Re: Record not found in some SQL - Bug?

2009-01-28 Thread Øystein Grøvlen
Have you tried to run the Derby consistency checker? (See

Maybe that could give some clue about what is wrong.


jrgchip wrote:

I have reported the problem as

The problem is reproducible given the current state of the DB.  However, if
I reload the data, the problem goes away.  So I conclude that use of the DB
has altered its state in some way as to cause this problem to arise.

I do not know if it is a single row that has the problem.  The Java app
failed when it processed this record (because the record was not found)
and my investigation into the failure led me to discovery of this anomaly. 
There may be others.  I have had two very similar failures over the last 3

months which I did not investigate as deeply...instead rebuilding the DB
from scratch.  So it appears the problem does arise least

It's clear the SQL returns incorrect results.  I am hoping someone else has
seen similar behavior and can point me to a solution.

jrgchip wrote:

I have a Product table with a Num column that contains a record that
is only accessible by some SQL and not others.

Re: performance issue

2008-10-16 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

Jonas Ahlinder wrote:

The benchmark client is single-threaded atm.
To run it multi-threaded some sort of locking will most likely have ot me 
implemented ( which will be done as soon as we can confirmt he performance is 
ok ).
I have tried running more threads, and it does seem to give better performance, 
but the current state of the client doesnt really allow for reliable 
With autocommit on, and with the disk running 100% usage ( and quite a bit of 
wait queue at least on Linux ) do you think multiple threads will really help ?
And CPU ( 4 cores ) seem to run about 50% wait and 50% idle, which seems rather 
wierd to me, but i guess its mostly waiting for IO.

Which disk is running at 100% usage?  The data disk or the log disk?
If it is the log disk that is saturated, having multiple threads may 
help throughput because then it will be possible to commit multiple 
transactions per disk write.


From: Bryan Pendleton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2008 5:43 PM
To: Derby Discussion
Subject: Re: performance issue

The first issue is that on a desktop machine ( running vista ) with
two 7.2k rpm sata disks I get over 900 tps, while on a server (
running RHEL 5 ) and two 15k rpm sas disks, I get around 250 tps.

Is your benchmark client multi-threaded? Or single-threaded?

During the run(s) are your machine(s) CPU-bound? Or disk-bound?



Re: Cant update my database anymore

2008-10-13 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

Jamel Meslamani wrote:

Dear all,
I am using Derby10..3 with a chemical program JChem to update my 
database. But now, I am facing this problem when I try to add more 
structures. Error that I get is :

ERROR 25502: An SQL data change is not permitted for a read-only connection,
user or database.
With ij, I've tried these commands but no changes:
ij connect 'jdbc:derby://MyLocalhost:1527/MyChemicalDB;';
ERREUR 25502 : Une modification des donnees SQL n'est pas autorisee pour 
une connexion, un utilisateur ou une base de donnees en lecture seule.

ERREUR 25502 : Une modification des donnees SQL n'est pas autorisee pour 
une connexion, un utilisateur ou une base de donnees en lecture seule.

How Can I modify the database rights, to be able to update it?

I think full disk will give this symptom.  Please, check derby.log to 
see if it contains any warning about setting the database in read-only mode.


Re: Seg file not updating?

2008-08-13 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

Curry, David CIV NAVAIR 41K300D wrote:

Vista, NetBeans 6.0, using embedded Derby driver.

I have 2 apps that share a database.  admin.jar is the admin app, 
demo.jar is a simple client that cannot change data in the database.  
Both apps are in the same folder, along with the database folder.

When I make data changes to the db using admin, and close admin and run 
demo, I can see the data changes, no problem.

But when I look at seg\files, none of them have had their 
modified/accessed timestamps updated.  The log file does have the 
timestamp updated.  When I examine the seg\file that I know should have 
the new data, it does not, but the log file does have the new data. 

Have you made sure to properly shut down the database before exiting the 
 admin app?  Before exiting the application that embeds Derby, you 
should connect to it with connection parameter 'shutdown=true'.  E.g.:


Derby will as part of the shutdown force the database buffer to disk.


Re: Speed of using Derby DB

2008-06-11 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

vodarus vodarus wrote:
it takes up to 12 seconds to calculate TESTTOTALS. Oracle PL/SQL 
procedure with the same algorithm need 1,5 second.

*How can i improve performance? Or Derby is so slow because of Java / 
JVM issues???*


I do not have any experience with performance of stored procedures, but 
note that Derby has a pretty high overhead for query compilation since 
it compiles queries directly into Java byte code.  Hence, comparison on 
single executions of statements will usual not be in favor of Derby. 
However, if same statements are executed many times efficiency improves 
(both due to reuse of compiled plans and hot-spot compilation of the 
Java code).

For you particular problem, why use stored procedures when you can do 
the same with the following query:

insert into testtotals
select client, sum(order_amount) from testbig group by client;


Re: Speed of using Derby DB

2008-06-11 Thread Øystein Grøvlen
And what tools can you use to analyse big amount of relation-data? SQL 
can not be used in many cases. So people usually use stored procedures 
in RDBMS - PL/SQL in Oracle. I have idea: replase Oracle with Java 
application. And that Java application have RDBMS inside (like Derby in 
Embedded mode).

If you are using Derby in embedded mode, I do not think there will be a 
performance advantage of using a stored procedure over executing the 
code directly in the application.  It may even be faster to skip the 
stored procedure.  It would be interesting if you could try it out and 
report the results.

PS does derby / javaDB have it's own forum?

Do you mean outside this mailing list?


Re: Speed of using Derby DB

2008-06-11 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

vodarus vodarus wrote:
I thought tt using stored procedure will avoid transferring data from 
DataEngine to Application.

That cost is very little when using embedded where both are executing in 
the same VM.

Using Java + Oracle will be slower than usage of PL/SQL code.

But Java + Oracle implies client/server and transfer of data between 
different processes.

Application will spend a lot of resources to transfer data from DBMS to 
external code and back.

Do you mean usage of Java application itself and avoid usage of stored 


PS does derby / javaDB have it's own forum?

Do you mean outside this mailing list?

Yes. I think forum is more visual tool for communication than mail-list.

(I would think that depends on your mail client.)

Nabble and several other sites provide a way to access the mailing list 
in as a forum.


Re: Database connection not bound to default database schema when authenticating through LDAP?

2008-06-06 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

Andreas Kyrmegalos wrote:

Hello again,
  I don't know what to make of this. I blame it to the late hour though.

After successfully authenticating user usertest through LDAP to 
establish a connection , I get this message

ERROR 42Y07: Schema 'usertest' does not exist

when executing a statement against the database. The database's schema 
is not 'usertest'. And the database
creator is not 'usertest' either.The same error is reported with other 
user names.

I was under the impression that a database connection is bound to the 
default database schema regardless
of the user name used to connect. Is this a LDAP related thing? Or  is 
it just the right time to hit the sack?

The default schema is the same as the username, regardless of whether it 
exists or not.  You can use 'set schema' to switch to another schema.


Re: ShutdownException when I haven't asked the database to shut down

2008-06-06 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

Daniel Noll wrote:

Hi all.

I'm getting a load of errors like this.  They seem to happen at random times;
sometimes I see it when creating a statement, sometimes when executing,
sometimes when iterating over a result set.  Once I even had it happen when
creating the connection itself, which is hard to believe.

Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Java exception: ': 
at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.Util.newEmbedSQLException(
at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.Util.javaException(

Does nextException for this exception give you any more information?
Have you checked derby.log?  Maybe it contains information that could 
shed light on this.


Re: Null Pointer ? any idea how to solve

2008-04-15 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

Templexp Tan wrote:


There are some problem like the following:

java.sql.SQLException: DERBY SQL error: SQLCODE: -1, SQLSTATE: XJ001, 
SQLERRMC: java.lang.NullPointerException#20;#20;XJ001.U

 at Source)

any idea how it happens?

More information is needed to tell the origin of the 
NullPointerException.  If you could print the entire exception chain, 
this could give more information.  Also, if the NPE occurs on the 
server, there is probably a stack trace in derby.log that could tell a 
bit more.


Re: Derby get-together at Java One

2008-04-14 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

Rick Hillegas wrote:
A number of Derby people  have expressed interest in getting together 
the week of Java One. I'm thinking that people may be busy attending 
sessions during Java One itself, so it might be better to meet the first 
day before the Java One sessions start. That would be the Community One 
day (Monday, May 5). However, that may be an awkward day for some people 
for other reasons.

I'm leaning toward Monday May 5. I'm also leaning toward a 
bring-your-own-lunch format as we've done before with Derby developer 
get-togethers. Let me know if lunchtime (say 11:30 onward) that day 
sounds good to you.

Thanks, for organizing this, Rick.  I plan to be there.


Re: A network protocol error was encountered and the connection has been terminated

2008-04-10 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

Vic Ricker wrote:
Sorry about that.  I added something to dump follow getNextException() 
and getCause().  I got the following exception from getCause(), I 
believe.  I don't think getNextException() returned anything. A network protocol error 
was encountered and the connection has been terminated: the requested 
command encountered an unarchitected and implementation-specific 
condition for which there was no architected message 

Have you checked the derby.log file?  If the server has detected any 
error, it should be reported in this file.


Re: limit, offset and random

2008-04-09 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

unludo wrote:

OK thanks a lot for your answers.

Regarding the 'ORDER BY RANDOM()', you also plan to have something similar?

ORDER BY RANDOM() already works for me. Example:

ij select i from t where i  5;

4 rows selected
ij select i from t where i  5 order by random();

4 rows selected


Re: Re-using an existing db and archiving data

2008-03-17 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

Mark Hiles wrote:
I've just started using Derby for a uni project and have a couple of 
quick questions.

When creating an embedded database, it seems to get overridden each 
time I run my application. How can I make it create a database the 
first time it runs, and then re-use it in the future?

This is actually what will happen if your connection URL contains 
create=true.  If the DB already exists, you will get a connection to 
the existing DB.

I'd also like to know if it's possible to select certain data for 
archiving / compression? I've searched for material but can't find 
It is possible to encrypt data on disk, but I do not think compression 
is supported.


Re: Re-using an existing db and archiving data

2008-03-17 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

Mark Hiles wrote:

I've been using create=true and it just keeps overriding the existing db..

Someone mentioned to me that it might have something to do with the fact that
I'm running an embedded version.. I'm not sure why that would matter but could
that be it?


What do you mean by overriding?
Are tables that you have created not there when you start it the next time?
That is not how it is supposed to be, regardless of whether you are 
using embedded or client/server.


Re: Derby, identity columns locks on syscolumns

2008-03-03 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

Andrew Lawrenson wrote:

I've done some more experimentation  testing.

At the moment, when syscolumns is updated, if a sub-transction is done, the 
update is done with an expicit no-wait on locks.
I've tried changing this so that it will use the same wait policy as the parent 
transaction - when this is done, I see none of the problems reported, and can 
have up to 100 concurrent threads inserting without any failing (whereas before 
this would instantly lock up).

So the question now is: is the no-wait for the sub-transaction actually 

Personally, I can't see why it is, although I'm not exactly a guru at derby 
internals.  If the reason why is simply to increase concurrency, then I think 
it's flawed, as it forces more updates to be carried out by the parent 
transaction, which will hold the lock much longer before committing...

Any ideas?  Or is this the wrong list to be asking - should I pose this on 
derby-developers instead?

I think derby-dev is more appropriate for this discussion.  I do not 
know why there is a no-wait for subtransactions, maybe it is done to 
avoid risks of deadlocks.  You could try running the Derby test suites 
to see if some problems are revealed.


Re: using SELECT as an SQL triggered action

2008-02-12 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

musky wrote:

i will make my aim more clearer here:
i have created an AFTER insert trigger on a table called chattable which has
two fields(ID INT,Message VARCHAR(255)).here is the trigger:
where chattableupdate is a transition table.

i want the transition table to contain the newly inserted rows whenever an
insert takes place into chattable.

please help me,because with this trigger,when i select * from
chattableupdate and assign it to a resultset i get an error that the
chattable view/table does not exist

I do not think doing a select in a trigger does not make sense.  JDBC 
does not provide you with any way to get hold of the result set.
From your description, I think you need an insert statement in your 
trigger, not a select statement.


Re: using SELECT as an SQL triggered action

2008-02-12 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

Øystein Grøvlen wrote:
I do not think doing a select in a trigger does not make sense. 
Sorry, to many negations here. I mean of course that doing a select in 
a trigger does not make sense.

does not provide you with any way to get hold of the result set.
 From your description, I think you need an insert statement in your 
trigger, not a select statement.


Re: Iterating through large result set in network mode causes OutOfMemoryException

2008-02-11 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

Briggs wrote:

Well, unfortunately, freeing the Blob didn't work, the app still runs
out of memory.

The app?  Your first posting indicated that the server ran out of memory.

Also, the occasional commit is also causing a problem.  I end up
eventually getting this:

java.sql.SQLException: The data in this BLOB or CLOB is no longer
available.  The BLOB/CLOB's transaction may be committed, or its
connection is closed.

A Blob/Clob object is not valid after the transaction it was created in 
has committed.


Re: Failed to start database

2008-01-05 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

tom_ wrote:

I have tried with the latest bits/trunk, here the problem is an exception
upgrade from 10.3 to 10.4 is not supported.

Have you followed my advice about setting the 
derby.database.allowPreReleaseUpgrade property?


Re: Newbie Blues : Unable to connect to derby database using JDBC

2007-11-15 Thread Øystein Grøvlen


Can you provide the call stack for the exception you get?


Aneez Backer wrote:


Am trying to connect to derby database, but have not been successful.

I have created a database called 24k , and have also populated the tables

Here's the code:


org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedSimpleDataSource ds = null;
Connection conn = null;
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put(user, username);
props.put(, );


System.out.println(Loaded the appropriate driver.);
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(protocol +24k;, props);

System.out.println(Connected to database 24k);


Statement s = conn.createStatement();

ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(SELECT firstname, lastname 
FROM USERS WHERE uid = 1001);



Loaded the appropriate driver.
Connected to database  24k
exception thrown:
java.sql.SQLDataException: Invalid character string format for type int.


Please guide


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Re: Network protocol error in prepareStatement()

2007-11-12 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

Daniel Noll wrote:

Hi all.

I'm getting this unusual exception during prepareStatement():

Caused by: A network protocol 
error was encountered and the connection has been terminated: the requested 
command encountered an unarchitected and implementation-specific condition for 
which there was no architected message
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)

The connection is from the host to itself so network issues should hopefully
be out of the picture.  Any idea what causes this error?  The derby log is 
empty this time (no error messages, no success messages either.)

The call stack indicates that the server has sent and CMDCHKRM command 
which I should a reply indicating that the client, as part of the 
prepare message, sent something it was not able to understand.  I looked 
at the Network Server code, and I could not find that it would 
necessarily write something if an error happens during prepare, 
regardless of what debug flags you might turn on.  Hence, I think the 
best bet is to turn on tracing on the client and/or serve to see if we 
can see something wrong with the message being sent.


Re: having a problem with not in

2007-10-29 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

Jørgen Løland wrote:

tyoup wrote:

i'm having problems with the following query

select a,b,c from ta where (b,c) not in (select bb,cc from tb where dd 
= 3)

wich won't work in derby
how can i work this around ?

Hi Tyoup

If I remember correctly, IN clauses can only take handle one attribute. 
I think you'll get what you want if you rewrite the query to:

select a,b,c
from ta
where not (b in (select bb from tb where dd=3) and
   c in (select cc from tb where dd=3));

I do not think this is right since it is ok that the b and c values 
exists in different rows of tb, but not in the same row.  I think the 
two queries below should work:

select a,b,c
from ta
where not exists (select * from tb where dd=3 and b=bb and c=cc)

select a, b, c from ta except
select a, b, c from ta, tb where dd=3 and b = bb and c = cc


Re: Problem with valueSpecification() grammar rule

2007-10-28 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

Dhananjay Muli wrote:

I am facing problem with a query in postgresql having following 
condition in where clause


where acadyear, bullyear and year are columns of table. The existing 
sqlgrammar.jj file has a problem parsing the 'year' token occurence 
after the '-' sign. It expects a literal value there. The exception 
while parsing the query is given at the end. I modified 
valueSpecification() rule to add a new rule (the first one in the two 
rules given below) so that grammar should also allow column reference 
along with literal values.

Maybe your problem is that YEAR is a reserved word in Derby.  Hence, it 
should not be used for the name of a column.  However, it seems strange 
that you have been able to use a reserved word for the name of a column.


Re: Hibernate: table/view does not exist

2007-09-27 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

Mathias Conradt wrote:
 Thanks for the hint, the schema is app.

 It seems that when I use ij (EmbeddedMode) to connect to
 jdbc:derby:realty;(create=true) and use hibernate, it 
creates/connects the

 database in two different physical location. When I use ij, the database
 folder is created under C:\server\javadb10.3.1.4\bin, but when I use
 Hibernate, it must be somewhere else, at least I cannot find it under

Note that if you do not specify yourself where the database is to be
stored, it will be stored in current directory.  I am not a Windows
expert, but from your experience it seems like the current diretory
may be the directory where the executable is located.

You can take control of where the database is located in at least two

1. Set the property derby.system.home to the directory where you want
   your database.

2. Explicitly state the location of your database when connecting:

   URL: jdbc:derby:C:/server/javadb10.3.1.4/bin/realty

 But now I found a solution, using the Server Mode instead of the Embedded
 Mode, which somehow makes sure that I'm using the same (physical) 



The server mode works because the default directory when starting the
server will be used regardless of which client is connecting to it.
However, there should be no need to use the client/server mode if you
do not need to support concurrent connections from multiple clients.

Hope this helps,



2007-09-13 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

David Van Couvering wrote:
 OK, fair enough.  So, how *do* I find out what derby.system.home is 
set to??

I would think it is the same way as with any Java System property
(Kathey implicity told you that):


I have not tried it, but it is possible that if this property is not
explicitly set, this will also return null since Derby default values
are not normally registered as properties.  (There was a discussion
about this a couple of months ago.)


Re: Why need JDBC driver?

2007-09-13 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

jiangshachina wrote:

The question may be so stupid, but I really have some puzzles.
Generally, JDBC is the connector between Java application and RDBMSs.
But I think that's because the RDBMSs aren't written by Java, then we need
the middleware.
Now that, Derby is pure Java application, why we still need JDBC driver?
I think Java application certainly can tie with Derby directly.

And if you use embedded Derby it actually does.  In that case, the JDBC 
calls tie directly into the Derby database engine.  The JDBC API is used 
because it is a standard API for accessing a database from Java.

In the client/server environment you will still need a JDBC driver which 
handles the communication over the network.


Re: [ANNOUNCE] Apache Derby released

2007-08-24 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

Rahul Dwivedi wrote:
Are there any plans for implementing such a feature where lob locators 
are stored in tables and LOB are stored some where else, or such similar 
functionality to enhance performance with multiple lobs in single table.

I do not think that anyone has so far indicated that they have any plans 
for this. However, I would very much like to understand better what you 
are requesting.

If I understand you correctly, your main objective is that if LOBs are 
stored outside the table, a table scan will be much quicker.  Is that 
what you are thinking of?

Others have asked for locators in order to save space if two columns are 
referring the same LOB.  That raises the question of what should happen 
if a LOB is updated (e.g., through JDBC by Blob.setBytes).  Should that 
update be reflected by all columns referring the Blob, or just the 
column being updated.


Re: SQLTransientConnectionException with BLOB reads

2007-08-18 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

Arthur Blake wrote:
Hello, I have been using Apache Derby for a few months, and it 
has been working quite well for me.

I upgrade to just after the release came out, and I have been 
testing it out with my application.

It seems to work fine, except when I read some BLOB fields from the 
database, this Exception is thrown:

java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection.

  at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.Util.newEmbedSQLException(Unknown Source)
  at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.Util.newEmbedSQLException(Unknown Source)
  at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.Util.noCurrentConnection(Unknown Source)
  at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedConnection.checkIfClosed(Unknown 

  at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedBlob.checkValidity(Unknown Source)
  at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedBlob.getBytes(Unknown Source)

Are you accessing the Blob after the Connection from which is was 
obtained has been closed?  As described in the release notes for 10.3, 
it now required that the Connection is still open in order to access the 
Blob.  In 10.2, small Blobs may be accessed after the connection is 
closed, but not larger Blobs.

Please, check whether the Connection should still be open when the 
failure occurs.  If not, is it possible for you to change your 
application to keep the connection open as long as needed?


Re: SQLTransientConnectionException with BLOB reads

2007-08-18 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

Arthur Blake wrote:

Yes, that was the problem.

If I change my code to keep the Connection open after I have a Blob in 
hand, and then read the Blob it works.

It appears that also the ResultSet and PreparedStatement I used to fetch 
the Blob must also remain open until I'm done reading the Blob.

Generally, you should be able to close result sets and statements and 
still be able to access the Blob.  However, if you run with autocommit 
on (default), closing a result set may commit the transaction, and Blobs 
may not be accessed after the transaction has been committed.

That seems reasonable.

Sorry that I didn't see that in the release notes (they are quite big) 
as I didn't even realize I was doing this in the code... (my Lob reading 
code was buried in some utility classes.)

I believe the Release note entry for this is DERBY-2729 .

Paraphrasing:  Now Blobs and Clobs store their data in temporary files...

Can I assume that Blob reads (especially for smaller Blobs) will be 
slower now because they will have to be copied to temp files?

The temporary files will only be created if you use the JDBC Blob 
methods to change the content of a blob (e.g., setBytes).  For the 
embedded driver, these methods were added in 10.3.  For methods existing 
in 10.2, I do not think the performance has changed much.  (For the 
client driver, we have switched to a locator-based inmplementation and 
some operations should be much faster, while a few will be probably be 
slightly slower.)


Re: ERROR XSAI2: The conglomerate requested does not exist.

2007-05-14 Thread Øystein Grøvlen
I observed this error a few times during some experiments I did some 
time ago.  See DERBY-637.  Not the same setting, though.  Client/server, 
30 GB database.  When this started to occur, all my transaction fail 
with this error.  Restarting the database, made the error disappear.


Re: Derby select query speed questions

2007-04-14 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

Adam Bovill wrote:
 Hi Olav,

 Thanks.  That seems to have improved things.

 I was wondering whether or not there was a way to create one 
PreparedStatement from another.  I have the first one that I've created 
and would like to clone or duplicate this, w/o needing to recompile it.

 So when I'm using a PreparedStatement, I can set the parameters w/o 
incurring too much of a penalty because it's already compiled?

In order to answer this it would be good to know a bit more about what
you are trying to achieve.  Why do need several prepared statements?
Note that a prepared statement is local to a connection.  If you want
to execute the same statement in another connection, you will have to
prepare it for that connection.  However, Derby has a statement cache
so if the statement is lexically equal to a previous statement, the
result of the previous compilation will be reused, and recompilation
will not be needed.


Re: [n00b] Recovering from program crashes

2007-04-02 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

John C. Turnbull wrote:
I have just started to use Derby for configuration data for an 
application and have found that whenever the app terminates unexpectedly 
then Derby will not start the next time I start the application as it 
complains that it’s already been opened.  At the moment, I need to 
reboot my machine to clear whatever flag/data is indicating that the 
database is still open.


Is there a cleaner way to close the database?  Ideally my app would try 
to start Derby  and if it gets the error about it already being open 
then it would somehow clean up and close the database (that is if the 
application is not actually running in another instance already) and 
then open it properly.

Normally the lock file used to lock the database for concurrent access 
by other applications, should be cleaned up automatically, but I seem to 
recall that there have earlier been some discussions about platform 
differences in this area.

What error do you get, exactly?
Which platform (OS and JVM version) are you running on?


Re: Can I pass an array to a stored procedure?

2007-04-02 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

Brown, Andrew W (Rosetta) wrote:
After reading through the documentation it doesn't seem like passing an 
array to a stored procedure is possible:

Derby does not support the SQL ARRAY type.  So it will not be possible 
to pass arrays as stored procedures.


Re: Bug in Embedded Driver?

2007-03-31 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

Xavier Hanin wrote:

con.createStatement().executeUpdate(create table Issue ( ID 
char(50) ));
PreparedStatement st = con.prepareStatement(select count(*) 
from Issue where ? is null);

st.setNull(1, Types.VARBINARY);

I do not think that CHAR and VARBINARY are compatible types.  Try using 
Types.VARCHAR instead.

In this case I think it is the client driver that is wrong.  It is not 
first example where it allows type conversions that are not according to 
the spec. (Ref.


Re: Bug in Embedded Driver?

2007-03-31 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

Xavier Hanin wrote:
On 3/31/07, *Øystein Grøvlen* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Xavier Hanin wrote:

  con.createStatement().executeUpdate(create table
Issue ( ID
  char(50) ));
  PreparedStatement st = con.prepareStatement(select
  from Issue where ? is null);
  st.setNull(1, Types.VARBINARY);

I do not think that CHAR and VARBINARY are compatible types.  Try using
Types.VARCHAR instead.

Yes, but why does derby consider the type as CHAR? Is it something from 
the specification to assume CHAR when no type can be assumed from the 
query? Note that I do not compare to the only column I've created. The 
column could have been compatible with VARBINARY.

Ah, I see.  My mistake.  Then I do not see a reason why this should not 
be allowed.  Which version of Derby are you using?  There have been some 
fixes in this area lately (see DERBY-1610), and I will try your test 
case on the development trunk later today.

Indeed in my usecase I can't use VARCHAR because I'm not at the origin 
of the query. I use hibernate and do something like this:

from Issue where :status is null or status = :status

Hibernate converts that to something like
select * from Issue where ? is null or status_id = ?

and bind the two parameters with the same value, i.e. the id of the 
status I bind in Hibernate, which is a BIGINT, and thus use VARBINARY as 
sql type for both parameters binding. And I can't really blame 
Hibernate, can I?

Why not? :-)
I would blame Hibernate for using VARBINARY when it should use BIGINT, 
but I guess that is not the issue here.


Re: out of memory when writing blobs

2007-03-14 Thread Øystein Grøvlen
For tables with Blob or Clob columns, the default page size for the will 
be 32 kB.

(Ref. )


Anders Morken wrote:

Anders Morken:

 [...] the page size (Seemed to be 32K in this case [...]

Aha. Those 32 kilobyte pages were overflow pages, created to hold
rows that won't fit on a regular page. The regular pages were 4
kilobytes, the default size, but obviously those 6 megabyte blobs had
to be split across a few overflow pages. =)

That explains why blob workloads suddenly consume a lot more memory than
regular workloads with few (if any) overflow pages. Maybe this is
common knowledge, but I just hadn't realized. =)

Sorry for the noise, just wanted to clear up (my own) confusion. =)

Re: Derby row locking semantic

2007-01-18 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

Alex Boisvert wrote:


I stumbled upon an interesting locking behavior in Derby yesterday and thought I'd post to the list to get a 
better understanding of what's happening under the covers.   Assume a 
table with two indexes:

create table MY_TABLE (
ID bigint,
FOO varchar(255),
BAR varchar(255),
primary key (ID)

create index IDX_FOO on MY_TABLE (FOO);
create index IDX_BAR on MY_TABLE (BAR);

With isolation level READ_COMMITTED, here's a simple concurrent scenario:

CLIENT_A: start transaction
CLIENT_A: insert into MY_TABLE values (1, 'FOO-1', 'BAR'); 
  === OK (1 row inserted)

CLIENT_B: start transaction
CLIENT_B: insert into MY_TABLE values (2, 'FOO-2', 'BAR');
  === OK (1 row inserted)
CLIENT_B: select * from MY_TABLE where FOO = 'FOO-2'  
  === OK (1 row matched)

CLIENT_B: select * from MY_TABLE where FOO = 'FOO-2' and BAR = 'BAR'
  === OK (1 row matched)
CLIENT_B: select * from MY_TABLE where BAR = 'BAR' and FOO = 'FOO-2'
  === OK (1 row matched)
CLIENT_B: select * from MY_TABLE where BAR = 'BAR'
  === BLOCKS!

at that point CLIENT_B blocks until CLIENT_A commits or rollback.   And 
if CLIENT_A also selects BAR = 'BAR' we get into a deadlock situation.

What I don't understand is why CLIENT_B blocks to obtain a read lock on 
a row that has not been committed by CLIENT_A.  Would anyone be able to 
explain the underlying mechanism at work here?

I think most database systems that do not have multiversion concurrency 
 will behave as describe.  When a scan encounters a exclusively locked 
row, it will generally not know whether the uncommitted operation is an 
 insert or an update.   For the latter, the row cannot be skipped since 
its previous version should be included in the result set if the 
transaction that updated the row is rolled back.


Re: renaming columns

2006-12-29 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

Ralf Wiebicke wrote:


I try to rename a column using the following statements:

create table t (a int)
rename column t.a to b

The second statement throws an exception:

 [Error Code: 3, SQL State: 42X01]  Syntax error: Encountered column at 
ine 1, column 8.

Although this feature is not yet documented, according to this bug entry:

this should work since subversion revision 472708. I'm using 
version - (485682) which is later. When I look at the diff for 
revision 472708, this seems to be, what I want.

Any ideas?

The release note for 10.2 does not mention that rename column has been 

Note that 10.2.2 is made from another svn branch than the development 
branch (trunk).  Revision numbers on different branches are not directly 


Re: SQLSTATE: XSDG0Page Page(7,Container(0, 848)) could not be read from disk.

2006-10-12 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

David Sitsky wrote:

Some causes in the past are:
o DERBY-700
o DERBY-1838
o using durability=test mode
o running on hardware that doesn't actually sync disk when asked
o running separate jvm's on 2 machines accessing the same db across a
  networked file system.

This is running on windows, we never set durability=test, so I highly 
suspect the last point must have occurred at this site.

How about the second to last point?  Most windows machines by default is 
set up to cache writes in the disk controller.  If the machine goes down 
in an uncrontrolled manner, disk writes may get lost.  Could this have 

To be safe, one needs to turn off the disk caching.


Re: GROUP_BY with user functions

2006-09-18 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

Robert Enyedi wrote:

If I need to group the values returned by the MY_USER_FUNCTION, I simply 
cannot do so because the following query is invalid in Derby:


I have not tried this, but maybe something like this will work:

SELECT UserFunction.value AS my_value
(SELECT MY_USER_FUNCTION(t1.field1) AS value
 FROM T1) AS UserFunction
GROUP BY my_value


Re: GROUP_BY with user functions

2006-09-18 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

Robert Enyedi wrote:
Thanks for the tip. I tried this, but it has the same problem with alias 

Sorry, I should have tried this first.  Fernanda has given you the right 


Re: JMX Extensions to Derby

2006-06-01 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

Sanket Sharma wrote:

I would also appreciate your suggestions on features the community would 
like to see being implemented as JMX extensions.

On the top of my head:

- Performancs statistics (e.g., transactions committed/aborted per second)
- Change dynamic properties (e.g.,
- Stop a network server (would require some kind of authorization)

A question:  How will JMX work in an embedded environment? Will it be 
possible to connect from another process?  If yes, if yes that 
introduces security issues that one today does need to address for an 
embedded configuration.


Re: ERROR 25502: An SQL data change is not permitted for a read-only connection, user or database.

2006-04-21 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

Thomas J. Taylor wrote:

Hi There,

I have a Derby database that is giving me a read-only error (25502), and I
don't know why. The database was working fine, up until about a month ago.
Now, I cannot INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE from the database - I always get
ERROR 25502. I checked Windows Security permissions (user has Full Control:
READ/MODIFY/WRITE/etc.), File attributes (all files in the database
directory are writable); finally, I deleted the 'db.lck' file that is in the
database directory.

Derby may set a database to be read-only if something goes wrong during 
the booting of the database (e.g., not able to create db.lck file).  Is 
there any message written to derby.log during the booting of the system? 
 It might be that you will get more information in derby.log if you run 
with on a recent build instead of a released version.  (I guess it would 
be a good idea to try this on a copy of your database).  I added more 
output to derby.log for this case in DERBY-555.


Re: ERROR 40XD1:container was opened in read-only mode

2006-03-25 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

princy wrote:

i have been using derby it worked well until now
does not accept insert,create queries.but select query works well.
the error which occurs is
ERROR 40XD1:Container was opened in read-only mode

Have you checked the derby.log file?
You may run into this problem if your disk is full.

Øystein Grøvlen, Senior Staff Engineer
Sun Microsystems, Database Technology Group
Trondheim, Norway

Re: clustered index

2006-02-28 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

Thomas Vatter wrote:

A clustered index should be the fastest access for retrieving ordered 
columns. 'Create index' command does not yet support it. Since ordering 
is my main problem at the moment I post this as request for enhancement.

What do you mean by a clustered index?  It usually means an index on 
primary key where records are stored witin the index, but I am not quite 
sure that is what you mean since one would not use 'create index' for a 
clustered index.  Do you a composite index?  I thought Derby supported that.


Re: clustered index

2006-02-28 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

tom wrote:

I mean an index that kept up to date on disk permanently. This is the definition
that I know from the time I was using Informix Online. The syntax was 'create
clustered index ...'. I don't mean to put it on the primary key as SQL-Server
does, but having the possibility to create one would be helpful.

I would think any index would be kept up to date on disk permanently.


Re: [DERBY-39] An ON clause associated with a JOIN operator is not valid

2006-02-14 Thread Øystein Grøvlen



This is issue DERBY-39, can someone give an opinion on this?

It works in MSSQL and DB2

applicationidentity0.PROJECTS UNBOUND_P WHERE

I'll admit outer joins are not my area of expertise, but could you 
explain what you are trying to achieve here?  You are doing a left outer 
join on  two tables and specifies an ON-clause that does only refer to 
one of these tables.  So what makes this an outer join?  Is seems to me 
to be a cartesian product.  Why not just move the predicate in the 
ON-clause to the WHERE-clause?  Or am I missing something?


Re: What is wrong with this sql script , im sure that it is ok , but derby return error.

2006-01-03 Thread Øystein Grøvlen
 LW == Legolas Woodland [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

LW Thank you for reading my post.
LW can some one please check and see what is wrong with this scripts ?
LW im sure that they should execute but derby return errors like :
LW 'SQL060103004635123'  and 'SQL060103004635121'  have the  same  set of
LW columns, which is not allowed.

I think this is a usability issues since the error message is not very
helpful in order to figure out what is the cause of this error.  I
have filed a jira issue, DERBY-789, for this.


Re: I need some advice to choose database for an upcomming job

2005-11-01 Thread Øystein Grøvlen
 BP == Bryan Pendleton [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 A Guidelines  section starts on  slide 19. Slide 24  lists 100-500
 updates per second  -- but, of course, your  actual performance will
 depend on the complexity of your transactions.

BP Is there a simple way that I can observe what actual performance
BP I'm getting? That is, does Derby keep its own monitoring statistics
BP about the activity that is occuring, and, if so, how do I retrieve
BP those statistics and view them?

BP I see that there is SYSCS_GET_RUNTIME_STATISTICS, but that seems
BP to be mostly about execution of a single query; how do I see
BP information like:
BP   - transactions per second
BP   - IOs per second (read and write)
BP   - active users
BP   - memory usage
BP etc.

I agree that this would be very useful.


Re: How to update cardinality statistics

2005-10-31 Thread Øystein Grøvlen

I did not get any replies to this email.  It would be useful if
someone could clarify whether the statistics are automatically updated
or not.  


 ØG == Øystein Grøvlen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 MM == Mike Matrigali [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
MM Would need to see the exact documentation reference, but this is not
MM the case.  The storage system keeps an estimate of the number of
MM rows in a table.  For performance reasons this estimate is not exact
MM (ie.  we don't  update a  single could  for  every insert/delete/abort
MM insert/abort delete/commit).  The actual update is tied to the time

MM pages move out of the cache.  Because the number can drift there is
MM an optimization in the language execution engine that if it has just
MM executed a complete scan of the table then it updates the value
MM in the storage system.

MM But in almost all cases the automatic maintained row count maintained
MM by store is good enough and never needs to be updated.  The scan
MM optimization is there to automatically catch the drift if it is
MM cheap to do so, it wasn't really meant for users to use to explicitly
MM update it (it was take advantage if a user happened to be executing
MM a complete scan for some other reason).

ØG The tuning guide says:

ØG --
ØG As you saw in When cardinality statistics are automatically updated,
ØG cardinality statistics are automatically updated only in limited
ØG cases. Normal insert, update, and delete statements do not cause the
ØG statistics to be updated. This means that statistics can go
ØG stale. Stale statistics can slow your system down, because they worsen
ØG the accuracy of the optimizer's estimates of selectivity.
ØG --

ØG Note especially: Normal insert, update, and delete statements do not
ØG cause the statistics to be updated.  Is this wrong?  

ØG The When cardinality statistics are automatically updated section
ØG says

ØG --
ØG For the following operations that you perform on a table, Derby
ØG automatically creates statistics. Those operations are:

ØG * (new index only) When you create a new index on an existing
ØG   non-empty table.
ØG * (new backing indexes only) When you add a primary key, unique,
ØG   or foreign key constraint to an existing non-empty table.

ØG For other operations, Derby automatically updates statistics for the
ØG table and all indexes on the table if they are already exist. Those
ØG operations are:

ØG * (all indexes) When you execute SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_COMPRESS_TABLE.
ØG * (index only) When you drop a column that is part of a table's
ØG   index; the statistics for the affected index are dropped, and
ØG   statistics for the other indexes on the table are updated.
ØG --

ØG -- 
ØG Øystein

Re: How to update cardinality statistics

2005-10-20 Thread Øystein Grøvlen
 MM == Mike Matrigali [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

MM Would need to see the exact documentation reference, but this is not
MM the case.  The storage system keeps an estimate of the number of
MM rows in a table.  For performance reasons this estimate is not exact
MM (ie.  we don't  update a  single could  for  every insert/delete/abort
MM insert/abort delete/commit).  The actual update is tied to the time

MM pages move out of the cache.  Because the number can drift there is
MM an optimization in the language execution engine that if it has just
MM executed a complete scan of the table then it updates the value
MM in the storage system.

MM But in almost all cases the automatic maintained row count maintained
MM by store is good enough and never needs to be updated.  The scan
MM optimization is there to automatically catch the drift if it is
MM cheap to do so, it wasn't really meant for users to use to explicitly
MM update it (it was take advantage if a user happened to be executing
MM a complete scan for some other reason).

The tuning guide says:

As you saw in When cardinality statistics are automatically updated,
cardinality statistics are automatically updated only in limited
cases. Normal insert, update, and delete statements do not cause the
statistics to be updated. This means that statistics can go
stale. Stale statistics can slow your system down, because they worsen
the accuracy of the optimizer's estimates of selectivity.

Note especially: Normal insert, update, and delete statements do not
cause the statistics to be updated.  Is this wrong?  

The When cardinality statistics are automatically updated section

For the following operations that you perform on a table, Derby
automatically creates statistics. Those operations are:

* (new index only) When you create a new index on an existing
  non-empty table.
* (new backing indexes only) When you add a primary key, unique,
  or foreign key constraint to an existing non-empty table.

For other operations, Derby automatically updates statistics for the
table and all indexes on the table if they are already exist. Those
operations are:

* (all indexes) When you execute SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_COMPRESS_TABLE.
* (index only) When you drop a column that is part of a table's
  index; the statistics for the affected index are dropped, and
  statistics for the other indexes on the table are updated.


Re: How to update cardinality statistics

2005-10-19 Thread Øystein Grøvlen
 MM == Mike Matrigali [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

MM I 2nd Satheesh's query, it is useful to know why you care.  Derby
MM unlike most other database's automatically maintains histogram
MM type information about the tables (this does require indexes to
MM exist).  This information is gathered directly from the indexes,
MM and is automatically maintained by Derby.

MM The row count is also automatically maintained by Derby - whether
MM an index exists or not.

Sounds good, but I think read somewhere in the Derby documentation
that some statistical information was only updated when a query did a
sequential scan of the table.  


Re: transient priviledgeException

2005-10-10 Thread Øystein Grøvlen
 XV == Xavier Vigouroux [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

XV If I  understand you, you  propose to improve  my call to ping  with a
XV loop on  the creation  (ie. url with  create=true) of a  *FAKE* schema
XV until it succeeds.

XV Then I  have to delete  all the associated  files. This is  what I
XV call a work-around :-)


What if you try to connect to a non-existing database without
'create=true'?  In that case, no files will be created.  I have not
tried this out myself, but maybe you will be able to observe a
different behavior when the db is ready to create a database.  E.g,
you get priviledgeException if not yet ready and Database not found
when it is ready.  In that case you will be able to loop without
having to clean up any files.

Another alternative could be to try do this in the server VM instead
of/in addition to ping().  If you are lucky, your getConnection will
in that case not return until it is possible to create a database.


Re: transient priviledgeException

2005-10-04 Thread Øystein Grøvlen
 XV == Xavier Vigouroux [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

XV Hi,
XV I have a transient priviledgeException  when connection to the DB with
XV ij.

XV here is the scenario:

XV   1/ I start an embeddedServer
XV   2/ wait for the ping() be ok (tested in the JVM creating the server)
XV   3/ start ij to create a schema.

XV then in 4, I get a transient error...i.e if I retry it works.

XV what should I wait for to be sure the server is ready to recieve cmd?

I checked the implementation of ping(), and it seems to only check
that it is able to get in touch with the network server.  It does not
try to get a connection to a database.  Does anyone have any
suggestion for how Xavier can determine that the server is ready to
create a database?


Re: cant' get user defined function to work

2005-09-26 Thread Øystein Grøvlen
 EB == Erik Bengtson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

EB Dan,
EB That doesn't help. I already tried variations of the same function, 
EB the same code.

EB While using any java.lang.Math or other
EB java.lang.Class.operation, derby was able to retrieve and run
EB the function. Where should I send the code to reproduce it?

Have you made sure that the function can be found from your classpath?


Re: Locks not released on error

2005-09-23 Thread Øystein Grøvlen
 LC == Lars Clausen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

LC Hi!
LC We're using Derby version 10.1 (Bundle-Version:
LC embeddedly in our system.  Even though I've put extensive rollback and
LC statement closing handling in the code, we still occasionally see cases
LC where a table gets permanently locked after an error during update
LC (detail below).  Is there something other than closing open statements
LC and rolling back existing savepoints that could be required for
LC releasing locks?  Am I doing the closing/rolling back wrongly?  Any
LC other ideas on how to cure this would be welcome.


Note that rolling back to savepoints does not roll back the entire
transaction.  This means that locks set by the transaction are not
released.  In order to release locks you need to do call
Connection.rollback() (without any parameters).


Re: Distributed databases

2005-09-22 Thread Øystein Grøvlen
 JAC == James A Craig/O/VCU [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

JAC Hi, I'm fairly new to Derby but I was curious if its possible
JAC to use it in a distributed setup. I currently have a small
JAC cluster and want to set it up so that I have a distributed
JAC database on it using Derby. So my questions are:


JAC 1) Is this possible?

It is a bit unclear to me what you mean by using it in a distributed
setup.  Do you just want to access the database from all nodes of the
cluster, or do you actually want for performance reasons a single
distributed database which runs on all nodes.  The first part is
possible and is called a network server, the latter is not.  The rest
of my answers will assume that you want to be able to access a
single-node database server from other nodes.

JAC 2) Is there a resource that shows me how to do this? (the
JACmanuals don't seem to explain how to do this)

This is explained in the Derby Server and Administration Guide.
JAC 3) From what I've read it seems like I need to use the DB2
JACdriver to do this
JAC (like I've said, I've found very little info on the subject
JAC of setting up a distributed database). Is this even remotely
JAC on base?

This was true for the first Derby release.  The latest release comes
with an open-source JDBC driver.

JAC 4) Does anyone know of any decent tutorials when it comes to
JACDerby? I haven't
JAC found anything that great thus far.

JAC 5) Can I use ij to manipulate a distributed database? How do I do this?

Yes, ij can connect to a network server if you specify an URL
containing hostname and port number.

JAC 6) Is there a way to setup one using ij?

There are scripts that may be used to start a network server.


Re: embeddedServer vs NetworkServer: any differences in terms of provileges

2005-09-21 Thread Øystein Grøvlen
 XV == Xavier Vigouroux [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

XV hi,
XV I used to spawn a networkserver that I access through JDBC.
XV I have to change my design to a Embedded Server.

XV I have now a  PriviledgeActionException (on client side) when opening
XV socket to the server

XV do you have any clue?

Are you starting the network server by setting the
derby.drda.startNetworkServer property in the embedded server?

Are the client running on another computer than the server?  If yes,
you need to enable connection from other computers.  This is disabled
by default for security reasons.  You can open for connections from
other computers by setting the property


Re: derby performance and 'order by'

2005-09-21 Thread Øystein Grøvlen
 SAD == Suavi Ali Demir [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

SAD Another little detail about optimization is that
SAD Statement.setMaxRows() kind of functions on the JDBC side may
SAD not be sufficient since it is called after SQL statement is
SAD prepared and returned as an object (after query plan is
SAD built). Therefore, it may be necessary to have language
SAD syntax to indicate the intention to fetch first 1000 rows
SAD only, so that when the query is prepared, this intention can
SAD be taken into account.

It would be much better if this could be changed at execute-time for
an already prepared statement.  That is, the same prepared statement
could be used regardless of how many rows one is going to fetch.


Re: suppress connection %d message on console

2005-09-14 Thread Øystein Grøvlen
 KM == Kathey Marsden [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

KM Øystein Grøvlen wrote:
 XV == Xavier Vigouroux [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
XV hi,
XV is  there  a way  to  remove the  message  on  console indicating  new
XV connection to the server ?
 As far as I can see from the code, these messages will always go to
 System.out.   Please file a JIRA issue if you want this to change.
KM You could  specify an alternate console PrintWriter with
KM NetworkServerControl.start (null will suppress  output)  or use the
KM derby.drda.startNetworkServer property to start the server and then the
KM console output will go to derby.log.

If I understand this correctly, both these options requires that you
create your own java program in order to start the network server.  If
you invoke NetworkServerControl.main (as the provided scripts do), it
does not seem to be any way to turn off the console output.

Anyhow, your solution will turn off all console output.  The request
was to be able to turn off logging of new connections.  In my opinion,
the logConnections property should affect both console output and
output to the derby.log file.


Re: suppress connection %d message on console

2005-09-13 Thread Øystein Grøvlen
 XV == Xavier Vigouroux [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

XV hi,
XV is  there  a way  to  remove the  message  on  console indicating  new
XV connection to the server ?

As far as I can see from the code, these messages will always go to
System.out.   Please file a JIRA issue if you want this to change.


Re: Derby ClientDriver versus EmbeddedDriver and a question about the Eclipse plugin

2005-08-23 Thread Øystein Grøvlen
 PB == Piet Blok [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

PB Hi,
PB I noticed some different behaviour between Derby EmbeddedDriver and 
ClientDriver. This was a disappointment, because I wanted to develop a Derby 
application that may switch between the two drivers.

PB Differences I noticed are:

PB 1) EmbeddedDriver accepts and uses a Properties object as the second 
parameter on the connect method. ClientDriver accepts, but does NOT USE the 
Properties object. A bug?

I guess the problem here is that many of the properties has to be set
when the Derby is started.  In the embedded framework this is done on
the first connect.  In the client/server framework, I guess Derby is
started before the first connect.  Hence, it will be too late to set
the properties.  In my opinion, the ClientDriver should throw an
exception if it is not able to set a property.


Re: Simple question about Derby and Transactions

2005-08-22 Thread Øystein Grøvlen
 KK == Kostas Karadamoglou [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

KK Hello,
KK I am new to Derby and to Transactions in general.

KK I want to perform some tasks to my databases using one thread and lock
KK the table that it uses from the remaining threads.

KK My qyestion is simple!

KK Haw can this be done with Jdbc and Derby?

I think you need to consult a JDBC text book and the Derby manuals in
order to learn JDBC.  You could also learn something from the example
programs that comes with Derby.

In order to lock a table for the rest of a transaction you can execute



2005-06-02 Thread Øystein Grøvlen
 MM == Mike Matrigali [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

MM Derby will also reclaim space automatically in btree indexes for this
MM case as long as all the old rows on a given leaf are deleted and
MM the background process gets a chance to get a table level lock
MM at some point - the current algorithm requires a table level lock
MM to do the index management to delete an entire leaf from the tree.

What about non-leaf pages of the B-Tree?



2005-06-01 Thread Øystein Grøvlen
 MM == Mike Matrigali [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

MM Note that cloudscape automatically reuses space from deleted rows when
MM new rows are inserted into the table.  The main problem
MM SYSCS_COMPRESS_TABLE is solving is if there are a number of deletes
MM which will not be followed by a number of inserts.  The reuse of space
MM is not as efficient as the compress table at it squeezes every last bit
MM of free space out, and returns that space to the OS.

Is this also true for B-tree indexes?  I would imagine that if you
have a index on a monotocally increasing key (e.g., a timestamp) and
where you regularly delete old records, there may be a lot of empty
B-tree pages that will never be possible to reuse.



2005-06-01 Thread Øystein Grøvlen
 TW == The Wogster [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

TW Øystein Grøvlen wrote:

 Is this also true for B-tree indexes?  I would imagine that if you
 have a index on a monotocally increasing key (e.g., a timestamp) and
 where you regularly delete old records, there may be a lot of empty
 B-tree pages that will never be possible to reuse.

TW What happens in most databases. is  that the database has a fixed page
TW size, say 8K, when  an index page is full, it splits  that page into 2
TW half pages. When an index page  is empty it's dropped from the index,
TW and  added to  the  empty page  pool.  Many will  merge almost  empty
TW neighbouring pages, but that doesn't matter for this discussion.

I know this.  The reason I asked was because I have got the impression
that in Derby the only way to drop empty index pages is to do


Re: Automatic database and schema creation

2005-04-25 Thread Øystein Grøvlen
 ØG == Øystein Grøvlen - Sun Norway [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

ØG Peter Nabbefeld wrote:

 I just want to create a database, if it does not yet exist. Database
 creation works,  schema creation does  not. I'm using  the following
 syntax (in Java):

 Statement stmt = con.createStatement();

 stmt.execute(CREATE SCHEMA USER);
 The result is an SQLException with SQLState = 42X01 (Syntax error).

 What  am I  doing wrong?  Before creation,  I'm trying  to  insert a
 record. If  an Exception is thrown,  I ask for  status 42Y07 (Schema
 does not exist). Derby is stable version (


ØG USER  is a  reserved word.  I think  it would  be nice  if  the error
ØG message reflected that.

When I tried this myself in the embedded configuration, I got:

 ERROR 42X01: Syntax error: Encountered user at line 1, column 15.

which should give you a hint of what the problem is.  Is it possible
to change the message to Encountered reserved word user at ...?


Re: Automatic database and schema creation

2005-04-22 Thread Øystein Grøvlen - Sun Norway
Peter Nabbefeld wrote:
I just want to create a database, if it does not yet exist. Database 
creation works, schema creation does not. I'm using the following syntax 
(in Java):

Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
stmt.execute(CREATE SCHEMA USER);
The result is an SQLException with SQLState = 42X01 (Syntax error).
What am I doing wrong? Before creation, I'm trying to insert a record. 
If an Exception is thrown, I ask for status 42Y07 (Schema does not 
exist). Derby is stable version (

USER is a reserved word.  I think it would be nice if the error message 
reflected that.
