permisos cambiados ???

1999-03-29 Thread homega
Parece que de algún modo los permisos para /usr/bin/pager han sido cambiados
... desde luego yo no los he cambiado, ¿cómo es esto posible?

Esto es lo que sucede:

homega:/tmp$ man man
sh: /usr/bin/pager: Permission denied
sh: exec: /usr/bin/pager: cannot execute: Permission denied
man: la orden terminó y retornó 32256: /bin/gzip -dc
'/var/catman/cat1/man.1.gz' | { export MAN_PN LESS; MAN_PN='man(1)';
LESS=$LESS\$-Pm\:\$ix8mPm Página de Manual $MAN_PN ?ltlínea %lt?L/%L.:byte
%bB?s/%s..?e (FIN):?pB %pB\\%..; exec /usr/bin/pager -s; }

... y en efecto los permisos están de lo más raros:

2139127680 ?r-S--S--T 65280 65280652804278255360 þun 21  1969 pager

¿Qué ocurre?  ¿y porqué ese fichero es tan grande?  Me da que pensar ... ¿no
me lo habrán ...?

Gracias de antemano,

Claves - GnuPG/PGP - Keys :
Envía un mensaje vacío a [EMAIL PROTECTED] con la línea de asunto:
Send a blank message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject line:
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DSA/ElGamal fetch dsa/elgamal
DSS/Diffie-Hellman  fetch dh/dss
RSA fetch rsa

Re: Puertos no encontrados

1999-03-29 Thread Fernando
Fernando wrote:
 He estado instalando Debian 2.0 en un PC nuevo
 con un Pentiun II a 350 Mhz
 y una placa Intel Seattle SE440-BX a 100 Mhz.
 La instalación ha ido bien, pero a la hora de conectar a internet,
 me daba un extraño mensaje de IO error.
 Investigando he visto que en el arranque solo encuentra el primer
º puerto serie, y no encuentra el puerto paralelo. (Adjunto dmesg)
 ( he probado con el comando setserial y no reconoce nada mas que el
 /dev/ttyS0 )
 Estuve recompilando el Kernel 2.0.34 y en apariencia estan bien todas
 las opciones.
 ¿ Alguien tiene una idea de lo que puede estar pasando ?
 ( Tiene windows98 instalado, el puerto funciona y la impresora también.

Hola de nuevo:

Ya he encontrado lo que pasaba, y por si a alguno le puede interesar
era que en la BIOS existe una opcion plug and play O/S [SI] que tuve
que cambiar a NO, aparentemente no ha afectado a W98 y linux funciona

¿ Alguien sabe para que es necesaria esta opción de la Bios ?



   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.

 Console: 16 point font, 400 scans
 Console: colour VGA+ 80x25, 1 virtual console (max 63)
 pcibios_init : BIOS32 Service Directory structure at 0x000f6a90
 pcibios_init : BIOS32 Service Directory entry at 0xfd7a0
 pcibios_init : PCI BIOS revision 2.10 entry at 0xfd9a3
 Probing PCI hardware.
 Calibrating delay loop.. ok - 347.34 BogoMIPS
 Memory: 127844k/131072k available (712k kernel code, 384k reserved, 2132k 
 Swansea University Computer Society NET3.035 for Linux 2.0
 NET3: Unix domain sockets 0.13 for Linux NET3.035.
 Swansea University Computer Society TCP/IP for NET3.034
 IP Protocols: ICMP, UDP, TCP
 Checking 386/387 coupling... Ok, fpu using exception 16 error reporting.
 Checking 'hlt' instruction... Ok.
 Linux version 2.0.34 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version #7 Sat Mar 20 
 16:44:00 CET 1999
 Starting kswapd v
 Serial driver version 4.13 with no serial options enabled
 tty00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
 PS/2 auxiliary pointing device detected -- driver installed.
 Sound initialization started
 CS4232 (CS4231) at 0x530 irq 11 dma 0,3
 MPU-401 1.5U Midi interface #1 at 0x330 irq 9
 Yamaha OPL3 FM at 0x388
 Sound initialization complete
 ide: i82371 PIIX (Triton) on PCI bus 0 function 57
 ide0: BM-DMA at 0x1000-0x1007
 ide1: BM-DMA at 0x1008-0x100f
 hda: Maxtor 90648D3, 6179MB w/256kB Cache, CHS=787/255/63, UDMA
 hdc: Hewlett-Packard CD-Writer Plus 8100, ATAPI CDROM drive
 ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
 ide1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15
 Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
 FDC 0 is a post-1991 82077
 Partition check:
  hda: hda1 hda2 hda3
 VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) readonly.
 Adding Swap: 72288k swap-space (priority -1)
 VFS: Disk change detected on device 02:00

OFF-TOPIC : Fomatos de ficheros

1999-03-29 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Hola a todos..., descripciones de de formatos de ficheros en cantidad.


Resumen actualización a Slink (incluye bugs)

1999-03-29 Thread Arregui-García, Javier
Hola a todos.

Ayer por la mañana me actualicé de hamm a slink, con los CD's de Datom. Si
alguno piensa hacerlo o está en ello, tal vez le ayude saber algunas cosas:

1. El método multi-cd2 que viene con los CD's de Datom funciona
2. Actualización con dselect (paso 1): 

Lo primero, actualizar los paquetes tal y como están, sin entrar a
seleccionar cosas nuevas. Este proceso se corta a mitad con un fallo al
desempaquetar xbase. Probé a desempaquetarlo desde otra terminal, y daba
violación de segmento. Me lo traje por ftp de, por si
estuviera corrompido el paquete del CD, y seguía pasando. Al final, y como
alguno ya sospecháis, tuve que hacer desde otra terminal:

Linux LANG=C dpkg --unpack xbase...

y ya funcionó sin problemas (me parece un milagro el que me acordara de ese
problema, que se supone se corrigió, ¿no?). Tras hacer esto, volver a
dselect y volver a darle a [I]nstall.
Ignoro el motivo, pero hubo bastantes paquetes que se me desinstalaron al
hacer [R]emove, alguno de ellos importantes (no me iba el man, por ejemplo).
3. Actualización con dselect (paso 2): Paciencia, café y bocadillo al lado,
y a revisar los más de 2000 paquetes que vienen. Tremendo. A mí me costó dos
horas y cuarto. En el proceso de [I]nstall, de nuevo tuve que hacer la
maniobra de LANG=C con el paquete Leafnode.

4. Total: 3 horas y media, sin rebotar la máquina, y Debian 2.1 actualizada

Me resulta impresionante la calidad de la distribución (por organización y
por cantidad de programas). Mi enhorabuena y agradecimiento a los


2 cuestiones del dpkg

1999-03-29 Thread Arregui-García, Javier

1. Cuando hago dpkg -l, no veo el nombre completo de los paquetes que tienen
un nombre largo, pues el espacio reservado para el nombre es pequeño. Si
luego quiero ejecutar alguna acción sobre ese paquete, necesito saber su
nombre completo. Al margen de mirarse el fichero /var/.../available, ¿cómo
se puede saber el nombre completo?

2. ¿Cómo se puede saber qué librerías están huérfanas en el sistema? Es
decir: me quiero instalar el paquete 'manolo', que requiere las librerías
libmanol1, libmanol2, libmanol3, que están en sus respectivos paquetes.
Pruebo el programa y no me gusta. Desinstalo manolo, pero se quedan las
librerías. Yo pretendo que, si ya nadie pretende usarlas, borrarlas. ¿Hay
algún modo elegante de hacer esto?



Re: Resumen actualización a Slink (incluye bugs)

1999-03-29 Thread Ramiro Alba
Arregui-García, Javier wrote:

 Hola a todos.

 Ayer por la mañana me actualicé de hamm a slink, con los CD's de Datom. Si
 alguno piensa hacerlo o está en ello, tal vez le ayude saber algunas cosas:

A propósito de los CDs de Daton. Deberias de tener el KDE 1.1 incluido

por lo que te pediría un inmenso favor: comprobar si funciona sin

problemas. En particular prueba kfind, kedit o kdehelp.

Con estos programas el KDE 1.1 que se baja de los mirrors de

envia el siguiente error:

error in loading shared libraries
/usr/X11R6/lib/ undefined symbol: __pure_virtual

Tengo reportado el problema pero me quedaría mas tranquilo si me confirmas

el buen funcionamiento, ya que a pesar de que mi intencion es hacerme

los CDs (he hecho un mirror de la distribucion binaria para i386) me

pondria en contacto con Daton para averiguar como solucionaron el problema

o bien pediría directamente los CDs.

Este problema ya habia sido reportado a bugs de kde y le pasa a mas

gente, pero mi pregunta es:

¿Como es que los de KDE ponen en red unos binarios que dan problemas

en la distribucion Debian 2.1 oficial?

Un millon de gracias y muchos saludos

Ramiro Alba
Laboratori de Termotecnia i Energetica

Departament de Maquines i Motors Termics
ETS d'Enginyers Industrials de Terrassa

C/Colom 11

Tf: 34 - 93 739 82 43
Fax: 34 - 93 739 81 01


RE: Resumen actualizacin a Slink (incluye bugs)

1999-03-29 Thread Arregui-García, Javier
No me interesa KDE, al menos de momento. Estoy muy contento con wmaker, y no
quiero malgastar mis megas de memoria en cosas superfluas. No obstante, lo
probaré, aunque primero tengo que abrirle hueco en mi disco duro, que ronda
el 100% ...

 ¿Como es que los de KDE ponen en red unos binarios que dan problemas
 en la distribucion Debian 2.1 oficial?
Respecto a esto, no sé qué decirte. Por lo que sé, los *.deb los construye
una persona de modo voluntario, no necesariamente implicada en el proyecto
Debian, empleando su tiempo por la cara en ponernos las cosas más fáciles a
todos. Y los proporciona sin ningún tipo de garantía, de modo que no se le
puede exigir. Es una opinión personal, pero de mí no saldrá ninguna crítica
hacia él, aunque los paquetes puedan fallar, cosa que ignoro. Estoy seguro
de que, una vez informado, intentará corregirlos.

Otra cosa sería que fueran paquetes oficiales Debian mantenidos por un
desarrollador Debian. Ahí sí que es necesario cierto control y exigencia,
como ocurre con el resto de los paquetes.


Script para wwwoffle en ip-up.d

1999-03-29 Thread Manuel Jiménez
¿Me podríais ayudar a realizar un script para que wwwoffle, trabajando
offline, se baje de un tirón las www encargadas? En la 1.3 había uno bueno;
pero, dejé de usar el proxy y no lo conservé. Ahora, la 2 sólo me deja un
triste wwoffle -online en el ip-up y un triste -offline en el ip-down...
Gracias debianeras: Manuel


Usuario de Linux con registro nº 90705

Debian GNU/Linux (v. 2.0) / Kernel 2.2.2



1999-03-29 Thread José Enrique Álvarez Martín

Hola a todos.

 Instale Windows NT 
4.0 Server en mi pc, en una particion ntfs. 
 Mas tarde instale 
LINUX en otro disco duro, al instalar LILO, me machaco el MBR de NT pero lo peor 
es que no puedo arrancar NT desde LILO.

 Por favor, alguien 
me puede ayudar.


1999-03-29 Thread Ramiro Alba
José Enrique Álvarez Martín wrote:

  Hola a todos. Instale Windows NT 4.0 Server en mi pc, en una
 particion ntfs.Mas tarde instale LINUX en otro disco duro, al
 instalar LILO, me machaco el MBR de NT pero lo peor es que no puedo
 arrancar NT desde LILO. Por favor, alguien me puede ayudar.

Si, a mi también me paso lo mismo y lo arrglé arrancando desde disket
DOS y ejecutando fdisk /MBR (el disket de arranque DOS ha de contener

Al hilo de la pregunta plantearé otra:

Tenemos Windows NT 4.0 instalado en una partición del primer disco y en
particiones del mismo disco instalamos Debian y onfiguramos Lilo para
que arranque de los 2 sistemas. El arranque de Linux ningún problema
pero el de NT comienza bien hasta que aparece la pantallita azul y
despues de unos 10 segundos falla estrepitosamente. Esto no ocurre si el
disrectorio root de Linux esta en una particion de otro discos. Si no es
el caso, me he visto obligado a poner el Lilo en disket para el
arranque dual. Hasta donde he podido me mirado la documentación de Lilo
a fondo, pero no he dado con la causa. ¿Alguien sabe que demonios pasa?

Un saludo a todos

Ramiro Alba
Laboratori de Termotecnia i Energetica

Departament de Maquines i Motors Termics
ETS d'Enginyers Industrials de Terrassa

C/Colom 11

Tf: 34 - 93 739 82 43
Fax: 34 - 93 739 81 01


Re: Puertos no encontrados

1999-03-29 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
El Mon, Mar 29, 1999 at 08:59:23AM +0200, Fernando dijo:
 Hola de nuevo:

 Ya he encontrado lo que pasaba, y por si a alguno le puede interesar
 era que en la BIOS existe una opcion plug and play O/S [SI] que tuve
 que cambiar a NO, aparentemente no ha afectado a W98 y linux funciona
 ¿ Alguien sabe para que es necesaria esta opción de la Bios ?

La especificación de Plug N' Play por parte de Windows está tan mal implemen-
tada que, según los manuales de las boards, el único OS que soporta esta opción
es Windows 9x.

Ahh, y hablando de leones enjaulados, una de las opciones en mi nueva board
tiene que ver con algo del floppy (no recuerdo bien el nombre de la opción),
pero es una opción _exclusiva_ para Windows. El problema (que ya me había
pasado) es que si no tienes unidades floppy definidas en el BIOS, Win9x se
empeña en que hay una unidad 'A:', y activando esa opción es la única manera
de que el tarado de Windows se de cuenta que realmente _no_ existe ninguna

Suerte, y espero que haya servido de algo...


PD: Ya van 2 opciones de BIOS que se deben tener en cuenta a la hora de
instalar Linux. Una es la del hueco entre los 15-16M y la otra es esta,
la de PnP OS.
¿Alguien sabe de alguna otra? 
Creo que se deberían remitir al grupo de Documentación.
 Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa| POWERED BY   |
   Always Free, Always Cool, Always Linux

Actualizando a Slink

1999-03-29 Thread Correcaminos
Algunos problemas en algunos paquetes...

Como ejemplo, este:

elsa:/home/lcabrera$ dpkg -i libpam-doc_0.65-0.9.deb
(Reading database ... 87011 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace libpam-doc 0.57b-0.2 (using
libpam-doc_0.65-0.9.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement libpam-doc ...
Violación de segmento

elsa:/home/lcabrera$ LANG=C dpkg --unpack libpam-doc_0.65-0.9.deb
(Reading database ... 87011 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace libpam-doc 0.57b-0.2 (using
libpam-doc_0.65-0.9.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement libpam-doc ...
Violación de segmento

¿Alguna solucion...?

Si quieren mas info, no duden en pedirla...


   ___   _ _
 / ___|_   _| (_) ___  Grupo de Usuarios de LInux de Canarias
| |  _| | | | | |/ __| Pasate por nuestro web
| |_| | |_| | | | (__
 \|\__,_|_|_|\___| Clave PGP en las paginas de Gulic

Impresion por un Jetdirect

1999-03-29 Thread Javier López
Hola a todos.

Estoy intentando configurar una máquina debian 2.1 con lpr para que
imprima a través de una serie de impresoras conectadas a JetDirect. No
tengo ningún problema para imprimir por la impresora conectada al primer
puerto del JetDirect, pero no se como utilizar el segundo y tercer

Si alguien lo ha conseguido agradecería la ayuda



1999-03-29 Thread Antonio RODRIGUEZ GIL

Jos Enrique lvarez Martn wrote:
Hola a todos.
Instale Windows NT 4.0 Server en mi pc, en una particion ntfs.
Mas tarde instale LINUX en otro disco duro, al instalar LILO, me machaco
el MBR de NT pero lo peor es que no puedo arrancar NT desde LILO.
Por favor, alguien me puede ayudar.

Ver documentacion , por ejemplo en

Re: Puertos no encontrados

1999-03-29 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
 Ugo Enrico Albarello [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  PD: Ya van 2 opciones de BIOS que se deben tener en cuenta a la hora de
  instalar Linux. Una es la del hueco entre los 15-16M y la otra es esta,
  la de PnP OS.
  ¿Alguien sabe de alguna otra? 
  Creo que se deberían remitir al grupo de Documentación.

 Es raro, yo he puesto y quitado en forma indiscriminada la opción de
 PnP en multitud de máquinas que corren Linux en forma exclusiva, y
 nunca he visto que haga la más mínima diferencia.  He probabo con
 varios kerneles con la opción `PnP Support' activada y desactivada.
 He probado todo eso en máquinas que tienen tarjetas PnP y en máquinas
 que no las tienen... y nada.



RE: Puertos no encontrados

1999-03-29 Thread Javier Nogueira
Lo que sucede es que cuando en el BIOS se pone NO en 
la opcion PnP OS, es el BIOS el que configura las
direcciones y los IRQ de las tarjetas PnP, de manera
que para el sistema operativo son tarjetas con
direcciones e IRQ fijos. Si se pone SI en PnP OS, el
BIOS le deja la tarea de configurar las tarjetas al
sitema operativo.

-Mensaje original-
De: Marcelo E. Magallon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: Lunes 29 de Marzo de 1999 12:09
Para: Lista Debian Español
Asunto: Re: Puertos no encontrados

 Ugo Enrico Albarello [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  PD: Ya van 2 opciones de BIOS que se deben tener en cuenta a la hora de
  instalar Linux. Una es la del hueco entre los 15-16M y la otra es
  la de PnP OS.
  ¿Alguien sabe de alguna otra? 
  Creo que se deberían remitir al grupo de Documentación.

 Es raro, yo he puesto y quitado en forma indiscriminada la opción de
 PnP en multitud de máquinas que corren Linux en forma exclusiva, y
 nunca he visto que haga la más mínima diferencia.  He probabo con
 varios kerneles con la opción `PnP Support' activada y desactivada.
 He probado todo eso en máquinas que tienen tarjetas PnP y en máquinas
 que no las tienen... y nada.



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Re: Puertos no encontrados

1999-03-29 Thread 'Marcelo E. Magallon'
 Javier Nogueira [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Lo que sucede es que cuando en el BIOS se pone NO en la opcion PnP
  OS, es el BIOS el que configura las direcciones y los IRQ de las
  tarjetas PnP, de manera que para el sistema operativo son tarjetas
  con direcciones e IRQ fijos. Si se pone SI en PnP OS, el BIOS le
  deja la tarea de configurar las tarjetas al sitema operativo.

 _Esa_ es la diferencia.  En los casos descritos donde hay tarjetas
 PnP, son configuradas con el isapnp o son tarjetas PCI.  En el
 primero, el SO fija los parámetros cada vez que la máquina arranca;
 en el segundo, el BIOS (o la tarjeta, o el BIOS y la tarjeta, no sé)
 fija los parámetros y linux es capaz de leerlos.



1999-03-29 Thread Rafael Cordones Marcos


Estoy intentando pasar archivos MP3 a formato WAV o mejor a formato
para grabar en CD.

Por ahora he conseguido:

lazlo:~$ mpg123 -s fichero.mp3

  The  decoded  audio samples are written to standard
  output, instead of playing them through  the  audio
  device.   This  option  must  be used if your audio
  hardware is not supported by  mpg123.   The  output
  format  is  raw (headerless) linear PCM audio data,
  16 bit, stereo, host byte order.

Y ahora con sox quiero leer de la entrada standard pero no me sale!

lazlo:~$ sox -t raw -u -r 44100 -w -c 2 - snd.wav

Best regards,

Rafa C. Marcos
BCN Art Directe (Promotora d'Art)

   Info on Euroart'99 and Index·Art at:

Re: permisos cambiados ???

1999-03-29 Thread Hue-Bond
El lunes 29 de marzo de 1999 a la(s) 01:14:04 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] contaba:

2139127680 ?r-S--S--T 65280 65280652804278255360 þun 21  1969 pager

 U uf uff

 Tío, se impone un  umount + fsck. Si la partición  es /, te veo
 arrancando con disquete y fsck al canto.

¿Qué ocurre?  ¿y porqué ese fichero es tan grande?  Me da que pensar ... ¿no
me lo habrán ...?

 No  creo.  Con esos  permisos  ni  siquiera es  ejecutable.  Si
 quieres, antes de hacer el fsck, prueba un 'file pager' para ver si
 sigue siendo el mismo ejecutable, o prueba algún chmod (para ver si
 los permisos se cambian bien). Por  si acaso no lo ejecutes y menos
 como root. En mi Hamm no es un archivo, sino un symlink.

El servidor de NT se ha ido a tomar por c***. (Dakota)

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.4
PGP Public key at


1999-03-29 Thread SAMUEL SOTO
Por favor quisiera tener un documento que me informe acerca de todas las 
preguntas mas frecuentes del sistema operativo DEBIAN, pero en español ya que 
en su pagina web se encuentra dicho documento 
pero en ingles y yo soy un cybernauta latino y se muy poco de ingles, ademas 
quisiera obtener respuesta a estas preguntas puntuales:

1. costo
2.donde se obtiene
3.con quien se puede obtener

muchas gracias por la atencion prestada

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Tu correo gratuito en español.

Re: permisos cambiados ???

1999-03-29 Thread homega
Hue-Bond dixit:
 El lunes 29 de marzo de 1999 a la(s) 01:14:04 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 2139127680 ?r-S--S--T 65280 65280652804278255360 þun 21  1969 pager
  U uf uff
  Tío, se impone un  umount + fsck. Si la partición  es /, te veo
  arrancando con disquete y fsck al canto.

Bueno, ya le hice un e2fsck, y la partición era /usr.

  No  creo.  Con esos  permisos  ni  siquiera es  ejecutable.  Si
  quieres, antes de hacer el fsck, prueba un 'file pager' para ver si
  sigue siendo el mismo ejecutable, o prueba algún chmod (para ver si
  los permisos se cambian bien). Por  si acaso no lo ejecutes y menos
  como root. En mi Hamm no es un archivo, sino un symlink.

El e2fsck me lo borró, así que hice un symlink a /etc/alternative/pager y
listo (de momento, porque no sé qué será lo siguiente que ocurrirá).  Espero
que no tenga razón quien dijo que mi disco duro se podía estar muriendo.


Claves - GnuPG/PGP - Keys :
Envía un mensaje vacío a [EMAIL PROTECTED] con la línea de asunto:
Send a blank message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject line:
Tipo de Clave/Key Type  Asunto:/Subject:

DSA/ElGamal fetch dsa/elgamal
DSS/Diffie-Hellman  fetch dh/dss
RSA fetch rsa

Re: Actualizando a Slink

1999-03-29 Thread Correcaminos
Antonio Ballesteros wrote:
 On Mon, 29 Mar 1999, Correcaminos wrote:
  Algunos problemas en algunos paquetes...
Como ejemplo, este:
  elsa:/home/lcabrera$ dpkg -i libpam-doc_0.65-0.9.deb
 Esto es un usuario mortal ... o con derechos de semi-dios :)
 Prueba por ahi, a ver que tal.

Hombre, la pregunta es buena...

Pues si, en este caso es root, lo que pasa es que el prompt lo tengo
puesto asi, ya que lo diferencio con colores. Si era root:

elsa:/home/lcabrera$ whoami

Otro de los programas que me da error es el sendmail. Resulta que me
baje la version de sendmail que hay en Slink de interner, no sea que
estuviera mal la copia que yo tengo, pero me da el mismo error. Luego me
fui a potato, que tiene una version un poco mas moderna del Sendmail,
pero tambien me dio el mismo error.

elsa:/home/lcabrera$ dpkg -i sendmail_8.9.3-2.deb
(Reading database ... 87973 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace sendmail 8.8.8-20 (using sendmail_8.9.3-2.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement sendmail ...
Violación de segmento

Si llamo al dpkg utilizando 'LANG=C' no me funciona, dandome
exactamente el mismo problema.

¿Que motiva este error? 

¿Como se soluciona...?


   ___   _ _
 / ___|_   _| (_) ___  Grupo de Usuarios de LInux de Canarias
| |  _| | | | | |/ __| Pasate por nuestro web
| |_| | |_| | | | (__
 \|\__,_|_|_|\___| Clave PGP en las paginas de Gulic

X com Cyrix XpressGraphics

1999-03-29 Thread Joao Pissarro

Estou a tentar utilizar o Debian 2.0 com uma motherboard Cyrix MediaGX
(XpressGraphics), mas nao consigo instalar o XFree Parece que os drivers
VGA e SVGA nao sao compativeis

Alguma ideia?

Joao Pissarro

Re: Compilador Clipper

1999-03-29 Thread Lalo
Rodrigo Herefeld escreveu:
 É o seguinte eu nunca programwi nada em LINUX mas tenho bastante
 esperiencia em programação de baixo niovel em C para DOS
 Se alguem tiver alguma ideia e topar fazer um compilador CLIPPER
 em C ou C++  para o LINUX (a ser distribuido com a licença da GNU)
 eu to a fim de fazer o serviço só não tenho nehuma idéia de como
 começar(embora tenha estudado compiladores eu nem sei clipper)

O Clipper na verdade não é um compilador propriamente dito. Ele
consiste em 3 partes:

1: uma coleção de macros (se vc tem o Clipper, procure o header
file std.h ou coisa parecida, a maioria da linguagem é
definida ali)

2: uma biblioteca

3: um runtime q faz algumas funções estranhas (não sei bem
quais), q faz parte da biblioteca

só dando meus famosos 2centavos, já que no momento tou sem net em
casa e não posso colaborar muito mais q isso :-)

Re: Use apt to form a partial local mirror of Slink -- how?

1999-03-29 Thread Mark Phillips
 On Wed, 24 Mar 1999, Mark Phillips wrote:
  My second best option is to use nfs to symlink the laptop's
  /var/cache/apt/archives to the desktop's.  This might work --- the
  only problem here is that dselect-apt decides to delete all the files
  in the cache!  How can I turn this off???
 This actually is the best option, there is no need to rebuild a directory
 structure, a flat directory will work just as well and is much easier for
 APT to manage. The latest APT in ptoat has an option to force dselect to
 not erase files.

I tried this symlink option in order to upgrade a hamm machine to
slink and it worked fine!  However now I am trying to upgrade an older
machine --- it is running Debian 1.2 (I think it was called bo???)
Anyway, because it was lib5, I needed to install a lib5 version of
apt.  The one I found was version 0.1.10.  The only problem was that
when it decided what it needed to download, it decided it needed to
download all 107M/107M of archives which is strange because the
cache already has most stuff.  I tried to work out what was happening
and I might have the answer.  For example, it started downloading, while in fact there was already a cached

Presumably this older apt doesn't stick a _i386 on the end of
packages whereas the newer apt does.  Hence the older apt doesn't
realize that all the packages have already been downloaded.

I think what I need is a libc5 version of the newer apt_0.3.2.  Does
this exist?  Where can I get it?



P.S. Is there anything wrong with me manually deleting files from
/var/cache/apt/archives that don't need to be there?

They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

Re: Use apt to form a partial local mirror of Slink -- how?

1999-03-29 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Mon, 29 Mar 1999, Mark Phillips wrote:

 Presumably this older apt doesn't stick a _i386 on the end of
 packages whereas the newer apt does.  Hence the older apt doesn't
 realize that all the packages have already been downloaded.

Yes, the old APT did not put an arch string and full version on the file
so it won't read a new apt cache. The best bet is to use APT to install
the new APT from slink, manually renaming the files if you have to and
then install the potato APT.

There will not be a v3 libc5 APT, it now requires egcs g++ to compile and
will not work with g++ 2.7


RE: Problems with S3 Trio 3D 2x AGP

1999-03-29 Thread Corey Ralph
I had the same problem, the best work-around is to instal a 2.2 kernel
compiled with vesa framebuffer support, then use the xf_fbcon x server.

The info on the framebuffer is in the Documentation directory in the kernel


 -Original Message-
 From: Eurisko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, March 27, 1999 10:05 AM
 To: debian-user
 Subject: Problems with S3 Trio 3D 2x AGP


 I have a big problem: I have a S3 video card with 4 Mb but I'm not able to
 make it work fine.

 I've tried with the S3 and SVGA servers, but it only works with the VGA16.

 Video Card Specifications:

 S3 Trio 3D2x Version 2.0B.06

 SuperProbe report chipset: 0x8a13

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Convert FAT32 to FAT16 with windows 98.

1999-03-29 Thread Shanta McBain

Will Lowe wrote:

  yes i have only windows 98 installed on my computer. I was wondering if
  there was any way that i could convert FAT 32 back into FAT16 without
  reinstalling windows.

 I don't think so.  Why would you want to?

NT dos not see FAT32 for one. But unfortunatly you can't convert from FAT32 to 


Re: TrueType Fonts

1999-03-29 Thread Syrus Nemat-Nasser
On Sun, 28 Mar 1999, Doug Dine wrote:

 Has anyone had success using TrueType fonts in X? I installed the TrueType
 font server but only received a message that my font database was corrupt.

Hi Doug. It works for me. Here's what I did:

(1) Install xfstt package (slink installation -- someone said it didn't
work with the hamm version xfstt package).

(2) Copy .ttf files from somewhere to /usr/share/fonts/truetype.

(3) Make sure xfstt is running (should be via the init script a.k.a.
/etc/init.d/xfstt start should be executed as root or during
system startup).

(4) As root, enter the directory /usr/share/fonts/truetype and type the
command xfstt --sync.

(5) Put the following line in your .xinitrc or .xsession file:

xset fp+ unix/:7101 

I don't recommend putting a FontPath line in your XF86Config as some
suggest because this can cause X to fail if xfstt is not running and using
the specified port.

Thanks. Syrus.


Syrus Nemat-Nasser [EMAIL PROTECTED]UCSD Physics Dept.

Re: GNOME 1.0

1999-03-29 Thread Syrus Nemat-Nasser
On Sun, 28 Mar 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just curious, how's the .debs of GNOME v1.0 coming?

I'm using it for work (keeping my old desktop config around as a backup of
course). I like it fine. To try it out, install slink (Debian 2.1) and
then add the following line to your /etc/apt/sources.list file:

deb \
unstable main 

Thanks. Syrus.


Syrus Nemat-Nasser [EMAIL PROTECTED]UCSD Physics Dept.

APT, multi-cd

1999-03-29 Thread ESP
So, am I nutso in the head, or is there *no* way to use apt with the
multiple CDs that come in a CD pack for slink?

I'm using the dpkg-multicd method right now (took me a while to figure 
out to install that before upgrading from hamm... sigh) and I'd like
to use fancy new apt features, but I can't figure out how.



Re: Convert FAT32 to FAT16 with windows 98.

1999-03-29 Thread frankie
 Nick Rudd wrote:
 yes i have only windows 98 installed on my computer. I was wondering
 if there was any way that i could convert FAT 32 back into FAT16
 without reinstalling windows.
Yeah there is a way. There may be others, but this way is the only way I
know - and doesn't require purchasing any proprietary software :-)
I am sorry if I have made any errors - dont blame me, it is late, I am
tired. It is possible to do this, though noone seems to have bothered to
tell him / thought of it.

This requires you to be using ~80 MB (the size of a basic linux distro)
less than one half of your hard disk (ie have 1/2 your harddisk+80Mb
free ). Also you will need some extra space, because FAT32 is more
efficient than FAT16 - the exact amount depends on the size of your
harddisk, and the specific files on your harddrive.

Use fips from dos to reduce your win98 to the smallest size possible.

Then, you need to install linux into the ~80MB on your hard disk. (I
would suggest creating partitions at the end of the free space not the
beginning - if you can use partition manager to mess around with them
later this could make it easier to resize them)

in the spare disk space on your harddrive, create a new DOS partition
(be sure only to create a fat16 partition :-) )

format this new partition under linux.

mount your new and old DOS partitions under linux, and with a cp -av
old-dos-partition-mount-point/* new-dos-partition-mount-point you
will be able to copy all of your windows files from the Fat32 partion to
the new fat16 partition.

[BTW all of this is without a reboot :-)]

Now you need to set the new partition active with fdisk or cfdisk or
sthg, then boot of a DOS floppy to make the new partition bootable??? 

then if you reboot, you should come up under windows on your new, FAT16

when you are sure that everything is working correctly, you can delete
your old FAT32 partition, and reinstall linux on that partition, and you
will be able to install X-windows etc and see how your computer should
really work.

Of course it would probably be quicker to back up your entire hard disk
onto floppy, by hand, then reformat your harddrive [or even spend some
money on some mass storage device and back it up onto that] but you


Always glad to be of help :-)
Confession is good for the soul only in the sense that a tweed coat is
for dandruff.

--Peter de Vries - Drum'n'Bass music, samples and

email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Convert FAT32 to FAT16 with windows 98.

1999-03-29 Thread Will Lowe
 NT dos not see FAT32 for one. But unfortunatly you can't convert from
 FAT32 to FAT16. 

;bog microsoft not reading their own filesystem ...

|   |
|PGP Public Key:|
|   You think you're so smart,  but I've seen you naked  |
|  and I'll prob'ly see you naked again ...  |
| --The Barenaked Ladies,  Blame It On Me  |

Re: APT, multi-cd

1999-03-29 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Sun, 28 Mar 1999, ESP wrote:

 So, am I nutso in the head, or is there *no* way to use apt with the
 multiple CDs that come in a CD pack for slink?
 I'm using the dpkg-multicd method right now (took me a while to figure 
 out to install that before upgrading from hamm... sigh) and I'd like
 to use fancy new apt features, but I can't figure out how.

Grab the APT from potato and run 'apt-cdrom add' to activate your CD's,
you'll need a proper entry from /cdrom in /etc/fstab


Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-03-29 Thread frankie
Mitch Blevins wrote:
 George Bonser wrote:
   What type of integration are you thinking of?
  Drag and drop from a spreadsheet, word processor, or graphics program ...
  the embedable opject idea. Having the mail program be able to directly
  render some standard wp formats, show graphic items within the document,
  etc. Drag FROM a email to a spreadsheet, database, whatever. Shared
  document areas and stuff. Sort of like how exchange and outlook are
  SUPPOSED to work only make it REALLY work. It is a powerful concept, just
  klunky in its implimentation and its wandering away from existing
 Easy handling of attachments would be nice (DnD).
 But I would have a problem with the direct rendering of graphics, WP,
 spreadsheets, etc...  This sounds like an easy way to spread trojans
 thru buffer overflows, macros, etc. (Witness the Melissa virus)
 Also, I don't think the OLE/Baboon paradigm lends itself well to email.
 Other office apps, yes.  But email, no.
 Call me old-fashioned, but I think email should remain a primarily
 text-based medium.  Nothing irks me more that some nut sending an
 HTML email to the Debian lists.

Don't pretend you haven't done it - everyone's done it b4 they realised.
I'm sure its some kind of debian-user rite of passage :-)


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Confession is good for the soul only in the sense that a tweed coat is
for dandruff.

--Peter de Vries - Drum'n'Bass music, samples and

email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-03-29 Thread Mitch Blevins
frankie wrote:
 Mitch Blevins wrote:
  Call me old-fashioned, but I think email should remain a primarily
  text-based medium.  Nothing irks me more that some nut sending an
  HTML email to the Debian lists.
 Don't pretend you haven't done it - everyone's done it b4 they realised.
 I'm sure its some kind of debian-user rite of passage :-)


Re: Use apt to form a partial local mirror of Slink -- how?

1999-03-29 Thread Mark Phillips

 Yes, the old APT did not put an arch string and full version on the file
 so it won't read a new apt cache. The best bet is to use APT to install
 the new APT from slink, manually renaming the files if you have to and
 then install the potato APT.

Okay, I tried this but got:

# apt-get install apt
Updating package status cache...done
Checking system integrity...ok
Sorry, apt is already the newest version

I think the problem is that the version I installed was
apt_0.1.10_i386-libc5.deb whereas the slink version is 0.1.9.  What
should I do?

My other question is: is there anything wrong with me manually
deleting files from /var/cache/apt/archives that don't need to be

Thanks for your help.  Much appreciated.



They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

Re: MTA and SMTP ident

1999-03-29 Thread G. Crimp
On Sun, Mar 28, 1999 at 07:32:52PM +0200, Martin Bialasinski wrote:
  GC == G Crimp [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 GC I think you are right, though, that it is the list software and
 GC not the MTA that is silently discarding my mail.
 Also note that the list software doesn't see the SMTP envelope (it is
 not passed on final delivery).

I am not sure about this, I can see the envelope From header on
messages sent to the lists.

 GC My From: field is not a problem (thanks mutt !) but I'll give the
 GC Sender header a crack and see if that makes a difference.
 Good Luck. It is not failure to have the Sender different from the
 From:-header. Actually the Sender should be the correct mailbox of
 the sender, even if he changes the From-header. Maybe you don't have a 
 registred hostname for your box, and the list software tries to
 resolve it and fails (or such some).

I tried both telling mutt to change Sender: and Return-Path:.  The
mail is still not getting through.  Can you tell me how the receiving end is
getting the user name off my local box (a dial in ppp link, not part of any
registered domain) [Reminder: on this box I am [EMAIL PROTECTED], at one
of my pop servers I am [EMAIL PROTECTED]  The Sender: Return-Path: etc
headers are getting written [EMAIL PROTECTED]  At first I thought is was
the ident protocol (RFC1413), because I would see that in the Received:
headers sometimes.  However, I have told my local identd not to identify me,
and my mail is still ending up with my local ID attached to the domainname
of my ISP, so I think ident can't be the only culprit.  Is is possible that
the MAIL FROM: command in the SMTP protocol is responsible, and if so, is
there any way to circumvent ?



Re: Use apt to form a partial local mirror of Slink -- how?

1999-03-29 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Mon, 29 Mar 1999, Mark Phillips wrote:

 Okay, I tried this but got:
 # apt-get install apt
 Updating package status cache...done
 Checking system integrity...ok
 Sorry, apt is already the newest version
 I think the problem is that the version I installed was
 apt_0.1.10_i386-libc5.deb whereas the slink version is 0.1.9.  What
 should I do?

You need the potato version which is 0.3.2
 My other question is: is there anything wrong with me manually
 deleting files from /var/cache/apt/archives that don't need to be

Nope, none at all


A question about compiling

1999-03-29 Thread Jayson Baird
I feel really moronic asking this, but what is the package that allows you
to use make. Is it GCC or something else?



[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cyillic only)
ICQ UIN: 19560609   

Slink Upgrade Trouble

1999-03-29 Thread Chevelle Strobel
When I use
apt-get update
It gets beyond the system integrity check and prints OK, then it gives a
segmentation fault.
Is there a known fix for this?

Re: A question about compiling

1999-03-29 Thread Gregory T. Norris
On Sun, Mar 28, 1999 at 09:16:10PM -0500, Jayson Baird wrote:
 I feel really moronic asking this, but what is the package that allows you
 to use make. Is it GCC or something else?

Ironically, the package name is make. g

Re: Use apt to form a partial local mirror of Slink -- how?

1999-03-29 Thread Mark Phillips
  Okay, I tried this but got:
  # apt-get install apt
  Updating package status cache...done
  Checking system integrity...ok
  Sorry, apt is already the newest version
  I think the problem is that the version I installed was
  apt_0.1.10_i386-libc5.deb whereas the slink version is 0.1.9.  What
  should I do?
 You need the potato version which is 0.3.2

I'm not sure whether this will work.  The system is currently a libc5
bo system.  I want it to become a slink system.  I can't just use
dpkg to install the potato version of apt, because it's a libc6
version.  I would need to install potato-apt using apt.  In the
process apt would presumably upgrade the system (correctly) to libc6.
But it would be a potato upgrade.  How would I then downgrade back
to slink? --- my ultimate goal.


They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

Re: A question about compiling

1999-03-29 Thread Jonathan Guthrie
On Sun, 28 Mar 1999, Jayson Baird wrote:

 I feel really moronic asking this, but what is the package that allows you
 to use make. Is it GCC or something else?

I don't know about you, but _I_ would expect make to be in the make
Jonathan Guthrie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Brokersys  +281-895-8101
12703 Veterans Memorial #106, Houston, TX  77014, USA

Installing select files from potato

1999-03-29 Thread MallarJ
I have slink installed.  If I decide I want to install some files from potato,
namely GNOME, how do I set up dselect/apt to do it?  If I point my package
files at potato instead of slink, it'll upgrade everything, and I really don't
want to do that.  Nor do I want to go through the hassle of putting things I
don't want to upgrade on hold.  Is downloading the .debs separately and
running dpkg on them my only option?

Oh, and I just (stupidly) deleted the msg on GNOME 1.0 debs (with the apt
sources change).  Can someone send me a copy?

Many thanks,

Re: Installing select files from potato

1999-03-29 Thread Gregory T. Norris
On Sun, Mar 28, 1999 at 10:14:59PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have slink installed.  If I decide I want to install some files from potato,
 namely GNOME, how do I set up dselect/apt to do it?  If I point my package
 files at potato instead of slink, it'll upgrade everything, and I really don't
 want to do that.  Nor do I want to go through the hassle of putting things I
 don't want to upgrade on hold.  Is downloading the .debs separately and
 running dpkg on them my only option?
 Oh, and I just (stupidly) deleted the msg on GNOME 1.0 debs (with the apt
 sources change).  Can someone send me a copy?

If it's GNOME that you're interested in, take a look at;.  You can install it from
the slink staging-area, without the need to worry about pointing apt to
potato.  Be sure to read the information at the site first, tho.

Majordomo permissions?

1999-03-29 Thread Bek Oberin

I've used the majordomo from tarball for years, but recently tried to
switch to using the proper .deb install.  Everything is working right
except any attempt to subcribe/unsubscribe gives an error like this:

MAJORDOMO ABORT (mj_majordomo)!!

chown(30, 31, /home/majordomo/lists/ Operation not 

It seems that majordomo is running is id daemon:daemon, so it doesn't
have the permmissions to chown directories.  30:31, BTW, is
majordom:majordom - the same uid/gid that owns /home/majordomo and all
its subsidiaries.  That's where I keep my lists.

If this isn't sorted out within a few days I'll have to go back to
doing it all the wrong way ... don't much want to!  Help!


: --Hacker-Neophile-Eclectic-Geek-Grrl-Queer-Disabled-Boychick--


1999-03-29 Thread Corey Ralph
I'm having a problem getting vmware to install on slink with 2.2.3 kernel.

Something to do with include files.  First, I still had the 2.0.36 headers
installed.  I upgraded these to the 2.2.3 versions.

The error that it is reporting is that there is no include path to find
asm/cache, followed by several more.  I am sure this is just something wrong
with the way I've installed the kernel headers.

Any ideas?

Error Message with Qt 1.44

1999-03-29 Thread Jayson Baird
Anyone know what the error messge:

$QTDIR needs to be set to $PWD(usr/local/qt)

when installing QT? 

in my bash .profile QTDIR is set to usr/local/qt or does this mean
something else?  


[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cyillic only)
ICQ UIN: 19560609   

Compiling fvwm95 on Slink

1999-03-29 Thread Jor-el

I am having problems compiling fvwm95 on Slink. I installed the
required development libraries from the oldlibs packages. Here is an
example of the problem :

debian$gcc -o FvwmAudio FvwmAudio.o -L../../libs
-L/usr/i486-linuxlibc1/lib -L/usr/i486-linuxchecker/lib  -lfvwm95 -lXpm
-lXext -lX11
/usr/lib/crt1.o(.text+0xe): undefined reference to `__libc_init_first'
/usr/lib/crt1.o(.text+0x18): undefined reference to `_environ'

Quite obviously, the above error is due to the crt1.o object being
picked up from /usr/lib, rather than /usr/i486-linuxlibc1/lib . However,
when I try to fix this problem by using the -nostdlib flag, I get :

debian$gcc -o FvwmAudio FvwmAudio.o -L../../libs
-L/usr/i486-linuxlibc1/lib -L/usr/i486-linuxchecker/lib  -lfvwm95 -lXpm
-lXext -lX11  -nostdlib
ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _start; defaulting to 08048630

How can I get round this problem?


Allow apt to remove getty?? (was: Use apt to form a partial local mirror of Slink -- how?)

1999-03-29 Thread Mark Phillips
   # apt-get install apt
   Updating package status cache...done
   Checking system integrity...ok
   Sorry, apt is already the newest version
   I think the problem is that the version I installed was
   apt_0.1.10_i386-libc5.deb whereas the slink version is 0.1.9.  What
   should I do?

I've solved this problem.  I did an apt-get -f install less which in
the process of installing the slink-less, upgraded the system to
libc6.  Then I used dpkg to install the potato version of apt.

Now I am trying to do an apt-get upgrade of the system to slink.  But
I get the following error:

WARNING: The following essential packages will be removed
This should NOT be done unless you know exactly what you are doing!
235 packages upgraded, 53 newly installed, 44 to remove and 1 not upgraded.
Need to get 57.3Mb/105Mb of archives. After unpacking 106Mb will be used.
You are about to do something potentially harmful
To continue type in the phrase 'Yes, I understand this is bad'

So what is to be done with the getty package?



They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

enlightenment locks system

1999-03-29 Thread Daniel J. Brosemer
On the advice of friends I decided to give enlightenment a go. (and I must
say, from what I saw, it's beautiful!)

A strange thing happened, though.  I started netscape to browse the
package list at to look for esd (the sound thing that it
complained about not having at startup) and things were working well, I
went to the full package list, it got about 25% loaded, and I hit Alt-F to
do a search.  I typed enlightenment figuring I might find some other fun
stuff for it too.  Well, I clicked find and my system came to a screeching
halt (mouse wouldn't even move) for about 60sec.  Then it went and found
the first thing with enlightenment in the description... odd... ok, move
the find window from over the description so I can see what it was...
window moves about 20pixels... screeching halt... I gave this one 5
minutes and it still didn't come back.  ERG!

So, I did a hard reset... fsck whined, made me boot single user to fix a
partition, then I rebooted again... tried E once more only this time not
loading netscape... things were fine for about 1/2 hour.  Killed X,
changed my wm back to wmaker, fired up X, started netscape... things fine
for about 1/2 hour... killed X, changed wm back to E, fired up X, started
netscape, 5 minutes, grinding halt... hard reset... fsck whines... now I'm
not bothering with X.

So something weird is going on with E and netscape... any ideas?  I'm
liking the look of E, I think if I can get it working I'll keep it!



 As long as each individual is facing the TV tube alone, formal freedom poses
 no threat to privilege.
   --Noam Chomsky

hamm to slink with upgrade

1999-03-29 Thread mcclosk

There have been several posts on debian-user asking how to use apt-get
to upgrade from hamm to slink, now that the binaries no longer fit on
a single CD.

I've seen two answers so far on the list---both of them containing
very helpful suggestions, but very different from one another, and
both sort of telegraphic.

There must be hundreds, if not thousands, of people out there now who
have just received the CD pack from Cheapbytes or Linux Central or
wherever and who, like me, have no idea at all how to do the upgrade
using apt-get. I've looked pretty diligently in the places I know
about, but I haven't managed to find any advice on this.  The upgrade
advice contained in the Release Notes for 2.1 suggests the use of
apt-get for the upgrade, but there's no mention there of the
multiple-cd problem. Nor does it discuss the issue for dselect.  There
is some very brief advice in the multiCD.README file on the CD itself,
but this talks only about installation, not about an upgrade, and it
refers only to dselect.  The man page for apt-get tells you how to use
a mounted CD as the archive, but you can't guess from it how to use
apt-get when the packages are spread across two CDs and you can only
mount one at a time.

The smoothness of the upgrade from bo to hamm using apt-get was one of
the things that really convinced me that debian was the best linux
distribution for people like me (a reasonably knowledgeable user, but
*not* a programmer). The lack of advice, official or unofficial, about
this very basic problem for users strikes me as weird and untypical.

Is there anywhere where somebody like me can go and read a reasonably
clear account of how to use apt-get to do the upgrade with the two
CD's?  Is there an official `debian position' on how to do it?


Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-03-29 Thread John
Ok! Ted,

I cranked up my win95 box just to see exactly what I lost when I
switched to linux.

Let's see now? Boy that's a tough question. What did I lose with linux?
Hmm! Hmm! Hmm! (much thinking going on here) Well I could be
wrong, but I can't see that I've lost much of anything. As a matter of
fact I've gained something - the freedom to control my own computer. 

Whops! Wait a second. I was wrong. I did lose something - something
that windows provides and linux doesn't. I've lost all the extra
practice I used to get rebooting my computer after the dreaded blue
FATAL ERROR page of death. ;-)


John Carline

 From: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: What DO you lose with Linux ???
 Apologies for duplicate postings, but I'd like to make sure
 I sound
 a diverse population.
 Best wishes to all,
 E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 28-Mar-99   Time:
 -- XFMail

Re: RedHat = MS-Linux???

1999-03-29 Thread Joey Hess
George Bonser wrote:
 Yes, Red Hat is well on the way to becoming Microsoft-like Linux. They 
 screech their shrill cries of But everything we do is open source but 
 when you look at it you also find that it is also incompatable with every 
 other distro and would take so much trouble to modify as to being just as 
 easy to completely rewrite it ... the right way. 

 I tried porting the Red Hat GUI printer management stuff to Debian once
 but gave up once I realized that it was going to take more than a couple
 of hours and involve modifying several files. That was about a year ago, I
 am not sure if they have cleaned it up since then.

I can't see this as anything but redhat bashing. I happen to maintain the
package of rpm for debian (since I maintain alien, which uses rpm). I
haven't considered rpm expecially difficult to port (definitly a misnomer)
to debian.

Looking at the debianized source of rpm, I do notice I've modifed some 10 or
20 files. Thinking back, this did take more than a couple of hours. But
compared to many other things I've debianized, it was cake.

I'm not interested in participating in yet another redhat flame war. I'm
speaking up only to say that I think the fact you base this posting on are

see shy jo

Re: Use apt to form a partial local mirror of Slink -- how?

1999-03-29 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Mon, 29 Mar 1999, Mark Phillips wrote:

 I'm not sure whether this will work.  The system is currently a libc5
 bo system.  I want it to become a slink system.  I can't just use
 dpkg to install the potato version of apt, because it's a libc6
 version.  I would need to install potato-apt using apt.  In the
 process apt would presumably upgrade the system (correctly) to libc6.
 But it would be a potato upgrade.  How would I then downgrade back
 to slink? --- my ultimate goal.

Yes, it is more difficult, you'd have to do it in stages :| Install libc6
and libstdc++2.9 using the apt you have now then install the potato apt by


Re: Allow apt to remove getty?? (was: Use apt to form a partial local mirror of Slink -- how?)

1999-03-29 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Mon, 29 Mar 1999, Mark Phillips wrote:

 Now I am trying to do an apt-get upgrade of the system to slink.  But
 I get the following error:
 WARNING: The following essential packages will be removed
 This should NOT be done unless you know exactly what you are doing!
 235 packages upgraded, 53 newly installed, 44 to remove and 1 not upgraded.
 Need to get 57.3Mb/105Mb of archives. After unpacking 106Mb will be used.
 You are about to do something potentially harmful
 To continue type in the phrase 'Yes, I understand this is bad'
 So what is to be done with the getty package?

Haha! You are the first to encounter my new warning :

getty is one of them pesky obsolete essential packages, it is safe to
continue and I think this may have been mentioned in the release notes


Re: Convert FAT32 to FAT16 with windows 98.

1999-03-29 Thread Ben Messinger
 Nick Rudd wrote:
 yes i have only windows 98 installed on my computer. I was wondering
 if there was any way that i could convert FAT 32 back into FAT16
 without reinstalling windows.
 Chris Smith

Partition Magic will convert from fat16 to fat32 or vice-versa. It does
it with a gui and is quite easy and in my experience safe. I have
converted a partition to fat32 and then back to fat16 at a later date
with no problems.

One responder asked why would you not want to leave it fat32. My
experience is that lilo will not work on the mbr of a fat32 drive, and
also a fat32 drive is slower than the same drive with fat16. But that
doesn't really matter to me anymore - now _all_ my partitions are ext2


Ben Messinger   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux user.

Compilation Problems

1999-03-29 Thread Mark Yobb


As root I can compile a program using:
gcc -I /usr/include/X11 -L/usr/X11R6/lib demo.c -lX11

and get an executable a.out.

As a user when I type the same thing I get:

ld:cannot open -lX11: No such file of directory

Do I have to give this user special privledges or something???
How do I make it so I can compile as this user.. 

PS Please reply with a copy directly to me.  



Ghost View / .ps viewers

1999-03-29 Thread Mark Yobb

I was wondering if anybody has seen a new version of ghostview that
allows you to do neat things like print every second page and other neat
things right in the interface.  I think I saw this in a SUSE dist.. I
have hamm installed.  Is this newer version packaged with slink??

Your responce will be much appreciated,

(Please cc me directly)



Re: TrueType Fonts

1999-03-29 Thread Holger Mense
On Sun, 28 Mar 1999, Doug Dine wrote:

 Has anyone had success using TrueType fonts in X?
Yes, I'm using TTFs together with xfree86. 

 I installed the TrueType font server but only received a message that my
 font database was corrupt. 
Did you use xtt-1.x or any other program, and did you use Debian packages
or compiled it yourself?
Did you made a correct font.dir file for your font-directory?

However I use xtt-1.2 with xfree86 3.3.3, completely compiled from the

 CU, Holger

Holger Mense

Re: What DO you lose with Linux ??? (fwd)

1999-03-29 Thread Michael Beattie
 Mac, and that's still arguable)...and to top it off, Winamp, 'nuff said.

Excuse me? Who wants _Win_amp on a linux box? X11amp works perfectly :)
Even though it is still maturing nicely, x11amp has everything I need.
(Except the File Info box - which is coming :) )

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
   The best things in life are politically incorrect.
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: multi-volume tar?

1999-03-29 Thread Hamori Andras

On Sun, 28 Mar 1999, Vincent Murphy wrote:

  i would like to create a (big) tar archive which spans multiple zip
 disks.  is this possible?

It should be just a matter of the -M switch of 'tar' and writing the
archive directly to the disk (not to a file system). I often use this with
floppy disks. Note: you can't make a multi-volume compressed archive.


Re: hamm to slink with upgrade

1999-03-29 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Sun, 28 Mar 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There have been several posts on debian-user asking how to use apt-get
 to upgrade from hamm to slink, now that the binaries no longer fit on
 a single CD.

 I've seen two answers so far on the list---both of them containing
 very helpful suggestions, but very different from one another, and
 both sort of telegraphic.

Unfortunately the new APT code to handle multiple CDROMS was not finished
in time for the slink release. This means we released slink with the
multiple CD dselect method and an APT that could only do a single, always
mounted CD.

There are a few solutions to this, you can just mount the CD and put it in
apt's sources.list as a file: uri then do an install, swap disks, run
update and do another install. This is primitive and a bit annoying but it
will work for an upgrade.

The next alternative is to use dpkg-multicd, this has the drawback of not
doing much installation ordering.

The final solution is to install APT 0.3 from potato and use it's built in
CD handling through apt-cdrom. I have made a special source specifically
for this,

deb apt/

Which will contain the latest glibc 2.0 linked APT v3. Install whatever
APT you can, add the above to your sources.list (and maybe a temporary
file: uri for the first cdrom) and then do 'apt-get install apt'.

Next insert the first disc, run 'apt-cdrom add', then insert the second
disc and run 'apt-cdrom add' then run 'apt-get dist-upgrade -u' twice (or
is it 3 times?)  

Eventually I will get proper partial-unpacking and disc swapping done up
so it can all be done in a single command, but it is a tricky issue
unfortunately - apt errs to the safe side right now.


Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-03-29 Thread Alain Williams
On Sun, Mar 28, 1999 at 12:49:27PM -, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Today' London Sunday Times feature Innovation (pp 10-11 of News
 Review, ) has an article by David Hewson
 (of Linux, the Program from Hell fame) entitled Linux wins backing of
 computing giants.
I did not see that article but have read his stuff before. He is a
M$ fan, I very much get the impression that he doesn't have a wide
computer experience, in such people the attitude is often ``although the
system that I use may have warts, it is better than everything else''.

 However, he states:
   Behind the hype there is precious little sign of Linux becoming
a serious, versatile desktop OS. If all you need is a browser
to get through the day, it's fine. But if I boot the PC I am
using right now into any kind of Unix the list of stuff I lose
-- music composition, accounting and personal finance to name
but a few -- is endless because the applications just aren't
there. On top of that, Linux is difficult to set up, fails to
understand the difference between a desktop PC and a notebook,
and lacks any kind of plug and play facility.
 I'm sure the last sentence is simply wrong in point of fact.
I have been running Linux on me Gateway laptop for 3 years, very few
problems (except some hardware ones). One of the great things is that it
does understand suspend/resume, so it goes for weeks between reboots,
often changing IP address several times in a day as I move around
to/from customers. I was inflicted with NT on a notebook last year, it
could not handle suspend/resume  a reboot was forced if I tried to
change IP address. I used my personal Linux box so that I could get some
work done -- the main problem was weight, carting 2 laptops + papers
around get heavy.

Finance: I use cbb (tcl/tk program) to handle by cheque books, it isn't
really personal finance but I would find it very difficult to go back to
doing it on bits of paper. GNUMoney is under development, but not
complete; there are a couple of other finance projects out there.

I think that many of us have misunderstood the question and have
understood ``can we do XXX under Linux''. Well, the answer is probably
``yes - but you may need to pay for it (and use a SCO/IBCS application)''.
But the answers that we have proposed have all been Open Source
applications, because this is what we *understand* Linux is, and so look
for Open Source applications.

It must be agreed that in terms of real ``dumb blonde'' personal
productivity there are holes in what Open Source apps are available and
nicely integrated.  But that is changing rapidly.

The other problem that faces someone peeping over the hedge from M$
Windows land is ``where to find the applications''. There aren't so many
magazines reviewing Linux apps as there are reviewing M$ apps. If you
walk into your local high street computer store you will probably see a
few boxes of RedHat/Suse/..., and hundreds of boxes of M$ games, finance
apps, music composition, ... This means that if you want these apps you
need to know where to look and you really need an internet connection.

Hewson is lazy, he hasn't really put in the research/investigatory work
that most people would assume is behind the article - but it can be easy
to get started. I would suggest that one of us (Ted ?) collect the
information and mail it to him - not all of us.

Many people are (quite reasonably) not interested in: finding,
downloading, compiling these Linux apps.  I think that it also shows a
great market opportunity for someone to put out CDs of collections these
Linux apps, The problem is that many of them are still changing rapidly.
It will come.

Enough words. Cheers

Alain Williams

Re: vmware

1999-03-29 Thread Alexander Stavitsky
On Mon, Mar 29, 1999 at 02:38:31PM +1000, Corey Ralph wrote:
 I'm having a problem getting vmware to install on slink with 2.2.3 kernel.
 Something to do with include files.  First, I still had the 2.0.36 headers
 installed.  I upgraded these to the 2.2.3 versions.
 The error that it is reporting is that there is no include path to find
 asm/cache, followed by several more.  I am sure this is just something wrong
 with the way I've installed the kernel headers.
 Any ideas?

Yeah - untar tar files with modules source code, modify makefiles to look
for header files in /usr/src/kernel-2.2.3/include (or where you
put you kernel source) first and compile those modules yourself then copy them
to the directory where is.

And reverse the kernel headers upgrade. Look in /usr/doc/libc6/FAQ.Debian.gz
for justification why.

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Suggestion for change to debian package format

1999-03-29 Thread Mark Phillips
The debian package format is very nice and quite sophisticated, but I
feel it lacks in one area.  Let me illustrate.

Suppose I want to install a number of major application packages.  In
the process of selecting them, dselect tells me, or suggests to me,
that I install a number of other packages.  Over time, my system
builds up a whole range of installed packages, many only there as a
result of a dependency or suggestion.

Now what happens when later I decide that I no longer need a certain
package.  I remove the package --- but unless I'm very dilligent, I
don't remove all the packages that this package depends on or
suggests.  So after time, the system builds up quite a number of
packages which are installed for no good reason.  That is, they were
once installed in order to support some other package, but now that
package is removed and so they serve no purpose.  All they do is take
up disk space, and for some (like me), space is a premium.

Now to go through all the installed packages and work out which are in
this category and which aren't is quite a difficult and laborious
task.  I would like to suggest that a small change be made to the
debian package format so that dselect or apt could do this for us.  At
the moment you can mark a package for install, remove, hold etc.
I suggest the install option be broken into two new options, namely
major install and minor install with the following meanings:

major install: you definately want to install this package
minor install: you want to install this package provided it is needed
  by a major installed package --- if ever this is no longer true, you want
  it removed.

Perhaps there is a better solution, but this is the one I thought of.
What do people think?



They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

install problems

1999-03-29 Thread Joe Digilio
Hi all-
I ordered the 4 cd set of slink from cheapbytes (and made a $5 donation :).
I am trying to install on /dev/sda2 attached to an adaptec 2940uw. There
are no ide drives on my computer.
I tried booting off the cd, but when it loads the kernel, it gets
stuck after finding my scsi card. It stops right after this:

(scsi0) Adaptec AHA-294X Ultra SCSI host adapter found at PCI 11/0
(scsi0) Wide Channel, SCSI ID=7, 16/255 SCBs
(scsi0) Warning - detected auto-termination
(scsi0) Please verify driver detected settings are correct.
(scsi0) If not, then please properly set the device termination
(scsi0) in the Adaptec SCSI BIOS by hitting CTRL-A when prompted
(scsi0) during machine bootup.
(scsi0) Cables present (Int-50 YES, Int-68 YES, Ext-68 NO)
(scsi0) Downloading sequencer code... 419 instructions downloaded

Then it just sits there. I have also tried making the boot floppy
(2.1.9-1999-03-03) with the same result.

What can I do to install slink?


Re: Suggestion for change to debian package format

1999-03-29 Thread Mitch Blevins
Mark Phillips wrote:
 [snip nice suggestion] 

This has already been discussed and is being addressed in apt.
Here's how it will work (if I understand correctly):

Apt will keep a boolean flag called 'Auto' for each package installed
on your system.  'Auto' is short for 'Automatically uninstall this
package when it is not required anymore because of a dependency'.

So, when you install package foo, and apt automatically installs
libfoo1 and libfoo2 because they are required by foo, then they will
be marked with the 'Auto' flag.  Later, if you deinstall foo, then apt
will also deinstall libfoo1 and libfoo2, provided they are no longer
needed by any other packages.

This also allows you to easily have groups of packages.  For example,
you can have a Gnome package that depends on all the various libraries
and packages required by gnome.  Later, if you decide the gnome sucks,
you can just uninstall the Gnome meta-package and all the other unused
libs and packages will go away as well.

Please note that both the automatic marking of packages as 'Auto' and
the automatic removal of 'Auto' packages will be a configurable option
in apt, so you won't be stuck with this behavior.  Also, you will be
able to toggle the 'Auto' flag directly from any of the apt front-ends.

Is that what you were looking for?


(ana)cron local time changing ?

1999-03-29 Thread Antal Ritter

What is the supposed behaviour of cron when the local time changes?

To put it more clearly: let's suppose that on the 28th of March 2 AM
we have to skip forward an hour due to daylight savings time. What
should happen to a script that is set up to run at eg. 2:20 AM 
in my crontab file?

(To tell the truth, I tried it... The script didn't run on my
system [with kernel 2.2.1, anacron 2.0.1-2]. So my question 
in another form: Is it a bug that this script did not run, or 
is it a feature? :-) )

Thanks for you time,

Re: Suggestion for change to debian package format

1999-03-29 Thread Mark Phillips
 Mark Phillips wrote:
  [snip nice suggestion] 
 This has already been discussed and is being addressed in apt.
 Here's how it will work (if I understand correctly):
 Apt will keep a boolean flag called 'Auto' for each package installed
 on your system.  'Auto' is short for 'Automatically uninstall this
 package when it is not required anymore because of a dependency'.
 [nice explanation snipped]
 Is that what you were looking for?

Almost.  This would work for required packages, but what about
suggested packages?

Perhaps dselect or the apt front end could behave the same (by
default) with suggested packages, with the user being able to turn
off the auto flag at selection time.



They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

Re: Debian CDROMS

1999-03-29 Thread Pierfrancesco Caci
:- George == George Bonser [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have noticed that a lot of FTP sites are dropping Debian and the archive
 CD sets are no longer including it. Is it because Debian is getting too
 large? 4 CDROMS for just the 386 binaries and source would make it seem

Anyone thinking that a distribution is too large should be condemned
at having all his computers erased and Windows 98 installed, but
without any connection with the internet or any contact with local
pirates groups. :-)

Seriously speaking, maybe it would be useful to provide a single-cd
downsized distribution to be included in those multi-cd sets like
infomagic or walnut-creek. Then, once you have the first cd, you will
surely hunt the others.



 Pierfrancesco Caci  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -
  Firenze - Italia   | Office for the Complication of Otherwise Simple Affairs 
 Linux penny 2.2.4 #1 Sun Mar 28 11:09:03 CEST 1999 i586 unknown

Re: Suggestion for change to debian package format

1999-03-29 Thread Bruce Sass
Has a more primitive method been considered (i.e., an option to dpkg
which tries to purge or remove stuff a package depends on)? 
e.g.,  dpkg --remove|--purge [--excise] package

On Mon, 29 Mar 1999, Mitch Blevins wrote:

 Mark Phillips wrote:
  [snip nice suggestion] 
 This has already been discussed and is being addressed in apt.
 Here's how it will work (if I understand correctly):
 Apt will keep a boolean flag called 'Auto' for each package installed
 on your system.  'Auto' is short for 'Automatically uninstall this
 package when it is not required anymore because of a dependency'.
 So, when you install package foo, and apt automatically installs
 libfoo1 and libfoo2 because they are required by foo, then they will
 be marked with the 'Auto' flag.  Later, if you deinstall foo, then apt
 will also deinstall libfoo1 and libfoo2, provided they are no longer
 needed by any other packages.
 This also allows you to easily have groups of packages.  For example,
 you can have a Gnome package that depends on all the various libraries
 and packages required by gnome.  Later, if you decide the gnome sucks,
 you can just uninstall the Gnome meta-package and all the other unused
 libs and packages will go away as well.
 Please note that both the automatic marking of packages as 'Auto' and
 the automatic removal of 'Auto' packages will be a configurable option
 in apt, so you won't be stuck with this behavior.  Also, you will be
 able to toggle the 'Auto' flag directly from any of the apt front-ends.
 Is that what you were looking for?
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Re: Where is /etc/rc.d/rc.local on Debian?

1999-03-29 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
Christian Dysthe  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
After my initial posting in this thread I must say that Debian, and maybe Linux
in general, has a complicated, not very user friendly, way of handling loading
of drivers and programs at boot. Both DOS/Windows and OS/2 handles this more

By editting a HUGE monolithic CONFIG.SYS file in c:\ that isn't even readable
anymore in OS/2. And every time the OS decides to edit it your local
changes are gone or mutilated.

Windows .. registry .. user friendly ?

It's simpler, yes, but because of that it doesn't work either.

Don't try compare Unix to DOS 3.3. DOS 3.3 is definitely simpler.

Indifference will certainly be the downfall of mankind, but who cares?

Re: WTF is the difference between SysV and BSD was:[Re: Where is /etc/rc.d/rc.local on Debian?]

1999-03-29 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
George Bonser  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On 28 Mar 1999, Shaun Lipscombe wrote:
Well, Linux is not BSD or SvsV but the GNU commands (ps, df, and the like)
take, for the most part, Berkeleyesque command options.

POSIX mostly.

$ ps -ef 
root 1 0  0 Mar24 ?00:06:13 init [2]
root 2 1  0 Mar24 ?00:00:05 [kflushd]
root 3 1  0 Mar24 ?00:00:00 [kpiod]


Indifference will certainly be the downfall of mankind, but who cares?

Re: Suggestion for change to debian package format

1999-03-29 Thread Mitch Blevins
Mark Phillips wrote:
  Is that what you were looking for?
 Almost.  This would work for required packages, but what about
 suggested packages?
 Perhaps dselect or the apt front end could behave the same (by
 default) with suggested packages, with the user being able to turn
 off the auto flag at selection time.

I did leave several issues unaddressed.  Mostly because I am ignorant
about how apt will handle them.  Issues are:

*) Do you mark Suggests: links with the Auto flag when installed.
*) Do you uninstall a package marked Auto only when it doesn't have
   any dependencies at all (Depends:, Reccommends:, or Suggests:),
   or do you only consider the strong Depends: link.

I do know that in the interactive frontends, that you will be able to
toggle the Auto flag as you are installing the packages.
So, Yes, the user will be able to turn off (or on) the Auto flag
at selection time (no matter what the default is).


386/4MB RAM?

1999-03-29 Thread Vincent Murphy
 i want to install linux (debian if possible) on a 386SX with 4MB RAM and
a 51MB HD.  it will have an ISDN terminal adapter and a 3c509 network
transciever.  can i use debian?  if i can't, how do i go about it?  i'm
open to suggestions about other (*BSD?) kernels.



   Vincent Murphy | CompSci Undergrad, UCC | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | (086) 8397405
  With a PC, I always felt limited by the software available.
  On Unix, I am limited only by my knowledge.
--Peter J Schoenster

Re: TrueType Fonts

1999-03-29 Thread Doug Dine
At 3/28/99 4:52:00 PM, you wrote:

Hi Doug. It works for me. Here's what I did:

(1) Install xfstt package (slink installation -- someone said it didn't
   work with the hamm version xfstt package).

(2) Copy .ttf files from somewhere to /usr/share/fonts/truetype.

(3) Make sure xfstt is running (should be via the init script a.k.a.
   /etc/init.d/xfstt start should be executed as root or during
   system startup).

(4) As root, enter the directory /usr/share/fonts/truetype and type the
   command xfstt --sync.

(5) Put the following line in your .xinitrc or .xsession file:

   xset fp+ unix/:7101 

I don't recommend putting a FontPath line in your XF86Config as some
suggest because this can cause X to fail if xfstt is not running and using
the specified port.

Thank you. We're on a roll here now. Only question now is, how do I
start xfstt upon boot?

Doug Dine


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Re: Backup using ZIP drive?

1999-03-29 Thread Mamoun Alissali
Anthony Campbell wrote:
 I'm currently thinking about choosing a way to back up my laptop.
 An Iomega ZIP drive sounds like the best and least expensive solution.
 Does the panel have any comments or other suggestions?

  If it's like mine, it's only 100 MB and that might be too limited
if you don't want to spend your time swapping disks (it also makes
automatic backup impossible). I don't know the prices but the reasonable
choices seem to be tape or removable HD.


LIUM   Tel: (33-2) -02-43 83 38 47
UNIVERSITE DU MAINEFax: (33-2) -02-43 83 38 68
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Re: sources.list for slink CDs?

1999-03-29 Thread Marc Haber
On 28 Mar 1999 19:42:33 +0200, you wrote:
Create a directory structure like on the CD (only the part until the
Packages.gz file) for all the CDs ( on /mnt/cd1, /mnt/cd2 and /mnt/cd3 
) and copy the Packages.gz files to the proper locations.


deb file:/mnt/cd1/debian stable main
deb file:/mnt/cd2/debian stable contrib


apt-get update

It is working as designed if apt-get update doesn't care about a file but instead gets the Packages file, missing packages
from the other CD?

apt-get badly needs to be better documented. And it badly needs better
error messages (E: Couldn't find package is no good if it doesn't
tell the user where it looked before deciding it could not find it)
and a --verbose switch.


-- !! No courtesy copies, please !! -
Marc Haber  |Questions are the | Mailadresse im Header
Karlsruhe, Germany  | Beginning of Wisdom  | Fon: *49 721 966 32 15
Nordisch by Nature  | Lt. Worf, TNG Rightful Heir | Fax: *49 721 966 31 29

Re: Debian CDROMS

1999-03-29 Thread Sean
And a 20GB hard drive is selling for what? . . . about $350 . . .

Seems that distribution size shouldn't be much of an issue.


 :- George == George Bonser [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  I have noticed that a lot of FTP sites are dropping Debian and the 
  CD sets are no longer including it. Is it because Debian is getting too
  large? 4 CDROMS for just the 386 binaries and source would make it seem

Re: TrueType Fonts

1999-03-29 Thread Sean
Go into /etc/init.d and see if you have a script called xfstt.  If you do, open 
it up
and check to make sure things like the port number are correct (I had to change 
port 7100 on my machine).  Then type update-rc.d xfstt defaults.  That's it.

The way I have it set up from there is by using the $HOME/.xinitrc, which gets 
first by X unless it is missing.  In my .xinitrc file I have:

xfstt --sync 
xset fp+ unix/:7100



Doug Dine wrote:

 Thank you. We're on a roll here now. Only question now is, how do I
 start xfstt upon boot?

 Doug Dine


 NetZero - We believe in a FREE Internet.  Shouldn't you?
 Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

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security issue

1999-03-29 Thread Shawn Nguyen

I have a question regarding security issue with Debian and Linux in
general.  By now everyone has probably heard about the new Mellissa
virus.  I know that this doesn't affect Linux because it is related to
M$ products only.  However, I just wondered if anything of this sort
could happen to a Linux system?  I know that Linux in general is
actually quite secure, but what makes it so?  Just some information
about Linux security issue would be appreciated.  Thank you for any kind
of info.  


Re: Slink install

1999-03-29 Thread Mamoun Alissali
Ed Cogburn wrote:
 ktb wrote:
  I have some more information.  I tried installing again.  the same thing 
  Everything unpacks ok until it reaches emacs20  this is what it says:
  Unpacking emacs20
  dpkg: error processing ./emacs20.20.3-7.deb ( --install): error writing to 
  'usr/share/emacs/20.3/leim/skk/skkdid.elc': No space left on device.
  dpkg-deb. subprocess paste killed by signal (broken pipe)
 'No space left on device' = You've run out of space on the
 partition you're installing to.  Redo your partition config and
 give plenty of room on the one that will hold '/usr'.

  You need space to unpack the packages, I had the same problem using
it was /var that got full. I've
just done the installation in 4 ou 5 steps, selecting the packages to
install so that some space is left on the partition. When I got stuck
I just removed one of the packages and every thing went OK. I think I
probably try to mount a big partition on var or one the subdirectories
used by apt.

  BTW why apt is using /var now? (I was using ftp) According to the
installation instructions my /var is only 100MB and that revealed too


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Questions regarding kernel 2.2.1 and masquerading.

1999-03-29 Thread Matthew Gregan
Hi everybody.

I've got a machine here I want to use as a firewall/masquerade box. I've
compiled and installed kernel 2.2.1 using kernel-package and then replaced
the things listed on the page dealing with Debian 2.1 and kernel 2.2.x
issues... Namely, I've installed the newer netbase from potato.

However, I may have gone about this completely the wrong way (I'm new to
all of this), what I did was:
After figuring out what packages I had that broke when using kernel 2.2.1,
I went about grabbing them from potato via ftp. The only package I required
was netbase, but on attempting to install that, I found I needed to upgrade
my libc, which then led me to find out I needed to upgrade apt. So I
grabbed those via ftp and installed them in the order: apt, libc6, netbase.

Now, everything seems to be running fine, but I have a bad feeling that
I've done this completely the wrong way.

What makes me think this, is that if I run dselect, it tries to install the
timezone package that was removed when I updated libc6, and it also sees
libc6 as installed, but it wants to install the older one...

Was this the correct install procedure, and if not, what should I have done?

I have one other question, when reading through the IP Masq howto, it
refers to an /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall (and other /etc/rc.d/ scripts such as
rc.local)... since I know Debian has a different layout to that, where do
those files go? I've read through the Debian policy, but it didn't really
help.. what's the story with these 

Thanks in advance for your help to these relatively stupid questions. :-)


Re: [SuSE Linux] What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-03-29 Thread BENJAMIN FARRELL
Heres a good point about linux, anyone found a good irc client for x (other
than Bitchx in a E-Term :) that doesn't crash everytime you click (yagirc
anyone). I still find for everyday use Win95/NT is better (quaking, ircing,
browsing, ftping). It seems that linux has quite a good range of
applications, just a case of find one, and one that works fine.

// Ben Farrell (BigBadBen)

-Original Message-
From: Jerry Lynn Kreps [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 28 March 1999 21:23
Subject: Re: [SuSE Linux] What DO you lose with Linux ???

mmm I must be delusional.  I haven't booted my Win95 side in months
(When SuSE 6.1 with the 2.2.x kernel comes out I will reclaim that space
for Linux) so how am I keeping my checkbook balanced and reconciled?
Must be a phantom copy of cbb.  I do my symbolic math with MuPAD 3.4
instead of MathCad 7.0 but I must be dilusional there also.  My scanner
scans perfectly well using Sane-1.0, which is called out of GIMP-1.0 and
my other graphics programs, to say nothing of Blender-1.37 and Varkon,
but I must be imagining things. I think I'm enjoying air combat
simulation with ACM 5.0, which is much better than M$ Flight Sim.  I'm
not into music but I do know there are some fantasic sound and sound
analysis programs.
To sum up, has this guy done any serious searching?

(Ted Harding) wrote:

 Apologies for duplicate postings, but I'd like to make sure I sound
 a diverse population.

 Today' London Sunday Times feature Innovation (pp 10-11 of News
 Review, ) has an article by David Hewson
 (of Linux, the Program from Hell fame) entitled Linux wins backing of

 computing giants.

 His attitude to Linux is much more moderate than it was: the article
 is basically balanced and fair, including some sound negative comment.

 However, he states:

 Comments, info, contributions, anyone?

 Best wishes to all,

 E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 28-Mar-99   Time: 12:49:27
 -- XFMail --

RE: 386/4MB RAM?

1999-03-29 Thread Ted Harding
On 29-Mar-99 Vincent Murphy wrote:
  i want to install linux (debian if possible) on a 386SX with 4MB RAM
 and a 51MB HD.  it will have an ISDN terminal adapter and a 3c509
 network transciever.  can i use debian?  if i can't, how do i go about
 it?  i'm open to suggestions about other (*BSD?) kernels.

Linux is installable and usable on such a machine, including networking.
(I actually started off with 386DX/25, 4MB RAM, 40MB HDD and got useful
work done: 5MB swap, 25MB occupied by Linux and applications, and 10MB
left over for user files).

However, you will have to limit yourself to installing only the minimum
components you need, and of course no X.

I don't know whether Debian's installer will work in only 4MB RAM. I
don't think Red Hat's will. I did once, owing to a memory failure on a
laptop which normally has 20MB RAM but was only seeing 4MB, install
SuSE-5.2 to the full extent I wanted (including X, but it did have 500MB
HDD!), but it had to work at it all night once the packages were slected
(it was using the swap heavily). So your mileage may vary.

Probably, in such a tight space, you may find it more straightforward to
install from a distribution like SlackWare, where it is easier to copy
the distribution components you need onto floppies and carry on from there
(with 50MB HDD you're only going to be able to install some 15-20
floppies' worth of stuff), and the installation manager is very compact.

Sláinte, and the best of luck!

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 29-Mar-99   Time: 11:33:20
-- XFMail --

Re: security issue

1999-03-29 Thread Mitch Blevins
In foo.debian-user, you wrote:
   I have a question regarding security issue with Debian and Linux in
 general.  By now everyone has probably heard about the new Mellissa
 virus.  I know that this doesn't affect Linux because it is related to
 M$ products only.  However, I just wondered if anything of this sort
 could happen to a Linux system?  I know that Linux in general is
 actually quite secure, but what makes it so?  Just some information
 about Linux security issue would be appreciated.  Thank you for any kind
 of info.  

This particular virus is spread because the computer is allowed
to run scripts just from the act of viewing a document.  This
could happen to Linux if we ever had a document format that was
both popular enough and able to execute unsafe macros.
Depending on the configuration and settings, this could happen
if we had a MSWord Viewer that ran macros, a Gnome/Baboon format,
or even an HTML/Javascript renderer built into the mail client.

Actually, this could happen with any buffer overflow exploit
found in a very popular mail client.


This is why email should be limited to text, and everything
else is evil (your turn George ;-) )

Please Help: Changed Permissions!?!?

1999-03-29 Thread homega
Somehow /usr/bin/pager permissions have changed (or *have been changed*),
and it wasn't me who changed them ... how is this possible?

This is how I realized:

homega:/tmp$ man man
sh: /usr/bin/pager: Permission denied
sh: exec: /usr/bin/pager: cannot execute: Permission denied
man: la orden terminó y retornó 32256: /bin/gzip -dc
'/var/catman/cat1/man.1.gz' | { export MAN_PN LESS; MAN_PN='man(1)';
LESS=$LESS\$-Pm\:\$ix8mPm Página de Manual $MAN_PN ?ltlínea %lt?L/%L.:byte
%bB?s/%s..?e (FIN):?pB %pB\\%..; exec /usr/bin/pager -s; }

... meaning?  well, I had a look at /usr/bin/pager and:

2139127680 ?r-S--S--T 65280 65280652804278255360 jun 21  1969 pager

What's going on here?  why are permissions so strange?  and, why is the file
so big?  ok, call me a paranoid, but ...  have I been hacked?  on a stand
alone / dial-on-demand machine?

Deeply concerned,


Claves - GnuPG/PGP - Keys :
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DSA/ElGamal fetch dsa/elgamal
DSS/Diffie-Hellman  fetch dh/dss
RSA fetch rsa

use the Windowkeys

1999-03-29 Thread Per-Olof Widstrom

 Is there a way to have some use for the windowskey on the keyboard?
I would like to put / in one of the windowkeys, and ~ on the other one.

Is there  a howto or something?

Lieberman's Law:
Everybody lies, but it doesn't matter since nobody listens. 

Re: Suggestion for change to debian package format

1999-03-29 Thread BENJAMIN FARRELL
I assume that most of the dependences are going to be librarys, mybe it
could be possible to have dpkg purge out any librarys that don't have
anything depending on them. (or mybe some debian person could come up with
some cmd line option for dpkg to do this :).

// Ben Farrell (BigBadBen)

-Original Message-
From: Mark Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 29 March 1999 09:17
Subject: Suggestion for change to debian package format

The debian package format is very nice and quite sophisticated, but I
feel it lacks in one area.  Let me illustrate.

Suppose I want to install a number of major application packages.  In
the process of selecting them, dselect tells me, or suggests to me,
that I install a number of other packages.  Over time, my system
builds up a whole range of installed packages, many only there as a
result of a dependency or suggestion.

Now what happens when later I decide that I no longer need a certain
package.  I remove the package --- but unless I'm very dilligent, I
don't remove all the packages that this package depends on or
suggests.  So after time, the system builds up quite a number of
packages which are installed for no good reason.  That is, they were
once installed in order to support some other package, but now that
package is removed and so they serve no purpose.  All they do is take
up disk space, and for some (like me), space is a premium.

Now to go through all the installed packages and work out which are in
this category and which aren't is quite a difficult and laborious
task.  I would like to suggest that a small change be made to the
debian package format so that dselect or apt could do this for us.  At
the moment you can mark a package for install, remove, hold etc.
I suggest the install option be broken into two new options, namely
major install and minor install with the following meanings:

major install: you definately want to install this package
minor install: you want to install this package provided it is needed
  by a major installed package --- if ever this is no longer true, you want
  it removed.

Perhaps there is a better solution, but this is the one I thought of.
What do people think?



They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them!

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: 386/4MB RAM?

1999-03-29 Thread Bruce Sass
I'm running a 386 with 4M RAM and a 40M HDD.

Slink (Debian 2.1) takes about 33M of free HDD space to install,
in addition to the virtual memory swap space and a 2M temporary root

The minimum amount of swap needed is determined by the peak in VM usage
that occurs when the device drivers are being setup, 6M is the magic
number, iirc.  You can lower this dramatically by deleting unnecessary
device drivers immediately after you load them off the floppy.  I have
6144k of swap, 2048k of which was the temporary root partition during
the installation.  If I had another 10M I would put at least 4M of it
towards swap space.

The ~33M comes mainly from the combined size of the gzipped (9 or 10M) 
and gunzipped base archive, there is nothing you can do about it.  You
can gain some space after the fact by the judicious removal of stuff you
don't need, or don't need online.  Possibilities include: locales,
keytables, fonts, documentation, etc. (I pruned over 6M off the base
like this, the etc. bit is where you really start learning about how
the system works ;).

As far as usability goes...
You will have a console only machine (no Xwindows).  It would probably
be best to tour around the web based package tree (the Packages link off
the home page) and see if you will be able to run everything you need
without X, or in the space you have available (hard to judge because you
never know how much of a package _needs_ to be on the machine).  You
will be able to get all of perl (and python, sans graphics) on the
system, but don't count on compiling (gcc) anything unless you are
willing to strip the system down to the bare bones (and compile nothing
larger than hello world). 

In short, you can do it and may even end up with a decent although
somewhat specialized box... if you don't mind getting your hands dirty
and doing it one piece at a time (requires planning). 

- Bruce

On Mon, 29 Mar 1999, Vincent Murphy wrote:

  i want to install linux (debian if possible) on a 386SX with 4MB RAM and
 a 51MB HD.  it will have an ISDN terminal adapter and a 3c509 network
 transciever.  can i use debian?  if i can't, how do i go about it?  i'm
 open to suggestions about other (*BSD?) kernels.

Strange fetchmail behaviour

1999-03-29 Thread Mark Phillips

A friend of mine has a laptop, which I installed debian hamm on for
him.  He says that every time someone sends him a microsoft word
document via email (these are huge files), fetchmail seems to choke on
it.  The strange thing is that I cannot replicate the same problem on
my computer --- fetchmail takes a while to download, but it doesn't
choke.  I can't work out the problem so I was hoping someone here
could help --- or give me some ideas.  Here's an example of the
problem output:

genoa:/home/bill# fetchmail
fetchmail: 2 messages for bill at
fetchmail: reading message 1 of 2 (1367 bytes) . flushed
fetchmail: reading message 2 of 2 (281432 bytes)
(log message incomplete)
fetchmail: terminated with signal 13
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/bill

Any ideas?


They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

Re: Suggestion for change to debian package format

1999-03-29 Thread Anthony Towns
On Mon, Mar 29, 1999 at 01:09:20PM +0100, BENJAMIN FARRELL wrote:
 I assume that most of the dependences are going to be librarys, mybe it
 could be possible to have dpkg purge out any librarys that don't have
 anything depending on them. (or mybe some debian person could come up with
 some cmd line option for dpkg to do this :).

Doing it automatically is dangerous -- you might be writing your own
programs that use some particular library, that isn't used by any .deb's
you happen to have installed. So it's probably better just to get a list
of probably deletable packages and let a human who presumably knows what
s/he's doing actually do the listing.

So, in the spirit of generosity, and because I like really weird shell
one liners:

dpkg --get-selections | grep lib | grep -v -- -dev |
sed -n 's/[[:space:]]*install$//p' | 
while read pkg; do 
X=`apt-cache showpkg $pkg | 
awk '/^Reverse Depends:/ {RD=1} /^Dependencies:/ {RD=0} 
/.*/ {if(RD)X++} END {print X}'`; 
if [ $X = 1 ]; then echo $pkg; fi; 

You need to have Apt installed for this to work, and quite possibly a
fairly recent version of it. I was using 0.3.3.

This will tell you how many packages with `lib' in the name (but not -dev)
aren't depended on by anything else. You can get rid of the grep's on the
first line to look for all packages that aren't depended on by anything
else, if you're in the mood.


I don't speak for anyone save myself. PGP encrypted mail preferred.

``Like the ski resort of girls looking for husbands and husbands looking
  for girls, the situation is not as symmetrical as it might seem.''

Description: PGP signature

cut-and-paste mouse problem

1999-03-29 Thread Armin Wegner

I've got a three button logitec mouse.
when I click the middle mouse button the cut buffer is printed several times
to the xterm prompt instead of one time only.
How can I change this?


Re: use the Windowkeys

1999-03-29 Thread Pierfrancesco Caci
:- Per-Olof == Per-Olof Widstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Is there a way to have some use for the windowskey on the keyboard?
 I would like to put / in one of the windowkeys, and ~ on the other one.

 Is there  a howto or something?

If you intend to use it under X, try xkeycaps and then xmodmap.

These are the definitions that I use on my setup:

keycode 0x73 =  guillemotleft   guillemotright
keycode 0x74 =  currencycent
keycode 0x75 =  copyright   registered

I get the following charachters (I hope you can see them)

Left Windows: « »
Right Wind. : ¤ ¢
Menu: © ®

If you find a way to do the same at the console, please tell me :-)

Also I would like to be able to get a compose key to work with a us
keyboard, so that I can generate accented vowels needed in italian language.



 Pierfrancesco Caci  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -
  Firenze - Italia   | Office for the Complication of Otherwise Simple Affairs 
 Linux penny 2.2.4 #1 Sun Mar 28 11:09:03 CEST 1999 i586 unknown

Re: hamm to slink with upgrade

1999-03-29 Thread Marc Haber
On Mon, 29 Mar 1999 00:48:33 -0700 (MST), you wrote:
The final solution is to install APT 0.3 from potato and use it's built in
CD handling through apt-cdrom.

Good work. I like it.

I have made a special source specifically
for this,

deb apt/

Which will contain the latest glibc 2.0 linked APT v3. Install whatever
APT you can, add the above to your sources.list (and maybe a temporary
file: uri for the first cdrom) and then do 'apt-get install apt'. is quite slow today, so I pulled apt_0.3.3.deb from the
local potato mirror and installed it using dpkg. File sizes match, so
I think it is the same deb. Right?

Next insert the first disc, run 'apt-cdrom add', then insert the second
disc and run 'apt-cdrom add' then run 'apt-get dist-upgrade -u' twice (or
is it 3 times?)  

I have my cdrom not on /cdrom, but on /mnt/cdrom. /etc/fstab shows
this. However, apt-cdrom tries to mount /cdrom and fails.

apt-cdrom does have a switch --cdrom which I used to point it towards
/mnt/cdrom. This worked.

However, after pulling in the disks, I found that apt-get tries to
load the packages from /cdrom instead of /mnt/cdrom. --cdrom is not
supported by apt-get and I believe that apt-cdrom should have recorded
the nonstandard mount point in sources.list.

Do I miss something here?


-- !! No courtesy copies, please !! -
Marc Haber  |Questions are the | Mailadresse im Header
Karlsruhe, Germany  | Beginning of Wisdom  | Fon: *49 721 966 32 15
Nordisch by Nature  | Lt. Worf, TNG Rightful Heir | Fax: *49 721 966 31 29

Sending mail on a dialup connection

1999-03-29 Thread Jor-el

When one has a remote connection, one can use fetchmail to
download mail in a batch. I am looking for the opposite - sending composed
mail from a designated mail folder as soon as the dialip link is up. So
far, none of the MUA's I looked at seem to have this capabilty. Of course,
I maybe looking in the wrong place - maybe MTA's are what I should be
looking at?


Re: Suggestion for change to debian package format

1999-03-29 Thread Maarten Boekhold

 I assume that most of the dependences are going to be librarys, mybe it
 could be possible to have dpkg purge out any librarys that don't have
 anything depending on them. (or mybe some debian person could come up with
 some cmd line option for dpkg to do this :).

Just some way to get a list of all packages that don't have any
dependencies on them would be very useful already.



Maarten Boekhold, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
TIBCO Finance Technology Inc.
The Atrium
Strawinskylaan 3051
1077 ZX Amsterdam, The Netherlands
tel: +31 20 3012158, fax: +31 20 3012358

Re: Selecting dist. (Was: Where is /etc/rc.d/rc.local on Debian?)

1999-03-29 Thread Ulrik Haugen
* Christian Dysthe [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 now most users of Linux has been very well skilled in computer use. My girl
 friend has looked at my Linux installation and she wants it too. She will go
 out and buy Redhat. And as she says: Then I do not have to read all that
 at least not mailing lists and howto's just to install a driver These are the
 new Linux users. Like it or not. 

Thats quite unlike how I did, and how most people I know went about it.
I just got the same distribution as a close friend of mine so I'd have
someone to ask. After that I switched to Debian because I felt it was a
good thing tm. I've got to learn how to do a lot of stuff in a different
way now, but I've learnt a lot that didn't change and without that I might
have needed a lot more time to learn everything I've gotten into my head
so far.

I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you
do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will
understand why I dismiss yours. -- Stephen Roberts

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