Re: registrarse

1999-06-07 Thread Miquel
El sáb, jun 05, 1999 at 03:36:27 +0200 Andres Herrera va dir:

 On Fri, Jun 04, 1999 at 02:08:30AM +0200, Miquel wrote:
  he visto que alguna gente pone en su firma que es usuario registrado de 
  ¿qué sentido tiene registrarse?
 Mas que nada es para tener referencias de la cantidad de usuarios de Linux
 que hay. Ademas, el pinguinito con tu numero de registro queda bonito :)

¿y dónde se hace el registro?



Xlib: connection to :0.0

1999-06-07 Thread Miguelon
Hola a todos, tengo un problema al iniciar aplicaciones en el entorno de
ventanas X; varias aplicaciones me generan el mismo mensaje de error:
Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused by server
Xlib: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key
Cound not connect to X server named ':0.0'
Y no se inicia, ¿sabría alguno de vosotros el por qué de tales mensajes de
error? Gracias

Re: registrarse

1999-06-07 Thread Raul Perez Justicia
 ¿y dónde se hace el registro?

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: fortunes

1999-06-07 Thread Fernando
Correcaminos wrote:
 de Fernando el Tue, Jun 01, 1999 a las 01:00:56PM +0200
 El Tue, Jun 01, 1999 a las 01:00:56PM +0200, Fernando dijo:
  Alguien sabe si existen fortunes en castellano.
 Urko Lusa Oiza se curró, por allá por el 97, un programita gracioso
 que llamó 'chorradas'. No lo he vuelto a localizar desde entonces :-(
 Resulta simpático y tienes varios miles de citas y gráficos en modo
 Si alguien lo quiere, que me lo comente...

Hola de nuevo:

Siempre me ha parecido muy agradable que al iniciar una sesión
aparezcan este tipo de frases celebres, graciosas o ingeniosas,
y me extrañó que no existiera un paquete con frases en castellano.
He mirado en la web de Debian y no aparece ningun fortunes-es.

¿Sabe alguien si hay algun proyecto para hacerlo?


   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.


1999-06-07 Thread Eladio A. Maqueda
Alguien ha probado a montar cuentas de usuarios en qpopper, sin 
que tengan cuentas shell?

Dice la documentación que sólo es necesario crear los ficheros 
/etc/popper.allow y /etc/popper.deny Luego es suficiente ejecutar 
popauth -init e inicia la BD de usuarios (no se comenta dónde en 
debian) y para crear usuarios popauth -user nombre_usuario

Todo bien pero cuando hago la conexión vía pop no funciona.

Alguien sabe algo más, o al menos donde buscar sobre el qpopper 
que trae debian?

Muchas gracias  

Eladio A. Maqueda Gil  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Informática Municipal  Tlfno: +34 924246611
Diputación de Badajoz  Fax: +34 924255843
Avda. Tomás Romero de Castilla 4
06011 Badajoz  Registered user linux  52335

Re: Qpopper

1999-06-07 Thread Ramiro Alba
Eladio A. Maqueda wrote:
 Alguien ha probado a montar cuentas de usuarios en qpopper, sin
 que tengan cuentas shell?
 Dice la documentación que sólo es necesario crear los ficheros
 /etc/popper.allow y /etc/popper.deny Luego es suficiente ejecutar
 popauth -init e inicia la BD de usuarios (no se comenta dónde en
 debian) y para crear usuarios popauth -user nombre_usuario
 Todo bien pero cuando hago la conexión vía pop no funciona.
 Alguien sabe algo más, o al menos donde buscar sobre el qpopper
 que trae debian?
 Muchas gracias
 Eladio A. Maqueda Gil  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Informática Municipal  Tlfno: +34 924246611
 Diputación de Badajoz  Fax: +34 924255843
 Avda. Tomás Romero de Castilla 4
 06011 Badajoz  Registered user linux  52335
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Yo lo hice con ipopd y luego en el /etc/passwd:


Ningun problema


Ramiro Alba
Laboratori de Termotecnia i Energetica

Departament de Maquines i Motors Termics
ETS d'Enginyers Industrials de Terrassa

C/Colom 11

Tf: 34 - 93 739 82 43
Fax: 34 - 93 739 81 01



1999-06-07 Thread Ángel Carrasco
Hola a todos,

Estoy intentado configurar un servidor radius en Slink con lso dos paquetes
que viene. Yo soy muy novato. Alguien me podría informar sobre cómo
configurarlo lo mínimo o dónde poderme leerme algún howto al respecto.

Un saludo. Angel

Muchas gracias por las respuestas

1999-06-07 Thread Juan C. Amengual
Hola a tod*s:

Escribo este e-mail a la lista para agradecer públicamente a Enzo Dari,
David Reviejo y Xose Manoel Ramos por sus rápidas contestaciones a mis
preguntas. El xmcd es una pasada ... ¡me encanta! En cuanto a las
preguntas sobre el WindowMaker, perdonad mi poca paciencia. Me leí el
documento postscript que viene en la Slink, pero nada más ... ahora ya
conozco el menú de atributos para las ventanas. Muchas gracias. Me
encanta este gestor de ventanas.


UNIVERSIDAD JAUME I your back was turned,
DEPARTAMENTO DE INFORMÁTICA curled like an embryo.
CASTELLON, 12071. will be kissed
Phone: +34 964 728361   again.
Fax: +34 964 728435 Rober Smith (The Cure)
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   - Cold, Pornography, 1982, Fiction Rec. -

xmcd no despierta el módulo de sonido ( Era: Re: Muchas gracias por las respuestas)

1999-06-07 Thread Agustín Martín
Juan C. Amengual wrote:
 Hola a tod*s:
 Escribo este e-mail a la lista para agradecer públicamente a Enzo Dari,
 David Reviejo y Xose Manoel Ramos por sus rápidas contestaciones a mis
 preguntas. El xmcd es una pasada ... ¡me encanta! 

Hablando del xmcd, ¿consigues que te autocargue el módulo de sonido?. En
mi caso no lo hace y sin embargo otras cosas como xplaycd o saytime sí
lo hacen. Es curioso porque si lo pongo a cargar en el arranque todo va
bien, y lo mismo si el módulo de sonido se autocarga alguna vez (p.ej.,
con saytime o xplaycd). Una vez que se ha {auto}cargado una vez, aunque
se descargue, ya me lo autocarga el xmcd correctamente (hasta el
siguiente arranque).

¿Os pasa lo mismo?


Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 


1999-06-07 Thread Antonio Beamud Montero
Como puedo hacer para que emacs me ponga los acentos por defecto al
He probado con 
(setq set-language-environment 'Latin-1)
pero nada, además al intentar leer el correo con emacs, las cabecera se
vuelven ilegibles, mientras que con mutt los leo perfectamente.
¿Alguien me puede ayudar?

Wishlist de paquetes por debianizar

1999-06-07 Thread Daniel H . Perez
Alguien sabe si hay por algun lado una wishlist de paquetes que a la gente
le gustaria ver debianizados?
A ver si de una vez empiezo a hacer algo productivo para la comunidad
debianera :)
Daniel H. Perez
a veces Tango 
Fui lo que crei, soy lo que esta pasando (Charly Garcia)
Linux 2.2.7  Usuario Reg. N. 85920
PGP Public Key 0x520AB058

xman: X Error of failed request: BadPixmap ...

1999-06-07 Thread Juan Leseduarte

Uso Debian 2.1. He observado que xman explota en cuanto intento acceder a
ciertas secciones de las man (4,5,6,7, new) y me muestra un mensaje como éste
en el error estándar:

X Error of failed request:  BadPixmap (invalid Pixmap parameter)
  Major opcode of failed request:  54 (X_FreePixmap)
  Resource id in failed request:  0x0
  Serial number of failed request:  1385
  Current serial number in output stream:  1392

¿Cómo se arregla?


This message was sent by Mutt under Linux

Problema con la RDSI

1999-06-07 Thread jose

 Tengo un 
problema con mi RDSI, es una Teles 16.3c ISA/PNP y realizo todo lo que me dice 
el HOW TO de INSFLUG, pero cuando recompilo el kernel y tiro a reiniciar... me 
la detecta pero cuando pongo el modprobe hisax type=14 protocol=2 io=0x100 
irq=10 pues me dice:
Teles 16.3c Not Installed
Ya no se lo que hacer... lo 
he probado todo, pero aun sigue sin funcionar podriais ayudarme... Si tengo 
que mandar ms informacin decirmelo. TEngo el kernel 2.0.36 y le 
he puesto las isdn.tar.gz nuevas de SuSe, ya me contais


Re: Manual de Instalação - Sombra x Escondida

1999-06-07 Thread Fernando Cesar Carreira
Alexander Gieg wrote:
 Sugiro oculta, pois a pronuncia fica melhor: senha oculta, arquivo
 de senhas ocultas. Pelo menos, e' menos pior do que senha
 escondida... ;-)

Oi Pessoal

Estou somente escutando essa conversa de traducao de documentos do (a)
Debian (essa eh uma pergunta que faco: qual o genero da palavra Debian ?
Eu concordo com a Debian - viria de a distribuicao Debian) e na
minha opiniao eu sugiro senhas ocultas ou senhas protegidas.


Re: Manual de Instalação - Sombra x Escondida

1999-06-07 Thread Itamar
Entre as duas eu prefiro escondida, mas lanço a sugestão de obscura,
pois assim acho que transmite mais a idéia da função que as shadowed
passwords deveriam passar.

Desculpe se ao invés de ajudar atrapalhei ;-)
Queria poder ajud'-los com isto, mas ando mito sem tempo.


 Este tema é referenta a tradução da palavra shadow (shadow passwords mais 
 Na tradução do manual de instalação, optei por sombra, e Paulo Henrique 
 Baptista sugeriu a troca por Escondida.
 Qual é a opinião do grupo? qual é o termo mais popular para ser colocado no 
 manual de instalação, supondo que esta lista seja
 democrática, então qual a opinião de voces? e porque?
 Aguardo opiniões
 MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil!
 Use você também!
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Sombra x Escondida

1999-06-07 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
É acho oculta realmente melhor.
Como nao pensei nisso antes? :)
Quoting Alexander Gieg ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 'As 11:03 de 6 Jun 99, [EMAIL PROTECTED] enviou o texto que respondo
  Este tema é referenta a tradução da palavra shadow (shadow passwords mais
  Na tradução do manual de instalação, optei por sombra, e Paulo Henrique
  Baptista sugeriu a troca por Escondida.
  Qual é a opinião do grupo? qual é o termo mais popular para ser colocado
  no manual de instalação, supondo que esta lista seja democrática, então
  qual a opinião de voces? e porque?
 Sugiro oculta, pois a pronuncia fica melhor: senha oculta, arquivo 
 de senhas ocultas. Pelo menos, e' menos pior do que senha 
 escondida... ;-)
 O que nao faz muito sentido em portugues e' senha sombra, ou senha 
 []'s Alexander Gieg
 Alexander GiegSao Paulo / Brazil
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ: 2200285   Nick: AlexG
 Amados, nao deis credito a qualquer Espirito: antes, provai
 os Espiritos se procedem de Deus. (1 Joao 4:1)
 - Leia: O Livro dos Espiritos, de Allan Kardec
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact


1999-06-07 Thread Leandro Dutra
Espero que isso não seja considerado fora do tema... se for, perdões
mas me indiquem uma lista mais adequada!

Estou ajudando a revisar a tradução do Brave GNU World.  Apareceu
um termo em Inglês para o qual não encontrei uma tradução razoável: token,
no caso o assunto era criptografia.  Nos dicionários dá símbolo, marca,
sinal, até ficha ou bastão!  Existe uma palavra portuguesa em uso, ou vai
token mesmo?

Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs (Brasil) Ltda

Re: Traduções

1999-06-07 Thread Nuno Miguel Fernandes Sucena Almeida
On Mon, 7 Jun 1999, Leandro Dutra wrote:

   Estou ajudando a revisar a tradu??o do Brave GNU World.  Apareceu
 um termo em Ingl?s para o qual n?o encontrei uma tradu??o razo?vel: token,

Bom dia,

por ca' em termos de redes ( por exemplo Token Ring ), o termo
token e' traduzido como testemunho. Passagem de testemunho no caso de
token ring, token bus...como nas corridas tb ;)
CT1FOX CQG9304 @ 80m, 40m, 20m, 17m, 12m, 11m , 10m

Re: O q pode ser traduzido

1999-06-07 Thread Thiago Jung Bauermann
On Sun, Jun 06, 1999 at 06:53:45PM +, Gleydson wrote:

 Seria interessante a tradução de documentos já prontos ou
 prontos/em revisão, que tem maior parte do seu objetivo
 atingido, muitos documentos na página manuais existentes e
 sugeridos estão ainda em fase de desenvolvimento em alguns
 sendo planejados.

Imaginei q seria interessante se pudéssemos ajudar no próprio
desenvolvimento desses documentos ao invés de iniciar outros, 
como estava sendo sugerido nesta lista... Mas concordo q é mais
produtivo iniciarmos pela tradução dos q já estão prontos.

 Os dois acima estão de acordo com os termos da distribuição 
 Debian. Quanto ao Linux Magazines, ele é formado por matérias 
 das revistas Linuz Gazette, Pluto Journal, L'Echo de Linux
 (descrito na página), é necessário verificar a sua licença e
 direitos autorais antes de iniciar qualquer tradução.

Acho q seria muito trabalho traduzir todas essas revistas,
afinal elas estão em constante desenvolvimento. :-)

Se o pessoal achar q vale a pena, sugiro começar pela tradução
da revista LinuxFocus (, q merece esse
serviço justamente por ter como objetivo a disponibilidade em
várias línguas.

 Os outros documentos estão muito imcompletos, é preferivel
 entrar na tradução de um documento já desenvolvido do que passar 3 meses (ou 
 mais) fazendo alterações na tradução de um documento que ainda está sendo 
 desenvolvido, que ocorre com muita frequencia.

Sim. A idéia de ajudar no desenvolvimento desses documentos fica pro
futuro então.

 Quem se candidata a iniciar a tradução destes?

Eu gostaria de participar na tradução da Debian GNU/Linux FAQ, mas acho
q não sou indicado para coordenar o trabalho...
  Thiago Jung Bauermann  Encrypted mail preferred
 Fingerprint = B015 5564 7EAB 6501 72E7  7FE2 A767 6DDA 7ECE 4E0F
   Send mail with get-key (no quotes) as subject to get my key

Description: PGP signature

Re: O q pode ser traduzido (off-topic)

1999-06-07 Thread Lalo Martins
Quero mais uma vez pedir desculpas por ter sonhado com esse
projeto por dois anos e agora não ter tempo de participar mais
ativamente :-)

On Sun, Jun 06, 1999 at 02:01:32PM -0300, Thiago Jung Bauermann wrote:
 faltando apenas traduzir o termo RTFM. :-)

LAMM - Leia A Maravilha do Manual ;-)

  I am Lalo of deB-org. You will be freed.
 Resistance is futile.  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pgp key in the web page

Debian GNU/Linux   --

Re: Traduções

1999-06-07 Thread Lalo Martins
On Mon, Jun 07, 1999 at 09:16:51AM -0300, Leandro Dutra wrote:
   Espero que isso não seja considerado fora do tema... se for, perdões
 mas me indiquem uma lista mais adequada!
   Estou ajudando a revisar a tradução do Brave GNU World.  Apareceu
 um termo em Inglês para o qual não encontrei uma tradução razoável: token,
 no caso o assunto era criptografia.  Nos dicionários dá símbolo, marca,
 sinal, até ficha ou bastão!  Existe uma palavra portuguesa em uso, ou vai
 token mesmo?

Token = algo usado para representar outra coisa.

No sentido de ficha, por exemplo, é usado para representar uma
quantia em dinheiro.

Em informática seria um vocábulo (opinião de programador com
conhecimentos em teoria de linguagens).

  I am Lalo of deB-org. You will be freed.
 Resistance is futile.  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pgp key in the web page

Debian GNU/Linux   --

Re: Traduções

1999-06-07 Thread Rafael Caetano dos Santos
Lalo Martins writes:
  Estou ajudando a revisar a tradução do Brave GNU World.  Apareceu
  um termo em Inglês para o qual não encontrei uma tradução razoável: token,
  no caso o assunto era criptografia.  Nos dicionários dá símbolo, marca,
  sinal, até ficha ou bastão!  Existe uma palavra portuguesa em uso, ou vai
  token mesmo?
 Token =algo usado para representar outra coisa 

algo usado para representar outra coisa = símbolo. ;-)

Mas talvez possa ser mantido como token.

Rafael Caetano [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: O q pode ser traduzido [Atualizacao da pagina]

1999-06-07 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
eu atualizei a página (A Debian em Português --, colocando links para projetos
semelhantes e mais documentação que precisaria ser traduzida como sugeriram.
Seria o caso de cada um que está interessado em ajudar, procurar os manuais
que tem na página indicado e ver o que está mais a fim de ajudar ou tem mais
experiência. Não precisa ser o manual sozinho.
E mandar um e-mail para a lista, dizendo o que quer pegar.
Aí é só começar.
Quoting Thiago Jung Bauermann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Sun, Jun 06, 1999 at 06:53:45PM +, Gleydson wrote:
  Seria interessante a tradução de documentos já prontos ou
  prontos/em revisão, que tem maior parte do seu objetivo
  atingido, muitos documentos na página manuais existentes e
  sugeridos estão ainda em fase de desenvolvimento em alguns
  sendo planejados.
 Imaginei q seria interessante se pudéssemos ajudar no próprio
 desenvolvimento desses documentos ao invés de iniciar outros, 
 como estava sendo sugerido nesta lista... Mas concordo q é mais
 produtivo iniciarmos pela tradução dos q já estão prontos.
  Os dois acima estão de acordo com os termos da distribuição 
  Debian. Quanto ao Linux Magazines, ele é formado por matérias 
  das revistas Linuz Gazette, Pluto Journal, L'Echo de Linux
  (descrito na página), é necessário verificar a sua licença e
  direitos autorais antes de iniciar qualquer tradução.
 Acho q seria muito trabalho traduzir todas essas revistas,
 afinal elas estão em constante desenvolvimento. :-)
 Se o pessoal achar q vale a pena, sugiro começar pela tradução
 da revista LinuxFocus (, q merece esse
 serviço justamente por ter como objetivo a disponibilidade em
 várias línguas.
  Os outros documentos estão muito imcompletos, é preferivel
  entrar na tradução de um documento já desenvolvido do que passar 3 meses 
  (ou mais) fazendo alterações na tradução de um documento que ainda está 
  sendo desenvolvido, que ocorre com muita frequencia.
 Sim. A idéia de ajudar no desenvolvimento desses documentos fica pro
 futuro então.
  Quem se candidata a iniciar a tradução destes?
 Eu gostaria de participar na tradução da Debian GNU/Linux FAQ, mas acho
 q não sou indicado para coordenar o trabalho...
   Thiago Jung Bauermann  Encrypted mail preferred
  Fingerprint = B015 5564 7EAB 6501 72E7  7FE2 A767 6DDA 7ECE 4E0F
Send mail with get-key (no quotes) as subject to get my key


1999-06-07 Thread Adriano Freitas

Eu tenho uma sugestão...

poderiamos trabalhar com cvs...

Como os arquivos que precisam de tradução são muito grandes, eu estava
pensando em agente ir traduzindo capítulos e ir colocando a disposição
em um cvs, daí cada um ia vendo o que estava faltando e ia enviando para

Quando ao shadow.. eu acharia melhor senhas ocultas.


Re: Traduções.... [CVS]

1999-06-07 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
A gente usou o cvs para traduzir os boot-floppies, mas nao deu muito
certo nao. Um traduzia o que o outra ja tinha produzido.
Voces podem usar o nosso servidor de CVS que ja esta a pagina...
Quoting Adriano Freitas ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
   Eu tenho uma sugestão...
   poderiamos trabalhar com cvs...
   Como os arquivos que precisam de tradução são muito grandes, eu estava
 pensando em agente ir traduzindo capítulos e ir colocando a disposição
 em um cvs, daí cada um ia vendo o que estava faltando e ia enviando para
   Quando ao shadow.. eu acharia melhor senhas ocultas.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

FAQ da Debian (era: O q pode ser traduzido [Atualizacao da

1999-06-07 Thread Rafael Caetano dos Santos

Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira writes:
   eu atualizei a página (A Debian em Português --, colocando links para projetos
 semelhantes e mais documentação que precisaria ser traduzida como sugeriram.
 Seria o caso de cada um que está interessado em ajudar, procurar os manuais
 que tem na página indicado e ver o que está mais a fim de ajudar ou tem mais
 experiência. Não precisa ser o manual sozinho.
   E mandar um e-mail para a lista, dizendo o que quer pegar.

Então eu e o Thiago vamos traduzir o FAQ, ok?
Eu combino com ele como vamos fazer (acho que CVS, p. ex., é

A princípio, acho que 2 pessoas são suficientes -- o FAQ não é tão grande

Rafael Caetano [EMAIL PROTECTED]


1999-06-07 Thread Alec Smith
Is there a way to go about making NFS connections (automatically) after
the card manager is started for PCMCIA network adapters? I'd like to avoid
having to do a mount -a as root before I can start working. Configuration
is basically a complete Potato install.

re: Stallion Brumby drivers/utils

1999-06-07 Thread debian
I download the Stallion utils on the Stallion homesite, but the utils don't
all compile on debian. The one I most interested in is the stlstats (which
shows port statistics)

Anyone manage to get that compiled?

re: $HOME/Maildir

1999-06-07 Thread debian
Where do I find patches for Pine to use $HOME/Maildir delivery. Also where
can I get a IMAPD as well..

My MTA is qmail, and my pop3d is the qmail-pop3d,

I'd like to install a patched pine to use Maildir, and then also install an
IMAPD as well..


Re: XDM problems

1999-06-07 Thread Adam Rice
Quoting Chris Flipse ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Currenty running XFree86 using the s3v server.

Try using the SVGA server instead... it's supposed to be less buggy. From
what I've read, the s3v server will be going away in future anyway.

Having said that, I get intermittent crashes on exitting the X server too.
Were I feeling charitable, I would say the Virge hardware has a problem
switching back to text mode.

What you *can* do is use a 2.2 kernel with the Magic SysRq feature turned
on, and then you can kill processes, unmount your filesystems, sync and reboot
cleanly. Otherwise you're stuck with the wait-for-flush-then-press-RESET
lark, which is no fun at all.

Adam Rice -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Blackburn, Lancashire, England

Alsa and sb16. No go.

1999-06-07 Thread Brendon Baumgartner
Here is the error ...

viper:~# /etc/init.d/alsa start
Starting sound driver: snd-sb16 /lib/modules/2.2.9/sound/isapnp.o:
init_module: Device or resource busy
snd-sb-dsp: No such file or directory

The file /lib/modules/2.2.9/sound/isapnp.o exists. I compiled the kernel
with module sound support and thats all. No card or anything selected. I
also compiled and isntalled the alsa modules. I ran alsaconfig. I'm not
getting anywhere though. I'm not even sure where to look. Anyone have a good


lilo Booting problem..

1999-06-07 Thread Gareth
G'day all,
I have a machine running redhat that I am about to upgrade rebuild as a
debian system. 
I have been having a problem booting and was wondering if I could
find a solution to implement when I change to debian.

There are only  SCSI disks 
/dev/sda2 900833  735118   119175 86%   /
/dev/sdc18595876 5910768  2239306 73%   /home/u3
/dev/sda1 100118   1459480354 15%   /var/spool
/dev/sdb1 598634  364658   203053 64%   /home/www
I am currently booting from the floppy as when it tries to boot from one
of the HD's it locks up at LILO

I see LI on the screen and it freezes (which as I understand it means that
it failed to load the secondary boot record)

Now the other weird thing is in an attempt to diagnose this problem I used
fdisk and lilo to change all the partions to be non bootable and not
have a LILO boot record but it still does the same thing even though there
are no bootable partions and no partions with a LILO signature
Then I made /dev/sda2 bootable again and still the same error!!

I know the 9Gig disk might cause trouble but its not booting from it so it
should be ok (is this correct?).

Does anyone have any ideas on how to get it booting from a HD???

Thanks in advance for any help.


Re: X windows manager?

1999-06-07 Thread wen
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Fu-Dong Chiou)
Subject: X windows manager?
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 06:20:06 -0400 (EDT)

chioufd Hi,
chioufd I finally get an X server to run, but still seem to have a lot to work 
chioufd out.  It seems that I am assigned a windows manager (or none at all) 
chioufd is not so desirable.  The xterminal in X has no title bar, so the 
chioufd cannot be dragged and moved.  I tried to copy .xinitrc under the home 
chioufd directory, and tried to assign fvwm95 as the windows manager, but it 
chioufd didn't seem to work.  Would appreciate any help.

Please put /usr/X11R6/bin/fvwm95 on the first line in the file
`window-managers'in /etc/X11 directory.

Good luck!

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  http:/
Key fingerprint = 78 95 39 50 C9 C4 B0 9B  C1 44 3C 59 15 8F 72 E0

PPP problem

1999-06-07 Thread ktb
I've installed Hamm on an old 486 via floppy and I'm trying to get a
connection to the net.  I installed a new modem Zoom 56k model 2819A.  I
ran pppconfig.  When I try to dial out this is what /var/log/ppp.log

Jun  6 09:40:50 www pppd[222]: pppd 2.3.5 started by root, uid 0
Jun  6 09:40:51 www chat[223]: abort on (BUSY)
Jun  6 09:40:51 www chat[223]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
Jun  6 09:40:51 www chat[223]: abort on (VOICE)
Jun  6 09:40:51 www chat[223]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
Jun  6 09:40:51 www chat[223]: abort on (NO ANSWER)
Jun  6 09:40:51 www chat[223]: send (ATZ^M)
Jun  6 09:40:51 www chat[223]: expect (OK)
Jun  6 09:40:51 www chat[223]: ATZ^M^M
Jun  6 09:40:51 www chat[223]: _K^M  *This line sometimes says ^?[^M*
Jun  6 09:40:51 www chat[222]: Terminating on signal 15
Jun  6 09:40:51 www chat[222]: Connection script failed
Jun  6 09:40:51 www chat[223]: SIGTERM
Jun  6 09:40:51 www chat[222]: Exit

Mostly I don't get any sound out to the modem speaker but a couple of
times I heard the modem try to dial.  I believe when it did that this
was logged:

chat[207]: expect (CONNECT)
 : ^M
 : ATDT55?^M^M  *The number is made up but the ? was
 : C^?NNECT 115200^M
 : _e|c^?^?e t^? I~ter~ut ^ubra^?^?a^M
 : ^M
 : T^?pe INFO at the pr^?^?pt f^?r ^?^b^?cripti^?^?
 : ^M
 : alarm
 : Failed
 : Connect script failed

I've copied much of this by hand so the times above aren't accurate and
this is somewhat abbreviated.  The modem was sent to me by mistake and
the company said they would send a UPS person to pick it up so I decided
to use it.  Possibly the modem may be bad or maybe it is me:)  I could
use some help in figuring this out.

Re: Sony Vaio

1999-06-07 Thread Jens K. Olsen
David Welton wrote:

 Hi, looking for information on getting Debian going on a Sony Vaio.
 Any information would be helpful.  A friend managed to do it, but it
 was rather tricky...

I have a SONY VAIO PCG505G with Debian on it running like a dream. Installation
wasn't too difficult.
What kind of information are you looking for?
n:OLSEN;Jens K.
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Technical Manager
fn:Jens K. OLSEN

Re: tetex weirdness

1999-06-07 Thread Robert . King
On Sun, 6 Jun 1999, Wojciech Zabolotny wrote:
 On Sat, Jun 05, 1999 at 02:23:13PM -0500, Joseph Chung wrote:
  I use TeX primarily for lilypond music typesetting. Ever since the upgrade
  from hamm to slink, I've been frustrated with tetex. Does creating the ls-R
  database really need to take 30 minutes on a K6-2/333? Does xdvi really need
  to take 15 minutes to pop up? Anytime I try to do anything with tetex,
  kpsewhich is eating 98.6% of CPU for 20 minutes. Did I screw up the install 
or is this normal behavior for tetex?
 For me it seems that in your tetex installation the generated fonts are not
 kept, and are generated again and again everytime you run it. I don't know
 what can be the reason of such behavior :-(. 

I'm not sure about this, but one possible cause of the problem is that the
user doing the TeXing doesn't have write permission in the directories
where metafont is trying to write.

You may be missing this information if lilypond produces the metafont errors
somewhere where you aren't looking.


Robert King, Australian Environmental Studies, Griffith University, Australia
3875 6677   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This library is open one hour each fortnight.  No book shall leave these 
 premises. We have sworn it with an oath!
 -- Library of King Ashurbanipal, Babylon, ca. 3000 BC. 

Re: ...

1999-06-07 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

On Sun, 6 Jun 1999, Hartmut Figge wrote:

 ... should allow to customize communicator/netscape.
 a quick test in one of mine parallel-linuxes:
 Open Page... - Open the Page... (search and replace, 2 occurences)
 gives the expected change in the File menu of the communicator.
 but not in slink.

This is more an X specific thing.  You need to tell X where to look for
window class-specific resources.  Copy /usr/lib/netscape/ to
~/.my_app_defaults/Netscape and edit the file to suit your tastes.  Then
set your XAPPLRESDIR environment variable to point to ~/.my_app_defaults.
Netscape will look at that file if you run it now.  Note that you should
remove all resources from the file except the ones that you're modifying.
The entire file needs to be parsed at startup, and if the file is huge, it
will take much longer.

There are other ways to do this on a system-wide scale...they involve
different environment variable (XUSERFILESEARCHPATH and XFILESEARCHPATH, I
seem to recall).  I don't really remember how to do this; it's been a
while.  Unfortunately, tweaking X app-default files is a dying art, since
none of todays popular X widget sets use the X resource database (Qt,
GTK+, etc).


  PGP public key available at
  or by 'finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]'

  This message was composed in a 100% Microsoft free environment.

Version: 2.6.2


Re: PPP problem

1999-06-07 Thread John Hasler
ktb writes:
 Jun  6 09:40:51 www chat[223]: _K^M 
 : C^?NNECT 115200^M
 : _e|c^?^?e t^? I~ter~ut ^ubra^?^?a^M

What UART does this machine have on the modem port?  If it is not a 16550
you should not accept pppconfig's default speed of 115200.  Run pppconfig
again and set the speed to 57600 or 38400.

John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI


1999-06-07 Thread D'jinnie
This particular device seems to have gone AWOL in my slink install. No
sight of /dev/sndstat either. Are these created when the kernel audio
support is compiled? Somehow, I have my doubts, but I'd appreciate being
enlightened :)

Every program is part of another program, and rarely fits.

D'jinnie/Jinn, encountered on IRC and select MU**. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key
ICQ #2878130 

Trying to configure PPP

1999-06-07 Thread Christensen
I wonder if I have a modem that's not supported by Linux.  After
configuring PPP (this was during the install) it tried to dial, then
displayed the following messages:

/usr/sbin/pppd:  in file /etc/ppp/peers/provider:  unrecognized option
Couldn't establish connection

I have a Gateway PC with an internal Telepath modem (it says it's with
x2 and adheres to ITU-T V.34 recommendations, whatever that means!)
I've had to re-install Windows a few times (and that's why I'm trying
Linux!), and found that the Plug-and-Play software couldn't identify
the modem, so I had to go into the device manager and delete the modem
(it had put it under other devices.)  Then Windows correctly found the
modem under COM2.  Is there some similar process that I have to do under

Peter Christensen

RE: Trying to configure PPP

1999-06-07 Thread Pollywog

On 07-Jun-99 Christensen wrote:
 I wonder if I have a modem that's not supported by Linux.  After
 configuring PPP (this was during the install) it tried to dial, then
 displayed the following messages:
 /usr/sbin/pppd:  in file /etc/ppp/peers/provider:  unrecognized option
 Couldn't establish connection

Try using wvdial to find out what the device name is for your modem.
It is probably not /dev/modem and might be /dev/ttyS0 or something similar.
On my system, /dev/modem was erroneously linked to my mouse.


Re: /dev/audio

1999-06-07 Thread D'jinnie
Never mind. It helps to go through old emails first before you post. I
just don't understand why stuff like that is not created right away...

... After all, all he did was string together a lot of old, well-known
-- H. L. Mencken, on Shakespeare

D'jinnie/Jinn, encountered on IRC and select MU**. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key
ICQ #2878130 

Bigbrother question

1999-06-07 Thread Christian Dysthe

I have installed the Bigbrother deb, but after having spent hourrs trying to
figure this out I give up and ask here instead.

What I wonder is how I make manual page and html history work? I am trying
to set the path statements in the files that go in cgi-bin, but no go! I just
can't get this to work at all. What am I missing? When I click on the submit
button for the maual page Netscape tries to download the script. Maybe someone
could email me a working and file so that I can see how
this is supposed to be done on a Debian system? 

I am a sort of a Linux newbie, and setting BBHOME and BBWEB seems impossible
for me to do right.


Christian Dysthe
ICQ 3945810
Date: 06-Jun-99
Time: 23:10:51
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

   Clones are people two

libc or ummm... basic dpkg questions

1999-06-07 Thread Aaron Solochek
Ok, I am currently using libc2.0 and I'm wonding two things 1) would
upgrading to 2.1 really mess up my system?  Are many apps apt to not
like 2.1?  and 2)using dpkg, how can I upgrade to 2.1?  I can't just -i
it because it gives me a message that its conflicting with 2.0, duh, and
I can't uninstall it because I've never done that outside of dselect
before, and within dselect it then wants to remove everyhing dependent
on it.  Am I screwed?

-Aaron Solochek

Module screwups after kernel build

1999-06-07 Thread Ron Hale-Evans
Good people--

I built a 2.0.36 kernel today so I could have SCSI support, among other
things. In fact, I did it a few times. Each time, I found that I had lost
support for my NE2000 Ethernet card, which I had previously installed with
modconf. When I ran modconf again, there was hardly anything there, just an
option called dummy. (No comments, please.)

I copied ne.o and 8390.o from /lib/modules/2.0.36.old/net (I had previously
build 2.0.36.old as a backup directory) to /lib/modules/2.0.36/net (the
current modules location). modconf worked, ifconfig worked, I was on the
Net again, but now I get these messages at bootup or when I do depmod -a,
even after update-modules:

/lib/modules/2.0.36/net/8390.o: unresolved symbol(s)
/lib/modules/2.0.36/net/ne.o: unresolved symbol(s)

I've been through the archives of this list and seen that many people have
had similar problems, but people usually tell them to do depmod -a or
something, which doesn't work for me.

Any thoughts?


Ron H-E
 Center for Ludic Synergy  Kennexions Glass Bead Game
   Hexagram-8 I Ching Mailing List  State-Specific Sciences List 
Positive Revolution FAQ

Re: Module screwups after kernel build

1999-06-07 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 6 Jun 1999 21:33:07 -0700, Ron Hale-Evans wrote:

Any thoughts?

make modules
make modules_install

- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- ---+-

Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc


Setting IRQs for PCI cards without pciutils?

1999-06-07 Thread Ron Hale-Evans
I'm having an IRQ conflict and would like to soft-set one of my PCI cards
to a different IRQ. Unfortunately, it seems that pciutils will only run
with kernels = 2.1.

I just spent the day compiling various versions of the 2.0.36 kernel and
really don't want to mess with 2.2. (I did once before -- and, long story,
but they don't call the unstable distribution unstable for nothing...)

Any thoughts on how to set my PCI card's IRQ from software in slink?
apropos pci only brings up pages on pciutils.

Many thanks

Ron H-E

 Center for Ludic Synergy  Kennexions Glass Bead Game
   Hexagram-8 I Ching Mailing List  State-Specific Sciences List 
Positive Revolution FAQ

mail server cofiguration.

1999-06-07 Thread Sheikh Ijaz Ahmed
Dear Sir,
I want to establish a server just for email exchange and I am already a
Internet Service Provider, so I want to configure my server for both
internet browsing and email only services. is this possible that I give
the email only connections to users that they cant access browsing.
I have to place another computer for such purpose if yes then please
help me to configure it for this service, I can give it direct online
access through HUB .

Thanks and oblige.

Sh Ijaz Ahmed.
Space Net, Sialkot.

Re: Setting IRQs for PCI cards without pciutils?

1999-06-07 Thread Brad
On Sun, 6 Jun 1999, Ron Hale-Evans wrote:

 I just spent the day compiling various versions of the 2.0.36 kernel and
 really don't want to mess with 2.2. (I did once before -- and, long story,
 but they don't call the unstable distribution unstable for nothing...)

Kernel versions 2.2.x are supposed to be stable. You can't use the Debian
packaged 2.2 kernels with slink, but you can very easily recompile from
source [debs]...

mail server configuration.

1999-06-07 Thread Sheikh Ijaz Ahmed
Dear Sir,
I want to establish a server just for email exchange and I am already a
Internet Service Provider, so I want to configure my server for both
internet browsing and email only services. is this possible that I give
the email only connections to users that they cant access browsing.
I have to place another computer for such purpose if yes then please
help me to configure it for this service, I can give it direct online
access through HUB .I have Linux RedHat 5.2 for authentication...

Thanks and oblige.

Sh Ijaz Ahmed.
Space Net, Sialkot.

Re: Module screwups after kernel build

1999-06-07 Thread Brad
On Sun, 6 Jun 1999, Ron Hale-Evans wrote:

 Good people--
 I built a 2.0.36 kernel today so I could have SCSI support, among other
 things. In fact, I did it a few times. Each time, I found that I had lost
 support for my NE2000 Ethernet card, which I had previously installed with
 modconf. When I ran modconf again, there was hardly anything there, just an
 option called dummy. (No comments, please.)

 Any thoughts?

Sanity check: you did remember to select the module when you configured
the kernel? Note that, in section Network device support you need to
enable Network device support, then Ethernet (10 or 100Mbit), then
Other ISA cards, in order to get to NE2000/NE1000 ISA support which
makes the module ne.o (and 8390.o if it's not already included for
something else).

modconf only shows the available modules. With the Debian prepackaged
kernels, they include a lot of modules so that a greater number of people
can use the package. When you build your own, you only include what you
need and therefore the modconf list is much shorter.

Efax: can't rename lockfile ...

1999-06-07 Thread Johann Spies at Johann
I have posted this question before last week, but did not get any
replies.  So forgive me for trying again.  I still could not solve the
problem even after removing efax and resinstalling a newer version.

I never had this problem with efax before:
$ fax send 426191 is postscript...
efax: Thu Jun  3 16:01:09 1999 efax v 0.8a (Debian release 08a-4)
Copyright 1996 Ed Casas
efax: 01:09 Warning: local ID (0331-461310) has non-standard characters
efax: 01:09 removed stale lock /var/lock/LCK..ttyS1 from pid 1249
efax: 01:09 Error: can't rename lock file TMP..01274 to : No such file or
efax: 01:09 failed -
efax: 01:09 failed -
efax: 01:09 failed -
efax: 01:09 failed -
efax: 01:09 done, returning 2
There were errors (see 0603160109.log).
How do I solve this problem?



| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the 
  end it leads to death.   
Proverbs 16:25 


1999-06-07 Thread debian
PIIX controller support is lacking in 2.2.x kernels.. I tried various
options and suggestions from others in this list, and no luck.

Anyone related to kernel development give me ideas as to why, the PIIX
controllers do not detect as well on new kernels, and why the menu option in
make menuconfig is gone?


Re: Kernel with APM support.

1999-06-07 Thread Jens K. Olsen
Jean Pierre LeJacq wrote:
 If this a standard Debian distribution you should see a file
 which describes the configuration of the kernel you are
 running.  You can use this file during the configuration
 phase of building a new kernel

I am pretty sure that I have a standard Debian distribution, but I do
not have a file


Instead I have the defconfig in /usr/src from the debian package. Does
this config file contain the defaults of the debian destribution ???begin:vcard 
n:OLSEN;Jens K.
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Technical Manager
fn:Jens K. OLSEN

Re: fetchmail won't work in slink

1999-06-07 Thread Konstantin Kivi
On Sat, Jun 05, 1999 at 06:39:50PM -0500, Jason Loll wrote:
 reading message 1 of 5 (1922 octets) .fetchmail: SMTP listener doesn't like 
 recipient address [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
 fetchmail: can't even send to postmaster!
 fetchmail: SMTP transaction error while fetching from
 fetchmail: Query status=10
 Is there a way to get an recipient address that the SMTP listener will like?

Looks like you have to configure your SMTP
listener to accept mail for localhost
what SMTP listener do you use?

for sendmail add localhost to /etc/mail/
for exim edit exim.conf someware - man exim
for smail - [s]mailconfig will ask you for a list of
acceptable domains


Linux on SUN IPX

1999-06-07 Thread Michel DUPIOL
I would like you to use Debian Linux 2.1 on my old SUN IPX.
If somebody know if it is possible.
Thank's to let me know.
Michel DUPIOL.

Linux on SUN IPX

1999-06-07 Thread Michel DUPIOL
I would like you to use Debian Linux 2.1 on my old SUN IPX.
If somebody know if it is possible.
Thank's to let me know.
Michel DUPIOL.

linux boot troubles

1999-06-07 Thread Ming Hsu
Hi all, have some problems with Linux boot up.  It all started when I was
having major problems in Windows and had to reinstall Windows.  Afterwards,
windows kind of took over lilo and wouldn't show the lilo prompt after I
hold down the shift key anymore.  This has happened before, and I would
just boot Linux off of a disk and run lilo again.  

But this time the disk doesn't work for some reason.  It would start and
say: boot:.  After I type in linux and hit enter, it gives me a boot
failure message.  

What is going on?  Do I have a bad boot disk or something?  

Thanks in advance.


RE: exim receives mail, but won't send it to smarthost

1999-06-07 Thread David Karlin

 -Original Message-
 Of George Bonser
 Sent: Sunday, May 30, 1999 12:13 PM
 To: David Karlin
 Cc: Debian User
 Subject: Re: exim receives mail, but won't send it to smarthost

 You are going to have to provide the reason the main is not delivered that
 is either reported in /var/log/exim/mainlog or /var/log/exim/paniclog.

snippet from /var/log/exim.paniclog:

1999-06-06 22:00:35 10qn7Y-2f-00 SMTP error from remote mailer after
OM: [EMAIL PROTECTED] SIZE=1735: host []: 450
mpagne... Sender domain not compliant with RFC 822, section 6.2.7
1999-06-06 22:00:37 10qn7Y-2f-00 SMTP error from remote mailer after
OM: [EMAIL PROTECTED] SIZE=1735: host []: 450
mpagne... Sender domain not compliant with RFC 822, section 6.2.7
1999-06-06 22:00:39 10qn7Y-2f-00 == [EMAIL PROTECTED] T=remote_smtp defer
SMTP error from remote mailer after MAIL FROM: [EMAIL PROTECTED] SIZE=1735:
host []: 450 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... Sender domain not
t with RFC 822, section 6.2.7

 Most likely this is a result of people with dynamic dialup IP addresses
 attempting to directly deliver their mail. Remote host notices that
 reverse IP lookup and claimed hostname in HELO do not match so it rejects
 your mail. If you are using an ISP and have a dynamic IP dialup account,
 you should be using your ISP's mailhost for outbound mail.

I'd already chosen the smarthost option (#2) in the eximconfig utility.

 Try running eximconfig again and add localhost to your list of other
 domains for which your host recieves mail for.

I'd already specified this in /etc/exim.conf, but I ran eximconfig again
with similar results.

Where do I edit my Sender domain?  Is it in /etc/exim.conf?  If so,
is qualify_domain the appropriate token?



Re: Module screwups after kernel build

1999-06-07 Thread Andreas Voegele
Installing a new kernel is much easier if your are using the


$ su
# cd /usr/src/linux
# make menuconfig
# make-kpkg clean
# make-kpkg --revision `hostname`.1 kernel_image
# dpkg -i ../kernel-image-2.0.36_`hostname`.1_i386.deb

Re: International Business Opportunities

1999-06-07 Thread Raymond A. Ingles
On Sun, 6 Jun 1999, Brad wrote:

 i certainly hope it is! You'd have to ask the mailing list maintainer to
 find out for sure...

 What's the maintainer's address?


 Ray Ingles(248) 377-7735 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Technically, Windows is an operating system, which means that it
  supplies your computer with the basic commands it needs to suddenly,
  with no warning whatsoever, stop operating. - Dave Barry

Re: Configuring Zip Drive

1999-06-07 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 06 Jun 1999, Adilson dos Santos Dantas wrote:
 How can I give Zip Drive support in Linux 2.2.9. When I used monkey
 (kernel 2.0.30), I can load the Zip Drive module using a script that
 unload the printer , load Zip and mount it and another that umount the
 Zip and restoure the printer. But it's not easy to use my Zip Drive in a
 slink with Kernel 2.2.9. At boot time, the ppa drive say that it cannot
 detect the device :(
 I use the following modules:
 But, ppa drive give the error message when it loads but lp module
 connects the printer without any problem. If anyone knows how to config
 kernel 2.2.9 (It can be any kernel 2.2.x) for using  Iomega Zip Drive
 and the pronter at the same port, reply this message.

I'm doing this without problems but I don't use any modules. I simply
complile in all the appropriate items for SCSI + Zip support (can't recall
what they are at the moment) and then make bzImage. In the 2.2.x series
of kernels you can use the Zip drive and the printer transparently; just
plug the printer into the back of the drive and away you go. No need to
load or unload anything. 

You do have the drive plugged in when you boot, don't you?


Anthony Campbell - running Linux Debian 2.1 (Windows-free zone)
Book Reviews:

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on...   - Edward Fitzgerald (Rubaiat of Omar Khayyam)

Mirroring the distributions

1999-06-07 Thread Paul Sargent
Hi all,

I want to set up a site mirror (i.e. one to be used just on this site) of
the stable and unstable distributions. Does anybody have any suggestions on
a nice way of doing this. Does apt have any options for doing this type of
task? Is it practical to have it mirroring from several sites, so if one is



apt problem

1999-06-07 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Hi all,
I have a potato system here at school that I cant upgrade anymore.
When I use apt+dselect and go to install option dselect stops at line:
Correcting dependencies...
and dont go away.
What is wrong?
Thanks, Paulo Henrique

Re: Mirroring the distributions

1999-06-07 Thread eric a. Farris
An excellent discussion of mirroring, along with several scripts, can
be found at .

On  7 Jun, Paul Sargent wrote:
 Hi all,
 I want to set up a site mirror (i.e. one to be used just on this site) of
 the stable and unstable distributions. Does anybody have any suggestions on
 a nice way of doing this. Does apt have any options for doing this type of
 task? Is it practical to have it mirroring from several sites, so if one is

eric Farris  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Microcomputer Support Specialist
Academic Computing
Frostburg State University

This message composed in an MFCE (Microsoft Free Computing Environment)

The moment i let go of it was the moment i got more than i could handle
The moment i jumped off of it was the moment i touched down...

Mouse without gpmconfig?

1999-06-07 Thread ktb
I've been looking in the archives and can't find an answer.  I have Hamm
base installed on an old 486 with only an 80 MB HD.  I would like to get
the mouse working but don't know if I can without gpm.  This is a
console only machine.  The mouse I have is a 9 pin serial.  It has three
buttons and has the words A4 TECK on it.  IF it is possible to get the
mouse working without the gpm package what step do I take to do so?

OT: dual processor question

1999-06-07 Thread Christian Pernegger
Is it true that two Pentium II 400 have to have a same number of some kind
to use them in dual mode. I'd intended to buy a dual board and add a new
proc. to my 400 but someone told me that wouldn't work

Comments appreciated


 -Original Message-
 From: D'jinnie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, June 07, 1999 5:42 AM
 Subject: Re: /dev/audio

 Never mind. It helps to go through old emails first before you post. I
 just don't understand why stuff like that is not created right away...

 ... After all, all he did was string together a lot of old, well-known
 -- H. L. Mencken, on Shakespeare

 D'jinnie/Jinn, encountered on IRC and select MU**. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key
 ICQ #2878130

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: PPP problem

1999-06-07 Thread ktb
John Hasler wrote:
 ktb writes:
  Jun  6 09:40:51 www chat[223]: _K^M
  : C^?NNECT 115200^M
  : _e|c^?^?e t^? I~ter~ut ^ubra^?^?a^M
 What UART does this machine have on the modem port?  If it is not a 16550
 you should not accept pppconfig's default speed of 115200.  Run pppconfig
 again and set the speed to 57600 or 38400.
 John Hasler
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Hasler)
 Dancing Horse Hill
 Elmwood, WI

The UART is 16550A.  I tried changing the UART as you suggested anyway
but nothing.  I'm getting no response from the modem.  I'm thinking the
modem is just bad.  It seems to me that I should at least hear the modem
trying to dial most of the time.  The opposite is true.  I've only heard
it try to dial a couple of times out of the dozens of tries. 

Re: Trying to configure PPP

1999-06-07 Thread John Hasler
Christensen writes:
 I wonder if I have a modem that's not supported by Linux.  After
 configuring PPP

Did you use pppconfig?

 /usr/sbin/pppd:  in file /etc/ppp/peers/provider:  unrecognized option
 Couldn't establish connection

As distributed the ppp package includes a dummy /etc/ppp/peers/provider
whoch contains '/dev/modem'.  This dummy file cannot work and is replaced
by a workable one by pppconfig.

If you have not run pppconfig do so.  If you have post copies of your
/etc/ppp/peers/provider and /etc/chatscripts/provider.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

ssh1.27-1 won't forward X11

1999-06-07 Thread Chanop Silpa-Anan
Since I upgraded ssh from 1.26 to 1.27-1 on potato, ssh won't forward
X11 connection anymore!! I have to downgraded back to 1.26

I think this is a problem with the package.



1999-06-07 Thread Gerhard Kroder
need some help with not propperly working mailfilters...

i' using netscapes for quite a while. since i recieve a lot of email i've
set up some mailfilters in netscapes (currently 4.6 messenger, static
motif), which used to work quite well on previus used pop-server. recently
i switched from an pop-server to an imap-server. now my inbox on imapserver
contains all subdirectorys, lot's of them nested, where mailfilter should
move mails to.

now the problem:
when recieving mailheaders to imap-inbox mail _sometimes_ doesn't get
moved, but stay in inbox. same happens (always) on initial connect to
imapserver. when looking at filterdefinitions it shows wrong move-to
destination, i.e. inbox itself. and trying to set it back to supposed
target-folder won't even show it in the list of avaliable folders. after
workin on (looking in) corrosponding subfolder on imapserver they appear on
list of selectable move-to destination folders in mailfilter-dialoge.

it seems to me like communicator can't handle/remember status of existing

any ideas on how to solve?


my ip-up.d script doesn't work

1999-06-07 Thread Hamish Moffatt
I just freshly reinstalled ppp on one machine here. My
custom script in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d does not work; it
doesn't appear to run. I tested it form the command
line with the named parameters and it worked. Here it is:

# This script is called with the following arguments:
#Arg  Name  Example
#$1   Interface nameppp0
#$2   The tty   ttyS1
#$3   The link speed38400
#$4   Local IP number
#$5   Peer  IP number
#$6   Optional ``ipparam'' valuefoo

# This script routes all of RMIT via the dialup to RMIT, if
# that's where we've just called.

case $4 in
route add -net netmask $1


It appears to have suitable permissions. Any thoughts?

Hamish Moffatt VK3SB (ex-VK3TYD). 
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: Configuring Zip Drive

1999-06-07 Thread Adilson dos Santos Dantas
 On 06 Jun 1999, Adilson dos Santos Dantas wrote:
  How can I give Zip Drive support in Linux
2.2.9. When I used monkey
  (kernel 2.0.30), I can load the Zip Drive
module using a script that
  unload the printer , load Zip and mount it and
another that umount the
  Zip and restoure the printer. But it's not
easy to use my Zip Drive in a
  slink with Kernel 2.2.9. At boot time, the ppa
drive say that it cannot
  detect the device :(
  I use the following modules:
  But, ppa drive give the error message when it
loads but lp module
  connects the printer without any problem. If
anyone knows how to config
  kernel 2.2.9 (It can be any kernel 2.2.x) for
using  Iomega Zip Drive
  and the pronter at the same port, reply this
 I'm doing this without problems but I don't use
any modules. I simply
 complile in all the appropriate items for SCSI +
Zip support (can't recall
 what they are at the moment) and then make
bzImage. In the 2.2.x series
 of kernels you can use the Zip drive and the
printer transparently; just
 plug the printer into the back of the drive and
away you go. No need to
 load or unload anything. 
 You do have the drive plugged in when you boot,
don't you?

The drive is alwyas plugged in when I boot Debian
or Win95 (I have one paralel port (LPT1). I can
access it from monkey and Win95. But I can't acees
the drive from Win95. I'll recomplie the kernel
and try to use the drive without the modules.

Thanks for the help.


Re: my ip-up.d script doesn't work

1999-06-07 Thread Rick Macdonald
On Mon, 7 Jun 1999, Hamish Moffatt wrote:

 I just freshly reinstalled ppp on one machine here. My
 custom script in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d does not work; it
 doesn't appear to run. I tested it form the command

Isn't your filename wrong?

A program or script which is executed when the link
is  available  for sending and receiving IP packets
(that is, IPCP has come up).  It is  executed  with
the parameters

interface-name  tty-device  speed  local-IP-address
remote-IP-address ipparam


KDE packages for slink

1999-06-07 Thread Kristopher Johnson
Last week, I was able to download slink KDE packages via this
/etc/apt/sources.list line:

deb slink rkrusty

However, no longer seems to be responding. And I
tried downloading the .deb's from one of the KDE FTP mirrors, but dpkg
gave me error messages claiming that the CRCs were invalid.

So, my question: where can I get KDE for slink?


Re: Bigbrother question

1999-06-07 Thread John C. Ellingboe
Hey Christian,

I'm sure that you will find some BB users here, but if you send Email
to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message line subscribe bb
(your e-mail address) without the quotes you will be added to the bb
mailing list and get all kinds of info on setting up Big Brother.  You
may also want to go to the bb-dnld area and get version 1.2a since it
is much improved from the 1.08 that is in the .deb file.

John C. Ellingboe

Christian Dysthe wrote:
 I have installed the Bigbrother deb, but after having spent hourrs trying to
 figure this out I give up and ask here instead.
 What I wonder is how I make manual page and html history work? I am trying
 to set the path statements in the files that go in cgi-bin, but no go! I just
 can't get this to work at all. What am I missing? When I click on the submit
 button for the maual page Netscape tries to download the script. Maybe someone
 could email me a working and file so that I can see how
 this is supposed to be done on a Debian system?
 I am a sort of a Linux newbie, and setting BBHOME and BBWEB seems impossible
 for me to do right.
 Christian Dysthe
 ICQ 3945810
 Date: 06-Jun-99
 Time: 23:10:51
 Powered by Debian GNU/Linux
Clones are people two
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/nullbegin:  vcard
fn: John C.  Ellingboe   -   KE4BPW
n:  Ellingboe   -   KE4BPW;John C. 
org:The Guntersville Computer Center
email;internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:  Owner/Admin
x-mozilla-cpt:  ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE

Re: my ip-up.d script doesn't work

1999-06-07 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Mon, Jun 07, 1999 at 07:51:00AM -0600, Rick Macdonald wrote:
 On Mon, 7 Jun 1999, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
  I just freshly reinstalled ppp on one machine here. My
  custom script in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d does not work; it
  doesn't appear to run. I tested it form the command
 Isn't your filename wrong?

But the /etc/ppp/ip-up script calls run-parts on /etc/ppp/ip-up.d,
which should mean that all the scripts in there get run when ip-up runs.
It's done that way so that you can put in separate scripts for everything
to run on connection, eg fetchmail, new routes etc.

Hamish Moffatt VK3SB (ex-VK3TYD). 
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

off topic

1999-06-07 Thread Bob Bernstein

Bob Bernstein   
Esmond, Rhode Island, USA
RMS's curmudgeon-like griping that he didn't like the term Open
Source looked silly to many last year; it's not looking so dumb
today... Christopher B. Browne

Re: OT: dual processor question

1999-06-07 Thread Robert Rati
Yes this is true, to some extent.  YOu have to have two processors with
the same stepping and revision in order to dual-proc them.  I have heard
though, that you can have two processors of different stepping and
revision numbers and still multi-proc them, but your performance may
suffer a little.


On Mon, 7 Jun 1999, Christian Pernegger wrote:

 Is it true that two Pentium II 400 have to have a same number of some kind
 to use them in dual mode. I'd intended to buy a dual board and add a new
 proc. to my 400 but someone told me that wouldn't work
 Comments appreciated
  -Original Message-
  From: D'jinnie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, June 07, 1999 5:42 AM
  Subject: Re: /dev/audio
  Never mind. It helps to go through old emails first before you post. I
  just don't understand why stuff like that is not created right away...
  ... After all, all he did was string together a lot of old, well-known
  -- H. L. Mencken, on Shakespeare
  D'jinnie/Jinn, encountered on IRC and select MU**. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key
  ICQ #2878130
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[EMAIL PROTECTED] : Role-Player, Babylon 5 fanatic  1998-99
Aka Khyron the Backstabber : ICQ# 2325055

Happiness comes in short spurts.  Don't be fooled.

Re: my ip-up.d script doesn't work

1999-06-07 Thread shaleh
 I just freshly reinstalled ppp on one machine here. My
 custom script in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d does not work; it
 doesn't appear to run. I tested it form the command
 line with the named parameters and it worked. Here it is:

Trying adding some echo  file lines to see if and where it dies.

X server for SiS

1999-06-07 Thread Jack Versfeld
I've got a SiS on-board video card using shared memory. When I try 
to run the X servers, everything starts to go wrong. I've tried running 
both the XFree86-SVGA and the XFree86-VGA16 servers, but 
neither works at all. The computer crashes entirely when I start up 
the SVGA server, but the VGA16 server doesn't, but the display is 
terribly corrupted, and I can still Ctrl-Alt-Bksp out of it... I stopped 
gpm, and then tried X again, but still everything didn't work...

Does anyone know where I could find a X server for the SiS. I can't 
remember the chipset now...



Re: my ip-up.d script doesn't work

1999-06-07 Thread shaleh
 On Mon, 7 Jun 1999, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
  I just freshly reinstalled ppp on one machine here. My
  custom script in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d does not work; it
  doesn't appear to run. I tested it form the command
 Isn't your filename wrong?

No, ip-up.d is a directory where you can place scripts and each one will be
run in turn, just like the cron.d and the rc?.d.

   A program or script which is executed when the link
   is  available  for sending and receiving IP packets
   (that is, IPCP has come up).  It is  executed  with
   the parameters
   interface-name  tty-device  speed  local-IP-address
   remote-IP-address ipparam

Re: International Business Opportunities

1999-06-07 Thread Brad
On Mon, 7 Jun 1999,  Raymond A. Ingles wrote:

 On Sun, 6 Jun 1999, Brad wrote:
  i certainly hope it is! You'd have to ask the mailing list maintainer to
  find out for sure...
  What's the maintainer's address?

After about 10 seconds of looking on the Debian website, i found this on
  Spam Fighting Team -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
member Craig Sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
member Alexander Koch [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Looks like a good place to start finding out about the spam situation.

Newbie trouble: How to log on as root

1999-06-07 Thread vw
Hi Debians
I'm a newbie; just managed to boot my 486/66 (28 ram, 540 WD HD) onto Linux
late last night, and all seems to be well and good, only I can't install
anything. Dselect won't let me choose the access method to use (I'm
installing from the dos-partition, because the computer isn't connected to
the internet). 
What dselect does is: loads fine, no errors. When I choose 0 Access
enter it empties the screen and tells me this at the bottom: dselect:
unable to open/create access method lockfile: Permission denied and the
My guess is: 1. I have to be root to do this
2. I could have set something wrong when assigning
privileges to (the one and only) user: me?!
How do I change from user to root when Linux by default asks for my user
password on startup?
Is it possible to change the user-privileges to allow me a large degree of
freedom within the system as user (suppose it is, but how?!)
I can't wait to exterminate my microsoft apps, and I'm really excited about
this, so I'm looking forward to your answers.


Re: ssh1.27-1 won't forward X11

1999-06-07 Thread Paul
On Mon, Jun 07, 1999 at 10:04:03PM +1000, Chanop Silpa-Anan produced the 
 Since I upgraded ssh from 1.26 to 1.27-1 on potato, ssh won't forward
 X11 connection anymore!! I have to downgraded back to 1.26
 I think this is a problem with the package.

Try to compile it from the source, and make sure you enable the X11 forwarding
agent with the configure script. I haven't tried the package yet.


Re: OT: dual processor question

1999-06-07 Thread ktb
I've got three old IBM PS/2 #70s.  There looks to be an extra socket for
a processor on the motherboard.  I don't know if it would really help to
speed up the system or not as they only have 4 MB of RAM, or even if it
would work.  I was thinking about trying to add a processor to one of
the computers but how do you get the thing off?  This may be an
incredibly stupid question but when I pull on the processor I'm afraid
I'm going to break the motherboard.

Robert Rati wrote:
 Yes this is true, to some extent.  YOu have to have two processors with
 the same stepping and revision in order to dual-proc them.  I have heard
 though, that you can have two processors of different stepping and
 revision numbers and still multi-proc them, but your performance may
 suffer a little.
 On Mon, 7 Jun 1999, Christian Pernegger wrote:
  Is it true that two Pentium II 400 have to have a same number of some kind
  to use them in dual mode. I'd intended to buy a dual board and add a new
  proc. to my 400 but someone told me that wouldn't work
  Comments appreciated
   -Original Message-
   From: D'jinnie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Monday, June 07, 1999 5:42 AM
   Subject: Re: /dev/audio
   Never mind. It helps to go through old emails first before you post. I
   just don't understand why stuff like that is not created right away...
   ... After all, all he did was string together a lot of old, well-known
   -- H. L. Mencken, on Shakespeare
   D'jinnie/Jinn, encountered on IRC and select MU**. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
   finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key
   ICQ #2878130
   Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] : Role-Player, Babylon 5 fanatic  1998-99
 Aka Khyron the Backstabber : ICQ# 2325055
 Happiness comes in short spurts.  Don't be fooled.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

smail problem

1999-06-07 Thread Administrator
I've a linux server with debian 1.3 and smail 3.2-3, when I'm trying to put
in smail config the parameter: smtp_remote_allow=[IP range] the server
respond that the comand smtp_remote_allow is unknown.

Help Me!!!

Re: problem booting linux

1999-06-07 Thread Keith G. Murphy
Arjen wrote:
 I have some problems booting linux (Redhat 5.2).
 Every time i boot Linux, that hda5 wasn't unmounted cleanly.
 I believe he scans the harddisk than, but that gives a error, after which i
 must give my root-password, or press Ctrl-d.
 When i press Ctrl-d he shuts down, and if i type my password i'm put in a
 shell, and have to perform the check manually.
 I've tried that, but it didn't work :((

Do I take it you're running fsck manually on hda5 after you get put in
the shell?  If not, you should be: it's giving you a chance to repair a
serious problem in the filesystem.  If so, what kind of output are you
seeing when you do it?

 Does anybody know what could be the problem??
 The error has something to do with inode 175 (Don't know the number, but i
 believe it was 175)

Re: OT: dual processor question

1999-06-07 Thread Oleg Krivosheev

   Is it true that two Pentium II 400 have to have a same number of some kind

they should have the same stepping and that is Intel recomendation...

   to use them in dual mode. I'd intended to buy a dual board and add a new
   proc. to my 400 but someone told me that wouldn't work


Re: Newbie trouble: How to log on as root

1999-06-07 Thread Morgoth3
When you first set up your computer, you had to put in a password.  To access 
this account, type su.  Then just type the password.  This will give you 
full access to everything.  Alternatively, you can log in as root and your 
password.  Hope this helps

Colin Winters

Re: Newbie trouble: How to log on as root

1999-06-07 Thread Arcady Genkin

 How do I change from user to root when Linux by default asks for my user
 password on startup?

You enter root for user, and root's password. Or, once you're logged 
in as a regular user, type su and you'll be prompted for the root

Arcady Genkin
... without money one gets nothing in this world, not even a certificate
of eternal blessedness in the other world... (S. Kierkegaard)

Re: Installing from disk

1999-06-07 Thread Morgoth3
In a message dated 6/7/99 9:11:44 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 This may or may not help you but I just ran across it in debian-faq-8  
  This program splits large package into smaller files (e.g., for writing
  onto a set of floppy disks), and can also
  be used to merge a set of split files back into a single file. It can
  only be used on a Debian system, since it
  calls the program dpkg-deb to parse the debian package file into its
  component records. For example, to split
  a big .deb file into N parts, 

The problem is that I'm downloading on a Win95 machine...I don't think i can 
get dpkg to work on this machine...  I need to see if I can find a utility 
that works on both 95 and linux (yeah right)

Colin Winters

Re: Newbie trouble: How to log on as root

1999-06-07 Thread ktb
 Hi Debians
 I'm a newbie; just managed to boot my 486/66 (28 ram, 540 WD HD) onto Linux
 late last night, and all seems to be well and good, only I can't install
 anything. Dselect won't let me choose the access method to use (I'm
 installing from the dos-partition, because the computer isn't connected to
 the internet).
 What dselect does is: loads fine, no errors. When I choose 0 Access
 enter it empties the screen and tells me this at the bottom: dselect:
 unable to open/create access method lockfile: Permission denied and the
 My guess is: 1. I have to be root to do this
 2. I could have set something wrong when assigning
 privileges to (the one and only) user: me?!
 How do I change from user to root when Linux by default asks for my user
 password on startup?

If you want to log in as root type root at the login and the root
Another way is to login first as user and then su to root.  Type su
at the prompt and then the root password.  Take a look at the debian
tutorial at,
there is a section on logging in as root and a lot of other good info.

 Is it possible to change the user-privileges to allow me a large degree of
 freedom within the system as user (suppose it is, but how?!)
 I can't wait to exterminate my microsoft apps, and I'm really excited about
 this, so I'm looking forward to your answers.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Using disks 8GB

1999-06-07 Thread Lance Heller

I've recently installed a Maxtor 90845D4 8.4GB EIDE disk as the second
disk in an old standby intel slink system I use.  I've run into 2 

1.  The system does not see past 8GB.  This is not a big deal
but it would be nice to access the complete disk.  How can
this be done??

2.  The problem system is an old pentium running Award bios 4.5.  
Attempts to boot an installed system from HD with Lilo have failed, 
boot floppies however succeed.  Boots fail shortly after finding, 
and correctly reporting, the system disks, with a kernel panic as it
attempts to seek beyond the end of media.  I'm attempting to 
boot with a minimal system from the first disk partition, starting
at cylinder 0, and believe I'm below the 1024 cylinder limit.  

Maxtor provides EZ-BIOS with their disk as a work around for systems
having an older bios.  Linux does not appear to use this feature.  
E.g., after loading EZ-BIOS and completing the install, attempts to
boot the system using the boot floppy made during the install will
only succeed if EZ-BIOS is not loaded.  If EZ-BIOS is loaded and a
rescue floppy booted it is possible to mount the filesystems but
attempts to read or write the files fail.  The same process succeeds
if EZ-BIOS is not loaded.  

Any help or suggestions you may be able to provide will be
greatly appreciated.


Lance Helleremail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

PCMCIA modules kernel compiles

1999-06-07 Thread Jack Versfeld
I installed slink on my laptop, and compiled my kernel with 
everything I need. Now when I try loading my PCMCIA netcard, I 
get some unresolved symbols. I compiled the ne.o net driver as a 
module, and that reduced the number of symbols not found, but are 
still complaining about 2 functions it can't find.

Any help will be appreciated...


Re: problem with libgnomeui32 1.0.9-3

1999-06-07 Thread Dennis Schoen
 I have d/l gnome-apt with apt-get and it of course has d/l and installed
 some others package like libgnomeui32. But now, every gnome application
 tells me:
  gnp: error in loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/ undefined 
 symbol: gdk_imlib_get_cache_info
 I do have imlib installed. I've tried recompiling libgnomeui but it
 complained about a bad version of libz.I have wich was
 with the slink I think
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

I´m using libgnomeui32 1.0.10-1 on a half poatao half slink system and
got exactly the same problem.

# Contrary to popular belief, UNIX is a user-friendly Operating System.#
# It's just choosey about who its friends are. #

Re: PCMCIA modules kernel compiles

1999-06-07 Thread shaleh
 I installed slink on my laptop, and compiled my kernel with 
 everything I need. Now when I try loading my PCMCIA netcard, I 
 get some unresolved symbols. I compiled the ne.o net driver as a 
 module, and that reduced the number of symbols not found, but are 
 still complaining about 2 functions it can't find.

PCMCIA cards get their drivers from the pcmcia-modules, a different source
tree.  You can disable the ethernet card section in the normal kernel.


some kernel-source


make menuconfig (or whatever like normal)
make-kpkg kernel_image
make-kpkg modules_image

install the resulting two debs (kernel_image and pcmcia-modules).

Re: Newbie trouble: How to log on as root

1999-06-07 Thread Oliver Elphick
  How do I change from user to root when Linux by default asks for my user
  password on startup?

root is another username, that happens to have special privileges.

To log in as root, use the name `root' when you are asked to log in, and
then give the password that you were asked to assign to root (the superuser)
while you were installing the base system.  When you type `exit' or ctrl-d
you are returned to the login prompt.

If you are already logged in, you can use the command `su -' to become
root, as if you had logged in directly as root.  This command prompts you
for the superuser password.  When you type `exit' or ctrl-d you are
returned to your own session.

  Is it possible to change the user-privileges to allow me a large degree of
  freedom within the system as user (suppose it is, but how?!)

It is possible, but undesirable to do this.  Part of the reason for not
operating as root is to protect yourself from your own mistakes.  If you
are root, it is perfectly possible to wipe out your system with a few

I recommend you to read the Debian Tutorial, which is available via a link
on the Debian Documentation Project page at
There is a lot of information in the Tutorial for people like yourself who
need to learn basic Unix stuff.

Isle of Wight
   PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1
 There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the 
  end it leads to death.   
Proverbs 16:25 

Re: Newbie trouble: How to log on as root

1999-06-07 Thread Marc Mongeon
Add the user to one or more of these groups:  dialout, cdrom, floppy, sudo,
(et cetera, see /etc/group).  It won't make the user exactly root-like, but it's
a start.  Better to add more privileges as you see the need, rather than give
blanket root privileges to another account, which kind of defeats the pur-
pose of the user account protections.


Unix Specialist
Ban-Koe Systems
9100 W Bloomington Fwy
Bloomington, MN 55431-2200
(612)888-0123, x417 | FAX: (612)888-3344
It's such a fine line between clever and stupid.
   -- David St. Hubbins and Nigel Tufnel of Spinal Tap

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/07 10:04 AM 
 Is it possible to change the user-privileges to allow me a large degree of
 freedom within the system as user (suppose it is, but how?!)

SV: OT: dual processor question

1999-06-07 Thread vw
I can't recall any ps/2 model being able to run a dual processor setup,
definitely not the old ones. What the other socket is for is most likely a
coprocessor, or FPU, which would speed things up a bit when running programs
that have the capability of using an FPU, like CAD/CAM applications, some
graphical and layout progs and so on. In my opinion the most efficient way
of upgrading your old PS/2's would be to install more ram. Ram is good for
all functions in the computer, not just the floating-point calculations.
About breaking the 'board: It depends which proc's are installed. Late 486's
and on mostly have a small lever on the side of the socket, which you lift
and the proc' is released. 386: use moderate violence. Try to support the
'board so it won't die from stress. A cowboy-trick is to gently wedge a
small screwdriver between the proc' and socket and try to pry it off.
Good Luck


Error is human; complete disaster takes a computer

 -Oprindelig meddelelse-
 Sendt:7. juni 1999 17:21
 Cc:   recipient list not shown
 Emne: Re: OT: dual processor question
 I've got three old IBM PS/2 #70s.  There looks to be an extra socket for
 a processor on the motherboard.  I don't know if it would really help to
 speed up the system or not as they only have 4 MB of RAM, or even if it
 would work.  I was thinking about trying to add a processor to one of
 the computers but how do you get the thing off?  This may be an
 incredibly stupid question but when I pull on the processor I'm afraid
 I'm going to break the motherboard.
 Robert Rati wrote:
  Yes this is true, to some extent.  YOu have to have two processors with
  the same stepping and revision in order to dual-proc them.  I have heard
  though, that you can have two processors of different stepping and
  revision numbers and still multi-proc them, but your performance may
  suffer a little.
  On Mon, 7 Jun 1999, Christian Pernegger wrote:
   Is it true that two Pentium II 400 have to have a same number of some
   to use them in dual mode. I'd intended to buy a dual board and add a
   proc. to my 400 but someone told me that wouldn't work
   Comments appreciated
-Original Message-
From: D'jinnie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 07, 1999 5:42 AM
Subject: Re: /dev/audio
Never mind. It helps to go through old emails first before you post.
just don't understand why stuff like that is not created right
... After all, all he did was string together a lot of old,
-- H. L. Mencken, on Shakespeare
D'jinnie/Jinn, encountered on IRC and select MU**. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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