[RCD] Tiny patch for LDAP filter

2008-02-22 Thread Roy McMorran


When compose calls the LDAP search function (to build the auto-complete 
list) it passes an empty '$value' parameter.  In this case, when all the 
bits of the filter get concatenated you end up with something like this:


which isn't valid syntax (at least it's not on my LDAP server).

Here's a tiny patch to rcube_ldap.inc that eliminates the double 
wildcards.  There may be a better way to do it, but this was simple.



Roy McMorran
Systems Administrator
MDI Biological Laboratory

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[RCD] httpd using 100% cpu, imap socket stuck in CLOSE_WAIT

2008-04-03 Thread Roy McMorran
Hello all,

Often throughout the day I see instances where an httpd process will 
spike up to 100% cpu utilization and stay there for an extended period 
of time.  eg:

19068 apache 1   00   71M   49M cpu/19:05 48.11% httpd
(that's a 2-cpu machine)

This is a Roundcube process.  If I run a truss on that pid I can see 
that it is doing absolutely nothing. 

Also lsof tells me:
httpd 19068   apache   39u  IPv4 0x30012fd2380  0t0   
TCP mail.example.org:63204-mail.example.org:imap (CLOSE_WAIT)

This connection will stay in the CLOSE_WAIT state (and the CPU pegged) 
indefinitely, or at least until...

...eventually it times out and I may see this in the Apache error log:
[Thu Apr 03 11:46:44 2008] [error] [client] PHP Fatal 
error:  Maximum execution time of 300 seconds exceeded in 
/group/www/mail.example.org/htdocs/program/lib/imap.inc on line 169, 

Any ideas what is causing this?  It's bringing the server to it's knees 
fairly often, and contributing to a perception among my users that 
Roundcube is slow.

This is Roundcube 0.1 stable running under PHP 5.2.5 / Apache 2.2.8 on 
Solaris 10.  Our IMAP server is UW and lives on the same box.

I'd appreciate any troubleshooting advice.


Roy McMorran
Systems Administrator
MDI Biological Laboratory

List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/dev/

[RCD] More info: httpd using 100% cpu...

2008-04-03 Thread Roy McMorran
Roy McMorran wrote:
 Often throughout the day I see instances where an httpd process will 
 spike up to 100% cpu utilization and stay there for an extended period 
 of time.  
After correlating information from a bunch of log files, I think I've 
found the circumstances that precipitate this problem.  It seems to be a 
case of one or more users running Roundcube *and* another email program 
at the same time. 

UW-IMAP doesn't want to serve the same inbox to both imap clients.  One 
of them gets cut off at the knees.  Eg:
Apr  3 14:51:10 mail imapd[12962]: [ID 289526 mail.info] Killed (lost 
mailbox lock) user=redacted host=mail.example.org [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx]

When the loser is Roundcube we get into the 100% CPU / CLOSE_WAIT 
scenario I described earlier.

Is there any way we can make Roundcube more resilient in this 
situation?  Or is there an IMAP server that isn't quite so brutal?


Roy McMorran
Systems Administrator
MDI Biological Laboratory

List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/dev/

Re: [RCD] More info: httpd using 100% cpu...

2008-04-03 Thread Roy McMorran
till wrote:
 Wow, thanks for tracking this down!
 I have never seen this with courier-imap. I often have it open on my
 Mac, the notebook and in RoundCube. But I could also be lucky.

Hi till, thanks for the reply.

Does your courier-imap use mbox format, or something else?

suggests the behavior is more due to the limitations of mbox rather than 
a particular imap server.

Nevertheless, mbox is still pretty popular and I don't think I can get 
away from it in my environment because I have many Unix command-line 
users (with pine, mutt, etc).

Looking through my apache logs, all the hangs have occurred inside 
imap.inc, in various functions.  Usually iil_Readline or iil_C_Select 

Best wishes,

Roy McMorran
Systems Administrator
MDI Biological Laboratory

List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/dev/

Re: [RCD] More info: httpd using 100% cpu...

2008-04-03 Thread Roy McMorran
Received: from cpe-72-224-141-4.maine.res.rr.com [] with HTTP/1.1
(POST); Thu, 03 Apr 2008 19:19:11 -0400
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

On Thu, 3 Apr 2008 23:01:25 +0200, till [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There are some loops in those functions which expect
 sequences/characters and if those don't come around we have potential
 leaks and breaks. I see what you mean, but don't hold your breath for
 a fix soon.  We are looking for a replacement of our IMAP backend lib

For now I'm looking at a workaround using stream_set_timeout on the imap 
socket.  I'll let you know how that goes.
 and will work on this as soon as we released the 0.1.1 (this weekend).

Another new release?  Awesome!

Roy McMorran
Systems Administrator
MDI Biological Laboratory

List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/dev/

Re: [RCD] More info: httpd using 100% cpu...

2008-04-03 Thread Roy McMorran
Received: from cpe-72-224-141-4.maine.res.rr.com [] with HTTP/1.1
(POST); Thu, 03 Apr 2008 19:25:59 -0400
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Charles  Rainer,

Thanks for the info about your configurations.  Here, pine and mutt
use mbox, but I will look into the possibilities you suggest.  I think
maildir would definitely clear up this issue.


Roy McMorran
Systems Administrator
MDI Biological Laboratory

List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/dev/

Re: [RCD] More info: httpd using 100% cpu...

2008-04-04 Thread Roy McMorran
Roy McMorran wrote:
 For now I'm looking at a workaround using stream_set_timeout on the imap 
 socket.  I'll let you know how that goes.
I'm using the following as a workaround and it seems to help prevent the 
deadlock.  This isn't tested thoroughly at all, and there are probably 
unintended consequences that I have not observed yet.  Use at your own risk.

--- imap.inc.dist   2008-04-03 17:59:33.10802 -0400
+++ imap.inc2008-04-03 18:42:08.009825000 -0400
@@ -467,6 +467,9 @@
 $iil_errornum = -1;
return false;
+   //set socket timeout 10 secs
+   stream_set_blocking($conn-fp,FALSE);
+   stream_set_timeout($conn-fp,10);
$iil_error .= Socket connection established\r\n;
$line   = iil_ReadLine($conn-fp, 300);

Looking forward to that new imap lib ;-)


Roy McMorran
Systems Administrator
MDI Biological Laboratory

List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/dev/