Re: tłumaczenia

2001-08-13 Thread Paweł Tęcza

 czy ktoś wie gdzie mogę znaleźć teksty po polsku o debconfig, dselect i
 i wszystko to co dotyczy debiana

Pawel Tecza

Kto wygra wyscig do Sejmu?

Nvidia Gforce2 mx, no me abre otro entorno gráfico

2001-08-13 Thread Santiago Pastorino
Alguien sabe por que se me queda toda la pantalla negra y deja de
responder la máquina al querer abrir un segundo entorno gráfico
usando los drivers sugeridos por la pagina en la seccion
Section Device
Driver  nvidia
y estoy usando todo lo sugerido por ellos, esto no me pasaba antes,
cuando usaba otra tarjeta de video.

Re: Primeros pasos en programacion en C :consejos

2001-08-13 Thread heissu
El Debianita User wrote:

 Saludos Debianitas!!!
 Pues eso mismo que indica el subject estoy enpezando mis primeras
 practicas en C en la universidad y me dije por que no aprovechar a
 Debian para esto?
 Por supuesto los primeros ejercicios son sencillos ya que no tendremos
 programacion visual,pero mi gran problema se plantea al desconocer el
 entorno de programacion en C de Debian ,por lo tanto no se por donde
 comenzar,bueno se que por el principio,pero cual es este? :))
 El asunto es que he visto que potato trae varios editores,cual de ellos
 servira para prgramar en C?,o cual sera el mejor?otra duda es que por
 ejemplo el kde trae un ide completo, trae Debian algo parecido?,o me
 vere obligado a usar un editor por separado y el compilador por el
 He instalado el paquete completo de programacion en C de mi potato pero
 realmente no lo comprendo,me ha instalado  un tal autoproject (que
 es?),un Data Display debugger,pero de igual forma sigo perdido...
 Los saluda..
 Juan ortiz

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Existen unos editores para C que a mi me parecieron que están muy bien para 
gente que
está empezando, porque son parecidos a los que se usan generalmente en los 
cursos normales de
C. Tienes uno en entorno consola: wpe. Y otro en modo X: xwpe. El que utilices 
es decisión
tuya. Si has instalado como dices todo lo que Debian te permite para 
programación, entonces
supongo que ya los tendrás instalados. Así, que sólo deberás teclear esos 
nombres tanto en
consola normal como en una consola en modo X.
Aunque yo comparto más la idea de utilizar compiladores como gcc, que te 
sugieren más
acerca de todo el proceso que conlleva la compilación de un programa. Y no es 
que sea muy
difícil. Sólo que lo que haces lo haces (valgan las redundancias) porque ya has 
leído sobre
ello y estás informado de todo lo que ocurre. Pero si piensas que todavía no 
estás preparado,
entonces los editores que te dije al principio creo que son los más adecuados.

Valor, y suerte...


2001-08-13 Thread Ramon Pons
estoy utilizando la plantilla de XML de la espiral, y tengo unas dudas,

como puedo hacer cursiva y negrita a ciertas palabras?


Ramón Pons
Agora Systems, S.A.
c/ Aravaca 12
28040 Madrid

RE: Conectar a un puerto UDP (syslogd -r)

2001-08-13 Thread R. M. Alarcon
 Por algun motivo una de las maquinas no funciona, es decir, yo le pongo
 que envie los mensajes del syslog a una maquina y dicho trafico no parece

Por defecto syslogd no escucha a otras maquinas. Tiene que ser arrancado con
la opcion -r

 existe una herramienta que conecte a un determinado puerto UDP?

en /etc/services le puede cambiar el puerto de syslog. El default es

syslog  514/udp

sobre los graficos

2001-08-13 Thread juan martinez
busco material sobre graficos en C o pascal si tienes
me lo podrias enviar por favor. gracias

Do You Yahoo!?
Construye tu página personal en Yahoo! GeoCities. ¡Es fácil, 
rápido y gratis!

Compilacion de kernel 2.4.6

2001-08-13 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Hola a todos...

Sigo con los mismos problemas para compilar los kernel 2.4.6 y 2.4.7, pero
no doy con lo que puede ser.

Os adjunto un fichero con la salida de la compilacion del kernel 2.4.6 para
ver si a alguien se le ocurre que es lo que puede estar mal.

Saludos y gracias.

Description: Binary data

Re: XF 4.1 para potato!!

2001-08-13 Thread Juan Ignacio Codoñer
El Dom 12 Ago 2001 12:05, MaX in the FaX escribió:
 hola mundo!

 he encuentrado en los paquettes  XFREE 4.1 para potato.
 Yo ja los tengo instalados y parese que todos va bien.

 debconf no funciona, entonces se tiene que usar xf86config para generar
 un /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 valido.

¿cual es la línea exacta  para apt?



2001-08-13 Thread Quetzalcoatl H.O.
On Sat, Aug 11, 2001 at 12:51:00PM -0300, El Debianita User:
 Saludos Debianitas!!
 Pues eso cuales serian los pasos basicos a seguir para hacer funcionar
 una tarjeta de sonido en potato?

Puedes probar con

# modconf

 Ir a misc y ahi insertar el modulo que corresponde a tu tarjeta (por
ejemplo es1371)

 Tengo una placa integrada a la placa madre y se que es pci el SuSE (mi
 anterior distribucion la habia tomado sin problemas),y se que potato lo
 hara,pero como?

Tambien puedes instalar alsa

URGENCIA: filtrado de correo externo

2001-08-13 Thread Joaquin Ferrero
Necesito ayuda: no sé cómo filtrar el correo que sale de mi servidor.

Tengo varios usuarios infectados con el Sircam. Con el procmail les tengo
filtrados los correos que llegan hacia sus buzones, pero lo que no sé es
cómo filtrar los correos de los que estoy haciendo relay (enviados por mis
usuarios desde fuera hacia otros usuarios fuera de mi servidor.)

¿No hay alguna forma de pasarlos por procmail, por ejemplo, los correos que
llegan, antes de ser reenviados a su destino?

/ Joaquin FerreroLinux User #109.802
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cartelera de Cine de Valladolid
\ [EMAIL PROTECTED]http://Pucela.Net/Cultura/Cine

¿Tengo un problema de modulo para kernel 2.4?

2001-08-13 Thread Javier M Mora
Tengo una unidad de CDROM antigua (Sony cd31a) que no es ATAPI sino que tiene 
una tarjeta controladora específica.

Usando el kernel 2.2.17 (el que viene por defecto en la distribución de debian 
por defecto) esta controladora se carga como módulo sin problemas y me 
funciona correctamente.

Cuando he compilado manualmente el kernel 2.4.6 tengo puesto que me cargue 
como módulo el control de dicha unidad.

Compilo el núcleo con la siguiente secuencia:
make dep; make clean; make bzImage; make modules; make modules_install

y no me ha dado problemas.

Cuando reinicio el sistema, todo va correctamente. incluso si monto un CD no 
hay problemas puedo pasearme por los directorios y consultarlos. Pero al 
intentar acceder a cualquier archivo se queda bloqueada el terminal. Con la 
utilidad top he podido ver que el terminal queda como estado 'D' es decir, 
dormido sin posibilidad de interrupción

Teniendo en cuenta que el módulo y la unidad me funcionan bien (al menos en 

¿qué me falta para que funcione correctamente en el nuevo kernel?

Re: Conectar a un puerto UDP (syslogd -r)

2001-08-13 Thread Gunnar Wolf
 Hola, estoy haciendo unas pruebas con syslog, estoy poniendo el servicio
 de syslog centralizado en una maquina.
 Por algun motivo una de las maquinas no funciona, es decir, yo le pongo
 que envie los mensajes del syslog a una maquina y dicho trafico no parece
 llegar. Creo que puede ser cosa del cortafuegos, alguien puede decirme si
 existe una herramienta que conecte a un determinado puerto UDP?

Podrías hacerla muy fácilmente... En Perl estableces la comunicación así:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use IO::Socket::INET;

my ($socket);
$socket = IO::Socket::INET-new(PeerAddr = '', # conectarse a 
PeerPort = 514, # al puerto de syslog
Proto = 'udp');

Con esto, $socket es tu filehandle y con él puedes mandar datos al

$socket-print('Esto le va a llegar al servidor');

O recibir datos de él:

print $socket-getline();

Espero que te sirva. Saludos!

Gunnar Wolf - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (+52)5623-1118
Desarrollo y Admon. de Sistemas en Red - FES Iztacala - UNAM
Departamento de Seguridad en Computo   -   DGSCA-   UNAM

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.

Re: Netscape !!

2001-08-13 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes
On Fri, 10 Aug 2001, Mauricy Maiorino wrote:

 Mario, por favor, só mais uma coisa, uso linux mas sou leigo em debian, como
 faço para direcionar o apt para non-free como você falou ?!?

coloque as linhas:

deb stable main contrib non-free
deb stable/non-US main contrib non-free

no seu /etc/apt/sources.list

rode apt-get update

e depois apt-get -u dselect-upgrade

com isto ele vai, primeiro atualizar a base de dados dos pacotes
disponíveis e depois atualizar a sua instalação com base no que você já
tinha selecionado pelo dselect.

Após esta etapa, você pode:
1. utilizar o dselect (fazendo um update tb - opção 2) e selecionar o
netscape (communicator-smotif) e depois mandar Install

2. utilizar o apt para instalar o pacote diretamente:
  apt-get install communicator-smotif-477 communicator-base-477
communicator-spellchk-477 communicator-nethelp-477 netscape-java-477

acho que são estes os pacotes necessários; talvez você queira instalar o
navigator-base-477 e o navigator-smotif-477 que permite você iniciar uma
versão mais leve (só o navigator).


Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

Re: Mp3 e Ogg tocando acelerado

2001-08-13 Thread Rogerio Neves Batata
On Fri, 10 Aug 2001, Carlos Laviola wrote:

Valeu Carlos, mas já consegui fazer ela funcionar...

A minha placa é uma pcchips M810LMR... com chipset SIS (7013 eu

Eu achei (na verdade procurei direito! :) no kernel padrão mesmo,
e o driver da Trident funciona ok com ela (Driver Trident, Sis e + uns).

O Som não é essa coisa toda, mas eu não tenho problema na saída
como você está tendo... o modem eu comecei a espancar ele (é um PCTel),
mas estou usando um Lucient pra quebrar o galho por enquanto.

Em suma... funciona! :) Mas obrigado mesmo assim pela disposição!



#On Fri, Aug 10, 2001 at 09:13:27AM -0300, Rogerio Neves Batata wrote:
# On Thu, 9 Aug 2001, Carlos Laviola wrote:
# #DivX/MPEG/AVI e outros formatos. O som sempre sai rápido. Deve ser o som
# #on-board horrível da minha placa de som (AC97, do chipset da VIA).
# Buenas Carlos,
# Desculpe-me escrever em pvt, mas acho que não é de interesse do
# restante da lista:
#Você esqueceu de tirar a lista do Cc... Então vou responder na lista
#mesmo, já que a mensagem original já foi pra lá, OK?
# Que driver você usa pra essa placa AC97??? Comprei uma coisa
# legal dessas e não tive nem tempo de olhar direito... sabendo o driver
# já fica + fácil!
#Bom, como a minha 'placa de som' vem no chipset KT133 da VIA (integrado
#a uma placa-mãe Soyo SY-K7VTA-B), eu escolhi o driver VIA 82C686 Audio
#Codec. Talvez as placas de som Ensoniq, mesmo que usando o mesmo codec,
#sejam de maior qualidade, mas não acredito... :/ Aqui, o som tem muitas
#interferências e ruídos, além da impedância das saídas de áudio ser
#horrorosa, ou seja, quando eu aumento o som no meu amplificador,
#ouvem-se estalos estrondosos.
# Você tá usando o alsa?
#Não, só as coisas do kernel padrões. Veja no dmesg:
#Via 686a audio driver 1.1.14b
#PCI: Found IRQ 11 for device 00:07.5
#PCI: Sharing IRQ 11 with 00:0b.0
#via82cxxx: Codec rate locked at 48Khz
#ac97_codec: AC97 Audio codec, id: 0x8384:0x7600 (SigmaTel STAC)
#via82cxxx: board #1 at 0xDC00, IRQ 11
#Qualquer coisa, me diz o nome do fabricante e modelo da sua placa de
#som (seria melhor o ID PCI da placa, que pode ser obtido com 'lspci
#-vv') que eu te ajudo a procurar o driver correto.
# _ _  _| _  _  | _   . _ | _  Debian-BR Project
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#Linux: the choice of a GNU generation - Registered Linux User #103594
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Xconsole + Frufrus :)

2001-08-13 Thread Rogerio Neves Batata

Olá povo,

Eu vejo de vez em quando uns screenshots do pessoal rodando linux,
e um negócio me chamou a atenção: o xconsole (ou coisa que o valha)
rodando num terminal tipo o eterm, com transparencia, bitmap de funco e
coisas do tipo. Agora que eu  tô com um micro novo e os recursos não são
mais tão escassos :) eu queria brincar com umas coisas dessas... 

Resumidamente... como eu faço pra colocar o xconsole num outro
emulador de terminal?

Outra coisa... instalei o Enlight esse fim de semana, mas achei
ele meio pobre! Eu vi um amigo meu rodando um enlightenment a uns 2 anos
atrás e o negócio era show... isso se resolve só com temas ou tem mais
alguma coisa que eu possa usar pra maquinar ele?

Eu queria ouvir também uns palpites do pessoal da lista que usa o
Enlightenment... sobre como deixar ele mais bonitinho... mais funcional...
mais mais! 8)

E pro povo do KDE... calma... eu chego lá! Uma coisa de cada vez!


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Re: Tres maquina e internet.

2001-08-13 Thread Rogerio Neves Batata
On Fri, 10 Aug 2001, Algot wrote:

#  Ô gente...
#  Ajuda aqui.
#  Tenho tres maquinas em rede: A, B e C. A maquina A é o servidor
#que tem acesso a internet e fica o tempo todo conectado. Como que eu
#faço para acessar a internet das outras duas ? 
#  Brigado,

Dê uma olhada no IP-Masquerade howto... é basicamente o que vocÊ
precisa... depois, eu recomendo uma olhada no IPChains howto, pra deixar a
coisa mais segura.



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Re: Faculdade de Sistema de Informações (OFF Topic)

2001-08-13 Thread Rodrigo Morais Araujo
On Sun, 12 Aug 2001, Leandro Guimarães Faria Corsetti Dutra wrote:

  #On Thu, 9 Aug 2001, Gustavo Noronha Silva wrote:
  # aliás... eu vi uma coisa que me deixou muito espantado essa semana
  # passada... um outdoor de uma universidade conveniada à Microsoft e
  # à Oracle... onde o mundo vai? Você sai da faculdade certificado MS
  # hahaha... que droga...

   Pois é, e tem propaganda assim também nos cadernos de empregos de São
 Paulo.  Deve ser a mesma, se bem que acho que isso há de se tornar cada
 vez mais comum.

 Rodrigo Morais Araujo wrote:
On Fri, 10 Aug 2001, Rogerio Neves Batata wrote:
   On Fri, 10 Aug 2001, Rodrigo Morais Araujo wrote:
  #dentro dos nossos laboratorios tem mais de 1 milhão de reais em
 licença de
  #softwares doados pela *bonissima* Micrsoft... É isso ai... dah as
  #licenssas de *graça* para depois ganhar mais na frente. O que me
 Quanto à Microfoffy ganhar mais na frente, é mais perto do que
  você imagina... eles deixam você se familiarizar, se acostumar com os
  vindous por lá... e duma hora pra outra eles dizem... acabou a festa,
  agora tem que pagar.
   Quanto a isso acho que eles não fazem não! Vão deixar de formar
   profissionais que mechem com os produtos dela e que saem da facudade indo
   para empresas que terão que comprar as licenças cada veis mais abusivas

   O pior é que fazem sim, toda empresa -- não, toda organização -- acaba 
 tornando uma reprodução de seus fatores iniciais de sucesso, e costuma
 persistir nessas características mesmo quando elas se tornam
 inadequadas, ameaçando seu próprio futuro.  Entram em um modo de
 suicídio corporativo.

   A Microsoft tem um agravante: o modo no qual ela opera é insustentável.
 Ela teria de se reorganizar totalmente para atuar sem monopólio nem
 segredos, que dirá num mundo de sistemas livres.  E num mundo sem
 monopólios não haveria lugar para a Microsoft -- aliás, num mundo de
 liberdade não haveria lugar para um vendedor de programas tão grande.  E
 ela não quer se reorganizar, muito menos desinchar.  Aí tem de sugar
 mais seus clientes para se sustentar, e mais clientes migram para
 sistemas livres, e aí vai.

   A reação dela é ameaçar cada vez mais clientes nos quais antes ela
 tolerava a cópia não autorizada, e o DMCA.

   dos seus produtos? É uma pena que uma das facudades mais conceituadas do
   Brasil tenha tantas pessoas bitoladas a isso... tanta gente boa que só

   Qual seria?  Não era bom começar a dar nome aos bois?

Onde eu estudo olha o e-mail UFPE, que muitos de meus professores
enchem a boca para dizer que não existe abaixo de Miami facudade de
computação melhor, dizem eles que pode até existir igual mas não melhor!
Acredito que lá seja muito bom, mas acho que falta muitas vezes um pouco
de humildade!

   dinheiro! Não que eu não queira ganhar dinheiro, mas temos que pensar
   um pouco nos outros e ajudar o nosso pais a ganhar o conhecimento
   tecnologico e humano, sair dessa miseria que bate nossas portas todos

   Infelizmente quem pensamos assim somos uma ínfima minoria.  Muitos falam
 assim, poucos (tentamos) agir.

 / \ Leandro Guimarães Faria Corsetti Dutra   +55 (11) 246 96 07
 \ /   BRASIL  +55 (43) 322 89 71
 / \ Campanha fita ASCII, contra correio HTMLmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 :::  .''`.  :::
 ::: : :'  : :::  Rodrigo Morais Araujo (rma) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ::: `. `'`  :::  UIN: 101720839
 :::   `-:::

Re: Xconsole + Frufrus :)

2001-08-13 Thread Michelle Ribeiro
Oi, Batata...

Leitura recomendada:

Um abraço,


- Original Message -
From: Rogerio Neves Batata [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Lista Debian Portuguesa
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 9:08 AM
Subject: Xconsole + Frufrus :)

 Olá povo,

 Eu vejo de vez em quando uns screenshots do pessoal rodando linux,
 e um negócio me chamou a atenção: o xconsole (ou coisa que o valha)
 rodando num terminal tipo o eterm, com transparencia, bitmap de funco e
 coisas do tipo. Agora que eu  tô com um micro novo e os recursos não são
 mais tão escassos :) eu queria brincar com umas coisas dessas...

 Resumidamente... como eu faço pra colocar o xconsole num outro
 emulador de terminal?

 Outra coisa... instalei o Enlight esse fim de semana, mas achei
 ele meio pobre! Eu vi um amigo meu rodando um enlightenment a uns 2 anos
 atrás e o negócio era show... isso se resolve só com temas ou tem mais
 alguma coisa que eu possa usar pra maquinar ele?

 Eu queria ouvir também uns palpites do pessoal da lista que usa o
 Enlightenment... sobre como deixar ele mais bonitinho... mais funcional...
 mais mais! 8)

 E pro povo do KDE... calma... eu chego lá! Uma coisa de cada vez!


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   X   ASCII ribbon campaign - against html mail
  / \

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Re: man pages para download!

2001-08-13 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Sun, 12 Aug 2001 22:19:52 -0300 (EST)
Ricardo Castanho de O. Freitas [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Mas, pergunte ao kov ou alguém que possa esclarecer quanto as
 particularidades no Debian...
 Aliás, eu gostaria de saber... seria só fazer o download ou algum 'port'?
o pacote manpages-pt e o manpages-pt-dev contêm as manapages...
deixa ir que elas se atualizam quando o macan atualizar... usuários
de potato podem pegar da unstable sem problema, em teoria


Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux:|
| : :'  : | Debian BR...: |
| `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!  |
|   `-| Think globally, act locally!   |

Para pequenos ...

2001-08-13 Thread MarcioRAGarcia

 Alguem sabe se consigo rodar o Debian em um 286 ?? com 1mb RAM ??

 Se souberem de alguma distro q funcione me avisem please ...


Re: [Way OT] SunOS question

2001-08-13 Thread John Foster
Having just completed a port of our server product from Debian to Solaris (I
wanted to try to keep the entire package environment as close as possible) I
_strongly_ suggest you try to find a port of screen for your breed of SunOS.
Trying to port sanely from GNU/Linux to Solaris is very trying. In particular,
any cool optimisations will bite you hard when Sun Workshop gets a hold of them

My own opinion is the Solaris needs to be put down or retired. Diabolical OS,
diabolical environment. And the hardware isnt _that_ good - not compared to the
price anyway: we used a e3500 (4 way) with list price of AUD$260,000 and it
performs no better than a Dual 733 Coppermine PIII with Mylex Raid card running
Debian. which cost us about AUD$7500. Disk IO on the e3500 is a little faster
'cos it uses Fiber Channel instead of UW160. But not quarter of a million
dollars worth!!

David Z Maze wrote:

 Hall Stevenson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 HS There's a Sun Sparcstation at work that I would like to use
 HS virtual terminals on, if it's even possible. So, is it ??
 HS 'uname -a' tells me this:
 HS SunOS fred 4.1.3 1 sun4m

 The Linux virtual terminal support is provided by the Linux kernel
 directly, so you're not going to get something identical on a machine
 running Solaris (or SunOS 4).  It also has the annoying misfeature
 that it only works on the physical console of the machine.  :-)

 One common way around this is to use an excellent program called
 screen.  You can get source from GNU, or [[ObDebian]] 'apt-get
 source screen' on a Debian box and somehow export the source to your
 Sun machine.  Screen lets you run multiple programs under a single
 terminal window in pretty much any environment, and even lets you
 detach a session, log out, and come back to it later.  It's a godsend
 for working with, say, a VT320.

 (And in fact right now, since I've just moved and we have no real
 connectivity, I'm sending mail from Gnus in XEmacs running in a screen
 on a Solaris 8 machine, with the connection being a 14.4kbps modem
 plugged directly into a VT320.  Having found the relevant frobs, life
 is good, or would be for 10-year-old technology.  :-)

 Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal.
 -- Abra Mitchell

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Modifying a Windows 95/98 FAAT 32 partition

2001-08-13 Thread Rogério Brito
On Aug 12 2001, Eduard Bloch wrote:
 Rog?rio Brito wrote on Sun Aug 12, 2001 um 04:06:17PM:
  Where can I get the source to the boot-floppies (so that I
 The source of BFs is in Debian's FTP pool. The patch is somewhere in
 my directory, the kernel configuration file too, and the URL the
 ext3 patch is in the Changelog of the kernel package.

Thanks. I was just interested in the BFs sources, since I want
to customize the other things anyway. Thank you very much.

  could make one customized set myself)? I'd also love to learn
  a bit more about them.
 Please do. There is some help on internationalisation needed.

I guess that it is obvious from my (poor) English, my name and
my address that I'm Brazilian. :-)

And I can think about the i18n if I can understand the
templates needed (I plan on doing a little bit of work to get
my girlfriend to use Linux -- and I think that I obviously can
contribute back some Portuguese translations to Debian).

Oh, now I just need some spare time. :-))

  You homepage didn't mention the location of the sources (it
  contained only your patch).
 This is Debian country, I didn't expect anyone to have problems
 founding them.

Well, I guess that the problem was that I am stupid and that I
wasn't looking for the hard way instead of the obvious one you
mentioned (I was looking for a CVS tree somewhere, but doing
my searches among a lot of other work which distracted me and
made me never bother to look at it again).

Thank you very much, Roger...

  Rogério Brito - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Re: Small Debian Install?

2001-08-13 Thread Rogério Brito
On Aug 12 2001, ktb wrote:
 On Sun, Aug 12, 2001 at 02:02:09PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi, I'm looking into buying a 386 laptop with 4 mb RAM, and a
  160mb HDD. Will I be able to install Debian on this? How about X

One of the biggest problems that I have noticed (I haven't
read the above documents, so I may be restating what they're
saying) is that glibc is quite large for a computer with only
4MB of RAM.

There are some projects out there on the net that intend to
make a smaller version of the Unix's standard libc library,
namely dietlibc and uClibc. I haven't used any of these, but
if I had to cope with such restrictions, I'd definitely use an
old kernel (since they are lighter) stripped of any unused
module, a busybox to use as commands and one of these
lighter libraries, disabling unnecessary services also.

Using X is not very good in such cases.

[]s, Roger...

  Rogério Brito - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Re: LT WinModem and kernel headers

2001-08-13 Thread Rogério Brito
On Aug 12 2001, Guy Geens wrote:
 [1] /usr/src has even been deprecated AFAIK.

What is the best current practice nowadays?

Since I read a post by Linus on the lkml some time ago, I've
been compiling my kernels under my own user tree, and not even
bothering using /usr/src anyway.

[]s, Roger...

  Rogério Brito - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Re: 2.4.7 kernel boot hangs with cramfs: wrong magic

2001-08-13 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Sun, Aug 12, 2001 at 02:30:53PM -0400, Jerome Acks Jr wrote:
 oop! -- I corrected a few incorrect details in my prior message 
 regarding the results of 2.4.7 boot partitions check and contents of my 
 lilo.conf file.
 I have been trying unsuccessfully to get a 2.4.7 kernel to boot. My PC 
 has a AMD-K6-II and runs woody. My most recent attempt used the kernel 
 image is from kernel-image-2.4.7-k6_2.4.7-1.i386.deb. The boot sequence 
 runs until the hard disk partition check and then hangs. The final part 
 of the boot post is:
 Partition check:
 /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0: [EZD] [remap 0-1] [700/255/63] p1 p2 
 /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target1/lun0: [PTBL] [2491/255/63] p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 
 p6 p7
 cramfs: wrong magic
 VFS: Mounted root (est2 filesystem) readonly
 change-root: old root has d_count=2
 Freeing unused kernel memory: 184k freed

I had this same problem when I tried 2.4.7 and an initrd; I decided I
really wanted 2.4.7 more than I wanted an initrd so I compiled IDE
support into the kernel proper.

 The boot hangs at this point. Sometimes is hangs at the line cramfs: 
 wrong magic

Recompile the kernel with IDE support non-modular and see what happens
 When I boot with my 2.2.19 kernel, partition check reports:
 hda: [EZD] [remap 0-1] [700/255/63] hda1 hda2  hda5 
 hdb: hdb1 hdb2 hdb3 hdb4  hdb5 hdb6 hdb7 
 Is it normal for a 2.4.x kernels to report partitions as p1, p2, etc. 
 vice hda1, hda2, hdb1, etc?

Uh, yeah ... it's devfs at work.  You need to install devfsd if you
plan to use a 2.4.x kernel and devfs

 What does cramfs: wrong magic mean, and 
 does anyone have suggestions on how to fix this problem?

I believe it means it can't make sense of your initrd but I'll let
Herbert make the call.


Nathan Norman - Staff Engineer | A good plan today is better
Micromuse Ltd. | than a perfect plan tomorrow.
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   -- Patton

Description: PGP signature

Re: remote administration methods

2001-08-13 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Sun, Aug 12, 2001 at 06:54:33PM -0700, Karsten M. Self wrote:
 on Sun, Aug 12, 2001 at 05:24:46PM +0200, Martin F. Krafft ([EMAIL 
 PROTECTED]) wrote:
  also sprach Karsten M. Self (on Wed, 25 Jul 2001 12:27:54PM -0700):
   Have you looked at bitkeeper (  This is an
   almost-free software versioning system which addresses several
   weaknesses of CVS and might suit your needs.  Larry McVoy is also pretty
   keen on distributed processing issues.
  bitkeeper looks like a good idea, but it's commercial and i do not
  have monetary means available. aside, i could not find some sort of
  evaluation, so i could not establish, whether bitkeeper would solve my
 BitKeeper has a mixed model.  It's commercial if you use it for
 proprietary tasks (and don't want logging).  It's free (beer) if you use
 it for free software and/or allow its logging.  Either way, source is

I don't understand why semi-commercial software with weird licensing
can be mentioned on debian lists without provoking vitriol from
purists, but mention of any software written by djb does?

No flame intended Karsten ... just had to get that off my chest :)


Nathan Norman - Staff Engineer | A good plan today is better
Micromuse Ltd. | than a perfect plan tomorrow.
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   -- Patton

Description: PGP signature

Re: [ Re: LT WinModem and kernel headers]

2001-08-13 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Sun, Aug 12, 2001 at 02:04:24PM -0700, Paul Scott wrote:
 [1] /usr/src has even been deprecated AFAIK.
 Please post anything you know about this.  The Filesystem Hierarechy 
 Standard doesn't mention this.

He simply means that you aren't [0] supposed to compile kernels

/usr/src is under control of the packaging system, so if it were to
blow away your source tree you shouldn't be surprised.  OTOH dpkg has
never yet messed with a /usr/src/kernel-source-N directory, so I
don't think this is a major issue ...

Nathan Norman - Staff Engineer | A good plan today is better
Micromuse Ltd. | than a perfect plan tomorrow.
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   -- Patton

[0] According to the authorities ... I've read it but I'm too lazy to
look it up at the moment.

Description: PGP signature

Re: HELP, caught in a login loop

2001-08-13 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Sun, Aug 12, 2001 at 09:42:37PM -0400, dman wrote:
 | Apologies for the mis-information. Anyone know why runlevels are set up like
 | this in Debian?
 So that you, the admin, can organize the runlevels in whatever way you
 feel like without any (initial) interference from the installer.

You could remove the word initial entirely as dpkg will never [0]
mess with runlevel changes.

Nathan Norman - Staff Engineer | A good plan today is better
Micromuse Ltd. | than a perfect plan tomorrow.
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   -- Patton

[0] as long as at least one link still exists.  This is why leaving
the K links to xdm works (see the other thread(s)).  If there are no
links at all, dpkg can only assume that the package has never been

Description: PGP signature

Re: hard drive problems... misconfiguration?

2001-08-13 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Sun, Aug 12, 2001 at 08:25:14PM +0200, Hugo van der Merwe wrote:
 unlike GNU/Linux support, Fujitsu Support doesn't function on Sundays.
 It's wait and see...

Amazing, isn't it?  So much for superior commercial support.

(Yeah yeah, I know it's not fair to compare hardware support to OS
support, but anyone who says Linux is unsupported has never used a
list like this).

Nathan Norman - Staff Engineer | A good plan today is better
Micromuse Ltd. | than a perfect plan tomorrow.
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   -- Patton

Description: PGP signature

Re: kernel 2.4.x in potato?

2001-08-13 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Sun, Aug 12, 2001 at 07:11:25PM -0400, Bob Koss wrote:
 took me two tries (forgot to include vfat the first time), but the
 apt-get and make-kpkg utilities sure make this a lot easier than it
 used to be in RedHat!

Sir, your language!!!


Nathan Norman - Staff Engineer | A good plan today is better
Micromuse Ltd. | than a perfect plan tomorrow.
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   -- Patton

Description: PGP signature

Re: LT WinModem and kernel headers

2001-08-13 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Mon, Aug 13, 2001 at 01:26:05AM -0300, Rog?rio Brito wrote:
 On Aug 12 2001, Guy Geens wrote:
  [1] /usr/src has even been deprecated AFAIK.
   What is the best current practice nowadays?
   Since I read a post by Linus on the lkml some time ago, I've
   been compiling my kernels under my own user tree, and not even
   bothering using /usr/src anyway.

I use /usr/local/src, but that's mostly because I can, and I'd rather
clutter /usr/local/src than my home dir.

Nathan Norman - Staff Engineer | A good plan today is better
Micromuse Ltd. | than a perfect plan tomorrow.
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   -- Patton

Description: PGP signature

Re: LT WinModem and kernel headers

2001-08-13 Thread Petr \[Dingo\] Dvorak
On Mon, 13 Aug 2001, Rogério Brito wrote:

RB On Aug 12 2001, Guy Geens wrote:
RB  [1] /usr/src has even been deprecated AFAIK.
RB What is the best current practice nowadays?
RB Since I read a post by Linus on the lkml some time ago, I've
RB been compiling my kernels under my own user tree, and not even
RB bothering using /usr/src anyway.

well i guess i'm old fashion, because i still preffer it over anything else
.. it is just a habit i guess ;)


   ' '(~)' '
Petr [Dingo] Dvorak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Coder - Purple Dragon MUD port 
   -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 369D93 ]=-=-
 Debian version 2.2.19,  up 29 min, 4 users, load average: 0.00

Re: xfree86_4.1.0-2 broken dga

2001-08-13 Thread Tim Moss

Sean Morgan wrote:

All my DGA using apps have broken as of late giving:

/usr/X11R6/lib/ undefined symbol: atexit

A 'dpkg -S' gives no results, but I assume it used to be in 
xlibs.  So were the DGA libs moved or something, or am I just SOL til the 
maintainer fixes it?

Do you even have a file? I am running sid and I don't 
have that anymore though I created it from libXxf86dga.a

ld --whole-archive -shared -o libXxf86dga.a

I have no idea what, if any, problems this may cause with future 
upgrades and such so use it at your own risk. All I know is my programs 
will run again.

On a completely unrelated topic, would it be considered innapropriate 
for me to use the list address as the return email for messages I post 
here?  I have no need to receive direct replies and would rather not be 
spreading my real email for spammers to collect (the return on this 
message is a little fudged). Is there an etiquette document somewhere?


Re: xfree86_4.1.0-2 broken dga

2001-08-13 Thread Sean Morgan
On 2001.08.13 01:06 Tim Moss wrote:
 Do you even have a file? I am running sid and I don't 
 have that anymore though I created it from libXxf86dga.a
 ld --whole-archive -shared -o libXxf86dga.a
 I have no idea what, if any, problems this may cause with future 
 upgrades and such so use it at your own risk. All I know is my programs 
 will run again.

Heh, so that's where those come from...though why you wouldn't have one is
beyond me, I think it would be generated by the install script.  It turns
out my problem was caused by the libc-10 packages, so a downgrade fixed

xfree86 and default font 'fixed'

2001-08-13 Thread Jeffrey Drake
I am using a stock potato without X, I am compiling XFree86 4.1 from
source, then installing it to /usr/X11, I have added Antialiasing and
TTF support following instructions on

I have installed it all, and setup an XFree86 configuration file. And
also started xfs.

Now I get this:
could not open default font 'fixed'
as the error.

I don't know what to do with this now. Anything I have found on google
hasn't been of much help to me. There seems to be many causes to this
none of which I found info on.

Does anyone else have this problem? If so how did you solve it?

Here is my XF86Config file (relevent parts only to prevent from being
too large):
Section Module

# This loads the DBE extension module.

Loaddbe   # Double buffer extension

# This loads the miscellaneous extensions module, and disables
# initialisation of the XFree86-DGA extension within that module.
SubSection  extmod
  Optionomit xfree86-dga   # don't initialise the DGA

# This loads the Type1 and FreeType font modules

# This loads the GLX module
#Load   glx


# **
# Files section.  This allows default font and rgb paths to be set
# **

Section Files

# The location of the RGB database.  Note, this is the name of the
# file minus the extension (like .txt or .db).  There is normally
# no need to change the default.

RgbPath /usr/X11/lib/X11/rgb

# Multiple FontPath entries are allowed (which are concatenated
# as well as specifying multiple comma-separated entries in one FontPath
# command (or a combination of both methods)
# If you don't have a floating point coprocessor and emacs, Mosaic or
# programs take long to start up, try moving the Type1 and Speedo
# to the end of this list (or comment them out).
FontPath   /usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/misc/
FontPath   /usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/truetype/
FontPath   /usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/
FontPath   /usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo/
FontPath   /usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/local/
FontPath   /usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/misc/
FontPath   /usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled
FontPath   /usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled
FontPath   /usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/
FontPath   /usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/
FontPath   unix/:7100 
# The module search path.  The default path is shown here.

ModulePath /usr/X11/lib/modules


Re: Mozilla: configure menu fonts?

2001-08-13 Thread Aaron Leventhal

Karsten M. Self wrote:

  on Sun, Aug 12, 2001 at 08:28:29AM -0700, Craig Dickson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
Karsten M. Self wrote:

  File is ~/.mozilla/user/odd string/chrome/userChrome.cssContent that works for now:window{  font-family: Helvetica !important;  font-size: 8pt !important; */  font-style: regular !important;  font-weight: normal !important;}menubar, menubutton, menulist, menu, menuitem {  font-family: Helvetica !important;  font-style: regular !important;  font-weight: normal !important;  font-size: 8pt !important; }
  I see you've solved your problem. I can add to the solution a bit, though.Here's my userChrome.css:  button, input, menu, menubar, menubutton, menuitem, menulist, window {  font-family: verdana !important;  font-size: 3mm !important;  }Notice I've added a few more object types to the list. This makes justabout all of Mozilla's UI use the same font.
  Thanks, got it.
Is there any real documentation on this anywhere? 

AFAICT, no, which was one of the things I was starting to cursecreatively whilst looking for a solution last night.  There's a document, the XPTookkit (, with aXUL section, but best as I can tell, it's last updated 30 Jun 1999(that's three years ago, if you're slow on math). 

  I browsed around the site for a while but couldn't findany complete definition of what you can put into the userChrome.cssfile. I only found examples, which were nice as far as they went butwere far from comprehensive.  What are _all_ the object types, _all_the attribute names, _all_ the units of measurement that are accepted?
  Since XUL is XML, somewhere there's an XML DTD specification for XULthat should specify all this crap.  Fuck if I could tell you where thatis.  Some of the places I've stopped by in my wanderings.There are a number of links from the main  page, I'vefollowed several in depth with no luck in finding an attribute listincluding, say, two target elements:  'font-size' and 'menubar'.First, there's a plug for _Essential XUL Programming_ by Bullard, Smith,and Daconta.  The table of contents lists "Appendix A:  XUL Programmer'sReference", but I don't see anything that looks like an entityreference.,9049,89266,00.html,9049,1775290,00.htmlGoing to the Mozilla FAQ leads on to "The XPToolkit", no entity reference.Links point to "Introduction to XUL" around more-or-less at random, I've stumbled across theCSS2 Specification: includes certain elements such as "font-face" and "font-size".Interesti
ngly, the first example for font-size is specified as points'pt':, CSS2 (plus or minus a version) seems to supply the entity attributesfor XUL.  Next question is:  where do we find out what the fuck we canconfigure?  - "A XUL Bestiary" isn't:  - The "XUL Widget Cheatsheet" comes close, though it's incomplete (nomention of windows, font-size:  - The "XUL Programmer's Reference" raises the meaning of "contentfree" to new heights: I've copied a few Moz folk on this, I'd be very interested to know:  - Where the DTD and all attributes are defined.  - Why this isn't in the documentation.  - If there's no comprehensive attributes listing, an explanation ofwhy not.  This should be prominantly featured early in the availableonline XUL docs.
Until I saw your example, I didn't even know that you could specifyfont sizes in points! 

I wung[1] that one, then searched Google and local configs under/usr/lib/mozilla* for various combinations of 'font-size' to see whatthe points argument was.

  The only examples I had seen used "mm" as the unit of measurement.
  On the one hand, reasonable if your display measures true, OTOH, I'mused to specifying *everything* in points, and have no idea what thecorresponding mm measurement is.I've cc:'d [EMAIL PROTECTED] and Dave Hyatt [EMAIL PROTECTED]on this post.All please note reply-to set to debian-user.Notes:1.  Past tense of "wing".

Re: getting woody

2001-08-13 Thread Joel Mayes
 David == David Dayan-Rosenman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

David Hi all, I am trying to get woody but could not find out how
David to do that. Are there some ISOs available ?

I don't think Debian releases testing or unstable ISO's your best
bet is probably getting a potatoe ISO and apt-get dist-upgrade'ing to
or last time I looked Linux System Labs Australia
( sold a unstable snap shot ISO, you'd have to
ask them to find out how up to date it is.

Package Request

2001-08-13 Thread Brad Rhodes
To whom could I make a request for a new Debian package?

Re: Package Request

2001-08-13 Thread John Galt

File a bug with


pseudo-package wnpp.

On Mon, 13 Aug 2001, Brad Rhodes wrote:

To whom could I make a request for a new Debian package?

There is no problem so great that it cannot be solved with suitable
application of High Explosives.

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!

Help: DVDs players and Linux

2001-08-13 Thread Rogério Brito

Dear All,

Last week, I bought myself a new DVD drive, an Asus E608,
which is a RPC1 drive. Being a new technology for me, I only
have two DVDs to play with it (G3: Live in Concert and Elvis
Presley's comeback special).

Of course, the first thing I did was to just compile a new
2.4.7 (at the time) kernel with the new ioctl interface for
DVDs for a sid install that I have.

I started searching the Debian repositories for DVD players
and I've found two players that seemed to do the job (reading
their descriptions on their respective sites): xine and
videolan (vlc).

I installed everything and started watching the DVDs, but then
I got two little surprises:

1 - the DVD playback didn't include subtitles (I later tested
this on another movie that I rented at a local
Blockbuster), which are very important for me, since
English is not my first language and I can't understand it
very well (I can not even write correctly in English, much
less listen to people speaking it).

2 - the DVD playback shows a lot of artifacts, especially
during fast-moving scenes, with the two players showing
the same problems.

The effect that I saw was that output of the DVD players
had an interlaced display: I saw the even lines not
aligned with the odd lines, which was a bit distracting.

Unfortunately, using PowerDVD 2.x under Windows/98, everything
run fine and the problems above didn't appear. So, I guess
that the hardware is working fine.

Reading through some sites, I discovered that Linux players
have problems displaying subtitles in overlay mode (which I
don't even know what means) and tried to run vlc without it,
by invoking vlc (0.2.82) with the vlc_overlay option disabled
(set to 0), but as soon as I opened the DVD (using the gnome
plugin), it crashed with a segmentation fault. :-(

Is this a known problem?

Also, I have a question regarding zones: will I be able to
watch DVDs without ever worrying about zones? Is it handled
transparently by the drive (which ignores the zones -- or so
I've been told)? Do xine or vlc take care of that or should I
use a program to set the current region of the drive?

I'm a little bit lost here with regards of DVDs and I'd
appreciate any help.

Thank you very much in advance, Roger...

P.S.: I'm using the latest versions of all programs from today's
update of sid.
  Rogério Brito - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Re: Mozilla: configure menu fonts?

2001-08-13 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Sun, Aug 12, 2001 at 11:09:54PM -0700, Aaron Leventhal ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 Karsten M. Self wrote:
  on Sun, Aug 12, 2001 at 08:28:29AM -0700, Craig Dickson
  ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

   Is there any real documentation on this anywhere?
   AFAICT, no, which was one of the things I was starting to curse
   creatively whilst looking for a solution last night.

(Use of text and postfix quoting are encouraged.)

Note in particular:

Mozilla XUL and Script Reference

However, getting back to the menubar page:

...we don't find the attributed font-family, font-style, font-weight, or
font-size specified.  Nor are they specified on the inherited attributes

Using the site's search engine to locate references to 'font-face' are

So the question remains:  how is the developer, or even casual user,
supposed to know or research attributes of objects within XUL?

Karsten M. Self
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand? There is no K5 cabal
   Free Dmitry! Boycott Adobe! Repeal the DMCA!
Geek for Hire

Description: PGP signature

gnome is gone!

2001-08-13 Thread R1nso13
i recently tried (and so far failed) to install printtool... and in the 
process i seemed to have wiped out gnome... here's what happened:
i'm running 2.2r3 so i had to upgrade a lot of libraries, ect. to get to the 
point where i had all the nessicary files to dpkg printtool... (one file that 
printtool required would require 2 or 3 more files of its own) and somewhere 
between installing some new c libraries and lpr-ppd i seem to have removed 
some important gnome packages. I tried to dselect the packages to reinstall 
but it keeps getting hung up by the fact that i don't have this library that 
it needs: '' i've searched the package directory for it as well as 
'' and gotten nothing... libdb returns like 700 results and i can't 
browse all of those for something resembling that library. so here's what i 
need to know: 
1. where do i get that library
2. since i've got lines in .xinitrc to start gmc and the toolbar and neither 
one of them start, what's the most likely file that would've gotten 
uninstalled by dselect while installing some c libraries and printtool (and 
its reqired files)?

well, i guess that last one isn't essential, but i'm really starting to get 
bothered by this printer that says will work 'perfectly' but 
won't even do an 
'lptest  /dev/usb/lp0' ... did that letter i sent a/b it earlier make it 
through my slow connection?

anyway, i'm almost as confused as i was when i first started installing this 
crazy OS, so any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

gnome is gone!

2001-08-13 Thread R1nso13
i recently tried (and so far failed) to install printtool... and in the 
process i seemed to have wiped out gnome... here's what happened:
i'm running 2.2r3 so i had to upgrade a lot of libraries, ect. to get to the 
point where i had all the nessicary files to dpkg printtool... (one file that 
printtool required would require 2 or 3 more files of its own) and somewhere 
between installing some new c libraries and lpr-ppd i seem to have removed 
some important gnome packages. I tried to dselect the packages to reinstall 
but it keeps getting hung up by the fact that i don't have this library that 
it needs: '' i've searched the package directory for it as well as 
'' and gotten nothing... libdb returns like 700 results and i can't 
browse all of those for something resembling that library. so here's what i 
need to know: 
1. where do i get that library
2. since i've got lines in .xinitrc to start gmc and the toolbar and neither 
one of them start, what's the most likely file that would've gotten 
uninstalled by dselect while installing some c libraries and printtool (and 
its reqired files)?

well, i guess that last one isn't essential, but i'm really starting to get 
bothered by this printer that says will work 'perfectly' 
won't even do an 
'lptest  /dev/usb/lp0' ... did that e-mail i sent a/b it earlier make it 
through my slow connection, by the way? b/c i didn't get any responses

anyway, i'm almost as confused as i was when i first started installing this 
crazy OS, so any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

Re: Reading a mac disk

2001-08-13 Thread Sebastiaan

On Sun, 12 Aug 2001, William T Wilson wrote:

 I want to take a Macintosh IDE hard drive (System 8.6), connect it to my
 x86 Linux system and read the data off of it.  (In a pinch, I could use a
 Windows system too, but that looks harder).
 Do I have a prayer? :}
Yes ;-). You have to compile a kernel which supports the mac partition
table (CONFIG_MAC_PARTITION=y) and support for the hfs filesystem
(CONFIG_HFS_FS=m). Then you should be able to mount the drive with:
mount -t hfs /dev/sdb3 /mnt

 I've used mtools to read Mac floppies, but as far as I know these are no
 use for reading hard drive data.
If you are running Linux on a Mac, there is a package called 'htools'.
Perhaps this also works on PC reading Mac disks.


Re: gnome is gone!

2001-08-13 Thread John Galt

The library you need is libdb3.  After you get libdb3 installed, I'd say
your next target is perl.  potato-woody hangs up nowadays on the libdb3
transition, making perl 5.6 a PITA, but everything that uses perl is moved
to perl 5.6.  I'm thinking you'll be able to go along nicely with libdb3.

On Mon, 13 Aug 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

i recently tried (and so far failed) to install printtool... and in the
process i seemed to have wiped out gnome... here's what happened:
i'm running 2.2r3 so i had to upgrade a lot of libraries, ect. to get to the
point where i had all the nessicary files to dpkg printtool... (one file that
printtool required would require 2 or 3 more files of its own) and somewhere
between installing some new c libraries and lpr-ppd i seem to have removed
some important gnome packages. I tried to dselect the packages to reinstall
but it keeps getting hung up by the fact that i don't have this library that
it needs: '' i've searched the package directory for it as well as
'' and gotten nothing... libdb returns like 700 results and i can't
browse all of those for something resembling that library. so here's what i
need to know:
1. where do i get that library

2. since i've got lines in .xinitrc to start gmc and the toolbar and neither
one of them start, what's the most likely file that would've gotten
uninstalled by dselect while installing some c libraries and printtool (and
its reqired files)?

well, i guess that last one isn't essential, but i'm really starting to get
bothered by this printer that says will work 'perfectly' but
won't even do an
'lptest  /dev/usb/lp0' ... did that letter i sent a/b it earlier make it
through my slow connection?

anyway, i'm almost as confused as i was when i first started installing this
crazy OS, so any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

There is no problem so great that it cannot be solved with suitable
application of High Explosives.

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!

Any way to play midi files?

2001-08-13 Thread Anthony Campbell
Is there any way to play midi files on Linux?

Anthony Campbell - running Debian GNU/Linux (Windows-free zone).
For electronic books (Homeomythology and The Assassins of Alamut), skeptical 
essays, and over 130 book reviews, go to

Disasters do happen in life, but the disasters that happen are never those
that you were worried about.   [my father]

Re: consolehelper??

2001-08-13 Thread Aquarion
Micke H took 5 tacks to pin this to the wall of linux.debian.user
Is consolehelper something that i can find for a debian system?

apt-cache search consolehelper returned nothing, so it's not in the

What is it?

Yours in total sincerity,

Official Duck Pond of this village.
No tires please, 
and shopping trollies only by appointment

Re: Can't post to newsgroups . . . at wits end!

2001-08-13 Thread Aquarion
On Thu, 09 Aug 2001 21:18:00 GMT, in linux.debian.user you wrote:

Talk about your Catch-22's!!

I'm at my brother's housesitting for him.  He's got 6 computers sharing an
@home cable account via a pre-potato firewall/router.  I brought my laptop
(yellowdog) to do work, and can surf, send and receive email, and receive
news postings.  But I cannot post myself  I get

Error 440:  Posting Not Allowed.

I figure it has something to do with his firewall.  Any idea?

Are you using the @home newsswerver(a), or the one on your brother's

If A:
Possibly an ISP problem, try from one of the boxes on the 
network (assumably *he* can use Usenet)

If B:
He has configured his servers not to let anyone outside his 
local network post to the server, for Sensible and Correct 
reasons. Since your laptop isn't on the list of Allowed 
People, you can't post.


Yours In Total Sincerity

   Aquarion/Nick Avenell


Re: Any way to play midi files?

2001-08-13 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
Anthony Campbell wrote on Mon Aug 13, 2001 um 08:50:32AM:
 Is there any way to play midi files on Linux?

~# apt-cache search MIDI | grep -i play\|seq
awe-midi - Linux AWE32 driver MIDI player
awe-netscape-libc5 - Linux AWE32 MIDI player Netscape plugin
awe-netscape-libc6 - Linux AWE32 MIDI player Netscape plugin
brahms - Graphical music editor and MIDI sequencer
kmid - midi/karaoke player for KDE
kmidi - midi-to-wav player/converter for KDE
playmidi - MIDI player
pmidi - a command line midi player for ALSA
rosegarden - An integrated MIDI sequencer and musical notation editor.
sted2 - a fast, functional MIDI sequencer
timidity - Software-only MIDI sequencer.
timidity-el - An Emacs front end to the timidity software-only MIDI
timidity-patches - Instrument files for software-only MIDI sequencer.
tk707 - TK-707 Drum Sequencer for sound card or MIDI device
tse3play - MIDI/TSE3MDL player/converter (tse3play)

Diagnose? Erklärungen? Reproduzierbare Lösungen? Sowas wollen nur
Leute, die von EDV nichts verstehen.

Re: [ Re: LT WinModem and kernel headers]

2001-08-13 Thread Paul Scott

Nathan E Norman wrote:

On Sun, Aug 12, 2001 at 02:04:24PM -0700, Paul Scott wrote:

[1] /usr/src has even been deprecated AFAIK.

Please post anything you know about this.  The Filesystem Hierarechy 
Standard doesn't mention this.

He simply means that you aren't [0] supposed to compile kernels

I understand compiling and the files involved but I don't yet know where 
all these files go during a kernel compilation.  Doesn't apt-get 
install put kernel sources in subdirectories of /usr/src ?  I guess 
this is what you mean with your next sentence?

/usr/src is under control of the packaging system, so if it were to
blow away your source tree you shouldn't be surprised. 

If I modify the sources and then reinstall them of course I would be in 



woody and 2.4.8

2001-08-13 Thread Sven Gaerner

I've got a problem running kernel 2.4.8 with Athlon optimizations turned on.
After compiling and restarting the machine I'm not able to load modules.
I always get an error that the symbol _mmx_memcpy() could not be resolved.

After looking in the sources it seems to be that this module is compiled
and exported.
When I compiled my kernel withour this optimizations everything is working.

Does anyone have a solution for this problem?

Thanks in advance.


Aufgepasst - jetzt viele 11 New WebHosting Pakete ohne
Einrichtungsgebuehr + 1 Monat Grundgebuehrbefreiung!

Re: Upgrading kernel

2001-08-13 Thread Bob Koss
 Daniel == Daniel Toffetti [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Daniel I never installed a kernel using the woody mirrors
Daniel yet. Whenever I upgrade a package using dselect, it simply
Daniel unpacks it and configures it. I guess whether the
Daniel installation of a kernel package is somewhat different in
Daniel that it would require user interactive configuration (in
Daniel the middle of dselect activities).  Could you please
Daniel explain a bit about how would you install and configure
Daniel the kernel this way ?? I mean, how do dpkg operates when
Daniel the package is a kernel.

Hi Daniel,

I just went through this process yesterday. It's really pretty easier
and as a former RedHat user, it is way cool!

First, you want to have the Debian FAQ by your side : Chapter 9 covers kernel stuff. 

Then grab the package kernel-package. This is the thing that makes
upgrading kernels really easy.

Now you need kernel source. You can get this from, or you
can get a deb package containing the source. I did the latter
yesterday and upgraded to 2.4.7. Doing an apt-get for the kernel
source package just gets you a compressed file for the kernel
sources. You have to unpack it by hand. No biggie.

Now comes the hard part. You have to select your kernel build
options. Do a 'make xconfig' and you'll get a gui that presents you
with endless choices to make. If you have a .config file, you can
click on the button that reads this file and it will show the options
set in your running kernel. If you don't have a .config, then you need 
to go through each of the choices and decide what you want in your new 
kernel. The process takes about 10 minutes of clicking.

Now, following the faq, you'll do a 'make-kpkg -rev, followed by a
dpkg --install, reboot, and you have a new kernel running.

Always have a working boot floppy, just in case ;-)


Robert Koss, Ph.D. | Training, Mentoring, Contract Development
Senior Consultant  | Object Oriented Design, C++, Java   | Extreme Programming

SOLVED: Re: gnumeric and gnome-print

2001-08-13 Thread Hugo van der Merwe
   This I can confirm by running gnome-font-install -d :
   What is gnome-font-install missing? Any ideas?
  Does running /usr/share/doc/libgnomeprint-data/run-gnome-font-install help?
 Ack, anyone got a fix for this Gnumeric problem?

The solution:

apt-get install gsfonts

I think gnumeric should at least recommend this package, ?

Hugo van der Merwe

To send me private (non-world-readable) mail, GPG encrypt it.
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Which SCSI-Controller?

2001-08-13 Thread Joerg Johannes
Hi List

Now that I have a real fast CPU and really a lot of RAM, my
SCSI-Controller (an old Adaptec 2940-Ultra) is the speed-limit in my
box. I have three harddisks, two U-SCSI and one U2W with an adaptor, two
SCSI-CD-Roms and an SCSI-scanner. I'm thinking about either a
dual-channel controller, which can handle the big fast U2W-drive at full
speed on one channel, and the slower devices on the second channel. The
other possibility is a new controller for the fast drive, keeping the
old one for the other devices.
So, what seems to be the best solution to you? A well-supported
dual-channel controller, or an additional U2W or U160?

thank you


Did you know that if you play a Windows 2000 cd backwards, you 
will hear the voice of Satan?

That's nothing!  If you play it forward, it'll install Windows 2000.

linux tag 2001 cd -hisax

2001-08-13 Thread Hietler, Bernd


ich hoffe ich bin 
hier richtig und mein problem liegt nicht meiner unfähigkeit. ich habe mir bei 
lehmanns die linuxtag 2001 cd gekauft und auf meinen rechner installiert. beim 
einrichten meiner isdn fritz pci karte kommt unter /var/log/syslog allerdings 
die meldung 
"debian kernel: 
hisax aproval certification failed because of unauthorized suorce code changes" 

wenn ich den alten 
kernel auf der cd boote passiert das selbe.
über modconf lässt 
sich hisax laden und lsmod zeigt auch das hisax aktiv ist. ich habe 
/etc/isdn/ipppd.ippp0 und device.ippp0 richtig konfiguriert, auch resolv.conf 
und die pap einstellungen vorgenommen. beim starten von isdnutils kommt diem
 eldung ippp0 device not found (oder so ähnlich). ich komme nicht ins internet. 
ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen. 
Vielen Dank

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify
the system manager.

This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by
MIMEsweeper for the presence of computer viruses.

Unidentified subject!

2001-08-13 Thread gary p largess
Dear debian;
I would like to learn something about Linux, but I finding it very
frustrating, I have visited dozens of sites looking for a OS, and they
all seem to be too small (1 or 2 floppies) or too big (over 300 M), or
they simply don't specify the systems minimum requirements.

I do not want to experiment with the computer I use for work/school, but
I have a project computer I would like to install some version of Linux
133 Mhz Pentium
less than 300 Mb available hard drive
8 Mb mem.
All I want is a version of Linux I can install on this machine, that has
a graphic interface (I have old/bad memories of DOS), I'm even willing to
pay a small amount.

I look forward to hearing from you;
Gary Largess
Tipton, Iowa

Rückruf: linux tag 2001 cd -hisax

2001-08-13 Thread Hietler, Bernd
Hietler, Bernd möchte die Nachricht linux tag 2001 cd -hisax zurückrufen.

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify
the system manager.

This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by
MIMEsweeper for the presence of computer viruses.

Re: Reading a mac disk

2001-08-13 Thread Christoph Schaefer

On Sun, Aug 12, 2001 at 04:32:41PM -0400, William T Wilson wrote:
 I want to take a Macintosh IDE hard drive (System 8.6), connect it to my
 x86 Linux system and read the data off of it.  (In a pinch, I could use a
 Windows system too, but that looks harder).
 Do I have a prayer? :}
 I've used mtools to read Mac floppies, but as far as I know these are no
 use for reading hard drive data.
You might want to take a look at `apt-cache show hfsutils` and
`apt-cache show hfsplus`.


Anything that is good and useful is made of chocolate.

yet another apt question

2001-08-13 Thread Joerg Johannes
Hi List

Where does apt store the packages.gz files it downloaded when doing
apt-get update?
My idea is to copy them to another computer (which has no internet
access) for doing a dist-upgrade. I think all I need is an up-to-date
list of available packages including their dependencies, and the new
packages in /var/cache/apt/archives. Is this as easy as I hope? If no,
how can I uprgade a totally off-network box?



Did you know that if you play a Windows 2000 cd backwards, you 
will hear the voice of Satan?

That's nothing!  If you play it forward, it'll install Windows 2000.

Re: yet another apt question

2001-08-13 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
use download only option for apt-get , debs are already compressed, then
- Original Message -
From: Joerg Johannes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: debian-user
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 7:32 AM
Subject: yet another apt question

 Hi List

 Where does apt store the packages.gz files it downloaded when doing
 apt-get update?
 My idea is to copy them to another computer (which has no internet
 access) for doing a dist-upgrade. I think all I need is an up-to-date
 list of available packages including their dependencies, and the new
 packages in /var/cache/apt/archives. Is this as easy as I hope? If no,
 how can I uprgade a totally off-network box?



 Did you know that if you play a Windows 2000 cd backwards, you
 will hear the voice of Satan?

 That's nothing!  If you play it forward, it'll install Windows 2000.

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: yet another apt question

2001-08-13 Thread Joerg Johannes
Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
 use download only option for apt-get , debs are already compressed, then

NO, you misunderstood my question. I know what to do with the debs, once
I have them downloaded. I want to know how to tell the offline-box which
debs to use without doing apt-get update (because it's impossible).


Did you know that if you play a Windows 2000 cd backwards, you 
will hear the voice of Satan?

That's nothing!  If you play it forward, it'll install Windows 2000.

Re: Installation Problem...Keyboard error

2001-08-13 Thread Rick Dunetz
it's definitely not a USB keyboard.  I have a USB mouse though.

- Original Message -
From: Michael Heldebrant [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2001 10:56 PM
Subject: Re: Installation Problem...Keyboard error

 On 12 Aug 2001 22:38:40 -0400, Rick Dunetz wrote:
  I've done a bunch of Debian installations and I have never seen the
error message that comes up on my AMD Athlon 1.33 Gig machine (I also have a
maxtor 40 gig 7200 rpm HD with a Windows 98 partition).  During the boot
disk there is an error message that looks like this:
  Keyboard: Timeout - AT Keyboard not present?
  Then when it asks me to put in the root disk and press enter...nothing
happens.  Probably because my keyboard wasn't recognized.  I've tried
several different keyboards and I even tried installing slackware 8...but to
no avail.  The same problem occured.  Anyone have any suggestions?  I would
really appreciate it.
 Do you have a usb keyboard?  If this is the case do you have a spare AT
 keyboard to get your install done so you can get usb support turned on?

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

RE: upgrade to testing (woody) -- failed

2001-08-13 Thread Peter M. Lemmen

I ran into a similar problem going from stable to unstable and updating the
basic libraries. The original symlink to was
replaced by a symlink pointing to, which didn't exist.
Replacing the original symlink seemed to fix it.

Got a bit scary there for a moment, since apt relied on perl to run, and
perl didn't work because of the missing library. :-)



 -Original Message-
 From: John Bagdanoff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of John
 Sent: maandag 13 augustus 2001 04:05
 Subject: Re: upgrade to testing (woody) -- failed

 On Sun, Aug 12, 2001 at 01:28:28AM +, nestea wrote:
  hi all,
  tonight when i tried to upgrade a few boxes to woody, i
 received the following error message.
  any idea?
  perl: error while loading shared libraries: cannot
 open shared object file: No such file or directory
  E: Write error - write (32 Broken pipe)
  E: Failure running script /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure --apt

 I ran into the same problem a few days ago, I took the file from another
 woody box  added it to the one I just upgraded.  That got me past the
 But, then ldconfig c/o /lib/ was not a link.  So I
 renamed it, then
 linked it with  Works for now anyway.

  Using [Debian] Linux

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

How to get packages via a Windows box

2001-08-13 Thread Gary Setter
I've installed the base Debian system as a dual with MS Windows.
I want to install X-Window from the Debian web site. The lab
where I'm 'working' has a DSL connection, however, I can only get
it to work with Windows.  Currently, I'm downloading files via
IE to the Dos partition, rebooting to Linux and finishing the
install there. For small stuff, I can tolerate this. For
X-window, I need to do something better.

I've been trying to setup a network connection on the Linux side
via pppoe, but I have no support here and it looks like a dead

I'm thinking of a Windows version of atp-get. If I had that, I
could bring down all the packages for X-window  create a local
mirror on my dos partition and then run atp-get under Linux
 this time the local mirror is
my source).

Has this been done before? Are there binaries I can grab? Do you
have any helpful suggestions?

Re: dosemu

2001-08-13 Thread Ade Talabi

It's a dos emulatoryou use like dos...
I have a feeling this is not the answer you want.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said thusly on [13/08/01 at 08:40]:

 How do you use 'dosemu' and what is it ?
 Quality can Never be Quantified . It exists by itself and Quantity might 
 hand it an
 untimely demise if blown out of the very fragile proportions that constitute 
 it .
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Anyone who thinks they're important is usually just a pompous moron who can't 
with his or her own pathetic insignificance and the fact that what they do is 
and inconsequential...  (William Thomas) 

Re: How to get packages via a Windows box

2001-08-13 Thread Danie Roux
On Mon, Aug 13, 2001 at 06:26:23AM -0500, Gary Setter wrote:
 I've installed the base Debian system as a dual with MS Windows.
 I want to install X-Window from the Debian web site. The lab
 where I'm 'working' has a DSL connection, however, I can only get
 it to work with Windows.  Currently, I'm downloading files via
 IE to the Dos partition, rebooting to Linux and finishing the
 install there. For small stuff, I can tolerate this. For
 X-window, I need to do something better.
 I've been trying to setup a network connection on the Linux side
 via pppoe, but I have no support here and it looks like a dead
 I'm thinking of a Windows version of atp-get. If I had that, I
 could bring down all the packages for X-window  create a local
 mirror on my dos partition and then run atp-get under Linux
  this time the local mirror is
 my source).
 Has this been done before? Are there binaries I can grab? Do you
 have any helpful suggestions?
If you're running Woody or Unstable, the easiest is the --print-uris option of
apt-get. I use this for example:

$ apt-get install aspell --assume-yes --print-uris | sed s/\'//g | grep http | 
cut -f 1 -d  

This gives me a list like this:
There is a script on to convert this to GetRight whatever files. And
you do get wget for windows.

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Danie Roux *shuffle* Adore Unix

Re: How to get packages via a Windows box

2001-08-13 Thread Hall Stevenson
 I've installed the base Debian system as a dual
 with MS Windows. I want to install X-Window
 from the Debian web site. The lab where I'm
 'working' has a DSL connection, however, I can
 only get it to work with Windows.


 I've been trying to setup a network connection on
 the Linux side via pppoe, but I have no support
 here and it looks like a dead end.

Have you tried Roaring Penguin's PPPoE client ?? It worked
*perfectly* for me although I've ran into numerous people
who've had trouble with it. In all honesty, I think they were
simply newbies (too impatient, didn't read the docs, etc).

The website for the utility is here:

They have a HOW-TO-CONNECT file here: Print
it out, read it, and keep it handy !!


Where to put stuff .. FHS

2001-08-13 Thread Kent Tenney

I'm a newbie.

I am installing potato on a box to use for a photo stock
house/ web / graphic design operation.

I will be maintaining a fairly large and constantly  increasing
collection of image files, as well as accounting stuff, metadata on
image files, directories for client projects etc.

I've had a look at some FHS info and am still unclear where
the preferred location for my data is, and what the implications
are for partitioning disks.

I prefer not to restructure later on.

I would appreciate any help on how to set up for flexibility
in backing up, upgrading hard drives etc.


-- Kent Tenney, [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 08/13/2001

Re: How to get packages via a Windows box

2001-08-13 Thread Joerg Johannes
Danie Roux wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 13, 2001 at 06:26:23AM -0500, Gary Setter wrote:
  I've installed the base Debian system as a dual with MS Windows.
  I want to install X-Window from the Debian web site. The lab
  where I'm 'working' has a DSL connection, however, I can only get
  it to work with Windows.  Currently, I'm downloading files via
  IE to the Dos partition, rebooting to Linux and finishing the
  install there. For small stuff, I can tolerate this. For
  X-window, I need to do something better.
  I've been trying to setup a network connection on the Linux side
  via pppoe, but I have no support here and it looks like a dead
  I'm thinking of a Windows version of atp-get. If I had that, I
  could bring down all the packages for X-window  create a local
  mirror on my dos partition and then run atp-get under Linux
   this time the local mirror is
  my source).
  Has this been done before? Are there binaries I can grab? Do you
  have any helpful suggestions?
 If you're running Woody or Unstable, the easiest is the --print-uris option of
 apt-get. I use this for example:
 $ apt-get install aspell --assume-yes --print-uris | sed s/\'//g | grep http 
 | cut -f 1 -d  
 This gives me a list like this:
 There is a script on to convert this to GetRight whatever files. 
 you do get wget for windows.

Hmm. This looks good, but I think this guy's biggest problem is to get
packages files. He won't be able to run apt-get update on his box, and
apt won't know the urls for the debs. (This is the same problem I have
~1 hour ago -- how to get apt up-to-date on an offline box?)
So, if anybody can help us, please..


Did you know that if you play a Windows 2000 cd backwards, you 
will hear the voice of Satan?

That's nothing!  If you play it forward, it'll install Windows 2000.

Re: Unidentified subject!

2001-08-13 Thread Michael B. Taylor
On Mon, Aug 13, 2001 at 05:48:21AM -0500, gary p largess wrote:
 Dear debian;
 I would like to learn something about Linux, but I finding it very
 frustrating, I have visited dozens of sites looking for a OS, and they
 all seem to be too small (1 or 2 floppies) or too big (over 300 M), or
 they simply don't specify the systems minimum requirements.
 I do not want to experiment with the computer I use for work/school, but
 I have a project computer I would like to install some version of Linux
   133 Mhz Pentium
   less than 300 Mb available hard drive
   8 Mb mem.
 All I want is a version of Linux I can install on this machine, that has
 a graphic interface (I have old/bad memories of DOS), I'm even willing to
 pay a small amount.

You will have a hard time getting Linux's graphical environment (X Windows)
to work on such a machine, if it can be done at all.  Not a job for a 

I think you can learn a great deal about Linux by installing a base Debian
system and working with it.  This can be done entirely by floppy.  
A more complete installation will require cdrom or some kind of network 


RE: Debian box unable to HTTP to - FIXED

2001-08-13 Thread Mullins, Ron
I thoroughly enjoyed this ripping tale of intrigue, 
adventure, and romance, but would you mind explaining
to a debian-newbie exactly who or what the culprit
was?  I've been having trouble connecting to various
sites (,, to name
a few) and I have absoluetly no idea why.  I've tried
with 4 different web browsers, they all begin
making the http connection and just hang.

Same problem I'm sure. If you've downloaded the kernel source, you can check
what the directive is by doing your 'make menuconfig' and looking in the
networking section at the help on 'Explicit network congestion
notification'. The help states that many firewalls can't handle this yet.

The command to turn it off is 'echo 0  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_ecn'. You
would need to do this at every startup so placing it in one of your rc
scripts would be a good idea. I just put it in init.d/

Good luck. :)

I can ping zdnet and sun but not ups.  I also can't
ping amazon but I can load it in a web browser.

Just as an aside, a lot of sites won't let you ping them...and with good
reason. So if you find a site that doesn't reply, it doesn't mean you
configured something wrong. It just means they are a little more paranoid
about the 'Ping of Death' and other nastiness. In the land of the Internet,
villains abound. ;-)

Re: Chrooting a user?

2001-08-13 Thread Waldemar Brodkorb
Hallo Sunny,

* Sunny schrieb:

 How would i Chroot a user?  I want him to be able to log into the machine 
 like any other user, however his home directory would be his root directory, 
 and he could do whatever he wants below it.  Something like this ..
 (must have fixed-width font)
 /home/user  --  /  Virtual-Root
 and so forth.
 Any ideas or pointers would be really appreciated, thanks.

What about openssh with contrib/chroot.diff applied?
Search through debian-isp, there is a thread about it.



Re: How to get packages via a Windows box

2001-08-13 Thread Danie Roux

  There is a script on to convert this to GetRight whatever files. 
  you do get wget for windows.
 Hmm. This looks good, but I think this guy's biggest problem is to get
 packages files. He won't be able to run apt-get update on his box, and
 apt won't know the urls for the debs. (This is the same problem I have
 ~1 hour ago -- how to get apt up-to-date on an offline box?)
 So, if anybody can help us, please..

Install doc-debian. There's a guide in there telling you how (at least I think
it's in doc-debian, but the guide exists).

Danie Roux *shuffle* Adore Unix

Re: IMAP: new mail notification works ONLY for inbox?

2001-08-13 Thread Waldemar Brodkorb
Hallo Erik,

* Erik schrieb:

   I would appreciate clarification of this issue (imap and mail delivery
 or imap and new mail notification), I have already read the IMAP book
 and some online docs but haven't found anything about this aspect of
 imap mail serving. I am not sure what to check so some pointers would be
 appreciated (I don't even know whether it's problem of MUAs not asking
 for status of different mailboxes or the above problem of procmail and
 imap both accessing mailboxes on file level or something else)
   my system:
   debian unstable, kernel 2.4.5
   various MUAs (mutt, netscape, mozilla etc.)

no problem with mail notifications on my systems here.
debian unstable, kernel 2.4.6

mailboxes = imaps://imap/INBOX imaps://imap/INBOX.debian-user

The difference to your setup is that I'm using procmail to deliver 
to mailboxes in maildir format. (courier only recognize maildir's )



Converting ps-file

2001-08-13 Thread Jesper Holmberg
I have a couple of postscript files that are made for letter-size paper,
and I would like to convert these into a4 format before printing them.
How would I best go about to do this?



Re: yet another apt question

2001-08-13 Thread Andrea Vettorello
On 13 Aug 2001 13:32:48 +0200, Joerg Johannes wrote:
 Hi List
 Where does apt store the packages.gz files it downloaded when doing
 apt-get update?
 My idea is to copy them to another computer (which has no internet
 access) for doing a dist-upgrade. I think all I need is an up-to-date
 list of available packages including their dependencies, and the new
 packages in /var/cache/apt/archives. Is this as easy as I hope? If no,
 how can I uprgade a totally off-network box?

In sid, apt store the info in /var/lib/apt/lists, don't remember for
potato... (something like /var/state/apt/lists, but i could be wrong)


setting locale fails

2001-08-13 Thread Sven Garbade
Hi there,

running apt-get install bla produces this warning:

perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
LANGUAGE = (unset),
LC_ALL = de_DE,
LANG = de_DE
are supported and installed on your system.
perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale (C).

locale sais:


I've installed the package user_de a while ago, but removed it after
some time.
System: Potato.

Thanks, Sven

re: wvdial: pppd connects, but telnet doesn't work

2001-08-13 Thread DTi4565459
First of all, thanks to several debian-users who tried to help me yesterday 
with this problem.  Sadder but wiser, I was reading mail with an unfamiliar 
reader, and I managed to delete most of the e-mails.  So, my first question 
today is HOWTO find the debian-user archives.

I did read Sebastian's note re telnet before the mailserver crash.  So, I 
tried that in another console - no joy.  However, on my office machine with 
a full install including KDE, Sebastian's method worked.  Eg, after 
establishing dial-up connection, telnet to my ISP will run in a console.  
And, I can ping ISP.   Would appreciate suggestions again about running a 
connection with the laptop.  TIA,  dave

Bash/Perl weirdness

2001-08-13 Thread Eugene van Zyl

I've got a perl script with the following permissions:
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root23980 Aug 13 15:55
the first line in the script is:
which is where perl lives on Debian potato - perl -V gives the correct reponse 
but # ./ gives me:
bash: ./ No such file or directory
What gives? What obvious thing am I missing here cause other scripts run fine.

Eugene van Zyl

Re: Where to put stuff .. FHS

2001-08-13 Thread Michael B. Taylor
On Mon, Aug 13, 2001 at 08:15:03AM -0500, Kent Tenney wrote:
 I'm a newbie.
 I am installing potato on a box to use for a photo stock
 house/ web / graphic design operation.
 I will be maintaining a fairly large and constantly  increasing
 collection of image files, as well as accounting stuff, metadata on
 image files, directories for client projects etc.
 I've had a look at some FHS info and am still unclear where
 the preferred location for my data is, and what the implications
 are for partitioning disks.
 I prefer not to restructure later on.
 I would appreciate any help on how to set up for flexibility
 in backing up, upgrading hard drives etc.

I think you should regard your image and accounting data as user data.  Hence,
the only guidance that FSH provides for this is that it goes somewhere under

Your image data will probably be the most valuable and space consuming data
on your system.  Plan your backup stratagy around that.  Ideally, you should 
be able to backup your largest partition to one tape.  You dont have to do
this, but it makes things easier.  Since 650 MB is prolly too small, you 
cant use cdrw, you need to spring for a tape drive.

Big tape drives cost much more than big hard drives these days.  Worse, tape
drives are usually promoted using their compressed capacity, which is 
generally 2X their native capacity.  Most of your data will be image files,
which (I assume) is already compressed.  In this case, the tape drive's 
hardware compression could actually make the backup file *bigger*.
Make your purchase decison based on native capacity.

I suggest you proceed as follows:
- Decide on a tape drive.
- Partition your system as follows:
  one partition to be mounted as /home, sized according to the native 
 capacity of your backup drive.
  one swap partition
  a partition for everything else

Well this is how I would do it.  I am sure that there are plenty of other
opinions and philosophies around.  I hope this helps.


Re: Bash/Perl weirdness

2001-08-13 Thread Waldemar Brodkorb
Hallo Eugene,

* Eugene schrieb:

 I've got a perl script with the following permissions:
 -rwxr-xr-x1 root root23980 Aug 13 15:55
 the first line in the script is:
 which is where perl lives on Debian potato - perl -V gives the correct 
 reponse ...
 but # ./ gives me:
 bash: ./ No such file or directory
 What gives? What obvious thing am I missing here cause other scripts run fine.

Take a look into the script and you will see there is a file or
directory missing. 

To get more warnings use:
 #!/usr/bin/perl -w



Re: Where to put stuff .. FHS

2001-08-13 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, Aug 13, 2001 at 08:15:03AM -0500, Kent Tenney wrote:
 I will be maintaining a fairly large and constantly  increasing
 collection of image files, as well as accounting stuff, metadata on
 image files, directories for client projects etc.

That all sounds like user data to me.

 I've had a look at some FHS info and am still unclear where
 the preferred location for my data is, and what the implications
 are for partitioning disks.

User data goes in your home directory.  Make /home big enough to
handle all of it.

With the arrest of Dimitry Sklyarov it has become apparent that it is not
safe for non US software engineers to visit the United States. - Alan Cox
To prevent unauthorized reading... - Adobe eBook reader license

RE: xfree86 and default font 'fixed'

2001-08-13 Thread Jeffrey Drake
That won't work, it wasn't there before, I just added that in an attempt
to fix that. I probably should have mentioned that.

-Original Message-
From: Michael Perry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: August 13, 2001 5:15 AM
To: Jeffrey Drake
Subject: Re: xfree86 and default font 'fixed'

Quoting Jeffrey Drake on Mon, Aug 13, 2001 at 01:53:23AM -0400:
 FontPath   /usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/misc/
 FontPath   /usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/truetype/
 FontPath   /usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/
 FontPath   /usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo/
 FontPath   /usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/local/
 FontPath   /usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/misc/
 FontPath   /usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled
 FontPath   /usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled
 FontPath   /usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/
 FontPath   /usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/
 FontPath   unix/:7100 

Try commenting out the last line, unix/:7100,
and try to start X again.

Michael Perry | Do or do not; there is no try Master Yoda

1024 Cylinder Violation

2001-08-13 Thread Jonathan David Pearce
I installed potato on a friend's computer using the CDs and foolishly
disregarded the warning telling me the kernel must reside on the first
1024 cylinders.  The computer is question is a Pentium 90 with a 10 gig
disk, a 2 gig disk and a preexisting Windows 95 installation. I was
installing Debian on a couple of unpartitioned gigs at the end of the

On boot, now, LILO gets to `LIL' and then quits. I would very much like
to restore this system to bootable status without any loss of (Windows)
data. Any suggestions on my best course of action? I have access to a
Windows machine with net access, the Debian rescue disk, Debian CDs, and
a Windows 95 boot disk.

Please send replies to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jonathan Pearce

Re: CrushLink New Password

2001-08-13 Thread Martin F. Krafft
also sprach Vineet Kumar (on Fri, 10 Aug 2001 12:10:48PM -0700):
 In this case, maybe it'd be better for each of us to implement it at our
 respective leaf nodes rather than at the listmaster level. This way, one
 ign'ant post to debian-user would result in HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS (okay,
 so not that, but some other large number representing the number of
 subscribers) of PYHO! messages to the sender.

sure, but that would be pretty harsh, would it not? especially with
people being forced to use OE at work but still subscribing to

martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^.*|tr * mailto:; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
riesco a leggerti i pensieri. dovresti vergognarti.

Description: PGP signature

Re: yet another apt question

2001-08-13 Thread David Z. Maze
Joerg Johannes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
JJ NO, you misunderstood my question. I know what to do with the debs, once
JJ I have them downloaded. I want to know how to tell the offline-box which
JJ debs to use without doing apt-get update (because it's
JJ impossible).

You can just copy the package files from one machine to the other and
install them using 'dpkg --install filename.deb'.

Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal.
-- Abra Mitchell

Re: Is it possible to do this using logrotate?

2001-08-13 Thread Robert Bihlmeyer
Steve McWilliams [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I looked more closely at what is happening and actually the log file
 IS being truncated by logrotate, however as soon as the logging process
 writes to the log file again it is restored to it's original size and
 grows from there again.  The original content of the file is sometimes
 garbled however, up to the point where it was truncated, which I hadn't
 noticed originally.
 If this is the case then I don't see any purpose for the copytruncate
 option here at all actually.  

This area is underdocumented, but I ran a few tests:

(while true; do sleep 1; date; done)  mylog

The file will grow always, truncating just zeros what was there

(while true; do sleep 1; date; done)  mylog

Truncation works as expected.

So I think your program must open the log with O_APPEND and everything
should run dandy. Logfiles should probably always be opened this way,
i.e. failure to do so can be construed as a bug.

Description: PGP signature

Re: IP masquerade not working!! :( (fwd)

2001-08-13 Thread Mike McGuire
On Sun, Aug 12, 2001 at 08:23:40PM -0400, dude wrote:
 On Mon, 13 Aug 2001, Roberto Diaz wrote:
Does any of this work directly from the gateway box without any MASQ 
  Thank you for your help.. it is some kind of problem with my network
  It is quite strange.. if I try to send a huge file (using ftp) from my
  host to the gateway it goes at the speed of light.. but if I try to take a
  file from the gateway to the host it crawls.. :???
  This is not ip-masquerade specific.. but somebody has some idea?
 Sounds like your gateway does not know its hosts

That could be it. Seems to me though that it would only cause it to 
be slow to connect, but be fine afterwards? I'm not sure on this, 
but it would help to know what part is slow. If it connects fine 
and is just slow, it could be any number of other things. Check your 
logs. Always. :)  And look at the settings of course; you may be 
right that it's the cards. Just a shot in the dark- you mentioned in 
another message the mtu was set ok, just check that it's the same on 
both boxes. Sorry I can't be of more help. Maybe if you gave some 
info on the cards somebody else could help a bit more.

Mike McGuire

Re: Any way to play midi files?

2001-08-13 Thread David Z. Maze
Anthony Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
AC Is there any way to play midi files on Linux?

I tend to use timidity for software-only MIDI playback, but it's
computationally intensive and has huge patch files.  (The results do
sound pretty good, though.)  If you have an external MIDI device and
have everything else configured properly, something like playmidi
might do the job for you too.

Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal.
-- Abra Mitchell

Re: Converting ps-file

2001-08-13 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
psresize  -Pletter -pa4
- Original Message -
From: Jesper Holmberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Debian User
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 7:54 AM
Subject: Converting ps-file

 I have a couple of postscript files that are made for letter-size paper,
 and I would like to convert these into a4 format before printing them.
 How would I best go about to do this?



 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: yet another apt question

2001-08-13 Thread Joerg Johannes
David Z. Maze wrote:
 Joerg Johannes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 JJ NO, you misunderstood my question. I know what to do with the debs, once
 JJ I have them downloaded. I want to know how to tell the offline-box which
 JJ debs to use without doing apt-get update (because it's
 JJ impossible).
 You can just copy the package files from one machine to the other and
 install them using 'dpkg --install filename.deb'.

This is ok for installing one or two packages, but it is near impossible
for a


Did you know that if you play a Windows 2000 cd backwards, you 
will hear the voice of Satan?

That's nothing!  If you play it forward, it'll install Windows 2000.

Re: 1024 Cylinder Violation

2001-08-13 Thread Sven Garbade
Jonathan David Pearce wrote:
 I installed potato on a friend's computer using the CDs and foolishly
 disregarded the warning telling me the kernel must reside on the first
 1024 cylinders.  The computer is question is a Pentium 90 with a 10 gig
 disk, a 2 gig disk and a preexisting Windows 95 installation. I was
 installing Debian on a couple of unpartitioned gigs at the end of the

There are two disks in the computer? On which one you have installed
Debian and where have you installed lilo?

 On boot, now, LILO gets to `LIL' and then quits. I would very much like
 to restore this system to bootable status without any loss of (Windows)
 data. Any suggestions on my best course of action? I have access to a
 Windows machine with net access, the Debian rescue disk, Debian CDs, and
 a Windows 95 boot disk.

To remove lilo, you can boot with a win boot floppy a type fdisk /mbr.
This overwrites lilo in mbr and you can boot windows. After that, you
can only boot Debian with a boot floppy or rescue disk, so make sure you
have one and it works.

By, Sven

Re: SOLVED: Re: gnumeric and gnome-print

2001-08-13 Thread Hugo van der Merwe
 The solution:
 apt-get install gsfonts

Oh, followed by a dpkg-reconfigure libgnomeprint-data, or the
perl /usr/share/doc/libgnomeprint-data/run-* thingy. (What an odd
place to put an installation script, eh?)

 I think gnumeric should at least recommend this package, ?

This isn't really gnumeric's problem, is it? Rather, libgnomeprint-data
should recommend the gsfonts package?

Hugo van der Merwe

To send me private (non-world-readable) mail, GPG encrypt it.
1024D/60715698: 5F2E 8EC2 E0A4 5D25 0569  F281 4A6C D76D 6071 5698

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian box unable to HTTP to - FIXED

2001-08-13 Thread Michael Buice
On Monday 13 August 2001 08:22 am, you wrote:
 I thoroughly enjoyed this ripping tale of intrigue,
 adventure, and romance, but would you mind explaining
 to a debian-newbie exactly who or what the culprit
 was?  I've been having trouble connecting to various
 sites (,, to name
 a few) and I have absoluetly no idea why.  I've tried
 with 4 different web browsers, they all begin
 making the http connection and just hang.

 Same problem I'm sure. If you've downloaded the kernel source, you can
 check what the directive is by doing your 'make menuconfig' and looking in
 the networking section at the help on 'Explicit network congestion
 notification'. The help states that many firewalls can't handle this yet.

 The command to turn it off is 'echo 0  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_ecn'. You
 would need to do this at every startup so placing it in one of your rc
 scripts would be a good idea. I just put it in init.d/

Thanks for the help.  I'm afraid someone beat you to the
punch, though.  :)  I've been happily connecting to all those
antiquated servers all weekend.  
Just a quick note, it seems that Debian provides a means
of setting sysctl variables without having to issue such commands 
in an init script.  I have the line 
net/ipv4/tcp_ecn = 0
in /etc/sysctl.conf.  I'm sure the effect is identical, though.
 Good luck. :)

 I can ping zdnet and sun but not ups.  I also can't
 ping amazon but I can load it in a web browser.

 Just as an aside, a lot of sites won't let you ping them...and with good
 reason. So if you find a site that doesn't reply, it doesn't mean you
 configured something wrong. It just means they are a little more paranoid
 about the 'Ping of Death' and other nastiness. 

Thanks for the info; that makes a lot of sense.

In the land of the Internet,
 villains abound. ;-)

Indeed they do; all those NON-Debian boxes! :)


Re: 1024 Cylinder Violation

2001-08-13 Thread Jonathan David Pearce
On Mon, 13 Aug 2001, Sven Garbade wrote:

Jonathan David Pearce wrote:

 I installed potato on a friend's computer using the CDs and foolishly
 disregarded the warning telling me the kernel must reside on the first
 1024 cylinders.  The computer is question is a Pentium 90 with a 10 gig
 disk, a 2 gig disk and a preexisting Windows 95 installation. I was
 installing Debian on a couple of unpartitioned gigs at the end of the

There are two disks in the computer? On which one you have installed
Debian and where have you installed lilo?

The large disk (10 gig) has both the Debian base system and lilo. The
small disk has just (Windows) data; the large disk has the Win95

 On boot, now, LILO gets to `LIL' and then quits. I would very much like
 to restore this system to bootable status without any loss of (Windows)
 data. Any suggestions on my best course of action? I have access to a
 Windows machine with net access, the Debian rescue disk, Debian CDs, and
 a Windows 95 boot disk.

To remove lilo, you can boot with a win boot floppy a type fdisk /mbr.
This overwrites lilo in mbr and you can boot windows. After that, you
can only boot Debian with a boot floppy or rescue disk, so make sure you
have one and it works.

By, Sven

Mmm, sounds good. Will try as soon as I leave work.

Jonathan Pearce

Re: How to get packages via a Windows box

2001-08-13 Thread Gary Setter
- Original Message -
From: Joerg Johannes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Danie Roux [EMAIL PROTECTED]; debian-user
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 8:20 AM
Subject: Re: How to get packages via a Windows box

 Danie Roux wrote:
  On Mon, Aug 13, 2001 at 06:26:23AM -0500, Gary Setter wrote:
   I've installed the base Debian system as a dual with MS
   I want to install X-Window from the Debian web site. The
   where I'm 'working' has a DSL connection, however, I can
only get
   it to work with Windows.  Currently, I'm downloading files
   IE to the Dos partition, rebooting to Linux and finishing
   install there. For small stuff, I can tolerate this. For
   X-window, I need to do something better.
   I've been trying to setup a network connection on the Linux
   via pppoe, but I have no support here and it looks like a
   I'm thinking of a Windows version of atp-get. If I had
that, I
   could bring down all the packages for X-window  create a
   mirror on my dos partition and then run atp-get under Linux
this time the local mirror is
   my source).
   Has this been done before? Are there binaries I can grab?
Do you
   have any helpful suggestions?
  If you're running Woody or Unstable, the easiest is
the --print-uris option of
  apt-get. I use this for example:
  $ apt-get install aspell --assume-yes --print-uris | sed
s/\'//g | grep http | cut -f 1 -d  
  This gives me a list like this:
  There is a script on to convert this to GetRight
whatever files. And
  you do get wget for windows.

 Hmm. This looks good, but I think this guy's biggest problem is
to get
 packages files. He won't be able to run apt-get update on his
box, and
 apt won't know the urls for the debs. (This is the same problem
I have
 ~1 hour ago -- how to get apt up-to-date on an offline box?)
 So, if anybody can help us, please..


 Did you know that if you play a Windows 2000 cd backwards, you
 will hear the voice of Satan?

 That's nothing!  If you play it forward, it'll install Windows

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Is this the proper list of packages for

 $ apt-get install aspell --assume-yes --print-uris | sed s/\'//g
| grep http | cut -f 1 -d  

needs? If so, where do I put the Packages file? I wanted to stay
with potato stable. Do I have a chance?



dpkg removal error

2001-08-13 Thread Eileen Orbell


I am trying to remove a program that I installed this
morning. The program was snort which I
downloaded from the unstable distribution.
If I do a apt-get remove snort it return the

not found in path

NB: roots PATH should
contain /usr/local/sbin, /usr/sbin
and ./sbin

I not that these paths are there.

Was this because snort required libc6 (=2.2.3). I removed this because it caused all sort of
problems with Sendmail  Apache etc.


Eileen Orbell

ISA Major

Capitol College


Re: Searching in dselect

2001-08-13 Thread Mike McGuire
 The '/' key is helpful in searching for a string in the package name, but it
 will not search the descriptions of the packages.  I seem to remember in a
 previous version (even before slink) that it used to do this.

Hm. Not quite what you were looking for, but 'apt-cache search' does 
this. As long as apt knows about packages, and if dselect uses apt as 
its get method or whatever, it does. As for searching descriptions in 
dselect, I'd like to know too. I'm surprised one of the dselect 
evangelists hasn't piped up on this yet... ;)

Mike McGuire

Re: yet another apt question

2001-08-13 Thread Willi Dyck
On Mon, Aug 13, 2001 at 03:40:11PM +0200, Andrea Vettorello wrote:
 In sid, apt store the info in /var/lib/apt/lists, don't remember for
 potato... (something like /var/state/apt/lists, but i could be wrong)

Actually for potato they are in /var/state/apt/lists.
In woody and sid they are in /var/lib/apt/lists.
Regards, Willi

i am a sysadmin because i couldn't beat
a blind monkey in a coding contest.

Description: PGP signature

Re: 1024 Cylinder Violation

2001-08-13 Thread Sven Garbade
Jonathan David Pearce wrote:
 On Mon, 13 Aug 2001, Sven Garbade wrote:
 Jonathan David Pearce wrote:
  I installed potato on a friend's computer using the CDs and foolishly
  disregarded the warning telling me the kernel must reside on the first
  1024 cylinders.  The computer is question is a Pentium 90 with a 10 gig
  disk, a 2 gig disk and a preexisting Windows 95 installation. I was
  installing Debian on a couple of unpartitioned gigs at the end of the
 There are two disks in the computer? On which one you have installed
 Debian and where have you installed lilo?
 The large disk (10 gig) has both the Debian base system and lilo. The
 small disk has just (Windows) data; the large disk has the Win95

I presume that the small disk is the first disk on the first controler
(/dev/hda). Do you have specified the boot device correctly in


By, Sven

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