Re: [PATCH] PR 17629 and all that

2010-06-08 Thread Dennis J.

On 06/08/2010 02:37 PM, Joe Orton wrote:

Here's an attempt at fixing the dreaded PR 17629.  This is a bug in the
handling of the output filter chain at the point where an internal
redirect is applied to a subrequest.  Complications:

a) a subrequest's filter chain may start at an arbitrary point in
r-main's filter chain

  -- for an SSI include, the output from the include must continue from
  the next filter along from the INCLUDES filter

Could this in some way be related to the bug I filed a while ago where the 
SSI output filter mangles the QUERY_STRING variable by replacing it with 
the query string used in the last include directive?

This behavior changed between 1.3 and 2.x and my uninformed guess is that 
this is probably a scoping issue that happened when SSI was turned into a 
filter (i.e. before the QUERY_STRING was only modified for each subrequest 
but in a filter context the changed QUERY_STRING string no basically is 
used for all following data).


Re: C as config

2010-06-04 Thread Dennis J.

On 06/05/2010 12:51 AM, Igor Galić wrote:

Not a terribly interesting read, but we are seriously considering just
straight C with some helper functions and macros as the config for
one of
our projects.

And, for the record I was wrong in the past - yes, async is the

I've been a longtime critic, though I haven't taken it to the list,
of the httpd Configuration Language. For other reasons than performance
though -- mostly sane defaults, but that's an entirely different topic.

BUT: I did my share of support on nginx - even though I don't know it
well enough and nginx, like varnish, uses a C-like syntax for the configs.

I for one, would welcome such a possibility.

The nginx syntax may look C-like but it really isn't at all. For one thing 
it's declarative and then you have all kinds of weird behaviors with 
variables and control structures that make no sense if you're coming from 
C-like angle.

I think what Brian is really aiming for is an actual procedural 
configuration that basically gets executed when a request arrives. 
Something along the line of:

function handleReq( req ) {
  if( req.domain ~ ) {
 return true;

Not sure if that would do much for Apache but with nginx sometimes I really 
would like to have something like this.


mod_include clobbering QUERY_STRING

2010-04-08 Thread Dennis J.

It looks like there is a problem in the handling of virtual includes with
Apaches SSI filter.

Take the following code:
!--#echo var=QUERY_STRING--
!--#include virtual=/ssi2.php?abc=1--
!--#echo var=QUERY_STRING--

If this is called with the query string (url)?test=1 then the first echo 
will print test=1 as expected but the second one will output abc=1.
Apparently the include in the middle completely obliterates the original 
query string making it unusable for subsequent includes.

That's a major problem as soon as you use more than one SSI include with
QUERY_STRING in your pages.

(I'm seeing this with the httpd from the latest Centos as well as the newer
httpd 2.2.15 from Fedora using the SSI output filter)

If I remove the following code from mod_include's output filter:
if (r-args) {
char *arg_copy = apr_pstrdup(r-pool, r-args);

apr_table_setn(r-subprocess_env, QUERY_STRING, r-args);
apr_table_setn(r-subprocess_env, QUERY_STRING_UNESCAPED,
  ap_escape_shell_cmd(r-pool, arg_copy));

The QUERY STRING variable no longer gets changed and the called ssi2.php 
still gets the abc=1 as query string but I'm sure there is a reason for 
this code to be there.

Does anyone know what is going on here?

(I filed a bug for this: )


SSI bug?

2010-04-03 Thread Dennis J.

It looks like Apache kills the contents of the QUERY_STRING SSI variable 
when using virtual includes:

!--#echo var=QUERY_STRING--
!--#include virtual=/ssi2.php?abc=1--
!--#echo var=QUERY_STRING--

When called with ?test=1 the first echo will correctly output test=1 
but the second will output abc=1 instead.

Is this expected behaviour?


Re: Linking in libraries to Apache Module

2009-12-07 Thread Dennis J.
Have you tried ldd path-to-compiled-module? That could also give you a 
hint if anything is fishy with the library paths/dependencies.


On 12/08/2009 01:07 AM, Devin Ceartas wrote:

hm. -rpath doesn't seem to be an accepted flag in the apxs included with
the latest OpenBSD
-- devin

On Dec 7, 2009, at 6:56 PM, Joe Lewis wrote:

Devin Ceartas wrote:

The logic of my SQLite code works if I compile it as a stand-alone

My mod_hello.c compiles and loads/works fine without the SQLite code

Combining the two, the module compiles and is installed, but the
apache process dies immediately (core dump) every time it is loaded.
Stripping out all the SQLite code and simply linking against SQLite
causes this problem. In other words, with the same code:

apxs -cia -L/usr/local/lib -I/home/devin mod_hello.c
/* Works Fine, prints hello world */

apxs -cia -L/usr/local/lib -I/home/devin -lsqlite3 mod_hello.c
/* compiles but dies on apache load */
The platform is OpenBSD 4.6 with the platform's version of Apache 1.3
and SQLite 3.6.20 downloaded from the SQLite site and compiled from

Since I'm just getting started with C apache modules, I assume I'm
missing something basic.

If using a Linux-based system, I'd suggest ensuring that is
setup to point to the directory or that the compile has the runtime
path for the sqlite library. For example, I have added -rpath
/usr/local/lib -rpath /usr/local/lib/mysql to my -L parameters for
apxs to load mySQL external modules dynamically in the past.

Linux-based systems also have an strace command that may be used to
figure out what libraries are missing.

Joe Lewis
Chief Nerd SILVERHAWK (801) 660-1900

/Rights that do not flow directly from duty well performed are not
worth having.
--Mohandas K. Gandhi/

Excluding SSI content from filtering

2009-07-13 Thread Dennis J.

I wrote a module that adds a header and a footer to html output and that 
works pretty well. The problem ist that once i add a !--#include 
virtual=/ssi/... -- directive the content included also gets that 
header and footer applied. Is there a way to prevent the header/footer 
filter from dealing with such a SSI sub-request so that it only applied to 
the final webpage?


Re: Excluding SSI content from filtering

2009-07-13 Thread Dennis J.

Works perfectly! Thanks!


On 07/13/2009 08:51 PM, Ronald Park wrote:

I believe you should wrap your header/footer inserter inside an

if (!r-main ) {

block.  So only the 'main' request is wrapped but not any subrequests.


On Mon, 2009-07-13 at 20:45 +0200, Dennis J. wrote:

I wrote a module that adds a header and a footer to html output and that
works pretty well. The problem ist that once i add a !--#include
virtual=/ssi/... -- directive the content included also gets that
header and footer applied. Is there a way to prevent the header/footer
filter from dealing with such a SSI sub-request so that it only applied to
the final webpage?


Re: apr_palloc return value?

2009-04-08 Thread Dennis J.

On 04/08/2009 10:13 PM, Nick Kew wrote:

On Wed, 8 Apr 2009 22:07:55 +0300
Juha  wrote:

Hi, when I use apr_palloc function to allocate memory, should I check
the return value to make sure that I really got some memory?



That is to say, yes you should, but it's common practice to omit
the test, on the dubious grounds that if pool allocation fails,
then your error handling is pretty-much going to fail for the
same reason so it's pointless.


If I try to allocate 1GB of memory and that fails why is error handling 
pretty-much going to fail after that? There still could be 500MB of ram 
free which would probably be more than enough to handle such an error or is 
there anything fundamentally different compared to to a malloc all (other 
than that it uses a pool)?


preventing filter from running for server side includes

2009-03-29 Thread Dennis J.

Im trying to develop a simple filter that adds a header and a footer to a 
page. My problem is that the page can also contain server side includes and 
I obviously only want to add the header and footer on the outer part of 
the document. If I don't allow server side includes things work out fine: 
In the filter I check if f-ctx is set. If it isn't I initialize it and 
push out the header. Then I pass through the response data and when I hit 
the EOS bucket I push out the footer. That works as it should.

Once I add the server side includes into the mix I thought I simply check 
f-r-main is this is a sub-request and don't output the header and footer 
and simply pass through the data. That actually seems to work too.

My problem is that according to the debug log output there is an additional 
sub-request happening and I don't really understand where that is coming from.

This is test.html:
!--#include virtual=test2.html --

Simple enough. test2.html only contains the word inc.

When I request test.html I get the following output in the debug log:

mod_mymodule: filter called (/test.html)
mod_mymodule: filter: init f-ctx (/test.html)
mod_mymodule: insert header (/test.html)
mod_mymodule: filter: regular bucket found (/test.html)
mod_mymodule: leaving filter (/test.html)

mod_mymodule: filter called (/test2.html)
mod_mymodule: filter: init f-ctx (/test2.html)
mod_mymodule: skipping header (/test2.html)
mod_mymodule: filter: regular bucket found (/test2.html)

mod_mymodule: filter called (/test.html)
mod_mymodule: filter: init f-ctx (/test.html)
mod_mymodule: insert header (/test.html)
mod_mymodule: filter: regular bucket found (/test.html)
mod_mymodule: leaving filter (/test.html)

mod_mymodule: filter: EOS bucket found (/test2.html)
mod_mymodule: skipping footer (/test2.html)
mod_mymodule: leaving filter (/test2.html)

mod_mymodule: filter called (/test.html)
mod_mymodule: filter: f-ctx already initialized
mod_mymodule: filter: regular bucket found (/test.html)
mod_mymodule: filter: EOS bucket found (/test.html)
mod_mymodule: insert footer (/test.html)
mod_mymodule: leaving filter (/test.html)

I indented the output to make the call structure more visible.

I get the first and second level and there everything seems to work out 
fine. Header and footer get inserted on level 1 and the are skipped for 
level 2 since it's a sub-request. But where does the third invocation of 
the filter for test.html come from?

Alternatively how can I make sure that header and footer are only output 
once for the overall request? Does anyone have an idea for a better strategy?
