Re: [Firebird-devel] Hiding source code of procedures and triggers will not work in FB 3

2014-09-01 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
01.09.2014 13:50, James Starkey wrote:
 Selecting the source without the key would return hex or base64 gook.  With 
 the key, the
 procedure source.

   What will happen if the key is wrong?
   What to do if the engine have to read the field for internal needs? For 
example, how to 
execute a procedure or a trigger with encrypted BLR/source?

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Hiding source code of procedures and triggers will not work in FB 3

2014-09-01 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
01.09.2014 16:01, Geoff Worboys wrote:
 At this late stage of v3.0, it seems to me that simple and
 least possible change (to v3 and to the developer) should
 be high on the list of priorities.  More sophisticated
 options could be assessed in detail later.

   Exactly for this reasons the option leave everything as is and see if these 
really cannot live without it should have highest priority, because it is the 

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Hiding source code of procedures and triggers will not work in FB 3

2014-09-01 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
01.09.2014 16:14, Jim Starkey wrote:
 No, that's not even close to true.  If the only fields encypted were the 
 procedure and trigger source blobs, nothing would be inaccessible without the 
 key except those blobs.

 Obviously you disagree.  Please explain your logic.

   I'm still thinking about SQL-only engine, without burden of keeping backward 
compatibility at BLR level.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Hiding source code of procedures and triggers will not work in FB 3

2014-09-01 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
01.09.2014 16:35, Geoff Worboys wrote:
   The more Firebird does this, the
 more of a reputation it will get for leaving users behind, and
 the less users will be inclined stay with or come to Firebird.

   It may sound scary, but... what other option do they really have?.. Oracle? 
PG? MySQL?..

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Hiding source code of procedures and triggers will not work in FB 3

2014-09-01 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
01.09.2014 16:57, Mark Rotteveel wrote:
 And you think that is not an option?


   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Hiding source code of procedures and triggers will not work in FB 3

2014-09-01 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
01.09.2014 17:10, Dimitry Sibiryakov wrote:
These vendors are too lazy to convert their PSQL routines into UDRs.

   BTW, Adriano had no problem with IDL - C++/FPC translation. I'm sure he can 
make PSQL 
- C++/FPC translator as well to offer them a help in securing their precious 

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Hiding source code of procedures and triggers will not work in FB 3

2014-09-01 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
01.09.2014 18:12, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
 How many $$ are you going to paying me?

   Nothing: I'm proud of my PSQL sources and have to will to hide them. Ask 
those Brazil 
guys Carlos was referring to.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Hiding source code of procedures and triggers will not work in FB 3

2014-09-01 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
01.09.2014 18:14, Dimitry Sibiryakov wrote:
 Nothing: I'm proud of my PSQL sources and have to will to hide them.

   It should be read as I have NO wish to hide them.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Hiding source code of procedures and triggers will not work in FB 3

2014-09-01 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
01.09.2014 20:58, Dmitry Yemanov wrote:
 Relaxed write restriction for rdb$source is probably even easier to

   But it requires a quite complex condition, no? Not just if relation is 
system one, 
throw exception, but if relation is system one, but not this and that, throw 

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Hiding source code of procedures and triggers will not work in FB 3

2014-09-01 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
01.09.2014 21:35, Dmitry Yemanov wrote:
 Complex condition is: relation is X and no other field but rdb$source is
 modified. We already have function in VIO doing such a check for other

   You are not going to simplify code, are you?..

   WBR, SD.

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[Firebird-devel] Coding style: one-line blocks

2014-09-02 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
   Hi, All.

   When was decided that one-line blocks must not be enclosed with parentheses? 
It is a 
rather dangerous style...

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Coding style: one-line blocks

2014-09-02 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
02.09.2014 16:43, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
 It's not, it was not and it will never be a dangerous style.

 Everything is dangerous if you write code without attention.

   For me it looks like code obfuscation. May be harmless, but unpleasant.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Coding style: one-line blocks

2014-09-02 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
02.09.2014 17:00, James Starkey wrote:
 Mandatory indentation makes it clear.

   No. With tabstop == 4, it is placed exactly under if's condition, pretending 
to be 
condition's continuation:

 if (some condition 
 some other condition)
 hardly recognized line that doing something;

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Coding style: one-line blocks

2014-09-02 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
02.09.2014 19:08, Dmitry Yemanov wrote:
 This example violates the project coding style.

   Oh, yes. But

if (temp.rpb_flags  rpb_delta)
 temp.rpb_prior = data;

   doesn't look much better.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Hiding source code of procedures and triggers will not work in FB 3

2014-09-04 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
04.09.2014 16:49, Dalton Calford wrote:
 So, DDL statements such as GRANT VIEW which is used by MS SQL for metadata 
 security could
 be applied to FB.

   No, they couldn't unless Firebird is run in controlled environment which is 
not the 
case of topic starter.

   WBR, SD.

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[Firebird-devel] Usage of BLB_large_scan

2014-09-07 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
   Hi, All.

   I see that flag large scan is set for blob reading only if reader is gbak 
or size of 
blob is bigger than page cache.
   Doesn't it mean that reading of BLOB that is little smaller than page cache 
will flush 
whole shared cache out?

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Usage of BLB_large_scan

2014-09-08 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
08.09.2014 8:37, Vlad Khorsun wrote:
   Corresponding number of LRU pages will be evicted, yes.

   I cannot imagine an application pattern that read the same BLOB repeatedly. 
Can you?

   May be it has sense to cache only BLOB pointer pages, but not data to 
performance penalty for databases where big documents are kept in BLOBs with 
other info 
for search?

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Firebird 3.0 on MacOSX

2014-09-21 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
21.09.2014 16:44, Philippe Makowski wrote:
 Unfortunately, seems that it is only reliable solution under MacOsX

   May be you could ask ICU group devs about their attitude to MacOSX port? I 
see there is 
no official OSX binary download at their web-site though it is listed as a 
supported OS.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] MS SQL over SMB2

2014-09-24 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
24.09.2014 10:44, Jiří Činčura wrote:
 Maybe we can investigate how are they doing it and how reliable it is and 
 what are the gotchas.

   For the beginning it would be enough what it is good for. The post is 
how but say no word about why.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] MS SQL over SMB2

2014-09-24 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
24.09.2014 14:58, marius adrian popa wrote:
 The why is explained by users , There are a lot of nas/raid devices that can 
 be used for
 db storage also for clustering (cold standby)

   I bet that it is much easier to find NAS which support iSCSI or NFS. Do you 
know a 
popular SMB-only NAS device?

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] MS SQL over SMB2

2014-09-25 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
25.09.2014 18:25, Leyne, Sean wrote:
 I am not aware of SQL Server running on SMB anything other than SMB v3.  It 
 would be far too dangerous.

   If a server supports SMB3, it means that it has Windows inside, because 
Samba doesn't 
support SMB3 yet. So, I wonder what can preventing anyone from installing MS 
SQL or 
Firebird directly to the server instead of using it as a dumb storage?

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] MS SQL over SMB2

2014-09-25 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
25.09.2014 21:27, Leyne, Sean wrote:
 Having a SQL/FB running in VM on a HA VM cluster connected to HA disk storage 
 cluster provides a high level of resiliency, with multiple failures necessary 
 in order for functionality to be lost.

   I wonder how they manage synchronization between nodes in storage cluster... 
AFAIU from 
your links it is either asynchronous with high performance or synchronous with 
loss. Async mode is no go for DBMS.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] MS SQL over SMB2

2014-09-25 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
25.09.2014 21:27, Leyne, Sean wrote:
 Installing on physical server means that you have a single point of failure.

   Modern storage systems claim that they have no single point of failure, BTW. 
Some of 
them even allows two or more servers to be attached.
   But all this is pointless because Firebird server itself is a SPoF.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] MS SQL over SMB2

2014-09-25 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
25.09.2014 21:58, Leyne, Sean wrote:
 All changes are written to disk first

   Which one in, say, ten nodes cluster?

 Further, all that is required for a write operation is to send a message 
 which invalidates the cache object when the write happens.  The propogation 
 of the changed data can be done later, if the other nodes get a request of 
 the block in the meantime, they can read the data from disk,

   Wait a second... Do I understand right that Windows storage cluster must 
have a single 
shared storage? 8-O

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] MS SQL over SMB2

2014-09-26 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
25.09.2014 21:58, Leyne, Sean wrote:

 Your posts suggest that you have fundamental (almost philosophical) problems 
 with the idea of using SMB v3 storage for FB purposes.

   I have one fundamental problem indeed: I know what clusters can do and what 
cannot. Unfortunately, they have no magic behind.

 My responses have tried to point out that SMB v3 is significantly different 
 from your experience/thinking and it is a real candidate for use with FB -- 
 as long as the necessary changes are made.

   My responses have tried to point out that storage cluster with shared 
storage is 
pointless. As well a cluster with master node and asynchronous propagation of 
changes is a 
way to loose data if master node die in between.
   As the result, SMB3 storage cluster can be useful for Firebird only if it 
has separate 
storages for nodes and synchronous propagation of changes. But it doesn't.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Setting blob values to a binary hex literal returns strange results (PSQL)

2014-09-26 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
26.09.2014 18:11, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
 0x40 = 64, you're basically sayg c = 64, why do you think it should not
 be converted to '64' ?

   Perhaps, because it is a binary blob, not text one.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Firebird - Weird domain metadata for newly created domain

2014-10-03 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
03.10.2014 18:27, Martijn Tonies (Upscene Productions) wrote:
 Could the client be buggy in receiving data?

   Not touching data buffer if value is null is a right thing.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Firebird 3, adding users via gsec, again

2014-10-06 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
06.10.2014 11:34, Martijn Tonies (Upscene Productions) wrote:
 Any clue?

   Add -user SYSDBA

   WBR, SD.

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[Firebird-devel] Rules are not reduced

2014-10-09 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
   Hello, All.

   Is following warning safe?

 Generating parse.cpp and
 warning - the symbol db_ddl_privilege is undefined
 C:\Users\SD\MYDOCU~1\firebird\temp\Win32\debug\btyacc\btyacc: 2 rules never 

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Firebird 3 packages and dependencies

2014-10-09 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
09.10.2014 17:24, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
 On 09/10/2014 10:34, Martijn Tonies (Upscene Productions) wrote:
 You could use FIELD_NAME, for backwards compatibility, but also add a
 child object type column, for the package extension to distinguish between
 functions/procedures/future items.
 Use a field with a name for another thing is also not good.

   It doesn't matter, because the only purpose of this data is forming an error 
It would be enough if user can derive from the message why (s)he cannot drop or 
something in the database.

   WBR, SD.

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[Firebird-devel] Interface version

2014-10-10 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
   Hello, All.

   I wonder why in new CLOOP interfaces versions are declared as simple 
constants instead 
of something like VERSION = inherited::VERSION + 3?..

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Interface version

2014-10-10 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
10.10.2014 18:08, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
 In this used way, if you extend a base interface, it will change various
 lines of the output file and you will notice reviewing the changes
 before commit.

   Why would someone commit generated files?..

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Interface version

2014-10-11 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
11.10.2014 16:43, wrote:
 You are right - we will not commit generated by cloop files when everything 
 gets stable.
 But .idl files should be committed.

   Do I understand right, that CLOOP will generate VERSION constant for each 
definition automatically?

   WBR, SD.

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[Firebird-devel] Interface to config file

2014-10-14 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
   Hello, All.

   What class can be used to get IConfig interface for a config file with a 
given name and 

   WBR, SD.

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[Firebird-devel] interface.h amd ibase.h

2014-10-15 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
   Hello, All.

   interface.h doesn't need to include ibase.h. Actually, this include is 
causing troubles 
for compiling some third-party applications.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] interface.h amd ibase.h

2014-10-15 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
15.10.2014 14:41, Dimitry Sibiryakov wrote:
 interface.h doesn't need to include ibase.h. Actually, this include is 
 causing troubles
 for compiling some third-party applications.

   BTW, did you try to compile interface.h without including Firebird.h at all 
in a 
project that really does anything? It used to fail in fb_types.h complaining 
compile_time_failure: SIZEOF_LONG not specified or in other 100500 includes.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] interface.h amd ibase.h

2014-10-15 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
15.10.2014 16:26, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
 Interface.h uses legacy structs, so it should include ibase.h.

   types_pub.h is enough. It does not need old API function prototypes.

 I compile fbstuff including Interface.h (from the FB compiled source,
 not from a installation).

   Did you use RefPtr template in this fbtuff or handled reference counting 
interfaces by hand?..

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] interface.h amd ibase.h

2014-10-15 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
15.10.2014 16:51, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
 types_pub.h does not exist in an installation, it's merged in ibase.h.

   A strange thing: I was sure that I registered request to distribute separate 
instead on merged one in the tracker, but now I can't find it. Perhaps, I 
should do it 
once again...

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] interface.h amd ibase.h

2014-10-15 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
15.10.2014 17:00, Alex Peshkoff wrote:
 If you include_internal_  firebird file fb_types.h that's rather
 expected result.

   No. I included RefCounted.h to save time reinventing RefPtr template, but it 
completely contrary result. My fault. :(

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Linux requirements for FB3

2014-10-16 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
15.10.2014 23:35, Philippe Makowski wrote:
 marius adrian popa a écrit le 2014-10-15 18:08 :
 RHEL-6 will be supported it should be an yes in that table with 2.12

 nope, too old kernel  2.6.32

   But Alex doesn't remember exactly if kernel 2.6.32 has the bug he talked 
Besides, it is RHEL kernel with quite a few patches, so even if the bug exists 
in vanilla 
2.6.32, it may be fixed in RHEL 2.6.32.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Finalize API?

2014-10-27 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
27.10.2014 11:10, Wodzu wrote:
 Is it connected to this issue 

   No, it is connected to this issue: which 
makes FPC to produce wrong assemble code for 64 bits versions.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Using Firebird 3, beta 1 - installer report

2014-10-27 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
27.10.2014 12:50, Martijn Tonies (Upscene Productions) wrote:
 What now? Same issue as above: multiple instances is supported, so why this 

   Multiple instances are supposed to be supported, but actually they aren't.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Using Firebird 3, beta 1 - installer report

2014-10-27 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
27.10.2014 15:04, Martijn Tonies (Upscene Productions) wrote:
 Just a note: MySQL allows this, it allows you to define service name, port,
 a few configuration options etc.

   Could you describe what are instances good for generally?
   I know that in Oracle they are used to bypass limitation one active 
database per 
server. Firebird doesn't have such limitation.
   In MySQL, perhaps, they are used to separate users and their databases on 
hosting. Firebird is not supposed to be used with shared hosting at all.
   Is there anything that I missed?..

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Thought about constraint declarations for V4

2014-10-28 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
28.10.2014 9:34, Dmitry Yemanov wrote:
 Any RDBMS is first of all about
 consistency and only then about performance.

   Oracle?.. Their invalid DB objects aren't about consistency even in the 

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Multiple instances under windows (was Re:UsingFirebird 3, beta 1 - installer report)

2014-10-28 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
28.10.2014 11:35, Michal Kubecek wrote:
 I like that idea. I think it is possible, just by setting the
 $FIREBIRD variable for each instance - the server will look there for
 things like fb.conf etc. And there are also vars for placing the lock
 manager and message file. Something else to add to the 'to do list
 when I have some spare time'.
 Yes, this way it works even now.

   How/where you are going to set multiple environment variable with name 
you are thinking about variables FIREBIRD%INSTANCE_NAME%?..

   WBR, SD.

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] Multiple instances under windows (was Re:UsingFirebird 3, beta 1 - installer report)

2014-10-28 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
28.10.2014 12:32, Michal Kubecek wrote:
   at the moment one starts multiple server instances, either each with
 a different value of FIREBIRD variable or with different arguments to -e,
 -el and -em options.

   How? Windoes Service manager doesn't llow to set environment variable for a 

   WBR, SD.

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] Beta 1: how to use additional securitydatabases?

2014-10-28 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
28.10.2014 15:50, Alex Peshkoff wrote:
 That is, is it possible to use a secondary security database for multiple
 It was designed to be so from the beginning of FB3, but there was a bug
 which actively showed itself just after adding users' mapping.

   It is pity that among config macros there nothing like $(this_db) which 
could be used 
for global SecurityDatabase setting...

   WBR, SD.

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] Beta 1: how to use additionalsecuritydatabases?

2014-10-28 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
28.10.2014 16:28, Alex Peshkoff wrote:
 This requires small fix in code processing isc_info_svc_user_dbpath
 (make it depend upon isc_spb_expected_db).

   Will it break possibility to get security database patch without connecting 
to a 
database? I mean that existing applications that manage users can be broken 
with it.

   WBR, SD.

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] Beta 1: how to use additionalsecuritydatabases?

2014-10-28 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
28.10.2014 17:19, Martijn Tonies (Upscene Productions) wrote:
 And other non default would be a few databases using a single secondary
 security database?

   There is no such thing as a secondary security database.

   WBR, SD.

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] Beta 1: how to use additionalsecuritydatabases?

2014-10-28 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
28.10.2014 17:27, Dmitry Yemanov wrote:
 Other = everything neither self nor security3.fdb.

   BTW, what declaration of security.fdb in default databases.conf is for?

   WBR, SD.

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] Beta 1: how to use additionalsecuritydatabases?

2014-10-28 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
28.10.2014 17:34, Alex Peshkoff wrote:
  BTW, what declaration of security.fdb in default databases.conf is 
 To make it use small cache (saves memory when default one is big) and
 avoid remote connections to it.

   Why it is security.fdb, not security3.fdb then?..

   WBR, SD.

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] Beta 1: how to use additionalsecuritydatabases?

2014-10-28 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
28.10.2014 17:48, Alex Peshkoff wrote:
 Should be:
 security.db = $(dir_secDb)/security3.fdb

   I wonder why it isn't security3.fdb = $(dir_secDb)/security3.fdb.
   At first I though that you changed hardcoded security DB name and this is 
the way to be 
backward compatible...

   WBR, SD.

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

[Firebird-devel] request operations

2014-11-04 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
   Hello, All.

   Could someone explain meaning of each of the values?

enum req_s {

   WBR, SD.

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

[Firebird-devel] SET TRANSACTION option to disable replication

2014-11-06 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
   Hello, All.

   I wonder if SQL standard says something about syntax of transaction's option 
disabling replication of changes made by this transaction?

   WBR, SD.

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] SET TRANSACTION option to disable replication

2014-11-06 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
06.11.2014 19:24, Mark Rotteveel wrote:
 I don't really understand why you would want to disable replication for
 a single transaction.

   There may be a number of reason. The main one is that this transaction is 
performed by 
replicator and I don't want changes to be bounced back in bidirectional schema.

   WBR, SD.

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

[Firebird-devel] I need help with parse.y

2014-11-07 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov

  Hello, All.

  I've changed parse.y with attached diff, but even after clean full rebuild isql shows 
me this error:

SQL set transaction no replication;
Commit current transaction (y/n)?n
Rolling back work.
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 42000
Dynamic SQL Error
-SQL error code = -104
-Token unknown - line 1, column 20

  I'm out of ideas what I did wrong.

  WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] I need help with parse.y

2014-11-07 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
07.11.2014 17:07, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
 Was not added it to keywords.cpp?

   Yep, that is the trick. Thanks.

   WBR, SD.

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] I need help with parse.y

2014-11-07 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
07.11.2014 17:18, Leyne, Sean wrote:
 Are you proposing to make this change (adding no replication syntax) to the 
 Firebird codebase?

   So far it is a private fork. But, according to the IDPL license, you can 
merge changed 
sources to the main codebase if you wish as soon as they are published.

   WBR, SD.

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] SET TRANSACTION option to disable replication

2014-11-07 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
07.11.2014 19:58, Jim Starkey wrote:
   Statement level multi-master replication is basically
 impossible to get right, so you need to pick among a set of bad
 options.  There about a billion things that can go wrong (consider a
 timestamp or random number generator, for example) that requires hacks.

   That's why I'm stuck on record-level replication which has much less issues.

   WBR, SD.

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] SET TRANSACTION option to disable replication

2014-11-08 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
08.11.2014 13:04, Frank Schlottmann-Gödde wrote:
 What about setting a context variable telling your triggers to tag this
 changes as log only.

   There is no my triggers. And no replication TPB clumpet is exactly such 
kind of 
context variable on transaction level.

   WBR, SD.

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

[Firebird-devel] Node::print?..

2014-11-10 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
   Hello, All.

   How can I see the whole execution node tree for a query?

   WBR, SD.

Firebird-Devel mailing list, web interface at

Re: [Firebird-devel] Get rid of upgradeInterface

2014-11-11 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
10.11.2014 16:20, Alex Peshkoff wrote:
 As far as I remember we have a decision to have API/ODS fixed after
 beta1 release.

   Do you still consider your CLOOP API to be a public one in version 3?..

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] request operations

2014-11-11 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
04.11.2014 18:56, Dmitry Yemanov wrote:
 req_proceed - initial state to execute the request, also used together
 with req_sync to implement SUSPEND (nod_stall)

   Could you provide a little more details about this process?..

   WBR, SD.

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[Firebird-devel] IAttachment?

2014-11-11 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
   After the last commit where has IAttachment disappeared to? Interface.h 
refuses to 
compile without it you know...

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] IAttachment?

2014-11-11 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
11.11.2014 16:12, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
 I Attachment does not disappeared and tree builds fine for me in Linux.

   Where is it declared then? In IdlFbInterfaces.h there is no mention of it.

 What are you talking about?

struct DtcStart
IAttachment* attachment;
const unsigned char* tpb;
unsigned tpbLength;

   Causes compilation error implicit 'int' is not allowed which actually 
IAttachment is not declared at this scope.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] IAttachment?

2014-11-11 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
11.11.2014 16:26, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
 Interface.h: typedef name::Attachment prefix##Attachment;

   Ah, now I see #ifdef INCLUDE_Firebird_H // Building internal module. 
I'm building _external_ module.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] IAttachment?

2014-11-11 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
11.11.2014 16:26, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
 If you're test tree with changes, I cannot say anything about.

   But I hope that you can say something about what should be in #else branch 
of the #ifdef.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] IAttachment?

2014-11-11 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
11.11.2014 17:13, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
 I'm trying to figure out. Internals hacks (I typedefs, structs,
 non-cloop classes) are not good for external usage yet.

   Do you think about undoing your commit or adding an another layer of 

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] IAttachment?

2014-11-11 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
11.11.2014 17:23, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
 I do not think on undoing anything cause I was certainly that was going
 to happen and so far Firebird tree builds.

 If you want the old hacks masquerading problems, declare a policy and
 use the macro that declare I classes. Or edit the Interface.h file.

   Actually, I had in mind reverting sources to pre-CLOOP state...

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] IAttachment?

2014-11-12 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
12.11.2014 10:56, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
 I included firebird.h (noted with FIXME) to work and they build for me.

   In this case what is that ifdef for? Why not just remove it?..

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] IAttachment?

2014-11-12 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
12.11.2014 11:41, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
 Also, do you think that after added the policy code, that create a
 policy and work*only with it*  is ideal? That's what we're doing, do you
 see it?

   Actually, you obfuscated the code so well, that, I think, nobody can see 
what you are 

 Be serious guys, we are far, far away from something good. Not hiding
 this is the first pass to make something better.

   That's why I suggested a lot of times _not_ to make new API public in this 
version and 
carefully test its usage in utilities like isql.

   I repeat my suggestion: revert API to pre-CLOOP state and stop pushing it to 
be public 
wor a while.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] IAttachment?

2014-11-12 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
12.11.2014 11:41, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
 Also, do you think that after added the policy code, that create a
 policy and work*only with it*  is ideal? That's what we're doing, do you
 see it?

   Actually, you obfuscated the code so well, that, I think, nobody can see 
what you are 

 Be serious guys, we are far, far away from something good. Not hiding
 this is the first pass to make something better.

   That's why I suggested a lot of times _not_ to make new API public in this 
version and 
carefully test its usage in utilities like isql.

   I repeat my suggestion: revert API to pre-CLOOP state and stop pushing it to 
be public 
wor a while.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] IAttachment?

2014-11-13 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
   So, when I'll be able to compile external modules without including half of 
FB sources 
into it?..

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] IAttachment?

2014-11-13 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
13.11.2014 14:21, Alex Peshkoff wrote:
 A lot of serious advantages without serious disadvantages.

   A little external adapter between fixed PAC and CLOOP has them even more.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] IAttachment?

2014-11-13 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
13.11.2014 14:32, Alex Peshkoff wrote:
 What do you mean by PAC here?

   Pure Abstract Classes.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] IAttachment?

2014-11-13 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
13.11.2014 14:48, Alex Peshkoff wrote:
 I have no time for explaining PAC disadvantages once
 more. It was already done it in a summer time.

   Unfortunately, I have time to repeat:

   A bug in FPC is not a disadvantage. The rest of problems came from 
interface autoupgrade. Getting rid of both can solve everything.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] IAttachment?

2014-11-13 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
13.11.2014 15:43, Leyne, Sean wrote:
 If you need something that was idled/deprecated years ago, why are you 
 'blaming' Adriano for the fact that you will need to do work for your fork?

   I'm blaming Adriano for the fact that he broke the interface which worked 
just a week 
ago and did it in a such way that now he is the only man in the world who can 
read the 
code and fix it. That's the difference.

 You seem to want to throw away anything that it inconvenient for your 

   I'm an end application developer if you forget. And yes, I'm fighting 
against anything 
that makes developing of the application harder or (in this current case) 

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Visual Studio Community 2013

2014-11-17 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
17.11.2014 21:50, Mark Rotteveel wrote:
 moving from Visual Studio 2010 to 2013 (or the upcoming
 2015) might be something to consider for the near future.

   On the other hand moving to GCC can make porting easier and reduce number of 
cases when 
development for one platform break build on others.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] New API - requirements, wishes and hacks

2014-11-18 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
18.11.2014 13:18, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
 You just don't understand. You understand nothing. It's difficult in
 this way!

   But there is no alternative.

 Read the code! Read the archives!

   I told you many times that your code is completely unreadable. Didn't you 

   WBR, SD.

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[Firebird-devel] Tracker

2014-11-19 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
   What's going on?

 Internal Server Error

 The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable 
 to complete your request.

 Please contact the server administrator, root@localhost and inform them of 
 the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have 
 caused the error.

 More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
 Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS) Server at Port 80

   BTW, I see no way how root at localhost can solve this problem.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Snapshot Not listen on any port?

2014-11-19 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
19.11.2014 13:12, Michal Kubecek wrote:
 I guess there are three options:

   Fourth option: add a setting to disable IPv6 support completely with value 
true by 
default. (Or option to enable IPv6 support with default value false.)

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Tracker

2014-11-19 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
19.11.2014 13:30, Mark Rotteveel wrote:
 It seems to be up from here.

   Now it works for me as well. Perhaps, the server was overloaded.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Odp: Snapshot Not listen on any port?

2014-11-20 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
20.11.2014 11:11, Michal Kubecek wrote:
 I committed the fix now

   Unfortunately EAI_ADDRFAMILY is not defined by MSVC.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Odp: Snapshot Not listen on any port?

2014-11-20 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
20.11.2014 11:11, Michal Kubecek wrote:
 On systems without IPv6 support or with IPv6 disabled, the server should
 start with default configuration (RemoteBindAddress not set) and listen
 on (IPv4 wildcard). On XP or older (not sure about 2003) with
 IPv6 support, one will need


 to make it listen on (IPv4) rather than :: (IPv6).

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Snapshot Not listen on any port?

2014-11-20 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
19.11.2014 15:08, Michal Kubecek wrote:
 The reason for AF_INET6 is that a PF_INET6 socket bound to
 :: can accept both IPv6 and IPv4 connections (as long as IPV6_V6ONLY is
 0 and the system supports this setting) while a PF_INET socket can only
 accept IPv4 connections. Therefore PF_INET6 should be preferred if we
 want to listen on any address (as long as we can only use one socket).

   At first, as you can see from link in previous message, it doesn't work for 
Windows XP.
   At second, it is a good idea to use separate sockets on other systems as 
well to let 
users bind any interface for IPv6 and localhost only for IPv4.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Patch for mark_full()

2014-11-21 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
21.11.2014 11:25, Vlad Khorsun wrote:
 Sorry, but this is bad code. It doesn't check for number of slots on PP 
 and allows
 unlimited grow of ppg_min_space.

   No, ppg_min_space cannot grow more than slot+1, exactly as it was in version 

 Just imagine case when all slots on PP is already marked
 as full except one we mark now.

   In this case ppg_min_space will be slot+1.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Patch for mark_full()

2014-11-21 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
21.11.2014 12:55, Vlad Khorsun wrote:
 Could you show condition which stops loop in your patch in such case ?

   You are right, I'm an idiot, who can mix up = and =.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Firebird 3 Provider for pre-ODS 12

2014-11-22 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
22.11.2014 11:14, Mark Rotteveel wrote:
 Use of providers is not limited to the three standard ones. Firebird 3
 does not support pre-ODS 12 databases but Firebird 3 will have an
 additional provider to access older databases (ODS 8 to 11.x).

   Word will here must be replaced with may or can.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Support for building Firebird with mingw-w64 toolchains.

2014-11-23 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
23.11.2014 18:19, Dmitry Yemanov wrote:
 I have no problems with mingw used for compilation, but why would one
 prefer using the mingw-produced binaries to the MSVC-produced ones?

   No dependency on C++ runtime and (by rumors) higher performance sometimes.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Support for building Firebird with mingw-w64 toolchains.

2014-11-25 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
25.11.2014 12:03, Vlad Khorsun wrote:
 I going to check and apply them.

   I didn't notice among changed files ibsetjmp.h. Does this patch define 

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Support for building Firebird with mingw-w64 toolchains.

2014-11-25 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
25.11.2014 12:17, Alexpux wrote:
 No, my patches not patch ibsetjmp.h. Will see it.

   If MinGW really supports SEH, all you need is to remove  !defined(MINGW) 
from there.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Windows build empbuild.exe crashes

2014-11-29 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
29.11.2014 15:44, Mark Rotteveel wrote:
 The fact that the snapshot builds continue to be built seems to indicate
 it is something environment (or OS) related.

   No, it is just a stupid luck.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Fields in data pages

2014-11-30 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
30.11.2014 9:07, Stuart Simon wrote:
 1. Is there a field (e.g., fp_field_type) in the field or record header 
 that would
 indicate the field type?


 2. What indicates the end (or, alternatively, size in bytes) of a non-final 
 field in a
 record with two or more fields?


   Record format is described by... errr... format that is kept in RDB$FORMATS 

   WBR, SD.

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[Firebird-devel] A tiny improvement for gen_id(...,0)

2014-12-03 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov

  Hello, All.

  Does anybody see anything wrong on attached patch?

  WBR, SD.

Description: Binary data
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Re: [Firebird-devel] A tiny improvement for gen_id(...,0)

2014-12-03 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
03.12.2014 21:49, Leyne, Sean wrote:
 Some details describing the nature of the tiny improvement, would be 

   gen_id(...,0) doesn't get exclusive lock on generator's page. Number of 
between CCH_FETCH() and CCH_RELEASE() is reduced a little.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] FB3 and .Net provider

2014-12-07 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
07.12.2014 21:31, Dmitry Yemanov wrote:
 It could be either misconfigured server (ServerAuth) or the same
 protocol issue as Jaybird experiences.

   But why error message is connection is rejected instead of your user name 
password are not defined?..

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Fixing database to use it with changed ICU version.

2014-12-11 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
11.12.2014 13:47, Dmitry Yemanov wrote:
 Does user need to know what is the current ICU? Or current would
 mean the one that can be found? What to do if multiple ICU versions are
 installed and accessible?

   I have another question: how user would know that (s)he must execute this 
command? I.e. 
is there a way to find out that currently used ICU version differs from 
expected except 
selecting all data from all tables? May be you should issue error on connect?..

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Fixing database to use it with changed ICU version.

2014-12-11 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
11.12.2014 14:46, Alex Peshkoff wrote:
 Issuing error on connect is bad option - may be one needs to access
 other tables w/o UTF columns?

   Postponing error detection to undefined time doesn't seem as a good idea to 
me either.

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] New API - requirements, wishes and hacks

2014-12-18 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
18.12.2014 14:28, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
 So like selecting the types with using (or explicitly), user would
 select the functions too.

   Funny. What will be returned from the function found by dlsym()?

   WBR, SD.

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Re: [Firebird-devel] Public policy

2014-12-22 Thread Dimitry Sibiryakov
22.12.2014 12:42, Alex Peshkoff wrote:
 Work in progress

   Ok. When can I see CLOOP sources committed into tree?

   WBR, SD.

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