[CTRL] Famous Personalities on Liberty

1999-12-18 Thread lloyd

 -Caveat Lector-


A-albionic Research Weekly Up-Date 12-18-99
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In This Issue:

1.  Famous Personalities on Liberty

2.  Again Available After a Long Hiatus:

   Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States
   By Samuel F. B. Morse [Brutus] $38.00
   Click to Purchase:  http://a-albionic.com/merchform.html

1.  Famous Personalities on Liberty

From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sun Jul 17 20:05:55 1994
Date: Sun, 17 Jul 1994 12:49:02 -0700 (PDT)
From: Brian McInturff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: James Daugherty [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Famous Personalities on Liberty

"A government with the policy to rob Peter to pay Paul can be assured
of the support of Paul"

-- George Bernard Shaw

"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled,
public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be
tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be
curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt."

-- Cicero, 63 BC

"It is often easier for our children to obtain a gun than it is to find
a good school."

-- Joycelyn Elders

"Maybe that's because guns are sold at a profit, while schools are
provided by the government."

-- David Boaz

"When buying and selling are controlled by legislation, the first things
to be bought and sold are legislators."

-- P. J. O'Rourke

"We hate our politicians so much that even if they tell us they lied,
we don't believe them."

-- Peter Newman

"Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want,
and deserve to get it good and hard."

"There is no underestimating the intelligence of the American public."

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and
hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series
of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."

"It is now quite lawful for a Catholic woman to avoid pregnancy by a
resort to mathematics, though she is still forbidden to resort to
physics and chemistry."

-- H.L. Mencken

"We find two great gangs of political speculators, who alternately
take possession of the state power and exploit it by the most corrupt
ends -- the nation is powerless against these two great cartels of
politicians who are ostensibly its servants, but in reality dominate
and plunder it."

-- Friedrich Engels

"One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you
end up being governed by your inferiors."

-- Plato

"Every individual necessarily labors to render the annual revenue of
society as great as he can. He generally neither intends to promote the
public interest, nor knows how much he is promoting it. He intends only
his own gain, and he is, in this, as in many other cases, led by an invisible
hand to promote an end which was not part of his intention."

-- Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations

"You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a
reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the
very phrases which our founding fathers used in the struggle for

-- Charles Austin Beard, historian

"The conclusion is thus inescapable that the history, concept, and
wording of the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United
States, as well as its interpretation by every major commentator and
court in the first half-century after its ratification, indicates
that what is protected is an individual right of a private citizen
to own and carry firearms in a peaceful manner."

-- Report of the Subcommittee on the Constitution of the
   Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate,
   97th Congress, Second Session ( February 1982 )

Re: [CTRL] NSA: Hard of hearing

1999-12-18 Thread TenebrousT

 -Caveat Lector-

See my comments interspersed below.

In a message dated 12/17/99 6:17:41 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Oh I understand their role to be sure.  You failed to notice that I said in
  my comments that they should perhaps concentrate on their real role of
  intelligence gathering for REAL national security issues.

  Can you actually prove that the NSA isn't concentrating on foreign
  intelligence gathering? Or at least provide some reasoning to suggest that
  maybe it isn't?

Nope, can't prove a thing it is full of too much ambiguity and secrecy.  NOW,
can you prove that they are doing the job that you would have us believe they
are doing, besides saying it is the law since they violated it before?

  HOWEVER, that being said, perhaps I DO believe more of the "conspiracy"
  oriented views of the NSA rather than the official explanations of its
  activities as given by
  themselves.  I don't trust any agency that is so shrouded in secrecy AND
  a history of violating their charter by spying on Americans.

  Like all SIGINT organisations the NSA shrouds itself in secrecy so those
  it is eavesdropping on never find out because if they do discover their
  communications are no longer private then they will change things making
  NSA's work that much harder. If you read the books about breaking the
  code you will see that the British had to go great lengths to ensure that
  Nazis never found out that their codes had been broken. If the Nazis had
  found out they would have changed the codes again and becomemore security
  conscious probably extending the war as a consequence.

Of course secrecy would be necessary in the terms you identify.  I aver that
secrecy is not necessary where there is no legitimate oversight to insure
that what is being said is actually what is happening.

  Your mistrust of secrecy verges on the superstitious. The "if it must be
  secret it must be truly shocking  immoral" line of thought leads people
  the dark worlds of Bill Cooper  David Icke. Did it occur to you that most
  secrets are actually more likely to be terribly mundane?

It sure does.  I'm often disappointed when I hear a secret that has been kept
from me for some time, BUT there are always doozies too.  By the same token
your trust of the government and everything they hand down is verging on the
ridiculous especially in light of past abuses that you acknowledge

  The recent talk
  of collaberation with the FBI on tracking so-called "terrorism" in the US
  another example.
  I think a healthy dose of skepticism is warranted.  By the way do you
  all the pronouncements from Big Brother as to the necessity and value of
  their "agencies" and plans?

  No the point is that the assertion that the NSA is involved in Big Brother
  like activities is based more on speculation about the alleged capabilities
  of Echelon (mentioned by yourself) to intercept everyone's communications
  than any hard evidence that the NSA actually is doing that.

ECHELON has been discussed by many much more capable than myself.  It has
been said that the system would be used by a pool of nations (for example the
US, Canada, and the UK).  They all contribute data on foreign spying (and
industrial espionage which is clearly NOT something this agency should be
doing (for info on this check the archives for a recent post or two about the
"intel" groups increasing role in industrial espionage)).  They then all have
access to this data.  Which is just as good as spying on your own people
since you have the same information you would have had if you had just spied
on them in the first place.

  Are you in ignorance of the many times they have
  violated basic human rights, not to mention national and international
  pursuit of dubious schemes (Contra/cocaine, Iran/Contra, Iraqgate, LSD
  experimentation, etc. . .)?

  I'm afraid I am  not ignorant. But I wasn't aware that the NSA was the
  nasty organisation at the heart of these specific foul deeds. I had
  understood that it was certain members of National Security COUNCILs of
  administrations and elements of the CIA that were involved in those
  activities. The NSA was indeed involved in domestic surveillance in the 60s
  and early 70s, including being used the Joint Chiefs of Staff to spy on
  and Kissinger who had a penchant for practising their diplomatic acrobatics
  without telling anyone else what they were doing. Other NSA targets
  various persons deemed subversive. But if you actually did some reading you
  would discover the NSA is now strictly forbidden to conduct any domestic
  surveillance operations, except under special guidelines, and usually only
  pursuit of foreign intelligence targets residing in the US.

Oh, you are quick to qualify and downplay.  "Elements" in the CIA, certain
"nefarious members" of past NSC's, and "it was 

Re: [CTRL] WHO'S IN JAIL? High court rules states can keep it a s ecret

1999-12-18 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/17/1999 1:03:56 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Scalia is even worse. 

You're probably right.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: UNDERNEWS Dec 17

1999-12-18 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/18/1999 1:28:40 AM Eastern Standard Time,


I didn't watch the interview either.  The appearance of these women has been
like those targets in a shooting gallery.  One is knocked down and another
pops up.  Now perhaps that is because there are so many of them, and they
have all suffered from an inability to seek revenge on their "seducer/rapist
whatever," but it has all been too handy.  When no one could convince the
American people that Monica was a virginal teen, they upped the ante.  It got
unbelievable.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Politically Correct Jesus

1999-12-18 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Wow.  At least two people (notably John H. Taylor and Robert Tatman) jumped
in with the correct response, in BALLPARK terms, but NEITHER zeroed in on the
RELEVANT passages in the Old Testament regarding the UGLINESS of the
"Suffering Servant" -- allegedly Jesus Christ, as Biblical "prophecy" sees
it.  And predictably, even the correct passages in Mr Taylor's post, from
http://www.jewsforjudaism.org/j4j-2000/index.html, SKIP OVER the relevant
verses, OBFUSCATING the entire issue beneath a numbing smokescreen of
secondary pious "interpretation" and cross-references.  How typical!

Okay, let's look right at the statements in question, used to argue that the
"Messiah" or "Christ" was or will be UGLY, and was SHUNNED for his ugliness
and/or his "disease."
(Taylor's post is included at the end, so you can watch our AVOIDANCE of the

 Isaiah 52:13-15 and 53:2-6 et seq., KING JAMES translation:

52:13  Behold, my servant shall deal prudently, he shall be
exalted and extolled, and be very high.
52:14  As many were astonied at thee; HIS VISAGE WAS SO MARRED
52:15  So shall he sprinkle many nations; THE KINGS SHALL SHUT
THEIR MOUTHS AT HIM: for that which had not been told them shall
they see; and that which they had not heard shall they consider.

53:2  For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant and as a
root, out of a dry ground: HE HATH NO FORM NOR COMELINESS; and
53:3  He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and
acquainted with grief: and WE HID AS IT WERE OUR FACES FROM HIM;
he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
53:4  Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our
sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and
53:5  But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was
bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was
upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
53:6  All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every
one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of
us all.

From the HEBREW (Masoretic text), literally translated into English:

52:13  Watch, my servant who shall minister wisely will be lifted
up and held high, greatly -- as (great) as the 'disfigurement'
[MShChTh] of his appearance among (other) men and of his form
among (other) human beings -- to the astonishment of many.
52:14  Thus he 'sprinkles' [=a "purifying" gesture] many (other)
nations -- (Because) on (seeing} him, kings will be speechless,
since they will be witnessing something they had never been told
about and contemplating (something) they had never heard of.

53:2  (He was) without stature or attractiveness that might cause
anyone to notice him, and without impressive appearance that
might cause anyone to admire him.
53:3  (He was) despised and rejected by people, a man of woes,
having much experience of pain.  Others averted their eyes
from him in disgust, not seeing anything worthwhile in him.
53:4  (But) even while we regarded {him} as (one whom) God had
punished (as if) with the plague and misforune, (it was) really
OUR pain he held high and OUR woes he carried around.
53:5   He was humiliated by OUR misdeeds, (he was) tormented from
OUR wickedness.  In him (there existed) an offense to our peace
of mind, so by 'whipping' HIM, (we) felt OURSELVES 'restored.'
53:6   (We are) all like sheep gone astray, (every) man having
turned aside his eyes to {pursue} his (own) course -- but through
HIM, YHWH has made us encounter the wickedness in all of US.


KJV 53:7  He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened
not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a
sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.
KJV 53:8  He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who
shall declare his generation?  for he was cut off out of the land
of the living: for the transgression of my people was he
KJV 53:9  And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the
rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was
any deceit in his mouth.
KJV 53:10  Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him
to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he
shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure
of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.
KJV 53:11  He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be
satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify
many; for he shall bear their iniquities.
KJV 53:12  Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great,
and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath
poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the
transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession
for the transgressors.

Re: [CTRL] the IT A-bomb

1999-12-18 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

 -Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 17 Dec 1999, Edward Britton wrote:

And banks have had extensive 'disaster recovery' plans for years,
covering the range of relatively minor disasters (such as burst plumbing
in their main branch wiping out their computer system) up to a major
nuclear holocaust...

Are we just to take your word for it, or perhaps you can elaborate on these
fantastic 'disaster recovery plans.' You might be able to convince me
yet--if you can be (A) more specific, and (B)--the more difficult--direct
your efforts toward rebuttal as opposed to attacking your opponents. :-)

I've never attacked you, just your ideas.

As for 'convincing' you, it is not my job.  If the subject interests you,
research it yourself.  It is a matter of public record.  Banks were
required by the feds to come up with extensive disaster recovery plans,
and had to fill out reams of paperwork to submit to the government to
prove that they not only have disaster plans, but routinely carry out
disaster drills.

You see, the feds want to make sure that even if your domocile has been
reduced to a radioactive hole in the ground, that tax bills on your
property still get mailed out to you on time...  ;-)

You still haven't answered my question about guaranteeing your employer's
losses if you are wrong in any case.

I don't see my current employer (who is not a bank) incurring any

Y2K is just an additional 'disaster' which they've drawn contingency
plans for, with the hope of never having to utilize it.  But rest assured
that if banks can restore their records in the event of a direct nuclear
hit, the worst case scenario of Y2K is a cakewalk...

Interesting; some have referred to Y2K as the IT equivelant of the atom bomb.

No reputable IT person that I know refers to it as more than an

The thing banks fear most is a run on the bank,

What!?! You mean that banks fear having to honor the demands from their
customers for their own money?!

Yes, if all the customers come in at once and demand it all at the same

You see, dear boy, you'd be hard-pressed to find any bank that could
honor all those demands coming in at the same time...because banks as SOP
'float' their customers funds within the Federal Reserve system as a way
to make money

Let me spell it out to you...ABC Bank opens up today with one branch, and
1 million dollars as reserve.  Before they even open the doors to
customers, that 1 million is 'lent' out to the Fed, which pays the bank
interest.  On the first day of business, say this new bank got $500,000
in depositsperhaps something like $300,000 is immediately 'lent' to
the Fed to generate interest to the bank.  This happens every day.  The
actual cash on hand that any bank has is a fraction of what is actually
on deposit.

If necessary, the bank could get back all of it's cash reserves from the
Fed, but it would take a couple of business days...because the Fed, in
it's turn, takes that money it was 'lent', and sends it to where it
determines more cash is neededperhaps it determines that the southern
California area is running short on funds, so it will send an influx of
cash to that area

If it knows that an area with many large firms will be having paydays at
about the same time, it will send more funds to the banks in that area to
make sure the banks can meet the increased demands as customers either
deposit their paychecks and take out cash, or if they have automatic
deposit, those customers hit the ATMs to withdraw cash...

The Fed releases more money to banks when they know there will be a need,
such as the week of Thanksgiving, especially the Wednesday before and the
Friday and Saturday afterwards (the 3 biggest banking days of the
year)...the Fed will continue to send more money than usual to banks
throughout December, to meet the increased need as depositors withdraw
more funds than usual for holiday shopping, also as most banks payout
Christmas Clubs

But even when the Fed increases funds to banks, there is still no bank
that could meet the need if all (or even a sizeable number) of it's
customers suddenly demanded all of their funds at the same time.

No, what banks routinely do (SOP, nothing to do with Y2K) is print paper
registers of customers and their balances

Are they required to do this by federal regulation? Do ALL banks conform to
this practice?

A qualified yes, and yes.  Banks are required to remain functional if
their computer systems are not functional, but those are as much STATE
requirements as federal. Check with your state's Banking Commission.

Banks may not function EFFICIENTLY in such a scenario, but they WILL

Most of them have been compliant for years,

Most!?!?!  There seems to be a lot left unsaid for those institutions which
are NOT compliant.

You're reading more into my words than I said.  I don't know for sure
but that ALL are compliant, but I can't speak for ALL, just the ones I'm
aware of (which is MOST).


Re: [CTRL] Politically Correct Jesus

1999-12-18 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

 -Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 17 Dec 1999, Eagle 1 wrote:
There is a difference between "sin" and "disobedience".
The two are not equal; nor do they have the same connotations.
Example: God ordered Hosea to marry a whore - Hosea 1:2.  He "obeyed" ...
but technically, he "sinned", because he became party to a "sin" of the
flesh,  which was 'adultry'.

Wrong.  Adultery (try learning how to spell it correctly) according to
the Bible, is sexual relations between a man and a woman who are both
married to someone else.  If only one partner is married, only that
person is committing adultery.  An unmarried person cannot commit
adultery, neither is sexual intercourse between a man and a woman who are
legally married to each other adultery.

Hosea was legally married to the whore, therefore he could not be
committing adultery when he had sexual relations with her.  Neither was
she an adulteress when having sexual relations with Hosea.  And the fact
that she was able to legally marry Hosea suggests that she was not
married to another man, therefore even when she made a living as a whore,
SHE did not commit adultery, even tho a client may have been married.  It
would have been her married clients who were adulterers...

June ;-)

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artist -SheDragon (Laura) (ldb)

revcoal AT connix DOT com
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Phoenicians in ancient New Zealand ? (fwd)

1999-12-18 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

 -Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 17 Dec 1999, Tatman, Robert wrote:
ISTR that the primary evidence for Phoenician or Carthaginian landings in
the Americas is a heavily-eroded monument found in Brazil (sorry, can't
remember when or exactly where).

I remember reading an article in the early to mid-1980s in I believe "The
Smithsonian" magazine (altho it could have been "The National Geographic"
which I also got at the time), in which the showed (with many photos and
drawings) studies which lead the researchers to conclude that the
infamous "Bimini Road" (of Edgar Cayce fame) was really a Phoenician
seaport, that it pointed to a time when the Phoenicians were a great
seafaring power, coinciding with a time when sea levels were lower

The 'road' actually being a seawall, along which ships docked...

Not long after that, I read an article in "The Biblical Archeology
Review" which pointed out how little we actually know about Phoenicia and
its people (the article was positing a question as to why ancient Israel
was the only country on the Mediterranean who seemingly never had a navy,
or even plied commerce via water, and concluded that Phoenicia was indeed
Israel's 'navy')

Which, if true, and if Phoenicians made it to the New World, would give
new life to the 'lost tribes came to America' theories...  ;-)

June ;-)

| \ /|
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|__//|\\| []  [] || [] [] || []  [] |___/---\___ldb__|

artist -SheDragon (Laura) (ldb)

revcoal AT connix DOT com
 It is UNLAWFUL to send unsolicited commercial email to this email
 address per United States Code Title 47 Sec. 227.  I assess a fee of
 $500.00 US currency for reading and deleting such unsolicited commercial
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Good News from Tenn.

1999-12-18 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

From a pawnshop owner:

  In the past few days, my shop has been flooded with requests for
generators and handguns. Sadly I have no generators and few handguns
left to offer. I have made a point to offer the fact that if problems do
arise, I have Coleman lanterns and cookstoves, and a few inverters to
offer at what I have invested in them. In other words, my cost.
Generators are in short supply in the East Tennessee area, prices under
$500.00. Therefore the search for used items.

I have been up on my "box" whenever a call has come in with remarks
about Y2K.  I am offering to anyone, any of the information on basic
survival and have  printed off a list of items to consider having on
hand before the end of the year and have been passing it out to those
that ask advise.

 Yesterday, I had several members of the Tennessee National Guard drop
in and chat. They are on alert from the 26th thru the 7th and beyond if
problems arise. At present they are set to guard all federal building in
the state.

I understand they will work with the DOT to shut down all Interstate and
State  highways on the 28th if ordered to do so. I asked a point blank
question about firearms being took from citizens. They informed me the
constitution comes first and they have discussed this with other guard
units. They will refuse to help in any gun grab, and will defend the
citizens of Tennessee and uphold the Constitution and the right to bear
arms. They also added they will not assist, but will protect citizens
from any attempt from any form of government to take supplies from those
that have prepared. I hope they can keep those vows. Has anyone else
spoke with guard members in your areas?

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Phoenicians in ancient New Zealand ? (fwd)

1999-12-18 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-

YnrChyldzWyld wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 On Fri, 17 Dec 1999, Tatman, Robert wrote:
 ISTR that the primary evidence for Phoenician or Carthaginian landings in
 the Americas is a heavily-eroded monument found in Brazil (sorry, can't
 remember when or exactly where).

 I remember reading an article in the early to mid-1980s in I believe "The
 Smithsonian" magazine (altho it could have been "The National Geographic"
 which I also got at the time), in which the showed (with many photos and
 drawings) studies which lead the researchers to conclude that the
 infamous "Bimini Road" (of Edgar Cayce fame) was really a Phoenician
 seaport, that it pointed to a time when the Phoenicians were a great
 seafaring power, coinciding with a time when sea levels were lower

 The 'road' actually being a seawall, along which ships docked...

 Not long after that, I read an article in "The Biblical Archeology
 Review" which pointed out how little we actually know about Phoenicia and
 its people (the article was positing a question as to why ancient Israel
 was the only country on the Mediterranean who seemingly never had a navy,
 or even plied commerce via water, and concluded that Phoenicia was indeed
 Israel's 'navy')

 Which, if true, and if Phoenicians made it to the New World, would give
 new life to the 'lost tribes came to America' theories...  ;-)

 June ;-)

How does this give life to the " lost tribes come to America theory?
How big do you think their ships were? Phoenicia wasn't Israel's navy.
King Solomon had a good working relationship with the King of Tyre who
brought the Cedars of Lebanon to him to build the Temple. The Phoenicians'
cities on the Eastern Mediterranean evolved into Philistia. The Philistines
were the enemies of the Jews then and down to this day. Both tribes were
warring over the same territory. Down to this very day.

There is every likelihood that the Phoenicians had bases on Proto America.
Phoenicia itself was not a country as we know it today, but a number of
cities and ports around the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts. Their sailing
methods were secret, and any Phoenician who spilled the beans, was killed.
I have seen speculation that they had the loadstone and used it as a compass.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Club of Rome

1999-12-18 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

In response to an email received from a group called Internet Democrats,
about the need to take the nuclear weapons off the hair-trigger, I posted
the following.  The website where the history of the Club of Rome appears is

Dear Jim:

I suggest you check into some of these organizations before you start
promoting their work to fellow Democrats in this country.  At least one of
them is supported by the elite families of the world who are currently
researching ways to control growth in their own favor, which to me spells
controlled genocide.  Democrats have to stop reacting to their feelings
about what "feels good" and start doing some intellectual research into
supposedly benevolent organizations and who created them, and for what
One of the organizations supporting this "de-alert" initiative is called
GRACE.  From its website I pulled up the following:

52 of the world's 100 largest economies are corporations; only 48 are

A U.S. government-funded study found that since the financial crisis began
in Indonesia, industrial production fell 15% while industrial pollution rose
18%. Industry is polluting more to produce less.

   The world's 447 billionaires have wealth equal to 2,500,000,000 of the
world's people.

  The 100 largest corporate foreign investors own 20% of all foreign

Corporate Accountability

Profit-driven interests of corporations often outweigh the health and
well-being of individuals. Companies are rarely, if ever, held accountable
for polluting the environment or for their misuse of natural resources.

GRACE advocates and supports a wider use of the Precautionary Principle,
which urges that no harm be done to the environment and that Ecological
Economics, a more valid measurement which factors in the costs of industrial
production to the environment and public health, be employed.

Below are resources for understanding how to promote corporate

Innovative Thinking

Beyond Greening: Strategies for a Sustainable World, Stuart Hart, Harvard
Business Review
Three stages of environmental strategy -- pollution prevention, product
stewardship, and clean technology -- are imperative in sustainable

The Club of Rome
A resource center and think tank made up of scientists, economists,
businessmen,and government officials - including current and former Heads of
State. The Club works to promote the positive aspects and new opportunities
offered by our emerging global society.

The following from the blue-line link:

The Club of Rome : the first 30 years
1 / 10 : Beginnings
A novelist would probably reject the contacts and encounters that led up to
the creation of the Club of Rome as too improbable for a good story. An
Italian industrialist who has spent much of his working life in China and
Latin America meets, via a Russian (although this is at the height of the
Cold War), a top international scientific civil servant, Scots by birth and
now living in Paris. They find they share similar concerns, become friends,
decide to draw others (American, Austrian, British, Danish, French) into
their discussions. Unfortunately, the first proper meeting of this group, in
Rome in Spring 1968, is a total flop but a handful of die-hards carry on,
and within a few years millions of people all round the world are talking
about their ideas.

However unlikely, that is roughly the way the Club of Rome began. It could
so easily never have happened — because the protagonists might never have
met, or they might well have given up after the failure of that first
meeting. That the Club was in fact founded and flourished undoubtedly owed
much to the personalities and experience of the two main characters in the
story.  Aurelio Peccei, the Italian, and Alexander King, the Scot, both had
excellent — though very different — vantage points in the mid 1960s to
observe the problems emerging in the world; both were worried by what they
saw but their capacity to act on their knowledge was limited by their
positions. Naturally, they were on the look-out for like-minded people and
for ways of taking their ideas further.

Aurelio Peccei had trained as an economist and was sent to China by Fiat in
1935. After the war, spent in the resistance and in prison, he returned to
Fiat, first helping to get the group back on its feet and then, in 1949, as
head of its Latin American operations. He quickly realised that it would
make sense to start manufacturing locally and set up the Argentine
subsidiary, Fiat-Concord. In 1957 he was delighted to be asked to create and
run Italconsult (a para-public joint consultancy venture involving major
Italian firms such as Fiat, Innocenti, Montecatini), seeing this as a way of
helping to tackle the problems of the Third World which he had come to know
first-hand. But Peccei was not content merely with the substantial
achievements of Italconsult, or his responsibilities as President of

[CTRL] Fw: Club of Rome

1999-12-18 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

From CTRL archives search of the word "Peccei":

Documents 1 - 2 of 2 matches.

[CTRL] 'International Cooperation Council'
... Marx Hubbard (Democratic nominee for VP in 1984), Robert Muller (former
Asst. UN Secretary General), U Thant (Muller's UN boss and mentor), Aurelio
Peccei (founder of the Club of Rome), Isaac Asimov (scientist and sci-fi
writer), Alvin Toffler (author of 'Future Shock'), George Christie (founder
of ...
http://www.mail-archive.com/ctrl@listserv.aol.com/msg29699.html 11/27/99,
8845 bytes
[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Ranier E. Gut, Chairman, Credit-Suisse
(None of the search words were found in the top of this document.)
http://www.mail-archive.com/ctrl@listserv.aol.com/msg29564.html 11/23/99,
19117 bytes

-Original Message-
From: Linda Minor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Saturday, December 18, 1999 9:23 AM
Subject: Club of Rome

In response to an email received from a group called Internet Democrats,
about the need to take the nuclear weapons off the hair-trigger, I posted
the following.  The website where the history of the Club of Rome appears

Dear Jim:

I suggest you check into some of these organizations before you start
promoting their work to fellow Democrats in this country.  At least one of
them is supported by the elite families of the world who are currently
researching ways to control growth in their own favor, which to me spells
controlled genocide.  Democrats have to stop reacting to their feelings
about what "feels good" and start doing some intellectual research into
supposedly benevolent organizations and who created them, and for what
One of the organizations supporting this "de-alert" initiative is called
GRACE.  From its website I pulled up the following:

52 of the world's 100 largest economies are corporations; only 48 are

A U.S. government-funded study found that since the financial crisis began
in Indonesia, industrial production fell 15% while industrial pollution
18%. Industry is polluting more to produce less.

   The world's 447 billionaires have wealth equal to 2,500,000,000 of the
world's people.

  The 100 largest corporate foreign investors own 20% of all foreign

Corporate Accountability

Profit-driven interests of corporations often outweigh the health and
well-being of individuals. Companies are rarely, if ever, held accountable
for polluting the environment or for their misuse of natural resources.

GRACE advocates and supports a wider use of the Precautionary Principle,
which urges that no harm be done to the environment and that Ecological
Economics, a more valid measurement which factors in the costs of
production to the environment and public health, be employed.

Below are resources for understanding how to promote corporate

Innovative Thinking

Beyond Greening: Strategies for a Sustainable World, Stuart Hart, Harvard
Business Review
Three stages of environmental strategy -- pollution prevention, product
stewardship, and clean technology -- are imperative in sustainable

The Club of Rome
A resource center and think tank made up of scientists, economists,
businessmen,and government officials - including current and former Heads
State. The Club works to promote the positive aspects and new opportunities
offered by our emerging global society.

The following from the blue-line link:

The Club of Rome : the first 30 years
1 / 10 : Beginnings
A novelist would probably reject the contacts and encounters that led up to
the creation of the Club of Rome as too improbable for a good story. An
Italian industrialist who has spent much of his working life in China and
Latin America meets, via a Russian (although this is at the height of the
Cold War), a top international scientific civil servant, Scots by birth and
now living in Paris. They find they share similar concerns, become friends,
decide to draw others (American, Austrian, British, Danish, French) into
their discussions. Unfortunately, the first proper meeting of this group,
Rome in Spring 1968, is a total flop but a handful of die-hards carry on,
and within a few years millions of people all round the world are talking
about their ideas.

However unlikely, that is roughly the way the Club of Rome began. It could
so easily never have happened — because the protagonists might never have
met, or they might well have given up after the failure of that first
meeting. That the Club was in fact founded and flourished undoubtedly owed
much to the personalities and experience of the two main characters in the
story.  Aurelio Peccei, the Italian, and Alexander King, the Scot, both had
excellent — though very different — vantage points in the mid 1960s to
observe the 


1999-12-18 Thread Kris Millegan


Dear Rumor Mill News Readers,

The death toll from Venezuela's torrential rains has reached over 200 and as
many as 7,000 people missing. Hundreds are  trapped in their homes by
mudslides and high waters. As I read these headlines, I remembered something
I was told by some of my sources. They were talking to me about "The Great
Dying." I wrote about it in an article that was published in Conspiracy
Nation a few years ago.  A
HREF="ftp://ftp.shout.net/pub/users/bigred/vol12/cn12-48"Conspiracy Nation/A

I have excerpted pieces of it below.

"Once when  I sat at a table of high
ranking Navy Intelligence types, they told me  the  story  about,
"The  Great  Dying".  They said that the old plagues like cholera
and malaria would soon  break  out  in  South America and Central
America and millions of dying people would be crawling northward,
desperately trying to escape the death that awaited them  in  the
muddy waters of their homelands.

The  men  who told me this tale said that the "official" story of
"The Great  Dying"  had  already  been  written  and  made into a
Fantasia type cartoon,  complete  with  a  classical  score  from
"Night on Bald Mountain" and other classical works.

I  was  told that the survivors of "The Great Dying" would be too
ignorant and unschooled to  read  books  or appreciate a newsreel
type program, so it was decided that a Disney type animated  film
would be the way to teach these people.  As the men who worked on
the project described the millions of men, women and children who
were  stretched  out  on  the muddy ground, crawling their way to
salvation in the United States, I could actually hear the strains
of "Night  on  Bald  Mountain"  playing  behind  the  images they
created in my mind."

A HREF="http://ap.tbo.com/ap/breaking/MGIW48VUC2C.html"Over 200 Dead, 7,000
Missing in Venezuela Flooding: From The Associated Press/A

Dec 18, 1999 - 02:09 AM

Over 200 Dead, 7,000 Missing in Venezuela Flooding
By Steven Gutkin
Associated Press Writer

LA GUAIRA, Venezuela (AP) - With the death toll from Venezuela's torrential
rains reaching over 200 and as many as 7,000 people missing, hundreds were
trapped in their homes by mudslides and high waters.
President Hugo Chavez announced Friday that he was sending elite army
paratroopers to aid trapped survivors. A team of 1,000 soldiers was to use
ropes to descend from helicopters with supplies for victims stranded on
rooftops of buildings surrounded by water and mud.

The announcement came as officials conceded that the magnitude of Venezuela's
disaster was far greater than previously thought.

The death toll from mudslides and flooding was 202 and expected to rise
significantly, with Foreign Minister Jose Vicente Rangel saying between 6,000
and 7,000 people were reported missing.

Another 80,000 people were rendered homeless.

Rains continued Friday, but their intensity leveled off somewhat, allowing
rescue teams to begin clearing debris and recovering cadavers.

Starting Wednesday, avalanches of mud, boulders and water came crashing down
a mountain between the capital, Caracas, and the Caribbean coast.

Hundreds of people along the coast were trapped in high-rise apartment
buildings enveloped by mud and water up to three floors high. Others wandered
amid the rubble looking desperately for something to eat or drink.

"A two-story house used to be here," said Bestalia Rada, 60, pointing to an
empty piece of land covered in mud. "It was my house."

Nine northern states and Caracas have been declared disaster areas. Much of
Venezuela remained paralyzed, with most banks, businesses and government
offices closed. Chavez called in the Navy to clear away mud and debris from
coastlines so that ships could bring in relief supplies and help evacuate

Chavez on Friday declared three days of "national mourning" and asked
citizens to fly flags at half mast.

He said 25 countries had offered relief aid, including three Blackhawk
helicopters that arrived Friday from the United States. Cuba, he said, was
sending in a medical team. Mexico announced it was sending two 727's and two
Hercules planes with some 200 disaster relief experts.

From the Vatican, Pope John Paul II offered "prayers for the eternal rest of
the deceased" and the "comfort of those affected by the tragedy."

In La Guaira, a port city 20 miles over the mountain from Caracas, huge
boulders and mounds of dirt as high as 10 feet littered the streets. There
was no electricity, no phones and no running water.

Survivors, some setting up makeshift tents in the streets, waited anxiously
for missing friends and relatives to appear.

In Caracas, the rains turned some streets into raging rivers, with many
avenues blanketed with mud, trees and debris.

The highway connecting Caracas to its international airport near La Guaira
remained largely blocked and all commercial flights were canceled.

Thousands of residents, some crying, streamed out of Caracas's 

[CTRL] June: thank you!

1999-12-18 Thread Edward Britton

 -Caveat Lector-


Why thank you June! Less the redundant lecture on how banks operate (which
actually may be beneficial for those readers not familiar with the system),
you have managed to answer the majority of my questions in a coherent
manner--with few arbitrary assignments of character labels in the process I
might add. This was precisely what I was hoping for.

Even though I still disagree with you in regard to your confidence in the
level of compliance industry wide, yours is perhaps the first rational
response to the many questions people have had on this issue. If all
relevant authorities had been this clear in their explanation of their
particular of areas of expertise as you have been in this post, then
perhaps many of the fears associated with Y2K could have been forestalled.

Like you, and as I have told you previously in response to another posting,
my primary concern over Y2K has little if anything to do with computers.
Like you, my primary concern is over those nut-cases (especially including
those in government) who will stretch events beyond all rational limits at
the end of the year. My original suggestions for preparation were just as
much in anticipation of the actions of these nut cases as they were for any
so-called computer glitch. Again, the suggestions themselves were not
irrational (one of your original claims) unless one consideres acting in
one's best interest an irrational act.

And now, only one remaining point of contention:

WARNING!  Stay OUT of America's cities on 1/1/2,000!!
This is NOT a prediction?  ;-)

No, it is not. It is a suggestion in the form of a waring and is based
solely on the potential for terrorist and resulting police activities in
major metropolitan areas at the end of the year. It has nothing to do with

I have ZERO clue what will or might happen come 1-1-2,000 (;-) so I would
be very hard pressed to render any type of prediction one way or the other.
A prediction, after all, involves rendering an estimation or foretelling of
future events.

Edward   +
WARNING!  Stay OUT of America's cities on 1/1/2,000!!
Edward   Britton   +
Reality Pump: http://www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/Reality_Pump2

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] New World Order's Golden Capstone

1999-12-18 Thread Linda Minor

Interesting post about Egyptian plans relating to Giza and Egypt's
government's  that the gold capstone represents Zionist and Masonic


Dear Rumor Mill News Readers,

I don't know who put together the following articles... but here is some more
information on the cancellation of the New World Order's  Golden Capstone
Ru Mills

Typically, the L.A. organ of obfuscation leaves out the news "not fit to
record for the unwashed masses," from their alleged reportage. BBC
reported about three nights ago, on the 9:00 PM CT shortwave (5975)
news hour, that "serious controversy is ongoing and the cap crowning plan
might be scrapped, because members of Egypt's government are very
concerned/angry that the cap represents Zionist and Masonic philosophy,"
as the article below the LA Times also cites.

Cap crowning the pyramid aside, the great protests are actually quite
interesting, even odd, given the fact that the ancient mystery religions
of Egypt, the Horus/Isis cults, the huge cavorting cabal of ancient gods
and the mysticism that they represented, form the very basis of Scottish
Rite Masonic cultism and Jewish cabalism.

The ancient Egyptian occult dogmas through the ages were adopted by many
secret societies in Western nations, including numerous non-Western
nations. Perhaps the Egyptians believe that present day Masonry has
become overly infected with a particular brand of Zionist and Western
philosophy exclusively--they are right. None of this is at all
important, unless we understand the importance of "inner circle" Masonic
philosophy and its very sinister and wholly subversive intrusion, in all
decision making in every facet of Western governments--Israel not least.

This quote taken from the second article:

"that the planned celebration supports Jewish and Masonic ideas.
"The suggestion is groundless," said Hawass. "The celebration has
nothing to do with Masonic beliefs. The design on the US dollar is a
faulty imitation of the pyramids of the Middle Kingdom."


Thursday, December 16, 1999 | Print this story

Egypt Cancels Plans to Cap

CAIRO, Egypt--In an apparent
nod to public opinion, the government on Thursday canceled its plan to
cap the Great Pyramid in gold for the millennium celebrations.

Egypt had planned to usher in the New Year by affixing a gold-encased
capstone on the Great Pyramid, built as a tomb for King Cheops about 4,500
years ago.

The 30 -foot high cap was to be lowered by helicopter at the stroke of
midnight Dec. 31, making the broken pyramid whole again, if only for a night.

Culture Minister Farouk Hosni gave no reason for backing off the plan,
but said the decision was made despite technical advice that it would not have
damaged the monument,  Egypt's Middle East News Agency reported. Egypt's
millennium celebrations feature a 12 -hour concert at the foot  of the Giza
pyramids with 1,000 performers. Egypt, whose recorded history goes back
6,000 years, is promoting the  celebration as the start of its seventh
Copyright 1999 Los Angeles Times

Al-Ahram Weekly
25 Nov. - 1 Dec. 1999
Issue No. 457
Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875
Crowning the pyramid
By Nevine El-Aref

Against a backdrop of allegations of a Zionist link, the Giza
plateau is a hive of activity, with the Ministry of Culture and the
Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) busy preparing for the millennium
celebrations - the highlight of which will be the capping of the pyramid
of Khufu. But, with the event lying just around the corner, some
fundamental matters need addressing, not least of which is how to get
the multitude of expected visitors onto the plateau and how to place the
nine-metre-high, gold-plated capstone atop the lofty monument.
"Preparations are in full swing to meet the deadline; only 51 days
left," said Zahi Hawass, director-general of the Giza plateau.
"Areas on the plateau are being prepared to accommodate the vast
numbers expected to attend and new entrance gates are being opened, as
well as a parking area and other facilities, including a small
bookshop," said Hawass.
Meanwhile, research is being carried out by the SCA in collaboration
with the Remote Sensing and Space Science Authority and the Egyptian
military forces to assess the condition of the great stones on the face
of the pyramid and determine the best method to place the cap.
"Archaeologists are registering the number of blocks on the surface
at the top of the pyramid and documenting graffiti found on the top.
Some were written by visitors during the last century and some are very
amusing," said Hawass. He added that they include love verses, the will
of someone who climbed to the top and committed suicide and the names of
two lovers who kissed 

Re: [CTRL] June: thank you!

1999-12-18 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

Like you, my primary concern is over those nut-cases (especially
including those in government) who will stretch events beyond all rational
limits at the end of the year.

Equally dangerous, perhaps more so, are the totally sane, but evil,
cynical manipulators of the "nut-cases."

Again, the suggestions themselves were not irrational (one of your
original claims) unless one consideres acting in one's best interest an
irrational act.

Acting alone is seldom if ever, and certainly not in this case, in
anyone's self interest.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Politically Correct Jesus

1999-12-18 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

even when she made a living as a whore,

More likely she was a worshiper of Ashera or Astarte or whatever She was
called in the local dialect, and as such practiced ritual prostitution as
part her religion. If so, once a year she turned a single trick. The money
went to charity and temple vestments. If she were particularly religious,
and young, she might do it full time for a while. But it wasn't a trade
that one worked like carpentry of tax collecting, as it is today. It was a
sacrament of a competing religion. That's why Jews preached against it.
That's why they still preach against it, as do the followers of Judiasm's
primary break away sub-sects, Christianity and Islam. Everyone  always
preaches against the sacraments of competing religion. Or they can be
adopted. That happens sometimes, too.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Freemasons - moral guardians or centre of corruption?

1999-12-18 Thread Eagle 1

Although this is a fairly old story, some 
may have missed this.
So, fyi...


 Thursday, March 5, 1998 Published at 13:49 
  GMT  UKFreemasons - moral guardians or centre 
  of corruption?Opponents say masonic rituals and oaths 
  could put members at odds with public duty 
  on your point of view freemasonry is either a gentlemen's club devoted to 
  moral and spiritual values or a corrupt organisation intent on looking 
  after number one. 


Justice Milliett: "freemasonry is not an interest" (1' 
53")One thing is certain - freemasons 
  would like to stay out of the public eye as much as possible. 
  It is this determination to preserve a shroud of secrecy which arouses 
  suspicion in non-masons. 


  Masonry is 
surrounded by myth and legendEven their 
  origins are open to question. Some say the first examples of masonry date 
  back to the Egyptian pyramid builders although modern freemasons can only 
  claim a 300-year history. 
  Throughout their history stories of rituals and threats have leaked 
  There are freemasons all over Europe and North America. 
  Italy in particular is riddled with masonic lodges - the most famous of 
  which was the corrupt P2 lodge - and freemasons have been at loggerheads 
  with the Roman Catholic Church for years. 
  But it is how the membership is made up that worries some quarters. 
  Trumped up charges 
  The freemasons are estimated to have more than 300,000 members in the 
  UK and thousands more abroad. 
  Stories are rife of masons winning promotion because their boss is a 
  member and accused men standing in the dock giving the judge a sly sign 
  indicating he is a mason, although evidence of such cases remains flimsy. 
  But Martin Short, author of Inside the Brotherhood, told the Home 
  Affairs Select Committee how two Asian businessmen stumbled on a masonic 
  dinner at a hotel and were prosecuted on trumped up charges of assaulting 
  police officers. 
  He said it later became apparent that the police officers were lodge 
  members as was the investigating officer, a senior official in the Crown 
  Prosecution Service and the hotel manager. A presumably non-masonic jury 
  acquitted the businessmen. 
  Two years ago the select committee said: "We believe that nothing so 
  much undermines public confidence in public institutions as the knowledge 
  that some public servants are members of a secret society, one of whose 
  aims is mutual self-advancement." 


  Masons argue the 
society is no more harmful than the golf 
  clubMasonic rules state that members must 
  do all they can to support each other, to look after each other and to 
  keep each others' lawful secrets. 
  For those breaking the rules, the penalties are outlined in bizarre 
  initiation rituals. 
  New members are blindfolded, wearing a hangman's noose and are warned 
  their throat will be slit, their tongue torn out and then they will be 
  buried in the sand. 
  The rituals are all too similar to those of the Cosa Nostra and the 
  No-one believes masons will carry out the threats but critics argue the 
  oaths of allegiance could put them at odds with public duty. 
  Centuries of secrecy 
  Since 1717 when four London lodges came together to form a Grand Lodge 
  based on the concepts of brotherly love, relief and truth, non-members 
  have been suspicious of freemasonry. 
  But it was only 14 years ago that masons began courting public 
  acceptance with a leaflet on the positive aspects of their "craft". 
  Eight years later the media were invited to attend a masonic meeting 
  for the first time. 
  Freemasons argue their organisation is open to any man regardless of 
  religion or colour. But women are excluded. 
  They say all that is needed to join is a belief in a god, not 
  necessarily the Christian God, and a good reputation. 
  They insist a mason who is a judge, for example, could not be put in a 
  compromising position because freemasonry demands members respect the law. 

  Freemason literature says the society condemns members who use 
  membership to promote his personal or business interests. 
  Masons date with destiny 
  There have also been questions about masonic involvement in the John 
  Stalker disciplinary hearing, which forced the former Deputy Chief 
  Constable of Greater Manchester to abandon his inquiry into an alleged 

Re: [CTRL] Politically Correct Jesus

1999-12-18 Thread Eagle 1

 -Caveat Lector-

I vary to differ with you.
IF the woman Hosea married, ever had relations with a married client during
the course of her business, she became an adultress. That title, or "sin",
is never removed, except by the grace or pardon of God.

So, in other words, I disagree.
I will leave it at that.

eagle 1

- Original Message -
From: "YnrChyldzWyld" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, December 18, 1999 7:48 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Politically Correct Jesus

 -Caveat Lector-

 On Fri, 17 Dec 1999, Eagle 1 wrote:
 There is a difference between "sin" and "disobedience".
 The two are not equal; nor do they have the same connotations.
 Example: God ordered Hosea to marry a whore - Hosea 1:2.  He "obeyed" ...
 but technically, he "sinned", because he became party to a "sin" of the
 flesh,  which was 'adultry'.

 Wrong.  Adultery (try learning how to spell it correctly) according to
 the Bible, is sexual relations between a man and a woman who are both
 married to someone else.  If only one partner is married, only that
 person is committing adultery.  An unmarried person cannot commit
 adultery, neither is sexual intercourse between a man and a woman who are
 legally married to each other adultery.

 Hosea was legally married to the whore, therefore he could not be
 committing adultery when he had sexual relations with her.  Neither was
 she an adulteress when having sexual relations with Hosea.  And the fact
 that she was able to legally marry Hosea suggests that she was not
 married to another man, therefore even when she made a living as a whore,
 SHE did not commit adultery, even tho a client may have been married.  It
 would have been her married clients who were adulterers...


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] Politically Correct Jesus

1999-12-18 Thread Eagle 1

 -Caveat Lector-

Well then,  with all that said...
It stands to reason that the Biblical account of Lucifer's beauty should
also be considered.  In Genesis he was called the "Serpent", the most
subtile of all the beasts... (this includes man).  "Serpent" in this
instance, is interpreted from the Hebrew to mean "glistening one; one who
enchants and casts spells; one who hisses and murmers".
Lucifer is said to have been created perfect in beauty;  therefore, the
antichrist, Lucifer, the Devil, the Old Serpent, the Dragon,  "et al",
should be classified as the most beautiful,  and so does the Bible give him
such traits,  unlike common stories that he is ugly, has horns, carries a
pitchfork, while wearing red long-handled underwear.

He's wants to present himself as God,  as is described in the greatest
conspiracy of the Bible and according to "Isaiah 14:12-16", since long ago.
(And he will soon get his opportunity to appear as the Messiah).  Ezekiel
acknowledged that he was of much beauty and wisdom,  according to the letter
to the King of Tyre,  of whom when reading on,  we find that the King of
Tyre is merely a type of antichrist to come,  according to the book of the
same name chapter 28:1-19

In the same passage,  we find that this cherub was not animal or human,  but
rather a creature called a 'cherub'.  The Bible / Hebrew is very
non-descript of this being. It is not directly defined as to what a cherub
actually is, other than a protector of the mercy seat of God, as described
in Exodus regarding the design applications for the ark of the covenant.
However, information can be gathered from the Bible that indicates that this
being is nothing like anything we have ever experienced in our course of
humanity, either living or dead.  Cherubs are called "living creatures" in
the Revelation.  Cherubs,  contrary to popular belief,  are not "angels" or
"messengers",  but rather a non-mobile creature attached to the presence of
God,  that is relatively and totally different than anything we know of,
past or present on the face of the earth, other than Lucifer's temporary
detachment that caused his demise and judgment which is awaiting to be

Beauty of the physical entity is not the most desired.
It is more the beauty within that is to be desired.

eagle 1

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, December 18, 1999 6:34 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Politically Correct Jesus

 -Caveat Lector-

 Wow.  At least two people (notably John H. Taylor and Robert Tatman)
 in with the correct response, in BALLPARK terms, but NEITHER zeroed in on
 RELEVANT passages in the Old Testament regarding the UGLINESS of the
 "Suffering Servant" -- allegedly Jesus Christ, as Biblical "prophecy" sees
 it.  And predictably, even the correct passages in Mr Taylor's post, from
 http://www.jewsforjudaism.org/j4j-2000/index.html, SKIP OVER the relevant
 verses, OBFUSCATING the entire issue beneath a numbing smokescreen of
 secondary pious "interpretation" and cross-references.  How typical!

 Okay, let's look right at the statements in question, used to argue that
 "Messiah" or "Christ" was or will be UGLY, and was SHUNNED for his
 and/or his "disease."
 (Taylor's post is included at the end, so you can watch our AVOIDANCE of

  Isaiah 52:13-15 and 53:2-6 et seq., KING JAMES translation:

 52:13  Behold, my servant shall deal prudently, he shall be
 exalted and extolled, and be very high.
 52:14  As many were astonied at thee; HIS VISAGE WAS SO MARRED
 52:15  So shall he sprinkle many nations; THE KINGS SHALL SHUT
 THEIR MOUTHS AT HIM: for that which had not been told them shall
 they see; and that which they had not heard shall they consider.

 53:2  For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant and as a
 root, out of a dry ground: HE HATH NO FORM NOR COMELINESS; and
 53:3  He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and
 acquainted with grief: and WE HID AS IT WERE OUR FACES FROM HIM;
 he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
 53:4  Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our
 sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and
 53:5  But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was
 bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was
 upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
 53:6  All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every
 one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of
 us all.


 From the HEBREW (Masoretic text), literally translated into English:

 52:13  Watch, my servant who shall minister wisely will be lifted
 up and held high, greatly -- as (great) as the 'disfigurement'
 [MShChTh] of his appearance among (other) men and of his 

[CTRL] OEN 12/17/99

1999-12-18 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A
Macau Patties

Macau Welcomes Handover to China

Portuguese won't be missed.

MACAU, the first and last European enclave in China, is to be handed back to
Beijing tomorrow night after 450 years under Portuguese rule.

As with Hong Kong two years ago, the handover has been preceded by a
relentless propaganda campaign on the Communist mainland. But in Macau, a
handsome yet sleazy tropical city of 430,000 people, the overwhelmingly
Chinese population expressed little emotion yesterday beyond quiet
satisfaction at saying farewell to their colonial masters. In the main
streets, there are as many Christmas and New Year decorations as handover
posters or flags.

In the tense years before Hong Kong's handover to Beijing, many asked why
Britain could not be more like Portugal, whose Chinese territory was drifting
home to the motherland with such pragmatic calm. Yet, at this late stage,
Lisbon's languid approach is not looking as successful as some hoped. Despite
the pastel-coloured palaces and baroque churches, wine bars and
coffee-houses, Portugal's influence in Macau is dying.

Young Portuguese in the Bolo de Arroz, a favourite Macau coffee shop, doubted
that their Chinese neighbours would miss them. "The situation here is totally
different from Hong Kong," said Henrique Galvao, a young vet whose parents
have worked for the Macau government for 10 years.

He said: "We have two different worlds here, the Chinese and the Portuguese,
and they only mix when they have to, say at work. Maybe five per cent of the
population speaks Portuguese. We didn't try to sell our culture."

Across the city, at the tangerine-coloured palace that will house the new
Portuguese consulate-general, a Chinese student, Connie Lei, was picking up a
Portuguese passport, weaving her way past signs and state emblems covered
with dustsheets.

Lisbon has granted passports to a quarter of the Macau population, as well as
securing jobs for life for the 4,000 "Macanese", or Eurasians, who
traditionally filled the lower and middle ranks of the civil service. Miss
Lei said: "I don't feel Portuguese. This passport is simply more convenient."
She was looking forward to seeing Portugal's flag lowered outside Government
House tomorrow afternoon.

Macau returns to China a far less liberal city than Hong Kong, its single
pro-democracy legislator drowned out by the voices of pro-Beijing lobbyists
and business groups. Macau's new judges and government leaders will be
painfully inexperienced, thanks to Portugal's failure to appoint local
Chinese to senior posts until the last minute.

Macau, which returns under the "one country, two systems" principle, will in
theory enjoy a European-style legal code, banning capital punishment and
offering other guarantees of human rights. But Portuguese law has never
greatly worried China's security services, which have not hesitated to snatch
suspects from the enclave and bundle them over the border for trial.
Lisbon made one major stand this year, over China's unilateral decision to
station People's Liberation Army troops in Macau. Portugal removed its last
troops in 1975, saying they had "no viable mission".

But Macau's Chinese citizens - who make up 96 per cent of the population -
will welcome the PLA garrison. Many believe that only fear of the Communists
will end a turf war raging since 1995 as triad gangs fight for control of the
illegal gambling, loan-sharking and prostitution that swirl around Macau's
casinos. The casinos, run by a monopoly syndicate since 1961, provide more
than half the government's revenues.

Tight security will surround handover participants and guests, who will range
from the Chinese and Portuguese presidents to Xanana Gusmao, the [?], and
Chris Patten, the European commissioner and former Hong Kong governor. Both
Mr Gusmao and Mr Patten were invited by Lisbon alone, to conspicuous silence
from the mainland.

Just across the land border with the mainland, 10,000 border guards have been
posted to ensure that triad members from south China do not sneak into Macau
and disrupt the big day.
Luck, and politics, have dictated Macau's fortunes since the Portuguese were
first ceded a lease in 1557 - in return for fighting pirates, say the
Portuguese; in exchange for bribes, says China's propaganda machine. At
present the economy is in a four-year slump, further souring local Chinese
sentiment towards Portugal.

To many of Macau's residents, things can only improve once they are ruled by
fellow Chinese. Already Portuguese like Henrique Galvao are finding jobs hard
to find, as positive discrimination favours local Chinese. He said: "There
are so many things we could have done better. The Portuguese closed their
eyes for four centuries, and only opened them for the last 10 or 15 years.
That's the problem."

The London Telegraph, December 18, 1999

The Big Mo


Re: [CTRL] Did humans lose a sixth sense?

1999-12-18 Thread TenebrousT

 -Caveat Lector-

I think the pheremone scenting organ in the sinuses is something that
possibly did have a function and use that has been lost (at least MOSTLY,
since there are those who attribute to it SOME function today).  As for other
"senses" that have been lost I am in favor of ESP like powers, a sort of
HYPER-intuition, which due to civilization, and the proximity of large
amounts of human beings and extraneous sensory stimuli which it automaticaly
brings, has been largely lost or at least we have lost touch with how to
access it for the most part.

"Welcome to the desert of the real."  Morpheus, "The Matrix".

"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human
mind to correlate all its contents.
  We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of seas of infinity,
and it is not meant that we should
  voyage far.  The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have
hitherto harmed us little; but someday
  the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying
vistas of reality, and of our
  frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation
or flee from the deadly light into the
  peace and safety of a new dark age."  H.P.Lovecraft; "The Call of Cthulhu"

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Did FBI Nab Fed Provocateur/Patsy In Seattle?--'Megiddo' Setup Suspected

1999-12-18 Thread Kris Millegan

Did FBI Nab Fed Provocateur/Patsy In Seattle?
--'Megiddo' Setup Suspected

Only yesterday a number of MOST unusual news articles, based on press
releases from the federal government, stated that although widespread,
disruptive failures of vital services due to ramifications of the Y2K
computer bug are NOT expected, the feds were suddenly (with 2 weeks to
go) now VERY concerned about outbreaks of domestic terrorism at the
beginning of 2000; enacted by a wide-ranging and varied list of
purportedly dangerous elements, including but not limited to
fundamentalist Christians, fundamentalist Moslems, fundamentalist Jews,
survivalists, "white" supremacists and many other assorted "extremists."

And now, appearing as if on cue, and coincidentally enough right in
Seattle, the city in which a test-run of martial law and suspension (or
is that abolition?) of human, civil and constitutional rights has just
occurred, the FBI claims to have nabbed an Arab national entering the
U.S. near Seattle with a trunkful of "Oklahoma City Bomb"-type
"explosive" materials.

Included among the materials confiscated at the time of arrest were some
vials of a liquid feds claimed was nitroglycerin when presenting it as
evidence. But then, over defense objections, federal prosecutors asked
the judge to order the material destroyed and the judge complied; a move
which forever prevented any possibility of having fed claims about the
substance verified. Other confiscated materials supposedly included
fertilizers like urea.

The whole thing really appears pretty fishy; and the location and timing
of the incident, both in relation to the recent Seattle anti-World Trade
Organization protests AND to the upcoming new Millennium, make it even
more suspicious--especially in light of warnings just issued by feds
about terrorism at the New Year.

We feel it's a strong possibility that the person arrested was either a
paid and/or mind-controlled provocateur, or was set up to either
wittingly or unwittingly transport certain possibly hazardous materials
into the U.S. just so the feds could make the bust and "get a case" to
bolster their blizzard of warnings about millennial terrorism both
within the United States and abroad.

The post below from Citizens For a Constitutional Washington makes some
very good points about this case.

NewsHawk® Inc.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Subject: Seattle's version of Project Megiddo?
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 23:34:34 -0800

NewsHawk, et. al.,

NOTICE in this story below how Magistrate Wilson orders the "amber
liquid" destroyed ... before it's even identified or tested ... is this
odd or what? How do we know it's nitroglycerine? NOTICE that the public
defender wants a one-week delay in order to have the material tested ...
apparently the public defender doesn't believe the government agent,
Lesley Jackson. Is FBI Agent Jackson a chemist? Remember how they
destroyed all of the evidence of the OKC bombing ... carted all of the
debris away, buried it and placed an armed guard at the site? The
government DESTROYED evidence! Why? Who's hiding what? So what that some
liquid was sensitive to motion or heat? Water in the form of coffee is
sensitive to motion, especially if it's hot and it spills in your lap
because of careless handling in a car that's moving! ... and if you heat
water it will eventually boil, so water is also sensitive to heat. What
kind of meaningless statements are these but to confound, condition and
sell fear to the sheople watching the stupid tube and a media all too
willing to go along for its part of the charade! I wouldn't be surprised
if Mr. Ressam is one of THEIR people, an agent provocateur, set-up with
phony ID and airline tickets ... the whole nine yards, and paid to carry
out this little Hegelian trick so the FBI can lay claim to its Project
Megiddo in Seattle. And Magistrate Wilson destroys the evidence to
"protect the public"? Rubbish! We're not buying this story at all.
And by the way, we distinctly heard first reports of this individual
coming across by ferry to Port Angeles, and the Customs  FBI Agents
clearly stated in the initial press release that the powdered material
was NOT explosive in nature ... and now a day afterwards it's all of a
sudden 100 lbs, and then 200 lbs of explosives, plus a Casio watch and a
9-volt battery? Let me see now, in Oklahoma they started out with a "car
bomb" and the next thing we knew it was all of a sudden 4,800 pounds of
fertilizer, i.e., a "poop bomb" that went off in a Ryder truck parked
outside the Murrah building. And despite Time Magazine's attempt to sell
the sheople the front-page story of a "crater" beneath where the Ryder
truck had been parked ... there wasn't one! Lies ... and more lies!

/s/ John R. Prukop, Legal Researcher

FBI taking over border-arrest case, man carrying urea, nitroglycerine

The Associated Press
12/17/99 8:42 PM Eastern


Re: [CTRL] Another No Knock Murder

1999-12-18 Thread TenebrousT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/18/99 1:03:15 AM Eastern Standard Time,

  NORTH RICHLAND HILLS -- A police tactical team
member fatally shot the son of a true-crime writer

yesterday after he pointed a gun at officers who
burst into his home, police said.

Troy James Davis, 25, was shot twice in the chest
his house in the 8200 block of Ulster Drive.
had gone there to serve a search-and- arrest
warrant in connection with an informant's tip that

there were drugs in the house.

Troy Davis was pronounced dead at North Hills
Hospital minutes after the shooting, police said.

It was the first fatal shooting by a Northeast
County police officer in more than 10 years.

After the shooting, Davis' mother, Barbara Davis,
was arrested in connection with the drug
investigation, police said. She was in the North
Richland Hills Jail late yesterday. She is the
  author of
Precious Angels, a book about Darlie Lynn Routier
Rowlett, who was convicted of murdering her
5-year-old son.

An hour before the shooting, state District Judge
Sharen Wilson signed the warrants in connection
an allegation of possession of a controlled

About 17 police officers, including a tactical
converged on the house about 10:45 a.m., North
Richland Hills police Sgt. Andy Kancel said. Two
officers were inside the house when the shooting
occurred, he said.

The large number of officers sent to the house was

based on the number of people who could have been
inside the residence and because Davis had a prior

weapons offense, not because of the seriousness of

any potential charge, Kancel said.

"They wanted to be able to secure the house as
as possible," Kancel said. "It was a tactical
entry because we had information that the suspect
was known to be armed. We had handled him

Troy Davis had been charged with unlawful carrying

of a weapon in North Richland Hills in May 1998,
according to Tarrant County criminal court
The charge was dismissed in June 1998.

Troy Davis confronted two officers in the foyer
they forced their way in, police said.

"The suspect pointed a handgun at the officers and
never lowered it," Kancel said. The 9mm handgun
was loaded with one bullet, which was in the
chamber and ready to fire, police said.

Officer Alan Hill twice fired his .45-caliber
semiautomatic pistol, striking Davis in the chest,

police said.

"Once he saw the suspect down, the officer began
CPR," Kancel said.

It's nice to know that they were prepared for war with a man who had an
offense in which the charges were dropped.  It's also nice to know that they
immediately tried to save him after trying to kill him.  Our police are just
so special.  H.  I wonder if there will be any drugs found, or if this
will quietly slip into the background when it is determined that the whole
thing was bullshit?

"Welcome to the desert of the real."  Morpheus, "The Matrix".

"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human
mind to correlate all its contents.
  We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of seas of infinity,
and it is not meant that we should
  voyage far.  The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have
hitherto harmed us little; but someday
  the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying
vistas of reality, and of our
  frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation
or flee from the deadly light into the
  peace and safety of 

[CTRL] For June: Y2K and business (FWD)

1999-12-18 Thread TenebrousT

 -Caveat Lector-

The following is forwarded without comment for those interested.

Do you really think enterprises call the press when their systems falter?
Look at the data from Rubin or InformationWeek or in the "bug bytes"
clippings at year2000.com, and you will find many other problems including
(just off the top of my head): over 80% of the F500 admitting to having had
problems already, 2% having resulted in total work shut downs, 7% having
taken more than a month to resolve and another 13% taking more than a week, 4
millions of raw sewage spilled in a park, etc. etc. etc.  As for 9.9.99, no
one who understood the nature of the problem ever thought that it would
amount to much of anything except a media opportunity.

Leon A. Kappelman, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Business Computer Information Systems
Associate Director, Center for Quality  Productivity
College of Business Administration, Univ. of North Texas
Co-chair, Society for Info. Management Y2K Working Group
Steering Committee, YES Volunteer Corps (www.iy2kcc.org)
940-565-4698 / Fax: 940-369-7623

"Welcome to the desert of the real."  Morpheus, "The Matrix".

"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human
mind to correlate all its contents.
  We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of seas of infinity,
and it is not meant that we should
  voyage far.  The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have
hitherto harmed us little; but someday
  the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying
vistas of reality, and of our
  frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation
or flee from the deadly light into the
  peace and safety of a new dark age."  H.P.Lovecraft; "The Call of Cthulhu"

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Barry Chamish on: Golan (fwd)

1999-12-18 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 18 Dec 1999 14:04:22 +0200 (IST)
From: barry chamish [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: golan


   In January 1996, the business magazine section of the Tel
Aviv-based daily newspaper Globes published a four part series
revealing a profoundly important fact that was unexplainably
ignored: Israel has legal title over a large chunk of the Golan
Heights and Western Syria.

   In the 1890s, Baron Rothschild purchased 20,000 acres of
Syrian land owned by the Ottoman empire. In 1942, the Syrian
government illegally confiscated the land. The Baron transferred
the deeds to the Jewish National Fund (JNF) in 1957. In 1992, the
deeds were moved to the Prime Minister's Office where they are
stored today.

   After I read the series, I called a contact in the JNF, Bunny
Alexandroni of the public relations department. She said she'd
look into the matter and called me back. She informed me that she
couldn't comment on the Globes series but asked me to meet her at
her office. An appointment was made and she told me that her
boss, the director of her department, would talk to me if I
agreed not to publish his name.

   After so agreeing, I entered his office and he invited me to
be seated. He explained, "The Globes articles were essentially
correct. They were a bit off on the location of the Rothschild
land. Some of it is in the Golan but most is in the Horan, in
Syria itself. I informed the government that the deeds are an
excellent bargaining chip with the Syrians but the government
refuses to play it. My hands are tied. I've been instructed not
to pursue the matter."

   And that is the biggest secret of the Golan: the Israeli
government is holding onto legal title to land in the Golan and
beyond and is hiding the fact from the public. Of course, the
first question would be, why?

   What follows is a chronological explanation of how the current
Israeli-Syrian "peace" talks came to be. For those who are unable
to dramatically readjust their sense of reality, it is advised to
simply stop reading and make do with the knowledge of the land
titles. They are more than enough to assure that Israel remains
atop the Golan Heights. For those willing to accept a drastic
switch in point of view, keep reading.

December 1990 - President George Bush invites Syria to join his
coalition of forces to fight Iraq. The only offer Syria will
respond to is a promise that America will use its power to remove
Israel from the Golan Heights. Bush's administration has already
secretly transferred $5.5 billion to Iraqi dictator Saddam
Hussein and is in constant contact with him. Before the first
shot of the Persian Gulf War is fired, Hussein agrees to bombard
Israel with Scud missiles. In return, he is promised that no
matter what the outcome of the war, he will not be brought down,
nor will Israel respond to the attacks.

   Bush promises Syria a bombardment that will prove to the
Israeli people that territory will not protect them in the age of
missiles. Later America will put the squeeze on the Shamir
government to relinquish the Heights. Syria accepts the terms and
joins the coalition.

Summer 1991 - Bush organizes a conference in Madrid to put
international pressure on the Shamir government to leave the
Golan. Shamir refuses to budge. Bush meets Syrian President Assad
in Geneva. There Assad says he's running out of patience with
Bush and threatens to take matters into his own hands before the
upcoming American elections. Bush promises that he will use all
his power to remove Shamir from office and bring in a more
compliant government.

June 23, 1992 - Bush's strategy of withholding loan guarantees
and demonizing Shamir succeeds and Yitzhak Rabin becomes Israeli
Prime Minister. Bush demands an immediate Golan withdrawal and
Rabin explains that it is politically out of the question for

September 10, 1992 - Foreign Minister Shimon Peres meets French
President Mitterand and Foreign Minister Roland Dumas in Paris
and agrees to promote a total Golan withdrawal. He wants to meet
with Syrian FM Farouk Shara immediately. Peres returns to Israel
and Rabin meets him at Ben Gurion Airport. He orders Peres to
stay away from the French, loudly calling them, "the biggest
bastards." Too late for Rabin. Two days later Dumas begins a
shuttle between Damscus and Cairo to coordinate Peres's Golan

September 17, 1992 - Rabin is called to Kennebunkport, Maine
where an agitated Bush lays down the law. He must neutralize
Peres's French track and "prepare the Israeli people for painful
withdrawals," first from the Golan and then the West Bank and
Gaza. He demands that the Golan withdrawal be coordinated with a
compliant military leader, IDF Chief Of Staff Ehud Barak. Rabin
returns to Israel and announces his Syria First peace program.

September 23, 1993 - Syria is put on the back burner by the new

[CTRL] Tibet by Hollywood

1999-12-18 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


The Strait Scoop
by Bevin Chu
December 17, 1999
Hollywood's Tibet: Tinseltown's Sacred Cow

The emotionally overwrought quality with which Hollywood's beautiful people and
Neanderthal jingoists have been demonizing China for "human rights abuses" and
alleged "territorial ambitions" bewildered me for quite some time. From a
Machiavellian geopolitical perspective I understood it reasonably well. But I
have also struggled to understand the irrational antagonism toward China's
economic recovery as a global, collective, transpersonal process.

Then while was watching the Discovery Channel's documentary series "How the
was Lost" it struck me. Could what's happening be a collective projection of
American guilt over the treatment of American Indians onto the Chinese? Was that
too farfetched? After all, the stunt Marlon Brando pulled at the Academy Awards
ceremony a number of years ago was echoed by Richard Gere's similar more
recently. Brando sent Sacheen Littlefeather to guilt-trip America over the US
government's genocidal mistreatment of Native Americans, and years later Gere
launches into an impromptu (and embarrassingly self-righteous) sermon about Deng
Xiaoping's mistreatment of Tibetans. The two events struck me as having a
remarkable resonance.

The conventional wisdom of course, is that aggressively industrializing China is
committing "cultural genocide" against "traditional Tibetan society." In this
version of events, the Dalai Lama's Lhasa is an idyllic paradise of Love, Light
and Harmony – the Shangri-La of James Hilton's utopian novel "Lost Horizon," and
is threatened by Jiang Zemin's quasi-capitalist Beijing, a soulless,
money-grubbing dictatorship unredeemed by Maoist "idealism." Ironically
Hollywood's version of Hilton's tale, made during the Red Decade by
depression-era populist Frank Capra was a crypto-Communist propaganda film. But
who ever accused movie celebrities of intellectual consistency?

For Americans who know nothing of China's history to presume that they know what
life was in pre-1959 Tibet after watching "Seven Years in Tibet" is a little
like Chinese who know nothing of America's history presuming they know what life
was in the antebellum South after watching "Gone with the Wind." I remember
while living in Houston during the 70's my folks and I attended a premiere of a
restored version of GWTW. When the scenes of idyllic antebellum life appeared on
screen, you know the part I'm talking about – the graceful mansions, the mint
juleps, the gay cotillions – some schmuck sitting directly behind us sighed to
his date "Life must have been wonderful back then!" His date cuddled up to him
and sighed in agreement. My brother snickered, loud enough for them to hear,
"Yeah, if you were white ." The couple had no problem blanking out the awareness
that the southern aristocrats' "wonderful life" was squeezed by brute force out
of the involuntary servitude of other human beings, for whom life was something
less than "wonderful."

Similarly it has never ceased to flabbergast me how little difficulty the
Beautiful People have blanking out the darkside of the Dalai Lama's pre-1959
Tibet. After the premieres of "Seven Years in Tibet" and "Kundun" Jean-Jacques
Annaud and Martin Scorsese granted interviews in which they waxed nostalgic
about how "spiritual" life was in pre-1959 Tibet. Just think! An entire culture
dedicated to nothing but spiritual development! Imagine that! A Shangri-la "gone
with the wind," tragically wiped out by grubby materialistic carpetbaggers from
Beijing. Right.

If Hollywood New Agers want to evaluate the role of Tibet's serf-owning clergy
and aristocrats from a transpersonal, Jungian perspective and absolve them of
blame – fine. But then they are obligated to evaluate the role of the communists
from the identical perspective and absolve them too. Instead they want to have
it both ways. They want to apply linear ethical criteria to Beijing even as they
conveniently edit out the moral outrages of the Dalai Lama's ancien regime.

None of them have any apparent problem blanking out the awareness that this
"spiritual" life for a privileged minority of Tibetan elite was squeezed by
brute force out of the involuntary servitude of masses of miserable Tibetan
serfs for whom life was considerably less than "spiritual." The Beautiful People
(now joined by the religious right, of all people) would have us believe that
pre-1950s Tibet was one big touchy-feely New Age workshop – a Findhorn or Esalen
in the Himalayas. Maybe it was for the wealthy serf- owning Lamas and
aristocrats, but why don't we ask the serfs how it was for them?

When I attend a personal growth workshop and am pampered physically while I work
on my psychological and spiritual evolution, I pay for this worthwhile and

[CTRL] Fwd: CIA -- Psychology of Intelligence Analysis

1999-12-18 Thread A.C. Szul

 -Caveat Lector-

FYI -- from the most recent "Scout Report." Haven't really dug into it
yet, but looks interesting.

For example, the part [found in Chapter 1] ".. Failure motivated them to
be more self-conscious about how they do analysis and to sharpen their
thinking process.. . " may be common sense, but being in the psych
field, I enjoyed scanning the section -- Memory: How Do We Remember What
We Know? Will have to dig in a 'lil more...

 10. _Psychology of Intelligence Analysis_

 This new full-length book from the CIA's center for the Study of
 Intelligence is an attempt to translate and make available to
 intelligence analysts selected cognitive psychology technical reports
 on the processing of incomplete and ambiguous information. Compiled
 by Richards J. Heuer, Jr., the volume "pulls together and
 republishes, with some editing, updating, and additions, articles
 written during 1978-86 for internal use within the CIA Directorate of
 Intelligence." Users can read the full text of the report by section
 and chapter in HTML format. [MD]

A.C. Szul
"A broader reading of history shows that appeasement, no matter how it
is labeled, never fulfills the hopes of the appeasers." -- R. Reagan

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] [endsecrecy] The New Anarchists

1999-12-18 Thread DIG alfred webre


 By Geov Parrish
 Published September 2 - 8, 1999
 © 1999 Seattle Weekly. All rights reserved.

 In Eugene, a youth-fueled movement breaks windows to ask the big questions.

 "Morality is just another form of social control." --Feral Faun, in the
 Eugene-based 'zine Revolt!

 It is a Friday night in Eugene, Oregon. I'm in a converted warehouse that
 now houses an organic drink bottler and the epicenter of Eugene's new
 anarchist movement: a coffeehouse called Out of the Fog.

 Contrary to the stereotype of menacing, bomb-toting anarchists, the place is
 friendly and it's hopping. Out on the patio, a DJ spins records while a
 young man with dreads dances wildly, oblivious to tables inches away.
 Inside, with the obligatory caffeine, juice, and pastries, the walls are
 lined with tributes to our decaying, unjust society: articles on irradiated
 food and nearby tree sits to stop clear-cut logging; petitions to stop the
 execution of death row inmate Mumia Abu-Jamal; a tableau on cooperative
 coffee growing in rural Mexico; flyers for imprisoned anarchist activist Rob
 Thaxton and for a community-wide nonviolence training; schedules for an
 anarchist free school; and much more.

 At our table, a young adult--who doesn't want to be identified for fear of
 reprisal from Eugene's police--animatedly describes working as an
 alternative media reporter and being arrested in Eugene's now-infamous June
 18 riot. A call is put in to three teens who might want to talk--they were
 among the rock-throwers that day. It turns out two are not home--they're off
 at a Friday night meeting of a martial arts class at the new anarchist free
 school that's been organized this summer. Back at the table, we're drawing a
 crowd; everyone knows someone there, and everyone has a story. To properly
 describe the anarchist cause, a young man named Exile dashes home to get his
 copy of the 'zine Black Clad Messenger ("Actualizing industrial collapse!").
 Another young man, Kook, offers his own 'zine, a tract ranting about the
 outrage of the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. It's a scene unlike anything in
 Seattle, a place where societal outcasts are at home, a sort of politicized
 Cheers for folks with tattoos, dreads, or facial piercings.

 Eugene--Oregon's second largest city--has been a countercultural haven for
 at least the last 30 years. Home of the University of Oregon and a large
 contingent of resettled ex-hippies from California, it is a sometimes uneasy
 mix of loggers, southern Willamette Valley hay farmers, university
 professionals, Hyundai workers, and young idealists of all stripes. And it
 is a mostly tolerant city that, in the last year, has been polarized by a
 relatively small group of anarchists advocating intentional, targeted
 property destruction as a response to gentrification and the ills of modern

 Seattle, like Eugene and most other cities, has always had at least a few
 anarchists. Here, there are some visible anarchist institutions: Left Bank
 Books, Books to Prisoners, Copwatch, the late Black Cat Cafe. Dating back to
 the early-century heyday of the Wobblies, the Northwest has always been one
 of the country's strongest bases of anarchism. At its core, anarchism is
 neither intrinsically violent nor disorganized. It has a relatively simple
 premise: government, all government, is inherently coercive and violent, and
 like all institutions will act primarily to expand its own power. Anarchism
 is, in its purest form, hostile both to the left, with its reliance on
 government social programs, and the right, with its emphasis on military
 spending and government social control. All government has got to go.
 Ambiguity over how, and what it's to be replaced with, is one reason there
 are so many subsets of anarchism.

 In the last year, a new, more militant anarchist strain asserted itself in
 Eugene. A movement of at least several dozen, mostly young--teenagers and
 people in their early 20s--activists emerged around John Zerzan, longtime
 local anarchist writer and theoretician. Zerzan is the author of books that
 are deeply controversial in anarchist circles: Elements of Refusal, Future
 Primitive, and others. He is a leading advocate of primitivism, which goes
 far beyond matters of how the state is or isn't constructed, considering
 technology and most of what we consider civilization to be deeply
 pathological and needing to be eliminated. This short-on-details passage
 from Elements is typical: "Upon the utter destruction of wage-labor and the
 commodity, a new life will be situated and redefined, by the moment, in
 countless, unimagined forms. Launched by the abolition of every trace of
 authority . . . concepts like 'economy,' 'exchange,' [and] 'production' will
 have no meaning. (What is worth preserving from this lunatic order?)"

 Last fall, primitivist anarchists hijacked an antisweatshop 

[CTRL] Captain Prescott and The Opium Smugglers

1999-12-18 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Captain Prescott and The Opium Smugglers
Edouard A. Stackpole
The Marine Historical Association, Inc.©1954
Mystic, Connecticutt
78 pps – First Edition – Out-of-print

--"Your last letter I received in September as well as Father's and it seems
almost an age since I have heard from you or him. Messrs. Bush  Co., Hong
Kong (an American house) forwarded me a large packet of newspapers — per "Lou
Chow" from Boston, Portsmouth journals and Boston ditto. I suppose they were
from Father tho there was no letter or signature attached, therefore could
not identify my friend. Russell  Co. have orders to keep all my letters. --
--He mentioned the death of his Mother and the marriage of George W.
Prescott, the only news. I hope George has got a good wife. Do tell me who he
--"July 21 (1847): Hong Kong. I arrived here safe yesterday, just in season
to evade a very severe typhoon which came on most furiously in an hour after
I anchored. So you see, good luck to the last. At Messrs. Bush  Co., I found
your overland letter of April 30 --
--I left Canton the 24th for Cum-sing-moon and arrived there Christmas
morning, finished what little business I had with Capt. Endicott and sailed
the same day for this place. When I anchored early the following morning had
a visit from F. T. Bush Esq. (American Consul) who is a good fellow and my
agent here.

"I always live at his house when at this place. His wife is a pleasant woman,
besides their five children, and there is no place in China where I feel more
at home.--

Hmm . . .

In 1830, Captain Forbes sailed for China in the Lintin with Captain Augustine
Heard, Dr. Jennison, and his younger brother, John Forbes. The Lintin was
sold at Canton as a store ship and as such made her own history.

It was at this time that the American house of Russell  Co. was reorganized,
with Augustine Heard and William H. Low (who had arrived the previous autumn
in the Sumatra) as partners and John Forbes a junior clerk. At this time the
firm was purely an ageiicv5 owning no ships and doing no trade on their own
account. But Captains Forbes and Heard were practical sailor men. They allied
themselves with Baring Brothers of London on the one hand and Houqua, the
famous Chinese merchant leader, on the other.

Forbes introduced the American pilot-boat to China and was responsible for
the early clippers at Canton. Heard was a veteran of the sea and one of his
exploits was defeating a pirate vessel, bristling with armed men and guns, by
running his shi , the Emerald into the pirate's rakish, black hull craft and
sinking it.

Russell  Co. competed with the English firms of the Honorable East India
Company, Maginac and Companv, Thomas Dent  Co., Fearon  Co., and others.
The partners in the Maginac Company were: William Jardine, Frances
Holingsworth, Thomas Beale and Alexander and James Matheson. Jardin was known
to the Chinese as "Iron-Headed Old Rat". His fellow Scotsman, Matheson, was
his equal in strength of character and shrewd business. The Dents were
Launcelot Dent, Thomas Inglis, Thomas Allport and Robert Wilkinson. There
were also twentv-one Indian or Parsee merchants at Canton, led by the famous
Daal~hoy Rustomjee and Sir Jamsetjee Seejeebhoy.

When William H. Low died in Cape Town in 1833, on his wav home to America,
Russell  Co. admitted into partnership John M. Green, a special agent for
the Griswold House of New York, and John M. Forbes, the younger brother of
Captain Robert, (who had arrived in 1830 on the Lintin), and Joseph Coolidge.
In 1838 and 1839, Messrs. John Forbes and Coolidge withdrew. Captain A. A.
Low, a nephew of William H. Low and Edward King had been admitted to the firm
in 1837, and on January 1, 1839, Captain Robert Bennett Forbes became head of
Russell  Co. With the retirement of A. A. Low in 1842, Warren Delano and
Russell Sturgis (former partner of Russell, Sturgis  Co.) became partners.
Messrs. King and Hunter retired in 1842, and Mr. Sturgis followed suit in
December 1843. As Captain Forbes returned to New York in the ship Niantic in 1
840, the firm became headed by Mr. Delano.

These American members of the colony of "foreign devils" were men of
considerable sagacity. But much of their business success was due to the
loyalty of their ship-masters, among whom was Captain James Prescott, of
Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

The "Opium War" and Its Aftermath

When the British  refused to accept the edicts of the mandarins, the
strangest of East vs. West wars broke out — known as the Opium War. While
this was raging, the "foreign devils" were veritable pris-oners in Canton.
Captain Forbes tells of his experiences in his auto-biography. Opium trading
was legitimate in India, Malaya and the Philippines, and the Chinese Hong
merchants had long since decided it was "honorable trade." Early in 1839, the
Chinese Emperor's repre-sentative, Commissioner Lin, struck at the very heart
of the opium traffic in Canton. He 

Re: [CTRL] prisoner testing, implants

1999-12-18 Thread Smart News

 -Caveat Lector-

Hi !

Below please find two URL's that might be of interest.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

Our listing these resources does not necessarily constitute our endorsement
of them. Resources mentioned in this resource list are mentioned for
educational value only. Using these resources may or may not help your
recovery process, so use caution when reading anything or contacting anyone
mentioned in this resource list.
These may be triggering for survivors.


December 18, 1999

Prisoners used for `frightening' tests, new papers show

By Tracey Tyler
Toronto Star Legal Affairs Reporter
Ottawa approved using inmates to test everything from steroid enemas to links
between height and crime while Canada's prison system operated as a research
lab, federal documents show.

The documents are contained in long-buried government files uncovered in the
wake of a $5 million lawsuit filed by Dorothy Proctor, one of 23 inmates
involved in LSD experiments at Kingston's Prison for Women from 1960-63.


Inserted just under the skin, with maintenance-free regenerating power
supply, miniature "Digital Angel™" has multi-billion dollar market potential

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Memo on the Margin

1999-12-18 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From polyconomics.com

Memo on the Margin
December 17, 1999
Fall Semester: Supply-Side University Economics Lesson #12
Memo To: Supply-Side Students
From: Jude Wanniski
Re: Political Terrorism
With Y2K just around the corner, the government has warned that political
terrorists may have designed acts of destruction in various parts of the world
which will be made to look as if they were caused by the Y2K computer bug. This
does not make sense to me. Yes, there already are computer hackers who have
designed four known programs containing viruses that are keyed to destroy files
at the stroke of midnight. These are simply evil people who enjoy destruction
for its own sake. They have nothing to do with politics. Political terrorism
also is different from plain old criminal terrorism, which promises relief from
terror in exchange for money -- kidnaping, for example. Political terrorism is
a criminal political act, designed to strike a political blow that the
perpetrator does not believe can be made in legitimate venues.

Any political acts of destruction that occur at Y2K will not be made to appear
as if they were acts of God or computer. The perpetrator almost always will
want it to be known that he or she struck for a political purpose. It would not
be surprising, though, for there to be acts of political terrorism at the
calendar rollover, maybe several at once in different parts of the world. The
significance of the date may have inspired work to begin on some complicated
scheme even a year or two ago. They would not then be seen as random acts, but
as acts of revenge directed at some political power. I’ve been of the view that
our government -- Democratic administration and Republican Congress -- has put
us all in jeopardy with a foreign policy that generates the kind of frustration
abroad, especially in Islamic countries, which results in the kind of political
terrorism that was directed at the World Trade Center. It is appropriate to
devote today’s lesson to this topic, following Pat Buchanan’s speech Thursday
to the Center for Political and Strategic Studies. In it, he called for a
lifting of all economic embargoes which the United States now places on 61
different countries of the world -- including the embargoes on Cuba, Iran,
Iraq, Libya, the Sudan and North Korea. It is my belief that this kind of
"Moral Foreign Policy" is the only kind that extinguishes the outrage that is
at the heart of political terror.

Edward Peck, who was our envoy to Baghdad in the Carter administration, was the
deputy director of the Reagan administration’s task force on terrorism, which
spent seven months coming up with 51 ideas on how to combat political
terrorism. At the time, Vice President George Bush, who chaired the task force -
- which included Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger and Secretary of State
George Shultz -- advised the staff that it need not worry about the causes of
terrorism, but to concentrate on the defenses against it. It was, says Peck,
the general assumption that political terrorism was the province of the
Arab/Islamic world in that period and had at its base the Palestinian problem.
Peck recalls a discussion about how to tell the difference between a terrorist
and a freedom fighter, which suggested that a terrorist is someone who is
financed by them and freedom fighters are financed by us. He remembers George
Shultz rejecting the inference, in the sense that there is no "moral
equivalence" between them and us. If we are better than they are, our
terrorists cannot be considered criminal, no matter how illegal the activities,
no matter how many innocents are killed. Up to a point -- a point of
diminishing returns -- Shultz is correct. In a family unit, parents are
expected to dictate proper behavior to children who misbehave. In the family of
nations, rank also has these privileges. But just as parents discover their
children will rebel against dictates that are based simply on rank or raw
power, even superpowers find the costs of getting their way by the sheer
exercise of power can get out of hand.

The seven-month exercise was essentially a waste of time, says Peck, because
the unwritten conclusion was that there is no defense against political
terrorism, especially in a democracy. In a police state, where you can search
anything, anytime, anyplace, you can put up a defense. But if a terrorist is
not concerned with escape, there is no way to prevent him from committing the
act he has in mind. With all its security, Israel remains vulnerable at all
times to acts of political terror, as does the United States, yet there is
almost no discussion about the causes of political terror. He recalls one
anecdote of an academic expert on terrorism from Harvard, who was invited to
present his findings to the task force. The professor made the point that in
the Islamic faith, the Shi’ite fundamentalists teach that if one dies as a
defender of the faith, he is instantly transported 

Re: [CTRL] Another No Knock Murder/Y2K thread

1999-12-18 Thread Bob Stokes

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-12-18 01:03:15 EST, you write:

  NORTH RICHLAND HILLS -- A police tactical team
   member fatally shot the son of a true-crime writer

   yesterday after he pointed a gun at officers who
   burst into his home, police said.

   An hour before the shooting, state District Judge
Sharen Wilson signed the warrants in connection with an allegation of
possession of a controlled substance/marijuana.

How much pot does it take to make one a dangerous criminal ... One number,
one ounce, quarter pound or holyshit a kilo?  Maybe if one had five tons they
would have sent the CIA to negotiate a buy.

   About 17 police officers, including a tactical team,
converged on the house about 10:45 a.m., North Richland Hills police Sgt.
Andy Kancel said. Two
officers were inside the house when the shooting occurred, he said.  The
large number of officers sent to the house was based on the number of people
who could have been inside the residence and because Davis had a prior
weapons offense, not because of the seriousness of any potential charge,
Kancel said. "They wanted to be able to secure the house as soon as
possible," Kancel said. "It was a tactical forced entry because we had
information that the suspect was known to be armed. We had handled him

Hmmm! 17 to 1 odds, sounds more like a gang to me.  What happened to "Protect
 Serve" that is on the side of many police cars?  Who were they protecting
or were they just there to "serve" a death warrant?  How did they determine
that there was a small army in the house, more statements by snitches?  In
almost every State a person has the right to own a firearm, but if you ever
register that weapon, then the police will use deadly force against you ...
Don't register a weapon if you have one or some enemy (snitch) will set you
up for a deadly raid on your living quarters.

   Troy Davis had been charged with unlawful carrying
of a weapon in North Richland Hills in May 1998, according to Tarrant County
criminal court records.  The charge was dismissed in June 1998.

Now you are guilty even if charges were dismissed.  Who is the chief of
police there, Hitler?

   Troy Davis confronted two officers in the foyer
after they forced their way in, police said. "The suspect pointed a handgun
at the officers and he never lowered it," Kancel said. The 9mm handgun was
loaded with one bullet, which was in the chamber and ready to fire, police
said.  Officer Alan Hill twice fired his .45-caliber
semiautomatic pistol, striking Davis in the chest, police said.  "Once he saw
the suspect down, the officer began CPR," Kancel said.

Right, they start CPR after they blew two bigass holes in his chest,
scrambling his lungs/heart into mush and probably smashing a rib or two,
humanitarians they are NOT.

This connects to the thread about Y2K, to paraphrase:  "you want people to
pull their funds from banks and sell all stocks as well, yet don't see how
this will bankrupt the financial system and bring about economic chaos?"

 This will never happen, but I would love to see it.  Then everyone would
see that banks loan money that does not exist. That our way-over-inflated
"credit" system is bogus.  Maybe then they would see that we have all been
used to make the bankers and corporate heads rich beyond their wildest
expectations while we just get by.  Could be this would start everyone off
even, then the rich would be hard up to take care of themselves since many
have never worked a day in their lives.

 The rich will then find out how hard it is to work everyday, rather than
collecting welfare from the taxpayers to make themselves rich.  Then it would
be survival of the fittest rather than survival of those with the gift of
gab, or those who were born into riches that their grandparents stole.  The
corporate heads would be SOL and government would have no power because
everyone would know that government was the cause of the problem, not the

 Perhaps people would recognise that those who are incarcerated are
lesser criminals (who use their own guns to commit crimes, take their own
chances) than those who make our laws and steal from us at the point of a gun
wielded by police, IRS, ATF, CIA, FBI, sheriffs and the military.  The police
are not here to protect you, but to protect the monied interests of the few.
Perhaps they are protecting the crooked rich from competition in the
drug/gun/banking/real estate trades.

 HOWEVER, this will never happen because the Elite will not allow it.
They are in complete control and will only relinquish it by force of arms and
they have made sure to control the minds of the insignificant masses so they
think guns are evil, not the people behind them.  They have fine tuned the
government educational system to produce workers who will not question the
role of 

Re: [CTRL] Another No Knock Murder/Y2K thread

1999-12-18 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

 Hmmm! 17 to 1 odds, sounds more like a gang to me.

Bullies and cowards.

What happened to "Protect  Serve" that is on the side of many police

A lie.

HOWEVER, this will never happen because the Elite will not allow it.

They are the Elite because we permit them to be the Elite, no other reason.

They are in complete control and will only relinquish it by force of arms
and they have made sure to control the minds of the insignificant masses

(1.) If you believe that, then they've brainwashed you. Do not let
yourself be transfixed by the illusary omnipitance of the state. It's a
house of cards. Pay attention to the man behind the curtain.

(2.) The masses are not insignificant. We are the masses. We out number
our rulers by millions to one. We don't even have to rise up as one to be
rid of their rule. All we have to do is sit down. Refuse to do their
bidding. Don't work for them. Don't buy their products. Don't use their
money. Don't fight their wars. And the ruling class will shrivel and die.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Signature Found for Attention-Deficit

1999-12-18 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-


 Signature Found for Attention-Deficit

 Associated Press
 Friday, December 17, 1999; Page A28

 Brain scans have revealed measurable biochemical
 differences in people with attention-deficit/hyperactivity
 disorder (ADHD), a discovery that could reduce the number
 of children mistakenly diagnosed and put on drug treatment,
 researchers say.

 The diagnosis of ADHD, usually made in school-age children,
 is commonly based on observed behavior and some experts
 believe it is highly subjective. Some say the condition is
 being overdiagnosed in the United States, exposing children
 unnecessarily to medication; others argue it is not treated
 often enough.

 Earlier studies have shown scans can detect structural
 differences in ADHD sufferers' brains, as well as
 abnormalities in brain activity, and scientists suspect
 that defects in genes relating to the brain chemical
 dopamine probably are involved.

 The latest study, conducted at Massachusetts General
 Hospital in Boston and published in this week's issue of
 the Lancet medical journal, is the first to show a
 measurable biochemical abnormality in people with the

 Dopamine is associated with movement, thought, motivation
 and pleasure. One brain cell signals another by squirting
 dopamine. Then the first cell mops up the released chemical
 with a structure called a dopamine transporter.

 The researchers scanned the brains of six adults diagnosed
 with ADHD and 30 healthy people of the same age after
 injecting both groups with a chemical agent that attaches
 to the dopamine transporter.

 The ADHD sufferers had 70 percent more dopamine
 transporters than their healthy counterparts.

 The scientists could not tell, however, whether that was a
 cause or an effect of the disorder.

 © 1999 The Washington Post Company


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Ancient Celtic New Zealand

1999-12-18 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-

 pictures at:

 Ancient Celtic New Zealand

 A book by Martin Doutré -- 288 pages, 210mm x 297mm, over
 200,000 words, 214 pictures, 151 CAD Drawings with colour
 throughout.  Also available on CD-ROM in an Acrobat PDF
 file at 150 dpi resolution for great screen enlargements
 and sharp colour printing.  Buy the book:
 $38.95 USD for the book or the CD-ROM,  $51.95 for both
 plus packaging and courier post.


New Zealand Connections


 The Northern Alignment Sequence

 Why did ancient astronomer/ surveyors establish a huge
 overland alignment complex that ran from selected mountain
 summits across a vast expanse of Northern New Zealand? Why
 did they design this sequence to duplicate the star pattern
 of the Hyades in the constellation of Taurus?

 The Triangulation Site of Puketapu

 What was the purpose of the Puketapu "cairn" hill of
 Northern New Zealand and why does it have a secondary
 component that clearly relates to overland alignments,
 similar to methodologies anciently practised in Great

 The"Waitapu" standing stone circle

 Why are there typical, megalithic British, standing stone
 observatories being found all over New Zealand and what can
 the Waitapu observatory tell us about the former,
 pre-Polynesian inhabitants of the South Pacific?

 What's up DOC ?

 Why has the New Zealand "Department of Conservation" been
 suppressing knowledge of a huge, pre-Polynesian, stacked
 stone city in the Waipoua Forest of Northern New Zealand
 and why was the archaeological report to be withheld from
 the public for 75 years? (link to 98K .jpg file of copy of
 official embargo)


 Ancient New Zealand Domiciles

 Why are there thousands of mysterious stone heaps dotting
 the forest floors of New Zealand and why do many of them
 still show intricate, "fitted stone" features? Are these
 collapsed megalithic British type "Beehive Houses? Why are
 Maori Pa forts an exact duplication of pre-Celtic hill forts

 So you want to build a stone circle observatory?

 Follow the step by step instructions, based on the geometry
 found within the Waitapu standing stone observatory, to
 gain an understanding of how the structure was built.

 The Ancient Population

 Whose bones truly lie in the burial caves throughout the
 length and breadth of New Zealand and why has there been a
 concerted effort to either hide or destroy skeletal

 The Mysterious Crosshouse at Miringa Te Kakara

 How do the geometric principles and design features of this
 mysterious structure show it to contain Northern
 Hemisphere, astronomical and calendar codes and why was it
 built to exactly 1/2 the diameter of the Sarsen circle at

 Another look at Si'nim, Greenstone and problem artefacts

 Where was the forgotten and remote land of Si'nim? How did
 Polynesians, without access to metal tools, fashion and
 shape incredibly hard greenstone or intricately carve wood
 in distinctly pre-Celtic patterns and styles?

 A Chronic Case of "Catch 22"

 How does manipulated, "Indigenous Rights" legislation
 neutralise scholars and leave them hamstrung and hog-tied,
 regarding access to artefacts or research materials? How is
 the abysmal, stagnated state of New Zealand archaeology
 duplicated in North America?


World Connections


 Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained

 What was the deeper meaning of the Egyptian Hypocephalus,
 funerary amulet and how is it, in a symbolic sense, an
 Egyptian counterpart to the Bush Barrow Lozenge of Southern

 Hebrew codes

 What measurement standards and Sabbatical calendar methods
 were employed by the Hebrews and how was Hebrew knowledge
 linked to both the pyramids of Egypt and Stonehenge?

 The Tabernacle Encampment, Positions and Ensigns

 How does the Bible interlace profound astronomical and
 calendar codes into its superficial narrative and how does
 Moses demonstrate ancient, sacred geometric principles in
 assigning the "camping positions" of the 12 Tribes?

 The Bush Barrow Lozenge and the Urim and Thummin

 What was the Bush Barrow Lozenge artefact, found in a
 Tumulus mound near to Stonehenge and how is it similar to
 the Urim and Thummin, carried in an ephod vest by Hebrew

 Stonehenge, The Brasen Sea and The Waitapu Observatory

 What was the true purpose of Stonehenge and the function of
 its intricate geometry? How is Stonehenge mathematically
 linked to The Brasen Sea structure of Solomon's Temple or
 to the 

[CTRL] Hacking the planet

1999-12-18 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-


 The Beijing hack attack

 Hong Kong-based cyber warriors
 build anti-China techno army
 Thursday, December 16, 1999
 © 1999 WorldNetDaily.com

 Editor's Note:  Computer hacking -- once the shadowy domain of
 misfits, pranksters techno-critics and spies -- has taken center
 stage.  While Y2K "czar" John Koskinen pleads publicly with hackers
 to cease and desist during the century date-change, reports
 escalate daily of cyber-terrorism threats and malevolent computer
 viruses embedded in e-mail, timed to activate on Jan. 1.  But there
 is another side to hacking.

 WorldNetDaily's roving international correspondent, Anthony C.
 LoBaido, while enduring seven weeks of one of Hong Kong's hottest
 summers on record, was allowed into the secret realm of one of the
 world's leading computer hacking organizations.


 By Anthony C. LoBaido

 © 1999 WorldNetDaily.com

 HONG KONG -- What do blondes, Jack in the Box tacos and 21st
 century cyber-warfare have in common?  Everything, apparently, if
 you're one of the elite and stealthy soldiers in Hong Kong Blondes'
 computer hacking universe.

 These committed soldiers are locked in mortal combat with the
 government of the People's Republic of China and the transnational
 corporations who profit from dealing with it.

 "Human rights are a global concern and we have no second thoughts
 about attacking the multinational corporations who profit off of
 the human rights abuses committed against our Chinese brothers and
 sisters by their own government," says Databyte Cowgirl, one of the
 leaders of the Hong Kong Blondes.

 Along with numerous other members of the Hong Kong Blondes,
 Databyte Cowgirl was interviewed by WorldNetDaily over the course
 of seven weeks in July and August of 1999, as well as during the
 past several weeks.

 "The Chinese government officials are just as bad as the Nazis.
 Only, for some reason, the multinational corporations find China
 and other communist regimes around the world to be more politically
 digestible," she added.

 "The gross human rights violations of the Chinese leadership, like
 the logai gulag system, religious persecution, forced organ
 harvesting, abortion and the crackdown on the Falong Gong Tai Chi
 movement are the epitome of evil.  The only way we have to fight
 against them is via the high-tech realm."

 The story of the Hong Kong Blondes is a fascinating, twisted tale,
 stranger than fiction.

 To begin, the group was formed by the infamous (to the communist
 Chinese dictatorship) or renowned (to computer "hackers" the world
 over) Blondie Wong.  Although his name is unfamiliar to the general
 public of both American and China, Blondie Wong is a man who is
 well known to the Chinese government, the People's Liberation Army,
 the National Security Agency of the U.S., the CIA, FBI, Interpol
 and numerous Fortune 500 companies.

 Although he now lives in exile in Toronto, Canada, under the
 protection of armed bodyguards, as a young boy Blondie Wong saw his
 beloved father stoned to death by Chairman Mao's Red Guards during
 the Cultural Revolution.  Years later he traveled to the United
 Kingdom, where he entered university and studied to become a
 teacher.  In the summer of 1989, after witnessing the Tienanmen
 Square massacre on television, Blondie Wong decided to form the
 Hong Kong Blondes and their sister hacking group, the Yellow Pages.

 At first, Wong started small -- organizing a close circle of
 friends he believed he could trust.  Later he launched an
 international recruiting campaign aimed at some of the finest
 computer engineering universities in America and around the world.

 Ranging from Cal Tech to MIT, Blondie Wong assembled an elite army
 of sympathetic hackers.  Young men and women who only a few short
 years before had been high school geeks with thick glasses and
 pocket protectors now became the front line of attack against the
 communist Chinese government.

 They pledged allegiance to Blondie Wong's crusade against communist
 China and turned their collective computer science and engineering
 skills into a sharp spear.  Within a few months, this spear was
 capable of penetrating the internal affairs of China's military
 industrial complex, as well as the Western transnational
 corporations that do business with China.

 "One of the reasons that human rights in China are not further
 ahead is because they have been de-linked from American trade
 policy," Wong said in a document released through Cult of the
 Dead Cow, a U.S.-based hacker group that has advised the Blondes
 on technical issues.

 "When human rights considerations were associated with doing
 business with the United States, at least there was the threat of
 losing trade 

[CTRL] U.S. to train China's 'Red Berets'

1999-12-18 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-


 U.S. to train 'Red Berets'

 America's Special Forces to teach
 Communist China's military recruits

 By Anthony C. LoBaido
 Wednesday, December 15, 1999
 © 1999 WorldNetDaily.com

 Editor's note:  It was almost a year and a half ago that
 WorldNetDaily first broke the story of plans for U.S. Special
 Forces to train the Chinese Communist People's Liberation Army.
 Now, WND's roving international reporter Anthony LoBaido
 updates this ongoing story with his exclusive eyewitness report
 from within China.

 China -- The would-be People's Liberation Army Special Forces
 recruits sit in rapt attention, arranged in several neat little
 rows.  Sweating under the fall sun, the young men sport white
 karate uniforms and crew cuts.

 The Chinese soldiers listen intently to Master Fang, a
 recognized guru of the Chinese martial arts.  Master Fang has
 spent a lifetime honing his craft, and now has chosen to impart
 his mastery to those lucky enough to have him as their mentor.

 "God is nothing more than the masses of the Chinese people,"
 he tells the recruits, who kneel silently before him.

 "The Chinese people have literally moved mountains, built the
 Burma Road, migrated across the continent with entire cities
 loaded in ox carts," he intones.  "Our physicists built our
 first atomic bomb using only the abacus for their calculations.
 Therefore I tell you, what the mind perceives, the body can
 achieve.  What the mind of our leadership conceives, the body
 of a united PLA Special Forces can and must achieve."

 Master Fang then holds up a large portrait of Lei Feng, the
 patriotic idol of the People's Liberation Army.  Feng was an
 ordinary soldier killed by a falling telephone pole back in the
 1960s, but his diary, filled with devotion to Chairman Mao, was
 published as an example of the finest character traits a PLA
 soldier can aspire to attain.  The legend of Lei Feng has grown
 to unimaginable levels.  He is now remembered as a combination
 of Boy Scout, philanthropist, social worker, cadre leader par
 excellence and spirited soldier.

 "Lei Feng never had the chance to serve in the special forces.
 But his spirit can live on through your efforts," Master Fang
 tells the eager recruits.

 His motivational talk complete, Master Fang claps his hands
 quickly and barks at the recruits in Mandarin.  The recruits
 immediately leap to their feet, moving in a lithe manner and
 with great purpose.

 The 27 recruits divide themselves into "teams" of three men
 each.  Two of the aspiring special forces soldiers hold a two
 foot by two foot wooden board, about two inches thick, high
 overhead from opposite sides.  The third "team" member waits
 for Master Fang's cue.  When the Master claps his hands once,
 the bare-footed young man launches forward into a 360-degree
 somersault.  Spinning rapidly at the 180-degree level, the
 young recruit hangs completely upside down in mid air.  At this
 point, the soldier's heels smacks into the board, breaking it
 cleanly in two pieces.  The soldier then completes his spin and
 lands cat-like on his feet, back in his starting position.

 Master Fang nods his head slightly.  It is all the approval the
 young man will receive -- or needs for that matter.

 Like the rapidly spinning airborne ninja party witnessed by
 WorldNetDaily, U.S.-Sino relations threaten to spin wildly out
 of control over a kaleidoscope of issues.

 The Clinton administration's policy of engagement with
 Communist China -- from the sale of advanced missile, satellite
 and computer technology, to the 21-gun salute given at
 Arlington National Cemetery to the architect of the 1989
 Tiananmen Square massacre, to the relinquishing of the Panama
 Canal to de facto Chinese control -- has, in the eyes of the
 administration's critics, brought China's once-antiquated
 military-industrial complex into the 21st century.

 The latest controversial issue to emerge in the president's
 "strategic partnership" with Red China is the scheduled
 deployment of U.S. Special Forces soldiers -- SEALS, Delta
 Force, Green Berets and Marine Force Recon -- to mainland China
 in an effort to train alongside the People's Liberation Army's
 own Special Forces, and moreover, to train the PLA's regular

 "The U.S. Special Forces troops are what I would call 'Ronin,'"
 said Master Fang in an interview with WorldNetDaily.  Master
 Fang has been training PLA Special Forces since 1990.

 "The Ronin were Japanese Samurai who lost their master.
 Without a master to fight for, they committed suicide.  As your
 president is so hated by his own military servants, the Special
 Forces of America have by default turned into Ronin."

 The idea of sending U.S. Special Forces troops to train
 alongside the People's Liberation Army is the master stroke of

[CTRL] Clinton Sponsor Gains Foothold in Panama

1999-12-18 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-

 The Washington Weekly

 Clinton Sponsor Gains Foothold in Panama
 Chinese Intelligence Front And Hutchinson Whampoa


 Ten percent of the Panama Ports Company that runs the
 ports at both ends of the Panama Canal is owned by
 China Resources, identified by the Thompson Committee
 as "an agent of espionage... for China."

 The FBI debriefing notes of John Huang, that were kept
 secret by the Justice Department for almost a year,
 revealed that China Resources also financed a
 Lippo-organized trip to Asia by then-governor
 Bill Clinton in 1985.

 Shen Jueren, the Communist official who heads China
 Resources, and Li Ka-shing, owner of Hutchinson
 Whampoa that owns the Panama Ports Company, are both
 partners in the Riady family's Hong Kong Chinese Bank,
 where Chinese spy John Huang started his career.  He
 later advanced to a sensitive position with security
 clearance (without a background check) in the Clinton

 James Riady helped Clinton get elected in both 1992
 and 1996.

 President Clinton must have been aware of all this
 when two weeks ago he said that he would be "very
 surprised if any adverse consequences flowed from the
 Chinese running the Canal."  Last week he claimed the
 Canal would be run by Panama.

 The House Government Reform and Oversight Committee
 under Chairman Dan Burton this week will conduct
 hearings on "The Role of John Huang and the Riady
 Family in Political Fundraising."

 Published in the Dec. 13, 1999 issue of The Washington
 Weekly. Copyright © 1999 The Washington Weekly
 (http://www.federal.com). Reposting permitted with
 this message intact.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] ORBIT: Soviet scalar threat and weirdness in Northwest

1999-12-18 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-

 forwarded message 
Date: Sat, 18 Dec 1999
Subj: ORBIT: Soviet scalar threat and weirdness in Northwest

ORBIT: Soviet scalar threat and weirdness in Northwest
CyberSpace ORBIT
Kent Steadman, Editor

Yeltsin Puts Nuclear Missiles on 'Red Alert'
Russia Launches New Missile as Warning
EDITOR'S NOTE: Contacts for above stories.
EDITOR'S NOTES: doubt Russia would deploy an old-style H-bomb,
rather keep an
eye on events that might indicate an EM disturbance!

. . . it is possible to focus the potential for the effects of a weapon
through spacetime itself, in a manner so that mass and energy do not
through space" from the transmitter to the target at all. Instead,
and patterns in the fabric of spacetime itself are manipulated to
meet and
interfere in and at the local spacetime of some distant target.
Weird waves on radar over Northwest

12/18/99 10:33:00 AM Pacific Standard Time
Milton Freewater, Ore.

Last night we had a severe storm, a "witch" storm I believe, totally
unpredicted by the weather gurus--sideways rain, howling winds,
etc.! This is
Dec.; we are supposed to have snow and ice here if anything, not
this stuff,
NOT this time of year. The god awful explosions were not up in the
air like
normal thunder would be. They were as if they
were everywhere, meaning "in the very air itself, " at ground level and
above, it made us kneel down every time we were hit, real powerful
matey! It
was like a physical blow to the body, you could not keep your eyes
open when
these hit. Many powerful lighting-like (non-lighting) flashes
throughout this
event. After the largest of these unbelievable bangs, everything
became blue.
HUH ? Yes, BLUE, the TV, stove, dogs (who were just shivering), walls, my
wife, me, everything was a brilliant and beautiful blue, quite profound.
continued at:



CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Politically Correct Jesus

1999-12-18 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-12-18 13:48:57 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Beauty of the physical entity is not the most desired.
It is more the beauty within that is to be desired.

An appropriate thing to consider in this day of media-manufactured "beautiful
people," when no one is "real" to us unless they've appeared on TV, and
everyone who appears on TV --especially heads of state and social lions-- is
subject to extensive makeovers, wardrobe advice, voice coaches, acting
lessons, and the help of public relations firms.
The death of Princess Di got more airtime on TV and column inches in the
press than Mother Theresa for the simple reason that she was photogenic and
the old nun wasn't.
It's a "miracle" that aging, frail, sometimes drooly Pope John Paul II --who
STILL, or so I've heard, gets made up for the cameras) even gets his face in
the news nowadays ...

What's external to the person --physical appearance and "image"-- might be
the most superficial and least character-based of human attributes, but it's
certainly become the most marketable, just another "product" in a world
running on sales of "commodities."
The true spiritual worth of a person is something that can't be SEEN, but
even worse, because of that fact, it can't be SOLD!  Conversely, what CAN be
seen --what might APPEAR to be "spiritual worth"-- IS "bought and sold" --
and should be questioned ...
So, without even considering the quirky possibility that a Messiah or the
Christ might in fact be "ugly," you're right about the fabled "beauty" of
Lucifer, Satan, the Antichrist, or whoever.-- if the Devil himself ever
wanted to deceive the whole world, all for the profit of EVIL, you can bet
that he'd beat "God" hands-down in today's arena of mass-media ...

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: CIA -- Psychology of Intelligence Analysis

1999-12-18 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

 -Caveat Lector-

The CIA (Canuckistan Intelligence Agency) may already have an intelligent
which is more learned than any human because of its expert system programs
from all fields of knowledge and can add to that learning faster than any

If it had such a machine it would be classified as "cosmic top secret" which
is what they call the highest level of secrecy in Canuckistan.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Another No Knock Murder/Y2K thread

1999-12-18 Thread Bob Stokes

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-12-18 18:42:35 EST, you write:

 They are the Elite because we permit them to be the Elite, no other

You are correct, but try to get people to work together.  I doubt even 100 of
the 400 or so people on this list could work together.

 (1.) If you believe that, then they've brainwashed you. Do not let
 yourself be transfixed by the illusary omnipitance of the state. It's a
 house of cards. Pay attention to the man behind the curtain.

Change rarely takes place by peaceful means.  The ATF, FBI, CIA, IRS etc. are
not an illusion.  I ask who is the "man behind the curtain" and get as many
answers as there are people I ask ... Bankers, lawyers, corporations,
government(s), masons, the ultra rich, commies, socialists, capitalists,
white people, black people, brown people, british, democrats, republicans, so
on and so forth.  The "divide and conquer" tactics have worked fairly good so

 (2.) The masses are not insignificant. We are the masses. We out number
 our rulers by millions to one. We don't even have to rise up as one to be
 rid of their rule. All we have to do is sit down. Refuse to do their
 bidding. Don't work for them. Don't buy their products. Don't use their
 money. Don't fight their wars. And the ruling class will shrivel and die. 

The masses are insignificant as far as the controllers of society are
concerned.  They do not hesitate to kill us, we must be willing to kill them
to change things.  Your theory of a sit down revolution cannot work in that
we would have to get tens of millions of people to go along with it to be
noticed, or just a few strategic cities, but people don't stick together very
well and many think they have it good right now.

If people would work together, then the ruling class would shrivel, but I
just don't see that happening.  If, by luck everyone found themselves
penniless, people might pay attention to what is happening,  but they didn't
figure it out in 1929, did they?  Unfortunately I am a realist, dreams have
long ago faded away.

Bob (I hope you're right) Stokes

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-12-18 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-


It is apparent that Brian is fully aware that people pursuing his lines of
inquiry regarding CIA  Drugs have been "neutralized" .. I'd have a REAL
difficult time buying into anyone's statement that someone whose
investigations and public activities like Brian Downing Quig, Mike Ruppert,
Daniel Hopsicker, Rodney Stitch, R.C. Odom, and many others  have any
lack of the understanding of what it is to risk their lives ... in a deeper,
premeditated, more thoughtful  fully-informed fashion than folks who've
been conditioned to believe that military service=patriotism, duty, bravery,
etc.  I basically agree that war is in general a financial transaction. The
people who fought in the wars, who were unaware of this fact surely had
varying degrees of bravery and honor - it is unfair in the extreme to fault
these people's "patriotic service" or "honor among men" due to their
ignorance of the financial reality behind warfare. I also agree that it
takes a lot of courage to face imprisonment rather than take up arms in a
military action that is (to that person  many others) plainly WRONG.
Some of you may be amused to know that drugs kept me OUT of the military.
I registered for the Vietnam draft,  was called to a physical. By this
time, it'd been a couple of years that I'd been drinking  smoking pot
daily, in addition to taking every other drug easily available in the late
60's, and was pretty much always under the combined influence of whatever
I'd used that day or the day before...
So there I am standing in my underwear in a big long line of guys, and the
line moves until I get up to this (doctor?) guy who asks a few questions,
then asks "have you ever taken any drugs?"
At this particular point, this struck me as so funny that I couldn't stop
laughing... actually fell down on the floor laughing...  the Dr. sent me
over to the equivalent of Arlo Guthrie's "group W" bench with all the father
rapers, etc...  and I eventually got sent home, classified
"1-H" -administrative holding.  I wasn't going to go anyway 'cuz no one I
knew (family, church members, friends) "believed in" Vietnam, but as it
worked out I wasn't faced with the choice of imprisonment or Canada in the
two years I was "eligible" for the draft.
All of which seems pretty interesting in retrospect- the war was ALL ABOUT
drugs,  'most everyone I know who came back from Vietnam came back with a
fondness for strong pot, if not amphetamines  heroin.  Anyhow, being a drug
addict kept me from fighting the war FOR drugs...  now I'm almost 9 years
"clean  sober" as the 12steppers say, and am a footsoldier in the peaceful
revolution against the "War ON Drugs"... which is actually a war on The
drugs  war;  war  drugs; ... money  guns  drugs  war...banks  big
business  Generals and Presidents...
We each find our own way to do what we feel to be honorable in this morass.
Ollie North?  I still have a real hard time thinking that this guy should be
a syndicated radio talking head.  I'm sure he had some sense of personal
honor at some point in time.  If he STILL DOES, that is an amazing tribute
to the power of an individual to delude himself. Considering the shit this
guy's done, it doesn't seem too brave or honorable to me for him to hide
behind threats to his family.
The message Ollie sends out by being in this position seems to be one of
"might makes right" and honor subservient to threats  corrupt power.
I kinda doubt that his verbal message is any different, but if someone out
there ever listens.. let me know what you think.

At some point we all need to understand that each of us and society as a
whole has been subject to the influences of the "suits with the suitcases"
as JP puts it. Mass indoctrination.
As we begin to see our individual way out of the falsehoods we've been
indoctrinated with, there is ever greater power behind the movement for
peace and an end to class-war  drug-wars.
"My country, wrong or right" is WRONG. It is NOT patriotism. It is NOT an
honorable position, only a position of ingnorance and subservience to the
corruption embodied in our political "leaders."
I know that all of us on this list have faced this kind of questioning and
personal dilemma.
I don't know what that must be like for those with significant personal
experience with military indoctrination- sounds difficult.  I recognize far
more easily the bravery and honor apparent in Odom's participation here than
I do in whatever was his earlier life experience in the military- but that
is MY opinion, and NOW is now, THEN was then, and this is not in any way,
shape or form meant as criticism or judgement of what happened in the past.
By mentioning this, I DO mean to bring up for questioning what I perceive to
be patriotism  honor used as manipulative tools by the very persons and
alliances that many of us are aware of - the "dark alliance" that we are
aware of in Contra/Cocaine .. which is the same as Vietnam  "heroin
in-the-bodybags" Czar of 

Re: [CTRL] Another No Knock Murder/Y2K thread

1999-12-18 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

You are correct, but try to get people to work together.

People work together all the time. It's the norm. Almost everybody spends
almost all of their time peaceably cooperating of their own free will.

We don't need to learn how to cooperate. We know. What we need to do is
redirect our cooperation to exclude cooperation with our exploiters.

Change rarely takes place by peaceful means.

Read up on the history of the anti-slavery movement in Britain.

The ATF, FBI, CIA, IRS etc. are not an illusion.

They are also not monoliths. Within each of these organizations are
honest, righteous people who are appalled at what their bosses do.  We
need their help/

I ask who is the "man behind the curtain" and get as many answers as
there are people I ask

Stop asking other people. Figure it out for yourself.

The masses are insignificant as far as the controllers of society are

To them we are livestock, no more and no less. Seen in those terms their
activities make perfect sense, at least for them.

They do not hesitate to kill us, we must be willing to kill them to
change things.

They are not the enemy. The system is the enemy. The guys at the top are
every bit as replaceable as we are. Kill one and another takes his place.
It is the system itself which must be destroyed. It lives in our hearts.
Attack it there.

Your theory of a sit down revolution cannot work in that we would have to
get tens of millions of people to go along with it to be noticed, or just
a few strategic cities, but people don't stick together very well and many
think they have it good right now.

Many Americans think they are doing well because they have short memories.
In reality, Americans are working harder, for longer hours and getting
less back for it than ever in my life. I'm 51. When I was 20 I was married
with one child. We lived on Manhattan. I worked for a little over minimum
wage. I put in twelve hour days, five days a week. My wife didn't have to
work. We could afford to eat out a couple nights a week and take in a show
on Saturday night. Try that today.

Business might be booming today, but labor is doing quite poorly.

As for the rest of the world, they KNOW they aren't that well.

If people would work together, then the ruling class would shrivel, but I
just don't see that happening.

Then MAKE it happen. First of all, stop telling people it's impossible.
Don't make a self fulfilling prophesy.

If, by luck everyone found themselves penniless, people might pay
attention to what is happening,  but they didn't figure it out in 1929,
did they?

There's more to life than economics. The chief of all hierarchy's evils is
what it does to the spirit. We must stop thinking like slaves. After that
everything else will be easy.

Unfortunately I am a realist, dreams have long ago faded away.

You're a pessimist. I, on the other hand, am an optimist, and I shall
maintain my optimism to the bitter end.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Anarchism: Two Kinds / Wendy McElroy

1999-12-18 Thread pmeares

 -Caveat Lector-

Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1999 21:26:48 -0500
From: Patricia Neill [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Anarchism: Two Kinds

An excellent article that explains this tricky subject really well!

Anarchism: Two Kinds
by Wendy McElroy
December 13, 1999

 In commenting on the World Trade Organizations (WTO) riots in Seattle,
 "The Economist" asked, "Why were there no anarchists among all those
 'anarchists?'."  Actually, there were, but the ones drawing attention were
 the sort who give overthrowing the State a bad name. Salon (almost alone
 among the media) was more accurate in stating: "Most reports simply
 labelled the rioters 'anarchists,' missing the fact that many among the
 peaceful blockaders consider themselves anarchists, too."

 Clearly, some definition is necessary. The self-proclaimed anarchists who
 proceeded to "direct action at the point of consumption" (translation:
 smash windows and loot) were left anarchists. They were attacking an
 abstraction -- the free market - by destroying the specific property of
 individual shop owners. The owners were guilty of wrongdoing because,
 well, they were "owners."

 This is not American anarchism. Individualist anarchism, the indigenous
 form of the political philosophy, stands in rigorous opposition to
 attacking the person or property of individuals. The philosophy revolves
 around the "Sovereignty of the Individual"--as an early champion, Josiah
 Warren, phrased it. Whether you prefer the term 'self-ownership' or 'the
 non-invasion principle,' the core of the philosophy remains the same.

 The idea is that every peaceful individual must be at liberty to dispose
 of his person, time, and property as he sees fit. Force is permissible
 only in self-defense and only when directed at the offending
 individual(s), not at the representatives of a class. Individualist
 anarchism rejects the State because it is the institutionalization of
 force against peaceful individuals.

 Left anarchism (socialist and communist) are foreign imports that flooded
 the country  like cheap goods during the 19th century. Many of these
 anarchists (especially those escaping Russia) introduced lamentable traits
 into American radicalism. They believed in "propaganda by deed": that is,
 the use of violence as a political weapon and a form of political

 They also divided society into economic classes that were at war with each
 other.  Those who made a profit from buying or selling were class
 criminals and their customers or employees were class victims. It did not
 matter if the exchanges were voluntary ones. Thus, left anarchists hated
 the free market as deeply as they hated the State.

 By contrast, individualist anarchists demanded that all voluntary
 exchanges be tolerated, if not respected.

 For better or worse, the two schools of anarchism had enough in common to
 shake hands when they first met. To some degree, they spoke a mutual
 language. For example, they both reviled the State and denounced
 capitalism. But, by the latter, individualist anarchists meant
 "state-capitalism" the alliance of government and business. As a solution
 to such "capitalism," they called for measures such as free banking. In
 other words, they wanted to set up voluntary and more effective
 alternatives. And if such a voluntary society still harbored such evils as
 exorbitant interest rates... so be it. No one had the right to intervene
 in a non-coerced exchange. Not even a well-intentioned anarchist.

 The ideological honeymoon was soon shattered. A major conflict was over
 the left's use of violence as a political strategy. For example, in March
 1886, Benjamin Tucker - editor of Liberty, the voice of 19th century
 individualist anarchism - caused a national  scandal. He published an
 article entitled "The Beast of Communism." There, he disclosed that "a
 large number" of communist anarchists in New York City were setting fire
 to their own property to collect on capitalist insurance policies, even
 though some properties were tenements with hundreds of occupants. In one
 fire, a mother and her newborn had burned to death. Tucker labeled these
 so-called radicals as "a gang of criminals."

 Individual and left anarchists were fellow travelers no more. Liberty
 became a foremost critic of left magazines like Freiheit, which ran
 articles on the virtues of dynamite and instructions on how to produce

 The schism between the two forms of anarchism has deepened with time.
 Largely due to the path breaking work of Murray Rothbard, 20th century
 individualist anarchism is no longer inherently suspicious of
 profit-making practices, such as charging interest. indeed, it embraces
 the free market as the voluntary vehicle of economic exchange.

 But as individualist anarchism draws increasingly upon the work of
 Austrian economists  such as Mises and Hayek, it draws increasingly
 farther away from left anarchism.

 Occasionally, there are issues upon which the left 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] merry christmass brainteaser

1999-12-18 Thread Kris Millegan

I asked a deep black source of mine (with supposed "remote 
viewing"op stargate experience) for some down and dirty gossip to finish 
off the year. He stated he would give me some weird stuff but probably would 
have to mix some high tech misin in it to discredit me. It would be up to 
me to check out the info and decide for myself. Here's what he told 
1- Soon after al Ghoar entered the whoat huose, the ss began 
to call him the "vampire". Here's why, cause he's a hemophiliac and under 
nat. sec. requirements they always had to carry around a refrigerated suitcase 
of his blood just in case of a hemorrage occuring, should he fall down, bump 
himself or get sick. If true this would sink ghoars political 
future. (must be misinfo!)
2-When Biliary got caught in the "devil with the blue dress" 
affair, Biliary jr. had an unstoppable crying spell at the end of a class at 
 U in Ca. Her professor and the ss took her to the student health--she 
was hospitalized for about a week in a wing of the health service that was 
3-Converted C135's?  were used to spray criss-crossed matrices 
over almost every major city in the free world at above 
10,000 feet. What was sprayed: a concoction of approx. 15 different 
combo's of gene-spliced boug of bacteria (ricksettia), virus (mild meningial), 
and fungus. Custom developed and mixed by our good friends at fort detrick 
army biological weapons center. Purpose: to make adult people (not kids) 
sick until the end of january thereby they don't feel good enough to get 
panicked or "hoard" for y2k, or feel well enough to riot or pillage if y2k 
brings some serious utility breakdowns in certain major 
cities.Symptoms: headaches--acid dripping from nose to throat. 
Coughing, lots pof bronchial flem-full body aches and pains and generalized 
malaise/weakness. A long period of post viral asthenia. 

4-langely has a whole floor for concoction of 
misinformation. When it creates drip supply lines, it must use very well 
trained deep cover field operatives. The first step to create such an 
identity is for them to assume a plausible role in the community, then join the 
target group and "build a legend". They must make real  aggressive 
moves against their own agency and even hurt the positions of some cutouts 
(really were set up as disposables anyhow) to help build this legend as a solid 
_. This is expectd and allowed by the parent agency but not known by 
the cutouts or mid level agencies who must persecute or harass this agent for 
awhile to create credibility for the legend. Then much later, the deep 
cover op can be activated (maybee years later) for that one special op. 
Retirement with a nice stipend is promised for after that!
5-drug use always involve a choice and all intelligence 
agencies know that drug usage can never be eliminated and that there is always 
an existing criminal subculture for something--so why not adapt to it and use it 
and get some of the money for black ops? this is the ideology of the govt 
agencies that participate in drugops.

I have no idea which if any of this stuff is true as I am not 
experienced in field ops and not knowledgable enough to discern the veracity of 
this stuff. I though you would find it interesting reading.


1999-12-18 Thread Kris Millegan

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Sherman Skolnick Sounds Off!!!

by Sherman H. Skolnick

The founder and major owner of an international financial empire, active
in clandestine gold trading, was murdered. This occurred at a key point
in the gold market.

Highly secretive, Edmond J. Safra died in a pre-dawn incident when two
alleged masked intruders reportedly got into the heavily-secure building
in Monaco, and started a fire in or near his two-story penthouse
apartment. His copper-domed dwelling is atop a six-story pink stucco
building containing the branch of the bank he founded and of which he
was the major owner, the Republic National Bank of New York and its
subsidiaries such as Safra Republic Holdings of Luxembourg. He lived a
short distance from the Grimaldi family royal palace and the Monte Carlo

Safra was officially a resident of the tax-haven principality notorious
for its gold smuggling and its shoreline docks and warehouses used to
transfer contraband worldwide. [SEE FOOTNOTE ONE.] Ships, some
reportedly without names or identification, load and unload there.

Monaco police are puzzled as to the apparent absence of his bodyguard.
Was it an inside job? Safra died, suffocated from the blaze. Was the
latest arson ingredient used, namely, rocket propellant, which burns
furiously and rapidly leaving little trace?

Formed in 1966, Safra's banking and precious metals empire was founded
and built primarily after the creation of the State of Israel, by Safra
acting as the savvy money laundry expert for wealthy Sephardic Jews
desiring to extract their fortunes as they were fleeing Arab countries
where they resided.

Safra was reportedly an expert on gold smuggling and the use of the
precious metal in secret financing of covert operations, such as
political assassinations, by intelligence agencies, such as the American

During 1999, gold bullion had declined to about 252 dollars per ounce, a
record low in recent years, more than 30 dollars per oounce below the
COST OF PRODUCTION of the most efficient gold mines, those in Canada.
South African mines, going so deep in the earth and costly producers,
complained they were being ruined. One such mine went into bankruptcy.

Gold bullion prices had a momentous upswing after September, 1999, when
most of the European Central Banks made a surprise announcement that
they are deferring for five years dumping of gold which previously they
had done, supposedly because they did not like to have gold in their
reserves anymore. Just prior to that, the Bank of England held a gold
auction supposedly of some of its reserves. Actually, the Bank of
England was offering gold owned only on paper, not actual gold in their
possession. Upon the downfall of the Soviets, corrupt former Commissars
stole thousands of tons of the Soviet gold treasury and made a crooked
deal with the Dutch beholden to the Vatican.

A Dutch bank octopus, Algemene Bank Nederland, ABN, has reportedly been
using that stolen gold to buy numerous banks in 15 U.S. cities. ABN's
American flagship is La Salle National Bank of Chicago, a long notorious
haven for secret accounts to bribe state and federal judges through
offshore fund parking.

The Dutch parked this former Soviet gold at or near an airport in
Switzerland, for swift, clandestine shipments anywhere on the globe.

Basically, the Bank of England was thus offering by auction Soviet gold
they did not own. When currency and gold pirate, George Soros, found
out, he began an attack on the Bank of England, whereby gold shot up to
almost 330 dollars per ounce. This was caused, in part, by Soros
pressing for actual DELIVERY of the gold offered by the Bank of England,
on paper, sold to Soros and others. The possibility of demand for
DELIVERY is a key part of commodity trading, although actual delivery is
seldom demanded. Caught in the middle of the squeezing of the Bank of
England and other "short sellers", those selling borrowed or stolen gold
not yet in their possession, was reportedly Republic National Bank and
Safra's gang of gold smugglers and worldwide criminals. One well-in
formed commentator on the rigging of the gold market, calling his essay
"I Accuse", said the Republic National Bank was part of an anti-trust
monopoly fraudulently forcing down the price of gold, damaging gold mine
shareholders and various smaller nations. [SEE FOOTNOTE THREE.]

NO HONOR AMONG THESE THIEVES! Thus using his inside knowledge, George
Soros launched his attack thereby fingering and blackmailing the
criminal operations of the Bank of England and an accomplice, Goldman
Sachs brokerage. Realizing gold is the "killer metal", and his opponents
were relying on stolen gold not in 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Henry Hyde, CIA and Contras

1999-12-18 Thread Kris Millegan

From: David Goldman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From Parry's website: www.consortium.com

December 14, 1999
Hyde’s Blind Eye: Contras 

   By Dennis Bernstein  Leslie Kean

   Henry Hyde, who starred as chief House
   manager in President Clinton's impeachment,
   played a very different role a decade earlier.

   In 1987, instead of the grim prosecutor set on punishing
   Clinton for his sex-and-lies offenses, Hyde was the glib
   defense attorney searching for reasons to spare
   President Reagan from possible impeachment over the
   Iran-contra scandal and related drug crimes implicating
   the Nicaraguan contra army.

   As a member of the congressional Iran-contra
   committee, Hyde vigorously defended Reagan’s
   Iran-contra activities and steered the panel away from
   any serious investigation of the contra-cocaine

   The suppression of that contra-cocaine probe, in
   particular, proved crucial in shielding Reagan and his vice
   president, George Bush, from blame for a policy that
   fueled America's cocaine pandemic and wreaked havoc
   on cities across the nation.

   While it is not clear exactly what Hyde knew about the
   contra-cocaine corruption in 1987, government
   investigators already had collected strong evidence of
   widespread criminality.

   The contra-cocaine issue had surfaced publicly in 1985
   and had become the subject of a Senate inquiry in 1986.
   Even earlier, the CIA and the Drug Enforcement
   Administration were aware of the contra-cocaine

   Those early suspicions have now been proved out. Last
   year, CIA inspector general Frederick Hitz issued a
   lengthy report admitting that drug traffickers permeated
   the contra movement from its inception in the early
   1980s and that contra-cocaine smuggling continued
   throughout the decade. [For details on Hitz’s report, see
   Robert Parry's Lost History.]

   According to the CIA inspector general's report, the
   evidence showed that from the start, the CIA knew the
   contras were involved in "criminal activities," including
   terrorist bombings, hijackings and narcotics trafficking.

   By 1981, contra operatives had delivered their first
   shipment of cocaine to the United States, the report
   revealed. The inspector general also confirmed that drug
   traffickers from the Medellin cartel secretly collaborated
   with contra operatives to pump money into the contra

   We now know, too, that in 1982, Reagan's first attorney
   general, William French Smith, gave the CIA legal
   clearance to work with drug traffickers without a
   requirement to report on their criminal activities.

   This so-called "memorandum of understanding" was
   effectively a carte blanche for the CIA to ignore drug
   operatives working in the contra movement as well as
   other CIA-backed projects.

   Though now confirmed by the CIA’s inspector general
   and other investigators, the contra-cocaine charges
   were a matter of heated denials in the mid-1980s --
   when the drug smuggling actually was taking place.

   "The government made a secret decision to sacrifice a
   part of the American population for the contra effort,"
   testified Washington attorney Jack Blum before the
   Senate Intelligence Committee in 1996. Blum had been
   special counsel to Sen. John Kerry's Senate Foreign
   Relations subcommittee on terrorism and narcotics.

   Reagan administration officials also were "quietly
   undercutting law enforcement and human-rights agencies
   that might have caused them difficulty," Blum stated.
   "Policy makers absolutely closed their eyes to the
   criminal behavior of the contras."

   From his twin perch on the House Intelligence
   Committee and the congressional Iran-contra panel,
   Henry Hyde was especially well positioned to stop
   potential threats to the contras from law-enforcement
   officials and congressional investigators who were
   compiling the evidence.

   Hyde’s spot at the nexus of information made him one of
   President Reagan’s most important defenders.

   One of the Illinois Republican’s principal contributions to
   the contra-cocaine cover-up was his championing of a
   bogus 1987 investigative report largely clearing the
   contras of drug-trafficking suspicion.

   The 900-word memo, drafted by Iran-contra committee
   staff member Robert A. Bermingham, claimed that a
   thorough investigation into the drug-trafficking charges
   had found no evidence that the contra leadership was
   implicated in narco-trafficking. Bermingham submitted
   the memo to Iran-contra committee 

[CTRL] Nessie: thank you!

1999-12-18 Thread Edward Britton

 -Caveat Lector-


Acting alone is seldom if ever, and certainly not in this case, in
anyone's self interest.

Are you sure you're not a liberal :-)?

Edward   +
WARNING!  Stay OUT of America's cities on 1/1/2,000!!
Edward   Britton   +
Reality Pump: http://www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/Reality_Pump2

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Another No Knock Murder/Y2K thread

1999-12-18 Thread Bob Stokes

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-12-18 22:13:34 EST, nessie writes:

 People work together all the time. It's the norm. Almost everybody spends
 almost all of their time peaceably cooperating of their own free will.

 We don't need to learn how to cooperate. We know. What we need to do is
 redirect our cooperation to exclude cooperation with our exploiters.

Seems to me I see people working together at work, there isn't much time for
anything else.  Unfortunately, teamwork at work only gives more power  money
to those that exploit us.

 Read up on the history of the anti-slavery movement in Britain.

That was long ago and in an environment that was not as divided as our
country is now.  The last attempt at change was the war between the states
and really resulted in everyone slowly becoming slaves rather than freeing
the blacks, they may not have chains, but are not free either, not truly free.

 The ATF, FBI, CIA, IRS etc. are not an illusion.

 They are also not monoliths. Within each of these organizations are
 honest, righteous people who are appalled at what their bosses do.  We
 need their help/

These people also know that they can be eliminated for speaking out about
injustice.  They are also ridiculed and made to look like some sort of
radical faction, or kook, we have no control over the media that reports such

 I ask who is the "man behind the curtain" and get as many answers as
 there are people I ask

 Stop asking other people. Figure it out for yourself.

I see, either you don't know, or are afraid of being ridiculed.  I see it as
no one person or group, but as a massive effort with several layers involving
millions of people.

 They do not hesitate to kill us, we must be willing to kill them to
 change things.

 They are not the enemy. The system is the enemy. The guys at the top are
 every bit as replaceable as we are. Kill one and another takes his place.
 It is the system itself which must be destroyed. It lives in our hearts.
 Attack it there.

They are the enemy.  They are arrogant self-centered, hard individuals who
think they are better than anyone in a class lower than their own.  Just how
would you replace the "system" with another system that will be just as
crooked as the last.  To have no system might be an answer, but too many have
grown comfortable with their place in the system ... there are too few
"rugged individualists," most are under control of the government or the
large corporations that rule our lives.

 Many Americans think they are doing well because they have short memories.
 In reality, Americans are working harder, for longer hours and getting
 less back for it than ever in my life. I'm 51. When I was 20 I was married
 with one child. We lived on Manhattan. I worked for a little over minimum
 wage. I put in twelve hour days, five days a week. My wife didn't have to
 work. We could afford to eat out a couple nights a week and take in a show
 on Saturday night. Try that today.

You are directly on target, but people are too stupid to realise we are doing
poorly.  Anyone working for minimum wage today, even working 60 hours would
be hard pressed to earn a living unless they owned their house and car.
Younger people can't begin to understand that our parents normally had one
wage earner in the family.  I was also the one wage earner in my family for
nearly 20 years, but we had to do without many conviences.

 Business might be booming today, but labor is doing quite poorly.

Business is not booming, it is moving to places outside our country.
Business is also downsizing continually, only the rich are getting richer in
an over-inflated stock market.  Labor are the slaves of society, but labor is
also being joined by lower management.  I like that term "management,"
somehow they manage to steal the money you earn.

 As for the rest of the world, they KNOW they aren't that well.

Only Europe and the USA have it good, everyone else for all practical
purposes is third world, even Japan although I have not lived there for 25
years, they were not as well off as I thought they would be.

 Then MAKE it happen. First of all, stop telling people it's impossible.
 Don't make a self fulfilling prophesy.

Dreaming it, thinking it, does not make it happen, in reality a curmudgeon
such as I am powerless to make anything happen.

 There's more to life than economics. The chief of all hierarchy's evils is
 what it does to the spirit. We must stop thinking like slaves. After that
 everything else will be easy.

Economics is a big part of life.  We must eat and stay out of the elements to
survive.  Many people do not have the luxury to sit and think, nor does
everyone think the same thing.  Anything worth having/doing is not easy and
throwing off the yoke of slavery will make WWII seems somewhat small.

  I shall maintain my optimism to the bitter end.  

That statement does not appear to be altogether optimistic.

Again, I am a realist and in reality the elites will