Re: Outils apt : comment interroger sur la présence d'un dépôt ?

2012-08-01 Thread Olivier
Le 31 juillet 2012 19:52, Vincent Bernat a écrit :

  ❦ 30 juillet 2012 09:41 CEST, Olivier :

  J'ai un script qui ajoute le dépôt non-free à un système.
  Pour le rendre idempotent (pour me permettre de l'exécuter plusieurs fois
  de suite sans conséquence néfaste), je souhaite avant d'ajouter le dépôt
  dont j'ai besoin, tester s'il n'est déjà pris en compte.
  Pour ce faire, je peux analyser le contenu des fichiers
  /etc/apt/sources.list et  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list.
  Connaissez-vous  un outil plus spécialisé et plus efficace rendant un
  service du style :
  apt-is-repo-included squeeze non-free

 De manière générique, il y a Augeas qui est particulièrement adapté à ce
 type de problématique:

Je ne connaissais pas: celà semble en effet, très intéressant !
Je vais examiner ça de plus près.

Merci du tuyau.

   * For moronic filesystems that do not allow holes in file.
   * We may have to extend the file.
 2.4.0-test2 /usr/src/linux/fs/buffer.c

Re: Squeeze et PHP5.2

2012-08-01 Thread Grégoire COUTANT

Au final, j'ai fais différemment et ça fonctionne.
Installation d'apache, bind et autres via aptitude.
Installation PHP + modules (APC, curl etc...) en compilant les sources 
dans /opt puis ajout du chemin des binaires dans le PATH.

Plus que Qmail et ça sera bon.

Merci à tous


Le 31/07/2012 11:58, Luc Novalès a écrit :

La bonne méthode serait peut être d'utiliser le service snapshot debian.
La version PHP 5.2.12 est rentrée dans la squeeze le 11 janvier 2010

En ajoutant la ligne suivante dans un nouveau fichier
deb squeeze main

tous les paquets disponibles à cette date, donc cohérents avec cette
version php5 deviendront accessibles et la bonne ligne apt-get ou
aptitude (pour forcer l'utilisation de ces vieux paquets) devrait
permettre l'installation sans problèmes (hormis ceux de sécurité ;) .


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Nettoyage du spam: juillet 2012

2012-08-01 Thread Christian PERRIER
Comme nous sommes en août 2012, il est désormais possible de traiter
les archives du mois de juillet 2012 des listes francophones.

N'oubliez bien sûr pas d'ajouter votre nom à la liste des relecteurs
pour que nous sachions où nous en sommes.

Détails du processus de nettoyage du spam sur:


Description: Digital signature

Debian Wheezy et Lenovo

2012-08-01 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER

Je recherche des retours d'expérience sur l'installation d'une Debian Wheezy
sur un Lenovo T420 ?

Comparé à mon vieux Dell M1330 ça semble plus complexe.
Malgré l'installation de thikfan j'ai le ventilo qui tourne tout le temps,
certes moins vite que sans thinkfan mais tout le temps quand même. La
température ne baisse pas en dessous de 50/51°C.


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En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: Debian Wheezy et Lenovo

2012-08-01 Thread ralf kaiser
Bonsoir Gaëtan,

Dans le fichier /etc/default/grub tu as une ligne du type:

Tu peux ouvrir ce fichier sudo nano /etc/default/grub 

et remplacer cette ligne comme suit: 
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT= acpi_osi=Linux i915.i915_enable_rc6=1
i915.i915_enable_fbc=1 quiet splash

Ensuite: sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg 

pour transmettre au bootloader ces valeurs. 


et ton portable aura (presque) l'autonomie et la disspitation tehrmique
optimisées sous Windows.

L'application de ces paramètres est faite par défaut dans le kernel
=3.4, donc pas au kernel 3.2 de Wheezy... , Pour les explications
approfondies,  tu peux faire les recherches sous

J'ai un Asus qui comporte un hardware similaire au tien. Ca marche
nickel et permet de baisser la chaleur et doubler l'autonomie. Tu peux
encore gagner une heure d'autonomie du portable en utilisant sudo
powertop lorsque tu es sur batteries.

Bonne soirée,

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

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En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: Debian Wheezy et Lenovo

2012-08-01 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Wed, 01 Aug 2012 23:38:36 +0200
ralf kaiser a écrit:

 Bonsoir Gaëtan,
 Dans le fichier /etc/default/grub tu as une ligne du type:
 Tu peux ouvrir ce fichier sudo nano /etc/default/grub 
 et remplacer cette ligne comme suit: 
 GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT= acpi_osi=Linux i915.i915_enable_rc6=1
 i915.i915_enable_fbc=1 quiet splash
 Ensuite: sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg 
 pour transmettre au bootloader ces valeurs. 
 et ton portable aura (presque) l'autonomie et la disspitation tehrmique
 optimisées sous Windows.
 L'application de ces paramètres est faite par défaut dans le kernel
 =3.4, donc pas au kernel 3.2 de Wheezy... , Pour les explications
 approfondies,  tu peux faire les recherches sous
 J'ai un Asus qui comporte un hardware similaire au tien. Ca marche
 nickel et permet de baisser la chaleur et doubler l'autonomie. Tu peux
 encore gagner une heure d'autonomie du portable en utilisant sudo
 powertop lorsque tu es sur batteries.
 Bonne soirée,

Merci pour le tuyau. Ça fonctionne effectivement plutôt pas mal. Par contre je
trouve que les températures restent hautes (45°C) par rapport à mon ancien
portable (35°C).



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Re: Debian Wheezy et Lenovo

2012-08-01 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Par contre maintenant la machine ne s'éteint plus. Elle redémarre toute
seule ... :(


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Re: Debian Wheezy et Lenovo

2012-08-01 Thread ralf kaiser

Peux-tu envoyer un lspci pour voir les composants de la machine?

Comment fonctionnent la mise en veille et l'hibernation avant/après le

Quelle est la consommation en watts de la machine (powertop le calcule)
- avant et après le hack 
 - avant et après l'ajustement des paramètres 
   (onglet: tunables)?

(tu peux rétablir les paramètres précédents et comparer les
progressions / régressions)


Le jeudi 02 août 2012 à 00:18 +0200, Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit :
 Le Wed, 01 Aug 2012 23:38:36 +0200
 ralf kaiser a écrit:
  Bonsoir Gaëtan,
  Dans le fichier /etc/default/grub tu as une ligne du type:
  Tu peux ouvrir ce fichier sudo nano /etc/default/grub 
  et remplacer cette ligne comme suit: 
  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT= acpi_osi=Linux i915.i915_enable_rc6=1
  i915.i915_enable_fbc=1 quiet splash
  Ensuite: sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg 
  pour transmettre au bootloader ces valeurs. 
  et ton portable aura (presque) l'autonomie et la disspitation tehrmique
  optimisées sous Windows.
  L'application de ces paramètres est faite par défaut dans le kernel
  =3.4, donc pas au kernel 3.2 de Wheezy... , Pour les explications
  approfondies,  tu peux faire les recherches sous
  J'ai un Asus qui comporte un hardware similaire au tien. Ca marche
  nickel et permet de baisser la chaleur et doubler l'autonomie. Tu peux
  encore gagner une heure d'autonomie du portable en utilisant sudo
  powertop lorsque tu es sur batteries.
  Bonne soirée,
 Merci pour le tuyau. Ça fonctionne effectivement plutôt pas mal. Par contre je
 trouve que les températures restent hautes (45°C) par rapport à mon ancien
 portable (35°C).

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: Synaptic: sotfware no puede ser autenticado

2012-08-01 Thread Ruben
El lun, 30-07-2012 a las 10:37 +0200, JulHer escribió:
 El lun, 30-07-2012 a las 01:47 -0500, Ruben escribió:
  Que tal lista. Un saludo a todos
  He intentado instalar mplayer y vlc y en ambos me responde que estoy a
  punto de instalar software que no puede ser autenticado.
  Em mplayer los paquetes que no se pueden autenticar son:
  Y con vlc:
  Navegando por la red lo mas parecido que he encontrado es de alguien que
  intentaba actualizar y le pasaba lo mismo. Y le contestaban:
   ...falla el reconocimiento de la clave de seguridad, el
  certificado digital, entre tu PC y el repositorio, ya sea por una
  cuestión de comunicación, porque cambio la clave (cosa muy rara) o
  porque no importaste el certificado/clave del repositorio en tu
  Si no agregaste ningún repositorio últimamente, lo más probable es que
  sea una cuestión de comunicación
  Lo que recomendaron en ese caso fue que se tratara de hacerlo en otro
  horario, lo cual hizo y ya no le salio el mensaje de software no
  Yo lo intente ayer y hoy y da lo mismo.
  Uso Squeeze y mis repositorios son:
  # deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.0 _Squeeze_ - Official amd64 DVD
  Binary-1 20110205-18:15]/ squeeze contrib main
  # deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.0 _Squeeze_ - Official amd64 DVD
  Binary-1 20110205-18:15]/ squeeze contrib main
  deb squeeze/updates main contrib
  deb-src squeeze/updates main contrib
  # Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify:
  # deb :// squeeze-updates main contrib
  # Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify:
  deb squeeze contrib main
  deb-src squeeze contrib main
  # deb-src :// squeeze-updates main contrib
  deb squeeze main contrib
  deb-src squeeze main contrib
  deb squeeze main non-free
  ¿A alguien le ha pasado lo mismo? ¿tendrá algo que ver la linea:
  # Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify:?
 En la actualización que quieres hacer hay paquetes sin firmar o te falta
 la clave pública de algún repositorio... prbablemente del repositorio de
 Prueba a comentar la línea de debian-mutimedia y prueba a actualizar,
 ver que dice. 
 Un saludo
Que tal.

Pues comente la linea de debian-multimedia y me dio respecto a ese

Err squeeze/main amd64 Packages
  404  Not Found
Err squeeze/non-free amd64 Packages
  404  Not Found
W: Imposible obtener  
404  Not Found

W: Imposible obtener
  404  Not Found

E: No se han podido descargar algunos archivos de índice, se han
ignorado, o se ha utilizado unos antiguos en su lugar.

Aun asi instale el mplayer con lo cual ya no me dio mensaje de software
no autentificado, pero solo me instalo dos dependencias: libdvdnav4 y
librtmp0. y el mplayer no jala asi que lo desinstale.

Voy a navegar un rato para ver donde esta ahora el repositorio.


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Re:(SOLUCIONADO) Synaptic: sotfware no puede ser autenticado

2012-08-01 Thread Ruben

  Prueba a comentar la línea de debian-multimedia y prueba a actualizar,
  ver que dice. 
  Un saludo
 Que tal.
 Pues comente la linea de debian-multimedia y me dio respecto a ese
 Err squeeze/main amd64 Packages
   404  Not Found
 Err squeeze/non-free amd64 Packages
   404  Not Found
 W: Imposible obtener  
 404  Not Found
 W: Imposible obtener
   404  Not Found
 E: No se han podido descargar algunos archivos de índice, se han
 ignorado, o se ha utilizado unos antiguos en su lugar.
 Aun asi instale el mplayer con lo cual ya no me dio mensaje de software
 no autentificado, pero solo me instalo dos dependencias: libdvdnav4 y
 librtmp0. y el mplayer no jala asi que lo desinstale.
 Voy a navegar un rato para ver donde esta ahora el repositorio.
Pues entre a e indicaba que se debía actualizar
la lista de repositorios con el nuevo dominio
(da una breve explicación del por que del cambio):

deb squeeze main non-free.

Lo agregue, actualice e instale el mplayer sin que me dijera ya que
había software sin autentificacion.

Jul her, te agradezco la ayuda, y gracias también a camaleón por


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Reescaneo de dispositivos scsi sin reiniciar

2012-08-01 Thread Esteban Torres Rodríguez

Tengo algunos servidores virtuales con vmware server y siempre tengo
el mismo problema cuando doy algún disco a estos servidores.

No tengo un procedimiento que me funcione en todos los servidores,
excepto reiniciar.

He probado estas opciones:

y en algunas máquinas me funciona y en otras no.

También he probado con este script:

y me pasa igual, en algunas si y en otras no.

Lo único que me ha funcionado en todas es el reinicio.

Por que?

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Re: Reescaneo de dispositivos scsi sin reiniciar

2012-08-01 Thread Esteban Torres Rodríguez
El día 1 de agosto de 2012 13:49, Esteban Torres Rodríguez escribió:

 Tengo algunos servidores virtuales con vmware server y siempre tengo
 el mismo problema cuando doy algún disco a estos servidores.

 No tengo un procedimiento que me funcione en todos los servidores,
 excepto reiniciar.

 He probado estas opciones:

 y en algunas máquinas me funciona y en otras no.

 También he probado con este script:

 y me pasa igual, en algunas si y en otras no.

 Lo único que me ha funcionado en todas es el reinicio.

 Por que?

Perdón, se me olvidaba.

cuando hago un lsscsi veo el disco y en el dmes me aparece también el disco:

sd 0:0:1:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI disk

Pero con el fdisk -l no me aparece y no puedo darle formato.

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No puedo conectar a ipsec desde debian squeeze

2012-08-01 Thread Maykel Franco Hernández
Hola muy buenas, he seguido el siguiente tutorial para conectarme a una 
vpn ipsec remota, la cual me han pasado los datos. He seguido este 

Lo he dejado bien configurado, con la particuliaridad de que el 
servidor ipsec al que me tengo que conectar, en la segunda fase me 
obliga a ponerme una ip como local network diferente a la de mi lan. Lo 
he probado en pfsense y no me dejaba ni conectar a ipsec porque sólo te 
deja con la local network(fase 2) de la ip de mi lan.

He decidido probarlo en debian squeeze y he obtenido el mismo 

Aug  1 14:16:41 debian-vpn-ipsec racoon: INFO: unsupported PF_KEY 
message REGISTER
Aug  1 14:16:41 debian-vpn-ipsec racoon: INFO: unsupported PF_KEY 
message REGISTER
Aug  1 14:16:43 debian-vpn-ipsec racoon: INFO: unsupported PF_KEY 
message REGISTER
Aug  1 14:16:43 debian-vpn-ipsec racoon: ERROR: libipsec failed pfkey 
check (Invalid SA type)
Aug  1 14:16:43 debian-vpn-ipsec racoon: INFO: unsupported PF_KEY 
message REGISTER
Aug  1 14:16:43 debian-vpn-ipsec racoon: ERROR: libipsec failed pfkey 
check (Invalid SA type)

No sé por dónde pueden venir los tiros, pero he montado muchas vpn con 
ipsec con la particuliaridad de que en local network de la fase2 ponía 
la ip de mi interface LAN y no una especifica que me indica el cliente.

Haber si alguien me puede hechar un cable de porque no se conecta...en 
los logs no aparece mucho más

Saludos y gracias.

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Re: No puedo conectar a ipsec desde debian squeeze

2012-08-01 Thread Maykel Franco Hernández

El 2012-08-01 14:26, Maykel Franco Hernández escribió:

Hola muy buenas, he seguido el siguiente tutorial para conectarme a
una vpn ipsec remota, la cual me han pasado los datos. He seguido 


Lo he dejado bien configurado, con la particuliaridad de que el
servidor ipsec al que me tengo que conectar, en la segunda fase me
obliga a ponerme una ip como local network diferente a la de mi lan.
Lo he probado en pfsense y no me dejaba ni conectar a ipsec porque
sólo te deja con la local network(fase 2) de la ip de mi lan.

He decidido probarlo en debian squeeze y he obtenido el mismo 

Aug  1 14:16:41 debian-vpn-ipsec racoon: INFO: unsupported PF_KEY
message REGISTER
Aug  1 14:16:41 debian-vpn-ipsec racoon: INFO: unsupported PF_KEY
message REGISTER
Aug  1 14:16:43 debian-vpn-ipsec racoon: INFO: unsupported PF_KEY
message REGISTER
Aug  1 14:16:43 debian-vpn-ipsec racoon: ERROR: libipsec failed pfkey
check (Invalid SA type)
Aug  1 14:16:43 debian-vpn-ipsec racoon: INFO: unsupported PF_KEY
message REGISTER
Aug  1 14:16:43 debian-vpn-ipsec racoon: ERROR: libipsec failed pfkey
check (Invalid SA type)

No sé por dónde pueden venir los tiros, pero he montado muchas vpn
con ipsec con la particuliaridad de que en local network de la 

ponía la ip de mi interface LAN y no una especifica que me indica el

Haber si alguien me puede hechar un cable de porque no se
conecta...en los logs no aparece mucho más

Saludos y gracias.

Pongo los archivos de configuración, no sé que estoy haciendo mal...


path pre_shared_key /etc/racoon/psk.txt;
path certificate /etc/racoon/certs;

ph1id 4;
exchange_mode main;
my_identifier address;
peers_identifier address;
ike_frag on;
generate_policy = off;
initial_contact = on;
nat_traversal = on;

dpd_delay = 10;
dpd_maxfail = 5;
support_proxy on;
proposal_check claim;

authentication_method pre_shared_key;
encryption_algorithm 3des;
hash_algorithm sha1;
dh_group 2;
lifetime time 28800 secs;

sainfo address any subnet any
remoteid 4;
encryption_algorithm 3des;
authentication_algorithm hmac_sha1;

lifetime time 3600 secs;
compression_algorithm deflate;

Aqui es donde comento que el address me obliga el cliente a ponerme ése 
rango de ip local como local network en la fase2...



spdadd any -P out ipsec

spdadd any -P in ipsec

La pre-shared-key la tengo guardada en el psk.txt


/etc/init.d/setkey restart
/etc/init.d/racoon restart

Alguien me puede hechar un cable??

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Re: Reescaneo de dispositivos scsi sin reiniciar

2012-08-01 Thread Trujillo Carmona, Antonio

El mié, 01-08-2012 a las 13:51 +0200, Esteban Torres Rodríguez escribió:
 El día 1 de agosto de 2012 13:49, Esteban Torres Rodríguez escribió:
  Tengo algunos servidores virtuales con vmware server y siempre tengo
  el mismo problema cuando doy algún disco a estos servidores.
  No tengo un procedimiento que me funcione en todos los servidores,
  excepto reiniciar.
  He probado estas opciones:
  y en algunas máquinas me funciona y en otras no.
  También he probado con este script:
  y me pasa igual, en algunas si y en otras no.
  Lo único que me ha funcionado en todas es el reinicio.
  Por que?
 Perdón, se me olvidaba.
 cuando hago un lsscsi veo el disco y en el dmes me aparece también el disco:
 sd 0:0:1:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI disk
 Pero con el fdisk -l no me aparece y no puedo darle formato.
Como se trata de discos que has añadido con el vmware saves su numero de
dispositivo, por lo que puedes re-scanearlo con

echo - - -  /sys/class/scsi_host/host#/scan
y posteriormente añadirlo con:
echo scsi add-single-device x x x x  /proc/scsi/scsi

Ten en cuenta que en Vmware tienes dos opciones para añadir discos, la
primera, y mas simple, es añadir el disco al controlador que ya esta en
uso, y otra la de añadir un nuevo controlador scsi y un disco nuevo en
ese controlador, eso cambia la nomenclatura del disco.


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Re: Reescaneo de dispositivos scsi sin reiniciar

2012-08-01 Thread Esteban Torres Rodríguez
El día 1 de agosto de 2012 14:44, Trujillo Carmona, Antonio escribió:

 El mié, 01-08-2012 a las 13:51 +0200, Esteban Torres Rodríguez escribió:
 El día 1 de agosto de 2012 13:49, Esteban Torres Rodríguez escribió:
  Tengo algunos servidores virtuales con vmware server y siempre tengo
  el mismo problema cuando doy algún disco a estos servidores.
  No tengo un procedimiento que me funcione en todos los servidores,
  excepto reiniciar.
  He probado estas opciones:
  y en algunas máquinas me funciona y en otras no.
  También he probado con este script:
  y me pasa igual, en algunas si y en otras no.
  Lo único que me ha funcionado en todas es el reinicio.
  Por que?

 Perdón, se me olvidaba.

 cuando hago un lsscsi veo el disco y en el dmes me aparece también el disco:

 sd 0:0:1:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI disk

 Pero con el fdisk -l no me aparece y no puedo darle formato.

 Como se trata de discos que has añadido con el vmware saves su numero de
 dispositivo, por lo que puedes re-scanearlo con

 echo - - -  /sys/class/scsi_host/host#/scan
 y posteriormente añadirlo con:
 echo scsi add-single-device x x x x  /proc/scsi/scsi

 Ten en cuenta que en Vmware tienes dos opciones para añadir discos, la
 primera, y mas simple, es añadir el disco al controlador que ya esta en
 uso, y otra la de añadir un nuevo controlador scsi y un disco nuevo en
 ese controlador, eso cambia la nomenclatura del disco.


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Esta es la salida de lsscsi:

[0:0:0:0]diskVMware   Virtual disk 1.0   /dev/sda
[0:0:1:0]diskVMware   Virtual disk 1.0   /dev/sdb
[1:0:0:0]cd/dvd  NECVMWar VMware IDE CDR00 1.00  /dev/sr0

Intento añadirlo:

echo scsi add-single-device 0 0 1 0/proc/scsi/scsi

Y nada Igual. El fdisk -l solo me detecta el /dev/sda

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Re: No puedo conectar a ipsec desde debian squeeze

2012-08-01 Thread JulHer
El mié, 01-08-2012 a las 14:26 +0200, Maykel Franco Hernández escribió:
 Aug  1 14:16:41 debian-vpn-ipsec racoon: INFO: unsupported PF_KEY 
 message REGISTER
 Aug  1 14:16:41 debian-vpn-ipsec racoon: INFO: unsupported PF_KEY 
 message REGISTER
 Aug  1 14:16:43 debian-vpn-ipsec racoon: INFO: unsupported PF_KEY 
 message REGISTER
 Aug  1 14:16:43 debian-vpn-ipsec racoon: ERROR: libipsec failed pfkey 
 check (Invalid SA type)
 Aug  1 14:16:43 debian-vpn-ipsec racoon: INFO: unsupported PF_KEY 
 message REGISTER
 Aug  1 14:16:43 debian-vpn-ipsec racoon: ERROR: libipsec failed pfkey 
 check (Invalid SA type)
 No sé por dónde pueden venir los tiros, pero he montado muchas vpn
 ipsec con la particuliaridad de que en local network de la fase2
 la ip de mi interface LAN y no una especifica que me indica el

No creo que la IP que te proporciona el enlace tenga nada que ver con el
error. De hecho el error que da es que la asociación de seguridad (SA)
no está soportada, lo cual me da a entender que estás intentando
conectarte a un sistema al que no le gusta como te conectas. Como dices
que ya lo has hecho mas veces sin problemas yo investigaría por la parte
a la que te quieres conectar. ¿Por casualidad es un equipo de Cisco (un
PIX o similar...)? 

Un saludo


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Mostrar descripción de PC en Red Windows 2003

2012-08-01 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 31 Jul 2012 15:47:10 -0400, Ismael L. Donis Garcia escribió:

(Ismael, que tú ya eres veterano y sabes que no hay que enviar mensajes
con formato html...)
 Disculpa, lo temgo como predeterminado y no me di cuenta de quitarlo del
 mensaje antes de mandarlo a la lista. ¿Porque prederterminado html?.
 Porque esta es la única lista que exige lo contrario.

Eso no es excusa... ponte un Postit en el monitor para que te lo recuerde 

No veo en Nautilus ninguna columna para mostrar la descripción de los
recursos de red más allá del nombre del equipo (netbios) :-?
 Pense que esto se podría lograr con alguna opción de Samba. De ahí la

Sí claro, pero según has expuesto el problema no creo que sea por eso.

En samba (la parte servidora y desde el archivo de configuración 
smb.conf) puedes definir el valor de server string, creo que se llama 
y te permite poner los comentarios que quieras para identificar a ese 
equipo en su grupo de red o dominio pero ese dato no aparece cuando 
examinas el equipo desde Nautilus y supongo que tampoco desde Konqueror, 
como tampoco aparece cuando examinas desde Linux un equipo de la red con 
Windows, sólo ves el nombre.

Sí aparece en cambio cuando lo haces desde un explorador de archivos que 
lo admita como el del propio Windows (me refiero a la columna de 



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Re: Actualización catastrófica de testing - wheezy [SOLUCIONADO]

2012-08-01 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 31 Jul 2012 22:43:04 -0300, Debian GMail escribió:

 Bueno, encontré el problema.
 Y se llaman meter mucho los dedos en el sistema.
 El problema era mi archivo de configuración /etc/apt/apt.conf, el cual
 estaba escrito así:


Default-Release testing;
Install-Recommends true;
Install-Suggests true;

¿Y cuál es el problema, exactamente? :-?

 O sea, toda actualización y/o instalación conlleva forzosamente TODOS
 los paquetes recomendados y sugeridos como si de dependencias tratase.
 ¿Por qué lo puse así?
 ¿Y por qué no?

Dudo mucho que esa configuración sea la causa del descalabro. De manera 
predeterminada se instalan los paquetes marcados como recomendados y 
los sugeridos también se recomienda instalarlos para evitar problemas, 

 Sé que NO es recomendable, pero hace por lo menos tres o cuatro años que
 lo tengo configurado así, y NUNCA tuve problemas.

Al contrario, ESO ES lo que se recomienda :-)

 Pero, para eso es testing, para no aburrirse. Cada tanto salta con un
 problema con el que romperse la cabeza.

Hombre, sí... pero tener que instalar el sistema desde cero cada 6 meses 
no es muy agradable.

 Eliminadas ambas líneas, las instalaciones y actualizaciones se han
 hecho, evidentemente, más livianas, y al minimizar la cantidad de
 paquetes, no hay conflictos de ningún tipo. Es evidente que al frizado
 aún le falta un poco, pues algunos paquetes muy secundarios están
 generando estos inconvenientes.

Si tienes una conexión lenta o de mala calidad, cuantos menos paquetes 
tengas que instalar, mejor. Pero igualmente vas a tener que actualizar la 
distribución cada pocos días si estás con testing o te volverás a 
encontrar en la misma situación.



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Re: Error con openoffice en debian sid.

2012-08-01 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 31 Jul 2012 19:07:19 -0500, Marcos Delgado escribió:

 El día 31 de julio de 2012 08:20, Camaleón


 Finalmente la cosa se resolvió cambiando el tema gtk, hay algunos que
 no permiten mostrar esas opciones y otros que si. Sería cosa de
 revisar los temas para verificar en que consiste la diferencia.

 Aumm... ¿y cómo hiciste el cambio del tema? ¿Hay alguna opción que se
 pueda configurar? Más allá de los iconos y los tipos de letra no veo
 más sitios donde poder modificar el tema que usa OOo :-?

 La versión que uso, como siempre es la oficial. En este caso Apache
 OpenOffice, la reciente versión 3.4. Lo descargo desde acá:

Eso me imaginaba porque en los repos de Debian ya no está.

Por cierto, ha perdido mucho la página de OOo ¿no? Está horrible, como a 
medio hacer y sin sustancia :-(

 Perdón por obviar el dato, me refería al tema gtk que usa openbox. Se
 puede cambiar con gtk-theme-switch2 para ver si las opciones de dichos
 temas (colores, letras, etc.) impiden o no ver los detalles del
 programa, como los botones de opción del ejemplo.

Ah, vaya... pues podrías informar de ese problema en OOo, seguro que te 
lo agradecerán.



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Re: Repositorio no oficial de Apache Openoffice 3.4

2012-08-01 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 31 Jul 2012 19:15:38 -0500, Marcos Delgado escribió:

 Siempre he usado OpenOffice, la versión oficial. Si a alguien le
 interesa en esta página aparecen las instrucciones para instalarlo vía

Gracias pro el dato... ¿Sólo está disponible para wheezy? :-?

Yo es que tengo la impresión de que ese proyecto está más muerto que 
vivo, no sé por qué.



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Re: /usr/bin/X como Binary-Zombie

2012-08-01 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 31 Jul 2012 20:52:57 -0500, Martin Edmundo Barriga Orozco

 Trabajando en Debian 6 he tratado de eliminar /usr/bin/X. el buscador en
 la URL

 Dice que este binario deberia estar en xsever-xorg, este paquete y otros
 mas ya los elimine,


 ¿Me estoy perdiendo de algo relacionado con este tema? (tal vez ocupo un

Supongo que habrás purgado el paquete xserver-xorg y lo habrás eliminado 
estando en init 1 para que no esté iniciado en servidor gráfico ¿no? :-?



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Re:(SOLUCIONADO) Synaptic: sotfware no puede ser autenticado

2012-08-01 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 01 Aug 2012 01:59:16 -0500, Ruben escribió:

 Pues entre a e indicaba que se debía actualizar
 la lista de repositorios con el nuevo dominio (da una breve explicación
 del por que del cambio):
 deb squeeze main non-free.
 Lo agregue, actualice e instale el mplayer sin que me dijera ya que
 había software sin autentificacion.

Eso creo que te lo comenté, además de que revisaras tu archivo /etc/apt/
sources.list porque me pareció ver que tenías entradas duplicadas.

 Jul her, te agradezco la ayuda, y gracias también a camaleón por

De nada :-)



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Re: Reescaneo de dispositivos scsi sin reiniciar

2012-08-01 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 01 Aug 2012 13:49:03 +0200, Esteban Torres Rodríguez escribió:

 Tengo algunos servidores virtuales con vmware server y siempre tengo el
 mismo problema cuando doy algún disco a estos servidores.
 No tengo un procedimiento que me funcione en todos los servidores,
 excepto reiniciar.
 He probado estas opciones:
 y en algunas máquinas me funciona y en otras no.

Que te funcione en unas sí pero no en otras puede indicar un problema de 
configuración. Mira a ver qué diferencias existen entre ambos sistemas, 
no sólo de software (versiones, sistemas operativos, tipo de controlador 
de disco duro...) y configuración sino de hardware.

 También he probado con este script:
 y me pasa igual, en algunas si y en otras no.
 Lo único que me ha funcionado en todas es el reinicio.
 Por que?

Ni idea :-?

Algún artículo hay sobre ese tema en la KB de VMWare:

Performing a rescan of the storage on an ESX/ESXi host

Unable to use a SCSI pass-through device in a virtual machine



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RE: /usr/bin/X como Binary-Zombie

2012-08-01 Thread Martin Edmundo Barriga Orozco

 Supongo que habrás purgado el paquete xserver-xorg y lo habrás eliminado
 estando en init 1 para que no esté iniciado en servidor gráfico ¿no? :-?

Gracias Cameleon no lo habia pensando, ya tengo mi ambiente limpio.


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Re: Mostrar descripción de PC en Red Windows 2003

2012-08-01 Thread Ismael L. Donis Garcia
- Original Message - 
From: Gonzalo Rivero

Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 7:45 PM
Subject: Re: Mostrar descripción de PC en Red Windows 2003

smbclient -L //computadora

No era lo que buscaba, buscaba una vía de poderlo ver en el explorador al 
igual que en Windows.

La opción smbclient -L //computadora no funciona pero la otra si.

Te paso un trozo de lo que me da por consola a modo de ejemplo (un trozo 
porque la lista sería larga)

root@ueb_cgi_05:/home/idonis# smbclient -L //DIR_CFI_04
Enter root's password:
session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE
root@ueb_cgi_05:/home/idonis# smbtree
Enter root's password:
\\VIR_PC_5 Diseño de Software
\\UEB_CPA_12   Almacén Productos Terminados
\\UEB_CPA_11   Gestión Económica Brigada Logística
\\UEB_CPA_10   Energético y Transporte
\\UEB_CPA_08   Tienda de Estímulo
\\UEB_CPA_07   Facturación
\\UEB_CPA_06   Producción Terminada (UEB CPA)
\\UEB_CPA_05   Especialista ATM
\\UEB_CPA_04   Gestión Económica (Tienda de Estímulo)
\\UEB_CPA_03   Gestión Económica (UEB CPA)
\\UEB_CPA_01   Director UEB CPA
\\UEB_CGI_07   Inversiones
\\UEB_CGI_05   Diseño de Sofware

Saludos Reiterados
|| ISMAEL ||

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Re: No puedo conectar a ipsec desde debian squeeze

2012-08-01 Thread Maykel Franco Hernández

El 2012-08-01 15:28, JulHer escribió:
El mié, 01-08-2012 a las 14:26 +0200, Maykel Franco Hernández 

Aug  1 14:16:41 debian-vpn-ipsec racoon: INFO: unsupported PF_KEY
message REGISTER
Aug  1 14:16:41 debian-vpn-ipsec racoon: INFO: unsupported PF_KEY
message REGISTER
Aug  1 14:16:43 debian-vpn-ipsec racoon: INFO: unsupported PF_KEY
message REGISTER
Aug  1 14:16:43 debian-vpn-ipsec racoon: ERROR: libipsec failed 

check (Invalid SA type)
Aug  1 14:16:43 debian-vpn-ipsec racoon: INFO: unsupported PF_KEY
message REGISTER
Aug  1 14:16:43 debian-vpn-ipsec racoon: ERROR: libipsec failed 

check (Invalid SA type)

No sé por dónde pueden venir los tiros, pero he montado muchas vpn
ipsec con la particuliaridad de que en local network de la fase2
la ip de mi interface LAN y no una especifica que me indica el

No creo que la IP que te proporciona el enlace tenga nada que ver con 
error. De hecho el error que da es que la asociación de seguridad 

no está soportada, lo cual me da a entender que estás intentando
conectarte a un sistema al que no le gusta como te conectas. Como 
que ya lo has hecho mas veces sin problemas yo investigaría por la 
a la que te quieres conectar. ¿Por casualidad es un equipo de Cisco 

PIX o similar...)?

Un saludo


Gracias por contestar.

Es un equipo el cual desconozco, simplemente me han pasado unos 
parámetros y me dicen que me tengo que poner otra ip como local 
network en la fase 2 de ipsec, cuando la mayoría de vpn no ha sido 
necesario cambiar ése valor. El caso es que ni pfsense ni debian me 

Me han comentado que hiciera nat, pero debería de estar la ipsec 
levantada y si quiera conecta, no pasa nunca la fase2...

Alguien me puede hechar una mano??

Saludos y gracias nuevamente.

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Re: No puedo conectar a ipsec desde debian squeeze

2012-08-01 Thread JulHer
El mié, 01-08-2012 a las 16:50 +0200, Maykel Franco Hernández escribió:
 Es un equipo el cual desconozco, simplemente me han pasado unos 
 parámetros y me dicen que me tengo que poner otra ip como local 
 network en la fase 2 de ipsec, cuando la mayoría de vpn no ha sido 
 necesario cambiar ése valor. El caso es que ni pfsense ni debian me 
 Me han comentado que hiciera nat, pero debería de estar la ipsec 
 levantada y si quiera conecta, no pasa nunca la
 Alguien me puede hechar una mano?? 

Hombre, pues pon por aquí los datos que te dan para conectar,
ofuscando/borrando los sensibles, obviamente, a ver si se ilumina alguna
mente, aunque tampoco estaría de más que te dieran algo de soporte en la
otra parte del túnel.

Yo suelo usar para las conexiones IPsec vpnc, que se habla con los Cisco
(que son algo raritos) y no conozco racoon, pero seguro que tiene alguna
opción para aumentar el nivel de log y sacar más pistas.

Un saludo


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

CUPS se volvió loco (Era: Actualización catastrófica de testing - wheezy )

2012-08-01 Thread Debian GMail

Ahora, cups me está dando quebradero de cabeza.
Ya miré todo lo mirable, incluido esto:
y cups se niega a instalarse.
No hay dudas que el problema es la línea
Error: Module usblp is not currently loaded
Pero no encuentro ese módulo en ningún lado.
Si alguien tiene una idea, por favor, avise
Muchas gacias


Ésta es la salida de consola:

# aptitude install cups cups-pdf openprinting-ppds openprinting-ppds-extra
Se instalarán los siguiente paquetes NUEVOS:
  cups cups-pdf openprinting-ppds openprinting-ppds-extra
Se RECOMIENDAN los siguientes paquetes, pero NO se instalarán:
  foomatic-filters ghostscript-cups printer-driver-gutenprint
0 paquetes actualizados, 4 nuevos instalados, 0 para eliminar y 0 sin 
Necesito descargar 0 B/4.228 kB de ficheros. Después de desempaquetar se 
usarán 8.275 kB.

Preconfigurando paquetes ...
Selecting previously unselected package cups.
dpkg: aviso: falta el fichero de lista de ficheros del paquete 
`cups-filters', se supondrá que el paquete no tiene ningún fichero 
actualmente instalado.
dpkg: aviso: falta el fichero de lista de ficheros del paquete 
`cups-common', se supondrá que el paquete no tiene ningún fichero 
actualmente instalado.
dpkg: aviso: falta el fichero de lista de ficheros del paquete 
`cups-client', se supondrá que el paquete no tiene ningún fichero 
actualmente instalado.
dpkg: aviso: falta el fichero de lista de ficheros del paquete 
`cups-ppdc', se supondrá que el paquete no tiene ningún fichero 
actualmente instalado.
(Leyendo la base de datos ... 161049 ficheros o directorios instalados 

Desempaquetando cups (de .../cups_1.5.3-1_amd64.deb) ...
Selecting previously unselected package cups-pdf.
Desempaquetando cups-pdf (de .../cups-pdf_2.6.1-6_amd64.deb) ...
Selecting previously unselected package openprinting-ppds.
Desempaquetando openprinting-ppds (de 
.../openprinting-ppds_20120523-1_all.deb) ...

Selecting previously unselected package openprinting-ppds-extra.
Desempaquetando openprinting-ppds-extra (de 
.../openprinting-ppds-extra_20120523-1_all.deb) ...

Procesando disparadores para doc-base ...
Processing 1 changed doc-base file...
Registrando documentos con dwww...
Registrando documentos con scrollkeeper...
Procesando disparadores para man-db ...
Configurando cups (1.5.3-1) ...
Error: Module usblp is not currently loaded
insserv: warning: script 'K07smfpd' missing LSB tags and overrides
insserv: warning: script 'smfpd' missing LSB tags and overrides
insserv: There is a loop at service portsentry if started
insserv: Starting smfpd depends on portsentry and therefore on system 
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting smfpd depends on portsentry and therefore on system 
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting smfpd depends on portsentry and therefore on system 
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting smfpd depends on portsentry and therefore on system 
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting smfpd depends on portsentry and therefore on system 
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting smfpd depends on portsentry and therefore on system 
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting smfpd depends on portsentry and therefore on system 
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting smfpd depends on portsentry and therefore on system 
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting smfpd depends on portsentry and therefore on system 
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting smfpd depends on portsentry and therefore on system 
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting smfpd depends on portsentry and therefore on system 
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting smfpd depends on portsentry and therefore on system 
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting smfpd depends on portsentry and therefore on system 
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting smfpd depends on portsentry and therefore on system 
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting smfpd depends on portsentry and therefore on system 
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting smfpd depends on portsentry and therefore on system 
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting smfpd depends on portsentry and therefore on system 
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting smfpd depends on portsentry and therefore on system 
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting smfpd depends on portsentry and therefore on system 
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting smfpd depends on portsentry and therefore on system 
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting smfpd depends on portsentry and therefore on system 
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting smfpd depends on portsentry and therefore on system 
facility `$all' 

Re: CUPS se volvió loco (Era: Actualización catastrófica de testing - wheezy )

2012-08-01 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 01 Aug 2012 13:08:10 -0300, Debian GMail escribió:

(mejor en un nuevo hilo...)

 Ahora, cups me está dando quebradero de cabeza. Ya miré todo lo mirable,
 incluido esto: y
 cups se niega a instalarse.

¿Y qué relación encuentras con ese informe de fallo y tu problema? :-?

En todo caso, podría tener relación con este:


 No hay dudas que el problema es la línea Error: Module usblp is not
 currently loaded Pero no encuentro ese módulo en ningún lado. Si alguien
 tiene una idea, por favor, avise Muchas gacias


 Se RECOMIENDAN los siguientes paquetes, pero NO se instalarán:
foomatic-filters ghostscript-cups printer-driver-gutenprint

Eso te pasa por quitar los recommends :-)

 insserv: warning: script 'K07smfpd' missing LSB tags and overrides
 insserv: warning: script 'smfpd' missing LSB tags and overrides insserv:
 There is a loop at service portsentry if started insserv: Starting smfpd
 depends on portsentry and therefore on system facility `$all' which can
 not be true!


Se comentó un problema similar hace poco en la lista, revisa el bug que 
te indico más arriba.



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Re: CUPS se volvió loco [SOLUCIONADO]

2012-08-01 Thread Debian GMail

Vergonzoso lo mío:

Hay un alemán que me está escondiendo las cosas

Gracias y disculpen mi estupidez.


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Re: Mostrar descripción de PC en Red Windows 2003

2012-08-01 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
El día 1 de agosto de 2012 11:17, Ismael L. Donis Garcia escribió:
 - Original Message - From: Gonzalo Rivero
 Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 7:45 PM

 Subject: Re: Mostrar descripción de PC en Red Windows 2003

 smbclient -L //computadora

 No era lo que buscaba, buscaba una vía de poderlo ver en el explorador al
 igual que en Windows.

 La opción smbclient -L //computadora no funciona pero la otra si.

 Te paso un trozo de lo que me da por consola a modo de ejemplo (un trozo
 porque la lista sería larga)

 root@ueb_cgi_05:/home/idonis# smbclient -L //DIR_CFI_04
 Enter root's password:
 session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE
eso quiere decir que no te autenticaste correctamente. Leé el man de
smbclient para saber como hacerlo bien

 root@ueb_cgi_05:/home/idonis# smbtree
 Enter root's password:
 \\VIR_PC_5 Diseño de Software
 \\UEB_CPA_12   Almacén Productos Terminados
 \\UEB_CPA_11   Gestión Económica Brigada Logística
 \\UEB_CPA_10   Energético y Transporte
 \\UEB_CPA_08   Tienda de Estímulo
 \\UEB_CPA_07   Facturación
 \\UEB_CPA_06   Producción Terminada (UEB CPA)
 \\UEB_CPA_05   Especialista ATM
 \\UEB_CPA_04   Gestión Económica (Tienda de Estímulo)
 \\UEB_CPA_03   Gestión Económica (UEB CPA)
 \\UEB_CPA_01   Director UEB CPA
 \\UEB_CGI_07   Inversiones
 \\UEB_CGI_05   Diseño de Sofware

 Saludos Reiterados
 || ISMAEL ||

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Re: Actualización catastrófica de testing - wheezy

2012-08-01 Thread Juan Lavieri


El 31/07/12 04:00, Pedro escribió:

Tu comentario me ha hecho escribir el que sigue:

2012/7/31 Juan


Tu problema me da pie para hacer el siguiente comentario.

El 30/07/12 07:09, Debian GMail escribió:

Esto va por si a alguno le pasa, y está teniendo dudas sobre si proceder o
no. Uso testing desde hace años, y nunca tuve un problema de este calibre.
El sábado, como todos los sábados, corrí la actualización del sistema con
aptitude full-upgrade, y me recomendó desinstalar una serie de paquetes,
por problemas de dependencias. Maldita la hora que le hice caso; cada nueva
corrida, seguía desinstalando cosas, hasta que me dejó el sistema
Dado que esto me lo suelo tomar con soda, y SIEMPRE tengo los dos primeros
DVDs de testing en algún rincón del sistema (gracias a popularity-contest,
contienen el 90% de lo que uno necesita), instalé un sistema limpio con
fecha marzo de 2012, cuando las bajé.
Y luego intenté nuevamente la actualización (siempre uso la opción -d,
por si se cuelga internet, para evitar actualizaciones a medias).
Y acá viene el chiste:

Se que algunos listeros son realmente concienzudos en cuanto a lo que hacen
a sus sistemas;  pero estoy seguro que la mayoría no tiene *NI IDEA* de lo
que sucede cuando emiten una instrucción como la que sigue:

~# aptitude full-upgrade -d

¿Por qué no has dedicado tiempo a explicar para qué sirve este comando?
En fin, si alguien lo sabe, que conteste.

Creo que le he dedicado un poquito de tiempo;  por lo tanto te invito a 
consultar los enlaces que indico mas adelante.

Muchos ni siquiera leen las *consecuencias* de lo que dijeron que quería que
sucediera.  A este respecto vuelvo a sugerir, por n-esima vez el uso de la
interfaz curses de aptitude que permite controlar hasta la última cana que
nos salga.

Aunque sea la n-esima vez, muchos necesitamos la n+1, como yo. No está
de más, volver a citar cómo encontrar o instalar esta herramienta

Ciertamente tienes razón.  Para usar esta herramienta solo debes 
instalar el paquete aptitude que según tengo entendido ya tienes 
instalado.  De no ser así, un simple:

#apt-get install aptitude debería resolver el problema.

A partir de allí, entras en una consola (ctrl+alt+F1...F6) cualquiera de 
ellas, o un terminal gráfico, y ejecutas:

aptitude (preferiblemente como administrador, aunque no es obligatorio 
que sea así) y allí comienza lo bueno.

En la lista he comentado algunas cosas sobre aptitude que tal vez te 
puedan servir;  he aquí los enlaces.  aqui 
se cita un enlace a un tutorial de aptitude.  ese enlace es:

Espero que te sea de utilidad.



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Re: Actualización catastrófica de testing - wheezy

2012-08-01 Thread Pedro
Muchas gracias a Camaleón y Juan por sus respuestas!

2012/8/1 Juan Lavieri

 El 31/07/12 04:00, Pedro escribió:

 Tu comentario me ha hecho escribir el que sigue:

 2012/7/31 Juan


 Tu problema me da pie para hacer el siguiente comentario.

 El 30/07/12 07:09, Debian GMail escribió:

 Esto va por si a alguno le pasa, y está teniendo dudas sobre si proceder
 no. Uso testing desde hace años, y nunca tuve un problema de este
 El sábado, como todos los sábados, corrí la actualización del sistema
 aptitude full-upgrade, y me recomendó desinstalar una serie de
 por problemas de dependencias. Maldita la hora que le hice caso; cada
 corrida, seguía desinstalando cosas, hasta que me dejó el sistema
 Dado que esto me lo suelo tomar con soda, y SIEMPRE tengo los dos
 DVDs de testing en algún rincón del sistema (gracias a
 contienen el 90% de lo que uno necesita), instalé un sistema limpio con
 fecha marzo de 2012, cuando las bajé.
 Y luego intenté nuevamente la actualización (siempre uso la opción -d,
 por si se cuelga internet, para evitar actualizaciones a medias).
 Y acá viene el chiste:

 Se que algunos listeros son realmente concienzudos en cuanto a lo que
 a sus sistemas;  pero estoy seguro que la mayoría no tiene *NI IDEA* de
 que sucede cuando emiten una instrucción como la que sigue:

 ~# aptitude full-upgrade -d

 ¿Por qué no has dedicado tiempo a explicar para qué sirve este comando?
 En fin, si alguien lo sabe, que conteste.

 Creo que le he dedicado un poquito de tiempo;  por lo tanto te invito a
 consultar los enlaces que indico mas adelante.

 Muchos ni siquiera leen las *consecuencias* de lo que dijeron que quería
 sucediera.  A este respecto vuelvo a sugerir, por n-esima vez el uso de
 interfaz curses de aptitude que permite controlar hasta la última cana
 nos salga.

 Aunque sea la n-esima vez, muchos necesitamos la n+1, como yo. No está
 de más, volver a citar cómo encontrar o instalar esta herramienta

 Ciertamente tienes razón.  Para usar esta herramienta solo debes instalar el
 paquete aptitude que según tengo entendido ya tienes instalado.  De no ser
 así, un simple:

 #apt-get install aptitude debería resolver el problema.

 A partir de allí, entras en una consola (ctrl+alt+F1...F6) cualquiera de
 ellas, o un terminal gráfico, y ejecutas:

 aptitude (preferiblemente como administrador, aunque no es obligatorio que
 sea así) y allí comienza lo bueno.

 En la lista he comentado algunas cosas sobre aptitude que tal vez te puedan
 servir;  he aquí los enlaces.  aqui se
 cita un enlace a un tutorial de aptitude.  ese enlace es:

 Espero que te sea de utilidad.



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Por favor, evite enviarme documentos adjuntos en formato Word o PowerPoint.
Utilice herramientas libres como

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Re: No puedo conectar a ipsec desde debian squeeze

2012-08-01 Thread Maykel Franco Hernández

El 2012-08-01 17:03, JulHer escribió:
El mié, 01-08-2012 a las 16:50 +0200, Maykel Franco Hernández 

Es un equipo el cual desconozco, simplemente me han pasado unos
parámetros y me dicen que me tengo que poner otra ip como local
network en la fase 2 de ipsec, cuando la mayoría de vpn no ha sido
necesario cambiar ése valor. El caso es que ni pfsense ni debian me

Me han comentado que hiciera nat, pero debería de estar la ipsec
levantada y si quiera conecta, no pasa nunca la

Alguien me puede hechar una mano??

Hombre, pues pon por aquí los datos que te dan para conectar,
ofuscando/borrando los sensibles, obviamente, a ver si se ilumina 
mente, aunque tampoco estaría de más que te dieran algo de soporte en 

otra parte del túnel.

Yo suelo usar para las conexiones IPsec vpnc, que se habla con los 
(que son algo raritos) y no conozco racoon, pero seguro que tiene 

opción para aumentar el nivel de log y sacar más pistas.

Un saludo


Gracias por contestar.

Con el IPsec vpnc te permite ponerte en la segunda fase de ipsec el 
local network diferente de la interface lan??

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Re: No puedo conectar a ipsec desde debian squeeze

2012-08-01 Thread JulHer
El mié, 01-08-2012 a las 20:25 +0200, Maykel Franco Hernández escribió:
 Con el IPsec vpnc te permite ponerte en la segunda fase de ipsec el 
 local network diferente de la interface lan?? 

Yo no sé muy bien a que te estás refiriendo... en cualquier conexión
ipsec se crea una interfaz virtual (tun0, ipsec0,...) y en esa interfaz
se pone una dirección IP que siempre es diferente de cualquier otra
interfaz del equipo, incluida la LAN.

Un saludo


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: No puedo conectar a ipsec desde debian squeeze

2012-08-01 Thread Maykel Franco Hernández

El 2012-08-01 21:16, JulHer escribió:
El mié, 01-08-2012 a las 20:25 +0200, Maykel Franco Hernández 

Con el IPsec vpnc te permite ponerte en la segunda fase de ipsec el
local network diferente de la interface lan??

Yo no sé muy bien a que te estás refiriendo... en cualquier conexión
ipsec se crea una interfaz virtual (tun0, ipsec0,...) y en esa 

se pone una dirección IP que siempre es diferente de cualquier otra
interfaz del equipo, incluida la LAN.

Un saludo


Me refiero a esto:

En la fase 2, en vez de poner la lan como pone ahí, me sugieren que 
ponga una ip específica diferente a la de mi lan, con lo cual no 


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Re: Synaptic: sotfware no puede ser autenticado

2012-08-01 Thread Carlos Zuniga
2012/8/1 Ruben

 Pues comente la linea de debian-multimedia y me dio respecto a ese

 Err squeeze/main amd64 Packages
   404  Not Found
 Err squeeze/non-free amd64 Packages
   404  Not Found
 W: Imposible obtener  
 404  Not Found

 W: Imposible obtener
   404  Not Found

 E: No se han podido descargar algunos archivos de índice, se han
 ignorado, o se ha utilizado unos antiguos en su lugar.

 Aun asi instale el mplayer con lo cual ya no me dio mensaje de software
 no autentificado, pero solo me instalo dos dependencias: libdvdnav4 y
 librtmp0. y el mplayer no jala asi que lo desinstale.

 Voy a navegar un rato para ver donde esta ahora el repositorio.

Qué raro que intente descargar de debian-multimedia si lo haz
comentado. Has hecho un `aptitude update` antes?

Por otro lado, cambio su nombre a hace poco, prueba cambiando la url a la nueva

A menudo unas pocas horas de Prueba y error podrán ahorrarte minutos
de leer manuales.

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Re: Synaptic: sotfware no puede ser autenticado

2012-08-01 Thread Fabián Bonetti
On Wed, 1 Aug 2012 20:17:57 -0500
Carlos Zuniga wrote:

Es algo via servidor web del admin.

trata de cambiar por http:// por ftp://

Editando tu sources.list

hace la prueba en tu navegador con estas dos url con distintos protocolos. y 



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Description: PGP signature

Re: Re:(SOLUCIONADO) Synaptic: sotfware no puede ser autenticado

2012-08-01 Thread Ruben
El mié, 01-08-2012 a las 13:51 +, Camaleón escribió:
 El Wed, 01 Aug 2012 01:59:16 -0500, Ruben escribió:
  Pues entre a e indicaba que se debía actualizar
  la lista de repositorios con el nuevo dominio (da una breve explicación
  del por que del cambio):
  deb squeeze main non-free.
  Lo agregue, actualice e instale el mplayer sin que me dijera ya que
  había software sin autentificacion.
 Eso creo que te lo comenté, además de que revisaras tu archivo /etc/apt/
 sources.list porque me pareció ver que tenías entradas duplicadas.
Efectivamente camaleon, me lo mencionaste.
De nuevo, te agradezco.

  Jul her, te agradezco la ayuda, y gracias también a camaleón por
 De nada :-)

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Re: Synaptic: sotfware no puede ser autenticado

2012-08-01 Thread Ruben
El mié, 01-08-2012 a las 20:17 -0500, Carlos Zuniga escribió:
 2012/8/1 Ruben
  Pues comente la linea de debian-multimedia y me dio respecto a ese
  Err squeeze/main amd64 Packages
404  Not Found
  Err squeeze/non-free amd64 Packages
404  Not Found
  W: Imposible obtener
404  Not Found
  W: Imposible obtener
404  Not Found
  E: No se han podido descargar algunos archivos de índice, se han
  ignorado, o se ha utilizado unos antiguos en su lugar.
  Aun asi instale el mplayer con lo cual ya no me dio mensaje de software
  no autentificado, pero solo me instalo dos dependencias: libdvdnav4 y
  librtmp0. y el mplayer no jala asi que lo desinstale.
  Voy a navegar un rato para ver donde esta ahora el repositorio.
 Qué raro que intente descargar de debian-multimedia si lo haz
 comentado. Has hecho un `aptitude update` antes?
 Por otro lado, cambio su nombre a hace poco, prueba cambiando la url a la nueva
Efectivamente, cambio a
deb squeeze main non-free.

Ya actualice el repositorio y solucione el asunto.

Gracias y saludos

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Re: Synaptic: sotfware no puede ser autenticado

2012-08-01 Thread Ruben
El mié, 01-08-2012 a las 23:20 -0300, Fabián Bonetti escribió:
 On Wed, 1 Aug 2012 20:17:57 -0500
 Carlos Zuniga wrote:
 Es algo via servidor web del admin.
 trata de cambiar por http:// por ftp://
 Editando tu sources.list
 hace la prueba en tu navegador con estas dos url con distintos protocolos. y 
Cambie el repositorio a
deb squeeze main non-free.
y asunto arreglado.



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Re: Mouse USB e Bluetooh só funcionam com note na tomada!

2012-08-01 Thread Fabiano Machado Dias

Boa noite,

Depois de bastante tempo achei a solução para um problema antigo meu.

Estou respondendo com o mesmo título para ficar no histórico da lista.

Resumindo o problema era o seguinte, meu mouse USB (qualquer um) só 
funcionava com o note ligado na tomada.

Pois bem, a solução é a seguinte:

Editar o arquivo:
# vim /etc/laptop-mode/conf.d/usb-autosuspend.conf

Na seção



Onde: 045e:0745 é a USBID do dispositivo, você pode encontrar a ID 
usando dmesg

ou então por categoria



USBTYPE também pode ser encontrado com dmesg

O arquivo é bem explicativo, e a documentação bem completa.

É isso aí, espero que ajude quem estiver com o mesmo problema.

Fabiano Machado Dias

 * Inglês
 * Português

 * Inglês
 * Português


Re: Mouse USB e Bluetooh só funcionam com note na tomada!

2012-08-01 Thread Rodolfo
Nunca tive esse problema, mas muito obrigado por compartilhar a solução =D.

Em 31 de julho de 2012 22:56, Fabiano Machado Dias escreveu:

  Boa noite,

 Depois de bastante tempo achei a solução para um problema antigo meu.

 Estou respondendo com o mesmo título para ficar no histórico da lista.

 Resumindo o problema era o seguinte, meu mouse USB (qualquer um) só
 funcionava com o note ligado na tomada.

 Pois bem, a solução é a seguinte:

 Editar o arquivo:
 # vim /etc/laptop-mode/conf.d/usb-autosuspend.conf

 Na seção



 Onde: 045e:0745 é a USBID do dispositivo, você pode encontrar a ID usando

 ou então por categoria



 USBTYPE também pode ser encontrado com dmesg

 O arquivo é bem explicativo, e a documentação bem completa.

 É isso aí, espero que ajude quem estiver com o mesmo problema.

 Fabiano Machado Dias

- Inglês
- Português

- Inglês
- Português

ACPI / Controle de temperatura

2012-08-01 Thread Ednardo Lobo


Estou com um problema que não sei se é de hardware ou software.

Desde segunda-feira quando liguei meu notebook pela manhã que o cooler 
(fan ou ventoinha) está bastante ruidoso e forma ininterrupta.

Não parece ser um ruído provocado por desgaste ou atrito, mas sim por 
aceleração. Ou seja, ele está girando a uma velocidade que só deveria 
fazer quando a temperatura do notebook ou processadores estivesse acima 
de um certo limite ou, então, logo que o computador é ligado, 
desacelerando após o SO ser carregado, quando o acpid assume o controle.

Não detectei nenhum problema no funcionamento do acpid, mas não estou 
convencido ainda que possa ser um problema de hardware justamente em 
razão da normalidade no funcionamento acpid. Veja algumas informações:

- dmesg

[1.194257] fan PNP0C0B:00: registered as cooling_device0
[1.194266] ACPI: Fan [FAN] (on)

- acpi -t -c -i

Thermal 0: active, 36.0 degrees C
Thermal 0: trip point 0 switches to mode critical at temperature 97.0 
degrees C

Thermal 0: trip point 1 switches to mode hot at temperature 95.0 degrees C
Thermal 0: trip point 2 switches to mode passive at temperature 90.0 
degrees C
Thermal 0: trip point 3 switches to mode active at temperature 35.0 
degrees C

Cooling 0: LCD 0 of 10
Cooling 1: Processor 0 of 10
Cooling 2: Processor 0 of 10
Cooling 3: Fan 0 of 1

- cat /proc/acpi/fan/*/*

status:  on

- cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/*/*

0 - Active; 1 - Passive
polling disabled
state:   active[0]
temperature: 35 C
critical (S5):   97 C
hot (S4):95 C
passive: 90 C: tc1=2 tc2=5 tsp=10 devices=CPU0
active[0]:   35 C: devices= FAN

- ps | grep acpi

   22 ?S  0:00  \_ kacpid
   23 ?S  0:00  \_ kacpi_notify
   24 ?S  0:00  \_ kacpi_hotplug
 1369 ?Ss 0:02 acpid
 1376 ?Ss 0:00 acpi_fakekeyd

Como neste notebook tenho dual-boot com GNU/Debian e Windows Vista que 
nunca uso, resolvi carregá-lo e ver se algo mudava no comportamento do 
cooler, porém, nada mudou.

Minha esposa tem um notebook idêntico e no dela o cooler se comporta 
muito bem, ou seja, acelerando e desacelerando de maneira coerente a 
variação da temperatura, tanto no GNU/Debian quanto no Windows Vista.

Devo encaminhar o meu notebook para assistência técnica ou há algo mais 
que possa verificar para ter certeza de que é um problema de hardware e 
não de software e assim não correr o risco ter o notebook violado 
(aberto) sem necessidade.

Apenas para constar o notebook em questão é o COMPAQ PRESARIO 
CQ40-314BR, comprado quando a Compaq já havia sido adquirida pela HP, 
tanto que o carregador dele vem identificado como sendo da HP.


Ednardo Lobo

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Cron jobs

2012-08-01 Thread André Nunes

Estou tentando, sem sucesso, agendar alguns scripts usando o cron e
gostaria de saber se alguém consegue me dar uma luz aqui.

Um dos scripts é:

DATE=`date '+%Y%m%d_%H_%M'`
export DISPLAY=:0
/usr/bin/import -window root -resize 800 /var/log/logkeys/ss/${DATE}.jpg

O path para o script é: /usr/local/bin/

Permissões, usuário e grupo:   -rwxr-xr-x 1 root staff

O cron job é:


# Agendamento de printscreen a cada dois minutos.


*/2 * * * * root /usr/local/bin/


O path é: /etc/cron.d/screen

As permissões, usuário e grupo são:  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root

O /var/log/syslog informa que o agendamento deu certo e o script está
sendo executado:

Aug  1 15:08:53 tagesuhu-pc dbus[1639]: [system] Successfully
activated service 'org.debian.apt'
Aug  1 15:08:54 tagesuhu-pc wpa_supplicant[1700]: wlan0: WPA: Group
rekeying completed with X [GTK=CCMP]
Aug  1 15:09:25 tagesuhu-pc wpa_supplicant[1700]: wlan0: WPA: Group
rekeying completed with X [GTK=CCMP]
Aug  1 15:09:56 tagesuhu-pc wpa_supplicant[1700]: wlan0: WPA: Group
rekeying completed with  [GTK=CCMP]
Aug  1 15:10:01 tagesuhu-pc /USR/SBIN/CRON[22434]: (root) CMD
Aug  1 15:10:27 tagesuhu-pc wpa_supplicant[1700]: wlan0: WPA: Group
rekeying completed with  [GTK=CCMP]
Aug  1 15:10:58 tagesuhu-pc wpa_supplicant[1700]: wlan0: WPA: Group
rekeying completed with XXX [GTK=CCMP]
Aug  1 15:11:29 tagesuhu-pc wpa_supplicant[1700]: wlan0: WPA: Group
rekeying completed with  [GTK=CCMP]
Aug  1 15:12:00 tagesuhu-pc wpa_supplicant[1700]: wlan0: WPA: Group
rekeying completed with  [GTK=CCMP]
Aug  1 15:12:01 tagesuhu-pc /USR/SBIN/CRON[22449]: (root) CMD
Aug  1 15:12:31 tagesuhu-pc wpa_supplicant[1700]: wlan0: WPA: Group
rekeying completed with X [GTK=CCMP]
Aug  1 15:13:02 tagesuhu-pc wpa_supplicant[1700]: wlan0: WPA: Group
rekeying completed with XXX [GTK=CCMP]
Aug  1 15:13:33 tagesuhu-pc wpa_supplicant[1700]: wlan0: WPA: Group
rekeying completed with XX [GTK=CCMP]
Aug  1 15:13:53 tagesuhu-pc AptDaemon: INFO: Quitting due to inactivity
Aug  1 15:13:53 tagesuhu-pc AptDaemon: INFO: Quitting was requested
Aug  1 15:14:01 tagesuhu-pc /USR/SBIN/CRON[22464]: (root) CMD

No entanto, ao verificar o diretório /var/log/logkeys/ss/, nenhum
arquivo está sendo gravado.

Testei o script diretamente do shell e ele funcionou normalmente. Além
disso, os outros dois scripts também não estão sendo executados pelo
cron, de modo que eu acredito que há algum problema na forma como eu
agendei a sua execução, só não consigo entender qual é o problema.

Obs: Não possuo nem o arquivo cron.allow nem o arquivo cron.deny.

André Nunes Batista
PGP Public Key: 0x7b0590cb6722cf80

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Re: Kernel panic.

2012-08-01 Thread Adiel de Lima Ribeiro
Pessoal, resumindo meu problema, depois de recompilar o Kernel meu
sistema não inicia, fiz um teste para ver se era algum módulo faltando e
não era, pois no teste recompilei o Kernel com as configurações antigas
e retirei apenas o suporte a virtualização. Na minha compilação utilizei
o fonte do debian, no qual foi gerado um binário
em /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.32 no diretório 
arch/x86/boot, este binário se chama bzImage, o qual copio para o
diretório /boot com o nome vmlinuz-modificado. Depois eu rodo o
update-grub e ele reconhece tudo direitinho.
Uma coisa que notei, é que não é gerada a linha initrd para a imagem
vmlinuz-modificado, sendo que existe a linha nas imagens antigas. 
Tem alguma coisa a ver o initrd ? 
O que posso estar fazendo de errado?


Adiel de Lima Ribeiro

Re: Kernel panic.

2012-08-01 Thread Alcione Ferreira
faltou vc gera a imagem

na pasta /lib/module
mkinitramfs -o /boot/initrd-kernel versao do kernel

Ai pode reiniciar.

Em 1 de agosto de 2012 15:31, Adiel de Lima Ribeiro escreveu:

  Pessoal, resumindo meu problema, depois de recompilar o Kernel meu
 sistema não inicia, fiz um teste para ver se era algum módulo faltando e
 não era, pois no teste recompilei o Kernel com as configurações antigas e
 retirei apenas o suporte a virtualização. Na minha compilação utilizei o
 fonte do debian, no qual foi gerado um binário em
 /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.32 no diretório
 arch/x86/boot, este binário se chama bzImage, o qual copio para o
 diretório /boot com o nome vmlinuz-modificado. Depois eu rodo o update-grub
 e ele reconhece tudo direitinho.
 Uma coisa que notei, é que não é gerada a linha initrd para a imagem
 vmlinuz-modificado, sendo que existe a linha nas imagens antigas.
 Tem alguma coisa a ver o initrd ?
 O que posso estar fazendo de errado?

 Adiel de Lima

Alcione Ferreira
Liberdade e conhecimento ao alcance de todos.

Office Escritório -
Navegador Firefox -
Email Thunderbird -
Linux user number 432030 of
ICQ: 377035698

Re: Kernel panic.

2012-08-01 Thread Rafael Bedendo

Tenta fazer assim.

apt-get install kernel-package libncurses5-dev fakeroot wget bzip2 

cd /usr/src
tar jxvf linux-3.4.7.tar.bz2
rm -rf linux
ln -s linux-3.4.7 linux
cd linux
cp /boot/config-SEU_KERNEL_DO_DEBIAN .config

Faça suas customizações
make menuconfig

make-kpkg clean
fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=-meukernelcompilado 
kernel_image kernel_headers

Nesse caso estou usando a ultima versão estável


Rafael Bedendo

Em 01-08-2012 16:31, Adiel de Lima Ribeiro escreveu:
Pessoal, resumindo meu problema, depois de recompilar o Kernel meu 
sistema não inicia, fiz um teste para ver se era algum módulo faltando 
e não era, pois no teste recompilei o Kernel com as configurações 
antigas e retirei apenas o suporte a virtualização. Na minha 
compilação utilizei o fonte do debian, no qual foi gerado um binário 
em /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.32 no diretório
arch/x86/boot, este binário se chama bzImage, o qual copio para o 
diretório /boot com o nome vmlinuz-modificado. Depois eu rodo o 
update-grub e ele reconhece tudo direitinho.
Uma coisa que notei, é que não é gerada a linha initrd para a imagem 
vmlinuz-modificado, sendo que existe a linha nas imagens antigas.

Tem alguma coisa a ver o initrd ?
O que posso estar fazendo de errado?

Adiel de Lima Ribeiro

Question on pam_access cron configuration

2012-08-01 Thread Dominik Klein

I included pam_access in common-account in order to manage access to
my machines.

Now, cronjobs running as www-data or nobody cannot run because there
is no entry in the access.conf - and I really don't want an entry for
each cronjob.

My approach on fixing this was to exclude common-account from
/etc/pam.d/cron, but I still get

CRON[pid]: pam_access(cron:account) access diened for user nobody from cron

What's the correct (debian) way to deal with this situation?


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kmail in background?

2012-08-01 Thread Hans-J. Ullrich
Hi folks,

does anybody know, why there is already an instance aka process running of 
kmail in the background, when kde is fresh started?

1. I am always starting kmail manually, but the process is already runnning 
and mails are fetched in the background. 

2. I saved the kde session, without any running kmail before logout, but after 
a new start of kde, the process appears again.

Maybe I missed something.

Thanks for any hints.



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Re: Question on pam_access cron configuration

2012-08-01 Thread Dominik Klein
Well thank you for this delightful answer.

Yes, one could configure something like

+ : nobody : crond

But that is something I would like to avoid (which I stated in the
first email) since that would imply having this config on 500+
machines (each has the same access.conf)

I am looking for the pam way to achieve this.


2012/8/1 emmanuel segura
 man access.conf

 2012/8/1 Dominik Klein


 I included pam_access in common-account in order to manage access to
 my machines.

 Now, cronjobs running as www-data or nobody cannot run because there
 is no entry in the access.conf - and I really don't want an entry for
 each cronjob.

 My approach on fixing this was to exclude common-account from
 /etc/pam.d/cron, but I still get

 CRON[pid]: pam_access(cron:account) access diened for user nobody from

 What's the correct (debian) way to deal with this situation?


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 esta es mi vida e me la vivo hasta que dios quiera

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Re: Squeeze 6.0.6

2012-08-01 Thread Slavko

Dňa Wed, 01 Aug 2012 02:22:40 +0200 Mark Panen

 Does anyone know more or less when Squeeze 6.0.6 will be released?

when they will be prepared? ;-)



Description: PGP signature

slow DVD reading

2012-08-01 Thread Philip Ashmore

Hi there.

Ever since I heard about the Raspberry Pi, I dreamt of putting my entire 
DVD collection on a usb disk and having a DVD juke box that would fit 
into a DVD case.

While I'm waiting for my Pi to arrive, I started copying DVDs onto ISOs 
- what can I say, I love those DVD menus.

Unfortunately they take ages to copy.

I'm using Brasero on kde-trinity and it never works out the estimated 
drive speed, but from the progress indications (3206MiB of 5726MiB) it 
looks like it's managing 3-4MiB per second.

It's a Samsung RF711-S07UK laptop with a blu-ray drive, so I was 
expecting it to be able to read a lot faster.

What, if anything, can I do to make it read faster?

Philip Ashmore

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SSL problem/help

2012-08-01 Thread Benjamin Martin

Hello All,

I am having trouble connecting to a https url from machine A but not 
from machine B.

Both machines are on the same network, but machine A is debian-testing 
and machine B is ubuntu 10.04. (both 64bit)

It is a perl script that is doing the connecting (same script on both 
machines), on machine A it was reporting:

  500 Can't connect to 
 ... but not failing at all on B

After doing some investigating, it seems the error message is abit 
misleading, as I CAN connect to the host on port 443 .. some more 
investigation shows that when I run this:

  openssl s_client -host -port 443

.. on machine B, I see nothing worrying and I can GET / the html page. 
(it's a forbidden page, but it returns none the less)

.. but on machine A, I get the following error:

  no peer certificate available

After some more investigation I found that if I add -cipher 3DES to 
the command so it becomes:

  openssl s_client -host -port 443 -cipher 3DES

It works! :)

So this leaves me with a few questions/concerns.

Why do I have to add the -cipher switch to get this to work?

I am guessing there is slight problem with the cert at as not all https sites have this problem ... 
with that in mind I guess testing has been updated with stricter SSL 
processing or is this a bug?

If this is a bug I would like to report it
.. or ...
Does anyone know how to the loosen the SSL processing rules so the 
cert at is deemed valid?

I don't really know what I am doing but I can use google and the command 
line.. so sorry if I missed any important detail or broke a list rule 
somehow... i am just abit stuck :(


PS. I have tried this on gentoo and centos and all seem to be ok .. just 
testing seems to display this problem

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Re: slow hibernate after upgrade

2012-08-01 Thread hvw59601

Vincent Lefevre wrote:

On 2012-07-31 16:08:12 -0500, hvw59601 wrote:

After wheezy dist-upgrade desktop hibernate is twice as slow as before.

I've also found that putting the by Debian/unstable laptop into sleep
with Fn+F1 takes much longer than before. But this is more several
dozens of seconds vs a few seconds in the past.

It now takes 40 secs. to hibernate about 400.000 pages, before it took 
about 15 secs. But wakeup is still fast: 12 secs.

But why does this happen? And how to circumvent it?


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Re: SSL problem/help

2012-08-01 Thread Markus Schönhaber
01.08.2012 14:30, Benjamin Martin:

 I am having trouble connecting to a https url from machine A but not 
 from machine B.
 Both machines are on the same network, but machine A is debian-testing 
 and machine B is ubuntu 10.04. (both 64bit)

The important difference between the two machines is probably the
different versions of OpenSSL. Wheezy has OpenSSL 1.0.1 which introduces
new TLS protocols (TLS v1.1, v1.2).
The server seems to be unable to cope with those new protocols.

 It is a perl script that is doing the connecting (same script on both 
 machines), on machine A it was reporting:
500 Can't connect to 
   ... but not failing at all on B
 After doing some investigating, it seems the error message is abit 
 misleading, as I CAN connect to the host on port 443 .. some more 
 investigation shows that when I run this:
openssl s_client -host -port 443
 .. on machine B, I see nothing worrying and I can GET / the html page. 
 (it's a forbidden page, but it returns none the less)
 .. but on machine A, I get the following error:
no peer certificate available
 After some more investigation I found that if I add -cipher 3DES to 
 the command so it becomes:
openssl s_client -host -port 443 -cipher 3DES
 It works! :)

As would adding -tls1 which sets the protocol to TLSv1 (which means v1.x
is not offered).

 So this leaves me with a few questions/concerns.
 Why do I have to add the -cipher switch to get this to work?
 I am guessing there is slight problem with the cert at as not all https sites have this problem ... 
 with that in mind I guess testing has been updated with stricter SSL 
 processing or is this a bug?
 If this is a bug I would like to report it
 .. or ...
 Does anyone know how to the loosen the SSL processing rules so the 
 cert at is deemed valid?

As said above, it's probably not a cert but a protocol issue.
I don't know how to tell Perl to not use specific TLS versions, sorry.

 I don't really know what I am doing but I can use google and the command 
 line.. so sorry if I missed any important detail or broke a list rule 
 somehow... i am just abit stuck :(

You have obviously tried to understand the problem, you have even come
up with a workaround, you have described pretty decently what exactly
you did - I don't see what else could be expected from you.

 PS. I have tried this on gentoo and centos and all seem to be ok .. just 
 testing seems to display this problem

I'd bet the Gentoo and CentOS systems you tried that on, come with an
OpenSSL version  1.0.1.


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Re: Shockwave Flash

2012-08-01 Thread Kent West

If you haven't already tried it,

  aptitude install gnash


On 7/31/12 7:12 PM, Fred Zinsli wrote:

Hi Kent

No, I can't see the site mentioned, I just get a black page (using 



 On 7/30/12 9:53 PM, Fred Zinsli wrote:

 Hi all

 Been playing with this for days, but just don't have a clue about what
 I'm supposed to be doing or looking for to help.

 Attempting to install shockwave flash so I can view swf files in a web

 It isn't working for me, but what makes it worse is I can't seem to
 find any real information in any log files. So I am obviously looking
 in the wrong place or I haven't turned on logging for any browser.

 Browsers: Firefox, google-chrome, chromium, iceweasel

 Shockwave appears as a plugin in firefox but not in others.

 Any comments would be most helpful.

 Can you view a Shockwave site, such as


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Re: Automatic debug packages for Wheezy?

2012-08-01 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 01 Aug 2012 00:16:16 +0200, Sascha Silbe wrote:

 The lack of a debug package for libglib 

Just to be sure, you don't mean libglib2.0-0-dbg, right?

 reminded me (yet again) of a release goal that was originally set [1]
 for Squeeze: Automatic building of debug packages [2]. Does anyone know
 what happened to that goal?

I would ask for the current status of this at debian-devel.



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Re: is it rational to close the 139 port

2012-08-01 Thread Celejar
On Tue, 31 Jul 2012 20:31:56 +1200
Chris Bannister wrote:

 On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 06:15:26PM +0100, Brad Rogers wrote:
  On Mon, 30 Jul 2012 11:54:14 -0500
  John Hasler wrote:
  Hello John,
  Brad Rogers writes:
   Yeah, on a Post-It note.  Stuck to the monitor.  
  That's what people do when you tell them not to write it down.  _Tell_
  them to write it down and tell them _how_.
  As it happens, I agree with you; write 'em down, and keep 'em safe.
 Or just have one, but make it a good 'un, and never tell anyone.
 Reasons: 1) If someone can brute force guess it, you've got other
problems. i.e. -- you're targetted!
   2) Clothes, possessions, etc. can be searched. You may never
   know until its too late!
   3) If someone wants it, at least you'll know about it¹
 Well, actually 2 - one for really important stuff, other for unimportant
 stuff; I can trust my bank to keep it safe, but local supermarket is
 another story.

There have been numerous well-publicized breaches at banks, major
retailers, etc. (and doubtless even more unpublicized ones). If / when
hackers get your credentials to one institution, do you really want
them to have the keys to all your accounts?


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Re: is it rational to close the 139 port

2012-08-01 Thread Celejar
On Tue, 31 Jul 2012 10:08:28 +
Bonno Bloksma wrote:

  Gibberish implies one wouldn't be able to remember the 
  Which is why, as Bruce Schneir recommends, you _write it down_.
 Which is what I do. Whenever I need a new password I open my editor,
 close my eyes, randomly hit several keys on my keyboard and Bingo new
 random password. I store it securely on my computer and that's it.
 Oh, and to make sure it is indeed hard enough to guess. If I do not see
 enough captitals, numbers en punctuations in there I will insert a few

Just use something like pwgen or apg.

 Bonno Bloksma


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Re: Testing lightdm not remembering session

2012-08-01 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 31 Jul 2012 17:06:03 -0700, David Christensen wrote:

 I installed Debian Testing amd64 with the Debian desktop environment.  I
 then installed task-xfce-desktop, including lightdm and setting lightdm
 as the default desktop manager.

 When I log out, leaving the check box Save session for future login
 checked, and then login again leaving the Default Xsession drop-down
 alone, I am logged in to a Gnome desktop, in spite of the contents of
 2012-07-31 17:04:01 dpchrist@i72600s ~ $ cat .dmrc

So in brief, the problem you experiment is that the selected session is not 
saved as the default from lightdm, correct?

 Any suggestions?

A couple of hints:

1/ Try with any of these options (classic method/new method):

2/ Read the comments and suggested steps listed here:

And you may also find useful these ones:



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Centrino wireless: good results with kernel 3.4 from experimental repo

2012-08-01 Thread Paul Johnson
Concerning Debian Squeeze/Wheezy wireless:

I have Dell Precision M4600 and have had a lot of trouble connecting
to wireless networks.  I was constantly failing to join networks, as
described and on
other bug trackers.  Here's my blog about it

But it appears good now. Following instructions at, I got a working 3.4
linux-image. And the wireless performance driver is much better!  I'm
not able to confirm or deny claims that the speed of transmission is
slower or faster than it ought to be with 3.4, but I can say honestly
that the ability to associate with routers is much much better.

The best part is that the install is easy, it does not require the
changes to any other packages. The new kernel is a boot-time option
(grub), and if you don't like it, you are not stuck with it.  But I
bet you will like it.

It is this easy. Create this file.

$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/experimental.list
deb experimental main


$ sudo apt-get update

From there I only installed

linux-image-3.4-trunk-amd64  3.4.4-1~experimental.1
 Linux 3.4 for 64-bit PCs
 All header files for Linux 3.4 (meta-package)
linux-kbuild-3.4 3.4-1~experimental.1
 Kbuild infrastructure for Linux 3.4

My system has nvidia proprietary drivers and a few other components
set up as kernel modules with dkms.  All of those were updated
automatically, everything just worked.

Paul E. Johnson
Professor, Political ScienceAssoc. Director
1541 Lilac Lane, Room 504 Center for Research Methods
University of Kansas   University of Kansas

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Re: SSL problem/help

2012-08-01 Thread Benjamin Martin

On 01/08/12 14:59, Markus Schönhaber wrote:

The important difference between the two machines is probably the
different versions of OpenSSL. Wheezy has OpenSSL 1.0.1 which introduces
new TLS protocols (TLS v1.1, v1.2).
The server seems to be unable to cope with those new protocols.

Thanks for the help :)

I tried things on a newer Ubuntu thinking that it will have a newer 
version of OpenSSL (which it does).

Ubuntu 12.04
  openssl version
  OpenSSL 1.0.1 14 Mar 2012

Debian testing
  openssl version
  OpenSSL 1.0.1c 10 May 2012

As you can see althou the versions are not exactly the same, the major 
version numbers are... so I would expect the Ubuntu version to fail in 
the same way the Debian one does ... supprisingly it does NOT (as in, 
the Ubuntu version works without a problem)

Having a quick look at the OpenSSL change log 
( I can see the differences 
in the versions hint at TLS behaviour alterations ... so the problem is 
down to the version of OpenSSL (just as you said)

Do you think its worth sending an email (or posting) to OpenSSL to 
inform them of the issue? (I guess it could be bug)

Thanks again,

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Re: Squeeze 6.0.6

2012-08-01 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 01 Aug 2012 02:22:40 +0200, Mark Panen wrote:

 Google is not my friend today.

Google is (still) not good for searching into the future :-P
 Does anyone know more or less when Squeeze 6.0.6 will be released?

Can't tell, but these notices are usually prepared and announced at 
debian-news or debian-project mailing list (for example¹), maybe you can 
consider subscribing or following those sources to be up-to-date.



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Re: Icedove opens Opera from Icedove e-mail links

2012-08-01 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 01 Aug 2012 03:05:57 +0200, Mark Panen wrote:

 Using Squeeze amd64 6.0.5
 Using Icedove 10.0.3
 My preferencesAttachments is empty.
 PreferencesadvancedConfig Editor does not help when I change the
 string to /usr/bin/iceweasel still opens the Icedove e-mail links in
 Any help on this one please, i want to open my links in Iceweasel?

Try with the suggested step listed here:

Default for foreign programs (system-wide)



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Re: SSL problem/help

2012-08-01 Thread Markus Schönhaber
01.08.2012 16:43, Benjamin Martin:

 Do you think its worth sending an email (or posting) to OpenSSL to 
 inform them of the issue? (I guess it could be bug)

Though I don't think that people will get hurt if you send a mail to the
OpenSSL folks, I'm not sure if you tell them something new. There was a
discussion on postfix-users recently because similar problems were
observed (interestingly it was about postfix on Ubuntu Oneiric). So
you're very likely not the first one who is affected by this problem.


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Re: kmail in background?

2012-08-01 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 01 Aug 2012 08:10:56 +0200, Hans-J. Ullrich wrote:

 does anybody know, why there is already an instance aka process running
 of kmail in the background, when kde is fresh started?

Nope, but being Kmail and Akonadi/Nepomuk/Strigi related stuff it can be 
a feature to enhance the user experience -to speed it up- so there isn't 
any noticeable delay. Just kidding :-P

Now seriuosly, I wouldn' be surprised that is started on purpose.
 1. I am always starting kmail manually, but the process is already
 runnning and mails are fetched in the background.
 2. I saved the kde session, without any running kmail before logout, but
 after a new start of kde, the process appears again.
 Maybe I missed something.
 Thanks for any hints.

Do a quick test: create a user user, login with it and check if the KMail 
phantom instance is also running there. If the process is not there, 
search for any .desktop file placed in your usual's user ~/.kde4/
Autostart directory. If the process is also there, try to dissable 
akonadi/strigi/nepomuk and retry.



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Re: Shockwave Flash

2012-08-01 Thread Gary Dale

On 01/08/12 10:11 AM, Kent West wrote:

If you haven't already tried it,

  aptitude install gnash

Do you have recent experience with gnash? The last time I tried it, it 
didn't work very well. I'd prefer to use it over proprietary software.

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Re: Icedove opens Opera from Icedove e-mail links

2012-08-01 Thread Mark Panen

On 01/08/2012 16:53, Camaleón wrote:

On Wed, 01 Aug 2012 03:05:57 +0200, Mark Panen wrote:

Using Squeeze amd64 6.0.5

Using Icedove 10.0.3

My preferencesAttachments is empty.

PreferencesadvancedConfig Editor does not help when I change the
string to /usr/bin/iceweasel still opens the Icedove e-mail links in

Any help on this one please, i want to open my links in Iceweasel?

Try with the suggested step listed here:

Default for foreign programs (system-wide)


cool thanks, it works 100's


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Re: Shockwave Flash

2012-08-01 Thread Luiz L. Marins

**apt-get remove gnash*

apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree


Em 01-08-2012 12:27, Gary Dale escreveu:

On 01/08/12 10:11 AM, Kent West wrote:

If you haven't already tried it,

  aptitude install gnash

Do you have recent experience with gnash? The last time I tried it, it 
didn't work very well. I'd prefer to use it over proprietary software.

Re: Why compiling.

2012-08-01 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Ma, 31 iul 12, 13:21:40, Celejar wrote:
  From where? Your network is down and your other machine runs on a custom 
 Plug the regular machine straight into the internet connection (cable
 modem) and grab an appropriate kernel.

Devil's advocate mode: sorry, your ISP requires PPPoE, but you don't 
have ppp and whatever else needed installed :p

Kind regards,
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Re: links won't open using icedove/wheezy

2012-08-01 Thread Whit Hansell
On 07/31/2012 07:17 AM, chymian wrote:
 hi everybody,

 Just checking to see if others are having the same problem.
 yes indeed.
 I had 2 mailthreats about this on the debian-user-german.

 1. icedove does not open external links.
 it opened the browser, but did not handover the URL.
 I had to got to the KDE systemsettings and manually change the file
 association (program which is called) entry to

 iceweasel %u
 (or x-www-browser %u, setting up the system alternatives to iceweasel.)

 for all http/https.

 2. I changed in the .icedove/profile/prefs.js

 user_pref(network.protocol-handler.external.http, true);

 to true.
 while callening external links does work now, it had a major impact on
 beeing able to add new accounts to ID.
 while checking a new imap/smtp server, a link opened in iceweasel,
 trying to get info about the mail-server. in this case, I used
 self-signed certificates on my dovcot-server and STARTTLS.

 switching this value back to false, I can add new mailservers, but not
 open external links.

 for the time being, I have to choose, which misbehaviour I can live with
 at the moment.

 my system:
 KDE 4.8.4
 iceweasel  10.0.6esr-1
 icedove 10.0.5-1




I've found most of what you mentioned and have made changes but I still
only get my home page in Iceweasel, not the link in the email I clik
on.  Is that what you get?  Can you get to Iceweasel but not to the
exact link?

Also, you mention in user_prefs, the line in pref.js

user_pref(network.protocol-handler.external.http, true);

Well, I don't have that specific line in my user_prefs.  Did you add the
line or just change the false to true?

I'm at a loss.  I've found some info in bugtracking but it's from 2007
and it's talking about not getting to iceweasel.  Again, I can get to
Iceweasel but not the exact link.

TIA for your help.

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Re: [OT] Intelectual Property Law [WAS: Re: what graphic card to buy?]

2012-08-01 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Mi, 01 aug 12, 00:59:29, Yaro Kasear wrote:
 On 07/31/2012 01:42 PM, Celejar wrote:
 On Fri, 20 Jul 2012 10:30:50 +0300
 Andrei  wrote:
 On Jo, 19 iul 12, 22:50:25, Celejar wrote:
 Quite true - and completely irrelevant to my point. I don't deny that
 money can be made with FLOSS, just that it's pointless to try to sell
 copies of one's software if it's freely copyable. The examples you give
 are all of models other than the straightforward sale of licenses or
 IMO a business model that relies on the possibility to sell copies that
 basically cost nothing to produce is broken.
 Is this a moral claim, a business one, a legal one, or just plain dogma?

None of the above. I just think that such a business model will collapse 
as soon as the consumers:
- realize the stupidity (they are starting to, probably that's why not 
  many people care so much about illegal copies of music and movies
- have comparable alternatives

 Ironically, selling GPL software you had absolutely no hand in
 developing or contributing to is an actual right the GPL guarantees.
 This might not be the best example of how advantageous open source
 can be. And probably not one of those cases in the GPL that
 guarantees morality as the FSF might see it.
 Theoretically, I can buy a 500 stack of DVDs, burn Debian to all of
 them, and sell them for $50 a pop because the GPL says I can. There
 is a difference, though, between having the right to do so and
 actually have even a small sampling of success. Worse, I come off as
 a leech from the community, especially if I don't give a nickel of
 that money back to the Debian project.
 I forget the point I'm making.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the GPL allowing to sell 
software[1]. But the fact that you can't rely on any kind of 
exclusivity[2] businesses add value to their offering, like additional 
support, etc.

[1] Technically you're not selling the software, but the media, but it 
doesn't matter for this discussion.
[2] each one of your customers would be able to compete with you, since 
he is allowed to distribute the software as well.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: [OT] secure passwords (was Re: is it rational to close the 139 port)

2012-08-01 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Ma, 31 iul 12, 17:57:38, Bob Proulx wrote:
 The problem is how many of those can you keep straight in your head?
 How many web sites and systems all need one of those unique passwords?
 And you aren't reusing those passwords on multiple unrelated sites are
 As with all things xkcd has already addressed this problem.

 Reusing passwords is a problem.  Which means that trying to remember
 the unique password for that site is going to be a burden.  If you
 have some scheme of encoding the site into the password using some
 algorithm unique and secure to you then great.

There is a password manager that does exactly this... (searching), well 
it's not exactly a manager...

Kind regards,
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Re: systemd

2012-08-01 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Ma, 31 iul 12, 20:57:57, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
 Plus I think it makes sense to base a decision whether a software is 
 suitable for me or not on technical facts and my own preferences on how I 
 want the software to work for me.

 For me it is utterly, totally and absolutely irrelevant what Lennart or 
 any other developer does with his / her free time.


 And I agree that personal attacks do not belong here independently of the 
 visibility in public.


(and thanks for saving me the typing :p )

Kind regards,
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Description: Digital signature

Re: Shockwave Flash

2012-08-01 Thread Thierry Chatelet
On Wednesday 01 August 2012 18:18:07 Luiz L. Marins wrote:
 **apt-get remove gnash*
 apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree

After you have put deb-multimedia repo in your sources.list

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Re: systemd

2012-08-01 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Mittwoch, 1. August 2012 schrieb Michael Biebl:
 On 31.07.2012 21:05, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
  technical arguments like its Linux only and I found some limitations
  myself like its init script compabitibility does not take care of
  further initscript arguments like for openvpn initscript to tell it
  which VPN to start due to not supporting something like this at its
  design level
 As Tollef told you in [1], systemd solves this kind of issue with
 instanced services. This is not a limitation at its design level,
 it just means that sysvinit and systemd solve this particular problem
 in a different way which can't be mapped via a compat layer.

Use case is:

/etc/init.d/openvpn start myvpn

or some other vpn, as I wish.

I understood Tollef´s comment as that I need several service files for 
several VPNs. In that understanding I saw a limitation at the design 

But I see now in „man systemd.service“ that it is possible to use 
environment variables in the ExecStart option, thus it should be possible 
to do something like this – I thought this would only be possible for 
variables systemd provides by itself:

VPN=myvpn systemctl start openvpn.service

which would be similar enough.


Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
GPG: 03B0 0D6C 0040 0710 4AFA  B82F 991B EAAC A599 84C7

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Re: Shockwave Flash

2012-08-01 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Dienstag, 31. Juli 2012 schrieb Fred Zinsli:
 Hi all

Hi Fred,

 Been playing with this for days, but just don't have a clue about what
 I'm supposed to be doing or looking for to help.
 Attempting to install shockwave flash so I can view swf files in a web
 It isn't working for me, but what makes it worse is I can't seem to
 find any real information in any log files. So I am obviously looking
 in the wrong place or I haven't turned on logging for any browser.
 Browsers: Firefox, google-chrome, chromium, iceweasel
 Shockwave appears as a plugin in firefox but not in others.
 Any comments would be most helpful.

I suggest using apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree in order to install 
the flash player. For Squeeze you might need a version from squeeze-

But in case you did use something else to install the flash player get rid 
of that first.

For some stuff gnash or lightspark might be okay, last weeks I test again 
with them and too much stuff still was not working nicely. So take care 
that your flashplugin-nonfree is selected:

merkaba:~ LANG=C update-alternatives --display - auto mode
  link currently points to /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/
/usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/ - priority 50
/usr/lib/gnash/ - priority 10
/usr/lib/lightspark/ - priority 0
Current 'best' version is '/usr/lib/flashplugin-

flashplugin-nonfree is the Debian way to install Adobe Flash.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
GPG: 03B0 0D6C 0040 0710 4AFA  B82F 991B EAAC A599 84C7

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Re: Shockwave Flash

2012-08-01 Thread Slavko

Dňa Wed, 1 Aug 2012 19:05:24 +0200 Thierry Chatelet

 On Wednesday 01 August 2012 18:18:07 Luiz L. Marins wrote:
  **apt-get remove gnash*
  apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree
 After you have put deb-multimedia repo in your sources.list

You are not right, the flashplugin-nonfree is part of debian contrib:

LANG=C aptpo flashplugin-nonfree
  Installed: 1:2.8.5
  Candidate: 1:2.8.5
  Version table:
 *** 1:2.8.5 0
500 testing/contrib amd64 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status


Description: PGP signature

Re: Shockwave Flash

2012-08-01 Thread Gary Dale

On 01/08/12 01:12 PM, Slavko wrote:


Dňa Wed, 1 Aug 2012 19:05:24 +0200 Thierry

On Wednesday 01 August 2012 18:18:07 Luiz L. Marins wrote:

**apt-get remove gnash*

apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree

After you have put deb-multimedia repo in your sources.list

You are not right, the flashplugin-nonfree is part of debian contrib:

LANG=C aptpo flashplugin-nonfree
   Installed: 1:2.8.5
   Candidate: 1:2.8.5
   Version table:
  *** 1:2.8.5 0
 500 testing/contrib amd64 Packages
 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

Agreed. I would also advise people to stay away from debian-multimedia. 
It's packages are incompatible with standard Debian packages in many 
cases. While I respect what Christian Marillat is doing, unless he can 
work out the differences with the Debian packages (apparently not an 
easy thing to do), debian-multimedia can be too much of a headache.

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Debian multimedia repository (was: Shockwave Flash)

2012-08-01 Thread Teemu Likonen
Gary Dale [2012-08-01 13:55:09 -0400] wrote:

 Agreed. I would also advise people to stay away from
 debian-multimedia. It's packages are incompatible with standard Debian
 packages in many cases. [...] debian-multimedia can be too much of a

It has worked fine the seven or eight years I've been using it. So, it
depends. Different Debian releases and different packages vary so much
that I think we can't say that Debian multimedia is good or bad as a
whole. Instead we could warn users that occasionally there are
incompatible packages.

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Re: CIFS and data integrity

2012-08-01 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Sonntag, 29. Juli 2012 schrieb Mark Fletcher:
 Ahoy the list!

Hi Mark,

 I use a Buffalo 4TB NAS using RAID which I mount from my Debian Wheezy
 AMD64 running on a self-built Intel Core i7 920-based machine.
 I want to be able to read and write the NAS from the Linux machine
 with minimum fuss. I also run a virtual Win7 guest on my Linux host,
 and want to be able to access the NAS from there also. I explicitly
 mount the NAS from the Linux host when I want it, and just access it
 from the Windows guest using Windows Explorer by referring to the NAS
 by its network name. I wouldn't _object_ to being able to auto-mount
 the NAS on boot of the host, as long as doing so doesn't cause untold
 hassle if the NAS is not available.
 One purpose of having the NAS is a place to store backups as
 protection against disk crashes on the Linux host, VM disasters, etc.
 Currently I mount the NAS on my Linux box using the following command
 as root. I am wondering if there is something wrong with this command
 as I will explain in a moment:
 mount -t cifs network path of NAS/share -o guest /mnt/nas
 After having done this, I can read data on the nas as any user by
 referring to /mnt/nas. It seems that to write I have to be root, which
 is inconvenient and something I'd rather avoid but not a disaster.

It might be that the Samba server on the NAS – I bet Buffalo uses Samba 
here – might not return ownership information. In that case, you can make 
all files owned by a certain user with the uid/gid mount options. See 
manpage of mount.cifs.

 The issue is this: It seems that data I write there after mounting is
 not maintaining 100% fidelity. Here's an example:
 Dump a mysql database I have on my Linux host:
 mysqldump yahdahyahdahyahdah  /opt/recovery/mysql20120725.sql
 Then bzip2 the puppy:
 cd /opt/recovery
 bzip2 mysql20120725.sql
 Test the correctness of the archive
 bzip2 -t mysql20120725.sql.bz2
 (One time I also extracted it all again to a different directory and
 diffed with the original to make sure it was good and could be
 extracted back to the original)
 This produces a demonstrably-correct compressed archive of my db
 backup, about 150MB in size.
 Now copy that to the NAS:
 cp mysql20120725.sql.bz2 /mnt/nas/dbbackup
 (directory /dbbackup already existed on the NAS)
 That copy operation results in a file on the NAS that is identical in
 size to the one I copied.
 cd /mnt/nas/dbbackup
 bzip2 -t mysql20120725.sql.bz2
 ... results in a failed test saying the archive is corrupted. Fair
 enough, I thought, perhaps bzip2 doesn't like operating over the
 network. So I then copied the backup file back to a different location
 on the host, bzip2 -t 'd it there, and got the same error.

Could you please try it that way:

dd if=/dev/zero of=lotsofszeros bs=1M count=10

sha1sum lotsofszeros

cp lotsofzeros /mnt/nas/

sha1sum lotsofszeros

With hd or xxd you could get a hexdump.

If the issue does not trigger with zeros, then use sha1sum your database 
backup file and then copy it and sha1sum it again.

Thats just to verify the whole thing a bit more.

Just to make sure also copy the file locally and verify sha1sum. It might 
be an issue local to your client.

 It looks like what got stored on the NAS is not exactly what was
 originally on the host. This is a huge problem for me as it means I
 can't rely on backups dumped on that device. Is there something wrong
 with the way I am mounting the NAS that is leading to this?

As you have Wheezy I assume you use kernel 3.2. As to what I have seen 
that is stable with CIFS, but I didn´t specifically test for data 
integrity either.

But the Buffalo NAS might be using some real old stuff. I doubt they would 
sell something that doesn´t store data correctly. But it might be… I would 
check whether there is a firmware update.

If that does not help I would check what the Buffalo NAS has to say about 
the RAID integrity and the harddisks. If thats okay, then you may consider 
putting a Debian onto the NAS. As to my knowledge this should be possible 
at least with certain models. But I am not sure whether only chroot or a 
complete replacement is possible. A complete replacement would be better 
in order to get a more recent kernel onto the box.

(Now thats why I want something that I can install Debian too and do it 
all by myself.)

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
GPG: 03B0 0D6C 0040 0710 4AFA  B82F 991B EAAC A599 84C7

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Re: Debian multimedia repository (was: Shockwave Flash)

2012-08-01 Thread Titanus Eramius
On Wed, 01 Aug 2012 21:20:59 +0300
Teemu Likonen wrote:

 Gary Dale [2012-08-01 13:55:09 -0400] wrote:
  Agreed. I would also advise people to stay away from
  debian-multimedia. It's packages are incompatible with standard
  Debian packages in many cases. [...] debian-multimedia can be too
  much of a headache.
 It has worked fine the seven or eight years I've been using it. So, it
 depends. Different Debian releases and different packages vary so much
 that I think we can't say that Debian multimedia is good or bad as a
 whole. Instead we could warn users that occasionally there are
 incompatible packages.

My 2 cents on this is, that once packages is installed from Debian
Multimedia it's very hard to go back to stable. But if one keeps using
Debian Multimedia there are rarely any problems.


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Re: Debian multimedia repository

2012-08-01 Thread Teemu Likonen
Titanus Eramius [2012-08-01 21:18:03 +0200] wrote:

 My 2 cents on this is, that once packages is installed from Debian
 Multimedia it's very hard to go back to stable. But if one keeps using
 Debian Multimedia there are rarely any problems.

Now I got curious because that sound so general. What makes it very
hard? In my experience installing and removing packages has always been
easy in Debian.

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Re: PCIe debugging error messages - kern.log

2012-08-01 Thread Andrew Peng
I have checked to make sure Debug hasn't been redirected; I will ask
the debian-kernel list and see if I can find anything there. Thanks
for the help folks.


On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 12:51 PM, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
 On Mon, 30 Jul 2012, Andrew Peng wrote:
 I've been working with the Intel E1000 development team in trying to
 find the cause of a hardware hang in my kern.log:

 Jul 24 02:49:45 gaia kernel: [806292.204500] e1000e :02:00.0:
 eth1: Detected Hardware Unit Hang:

 Meh, we've just seen those in one of our servers at work, for the first
 time ever.

 This will tell the driver to dump extended debugging (a PCIe Ring
 Dump) info to the kernel log with another error is detected. However,
 after enabling this extended logging, the next time an error occurs, I
 still don't get the debug dump in the kern.log. I get basically the
 same info as above.

 Check whether loglevel DEBUG is being redirected somewhere, in
 /etc/rsyslog.conf or /etc/syslog.conf, etc.

   One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
   them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
   where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
   Henrique Holschuh

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Re: Squeeze 6.0.6

2012-08-01 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Mi, 01 aug 12, 02:22:40, Mark Panen wrote:
 Google is not my friend today.
 Does anyone know more or less when Squeeze 6.0.6 will be released?

Probably when there are enough (security) updates to warrant a new point 
release. But why do you ask?

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Debian multimedia repository

2012-08-01 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Mi, 01 aug 12, 22:30:52, Teemu Likonen wrote:
 Titanus Eramius [2012-08-01 21:18:03 +0200] wrote:
  My 2 cents on this is, that once packages is installed from Debian
  Multimedia it's very hard to go back to stable. But if one keeps using
  Debian Multimedia there are rarely any problems.
 Now I got curious because that sound so general. What makes it very
 hard? In my experience installing and removing packages has always been
 easy in Debian.

The versioning scheme of Deb Multimedia packages is meant to take 
priority over the Debian proper packages, but this can create problems 
under certain circumstances.

Kind regards,
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wheezy: Font rendering problems in GNOME 3.2.1?

2012-08-01 Thread Felix Natter

for a few months now I have some artifacts that mysteriously appear and
disappear on my gnome desktop:

Maybe this is related: When I do a apt-get upgrade, *many* packages
are held back:
The following packages have been kept back:
  alsa-utils apt apt-utils aptitude bluez brasero brasero-common bzr 
cheese-common colord cpp cpp-4.6 cups dbus debhelper dpkg-dev eclipse
  eclipse-jdt eclipse-pde eclipse-platform eclipse-platform-data eclipse-rcp 
evince evince-common evolution evolution-common evolution-data-server
  evolution-data-server-common evolution-plugins exiv2 ffmpeg fp-compiler 
fp-units-base fp-units-fcl fp-units-gtk2 fp-units-rtl fp-utils fpc
  fpc-source frei0r-plugins g++ g++-4.6 g++-4.6-multilib g++-multilib gcc 
gcc-4.6 gcc-4.6-base gcc-4.6-multilib gcc-multilib gcj-jre
  gcj-jre-headless gdm3 gettext gettext-base ghostscript gimp gimp-data 
gir1.2-clutter-1.0 gir1.2-cogl-1.0 gir1.2-coglpango-1.0 gir1.2-evince-3.0
  gir1.2-gkbd-3.0 gir1.2-gnomebluetooth-1.0 gir1.2-mutter-3.0 gir1.2-totem-1.0 
gnome-bluetooth gnome-contacts gnome-control-center
  gnome-control-center-data gnome-keyring gnome-panel gnome-panel-data 
gnome-settings-daemon gnome-shell gnome-shell-common gnome-sushi
  gnome-user-share gnuplot-nox gnuplot-x11 gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad 
gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gvfs gvfs-backends gvfs-bin gvfs-common gvfs-daemons
  gvfs-libs iceweasel iceweasel-l10n-de imagemagick inkscape k3b k3b-data 
kdebase-runtime kdelibs-bin kdelibs5-data kdelibs5-plugins kdoctools kig
  lazarus lib64gcc1 lib64gomp1 lib64quadmath0 lib64stdc++6 libavfilter2 
libblas3gf libbrasero-media3-1 libclutter-1.0-0 libclutter-gst-1.0-0
  libclutter-gtk-1.0-0 libclutter-imcontext-0.1-0 libcluttergesture-0.0.2-0 
libcogl-pango0 libcommons-compress-java libdb5.1-java libdb5.1-java-gcj
  libdpkg-perl libedataserverui-3.0-1 libegl1-mesa libegl1-mesa-drivers 
libequinox-osgi-java libevolution libfolks-eds25 libgcc1 libgcj-bc
  libgck-1-0 libgcr-3-1 libgfortran3 libgimp2.0 libgl1-mesa-dev libgl1-mesa-glx 
libglapi-mesa libgomp1 libgphoto2-2 libgphoto2-2-dev
  libgraphicsmagick3 libgs9 libgs9-common libgtkhtml-4.0-0 
libgtkhtml-4.0-common libgtkhtml-editor-4.0-0 libk3b6 libkatepartinterfaces4 
  libkcmutils4 libkde3support4 libkdecore5 libkdesu5 libkdeui5 libkdewebkit5 
libkdnssd4 libkemoticons4 libkfile4 libkhtml5 libkidletime4 libkio5
  libkjsapi4 libkjsembed4 libkmediaplayer4 libknewstuff3-4 libknotifyconfig4 
libkntlm4 libkonq-common libkparts4 libkprintutils4 libkpty4
  libkrosscore4 libktexteditor4 libkutils4 liblapack3gf liblvm2app2.2 libmlt++3 
libmutter0 libmx-1.0-2 libnepomuk4 libnepomukquery4a
  libnepomukutils4 libnspr4-0d libnss3-1d libnunit-cil-dev 
libpackagekit-glib2-14 libplasma3 libpstoedit0c2a libpulse-mainloop-glib0 
  libpurple0 libqt4-dbus libqt4-declarative libqt4-designer libqt4-help 
libqt4-network libqt4-opengl libqt4-qt3support libqt4-script
  libqt4-scripttools libqt4-sql libqt4-sql-mysql libqt4-svg libqt4-test 
libqt4-xml libqt4-xmlpatterns libqtcore4 libqtgui4 libquadmath0
  libsdl1.2-dev libsdl1.2debian libsocialweb-client2 libsocialweb0 libsolid4 
libsox-fmt-alsa libsox-fmt-base libstdc++6 libstdc++6-4.6-dev
  libstreamanalyzer0 libstreams0 libswt-cairo-gtk-3-jni libswt-glx-gtk-3-jni 
libswt-gnome-gtk-3-jni libswt-gtk-3-java libswt-gtk-3-jni
  libswt-webkit-gtk-3-jni libthreadweaver4 libtiff4 libtiff4-dev libtiffxx0c2 
libtotem-plparser17 libvcdinfo0 libvlc5 libwine libwine-alsa
  libwine-bin libwine-capi libwine-cms libwine-dbg libwine-dev libwine-gl 
libwine-gphoto2 libwine-ldap libwine-openal libwine-oss libwine-print
  libwine-sane libxerces2-java-gcj libxine1 libxine1-bin libxine1-misc-plugins 
linux-image-686-pae melt mesa-common-dev mesa-utils module-init-tools
  mplayer mutt mutter-common nautilus nautilus-data nautilus-sendto 
obex-data-server openshot oss-compat packagekit packagekit-backend-aptcc passwd
  perlmagick pidgin pidgin-data plasma-scriptengine-javascript poppler-data 
printer-driver-foo2zjs procps pulseaudio pulseaudio-esound-compat
  pulseaudio-module-x11 pulseaudio-utils python-apt python-bzrlib python-dbus 
qdbus ruby seahorse software-properties-gtk sox synaptic tomboy totem
  totem-common totem-mozilla totem-plugins transcode ttf-freefont ttf-lyx 
udisks ufraw-batch vcdimager virtualbox virtualbox-dbg
  virtualbox-guest-dkms virtualbox-guest-utils virtualbox-guest-x11 
virtualbox-qt vlc vlc-data vlc-nox vlc-plugin-notify vlc-plugin-pulse wine
  wine-bin xfonts-mathml xserver-xorg-core xserver-xorg-input-evdev 
xserver-xorg-input-synaptics xserver-xorg-input-wacom xserver-xorg-video-apm
  xserver-xorg-video-ark xserver-xorg-video-ati xserver-xorg-video-chips 
xserver-xorg-video-cirrus xserver-xorg-video-fbdev xserver-xorg-video-geode
  xserver-xorg-video-i128 xserver-xorg-video-i740 xserver-xorg-video-intel 
xserver-xorg-video-mach64 xserver-xorg-video-mga

Re: wheezy: Font rendering problems in GNOME 3.2.1?

2012-08-01 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2012-08-01 22:02 +0200, Felix Natter wrote:

 for a few months now I have some artifacts that mysteriously appear and
 disappear on my gnome desktop:

See and its two dozen duplicates.

 Maybe this is related: When I do a apt-get upgrade, *many* packages
 are held back:

Try apt-get dist-upgrade instead.


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Re: Shockwave Flash

2012-08-01 Thread Fred Zinsli

 **apt-get remove gnash*
Did that. Also removed flashplugin-nonfree as I had both installed.
Removed symbolic links in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins. Checked both chromium
and firefox to see if any flash plugin was installed, non was.

 apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree
Did that after I removed everything else. Installed without error.
Chromium and firefox state that the flashplugin-nonfree is installed, but
I cannot view any flash sites at all.

Both browsers report the following as installed plugins: Shockwave Flash
11.2 r202




 Em 01-08-2012 12:27, Gary Dale escreveu:
 On 01/08/12 10:11 AM, Kent West wrote:
 If you haven't already tried it,

   aptitude install gnash

 Do you have recent experience with gnash? The last time I tried it, it
 didn't work very well. I'd prefer to use it over proprietary software.

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Debian segítség / Debian support

2012-08-01 Thread Balázs Tuska

Van egy vmware virtuális gépen futtatott debianunk(debian 6).51
tárolófájlból 3 elveszett.Grubból látom a szükséges dolgokat amiket le kéne
menteni.De grub-ból nem tudunk ugyebár másolni.Másik debian dist. live
cd-jét is kipróbáltuk de nem működött csak grub -ig jutott el.A grubból is
ls parancsal tudtuk megtekinteni a fájlrendszert , mivel live cd-ről ,
másik linuxról láttam a winchesztert , de nem tudtam mountolni.Szóval
hogyan tudnánk másolni?


I have a vmware virtual computer , that run debian (debian 6).we have 51
virtual hard drive file , but we lost 3 file of this.I see that files from
the exist hard drive that need to be backuped.But i see it from grub.In
grug not be possibility to copy these files to somewhere to get them
later.We try a other version of debian live cd edition , but as soon as the
first debian this is only boot grub.From grub we can see these files and
the file system only with ls command , we try other live cd , other linux
and from these two is see winchester but i can't mount it.How we can copy
these files?

Sorry for my bad english but i'm hungarian
Tuska Balázs, Orosháza

Re: Shockwave Flash

2012-08-01 Thread Fred Zinsli
That fixed it.

I did apt-get purge flashplugin-nonfree then did aptitude install gnash.

Whilst neither chromium or firefox say they have a flash plugin install it
does work.

Thanks for the comments. Most appreciated.



 If you haven't already tried it,

aptitude install gnash


 On 7/31/12 7:12 PM, Fred Zinsli wrote:

 Hi Kent

 No, I can't see the site mentioned, I just get a black page (using



  On 7/30/12 9:53 PM, Fred Zinsli wrote:
  Hi all
  Been playing with this for days, but just don't have a clue about
  I'm supposed to be doing or looking for to help.
  Attempting to install shockwave flash so I can view swf files in a
  It isn't working for me, but what makes it worse is I can't seem to
  find any real information in any log files. So I am obviously looking
  in the wrong place or I haven't turned on logging for any browser.
  Browsers: Firefox, google-chrome, chromium, iceweasel
  Shockwave appears as a plugin in firefox but not in others.
  Any comments would be most helpful.
  Can you view a Shockwave site, such as
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Re: Testing lightdm not remembering session

2012-08-01 Thread David Christensen

On 08/01/12 07:37, Camaleón wrote:

I'm seeing the same bug.



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Re: Why compiling.

2012-08-01 Thread Celejar
On Wed, 1 Aug 2012 19:32:15 +0300
Andrei POPESCU wrote:

 On Ma, 31 iul 12, 13:21:40, Celejar wrote:
   From where? Your network is down and your other machine runs on a custom 
  Plug the regular machine straight into the internet connection (cable
  modem) and grab an appropriate kernel.
 Devil's advocate mode: sorry, your ISP requires PPPoE, but you don't 
 have ppp and whatever else needed installed :p

Fair enough ;)


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Re: Spam complaints

2012-08-01 Thread istimsak abdulbasir
I hate spam. There is not absolute resolution to it.

On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 4:51 AM, Clive Standbridge wrote:

 To anyone who is bothered by spam on the list and is unsure what to do,

 DON'T reply to the spam.

 DON'T quote the spam.

 DO Read how to report the spam at in particular, find the
 offending message in the archive at and press the Report as
 spam button.

 DO visit for
 more information.


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Re: [OT] Intelectual Property Law [WAS: Re: what graphic card to buy?]

2012-08-01 Thread Celejar
On Wed, 1 Aug 2012 19:45:27 +0300
Andrei POPESCU wrote:

 On Mi, 01 aug 12, 00:59:29, Yaro Kasear wrote:
  On 07/31/2012 01:42 PM, Celejar wrote:
  On Fri, 20 Jul 2012 10:30:50 +0300
  Andrei  wrote:
  On Jo, 19 iul 12, 22:50:25, Celejar wrote:
  Quite true - and completely irrelevant to my point. I don't deny that
  money can be made with FLOSS, just that it's pointless to try to sell
  copies of one's software if it's freely copyable. The examples you give
  are all of models other than the straightforward sale of licenses or
  IMO a business model that relies on the possibility to sell copies that
  basically cost nothing to produce is broken.
  Is this a moral claim, a business one, a legal one, or just plain dogma?

[The line to which you are responding is mine, not Yaro's.]

 None of the above. I just think that such a business model will collapse 
 as soon as the consumers:
 - realize the stupidity (they are starting to, probably that's why not 

You still have not given any reason for the alleged 'stupidity' - as I
keep pointing out to you, the producers (may) have invested
considerable resources to produce the original product, so just because
the marginal cost of duplication is zero, why is is unreasonable for it
to charge per copy?

   many people care so much about illegal copies of music and movies
 - have comparable alternatives


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Re: [OT] Intelectual Property Law

2012-08-01 Thread John Hasler
Celejar writes: just because the marginal cost of duplication is zero, why is is
 unreasonable for it to charge per copy?

It is entirely reasonable for them to charge whatever they see fit for
copies they make, but why should your producers be able to charge for
copies other people make from copies those people own when the producers
incur no costs and none of their property is involved?  If the producers
don't want me to make copies of the copies they sell me they can refrain
from selling to me or condition the sale on contractual terms that limit
what copying I can do.  Why should I be forbidden by statute to create
copies of objects that I own?

Doesn't really matter in the long run, though.  Now that the marginal
cost of copying is zero copyright is going to die.  It was only really
practical when large-scale copying was an industrial enterprise such
that enforcement was feasible.
John Hasler

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GNU find: print0 and -type arguments

2012-08-01 Thread Alex Robbins

I have a directory that looks like this:
├── dir
└── file
dir is a directory and file is a regular file.  I execute:
find -type d
and get the output:
This is the expected output.  However, when I execute:
find -print0 -type d
I see (on a terminal screen that does not display null characters):

The same goes for using -type f.  It appears as though find ignores 
the -type argument when the -print0 option is passed.  Isn't this a bug?

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Re: [OT] Intelectual Property Law

2012-08-01 Thread Doug

On 08/01/2012 08:50 PM, John Hasler wrote:

Celejar writes: just because the marginal cost of duplication is zero, why is is
unreasonable for it to charge per copy?

It is entirely reasonable for them to charge whatever they see fit for
copies they make, but why should your producers be able to charge for
copies other people make from copies those people own when the producers
incur no costs and none of their property is involved?  If the producers
don't want me to make copies of the copies they sell me they can refrain
from selling to me or condition the sale on contractual terms that limit
what copying I can do.  Why should I be forbidden by statute to create
copies of objects that I own?

Doesn't really matter in the long run, though.  Now that the marginal
cost of copying is zero copyright is going to die.  It was only really
practical when large-scale copying was an industrial enterprise such
that enforcement was feasible.

Not only does copyright not die, as long as Disney is in business,
copyrights will extend to eternity!


Blessed are the peacekeepers...for they shall be shot at from both sides. 
--A.M. Greeley

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