Re: paquets récents pour Compiz

2012-08-23 Thread Mourad Jaber

On 22/08/2012 21:20, mahashakti89 wrote:


Petite question : j'aimerais pouvoir réinstaller Compiz et consorts sur
une Debian Sid, mais en regardant les paquets disponibles dans les
dépots, je m'aperçois qu'ils commencent à dater.
Les paquets venant d'expérimental ne sont pas non plus à jour et ne sont
pas installables.

  Partant de ce constat :

1. Existe t-il un dépot alternatif avec des paquets *.deb plus récents

2. Qui de Compiz ?? Le projet n'est t-il pas un peu à l'arrêt ??

Je précise que de mon côté je n'ai rien trouvé de probant.



Il n'ai pas encore tout à fait mort !

Mais il me semble que compiz soit abandonné progressivement étant donné que KDE4 et Gnome 
3 intègrent directement leur propre compositeur openGL.

Fedora l'a dors et déjà supprimé de ses dépôts 



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Re: PC éteint qui consomme

2012-08-23 Thread Francois Boisson
La carte semble bien avoir des capacités de WOWLAN, or visiblement depuis le
noyau 3.1, linux intègre petit à petit ces capacités. Cependant
phy0 wowlan disable
command failed: Operation not supported (-95)

donc le driver ath9k ne les inclut pas.

Du coup je me suis dit qu'en arrêtant la machine puis en la redémarrant et
arrêt manuel lors du menu de grub, ça devrait fonctionner et effectivement, la
charge se conserve. Il faut mettre le WOWLAN sur ath9k pour le désactiver (un
comble donc).

À suivre...

François Boisson

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Re: paquets récents pour Compiz

2012-08-23 Thread mahashakti89

On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 09:02:50AM +0200, Mourad Jaber wrote:

On 22/08/2012 21:20, mahashakti89 wrote:


Petite question : j'aimerais pouvoir réinstaller Compiz et consorts sur
une Debian Sid, mais en regardant les paquets disponibles dans les
dépots, je m'aperçois qu'ils commencent à dater.
Les paquets venant d'expérimental ne sont pas non plus à jour et ne sont
pas installables.

 Partant de ce constat :

1. Existe t-il un dépot alternatif avec des paquets *.deb plus récents

2. Qui de Compiz ?? Le projet n'est t-il pas un peu à l'arrêt ??

Je précise que de mon côté je n'ai rien trouvé de probant.



Il n'ai pas encore tout à fait mort !

Mais il me semble que compiz soit abandonné progressivement étant 
donné que KDE4 et Gnome 3 intègrent directement leur propre 
compositeur openGL.

Fedora l'a dors et déjà supprimé de ses dépôts 



Merci pour ce fil de discussion que je ne connaissais pas.
Je prends bonne note , mais dommage ç'était plutôt fun.


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Plus de son sauf en root depuis mise à jour

2012-08-23 Thread BERTRAND Joël

Bonjour à tous,

	Je poste ici un peu en désespoir de cause. J'ai un portable Toshiba 
(P200) qui me sert de machine de test et qui roule avec debian depuis 
son achat. J'utilise testing comme une rolling-release avant de migrer 
des machines un peu plus sensibles.

	Il y a quelques mois, j'ai déjà eu un problème similaire (absence de 
son) mais une reconfiguration de pulseaudio avait résolu le problème.

	Là, depuis quelques semaines, je n'ai plus de son en utilisateur normal 
(le device reste pourtant accessible). Un play fichier.ogg ne renvoie 
aucune erreur. En revanche, il y a un problème de base de temps (le 
fichier est joué trop vite, ça se voit avec le décompte de play, mais 
rien ne sort des hauts-parleurs).

	La machine est en testing à jour. Les droits d'accès aux devices sont 
corrects. La configuration de pulseaudio ne me semble pas en cause. En 
root, pourtant, cela fonctionne. Autre chose : le problème est le même 
en console et sous une session graphique. C'est donc un problème 
indépendant de toute la foultitude de processus lancés lors d'une 
session graphique. J'ai naturellement vérifié le paramétrage d'alsa (et 

	J'avoue ne plus savoir où chercher. Cela fonctionnait parfaitement 
avant une mise à jour de testing (de wheezy vers wheezy) d'il y a 
quelques semaines, mais je n'arrive pas à trouver ce qui coince. Toute 
idée serait la bienvenue.

Merci par avance de vos lumières,


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Re: Bullet Physics un jour dans Debian ?

2012-08-23 Thread maderios

On 08/22/2012 08:20 PM, David Prévot wrote:


Le 22/08/2012 11:36, maderios a écrit :

Aucun paquet Bullet dans Debian.

#476284 est à un clic de la liste des paquets demandés [WNPP].

   #476284 :
  WNPP :

Tu peux toujours filer un coup de main si tu veux qu'il arrive plus vite.

Merci pour les liens. Bullet  pourrait être placé en expérimental et là, 
on pourrait le tester. En attendant, pour E17, il suffit de le 
compiler.Quant à filer un coup de main, je ne peux que signaler un bug 
et là, je n'en vois pas.


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Re: Solved : Version 2 de vlc sous Debian ?

2012-08-23 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 20/08/2012 13:44, Nicolas FRANCOIS wrote:

Le Sun, 19 Aug 2012 15:01:42 +0200,
Nicolas  a écrit :


Quelqu'un peut-il m'aider à installer la dernière version
de VLC sur ma Debian stable (ou presque) 64 bits ?

J'ai enfin réussi, avec la commande :

nico@gaston:~$ sudo apt-get install -t backports vlc=2.0.3-1~bpo60+1
vlc-nox=2.0.3-1~bpo60+1 libvlccore5=2.0.3-1~bpo60+1
vlc-plugin-notify=2.0.3-1~bpo60+1 vlc-plugin-pulse=2.0.3-1~bpo60+1
libvlc5=2.0.3-1~bpo60+1 vlc-data=2.0.3-1~bpo60+1

A regarder à nouveau la sortie de ton apt-ceache policy, je maintiens
ma remarque du 20/08/2012 11:56: je suis convaincu que ton problème
était (et est toujours) que -t backports est ignoré par aptitude et

A mon avis, ta commande ci-dessus a marché car elle force les bonnes
versions des paquets, les mêmes qu'aurait trouvé aptitude tout seul si
tu l'avais lancé avec -t squeeze-backports.

Bien entendu, ça reste à vérifier. Mais voici la preuve qu'aptitude
ignore un nom de distro erroné passé avec -t. J'utilise un nom de
distro volontairement erroné toto:

Appelé sous la forme paquet/distro, aptitude nous signale l'erreur:

$ sudo aptitude install nedit/toto
Impossible de trouver l'archive « toto » pour le paquet « nedit »
Impossible de trouver l'archive « toto » pour le paquet « nedit »
Les NOUVEAUX paquets suivants vont être installés :

Pourtant, aptitude ignore complètement cette erreur avec -t toto:

$ sudo aptitude install -t toto nedit
Les NOUVEAUX paquets suivants vont être installés :


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Re: PC éteint qui consomme

2012-08-23 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Thu, 23 Aug 2012 09:52:53 +0200
Francois Boisson a écrit:

 La carte semble bien avoir des capacités de WOWLAN, or visiblement
 depuis le noyau 3.1, linux intègre petit à petit ces capacités.
 Cependant phy0 wowlan disable
 command failed: Operation not supported (-95)
 donc le driver ath9k ne les inclut pas.
 Du coup je me suis dit qu'en arrêtant la machine puis en la
 redémarrant et arrêt manuel lors du menu de grub, ça devrait
 fonctionner et effectivement, la charge se conserve. Il faut mettre
 le WOWLAN sur ath9k pour le désactiver (un comble donc).
 À suivre...
 François Boisson


Est-ce que tu as le paquet laptop-mode-tools d'installé ?
Sur mon Lenovo T420 j'ai aussi le WOWLAN et je l'ai désactivé dans le
BIOS. J'utilise le noyau 3.4.4 d'expérimental. Par contre c'est un
contôleur Intel (chipset Sandy Bridge).



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Re: Plus de son sauf en root depuis mise à jour

2012-08-23 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Thu, 23 Aug 2012 10:49:15 +0200
BERTRAND Joël a écrit:

   Bonjour à tous,
   Je poste ici un peu en désespoir de cause. J'ai un portable
 Toshiba (P200) qui me sert de machine de test et qui roule avec
 debian depuis son achat. J'utilise testing comme une rolling-release
 avant de migrer des machines un peu plus sensibles.
   Il y a quelques mois, j'ai déjà eu un problème similaire
 (absence de son) mais une reconfiguration de pulseaudio avait résolu
 le problème.
   Là, depuis quelques semaines, je n'ai plus de son en
 utilisateur normal (le device reste pourtant accessible). Un play
 fichier.ogg ne renvoie aucune erreur. En revanche, il y a un problème
 de base de temps (le fichier est joué trop vite, ça se voit avec le
 décompte de play, mais rien ne sort des hauts-parleurs).
   La machine est en testing à jour. Les droits d'accès aux
 devices sont corrects. La configuration de pulseaudio ne me semble
 pas en cause. En root, pourtant, cela fonctionne. Autre chose : le
 problème est le même en console et sous une session graphique. C'est
 donc un problème indépendant de toute la foultitude de processus
 lancés lors d'une session graphique. J'ai naturellement vérifié le
 paramétrage d'alsa (et alsamixer).
   J'avoue ne plus savoir où chercher. Cela fonctionnait
 parfaitement avant une mise à jour de testing (de wheezy vers wheezy)
 d'il y a quelques semaines, mais je n'arrive pas à trouver ce qui
 coince. Toute idée serait la bienvenue.
   Merci par avance de vos lumières,

Éventuellement un problème de groupe ?



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Re: Plus de son sauf en root depuis mise à jour

2012-08-23 Thread BERTRAND Joël

Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit :

Le Thu, 23 Aug 2012 10:49:15 +0200
BERTRAND Joë  a écrit:

Bonjour à tous,

Je poste ici un peu en désespoir de cause. J'ai un portable
Toshiba (P200) qui me sert de machine de test et qui roule avec
debian depuis son achat. J'utilise testing comme une rolling-release
avant de migrer des machines un peu plus sensibles.

Il y a quelques mois, j'ai déjà eu un problème similaire
(absence de son) mais une reconfiguration de pulseaudio avait résolu
le problème.

Là, depuis quelques semaines, je n'ai plus de son en
utilisateur normal (le device reste pourtant accessible). Un play
fichier.ogg ne renvoie aucune erreur. En revanche, il y a un problème
de base de temps (le fichier est joué trop vite, ça se voit avec le
décompte de play, mais rien ne sort des hauts-parleurs).

La machine est en testing à jour. Les droits d'accès aux
devices sont corrects. La configuration de pulseaudio ne me semble
pas en cause. En root, pourtant, cela fonctionne. Autre chose : le
problème est le même en console et sous une session graphique. C'est
donc un problème indépendant de toute la foultitude de processus
lancés lors d'une session graphique. J'ai naturellement vérifié le
paramétrage d'alsa (et alsamixer).

J'avoue ne plus savoir où chercher. Cela fonctionnait
parfaitement avant une mise à jour de testing (de wheezy vers wheezy)
d'il y a quelques semaines, mais je n'arrive pas à trouver ce qui
coince. Toute idée serait la bienvenue.

Merci par avance de vos lumières,


Éventuellement un problème de groupe ?


Non, déjà vérifié. L'utilisateur est bien dans le groupe audio...

Merci quand même d'avoir essayé ;-)


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Re: Plus de son sauf en root depuis mise à jour

2012-08-23 Thread Bzzz
On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 10:49:15 +0200
BERTRAND Joël wrote:

   J'avoue ne plus savoir où chercher. Cela fonctionnait

Un PB de groupe | droits sur les /dev/... ?

You Hi
Stranger Hi

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Re: Plus de son sauf en root depuis mise à jour

2012-08-23 Thread BERTRAND Joël

Bzzz a écrit :

On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 10:49:15 +0200
BERTRAND Joë  wrote:

J'avoue ne plus savoir où chercher. Cela fonctionnait

Un PB de groupe| droits sur les /dev/... ?

Non, c'est la première chose que j'ai vérifié...



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Re: Plus de son sauf en root depuis mise à jour

2012-08-23 Thread Bzzz
On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 15:27:41 +0200
BERTRAND Joël wrote:

  Un PB de groupe| droits sur les /dev/... ?
   Non, c'est la première chose que j'ai vérifié...

Hmm, étant donné que pulseaudio est mnt le std, as-tu créé les bons
fichiers (/etc/asound.conf notamment) et as-tu fais un alsactl store
préalable sous root? (et mis le groupe pulse dans audio).

Angeofthehell: bon é je fé komen pour metre en gras ici?
Eclahn: Mcdo ^^
Angeofthehell: ok
Angeofthehell: c dan kel menu?
Mélie: oO
Eclahn: Bah happy meal évidemment
Angeofthehell: hein?

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Re: Plus de son sauf en root depuis mise à jour

2012-08-23 Thread BERTRAND Joël

Bzzz a écrit :

On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 15:27:41 +0200
BERTRAND Joë  wrote:

Un PB de groupe| droits sur les /dev/... ?

Non, c'est la première chose que j'ai vérifié...

Hmm, étant donné que pulseaudio est mnt le std, as-tu créé les bons
fichiers (/etc/asound.conf notamment) et as-tu fais un alsactl store
préalable sous root? (et mis le groupe pulse dans audio).

	J'ai un peu de mal à comprendre la phrase... Enfin, surtout le début et 
la fin...



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Re: Plus de son sauf en root depuis mise à jour

2012-08-23 Thread Bzzz
On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 16:18:24 +0200
BERTRAND Joël wrote:

  Hmm, étant donné que pulseaudio est mnt le std, as-tu créé les
  bons fichiers (/etc/asound.conf notamment) et as-tu fais un
  alsactl store préalable sous root? (et mis le groupe pulse dans
   J'ai un peu de mal à comprendre la phrase... Enfin,
 surtout le début et la fin...

Whoops, mnt=maintenant std=standard.

À moins que les choses n'aient beaucoup changées, pulse nécessite
quelques aménagements pour fonctionner correctement; dont la modif
de /etc/asound.conf (V. sur leur site, rubrique the perfect setup)
et alsa préfère que le fichier /var/lib/alsa/asound.state soit créé
(alsactl store en root).

Pour les groupes, c'est ce que j'ai s/s sid; yaptêt des trucs qui
datent (le grp pulse dans le grp audio?), mais dans le doute...

Lenan Tiens en ce moment, je suis responsable informatique dans un labo,
en pleine intervention j'entends deux personnes à côté.
Lenan Tu as fait la formation informatique? Tu sais mettre un
tréma sur les i?
Lenan J'ai pas fini d'en chier moi...

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Re: Plus de son sauf en root depuis mise à jour

2012-08-23 Thread maderios

On 08/23/2012 04:32 PM, Bzzz wrote:

On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 16:18:24 +0200
BERTRAND Joë  wrote:

Hmm, étant donné que pulseaudio est maintenantnt le standard, as-tu créé les 

Standard ?
Parenthèse personnelle : j'aime ce qui est simple, donc je n'ai jamais 
installé pulseaudio qui n'est qu'une couche supplémentaire sur Alsa et 
qui n'est pas du tout indispensable, sauf pour compliquer les choses et 
créer des ennuis... Le son marche parfaitement sans pulseaudio, 


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Re: paquets récents pour Compiz

2012-08-23 Thread Grégory Bulot
Bonjour, Bonsoir, 

 Mais il me semble que compiz soit abandonné progressivement étant 
 donné que KDE4 et Gnome 3 intègrent directement leur propre 
 compositeur openGL.
 Fedora l'a dors et déjà supprimé de ses dépôts 

Mince y aura plus dans lxde alors ?

Grégory BULOT

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Re: Plus de son sauf en root depuis mise à jour

2012-08-23 Thread Bzzz
On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 17:38:34 +0200
maderios wrote:

 compliquer les choses et créer des ennuis... Le son marche
 parfaitement sans pulseaudio, heureusement...

Ok, alors vérifie pas à pas ton setup sur cette base:

et est-ce que oss-compat est bien installé?

il faut aussi que certaines parties d'ALSA soient installées:
principalement celles qui dépendent de libsamplerateXXX.

Sinon j'ai trouvé des traces d'un vieux bug (2k9) qui faisait la
même chose MAIS au réveil du portable - ya des chances que ça ait
été fixé depuis ;)

O_o, j'ai aussi trouvé ça:
c'est pour trudububu, mais comme la majorité du code vient de chez

Ptêt une piste:
mata vista m'épatera toujours...
mata il m'ouvre une petite fenêtre à l'instant : windows a trouvé une
   solution pour le problème que vous avez signalé
mata super ! mais j'ai jamais signalé de problème u_u
mata bon joueur, je clique quand même : et hop tout freeze
Quentin ... Les gens de chez Windows sont toujours en quête d'innovation.

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Re: Plus de son sauf en root depuis mise à jour

2012-08-23 Thread maderios

On 08/23/2012 06:18 PM, Bzzz wrote:

On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 17:38:34 +0200  wrote:

compliquer les choses et créer des ennuis... Le son marche
parfaitement sans pulseaudio, heureusement...

Ok, alors vérifie pas à pas ton setup sur cette base:

et est-ce que oss-compat est bien installé?

Ce qui est installé obligatoirement pr applis courantes dont kde gimp 
(le son ds Gimp ? !!!), etc :

bibliothèques libpulse0 libpulse-mainloop-glib0

oss c'est du passé sauf si on installe certains programmes, gtick par 
exemple - oss-compat

Sinon, oss-compat est inutile

Mes paquets alsa installés:
alsa-base *-tools *-utils   lib32asound2 libasound2 libao4 
linux-sound-base et autres dépendances

Et bien sûr les bons modules alsa du noyau lancés.

Si j'ai besoin d'un serveur de son, j'utilise Jack, à mon avis nettement 
plus fiable que pulseaudio.


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Re: Plus de son sauf en root depuis mise à jour

2012-08-23 Thread Bzzz
On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 18:41:04 +0200
maderios wrote:

 Ce qui est installé obligatoirement pr applis courantes dont kde
 gimp (le son ds Gimp ? !!!)

Wohf, venant de kde peu de choses m'étonnent...

 oss c'est du passé sauf si on installe certains programmes, gtick
 par exemple - oss-compat
 Sinon, oss-compat est inutile

Hmm, je l'ai tjrs installé (à cause de certains vieux pkgs) et il me
semble que la dernière fois il m'a sauvé d'un PB s/s sid.
 Mes paquets alsa installés:
 alsa-base *-tools *-utils   lib32asound2 libasound2 libao4 
 linux-sound-base et autres dépendances
 Et bien sûr les bons modules alsa du noyau lancés.

Vi, mais quid de libresample...?
 Si j'ai besoin d'un serveur de son, j'utilise Jack, à mon avis
 nettement plus fiable que pulseaudio.

pulse  jack ne jouent pas dans la même cour!
* Sarah sais pas ou c'est l'utérus XD
Sarah jsuis nulle en géo XD

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Re: Plus de son sauf en root depuis mise à jour

2012-08-23 Thread BERTRAND Joël

Bzzz a écrit :

On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 18:41:04 +0200  wrote:

Ce qui est installé obligatoirement pr applis courantes dont kde
gimp (le son ds Gimp ? !!!)

Wohf, venant de kde peu de choses m'étonnent...

oss c'est du passé sauf si on installe certains programmes, gtick
par exemple -  oss-compat
Sinon, oss-compat est inutile

Hmm, je l'ai tjrs installé (à cause de certains vieux pkgs) et il me
semble que la dernière fois il m'a sauvé d'un PB s/s sid.

Mes paquets alsa installés:
alsa-base *-tools *-utils   lib32asound2 libasound2 libao4
linux-sound-base et autres dépendances
Et bien sûr les bons modules alsa du noyau lancés.

Vi, mais quid de libresample...?

Si j'ai besoin d'un serveur de son, j'utilise Jack, à mon avis
nettement plus fiable que pulseaudio.

pulse  jack ne jouent pas dans la même cour!

	Les bons paquets sont forcément installés sinon, ça ne fonctionnerait 
pas en tant que root. Je vais revérifier pas à pas les droits d'accès.



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Re: Plus de son sauf en root depuis mise à jour

2012-08-23 Thread Bzzz
On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 18:59:17 +0200
BERTRAND Joël wrote:

   Les bons paquets sont forcément installés sinon, ça ne
 fonctionnerait pas en tant que root. Je vais revérifier pas à pas
 les droits d'accès.

Tu me diras 10 MPL et 20 CLUF comme pénitence!!

Swordy: Wow, mon chat me fait un calin 
Swordy: il doit vraiment crever la dalle cet hypocrite

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Re: Plus de son sauf en root depuis mise à jour

2012-08-23 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le jeudi 23 août 2012 à 18:54:34, Bzzz a écrit :
 On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 18:41:04 +0200
 maderios wrote:
  Ce qui est installé obligatoirement pr applis courantes
  dont kde gimp (le son ds Gimp ? !!!)
 Wohf, venant de kde peu de choses m'étonnent...

Ben voyons. Encore du troll sur KDE (pourquoi plus sur KDE que 
sur Gimp d’ailleurs ?) en coupant adroitement la citation de 
maderios :

  , etc :
  bibliothèques libpulse0 libpulse-mainloop-glib0

Ces bibliothèques, beaucoup de paquets en dépendent dans le but 
de pouvoir fonctionner avec pulseaudio si celui-ci est installé. 
Mais ça ne tire pas pulseaudio en dépendance (niveau 

Maintenant niveau troll, si on regarde simplement les 
dépendances inverses du paquet pulseaudio, on trouve :
- concernant KDE :
depends: kde-telepathy-call-ui

- en revanche, en ce qui concerne un autre bouzin :
depends: gnome-core
recommends: gnome-media, gnome-settings-daemon

Donc beaucoup moins de chances que pulseaudio soit tiré par KDE 
que par Gnome et beaucoup plus de chances de pouvoir refuser 
pulseaudio en utilisant KDE qu’en utilisant Gnome.


Bon, tout ça ne règle pas le problème de Joël qui semble plutôt 
venir d’un problème de droits puisque root peut faire du bruit…

 Sylvain Sauvage

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Re: Plus de son sauf en root depuis mise à jour

2012-08-23 Thread maderios

On 08/23/2012 06:54 PM, Bzzz wrote:

On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 18:41:04 +0200  wrote:

Ce qui est installé obligatoirement pr applis courantes dont kde
gimp (le son ds Gimp ? !!!)

Wohf, venant de kde peu de choses m'étonnent...

oss c'est du passé sauf si on installe certains programmes, gtick
par exemple -  oss-compat
Sinon, oss-compat est inutile

Hmm, je l'ai tjrs installé (à cause de certains vieux pkgs) et il me
semble que la dernière fois il m'a sauvé d'un PB s/s sid.

Mes paquets alsa installés:
alsa-base *-tools *-utils   lib32asound2 libasound2 libao4
linux-sound-base et autres dépendances
Et bien sûr les bons modules alsa du noyau lancés.

Vi, mais quid de libresample...?

Pas indispensable mais utile.

Si j'ai besoin d'un serveur de son, j'utilise Jack, à mon avis
nettement plus fiable que pulseaudio.

pulse  jack ne jouent pas dans la même cour!

Ok, Le serveur audio Pulse fiche la m... tandis que jack assure...
Oui, je suis dur mais très mauvais souvenirs de pulse.
Toujours pas compris son utilité. C'est alsa qui fait tout. Ah oui le 
son en réseau ? Mais jacktrip le fait.

JackTrip is a Linux and Mac OS X-based system used for multi-machine 
performance over the Internet. It supports any number of channels (as 
many as
the computer/network can handle) of bidirectional, high quality, 

audio signal steaming.


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Re: Plus de son sauf en root depuis mise à jour

2012-08-23 Thread Bzzz
On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 19:27:05 +0200
Sylvain L. Sauvage wrote:

  Wohf, venant de kde peu de choses m'étonnent...
 Ben voyons. Encore du troll sur KDE (pourquoi plus sur KDE que 
 sur Gimp d’ailleurs ?) en coupant adroitement la citation de 
 maderios :

Boaf, j'ai juste un peu d'avance à l'allumage (plus que 3h19 et nous
sommes dredi!)

 Bon, tout ça ne règle pas le problème de Joël qui semble plutôt 
 venir d’un problème de droits puisque root peut faire du bruit…
Ben je ne vois plus que ça, notamment pour expliquer le
non-positionnement de la bonne fréquence de sampling.

Souvent il vaut mieux sortir faire un ch'tit tour ou faire autre
chose 1h ou 2 parce qu'être trop plongé dans le PB occulte une
solution dès fois évidente.

M0l2PH3US : ...
Skylark : ??
M0l2PH3US : tu sais le site ou tu rentre ton nom et ton prenom et ca te dit
comment tu t'appellerais dans l'univers star wars ?
Skylark : uép
M0l2PH3US : c'est de la merde !
Skylark : pk ?
M0l2PH3US : ...dans star wars je me serais appelé javale thabeet...

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Re: Plus de son sauf en root depuis mise à jour

2012-08-23 Thread maderios

On 08/23/2012 07:27 PM, Sylvain L. Sauvage wrote:

bibliothèques libpulse0 libpulse-mainloop-glib0

Ces bibliothèques, beaucoup de paquets en dépendent dans le but
de pouvoir fonctionner avec pulseaudio si celui-ci est installé.
Mais ça ne tire pas pulseaudio en dépendance (niveau

D'ailleurs, sur Gentoo, sauf défaillance mémoire perso, on peut se 
débarrasser complètement de pulse pour faire fonctionner l'audio et les 
appli conséquentes.


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Re: Plus de son sauf en root depuis mise à jour

2012-08-23 Thread BERTRAND Joël

Bzzz a écrit :

On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 18:59:17 +0200
BERTRAND Joë  wrote:

Les bons paquets sont forcément installés sinon, ça ne
fonctionnerait pas en tant que root. Je vais revérifier pas à pas
les droits d'accès.

Tu me diras 10 MPL et 20 CLUF comme pénitence!!

J'ai écrit revérifier.

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Re: Plus de son sauf en root depuis mise à jour

2012-08-23 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le jeudi 23 août 2012 à 19:47:12, maderios a écrit :
 D'ailleurs, sur Gentoo, sauf défaillance mémoire perso, on
 peut se débarrasser complètement de pulse pour faire
 fonctionner l'audio et les appli conséquentes.

  Normal, ils compilent tout, donc ils peuvent choisir les 
options. C’est un peu le principe d’une distribution compilée de 
faire des choix pour toi.
  Tu peux aussi le faire sous Debian : tu recompiles les paquets 
qui ont des dépendances qui te gênent (ou, inversement, auxquels 
il manque des dépendances (« fonctionnalités »)) ou si tu veux 
changer des options de compilation… comme le fait deb-
  Bon, quand on n’a qu’une seule machine, avec une Gentoo ça 
doit être plus facile que l’architecture (machine de compilation 
/ dépôt de paquets / machines utilisant les paquets) que suppose 
Debian. (Sous-entendu : quand on a plusieurs machines plus ou 
moins identiques, Debian, c’est mieux.)

 Sylvain Sauvage

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Re: Plus de son sauf en root depuis mise à jour

2012-08-23 Thread maderios

On 08/23/2012 08:11 PM, Sylvain L. Sauvage wrote:

Le jeudi 23 août 2012 à 19:47:12, maderios a écrit :

D'ailleurs, sur Gentoo, sauf défaillance mémoire perso, on
peut se débarrasser complètement de pulse pour faire
fonctionner l'audio et les appli conséquentes.

   Normal, ils compilent tout, donc ils peuvent choisir les
options. C’est un peu le principe d’une distribution compilée de
faire des choix pour toi.

J'ai utilisé Gentoo pendant quelques mois, tu peux effectivement virer 
des dépendances inutiles, genre Gnome etc, compiler de manière très 
sophistiquée. Gain de performances à la clé. Par contre, question bilan 
énergétique, c'est une catastrophe, même avec un processeur 
multithreads J'ai abandonné l'expérience, trop de temps, des lacunes 
question paquets dispo dans Debian , des mises à jour perpétuelles. 
C'est un beau joujou pour apprendre, c'est déjà ça...

   Tu peux aussi le faire sous Debian : tu recompiles les paquets
qui ont des dépendances qui te gênent (ou, inversement, auxquels
il manque des dépendances (« fonctionnalités »)) ou si tu veux
changer des options de compilation… comme le fait deb-
Je compile moi-même certains paquets dont la version Debian ne me 
satisfait pas. Ex mnogosearch et ses maudits logs avec Debian, les 
noyaux également.


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wlan sous xfce

2012-08-23 Thread rsvcakaiser

J'ai enleve gnome de wheezy pour passer sous xfce (d'abord les commandes 
classiques, puis comme il en restait des tonnes, a la pogne en regardant les 
eventuelles dependances par rapport a xfce, mais j'ai ren vu...)

Maintenant la question du touriste: comment qu'on retablit un network manager 
wlan sous wheezy? C'est celui de gnome??

Avec le xterm j'arrive pas a lancer/connecter le bigntz au hotspot du lieu de 
vacances  donc pas d'acces au web pour me debrouiller et celui de gnome est 
parti quand j'ai tout purge...

On f'rait pas ces c... sous w$...

Envoyé avec mon Smartphone BlackBerry® de Free

[RÉSOLU] Re: Plus de son sauf en root depuis mise à jour

2012-08-23 Thread BERTRAND Joel

BERTRAND Joël a écrit :

Bzzz a écrit :

On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 18:59:17 +0200
BERTRAND Joë wrote:

Les bons paquets sont forcément installés sinon, ça ne
fonctionnerait pas en tant que root. Je vais revérifier pas à pas
les droits d'accès.

Tu me diras 10 MPL et 20 CLUF comme pénitence!!

J'ai écrit revérifier.

	Bon, j'ai trouvé quelqu'un qui avait le même problème que moi. La 
solution est assez simple et ce n'est pas une histoire de droits. Je me 
suis déconnecté de la session graphique, j'ai effacé du compte qui 
dysfonctionnait ~/.pulse et ~/.pulse-cookie depuis une console en single 
user. Après relancement de X, tout est rentré dans l'ordre.



Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

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En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: wlan sous xfce

2012-08-23 Thread David S

Le 23/08/2012 21:19, a écrit :


J'ai enleve gnome de wheezy pour passer sous xfce (d'abord les commandes 
classiques, puis comme il en restait des tonnes, a la pogne en regardant les 
eventuelles dependances par rapport a xfce, mais j'ai ren vu...)

Maintenant la question du touriste: comment qu'on retablit un network manager 
wlan sous wheezy? C'est celui de gnome??

Avec le xterm j'arrive pas a lancer/connecter le bigntz au hotspot du lieu de 
vacances  donc pas d'acces au web pour me debrouiller et celui de gnome est 
parti quand j'ai tout purge...

On f'rait pas ces c... sous w$...

Envoyé avec mon Smartphone BlackBerry® de Free


Réinstalle network-manager, ou regarde du côté de wicd, graphique ou 
cli, plus léger.


Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

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En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: wlan sous xfce

2012-08-23 Thread Bzzz
On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 19:19:19 + wrote:

 Maintenant la question du touriste: comment qu'on retablit un
 network manager wlan sous wheezy? C'est celui de gnome??

Ben wai, y'en a qu'un seul.
 On f'rait pas ces c... sous w$...

Effectivement: s/s w$ on utiliserait la procédure standard:

Alex : Si votre copine était open source, vous changeriez quoi?
Max : seins++;
Rémi : poils--;
Alex : ...
Max : et toi Alex?
Alex : const int chiante = 0;
Rémi : +1
Max : +1

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

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Re: wlan sous xfce

2012-08-23 Thread rsvcakaiser


Envoyé avec mon Smartphone BlackBerry® de Free

-Original Message-
From: David S
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2012 21:27:42 
Subject:  Re: wlan sous xfce

Le 23/08/2012 21:19, a écrit :

 J'ai enleve gnome de wheezy pour passer sous xfce (d'abord les commandes 
 classiques, puis comme il en restait des tonnes, a la pogne en regardant les 
 eventuelles dependances par rapport a xfce, mais j'ai ren vu...)

 Maintenant la question du touriste: comment qu'on retablit un network manager 
 wlan sous wheezy? C'est celui de gnome??

 Avec le xterm j'arrive pas a lancer/connecter le bigntz au hotspot du lieu de 
 vacances  donc pas d'acces au web pour me debrouiller et celui de gnome 
 est parti quand j'ai tout purge...

 On f'rait pas ces c... sous w$...

 Envoyé avec mon Smartphone BlackBerry® de Free

Réinstalle network-manager, ou regarde du côté de wicd, graphique ou 
cli, plus léger.


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En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: [RÉSOLU] Re: Plus de son sauf en root depuis mise à jour

2012-08-23 Thread Thierry Chatelet
On Thursday 23 August 2012 21:23:10 BERTRAND Joel wrote:
   Bon, j'ai trouvé quelqu'un qui avait le même problème que moi. La
 solution est assez simple et ce n'est pas une histoire de droits. Je me
 suis déconnecté de la session graphique, j'ai effacé du compte qui
 dysfonctionnait ~/.pulse et ~/.pulse-cookie depuis une console en single
 user. Après relancement de X, tout est rentré dans l'ordre.

Bon, on n'a aps penser à te dire de créer un nouvel utilisateur pour vérifier 
d'ou venait je problème!!
Beta ça.

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W32codecs no debian oldstable

2012-08-23 Thread José Paulo Neto

to usando o debian oldstable(lenny) num computador velho de um amigo. Não
to conseguindo encontrar o w32codecs nos repositorios multimedia do debian
e agora já nao sei mais o que fazer.

Atualmente o vlc consegue tocar o audio mas o vídeo não aparece. Tentei
encontrar solução na internet mas nenhuma resposta.



Re: W32codecs no debian oldstable

2012-08-23 Thread Daniel Lenharo

O W32codecs, está na sessão non-free dos repositorios multimedia.



Em 23 de agosto de 2012 10:33, José Paulo Neto


 to usando o debian oldstable(lenny) num computador velho de um amigo. Não
 to conseguindo encontrar o w32codecs nos repositorios multimedia do debian
 e agora já nao sei mais o que fazer.

 Atualmente o vlc consegue tocar o audio mas o vídeo não aparece. Tentei
 encontrar solução na internet mas nenhuma resposta.



BrDesktop - Alguém tem a Imagem para enviar?

2012-08-23 Thread Thiago Zoroastro
Achei este link na Comunidade Software Livre Brasil

Seria muito interessante se o BrDesktop voltasse, e sugiro até um tema em
azul também :)

Muito legal essa distribuição. Saudações.

2012/8/23 Sérgio GMAIL

 Pois então, não achei mais os pacotes, pode procurar no . (br-desktop ou brdesktop) não tem !

 Tem que ver isto.

 É que na verdade o BrDesktop virou pacotes de customização do Debian com
 pacotes de lingua, temas, icones, e outras coisas mais...

 Mas nem o site deles está no ar ...

 Em 22 de agosto de 2012 10:03, Thiago Zoroastro escreveu:

 Então eu poderia instalar a ultima versão estável e instalar esse pacote
 do BrDesktop?

 Estava procurando pelo gnome 2
 Aquele BrDesktop de 2008/09 me agradou bastante, mas vou verificar as


 2012/8/22 Sérgio GMAIL

 Oi Thiago !
 No fisl falei com o pessoal que me informou que o BrDesktop agora é um
 pacote para a distribuição padrão do Debian, porém, no testing eu não achei
 mais o pacote. Pelo menos não nos repositórios originais. De repente tenha
 que adicionar algum repo.

 Em 22 de agosto de 2012 09:24, Thiago Zoroastro escreveu:

 Olá amigos, tudo bem?
 Estou de volta à comunidade Linux :)
 Estive procurando distribuições legais para usar, e entre outras, achei
 a BrDesktop, que parece ter tido projeto descontinuado mas me pareceu muito
 maneiro o projeto com o gnome 2 e o símbolo do Debian personalidade.
 Poderíamos conversar sobre a versão Br do Debian e gostaria muito de
 receber essa distro ^^
 Não achei ainda para baixá-la, se alguém tiver a imagem, entre em

 SSL - Saudações do Software Livre!

 Thiago Zoroastro - Estudante da UFSJ
 Membro do Centro Acadêmico de Filosofia Leônidas Hegenberg

 O mundo cada vez mais está tomando noção de que é um único organismo,
 e um
 organismo que insiste em lutar contra si mesmo, está condenado à
 destruição. - Carl Sagan

 Consciência com ciência,
 estamos todos conectados diante do universo infinito
 o *homo sapiens *já* *não mata sua sede de conhecer
 Cada Mundo é um glóbulo criativo.

 *Sérgio H. Berlotto Jr *(*chave gpg FC78845B*)
 E-mails: sergio.berlotto [at] / sergio [at]
 Site :
 Twitter: @berlottocdd

 Thiago Zoroastro - Estudante da UFSJ
 Membro do Centro Acadêmico de Filosofia Leônidas Hegenberg

 O mundo cada vez mais está tomando noção de que é um único organismo, e
 organismo que insiste em lutar contra si mesmo, está condenado à
 destruição. - Carl Sagan

 Consciência com ciência,
 estamos todos conectados diante do universo infinito
 o *homo sapiens *já* *não mata sua sede de conhecer
 Cada Mundo é um glóbulo criativo.

 *Sérgio H. Berlotto Jr *(*chave gpg FC78845B*)
 E-mails: sergio.berlotto [at] / sergio [at]
 Site :
 Twitter: @berlottocdd

Thiago Zoroastro - Estudante da UFSJ
Membro do Centro Acadêmico de Filosofia Leônidas Hegenberg

O mundo cada vez mais está tomando noção de que é um único organismo, e um
organismo que insiste em lutar contra si mesmo, está condenado à
destruição. - Carl Sagan

Consciência com ciência,
estamos todos conectados diante do universo infinito
o *homo sapiens *já* *não mata sua sede de conhecer
Cada Mundo é um glóbulo criativo.

Thiago Zoroastro - Estudante da UFSJ
Membro do Centro Acadêmico de Filosofia Leônidas Hegenberg

O mundo cada vez mais está tomando noção de que é um único organismo, e um
organismo que insiste em lutar contra si mesmo, está condenado à
destruição. - Carl Sagan

Consciência com ciência,
estamos todos conectados diante do universo infinito
o *homo sapiens *já* *não mata sua sede de conhecer
Cada Mundo é um glóbulo criativo.

Re: BrDesktop - Alguém tem a Imagem para enviar?

2012-08-23 Thread Luiz Henrique Rauber Rodrigues
saudades da cdd... :'/

Em 23 de agosto de 2012 16:27, Thiago Zoroastro

 Achei este link na Comunidade Software Livre Brasil

 Seria muito interessante se o BrDesktop voltasse, e sugiro até um tema em
 azul também :)

 Muito legal essa distribuição. Saudações.

 2012/8/23 Sérgio GMAIL

 Pois então, não achei mais os pacotes, pode procurar no . (br-desktop ou brdesktop) não tem !

 Tem que ver isto.

 É que na verdade o BrDesktop virou pacotes de customização do Debian com
 pacotes de lingua, temas, icones, e outras coisas mais...

 Mas nem o site deles está no ar ...

 Em 22 de agosto de 2012 10:03, Thiago Zoroastro escreveu:

 Então eu poderia instalar a ultima versão estável e instalar esse pacote
 do BrDesktop?

 Estava procurando pelo gnome 2
 Aquele BrDesktop de 2008/09 me agradou bastante, mas vou verificar as


 2012/8/22 Sérgio GMAIL

 Oi Thiago !
 No fisl falei com o pessoal que me informou que o BrDesktop agora é um
 pacote para a distribuição padrão do Debian, porém, no testing eu não achei
 mais o pacote. Pelo menos não nos repositórios originais. De repente tenha
 que adicionar algum repo.

 Em 22 de agosto de 2012 09:24, Thiago Zoroastro escreveu:

 Olá amigos, tudo bem?
 Estou de volta à comunidade Linux :)
 Estive procurando distribuições legais para usar, e entre outras,
 achei a BrDesktop, que parece ter tido projeto descontinuado mas me 
 muito maneiro o projeto com o gnome 2 e o símbolo do Debian personalidade.
 Poderíamos conversar sobre a versão Br do Debian e gostaria muito de
 receber essa distro ^^
 Não achei ainda para baixá-la, se alguém tiver a imagem, entre em

 SSL - Saudações do Software Livre!

 Thiago Zoroastro - Estudante da UFSJ
 Membro do Centro Acadêmico de Filosofia Leônidas Hegenberg

 O mundo cada vez mais está tomando noção de que é um único organismo,
 e um
 organismo que insiste em lutar contra si mesmo, está condenado à
 destruição. - Carl Sagan

 Consciência com ciência,
 estamos todos conectados diante do universo infinito
 o *homo sapiens *já* *não mata sua sede de conhecer
 Cada Mundo é um glóbulo criativo.

 *Sérgio H. Berlotto Jr *(*chave gpg FC78845B*)
 E-mails: sergio.berlotto [at] / sergio [at]
 Site :
 Twitter: @berlottocdd

 Thiago Zoroastro - Estudante da UFSJ
 Membro do Centro Acadêmico de Filosofia Leônidas Hegenberg

 O mundo cada vez mais está tomando noção de que é um único organismo, e
 organismo que insiste em lutar contra si mesmo, está condenado à
 destruição. - Carl Sagan

 Consciência com ciência,
 estamos todos conectados diante do universo infinito
 o *homo sapiens *já* *não mata sua sede de conhecer
 Cada Mundo é um glóbulo criativo.

 *Sérgio H. Berlotto Jr *(*chave gpg FC78845B*)
 E-mails: sergio.berlotto [at] / sergio [at]
 Site :
 Twitter: @berlottocdd

 Thiago Zoroastro - Estudante da UFSJ
 Membro do Centro Acadêmico de Filosofia Leônidas Hegenberg

 O mundo cada vez mais está tomando noção de que é um único organismo, e
 organismo que insiste em lutar contra si mesmo, está condenado à
 destruição. - Carl Sagan

 Consciência com ciência,
 estamos todos conectados diante do universo infinito
 o *homo sapiens *já* *não mata sua sede de conhecer
 Cada Mundo é um glóbulo criativo.

 Thiago Zoroastro - Estudante da UFSJ
 Membro do Centro Acadêmico de Filosofia Leônidas Hegenberg

 O mundo cada vez mais está tomando noção de que é um único organismo, e
 organismo que insiste em lutar contra si mesmo, está condenado à
 destruição. - Carl Sagan

 Consciência com ciência,
 estamos todos conectados diante do universo infinito
 o *homo sapiens *já* *não mata sua sede de conhecer
 Cada Mundo é um glóbulo criativo.


Luiz Henrique Rauber Rodrigues
Consultor - Gerenciamento de Projetos, TI e Estratégia
51 9850 0533 - 55 8412 0309 - RS - -

// Economizar também é conscientização ambiental, não imprima este e-mail
se desnecessário

Twitter do Planeta Debian Brasil

2012-08-23 Thread Éverton Arruda
Olá a todos,
ontem eu vi que existe uma conta de twitter[0] (@planetdebian) que é
responsável por divulgar os posts que aparecem no Planet Debian[1].
Achei a idéia bem interessante e fui atrás da versão basileira desta conta,
uma que divulgue os posts do Planeta Debian Brasil[2], mas não encontrei

Então, tomei a liberdade de criar um: @planetadebianbr [3].
Criei também um script que lê o RSS Feed do planet e twitta os que ainda
não foram twittados. Chamei ele de TweetMyPlanet[4], licença GPLv3.

Gostaria de saber se isso é contra alguma regra do Debian Brasil. Caso
seja, irei fechar esta conta de twitter agora mesmo.


What he learns we all learn. What he knows we all benefit from Linux, The
future is Open

Éverton M. Arruda Jr. (Notrev) - | @everton_arruda
Debian-AM -

Compatibilidade de hardware - Servidor Dell PowerEdge T110 II

2012-08-23 Thread Keppler

Boa tarde pessoal.

Estamos pensando em adquirir um servidor Dell, mais especificamente o 
*PowerEdge T110 II*.

No entanto, ao conversar diretamente com o especialista técnico deles, o 
cara me falou que só é homologado para _*Suse*_ e _*Red Hat*_, 
principalmente quanto aos próprios softwares da Dell para gerenciamento 
e análise tecnica do hardware.

Alguém utiliza este servidor em produção com o Debian?
Alguém saberia me dizer sobre a compatibilidade de hardware 
principalmente quanto à _*placa de rede*_ e _*VGA*_ ?

grande abraço,


2012-08-23 Thread FHRB Toledo

Sou usuário final do Debian a algum tempo e nesse período venho
aprendendo muito com uso diário, com a lista e por meio da wiki e dos
fóruns mundo afora.

Eis que a cerca de 6 meses fui atualizar os pacotes como de costume e
ocorreu o seguinte problema. Esse problema perdura até hoje, já procurei
na internet e consultei um usuário extremamente competente, mas ainda
careço de uma solução [DebianWay].

Ao dar # apt-get update curiosamente aparece tal mensagem que antes não

W: Falhou ao buscar
404  Not Found

W: Falhou ao buscar
404  Not Found

E: Alguns arquivos de índice falharam para baixar, eles foram ignorados ou
os antigos foram usados no lugar.

Acho que isso deve ser fruto de repositórios desativados e etc, mas creio
que tenha algo a ver com meu problema...

Quando dou prosseguimento e digito # apt-get upgrade recebo a resposta:

Lendo listas de pacotes... Pronto
Construindo árvore de dependências
Lendo informação de estado... Pronto
Você pode querer executar 'apt-get -f install' para corrigí-los.
Os pacotes a seguir têm dependências desencontradas:
 libc6 : Depende: libc-bin (= 2.11.3-3) mas 2.11.3-4 está instalado
 libc6-dev : Depende: libc6 (= 2.11.3-4) mas 2.11.3-3 está instalado
 libc6-i386 : Depende: libc6 (= 2.11.3-4) mas 2.11.3-3 está instalado
 libc6-pic : Depende: libc6 (= 2.11.3-4) mas 2.11.3-3 está instalado
 libc6-prof : Depende: libc6 (= 2.11.3-4) mas 2.11.3-3 está instalado
N: Ignoring file '' in directory
'/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension
N: Ignoring file '' in directory
'/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension
E: Dependências desencontradas. Tente usar -f.

Já tentei usar o argumento -f e mesmo assim perdura essa pendenga.

O que decorre disso é nada mais atualiza por causa disso!

Alguém teria alguma sugestão, solução ou algo a recomendar?


Re: Compatibilidade de hardware - Servidor Dell PowerEdge T110 II

2012-08-23 Thread Júlio Henrique
Boa noite,

Já usei esse modelo diversas vezes com Debian e nunca tive qualquer problema 
com hardware. 



Enviado via iPhone

Em 23/08/2012, às 18:01, Keppler escreveu:

 Boa tarde pessoal.
 Estamos pensando em adquirir um servidor Dell, mais especificamente o 
 PowerEdge T110 II.
 No entanto, ao conversar diretamente com o especialista técnico deles, o cara 
 me falou que só é homologado para Suse e Red Hat, principalmente quanto aos 
 próprios softwares da Dell para gerenciamento e análise tecnica do hardware.
 Alguém utiliza este servidor em produção com o Debian?
 Alguém saberia me dizer sobre a compatibilidade de hardware principalmente 
 quanto à placa de rede e VGA ?
 grande abraço,

Re: libc6

2012-08-23 Thread Adriano Rafael Gomes
Em Thu, 23 Aug 2012 18:20:25 -0300
FHRB Toledo escreveu:

 W: Falhou ao buscar
 404  Not Found

Olá. O domínio foi alterado para

Description: PGP signature

Re: W32codecs no debian oldstable

2012-08-23 Thread José Paulo Neto
Daniel, valeu pela ajuda mas não tá rolando!!

Para o Oldstable o repósitório padrão deb-multimedia nao está
funcionando, aconselhando o uso de outros repositórios. No meu caso,
eu to usando este daqui:

deb oldstable main non-free contrib
deb-src oldstable main
non-free contrib

Só que o w32codecs não é encontrado. Alguma outra dica??


Em 23/08/12, Daniel escreveu:

 O W32codecs, está na sessão non-free dos repositorios multimedia.



 Em 23 de agosto de 2012 10:33, José Paulo Neto


 to usando o debian oldstable(lenny) num computador velho de um amigo. Não
 to conseguindo encontrar o w32codecs nos repositorios multimedia do
 e agora já nao sei mais o que fazer.

 Atualmente o vlc consegue tocar o audio mas o vídeo não aparece. Tentei
 encontrar solução na internet mas nenhuma resposta.



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2012-08-23 Thread Manoel Pedro de Araújo
Olá, amigos sou usuario do debian squeeze com iterface KDE, instalei o
smplayer este roda video mas nao som,
Quanto mp3 quando abro uma pasta as musica fcam passando rapidas.

Alguem pode me ajundar? por favor


Re: Twitter do Planeta Debian Brasil

2012-08-23 Thread Sérgio GMAIL
Legal Éverton !
Ficou jóia !

Em 23 de agosto de 2012 16:49, Éverton Arruda escreveu:

 Olá a todos,
 ontem eu vi que existe uma conta de twitter[0] (@planetdebian) que é
 responsável por divulgar os posts que aparecem no Planet Debian[1].
 Achei a idéia bem interessante e fui atrás da versão basileira desta
 conta, uma que divulgue os posts do Planeta Debian Brasil[2], mas não
 encontrei nenhum.

 Então, tomei a liberdade de criar um: @planetadebianbr [3].
 Criei também um script que lê o RSS Feed do planet e twitta os que ainda
 não foram twittados. Chamei ele de TweetMyPlanet[4], licença GPLv3.

 Gostaria de saber se isso é contra alguma regra do Debian Brasil. Caso
 seja, irei fechar esta conta de twitter agora mesmo.


 What he learns we all learn. What he knows we all benefit from Linux,
 The future is Open

 Éverton M. Arruda Jr. (Notrev) - | @everton_arruda
 Debian-AM -

*Sérgio H. Berlotto Jr *(*chave gpg FC78845B*)
E-mails: sergio.berlotto [at] / sergio [at]
Site :
Twitter: @berlottocdd

Re: smplayer

2012-08-23 Thread Sérgio GMAIL
Manoel, lhe aconselho a utilizar o VLC[1] para vídeos e streams e o
audacious[2] para rodar suas músicas.


Em 23 de agosto de 2012 19:45, Manoel Pedro de Araújo

 Olá, amigos sou usuario do debian squeeze com iterface KDE, instalei o
 smplayer este roda video mas nao som,
 Quanto mp3 quando abro uma pasta as musica fcam passando rapidas.

 Alguem pode me ajundar? por favor


*Sérgio H. Berlotto Jr *(*chave gpg FC78845B*)
E-mails: sergio.berlotto [at] / sergio [at]
Site :
Twitter: @berlottocdd

Re: Compatibilidade de hardware - Servidor Dell PowerEdge T110 II

2012-08-23 Thread Keppler

Olá Júlio, obrigado pelo retorno.
Além obviamente na placa de rede, vc roda o X normalmente, ou seja, 
consegue acessar a interface gráfica na boa?


On 23-08-2012 18:24, Júlio Henrique wrote:

Boa noite,

Já usei esse modelo diversas vezes com Debian e nunca tive qualquer 
problema com hardware.



Enviado via iPhone

Em 23/08/2012, às 18:01, Keppler escreveu:

Boa tarde pessoal.

Estamos pensando em adquirir um servidor Dell, mais especificamente o 
*PowerEdge T110 II*.

No entanto, ao conversar diretamente com o especialista técnico 
deles, o cara me falou que só é homologado para _*Suse*_ e _*Red 
Hat*_, principalmente quanto aos próprios softwares da Dell para 
gerenciamento e análise tecnica do hardware.

Alguém utiliza este servidor em produção com o Debian?
Alguém saberia me dizer sobre a compatibilidade de hardware 
principalmente quanto à _*placa de rede*_ e _*VGA*_ ?

grande abraço,

Re: Compatibilidade de hardware - Servidor Dell PowerEdge T110 II

2012-08-23 Thread Júlio Henrique

Com Debian eu nunca precisei rodar a interface gráfica, mas com CentOS eu já 
usei e não tive problemas.  



Enviado via iPhone

Em 23/08/2012, às 21:06, Keppler escreveu:

 Olá Júlio, obrigado pelo retorno.
 Além obviamente na placa de rede, vc roda o X normalmente, ou seja, consegue 
 acessar a interface gráfica na boa?
 On 23-08-2012 18:24, Júlio Henrique wrote:
 Boa noite,
 Já usei esse modelo diversas vezes com Debian e nunca tive qualquer problema 
 com hardware. 
 Enviado via iPhone
 Em 23/08/2012, às 18:01, Keppler escreveu:
 Boa tarde pessoal.
 Estamos pensando em adquirir um servidor Dell, mais especificamente o 
 PowerEdge T110 II.
 No entanto, ao conversar diretamente com o especialista técnico deles, o 
 cara me falou que só é homologado para Suse e Red Hat, principalmente 
 quanto aos próprios softwares da Dell para gerenciamento e análise tecnica 
 do hardware.
 Alguém utiliza este servidor em produção com o Debian?
 Alguém saberia me dizer sobre a compatibilidade de hardware principalmente 
 quanto à placa de rede e VGA ?
 grande abraço,

Re: W32codecs no debian oldstable

2012-08-23 Thread P. J.
Em 23/08/12, José Paulo escreveu:
 Só que o w32codecs não é encontrado. Alguma outra dica??

Bom eu não sei qual o seu cenário, se tem algum legado com alguma
aplicação crítica dependente dessa versão do debian, mas mesmo com
esse tipo de problema o mais prudente e recomendável eh mudar para a
versão stable atual, se for questão de hardware instala o sistema
básico e uma dessas interfaces leves como xfce, icewm, fluxbox etc...
nao tem as facilidades da vida de um gnome... mas em contrapartida com
relação ao desempenho... na minha humilde opinião como usário do
awesome+wheezy num netbook eh um preço q vale a pena pagar... em
fim... fica a sugestão... detalhe q não preciso do mirror
multimedia... aqui roda tudo... só tive problemas, ironicamente , com
DVD originais.

[  ] 's

|  .''`.   A fé não dá respostas. Só impede perguntas.
| : :'  :
| `. `'`
|   `-   Je vois tout

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Re: smplayer

2012-08-23 Thread Eden Caldas
Eu recomendo exatamente a mesma coisa.

Em 23 de agosto de 2012 21:05, Sérgio GMAIL sergio.berlo...@gmail.comescreveu:

 Manoel, lhe aconselho a utilizar o VLC[1] para vídeos e streams e o
 audacious[2] para rodar suas músicas.


 Em 23 de agosto de 2012 19:45, Manoel Pedro de Araújo 

  Olá, amigos sou usuario do debian squeeze com iterface KDE, instalei o
 smplayer este roda video mas nao som,
 Quanto mp3 quando abro uma pasta as musica fcam passando rapidas.

 Alguem pode me ajundar? por favor


 *Sérgio H. Berlotto Jr *(*chave gpg FC78845B*)
 E-mails: sergio.berlotto [at] / sergio [at]
 Site :
 Twitter: @berlottocdd

Re: [OT] Re: New Mainboard.

2012-08-23 Thread Andreas Weber
On 2012-08-22 17:03, Camaleón wrote:
 Asus used to be in my list but since my good P2B-S and CUV4X (both for 
 Pentium III) I've only read but problems and issues with their new boards 
 and Linux. You know, all that fancy turbo-mega-hyper-silent-green-dual-
 bios-fast-recovery stuff that can indeed work fine when you load the 
 Windows drivers ;-P

I have not only read about, I also tested. This is my setup, and it
works perfectly:

- Asus board (with UEFI and BIOS mode)
- SSD with GPT
- installed Debian as usual with grub-pc
- no special EFI boot partition or whatever

Boots perfectly in BIOS mode.

I tried about 5 variants of installing Debian with UEFI on it, without
success. Ubuntu on the other hand installed in a few minutes with UEFI,
is part of the installer and a walk in the park. Debian is not there yet.

In the end I went for BIOS mode because I wanted Debian and the boot
time is great. There is no benefit in UEFI when it comes to boot times,
at least not for the regular single/multi boot user.

Just my 2c.


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Re: alsa-base breaks linux-sound-base

2012-08-23 Thread Charles Kroeger
On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 22:20:01 +0200
Ralf Mardorf wrote:

 Did you also upgrade from GNOME2 to GNOME3? Perhaps you didn't run
 pulseaudio and now you do run pulseaudio?

I don't use Gnome or pulseaudio, removed pulseaudio last year.

It's a damn mystery.


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Re: alsa-base breaks linux-sound-base

2012-08-23 Thread Charles Kroeger
On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 22:00:03 +0200
Joe wrote:

 Has a mixer volume level been reset, the wrong sound card selected,

No, the mixer hasn't been changed and I only have the one sound card

thanks for your suggestion.


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Re: Xen vs KVM

2012-08-23 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
i am using proxmox KVM.. on 3 base servers for more then 2 years.
i do migrate, backup and all the process intensive task and every
thing. till today i havent found any issue related to stabitliy.
once i remeber i havent started my virtual machines for 4 monts,and my
base, i never found a reason to restart the base server for about a
year. but then my HD died :(.
my virtual base is running more then 15 VMs. i haven't tried Xen yet
so nothing to add about stability in Xen.


On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 8:23 PM, francis picabia wrote:
 On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 2:59 AM, Tom H wrote:

 Unless there's a fedora-devel thread where this was discussed, there's
 probably no way to know why RHEL6 switched to kvm except to assume
 that kvm's in-kernel and xen isn't. This has changed in the latest
 kernels so xen support might very well be re-added, and possibly
 favored, in RHEL7.

 This is uninformed.  I don't know why you bother to write it.

 Please visit the Redhat web site and search for information on virtualization.

 Here is one of the many news items one can google showing Redhat
 has dropped Xen in favour of KVM.  KVM is the cornerstone of Redhat's
 attempt to compete with VMware solution.  Xen support in Redhat
 is set to expire in 2014.

 Here is the 2008 announcement regarding Redhat's purchase of Qumaranet, which
 may answer some questions about xen and kvm in Redhat's future (now
 the present).

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Re: Logging ISP Download Speed.

2012-08-23 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Mi, 22 aug 12, 13:29:52, Weaver wrote:
 Ping: 69 ms
 Download: 27.71 Mb/s
 Upload: 2.28 Mb/s

Ok, still far away from the advertised 100 Mb/s, but not that bad. Did 
you do the test with the recommended server or did you try also other 

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Changing to digest form

2012-08-23 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Jo, 23 aug 12, 00:46:41, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 I would like to use digest too, if digest isn't broken anymore, please
 inform me. If I should reply using a digest and something is technical
 broken (not regarding to the content of my idiotic messages ;), then
 inform me too.

You can always subscribe to the relevant bug (too lazy to look up the 
number for you).

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Changing to digest form

2012-08-23 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Mi, 22 aug 12, 15:16:01, Bob Proulx wrote:
 For me it means that I need to verify that I got the message by the
 mailing list too (which always comes later so I usually ignore it for
 a while first) and that it wasn't a reply only to me.  So I can't just
 ignore them.  I have to spend effort to determine what is going on
 with the message and where it came from and how it got to me.  What a
 pain!  And usually from people asking for help.  My editorial remark
 is that if people want help then the easiest thing is to make it easy
 to be helped and they will get more of it and of a higher quality too.

 I have come to the conclusion that humans are intrinsically bad at
 communication.  Apparently it isn't common sense.  Apparently it does
 actually require the person to put some effort into learning how to
 interact with others.  I wonder if we will ever master it?  Na.
 Probably not.  File it as a wishlist bug and tag it as wontfix. :-)

+1 again :)

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: [OT] Re: New Mainboard.

2012-08-23 Thread Weaver

 On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 4:25 AM, Weaver wrote:

 This last I have been trying to do, but the large manufacturers seem to
 somewhat shy about listing what BIOS is available on each board these

 Once I have short listed the boards I am interested in and are
 available in the market, I download their respective manuals.   They
 usually have the BIOS details.

I didn't even think of that.
I just thought it would be (or should be) an automatic annotation on their
product descrption, on-site.

In which case, the Gigabyte GA-MA785GPMT-UD2H; GA-MA785GMT-US2H both seem
to be fine.

Will get back to confirm once I have it up and running.
Regards and thanks,

I invite you to name a society that created a secret prison
 system, outside the rule of law, where torture takes place,
 that sooner or later didn't turn the abuse against it's own
 citizens. -- Naomi Wolf - October 11, 2007

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Re: Logging ISP Download Speed.

2012-08-23 Thread Weaver

 On Mi, 22 aug 12, 13:29:52, Weaver wrote:

 Ping: 69 ms
 Download: 27.71 Mb/s
 Upload: 2.28 Mb/s

 Ok, still far away from the advertised 100 Mb/s, but not that bad. Did
 you do the test with the recommended server or did you try also other

I tried two and the cross-comparison was fairly even.

I've also noticed, since I've been making some noise, that the speed has
picked up a little and remained reasonably constant for over a day now, so
the situation is not as much out of their control as they would make out.


I invite you to name a society that created a secret prison
 system, outside the rule of law, where torture takes place,
 that sooner or later didn't turn the abuse against it's own
 citizens. -- Naomi Wolf - October 11, 2007

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Re: How to enlarge LUKS partition ?

2012-08-23 Thread

On 23/08/2012 06:31, Kushal Kumaran wrote:

On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 1:49 AM,  wrote:

On 21/08/2012 19:22, J. B wrote:


The free space is 10 GB, where the luks partition is 200 GB.
I'm eagerly waiting to know the output of your experiment.

Ok, I was under the impression from your first post that the free space was

I didn't have time to do extensive tests but with such a small space
available compared to the size of the LUKS there is no sane way to do what
you want. I didn't manage to make the fdisk method work backward, even
with a LUKS header backup it doesn't seem to be possible.

I wonder what would happen if you gave dd overlapping regions of the
disk to read from and write to.

Something like (CAUTION, do not run):

dd if=/dev/sda skip=5000 of=/dev/sda seek=1000

In theory, if dd is instructed to sync every read and write, to read 
strictly sequentially the source it could work (not saying that dd will 
agree to do it). You'd end up with a wrong partition table on the device 
at the end of the process, because in this particular case the data will 
be copied beyond the limit of the free partition (too small) and over 
the second partition the LUKS container resides on. In the end you would 
have a filesystem stretching way after the partition boundary, a lot of 
difficult recovery work to do to fix that, if possible.

Not a reliable normal admin solution. LUKS just isn't that flexible.

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Re: Logging ISP Download Speed.

2012-08-23 Thread lina
I have a little off-this-thread questions.

Once I used the wget to download one file from debian repository, on
another terminal I with to use the wget to get another file at the same
time from the same repository.

I was discouraged to do that, and was also told that, two wget
downloading would deduce the downloading speed, I should have waited one
finished before download another one.

It's happened two years ago, but I still remembered that suggestions.
Even later in my life I still download two or more at the same time.

Here my question is that, is it true that open two wget will affect the
downloading speed? better one by one, just suspect it.


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Re: [SOLVED] Is my processor 32-bit or 64-bit?

2012-08-23 Thread Stan Hoeppner
On 8/22/2012 10:16 PM, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:

 Now, my next step is to figure out what memory SIMMs to order.
 I'd like to install four 1G SIMMs, if they exist for this motherboard.
 But the devil is in the details.

DIMMs not SIMMs. ;)  SIMMs haven't been used in new systems for about 15

You probably won't find that registered ECC DDR200 through retail
channels because of its age.  If you do it'll likely be $100+/stick.
Here's the best deal I found on Ebay:

$50 for old RAM or $110 few all new guts?  $110 gets you a new Foxconn
AM3 mobo, 2.8GHz 1MB L2 64bit 45 watt single core AMD retail CPU, and
4GB DDR3-1333 dual channel RAM-- 6.6x the memory bandwidth of the
Netburst Xeon.

I've used this combo to refurb 2 old machines now, including the machine
from which I've typing this.  No problems so far with exactly one year
on this one.  I've got a dual core Regor 3GHz 2x1MB L2 in this box.

If a single core 2.8 64bit Sempron is insufficient for your workload,
add $25 for a 65 watt 3.2GHz dual core AthlonII X2, $135 total:

As long as the PSU has the 4-pin CPU power plug, and it should being a
Xeon board, you shouldn't need to replace anything else.  And you've
basically got a brand new system, sans drives, for $110-135.


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Re: Hacked .htaccess redirect to htttp://

2012-08-23 Thread shthead

On 23/08/2012 3:32 AM, Dr Beco wrote:

One of my sites, that has joomla (and not wordpress) also got hacked (again).

Is your Joomla along with all components/skins etc. up to date? Many of 
the hacked sites I look at are not up to date.

 the sysadmin told me that there was a php script entitled
jos_jpxn.php running that was rewriting my .htaccess (lickface)

I quite often see Joomla sites that get hacked have a few PHP shells 
dropped around the place that the attacker then uses to do other things 
(reset passwords/change htaccess files/phising sites etc.).

Also, if it is shared web hosting are your permissions all set 
correctly? Do you know how PHP is configured on the server? If the 
permissions are wrong say on the configuration file and another site on 
the same server gets hacked, they may be able to read your configuration 
file, get the database details and reset/recover the admin password.

Personally I wouldn't trust a Joomla/Wordpress/whatever install once the 
site has been comprimised like this - who knows what else has been 
changed. It may be best to reupload the site/database from a backup if 
you have one.

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Re: Logging ISP Download Speed.

2012-08-23 Thread Bob Proulx
lina wrote:
 Once I used the wget to download one file from debian repository, on
 another terminal I with to use the wget to get another file at the same
 time from the same repository.

And if you needed both files then that seems fine to me.

 I was discouraged to do that, and was also told that, two wget
 downloading would deduce the downloading speed, I should have waited one
 finished before download another one.

*Should* is too strong.  It doesn't hurt anything to download two
 files at the same time.  Or three.  A hundred is probably too many
 though.  But really there isn't any difference in the overall result.

 It's happened two years ago, but I still remembered that suggestions.
 Even later in my life I still download two or more at the same time.

Sure.  I often have multiple things happening at the same time.  It is
why I use a multitasking operating system.

 Here my question is that, is it true that open two wget will affect the
 downloading speed? better one by one, just suspect it.

Let's assume you have a 1.0 Mbit/s download connection.  Because it
makes the math easier.  And assume you need a 1.0 Mbyte file.  With no
other overhead it will take aproximately 10 seconds to download.

Now let's assume that you download two of those files at the same
time.  You still only have 1.0Mbit/s download speed.  But now you are
downloading 2.0Mbytes of data in total.  Obviously the total download
will take aproximately 20 seconds to download.

If you ran them sequentually then the first one would finish in 10
seconds and then the second one would start and it would finish 10
seconds later.  So it would take 20 seconds in total for both to
download both of those files.

If you ran them both at the same time then neither would be able to
get the full 1.0Mbit/s download speed.  It should balance out between
them and each would get about 0.5Mbit/s download speed.  Which would
double the amount of time each would take.  Each would take about 20
seconds to download those files but both are running at the same
time.  So once again it would take 20 seconds in total for both to
download those files.  No difference!

Now if you needed *one* of those files first then you would download
it first and not start any of the others until you had what you needed
first.  You would prioritize.  You would get the high priority items
first.  Because then in 10 seconds you would have something you needed
first.  You would hold off the lower priority items that could wait to
get the ones that you wanted soonest.

Hopefully all of that makes sense and enables you to do whatever makes
the most sense at that moment in time.  If the bottleneck in speed is
your local network connection to the Internet then you would whatever
you wanted to make your task easiest.

Now here is a twist.  This is a obtuse thing but useful to know about.
If the bottleneck is competition with other people then the situation
is different.  Let's say you are working at a small business or school
or coffee shop along with nine other people for ten total people
downloading things.  There is still a 1.0Mbit/s download capacity.
But now ten people are using it.  So you are only getting 0.1Mbit/s
download speed.  Getting that 1.0Mbyte file now takes 100 seconds
instead of 10 seconds.  Because nine others, all ten of you in total,
are all downloading all at the same time and the system is sharing the
bandwidth across all of you.  So now it takes 100 seconds.

Now here is the twist.  If you can split that file up into nine parts
and then start nine downloads in parallel you will get the total
1Mbyte file downloaded in 50 seconds.  That is now twice as fast as
the 100 second case!  The system doesn't know about users.  The system
knows about download connections.  If you have nine downloads going at
once but your nine other coworkers each have one that is 18 total
downloads going at once.  The system will share the bandwidth across
all 18 of those.  But 9 of those are yours and 9 belong to the rest of
your coworkers.  So you are getting half of the available bandwidth
and starving your coworkers out of their fair share.

Better if you split the file into 27 parts and ran 27 downloads in
parallel then you would have 27 and your coworkers would have 9 and
you would have 27/(27+9)=3/4 of the bandwidth and they would have
9/(27+9)=1/4 of the bandwidth.  You would be able to download a
10Mbyte file in 13.3 seconds.  The system divides bandwidth up between
the connections so if you have more connections then you get more
bandwidth.  You could keep going with this but at some point the
overhead prevents further progress.  This is what some file download
manager programs do.  This is part of what makes bittorrent so

Meanwhile your coworkers might be a little bit upset that you were
starving them out.  In response they might start doing the same thing
and running a parallel download manager.  This becomes an arms race
with all sides trying to get more 

Re: Virtualbox 64 bit guest option is missing

2012-08-23 Thread Artifex Maximus
On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 1:45 AM, Greg Madden wrote:

 On Wednesday 22 August 2012 10:21:50 am Artifex Maximus wrote:

 Virtualbox on my Wheezy x86_64 is not showing 64 bit for guest and
 guest x86_64 OS installer displays CPU mismatch error. My CPU is a
 E5200 which does not have VT support. Virtualbox page says On 64-bit
 hosts (which typically come with hardware virtualization support),
 64-bit guest operating systems are always supported regardless of
 settings, so you can simply install a 64-bit operating system in the
 guest.. It is not clear for me that 64 bit host is enough or VT is
 required for 64 bit guests.

 The question is I need to upgrade my CPU to any VT capable CPU or is
 there any solution staying at the current CPU? If I change the CPU am
 I need to reinstall Virtualbox?


 I think you have the answser, afaik, you can not run 64bit guests without vt
 support. So, will 32 bit guests be enough for your use?

Thank you. Looks like I have to buy a new CPU with VT. Unfortunately
32 bit is not enough for me as I would like to test 64 bit systems
within my Virtualbox.

 VT-x/AMD-v cpus are the way to go. It was a substantial increase in 
 when I upgraded. I know AMD advertises multiple cores for virtualization.

I look for some E8xxx CPU. It has higher FSB and clock speed than mine
which is a plus.


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Re: Logging ISP Download Speed.

2012-08-23 Thread lina
On Thursday 23,August,2012 03:34 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:
 lina wrote:
 Once I used the wget to download one file from debian repository, on
 another terminal I with to use the wget to get another file at the same
 time from the same repository.
 And if you needed both files then that seems fine to me.
 I was discouraged to do that, and was also told that, two wget
 downloading would deduce the downloading speed, I should have waited one
 finished before download another one.
 *Should* is too strong.  It doesn't hurt anything to download two
  files at the same time.  Or three.  A hundred is probably too many
  though.  But really there isn't any difference in the overall results
 It's happened two years ago, but I still remembered that suggestions.
 Even later in my life I still download two or more at the same time.
 Sure.  I often have multiple things happening at the same time.  It is
 why I use a multitasking operating system.
 Here my question is that, is it true that open two wget will affect the
 downloading speed? better one by one, just suspect it.
 Let's assume you have a 1.0 Mbit/s download connection.  Because it
 makes the math easier.  And assume you need a 1.0 Mbyte file.  With no
 other overhead it will take aproximately 10 seconds to download.
 Now let's assume that you download two of those files at the same
 time.  You still only have 1.0Mbit/s download speed.  But now you are
 downloading 2.0Mbytes of data in total.  Obviously the total download
 will take aproximately 20 seconds to download.
 If you ran them sequentually then the first one would finish in 10
 seconds and then the second one would start and it would finish 10
 seconds later.  So it would take 20 seconds in total for both to
 download both of those files.
 If you ran them both at the same time then neither would be able to
 get the full 1.0Mbit/s download speed.  It should balance out between
 them and each would get about 0.5Mbit/s download speed.  Which would
 double the amount of time each would take.  Each would take about 20
 seconds to download those files but both are running at the same
 time.  So once again it would take 20 seconds in total for both to
 download those files.  No difference!
 Now if you needed *one* of those files first then you would download
 it first and not start any of the others until you had what you needed
 first.  You would prioritize.  You would get the high priority items
 first.  Because then in 10 seconds you would have something you needed
 first.  You would hold off the lower priority items that could wait to
 get the ones that you wanted soonest.
 Hopefully all of that makes sense and enables you to do whatever makes
 the most sense at that moment in time.  If the bottleneck in speed is
 your local network connection to the Internet then you would whatever
 you wanted to make your task easiest.
 Now here is a twist.  This is a obtuse thing but useful to know about.
 If the bottleneck is competition with other people then the situation
 is different.  Let's say you are working at a small business or school
 or coffee shop along with nine other people for ten total people
 downloading things.  There is still a 1.0Mbit/s download capacity.
 But now ten people are using it.  So you are only getting 0.1Mbit/s
 download speed.  Getting that 1.0Mbyte file now takes 100 seconds
 instead of 10 seconds.  Because nine others, all ten of you in total,
 are all downloading all at the same time and the system is sharing the
 bandwidth across all of you.  So now it takes 100 seconds.
 Now here is the twist.  If you can split that file up into nine parts
 and then start nine downloads in parallel you will get the total
 1Mbyte file downloaded in 50 seconds.  That is now twice as fast as
 the 100 second case!  The system doesn't know about users.  The system
 knows about download connections.  If you have nine downloads going at
 once but your nine other coworkers each have one that is 18 total
 downloads going at once.  The system will share the bandwidth across
 all 18 of those.  But 9 of those are yours and 9 belong to the rest of
 your coworkers.  So you are getting half of the available bandwidth
 and starving your coworkers out of their fair share.
 Better if you split the file into 27 parts and ran 27 downloads in
 parallel then you would have 27 and your coworkers would have 9 and
 you would have 27/(27+9)=3/4 of the bandwidth and they would have
 9/(27+9)=1/4 of the bandwidth.  You would be able to download a
 10Mbyte file in 13.3 seconds.  The system divides bandwidth up between
 the connections so if you have more connections then you get more
 bandwidth.  You could keep going with this but at some point the
 overhead prevents further progress.  This is what some file download
 manager programs do.  This is part of what makes bittorrent so
 Meanwhile your coworkers might be a little bit upset that you were
 starving them out.  In response they 

Re: help with packaging (preinst scripts)

2012-08-23 Thread David Cho-Lerat

Hi Bob,

It sounds like you are trying to use a package installation in order
to do system configuration.

basically, to set up the software and all the system configuration
around it, yes.

That can work.  It seems seductive.  I
used to do it that way too.  But after having done it that way I now
do it differently.  There are just too many issues.  The task really
isn't a package installation so much as system configuration.  So now
I use a system configuration tool.

well, we're talking about just 15-20 servers tops, and the servers
are spread across several countries, with different sysadmin and
Operations teams. Sometimes I can access the servers myself,
sometimes I just send them the package and I don't really know
much about the target system.

I actually use my own system configuration tool.  I know it best.  But
in the larger world the standard tools are cfengine, puppet, chef.  I
recommend you look at puppet as the place to start.  There is a large
community around it and it is quite effective.

So that is my opinion and recommendation.  Avoid the problems of
working within a packaged space and instead use a system configuration
tool.  It is a much better match.  You will eventually change to it
anyway so you might as well get there sooner.  :-)
interesting, but not applicable for this particular package's context, I 

2. ssh-keygen with no user input (Enter passphrase)

No one has mentioned the ssh-keygen -N new_passphrase option yet.

thanks. the /dev/null stanza works as well.



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RE: Logging ISP Download Speed.

2012-08-23 Thread Bonno Bloksma

 Here my question is that, is it true that open two wget will affect 
 the downloading speed? better one by one, just suspect it.

 Let's assume you have a 1.0 Mbit/s download connection.  Because it 
 makes the math easier.  And assume you need a 1.0 Mbyte file.  With no 
 other overhead it will take aproximately 10 seconds to download.
 Now let's assume that you download two of those files at the same 
 time.  You still only have 1.0Mbit/s download speed.  But now you are 
 downloading 2.0Mbytes of data in total.  Obviously the total download 
 will take aproximately 20 seconds to download.
 If you ran them sequentually then the first one would finish in 10 
 seconds and then the second one would start and it would finish 10 
 seconds later.  So it would take 20 seconds in total for both to 
 download both of those files.
 If you ran them both at the same time then neither would be able to 
 get the full 1.0Mbit/s download speed.  It should balance out between 
 them and each would get about 0.5Mbit/s download speed.  Which would 
 double the amount of time each would take.  Each would take about 20 
 seconds to download those files but both are running at the same time.  
 So once again it would take 20 seconds in total for both to download 
 those files.  No difference!

One other thing to keep in mind. Usualy when downloading a file with a chatty 
protocol, one that needs to confirm downloading a block to the server before 
the next block is sent, the actual filetransfer wil not fill the full bandwith, 
in those cases a second download will fill up that available bandwith. I see 
that a lot when I transfer files via my VPN connection from my Windows PC 
from/to the Windows server.
With a WAN optimized file protocol that is filling the available bandwith 
starting a second download at the same time will not help.

Bonno Bloksma

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Re: Logging ISP Download Speed.

2012-08-23 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Mittwoch, 22. August 2012 schrieb Weaver:
  On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 04:39:46 -0700, Weaver wrote:
  On Aug 21, 2012, at 6:53 AM, Camaleón wrote:
  On Mon, 20 Aug 2012 13:37:43 -0700, Weaver wrote:
  I regularly log 40-47Kb/s on updates.. Cheers,
  And so do we all...
  Rick, careful when quoting...
  Yes, I understand this, Rick, but even with Cameleon's suggestion of
  downloading a larger file from Oracle's servers, at a quiet time of
  night, a 64 MB download (Mysql's community edition, X86_64) still
  takes one minute and seven seconds.
  Weaver, you don't have to center your attention on the time it takes
  but the download speed (KiB/MiB per second). As I said, using Oracle
  servers I can get up to 10 MiB/s which is the best number I have
  ever got.
  I understand also, that many can't get these speeds, but when you
  are paying for 100MB/s and not even getting ADSL1 speeds, the ethic
  bothers me.
  That's a common feeling from users with high speed links, but there
  is not much we can do, simply put: todays Internet is not prepared
  for providing that speeds but in counted sites/hosts :-(
  Anyway, remember that you are paying for 100 Mbps that is around 12
 If you are referring to the download I mention, it's not even 1 MB/s.
  I've worked for myself, predominantly, since the age of 17 and no
  client would ever be able to say that they got short-changed by me.
  It's unethical business, pure and simple. This goes against the
  Can you please provide the results of this speed test?
  I get:
  Ping: 3 ms
  Download: 86.09 Mbps
  Upload: 9.96 Mbps
 I get:
 Ping: 69 ms
 Download: 27.71 Mb/s
 Upload: 2.28 Mb/s

For comparision DSL 18000 + 1 MBit Upload speed:

M-Net in Germany, Nuremberg

Ping: 28 ms
Download: 12,32 Mbps
Upload: 1,06 Mbps

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
GPG: 03B0 0D6C 0040 0710 4AFA  B82F 991B EAAC A599 84C7

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Re: compressor

2012-08-23 Thread Gaël DONVAL
Le mercredi 22 août 2012 à 12:52 -0400, Gary Dale a écrit :
 I find that .lzma does a pretty good job and isn't too slow.

My 2 cents:

LZMA/LZMA2 is indeed a good choice if you want best compression: it
should work with almost anything (except already compressed streams such
as videos, images, sounds, obviously).

For text files however, you could try the PPMd algorithm which performs
equally well as LZMA but for a fraction of memory/time LZMA uses. But it
sucks for almost everything else than text.

A warning: xz -9e might increase a LOT the compression time for almost
NO size reduction compared to the defaults. Also keep in mind that the
compression algorithm uses more memory when the compression level
increases: for big datasets, you will run out of memory if you are too

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Re: Logging ISP Download Speed.

2012-08-23 Thread Weaver

 Am Mittwoch, 22. August 2012 schrieb Weaver:
  On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 04:39:46 -0700, Weaver wrote:
  On Aug 21, 2012, at 6:53 AM, Camaleón wrote:
  On Mon, 20 Aug 2012 13:37:43 -0700, Weaver wrote:
  I regularly log 40-47Kb/s on updates.. Cheers,
  And so do we all...
  Rick, careful when quoting...
  Yes, I understand this, Rick, but even with Cameleon's suggestion of
  downloading a larger file from Oracle's servers, at a quiet time of
  night, a 64 MB download (Mysql's community edition, X86_64) still
  takes one minute and seven seconds.
  Weaver, you don't have to center your attention on the time it takes
  but the download speed (KiB/MiB per second). As I said, using Oracle
  servers I can get up to 10 MiB/s which is the best number I have
  ever got.
  I understand also, that many can't get these speeds, but when you
  are paying for 100MB/s and not even getting ADSL1 speeds, the ethic
  bothers me.
  That's a common feeling from users with high speed links, but there
  is not much we can do, simply put: todays Internet is not prepared
  for providing that speeds but in counted sites/hosts :-(
  Anyway, remember that you are paying for 100 Mbps that is around 12

 If you are referring to the download I mention, it's not even 1 MB/s.

  I've worked for myself, predominantly, since the age of 17 and no
  client would ever be able to say that they got short-changed by me.
  It's unethical business, pure and simple. This goes against the
  Can you please provide the results of this speed test?
  I get:
  Ping: 3 ms
  Download: 86.09 Mbps
  Upload: 9.96 Mbps

 I get:

 Ping: 69 ms
 Download: 27.71 Mb/s
 Upload: 2.28 Mb/s

 For comparision DSL 18000 + 1 MBit Upload speed:

 M-Net in Germany, Nuremberg

 Ping: 28 ms
 Download: 12,32 Mbps
 Upload: 1,06 Mbps

There are meny points of comparison.

I'm paying 83.5878 Euros.

As long as things like videos didn't have to stop and buffer two or three
time while I was watching them, I could be quite happy.
If I was getting an ADSL1 service and that's all I was paying for, I would
be quite happy.

But that is not the situationyet.

It's the deal they are about to be hit with.
If that's all the product they are prepared to deliver, that's all they
will get paid for.

I invite you to name a society that created a secret prison
 system, outside the rule of law, where torture takes place,
 that sooner or later didn't turn the abuse against it's own
 citizens. -- Naomi Wolf - October 11, 2007

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Re: Logging ISP Download Speed.

2012-08-23 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Donnerstag, 23. August 2012 schrieb Weaver:
  Am Mittwoch, 22. August 2012 schrieb Weaver:
   On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 04:39:46 -0700, Weaver wrote:
   On Aug 21, 2012, at 6:53 AM, Camaleón wrote:
   I understand also, that many can't get these speeds, but when you
   are paying for 100MB/s and not even getting ADSL1 speeds, the
   ethic bothers me.
   That's a common feeling from users with high speed links, but
   there is not much we can do, simply put: todays Internet is not
   prepared for providing that speeds but in counted sites/hosts :-(
   Anyway, remember that you are paying for 100 Mbps that is around
   12 MiB/s.
  If you are referring to the download I mention, it's not even 1
   I've worked for myself, predominantly, since the age of 17 and no
   client would ever be able to say that they got short-changed by
   me. It's unethical business, pure and simple. This goes against
   the grain.
   Can you please provide the results of this speed test?
   I get:
   Ping: 3 ms
   Download: 86.09 Mbps
   Upload: 9.96 Mbps
  I get:
  Ping: 69 ms
  Download: 27.71 Mb/s
  Upload: 2.28 Mb/s
  For comparision DSL 18000 + 1 MBit Upload speed:
  M-Net in Germany, Nuremberg
  Ping: 28 ms
  Download: 12,32 Mbps
  Upload: 1,06 Mbps
 There are meny points of comparison.
 I'm paying 83.5878 Euros.

I am paying not even half of this ;). Its about 35 Euro.

For 80 Euros I would expect something more than this as well.

 As long as things like videos didn't have to stop and buffer two or
 three time while I was watching them, I could be quite happy.
 If I was getting an ADSL1 service and that's all I was paying for, I
 would be quite happy.

Yes, of course. Didn´t want to imply otherwise.

Actually I think the figures I get are quite close to what I pay for. 
Download could be a bit faster maybe, but its a better relation than 27 to 
100 Mbps.

But then the server have to deliver the bandwidth as well as each hop in 
between. This becomes more difficult the higher the bandwidth is. As you are 
for sure not the only one streaming videos from the net ;).

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
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Re: compressor

2012-08-23 Thread Jon Dowland
On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 04:44:38PM -0600, Bob Proulx wrote:
 Jon Dowland wrote:
  linux-3.6-rc2.tar.bz2  78M  
  linux-3.6-rc2.tar.gz   99M  
  linux-3.6-rc2.tar.xz   65M
   linux-3.6-rc2.tar.lz   66M
 I think lzip is worthy enough that it should have a mention too.  It
 has gotten less attention than xz and that is sad since it is a nice
 free software tool.  I recompressed that file using lzip for this

Thanks for the data (mashed/reformatted into quote above). I copied the
listings from the archives, so the choice of compression types
was theirs (although I hadn't heard of lzip, thanks!)

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Re: compressor

2012-08-23 Thread Jon Dowland
On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 03:43:24PM +, Camaleón wrote:
 On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 21:40:36 +0800, lina wrote:
  Basically which compressor is the most efficient one.
 Ha, that's like asking what do clouds smell like? :-)

Remember to run your chosen compression algorithm at least twice!

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Re: Virtualbox 64 bit guest option is missing

2012-08-23 Thread Darac Marjal
On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 08:21:50PM +0200, Artifex Maximus wrote:
 Virtualbox on my Wheezy x86_64 is not showing 64 bit for guest and
 guest x86_64 OS installer displays CPU mismatch error. My CPU is a
 E5200 which does not have VT support. Virtualbox page says On 64-bit
 hosts (which typically come with hardware virtualization support),
 64-bit guest operating systems are always supported regardless of
 settings, so you can simply install a 64-bit operating system in the
 guest.. It is not clear for me that 64 bit host is enough or VT is
 required for 64 bit guests.
 The question is I need to upgrade my CPU to any VT capable CPU or is
 there any solution staying at the current CPU? If I change the CPU am
 I need to reinstall Virtualbox?

When you specify the guest operating system type, do you have the option
for 64-bit OSes? When creating a new Virtual machine, if you select,
say, Debian, you'll get a 32-bit virtual processor. What you need to
do is select Debian (64-bit), if available, and then your guest can
access the 64-bit capabilities.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Virtualbox 64 bit guest option is missing

2012-08-23 Thread Jon Dowland
On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 08:21:50PM +0200, Artifex Maximus wrote:
 Virtualbox on my Wheezy x86_64

Are you running both of

 • a 64bit kernel (I guess yes, given above)
 • the 64bit version of virtualbox (not the 32bit one on top of 64bit kernel)

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Re: Virtualbox 64 bit guest option is missing

2012-08-23 Thread Artifex Maximus
On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 12:49 PM, Darac Marjal wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 08:21:50PM +0200, Artifex Maximus wrote:

 Virtualbox on my Wheezy x86_64 is not showing 64 bit for guest and
 guest x86_64 OS installer displays CPU mismatch error. My CPU is a
 E5200 which does not have VT support. Virtualbox page says On 64-bit
 hosts (which typically come with hardware virtualization support),
 64-bit guest operating systems are always supported regardless of
 settings, so you can simply install a 64-bit operating system in the
 guest.. It is not clear for me that 64 bit host is enough or VT is
 required for 64 bit guests.

 The question is I need to upgrade my CPU to any VT capable CPU or is
 there any solution staying at the current CPU? If I change the CPU am
 I need to reinstall Virtualbox?

 When you specify the guest operating system type, do you have the option
 for 64-bit OSes? When creating a new Virtual machine, if you select,
 say, Debian, you'll get a 32-bit virtual processor. What you need to
 do is select Debian (64-bit), if available, and then your guest can
 access the 64-bit capabilities.

There is no such 64-bit entry.


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Re: Virtualbox 64 bit guest option is missing

2012-08-23 Thread Artifex Maximus
On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 12:58 PM, Jon Dowland wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 08:21:50PM +0200, Artifex Maximus wrote:

 Virtualbox on my Wheezy x86_64

 Are you running both of

  • a 64bit kernel (I guess yes, given above)

Yes, latest.

  • the 64bit version of virtualbox (not the 32bit one on top of 64bit kernel)

I am using Virtualbox from Debian packages installed with aptitude
which I think 64 bit by default on 64 bit OS.


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Re: compressor

2012-08-23 Thread lina
On Thursday 23,August,2012 06:26 PM, Jon Dowland wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 03:43:24PM +, Camaleón wrote:
 On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 21:40:36 +0800, lina wrote:

 Basically which compressor is the most efficient one.

 Ha, that's like asking what do clouds smell like? :-)
 Remember to run your chosen compression algorithm at least twice!

Sorry, here you mean,

once tar -Jcf a.tar.xz a

tar -Jcf a.tar.xz a.tar.xz


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Re: Hacked .htaccess redirect to htttp://

2012-08-23 Thread Go Linux
--- On Thu, 8/23/12, shthead wrote:

 From: shthead
 Subject: Re: Hacked .htaccess redirect to htttp://
 Date: Thursday, August 23, 2012, 1:27 AM
 On 23/08/2012 3:32 AM, Dr Beco
  One of my sites, that has joomla (and not wordpress)
 also got hacked (again).
 Is your Joomla along with all components/skins etc. up to
 date? Many of the hacked sites I look at are not up to

You are not alone. Noy long ago my webhost posted an announcement about Joomla 
and Wordpress sites on their servers getting hacked.  Make sure you're updated 
to the latest version.

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Re: Changing to digest form

2012-08-23 Thread Mike McClain
On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 03:16:01PM -0600, Bob Proulx wrote:
 I have come to the conclusion that humans are intrinsically bad at
 communication.  Apparently it isn't common sense.  Apparently it does
 actually require the person to put some effort into learning how to
 interact with others.  I wonder if we will ever master it?  Na.
 Probably not.  File it as a wishlist bug and tag it as wontfix. :-)

Bob you're being too impatient, why only 3000 years ago everyone who
wasn't family was a deadly enemy. Admitedly in some parts of the world
you can substitute tribe for family and claim it's still true but where
I live my neighbors are from all over and we hardly ever shoot at each 
other. So tag your wishlist as 'to be fixed later', after all your glass
is really half full.

If you woke up this morning count your blessings.
Tomorrow may be different.

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Re (2): alsa-base breaks linux-sound-base

2012-08-23 Thread peasthope
Hello Charles,

From:   Charles Kroeger
Date:   Thu, 23 Aug 2012 00:49:53 -0500
 I don't use Gnome or pulseaudio, removed pulseaudio last year.
 It's a damn mystery.

Appears this may also be related to 
which is unresolved at this time.

Regards,  ... Peter E.

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Telephone +13606390202.  Bcc: peter at 

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hibernate: swap on SSD = not fast

2012-08-23 Thread hvw59601


Mindful of what Stan Hoeppner in various posts has written about SSD I 
thought I'd put swap on an SSD I installed (Samsung SSD 830 128GB) in 
order to get superfast hibernate.

Surprise: it is slower than usual and the disk light is on.

swap is here:

+ cat /proc/swaps
/dev/sdb3   partition   19535036 
0   -1

which is on SSD:

/dev/sdb3: LABEL=SSD830.03 UUID=ede71620-d8fa-47fd-8aee-0e8b37f9e982 


and this is the kernel cmdline:

BOOT_IMAGE=/SDB2.boot/vmlinuz-3.4.7-nodeb-amd64 root=LABEL=SSD830.02 ro 
vga=791 nouveau.modeset=0 resume=LABEL=SSD830.03

Is there an explanation of this? It takes about 20s. to hibernate when 
swap is on SSD.


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Samba 4 on Debian Wheezy

2012-08-23 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd


I am new to the list, and I speak a little english.

Anyone has tried to implement samba4 in Debian Wheezy?

Samba 4 was included in the frozen packages for stable. Although Samba 4 
is a beta version, the samba official site encourage to test the new 
version to familiarice with it and report bugs.

I am investigating this new version that provides Active Directory 
functionality. I have installed the samba4 packages and provisioned 
samba using debconf. Samba 4 starts but when I test the instalation 
accord to the official howto:

 smbclient -L localhost -U%

I get this error:

 Failed to connect to ncacn_np:localhost - NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY
 REWRITE: list servers not implemented

The howto says that this error is solved deleting the file 

However, Debian ships Samba 4 with their files in a different location. 
Debian writes a file /var/run/ I think that this 
is the same from howto, but I am not sure.

Anyone that knows more about the official samba 4 packages? Any hint?



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2012-08-23 Thread lina

I read the man dpkg,

and didn't think too much, just tried the

  dpkg --clear-selections

and then the dpkg --get-selections shows

root@Debian:/home/lina# dpkg --get-selections | grep deinstall | wc -l
root@Debian:/home/lina# dpkg --get-selections | grep   install | wc -l

I feel I am in trouble again, don't know how to recover/restore.
kinda of very silly though, but is it very dangerous?

Thanks ahead,

Best regards,

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Re: dpkg

2012-08-23 Thread Lars Noodén
On 8/23/12 7:31 PM, lina wrote:
 I read the man dpkg,
 and didn't think too much, just tried the
   dpkg --clear-selections
 and then the dpkg --get-selections shows
 root@Debian:/home/lina# dpkg --get-selections | grep deinstall | wc -l
 root@Debian:/home/lina# dpkg --get-selections | grep   install | wc -l

This will give you a more accurate picture of what is there:

dpkg --get-selections | awk '$2 == install { print }'

Less to worry about that way.


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Wheezy installer problems

2012-08-23 Thread Martin Smith

I downloaded today an AMD64 wheezy CD1, a couple of problems:
It locks up on detect network hardware, and if I try an expert install 
and avoid the network bit it gets as far as starting up the partitioner 
40% and stops again.

It is

On a Sony Vaio VGN-SR41M which actually runs squeeze, very nicely, but 
on another drive.

Are there any workarounds for this errant behaviour? Or do I have to 
wait for a fix?



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Re: dpkg

2012-08-23 Thread lina
On Friday 24,August,2012 12:35 AM, Lars Noodén wrote:
 On 8/23/12 7:31 PM, lina wrote:

 I read the man dpkg,

 and didn't think too much, just tried the

   dpkg --clear-selections

 and then the dpkg --get-selections shows

 root@Debian:/home/lina# dpkg --get-selections | grep deinstall | wc -l
 root@Debian:/home/lina# dpkg --get-selections | grep   install | wc -l
 This will give you a more accurate picture of what is there:
   dpkg --get-selections | awk '$2 == install { print }'
 Less to worry about that way.

I am not familiar with dpkg,

now I tried the aptitude, during updating it showed me something like:

Unpacking replacement nautilus ...
Selecting previously *unselected package* mplayer.
Preparing to replace mplayer 3:1.1-dmo5 (using
.../mplayer_3%3a1.1-dmo6_amd64.deb) .

only the newly-updated ones shows me install.

What was a bit worse is that I even tried the dpkg --set-selections
it chocked there, so I just quited.



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Re: dpkg

2012-08-23 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Vi, 24 aug 12, 00:31:23, lina wrote:
 I read the man dpkg,
 and didn't think too much, just tried the
   dpkg --clear-selections
 and then the dpkg --get-selections shows
 root@Debian:/home/lina# dpkg --get-selections | grep deinstall | wc -l
 root@Debian:/home/lina# dpkg --get-selections | grep   install | wc -l
 I feel I am in trouble again, don't know how to recover/restore.
 kinda of very silly though, but is it very dangerous?

Let's see what apt/itude thinks of this. Please post the output of 

apt-get install -s


aptitude install -s

(-s stands for 'simulate' for both apt-get and aptitude)

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Changing to digest form

2012-08-23 Thread Gary Roach

On 08/22/2012 02:16 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:

Gary Roach wrote:

I'm convinced. I'll stay with the normal list.



I just needed to get used to the difference.

I am so very used to seeing threaded message discussions that not
having those would drive me crazy.


I quit the digest because it broke for me.
This form takes a little longer to go through but not significantly

Are you using a threaded mailer?  I can only guess that you are not.
In which case you should try it.  It makes reading the mailing list
quite a pleasant experience.

And let me note that message threading is not what Gmail and MS call
conversations based upon subject.  That is yet a different way of
sorting messages.  One that is lacking in my not so humble opinion.

I'm using icedove. It does a good job of underlining or dropping down 
threads that are active. Any older threads, for which I have special 
interest , I just tag with a color. I found the out of order dates that 
are created a bit confusing at first but am now used to it.

Gary R.

I hope that this is the correct way to reply. I don't want to
clutter up Ralf's normal in box with debian messages.

It looks okay to me.  I see no fault with it.


I notice that a few of the lists messages are showing up in
mine. The filter doesn't catch them because they are directly from
the sender instead of from debian lists.

Are you talking about people who CC the original sender of the message
in addition to the mailing list?  That is against the mailing list
code of conduct which specifically says not to CC the sender too.  It
is a perpetual problem regardless.  When that happens you get a direct
copy along with the mailing list copy.  And the extra discussion
concerning it on the mailing list saying Please don't CC me as I read
the mailing list already.

For me it means that I need to verify that I got the message by the
mailing list too (which always comes later so I usually ignore it for
a while first) and that it wasn't a reply only to me.  So I can't just
ignore them.  I have to spend effort to determine what is going on
with the message and where it came from and how it got to me.  What a
pain!  And usually from people asking for help.  My editorial remark
is that if people want help then the easiest thing is to make it easy
to be helped and they will get more of it and of a higher quality too.

I have come to the conclusion that humans are intrinsically bad at
communication.  Apparently it isn't common sense.  Apparently it does
actually require the person to put some effort into learning how to
interact with others.  I wonder if we will ever master it?  Na.
Probably not.  File it as a wishlist bug and tag it as wontfix. :-)


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Re: Changing to digest form

2012-08-23 Thread Mike McClain
Hi Andrei,

On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 09:13:52AM +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 You can always subscribe to the relevant bug (too lazy to look up the 
 number for you).

Educate me please, how do you subscribe to a bug?

Satisfied user of Linux since 1997.
O ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail -

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Re: dpkg

2012-08-23 Thread lina
On Friday 24,August,2012 12:41 AM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Vi, 24 aug 12, 00:31:23, lina wrote:

 I read the man dpkg,

 and didn't think too much, just tried the

   dpkg --clear-selections

 and then the dpkg --get-selections shows

 root@Debian:/home/lina# dpkg --get-selections | grep deinstall | wc -l
 root@Debian:/home/lina# dpkg --get-selections | grep   install | wc -l

 I feel I am in trouble again, don't know how to recover/restore.
 kinda of very silly though, but is it very dangerous?
 Let's see what apt/itude thinks of this. Please post the output of 
 apt-get install -s

# apt-get install -s
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.

 aptitude install -s

# aptitude install -s
The following packages will be REMOVED:
  accountsservice acl acpi acpi-fakekey acpi-support acpi-support-base
  acpid acroread acroread-debian-files acroread-dictionary-en
  acroread-escript acroread-l10n-en adduser alien alsa-base alsa-utils
  anacron ant ant-optional anthy-common apache2-mpm-worker
  apache2-utils apache2.2-bin apache2.2-common apbs apg apmd apt

snip the long long list packages, as you can guess, more than 2000
packages will be removed

0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, *2811 to remove* and 1 not upgraded.
Need to get 0 B of archives. After unpacking 9,209 MB will be freed.
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 libgconf-2-4 : Depends: libc6 (= 2.4) but it is not going to be installed.

snip, with long listh of dependence problems.

 (-s stands for 'simulate' for both apt-get and aptitude)
I am in trouble, thanks for the helps.
 Kind regards,

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Re: Changing to digest form

2012-08-23 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Jo, 23 aug 12, 09:14:18, Mike McClain wrote:
 Hi Andrei,
 On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 09:13:52AM +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
  You can always subscribe to the relevant bug (too lazy to look up the 
  number for you).
 Educate me please, how do you subscribe to a bug?

or click on the relevant link at the top of the bug page.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: dpkg

2012-08-23 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Vi, 24 aug 12, 00:46:42, lina wrote:
  aptitude install -s
 # aptitude install -s
 The following packages will be REMOVED:
   accountsservice acl acpi acpi-fakekey acpi-support acpi-support-base
   acpid acroread acroread-debian-files acroread-dictionary-en
   acroread-escript acroread-l10n-en adduser alien alsa-base alsa-utils
   anacron ant ant-optional anthy-common apache2-mpm-worker
   apache2-utils apache2.2-bin apache2.2-common apbs apg apmd apt
 snip the long long list packages, as you can guess, more than 2000
 packages will be removed
 0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, *2811 to remove* and 1 not upgraded.
 Need to get 0 B of archives. After unpacking 9,209 MB will be freed.
 The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  libgconf-2-4 : Depends: libc6 (= 2.4) but it is not going to be installed.
 snip, with long listh of dependence problems.
  (-s stands for 'simulate' for both apt-get and aptitude)
 I am in trouble, thanks for the helps.


aptitude keep-all

and then again the

aptitude install -s

As far as I can tell this should fix it ;)

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: dpkg

2012-08-23 Thread lina
On Friday 24,August,2012 12:41 AM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Vi, 24 aug 12, 00:31:23, lina wrote:

 I read the man dpkg,

 and didn't think too much, just tried the

   dpkg --clear-selections

 and then the dpkg --get-selections shows

 root@Debian:/home/lina# dpkg --get-selections | grep deinstall | wc -l
 root@Debian:/home/lina# dpkg --get-selections | grep   install | wc -l

 I feel I am in trouble again, don't know how to recover/restore.
 kinda of very silly though, but is it very dangerous?
 Let's see what apt/itude thinks of this. Please post the output of 
 apt-get install -s
 aptitude install -s
 (-s stands for 'simulate' for both apt-get and aptitude)

I tried
# dpkg --get-selections | sed 's/deinstall/install/g' | dpkg

Now all shows me install. even the former few ones shows me uninstall.

 Kind regards,

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Re: Wheezy installer problems

2012-08-23 Thread Brian
On Thu 23 Aug 2012 at 17:21:38 +0100, Martin Smith wrote:

 I downloaded today an AMD64 wheezy CD1, a couple of problems:
 It locks up on detect network hardware, and if I try an expert
 install and avoid the network bit it gets as far as starting up the
 partitioner 40% and stops again.
 It is
 On a Sony Vaio VGN-SR41M which actually runs squeeze, very nicely,
 but on another drive.
 Are there any workarounds for this errant behaviour? Or do I have to
 wait for a fix?

Please read some of the posts in debian-boot for the past week or so.
I'll start you off with this one:

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Re: dpkg

2012-08-23 Thread lina
On Friday 24,August,2012 12:55 AM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Vi, 24 aug 12, 00:46:42, lina wrote:

 aptitude install -s

 # aptitude install -s
 The following packages will be REMOVED:
   accountsservice acl acpi acpi-fakekey acpi-support acpi-support-base
   acpid acroread acroread-debian-files acroread-dictionary-en
   acroread-escript acroread-l10n-en adduser alien alsa-base alsa-utils
   anacron ant ant-optional anthy-common apache2-mpm-worker
   apache2-utils apache2.2-bin apache2.2-common apbs apg apmd apt

 snip the long long list packages, as you can guess, more than 2000
 packages will be removed

 0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, *2811 to remove* and 1 not upgraded.
 Need to get 0 B of archives. After unpacking 9,209 MB will be freed.
 The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  libgconf-2-4 : Depends: libc6 (= 2.4) but it is not going to be installed.

 snip, with long listh of dependence problems.

 (-s stands for 'simulate' for both apt-get and aptitude)

 I am in trouble, thanks for the helps.
 aptitude keep-all
 and then again the
 aptitude install -s
 As far as I can tell this should fix it ;)

Thank you very much.

Half an hours ago I told myself that I should go out to take a rest, but
at that time I still wanna do something, so just read the

at that page mentioned the dpkg -l, so I started to read the man dpkg

Poor me, in some minutes I did feel a strong sense of worry.

I do love this list very much.

With all the best wishes,
 Kind regards,

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Re: Wheezy installer problems

2012-08-23 Thread Martin Smith

On 23/08/2012 17:58, Brian wrote:

On Thu 23 Aug 2012 at 17:21:38 +0100, Martin Smith wrote:

I downloaded today an AMD64 wheezy CD1, a couple of problems:
It locks up on detect network hardware, and if I try an expert
install and avoid the network bit it gets as far as starting up the
partitioner 40% and stops again.

It is

On a Sony Vaio VGN-SR41M which actually runs squeeze, very nicely,
but on another drive.

Are there any workarounds for this errant behaviour? Or do I have to
wait for a fix?

Please read some of the posts in debian-boot for the past week or so.
I'll start you off with this one:

Thanks for that info!


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Re: Wheezy installer problems

2012-08-23 Thread Brian
On Thu 23 Aug 2012 at 19:01:52 +0100, Martin Smith wrote:

 Thanks for that info!

Depending on the newness of the hardware you may be as well off with an
image from

It doesn't have the problem of the beta. Love the ceramics.

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