Re: [Flightgear-devel] Weather

2012-11-22 Thread Peter Morgan
Can't we just cheat a little..

If we can get data from noaa = metar,
then we should have wind directions ..
so we jjust stick an arrow the screen,  with a few zooms our, we
should have a front etc..

Cant we just create one huge M*F* cloud Aircraft/ufo virtual in
Multiplayer  that is a storm cloud, and move that around in mp ??


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Doc Project Idea

2012-10-06 Thread Peter Morgan
Made some more progress, and flightgear now links to osg, plib and
simgear; with some nice graphics thrown in

Feedback appreciated.
Please note I'm prepared to host this long term eg at or alike


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Doc Project Idea

2012-09-28 Thread Peter Morgan
I've been playing with the idea of an automated system (via jenkins)
to build the api-docs.

Its kinda working with the simgear/flightgear/osg/plib etc all linked
together. almost..

Here the progress so far ,and the idea would be to make it completely

Feedback appreciated, even if its worth pursuing.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] fgdata trouble

2012-09-23 Thread Peter Morgan
I got a really really slow connection

Got around the git problem by using a script on a dedicated to pull
from git, and push to a subversion, which runs twice a day

I then checkout from subversion read only of course, it works a treat
and get all updates very quickly..

However this approach is not for development, but as an user its a
very efficient way to keep up to data with master and 2.8 etc


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] fgdata trouble

2012-09-23 Thread Peter Morgan
 Hi Pete,

 What about the idea I thought you were working
 on of zipping each aircraft - presumably regularly
 updated as more git changes happen - and having
 like the FGx GUI downloading and installing these
 at the users choice/request?

 Thus an initial install of fgdata would only have a
 dozen or so a/c, like the releases, but additional
 a/c could be easily installed on selection...

 Or did this not work out...

Indeed I am working on an installer (time problems as usual)

The way it works is that
1) the server would make the zip, calculate the md5 to detect changes
and present the list via an ajax feed

2) the client would then read this list, and make a list of aircraft
and/or updates available upon client.

However I kinda thought this is a naff idea, as it still means all a
zip download of size. I also tested the possibility of calculating
the md5 of each file, and somehow downloading only the changed files..
which is kinda a naff idea.

This led me back to using svn to do the work and is the current
idea... ie svn on server and an embedded svn client in the

The svn server is there already, however I need to chat with Yves
(FGx's BDFL) if its a good idea to make this public available, what
with bandwidth etc...

All the stuff is still experimental, but if there is interest then I;d
be prepared to dedicate some more time to it.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ..we can now build FG scenery with sumo-simulated road traffic???

2012-05-22 Thread Peter Morgan
This is a strange feeling I have here this evening reading the above
API..and tip from arnt

I see a lot of future... After all my nephew is a truck driver amd
introduce to hard maps need to navigate and plan route and indeed at
10 is kinda getting more the concept of headings etc ...
Backseat driver spring to mind.. and he's in the air.. with autopilot..

So I think this sumo is cool, its  a nice api, and seems I can knock
out code.. gen..

And I think we can be even clever and fuzzy logic some time tables..
eg School buses will be there are 9am on a monday... and
last.train from london etc.. == traffic

love it..
But this is possible also to to make it a bit more REAL...
We only need traffic routes planned On approach to the threshold..

eg landing at Heathorw from either end as a passenger means u see
traffic a[[roaching and crossing and stuff crosing on the motoway..

Same in EHAM, and a few other airports..

KSFO does not fall into this case as is water approach..

So what do we do next ?

So the Question I have really is ..
there must be a way for the data to dictate if an aircraft is
passing below 100ft and on an approach to an airport AND crossing a
motorway.. then  we could create some time traffic..

On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 6:02 PM, Arnt Karlsen wrote:

 ..this means we can now build FG scenery
 with sumo-simulated road traffic???

 ..debian users: 'aptitude install sumo sumo-doc sumo-tools ',
 quick listing:
 arnt@celsius:/tmp$ dpkg -l |grep sumo
 ii sumo       0.15.0~dfsg-1 Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO)
 ii sumo-doc   0.15.0~dfsg-1 Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO),
                              documentation and examples
 ii sumo-tools 0.15.0~dfsg-1 Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO),
                              tools and scripts
 arnt@celsius:/tmp$ man sumo
 arnt@celsius:/tmp$ sumo --help
 SUMO sumo Version 0.15.0
  Copyright (C) 2001-2012 DLR and contributors; A microscopic road traffic simulation.

 Usage: sumo [OPTION]*
 Configuration Options:
  -c, --configuration-file FILE       Loads the named config on startup
  --save-configuration FILE           Saves current configuration into
  --save-template FILE                Saves a configuration template
                                        (empty) into FILE
  --save-schema FILE                  Saves the configuration schema
                                        into FILE
  --save-commented                    Adds comments to saved template,
                                        configuration, or schema

 Input Options:
  -n, --net-file FILE                 Load road network description
                                        from FILE
  -r, --route-files FILE              Load routes descriptions
                                        from FILE(s)
  -a, --additional-files FILE         Load further descriptions from
  -w, --weight-files FILE             Load edge/lane weights for online
                                        rerouting from FILE
  -x, --weight-attribute STR          Name of the xml attribute which
                                        gives the edge weight

 Output Options:
  --netstate-dump FILE              Save complete network states into
  --netstate-dump.empty-edges       Write also empty edges
                                        completely when dumping
  --summary-output FILE       Save aggregated vehicle departure
                                info into FILE
  --tripinfo-output FILE      Save single vehicle trip info into FILE
  --vehroute-output FILE      Save single vehicle route info into
  --vehroute-output.exit-times  Write the exit times for all edges
  --vehroute-output.last-route  Write the last route only
  --vehroute-output.sorted      Sorts the output by departure time

 Time Options:
  -b, --begin TIME        Defines the begin time;
                          The simulation starts at this time
  -e, --end TIME          Defines the end time;
                          The simulation ends at this time
  --step-length TIME      Defines the step duration

 Processing Options:
  -s, --route-steps TIME    Load routes for the next number of
                             seconds ahead
  --no-internal-links       Disable (junction) internal links
  --ignore-accidents        Do not check whether accidents occure more deeply
  --ignore-route-errors     Do not check whether routes are connected
  --max-num-vehicles INT    Quit simulation if this number of vehicles
                             is exceeded

  --incremental-dua-step INT    Perform the simulation as a step
                                 in incremental DUA
  --incremental-dua-base INT    Base value for incremental DUA
  --scale FLOAT        

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ..we can now build FG scenery with sumo-simulated road traffic???

2012-05-22 Thread Peter Morgan
And can we just paint the shadow and not the vehicle..

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] mpmap

2012-05-15 Thread Peter Morgan
I guess no one is maintain the mpmap anymore..

and I had a good look a pigeons code..

and it runs perl and google maps v2..

so google maps v3 is outta the question )too complicated to drop in)
but also also been playing with osm

So is there a plan to move forward with mpmap.. ?

I have clear idea what I want to do which is make it osm compatible
for a start..
and then take it from there..

So anyone else playing with this idea? anyone else done and development ?
where can we share these new ideas as a repo ?


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] mpmap

2012-05-15 Thread Peter Morgan
On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 12:15 AM, Curtis Olson wrote:
 Locally I've been playing around with open layers a bit.  Also web sockets.
 The idea that I think would be interesting to try would be to build a
 websocket interface into flightgear, then serve out the map data locally
 rather than from a server.
Well nowadays websockets is a good idea.. BUT still a bit unstsable...
but definately its more the way to go and am very happy you mention that..
so this is cool..
and an idea from before
So the above script chek for DNS servers.. with mpserve*..
and then polls via telnet..

 Essentially if you are running FlightGear with MP turned on and running the
 mpmap in your browser, you burn your bandwidth twice to ship the same
 information down your internet pipe to two separate applications.

 If you served the map from FlightGear directly, you could draw the nearby MP
 traffic, local AI traffic, and not double burn your internet bandwidth at
 the same time.

Which leads to the conclusion that maybe the best maybe might be to
slave a local app
eg in qt client local that queries the local isntance of fg for data..
of position etc..

 I have a basic websocket interface, but I haven't tried to integrate it into
 FlightGear yet.  Also we'd need to expand FlightGear's httpd interface to
 also be able to serve .html and .js files -- probably from a single
 authorized subdirectory for security reasons.
Well thats fine..

But at #1 there are a few issues..

1) we need to replace current map and == telnet mpserver
2) we need to be it work with different reliable and selectable maps
(osm api does that mainly) and
3) we need to overlay on the map ..
.. a) flight positions and
..  b). nav data..

So indeed its a complex problem..

However I think if we split up the stuff cleverly.. by a load of us
having a go at it..
I think it woul be straight forwad..

I think the main issue is actually the capacity of the server..
for example a current mpmap install requires a postgres db and perl
and telnet access..

Wheraes the reality is we want anyone with an account and internet
facing ISP machine to be able to host..
eg with php virtual host or AWS, djano.. python instance.. etc..
google app engine... (which only spreeks port 80 in and out)
or behind an nginx and port forwarding as in my case with

Also the database  of navdata is an issue..

But these are many issues..

So my suggestion is we start at #1 at ksfo.. and set up a new map system/

So I am prepared to lead this project.. but I must stress that we need
to make it user friendly and amenable for end installers etc..
eg I dont want a new keen fligthgear player to give up in installing
it on his prvate server..
because fo postgres, or no mysql etc..
I want them to be able to install and maybe even set some limits on
range and be able to rely on navdata and etc from upstream..

ALSO ALSO the mainissue is a destop replacement for atlas..

and that is clear to me with marble.. which is a kde project..
and then maybe we can overlay this

BUt BUT.. even beter..
If we use websockect we can be clever also..
eg we can send queries and get results of stuff.
kinda IRC like and MAYBE
/metar ksfo
/msg foobar descend and maintain 200ft
/vor BNN  return data on BNN
we can even replicate aircraft systems

So ..
Where do we go from here..??

I think we need a little bit of a plan first.. before any of us ding
down a wrong path ..
But we also need to recognise a proper new project and team to support..
(maybe next year GSOC we have plan for this project even... )


 On May 15, 2012 5:58 PM, Peter Morgan wrote:

 I guess no one is maintain the mpmap anymore..

 and I had a good look a pigeons code..

 and it runs perl and google maps v2..

 so google maps v3 is outta the question )too complicated to drop in)
 but also also been playing with osm

 So is there a plan to move forward with mpmap.. ?

 I have clear idea what I want to do which is make it osm compatible
 for a start..
 and then take it from there..

 So anyone else playing with this idea? anyone else done and development ?
 where can we share these new ideas as a repo ?


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 Flightgear-devel mailing list

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] mpmap

2012-05-15 Thread Peter Morgan
I think maybe we need to also invite the fgms team into this discussion

The only way really to get a position sat on webserver atmo
is to poll a fgms telnet server.. upon its admin port..

eg telnet
telnet 5001
return lines..
which are then parsed into various formats..

so we need to cover this scenario across anyones installation.. to
make it usable..

another thought..

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] /etc and config

2012-05-14 Thread Peter Morgan
Hi guys..

Can I make a proposal with regard to configuring web services etc..
and is more in regard to running future web services..
and anyone whooo has a spare server can somehow help ..

So the norm would be to have config in
which is a path.. but /etc/fg is rejected as a coflict with fg == foregounrd

and with the

one could expect
/etc/flightgear/fgms.conf - the MP instance server

/etc/flightgear/mpmap.conf - would contain the google v2 keys etc...

and in future

just the idea


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Multiplayer, Open RTI/ HAL and online future..

2012-04-24 Thread Peter Morgan
I want to ask the question of what is the future with Multiplayer?

Its sems that the flavour and future is openRTI? but what is that about...

So where are we going with the multiplayer stuff?

Is there a plan, is there a vatsim replace?

Whats the MP protocl, or is it Open/RTI ?

are there json feeds and flightplans, and network and all.. live ATC in
brazil ?

Where are we going? is ther any scenario where we can use OpenRTI .. eg
radar for kids ?

got the severs, got the data,, how do we play with it ??

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] updates to nav.dat.gz

2012-04-24 Thread Peter Morgan
Now this is really interesting..;a=blob;f=mapserver/

I'm kinda moving into django land after lots of screaming and whining to
myself.. but it does seem to be a platform of sorts.. and sql alchemy
compat etc..

So can I throw into the mix here the concept of having a kinda API and
structure and content (the grolaw coverage on Oracles vs Goggles spring to
mind).. ie the structure and content of the API ???

the the structure and content.. argument is simple.. and anyone would
figure that out to be..
/airport/code/  and all the data...

So the trend is towards more machine to machine interpolation and
networks.. etc.. and end points an api of data...

To create a mass distributed system which is what FG is, we need to
simply uncouple the master and create and index server with the meta
data... and the local info..

for that we need an API.. and we need AIP data from online.. and active..
update latest.. and this is head..
To make sure it HEAD is need and upvote or confirmation and maybe even
locks on data delegated to upstream.. == send up.. then it comes back
down.. thats the ONLY way it works.. send up ad it comes back down.. ..

That is the reality check is the AIP, eg eurocontrol and icao.. and this is

The BIG snag is that the initial download is huge... so to break it down
and install only the part required would be a huge advantage IMHO..

We can simply break it down into the main zones..
eg UK, switzerland.. cool for montains, glaasgow has montains..
or USA.. need the rockies and LA and stuff..
The caribeam.. and every island...

So what I am suggesting is that thaer is an are of interest, and long
foreign trip are ocassional maaybe.. or curiosity...

But if I need data and a quick map of the locatio and terrain and the
enviroment etc..

So I think what we need to have Hard look at is the FlightGear.api and
create a nice cool eniroment fo anyone to play in..

By the Flighgear.API I mean all the interfaces online and instances and all
chatting to each other and all machines and mobiles and rasberry pi the SIM platform of sorts..

Some of the stuff is quite simple eg AIP info retured in json, downlading
latest png.. or even better. sending my shot and an u tube vid tgo via
facebook account .. a plugin... somewhat..

But is OpenRTI the patform.. so we need to build a virtual system so kids
can play together and chat on a platfrom... Lets face it .. its ceerntainly
no real controls atmo.. eg could be subject dos attacks etc.. and I hope
that never happens...

So the API ?
print Airport(EGLL)-runways()

or alike..

Something to thing about...
eg aptdat_2_XXX as staric functions

is the api I am indeed thinkng yaml format is the solutions.. cos
its machine and human edible..

aiport: EGLL
  naaame: JOHN WAYNE INT
  name: Johh Wayne Airport
  runways: [
09R-27L: {etc ..etc}}

We need to get into more mass distribution and and api to install on your
spare sever and hobby.. and a simple access point to join in..

Thats my vision.. cannot work as a centralised system ever.. so that fat
must be realised..

How we shard the data.. but probalby icao sytle maaybe

some thoughts

We REALLY REALLY need to clean this data up and make it fast for a newbie..

The data pile of waypoint and aptdat will constantly get bigger forever..
so we need to shard and index a buit..

But will relly on one of 2 circumstance..
1) we need to build and index and that needs to be online
2) we need to run an index of voice server and live ATC
3) we need some maap.fgx.xhmaass cashes and please clone me..

For aall of that we need a statergy.. eg I got a spaaare web spaace.. and
unused etc..

Then yes that is what we want... some spare spaace on your online paace..
and we can say.. ok well stick the images on you server and done.. he he ..
that is precisely it..

. maybe a new idea..


On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 4:56 PM, Martin Spott martin.sp...@mgras.netwrote: wrote:

  Is the code/the queries to produce the xml output from the postgres
  apt/nav.dat database available for public somewhere?

 It's a simple Bash/PostgreSQL proof of concept which has seen
 'evolutionary' development, looping through the list of ICAO codes,
 collecting the relevant data and echoing hand-crafted XML.  Now I know
 it works as planned, I'd use Perl XML::Writer to do it again, probably
 saving more than 50 % of code lines  ;-);a=blob;f=mapserver/

  Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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[Flightgear-devel] FG-api

2012-04-24 Thread Peter Morgan
To add furtheer..;a=blob;f=mapserver/

Were all reinventing a wheel..

I think there is a lo of data in blobs, and we converting one blob to
Indeed after some reasearch..
robin sppol out the apt table with a last updated which is the last airport
in the list..

Yamls is a nice format cos it machine readable..

But to store the values correct eg aa heaging of
200.1999 degrees and alike..
we will need some fefinitions in the guide..

We can then stash the yaml file as the latest.. and everything after that
will be updated vias a transmit..

As does the Real world.. the only stuff will be the changes.. which is what
we are interested in.. delta..

So its easy from my eyes..
Create a model.. as a core
and inherit a sql postgres layer.. and sub quiries as objects.. whether in
python, php etc et all..

we need to promote local stuff more.. and create an index based scenario..

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threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] h-online

2012-04-19 Thread Peter Morgan
I just received this email from
Christopher von Eitzen, an editor at as a follow
to another mater.

It probably better if some of the devs gets in touch so posting here


Hello again,

I was thinking about writing a feature article about FlightGear and was
wondering if you would be up for an email interview about your involvement
in the project? What's your position within FlightGear?

I look forward to hearing from you.



*Christopher von Eitzen*
Content Editor
The H

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] nasal and javascript..

2011-10-06 Thread Peter Morgan
How does nasal works within the sim.. ?
why we can not use a ecma scripting engine ?
Can i Use javascript in FG, smells the smae almost...

I can embed nasal within an xml tag??

Why can we use V8 which is a fast scripting engine.. its rumoured..

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] autopilot frame rate

2011-10-06 Thread Peter Morgan
Would it be possible to make the autopilot work at a reliable freq..

The autopilot atmo in my suspicion is bound to a frame rate.. this explains
why it wobbles on my low frame rate machine.. ie laoder card..

IMHO the autopilot.. should be set at a freq eg 10hz or less and fised inc
calculation ..

Just a thought for comment..
and a new idea website..

All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security
threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this data and makes
sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] TaxiDraw

2011-09-06 Thread Peter Morgan
So shall we port it to QT then ? Im up for that.. gtk is a pain .. and much
less pain with Qt... in my x-platform experience...


On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 8:11 PM, Durk Talsma wrote:

 Hi All,

 Following up on the recent discussion about FlightGear's support program,
 I''ve been poking around in my old email archieve and found a note from
 David Luff, dated May 26, 2009. In this message, David is stating that among
 his projects for FlightGear, he's trying to finish the KLN89 code, has
 orphaned his AI code, and more importantly in this context:  that  he'd
 like to withdraw from TaxiDraw development, but was still willing to do one

 Since this is now more than two years ago, I decided to jump ahead and
 created a new TaxiDraw repository at gitorious, which you can find here:

 I've imported the complete revision history from CVS. At this stage, I
 haven't really made a desision about whether I should try to keep the CVS
 and gitorious projects synchronized, or whether we should abandon the CVS
 repository altogether.

 In the mean time, please have a look. Merge requests are enabled. Currently
 I m the only project member for the gitorious version, but would be happy to
 add more members.


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 Flightgear-devel mailing list

Malware Security Report: Protecting Your Business, Customers, and the 
Bottom Line. Protect your business and customers by understanding the 
threat from malware and how it can impact your online business.
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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Links for new FlightGear pilots

2011-09-06 Thread Peter Morgan
Emmerich.. maybe we need a new documentation plan..  so u start it in your
mother tounge.. I thinks this  agood idea as your have a determined mind
and idea

I think the best way is to write paragraphs in plain text and later we can
all convert...

This is better than tryiing to update the original as is a better plan..
IMHO.. at least u are movvayed to do this... and wish to help.///


On Sun, Sep 4, 2011 at 4:31 PM, Jörg Emmerich wrote:

 Hi Gijs,
 thank you very much for that detailed and competent analysis in such a
 short time-frame.

 Let me comment the most difficult question first: Should it be a WIKI?
My many links for further details see:  WIKI... and also
several articles from me in the FGFS/wiki should reveal me as a
big believer in WIKI's, as well FGFS as also WIKIPEDIA. I even
have extracted some parts of the current getstart.pdf and put
them into the FGFSwiki (and just reffed them with a few words in
the manual). And I do want to do more of those! That way I also
hope to get the valuable WIKI-idea promoted to be used even
more, which would get them more attention and thus more chances
to get them updated in reasonable time-spans.

On the other hand: I believe WIKIs have their very big advantage
in unique details - not really in manuals! In my eyes each
product does need a manual that explains the Basics to the
customer and then shows him where to get more infos.(Yes: I
belong to the people looking into the manuals when buying a PC,
TV, Auto, etc.!). And that basics (in my eyes) should express
the company's (i.e. FlightGears inner devel circle)
involvement/direction/supervision!   My concern is, that many
small pieces may be able to replace a manual at the beginning -
but over a longer timeframe they will change, specialize, and
lose their connecting identities! See the Curtis opening
problem! And also see todays WIKI: All the informations are
there - often in multiple versions and/or with different
focuses. They are fantastic for the guys knowing the basics and
thus what to look for - but difficult to select what is needed
by a newbie!

Surely it will be a big effort for anybody to keep it updated to
all future FGFS-changes! But I believe those are easier to
control in one single document under the Development
responsibility and a defined content in unique chapters - then
when the content is distributed in many small pieces without
defined ownership and/or responsibility. (Does anybody have the
slightest idea how many WIKIS are affected by the latest 2.4.0

Based on that fear I tried to structure the Basics in some
unique Chapters that contain more technical dependencies and
those that are more for teaching and looking. So with a new
version you do not need to update everything - and what needs to
be updated is at one known location only - not distributed in
many uncontrollable pieces!

And still it would be relatively easy to convert that manual to
WIKI - if needed! Right now I would vote against it!

 And yes, sorry: I have forgotten to mention the very useful forums - - I
 will correct that!

 One more hot item I would like to sell: Sidebars or drop downs
I decided against sidebars because of:
1) I wanted that book to be without any need for
executable, supporting sftw. like e.g.
java (virus-prone)
2) I tried it with sidebars - but then it becomes again
very confusing if headers are more than just one short
word. I hate indexes like now in the getstart.pdf -
where you have long headers going over several lines. I
like my solution that allows long, ease readable titles
-- and still have room for a nice picture to it!
2) There are still many customers with old tiny
screens - I rather wanted that valuable side-space for
big illustrations
4) Those top/sidebars become pretty much a standard for
industries and business pages - I thought my way gives
more the feeling of private pilot to private
pilot (I just did not yet find a place for the
So I came up with that top menu-bar that stays there all the
time. From wherever you are in the text, you can always just
select any part in the bar (including the current one) and have
that index in an easy to read fashion. I know it is unusual and
may be one more mouse-click - but I personally like that more
private atmosphere.
 But I would like to hear more 

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Links for new FlightGear pilots

2011-09-05 Thread Peter Morgan
anyone looked at docbook. It would solve the problem.. but its a horrible to
use.. but there again that was with my experience a few years ago doing a
major update to smarty.php (had to it as my team was using it and was paid
as thus by my boss)

I certainly think that a html5/xml approach is cool approach.. nowadays
and wish to help... I dont like pdf's when I try to mix or even knock them
off from the server live, unlike other archived docs... pdf editing to
me is an art form..

But IMHO we would need to take the markup approach from now.. maybe even a
fresh start... and cut and paste stuff across..
   section land=enthis is english, and maybe the source/section
   section lang=dethis a lang section but also maybe this last line a
   section lang=edthis aanother lang section/section

certainly having files side by side can be a good way of translating..
eg a geman commit -  to
/ils/glideslope.en.html !--  please fix spelling mistake... ;-) --
/ils/ !-- correcting english mistake... ;-) --

and thus an observation by another to translate file in same patch and
me need to structure the manual into chapters.. but obvious ones in
directories that diectly map to url's
/glossay/atc, papi,

I still like Jomo idea of a flight school very much.. starting from the
bottom up.. from a cadet to a commander, atc et all

Certainly though, looking toward the future and more usage.. and more eyes..
we should plan for that, not only in printed media.. but in game help of
ipods of a website browsing on an olde retired FG machine

The main issue to consider is whether is actually a flight manual of now
to fly an aircaft, or the simulation ..  or both

We'd need to make it original and copyrightable to every contibutor to
make it 100% proof..

just some thoughts...


On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 2:45 PM, Stuart Buchanan wrote:

 On 1 Sep 2011, at 08:37, Jörg Emmerich wrote:
  I wanted to introduce that outcome about end of this month to the
  dev-team, to see especially whether the Originators of the getstart
  still find their share in what I did, and concur to this change. I hope
  nobody feels offended by my partly drastic changes to their origin. You
  will see that I still list the Originators and just claim the
  Revision for myself.
  Any comments, critics, suggestions, improvements, etc. are highly
  joe (jomo)

 Hi jomo,

 Firstly, thanks very much for looking at improving The Manual.

 I'm currently on vacation so haven't had the chance to look at your work in
 detail but thought I should comment in case you thought you were being
 ignored by the maintainers.

 One immediate question is how you see your changes being incorporated into
 to latex source code?

 Producing a nice PDF is quite important for a lot of people so I wouldn't
 want to lose that.

 More comments when I get the time once I'm back.

 Best regards


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Release 2.4.0: call for help in PR

2011-08-01 Thread Peter Morgan
for pilots:
A new FG plane is coming with an updated flight deck, more real weather,
more fog and RVR, more realistic in dynamics.. U can still fly however u
want wherever u want.. and do it better..

for city:
The FG development is gonna kill the market, its basically a drop in
replacement for M$ sim who we licenced all out liveries and data and
everything to.  This is a step change like android is to apple.. companing a
u cumber to a turnip. oranges and pears.. same game a market changer..
recoomend Buy++ FG Sell-- Xbox

for competitors:
How did they do that.. ohh thats how they did it..

for Slashdot:
Please do not click this linkbut its basically a new flighrgear2.4 with
osg and its foss, pilot is a penguin, an apple or a ball head.

Hello this is the FG captain speaking. I'm just informing you that on the
return flight we might be delayed. The reason for the delay is that we need
to install a new aircraft whcih is better that the one your on now..

The new aircraft will have more features for passengers such as more clouds
and urban landscape..

For us pilots up front, we'll have a more realistic cockpit, better
emulation of dodgy radio signals and less RVR with cloud density..

and other tounge in cheek..


Seriously though. I would like to create a brochure site for fg2.4..
Something that would exite my teen family and my teen spirit.. = 5
copies..So if anyone of u got an idea of creating a 2.4 release brochure
site I am in.. Main ammunition needed is screen shots

and we gset up a couple of gae instances for this ONCE and done.. noo
ongoing.. should avoid fg slashdot effect..

just my thoughts..
btw everyone is on holiday in august..
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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Release 2.4.0: call for help in PR

2011-08-01 Thread Peter Morgan
BlackBerryreg; DevCon Americas, Oct. 18-20, San Francisco, CA
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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] heads up: FlightGear release plan

2011-05-31 Thread Peter Morgan
we need to sit on this as We need a marketing plam somwhat.. I hope we stick
to release schedule..

On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 10:15 PM, HB-GRAL wrote:

 Am 22.05.11 14:37, schrieb ThorstenB:
  since there were no major objections to the release plan, we're
  proceeding as proposed.
  Current status:
  * We've officially grounded the releases/2.2.0 git branches yesterday.
  The flightgear/simgear releases/2.2.0 branches were merged back to
  master (not next! master always contains the latest release).
  However, as proposed, we won't invest any more time into 2.2.0, so
  there'll be no binaries on the download page, no updated aircraft
  downloads, no announcements, etc.
  * git/next is bumped to version 2.3.0 now. Actually we should have done
  so when we branched releases/2.2.0 in January. Remember. it's odd minor
  versions for the developer version now (git/next), even minor numbers
  for releases.
  * Hudson is prepared for providing release binaries and installers
  (thanks James!). Once we create a new release branch, Hudson should
  start building the binaries/installers (see Hudson's Windows-release,
  Mac-release, Linux-release projects). As usual, these will be
  updated hourly. We'll also provide complete Win/Mac installers
  (including fgdata base package) regularly, maybe about weekly, so these
  can be used for wider beta testing. We can't include the base package in
  the _hourly_ installers though, due to bandwidth/size limits (almost
  400MB for the fgdata base package).
  * We also started assessing tracker issues (thanks Gijs!). Some were
  already fixed in the last days. And it doesn't look too bad, few issues
  are highly critical. However, there are some areas where we're missing
  people, for example for some (new) FDM, and a number of ATI-graphics
  issues. Have a look at the tracker:
  Finally, as a reminder now:
  Only 4 more weeks to 2.4.0 feature freeze, remember June 17th, when
  we'll close sg+fg next branch, and (!) fgdata master for 4 weeks.
  Only bug fixes should be committed after June 17th.
  releases/2.4.0 will be branched on July 17th, when the main developer
  branches will be bumped to 2.5.0 and reopen for new features. Beta
  testing for 2.4.0 will continue for another month after that, till
  August 17th. But all this was already described in the release plan
  On Do, 2011-05-19 at 14:29 +0200, Torsten Dreyer wrote:
  Hi everybody,
  during this year's LinuxTag, Martin Spott, Mathias Fröhlich, Thorsten
  and myself developed a strategy and a concept about how to kick out new
  releases of FlightGear on a regular schedule.
  Please find our first draft here:
  For the impatient reader, this is the abstract:
  We plan to have two releases per year, one in February, one in August.
  first scheduled release following this concept will be 2.4.0 in August
  year, 2.6.0 is scheduled for February 2012.
  If no major objections arise, we will set the version number on the
  development stream to 2.3.0 and will call out a feature freeze on June
  Any comment and certainly any help for actually preparing the release is
  Thanks, Torsten

 Can you please update with this
 very important information ? Something like a short description of
 current state ?

 Thanks a lot, Yves

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 Flightgear-devel mailing list

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ..IP and litigation risks, was: AH-1 Merge Request

2011-02-16 Thread Peter Morgan
PodaVhone issue:

#1 don't mention the brand name as you are are aware of it and thus
intentional.. (or patents)

Sorry, but I have worked in this area and they are out to kill as interest
is held...

Flightgear  needs to avoid them completely, unless - we have permission

To have permission we need someone/something/entity to have agreement with..

Indeed PJ is very handy, my dream would be she could represent FG, lots of
choclates and free flights imagined..

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] OSQA - statck overflow

2010-12-03 Thread Peter Morgan
hi guys,

I had to evaluate this stack-overflow like system for a client..

So I installed one for flightgear for evaluation..
it here atmo

Its easily customisable with the admin interface.. and its in bootstrap
mode at the moment which means that the votes can be nudged  for

Whoevers up for some admin lets me know, you need to sign up and then I need
to tip the superuser flag (dont know where that is atmo).


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FlightGear website on wiki

2010-10-11 Thread Peter Morgan
I knocked up this site with a templating engine, powered by NOREL on GAE,

 I also ported it to php5 to make everyone GPL happy ie not google, m$,
oracle etc..  not online but same site powered
by php5 have intentionally migrated away from
tikiwiki, drupal etc php its fine for small site but scaling it is
difficult, let alone with url rewriting and .htaccess fun  python stuff with
DJANGO templating (easily protable)

I would however steer completely away from the wiki, instead integrate it
into the main site...
CDN is the word and if we increase the user base by 500% what will
the consequences be ??

What we all want is a development enviroment of constant imprvment on the
website shared by everybody with input at a guess.

On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 5:21 PM, Martin Spott martin.sp...@mgras.netwrote:

 Hi Curt,

 Curtis Olson wrote:

  2. I've played a bit with drupal, and in comparison to wordpress, it
  much more adhoc and clunky, much less thought out, much more
  much less intuitive, much harder to admin, and much harder to make it do
  what I want to do.

 Well, Drupal is primarily a website CMS whereas WordPress, to my
 understanding, is prominently meant to serve for blogs.  Therefore it
 doesn't come by surprise that you're experiencing significant differences.
 Django in contrast has an even steeper learning curve, but it does almost
 everything for you, if you add some code - just the usual versatility vs.
 convenience story  ;-)

  4. I hear you folks who want to be able to program php/perl/python the
  backend and really customize the site.

 Let me put it into different words to clarify my intention: Re-doing a
 website almost from scratch requires a pile of work and when people start
 thinking about migrating the website over to whichever flavour of 3rd party
 'framework', thus making the site _dependent_ on this framework, then I'd
 recommend not to choose one whose structural deficiencies are becoming
 obvious already _that_ in the early planning stage.

 It's a little bit like buying a house when you're thinking about having
 kids.  In the planning stage you'll never know the exact details, but
 in the early phases it's pretty much obvious that the needs _are_ going to
 develop their own life  ;-)

  Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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Beautiful is writing same markup. Internet Explorer 9 supports
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Spend less time writing and  rewriting code and more time creating great
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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Official

2010-06-21 Thread Peter Morgan
sorry.. I am definately not good as explaining things..

There is a TV show in the UK called the Dragons Den - its a good watch..

One thing I do is look at any project first positively outcome outlook and
then the deperately negatively  and forecast how everything could go tits
up.. This is from expereience as a music producer, oily rag and web dev.

When I do this with client, the spec changes, although it can and does
generally does get emotional. Indeed I get rejected clients coming back
later saying so...  you were so negative.. but... and little little issue,
neglected can get in the way in a very big way if not assumed.. also

Assumption is the the mother of all mistakes (please quote me)

So I'll explain the issues I have,  and want to raise these so we can either
ignore, agree or resolve from for the future of flightgear..

Virtual MD of XYZ-airlines bored meeting
1) who are these people selling and giving out our software and making money
off our back
2) We did an agreement with lmn-software and this is not party of that
agreement, they are exclusive ?
3) Have they ever asked us for permission to use it ???
4) Can we stop them using our logo.. because its an olde one. at least they
should have new one..
5) a take down notice I think is in order sir said a legal head
6) Will this be a PR disaster ??


I think the issues for me is that we are in danger of being sued, all we
would need is some airline to raise a charge in court about usage, and we'd
be stuffed. m$ would be a good candiate for this as we all know... a big
bully ballmer in a small livery room with a chair and aircon off, flying
with the FlightSimPro.

So my questions are honest to establishing
* whether we have permission to use
* there are conflicts between GPL and fairuse as a LOGO is owned by corp
and GPL is everybody
* the trading standards in the UK is a

The wonderful world preferred would be a letter to Airlines with simple
question and some answers

Dear Boss,

Can we use your livery and logos for aircraft.

Fg is a free flight simulator inc and copy no bootleg...

If you could please reply with a CD containing the latest livery and logo so
we can make it available for our aircraft and the virtual pilots who want to
fly in your virtual plane, we would be very happy

Kinds Regards
A Virtual pilot..


On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 10:38 AM, Heiko Schulz wrote:

 Some more informations:

 ThinkGeek and WIRED's GeekDad team up for the Ultimate
 GeekDad Father's Day Giveaway. ONE MASSIVE PRIZE to the
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ThinkGeek and WIRED's GeekDad team up for the Ultimate 
GeekDad Father's Day Giveaway. ONE MASSIVE PRIZE to the 
lucky parental unit.  See the prize list and enter to win:
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Official

2010-06-21 Thread Peter Morgan
On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 7:21 AM, Nathanael Rebsch nathan...@dihedral.dewrote:

 congratulations 'peter morgan' for posting such an amusiong email.

 Thank you.. I take that as a compliment..

Please add me along with John Denker .. and guess everyone else chased him
away.. maybe me also

Who was the inspiration for the flightgear-bugs site... denker.. and are
we using it yes ? is it useful.. well it being used..

Pete Morgan
Ayr Cymru

*Linux Air*

Disgruntled employees of all the other OS airlines decide to start their own
airline. They build the planes, ticket counters, and pave the runways
themselves. They charge a small fee to cover the cost of printing the
ticket, but you can also download and print the ticket yourself.

When you board the plane, you are given a seat, four bolts, a wrench and a
copy of the seat-HOWTO.html. Once settled, the fully adjustable seat is very
comfortable, the plane leaves and arrives on time without a single problem,
the in-flight meal is wonderful. You try to tell customers of the other
airlines about the great trip, but all they can say is, You had to do what
with the seat?
ThinkGeek and WIRED's GeekDad team up for the Ultimate 
GeekDad Father's Day Giveaway. ONE MASSIVE PRIZE to the 
lucky parental unit.  See the prize list and enter to win:
Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Caspian Sea Penguin

2010-06-21 Thread Peter Morgan
As Curt out BFDL pointed out some new aircraft to research recently.

and the whole FDM

One aircraft I am intrigued by is the Caspian Sea Monster..

Seems to me as a muppet that this aircraft was controlled via ground radar
to pitch control..

That is a curiosity of mine..

Has anyone else looked at this..

Its not a hovercraft.. and not some skis underwater..

a flying penguin.. maybe

pete morgan
ThinkGeek and WIRED's GeekDad team up for the Ultimate 
GeekDad Father's Day Giveaway. ONE MASSIVE PRIZE to the 
lucky parental unit.  See the prize list and enter to win:
Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Ask willie

2010-06-21 Thread Peter Morgan
The idea is a complete ideas zone...and keep daftness away from core..

Well away from and probably working in concert with flightgear-bugs..

An idea anyway,

peter morgan
ThinkGeek and WIRED's GeekDad team up for the Ultimate 
GeekDad Father's Day Giveaway. ONE MASSIVE PRIZE to the 
lucky parental unit.  See the prize list and enter to win:
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Official

2010-06-21 Thread Peter Morgan
Ohh.. fogot to mention legal USA entities blocked
china, Libya, iran.. etc are exactly the same.. SF is not free anymore as it
blocked in various territiries... so indeed FG is only free if not in those

and to really wind americans up..
BP is now the blame..
ie British Petrolium== Anglo Iranian Oil

As I said.. I'm being a devils advocate because I want the situation to be
clear and legal and defined..

That is my wish.. FlightGear is a future.. its cool and brilliant.. and am
desperate to see it succesful..

And I also want it to be safe and steady eddie and confident with bounds
fenined towards that goal.. ;-)


On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 1:05 AM, Peter Morgan p...@freeflightsim.orgwrote:

 On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 7:21 AM, Nathanael Rebsch 

 congratulations 'peter morgan' for posting such an amusiong email.

 Thank you.. I take that as a compliment..

 Please add me along with John Denker .. and guess everyone else chased
 him away.. maybe me also

 Who was the inspiration for the flightgear-bugs site... denker.. and are
 we using it yes ? is it useful.. well it being used..

 Pete Morgan
 Ayr Cymru

 *Linux Air*

 Disgruntled employees of all the other OS airlines decide to start their
 own airline. They build the planes, ticket counters, and pave the runways
 themselves. They charge a small fee to cover the cost of printing the
 ticket, but you can also download and print the ticket yourself.

 When you board the plane, you are given a seat, four bolts, a wrench and a
 copy of the seat-HOWTO.html. Once settled, the fully adjustable seat is very
 comfortable, the plane leaves and arrives on time without a single problem,
 the in-flight meal is wonderful. You try to tell customers of the other
 airlines about the great trip, but all they can say is, You had to do what
 with the seat?

ThinkGeek and WIRED's GeekDad team up for the Ultimate 
GeekDad Father's Day Giveaway. ONE MASSIVE PRIZE to the 
lucky parental unit.  See the prize list and enter to win:
Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] ATC

2010-06-21 Thread Peter Morgan
the current ATC clients are deformed in some ways...

although there are a few atc client around such as
1) ATC
2) ATC2
3) ATCML - fav

so if can explain my local situation.. I'm training some crew ie kids of
all ages to understand some IFR/ATC, and indeed the scenario changes with
that.. indeed..

some issues i have are that
1) the font dont look right, its a blur..
2) I use the ATC client for comms and chat, but otherwsie mpmap
3) this without FGcom

so is there a way to create an ATC client without FG ?

ie speaking to the mp port, but with a netbook etc?
ie a new client with a socket and map

I have already slaved the chat with a telnet port, but its a long long and
gets longersand longerand longer and longer string..

Also is there a way the airspeed of the aircraft can be part of the telnet

ThinkGeek and WIRED's GeekDad team up for the Ultimate 
GeekDad Father's Day Giveaway. ONE MASSIVE PRIZE to the 
lucky parental unit.  See the prize list and enter to win:
Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Official

2010-06-20 Thread Peter Morgan
I notice that there is a domain named

This site is self titled as
Welcome at the official database for FlightGear liveries!

With respect I wish to establish some facts
1) who are the officers in charge to make it official and
2) where is the database, and under the GPL terms how do I aqquire that
database and also
3) how you consider that using a company's logo makes it official.

I am provoking questions here as
1) there is no official organisation  - apart from all the contributors and
domain owners whim and
2) the data is upon some proprietry server somewhere and definately not
available to the General public and
3) You are using my companys logo, and under some terms you are WELL OUT OF
TRADEMARK order...

I will challenge this in UK courts the rights.. its a bit of a test case for
me as I can file documents.. and indeed need it to be a test bed for the
I need a response fast.. though

I want to know who is using logo's from companies, so I can sue them and
take your network down on behalf of some airline or patents.. and u better
get a LIFE..

Virgin are a good candiate.. But a leary airline in ireland want to charge
for a poo..

and believe me.. I firmly beleve that rimble is coming...

Devils advocate

(and can see it coming)
ThinkGeek and WIRED's GeekDad team up for the Ultimate 
GeekDad Father's Day Giveaway. ONE MASSIVE PRIZE to the 
lucky parental unit.  See the prize list and enter to win:
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Metapost for drawing instruments?

2010-06-12 Thread Peter Morgan
js.canvas and webGL is cool


On Sat, Jun 12, 2010 at 5:01 PM, Melchior FRANZ wrote:

 * Melchior FRANZ -- Friday 11 June 2010:
  Guess I have to answer now, as the links in that posting are no longer
 $ wget [5 kB]

   $ git clone git://


 ThinkGeek and WIRED's GeekDad team up for the Ultimate
 GeekDad Father's Day Giveaway. ONE MASSIVE PRIZE to the
 lucky parental unit.  See the prize list and enter to win:
 Flightgear-devel mailing list

ThinkGeek and WIRED's GeekDad team up for the Ultimate 
GeekDad Father's Day Giveaway. ONE MASSIVE PRIZE to the 
lucky parental unit.  See the prize list and enter to win:
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Offical Logos's + Merchanside

2010-06-08 Thread Peter Morgan
Is this the official FG merchansise then ?

I feel mugged as the logo on the the t-shirt, website, wiki and forum don't


On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 10:44 PM, Torsten Dreyer wrote:

  Torsten's wife is a graphics designer and put together this logo:
  I'm sure I could dig up the original hi-res artwork if it's something you
  wanted to use.  But if it's your money getting spent initially, you
  definitely should be the one to make the final decision of what graphics
  use and how things should look.
 We also have the original vector graphic format (Adobe Illustrator, IIRC)
 that is of any interest. I'll see, if I can upload it to the wiki's logo
 when I'm back home on sunday.


 ThinkGeek and WIRED's GeekDad team up for the Ultimate
 GeekDad Father's Day Giveaway. ONE MASSIVE PRIZE to the
 lucky parental unit.  See the prize list and enter to win:
 Flightgear-devel mailing list

ThinkGeek and WIRED's GeekDad team up for the Ultimate 
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[Flightgear-devel] Offical Logos's + Merchanside

2010-06-07 Thread Peter Morgan
Can we look again the coporate image and

want a stock of official FlightGear logos so I print a t-shirt and use as
promotion, posters et all??

I want to print my own in Welsh style for various reasons.

With TAG coming up imminent, I am curious what the stand looks like ...

The first one is olde like

The newer F looks like its military.. we need something generic and
adaptable.. Like Ubuntu, fedex.. or the big M..

ThinkGeek and WIRED's GeekDad team up for the Ultimate 
GeekDad Father's Day Giveaway. ONE MASSIVE PRIZE to the 
lucky parental unit.  See the prize list and enter to win:
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] mirroring flightgear / scenery

2010-06-05 Thread Peter Morgan
Guess the make/blow DVD script is not in CVS ?

and will it available, and where ?

On Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 1:10 AM, Peter Morgan wrote:

 Are your considering modern methods such as torrents and DVD and Memstick
 edible nuggets..

 even virtual machiens that do the process..

 U are obviously not making millions yet...

 Why are you not at TAG..


 I'm in for paying £100 toward flying CURT to linux tag this year.. give him
 a few beers european stlye...


 On Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 2:17 AM, Curtis Olson wrote:

 For what it's worth I do something similar here, although you want to
 replace every instance of CD in your recipe below with 3 DVD's and
 that's just the final scenery files, not including all the .svn directories.
  I'm not sure off the top of my head how much extra that costs (after
 compression.)  I sell a 3 DVD set of the most current SVN scenery (usually
 updated to within a couple days of when the DVD's are burned.)

 I would assert that if you want to always pull the latest SVN yourself,
 then you can do that pretty easily, or run terrasync which just pulls the
 latest copies of the few tiles where you are currently flying.

 There are always lots of ways to do things, so if someone wants to do
 something a bit different, then by all means you are welcome to it.


 On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 7:49 PM, Peter Morgan wrote:

 The intention is to..
 1) create a distribution CD/DVD set  of the whole world from google svn
 2) use the SVN checkout as the source and checkout these locally onto
 remote blow machine
 3) snip up the data into a CD set, including the .svn data files
 (smash/bash script)
 4) consumer gets CD and copies to local terrasync dir
 5) terrasync will update the necessary items..
 6) consumer then compies various areas onto cd, mem stick bicycles up
 the road, across the lawn upstairs and onto firend laptop to contuniew

 Essentially we want to provide new pilots will basic world terrain and
 then allow them to update from there,
 ie svn up and for tortise svn, a right click on the folder and update..

 means that the .svn directory need to be intact..

 thats the idea..
 dont know it it will work.. still playing with a way to get latest
 /Aircraft/ after a git move..


 On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 5:16 PM, Martin Spott martin.sp...@mgras.netwrote:

 Peter Morgan wrote:

  Is it practical to just SVN up the latest terrasync onto a remote
  and then ZIP it from there ?

 Depends on what your intention is.

  Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are


 ThinkGeek and WIRED's GeekDad team up for the Ultimate
 GeekDad Father's Day Giveaway. ONE MASSIVE PRIZE to the
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 ThinkGeek and WIRED's GeekDad team up for the Ultimate
 GeekDad Father's Day Giveaway. ONE MASSIVE PRIZE to the
 lucky parental unit.  See the prize list and enter to win:
 Flightgear-devel mailing list

 Curtis Olson:

 ThinkGeek and WIRED's GeekDad team up for the Ultimate
 GeekDad Father's Day Giveaway. ONE MASSIVE PRIZE to the
 lucky parental unit.  See the prize list and enter to win:
 Flightgear-devel mailing list

ThinkGeek and WIRED's GeekDad team up for the Ultimate 
GeekDad Father's Day Giveaway. ONE MASSIVE PRIZE to the 
lucky parental unit.  See the prize list and enter to win:
Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] FG_ROOT git

2010-06-05 Thread Peter Morgan
This aint working for me..

its a 2.5gig package and lots of bandwith for the core pancake.

the core snaphost includes ALL the aircraft and more that 40%+ abandoned..
redundant space. shite load of DEAD files...

Aircraft deginers cannot MOVE beacause it means updating whole tree..

Coders (eg c++) don't not want to entertain data updates and scripts..

The NAV.dat cant be updates cos its a huge data set, even though it would be
better uncompressed..

Guess were gonna be watching stagnationion for a period until somone
upstairs and in a postion can help to solve the problem..

There are a few idea, but as usual it needs managment approval.. and plan..
if any...

In the mean time.. there is NO incentive to move.. and not plan forwith..

FG will suffer..Scenery et all will

ThinkGeek and WIRED's GeekDad team up for the Ultimate 
GeekDad Father's Day Giveaway. ONE MASSIVE PRIZE to the 
lucky parental unit.  See the prize list and enter to win:
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] mirroring flightgear / scenery

2010-06-04 Thread Peter Morgan
The intention is to..
1) create a distribution CD/DVD set  of the whole world from google svn
2) use the SVN checkout as the source and checkout these locally onto
remote blow machine
3) snip up the data into a CD set, including the .svn data files
(smash/bash script)
4) consumer gets CD and copies to local terrasync dir
5) terrasync will update the necessary items..
6) consumer then compies various areas onto cd, mem stick bicycles up the
road, across the lawn upstairs and onto firend laptop to contuniew

Essentially we want to provide new pilots will basic world terrain and
then allow them to update from there,
ie svn up and for tortise svn, a right click on the folder and update..

means that the .svn directory need to be intact..

thats the idea..
dont know it it will work.. still playing with a way to get latest
/Aircraft/ after a git move..


On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 5:16 PM, Martin Spott wrote:

 Peter Morgan wrote:

  Is it practical to just SVN up the latest terrasync onto a remote machine
  and then ZIP it from there ?

 Depends on what your intention is.

  Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

 ThinkGeek and WIRED's GeekDad team up for the Ultimate
 GeekDad Father's Day Giveaway. ONE MASSIVE PRIZE to the
 lucky parental unit.  See the prize list and enter to win:
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ThinkGeek and WIRED's GeekDad team up for the Ultimate 
GeekDad Father's Day Giveaway. ONE MASSIVE PRIZE to the 
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Re: [Flightgear-devel] outerra news

2010-06-04 Thread Peter Morgan
Is there a begginers guide ?

I've been down this path before got stuck with terra and some
sgrequirement.. never worked..


On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 10:20 PM, Martin Spott martin.sp...@mgras.netwrote:

 Gene Buckle wrote:

  That is just amazing.  TerraGear should do that. :)

 Everyone's invited to contribute  ;-)

  Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

 ThinkGeek and WIRED's GeekDad team up for the Ultimate
 GeekDad Father's Day Giveaway. ONE MASSIVE PRIZE to the
 lucky parental unit.  See the prize list and enter to win:
 Flightgear-devel mailing list

ThinkGeek and WIRED's GeekDad team up for the Ultimate 
GeekDad Father's Day Giveaway. ONE MASSIVE PRIZE to the 
lucky parental unit.  See the prize list and enter to win:
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] mirroring flightgear / scenery

2010-06-03 Thread Peter Morgan
Is it practical to just SVN up the latest terrasync onto a remote machine
and then ZIP it from there ?


On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 11:49 AM, Nathanael Rebsch nathan...@dihedral.dewrote:


 Thanks for that reply. that was quite helpful already.
 took the last 12 hours for a full sync of

 as this is done, i still have some things:
 - i would rather run http than ftp (or do you require ftp or other
 - for round robin dns, which domain name would hit the server?
 - do you use other methods other than round robin dns? (i.e. letting
 users chose themselves?)


 Nathanael Rebsch

 i have

 Curtis Olson wrote:
  Hi Nathanael,
  It doesn't look like anyone replied yet.  Here is a bit of info.
  The flightgear ftp tree is about 5+ Gb.  The scenery tree (packaged
  and compressed) is about 12.5 Gb.
  Mirroring targets (using rsync) can be viewed with:
  It's hard to say what monthly bandwidth would be to your server.  If
  we add you into our round robin download system it will be much higher
  than if we don't.  If you want to try being part of the round robin
  system I can set that up (once your mirror is established and the
  content is current) and you can monitor the bandwidth and see what you
  For updating/syncing the mirror, I think once a day should be plenty
  in most cases ... perhaps when there is a new release you might want
  to run an extra manual sync just to get updated a little sooner, but
  that would be up to you.
  On Sat, May 1, 2010 at 6:12 AM, wrote:
  I just recently got my hands on a good vserver deal, and would
  like to support
  flightgear with that.
  for that i thought of mirroring flightgear (or parts thereof).
  Jadzia mentioned that mirroring scenery would probably be a good
  idea. another
  'someone' mentioned running another mpserver (though i believe
  there are enough
  german mp instances already).
  which brings me to the location ;-)
  the vserver is located in germany.
  i would love to have some details though, before mirroring
  anything - such as,
  expected bandwidth / traffic (current values should be sufficient
  i presume).
  amount of data (i was already given a value of roughly 15GB),
  frequency of
  updates, method of updates, etc.
  whatever is needed for running a mirror and what expectations your
  have for
  mirror sites.
  Nathanael Rebsch
  aka dihedral
  Flightgear-devel mailing list
  Curtis Olson:
  Flightgear-devel mailing list

 ThinkGeek and WIRED's GeekDad team up for the Ultimate
 GeekDad Father's Day Giveaway. ONE MASSIVE PRIZE to the
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ThinkGeek and WIRED's GeekDad team up for the Ultimate 
GeekDad Father's Day Giveaway. ONE MASSIVE PRIZE to the 
lucky parental unit.  See the prize list and enter to win:
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[Flightgear-devel] Flight School ---

2010-05-30 Thread Peter Morgan
Jommo, wiki, MILSTD + all:

* Your idea is the school and college and I love it ;-) after flight club
and school
* new pilots need to understand IFR narrative of flight plan.
* new pilots are flying nowhere without navaids
* A plan that can be executed without ATC presence.
* Instead of flying nowhere after take off , there is somewhere to arrive
and terminate at. ie purpose and can do it..
* The idea is to introduce pilots to IFR, with a SID and a STAR.  the next
step is Jommo ATC..

So where is the idea for the College part, and request feedback.
my idea .. for comments..

the idea and snapshot and the Subject, narrative dialog  is a
 scenario is based on two views.
 The reality and flightplan
 The ATC view
 the PILOT of aircraft view
 some explanation

Please bear i minds this is itntro material, so needs to be simple, real
and fast.



RFC .. and something that can work in welsh, french, italiano, double dutch,
german and eskimo ATC over northen Pole.

ATC chatter I want to place within the tutorials to make it more live


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Invitations for LinuxTag

2010-05-30 Thread Peter Morgan
Dear Mike,

Unfortunately I cannot attend or indeed afford the ticket to Linux Tag this

My plan is therefore to virtually be there by making my presence know with..
My personal 787. Please note I will be doing a fly by as I cannot afford the
landing charge.
A speeding ticket is OK as I will be speed up to get out of jurristriction.

Whats the arrival time ?
Who' ATCing the Tag STAR ?


On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 1:12 PM, Martin Spott martin.sp...@mgras.netwrote:

 Hi folks,
 as in every year, we're having a couple of free visitor tickets for the
 LinuxTag expo in Berlin to share among interested fellows. Thus, if
 you, your friends or colleagues are interested to experience LinuxTag,
 please send me their name and EMail-adress, so I can assign a free
 ticket for them. See:

 The're going to recieve an EMail containing an access code to download
 their individual, printable ticket form from a web site. The ticket
 form has to be downloaded within 48 hours afther the access code has
 been sent to them.

  Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Class-based MP aircraft visibility

2010-05-24 Thread Peter Morgan
Thats cool and will work imho.

Means my kids can select newbie, whilst more experienced users can select
skill levels or wanting levels.

Also does this mean one can patch the mpmap to hide users aswell ?


On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 12:28 AM, Stuart Buchanan stuar...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 10:56 PM, I wrote:
  On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 9:37 PM, Rob Shearman, Jr. wrote:
  I too have a few concerns about this proposal, partially due to the
  invitation to segregate the community, but also due to the complexity
  the various use-case scenarios, as illustrated by the example you
  attempted to explain.  Testing and troubleshooting that solution alone
  sounds like a bit of a nightmare.
  Actually, the code is pretty straightforward, and I think the UI will be
  pretty intuitive as well. I'll post a screenshot once I've got a dialog
  set up.

 Here's a first attempt at the dialog:

 The dropdown contains the same items as the checkboxes.

 So, the user selects their MP group, and the groups they want to display.

 I'll need to add a small amount of complexity to allow selection and
 of arbitrary groups from the GUI (they can already be set from
 but that can wait.



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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Fwd: IMPORTANT PLEASE READ: Astrasim Expo Summer Sim 2010

2010-05-24 Thread Peter Morgan
Can I suggest you contact Curt and get this added to the flightgear calendar

eg like


On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 7:35 PM, Curtis Olson curt0...@flightgear.orgwrote:

 Just passing this along to anyone who might not have seen the announcement,
 but may be interested.


 -- Forwarded message --
 From: John Marshall
 Date: Mon, May 24, 2010 at 4:47 AM
 Subject: IMPORTANT PLEASE READ: Astrasim Expo Summer Sim 2010


 Summer Sim 2010 is to be held at the Royal Air Force Museum, Cosford on
 August 28 – 29

 This amazing weekend has been designed and organised with one aim. To bring
 together developers and publishers from around the UK and Europe.  Alongside
 virtual airlines, user groups and other non commercial societies who have
 supported flight sim for many years.

 Customers are the most important part of your business and maintaining that
 relationship is difficult at times, but make them welcome, show your passion
 and you will have a customer for life. It has never been a better time to
 present your company or group to a large captive audience.

 Below are just some of the reasons why anyone connected with flight
 simulation should seriously look to attend this event.

 · Bank Holiday Weekend in the UK

 · Latest estimate in visitors, predict over 5,000 people to attend

 · Plus FREE ENTRY to all visitors

 · Attract new customers to your business and members to your

 · Opportunity to network and meet with other like minded
 enthusiasts and business leaders

 · Promote your company or organisation

 · Sponsorship opportunities (see attached document)

 · Commercial companies can attend from as little as £240

 · FREE to all non commercial organisations to attend (space is
 limited BOOK EARLY)

 Summer Sim 2010 is the UK’s number 1 choice for the leading companies to
 attend; they understand the need to exhibit, and the potential to introduce
 new people and increase sales.

 Be visible and transparent to your customer, meet and greet, demonstrate
 your latest wares.

 We here at Astrasim Expo Ltd are determined to move flight simulation in
 the right direction, with the right leadership. Creating an experience and a
 weekend all flight simulation enthusiasts can be proud to be a part of.

 Make Summer Sim 2010 your main event this year.


 Commercial companies can attend this two day event from as little as £240

 Non commercial groups can attend for FREE

 Space is limited and many companies are already committed.

 Please don’t miss out or delay in making your submission to be a part of
 this amazing weekend. Astrasim Expo Ltd has arrived and we’re proud to be
 organisers of this great show at RAF Museum Cosford August 28-29

 We now invite you to Summer Sim 2010


 John Marshall

 Managing Director

 Astrasim Expo Ltd

 Phone: +44 (0) 1922 666 448

 See you at Summer Sim 2010!

 Curtis Olson:


 Flightgear-devel mailing list


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] FlightGear Tracker crash

2010-05-21 Thread Peter Morgan
If we get to for example 50 mpservers, then there's gonna be a lot of admin
involved for every change

On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 8:34 AM, Anders Gidenstam

 On Fri, 21 May 2010, Peter Morgan wrote:

  a restart is also required after a DNS change of a server, or a new one
  Is there a way to reset an mpserver remotely?
  eg reloading config every hour or remote telnet command ?

 No and yes. :)
 There is no way built into fgms (and adding one would require thinking
 about the security implications) but I would guess that most fgms
 administrators have remote access to the box that runs the server.

 IIRC fgms can almost but not quite reload the configuration file when
 receiving a hangup (SIG_HUP) signal. Fixing that and/or adding the
 function to re-resolve the relay names each day (or so) could be useful.

 Something related: 06 changed IP address last weekend so servers that
 haven't been restarted since need to be restarted to relay correctly.


 Anders Gidenstam


 Flightgear-devel mailing list


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Developers

2010-05-21 Thread Peter Morgan
On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 1:19 PM, Reagan Thomas wrote:

 Peter Morgan wrote:
  Its is/was bit of a dark how to get commit permission to FG and
  its seems to be one Curt in control.
  Can someone explain to process to submitting patches to this new git
  scenario, or are we to be held in the grey area of hopefulnes as well ?
  eg I'd like to submit a patch for the 787 that actually makes it boot up!
 As always, you can submit your patch on this list, along with a clear
 description of what problem it is solving and how it solves it.  That
 serves as notification to the original aircraft developer (Josh Wilson
 in this case) and gives others on the list a chance to see the changes
 in case Josh is on walk-about.  If he doesn't respond and folks on the
 list agree to patch is cool, I'm sure someone will commit it.

 1) ave tried to contract Josh for a long time but is missing
2) two patches have already been submitted to this list and NONE have been
3) Developers do not want to mess with an aircraft designers repos..
4) Catch 22

Imho we might as well remove 787 from the Repos, its broken, unmaintained,
and just taking up space, as well as frustrating other users who might want
to try.



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Re: [Flightgear-devel] professinal/educational uses of FlightGear...

2010-05-20 Thread Peter Morgan
Maybe thats because they can interact atmo


On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 12:10 AM, Martin Spott martin.sp...@mgras.netwrote:

 Gene Buckle wrote:
  On Fri, 14 May 2010, Martin Spott wrote:

  Good idea - it's just that I'm slightly uncertain if all those people
  who are involved into professional use of FlightGear are permitted to
  talk about their respective projects in the public 
  I suspect the ones that can, will. :)

 The ones _I_ know have so far decided to remain pretty silent in the
 public  ;-)

  Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !


 Flightgear-devel mailing list


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FlightGear Tracker crash

2010-05-20 Thread Peter Morgan
a restart is also required after a DNS change of a server, or a new one etc.

Is there a way to reset an mpserver remotely?

eg reloading config every hour or remote telnet command ?


On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 9:08 AM, Gabor Toth wrote:


  it seems, not all the MP servers are connected to the tracker currently:

 # sh /root/

  Maybe some of them haven't been restarted after the crash of tracker.
 Please restart them.


 On Wednesday 2010 May 05 21:42:08 Gabor Toth wrote:
  Dear All,
unfortunately, there was a double disk failure on Monday in the tracker
  server causing the server to crash. After replacing the disks I've been
  working to restore commercial services first, and today I could finally
  restore flightgear tracker as well.
  Sorry for the inconveniences,
  --- ___
  Flightgear-devel mailing list


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[Flightgear-devel] Developers

2010-05-20 Thread Peter Morgan
Its is/was bit of a dark how to get commit permission to FG and its
seems to be one Curt in control.

Can someone explain to process to submitting patches to this new git
scenario, or are we to be held in the grey area of hopefulnes as well ?

eg I'd like to submit a patch for the 787 that actually makes it boot up!


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] professinal/educational uses of FlightGear...

2010-05-18 Thread Peter Morgan
The page I would like to spawn off in a subdomain as is here

But those are external projects, and I would propose that the projects is
a dedicated site, where porject managers can update, or indeed probably
aggregate data feeds for curiosity.

Internally I would suggest as an R+D site, and could be the internal
projects to flightgear research.

just a pennys worth of thoughts..


On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 4:58 PM, Jim Duchek wrote:

 I would think it ideal to gradually 'get rid' of a lot of the pages on the
 website, and link directly to various entries in the wiki instead.  A lot of
 the website (especially the developer stuff) is out of date and it would be
 a lot easier to just let users keep it current by using the wiki.


 On 14 May 2010 21:45, Gene Buckle wrote:

 On Fri, 14 May 2010, Martin Spott wrote:

  Gene Buckle wrote:
  I'd like to build as comprehensive list as possible that shows all the
  various professional  educational uses  users of FlightGear.
  Good idea - it's just that I'm slightly uncertain if all those people
  who are involved into professional use of FlightGear are permitted to
  talk about their respective projects in the public 
 I suspect the ones that can, will. :)

  Gijs has been kind enough to get a running start on this list by
  the following wiki page:
  I think you're basically in the process of forking this page:
    which might serve as a measure about how well recieved
  some parts of FlightGear's 'official' web site are  ;-) tines ring for thee!



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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Interlink a new server?

2010-05-14 Thread Peter Morgan
mpserver02 still needs to exist for the mpmap02 though ?
mpmap01 has not been working for a while


On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 11:26 PM, Sabin Densmore wrote:

 Hash: SHA1

 Makes sense to me. The box I'm using has the following IP address, which
 is probably better to use than the domain name:

 - - sabin

 Csaba Halász wrote:
  On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 10:43 PM, Curtis Olson
  If someone tells me what dns changes should be made, I can make them.
  Okay, what do you think about this:
  1) rename 02 to 14 (that is the next one, I believe)
  2) assign 03 to the new server, as 03 has been down for a very long time
  1) anybody who used 02 would be forced to reconsider his choice and
  hopefully make an intelligent pick
  2) people who blindly start from 01 until they hit a working server
  would encounter 01,03,04 and 05, all - to my knowledge - quite
  powerful machines, and located in Europe,US,UK,US respectively.
  3) pigeon's server would only have to handle the users from his
  region, hopefully it has enough bandwidth to cope without problems

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] June / LinuxTag release

2010-05-07 Thread Peter Morgan
Shall I put this in the calendar.. so we can all get in sequence together ?


On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 5:06 PM, James Turner wrote:

 I want to make a 2.1 FG release, at the end of this month, or the very
 start of June.

 As far as I can see, the current code is pretty good - many bugs have been
 fixed since 2.0, and while I'm sure some new ones have crept in, I don't
 have many code quality concerns - if we were to cut tarballs from the source
 code today, we'd definitely be in a better place than 2.0 in terms of bugs.

 (If people know of regressions from 2.0, or regressions in 2.0 from 1.9.x,
 I hope they would mention them here, or even in the bugtracker)

 Anyway, the key thing - what are the steps to make a release happen. I'm
 seeking to capture the actual steps (and ideally script them), so even if
 Curt  Durk both get hit by the proverbial bus tomorrow, we can still make a
 Flightgear release ever again. But also, I'm seeking to remove the human
 factors from the release process, and especially not feel that we're
 overloading people just because a release needs to happen - eg, around
 LinuxTag Durk is often quite busy organising things :)

 My build system (  ) is working well for Mac
 and Linux - MinGW is giving me some pain, I will look into cross-compiling
 mingw this weekend. If anyone wants to volunteer some time, a Windows box
 with Visual Studio, some disk space, and bandwidth, I am happy to work with
 them to get an automated VS build going. Adding more automated steps, even
 ones which only happen for 'special' builds (eg, a release candidate) is
 extremely trivial.



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Re: [Flightgear-devel] June / LinuxTag release

2010-05-07 Thread Peter Morgan

So we need a working version on the tuesday before ..

The following tuesday, U will be taking that to Linux tag.. on a chip ?


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Fly In and Linux Tag

2010-05-07 Thread Peter Morgan
So we want some ATC each day and could we plan that ?


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Multiple istance of FlightGear

2010-05-04 Thread Peter Morgan
I tried this once before.. found that you need to hardcode the IP addresses.

hope it works


On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 2:33 PM, luca nastro liuk_skyla...@hotmail.comwrote:

 Visualizza caratteri romani

 I have a problem: I launch 2 istance FlightGear on two different hosts.
 I followed the guide describes how to have multi-monitor:
 fgfs1 - native-fdm = socket, out, 60, IP-host2, 5500, udp
 fgfs2 - native-fdm = socket, in, 60,, 5500, udp - fdm = null

 But these lines of command shall ensure that the controls (acceleration,
 pitch, yaw, etc. ..),
 the FDM and viewing occurs on fgfs1 while fgfs2 is on display.

 I want to fgfs1 there are the flight controls, while there is fgfs2 on the
 FDM and visualization.

 thanks in advance


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2010-04-24 Thread Peter Morgan
Why is the web dev a closed circiut..

Bullshot Baffles Braind as we use in muc terms..

Curt .. step down and delegate..

BTW this does not mean I am automatically mean one iss  master

Means other ruins it for you..
Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] ATC

2010-04-24 Thread Peter Morgan
So ATC is restricted to a few 10's of NM to location

This doth not work with sector control, however frivolous that may be..

Ideally I can be ATC for EGLL, EHAM and all in one..

Can we tweak it that way?

Also ATC_ML is cool and why is this not in git pps ... CVS ?

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Web development

2010-04-24 Thread Peter Morgan
I am just interested to know the state of on-line web presence moving

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