Windows me salvó el procesador. :'(

1999-06-08 Thread Gabriel B.
Hola debianitas.

Pues que me compré hace dos meses un pc con K6-2/400 y, como es normal, me
rozaban los cables con las aspas del disipador del procesador. Las separé bien.
Hace poco (mis hijos usan windows para los juegos) me avisaron de que se oía un
pitido continuo. Pensé que era un aviso de calentamiento. Ante la insistencia
de esto, abrí la torre, y el ventilador, o no se movía o lo hacía poco. Lo
cambié y ya está.

Pero lo que me humilla de esta situación es que ha tenido que ser windows, quien
me avise.
Seguro que en linux esto se puede hacer, además mejor. Algo configuré mal en el
núcleo (mi inglés es de ir por casa).
Ante esta lamentable situación, ¿Alguien me sabe decir cómo configurar el núcleo
para que sea linux quien me avise? Mi núcleo es 2.0.36. Tengo los discos de
Debian 2.1, pero todavía no lo he instalado.

Gabriel B.
{º O º)

Re: Actualizar la hora...en potato

1999-06-08 Thread Netman
On Sun, Jun 06, 1999 at 05:37:49PM +0100, Correcaminos wrote:
   Me pasa lo siguiente ...:
 elsa:~$   rdate;hwclock --systohc
   Sun Jun  6 17:26:34 1999
   Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused by server
   Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server
   XView error: Cannot open connection to window server: :0 (Server 
   Package: netstd
   Version: 3.07-7slink.3
   ¿ideas ...?

1) unset $DISPLAY 

o bien 

2) Echa a andar las X y por si acaso desde un xterminal haces un 
   xhost +$HOSTNAME

Salu2, Netman.

Windows98: a 32 bit graphical front end to a 16 bit patch on an 8
bit operating system written for a 4 bit processor by a 2 bit company
without 1 bit of decency...
Powered by Debian/GNU Linux 2.2 - Kernel 2.2.9

Description: PGP signature

Eterm y background

1999-06-08 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

El tema va de Eterm-DR-0.7 sobre WindowMaker 0.20.

La pagina man de Eterm esta muy desfasada y no encuentro forma de forzar
que el background sea un pixmap en concreto. He probado con -bg -pixmap
--pixmap, y muchas otras combinaciones.

Al final abro Eterm con la siguiente linea (para lanzar mutt):

Eterm -n mutt --font 9x15 -e mutt

pero como el pixmap de fondo es aleatorio, a veces para poder ver el texto
tengo que lanzarlo varias veces hasta que me toca uno decente.

¿Como fuerzo el background a un .ppm determinado?


Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Clave publica PGP en
Microsoft Certified Product Specialist MCP ID 445900
Debian GNU Linux 2.0 (hamm) - Linux Registered User no. 113867

Description: PGP signature

Re: Eterm y background

1999-06-08 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Andres Seco Hernandez preguntó:
 ¿Como fuerzo el background (de Eterm) a un .ppm determinado?
Eterm -P tu-fondo.ppm

Si quieres ver las muchas opciones de Eterm, usa:
  Eterm --help

saludos desde Protugal,

RE: Xdm

1999-06-08 Thread Manuel Trujillo

He visto que el fichero al que hago mención ha sido sustituido por uno
llamado /etc/X11/xdm/xdm.options. El problema es que no sé qué debo poner
ahí. He probado a poner la opción del antiguo fichero Config;
no-xdm-start-server, pero no funciona.

Bueno, para todo aquel que no lo sepa:
Se debe editar el fichero /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers, y comentar la última línea,
la que pone :0 /usr/bin/X11/X vt7, y todo vuelve a la normalidad.

Gracias por los emilios que me envieis antes de leer ésto.

Have a nice day  ;-)

 -Mensaje original-
 De: Manuel Trujillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el: martes 8 de junio de 1999 10:04
 Asunto: Xdm


 Resulta que en la Debian 2.0, cuando instalabas el xdm, no
 tenías más que
 ir a /etc/X11/, editar el fichero Config y cambiar la línea que decía
 xdm-start-server por no-xdm-start-server. Pero en la 2.1 que tengo no
 encuentro por ningún lado el maldito ficherito.
 ¿Podría alguien decirme cómo quitar el arranque del xdm?
 Es que encima es para el curro, y me es urgente poder modificar ésto.

 Muchas gracias por todo.

 Have a nice day  ;-)

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Xdm

1999-06-08 Thread Juan C. Amengual
Manuel Trujillo wrote:


 Resulta que en la Debian 2.0, cuando instalabas el xdm, no tenías más que
 ir a /etc/X11/, editar el fichero Config y cambiar la línea que decía
 xdm-start-server por no-xdm-start-server. Pero en la 2.1 que tengo no
 encuentro por ningún lado el maldito ficherito.
 ¿Podría alguien decirme cómo quitar el arranque del xdm?
 Es que encima es para el curro, y me es urgente poder modificar ésto.

A ver. He estado mirando rápidamente y lo que he visto es lo siguiente. En 
/etc/init.d/ debes
tener entre los scripts de los diferentes demonios que debe arrancar tu Linux, 
el del xdm.
Muévelo a otro directorio (al de root por ejemplo) para no perderlo (por si 
luego quieres que
te vuelva a arrancar), rearranca la máquina y ya está. Como quieres una 
respuesta rápida, no
me ha dado tiempo a mirar más. Supongo que debe haber algún ficherito de 
configuración por
ahí perdido ... espera ... . . . . . . pues no, mirando el script no parece que 
busque en
ningún fichero de configuración la posibilidad de que se le diga que no 
arranque. Espero que
esto solucione tu problema.

 Muchas gracias por todo.

 Have a nice day  ;-)

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


UNIVERSIDAD JAUME I your back was turned,
DEPARTAMENTO DE INFORMÁTICA curled like an embryo.
CASTELLON, 12071. will be kissed
Phone: +34 964 728361   again.
Fax: +34 964 728435 Rober Smith (The Cure)
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   - Cold, Pornography, 1982, Fiction Rec. -

Re: Problema con la RDSI

1999-06-08 Thread Antonio Castro
On Mon, 7 Jun 1999, jose wrote:

 Tengo un problema con mi RDSI, es una Teles 16.3c ISA/PNP y realizo =
 todo lo que me dice el HOW TO de INSFLUG, pero cuando recompilo el =
 kernel y tiro a reiniciar... me la detecta pero cuando pongo el modprobe =
 hisax type=3D14 protocol=3D2 io=3D0x100 irq=3D10 pues me dice:
 Teles 16.3c Not =
 Ya no se lo que hacer... lo he probado todo, pero aun sigue sin =
 funcionar podriais ayudarme... Si tengo que mandar m=E1s =
 informaci=F3n decirmelo. TEngo el kernel 2.0.36 y le he puesto las =
 isdn.tar.gz nuevas de SuSe, ya me contais

Bueno pues quizas no tengas el chip adecuado.

Te doy informacion de primerisima mano.

Actualmente el driver para esta tarjeta solo funciona para el chip (HFC-S)

No están soportados:

Esta trabajando en ello y quizas en Julio o Agosto pueda tener la
version para estos chips.

En caso de contestar a la lista mandame copia personal [EMAIL PROTECTED].

/\ /\  (Tablon de anuncios en) 
 _|0 0|_   
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  

Re: xmcd no despierta el módulo de sonido ( Era: Re: Muchas gracias por las respuestas)

1999-06-08 Thread Juan C. Amengual
Agustín Martín wrote:

 Juan C. Amengual wrote:
  Hola a tod*s:
  vaya, hablando de mis cosas, como siempre ... 8^}}

 Hablando del xmcd, ¿consigues que te autocargue el módulo de sonido?. En
 mi caso no lo hace y sin embargo otras cosas como xplaycd o saytime sí
 lo hacen. Es curioso porque si lo pongo a cargar en el arranque todo va
 bien, y lo mismo si el módulo de sonido se autocarga alguna vez (p.ej.,
 con saytime o xplaycd). Una vez que se ha {auto}cargado una vez, aunque
 se descargue, ya me lo autocarga el xmcd correctamente (hasta el
 siguiente arranque).

A ver, no entiendo la cosa. ¿Para qué quieres que el xmcd te cargue el módulo 
de sonido? Aun
teniendo tarjeta de sonido no necesitas esto. Si no me equivoco el 
(dispositivo) CD (o la
tarjeta de sonido, ya no me acuerdo bien) deben venir con un cablecito 
especial. Este
cablecito conecta la salida del CD con la tarjeta de sonido, de manera que el 
sonido del
CD salga directamente por la tarjeta de sonido. Éste es un funcionamiento 
hardware; ergo no necesitas de ningún software adicional (leáse módulo de 
sonido del
kernel). Hombre, como paso previo sí que sería conveniente que la tarjeta de 
sonido estuviese
inicializada. Yo, para eso, en el arranque, uso las isapnp. Espera, igual ese 
es el
problema. Necesitas inicializar el dispositivo para que funcione. Usa las 
isapnp para eso
(aunque tengas un kernel PNP de la serie 2.2.x). Si no te aclaras, vuelve a 

 ¿Os pasa lo mismo?


 Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid,
 (U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554,

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


UNIVERSIDAD JAUME I your back was turned,
DEPARTAMENTO DE INFORMÁTICA curled like an embryo.
CASTELLON, 12071. will be kissed
Phone: +34 964 728361   again.
Fax: +34 964 728435 Rober Smith (The Cure)
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   - Cold, Pornography, 1982, Fiction Rec. -

3Com Etherlink III 3c509

1999-06-08 Thread Cesar Talon

Estoy intentando instalar la Slink en un 486 para montar un servidor de
web y el problema es que he tropezado con el primer problema. 

La tarjeta que tiene instalado el ordenador es una 3Com Etherlink III
ISA 3c509. A la hora de configurar los módulos no he logrado que el
3c509 funcione. He estado leyendo el Ethernet-Howto y parece que hay un
problema con la configuración PnP que tienen estas tarjetas. El problema
es que según el HOWTO lo que hay que hacer es irse a las utilidades de
la tarjeta y quitarle el modo PnP con los programas. El problema es que
el ordenador era un ordenador antiguo y no encuentro los diskettes con
los drivers aunque supongo que ya encontrare alguna versión por la

Lo que quiero saber es si esta es la única forma de configurar esta
tarjeta. ¿Alguna idea?

Bueno, gracias de antemano.

Cesar Talon email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Laboratorio de Bajas Temperaturas / Dpto.Física de la Materia condensada
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid / Cantoblanco, E-28049 Madrid
Phone: +34 91 397 4756 /  Fax:   +34 91 397 3961

Re: Windows me salvó el procesador. :'(

1999-06-08 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
 Gabriel B. [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Ante esta lamentable situación, ¿Alguien me sabe decir cómo
  configurar el núcleo para que sea linux quien me avise? Mi núcleo
  es 2.0.36. Tengo los discos de Debian 2.1, pero todavía no lo he


 No sé si está soportado por el 2.0.36, pero me imagino que hay un
 backport.  Busca lm78 (creo que ese es el número, alguien que me
 corriga) en freshmeat (


Re: Xdm

1999-06-08 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
 Manuel Trujillo [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  ¿Podría alguien decirme cómo quitar el arranque del xdm?

 $ dpkg --remove xdm

 $ rm /etc/rc2.d/S99xdm


Re: Xdm

1999-06-08 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
 Manuel Trujillo [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Bueno, para todo aquel que no lo sepa:
  Se debe editar el fichero /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers, y comentar la última línea,
  la que pone :0 /usr/bin/X11/X vt7, y todo vuelve a la normalidad.

 Eso lo único que hace es no levantar un servidor en el display 0.
 xdm sigue corriendo.  Esto puede o no puede ser lo que quieres hacer.


Re: Windows me salvó el procesador. :'(

1999-06-08 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On lun, jun 07, 1999 at 09:54:05 +, Gabriel B. wrote:
 Ante esta lamentable situación, ¿Alguien me sabe decir cómo configurar el 
 para que sea linux quien me avise? Mi núcleo es 2.0.36. Tengo los discos de
 Debian 2.1, pero todavía no lo he instalado.

Visita:  en esta página puedes encontrar el
sistema de monitorización de los sensores térmicos y de voltage diseñado
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Y si usas Window Maker tienes muy buenas Docks Apps en
concrétamente: wmlm, WMlm_78, WMlm_78-2, WMlmmon
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

Re: xmcd no despierta el módulo de sonido ( Era: Re: Muchas gracias por las respuestas)

1999-06-08 Thread Agustín Martín
Juan C. Amengual wrote:
 Agustín Martín wrote:
 A ver, no entiendo la cosa. ¿Para qué quieres que el xmcd te cargue el 
 módulo de sonido? Aun teniendo tarjeta de sonido no necesitas esto. Si no me 
 equivoco el (dispositivo) CD (o la tarjeta de sonido, ya no me acuerdo bien)
 deben venir con un cablecito especial. Este cablecito conecta la salida 
 del CD con la tarjeta de sonido, de manera que el sonido del CD salga
 directamente por la tarjeta de sonido. Éste es un funcionamiento puramente
 hardware; ergo no necesitas de ningún software adicional (leáse módulo de
 sonido del kernel). 

Que yo sepa no es cierto y sí que necesitas que se cargue el módulo de
sonido, por mucho que tengas el cable de audio conectado. Necesitas
decirle al kernel que tarjeta de sonido tienes conectada, y que tome las
medidas oportunas. De hecho en
cuanto se carga el módulo de sonido empieza a oirse la música, y no

 Hombre, como paso previo sí que sería conveniente que la tarjeta de
 sonido estuviese inicializada. Yo, para eso, en el arranque, uso las 
 isapnp. Espera, igual ese es el problema. Necesitas inicializar el 
 dispositivo para que funcione. 

Solo si tu setup (IRQ, etc...) no es el que viene por omisión de
fábrica. En mi caso tengo una sb16 PnP y no es necesario porque tiene
puestos los valores de fábrica y son los que le he dado al kernel al
compilar ( o con los kernel nuevos, los que he puesto en el
/etc/modutils/soundblaster) sin que me den ningún conflicto. Y me
funciona perfectamente, el módulo de sonido se autocarga perfectamente
con saytime, con xmix, con xplaycd y similares, excepto con xmcd, que es
el único con el que no se autocarga automáticamente

Como ves, no es imprescindible usar las isapnp en todos los casos. 

De hecho ante la duda he estado probando a instalar de nuevo el
isapnptools, por si las moscas, con los valores correctos de la tarjeta
de sonido,
# isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf
Board 1 has Identity 6d ff ff ff ff f0 00 8c 0e:  CTL00f0 Serial No -1
[checksum 6d]
CTL00f0/-1[0]{Audio   }: Ports 0x220 0x330 0x388; IRQ5 DMA1
DMA3 --- Enabled OK
CTL00f0/-1[1]{Game}: Port 0x201; --- Enabled OK
y el problema sigue exactamente igual.

En cuanto al xmcd:

Con xmcd, al lanzarlo (sin haber cargado previamente el módulo de

Jun  8 15:23:07 guindo kernel: VFS: Disk change detected on device

pero no carga el módulo de sonido y no se oye nada. Si cargo por ejemplo
xmix, tengo:

Jun  8 15:26:27 guindo kernel: Soundblaster audio driver Copyright (C)
by Hannu Savolainen 1993-1996 
Jun  8 15:26:27 guindo kernel: SB 4.16 detected OK (220) 
Jun  8 15:26:27 guindo kernel: YM3812 and OPL-3 driver Copyright (C) by
Hannu Savolainen, Rob Hooft 1993-1996  

es decir el módulo de sonido se autocarga y empiezo a oir música. 

No es un problema grave, porque podría ponerlo a cargarse en el
arranque, o mirar como llaman otras aplicaciones al módulo de sonido,
pero no me parece el funcionamiento normal.


Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 

Re: xmcd no despierta el módulo de sonido ( Era: Re: Muchas gracias por las respuestas)

1999-06-08 Thread Juan C. Amengual
Agustín Martín wrote:

 Juan C. Amengual wrote:
  Agustín Martín wrote:
  A ver, no entiendo la cosa. ¿Para qué quieres que el xmcd te cargue el
  módulo de sonido? Aun teniendo tarjeta de sonido no necesitas esto. Si no me
  equivoco el (dispositivo) CD (o la tarjeta de sonido, ya no me acuerdo bien)
  deben venir con un cablecito especial. Este cablecito conecta la salida
  del CD con la tarjeta de sonido, de manera que el sonido del CD salga
  directamente por la tarjeta de sonido. Éste es un funcionamiento puramente
  hardware; ergo no necesitas de ningún software adicional (leáse módulo de
  sonido del kernel).

 Que yo sepa no es cierto y sí que necesitas que se cargue el módulo de
 sonido, por mucho que tengas el cable de audio conectado. Necesitas
 decirle al kernel que tarjeta de sonido tienes conectada, y que tome las
 medidas oportunas. De hecho en
 cuanto se carga el módulo de sonido empieza a oirse la música, y no

En mi caso, no es cierto. Lamento contradecirte, pero a la vista de lo que pasa 
con mi
ordenador (por otra parte, una máquina tan universal de Turing como la tuya :-) 
concluyo que
no es necesario el módulo de sonido para escuchar la música del CD con el xmcd 
por la salida
de la Sound Blaster. Esta mañana, cuando he contestado a tu mensaje he hecho la 
prueba. En mi
caso, al arrancar el WindowMaker suena el Al ataaqueerrrll de Chiquito con lo 
cual el
módulo de sonido del kernel se carga en memoria. Yo estaba escuchando un CD con 
el xmcd
cuando he leído tu mensaje. A continuación, he terminado la ejecución del xmcd 
y he
descargado los módulos de sonido del kernel con rmmod -a. Tras asegurarme de 
que no estaban
ya cargados en memoria (con lsmod), he arrancado nuevamente el xmcd y le he 
dado al play
(prometo que no había ningún módulo cargado en memoria). Si fuese como tú 
dices, no se
hubiese escuchado la música por los altavoces que tengo conectados a la salida 
de la SB y,
sin embargo, sí que se ha escuchado. En ese momento, he hecho un lsmod ... y 
seguía sin
haberse cargado ningún módulo de sonido, luego ... creo que podemos concluir 
(si no me he
equivocado en alguno de los pasos seguidos) que no es necesario nada más que el 
cablecito del
audio que conecta CD con SB para que la música suene a través de la SB. 
Bueno, sí, una cosa
más, inicializar la SB.

 En cuanto al xmcd:

 Con xmcd, al lanzarlo (sin haber cargado previamente el módulo de

 Jun  8 15:23:07 guindo kernel: VFS: Disk change detected on device


 pero no carga el módulo de sonido y no se oye nada. Si cargo por ejemplo
 xmix, tengo:

Es que el xmcd no tiene por qué cargar el módulo de sonido. El xmix sí, pues 
DEBE utilizarlo
para manipular la tarjeta. Escuchar música no requiere de ninguna manipulación 
de la tarjeta
(creo). Ahora mismo estoy escuchando música con el xmcd a través de los 
altavoces conectados
a la SB:

[EMAIL PROTECTED](~/Docencia)_$ lsmod
Module  Size  Used by

según tu teoría esto no debería de ser posible.

 Jun  8 15:26:27 guindo kernel: Soundblaster audio driver Copyright (C)
 by Hannu Savolainen 1993-1996
 Jun  8 15:26:27 guindo kernel: SB 4.16 detected OK (220)
 Jun  8 15:26:27 guindo kernel: YM3812 and OPL-3 driver Copyright (C) by
 Hannu Savolainen, Rob Hooft 1993-1996

 es decir el módulo de sonido se autocarga y empiezo a oir música.

 No es un problema grave, porque podría ponerlo a cargarse en el
 arranque, o mirar como llaman otras aplicaciones al módulo de sonido,
 pero no me parece el funcionamiento normal.

Pues a mí no me parece nada raro que un programa que simplemente sirve para 
escuchar CD's, no
solicite el sonido al kernel ... ¿para qué lo necesita? ¿Y si no tienes tarjeta 
de sonido?
¿Tendría eso que impedirte usar el programa para escuchar música? Insisto, es 
normal que un programa que no necesita manipular la tarjeta de sonido (y un 
simple tocador
de CD's no lo necesita para nada) no solicite los módulos de sonido. Es más, si 
saytime ahora mismo, se mezclan la voz de saytime y la de David Bowie (a 
quien estoy
escuchando ahora). Entonces:

[EMAIL PROTECTED](~/Docencia)_$ lsmod
Module  Size  Used by
adlib_card   560   0  (autoclean)
opl3   10248   0  (autoclean) [adlib_card]
sb 31148   0  (autoclean)
uart401 5644   0  (autoclean) [sb]
sound  55636   0  (autoclean) [adlib_card opl3 sb uart401]
soundlow 208   0  (autoclean) [sound]
soundcore   2244   6  (autoclean) [sb sound]

y todo sigue tan igual de bien que antes. Por cierto el hecho de escuchar a D. 
Bowie mezclado
con saytime indica claramente que el xmcd no está ocupando el dispositivo 
... ¡no lo


 Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid,

Re: 3Com Etherlink III 3c509

1999-06-08 Thread ~ Miguel P.C. ~
At 14.01 8/6/99 +0200, you wrote:

Estoy intentando instalar la Slink en un 486 para montar un servidor de
web y el problema es que he tropezado con el primer problema. 

La tarjeta que tiene instalado el ordenador es una 3Com Etherlink III
ISA 3c509. A la hora de configurar los módulos no he logrado que el
3c509 funcione. He estado leyendo el Ethernet-Howto y parece que hay un
problema con la configuración PnP que tienen estas tarjetas. El problema
es que según el HOWTO lo que hay que hacer es irse a las utilidades de
la tarjeta y quitarle el modo PnP con los programas. El problema es que
el ordenador era un ordenador antiguo y no encuentro los diskettes con
los drivers aunque supongo que ya encontrare alguna versión por la

Lo que quiero saber es si esta es la única forma de configurar esta
tarjeta. ¿Alguna idea?

Hace poco instalé una parecida pero era PCI al intentar cargar el módulo
(con modconf) dandole los parámetros me decia 'If You Want Rice Cathelyn'
(que si quieres arroz Catalina), asi que probe, a la desesperada, a cargar
el módulo sin darle ningún parámetro, y Voilá.

Supongo que ya lo habrás probado, pero, nunca se sabe ...

En Fin, Saludos y Mucha suerte.

 / /  _ La oportunidad de
 ---/ /  (_)__  __   __   dominar tu ordenador 
 --/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
 -//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\ Linux User #98249
|  |
|  Miguel Pérez Colino |
|  |


1999-06-08 Thread Ángel Carrasco
Hola a todos,

Estoy configurando mi IP masquering en la red y esto funciona bien. Pero
trato de configurar el diald para llamada bajo demanda y no me funciona.
¿Alguién me puede decir un poco cómo se hace o dónde podría obtener
información sobre el tema???

Un saludo.


Re: ¿Utilidad para desinstalar librerías sin usar?

1999-06-08 Thread Juan Ignacio Llona
On Fri, 4 Jun 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Me pregunto si existe alguna utilidad que detecte las librerías instaladas
 en el sistema que no entran en las dependencias de ningún paquete de los
 actualmente instalados. Me explico, ¿no? Esto se puede hacer con la

Bueno, aquí os envío otra opción para encontrar las librerías no
utilizadas, ver en qué paquete se instalaron y si el paquete contiene más
cosas y, por ende, no se puede desinstalar.

Hay que instalar la utilidad binstats, editar el ejecutable y poner:


para que funcione.
Hay que ejecutarlo como root.

Es bastante pedestre y fijo que se puede optimizar bastante, pero es un
Agradecería que las variaciones y mejoras que se hagan me las enviarais.


Iñaki Llona
e-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   'Grupo de LinUxuarios de Bizkaia' 
Clave pública PGP: mandame un mensaje con Subject: Clave publica. 
#rm packages paquetes
#binstats  /dev/null
#for i in `cat dlibun.00`
#dpkg -S $i  packages 
#sort packages  paquetes
for i in `cut -f1 -d':' paquetes | uniq`
libsenpaquete=`dpkg -L $i | grep -v doc | grep -v '/\.'| sort | xargs file | 
grep -v directory |grep -v link | grep -v text | grep -v /man | grep -v image 
|wc -l`
libssobran=`grep ^$i: paquetes | wc -l`
echo 'El paquete '$i' contiene '$libsenpaquete' librerías, de las cuales sobran 
if [ $libsenpaquete -eq $libssobran ]
echo 'El paquete '$i' se puede desinstalar.'
echo 'El paquete '$i' no se puede desinstalar.'

Re: ¿Utilidad para desinstalar librerías sin usar?

1999-06-08 Thread Juan Ignacio Llona
On Fri, 4 Jun 1999, Xose Manoel Ramos wrote:

 Existir, existe el `pkg-order'. Está hecho, como puedes imaginar en
 Hay una utilidad que se llama `pkg-nodep' que busca paquetes que no
 lista de dependencias, como por ejemplo, `pkg-deptree':

Dónde puedo encontrar estas utilidades? :?¿


Iñaki Llona
e-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   'Grupo de LinUxuarios de Bizkaia' 
Clave pública PGP: mandame un mensaje con Subject: Clave publica. 

procmail para cuentas sin shell

1999-06-08 Thread Marga

En una maquina cuyo servicio principal es un sendmail he dado de alta un
gran numero de cuentas cuyo shell es /usr/bin/passwd para que solo
puedan utilizar el correo electronico y cambiar su password.

En algunas de esas cuentas quiero respuestas automáticas. Pues bien,
despues de crear un .procmailrc he observado que las respuestas se
producen solo en aquellas cuentas que tienen un shell auténtico, pero
no en las que tienen passwd como shell.

¿cómo puedo invocar un shell cada vez que llega un mensaje a una cuenta
sin que el usuario/a pueda utilizarlo?


Esto que viene a continuación no es un error. Es mi clave pública PGP

Version: PGPfreeware 5.5.3i for non-commercial use


Re: Windows me salvó el procesador. :'(

1999-06-08 Thread daniel
Si estás tan seguro de que fue Windows quien te avisó, dime qué parte de 
Windows o que programa de windows lo hizo... A mi me da que el equipo se te 
había bloqueado por sobrecalentamiento del micro y que por eso te pitaba... no? 

bueno, tu nos dirás...


On Mon, Jun 07, 1999 at 09:54:05PM +, Gabriel B. wrote:
 Hola debianitas.
 Pues que me compré hace dos meses un pc con K6-2/400 y, como es normal, me
 rozaban los cables con las aspas del disipador del procesador. Las separé 
 Hace poco (mis hijos usan windows para los juegos) me avisaron de que se oía 
 pitido continuo. Pensé que era un aviso de calentamiento. Ante la 
 de esto, abrí la torre, y el ventilador, o no se movía o lo hacía poco. Lo
 cambié y ya está.
 Pero lo que me humilla de esta situación es que ha tenido que ser windows, 
 me avise.
 Seguro que en linux esto se puede hacer, además mejor. Algo configuré mal en 
 núcleo (mi inglés es de ir por casa).
 Ante esta lamentable situación, ¿Alguien me sabe decir cómo configurar el 
 para que sea linux quien me avise? Mi núcleo es 2.0.36. Tengo los discos de
 Debian 2.1, pero todavía no lo he instalado.
 Gabriel B.
 {º O º)
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Re: ¿Utilidad para desinstalar librerías sin usar?

1999-06-08 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
El Sun, Jun 06, 1999 at 04:04:43AM +0200, Hue-Bond contaba:

 ¿En qué paquete está esta maravilla?   :-)

Ya lo dije: `pkg-order' 

Como puedes ver, está en la sección Misc:

Package: pkg-order
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: misc
Installed-Size: 193
Maintainer: Manoj Srivastava [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version: 1.02
Depends: perl (= 5.001), bsdmainutils
Description: A Package dependency checker and install ordering tool
 It does dependency checks, if you wish. It knows the difference
 between installed, new (and available) packages, and the relationship
 fields (pre-depends, depends, recommends, and suggests). (For
 example, the current packages list need not be read in unless you
 want dependency checks; you may already have done that and now merely
 wish an ordering). It comes with a Test::Harness test suite, to
 protect the world against my typos. Oh, it knows about epochs as well
 if your dpkg does. This could be the basis of mass compiling the
 packages on a new architecture, or to build a release from scratch.
 It creates associative arrays of currently installed packages
 (/var/lib/dpkg/status), and new packages (given a packages file at
 the command line). Then, in the checking dependency phase, for each
 package in the new packages list, it looks at the dependencies, and
 ensure that each dependency is satisfied in either the new list or
 the installed list. If the directive is satisfied from the list of
 new packages, that package is added to the list of packages to be
 topographically sorted. It understands Pre-Depends and will insert
 breaks into the sorted list to separate the installation process into
 separate runs as required to satisfy Pre-Dependencies.
 All this is a set of perl5 libraries, so people may use the API in
 their own scripts.

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

06/07   Blind Faith debuts in concert at London's Hyde Park, 1969

terminal y ahorro de energía

1999-06-08 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
Estoy usando la opción de ahorro de energía de la termial:

setterm -powersave hsync
setterm -powersave on
setterm -powerdown 5

Bueno, tengo que decir que lo hace muy bien. A los 5 minutos de apaga
el monitor. 

El problema es que no vuelve a la vida despues. Pulso las teclas,
muevo el ratón, le pego golpecillos, pero la pantalla no se enciende
ni el ordenador reacciona.

Lo curioso es que en XWindows (que tengo activadas tambien estas

/usr/X11R6/bin/xset dpms 1200 1200 1200 
/usr/X11R6/bin/xset +dpms 

Si que funciona (se despierta tanto con el ratón como con el

¿Alguien sabe que programa o parte es la que controla el `setterm'?
Me imagino que el propio kernel. ¿No comprueba las interrupciones
para ver si alguien quiere volver a usar el ordenador?

Esto no tiene que ver con el APM. Es tan solo el control del monitor.

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

Re: ¿Utilidad para desinstalar librerías sin usar?

1999-06-08 Thread Hue-Bond
El lunes 07 de junio de 1999 a la(s) 09:47:41 +0200, Jose Luis Trivino contaba:

probado y tarda 3 segundos y medio en darme la lista de
paquetes en un Pentium 333.

 Ua, qué vicio  :-)

Eso si, casi todos son librerias
que me consta que usa algun programa.

 Mmmm, me extrañaría un montón. El script sólo hace egreps sobre
 /var/lib/dpkg/status  y  todo  lo  que dice,  está  basado  en  tal
 archivito. Quisiera que lo comprobases.

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.9
PGP Public key at

Description: PGP signature

About number only login names?

1999-06-08 Thread Leonardo Ruoso
why can't i add users with number only login names? I want to create
accounts as people is indexed in the main dbs.


Re: About number only login names?

1999-06-08 Thread Rafael Caetano dos Santos
Leonardo Ruoso writes:
 why can't i add users with number only login names? I want to create
 accounts as people is indexed in the main dbs.

Escreva em português, por favor.

Da página de manual do adduser(8):

  2By  default,  user and group names are required to
  consist of a lowercase letter followed by  zero  or
  more  lowercase  letters  or  numbers.  This option
  forces adduser and addgroup to be more lenient.

Mas nomes de usuário com apenas números continuam sendo badnames.  Eu
não sei te dar um motivo, mas eu não usaria. :-)

Rafael Caetano [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Manual de Instalação - Sombra x Escondida

1999-06-08 Thread Carlos Emir Mantovani Macedo
Olá todos.

Concordo com o Anderson, o termo Senhas protegidas abraça a idéia.

Christiano Anderson wrote:
 Ola Gleydson, ola todos,
 Referente ao termo Shadow Passwords, porque nao utilizar Senhas
 protegidas... A palavra shadow tem o significado de sombrio, escuro,
 que nos
 da a ideia de protecao, abrigo... E por que nao senhas protegidas??

Carlos Emir Mantovani Macedo
Área de Redes e Equipamentos
Anglo: (019) 744-9867
[EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ# 9430018Linux user # 100500

Re: Atualizacao da pagina

1999-06-08 Thread Lalo Martins
On Mon, Jun 07, 1999 at 04:34:29PM -0300, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira 
   eu atualizei a página (A Debian em Português --,

Vc esqueceu de incluir o novo logo da Debian :-) O site da
Debian ainda está usando o velho, mas nós não precisamos

s/Bug Traking System/Bug Tracking System/

Vou enviar um mail para webmaster pedindo um link para nossa
página na seção de internacionalização...

  I am Lalo of deB-org. You will be freed.
 Resistance is futile.  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pgp key in the web page

Debian GNU/Linux   --

Re: X server for SiS

1999-06-08 Thread Shao Zhang
for your sis video card, you need to get the latest xfree86

YOu can either download the binary driver(SVGA) from the xfree86 
homepage, or
you can upgrade your system to potato. Potato has but you will 
need the glibc2.1
as well.

Having done above, you are half way through... add the following extra 
options to your XF86Config file:

   Section Device
   Identifier SIS 6326
   VendorName SIS
   BoardName 6326
   VideoRam 8192
   Option sw_cursor
   Subsection Display
   Depth 24
   Modes 1024x768 800x600 640x480
   ViewPort 0 0
   Option no_bitblt
   Option no_imageblt
   Option noaccel
   Option power_saver

On Mon, Jun 07, 1999 at 04:54:01PM +0200, Jack Versfeld wrote:
 I've got a SiS on-board video card using shared memory. When I try 
 to run the X servers, everything starts to go wrong. I've tried running 
 both the XFree86-SVGA and the XFree86-VGA16 servers, but 
 neither works at all. The computer crashes entirely when I start up 
 the SVGA server, but the VGA16 server doesn't, but the display is 
 terribly corrupted, and I can still Ctrl-Alt-Bksp out of it... I stopped 
 gpm, and then tried X again, but still everything didn't work...
 Does anyone know where I could find a X server for the SiS. I can't 
 remember the chipset now...
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Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

offtopic: reading Usenet via email?

1999-06-08 Thread Matt Garman


Is there any type of service where I can subscribe to particular
newsgroups via email?  For example, I frequent the newsgroup
alt.guitar.amps, and I think it would be nice to have all of the
alt.guitar.amps traffic forwarded to me via email, and I could read it 
as a mailing list (as I do with the debian-user list, for example).
The only real reason I'd like this is to have one piece of software
for reading news and email (e.g. gnus, which I didn't like too much).


And though the window in the wall
 Come streaming in on sunlight wings
 A million bright ambassadors of morning. 
--Pink Floyd, Echoes

can bind keep best routes ?

1999-06-08 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
Hi all,

I think bind is able to keep the best routes in a file.
Is it really possible? And how can I set it up?
I'd like to keep all the routes used to access certain web servers.

Jean-Yves Barbier   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Membre fondateur du CGE
La justice immanente est rarement imminente. P. DAC
Boycott Intel, watch:

Re: [Re: [Re: deb pkg of X-server for Matrox Millennium G200 AGP] ]

1999-06-08 Thread rathon
I am almost there! Now I am resolving various dependency issues.
Had to download xfree86-common.. and xserver-common... and zlib1g..

zlib1g_1.1.3-2.deb depends on libc6(= 2.0.7u). On the Debian stable site,
I found one called lic6(

Is this the right one ? if not how do I get the right libc6..


Johnie Ingram [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

rathon == rathon  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

rathon deb x/

rathon Brian, There is no many of the xservers at this website,
rathon which is for the Matrox Millennium AGP ??



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Re: x11amp installation problems

1999-06-08 Thread Dan Brosemer
On Mon, Jun 07, 1999 at 04:26:09PM -0500, Nadarajah, Dinesh wrote:
 I have been trying to install x11amp for quite sometime now but I keep
 running into installation problems. I tried it with both the .deb package
 (from www.debian .org) as well as the source. I get the following error:
 Libc6 conflicts with apt.
 FYI: x11amp requires a newer version of libc6 but when I try to install that
 it says there is a conflict with apt.
 Any help???

My first impression is to tell you that you probably don't want to upgrade to
libc6 2.1 as some people (myself included) have had problems with it.  That
said, if you do decide to go the libc6 2.1 route, you should consider
upgrading your whole system to potato.  It's an easy process (apt-get
update  apt-get dist-upgrade).

That said, what I'd do (and have done) is compile x11amp on your own.  You'll
need libgtk1.2-dev, libglib1.2-dev, esound-dev, libimlib-dev (may be
gdk-imlib... anyway, all the stuff that's related to gtk v1.2)  then get the
source from, extract and compile.

btw, if you can't find libgtk1.2-dev and its relatives, they're hiding in the
gnome staging area.  Add the following line to your /etc/apt/sources.list.

deb slink main


Re: Installing from disk

1999-06-08 Thread Lazar Fleysher


There is tar.exe  tar for dos.

You can create a multi volume tar archive with tar for dos and then untar
it on your linux machine. I do not remember where I got tar.exe from
though... Maybe there is such a thing as gnu-tar for dos... 

It is not much, but maybe it helps... 


On Mon, 7 Jun 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The problem is that I killed Win95 system is linux only right 
 Colin Winters

   Take these broken wings and learn to fly...
 0 0
( . )
 | |

problem with libgnomeui32

1999-06-08 Thread scuzzy
I'm using a Debian 2.1 slink. I've installed gnome-apt 0.3.2 with
apt-get and it upgraded libgnome32 libgnomesupport libgnomeui32
gnome-libs-data gnome-bin to versions 1.0.9. And now every gnome app
return :
gnp: error in loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/ 
undefined symbol: gdk_imlib_get_cache_info

I've upgraded all the libs to 1.0.10 but the problems remains. When
trying to recompile, configure complains about a bad version of zlib
(wich is the one that comes with slink).
Please, if you can help me send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] I'm not
in the mailing.

Re: International Business Opportunities

1999-06-08 Thread Raymond A. Ingles

On Mon, 7 Jun 1999, Brad wrote:

 After about 10 seconds of looking on the Debian website, i found this on
   Spam Fighting Team -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 member Craig Sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 member Alexander Koch [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Looks like a good place to start finding out about the spam situation.

 I've forwarded politely to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] address before, and
gotten zero response. If they *are* doing something about the spam
situation, perhaps they could chime in with a report.

 Perhaps I will try to write to the individual members; but I'd rather
write to the list maintainer at this point. Hence my question. I'll be
back in the office tomorrow and in a position to do some web searching at
that point.


 Ray Ingles(248) 377-7735 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  ...Windows - which is often referred to as 'the French labor union
  of software'... - Dave Barry

Re: KDE packages for slink

1999-06-08 Thread wen
From: Kristopher Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: KDE packages for slink
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 09:57:54 -0400

nosleep Last week, I was able to download slink KDE packages via this
nosleep /etc/apt/sources.list line:
nosleep deb slink rkrusty
nosleep However, no longer seems to be responding.

I downloaded it successfully by the same sources.list as yours last Friday.  

Guangcheng Wen  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Internet Solutions of LBE Corp
Debian/Debian-JP mirror site:
Key fingerprint = 78 95 39 50 C9 C4 B0 9B  C1 44 3C 59 15 8F 72 E0

Re: Problem with RAID

1999-06-08 Thread Corey Ralph
I have debian running on a similar setup on a HP LPr.

You didn't mention the specifics of your problem, but one problem I found was
booting from the raid array.  I found that it was easier to put in a seperate
internal drive to boot from, then mount the raid array.

If this isn't what the problem is, please clarify.

On Tue, 08 Jun 1999, Brian Schramm wrote:
 I would like to know how I can install Debian on this machine:
 DEC HX 6000 server 
 128 Meg ram 
 Adaptec 2940 running the CD-ROM
 Mylex DAC960 Raid controller with all the hard drives on it
 DEC 21x4 network card
 single CPU
 I have tried Redhat, Caldera and Debian on this system to no avail.  
 Any ideas on how to install this?
 Brian Schramm
 Brian Schramm
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Problem Serving Fonts After Upgrading X from slink to potato

1999-06-08 Thread Ken McCord
Upgraded my Debian slink system to potato last night.  This machine,
besides being used as a workstation, is set up as a server for PC-based
X Terminals.  While I've fixed the problem with the PC serving fonts to
itself, I'm having trouble getting fonts to the X Terminals.

When starting X on the X Terminals, I receive the following snippet of

__FontTransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
failed to set default font path 'tcp/xserver:7100,tcp/xserver:7101'
Fatal server error:
could not open default font 'fixed'
_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
giving up.
xinit: Connection refused (errno 111): unable to connect to X server
xinit: No such process (errno 3): Server error.

In the server's XF86Config file, the FontPath lines are as follow:

FontPath unix/:7100   (xfs)
FontPath unix/:7101   (xfstt)

this was changed from

FontPath tcp/   (xfs)
FontPath tcp/   (xfstt)

in order to work for the server.

In the X Terminal's XF86Config file, the FontPath lines are as follows:

FontPath tcp/xserver:7100   (xfs)
FontPath tcp/xserver:7101   (xfstt)

with all others are commented out.


Ken McCord

Re: Linux Install

1999-06-08 Thread Decklin Foster

 I downloaded the /main directory from the stable area on the FTP site and burned that to a CD, less the devel section.
 (This and the disks directory almost fill one CD.)

This is almost always not necessary; you can download the essentail
files from disks-yourarchitecture and then have APT do the
downloading (I assume that if you have the time or bandwidth to
download this much before installing then you have enough to do it
during :-)

 6 hours later the install bombed with an error code 1. Any ideas?

This is usually an setup *script* from a specific pacakge that's
causing trouble; in most cases once you can eliminate the problem with
package X everything else can configure itself fine. However, to get
any help you'll have to post the actual errors - what script is
causing this problem and what the command with the 'red flag' exit
status is. From there someone should be able to figure it out.

Men argue; nature acts. -- Voltaire


1999-06-08 Thread David Coe
Near the bottom of /etc/pcmcia/network.opts you'll see a couple of almost-empty 
shell functions, start_fn() and stop_fn().

I believe they're installed originally as:

# Extra stuff to do after setting up the interface
start_fn () { return; }
# Extra stuff to do before shutting down the interface
stop_fn () { return; }

You can just change start_fn to be:

# Extra stuff to do after setting up the interface
start_fn () {
  mount -a ;
  return; }

My experience is in slink, but I suspect potato is similar.

Alec Smith wrote:
 Is there a way to go about making NFS connections (automatically) after
 the card manager is started for PCMCIA network adapters? I'd like to avoid
 having to do a mount -a as root before I can start working.
 Configuration is basically a complete Potato install.
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Re: Problem with RAID

1999-06-08 Thread Brian Schramm
I am sorry, I cannot set them up from the install disks.  I need to boot from
them or figure out a way to use the cdrom or floppy to boot and get the raid
system working.  In my job, puting another HD in th system is out of the

So to sumerize, I need to access from the install disks and need some way to
boot it or create a boot cd/floppy for it.  Creating any type of a cd-rom
(including a custom unit for installing) is NOT out of the question.  I have a
Debian system with a cd-rom writer in it so I can do amost anything with it.


 On Mon, 07 Jun 1999, Corey Ralph wrote:
 I have debian running on a similar setup on a HP LPr.
 You didn't mention the specifics of your problem, but one problem I found was
 booting from the raid array.  I found that it was easier to put in a seperate
 internal drive to boot from, then mount the raid array.
 If this isn't what the problem is, please clarify.
 On Tue, 08 Jun 1999, Brian Schramm wrote:
  I would like to know how I can install Debian on this machine:
  DEC HX 6000 server 
  128 Meg ram 
  Adaptec 2940 running the CD-ROM
  Mylex DAC960 Raid controller with all the hard drives on it
  DEC 21x4 network card
  single CPU
  I have tried Redhat, Caldera and Debian on this system to no avail.  
  Any ideas on how to install this?
  Brian Schramm
  Brian Schramm
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
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Brian Schramm

wmaker-gnome crashes with netscape mail

1999-06-08 Thread Phil Dyer
Can anybody else confirm?

WindowMaker .53 will crash if you have the messenger window open (not
minimized) in Netscape 4.6 and get a new email



glibc2.1 with slink... will stuff break?

1999-06-08 Thread Craig McPherson
Can anyone point me towards a document on installing glibc2.1 
under slink?  I could have sworn that I found such a reference 
somewhere, but now I can't seem to find it again.

Anyway, is it a relatively safe matter of downloading a few updated 
packages  working out dependencies (which is about all I can 
handle right now), or is there more to it than that?

Any pointers appreciated; thanks.

For those who remember my concern about having mounted a 
seperate filesystem as /lib: I found that I couldn't umount the 
filesystem while the system was running, because the files were in 
use, so I just bit the bullet, took the mount out of fstab, copied all the 
libs over to a backup, prayed, and rebooted.  A couple of daemons 
wouldn't start because of missing libraries, but once I copied the 
backups back over to the proper /lib, everything worked just fine.  

Craig McPherson
The University of Arkansas, Fayetteville AR
ICQ 10262746

This man walks into a bar... and it hurts!

Re: A couple of questions.

1999-06-08 Thread Barry Kauler
On Tue, 08 Jun 1999, Brad wrote:
 On Mon, 7 Jun 1999, Monte Copeland wrote:
  1. What is the name of the program that allows one to take a snapshot of 
  your desk top. I have used it before but I can not remember the name. I am 
  trying to 
  convince a potential convert to switch from windoze, but I need some jpeg 
  pics to 
  show her. 

I use KSnapshot, a KDE application.

Barry Kauler

Re: glibc2.1 with slink... will stuff break?

1999-06-08 Thread Sean
If you really need glibc2.1, upgrade to potato.  Just sticking glibc2.1 into 
will undoubtedly do nasty things.


Craig McPherson wrote:

 Can anyone point me towards a document on installing glibc2.1
 under slink?  I could have sworn that I found such a reference
 somewhere, but now I can't seem to find it again.

 Anyway, is it a relatively safe matter of downloading a few updated
 packages  working out dependencies (which is about all I can
 handle right now), or is there more to it than that?

 Any pointers appreciated; thanks.

 For those who remember my concern about having mounted a
 seperate filesystem as /lib: I found that I couldn't umount the
 filesystem while the system was running, because the files were in
 use, so I just bit the bullet, took the mount out of fstab, copied all the
 libs over to a backup, prayed, and rebooted.  A couple of daemons
 wouldn't start because of missing libraries, but once I copied the
 backups back over to the proper /lib, everything worked just fine.

 Craig McPherson
 The University of Arkansas, Fayetteville AR
 ICQ 10262746

 This man walks into a bar... and it hurts!

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: problem with libgnomeui32 1.0.9-3

1999-06-08 Thread Stuart Ballard
Luis M. Garcia wrote:
  I have d/l gnome-apt with apt-get and it of course has d/l and installed
  some others package like libgnomeui32. But now, every gnome application
  tells me:
   gnp: error in loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/ 
  undefined symbol: gdk_imlib_get_cache_info
  I do have imlib installed. I've tried recompiling libgnomeui but it
  complained about a bad version of libz.I have wich was
  with the slink I think
 I had the same problem, and it was caused because the gdk-imlib1 package
 was not updated during the gnome install (is this a bug in the dependencies?).

I believe it is - I posted with it to the mailing list some time ago and
was told that it wasn't a valid/useful bug report because I couldn't say
exactly what package was missing what dependency. My thoughts on the
most likely problem, and someone pointing out a flaw in my theory, can
probably be found in the list archives. If other people are having the
same problem, then it should probably be fixed.

By the way, I should amend the comments I made at the time. I postulated
that some package (I forget which) didn't depend on another; the reply
pointed out that the dependency actually was there. My theory now is
that the dependency didn't specify the correct version of the package (I
remember it just named the package, not a specific version).

Hope this helps,

Re: [Re: [Re: deb pkg of X-server for Matrox Millennium G200 AGP] ]

1999-06-08 Thread Johnie Ingram

rathon == rathon  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

rathon zlib1g_1.1.3-2.deb depends on libc6(= 2.0.7u). On the Debian
rathon stable site, I found one called lic6(

rathon Is this the right one ? if not how do I get the right libc6..

I think thats the right libc6; only the dpkg author truly understands
how dpkg compares version numbers.


install of mutt seg faults

1999-06-08 Thread debian

I am running 2.1 Debian, with qmail smtp and qmail pop3d and use

apt-get install mutt

Downloads fine.. goes to install and Seg Faults!


fd0 deviation question

1999-06-08 Thread Jonathan Lupa

Quick question on floppy deviation.  Everytime that I use superformat
to format a floppy, it does a little warmup test and tells me to set a 
deviation flag in /etc/driveprm.  Well, before I did that I tried again and
superformat gave me back a different number for the deviation.
The question: When the tested deviation varies with every run, is it
time to get a new floppy drive?

Jonathan Lupa

Linux on SUN IPX

1999-06-08 Thread Michel DUPIOL
I would like you to use Debian Linux 2.1 on my old SUN IPX.
If somebody know if it is possible.
Thank's to let me know.
Michel DUPIOL.

Random partitioning questions

1999-06-08 Thread Brad
Yes, i realize this is something a lot of people disagree on. Which is why
i hope to get a lot of opinions!

Right now, i have my entire Linux on one 4G HD (minus some data files and
things for Wine to play with on a FAT32 partion on a second drive). One
partition for swap, one for everything else. From what i've heard, not a
very good arangement if anything goes wrong. So, i'm thinking of backing
up everything and making some more partitions.

1. If i understand things correctly, /, /boot, /lib, /bin, /sbin, /dev,
   parts of /etc, and maybe /root should be on one partition below the
   1024th cyl for hysterical reasons, which do apply in my case. Do i
   understand correctly?
2. If i were partitioning a new HD, what would be a good size for the  
   partition containing just those directories, that wouldn't waste too 
   much space. Right now on my system, du -c reports 18M for that list, so
   i'm thinking 50M would allow plenty of room for expansion?
3. How about sizes for other partitions? /home i'm thinking 750M
   (personal workstation, 6 users that are just different mailing
   addresses for me), 1G for /var (with /tmp - /var/tmp, is that a
   bad idea?), 2.1G for /usr.
4. hda1 should be /, but how about the rest? home var swap usr as 2 3
   4 5?
5. What am i missing, that i think i fit everything (including 64M of
   swap) onto a 4G HD? ;)

Just trying to learn here.

Re: A couple of questions.

1999-06-08 Thread gla2
   1. What is the name of the program that allows one to take a snapshot of 
   your desk top. I have used it before but I can not remember the name. I 
   am trying to 
   convince a potential convert to switch from windoze, but I need some jpeg 
   pics to 
   show her. 
 I use KSnapshot, a KDE application.

Plain old 'xv' will do it too... use the 'grab' button at the bottom right
just above 'quit' it'll let you click on a window to grab it, or the
root-window to get a screenshot (and includes the option to hide the xv
window while grabbing)


Re: Rights on shared directories

1999-06-08 Thread Paul Anderson
On Mon, 7 Jun 1999, L.U.S.T List wrote:

 I am
 assuming that I would have to force a set for the full directory somehow
 but I am not sure how to do this.  Can anyone tell me how?

Make it setgid, like so:
chmod g+s directory

Though, if you have a+wr mode on the dir it should do what you want
without the setgid.  TTYL! 

Paul Anderson - Self-employed Megalomaniac
Member of the Sarnia Linux User's Group
My brother is too kind, he was emminent while my emminence was still immenent.

Re: Random partitioning questions

1999-06-08 Thread Orion the Hunter
 Yes, i realize this is something a lot of people disagree on. Which is why
 i hope to get a lot of opinions!

OK, you asked for it...

I would save 500-750MB for later experimentation with other setups (for
exaple, debian potato).  You don't need to make a partition with this
space right now, just set some space apart for later.  You could
probably take that space from /home and /usr.  I would also mount the
root partition in hda1 and all the others as logical partitions (hda5,
hda6,...) within an extended partition (hda2). 

netscape with vi's keys

1999-06-08 Thread Shao Zhang
Is it possible to bind the netscape's scroll up, down keys to the same 
as vi's,
just like what we can do in mutt!




Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

RE: [comp.os.linux.misc] I am not impressed with Debian so far.

1999-06-08 Thread Brendon Baumgartner
I mostly agree with his point about not knowing to put the second CD in
while installing debian. I missed that also the first try. I didn't
experience his problem with makeing the symlink, and i'm not sure how
obvious modconf is to a new user. I don't remeber it being mentioned during
install, but i could be wrong.

Well, I hope his luck improves. I agree it is dificult for someone to jump
right into debian even if they have used other distributions. I spent a
whole day playing with it the fist time I set it up, and still had problems
for awhile. Actually, i'm still having problems to this day, but I'm use to
Debian, so i firgure most of them out quickly... well, except for ALSA that
is =) ...


  -Original Message-
 From: Paul Seelig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, June 07, 1999 8:34 PM
 Subject:  [comp.os.linux.misc] I am not impressed with Debian so far.
   Message: I am not impressed with Debian so far.  

RE: Random partitioning questions

1999-06-08 Thread Brendon Baumgartner
There is a Howto on this. Searhc LDP for it. It goes into great detail.
Maybe it was one of their admin docs. Not sure. For me, I make partitions


I sometimes get more creative depending on the purpose of the system. If its
a news server or high traffic mail server, i would make a /var also. You
could seperate /usr and /usr/local also, but that starts to get more
extreme. Its up to you.


-Original Message-
From: Brad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 07, 1999 10:04 PM
Subject: Random partitioning questions

Yes, i realize this is something a lot of people disagree on. Which is why
i hope to get a lot of opinions!

Right now, i have my entire Linux on one 4G HD (minus some data files and
things for Wine to play with on a FAT32 partion on a second drive). One
partition for swap, one for everything else. From what i've heard, not a
very good arangement if anything goes wrong. So, i'm thinking of backing
up everything and making some more partitions.

1. If i understand things correctly, /, /boot, /lib, /bin, /sbin, /dev,
   parts of /etc, and maybe /root should be on one partition below the
   1024th cyl for hysterical reasons, which do apply in my case. Do i
   understand correctly?
2. If i were partitioning a new HD, what would be a good size for the  
   partition containing just those directories, that wouldn't waste too 
   much space. Right now on my system, du -c reports 18M for that list, so
   i'm thinking 50M would allow plenty of room for expansion?
3. How about sizes for other partitions? /home i'm thinking 750M
   (personal workstation, 6 users that are just different mailing
   addresses for me), 1G for /var (with /tmp - /var/tmp, is that a
   bad idea?), 2.1G for /usr.
4. hda1 should be /, but how about the rest? home var swap usr as 2 3
   4 5?
5. What am i missing, that i think i fit everything (including 64M of
   swap) onto a 4G HD? ;)

Just trying to learn here.

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: A couple of questions.

1999-06-08 Thread N. Raghavendra
On Mon, 7 Jun 1999, Monte Copeland [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What is the name of the program that allows one to take a snapshot of
 your desk top. I have used it before but I can not remember the name.
 I am trying to convince a potential convert to switch from windoze,
 but I need some jpeg pics to show her.

If you have the ImageMagick package installed you can use the import
program. The following passage is from the import(1) manpage:

To capture the entire X server screen in the JPEG image
format in a file titled root.jpeg, use:

import -window root root.jpeg


N. Raghavendra, Mehta Research Institute, Chhatnag Road, Jhusi, 
Allahabad 211 019, India.
Fax: 91-532-667576.
Phone: Office: 91-532-667511*2020  Home: 91-532-667511*4020.

What/Where is ssh?

1999-06-08 Thread Kent West
Is ssh a more secure replacement for telnet, or what?

And, where is it? I've got my apt sources.list pointing to stable main
contrib non-free, but apt-get install ssh returns a message that ssh
is mentioned in the database but there's no installation candidate,
which probably means the package is obsolete (summarized).


RE: can bind keep best routes ?

1999-06-08 Thread Brendon Baumgartner
Ummm ...what does bind have to do with routing?

-Original Message-
From: Jean-Yves F. Barbier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 07, 1999 6:07 PM
Subject: can bind keep best routes ?

Hi all,

I think bind is able to keep the best routes in a file.
Is it really possible? And how can I set it up?
I'd like to keep all the routes used to access certain web servers.

Jean-Yves Barbier   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Membre fondateur du CGE
La justice immanente est rarement imminente. P. DAC
Boycott Intel, watch:

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Random partitioning questions

1999-06-08 Thread Brad
On Tue, 8 Jun 1999, Orion the Hunter wrote:

 OK, you asked for it...
 I would save 500-750MB for later experimentation with other setups (for
 exaple, debian potato). 

Actually, i'm running potato right now. Haven't had too many troubles with
it yet, submitted bug reports (usually with solutions) when i have.

 You don't need to make a partition with this space right now, just set
 some space apart for later.  You could probably take that space from
 /home and /usr. 

How about if i steal it from my 6G windoze drive? (: Which i plan to
anyway, once i get the Linux fixed. The only reason i keep it around if
Just In Case someone forces me to use a windows-only prog that doesn't
function under Wine. (no cash for vmware, so don't anyone suggest it!)

Yeah, i know i put a lot into home and usr. For home at one point i was up
to 600M because of too many random data files, cut that in half but i
still want the space available in case i need it short-term. For usr, it's
just huge already, it needs space.

 I would also mount the  root partition in hda1 and all the others as
 logical partitions (hda5, hda6,...) within an extended partition

Any particular reason? Remember, i'm asking as much to learn as to get

Re: What/Where is ssh?

1999-06-08 Thread Alec Smith
ssh is an encrypted remote login kinda like Telnet. You need to have apt
including the Non-US stuff since ssh can't be exported from the US, but
can be brought in.

Add a line something like

deb unstable/non-US main contrib

That's for Potato, but a similar version with stable instead of unstable
might work for slink.

On Mon, 7 Jun 1999, Kent West wrote:

 Is ssh a more secure replacement for telnet, or what?
 And, where is it? I've got my apt sources.list pointing to stable main
 contrib non-free, but apt-get install ssh returns a message that ssh
 is mentioned in the database but there's no installation candidate,
 which probably means the package is obsolete (summarized).
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: ISPs

1999-06-08 Thread F.P. Groeneveld

: Are there any nationwide ISPs around for Linux users?  I'm using AOL,
: which doesn't support Linux, and there aren't any Linux ISPs in my area. 
: It'd make it a lot easier on me for upgrading if I could get onto the
: internet.  Does anyone know of anything like this? 

Sure! Cistron is a nationwide ISP. For the Netherlands



Newbie Question!

1999-06-08 Thread Arjen

Hi all. I've just installed Debian 2.1 on my 
system. everything went fine until the moment that dselect show up. Dselect shut 
put the files on my harddisk what it did partialy. after that it shut configure, 
which it didn't at all, by very file there was an error (it went so fast i could 
see what the error was). At the end it just quit, leaving me whit just this 
message "dpkg --configure returned error exit status 1". What can i do to 
install and configure the files i want on my comp.

thanx in advance.

RE: Random partitioning questions

1999-06-08 Thread Brad
On Mon, 7 Jun 1999, Brendon Baumgartner wrote:

 There is a Howto on this. Searhc LDP for it. It goes into great detail.

Not that great. Several docs and HOWTOs mention splitting off /usr and/or
/var and/or /home and/or /tmp, but none recommends sizes that are at all
useful. Most of the size recommendations are written with the expectation
that you only have 300M available, which is an order of magnitude less.

 You could seperate /usr and /usr/local also, but that starts to get more

i decided not to go that far, mostly because i have no guess as to how
much i'll use in the future for /usr versus /usr/local.

Re: What/Where is ssh?

1999-06-08 Thread Brad
On Mon, 7 Jun 1999, Kent West wrote:

 Is ssh a more secure replacement for telnet, or what?

Basically, yes. ssh uses strong encryption to secure your connection. Just
about any connection between your computer and the remote one can be
forwarded over the ssh encrypted channel (X is a common one)

Note that the remote comp must have sshd running (usually port 22)

 And, where is it? I've got my apt sources.list pointing to stable main
 contrib non-free, but apt-get install ssh returns a message that ssh
 is mentioned in the database but there's no installation candidate,
 which probably means the package is obsolete (summarized).

Since it uses strong encryption, the US government classifies it as a
mutition. So US-based servers can't distribute source or binaries unless
they have measures in place to only allow US citizens to download it.

Other countries have no such restrictions; therefore,

For slink, use this line in sources.list:
deb stable non-US

For potato, use this (one line):
deb unstable/non-US main contrib non-free

Besides ssh, you can get other useful programs like telnet-ssl, fortify,
and pgp/gpg.

slink to potato

1999-06-08 Thread Craig McPherson
The lure of all the shiny bleeding-edge glibc2.1 apps has gotten to 
me, and I've decided to upgrade to potato.  I stuck the unstable 
directory of a couple mirrors in my sources.list, selected to update 
all of the required and recommended packages, put all the optional 
 extra packages on hold (except those that other packages wanted 
me to upgrade) and started downloading.  I've got 10 more hours to 
plan my battle strategy before the moment of truth, so I'm here to 
ask what else I'll have to do.  I'm still using the stock Debian kernel, 
and I know it will have to be replaced... is the linux kernel from the 
potato/main/disks-i386/current directories of one of the FTP sites 
the kernal I should use?  If I overwrite my kernal with it after all the 
new potato packages are done being set up, will things work?  Or is 
there more to it than that?  Thanks for any help.

Craig McPherson
The University of Arkansas, Fayetteville AR
ICQ 10262746

This man walks into a bar... and it hurts!

apt problem

1999-06-08 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Hi all,
I have a problem with a potato machine here. He stays for all the
time in the line:

Correcting dependencies...

I dont know what to do...
Now I'm upgrading another potato machine  (there isnt this error).
But there is an error in liborbit-dev. I run select again and put _ in
the package. Then I run install and the error appears in the new
machine. :(
I have these apt packages:

noelrosa:/home/baptista# dpkg -l | grep apt
ii  apt 0.3.6  Advanced front-end for dpkg
rc  gnome-apt   0.3.2  Gnome front-end to apt

Thanks,Paulo Henrique

Unidentified subject!

1999-06-08 Thread Perivoje Stojanovski

Daer Sirs
I have an ATI Rage 128 GL 32MB + TV 
Can I use it under Debian - Linux?
While installing i have not seen such a server 
supporting this graphics adapter
Please advice
Thank You in advance
Best Regards

[off topic] installing linux from scratch

1999-06-08 Thread Armin Wegner

can anybody tell where to find information on how to install linux
from c source code. 
Currently I'm using Debian. Debian is fine. But there is no support for
my Riva TNT chipset in X So I've installed version from 
source to /usr/local. Now there are many very anoying problems with the
dpkg dependency check, when installing application for X. dpkg won't let
me install twm without installing xbase, etc. before. 
dpkg is missing an option to tell it, that an package has been installed
by hand and there is no need to install the .deb package.

I'm using very few package. Propably it's an option for me, to install
linux from source code. My /usr/local is bigger then /usr.


antialiasing for xterm fonts

1999-06-08 Thread Armin Wegner

is there a variant of xterm witch uses font antialiasing like xdvi?


RE: java

1999-06-08 Thread Adam Shand

 As far as I know there is not a port of JDK2 for Linux.  Check to keep updated.

sorry this is a little late but there is a version being worked on:

freshmeat is your friend. :)


apt starngeness

1999-06-08 Thread XRDLAB

I upgraded one of my system from hamm to slink via the apt method as
suggested in README.upgrade by following method:

1. Installed the new apt package on the cd
2. After editing the /etc/apt/sources.list to point to my cdrom,
   did apt-get update
   apt-get -f dist-upgrade

Well, everything went well and nothing was broken. I was under the
impression that apt-get update would update the info about available
packages under slink. Unfortunately it does not seem to do it. If I
run dselect (after upgrading), I still see the same packages, of
course with newere version numbers. Should not apt add the info about
the new packages that are in slink and not in hamm? Is this a bug?

Just to see if I could get the info of new packages, I ran dselect and
did 'update' (without install). Now, dselect lists all the packages
that were installed as Obsolete/local packages. Why the discrepancy?

Any help would be appreciated.



P.S: Sorry if it has already reached the list. There was some problem
during sending and hence am sending it again.

Sridhar M. A.
Department of Physics
University of Mysore, Manasagangotri
Mysore 570 006, INDIA

16-bit or 24-bit Color Palette ?

1999-06-08 Thread Andrew J Fortune

I have just installed Slink on my machine, and have ... almost got it
working the way that i want it to. The only thing that won't work is that it
is coming up in 256 colors, and I want it to use the 16-bit color palette or
greater (with 1024 x 768).

I have been running xf86config, and the problem for me is that I have been
taking uneducated pot-shots in the dark, and I am wondering if there is a
better way of approaching this problem. I have tried all sorts of (seemingly
appropriate) combinations of monitor, video card and mode from within
xf86config, but all to no avail. The areas that I am foggy on are horizontal
and vertical sync, refresh rates and the modes (e.g. the menu which allows
you to nominate different modes for 8-bit, 16-bit, etc etc), and these were
the areas that I was guessing on.

I know that I can achieve this, because this is how my Windows 95 desktop is
set up. Also, previously I had Debian v2.0 and RedHat v5.2 installed and I
had no problems therethe only thing was that I don't remember what I

It could be that the solution lies outside of xfconfig altogether ?? In any
event, I would be grateful of any help here (I am a newbie in the world of

(If it helps, I have a 15 monitor, Super VGA 1024x768, with a S3 Trio 32/64
PCI video card. )

Re: mySql probs...

1999-06-08 Thread Robert Ramiega
On Sun, Jun 06, 1999 at 06:42:52AM -0500, Jeff Bachtel wrote:
 In dselect, from unstable, I get:
 libdbd-mysql-perl depends on libmysql6
 libmysql6 does not appear to be available
 mysql-client package (3.22.22-2 i think) provides libmysql6

 Robert Ramiega   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]IRC: _Jedi_ | Don't underestimate 
  || the power of Source

Re: my ip-up.d script doesn't work

1999-06-08 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Mon, Jun 07, 1999 at 09:19:46PM +0200, Colin Marquardt wrote:
 Yes, but maybe he wasn´t so wrong after all:
 man run-parts
 |  Filenames should consist entirely of upper and lower case letters,
 |  digits, under­ scores, and hyphens.  Subdirectories of directory
 |  and files with other names will be silently ignored.
 Maybe that is it?

My file is called route-rmit, which should be OK given the above:

bash-2.01# ls /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/ -l
total 1
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  582 Jun  6 18:59 route-rmit

Hamish Moffatt VK3SB (ex-VK3TYD). 
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: my ip-up.d script doesn't work

1999-06-08 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Mon, Jun 07, 1999 at 12:14:53PM -0500, Marc Mongeon wrote:
 Are you certain that the script is called with those arguments?
 I don't believe the $[1-6] variables are available to the scripts
 in ip-up.d.  Instead, use the environment variables set in ip-up:

Good point. I'll try it out.

Hamish Moffatt VK3SB (ex-VK3TYD). 
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: can bind keep best routes ?

1999-06-08 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
Brendon Baumgartner wrote:
 Ummm ...what does bind have to do with routing?
 -Original Message-
 I think bind is able to keep the best routes in a file.
 Is it really possible? And how can I set it up?
 I'd like to keep all the routes used to access certain web servers.

Ok Brendon, I should have miss something... :(
So, I change my question to: I'd like to know if there's a package who can do

Jean-Yves Barbier   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Membre fondateur du CGE
La justice immanente est rarement imminente. P. DAC
Boycott Intel, watch:

Re: Unidentified subject!

1999-06-08 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
 Perivoje Stojanovski wrote:
 Daer Sirs
 I have an ATI Rage 128 GL 32MB + TV out
 Can I use it under Debian - Linux?
 While installing i have not seen such a server supporting this graphics

No X-server for ATI 128GL, it seems its still the mess for xfree86 team to get
the entries of this card from ATI...
But its working fine under frame buffer (the screen flickers because of VESA
You should read the howtos, and go here:

Jean-Yves Barbier   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Membre fondateur du CGE
La justice immanente est rarement imminente. P. DAC
Boycott Intel, watch:

Re: Newbie trouble: How to log on as root

1999-06-08 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Mon, Jun 07, 1999 at 05:05:34PM +0100, Oliver Elphick wrote:
   Is it possible to change the user-privileges to allow me a large degree of
   freedom within the system as user (suppose it is, but how?!)
 It is possible, but undesirable to do this.  Part of the reason for not
 operating as root is to protect yourself from your own mistakes.  If you
 are root, it is perfectly possible to wipe out your system with a few

It's often useful to change certain work areas outside /home to allow
normal users to write to them. /var/www, in particular. Group project
directories, too.

Hamish Moffatt VK3SB (ex-VK3TYD). 
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

RE: I am not impressed with Debian so far.

1999-06-08 Thread Barry Kauler
On Tue, 08 Jun 1999, Brendon Baumgartner wrote:
 I mostly agree with his point about not knowing to put the second CD in
 while installing debian. I missed that also the first try. I didn't
 experience his problem with makeing the symlink, and i'm not sure how
 obvious modconf is to a new user. I don't remeber it being mentioned during
 install, but i could be wrong.
 Well, I hope his luck improves. I agree it is dificult for someone to jump
 right into debian even if they have used other distributions. I spent a
 whole day playing with it the fist time I set it up, and still had problems
 for awhile. Actually, i'm still having problems to this day, but I'm use to
 Debian, so i firgure most of them out quickly... well, except for ALSA that
 is =) ...

Ditto from me.
I started with Red Hat. It took me a *few days* to get Debian up and
running. I still haven't got sound going -- I'm amazed that I have to 
recompile the kernel just to add sound support. I'm reluctant to do it,
as I keep reading newsgroup and mail list messages from people who
had trouble with recompiling.
Sound support needs to be improved, as Red Hat have done -- I
don't know what they have done, but I just selected my sound card
and that was it.
dselect needs better documentation, and also a nice GUI -- I still
haven't figured out how to drive the Select section.
Multi-CD needs to be streamlined.

having said all that however, I like Debian, much more than my Red
Hat system. I especially like its non-commercial nature.
I reckon it's well worth going through a few hassles.

But again, something happened today -- probably not Debian's
fault. My hard drive suddenly got real busy. I wasn't actually using
the PC, and I presume Linux does some housekeeping when it
gets a chance. Or KDE?
Then I started to use KMail, and suddenly my hard drive made a
terrible sound and stopped, and everything hung, dead. I did a
hard reboot and everything worked as though nothing had happened.
That's a real worry.


Re: Random partitioning questions

1999-06-08 Thread Alisdair McDiarmid
On Tue, Jun 08, 1999 at 12:03:39AM -0500, Brad wrote:
 Yes, i realize this is something a lot of people disagree on. Which is why
 i hope to get a lot of opinions!
 1. If i understand things correctly, /, /boot, /lib, /bin, /sbin, /dev,
parts of /etc, and maybe /root should be on one partition below the
1024th cyl for hysterical reasons, which do apply in my case. Do i
understand correctly?

Yes, pretty much. My hard drive/BIOS has some bizarre LBA system
where my 8.4GB drive has only got 1024 cylinders, so it's not a
problem - maybe the same applies to most modern BIOSes?

 2. If i were partitioning a new HD, what would be a good size for the  
partition containing just those directories, that wouldn't waste too 
much space. Right now on my system, du -c reports 18M for that list, so
i'm thinking 50M would allow plenty of room for expansion?

I've set aside 500MB, but then I've got /var in the same partition.
Probably 50 - 60MB should be fine.

 3. How about sizes for other partitions? /home i'm thinking 750M
(personal workstation, 6 users that are just different mailing
addresses for me), 1G for /var (with /tmp - /var/tmp, is that a
bad idea?), 2.1G for /usr.

Apart from /var being a tad large (are you running a news server?)
that sounds about right. If you're going to install something like
StarOffice, make sure you do it in /usr, though, not $HOME/SO5.1/ or
whatever it suggests.

 4. hda1 should be /, but how about the rest? home var swap usr as 2 3
4 5?

Extended partitions. (5, 6, 7, 8).

 Just trying to learn here.

So am I :)
alisdair mcdiarmid
[i won't tear again i won't breathe in the shards of what is left]

Re: What/Where is ssh?

1999-06-08 Thread Barry Kauler
On Mon, 07 Jun 1999, Kent West wrote:
 And, where is it? I've got my apt sources.list pointing to stable main
 contrib non-free, but apt-get install ssh returns a message that ssh
 is mentioned in the database but there's no installation candidate,
 which probably means the package is obsolete (summarized).

What does the message no installation candidate actually mean?
I've got that sometimes when I've tried to install a package, and
I've had no idea what to do about it.


RE: I am not impressed with Debian so far.

1999-06-08 Thread Patrick Colbeck
Hey, my hard drive did the sudden thrashing thing last night too. Its
never done it before (well it has in NT but not in Linux). All I was
doing was reading mail remotely over a dialup line using xemacs in a
kterm in KDE 1.1.1 (from snowcrash). It stopped after a while (about 4 
minutes) and has been fine since. This never happened before in RedHat 
or with Hamm. Is this a KDE thing perhaps ?. I am running on an AST M
series Laptop which has 48Mb ram and a 2GB Linux partition with about
1300MB free and a 92MB swap file.


dpkg on SunOS

1999-06-08 Thread Robert A. Nader

Is it possible to compile dpkg on sunos?

If yes, then,
If possible, I'd like to get a 'dpkg' binary atar.gz dist for sunos.

If anyone can can tar one up for me greatly appreciated.

Please email me direct as I'm not (yet) on the mailing list.


 Robert A. Nader mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 System/User Support Tel:   +966-3-873-3687
 Geophysical Data Processing DivisionFax:   +966-3-873-0054
 Exploration Operations Department   ARAMCO, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

Re: 16-bit or 24-bit Color Palette ?

1999-06-08 Thread Barry Kauler
On Tue, 08 Jun 1999, Andrew J Fortune wrote:
 I have just installed Slink on my machine, and have ... almost got it
 working the way that i want it to. The only thing that won't work is that it
 is coming up in 256 colors, and I want it to use the 16-bit color palette or
 greater (with 1024 x 768).
 I have been running xf86config, and the problem for me is that I have been
 taking uneducated pot-shots in the dark, and I am wondering if there is a
 better way of approaching this problem. I have tried all sorts of (seemingly
 appropriate) combinations of monitor, video card and mode from within
 xf86config, but all to no avail. The areas that I am foggy on are horizontal
 and vertical sync, refresh rates and the modes (e.g. the menu which allows
 you to nominate different modes for 8-bit, 16-bit, etc etc), and these were
 the areas that I was guessing on.

I did a lot of messing around when I installed my first Linux system, Red Hat
5.2. Second time around, installing Debian, was better, at least as far as the
video is concerned.
I think xf86config is the best program for configuring /etc/XF86Config --
the latter is the configuration file for X server.
xf86config menu structure is very logical, but the part where you are
having trouble, you have to study very carefully how it works. You can
select any mode as the default, including any color depth. If you really
want to narrow it down, you can even eliminate all mode options that
you don't want to use, to be absolutely sure it will display with what you
I think, from memory, that there are some S3 generic card options, that
use the SVGA server. When you have selected your card or chipset
type, some other selections are just accept the default.

Horiz and vert sync rates should be in the manual that came with your
monitor. You normally enter them as a range, e.g., 50-100.
This cheapie 14inch monitor I'm using right now has horiz: 31-69 KHz and
vert: 50-100 Hz. You enter them into xf86config just like that (without
typing the units).

Barry Kauler

XFS XFree86 3.3.3

1999-06-08 Thread Patrick Colbeck


Well I figured this out eventually. Just in case anyone else is having
problems with this here is how it works.

xfs will start automatically. You should remove all references to the
actual fontapths in XF86Config and replace them with this

 FontPath   unix/:7100

The actual fontpaths are set ine /etc/X11/xfs/config

If you want trutype support as well then you need also to referen
xfstt in XF86Config like this

 FontPath   unix/:7100,unix/:7101

Then copy your truetype fonts to /usr/share/fonts/truetype.

Perhaps this should be in an FAQ somewhere as xfs and xftt are started 
automatically but its very unclear how to use them. Also an XF86Config 
generated by XF86Setup does not reference xfs. The info is their but
spread through several readmes and man pages.

Maybe the documentation will be better in Potatoe, but my system is
just Slink with only XFree86 upgraded.


RE: I am not impressed with Debian so far.

1999-06-08 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

On Tue, 8 Jun 1999 18:17:06 +0800, Barry Kauler wrote:

I started with Red Hat. It took me a *few days* to get Debian up and

Took me days as well.  Oh, wait, that was because I downloaded it over a
33.6k modem.  Silly me.

I still haven't got sound going -- I'm amazed that I have to 
recompile the kernel just to add sound support.

Why?  What would you rather have, everything compiled into a single
monolithic kernel where 90% of the stuff isn't used?   

I'm reluctant to do it, as I keep reading newsgroup and mail list messages
from people who had trouble with recompiling.

Because those people don't know what they're doing and don't RTFM.  I've
been compiling kernels since the 1.2.x days, no problems at all.  You end up
with a better running machine at the end because only what you need is
installed and there isn't any cruft taking up RAM that can be better used
elsewhere.  In short, you *WANT* to compile your kernel, it is better for your
system that you do.

Sound support needs to be improved, as Red Hat have done -- I don't know what
they have done, but I just selected my sound card and that was it.

And they also have everything compiled as a module which could lead to

Multi-CD needs to be streamlined.

No, it doesn't.  Why use a CD at all when you van get the latest and
greatest direct from the net?  Better documentation, maybe, so people can get
a base install working, but beyond that, nothing but net.

Then I started to use KMail, and suddenly my hard drive made a
terrible sound and stopped, and everything hung, dead. I did a
hard reboot and everything worked as though nothing had happened.
That's a real worry.

Can we say Hard drive failure?  I knew we could.  That has nothing to do
with the software running at the time, that is a hardware issue.

- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- ---+-

Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc


RE: I am not impressed with Debian so far.

1999-06-08 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

On Tue, 8 Jun 1999 11:46:50 +0100 (BST), Patrick Colbeck wrote:

minutes) and has been fine since. This never happened before in RedHat 
or with Hamm. Is this a KDE thing perhaps ?. I am running on an AST M

Are you sure it isn't the locate database updating?

- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- ---+-

Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc


RE: Mirroring the distributions

1999-06-08 Thread Paul Sargent
My biggest problem is that I'm behind a paranoid firewall which blocks
access to the rsync port :-(

I followed up on the site that I was given by Eric
Farris. That suggests using mirror to do the job, but that's been giving me

a) It complains about my RE for the exclude_patt. Hopefully it's opbious
what I'm trying to do, but can anybody explain why I get
String found where operator expected at (eval 10) line 1, near
(Missing Operator before ''?)
b) I get Failure at end of remote_directory () becuase: remote server has
gone away. I think the file list is so long that something times out before
it's fuly transfered.

Anybody Help?


P.S. Here is my mirror/package file. I'm trying to filter out all alpha,
m68k, sparc, ppc, and old distributions. All I want to mirror is x86, stable
and unstable.

comment=Debain Archive


 -Original Message-
 From: Peter Bartosch 
 Sent: Monday, June 07, 1999 10:34 PM
 To:   Paul Sargent
 Subject:  Re: Mirroring the distributions
 have a look at rsync, it uses a checksum-algorithm to transport only
 parts of a file, which are needed

Re: I am not impressed with Debian so far.

1999-06-08 Thread Jim B
That also happened to me a few weeks ago while I was running Netscape.  I
heard my drive going nuts, and I ran df to check the free space.  Well, the
free space kept getting lower and lower and ... finally my machine stopped
and I got a Kernel Panic.

After I rebooted however, fsck found bad sectors on the disk.


- Original Message -
From: Patrick Colbeck [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Barry Kauler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 1999 6:46 AM
Subject: RE: I am not impressed with Debian so far.

 Hey, my hard drive did the sudden thrashing thing last night too. Its
 never done it before (well it has in NT but not in Linux). All I was
 doing was reading mail remotely over a dialup line using xemacs in a
 kterm in KDE 1.1.1 (from snowcrash). It stopped after a while (about 4
 minutes) and has been fine since. This never happened before in RedHat
 or with Hamm. Is this a KDE thing perhaps ?. I am running on an AST M
 series Laptop which has 48Mb ram and a 2GB Linux partition with about
 1300MB free and a 92MB swap file.


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: can bind keep best routes ?

1999-06-08 Thread Marc Mongeon

When you say route, do you mean IP address?  /etc/hosts
is the file in which static name-address pairs are stored.  You can
use bind (i.e., nslookup) to determine the name-address mapping,
and then manually enter these into /etc/hosts.  There are some
caveats to using the hosts file, which I won't get into until I figure
out whether I've correctly divined your intentions.

Can you be a little more specific about what you are trying to do?


Unix Specialist
Ban-Koe Systems
9100 W Bloomington Fwy
Bloomington, MN 55431-2200
(612)888-0123, x417 | FAX: (612)888-3344
It's such a fine line between clever and stupid.
   -- David St. Hubbins and Nigel Tufnel of Spinal Tap

 Jean-Yves F. Barbier [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/07 8:07 PM 
Hi all,

I think bind is able to keep the best routes in a file.
Is it really possible? And how can I set it up?
I'd like to keep all the routes used to access certain web servers.

Jean-Yves Barbier   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Membre fondateur du CGE
La justice immanente est rarement imminente. P. DAC
Boycott Intel, watch: 

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

RE: I am not impressed with Debian so far.

1999-06-08 Thread Barry Kauler
On Tue, 08 Jun 1999, Steve Lamb wrote:
 Multi-CD needs to be streamlined.
 No, it doesn't.  Why use a CD at all when you van get the latest and
 greatest direct from the net?  Better documentation, maybe, so people can get
 a base install working, but beyond that, nothing but net.

that's what I did. I regret paying for the 4-CD set!
dpkg and apt-get I'm very happy with. Great stuff.

Then I started to use KMail, and suddenly my hard drive made a
terrible sound and stopped, and everything hung, dead. I did a
hard reboot and everything worked as though nothing had happened.
That's a real worry.

Can we say Hard drive failure?  I knew we could.  That has nothing to do
with the software running at the time, that is a hardware issue.

The hard drive does this thrashing
thing occassionally, when the PC is just sitting there. No problem with
that, as an OS can be doing some background housecleaning.
The terrible noise and system freeze may be a hardware thing
-- there, I said it.
-- but the drive's only two years old. Well, we'll see.

Barry Kauler

RE: Writing Drivers? Info Appreciated!

1999-06-08 Thread Dmitry Ya
 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Timothy Hospedales
 Sent: Thursday, June 03, 1999 10:19 AM
 Subject: Writing Drivers? Info Appreciated!

 Anyway, if this sort of thing is possible could someone
 point me to a
 winblows program to use to examine what gets sent over a port?

Try Soft-Ice from NuMega software. It's kinda standard hacker/cracker tool.
Not freeware, unfortunately.

Version: 3.1
GS d+d-- s++:++:+ a- [EMAIL PROTECTED] UL$ P++ L++L !E W+@ N(-) 
o? K?
w$--- O-(+) M+ V-- PS+ PE Y+++ PGP+++ ?t 5 X-- R tv- b+++ DI+++ D++
G++ e+ h---(+) r++ y+++


KOffice DEB package?

1999-06-08 Thread Barry Kauler
Has anybody compiled KOffice and generated DEB package/s for
The KOffice site, via, only has the source, and
I don't have the right stuff installed to do the compile.
I wondered if any other Debian person has already been down that
path  if there is no package, did anyone compile it without hassles?

Barry Kauler

PCMCIA Problem

1999-06-08 Thread Stefano D'Ubaldi
Hello everybody,

I installed Debian 2.1 (kernel ver. 2.0.36)on my i386 PC. When I try to
load the PCMCIA base modules I get the message
 init_module:device or resource busy' and in
/var/log/messages 'kernel build:2.0.36 unknown
  Intel PCIC probe: not found'

How can I get throught it? 
Il tuo indirizzo gratis e per sempre su

RE: Mirroring the distributions

1999-06-08 Thread Paul Sargent
Solved (a) (thanks Marc Mongeon), but I'm no nearer on (b)


 -Original Message-
 From: Paul Sargent 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 1999 12:09 PM
 To:   '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'; 'Debian User List'
 Subject:  RE: Mirroring the distributions
 My biggest problem is that I'm behind a paranoid firewall which blocks
 access to the rsync port :-(
 I followed up on the site that I was given by Eric
 Farris. That suggests using mirror to do the job, but that's been giving
 me problems.
 a) It complains about my RE for the exclude_patt. Hopefully it's opbious
 what I'm trying to do, but can anybody explain why I get
   String found where operator expected at (eval 10) line 1, near
   (Missing Operator before ''?)
 b) I get Failure at end of remote_directory () becuase: remote server has
 gone away. I think the file list is so long that something times out
 before it's fuly transfered.
 Anybody Help?
 P.S. Here is my mirror/package file. I'm trying to filter out all alpha,
 m68k, sparc, ppc, and old distributions. All I want to mirror is x86,
 stable and unstable.
   comment=Debain Archive
   -Original Message-
   From:   Peter Bartosch 
   Sent:   Monday, June 07, 1999 10:34 PM
   To: Paul Sargent
   Subject:Re: Mirroring the distributions
   have a look at rsync, it uses a checksum-algorithm to transport
 only those
   parts of a file, which are needed

Re: [off topic] installing linux from scratch

1999-06-08 Thread J.H.M. Dassen
On Tue, Jun 08, 1999 at 11:05:32 +0200, Armin Wegner wrote:
 Currently I'm using Debian. Debian is fine. But there is no support for
 my Riva TNT chipset in X So I've installed version from 
 source to /usr/local.

It's probably easier to use the packages for slink from .

 dpkg is missing an option to tell it, that an package has been installed
 by hand and there is no need to install the .deb package.

Use the equivs package.

LEADERSHIP  A form of self-preservation exhibited by people with auto-
destructive imaginations in order to ensure that when it comes to the crunch 
it'll be someone else's bones which go crack and not their own.   
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan

RE: I am not impressed with Debian so far.

1999-06-08 Thread Ted Harding
On 08-Jun-99 Steve Lamb wrote:
Multi-CD needs to be streamlined.
 No, it doesn't.  Why use a CD at all when you van get the latest
 and greatest direct from the net?  Better documentation, maybe, so
 people can get a base install working, but beyond that, nothing but

I'll tell you why. Like millions of others who have to go on line
by modem, with costs here in Europe at about $1.00 per hour at cheapest,
at max 10MB/hour its going to take you ages, and cost you much more than a
good packaged CD set, to download 1 CD's worth of stuff.

Comparatively, CDs are cheap, very fast, and easy to go back to many
times. That's why we use them!

Best wishes,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 08-Jun-99   Time: 13:09:50
-- XFMail --

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