1999-03-30 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
El Mon, Mar 29, 1999 at 03:58:17PM +0200, Ramiro Alba dijo:
 José Enrique Álvarez Martín wrote:

[Problemas de Arranque Linux+WinNT]

Ya vieron los HOWTO relevantes. 

 Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa| POWERED BY   |
   Always Free, Always Cool, Always Linux

Re: Puertos no encontrados

1999-03-30 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
El Mon, Mar 29, 1999 at 09:37:13AM -0600, 'Marcelo E. Magallon' dijo:
  Javier Nogueira [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   Lo que sucede es que cuando en el BIOS se pone NO en la opcion PnP
   OS, es el BIOS el que configura las direcciones y los IRQ de las
   tarjetas PnP, de manera que para el sistema operativo son tarjetas
   con direcciones e IRQ fijos. Si se pone SI en PnP OS, el BIOS le
   deja la tarea de configurar las tarjetas al sitema operativo.
  _Esa_ es la diferencia.  En los casos descritos donde hay tarjetas
  PnP, son configuradas con el isapnp o son tarjetas PCI.  En el
  primero, el SO fija los parámetros cada vez que la máquina arranca;
  en el segundo, el BIOS (o la tarjeta, o el BIOS y la tarjeta, no sé)
  fija los parámetros y linux es capaz de leerlos.

Efectivamente. Ya se me hacía como medio raro. Eso me pasa por andar
sacando conclusiones a la ligera.
Pero según el problema original, _a veces_ pone problema.
El problema _parecería ser_ cuando se configura desde Windows los puertos
seriales, y se tiene activado el PnP OS.


 Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa| POWERED BY   |
   Always Free, Always Cool, Always Linux

Re: MP3 - WAV

1999-03-30 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
El Mon, Mar 29, 1999 at 10:17:21PM +, Rafael Cordones Marcos dijo:


[Pasar de MP3 a WAV]
 lazlo:~$ mpg123 -s fichero.mp3
 Y ahora con sox quiero leer de la entrada standard pero no me sale!
 lazlo:~$ sox -t raw -u -r 44100 -w -c 2 - snd.wav

Y si intentas `mpg123 -s fichero.mp3  archivo.wav`?

 Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa| POWERED BY   |
   Always Free, Always Cool, Always Linux


1999-03-30 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
El Mon, Mar 29, 1999 at 05:40:55PM -0500, SAMUEL SOTO dijo:
 Por favor quisiera tener un documento que me informe acerca de todas las
 preguntas mas frecuentes del sistema operativo DEBIAN, pero en español ya
 que en su pagina web se encuentra dicho
 documento pero en ingles y yo soy un cybernauta latino y se muy poco de
 ingles, ademas quisiera obtener respuesta a estas preguntas puntuales:
 1. costo
En teoría ninguno. Solo te cobran el valor del CD mas gastos de envío.
 2. donde se obtiene
 3. con quien se puede obtener
Lo puedes conseguir por Internet en cualquiera de los mirror de Debian.
En el homepage de Debian debe estar la información.

Con quien? Bueno, depende de donde vivas...

 Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa| POWERED BY   |
   Always Free, Always Cool, Always Linux

Fuentes en WordPerfect8

1999-03-30 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello

Alguien sabe como hago para agregar fuentes a WordPerfect8 para Linux?

 Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa| POWERED BY   |
   Always Free, Always Cool, Always Linux

Re: MP3 - WAV

1999-03-30 Thread Paco Brufal
On Mon, 29 Mar 1999, Rafael Cordones Marcos wrote:

 lazlo:~$ mpg123 -s fichero.mp3

mpg123 -s fichero.mp3 | sox -t raw -s -r 44100 -w -c 2 - salida.wav

Fidonet 2:346/3.68

...Hustler For Live. Nasty Django Feat. The Ultimate MC. 1998
--- Pine 3.96 + Sendmail 8.9.2
 * Origin: FAQ de R34.LINUX: (2:346/3.68)

Programacion del puerto serie.

1999-03-30 Thread Juan Carlos Muro
Hola a todos.

Resulta que me he puesto a hacer un programa de comunicaciones de
autómatas para clase (je je, el profe se quedó bocas cuando le dije que
se lo hacía en Linux y todo ;-). Resulta que la conexion PC - Autómata
se hace via RS232. Así que necesito programar el puerto serie del PC.
Y mi pregunta es:
* ¿Puedo modificar los parámetros de los puertos serie con funciones C?
He visto algo en /usr/linux/serial.h, pero no sé si son esas las
funciones o no. En caso de ser, :
* ¿Hay documentación de esas funciones?
* ¿O sabéis de alguna lista o grupo de news específico para estas cosas,
howtos o lo que sea de lo que podais haber oído?

Bajo DOS sí que podía mediante rutinas en ASM modificar los registros de
los puertos y configurarlos a mi voluntad (desde dentro del código).
Supongo que Linux no será menos en esto, además, estoy hablando de
comunuicaciones y Linux sabe 'un poquito' de esto, ¿verdad? Venga,
decidme que sí puedo hacerlo :D
Lo que supongo que no me valdrán serán mis rutinas de ensamblador, ¿no?

Un saludo y muchas gracias:

Juan Carlos

pd.- Otra cosa. ¿Como devería llamar en Linux al dispositivo 'ttySx'?
¿Puerto serie? ¿Dispositivo serie? ¿Teletipo serie? ¿Nombre de
dispositivo serie? En mi programa, en la ventana configuración de
comunicaciones te pregunta qué dispositivo serie quieres usar, y no sé
como llamarlo acertadamente del todo.

KDE 1.1 funciona en Slink

1999-03-30 Thread Ramiro Alba
Iniaki Fernandez Villanueva wrote:

 A ver si encontramos alguna solucion al kde. Hasta hace poco no lo usaba
 pq. con 32 MB no podia lanzar el netscape con varios xemacs pq. consumian
 mucha memoria e iba un pelin lento (ni podia compilar). Y justo ahora que
 he ampliado la memoria no puedo usar el KDE pq. me falla en el libkfile
 ese. Gracioso, verdad??

Bueno, parece que el problema está relacionado con el compilador egcs. Lo 
cierto es
que compilé el paquete que contiene las librerías  (kdelibs-1.1.tar.gz) y 
Las fuentes me las he bajado de:

Previo a la compilacion de kdelibs has de compilar kdesupport-1.1.tar.gz que
contiene (entre otras cosas) librerias de jpeg que chekea el configure que crea 
Makefile para compilar kdelibs y a continuacion hacer make install que te
instalará todas las librerias de kdesupport en /usr/local/lib/kde/lib y por 
poner este directorio en LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Si no haces esto, aunque tengas 
el kdesupport0g de la distribucion de kde para slink, el configure de kdelibs 
no da
por válida la libreria libjpeg6a que hay instalada. Por otra parte has de 
qt1g-dev-1.42-2 .deb y qt1g-1.42-2.deb de la distribucion inestable de potato.

En fin una vez compilada libreria causante de los problemas, la substituí por la
que habia instalada y los programas funcionan. Ahora bien, yo lo que estoy
intentando es compilar todos los paquetes a partir de las fuentes y crear nuevos
paquetes Debian para kde 1.1 que funcionen sin problemas, porque la opcion 
de substituir la librería que no funciona por la recien compilada dentro de 
no se si tendrá otros efectos no deseables.

En fin despues de todo el rollo, espero que te hallas aclarado, sino me lo 
dices y
en cualquier caso te puedo enviar la librería que he compilado


Ramiro Alba
Laboratori de Termotecnia i Energetica

Departament de Maquines i Motors Termics
ETS d'Enginyers Industrials de Terrassa

C/Colom 11

Tf: 34 - 93 739 82 43
Fax: 34 - 93 739 81 01


Re: Programacion del puerto serie.

1999-03-30 Thread drequena


Prueba con:

David Requena

Iomega ZIP 100

1999-03-30 Thread Juan Valdemoro Saiz
hola lista:

Hace tiempo leí en esta lista que alguien tenía problemas
con una zip. A mi me pasa lo mismo. Compilo en el núcleo
las opciones:
scsi disk
iomega zip paralell port

(o algo asi)
y hay veces que me la reconoce, otras que el módulo sg_noseque me
da errores. Insertando a mano el módulo ppa no ha habido manera
de que funcione. Lo màximo que detecte 1 hosts scsi, pero no me
deja montarla.

Si alguien pudiese enviar a la lista las conclusiones que se
sacaron la otra vez, le estaría muy agradecido.

PS.:dijisteis algo como que tenia problemas con el lp,no??
PS2: el núcleo es el 2.0.34 (deb. hamm)


1999-03-30 Thread jon
Estoy pensando en comprarme un scanner.Cual me recomendais y que soft
hay por ahi...


Re: Puertos no encontrados

1999-03-30 Thread Luis M. Cruz
El día Mon, Mar 29, 1999 at 09:13:42AM -0500, Ugo Enrico Albarello escribió:


 PD: Ya van 2 opciones de BIOS que se deben tener en cuenta a la hora de
 instalar Linux. Una es la del hueco entre los 15-16M y la otra es esta,
 la de PnP OS.
 ¿Alguien sabe de alguna otra?
 Creo que se deberían remitir al grupo de Documentación.

  ¿Para qué necesita Linux el hueco entre los 15 y 16 MB? ¿Quizás para el

Saludos del General...
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| |Correo-E:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Clave pública PGP:

Description: PGP signature

Re: Puertos no encontrados

1999-03-30 Thread Han Solo
On Mon, Mar 29, 1999 at 09:08:35AM -0600, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:
  Ugo Enrico Albarello [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   PD: Ya van 2 opciones de BIOS que se deben tener en cuenta a la hora de
   instalar Linux. Una es la del hueco entre los 15-16M y la otra es esta,
   la de PnP OS.
   ¿Alguien sabe de alguna otra? 
   Creo que se deberían remitir al grupo de Documentación.
  Es raro, yo he puesto y quitado en forma indiscriminada la opción de
  PnP en multitud de máquinas que corren Linux en forma exclusiva, y
  nunca he visto que haga la más mínima diferencia.  He probabo con
  varios kerneles con la opción `PnP Support' activada y desactivada.
  He probado todo eso en máquinas que tienen tarjetas PnP y en máquinas
  que no las tienen... y nada.

Yo tengo puesta la opción PnP OS? [YES]. SEgún el manual de mi placa, si
se pone en NO, la propia placa se encarga de configurar los dispositivos
PnP. Como paso de que lo haga sola, y prefiero que lo haga el linux,
pues que sea el sistema el que active las opciones. Funciona
perfectamente con el modem, que es la única tarjeta PnP que tengo
(bueno, pensándolo bien, también la tarjeta gráfica).

Un Saludo

Han Solo
The Rebel Alliance

Conecto, luego existo.
Desconecto, luego insisto.
Soy usuario de infobirria+

P.D. La firma no es mía, sino de uno que trabajaba, precisamente, en M$.
Vivir para ver.


1999-03-30 Thread Han Solo
On Mon, Mar 29, 1999 at 03:58:17PM +0200, Ramiro Alba wrote:
 Tenemos Windows NT 4.0 instalado en una partición del primer disco y en
 particiones del mismo disco instalamos Debian y onfiguramos Lilo para
 que arranque de los 2 sistemas. El arranque de Linux ningún problema
 pero el de NT comienza bien hasta que aparece la pantallita azul y
 despues de unos 10 segundos falla estrepitosamente. Esto no ocurre si el
 disrectorio root de Linux esta en una particion de otro discos. Si no es
 el caso, me he visto obligado a poner el Lilo en disket para el
 arranque dual. Hasta donde he podido me mirado la documentación de Lilo
 a fondo, pero no he dado con la causa. ¿Alguien sabe que demonios pasa?

Yo lo plantearía de otra manera, que es la que a mi me ha funcionado:
instalas lilo en la partición que va contener a linux, siempre por
debajo del cilindro 1024 y en disco master. Luego copias el sector de
arranque de linux en un fichero, con dd if=/dev/hda2 of=/bootsect.lnx
bs=521 count=1 (suponiendo que linux esté en hda2). Lo siguiente es
copiar el archivo /bootsect.lnx a c: Si c: es una partición ntfs,
tendrás que copiarlo primero en un disco. Entonces editas el archivo
boot.ini, que es (hablo de memoria) hidden,read-only,system. Antes de
editarlo tendrás que cambiarle los atributos, pero luego acuérdate de
dejarlos como estaban. Como decía, editas el fichero y añades la línea
c:\bootsect.lnx=Linux Con esto, serás capaz de arrancar linux desde el
cargador de NT. Funciona perfectamente (doy fe); el único inconveniente
es que cada vez que retocas el lilo, tienes que copiar el sector de
arranque de nuevo. Todo esto viene mejor explicado en el howto
Linux+NT+loader (creo que se llamaba así) y en el número 5 de Linux

Un Saludo

Han Solo
The Rebel Alliance

Conecto, luego existo.
Desconecto, luego insisto.
Soy usuario de infobirria+

P.D. La firma no es mía, sino de uno que trabajaba, precisamente, en M$.
Vivir para ver.

Re: What DO you lose with Linux ??? (fwd)

1999-03-30 Thread Lev Lvovsky
[Lev, who's recovering after a debilitating and unexplained MB crash

Somone mentioned that Winamp was available as a linux this
true?  if so, what's the URL?

In answering your question, Winamp is well written, well-supported, and
there's no maturing nicely excuse :).


On Mon, 29 Mar 1999, Michael Beattie wrote:

  Mac, and that's still arguable)...and to top it off, Winamp, 'nuff said.
 Excuse me? Who wants _Win_amp on a linux box? X11amp works perfectly :)
 Even though it is still maturing nicely, x11amp has everything I need.
 (Except the File Info box - which is coming :) )

Networking IP Masq question

1999-03-30 Thread Steve Martin

I have a question regarding networking and IP Masquerading that doesn't
seem to be handled in just one HOWTO. Perhaps someone here can help.

I have 3 boxes on a small home LAN, connected to the 'net with ADSL. I
have 2 static IP's. Boxes 1 and 2 are both running debian Linux 2.1 with
kernel 2.2.4 on box 1, kernel 2.2.1 on box 2. Box 3 is running Windows 98.

Box 1 is the gateway box connected to the DSL router, and is running IP
Chains. eth0 is set to my first static IP, and eth1 is set to
To connect the other 2 machines, I have an rj-45 cable running from eth1
on box 1 to a Linksys 10/100 ethernet switch, and boxes 2 and 3 are
connected to the switch via the same method, with their respective eth0.

At the present time, all three boxen have access to the 'net with IP
Masq'ing and all is working fine. The question that I haven't been able to
find the answer to is this. How, using the same network topography as I
currently have, can I make use of my second IP? My guess is that it's
something using IP Alias, but I haven't bee able to figure out on my own
how to alias the boxes on my LAN to use the second IP.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm not presently subscribed to
debian-user, but I will be checking the list for replies to this request
if you don't wish to respond directly back to me. 

Steve Martin 

- -
Steve Martin (not the famous one)  |  If a man's legacy is measured by
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  his achievements, I haven't a
nunya_ in EFnet #Linux |  moment to waste. 
   |  First thing tomorrow...
- --

Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: noconv


Re: [SuSE Linux] What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-03-30 Thread Jerry Lynn Kreps
 Heres a good point about linux, anyone found a good irc client for x (other
 than Bitchx in a E-Term :) that doesn't crash everytime you click (yagirc

I gave up on irc a long time ago, even while in WinXX.  The S/N ratio
was too low.

Re: Sending mail on a dialup connection

1999-03-30 Thread Tim Moore
 Jor-el  writes:

   When one has a remote connection, one can use fetchmail to
 download mail in a batch. I am looking for the opposite - sending composed
 mail from a designated mail folder as soon as the dialip link is up. So
 far, none of the MUA's I looked at seem to have this capabilty. Of course,
 I maybe looking in the wrong place - maybe MTA's are what I should be
 looking at?

That's correct, the MTA would be doing this.  The exim package does
just this by default (see /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/exim).  I suspect that
other MTA packages do too, but I don't know for sure.

Tim Moore

Re: ppp0

1999-03-30 Thread John Hasler
Chen Xu writes:
 When I tried to set up ppp on my Debian2.0 box, I found that I don't have
 interface ppp0 running. Actually it is not there.

It should only exist while you are connected to your ISP.  Is that what you

 Any idea? how to fix? 

Not without more information.  Exactly what have you tried, and exactly
what happened?
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Re: problems playing mp3.

1999-03-30 Thread Herbert Ho
i'm also having trouble w/ my sound card (just sent the email in fact =),
but my cd playing works fine.  it seems the cd doesn't go through the
sound drivers.  the drivers only control the volume level of cdrom played

so its probably a problem w/ the sound config.  look in /dev/sndstat for
any problems.  in addition, check your /var/log/messages for anything
pertaining to the sound drivers (for instance, i get dma timeouts that
show up there).

if you need additional help, it would be helpful for the real guru's out
there (as opposed to me...a wimpy newbie =p ) to give them your sound card
type (the real sb i asume) and your irq/ioport settings.  there just might
be a conflict there.

hope that helps. =)

herbert ho

On Mon, 29 Mar 1999, Adam Shand wrote: 

 i've recently swapped from using a desktop to using my laptop for
 everything.  i have sound compilied and it's working fine but i am having a
 problem playing mp3 with either freeamp or x11amp (either as a normal user
 or as root).
 the program loads up, but nothing happens when i hit play.  in x11amp you
 can see the graphics (the specrum analyzer thingy) flash for a second but it
 immediately dies down.
 i'm starting to think that i must have sound configured incorrectly but i
 can play cd's okay (which i couldn't do before i recompiled my kernel).
 any idea's suggestions would be much appreciated.  i'm running slink with
 kernel 2.2.2.
 am i just being stupid?
 on boot up i get:
 Sound initialization started
 Sound Blaster Pro (8 BIT ONLY) (3.1) at 0x220 irq 5 dma 1,5
 SB DSP version is just 3.1 which means that your card is several years old
 (8 bit only device) or alternatively the sound driver is incorrectly
 configured. Sound initialization complete
 triptoy(larry) grep SOUND /usr/src/linux/.config
 # CONFIG_SOUND_ES1370 is not set
 # CONFIG_SOUND_ES1371 is not set
 # CONFIG_SOUND_PAS is not set
 # CONFIG_SOUND_GUS is not set
 # CONFIG_SOUND_MPU401 is not set
 # CONFIG_SOUND_PSS is not set
 # CONFIG_SOUND_MSS is not set
 # CONFIG_SOUND_TRIX is not set
 # CONFIG_SOUND_MAD16 is not set
 # CONFIG_SOUND_CS4232 is not set
 # CONFIG_SOUND_OPL3SA2 is not set
 # CONFIG_SOUND_MAUI is not set
 # CONFIG_SOUND_OPL3SA1 is not set
 # CONFIG_SOUND_VMIDI is not set
 # CONFIG_SOUND_UART6850 is not set
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null having problems???

1999-03-30 Thread Gregory T. Norris
I was just wondering if is currently having problems,
specifically with the potato archive?  My /etc/apt/sources.list has
the entry deb unstable non-US,
which I believe to be correct.

Here's an example of what I'm seeing... The ssltelnet package depends
upon libssl09, which is present.  However the Packages file doesn't
include an entry for libssl09, although it shows several packages to be
dependent upon it.  Consequently, dselect lists it as an obsolete/local
package with no priority, section, or description available (I already
had it installed).  Some other packages appear to be missing their
entries as well, although I didn't spend a log of time digging around
to identify all of them.

I've tried substituting potato for unstable in my sources.list file,
as well as using Netscape to look at the archive/files directly.

Re: What DO you lose with Linux ??? (fwd)

1999-03-30 Thread Steve Beitzel
Hey all,

Just had to jump in with my $0.02 here -- Winamp is _not_ well
written - it is a complete resource cow!  It has many features that are
just plain extraneous and introduce unnecessary overhead.  I have trouble
even *playing* mp3s on my family's Win98 box, a P133 with 32MB of RAM, let
alone running something else while listening.  X11amp uses less CPU time,
it plays well, and it runs on GNU/Linux systems.  Now if it was just open


On Mon, 29 Mar 1999, Lev Lvovsky wrote:

 [Lev, who's recovering after a debilitating and unexplained MB crash
 Somone mentioned that Winamp was available as a linux this
 true?  if so, what's the URL?
 In answering your question, Winamp is well written, well-supported, and
 there's no maturing nicely excuse :).
 On Mon, 29 Mar 1999, Michael Beattie wrote:
   Mac, and that's still arguable)...and to top it off, Winamp, 'nuff said.
  Excuse me? Who wants _Win_amp on a linux box? X11amp works perfectly :)
  Even though it is still maturing nicely, x11amp has everything I need.
  (Except the File Info box - which is coming :) )
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: ppp0

1999-03-30 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 CX == Chen Xu [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

CX When I tried to set up ppp on my Debian2.0 box, I found that I
CX don't have interface ppp0 running. Actually it is not there. I can
CX only see the interface lo, but not ppp0.

It will show up as soon as the ppp module gets loaded and pppd sets
the interface to up.

If you have trouble configuring ppp, try pppconfig. It is a great


ProFTPD Question

1999-03-30 Thread Matt Kopishke
I am running Proftpd (slink) set up with the default config, it set up a
/home/ftp were anonymous users are sent, but when I add directorys to the
~ftp dir, there are invisable to the anonymous user.  Here the kicker, I
can change dirs to the invisable directorys, go figure, can you help?


[EMAIL PROTECTED]   MSAD#40 Home Page Seed Savers Project Valley Computer User Group
  | *To see tomorrow's PC, Look at todays Macintosh* | 
  |*If it says Windows 95 or better install Linux!*|

Re: Ghost View / .ps viewers

1999-03-30 Thread EdDown
In a message dated 3/29/99 12:24:01 AM US Mountain Standard Time,

Try the package (Don't know if it is Debianised, but it is GPL'd I think)
pstools. This gives lots of nice command-line tools to pull out pages of a .ps
file and stuff.


I was wondering if anybody has seen a new version of ghostview that
allows you to do neat things like print every second page and other neat
things right in the interface.  I think I saw this in a SUSE dist.. I
have hamm installed.  Is this newer version packaged with slink??

Your responce will be much appreciated,

(Please cc me directly)

Re: ProFTPD Question

1999-03-30 Thread dyer
Matt Kopishke wrote:

 I am running Proftpd (slink) set up with the default config, it set up a
 /home/ftp were anonymous users are sent, but when I add directorys to the
 ~ftp dir, there are invisable to the anonymous user.  Here the kicker, I
 can change dirs to the invisable directorys, go figure, can you help?


Have you set permissions to be readable and executable for the directories?

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   MSAD#40 Home Page Seed Savers Project Valley Computer User Group
   | *To see tomorrow's PC, Look at todays Macintosh* |
   |*If it says Windows 95 or better install Linux!*|

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


dyer setting color depth to 16bpp

1999-03-30 Thread Roddie Rod

I'm trying  to set my color depth to 16 bpp, currently it's starting in
8bpp. I had :1 local /usr/bin/X11 :1 vt9 -bpp 16 in /etc/Xserver but it is
not reading that. I think in wdm it was placed in a different file. Is
this the right place for it?

Roddie Rod

'Man is the greatest cancer ever to be seen'
-Entombed 'Contempt'

Re: PostgreSQL

1999-03-30 Thread Jonathan Guthrie
On Sun, 28 Mar 1999, Sami Dalouche wrote:

 I wanted to install postgreSQL on a machine without X but postgresql needs
 xlib6g  tk...
 Is there a package without X  Tk .. support ?
 Why do we need X ?

I run PostgreSQL on several computers.  The X stuff is there for the X
client and the tk stuff is there for the tk support.  I think.  It's been
a while (couple of months, anyway) since I installed pgsql from .deb
files, so I don't really recall, but I think that the .deb files installs
everything, including the kitchen sink.  You don't have a limited no-X

I've run (and continue to run, my main database server has no X on it)
PostgreSQL on computers without X, but I installed it from the tarballs

Jonathan Guthrie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Brokersys  +281-895-8101
12703 Veterans Memorial #106, Houston, TX  77014, USA

Re: ProFTPD Question

1999-03-30 Thread Alan Bailward
Matt Kopishke wrote:
 I am running Proftpd (slink) set up with the default config, it set up a
 /home/ftp were anonymous users are sent, but when I add directorys to the
 ~ftp dir, there are invisable to the anonymous user.  Here the kicker, I
 can change dirs to the invisable directorys, go figure, can you help?

I believe there is a directive you can put inside the ANONYMOUS block
to specify where the root directory is.  This prevents anonymous users
from going 'below' the home directory that is set for them.

Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-03-30 Thread Daniel J. Brosemer
On Mon, 29 Mar 1999, Steve Beitzel wrote:

 Hey all,
   Just had to jump in with my $0.02 here -- Winamp is _not_ well
 written - it is a complete resource cow!  It has many features that are
 just plain extraneous and introduce unnecessary overhead.  I have trouble
 even *playing* mp3s on my family's Win98 box, a P133 with 32MB of RAM, let
 alone running something else while listening.  X11amp uses less CPU time,
 it plays well, and it runs on GNU/Linux systems.  Now if it was just open

I believe it is as of 0.9a it is open source (if not free). has downloadable source which I grabbed and compiled...
worked nicely.  It's even closer to winamp than the version before it
(even supports winamp 2.0 skins).

However I can't get it to work with ESD... but that's ok, I got gqmpeg
(which I think is even nicer!).  There's such an abundance of mp3 players
for linux that I don't think we need to worry about this for a while, I'm
quite pleased!


Re: Sending mail on a dialup connection

1999-03-30 Thread Michael Beattie
On Mon, 29 Mar 1999, Jor-el wrote:

   When one has a remote connection, one can use fetchmail to
 download mail in a batch. I am looking for the opposite - sending composed
 mail from a designated mail folder as soon as the dialip link is up. So
 far, none of the MUA's I looked at seem to have this capabilty. Of course,
 I maybe looking in the wrong place - maybe MTA's are what I should be
 looking at?

I have disabled exim's crontab, and placed `runq` in my
/etc/ppp/ip-up.d/mail file. (It also invokes fetchmail.) This works fine
for me. Any mail I send while online (such as this one) goes straight
away, as exim tries to send before it queues the mail..

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
   In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people
  very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move. - Douglas Adams
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: synchronize docs between os'es

1999-03-30 Thread Bob Hilliard
David Stern [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I keep word/staroffice docs in several different os'es (debian is my 
 primary), and it's getting to be a PITB to manually synchronize 
 everything across partitions.
 Does anyone have a simple yet elegant way of handling this?  I don't 
 want to reinvent the wheel or make this overly complex.

 I have debian on several partitions - hamm, slink and potato.  I
have my home directory on a separate partition, which mounts on /local
on each distribution's partition.  (/home/bob is a symlink to
/local/bob.)  Thus I can access my mail, correspondence, etc. from any
distribution.  (I have a similar setup for /usr/local, which I use to
build my packages.)

 This could be extended to your situation.  If your alternate OS
is DOS or Windowsxx, which aren't smart enough to read other file
systems, you could keep all your word/staroffice docs in one directory
or partition in the DOS/Windows partition.  Set up your /etc/fstab to mount
this directory/partition on a convenient mount point, with appropriate
options for that file system.  

 You mentioned several os'es.  If the third one can read
DOS/Windows file systems, you should be home free.  If not, I don't
know how you would handle it.

  |_)  _  |_   Robert D. Hilliard[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  |_) (_) |_)  Palm City, FL  USAPGP Key ID: A8E40EB9

Re: What DO you lose with Linux ??? (fwd)

1999-03-30 Thread Michael Beattie
On Mon, 29 Mar 1999, Lev Lvovsky wrote:

 [Lev, who's recovering after a debilitating and unexplained MB crash
 Somone mentioned that Winamp was available as a linux this
 true?  if so, what's the URL?

Its available in slink as x11amp otherwise,
 In answering your question, Winamp is well written, well-supported, and
 there's no maturing nicely excuse :).

Well, it isnt made by nullsoft, but It's few and far between problems are
slowly being ironed out.

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
   The best things in life are politically incorrect.
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: setting color depth to 16bpp

1999-03-30 Thread dyer
Roddie Rod wrote:

 I'm trying  to set my color depth to 16 bpp, currently it's starting in
 8bpp. I had :1 local /usr/bin/X11 :1 vt9 -bpp 16 in /etc/Xserver but it is
 not reading that. I think in wdm it was placed in a different file. Is
 this the right place for it?

 Roddie Rod

 'Man is the greatest cancer ever to be seen'
 -Entombed 'Contempt'

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

I just place it in my  XF86Config file in the screen section as:

 Section Screen
Driver  accel
Device  S3 ViRGE (generic)
Monitor drmon17
DefaultColorDepth 16

I dunno if has it's own thing like wdm or not. Works for me.


WinNT and Linux install question

1999-03-30 Thread rathon
Using Debian2.0. My home installation with Linux and Win95 works
perfectly. Now I am trying to install Linux on my NT machine at

For my home installation, I used CD-ROM method for installation and
this is what I did:
1)Copy all the CD-ROM drivers from autoexec.bat and config.sys files
to a DOS bootable diskette.
2)Boot from the 'DOS boot diskette+CD-ROM drivers'.
3)cd to the CD-ROM drive and run the Linux boot.bat file
4)Smooth as silk. It worked fine. No problem.

With the NT machine at work, there is no autoexec.bat or config.sys files.
So I could not do step#1, #2 as described above.

I do not know how to configure the PC to boot from the CD-ROM.
Can you help ?

I downloaded the 'Linux+NT-Loader mini HOW-TO' and in step3.3 it says..
..Now boot linux from diskettes... I do not have linux boot diskettes.
all I have in the CD..


Get free e-mail and a permanent address at

Re: setting color depth to 16bpp

1999-03-30 Thread Roddie Rod

I guess, it can't get any simpler! I just set an hour search man pages and
totaly overlooked that one.

Thanks again!

Roddie Rod

'Man is the greatest cancer ever to be seen'
-Entombed 'Contempt'

ps vs free again

1999-03-30 Thread Shao Zhang
I saw earlier disscussions about ps and free.
So what command can I use to actually display the total memory that
is occupied by my system?




Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/

Re: ps vs free again

1999-03-30 Thread dyer
Shao Zhang wrote:

 I saw earlier disscussions about ps and free.
 So what command can I use to actually display the total memory that
 is occupied by my system?




Me likes 'top'

 Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
 Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _
 University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
 Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null



Re: ps vs free again

1999-03-30 Thread Shao Zhang
I just tried top, but it seems it is showing the same info as free which is
included the memory cached but can be freed
if another program requests in the memory used section.
What I want to know is the exact amount memory used by system, I don't want 
cached memory.


dyer wrote:

 Shao Zhang wrote:

  I saw earlier disscussions about ps and free.
  So what command can I use to actually display the total memory that
  is occupied by my system?

 Me likes 'top'

  Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
  Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _
  University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` 
  Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, 
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null




Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/

Re: Enlightenment crashes machine

1999-03-30 Thread Damir J. Naden
Hi Dan Brosemer; unless Mutt is confused, you wrote:
 On Mon, 29 Mar 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  | Netscape, in windows, in my experience, always had a tendency to
  | make a system run progressively slower until either netscape was
  | closed or everything crashed.  I hadn't seen it under linux and
  | thought it had gotten fixed, but now I'm not so sure.  Maybe that's
  | what you ran into, too?
  I have seen exactly this behaviour with Netscape (4.05, running under
  hamm, but installed by hand in /usr/local ) several times in the past
  few months. Slower and slower response, disk thrashing, top shows no
  memory or swap left, everything back to normal once Netscape is
 But just under E?  It seems a little bit strange to me.  I think I'll get
 enlightenment 0.15 tonight and try it (been using 0.14).  Like I said,
 netscape didn't do this under window maker.  It's real confusing.  (Also,
 it seems that I can use netscape under E, just so long as I don't do any
 finds on huge pages.  Real odd, IMO.  Has anyone packaged a newish version
 of mozilla?  I'd like to see if it does the same things, but the version
 in potato is too painful to run.
 I think I also might try it again with top open to see what's going on
 with RAM, there could be a leak in E possibly (after all, it is still in
 development. :)
 Thanks for the speculations.

FWIW, I have been running E0.15.4 for slink (without gnome) and had no major
problems with Netscape. My only gripe with E is that I can not use wmmail
docklet because E doesn't recognize it as such (unlike asclock and wmppp which
run and look identical in E and WindowMaker). If anyone has solution to this
I'd love to hear about it..


some DNS config q's

1999-03-30 Thread Chadi

hI all !
 i have successfully configured 
my DNS in a way that nslookup or will point to 
me, for example, ... i am master to this domain and doing a $ 
whois will give myself ( as primary DNS and some free 
DNS service as 2ndary.
 my question is, how do i 
configure DNS so that doing $ nslookup alone, (that is, w/o 
those prefixes i added like www, ftp, mail, etc) will immediately point to my 
address ?
 and another 
 about the lines in /etc/named.conf w/c 

 what if i want to allow 5 or 
10 diff addressess to do zone-tranfers on my data, how exactly do that 

thanks a lot and hope someone can 

setting up a hostname

1999-03-30 Thread Shao Zhang
At work, my machine connects to a ethernet lan and it has a unique
ip address. If the company's domain is, I want to set up a name so that I can telnet to my machine

I tied to edit the file in /etc/hosts but it doesn't work. Could
someone please help me?



Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/

Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-03-30 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 28 Mar 1999 09:16:11 -0800 (PST), Gary Singleton wrote:

FWIW you might want to check out [EMAIL PROTECTED] (is that
corny or what?).  It's actually pretty neat  you can
do _everything_ through a browser.  Download options
are MS-Money, Quicken or comma delimited ASCII.  Of
course there are a lot of potential reasons not to like
it including being used to Quicken or concerned about
security or whatever.  I don't use it but I might in
the future.

It isn't the same as doing it through Quicken.  With Quicken and on-line
banking charges, etc are downloaded and are intergrated seamlessly into my
register.  Cutting checks is the same way.  Yes, you can do that with browser
banking, but you can't take that and easily intergrate browser banking into a
Quicken/Money database and do the things many people like.  Budgeting,
projected income/expenses, expense tracking, etc.  

I use Wells Fargo browser-banking and, although I liked it, found it
lacking.  I bought Quicken because of how its online banking worked.  They
sound the same but they are quite different.

- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- ---+-

Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc


ppp problems...

1999-03-30 Thread Gary Singleton
Hi Debian-User, can someone tell me what this snippet
of my ppp.log file is trying to tell me?  Everything
seems to be working OK but I didn't get these
Unsupported protocol problems until recently.  Is it
something with my new ISP?  Or is it because I compiled
a custom 2.0.36 kernel?  Or could it be because I
recently did a dist-upgrade to slink?  Any assistance
is most appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
Gary Singleton

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Mar 29 20:34:48 zorak pppd[14962]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x6f magic=0xc399707]
Mar 29 20:34:48 zorak pppd[14962]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x6f magic=0x1f8ff964]
Mar 29 20:35:18 zorak pppd[14962]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x70 magic=0xc399707]
Mar 29 20:35:18 zorak pppd[14962]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x70 magic=0x1f8ff964]
Mar 29 20:35:48 zorak pppd[14962]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x71 magic=0xc399707]
Mar 29 20:35:48 zorak pppd[14962]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x71 magic=0x1f8ff964]
Mar 29 20:36:18 zorak pppd[14962]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x72 magic=0xc399707]
Mar 29 20:36:18 zorak pppd[14962]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x72 magic=0x1f8ff964]
Mar 29 20:36:48 zorak pppd[14962]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x73 magic=0xc399707]
Mar 29 20:36:48 zorak pppd[14962]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x73 magic=0x1f8ff964]
Mar 29 20:37:18 zorak pppd[14962]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x74 magic=0xc399707]
Mar 29 20:37:18 zorak pppd[14962]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x74 magic=0x1f8ff964]
Mar 29 20:37:48 zorak pppd[14962]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x75 magic=0xc399707]
Mar 29 20:37:48 zorak pppd[14962]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x75 magic=0x1f8ff964]
Mar 29 20:38:18 zorak pppd[14962]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x76 magic=0xc399707]
Mar 29 20:38:22 zorak pppd[14962]: rcvd [proto=0x128e] d5 1b 5b cb 07 24 bb c2 
4d e8 3b 70 e7 09 17 05 3d 63 df 43 09 04 1b 82 35 03 71 ad c4 22 9a 84 9b 6a 
b7 85 b0 2e 75 bb 82 c7 b0 8f 6f f5 c6 78 ce 9c 0f ef f9 50 7a 8b c9 b8 ee d7 
58 5a 14 c5 ce 41 62 a2 09 26 c0 5b 52 7a 84 22 a5 a9
Mar 29 20:38:22 zorak pppd[14962]:  66 dc d8 09 07 4c b7 36 1b eb 08 aa a3 22 
b5 02 27 19 d3 6b 38 23 c4 d4 24 d0 ab f8 53 24 1e a7 04 2d 0a 62 fc e2 91 aa 
14 73 5f 50 3d f5 10 b2 97 99 20 a5 08 22 d7 3a 0b 5b ae fe 8b 7d 30 c0 d4 a4 
4d f3 4d 4b 81 d7 ce 8f d9 db 1a 22 ad 24 95 94 a6 7e 5a
Mar 29 20:38:22 zorak pppd[14962]:  c4 dc 8e 75 3f 4f d3 0b 42 99 24 da 52 54 
4e a4 5f 60 06 9d d6 f5 42 8a d7 60 ab 1d c1 d8 6e 34 ea 86 2f 3f 2e 52 1c 4b 
cd 29 17 d4 82 2c 3d fa e1 17 6a d2 46 f7 9e 97 4a ad 72 03 e2 fe b8 29 27 a3 
0e 2d 77 12 45 00 82 08 b0 dc 03 ec 86 ae 12 95 65 0a 20
Mar 29 20:38:22 zorak pppd[14962]:  70 b9 d3 bb f6 c3 44 56 a4 92 2c aa 84 b1 
ea cc ea 7d 7e ff 00 42 9e 35 a6 4c 7f 87 4b 20 a7 42 79 e4 9f db 0b 42 87 5d 
35 8b 15 6a 35 27 df cd 1a 2d 36 56 a7 4d b5 eb ea b4 78 cc cc bb 87 e0 e6 9a 
72 e2 f6 4a c1 f4 46 ce 16 90 6d cf 22 e5 3b df df b6 33
Mar 29 20:38:22 zorak pppd[14962]:  14 78 8c 2f 80 d2 a6 d3 73 54 d2 cb e6 e9 
2e 36 3c 99 d3 ef d5 1c ef 3c 84 36 ec db 6d fc 54 36 f8 47 de e5 9d 26 2f 7c 
5b 38 dc b6 0f a9 ba c3 99 5c 43 59 90 e1 56 89 50 37 1a f5 de 28 c9 26 82 d8 
90 5b ca ba 97 4e 98 2e 1e bc c6 e4 f9 9f 5c 64 69 c9 b5
Mar 29 20:38:22 zorak pppd[14962]:  f8 fe 4a 76 a2 93 f9 a0 2c 1d 0e e2 e6 dd 
49 cc 14 a4 db c8 00 f6 47 54 e1 b7 1b 34 36 2c 92 92 00 27 4b f0 f7 f4 75 c7 
27 d3 94 85 55 a9 c1 3c 13 65 1e dc c7 e9 11 d5 b8 68 1f 12 4b f7 7b 23 61 ba 
64 f7 80 0e 54 e4 e6 17 5e c3 f3 c0 66 97 95 59 2f 2a ff
Mar 29 20:38:22 zorak pppd[14962]:  00 17 88 16 dc 93 b0 03 73 a0 8a 86 ab 4a 
ab 4c 54 9f 7a 52 5d e7 25 dc cb 62 83 d1 72 c9 02 e3 5d 52 78 1d 88 d4 47 49 
d7 70 cb 35 f7 a5 55 32 fb 81 86 56 14 b6 00 e8 bc 38 a1 47 7b 11 70 46 c4 1d 
60 17 11 52 dc c3 f2 8d b1 4f a4 48 4e 94 24 05
Mar 29 20:38:22 zorak pppd[14962]: Unsupported protocol (0x128e) received
Mar 29 20:38:22 zorak pppd[14962]: sent [LCP ProtRej id=0x5b 12 8e d5 1b 5b cb 
07 24 bb c2 4d e8 3b 70 e7 09 17 05 3d 63 df 43 09 04 1b 82 35 03 71 ad c4 22 
9a 84 9b 6a b7 85 b0 2e 75 bb 82 c7 b0 8f 6f f5 c6 78 ce 9c 0f ef f9 50 7a 8b 
c9 b8 ee d7 58 5a 14 c5 ce 41 62 a2 09 26 c0 5b 52 7a
Mar 29 20:38:22 zorak pppd[14962]:  84 22 a5 a9 66 dc d8 09 07 4c b7 36 1b eb 
08 aa a3 22 b5 02 27 19 d3 6b 38 23 c4 d4 24 d0 ab f8 53 24 1e a7 04 2d 0a 62 
fc e2 91 aa 14 73 5f 50 3d f5 10 b2 97 99 20 a5 08 22 d7 3a 0b 5b ae fe 8b 7d 
30 c0 d4 a4 4d f3 4d 4b 81 d7 ce 8f d9 db 1a 22 ad 24 95
Mar 29 20:38:22 zorak pppd[14962]:  94 a6 7e 5a c4 dc 8e 75 3f 4f d3 0b 42 99 
24 da 52 54 4e a4 5f 60 06 9d d6 f5 42 8a d7 60 ab 1d c1 d8 6e 34 ea 86 2f 3f 
2e 52 1c 4b cd 29 17 d4 82 2c 3d fa e1 17 6a d2 46 f7 9e 97 4a ad 72 03 e2 fe 
b8 29 27 a3 0e 2d 77 12 45 00 82 08 b0 dc 03 ec 86 ae 12
Mar 29 20:38:22 zorak pppd[14962]:  95 65 0a 20 70 b9 d3 bb f6 c3 44 56 a4 92 
2c aa 84 b1 ea cc ea 7d 7e ff 00 42 9e 35 a6 4c 7f 87 4b 20 a7 42 79 e4 9f db 
0b 42 87 5d 35 8b 15 6a 35 27 df cd 1a 2d 36 56 a7 4d b5 eb ea b4 78 cc cc bb 
87 e0 e6 9a 72 e2 f6 4a c1 f4 

Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-03-30 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 28 Mar 1999 11:46:24 -0800 (PST), George Bonser wrote:

Netscape mail (I know, I know) is already standard in most enterprises.

Yeah, and IIS is the standard web server, doesn't make it worth the price
of the media it is infecting at the time.

There is also Ishmail (commercial) and others. Qualcomm told me that there
will be a Unix version of Eudora when you see Satan skiing down the icy
peaks of Hell.

From what I've seen of Ishmail (and others) they aren't much better than
the current offerings.  Southsoft has been considering porting PMMail to
Linux.  Some of the beta team (myself included) have, at one time or another,
nudged them in that direction.  It will certainly be proprietary and
commercial, but it will at least finally be a decent email client.

What is REALLY needed is mail integrated with other applications.

To do what?  

- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- ---+-

Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc


help on setting up a host name

1999-03-30 Thread Shao Zhang
At work, my machine connects to a ethernet lan and it has a unique
ip address. If the company's domain is, I want to set up a name so that I can telnet to my machine

I tied to edit the file in /etc/hosts but it doesn't work. Could
someone please help me?



Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/

Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-03-30 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 28 Mar 1999 12:54:06 -0800 (PST), George Bonser wrote:

Drag and drop from a spreadsheet, word processor, or graphics program ...
the embedable opject idea. Having the mail program be able to directly
render some standard wp formats, show graphic items within the document,
etc. Drag FROM a email to a spreadsheet, database, whatever. Shared
document areas and stuff. Sort of like how exchange and outlook are
SUPPOSED to work only make it REALLY work. It is a powerful concept, just
klunky in its implimentation and its wandering away from existing

Ohh...  You mean make it easy for idiot users to send large
attachments through a medium that wasn't designed for it, shouldn't be used
in that manner, and causes more problems than is needed with each step of the
If I were to do it I'd have the email client teach them how to send a

- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- ---+-

Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc


HELP! dpkg dies with --fsys-tarfile error

1999-03-30 Thread Robbie Huffman

This is an urgent plea for help! The problem is one I've experienced
sporadically since I started with Debian several months back. Some packages
won't install, giving an error such as this one:

gzip: stdout: Broken pipe
dpkg-deb: subprocess gzip -dc returned error exit status 1
dpkg: error processing ../kernel-image-2.2.5_Boris.1.0_i386.deb (--install):
 subprocess dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile returned error exit status 2
Errors were encountered while processing:

Currently, I'm trying to upgrade to a 2.2.5 kernel in order to fix many 
problems on my system related to hardware. The kernel compiles fine, and
make-kpkg gives me a nice deb. But as you can see by the error above, dpkg
can't install it. I *can* use dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile filename  new.tar
and get a perfectly fine tarfile. 

I've taken this to #debian and to bugtraq. But nobody has encountered
this problem before. I'm hoping someone on the list has, and can help. Or
at the very least, someone can suggest a way for me to install the package
using an alternate method. I'd hate to just jam the kernel into the system,
and upset some precarious balance in the packaging system.

All help is appreciated!


Re: WinNT and Linux install question

1999-03-30 Thread Will Lowe
 I do not know how to configure the PC to boot from the CD-ROM.
Reboot the machine.  After the screen goes blank and it beeps,  it'll
probably count memory and they'll be a note on the screen that says 
Press DEL to enter SETUP or something.  Some computers use CTRL-ALT-F1
instead of delete or whatever.  At any rate,  hit this key.  You should
end up in the bios setup menu,  at which point there's probably an option
for Boot sequence,  likely set  to A:,  C:  or C:, A:,  which
specifies which drives to try to boot from (in the first example,  it
tries to boot from your A: drive, and if this fails,  tries the C: drive) 
If there's a CDROM setting,  select it.  Exit the bios,  save your
settings,  and put the CD in the drive,  then reboot.

 ..Now boot linux from diskettes... I do not have linux boot diskettes.
You can make diskettes:


|   |
|PGP Public Key:|
|   You think you're so smart,  but I've seen you naked  |
|  and I'll prob'ly see you naked again ...  |
| --The Barenaked Ladies,  Blame It On Me  |

Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-03-30 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 28 Mar 1999 15:11:57 -0600, Kent West wrote:

1) Up-front cash outlay for the second computer (important to poor folks
like myself)

Low end pentiums are dirt cheap right now and run Linux exceptionally

2) Physical desk space.

Stuff the Linux box under the desk.  Telnet in for console, use an X
server (there is a free one and several commerical) or VNC for X apps.

My Linux box is a P5-100, 64Mb RAM, 2Gb HD space (old SCSI drives).  It
is in a full tower stuffed under an extension of my desk.  I use Exceed for
my X server on my W95 box to run X apps and Tera Term Pro to telnet/ssh in. 
Until I could afford Exceed I used VNC.  Both TTP and VNC are free products. 

- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- ---+-

Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc


Help! StarOffice 5.0 problems

1999-03-30 Thread William R Pentney

This problem should probably be directed at StarDivision, only they don't
seem to have a tech support e-mail on their site. Perhaps someone else
knows what's going on. I have Debian 2.0 and every time I install
StarOffice 5.0, it runs fine until I have browsed the Web for a few
minutes, at which point it crashes and refuses to run again unless I
completely reinstall it. This is extremely irritating and I'm going to
dump SO unless I can fix it. Any ideas what I might do? I am running X off
of the S3 server, which Star Division does not suggest, but I tried
setting the SAL_DO_NOT_USE_INVERT50 environment variable as they suggest,
all for naught. Any suggestions?


Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-03-30 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 28 Mar 1999 13:39:41 -0800 (PST), George Bonser wrote:

In large internal networks, email is an easy medium to share information
between people at different facillities, etc. Mailing of presentations,
spreadsheets, AV clips, etc. is very common.

In the Unix environment people just NFS mount and use the proper groups
for the same functionality.

It is not the best for use in mailing lists and such but in a corporate
network with many different platforms, it is VERY portable.

The problem is the suits don't make that disitnction between inside and
outside email.

- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- ---+-

Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc


Re: HELP! dpkg dies with --fsys-tarfile error

1999-03-30 Thread John Galt

I did--I got around it with apt: don't ask me how, it just worked.  IIRC
dselect also worked the one time I tried during my dpkg hiatus.  It ironed
itself out in time and possibly updates, but I can't remember if dpkg or
gzip got updated since then :(

On Mon, 29 Mar 1999, Robbie Huffman wrote:

 This is an urgent plea for help! The problem is one I've experienced
 sporadically since I started with Debian several months back. Some packages
 won't install, giving an error such as this one:
 gzip: stdout: Broken pipe
 dpkg-deb: subprocess gzip -dc returned error exit status 1
 dpkg: error processing ../kernel-image-2.2.5_Boris.1.0_i386.deb (--install):
  subprocess dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile returned error exit status 2
 Errors were encountered while processing:
 Currently, I'm trying to upgrade to a 2.2.5 kernel in order to fix many 
 problems on my system related to hardware. The kernel compiles fine, and
 make-kpkg gives me a nice deb. But as you can see by the error above, dpkg
 can't install it. I *can* use dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile filename  new.tar
 and get a perfectly fine tarfile. 
 I've taken this to #debian and to bugtraq. But nobody has encountered
 this problem before. I'm hoping someone on the list has, and can help. Or
 at the very least, someone can suggest a way for me to install the package
 using an alternate method. I'd hate to just jam the kernel into the system,
 and upset some precarious balance in the packaging system.
 All help is appreciated!
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Pardon me, but you have obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a

Re: having problems???

1999-03-30 Thread Joseph Carter
On Tue, Mar 30, 1999 at 12:39:54AM +, Gregory T. Norris wrote:
 I was just wondering if is currently having problems,
 specifically with the potato archive?  My /etc/apt/sources.list has
 the entry deb unstable non-US,
 which I believe to be correct.

Fair reply:  non-us is _ALWAYS_ broken.

It's being addressed, but the end result is almost certainly going to be
that Debian will end up with a new non-us server in a new location and
the ftpmasters will actually have access to the new machine.

Joseph Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED]Debian GNU/Linux developer
PGP: E8D68481E3A8BB77 8EE22996C9445FBEThe Source Comes First!
JHM Somehow I have more respect for 14 year old Debian developers than
 14 year old Certified Microsoft Serfs.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Printer Troubles

1999-03-30 Thread Jameson Burt
 I was actually going to check the message archive this time, but I'm
 sitting here at a Netscape status bar telling me Connect: Contacting
 Host endlessly.
 Anyway, I can't even get my printer to print a simple text file.  It is
 a Panasonic KX-P4430.  I checked the basic stuff like making sure it was
 online and that the cables were properly connected.  I have installed
 GhostScript, magicfilter, and lpr.
 If it matters, here is my /etc/printcap:
 lp|ps4430|Panasonic KX-P4430:\

Do you really have a /dev/lp device?
My parallel port printer uses /dev/lp1.
Here are my file values (ls -l)
   crw-rw   1 root lp 6,   0 Oct 12  1997 /dev/lp0
   crw-rw   1 root lp 6,   1 Oct 12  1997 /dev/lp1
Perhaps you have a link,
   ln -s /dev/lp1  /dev/lp
If you change /etc/printcap by hand, leave no space after any entries
and perhaps all those lines beginning with tabs should remain tabs.
Rather than change /etc/printcap by hand, you can easily replace it 
by running
/usr/sbin/magicfilterconfig --force

 Here are the messages I received trying to print a simple text file that
 just says testing inside of it:
 bash-2.01$ lpr test
 lpr: connect: Connection refused
 jobs queued, but cannot start daemon.
 bash-2.01$ lpq
 waiting for lp to become ready (off-line ?)
 Rank   Owner  Job  Files Total Size
 1stroot   0test  4 bytes
 2ndroot   1test  4 bytes
 3rdroot   2test  4 bytes
 4throot   3test  7 bytes
 5thjason  4test  7 bytes
 6thjason  6test  7 bytes
 7thjason  7test  7 bytes
 I think I have included all the info that I should...

By the way, when I upgraded from hamm to slink, 
I still had a printcap referring to
even though magicfilter now puts this in 
I hope some filesystem standard is being followed.
An installation warning would help.
My slink upgrade produced the following benign message,
   You already have an /etc/printcap file installed.
   I assume that it is already correctly configured
This doesn't affect your problem above.

Jim Burt, NJ9L, Fairfax, Virginia, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (703) 235-5213 ext. 132  (work)

A poor man associating with a rich man will soon be too poor 
to buy even a pair of breeches.   --Chinese Proverb

Re: Convert FAT32 to FAT16 with windows 98

1999-03-30 Thread Ben Messinger
 FAT32 does not appear to be just a new partition type, which can coexist
 with FAT16  Linux partitions.
 Both utilities I tried (Win95 FDISK  Maxtor Maxblast) required either all
 FAT32 or no FAT32, and Linux FDISK was then unable to add any Linux/FAT16
 partitions, once there was a FAT32 partition.
 A comment in the PartitionMagic blurb
 ( also seems to indicate that FAT32
 takes over the entire hard drive:
For those consumers
who find themselves with a
 FAT32 partition when they buy a
new drive, PartitionMagic can
 convert FAT32 partitions to
FAT16 partitions so that
 users can continue to use other
operating systems and
 Does anyone know how to mix FAT32/FAT16/Linux partitions on a single hard
 I want to do this because my 99.9%-full 1.2GB FAT16 partition expanded to
 1.6GB when I copied it to a 2GB FAT16 partition(due to a larger cluster
 size, I guess), but took only 800MB on a FAT32 partition.

I have used PartitionMagic to mix fat16/fat32 partitions on the same
drive on two different computers - one with a WD ide and the other with
a Quantum ide. I had no problems what so ever. For example one with four
partitions was formatted like this:
/dev/hda1 linux swap
/dev/hda2 ext2  (Linux /)
/dev/hda3 fat32 (windows c:)
/dev/hda4 fat16 (mounted as d: in windows, and /dosd in Linux)


Ben Messinger   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux user.

Re: HELP! dpkg dies with --fsys-tarfile error

1999-03-30 Thread Robbie Huffman
  dpkg: error processing ../kernel-image-2.2.5_Boris.1.0_i386.deb (--install):
   subprocess dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile returned error exit status 2

On Mon, Mar 29, 1999 at 09:21:46PM -0700, John Galt wrote:
 I did--I got around it with apt: don't ask me how, it just worked.  IIRC
 dselect also worked the one time I tried during my dpkg hiatus.  It ironed
 itself out in time and possibly updates, but I can't remember if dpkg or
 gzip got updated since then :(

I won't ask you how, but I will ask how I can use apt to install a single
file (namely, this new kernel-image deb). It's probably simple and obvious,
but I'm not seeing it.

Yes, the problem comes and goes rather randomly. At one point I went from
about 15 packages which wouldn't install due to this problem to none, all
in a single update.



Re: PostgreSQL

1999-03-30 Thread Johann Spies
On Sun, 28 Mar 1999, Sami Dalouche wrote:

 I wanted to install postgreSQL on a machine without X but postgresql needs
 xlib6g  tk...
 Is there a package without X  Tk .. support ?
 Why do we need X ?

I think Oliver Elphick, the package maintainer, must answer this one. 
However, if I were you, I would try and install it with dpkg
--force-depends.  I use Postgresql regularly on a text based screen
without problems. 

If it does not work, you can remove it again and install the latest
postgresql from the postgresql home page in /usr/local. 

| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on 
  your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge  
  him, and he will direct your paths.  Proverbs 3:5,6  

Re: help on setting up a host name

1999-03-30 Thread Shao Zhang
I have all the passwd to access all the machines here, so what files do
I need to modify
in order to resolve the name.

Carl Mummert wrote:

 You can't just add a line to /etc/hosts because that is not where remote
 queries for hostnames go.

 When a remote machine attempts to resolve a symbolic hostname
 like, the remote machine uses the DNS
 syste,, and in the end ends up asking the DNS server at for the numeric ip address.

 Thus to be able to see '' you would have to
 convince the administrators of the DNS server for your domain
 to add an entry to the database for your computer.

 BUT you should be able to connect via the numeric address
 (i.e. enter the numeric IP instead of a symbolic hostname).

 This will work unless there is a firewall preventing incoming
 telnet sessions.  If there is such a firewall, good luck.



Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/

Re: HELP! dpkg dies with --fsys-tarfile error

1999-03-30 Thread John Galt

apt-get install kernel-source-2.2.1

On Tue, 30 Mar 1999, Robbie Huffman wrote:

   dpkg: error processing ../kernel-image-2.2.5_Boris.1.0_i386.deb 
subprocess dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile returned error exit status 2
 On Mon, Mar 29, 1999 at 09:21:46PM -0700, John Galt wrote:
  I did--I got around it with apt: don't ask me how, it just worked.  IIRC
  dselect also worked the one time I tried during my dpkg hiatus.  It ironed
  itself out in time and possibly updates, but I can't remember if dpkg or
  gzip got updated since then :(
 I won't ask you how, but I will ask how I can use apt to install a single
 file (namely, this new kernel-image deb). It's probably simple and obvious,
 but I'm not seeing it.
 Yes, the problem comes and goes rather randomly. At one point I went from
 about 15 packages which wouldn't install due to this problem to none, all
 in a single update.

Pardon me, but you have obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a

Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-03-30 Thread Gary Singleton


 No, you could even retrieve this kind of features
 with bsod, a linux application to emulate Win1895
 BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death). I've saw it a loong
 time ago either on sunsite or tsx-11 :-))
If anyone can find this please let me know, it would
be a nice gag to play on my M$ loving pals g.

--more snippage--

 Well, in fact I only miss some games but dual boot
 is made for that, isn'it ?

I've been beta-testing the Linux version of
Civilization: Call to Power from Loki Entertainment
Software and I'm really impressed.  I've been a Civ
addict since it's debut in what 1991 - 1192?  Freeciv
is pretty good but not as good as the real thing. 
Maybe if it sells well enough, LokiSoft will be able
to port more things over.  The SDL (Simple Directmedia
Layer) that it runs on looks promising for game
development and there are some other tools available
too.  Oh, BTW it dropped right in to Debian with a
couple of .deb libraries and the SDL in /local - easy


LokiSoft -
Civ -

Regards, G.S.
Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Okay to remove timezone package?

1999-03-30 Thread Mark Phillips

I want to remove the timezone package in favor or timezones.  But
as it is an essential package, I get the warning:

WARNING: The following essential packages will be removed
This should NOT be done unless you know exactly what you are doing!
0 packages upgraded, 33 newly installed, 10 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 5692kb/30.7Mb of archives. After unpacking 80.0Mb will be used.
You are about to do something potentially harmful
To continue type in the phrase 'Yes, I understand this is bad'

Am I okay removing it?


They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-03-30 Thread David Woolley
 Linux is young yet; just now becoming known to the masses. Up till not

Most of Gnu Linux is actually very old; it is the commercialisation that
is new.  Most of Gnu/Linux is just a rework of very long established
Unix tools.

 it has been more of a hobby for most people, it seems, than a concerted
 effort to be a Windows killer. So I wouldn't expect all the great apps

In my view, trying to be a Windows killer, rather than itself, will
be suicide for Linux.  A few commercial suppliers will make a fast profit,
but in the end, the people who have contributed to it will abandon it
as it becomes commercialised, and the existing commercial software 
suppliers will start finding ways to undermine it, beyond the fear of
free software.

Incidentally accounting software was mentioned as a weak area.  The problem
with accounting software is that the people who understand the application
are those most dependant on the profit motive and least likely to create
freeware.  (You may find that public service organisations produce free 
software, but that will normally be vertical market stuff for large
oganizations, not horizontal market for small ones.)

Being a hobby is beneficial, as it means that people are not facing 
commercial pressures to compromise quality for development cost and 
to compromise function for saleability.

Re: ps vs free again

1999-03-30 Thread Steve Witt
On Tue, 30 Mar 1999, Shao Zhang wrote:

 I saw earlier disscussions about ps and free.
 So what command can I use to actually display the total memory that
 is occupied by my system?

'top' gives a lot of very nice information in this regard.

Re: Bandwidth Control Program

1999-03-30 Thread Javier Castillo
With the new kernel 2.2, you can use IPROUTE2. The problem is that isn't a .deb
package, so you must compile and
install it, becase it's .tgz.
Look at this web:

We are probing this package, and i can asure you that is very interesting.


Russell Rademacher wrote:

 Hello guys.

 Okay. Here is a question.

 I am looking for a bandwidth control software so I can cramp down on
 the amount of bandwidth on certain network LANs that I am setting up here.  In
 other words, we are an ISP here but we are expanding to provide LAN networks 
 several offices in this building where we resides so they have direct access 
 the Internet though our T3 connectivity here.

 So...I am looking for a bandwidth controller so I can limit the speed
 of the network to those people so they do not suck up all the bandwidth that 
 delicated solely to the ISP services and provide little of it to them which is
 sufficient for them to use.

 Anyone have any clues or help on setting this up?  It will be 4 LANS
 which I have to connect to make this a go. :)
 Date: 29-Mar-99  Time:16:33:22
 Russell Rademacher
 Grapevine2 Technical Support Specialist
System Adminstrator
 Toll-Free: 800-267-3070
 Phone: 716-214-5644
 Fax: 716-214-5642
 TDD: 716-214-5643
 ICQ: 10663810
 AIM: ElikCyber

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: use the Windowkeys

1999-03-30 Thread Pierfrancesco Caci
:- Ulrik == Ulrik Haugen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I've used those keys for something different, but you may like that,
 or else someone else may...
 These are the lines of interest in my ~/.Xmodmaprc

 keycode 0x73 =Meta_L
 keycode 0x71 =Mode_switch Multi_key #I use a swedish keybooard.
   #Your mileage may vary.
 keycode 0x74 =Meta_R
 keycode 0x75 =Menu

 clear Mod1
 clear Mod3
 clear Mod4

 addMod1= Alt_L Meta_R
 addMod3= Mode_switch
 addMod4= Meta_L Menu

I don't have a very clear picture of what the different Meta,
Mode_switch and Multi mean. Does someone know what they are or where
can I read some descriptions? I always found the man pages of
xkeycaps, loadkeys etc. somewhat cryptical

 Which I call in my ~/.xsession with
 xmodmap .Xmodmaprc

 This lets me use Mod_4 for all windowmanager stuff like selecting,
 minimizing, maximizing etc. This way I don't have to use Alt-Ffoo
 but instead i can use Win-X to maximize, without worrying that I
 loose the possibility to use a keyboard shortcut in any application.

This is a good idea. So you can free the Alt-F1 that most window
managers use for the drop down menus

 Also swedish keyboards don't have a real Alt-key to the right of
 the spacebar which is annoying in netscape for instance - if I'm
 on the phone or whatever and only have one hand for typing I can't
 go back and forth without using the mouse. This way I have both the
 Alt- and Win-keys on both sides of the spacebar.

If the swedish keyb. is similar to the italian one, you have a
Alt-Gr key on the right side, don't you?

 Also I would like to be able to get a compose key to work with a us
 keyboard, so that I can generate accented vowels needed in italian 

 I think this is the same as my Alt-Gr which generates Mod_3, so perhaps
 you could just bind some key to Mod_3.

I've tried but didn't succeed. How did you do this?



 Pierfrancesco Caci  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -
  Firenze - Italia   | Office for the Complication of Otherwise Simple Affairs 
 Linux penny 2.2.4 #1 Sun Mar 28 11:09:03 CEST 1999 i586 unknown

Re: Debian CDROMS

1999-03-30 Thread Pierfrancesco Caci
:- Steve == Steve McIntyre [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Pierfrancesco Caci writes:
 Seriously speaking, maybe it would be useful to provide a single-cd
 downsized distribution to be included in those multi-cd sets like
 infomagic or walnut-creek. Then, once you have the first cd, you will
 surely hunt the others.

 This was part of the design of slink_cd - the first official CD for all
 architectures should work standalone too...

I saw this feature yesterday when I made my non-free+non-US disk. What
I meant was that sites should provide a ready-to-burn
single cd image in the archives.



 Pierfrancesco Caci  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -
  Firenze - Italia   | Office for the Complication of Otherwise Simple Affairs 
 Linux penny 2.2.4 #1 Sun Mar 28 11:09:03 CEST 1999 i586 unknown

Anybody have the time to help a newbie?

1999-03-30 Thread ruthurie

Ok.  I have a copy of Debian on disk.  I am attempting to install it on an
IBM PS/2 386.  When I boot up using the rescue floppy, I can set up to the
point where it asks me to partition the hard drive.  I select next, and I
get an error stating  Problem - No hard disk drives could be found.  Make
sure they are cabled correctly and are turned on before the system is
started .  You may have to change driver setings when you start the system
with a command at the boot: prompt, or you may have to load a driver
that is in a loadable module to solve this problem.  
I've tried all the other menu selections, and the only other one that
works is the shell selection.

If anybody could provide me with just the smallest bit of help, I would be
very grateful.

Thanx in advance,

Jordan Urie


SiS6326 chip and XFree86

1999-03-30 Thread Timo Reunanen
Does anyone know when XFree86 get some kind of fix to SiS6326 chip
based cards like Diamond Speedstart A50 what I have? 


Quote from Heavenly Creatures (1994)

Melanie Lynskey as Pauline Parker : She is the most unreasonable. Why
could not mother die? Dozens of people are dying all the time,
thousands, so why not mother? And father too.

Re: Mount for normal user

1999-03-30 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 How can I mount devices (CDrom / HD) as a normal user.
 For example :
 $ mount /dev/hdb /mnt/hdb
 mount: only root can mount /dev/hdb on /mnt/hdb

Normally the mount command checks if you really are root, and
disregards group membership.  You can allow users to mount a certain
partition by adding the `user' option in /etc/fstab.  For example, I
have a line for a cdrom in my /etc/fstab that looks like this:

/dev/hdd/cdrom   iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noauto 0 0

The user option allows every user to mount and umount the cdrom, and
noauto prevents the system from trying to mount the cdrom at boot time,
which can be annoying if there is no cdrom in the drive.

 I've tried to add my user (sami) to some groups, but... :
 Where is any help about Debian's groups... ?

I don't know.  Most groups are self-explanatory.

 However, How to remove user from groups (without VI) and is there a way to
 have all root permission without being root (UID 0) because some programs
 don't want to run as root ?

If programs do not want to run as root there usually is a security
reason for that.  This means it can be in some way dangerous to your
system, and you'd better not try to run it as root anyway.

You can remove users from a group using the usermod command and the -G
option.  With the -G option you list the additional groups (beside the
default group) that a user is a member from.  If the user was listed
with other groups as well, (s)he is removed from those.  Check out the
manual page.


 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (SKA)

Re: operation not permitted?

1999-03-30 Thread Joop Stakenborg
On Tue, 30 Mar 1999, Jayson Baird wrote:
 using cpio to undo rpm files (Alien to be exact), cpio returns for each
 file that the operation is not permitted...any ideas?


You have to use fakeroot.

   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cyillic only)
   ICQ UIN: 19560609   

Joop Stakenborg PA4TU

RE: SiS6326 chip and XFree86

1999-03-30 Thread Krosigk, Lorenz Von
I think XFree86 is coming with support of this chipset. But NOT
using the accelerated S3 variant but the normal SVGA.

 -Mensaje original-
 De:   Timo Reunanen [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el:   miércoles 31 de marzo de 1999 22:12
 CC:   recipient list not shown; @[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Asunto:   SiS6326 chip and XFree86
 Does anyone know when XFree86 get some kind of fix to SiS6326 chip
 based cards like Diamond Speedstart A50 what I have? 
 Quote from Heavenly Creatures (1994)
 Melanie Lynskey as Pauline Parker : She is the most unreasonable. Why
 could not mother die? Dozens of people are dying all the time,
 thousands, so why not mother? And father too.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

star office

1999-03-30 Thread Shawn Nguyen

I am having some problem with Star Office 5.0, could someone shed some
light on the situation?  Apparently when I try to update the mail box
Star Office start to freeze up my computer.  What's happening is that my
CPU is being overloaded when Star Office does this updating of the
e-mail.  I have a K6 AMD 300 MHZ with 64 MB of RAM, I wonder if that's
not enough for something as resource hungry as Star Office?


Re: Printer Troubles

1999-03-30 Thread Richard Harran
You need to start up the printer daemon.  Only a priveleged user can do
this so try:
(enter your root password)
Then try and print the file again.  Normally, you should get the lpd
daemon started automatically at start-up, so you may well get an error
message when you try this.  Hopefully it will be helpful.

Jason Dawe wrote:
 I was actually going to check the message archive this time, but I'm
 sitting here at a Netscape status bar telling me Connect: Contacting
 Host endlessly.
 Anyway, I can't even get my printer to print a simple text file.  It is
 a Panasonic KX-P4430.  I checked the basic stuff like making sure it was
 online and that the cables were properly connected.  I have installed
 GhostScript, magicfilter, and lpr.
 If it matters, here is my /etc/printcap:
 lp|ps4430|Panasonic KX-P4430:\
 Here are the messages I received trying to print a simple text file that
 just says testing inside of it:
 bash-2.01$ lpr test
 lpr: connect: Connection refused
 jobs queued, but cannot start daemon.
 bash-2.01$ lpq
 waiting for lp to become ready (off-line ?)
 Rank   Owner  Job  Files Total Size
 1stroot   0test  4 bytes
 2ndroot   1test  4 bytes
 3rdroot   2test  4 bytes
 4throot   3test  7 bytes
 5thjason  4test  7 bytes
 6thjason  6test  7 bytes
 7thjason  7test  7 bytes
 I think I have included all the info that I should...
 Thanks in advance
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

crc errors with LILO

1999-03-30 Thread Lev Lvovsky
OK, I don't know if anyone caught my last post RE this ,but here's a quick

I have a SCSI and IDE system...the scsi drive holds root, but the scsi
adapter doesn't have the ability to load w/o first having drivers loaded
up.  So what I thought would work (as it did with my RH install), was
putting /boot on the IDE drive, and everything else on the scsi drive.
Debian however didn't let me do this, and insisted that the SCSI drive
boot first.  THe ony way I can get this system to boot now, is with a

So now, I used lilo, and tried installing it on the IDE drive:

silver168:~# lilo -b /dev/hda5
Ignoring entry 'boot'
Added Linux *   

now, when I try to boot, it says loading linux, and then when it gets to
the decompression part, it gives me a crc error, and halts.

I've checked the disk, and copied over the kernel that's on the floppy
(which is good), and I still get the error.

Anyone know how to fix this?  I don't like to boot off of a floppy...


not booting into Xwindows

1999-03-30 Thread Lev Lvovsky
can anyone tell me how to keep my computer from booting into Xwindows?
This is a rather annoying automation...

thanks :)

Re: setting color depth to 16bpp

1999-03-30 Thread MallarJ
In a message dated 3/29/99 7:27:34 PM Central Standard Time,

 I'm trying  to set my color depth to 16 bpp, currently it's starting in
  8bpp. I had :1 local /usr/bin/X11 :1 vt9 -bpp 16 in /etc/Xserver but it is
  not reading that. I think in wdm it was placed in a different file. Is
  this the right place for it?

This option should probably go in your XF86Config file.


Strange behaviour of soundcard

1999-03-30 Thread Kurt Stallknecht
I tried to config an Aztech soundcard on a hamm-system (kernel 
2.0.34). In the first attempt I compiled the sound-support into the 
kernel. During this process I had to guess many things because the 
card is not in the list of supported cards and I don t have any 
papers of the manufacturer. So I was very surprised and happy that it 
worked at once, but then I had to realize that something is wrong. 
When I started some programs to test the card I could see that in 
some cases (playmidi, xblast) the system became very busy when I 
closed these programs. In the case of xblast it is so extreme that 
the soundcard doesn't work anymore after that.
So, I had a second try with isapnp to give the system a chance to 
find out the best settings itself, but the problem is the same.
Does anybody know what I can do to find out the reason for this 
The output of sndstat looks normal.



Re: [SuSE Linux] What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-03-30 Thread John Heaton
 Heres a good point about linux, anyone found a good irc client for x
 than Bitchx in a E-Term :) that doesn't crash everytime you click (yagirc

The last time I looked there are several IRC  clients for X..

 I still find for everyday use Win95/NT is better (quaking, ircing,
 browsing, ftping).

You can play Doom, Quake, IRC, Browse and FTP all on Linux...

Have a look at FileRunner for FTP.. (Its a bit like WS_FTP), or install KDE
and drag/drop from one folder to another, and each folder could be on
separate FTP sites...

 It seems that linux has quite a good range of
 applications, just a case of find one, and one that works fine.

'The GIMP'
'Star Office 5'
'Corel WordPerfect 8'
all FREE...


Re: Do We Need a New Evangelist?

1999-03-30 Thread Curt Daugaard
On Mon, Mar 29, 1999 at 02:41:11PM -0800, ESP wrote:
 It's apparent that the two of you, and others, are willing to continue
 this stupid infighting out in the public for all to see.  Whatever
 strides you may make for the Open Source community, you're doing it
 grievous harm by airing your personal differences in public.  One step
 forward, three steps back.

In case you didn't notice, you posted your invective on debian-user, not in
private.  So what are you so indignant about?

Curt Daugaard

Re: not booting into Xwindows

1999-03-30 Thread Joop Stakenborg
On Tue, 30 Mar 1999, Lev Lvovsky wrote:
 can anyone tell me how to keep my computer from booting into Xwindows?
 This is a rather annoying automation...

Remove tyhe xdm package.

 thanks :)

Joop Stakenborg PA4TU

Re: not booting into Xwindows

1999-03-30 Thread Sean
Remove the xdm script from your runlevel directory. If you're using runlevel 2 
probably), then go to /etc/rc2.d, and delete the S**xdm package where ** will 
be some


Lev Lvovsky wrote:

 can anyone tell me how to keep my computer from booting into Xwindows?
 This is a rather annoying automation...

 thanks :)

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A citizen of America will cross the ocean to fight for democracy, but
won't cross the street to vote in a national election.
-- Bill Vaughan

Re: setting up a hostname

1999-03-30 Thread Alexander Kadlec

Other computers on your network can't see what you have in the hosts file. 
hosts file is only used by your computer locally. To solve this, you can do one 
of the
this things:

a) Copy your hosts file in every computer you are going to use to 
telnet your
b) You can ask your network's DNS (Domain Name Server) administrator to 
this name (shao) to be an alias to your machine. This last option is the better 
because every computer in the world will know that is your 
when they resolve your name.

Hope this helps you ;-)

Shao Zhang wrote:

 At work, my machine connects to a ethernet lan and it has a unique
 ip address. If the company's domain is, I want to set up a name so that I can telnet to my machine

 I tied to edit the file in /etc/hosts but it doesn't work. Could
 someone please help me?


 Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
 Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _
 University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
 Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Thanks to Gregory T. Norris

1999-03-30 Thread Nun Yobiznez
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your redirection in the way of
install. It helped me greatly in overcoming the
hurdle to installation.

P.S. Sorry for the delay.I've been trying to get
the install correctly configured but have run into
problems w/ the perl and lib6 packages not
configuring correctly..It taken a little of my
time and I might have to bother the user list again
soon to help me iron this one out too. Thanks

Get your free address at

No LILO Boot after Re-Install Windoze95

1999-03-30 Thread Jeff Hill
After re-installing Windows95 on a dual-boot set-up, the machine
now boots directly to Windows. I tried booting to Debian from
floppy and then re-installing lilo, but that didn't help --
machine still goes directly to Windows. I think I need to mess
with the MBR, but not certain how to proceed.

Any suggestions appreciated.


Jeff Hill


*   HR On-Line:  The Network for Workplace Issues

** Ph:416-604-7251 -- Fax:416-604-4708 **

Re: No LILO Boot after Re-Install Windoze95

1999-03-30 Thread Andrei Ivanov
Are you using exactly the same setup as before?
Also, make sure that lilo actually runs without any warnings/errors.

 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 UIN 12402354   --Little things for Linux.

Re: ps vs free again

1999-03-30 Thread David Z. Maze
Shao Zhang [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
SZ I just tried top, but it seems it is showing the same info as free
SZ which is included the memory cached but can be freed if another
SZ program requests in the memory used section.
SZ What I want to know is the exact amount memory used by system, I
SZ don't want the cached memory.

{3} dmaze% free
 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem: 47388  46280   1108  18440   1908  13340
-/+ buffers/cache:  31032  16356
Swap:   101216   6304  94912

I think the first number on the -/+ buffers/cache line is the number 
you're looking for.

Hey, Doug, do you mind if I push the Emergency Booth Self-Destruct Button?
Oh, sure, Dave, _do_ know what that does, right?

what exactly is a segmentation fault?

1999-03-30 Thread rich
Howdy all,

I have just tried my 1st attempt at installing a non-debian package
(multitrack-2.2.tgz). I followed the instructions...

- place file in /usr/local

- tar xvfz multitrack-2.2.tgz

- cd multitrack-2.2

- make install

When I tried to run the program (by typing multitrack), I get a
segmentation fault error... I have heard this phrase before, but do
not know what it means... can anyone help, or at least point me in the
right direction?

Thanks in advance,



1999-03-30 Thread CSR de Port-au-Prince
I get a Slackware 2.0.29 Kernel of Linux. I'd like to know if it's Y2K.
If not which version is Y2K.

Thank you to answer me at


begin:  vcard
fn: CSR de Port-au-Prince
n:  ;CSR de Port-au-Prince
org:Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie
adr:38, Rue Dufort, à côté de la Faculté Linguistique Appliquée;;;Port-au-Prince;;BP: 15815;Haïti
email;internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:   (509) 45 4408  (509) 45 0567tel
tel;fax:(509) 45 0574
x-mozilla-cpt:  ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE

Help bootable cd

1999-03-30 Thread Brian Schramm
I need fast help here.  I would like to make a cdrom that I have bootable and
run a certian command on bootup.  I would also like to have a floppy that will
boot from and run just like the cd will.  This is for restoring an image file
(dd) from the cd to the machine automaticly.  I have Debian as well as RedHat

I am in desparatation here.  Can anyone point me to the right direction??  

Brian Schramm

Slink upgrade and /usr/local problems locating libs!

1999-03-30 Thread Person, Roderick
Hey guys,

Since I have upgraded to slink 
I have noticed that when I unzip certain tars in /usr/local the binaries
seem to have trouble finding the required libs. For example, Wingz3 can't
find although it is in /usr/X11R6/lib. Wingz3 worked with hamm.
Has there been some kind of change in Slink that would cause this?


Re: No LILO Boot after Re-Install Windoze95

1999-03-30 Thread Paolo Comi
Jeff Hill wrote:

 After re-installing Windows95 on a dual-boot set-up, the machine
 now boots directly to Windows. I tried booting to Debian from
 floppy and then re-installing lilo, but that didn't help --
 machine still goes directly to Windows. I think I need to mess
 with the MBR, but not certain how to proceed.

 Any suggestions appreciated.


 Jeff Hill

I had the same problem.
I partitioned my HD in this way
/dev/hda1  - windows 95
/dev/hda2  - linux swap
/dev/hda3  - linux
and set /dev/hda3 as boot partition.

When I reinstalled windows 95, /dev/hda1 has been set as boot partition.

To fix the problem I:
- rebooted Debiam form floppy
- used fdisk (or cfdisk, I don't remember) to remade my linux partition 
- reboot
Paolo Comi

Italtel S.p.A.
Research and Development Laboratories
20019 Castelletto di Settimo Milanese (MI)
tel: +39 02 4388 7963
fax: +39 02 4388 8472

Re: Mount for normal user

1999-03-30 Thread Rob Mahurin
On Mon, Mar 29, 1999 at 02:25:41PM +0200, Sami Dalouche wrote:
[some stuff]
 However, How to remove user from groups (without VI) and is there a way to
 have all root permission without being root (UID 0) because some programs
 don't want to run as root ?

You should look into the sudo command.  That allows you to give root
access to certain people, or to only give access to certain commands.
I use it as a smokescreen to keep myself from doing something dumb:
if I can't run something without sudo, I take a good hard look at what
my system is trying to keep me from screwing up.


The door is the key.

Re: Slink upgrade and /usr/local problems locating libs!

1999-03-30 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 Hey guys,
 Since I have upgraded to slink 
 I have noticed that when I unzip certain tars in /usr/local the binaries
 seem to have trouble finding the required libs. For example, Wingz3 can't
 find although it is in /usr/X11R6/lib. Wingz3 worked with hamm.
 Has there been some kind of change in Slink that would cause this?

Is the library really there, or is there just a dangling symbolic
link?  On my slink system /usr/X11R6/lib/ is a symlink to  If the latter file is not there, you need to install
the xpm4g package if the Wingz3 is a libc6 program.  If Wingz3 is a
libc5 program, you need to install the xpm4.7 package from the oldlibs
section.  Check this out with `ldd Wingz3'.


 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (SKA)

Re: what exactly is a segmentation fault?

1999-03-30 Thread shaleh
 When I tried to run the program (by typing multitrack), I get a
 segmentation fault error... I have heard this phrase before, but do
 not know what it means... can anyone help, or at least point me in the
 right direction?

A segmentation fault means that the program made an illegal memory
access.  This can be done in many ways and it is now always the
author's fault, it could be a library problem.

First, run ldd /path/to/my program

Every item in the list should have a left and right side.

Next, run strace -o output program.  At the bottom of the file called
output you will see some cryptic function calls.  They may offer a

Re: No LILO Boot after Re-Install Windoze95

1999-03-30 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: No LILO Boot after Re-Install Windoze95
Date: Tue, Mar 30, 1999 at 07:50:27AM -0500

In reply to:Jeff Hill

Quoting Jeff Hill([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 After re-installing Windows95 on a dual-boot set-up, the machine
 now boots directly to Windows. I tried booting to Debian from
 floppy and then re-installing lilo, but that didn't help --
 machine still goes directly to Windows. I think I need to mess
 with the MBR, but not certain how to proceed.
 Any suggestions appreciated.
 Jeff Hill

Winzoze thinks it owns your box.  When you installed Win95 it
overwrote the MBR.  You have to boot with a floppy and then fix
/etc/lilo.conf.  Then run lilo so that IT can take back the MBR.

# LILO configuration file
# generated by 'liloconfig'
# Start LILO global section
boot = /dev/hda # Device containing boot
compact # faster, but won't work on
all systems.
prompt  # Force boot prompt
map = /boot/map # Default   = /boot/map
Default = Slink2.2.3# Default   = /boot/boot.number
Timeout = 250   # Wait val/10 sec. after
prompt then boot default
# End LILO global section

# Image sections
# Linux bootable partition config begins

#   Debian 2.1
Image= /boot/slink
  label  = Slink
  Root   = /dev/hdb2
  VGA= 0xb
  append = lp=0x378,0

Image= /boot/Slink-2.2.3
  label  = Slink2.2.3
  Root   = /dev/hdb2
  VGA= 0x317
  append  = lp=parport0 parport=0x378,none
Image = /boot/memtest86
Label = Memtest

#   Win95  Why waste the disk space??
Other = /dev/hda1
Label   = win
Table   = /dev/hda


Information Center, n.:
  A room staffed by professional computer people whose job it is
  to tell you why you cannot have the information you require.

Re: ppp0

1999-03-30 Thread Chen Xu

Hi John,

Thanks for your help, really.

I actually did run pppconfig and answered the questions, but still not
working. I suspect maybe there is something to do with my modem port. My
modem is on COM4 and IRQ is 10. As defuelt, the IRQ asigned for COM4 may
be different. I did 'setserial -b /dev/ttyS3 IRQ 10' to change COM4 to IRQ
10 manually after system comes up, but still did not help. Don't know if
something wrong in the installation point.

And, actually I have FreeBSD in the some box and when I set the PPP for
FBSD, I had to recompile the kernel with the new IRQ value. And then it

I choose Debian to try because I like some of its features, i.g. the
package management etc. But I have to say, at least to my limited
experience, the installation is a little harder than FreeBSD.

Any furthere help? Thanks alot, John.


On 29 Mar 1999, John Hasler wrote:

  I meant even before you got connected to you IPS, you should have ppp0
  interface(network interface) running, which can be easily check by
  command 'ifconfig'. (According PPP-HOWTO, if I understand correctly).
 No.  The interface doesn't exist until the connection comes up.
  When I set all the file in /etc/ppp/* following what PPP-HOWTO says and
  do 'pon;plog -f, I hear the sound from Modem but that was not dial tone.
  I could not connect to my IPS.
 The PPP-HOWTO can be most charitably described as misleading. Run
 pppconfig, answer the questions, and try pon again.
 John Hasler
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Hasler)
 Dancing Horse Hill
 Elmwood, WI

printing quality

1999-03-30 Thread Micha Feigin
I have a problem with printing quality under debian.
I am using an epson lx 300 dot matrix printer (i know that windows it can
work also as epson lx800 lx810 jx80 - i may be missing a bit on the
the problem is that under linux when not printing unformated text ot from
netscape i get horible results (including ps from other sources).
If anyone can tell me how to solve the problem, and/or what filter to use
under magicfilter.

modules package

1999-03-30 Thread Will Lowe
dselect lists the modules package as obsolete/local -- I sure didn't
package it,  so it must be obsolete.

But dpkg -r modules reports Kernel was compiled with module support!
Can't remove modules package!.  Is it ok to --force this one?


|   |
|PGP Public Key:|
|   You think you're so smart,  but I've seen you naked  |
|  and I'll prob'ly see you naked again ...  |
| --The Barenaked Ladies,  Blame It On Me  |

Re: No LILO Boot after Re-Install Windoze95

1999-03-30 Thread Jeff Hill
No changes to the setup and my bios is set to boot a,c. I had lilo boot windows
at /dev/hda4 and slink at /dev/hda1. Everything was running well, except that I
had to re-install Windows. I booted to Windows, went to command prompt,
re-installed Windows, then rebooted.

I expected lilo to be overwritten, but thought that if I booted by floppy to
slink and then ran lilo, it would re-install and work fine. Not the case. While
I could always boot slink from floppy, it would obviously be more convenient to
boot from disk.

Lilo was running without any warnings or errors. When I initially setup, I
couldn't get lilo to run, but instead got an endless stream of 01 01 01 01 01
01. Someone suggested that this might be a faulty lilo and to re-install,
which I did. Unfortunately, that was not the case. It was some fault on the
Windows side.

It seems like I remember reading somewhere once that the solution was to boot
using the Windows Rescue/Reboot disk and go to command prompt and do an fdisk
/mbr and then re-install lilo. But I've caused myself some extreme pain
mucking with the mbr on a guess. I've ran Linux servers for a couple of years
now, but setting up a dual-boot and making a desktop system is almost another

Regards and thanks for any assist.

Jeff Hill

Andrei Ivanov wrote:

 Are you using exactly the same setup as before?
 Also, make sure that lilo actually runs without any warnings/errors.
  Andrei S. Ivanov

Khalid EZZARAOUI wrote:

 Jeff Hill wrote:
  After re-installing Windows95 on a dual-boot set-up, the machine
  now boots directly to Windows. I tried booting to Debian from
  floppy and then re-installing lilo, but that didn't help --
  machine still goes directly to Windows. I think I need to mess
  with the MBR, but not certain how to proceed.
  Any suggestions appreciated.

 just to be sure:
 do you set your bios to boot on disk ?


*   HR On-Line:  The Network for Workplace Issues   
** Ph:416-604-7251 -- Fax:416-604-4708 ** **

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