread Wes676767


Dedicated to Freedom of the Press, Investigative Reporting and Revisionist History

Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Get the latest weather,
sports, and lifestyle news you can't afford to miss, all
at a price you can afford to pay!  Click now!

May 21, 2002

(Paragraph count: 10)

Kooks in Our Midst

Complete column online at:

by Michael A. Hoffman II

In the May 16 issue of the British newspaper The Guardian, Jonathan
Steele writes that America is starting to feel like Brezhnev's Moscow.
He reports that, Public debate in America has now become a question of
loyalty and refers to a stifling conformity which muzzles public
discourse on US foreign policy, the war on terrorism and IsraelTo
enforce this abandonment of reasoned argument in the name of a
witch-hunt against terrorists, a strange alliance of evangelical
Christians in Congress has come together with the leaders of American
Jewish organisations who normally support the Democratic party.

Of course these supposed evangelical Christians in Congress are
crypto-rabbis merely posing as followers of Christ. Steele further
states, ...On CNN's domestic news one morning their vacuous presenter
Paula Zahn urged viewers to stay with her until after the break. 'A new
book which criticizes American foreign policy and says the US has been
guilty of terrorism has sold 160,000 copies. We'll have more,' she

Steele is here referring to Noam Chomsky's bestseller, 911. He adds:
The offending book was indeed by Chomsky but America's leading
dissident was not invited on to the show. Like Soviet television in the
1970s, which regularly put up regime hacks to pillory the two giants of
non-conformity, Andrei Sakharov and Alexander Solzhenitsyn, without
giving them a say, Ms. Zahn's guest was William Bennett, a Republican
former cabinet minister. He proceeded to 'explain' Chomsky's high sales
with a flippant 'kooks in our midst' argument. Many Americans were still
in deep confusion after the shock of September 11, and some people were
prepared to believe anything, he claimed.

Kooks in our midst indeed, and some of them are in the White House.

The System itself pushes this kooks line from one side of their
playhouse, but from the shadow side they themselves are leaking the
hair-raising truths about the 9/11 conspiracy. In the month of May alone
they have already leaked Bush's foreknowledge and the FBI's collusion
with one of the alleged 9/11 hijacking conspirators prior to September.

Soon they will make public the Bush business partnerships with bin Laden
enterprises (Arbusto Energy and Carlyle), and then quickly smother the
revelation with other fantastic and diverting noise.

One wing of the Establishment will be assigned the function of deriding
the revelations as urban myth and kooks in our midst. The other wing
of the Establishment will undercut the denials with further substantive
revelations of the extent of the 9/11 treachery at the very highest

Why? you ask. By way of reply I refer to a column in the May 20
edition of the Wall Street Journal, where Enron mercenary Peggy Noonan
favorably compares Bush to FDR. Noonan says that Roosevelt was
investigated for knowing in advance about the attack on Pearl Harbor,
just as Bush is under suspicion vis a vis 9/11. But, said Noonan, none
of these questions about Bush matter, because we're at war (as FDR's
Pearl Harbor treason allegedly did not matter during wartime).

There's your why and wherefore. The Revelation of the Method syndrome
inculcates apathy about matters of great import to our survival. When,
for whatever reason, the truth about treason does not matter to the
people who have been betrayed, we observe in our midst the workings of a
powerful form of psychological warfare.

The irony of this warfare is lost on most Americans. The spectre of
being labeled a kook causes them to retreat from the conspiratorial
nature of the Establishment's mind control, even as a greater degree of
control is wielded. Hence, the bizarre reaction of Americans to
questions of the president's own role in fomenting the 9/11 terror,
applauding more presidential power and control. The Revelation of the
Method hypnosis has triggered the intended schizophrenic reaction of
worshipping our own executioners, even as we glimpse the terrible truth
about them out of the corner of our eye.

Hoffman is the author of Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare:


[CTRL] The Birth of Legal Counterfeiting

2002-05-21 Thread Wes676767

The Birth of Legal Counterfeiting 
by George F. Smith 

 "Centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly."
~ Fifth plank of the Communist Manifesto, 1848

Statists have long prized and fueled crisis as the means for enlarging government. They convince enough people that the federal government never does wrong, yet the evil that lurks in the world will on occasion strike us. Sometimes the evil is external, as in 9-11, other times it is internal, as in the case of certain economic upheavals. When the crisis is mostly economic, the culprit is always the private sector, and the guilty parties are usually big shots who got swept away with avarice. With a lapdog media clamoring for "reform," politicians pass more laws and flood the airwaves with rhetoric about how their new legislation will crush the forces of greed. 

It was crisis that helped launch one of the greatest destroyers of our world, the Federal Reserve System.

In the era following the War of Secession, the federal government aggressively promoted development of the West through huge subsidies and other favors to business cronies. Corruption flourished, and overextended banks occasionally failed, causing panics in 1873, 1884, 1893, and 1907. Throughout this era there was growing opposition to sound money, eloquently expressed by railroad speculator Jay Cooke in 1869: "Why," he asked, "should this Grand and Glorious country be stunted and dwarfed--its activities chilled and its very life blood curdled by these miserable 'hard coin' theories--the musty theories of a bygone age." [1] 

The Panic of 1907 is especially significant because it led to government-directed banking "reform." The panic got underway when United Copper's stock price collapsed. Knickerbocker Trust of New York had invested heavily in United Copper, and depositors made a run on the bank to get their money out. When Knickerbocker failed, depositors at other banks got nervous and demanded their money, igniting the panic. [2] 

J. P. Morgan got together with other banking leaders and met virtually nonstop for three weeks to solve the crisis. They secured credit from foreign investors, redirected funds from strong banks to weak ones, and bought stock in foundering but still promising companies. [3] The panic died a few weeks later.

For the New York bankers, however, there remained a much more serious problem. The growth of state banks over the previous 20 years had slowly eroded their power. By 1896, state and other nonnational banks constituted 61% of the total, and by 1913, 71%. More significantly, nonnationals commanded 57% of banking resources by 1913. [4]

With such a troubling trend, what did the New York bankers do? They turned to their pals in Washington. As we've seen, from the time of Lincoln's administration government sought to partner with business, delivering special favors in return for political support. This is mercantilism, the system we rejected in 1776. By the early 20th century, we were neck-deep in Progressive propaganda, and there was no viable group opposing government takeover of our lives. The once laissez-faire, sound-money Democratic Party died with the nomination of William Jennings Bryant for president in 1896. From that point on, Republicans and Democrats alike were promoting more statism as the miracle cure for ills it had breeded.

Both Congress and the American Banking Association had been pushing for central banking since the 1890s. The Panic of 1907 gave them another excuse to make it a reality. Amid all the maneuvering and proposals for fundamental change, Morgan banker Henry Davison organized a duck hunting trip at Jekyll Island, Georgia in December, 1910. The ducks they took aim at were not the web-footed kind, but the unsuspecting American citizen who had always thought of money as gold.

The hunters were major players in American mercantilism: Senator Nelson Aldrich (R., R.I.), who had headed up the National Monetary Commission, a congressional committee dedicated to developing ideas for central banking; Frank Vanderlip of Rockefeller's National City Bank; Paul Warburg of the investment firm of Kuhn, Loeb,  Co., who was there to promote the German central bank of Bismarck; Charles Norton of First National Bank of New York, a Morgan company; and Davison, a partner of J.P. Morgan's. [5]

They devised a plan whereby a board of commercial bankers would supervise regional reserve banks. When Aldrich later introduced it to Congress, Democrats blocked it. In 1913, Carter Glass, a Democratic congressman from Virginia, used the Jekyll Island scheme as the basis for the Federal Reserve Act. [6]

The Act created 12 regional reserve banks ruled by a board of Washington bureaucrats, including the Treasury secretary and presidential appointees. Though the reserve banks are officially "private" institutions, they're little 

[CTRL] Admirals Urge Probe Of Attack On USS Liberty

2002-05-21 Thread Wes676767

Admirals Urge Probe Of Attack On USS Liberty

Three admirals, an ambassador and a wounded survivor are demanding that Congress investigate the attack on the USS Liberty and subsequent cover-up.

Exclusive to American Free Press

By James P. Tucker Jr.

Pressure on Congress to investigate Israel’s deliberate attack on the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967, and the cover-up by Washington mounted when ranking military officers gathered in Washington May 14 to express outrage at the high-level whitewashing of the tragic assault.

Those who “demanded” a “thorough investigation” of the attack and cover-up included Admiral Thomas Moorer, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Admiral Merlin Staring. Gen. Ray Davis endorsed the call but was unable to attend the news conference in Washington. James Akins, former ambassador to Saudi Arabia and an expert on the Middle East, joined in the call.

They announced the formation of Liberty Alliance, based in Front Royal, Va., to maintain pressure for an investigation in order to correct the historical record.

Evidence that Israel deliberately attacked the U.S. vessel with the intent to sink it and kill all aboard is beyond convincing—it is conclusive. This evidence was first disclosed in the court-killed Spotlight newspaper more than a quarter-century ago and subsequently in American Free Press.

“The press ran away from the Liberty story” in 1967, Moorer said. “What we’re seeking is an agreement” by Congress to investigate the incident, he said. “The mission of elected and appointed officials should be the straight-out bald truth.”

Reporters were shown a film, Loss of Liberty,* documenting the treachery in which 34 Americans were killed and 172 wounded. Producer Tito Howard “put the true story on the film,” Moorer said. “Every foot of it is true.”

The late Yitzhak Rabin, who commanded the Israeli army, came to Washington after the three-day war “with orders for Secretary of State Dean Rusk,” said Akins.

Rusk replied to the Israeli officer: “General, the United States is not a colony of Israel.”

The late George Ball, under secretary of state under President John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson and long-time Bilderberg luminary, expressed outrage over the Israeli attack, Akins said. Ball wrote of the attack: “Israel knew it could get away with anything.” If Israel had succeeded in sinking the ship with all aboard, the attack would have been blamed on Egypt, Ball said. He referred to Israel “murdering Americans.”

Getting an investigation is difficult, Akins said, be cause “Congress is Israeli-occupied territory.”

Staring said he was given a copy of the official Navy report on the incident but was unable to find evidence justifying its conclusion that the attack was a mistake. The report was taken from him before he could comment.

Larry Weaver, a survivor who was extensively wounded, revealed a chilling experience. He went over the familiar details showing the attack was deliberate—the flag was flying conspicuously and Israeli recon pilots flew so low that smiles and waves were exchanged. 

Barely out of intensive care, Weaver was summoned by an admiral, who removed his stars and said they would talk as equals. The admiral, whose name Weaver was unable to recall, asked him to tell him what he knew about the Liberty attack. After hearing his response, Weaver said, the admiral told him:

“If you ever repeat that to anybody at any time, you will be put in jail and we’ll throw away the key.” The admiral has been identified by AFP as Isaac Kidd.

Like other crewmen, Weaver’s military records were purged of his service on the Liberty.

“We are a ship without a country,” Weaver said. 


2002-05-21 Thread Wes676767


By: Paul Fallavollita

Mainstream media sources, including the New York Times and Washington Post, are discussing the extent of Bush’s foreknowledge of the tragic events of September 11, 2001. The government now admits that the FBI field office in Phoenix produced a memorandum indicating that al-Qaeda terrorists were training in American flight schools. This coverage represents an effort at damage control. It attempts to reveal a partial truth in order to satiate the American people, deflecting them from uncovering the whole horrible truth.

Many Republicans and some conservatives suggest that the Democrats are manufacturing this controversy over Bush’s prior knowledge of 9/11 for their own political advantage. This is not surprising. If Bush were to walk into an elementary school armed with an AK-47 and blow away seventeen kids, his cheerleaders would give him a pass on it, explaining how the Democrats and the liberal media are twisting things in an effort to make him look bad. Those who believe that this issue is just political maneuvering on the part of the Democrats and the liberal media are missing the point. Human nature dictates that Bush’s political enemies will obviously use this scandal as a weapon against him, but that does not diminish the truth or import of these revelations. Besides, the media is going rather easy on Bush, as they are downplaying reports that five of the 9/11 hijackers were trained at U.S. military bases including the Pensacola, Florida Naval Air Station and the Air War College in Montgomery, Alabama.

The problem this country faces is not about the staged rivalry of the Republicans and Democrats. The real conflict is between the government versus the people, and nationalism versus globalism. Bush is on the wrong side of both of these conflicts—he is an elitist and a globalist, and is therefore an enemy of the American people. Bush’s handling of the events leading up to 9/11 merely confirms his general malevolence. The real question is not whether Bush knew the attack was coming, but whether Bush let the attack happen in the same way that Franklin D. Roosevelt let the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor as a way of bringing the country into an unpopular war.

We are asked to believe that Bush was "out of the loop" in this "Phoenixgate," and that no one could have predicted that passenger airplanes could be used as flying bombs. The New York Times reports White House spokesman Ari Fleischer as saying, "The president was…provided information about bin Laden wanting to engage in hijacking in the traditional pre-9/11 sense, not for the use of suicide bombing, not for the use of an airplane as a missile." Continuing that theme, the Washington Post quotes Fleischer: "This was a new type of attack that was not foreseen." Well, al-Qaeda supposedly planned the attack, so they were certainly able to "foresee" it. Towel-headed terrorists, according to Fleischer, have better strategists and tacticians than the combined resources of the United States government. Fleischer’s official denials clearly stretch the limits of credulity.

The Filipino government, however, was better able to discern al-Qaeda’s plans for the United States. According to a 1995 Filipino police report, Abdul Marad, an al-Qaeda operative, planned to "board any American commercial aircraft pretending to be an ordinary passenger…hijack said aircraft, control its cockpit and dive it at the CIA headquarters." The Filipinos informed the FBI and CIA. In 1998, American intelligence also uncovered information that Osama bin Laden intended to attack New York or Washington, DC in retaliation for the U.S. attack on his bases in Afghanistan. As early as 1995, these facts expose the flimsiness of Fleischer’s cover story.

Even Chris Carter "foresaw" such an attack—and he’s a television show director. The pilot episode of Carter’s FOX television show, The Lone Gunmen, depicted a faction of the United States government plotting to crash a plane into the World Trade Center via remote control of the craft’s avionics. Of course, the premise of the episode seemed preposterous when it aired on March 4, 2001. Now, Carter may just be a prophet.

A friend of mine who is running for municipal office in a small Midwestern city commented that Hollywood often fictionalizes elements of the truth in order to make the truth seem more unbelievable, and thus more inaccessible, to the masses. It becomes easier to dismiss those who ask too many questions about the official version of history when people can simple say "you must be watching too many episodes of the X-Files." One can only assume that after White House Chief of Staff Karl Rove’s visit to Hollywood in the wake of 9/11, this fictionalization process has been stepped up.

Carter’s creative story contains more than a kernel of truth. The government is not confined to a passive, 

[CTRL] Beyond Psyops: Information Warfare and the Critical Advantage

2002-05-21 Thread Wes676767

Beyond Psyops: Information Warfare and the Critical Advantage 
by Lisa Guliani 

In light of the official spin presented to the American public regarding the events of 9/11, consider for a moment the following information that has been previously published in the Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin. The direct quotes that follow were written for incorporation into army training field manuals and approved by the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence on January 7, 1997. The strategies, tactics, techniques, and technology have already been in place now for some time - well before the events of 9/11. The title of this doctrine is: Information Warfare: OPFOR Doctrine - An Integrated Approach. It was authored by Maj. Erin J. Gallogly-Staver, Threat Support Directorate, and Maj. Raymond S. Hilliard, Battle Command Training Program. 

After reading this compilation which has been taken directly from the official doctrine, ask yourself HOW America could have been blindsided by a massive terrorist attack such as the one that took place on September 11th, 2001 - without prior knowledge? My answer: America WAS blindsided, but the powers-that-be weren't. Given the fact that our military intelligence forces have been implementing Information Warfare (IW) strategies since 1997 - and that these techniques have been applied for several years now - how could any terrorist group manage to avoid detection and pull off something so horrific? Come on already. 

As you will see, Information Warfare encompasses many elements. It is critical to note here that these tactics and technologies can and do target BOTH adversaries as well as what the authors term, "sympathetic civilian populations." That is to say, these measures are directed at American citizens as well. 

The nature of War Games in our times has taken on an enhanced dimension. The objective in these games with respect to Information Warfare is this: gain critical advantage over the intended target using whatever means necessary to accomplish this objective. And, when they say, "whatever means necessary," they mean it. Their words are more effective here, so I will just let them speak for themselves. 

The Information Warfare (IW) division known as OPFOR employs the following procedures and technologies to achieve its operative goals: 

1. "... Use deception, trickery, or civilian-run enterprises such as hi-tech businesses and the MEDIA when implementing an information warfare campaign." 

This doctrine goes on to state that Americans are naturally wary or skeptical of any government involvement with information dissemination. Therefore, OPFOR uses whatever means at their disposal (which is whatever they choose to use) - such as "cell phones, messengers, hi-tech equipment, frequency scanners, encryption devices, lasers, and digital video manipulation equipment." They obtain these tools from both the open and black markets. 

2. OPFOR can "purchase equipment, steal technology, or develop their own systems independently." The authors state that it is more economical to purchase equipment and steal technology rather than develop their own systems. 

3. OPFOR "always seeks to exploit U.S. dependence on information-age technology and may attempt to overload U.S. Intelligence collection efforts or disrupt a critical information link." 

4. OPFOR ..."integrates all elements of power - political, economic, military, and informational - to implement its information strategy." All of the elements work together synergistically in overlapping fashion to achieve "critical advantage". 

5. OPFOR uses " competition, conflict, and war ... to impose its will on someone: it is never at peace." 

6. OPFOR conducts information warfare at all levels - strategic, operational, and tactical - without boundaries. 

7. OPFOR considers six elements when developing and implementing Information Warfare. Examples are: 

- electronic combat operations 
- electromagnetic spectrum operations 
- deception operations 
- digital-manipulation of video 
- perception management - computer warfare activities 

8. OPFOR may utilize "physical, electronic, and virtual domains, deception and destruction that deal with the electromagnetic spectrum, and lethal and non-lethal methods." 

9. OPFOR applies perception management : " PSYOP/PSYWAR/Propaganda" This includes: 
- public diplomacy 
- public affairs 
- education indoctrination 
- censorship 

10. OPFOR is involved with destruction "of all types of targets." 

11. OPFOR engages in: transmitting "viruses" and partakes in "unauthorized access to information systems" - (translated as computers) 

12. OPFOR considers information a "critical resource and may engage in censorship, camouflage, counter-reconnaissance, and encryption." 

13. With regard to Deception Operations, OPFOR can: utilize "all elements of power, within all domains - across the operating continuum." If OPFOR decides 

[CTRL] Fear, Psychic Driving, and Pavlov's Dogs

2002-05-21 Thread Wes676767

Fear, Psychic Driving, and Pavlov's Dogs 
by Victor Thorn 

Terrorist hijackers steer their planes into the World Trade Centers on a sunny Tuesday morning - flames, smoke, people leaping 90 stories to their death, screaming, sirens, pandemonium, then the Towers come crashing to the ground in Battery Park. And, oh yeah, television cameras ... many, many television cameras, then the major networks and news channels re-broadcasting the horrifying event over and over again - every scene, every angle, every snippet of the jets, flames, impact, and both Towers falling to the earth. 

Over and over, over and over ... the hijacked jet, the Towers, the moment that forever changed American life. September 11, 2001 - TV, TV, TV, bleary eyes fixated on CNN, Fox, CBS, NBC  ABC. Television - TV - video images drawing viewers to it like a morbid magnet. 

Shortly thereafter, anthrax scares send the country reeling with more panic. Don't open your mail, white powder, respiratory damage, biological terrorism, Senators evacuated, postmen falling dead - and every day on the radio, on TV, in newspapers and magazines --- more hysteria, more coverage, more fear. 

During the same time, air travelers are filled with anxiety - everyone suspected of being a terrorist - long waiting lines, the National Guard holding M16's, evacuations, more long lines, inspections, X-rays, no toenail clippers, bomb threats, and rumors of more terrorists lurking behind every pillar. 

Now we have pipe bombs in mailboxes, the new weekly computer virus that makes us tremble with fear over e-mails and attachments, plus color-coded terror alerts and reports about banks, malls and train stations being targeted for destruction. And all the while, there's CNN, the New York Times, and Newsweek continuing their psychic driving hour after hour, day after day. 

Psychic driving? What's that? Psychic driving is the repeated exposure to a specific message over and over and over again - a continued, systematic replay of the same theme until the subject is thoroughly indoctrinated into accepting a certain belief. In this day and age, it's fear ... pure, oozing, strip away the veneer total fear. The Heartland trembles and leaves their mailboxes open ... tomorrow it might be Floridians and psychotic drive-by bazooka shootings perpetrated by ... you guessed it ... faceless, nameless "terrorists" that can't be seen or heard or located. 

But I'm tellin' ya, folks, the whole thing is a ruse! Sure, a few people had their mailboxes blown up by a mind-controlled punk rock zombie, and a few citizens died from anthrax (not high-ranking public officials if you noticed, though). But in all, the devils who are setting this entire theater of fear into motion are the REAL terrorists - the international Controller cabal that's ready to rise another level on their pyramid of power. A few events in the recent past set us up for this onslaught - Waco, the first WTC bombing, and the government set-up at Oklahoma City where explosives inside the Murrah Building did more damage than mind-controlled 'ol Timothy McVeigh. Of course, when you sprinkle in some remote-controlled high school shooters (especially at Colombine), the stage is set to seize control. 

And that happened on September 11, 2001 with the World Trade Center terrorist attacks. Y'see, the Controllers usually do things in small steps, patiently boiling us like frogs in a pot. But every once in awhile they need to kick it up a notch, ala the WTC attacks. That way, similar to the Charles Manson murders, a huge, indelible emotional scar is permanently imbedded on the human psyche. These are the events that rip us to shreds, give our children nightmares, and leave most of us trembling alone in the relative safety of our homes. 

Remember back to the month of September 2001. This country was essentially chopped-off at the knees. We reeled day in and day out from the psychological impact. I know one lady that stayed at her damn TV for eighteen hours a day and became such a debilitated wreck that she said even her dog got sick from all the terror-filled vibes she was emitting. But don't get fooled into thinking it's over. Just last week we received an e-mail from a woman giving us firsthand chemtrail accounts. When we asked her if we could run them anonymously in Babel Magazine, though, she instantly shrieked and retreated with fear. God forbid someone from the "big bad government" might find out who it was. What rubbish. 

Can't you see what's taking place? Our society is being crippled by a faceless, nameless form of fear that is being crammed down our throats by every media source available. Radio talk show hosts, television images, newspaper editorials and op-ed letters, gory magazine photographs, plus computer rumors and half-truths. The practice is rampant, and America is falling prey to it in increasingly large numbers. Where did our fighting spirit go? With overwhelming 

[CTRL] Eyewitness Accounts Conflict Over Pentagon Crash

2002-05-21 Thread Wes676767

Eyewitness Accounts Conflict
Over Pentagon Crash
By Thierry Meyssan 

Many eyewitnesses saw some kind of craft hit the Pentagon. Was what they saw a Boeing 757-200 or was it a missile? 

Eyewitnesses confirm having seen something fly into the Pentagon. However, their accounts differ largely when it comes to describing the nature of the aircraft in more detail. 

"We heard what sounded like a missile" 

Several eyewitnesses testify to having seen a large airliner. An anonymous woman interviewed by CNN on September 11 confirms having seen "a commercial plane". Army Captain Lincoln Liebner told the AFP: "I saw this large American Airlines passenger jet coming in fast and low." 

Since our article Pentagon: Hunt the Boeing! And test your perceptions! went on-line, many other eyewitnesses have come forward on the internet. 

However, other accounts reported in the American press, immediately after the event, speak of a smaller aircraft that, in flight, was very unlike a commercial airliner, and even resembled a winged missile. 

The aircraft "appeared to hold about 8 to 12 people" and "sounded like the high-pitched squeal of a fighter", explained Steve Patterson to the Washington Post, on September 11. 

"That may have been the plane. I have never seen one on that (flight) pattern." 

Tom Seibert, a network engineer at the Pentagon, told the Washington Post: "We heard what sounded like a missile, then we heard a loud boom." 

"There wasn't anything in the air, except for one airplane, and it looked like it was loitering over Georgetown, in a high, left-hand bank", explained U.S. Army Brigadier General Clyde Vaughn, director of military support, to CNN. "That may have been the plane. I have never seen one on that (flight) pattern." 

"It was like a cruise missile with wings" 

Just after the attack, Mike Walter, journalist at USA Today, explained to the Washington Post and CNN that "it was like a cruise missile with wings". 

Danielle O'Brien, air controller at Washington's Dulles airport, from where American Airways flight 77 took off, explained that the craft that hit the Pentagon had the speed and maneuverability of a "military plane". Her account was published on the ABCnews site and used on the National Air Traffic Controllers Association site. We reproduce an extract of it here: 

"I noticed the aircraft. It was an unidentified plane to the southwest of Dulles, moving at a very high rate of speed - I had literally a blip and nothing more." 

O'Brien asked the controller sitting next to her, Tom Howell, if he saw it too. 

"I said, 'Oh my God, it looks like he's headed to the White House'," recalls Howell. "I was yelling 'We've got a target headed right for the White House!' At a speed of about 500 miles an hour, the plane was headed straight for what is known as P-56, protected air space 56, which covers the White House and the Capitol." 

"The speed, the maneuverability, the way that he turned, we all thought in the radar room, all of us experienced air traffic controllers, that that was a military plane," says O'Brien. "You don't fly a 757 in that manner. It's unsafe." 

"The speed, the maneuverability, the way that he turned, we all thought in the radar room, all of us experienced air traffic controllers, that that was a military plane." 

"The plane was between 12 and 14 miles away" says O'Brien, "and it was just a countdown. Ten miles west. Nine miles west... Our supervisor picked up our line to the White House and started relaying to them the information, [that] we have an unidentified very fast-moving aircraft inbound toward your vicinity, 8 miles west." 

Vice President Cheney was rushed to a special basement bunker. White House staff members were told to run away from the building 

"And it went 'six, five, four', And I had it in my mouth to say, three, and all of a sudden the plane turned away. In the room, it was almost a sense of relief. This must be a fighter. This must be one of our guys sent in, scrambled to patrol our capital, and to protect our president, and we sat back in our chairs and breathed for just a second," says O'Brien. 

But the plane continued to turn right until it had made a 360-degree maneuver. 

"We lost radar contact with that aircraft. And we waited. And we waited. And your heart is just beating out of your chest waiting to hear what's happened," says O'Brien. "And then the Washington National [Airport] controllers came over our speakers in our room and said, 'Dulles, hold all of our inbound traffic. The Pentagon's been hit.'" 

On September 11, the State Department for Defense confirmed that a Boeing 757 had crashed on the Pentagon. Eyewitnesses indeed talk of a flying craft. But there is no absolute consensus that this craft was an airliner. Maybe the official version of events subsequently influenced eyewitness accounts. Two French newspapers, Le Monde and LibÈration, have both published 

[CTRL] Upcoming New Colored US Currency- Devaluation???

2002-05-21 Thread Wes676767

Upcoming New Colored US Currency

In a shocking revelation, the U.S. Treasury has announced it will soon issue a new paper currency. The Wall Street Journal of March 19 reported that the Treasury will maintain the design of the old currency but will introduce "subtle colors." This announcement coincides with the dollar near all-time record strength against a basket of other major international currencies. 

So what does this portend for the future of the U.S. Dollar? Devaluation! There can be no other explanation for the introduction of a colored currency, which will represent a bifurcated dollar policy of a domestic-use-only dollar for Americans and a foreign dollar overseas. The U.S. version of the currency would be valid only within U.S. borders. 

It also is a rather convenient way of driving out hoarded cash from among U.S. citizens who try to circumvent the banking establishment. This is the second time the Treasury has attempted a major overhaul of the domestic dollar. The last time was in 1996 when a major redesign of the actual engraving began and was completed in 1999 featuring water marks, security threads, altered portraits, and a script of metallic ink at the bottom of one side of the bills. 

When run through a scanner utilized in processing checks by a bank, it reveals a hidden code number which allows cash to be traceable. Comments Lawrence Patterson of Criminal Politics magazine, "There has been more manipulation of the money than you can imagine!" The colored money is due out in 12 months or so according to the WSJ, but may be introduced sooner. Advises Patterson, "Convert cash hordes in advance, or lose it!" 

As one analyst notes, "A colored currency alongside of the regular green currency raises suspicion of a dual-currency system, with the colored currency utilized either internally or externally and the alternate currency limited likewise." 

Another shocking revelation concerning the dollar was revealed in the March 20 edition of WSJ. In an article appearing under the headline "Citibank Wins Broader Role in Shanghai," it was learned that the citizens of Communist China have banking options now that Americans do not. Specifically, Chinese citizens can have a foreign currency bank account in the Shanghai branch of Citibank. This means that an ordinary Chinese citizen can denominate their savings at a local bank in a currency other than the local Yuan. This is tantamount to you being able to walk into your local bank and denominate your savings account, a certificate of deposit, or checking account in Pound Sterling, the Euro, or the Swiss Franc! According to Criminal Politics, "The reason you are not allowed this option, while under Communist rule these options are granted, is because the future of the U.S. dollar is not what it seems! The dollar will be massively devalued because we are approaching unsustainable trade debts of a trillion dollars a year. That's one thousand billion dollars a year. 

"The accumulated trade debts over the decades are another figure. That figure is already in the trillions of dollars and cannot be allowed to race ahead. Your standard of living will be taking a drastic decline because imported products will be costing you a lot more so that the trade debts can be reduced. This is why you cannot denominate a bank account in non-U.S. currencies." 

This information should be a shock to you, and you should take heed in deploying your assets outside the U.S. dollar.  

Re: [CTRL] A Palestinian Homeland and other fairy tales (Was: 9-11)

2002-05-21 Thread Wes676767
In a message dated 5/21/02 9:36:01 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Fight my ass! They're now cowardly, murdering scum.

No more so than the Judeo-Nazi Khazar scum that utilize American weapons to kill and maim innocent women and expecially children. It's tough to fight America's finest weaponry with rocks and the kamakazi bombers are simply acting out of an intense and black hole of oppression and despair. 

Of course I'm speaking of those kamakazi bombings that aren't Israeli false-flag ops, and methinks that the lion's share of these bombings are indeed committed by the Mossad and company to further support for their Holocaust against the Palestinian people who they consider lower than animals according to the rantings of current and past leaders as well as their Talmud.


Re: [CTRL] A Palestinian Homeland and other fairy tales (Was: 9-11)

2002-05-21 Thread Wes676767
In a message dated 5/21/02 9:36:01 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I think the "Palestinians" have a beef with the UN :-)

I think alot of us have a beef with the UN!
Certainly the Palestinians have been shafted by the UN more than most up to this point. 

If you meant Arabs in general (under the false rubric of "Palestinian,") this was once the case, yes. I'd put the peak of Arab academic accomplishment at about a thousand years ago. Since then, of course, they have devolved into animals (and no, they have not been alone in their decline).

Tarring an entire people as animals shows plainly YOUR bias and makes clear your agenda.

Attitudes are different from actions. No one blames them, myself included, for being angry at Israel and its allies. Several in this country and around the world HAD begun to be moved by their plight. That, as they say, was a lifetime ago.

Neat how a few trademarked Mossad false-flag ops can sway opinion in a Zionist dominated press huh?



2002-05-20 Thread Wes676767

Title: From: Senderberl@aol

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Editor-in-Chief  Number

  Carol Adler   May
20, 2002

Contributing Editors

  Gordon Thomas

Contributing Writers

  Mark DankofDavid McGowanJoseph Ehrlich

  John Kusumi Tariq SaeediTakashi
Thomas Tanemori



by Joseph Ehrlich

  Dick Cheney is out there warning of a more serious terror
attack on the U.S. than 9-11. He is correct.

and we emphasize regrettably, we issued to some colleagues immediately after 9/11,
evidence that we were able to ascertain that the government did know about the
attack on the World Trade Center and Washington targets. 

  When President Bush came out and said this weekend that no
one should doubt that if he knew there would be attacks on that fateful morning, he would
have done everything to stop them, we recognized this statement was not a lie. 

  It is however disinformation. 

  Although President Bush didnt know the day and time,
in our respectful opinion, he knew that what we now know as 9/11 was coming
within a narrow time window. 

  In other words, if you take out that phrase on that
fateful morning, the statement then becomes putatively untruthful.

  Had I known that the enemy was going to use
airplanes to kill on that fateful morning, I would have done everything in my
power to protect the American people, Bush said.

  We do not intend to get into this sad possibility now
opened by the behavior of the political parties in Washington. Suffice it to
say that even without the evidence we have secured that it sufficient to
recognize that the major lies now undermine President Bushs chances of
re-election in 2004. 

  Here is why we believe this to be the case.

  First, the major error committed concerned the statements
made by Condoleezza Rice, his national security advisor, that the White House
had no thought or idea that a plane would be used as a missile. To wit: this
was a new perspective, to which the White House was otherwise unaware. 

  This is easily proven untrue by a series of reports
throughout a four or five year period where the CIA and other agencies
uncovered the strategic intent to use a plane as a missile to take out
government related facilities/buildings. 

  We can conclude that Ms. Rice has cost herself her job
because if she remains in this position she will be a political liability in
2004. Thus, when no one is looking, she will be replaced.

  Second: Dick Cheney coming on so strong against an investigation
of 9/11. 

The American public
doesnt care if it is an open or closed investigation, but it surely wants
to know that the check and balance system in Washington is in operation against
the threat that its government serves as its greatest opponent, if not enemy. 

  It surely wants to know that no one really knew this was
forthcoming and allowed it to happen -- especially with someone like Dick
Cheney rattling their instincts.

  Thus, when Dick Cheney comes out in the name of the
administration and 

that there is a war going on and that the Democrats and no one else should have
the audacity to look into the truth, the damage is more severe than President
Bush, Sr.s tax gaffe. 

  Third, while TWA Flight 800 proves that there is no real
intent of the Democrats to unmask the sordid truth behind 9/11, it is political
fodder that can be used to blackmail the Republicans. When Democratic
Congressman Dick Gephardt implores the press to act accountably in their role
as the fourth estate, it makes us ill, when both parties and the fourth estate
stood intentionally blind to TWA Flight 

800 and other major

  The fourth estate doesnt need to know what we know.
Just look again at what we wrote immediately concerning 9/11. We said that when
four planes went off transponders, why didnt bells ring everywhere? (Honestly,
in the environment known to the White House as just admitted since Friday, one
plane off transponder should have rung bells everywhere.) 

  Now, we also know that when the threat was known, that U.S.
military fighters were told to sit on the runway for some 30 minutes or more
before taking to the 

So the fourth estate and the political opposition need little else in 

[CTRL] Fwd: Globe-Intel #77 - 9/11: WHAT REALLY HAPPENED -- WHEN?

2002-05-20 Thread Wes676767

Title: On March 22, China sent its foreign policy chief Quian Qichen, to

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Editor-in-Chief  Number 77

Adler   May 20, 2002    

Contributing Editors


Contributing Writers

DankofDavid McGowanJoseph Ehrlich

Kusumi Tariq SaeediTakashi Thomas Tanemori



  On September
 11, 2001, the same day the World Trade Center and Pentagon were hit by
terrorists, a Chinese Peoples Liberation Army transport aircraft from Beijing landed in Kabul with the most important delegation
the ruling Taliban had ever received, writes Gordon Thomas, author of Seeds of Fire: China and the Story Behind the Attack
on America ($25.95, Dandelion Books).

later, CIA Director George Tenet received a coded red alert message
from Mossads Tel Aviv headquarters that presented what he called a
worst case scenario  that China would use a ruthless
surrogate, bin Laden, to attack the United States, says Thomas, who has
over thirty years of experience as a foreign affairs reporter and investigative

    The Chinese
delegation had come to sign the contract with Afghanistan that Osama bin Laden
had asked for, that would provide the Taliban with missile-tracking, state of
the art communications, and air defense systems in exchange for the
Talibans promise to end the attacks by Muslim extremists in
Chinas north-western regions.**

In order to catch the villain who did the 9/11 deed, it was
necessary to remove a sovereign, albeit entirely screwed up government from
power and replace it with an equally screwed up government, states
Brasscheck ([EMAIL PROTECTED] , 5-18-02). That the new government is
agreeable to terms for a new oil pipeline tapping hundreds of billions of
dollars of energy and the old one wasnt is a pure coincidence. 

 The country
Brasscheck is talking about is, of course, Afghanistan.

  China by 2015 will have deployed tens to
several tens of missiles with nuclear warheads targeted against the US, predicts a CIA briefing
paper to the Bush Administration, according to Thomas. Seeds of Fire contains a large number of
official unpublished documents pertaining to Chinas global take-over

Solomon, Associated Press writer, reported in the Washington
Post Friday, May 17 2002): 

two years before the Sept. 11 attacks, a federal report warned the executive
branch that Osama bi Ladens terrorism might hijack an airliner and dive
bomb it into the Pentagon or other government building.

  The report contrasts
with Bush administration officials assertions that none in government
had imagined an attack before that time. 

  I dont think
anybody could have predicted that these people would take an airplane and slam
it into the World Trade Center, take another one and slam it into the Pentagon;
that they would try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a
missile, national security advisor Condoleezza Rice said

9/11 Time Line (from Mike Ruppert: Oh Lucy! - You Gotta Lotta 'Splain' To

*September 11, 2001
- Employees of Odigo, Inc. in Israel,
one of the world's largest instant messaging companies, with offices in New
  York, receive threat
warnings of an imminent attack on the WTC less than two hours before the first
plane hits the WTC. Law enforcement authorities have gone silent about any
investigation of this. The Odigo Research and Development offices in Israel
are located in the city of Herzliyya,
a ritzy suburb of Tel Aviv which is the same location as the Institute for
Counter Terrorism which breaks early details of insider trading on 9-11.
[Source: CNN's Daniel Sieberg, 9/28/01;
Newsbytes, Brian McWilliams, 9/27/01;
Ha'aretz, 9/26/01.].  

*September 11, 2001,
For 50 minutes, from 8:15
 AM until 9:05 AM,
with it widely known within the FAA and the military that four planes have been
simultaneously hijacked and taken off course, no one notifies the President of
the United
It is not until 9:30
that any Air Force planes are scrambled to intercept, but by then it is too
late. This means that the National Command Authority waited for 75 minutes
before scrambling aircraft, even though it was known that four simultaneous
hijackings had occurred - an event that has never happened in history.

[CTRL] The Political Establishment in Denial

2002-05-20 Thread Wes676767

The Political Establishment in Denial

Memo To: Mary Matalin, Advisor to VP Dick Cheney
From: Jude Wanniski
Re: Anticipating 9-11

I’m sending this to you, Mary, as I believe my last few memos to the Vice President have not been getting through to him. Twice I’ve advised him that Iraq DID NOT kick the U.N. weapons inspectors out of Iraq. The UNSCOM inspectors left when they could not find anything and knew the USAirForce was about to start bombing again. I’m afraid he is not being briefed adequately, and as his closest political advisor, you should be concerned when he is misinformed. After all, the big whoop in Washington these last few days has been about how much the White House knew prior to 9-11 about the likelihood there would be terrorist acts directed against the United States by Al Qaeda. Now it turns out that almost everyone around the President knew there was going to be an attack, but nobody knew what to do about it. Once again, the VP says he is almost certain there is going to be another attack one of these days, and again nobody knows what to do about it.

Why don’t you ask him, Mary, to shift gears and start thinking about WHY the a group of Muslim guys are now scheming to do a repeat of 9-11. All weekend long, through his two interviews and the dozen other interviews I watched, never once did anyone wonder out loud why they would do such a terrible thing. If we cannot do any better than warn the American people to keep their eyes peeled for something unusual to report to authorities, we are at their mercy. Would you believe that the motivation has something to do with our unquestioning support of Israel over the past three or four decades? Twice in 1998 I posted memos here warning that unless we paid attention to why the Muslim Militants bombed the World Trade Center in 1993, they would be back to bring down the two buildings! The first time I posted was in January, the second time in December of ‘98, when I noted: [This is a memo on the margin that ran in this space January 13, 1998. Given news accounts that Osama Bin Laden now is thinking about doing something in a major U.S. city -- New York or Washington, D.C., we again should be thinking about the workings of the mind of a terrorist.]

No kidding. There were news accounts in December 1998 that Osama was cooking something up. How come nobody else “connected the dots” the way I did? It wasn’t rocket science, especially if you read the statement of Ramzi Ahmed Yousef as it appeared in the New York Times the day after he was sentenced to life in prison for the 1993 bombing. The reason is that it is politically incorrect for anyone to put Israel in the equation. (Or the Anti-Defamation League will label you anti-Semitic.) Our Political Establishment, including our press corps, is in denial. Yousef particularly mentioned our treatment of Iraq since the Gulf War. Our Political Establishment may not think we had anything to do with the deaths of 1.5 million Iraqi civilians, but the Islamic world believes we were in the driver’s seat all the way, purposely weakening Iraq to keep it from becoming any kind of threat to Israel – after using Iraq to weaken the Iranian fundamentalists with an 8-year-war. If you don’t help your boss connect those dots, Mary, he will continue to issue administration threats of resumed military action against the Baghdad regime. Yes, he and the President promise that after a short little war to eliminate Saddam Hussein, the people of Iraq will dance in the streets. The estimates I see of maybe 30,000 Iraqi casualties – and maybe 2000 of our troops – in what some say will be a “cakewalk,” do not take into account the U.S. civilian casualties here at home when the Muslim Militants get busy blowing up this building here, this airport there, the national economy thrown in for good measure. 

Now don’t get me wrong, Mary. I’m not saying we can stop the terrorists by an embrace of Saddam Hussein and a kick in the pants to Ariel Sharon. I think we simply have to recognize the fact that we have been helping Israel put off the Palestinians in one way or another, going back to 1948, and their Islamic and Arabic supporters are no longer going to conveniently fragment to make that possible. When the Arab League voted unanimously to support each other if any one of them is attacked, including Iraq, this was something we better take seriously. Did you read the letter Minister Louis Farrakhan sent President Bush after 9-11, offering to help him understand the Islamic world? He pointed out that no single Islamic leader could call for a Jihad, a holy war. They would have to be unanimous in their support for such a war, and that President Bush has it in his power to do that – by giving them cause to unite against the West. The fact our President has committed himself to a Palestinian state and presents our government as an honest broker is the best guarantee against 

[CTRL] Chossudovsky:US Bombing of Afghanistan restores Trade in Narcotics

2002-05-20 Thread Wes676767

Hidden Agenda behind the "War on Terrorism": US Bombing of Afghanistan restores Trade in Narcotics 

by Michel Chossudovsky 
Centre for Research on Globalisation 
20 May 2002 

In 2000, the Taliban government under advice from the United Nations Drug Control Program (UNDCP) imposed a total ban on opium production. Prior to the ban, according to the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Afghanistan produced more than 70% of the world's opium in 2000, and about 80% of opiate products (meaning heroin) destined to the European market.1 

The annual proceeds of the Afghan Golden Crescent drug trade (between 100 and 200 billion dollars) represented approximately one third of the worldwide annual turnover of narcotics, estimated by the United Nations to be of the order of $500 billion.2 

In many regards, the trade in narcotics as well as the drug routes to the European and North American markets are considered to be "strategic". There are powerful financial interests behind the drug trade. The interests have an influence on the conduct of US foreign policy.

These multibillion dollar revenues of narcotics were deposited in the Western banking system. Most of the large international banks -together with their affiliates in the offshore banking havens-laundered large amounts of narco-dollars. In other words, Afghanistan, the poorest country on earth, was the source of tremendous financial wealth derived from the drug trade to financial institutions, business syndicates and organised crime. Part of the drug related revenues accrue to the CIA, which continues to protect both the Asian and Latin American drug trade.

Following the year 2000 ban on poppy production imposed by the Taliban government, opium production collapsed by more than 90 percent, leading to a dwindling drug trade and substantial losses to financial institutions, interests.3 The Northern Alliance became the main political force involved in protecting the production and marketing of raw opium.

The Drug Trade Restored by the US Puppet Regime

The bombing of Afghanistan served to restore the multibillion drug trade, which is protected by the CIA.

Immediately following the installation of the US puppet government under Prime Minister Hamid Kharzai, opium production soared, regaining its historic levels. According to the UNDCP, opium cultivation increased by 657 % in 2002 (in relation to its 2001 level). In 2001, opium cultivation had fallen to an estimated 7606ha.(See table below). It is currently estimated by the UNDCP to be of the order of 45 000 -65 000ha. 

In the immediate wake of September 11, the price of opium in Afghanistan increased three-fold. By early 2002, the price (dollar/kg) was almost ten times higher than in the year 2000.4

Opium Poppy Cultivation in Afghanistan

Year Cultivation in hectares
1994 71 470
1995 53 759
1996 56 824
1997 58 416
1998 63 674
1999 90 983
2000 82 172
2001 7606
2002* 45 000 - 65 000
* Preliminary estimate

UNCDP, Afghanistan, Opium Poppy Survey, 2001, . 
UNDCP, Afghanistan, Opium Poppy Survey, Pre-Assessment, 2002, 

[CTRL] Northern Command: Crossing the Rubicon

2002-05-20 Thread Wes676767

>From the Vol.1,No.11 issue of Electronic Intelligence Weekly

Northern Command: Crossing the Rubicon

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Friday, May 17, 2002

The proposal for the probably unlawful, U.S. Army Northern Command ("USNORTHCOM"), when taken in its current strategic-policy-setting, is clearly a proposal to "Cross the Rubicon," a preparation to create a Caesarian military dictatorship over both the North American continent and the Caribbean, in imitation of the 49 B.C. action of Julius Caesar's setting off that civil war among Roman military forces which led to the 31 B.C. establishment of the Empire of Augustus Caesar. In today's world, it is a preparation for the Pentagon to cross the Potomac one morning, to place the U.S. Attorney-General and its minion in power, reducing the President himself to a ceremonial, or even lesser figure in the configuration.

1. The Roman Precedent

There is no stretching of the comparison in this choice of an historic parallel for the currently pending adoption of USNNORTHCOM. Following the 212 B.C. murder of Archimedes, during the Roman conquest of Syracuse, the most powerful obstacle to them in what is today's southern Italy, the Roman Legions conducted a rampage of military conquests and continually aggravated looting throughout the Mediterranean littoral.

During this period, through, and beyond the period of the attempted social reforms by the Gracchi, Italy underwent an accelerating change in its social character, paralleling the recent thirty-five-odd years transformation of the United States from its post-1861-65 character, as a producers' society, to its post-1965 shift, into becoming an increasingly parasitical and decadent consumer society. Typical of the decadence of the Roman social order since the beginning of the Second Punic War, were the consolidation of the power of an emergent, new ruling class, one based on the combination of wealth and power acquired through looting abroad, and the spread of slavery inside Italy itself. Italy shifted into becoming a parasites' economy, subsisting by looting conquered peoples, and maintaining political support for the Roman regime at home through such instruments of moral, political, and economic decadence akin to the mass-media-entertainment culture of the United States today. The attempted reforms by the Gracchi, were the last significant effort to reverse the tide of decadence.

The defeat of the Gracchi, through assassinations conducted by the so-called democratic party representing the Roman predator class, unleashed a succession of civil wars within the Roman military class. Cicero's leadership against the Cataline conspiracy was the last significant effort to halt that process. Julius Caesar's rise to power through the toppling of Cicero, unleashed the process leading, through a constant state of civil warfare among Rome's military commanders, into Octavian's seizure of power as Augustus Caesar. Amid this process, Julius Caesar's crossing of the Rubicon had broken the barrier which had shielded the city of Rome itself from the direct, full force of Nazi-SS-style military dictatorship.

The U.S. posse comitatus doctrine of law may be properly viewed as the U.S. government's post-Civil War recognition of the danger of allowing the circumstances under which corrupt elements of the Federal government might act to established a military dictatorship in the U.S.A. To breach that posse comitatus rule, under the circumstances of presently rampant, rising, crisis-stricken decadence in the U.S., is, in effect, to "cross the Rubicon."

Look at those present circumstances against an important lesson from the past.

2. The Utopian Degeneracy of America

1. Under the radiating influence of H. G. Wells' The Open Conspiracy and Wells' pact with Bertrand Russell, the idea of setting up a parody of Roman-imperial style world government, grew. From Wells' first published proposal, in 1913, for the development and use of nuclear weapons to terrify nations into abandoning national sovereignty in favor of world government, and the subsequent notion of using air power, as in Wells' fictional The Shape of Things To Come, to deliver such weapons, a massive corruption spread among the English-speaking military and others. The dropping of two nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in 1945, gave impetus to the policy of "preventive nuclear war" (using air power) as set forth in Russell's September 1946 theses published in his lackey Leo Szilard's The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Around this idea, there grew up the phenomenon which President Dwight Eisenhower came to describe as a utopian "military-industrial complex." What Eisenhower referenced thus, is a complex of foundations, universities, military circles, and corporate oligopolies of military-industrial concentration, around Russell's 1938-founded Unification of the 

[CTRL] Rep.Ron Paul:Say No to Conscription

2002-05-20 Thread Wes676767

Say No to Conscription
by Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)
May 20, 2002

I hope my colleagues who believe that the current war on terrorism justifies violating the liberty of millions of young men by reinstating a military draft will consider the eloquent argument against conscription in the attached speech by Daniel Webster. Then-representative Webster delivered his remarks on the floor of the House in opposition to a proposal to institute a draft during the War of 1812. Webster's speech remains one of the best statements of the Constitutional and moral case against conscription.

Despite the threat posed to the very existence of the young republic by the invading British Empire, Congress ultimately rejected the proposal to institute a draft. If the new nation of America could defeat what was then the most powerful military empire in the world without a draft, there is no reason why we cannot address our current military needs with a voluntary military.

Webster was among the first of a long line of prominent Americans, including former President Ronald Reagan and Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, to recognize that a draft violates the fundamental principles of liberty this country was founded upon. 

In order to reaffirm support for individual liberty and an effective military, I have introduced H. Con. Res. 368, which expresses the sense of Congress against reinstating a military draft. I urge my colleagues to read Daniel Webster's explanation of why the draft is incompatible with liberty government and cosponsor H. Con. Res. 368.

ON CONSCRIPTION (By Daniel Webster)

During America's first great war, waged against Great Britain, the Madison Administration tried to introduce a conscription bill into Congress. This bill called forth one of Daniel Webster's most eloquent efforts, in a powerful opposition to conscription. The speech was delivered in the House of Representatives on December 9, 1814; the following is a condensation:

"This bill indeed is less undisguised in its object, and less direct in its means, than some of the measures proposed. It is an attempt to exercise the power of forcing the free men of this country into the ranks of an army, for the general purposes of war, under color of a military service. It is a distinct system, introduced for new purposes, and not connected with any power, which the Constitution has conferred on Congress.

But, Sir, there is another consideration. The services of the men to be raised under this act are not limited to those cases in which alone this Government is entitled to the aid of the militia of the States. These cases are particularly stated in the Constitution – 'to repel invasion, suppress insurrection, or execute the laws.'

The question is nothing less, than whether the most essential rights of personal liberty shall be surrendered, and despotism embraced in its worst form. When the present generation of men shall be swept away, and that this Government ever existed shall be a matter of history only, I desire that it may then be known, that you have not proceeded in your course unadmonished and unforewarned. Let it then be known, that there were those, who would have stopped you, in the career of your measures, and held you back, as by the skirts of your garments, from the precipice, over which you are plunging, and drawing after you the Government of your Country.

Conscription is chosen as the most promising instrument, both of overcoming reluctance to the Service, and of subduing the difficulties which arise from the deficiencies of the Exchequer. The administration asserts the right to fill the ranks of the regular army by compulsion. It contends that it may now take one out of every twenty-five men, and any part or the whole of the rest, whenever its occasions require. Persons thus taken by force, and put into an army, may be compelled to serve there, during the war, or for life. They may be put on any service, at home or abroad, for defense or for invasion, according to the will and pleasure of Government. This power does not grow out of any invasion of the country, or even out of a state of war. It belongs to Government at all times, in peace as well as in war, and is to be exercised under all circumstances, according to its mere discretion. This, Sir, is the amount of the principle contended for by the Secretary of War (James Monroe).

Is this, Sir, consistent with the character of a free Government? Is this civil liberty? Is this the real character of our Constitution? No, Sir, indeed it is not. The Constitution is libeled, foully libeled. The people of this country have not established for themselves such a fabric of despotism. They have not purchased at a vast expense of their own treasure and their own blood a Magna Carta to be slaves. Where is it written in the Constitution, in what article or section is it contained, that you may take children from their parents, and parents from their children, 

[CTRL] Radio ID Tags: Beyond Bar Codes

2002-05-20 Thread Wes676767,1282,52343,00.html

Radio ID Tags: Beyond Bar Codes 
By Kendra Mayfield  
2:00 a.m. May 20, 2002 PDT 
An emerging technology could usurp the ubiquitous bar code's quarter-century of quiet domination. Radio frequency identification (RFID) tags, which consist of silicon chips and an antenna that can transmit data to a wireless receiver, could one day be used to track everything from soda cans to cereal boxes.  

Unlike bar codes, which need to be scanned manually and read individually (you have to actually see a bar code in order to read it), radio ID tags do not require line-of-site for reading. Within the field of a wireless reading device, it is possible to automatically read hundreds of tags a second. Not only can these tags be read faster than bar codes, they also contain more information, so they can recall items more efficiently. 

"This is the basis of the next 50 years of computing," said Kevin Ashton, executive director of MIT's Auto-ID Center. "The impact will be staggering." 

The applications for this technology are seemingly endless. Radio ID tags can be installed in clothing labels, books, packaging, or even implanted beneath skin. 

MIT's Auto-ID Center is developing ways to use the tags in consumer product packages with blue chip companies such as Procter  Gamble, Wal-Mart, Gillette, Unilever, Target, Pepsi and Coca-Cola. 

Retailing behemoths such as Wal-Mart (WMT) and Home Depot (HD) are investing heavily in Auto-ID's technology to improve supply-chain efficiency and track products from the warehouse to the consumer's doorstep. 

"The supply chain today is a black box," Ashton said. "There is very little accurate data about where things are, what they are, how much there is." 

"This technology won't just improve the supply chain -- it will revolutionize it in ways we are only just beginning to understand," Ashton said. "Computers are basically blind today. The technology we are developing will enable them to see, for the first time ever." 

RFID systems originated in the 1940s, when the U.S. government used transponders to distinguish friendly aircraft from enemy aircraft. Through the 1970s, the federal government primarily used the systems for projects like tracking livestock and nuclear material. 

Radio tags have been used commercially for delivering packages, handling luggage, tracking food in supermarkets and monitoring highway tolls. 

The airline industry, along with the FAA, has used RFID tags to route baggage and increase air security. McDonald's and ExxonMobile are testing RFID chips to allow customers to pay for food or gas. 

The Auto-ID Center is in the final stages of developing a standard way for RFID tags to communicate. The standard could be implemented in a mass production tag that would cost about 5 cents. 

Auto-ID researchers recommend placing a 64-bit (or 96-bit, depending on the version) number called an electronic product code (EPC) on an RFID tag. The EPC identifies every inventoried item with a unique serial number. 

Approximately 20 companies are participating in what may be the largest scale RFID test to date, prototyping tags based on the Auto-ID Center's protocol. 

"Basically, we are doing everything we can to make RFID a mass-production technology," Ashton said. 

According to researchers, companies will be able to use smart tags to connect everyday objects to the Internet, potentially saving billions of dollars in lost, stolen or wasted products. 

For example, a smart-shelf could tell when a carton of milk or a box of medicine has expired, alerting a store to restock in real time. This type of system could prevent out-of-stock merchandise and reduce obsolete or out-of-date products. 

The success of RFID in the mass market ultimately depends upon tying the technology to an open standard network like the Internet, according to researchers. 

"The Internet is absolutely crucial for all this," Ashton said. "(The Internet) enables us to put all the data on the network, not the tag, and that makes tags cheaper, better, faster. By the end of this decade, a majority of the data moving across the Internet could well be EPC related." 

"We can make the tags cheap by transmitting most of the information on the Internet," agreed Auto-ID Center research director Sanjay Sarma. 

According to an Auto-ID Center survey, approximately half of the center's sponsors said they can imagine these tags making a significant impact on their business in the next 2 to 3 years, and many anticipate needing billions of EPC tags by the end of the decade. 

Researchers believe that eventually the technology could be used to improve health care, public safety and recycling. 

"This isn't just a technology that can help save money," Ashton said. "Used properly, it can help save lives, it can help save the environment." 

Despite the promise of this technology, cost and lack of standards have been a major barrier for widespread adoption. 

[CTRL] Bilderberg 2002

2002-05-20 Thread Wes676767

The American Media Should Be Ashamed of Itself 
by Victor Thorn 

NOTE: From May 30-June 2, 2002, the ultra-secret, ultra-elitist Bilderberg cabal will meet at the Westfields Marriott Hotel in Chantilly, Va., seven miles south of Washington, D.C. The big question is: will the local and national media cover this extremely crucial event? 

In mid-April, 2002, the Trilateral Commission met for four days at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Washington, D.C. As they do every year, this highly influential group of world leaders from North America, Japan and Europe plotted ways to promote their globalist agenda. Some of the items on their nefarious list this year were: 

- America's upcoming invasion of Iraq, and how to lure Europe and other Asian nations into supporting our War Machine. 
- Further create a multinational financial octopus, with the United Nations as the head of a one-world government. 
- Keep pumping money, technology, and computers into China, bolstering them as the next premier global superpower. 
- Funnel more American aid to "under-exploited" foreign countries, leading the way for the implementation of a World Tax. 
- Finally, prevent the Israeli/Palestinian war from turning into a complete powder keg, thus endangering our Middle Eastern oil supplies. 

To me, each of these issues seems vitally important, even crucial, to the world. Others thought so too, for some of the attendees included: 

- David Rockefeller - Overlord, Chase-Manhattan Bank 
- Paul Volcker - Former Chairman, Federal Reserve 
- Charles Robb - Former Senator 
- Robert McNamara - Former Secretary of Defense 
- Kenneth Lay - Former CEO, Enron 
- Henry Kissinger - Former Secretary of State 
- Winston Lord - Former China Ambassador 
- David Gergen - Editor, U.S. News and World Report 
- Zbigniew Brzezinski - Former Head of National Security, Trilat co-founder 
- Madeline Albright - Former Secretary of State 
- John Deutch - Former Head, CIA 
- Richard Holbrook - Former U.S. Ambassador to U.N. 
- Harold Brown - Former Secretary of Defense 
- Strobe Talbott - Former Under Secretary of State 
- Tom Foley - Former Speaker of the House 

Some fairly important names, huh? Well, in addition to them, there was also the head of Goldman-Sachs International, which is one of the ten firms that hold the most stock in our nation's Federal Reserve System. Plus, there were other representatives from: 

- Fuji Xerox 
- The Ambassador of Germany 
- a Georgetown Professor 
- a Washington Post columnist 
- Chairman, Archer-Daniels Midland 
- President, Club of Rome 
- International Monetary Fund managing director 
- Former Canadian High Commissioner to the U.K. 
- a member of the British Parliament 
- President Emeritus, AFL-CIO (NITE branch) 
- President, Federal Reserve 
- Chairman, Levi-Strauss 
- Director of Rothschild  Sons 
- Vice Chairman, Citicorp (which owns 22% of NYFR stock) 
- CEO, Institution of Global Economics, Seoul 
- Former Minister of Trade, Mexico 
- Former Irish Senator 
- Former CEO, Xerox 
- Former President of Mexico 

Finally, some of the speakers and panelists were: 

- Dick Cheney, Vice President of the United States 
- Alan Greenspan, Chairman, Federal Reserve 
- Colin Powell, Secretary of State 
- Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense 

In all, 251 of the most influential businessmen, statesmen, politicians, financiers, and academics met right in Washington, D.C., and how much did you hear about it in your local or national media? I'll bet nothing! I mean, Kenneth Lay, fallen head of Enron, was there. Every time he sneezed or clipped a hangnail, the press reported on it. But not this time at the Trilateral Commission meeting. 

Think of it this way (as veteran reporter Jim Tucker of the American Free Press so eloquently puts it). Every year when the world's greatest actors get together at the Academy Awards, is the media present? Yes. How about when America's two best football teams meet at the Super Bowl. Is the media there? Of course. TV's Emmy awards - the media is there. Grammy's - the media is there en force. Hell, the media even reports on hog-calling contests at the State Fair in Arkansas. 

But when some of the most powerful men and women congregate to determine the course of future history, did any of the following cover their meeting: 

New York Times - NO 
Newsweek - NO 
Time Magazine - NO 

Hell, the Washington Post and U.S. News and World Report even had journalists present! They should be running full-color blowout cover story articles on the Trilateral Commission's meeting. Regrettably, they're not. Instead, we get the same old sanitized, censored pablum that keeps the masses socially controlled and uninformed. 

Why? It's appalling. In Russia, there used to be an old joke about their two primary newspapers - Pravda, which means "truth," and Isvestia, which translates to "News." The punch line was: "There's 

[CTRL] Bush's Fatal Half Hour

2002-05-20 Thread Wes676767

Bush's Fatal Half Hour
By Jay Weidner
c. 2002 Jay Weidner

So now it is out. George Bush Jr. knew at least a week ahead of September 11th, 2001 that Muslim men were going to hijack planes inside the borders of the United States. He was warned, in clear, concise language, that Arab men were training in American Flight schools and planning to hijack large airliners. 

Bush now says that he did everything that man can do in such a circumstance. He says that he warned the airports, he warned the law enforcement agencies and that he warned the military. This is our Commander-in-Chief and his first responsibility is to protect Americans from harm and, his administration now tells us, they did their job. Dick Cheney evens goes so far as to say that we should not invent 'conspiracy theories' to bolster the 'politics' of the situation. I couldn't agree more. Instead of relying on 'conspiracy theories', I would suggest that any journalist worth his salt just merely stick to the facts in the case. 

This article will reveal that George Bush Jr. had ample opportunity to protect Americans from certain harm and he did absolutely nothing. In fact he ran like a rabbit from a pack of hungry dogs, leaving the American people completely defenseless. A quick examination of the chronology of events on September 11th 2001 reveals that our President utterly failed in his job, that he left the American people completely defenseless for at least thirty full minutes. 

Let's go back to that fateful day for a moment. George W. Bush is in Florida reading a story to a group of children in a classroom. He is told, a few minutes after nine that a jet has crashed into a tower at the World Trade Center. Remembering that he had been told, just a week before that Osama Bin Laden and his gang of terrorists were planning on stealing airplanes, does our President rise up from his seat, get on the phone and alert the military that this could be a very serious event occurring in New York? With his foreknowledge that something bad could happen with terrorists and airplanes, does he order his subordinates to declare an emergency of some kind? 

No, our President decides to continue reading his children's story to the group of students. 

About 15 minutes later our President is told that another plane has hit the other tower at the World Trade Center. It is now 9:15 on September 11th 2001. Two planes have hit both towers of the tallest building in America. Remembering that he was told that terrorists were planning on hijacking planes just a week before, does our President call the military and tell them that we are under attack from terrorists and order them to scramble jets? Does he get on the phone and instruct the FAA to track down all flights that are not flying on their destined flight paths? Does he tell the military to track down these airplanes and force them to land or shoot them down? 

No. The President of the United States does not do this. 

Remember there are at least two more flights still hijacked and in the air. But, for all George W. Bush knows, there could be fifty jets hijacked and currently in the air above the United States. If it were possible for the terrorists to hijack two planes and successfully crash them into the World Trade Center then, certainly, any thinking person would have to consider that there might be the possibility of more planes being hijacked. If one is truly interested in protecting the United States then this must at least have been considered. 

Perhaps the President got on the phone and talked to members of the National Security Agency or members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to discuss these possibilities. The fact is that we don't know if our President, George W Bush, did any of these things. 

But as the events unfolded that morning it is becoming obvious that he did nothing. 

The President jumped in Air Force One and began a strange journey around the United States that seemed to be saying that he, and his staff, was terrified and confused. Eventually Air Force One landed at Offutt Air Force base in Omaha where Bush was taken to an underground bomb shelter built to survive a several megaton hit by a nuclear weapon. 

One thing is for sure. While he was in a panic state, flying around the country trying to protect himself, he forgot to do his job. There is no other way around it. 

Any simple examination of the chronology of events reveals that Bush failed miserably. The second tower was hit at 9:15 AM, east coast time. That means that there was at least 25 to 30 minutes before the third plane hit the Pentagon at 9:45 AM, east coast time. Did Bush scramble military aircraft to protect America in the intervening half hour that he had in between the two airplane hits? No he did not. He did absolutely nothing. Remember, at 9:15 AM, just after the second tower was hit there were at least two airliners still flying off course from their 

[CTRL] 20th Century Secret American Human Experimentation

2002-05-20 Thread Wes676767

1931 Dr. Cornelius Rhoads, under the auspices of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Investigations, infects human subjects with cancer cells. He later goes on to establish the U.S. Army Biological Warfare facilities in Maryland, Utah, and Panama, and is named to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. While there, he begins a series of radiation exposure experiments on American soldiers and civilian hospital patients.

1932 The Tuskegee Syphilis Study begins. 200 black men diagnosed with syphilis are never told of their illness, are denied treatment, and instead are used as human guinea pigs in order to follow the progression and symptoms of the disease. They all subsequently die from syphilis, their families never told that they could have been treated.

1935 The Pellagra Incident. After millions of individuals die from Pellagra over a span of two decades, the U.S. Public Health Service finally acts to stem the disease. The director of the agency admits it had known for at least 20 years that Pellagra is caused by a niacin deficiency but failed to act since most of the deaths occured within poverty-striken black populations.

1940 Four hundred prisoners in Chicago are infected with Malaria in order to study the effects of new and experimental drugs to combat the disease. Nazi doctors later on trial at Nuremberg cite this American study to defend their own actions during the Holocaust.

1942 Chemical Warfare Services begins mustard gas experiments on approximately 4,000 servicemen. The experiments continue until 1945 and made use of Seventh Day Adventists who chose to become human guinea pigs rather than serve on active duty.

1943 In response to Japan's full-scale germ warfare program, the U.S. begins research on biological weapons at Fort Detrick, MD.

1944 U.S. Navy uses human subjects to test gas masks and clothing. Individuals were locked in a gas chamber and exposed to mustard gas and lewisite.

1945 Project Paperclip is initiated. The U.S. State Department, Army intelligence, and the CIA recruit Nazi scientists and offer them immunity and secret identities in exchange for work on top secret government projects in the United States.

1945 "Program F" is implemented by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). This is the most extensive U.S. study of the health effects of fluoride, which was the key chemical component in atomic bomb production. One of the most toxic chemicals known to man, fluoride, it is found, causes marked adverse effects to the central nervous system but much of the information is squelched in the name of national security because of fear that lawsuits would undermine full-scale production of atomic bombs.

1946 Patients in VA hospitals are used as guinea pigs for medical experiments. In order to allay suspicions, the order is given to change the word "experiments" to "investigations" or "observations" whenever reporting a medical study performed in one of the nation's veteran's hospitals.

1947 Colonel E.E. Kirkpatrick of the U.S. Atomic Energy Comission issues a secret document (Document 07075001, January 8, 1947) stating that the agency will begin administering intravenous doses of radioactive substances to human subjects.

1947 The CIA begins its study of LSD as a potential weapon for use by American intelligence. Human subjects (both civilian and military) are used with and without their knowledge.

1950 Department of Defense begins plans to detonate nuclear weapons in desert areas and monitor downwind residents for medical problems and mortality rates.

1950 I n an experiment to determine how susceptible an American city would be to biological attack, the U.S. Navy sprays a cloud of bacteria from ships over San Franciso. Monitoring devices are situated throughout the city in order to test the extent of infection. Many residents become ill with pneumonia-like symptoms.

1951 Department of Defense begins open air tests using disease-producing bacteria and viruses. Tests last through 1969 and there is concern that people in the surrounding areas have been exposed.

1953 U.S. military releases clouds of zinc cadmium sulfide gas over Winnipeg, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Fort Wayne, the Monocacy River Valley in Maryland, and Leesburg, Virginia. Their intent is to determine how efficiently they could disperse chemical agents.

1953 Joint Army-Navy-CIA experiments are conducted in which tens of thousands of people in New York and San Francisco are exposed to the airborne germs Serratia marcescens and Bacillus glogigii.

1953 CIA initiates Project MKULTRA. This is an eleven year research program designed to produce and test drugs and biological agents that would be used for mind control and behavior modification. Six of the subprojects involved testing the agents on unwitting human beings. 

1955 The CIA, in an experiment to test its ability to infect human populations with biological agents, releases a bacteria withdrawn from the 

[CTRL] The Medmenham Monks, a.k.a. The Hell-Fire Club

2002-05-20 Thread Wes676767

The Medmenham Monks, a.k.a. The Hell-Fire Club  

The Hell-Fire Club was sort of a cross between the Dead Poets Society and a risque Playboy club. John Montagu (Lord Sandwich) was a principal, and apparently Lady Mary Wortley Montagu attended. Although Benjamin Franklin (Agent for a number of American colonies) was a member (although there is no written proof), I have no idea if Edward Montague (the Virginia Agent and a colleague of Franklin's) was involved... 

The club formally styled itself the Monks of Medmenham, and originally occupied the caves beneath the ancient Abbey of Medmenham. Its members could reach the Abbey by boat from the river at night and thus not be bothered by `paparazzi'. 

Franklin's exposure to the club is described as follows by Cecil B. Currey, in Road to Revolution, Benjamin Franklin in England, 1765-1775: 

"... Franklin knew Le Despencer very well. He was fully aware of an enterprise which the Englishman had been conducting for some years more or less surreptitiously, known as the Hell Fire Club. Its activities were familiar to Franklin and he occasionally joined in them... 

In his youth, Le Despencer had been a member of ... rakes' groups. In later years, ... he determined to form a secret society that would express his interest in architecture, literature, and religion. Only the cleverest and most humorous of his friends would be asked to join. ... 

The perfect location for such a society was soon found. Only six miles from the baron's estate, on the bank of the Thames River near Marlow in Buckinhamshire, lay the ruins of Medmenham Abbey. It had been founded by Cistercian monks in 1145. The abbey was well located in a grove of trees which nearly concealed it from view. The nearest road was some distance away, but members would be able to approach it easily in private boats... and ... could return to their homes in complete privacy. ... Workmen were sent in and the abbey was rebuilt and the grounds landscaped ... to make them into a `garden of lust.' 

Marble pillars were erected on which were carved pornographic inscriptions in bastard, or `macaroni' Latin. Small Grecian-styled temples were put up here and there. The groves were filled with statuary in indecent poses. ... Hollowed from a hill was the Cave of Trophonius. A fresco within it pictured sexually robust animals, a crowing cock, and a laughing nun... 

The buildings were designed also to carry out the theme of sexuality. ... To one side of the main door sat a statue of Harpocrates, the god of silence... Opposite was ... Volupian Angerone, goddess of secret passion. 

Rooms adjacent to the chapel were designed to heighten the sexual utility of the place. There was a Roman Room, its wall hung with paintings copied from ancient and indecent Roman frescoes. Also on the walls were paintings of famous English prostitutes... Small statues of Egyptian gods and goddesses sat in niches in the walls. 

The abbey's library was situated near the Roman Room. It supposedly contained one of the most complete collections of pornography in England... 

Somewhere between 1752 and 1755, Dashwood ... opened his society, known as the Medmenham Monks, and later referred to as the Hell Fire Club. For his monks there was to be a goodly number of nuns... - the main reason many belonged to the club. Most were prostitutes... some were local girls wanting excitement, but many were ladies of society. Of the last group, one of the best known was Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Many nuns were wives, mothers, sisters, or the betrothed of members... 

The members, or monks, were `dabblers in art and literature', and many were among the most prominent men in the kingdom. There were two orders of monks; the superior and the inferior - twelve superiors and perhaps as many as forty to fifty inferior members. ... 

... superior members included ... Lord Sandwich... 

A group with a membership of this scope ... could wield tremendous power should they wish to act in unison for political ends. It was for this reason that Benjamin Franklin became a monk ... sometime after his arrival in England in 1764. ... Sir Francis had a huge and elaborate cave dug in the side of a hill on his grounds. It was in this underground headquarters that the monks met after 1762. ... 

... Franklin wrote...: 'The exquisite sense of classical design, charmingly reproduced... whimsical and puzzling as it may be in its imagery, is as evident below the earth as above it.' ... Others known to be present at the time were Lady Mary Wortley Montague, and the household of Frederick, Prince of Wales. ..." (Currey) 

A number of Franklin's biographies mention the Hell Fire club: 

"Franklin enjoyed the seasoned old sinner, who enjoyed Franklin, and they spent parts of three summers together at Wycombe. Le Despencer, once a blasphemer, had recently undertaken a deistic revision of the Prayer Book. Occupied with the Liturgy, he asked 

[CTRL] Irish Hell-Fire Club

2002-05-20 Thread Wes676767


Overlooking Dublin city from the south west, at an altitude of 383m (1264ft), is a foreboding ruined hunting lodge, marked on Ordnance Survey maps as the 'Hell-Fire Club'. Current urban lore insists on telling us that it was - and still is - a site commonly used for the practice of 'Satanism' and other occult activities, and that the Devil himself made a brief appearance there at some unspecified time in the past. In a story similar to the one attached to Loftus Hall (a haunted house on the Hook Peninsula), a mysterious stranger seeks shelter on a stormy night, and a card game ensues. A member of the household drops a card, and sees that below the table, the otherwise affable and charming visitor has a cloven hoof. His or her screams made the Devil 'aware of her discovery, and he at once vanished in a thunder-clap leaving a brimstone smell behind him' (Seymour and Neligan). 

The elusive and rather ambiguous exploits of the Irish *Hell-Fire Club* have intrigued Blather for some time. While for most people the name denotes a ruined hunting lodge in the forested Dublin mountains, visited on Sundays by hordes of escaping suburbanites, it originally refers to an organisation alleged to have devoted to their time to the practice of unbridled hedonism. 

The Club, also referred to as the *Medmenham Club* was formed in 1741 by Sir Francis Dashwood (1708 - 1781) at West Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, and became notorious for its rumoured sexual orgies and 'occult' activities. Much has been written about Dashwood and his friends, with varying levels of luridness... but our interest lies with the Irish Hell-Fire Club, founded in 1735 by the 1st Earl of Rosse, Richard Parsons, known to be a 'sorcerer, dabbler in black magic... and a man of "humour and frolic"' (Somerville-Large). It was apparently disbanded following his death in 1741. 

Weston St. John Joyce mentions Mount Pelier on page 123 of his *The Neighbourhood of Dublin*, published in 1912: 

'Making our way over the gorse and heather up the slopes of the hill from Mount Pelier House, we at length come into view of the old ruin on the top - an interesting and conspicuous object from afar, but proving a most unprepossessing structure on closer acquaintance. It is variously known to the Dublin folk as the Hell-Fire Club House, the Haunted House, and the Shooting Lodge, although it really possesses no valid claim to any of these designations, it having been built, apparently as a mere freak, for use as an occasional summer residence, by the Right Honourable William Conolly of Castletown, Speaker of the Irish House of Commons, about the year 1725, shortly after he purchased the Duke of Wharton's estate in this neighbourhood.' 

St. John Joyce mentions another Satanic appearance, due to the use of part of a local megalithic standing stone in the construction of the lodge: 

'Shortly after the house was built, the slated roof was blown off one night in a tremendous storm - by the agency of the devil it was popularly believed, on account of the sacrilegious conduct of the builder in desecrating the old carn. But Squire Conolly was not a man to be easily beaten, and so he set to work and built a massive arched roof of stones keyed together as in a bridge, and of such impregnable strength that it has effectually withstood the efforts of wind or devil - whichever it was - from that day to this.' 

St. John Joyce also expressed uncertainty with regard to the tenuous occult significance of Mount Pelier: 

'With regard to one of the names which seems to have taken the fancy of the public, it is to be observed that while the Hell-Fire Club may have held some of its meetings in this house, it is tolerably certain that it was never one of the regular meeting-places of that mysterious and iniquitous body, the ordinary rendezvous of which was the Eagle Tavern on Cork Hill.' 

As with the exploits of other larger than life characters, the stories of the Hell-Fire Club vary, but most mention the Eagle Tavern, once on Cork Hill (by Dublin Castle) as the main centre of operation, where the "Bucks" swigged *Scultheen*, a 'special mixture of whiskey and butter'. "Bucks" were a class of gent '"whose whole enjoyment and the business of whose life seemed to consist of eccentricity and violence"'(Somerville-Large). 

Somerville-Large tells us 'popular supposition associates [The Hell-Fire Club] with the gaunt ruin on top of Montpelier Hill, and the odd black mass have taken place in Mr. Conolly's airy shooting lodge. The club is supposed to have set fire to the place to give it a more hellish appearance, while the reputed burning of a lady in a barrel sounds like an outdoor occasion'. 

Andrew Behan, who unfortunately seems have been possesed by the dark forces of H.P. Lovecraft and the Necromonicon, reckons that it is *possible* that ;the Hell-Fire Club did indeed carry out black masses and orgies on Montpelier 


2002-05-20 Thread Wes676767


A few months ago, Blather spent two issues telling the tale of the Irish Hell-Fire Club of the 1730s and 1740s, whilst exploring the available (and often apocryphal) evidence of the alleged 'satanic' behaviour of the ruling classes of the time. We now turn our attention to the English Hell-Fire Club, which operated from the late 1740s and into the 1760s. 

\ Ironically, this Club never really called itself a Hell-Fire Club - it had various other names dreamt up by its founder, Sir Francis Dashwood (later Lord Le Despencer), such as 'The Knights of St. Francis of Wycombe', or 'The Monks of Medmenham', but seems to have attracted the 'Hell-Fire' label through the organisation's reputation, echoing that of earlier clubs - suppression of 'Hell-Fire Clubs' had been enforced (quietly uselessly, it would seem) since 1721, suggesting that the clubs of later decades were more exclusive, and perhaps a little more pretentious than the early manifestations. 

As E. Beresford Chancellor quotes from a news-sheet of February 20th, 1720: 

" The Hell-Fires, you may guess, aim at a more transcendent malignity, deriding the forms of religion as a trifle with them, by a natural progression from the form they turn to the substance; with Lucifer they fly at Divinity. The third person of the Trinity is what they peculiarly attack; by the following specimen you may judge of their good will: i.e., their calling for a Holy-Ghost-pye at the tavern, in which, by the bye, you may still observe the propriety and justice of God's judgement on them that blasts the advantages of their education so as to make this shocking stupidity to be the poignancy of their wit, and the life they lead the sublimity of their genius. Such is their disposition; the next things to be remarked are their education and usual place of conference. Their education then, after the care of tender parents and their initiation into the liberal arts, is proposed to be finished in an academy; (do not mistake me) not a scholastic, schismatical one, but a riding one, where obsceneness, curses, blasphemy, exclamations with revolving regularity meet each curvet of the more rational animal. Their usual place of conference in full council is a diminutive tavern not far from thence, where the master and cook may perhaps in time hear something from a Magistrate for striking in with the rakes' blasphemous jests and supplying them with cards and dice on Sundays." 

As may be divined from our earlier writings, the Irish Hell-Fires of the 1730s, despite including members of peerage and parliament, seemed to be a wild weird bunch of philandering rakes. The English Hell-Fire club, with which this article is concerned, was a different kettle of fish altogether. They were a small, organised group of select members, with a central core of 13 members, Dashwood - a Member of Parliament being the leader. Other members (or 'apostles') included Lord Sandwich (who at one point commanded the Royal Navy), the famous politician John Wilkes, painter William Hogarth and poets Charles Churchill, Paul Whitehead and Robert Lloyd. American Benjamin Franklin certainly visited Dashwood's family seat and West Wycombe, but doesn't seem to have been at the core of any 'Hell-Fire' activities, despite the more spurious books written about the Club. One of these is Daniel P. Mannix's *The Hell-Fire Club*, which gives away its angle of attack with a tabloidish subtitle: 'Orgies were their pleasure - Politics their pastime'. 

Mannix's 'account' of the Club's activities reads more like a Denis Wheatley novel than an historical account - we could never trust a book that pertains to tell the truth, grabs quotes from all around and yet has no references or index. However, despite its gleeful horror and emotive claims, this book is a useful guide to the sources of the apocryphal stories surrounding Dashwood and friends. Of the various sources we've come across, the rather rare 1925 *The Lives of The Rakes IV - The Hellfire Club* by E. Beresford Chancellor and *The Dashwoods of West Wycombe* by the current Sir Francis Dashwood seem to be the most sober and apparently reliable texts available. 

Even today, when 'Hell-Fire Clubs' are mentioned in even the most secular of circles, vague mutterings of 'Satanists, weren't they?' can be heard. 

The problem is, it's quite difficult to define *what* the practice of 'Satanism' really entails, apart from the writings of Anton Szandor LaVey and the Church of Satan - an organisation which certainly does not conform to the media - and thus public - perception of 'Satanism', e.g. human sacrifice, ritual abuse, etc. Judging by various cases of alleged Satanism in recent years - the mainstream media using the term as if it were synonymous with 'occultism', many of today's 'independent' practitioners seem to doing *what they think Satanism should be*. Of course, there are schools of 'thought' that would 

[CTRL] 9-11 The Road To Tyranny And Some Reflections On When Human Sacrifice Is Appropr

2002-05-20 Thread Wes676767

9-11 The Road To Tyranny
And Some Reflections On When Human Sacrifice Is Appropriate


2:05:02 AM

Bill White

Commentary -- I just finished watching a second video by Alex Jones entitled, I believe, "9-11: The Road To Tyranny". This was the second of five videos I received 
recently from a regular reader of this site, and the first, the Bohemian Grove 
video I saw last night, was so good I had to catch this one. The first hour 
or so of it did not impress me -- I'll go into why later -- but the second 
hour (and its not quite done yet -- I started watching it at midnight), was 
oen of the most moving videos I've seen since the Waco: Rules of Engagement 
video that showed the nine year old girl who was cooked alive by the BATF 
butchers at Waco, Texas.

Alex Jones, I discovered today (several of you wrote me about him), is a 
radical Zionist who believes in Middle East / Arab conspiracy theories. He 
believes the Iraqis helped blow up Oklahoma City and that Arabs are an 
integral part of the forces of the New World Order. In short, he buys into 
and believes in Jewish New World Order propaganda -- he believes in 
the "Judaeo-Christian" nonsense that was created by the same Bradley-Olin-
Scaife foundation set that pulls the strings on the puppets who have invented 
the FEMA-CIA-USA PATRIOT terror state. This skewed perspective makes a lot of 
the interpretations he gives events meaningless, as he ignores information 
that would tend to lead to a more comprehensive understanding of the problems 
with the official government stories that he so aptly reveals.

That said, I have to say that I have a great admiration for Mr Jones, because 
he has traveled the country infiltrating and filming these police state 
maneuvers, and running around with a bullhorn disrupting news casts and trying 
to stop, one camera at a time, the government psyop tactics that are 
destroying America.

The video started to become moving when Jones played a tape of a woman in 
Indiana being stopped at a checkpoint and pulled from her car because she 
refused to show identification to a police officer. The police have no right 
or authority to stop a car at random and demand to see identification, but I 
know they are doing it, because one of the people at the party I was at last 
night said they had been stopped like that just the other day, here in 
Maryland. The woman in the video is attacked by two police officers and 
arrested and charged with "assault" because she argues with them as they 
physically drag her from her car because she is refusing to produce her 
papers. She eventually wins in court -- but the tape of what happens was so 
shocking and horrifying that it even defies my paranoia.

Jones then goes to a number of government training exercises where government 
troops are being trained in "domestic counter-insurgency" -- tactics to 
suppress a domestic uprising in the case of gun confiscation. The military 
pays civilians to be "actors", where they stand around shouting "we are 
Americans" and "you can't do this to us" as federal soldiers beat them, shoot 
at them, detain them and torture them. The government is training US soldiers 
to believe that US citizens have no rights, and that the government can order 
our own citizens killed with impunity in furtherance of a government diktat.

There is a lot in the tape -- info on how FEMA concentration camps were 
activated to hold anti-globalist demonstrators in Seattle, and background on 
how the whole system got set up. Jones covers the new special forces light 
and sound weapons -- I know they exist, because I own one -- which are 
supposed to incapacitate a person instantly (and they can, but only if the 
person is not expecting them, and they are used, in the case of light weapons, 
in a very dark environment).

What's more important to me, though, is how likely is the government to 
suceed. This has become a very personal question for me, because I did 
discover the other day that the government has a FEMA team monitoring me -- of 
all people -- and are extremely concerned about both this website and my 
comrades and I's organization. What I have dicovered since then is that they 
are very concerned that if they were to attack us, that they would not be able 
to succeed, and they would spark an insurrection in the process -- just as 
some feds believe (with some justification), that my resignation from UAP in 
1999 led directly to the activation of our quietly affiliated organizers 
throughout the world of politics to create the violence of the anti-
globalization movement.

The first thing to know is that the destruction of bourgeois society -- of the 
Republican type of society that guarantees all men civil liberties and civil 
rights -- and its replacement with international slave states is an ancient 
prophetic doctrine that is manifested in all the Traditional world's 

[CTRL] Rappoport: Florida Being Set Up?

2002-05-20 Thread Wes676767


Today Orlando, Florida, officials are announcing there has been a terrorist threat to the city's water supply. Well, the FBI told them so it must be true.
 If I weren't a solid loyal drone, I might think Florida was being set up. Let's see.
 The state, as far as I know, is still technically under martial law declared by Jeb Bush, the governor and brother of the president.
 There were those flight schools that trained the "hijacker pilots." At least one school appeared to have a connection to the CIA.
 There was "the first case of inhalation anthrax," Bob Stevens, who worked for the Boca Raton tabloid publisher, AMI.
 There was Charles Bishop, the kid who suddenly out of nowhere stole a small plane from a flight school and rammed it into a Bank of America skyscraper.
 The first child to get injected with a track-you-all-the-time chip lives in Florida.
 The biggest vote fraud in US history occurred in Florida in November 2000. On both sides.
 Naw. Couldn't be. These are all just unrelated happenstances. 

Re: [CTRL] Was 9-11 Preventable?: Opinion and Retort :-)

2002-05-20 Thread Wes676767
In a message dated 5/20/02 8:45:02 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Take out Saudi Arabia (the country, not just a few token cities), Afghanistan (same here), Iraq (ditto) and maybe Egypt and Iran for good measure. Whatever is left of the "Arab" and/or "Islamic world" will be too fucking scared to breathe much less cause trouble.

Simpler solution is to end our blind support for Israel's brutal occupation of Palestine.
Stop arming them and let them figure out a fair and equitable peace on a level playing field.
I hear Madagascar is nice this time of year...



2002-05-19 Thread Wes676767

Title: **Globe-Intel**

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Editor-in-Chief  Number

  Carol Adler   May 19, 2002    


  Gordon Thomas


  Mark DankofDavid
McGowanJoseph Ehrlich

  John Kusumi Tariq SaeediTakashi
Thomas Tanemori



by Tariq Saeedi


information group, the world's foremost source on intelligence information,
reported in July 2001 that  The
Indian spy agency RAW and the Israeli spy agency Mossad have created four new
agencies to infiltrate Pakistan to target important religious and military
personalities, journalists, judges, lawyers and bureaucrats. In
addition, bombs would be exploded in trains, railway stations, bridges, bus
stations, cinemas, hotels and mosques of rival Islamic sects to incite

intelligence agencies also said that RAW had constituted a plan to lure
Pakistani men between 20 and 30 years of age to visit India so that they could
be entrapped in cases of fake currency and subversion and then be
coerced to spy for India.

was the high point
of cementing an unholy alliance which began much earlier and which continues to
tighten its noose around the neck of Pakistan,
and Central Asia.

appears that RAW and Mossad -- either singly or jointly, either covertly or
overtly -- have been making efforts to penetrate sensitive circles of top
echelon in Pakistan.

cannot be said with certainty but there are some reasons to assume that Benazir
Bhutto, the former prime minister of Pakistan,
wittingly or unwittingly, played in the hands of RAW-Mossad masterminds. She
appointed Rehman Malik as chief of the Federal Investigation Agency which then
launched a secret war against the Islamists; amounting to a direct attack on
the ISI. 

against religious extremists could have been a laudable goal but it seemed to
target only those elements which could have brought a semblance of moderation
to the religious swatch cutting across Pakistan

leaving the field wide open for extremists. 

seems that the Pakistani military was equally dismayed by reports of FIA
contacts with the Israeli secret service, the MOSSAD, to investigate Islamist

of the first acts of President Leghari after dismissing Benazir Bhutto on November 5, 1996
was to imprison the Ghulam Asghar, head of FIA, suspended on non-specified
corruption charges. Rehman Malik, Addl. Director General FIA, was also

these actions were triggered as a consequence of plotting by RAW-Mossad
planners or whether it was an entirely internal matter, it is difficult to say.

visit to India
last year at a time when Pakistan
was going through one of the worst crises in its history, and her statements
there which aimed to undermine the whole foundation of Pakistan,
generate more than a flicker of doubt in analytic minds. 

basic question arises: Who is Benazir Bhutto? 

BB to her own fate, let's return to RAW-Mossad connection. 

is clear right now is that Indian RAW and Israeli Mossad are collaborating
extensively to curb the freedom movement of Kashmir
and destabilize Pakistan.

Indian newspaper The Pioneer wrote on March 3, 2001:
Fencing of the Indo-Pak border is not enough. To check
Pakistan-sponsored cross-border terrorism, top security experts of Israel have
suggested that hi-tech gadgets ranging from an electronic barrier system of
radars to thermal imaging devices should be immediately installed on India's
sensitive international border in J[ammu]  K[ashmir] and Punjab sectors.

team of experts, including officials of the Mossad, the Israeli Army and the
Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI), also found shocking loopholes in the security
arrangements relating to the much-talked about Samjhauta Express. They advised
that instead of Lahore,
the train should terminate on the Attari border. Sources in the Ministry of
Home Affairs said the Israeli experts surveyed the 198 km international border
in Jammu
and Punjab
and reviewed the route of the Samjhauta Express with top officials of 


2002-05-19 Thread Wes676767

For release May 15, 2002: 

Washington -- The Eight Circuit Court of Appeals has refused a petition supported by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons and the ALCU for a rehearing to overturn the forced drugging of Charles Sell, a St. Louis dentist charged with billing fraud. 

Last weeks' 5 to 4 oral decision comes after a March 2002 ruling that found that a defendant can be forcibly drugged even though he has not been convicted of any charges, nor has been found to be a danger to himself or others. 

"The Court's ruling is in obvious conflict to Supreme Court rulings, " said AAPS Attorney, Andrew Schlafly. "The stunning breadth of the decision leaves few, if any, defendants free from the threat of being medicated against their will." 

The majority opinion issued in March acknowledging that "the evidence does not support a finding that Sell posed a danger to himself or others" but still found that "charges of fraud" alone are "serious" enough to justify forced medication. Further, the Court held that there are no limits on the quantity or type of drugs. 

Dr. Sell, charged with Medicaid fraud, has been imprisoned for more than 4 years, including one- and-one-half years in solitary confinement. He has never been brought to trial. 

In the Motion for Rehearing, AAPS argued: 

"The Decision holds that merely by alleging fraud, the State may inject mind-altering drugs into a prisoner against his will, based on government testimony. The panel majority even rejected any limits on the type or quantity of the drugs injected, and implicitly allowed drugs that have not been fully tested and approved for the specific purpose. 

"Because the Decision is at odds with Supreme Court holdings, adherence to Rule of Law requires a rehearing en banc." 

Court documents filed by the ACLU echo those arguments: 

"The Panel's holding that an intermediate level of scrutiny is required for the government to administer involuntarily antipsychotic medication for the sole purpose of rendering a non-dangerous pretrial detainee competent to stand trial conflicts with the decisions of other Courts of Appeals that strict scrutiny is required to satisfy a non- dangerous pretrial detainee's due process rights. 

"The Panel's opinion fails to determine if the government's interest is compelling before applying its balancing test, and fails to acknowledge the fundamental liberty status that the Supreme Court has granted to non-dangerous people to be free from involuntary medication by the government." 

Mr. Schlafly says that AAPS will continue efforts to overturn the decision. 

Re: [CTRL] Petition Demanding Investigation and Impeachment of Bush

2002-05-19 Thread Wes676767
In a message dated 5/19/02 5:51:06 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Oh Dear God People! Do you actually think Gore could have done a better job? Ge get off of it! 

That really isn't the point.
The problem is that the current occupant of the White House didn't win the election and was placed there by a few partisans on the Supreme Court.
Would Gore have done any better? Who knows...



2002-05-19 Thread Wes676767


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  From Rumor Mill News Reading Room


  Posted By: BarbaraHartwell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Sunday, 19 May 2002, 11:27 a.m.

Note from Babs:
Thanks to A Voice for Children for this excellent presentation on Fifth 
Amendment rights under the U.S. Constitution.


By Carl F. Worden

I have debated writing this article for months.

I am a strong supporter of law enforcement, and I have an extensive background 
in law enforcement. Even now, I have a number of conflicts which cause me great 
concern with how the information I am about to impart to you will be used. I do not 
want to enable the criminals in our society to thwart justice, but I am committed to 
protecting the innocent from what appears to be an explosion of police abuse. In a 
case like this, I choose to protect the citizens.

I will start with law enforcement contacts with regard to traffic stops for 
suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

The Fifth Amendment of the Bill of Rights states that we are not to be forced 
to incriminate ourselves. The actual wording is that you cannot be compelled to be a 
witness against yourself. If you are stopped for suspicion of DUI, these are your 
rights, regardless of the laws of your state.

First, you are to deny having consumed any alcoholic beverages whatsoever. You 
are never to admit to having one or two drinks. If you admit to consuming even one 
drop of alcohol, you open the door to probable cause, allowing the police officer to 
search your vehicle for open containers. Next, you are never to submit to a field 
sobriety test. You are to refuse to do so. They cannot make you walk the line, balance 
or anything else. If arrested, you are to refuse to allow a blood or breath test, 
regardless of what state law requires, such as revocation of driving privileges for a 
period of time. That is an attempt to compel you to be a witness against yourself. 
Supreme Court decisions in this area are quite specific with regard to your rights as 

Lefkowitz v. Turley, 94 S. Ct. 316, 414 U.S. 70 (19 73).

The Fifth Amendment provides that no person shall be compelled in any 
criminal case to be a witness against himself. The Amendment not only protects the 
individual against being involuntarily called as a witness against himself in a 
criminal prosecution but also privileges him not to answer official questions put to 
him in any other proceeding civil or criminal formal or informal, where the answers 
might incriminate him in future criminal proceedings.

McCarthy v. Arndstein 266 U.S. 34, 40, 45 S. Ct. 16, 17, 69 L.Ed 158 (1924), 
squarely held that the privilege is not ordinarily dependent upon the nature of the 
proceeding in which the testimony is sought or is to be used. It applies alike to 
civil and criminal proceedings, wherever the answer might tend to subject to criminal 
responsibility him who gives it. The privilege protects a mere witness as fully as it 
does one who is a party defendant. Maness v. Myers, 95 S Ct. 584, 419 US 449 (1975). 
...where the Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination is Involved ... 
This Court has always construed its protection to ensure that an individual is not 
compelled to produce evidence which later may be used against him as an accused in a 
criminal action... The protection does not merely encompass evidence which may lead to 
criminal conviction, but includes information which would furnish a link in the chain 
of evidence that could lead to prosecution, as well as evidence which an individual 
reasonably believes could be used against him in a criminal prosecution. Hoffman v. 
United States, 341 US. 479, 486, 71 S. Ct. 814, 818, 95 L. Ed. 1] 18 (1951). 

In Kastigar v. United States, 406 U S 441, 92 S Ct. 1653, 32 LEd. 212 (1972), 
we recently reaffirmed the principle that the privilege against self incrimination can 
be asserted in any proceeding, civil or criminal, administrative or judicial, 
investigatory or adjudicatory. Id., at 444, 92 S.Ct., at 1656; Lefkowitz v. Turley, 
414 US. 70, 77, 94 S. Ct. 316, 322, 38 L.Ed. 2d 274 (1973)...

Miranda v. Arizona, 86 S.Ct. 1602, 384 US 436 (1966).

We have recently noted that the privilege against self-incrimination --- the 
essential mainstay of our adversary system-is founded on a complex of values ... To 
maintain a fair state individual balance, to require the 

[CTRL] ISRAEL'S TALIBAN: The rising tide of Israeli extremism

2002-05-19 Thread Wes676767

ISRAEL'S TALIBAN: The rising tide of Israeli extremism  
By: Justin Rainmondo
Posted: 2002-05-17  

The Israeli Taliban had its national convention the other day, and the nutballs won out: the Likud party went on record as declaring that it would never accept the legitimacy of a Palestinian state. In a stemwinder of a speech, ultra-rightist Benjamin Netanyahu gave voice to what has been, up to now, a largely unspoken sentiment, advocated only by the most extreme fringe parties: 

"In order to defeat terrorism, we must take three steps. First, we must complete the purification of the area, and clean it out totally of all fighting forces and arms. The Prime Minister and the government began this mission, but it has not yet been completed." 

Ah yes, "purification" – an ominous word choice. 

To be fair, this translation is unique to the excerpt that appears on David Horowitz's site: on the site, which offers the complete text of the speech, this word is missing. But that is just nitpicking, for the ethnic cleansing of Palestine has always been implicit in the Zionist program, in spite of the (public) protestations of its leaders – and is now becoming more explicit as the Middle East crisis reaches a feverish pitch. 

Today, 46 percent of Israelis support what even Vladimir Jabotinsky, the founder of hard-line "revisionist" Zionism, explicitly ruled out – the forcible expulsion of 3 million Arabs. Over 60 percent want the government to "encourage" Israeli Arabs to leave the country, according to Ha'aretz. The growing respectability of these ideas is symbolized by the entry of the fundamentalist National Religious Party into the government. 

Another Likud coalition partner is the Molodet party, which holds the Ministry of Tourism: Benny Elon, the head of the ministry, recently launched a publicity campaign on behalf of his party's main platform plank: "Only transfer will bring peace," as the billboards emblazoned with the Molodet slogan proclaim. 

According to the Zionist ultras, there already is a Palestinian state, it is located in Jordan – and the Palestinians need to go back there. Sharon, during his tenure as Defense Minister, once averred that "there is a Palestinian state. All that is needed is a headline." To say that the Jordanians, not to mention the US State Department, oppose this on the grounds it would be destabilizing is a bit of an understatement. As one wag put it: "Presumably the headline would be 'King Hussein dead. Arafat in Amman.'" 

To get a good look inside the Netanyahu mindset, check out Christopher Hitchens' memorable piece posted four years ago in Salon: 

"A few weeks ago, in this holy city, a public lecture was offered by Benzion Netanyahu. It was in honor of a man named Abba Ahimeir. Neither of these two men is, perhaps, as well known as he ought to be. Benzion Netanyahu, the 87-year-old father of the [then-]Israeli prime minister, is a scholar at Princeton University and the author of The Origins of the Inquisition … Abba Ahimeir was a writer and activist in British Mandate Palestine, and a zealous lieutenant of Jabotinsky. In the pages of the magazine Doar Hayom, during the late 1920s and '30s, he wrote a celebrated column titled 'From the Notebook of a Fascist." He hymned Mussolini, referred to Jabotinsky as 'Our Duce,' and even went so far as to say that Hitler was on the right track, except for his excessive anti-Semitism. … Ahimeir, said the elder Netanyahu, had been his mentor." 

Yes, but is the son responsible for the sins of his father? Hitchens informs us "it is very well attested that Netanyahu the younger makes few moves without consulting his revered papa, who also rose to be Jabotinsky's secretary and pallbearer." His mentor, Ahimeir, headed a faction of Jabotinsky's Revisionist movement called Brit Habirionim, or Alliance of the Strong, although birionim, in the contemporary vernacular, has come to mean "hooligans." Netanyahu senior once told an interviewer: 

"It is obvious to me that there is no Palestinian people. Not in the past, nor in the present. ... What we have here is simply a branch of the Arab people. The claim that such a people exist is only being made so as to justify the call to liquidate the Jewish state. They [the Palestinians] are trying to create the illusion of a people that in fact has never existed." 

Hitchens cites a March 21, 1998 article in Ha'aretz, by Shani Litman, reporting on a talk given by Netanyahu to an audience of "right-wing retired officers and security men in Tel Aviv." He assured them there would be no sell-out: 

"We are making a constant effort to preserve the maximum, including territories I would fight for even if they had no security value." 

Hitchens also cites a piece by Israeli analyst Akiva Eldar that told of a "memorandum of understanding" signed by the Israeli and Palestinian security chiefs, brokered by the Americans, 

[CTRL] MOSSAD Can Target U.S. Forces, Framing Arabs

2002-05-19 Thread Wes676767

MOSSAD Can Target U.S. Forces, Framing Arabs

[Note: This article was published the day before the New York and Washington attacks] 

U.S. troops would enforce peace under Army study 

by Rowan Scarborough - The Washington Times

An elite U.S. Army study center has devised a plan for enforcing a major Israeli-Palestinian peace accord that would require about 20,000 well-armed troops stationed throughout Israel and a newly created Palestinian state.

There are no plans by the Bush administration to put American soldiers into the Middle East to police an agreement forged by the longtime warring parties. In fact, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld is searching for ways to reduce U.S. peacekeeping efforts abroad, rather than increasing such missions.

But a 68-page paper by the Army School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS) does provide a look at the daunting task any international peacekeeping force would face if the United Nations authorized it, and Israel and the Palestinians ever reached a peace agreement. Located at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., the School for Advanced Military Studies is both a training ground and a think tank for some of the Army's brightest officers. Officials say the Army chief of staff, and sometimes the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ask SAMS to develop contingency plans for future military operations. During the 1991 Persian Gulf war, SAMS personnel helped plan the coalition ground attack that avoided a strike up the middle of Iraqi positions and instead executed a "left hook" that routed the enemy in 100 hours.

The cover page for the recent SAMS project said it was done for the Joint
Chiefs of Staff. But Maj. Chris Garver, a Fort Leavenworth spokesman,
said the study was not requested by Washington.

"This was just an academic exercise," said Maj. Garver. "They were trying to take a current situation and get some training out of it."

The exercise was done by 60 officers dubbed "Jedi Knights," as all second-year SAMS students are nicknamed.

The SAMS paper attempts to predict events in the first year of a peace-enforcement operation, and sees possible dangers for U.S. troops from both sides.

It calls Israel's armed forces a "500-pound gorilla in Israel. Well armed and trained. Operates in both Gaza and the West Bank. Known to disregard international law to accomplish mission. Very unlikely to fire on American forces. Fratricide a concern especially in air space management."

Of the MOSSAD, the Israeli intelligence service, the SAMS officers say: "Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act."

On the Palestinian side, the paper describes their youth as "loose cannons; under no control, sometimes violent." The study lists five Arab terrorist groups that could target American troops for assassination and hostage-taking.

The study recommends "neutrality in word and deed" as one way to protect U.S. soldiers from any attack. It also says Syria, Egypt and Jordan must be warned "we will act decisively in response to external attack."

It is unlikely either of the three would mount an attack. Of Syria's military, the report says: "Syrian army quantitatively larger than Israeli Defense Forces, but largely seen as qualitatively inferior. More likely, however, Syrians would provide financial and political support to the Palestinians, as well as increase covert support to terrorism acts through Lebanon."

Of Egypt's military, the paper says, "Egyptians also maintain a large army but have little to gain by attacking Israel."

The plan does not specify a full order of battle. An Army source who reviewed the SAMS work said each of a possible three brigades would require about 100 Bradley fighting vehicles, 25 tanks, 12 self-propelled howitzers, Apache attack helicopters, Kiowa Warrior reconnaissance helicopters and Predator spy drones.

The report predicts that non-lethal weapons would be used to quell unrest.

U.S. European Command, which is headed by NATO's supreme allied commander, would oversee the peacekeeping operation. Commanders would maintain areas of operation, or AOs, around Nablus, Jerusalem, Hebron and the Gaza strip.

The study sets out a list of goals for U.S. troops to accomplish in the first 30 days. They include: "create conditions for development of Palestinian State and security of Israel "; ensure "equal distribution of contract value or equivalent aid" . . . that would help legitimize the peacekeeping force and stimulate economic growth; "promote U.S. investment in Palestine"; "encourage reconciliation between entities based on acceptance of new national identities"; and "build lasting relationship based on new legal borders and not religious-territorial claims."

Maj. Garver said the officers who completed the exercise will hold major planning jobs once they graduate. "There is an application process" for students, he said. "They screen their records, and 

[CTRL] The Scapegoating of Ted Kaczynski:Cereal Murder and the Group Mind

2002-05-19 Thread Wes676767

The Scapegoating of Ted Kaczynski:Cereal Murder and the Group Mind

Joan d’Arc Interviews Michael Hoffman, II   

Joan d’Arc: Michael, in your excellent on-line article entitled “The Scapegoat: Ted Kaczynski, Ritual Murder and the Invocation of Catastrophe,” you write that the Unabom case has been “rubber-stamped in newsrooms with the logo of the FBI.” As you explain, a very un-American collusion between the media and the FBI from the beginning primed the public for Ted Kaczynski’s guilt without due process and trial. Have we been witness again to a ‘lone nut’ in the making?


Michael Hoffman: Yes, this is the point I make in my essay, “Profiling the FBI’s Unabom Charade.” It fits the classic profile from Oswald to Arthur Bremer to Tim McVeigh. The tip-off is when you see, at the height of the investigation, that the chief suspect is apprehended and yet there is no search for accomplices. This was true with “Son of Sam” and now with Kaczynski. How was the FBI so certain Kaczynski had zero accomplices? Because they had Kaczynski under surveillance for years. They were shepherding him. Unabom is a Federal government operation.


d’Arc: As you state, the nomenclature of the “Unabom-er” was concocted by the FBI. You state that no credible evidence has actually linked Mr. Kaczynski to all or even most of the bombings. In addition, the most well-known sketch of the alleged “Unabom” suspect depicts a hooded man with sunglasses, a mustache and curly red hair. Strangely, the “Unabom Manifesto” alludes to the existence of potential accomplices in the mail bomb attacks for which Kaczynski is now famous. Yet there has been no investigation or follow-up of various leads – nor has there been media curiosity – about this possibility. How does this fit into the ‘Trial by Media” scenario?


Hoffman: I am a former reporter for the N.Y. bureau of the Associated Press so I know the media. People have this idea that reporters for big outlets are these super-hip, highly educated people. They’re not! They are mostly low-grade careerists who eat junk food and have filled their heads with conformist crap since they started college. They are rubber-stamped from a mold. They have no curiosity because real curiosity is dangerous --just ask the late reporter Don Bolles who got car-bombed by Barry Goldwater’s pal Kemper Marley. Bolles was a very curious reporter!

I think the local reporters on the Kaczynski scene in Montana, from the Great Falls, Helena and Missoula papers and TV stations, knew that something intense was happening involving the “Power Brokers” and they backed off. The first question a good reporter would ask of the Feds is, “Why are you so certain Kaczynski acted alone? You haven’t even searched for any accomplices even though the ‘Unabom Manifesto’ mentions other members of the FC club?”

There are hundreds of questions. I’d start there.


d’Arc: You point to the fact that nobody other than the Feds were allowed anywhere near Kaczynski’s cabin during the search and seizure of property, where the media reported that “truckloads of evidence” were taken from a tiny structure less than 200 square feet. What in your estimation is wrong with this picture?


Hoffman: It’s the same picture as in Oklahoma City where the Murrah building was demolished before any real investigation could begin. This destruction of evidence-- a felony -- is committed by the felon in “our” own government.


d’Arc: Michael, you write that a few days after Ted Kaczynski’s apprehension, on April 11, 1996, you got his attention by holding up a cardboard poster at the window of the Helena jail. You indicate that via sign language Kaczynski expressed an interest in a visit from you in jail, and that you entered the jail on that day. Can you describe what you saw in the jail that day. Were you his only visitor and were you able to see Mr. Kaczynski?


Hoffman: It was eerie. The jail was deserted except for a couple of local people visiting some other prisoner. This was the day Kaczynski was the most famous man in America. This was the day Time and Newsweek came out with Kaczynski on the cover. Yet there were no environmentalists at the jail drumming support, singing, chanting so Kaczynski could hear them. No environmentalists trying to visit him. Just me, one lone investigator and that was it. The environmentalists were massaging their computer keyboards at the time. There was wild speculation and gossip flying all over the Internet. But for some reason no one bothered to go to the scene – beyond virtual reality to reality. Except for me, Kaczynski was totally alone. It was spooky, given the fact that he was the most famous man on the planet at the time.


d’Arc: You also state that one of the media/FBI myths about Ted Kaczynski was that he was “a reviled kook who reeked of body odor, dressed abominably and was paranoid.” Can you tell us how you 


2002-05-18 Thread Wes676767

Wed May 15, 9:09 PM ET 
By Ted Rall 

When Idiocy Meets Evil Outside Kabul

NEW YORK-This is fair to say: Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, a 55-year-old Pashtun warlord, is a bad man. Evil, even. "What we're talking about here is someone at the absolute margin of violence in Afghan society-in his own way someone as extreme as Osama bin Laden (news - web sites)," Anthony Cordesman, a defense analyst at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said in an interview. "He has a history that has proved about as conclusively as anyone can that this is a violent, vicious man who deserves to be a target." 

A target of what? A target of whom? Hang tight through the next 124 words: 

When his Hezb-e-Islami faction was part of a coalition fighting the Soviet army during the `80s, Hekmatyar earned a reputation for treachery and over-the-top violence that shocked even war-hardened Afghan sensibilities. His forces, according to more moderate warlords, killed more innocent Afghans than Soviets. Notches on his gun include the murders of at least two BBC journalists and Dr. Sayed Burhannudin Madjruh, an intellectual who was one of the nation's leading poets. As prime minister for the Northern Alliance government, he ruled the city of Kabul for a few months during 1996 before being ousted by Taliban troops; in an effort to out-Taliban the Taliban he banned movies, music and soccer. He was financed in these exploits by both the CIA (news - web sites) and Pakistani intelligence. 

None of this, however, explains why the CIA tried to assassinate him on May 6. 

"We had information," an anonymous Pentagon (news - web sites) official told The New York Times' Thomas Shanker, "that he was planning attacks on American and coalition forces, on the interim government and on [interim president Hamid] Karzai himself." 

You and I, faced with such information, might have had Hekmatyar picked up for questioning. We might put him and his pals on trial for conspiracy and, if he were found guilty, thrown in prison. But the guys in the White House aren't like us. They're gangsters. Gangsters are above the law. Gangsters don't bother with judges and juries. They pay off judges; they have their enemies whacked. 

And so your illegitimate gangster government, less than a month after it attempted to overthrow the democratically-elected government of Venezuela, sent up one of those unmanned Predator drone planes. Some dude punched a button on an iMac at an undisclosed location in the Virginia suburbs and fired a Hellfire missile at Hekmatyar's car convoy on a road just outside Kabul. "I believe some others were killed in the strike, but the target escaped," an unnamed U.S. official told Reuters. Hekmatyar's spokesman and son-in-law Ghairat Baheer in Islamabad said: "He is in Afghanistan...but there was no attack." 

Experts speculate that the missile hit a group of cars that had nothing to do with Hekmatyar. 

Just when the Bush Administration seems to have achieved the ultimate combination of hubris, stupidity and viciousness, it outdoes itself. First the U.S. government, despite repeatedly being suckered by Afghan factions into attacking their rivals, chooses to believe Karzai's accusations of a Hekmatyar plot. (Hekmatyar had, in February, pledged loyalty and support to Karzai's interim regime.) Then, rather than letting the Afghans sort out their internal politics for themselves (in Afghanistan (news - web sites), warlords are the politicians), the Bushies decide to murder the guy. But rather than send a sniper to do an assassin's job, they use an electronic remote-controlled blue-bottle fly...which misses. 

"While foreign troops are present, the interim government does not have any value or meaning," Hekmatyar said in a February statement calling for the U.S. to leave Afghanistan. "We prefer involvement in internal war rather than occupation by foreigners and foreign troops." Don't be surprised, now that we've tried to kill him, if Hekmatyar really does go after Americans. Naturally, the Bushies' circular logic would view that as vindication. 

"The attack on Mr. Hekmatyar...was the first confirmed mission to kill a factional leader who was not officially part of the fallen Taliban government or Al Qaeda terrorist network," the Times wrote May 9. In fact, Hekmatyar was militantly anti-Taliban and anti-Al Qaeda. He was targeted solely because he opposes the U.S. occupation and because his support for America's hand-picked Afghan leader, Hamid Karzai, has been less than wholehearted. 

Ironically, Hekmatyar's Afghan street cred is infinitely broader than Karzai's. Karzai has no militia and no experience fighting the Soviets. He spent the late `90s as a Unocal oil employee sucking up to the Taliban in the hopes that they'd allow his company to run a pipeline through their territory. Were the U.S. to pull out today, Karzai would be 

[CTRL] Transformation of America's Schools Into A Police State

2002-05-18 Thread Wes676767

Transformation of America's Schools Into A Police State 

America's schools are in the process of turning into a police state, paving the way for a national ID card and the approach of the so-called New World Order that so many of today's politicians are pushing for. 
This needs to be stopped, and the only way for it to be stopped is for students around the country to stand up against it. 

I am a sophomore at Killeen High School in Killeen, Texas. I've seen everything the Feds are trying to implement in our schools. I'm not letting them get away with it. 

Some 2,000 students at Killeen High School (KHS) are required to wear a school-mandated ID card at all times on campus. This ID card prominently displays the student's name, photo, grade-level, and Social Security number across the front. Also, along the bottom of the card, is a barcode encrypted with the student's Social Security number. A barcode which is simple to read if you know Numeric Code 39. 

But why post a student's Social Security number for hundreds of other students and administrators to see? There is no logical answer. And no legal answer. 

The system is basically the same as it is in Ruston High School in Ruston, Louisiana. As David Bresnahan pointed out in his WorldNetDaily article, "Each student in Louisiana, whether they know it or not, has a state student ID number. That number by default is also their Social Security number." 

That is most likely the same model that Texas and many other states use. But why are students' Social Security numbers used by default? This is all very unclear. 

In accordance with the Social Security Act, which states that government agents can have your Social Security number only for the purpose of administering assistance, what legal standpoint do these schools have for publicly displaying students' Social Security numbers? 

The Privacy Act of 1974 also addresses this issue, stating that it is unlawful "for any Federal, State or local government agency to deny to any individual any right, benefit, or privilege provided by law because of such individual's refusal to disclose his social security account number." 

The Act goes on to say that "Any Federal, State, or local government agency which requests an individual to disclose his social security account number shall inform that individual whether that disclosure is mandatory or voluntary, by what statutory or other authority such number is solicited, and what uses will be made of it.'' 

So why aren't schools complying? This is another question that has gone unanswered. At Killeen High School, punishments are frequently dealt out to those who are in violation of the ID policy. Consequences are printed on the back side of each student ID, as is shown here:
Consequences for I.D. violations: 
1. First and second classroom I.D. violation - teacher warning. 

2. Third and all following classroom I.D. violations - assignment to 
"Time Out Room". 

3. Third and all following assignments to TOR - referral to Discipline Office. 

4. "No-show" to TOR - referral to Discipline Office. 

5. Noncompliance outside the classroom - are subject to administrative 
disciplinary consequences.  

Students who don't have their IDs are given a temporary ID made of yellow construction paper, which are only good for one day. Each time a student receives a temporary ID, their name is recorded and sent to the main office. The third time a student receives a temporary ID, they are sent to the "Time Out Room" (how loving), the equivalent of detention. 

Administrators are also supposed to wear ID cards, and many do, but of course there are no consequences for them not having an ID. Why the double-standard? Aren't teachers supposed to be setting an 'example' for America's youth? Give me a break. 

At KHS, students' Social Security numbers are used all over the place. Teachers post students' grades by Social Security numbers. Administrators who catch a student in the hall get two things before sending the student back to class: the student's name and Social Security number. 

The most hypocritical use of students' Social Security numbers is for computer access. In order to log on to a school computer, a student must first select his or her name from a database of student names, then enter his or her password, which is... you betcha... the student's Social Security number. 

Combine the fact that everything a student is doing onscreen is monitored discreetly by a 'network administrator', and the easy availablility of Social Security numbers, and you've got some serious problems in the works. 

This year the district has expanded the ID requirement to include the four high schools and nine middle schools that reside in the district. Students as young as 11 are now being required to wear these slave cards. And 

[CTRL] Leaking the 9/11 Charade

2002-05-18 Thread Wes676767

May 17, 2002
Leaking the 9/11 Charade
by Michael A. Hoffman II

It was an FBI operative who furnished the bomb that demolished a portion of the World Trade Center in 1993. Two days ago, on May 15, we learned that in August of 2001, an FBI agent in Minneapolis met with alleged 9/11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui and discussed flying a plane into the World Trade Center.

Cryonic freeze/thaw style, we are also now told that an FBI "memorandum" reveals that the president's Intelligence agencies had advance knowledge of the Sept. 11 terror attacks attributed to "Osama" bin Laden. "Several lawmakers have expressed disbelief that the memorandum failed to set off alarms at FBI headquarters."

Last December, journalist Carl Cameron told Brit Hume of Fox News about Israelis "tracking" al-Qaida agents in the U.S. in the weeks and months before Sept. 11. On March 5 Le Monde newspaper in Paris published a report about an "Israeli spy network" consisting of secret agents posing as "art students." Le Monde reported that the Israeli "art students" met with FBI and Justice Department operatives.

Many of these undercover Israelis lived in Florida, in the Hollywood and Fort Lauderdale areas where ten of the alleged 9/11 hijackers resided. In Hollywood, several Israeli agents were in residence at 4220 Sheridan St. They just happened to be living there at the same time that accused 9/11 "mastermind" Mohammed Atta and some of his aides were living down the street at 3389 Sheridan St. in Hollywood.

Up until May 15, the cover story intended for consumption by conspiracy researchers and investigators was that the Israeli spy ring knew about the planning for the Sept. 11 attacks but, "failed to share this knowledge with U.S. Intelligence."

But after taking office, President Bush ordered the FBI to thwart Intelligence probes into the domestic activities of the bin Laden family, which had been initiated during the Clinton administration. Until Sept. 11, the bin Ladens had been doing business in the U.S. with the Carlyle Group, an elite investment firm in which former President George Bush Sr. served as an executive. As reported in the October issue of this writer's Revisionist History newsletter, prior to involvement with Carlyle, the bin Ladens were in business with George W. Bush, who made his first million in partnership with Usama bin Laden's elder brother, Salim, in the Arbusto Energy Corporation. Salim bin Laden was subsequently killed in a plane crash in Texas.

The notion that the United States in the year 2002 is a sovereign nation is false.The fact is, beginning with U.S. Intelligence, the Federal government has devolved in recent years into an Israeli colony. Dual-loyalty Jewish-American Israeli partisans occupy command posts at the Department of Justice (no. 3) and the Department of Defense (no. 2). Highly compromised gentiles such as Secretary of the Army Thomas White serve at the sufferance of the CIA's Zionist-dominated, NC-9 counter-intelligence section. White is subject to indictment at any time for his former involvement with Enron Energy Services' $10 billion "Ricochet" and "Loadshift" swindles in the California electricity market. Blackmail and bribery maintain "discipline" among U.S. officials not otherwise inclined to betray the American people for the sake of the Master Race.

"Among foreign service officers, law enforcement and the military, there is an impression that you can't mess with Israel without suffering direct and indirect smears," says Michael Lind, senior fellow of the New America Foundation and former executive editor of the National Interest. Carl Cameron of Fox News claims that U.S. Intelligence officials told him that to raise alarms about Israeli infiltration was the equivalent of "career suicide."

Whore-House Minority Leader Dick Gephardt, D-Mo. declared, "What we have to do now is find out what the president --what the White House -- knew about the events leading up to the events of 9-11..."

So the players have shifted the charade's emphasis away from the "undercover 9/11 foreknowledge Israelis failed to share with our great president and noble leaders," to a subtle hint that our Skull and Bones president possessed that foreknowledge too.

This Revelation of the Method comes a mere eight months after Sept. 11. Watch for many more "leaks" and hints in the weeks and months ahead--emanating from the Establishment itself--concerning the FBI/Bush/Israeli role in mentoring the Arab patsies who were cast in the starring roles in the towering inferno.

This fits a pattern seen many times in the past in ritual crimes of great moment and psychological impact. The perpetrators themselves are going to tell us, incrementally, the awful truth about who really was behind 9/11. These truths will be revealed by a method every bit as ritualistic as the crime itself, with the intent that the revelation will fulfill the process.

Without this knowledge of the 

[CTRL] Report:U.S. Intercepting Messages Hinting at a New Attack

2002-05-18 Thread Wes676767

U.S. Intercepting Messages Hinting at a New Attack


WASHINGTON, May 18 — American intelligence agencies have intercepted a vague yet troubling series of communications among Al Qaeda operatives over the last few months indicating that the terrorist organization is trying to carry out an operation as big as or bigger than the Sept. 11 attacks, according to intelligence and law enforcement officials.

But just as last summer's threats left counterterrorism analysts guessing about Al Qaeda's intentions, and believing that the attack might be carried out overseas, the new interceptions are so general that they have left President Bush and his counterterrorism team in the dark about the time, place or method of what some officials refer to as a second-wave attack. As a result, the government is essentially limited to taking broad defensive measures.

"It's again not specific — not specific as to time, not specific as to place," one senior administration official said.

The officials compared the intercepted messages, which they described as cryptic and ambiguous, to the pattern of those picked up last spring and early summer, when Qaeda operatives were also overheard talking about a big operation. Those signals were among the evidence that intelligence agencies presented to President Bush in August about the possibility of an imminent attack against the United States.

The senior official said Friday that the amount of intelligence relating to another possible attack, in Europe, the Arabian Peninsula or the United States, had increased in the last month. Some of it comes from interviews with fighters captured in Afghanistan.

But despite the disruption of Al Qaeda's operations around the world since Sept. 11, and despite major spending increases and shifts of resources to counterterrorism operations, American officials say they have not been able to fully piece together the clues about Al Qaeda's plans.

"There's just a lot of chatter in the system again," the official said. "We are actively pursuing it and trying to see what's going on here."

The government's frustration underscores the problem in fighting an unconventional foe like Al Qaeda.

Interviews with law enforcement and intelligence officials suggest that in the eight months since Sept. 11 the government has made only limited progress in its ability to predict Al Qaeda's next move, and that many proposed improvements in counterterrorism operations have yet to be put into effect. 

This is despite considerable advantages that the United States lacked a year ago. The war in Afghanistan has provided a wealth of new information about Al Qaeda's structure and organization, for example. 

In addition, the United States is also interrogating captured Qaeda fighters about the organization's plans. Officials say that debriefings of detainees have in some instances provided general warnings of another major attack that dovetail with the threats picked up in the intercepted communication traffic.

Facing intense criticism in recent days over disclosures that a series of possible clues about Al Qaeda's plans fell through the cracks in the months leading up to the Sept. 11 attacks, officials say that some significant changes have been made in the way threat information is studied and circulated within the upper reaches of the Bush administration. 

For the first time, the C.I.A. and F.B.I. now compare notes on all terrorist threat information that comes in each day, filtering the intelligence through what they call an analytical "matrix" to determine which threats are the most credible and deserve the most attention. Their daily threat report is distributed to senior policy makers, including the White House director of homeland security, Tom Ridge. It provides a structure for debates among senior officials about whether to issue public threat warnings. 

President Bush also now receives daily briefings from both the F.B.I. and the C.I.A. George J. Tenet, the director of central intelligence, and Robert S. Mueller III, the F.B.I. director, are frequently present during those White House sessions. That way, each agency is able to hear the other's latest advice to the president. Before Sept. 11, he received a daily briefing only from the C.I.A. 

Although officials say some potential attacks have been foiled, that has been largely credited to the arrest of terrorist operatives overseas by foreign governments rather than to intelligence gleaned from intercepted communications.

United States intelligence officials said that they began to intercept communications among Qaeda operatives discussing a second major attack in October, and that they have detected recurring talk among them about another attack ever since. Some of the intercepted communications have included frightening references to attacks that the Qaeda operatives say would cause vast numbers of American 

[CTRL] Pentagon Miss The 'Official Story'

2002-05-18 Thread Wes676767

Pentagon Miss  The 'Official Story'
>From Brasscheck 

"Suicide bomber(s) belonging to al-Qaida's Martyrdom Battalion could crash-land an aircraft packed with high explosives (C-4 and semtex) into the Pentagon, the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency , or the White House," the September 1999 report said. 

That's the AP talking. Today. 

Maybe they finally got around to reading what Brasscheck reported eight months ago. If so. Bravo. I'm glad they were able to finally find the time to research the story. Brasscheck got its information in turn from a mass market paperback written by the head of the US House of Representatives Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare published in 1993. /ap_on_go_pr_wh/attacks_1999_warning_6 

By the way, something that has always puzzled me about the Pentagon attack. 

It turns out those masterminds of terrorism weren't so smart after all. You see it was public knowledge that a section of the Pentagon was undergoing renovations and would therefore be relatively empty on 9/11. Yet of all the ways the terrorists could have attacked that huge and vulnerable structure, they chose to fly into a mostly empty area thus keeping casualties at the Pentagon to an absolute minimum. 

Contrast that with the World Trade Tower attack in which engineer Osama bin Laden is reputed by the US government to have calculated precisely the building-collapsing impact of the collisions in advance from his cave in Afghanistan. 

By the way, not a single general or other member of the upper level brass died in the Pentagon attack. Quite amazing when you realize that generals are as common in the Pentagon as paper clips. 

Equally strange, to me at least, is that Bush did not consider two jetliners flying directly into the World Trade Center to be significant enough to merit a pause from his reading of a story to a small group of children in a Florida grammar school. 

So let's get the official story straight: 

1. The government was so concerned about violence against commercial aircraft in the US that attorney general John Ashcroft was told to stop flying on commercial planes in the summer of 2001. - Reported in the UK. Not here. 

2. Bush went to Genoa in July of 2001 where the threat of a suicide plane attack was so high that the Italians put anti-aircraft batteries at the airport. - Amazing media amnesia on this one. You'd think it happened 100 years ago not two months before 9/11. 

3. The week of 9/11, the FAA sent an alert to all US airports warning of an impending hijacking of a US plane. Mob bagman and San Francisco mayor Willie Brown was warned off planes that week. Check it out in the San Francisco Chronicle. The Brown story was reported a day or two after 9/11 

4. Then on 9/11 when four commercial jetliners simultaneously left their flight paths and stopped communicating with air traffic control. The FAA - which has just issued a hijack alert - and its military partner, NORAD, with which it is fully functionally integrated, couldn't figure out what to do and did nothing even though standard operating procedures of what do to in the event of air hijackings are in place and have been for years. 

5. The mastermind terrorists were smart enough to do the impossible: neatly drop two massively tall office towers with two very different types of collisions, but failed to pick up a US newspaper and learn that the portion of the Pentagon they targeted was the ONLY part of the building that could be hit without killing thousands. 

6. In order to catch the villain, it was necessary to remove a sovereign, albeit entirely screwed up, government from power and replace it with an equally screwed up government. That the new government is agreeable to terms for a new oil pipeline tapping hundreds of billions of dollars worth of energy and the old one wasn't is pure coincidence. 

7. And even though we didn't catch the bad guy and have no idea where he is, that's OK. Instead we'll embark on a 'money is no object' global military campaign to 'stamp out terrorism where ever it is found' and install laws that restrict the movement and financial privacy of US citizens. That these two reactions happen to enrich and advance the agenda of the very same people who were negligent (at best) in allowing the attack to happen in the first place is pure coincidence. 

That's the story they're asking you to believe. 

I'm glad to see some people are finally questioning it though I imagine when Bush  Co. find a way of paying off or extorting the Democrats, the issue will go away.

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