[e-gold-list] Re: e-gold according to Ralph Wilson

2003-07-11 Thread James M. Ray
At 9:05 PM -0400 7/10/03, Robert S.Z. wrote:
I'm talking about paper. My point is that nowadays we exchange paper for
gold, whereas as recently as 30 years ago we exchanged metal backed paper
for other metal backed paper, in essence metal for metal.

I see. Well, as others have pointed-out, governments (not just the US
government) have done a poor job at doing a currency because of
natural pressures on them which don't exist on a private corporation
such as e-gold that can concentrate on doing what is a deceptively-
tough job.  

I did NOT say what everybody seems to think I said, namely that they did
not charge both ways. I did say, two tangible items where exchanged.
e-gold is NOT tangible per say. My whole point is that not that it's a bad
thing to make a profit as an exchanger but that it's simply insane from a
marketing point of view to call it fee and express it in percentage.

Well, if that's true, the marketplace shall prove you right! I don't think
most customers think in grams yet, or have a coin/nugget (have I said
that everyone should own a nugget lately? It's TRUE!!!). e-gold also
might seem more tangible the longer you use it, and this probably
colors my arguments here.

Of course I still believe that that outexchange should be hit much more
than inexchange, but fear that the only way to do this is to set an
And spare me the sour remarks about how it isn't possible, because
merchants have the edge on this one. You see, we actually earn gold.
Meaning, we get it at zero surcharge. Exchangers often have to deal with
Omnipay or each other and pay fees, we don't.

It's a weird argument...You seem to wish to pay more if you're ever to
get fiat currency than you otherwise would, to dissuade folks from ever
doing outexchanges, I guess.  I just don't see the need. The system 
will just grow at a natural rate IMO, with weirdnesses like outexchange
after 9/11 (when I'd have been BUYING gold, BTW!) flattening out over
time as sensible people bail in more gold bars. 

Imagine cyfrocash.com would offer all customers to buy e-gold on the spot
at market, 2 minute delivery - and yes - we could! Stocks are not large
enough yet and we still need a few more people to join the gang, but it
will happen. I don't want to ruin anyone, I just want to proof a point.

Awesome! That's doing it!! Go for it!!

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[e-gold-list] Re: e-gold according to Ralph Wilson

2003-07-10 Thread Robert S.Z.
There's a lot of new stuff that e-gold has pioneered, but the
exchange business isn't new at all, and how to do it hasn't changed for

And exactly that is where most people compare apples to pears.
Your eons have less than 100 history to them!

Sit back for a moment, think and answer me this:
The oft quoted 'exchangers in the temple of biblical times, what did they
Gold for Silver? Gold for Gold? Silver for Silver? Coin for Coin? 

Since when exactly where exchangers starting to exchange gold for paper?
And when did the paper loose it's implied metal backing?

Now we are down to 30 years for an eon. Heck, I did learn about inflation,
but you guys really take the cake sometimes. Reminds me of certain Germans
who had built and conquered a Thousand Years Reich that crumbled 988 years
early. At least their paper was exchangeable for silver at no surcharge.


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[e-gold-list] Re: e-gold according to Ralph Wilson

2003-07-10 Thread jrw
 Probably about one day after paper currency was invented!

a simplified timeline of money from 9000 BC onward:

pretty picture timeline here:

where we learn of the first tyrant that seized 
everyone's gold and silver, giving back paper money 
in return. He made rejecting the paper money a 
capital offense.

possibly also interesting:
where it is stated that the priestly authorities [biblical
moneychangers] took a large percentage on every transaction

nil novi sub sole 

jay w.
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[e-gold-list] Re: e-gold according to Ralph Wilson

2003-07-10 Thread Robert S.Z.
 At 4:37 PM -0400 7/10/03, Robert S.Z. wrote:
 Your eons have less than 100 history to them!
 Currency exchange is a *LOT* older  than that!

I'm talking about paper. My point is that nowadays we exchange paper for
gold, whereas as recently as 30 years ago we exchanged metal backed paper
for other metal backed paper, in essence metal for metal.

I did NOT say what everybody seems to think I said, namely that they did
not charge both ways. I did say, two tangible items where exchanged.
e-gold is NOT tangible per say. My whole point is that not that it's a bad
thing to make a profit as an exchanger but that it's simply insane from a
marketing point of view to call it fee and express it in percentage.
Of course I still believe that that outexchange should be hit much more
than inexchange, but fear that the only way to do this is to set an
And spare me the sour remarks about how it isn't possible, because
merchants have the edge on this one. You see, we actually earn gold.
Meaning, we get it at zero surcharge. Exchangers often have to deal with
Omnipay or each other and pay fees, we don't.

Imagine cyfrocash.com would offer all customers to buy e-gold on the spot
at market, 2 minute delivery - and yes - we could! Stocks are not large
enough yet and we still need a few more people to join the gang, but it
will happen. I don't want to ruin anyone, I just want to proof a point.
 They probably exchanged various kinds of scrip for various
 kinds of coins, of varying purity (and if you think they didn't
 make money both ways, on bid and ask, you're nuts!!!).

Exactement, mon ami! BID and ASK! Not imposed surcharge that resembles a
 Wait a second, are you assuming that the only debasement
 of currency happened in the US? (Go read: The Decline and
 Fall of the Holy Roman Empire and then come back and say

No I don't. I'm a bit of a history buff and can tell you that debasement
started much earlier and was responsible for the fact that Greece never
got an actual empire and for the Phonecians to keep Rome at bay for so
long (Hannibal basically crossed the Alps to collect debts).
The difference was however that debasement was done by slowly changing the
purity of gold in coins. There had been a few attempts to introduce
placeholders (tenders) to represent gold - a type of paper currency if you
will - but they usually failed in the first generation or because of
capital flight and subsequent wars.
But it's still besides the point, because my argument was about the fact
that we are now exchanging paper for numbers on a screen, while until not
too long ago people exchanged for papers/metals for papers/metals.

 but you guys really take the cake sometimes. Reminds me of certain Germans
 who had built and conquered a Thousand Years Reich that crumbled 988 years
 early. At least their paper was exchangeable for silver at no surcharge.
 Oh?! Source?? (I'm betting exchanges, even back then, did
 not operate as a charity!).  

Germany repalced the R-Mark with Rechsmark in 1934. The Reichsmark was
exchangable for Silver in 5 Mark denominated coins until 1939. Of course,
it was illegal to abuse (melt) the coins or indeed to export them. This
together with building infrastructure (create jobs) was the reason the
frigging Nazis were so successful. They gave their country a stable
currency and hope.
 I repeat: exchange has not changed for EONS!
--- For Eons people exchange one item they could touch for another. They
could wear it around their neck, pack it into small leather bags and hit
each other over the head with and do lots of other useful stuff with it.
Then came paper - exchangeable for metal, then came paper. Period. Now we
are exchanging paper for numbers on a screen and instead of changing 18
drachmes for 2 and 3/4 dirhams or 10 talents, we exchange a lie (Fiat) for
a promise (e-gold).
And you say nothing changed?

Last but not least, records of the Phonecian money changer guild reported
an increased profit for three year before the Romans got their butts
kicked in Spain because traders that docked in Carthage could exchange
Roman Sesterzes 10:1 for Dirham but only 8:1 when they left and tried to
exchange their surplus back. PUNITIVE outexchange. And now you know why
I'm so fond of using that word. It comes from the puni or punic. The name
the Romans gave the Phoencians because they couldn't pronounce 'Phoe'.


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[e-gold-list] Re: e-gold according to Ralph Wilson

2003-07-10 Thread Robert S.Z.
 where we learn of the first tyrant that seized 
 everyone's gold and silver, giving back paper money 
 in return. He made rejecting the paper money a 
 capital offense.

--- Isn't this again comparing apples with pears?
The example does NOT show any exchange practices between paper and gold,
does it? If it's illegal to own gold, how can it be exchanged?
 possibly also interesting:
 where it is stated that the priestly authorities [biblical
 moneychangers] took a large percentage on every transaction
Priestly authorities are temple tax collectors not exchangers. They were
enting the spots in the outer yard to traders and exchangers and taking a
percentage of their trades.



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[e-gold-list] Re: e-gold according to Ralph Wilson

2003-07-08 Thread Lourens Human

 Came across this today on Ralph F. Wilson's Web Commerce
 Today, www.wilsonweb.com, it is from a paid

I kind of like the part where he says; Others like e-gold
seem dead on arrival. 

This quote will surely earn him a spot in the most
laughable quotes hall of fame.


and then there was a 
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[e-gold-list] Re: e-gold according to Ralph Wilson

2003-07-08 Thread Robert S.Z.
Amen, reverend.

What leaves me most puzzled is that just about everyone seems to think
that e-gold is a great thing and a blessing to all mankind if it wasn't
for the surcharge on in-exchange. The only real exemption to this way of
thinking appear to be exchangers and punters, with the prior earning money
from it and the latter thinking that their winnings will make up for the
fee manyfold.
Both are of course correct. Exchangers need the fee because they don't
trust each other enough to cooperate and agree on punitive out-exchange
fees and for punters it makes no difference because they are highly likely
to loose all of it one way or another anyway.

So run with the wolves then. If you can't beat them, at least bite them.
You should all become exchangers and open casinos!

Well, we for one, don't need to go to that extreme. We host merchants and
gaming sites and facilitate exchangers. So we are on the winning end of
both sides - but, we could make much more - on both ends - if more people
would start using the system. Which they would, if there wasn't the
On the other hand, how could we charge exchangers for our services if they
didn't have the income from their fees?

In the end, I am sure, everyone will see the light and there won't be
in-exchange surcharges anymore. Then we will all feel good about punishing
the traitors that want to out-exchange. Then new money will come into the
little economy we all share and suddenly there will be sporadic e-gold
shortages, which will lead to _natural_ increases in the price of e-gold,
rather than enforced ones. And that in turn, will have outsiders write
about the benefits of a thriving online economy where the market rules

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[e-gold-list] Re: e-gold according to Ralph Wilson

2003-07-08 Thread James M. Ray
At 5:22 AM -0400 7/8/03, Robert S.Z. wrote:
In the end, I am sure, everyone will see the light and there won't be
in-exchange surcharges anymore. Then we will all feel good about punishing
the traitors that want to out-exchange. Then new money will come into the
little economy we all share and suddenly there will be sporadic e-gold
shortages, which will lead to _natural_ increases in the price of e-gold,
rather than enforced ones. And that in turn, will have outsiders write
about the benefits of a thriving online economy where the market rules

Where the market rules, exchangers have for thousands of years done
what's being done now by OmniPay. When various governments, for
example, try to punish traitors (good word!) for wanting other kinds of
paper instead of approved-paper, the market just reacts and adapts.

I don't think everyone will see the light if the light is something that
real currency-markets have rejected, consistently, for literally thousands
of years...There's a lot of new stuff that e-gold has pioneered, but the
exchange business isn't new at all, and how to do it hasn't changed for

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