Re: Copier un système (Debian) sur un disque plus grand.

2023-12-19 Thread Sébastien NOBILI

Le 2023-12-19 19:38, benoit a écrit :
Tu copie avec dd, le disque complet puis avec fdisk du redimensionne, 
tu peut aussi le faire avec gtparted, disque, etc ...

Je ne savais pas que fdisk pouvait faire du 
déplacement/redimensionnement sans perte de données. Ca m'intéresse, je 
vais aller voir ça.

Il me semble que fdisk ne fait pas de déplacement. Tu peux 
redimensionner une partition
(pour l'agrandir par exemple), puis redimensionner le système de 
fichiers à l'intérieur.
Tant que le point de départ de la partition reste inchangé ça ne cassera 


Re: Mason service on personal computer

2023-12-19 Thread john doe

On 12/20/23 00:57, Daniel Rodriguez wrote:


I want to understand the purpose of a service that I found on my personal
PC. it's mason.service, I am troubleshooting, some services and it shows
the following output with systemctl status mason.service:

● mason.service - LSB: Starts the mason firewall script

  Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/mason; generated)
  Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2023-12-19 17:51:40 -05;
18min ago
Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
 Process: 1250 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/mason start (code=exited,
 CPU: 4ms

Dec 19 17:51:40 DantiteisMagno systemd[1]: Starting LSB: Starts the mason

firewall script...
Dec 19 17:51:40 DantiteisMagno mason[1250]: /etc/init.d/mason: 111:
/var/lib/mason/samlib: cannot create /dev/stderr: No such device or address
Dec 19 17:51:40 DantiteisMagno systemd[1]: mason.service: Control process
exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Dec 19 17:51:40 DantiteisMagno systemd[1]: mason.service: Failed with
result 'exit-code'.
Dec 19 17:51:40 DantiteisMagno systemd[1]: Failed to start LSB: Starts the
mason firewall script.

I would like to confirm if this is a service that
is working for no reason on my personal PC; otherwise, does it have a
different purpose?

As shown in the above output the service has failed to start.

We do not have enough informations to say if it is working or being used.

Given that this is FW related, it might not hurt to ensure that incoming
traffic is blocked by using a front-end to nftables (built-in FW

John Doe

Re: Debian-installer gèle pendant l'installation sur Minis Forum UN305 [RESOLU]

2023-12-19 Thread Sébastien NOBILI


Le 2023-12-19 18:17, Olivier a écrit :

En tout cas, l'idée d'associer le noyau 6.5 à Bookworm me plait
d'avantage qu'installer testing même je ne me mesure ni la différence
entre les deux, ni les risques et bénéfices encourus.

Les risques encourus à l'utilisation de backports sont surtout dans le 
que la mise à jour de Debian n'est pas testée sur un système hybride. À 
publication de la prochaine stable, tu pourrais rencontrer des 

Mais tout ça est très théorique et la qualité du système fait que :
1. ça n'arrivera probablement pas
2. si ça arrive tu paviendras à retomber sur tes pieds sans avoir à tout


OT: Pitfalls of online purchases (Was Re: Mouse single click handling?)

2023-12-19 Thread Alexander V. Makartsev

On 19.12.2023 23:48, Felix Miata wrote:

Can you suggest any particular online source in North America that sells those
switches? I had no success trying to refurb one in my invaluable Logitech 
Marble FX PS/2 trackball. It took 2 hours to get that tiny switch back together
after disassembly and cleaning. :( A Kensington Orbit I had much better luck 
cleaning, so didn't need a new switch.

I can't unfortunately.

AliExpress is reputable? That's news to me. I ordered something from it 20 
ago. There was a lot of back and forth email between us before I actually got
something a month later that turned out to be used rather than new, and just as
broken as the original part I was trying to replace. My credit card company
eventually issued a refund after I explained all that happened. That particular
card I rarely used, and hadn't for a number of months before that online 
or for several months after. 3 months or so after the refund, there were 4 cash
advances issued on it totaling around $8,000 on the other side of an ocean I had
never crossed. Those got reversed, but my credit rating dropped 100 points and
hasn't come near recovering.

I share information only about my own experiences with AliExpress.
It might be very hard to find a good and reliable store there, but at 
least their official support and "dispute-system" are working fine.
The important part is that you have to keep all transactions, 
communications, chats within AliExpress platform.
Never agree to switch to email or any other resource for conversations 
with sellers. It's just asking to be scammed and AliExpress official 
customer service will be unable to help you.
I had to open disputes a few times and usually AliExpress officials 
step-in and resolve the dispute in customer's favor, unless the dispute 
is unreasonable and there is no evidence.
The whole shopping experience there could be daunting, there is simply 
too much stores and wares to choose from and their site is not helping, 
by being difficult and slow.
IMO it is too much of a risk to buy anything expensive there, given that 
postal service might smash the package during delivery, but ordering 
something like electronic components, hand tools, repair equipment, 
spare parts, etc, should be fine.
I had to order spare LCD screens and fragile repair equipment from 
reputable shops a few times. All delivered without damages.
Sometimes shops send items with a wrong part number, I had to start 
disputes explaining the problems and return items back. All returns were 
refunded back to my debit card.
I've never encountered any problems with payments or refunds, and their 
Escrow-account protection ensures that money will be released to the 
seller only after customer has received what they ordered.
I've heard there is a frequent "carder" and "skimmer" problem in the 
United States [1], so those issued card advances you had might be 
nothing to do with AliExpress, if you paid using their platform.
Anyway, I've used many cards throughout the years to pay for goods on 
AliExpress and never encountered any suspicious activities.
I also extra careful when I have to reveal my card information online 
and when I use ATMs.

With kindest regards, Alexander.

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system

Re: difference in seconds between two formatted dates ...

2023-12-19 Thread Albretch Mueller
On 12/20/23, David Wright  wrote:
> To be fair to the OP, there was no official "script", but just some code:
> which I pasted into /tmp/ The filename suffix was a mere
> convenience to make emacs colour the code and tidy the indentation,
> speeding up finding lines broken by the MUA. I then ran it with:
>   $ bash /tmp/
>> It *looks* like this command is trying to take a date/time string in
>> one format, and convert it to a different format, and then append a
>> +00:00 time zone offset even though that's not the correct offset for
>> the author's time zone (as far as I know).
> Yes, I'm guessing that the OP is in my timezone, as just a few of
> their previous posts have -5/-6 offsets. But most are +0, and
> I wonder whether the OP ran this code on an all-UTC machine.
> (IDK whether their using gmail is relevant.)

 If I understand what you seem to not understand about my work around
to get a time difference in seconds out of my "cobblesome" date
formatting for file names, this is my time zone (remember I am using a
Debian Live DVD, on "exposed mode" ;-))

$ date +%z

$ cat  /etc/localtime

 At the end of the day, all I need is a time difference in seconds
(and yes, milliseconds would be better), which would be the same
regardless of your time zone.

 I do see the good in what you are suggesting to me and I will have to
include time zones in the file names as well and deal with the
possible cases (someone working at Charles de Gaulle Airport in
Paris/France boards a plane to Boston Logan/MA/USA ...). But the
actual question I will have to deal with is how to check and possibly
reset the time zone and the time via a network in a reliable way once
a ToG booted computer gains access to the Internet for which I will
have to use systemd-timesyncd when it boots and shuts down/ when it
changes modes.

 Am I clearer now?

 Thank you,

Re: difference in seconds between two formatted dates ...

2023-12-19 Thread tomas
On Wed, Dec 20, 2023 at 12:00:29AM -0600, David Wright wrote:


> Yes, I'm guessing that the OP is in my timezone, as just a few of
> their previous posts have -5/-6 offsets. But most are +0, and
> I wonder whether the OP ran this code on an all-UTC machine.
> (IDK whether their using gmail is relevant.)

Nitpick and reminder: in UNIX and cousins, the "machine" has no
timezone. It's the executable (and its children, if they don't
change it). See:

  tomas@trotzki:~$ date
  Wed Dec 20 08:24:32 CET 2023
  tomas@trotzki:~$ TZ=Asia/Singapore bash
  tomas@trotzki:~$ date
  Wed Dec 20 15:24:47 +08 2023
  tomas@trotzki:~$ exit

What is /etc/timezone for, then? you may ask.

It's just the default for when you don't pick any.

As to gmail... I rather not think about that (still aching from
my cognitive dissonance to see someone so much trying to protect
himself from intrusion to entrust his communication to the biggest
vacuum cleaner for personal data and human behaviour of known
history, but I disgress).


Description: PGP signature

Re: Mason service on personal computer

2023-12-19 Thread glasswings
On Tue, Dec 19, 2023 at 06:57:52PM -0500, Daniel Rodriguez wrote:
> I want to understand the purpose of a service that I found on my personal
> PC. it's mason.service,


It's a tool for building firewall rules based on typical traffic.  But
as far as I can tell it's only to run with manual monitoring and
configuration, so if you don't know why it's there there's no point
running it or having it installed.

> I don't have a firewall, it's a simple personal PC,

Networked Linux is typically shipped with the ability to understand
and enforce firewall rules - that means you have firewall features -
but if you're behind a port-blocking home router it's probably not
worth setting those rules up.  This is most likely the setup you have,
but you can check with 

ip addr

Your ethernet or wifi probably has a 192.168.x.x local-only address,
which means you only get incoming traffic through NAT, which means you
also have a firewall.  If you're connected directly to the public
Internet (shockingly rare in these days) you wouldn't.

When you get upgraded to IPv6 you'll get a real global address with no
NAT (no NAT for native 6-to-6 traffic) but typically home routers
still give you a strict firewall.

Re: GRUB -- Debian overrides? Or maybe I just don't understand it well...

2023-12-19 Thread Felix Miata
David Wright composed on 2023-12-20 00:00 (UTC-0600):

> In case it's not clear, "generically symlinked" means that
> /vmlinuz is a symlink pointing to the most recent linux-image.
> (Similarly for initrd.) I added the following to
> /etc/grub.d/07_custom:
>   menuentry 'My bullseye' $menuentry_id_option 'custom' {
>   load_video
>   set gfxpayload=keep
>   insmod gzio
>   insmod part_gpt
>   insmod ext2
>   search --no-floppy --set=root --label noah03
>   echo'Load /vmlinuz …'
>   linux   /vmlinuz root=LABEL=noah03 ro systemd.show_status=true quiet
>   echo'Load initial ramdisk /initrd.img …'
>   initrd  /initrd.img
>   }
A bit less is needed here in custom.cfg:
menuentry "Debian 13 Trixie defkernel 3 on P10" {
set gfxpayload=keep
search --no-floppy --set=root --hint-baremetal=ahci0,gpt10 --label 
linux /vmlinuz root=LABEL=zd8p10deb13 noresume consoleblank=0 
preempt=full mitigations=off
initrd /initrd.img
menuentry "Slackware 15.0 GUI on P25"{
set gfxpayload=keep
search --no-floppy --set=root --hint-efi=hd0,gpt25 --label zd8p25slack
linux /boot/vmlinuz rw root=LABEL=zd8p25slack noresume consoleblank=0 
initrd /boot/initrd.gz
# lsblk -f | egrep 'fat|slack|deb13'
├─sda1  vfat   FAT32 ZD8P01ESP20A0-2A08
├─sda10 ext4   1.0   zd8p10deb13  e37c3e3c...
├─sda25 ext4   1.0   zd8p25slack  6664eb9b...
# grep RETT /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="openSUSE Tumbleweed"
# rpmqa grub2-2.1
Evolution as taught in public schools is, like religion,
based on faith, not based on science.

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata

how to clone apt repository to newest only?

2023-12-19 Thread 이 강우
how to clone apt repository to newest only?
Fedora/Red Hat will organize the repository by copying only the most recent 
packages from that distribution if you give it the "reposync --newest-only" 
option, but Debian doesn't seem to be able to do that.

What can I do?

Re: Bookworm: Analog audio disappeared

2023-12-19 Thread glasswings
Oof, I would be frustrated.

It doesn't sound like a Pipewire problem.  It's more likely related to
a firmware upgrade, and I wouldn't try to troubleshoot Pipewire (etc.)
until I could see the audio hardware in amixer or alsamixer.  Also the
CPU microcode seems less likely than the motherboard firmware.

DG2 sounds like an Intel GPU and HDMI, so it's also something I would
ignore for now.  Almost certainly it's the Intel 7a50.  My next steps
would be

* reboot into the firmware menu and poke around, just in case there's
  a new option
* review the dmesg log after a fresh boot, see what in there is

The big question in my mind is whether the correct Alsa module is
being detected and loaded, or perhaps some idea of whether it's

On top of that some Googling suggests "sof-firmware".  But it sounds a
little like people throwing things at the wall and seeing if it
sticks.  I would try to identify the sound device a little better
before installing more software, but it does look like it's
compatible with some recent Intel integrated IO.


And it does look like you have a version of sof-firmware installed
so I wonder if it's not up to date.  This isn't something I'm familiar
with; I haven't needed it for my AMD machine.

I also wonder whether the jack task assignment changed.  Many HDA
devices can switch an analog jack between several kinds of input and
output (line-level vs microphone with DC bias vs headphone out) and I
could imagine those settings being changed.  hdajackretask, which I
think is part of alsa-tools-gui, is the usual way to change those

Re: GRUB -- Debian overrides? Or maybe I just don't understand it well...

2023-12-19 Thread David Wright
On Tue 19 Dec 2023 at 21:40:19 (-0500), Felix Miata wrote:
> Mark Fletcher composed on 2023-12-20 00:28 (UTC):
> > I am curious to know from Debian
> > GRUBbers (as it were) if the behaviour I am describing in this thread
> > is expected...
> I suspect few if any regulars here spend much time with Slackware. I think a 
> more
> conventional approach would be to reconfigure Slackware to boot by UUID, with 
> the
> result that Debian's os-prober should pick it up in the more reliable 
> fashion. I
> don't have a bootloader installed on my only Slackware, and have no more
> familiarity with ELILO than that it seems to be the Slack user favorite
> bootloader. Whether or how well it or its Grub might pick up Debian, or any
> proclivity it may have to usurp boot control from Debian or include stanza(s) 
> for
> Debian, I have no basis for guessing.

I can't see anywhere where the OP claims to have set up LFS for
booting itself, as opposed to being booted from a Debian Grub.
It only says "I have been able to get a grub.cfg including the
LFS system …", which seems to imply LFS has only been set up
as a "foreign" system by a Debian system.

When os-prober runs on my system, a lot of stuff gets logged in
messages, syslog and user.log. The lines that contain the string
"result:" (without the quotes) are interesting. It's evident from
those that have six fields following result: have had their root=
field copied from the foreign system's grub.cfg. (In my case,
"foreign" means a Debian system of the previous release.)

When os-prober writes several clauses into my new grub.cfg's
"### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober ###" section, the references
to the partition are constructed using UUIDs (not PARTUUIDs, because
there's an initrd). However, the kernel command line reads
"root=LABEL=toto04", so that string wasn't constructed by os-prober,
but copied from the foreign grub.cfg¹.

That suggests to me the probability that whereas +Grub constructs+
the root= strings for the "### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/10_linux ###"
section, +os-prober copies+ the root= strings into the
"### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober ###" section instead.

> If you can keep your Slack kernel (& initrd if using one) generically 
> symlinked
> without much trouble, a stanza you put in /etc/grub.d/41_custom should be 
> able to
> boot Slack from Debian's Grub using your custom stanza containing root=LABEL= 
> or
> root=UUID= without trouble. Same would go for using 07_custom, or custom.cfg 
> with
> 06_custom, to move your custom stanza to the Debian Grub menu's top.

In case it's not clear, "generically symlinked" means that
/vmlinuz is a symlink pointing to the most recent linux-image.
(Similarly for initrd.) I added the following to

  menuentry 'My bullseye' $menuentry_id_option 'custom' {
  set gfxpayload=keep
  insmod gzio
  insmod part_gpt
  insmod ext2
  search --no-floppy --set=root --label noah03
  echo'Load /vmlinuz …'
  linux   /vmlinuz root=LABEL=noah03 ro systemd.show_status=true quiet
  echo'Load initial ramdisk /initrd.img …'
  initrd  /initrd.img

¹ After installing a system, upgrading the kernel, or upgrading
  Grub, I run a script that converts /all/ the UUIDs in grub.cfg
  into LABELs, in this little dance:
  cp grub.cfg   → grub.cfg-uuids
  cp grub.cfg-edited→ grub.cfg-old
   < grub.cfg filter-script > grub.cfg-edited
  cp grub.cfg-edited→ grub.cfg


Re: difference in seconds between two formatted dates ...

2023-12-19 Thread David Wright
On Mon 18 Dec 2023 at 14:12:12 (-0500), Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 18, 2023 at 12:35:29PM -0600, David Wright wrote:
> > OK, I tried running it (attached). What should it show?
> That the OP is confused about many things.
> > # date --help
> No shebang.  But the script uses bash syntax.  When executed FROM BASH,
> the script will "work" because bash will intercept the Exec format error
> from the kernel and try again under a child bash shell.
> When executing the "script" from any other parent, it will simply fail.
> Either the kernel's Exec format error will be treated as a final, fatal
> error, or it'll be retried under a child sh shell, which won't be able
> to process the bashisms.

To be fair to the OP, there was no official "script", but just some code:
which I pasted into /tmp/ The filename suffix was a mere
convenience to make emacs colour the code and tidy the indentation,
speeding up finding lines broken by the MUA. I then ran it with:
  $ bash /tmp/

> It *looks* like this command is trying to take a date/time string in
> one format, and convert it to a different format, and then append a
> +00:00 time zone offset even though that's not the correct offset for
> the author's time zone (as far as I know).

Yes, I'm guessing that the OP is in my timezone, as just a few of
their previous posts have -5/-6 offsets. But most are +0, and
I wonder whether the OP ran this code on an all-UTC machine.
(IDK whether their using gmail is relevant.)

I ran it on my machine (America/Chicago) to demonstrate to myself,
and also the OP, that the code couldn't be correct.

> If the conversion is correct (apart from the tz offset), but the epoch
> time that results is not correct, then it's very likely the +00:00
> that's causing the failure.
> I'm in America/New_York, and if I were to try something like this:
> read -r s dt < <(date '+%s %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00')
> echo "$s"
> date +%s -d"$dt"
> I would expect the two numbers printed to be *different* from each other.
> A date/time string generated in my time zone but with a forced +00:00
> tz offset is simply incorrect, as it would be in most time zones in
> the world.
> Leaving off the +00:00 would allow it to work *most* of the time, with
> the exceptions being the times during a daylight saving transition.
> Skipping the date/time string and only using the +%s part would allow
> it to work *all* of the time, possibly except for leap seconds (I'm
> not up to speed on those).

AIUI with POSIX timezones, you don't have to worry about leap seconds
with computations of this sort: they effectively don't exist.

$ TZ=posix/UTC date -d '1972-06-30T23:59:59' '+%s'
$ TZ=posix/UTC date -d '1972-06-30T23:59:60' '+%s'
date: invalid date ‘1972-06-30T23:59:60’
$ TZ=posix/UTC date -d '1972-07-01T00:00:00' '+%s'
$ TZ=posix/UTC date -d '1972-07-01T00:00:01' '+%s'

as opposed to:

$ TZ=right/UTC date -d '1972-06-30T23:59:59' '+%s'
$ TZ=right/UTC date -d '1972-06-30T23:59:60' '+%s'
$ TZ=right/UTC date -d '1972-07-01T00:00:00' '+%s'
$ TZ=right/UTC date -d '1972-07-01T00:00:01' '+%s'


Bookworm: Analog audio disappeared

2023-12-19 Thread Christian Gelinek

Dear Debian community,

I'm running Bookworm with XFCE; Linux version 6.1.0-15-amd64 
( (gcc-12 (Debian 12.2.0-14) 12.2.0, GNU 
ld (GNU Binutils for Debian) 2.40) and since yesterday, I cannot seem to 
use the analog audio card any more.

The card isn't showing up in `pavucontrol` or in `aplay` and `arecord`:

cgelinek@gar:/tmp$ aplay -l
 List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices 
card 2: PCH_1 [HDA Intel PCH], device 3: HDMI 0 [Q32V3WG5]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 2: PCH_1 [HDA Intel PCH], device 7: HDMI 1 [HDMI 1]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 2: PCH_1 [HDA Intel PCH], device 8: HDMI 2 [HDMI 2]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 2: PCH_1 [HDA Intel PCH], device 9: HDMI 3 [HDMI 3]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
cgelinek@gar:/tmp$ arecord -l
 List of CAPTURE Hardware Devices 
card 0: U0x46d0x825 [USB Device 0x46d:0x825], device 0: USB Audio [USB 

  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
cgelinek@gar:/tmp$ aplay -L | grep -A 1 default
    Default Audio Device
    Default ALSA Output (currently PipeWire Media Server)

Note that the USB Audio device is a webcam and its microphone is 
working. I don't have speakers on my monitors, so I can't test the HDMI 
playback devices. The analog devices (front audio, line-in/out) are now 
completely missing.

Other debug info:

cgelinek@gar:/tmp$ cat /proc/asound/modules
 0 snd_usb_audio
 1 snd_hda_intel
 2 snd_hda_intel
cgelinek@gar:/tmp$ sudo lspci -v | grep -A7 -i "audio"
00:1f.3 Audio device: Intel Corporation Device 7a50 (rev 11)
    DeviceName: Onboard - Sound
    Subsystem: Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. [MSI] Device 9e02
    Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 32, IRQ 159, IOMMU group 10
    Memory at 420142 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=16K]
    Memory at 420130 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=1M]
    Capabilities: [50] Power Management version 3
    Capabilities: [80] Vendor Specific Information: Len=14 
04:00.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation DG2 Audio Controller
    Subsystem: Intel Corporation DG2 Audio Controller
    Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 160, IOMMU group 15
    Memory at 8130 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=16K]
    Capabilities: [50] Power Management version 3
    Capabilities: [60] MSI: Enable+ Count=1/1 Maskable- 64bit+
    Capabilities: [70] Express Endpoint, MSI 00
    Capabilities: [100] Latency Tolerance Reporting
    Kernel driver in use: snd_hda_intel
cgelinek@gar:/tmp$ lsof /dev/snd/*
lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfsd-fuse file system /run/user/1007/gvfs
  Output information may be incomplete.
pipewire  1764 cgelinek   48u   CHR  116,1  0t0  381 /dev/snd/seq
pipewire  1764 cgelinek   49u   CHR  116,1  0t0  381 /dev/snd/seq
wireplumb 1766 cgelinek   32u   CHR 116,10  0t0  788 /dev/snd/controlC0
wireplumb 1766 cgelinek   34u   CHR  116,8  0t0  769 /dev/snd/controlC2

PipeWire and its PulseAudio interface seem to be running OK:

cgelinek@gar:/tmp$ pactl info | grep '^Server Name'
Server Name: PulseAudio (on PipeWire 0.3.65)
cgelinek@gar:/tmp$ for s in wireplumber pipewire-pulse.service 
pipewire-pulse.socket ; do

  systemctl --user status $s |head -n3
● wireplumber.service - Multimedia Service Session Manager
 Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/user/wireplumber.service; 
enabled; preset: enabled)
 Active: active (running) since Wed 2023-12-20 09:51:24 ACDT; 1h 
43min ago

● pipewire-pulse.service - PipeWire PulseAudio
 Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/user/pipewire-pulse.service; 
enabled; preset: enabled)
 Active: active (running) since Wed 2023-12-20 09:51:24 ACDT; 1h 
43min ago

● pipewire-pulse.socket - PipeWire PulseAudio
 Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/user/pipewire-pulse.socket; 
enabled; preset: enabled)
 Active: active (running) since Wed 2023-12-20 09:51:24 ACDT; 1h 
43min ago

cgelinek@gar:/tmp$ aplay -L | grep -A 1 default
    Default Audio Device
    Default ALSA Output (currently PipeWire Media Server)

...but there is [a known 
with `pacmd` - `pactl` works but also doesn't show the analog audio 
interface I'm interested in:

cgelinek@gar:/tmp$ pacmd list-sinks
No PulseAudio daemon running, or not running as session daemon.
cgelinek@gar:/tmp$ pactl list short
1    libpipewire-module-rt    {
    nice.level    = -11
    #rt.prio  = 88
    #rt.time.soft = -1
    #rt.time.hard = -1
2    libpipewire-module-protocol-native
3    libpipewire-module-profiler
5    libpipewire-module-metadata
7    libpipewire-module-spa-device-factory
9    libpipewire-module-spa-node-factory
11    libpipewire-module-client-node

Re: Mouse single click handling?

2023-12-19 Thread tomas
On Tue, Dec 19, 2023 at 11:56:29PM -0500, Stefan Monnier wrote:
> >> FWIW there's a case to be made that "The Right Thing" is to try and
> >> reduce consumption of resources, and prolonging the use of hardware
> >> falls in this category.
> > One's time is also a finite resource.
> Yup.  But the OP seemed to have at least some time/motivation to try and
> workout a solution other than replacing the device.

Some people have learnt their Huxley by heart. "Better ending than


Description: PGP signature

Re: Mouse single click handling?

2023-12-19 Thread Stefan Monnier
>> FWIW there's a case to be made that "The Right Thing" is to try and
>> reduce consumption of resources, and prolonging the use of hardware
>> falls in this category.
> One's time is also a finite resource.

Yup.  But the OP seemed to have at least some time/motivation to try and
workout a solution other than replacing the device.


Re: Mouse single click handling?

2023-12-19 Thread Charles Curley
On Tue, 19 Dec 2023 10:43:37 -0500
Stefan Monnier  wrote:

> FWIW there's a case to be made that "The Right Thing" is to try and
> reduce consumption of resources, and prolonging the use of hardware
> falls in this category.

One's time is also a finite resource.

Does anybody read signatures any more?

Re: Mouse single click handling?

2023-12-19 Thread Charles Curley
On Tue, 19 Dec 2023 17:01:46 +0100 (CET)
local10  wrote:

> I've been replacing them, I have 4-5 mice like that, they all fail
> with the same defect after 6-12 months or so. So I thought perhaps
> there was a way to fix them instead of buying a new one every 6-12
> months.

I suggest you buy a different rodent. I bought three Logitech rodents
some years ago on sale for $10 each. All three still work quite well.

ID 046d:c517 Logitech, Inc. LX710 Cordless Desktop Laser

Does anybody read signatures any more?

Re: Zoom on Bookworm?

2023-12-19 Thread David
On Tue, 2023-12-19 at 20:57 -0700, Charles Curley wrote:
> On Tue, 19 Dec 2023 18:30:55 -0500
> Jeffrey Walton  wrote:
> > Use Jitsi, if possible. You can even run your own Jitsi server, if
> > desired. And it is open source. .
> You might also look at Jami, which has the virtue of being in the
> Debian repos.
> apt show jami-daemon

Jami is excellent!

Re: Mason service on personal computer

2023-12-19 Thread Charles Curley
On Tue, 19 Dec 2023 18:57:52 -0500
Daniel Rodriguez  wrote:

> I read on the web and it suggests that it works when one uses a
> firewall in the middle of the network to administrate. I don't have a
> firewall, it's a simple personal PC, but I would like to confirm if
> this is a service that is working for no reason on my personal PC;
> otherwise, does it have a different purpose?

You may not have a physical box that sits between your computer and the
Internet. But you almost certainly have some sort of software firewall
on your PC, which does much the same thing.

apt-cache show mason

Does anybody read signatures any more?

Re: Zoom on Bookworm?

2023-12-19 Thread Charles Curley
On Tue, 19 Dec 2023 18:30:55 -0500
Jeffrey Walton  wrote:

> Use Jitsi, if possible. You can even run your own Jitsi server, if
> desired. And it is open source. .

You might also look at Jami, which has the virtue of being in the
Debian repos.

apt show jami-daemon

Does anybody read signatures any more?

Re: How to index mails in kmail?

2023-12-19 Thread Charles Curley
On Tue, 19 Dec 2023 20:19:59 +0100
Hans  wrote:

> is there a way to get all mails of kmail get indexed?

Try mairix.

apt show mairix

Does anybody read signatures any more?

Re: GRUB -- Debian overrides? Or maybe I just don't understand it well...

2023-12-19 Thread Felix Miata
Mark Fletcher composed on 2023-12-20 00:28 (UTC):

> I am curious to know from Debian
> GRUBbers (as it were) if the behaviour I am describing in this thread
> is expected...

I suspect few if any regulars here spend much time with Slackware. I think a 
conventional approach would be to reconfigure Slackware to boot by UUID, with 
result that Debian's os-prober should pick it up in the more reliable fashion. I
don't have a bootloader installed on my only Slackware, and have no more
familiarity with ELILO than that it seems to be the Slack user favorite
bootloader. Whether or how well it or its Grub might pick up Debian, or any
proclivity it may have to usurp boot control from Debian or include stanza(s) 
Debian, I have no basis for guessing.

If you can keep your Slack kernel (& initrd if using one) generically symlinked
without much trouble, a stanza you put in /etc/grub.d/41_custom should be able 
boot Slack from Debian's Grub using your custom stanza containing root=LABEL= or
root=UUID= without trouble. Same would go for using 07_custom, or custom.cfg 
06_custom, to move your custom stanza to the Debian Grub menu's top.

Multiboot is as much art as science. Like anything in Gnu/Linux, there are
multiple ways to decouple felines from their skins.
Evolution as taught in public schools is, like religion,
based on faith, not based on science.

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata

Re: Mouse single click handling?

2023-12-19 Thread Felix Miata
Fred composed on 2023-12-19 18:04 (UTC-0700):

> Felix Miata wrote:

>> invaluable Logitech Trackman
>> Marble FX PS/2 trackball. 

Nothing like it has been manufactured since it was discontinued nearly 3 
decades ago.

> and both have microswitches and good service.  It 
> will be a lot easier to throw the mouse away and get a new one.  They 
> are almost dirt cheap.

Not trackballs like a Marble FX, at any price. Caps are about the only things on
digikey and mouser I can ever find to match need. Identifying what I need among
the bazillion choices of almost but not quite they stock is the usual problem.
Evolution as taught in public schools is, like religion,
based on faith, not based on science.

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata

Re: Mouse single click handling?

2023-12-19 Thread Fred

On 12/19/23 11:48, Felix Miata wrote:

Alexander V. Makartsev composed on 2023-12-19 11:37 (UTC-0500):

local10 wrote:

I have several mice that went bad with the same defect: they sometimes generate 
two single clicks very quickly (say, within 10-20ms) instead of a single click.

This is a very common problem with micro-switches inside computer mice,
mechanical keyboards, etc.
They wear out with use and has to be replaced, given that they are very
inexpensive, standardized and relatively easy to replace.
Here is a link to PDF datasheet [1] for Omron D2F series switches
You need a switch with pin plunger and compatible terminals, those
depend on mice model.
You can buy them at local electronics store, order them from China
(AliExpress), or from any other reputable source.


Can you suggest any particular online source in North America that sells those
switches? I had no success trying to refurb one in my invaluable Logitech 
Marble FX PS/2 trackball. It took 2 hours to get that tiny switch back together
after disassembly and cleaning. :( A Kensington Orbit I had much better luck 
cleaning, so didn't need a new switch.

AliExpress is reputable? That's news to me. I ordered something from it 20 
ago. There was a lot of back and forth email between us before I actually got
something a month later that turned out to be used rather than new, and just as
broken as the original part I was trying to replace. My credit card company
eventually issued a refund after I explained all that happened. That particular
card I rarely used, and hadn't for a number of months before that online 
or for several months after. 3 months or so after the refund, there were 4 cash
advances issued on it totaling around $8,000 on the other side of an ocean I had
never crossed. Those got reversed, but my credit rating dropped 100 points and
hasn't come near recovering.

Hi, and both have microswitches and good service.  It 
will be a lot easier to throw the mouse away and get a new one.  They 
are almost dirt cheap.

Best regards,

Re: GRUB -- Debian overrides? Or maybe I just don't understand it well...

2023-12-19 Thread Mark Fletcher
On Mon, 18 Dec 2023 at 22:15, Felix Miata  wrote:
> Thus, you, as admin, construct working stanzas however you like, with or 
> without
> UUIDS, with or without device names, with or without volume LABELS, however 
> you
> like boot to go, and they don't get changed, except by the admin - you. This 
> is
> easy, because you as admin can use the kernel (and initrd) symlinks Debian 
> puts in
> /, or anywhere you'd like symlinks to them to go, for distros that don't
> automatically create them for you. There's no need for maintenance when new
> kernels are installed in the case of Debian and other distros that 
> automatically
> generate new symlinks. For those that don't, creating them is trivial.
> is a thread that goes through my UEFI system setups.
> --

Thanks very much for your help, I reckon I can make that work.

Is that the "official" answer? I am curious to know from Debian
GRUBbers (as it were) if the behaviour I am describing in this thread
is expected...



Mason service on personal computer

2023-12-19 Thread Daniel Rodriguez

I want to understand the purpose of a service that I found on my personal
PC. it's mason.service, I am troubleshooting, some services and it shows
the following output with systemctl status mason.service:

● mason.service - LSB: Starts the mason firewall script
>  Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/mason; generated)
>  Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2023-12-19 17:51:40 -05;
> 18min ago
>Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
> Process: 1250 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/mason start (code=exited,
> status=1/FAILURE)
> CPU: 4ms

Dec 19 17:51:40 DantiteisMagno systemd[1]: Starting LSB: Starts the mason
> firewall script...
> Dec 19 17:51:40 DantiteisMagno mason[1250]: /etc/init.d/mason: 111:
> /var/lib/mason/samlib: cannot create /dev/stderr: No such device or address
> Dec 19 17:51:40 DantiteisMagno systemd[1]: mason.service: Control process
> exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
> Dec 19 17:51:40 DantiteisMagno systemd[1]: mason.service: Failed with
> result 'exit-code'.
> Dec 19 17:51:40 DantiteisMagno systemd[1]: Failed to start LSB: Starts the
> mason firewall script.

I read on the web and it suggests that it works when one uses a firewall in
the middle of the network to administrate. I don't have a firewall, it's a
simple personal PC, but I would like to confirm if this is a service that
is working for no reason on my personal PC; otherwise, does it have a
different purpose?

Re: Zoom on Bookworm?

2023-12-19 Thread Jeffrey Walton
On Tue, Dec 19, 2023 at 5:29 AM Bret Busby  wrote:
> On 19/12/23 17:53, John Conover wrote:
> > Does the Zoom client work on Bookworm with pipewire?
> >
> Are you aware of Zoom using video calls for spying on, and, collecting
> personal information from, users, causing
> "The Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) is calling on free and open
> source software (FOSS) contributors to stop using Zoom video conferencing"
> "Back in March, Zoom quietly changed its fine print to include a clause
> in section 10.4 that assigned the video-chat biz perpetual, royalty-free
> rights to use "customer content" "


Use Jitsi, if possible. You can even run your own Jitsi server, if
desired. And it is open source. .


Re: Zoom on Bookworm?

2023-12-19 Thread Tom Dial

On 12/19/23 02:53, John Conover wrote:

Does the Zoom client work on Bookworm with pipewire?

Zoom works fine on Bookworm using mainstream Logitech camera/microphone. It 
coexists with pipewire on the system where I use it, but does not show that as 
a dependency.

Installing it will drag in its dependencies, if they are not installed. Dpkg 
--info for the current Debian install file shows:

 new Debian package, version 2.0.
 size 181054970 bytes: control archive=34820 bytes.
1329 bytes,18 lines  control
  122532 bytes,  1403 lines  md5sums
 593 bytes,18 lines   *  postinst #!/bin/bash
 226 bytes,11 lines   *  postrm   #!/bin/bash
 Package: zoom
 License: see
 Vendor: Zoom Video Communications, Inc.
 Architecture: amd64
 Maintainer: Zoom Linux Team 
 Installed-Size: 654828
 Depends: libglib2.0-0, libxcb-keysyms1, libxcb-xinerama0, libdbus-1-3, 
libxcb-shape0, libxcb-shm0, libxcb-xfixes0, libxcb-randr0, libxcb-image0, 
libfontconfig1, libxi6, libsm6, libxrender1, libpulse0, libxcomposite1, libxslt1.1, 
libsqlite3-0, libxcb-xtest0, libxtst6, ibus, libxkbcommon-x11-0, desktop-file-utils, 
libgbm1, libdrm2, libxcb-cursor0, libxcb-icccm4, libfreetype6 (>= 2.6), libgbm1 
(>= 17.1.0~rc2)
 Recommends: libegl1-mesa, libgl1-mesa-glx
 Section: default
 Priority: optional
 Description: Zoom Cloud Meetings
  Zoom brings people together to connect and get more done in a frictionless, 
secure video environment. Our easy, reliable, and innovative video-first 
solutions provide video meetings and chat, with additional options for webinars 
and phone service.
  Zoom is the leading unified communications platform and helps individuals, 
schools, healthcare professionals and enterprises stay connected. Visit and follow @zoom_us.
  By installing this app, you agree to our Terms of Service 
( and Privacy Statement (

As with any product, it always is a wise to consider the terms of use and other 
legal documentation and exercise discretion.

If you decide to use it, I use (as root)

  apt install zoom_amd64.deb

It installs under /opt except for a symbolic link /usr/bin/zoom -> 

Tom Dial



Re: Zoom on Bookworm?

2023-12-19 Thread Kent West
On Tue, Dec 19, 2023 at 3:30 PM Kent West  wrote:

> On 12/19/23 10:53, John Conover wrote:
>> > Does the Zoom client work on Bookworm with pipewire?
>> >
>> >  Thanks,
>> >
>> >  John
> Yes.
> I have version 5.17.0 of the desktop client running on my sid/trixie box
> at this very moment.
> with Pipewire running.

> --
> Kent West<")))><
> IT Support / Client Support
> Abilene Christian University
> Westing Peacefully -

Kent West<")))><
IT Support / Client Support
Abilene Christian University
Westing Peacefully -

Re: Zoom on Bookworm?

2023-12-19 Thread Kent West
On 12/19/23 10:53, John Conover wrote:
> > Does the Zoom client work on Bookworm with pipewire?
> >
> >  Thanks,
> >
> >  John


I have version 5.17.0 of the desktop client running on my sid/trixie box at
this very moment.

Kent West<")))><
IT Support / Client Support
Abilene Christian University
Westing Peacefully -

Re: Mouse single click handling?

2023-12-19 Thread local10
Dec 19, 2023, 18:41 by

> Been there done that. Cheap mice have cheap switches which fail sooner
> than later. Gaming mice are more expensive, but they are rated for 10-
> 20million clicks. Way more than than the cheap ones. In the long run
> those gaming mice come cheaper. I have an Evga X3 mouse at work i got
> in 2018. It still works and it cost just 30 euros.

It's a Logitech Trackman Marble Trackball mouse (T-BC21 model). I like this 
model but for some reason they just don't seem to last as long as they used to.


Re: Debian-installer gèle pendant l'installation sur Minis Forum UN305 [RESOLU]

2023-12-19 Thread Sébastien Dinot

Le 2023-12-19 17:14, Olivier a écrit :

Pour X (mauvaises) raisons, j'ai préféré essayer d'installer Bullseye
sur la machine UN305 et tout s'est passé normalement !

Je n'aurais pas parié là dessus avec un processeur Intel Core de 
douzième génération, mais si ça marche, tout va pour le mieux.

Pour ma part, la testing ne me fait pas peur et c'est pour cela que j'ai 
fini par basculer sur cette version. Il arrive que les mises à jour « 
cassent » le système, mais c'est rare et transitoire. Le temps que tout 
rentre dans l'ordre, on peut en général forcer l'installation d'une 
version antérieure du paquet fautif (j'écris « en général » parce qu'une 
fois, il y avait eu une telle avalanche de mises à jour que le retour en 
arrière n'avait pas été envisageable, j'avais dû attendre la mise à 
disposition d'un correctif qui, heureusement, n'avait pas tardé à 

Je n'ai pas pensé à te le suggérer car tu m'as dit que le problème 
venait à l'installation, mais un de mes amis, qui avait acheté la même 
machine que moi, au même moment, a opté pour la stratégie de la Bookworm 
avec le noyau du dépôt backport et il en est satisfait.

A++, Sébastien

Sébastien Dinot
Ne goutez pas au logiciel libre, vous ne pourriez plus vous en passer !

How to index mails in kmail?

2023-12-19 Thread Hans
Hi folks,

is there a way to get all mails of kmail get indexed? 

As far as I read and understood, mails of kmail are not indexed by baloo. 
Obviously akonadi is 
indexing in its own way.

However, none of my mailfolders are indexed and I can not get it forced to be 
indexed. They 
say, akonadi is responsible for indexing, so I checked:

 dpkg -l libkf5akonadi* |grep ii 
ii  libkf5akonadi-data4:22.12.3-1  all  Akonadi arch 
independent data 
ii  libkf5akonadiagentbase5:amd64 4:22.12.3-1  amd64Akonadi agent 
base library 
ii  libkf5akonadicalendar-data4:22.12.3-1  all  data files for 
ii  libkf5akonadicalendar5abi1:amd64  4:22.12.3-1  amd64library 
providing calendar 
helpers for Akonadi items 
ii  libkf5akonadicontact5:amd64   4:22.12.3-1  amd64Akonadi 
contacts access library 
ii  libkf5akonadicore5abi2:amd64  4:22.12.3-1  amd64Akonadi core 
ii  libkf5akonadimime5:amd64  4:22.12.3-1  amd64Akonadi MIME 
handling library 
ii  libkf5akonadinotes5:amd64 4:22.12.3-1  amd64Akonadi notes 
access library 
ii  libkf5akonadiprivate5abi2:amd64   4:22.12.3-1  amd64libraries for 
the Akonadi PIM 
storage service 
ii  libkf5akonadisearch-bin   4:22.12.3-1  amd64Akonadi search 
library - runtime 
ii  libkf5akonadisearch-data  4:22.12.3-1  all  Akonadi search 
library - data files 
ii  libkf5akonadisearch-plugins:amd64 4:22.12.3-1  amd64Akonadi search 
library - runtime 
ii  libkf5akonadisearchcore5:amd644:22.12.3-1  amd64Akonadi search 
core library 
ii  libkf5akonadisearchdebug5:amd64   4:22.12.3-1  amd64Akonadi search 
debug library 
ii  libkf5akonadisearchpim5:amd64 4:22.12.3-1  amd64Akonadi search 
ii  libkf5akonadisearchxapian5:amd64  4:22.12.3-1  amd64Akonadi search 
xapian library 
ii  libkf5akonadiwidgets5abi1:amd64   4:22.12.3-1  amd64Akonadi widgets 
ii  libkf5akonadixml5:amd64   4:22.12.3-1  amd64Akonadi XML 
helper library

It looks like, I have everything necessary installed. 

Did I miss anything? Can I force akonadi to reindex all mails?

I also dicovered "akonadi vacuum" and "akoinadi fsck", but these shall only 
clean and compress 
the database.

Searching the web I found many discussions with the problem "cannot search 
through mails in 
kmail" but none of them got any solution.

Several years ago this worked, but I forgot, since when searching through mails 
in kamail was 
no more possible.

Thanks for any help. If this is a bug in kamil or akonadi, please tell me, too.

Best regards


Re: system not updating

2023-12-19 Thread Michael Grant
> Any chance you have phased updates set up? Search apt_preferences(5)
> for Phased-Update-Percentage for details, and check your apt
> configuration.

Nope, not using that.


deb bookworm-security main 
contrib non-free
deb-src bookworm-security main 
contrib non-free

deb   bookworm-updates main contrib 
deb-src   bookworm-updates main contrib 

deb   bookworm-backports main contrib 
deb-src   bookworm-backports main contrib 

deb   bookworm main contrib non-free 
deb-src   bookworm main contrib non-free 


Package: *
Pin: release a=bookworm-security
Pin-Priority: 1000

Package: *
Pin: release a=bookworm
Pin-Priority: 500

Package: *
Pin: release a=bookworm-backports
Pin-Priority: 490

And these are the same across all the machines.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Copier un système (Debian) sur un disque plus grand.

2023-12-19 Thread benoit
Le lundi 18 décembre 2023 à 19:59, Th.A.C  a écrit :

> Il me semble qu'il y a une option dans clonezilla pour étendre
> automatiquement les partitions à la copie.

Ca, m'intéresse je vais regarder ça en faisant une sauvegarde, que je dois de 
toute façon faire par sécurité.

> Gparted est très bien, mais il ne sait pas travailler avec du lvm.
> Sinon, il faudrait nous donner au moins ton partitionnement pour se
> faire une meilleur idée.
> Il y a des dizaines de possibilités d'agrandissement...

% df -h
Sys. de fichiers Taille Utilisé Dispo Uti% Monté sur
udev   2,9G   0  2,9G   0% /dev
tmpfs  584M1,6M  583M   1% /run
/dev/nvme0n1p3  18G 14G  2,8G  84% /
tmpfs  2,9G   0  2,9G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs  5,0M   0  5,0M   0% /run/lock
/dev/nvme0n1p2  59G 56G   73M 100% /Qubes
/dev/nvme0n1p7 128G110G   13G  90% /div
/dev/nvme0n1p5 5,5G4,9G  239M  96% /home
/dev/nvme0n1p4 9,1G1,8G  6,9G  21% /var
/dev/nvme0n1p1 487M5,9M  481M   2% /boot/efi
tmpfs  584M 60K  584M   1% /run/user/1000

Justement, si je recopiais mon système d'un disque à l'autre avec une image ou 
dd,je serais embêté car je voudrais supprimer la partition Qubes, j'ai voulu 
essayer Qubes os et je ne me suis,jamais appliqué, je voudrais récupérer la 
Ca voudrait dire, tout déplacer vers le "début" du "disque" jusqu'à la fin de 


Re: system not updating

2023-12-19 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Tue, Dec 19, 2023 at 01:37:40PM -0500, Michael Grant wrote:
> On the one that's not getting updates:
> [strange /etc/apt #1939] apt policy openvpn
> openvpn:
>   Installed: 2.6.3-1+deb12u2
>   Candidate: 2.6.3-1+deb12u2

It's already upgraded.  Perhaps this system has unattended-upgrades
installed (or some equivalent), and the others don't.  Or, they all
do, but the times at which they upgrade are randomized, and you
happened to catch things during an interval when one of them has
upgraded, but the other two haven't yet.

Re: Extraction de CD audio

2023-12-19 Thread Jean Bernon

> C'est bien ma version 3.38.0-2. Mais il refuse les cd non trouvés sur
> musicbrainz. Tu le lances avec des options ? Des greffons ?

Je n'ai pas d'option ou de greffon particulier. Je suis sous Gnome. J'utilise 
deux méthodes, soit :
1 je charge le CD, j'attends qu'il soit monté et visible dans le gestionnaire 
de fichiers et ensuite j'ouvre sound juicer qui met 10 à 20 secondes avant 
d'afficher les pistes, que tu peux ensuite lire et extraire ;
2 tu vas dans paramètres/media amovibles/cd audio et tu choisis sound juicer, 
ensuite quand tu ouvres le cd dans le gestionnaire de fichiers, il te propose 
de l'ouvrir avec sound juicer (en haut à droite de la liste des pistes). 

> Oui je veux du mp3 pour la compatibilité et la compression.
> D'où recompilation avec la qualité adhoc lors de l'encodage

Dans les préférences, tu peux choisir mp3. J'évoquais FLAC seulement parce que 
quelqu'un de la liste disait qu'il y avait un problème de qualité du codage 
avec sound juicer.

Re: Mouse single click handling?

2023-12-19 Thread Felix Miata
Alexander V. Makartsev composed on 2023-12-19 11:37 (UTC-0500):

> local10 wrote:

>> I have several mice that went bad with the same defect: they sometimes 
>> generate two single clicks very quickly (say, within 10-20ms) instead of a 
>> single click.
> This is a very common problem with micro-switches inside computer mice, 
> mechanical keyboards, etc.
> They wear out with use and has to be replaced, given that they are very 
> inexpensive, standardized and relatively easy to replace.
> Here is a link to PDF datasheet [1] for Omron D2F series switches 
> specifications.
> You need a switch with pin plunger and compatible terminals, those 
> depend on mice model.
> You can buy them at local electronics store, order them from China 
> (AliExpress), or from any other reputable source.

> [1]

Can you suggest any particular online source in North America that sells those
switches? I had no success trying to refurb one in my invaluable Logitech 
Marble FX PS/2 trackball. It took 2 hours to get that tiny switch back together
after disassembly and cleaning. :( A Kensington Orbit I had much better luck 
cleaning, so didn't need a new switch.

AliExpress is reputable? That's news to me. I ordered something from it 20 
ago. There was a lot of back and forth email between us before I actually got
something a month later that turned out to be used rather than new, and just as
broken as the original part I was trying to replace. My credit card company
eventually issued a refund after I explained all that happened. That particular
card I rarely used, and hadn't for a number of months before that online 
or for several months after. 3 months or so after the refund, there were 4 cash
advances issued on it totaling around $8,000 on the other side of an ocean I had
never crossed. Those got reversed, but my credit rating dropped 100 points and
hasn't come near recovering.
Evolution as taught in public schools is, like religion,
based on faith, not based on science.

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata

Re: system not updating

2023-12-19 Thread Eric S Fraga
It looks like the package is already at the latest version?
Eric S Fraga via gnus (Emacs 30.0.50 2023-06-19) on Debian 12.0

Re: Mouse single click handling?

2023-12-19 Thread tomas
On Tue, Dec 19, 2023 at 08:40:56PM +0200, Alexis Grigoriou wrote:
> On Tue, 2023-12-19 at 17:01 +0100, local10 wrote:
> > Dec 19, 2023, 15:30 by
> > 
> > I've been replacing them, I have 4-5 mice like that, they all fail
> > with the same defect after 6-12 months or so. So I thought perhaps
> > there was a way to fix them instead of buying a new one every 6-12
> > months.
> > 
> Been there done that. Cheap mice have cheap switches which fail sooner
> than later. Gaming mice are more expensive, but they are rated for 10-
> 20million clicks. Way more than than the cheap ones. In the long run
> those gaming mice come cheaper. I have an Evga X3 mouse at work i got
> in 2018. It still works and it cost just 30 euros.

As I said, I fixed a couple of them where the switches weren't the
failure, but rather the mechanical transmission, which became "too
short" (most probably because the frame around it became too long).
A thin shim did the trick.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Mouse single click handling?

2023-12-19 Thread Alexis Grigoriou
On Tue, 2023-12-19 at 17:01 +0100, local10 wrote:
> Dec 19, 2023, 15:30 by
> I've been replacing them, I have 4-5 mice like that, they all fail
> with the same defect after 6-12 months or so. So I thought perhaps
> there was a way to fix them instead of buying a new one every 6-12
> months.

Been there done that. Cheap mice have cheap switches which fail sooner
than later. Gaming mice are more expensive, but they are rated for 10-
20million clicks. Way more than than the cheap ones. In the long run
those gaming mice come cheaper. I have an Evga X3 mouse at work i got
in 2018. It still works and it cost just 30 euros.

Re: Copier un système (Debian) sur un disque plus grand.

2023-12-19 Thread benoit

Envoyé avec la messagerie sécurisée Proton Mail.

Le vendredi 15 décembre 2023 à 19:08, ptilou  a écrit :

> Le vendredi 15 décembre 2023 à 08:50:04 UTC+1, benoit a écrit :
> > Bonjour,
> > Je recherche une méthode sûre et facile et un logiciel libre pour copier un 
> > système (Debian) sur un disque plus grand.
> > J’ai cru comprendre qu’un clonage avec dd ou Clonezilla, va crée des 
> > partitions de même tailles du disque source ver le disque cible.
> > Les partitions vont laisser une partie du disque cible non partitionné, 
> > qu’il faudra ensuite déplacer et redimensionner avec les données. Le peu 
> > d’expérience que j’ai de cette étape avec Gparted, c’est que ça prend des 
> > heures et que ça n’a pas toujours fonctionné.
> > Il me semble que le plus simple serait de faire l’inverse : créer la table 
> > de partition sur le disque cible avec cfdisk.
> > Mais après je fais comment pour copier les secteurs d’amorçage, la 
> > partition EFI, les droits d’accès, les liens symboliques etc ?
> > Merci d’avance pour vos conseils.
> > --
> > Benoît
> Tu copie avec dd, le disque complet puis avec fdisk du redimensionne, tu peut 
> aussi le faire avec gtparted, disque, etc ...

Je ne savais pas que fdisk pouvait faire du déplacement/redimensionnement sans 
perte de données. Ca m'intéresse, je vais aller voir ça.


Re: system not updating

2023-12-19 Thread Michael Grant
> Go to one of the other two, and get the *name* of one of the packages
> that you wish more information about.
> Then, on all three systems, run:
> apt policy my-pkg-name

On the one that's not getting updates:

[strange /etc/apt #1939] apt policy openvpn
  Installed: 2.6.3-1+deb12u2
  Candidate: 2.6.3-1+deb12u2
  Version table:
 2.6.7-1 250
250 testing/main amd64 Packages
 10 unstable/main amd64 Packages
 *** 2.6.3-1+deb12u2 500
500 bookworm-security/main 
amd64 Packages
500 bookworm/main amd64 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

On the one that is getting updates:

[top /etc/apt #1211] apt policy openvpn
  Installed: 2.6.3-1+deb12u1
  Candidate: 2.6.3-1+deb12u2
  Version table:
 2.6.7-1 250
250 testing/main amd64 Packages
 10 unstable/main amd64 Packages
 2.6.3-1+deb12u2 500
500 bookworm-security/main 
amd64 Packages
500 bookworm/main amd64 Packages
 *** 2.6.3-1+deb12u1 100
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

on the one that isn't getting updates:

[strange /etc/apt #1940] apt list --upgradable
Listing... Done
ca-certificates-java/stable 20230710~deb12u1 all [upgradable from: 
linux-image-amd64/stable-updates 6.1.67-1 amd64 [upgradable from: 6.1.55-1]

note that even though the candidate is openvpn 2.6.3-1+deb12u2, it
won't be installed.  Why?  What's blocking it?

Michael Grant

Description: PGP signature

Re: Re : Extraction de CD audio

2023-12-19 Thread Jean-François Bachelet

oups ! c'est vrai c'est sur mageia linux que je fait mes rips...
debian c'est sur les autres machines (serveurs, nas, ect...)

mais bon il doit bien être possible de le compiler pour debian aussi :) 
nan ? parce que lui il marche impec, au debut j'utilisai RubyRipper mais 
il avait les mêmes problème que le tien avec 50% des disques, même 
flambants neufs.

va voir la :


Le 19/12/2023 à 16:40, a écrit :

On 19/12/2023 09:05:49, Jean-François Bachelet wrote:

perso pour ce faire j'utilise Grip, en mode paranoiaque ;) (correction
d'erreurs, il lâche rien) avec un taux de 100% de réussite :)

Tu m’intéresses parce que ce grip-là n’existe plus dans Debian depuis un bail. 
À la place j’ai un bidule qui va sur Github.

nicolas patrois : pts noir asocial

Re: system not updating

2023-12-19 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Tue, Dec 19, 2023 at 12:57:36PM -0500, Michael Grant wrote:
> I have 3 debian servers which are mostly the same.  2 of them if I run
> apt list --upgradable, I get a list of 20 or so packages to update.
> One of them only shows this:
> linux-image-amd64/stable-updates 6.1.67-1 amd64 [upgradable from: 6.1.55-1]

Go to one of the other two, and get the *name* of one of the packages
that you wish more information about.

Then, on all three systems, run:

apt policy my-pkg-name

system not updating

2023-12-19 Thread Michael Grant
I have 3 debian servers which are mostly the same.  2 of them if I run
apt list --upgradable, I get a list of 20 or so packages to update.
One of them only shows this:

$ apt list --upgradable
Listing... Done
ca-certificates-java/stable 20230710~deb12u1 all [upgradable from: 
linux-image-amd64/stable-updates 6.1.67-1 amd64 [upgradable from: 6.1.55-1]

The sources files are identical.  There's nothing being held back that
I know of.  Packages on this server currently match the other
servers...for example, openvpn is the same version, it's going to be
updated on the other servers but not this one.

How can I find what's causing this?

Michael Grant

Description: PGP signature

Re: Zoom on Bookworm?

2023-12-19 Thread err404

On 12/19/23 10:53, John Conover wrote:

Does the Zoom client work on Bookworm with pipewire?



you can use in your web browser
there is less options, but it work well.

Re: Debian-installer gèle pendant l'installation sur Minis Forum UN305 [RESOLU]

2023-12-19 Thread Olivier
L'installeur Debian de Bookworm plantait en mode texte, malheureusement.

Peut-être qu'il me sera possible de passer de Bullseye à Bookworm puis
d'installer le noyau 6.5 grâce à bookworm-backport.
En tout cas, l'idée d'associer le noyau 6.5 à Bookworm me plait
d'avantage qu'installer testing même je ne me mesure ni la différence
entre les deux, ni les risques et bénéfices encourus.
Merci beaucoup de l'avoir suggérée.

Comme la nouvelle machine ne me sert pas, pour l'instant, je vais
commencer par lister toutes les améliorations à y apporter.

À première vue, il y a au moins la partie graphique car l'affichage
est en 800x600.
Il y a aussi, probablement des éléments réseau (WiFi + carte Ethernet)
à améliorer.

Affaire à suivre.

Le mar. 19 déc. 2023 à 17:51, didier gaumet  a écrit :
> Le 19/12/2023 à 17:27, NoSpam a écrit :
> > Le noyau 6.5 est dans bookworm-backport
> pareil: sur un PC récent depuis quelques années il est possible d'avoir
> un OS Debian Stable fonctionnel en utilisant Backports.
> et généralement c'est bien d'installer tous les firmwares nécessaires à
> partir des backports aussi
> sinon, pour une installation directe de Bookworm malgré le plantage de
> l'installateur en mode normal, on doit pourvoir tenter une install avec
> l'installateur en mode expert et texte, ça se passerait peut-être mieux

Re: Mouse single click handling?

2023-12-19 Thread Brad Rogers
On Tue, 19 Dec 2023 17:01:46 +0100 (CET)
local10  wrote:

Hello local10,

> So I thought perhaps there was a way to fix them instead of buying a
> new one every 6-12 months.

Replace the flaky switch.  If you're not happy wielding a soldering
iron, get a friend to do it - assuming you know someone competent at

Failing that, when you come to buy a new mouse, pay more;  That way, one
would hope, that the quality of parts would be better, making for a
longer life.

My mouse developed similar behaviour;  LMB(1) became very touchy.  I
replaced the switch about three years ago and am still using the same
device now.  The mouse is now over a decade old.

Also, it's a good idea to give your mouse a darn good clean every now
and then.  This means taking it apart to get all the dust and other cruft
out that accumulates over time.

(1)  IME it's almost always LMB that fails - it gets far more use than

 Regards  _   "Valid sig separator is {dash}{dash}{space}"
 / )  "The blindingly obvious is never immediately apparent"
/ _)rad   "Is it only me that has a working delete key?"
Early morning when I wake up I look like Kiss but without the make-up
Strong - Robbie Williams

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Mouse single click handling?

2023-12-19 Thread gene heskett

On 12/19/23 10:11, local10 wrote:


I have several mice that went bad with the same defect: they sometimes generate 
two single clicks very quickly (say, within 10-20ms) instead of a single click.

With reference to the above, is there a way or setting to force several mouse 
clicks within a short period of time to be interpreted as a single mouse click?

Thats in the mouse, caused by the switch not being solidly against the 
pcb its mounted to by solder so it flexes, eventually breaking the 
copper foil of the trace, so it issues a click as you push the button, 
but breaks contac as your fingeer pushes ion down, the makes the second 
contact as the switch comes back then the switch opens, creating two 
clicks for the motion of one. Sometimes you can lay a piece of wrapping 
wire around the switches pin, and extend it across the micro-crack after 
scraping off the green masking paint and rigging some sort of a clamp to 
hold the switch against the pcb solidly so it doesn't re-break your fix. 
 Its a fiddly PITA. 30+ years ago I had to keep a pile of Amiga mice 
working at the tv station where I was the CE.  The Amiga mouses motion 
encoders were unique as they were miniature quadrature encoders, much 
smoother and far more instant and accurate than any "pc" mouse even 
today, if you ever used one you will remember how easy it was to do 
precise work, and no one but Amiga (commode door) ever made replacements 
as it took an ultra fine 9 wire cable to talk to it.  We stretched what 
we had well past their geriatric years fixing them as best I could. 
Today the spastic junk we can get at Wallies isn't made to be fixed, 
just toss it and get another $9 model.  Problem solved, for a while.

Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 12
KDE Plasma Version: 5.27.5  KDE Frameworks Version: 5.103.0  Qt Version: 5.15.8
Kernel Version: 6.1.0-15-amd64 (64-bit)
Graphics Platform: X11


Cheers, Gene Heskett.
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis

Re: Mails dans corbeille Debian-12

2023-12-19 Thread didier gaumet

Le 19/12/2023 à 17:38, ajh-valmer a écrit :

Bonsoir à tous,

Spamassasin dépose les très nombreux mails-spams directement dans
la corbeille de mon MUA, précédés de *** SPAM ***.
La corbeille sous Debian est dans /home//.local/share/Trash/".
Je souhaite que ces mails *** SPAM *** aillent automatiquement dans
le répertoire "/dev/null".
Comment puis-je le faire ?


je ne peux pas t'apporter la réponse car je n'utilise pas spamassassin 
et la rapide recherche que j'ai fait ne m'a pas permis de comprendre 
comment exactement ça se règle

par contre que tu *puisses* le faire ne signifie pas forcément que tu 
*doives* le faire: que fais-tu des faux positifs? Les mails tout-à-fait 
valides qui sont parfois d'une importance vitale suivant le contexte et 
qui sont marqués par erreur comme indésirables par Spamassassin?

Je n'administre pas de serveurs mails donc je ne vais pas m'avancer mais 
comme je vois les choses en tant qu'ignare de la question, à part quand 
quelqu'un cherche à réaliser un déni de service en inondant une boîte 
mail, la détection de spam automatique reste à valider par le 
destinataire du mail, pour chaque mail, sauf si il sait qu'il ne recevra 
jamais de courrier important à cette adresse?

Re: Mouse single click handling?

2023-12-19 Thread Alexander V. Makartsev

On 19.12.2023 21:41, wrote:

On Tue, Dec 19, 2023 at 09:37:20PM +0500, Alexander V. Makartsev wrote:

On 19.12.2023 20:04, local10 wrote:


I have several mice that went bad with the same defect: they sometimes generate 
two single clicks very quickly (say, within 10-20ms) instead of a single click.

This is a very common problem with micro-switches inside computer mice,
mechanical keyboards, etc.
They wear out with use and has to be replaced, given that they are very
inexpensive, standardized and relatively easy to replace.

I've had some success inserting a thin shim between plunger and
switch, on the theory that the whole thing (plunger, switch, mount
on the PCB) get shortened/worn out on use.

Usually it is gunk and taint getting accumulated on metal contacts inside.
If you really have to repair a micro-switch without soldering, you can 
disassemble them, clean thoroughly contacts inside and metal plate with 
Isopropyl alcohol, let it dry out and reassemble.

Required tools:
1. Needle to pry open a plastic cap and tweezers (those could be bought 
at hardware store)

2. Steady hands (can't be bought)
3. Good eyesight (you guessed it, also can't be bought).

With kindest regards, Alexander.

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system

Re: Mouse single click handling?

2023-12-19 Thread local10
Dec 19, 2023, 16:37 by

> Here's someone offering a patch for xserver-xorg-input-evdev:
> and this is someone reporting on how to build for Ubuntu:
> so yes, it seems you are not alone :-)

I will look into it. Thanks to everyone who responded.

Re: Debian-installer gèle pendant l'installation sur Minis Forum UN305 [RESOLU]

2023-12-19 Thread didier gaumet

Le 19/12/2023 à 17:27, NoSpam a écrit :

Le noyau 6.5 est dans bookworm-backport

pareil: sur un PC récent depuis quelques années il est possible d'avoir 
un OS Debian Stable fonctionnel en utilisant Backports.

et généralement c'est bien d'installer tous les firmwares nécessaires à 
partir des backports aussi

sinon, pour une installation directe de Bookworm malgré le plantage de 
l'installateur en mode normal, on doit pourvoir tenter une install avec 
l'installateur en mode expert et texte, ça se passerait peut-être mieux

Installing? Why debian?

2023-12-19 Thread yxcv
Debian still wants interesteing user to take netinstall.iso or any other 
*iso because of Debian installation, but recommends the US-Shit GRUB. it is 
usefull to study before and absolut all from Ubuntu about the 
GReatly Ugly and UnUseabe pile of sht B. This shit in combination with other 
maschines in  the net kill all other bootprogramms on all maschiens. This 
isn's just mad, it is criminal typical US-Manner. And Debian is it stupid 
partner just like Ukraine.
When interested for control. kill all ethernet, therefore wireless is just 
so much suppoerted. And Debian is the stupid partner. Everybody is warned.

All answers never will be read

Re: Mouse single click handling?

2023-12-19 Thread Curt
On 2023-12-19,   wrote:
> But at the end, that's how most (reaonably complex) hardware works :)

Surely there must be superior and inferior mice. Maybe the OP should try
another brand. Or has she?

Up on the ISS, I would suppose they use touch screens, as floating mice
would be a novelty.

Re: Re : Re: Copier un système (Debian) sur un disque plus grand.

2023-12-19 Thread Klaus Becker

Am 19/12/2023 um 14:39 schrieb benoit:

Merci pour votre réponse,
Petite précision, c'est un ordinateur portable avec un « disque » nvme, qui ne 
peut en contenir qu’un seul.

Je pense à une solution intermédiaire inspirée de votre piste de réflexion…

- Sauvegarder /etc et les données non synthème(telles que /home, etc)...
- Sauvegarder la liste des paquets installés :

aptitude -F "%p" search ~i\!~M > paquets.list



tu connais

$ dpkg --get-selections > selections
$ dpkg --set-selections < selections
# apt-get dselect-upgrade?

Cela liste tous les packets. Pour trouver les packets installés 
manuellement, 2 fichiers :

- /var/lib/apt/extended_states
- /var/lib/aptitude/pkgstates

On peut effectuer un backup/restore directement à partir de ces fichiers 
ou utiliser "apt-mark", par ex :

# apt-mark showauto >
# apt-mark showmanual > pkglist.manual

Ce sont des notes que j'ai prises, je ne connais par expérience que 
"dpkg --get-selections" etc. Pour le reste, je n'en sais pas plus



Re: Mouse single click handling?

2023-12-19 Thread tomas
On Tue, Dec 19, 2023 at 09:37:20PM +0500, Alexander V. Makartsev wrote:
> On 19.12.2023 20:04, local10 wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I have several mice that went bad with the same defect: they sometimes 
> > generate two single clicks very quickly (say, within 10-20ms) instead of a 
> > single click.
> This is a very common problem with micro-switches inside computer mice,
> mechanical keyboards, etc.
> They wear out with use and has to be replaced, given that they are very
> inexpensive, standardized and relatively easy to replace.

I've had some success inserting a thin shim between plunger and
switch, on the theory that the whole thing (plunger, switch, mount
on the PCB) get shortened/worn out on use.


Description: PGP signature

Mails dans corbeille Debian-12

2023-12-19 Thread ajh-valmer
Bonsoir à tous,

Spamassasin dépose les très nombreux mails-spams directement dans 
la corbeille de mon MUA, précédés de *** SPAM ***.
La corbeille sous Debian est dans /home//.local/share/Trash/".
Je souhaite que ces mails *** SPAM *** aillent automatiquement dans 
le répertoire "/dev/null".
Comment puis-je le faire ?

Bonne soirée,
A. Valmer

Re: Mouse single click handling?

2023-12-19 Thread tomas
On Tue, Dec 19, 2023 at 11:31:21AM -0500, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 19, 2023 at 05:01:46PM +0100, local10 wrote:
> > I've been replacing them, I have 4-5 mice like that, they all fail with the
> > same defect after 6-12 months or so. So I thought perhaps there was a way to
> > fix them instead of buying a new one every 6-12 months.
> If you can fix the hardware, sure.
> Putting crazy workaround hacks in the drivers is not a fix, though.

But at the end, that's how most (reaonably complex) hardware works :)


Description: PGP signature

Re: Mouse single click handling?

2023-12-19 Thread Alexander V. Makartsev

On 19.12.2023 20:04, local10 wrote:


I have several mice that went bad with the same defect: they sometimes generate 
two single clicks very quickly (say, within 10-20ms) instead of a single click.
This is a very common problem with micro-switches inside computer mice, 
mechanical keyboards, etc.
They wear out with use and has to be replaced, given that they are very 
inexpensive, standardized and relatively easy to replace.
Here is a link to PDF datasheet [1] for Omron D2F series switches 
You need a switch with pin plunger and compatible terminals, those 
depend on mice model.
You can buy them at local electronics store, order them from China 
(AliExpress), or from any other reputable source.

With kindest regards, Alexander.

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system

Re: Mouse single click handling?

2023-12-19 Thread tomas
On Tue, Dec 19, 2023 at 05:01:46PM +0100, local10 wrote:
> Dec 19, 2023, 15:30 by
> > I have to ask: are you currently located at a remote location like the ISS
> > station or similar?
> >
> No, nothing like that.
> > Why would you go down this rabbit hole when the right
> > thing is to replace faulty hardware especially when it is cheap hardware?
> >
> I've been replacing them, I have 4-5 mice like that, they all fail with the 
> same defect after 6-12 months or so. So I thought perhaps there was a way to 
> fix them instead of buying a new one every 6-12 months.

Here's someone offering a patch for xserver-xorg-input-evdev:

and this is someone reporting on how to build for Ubuntu:

so yes, it seems you are not alone :-)


Description: PGP signature

Re: Mouse single click handling?

2023-12-19 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Tue, Dec 19, 2023 at 05:01:46PM +0100, local10 wrote:
> I've been replacing them, I have 4-5 mice like that, they all fail with the
> same defect after 6-12 months or so. So I thought perhaps there was a way to
> fix them instead of buying a new one every 6-12 months.

If you can fix the hardware, sure.

Putting crazy workaround hacks in the drivers is not a fix, though.

Re: Mouse single click handling?

2023-12-19 Thread tomas
On Tue, Dec 19, 2023 at 10:29:33AM -0500, Henning Follmann wrote:


> I have to ask: are you currently located at a remote location like the ISS
> station or similar? [...]

Bad mood, today?

Cheer up

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian-installer gèle pendant l'installation sur Minis Forum UN305 [RESOLU]

2023-12-19 Thread NoSpam

Le noyau 6.5 est dans bookworm-backport

Le 19/12/2023 à 17:14, Olivier a écrit :

Pour X (mauvaises) raisons, j'ai préféré essayer d'installer Bullseye
sur la machine UN305 et tout s'est passé normalement !

À l'évidence, il y a une anomalie sur cette configuration (Alder
Lake/Bookworm) mais au moins, j'ai l'assurance qu'il n'est pas
impossible d'installer Debian sur cette machine.

Merci, infiniment, Sébastien de m'avoir mis sur la bonne voie.

L'intérêt principal de l'achat de cette machine était de me permettre
de migrer sans stress de Bullseye à Bookworm.
Il va falloir revoir tous mes plans.

Je ne suis pas très rassuré d'utiliser testing sur sa machine de tous
les jours mais c'est une autre histoire ...

Re: Debian-installer gèle pendant l'installation sur Minis Forum UN305 [RESOLU]

2023-12-19 Thread Olivier
Pour X (mauvaises) raisons, j'ai préféré essayer d'installer Bullseye
sur la machine UN305 et tout s'est passé normalement !

À l'évidence, il y a une anomalie sur cette configuration (Alder
Lake/Bookworm) mais au moins, j'ai l'assurance qu'il n'est pas
impossible d'installer Debian sur cette machine.

Merci, infiniment, Sébastien de m'avoir mis sur la bonne voie.

L'intérêt principal de l'achat de cette machine était de me permettre
de migrer sans stress de Bullseye à Bookworm.
Il va falloir revoir tous mes plans.

Je ne suis pas très rassuré d'utiliser testing sur sa machine de tous
les jours mais c'est une autre histoire ...

Re: Debian-installer gèle pendant l'installation sur Minis Forum UN305

2023-12-19 Thread Sébastien Dinot

Le 2023-12-19 16:40, Olivier a écrit :

Par curiosité, le problème avec le noyau de Bookworm se manifestait-il
pendant l'installation ou plus tard, pendant l'utilisation de Bookworm

Je n'en ai plus le souvenir exact, je me souviens juste que j'ai dû :
* passer sur la testing pour avoir une installation fonctionnelle ;
* faire en sorte que GDM et la session X utilisent le serveur 
traditionnel plutôt que Wayland pour faire disparaitre des problèmes de 
rafraichissement d'écran qui rendaient la session inutilisable.

Si tu rencontres de manière répétable le problème au stade de la 
configuration du réseau, tu dois peut-être activer en amont si c'est 
possible, l'installation des firmwares non libres.


Sébastien Dinot
Ne goutez pas au logiciel libre, vous ne pourriez plus vous en passer !

Re: Mouse single click handling?

2023-12-19 Thread local10
Dec 19, 2023, 15:30 by

> I have to ask: are you currently located at a remote location like the ISS
> station or similar?

No, nothing like that.

> Why would you go down this rabbit hole when the right
> thing is to replace faulty hardware especially when it is cheap hardware?

I've been replacing them, I have 4-5 mice like that, they all fail with the 
same defect after 6-12 months or so. So I thought perhaps there was a way to 
fix them instead of buying a new one every 6-12 months.


Re: Mouse single click handling?

2023-12-19 Thread Stefan Monnier
> I have to ask: are you currently located at a remote location like the ISS
> station or similar? Why would you go down this rabbit hole when the right
> thing is to replace faulty hardware especially when it is cheap hardware?

FWIW there's a case to be made that "The Right Thing" is to try and
reduce consumption of resources, and prolonging the use of hardware falls
in this category.

This said, fully working mouses are thrown out on a regular basis at
most large organisations, so it's probably a lost battle.  But maybe the
OP's mouse have some characteristic which makes it harder to find
worthy replacements.

I'd encourage the OP to try and add support for such "debounce" support in
the drivers.  If for no other reason than the satisfaction of having
done the right thing and the feeling of empowerment one gets from molding
the software to one's own needs (enabled by Free Software).


Re: Debian-installer gèle pendant l'installation sur Minis Forum UN305

2023-12-19 Thread Olivier
Je n'avais pas pensé à essayer testing: merci d'avoir suggéré cette
possibilité !

Par curiosité, le problème avec le noyau de Bookworm se manifestait-il
pendant l'installation ou plus tard, pendant l'utilisation de Bookworm

Le mar. 19 déc. 2023 à 16:14, Sébastien Dinot
 a écrit :
> Le 2023-12-19 15:49, Olivier a écrit :
> > L'installeur Debian démarre normalement, me pose quelques questions
> > (clavier, langue, ...) mais s'arrête avant de me questionner sur le
> > choix du réseau :
> J'ai eu un souci pour ma part lorsque j'ai voulu déployer une Bookworm
> sur un NUC Intel récent (gamme de machine similaire). Je l'ai résolu en
> déployant dessus une version testing. Le problème semble imputable au
> noyau Linux de la Bookworm qui supporte pas les dernières générations de
> processeurs Intel (sur Bookworm, il s'agit d'un noyau 6.1, sur la
> testing, d'un noyau 6.5).
> Sébastien
> --
> Sébastien Dinot
> Ne goutez pas au logiciel libre, vous ne pourriez plus vous en passer !

Re : Extraction de CD audio

2023-12-19 Thread nicolas . patrois
On 19/12/2023 09:05:49, Jean-François Bachelet wrote:

> perso pour ce faire j'utilise Grip, en mode paranoiaque ;) (correction
> d'erreurs, il lâche rien) avec un taux de 100% de réussite :)

Tu m’intéresses parce que ce grip-là n’existe plus dans Debian depuis un bail. 
À la place j’ai un bidule qui va sur Github.

nicolas patrois : pts noir asocial

M : Qu'est-ce qu'il nous faudrait pour qu'on nous considère comme des humains ? 
Un cerveau plus gros ?
P : Non... Une carte bleue suffirait...

Re: Mouse single click handling?

2023-12-19 Thread Henning Follmann
On Tue, Dec 19, 2023 at 04:04:19PM +0100, local10 wrote:
> Hi,
> I have several mice that went bad with the same defect: they sometimes 
> generate two single clicks very quickly (say, within 10-20ms) instead of a 
> single click.
> With reference to the above, is there a way or setting to force several mouse 
> clicks within a short period of time to be interpreted as a single mouse 
> click?
> Thanks

I have to ask: are you currently located at a remote location like the ISS
station or similar? Why would you go down this rabbit hole when the right
thing is to replace faulty hardware especially when it is cheap hardware?


Henning Follmann   |

Re: Mouse single click handling?

2023-12-19 Thread Dan Purgert
On Dec 19, 2023, local10 wrote:
> I have several mice that went bad with the same defect: they sometimes
> generate two single clicks very quickly (say, within 10-20ms) instead
> of a single click.
> With reference to the above, is there a way or setting to force
> several mouse clicks within a short period of time to be interpreted
> as a single mouse click?

As far as I'm aware, there are no "low-pass" options in the drivers /
software to accommodate the case when the mechanical parts in the mouse
start sending spurious clicks, thanks to the contacts / springs / etc.
wearing out.  

It'd probably be less effort to just replace the failing switch(es) in
the mouse than trying to add that to the software.

|_|_|O| Github:
|O|O|O| PGP: DDAB 23FB 19FA 7D85 1CC1  E067 6D65 70E5 4CE7 2860

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Re: Debian-installer gèle pendant l'installation sur Minis Forum UN305

2023-12-19 Thread Sébastien Dinot

Le 2023-12-19 15:49, Olivier a écrit :

L'installeur Debian démarre normalement, me pose quelques questions
(clavier, langue, ...) mais s'arrête avant de me questionner sur le
choix du réseau :

J'ai eu un souci pour ma part lorsque j'ai voulu déployer une Bookworm 
sur un NUC Intel récent (gamme de machine similaire). Je l'ai résolu en 
déployant dessus une version testing. Le problème semble imputable au 
noyau Linux de la Bookworm qui supporte pas les dernières générations de 
processeurs Intel (sur Bookworm, il s'agit d'un noyau 6.1, sur la 
testing, d'un noyau 6.5).


Sébastien Dinot
Ne goutez pas au logiciel libre, vous ne pourriez plus vous en passer !

Mouse single click handling?

2023-12-19 Thread local10

I have several mice that went bad with the same defect: they sometimes generate 
two single clicks very quickly (say, within 10-20ms) instead of a single click.

With reference to the above, is there a way or setting to force several mouse 
clicks within a short period of time to be interpreted as a single mouse click?


Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 12
KDE Plasma Version: 5.27.5  KDE Frameworks Version: 5.103.0  Qt Version: 5.15.8
Kernel Version: 6.1.0-15-amd64 (64-bit)
Graphics Platform: X11

Debian-installer gèle pendant l'installation sur Minis Forum UN305

2023-12-19 Thread Olivier

J'ai acheté un Minis Forum UN305 pour y installer Bookworm et en faire
mon PC principal.

La machine est habituellement vendue avec Windows.

Après avoir désactivé le Secure Boot puis inséré une clé USB sur
laquelle j'avais copié l'iSO de Bullseye, j'ai pu accéder au menu du
BIOS (en pressant la touche F7 du clavier pendant le démarrage) pour
choisir cette clé comme media de démarrage.

L'installeur Debian démarre normalement, me pose quelques questions
(clavier, langue, ...) mais s'arrête avant de me questionner sur le
choix du réseau :
- l'écran reste vide,
- l'écran accessible avec Alt-F4 ne donne pas de message d'erreur particulier,
- je n'ai d'autre moyen que de dé"brancher l'alimentation du PC pour
arrêter le processus.

J'ai répété l'opération 2 ou 3 fois avec à chaque fois le même
résultat : gel pendant l'exécution de Debian Installer.

1. Connaissez-vous un moyen pour logguer sur un fichier externe tout
ce qui se passe pendant l'installation ? Avec les touches Alt-F2 ou
Alt-F3, j'ai accès à une console mais je ne sais pas quoi avec.

2. Avez-vous déjà installé avec succès Debian sur un Minis Forum ?
Quelle configuration préalable de BIOS avez-vous suivi ?


Re: Extraction de CD audio

2023-12-19 Thread Michel Verdier
Le 18 décembre 2023 Jean Bernon a écrit :

> En effet, il commence par chercher les métadonnées sur MusicBrainz, mais s'il
> ne les trouve pas, il le dit et il lit bien les pistes en leur donnant des
> titres anonymes titre01, titre02 etc. et on peut les extraire (du moins ça se
> passe ainsi pour moi - Sound Juicer 3.38).

C'est bien ma version 3.38.0-2. Mais il refuse les cd non trouvés sur
musicbrainz. Tu le lances avec des options ? Des greffons ?

> Dans les préférences de Sound Juicer, on peut choisir le format de
> sortie et utiliser par exemple FLAC ou OGG qui assure une qualité
> correcte (FLAC est une compression sans aucune perte).

Oui je veux du mp3 pour la compatibilité et la compression.
D'où recompilation avec la qualité adhoc lors de l'encodage

Re : Re: Copier un système (Debian) sur un disque plus grand.

2023-12-19 Thread benoit
Merci pour votre réponse,
Petite précision, c'est un ordinateur portable avec un « disque » nvme, qui ne 
peut en contenir qu’un seul.

Je pense à une solution intermédiaire inspirée de votre piste de réflexion… 

- Sauvegarder /etc et les données non synthème(telles que /home, etc)...
- Sauvegarder la liste des paquets installés :

aptitude -F "%p" search ~i\!~M > paquets.list

Comme on me l’a déjà indiqué sur cette liste (voir « Liste des paquets 
installés sur mon ordi »).

- Partitionner le nouveau disque, y faire une installation de base du système 
(Installation par le réseau à partir d'un CD minimal)

- Réinstaller les mêmes paquets sur le nouveau système.
apt install $( paquets.list

Va me sélectionner les paquets qui n’ont PAS (!~M)  été automatiquement 

Donc ceux explicitement nommés dans une commande :
apt install nomPaquetA nomPaquetB nomPaquetC nomPaquetD nomPaquetE 

Imaginons que le paquet  nomPaquetC aurait de toute façon installé  nomPaquetD 
nomPaquetE en tant que dépendance de  nomPaquetC, 

comment exclure de la liste :  nomPaquetD nomPaquetE ?

Je consulte la doc ici :

Quand on installe un paquet qui était déjà installé automatiquement  en tant 
que dépendance d’un autre, apt répond que le package est marqué comme installé 

Et j’ai l’impression que :
apt autoremove ne pourra plus fonctionner car si sur le système actuel, je fais 

aptitude -F "%p" search ~i\!~M > paquets.list

Et que sur la nouvelle installation je fais :
apt install $( a écrit :

> On 12/15/23 08:48, benoit wrote:
> > Bonjour,
> > 
> > Je recherche une méthode sûre et facile et un logiciel libre pour
> > copier un système (Debian) sur un disque plus grand.
> Je comprends la question de la manière suivante:
> Vous disposez d'un PC (probablement un ordinateur fixe, pas un portable)
> sur lequel tourne une Debian. Cet ordinateur a deux disques, qu'on
> suppose ici être /dev/sda pour le plus petit (disque source) et /dev/sdb
> pour le plus gros (disque cible). Le BIOS ou UEFI voit bien les deux
> disques. Vous êtes capable (si besoin était) d'ouvrir le capot de
> l'ordinateur et de débrancher (temporairement) chacun de ces deux
> disques (par exemple leur câble SATA). Vous avez lu la notice du BIOS ou
> UEFI ou de la carte mère. Vous avez confiance dans votre alimentation
> électrique (pas de coupure ou d'orage prévu dans la journée), ou bien
> vous disposez d'un onduleur et d'une clef USB sur laquelle vous pouvez
> télécharger un Debian netinstall. Vous disposez en plus de quelques
> clefs USB en bon état (préférentiellement neuves) d'au moins 8Go (et
> plutôt plus) chacune.
> Il reste de la place (quelques gigaoctets de libre dans une partition
> montée donc dans un système de fichier) sur l'ancien disque (sur
> /dev/sda). À vérifier avec la commande "/usr/bin/df -h".
> Vous connaissez l'usage de la ligne de commande, le mot de passe root,
> et cet ordinateur est connecté à Internet de façon fiable.
> Systématiquement, vous allez explicitement utiliser la commande
> "/usr/bin/sync" ou "/bin/sync" qui vidange les tampons du noyau sur les
> disques. Dans certains cas, elle prend une dizaine de secondes. Il faut
> la faire très souvent.
> Vous avez préalablement sauvegardé les données les plus précieuses (ou
> les plus chères) de votre ordinateur. (précaution contre les
> catastrophes ou les fautes de frappe), peut être sur un serveur externe
> à distance ou sur des clefs USB neuves ou sur un disque externe. Vous
> seul savez quelles sont vos données les plus importantes pour vous. Les
> commandes à connaître sont /usr/bin/tar et /usr/bin/afio et
> /usr/bin/find. Essayez bien sûr "/usr/bin/tar --help" etc.
> La première étape est simplement de noter en totalité (sur un cahier, ou
> de prendre en photo avec son smartphone) la sortie des commandes
> "/sbin/fdisk -l /dev/sda" et "/sbin/fdisk -l /dev/sdb" et le contenu du
> fichier /etc/fstab (donc la sortie de "/bin/cat /etc/fstab"); si vous
> disposez d'une imprimante, imprimez ces sorties de fdisk et votre
> (ancien) fichier /etc/fstab ; il est très utile de noter la sortie de
> "/sbin/blkid" sur chacune des partitions visibles par ces commandes. Si
> on dispose de clef USB supplémentaire sauvegarder ces sorties sur une
> clef, ainsi que votre ancien répertoire /etc  et peut-être la liste
> des paquets installés par "/usr/bin/dpkg -l"
> =
> Ensuite, vous définissez sur papier un schéma de partitionnement du
> disque cible. A minima en respectant les contraintes suivantes:
> 1. il faut une petite et première partition de boot réservée de quelques
> mégaoctets réservée au BIOS / UEFI. Donc /dev/sdb1 - de nos jours, soyez
> généreux et prévoyez par exemple un demi gigaoctet (qui seront
> "gaspillées").

Re: Zoom on Bookworm?

2023-12-19 Thread David
On Tue, 19 Dec 2023 at 11:04, Jerome BENOIT

> can we efficiently jail zoom ?

Hi, my approach is to do that on my laptop by using grub to boot into various
different Debian installations.

Multiboot is un-fashionable, but I find it useful and versatile. Hard
drives are plenty
big enough to allow multiple operating systems installations.

The 931GB spinning hard drive has 4 primary partitions, sizes are approximate:
  Z = 12GB boot
  X = 12GB standalone minimal Debian installation with /boot symlinked
to /mnt/Z/X
  Y = 12GB standalone minimal Debian installation with /boot symlinked
to /mnt/Z/Y
  LUKS2 = 895GB

So basically there is unencrypted boot, and the majority of the drive
is allocated to the
LUKS2 encrypted partition. Plus there are a couple of minimal Debian
one of which has Zoom installed.

The LUKS2 partition contains LVM volumes
  S = 12GB swap
  A, B, C, D, E = 5x 12GB Debian installations with /boot symlinked to
  T = 149G data
  U = 497G data

I have installed Zoom on partition Y, which does not contain
cryptsetup tools, so
the LUKS2 partition cannot be opened, which hides all my sensitive data from

When I want to do real work, I boot one of my encrypted A,B,C,D,E installations
which can all access the common encrypted data in the T and U volumes.

Re: Zoom on Bookworm?

2023-12-19 Thread Dan Ritter
Jerome BENOIT wrote: 
> can we efficiently jail zoom ?

It needs access to a microphone, camera, and the network. I
suppose you could call that a jail, but for programs, that's
pretty much everything except filesystems and root privileges.


Re: Zoom on Bookworm?

2023-12-19 Thread Jerome BENOIT


can we efficiently jail zoom ?


On 19/12/2023 11:28, Bret Busby wrote:

On 19/12/23 17:53, John Conover wrote:

Does the Zoom client work on Bookworm with pipewire?



Are you aware of Zoom using video calls for spying on, and, collecting personal 
information from, users, causing

"The Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) is calling on free and open source software 
(FOSS) contributors to stop using Zoom video conferencing"

"Back in March, Zoom quietly changed its fine print to include a clause in section 10.4 that 
assigned the video-chat biz perpetual, royalty-free rights to use "customer content" 



Recommendation had been made, for people to switch to jitsi.

Bret Busby
Western Australia

Re: Zoom on Bookworm?

2023-12-19 Thread tomas
On Tue, Dec 19, 2023 at 06:28:48PM +0800, Bret Busby wrote:


> Are you aware of Zoom using video calls for spying on, and, collecting
> personal information from, users, causing

Thanks for pointing that out. It can't be overstated.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Zoom on Bookworm?

2023-12-19 Thread Bret Busby

On 19/12/23 18:28, Bret Busby wrote:

On 19/12/23 17:53, John Conover wrote:

Does the Zoom client work on Bookworm with pipewire?



Are you aware of Zoom using video calls for spying on, and, collecting 
personal information from, users, causing

"The Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) is calling on free and open 
source software (FOSS) contributors to stop using Zoom video conferencing"

"Back in March, Zoom quietly changed its fine print to include a clause 
in section 10.4 that assigned the video-chat biz perpetual, royalty-free 
rights to use "customer content" "



Recommendation had been made, for people to switch to jitsi.

" "Throughout the pandemic and its widespread Zoom adoption, we warned 
that relying on proprietary, for-profit controlled technology as 
essential infrastructure is dangerous," the organization wrote on 
Tuesday. "Last week, Zoom demonstrated exactly why everyone must stop 
using their services without any further delay." "

- Same report...

Bret Busby
Western Australia

Re: Zoom on Bookworm?

2023-12-19 Thread Bret Busby

On 19/12/23 17:53, John Conover wrote:

Does the Zoom client work on Bookworm with pipewire?



Are you aware of Zoom using video calls for spying on, and, collecting 
personal information from, users, causing

"The Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) is calling on free and open 
source software (FOSS) contributors to stop using Zoom video conferencing"

"Back in March, Zoom quietly changed its fine print to include a clause 
in section 10.4 that assigned the video-chat biz perpetual, royalty-free 
rights to use "customer content" "



Recommendation had been made, for people to switch to jitsi.

Bret Busby
Western Australia

Zoom on Bookworm?

2023-12-19 Thread John Conover
Does the Zoom client work on Bookworm with pipewire?




John Conover,,

Re: Extraction de CD audio

2023-12-19 Thread Jean-François Bachelet

Hello :)

Le 18/12/2023 à 10:58, Olivier a écrit :


J'ai un PC sous Bullseye/Gnome (je compte bientôt le remplacer par un
autre sous Bookworm) avec un lecteur externe de CD/DVD connecté par

J'ai décidé il y quelques jours de numériser ma collection de CD
audio, chose que je n'avais pas essayé depuis plusieurs années.

J'ai essayé avec Sound Juicer.
Avec lui, sur une demie douzaine d'essais, j'observe qu'il n'arrive à
lire ou extraire le contenu des CD que dans environ 50% des cas.

1. Par expérience, quelle est la cause la plus probable d'un échec ?
Le lecteur de CD/DVD ? Le logiciel utilisé ? Les mesures de protection
du CD ?

2. Existe-t-il un logiciel disponible (CLI ou GUI) sur Bullseye (ou
Bookworm) qui change sensiblement ce taux de lecture ?

perso pour ce faire j'utilise Grip, en mode paranoiaque ;) (correction 
d'erreurs, il lâche rien) avec un taux de 100% de réussite :)
