Re: [gentoo-user] system with no network needs updates

2005-04-05 Thread Stroller
On Apr 5, 2005, at 7:54 pm, Grant wrote:
PS and I dont see how the line in the wiki could have worked well 
emerge -fp used to have different behavior.
Thanks a lot Eugene, that second line worked great.  Let me know if I
should update the wiki:
Yes, you should.
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] system with no network needs updates

2005-04-05 Thread Stroller
On Apr 5, 2005, at 1:27 am, Grant wrote:
Each line in your links.txt is a list of different mirror urls for 
same package separated by '%20'.
This should take the first link from every line and pass it to wget:
cat links.txt | sed -e 's/%20.*//' | xargs -n 1 wget
or alternatively:
sed -e 's/%20.*//' links.txt links1.txt
wget -i links1.txt
Actually that first line of code ends up trying to download the same
file over and over.
Won't wget's -c flag resolve this?
  sed -e 's/%20.*//' links.txt links1.txt  wget -ci links1.txt
or perhaps (I haven't tested):
  sed -e 's/%20.*//' links.txt links1.txt | wget -ci
In any case `man wget` is your friend.
I think there are a bunch of different paths
specified for each file so it can always find one that works.
Uh.. that's the point. The file is a list of full paths to the file(s) 
on all the mirrors specified in the make.conf on the machine that 
created it. Thus one can be sure that when one takes the links.txt to 
another machine  downloads the files it won't fail simply because a 
single mirror is inaccessible.

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] adding to the wiki

2005-04-03 Thread Stroller
On Apr 3, 2005, at 4:39 am, Grant wrote:
I tried your code with similar strange results.  I can not figure that
thing out.
Any chance you  can post  te URL to the  article you're writing, so I 
can see?

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] system with no network needs updates

2005-04-03 Thread Stroller
On Apr 4, 2005, at 1:25 am, Grant wrote:
Looking a little closer at the output of 'wget -i links.txt' :
   = `sysvinit-2.86.tar.gz'
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
17:14:20 ERROR 404: Not Found.

In links.txt each of the paths for any given file are concatenated
(correct usage?) with a space character, and wget is trying to fetch
the entire string.  Does anyone know how to make wget use this file
$ sed 's/%20/ /' 

Please trim your postings,
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] system with no network needs updates

2005-04-02 Thread Stroller
On Apr 2, 2005, at 8:22 pm, Grant wrote:
...I think what I need to do is fetch a few packages on
another system, burn them to a CD, and copy them from the CD to the
appropriate places on the network-less system.  For baselayout, would
I want to get and put /usr/portage/sys-apps/baselayout/* ?
To copy over only /usr/portage/sys-apps/baselayout/ is inelegant - it 
brings in only the ebuilds for baselayout, which might depend on other 
packages in the tree.

The best thing to do is grab a whole Portage snapshot on a network 
connected machine - you'll find these at [UK mirror]

When you've copied this across to the networkless machine  unpacked it 
the right place you can then find out what packages to download by 
typing `emerge -pf world`. This should give you a whole list of URLs 
which you can wget from the networked machine.

The Gentoo Wiki has an article about this -
If you see any room for tidying, please update it - I think the 
Updating the portage tree section should come a the beginning, not 
the end??


-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] restricted IMAP configuration

2005-04-02 Thread Stroller
On Apr 2, 2005, at 11:24 pm, Grant wrote:
I'm using email as the clock in/clock out mechanism for my employees
and I'd like to make sure they can only do that when they're at work.
Is there an IMAP client that will let me hide the password once it's
set up?  That should be enough right there.
U... can't you firewall it so that the IMAP server can only be 
accessed from inside the building?

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] restricted IMAP configuration

2005-04-02 Thread Stroller
On Apr 3, 2005, at 2:06 am, Grant wrote:
I'm using email as the clock in/clock out mechanism for my employees
and I'd like to make sure they can only do that when they're at work.
Is there an IMAP client that will let me hide the password once it's
set up?  That should be enough right there.
U... can't you firewall it so that the IMAP server can only be
accessed from inside the building?
I should have said the server is on my remote machine.
Sorry for not broadening my approach here, but why not firewall the 
remote machine so it only accepts IMAP connections from the office's IP 
address? Your users _could_ spoof their IP addresses, but they're 
unlikely to do so just to beat the time clock. If you need to access 
IMAP yourself from other locations, have it listen on another port (to 
which the office IP is firewalled out).

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] adding to the wiki

2005-04-02 Thread Stroller
On Apr 3, 2005, at 3:06 am, Grant wrote:
I can't figure this out.  I tried to add this to the wiki:

== Burning ISO images with cdrecord ==
This is a section title, so should be shown at the top of the preview 

Here is a pretty self-explanatory line for burning an ISO image to a
CD with cdrecord:
{{Box_Code|Burn the ISO image:|
# cdrecord -dev=/dev/cdrom blank=fast ~/image.iso
I think the # needs a space before it to indicate that it's 

I usually use something like:
  {{Box_Code|Burn the ISO image:|
  # cdrecord -dev=/dev/cdrom blank=fast ~/image.iso
If in doubt, copy  paste from the edit box of some other article 
that displays right.

But since it is a single line of code, it might be more appropriate to 

  Here is a pretty self-explanatory line for burning an ISO image to a 
CD with cdrecord:
  {{Codeline|cdrecord -dev=/dev/cdrom blank=fast ~/image.iso}}

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] sometimes internet works only after /etc/init.d/net.eth0 restart

2005-04-01 Thread Stroller
On Mar 31, 2005, at 8:01 pm, Antonio Coralles wrote:
Maybe this is also helpfull:
Portage (default-linux/x86/2004.3, gcc-3.3.5,
glibc-, 2.6.10-gentoo-r6 i686)
Which version of baselayout are you using, please? I can't pretend to 
be an expert on it, but I have done some experimentation with the 
testing ebuilds around 1.11.10  this sort of behaviour sounds kinda 

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo for the Windows NT Kernel

2005-04-01 Thread Stroller
On Apr 1, 2005, at 5:59 pm, Leo wrote:
Is the part about MS buying the posix interface it true?  I can't 
believe I fell for this even if just for the 5 minutes I though about 
how useless running linux on the NT kernel would be.
I'd like to have that second sentence framed  hung on the wall of 
every corporate manager on the planet. It won't make any difference, of 
course, but the engineers will at least be able to point at it 
afterwards and say we told you so.

I'm not sure of the details, and whether the project is completed or 
under development, but Microsoft do indeed intend that one should be 
able to run Linux apps on their XP server products. I _think_ this is 
via system calls rather than a virtual machine, but I don't really know 
- I'm sure a Google would reveal more.

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] [OT] Users and errors (was: help line 6: B: command not found FIXED, user error in config file...)

2005-03-30 Thread Stroller
On Mar 30, 2005, at 2:20 pm, Dave Nebinger wrote:
2.  Totally configurable via gui - no low-level file editing.  As power
users this is something that we want/need, but the windows user 
expects to
pull up a dialog for the program and click checkboxes to turn things 
on and
off.  I can just imagine the dialogs necessary to configure something 
postfix or sendmail ;-)
This is exactly why Windows is so aggravating - mandatory GUI 
configuration is Windows' major failing, IMO.

All applications have idiosyncratic, unexpected, or just plain quirky 
behaviour, and many have bugs. Trying to document or reproduce that 
from a GUI perspective is a nightmare. Can you imagine being trying to 
reproduce the behaviour to file a bug report saying if the `update 
file progress' checkbox on the `server statistics' tab is checked when 
the application is running in `silent mode` then uploads will stall 
unless the  `apply' button is pressed on the `configuration' window 
prior to exiting the menu? Yet such a bug is quite conceivable.

Let's compare that with a similar bug report for a Linux application - 
changing config file to say UPDATE_FILE_PROGRESS=1 causes uploads to 
stall when `/etc/init.d/msexchange reload` is called. Isn't that much 
easier? No wonder changes to the registry are so often needed on 
Windows machines in order to configure advanced behaviour.

If you can imagine the dialogs necessary to configure something like 
postfix or sendmail, then perhaps that's because  you've worked on MS 
Exchange. Or even Outlook! Software is a compromise, and if you have a 
powerful, versatile application then you will by necessity have many 
configuration options; there comes a point at which wrapping those up 
in a GUI is no longer beneficial, as administrators have to wade 
through through different menus and dialog boxes in order to find them. 
Certainly this is no problem for experienced admins undertaking 
familiar tasks, but it's easy to forget a single step of even a 
frequently-used procedure - the alternative of a single configuration 
file allows one to edit from top to bottom, safe in the knowledge that 
no configuration options are hidden by an advanced button or an 
inadequately-labelled checkbox.

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] a closet server

2005-03-29 Thread Stroller
On Mar 29, 2005, at 4:21 am, Grant wrote:
Where do you guys go when you want a barebones server for the closet?
I've built machines before but it seems like it might make more sense
to buy one these days.
No connection, just a happy customer. I got a quad-Xeon with 
hot-swappable SCSI RAID  hot-swappable PSUs from this guy for £79. You 
*know* you want one.

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] a closet server

2005-03-29 Thread Stroller
On Mar 29, 2005, at 6:03 am, Jerry McBride wrote:
On Monday 28 March 2005 10:21 pm, Grant wrote:
Where do you guys go when you want a barebones server for the closet?
I've built machines before but it seems like it might make more sense
to buy one these days.
How much horsepower do you want? I get my servers at Walmart for 
After I sell of the unneeded accessories, it ends up costing me less 
$100.00. Works great for mundane server duties, but not suited for high
performance demands

The name of the product? XBOX by microsoft. About the only thing they 
right and price right and runs gentoo beautifully.
I was thinking about this just the other day - could an Xbox handle 
IMAP for 3 or 4 users, do you think?
I'd really like an Xbox that would handle that for 10.
I heard that older Xboxes run Linux more easily - do current ones need 
chipping in order to do so?

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Ssh DSA/RSA log in

2005-03-29 Thread Stroller
On Mar 29, 2005, at 4:51 pm, Pupeno wrote:
Je Lundo Marto 28 2005 06:26, Henrik Andersson skribis:
you may have to check file permisson of authorized_keys
I don't think that's my problem:
Not being paying attention, because this has always worked for me, so 
apologies if you've already checked:

   $ ls -l /etc/ssh/sshd_config
   -rw-r--r--  1 root root 2747 Jul 27  2004 /etc/ssh/sshd_config
   $ grep -ie RSAAuthentication -ie PubkeyAuthentication -ie 
AuthorizedKeysFile /etc/ssh/sshd_config
   #RSAAuthentication yes
   #PubkeyAuthentication yes
   #AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys
   #RhostsRSAAuthentication no
   # RhostsRSAAuthentication and HostbasedAuthentication

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] suggestions: buying a new computer

2005-03-29 Thread Stroller
On Mar 30, 2005, at 4:51 am, Peter Gordon wrote:
A. Khattri wrote:
I have to agree: SCSI disks just blow away IDE drives in terms of
performance under heavy load.
From experiences with SCSI RAID setups on the servers where I work, 
disks also blow away IDE drivers in terms of noise too ;-)
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Wireless went kaboom

2005-03-27 Thread Stroller
On Mar 27, 2005, at 8:24 pm, Jason Cooper wrote:

/etc/init.d/net.wlan0 start:
  Starting wlan0
  Configuring wireless network for wlan0
  Couldn't associate with any access points on wlan0
  Failed to configure wireless for wlan0
I've recently had the same trouble with gentoo's init scripts, hence,
the above command.
Have you tried reporting it as a bug? Uberlord is making quite active 
development on the next generation network configuration at the 

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Wireless went kaboom

2005-03-27 Thread Stroller
On Mar 27, 2005, at 7:41 pm, Ed Jabbour wrote:
/etc/conf.d/wireless is unchanged from when it worked, as is 
The symlinks in /etc/init.d are also unchanged.I have baselayout
That's an unstable baselayout isn't it? I don't have a current Gentoo 
box up right now on which to check, but I think at least it's quite 
recent. Check out /etc/conf.d/net.example  
/etc/conf.d/wireless.example if you have them - I think that if you do 
you might find there are quite a few changes in the way configuration 
should be made.

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] yarmouth?

2005-03-25 Thread Stroller
On Mar 25, 2005, at 4:34 pm, Etaoin Shrdlu wrote:
During gentoolkit emerge:

Unpacking source...
Unpacking gentoolkit-0.2.0.tar.gz
to /var/tmp/portage/gentoolkit-0.2.0/work
Source unpacked.
echo YARMOUTH (vb.) To shout at foreigners in the belief that the 
louder you
speak, the better they'll understand you.
YARMOUTH (vb.) To shout at foreigners in the belief that the louder 
you speak,
the better they'll understand you.
echo `python-config | sed 's/-l//' | sed 's/ -lm.*//'`

Where does that message come from?
It's from the book The Meaning Of Liff which I thought, appropriately 
enough for the ebuild, was written by members of the Monty Python team. 
However a Google would have told you that Douglas Adamns is the author.

I would imagine the ebuild is just checking to ensure that the echo 
command works.

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo on a MiniMac?

2005-03-24 Thread Stroller
On Mar 24, 2005, at 1:53 am, Christoph Eckert wrote:

Guess you didn't look very hard.
Errr, OK, I'm just on holidays so I have no access to the
machine, but I'd bet that there was no fstab at all as I
tried to check it out. Maybe its existance depends on any
environment parameters?
Under Jaguar it used to contain comments along the lines of this is 
unused, except during the boot process. don't modify it, but don't 
bother using it, either. The Panther /etc/fstab/ is more terse, but 
I'm sure the situation is the same. I think this is why jnichols said 
:P in his post.

-- mailing list

[gentoo-user] sys-libs/glibc-2.3.4 b0rkage with segmentation fault

2005-03-24 Thread Stroller
Any suggestions? I get this as part of an `emerge -u world`
System is a Duron 1300 installed from a stage 3 two or three months 
ago. I was running with -j5  distcc, but reset those as shown in 
`emerge info` below to reproduce. Remerging now with CCACHE disabled.

I refuse to believe the problem might be bad memory, as I'm a stubborn 
bugger  this machine has been up  running for some weeks, compiling 
everything else with no problems.

Thanks for any suggestions,

ti_ET.UTF-8... done
tig_ER.UTF-8... done
tl_PH.ISO-8859-1... done
tr_TR.UTF-8...LC_MONETARY: value of field `int_curr_symbol' does not 
correspond to a valid name in ISO 4217
tr_TR.ISO-8859-9...LC_MONETARY: value of field `int_curr_symbol' does 
not correspond to a valid name in ISO 4217
tt_RU.UTF-8... done
uk_UA.UTF-8... done
uk_UA.KOI8-U... done
ur_PK.UTF-8... done
uz_UZ.ISO-8859-1... done
vi_VN.TCVN5712-1... done
vi_VN.UTF-8... done
wa_BE.ISO-8859-1... done
wa_BE.UTF-8... done
xh_ZA.UTF-8... done
xh_ZA.ISO-8859-1... done
yi_US.CP1255... done
zh_CN.GB18030... done
zh_CN.GBK... done
zh_CN.UTF-8... done
zh_CN.GB2312... done
zh_HK.UTF-8... done
zh_HK.BIG5-HKSCS... done
zh_SG.GBK... done
zh_SG.GB2312... done
zh_TW.EUC-TW... done
zh_TW.UTF-8... done
zh_TW.BIG5... done
zu_ZA.UTF-8... done
zu_ZA.ISO-8859-1... done
make[2]: Leaving directory 
make[1]: Leaving directory 
 * Installing man pages and docs...
/usr/portage/sys-libs/glibc/glibc- line 1006: 
21980 Segmentation fault  env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${D}/$(get_libdir) 
${x} /dev/null

!!! ERROR: sys-libs/glibc- failed.
!!! Function src_install, Line 1008, Exitcode 139
!!! simple run test (ls) failed
!!! If you need support, post the topmost build error, NOT this status 

$ emerge info
Portage (default-linux/x86/2004.3, gcc-3.3.5, 
glibc-, 2.6.9-gentoo-r13 i686)
System uname: 2.6.9-gentoo-r13 i686 AMD Athlon(tm) Processor
Gentoo Base System version 1.6.10
Python:  dev-lang/python-2.3.4-r1 [2.3.4 (#1, Feb 22 2005, 
distcc 2.16 i686-pc-linux-gnu (protocols 1 and 2) (default port 3632) 
[disabled]ccache version 2.3 [enabled]
dev-lang/python: 2.3.4-r1
sys-devel/autoconf:  2.59-r6, 2.13
sys-devel/automake:  1.7.9-r1, 1.8.5-r3, 1.5, 1.4_p6, 1.6.3, 1.9.4
sys-devel/libtool:   1.5.10-r4
virtual/os-headers:  2.4.22-r1
CFLAGS=-march=athlon-xp -O2 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer
CONFIG_PROTECT=/etc /usr/kde/2/share/config /usr/kde/3/share/config 
/usr/share/config /var/qmail/control
CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK=/etc/gconf /etc/terminfo /etc/env.d
CXXFLAGS=-O2 -mcpu=i686 -pipe
FEATURES=autoaddcvs autoconfig ccache distlocks sandbox sfperms
USE=x86 apm arts atm avi berkdb bitmap-fonts crypt cups curl emboss 
encode extensions font-server foomaticdb fortran gdbm gif gtk2 imlib 
jpeg justify kde libg++ libwww mad mikmod motif mp3 mpeg ncurses nls 
oggvorbis opengl oss pam pdflib perl pica png python qt quicktime 
readline sdl slang spell ssl svga tcpd tiff truetype truetype-fonts 
type1-fonts xml2 xmms xv zlib

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] sys-libs/glibc-2.3.4 b0rkage with segmentation fault

2005-03-24 Thread Stroller
On Mar 24, 2005, at 2:01 pm, Dave Nebinger wrote:
CFLAGS=-march=athlon-xp -O2 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer
CXXFLAGS=-O2 -mcpu=i686 -pipe
You really should try to match your CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS.  It's safer 
Ooops thanks for pointing that out.
  $ grep FLAGS /etc/make.conf
  CFLAGS=-march=athlon-xp -O2 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer
  # If you set a CFLAGS above, then this line will set your default C++ 
flags to

I had always believed that the last line above was not simply 
commented out but was also a comment to indicate that CXXFLAGS would 
default to CFLAGS, or you could set it here. Looks like I was mistaken.

In any case, setting CXXFLAGS correctly has made no difference. :(
A bit of searching suggested that dev-perl/Locale-gettext might be 
responsible for stuff associated with `env 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${D}/$(get_libdir), so I just remerged that  am 
trying again glibc. Any other suggestions whilst I waitr to see if  
that worked would be very gratefully received, however.

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] glibc-

2005-03-24 Thread Stroller
I have a similar error, see my posting sys-libs/glibc-2.3.4 b0rkage 
with segmentation fault, March 24, 2005 12:00:57 pm GMT.

I originally didn't notice the similarity with LostSon's problem, 
because his postings display funny on my Mac for some reason, but I 
consistently get a segmentation fault referring to `env 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${D}/$(get_libdir) ` at a different line of emerging 

On Mar 24, 2005, at 11:28 pm, Stanislaw Jesmanowicz wrote:
I have the same error, the same line in /usr/lib/portage/bin/
And I am using gentoo on my Tecra laptop for some time already  ...

* On Thu Mar-24-2005 at 03:38:13 AM +, LostSon said:
Ok still failing with this error
 * Installing man pages and docs...
/usr/lib/portage/bin/ line 1874: 32219 Segmentation fault 
 env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${D}/$(get_libdir) ${x} /dev/null
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo on a MiniMac?

2005-03-24 Thread Stroller
On Mar 25, 2005, at 1:33 am, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 16:31:20 -0800 Mark Knecht [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| So that's a pretty cool idea to me anyway. What percentage of 
| in portage will work when compiled within OS X?

Very few. Our OS X port is mismanaged, misimplemented and basically
doomed to failure.
I'm not saying you're wrong or anything - you're clearly far better 
qualified than I am to post on any of the subjects you do - but

do you have a little magic 8-ball or something that you run when you 
get up in the morning, which tells you who you're gonna alienate today?

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] glibc-

2005-03-24 Thread Stroller
On Mar 25, 2005, at 6:44 am, D. Wokan wrote:
Sarpy Sam wrote:
On Mon, 21 Mar 2005 13:58:56 -0600, LostSon 

Wow i dont rember this happening before. Glibc is over 24 hours and 
running. I dont remember this taking so long b4. Its on my laptop 
which is a
1.2ghz amd with 256 megs of ram. This seems a little weird to me 
that it is
taking this long any opions ?? KDE 3.4 only took 12 hours to 
compile. Im

I thought it was only me.  I have only been at it 11 hours but I am
really begining to wonder about it.
Consider yourselves lucky.  I can't even compile it without getting a 
segfault during the localedata phase.
Doesn't it say later in the thread that LostSon has the same problem. 
As do I.
Could you post the last dozen lines of your output, please?
If you need to reattempt the emerge of glibc in order to do this then 
you may find it's quicker with USE=userlocales.

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] find + ls + grep + cp + CLI + Bash madness

2005-02-17 Thread Stroller
On Feb 17, 2005, at 8:42 am, Ow Mun Heng wrote:
On Sat, 2005-01-15 at 08:10, Matt Wilson wrote:
Hash: SHA1
daniel wrote:
| On January 14, 2005 01:19 pm, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
|On Friday 14 January 2005 07:00 am, Ow Mun Heng 
| you could probably use:
|   $ find . -type f -maxdepth 1 -name '*gentoo*' -print0 | \
| xargs -0 --replace mv {} /path/to/new/dir/

I'm always a little confused as to why people always jump to suggest 
use of xargs when find's -exec works perfectly well;

$ find . -type f -maxdepth 1 -name *gentoo* -exec mv {}
/path/to/new/dir/ \;
Is there any particular reason why people would recommend using xargs
over -exec?
I may not be correct, but reading through xargs and some other docs,
suggest that there is a _limit_ on the # of arguments accepted on the
CLI before it gets too many arguments
It can also be much faster - I use xargs in a script which finds all 
files in $MAILDIR/$JUNK newer than .bogofilter/wordlist.db and calls 
bogofilter with the add to spam database flags, then does the same 
thing in all non-junk directories, adding to the ham database.

Using `find -newerthan whatever -print0 | xargs -0 bogofilter -s -v -B 
` completes in seconds a database rebuild (working upon thousands  
thousands of messages) that takes over 40 minutes using `find 
-newerthan  whatever -exec bogofilter -n -v -B \{} \;`.

I also believe that xargs saves problems with whitespace  quoting in 
the filename.

-- mailing list

[gentoo-user] How many days have elapsed?

2005-02-07 Thread Stroller
I needed just now to count today how many days have elapsed since the 
3rd of January. Rather than reach for a calendar and count days 
arduously, I figured this was a task very suited to a computer. I'm 
sure, however, my solution took me longer than the manual one would 
have - can anyone suggest a better one?

I know that `date` can provide the date in seconds since the epoc, and 
after a couple of readings of the `man` page I discovered that `info 
date` is FAR more comprehendible.

$ date  +%s
$ date  +%s -d '3 Jan'
Ok... so a Google for Bash mathematics turns up, and after some 
experimentation I came up with:

$ echo $(( $((`date  +%s` - `date --date='3 Jan' +%s`)) / 60 / 60 / 24 

That's a pretty unmemorable command, however, and next time I want to 
work out how many days have elapsed since $ARBITRARY_DATE I'll have to 
look up how to do it again. Can anyone suggest a more concise command 
line, please?

I'm sure I'm missing something obvious like the bash-builtin command 
`dayssince` or `emerge cal-tools` - what I really want to do is type 
`how many days since 3rd January` and get the answer. Gold stars will 
not be awarded for telling me to make my own alias in .bash_profile.

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] problem with emerge of gnome

2004-02-15 Thread Stroller
On Feb 15, 2004, at 5:32 pm, Stroller wrote:

When I click on this URL in my mail-client it opens a browser.
Try it now:
It seems the URL for the file has changed, or a typo has been made.
I forgot to say: please file a bug for this issue at



[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Mail confirmation requests

2004-02-15 Thread Stroller
On Feb 15, 2004, at 5:42 pm, Jeff Smelser wrote:
On Sunday 15 February 2004 10:13 am, Thomas T. Veldhouse wrote:
... That might require a
little work on your part to train it and perhaps some scripts to
automate some useful processes, but that is what I use and my false
positive rate is 0% and my false negative rate is about 3% (meaning it
catches 97% of the spam).
What Bayes filter is good for this?? My Spamassissin isn't catching 
all my
I like Bogofilter. It needs some scripting to handle training, which is 
a bit of a chore to set-up. Let me know if you want copies of mine, 
which seem to work pretty well.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Mail confirmation requests

2004-02-15 Thread Stroller
On Feb 15, 2004, at 7:18 pm, Grendel wrote:
There was a article about spam on freshmeat sometime back, please take 
look at it and make a decision.
The training database used in this article was too small (c 1200 

As you know, Bayesian spam-filters depend upon learning the 
spamminess of emails from the content of already determined messages. 
If the training database is too small then results will not be of a 
predictable accuracy.

The maintainers of Bogofilter recommend that 5000 emails is a good 
size, and their tuning utility is known to give fallacious results 
with less than a couple of thousand results. In Paul Graham's original 
A Plan For Spam Article, he states that he used databases of 4000 
each of ham  spam email, and if you subscribe to the Bogofilter 
mailing list you will see that test comparisons are regularly made 
using 20,000 emails.

This is not to say that those numbers of messages are required before 
Bogofilter, or any other statistical-analysis tool, will be useful, but 
due to the essential similarity of the statistical approach used by the 
filters reviewed, I would guess that empirical results cannot be relied 
upon with smaller databases.

In Grahams Better Bayesian Filtering article he quotes a paper given 
in 1998 by Pantel and Lin which tends to confirm this - their filter 
only caught 92% of spam, with 1.16% false positives. Graham remarks 
that 92% is a fairly poor success rate by the standards of his results, 
and the first possible cause of this that he suggests is the low volume 
of messages tested by Pantel and Lin - only c 620 messages in total.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] UT2004

2004-02-15 Thread Stroller
On Feb 15, 2004, at 9:49 pm, Brendan Sullivan wrote:

For any gamers out there, UT2004 demo is out for linux.

My linux box is too slow for gaming so unfortunately i can only test it
for windows, but the tar.bz2 is available. Hopefully they'll realease
the linux installer with the game like they did for 2003.
Pay attention!
$ locate ut2004 | grep ebuild

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Mail confirmation requests

2004-02-15 Thread Stroller
On Feb 15, 2004, at 10:27 pm, Ralph Slooten wrote:

On Sun, 15 Feb 2004 20:09:58 +
Stroller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
only caught 92% of spam, with 1.16% false positives.
So far I've been running it  (bmf) for a week
Note that the figure of 92% did *NOT* refer to bmf or Bogofilter, but 
to a filter written only for some tests done c 1998.

So far I've been running it  (bmf) for a week (yes wow, lol, but hear
me out ;-) ), and it's gotten 100% of the approx 70+ spams I've
received. Initially 2 good mails got through, but it's simply a 
of reprocessing those 2 incorrect mails through bmf again, stating they
are incorrectly detected as spam, and you're set..
That's not *actually* 100%, then is it..? It's about (77/79*100)% = 
97.4%. [1]
That seems to me to be a very good figure for a brand-new database - 
that's because you have wisely used a large corpus to train with. In 
terms of general success rates of Bayesian filters, however, it's not 
particularly stunning. You will probably find that the next spam to 
slip through isn't for a week or two, and your success rate will get 

For my good mail I fed it with most of my my friends ...
and from all the mailing lists I belong to from this 2
weeks +-(can be downloaded from their monthly archives if need be).
For me, this is would be unrepresentative, because all my messages I 
receive from mailing lists are filtered into folders based on headers 
such as List-Post: - there's no advantage in statistically 
classifying them.

For each mail caught as spam, the database automatically updates itself
with any new contents of that mail, making it learn as it's catching
I regard this as risky business - if you fail to reclassify any 
mistakes, then the filter will be more likely to make errors in future. 
You do state that bmf allows you to reclassify mistakes, but IMO it's 
better only to add spam/ham messages to the token database when the 
user specifically requests them. It's quick  easy enough to review a 
week's worth of messages in the suspected-spam folder  drag them to 
the confirmed-spam folder, and for me a false-positive is FAR more 
worrying than several false-negatives.

Once you have a large enough database (I think maybe 20,000+ messages), 
it's worth no longer training it on messages that the filter has caught 
correctly. If you train it only on messages that it has failed to 
classify correctly (called training-on-error) those messages will 
have a stronger impact on the database, and lead to higher accuracy in 


[1] I'm using 79 as an arbitrary figure to estimate your term 70+.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Mail confirmation requests

2004-02-15 Thread Stroller
On Feb 16, 2004, at 12:02 am, Grendel wrote:

A Plan For Spam Article, he states that he used databases of 4000
each of ham  spam email, and if you subscribe to the Bogofilter
Well obviously you have researched this subject in detail and its a
pleasure to discuss this with you.
You flatter me, Grendel.
I just like to understand how things work, is all.
Perhaps I remember well where I read thing - I had to Google for those 
figures, but they were easy to find.

1. It is better that if the 4000 spam is your own spam, ie not ones
downloaded from or anywhere else...
Indeed. I was saving spam for several months whilst procrastinating 
over installing Bogofilter, but deleted them during a disk-space 
crisis. The following week, when I finally got around to it, I had only 
100 to train with!

But I think Ralph made a good compromise - 4000 of someone else's spam 
is probably better than only 100 of your own. I try to save all my 
spam, just in case my database ever gets corrupted (I keep meaning to 
tar.gz them); if one was short at the time of installing a statistical 
filter one could train one's original db with a mixture of foreign 
and self-harvested spam, and only retain one's own spam. Later, once 
enough of one's personalised spam has been acquired, one could delete 
the database  retrain afresh with that. I think that this would allow 
both excellent initial filtering results (besides, what's the 
difference between 97%  99%, really?) and a later tailored fit.

2. Which gives better results, feeding a large spam and ham archive at
once, or starting from scratch let the filter make the decisions and
correct it appropriately? I thought that starting from a clean slate 
letting the filter make its choices and correcting them will give 
I don't see that it makes any difference. I think one should work with 
what one has got.

When the filter analyses an incoming message it judges its sum 
bogosity [1] by giving each word a percentage rating, based on the 
number of times that word has been encountered in ham:spam (plus a 
default score for new, unknown words). A product of the 10 most 
extreme words in the message (IE: those closest to either 0% or 100%) 
is calculated, so that several very hammy words (90% say) will cause 
this product to remain high, but only one or two very spammy words 
(15%) will significantly decrease it.

So, IIRC the total probable spamicity of the message is (in Graham's 
original algorithm) the inverse of the product just arrived at. I don't 
see why it should matter when the word tokens used to calculate this 
spamicity are collected. If you train the database with several 
thousand messages over a period of several months, it should result in 
the same database as you'd achieve by creating a new database afresh 
with those same messages. Of course not many Bayesian filters are 
based directly upon Graham's original algorithm nowadays, and yours may 
see fit to weight more recent words more heavily (but I think it would 
probably be a clupea rubra for it to do so).

2. Equal volumes of spam and ham. I personally find that this tends to 
in more spam than when the filter is initially trained with say a
2:1 ration of spam:ham. So I prefer to train it with more spam.
That's probably because the author(s) of your spam filter think that 
it's better to let in a few spam (false negatives) than to forget your 
wedding anniversary because your filter has misclassified a message 
from your wife (false positive). What I think you may [3] be doing here 
is simply retuning your filter's heuristics - if the word bellicose 
occurs once in 1000 spam  once in every 1000 ham, by training with 
2000 spam  1000 ham, one might [3] fool a simplistic statistical 
spam-filter into thinking that Ah, I have received 2 spam emails 
containing this word, and only one ham, so it must be a spammy word 
[3]. If this is the case, there may be better ways of tuning your 
filter, but if you can comprehend then you're a better man 
than I.

Hope this verbose mail is of interest,


[1] I shall use ESR's term here for the sake of brevity.
[2] Note to the mathematically challenged: 90% * 10% is NOT 900%, but 
This can equally be represented as (0.9 * 0.1) != 9 but (0.9 * 0.1) 
= 0.09.
0.09 is the same as saying 9%.
[3] But I have no idea how your spam-filter or mine works, as far as 
internals is concerned, so I may be mistaken.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Mail confirmation requests

2004-02-15 Thread Stroller
On Feb 16, 2004, at 12:19 am, Grendel wrote:

For each mail caught as spam, the database automatically updates 
with any new contents of that mail, making it learn as it's catching
I regard this as risky business - if you fail to reclassify any
mistakes, then the filter will be more likely to make errors in 
You do state that bmf allows you to reclassify mistakes, but IMO it's
better only to add spam/ham messages to the token database when the
user specifically requests them.
Actually I thought that a bayesian filter is supposed to do exactly the
above, ie it learns and autoupdates its database as as time goes by it
gets better and better.
Indeed, very much so. But it is important not to teach the filter 
incorrectly - if it slings an important email in the trash, and you 
don't notice  correct it, then having the database automatically 
update itself is a Bad thing (tm), because it will misclassify ALL the 
words in the email as spammy, not just the handful that tripped it up.

It's safer to place bogus-looking messages in a spam/suspected 
folder, and only update the database when the user consciously checks 
through them  consciously moves them to a spam/definite folder.

Additionally, the larger one's corpus of messages, upon which the 
filter has been taught, the less effect additional messages have upon 
the database - once we have established that viagra occurs in 1000 
spam, but only in 1 ham, adding it as a spammy word doesn't really 
teach our spam-filter much new. But if a friend were to forward us the 
joke about the vicar's marquee (in which the punch-line is viagra), 
then training the database on this joke as ham will *double* the 
hamminess of this particular word.

In order for this to be useful, to teach our filter that it's ok for 
`viagra' to appear sometimes in a message, depending on the context of 
the (other words in the) message, it's helpful if viagra does not 
have an overwhelming number of  spammy instances in the database. One 
should avoid allowing one's database to become so large that it gains 
too much inertia against the addition of new words or reuse of learned 
ones in new contexts. (cf random dictionary words in spam).

If we visualise this as a graph (showing effectiveness of the 
statistical-filter on the vertical axis against the number of messages 
added to the corpus on the horizontal) then we both agree that the 
curve rises sharply at first and slows, eventually reaching a plateau. 
When the angle of the curve becomes difficult to distinguish from the 
horizontal, it's redundant to add messages that the filter is already 
classifying correctly - if one adds only messages that the filter has 
classified incorrectly, then these corrections will be more effective.

I hope this explanation is somewhat helpful. I'm no mathemetician, so 
I've found it a little difficult to explain. I should also add that 
these remarks are not from my own experience, but from comments posted 
to the Bogofilter mailing list by those who claim to have tested them 
empirically. Your statistical-filter may already operate differently in 
order to account for these conditions (but I doubt it).


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] emerge lists too many programs

2004-02-15 Thread Stroller
On Feb 16, 2004, at 1:11 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
E.g., emerge -p xine lists xmms as a download.  I don't want xmms, and 
if I
don't have xmms, I don't think I need flac...
I think you might have found `emerge -p -v xine` useful, if you haven't 
fixed it already.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] emerge problems

2004-02-14 Thread Stroller
On Feb 14, 2004, at 7:35 am, riki wrote:

I get a lot of downloading errors when using emerge. Usually it cannot 
find the necessary files on the mirror I'm using. I have to the google 
for the file, download it and place it in the /usr/portage/distfiles 
directory, then emerge again.
Does your FETCHCOMMAND in /etc/make.conf have --passive-ftp enabled..?
I see it's set default, so this is unlikely to be the problem, but I 
can't think of anything else.

The script to set the mirror did not seem to work from behind my 
firewall, so I'm still using whatever emerge's defaults are Should 
I set a different mirror by hand?
Definitely. The mirrors are listed at - you can just copy  paste 
the link's URLs into make.conf's GENTOO_MIRRORS line. However again I'm 
not sure that you'll see much difference, as your email domainname 
seems to indicate you're in the USA, not *too* far (as the fibre-optic 
cable lies) from Gentoo's main hosting site in Washington State.

So I would be inclined to take a closer look at your firewall, and also 
consider checking wget's proxy settings. See if wget has a verbose mode 
you can run it in whilst downloading a tarball from a Gentoo mirror - 
this may help you debug.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Setting up 2.6 system from scratch

2004-02-14 Thread Stroller
On Feb 14, 2004, at 5:00 pm, Aaron Walker wrote:
Use if you want to use 2.6 headers and NPTL.  There 
still a few rough edges to smooth out with certain packages compiling
with 2.6 headers though, so beware (see my post shortly after yours).
From only a cursory glance ntpl seems like a Good Thing (tm). is it 
very hard to enable it, if one has failed to bootstrap with it..?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] 2.6 newbie, compiling kernel

2004-02-14 Thread Stroller
On Feb 14, 2004, at 7:04 pm, Paul Vint wrote:

Christopher Robison wrote:
Why did this happen?  How did the configuration of the old kernel 
infect my new source tree?  And more critically, how/WHY did the
kernel from the new source tree pick up the same version *name* as the
old one (with the mm1)? Why would a person ever want this behavior? 
this a gentoo thing?
My only guess would be that when you merged the new kernel source, 
portage copied your old .config file from /usr/src/linux. Just 
guessing though - I've never used emerge to install kernel source (I 
don't really see any advantage to it), I just go to and get 
the vanilla source there. (That way makes patches easy too).

Maybe someone else can confirm if portage would copy a .config file? 
(I could understand if it did - I usually do that myself anyway ;)
I believe that's the case. Copying your old .config over to the new 
/usr/src/linux.whatever directory is generally desirable, IMO. But I 
can't address the OP's other complains - I'm guessing he's using 
Genkernel, and in that case I advise him to  compile by hand instead. 
Portage can still handle emerging of the new sources if he does so.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: baselayout redefines /etc/fstab

2004-02-14 Thread Stroller
On Feb 15, 2004, at 2:58 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
on the topic, i still believe 'baselayout' s~b changing 'fstab',
esp when what it offers is basically useless.
It's not *actually* baselaylout or emerge changing /etc/fstab, but 
careless use of etc-update afterwards.
After an emerge one should check every file in the list supplied by 
etc-update, considering the differences between them /or whether one 
has ever changed that file oneself.

But otherwise, I agree. As you are aware this issue has been discussed 
in -dev recently, so I refer you to Seemant Kulleen's posting of 
February 8, 2004 6:18:35 am GMT.

'fstab' is one of those files every Gentoo user shd design him/herself
 maintain by hand in whatever form s/he needs for the h/ware.
Indeed. I find the idea of my fstab being over-written quite horrific. 
That users are doing so is probably simply a reflection upon Gentoo's 
popularity - when I started using Gentoo I had already 3 years 
experience with Mandrake and another (old-fangled) Unix. I've learned a 
lot in last year since starting to use Gentoo, however I had edited 
fstab just a handful of times before, and knew enough that fstab was an 
IMPORTANT file, and to be edited with caution  thought.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Which kernel version to select?

2004-02-13 Thread Stroller
On Feb 13, 2004, at 3:01 am, Grendel wrote:
I will compile my own kernel from the source.  my query was is there a  
to ask emerge to get me the kernel-2.6.2 vanilla sources? emerge
gentoo-dev-sources gives me 2.6.1-rc1

If I wish to install a different version of a package from the current  
stable I usually `locate pckagename | grep ebuild` - there is often an  
older or ~ARCH ebuild in the Portage tree.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Mail confirmation requests

2004-02-13 Thread Stroller
On Feb 13, 2004, at 3:41 am, Grendel wrote: also analyses the replies to my posts
and ranks a persons reply as hostile or friendly.
I have been posting here a year now, and I don't think I have ever had 
a hostile reply to one of my posts. I find it curious that  your system 
has identified 5 such posts already.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Mail confirmation requests

2004-02-13 Thread Stroller
On Feb 13, 2004, at 2:12 am, Grendel wrote:
If anyone else feels that I am not wellcome in the list then I will 
If I ask you to calm down when you reply will you do so, please..?
Otherwise I would like to exercise my voice now in stating that you 
aren't welcome, because I fear that you may not give the list this 
opportunity for peace again in the future.

If you start a new thread, you should not simply reply to an existing 
thread  change the subject, as the new message will contain 
In-Reply-To: headers, which cause misthreading on some (many?) 
mail-readers. You should instead create a new email message  enter the 
list's address manually or from your address book.

This is what Norbert was referring to in his post of February 12, 2004 
10:37:38 pm GMT. If you had read the list for a little longer before 
posting you would have known this. Your remarks of 1:45am today were 
unjustified, then, as you were repeatedly in breach of netiquette. 
Clearly you failed to understand this, so perhaps you should have asked 
for further clarification.

This was recently posted to another mailing list to which i subscribe; 
I do not think I am alone in thinking it is particularly well-worded 

On Feb 9, 2004, at 3:45 am, Clifford H. Readout, Jr. wrote:
Do not grant trivial insults a high enough status to deserve a 
response. Do
not dignify rudeness by replying to it. Your reputation is not going to
suffer from critical comments made in this kind of forum. Most of us
understand that no one of us has all the right answers all the time. 
Most of
us realize that we are going to get some outright wrong answers from 
time to
time. Most of us can avoid being disrespectful to others on this list 
are freely giving of themselves to help the rest of us with our OS X 
challenges. The opinions of those who don't understand these things 
aren't worth getting upset about. Idiots (from the Greek idioto, 
unlearned, but not necessarily stupid) are recognizable to all but 
idiots.  As a wise friend once told me, It takes a bigger man to walk 
from a fight than it does to fight. So, to all of us I suggest that 
we do
not continue to demean ourselves by responding to posts which are not 
of the effort, and just walk away. In fact, if no one responded in 
any way
to an ungrateful dolt, they might just learn something valuable about
isolation and rejection.

None of you kind people who supply answers to this list need to defend
yourselves, or point out the nonsense of others, and you especially do 
need to do either on this list.  Responding to a flame from someone who
hasn't figured out how to behave on a list does more to damage your 
than anything the flamer could say. Most list readers quickly learn the
names and abilities of the other members. Most of us do not have much
respect for those who depreciate volunteers, or criticize those who 
try to
give assistance.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] More nVidia Stuff...

2004-02-13 Thread Stroller
Hello, folks,

Thanks for all the input on graphics cards last week can anyone now 
give me some pointers towards what I should be doing to get my nVidia 
GF3 running optimally..?

I've already emerged KDE  (of course) Xfree last week (when I still 
had my Matrox card), however I haven't configured them yet, as getting 
the framebuffer working was more interesting.

I am running the 2.6.2 gentoo-development-sources kernel  have emerged 
the nvidia-kernel-1.0.5336-r1 ebuild, but I don't really know what to 
do with that. A Google or a search on the forums for nVidia Gentoo 
2.6 brings many many results, but I haven't found anything like a 
simple HOWTO for idiots like me. Can anyone point me at one..?

The UT2003 LiveCD boots  plays on this system, so ideally I want to 
set things up just like that, except with a 2.6 kernel.

I'm gathering that the nVidia binary drivers come as a kernel module 
which needs modprobing... is that what the nvidia-kernel ebuild has 
given me..?

Sorry for asking such dumb quuestions - I have attached some hopefully 
useful output about my current configuration below.


Description: Binary data

$ fbset
mode 1024x768-76
# D: 78.653 MHz, H: 59.949 kHz, V: 75.694 Hz
geometry 1024 768 1024 768 32
timings 12714 128 32 16 4 128 4
rgba 8/16,8/8,8/0,8/24
$ dmesg | grep -ie nvidia -ie agp -ie vga -ie console -ie vesa
Kernel command line: root=/dev/hda7 vga=0x318
Console: colour dummy device 80x25
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.AGP_._PRT]
vesafb: framebuffer at 0xf800, mapped to 0xe080a000, size 16384k
vesafb: mode is 1024x768x32, linelength=4096, pages=1
vesafb: protected mode interface info at c000:b740
vesafb: scrolling: redraw
vesafb: directcolor: size=8:8:8:8, shift=24:16:8:0
fb0: VESA VGA frame buffer device
Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 128x48
Linux agpgart interface v0.100 (c) Dave Jones
agpgart: Detected AMD 760MP chipset
agpgart: Maximum main memory to use for agp memory: 439M
agpgart: AGP aperture is 64M @ 0xf400
Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 128x48
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Which kernel version to select?

2004-02-13 Thread Stroller
On Feb 13, 2004, at 9:49 pm, Tom Wesley wrote:

On Fri, 2004-02-13 at 20:40, Stroller wrote:
If I wish to install a different version of a package from the current
stable I usually `locate pckagename | grep ebuild` - there is often an
older or ~ARCH ebuild in the Portage tree.
You ever used esearch?  If you `emerge esearch  eupdatedb` then
`esearch -e pckagename` it will show all versions of the available
ebuilds.  Also, `esync` will update the tree and show the differences.
Just thought I would butt in with that :-)
Many thanks. I have been using esearch for a couple of weeks now, but 
wasn't aware of these functions.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] More nVidia Stuff...

2004-02-13 Thread Stroller
On Feb 13, 2004, at 11:21 pm, Brendan Sullivan wrote:
the nvidia README is rather got me through setting the
nvidia drivers up just fine when i started using linux.
It did..?!??!? Yikes! You must be loads cleverer than me!
Mind you, I think all the discussion on this list recently of the 
binary  DRI drivers has only confused me.

two basic things you need to do is modify your /etc/X11/XF86Config and
in the modules section add:
Load glx
 and remove :
Load dri
Okies... so I think I need to emerge the nvidia-glx package, too..?

Also, in the Device section that has your video card in it, change the
driver to nvidia instead of the standard 'vesa' or 'nv'.
That won't affect my VESA framebuffer..?

Many thanks for your speedy  helpful response,


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] More nVidia Stuff...

2004-02-13 Thread Stroller
On Feb 13, 2004, at 11:46 pm, Alan wrote:
emerge nvidia-kernel and load 'nvidia' module through your
/etc/modules.autoload.d/kerne-version file (or modprobe nvidia at the
command line)
Cool. TY. Would I be right in imagining that I might need to remerge 
this when I recompile my kernel..?

emerge nvidia-glx for the libraries for X
modify the XF86Config as noted above.
Okies... furtling with that now.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo as a domain member on a Win NT network

2004-02-11 Thread Stroller
On Feb 10, 2004, at 10:56 pm, Norbert Kamenicky wrote:
I am just courious, if you are small company, what for u need
NT or windblowz shit?
Are u running some proprietary SW which can't be replaced
by Open Source SW on (Gentoo) Linux ?
Could you quit the advocacy  evangelism, please, Norberto..?
Everyone on here is on your side, already.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Is Gentoo female?

2004-02-11 Thread Stroller
On Feb 11, 2004, at 5:38 am, LoneStar wrote:

also, which CD you are using 1.4? 1.4rcX? or whatever?


It's an Intel PIII 600 MHz, MSI board w/via chipset, Award BIOS w/256  
meg RAM, Liteon DVD/CDROM D-Link TX530 ATI Rage 128 Pro
Maybe you could try this stage3 (/or LiveCD), which is more recent   
Works Here (TM). 



[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Appropriate Stage3 tarball?

2004-02-10 Thread Stroller
On Feb 9, 2004, at 4:01 pm, Thomas T. Veldhouse wrote:

Is there a decent stage3 tarball that I should consider downloading to  
get a machine up and running quickly and yet have it as close to  
up-to-date with x86 as possible?  I would prefer a tarball that is of  
a known good quality, and not an experimental or testing version.
Hi Thomas,

Because of the changing nature of the Portage tree, any stage tarball  
will out of date shortly after it is released. I think I've seen enough  
of your postings here to figure you know that. So really, the only  
important thing about a stage 3 tarball is that it gets your system  
bootable, so that you can run `emerge sync`  `emerge world`.

I don't think there's any problem with the experimental stages  it's  
my believe that they're created from the stable tree. Personally, I've  
had no problems with 
x86-20040204.iso and 
-20040204.tar.bz2 and they're very current.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Unknown video card on Acer Aspire 1350

2004-02-10 Thread Stroller
On Feb 10, 2004, at 9:09 pm, Jose González Gómez wrote:
   I also have problems with my video card on my Acer Aspire 1350 
(yes, I'm the same guy with the APM/ACPI dilemma). Following the 
specifications in the Acer web page, my laptop should have an S3 
Savage or an ATI Mobility Radeon, but whenever I run a lspci | grep 
VGA I get the following:
Did you look on Linux for Laptops..? Perhaps this model is similar 
enough to yours that the notes will be of help.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] More Graphics Cards Recommendations..? Was: Re: kernel 2.6 and nvidia 5336

2004-02-09 Thread Stroller
On Feb 9, 2004, at 4:49 am, Ernie Schroder wrote:
Frame buffer works just fine. That's not the problem.The caveat is if
using an Nvidia card, you need to compile in the vesa framebuffer
driver, NOT the nvidia FB support.
So does this mean that Nvidia cards work well either in X, or in 
framebuffer, but not at the same time..? I have to have different 
kernel options to get the optimal in each..?

Following Grendel's advice (February 9, 2004 1:39:58 am GMT) I'm 
disinclined to get one of these ATI cards.
My supplier has Abit 128Mb Siluro 128Bit FX5200DT TV/DVI at #45, Abit 
64Mb Siluro GeForce 3 VIO at #35 and 64Mb XFX GeForce4 MX440 AGP 8x DDR 
TV at #35.

As you can see, I'm definitely on a budget, and all these numbers don't 
mean much to me (the 2nd, cheaper Siluro seems to have more megahertz, 
tho', which surprised me). My motherboard is a Tyan Tiger dual-Athlon, 
and describes its AGP 4X... (also accepts 1X and 2X AGP  cards) so I 
guess an 8x card gives me no benefit.

The cruicial criteria is than any card I buy must be decent in both the 
framebuffer AND in X, otherwise I might as well stick with the card I 

TIA for any help,


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] OT: Graphics cards recommendations...

2004-02-09 Thread Stroller
On Feb 9, 2004, at 3:14 pm, Gard Spreemann wrote:
Just to make sure you know: They're all absolutely horrible cards if 
going to be doing some gaming...
The ATI ones..?
So a geForce would be worth the extra money..?
I'm tempted by the Abit 64Mb Siluro GeForce 3 VIO at #35 or the 64Mb 
XFX GeForce4 MX440 AGP 8x DDR TV at #35.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] 2.6.2, framebuffer Matrox G400

2004-02-08 Thread Stroller
Hi there,

Can anyone give me a hand getting my Matrox G400 to run in framebuffer  
mode, please..? I've recently installed Gentoo on a dual-Althlon  
system, which is running on a Tyan Tiger 2466 motherboard. It's been a  
while since I used framebuffer, as in the last couple of years I've  
only run Linux on my server, headless.

I've installed using the recent Gentoo-2004.0 20040204 LiveCD, and that  
boot-up beautifully, with the splashscreen  glorious technicolour.  
Basically. I want my terminal to look like that! 8-D

I've compiled in all the framebufferish-looking options to the 2.6.2  
kernel , and everything Matroxy, I think. To start with I decided not  
to enable the splashscreen, and just get a decent console-resolution to  
start with, but I don't seem to be able to get anything like the  
resolution I'd expect.

If I boot with these lines in my grub.conf:
  root (hd0,4)
  kernel /bzImage.2.6.2-gentoo root=/dev/hda7 vga=ask
I get the option to display a list of modes; they are:
  Video Adaptor: VESA VGA
  Mode: COLSxROWS:
  0 0F0080x25
  0 0F0180x50
  0 0F0280x43
  0 0F0380x28
  0 0F0480x30
  0 0F0580x34
  0 0F0680x60
  0 0F07132x43
I have also tried booting with these grub.conf lines, which I  
apparently found at random on the internet.
  root (hd0,4)
  kernel /bzImage.2.6.2-gentoo root=/dev/hda7 acpi=off vga=791
  root (hd0,4)
  kernel /bzImage.2.6.2-gentoo root=/dev/hda7 video=matrox:vesa:0x115
  root (hd0,4)
  kernel /bzImage.2.6.2-gentoo root=/dev/hda7  

(I have a couple of references [1] [2] [3] to the latter notations, and  
I seem to have read that there are Matrox fb-drivers which are  
different from the regular VESA ones).

After some faffing about with dodgy messages on boot-up I managed to  
find the right drivers for my AGP bus  compile them in, so I get:
  $ dmesg | grep -i agp
  ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.AGP_._PRT]
  matroxfb: Matrox G400 (AGP) detected
  Linux agpgart interface v0.100 (c) Dave Jones
  agpgart: Detected AMD 760MP chipset
  agpgart: Maximum main memory to use for agp memory: 439M
  agpgart: AGP aperture is 64M @ 0xf800

I think the matroxfb line suggests I'm maybe pretty close, but:
  $ fbset
  mode 640x480-60
# D: 25.176 MHz, H: 31.469 kHz, V: 59.942 Hz
geometry 640 480 640 26214 8
timings 39721 40 24 32 11 96 2
accel true
rgba 8/0,8/0,8/0,0/0

When I boot to the LiveCD - which is admittedly a different kernel,  
2.4.x I'm sure - it automagically looks wonderful, and I find that it's  
  # fbset
  mode 1024x768-76
# D: 78.653 MHz, H: 59.949 kHz, V: 75.694 Hz
geometry 1024 768 1024 768 16
timings 12714 128 32 16 4 128 4
rgba 5/11,6/5,5/0,0/0

I don't know how to translate this to the codes I find at, and really  
don't know if that makes any difference, seeing as I've already tried  
the vga=ask parameter. I think this resolution  refresh rate is  
perfect, because it's probably at the limitations of my poor ageing 17  

If anyone could give me any pointers at all, I would be very extremely  



[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] OT: Graphics cards recommendations...

2004-02-08 Thread Stroller
The UK supplier has some graphics cards on sale Today Only (which at 
the weekends means Monday, too).

Has anyone got any recommendations out of the following cheap graphics 
Which will give best bang-per-buck..?

- 64Mb ATI 7000 DDR with TV/Out for £23
- 64Mb ATI Radeon 7500LE SDR AGP TV Out for £30
- 128Mb ATI Radeon (Sapphire) 9200SE Tv/Out for £35
Does the extra RAM make much difference..?

I don't really NEED a new graphics card, but I'm kinda tempted to 
indulge myself and it might be nice to play the odd game since I 
recently upgraded my machine.
I'm guessing that any of these will show quite some performance gain 
over my ageing G400 - is that right..?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] 2.6.2, framebuffer Matrox G400

2004-02-08 Thread Stroller
On Feb 8, 2004, at 11:18 pm, Stroller wrote:
Can anyone give me a hand getting my Matrox G400 to run in framebuffer 
mode, please..? I've recently installed Gentoo on a dual-Althlon 
system, which is running on a Tyan Tiger 2466 motherboard. It's been a 
while since I used framebuffer, as in the last couple of years I've 
only run Linux on my server, headless.
I've compiled in all the framebufferish-looking options to the 2.6.2 
kernel , and everything Matroxy, I think. To start with I decided not 
to enable the splashscreen, and just get a decent console-resolution 
to start with, but I don't seem to be able to get anything like the 
resolution I'd expect.
Meant to attach my kernel .config, which I have done now.

Description: Binary data
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Hyper Threading

2004-02-07 Thread Stroller
On Feb 7, 2004, at 12:07 pm, Manuel Pérez López wrote:

Another cuestion: Does emerge need the USE flag 'thread' for compiling 
$ grep threads /usr/portage/profiles/use.*
/usr/portage/profiles/use.local.desc:dev-lang/perl:threads - Enable 
Perl threads, has some compatibility problems

So, no, basically.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] ssh login problem

2004-02-06 Thread Stroller
On Feb 6, 2004, at 5:38 pm, fisch wrote:

i have a problem when loggin in via ssh.
workstation ssh server -lroot - logged in
workstation ssh server -luser - access denied
server ssh localhost -luser - logged in (with warning, that no 
exists - that's right)

where is the differenz?
Could you `grep ListenAddress /etc/ssh/sshd_config` please..?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] g77 and g++ compilers

2004-02-05 Thread Stroller
On Feb 5, 2004, at 6:30 am, Valmor de Almeida wrote:

Is there a reason for g77 be installed in
and not in say /usr/bin/g77 ?
I'm not sure if this is the only reason, but I think labelling the 
compiler  toolchain with the architecture--system-version allows ease 
of cross-compilation. I believe this is intended to be integrated with 
distcc in the next version of Portage, Portage-NG.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Using transparent terminal...

2004-02-04 Thread Stroller
On Feb 4, 2004, at 4:34 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I saw some of gentoo screenshots!
I haven't used Linux on the desktop in a while, but I thought it was 
possible, too.

and what do you mean of MacOS X? MacOS X theme of X windows or real 
MacOS X?
even we can use transparency feature in MS windows...
I think Norro is kidding you on... Mac OS X's windows manager is years 
ahead of other o/s in terms of eye-candy, and supports transparency in 
a way others do not. I think that on Linux  Windows any transparent 
window has to fake it - I believe it does this by looking at what 
should be behind itself, and mixing the transparency itself to paint as 
it's own background. On Mac OS X the transparency is handled by the 
o/s, and is hence a lot more efficient.

Mac OS X also supports arbitrary transformations upon windows which 
may not sound very exciting until you actually see what it means.
Check out:
Notice the way that the video *keeps playing* whilst the window is 
minimised (you can see that Billy is looking downwards in the first 
screenshot  towards the camera in the 2nd one).


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Problems with first boot

2004-02-04 Thread Stroller
On Feb 3, 2004, at 10:43 pm, Peter Wu wrote:

On Tue, 3 Feb 2004 20:44:31 -0200 (BRST), barreto wrote:
However, whem I have tried my first boot, the system stops with the
following message above:
STEP 3: Mounting necessary filesystems per boot options
Started device management daemon v1.3.25 for /dev
STEP 4: Determining root device
STEP 4a: Mounting root
mount: Mounting /dev/hda3 on /newroot failed: Invalid argument
Could not mount specified ROOT, try again
Root block device unspecified or not detected
Please specify a device to boot, or shell for a shell
I guess you did not edit your /etc/fstab correctly by replacing the 
with the actual root you have.
Hmmmn... if that is the actual message he received it *does* mention 
/dev/hda3, which would be consistent with the root device on a 
standard Gentoo install as per the manual. I don't see Gentoo boot 
that often - is a reference to /newroot normal..?

My guess is that perhaps the OP doesn't have the correct file-systems 
compiled into his kernel. barreto - can you check this, please..? What 
file systems are /boot  / ..?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Using transparent terminal...

2004-02-04 Thread Stroller
On Feb 4, 2004, at 11:03 am, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

On Wed, 4 Feb 2004 10:50:10 + Stroller
| I think Norro is kidding you on... Mac OS X's windows manager is 
| ahead of other o/s in terms of eye-candy, and supports transparency 
| a way others do not. I think that on Linux  Windows any 
| window has to fake it - I believe it does this by looking at what
| should be behind itself, and mixing the transparency itself to paint
| as it's own background. On Mac OS X the transparency is handled by 
| o/s, and is hence a lot more efficient.

Uh, you mean like how fdo Xserver gives true translucency on linux with
the XCOMPOSITE stuff?
Uh, I have no idea. I don't use X-windows.

Please note I said I think and I believe. If my understanding is 
flawed I'd be delighted if you could post some references to simple 


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Using transparent terminal...

2004-02-04 Thread Stroller
On Feb 4, 2004, at 5:40 pm, Ric Messier wrote:
Uh, I have no idea. I don't use X-windows.

Please note I said I think and I believe. If my understanding is
flawed I'd be delighted if you could post some references to simple
Only issue I had with what you said (since I don't use Macs) was your 
comment that the transparency was handled by the O/S. I have a fairly 
limited definition of O/S when it comes to issues like this. It's 
either kernel space or user space. You are still talking about an 
application that lives in user space -- it's just handled outside of 
the individual application.
Fair enough call, I see that I said:
On Feb 4, 2004, at 10:50 am, Stroller wrote:
...On Mac OS X the transparency is handled by the o/s, and is hence a 
lot more efficient.
But I also said:

On Feb 4, 2004, at 10:50 am, Stroller wrote:
... Mac OS X's windows manager is years ahead of other o/s in terms of 
eye-candy, and supports transparency in a way others do not.
So I do know the difference, honest! Actually I think a lot of the 
Quartz stuff is hardware accelerated on later Macs, but I have no idea 
how that works WRT kernel  user-space.

...I have run Trillian in transparent mode. I find it somewhat less 
than useful for most things because then my eyes have more to look at. 
Certainly it's a powerful tool for graphics applications but not so 
terrific for most user apps.
Yeah, I agree. One of the first things I did after I installed iTerm 
was turn the default transparency off, and I haven't tried it with 
anything else, because I was quite uncomfortable with it. The 
transparency on icons in the dock is rather sweet, but I haven't seen 
any applications of it that I've found really useful. I do like the 
screenshots of the clock at the link Claran posted 
(, however. That's really 
quite lovely.

Arbitrary transformations OTOH, *is* really useful, now that Apple have 
developed the Exposé concept. It may seem like simple  blatant 
eye-candy, but when you use it you really start to appreciate it.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Using transparent terminal...

2004-02-04 Thread Stroller
On Feb 4, 2004, at 5:06 pm, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

On Wed, 4 Feb 2004 16:52:51 + Stroller
|  Uh, you mean like how fdo Xserver gives true translucency on linux
|  with the XCOMPOSITE stuff?
| Uh, I have no idea. I don't use X-windows.
| Please note I said I think and I believe. If my understanding is
| flawed I'd be delighted if you could post some references to simple
| explanations.
fdo Xserver is an alternative to xfree that can do real transparency.

Right now it's pretty unstable and doesn't really work with nvidia
cards. But it's chock full of eye candy if you don't mind the 
segfault :)
Cool. I look forward to replacing the USE=X flag with USE=fdoX.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Problems with first boot

2004-02-04 Thread Stroller
On Feb 4, 2004, at 4:07 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This problem has occured even if I made my / partition as ext2 or 
fs type.
When you do so, do you reformat  reinstall from the stages..? What is 
your root partition actually formatted as..?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] courier-imap / maildir

2004-02-03 Thread Stroller
On Feb 3, 2004, at 2:26 pm, Peter Wu wrote:
You probably want to change the maildir/path separater. I think there 
an option for it can't recall right now. Will have to do some 
If I create a .whatever maildir under ~/.maildir/, then I can see it 
IMAP client under the Inbox node.

Do I have to create ~/.maildir as a maildir? I mean whether I need cur,
new, tmp for the ~/.maildir itself? For me, I just create it as a 
folder while ~/.maildir/inbox is the real inbox on my box.
This is exactly what you were doing wrong, then. If you want inbox to 
be the real inbox then
   $ sudo grep -i maildir /etc/courier-imap/imapd
   #Hardwire a value for ${MAILDIR}
BUT note that all subfolders must be created as sub-folders of inbox.

The main maildir would normally be created be created using
  $ maildirmake .maildir
and subfolders thusly:
  $ maildirmake -f Mailing Lists .maildir
  $ maildirmake -f Mailing Lists.Gentoo .maildir
If you want ~/.maildir/inbox to be the real inbox:
  $ maildirmake .maildir/inbox
and subfolders thusly:
  $ maildirmake -f Mailing Lists .maildir/inbox
  $ maildirmake -f Mailing Lists.Gentoo .maildir/inbox
So you can see there's not really much benefit in doing it this way - 
it just creates an additional folder level. See `man maildirmake` for 
more info.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] iptables v1.2.8: can't initialize iptables tables 'filter'

2004-02-02 Thread Stroller
On Feb 2, 2004, at 2:50 pm, Neil Rachynski wrote:
iptables v1.2.8: can't intitialize iptables table 'filter': Tables 
does not exist (do you need to insmod?)
Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded.

When I went to view the file 'rules-save' in /var/lib/iptables, the 
file was completely blank (explaining why it can't find the filter 
table). At that point, I copied rules-save file from another working 
PC to this one. However, it would then give me an error when restoring 
the ruleset (always the line containing '*filter'). The working one is 
running iptables-1.2.9 so I'm not sure if that'll make a difference 
with the rules-save file.
Dumb  possibly irrelevant question: is the machine you got 
/var/lib/iptables/rules-save (??) also a Gentoo box..?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] courier-imap / maildir

2004-02-02 Thread Stroller

Others have posted that your maidir sub-folder structure is incorrect 
for Courier. There is some, ahem, dispute about whether there is a 
standard for this, so different authors of IMAP software choose to 
implement it differently.

On Feb 3, 2004, at 1:51 am, Peter Wu wrote:
... What's worse, Mozilla creates
Inbox and Inbox.Trash folders on the server somewhere that I cannot 
to delete them.

. How to delete the annoying Inbox and Inbox.Trash dirs added by 
If you need me to post more information, please let me know. Thanks in 
Could please you post the output of:

   $ sudo grep -i maildir /etc/courier-imap/imapd
   #Hardwire a value for ${MAILDIR}
   $ ls -la ~ | grep -i maildir
   drwx--   43 stroller users1504 Jan 17 23:47 .Maildir
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] stroller $


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] cron and mail

2004-02-01 Thread Stroller
On Feb 1, 2004, at 8:48 pm, Norbert Kamenicky wrote:

David wrote:
What ebuild(s) do I need for cron to mail its output (locally) to 
any MTA should do it, the simplest is probably ssmtp

try emerge ssmtp

maybe, some configuration is needed
(I didn't try it.)
I couldn't get ssmtp to do local delivery. I don't have SSMTP installed 
on my system anymore, but I have posted this previously:

`man ssmpt` says: ssmtp is a send-only sendmail emulator... It
provides the functionality required for humans and programs to send
mail via the standard or /usr/bin/mail user agents
ssmtp is a send-only sendmail emulator...
It accepts a mail stream on *STANDARD INPUT* with recipients
specified on the command line and synchronously forwards
the message to the mail transfer agent of a mailhub for
the mailhub MTA to process.
   it especially does not deliver to pipelines
I used to have SSMTP installed  root aliased to my [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
address - it wasn't much problem that such small output was uploaded  
then downloaded again gratuitously. When I recently realised that I 
needed local delivery (for automatic emailing of large attachments to 
myself) I went with Postfix

I found MTAs pretty hard to wrap my head around the first time I did 
it... I guess I needed that time to understand it, because i feel 
pretty much ok on he various processes  sub-processes now. I hope the 
OP will feel free to post any more questions he may have.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: cron and mail

2004-02-01 Thread Stroller
On Feb 1, 2004, at 9:31 pm, David wrote:

ok, thanks! vcron tries to sent to port 25 though, and ssmtp doesn't 
run as a daemon. Know where I cat set it so that it uses 
`man ssmpt` says:
ssmtp is a send-only sendmail emulator...
It accepts a mail stream on *STANDARD INPUT* with recipients
specified on the command line and synchronously forwards
the message to the mail transfer agent of a mailhub for
the mailhub MTA to process.
`emerge -c ssmpt  emerge postfix` will allow your local 
/usr/bin/sendmail to recieve on port 25.
I believe I have used SSMTP to forward root's mail to a non-local POP3 
mailbox, such as [EMAIL PROTECTED] - edit /etc/ssmtp.conf.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] viruses

2004-02-01 Thread Stroller
On Feb 1, 2004, at 6:52 am, Collins Richey wrote:

On Sat, 31 Jan 2004 20:26:43 -0500
Peter Wu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Sat, Jan 31, 2004 at 10:38:42PM +, Stroller wrote:

On Jan 31, 2004, at 7:57 am, jkw wrote:
... how can we prevent
gentoo-user from being archived on google, or stop google from
making email addresses public information?
Sorry to sound unsympathetic, but it really clogs my mailbox when
people complain about this issue. I can't see any way to resolve it,
so don't want to hear about it unless you have suggestions for doing
How does Google archive the gentoo mailing list?

Google doesn't.  A couple of mailing list archivers archive the gentoo
lists, and google harvests the data just like it does any other data on
the web...
*cough* Google Groups *cough* recently *cough*.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] viruses

2004-01-31 Thread Stroller
On Jan 31, 2004, at 7:57 am, jkw wrote:
i *NEVER* received spam before signing up on gentoo-user, and now i
receive about *1 MB* of spam/viruses each day. therefore it's obvious
that gentoo-user is the source of the spam and viruses.
This is an OLD thread. Yes, the list IS harvested for addresses by 
spammers. But it also gets pretty old pretty quick hearing about it 
every few weeks from people who appear to think they've discovered 
something new when they post on this subject.

now, guess what? go to google groups (dejanews, whatever) and
look at the group linux.gentoo.user. i believe that's where and how
the spam/virus programs harvest addresses.
Google Groups has only started carrying this list recently - the 
spam-to-list-addresses problem predates that. There are at least 2 
other archives of the list that I am aware of, so spammers could be 
harvesting these, or simply have subscribed to the list themselves.

... how can we prevent
gentoo-user from being archived on google, or stop google from
making email addresses public information?
Sorry to sound unsympathetic, but it really clogs my mailbox when 
people complain about this issue. I can't see any way to resolve it, so 
don't want to hear about it unless you have suggestions for doing so.

Just get a Bayesian mail-filter like everyone else, and stop whining.

$ esearch -Sc spam
[MN] crm114 (20030920):  A powerful text processing tools, mainly used 
for spam filtering
[ N] Mail-SpamAssassin (2.60-r1):  Perl Mail::SpamAssassin - A program 
to filter spam
[ N] pyzor (0.4.0-r1):  Pyzor is a distributed, collaborative spam 
detection and filtering network
[ N] bmf (0.9.4):  A fast and small Bayesian spam filter
[ N] tmda (0.92):  Python-based SPAM reduction system
[ N] disspam (0.12):  A Perl script that removes spam from POP3 
mailboxes based on RBLs.
[ N] razor (2.12):  Vipul's Razor is a distributed, collaborative spam 
detection and filtering network
[ U] bogofilter (  Bayesian spam filter designed with fast 
algorithms, and tuned for speed.
[ N] spamass-milter (0.2.0):  A Sendmail milter for SpamAssassin
[MN] spampd (2.11-r1):  spampd is a program used within an e-mail 
delivery system to scan messages for possible Unsolicited Commercial 
E-mail content.
[ N] mailfilter (0.4.0):  Mailfilter is a utility to get rid of 
unwanted spam mails
[ N] popfile (0.21.1):  Anti-spam filter


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Compile Error when emerging gnome

2004-01-29 Thread Stroller
On Jan 29, 2004, at 11:25 am, Drake Wyrm wrote:

On Thu, Jan 29, 2004 at 11:24:38AM +0100, in 
Francois M???an [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I got this error when emerging gnome :
/usr/sbin/ line 312 cabextract : command not found
Error x11-base/xfree-4.3.0-r3 failed
Function src_unpack, line 312 , exit code 127
(no error message)
Weird. xfree-4.3.0-r3.ebuild only calls cabextract if you have 
in your USE flags...
I'm guessing that the M$ core fonts are installed, then.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Solved: Please confirm Re: [gentoo-user] Linux not booting

2004-01-28 Thread Stroller
On Jan 28, 2004, at 8:09 am, Christian Herzyk wrote:

I don't think it is a good idea to link /bin/xx to /usr/bin/xx.  I am 
surely not the only one who has a seperate partition for it.
Can someone running coreutils 5.0-r5 confirm that /bin/install is a 
link to /usr/bin/install?
If so I will open a bug.
$ ls -l  /bin/install
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   18 Jan 26 00:03 /bin/install - 
$ esearch coreutils
*  sys-apps/coreutils
  Latest version available: 5.0.91-r4
  Latest version installed: 5.0.91-r4
  Size of downloaded files: 4,194 kB
  Description: Standard GNU file utilities (chmod, cp, dd, dir, 
ls...), text utilities (sort, tr, head, wc..), and shell utilities 
(whoami, who,...)



[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] cat /proc/cpuinfo - Athlon XP or MP..?

2004-01-28 Thread Stroller
I've borrowed an Athlon CPU from my father, to test in a Tyan Tiger 
dual-proc board I have acquired. As far as i knew, this processor is a 
bog-standard Althon XP, but both the BIOS  `cat /proc/cpuinfo` show it 
as an MP.

The markings on the processor start with the letters AX, which, 
according to this page, indicates 
it's an MP. Do all Athlons show up as MP in /proc/cpuinfo, or could 
it be the case that this has been misbadged..?

Could be the board causing such an output..?

TIA for any comments,


# cat /proc/cpuinfo
processor   : 0
vendor_id   : AuthenticAMD
cpu family  : 6
model   : 6
model name  : AMD Athlon(tm) MP 1600+
stepping: 2
cpu MHz : 1400.083
cache size  : 256 KB
fdiv_bug: no
hlt_bug : no
f00f_bug: no
coma_bug: no
fpu : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 1
wp  : yes
flags   : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge 
mca cmov pat pse36 mmx fxsr sse syscall mmxext 3dnowext 3dnow
bogomips: 2791.83

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] The irony of kernel development

2004-01-26 Thread Stroller
On Jan 27, 2004, at 12:18 am, Collins Richey wrote:
1. 2.5/2.6 has been a smoother transition on my machines (AthlonXP and 
P4) than 2.3/2.4 was.  Nary a burp.  My personal experience only.  No 
scientific study.  YMMV.  My opinion and $2.00 will buy you coffee 
most places in the world.
Clearly yours is an American-centric opinion. Others have suggested 
that some 2.6 kernels may have issues with non-US keyboards, I would 
like to point you to the story the Economist published 
a couple of weeks ago. In Europe the average price of a tall latte is 
quoted as 2.93 or $3.70.

I shall be printing out your posting and popping into Starbucks 
tomorrow to see if your opinion is worth a $1.70 discount.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] cvs filesystem ?!

2004-01-24 Thread Stroller
On Jan 24, 2004, at 2:11 pm, raptor wrote:
is there a project for a cvs like system... what I think is something 
like, having simulaneously different
states/profiles of my system..
I have found the idea of a versioned file-sytem rather appealing, since 
I read about the suggestion in The UNIX HATERS Handbook (see chapter 2, Like Russian 
Roulette with Six Bullets Loaded). I believe I read that some 
operating systems (pre-Unix or in the early 70s) handled file 
versioning automatically. I am not aware of any that versioning 
file-systems in widespread use, however.

You may find 


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Nothing to emerge ?

2004-01-22 Thread Stroller
On Jan 22, 2004, at 12:29 pm, Rudmer van Dijk wrote:
Is this normal ?

winston liviu # emerge -p world

I didn't ask for an upgrade. I asked for a recompile. That's why I 
it is strange. There is nothing to recompile in the world group ?
just checked, I get the same
`emerge -p world`: nothing
so I think portage is changed (to protect you?)
this is with portage-2.0.50_pre19

To get what you want use `emerge -ep world` this will give you the 
list to build.
I think emerge has always been this way. The last year or so that I've 
been using it, anyway.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Check if a package is installed

2004-01-22 Thread Stroller
On Jan 22, 2004, at 12:51 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What is the quickest (or preferred) way of checking (in a
bash script) if a given package is installed?
I think the most elegant way MIGHT be to import functions from Portage 
/ ebuild, and use DEPENDS (see `man ebuild` and `man 5 ebuild`) but I 
have NO IDEA how to do it.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Courier Help

2004-01-18 Thread Stroller
On Jan 18, 2004, at 6:09 am, Dan Egli wrote:

I take it that courier is running on a different machine from that on
which you're downloading the POP3 to..? Because it would be very weird
if you downloaded POP3 into the same folder that IMAP was reading 
I only use courier's IMAP functions.

I want to support both becausesome of my users do not understand IMAP 
ask my why they don't take the time to learn, but they don't).
And yes this is on a separate machine
Ok... that's fine.

   [EMAIL PROTECTED] stroller $ sudo grep -i maildir
   #Hardwire a value for ${MAILDIR}
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] stroller $ ls -la | grep -i maildir
   drwx--   43 stroller users1504 Jan 17 23:47 .Maildir
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] stroller $
ok, I'm getting closer I think... It lets me log in now, but it does 
show any message folders. Not even my inbox.
Good. This is at least some improvement.

I suggest that you configure a client machine which already has some 
other POP3 server  a local mailbox. Try adding the server as IMAP  
dragging a message from the local folders to the IMAP inbox. I think 
you'll find it shows up. Some email clients will allow you to make a 
new sub-folder on an IMAP server - I think that if you try this, then 
`ls -a yourmaildir` on the server then you'll see what's wrong with 
your current configuration.

I noticed the maildirmake. I even ran maildirmake 
/home/dan/.mail/inbox, and
it said it created it. But despite the folder being present and having 
new, cur and tmp folders inside of it, cur containing messages 
(hundreds of
them) it does not show in my imap list. The pop system seems to be 
fine now that I set the pop3d MAILDIR property to .mail/inbox then I 
ONLY the inbox. Despite having around 10 folders there including the 
Well, POP3 doesn't support subfolders, so you would only expect to see 
the inbox that way.

Let me re-state my desired config for the imap system and you can tell 
what I've done wrong... user sally has procmail setup so that messages 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] goes to the steve folder, and everything else 
goes to
the normal inbox.  So her setup looks like:

inbox steve
cur new tmp
cur new tmp
Ok... I think this is where your understanding is flawed.

There is NO separate inbox. .mail IS the inbox - that's why it has 
cur/new/tmp. steve should be a subfolder of INBOX, and made with 
`maildirmake -f Steve ~/.mail`

Let's take a look at my configuration:

  $ sudo grep -i maildir /etc/courier-imap/imapd
  #Hardwire a value for ${MAILDIR}
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] stroller $ ls -a ~ | grep -i maildir
  $ cd ~/.Maildir/
  $ ls
  courierimapkeywords  courierimapsubscribed  courierimapuiddb  cur  
new  tmp
  $ ls -ad .[A-G]*
  .BMW Lists.Geek.FreeDNS User
  .BMW Lists.Airheads   .Geek.Halime
  .BMW Lists.UK Club.Geek.Linux
  .Drafts   .Geek.Linux.Bogofilter List
  .EuroPG   .Geek.Linux.Gentoo Lists
  .EuroPG.Archived  .Geek.Linux.Gentoo Lists.Dev
  .Geek .Geek.Linux.Gentoo Lists.User
  .Geek.Apple   .Geek.Linux.Leafnode List
  .Geek.Apple.Lists .Geek.Linux.mgetty List
  .Geek.Apple.Lists.Gentoo-osx  .Geek.Parsec Lists
  .Geek.Apple.Lists.OS X For Users  .Geek.SGI
  .Geek.Apple.Lists.USB .Geek.Vaio Lists
  .Geek.Apple.Lists.Unix For OS X
  $ maildirmake -f A\ New\ Folder ./
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] .Maildir $ ls -ad .[A-G]*
  .A New Folder .Geek.Apple.Lists.Unix For OS X
  .BMW Lists.Geek.FreeDNS User

Hope this clarifies,


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Courier Help

2004-01-17 Thread Stroller
On Jan 17, 2004, at 10:56 pm, Dan Egli wrote:

Anyone know how to configure Courier?

   I just installed Courier Imap and Courier pop. I got courier pop to 
barely by simlinking the maildir dirs new cur  tmp to my home dir, 
but imap
refuses to work. I need to know how to configure courier so that it 
always look for mail like this:

/home/user/.mail/ (all folders below here)
Any help is really apprecaited. I do not want any virtual hosting or 
like. This is a very simple mailbox setup.
I take it that courier is running on a different machine from that on 
which you're downloading the POP3 to..? Because it would be very weird 
if you downloaded POP3 into the same folder that IMAP was reading from. 
I only use courier's IMAP functions.

Anyway, you should already have looked in /etc to see if your install 
has put an configuration files there, and taken a look at them so you 
can edit accordingly. You should find:

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] stroller $ sudo grep -i maildir 
  #Hardwire a value for ${MAILDIR}
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] stroller $ ls -la | grep -i maildir
  drwx--   43 stroller users1504 Jan 17 23:47 .Maildir
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] stroller $

Please note also `man maildir` and particularly `man maildirmake`:

   The  maildirmake  command  creates maildirs, and maildir 
folders.  This
   documentation describes the maildirmake command from the  
Courier  mail
   server,  which  creates  an  extended  form of maildirs that 
   additional extensions beyond the basic  maildir  properties  
that  were
   first implemented in the Qmail mail server.
   By itself, maildirmake makes a new subdirectory  maildir,  and  
   all  the  necessary  structures.   The -f option creates a new 
   within an  existing  maildir.  maildir  must  already  exist,  
and  the
   maildirmake command will create a new folder in the maildir.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Bash Scripting - pipes, quoting stuff

2004-01-17 Thread Stroller
Ok... I'm stuck.

I'm trying to use vgetty as an answerphone. I have got it answering the  
calls, playing the out-going message  recording peoples' messages to  
me fine. vgetty has an option in its config file to execute a command  
when it has finished recording the message, and will pass that command  
the message's filename as its argument.

I want vgetty to email me the incoming messages, but some processing  
needs to be done first; since the file is saved by vgetty in .rmd  
(Rockwell Modem Device?) format it has to be converted to .pvf  
(Portable Voice File?) before being converted to .wav. I then want to  
convert it to .mp3 (to save bandwidth, and because the MP3 seems the  
most ubiquitous compressed format) before emailing it to myself.

I *can* use `cat foo.wav | uuencode foo.wav | sendmail  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to send a binary file to myself and it would seem  
to be readable using my Mac's email client, but to be tidy and because  
I don't know on which system I'll be listening to messages in the  
future I want to add the correct MIME headers.

After some Googling, reading of the fine manual, use of `apropos` c c  
it seems that I have a command called `makemime` installed on my Gentoo  
system (by CourierIMAP or maildrop) which should do the task.

So I start to write a little shell script as a wrapper.

I've spent a little time making sure each part works ok... piping  
text-files into sendmail, and renaming the original file after the  
timedate when the script has finished. But when I get to the actual  
piping of a file into `makemime` it falls over. Now this is really  
weird, because I can do it from the commandline fine, but not it seems  
as part of a shell script.

At the commandline:
   $ cat foo.wav | makemime -c audio/x-wav -e base64 -
   Content-Type: audio/x-wav
   Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64



I've attached my script. I'm guessing that someone out there will find  
it laughably easy to explain why this isn't working for me, but I'm  
absolutely baffled. If I run this script the result of the 2nd-last  
(uncommented) line indicates that I am trying the very same commands   
variables as I've shown above, and if I copy  paste that line back  
into my terminal, it works fine. But when I run the script I `makemime`  
always fails with its usage message:
makemime -c type [-o file] [-e encoding] [-C charset] [-N name] \
   [-a Header: Contents] file ...

I'm extremely indebted for any clarification,

Description: Binary data
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Buying a new NIC

2004-01-14 Thread Stroller
On Jan 14, 2004, at 6:37 pm, Scharf Yuval wrote:
Tomorrow I'll buy a new NIC (I'm tired of USB-ADSL).

My question is can I buy whatever NIC I want or some NICs will not in
Many cheap 100mbps cards are based on the Realtek 8139 (*makes sign of 
the Holy chipset*), which works fine using the 8139too driver. These 
are sold under many brandnames, so look for 8139 stamped on the 
largest chip on the card. if it's there then you'll be alright.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] distcc on linux and mac

2004-01-12 Thread Stroller
On Jan 10, 2004, at 2:49 am, Lotas T Smartman wrote:

... the reason is because my mac is
seriously underpowered. there is a few things i need to compile on it
and distcc makes sence. it would use the power of my dual athlon, a
duron 700 and a soon to be added to the network 1.33Gz Athlon too.
I believe it is planned to make cross-compilation native to Portage-NG. 
I am waiting for this, too, as I'd like to compile x86 Linux binaries 
on my Mac OS X. You may find this link useful - I keep meaning to 
try  it, but will probably find it easier just to wait for the new 
Portage in a year or so.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] distcc on linux and mac

2004-01-12 Thread Stroller
No. You missed the bit that said *if cross-compilers are installed*.

Different processors use different sets of commands, and hence the 
binaries produced by compilers for different platforms are different. 
distcc calls gcc the same way it would be called by the local machine; 
since you wouldn't expect to be able to compile on your Linux PC for 
your Mac (even if you run `./configure` on the source on the Mac  copy 
the Makefile across), you shouldn't expect the results produced by 
distcc to work that easily, either.

It's my understanding that to produce a cross-compilation toolchain 
you need to do stuff like recompile a separate set of the c-libraries 
(I think glibc  perhaps others) using suitable flags to gcc to tell it 
which architecture the libraries are intended to produce binaries for; 
I think you then need to compile a separate instance of gcc, again 
using suitable flags when compiling to tell it which architecture for 
which the resultant compiler should produce suitable binaries for.

When I started researching this I wasn't easily able to find anyone 
with the time  experience to teach me. I'd like to learn more about 
it, but will probably end up waiting for Portage-NG which (I think) 
should handle this seamlessly.


On Jan 11, 2004, at 6:36 pm, Lotas T Smartman wrote:

so, since gcc is version 3.3.2 20031218 (Gentoo Linux 3.3.2-r5,
propolice-3.3-7) on my workstation and 3.3 20030304 (apple computer,
inc. build 1495) on the mac, it should in theory work, yea? ...
Quite so. As it says at their home page 
does not require all machines to share a filesystem, have synchronized
clocks, or to have the same libraries or header files installed. They 
even have different processors or operating systems, if 
are installed.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] AutoConf = 2.50

2004-01-07 Thread Stroller
On Jan 7, 2004, at 9:07 pm, Kurt Guenther wrote:
# which autoconf
# autoconf --version
Autoconf version 2.13
Strange, but I'll push onward.  Thanks for the assist.

What Doug has installed on his box does not represent what's on yours.

  $ qpkg -f /usr/bin/autoconf
  sys-devel/autoconf *
  $ grep autoconf /var/cache/edb/world
  $ grep autoconf /usr/portage/profiles/default-x86-1.4/*
I think that autoconf is specified in /usr/portage/profiles/ indicates 
that it is part of baselayout, and the lack of version information in 
that file (compare the line in 
/usr/portage/profiles/default-x86-1.4/packages which says 
*=sys-devel/gcc-3.2) means that *some* version of autoconf is 
required for baslayout, but not any version in particular. I think that 
this means that autoconf won't be upgraded when you `emerge -u world` 
(because that only upgrades the packages listed in your world 
favorites file) but only when you `emerge -ud world` or maybe `emerge 
-ue world`.

On this ocassion, however you should be able to upgrade just autoconf 
by running:
  # emerge sync  emerge --oneshot 



[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] how long does it take to commit a patch to portage

2004-01-02 Thread Stroller
On Jan 2, 2004, at 3:40 pm, Tom Hosiawa wrote:

I'm looking to use the the latest patch for bootsplash that works
against the 2.4.22 kernel. I found a bug created for it on nov 11, 2003
but it's still not in the portage tree, so I'm wondering, does it 
take this long to commit a patch?

Also, I'm using kernel 2.4.23 because of that security bug in 2.4.22...
I'm not familiar with all the details you provide in your posting, but 
I find that:

  $ esearch vanilla-sources gentoo-sources
  *  sys-kernel/vanilla-sources
Latest version available: 2.4.23
  *  sys-kernel/gentoo-sources
Latest version available: 2.4.22-r2
From what I've read the Gentoo-sources have quite a number of patches 
applied to them, and a great deal of testing is done upon them by a 
small team before they're committed to the tree. That is the cause of 
the delay, but it may also be the case that that security bug in 
[vanilla] 2.4.22  is fixed in Gentoo-sources. A search of the archives 
may (or may not) confirm this.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Local mail delivery - ssmtp maildrop...?

2003-12-27 Thread Stroller

Happy festive stuff. I hope you have all sated much consumerist avarice 
and enjoyed gouts of inebriated hedonism at this time of religious  
spiritual neglect.

I'm hoping that someone can advise me about local mail delivery. At 
present any messages produced by my cron jobs are emailed, using ssmtp, 
to my POP3 mailbox at my ISP, from where I retrieve them using the 
usual sorts of methods, however a recent ADSL outage has made me 
realise that it's more desirable for messages to be plonked straight 
into users' local maildir directories, rather than having the overhead 
of uploading  downloading again.

However, ssmtp doesn't seem to be the way to do this, its manpage says 
it especially does not deliver to pipelines. When mail is collected 
by fetchmail I use mailfilter to sort it, but if I run 
`/usr/bin/maildrop -d stroller` then I find the body of the message is 
delivered without any headers.

I'd rather not have sendmail sitting listening on an open port, as I 
recall happening on a comment during some of my earliest Unix reading 
on Usenet that it's easy to configure sendmail as an open-relay; I know 
that this was in the days when SGI shipped Irix with sendmail enabled 
out-of-the-box, and that it would probably be straightforward for me to 
secure it, however it just seems inelegant to have a daemon running  a 
port open when this probably could be handled with a pipe. Ideally I 
don't want to use postfix, as I understand that to replicate the 
functionality for which I'm presently using mailfilter.

Is there a sendmail replacement which does what I require, please..?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Local mail delivery - ssmtp maildrop...?

2003-12-27 Thread Stroller
On Dec 27, 2003, at 9:51 pm, Spider wrote:

begin  quote
On Sat, 27 Dec 2003 21:38:10 +
Stroller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Is there a sendmail replacement which does what I require, please..?
with the risk of being selfpromoting, might this setup be what you

it sets up postfix for local delivery, then uses fetchmail to pull 
into postfix, which is then sorted by procmail into users directories.
I believe I read your excellent article some time ago, when I setup 
Courier-IMAP. However at that time I'd already committed to mailfilter 
for filtering of incoming mail; it's my understanding that postfix does 
many of the same things as mailfilter. Is this correct..? Or am I 
confusing postfix with procmail..?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Local mail delivery - ssmtp maildrop...?

2003-12-27 Thread Stroller
On Dec 27, 2003, at 10:52 pm, Spider wrote:

begin  quote
On Sat, 27 Dec 2003 22:03:04 +
Stroller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 it's my understanding that postfix
does many of the same things as mailfilter. Is this correct..? Or am I
confusing postfix with procmail..?

as a followup to my other reply :

Look down below the : Configure Postfix to use Maildrop
About halfway down the page
Ah! Looks perfect. Many thanks.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Excluding maildirs from updatedb

2003-12-05 Thread Stroller
On Dec 4, 2003, at 8:03 pm, Paul Varner wrote:

Stroller wrote:
Personally, I just execute 'updatedb -e dir1,dir2,dir3

where dir1, etc. is the fully qualified path for a directory I want
to exclude.
Whilst this is practical on my current system, it wouldn't be should I
expand to 50... 500... 5000 users. So I guess that in that case I'd
have to write a script to read usernames from /etc/passwd  enter
/home/$USERNAME/.Maildir into PRUNPATHS, which is rather a chore.
Any other suggestions much appreciated.
Actually, the solution is to use the -e option.  In the
/etc/cron.daily/slocate script change the line the reads:
/usr/bin/updatedb -e $(echo /home/*/.Maildir | tr ' ' ',')
When you execute the command updatedb, it always reads the
/etc/updatedb.conf file, so all you are doing here is adding those
directories to the exclude list that is defined in the updatedb.conf 
Perfect! Many thanks, this works a treat.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Excluding maildirs from updatedb

2003-12-04 Thread Stroller
On Dec 4, 2003, at 2:11 am, Collins Richey wrote:

On Thu, 4 Dec 2003 01:52:42 + Stroller 
It is conceivable, however, that I might have several users on the
system, each of whom has a large Maildir who yet may desire to be able
to locate other files in /home. PRUNEPATHS=/tmp /var/tmp
/home/*/.Maildir does not work, nor does PRUNEPATHS=/tmp /var/tmp
Can anyone possibly suggest to me how I can exclude from the slocate
database users' Maildirs, but NOT their other /home files..?
I would think add one statement for each user.  

Personally, I just execute 'updatedb -e dir1,dir2,dir3

where dir1, etc. is the fully qualified path for a directory I want to 
Whilst this is practical on my current system, it wouldn't be should I 
expand to 50... 500... 5000 users. So I guess that in that case I'd 
have to write a script to read usernames from /etc/passwd  enter 
/home/$USERNAME/.Maildir into PRUNPATHS, which is rather a chore. Any 
other suggestions much appreciated.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Excluding maildirs from updatedb

2003-12-04 Thread Stroller
On Dec 4, 2003, at 2:54 am, Jeff Smelser wrote:

Hash: SHA1
On Wednesday 03 December 2003 07:52 pm, Stroller wrote:
My problem is that  updatedb is including the all the contents of my
mail folders, located in ~/.Maildir so that when I run `locate 123`,
for example looking for the media-sound/mpg123 ebuild, I get very many
entries like /home/stroller/.Maildir/.Some
Folder/cur/1233445437574657345476 scrolling right off the screen.
Clearly this is undesirable
This isn't possible. Slocate has privs in mind when you use locate.
Do you think you could possibly clarify, please..? Why do privileges 
prevent wildcarding of pruned directories..? Since slocate presently 
reads  stores the full path of each file, what's to prevent it from 
discarding files that match /path/to/*/.Maildir/*..?

Thanks for any enlightenment,


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] what is wrong with head and tail?

2003-12-04 Thread Stroller
On Dec 4, 2003, at 10:51 am, Rudmer van Dijk wrote:
I noticed this about a week ago:
head: `-1' option is obsolete; use `-n 1'
Try `head --help' for more information.
why is this obsoleted?
And the most irritating part is that is not phased out, like giving a  
and then continue, but it only gives an error and stops.


  In a few cases, the GNU utilities' default behavior is incompatible
  with the POSIX standard. To suppress these incompatibilities, define
  the POSIXLY_CORRECTenvironment variable. Unless you are checking for
  POSIX conformance, you probably do not need to define POSIXLY_CORRECT.
  Newer versions of POSIX are occasionally incompatible with older
  versions. For example, older versions of POSIX required the command
  `sort +1' to sort based on the second and succeeding fields in each
  input line, but starting with POSIX 1003.1-2001 the same command is
  required to sort the file named `+1', and you must instead use the
  command `sort -k 2' to get the field-based sort.
  The GNU utilities normally conform to the version of POSIX that is
  standard for your system. To cause them to conform to a different
  version of POSIX, define the _POSIX2_VERSION environment variable to a
  value of the form mm specifying the year and month the standard
  was adopted. Two values are currently supported for _POSIX2_VERSION:
  `199209' stands for POSIX 1003.2-1992, and `200112' stands for POSIX
  1003.1-2001. For example, if you are running older software that
  assumes an older version of POSIX and uses `sort +1', you can work
  around the compatibility problems by setting `_POSIX2_VERSION=199209'
  in your environment.
I seem to recall that this sort of behavior is problematic to the  
porting of Portage to other Unices (BSD  Mac OS X spring to mind) so I  
took a look at

  while Portage itself can run on
  these platforms, some ebuilds and eclasses currently contain
  Linux-specific conventions, particularly in how auxilliary programs
  like xargs, find and tar are called. These variations can cause an
  ebuild to execute correctly in a GNU environment but not in a BSD
  environment, or vice-versa.
drobbins proposes this solution, so hopefully the Gentoo developers  
will remedy your situation:

  The general strategy to address these issues should be as follows.
  First, an emphasis should be placed on writing shell code that is
  truly cross-platform in nature. Second, when there is no suitable
  cross-platform code, Portage should provide a general framework to
  allow ebuilds to easily adapt to situations to where variant calls are
  needed. Here is how Portage addresses the situation currently.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] running a cron job more frequent than one hour

2003-12-03 Thread Stroller
On Dec 3, 2003, at 11:11 am, Aaron Walker wrote:

I am trying to run a cron job more frequent than one hour, but that's 
as small as it goes in /etc/cron.*  I read both the cron and crontab 
man pages but neither says anything about the /etc/crontab format.  I 
couldnt tell just by looking at it.. looked confusing :)  Anyone know 
how to add an entry to run a certain program say every 10 min?
You want `man 5 crontab`.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Excluding maildirs from updatedb

2003-12-03 Thread Stroller

I hope someone can help me, I'm looking a bit stuck on this one.

My problem is that  updatedb is including the all the contents of my 
mail folders, located in ~/.Maildir so that when I run `locate 123`, 
for example looking for the media-sound/mpg123 ebuild, I get very many 
entries like /home/stroller/.Maildir/.Some 
Folder/cur/1233445437574657345476 scrolling right off the screen. 
Clearly this is undesirable, as I am never going to try  locate an 
email by its unique ID, and I have also noticed that the midnight 
updatedb is becoming very slow.

This is the default /etc/updatedb.conf supplied with slocate:
  $ cat /etc/updatedb.conf
  # This file sets environment variables which are used by updatedb
  # filesystems which are pruned from updatedb database
  PRUNEFS=NFS nfs afs proc smbfs autofs auto iso9660 devfs tmpfs ncpfs
  export PRUNEFS
  # paths which are pruned from updatedb database
  PRUNEPATHS=/tmp /var/tmp
  # netpaths which are added
  export NETPATHS
I have found that if I change PRUNEPATHS=/tmp /var/tmp 
/home/stroller/.Maildir then my emails are safely ignored,  updatedb 
runs fairly quickly.

It is conceivable, however, that I might have several users on the 
system, each of whom has a large Maildir who yet may desire to be able 
to locate other files in /home. PRUNEPATHS=/tmp /var/tmp 
/home/*/.Maildir does not work, nor does PRUNEPATHS=/tmp /var/tmp 

Can anyone possibly suggest to me how I can exclude from the slocate 
database users' Maildirs, but NOT their other /home files..?



[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Gnome games

2003-11-29 Thread Stroller
On Nov 29, 2003, at 9:16 am, Oliver Lange wrote:
Why does gnome depend on gnome games ?
Is there really anybody in the world really playing
any of these absolute mega crap games ? That's a big
package which i just don't want to see on my box...
Have you considered reading the ebuild..?

DESCRIPTION=Meta package for the GNOME desktop.
#  Note to developers:
#  This is a wrapper for the complete Gnome2 desktop,
#  This means all components that a user expects in Gnome2 are present
#  please do not reduce this list further unless
#  dependencies pull in what you remove.
#  With emerge gnome a user expects the full standard distribution 
of Gnome and should be provided with that, consider only installing the 
parts needed for smaller installations.

As I understand it, Gentoo's policy is not to pass judgment upon what 
the upstream developers consider standard parts of their 
distribution. This is a Good Thing (tm) IMHO. For every person who 
whinges (bitterly, like a little girl) that the Gnome games are 
included, there would be someone else who would complain were they 

Should you require other parts of Gnome without Gnome-games, I suggest 
you emerge those parts separately - I think that `emerge gnome-desktop` 
will pull in much of what you require.


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Re: [gentoo-user] re: Internal Modem - which tty to use..?

2003-11-26 Thread Stroller
On Nov 26, 2003, at 5:48 am, Bob Barry wrote:

I use an internal Lucent modem.  It took some work to get it going, 
but it works well.  The driver
documentation says will not work with Conexant, etc. but recommends:
	Possible support by soft modem drivers available at:
  * Conexant -
Also try  You need to get a driver installed 
and working before you can
think about which tty.  If a driver is available, it should create 
the tty for you.  Good luck.
Thanks for your email, Bob. I didn't realise until late last night that 
this is winmodem. Fortunately I have borrowed several internal modems 
to test with, so am this morning trying to find one that is suitable.


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Re: [gentoo-user] Internal Modem - which tty to use..?

2003-11-26 Thread Stroller
On Nov 26, 2003, at 10:52 am, Keith Dart wrote:

On Tue, 2003-11-25 at 15:27, Stroller wrote:
   # cat /proc/pci
   PCI devices found:
Bus  0, device  13, function  0:
 Communication controller: Conexant HCF 56k Data/Fax/Voice Modem
(rev 8).
   IRQ 11.
   Master Capable.  Latency=64.
   Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0x4210 [0x4210].
   I/O at 0x2020 [0x2027].
That looks like a winmodem. You should look at the howto for that. They
can be difficult to set up.
Yup, I realised that late last night, after I'd originally posted. My 
father loaned me 6 internal PCI modems, and they all turn out to be 
winmodems!!! I'm not going to faff around with them, but will try to 
locate a proper hardware modem instead - I'm sure one will only cost me 
a few quid, and will save me the effort of learning any of that 
Linmodem stuff.

Many thanks in advance for any help or comments. I would be
particularly interested to hear from anyone else who is using vgetty 
answer the phone.
I use a voice modem with vgetty for an answering machine. It is a 
basic setup right now. I have plans to write a better answering machine
system soon (in Python). I have attached my vgetty voice.conf file to
use as an example for you.
Many, many thanks. I fear I may have to post again as this project 
progresses, and it is reassuring to know of someone else who has been 
successful at this.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Internal Modem - which tty to use..?

2003-11-25 Thread Stroller
Hi all,

I want to use my Linux box for voicemail. I believe this is done using 
mgetty / vgetty to answer the phone after a few rings, and that it 
should be possible to get it to play then an audio file of the outgoing 
message (sorry, I'm not here right now) and record another one for 
incoming messages.

The documentation on vgetty is sparse /or 404ing, but I have installed 
an internal modem in my machine  started following the modem-HOWTO at In section 2.4 it starts 
by discussing the IO address and IRQ  mentions that a PlugPlay BIOS 
can do this. I believe that the following output indicates that this 
has been done successfully:

  # cat /proc/pci
  PCI devices found:
   Bus  0, device  13, function  0:
Communication controller: Conexant HCF 56k Data/Fax/Voice Modem 
(rev 8).
  IRQ 11.
  Master Capable.  Latency=64.
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0x4210 [0x4210].
  I/O at 0x2020 [0x2027].

Section 1.9 of the modem-HOWTO then says:
  For PnP modems: If the BIOS has already set these in the physical 
 (which a PnP BIOS will do if it thinks you don't have a PnP OS) then 
you need
 to determine the IRQ and IO address and then tell this to setserial.

Could someone explain how I should do this, please..?

The physical serial ports on the motherboard seem to have been 
allocated correctly at boot up:
  # dmesg | grep tty
  ttyS00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
  ttyS01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A

But there are no other /dev/ttyS slots available:
  # ls /dev/ttyS*
  /dev/ttyS0  /dev/ttyS1
  # setserial /dev/ttyS2
  /dev/ttyS2: No such file or directory
How  do I create one, please..?

Many thanks in advance for any help or comments. I would be 
particularly interested to hear from anyone else who is using vgetty to 
answer the phone.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] compile on other computer, emerge on mine

2003-11-25 Thread Stroller
On Nov 25, 2003, at 11:12 pm, Adrian Pirciu wrote:
I have a pretty slow computer, p3/700, and i can use a P4 to compile
my packages. Given that on the P4 there's gentoo installed, how can I
compile the packages I need on the P4 then merge them on my gentoo on
P3 ? There must an easy way to do this.
From `man emerge`:

   --buildpkgonly (-B)
  Creates binary packages for all ebuilds processed without 
  ally  merging the packages.  This comes with the caveat 
that all
  build time dependencies must already be emerged on the 

   --usepkg (-k)
  Tells  emerge  to use binary packages (from $PKGDIR) if 
they are
  available, thus possibly avoiding some time-consuming  
  This   option   is  useful  for  CD  installs;  you  can  
  PKGDIR=/mnt/cdrom/packages and then  use  this  option  
to  have
  emerge  pull  binary  packages from the CD in order to 



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Re: [gentoo-user] newbie install bewilderments

2003-11-25 Thread Stroller
On Nov 25, 2003, at 8:11 pm, Glenn English wrote:

It's time to compile the kernel. The system boots from the hard disk,
and root can log in, with a kernel compiled using the default config,
but DMA isn't enabled for the disks. The 'Enable IDE DMA if available'
config switch is on. Why isn't DMA?
Try `/etc/init.d/hdparm start`  see if it works. You'll wish to add 
this to the default runlevel, I think.



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