[CTRL] RE: [CTRL] Israeli War Crimes- NOT!

2000-11-15 Thread Stopforth, Jamie

Wow, nice propaganda article here. 
If it's truth you seek then visit here...http://www.members.home.net/projectonesoul/israel/israel.htm 
and this one... http://www.rotter.net/israel/

throw rocks at you with the intent to kill you and if you have a gun, you have 
every right to fire back. "Oh wait, he's throwing rocks at me, I 
have to play fair, put down my weapon and throw rocks back." Since when is 
war fair? And not just that, but they are NOT only using rocks, they do 
have weapons, but CNN doesn't want us to know that either.


  -Original Message-From: William Shannon 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2000 10:00 
  AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [CTRL] Israeli War 
  CrimesRights Groups Charge Israelis With War Crimes Israel’s 
  iron fist tactics have been condemned as war atrocities by an 
  international human rights group. Exclusive to The SPOTLIGHT 
  By Christopher Bollyn Israel’s military tactics in the 
  occupied territories have been strongly condemned and “could amount to war 
  crimes,” according to the London-based human rights group Amnesty 
  International (AI). An American group, Physicians for Human Rights USA 
  (PHR), also investigated the clashes by sending a team of three physicians 
  to the occupied territories in Gaza and the West Bank from Oct. 20-27. 
  PHR reinforced AI’s findings, reporting that the Israeli Defense Force 
  (IDF) uses live ammunition and rubber-coated steel bullets “excessively 
  and inappropriately.” Five weeks of Arab-Israeli violence have 
  left 200 people dead—many of them children—almost all of them Palestinian. 
  “There is a pattern of gross human rights violations that may well 
  amount to war crimes,” said Claudio Cordone, AI’s international research 
  director. AI’s latest findings go much further than its earlier 
  criticism that Israeli troops were using “excessive force” against 
  Palestinians. Cordone repeated long-standing criticism of Israel’s 
  “iron fist” military response to Palestinian demonstrations that applies 
  “combat reflexes” as opposed to what would be proper policing methods. 
  “There is excessive use of force resulting in killings that shouldn’t 
  take place,” Cordone said. “If a kid is throwing stones at you but not 
  posing any other risk—you don’t shoot him.” Geneva Conventions 
  VIOLATED AI says the Israeli forces are breaking the Geneva 
  Conventions as well as their own rules, namely, that lethal force must 
  only be used to counter an immediate threat to life. As part of 
  international humanitarian law, the Geneva Civilian Convention (1949) 
  protects civilians under occupation and has applied to Israel’s occupation 
  of the West Bank and Gaza since the 1967 war. An IDF senior officer told 
  PHR that “the Fourth Geneva Convention and other humanitarian laws apply” 
  to the current clashes. The Geneva Conventions prohibit murder, 
  torture and cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment. Included in the 
  Geneva Conventions is a law against force that results in disproportionate 
  and/or indiscriminate killing of or violence toward civilians. In 
  an occupation, such as Israel’s of the West Bank and Gaza, the rule of 
  proportionality applies and prohibits excessive force against civilians. 
  DEATH FROM ABOVE Israel has repeatedly used combat helicopters 
  firing heavy machine guns and armor-piercing missiles on Palestinian 
  civilians, towns, and even ambulances. The PHR team examined a Red 
  Crescent Ambulance in Gaza which was damaged by a helicopter gunship. The 
  Israeli helicopter strafed the ambulance with five 50-caliber shells that 
  passed right through the ambulance, including a metal gurney. The 
  bullets used by the IDF against Jewish citizens in Israel or Jewish 
  settlers in the occupied territories are very different than those used on 
  Palestinians. The bullets used for Jewish riot control are solid rubber. 
  There have been no reported deaths resulting from these bullets. 
  The so-called rubber bullets used by the IDF against Israel’s Arab 
  citizens and Palestinians are significantly different. The “Arab bullets” 
  examined by the PHR team are merely rubber-coated steel bullets and very 
  lethal. The rubber-coated bullets used on Palestinians are of two 
  shapes: spherical and cylindrical. The bullets used against Arabs 
  only look rubber with a thin 2 mm outer rubber shell around a solid steel 
  core 1.83 cm in diameter. HEAD INJURIES PHR concluded that 
  Israeli soldiers are shooting high-velocity live ammunition and 
  rubber-coated steel bullets with intent to kill and maim Palestinian 
  demonstrators, based on the high number of injuries to the head and 
  thighs. PHR’s analysis of fatal gun shot wounds in Gaza reveals that 
  approximately 50 percent were to the head. The high proportion of fatal 
  head wounds suggests that soldiers are specifically targeting 
  Palestinians’ eyes. The IDF spokesman 

Re: [CTRL] RE: [CTRL] Israeli War Crimes- NOT!

2000-11-15 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-

 Stopforth, Jamie wrote:

 Wow, nice propaganda article here.  If it's truth you seek then
 and this one... http://www.rotter.net/israel/

 I'll throw rocks at you with the intent to kill you and if you have
 a gun, you have every right to fire back.   "Oh wait, he's throwing
 rocks at me, I have to play fair, put down my weapon and throw rocks
 back."  Since when is war fair?  And not just that, but they are NOT
 only using rocks, they do have weapons, but CNN doesn't want us to
 know that either.



Can you tell me why the large difference in the body count?  Are
Palestinians such shitty shots?  Any fool can get a good body count
with an Uzi or an AK on full auto, what's the problem?  Is it that we
aren't getting the facts?

I don't know why the Israelis just don't herd the Palestinians onto
trains for "relocation", hell they already have them in ghettoes.

Mark McHugh

Israel--Hitler's revenge on the world

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] RE: [CTRL] Israeli War Crimes- NOT!

2000-11-15 Thread Stopforth, Jamie
Title: RE: [CTRL] RE: [CTRL] Israeli War Crimes- NOT!


Can you tell me why the large difference in the body count? Are
Palestinians such shitty shots? Any fool can get a good body count
with an Uzi or an AK on full auto, what's the problem? Is it that we
aren't getting the facts?

I don't know why the Israelis just don't herd the Palestinians onto
trains for relocation, hell they already have them in ghettoes.

Mark McHugh

Israel--Hitler's revenge on the world

So by default the people with the less body count are the Bad Guys? Hmm Let me see, I have a grenade launcher, an enemy soldier fires at me, I launch back killing him and his surrounding soldiers? Just one of the many scenarios that can play out in the dynamics of battle

 But as for body count numbers... Can I get a recount? My point being, just how accurate are those numbers? Do you know for sure? Are issues like that still open to question even after they've been reported by the major media outlets? I would hope so.

As for the catchy quote... People are free to say anything they feel is true... I don't even know the Anon guy, maybe he was famous, maybe not, but if he was, does it make his statement anymore correct? 


Reality--The perception of truth based on observation


 Look, I have a cool quote now...

Re: [CTRL] RE: [CTRL] Israeli War Crimes- NOT!

2000-11-15 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-

 Stopforth Jamie wrote:


 Can you tell me why the large difference in the body count?  Are
 Palestinians such shitty shots?  Any fool can get a good body count

 with an Uzi or an AK on full auto, what's the problem?  Is it that
 aren't getting the facts?

 I don't know why the Israelis just don't herd the Palestinians onto

 trains for "relocation", hell they already have them in ghettoes.

 Mark McHugh

 Israel--Hitler's revenge on the world

 So by default the people with the less body count are the "Bad
 Guys?"  Hmm Let me see, I have a grenade launcher, an enemy soldier
 fires at me, I launch back killing him and his surrounding soldiers?
 Just one of the many scenarios that can play out in the dynamics of

It seems that you're under the black/white, Good Guys/Bad Guys
dualistic illusion.  This is a much more complex reality.

If these pages, whose URLs you mention, are the truth, that all these
armed Arabs actually have ammo, wouldn't there be photos of Israelis
swinging from lampposts and masses of dead strewn through the
streets?  They're armed and pissed.  Those LAWs featured on both pages
(same photo) would make one hell of a mess.  Where's the carnage?  Why
the large difference in the body counts?

The Rotter page you mentioned shows a bunch of pissed off Arabs.  I'd
be angry too if I lived under the conditions they do.

The One Soul page mentions Israel granting the PA rule over
Palestinian reservations.  Isn't the PA a puppet of the Israelis?
Don't the Palestinian people hate the PA?  Maybe all that I've read is
wrong.  Maybe the Firesign Theatre is right.

I want to know who has the superior force and tactics.  Propaganda
from both sides shows mere skirmishes.  Assuming easily that the
Israelis have the advantage, the ultimate high ground of the sky, why
haven't they pressed the attack?  Do they plan a war of attrition?

But as for body count numbers... Can I get a recount?  My point
 being, just how accurate are those numbers? Do you know for sure?
 Are issues like that still open to question even after they've been
 reported by the major media outlets? I would hope so.

Do you mean to say the Israelis have no media outlets to the outside
world?  You give URLs for two pages that show no numbers.  Do you have
any sources for the Truth other than propaganda photo spreads?

 As for the catchy quote...  People are free to say anything they
 feel is true... I don't even know the Anon guy, maybe he was famous,
 maybe not, but if he was, does it make his statement anymore


Famous does not make it correct.  I'd be happy with a book of good
quotes from normal people.  People are free to say anything, true or
not, whether they believe it or not.  My quote and mention of trains
and relocation are examples of black humor--Socratic, ironic and
sardonic.  My foul mood inspired their inclusion.

I'm in a foul mood because, by nature I seek balance, yet I
continually see one-sided opinions.  "Israeli War Crimes" "Israeli War
Crimes- NOT!"  Can't people be honest with themselves and admit that
acts on both sides are criminal or do we subscribe to the idea that
the ends justify the means?

Do I take sides?  Yes.  I back the people who are sick of the constant
warfare.  I believe the peace-loving people on any side of any
conflict are being screwed by greedhead leaders whose best control
method against them is division.  What can we do about it?  Education
is the only thing I can come up with that may do some good.

 "Reality--The perception of truth based on observation"


   Look, I have a cool quote now...

Not so sure about that, Jamie.

Reality exists independent of observation--a very strange, uncertain
reality, albeit.

Perception is flawed, considering the minuscule portion of the
electromagnetic spectrum we are able to perceive, thus the merit of
observation is questionable.

Define "truth".  Nevermind.  I'm being a tired shit.

Mark McHugh

More cool quotes:

It is not a sign of good health
to be well adjusted to a sick society.
 -- J. Krishnamurti

Like it or not, a riot is the voice of the unheard.
--Maxine Waters

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as