[CTRL] Pleading the 25th

1999-07-26 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From www.mikenew.com/kosovo_ed.html

 Kosovo: The New World Army Evolves
 Daniel D. New

 Based upon the precedent of Macedonia, and the lack of
 Congressional backbone to stop the placement of American troops
 under foreign officers, the New World Army is becoming a reality.

 When Army Specialist Michael New refused to wear a United Nations
 uniform and serve under a general from Finland, his attorneys
 pointed out that the precedent would lead to more deployments
 based upon the Globalist Agenda of George Bush and Bill Clinton.

 The House of Representatives, perhaps because they are closer to
 the pulse of the People, actually passed legislation in 1996 to
 forbid the forced deployment of American troops under the United
 Nations. (HR2540, Tom DeLay). The bill never came out of Senate
 committee. But time has passed and like our society at large, the
 attention span of Congress is short and there are matters more

 In 1812-14 we fought a war with Great Britain over the issue of
 His Majesty’s Ships pressing American citizens into service in
 the Royal Navy. We considered our citizenship as sacred, and as
 an issue of sovereignty. We argued, at the point of cannon and
 sword, that no nation could impress the citizens of another
 nation into service against their will – that such was a return
 to feudalism. Washington was burned, but we won the war and
 sovereignty was maintained. For a while.

 How ironic that in Kosovo, American citizens will be forced to
 serve under British soldiers, against their will, this time
 ordered there by an American President!

 At issue is not the quality of the British officer in question.
 He’s no doubt a gentleman and a fine officer. The entire issue is
 whether it is legal, whether it is lawful, and if so, whether
 American citizens are no longer sovereigns. Is the "Grand
 Experiment" in self government expired? Many say this is the end
 of the Republic, and they may well be right.

 When Americans are forced to bear arms in a conflict not their
 own, they are turned into involuntary mercenaries. No semantic
 smokescreen can make it anything else.

 When a soldier accepts extra pay for the hazardous duty of
 serving a foreign power, under foreign officers, he becomes a
 voluntary mercenary. Let’s start calling a spade a spade.

 When Congress abrogates its responsibility to control the
 military involvement of this country, as clearly stated in the
 Constitution, it has thrown in the towel and is no longer
 functioning as intended by the Framers. Only Congress can declare
 war. George Bush broke the law, but appealed to what he
 maintained was a higher law – the United Nations – when he
 illegally defended Kuwait. At least he acted under color of law.

 Bill Clinton has built upon the Bush legacy of
 internationalization of our military by telling Congress AND the
 United Nations that he will do as he pleases, that he does not
 need either of them, and Madelaine Albright has the temerity to
 boldly proclaim the grand lie that the President is acting with
 Constitutional authority.

 The only authority he has, if any, for these acts of treason must
 be found in Presidential Decision Directive #25, a top-secret
 document that even your Congressman is not allowed to read! This
 is the document whereby the president has authorized himself (!)
 to ignore Congress, ignore the Constitution, and to place our
 soldiers wherever he feels they are most needed.

 Bill Clinton is a rogue head of state. He is acting without any
 authority whatsoever. He is committing impeachable offenses at an
 ever-increasing pace, now that the Senate has capitulated and
 strangled on phony polls and public opinion rather than their
 sworn constitutional duty. The age-old struggle of Rex Lex has
 once again prevailed over Lex Rex. ("The King is over the Law"
 vs. "The Law is over the King.")

 Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the
 governed. (Have you heard this somewhere before?) Whenever any
 government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of
 the People to alter or abolish it.

Via www.mikenew.com/pdd25.html

 PDD 25

 The document below was allegedly; " Released on the WWW by the
 Bureau of International Organizational Affairs, U.S. Department
 of State, February 22, 1996" This State Department release is no
 more than an unclassified summary. The details of the actual
 Secret PDD 25 are still concealed from public scrutiny.

 Clinton Administration Policy on Reforming Multilateral Peace
 Operations (PDD 25) Released on the WWW by the Bureau of
 International Organizational Affairs, U.S. Department of State,
 February 22, 1996


 Last year, President Clinton ordered an inter-agency review of
 our nation's peacekeeping policies and programs in order to
 develop a comprehensive policy framework suited to the realities
 of the post-Cold War period. This policy review has resulted in a

[CTRL] Pleading the 25th

1999-06-21 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

From www.commonconservative.com

 The 25th Amendment: Use It or Lose It

 by Tom Matthes

 The knives are out for Attorney General Janet Reno. Members of
 Congress are demanding her resignation or dismissal because of
 incompetence in the investigation of Chinese espionage. But there are
 two problems with this allegation.

 The first is the White House defends her. The second is it's not clear
 she blew the investigation. Why should the Congress assume her refusal
 to order a wiretap requested by the FBI was not in accord with
 presidential wishes? After all, President Clinton has lied about his
 knowledge of the investigation during a nationally televised news
 conference. Tim Russert proved this presidential mendacity while
 questioning Energy Secretary Bill Richardson on “Meet the Press.” So
 why make Janet Reno “take the fall” if the President, whom she has
 faithfully shielded from an independent counsel probe of his campaign
 finance violations, is part of a cover-up?

 Obviously, Congress has no stomach for a second impeachment, even
 though Clinton's defense attorneys acknowledged treason is grounds for
 removing a President from office (they denied perjury is grounds for

 But there is another way to force a President to step aside if he is a
 danger to the public good: the 25th Amendment to the Constitution.
 Section IV empowers the Vice president and a majority of the cabinet
 to install the Vice president as “Acting President” through a written
 declaration to the speaker of the House and the Senate president pro
 tempore “that the President is unable to discharge the powers and
 duties of his office.” Or, Congress “may by law provide” some “other
 body” to make the same written determination.

 This amendment was drafted after the assassination of President
 Kennedy. Had he not died quickly from his wounds, JFK would have been
 a brain dead chief executive. So the new amendment allows the vice
 president to step in if the president is incapacitated.

 Mental illness should also be grounds for removing a president from
 office for incapacity in the nuclear age. And there are plenty of
 reasons to consider William Jefferson Clinton mentally ill, if not
 criminally insane. New York Times columnist William Safire, although
 not arguing for invoking the amendment, has put it succinctly: “We
 have a President who has a problem: he lies when he doesn't really
 have to.” Safire cites Clinton's recent claims he has not ruled out
 using ground forces in the Kosovo war, when his promise not to use
 them is on the public record, and his claim that no one briefed him
 about possible Chinese espionage. Both lies are easily proven, yet the
 president seems compelled to make them.

 George Stephanopoulos has even suggested that, during the Monica
 Lewinsky scandal last year, there were times the President convinced
 himself that he had never had “sexual relations with that woman.”
 There are reports he was still repeating that lie to White House
 staffers a few days before the grand jury deposition, when he finally
 admitted Lewinsky had sex with him. In short, compulsive lying led to
 his impeachment. And that was before Juanita Broaddrick came forward
 with a rape allegation.

 The difference between a republic and a monarchy, or dictatorship, is
 slipping away from the US government. The Senate acquittal of Clinton,
 even after Senator Robert Byrd admitted the president was guilty as
 charged (and voted against removal), destroys the principal that the
 chief executive is not above the law. The successful defense that the
 President can only be impeached for treason and not the “Bribery, or
 other High Crimes and Misdemeanors” cited by the Constitution all but
 eliminates impeachment as a peacetime defense against executive
 tyranny. Does anyone believe Richard Nixon would have been impeached
 had he served after the Clinton defense?

 We now have a President who brazenly lies about the most serious
 issues of national security. He is suspected of looking the other way
 while China stole almost every US nuclear weapons secret, while taking
 illegal campaign contributions from the Chinese army. If he actually
 believes he was not briefed about this espionage, he no longer can
 separate his lies from reality. Therefore, the President is either a
 traitor or is mentally deranged and should be relieved of his duties
 as commander in chief.

 The 25th Amendment allows a President removed on grounds of incapacity
 to defend his ability to serve before the Congress and to argue for
 his restoration to office. Our lawmakers should make him explain his
 lies: is he a criminal or merely nuts? If he is a criminal, impeach
 him again. If not, let him finish his term on the sidelines under the
 25th Amendment. Use it as it was meant to be used. As Ronald Reagan
 would say, “if not now, when?” The 25th Amendment can preserve the
 nation from an incapable leader. It may be our final 

Re: [CTRL] Pleading the 25th

1999-06-21 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

This is true story and funny; a pinko Governor and his knew running
mate, an Italian with a thick accent ...

Asked how he would like being Lt. Governorhe smiled, and said "Justa
thinka, I'd be  justa hearta beata away from the Govenor.when those
guys lost, I thought the Guv didn't know how close he came

Now wire tappingwhy does the AG approve this instead of a impartial
Search warrants are signed by a judge...even though there could be
incriminating evidencewire tappingthere re other ways.

I liked it when Sam the Plumber and Angelo Gyp DeCarlo were being held
up by crooked politicians; and of course, they knew their lines were
tapped.one day this corrupt, crooked politico called for his bribe
moneyand they talked and haggled, and the political was
arrested...case of the it takes a thief to catch a thief, but at least
the mob was honest about it.

Once these two guys took a phone call and said "hey, we all got in the
Masons...when we answer the phone we say "This is the Mafia Mason
Lodge"that one choked me, because of a chapter I had in my ms, and
only Sybil Lee had that one as I recall.however, when poor old Sam
the Plumber and Angelo DeCarlo were finally sent to jail, Richard Nixon
pardoned themso much for the shall we say Mafia-Mason-FBI Club, in
particular when the Mafia gave Nixon over one million dollars in

Janet Reno, the FBI, and William Jefferson Clintonwhen they answer
the phone, they do say This is the Mafia, FBI, Lincoln Lodge
Speakingwanna buy a duck?


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