[Goanet] On Postings on Goanet.

2006-06-23 Thread Gabe Menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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It seems to me that Postings favourable to, or supporting George Bush
and Tony Blair are given Carte Blanche on this site. Any one refuting
this propaganda, by posting contra articles, has had their post lost
in cyber space or rejected. Deja Vu!

Democracy ! What democracy, it is an act of desperation, now in Iraq.
They are freeing insurgents...don't take my word for it, check out the
news. Soon it will be bring back Sadam all is forgiven.

If there are any Goans working in Iraq via Kuwait, I'd strongly advise
you to get out pronto. All the money in the World is not worth it.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

Re: [Goanet] Investing/Trading section on GOANET?

2006-06-23 Thread Gabe Menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
There is no better, value for money, guest house.
 Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

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Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

Re: [Goanet] Re: Goan Association uk from Conception to Ruby

2006-06-22 Thread Gabe Menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
There is no better, value for money, guest house.
 Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

 Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.


Hence I put 2  2 together and the name Agnes cropped up.

RESPONSE: Now if ever there was any doubt about Mario's assertions
about addition and the conclusion arriving at 4, the above was a good
rebuttal indeed:  2  2 = Agnes




Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

Re: [Goanet] Re: Further to the Da Vinci Code (Re evangelisation)

2006-06-22 Thread Gabe Menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
There is no better, value for money, guest house.
 Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

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On 22/06/06, Vidyadhar Gadgil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: Elisabeth Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] Further to the Da Vinci Code (Re evangelisation)

  The Pope is talking about conversions that
 take place in India voluntarily.

 MV Kamath, writes this in his letter:
 The Pope owes an apology to Hindus and to India on
 bended knees.

M.V. Kamath is a well-known ideologue and apologist for the Sangh
Parivar, and need not be taken seriously. Or maybe one could say that
K.S. Sudarshan owes an apology to Christians and the Vatican on bended
knees :-)

RESPONSE: The post was forwarded from a communist news source!

Please, this kind of confusion is dangerous. What Hindu religious
authorities? Since when did the Bajrang Dal and the BJP and their
brethren acquire the status of religious authorities?

We must always be careful to distinguish between Hinduism (the religion)
and Hindutva (the political ideology). The dangers of such confusion are
clear, to make an analogy, what if people the world over start blaming
Christians in general and 'Christian religious authorities' for the
imperialist agenda of George Bush, which is clearly motivated by his
skewed interpretation of Christian fundamentalist doctrine?

Question everything -- Karl Marx

RESPONSE: Believe it or not! I and many others who oppose George
Bush's and Tony Blair's doctrine, are many times tarred with the same
brush...but we soldier on. You are on the ball, about being mindful,
of being absolutely correct about our perceptions. We have to be
clear, whom we point the finger at! These right wing fundamentalists,
of whatever creed or beliefs, are an ill wind that blows nobody any


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

Re: [Goanet] Re: Dubai Terrorism/response to Mario

2006-06-20 Thread Gabe Menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
There is no better, value for money, guest house.
 Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

 Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.
On 18/06/06, Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Mario responds:

... You keep repeating left-wing propaganda ad
nauseum and

ignoring all the actual facts.  You cite world
opinion which Bush cares little about in his support
for democracy, while you support about 20,000
murderous anti-freedom insurgents while callously
ignoring the democratic desires of 25 million Iraqis...

RESPONSE: Let us cut out the balderdash; get up to speed with the
latest, okay? This is the reality of the ill conceived intervention,
from the horses mouth, so to speak :

The ugly truth about everyday life in Baghdad (by the US ambassador)



Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

Re: [Goanet] Will the political scene change with NRIs being given voting rights?

2006-06-20 Thread Gabe Menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
There is no better, value for money, guest house.
 Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

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On 20/06/06, Frederick Noronha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Please see this poll on The Navhind Times

Visitors' Parliament
Will political scene change with NRIs being given voting rights?
Yes No Can't Say

55% are currently (Tuesday, 1 pm) saying yes! FN

RESPONSE: What is the basis of this Poll? The NRIs will constitute
just a very small percentage of the Voters!


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)


2006-06-20 Thread Gabe Menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
There is no better, value for money, guest house.
 Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

 Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.
On 19/06/06, godfrey gonsalves [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It is shocking to learn from the Honorable Minister
for Education, Mr Luizinho Faleiro M.Com, LL.B that
the reason for introducing English at the primary
level from this academic year 2006-2007 is owing to
the fact that there was a 40% rate of drop outs at the
Primary school level as the students studying in
Konkani (in Devanagari script the official language
NOT Roman script) and Marathi were unable to come to
terms with English at the V Standard onwards.

RESPONSE: It is good that you are exposing the Hon MLA. Could you
please confirm that the Hon MLA is a certified holder of M.Com and LLB
by examination, or has he been bestowed the titles as an honorary?


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

Re: [Goanet] For NRIs, investing in India akin to bungee jumping

2006-06-19 Thread Gabe Menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
There is no better, value for money, guest house.
 Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

 Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.
On 19/06/06, Frederick Noronha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

For NRIs, investing in India akin to bungee jumping

By Kul Bhushan

For NRIs, investing in the Indian market is akin to bungee jumping -
considering what has happened over the past few weeks.

An adventure sport, bungee jumping involves jumping from a high
platform with one end of an elastic cord attached to the ankles. When
the person jumps, the cord will stretch to take up the energy of the
fall - and the jumper will spar upwards as the cord snaps back. The
jumper oscillates up and down until the energy of the jump is

Comment: Known as a dead cat bounce! I'd say buyer beware (Caveat
emptor) - Sure you could make a load of money if the trend is really
up - better to be safe than sorry. Wait for the market to show itself!


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

Re: [Goanet] The Dangers of certain topics (relating to Churches)

2006-06-19 Thread Gabe Menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
There is no better, value for money, guest house.
 Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

 Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.
On 19/06/06, Elisabeth Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear fellow posters,

I don't mean to be Chicken Little here, but in a
moment I will seem to be. I haven't followed the
discussion about Catholic Churches being built atop
Hindu temples in its entirety, just in bits and
pieces. While I certainly don't want to advise anyone
on what to discuss, I think in the political climate
that we live in today. Christians have to show some
responsibility in the assertions that they make.

RESPONSE: Now that was indeed an nice responsible post; while not
wanting to hide our past, it certainly does not behove us, to publicly
wear sack cloth and ashes and parade around Margao Bazaar, extolling
sins committed and apologizing for the past. This has already been
done many, many times before and we acknowledge it. Let us now move
forward !


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

Re: [Goanet] Goa's other Films Fest fruit Gene Bank

2006-06-19 Thread Gabe Menezes

On 19/06/06, Valmiki Faleiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Goa's other Films Fest  fruit Gene Bank

By Valmiki Faleiro


I had this aunt, T.Olinda, dad's unmarried sister. Green fingers, she raised
her own seedlings, made her own grafts. She used the bone of a particular
deer's antler to make the inverted-triangle incision in the mother tree and
anthill soil to 'bandage' her surgery - for success, she said. She counted
with pride at least 22 fruit varieties at any given time in the family yard …
pink Grape Fruit (Pomelo), half a dozen types of Lime, both varieties of
Chikoo and its cousin Adama (AdanvFoll in Konkani). A weakness for citrus and
sapota! Then there were mango and mulberry, cashew and coffee … the list is
long, but of course, coconut, of which she had one from Seychelles and another
that bore nuts 15 inches in diameter. All seeded or grafted with her own hands.

While building a new house, the trees were rampaged by an army of labourers
camped in the backyard. House now almost complete, I turned to the backyard. I
must restore at least 22 varieties. 

Comment: Yes and when it is completed, please give us advance notice,
so that we may be able to attend the House Warming Party!

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

[Goanet] World Cup snipets.

2006-06-17 Thread Gabe Menezes

Portugal Vs Iran...

Luis Figo gets kicked in the face, opponent does not get booked.
Portuguese assistants come to Figo's aid, pour water over him - he is
really  thirsty - alas the bottle is empty. Their fore bearers who
came and took Goa, would turn in their graves, the present people did
not carry enough provisions! Goans would call them Bhamtulos / ( Sp )


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

[Goanet] Bank of India offers 9 % to seniors!

2006-06-17 Thread Gabe Menezes

BoI offers 9% interest to senior citizens

PTI | June 16, 2006 | 15:01 IST

Bank of India has launched a new long-term deposit�plan -- Shatabdi
Scheme -- as part of its centenary year celeberations, offering an
interest of 8 per cent per year.

The scheme will, however, offer 9 per cent interest to senior citizens
for up to 10 years,�M Balachandran, the bank's chairman, said in
Thiruvananthapuram on Friday.

Balachandran said that as part of the centenary year initiatives, the
bank will launch many more deposit schemes, like flexi-recurring
deposit scheme, flexi-annuity pension deposit scheme, and salary
saving scheme this month.

The bank plans to adopt and develop 101 villages in the country. In
Kerala, Marottichal village (in Thrissur district) �and Mannur (in
Ernakulam disctirct) will be adopted. ATM Kisan Card and mobile ATM
for villages will also be launched soon.

The bank also plans to open a branch in Qatar and upgrade the busines
in China, Vitenam and Indonesia, he said.

The bank's Kerala zone registered a net profit of Rs 701.44 crore (Rs
7.014 billion) up to March 2006 compared to Rs 340.05 crore (Rs 3.4
billion) for the corresponding period of the previous year.

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Gabe Menezes.
London, England
Do not post admin requests to the list.
Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

Re: [Goanet] Goan Association uk from Conception to Ruby

2006-06-15 Thread Gabe Menezes

On 15/06/06, cornel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Melvyn
My apologies. I meant to say Manor House, not Manor Park. I also knew the

.. And just by way of interest,

does anyone know the whereabouts of Joey (sax) and his charming lady singer?
I can't recall her name this moment.

RESPONSE: Obviously, you didn't read my post in its entirety


The Singer was Agnes Delgado..who then went on to marry Joey!

I met Bosco guitarist in the band ( Night Fever) some years ago in
Toronto; Bosco plays in more than one band there! He informed me that
Joey and his Wife went off to L.A. and that Joey was discoing, not
sure what Agnes is doing, Obladi, Oblada...singer in a band ? I don't
think so.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

Re: [Goanet] Theist v/s atheist?

2006-06-14 Thread Gabe Menezes

On 12/06/06, Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Mario replies:

Then take a steel cube and multiply the length by the
breadth by the height to get the volume.  Then using
the water displacement method see if this comes out
any different.

RESPONSE: Surely to arrive at your conclusion it would have to be the
inner base x height?

Boil water the same way wherever you are again and
again and see if the boiling temperature changes.

Water does not boil at the same temperature wherever you are!!

Mario needs Thursday classroom!


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

[Goanet] Re: Whoa! World Cup.

2006-06-14 Thread Gabe Menezes

On 13/06/06, Gabe Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Well I am glad we got that out of the way, Brazil didn't impress?
Argentina, Germany, Italy, Czech Republic and definitely England are
still in the game.

It was rather remiss of me to forget Mervyn Lobo, who offered to
underwrite this and buy any unsold tickets. Mervyn is a generous soul
and my thanks to his generosity and willingness to come forward!


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

[Goanet] Sweep stakes; the draw!

2006-06-14 Thread Gabe Menezes

Okay here is the draw:

1 Gabe Menezes: Tunisia
2 Lily Menezes.: Costa Rica
3 George Pinto: Australia
4 Mervyn Lobo: Serbia
5 Bosco (Goanet) : Angola
6 Aurelius Figueredo: Saudi Arabia
7 Tony Barros: Croatia
8 Maureen Rodrigues: Ecuador
9 Dr. Jose Colaco: Germany
10 Ronnie Delgado: Argentina
11 Milan Kojnok: Switzerland
12 Alice Ferens: USA
13 Lydia Pinto: Iran
14 Kim Gilbert: Ghana
15 Harriet Ferens: Spain
16 Shawna Ashwell: Ukraine
17 Loyella Coutts: England
18 Reena Fuentes: Japan
19 Moneesha Pinto: Czech Rep
20 Vinita Zakher: Mexico
21 Fred Noronha Courtesy Dr Eric Pinto: Trinidad
22 Cecil Pinto ditto: Sweden
23 Mrs. Fred Noronha dittto: Poland
24 Valmiki Faleiro ditto: Holland
25 Miss ( Fred ) Noronha ditto: Ivory Coast
26 Giles Menezes: France
27 Glen Menezes: Togo.
28 Eddie Fernandes: Paraguay
29 Eugene Correia: Portugal
30 Gulf Goans www.goa-world.com: Brazil
31 Gulf Goans www.goa-world.com: Italy
32 Gulf Goans www.goa-world.com: Korea.

Good luck everybody and please send in the cheques, Muito
Obrigado...since the talk it that a Portuguese speaking team will win!
We shall see.

**US $$** and make payable to GOA SUDHAROP and mail to: GOA


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

Re: [Goanet] Goan Association U.K., Ruby Anniversary. (1)

2006-06-13 Thread Gabe Menezes

On 12/06/06, cornel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Gabe and Mervyn
Re Rita Faria, I am not a tall guy but had no trouble enjoying a pleasant
dance with Rita at a Goan social close to  the War Museum in London when she
became Miss World. She was also pleasantly conversational and among other
things, we talked about her thoughts about continuing medical training in
the UK.

RESPONSE: I Googled and found that Reita Faria stood 5' 7-1/2'' . with
heels this could easily be 5' 9'' .Cornel you brave man! I haven't
seen you for ages but are you taller than Ben?

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

[Goanet] 'Go to Goa and get healthy

2006-06-13 Thread Gabe Menezes


'Go to Goa and get healthy

Everything from a bargain tummy tuck to cut-price heart surgery is
being offered in a bid to tempt health tourists to India.

Patients aiming to dodge waiting lists and get cheaper private
operations can head to Goa - thanks to a deal between a Bradford
business and a hospital in the Indian Ocean resort.

Going to Goa is offering all-inclusive' packages including flights,
luxury lodgings and surgery.

Director Jan Bostock said clients stood to save thousands of pounds on
procedures ranging from a hair transplant to a heart bypass operation.

He said: We set this business up because we felt people were being
short-changed. I had dental work recently and couldn't believe the
high cost.

There can be queues for surgery. Our service shows that these
procedures should not cost the earth.

Shipley-based Mr Bostock said a private heart bypass operation costing
more than £15,000 in the UK could be had for £5,000 at the partner
Victor Apollo Hospital.

Flights and accommodation cost about an extra £1,000 for a three-week stay.

He said: We are facilitators. We do not give medical advice, but our
service helps people get all the facts before they decide to go

Mr Bostock said clients are able to speak to the surgeon by phone or
communicate by e-mail before going ahead. The company is also aiming
to set up video-conferencing.

He said: The doctors' credentials are available for the client and in
turn the medical notes for the patient are sent to the team in Goa.

We make sure we get all the questions answered and all the checks
possible in place right from the start.

We have to make sure our clients are 100 per cent confident about the

The hospital is comparable with a British hospital, if not better.
Standards of hygiene are incredibly high. There has not been a single
record of MRSA.

The company's brochure promises first class medical facilities and
first class after care treatment as well as a home counselling

But Telegraph  Argus columnist Dr Tom Smith warned potential patients
to demand facts before committing to a procedure.

He said: There are so many questions. Is the blood transfusion system
safe? Does it screen for things like hepatitis? What are the
safeguards against deep vein thrombosis? How good is the nursing care?
Is there evidence of MRSA?

I would want to know a great deal about the surgeons. In the UK you
can find out a surgeon's success rate in his previous 1,000
operations. How are the post-operative morbidity rates?

People must always be careful to weigh up the risks and the benefits
of going abroad for health care.

A spokesman for Bradford and Airedale PCTs said people choosing
private treatment in India did so at their own risk as there is no
guarantee of the standard of care.

He said: We would strongly recommend that anyone considering this
first takes advice from their GP or other health professional.

The need for this service is also debatable as NHS waiting lists
continue to fall and patients are getting faster treatment than ever
before for many conditions.

And anyone who was regarded as an urgent case would be treated even
sooner, free of charge.

e-mail: jonathan.walton @bradford.newsquest.co.uk


George Marshall travelled to Bangalore in India for a double heart
bypass operation in 2005.

He said he had no regrets about having his operation abroad.

The violin repairer, pictured, 74, had felt time was running out as he
waited for NHS treatment.

He said: I'm definitely glad I did it. They did a splendid job and I
speak very highly of the staff and the hospital.

I'm not sure how happy my GP was about it, but he did say paying for
these things wasn't easy.

Mr Marshall, of Ilkley, spent £4,800, including flights and medical
fees on his treatment. It was a saving of £14,000 on the potential
bill for a private operation in this country.

5:05pm today

By Jonathan Walton


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

Re: [Goanet] Goan Association U.K., Ruby Anniversary. (1)

2006-06-12 Thread Gabe Menezes

On 12/06/06, cornel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Gabe and Mervyn


If I get the time, I will fill in some gaps re the formation of the Goan
Association in the UK. My earliest meeting in this cause was at a Catholic
hostel in Manor Park, London, in around mid 1962 or early 1963. I am sure I
have a list somewhere of those who attended this meeting. There was already
the East African Catholic Society (or Association) in existence and this
gave way to the Goan Association later on. I am sure I have some records in
my garage of this early stage of development. How quickly Ruby has come

The East African Catholic Society of which, the late Camilo D'Souza
and the late Amorito Nazareth, were post holders continued into
existence even after the Goan Association was formed. In fact The East
African Catholic Society had later donated the alarm system which was
fitted at the GOA Club House in Beckenham Kent.

I remember attending a couple of dances which took place at a small
hall in Oxford Street near Tottenham  Court Road!

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

[Goanet] Goan Association U.K., Ruby Anniversary. (1) Addendum

2006-06-11 Thread Gabe Menezes

I forgot a very important happening in the History of the Association.
In 1977 the Committee accepted an invitation from the Goan Association
Canada (Toronto) to visit them for a sports and cultural exchange. I
had all the Funds that were collected, changed at money market
interbank rate, with no commission, for the Association!

The Canadain Goans were very generous in their entertainment and the
hospitality that they showered upon us. We had also made a coach trip
to Ottawa and onwards to Montreal. The Montreal Goans also treated us
very well. I remember their welcome evening reception and the  Biryani
which was really mouth watering!

Our Hockey side alas did not do that well and the Goan Association
Canada were champions!



Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

[Goanet] Goan Association U.K., Ruby Anniversary. (1)

2006-06-11 Thread Gabe Menezes
. This
item promptly vanished, despite there being no break in! Such was the
turmoil we were finding ourselves in. There was a phone at the Club
House and many used it to make long distance calls to friends and
relations all over the World!  Needless to say the phone was then cut

I shall not venture further into the quagmire that the Association had
headed into. All I shall add is to state that there were a few
reprobates. I left Office, from the Association totally disillusioned.

My sons have no interest in the Association, having learnt from my
experience. I wonder how many young Goan professionals have been
advised to stay away from the Association because of my own and
other's experience ?


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

[Goanet] Goa says 'Go Brazil'

2006-06-10 Thread Gabe Menezes


Goa says 'Go Brazil!'
Pushpa Iyengar
Friday, June 09, 2006  22:45 IST

world cup fifa 2006

PANAJI: Goa is known to support Portugal and Brazil, but World Cup has
the region craning its neck toward Brazil.

Peter Vaz, soccer patron and owner of Sporting Clube De Goa, says that
because of the past and present, soccer fans identify themselves with
Portugal and Brazil. Goa was a former Portuguese colony and its clubs
have several Brazilian players. One fan in Saligao, North Goa,
Geronimo D'Costa told DNA, I think most Portugal supporters are fence
sitters, their hearts are with Brazil.

Bondo, one of Goa's well known musicians, says, I've loved this
beautiful game ever since I was a kid. Now I cannot wait for the
kick-off. Bondo has lived in Brazil, and it's little wonder that he
says, My heart is with Brazil, there is little doubt about that.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Go England, go.

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

[Goanet] Speculators eyeing World Cup in Gujarat? You bet!

2006-06-10 Thread Gabe Menezes


AHMEDABAD: You can't blame them for not knowing when Brazil has its
first outing at the FIFA World Cup in Germany. The Sensex slide is
exercising their minds much more than the sliding tackles which
opponents are planning against Ronaldinho and Co. But don't be
mistaken by this ignorance about the frenzy in Frankfurt.

For, wherever there is money to be made, there is a Gujarati
speculator. In fact, an army of them who can't wait to test the
bookie's odds. Everyone knows Brazil are the favourites. Big deal!

The knack is in picking the dark horses which yields more money than
the thin margins that betting on a Brazilian win offers as returns.
Bookies in Gujarat are busy these days taking bets from those would
like to give cricket a respite.

They have networked themselves with syndicates which have a worldwide
cartel extending from the small town of Unjha to Ahmedabad, Mumbai to
London. Bets are being taken on who would win the finals and which
team would head their respective groups. ..


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

[Goanet] Goan lifestyle vulnerable to AIDS, says Governor

2006-06-09 Thread Gabe Menezes


Goan lifestyle vulnerable to AIDS, says Governor

NT Staff Reporter

Panaji, June 8: The Governor, Mr S C Jamir today observed that Goa, by
way of its lifestyle, is vulnerable to HIV/AIDS, and the large number
of tourists as well as influx of labourers possibly carrying
infections with them may further compound the situation.

Speaking at a special ceremony held at the Raj Bhavan to launch Red
Ribbon Clubs for HIV/AIDS awareness in younger age group, the Governor
stated that the leadership should take responsibility for controlling
the HIV/AIDS menace and must not restrict its activities to asking
for votes.

Speaking further, the Governor said the state has to follow
directives, policies and initiatives of the central government on
fight against HIV/AIDS.

Goa is a very favourite tourist destination as well as provider of
jobs to countless labourers who, while arriving in the state, may
bring in many diseases along with their tools, Mr Jamir observed,
adding Therefore, with due respect to Goan community, Goa has become
vulnerable to HIV/AIDS due to the prevailing lifestyle of its people.
In such a lifestyle, the very purpose of life is lost, he observed.

The Governor suggested that Goans should find out what type of
lifestyle can help them encounter the onslaught of HIV/AIDS.

Making some suggestions on combating the disease, Mr Jamir recommended
adoption of the Chinese programme of 'Four Frees and One Care' namely,
offering free anti-retroviral drugs, free voluntary counselling and
testing, free drugs to prevent mother-to-child transmission and free
schooling for orphaned children, and finally care and economic
assistance to affected households.

In India, 90 per cent of the infected persons are in the productive
age group of 15-49 years out of which 32 per cent are young men and
women in the age group of 15-29 years, and hence we have to emphasise
on younger generation of the society, he informed. Presently, India
stands only second to South Africa in terms of AIDS infection to its

The formation of Red Ribbon Clubs would be a positive beginning in
the fight against AIDS, he said.

The Red Ribbon Clubs, whose modalities are yet to be worked out, are
aimed at spreading awareness on HIV/AIDS in 46 higher educational
institutions in the state, covering around 20,000 students, this year.
The RRCs programme is a comprehensive promotional and preventive
intervention to mainstream HIV/AIDS prevention, mitigation, stigma
reduction, care and treatment among the youth in colleges and other
higher educational institutes. It also envisages to prepare and
promote peer group educators within and outside the campuses.

A presentation by the deputy director (blood safety) of the Goa State
AIDS Control Society, Dr S P Prabhudesai on latest HIV/AIDS scenario
in the state informed that the estimated number of people living with
HIV/AIDS in Goa is around 12,000; the reported number of the cases
being 772 and the deaths by way of the disease mounting to 217.

The disease is now prevalent in all parts of Goa, majority of the
cases being reported in the four coastal talukas, that is Salcete,
Mormugao, Bardez and Tiswadi, it informed.

The presentation also stated that 86 per cent of the total 149 cases
detected in the year 2005 belonged to the age group 15-49 years and
about 38 per cent of these cases were females. Furthermore, about 25
per cent of the new infections were in the age group 15-29 years, it
informed, pointing out that among the females infected, almost
one-third belonged to the age group 15-49.

The sexual route is the predominant mode of transmission (92.5 per
cent), followed by mother-to-child infection (6.3 per cent), infection
through infected syringes/needles (0.7 per cent) and by way of blood
and blood products (0.5 per cent), the presentation mentioned.

The health secretary, Mr U K Vhora in his speech said that most of the
youngsters are vulnerable to HIV/AIDS and that's the basic philosophy
behind forming the RRCs. The clubs will convert the potential AIDS
victims into effective soldiers, he said, adding that the peer group
interactions will form an important weapon against the disease.

Speaking on the occasion, the Goa University Vice-Chancellor, Prof P S
Zacharias said the university is using its long-distance education
methodology as well as the recently established FM radio station in
collaboration with the Indira Gandhi National Open University for
broadcasting AIDS-related programmes.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

[Goanet] Goenkar, buyer beware.

2006-06-09 Thread Gabe Menezes

Indian stock markets drop again
Indian share prices have fallen by 4% in the wake of steep declines in
other Asian markets.

The benchmark Bombay Stock Exchange Sensex fell by more than 400
points to 9,397.93, the lowest since January.

Indian shares have fallen by more than 25% over the past month after
hitting a record high of 12,612 points.

Shares across Asian markets have fallen as ongoing fears about
interest rate rises in the US continue to hit the global markets.

Shares on the National Stock Exchange also tumbled, with the
50-company SP Nifty index down 3.4% to 2,765 points.

The falling share prices have led to heavy selling by mutual funds and
retail investors.


Many middle-class Indians have made money on the stock markets over
the past few years, but analysts say the era of making quick gains is

However, they stress that the markets still present an opportunity for
long-term investors.

Kevin Grice, an emerging markets specialist at American Express bank,
believes the share prices on India's markets have fallen to reasonable

India is looking very attractive... The Sensex in this kind of area
is now a buying opportunity, he told the Associated Press news
Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2006/06/08 07:03:28 GMT



Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

[Goanet] World Cup sweep stake.

2006-06-07 Thread Gabe Menezes

So far we have 7 people, there are 32 teams, so need more people to
come in on this one, although it has already been underwritten by one
more than generous soul from Canada!

The teams can be found at :-


The charity has been chosen and the address to send the cheques to is
on another email sent in by George Pinto.

All the 32 teams names will be put into a hat and drawn one at time
against the names of the the entrants, which will also be drawn but
from another hat.

Thanks in advance and hope to have some more of you coming in on this please!


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

[Goanet] On the banning of the Da Vinci code movie in Goa.

2006-06-07 Thread Gabe Menezes

I believe there is more than meets the eye, in this instance. The
flexing of muscles and making a point to the Right Wing Hindus,
Fundamentalist Muslims, Believers and what have you, played a part.

I believe Churchill could not allow himself to be shown as being
gutless! Had the Catholic Goans quietly acquiesced by rolling over,
maybe tomorrow they would find themselves being the brunt of, who
knows?? The point being made, is that we are not ready to be taken as
lambs to the slaughtering house.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

[Goanet] Goan Association U.K., Ruby Anniversary.

2006-06-06 Thread Gabe Menezes

Most, if not all, Goan Association U.K. Members are aware that their
Association is celebrating 40 years of existence. In 1966 I was in the
Royal Air Force, stationed at R.A.F. Uxbridge; I received a postcard
from Tony D'Costa, my friend and former neigbour, from Nairobi Kenya.
Tony had recently arrived in the U.K. to take up his apprenticeship at
British Aerospace at Weybridge. The important part of his message was
that there was a proposed meeting at Caxton Hall, St. James Place in
London, to form a Goan Club. Tony's cousin Romeo D'Silva, urged Tony
to attend and bring along any Goans that he might know! That's how I
ended up being one of 17 Goans who started the Goan Association. Both
Tony and I were teenagers having just finished schooling at St.
Teresa's Nairobi - I finished a year earlier, the rest of the
attendees were older than us. The only one I remember besides Romeo
D'Silva was Camilo D'Souza.

To cut to the chase, after some ramblings, as was usual at that time,
with our elders, a Memorandum Of Understanding was signed, to form the
Goan Association. Tony's and my interest was mainly: hope you guys
have some nice daughters!

On Saturday, 3rd June 2006, the Goan Association U.K. Celebrated their
Ruby Anniversary. The tickets were deliberately priced as a give away,
to entice and give back to the faithful membership. All Ex Presidents
were invited as guests of the Association. My invitation just about
got to me, it was dated 2nd May 2006, arriving on my doorstep on 19th
May 2006. I nearly didn't make it, thanks to the abysmal Biritish
Postal Services! My friend Tony, also almost didn't make it as he was
on vacation and by the time he got back the event was sold out! I was
pleased that he did get a ticket to attend...after all we were the
two, who were there at the 'Christening' !.

The Board of Directors went to a lot of effort to have a memorable
event, the decorations complimented the event, Hellium filled balloons
do something for me! These were attached to the G.O.A. Logo -
two swaying Coconut trees. The food was sumptuous and everyone
got their fill, there was sufficient left to feed the hungry horde that
came after attending a wedding of the year. They had to attend
the wedding but were also determined not to miss out on this
milestone of the Association.

The Band played well and kept all on their toes. The best thing was
that there was room to dance, unlike some recent functions, when the
criteria has been -  fill up the hall, up to the rafters.

There were apparently some Australian Goans as well as some Goans from
Frisco who attended, I met Johnny Fernandes, now formally called David
( Tony D'Costa's classmate). His wife Mathilda is the current
Secretary of the Frisco Goan Institute !

Mathilda spoke on behalf of the guests and was very generous with her
praise, for all things Goan including our Goan Association! Johnny on
the other hand, hasn't changed much, still full of confusion, so much
so that I ended up taking his invite for a last beer before we left -
just as well I had pre-arranged my transport! Both Johnny and Mathilda
are true Goaphiles and willing to travel the World in search of Goan
milestone celebrations. They previously made it to Mombasa and also
Nairobi, for the respective Centenary celebrations. How nice to work
for an airline! Maybe these guys can put me down as their friends and
family, discount fly?

An excited Norma Menezes Rahim, announced that Rabi Martins ( ex
President G.O.A.) had recently been appointed as Mayor of Watford.
Congratulations to Rabi, hope he is still aspiring to become an M.P.?

It was indeed a nostalgic occasion, which might not have happened.
More than 10 years ago the Bankers to the Association wrote a letter
seeking forclosure, if the outstanding Overdraft  was not cleared. I
shall not wax lyrical on the part played by three Members, who loaned
the Association £50,000,  an unsecured loan!. The Association has had
a lot of trials and tribulations to contend with but crux if ever
there was one, came at that time when Members were disillusioned and
many wanted their debentures paid no matter what, at least one
threatened to seek foreclosure if his debenture was not redeemed!

This is well known by many Senior Members, I trust they have forgiven
but not forgotten what had transpired!

I take this opportunity to wish the Goan Association U.K. A happy Ruby
Anniversary and many more to come. Hopefully Goan Associations and our
culture will not, immediately be in terminal decline!

Wither next? Celebrations on their own cannot and will not keep us
going, already we have lost, in my opinion, talented Goan youngsters.
If one reads the Goan Voice  U.K. of youngsters making the waves, the
Directors should ask themselves, are these hotshots members, if not
why not?


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] World Cup sweepstake.

2006-06-06 Thread Gabe Menezes

Hello Goenkars!
The sweep stake is on - I really would love more people to
participate, although this has already been underwritten. Goa Sudharop
will choose the charity to which the money will go to!

The winner picks £100 or equivalent to keep the excitement. £220 or
equivalent will go to charity.

I shall pull the names of the teams from a hat and allocate it
according to who comes in. This will be done fairly - so really don't
know who will end up with the favourites! It will be fun and it is for

Hopefully George will provide an address for the cheques to be sent to ?

The first game starts this Saturday so please try and cough up early!


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

Re: [Goanet] Re: Goanet Digest, Vol 3, Issue 565 Message 6

2006-06-06 Thread Gabe Menezes

On 06/06/06, Livia/Jorge de Abreu Noronha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I really do not see why such big issue is being made on the term
Continental Portugal. Our Madeira and Azores brothers/sisters refer to us,
living on the mainland as Continentais. And they themselves have a special
statute and benesses because of their Insularidade. It appears as though
to the usual lusophobians Portugal is just landscape with Lisbon for

RESPONSE: I read this pretty good write up on Portugal, I have posted
only the beginning of it as it is rather long. Please read.

Mentor for Lisbon
Sue Leite Monteiro says Portugal's history has had a lasting impact on
Lisbon culture with Moorish and Oriental influences in architecture
and the arts.
(Filed: 08/09/2005)

Introduction to Portugal
Geography and Climate
Economy and Taxation

Ask questions and read the answers on the Mentor Noticeboard.

Our mentors are volunteers and any information they provide is for
information only and is not intended to be a substitute for
professional advice. Click here to access the message boards terms and

Sue met her husband, who is Portuguese, in London when they were both
working for the same company. When he returned to Portugal, she likes
to say that she was exported with him. That was 25 years ago and
since then they have always lived and worked in Lisbon.

Sue trained as a Teacher of English as a Foreign Language with the
British Council in Lisbon and later moved to the Portuguese Civil
Service College where she still works, teaching English and
Communication Skills.

Introduction to Portugal: I recently read an article about Portugal
which said that the country was so forgettable that no-one has
bothered to think up a rude nickname for it. The truth is that
although it may be a little-known country sitting on the Atlantic rim
in the far south west of Europe, it is certainly not
forgettable...CLICK on the URL above for a
full read.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

[Goanet] Start a World Cup sweepstake for Goan charity?

2006-06-05 Thread Gabe Menezes

There are 32 teams, If George Pinto is willing we should start a
sweepstake, £10 or equivalent each. All teams go into a hat and each
one is pulled out and given to a pre-determined list. The total
collected would be £320. The person who gets the winning team get £100
the balance £220 to Goa Sudharop. If there are more people willing to
come in on this then we do the same exercise all over again?

How about it, let's enjoy ourselves and at the same time raise money
for a worthy Goan cause?

If this is acceptable put me down as the first entrant and the first
team drawn will be against my name and we continue the process.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Do not post admin requests to the list.
Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

[Goanet] 24 gaddas outside GMC removed

2006-06-03 Thread Gabe Menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
There is no better, value for money, guest house.
 Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

 Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.

24 gaddas outside GMC removed

PANJIM,  JUNE 2 – The North Goa Administration on Friday removed
twenty-four gaddas stationed outside the GMC, Bambolim.
The North Goa Administration  had  received a  communiqué  fromGMC
authorities following instructions from the government that the
kiosks dotting the entrance of GMC complex should be removed.In all,
24 gaddas were removed  in the operation  between 11 am to  4 pm under
the supervision of  the Deputy Collector, Agnel Fernandes assisted by
Joint Mamlatdar Parag Nagarcekar.  Gaddawallas were served with
ultimatum to clear their activities within 24 hours on, informed


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

Re: [Goanet] RE : Kiss which cheek first?

2006-06-03 Thread Gabe Menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
There is no better, value for money, guest house.
 Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

 Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.
On 02/06/06, Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Mario observes:

For the spatially challenged among us, if the kisser
starts with the kissee's right cheek, he or she
would be starting from their - the kisser's - left,
and vice versa.  I think the kisser should start on
their right, which would be the kissee's left cheek.

RESPONSE: Needless to say, you think incorrectly; I trust that kissing
on the cheeks, by Goan Catholics, is derived from the former
Colonialists, the Portuguese. The way it is done in Portugal as
explained by a Portuguese, is as follows:


Social interactions: Kissing
Written by Mundus on October 7, 2003.

Portuguese love to kiss. When I lived in the US I almost got myself
into trouble because when I got introduced to girls I would give them
two kisses, even with their boyfriends there. That's the way we do it
in Portugal. Very few hand shakes between opposite sex people. The
tipical Portuguese kiss goes like this: you turn your head to the left
and kiss the other people's right cheek then you turn your head to the
right and kiss the left cheek. Simple! Now go out there and do some


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Do not post admin requests to the list.
Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

[Goanet] 7 illegal kiosks cleared at GMC

2006-06-03 Thread Gabe Menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.

7 illegal kiosks cleared at GMC

NT Staff Reporter

Panaji, June 2: The demolition squad of the Tiswadi sub-divisional
magistrate�s office here today removed several unauthorised kiosks on
government land located at the periphery of the Goa Medical College
and Hospital, Bambolim.

The removal of seven kiosks was effected after the SDM, Mr Agnelo A J
Fernandes, received a written communication from the GMC authorities
complaining about the nuisance caused by the kiosks and the
anti-social elements, who frequented them late in the evening.

The GMC authorities had also complained about the �eve teasing� by the
drivers of the taxis which are parked in the GMC complex and have
sought their removal too.

Meanwhile, sources in the government said that drive against the taxi
owners at the GMC complex would be initiated soon and that the taxis
would be allowed to be parked on the levelled ground outside the


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Comment: An excellent start, now other illegal kiosks should be targeted!
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[Goanet] Martin’s Corner finds mention in From mer’s Guide

2006-06-03 Thread Gabe Menezes
 the advertisement claims that
Goa is a land of music and musicians, the government prefers to follow
the Madhya Pradesh Act and stop music after 10 p.m, just when the
tourist which the advertisement lures into Goa - wants to shake a leg
and enjoy. How weird.

Mr Bonny and Mr Pobre are now thinking of opening an accommodation
facility in the beauty of the nearby sunset beach along with a coffee
shop continuing with the Martin's Corner tradition of pampering

Bigger plans include a wish to have another Martin's Corner in North
Goa. It is not because of Mopa, but just the feeling to cater to our
North Goa clients, who otherwise have to brave through the bad roads
to get to Betalbatim and that too on a hungry stomach, said Mr Bonny
in a lighter vein.

According to him, the plan for a golf course is a positive sign. We
will then be able to attract the upmarket tourists and a new class of
tourism can be brought to Goa, Mr Bonny insisted. In his opinion what
the state today needs is a quality crowd of visitors.

Only volumes won't help, he cautioned. Martin's Corner, Mr Bonny
proudly informs is open throughout the year with the local populace
forming the clientele base. One can feel this from our rates, despite
tremendous growth, Mr Bonny said before topping it up in his business
style by announcing that advance booking is recommended.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Do not post admin requests to the list.
Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

Re: [Goanet] RE : Kiss which cheek first?

2006-06-02 Thread Gabe Menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
There is no better, value for money, guest house.
 Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

 Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.
On 01/06/06, Cher Sty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi Gabe,

  Well, in France, the French start by the right cheek.I have noticed
that in most of the countries in Europe it is the same - it is just the number
of kisses given which are different (2 or 4 in France, 3 in Belgium, 4 in
Switzerland for instance as long as I remember what I had been told by the
inhabitants of those countries.)
Concerning, the right side by which the first kiss has to be given, there
may be exceptions to that - which I do not know - if in UK, they start by the
left cheek, that may be explained by the fact that they drive on the left
unlike most of the European countries.  ;-)



RESPONSE: Thank you for the clarification; just as I thought right cheek first!

Now I do hope our Goans who did it nonchalantly, do it correctly!


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Do not post admin requests to the list.
Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

[Goanet] Notice for Londoners..if interested.

2006-06-02 Thread Gabe Menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
There is no better, value for money, guest house.
 Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

 Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.

Sacred Heart Church, Wimbledon.

The Secrets of the Da Vinci Code.

Fr Gerald O'Collins, S.J (Gregorian University, Rome) will lead a
study day in the Upper Hall from 10.30 a.m. – 3.30 p.m.  Author or
co-author of 45 published books and hundreds of articles, Gerald
O'Collins has become well known for his articles in The Tablet and
appearances on the BBC. His most recent books include: Easter Faith
(Darton, Longman and Todd) and Catholicism (Oxford University Press).


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Do not post admin requests to the list.
Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

[Goanet] Dev Borem Korum, Adieu, Adios.

2006-06-02 Thread Gabe Menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
There is no better, value for money, guest house.
 Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

 Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.
A few months ago it seems a hornet's nest was disturbed, by the
farewell salutations used here! Yesterday whilst watching Master Mind,
a common farewell used in French and Spanish amongst other 'Latin'
languages, Adieu = To God

So it seems it is not just Konkani that invokes God, so eat your
hearts out fellas!


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Do not post admin requests to the list.
Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

Re: [Goanet] Monsoons in Goa.................

2006-05-31 Thread Gabe Menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
There is no better, value for money, guest house.
 Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

 Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.
On 30/05/06, Vivian D'Souza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What a beautiful time of the year  in Goa !

RESPONSE: Aaah to be in Goa at this time of the year, Wife and me in
bed looking into each other's eyes! I hope to do this before I die!

Glad you met Dom, Obviously he made an impression on you. Now I am not
going to put you on the spot but you didn't mention your pleasure in
meeting another Goanetter! Perhaps it was your displeasure..Now I
don't know whether to put a smiley or a frown on this one, so I'll
just abstain.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Do not post admin requests to the list.
Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

[Goanet] Inauguration of Goan Chaplaincy, London.

2006-05-29 Thread Gabe Menezes

28th May 2006, saw the inauguration of the first 'Goan Chaplaincy' in
the U.K. The Goan Chaplaincy is the successor to the 'Asian
Chaplaincy'. Now the Goans in and around London have their very own
Goan Priest to tend to their spiritual needs.

The Mass started one hour late due to a mix up; the Bishop waited
patiently at the Church, some two miles down the road, although the
mass was scheduled at the School Hall. All's well that ends well.

The Choir comprised, mainly, the Goans from Swindon, with perhaps one
or two others from elsewhere. The accompaniment was typically, what
one would hear at a progressive Catholic Mass in Goa. The ghumto made
its presence felt! The Readings and Gospel were read in Konkani, in
keeping with the occasion.

Rev. Fr. Oliver Antao was pleased with the reception and the
'Christening' of the occasion. I met Ciril De Qadros, ( Who posts
here, occasionally) a formidable giant of a man, one would be afraid
to meet him in a dark narrow alley!  Ciril and his family are
stalwarts and give unstinting support to the Chaplaincy.

The band, Rainbow's End, a quintet from Swindon played pretty well and
had a typical Goa flavour to it.

We were running late and the Mister Goa + Miss Goa show took up a lot
of dancing time!  Fr. Antao apologized for this and hoped that we
would be understanding!

There was a big contingent of Goans from Swindon. I spoke to some of
the youngsters, who came from Goa some years ago and work for TS TECH
a Honda subsidiary. Honda is one of the more successful Motorcar
manufacturers here in the U.K., so the Goans working for Honda should
feel secure in their jobs. These youngsters are looking for brides, no
doubt - so next time your see an advert in the Goanet Matrimonial, it
might read young lad,  working hard for Honda, seeks brave Goa girl to
venture to Swindonplease email Greg Fernandes ( Navelim).

I wrongly, had the impression that there were many Goans in Swindon,
who originally came from Taliegao. I met two lads from Agassaim and
one from Navelim, did not meet any one who hailed from Taliegao.

It was Fr. Oliver's intention to get the people together; in this he
succeeded to an extent. All the helpers did their best and were
thanked profusely by the Goan Chaplain. I have many thoughts of what
was wrong and what went okay, at the occasion. I shall reserve this
piece and proffer my advice directly to those concerned!

The caterers, Mrs. Britto and Bernie's Kitchen, did their good deed
and fed the crowd to starters and a pretty good main meal of Sorpotel,
Xacuti, vegetable curry and pulao rice with pickle and a piece of
Bebinca as well!.

Frank Sequeira, did his usual and provided Kingfisher beer to the bar.
Frank and his wife have over the years helped the Chaplaincy to a good

If one wants to meet Swindon Goans, please take a trip there, on a
Sunday  or wait until the GOA open day when they are sure to be out in


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

Re: [Goanet] Just curious

2006-05-27 Thread Gabe Menezes

On 27/05/06, Anthony M Barreto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I must thank the gentleman who brought the 10th
wedding anniversary of Cecil and Beatrice to our
attention on goanet.
Cecil has two well known e-mail IDs and yet the
subsequent wishing on goanet that followed escapes my
simple mind.
I am aware that curiosity killed a cat. But it is also
true that curiosity is what gave us some incredible
modern inventions. Just for curiosity's sake, could
anyone of those who wished Mr and Mrs Pinto on goanet
tell me why they preferred to make their personal
greetings on a public domain despite having his
personal mail?
Please, it's nothing beyond plain curiosity.
Tony Martin

RESPONSE: Elementary my friend, we wanted the Whole Wide World to
share in this joyous occasion.

Then each and everyone of us wanted to be counted on this forum as
having felicitated. (i.e. those that wished, it to be so!)

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)


2006-05-27 Thread Gabe Menezes



GOA and Bulgaria are the cheapest places to go on holiday, a recent
survey by tour giant Thomas Cook reveals.

However Brazil, a new package holiday destination for this summer, is
the second cheapest destination worldwide - and a bargain for beer

A pint in Brazil costs just 79p, compared to £1 in Goa, 90p in
Bulgaria and £1.75 in Spain.

Mainland Spain is now cheaper than in previous years. After the
introduction of the euro in 1999, Spain, Italy and Greece became more
expensive than non-euro destinations, leading to huge growth in
popularity for Bulgaria and Turkey.

But this year Spain is the second cheapest European destination with
Majorca in third place.

The cheapest places to visit this summer worldwide are on the right
with European destinations on the left (2005 positions are in


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

Re: [Goanet] Congrats to Beatrice and Cecil Pinto

2006-05-26 Thread Gabe Menezes

On 25/05/06, George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Congratulations to Beatrice and Cecil Pinto who celebrate their 10th wedding 
anniversary today.
Cecil  has entertained us with his humourous posts over the years.

Please join me in wishing them many more years of marital bliss.


Comment: I too enjoin in wishing joyous felicitations!

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Blessings to you from the folks at DaySpring Cards,
the world's leading Christian greeting card company.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)


2006-05-24 Thread Gabe Menezes

On 24/05/06, cornel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have very mildly clashed with Ricardo  previously on Goanet. If my memory
serves me well, it was over his contention that, but for the Portuguese, all
Goans would have been of Turkisk/Muslim provenance. Historically, this could
well have been an alternative reality of course, but it was his implication
that, the Goans ought to be grateful for Portuguese colonisation, because it
was a better alternative, that I had found 

Comment: I do believe that Arjun was being more than a tad bit,
sarcastic...I think he was poking fun at Mario!

Come on you guys, someone who is so, PORTUGUESE, would not concede to easily

I must say, I think the joke is on your Mario, okay??


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)


2006-05-23 Thread Gabe Menezes

On 23/05/06, Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Mario observes:

I wonder what Cornel is going to say about this
assertion, which does not have a single smiley face?
He got upset with me just for saying that the
Portuguese got their names from Goan Catholics, and my
post was full of smiley faces:-))

RESPONSE: Cornel would ask, are you with us or are you with the lotus eaters?


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

Re: [Goanet] I have a theory about men!

2006-05-23 Thread Gabe Menezes

On 23/05/06, Gilbert Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Since I working on your assignment on I am back post, I will let your other 
students / devotees respond to this post.  Likely the guys who will respond to it will be 
thinking straight.:=))
Kind Regards, GL

Comment: I really don't remember when I last thought straight! Have to
check with my wife - probably get a smirky smile - its okay, getting
old boyo!

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Re: [Goanet] PDD

2006-05-23 Thread Gabe Menezes

On 23/05/06, Elisabeth Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Vivian,
PDD cannot be contracted by women even with frequent
contact. Thank goodness :)) Which is why we'd have
fewer wars if more women were incharge. Afterall,
we're not obsessed with proving that we've got the
bigger heat-seeking missile :)


Indira Gandhi and Maggie Thatcher and two women leaders who readily
come to mind! still think there'd be fewer wars?

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

Re: [Goanet] Nelly Furtado's Third Album

2006-05-22 Thread Gabe Menezes

On 22/05/06, Michael Ali [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Nelly Furtado's third album 'Loose' will be released on June 20, 2006. The
follow up to 2003's 'Folklore', 'Loose' includes the single 'Man-eaters as
well as a duet with Latin pop superstar Juanes, and the song 'All Good
Things' which features Coldplay's frontman, Chris Martin.

Nelly Furtado, a Bombay Goan left India to settle in Canada when she was
three years old.

Mike Ali

Comment : It's not yet April 1st 2007! Nelly Furtado is a Canadian,
born to Azorean parents ( Portuguese)

Please check out the URL below:

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

Re: [Goanet] Pro active Govt. officials lift illegal matka kiosk at Navelim

2006-05-22 Thread Gabe Menezes


Authorities clamp down on illegal kiosk at Navelim
The South Goa district administration in a surprise raid this evening
clamped down on a kiosk accepting matka bets at Navelim and
attached the same, even as those operating it took to their heels.
The surprise raid took place as a continuation of a planned demolition of an 
illegal kiosk, which though slated for May 18, was not a success as the 
concerned block development officer and panchayat were informed that the 
illegal structure was demolished amid conflicting reports.

Comment: A big hurrah, to the pro active Government officials.
Navelim, Goa and India needs more of them!

There are so many illegal kiosks and land grab artists all over Goa,
we need many more of these Goan stalwarts to get into action! The
Government should promote these people.

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Do not post admin requests to the list.
Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

[Goanet] Port Wine.

2006-05-21 Thread Gabe Menezes

Most, if not all Goenkars, know about Port Wine, as a Ruby Red drink?

Well I have news for you - there is a White Port which is chilled and
absolutely divine. Some excellent White Ports cost an arm and a leg.
Perhaps some of the Lusophiles on this list could inform us, whether
White Port Wine was available in Goa!

Port Wine was freely available in Goa, greatly appreciated, for its
bouquet, body and flavour, in Goa when there Portuguese were around.

Vincola, is a poor substitute! More sugar than body.

Let's get back on track, was there White Port available in Goa during
the Portuguese time?


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Do not post admin requests to the list.
Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

[Goanet] Da Vinci Code like global catechism class

2006-05-20 Thread Gabe Menezes


Da Vinci Code like global catechism class
May 20, 2006. 01:00 AM

If Chicken Little were a Christian, especially a practising Catholic,
he'd probably find now is as good a time as any to start shouting that
the sky is indeed falling and falling fast. And the reason for this
impending doom and gloom? The Da Vinci Code, of course. Things
appeared as bad as they could get when the book first made its debut
and forced open debates on the nature of Jesus' relationship with Mary
Magdalene, but since the recent tidal wave of publicity surrounding
the releases of the paperback version and the movie, it's become
downright uncomfortable for the faithful.This really needn't be the
case for believers, however. In fact, with a glass half-full approach,
we can actually read the book and see the movie and find ourselves
growing in the faith to boot!I certainly understand why so many in the
Church are angry about this book. After all it does make a mockery of
a 2,000 year-old institution, the Roman Catholic Church, and
intentionally or not, implies that its members are either terribly
naïve or just plain stupid. The book also assaults the most sacred
beliefs Christians have about Jesus Christ. What is probably most
upsetting of all is that the book can mislead readers into believing
what they are reading is not fiction but whole-hearted truth. I,
myself, have had to deal with loved ones who have had their beliefs
altered if not entirely thrown upside down by The Da Vinci Code. I
don't blame them or anyone else for having second thoughts on what
they have been brought up to believe their entire lives. It's
precisely because of these questions and doubts that The Da Vinci Code
is a blessing in disguise.Thanks to Dan Brown, information on the
history of Christianity is more readily available than ever before.
Even better, this information is not presented in a traditional
academic format, but offered up in easily digestible 21st century
bites. There really is no excuse for any Christian or interested party
to disregard this information, especially if they want to form an
opinion one way or the other. The Roman Catholic Church, which has
lamented (and still does) The Da Vinci Code, reacted surprisingly
swiftly to the groundswell the book created. The U.S. Conference of
Catholic Bishops even went so far as to create a website
(http://www.jesusdecoded.com) that does a respectable job of breaking
through the cracks in the code. One section in particular — What do
you say to a Da Vinci Code believer? — provides a vantage point that
many Christians have probably never considered before. For example,
how does a Christian reply to the claim that the Church wanted to
erase Mary Magdalene's presence (as the book purports)? Well, how
about by pointing out that all four Gospels have Mary Magdalene as the
first witness to the Empty Tomb. With such an integral role in the
story of the resurrection, she can hardly be swept under the rug. In
reality, The Da Vinci Code has provided the Roman Catholic Church with
a global catechism class. Some churches have been quick to realize
this and started their own Bible-study groups based on the book.
Adults who haven't received instruction in the faith for decades are
now students again and for the first time are coming into contact with
the writings of the early Church Fathers, dating as far back as the
1st century. In addition to increasing the faith, The Da Vinci Code
also opens the door for Christians to evangelize which, like it or
not, is expected of us. I'm surprised that there hasn't been more
movement on this. When The Passion of the Christ was released, ample
resources for evangelizing were readily available. Try as I might, I
have yet to come across anything about The Da Vinci Code that can be
considered user-friendly, no short tract that can be handed out. I
suspect that many Christians are simply intimidated at the thought of
passing on our beliefs when we're up against hard-core believers of
the book. It can all seem so complex, which is why a good place to
start is in fact with the book and/or the movie. If we get a good idea
of what the claims against Christianity are, we can then tackle each
subject one step at a time. I, for one, would have preferred more
pleasant circumstances in which to delve deeper into the roots of my
faith but the fact of the matter is The Da Vinci Code was the catalyst
and for that I'm truly grateful for the book, warts and all.Mary
Luckasavitch is a writer who focuses on religion. Email


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

Re: [Goanet] Getting expertise... on rats

2006-05-20 Thread Gabe Menezes

On 19/05/06, Frederick Noronha (FN) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Some time back one raised the query about how to deal with rats, via
this forum. It resulted in mostly light-hearted banter, and some real
attempts to answer the issue raised.

Actually, rats can be a serious problem. At least in rural Goa. Talk to
anyone who lived here, and you'll realise this is no joke.

Thanks to some help from friends, one is getting a bit of a deeper
insight into how to deal with rats.

RESPONSE: In Goa they only have the cage rat trap! In Kenya and even
here in the U.K. one can buy a back breaker. This a spring trap which
snaps the back or head of the rat, when it takes the bait - clean and

Now there are new devices, although quite pricey. Electronic signals
as sent but the contraption which uses minute amounts of electricity.
Rats, insects, many other pests get disturbed by the high pitched
signal ( inaudible to Humans and pets) . They do not stay around for

cheapest one so far on Google is around £30. I am not sure if it is
effective against mosquitoes! I shall try one in Goa.

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

[Goanet] Indian shares suffer record drop

2006-05-18 Thread Gabe Menezes

Indian shares suffer record drop
Shares on India's Bombay Stock Exchange have suffered their biggest
one-day fall in value in its history.

The benchmark Sensex index at one stage dropped by 872 points to
11,346 - a 7.1% fall. It rallied slightly by close of trading, ending
the day 6.8% down.

Analysts say the main cause is the falls in shares elsewhere in the
world on Wednesday, particularly Wall Street.

European markets on Thursday showed signs of rallying, boosted by
corporate earnings in the UK and France.

Prices of all the major shares traded on the Bombay exchange fell as
the index began sliding following Wednesday's Wall Street drop.

Indian markets never correct... they always crash
Analyst Hemen Kapadia

Something had to give... the market had risen very quickly and was
already fragile, so when we were hit overnight with fears of rising US
inflation and weak Asian markets, jittery investors bailed, Andrew
Holland of DSP Merrill Lynch told Reuters.

But some brokers say prices fell also because of rumours that the
government could increase higher taxes on foreign funds investing in
Indian stocks.

If we hear some reassuring words from the finance minister, who knows
the markets may bounce back on Friday, stock broker Atul Shah told
the BBC.

Foreign enthusiasm

This year has seen the Sensex breaking records, going through the
10,000 points barrier in February and the 12,000 barrier in April.

Foreign investors have been pumping money into Indian markets, keen to
take a share of its fast-growing economy.

They spent a record $10.7bn (£6bn) on Indian shares last year,
encouraging Indian savers to push more of their money into equities.

But Hemen Kapadia, an analyst with the investment advisory firm
Morpheus Incorporated, says Thursday's falls have vitiated the
feel-good times in the market.

Indian markets never correct, he told the BBC. They always crash
and the individual investor is the one who suffers the most in such a

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2006/05/18 12:20:13 GMT



Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)


2006-05-18 Thread Gabe Menezes

On 18/05/06, Philip Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

So which way is the Dabolim upgrade headed? From the talk of aerobridges etc
its not the latter (Schipol)!
Neither is Mopa with its 5000 acres, A380 runway etc etc (with Dabolim
reserved for VVIPs and perhaps a growing fleet of business jets).

Why doesnt Goa get it when it comes to aviation matters? Hmmm.

RESPONSE: It's not all doom and gloom


Superjumbo makes maiden UK voyage
(Filed: 18/05/2006)

In pictures: A380 touches down

The world's biggest passenger airliner, the giant 555-seater Airbus
A380, has touched down safely at Heathrow Airport on its first visit
to Britain.

The A380
The A380 is piloted by Cpt Strongman

With Ed Strongman, a British test pilot, at the controls, the
240ft-long, double-decker plane landed at the west London airport at
exactly 1.20pm.

Capt Strongman fluttered a Union flag from the cockpit as the plane
slowed to a halt, and Heathrow staff broke off from their work to
applaud the mammoth plane.

Big crowds had gathered to catch a glimpse of the £200 million plane
as it flew in from the Berlin Air Show.

Capt Strongman and his crew took a deliberate detour so they could
pass over two Airbus UK plants - Broughton in North Wales - where the
A380's wings are made - and Filton in Bristol.

It was amazing to see so many faces looking up at me, Capt Strongman
said. It made me realise how many people are involved in this

Among those waiting to greet the plane at a new £105 million pier 6 at
Heathrow's Terminal 3 were Gordon Brown, the Chancellor.

This is a great day for London, a great day for Britain and British
manufacturing, and a great day for European co-operation, he said.

It shows Europe at its best and also shows the success of British
workmanship and technology at its highest level.

The new pier is part of £450 million worth of work that BAA, the
airport operator, is doing at Heathrow to enable the airport to
accommodate the A380 and future large aircraft.

The A380 will stay at Heathrow while tests are carried out to ensure
it is compatible with the new facilities. The plane will return to
Berlin early tomorrow morning.

It was first shown off by Airbus at its Toulouse headquarters in a
lavish event attended by Tony Blair in January 2005.

Then, in April last year, the plane flew for the first time,
completing a four-hour flight.

Airbus has spent around £6 billion to introduce the A380. So far the
company has taken 159 firm orders from 16 airlines for the plane,
including Singapore Airlines, Virgin Atlantic, Qantas, Qatar Airways
and Emirates.

However British Airways has yet to place an order. They, like many
other airline companies, want to wait and see how the plane performs
and how ready the world's airports are to receive it.

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Do not post admin requests to the list.
Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

[Goanet] British actors save the day as critics pan Da Vinci Code

2006-05-18 Thread Gabe Menezes

Thinking of seeing the move? Save your money, read on

British actors save the day as critics pan Da Vinci Code
By Hugh Davies in Cannes
(Filed: 18/05/2006)

It was left to the British to rescue Hollywood from disaster last
night after critics crucified the long-awaited film adaptation of The
Da Vinci Code as a jumbled melodrama..



Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

[Goanet] Pics of women in Newspapers banned.

2006-05-18 Thread Gabe Menezes

Never mind about the Da Vinci code leading some astray; now the Saudi
King has banned Women's pictures in Newspapers, to avoid exciting love
lorn men!

Read on click on to the URL below:-



Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Do not post admin requests to the list.
Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

[Goanet] Dan Brown has resurrected a heresy that rattles the Church

2006-05-18 Thread Gabe Menezes

Dan Brown has resurrected a heresy that rattles the Church
By Boris Johnson
(Filed: 18/05/2006)

Jesus had a baby, yes Lord. Jesus had a baby, yes my Lord. It sounds
pretty blasphemous, put like that, doesn't it? The only reason I dare
to begin with those words is that they represent the beliefs of
growing millions of otherwise sane British adults. Yup, folks, we all
seem to be swallowing the new gospel. You on the Tube, madam, turning
the pages with such narcosis that you miss your stop: you believe it,
don't you?.



Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Do not post admin requests to the list.
Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

[Goanet] Muslims join Da Vinci criticism

2006-05-16 Thread Gabe Menezes

Muslims join Da Vinci criticism
Roman Catholics in the Indian city of Mumbai (Bombay) have received
Muslim support in protests against the release of the movie, The Da
Vinci Code.

Film censors have cleared the movie for release in India on 19 May.

An umbrella organisation of Islamic clerics in Mumbai have labelled
the film as blasphemous because it spreads lies about Jesus

One Roman Catholic activist has gone on what he says is a hunger
strike until death unless the film is banned.

'Violent protests'

The Holy Koran recognises Jesus as a prophet. What the book says is
an insult to both Christians and Muslims, Maulana Mansoor Ali Khan,
general secretary of the All-India Sunni Jamiyat-ul-Ulema, told the
Reuters news agency.

Muslims in India will help their Christian brothers protest this
attack on our common religious belief, he said.

His stance was supported by Syed Noori, president of Mumbai-based Raza
Academy, a Muslim cultural organisation that organises protests on
issues concerning Islam.

If the government doesn't do anything, we will try our own ways of
stopping the film from being shown, he said. We are prepared for
violent protests in India if needed.

A Roman Catholic activist, Joseph Dias, began a hunger strike on
Tuesday which he said would be continued until the film is banned.

Earlier this month hundreds of Catholic demonstrators gathered outside
a convent school in Mumbai in protest over the film's release.

I will continue my fast until they ban the film
Joseph Dias, general secretary of the Catholic Secular Forum

Da Vinci Code author Dan Brown explores the premise that Jesus married
Mary Magdalene and produced children, whose descendants are alive

The Catholic Secular Forum has described the film as offensive
because hits certain basic foundations of the religion.

India's Central Board of Film Certification said Tuesday it would give
the movie an adult rating if the film-makers agreed to a disclaimer at
the start of the movie saying it was a work of fiction.

There is a visual of self-flagellation and limited amount of nudity
in (one) particular scene, board member Vinayak Azad told the AFP
news agency. It has got adult content.

One of the three Catholic representatives of the five-member board,
the Rev Myron Pereira, said that it was cleared because the contention
that Christ married was fictional.

But it does not portray anything in an obscene fashion, he said.
People can protest about anything since we live in a democracy.

It is estimated that there are about 18m Roman Catholics in India,
with 500,000 living in Mumbai. The Christian community comprises about
2% of India's population of over one billion.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2006/05/16 10:00:45 GMT



Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Do not post admin requests to the list.
Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

Re: [Goanet] John Mill a Conservative?

2006-05-15 Thread Gabe Menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
There is no better, value for money, guest house.
 Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

 Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.
On 15/05/06, Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

--- Santosh Helekar wrote:

Wikipedia has already provided a correct quote. Here
is the link to it:

RESPONSE: Mario Goveia, you are being disingenuous and devious at the
same time...you stated quite pompously to Elizabeth that she was being
presumptuous, in stating knowledge about John Stuart Mill, being
obtained via Google, same as you. You refuted that and  gave us the
impression that you were fully conversant with the man and his

To put it simply you are forever ducking and diving, I needn't say
more, your postings as always give you away.

Santosh corrected you and you stand correced! Please be man enough to say so.

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Do not post admin requests to the list.
Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

Re: [Goanet] European Union To Honour Goan Priest With Commemorative Post Card

2006-05-13 Thread Gabe Menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
There is no better, value for money, guest house.
 Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

 Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.
On 13/05/06, Goanet News [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


According to the report, initially the commemorative stamp proposal
initiated by Dom Martins, a Goan artiste based in USA, was to honour the
priest with a commemorative stamp, but after the world-wide internet
petition signed by admirers of  Fairia to the Stamp Advisory Committee
of one of the European Countries crossed the deadline for submission of
stamp proposals, the authorities assured to release a commemorative
postcard instead.

Comment: Our hats off to Dom for his dogged determination in getting
this project to its successful conclusion.

Dom a true son of the soil!


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

Re: [Goanet] Re: Rooting for Goa

2006-05-11 Thread Gabe Menezes

On 11/05/06, Jerry Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello Cornel,

I am not sure which Jerry you are addressing in your mail. I could not trace
any sender other than me with the name Jerry. The only other person with the
same name used to be Gerry who has not written for long time.

If the address of your correspondence is for me, than I assure you that I have
not written any correspondence under the topic ROOTING FOR GOA.

But incase if there has been any other Jerry who has written such a topic, and
I have not received such a mail,   than I apologize for writing this mail.


Jerry Fernandes
Riyadh / Aldona

Here is the offending post and it was not Gerry/Jerry! :-

From: joseph dsouza [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
Reply-To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! goanet@goanet.org
To: goanet@goanet.org
Date: 08-May-2006 06:03
Subject: [Goanet] Re: *** Goanet Reader: Rooting for Goa ... the
fruits are beginning to show
Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Add sender to Contacts list |
Delete this message | Report phishing | Show original |

Fredick/Miguel Branganza,

We Goans need more people like you two who will go back to their roots
rather than Migrating to Canada, Australia, New Zealand and all the white
countries and showelling shit over there (with the lame excuse - Burgeank
lagon kortanv)
God Bless You Guys
Joseph D'Souza

.in the same vein Mario Goveia has in the past claimed that I was
not a former Banker/Trader but probaby a janitor/toilet cleaner.

What can one say? Huh!


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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[Goanet] Are there Goans in Iran?

2006-05-11 Thread Gabe Menezes

On 10/05/06, Teotonio R. de Souza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have been missing the discussions that had become a fixture on this
forum about the invasion of Irak. Though long-drawn they have  petered out
and fortunately did not last as long as that invasion! I am surprised about
the silence on this forum about the threats of military action against
Iran! Or for that matter about the entente cordiale between Bush and
Manmohan, taking India out of Iranian gas supply.  Is perhaps any threat of
fatwa discouraging the Goanetters from venturing with «satanic verses»? Does
anyone know if there are Goans in Iran?

Teotonio R. de Souza

RESPONSE: There is every enthusiasm to discuss Iraq, Iran, North
Korea, Venezuela and what have you. The only problem is that one can
only bring these topics into play if there are Goans involved !

Since God is a Goan ( Jesus Christ is a Goan) and has spoken to both
Bush and Blair, inviting them to attack Iraq, I can safely post the

Bush is ruining Tony Blair's career
By Amitabh Pal
May 9, 2006

Prime Minister Tony Blair's special relationship with President Bush
could very spell finis for his career.

Blair is in trouble for a major cabinet reshuffle, the highlight being
the firing of Foreign Secretary Jack Straw. A column in the London
Independent [1]asserts that Straw was dropped because of his
opposition to a U.S. military assault on Iran. Straw had labeled the
idea of a U.S. nuclear strike on Iran as nuts and had said that
British action against Iran was inconceivable. Apparently, Bush
wasn't too amused.

The cabinet rearrangement was also due to the Labor Party's dismal
recent showing in local elections, which has added pressure for Tony
Blair to step down. Blair had pledged during last year's parliamentary
elections to hand over power to Gordon Brown, currently the chancellor
of exchequer, but has since then in Clintonesque fashion (Clinton
being a good friend and political mentor) refused to be pinned down on
exactly when he'll be doing so.

The Iraq War has been one of the major reasons for the profound
disillusionment with Blair's leadership among the British electorate.

Derek Wyatt, a Member of Parliament from Blair's Labor Party, was
quoted in the Washington Post as saying that Blair's support for
Bush's Iraq debacle has cost him dearly.

I've been listening to people in my constituency very carefully for a
couple of years, Wyatt said. [2] And they'd like to see a change at
the top.

Indeed, Blair's enthusiasm for the Iraq invasion severely damaged him
during the parliamentary elections last year, causing his party's
majority in the House of Commons to be reduced by almost 100 seats.

This was in spite of the fact that the economy was performing quite
well, with unemployment rates and interest rates both low. Blair has
also had some other genuine achievements [3], notably in the
devolution of power to Scotland and Wales. But all this paled beside
his decision to go along with Bush's Iraq attack.

Why did he do it? Speculation has ranged from the view that Blair
regards the British-U.S. relationship as sacrosanct to the notion that
he hoped to steer Bush toward a more internationalist approach to the
Iraq crisis. But a recent revelation suggests that Blair may share
Bush's religious fervor on the issue. In a March television
appearance, Blair suggested that God ordained the Iraq War.

I think if you have faith about these things then you realize that
judgment is made by other people, Blair said. By other people, by,
if you believe in God, it's made by God as well.

In these comments, Blair subtly echoed Bush's assertions [4] that God
had asked him to invade Iraq.

His bitter political experience due to Iraq seems to have finally
chastened Blair's enthusiasm for Bush's military adventurism. In his
press conference after the cabinet reshuffle debacle, Blair ruled out
a nuclear option for Iran. I don't know anybody who has even talked
or contemplated the prospect of a nuclear strike in Iran, and that
would be absolutely absurd, he said.

Let's hope that for once Blair is being truthful. If Blair gives any
more support to Bush's foreign policy disasters, it may finally put a
full stop to his already imperiled political career.
Source URL:


Gabe Menezes.
London, England


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Re: [Goanet] Veronica and Iran

2006-05-10 Thread Gabe Menezes

On 10/05/06, Preetam Raikar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I agree entirely with Veronica, a confrotation with Iran will not only be a
economic/jenvironmental disaster for the Mid-East, but for the whole world.
Veronica is airing his views, Gabe and Mario who imagine they are the
Ayotallah's of Iran by stating that in the event of attacking Iran nothing
disastrous will occur are absolutely wrong.


QUESTION; Are you sure that is what I wrote? Are you sure what
Veronica wrote? Lastly are you sure you read what Mario wrote?

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Re: [Goanet] goanet progesses as new voices are heard

2006-05-09 Thread Gabe Menezes

On 07/05/06, Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

--- Mervyn Lobo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I DEMAND an apology from you for calling the members
 of this net barbarians.

I say, if the shoe fits, wear it.  If it doesn't, then
one has nothing to worry about.

RESPONSE: Yes Mervyn, no need to get agitated. For now we know for
sure and confirmed, there is just one Barbarian on this forum.The
definition of a Barbarian I had posted earlier. The one barbarian
wrote thus:-

''I believe their
presence will serve to civilize the discourse and the
barbarians among us, of which I am certainly one''

Once again the true barbarian:-

''1 : of or relating to a land, culture, or people alien and usually
believed to be inferior to another land, culture, or people
2 : lacking refinement, learning, or artistic or literary culture''

.From Webster.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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[Goanet] Poor, sick, desperate. What more could Big Pharma ask in Indian drug trials?

2006-05-08 Thread Gabe Menezes


Poor, sick, desperate. What more could Big Pharma ask in Indian drug trials?
Science Notebook by Anjana Ahuja

IF YOU ever thought that taking part in drug trials seemed an easy
route to modest riches, the preliminary experiments on human beings
involving compound TGN1412 should have disabused you of that notion.
This was the drug, made by TeGenero and trialed by the drug-testing
firm Paraxel, that left six healthy men seriously ill, two of them
close to death.

Although it was a public relations disaster for both companies, public
enthusiasm for trials has long been dwindling, and not just among the
healthy, who are first in the experimental firing line (before being
used to make sick people better, scientists must ensure that potential
therapies do not make healthy people sick). Even the ill are reluctant
to entrust what little health they have to pharmaceutical companies.
One study found that 71 per cent of cancer patients deemed eligible
for clinical trials decline the opportunity.

That contrasts with a growing preference by the drug firms for larger
trials, which tend to show up rare side-effects earlier. Bigger trials
are seen as a way of preventing another Vioxx — an arthritis drug that
was found, after licensing, to cause heart attacks and stroke.
Forbes.com reports that compensating affected patients could cost the
makers, Merck, $38 billion (£24.4 billion).

And so Big Pharma has begun outsourcing its trials to India, a move
that, according to bioethicists, could create a new imperialism.
India has huge numbers of sick people glad to test drugs in return for
minimal, if any, recompense. The patients rarely mind — to them,
experimental healthcare is better than none at all — and they rarely
complain. India also has a homegrown supply of highly educated,
English-speaking doctors, who cost a fraction of their Western

AstraZeneca has opened a drug-testing facility in Bangalore; Pfizer
has done the same in Bombay. At the moment one in a hundred global
clinical trials is conducted in India, but Oxygen Healthcare, a
British consultancy, estimates that in five years' time that figure
will have risen to one in ten.

This makes financial sense but others are clearly worried that poor,
illiterate patients are being exploited. There is certainly doubt over
whether they are giving informed consent. The Indian Journal of
Medical Ethics reports that patients are often unable to distinguish
between trials that might benefit them and those that won't. Another
study pointed out that, of the country's 14,000 general hospitals,
fewer than 200 are equipped to carry out drug trials adequately.

Indian patients are often used to test medicines that, once marketed,
they will not be able to afford.

The editors of the American Journal of Bioethics say in their blog
that pharma trials in India should be the focus of a huge amount of
attention in the world of research ethics. Even more forthright was a
recent opinion piece in The Scientist. If Gandhi were alive today, he
would lead protesters to the doors of a clinical research trials
facility, where the oppression of the Indian poor dwarfs that of the
1930s. This is a reference to Gandhi's march against the British salt
tax, which made it illegal to obtain salt from anyone other than the
British Government, even though it could be collected along the coast.
Gandhi and his supporters marched 240 miles from western India to
coastal Gujarat, gathering the mineral on the way. The march ended in
a bloody confrontation at a salt factory.

The Indian Government now stands accused of colluding in this new
oppression. In 2004 it stipulated that drugs tested in India should
first be proved safe in their country of origin; in 2005 the law was

This issue deserves close inspection but we should beware a knee-jerk
cry of exploitation. The most rational thing to do is to look at the
equation of exploitation: does the drug company benefit unfairly from
its interaction with the patient? If so, then perhaps The Scientist is
justified in asking: How long before the people of the nation of
Gandhi rise up to reject a new imperialism?


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Re: [Goanet] Re: The debate on non-reservations and now Canada

2006-05-08 Thread Gabe Menezes

On 07/05/06, Helga do Rosario Gomes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From your posts Mervyn, I have already  figured out that Canada is the best
country to live in! If only we could be so lucky. My comment is in regard to
Canadian job postings that I read in 'EOS', the American Geophysical Union's
newsletter and other Earth Sciences job sites which state that
Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given preference.

RESPONSE: I believe Mervyn has already offered to show the ropes,
guide anyone, through availing the system once they arrive in Toronto.

I agree, the majority of us are on the opposite side, of the spectrum,
from Goveia. We should not entertain him, treat him as
inconsequential. That is easily said than done! I am sure now that you
have said your piece on the present Admin. in the USA you will get a
screed in response from Goveia.

You are also correct about many immigrants to Canada. Many are so
disillusioned that they return back to their original place of 

We here in the U.K. are fortunate that we can attend tiatrs and
Village feasts almost every month except during Lent. This coming
Saturday the AVC are having their 25th anniversary and LYNX are
performing at a sit down meal function.

Although our weather is not great, we can take a bus even in Winter! I
tried doing that in Canada in Autumn, not good at all for one's well

The job situation is pretty good here in the UK, although there are 
difficult pockets, like when, even newly qualified Doctors are unable

to get a placement. I believe these obstacles are to be found World
Wide. Qualifying as lawyers is another problem here in the U.K. Many
who have qualified, are unable to continue as they find it hard to get
a training contract.

Thanks for the enlightening piece, I hope it opens the eyes of many a
would be emigrant, not only to Canada but elsewhere in the World.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Re: [Goanet] Nuclear Threat for Goans in Gulf.

2006-05-07 Thread Gabe Menezes

On 07/05/06, Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Mario observes:

I suppose the sage expert on middle-east affairs
thinks that all hell will not break loose if Iran
acquires a nuclear bomb and follows through on their
daily threats to wipe Israel off the map.

RESPONSE: I have lived in the Middle East, where it matters in Jeddah
and Riyadh. My last job was as an advisor to a Saudi Prince, from the
Royal House of Saud.

Mario Goveia makes pronouncements, without having experience on any
matter, only what the Right Wing Republicans spew, which he swallows
hook, line and sinker.

We are about to kick the US's greatest ally in the West - Tony Blair
shortly, here in the U.K. Next it will be the turn of his beloved
Bush. Both will go down ignominiously!

North Korea is a bigger threat - why not knock on their door first?
Double standards!!!


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Re: [Goanet] Nuclear Threat for Goans in Gulf.

2006-05-06 Thread Gabe Menezes

On 04/05/06, A. Veronica Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Iran's Nuclear Threat even for Goans working in the Gulf.

Comment: First of all my commiserations to all Goans living in Kuwait
and UAE. Your days are numbered!

When and not if the USA decides to Bomb Iran, all hell will break loose.

There are sizable Shias living in the Eastern Province ( Oil rich) of
Saudi Arabia, as well as Bahrain and the UAE. I have even attended an
ashura religious festival in Bahrain; whereby the Shias flagellate
themselves with chains whilst thumping their chests. It is a sight to
behold, they then cut themselves in the forehead with a sword, blood
flows freely!.

Now picture this, if they are able to go through this ritual, then
they are very able and willing to sacrifice themselves for the Glory
of Imam Ali.

I know many Goans, have bought property in Dubai, also many like David
Beckham have bought a piece on the palm island. Beckham can afford to
kiss his investment goodbye, I do hope the Goans make a profit before
it is too late.

The situation as I see it, ( I am an expert, World renowned on Middle
East Affairs) is very precarious. I have worked for a good number of
years in the Middle East and know the mindset of the local people.

All Foreigners will be in peril when things get out of hand, as I see
it, the pot is now simmering! You have been warned.

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Re: [Goanet] The next Gandhi: I'll make India better off than Britain

2006-05-06 Thread Gabe Menezes

On 04/05/06, Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Mario observes:


Besides, this Gandhi seems to have his head screwed on
straight, when compared to his Grandfather, a hero of
the freedom struggle, who then led the country down
the primrose path that it is now recovering from.

QUESTION: Who is this Rahul Gandhi's grandfather ? Indira Gandi's
Husband was a Parsee, uninvolved in mainstream Politics. Sonia
Gandhi's father is an Italian!


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Re: [Goanet] Re: Cardinal Dias Deplores Anti-Christian Films

2006-05-06 Thread Gabe Menezes


Gabe Menezes has taken me to task for not speaking out earlier. I delayed,
as I was sort of shell shocked but realised that you did not attack the
Faith as such; but only the actions of leaders and the administration, of
the past. I also hope this satisfies Gabe, who seems to be pushing the
burden on me, in his last post.

Sincerely speaking!
Nasci Caldeira

RESPONSE: Taking you to task ? I have done nothing of the sort, please
re-read my post...in which I mentioned that your trust in the defender
of the faith was misplaced !


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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[Goanet] SBI Dy Manager Philomena Lopes Found Dead in Her Bungalow

2006-05-05 Thread Gabe Menezes


News -- Goa-Varca: SBI Dy Manager Philomena Lopes Found Dead in Her Bungalow

Daijiworld News Network - Goa (MB)

from Sanjay Borkar in Margao

Margao, May 5: Fiftysix-year-old Philomena Lopes of Varca-Salcette,
deputy manager of State Bank of India, Malbhat-Margao branch, was
found dead in her bungalow on Thursday morning.

According to the police information she appeared to have been attacked
with a strong object, with strong clues of murder. She was found lying
in a pool of blood in bed.

When her servant Shaikh Aman came to the bungalow in the morning for
work, she saw the door was closed. When the door-bell was not
responded to, she informed Lopes' relatives and the door opened only
find her murdered.

She was alone in the bungalow as her husband was away in Mumbai on
work. The sniffer dog squad was pressed into service but it didn't
trace any clue.

The body has been sent for the post mortem. Colva Police Inspector
Nelson Albuquerque is investigating the case.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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[Goanet] What is good for Gujarat, is also good for Goa?

2006-05-05 Thread Gabe Menezes


Demolition of religious places stayed

J. Venkatesan

Supreme Court fiat to Gujarat

# High Court passed order without verifying newspaper report
# Demolitions will have major fallout on communal harmony

NEW DELHI: In a bid to defuse the situation in communal violence-hit
Vadodara, the Centre on Thursday moved the Supreme Court against a
Gujarat High Court order directing all municipal corporations in the
State to demolish places of religious worship which caused obstruction
on roads.

The apex court, while permitting the Centre to prefer an appeal,
stayed the May 2 High Court order and the ongoing demolitions in
Vadodara and other cities.

Additional Solicitor-General Gopal Subramaniam made an urgent
mention in the afternoon before a Bench consisting of Justices Ruma
Pal and Dalveer Bhandari. He said the High Court had taken suo motu
action based on a newspaper report without verifying facts.

Quoting a Home Ministry report, Mr. Subramaniam said the situation in
Vadodara was tense after the violence, and the Army staged a flag
march in the riot-affected areas.

The Bench issued notice to the Gujarat Government and other parties
concerned. The Centre filed the suo motu appeal in the Registry in the
evening after obtaining the stay order.


The Centre said it was concerned at the safety of the citizens and the
law and order situation. If the High Court order was not stayed
immediately, it would have not only grave consequences on the law and
order situation in Gujarat but also serious ramifications for the
unity, integrity and security of the nation and its secular fabric.

The appeal said the High Court had directed the police and other
authorities to take immediate steps for the removal of encroachments
by religious structures on public space without discrimination, and
submit their reports. The order was passed without even conducting a
prima facie examination of the veracity of the contents of the
newspaper report and without any pleadings on record. Temples or
mosques, demolitions would have a major fallout on communal harmony.
The unauthorised constructions could be removed without offending the
sensitivities of any group.

The Centre made it clear that it was not justifying the existence of
unauthorised constructions, more so if they were encroachments on
public land. However, the removal of religious places was
intrinsically sensitive, and must be subjected to scrutiny and
classification before demolition. The Centre maintained that it was
only interested in ensuring that the law and order situation in
Gujarat did not go out of hand.

In view of the extremely volatile situation in Vadodara, the High
Court order should be stayed, the appeal said.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Re: [Goanet] Re: Cardinal Dias Deplores Anti-Christian Films

2006-05-04 Thread Gabe Menezes

On 04/05/06, Elisabeth Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I really love it when the Catholic Church talks about
distortion of facts by evil people and how we should
all pray for them.

What about 2000 years of distortion by the Church.
Let's talk about an evil Pope who made Mary
Magdalene to be a prostitute when we now know that if
the ministry of Jesus existed, she probably was a rich
patron who played a dominant role.

What about Gospels that existed alongside the four
that we know off, like the Gospel of Thomas and the
Gospel of Judas which never saw the light of day
because they didn't fit in with their theology.

What about scrolls found at Nag Hamadi written by
Gnostics, a sect of Christianity probably persecuted
and driven to extinction by mainstream Christians of
the time.

What about centuries of manipulation of theology by
Popes and Bishops and Cardinals that conveniently
created Virgin births and Holy Spirits to explain away
loopholes in the gospels.

RESPONSE: Madam, I am taken aback by your post but more importantly by
the lack of response by the defender of faith...perhaps he has
succumbed to your charms, or is seriously courting you, for  future
moral support reasons. Perhaps it is the writers he has problems with
and not the content. He takes issue with certain posters: George,
Santosh, Mervyn, Jose and Gabe. It seems that content does not matter,
if presnted by the so called gentler sex!

Both Nasci Caldeira and Joseph Fernandes, can now reflect on their
misplaced trust in the waverer!

Hope you find answers to your questions in the following :-

The Da Vinci Code: The Facts Behind The Fiction
by Bob Waldrep







Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Re: [Goanet] Re a crocodile burger

2006-05-04 Thread Gabe Menezes

On 04/05/06, Nasci Caldeira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



Beef is one or Australia's finer meat produce; and is exported in large
quantities specially to Japan and SE Asia. Mouth watering! I go for Beef and
Veal, most times; hate lamb, as it also smells a bit compared to Goat meat.

But there is also, so called 'Kobe Beef' produced in Japan in limited
quantities, is very good! This Kobe Beef is produced by feeding Cattle with
imported special Hay from the USA and other nourishments like beer and Saki
etc. There is a chain of restaurants in Japan which cater exclusively to
Kobe Beef. Only those who visit Japan know about it. Otherwise people think
that Japan has no beef of its own.

Comment: Blah, blah, blah and blah...


'Most expensive sandwich' on sale
Hungry shoppers are being offered the chance to eat a gourmet
sandwich, but the £85 price tag might be too much for some to swallow.

The McDonald sandwich - named after its creator Scott McDonald, the
chef at London department store Selfridges - is said to be the world's
most expensive.

Its cost is down to the Wagyu beef that makes up most of the filling,
packed in a 24-hour fermented sour dough bread.

There have been at least five advance orders placed for the 21oz (595g) meal.

If you are a food lover, this represents great value for money
Ewan Venters
Selfridges food director

Wagyu cattle are one of the most expensive breeds in the world.

The Japanese cows are raised on a special diet, including beer and grain.

They are supposed to be regularly massaged with sake, the Japanese
rice wine, to tenderize the flesh.

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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[Goanet] The next Gandhi: I'll make India better off than Britain

2006-04-30 Thread Gabe Menezes

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Re: [Goanet] Review of the Review by the Reviewer /Melinda CoutinhoPowell

2006-04-28 Thread Gabe Menezes

On 27/04/06, Alfred de Tavares [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

By the way,I marrried one of my passengers.(without harressing him)


Good for you, Melinda!

By name, may I guess that Mr Powell hails from the Emerald Isle?

And did you woo him with an extra GUINESS?


RESPONSE: Sorry, to have to correct you  the Emerald Isle is Ireland.
The name is Welsh in origin


Definition: A contraction of the Welsh Ap Howell, meaning son of
Howell. The given name Howell is an anglicized form of Hywel, meaning
eminent in Welsh.

Surname Origin: Welsh

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Re: [Goanet] Review of the Review by the Reviewer /Melinda Coutinho Powell

2006-04-27 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 27/04/06, Melinda Powell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Elisabeth,

 hey ,I wasnt really upset,just felt that I had to speak up for the cause --I
 still have a few loyalties left though I quit 13 years ago.
 It is very gracious of you to apologise,now I admire you even more.
 I enjoy reading yr inputs,keep it up.

Comment: How sweet! Now if only the rougher sex could employ this kind
of conduct, we would have no problems on this forum!

All we get is gratuitous insults and the questioning of peoples
employment status and such like drivel.

Some think  themselves kings, unfortunately the King has no clothes on!

On another matter; the Agony Aunt post seems to have been a hit. On my
part I couldn't heed to the advice given. The dog was so far gone that
the Vet and also an animal behaviourist expert, advised me to have it
euthanized. This has been done.

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Re: [Goanet] Review of the Review by the Reviewer

2006-04-26 Thread Gabe Menezes
 Hi Gabe,
 Yet she (or you) could provide us with reviews that this book may have 
 received in England - the home of the Goan author.
 Goa net could certainly add new blood and fresh ideas.
 Kind Regards, GL.

RESPONSE: She ( Elizabeth ) Could indeed read the book and review it.
I am busy with my shamba at the moment, It was neglected for sometime
now and needs back breaking work on it.

I think this one is for Cornel.please read and give us your opinion?

I hope you read this Cornel!


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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[Goanet] The Pramod Mahajan I know

2006-04-25 Thread Gabe Menezes
 was the only one Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray
would confide in regarding BJP-Sena issues.

But just as Mahajan began growing in stature, criticism against him
increased, more so regarding his personal life. Much speculation and
gossip made the rounds. Mahajan's name was dragged into the Shivani
Bhatnagar murder case. With every incident, critics would seize the
opportunity and say it was the end of the political road for Mahajan.

Mahajan would never seem down and out. He was protected by seniors
and, as many would say, Mahajan's stars were bright.

Neeta Kolhatkar is a Special Correspondent with the Daily News  Analysis.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Re: [Goanet] Review of the Review by the Reviewer

2006-04-24 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 24/04/06, Elisabeth Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 As such, they are much like air stewardess'
 who having failed to launch their acting careers spend
 their life harassing passengers on discount airlines.

Comment: Wow ! You are opinionated - we do have an ex Airline Hostess
on this list; hope she has something to say about this!


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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[Goanet] Indians apply to UK universities in caste wars

2006-04-23 Thread Gabe Menezes
Indians apply to UK universities in caste wars
Dean Nelson, Delhi

MIDDLE-CLASS students from across India are flocking to apply to
British universities as plans to double the quota of places for
Untouchables at Indian colleges leave them feeling squeezed out.

The move will be voted on by the Delhi parliament next month. It is
aimed at ending the social stain associated with appalling treatment
of the low-caste Untouchables.

But it has split the country and sparked fears of inter-caste
violence. Trainee doctors joined other students protesting in Delhi
last week.

British universities expect to cash in as many higher-caste students
find themselves unable to get a place at home and start to look

The new rules will reserve almost half of university places for the
lower castes.

There is resentment that the quotas will inevitably force up entry
requirements for the remaining places.

The number of Indian students entering British universities rose from
16,000 to almost 18,000 last year and a further boost is expected this
year as panic spreads at India's exclusive private schools.

In the past six months more than 100,000 Indian pupils have contacted
the British Council for advice on obtaining university places in

Kabir Bedi, 17, is among those prompted to apply because of his
government's plans. He says he has had offers from York, Nottingham
and Bath.

He would prefer to go to St Stephen's College at Delhi University but
believes the minimum entrance requirement this year will be too
stringent. My friends are going to have a very hard time this year
and I feel angry about it, he said.

Alka Malhotra, whose son is hoping for a place at one of the elite
Indian institutes of technology, said too many students were competing
for too few places, and this was putting both parents and pupils under
intense pressure. It's a numbers game. Kids need 90% passes to apply
for the best colleges, she said.

The anger of higher-caste parents and their offspring is lost,
however, on Bant Singh, 40, a leading campaigner for the rights of
Punjab's dalits, as the Untouchables are known.

I'm all for reservations in colleges and government jobs, and I'm not
bothered what the middle class thinks, he said last week.

One of his legs and both arms were amputated earlier this year after
he was beaten with iron bars. His remaining leg is pinned together
with steel rods, and his toes are black with gangrene.

His crime was to campaign for justice after his 19-year-old daughter
was raped by two of his landlords' sons. His fate was sealed when he
refused the landlords' offer of £12,000 and a scooter to drop the

Dalits are the lowest of the Hindu castes and are regarded as unclean
by the highest Brahmin, or priestly, caste.

They are excluded from Hindu temples and banned from drinking from the
same wells as higher castes. They have even been attacked for casting
their shadows over Brahmins.

More than 40m of India's 250m dalits are reported to work in slave
conditions. Their jobs include skinning cows in tanneries, pig
farming, farm labouring, rag-picking and night-soil carrying — picking
up human waste and carrying it in baskets on their heads.

India's constitution formally banned discrimination against dalits in
1950 and quotas were established to reserve 22% of all government jobs
and university places for them. But more than half a century later
violent attacks, poor access to education and healthcare and regular
humiliation persist.

More than 120,000 assaults on dalits were reported to the police
between 2001 and 2004. Campaigners say a dalit is assaulted every two
hours, while two are murdered every day. Most assaults go unreported
for fear of further attack.

In Mansa hospital near Patiala, Punjab, Bant Singh said he supported
any reforms that would help families like his. He has eight children.
None is heading for university.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

Re: [Goanet] Goa's road carnage, some views...

2006-04-23 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 23/04/06, Valmiki Faleiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Goa's road carnage, some views...

 By Valmiki Faleiro

 Death and pain on our roads is, slowly but relentlessly, raging into Goa's
 major tragedy. Official figures for the first quarter of 2006 are out. During
 the 90 days, there were, on average, a daily 10.58 *reported* road accidents,
 9.23 daily casualties and 1 death a day -- 82 lives lost, and if you're a
 statistical purist, 1.09756 09756 09756 ... 09756 to Eternity.

RESPONSE: For those who want a taste of Driving in Indiaaah!
My pal Roy just sent me the URL Below:-



Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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[Goanet] Zahira, BJP legislator under tax scanner

2006-04-22 Thread Gabe Menezes

Zahira, BJP legislator under tax scanner
Ahmedabad | April 23, 2006 1:15:22 AM IST

Income tax authorities Saturday conducted searches at the residences
of Zahira Sheikh, a key witness in a case of communal violence in
Gujarat, and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) legislator Madhu Srivastava
following a Supreme Court directive.

Income Tax department officials started searching Zahira's bank
accounts and conducted raids at the houses of Srivastav and his nephew
in Vadodara, about 110 km from here.

While sentencing Zahira to a year in prison last month on charges of
lying under oath, the apex court had asked the tax authorities in
Gujarat to search her assets.

Zahira, the 20-year-old witness in the case known as Best Bakery,
changed her statements during hearings in the sessions court in
Vadodara and later when the case was transferred to a Mumbai court,
allegedly at the instance of Srivastava to shield the accused.

Nine of those accused of setting the bakery on fire and killing 14
people on March 1, 2002, however, were convicted by a special court in
Mumbai last month.



Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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[Goanet] Senior BJP leader shot in India

2006-04-22 Thread Gabe Menezes
 Senior BJP leader shot in India
A senior leader of India's main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party
(BJP) party has been shot in Mumbai (Bombay), according to police.

Pramod Mahajan, BJP general secretary and a former federal minister,
was allegedly shot by his brother after an altercation in a family

Doctors said the condition of Mr Mahajan, 56, was quite critical
following surgery lasting four hours.

Indian TV channels report his brother, Praveen, has surrendered to police.

Praveen's lawyer, Nandkumar Rajukar, told NDTV television his client
had been suffering from some mental disorder.

He is completely under depression, under mental trauma. He is not in
a position to speak properly or tell exactly what exactly happened,
Mr Rajukar said on television, reports the Associated Press.

The bullets have damaged his liver, pancreas and small intestine
resulting in massive blood loss.
Dr Varma

Suggestions that Praveen, 45, who is a building contractor, quarrelled
with his brother over a property deal have been dismissed by police
and Mr Mahajan's family.

Mr Mahajan was admitted to Hinduja Hospital with injuries to his chest
and stomach.

Dr Varma told reporters that the surgery had been carried out to stop
the bleeding from the affected organs and that the three bullets were
still lodged inside the body.

The bullets have damaged his liver, pancreas and small intestine
resulting in massive blood loss. He is on ventilatory support and his
condition is quite critical, he said.

'Domestic affair'

Mr Mahajan belongs to the BJP's Generation Next - a group of
relatively younger technocrat leaders who lack a grassroots
political base.

Mumbai Joint Commissioner of Police Aroop Patnaik said the incident
happened between 0730 and 0800 (0200-0230GMT).

Three shots were allegedly fired by Praveen Mahajan from his licensed revolver.

Mr Mahajan's security did not prevent Praveen entering the BJP
leader's 15th floor flat in Mumbai because he was his brother, added
Commissioner Patnaik.

He said it was a private and domestic affair.

We are shocked by the news. We are praying for his speedy recovery,
BJP leader Venkaiah Naidu told NDTV news channel.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2006/04/22 10:50:12 GMT



Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Comment: Just as well he was shot by this brother, else the BJP would
have called for a bandh!

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Re: [Goanet] Re: What do Christians believe?

2006-04-22 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 21/04/06, Nasci Caldeira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 By Christian God, I mean the universal God, that is believed to be a
 supernatural entity; not resembling animals/reptiles or other fictitious
 beings known to inhabit the earth.

 Like Elisabeth said: God has not made Man in his image! rather Man has made
 God in his image. I subscribe to this analysis. Nobody knows what or who
 'GOD' really is! Man is awed with his limited intelligence!
 Nasci Caldeira

Comment: Well its back to the drawing board for you as a Christian,
Elizabeth can be forgiven for holding on to her beliefs!

Genesis 1:27

God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let
them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the
sky, and over the livestock, and over all the earth, and over every
creeping thing that creeps on the earth.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Re: [Goanet] Warring factions:The Path to Peace (humor)

2006-04-22 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 21/04/06, Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- Francis Rodrigues wrote:
 ADVICE TO GABE: Don jungle fatigues. Forward march,
 ten-hut, attention !  Circle the perimeter. Be not
 afraid. He will thank you. He will shake your
 hand :-)
 Mario responds:
 ADVICE TO FRANCIS: In the search for peace, do us
 all a favor and let's leave the humor to Cecil Pinto,
 shall we? :-))
 Besides, my hand shakes are reserved for the real
 deal, like Gilbert Menezes, not someone masquerading
 in fancy dress:-))

Comment: Aha! for the cross dressing, alter ego that Mrs. Goveia delights in?

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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[Goanet] Dr. Belinda Colaco, 32 from Goa....'Let down by UK' - foreign doctors

2006-04-21 Thread Gabe Menezes
 'Let down by UK' - foreign doctors
By Dominic Casciani
BBC News community affairs

Hundreds of young foreign doctors have protested outside the
Department of Health in London over a sudden change in visa rules
which effectively bars them completing training in the NHS.

The doctors, predominantly from India, say they have been betrayed by
a rule change which means hospitals must give first preference to
graduates from within the European Economic Area.

They say thousands will be forced to leave the UK heavily in debt and
with no qualifications during the summer.

But the government has defended the move, saying it is protecting jobs
for British graduates.

Some of the doctors told their stories to the BBC.

Dr Belinda Colaco, 32, from Goa, India

Dr Colaco has been in the UK for approximately a year. She completed
her graduate medical training in India but wanted to follow the
traditional path of many of her peers and complete her final training
placements in the UK.

I sat the PLAB exams [the competency test for overseas doctors],
passed and was allowed to come here, she said.

But since I arrived I have been unemployed. I have spent so much
money to come here and study and now the government has taken away our
permission to complete our training as doctors.

I didn't expect a guaranteed job - but I was told I would get equal
opportunities to compete along with other doctors in the UK, as so
many doctors from India have done all these years.

By taking away my right to seek work and finish my training, they
have effectively destroyed my life. I just feel utterly destroyed.

Dr Colaco estimates she has spent some £5,000 to date - from preparing
for the exams to gain the right to enter the UK, to writing countless
applications every day of the week for posts.

I borrowed a lot of money back home because I wanted to come here to
get British qualifications before going into practice back home.

But the key thing is that I would not have come here if we had not
received the impression [from the UK medical authorities and
government] that they needed us. We got that impression because they
offer the Plab tests at home.

Dr Sumit Reisinghaney, 28, from Bombay in India

Dr Reisinghaney, based in London, graduated in India and decided to go
for the opportunity of a few years' work in the NHS.

I came to the UK as part of a significant investment in my career and
for the opportunity to learn within the British system.

Since I arrived I have had some locum work but no proper placements.
I have applied for hundreds of jobs across surgery.

I have applied to every area of the UK, sometimes writing 20
applications a week. The costs of doing this are extremely high.

Today, with this rule change, I feel very, very cheated. We were
never promised anything - nor did we think we were. But we were told
that if we sat our Plab exams, passed and came to Britain, we would
have the same chance as others in getting posts.

The new system will prefer EU doctors over us - to me that is simply
discrimination because the decisions to fill posts will not be made on
merit. If I return home now this investment will have been for

Had I known how difficult it was going to be, had they been clear
with us, I would not have done it.

Dr Nimze Gadong, Consultant Paediatrician, London

Dr Gadong has spent a decade in the UK and is based in East London. He
said he would not have become the doctor he is today without being
allowed to study in Britain. Although not personally affected by the
changes, he warns the bar on non-EU doctors will have major
implications for the developing world.

I came here from Nigeria through the system which has now suddenly
been changed. The medicine I practice here does not just benefit
children here - I have linkages with my home country in Nigeria and
doctors there.

The change is not only unfair to overseas doctors, it is something
that we frankly would not have expected from the UK, a country that we
look to.

I don't think the government has thought through the implications of
preventing overseas doctors from completing training in the NHS. I
cannot emphasise enough the scarcity of advanced medical knowledge in
developing countries.

It is only by being allowed to come here to Britain to study that a
lot of doctors are able to take back with them vital skills.

When I was studying in Nigeria, my teachers at medical school had all
spent a part of the career in Britain. Can you imagine what kind of
doctor I would have become without first my teachers having come here
and learning the skills they then taught to me?

I really believe that for doctors in the developing world, it is
essential to have the British experience, even if just for one year. I
would not have become the doctor I am today without that opportunity.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2006/04/21 12:41:16 GMT



Gabe Menezes

Re: [Goanet] 3rd victim dies:Truck driver charged with culpable homicide

2006-04-19 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 18/04/06, Mervyn Lobo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I just want to tell you that Mervyn Lobo is a good
  and decent human being.

 When I go for picnics, people great me by saying, Hey
 Mervyn, come over here.

 The second sentence usually is, Let me get you a


RESPONSE: Mervyn you must be a good and decent man, as soon as you
appear, its a beer on hand! I guess you have good social skills.

There is the other end of the spectrum, some who have no social
skills, what so ever, sorely lacking in tact - friends they have none!
Please spare a thought for these unfortunates.

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Re: [Goanet] To the warring factions of Goannet

2006-04-19 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 18/04/06, Elisabeth Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Firstly there seem to be a lot of warring factions on
 Goannet. Although, I'm sure by now loyalties have been
 well calcified, newcomers like me are in the dark. In
 the interest of newcomers, a list should be compiled
 and archived for quick and easy reference. Getting
 caught in the cross-fire and other collateral
 casualties can thus be avoided...


RESPONSE: By now, with your acute analytical skills, you have figured
out the protagonists. As you rightly point out, who cares what's in a
name? Only one person does, although there are quite of number of
recent aliases popping up recently. Not true, about being forgotten
here, I still remember a 'pain in the neck', who was eventually booted
out, he would continue his tirades to individuals directly, doing away
with the forum. So your request for private emails could really
backfire. There is one amongst us, who is known as a purveyor of
profanity, directly to your inbox!. I still remember a fiery lady,
long since disappeared, A Sunila Muzawara, who had such filth being
sent to her privately that she unsubscribed. As far as Demanding
apologies goes, it is only one, more than regular netter, who thinks
the World owes him respect, demanding retractions and apologies.

Most of us try and give a wide berth and try not to pull any chains,
to no effect, you just pass and the dog wants to bite. We can avoid
the man but the man cannot avoid us.

Lastly, I like your style of writing and hope you stick around.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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[Goanet] Goa is where the home is

2006-04-18 Thread Gabe Menezes
* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
 USDA certified Goa Sausages and other Goan foods can now be delivered
   to virtually any part of the world.


Goa is where the home is

PANAJI: If you're planning to invest in property or purchase a holiday
home, then consider Goa. Nature is doing for the state, what IT did
for Bangalore and Hyderabad — send land prices rocketing through the
roof! The past year has seen land value in the capital Panaji rise
from Rs 14 per sq mt to Rs 21 per sq mt.

Other places across the state are not far behind with a 20% increase
in land prices which is expected to further rise at an increasing rate
for the next ten years.

However this time it's not the coastal belt with a good sea view but
inner lands overlooking rivers or valley that's making the rounds.
This coupled with their proximity to the city acts as icing on the

Though Goa has always been identified with rustic cottages set amidst
Portuguese décor; now it's the ultra-modern buildings with amenities
like gymnasium, swimming pool, jogging track, club house coupled with
intercom facility and ample security that's in demand.

Market analysts call this the 'migration perception' wherein nuclear
families who work mostly through the internet will shift from
congested cities to smaller locales that provide basic modern services
available at metros.

Besides, the state government's plans to open SEZs and IT parks are
expected to bring in large numbers of working population from outside
to Goa; thereby fuelling an economic boom in the state.

Goa is also seeing the entry of major real estate develops like
Dynamix Group, Tata Housing Development, DLF, Parasvanath builders and
Gera Developments for the first time investing in the state.

Adds Kumar Gera, MD, Gera Developments, which is set to build the
state's first Intelliplex (Intelligent Building), Goa has a
significant high income group that we are targeting and with IT land
prices are bound to increase.

Another significant reason for this price hike is the trend of buying
a second home that's meant only for use during vacations.

Real estate builders like TATA Homes and Aldeia de Goa also known as
'the seaside hill station' cater to this holiday home concept that
provides a picturesque view while positioned close to a city and other
establishments like a hospital.

High net worth individuals, including bollywood superstar Shahrukh
Khan, major businessmen and also NRIs especially from Europe are
lapping up such locales; for them Goa provides the right mix of
entertainment and solitude that helps one rejuvenate!

Comment: I wonder where the writer got the prices from? 14 tp 21 Rs a
square metre, now that would be a steal!


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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[Goanet] Oracle predicts India's rise on the software horizon

2006-04-18 Thread Gabe Menezes
* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
 USDA certified Goa Sausages and other Goan foods can now be delivered
   to virtually any part of the world.


Oracle predicts India's rise on the software horizon
By Joe Bolger
The United States is about to be overtaken

SILICON VALLEY is in danger of losing its crown as home of the
technology start-up, according to one of the software industry's
leading executives.

Jeff Henley, chairman of Oracle, the world's second-largest software
group, believes that India is on course to become the new hotbed of

Mr Henley says that America's strong track record as a developer of
software will weaken in the next few years, amid burgeoning activity
in Indian cities such as Bombay, Bangalore and Madras.

The US has been a big developer of software . . . but that's going to
change over time, he said. We're going to see more and more
[technology] from Indian companies.

Mr Henley said that the growing prominence of India would have an
impact on where Oracle, which has made a string of multibillion-dollar
acquisitions in recent years, would seek new acquisition targets.
We'll buy from wherever the product is. It doesn't have to be in the
US, he said.

Last August Oracle bought a 41 per cent stake in i-flex, an Indian
provider of software to the financial services industry. It has since
made increases to its stake in the company, but Mr Henley said that it
had no intention of taking full control. Last year Oracle also took
control of PeopleSoft, a rival business software group, for $10.5
billion. It also agreed to pay $5.8 billion for Siebel, another rival.
Last week it agreed a $220 million (£124 million) deal to buy Portal
Software, which makes billing software.

International technology groups are showing a growing interest in
buying Indian groups. Last week EDS, the American IT services group,
made a $380 million offer to take a 52 per cent stake in MphasiS, a
Bangalore-based services group.

Indian IT groups, the biggest of which have excelled in delivering
basic data entry and administration services, increasingly are moving
into more demanding and profitable areas of work, including high-level
software development.

Universities across Asia are turning out well-educated engineers and
science graduates, helping to meet the growing demands of the
industry. Despite high wage inflation, Indian workers still command
salaries that are, in many cases, barely 30 per cent of the equivalent
salaries in developed economies.

Indian companies have also benefited from India-born workers returning
home from jobs in America and elsewhere.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Re: [Goanet] Goa's appalling Road Sense! (re Mario's comments)

2006-04-16 Thread Gabe Menezes
* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
 USDA certified Goa Sausages and other Goan foods can now be delivered
   to virtually any part of the world.

On 14/04/06, Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Mario clarifies:
 Goanetters may be confused by these cryptic comments
 by Gabe and Santosh, here seen conspiring to deflect
 attention from what was really said.

RESPONSE: Not content with abusing me, or abusing others who may
disagree with 'anyone'. This uncontrolled venom spitting continues
unabated. This is a broken record 'anyone' is humouring himself!

Can so many of us be wrong? In truth it is :-

In alio pediculum, in te ricinum non vides


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Re: [Goanet] Easter: Friends Adversaries

2006-04-16 Thread Gabe Menezes
* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
 USDA certified Goa Sausages and other Goan foods can now be delivered
   to virtually any part of the world.

On 15/04/06, Francis Rodrigues [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I ignore him there too, because I am an implacable foe.
 In all of this, Gabe Menezes has been a voice of reason and sanity on
 Goanet, whose contributions continue to inspire and encourage, that there is
 still hope yet for this particular forum ! I can only wish his detractor the
 consolation of the resurrection at this Eastertime, for as  far as I am
 concerned,  Aluta continua !


RESPONSE: Thank you for your kind views. Since it is Easter and a time
for glorious tidings, I withdraw my statement made in Latin, to those
of you who understood it. To the rest where ignorance is bliss tis
folly to be wise!

Happy Easter to one and all!


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Re: [Goanet] Goa's appalling Road Sense! (re Mario's comments)

2006-04-15 Thread Gabe Menezes
* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
 USDA certified Goa Sausages and other Goan foods can now be delivered
   to virtually any part of the world.

On 15/04/06, Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 As all regular Goanetters know quite well Gabe is a
 good and decent human being.



RESPONSE: Thank you for that nice comment, I feel much nicer now; the
non stop attack was getting me down :-((


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

P.S. Illegitimis nil carborundum

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[Goanet] On using aliases

2006-04-15 Thread Gabe Menezes
* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
 USDA certified Goa Sausages and other Goan foods can now be delivered
   to virtually any part of the world.

For the record, Joe UK was a member of this forum, far longer than
'one' who questions his identity. Godiva and the recent one offs:
Agnelo Pinto @ yahoo and Katrina sublime @ Yahoo, could well be one
and the same person. People on and ego trip, massaging themselves...


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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[Goanet] Happy Glorious Easter

2006-04-15 Thread Gabe Menezes
* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
 USDA certified Goa Sausages and other Goan foods can now be delivered
   to virtually any part of the world.

Gabe Menezes has sent you an ecard to view please click on to the URL 


Blessings to you from the folks at DaySpring Cards,
the world's leading Christian greeting card company.



Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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[Goanet] Indian ‘nation’ of commerce

2006-04-13 Thread Gabe Menezes
 and opened, the volatility of
the relationship will built the boil that one day will reach maximum
growth and burst for the worst. Nature has such demands that any new
birth is bought by spilling human blood.

The author is a renown with an international acclaim. He holds
Doctorate in African Literature and Political Philosophy.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Goanet mailing list  (Goanet@goanet.org)

Re: [Goanet] Setting the standard on posts (2)

2006-04-13 Thread Gabe Menezes
* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
 USDA certified Goa Sausages and other Goan foods can now be delivered
   to virtually any part of the world.

On 12/04/06, Elisabeth Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear GL,
 Are you sure you're not sucking up to me? :)))

 What is a hutton?

 Hey, I'm just trying to reign in my inner Ayatollah.
 One of these days, you'll see a revolution around here


E F HUTTON. An entrepreneurial man, mucho dinero, founded the Broking
business EF HUTTON.

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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Re: [Goanet] Goa's appalling Road Sense! (re Mario's comments)

2006-04-12 Thread Gabe Menezes
 Domnic Fernandes continues (Part III) his reminiscence of
   Mapusa of the 1950s

On 12/04/06, Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Gabe and other Goanetters who are concerned about this

 Is this what you were talking about? Do you understand
 what this guy is trying to say?



 --- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Mario clarifies:
 Regular Goanetters will surely recognize the
 comments above as an excellent example of the pot
 calling the kettle black.

RESPONSE: I have given up trying to figure out the mindset.
I believe the Latin used by Francis Rodrigues, previously, says it all?


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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[Goanet] The end of Mopa..writing on the wall! The man has spoken..

2006-04-11 Thread Gabe Menezes
 Domnic Fernandes continues (Part III) his reminiscence of
   Mapusa of the 1950s


Babush joins anti-Mopa bandwagon

PANJIM, APRIL 10 -- His dream of becoming president of Goa Pradesh
Congress Committee (GPCC) may not have been fulfilled so far. But he
is trying to embark on a new mission, to resolve the airport
Town  Country Planning Minister, Babush Monserrate has overnight
become a vocal protagonist of 'No Mopa, only Dabolim'.
The issue was discussed informally in his chamber at the new
Secretariat in Porvorim with South Goa MP Churchill Alemao, campaigner
for the anti-Mopa agitation, and pro-Mopa BJP legislator from
Dhargalim constituency in Pernem, Babu Azgaonker.
He said he would talk to all ministers as well as the chief minister
with the objective of ending the impasse and strongly felt that a
Cabinet decision be taken to scrap the proposed airport at Mopa.
Monserrate however doesn't agree with Churchill's mode of agitation.
He said being a member of the PM appointed committee headed by the CM
on airport in Goa, Churchill should have discussed the issue in detail
at the committee level before holding public meetings.
Monserrate's contention is that there is no opposition to Dabolim
airport. Even supporters of Mopa are not opposed to Dabolim. He says
some years ago when the Centre felt that Goa should have a new
international airport, site selection was set in motion and two sites
– Quitol in South and Mopa in Pernem were short listed of which the
latter was selected.
He argues by saying that people of Mopa or Pernem taluka had not
demanded that Mopa should be the site for the international airport.
When it was pointed out that land might be a major problem for
expansion of Dabolim airport, Monserrate said the Union Defence
minister Pranab Mukherjee had earlier assured that land would be
mentioned to the Goa delegation two months ago that land would be
provided in Dabolim for expansion. Land could also be taken from a
private firm, he said.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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