Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Full system encryption on Gentoo

2016-01-10 Thread Markus Kaindl
Am Donnerstag, 31. Dezember 2015, 00:15:33 schrieb Jeremi Piotrowski:
> This will lead to you having to enter the password
> twice - once when grub starts and once when the initramfs is setting up /.

If, and ONLY if, your /boot is inside your LUKS-encrypted volume, you can also 
add a keyfile for your LUKS-volume (I used another keyslot for that, but you 
can also use the password, you use for manual unlocking..) to your crypttab 
and your dracut-initrd:

% cat /etc/crypttab 
/root/mySSD.lukskey   discard,luks

crypttab-format: (Name  Path/Spec   /path/to/keyoptions) (see man 5 

% cat /etc/dracut.conf.d/luks.conf 
install_items+="/etc/crypttab /root/mySSD.lukskey"

check if the permissions for your initrd are save, aka only readable for root, 
dracut automatically sets them to 600 and root:root here, but better save than 

with that setup you do not need to enter the password twice, because your 
initrd is able to open the luks-device with the keyfile.

Re: [gentoo-user] Fresh install and problem with net.* init.d script

2013-07-26 Thread Markus Kaindl
Am 22.07.2013 23:35, schrieb FredL:

 Do you perhaps have NetworkManager or wicd installed?

 no, none of them, it is a very basic install, with only the minimum
 packages installed . I have checked at the init script and find a line
 in the depend section saying :

 after lo lo0 dbus

 but dbus is not yet installed, can this be the cause of my problem?
 so I have just installed dbus and add it to default runlevel and my
 net.* script are loaded correctly setting my static config, so every
 thing is fine now.
 But why do we need dbus in a very minimalistic system? I was thinking
 that it would be helpful in a full desktop environnement for
 automagically mounting device and things like that...
 Saying that I've just remenbered that I have selected the desktop
 profile instead of the default one, can this be why my init script need
 dbus for starting net iface?

As Bruce did show: You don't need to have dbus installed for net.* to
work. Also it did work, when you started net.* it manually, without
having dbus installed, right?

I don't know, what did start dhcp on your interfaces, you should check
that. AFAIK your kernel does a automatic dhcp-configuration of your
interfaces when you have set CONFIG_IP_PNP_DHCP. You could try to
disable dbus and check, if your interfaces get up with dhcp again and
then disable CONFIG_IP_PNP or all CONFIG_IP_PNP_*-options and check
again. (If they where activated of course ;)  )

For your net.* initscripts not starting automatically I don't have an
idea other than maybe you forgot to add them to the runlevels right now,
but that would not explain, why they do start after adding dbus...

It would be interesting, to know, what did really happen, so please let
us know, what you find out ;)


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-user] more on SSD: swap

2013-07-26 Thread Markus Kaindl
Am 21.07.2013 16:42, schrieb Peter Wilmott:
 On 21/07/13 15:31, luis jure wrote:
 OK, now i have my system successfully installed and running on my new
 now i have to decide what to do with the rest of the disk (it's a 256MB

 the first big question is: what about swap? i found some web pages
 (perhaps old) stating that it's not wise to put swap on the SSD
 because of
 all the read/writes. but apparently from what i read on the recent
 thread on this list, that shouldn't be much of a concern now.

 i also read somewhere that if you have swap on the SSD and want to avoid
 unnecessary read/writes, you can reduce swappiness. i have 12GB RAM and i
 think normally i don't really need swap space on disk, so i thought that
 could be a good idea.

 so what i'm planning to do now is:

 - put swap on the SSD
 - reduce swappiness
 - put /var/tmp/portage on tmpfs

 so, do you guys think that's a good setup?

 TBH, unless you are really stressing your RAM usage (Lots of VMs or Java
 applications, stuff like that) I'd go without swap. I've been running
 swapless on 8GB of RAM for a number of years now with no issues.
 As for /var/tmp/portage on tmpfs, this is fine 95% of the time, however
 even with ~2GB I allocate some packages (Chromium, LibreOffice, ect)
 will fail to compile due to lack of space. In these cases I just
 un-mount /var/tmp/portage, do the compile on the disk, and then re-mount

Portage can do that for you for packages you know to need that much space:
markus@Nanga-Parbat ~ $ cat /etc/portage/env/notmpfs
[Fr 26.07.13 22:06 CEST][pts/2][x86_64/linux-gnu/3.10.1-gentoo][5.0.2]
markus@Nanga-Parbat ~ $ cat /etc/portage/package.env
www-client/firefox notmpfs
[Fr 26.07.13 22:06 CEST][pts/2][x86_64/linux-gnu/3.10.1-gentoo][5.0.2]
markus@Nanga-Parbat ~ $ mount | grep /var/tmp
/dev/mapper/Nanga--Parbat--SSD-system--var--tmp_notmpfs on
/var/tmp_notmpfs type btrfs (rw,noatime,ssd,autodefrag,compress=lzo)
none on /var/tmp type tmpfs (rw,size=6350m)

(Firefox is still in there from my pgo-builds, I should remove that now :D)

markus@Nanga-Parbat ~ $ free -h
 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:   15G12G   3,6G 0B   336M   6,0G
-/+ buffers/cache:   5,7G   9,9G
Swap:   0B 0B 0B

never had any problems without swap, since i got more than 4GB of RAM ;)


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Update BIOS with 4MB .exe

2012-04-16 Thread Markus Kaindl

did you try, if your DELL is supported by libsmbios?

Worked for me on 3 DELL-Computers (1 Desktop and 2 Laptops).


Grant schrieb:
 I'm amazed this is so difficult but I've just spent 3 hours trying to
 update the BIOS on my Dell XPS 13 and hit nothing but dead ends.  The
 root of the problem seems to be that the 4MB BIOS update file is too
 large for the available 1.44MB DOS boot disks.  Apparently FreeDOS had
 a LiveCD available at some point but it has reportedly been
 unavailable for quite some time.
 The following method looks promising but it also doesn't work.  DOS
 can't seem to execute the .exe file which sits outside of the boot
 Does anyone know how to do this?
 - Grant

Description: OpenPGP digital signature