Re: Cable HDMI sin sonido en notebook Lenovo G480

2021-02-08 Thread Camaleón
El 2021-02-08 a las 19:06 -0300, Marcelo Eduardo Giordano escribió:

> Tengo una notebook Lenovo G480 con Debian 10 xcfe la cual mediante un cable
> HDMI la conecto al televisor, pero curiosamente se ve la imagen pero no se
> escucha el sonido el televisor, pero si en la notebook, lo que me trae
> algunos problemas a la hora de escuchar.


Además de las buenas ideas que te han comentado, sería conveniente que 
comprobaras si elcontroladora de la tarjeta de sonido reconoce cotas 
las salidas, mediante la orden:

aplay -l (si tienes ALSA)
pactl list sources (si usas Pulseaudio)

Manda a la lista lo que obtienes tras ejecutarlo.

> También se me ocurrió, no se que les parece, instalar debian 11 a ver si el
> problema se soluciona.

Se me antoja precipitado. Si se trata de un problema de configuración 
podrás solucionarlo como te han comentado, seleccionado el HDMI como 
salida de audio. Si se trata de un problema del controlador de sonido, 
entonces sí podrías barajar esa opción.



Re: Incorrect password Debian 10.8 after installation

2021-02-08 Thread David Christensen

On 2021-02-08 23:22, Anssi Saari wrote:

David Christensen  writes:


1.  How do I make a copy of a boot entry?  (So that I can edit the
copy and keep the original.)

In Grub, you don't really need to since changes are not saved. For
permanent changes then in Linux edit the various files in /etc/grub.d
and regenerate /boot/grub/grub.cfg via running update-grub.


2.  How do I insert a tab character with the GRUB editor?  (Pressing
 causes the editor to attempt command completion.)

I guess you don't? There doesn't seem to be much about the editor's
capabilities in the Grub manual.

Agreed.  The editor has a note that it supports some Emacs stuff. 
Perhaps an Emacs user would know?


Re: Looking for where to file a bug

2021-02-08 Thread Sven Hartge
Joshua Brickel  wrote:

> I am running debian testing (bullseye).  But something happened in the
> package manager such that I can no longer install packages.  When I
> try I keep getting the following message:

> The following packages have unmet dependencies:
>  gsettings-desktop-schemas : Breaks: mutter (< 3.31.4) but 3.30.2-9~deb10u1
> is to be installed
> E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused
> by held packages.

> Should I file this against dpkg or against a different package?

There is no bug in any package here, all are behaving as they should.

The problem is that some package dependencies are currently broken in
Testing, as it seems. This will solve itself once this has been
corrected by the DDs responsible for the packages involved.

But you seem to have Buster in your sources.list (as seen by the version
3.30.2-9~deb10u1). Remove those lines and try again.

Also check if you have any held packages. You can do so via 

 apt-mark showhold


Sigmentation fault. Core dumped.

Re: sshfs has fubared mount

2021-02-08 Thread David Christensen

On 2021-02-08 21:01, Gene Heskett wrote:

Greetings all;

I have sshfs setup so I can move files around between this box and 4
others, 3 of which are now running buster.  Works only for the user, me.

My Debian machines are Stretch, but I would expect that the basics of 
sshfs(1) have not changed on Buster (?).

My username 'dpchrist', UID, groupname 'dpchrist', and GID are the same 
on all of my machines.

I have previously installed my public SSH key from the local computer 
'tinkywinky' to the remote computer 'po' with ssh-copy-id(1):

sshd_config(5) is the same on both computers:

2021-02-08 23:20:06 dpchrist@tinkywinky ~
$ grep -v '#' /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep .
ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
UsePAM yes
X11Forwarding yes
PrintMotd no
AcceptEnv LANG LC_*
Subsystem   sftp/usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server

2021-02-08 23:19:53 dpchrist@po ~
$ grep -v '#' /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep .
ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
UsePAM yes
X11Forwarding yes
PrintMotd no
AcceptEnv LANG LC_*
Subsystem   sftp/usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server

If you modify sshd_config(5) on either machine, be sure to restart sshd(8).

ssh_config(5) is the same on both computers:

2021-02-08 23:20:59 dpchrist@tinkywinky ~
$ grep -v '#' /etc/ssh/ssh_config | grep .
Host *
ForwardAgent yes
SendEnv LANG LC_*
HashKnownHosts yes
GSSAPIAuthentication yes

2021-02-08 23:19:57 dpchrist@po ~
$ grep -v '#' /etc/ssh/ssh_config | grep .
Host *
ForwardAgent yes
SendEnv LANG LC_*
HashKnownHosts yes
GSSAPIAuthentication yes

I created an fstab(5) entry on the local machine for mounting the remote 
root directory with my unprivileged account.  Note the options:

2021-02-08 22:37:51 dpchrist@tinkywinky ~
$ grep 'po:/' /etc/fstab | perl -pe 's/\t+/ /g'
po:/ /po fuse.sshfs ro,noauto,user 0 0

I created a mount point and I set the owner and group to match my 
unprivileged account.  The directory is empty:

2021-02-08 22:39:38 dpchrist@tinkywinky ~
$ ls -la /po
total 8
drwxr-xr-x  2 dpchrist dpchrist 4096 Jan 21 13:32 .
drwxr-xr-x 27 root root 4096 Jan 21 13:32 ..

I use mount(8) to mount the remote filesystem:

2021-02-08 22:42:15 dpchrist@tinkywinky ~
$ mount /po

2021-02-08 22:42:32 dpchrist@tinkywinky ~
$ mount | grep '/po'
po:/ on /po type fuse.sshfs 

2021-02-08 23:15:47 dpchrist@tinkywinky ~
$ ls -ld /po/home/dpchrist
drwxr-xr-x 1 dpchrist dpchrist 4096 Feb  8 15:02 /po/home/dpchrist

RTFM sshfs(1) is wrong regarding unmounting:

2021-02-08 23:15:38 dpchrist@tinkywinky ~
$ man sshfs | grep -B 4 umount
   sshfs [user@]host:[dir] mountpoint [options]

   umount mountpoint

2021-02-08 22:50:21 dpchrist@tinkywinky ~
$ umount /po
umount: /po: Permission denied

Old-school fusermount(1) works:

2021-02-08 22:51:57 dpchrist@tinkywinky ~
$ fusermount -u /po


Re: Incorrect password Debian 10.8 after installation

2021-02-08 Thread Anssi Saari
David Christensen  writes:

> Questions:
> 1.  How do I make a copy of a boot entry?  (So that I can edit the
> copy and keep the original.)

In Grub, you don't really need to since changes are not saved. For
permanent changes then in Linux edit the various files in /etc/grub.d
and regenerate /boot/grub/grub.cfg via running update-grub.

> 2.  How do I insert a tab character with the GRUB editor?  (Pressing
>  causes the editor to attempt command completion.)

I guess you don't? There doesn't seem to be much about the editor's
capabilities in the Grub manual.

Re: Cable HDMI sin sonido en notebook Lenovo G480

2021-02-08 Thread Parodper

O 09/02/21 ás 04:54, Jesús Enmanuel Odremán Manrique escribiu:

Buenas noches.
Por favor, solicito que se me desincorpore de esta lista de correos. gracias


Para salirte de una lista de correos debes consultar las instrucciones 
que pongan, sea en una página de la Web o en el mensaje que se te envió 
al suscribirte. En el caso de la lista debian-users-spanish puedes 
hacerlo desde la página

Looking for where to file a bug

2021-02-08 Thread Joshua Brickel

I am running debian testing (bullseye).  But something happened in the
package manager such that I can no longer install packages.  When I try I
keep getting the following message:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 gsettings-desktop-schemas : Breaks: mutter (< 3.31.4) but 3.30.2-9~deb10u1
is to be installed
E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused
by held packages.

Should I file this against dpkg or against a different package?



Re: Firefox paquet debian problème avec certains sites

2021-02-08 Thread daniel . malgorn
On 06/02/2021 18:32, Haricophile wrote:

> Je rappelle que la présentation à l'identique est l'appanage du PDF,
> pas du HTML, même si le web a été sacrément dénaturé depuis sa
> conception.
> Il faut bien voir que, à la base, HTML est un format destiné a
> publier un contenu sémantique, le plus indépendamment possible du
> matériel qui le visualise. Il s'agit d'être le moins contraigant
> et le plus respectueux possible pour que ce soit l'utilisateur qui
> choisisse son matériel, sa police de caractère et sa taille en fonction
> de ses capacités visuelles et ses préférences propres en cas général,
> tout en fournissant ce contenu sémantique de la manière la plus
> universelle connue, à savoir du texte pur. Même si les balises sont un
> peu lourdes, on pouvait lire n'importe quelle page HTML dans Vim ou
> Emacs.
> Actuellement on est parti très loin de cet idéal, parce que
> "l'audience" a changée et qu'on est passé d'une logique très
> universitaire à la logique du big-business beaucoup plus attaché a
> imposer des formats et contrôler ses utilisateurs qu'à diffuser des
> idées libres et librement accessibles. La présentation et le contrôle
> sont devenus beaucoup plus important, et les demandes du grand public
> ne vont absolument pas contre cette tendance... grand débat qu'on ne va
> pas développer.
> Mais en cas général, la transparence du code et le contrôle par
> l'utilisater n'est absolument pas la priorité de la majeur partie du
> web actuel, les pages sont devenues lourdes et complexes a l'extrême,
> entièrement baties avec des scripts et des "briques" de sources
> diverses, et si Flash a été longtemps le moyen d'imposer un binaire
> opaque pour contourner les "limitation" et la sécurité d'un web ouvert,
> la pratique massive des "apps" est devenu ce moyen.
> Bien entendu les "apps" ne leur suffisent pas, et certain aimeraient,
> sous tout un tas de prétextes et par différents moyens (dont le
> menottage des utilisateur grâce DRM) généraliser ces pratique au web
> dans son intégralité.
> Sur le plan théorique, je pense que tout a été dit depuis fort
> longtemps, reste les choix qui sont fait et qui ne sont absolument pas
> déconnecté du reste de la société. À la réponse à la question "dans
> quel monde voulons nous vivre", la réponse originale a beaucoup
> évoluée, et encore une fois c'est un passionant mais trop grand débat
> pour développer ici.
> Toujours est-il que les qualités de l'outil, ainsi que les défauts y
> compris dans les effets pervers, sont intimement liés à ces
> choix.
Entièrement d'accord avec ce constat.
Mais pourquoi ne pas parler d'adaptation.sans trop en rajouter.
(Un nouveau fil à dérouler ? )

Internet est devenu un vrai casse-tête: À peine arrivé sur un site, qune
fenêtre surgit pour demander d’accepter les cookies, une autre pour
activer les notifications, une troisième pour connaître votre
géolocalisation, le tout pendant qu’une vidéo se lance automatiquement
(avec le volume à fond !) alors que vous n’aviez, bien sûr, rien demandé.

Un nom : les "dark patterns", ou « interface truquée », en français.
Expression, inventée en 2010 par le spécialiste du design d’interfaces
numériques Harry Brignull.




Ces pratiques peu scrupuleuses, désorientent, trompent volontairement
l’internaute, sans être pour autant illégales;la Commission nationale de
l’informatique et des libertés (CNIL) a décidé d’agir et publié des
recommandations en sept.2020.

RDV en  mars 2021 pour des sanctions?

Pour moi, il y message à suivre et les debianistes ont leur mot à dire.

Je compte sur Haricophile pour "cultiver son jardin" ;-)


sshfs has fubared mount

2021-02-08 Thread Gene Heskett
Greetings all;

I have sshfs setup so I can move files around between this box and 4 
others, 3 of which are now running buster.  Works only for the user, me.

Same install medium, a usb key, has installed buster to a 5th machine, 
which is identical to two of the other 4.

But the mount permissions are inverted, only root can mount this 5th 
machine.  ssh -Y aliasname works normally, and I am logged into this 5th 
machine fron a konsole as me, user 1000.

Only I can execute these 4 lines of a script in my bin directory
sshfs g...@sixty40.coyote.den:/ /sshnet/sixty40
sshfs gene@lathe:/  /sshnet/lathe
sshfs gene@GO704:/  /sshnet/GO704
sshfs pi@rpi4:/ /sshnet/rpi4

but only root can execute this last line

sshfs gene@Hardinge1:/  /sshnet/Hardinge1

generating this error when I run this script as me.
gene@coyote:~$ bin/mount-machines
fuse: mountpoint is not empty
fuse: if you are sure this is safe, use the 'nonempty' mount option
fuse: mountpoint is not empty
fuse: if you are sure this is safe, use the 'nonempty' mount option
fuse: mountpoint is not empty
fuse: if you are sure this is safe, use the 'nonempty' mount option
fuse: mountpoint is not empty
fuse: if you are sure this is safe, use the 'nonempty' mount option

The above mounts have already been done, and the onwership and perms 
of /sshnet/Hardinge1 are identical to the other 4 above

fusermount: user has no write access to mountpoint /sshnet/Hardinge1
which is
ls -la /sshnet/ (on this machine)
total 84
drwxr-xr-x  9 gene gene  4096 Feb  8 10:10 .
drwxr-xr-x 28 root root  4096 Dec 12 03:44 ..
drwxr-xr-x  1 root root  4096 Feb  4 15:59 GO704
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root  4096 Feb  8 10:10 Hardinge1
drwxr-xr-x  1 root root  4096 Feb  3 14:16 lathe
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root  4096 Apr 25  2019 redpitaya
drwxr-xr-x  1 root root  4096 Feb  1 04:46 rpi4
drwxr-xr-x  1 root root  4096 Feb  4 15:43 sixty40
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root  4096 May  2  2019 vna

How do I fix this? I do not want a root perms holder to have access.
Anything I need to do to any of thse machines that needs root, can be 
done with sudo from a normal login as the first user.

Thanks all.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis
Genes Web page 

Re: Cable HDMI sin sonido en notebook Lenovo G480

2021-02-08 Thread Jesús Enmanuel Odremán Manrique
Buenas noches.
Por favor, solicito que se me desincorpore de esta lista de correos. gracias

El mar, 9 feb 2021 a las 3:52, Germán Avendaño Ramírez (<>) escribió:

> On Mon, Feb 08, 2021 at 07:06:48PM -0300, Marcelo Eduardo Giordano wrote:
> > Queridos amigos:
> >
> > Tengo una notebook Lenovo G480 con Debian 10 xcfe la cual mediante un
> cable
> > HDMI la conecto al televisor, pero curiosamente se ve la imagen pero no
> se
> > escucha el sonido el televisor, pero si en la notebook, lo que me trae
> > algunos problemas a la hora de escuchar.
> >
> > He probado si el problema es el cable, usando el mismo con otros
> > dispositivos y veo que el mismo funciona a la perfección.
> >
> > Quisiera saber si alguien puede darme alguna idea o solución a este
> problema
> >
> > También se me ocurrió, no se que les parece, instalar debian 11 a ver si
> el
> > problema se soluciona.
> >
> > Espero sus opiniones
> Hola Marcelo, si instaló xfce4 por defecto, debe tener instalada la
> aplicación pavucontrol. Desde ésta puede activar el sonido para HDMI,
> desde la pestaña configuración.
> Atentamente
> --
> Mancho

Jesús Odremán

+34 664008788

Re: Cable HDMI sin sonido en notebook Lenovo G480

2021-02-08 Thread Germán Avendaño Ramírez
On Mon, Feb 08, 2021 at 07:06:48PM -0300, Marcelo Eduardo Giordano wrote:
> Queridos amigos:
> Tengo una notebook Lenovo G480 con Debian 10 xcfe la cual mediante un cable
> HDMI la conecto al televisor, pero curiosamente se ve la imagen pero no se
> escucha el sonido el televisor, pero si en la notebook, lo que me trae
> algunos problemas a la hora de escuchar.
> He probado si el problema es el cable, usando el mismo con otros
> dispositivos y veo que el mismo funciona a la perfección.
> Quisiera saber si alguien puede darme alguna idea o solución a este problema
> También se me ocurrió, no se que les parece, instalar debian 11 a ver si el
> problema se soluciona.
> Espero sus opiniones

Hola Marcelo, si instaló xfce4 por defecto, debe tener instalada la 
aplicación pavucontrol. Desde ésta puede activar el sonido para HDMI, 
desde la pestaña configuración.



Re: Incorrect password Debian 10.8 after installation

2021-02-08 Thread David Christensen

On 2021-02-08 15:15, David Wright wrote:

On Mon 08 Feb 2021 at 13:02:21 (-0800), David Christensen wrote:

On 2021-02-08 00:40, Marco Möller wrote:

You could bypass any password request during boot to the console
and then fix it by setting the desired password newly. The boot
parameter for bypassing all password request an right away
becoming logged in as user root is:
      init=/sbin/sulogin --force

That is interesting.  But, how does the reader *use* that information[?] ...

Booting a Stretch system, I see a menu:

 GNU GRUB  version 2.02~beta3-5+deb9u2

 *Debian GNU/Linux
  Advanced options for Debian GNU/Linux

If I press 'e', it (GRUB?) appears to bring up an editor window that
contains a bunch of content that looks relevant.  The last few lines

 echo'Loading Linux 4.9.0-9-amd64 ...'
 linux   /vmlinuz-4.9.0-9-amd64 root=UUID=... ro noresume
 echo'Loading initial ramdisk ...'
 initrd  /initrd.img-4.9.0-9-amd64

… and that's the menu version of the commands outlined in 5.3.2.

Yes, [add the suggested parameters]to the linux line: it's a kernel parameter.

Where is this documented?

I always go to

(where v4.15 could be different).

 init=   [KNL]
   Run specified binary instead of /sbin/init as init process.

where KNL confirms it's a Kernel parameter. The introduction shows:

 BUGS=   Relates to possible processor bugs on the said processor.
 KNL Is a kernel start-up parameter.
 BOOTIs a boot loader parameter.

Thank you for the information.  :-)

But, it still does not answer the question -- how does the reader *use* 
the suggested "boot parameter"?

My WAG (untested):

1.  Power up the computer.

2.  The GRUB menu should be displayed:

*Debian GNU/Linux
 Advanced options for Debian GNU/Linux

3.  Press the down arrow key to highlight "Advanced options for Debian 
GNU/Linux".  Press  to select it.

4.  A second GRUB menu should be displayed (the OP should have a newer 

*Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 4.9.0-9-amd64
 Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 4.9.0-9-amd64 (recovery mode)

5.  Press the down arrow key to select the "... (recovery mode)" boot 
entry.  Press 'e' to edit it.

6.  The GRUB editor should start and display the contents of the 
selected boot entry.  Look for the line that begins with 'linux'.  Use 
the cursor keys to move the insertion point to the end of that line and 
add the following kernel boot parameters:

init=/sbin/sulogin --force

7.  "Press Ctrl+x or F10 to boot".

Is the above correct?


1.  How do I make a copy of a boot entry?  (So that I can edit the copy 
and keep the original.)

2.  How do I insert a tab character with the GRUB editor?  (Pressing 
 causes the editor to attempt command completion.)

3.  Will changes made to a boot entry with the GRUB editor persist for 
subsequent boots?


Re: Cable HDMI sin sonido en notebook Lenovo G480

2021-02-08 Thread Ariel Segura
en ubuntu yo voy a la configuración del sonido y me da la opción para que
sea desde el TV

El lun, 8 de feb. de 2021 a la(s) 19:14, Eduardo Visbal ( escribió:

> Hola Marcelo
> Amigo, cuando tienes conectado tu cable HDMI y revisas la configuración de
> sonido, que opciones te muestra ?
> *Eduardo VisbalLinuxero #440451
> *
> El lun, 8 feb 2021 a las 19:07, Marcelo Eduardo Giordano (<
>>) escribió:
>> Queridos amigos:
>> Tengo una notebook Lenovo G480 con Debian 10 xcfe la cual mediante un
>> cable HDMI la conecto al televisor, pero curiosamente se ve la imagen
>> pero no se escucha el sonido el televisor, pero si en la notebook, lo
>> que me trae algunos problemas a la hora de escuchar.
>> He probado si el problema es el cable, usando el mismo con otros
>> dispositivos y veo que el mismo funciona a la perfección.
>> Quisiera saber si alguien puede darme alguna idea o solución a este
>> problema
>> También se me ocurrió, no se que les parece, instalar debian 11 a ver si
>> el problema se soluciona.
>> Espero sus opiniones

Re: Security: OpenWRT vs. Debian [Was:] Re: Linux router AP with reserved IPs on wlan0?

2021-02-08 Thread Celejar
On Mon, 8 Feb 2021 16:42:40 -0500
Dan Ritter  wrote:

> Celejar wrote: 
> > > If you are OK buying used equipment, Intel-based gigabit NICs, 4 ports
> > > to a PCIe slot, cost about $35 (or $70 new). If you've got a 5 year old
> > 
> > My understanding - please correct me if I'm wrong - is that with those
> > types of cards, the ports are distinct and aren't actually switched in
> > hardware, so switching occurrs at the OS / kernel level. I don't know
> > how much of a load this puts on the system in practice, but my
> > understanding is that it's certainly not an ideal way to design a
> > switch.
> Modern processors -- even the ones 5 years old -- are really
> fast.
> Linux bridging (switching) is very efficient.

Fair enough.

> Is it "ideal"? No. But given that you want one device which acts
> as a WAP, router, firewall and switch, it should perform quite 
> well. If you hate the idea of doing that, though, an 8-port
> gigabit switch is about the same price as a used 4-port gigabit
> NIC. Not as flexible, though.
> > > desktop sitting around with 2GB or more RAM and 3 available PCIe slots,
> > > you can use it as a WAP and have nine switched/routed gigabit ports,
> > > counting one on the motherboard.  If you only need 5 ports, you only
> > > need 2 PCIe slots -- one for a WiFI NIC and one for the ethernet NIC.
> > 
> > My understanding, although I could not find solid documentation of this,
> > is that consumer wireless chipsets designed for client use don't make
> > particularly performant APs. They'll work, but purpose built APs will
> > perform much better, especially with their AP optimized antennas. I
> > don't really know if this is true, though, and to what extent it's an
> > issue, if it really is one.
> Oh, no, this is a myth. The $20-150 consumer wifi routers use
> the same wifi interface chips as good PCIe cards, for the most
> part. OpenWRT is actually a great source of information on
> these.
> Assuming you're comparing a 3 antenna MIMO on a PCIe card to a 3
> antenna MIMO on a consumer router, you should get equivalent
> range and performance.

Thanks. I'd love to see actual tests comparing performance of wireless
APs (consumer, enterprise, and DIY ones like we're discussing), but
they seem very hard to come by.

> > And the power usage on a five year old desktop (which I don't actually
> > have) will be much higher than a purpose-built AIO AP / switch / router.
> That can be true. But then, the desktop can also be your server
> for a bunch of other things that, perhaps, you were going to
> run.

Fair enough. I'm currently using an old R210 ii as my server, so I'm
not one to talk ;) I suppose it might be fun to see if I can fit a
modern AX200 based PCIe (perhaps a low profile one) into it and see how
it performs as an AP / router ...

> > But again, I don't really disagree. If I had the hardware lying around,
> > and I determined that the power consumption wasn't a factor, it would
> > certainly be tempting to consider this route.
> Everything is a tradeoff.



Re: Incorrect password Debian 10.8 after installation

2021-02-08 Thread David Wright
On Mon 08 Feb 2021 at 13:02:21 (-0800), David Christensen wrote:
> On 2021-02-08 00:40, Marco Möller wrote:
> > You could bypass any password request during boot to the console
> > and then fix it by setting the desired password newly. The boot
> > parameter for bypassing all password request an right away
> > becoming logged in as user root is:
> >      init=/sbin/sulogin --force
> That is interesting.  But, how does the reader *use* that information.
> STFW ' boot parameters buster', I see:
> Skimming the page, I do not see any instructions for entering boot
> parameters...

Perhaps it's not made obvious enough there. The page starts with
"Boot parameters are Linux kernel parameters", and the footnote
(labelled ²) hints that they're given on the kernel command line,
ie the line starting with "linux" in grub.cfg.

> Following the link 'Linux BootPrompt HOWTO':
> SSL problems.  Try another site:
> I see LILO.  Wow.  Remember LILO and the 90's?

Some of these HOWTOs are interesting reminders of how we used to
configure things. Keeping such internal references up to date is
a tough task. Perhaps googling is more productive.

> STFW 'linux boot prompt', I see:
> The answer by djk44883 provides a link to the GRUB manual:

Yes, that the place I look these things up.

> '5.3.2 GNU/Linux' looks relevant:
> But nothing tells me how to get to the 'grub>' prompt...

I think that section is for people building a grub.cfg from scratch.
You want §14.2, which describes the menu interface that we're all
familiar with.

> Booting a Stretch system, I see a menu:
> GNU GRUB  version 2.02~beta3-5+deb9u2
> *Debian GNU/Linux
>  Advanced options for Debian GNU/Linux
> Use the ? and ? keys to select which entry is highlighted.
> Press enter to boot the selected OS, 'e' to edit the commands before
> booting, or 'c' for a command line

Yes, that summarises §14.2 …

> If I press 'e', it (GRUB?) appears to bring up an editor window that
> contains a bunch of content that looks relevant.  The last few lines
> are:
> echo'Loading Linux 4.9.0-9-amd64 ...'
> linux   /vmlinuz-4.9.0-9-amd64 root=UUID=... ro noresume
> echo'Loading initial ramdisk ...'
> initrd  /initrd.img-4.9.0-9-amd64

… and that's the menu version of the commands outlined in 5.3.2.

> If I press 'c', I obtain a prompt:
> grub>

You don't want that, which is what you get when Grub gets lost.

> Do I add 'init=/sbin/sulogin --force' in the editor?

Yes, to the linux line: it's a kernel parameter.

Why no 'set'?

Because "init" is not a Grub variable.

> Where is this documented?

I always go to

(where v4.15 could be different).

init=   [KNL]
  Run specified binary instead of /sbin/init as init process.

where KNL confirms it's a Kernel parameter. The introduction shows:

BUGS=   Relates to possible processor bugs on the said processor.
KNL Is a kernel start-up parameter.
BOOTIs a boot loader parameter.


Re: Cable HDMI sin sonido en notebook Lenovo G480

2021-02-08 Thread Eduardo Visbal
Hola Marcelo

Amigo, cuando tienes conectado tu cable HDMI y revisas la configuración de
sonido, que opciones te muestra ?

*Eduardo VisbalLinuxero #440451

El lun, 8 feb 2021 a las 19:07, Marcelo Eduardo Giordano (<>) escribió:

> Queridos amigos:
> Tengo una notebook Lenovo G480 con Debian 10 xcfe la cual mediante un
> cable HDMI la conecto al televisor, pero curiosamente se ve la imagen
> pero no se escucha el sonido el televisor, pero si en la notebook, lo
> que me trae algunos problemas a la hora de escuchar.
> He probado si el problema es el cable, usando el mismo con otros
> dispositivos y veo que el mismo funciona a la perfección.
> Quisiera saber si alguien puede darme alguna idea o solución a este
> problema
> También se me ocurrió, no se que les parece, instalar debian 11 a ver si
> el problema se soluciona.
> Espero sus opiniones

Cable HDMI sin sonido en notebook Lenovo G480

2021-02-08 Thread Marcelo Eduardo Giordano

Queridos amigos:

Tengo una notebook Lenovo G480 con Debian 10 xcfe la cual mediante un 
cable HDMI la conecto al televisor, pero curiosamente se ve la imagen 
pero no se escucha el sonido el televisor, pero si en la notebook, lo 
que me trae algunos problemas a la hora de escuchar.

He probado si el problema es el cable, usando el mismo con otros 
dispositivos y veo que el mismo funciona a la perfección.

Quisiera saber si alguien puede darme alguna idea o solución a este problema

También se me ocurrió, no se que les parece, instalar debian 11 a ver si 
el problema se soluciona.

Espero sus opiniones

Re: Security: OpenWRT vs. Debian [Was:] Re: Linux router AP with reserved IPs on wlan0?

2021-02-08 Thread Dan Ritter
Celejar wrote: 
> > If you are OK buying used equipment, Intel-based gigabit NICs, 4 ports
> > to a PCIe slot, cost about $35 (or $70 new). If you've got a 5 year old
> My understanding - please correct me if I'm wrong - is that with those
> types of cards, the ports are distinct and aren't actually switched in
> hardware, so switching occurrs at the OS / kernel level. I don't know
> how much of a load this puts on the system in practice, but my
> understanding is that it's certainly not an ideal way to design a
> switch.

Modern processors -- even the ones 5 years old -- are really

Linux bridging (switching) is very efficient.

Is it "ideal"? No. But given that you want one device which acts
as a WAP, router, firewall and switch, it should perform quite 
well. If you hate the idea of doing that, though, an 8-port
gigabit switch is about the same price as a used 4-port gigabit
NIC. Not as flexible, though.

> > desktop sitting around with 2GB or more RAM and 3 available PCIe slots,
> > you can use it as a WAP and have nine switched/routed gigabit ports,
> > counting one on the motherboard.  If you only need 5 ports, you only
> > need 2 PCIe slots -- one for a WiFI NIC and one for the ethernet NIC.
> My understanding, although I could not find solid documentation of this,
> is that consumer wireless chipsets designed for client use don't make
> particularly performant APs. They'll work, but purpose built APs will
> perform much better, especially with their AP optimized antennas. I
> don't really know if this is true, though, and to what extent it's an
> issue, if it really is one.

Oh, no, this is a myth. The $20-150 consumer wifi routers use
the same wifi interface chips as good PCIe cards, for the most
part. OpenWRT is actually a great source of information on

Assuming you're comparing a 3 antenna MIMO on a PCIe card to a 3
antenna MIMO on a consumer router, you should get equivalent
range and performance.

> And the power usage on a five year old desktop (which I don't actually
> have) will be much higher than a purpose-built AIO AP / switch / router.

That can be true. But then, the desktop can also be your server
for a bunch of other things that, perhaps, you were going to

> But again, I don't really disagree. If I had the hardware lying around,
> and I determined that the power consumption wasn't a factor, it would
> certainly be tempting to consider this route.

Everything is a tradeoff.


Re: Incorrect password Debian 10.8 after installation

2021-02-08 Thread David Christensen

On 2021-02-08 00:40, Marco Möller wrote:

You could bypass any password request during boot to the console and 
then fix it by setting the desired password newly. The boot parameter 
for bypassing all password request an right away becoming logged in as 
user root is:

     init=/sbin/sulogin --force

That is interesting.  But, how does the reader *use* that information.

STFW ' boot parameters buster', I see:

Skimming the page, I do not see any instructions for entering boot 

Following the link 'Linux BootPrompt HOWTO':

SSL problems.  Try another site:

I see LILO.  Wow.  Remember LILO and the 90's?

STFW 'linux boot prompt', I see:

The answer by djk44883 provides a link to the GRUB manual:

'5.3.2 GNU/Linux' looks relevant:

But nothing tells me how to get to the 'grub>' prompt...

Booting a Stretch system, I see a menu:

GNU GRUB  version 2.02~beta3-5+deb9u2

*Debian GNU/Linux
 Advanced options for Debian GNU/Linux

Use the ? and ? keys to select which entry is highlighted.
Press enter to boot the selected OS, 'e' to edit the commands before 
booting, or 'c' for a command line

If I press 'e', it (GRUB?) appears to bring up an editor window that 
contains a bunch of content that looks relevant.  The last few lines are:

echo'Loading Linux 4.9.0-9-amd64 ...'
linux   /vmlinuz-4.9.0-9-amd64 root=UUID=... ro noresume
echo'Loading initial ramdisk ...'
initrd  /initrd.img-4.9.0-9-amd64

If I press 'c', I obtain a prompt:


Do I add 'init=/sbin/sulogin --force' in the editor?  Why no 'set'?

Where is this documented?


Re: Security: OpenWRT vs. Debian [Was:] Re: Linux router AP with reserved IPs on wlan0?

2021-02-08 Thread Celejar
On Mon, 8 Feb 2021 11:03:35 -0500
Dan Ritter  wrote:

> Celejar wrote: 
> > > I can be glad that OpenWRT has improved their security practices
> > > and simultaneously not be interested in using it.
> > 
> > I think we are really in basic agreement. The reason I use OpenWRT is
> > that I use a residential all-in-one WAP / switch / router, which Debian
> > is unsuitable for. If I ever go the separate WAP / switch / router
> > route, I'll probably use Debian on the router for the reasons you
> > give: good support, a system I'm familiar with, etc.
> Debian works well in this situation. You just need to arrange
> for enough NIC ports to meet your needs.
> If you are OK buying used equipment, Intel-based gigabit NICs, 4 ports
> to a PCIe slot, cost about $35 (or $70 new). If you've got a 5 year old

My understanding - please correct me if I'm wrong - is that with those
types of cards, the ports are distinct and aren't actually switched in
hardware, so switching occurrs at the OS / kernel level. I don't know
how much of a load this puts on the system in practice, but my
understanding is that it's certainly not an ideal way to design a

> desktop sitting around with 2GB or more RAM and 3 available PCIe slots,
> you can use it as a WAP and have nine switched/routed gigabit ports,
> counting one on the motherboard.  If you only need 5 ports, you only
> need 2 PCIe slots -- one for a WiFI NIC and one for the ethernet NIC.

My understanding, although I could not find solid documentation of this,
is that consumer wireless chipsets designed for client use don't make
particularly performant APs. They'll work, but purpose built APs will
perform much better, especially with their AP optimized antennas. I
don't really know if this is true, though, and to what extent it's an
issue, if it really is one.

And the power usage on a five year old desktop (which I don't actually
have) will be much higher than a purpose-built AIO AP / switch / router.

> Debian has hostapd and dnsmasq packages.

But again, I don't really disagree. If I had the hardware lying around,
and I determined that the power consumption wasn't a factor, it would
certainly be tempting to consider this route.


Re: Developers repositories and Python

2021-02-08 Thread Darac Marjal

On 08/02/2021 02:44, John Berden wrote:
> Hello.
> Can you recommend any trusted repositories for installing the latest
> developer packages, including Python?

It depends on how "latest" you need. If you need the genuine Python
development packages, then the Python Development Guide is at Coming back a level, if you just need the
latest released version of Python for developing your own code against,
then they are posted at

More relevantly, because you're posting to a Debian User Group, then
you're probably asking for the debian repositories. These days, the
simplest location for those is at Instructions
are provided there for getting access to those repositories.

Finally, if you want to assure yourself that the packages you're
receiving are those provided by Debian, have a read through

> Thanks in advance!

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: trying to start Okular

2021-02-08 Thread ellanios82

On 2/8/21 7:41 PM, Roland Mueller wrote:
Okular requires the followin shared object/library that should be 
in /usr/lib64.



 - many thanks


Re: trying to start Okular

2021-02-08 Thread Roland Mueller
Okular requires the followin shared object/library that should be
in /usr/lib64.


ma 8. helmik. 2021 klo 13.24 ellanios82 ( kirjoitti:

>   my system is MX-Linux patito feo amd64
>   : after recent system-Crash , am struggling to recover!
> - when i try to start Okular , am getting error-message :
>   "okular: error while loading shared libraries:
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
>   - any suggestions, please, what to try , to get Okular working again ??
> ...
>   thanks
>   Richard

Sid, upgrade kernel casse mon Wifi

2021-02-08 Thread jerome moliere
Bonjour a tous,
je suis victime d'un souci sournois sur 1 laptop System76 lemur pro dote de
composants Intel 11eme generation.
Suite a l'upgrade du kernel en 5.10-2 (et 3 depuis) je n'ai plus de wifi:
- lspci voit toujours la carte lspci -nnk
lspci -nnk|grep -i network   ─╯
00:14.3 Network controller [0280]: Intel Corporation Comet Lake PCH-LP CNVi
WiFi [8086:02f0]

par contre  elle est invisible par ip/iwconfig etc
ip a ─╯
1: lo:  mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group
default qlen 1000
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host lo
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 ::1/128 scope host
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: enx0050b6ebc397:  mtu 1500
qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000
link/ether 00:50:b6:eb:c3:97 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global enx0050b6ebc397
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 2a01:cb19:65b:4100:2b1a:5245:8c46:60f3/64 scope global temporary
   valid_lft 1773sec preferred_lft 573sec
inet6 2a01:cb19:65b:4100:250:b6ff:feeb:c397/64 scope global dynamic
   valid_lft 1773sec preferred_lft 573sec
inet6 fe80::250:b6ff:feeb:c397/64 scope link
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
3: docker0:  mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue
state DOWN group default
link/ether 02:42:a0:41:aa:9a brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global docker0
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

Dans les logs du kernel on voit qu'il y a un souci de chargement du
sudo dmesg|grep -i iwlwifi

[4.769596] iwlwifi :00:14.3: minimum version required: (efault)198
[4.769643] iwlwifi :00:14.3: maximum version supported: (efault)143
[4.769684] iwlwifi :00:14.3: check git://
[4.769744] iwlwifi :00:14.3: Couldn't request the fw
[4.783252] iwlwifi: probe of :00:14.3 failed with error -2

Effectivement avec une version mini (198) > a la version maxi (143) cela va
etre dur de charger quoi que ce soit je pense
J'ai tente de copier les fichiers .ucode chopes sur le site de Intel dans
/lib/firmware mais sans succes

Que puis je faire ?
Depuis ma carte wifi est invisible sur toutes les distros avec des kernels
differents j'ai tente plusieurs livecd mais elle est tjs aux abonnes

Vos conseils eclaires sont les bienvenus.

Re: trying to start Xiphos

2021-02-08 Thread tomas
On Mon, Feb 08, 2021 at 06:34:43PM +0200, ellanios82 wrote:
> Dear Tom ,
>  - just to let you know
>  : i got so frustrated with "error while loading shared libraries"

It seems something got seriously broken. Either a bunch of library providing
packages "disappeared" (then re-installation might have helped, one package
after the other) or something deleted things in /usr/lib or thereabouts
(then perhaps the option --reinstall to apt install would have been needed).

>  - that i finally Re-Installed MX-Linux
>  : "Knock-on-Wood" all looks good

Glad you found out of your problems :)

>  Yr Help Much appreciated

You're welcome.

 - t

Description: Digital signature

Re: machine en qwerty après démarrage systématiquement

2021-02-08 Thread Grégory Bulot
Le Mon, 8 Feb 2021 15:47:34 +0100,
G2PC  a écrit :

>   Changer de clavier qwerty pour azerty
> dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration

* J'ai laissé ce qui était actif : "PC générique 105 touches"
* J'ai laissé le choix "Français - Français (azerty)"
* J'ai laissé le choix "Disposition par défaut pour le clavier"
  concernant la touche alt-GR
* J'ai laissé le choix "Touche Ctrl de droite" (touche compose)
* J'ai laissé le choix "ctrl+alt+backspace" (arret serveur X)

Cela impact le fichier /etc/default/keyboard que j'avais spécifié dans
mon post initial

> service keyboard-setup restart


on verra mercredi matin si cela fonctionne 

> # Sinon :
> # Menu / Application / paramètres / clavier
> [...]

Y'a pas ça avec Openbox (je l'avais précisé dans mon post initial)

> # Redémarrer la machine semble nécessaire pour appliquer la nouvelle
> configuration du clavier !

Mercredi mati je testerais

> # Sinon, on peut appliquer de façon temporaire :
> setxkbmap fr

c'est ce que je fais a chaque reboot / start du PC (cf mon post

Pas mal l'auto-promo, j'ajoute ton site à mes favoris :-)

Re: trying to start Xiphos

2021-02-08 Thread ellanios82

Dear Tom ,

 - just to let you know

 : i got so frustrated with "error while loading shared libraries"

 - that i finally Re-Installed MX-Linux

 : "Knock-on-Wood" all looks good


 Yr Help Much appreciated



Re: Security: OpenWRT vs. Debian [Was:] Re: Linux router AP with reserved IPs on wlan0?

2021-02-08 Thread Stefan Monnier
> I think we are really in basic agreement. The reason I use OpenWRT is
> that I use a residential all-in-one WAP / switch / router, which Debian
> is unsuitable for. If I ever go the separate WAP / switch / router
> route, I'll probably use Debian on the router for the reasons you
> give: good support, a system I'm familiar with, etc.

Here's a related datapoint:

For a couple years, I have used a Pi box as router+WAP, running
Debian (after having used "home routers" running OpenWRT for many years
before that).

I was quite happy with it software side (a bit less convenient to
configure than OpenWRT for the WAP part, but largely makes up for it for
the ease with which I could add auxiliary services and the convenience
of using the same OS as I use on all my other machines), but I was
unable to make it provide a good enough wireless signal to cover
my apartment.

So I switched to a box dedicated to WAP+router (BT HomeHub, in my case, whose hardware is too limited
to run Debian.  IOW the problem for me was to find hardware which is
low-power enough to have it "always on" yet whose wifi interface is good
enough to cover my apartment: these thingies seem to be much more often
able to run OpenWRT than to run Debian :-(

W.r.t security, an important advantage of Debian is that upgrades are
much easier and smoother (so much so that they can be fully automatic)
than in OpenWRT.  But I'm a very happy user of OpenWRT (and have been
for many many years).


PS: Another reason I went with the BT HomeHub is that it includes the
modem (and that this modem is supported by OpenWRT, tho with
a proprietary firmware), so it saves me having to have yet another box
in that corner (I still have the Pi there since the HomeHub is not
well suited to provide some of those services, which require a largish
storage which I'd rather not connect via USB).

[SOLVED] BIOS upgrade on an Acer laptop (was: Battery drain with poweroff)

2021-02-08 Thread Nicolas George
Nicolas George (12021-02-08):
> Thanks, I never think of BIOS updates. This is the one for my exact
> model, and the title looks very promising.
> Now I need a way to apply it; apparently I need some way to boot
> Windows. I hope I will not need to overwrite the complete drive with the
> backup image I made.

It was actually quite easy.

Acer provides a file that contains a file

This exe is partially a standard self-extracting archive, 7z knows it,
it contains, among other things, a file BiosEc.fd.

Put the BiosEc.fd file on a USB mass storage, reboot to the setup, and
upgrade from there.

I hope it will help other people too.

Now I need to see if it fixed my problem of battery drain; I have good
hope. Thanks to everybody who pitched for help.

  Nicolas George

Description: PGP signature

Re: Security: OpenWRT vs. Debian [Was:] Re: Linux router AP with reserved IPs on wlan0?

2021-02-08 Thread Dan Ritter
Celejar wrote: 
> > I can be glad that OpenWRT has improved their security practices
> > and simultaneously not be interested in using it.
> I think we are really in basic agreement. The reason I use OpenWRT is
> that I use a residential all-in-one WAP / switch / router, which Debian
> is unsuitable for. If I ever go the separate WAP / switch / router
> route, I'll probably use Debian on the router for the reasons you
> give: good support, a system I'm familiar with, etc.

Debian works well in this situation. You just need to arrange
for enough NIC ports to meet your needs.

If you are OK buying used equipment, Intel-based gigabit NICs, 4 ports
to a PCIe slot, cost about $35 (or $70 new). If you've got a 5 year old
desktop sitting around with 2GB or more RAM and 3 available PCIe slots,
you can use it as a WAP and have nine switched/routed gigabit ports,
counting one on the motherboard.  If you only need 5 ports, you only
need 2 PCIe slots -- one for a WiFI NIC and one for the ethernet NIC.

Debian has hostapd and dnsmasq packages.


Re: Battery drain with poweroff

2021-02-08 Thread Nicolas George
Alexander V. Makartsev (12021-02-08):
> I think fastest and easiest way is to swap current disk with another (if it
> is available of course) and install Evaluation version of Windows 10
> Enterprise. [1]

Unfortunately, switching the disk is not an option.

Booting from a SD card could work, but I do not know windows enough to

> Another viable option, because you've got a drive image of preinstalled
> Windows 10, is to save an image of current drive and restore from the image
> with preinstalled Windows OS.

This I can do, but I would like to avoid if possible, because of the
time and wear.


  Nicolas George

Description: PGP signature

Re: Security: OpenWRT vs. Debian [Was:] Re: Linux router AP with reserved IPs on wlan0?

2021-02-08 Thread Celejar
On Mon, 8 Feb 2021 09:57:13 -0500
Dan Ritter  wrote:

> Celejar wrote: 
> > On Mon, 8 Feb 2021 08:36:34 -0500
> > Dan Ritter  wrote:
> > 
> > > OpenWRT's security process doesn't look as terrible as it used
> > > to be, but it doesn't really look good right now, just trying to
> > > be better.
> > 
> > Again, let's look at specific examples of vulnerabilities present in
> > both OpenWRT and Debian, and compare the projects' responses. I gave
> > you one timely example: OpenWRT's SA for the dnsmasq vulnerabilities
> > was issued about two weeks before Debian's.
> > 
> > You feel that OpenWRT's security process "doesn't look good." Based on
> > what? Can you provide a vulnerability that affects their software that
> > they dropped the ball on?
> No, thanks. I don't need to poke at OpenWRT any further.
> I already have a Debian firewall that has had good security
> support from Debian since 2014; I see no reason not to continue
> using it until the hardware fails. At that point, I will buy
> another relatively small fully supported Debian box, and carry
> on. Among other benefits, it means that all the machines at home
> have the same procedures and can be used as testbeds for each
> other. E.g. the music-playing machine in the living room is now
> testing out Bullseye.
> I can be glad that OpenWRT has improved their security practices
> and simultaneously not be interested in using it.

I think we are really in basic agreement. The reason I use OpenWRT is
that I use a residential all-in-one WAP / switch / router, which Debian
is unsuitable for. If I ever go the separate WAP / switch / router
route, I'll probably use Debian on the router for the reasons you
give: good support, a system I'm familiar with, etc.


Re: Strange statistics from gparted

2021-02-08 Thread David Wright
On Mon 08 Feb 2021 at 10:15:22 (+0100), Thomas Schmitt wrote:
> Richard Owlett wrote:
> > > I am experimenting with custom installs of MATE on Debian 10.7 .
> > > [...]
> > > I have a default install with / on sda1.
> > > The custom install has / on sda2.
> > > [...]
> > > When running gparted from the first, it reports
> > >   sda1 used space is 3.85 GB
> > >   sda2 used space is 2.25 GB
> > > When running gparted from the second, it reports
> > >   sda1 used space is 4.77 GB
> > >   sda2 used space is 1.80 GB
> Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > Based on the limited information available my best guess is that you are
> > looking at different disk drives as the device names can change between
> > boots.
> If this turns out to be not the case:
> - Can it be that MATE stores a large amount of data when it gets shut down
>   and deletes the files after a new startup ?
>   (The respective active /-filesystem's usage seems to be smaller than
>the inactive /-filesystem.)

Well, the most obvious one is /tmp, assuming that it's "real".
Booting up will normally clean this. (On occasions, I have had
to boot up the other system on my disk to recover files I had
accidentally left there.)

> - What does "du -s" tell about the mounted filesystems in both situations ?

Particularly after having mounted any other filesystems on the disk.


Re: Security: OpenWRT vs. Debian [Was:] Re: Linux router AP with reserved IPs on wlan0?

2021-02-08 Thread Dan Ritter
Celejar wrote: 
> On Mon, 8 Feb 2021 08:36:34 -0500
> Dan Ritter  wrote:
> > OpenWRT's security process doesn't look as terrible as it used
> > to be, but it doesn't really look good right now, just trying to
> > be better.
> Again, let's look at specific examples of vulnerabilities present in
> both OpenWRT and Debian, and compare the projects' responses. I gave
> you one timely example: OpenWRT's SA for the dnsmasq vulnerabilities
> was issued about two weeks before Debian's.
> You feel that OpenWRT's security process "doesn't look good." Based on
> what? Can you provide a vulnerability that affects their software that
> they dropped the ball on?

No, thanks. I don't need to poke at OpenWRT any further.

I already have a Debian firewall that has had good security
support from Debian since 2014; I see no reason not to continue
using it until the hardware fails. At that point, I will buy
another relatively small fully supported Debian box, and carry
on. Among other benefits, it means that all the machines at home
have the same procedures and can be used as testbeds for each
other. E.g. the music-playing machine in the living room is now
testing out Bullseye.

I can be glad that OpenWRT has improved their security practices
and simultaneously not be interested in using it.


Re: machine en qwerty après démarrage systématiquement

2021-02-08 Thread G2PC

 Changer de clavier qwerty pour azerty

dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration
service keyboard-setup restart

# Sinon :
# Menu / Application / paramètres / clavier
Décocher  paramètre par défaut.
Choisir modèle de clavier.
Changer l'option de disposition. (Ne rien faire.)
Touche composer (Ne rien faire.)
Disposition du clavier.(Ajouter le français et le placer en premier.) On peut 
cliquer deux fois pour choisir la disposition du clavier (AZERTY).

# Redémarrer la machine semble nécessaire pour appliquer la nouvelle 
configuration du clavier !

# Sinon, on peut appliquer de façon temporaire :
setxkbmap fr

Source :  


Re: Security: OpenWRT vs. Debian [Was:] Re: Linux router AP with reserved IPs on wlan0?

2021-02-08 Thread Celejar
On Mon, 8 Feb 2021 08:36:34 -0500
Dan Ritter  wrote:

> Celejar wrote: 
> > On Mon, 8 Feb 2021 06:41:23 -0500
> > Dan Ritter  wrote:
> > 
> > > Gregory Seidman wrote: 
> > > > If you want a Linux router/AP, I recommend OpenWRT over Debian. It runs 
> > > > on
> > 
> > ...
> > 
> > > Debian gets security updates in a timely manner (for stable).
> > > 
> > > How's OpenWRT's security team?
> > 
> > I'm not sure if this is a genuine question or a rhetorical one (sorry -
> > tone doesn't always come across well in email), but OpenWRT does have a
> > security process, with advisories, bug fixes, etc.:
> Semi-rhetorical: my experience with OpenWRT and ddWRT is that
> once a device is installed, it never gets an upgrade. I'd be
> happy to learn otherwise.

Rejoice, then! If you choose never to upgrade, that's your choice, but
the project releases point releases every couple of months or so, and
new major versions every year or two:

> >
> > 
> > I suspect the process may not be as good as Debian's, but they do fix
> > at least some serious bugs fairly quickly. E.g., if I'm reading the
> > following pages correctly, the Debian DSAs for the recent serious set of
> > dnsmasq vulnerabilities went out on Feb. 4, whereas OpenWRT issued its
> > Security Advisory on Jan. 19:
> That page lists 15 advisories over the last 3 years -- let's say
> 2 years, since this year is just beginning. Four of those
> advisories are for OpenWRT-only problems.
> In the 2 months of 2021, so far, Debian's security team has issued 28 notices.
> Let's discount the desktop software -- that's 8 of them, by my
> count -- because nobody runs desktop software on a router.

I think this is a misleading comparison. It's not just a question
of desktop software - Debian includes vastly more software in general,
for which the security team is responsible, than OpenWRT does. Debian
proudly announces that it comes with "more than 59000 packages":

OpenWRT includes merely "several thousand packages" (I can't find an
exact number):

So of course Debian is going to have more SAs.

> OpenWRT's security process doesn't look as terrible as it used
> to be, but it doesn't really look good right now, just trying to
> be better.

Again, let's look at specific examples of vulnerabilities present in
both OpenWRT and Debian, and compare the projects' responses. I gave
you one timely example: OpenWRT's SA for the dnsmasq vulnerabilities
was issued about two weeks before Debian's.

You feel that OpenWRT's security process "doesn't look good." Based on
what? Can you provide a vulnerability that affects their software that
they dropped the ball on?

> This probably doesn't matter much if you just want a WAP inside
> your house, but I feel confirmed that Debian is still a much
> better choice for an Internet-facing router/firewall.


trying to start Xiphos

2021-02-08 Thread ellanios82

 my system is MX-Linux patito feo amd64

 : after recent system-Crash , am struggling to recover!

- when i try to start okular , am getting error-message :

 "~/Desktop$ /usr/bin/okular
/usr/bin/okular: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or 

 - i have attempted to correct this:

"(Reading database ... 387334 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../libkf5parts-data_5.54.0-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking libkf5parts-data (5.54.0-1) over (5.54.0-1) ...
Preparing to unpack .../libkf5parts5_5.54.0-1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libkf5parts5:amd64 (5.54.0-1) over (5.54.0-1) ...
Setting up libkf5parts-data (5.54.0-1) ...
Setting up libkf5parts5:amd64 (5.54.0-1) ...
Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.28-10) "

 But, whatever i try with all my troubles : Xiphos , bibletime , whatever
 - everywhere i seem to meet

  " error loading shared libraries "


Setting up libkf5parts5:amd64 (5.54.0-1) ...
Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.28-10)

 - what please may i try next ?

thanks indeed

Re: Battery drain with poweroff

2021-02-08 Thread Alexander V. Makartsev

On 08.02.2021 18:04, Marko Randjelovic wrote:

Hi all,

On Mon, 8 Feb 2021 13:26:12 +0100
Nicolas George  wrote:

Now I need a way to apply it; apparently I need some way to boot
Windows. I hope I will not need to overwrite the complete drive with the
backup image I made.

There is a program named 'flashrom' in Debian, but I don't know how
reliable is it as BIOS flash is quite a dangerous operation. I decided
to risk several years ago on an AMD system with MSI motherboard and was

It won't help in this case, because BIOS update from Acer is actually a 
package without plain binary ROM file.
'flashrom' could be used to backup original BIOS to file, before 
updating, but I doubt it is necessary.

With kindest regards, Alexander.

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system

Re: Security: OpenWRT vs. Debian [Was:] Re: Linux router AP with reserved IPs on wlan0?

2021-02-08 Thread Dan Ritter
Celejar wrote: 
> On Mon, 8 Feb 2021 06:41:23 -0500
> Dan Ritter  wrote:
> > Gregory Seidman wrote: 
> > > If you want a Linux router/AP, I recommend OpenWRT over Debian. It runs on
> ...
> > Debian gets security updates in a timely manner (for stable).
> > 
> > How's OpenWRT's security team?
> I'm not sure if this is a genuine question or a rhetorical one (sorry -
> tone doesn't always come across well in email), but OpenWRT does have a
> security process, with advisories, bug fixes, etc.:

Semi-rhetorical: my experience with OpenWRT and ddWRT is that
once a device is installed, it never gets an upgrade. I'd be
happy to learn otherwise.

> I suspect the process may not be as good as Debian's, but they do fix
> at least some serious bugs fairly quickly. E.g., if I'm reading the
> following pages correctly, the Debian DSAs for the recent serious set of
> dnsmasq vulnerabilities went out on Feb. 4, whereas OpenWRT issued its
> Security Advisory on Jan. 19:

That page lists 15 advisories over the last 3 years -- let's say
2 years, since this year is just beginning. Four of those
advisories are for OpenWRT-only problems.

In the 2 months of 2021, so far, Debian's security team has issued 28 notices.
Let's discount the desktop software -- that's 8 of them, by my
count -- because nobody runs desktop software on a router.

OpenWRT's security process doesn't look as terrible as it used
to be, but it doesn't really look good right now, just trying to
be better.

This probably doesn't matter much if you just want a WAP inside
your house, but I feel confirmed that Debian is still a much
better choice for an Internet-facing router/firewall.


Re: trying to start Xiphos

2021-02-08 Thread ellanios82

On 2/8/21 1:31 PM, wrote:

On Mon, Feb 08, 2021 at 01:03:12PM +0200, ellanios82 wrote:

  my system is MX-Linux patito feo amd64

  : after recent system-Crash , am struggling to recover!

- when i try to start Xiphos , am getting error-message :

  "xiphos: error while loading shared libraries:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

[this recommendation also towards your other mail]

  - find out which package contains the missing library [1]
apt-file search
=> libsword-1.8.1: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

  - install it
sudo apt install libsword-1.8

(drop the version after the dot).

  - t


 Many Thanks, Tom

 - done above , but latest stumbling-bloc am seeing is :

"(process:3874): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 15:30:18.348: 
_gtk_style_provider_private_get_settings: assertion 
'GTK_IS_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIVATE (provider)' failed"

 [ i fear my system-crash left a lot of Debris, clogging the works ]

 - what please may i try next ?



Re: Battery drain with poweroff

2021-02-08 Thread Alexander V. Makartsev

On 08.02.2021 17:26, Nicolas George wrote:

Alexander V. Makartsev (12021-02-08):

Probably something to do with USB-Charger feature.
Acer got a BIOS update 1.09 [1] that claims to fix similar issue.
I don't know what is your model exactly, so look up BIOS update for your
laptop using SNID code.


Thanks, I never think of BIOS updates. This is the one for my exact
model, and the title looks very promising.
This is usually first procedure I do for new hardware, because products 
nowadays are rushed to the market, so internal firmware for all kinds of 
devices is often poorly tested.

Now I need a way to apply it; apparently I need some way to boot
Windows. I hope I will not need to overwrite the complete drive with the
backup image I made.


I think fastest and easiest way is to swap current disk with another (if 
it is available of course) and install Evaluation version of Windows 10 
Enterprise. [1]

This version doesn't require a product key or activation.
Some BIOS\Firmware updates could be installed from WinPE (or WinRE) 
environment, but I doubt this one from Acer could run on WinPE, because 
it is bundled with a driver, along side with a few executable binaries 
and shared DLLs.

Another viable option, because you've got a drive image of preinstalled 
Windows 10, is to save an image of current drive and restore from the 
image with preinstalled Windows OS.

And after BIOS is updated, restore from the saved image with latest data.
Clunky solutions, but I think there are no other options, because 
apparently Acer hates GNU-Linux. :\


With kindest regards, Alexander.

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system

Re: Download Pages are, Locked??!???

2021-02-08 Thread Peter Ehlert

On 2/7/21 7:23 AM, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:

On Sun, Feb 07, 2021 at 03:51:34PM +0100, Sven Hartge wrote:

Stephen P. Molnar  wrote:

Suddenly the download pages are forbidden?

My guess is that this has to do with the Debian 10.8 point release ISO
image preparation.


Sigmentation fault. Core dumped.

Now fixed by Sledge: it looks as if the link had permissions problems at 700
  - a chmod to 755 has fixed it. Not deliberate: working now.

thank you Sir

All best,

Andy Cater

Re: Battery drain with poweroff

2021-02-08 Thread Marko Randjelovic
Hi all,

On Mon, 8 Feb 2021 13:26:12 +0100
Nicolas George  wrote:
> Now I need a way to apply it; apparently I need some way to boot
> Windows. I hope I will not need to overwrite the complete drive with the
> backup image I made.

There is a program named 'flashrom' in Debian, but I don't know how
reliable is it as BIOS flash is quite a dangerous operation. I decided
to risk several years ago on an AMD system with MSI motherboard and was


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: machine en qwerty après démarrage systématiquement

2021-02-08 Thread Grégory Bulot
Le Mon, 08 Feb 2021 11:40:32 +0100,
Olivier Humbert  a écrit :

> Peut être : dpkg-reconfigure locales (en root).

cela a déjà été fait ;-)

D'ailleurs j'ai pas précisé, mais le /usr/bin/setxkbmap je le faisait
en root

Re: Developers repositories and Python

2021-02-08 Thread Celejar
On Mon, 8 Feb 2021 04:44:26 +0200
John Berden  wrote:

> Hello.
> Can you recommend any trusted repositories for installing the latest 
> developer packages, including Python?
> Thanks in advance!

Please be more specific - what exactly are you trying to accomplish? An


Security: OpenWRT vs. Debian [Was:] Re: Linux router AP with reserved IPs on wlan0?

2021-02-08 Thread Celejar
On Mon, 8 Feb 2021 06:41:23 -0500
Dan Ritter  wrote:

> Gregory Seidman wrote: 
> > If you want a Linux router/AP, I recommend OpenWRT over Debian. It runs on


> Debian gets security updates in a timely manner (for stable).
> How's OpenWRT's security team?

I'm not sure if this is a genuine question or a rhetorical one (sorry -
tone doesn't always come across well in email), but OpenWRT does have a
security process, with advisories, bug fixes, etc.:

I suspect the process may not be as good as Debian's, but they do fix
at least some serious bugs fairly quickly. E.g., if I'm reading the
following pages correctly, the Debian DSAs for the recent serious set of
dnsmasq vulnerabilities went out on Feb. 4, whereas OpenWRT issued its
Security Advisory on Jan. 19:


Re: machine en qwerty après démarrage systématiquement

2021-02-08 Thread Grégory Bulot
Le Mon, 08 Feb 2021 11:44:08 +0100,
Guillaume Clercin  a écrit :

> Est-ce que le paquet « console-setup » est installé ?

Oui il l'est  :

  Installé : 1.164
  Candidat : 1.164

Re: Battery drain with poweroff

2021-02-08 Thread Nicolas George
Alexander V. Makartsev (12021-02-08):
> Probably something to do with USB-Charger feature.
> Acer got a BIOS update 1.09 [1] that claims to fix similar issue.
> I don't know what is your model exactly, so look up BIOS update for your
> laptop using SNID code.
> [1]

Thanks, I never think of BIOS updates. This is the one for my exact
model, and the title looks very promising.

Now I need a way to apply it; apparently I need some way to boot
Windows. I hope I will not need to overwrite the complete drive with the
backup image I made.


  Nicolas George

Description: PGP signature

Re: Strange statistics from gparted

2021-02-08 Thread David
On Mon, 8 Feb 2021 at 22:09, Richard Owlett  wrote:

> Difficult to compare as lsblk reports usage ONLY for mounted partitions
> while gparted reports values for mounted AND unmounted partitions.

The easiest solution will be to mount the partitions of interest
somewhere before examining them with the appropriate tools.

If you are interested in how gparted works, perhaps you might
review your previous question on this topic:

In particular:
shows that gparted was using dumpe2fs.

You can run that tool yourself. Maybe something like:
# dumpe2fs -h /dev/sda1 | grep ^Free

Re: Recommendation for a netbook

2021-02-08 Thread Alain D D Williams
On Mon, Feb 08, 2021 at 12:47:41PM +0100, Hans wrote:
> Am Montag, 8. Februar 2021, 12:29:25 CET schrieb Joe:
> Hi,
> well IMHO it depends, what you are going to do with it.
> As you might know, those netbooks are not the fastest ones, but maybe boot 
> time is not so important, as you can use suspend-to-ram.

I have had an HP stream for several years - works well for me. I run Linux Mint
on it so it should run Debian. 11.6" screen, I can get 6+ hours out of a full
charge. It only has 2 GB RAM that is not upgradable, pity:

Alain Williams
Linux/GNU Consultant - Mail systems, Web sites, Networking, Programmer, IT 
+44 (0) 787 668 0256
Parliament Hill Computers Ltd. Registration Information:

Re: Strange statistics from gparted

2021-02-08 Thread Richard Owlett

On 02/07/2021 01:15 PM, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:

On Sun, Feb 07, 2021 at 12:39:59PM -0600, Richard Owlett wrote:

I am experimenting with custom installs of MATE on Debian 10.7 .
My goal is to minimize its footprint on disk, and reduce menu clutter.
I have a default install with / on sda1.
The custom install has / on sda2.
Both installs use /sda3 for /home.

When running gparted from the first, it reports
   sda1 used space is 3.85 GB
   sda2 used space is 2.25 GB

When running gparted from the second, it reports
   sda1 used space is 4.77 GB
   sda2 used space is 1.80 GB

TIA ;}

You may not have kept up with recent installers: the default size of swap
is now smaller since it's almost never used.

Did you install both exactly the same way using the same media?

Andy Cater

I created a swap partition during the install of the first system.

During the install of the second system I told the partitioning phase to 
NOT use the existing swap partition.
I then copied the "swap line" from the /etc/fstab of the first install 
to the  /etc/fstab of the second install.

Thus both installs are using the same physical partition for swap.

Re: Recommendation for a netbook

2021-02-08 Thread Hans
Am Montag, 8. Februar 2021, 12:29:25 CET schrieb Joe:

well IMHO it depends, what you are going to do with it.

As you might know, those netbooks are not the fastest ones, but maybe boot 
time is not so important, as you can use suspend-to-ram.

For me personally there are some things important for me, as I am using it for 
network troubleshooting on the road. So these things are important for me:

1. Battery time. My EEEPC has 8 hours, which is enough for a single day.

2. MUST run linux. Mine is running Debian/testing for normal work.

3. MUST be able, to boot livefile systems from an sd-card (NOT USB-Stick). I 
have about 24 different livefiles bootable from sd-card, each for special 
purposes. SD-Card, because an USB-Stick can be broken, if someone does not pay 

4. MUST have an Atheros wireless card. These are able to switch into monitor 
mode and can do other things, which other wireless cards are not be able to 

5. Size should not be greater than 10 inch, because at most customers there is 
often not much space for bigger notebooks on the desktop.

6. Every hardware, especially graphics card and touchpad should be supported 
by linux. Sound should do also.

7. Multimedia should work smoothly on it. My EEEPC, which is 1,666GHz and with 
an Intel I945 graphic chip, is running videos without flickering when using 
smplayer. VLC does not work well, as acceleration is needed and since there is 
no more OpenGL-driver since some years, VLC has gone slow. (Yes, I know, I 945 
does not support opengl, but there was a software solution some years ago, 
which was working very well. This is sadly no more supported and not 
compatible to actual xorg.)

8. MUST have a real and exchangable harddrive (SATA) built in, so that you can 
exchange it with a bigger one. Mine was exchanged now the second time, first 
from SATA to SSD, now to another SSD as the former one was defective.

So, might be some more points, but I hope this helps.

Best regards


Re: Linux router AP with reserved IPs on wlan0?

2021-02-08 Thread Dan Ritter
Gregory Seidman wrote: 
> If you want a Linux router/AP, I recommend OpenWRT over Debian. It runs on
> a variety of router hardware, but also PCs: 
> Importantly, it uses UCI
>  for configuration of
> switches, networks, 802.11 (wifi) radios, SSIDs, firewalls, etc. which
> substantially simplifies handling the issues you are encountering. Its web
> interface (luci) works directly with the UCI config files, so it's easy to
> switch between editing a file and working in the web UI.

Debian gets security updates in a timely manner (for stable).

How's OpenWRT's security team?


Re: trying to start Xiphos

2021-02-08 Thread tomas
On Mon, Feb 08, 2021 at 01:03:12PM +0200, ellanios82 wrote:
>  my system is MX-Linux patito feo amd64
>  : after recent system-Crash , am struggling to recover!
> - when i try to start Xiphos , am getting error-message :
>  "xiphos: error while loading shared libraries:
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

[this recommendation also towards your other mail]

 - find out which package contains the missing library [1]
   apt-file search
   => libsword-1.8.1: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

 - install it
   sudo apt install libsword-1.8

(drop the version after the dot).

 - t

Description: Digital signature

Re: Recommendation for a netbook

2021-02-08 Thread Joe
On Mon, 8 Feb 2021 10:57:11 +0100
Nicolas George  wrote:

> Nicolas George (12021-01-25):
> > I'll have to retire my current netbook soon. It was a Lenovo Miix
> > 3-1030 from 2015; it has a good screen but otherwise is complete
> > crap, with non-standard unsupported hardware and other drawbacks.
> > 
> > I need a ~10 inches touchscreen, and I want a good-ish resolution
> > (≥1600). And I need it to be not expensive, because that's for
> > taking in transports daily and sometimes leaving unsupervised in
> > classrooms. Apart from that, having the wifi and sound controllers
> > supported by standard Debian kernels would be a significant
> > progress, and speed or memory are no issue. I don't care if the
> > keyboard can be removed to leave a tablet.  
> I have chosen an Acer TravelMate Spin B3, it is la little more
> expensive than my comfort zone for this use, but not that much, and
> it seems satisfactory. Network, video, touchscreen and audio work out
> of the box. I have not tested suspend or hibernation, as I do not use
> them.

Probably good. I've had two netbooks and a laptop by Acer, and they
have all been good with Linux. Mostly, anyway. I've never used
hibernate, and suspend has a poor record. It generally works on stable,
it works on my current netbook (buster), apart from Samba sometimes
needing about five minutes to find the network shares. Suspend is
currently working on my sid desktop, which is an unusual state of
affairs. I gave up fixing it years ago, as suspend seems far more prone
to software rot than any other subsystem.


trying to start Okular

2021-02-08 Thread ellanios82

 my system is MX-Linux patito feo amd64

 : after recent system-Crash , am struggling to recover!

- when i try to start Okular , am getting error-message :

 "okular: error while loading shared libraries: 
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

 - any suggestions, please, what to try , to get Okular working again ??




Re: Strange statistics from gparted

2021-02-08 Thread Richard Owlett

On 02/08/2021 02:15 AM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

On Du, 07 feb 21, 12:39:59, Richard Owlett wrote:

I am experimenting with custom installs of MATE on Debian 10.7 .
My goal is to minimize its footprint on disk, and reduce menu clutter.
I have a default install with / on sda1.
The custom install has / on sda2.
Both installs use /sda3 for /home.

When running gparted from the first, it reports
   sda1 used space is 3.85 GB
   sda2 used space is 2.25 GB

When running gparted from the second, it reports
   sda1 used space is 4.77 GB
   sda2 used space is 1.80 GB

TIA ;}

Based on the limited information available my best guess is that you are
looking at different disk drives as the device names can change between

No. The laptop has only a single hard disk.
Also, the two installations were performed from the same USB flash 
drive. Both installs were configured to allow booting to either "root" 
or "user".

In any case, try comparing the outputs of 'parted -l' (needs root)

In both cases the result is:

Model: ATA SanDisk SDSSDA24 (scsi)
Disk /dev/sda: 240GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: msdos
Disk Flags: 

Number  Start   End SizeType  File system Flags
 1  1049kB  8000MB  7999MB  primary   ext4boot
 2  8000MB  40.0GB  32.0GB  primary   ext4
 3  40.0GB  124GB   84.3GB  primary   ext4
 4  124GB   240GB   116GB   extended
 6  124GB   132GB   7999MB  logical   ext4
 7  132GB   140GB   7999MB  logical   ext4
 5  232GB   240GB   8000MB  logical   linux-swap(v1)

'lsblk -f'. If you still see a discrepancy please paste the full output
of both commands.

Difficult to compare as lsblk reports usage ONLY for mounted partitions 
while gparted reports values for mounted AND unmounted partitions.

Cut-n-paste from both runs:

root@debian10-7-full:~# lsblk -f
├─sda1 ext4   debian-full f79f1db4-beb4-404b-85ae-18f8c037a4243.2G51% /

├─sda2 ext4   home-all7f20c788-c8ed-4a55-9571-9f528ac33909   27.7G 0% 
├─sda3 ext4   dvdsb4e307a5-daaa-4c96-a13d-2efc211251de5.6G88% 
├─sda5 swap   6b892dcd-12af-4774-88c0-c53cd066cae3[SWAP]
├─sda6 ext4   debian-min  fbd14c22-6ee7-4832-a22b-cdb8d7978abd
└─sda7 ext4   test-debian f23e8435-81b0-4b9d-bdba-d4d60f15052d

root@debian-min:~# lsblk -f
├─sda1 ext4   debian-full f79f1db4-beb4-404b-85ae-18f8c037a424
├─sda2 ext4   home-all7f20c788-c8ed-4a55-9571-9f528ac33909   27.7G 0% /home

├─sda3 ext4   dvdsb4e307a5-daaa-4c96-a13d-2efc211251de5.6G88% 
├─sda5 swap   6b892dcd-12af-4774-88c0-c53cd066cae3[SWAP]

├─sda6 ext4   debian-min  fbd14c22-6ee7-4832-a22b-cdb8d7978abd5.3G22% /
└─sda7 ext4   test-debian f23e8435-81b0-4b9d-bdba-d4d60f15052d

trying to start Xiphos

2021-02-08 Thread ellanios82

 my system is MX-Linux patito feo amd64

 : after recent system-Crash , am struggling to recover!

- when i try to start Xiphos , am getting error-message :

 "xiphos: error while loading shared libraries: 
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

 - any suggestions, please, what to try , to get xiphos working again ??


 [ remark : after doing an apt upgrade , last Friday , i did a 
recommended 'autoremove' : i jus got this suspicion that maybe something 
'too much' got removed , as when i next tried to re-boot , it was 
impossible for me to get to xfce log-in screen :

 from there i struggled and wandered into chaos

  :(  ]




Re: machine en qwerty après démarrage systématiquement

2021-02-08 Thread Guillaume Clercin

Le lundi 8 février 2021, 09:43:54 CET Grégory Bulot a écrit :
> Bonjour,
> Depuis quelques temps (non définie, pas souvenir d'événements qui
> auraient pu changer le comportement), a chaque boot de ma buster/openbox
> je suis en clavier qwerty
> Pourtant /etc/default/keyboard
> pour temporairement retrouver un clavier azerty
>/usr/bin/setxkbmap fr
> Je suppose que cela ne vient pas d'openbox, d'où mon post ici, me
> trompais-je ?
> Je pense que je mélange des trucs avec /etc/default/keyboard   et
> setxkbmap ce qui explique peut être que je ne résoud pas mon problème
> Avez-vous des pistes ?
Est-ce que le paquet « console-setup » est installé ?

Guillaume Clercin

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: machine en qwerty après démarrage systématiquement

2021-02-08 Thread Olivier Humbert


Depuis quelques temps (non définie, pas souvenir d'événements qui
auraient pu changer le comportement), a chaque boot de ma 

je suis en clavier qwerty

Pourtant /etc/default/keyboard


pour temporairement retrouver un clavier azerty

   /usr/bin/setxkbmap fr

Je suppose que cela ne vient pas d'openbox, d'où mon post ici, me
trompais-je ?

Je pense que je mélange des trucs avec /etc/default/keyboard   et
setxkbmap ce qui explique peut être que je ne résoud pas mon problème

Avez-vous des pistes ?

Peut être : dpkg-reconfigure locales (en root).


Re: Battery drain with poweroff

2021-02-08 Thread Alexander V. Makartsev

On 08.02.2021 15:01, Nicolas George wrote:


On my new Acer TravelMate Spin B3, running recent Bullseye, I have
noticed a strange battery drain when the computer is powered off: it
loses about 1% of the total battery charge every hour, which makes a
quarter of the battery in a day.

The drain happens when the computer has been powered down with poweroff
or an equivalent. I have checked, and it does not happen if I power down
with a long press on the power button (after halt). Therefore, it is a
sign of something staying powered with the normal kernel shutdown. I
have checked that wake-on-lan, wake-on-RTC-clock and similar features
are disabled in the setup.

Does anybody have an idea about what could be the culprit or how to

Thanks in advance.

Probably something to do with USB-Charger feature.
Acer got a BIOS update 1.09 [1] that claims to fix similar issue.
I don't know what is your model exactly, so look up BIOS update for your 
laptop using SNID code.


With kindest regards, Alexander.

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system

Battery drain with poweroff

2021-02-08 Thread Nicolas George

On my new Acer TravelMate Spin B3, running recent Bullseye, I have
noticed a strange battery drain when the computer is powered off: it
loses about 1% of the total battery charge every hour, which makes a
quarter of the battery in a day.

The drain happens when the computer has been powered down with poweroff
or an equivalent. I have checked, and it does not happen if I power down
with a long press on the power button (after halt). Therefore, it is a
sign of something staying powered with the normal kernel shutdown. I
have checked that wake-on-lan, wake-on-RTC-clock and similar features
are disabled in the setup.

Does anybody have an idea about what could be the culprit or how to

Thanks in advance.

  Nicolas George

Description: PGP signature

Re: Recommendation for a netbook

2021-02-08 Thread Nicolas George
Nicolas George (12021-01-25):
> I'll have to retire my current netbook soon. It was a Lenovo Miix
> 3-1030 from 2015; it has a good screen but otherwise is complete crap,
> with non-standard unsupported hardware and other drawbacks.
> I need a ~10 inches touchscreen, and I want a good-ish resolution
> (≥1600). And I need it to be not expensive, because that's for taking in
> transports daily and sometimes leaving unsupervised in classrooms. Apart
> from that, having the wifi and sound controllers supported by standard
> Debian kernels would be a significant progress, and speed or memory are
> no issue. I don't care if the keyboard can be removed to leave a tablet.

I have chosen an Acer TravelMate Spin B3, it is la little more expensive
than my comfort zone for this use, but not that much, and it seems
satisfactory. Network, video, touchscreen and audio work out of the box.
I have not tested suspend or hibernation, as I do not use them.

There is sometimes a strange glitch on the display, it seems to happen
when the system was hot-rebooted. There is also a strange battery drain,
for which I will start a new thread.


  Nicolas George

Description: PGP signature

Re: Incorrect password Debian 10.8 after installation

2021-02-08 Thread Keith Bainbridge


Is this at the desktop or a terminal?

If desktop, try switching to a terminal (ctrl-alt-f1) and log in there.
If successful, switch back to desktop (ctrl-alt-f7) and try again.  I
recall I had this happen to me last year.

If terminal, then you haven't spent much download data/time and a
re-install isn't much of a waste of effort.



Keith Bainbridge
On 8/2/21 19:40, Marco Möller wrote:

After starting the system, I get a request for the user's password.

Re: Strange statistics from gparted

2021-02-08 Thread Andrew M.A. Cater
On Sun, Feb 07, 2021 at 12:39:59PM -0600, Richard Owlett wrote:
> I am experimenting with custom installs of MATE on Debian 10.7 .
> My goal is to minimize its footprint on disk, and reduce menu clutter.
> I have a default install with / on sda1.
> The custom install has / on sda2.
> Both installs use /sda3 for /home.
> When running gparted from the first, it reports
>   sda1 used space is 3.85 GB
>   sda2 used space is 2.25 GB
> When running gparted from the second, it reports
>   sda1 used space is 4.77 GB
>   sda2 used space is 1.80 GB
> Why?
> TIA ;}

You may not have kept up with recent installers: the default size of swap 
is now smaller since it's almost never used.

Did you install both exactly the same way using the same media?

Andy Cater

Re: Download Pages are, Locked??!???

2021-02-08 Thread Andrew M.A. Cater
On Sun, Feb 07, 2021 at 03:51:34PM +0100, Sven Hartge wrote:
> Stephen P. Molnar  wrote:
> > Suddenly the download pages are forbidden?
> My guess is that this has to do with the Debian 10.8 point release ISO
> image preparation.
> S°
> -- 
> Sigmentation fault. Core dumped.

Now fixed by Sledge: it looks as if the link had permissions problems at 700
 - a chmod to 755 has fixed it. Not deliberate: working now.

All best,

Andy Cater

Re: Strange statistics from gparted

2021-02-08 Thread Thomas Schmitt

Richard Owlett wrote:
> > I am experimenting with custom installs of MATE on Debian 10.7 .
> > [...]
> > I have a default install with / on sda1.
> > The custom install has / on sda2.
> > [...]
> > When running gparted from the first, it reports
> >   sda1 used space is 3.85 GB
> >   sda2 used space is 2.25 GB
> > When running gparted from the second, it reports
> >   sda1 used space is 4.77 GB
> >   sda2 used space is 1.80 GB

Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> Based on the limited information available my best guess is that you are
> looking at different disk drives as the device names can change between
> boots.

If this turns out to be not the case:

- Can it be that MATE stores a large amount of data when it gets shut down
  and deletes the files after a new startup ?
  (The respective active /-filesystem's usage seems to be smaller than
   the inactive /-filesystem.)

- What does "du -s" tell about the mounted filesystems in both situations ?

Have a nice day :)


machine en qwerty après démarrage systématiquement

2021-02-08 Thread Grégory Bulot

Depuis quelques temps (non définie, pas souvenir d'événements qui
auraient pu changer le comportement), a chaque boot de ma buster/openbox
je suis en clavier qwerty

Pourtant /etc/default/keyboard 

pour temporairement retrouver un clavier azerty 

   /usr/bin/setxkbmap fr

Je suppose que cela ne vient pas d'openbox, d'où mon post ici, me
trompais-je ?

Je pense que je mélange des trucs avec /etc/default/keyboard   et
setxkbmap ce qui explique peut être que je ne résoud pas mon problème

Avez-vous des pistes ?

Re: Sobre ffmpeg.

2021-02-08 Thread SerGi
Hola Eduardo,

Aquí un profesional del diseño multimedia (video, fotografía, diseño
gráfico...) que usa linux (ubuntu). La consola la toco poco. He usado Adobe
Premiere bajo windows durante varios años (y en ocasiones vuelvo a usarlo),
dominando el programa con un nivel alto (ya sabes, atajos del teclado
personalizados, multicámara, sincronización con AE...). Actualmente cambié
toda la famosa Suite por la opción open source y estoy MUY satisfecho, pero

Tienes muy buenas opciones (alternativas no, opciones) para editar vídeo en
linux. Para nivel aficionado hay Openshot y si buscas ese control de
keyframes tienes Cutshot, ambos con sus limitaciones. No tienes el
repertorio de efectos y transiciones predeterminadas que hay en Premiere,
ni los añadidos que se ofertan de terceros, eso es cierto. Como siempre,
quien hace grande un software es la comunidad y en Adobe no pierden el
tiempo en publicidad. Siguen la fórmula tan seguida por otras compañías de
"usalo todo conmigo". Aún así, los dolores de cabeza con las
compatibilidades y los experimentos en producción de "nuevas" funciones
para poderlas publicitar te las vas comiendo una a una. Eso no se publicita.

Para los artistas inquietos que valoran la libertad creativa tienen, en mi
opinión, un gran programa: Blender. Si le dedicas unos clics te vas a
sorprender con su editor de vídeo pues, aún ser una función secundaria del
programa, te aseguro que resuelve algunas funciones MUY POR ENCIMA DE
PREMIERE. A modo de resumen: la cantidad de parámetros interpolables, el
manejo de los clips/strips de vídeo, la modularidad de las multisecuencias
en Premiere (con metaclips o multiescenas en Blender), un control de
keyframes sublime (pero MUY sublime) y una sincronización entre edición y
efectos especiales envidiable: en un mismo programa y sin la lentitud de la
famosa Suite, siempre hipotecándote los recursos del ordenador.

Entiendo que aprender o cambiar de programa es muy costoso, sobretodo con
un negocio que mantener, pero hay que pensar en los nuevos usuarios que
carecen de ese lastre. En mi caso, y de momento, no me arrepiento en
absoluto del cambio. Incluso te diré que, trabajando en colaboración con
otros profesionales drogados hasta las cejas de Adobe (que insisto, tiene
buenos programas) y viendo sus dolores de cabeza y desembolsos constantes,
no solo en software sino también en hardware, me sacan más de una sonrisa
de alivio.



Missatge de Eduardo Jorge Gil Michelena  del dia dl.,
8 de febr. 2021 a les 7:11:

> En principio NO uses la FALACIA de desplazamiento para sustentar una idea
> falsa.
> Lo cual quiere decir que NO pongas la culpa en quien padece, acusando de
> la forma "ahora que a ti no te funcione o no quiere decir" lo cual es FALSO.
> Usando esa FALACIA que usas yo también podría decir ésto: "Ahora si vos te
> conforma usar basuras no quiere decir que nosotros debamos usar las basuras
> que tu usas" ¡Esa es la fórmula falaz que TU usas!
> De los sistemas que indicas sólo Cinelerra-GG y Kdenlive son editores
> SEMI-profesionales de video con GRANDES PROBLEMAS de soporte y desarrollo.
> Cinelerra además es inestable.
> Cuando se edita video en forma PROFESIONAL se necesita COMPATIBILIDAD,
> ESTABILIDAD y RAPIDEZ y un gran universo de ad-ons que en Cinelerra-GG y
> Kdenlive NO existen. Por otra parte tanto Cinelerra-GG como Kdenlive son
> lentísimos al renderizar. En cambio Vegas Movie Studio no sólo es más
> rápido en renderizar sino que además el proceso de renderizado puede
> hacerlo en forma simultánea en varias máquinas conectadas en red por lo que
> el tiempo se acorta muchísimo. Esto NO se puede hacer con ningún editor
> bajo Linux. También está el Adobe Premiere Pro con miles de efectos
> preinstalados los cuales NO existen en NINGÚN editor para Linux
> Y hablando de FreeCAD... si haces un plano de un edificio y lo llevas a
> que te lo aprueben en el municipio... TE LO TIRAN POR LA CABEZA... Así de
> simple...
> Mira... trabajé en sistemas desde 1974 (empece con UNIX), ahora tengo dos
> empresas (nada que ver con sistemas) una de edicion de video y otra
> bursátil... lo mío es buscar lo eficiente (más resultados con menos
> recursos) así que NO me quiero romper la cabeza por ahorrarme dos pesos y
> tampoco quiero que algo NO se haga porque en Linux NO se puede hacer. Linux
> es bueno para muchas cosas pero para edicion de video le falta MUCHO, pero
> mucho mucho. Ya probamos todo editor bajo Linux que se nos ha cruzado y
> todos ellos están muy por debajo de Sony Vegas y de Adobe Premiere. Y...
> para transcodificación NO hay nada mejor que el Format Factory que trabaja
> en Windows... en Linux NO hay cosa que siquiera se le asemeje aunque sea un
> cachito.
> Saludos.
> El lunes, 8 de febrero de 2021 00:39:39 ART, Walter Casanova <
>> escribió:
> No estoy de acuerdo.
> en gnu/linux tienes excelente Herraminetas, para edicion, tanto de video,
> audio y imagenes, con 

Re: Incorrect password Debian 10.8 after installation

2021-02-08 Thread Marco Möller

On 08.02.21 03:49, John Berden wrote:

I'm installing Debian 10.8 with a console installer. I use ISO 

After starting the system, I get a request for the user's password.
I enter the correct password that I specified during installation. But I 
get a message that I entered the wrong password.

Why and how to fix it?
Thanks in advance!

You could bypass any password request during boot to the console and 
then fix it by setting the desired password newly. The boot parameter 
for bypassing all password request an right away becoming logged in as 
user root is:

init=/sbin/sulogin --force
Good Luck!

Re: Incorrect password Debian 10.8 after installation

2021-02-08 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Lu, 08 feb 21, 04:49:28, John Berden wrote:
> Hello.
> I'm installing Debian 10.8 with a console installer. I use ISO
> debian-10.8.0-amd64-netinst.iso.
> After starting the system, I get a request for the user's password.
> I enter the correct password that I specified during installation. But I get
> a message that I entered the wrong password.
> Why and how to fix it?

Besides the obvious answer (the password is indeed wrong -- could happen 
to anyone), maybe the keyboard layout is different that the one you are 

You can use the username field to test, in particular any special 
characters your password might contain.

If you still can't figure it out the Debian Installer's 'rescue' mode 
can be used to chroot into the install and reset the password.

Kind regards,

Description: PGP signature

Re: Strange statistics from gparted

2021-02-08 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Du, 07 feb 21, 12:39:59, Richard Owlett wrote:
> I am experimenting with custom installs of MATE on Debian 10.7 .
> My goal is to minimize its footprint on disk, and reduce menu clutter.
> I have a default install with / on sda1.
> The custom install has / on sda2.
> Both installs use /sda3 for /home.
> When running gparted from the first, it reports
>   sda1 used space is 3.85 GB
>   sda2 used space is 2.25 GB
> When running gparted from the second, it reports
>   sda1 used space is 4.77 GB
>   sda2 used space is 1.80 GB
> Why?
> TIA ;}

Based on the limited information available my best guess is that you are 
looking at different disk drives as the device names can change between 

In any case, try comparing the outputs of 'parted -l' (needs root) and 
'lsblk -f'. If you still see a discrepancy please paste the full output 
of both commands.

Kind regards,

Description: PGP signature