Re: [Elecraft] [K2] AF Gain Control

2007-10-22 Thread David Woolley

KBG Luxford wrote:

at constant volume.  Was there a change to the AF gain control circuitry 
between the Rev A RF board and the post S/N 3000 B boards?  Will the 
change to the AF circuitry that I have yet to make fix this problem?

I'm surprised you haven't had an official reply.

Looking at the circuit diagrams, assuming that the rework fully produces 
the new design, there was a significant change.  The original just had a 
variable resistance across the inverting and non-inverting inputs; I'm 
not sure what forms the top of the potential divider.  The result is 
fully balanced.  The current revision has the one input of the amplifier 
connected to the counter-clockwise end of the control, but the other 
connected to the slider.  An extra pin (#3), on P1, carries that signal. 
 The current version is slightly more conventional, but only balanced 
at full volume.

If the front panel changes were made without any corresponding 
motherboard ones, you would get constant volume, because the control 
slider would no longer be connected to the clockwise end.

David Woolley
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Re: [Elecraft] [K2] AF Gain Control

2007-10-22 Thread KBG Luxford

Problem solved (I think)

I believe that the front panel PCB underwent a change somewhere along 
the line - incorporating the changes recommended to the AF gain control. 
 The K2 I am working on has a low serial number - 01762.  However, the 
original owner who was building it struck trouble with the front panel. 
 When I got it, I tried repairing it, but gave it up as a bad job and 
got a new front panel kit from Elecraft.  On plugging in this (new) 
front panel, I found I could not vary the AF gain.  I swapped the front 
panel for another from my other, post S/N3000 K2, with exactly the same 
result - no variation in AF gain.

I have proceeded with the A to B mods and have completed the AF gain 
changes on the control board and also the RF board.  When I came to the 
front panel, it appeared as if the recommended mods had already been 
applied.  So I buttoned up the K2, applied power, and voila, the AF gain 
control worked perfectly.

Thanks, David, for your explanation of what was going on.


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