Re: problème de routage avec 2 interfaces réseau

2013-01-05 Thread Max@list
On 04/01/2013 20:21, moi-meme wrote:
 Le Fri, 04 Jan 2013 19:50:01 +0100, Bernard Schoenacker a écrit :

 Le Fri, 4 Jan 2013 17:55:50 +0100,
 Boiteux Frederic a écrit :

 Salut « moi-même »,

   Il est possible d'avoir 2 routes par défaut (ou plus !), une pour
 chaque interface, et de définir une priorité lorsque les deux existent
 (avec la « métrique »), j'ai fait cela sur mon portable pour avoir ce
 genre de config, et je crois que c'est ce que fait également
 network-manager... C'est juste un peu cryptique / peu documenté,
 j'essaierai de te trouver plus d'infos et je le posterai ici...


 -Message d'origine-
 De : [] De la part de
 moi-meme Envoyé : jeudi 3 janvier 2013 19:18 À : Objet : problème de routage avec 2
 interfaces réseau

 J'ai mon Raspberry avec une Raspbian dedans (je reste en charte).

 J'ai une clé wifi et une RJ45 branchés.

 Les deux séparément fonctionnent sans problème. D'office je suis sur la
 Si je le débranche je perds la liaison.

 Si je boote avec le Wifi seul c'est lui qui a la route par défaut.

 En fait j'ai un route par défaut qui utilise le RJ45. Une seule route
 par défaut (ce qui semble normal).

 Les deux liaisons sont configurées en IP fixe via

 Comment je fais pour garder la liaison en cas de changement de mode ?

 Merci d'avance

  serait il possible d'obtenir le début du fichier interfaces ?

  normalement il est possible d'activer hotplug pour l'un et 

  exemple :
  allow-hotplug eth0

 à votre service : 

 auto lo

 iface lo inet loopback
 #iface eth0 inet dhcp
 #iface eth0 inet static

 allow-hotplug eth0 wlan0
 iface wlan0 inet manual
 wpa-roam /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

 #iface default inet dhcp
 iface default inet static

 le wpa_supplicant.conf n'a que des infos WiFi.
 (J'ai désactivé eth0 provisoirement)

 Cerise sur le gâteau avec la même adresse IP quelle que soit l'interface.
 (je rêve peut-être)


Effectivement j'ai d'abord pensé à jouer avec la métrique (paquet

Mais ce que tu veux faire est en fait du bonding, en clair un failover
entre tes deux interfaces avec une même ip et passerelle, je te laisse
te documenter:

En espérant que ça t'aide

Accès aux mails via ActiveSync sous Linux

2013-01-05 Thread David BERCOT

Depuis déjà un bon moment, je recherche une solution pour accéder à mes
mails professionnels à partir d'un outil sous Debian (autrement, bien
entendu, que par une interface Web). L'objet, à terme, serait que ça
fonctionne avec Claws-Mail...

DavMail est très pratique pour accéder à un serveur Exchange en direct
mais, malheureusement, il ne fonctionne plus dès lors que seul le
protocole ActiveSync est disponible... C'est inscrit dans sa roadmap
mais cela risque de prendre du temps avant que ce soit réellement

J'avoue avoir du mal à comprendre pourquoi cela ne pose aucun problème
sur les smartphones mais que rien n'existe à partir de Linux (je
suppose que, en plus des problèmes de licence, il doit me manquer
quelques éléments techniques ;-)).

Bref, j'ai peut-être loupé quelque chose et je me demandais si
quelqu'un avait expérimenté un quelconque outil exotique qui ferait ce
travail (dans un premier temps, seul la partie mail m'intéresse)...

Merci d'avance.


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Re: Accès aux mails via ActiveSync sous Linux

2013-01-05 Thread Bzzz
On Sat, 5 Jan 2013 12:57:30 +0100
David BERCOT wrote:

 DavMail est très pratique pour accéder à un serveur Exchange en direct
 mais, malheureusement, il ne fonctionne plus dès lors que seul le
 protocole ActiveSync est disponible... 

Pas précise ta question.

Si c'est pour de l'activesync, cherche Z-Push
si c'est pour du syncML, cherche Funambol

Sinon la plus part des groupwares sont capable de synchroniser 
les e-mails, pas toujours dans tous les standards et des fois ils
intègrent leur propres serveurs IMAP et SMTP.
E-groupware devrait faire les deux en utilisant l'existant.

CL quelqu'un connaitrait une commande pour lancer l'impression d'une page
 vide par hasard ?
C Alors, tu ouvres word, puis tu fais fichier-importer-scanner
C Tu place une feuille blanche dans le scanner, puis tu scan la feuille
C Ensuite tu fais fichier-envoyez par email
C tu te l'envoie
C puis dans outlook, tu prend le mail et tu fais imprimez la piece jointe

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Re: Accès aux mails via ActiveSync sous Linux

2013-01-05 Thread David BERCOT
Le Sat, 5 Jan 2013 15:09:34 +0100,
Bzzz a écrit :
On Sat, 5 Jan 2013 12:57:30 +0100
David BERCOT wrote:
 DavMail est très pratique pour accéder à un serveur Exchange en
 direct mais, malheureusement, il ne fonctionne plus dès lors que
 seul le protocole ActiveSync est disponible... 

Pas précise ta question.

Si c'est pour de l'activesync, cherche Z-Push
si c'est pour du syncML, cherche Funambol

Sinon la plus part des groupwares sont capable de synchroniser 
les e-mails, pas toujours dans tous les standards et des fois ils
intègrent leur propres serveurs IMAP et SMTP.
E-groupware devrait faire les deux en utilisant l'existant.

Bon, alors je peux essayer de préciser...

Donc, j'ai un serveur Exchange 2010 qui est accessible uniquement via
un navigateur Web ou en ActiveSync (par Androïd par exemple), mais où
EWS n'est pas activé...
Mon but est de pouvoir accéder à mes mails à partir de mon poste Debian
comme s'il s'agissait d'un serveur IMAP/SMTP classique.

Est-ce plus précis que précédemment ?



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Re: Accès aux mails via ActiveSync sous Linux

2013-01-05 Thread Bzzz
On Sat, 5 Jan 2013 15:33:43 +0100
David BERCOT wrote:

 Donc, j'ai un serveur Exchange 2010 qui est accessible uniquement via
 un navigateur Web ou en ActiveSync (par Androïd par exemple), mais où
 EWS n'est pas activé...
 Mon but est de pouvoir accéder à mes mails à partir de mon poste Debian
 comme s'il s'agissait d'un serveur IMAP/SMTP classique.

Si je ne me trompes, Z-push devrait aller, mais ça ne sera pas de
l'accès direct, ça sera: poste+copie_locale_synchronisée-ZP-svr

In breeding cattle you need one bull for every twenty-five cows, unless
the cows are known sluts.
-- Johnny Carson

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Re: Accès aux mails via ActiveSync sous Linux

2013-01-05 Thread Jean-Jacques Doti

Le 05/01/2013 15:33, David BERCOT a écrit :

On Sat, 5 Jan 2013 12:57:30 +0100 David BERCOT wrote:

DavMail est très pratique pour accéder à un serveur Exchange en
direct mais, malheureusement, il ne fonctionne plus dès lors que
seul le protocole ActiveSync est disponible...

Bon, alors je peux essayer de préciser...

Donc, j'ai un serveur Exchange 2010 qui est accessible uniquement via
un navigateur Web ou en ActiveSync (par Androïd par exemple), mais où
EWS n'est pas activé...
Mon but est de pouvoir accéder à mes mails à partir de mon poste Debian
comme s'il s'agissait d'un serveur IMAP/SMTP classique.

Est-ce plus précis que précédemment ?


Si tes mails sont accessibles via un navigateur, il y a des chances que 
l'accès via EWS soit possible. Il existe des extensions/plugins EWS pour 
icedove/thunderbird et evolution (je n'ai pas vraiment testé pour ce 
dernier) : regarde dans les dépôts et dans les extensions disponible sur 
le site de mozilla.

Une autre solution (que j'utilise de façon régulière) est d'utiliser 
davmail ( : il s'agit d'une sorte de 
proxy qui se connecte sur le serveur Exchange en EWS et propose, du côté 
client, des connecteurs IMAP/SMTP/LDAP/CalDAV. C'est écrit en Java, mais 
ce n'est pas très lourd et ça fonctionne plutôt pas mal.


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Re: Accès aux mails via ActiveSync sous Linux

2013-01-05 Thread David BERCOT
Le Sat, 05 Jan 2013 17:16:32 +0100,
Jean-Jacques Doti a écrit :
Le 05/01/2013 15:33, David BERCOT a écrit :
 On Sat, 5 Jan 2013 12:57:30 +0100 David BERCOT
 DavMail est très pratique pour accéder à un serveur Exchange en
 direct mais, malheureusement, il ne fonctionne plus dès lors que
 seul le protocole ActiveSync est disponible...

 Bon, alors je peux essayer de préciser...

 Donc, j'ai un serveur Exchange 2010 qui est accessible uniquement via
 un navigateur Web ou en ActiveSync (par Androïd par exemple), mais où
 EWS n'est pas activé...
 Mon but est de pouvoir accéder à mes mails à partir de mon poste
 Debian comme s'il s'agissait d'un serveur IMAP/SMTP classique.

 Est-ce plus précis que précédemment ?

Si tes mails sont accessibles via un navigateur, il y a des chances
que l'accès via EWS soit possible. Il existe des extensions/plugins
EWS pour icedove/thunderbird et evolution (je n'ai pas vraiment testé
pour ce dernier) : regarde dans les dépôts et dans les extensions
disponible sur le site de mozilla.

Une autre solution (que j'utilise de façon régulière) est d'utiliser 
davmail ( : il s'agit d'une sorte de 
proxy qui se connecte sur le serveur Exchange en EWS et propose, du
côté client, des connecteurs IMAP/SMTP/LDAP/CalDAV. C'est écrit en
Java, mais ce n'est pas très lourd et ça fonctionne plutôt pas mal.

Mais justement, c'est bien là le problème : EWS n'est pas activé et
donc, je ne peux pas utiliser Davmail (qui m'est par ailleurs bien
utile)... Jean-Jacques, tu n'as pas bien lu mon message ;-)

Je vais creuser la piste indiquée par Bzzz, à savoir Z-push...


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Re: Accès aux mails via ActiveSync sous Linux

2013-01-05 Thread David BERCOT
Le Sat, 5 Jan 2013 15:40:10 +0100,
Bzzz a écrit :
On Sat, 5 Jan 2013 15:33:43 +0100
David BERCOT wrote:

 Donc, j'ai un serveur Exchange 2010 qui est accessible uniquement via
 un navigateur Web ou en ActiveSync (par Androïd par exemple), mais où
 EWS n'est pas activé...
 Mon but est de pouvoir accéder à mes mails à partir de mon poste
 Debian comme s'il s'agissait d'un serveur IMAP/SMTP classique.

Si je ne me trompes, Z-push devrait aller, mais ça ne sera pas de
l'accès direct, ça sera: poste+copie_locale_synchronisée-ZP-svr

Bon, j'ai fait quelques recherches et je n'ai pas l'impression (à moins
de ne pas être tombé sur les bons liens) que ça corresponde à ce que je

Quelques exemples :

Ce qui est expliqué dans ces articles, c'est justement comment mettre
en place l'équivalent d'un serveur ActivSync pour recevoir ses mails,
en push, sur son téléphone...

Moi, je cherche justement l'inverse : à partir d'un serveur ActiveSync
(qui me permet de recevoir mes mails sur mon téléphone), comment
recevoir mes mails dans un logiciel de messagerie standard...

Je vais faire des recherches complémentaires au cas où j'aurais loupé
quelque chose...


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Re: problème de routage avec 2 interfaces réseau

2013-01-05 Thread moi-meme
Le Sat, 05 Jan 2013 00:50:01 +0100, Pascal Hambourg a écrit :

 ifplugd doit pouvoir faire ce genre de chose aussi.

Network-manager a une interface graphique je crois ?
parce que le ne veuxpas ded  X.

je pense que je vais tenter la manip avec ifplugd..

J'ai d'autres trucs à tester avant sur mon Raspberry, je reviendrais dire 
le résultat.

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Re: Accès aux mails via ActiveSync sous Linux

2013-01-05 Thread Bzzz
On Sat, 5 Jan 2013 19:53:10 +0100
David BERCOT wrote:

 Bon, j'ai fait quelques recherches et je n'ai pas l'impression (à moins
 de ne pas être tombé sur les bons liens) que ça corresponde à ce que je

 Ce qui est expliqué dans ces articles, c'est justement comment mettre
 en place l'équivalent d'un serveur ActivSync pour recevoir ses mails,
 en push, sur son téléphone...

Oui, DSL j'ai fourché.
 Moi, je cherche justement l'inverse : à partir d'un serveur ActiveSync
 (qui me permet de recevoir mes mails sur mon téléphone), comment
 recevoir mes mails dans un logiciel de messagerie standard...

Ceci peut sans doute t'intéresser:

Ou bien sinon reste à soit utiliser w$8 en VM, soit installer
un émulateur Android avec l'appli qui va bien. Mais ça fait
plutôt lourdingue.

Tiens-nous au courant, parce que les problématique à la mord
moi le nœud comme ça sont malheureusement des choses qui se
multiplient. Donc avoir une solution sous la main est toujours
la bienvenue :)

Benji: hey !
Tom: ouais ?
Benji: tu viens d'où en fait ?
Tom: de Savoie
Benji: Mais lol ^^
Tom: Quoi ?
Tom: ...

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Re: Accès aux mails via ActiveSync sous Linux

2013-01-05 Thread David BERCOT
Le Sat, 5 Jan 2013 20:18:59 +0100,
Bzzz a écrit :
On Sat, 5 Jan 2013 19:53:10 +0100
David BERCOT wrote:

 Bon, j'ai fait quelques recherches et je n'ai pas l'impression (à
 moins de ne pas être tombé sur les bons liens) que ça corresponde à
 ce que je cherche...

 Ce qui est expliqué dans ces articles, c'est justement comment mettre
 en place l'équivalent d'un serveur ActivSync pour recevoir ses mails,
 en push, sur son téléphone...

Oui, DSL j'ai fourché.
 Moi, je cherche justement l'inverse : à partir d'un serveur
 ActiveSync (qui me permet de recevoir mes mails sur mon téléphone),
 comment recevoir mes mails dans un logiciel de messagerie

Ceci peut sans doute t'intéresser:

DavMail est l'outil que j'utilise au quotidien... en interne.
Malheureusement, il ne fonctionne plus dès que EWS est désactivé. Et
là, c'est le cas...

Ou bien sinon reste à soit utiliser w$8 en VM, soit installer
un émulateur Android avec l'appli qui va bien. Mais ça fait
plutôt lourdingue.

Tiens-nous au courant, parce que les problématique à la mord
moi le nœud comme ça sont malheureusement des choses qui se
multiplient. Donc avoir une solution sous la main est toujours
la bienvenue :)

Hum, j'ai peur de ne rien avoir pour l'instant... Si jamais je trouve,
je reviendrai ;-)


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Re: problème de routage avec 2 interfaces réseau

2013-01-05 Thread moi-meme
Le Sat, 05 Jan 2013 00:50:01 +0100, Pascal Hambourg a écrit :

 Boiteux Frederic a écrit :
   Il est possible d'avoir 2 routes par défaut (ou plus !), une pour
 chaque interface, et de définir une priorité lorsque les deux existent
 (avec la « métrique »)
 Certes, mais la route la moins prioritaire (avec la métrique la plus
 élevée) ne sera utilisée que si la route la plus prioritaire (avec la
 métrique la plus faible) est supprimée. Et pour cela il ne suffit pas de
 débrancher l'interface correspondante, ce qui ne change strictement
 rien à la table de routage : il faut soit désactiver l'interface, soit
 supprimer la route lorsqu'on détecte que la liaison est perdue. C'est ce
 que network manager fait ; ifplugd doit pouvoir faire ce genre de chose

ben j'ai essayé. 
pas probant.

Configuré pour les 2 interfaces  eth0 et wlan0

Le basculement wlan0 - eth0  impeccable.

Dans l'autre sens il faut réactiver wlan0 (ifdown/ifup) et ça ne marche 
pas à tous les coups.

Dans la doc Debian ils ne parlent que de eth0. Cela n'est peut-être pas 
valable pour du WiFi (ce que je constate)

Je vais abandonner la manip : trop de complications pour quelque chose 
qui ne servira quasiment jamais.

Merci pour les conseils.

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Re: Accès aux mails via ActiveSync sous Linux

2013-01-05 Thread Jean-Damien Durand
 Le Sat, 5 Jan 2013 20:18:59 +0100,
 DavMail est l'outil que j'utilise au quotidien... en interne.
 Malheureusement, il ne fonctionne plus dès que EWS est désactivé. Et
 là, c'est le cas...
 Ou bien sinon reste à soit utiliser w$8 en VM, soit installer
 un émulateur Android avec l'appli qui va bien. Mais ça fait
 plutôt lourdingue.
 Tiens-nous au courant, parce que les problématique à la mord
 moi le nœud comme ça sont malheureusement des choses qui se
 multiplient. Donc avoir une solution sous la main est toujours
 la bienvenue :)
 Hum, j'ai peur de ne rien avoir pour l'instant... Si jamais je trouve,
 je reviendrai ;-)

En espérant ne pas répondre a coté de la plaque, pour les KDE man, je pense a 
openchange (
Debian n'inclus pas le akonadi+exchange, depuis pas mal de temps 
(, dommage.

@+, JD.

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Kurs - Podstawy systemu Linux 2.

2013-01-05 Thread kzubik
Przed chwilka przeczytalem
o kolejnym spotkoaniu w TASK-u.

Termin. 7 stycznia, poniedzialek o godz. 10

Miejsce. Siedziba CI TASK, która znajduje się na 3 piętrze gmachu B
Wydziału ETI PG.

Udział w szkoleniu jest darmowy, należy go jednak wcześniej zgłosić drogą
mailową pod adresem:

W programie

łączenie ze zdalnym serwerem
powłoka linuksa
podstawowe operacje na plikach i procesach.

Do zajęć wymagany jest własny komputer przenośny (laptop, notebook,
tablet). Urządzenie musi mieć:

możliwość połączenia z siecią WiFi,
zainstalowany dowolny system operacyjny, na którym da się
uruchomić klienta SSH (np. putty pod Windows).

Open Source jest dziś największym i najważniejszym nurtem w sektorze IT -
albo dasz się ponieść na fali, albo utoniesz próbując płynąć pod prąd...
Konczac Pozdrawiam. Krzysztof.

Registered Linux User: 253243
Powered by Aurox 11.0, Ubuntu Studio 8.04 i Fedora 9.0
Krzysztof Zubik. ||
GaduGadu. 1208376 | Jabber. | Skype. kzubik

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Re: problemas en Debian 6 para reparar fichero

2013-01-05 Thread Marc Olivé
A Divendres, 4 de gener de 2013 22:34:38, va escriure:
 buenas tardes a todos


 Realmente no se como hacer eso ni se usar el fsck para reparar el
 fichero que dice

El manual está ahí para consultar y aprender como funcionan las instrucciones. 
¿Has echado un vistazo al manual de fsck?
En realidad es tan senzillo como ejecutar fsck pasandole el dispositivo a 
reparar, dispositivo que deberia estar desmontado. Algo como escribir fsck 
/dev/sda en un terminal como root.

 Alguien me puede ayudar, es sistema esta mal por esta razon
 En espera d eayuda y agradezco a todos.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Debian y Gnuplot con Cron (me cambia tipo de letra) -

2013-01-05 Thread Leopoldo Alvarez -recipiente-

Hola a todos,

He terminado un script de gnuplot que plotea un tipo de gráficos en 
formato .png. El proceso va bien si lo ejecuto desde terminal (a mano), 
incluyendo el tipo de letra y tamaño.

Lo consigo, estableciendole la ruta completa de la fuente que quiero en 
la cabecera misma del script de gnuplot con -
/set term png crop size 2024,2024 font 
'/usr/share/fonts/truetype/liberation/LiberationSans-Bold.ttf' 10 /

Mi problema es el siguiente, cuando trato de que se lance desde cron 
utilizando -

/*/3 * * * * /bin/bash /home/ulises/send_ftp/mapas/script/

Me genera el gráfico pero utiliza otra fuente, no establecida por mí 
anteriormente, por tanto una que debe de aparecer en la configuración en 
algún archivo en algún lado. Yo necesito que utilice la que le indico, 
dónde puedo cambiar esto ?.


Un apunte, por si sirve de algo: cuando yo ejecuto gnuplot, estoy 
haciéndolo de forma remota desde un terminal, con mi propio usuario que 
también tiene permiso establecido en el cron.allow; mientras que en 
local, la sesión de X activa es de otro usuario, no root.

https ? squid

2013-01-05 Thread Francisco Eduardo Ascencio Dominguez
como bloqueo https facebook ? 

tengo un servidor squid3 transparente pero solo me permite bloquear http como 
puedo bloquear https ??? e leído que puedo hacerlocon iptables ? Saludos y 
de antemano gracias 

Algo salió mal :(

2013-01-05 Thread Mauricio
Hola, soy usuario de LMDE desde el año pasado y he descubierto que es 
una distro muy buena y potente. Estuve usando Mate hasta finales de 
diciembre y quisé volver a usar Cinnamon (que funcionaba bien, 0 
incoveniente) pero no podía entrar. Me sale un mensaje en toda la 
pantalla con un icono de una pantalla triste :( Algo salió mal y el 
sistema no puede recupersarse. Cierre la sesión o algo así. Esto me 
ocurre luego de actualizar al Pack6. ¿Hay una manera de hacer volver a 
funcionar Cinnamon correctamente? Por el momento MATE me funciona 
impecable, con compiz y emerald excelentemente, pero extraño a canela.

Ayuda, por favor.

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Re: problemas en Debian 6 para reparar fichero

2013-01-05 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 04 Jan 2013 16:34:38 -0500, luis escribió:

 buenas tardes a todos


 Tengo problemas con el sistema d eficheros en Debian 6 cuando arranco el
 sistema  me dice que:
 - dice que use fsck
 - failed (code4
 -file systmem check failed
 Y que repare el fichero manualmente en var/log/fsk/checkfs

Querrás decir que repares el sistema de archivos ¿no? Pues tendrás que 
hacer lo que te dice ya que habrá detectado alguna inconsistencia.
 Realmente no se como hacer eso ni se usar el fsck para reparar el
 fichero que dice


A ver... ¿dice que repares el fichero o el sistema de archivos? Si se 
trata del sistema de archivos, sigue las instrucciones que te aparecerán 
en pantalla (si no recuero mal, indica el comando exacto a ejecutar). Lo 
único que tienes que tener en cuenta es que el fsck sólo se debe eejcutar 
con la partición que presenta fallos desmontada, es decir, que no se 
encuentre en uso.

Desde cualquier LiveCD lo podrás hacer.

Mira, aquí tienes a un usuario con el mismo mensaje de error que te puede 
servir a modo de guía:

File system check failed



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Bloquear conexiones https:// (era: bloquear squid)

2013-01-05 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 05 Jan 2013 01:00:40 -0600, Francisco Eduardo Ascencio Dominguez

(ese html...)

 de esta manera se ha solucionado el problema ahora tengo otro problema!!
 como bloque las paginas https:// ?  como ? 

Me pregunto qué sentido tiene bloquear todo el tráfico seguro... casi que 
sería más conveniente hacer lo contrario, pero en fin, si es lo que 
quieres, tú mismo.

Aquí tienes alguna sugerencia cortesía de Google:

Y también te puede interesar:



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Re: Squid, Debian y un usuario domestico enloquecido ;)

2013-01-05 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 04 Jan 2013 23:53:14 +0100, Ala de Dragón escribió:

 El 04/01/13, Camaleón escribió:


 ¿No te carga el texto? Qué raro... ¿tienes alguna página con la que
 podamos probar? Porque así de primeras no tengo problemas para
 configurar el modo sin conexión y carga las páginas con texto e

 Esta, y le he puesto 100 veces mas cache que la que trae por defecto.

Parece sencilla, quiero decir, sin javascript ni dinamismos rarunos que 
puedan molestar, voy a probar... pues funciona :-? (Firefox 16.0.2 de 64-
bits en Lenny):

Con salida a Internet, inicio Firefox → botón firefox → desarrollador web 
→ activo [x] trabajar sin conexión y visito la página. La guardo en 
marcadores. Ejecuto ifdown eth0 (tumbo la interfaz de red), y vuelvo a 
visitar la página y carga completa. Para comprobarlo pongo en la barra de 
direcciones about:cache?device=memory y veo que, efectivamente, la 
página html está cacheada.

Mira a ver si te aparece en caché.
 ¡Ja!, mi gozo en un pozo. Como no lo compile desde la fuente no

Parece un poco antiguo (es un informe del 2011) pero no entiendo bien el 
problema... ¿dice que faltan algunos scripts? Si es así (me parece raro 
que nadie se haya dado cuenta) seguramente podrás descargarlos desde la 
página del proyecto original sin necesidad de tener que compilar el 
paquete completo :-?

 Pues creo que sí, que Polipo sería más conveniente salvo que (y por lo
 poco que te conozco/leo es posible que sí) te guste aprender y trastear
 y no te importe leer, leer y leer más para configurar Squid y adaptarlo
 a tus necesidades :-)

 Esto no puede ser, ya me has pillado, mira que conoces bien... Batín y
 pantuflas, vasito de caldo de verduras calentito, un parche de pirata en
 el ojo izquierdo; el garfio; y la pata de palo... Delante de mi un viejo
 mac que olia a manzana podrida, ahora reluce renovado por un montón de
 pingüinos divertidos. Pero ante todo Squid, desafiante, poderoso, con
 mas opciones que pins del atletic tiene Torrente, diciéndome: Venga
 chulo, atrevete, configuraméeee... Pues lo hice, actualice a la versión
 3 para no tener que recompilar la fuente y utilizar c_icap-0.2.4, (
 compilado a mano, no esta en mis repos) para enlazarlo con 
 squidclamav-6.10 (este tampoco estaba). Y llegas y me pones delante al
 ligero y habilidoso polipo y no me he podido resistir. Ves ya lo tengo
 funcionando y conjugado con adzaper para limpiar mi pantalla de la
 mayoría de las conexiones a servers de publi. Lo había enlazado con
 squid como parentproxy pero al final le pesaba el culo al sistema y he
 quitado squid. Limpiado c_icap y squidclamav.

Juvar, has tenido más trabajo que los pajes reales estos días X-)
 Y para liarla aún más -me encanta O:-)- mira esta otra combinación de
 Polipo (mini-proxy) con PDNSD (servidor dns para enlaces intermitentes)
 enfocada precisamente al ahorro de ancho de banda con conexiones

 Jajajajaja mira que eres, ahí ahí, a darme faena. Me encantas. Este
 sonrisón de regalo  XD
 Durante la instalación de PDNSD, me pregunto si queria usar resolvconf,
 y he aceptado. He leido la web que comentas y he visto esta opción:
 server {
 Además venia como dependencia.

Hum... vale, no creo que pase nada y al usar una conexión ppp quizá sea 
hasta conveniente (sólo recuerda tener en cuenta los requisitos de esta 

 Faster browsing with polipo  pdnsd

 Hala, y cuando termines los deberes podrás comerte el roscón :-P

 Bueno me voy a preparar un chocolatito para acompañar, que pdnsd
 necesita cariño y resolvconf mucho amor.
 Algún consejo, lo configuración de la web funciona. :D

Mummm, el chocolate me ha nublado el cerebro O:-) ¿Dices que hay algo que 
no funciona? ¿El qué, exactamente? A ver si se me ocurre algo...




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Re: Iceweasel no genera en PDF un recibo de un banco (SOLUCIONADO)

2013-01-05 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 05 Jan 2013 01:32:46 +, José Manuel (EB8CXW) escribió:

 El 04/01/13 14:55, Camaleón escribió:


 P.S. Este problema me suena... ¿no te pasó algo similar hace algún

 Es verdad que tuve un problema parecido hace tiempo. Intente buscar
 dicho hilo, pero no lo encontré, ni tampoco encontré nada en Google
 (aunque puede que no buscara bien) por lo que abrí de nuevo este hilo.

Tengo memoria elefántica O:-)

Pues me ha costado encontrarlo (el buscador de la lista es mu malo) 
pero creo que era este hilo:

Debian, Iceweasel, ENDESA


 - Y Parece que el complemento PDF-download- era el que lo
 ocasionaba, ya que nada más quitarlo el problema se soluciono.

Vaya, pues me alegro de que cazaras al culpable.



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Re: Debian y Gnuplot con Cron (me cambia tipo de letra) -

2013-01-05 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 05 Jan 2013 10:02:59 +, Leopoldo Alvarez -recipiente-

 Hola a todos,

(ese html...)

 He terminado un script de gnuplot que plotea un tipo de gráficos en
 formato .png. El proceso va bien si lo ejecuto desde terminal (a mano),
 incluyendo el tipo de letra y tamaño.
 Lo consigo, estableciendole la ruta completa de la fuente que quiero en
 la cabecera misma del script de gnuplot con - /set term png crop size
 2024,2024 font
 '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/liberation/LiberationSans-Bold.ttf' 10 /
 Mi problema es el siguiente, cuando trato de que se lance desde cron
 utilizando -
 /*/3 * * * * /bin/bash /home/ulises/send_ftp/mapas/script/
 Me genera el gráfico pero utiliza otra fuente, no establecida por mí
 anteriormente, por tanto una que debe de aparecer en la configuración en
 algún archivo en algún lado. Yo necesito que utilice la que le indico,
 dónde puedo cambiar esto ?.


Me parece que tendrás que definir la variable de entorno $TERM en la 
tarea del cron y asignarle el valor que quieras. Por ejemplo, en una 
sesión convencional está asignada a:

sm01@stt008:~$ echo $TERM

De todas formas, revisa el registro a ver si te deja algún error cuando 
se ejecuta la tarea.



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Re: https ? squid

2013-01-05 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 05 Jan 2013 04:31:40 -0600, Francisco Eduardo Ascencio Dominguez

 como bloqueo https facebook ?

Ahhh, eso es otra cosa :-)
 tengo un servidor squid3 transparente pero solo me permite bloquear http
 como puedo bloquear https ??? e leído que puedo hacerlocon iptables
 ? Saludos y de antemano gracias

Bueno, pues además de los enlaces que te puse antes, también te pueden 
interesar estos:



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[OT] Re: Algo salió mal :(

2013-01-05 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 05 Jan 2013 08:44:19 -0300, Mauricio escribió:

 Hola, soy usuario de LMDE desde el año pasado y he descubierto que es
 una distro muy buena y potente. 

Pero esto es una lista de Debian... al menos márcalo como OT :-)

 Estuve usando Mate hasta finales de diciembre y quisé volver a usar
 Cinnamon (que funcionaba bien, 0 incoveniente) pero no podía entrar. Me
 sale un mensaje en toda la pantalla con un icono de una pantalla
 triste :( Algo salió mal y el sistema no puede recupersarse. Cierre la
 sesión o algo así. Esto me ocurre luego de actualizar al Pack6. ¿Hay
 una manera de hacer volver a funcionar Cinnamon correctamente? Por el
 momento MATE me funciona impecable, con compiz y emerald
 excelentemente, pero extraño a canela.

Prueba creando un usuario nuevo e intenta iniciar sesión desde ahí. De 
todas formas, revisa el archivo ~/.xsession-errors, el motivo de que 
gnome-shell no se pueda iniciar suele andar por ahí.



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RE: Bloquear conexiones https:// (era: bloquear squid)

2013-01-05 Thread Francisco Eduardo Ascencio Dominguez

 Subject: Bloquear conexiones https:// (era: bloquear squid)
 Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2013 17:22:56 +
 El Sat, 05 Jan 2013 01:00:40 -0600, Francisco Eduardo Ascencio Dominguez
 (ese html...)
  de esta manera se ha solucionado el problema ahora tengo otro problema!!
  como bloque las paginas https:// ?  como ? 
 Me pregunto qué sentido tiene bloquear todo el tráfico seguro... casi que 
 sería más conveniente hacer lo contrario, pero en fin, si es lo que 
 quieres, tú mismo.
 Aquí tienes alguna sugerencia cortesía de Google:
 Y también te puede interesar:
 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

(El html no se por que se pone creo que es cuando respondo desde mi celular.. 
XD ya no lo are .)

Ok. de acuerdo a los links hice esto.

acl badsites dstdomain
http_access deny CONNECT badsites

reinicie y no me da ningun error y entro a fecebokk y si entra :(

ok ahora probe la otra opcion.

acl TrustedName url_regex ^
sslproxy_cert_error allow TrustedName
sslproxy_cert_error deny ally reinicio squid y me da este error.

2008/03/16 15:56:44| parseOneConfigFile: squid.conf:39 
unrecognized: 'ssl_bump'
2008/03/16 15:56:44| parseOneConfigFile: squid.conf:40 
unrecognized: 'ssl_bump'



2013-01-05 Thread Francisco Eduardo Ascencio Dominguez
Bueno resulta que tengo un servidor transparente con equid y con un puente de 
red br0.

OK si pongo esta regla en la maquina 
iptables -I FORWARD -p tcp -m string --string --dport 443 
--algo bm -j HTTPS_BLOQUEO
 si bloquea facebook https pero local como lo hago para que lo haga en la red 
osea decirle que la tarjeta  o puenta bro tenga esa ragla de iptables !!! 


Re: Bloquear conexiones https:// (era: bloquear squid)

2013-01-05 Thread Damaso Payares

On 05/01/13 14:20, Francisco Eduardo Ascencio Dominguez wrote:

 Subject: Bloquear conexiones https:// (era: bloquear squid)
 Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2013 17:22:56 +

 El Sat, 05 Jan 2013 01:00:40 -0600, Francisco Eduardo Ascencio Dominguez

 (ese html...)

  de esta manera se ha solucionado el problema ahora tengo otro 

  como bloque las paginas https:// ? como ?

 Me pregunto qué sentido tiene bloquear todo el tráfico seguro... 
casi que

 sería más conveniente hacer lo contrario, pero en fin, si es lo que
 quieres, tú mismo.

 Aquí tienes alguna sugerencia cortesía de Google:

 Y también te puede interesar:



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(El html no se por que se pone creo que es cuando respondo desde mi 
celular.. XD ya no lo are .)

Ok. de acuerdo a los links hice esto.

|acl badsites dstdomain
||http_access deny CONNECT badsites|

reinicie y no me da ningun error y entro a fecebokk y si entra :(

ok ahora probe la otra opcion.

acl TrustedName url_regex ^
sslproxy_cert_error allow TrustedName
sslproxy_cert_error deny all
y reinicio squid y me da este error.

2008/03/16 15:56:44| parseOneConfigFile: 
squid.conf:39 unrecognized: 'ssl_bump'
2008/03/16 15:56:44| parseOneConfigFile: 
squid.conf:40 unrecognized: 'ssl_bump'


Te recomiendo utilizar Squid con Dansguardian, y bloqueas las páginas 
mediante los archivos de configuración bannedsitelist y bannedurllist, 
los cuales se encuentran en /etc/dansguardian/lists/.

En mi caso siempre he utilizado Squid + Dansguardian.


Re: Squid, Debian y un usuario domestico enloquecido ;)

2013-01-05 Thread Ala de Dragón
El 05/01/13, Camaleón escribió:

 Parece sencilla, quiero decir, sin javascript ni dinamismos rarunos que
 puedan molestar, voy a probar... pues funciona :-? (Firefox 16.0.2 de 64-
 bits en Lenny):

 Con salida a Internet, inicio Firefox → botón firefox → desarrollador web
 → activo [x] trabajar sin conexión y visito la página. La guardo en
 marcadores. Ejecuto ifdown eth0 (tumbo la interfaz de red), y vuelvo a
 visitar la página y carga completa. Para comprobarlo pongo en la barra de
 direcciones about:cache?device=memory y veo que, efectivamente, la
 página html está cacheada.

 Mira a ver si te aparece en caché.

Pues no si cierro polipo no navego, en la cache solo me aparecen
entradas de gmail y facebook??? que extraño, no lo uso.
Mi navegador es iceweassel no encuentro firefox para ppc, bueno
sinceramente encontre esta fuente: pero no me
inspira mucha confianza el paquete

 ¡Ja!, mi gozo en un pozo. Como no lo compile desde la fuente no

 Parece un poco antiguo (es un informe del 2011) pero no entiendo bien el
 problema... ¿dice que faltan algunos scripts? Si es así (me parece raro
 que nadie se haya dado cuenta) seguramente podrás descargarlos desde la
 página del proyecto original sin necesidad de tener que compilar el
 paquete completo :-?

Cierto es antiguo, se supone solucionado para esta versión. Pero si
solo tengo la cache de polipo y se desactiva al caer la red me quedo
sin cache

 Juvar, has tenido más trabajo que los pajes reales estos días X-)

 Hum... vale, no creo que pase nada y al usar una conexión ppp quizá sea
 hasta conveniente (sólo recuerda tener en cuenta los requisitos de esta

He encontrado un arreglo luego me comentas que te parece.

 Mummm, el chocolate me ha nublado el cerebro O:-) ¿Dices que hay algo que
 no funciona? ¿El qué, exactamente? A ver si se me ocurre algo...

Nublado que??? si quieres te mando una foto de la coca de llanda que
he preparado para después de cenar   :P




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Bueno ahora biene el tocho, lo siento pero incluso he recibido
comentarios acerca de estos ajustes.

¡¡Atención a las faltas de ortografía, no puedo (fisicamente) escribir
con normalidad. este es el resultado de mi trabajo!!, si alguien puede
repasarlo y corregirlo lo agradezco. Feliz noche de reyes :D

By David on 5 de Enero 2013 11:22 PM
Hola, voy a detallar la solución que he empleado:

Instalación de paquetes.

lighttpd, un servidor web que, además de otros propósitos nos
proporciona un método de ahorrar alguno bit, sustituyendo publicidad
por ficheros locales. El fichero de configuración que he utilizado se
encuentra en la ruta


polipo, el servidor proxy www cache enfocado a un escritorio. Por
defecto solo escucha peticiones locales. Sus ficheros de configuración
está en:


pdns, un servidor proxy dns cache.


adzapper utiliza unas imagenes para sustituir la publicidad, nuestra
idea es utilizar el menor ancho de banda posible por lo que vamos a
suministrarselas de forma local con nuestro servidor web.


Abrimos una consola, y ejecutamos las ordenes contenidas debajo de mis
comentrios como usuario privilegiado, administrador del sistema o

Actualizar la lista de repositorios:

apt-get update

Actualizar los paquetes instalados:

apt-get upgrade.

Instalar el software

apt-get install lighttpd polipo adzapper pdns.

En mi distribución, la instalación de pdns solicitaba informacion
adicional sobre el metodo de implementacion en nuestro sistema. Yo
seleccione resolvconf, que ademas viene como depencia.

Los cambios que hice en el sistema los reflejo en los ficheros de
configuració, he cortados los comentarios originales para reducir el
espacio de este documento
Vamosa detener el servidor y  ajustar el servidor web a nuestras
necesidades editando /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf y copiando algunos

Ejecutamos en la consola:

/etc/init.d/lighttp stop

A continuacion editamos su configuración en /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf

#inicio del fichero
server.modules = (
#       mod_rewrite,

server.document-root        = /var/www
server.upload-dirs          = ( /var/cache/lighttpd/uploads )
server.errorlog             = /var/log/lighttpd/error.log             = /var/run/

Re: Bloquear conexiones https:// (era: bloquear squid)

2013-01-05 Thread Francisco Eduardo Ascencio Dominguez

El 05/01/2013, a las 18:35, Damaso Payares escribió:

 On 05/01/13 14:20, Francisco Eduardo Ascencio Dominguez wrote:
  Subject: Bloquear conexiones https:// (era: bloquear squid)
  Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2013 17:22:56 +
  El Sat, 05 Jan 2013 01:00:40 -0600, Francisco Eduardo Ascencio Dominguez
  (ese html...)
   de esta manera se ha solucionado el problema ahora tengo otro problema!!
   como bloque las paginas https:// ? como ? 
  Me pregunto qué sentido tiene bloquear todo el tráfico seguro... casi que 
  sería más conveniente hacer lo contrario, pero en fin, si es lo que 
  quieres, tú mismo.
  Aquí tienes alguna sugerencia cortesía de Google:
  Y también te puede interesar:
  To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
 (El html no se por que se pone creo que es cuando respondo desde mi 
 celular.. XD ya no lo are .)
 Ok. de acuerdo a los links hice esto.
 acl badsites dstdomain
 http_access deny CONNECT badsites
 reinicie y no me da ningun error y entro a fecebokk y si entra :(
 ok ahora probe la otra opcion.
 acl TrustedName url_regex ^
 sslproxy_cert_error allow TrustedName
 sslproxy_cert_error deny all
 y reinicio squid y me da este error.
 2008/03/16 15:56:44| parseOneConfigFile: squid.conf:39 
 unrecognized: 'ssl_bump'
 2008/03/16 15:56:44| parseOneConfigFile: squid.conf:40 
 unrecognized: 'ssl_bump'
 Te recomiendo utilizar Squid con Dansguardian, y bloqueas las páginas 
 mediante los archivos de configuración bannedsitelist y bannedurllist, los 
 cuales se encuentran en /etc/dansguardian/lists/.
 En mi caso siempre he utilizado Squid + Dansguardian.

Pero si puedo bloquear https con dansguardian ? ya que es lo que busco … 

duvida com dd

2013-01-05 Thread Vitor Hugo
Ola estou com um problema para copiar utilizando o dd

eu presciso fazer a copia de um direitorio de um HD para depois formata-lo

o problema é que este hd monta somente em modo de leitura e a copia do 
direitorio prescisa ir para um pendrive

como eu faço isto?

ja tentei fazer dd if=/mnt/st/direitorioparacopiar of=/dev/das1

mas ao tentar abrir no outro computador o pendrive da que nao esta formatado

Re: duvida com dd

2013-01-05 Thread Gunther Furtado
Em 05.01.2013, sábado, Vitor Hugo disse:

 Ola estou com um problema para copiar utilizando o dd
 eu presciso fazer a copia de um direitorio de um HD para depois
 o problema é que este hd monta somente em modo de leitura e a copia
 do direitorio prescisa ir para um pendrive
 como eu faço isto?
 ja tentei fazer dd if=/mnt/st/direitorioparacopiar of=/dev/das1

imagino que seja ... of=/dev/sda1

 mas ao tentar abrir no outro computador o pendrive da que nao esta

qual é o sistema de arquivos do diretório que vc precisa copiar? qual é
o sistema operacional desse outro computador?


Cuando la guática pide comídica
Pone al cristiánico firme y guerrérico
Por sus poróticos y sus cebóllicas,
No hay regimiéntico que los deténguica
Si tienen hámbrica los populáricos. Violeta Parra

Gunther Furtado
Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil

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RE: duvida com dd

2013-01-05 Thread Vitor Hugo
ola este é um hd utilizando ufs com softupdates é um servidor de arquivos nas 
rodando freebsd o problema é que quando estava passando fsck ele resetou e 
ferrou com todo o sistema de arquivos rodando 300 vezes fsck com -p -y e etc 
consegue que ele lesse o hd mas somente como modo de leitura entao agora 
presciso formatar este hd para poder refazer o sistema eu consegui fazer copia 
de boa parte do hd mas somente um direitorio um unico direito o mais importante 
foi o que deu problema entao estou tentando fazer copia dele de muitas maneiras 
e nao estou conseguindo.

o pendrive eh fat32
e o hd é ufs com softupdates

o hd monta somente leitura

existe uma opcao no dd que copia ignorando badblocks e etc e isto penso que 
seja minha salvação mas nao estou conseguindo copiar de um sistema readonly 
para o pendrive

/dev/ada0p1 (HD com problema, direitorio importante para copiar)

estou passando fsck:

 fsck_ufs -f /dev/ada0p1
** /dev/ada0p1
** Last Mounted on /mnt/ST31000340NS
** Phase 1 - Check Blocks and Sizes

CANNOT READ BLK: 692616320

CONTINUE? [yn] y

THE FOLLOWING DISK SECTORS COULD NOT BE READ: 692616376, 692616377, 692616378, 
692616379, 692616380, 692616381, 692616382, 692616383,




 Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2013 08:57:57 -0200
 Subject: Re: duvida com dd
 Em 05.01.2013, sábado, Vitor Hugo disse:
  Ola estou com um problema para copiar utilizando o dd
  eu presciso fazer a copia de um direitorio de um HD para depois
  o problema é que este hd monta somente em modo de leitura e a copia
  do direitorio prescisa ir para um pendrive
  como eu faço isto?
  ja tentei fazer dd if=/mnt/st/direitorioparacopiar of=/dev/das1
 imagino que seja ... of=/dev/sda1
  mas ao tentar abrir no outro computador o pendrive da que nao esta
 qual é o sistema de arquivos do diretório que vc precisa copiar? qual é
 o sistema operacional desse outro computador?
 Cuando la guática pide comídica
 Pone al cristiánico firme y guerrérico
 Por sus poróticos y sus cebóllicas,
 No hay regimiéntico que los deténguica
 Si tienen hámbrica los populáricos. Violeta Parra
 Gunther Furtado
 Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil
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 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Preço típico de aulas de Linux?

2013-01-05 Thread Rogério Brito
Oi, pessoal.

Eu sou um Debian maintainer (veja o link na minha assinatura e é possível
que você tenha pacotes que eu mantenho instalados na sua máquina).

Um ex-aluno meu deseja que eu dê algumas aulas personalizadas para ele
(leia-se: assuntos tratados são escolhidos por ele).

Mas eu tenho uma dúvida: nós não sabemos quanto é um preço justo por 1 hora
para um serviço como esse.  Em vista disso, eu gostaria de perguntar para o
pessoal quais são valores típicos e que sejam justos (dados os
requerimentos, minha qualificação etc.) no mercado.

Quanto o valor por hora aumentaria se ele quisesse (ele quer) que as aulas
sejam gravadas em vídeo para ele?

Agradeço desde já quaisquer bases que vocês tenham.

Abraços e obrigado,

Rogério Brito : rbrito@{,} : GPG key 4096R/BCFC : Projects :

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Sharing sound between users on wheezy - Your recommendation.

2013-01-05 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day.

What do You recommend for wheezy multi user system for single sound
card share: PA, Dmix, another?

Thanks for Your time.


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Re: Backup all GPG secret keys

2013-01-05 Thread Andrew McGlashan

On 5/01/2013 12:31 PM, Tim D wrote:
 How do I backup all GPG keys? By all I mean the master keys and
 subkeys. Just by backing up the .gnupg directory? I am looking to
 reinstall Debian so need to restore the keys when done.

Backing up .gnupg directory does it for me, but you can also export your

Perhaps this link will help:


Kind Regards

Andrew McGlashan
Broadband Solutions now including VoIP

Current Land Line No: 03 9012 2102
Mobile: 04 2574 1827 Fax: 03 9012 2178

National No: 1300 85 3804

Affinity Vision Australia Pty Ltd

In Case of Emergency --

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Re: Sharing sound between users on wheezy - Your recommendation.

2013-01-05 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Sb, 05 ian 13, 16:30:22, Sthu Deus wrote:
 Good time of the day.
 What do You recommend for wheezy multi user system for single sound
 card share: PA, Dmix, another?

In my experience dmix works fine in most cases, but you don't provide 
enough information to make a recommendation.

If all you're looking for is a way for multiple users to control the 
same playlist you should look at mpd.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Sharing sound between users on wheezy - Your recommendation.

2013-01-05 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Andrei.

Thank You for Your time and answer. You wrote:

  What do You recommend for wheezy multi user system for single sound
  card share: PA, Dmix, another?
 In my experience dmix works fine in most cases, but you don't provide 
 enough information to make a recommendation.

Thanks, again.

 If all you're looking for is a way for multiple users to control the 
 same playlist you should look at mpd.

No. What I want is sharing hardware - the sound card among several
users - i.e. I have several users logged in on a host. some of them use
the card - some play music, or keep it paused currently while another
tries to work w/ MIDI editor - like RoseGarden or LMMS.

Currently I do not use sharing of sound card that results in lockups -
app.s either waiting for hardware to be released or hang up my whole
system - I tried to run ardour2 while mplayer2 was playing a FLAC. -
Had to reset whole OS.


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how to buy an ideal laptop RAM module?

2013-01-05 Thread vishnu vardhan
i have recently purchased a laptop. it is shipped with 2gb ram. the
maximum ram is 8gb.
i want to replace 2gb ram with 2 4gb ram modules.
i did ask once in chat about the ram, and a person has given me an
idea about what type of ram i should purchase.
the laptop manufacturer did not provided any cd or manual.
so far so good.
i want to buy only kingston [btw, you can also recommend or suggest to
a novice like me other than kingston].

there are no mdoules available in indian online shopping websites.
i have also contacted my laptop manufacturer through email  phone,
and they have no idea ??!!?

my memory modules details :
# dmidecode -t 16
# dmidecode 2.9
SMBIOS 2.7 present.

Handle 0x000D, DMI type 16, 23 bytes
Physical Memory Array
Location: System Board Or Motherboard
Use: System Memory
Error Correction Type: None
Maximum Capacity: 2 GB
Error Information Handle: 0x0011
Number Of Devices: 2

# dmidecode -t 17
# dmidecode 2.9
SMBIOS 2.7 present.

Handle 0x000E, DMI type 17, 34 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x000D
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Total Width: Unknown
Data Width: Unknown
Size: No Module Installed
Form Factor: OUT OF SPEC
Set: None
Locator: DIMM 0
Bank Locator: CHANNEL A
Type: Unknown
Type Detail: Unknown
Speed: Unknown
Manufacturer: Empty
Serial Number: Empty
Asset Tag: Asset Tag:
Part Number: Empty

Handle 0x000F, DMI type 17, 34 bytes
Memory Device
Array Handle: 0x000D
Error Information Handle: 0x0010
Total Width: 64 bits
Data Width: 64 bits
Size: 2048 MB
Form Factor: SODIMM
Set: None
Locator: DIMM 1
Bank Locator: CHANNEL A
Type Detail: Synchronous
Speed: 1600 MHz (0.6 ns)
Manufacturer: Kingston
Serial Number: D52687B3
Asset Tag: Asset Tag:
Part Number: TSB1600D3S11ELD/2G

i have found kingston blue. i am not sure whether to purchase it.
the details of it can be found @
almost all the memory modules details contain the following info:
number of pins, synchronous, ecc or non-ecc,  voltage, steps [ for
eg. 2 gb = 2x1gb ].

without opening the laptop where can i find info about number of pins
 voltage capacity of my memory module ? [ i am scared to open laptop
is Error Correction Type is also known as ECC ?
is it safe to purchase kingston blue ?
if my present ram type is sodimm, should i purchase only sodimm or dimm ?
and is my pre-installed ram is ddr3 ?
where can we find details about whether is memory ddr, ddr2 or ddr3 ?
some memory modules contain SDRAM in item details, what is the
realtionship of SDRAM with ram ?

thank u for your patience  i am looking forward for your guidance  knowledge.

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Re: Wheezy Installer Auto-Partition Oddity

2013-01-05 Thread Tom H
On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 1:25 PM, Patrick Bartek wrote:
 From: Roger Leigh
 Sent: Friday, January 4, 2013 3:02 AM

 LVM does not use unpartitioned space for anything TTBOMK. It uses
 physical volumes (PVs) which are block devices (either partitions or
 whole disks or RAID arrays etc.). These are entirely self-contained.
 Internally, the PV contains its own metadata and extents which are
 allocated to individual logical volumes within the volume group
 containing the PV. It's simply impractical and fragile to use
 unpartitioned space, and LVM only uses the devices (partitions) you
 put the PVs on.

 That was what I read--somewhere?--in an article on LVM. It was just
 one sentence mentioned in passing and was never detailed.

 If using unpartitioned space is so fragile Why do the MBR or GPT,
 etc. use it? Seems to be a great place to hide data about something
 like a LVM partition that's not going to change frequently, and is
 beyond normal filesystem access. Just a thought.

The MBR, whether on msdos or gpt, is a well-defined area at the
beginning of a disk, not a random space between partitions.

There's no LVM data held off a PV, whether it's a partition or a disk.
The LVM metadata of a PV is stored in the second sector of that PV and
its LV usable area follows. Your article might have been referring
to this separation.

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Re: Sharing sound between users on wheezy - Your recommendation.

2013-01-05 Thread Raffaele Morelli
013/1/5 Sthu Deus

 No. What I want is sharing hardware - the sound card among several
 users - i.e. I have several users logged in on a host. some of them use
 the card - some play music, or keep it paused currently while another
 tries to work w/ MIDI editor - like RoseGarden or LMMS.

you should use dmix with the 'ipc_key_add_uid' parameter set to false
to let multiple users share the same device.

 Currently I do not use sharing of sound card that results in lockups -
 app.s either waiting for hardware to be released or hang up my whole
 system - I tried to run ardour2 while mplayer2 was playing a FLAC. -
 Had to reset whole OS.

that sounds really weird... you should use jack sound server and configure
every user .asoundrc properly, furthermore have a look at your /etc/group
and add your user to the audio group, then you can use
/etc/security/limits.conf or /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf to boost
audio performances for audio group members


Running jackd.

2013-01-05 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day.

I'm trying diver sound editors, preferably the ones that work w/ MIDI
files. I hove now hardware sequencer so I use a software one -

Many editors including Ardour2, Muse, Rosegarden report that have no
jack server running OR it is running under another user. But both
suggestions are wrong:

$ /bin/ps -AHf |/bin/grep mususer

mususer   3414 1  0 19:32 ?
00:00:00   /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfs-gdu-volume-monitor

mususer3419 1
0 19:32 ?
00:00:00   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmenu-cache1/libexec/menu-cached

mususer   4332 1  1 19:49 ?00:00:04   /usr/bin/jackd -T
-ndefault -p 128 -R -P 60 -T -d alsa -n 2 -r 48000 -p 1024 -d hw:0,0

So, how do I make those editors go? OR how do I run jackd? I have
search the web but did not find answer for my question. There are a lot
of such errors, most related to RT priority. But I think it is
not my case - for when I run jackd w/o RT:

/usr/bin/jackd -T -ndefault -p 128 -T -d alsa -n 2 -r 48000 -p 1024 -d

Symptoms of the editors are the same.

Thanks for Your time.


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ivtv driver in Wheezy 3.2.0-4-amd64

2013-01-05 Thread Ramon Hofer
Hi all

I have updated my media server to Wheezy and added a new TV capture card.
The one I'm using for some time now is an analogue Hauppauge PVR-500 and 
I added a DigitalDevices Cine C/T with  DuoFlex C/T a quad DVB-C capture 
card some days ago.

With the old kernel:

$ uname -a
Linux media-server 3.2.0-3-amd64 #1 SMP Mon Jul 23 02:45:17 UTC 2012 
x86_64 GNU/Linux

I have the following devices for the PVR-500:

$ ls /dev/video*
/dev/video0  /dev/video24  /dev/video32
/dev/video1  /dev/video25  /dev/video33

This is the dmesg for the old kernel:

With the new kernel:

$ uname -a
Linux media-server 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.35-2 x86_64 GNU/Linux

I have no video devices:

$ ls /dev/video*
ls: cannot access /dev/video*: No such file or directory

And this is the dmesg for the new kernel:

I use MythTV as the backend to record programs. When I wanted to add the 
new DVB card I saw that the old analogue card wasn't found anymore. I 
thought maybe I have forgotten to install the ivtv drivers or firmware 
when I updated to Wheezy so I installed the ivtv-utils and firmware-ivtv 
packages but this doesn't bring back the /dev/video*

Is this a known problem and should I just wait for 3.2.0-5 or can I do 

Best regards

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Re: how to buy an ideal laptop RAM module?

2013-01-05 Thread Ramon Hofer
Hi war_dhan

What brand and type is your laptop?

On Sat, 05 Jan 2013 17:58:03 +0530, vishnu vardhan wrote:

 without opening the laptop where can i find info about number of pins 
 voltage capacity of my memory module ? [ i am scared to open laptop ].

Usually there's a cover to access the modules easily.
With the type name of your laptop you should be able to find what kind of 
ram module you need. How many pins, ddr? and frequency...

I'm far from an expert but Wikipedia helps here:

 is Error Correction Type is also known as ECC ?

 if my present ram type is sodimm, should i purchase only sodimm or dimm

Yes you should.

 some memory modules contain SDRAM in item details, what is the
 realtionship of SDRAM with ram ?

Hope this helps a little.


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Re: how to buy an ideal laptop RAM module?

2013-01-05 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Saturday 05 January 2013 12:28:03 vishnu vardhan wrote:
 i want to buy only kingston [btw, you can also recommend or suggest to
 a novice like me other than kingston].

I always use Crucial.  If you can tell them the motherboard you have, they 
will tell you what RAM you need.  (The tools are on the website.)  I don't 
know anything about their export policy.


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Re: Running jackd.

2013-01-05 Thread Dennis Schulmeister

Jack is a low-latency audio-server. It is the defacto standard for
professional audio software on Linux because it is easy to program and
allows to route audio streams between applications in real-time. Most
sequencers and most other music related software only support jack for
audio i/o because jack also talks to the hardware. See

So you have two options: Either installing jackd and qjackcntrl as a
gui frontend. Or disabling audio support in your sequencers. Many
sequencers like rosegarden or muse can use alsa midi if audio isn't
needed. However this might change anytime in the future as jack can
also handle midi connections.


On Sat, 05 Jan 2013 14:20:02 +0100
Sthu Deus wrote:

 Good time of the day.
 I'm trying diver sound editors, preferably the ones that work w/ MIDI
 files. I hove now hardware sequencer so I use a software one -
 Many editors including Ardour2, Muse, Rosegarden report that have no
 jack server running OR it is running under another user. But both
 suggestions are wrong:
 $ /bin/ps -AHf |/bin/grep mususer
 mususer   3414 1  0 19:32 ?
 00:00:00   /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfs-gdu-volume-monitor
 mususer3419 1
 0 19:32 ?
 00:00:00   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmenu-cache1/libexec/menu-cached
 mususer   4332 1  1 19:49 ?00:00:04   /usr/bin/jackd -T
 -ndefault -p 128 -R -P 60 -T -d alsa -n 2 -r 48000 -p 1024 -d hw:0,0
 So, how do I make those editors go? OR how do I run jackd? I have
 search the web but did not find answer for my question. There are a lot
 of such errors, most related to RT priority. But I think it is
 not my case - for when I run jackd w/o RT:
 /usr/bin/jackd -T -ndefault -p 128 -T -d alsa -n 2 -r 48000 -p 1024 -d
 Symptoms of the editors are the same.
 Thanks for Your time.
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 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

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Re: how to buy an ideal laptop RAM module?

2013-01-05 Thread Go Linux
--- On Sat, 1/5/13, vishnu vardhan wrote:

 From: vishnu vardhan
 Subject: how to buy an ideal laptop RAM module?
 Date: Saturday, January 5, 2013, 6:28 AM
 i have recently purchased a laptop. it is shipped with 2gb
 ram. the
 maximum ram is 8gb.
 i want to replace 2gb ram with 2 4gb ram modules.

I recently upgraded the RAM in my desktops  - some from Amazon and some from 

You can find motherboard compatible RAM and they ship internationally.  Service 
was very fast.

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kernel not found

2013-01-05 Thread gabry

Hi, I am going to install debian on amd k6 166 mhz. I've downloaded the
net version i386, but the system installation break and tell that no
kernel is not available .


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Re: ivtv driver in Wheezy 3.2.0-4-amd64

2013-01-05 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2013-01-05 14:50 +0100, Ramon Hofer wrote:

 I have updated my media server to Wheezy and added a new TV capture card.
 The one I'm using for some time now is an analogue Hauppauge PVR-500 and 
 I added a DigitalDevices Cine C/T with  DuoFlex C/T a quad DVB-C capture 
 card some days ago.

 With the old kernel:

 $ uname -a
 Linux media-server 3.2.0-3-amd64 #1 SMP Mon Jul 23 02:45:17 UTC 2012 
 x86_64 GNU/Linux

 I have the following devices for the PVR-500:

 $ ls /dev/video*
 /dev/video0  /dev/video24  /dev/video32
 /dev/video1  /dev/video25  /dev/video33

 This is the dmesg for the old kernel:

 With the new kernel:

 $ uname -a
 Linux media-server 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.35-2 x86_64 GNU/Linux

 I have no video devices:

 $ ls /dev/video*
 ls: cannot access /dev/video*: No such file or directory

 And this is the dmesg for the new kernel:

The obvious difference to the dmesg with the old kernel is that there
are no messages from the ivtv module.  Is that module loaded?  If not,
what happens if you modprobe it manually?

 Is this a known problem and should I just wait for 3.2.0-5 or can I do 

I don't think it is known, consider filing a bug (use reportbug for
that).  BTW, the -3 and -4 are _not_ package versions, they rather
indicate the ABI of the kernel (version would be 3.2.35-2 for the -4
kernel, the -3 kernel did not include that information in the uname


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Local copy of ALL man pages

2013-01-05 Thread Richard Owlett
When I've wanted to look at a man page for an uninstalled 
package I've used .

It would more convenient to have *ALL* pages available locally.

Are they available to download as a set somewhere on the 
web? [I use squeeze.]

I have copied all the .deb files from the 8 DVD install set 
to a USB drive.  How could I extract all the man pages?


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Re: Running jackd.

2013-01-05 Thread Rob Owens
On Sat, Jan 05, 2013 at 08:14:38PM +0700, Sthu Deus wrote:
 Good time of the day.
 I'm trying diver sound editors, preferably the ones that work w/ MIDI
 files. I hove now hardware sequencer so I use a software one -
 Many editors including Ardour2, Muse, Rosegarden report that have no
 jack server running OR it is running under another user. But both
 suggestions are wrong:
 $ /bin/ps -AHf |/bin/grep mususer
 mususer   3414 1  0 19:32 ?
 00:00:00   /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfs-gdu-volume-monitor
 mususer3419 1
 0 19:32 ?
 00:00:00   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmenu-cache1/libexec/menu-cached
 mususer   4332 1  1 19:49 ?00:00:04   /usr/bin/jackd -T
 -ndefault -p 128 -R -P 60 -T -d alsa -n 2 -r 48000 -p 1024 -d hw:0,0
 So, how do I make those editors go? OR how do I run jackd? I have
 search the web but did not find answer for my question. There are a lot
 of such errors, most related to RT priority. But I think it is
 not my case - for when I run jackd w/o RT:
 /usr/bin/jackd -T -ndefault -p 128 -T -d alsa -n 2 -r 48000 -p 1024 -d
 Symptoms of the editors are the same.
I use ardour and jack on Squeeze.  I start jack from qjackctl.

/usr/bin/jackd -dalsa -dhw:0 -r44100 -p512 -n2 -H

(Note that the '-H' requires a certain type of sound card).

I've attached my .ardour2/ardour.rc and .config/

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  MIDI-port tag=control device=ardour mode=duplex type=alsa/sequencer/
  MIDI-port tag=mcu device=ardour mode=duplex type=alsa/sequencer/
  MIDI-port tag=seq device=ardour mode=duplex type=alsa/sequencer/
Option name=trace-midi-input value=no/
Option name=trace-midi-output value=no/
Option name=use-tranzport value=yes/
Option name=minimum-disk-io-bytes value=262144/
Option name=track-buffer-seconds value=5/
Option name=disk-choice-space-threshold value=5760/
Option name=xfade-model value=0/
Option name=auto-xfade value=yes/
Option name=destructive-xfade-msecs value=20/
Option name=mute-affects-pre-fader value=yes/
Option name=mute-affects-post-fader value=yes/
Option name=mute-affects-control-outs value=yes/
Option name=mute-affects-main-outs value=yes/
Option name=plugins-stop-with-transport value=no/
Option name=stop-recording-on-xrun value=no/
Option name=create-xrun-marker value=yes/
Option name=stop-at-session-end value=no/
Option name=seamless-loop value=yes/
Option name=quieten-at-speed value=no/
Option name=show-track-meters value=yes/
Option name=jack-time-master value=yes/
Option name=smpte-format value=6/
Option name=timecode-source-is-synced value=yes/
Option name=no-new-session-dialog value=yes/
Option name=use-vst value=yes/
Option name=periodic-safety-backups value=yes/
Option name=periodic-safety-backup-interval value=120/
Option name=default-narrow_ms value=no/
Option name=font-scale value=102400/
RulerVisibility smpte=yes bbt=yes frames=no minsec=no tempo=yes 
meter=yes marker=yes rangemarker=no transportmarker=yes cdmarker=no/
Keyboard edit-button=3 edit-modifier=4 delete-button=3 
delete-modifier=1 snap-modifier=32/
TransportControllables roll=0 stop=1 goto_start=2 goto_end=3 
auto_loop=4 play_selection=5 rec=6 shuttle=7/
Protocol name=Mackie active=no/
Protocol name=Generic MIDI active=no/
AudioConnectView\sizes=267, 90, 267
MidiConnectView\sizes=36, 20, 36
AlsaConnectView\sizes=36, 20, 36
PatchbayView\sizes=36, 20, 36




StartupScriptShell=artsshell -q terminate
PostShutdownScriptShell=killall jackd
XrunRegex=xrun of at least ([0-9|\\.]+) msecs

Re: Local copy of ALL man pages

2013-01-05 Thread Tom Grace
First, sorry for top posting. 

Generally, manpages are available in the package they relate to, and I'm not 
aware of an easy way to get all of them. Might you be able to use something 
like httrack to take an offline copy of a web version of them ?

Sent from my iPad

On 5 Jan 2013, at 17:19, Richard Owlett wrote:

 When I've wanted to look at a man page for an uninstalled package I've used .
 It would more convenient to have *ALL* pages available locally.
 Are they available to download as a set somewhere on the web? [I use squeeze.]
 I have copied all the .deb files from the 8 DVD install set to a USB drive.  
 How could I extract all the man pages?
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Re: Wheezy Installer Auto-Partition Oddity

2013-01-05 Thread Patrick Bartek

- Original Message -
 From: Tom H
 To: Debian User
 Sent: Saturday, January 5, 2013 4:32 AM
 Subject: Re: Wheezy Installer Auto-Partition Oddity
 On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 1:25 PM, Patrick Bartek 
  From: Roger Leigh
  Sent: Friday, January 4, 2013 3:02 AM
  LVM does not use unpartitioned space for anything TTBOMK. It uses
  physical volumes (PVs) which are block devices (either partitions or
  whole disks or RAID arrays etc.). These are entirely self-contained.
  Internally, the PV contains its own metadata and extents which are
  allocated to individual logical volumes within the volume group
  containing the PV. It's simply impractical and fragile to use
  unpartitioned space, and LVM only uses the devices (partitions) you
  put the PVs on.
  That was what I read--somewhere?--in an article on LVM. It was just
  one sentence mentioned in passing and was never detailed.
  If using unpartitioned space is so fragile Why do the MBR or 
  etc. use it? Seems to be a great place to hide data about 
  like a LVM partition that's not going to change frequently, and is
  beyond normal filesystem access. Just a thought.
 The MBR, whether on msdos or gpt, is a well-defined area at the
 beginning of a disk, not a random space between partitions.
 There's no LVM data held off a PV, whether it's a partition or a disk.
 The LVM metadata of a PV is stored in the second sector of that PV and
 its LV usable area follows. Your article might have been referring
 to this separation.

As I said in a previous reply, I could have misinterpreted.  I was skimming the 
article, not studying.

So, again I ask:  Why that 1MiB unpartitioned space before the beginning of a 
new partition?  Both Debian 6 and 7 installer partitioner insert it (when you 
choose Auto-partition; don't know whether it does with Custom) as does gparted 
(Discovered that when I resized three existing contiguious primary partitions 
[no gaps added after resizing] and added two new logical partitions [gaps added 
automatically] on a 7 year old 512 byte sector 160GB drive).  Got to be a 
reason.  I don't think it's a bug.


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Re: ivtv driver in Wheezy 3.2.0-4-amd64

2013-01-05 Thread Ramon Hofer
Thanks for your answer, Sven!

On Sat, 05 Jan 2013 18:02:33 +0100, Sven Joachim wrote:

 The obvious difference to the dmesg with the old kernel is that there
 are no messages from the ivtv module.  Is that module loaded?  If not,
 what happens if you modprobe it manually?

The module isn't loaded.

With the older kernel I get:

$ lsmod | grep ivtv
ivtv  128970  0 
cx2341x21461  1 ivtv
v4l2_common13222  5 cx2341x,ivtv,cx25840,tuner,wm8775
videodev   70889  6 
tveeprom   20593  1 ivtv
i2c_algo_bit   12841  2 ivtv,radeon
i2c_core   23876  17 

But with the newer the same command returns nothing.

When I try to load it I get

# modprobe ivtv
libkmod: ERROR ../libkmod/libkmod-module.c:174 kmod_module_parse_depline: 
ctx=0x7fc95a92e010 path=/lib/modules/3.2.0-4-amd64/kernel/drivers/media/
i2c/tveeprom.ko error=No such file or directory
libkmod: ERROR ../libkmod/libkmod-module.c:174 kmod_module_parse_depline: 
ctx=0x7fc95a92e010 path=/lib/modules/3.2.0-4-amd64/kernel/drivers/media/
i2c/tveeprom.ko error=No such file or directory
ERROR: could not insert 'ivtv': Unknown symbol in module, or unknown 
parameter (see dmesg)

dmesg contains:

 Is this a known problem and should I just wait for 3.2.0-5 or can I do
 I don't think it is known, consider filing a bug (use reportbug for
 that).  BTW, the -3 and -4 are _not_ package versions, they rather
 indicate the ABI of the kernel (version would be 3.2.35-2 for the -4
 kernel, the -3 kernel did not include that information in the uname

Thanks for the explanations about the kernel versions.

I used reportbug to file the bug. But I haven't received an ack until now 
(sent it about 5 mins ago).
I will post the link and number here when I got it...


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Re: ivtv driver in Wheezy 3.2.0-4-amd64

2013-01-05 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2013-01-05 19:10 +0100, Ramon Hofer wrote:

 When I try to load it I get

 # modprobe ivtv
 libkmod: ERROR ../libkmod/libkmod-module.c:174 kmod_module_parse_depline: 
 ctx=0x7fc95a92e010 path=/lib/modules/3.2.0-4-amd64/kernel/drivers/media/
 i2c/tveeprom.ko error=No such file or directory

This file really ought to be there, as it is part of the
linux-image-3.2.0-4-amd64 package.  How it got lost is hard to know, but
reinstalling the package should fix that.

 I used reportbug to file the bug. But I haven't received an ack until now 
 (sent it about 5 mins ago).

Yes, it often takes a bit longer than that.

 I will post the link and number here when I got it...


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Re: Running jackd.

2013-01-05 Thread Joel Roth
On Sat, Jan 05, 2013 at 08:14:38PM +0700, Sthu Deus wrote:
 Good time of the day.

 I'm trying diver sound editors, preferably the ones that work w/ MIDI
 files. I hove now hardware sequencer so I use a software one -
 Many editors including Ardour2, Muse, Rosegarden report that have no
 jack server running OR it is running under another user. But both
 suggestions are wrong:
 $ /bin/ps -AHf |/bin/grep mususer
 mususer   3414 1  0 19:32 ?
 00:00:00   /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfs-gdu-volume-monitor
 mususer3419 1
 0 19:32 ?
 00:00:00   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmenu-cache1/libexec/menu-cached
 mususer   4332 1  1 19:49 ?00:00:04   /usr/bin/jackd -T
 -ndefault -p 128 -R -P 60 -T -d alsa -n 2 -r 48000 -p 1024 -d hw:0,0
 So, how do I make those editors go? OR how do I run jackd? I have
 search the web but did not find answer for my question. There are a lot
 of such errors, most related to RT priority. But I think it is
 not my case - for when I run jackd w/o RT:
 /usr/bin/jackd -T -ndefault -p 128 -T -d alsa -n 2 -r 48000 -p 1024 -d
 Symptoms of the editors are the same.
 Thanks for Your time.

For technical audio questions, you may like to use
the Linux Audio Users mailing list.

Joel Roth

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Re: live server monitoring graphs

2013-01-05 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
On Sat, Jan 5, 2013 at 10:08 AM, Klistvud wrote:
 Dne, 04. 01. 2013 14:26:27 je Muhammad Yousuf Khan napisal(a):

 I have 6 core Linux server and all of them are X terminal no Desktop
 is installed on our server. as per my finding with GKrellM it is a
 desktop application. i have no problem with one desktop machine. i
 think i can manage one machine with wide monitor 22 inch

 so what i was asking. can i install one Debian machine with with
 Desktop environment only for viewing GKrellM output but on the other
 hand on all X terminals i could install a client module of GKrellM
 just for collecting information and throwing it to the server.

 is that possible?


 Perhaps conky suits your needs better than gkrellm. Conky can gather all the
 data you require and can run in headless mode, e.g. over ssh. In addition,
 it doesn't need a desktop environment. You just ssh into your server and
 launch the non-gui version of conky. There is no conky server module, you
 just have to install the conky client on each of your servers.

Thanks its helpful. i should try this.


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Re: kernel not found

2013-01-05 Thread Brian
On Sat 05 Jan 2013 at 17:16:50 +0100, gabry wrote:

 Hi, I am going to install debian on amd k6 166 mhz. I've downloaded the
 net version i386, but the system installation break and tell that no
 kernel is not available .

More information, please. By net version do you mean a netinst iso?
If so, is it a stable version? At what point in the install were you
told no kernel was available? Which mirror did you use to install the
base system?

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Re: how to buy an ideal laptop RAM module?

2013-01-05 Thread Doug

On 01/05/2013 09:01 AM, Ramon Hofer wrote:

Hi war_dhan

What brand and type is your laptop?

On Sat, 05 Jan 2013 17:58:03 +0530, vishnu vardhan wrote:

without opening the laptop where can i find info about number of pins 
voltage capacity of my memory module ? [ i am scared to open laptop ].

Usually there's a cover to access the modules easily.
With the type name of your laptop you should be able to find what kind of
ram module you need. How many pins, ddr? and frequency...

I'm far from an expert but Wikipedia helps here:

is Error Correction Type is also known as ECC ?

if my present ram type is sodimm, should i purchase only sodimm or dimm

Yes you should.

some memory modules contain SDRAM in item details, what is the
realtionship of SDRAM with ram ?

Hope this helps a little.


Either Kingston or Crucial, I believe, can figure out what kind of ram 
you need

by looking at your computer, but you probably have to access their website
from a Windows OS.  (I did this quite a while ago, from a Windows machine,
and I forget the details.) I think Crucial is the more likely.


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Re: Local copy of ALL man pages

2013-01-05 Thread Brian
On Sat 05 Jan 2013 at 11:19:31 -0600, Richard Owlett wrote:

 When I've wanted to look at a man page for an uninstalled package
 I've used .
 It would more convenient to have *ALL* pages available locally.

Save the pages you download. These are the ones you want to look at, we
presume. You would have to download them anyway, even if you went for
the complete collection.

But you want ALL pages. Every single one in Debian. Ok, here is an

1. Make a list of all Debian packages.

2. Look at the URL for a particular man page, say vim

3. Write a script to feed the items in the list you have drawn up to a
   program (e.g lynx -dump), replacing query=vim with each item name.

 Are they available to download as a set somewhere on the web? [I use

It is doubtful. But you could provide this as a service.

 I have copied all the .deb files from the 8 DVD install set to a USB
 drive.  How could I extract all the man pages?

'ar -x' will get data.tar.gz from the .deb file. 'tar zvxf data.tar.gz'
will do the unpacking. The man pages are in /usr/share/man. Something
like 'cp' should be able to get at them.

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wheezy network manager and normal users

2013-01-05 Thread Dick Thomas

I've got a laptop that more than just I use, but network manger seems to
ask for the sudo/root password when adding
a new wireless key.

I don't want other users having sudo access but I want them to be-able to
use new networks
I've try tried adding user to netdev but that just seems to allow them
access now bypass this system policy

many thanks


Re: wheezy network manager and normal users

2013-01-05 Thread Michael Biebl
On 05.01.2013 21:19, Dick Thomas wrote:
 I've got a laptop that more than just I use, but network manger seems to
 ask for the sudo/root password when adding
 a new wireless key.
 I don't want other users having sudo access but I want them to be-able to
 use new networks
 I've try tried adding user to netdev but that just seems to allow them
 access now bypass this system policy
 many thanks

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: wheezy network manager and normal users

2013-01-05 Thread Michael Biebl
On 05.01.2013 21:19, Dick Thomas wrote:
 I've got a laptop that more than just I use, but network manger seems to
 ask for the sudo/root password when adding
 a new wireless key.
 I don't want other users having sudo access but I want them to be-able to
 use new networks
 I've try tried adding user to netdev but that just seems to allow them
 access now bypass this system policy


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: wheezy network manager and normal users

2013-01-05 Thread Karol Auguštin
On 01/05/2013 09:19 PM, Dick Thomas wrote:
 I don't want other users having sudo access but I want them to be-able
 to use new networks
 I've try tried adding user to netdev but that just seems to allow them
 access now bypass this system policy


This bug is fixed in the latest network-manager, so you can
install it from sid and you're done.


Karol Auguštin
+48 792 209 158

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Re: wheezy network manager and normal users

2013-01-05 Thread Dick William Thomas
On Sat, 2013-01-05 at 21:44 +0100, Michael Biebl wrote:
 On 05.01.2013 21:19, Dick Thomas wrote:
  I've got a laptop that more than just I use, but network manger seems to
  ask for the sudo/root password when adding
  a new wireless key.
  I don't want other users having sudo access but I want them to be-able to
  use new networks
  I've try tried adding user to netdev but that just seems to allow them
  access now bypass this system policy

that seems to be the beasty, will upgrade the package to sid asap then

When googling, I found loads on ubuntu bugs saying tough its a feature
but not much on debian.

Thank you very much

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Re: wheezy network manager and normal users

2013-01-05 Thread Slavko

Dňa Sat, 05 Jan 2013 21:34:06 + Dick William Thomas napísal:


 When googling, I found loads on ubuntu bugs saying tough its a
 feature but not much on debian.

Yes. marking bugs as feature, seems as last days folklore, but
IMO it gracefully shows the developers - users relation, or better
ignoring the users opinion :-(



Description: PGP signature

Re: how to buy an ideal laptop RAM module?

2013-01-05 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Saturday 05 January 2013 19:42:39 Doug wrote:
 Either Kingston or Crucial, I believe, can figure out what kind of ram
 you need
 by looking at your computer, but you probably have to access their website
 from a Windows OS.  (I did this quite a while ago, from a Windows machine,
 and I forget the details.) I think Crucial is the more likely.

You certainly don't need Windows to make use of the Crucial website.  I 
haven't myself used Windows since 98SE, and I have used Crucial a lot.

I can't speak for Kingston.


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Combining Icedove data

2013-01-05 Thread Gary Roach

Hi all;

I am trying to combine the information from my laptop version of Icedove 
into the icedove copy on my home PC. I have the import / export addon 
installed on the PC copy. Both files presently reside at 
/etc/.icedove/x.default on the PC. I am presently using Debian 
Wheezy and Icedove 10,0,11.

The e7...default directory is presently being used by icedove. I 
wish to fold in the data from the 7m.default directory that was 
originally on the laptop. I can follow the process from Tools - 
Import/Export Tools - Import Mbox File but what to do next alludes me. 
I don't have a file, I have a directory that contains a ton of information.

Any help will be sincerely appreciated.

Gary R.

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Re: Combining Icedove data

2013-01-05 Thread Gary Dale

On 05/01/13 04:27 PM, Gary Roach wrote:

Hi all;

I am trying to combine the information from my laptop version of 
Icedove into the icedove copy on my home PC. I have the import / 
export addon installed on the PC copy. Both files presently reside at 
/etc/.icedove/x.default on the PC. I am presently using Debian 
Wheezy and Icedove 10,0,11.

The e7...default directory is presently being used by icedove. I 
wish to fold in the data from the 7m.default directory that 
was originally on the laptop. I can follow the process from Tools - 
Import/Export Tools - Import Mbox File but what to do next alludes 
me. I don't have a file, I have a directory that contains a ton of 

Any help will be sincerely appreciated.

Gary R.
So far as I can tell, Icedove/Thunderbird doesn't have that capability 
directly. However you can create a new mail account and point it at the 
folder containing the old mail that you want to import. Then you can 
copy the folders or individual e-mails directly.

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Re: Combining Icedove data

2013-01-05 Thread David Christensen

On 01/05/13 13:27, Gary Roach wrote:

I am trying to combine the information from my laptop version of Icedove
into the icedove copy on my home PC.

Inside Icedove, I keep my e-mail messages in local folders named after 
my username and year (for backup and archiving purposes):


Using a file manager or shell and looking around under ~/.icedove, I see 
one folder and two files with matching basenames:

$ ls -d .icedove/yopoi36c.default/Mail/Local\ Folders/dpchrist*
.icedove/yopoi36c.default/Mail/Local Folders/dpchrist-2013
.icedove/yopoi36c.default/Mail/Local Folders/dpchrist-2013.msf
.icedove/yopoi36c.default/Mail/Local Folders/dpchrist-2013.sbd

In this case, yopoi36c.default is my active Icedove profile directory.

I've found that if I simply copy those folders and files to another 
machine and start Icedove, the corresponding Icedove folders will 
automagically appear, Icedove will index the contents, and everything works.

Thankfully, the Icedove developers understand and do a good job with 
data forward/ backward compatibility/ migration.  :-)



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Re: Local copy of ALL man pages

2013-01-05 Thread Chris Davies
Brian wrote:
 'ar -x' will get data.tar.gz from the .deb file. 'tar zvxf data.tar.gz'
 will do the unpacking. The man pages are in /usr/share/man. Something
 like 'cp' should be able to get at them.

For any given $PACKAGE deb this will extract the manpages into
/usr/share/man (you might prefer to change tar's / to /tmp):

ar -p $PACKAGE data.tar.gz | tar xzvCf / - ./usr/share/man


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fail2ban problem

2013-01-05 Thread Jerry Stuckle

Hi, all,

I've been having a lot of trouble with people trying to load 
non-existent pages (i.e. phpMyAdmin and phpBB2 on a site which doesn't 
have them).  It's gotten to be a hassle as sometimes hundreds of them 
come in in a short time from the same ip address - obviously a script 
from a hacker.

The site is secure - not a problem there.  But it does take CPU and 
network resources.  So I decided to try a fail2ban rule, but I can't get 
it to work.

The one I'm currently using is:

failregex = HOST .*GET|POST|HEAD /.*phpMy.*  HTTPS?/.* 404 [0-9]{1,6}

This should match something like (ip numbers change to protect the guilty): - - [31/Dec/2012:11:40:02 -0500] GET /phpBB2/ HTTP/1.1 404 3308

And according to fail2ban-regex, it does.  However, it also seems to 
match ones like: - - [31/Dec/2012:11:41:44 -0500] GET / HTTP/1.1 200 5668

From my understanding of regex's (which I admit is quite poor), I 
thought I would have to have the 404 just before the file size.  But it 
doesn't seem to be working that way.

Can anyone help?



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Re: Wheezy Installer Auto-Partition Oddity

2013-01-05 Thread Tom H
On Sat, Jan 5, 2013 at 1:00 PM, Patrick Bartek wrote:
 From: Tom H
 Sent: Saturday, January 5, 2013 4:32 AM
 On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 1:25 PM, Patrick Bartek
 From: Roger Leigh
 Sent: Friday, January 4, 2013 3:02 AM

 LVM does not use unpartitioned space for anything TTBOMK. It uses
 physical volumes (PVs) which are block devices (either partitions or
 whole disks or RAID arrays etc.). These are entirely self-contained.
 Internally, the PV contains its own metadata and extents which are
 allocated to individual logical volumes within the volume group
 containing the PV. It's simply impractical and fragile to use
 unpartitioned space, and LVM only uses the devices (partitions) you
 put the PVs on.

 That was what I read--somewhere?--in an article on LVM. It was just
 one sentence mentioned in passing and was never detailed.

 If using unpartitioned space is so fragile Why do the MBR or
 etc. use it? Seems to be a great place to hide data about
 like a LVM partition that's not going to change frequently, and is
 beyond normal filesystem access. Just a thought.

 The MBR, whether on msdos or gpt, is a well-defined area at the
 beginning of a disk, not a random space between partitions.

 There's no LVM data held off a PV, whether it's a partition or a disk.
 The LVM metadata of a PV is stored in the second sector of that PV and
 its LV usable area follows. Your article might have been referring
 to this separation.

 So, again I ask: Why that 1MiB unpartitioned space before the beginning
 of a new partition? Both Debian 6 and 7 installer partitioner insert it
 (when you choose Auto-partition; don't know whether it does with Custom)
 as does gparted (Discovered that when I resized three existing contiguious
 primary partitions [no gaps added after resizing] and added two new
 logical partitions [gaps added automatically] on a 7 year old 512 byte
 sector 160GB drive). Got to be a reason. I don't think it's a bug.

I'm sorry, I only remember some things vaguely that's why I didn't
reply to your initial query but here goes.

fdisk upstream chose a 1MiB offset by default 2-3 years ago either for
compatibility with Windows or for compatibility with 4KiB-sector disks
(or both). For the latter, AFAIK, an offset of any multiple of 4KiB
would be good enough so I might be misremembering (on both counts!)...

As for the gaps between the partitions, *MAYBE* it's because the
installer passes a size (e.g. 200M) to the partitioner and, if that
size doesn't end at a 4KiB-multiple boundary, the next partition
starts at one.

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Re: how to buy an ideal laptop RAM module?

2013-01-05 Thread vishnu vardhan
| Hi war_dhan

| What brand and type is your laptop?

Hi Ramon,

my laptop model : toshiba satellite c850d-m5010.

motherboard info [ from sysinfo ] :

Host bridge
Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Family 12h/14h Processor Function 7
Subsystem: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Device 1510
PCI bridge(s)
Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Hudson PCI Bridge (rev 40) 
(prog-if 00
[Normal decode])
Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Device 43a0 (prog-if 00 [Normal 
Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Device 43a1 (prog-if 00 [Normal 
Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Hudson PCI Bridge (rev 40) 
(prog-if 00
[Normal decode])
Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Device 43a0 (prog-if 00 [Normal 
Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Device 43a1 (prog-if 00 [Normal 
USB controller(s)
Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Hudson USB OHCI Controller (rev 11)
(prog-if 10 [OHCI])
Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Hudson USB EHCI Controller (rev 11)
(prog-if 20 [EHCI])
Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Hudson USB OHCI Controller (rev 11)
(prog-if 10 [OHCI])
Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Hudson USB EHCI Controller (rev 11)
(prog-if 20 [EHCI])
Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Hudson USB OHCI Controller (rev 11)
(prog-if 10 [OHCI])
Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Hudson USB EHCI Controller (rev 11)
(prog-if 20 [EHCI])
Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Hudson USB OHCI Controller (rev 11)
(prog-if 10 [OHCI])
Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Hudson USB EHCI Controller (rev 11)
(prog-if 20 [EHCI])
Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Hudson USB OHCI Controller (rev 11)
(prog-if 10 [OHCI])
Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Hudson USB EHCI Controller (rev 11)
(prog-if 20 [EHCI])
Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Hudson USB OHCI Controller (rev 11)
(prog-if 10 [OHCI])
Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Hudson USB EHCI Controller (rev 11)
(prog-if 20 [EHCI])
ISA bridge
Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Hudson LPC Bridge (rev 11)
Subsystem: Toshiba America Info Systems Device ff1e

thank u,

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Re: Running jackd.

2013-01-05 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Dennis.

Thank You, Dennis, for Your time and answer. You wrote:

 So you have two options: Either installing jackd and qjackcntrl as a
 gui frontend. Or disabling audio support in your sequencers. Many
 sequencers like rosegarden or muse can use alsa midi if audio isn't
 needed. However this might change anytime in the future as jack can
 also handle midi connections.

I have both installed. Do You know what problem yet can be? I want to
hear sound from MIDI files from rosegarden or muse. For now only LMMS
can play it, though keeps the same saying, Jack server is not running
or run under another user.
  I'm trying diver sound editors, preferably the ones that work w/
  MIDI files. I hove now hardware sequencer so I use a software one -
  Many editors including Ardour2, Muse, Rosegarden report that have no
  jack server running OR it is running under another user. But both
  suggestions are wrong:
  $ /bin/ps -AHf |/bin/grep mususer
  mususer   3414 1  0 19:32 ?
  00:00:00   /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfs-gdu-volume-monitor
  mususer3419 1
  0 19:32 ?
  00:00:00   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmenu-cache1/libexec/menu-cached
  mususer   4332 1  1 19:49 ?
  00:00:04   /usr/bin/jackd -T -ndefault -p 128 -R -P 60 -T -d alsa
  -n 2 -r 48000 -p 1024 -d hw:0,0
  So, how do I make those editors go? OR how do I run jackd? I have
  search the web but did not find answer for my question. There are a
  lot of such errors, most related to RT priority. But I think it is
  not my case - for when I run jackd w/o RT:
  /usr/bin/jackd -T -ndefault -p 128 -T -d alsa -n 2 -r 48000 -p 1024
  -d hw:0,0
  Symptoms of the editors are the same.


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Re: Running jackd.

2013-01-05 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Joel.

Thank You, Joel, for Your time and answer. You wrote:

 For technical audio questions, you may like to use
 the Linux Audio Users mailing list.

Oh, great idea! Thank You, again. So I will do.


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