Re: Fragility/Stability of Wicket core

2011-01-10 Thread Martin Grigorov

This is how wrapped models work by design.
They need to know the component they are assigned to to be able to find the
resource bundle.
And the owning component needs to know its parent to be able to look in all
resource locators (component, package, application, ...).

It is the same with components which want to work with their markup - they
need to be either component-with-associated-markup, like Page or Panel, or
they need to know their parent-with-associated-markup to be able to find the
piece in markup which is for this component.
It may look to you that it is wrong/inconsistent/... but actually this is by

I hope it is clearer now.

On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 3:01 AM, richard emberson

 On 01/08/2011 05:16 PM, Jeremy Thomerson wrote:

 Not all that amazing.  This is happening*during construction*  which
 leaves objects in fragile states.  It's assumed that you can't start
 monkeying around with an object's state until construction is completed
 not expect side effects).

 From the

  IModel model = new ResourceModel(test.label);

 Model is constructed.
 Can you call model.getObject() yet? No.

  Label l = new Label(testlabel, model);

 Component containing Model is constructed.
 Can you call model.getObject() yet? No.


 Parent Component containing Component which contains
 the Model is constructed.
 Can you call model.getObject() yet? Finally, Yes.

 If the advice to a user is to not print any debugging information about
 any state until the application is completely constructed, then, that,
 in generally, really would be amazing.
 I think ResourceModel is a special case that depends upon being is
 a fully constructed Component tree. Just as a Model which communicates
 with a DB can not be interrogated until its connected to the DB.

 As an addition, if such pieces that require some level of supporting
 infrastructure prior to interrogation had comments warning the
 user that they needed special care, most users would not remember
 such admonishments while adding general debugging statements
 (especially, if
 the object in question (a Model) was one of a number of such types
 of objects (Models) where most of the types are safe under examination.)

 Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

Re: Scala-Wicket Help and Advice

2011-01-10 Thread richard emberson

I am sorry, but I can not disagree with you more about Kuhn's The
Structure of Scientific Revolutions.  Its about resistance to change
and not scientific truth and, as such, it has generally applicable.
At its crudest, its about the old, vested guard being unwilling and/or
unable to move with the changes; the intransigent, causing great
damage and delay, either get slowly pushed aside or die off.  Its
lessons are applicable to a broad spectrum of endeavors, not just the
Sciences.  I recall when Kuhn's book came out, the resistance to his
ideas in the scientific community, rather self-referentially, was a
demonstration of his thesis.

In addition, it has nothing to do with *the truth*.  Science is not
about *the truth*.  Its about what works; how well it explains the
current observations and the accuracy of its predictions. If you want
to listen to people talk about *the truth*, find an alter.  Rather,
Kuhn addressed the bumpy road that leads to scientific advancement
disputing the idealization of an orderly, reasoned progression. He
discusses the political, sociological and cultural resistance to
change in the context of the advancement of science.  To resolve this
point, simply show me where on the Kuhn's book Wikipedia page it
mentions *the truth*; its about resistance to change.

So, one can ignore this insight into human behavior, both the
individual human and humans in organizations, and risk becoming the
problem rather than the solution, or one can embrace it, go Meta and
surf the shock wave.  Its not so much a matter of one's chronological
age but rather of one's the ability to remain young.  Would you rather
sell flavored water or change the world?

Resistance to change is the key.  When C++ came out the entrenched in
the C community resisted.  When Java came out the entrenched in the
C++ community resisted.  Now, with Scala the entrenched in the Java
community resist.  Fine. History may not repeat itself, but people do.

Lastly, I still maintain that project coding standards are the key.  I
have throughout stated that without appropriate standards, there
are features of Scala that, with the current crop of programmers,
could lead to hard to understand and maintain systems. But that such a
caveat to Scala's use is no more or no less important than requiring
standards for Java or (especially) C++ projects; nothing new here.
When Scala is taught broadly in colleges, the strictures of such
standards can be relaxed. Currently, its a self re-enforcing chain:
  Not enough Scala programmer,
  Risky to have a Scala project,
  Too few Scala projects,
  Too few Scala jobs,
  Few programmers willing to learning Scala.

My small contribution is to manifest a Java-like Scala web framework
easing, in a small way, Scala's adoption.


On 01/07/2011 09:30 AM, Jonathan Locke wrote:

Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions has to do with people
denying *the truth* when there are radical paradigm shifts in knowledge. I
hardly think Scala qualifies for this analogy. Most of what Scala does has
already been done in one form or another. What it represents is the
application of long-existing knowledge from universities to *industrial*
problems. As did Java.

I do not deny that Scala is better than Java in terms of its abstract
approach to a variety of problems that Java doesn't and probably never will
solve well (and these are problems that I am excited to see solved). What I
am saying, however, is that your idea that it's going to get widespread
adoption is very naive regarding the contexts where it would need to be
applied. I think Scala is going to become difficult to follow in the absence
of these magical coding guidelines (which are always bent or ignored) much
more quickly than Java does, which means it is going to prove exceptionally
hard to manage on a large team. Which is going to make it difficult for
managers to chose Scala (they don't want to make their own job harder or
riskier). They have to understand and be comfortable with all these deep and
dangerous features and techniques. Which really means that they have to be
fairly top-flight coders. I don't know about you, but relatively few of my
bosses have been this intellectually adventurous or willing to take on risk
(and for good reason: they are there (unfortunately perhaps) to produce
business results, not technical excellence).

I think Scala's forte is going to be allowing very small teams where
everyone understands all aspects of Scala fairly deeply (i.e., you'd better
understand monads and Scala's type system fully because SOMEONE on your team
will use a feature or technique if it exists!) to produce amazing results
*very* quickly. That is something of a revolution in itself, but I think it
will be a cottage industry relative to the size rest of the software
industry. This is not necessarily a bad thing. If you want to work with
smart people, Scala is going to be a pretty quick way of identifying smart
people! I know this from 

Re: Scala-Wicket Help and Advice

2011-01-10 Thread Gustavo Hexsel
  Actually, in Scala it's idiomatic to skip the type on vals (unless they're
complex structures or you NEED to declare the type as a higher-level, like
it's a public val of a java collection and you want to enforce the

  Also, if you type new Modelblah() and do an insert-variable while it's
under the cursor, it will create the val declaration for you (with the type
if you want).

On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 8:11 PM, Liam Clarke-Hutchinson

 Biggest thing I miss in IntelliJ when coding Scala (I write Wicket in Java
 for my dayjob) is my autocompletion of types. In Java you can type in
 IModelString foo = new and hit Ctrl + shift + space and it'll provide a
 list of all types that subclass IModel,  but for the time being (IntelliJ
 10, build 99.32, Scala plugin 0.4.407) val foo: IModel[String] = new with
 ctrl + shift + space does nothing.

 But IntelliJ does a really good job of navigating some of the byzantine
 Scala code I've been dealing with. (Some people seem to think that every
 Scala library should be a DSL replete with mysterious operators and where
 everything happens via implicit conversions nested three types deep. :)
 It's definitely the best I've seen for Scala, but it's not quite at the
 levels of polish - but then, JetBrains have been working on the Java side
 Intellij for 10 versions now. ;)

 On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 10:34 PM, James Carman

  Since scala is statically-typed, the ide can (and does) give you
  help very easily
  On Jan 8, 2011 2:21 AM, Martin Makundi
But it will do the right thing about 90% of the time. you'll
   work around 4 or 5% of the rest that doesn't work, and the remaining
   will irritate you.
   I am used to coding 90% using context help with eclipse (ctrl+space).
   I am a fast writer but that speeds up my coding by 1000%.
   Will an IDE do that for scala 90%?
   I consider context help and quickfix proposals most important for
   - imports sometimes get messed up (relative vs absolute, I hate that
   scala) and require a manual correction
   Import organization is important to me also. I like to spend my time
   coding logic instead of organizing text files.
   - analysis is useful about 90% of the time, but it's so slow you may
   not care for it
   What is analysis? I hope it isn't the context help ;)
   - it crashes the JVM on Oracle's JRockit (although IDEA is much faster
   that jvm)
   On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 5:37 PM, Liam Clarke-Hutchinson
   Define complete.
   On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 7:52 AM, Martin Makundi wrote:
Nice or complete?
2011/1/7 Jonathan Locke

 Have you checked out IDEA? My Scala friends tell me it has pretty


 Less is more.

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Re: Scala-Wicket Help and Advice

2011-01-10 Thread Jonathan Locke

I understand what you are saying, but I also think you are playing semantic
games here. By truth, I was referring simply to objectively testable
results (the scientific method), not opening up a philosophical discussion
on the nature of truth. But in any case, there are certainly no objectively
testable results possible in terms of what language is best. I think we can
agree on that. Therefore this argument from Kuhn doesn't really apply very
directly. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that the whole discipline of
computer software engineering is a gray area, with some of it (actually very
little) being scientific and the majority of it being a difficult-to-teach
art. So at best, I think all Kuhn is saying that's relevant to this
discussion is that people are slow to change. He's hardly the first to note
that. What's more, in non-scientific areas like programming they may
actually have more reasons than entrenchment to avoid a particular change
(which can't be objectively proved no matter what the method). Certainly
this is true for me, as I am aware of the benefits of Scala and actually
WANT a replacement for Java, but I still don't want to choose Scala for the
reasons I outlined and not simply because I don't want to change my way of
doing things. If I was that type of person, would I have created Wicket?
Something that people told me for years would never be useful because it
bucked the common wisdom that you can't have server side state? Could it be
that there are some reasons besides entrenchment that people are not
flooding to Scala?

But regardless of what we both think about Kuhn, your argument is funny to
me because it's an attempt to apply logical reasoning to what purely
artistic choice. Would Kuhn say that his book applies to the choices of
materials by visual artists? I tend to think not, because there would be no
way to test his theory. And anyway, if you're going to go in this direction,
why isn't it also clear that Eiffel, Haskell and Clojure are The Way
forward, as you are suggesting Scala must be? After all, if this is a
discussion about science and politics, surely this is objective as well?

Don't you think the choice of languages in software engineering depends not
so much on would-be-objective assessment of technical excellence, but rather
on subjective experience, artistic temperament and perceived applicability
to the problem at hand? For myself, I love a lot of Scala's features and
said as much when I first ran into it, but after some reflection it simply
does not fit my minimalist artistic aesthetic and it has a lot of dangerous
moving parts that I don't want in the hands of co-workers. You can think
what you like, but this reasoning has nothing to do with any entrenched
political interests I might have.

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Re: [Announce] Migration of wicketstuff from sourceforge to github is now complete

2011-01-10 Thread Martijn Dashorst
On Sat, Jan 1, 2011 at 2:01 AM, Michael O'Cleirigh wrote:
 I am pleased to announce that the migration of the wicketstuff project from
 sourceforge to github is now complete.

I've added to the email plugin
for, so with any luck we'll see commit
messages arrive at that list.
