Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet - Kashmiri chillies

2008-05-29 Thread CORNEL DACOSTA
Hi Jerry
 Re toilets, if Bangalore can do so well, Goa can do
as well surely.
--- Jerry Fernandes said:  
 I have been to Bangalore bus station, and believe me
 the toilet there is as good as star hotels toilet,
 and very clean, and urinals were free.

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-29 Thread J. Colaco jc
 Mario Goveia  wrote:

[1] The continued spitting, urinating and defecating in public that
can be seen across India is a national disgrace, aided and abetted by
the failure of the municipal authorities to provide adequate and clean
public toilets.

[2] I have seen low income areas in other tropical countries in Latin
America and the Caribbean where the modest houses or shacks do not
have their own toilets, but everyone uses the many public toilets
which are kept relatively clean.

[3] In India, probably because of the habits brought by villagers
migrating to urban areas, people have no compunction in urinating and
defecating in public.

[4] I have no idea what the women do in India, especially those
wearing saris.  I'm afraid to ask, but I'm sure someone will tell


jc's response:

Excellent posting.

addendum 1: Even if the 'municipal authorities provide adequate and
clean public toilets', I cannot envisage that the paan-spitters NOT
spitting the red stuff on the walls of buildings and on the
foot-paths. At most they would also spit all over the public toilets
and continue spitting on the walls.

addendum 2: The evidence of spitting started appearing on Goan walls
and of defecation on Goan beaches started appearing only after 1965.

BUT, If one is to believe some arm-chair planners who do not have a
clue of the magnitude of the problem, the answer apparently is to
place Port-a-loos all over the place. So, tourists can visit churches,
temples and Portaloos!

re [4] supra:  One surely has heard of Don't ask, Don't Tell (:-)


Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet - Kashmiri chillies

2008-05-27 Thread Gabe Menezes
2008/5/27 Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Mario wrote:

 Mario responds:

 Sadly, Gabe is both wrong and right:-))  First, Gabe
 is wrong because a rocket scientist would surely see
 that his calculation above is too simplistic.  On the
 other hand, Gabe is absolutely right that more
 education is required here, which I am happy to

 The USD640 per ounce is a simple average of USD280 and
 USD1,000.  However, the actual average would also
 depend on how many ounces were bought at USD280 and
 how many at USD1,000.

 For example, ignoring fees and commissions, if 10 oz.
 were bought at USD280 and 20 oz. at USD1,000, the
 average for these two transactions would be USD760 per
 ounce, not USD640.

REPLY: Still in the money; even more so if he continued to buy at
intervals right up to and including USD1000. Only 1 trade gone wrong,
after possible 7 successes. Now I suppose you will come up with an
even worse case scenario, to show a loss. This is the classic 'Goan
carb mentality' that you espouse.

Mervyn is a professional and makes his living by his wits and his
knowledge, instead of being happy for him you aim to pour scorn and
aim disparaging remarks.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet - Kashmir

2008-05-23 Thread Bosco D'Mello


 The Rape of Goa - A photo documentary
   Rajan P. Parrikar

  Venue: Menezes Braganza Art Gallery, Panjim, May 21-24, 2008

Mario wrote more twaddle thus:

If this were true, we would not see Chimbel in a
discussion on Kashmir.
Then Bosco inserted Chimbel into the discussion, which
had nothing to do with the thread.
If there are local zoning laws in Goa this would be
news to Digambar Kamath.
As we saw with Digambar Kamath's tirade against the
local Panchayats, whatever approval process is being
used in Goa is not at the Panchayat level, it is at
the state level and is what has created the mess in
the first place.
I only respond to set the record straight.  People are
entitled to their own opinions but not their own
Perhaps Bosco should go back to mentioning Chimbel in
a discussion of Kashmir, which would be more typical
of his stellar contributions on Goanet.

RESPONSE: This early morning entertainment is turning out to be as good as 
the late night edition. To follow the Gouvenian advice above I ask: Mario, 
have you found Chimbel on a Goan map yet? Apparently your namesake is the 
new President-erect of Chimbel and like you, he too ties his hands behind 
his back when he types email messages to Goanet.

Stellar or not, my contributions here do not seek to pull wool over the eyes 
of Goanetters with pompous falsehoods. And yes, YOU are right, YOU are not 
entitled to your own facts - Kashmir is a part of India.

Next time, please try and stay for more than 10 days in Goa and learn 
something about the laws of the state instead of firing blanks 
here..just because it is free!!

As an ardent member of your fan-club, let me request you to voluntarily stop 
this daily tirade of nonsense from your keyboard before you are dispatched 
to your summer hibernation. Have your Waders at the ready!!

- b 

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet - Kashmir

2008-05-23 Thread Mario Goveia

  The Rape of Goa - A photo documentary
Rajan P. Parrikar

   Venue: Menezes Braganza Art Gallery, Panjim, May 21-24, 2008

Mario wrote:

 To be accused of not telling the troot by Jose 
 Colaco is like being called ugly by a frog:-))

Date: Wed, 21 May 2008 20:44:44 -0400
From: J. Colaco  jc [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I feel sorry for you that some frog called you ugly.
Must be the rust.

Mario responds:

You don't understand.  No one called me ugly.  Some
guy called Jose who apparently cannot spell said I was
not telling the troot.  I said this was like being
called ugly by a frog which is an ugly mammal.  See,
this Jose guy regularly accuses people of not telling
the troot which is like a frog who goes around
calling people ugly.

Mario wrote:

The Indian sector is called Jammu  Kashmir.  Jose
has been erroneously referring to it as Kashmir.

Jose responded:

No sector bector. It is a Indian State officially
called Jammu  Kashmir and colloquially called
Kashmir by Kashmiris and other Indians

Mario responds:

Colloquial, schmolloquial.  The discussion was about
legalities and official technicalities like autonomy
and the US constitution.  

There is a huge difference between the region called
Kashmir, which has Pakistani, Chinese and Indian
sectors, and the Indian state of Jammu  Kashmir.

Not once did you demonstrate that you knew the

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet - Kashmir

2008-05-23 Thread Edward Verdes


 The Rape of Goa - A photo documentary
   Rajan P. Parrikar

  Venue: Menezes Braganza Art Gallery, Panjim, May 21-24, 2008

My question is Why only refer to KashmirisWhat about the rest of the 
Indian States?
Can Goans buy property in any other state? or is Goa the only state that 
outsiders can buy properties?
What about Goans buying properties in 
Mumbai...Pune..Rajasthan..Surat..chennai..or where ever Goans have
settled in India? Would be plsd to hear from Indian experts in these matters 
to clear off the doubts of Goans.

Edward Verdes

Mario observes:
My original comments in this thread were in response
to a question by Jane Gillian Rodrigues about why
non-Goans can buy property in Goa whereas
non-Kashmiris cannot buy property in Kashmir.

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet - Kashmir

2008-05-23 Thread fredericknoronha

  The Rape of Goa - A photo documentary
Rajan P. Parrikar

   Venue: Menezes Braganza Art Gallery, Panjim, May 21-24, 2008

For once I agree with Mario. I think some potshots are being taken just to 
settle other scores. FN
Sent via BlackBerry® while on the road...

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet - Kashmiri chillies

2008-05-23 Thread Mario Goveia

  The Rape of Goa - A photo documentary
Rajan P. Parrikar

   Venue: Menezes Braganza Art Gallery, Panjim, May 21-24, 2008

--- Bosco D'Mello [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Heck!! Yet again, it is more likely Mario does not
 even know where Chimbel is. Give the man a break, 
 not only is he confused.he is lost in Goa and 
 surrounded by Kashmiris, yes some of them from
Date: Wed, 21 May 2008 10:16:28 -0700 (PDT)
From: Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The man is our caped crusader fighting Goan Catholic
casteism. Asked about his own self, he'll not tire of
telling you there is a town in Portugal named after
his family.

Recently he got his Kashimir terrority mixed up with
his Kashmiri chillies. He also got his gram sabhas
mixed up with garam masala. All this has made for a
bad kalchi koddi :-)

Mario responds:

Along with your continued defense of the caste system,
the smoke and mirrors recommendation to rename the
status quo that is destroying Goa as the Goa Planning
Office and the comical demand that red tape be
scarped in Goa, we are now being told about some
mythical place called Kashimir terrority that is
being confused with Kashmir chillies:-))

But, hey, at least the period of hurling insults at
the activists actually making a difference in Goa
seems to have passed [Whew!] to be replaced with brown
nosing with Bosco and his confusion between  Chimbel
and Kashmir, not to mention Goanet's resident
know-it-all, Jose Colaco, confusing the disputed
region of Kashmir with the autonomous Indian state of
Jammu  Kashmir:-))

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet - Kashmiri chillies

2008-05-23 Thread Carvalho

  The Rape of Goa - A photo documentary
Rajan P. Parrikar

   Venue: Menezes Braganza Art Gallery, Panjim, May 21-24, 2008

--- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 But, hey, at least the period of hurling insults at
 the activists actually making a difference in Goa
 seems to have passed [Whew!] 
Unlike you I don't feel the need to ingratiate myself
with activists. If I earn their respect and
friendship, it will be on my own steam and not because
I caved in to mirror my ideology with theirs. 

There are a great many people doing their bit for Goa.
Some, very quietly and effectively. There are large
sections of Goan society that are not represented on
Goanet, the shippie that goes on-board for 9 months of
his life, the Gulf worker who labours away as a
houseboy in some Kuwaiti household, the cook who opens
a restaurant in his backyard,  the school kid who
won't find admission anywhere else besides his village
Church school, the housewife who doesn't have an
emergency care center to take her child too. These are
the people I know from the village I come from. Heck,
some of them are even related to me.

All of these people are equal shareholders in Goa's
future. The dreams of upper-class Goans with access to
first class schools may not be the dreams of the
deprived. And the dreams of urbanites may not coincide
with those that dwell in the deepest villages. I
believe all our dreams need expression and more
importantly all our dreams need opportunity. 



Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet - Kashmir

2008-05-23 Thread J. Colaco jc

  The Rape of Goa - A photo documentary
Rajan P. Parrikar

   Venue: Menezes Braganza Art Gallery, Panjim, May 21-24, 2008

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  For once I agree with Mario. I
think some potshots are being taken just to settle other scores.

jc's response:

I agree with Fred Noronha about his agreement with Mario

I also agree with potshots.and not the 'other scores' bit.

Mario settled the old scores all by himself. He even found the
fugetio he spoke about for nearly 4 years.

BTW: Don't tell anybody that Goa has Coconut Oil


Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet - Kashmir

2008-05-22 Thread Seb dc

  The Rape of Goa - A photo documentary
Rajan P. Parrikar

   Venue: Menezes Braganza Art Gallery, Panjim, May 21-24, 2008

Mario, I find you are not preaching what you profess, It should be Jammu 
Kashmir, remember:-)

From: Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 My original comments in this thread were in response
 to a question by Jane Gillian Rodrigues about why
 non-Goans can buy property in Goa whereas
 non-Kashmiris cannot buy property in Kashmir.

Can they buy in Himachal P.? just asking! or does the state also follow the
If they cannot, why??


 While India claims Kashmir as a state under the
 current status quo, this so-called state is unlike
 any other state in India because it has been granted
 autonomy under the Indian constitution, and the entire
 region, including the part claimed by India, is in
 dispute and has been since 1948.

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-21 Thread Mario Goveia

  The Rape of Goa - A photo documentary
Rajan P. Parrikar

   Venue: Menezes Braganza Art Gallery, Panjim, May 21-24, 2008

Mario wrote:

 But, hey, the beaches in the UK are apparently also
 like toilets, so the Brits who infest Goa can now 
 feel completely at home:-))

Date: Mon, 19 May 2008 21:19:41 +0100
From: Gabe Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Person from the rust belt is even more at home, as
soon as they see the 'shanty town' on arrival, they
feelaaah its like being at home!

Mario responds:

In fact, most of the poor in the US rust belt live
about as well as the middle-class in most of Europe.

Unfortunately, Gabe lives in old Blighty, where the
beaches are apparently like toilets, so he must feel
very much at home when he goes to Goa:-))

Gabe writes:

When are you going to apologise for your blunder on
Kashmir, you really are on devious fellow, with no
moral inhibitions whatsoever. I suppose you have been
Googling along looking, for a smidgen to get you
off the hook?

Mario responds:

Based on his typically insulting and irritable
comments, which make a mockery of his signature, DEV
BOREM KORUM, I think Gabe is really describing himself
here.  Thankfully, most of his posts are cut and
pasted from the internet, with no comment or point
that is made.

While I could have been more clear in describing
Kashmir's disputed situation as an Indian state, I
wonder if Gabe even understood that the discussion was
about the difference between Goa and Kashmir regarding
whether citizens of other Indian states could buy
property in these regions.

I was correct in describing Kashmir as a disputed
territory administered in parts by three different
countries, and the Indian sector is officially
autonomous under the Indian constitution.

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet - Kashmir

2008-05-21 Thread CORNEL DACOSTA

  The Rape of Goa - A photo documentary
Rajan P. Parrikar

   Venue: Menezes Braganza Art Gallery, Panjim, May 21-24, 2008

 Many thanks for the clarification re the issue
surrounding Jane's query about Goans buying land in
Kashmir. My own view was akin to that of Mario and
Frederick but I do not profess to have much knowledge
about Kashmir.
 In a response to a simple question from jane
 gillian rodrigues
 whether (...) a Goan, can buy land in Kashmir.


Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet - Kashmir

2008-05-21 Thread J. Colaco jc

  The Rape of Goa - A photo documentary
Rajan P. Parrikar

   Venue: Menezes Braganza Art Gallery, Panjim, May 21-24, 2008

2008/5/21 CORNEL DACOSTA wrote:

[1]  Many thanks for the clarification re the issue surrounding Jane's
query about Goans buying land in Kashmir.
[2] My own view was akin to that of Mario and Frederick
[3] but I do not profess to have much knowledge about Kashmir.


jc's response:


re [1] - You are most welcome

re [2] - Please do clarify which view of Mario and Frederick is/was
'akin to yours

In the context of this 'subject header' Mario clearly has stated that
Kashmir was NOT yet an Indian State Frederick said NO such thing.

It is my position that Mario is absolutely WRONG. Are you in agreement
on this point with Mario? In that case, I submit that you are wrong

Sure, there are some common points in the posts of Mario and
Frederick. Those are not at issue in this subject line. The IMPORTANT
point (just in case you missed it) was that Mario was pompously
offering to TEACH  Jane .when he (Mario) was spectacularly
ignorant of the facts himself!

You, Cornel, have accepted that you do not profess to  'have much
knowledge about Kashmir'.


Mario has attributed his past errors to intelligence
failure.after stubbornly maintaining that he was the sole
defender of the truth.
I expect him to be no less obstinate this time around. His past
performance indicate that Facts do not get in the way of Mario's
professed Troot'. You (Cornel) are welcome to keep company with his
FALSE position that Kashmir is NOT yet an Indian State.


Xhutes.time to get back to workwhere is my coffee
Besides knowledge on this topic has been exhausted

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet - Kashmir

2008-05-21 Thread Alfred de Tavares

  The Rape of Goa - A photo documentary
Rajan P. Parrikar

   Venue: Menezes Braganza Art Gallery, Panjim, May 21-24, 2008

 Heck!! Yet again, it is more likely Mario does not even know where Chimbel  
 is. Give the man a break, not only is he confused.he is lost in Goa and  
 surrounded by Kashmiris, yes some of them from China!! 
There used to be an institution in that charming village that shrinked heads 
gone flatulent
Taka Chimbel gal'la quite amply explained the respective incumbent's state
of mind...
H. E. Alfred de Tavares,
Chacellor, Fraternity of Fools
Discover the new Windows Vista

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet - Kashmiri chillies

2008-05-21 Thread Carvalho

  The Rape of Goa - A photo documentary
Rajan P. Parrikar

   Venue: Menezes Braganza Art Gallery, Panjim, May 21-24, 2008

--- Bosco D'Mello [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Heck!! Yet again, it is more likely Mario does not
 even know where Chimbel 
 is. Give the man a break, not only is he
 confused.he is lost in Goa and 
 surrounded by Kashmiris, yes some of them from
Give Mario a break will you? 

The man is our caped crusader fighting Goan Catholic
casteism. Asked about his own self, he'll not tire of
telling you there is a town in Portugal named after
his family.

Recently he got his Kashimir terrority mixed up with
his Kashmiri chillies. He also got his gram sabhas
mixed up with garam masala. All this has made for a
bad kalchi koddi :-)



Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-21 Thread Gabe Menezes

  The Rape of Goa - A photo documentary
Rajan P. Parrikar

   Venue: Menezes Braganza Art Gallery, Panjim, May 21-24, 2008

2008/5/20 Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Mario wrote:

 But, hey, the beaches in the UK are apparently also
 like toilets, so the Brits who infest Goa can now
 feel completely at home:-))

 Mario responds:

 In fact, most of the poor in the US rust belt live
 about as well as the middle-class in most of Europe.

 Unfortunately, Gabe lives in old Blighty, where the
 beaches are apparently like toilets, so he must feel
 very much at home when he goes to Goa:-))

 Gabe writes:

 When are you going to apologise for your blunder on
 Kashmir, you really are on devious fellow, with no
 moral inhibitions whatsoever. I suppose you have been
 Googling along looking, for a smidgen to get you
 off the hook?

RESPONSE: Below my dignity to reply to the claptrap and what Goveia
cottoned on to, courtesy of Frederick Noronha.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet - Kashmir

2008-05-21 Thread Mario Goveia

  The Rape of Goa - A photo documentary
Rajan P. Parrikar

   Venue: Menezes Braganza Art Gallery, Panjim, May 21-24, 2008

Date: Wed, 21 May 2008 08:34:47 -0400
From: J. Colaco  jc [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Mario is INCORRECT. Kashmir IS an Indian State (a 
 State within the Republic of India). 
 BTW: the correct answer to Gillian's query: A Goan 
 or any other non-Kashmiri CANNOT buy land in the 
 Indian State of Kashmir (Art 370 IC). At least 
 until recently, the land laws were slightly 
 different for non-Kashmiri men married to Kashmiri 
 women from what they were for non-Kashmiri women 
 married to Kashmiri men.
 Mario has attributed his past errors 
 to intelligence failure.after stubbornly 
 maintaining that he was the sole defender of the 
 truth. I expect him to be no less obstinate this 
 time around. His past performance indicate 
 that Facts do not get in the way of Mario's
 professed Troot'. You (Cornel) are welcome to keep 
 company with his FALSE position that Kashmir is NOT 
 yet an Indian State.

Mario responds:

To be accused of not telling the troot by Jose
Colaco is like being called ugly by a frog:-))

Let us examine this Kashmir that Jose Colaco has
been blathering on about for the last few days. 

The undisputable truth is that the Kashmir that Jose
Colaco keeps referring to is a disputed region
administered by three different countries, India,
Pakistan and China.

The Indian sector is called Jammu  Kashmir.  Jose
has been erroneously referring to it as Kashmir.

Jammu  Kashmir is currently considered a state by
India for administrative  purposes, whereas it is
quite unlike any other state in India because it has
been granted autonomy by the Indian constitution.

Thus, if Jose Colaco wants to continue pontificating
about this state, he should start by referring to it
by its correct name, Jammu  Kashmir.

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet - Kashmir

2008-05-21 Thread Mario Goveia

  The Rape of Goa - A photo documentary
Rajan P. Parrikar

   Venue: Menezes Braganza Art Gallery, Panjim, May 21-24, 2008

Mario Goveia wrote:

 While I could have been more clear in my previous
 comments, Bosco is apparently unfamiliar with the
 nuances of Kashmir within the context of India and 
 the discussion that was taking place.  The 
 discussion was about whether a Goan can buy 
 property in Kashmir like non-Goan Indians can buy 
 property in Goa.  I wonder why Bosco left out my 
 next sentence, It is still a disputed territory 
 administered by three different governments, 
 Pakistan, India and China.

Date: Tue, 20 May 2008 21:58:10 -0400
From: Bosco D'Mello [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Perhaps Mario is also familiar re the nuances of the
Goan dispute re Chimbel. While some think it part of
Tiswadi, there are some in Salcette claiming Chimbel
belongs to them.

Heck!! Yet again, it is more likely Mario does not
even know where Chimbel is. Give the man a break, not
only is he confused.he is lost in Goa and 
surrounded by Kashmiris, yes some of them from China!!

Mario observes:

Hanh  What is Bosco talking about?

My original comments in this thread were in response
to a question by Jane Gillian Rodrigues about why
non-Goans can buy property in Goa whereas
non-Kashmiris cannot buy property in Kashmir.

While India claims Kashmir as a state under the
current status quo, this so-called state is unlike
any other state in India because it has been granted
autonomy under the Indian constitution, and the entire
region, including the part claimed by India, is in
dispute and has been since 1948.

In Bosco's new post I looked in vain for any comment
that is germane to the topic in this thread.

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-20 Thread Seb dc

  The Rape of Goa - A photo documentary
Rajan P. Parrikar

   Venue: Menezes Braganza Art Gallery, Panjim, May 21-24, 2008

 I tried and tried and tried to find one tangible point
 you might have made. Then I realised this was Mario's
 post. Why would my expectations be that high?

I hope u know now !
What can u expect from someone who says: Kashmir is not a part of India!!


Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-20 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या

  The Rape of Goa - A photo documentary
Rajan P. Parrikar

   Venue: Menezes Braganza Art Gallery, Panjim, May 21-24, 2008

2008/5/20 Seb dc [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 What can u expect from someone who says: Kashmir is
 not a part of India!!

But isn't that the ground reality?

As things stand today, Kashmir is disputed and divided across
international boundaries. That we would *like it* to be part of India
is another issue. As for now, the entire part of what used to be
Kashmir isn't! FN

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet - Kashmir

2008-05-20 Thread J. Colaco jc

  The Rape of Goa - A photo documentary
Rajan P. Parrikar

   Venue: Menezes Braganza Art Gallery, Panjim, May 21-24, 2008

2008/5/20 Seb dc [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 What can u expect from someone who says: Kashmir is not a part of India!!

FN responded:
 But isn't that the ground reality?  As things stand today, Kashmir is
disputed and divided across
 international boundaries.


jc's response:

With due respect, Seb dc has misquoted Mario. That is not what Mario stated.

No reason for  Mario to use what FN has written (correctly) to
support what he(Mario) has written incorrectly.

Individuals like Mario have previously blamed errors on 'intelligence failure'.
Possible! (;-)


Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet - Kashmir

2008-05-20 Thread CORNEL DACOSTA

  The Rape of Goa - A photo documentary
Rajan P. Parrikar

   Venue: Menezes Braganza Art Gallery, Panjim, May 21-24, 2008

Sorry, but I find JC's gobbledegook in this post
impossible to understand.Please can he write more
simply and in plain English as to what he is on about?
--- J. Colaco  jc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
 With due respect, Seb dc has misquoted Mario. That
 is not what Mario stated.
 No reason for  Mario to use what FN has written
 (correctly) to
 support what he(Mario) has written incorrectly.
 Individuals like Mario have previously blamed errors
 on 'intelligence failure'.
 Possible! (;-) 

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet - Kashmir

2008-05-20 Thread Mario Goveia

  The Rape of Goa - A photo documentary
Rajan P. Parrikar

   Venue: Menezes Braganza Art Gallery, Panjim, May 21-24, 2008

FN responded:

 But isn't that the ground reality?  As things stand 
 today, Kashmir is disputed and divided across
 international boundaries.

Date: Tue, 20 May 2008 08:06:38 -0400
From: J. Colaco  jc [EMAIL PROTECTED]

No reason for  Mario to use what FN has written
(correctly) to support what he(Mario) has written

Individuals like Mario have previously blamed errors
on 'intelligence failure'. Possible! (;-)

Mario responds:

Here we see someone with apparent intelligence failure
falsely assert that I have been incorrect on Kashmir
without specifying what exactly he is referring to.

Shown below are my latest posted statements on
Kashmir.  I would like Jose to explain what is
incorrect about what I have said or how it is
different from what Fred wrote:

While I could have been more clear in my previous
comments, Bosco is apparently unfamiliar with the
nuances of Kashmir within the context of India and the
discussion that was taking place.  The discussion was
about whether a Goan can buy property in Kashmir like
non-Goan Indians can buy property in Goa.  I wonder
why Bosco left out my next sentence, It is still a
disputed territory administered by three different
governments, Pakistan, India and China.

In fact Jammu  Kashmir is autonomous under Article
370 of the Indian Constitution.  Thus the region does
not function like other Indian states including Goa.


The region is divided among three countries in a
territorial dispute: 

Though these regions are in practice administered by
their respective claimants, neither India nor Pakistan
has formally recognised the accession of the areas
claimed by each other. 
[end of excerpt]


The Constitution of India grants Jammu and Kashmir
special autonomous status as a temporary provision
through Article 370.  However, some Muslim Kashmiris
demand greater autonomy and sovereignty and some even
demand independence from India, while some non-Muslims
would like to see the state fully integrated into

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet - Kashmir

2008-05-20 Thread J. Colaco jc

  The Rape of Goa - A photo documentary
Rajan P. Parrikar

   Venue: Menezes Braganza Art Gallery, Panjim, May 21-24, 2008


Sorry, but I find JC's gobbledegook in this post impossible to
understand.Please can he write more simply and in plain English as to
what he is on about?

jc's response:

Cornel's Sorry is accepted.

please vide infra :

In a response to a simple question from jane gillian rodrigues
whether (...) a Goan, can buy land in Kashmir.

[1] Mario Goveia (inter alia) responded: The last time I checked
Kashmir was not an Indian STATE yet.
[2] Seb dc of Mario: What can u expect from someone who says: Kashmir
is not a PART of India!!
[3] FN wrote:  As things stand today, Kashmir is disputed and divided
across international boundaries.
[4] Mario now writes: I would like Jose to explain what is incorrect
about what I have said or how it is different from what Fred wrote

jc's response for attention of Mario and anyone who just might have
English intelligence failure

re [1] Mario is INCORRECT. Kashmir IS an Indian State (a State within
the Republic of India). It has a State legislature and sends MPs to
the Lok Sabha (Parliament) in New Delhi who have helped form a
previous central Govt in Delhi. Just for info ...because of the
fractured electorate, the MPs from the State of Kashmir can be

re [2] Seb dc is quoting Mario INCORRECTLY.  That is not what Mario stated.

re [3] FN is absolutely CORRECT.but that does NOT make Mario's
statement in [1] correct.

re [4] I trust that my explanation in simple English ...written slowly
for easier comprehension sufficient.

BTW: the correct answer to Gillian's query: A Goan or any other
non-Kashmiri CANNOT buy land in the Indian State of Kashmir (Art 370
IC). At least until recently, the land laws were slightly different
for non-Kashmiri men married to Kashmiri women from what they were for
non-Kashmiri women married to Kashmiri men.

It is my understanding that non-Kashmiris have bought land in the
Pakistani held territory aka 'Azad Kashmir'.

But yes you can buy what you want in Kashmir (Lisboa). I prefer
their chicken samosas. Simply the best.


Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet - Kashmir

2008-05-20 Thread Bosco D'Mello


 The Rape of Goa - A photo documentary
   Rajan P. Parrikar

  Venue: Menezes Braganza Art Gallery, Panjim, May 21-24, 2008

Mario Goveia wrote:

While I could have been more clear in my previous
comments, Bosco is apparently unfamiliar with the
nuances of Kashmir within the context of India and the
discussion that was taking place.  The discussion was
about whether a Goan can buy property in Kashmir like
non-Goan Indians can buy property in Goa.  I wonder
why Bosco left out my next sentence, It is still a
disputed territory administered by three different
governments, Pakistan, India and China.

RESPONSE: Perhaps Mario is also familiar re the nuances of the Goan dispute 
re Chimbel. While some think it part of Tiswadi, there are some in Salcette 
claiming Chimbel belongs to them.while at the same time, the maverick 
Pandurang Fernandes has declared Chimbel an independent Republic from Goa.

Heck!! Yet again, it is more likely Mario does not even know where Chimbel 
is. Give the man a break, not only is he confused.he is lost in Goa and 
surrounded by Kashmiris, yes some of them from China!!

Here Mario, let me clue you in re your messages to Goanet:

May 17, 2008 - 6 messages from you
May 18, 2008 - 3 messages from you
May 19, 2008 - 5 messages from you
May 20, 2008 - 2 messages so far..5hrs left in the day and you know how 
many are pending

Please help yourselfNo, I don't mean seek nirvana at the 
moderators mailbox.

- b

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-19 Thread Eddie Fernandes
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

Dear Frederick,

The photograph was published by the Herald a week ago.  A shack owner in
Candolim had evidently closed shop at the end of the reason but had not done
a perfect job of clearing up - perhaps he was not aware of the Saligao dump!

You can check the photo at the Herald site:

Best wishes


-Original Message-
From: Frederick [FN] Noronha *   
As far as I could see, the tourists who were being squeezed over
resident permits and land deals (and who were rightly upset about it),
got mixed up with the issue of Goa being turned into a toilet (and a
possibly-rigged photo of a discarded commode put out on Candolim
beach... very strange site, hardly plausable though it makes for a
good and sensational photo!)

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-19 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

There is no doubt that UK's beaches, or some of them at least are dirty, but 
this can be said of many tropical beaches too, not just UK or Goa.
  The tens of millions of tons of rubbish that has been spilled into the seas 
by ships, barges  crooks who dump the city's garbage from China to Japan, from 
Indonesia to Australia / New Zealand, from USA to all areas of Europe, from 
Africa  South America, the whole world has used the sea as a dumping ground 
for many years.
  We are now witnessing the deaths of thousands of sea turtles, sharks and 
other marine wildlife who either mistake the floating garbage (plastic bags are 
the worse offenders which the turtles mistake for their favourite food, 
  Now the sea has churned up plastics of all sorts, all now returning after 25 
years or so floating about in the sea, brought in by the currents, to the 
  And we (all nations) still do not clean up after ourselves.
  There are dedicated people who VOLUNTEER their time  energies in collecting 
these plastic  other rubbish that the tide leaves behind.  Long gone are the 
odd coco de mer or the odd piece of wood from a sunken ship. The days of a 
message in a bottle have gone too, its all dirt  plastic, stuff that cannot 
biodegrade that is hurting the marine life, and of course making it impossible 
for clean beaches, even in some of the most expensive and idyllic places on 
earth, find plastic yoghurt containers, plastic cutlery  bags on their beaches.
  John Monteiro

George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

Goans are too polite to call the UK a toilet


Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-19 Thread Carvalho
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

--- Eddie Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear Frederick,
 The photograph was published by the Herald a week
Dear Eddie,
It is all the more shocking now to realise that the
photo actually appeared on a Goan newspaper and didn't
originate from a British expat or a Goan expat.

Infact, here's another website every NRI should check

The website of the Oheraldo, the Goan newspaper of the
sons of the soil. The one that carries all the
articles about the mendacity of builder. After you've
read the articles, count how many real-estate
companies are advertised on the site. Three for land
(ACRON, Carneiro Builders and BF Homes) and four of
those, elitist, land-guzzling hotels (Prestige
Holiday Resorts, Longuinhos, Bambolin Beach Resort,
and Delmon). The two sections are rather interestingly
PARTNERS. To make matters worse all models used to
advertise are Caucasian.

So thanks, Goans in Goa for chastising expat Goans,
and calling into question our loyalty at every point.
Goans have no integrity whatsoever when it comes to
hawking land to the public, that too a European
public. Rob from Peter and give to Paul and then rob
from Paul again but who is to blame. Those expat



Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-19 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

Wonder who was using this shack's toilet then?

2008/5/19 Eddie Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Dear Frederick,

 The photograph was published by the Herald a week ago.  A shack owner in
 Candolim had evidently closed shop at the end of the reason but had not done
 a perfect job of clearing up - perhaps he was not aware of the Saligao dump!

 You can check the photo at the Herald site:
Frederick FN Noronha * Independent Journalist * Phone +91-832-2409490

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-19 Thread Eugene Correia
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

I saw JoeGoaUK's videos. Well, it is easy to spot such
activities in Goa and elsewhere. It brings one fact
clearly in the open -- the need for urinals and
toilets in cities. But another problem will arise --
how to keep them clean.
To keep them clean and well maintained there will be
need for more municipal staff. More hiring will be
needed. More hiring means more money to be paid out of
municpal coffers. So, it is a roundabout.
The beaches are places where the need for toilets,
urinals, showers are urgent. If tourism has to
encouraged than the government/municipalities must be
encouraged to start hygiene reforms.
Though we knew it for years, Nirad Chaudhari's
mentioned of Goans habit of defecating on the shores
in Panjim (I think) in his Continent of Circe had
Goans riled against the writer.
Is not Mumbai an open toilet? Can one avoid seeing
naked bums along the tracks especially when one
travels on the local trains early morning? 
The videos at least had the people doing their jobs in
the shadows. If someone (particularly the poor) is
struck by the urgency to answer nature's call in
Panjim or any other city, what can the person do but
seek the solace of a shore or under the tree away from
prying eyes?
It's bad but it's not so bad considering Goa's going
the drain on many fronts.



Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-19 Thread CORNEL DACOSTA
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

Hi Eugene
 I am pretty sure that like Chaudri in the Continent
of Circe, Naipaul in his novel An Area of Darkness,
(that so upset so many Indians), refers to the point
that Indians defecate almost anywhere in India.
However, part of the reason for this is the marked
absence of public toilets particularly in urban
settings---a point made endless times in the media
over past decades.

I recall it was equally bad under the Portuguese, then
in Goa for some 451 years, when large numbers of Goans
 had to stay overnight or sometimes longer at the
docks with barely a toilet in sight, to catch a boat
from Marmagoa (the name normally used then), to East

--- Eugene Correia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I saw JoeGoaUK's videos. Well, it is easy to spot
 such activities in Goa and elsewhere. It brings one
fact clearly in the open -- the need for urinals and
 toilets in cities. But another problem will arise --
 how to keep them clean...

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-19 Thread Luisa Heaton
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

I am so pleased that Eugene Correia and Cornel DaCosta have both mentioned
that the LACK of toilet facilities may be the cause of people having to
relieve themselves wherever they can. I too think that this is at the nub of
the problem.  If there were more facilities, surely folk would use them, as
they do in every other part of the world where such facilities are in

I think this is the issue to be addressed: the lack of public toilets. Human
nature and human needs being what they are, this situation would arise
anywhere in the world. In the UK, in urban areas there are public facilities
aplenty. These are all clear signposted. And in the countyside where this
may not be the case, people are generally within easy easy reach of their
homes, pubs and hotels (most allow you to use their facilities) motorway
stops, so there is rarely an urgency which forces the use of the countryside
to relieve oneself However having said this, there are areas in the UK
which are also polluted by folk who answer the call of nature willy-nilly
- so to speak, and no pun intended.

I think if Goa should address the question of a lack of public facilites,
and perhaps a  lack of civic pride, may be we will be on our way to sorting
this situation


Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-19 Thread Mario Goveia
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

--- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is where I can be found on the same side
 as Gadgil and Rajan, but I want economic development
 to continue, but only in a manner that fits the Goan
 history, culture, ambience and environment.

Date: Sun, 18 May 2008 10:14:59 -0700 (PDT)
From: Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Agree with Gadgil and Rajan? Gadgil's (personally, I
love the man), positions are always in complete
concurrence with positions of the Community party of
India. Anti-modernization, anti-privatisation,
anti-globalisation and anti-west. Rajan, is presently
in consultation with the Chinese to build another
Great Wall around Goa.

Mario responds:

With love like yours, Gadgil does not need any
enemies:-))  Besides, I am not aware of anything
called the Community party of India.  Is this
something Gadgil has started?

I see you are still doggedly trying to deflect the
discussion and distort the facts - but we have your
number by now.  Besides, Gadgil also has you pegged as
the Queen of the Red Herrings who will say almost
anything to obfuscate a discussion, as we are also
seeing in your comments here.

Where I stand with Gadgil and Rajan is in their effort
to STOP the ugly developments, many approved through
fraudulent and corrupt means, because this would give
someone with more than half a brain in Goa a chance to
implement local zoning laws.  Once the ugly
developments are built or hillsides denuded, nothing
can be done.

You, on the other hand, support the status quo that
has produced the mess in the first place, want to cut
out the local villagers directly affected by the ugly
developments, and do not have a single sensible or
workable suggestion on how to address the problem.

Selma wrote:

What is really worrying me is your endorsement of
Wendell's pie-in-the-sky ideas for Goa. Is this the
best Goa has to offer in terms of economic
intelligentsia? One singer, who wants to turn Goa into
a state parK, bring out the rhinos right now, and a
dress-marker who wants the clock turned back on Goan
villages making them 16th century feudal estates.

Mario observes:

Here we see more diversionary comments supporting the
status quo and personally insulting those who are
trying to stem the rot in Goa, without offering a
single sensible or workable suggestion on how to
address the problem.  In the meantime, besides trying
to insult Wendell, whose dresses you probably could
not afford to buy, you have nothing to say about his
very specific and practical suggestions.

In a previous post you wrote, I don't mean to
undermine the work carried out by activists in halting
the devastation of Goa. Nor do I presume to understand
what the need of the hour is in Goa.

You were absolutely right in your second sentence
above as you are proving with every subsequent post,
while you are also proving you did not mean a word you
said in your first sentence.

Selma wrote:

Who decides what's elitist and what's not in a
democracy? Will the housing needs of local people be
resolved if this project is shelved? Or do these needs
warrant addressal separate from this issue?

Mario observes:

Once again you are

a) demonstrating that you do not understand what
the need of the hour is in Goa, because most of the
ugly developments are not addressing the housing
needs of the local people, and,

b) you are also demonstrating that you have not
understood a word I have written, which is that
development should continue, as long as it is done in
a manner that is compatible with the history, culture,
architecture and environment which would preserve
Goa's unique ambience.

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-19 Thread Mario Goveia
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

2008/5/19 Eddie Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Dear Frederick,

 The photograph was published by the Herald a week 
 ago.  A shack owner in Candolim had evidently 
 closed shop at the end of the season but had
 not done a perfect job of clearing up - perhaps he 
 was not aware of the Saligao dump!

Date: Mon, 19 May 2008 14:04:15 +0530
From:  Frederick [FN] Noronha *    

Wonder who was using this shack's toilet then?

Mario responds:

This shack's toilet is now a hole in the sand - just
like in the good old days:-))

But, hey, the beaches in the UK are apparently also
like toilets, so the Brits who infest Goa can now feel
completely at home:-))

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-19 Thread Carvalho

--- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I see you are still doggedly trying to deflect the
 discussion and distort the facts - but we have your
 number by now.  Besides, Gadgil also has you pegged
 the Queen of the Red Herrings who will say almost
 anything to obfuscate a discussion, as we are also
 seeing in your comments here.

I tried and tried and tried to find one tangible point
you might have made. Then I realised this was Mario's
post. Why would my expectations be that high?



Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet and comparing apples (revised)

2008-05-19 Thread George Pinto
Sweden which has problems of its own is lecturing other countries! If these 
diplomats don't like
the places they find themselves in - go home. Fix your own Swedish problems 
like integration of
immigrants in its third largest city, alcoholism, sexually transmitted 
diseases, teenage drop-out,
suicide rates, etc.

Are the Swedes trying to deflect from their many problems by pointing at others?


--- Alfred de Tavares [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My dear boró dotor  guys,
 Since you chaps are digressing far from the topic above, ie toilet
  associated attributes, I post bellow a 6-month old article that 
 will solidarise with 'stinky' Goa...
 (IANS) -- The Swedish
 Embassy in Delhi in their annual, albeit classified, report to the Swedish 
 foreign ministry has,
 unequivocally, stated that the Indians' personal hygiene is very much 
 neglected, reports, in a
 scoop, the Swedish government's official gazette, Riksdag  Departmentet, RD 
 Government) in their latest issue, Dec 17, on the eve of Mr Vayalar Ravi's, 

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-19 Thread Gabe Menezes
2008/5/19 Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Mario responds:

 This shack's toilet is now a hole in the sand - just
 like in the good old days:-))

 But, hey, the beaches in the UK are apparently also
 like toilets, so the Brits who infest Goa can now feel
 completely at home:-))

COMMENT: Person from the rust belt is even more at home, as soon as
they see the 'shanty town' on arrival, they feelaaah its like
being at home!

When are you going to apologise for your blunder on Kashmir, you
really are on devious fellow, with no moral inhibitions whatsoever. I
suppose you have been Googling along looking, for a smidgen to get you
off the hook?


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet and comparing apples (revised)

2008-05-19 Thread Roland Francis
Hello Alfredo Irmao,

Now that you have conveyed how Swedish diplomats comment on their
India postings, we must now hear Rajaram Balanmanian on his two year
stint at the Indian embassy in Stockholm.

Dear Undersecretary,
These Swedes are awful people, saar. They drink too much and get too
bawdy when they do. Their European neighbors know about this and bars
in France are dotted with signs saying Dogs and Swedes not allowed.

They eat the grossest fish, mostly herrings and kippers. It is served
cold and the stink that comes from one's breath makes my wife
routinely put me in the doghouse. Not that I voluntarily eat the fish.
It's just that Anna our commercial assistant who is such a hot item
will insist we eat this when we dine on official business (wink,

Talking of Anna, che che che. The things she makes me do are best left
unsaid. I like her charms maan, but the amount of hardware I have to
negotiate to get to the best parts almost make me like to eat with
spoon and fork. And that  as you well know, to us Indians, is a sin.

The thing that gets me without fail is that they do not use water like
we do. It's dry tissue all the way and on their particularly difficult
digestive days, one must never attempt to sit behind them. The smells
will remind you of fish gone bad on Chennai streets during municipal
strike days.

So Sir, less pay or not, I would definitely opt for Ougagdougu if
given the choice of my next posting.


On Sun, May 18, 2008 at 6:12 PM, Alfred de Tavares
 My dear boró dotor  guys,
 Since you chaps are digressing far from the topic above, ie toilet
  associated attributes, I post bellow a 6-month old article that
 will solidarise with 'stinky' Goa...

 (IANS) -- The Swedish Embassy in Delhi in their annual, albeit classified, 
 report to the Swedish foreign ministry has, unequivocally, stated that the 
 Indians' personal hygiene is very much neglected, reports, in a scoop, the 
 Swedish government's official gazette, Riksdag  Departmentet, RD 
 (Parliament  Government) in their latest issue, Dec 17, on the eve of Mr 
 Vayalar Ravi's, the Minister of Overseas Indian Affairs, visit to Sweden.

The nearest, in offalctory offensiveness, to India, lies Burkina Faso:
There the poor Swedish envoys are quatered next the nation's largest
garbage dump!  Alfred de Tavares

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-18 Thread Pandu Lampiao
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

Irmao Fred,
I understand the situation in Goa, the resignation and the following
picture brings tears to my eyes and ones mind goes blank thinking of
Filomena's situation.

Cut to Calangute where Filomena is lamenting the rapid changes
happening around her house

That said, I think we are the victims of our own success, success
meaning Goa as a hot-sell tourist destination. We laughed merrily and
got lazy as Goa was discovered by the 'hippis', asked everyone what
they thought of our Goa, and now we are the California of the
sub-continent. As an earlier post responded to a tiatrist, its time
for a reality check (no, no, no, not to flex your muscles and be an
enforcer/henchmen, a popular occupation in Goa these days/our 420
culture/economy), but to wake up and shake oneself.

Apologies if I make this sound simple, but it ain't. One can lay
blame; I would blame the religious for misleading but that won't hep.
Their crime will haunt them in due time. But the simple truth is, we
needed a shake up and this is it; we can either sit down and throw out
hands up and plead victim or get out there, get smart, improve and
learn...learnand watch...and learn! Please read Jerome's post
which has invaluable advice!

Jerome Coutinho: I gone thru Prince Jacob complain against Goan
Theatre owner that they are refusing to
telecast Konkani Films in Goan Cine Complexes.  Prince Jacob have to
work hard to improve the quality of his
acting and direction. Which fool can afford to make loss for himself
by telecasting stupid jolly villager's movie.

On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 2:48 PM, Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक
नोरोन्या [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am not a foreigner in Goa, someone staying here to earn my living,
 or someone who opted to migrate here for a higher salary. Nor am I
 here to escape the unfriendly weather.

 This is the reality of my personal finances. That
 doesn't mean, I hold some hapless person responsible
 for it. Goans cannot afford fish either, does that
 mean we stop exporting fish?

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet and comparing apples (revised)

2008-05-18 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

How many of you guys don't have toilets in your homes, or don't feel
the need for being concerned about sanitation? How many of your guys
don't believe that the 'clean' tourists who have been coming to Goa
all these years have not contributed significantly to adding to our
garbage and stink load in Goa? (Welcome along to a visit to the
Saligao-Calangute hillock, where garbage from Calangute gets dumped!)

And how many of you'll don't believe that the photo at
together with the loaded heading for the thread reflects as much the
bias of tourists affected in their real estate deals, as did the bias
of likening Goa to paradise when they first discovered it and got
'cheap' deals here?

While on the topic, some sanitation facts (it's only in India that we
have a toilet museum [] and need we have a
lot of work to do on this front, while not looking down on 'toilets'):

* Proper sanitation is a seemingly mundane thing that most people in
the 'developed' world take for granted.

* At least 2.6 billion people -- some 41 per cent of the global
population -- do not have access to latrines or any sort of basic
sanitation facilities.

* Millions resultantly suffer from a wide range of preventable
illnesses, such as diarrhoea, which claim thousands of lives each day,
primarily young children.

* Every 20 seconds, a child dies as a result of poor sanitation.
That's 1.5 million preventable deaths each year. [Source
theUNWorksinIndia, monthly newsletter of the UN Information Centre,
New Delhi]

So please take your sanitation seriously! Even if Goa has become a
toilet. --FN

PS: If you thought all toilets were bad, and dirty, please pay Rs 2
and visit the one at the Panjim ferry jetty.

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-18 Thread Eddie Fernandes
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

My dear Gilbert,

Looks like this is going to run and run as is your wont.  I would have liked
to reply with one line but need more space …

1.  It is wishful thinking to suggest I apologised.  I did anything but.

2.  You are right that there is a fire outside the theatre so I went in and
shouted “Fire”

3.  It should not take a genius to work out that to participate in the
Expats discussion forum, you need to register.  Take a look at the site and
work it out. I am not capable of breastfeeding!

4. So now Scarlett’s mother should accept the death of her daughter as

Awaiting your apology.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery,


From: Gilbert Lawrence

Hi Eddie,
You sound defensive in your post below.  It was an apology, though not
quite. I guess your machismo is in the way...  
Your explanation is similar to 'there was a fire outside the theater and I
just brought it in into the theater'... 
I would appreciate if you could post the e-mail address of the web... 
So I am not sure why she is complaining so loudly.  Something akin to
Scarlett's mother...   

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet and breastfeeding

2008-05-18 Thread J. Colaco jc
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

Eddie Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

My dear Gilbert,

3.  I am not capable of breastfeeding!


My dear Eddie,

I always recommend that one can breast feed as long as there are no
teeth (which can bite).

As Gilbert of the Amchi Khobor fame usually has no teeth (in the
arguments he makes on GoaNet), I'd say that Breast-Feeding is not
necessarily contraindicated.

Of course, one could offer alternate feeds as in Lactose-Free Cow's
milk or a Soy based formula. Often times, the inability to digest
lactose causes one to emit an inordinate amount of gas. Changing to a
lactose free formula might be of assistance.

I note that Gilbert has not (yet) repeated his previous advice to the
'Brits' i.e. just Take Up Indian citizenship. It has come to my
knowledge that Prejident Pandurang Phernandis runs a non-plagiaristic
possro where Brits can do just that..'Take Up Indian citizenship'

On this pleasant Sunday, I was intrigued by this new gem from Gilbert:
 Why cannot the Brits just accept responsibility for making a poor
decision in the first place.

Perhaps, Gilbert will care to advise us why he thinks the decision
was a poor one - in the first place?

He may wish to refer to his 'Amchi Khobor' book for an answer. Gilbert
quoting from his own book would not be considered as plagiarising.


Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet and comparing apples (revised)

2008-05-18 Thread J. Colaco jc
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

My responses to Gilbert are interspersed..jc

 Gilbert Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Jose baba,
1: Your response to my post would suggest, you agree with the rest of my post.

jc: FALSE. I do NOT normally read all your ramblings. Besides, I have
this bit at the back of my mind about your postings. I do not know
which of your written material is original and which is plagiarised.
So ...I skim through your posts. Please do not give me the credit of
reading your entire posting - I usually do NOT.

2: As regards your points below, you are 'catching the pig by the
tail'. If the Savages cannot / will not take Indian citizenship,
(unlike the vast majority of Goans in UK who are British citizens) she
should not make the comparison.

jc: TRUE. She is a Savage. But, just because she makes a nonsensical
statement, does not mean you shouldor Should you?

3:  As regards your other points, Indian citizens cannot even step on
British soil for a few hours, (in transit), forget about having a
five-year permanent tourist-stay visa and buying property in the UK.

jc: NOT entirely TRUE. Indian citizens CAN obtain transit and visitors
visa to the UKAND ...Indian citizens CAN buy property in the UK,
and many do ..all the time.

4: Your own place of residence, (Bahamas - British colony), there are
a lot of restrictions on tourists staying and buying property. A
foreigner can only apply to be a permanent resident or buy property if
they have and are prepared to invest more that half a million US

jc: TRUE but with a proviso. The funds will have to be 'clean' and the
police record without problems. There is significant co-operation with
the US on these matters. Having said that NOT related to the
Savage issue. As far as I know ...She bought property in India. As far
as I know, ONLY Indian laws are operative in India. Which law did she

5: Like Britain, even Bahamas will accept the bahile, but only
creme-de-la-creme.  Yet Goa / India cannot do that.

jc: TRUE and FALSE.  True about Britain and the Bahamas. False about
India/Goa. It is up to the Indian Parliament to legislate for India.

6: I need to compliment Ms. Savage for not labeling Goa a toilet. This
is something that the Brit-Goans have done by using the line as the
title to the thread on Goanet.

jc: YOUR CHOICE.  I have No compliments to offer Ms Savage.  I am NOT
a Brit-Goan. But, if I find evidence (photographic or other) of  Goa's
Public Property (like beaches, walkways, gardens etc) being used for
public Micturation and Defeacation  by individuals (be they migrants
or not), I will have NO hesitation in calling Goa a Toilet.


Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-18 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

2008/5/18 Eddie Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 2.  You are right that there is a fire outside the theatre so I went in and
 shouted Fire

By any chance, did you shout fire outside the wrong theatre? :-)

As far as I could see, the tourists who were being squeezed over
resident permits and land deals (and who were rightly upset about it),
got mixed up with the issue of Goa being turned into a toilet (and a
possibly-rigged photo of a discarded commode put out on Candolim
beach... very strange site, hardly plausable though it makes for a
good and sensational photo!)

I think we all owe an apology to toilets... for under-rating and
trivialising their importance!

Let's begin by making amends by recognising the work of Sulabh
International. And Dr Bideshwar Pathak, the founder of the sanitation
movement. Biharis can be smart and relevant too... regardless of what
Rajan Parrikar continually suggests about Indian brutes (sorry in
advance if I got the quote wrong).

Sulabh International Social Service Organization - 2 visits - May 8
The largest nationally and internationally recognised pan-India social
service outfit with 35000 volunteers on the rolls who work to promote
human rights, ...

Rgds, FN

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-18 Thread Carvalho
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

--- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is where I can be found on the same side
 as Gadgil and Rajan, but I want economic development
 to continue, but only in a manner that fits the Goan
 history, culture, ambience and environment.

Dear vodlo irmao Mario,

At least there was one thing we could always count on,
that being, some US-styled Republican spiel would make
its way onto Goanet. Now, even you are being an
ideological tart :-)

Agree with Gadgil and Rajan? Gadgil's (personally, I
love the man), positions are always in complete
concurrence with positions of the Community party of
India. Anti-modernization, anti-privatisation,
anti-globalisation and anti-west. Rajan, is presently
in consultation with the Chinese to build another
Great Wall around Goa.

What is really worrying me is your endorsement of
Wendell's pie-in-the-sky ideas for Goa. Is this the
best Goa has to offer in terms of economic
intelligentsia? One singer, who wants to turn Goa into
a state parK, bring out the rhinos right now, and a
dress-marker who wants the clock turned back on Goan
villages making them 16th century feudal estates. What
are we going to have next? Rain-water harvesting by
keeping the bispot under the thatched roof?

Come on, this is 21st century India. We are part of
the fastest, growing economy in the world, and we want
to duck and take cover instead of taking advantage? If
you want to read a solid third point of view, which
sees what is happening in Goa from a different
perspective, then access Philip Thomas' posts.
Unfortunately he seems to have disappeared from the

As if to prove my point, this post was forwarded today
on Goanet. I quote below:

Because of its exhorbitant price range and its elitist
lifestyle it is not a project that
solves the housing needs of local people.

Boycott a project because it is elitist? Surely,
that's not a reason to boycott something in a
democracy. It's reason to hold the government
accountable for ensuring the apartment complex manages
their own water supply, through eco-friendly
water-harvesting measures. It's reason to ensure that
electricity usage is minimal with energy saving
devices installed. I currently live in such a
development, where my water refuses to heat after a
certain time. 

Who decides what's elitist and what's not in a
democracy? Will the housing needs of local people be
resolved if this project is shelved? Or do these needs
warrant addressal separate from this issue?

Come on Mario, where's that Republican gone?



Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet and comparing apples (revised)

2008-05-18 Thread Alfred de Tavares
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

My dear boró dotor  guys,
Since you chaps are digressing far from the topic above, ie toilet
 associated attributes, I post bellow a 6-month old article that 
will solidarise with 'stinky' Goa...
(IANS) -- The Swedish Embassy in Delhi in their annual, albeit classified, 
report to the Swedish foreign ministry has, unequivocally, stated that the 
Indians' personal hygiene is very much neglected, reports, in a scoop, the 
Swedish government's official gazette, Riksdag  Departmentet, RD (Parliament 
 Government) in their latest issue, Dec 17, on the eve of Mr Vayalar Ravi's, 
the Minister of Overseas Indian Affairs, visit to Sweden. Such reports are 
sent in regularly by our embassies and consulates around the world on 
conditions obtaining locally, a very close aid to Carl Bildt, the Swedish 
minister for foreign affairs, told IANS, on sternest conditions of anonymity. 
However, it is very rare...I should say quite unprecedented, that such 
undiplomatic language is used in diplomatic parlance. The reporting diplomat 
must have, indeed, suffered very traumatizing and continuous experiences. Just 
one or two offences would hardly cause such poignant reaction. RD journalist, 
Anders Orrenius, wrily comments: Deplorable personal hygiene and 
over-sweetened breakfast-flakes. When Swedish embassies report home concerning 
conditions in stations-countries they tend to use something altogether 
different from diplomatic idiom. Neighbouring Pakistan fares far better, 
reports RD, with only some objection to a local flora and nothing to report 
offensively about the local fauna: In Islamabad, reports an apparently 
sore-tried Swedish envoy: One suffers a high degree of allergy due to the 
undue predominance of mullbery trees in the city. While Kabul, Bagdad and 
Jerusalem top the list of dangerous places to be posted in, Riyad scares the 
s--t out of the Swedes with their horrendously poisonous snakes paying them 
uninvited home-visits. According to RD, every year the Swedish foreign 
ministry sends out a questionaire to their embassies to compile information 
about the living conditions in the stations-areas around the world. Based on 
thisgathered information the annual sanction of the respective perks is fixed. 
In all official matters, explains Anders Orrenius, the diplomats tend to 
paint as rosy a picture as they possibly can, of the country they are posted 
to, but in this case they act totally the opposite. They spare no efforts to 
highlight the negative aspects as exageratedly as possible in order to receive 
the more inflated benefits. None other come even close to India.  To travel 
around the various distant cities is also often fraught with much misery: In 
Cairo the taxis bleed them quite mercilessly while in Ciudad Mexico they pinch 
their bottoms and breats with equal lack of mercy in the sardinishly packed 
public conveyances. Materially, Algeria and Nigeria stand to lose a bit: While 
in the former, their sole 1940-vintage golf course is most dismally maintained, 
in the latter, the Swedes are warned that travelling in this part of Africa 
has an extremely limited recreations' value. In Khartoun the diplomats 
complain of inedible fruit. China's offence is far too many cycles. The 
Ougadogouan restaurants pose risk for stomach wellbeing. In Pristina the 
garbage cans lack lids. In Honduras the breakfast cheese is recycled and, 
manifesting their opulence in sugar, the breakfast flakes are far 
over-sweetened... and, so on and on to Zimbanve, where Mugabe daily threatens 
our man there with extinction but not with stink. The nearest, in offalctory 
offensiveness, to India, lies Burkina Faso: There the poor Swedish envoys are 
quatered next the nation's largest garbage dump!  Alfred de Tavares
 Date: Sun, 18 May 2008 08:56:13 -0400 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet and 
 comparing apples (revised)  My responses to Gilbert are 
 interspersed..jc   Gilbert Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Jose 
 baba, 1: Your response to my post would suggest, you agree with the rest of 
 my post.  jc: FALSE. I do NOT normally read all your ramblings. Besides, I 
 have this bit at the back of my mind about your postings. I do not know 
 which of your written material is original and which is plagiarised. So ...I 
 skim through your posts. Please do not give me

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-17 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

2008/5/14 Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 There is this feeling that Goans in Goa cannot afford
 to buy property in their own land. Well, NRI Goans
 cannot afford to buy property in Goa either. Nor can I
 afford to buy property in New York or London or Paris.

I am not a foreigner in Goa, someone staying here to earn my living,
or someone who opted to migrate here for a higher salary. Nor am I
here to escape the unfriendly weather.

 This is the reality of my personal finances. That
 doesn't mean, I hold some hapless person responsible
 for it. Goans cannot afford fish either, does that
 mean we stop exporting fish?

Check the debate about fish in the 'sixties and 'seventies. When
fishing was mechanised (with help from Scandinavia, and to the
detriment and destruction of the traditional fishermen -- remember the
Ramponkar movement?) we were told interesting stories. For one, we
were told that the mechanisation of fishing would improve the protein
intake of the people of Goa.

Today, all one sees is refrigerated large trucks ferrying the catch to
Mangalore (for processing and onward transport mainly overseas). Or
hotel buyers which don't even wait for the catch to enter the market.

When a bureaucrat was telling us about the wonder-potential of shrimp
farming in Goa many years ago, he told us the price (in dollars) per
kilo. Who can afford it here? he said nonchalantly, when asked
whether it would be primarily for exports.

I suggest you see the shrimp-less-think-more campaign:

 There are things that we have to come to terms with,
 and solutions that we have to seek within the
 framework of a just and equitable system. Just making
 laws as we go along, refusing to be part of a global
 community, placing blame where none belongs and
 embracing short-term solutions to long-term problems,
 is what is primarily wrong with Goa today.


Frederick FN Noronha * Independent Journalist * Phone +91-832-2409490
Cell +91-9970157402 (sometimes out of range)

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-17 Thread Carvalho
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

--- Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ  ्रेडरि 
क नोर  ोन्या 

 Check the debate about fish in the 'sixties and
 'seventies. When
 fishing was mechanised (with help from Scandinavia,
 and to the
 detriment and destruction of the traditional
 fishermen -- 
 Today, all one sees is refrigerated large trucks
 ferrying the catch to
 Mangalore (for processing and onward transport
 mainly overseas). 
Dear FN,

I had fully intended my last post to be my last post
on the subject but I couldn't let this Marxist
red-herring of yours about protecting traditional
fishermen, go unchallenged. 

Mechanised fishing changed what to the detriment of
traditional fishermen? You mean, it changed the fact
that many of them got rich by buying trawlers, setting
up manufacturing units and exporting the shrimp? You
mean it changed the fact that it created employment
not just in fishing, but also in packing and canning?
Or that it brought respectability to people who
previously were disparagingly called Khairin and
almost treated as outcasts? 

Did mechanised fishing ruin Goa? Goans may complain
about the price of fish in the market, but given the
spurt in population in recent times are sure your
kasti-clad rapoinkars with hand-woven raipons would
supply enough to keep the price down? Or would some
sort of state sponsored mechanism ensure that the
price remains low, thereby creating a successful black

I love it when Marxism wants to speak for and protect
the small poor traditional guy. Marxist ideology is
the result of misguided elitist intellectuals. All
that the little guy wants is a chance to compete in a
free and equitable market.



Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-17 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

  My answer to this is NO, this couple who abided by all the rules, purchased a 
house, renovated it ( the land attached to it, I believe was a garden) but 
then after EIGHT years were told they would no longer qualify for this 5-year 
rolling visa, but instead be offered 6-monthly visas  their house would be 
confiscated  then auctioned off.
  My answer to this remains NO, they have not been treated well, at all.
  But I would also not feel bitter towards the Goans who live  work, own 
property  businesses in the UK as this is NOT their fault  ask this couple to 
please refrain from starting anything that may well cause racial tension here.
  Its the politicians and the law-makers, corrupt or not, that are responsible 
for this debacle, not the man in the street, (or woman) of any colour, creed 
(or status)...
  Whilst writing I would also like to mention that Barnabe has asked that we do 
not use this subject line, I feel he is offended by the title, I tend to agree 
with him, perhaps a different subject line ought to be introduced, this one has 
been done to death, I hope..
  John Monteiro

Eddie Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: We know Goa has become a toilet 
thanks the photos from Rajan and JoeGoaUk.  I would like to know if those who 
are critical of the expat investment in Goa, and that includes FN, Floriano and 
Jane Rodrigues, have read Michelle Savage's article. Also, could they please 
let us know if they feel that she
is being treated fairly. A straightforward yes or no please! George Pinto has 
obviously read the letter but does not answer the question. Nor is he able to 
recognise rhetoric.

To read the Michelle Savage letter see
- it is the last letter on the page.

For the original Goa has become a Toilet post see
Is the confiscation of properties by the Goa Government moral? legal? 

Eddie Fernandes

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-17 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

2008/5/17 Eddie Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I would like to know if those who are critical of the expat investment in
 Goa, and that includes FN, Floriano and  Jane Rodrigues, have read Michelle
 Savage's article. Also, could they please let us know if they feel that she
 is being treated fairly.  A straightforward yes or no please!


And please tell me: what has the title Goa has become a toilet (with
a capital T at that) got to do with the property and visa problems
that tourists are currently facing?

Or, is any issue a good-enough beating stick when the deal isn't simply good? FN

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-17 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

I dont think there is an issue here, there is no way that any Goan is going to 
lose their right of abode, to work  carry on as they have done, unless as you 
say, they have broken the law.
  That applies wherever you are, in Goa, or UK or anywhere else in the world. I 
am more concerned that the backlash of racial tensions  the deaths of those 
who have been highlighted in the press will cause not only lack of tourists 
from UK  other European countries to Goa (hooray say some of you, until the 
bills need to be paid), but neighbours taking it upon themselves to begin some 
violence against the Goan next door, for something he or she or the family has 
nothing whatsoever to do with the case.
  I again plead with this couple, you may have been ousted from Goa for reasons 
we are not toally au fait with, only by what you have said, appears to be 
totally beyond contempt as far as I am concerned,  but I do not want to see ANY 
  We are all trying to keep it a multi-cultural as possible, mixed race 
families by their tens of thousands live in peace and harmoney, including many 
areas which prefer segregation have managed to live separately without too much 
tension.  Without going into minute details on every case, we have many areas 
in the UK where Muslims have whole streets  areas to themselves, safe in the 
knowledge that they are with friends, relatives  love their community as it 
is, the same applies to Sikhs, Chinese, yes, even Goan people.
  My wife is brown-skinned but in the bad past, has been called a Paki (she is 
not of the Muslim faith but any brown-skinned person is a Paki, which is a 
detremental word and is as bad as calling an Afro-Caribbean the n word, very 
disgusting), but when the whites get their hackles up and are treated badly, 
they react in the only way they can, by racially abusing, and violence against 
the brown-skinned person.
  But please, keep a clear mind on this, this case is just probably one of many 
yet to follow, all very bad for race relations in this (UK) country  possibly 
beyond.  It was not very long ago that a young man from Goa, a sailor, was 
killed in a racially-motivated attack here in the UK.  It was a very sad day 
for the UK when this happened, we were all aghast but also the hurt for the 
Goan people, not to mention his Uncle, a priest in the USA, his mother  father 
and his relatives in Goa.  His murderers were jailed, but to what end?  A 
family lost their son, forever.  The parents of the attackers have also lost 
their children.
  Everyone is grieving there, we do not need more screams in the middle of the 
night from mothers  fathers, brothers  sisters because there are no winners 
once the attacks begin..
  Fight your case but keep the general population out of it, please. Dont tar 
 feather the whole Goan nation (of whichever creed), with this, its not their 
fault, personally.  
  John Montiero

George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Michelle Savage's article is wrong on 
many fronts, for example:..  1. Goans in the UK have 
migrated LEGALLY, and cannot be deprived of their property rights. If any Goan 
in the UK has done anything illegal, they must face justice. It could be a law 
and order..2. Michelle wants to return 60,000 Goans to 
India...Regards, George 
Michelle Savage, UK...Confiscate properties of UK Goans and deport 
them We want to say that we wished we had never heard of Goa and had never 
visited India. The whole experience makes me want to constantly cry, and I have 
been prescribed anti-depressants, something that never happened in the past. 

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet and comparing apples to apples

2008-05-17 Thread J. Colaco jc
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

Gilbert Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  To compare apples to
apples, Ms. Savage and her husband could do like so many immigrants
and permanent settlers do - give up their British citizenship and take
up Indian citizenship.

jc's response:

'Take up'  Indian citizenship . on the basis of?

Curious brand of Apple Sauce !.

PS: Have ALL Indians who have purchased property in the UK given up
their Indian citizenship and taken up British citizenship?
What about in the US?

PS 2: Could Gilbert please advise us of the 'many immigrants and
permanent settlers' who have given up 'their British citizenship and
take up Indian citizenship'?

PS3: Can a born Briton ever lose his British Citizenship - even if
he gives it up to take on another?

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-17 Thread Eddie Fernandes
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

-Original Message-
From: Gilbert Lawrence
For starters, Eddie Fernandes should apologize to Goans for selecting the
title of this thread. 


There gave been several criticisms  about my choice of heading.  As Selma
pointed out the header was selected from the message it was taken from.
Moreover I chose to put it in quotes. If you want to check this out, go to

Eddie Fernandes 

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-17 Thread Eddie Fernandes
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008


You really ought to read a recent book, written by Edna Fernandes, a London
neighbour of mine.  It is entitled Holy Warriors and deals with bigotry and
xenophobia in India.  Full details with reviews, extracts, ordering info.
etc can be found at

Very best wishes,

-Original Message-
From: Frederick [FN] Noronha *   

Eddie Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I would like to know if those who are critical of the expat investment in
 Goa, and that includes FN, Floriano and  Jane Rodrigues, have read
 Savage's article. Also, could they please let us know if they feel that
 is being treated fairly.  A straightforward yes or no please!


Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-17 Thread Mario Goveia
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

--- Frederick [FN] Noronha * ???  ?? 
??? ?  ??? 

 Goa, become a toilet? Even if this is true, I would
 say the expat Goan has to take on his or her own 
 (large) share of the blame for this.
Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 11:24:49 -0700 (PDT)
From: Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yes, yes, FN, three cheers! Let's find a fall guy
everytime something goes wrong in Goa.

The only person, not responsible for the state of
affairs in Goa, is the Goan living in Goa.

Mario responds:

a) Those who think that Goa has become a toilet
obviously haven't seen the rest of India.  Perhaps
neighboring Maharashtra could be described as such,
but not Goa, yet.  

b) Who the heck is kkbtnt1?  I though we were not
supposed to hide our identities on Goanet.

c) Fred Noronha needs to get his keyboard fixed ??? 
?? ??? ?  ?

d) I strongly deny I have anything to do with any mess
in Goa - even the NRIs who defend the status quo and
demonize the Panchayats are not to blame. 

e) Besides Wendell Rodricks, who knows more about
village Panchayats than any NRI, I have made the only
practical, constructive proposals that will prevent
future messes in Goa.

f) I think Goa would be a better place if everyone who
lived there shared Wendell's constructive and positive

Selma wrote:

the Goan living in Goa is free to vote in the most
corrupt politicians year in and year out, that Goan is
free to sell his land to developers, then march in the
streets demanding the developers abandon their
financial investment and walk back home empty singing
a merry tune all the way back to his bank, defaulting
on his loan and creating a financial quagmire in the
State. The Goan living in Goa, can employ labour from
outside of Goa at subsistence level wages, ensure that
their politicians legitimise their stay, and then that
same Goan in Goa will complain about migrants, assault
some hapless people, evict them from their homes and
send them back with barely their skin on them. Let's
not forget that Goans in Goa, sold their flats to the
British and now those Goans in Goa want to confiscate
their properties and auction them off. Let's wave
goodbye to law, justice and any semblance of fairness
as we know it.

Mario observes:

As we can plainly see, Selma gets carried away with
her own soaring rhetoric and talks like all Goans are
peas in a pod.  

The Goan who votes for corrupt politicians and sells
his or her land is not the same Goan who then marches
in the streets against ugly developments.

The Goan who keeps the Goan economy humming by
employing non-Goans because he or she cannot find
Goans to work is not the same Goan who ...complain
about migrants, assault some hapless people, evict
them from their homes and send them back with barely
their skin on them.  This comparison doesn't even
make any sense.

The Goans who sold their flats to Brits are not the
same Goans who want to confiscate them and auction
them off.

There are all kinds of Goans with all kinds of needs
and desires and ideas.  That is why a democracy has
been likened to making chorizos.  In a democracy
EVERYONE does what they think is in the best interests
of their families and themselves.  The net result is
what you see in Goa.

Apparently, not enough Goans think it is a mess yet,
though the good news that more and more seem to be
waking up to the realization in places like Soccorro
and Aldona and Benaulim and Moira, and their
Panchayats and Gram Sabhas are responding which has
Digambar Kamat all upset because his close personal
friends and political associates may have to return
some of their baksheesh.

The justice and fairness that Selma is looking for
is in the eye of the beholder - it all depends on
whose ox is being gored.

Which, to be just and fair, is why we need zoning
laws, developed with citizen input and administered by
those who are closest to the problem, at the village
level, the Panchayats and Gram Sabhas, where the
citizens can stroll over and have a cup of chai with
the Sarpanch and express their opinion - as Wendell
does on behalf of Colvale.

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet and comparing apples (revised)

2008-05-17 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

Jose baba,
Your response to my post would suggest, you agree with the rest of my post.  
Which is: Ms. Savage is maliciously dragging British Goans into her poor 
investment decision. Ani magir, the otherwise eloquent British Goans, instead 
of accusing her of being racist by singling them out for deportation, are 
siding with her baseless logic.  This is what the Nazis did. Talk of second 
class citizens and social stratification, at least in Ms. Savage's 
mind. Clearly our UK-Goenkar bhaus and bhoinins have a lot of work to do in 
their own backyard. Voi rre, it will take more than Xapottam.:=)) Ani  No 
wurries mate will not work.:=))
As regards your points below, you are 'catching the pig by the tail'. If the 
Savages cannot / will not take Indian citizenship, (unlike the vast majority of 
Goans in UK who are British citizens) she should not make the 
comparison. Further, the vast majority of the 60,000 Goans in UK (who Ms. 
Savage wants to deport) are BORN IN Britain, just like Mr and Mrs. Savage.
As regards your other points, Indian citizens cannot even step on British soil 
for a few hours, (in transit), forget about having a five-year permanent 
tourist-stay visa and buying property in the UK. Your own place of residence, 
(Bahamas - British colony), there are a lot of restrictions on tourists staying 
and buying property. A foreigner can only apply to be a permanent resident or 
buy property if they have and are prepared to invest more that half a million 
US dollars.
As you well know, the Bahamas recognizes the British monarch as its formal head 
of state, while an appointed Governor General serves as the Queen's 
representative.  Like Britain, even Bahamas will accept the bahile, but only 
creme-de-la-creme.  Yet Goa / India cannot do that.

I need to compliment Ms. Savage for not labeling Goa a toilet. This is 
something that the Brit-Goans have done by using the line as the title to the 
thread on Goanet.  BTW please do not overlook the topic of this thread, even 
though you may like to change the subject.:=))
Regards, GL 
 J. Colaco 
'Take up'  Indian citizenship . on the basis of? Curious brand of Apple 
Have ALL Indians who have purchased property in the UK given up their Indian 
citizenship and taken up British citizenship? What about in the US?

PS 2: Could Gilbert please advise us of the 'many immigrants and permanent 
settlers' who have given up their British citizenship and take up Indian 

PS3: Can a born Briton ever lose his British Citizenship - even if he gives 
it up to take on another?

 Gilbert Lawrence wrote:  
To compare apples to apples, Ms. Savage and her husband could do like so many 
immigrants and permanent settlers do - give up their British citizenship and 
up Indian citizenship.


Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-16 Thread floriano

 5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
  Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

   16-18, May 2008

To all those who have contributed to Goa has become a Toilet
And all to all Goan Ex-pats and Goa lovers of the world.

And get paid for it too.


- Original Message - 
From: Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2008 5:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

Hi Eddie
 Just for the record, I want to say how saddened I
by what Michelle Savage had to say about the
difficulties she and her husband faced in Goa 

Dear Eddie and Cornel,

A Irish gentleman read my letter on Goanet and wrote
in to thank me. I was rather glad he somehow came
across my letter, if only to reassure him that not all
Goans are xenophobes.

There is an outcry that Goans cannot afford property
or flats in Goa, so let me pose some pertinent

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-16 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

  Not the way forward methinks but who cares, WE DO !!  Time to let bygones be 
bygones, as long as you dont hurt someone on purpose, with malice or intent to 
do harm to their families, them personally, their faith, their land and their 
  We s%it on our own doorsteps if we dare, at our peril, the consequences are 
pretty obvious.
  No more bile please, we need to find a way to get Goanet going, in the right 
  Let us call a halt to the negativity regarding this thread, there is NO SIT 
worse than someone else's, ours always smells of roses.
  John Monteiro

floriano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

To all those who have contributed to Goa has become a Toilet
And all to all Goan Ex-pats and Goa lovers of the world.

And get paid for it too.


Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-16 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

Goa, become a toilet? Even if this is true, I would say the expat Goan
has to take on his or her own (large) share of the blame for this.

Why so?

Firstly, expat money has been used to toiletise Goa, even while we
keep getting sermons from abroad. Take a look at the 'rent backs'
along the Calangute-Candolim concrete slum and take a guess who's
investing in them.

You preach to everyone else, want to have a Goa with picturepostcard
qualities, and then go on to build your own palace in concrete
wherever! I know of expats who sold land to the kin of politicians in
Porvorim and then went on to talk about how corrupt Goa is!

Secondly, the expat character (as the letter below underlines) can
have a very fickle mindset. I know expats who had nothing to do with
Goa till 1992. And were then very proud to be Goan when the Brit
tourist discovered Goa as a holiday destination and playground to
cure boredom and fight lousy weather.

Now that we're seeing the end of the Brit tourist cycle here, the
expats are jumping on the bandwaggon and are quick to agree that Goa
has become a toilet!

Three cheers for having a mind of your own.

There is indeed a problem with expats not getting renewal for their
visas in Goa (and Kerala) in recent times. But should your judgement
of Goa (toilet or paradise) be just based on how cheap it is to access
holidays here! Please do not mix up issues. Yes, we have problems...
but we don't like it when someone tries to go hammar and tongs just to
make the most of the situation. Can expats see the issues in proper
light for themselves? FN

2008/5/14 Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 --- Eddie Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Confiscate properties of UK Goans and deport them


 Dear Eddie,
 It is very distressing to read the letter you
 forwarded, not the least of which is because I have
 recently landed in London. It seems to me that
 bad-luck follows me like a black cat wherever I go.
 When I first landed in the US, I was very proud to
 tell them that I came from Dubai. Unfortunately, 9/11
 put a stop to me ever mentioning the Middle East. Now,
 in the UK, I've been very proud to say I'm from Goa,
 but seems like I shall soon have to invent a bogus
 ethnicity for myself. Just the other day someone asked
 me if I was from South America. Perhaps S.American is
 a possible fake identity for me. I shall have to

 What is going on in Goa at the moment is sheer and
 utter madness. As a Goan, I understand that despair
 and distrust have led to this backlash. However, it is
 disgraceful that we Goans have turned out to be so
 xenophobic. The British community who have bought
 property or flats in Goa are a minuscule percentage,
 who hardly make a dent in the overall property market.
 (Note M Parriker makes the same assessment in his

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-16 Thread gwasha
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

Hi Merwyn
Calling Goa a Toilet turned state is one thing I would not agree with,
What have I done for my love, what I would or can do for her, is what I
would ask,
I have seen and heard all this grab about Goa written by all,
The bottom line will be , I have a good Job and my family to take care of,
Preaching can go on and ideas conveyed, but not action and soul sacrifice,
We are responsible,
Ayres deSouza

On 5/16/08, Mervyn Lobo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

 16-18, May 2008

  While we are here, I will asking the UK government to put in place a
  reciprocal arrangement whereby properties of Goan settlers in the UK are
  confiscated and the country's 60,000 Goan immigrants are forced to return

 1) It amazes me that in today's world, a person can migrate to another
 country and insist on keeping the nationality of his old country.
 2) Thankfully, the British have a sense of justice and do not pass
 'revenge' laws for its citizens.
 3) I agree with the author that Goa has become a toilet. The current crop
 of people who pose as politicians today are, essentially, the scum of Goan
 society. All they are concerned about is how to make money (bribes) in the
 short term. The pressure they are putting on foreigners to abandon their
 property has to be coming from their masters i.e. the builders and property
 developers from out of state.


 Ask a question on any topic and get answers from real people. Go to Yahoo!
 Answers and share what you know at

Ayres deSouza

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-16 Thread Mervyn Lobo
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

Frederick [FN] Noronha wrote:
 Yes, we have problems...
 but we don't like it when someone tries to go hammar and tongs just to
 make the most of the situation. Can expats see the issues in proper
 light for themselves? FN

Goa's problems have nothing to do with the expatriates or NRI's.

The problem lies squarely on those resident in Goa. Look at who you vote for. 
On one hand you have a bunch of crooks and absolutely corrupt politicians. The 
alternative is another set of crooks and corrupt politicians, only this group 
also has a religious agenda too! 

Unfortunately, this is the light how a tourist like me view's the situation.

Get a sneak peak at messages with a handy reading pane with All new Yahoo! 

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-16 Thread Carvalho
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

--- Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ  ्रेडरि 
क नोर  ोन्या 

 Goa, become a toilet? Even if this is true, I would
 say the expat Goan
 has to take on his or her own (large) share of the
 blame for this.
Please do not mix up issues.

Yes, yes, FN, three cheers! Let's find a fall guy
everytime something goes wrong in Goa. Rajan Parriker
will blame the little migrant guy, some Hindutvavaddi
will blame the Muslims infiltrating Goa, Gadgil and FN
will blame the affluent, the materialistic, the expat
or any other clod who happens to have earned a few
bucks by the sweat of his brow. The only person, not
responsible for the state of affairs in Goa, is the
Goan living in Goa.

No, the Goan living in Goa is free to vote in the most
corrupt politicians year in and year out, that Goan is
free to sell his land to developers, then march in the
streets demanding the developers abandon their
financial investment and walk back home empty singing
a merry tune all the way back to his bank, defaulting
on his loan and creating a financial quagmire in the
State. The Goan living in Goa, can employ labour from
outside of Goa at subsistence level wages, ensure that
their politicians legitimise their stay, and then that
same Goan in Goa will complain about migrants, assault
some hapless people, evict them from their homes and
send them back with barely their skin on them. Let's
not forget that Goans in Goa, sold their flats to the
British and now those Goans in Goa want to confiscate
their properties and auction them off. Let's wave
goodbye to law, justice and any semblance of fairness
as we know it.

Well, hallelujah! The lunatic left and righteous right
finally in agreement. But hey, who is to blame? That
expat Goan.



Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-16 Thread Eddie Fernandes
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

We know Goa has become a toilet thanks the photos from Rajan and JoeGoaUk 

I would like to know if those who are critical of the expat investment in
Goa, and that includes FN, Floriano and  Jane Rodrigues, have read Michelle
Savage's article. Also, could they please let us know if they feel that she
is being treated fairly.  A straightforward yes or no please!

George Pinto has obviously read the letter but does not answer the question.
Nor is he able to recognise rhetoric.

To read the Michelle Savage letter see
 - it is the last letter on the page.

For the original Goa has become a Toilet post see

If you think that these are isolated cases and can be dismissed check out
the heated discussions taking place in various groups such as:


Is the confiscation of properties by the Goa Government moral?  legal? 

Eddie Fernandes

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-16 Thread George Pinto
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

--- Eddie Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 George Pinto has obviously read the letter but does not answer the question.
 Nor is he able to recognise rhetoric.
 To read the Michelle Savage letter see
  - it is the last letter on the page.

Yes Eddie, I read the entire letter twice and whether or not I am able to 
recognize rhetoric, is
irrelevant to Michelle patronizing and prejudicial letter. However, more to her 
point. She says
she has legally purchased property in Goa. If that is the case, her property 
should NOT be
confiscated and auctioned. This is a law and order issue. However, I do not 
know if the builder
who sold her the property did things legally, for now I give Michelle the 
benefit of the doubt.
Let's see details of her purchase transaction before we reach a definite 

On her other point about asking the UK govt. to have 60,000 Goans leave the UK, 
do you agree with
her view? Should we also go back in time and recoup all UK properties obtained 
throughout the
world, many of them illegally since it was through the colonial system and 
imperialistic policies?
As a beneficiary of the British colonial system, including the beneficiary of 
the current
deference to white skin in Goa, she is lecturing Goans on property rights! If 
she is leaving Goa,
I say good riddance.


Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-16 Thread J. Colaco jc
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

Dear George

You are absolutely right. Besides, Michelle Savage is merely venting

There is NO need to go into the details you have listed. Since the
coming into force of HRA 1998, it has become increasingly difficult
for any 'authority' in the UK to take arbitrary actions. The authority
can be hauled before the courts (in record time) and the actions
subjected to Judicial Review as per Convention Rights.

Goans legally in the UK do not need to worry about their property
rights. They may have to contend with the negative public sentiment
which might develop as a result of the Press taking this subject and
running with it.  Riff Raff in any country is still Riff Raff.

Goans always had a positive image in the world. Unfortunately, what
has happened to Goa over the past few decades ...will be detrimental
to the Goan image.

A Big Thank You to those who have 'helped'.


2008/5/16 George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Michelle Savage's article is wrong on many fronts, for example:
1. Goans in the UK have migrated LEGALLY, and cannot be deprived of
their property rights. If any
Goan in the UK has done anything illegal, they must face justice. It
could be a law and order
issue if UK Goans have broken the law and dealth with on a
case-by-case basis, not a prejudicial
issue to blanket all UK Goans.
2. Michelle wants to return 60,000 Goans to India? Is she sure that is
where they came from? Many
Goans migrated to the UK from Africa (for example).
3. Does Michelle know that many UK visitors to Goa overstay their
visa, and are therefore
illegally in Goa. Is she aware that shell companies are set up for UK
property buyers in Goa to
circumvent the law? Does she approve UK citizens breaking the law in Goa?


 Michelle Savage, UK
 Confiscate properties of UK Goans and deport them

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-16 Thread Carvalho
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

--- Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ  ्रेडरि 
क नोर  ोन्या 

 Selma, My point was that either expat Goans see
 themselves as part of
 the Goan reality, or they just stand on the
 sidelines... to cheer and
 claim Goanity when the Brits (and others) are
 flocking here
FN dearest,

I think we are all getting hot under the collar for no
reason at all. Let me clear a few things. Neither
Eddie nor I came up with the subject line for this
post. It was lifted from a letter written by a Brit.

Secondly, I don't think you of all people would
sincerely question either Eddie's or my Goanity. I
take it you have the patent on that word:-) I am and
always will be a Goan. Shastikaan by nature,
Shastikaan by birth. I have a cemetery full of dead
relatives to prove my Goanity. I was a Goan long
before Brits discovered Goa, and will be one long
after they abandon it.

The only point being made here, atleast by me, is:
(a) Once a sale has gone through legally, how can the
government rescind it? 

Let me assure you, unlike Americans, the vast majority
of Brits are poor, working class souls. These people
don't deserve to have their hard earned money flushed
down the drain, just because it will garner a few
votes at the ballot. There comes a time when every
society collectively must decide what their threshold
for integrity is.

This is my last post on the subject (so help me God


Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-16 Thread J. Colaco jc
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

[1]  Frederick [FN] Noronha wrote:
Yes, we have problems...but we don't like it when someone tries to go
hammar and tongs just to make the most of the situation. Can expats
see the issues in proper light for themselves? FN

[2] Selma Carvalho wrote:
Let's find a fall guy everytime something goes wrong in Goa. Rajan
Parriker will blame the little migrant guy The only person, not
responsible for the state of affairs in Goa, is the Goan living in Goa.

[3] Mervyn Lobo
FN, Goa's problems have nothing to do with the expatriates or NRI's.
The problem lies squarely on those resident in Goa. Look at who
you vote for. On one hand you have a bunch of crooks and absolutely
corrupt politicians. The alternative is another set of crooks and
corrupt politicians, only this group also has a religious agenda too!

jc's response:

On the other hand, I'd say this

(a) Selma, Which Goan is responsible for the filth, illegal squatting
and public relief of bodily functions in Goa.?  Who, Selma is
responsible for the filthy state of Petticoat Lane in London.the

(b) I believe that what Rajan Parrikar has highlighted through his
lens - is something we have known for 20 years, and some of us have
been 'carrying on' about on GoaNet for at least 12 years. (For a later
script please see )

(c) Don't blame the Goan people for literally NOT KNOWING all the
details. Those trusting Goans relied on what they were told (rather,
NOT told) by their Govt and the lapdog Goa Press and believed that
everything was doing fine! ( A situation very similar to the displayed
ignorance of our 'friend' Mario)

(d) I fully agree with Mervyn. 'Goa's problems have nothing to do with
the expatriates or NRIs'. Frederick is talking hat-talk. Goa's
problems have to do with those who have ruined Goa while promising
Goans of greater glory and telling them that 'All was Quite Accha OK'
and A One.

(e) The fact is that Goans have lost control of Goa. The emasculated
Goa civil service is totally overwhelmed by the magnitude of the
problem. The principled civil servants are caught between the Rock (of
the massive load) and the hard place(run by unscrupulous Heads of
Department - many of them non-Goans). Many of them have either given
up or just joined 'them'.

(f) It is very easy to blame this office and that office - but do you
know what it is to deal with the legal system and the advocates who
work in that system?  I honestly do NOT know one solitary lawyer in
Goa whom I can vouch for as being 'untainted'. Does one GoaNetter know
of ONE honest 'advocate' in Goa? If so ...please do let us know.

(g) The unfortunate Bottom line: There is nothing legal that Goans can
do with the little migrant guy' .even if  20 million of them walk
in tomorrow and squat right in the centre of Salcette. And even if it
is an illegal act that they are doing - please do not look for any
justice within the space of 1-15 years..or for the police to do
anything to prevent it from happening.

(h) You know whom to Thank for all of this do you not?

(i) Finally ...Goans face one of four choices
1: The Corrupt One
2: The Corrupt + Communal One
3: Gulf
4: Caju Feni


Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-16 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

2008/5/14 Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 There is this feeling that Goans in Goa cannot afford
 to buy property in their own land. Well, NRI Goans
 cannot afford to buy property in Goa either. Nor can I
 afford to buy property in New York or London or Paris.

I am not a foreigner in Goa, someone staying here to earn my living,
or someone who opted to migrate here for a higher salary. Nor am I
here to escape the unfriendly weather.

 This is the reality of my personal finances. That
 doesn't mean, I hold some hapless person responsible
 for it. Goans cannot afford fish either, does that
 mean we stop exporting fish?

Check the debate about fish in the 'sixties and 'seventies. When
fishing was mechanised (with help from Scandinavia, and to the
detriment and destruction of the traditional fishermen -- remember the
Ramponkar movement?) we were told interesting stories. For one, we
were told that the mechanisation of fishing would improve the protein
intake of the people of Goa.

Today, all one sees is refrigerated large trucks ferrying the catch to
Mangalore (for processing and onward transport mainly overseas). Or
hotel buyers which don't even wait for the catch to enter the market.

When a bureaucrat was telling us about the wonder-potential of shrimp
farming in Goa many years ago, he told us the price (in dollars) per
kilo. Who can afford it here? he said nonchalantly, when asked
whether it would be primarily for exports.

I suggest you see the shrimp-less-think-more campaign:
It touches Goa only tangentially, but gives a hint that the issues are
far more complex here.

And responding to another mail from Selma:

 a) How many Goans can afford Wendel's creations? Does
 this mean that Wendel must produce a designer line of
 Kapod and Kasti, at affordable rates for Goans?

Wendel doesn't take available cloth significantly out of the market,
promise to clad the slumdweller, or affect my other choices and
preferences in any significant way.

 b) How many Goans can Remo find to finance, produce
 and distribute his music? Does this mean he stop
 producing music or does he seek financing and
 distribution where he can?

We're confusing issues here. Remo is an entrepreneur in the world of
music, and he will find the necessary investment to put out his
products into the market. I believe he was even self-marketing his own
CDs, going around on his yellow scooter, in the 'eighties. How is this
relevant to the takeover of Goan land resources in a way which
alienates the people of the place?

 c) How many Goans can afford the lobsters that are
 sold at beach shacks for Rs600 a plate? Does this mean
 Goan fishermen supply to shacks only after every
 family in Goa has had a lobster on its plate?

Apart from lobsters, there are many other kinds of food available here
(though inflation across India is once again, speedily becoming an
issue, to the glee of the India shining BJP).  Once land rates go
up, it goes up for all.

 Land is a resource and like any other resource it is
 in short supply. People all over the world are facing
 the same problem Goans are, which is why you elect
 governments that put in place, affordable interest
 rates, housing loan assistance, relieving the pressure
 on the housing market by building low-cost housing.
 These are some of the legitimate ways of doing it in a
 free-market democracy.

Laissez-faire economy? A corrupted system, where the land-sharks
themselves control governments, whichever party is in power?

 There are things that we have to come to terms with,
 and solutions that we have to seek within the
 framework of a just and equitable system. Just making
 laws as we go along, refusing to be part of a global
 community, placing blame where none belongs and
 embracing short-term solutions to long-term problems,
 is what is primarily wrong with Goa today.

India was part of the global community before 1947, and Goa was
pre-1961 too. The rules of the game were redrawn then, because these
were deemed to be unfair. Maybe that's the point voices from Goa are
making now too. Just because non-resident-Goans see their interests to
be similar to those of foreigners in this case, I don't think it's
fair to twist the debate out of context ... FN

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-16 Thread Eddie Fernandes
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008


Ah - so this is all because of the Crown Jewels then!  Thanks for the



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of George Pinto

Should we also go back in time and recoup all UK properties obtained
throughout the
world, many of them illegally since it was through the colonial system and
imperialistic policies?
As a beneficiary of the British colonial system, including the beneficiary
of the current
deference to white skin in Goa, she is lecturing Goans on property rights!
If she is leaving Goa,
I say good riddance.


Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-15 Thread CORNEL DACOSTA
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

Hi Eddie
 Just for the record, I want to say how saddened I was
by what Michelle Savage had to say about the
difficulties she and her husband faced in Goa when it
seems clear that they chose to live in Goa with
perfect credentials, finance and clean motives. I
would not say the same about many others who have
'colonised' parts of Goa and illegally blocked areas
to local Goans and about which the Government should
act by easily deporting some, when  entirely in the
wrong, as per the law.

I do not wish to repeat many of the points on this
theme raised by Selma, Mario, Santosh etc but want to
emphasise that it really is time that many fellow
Goans got out of their extreme parochialism  that
determines their mindsets about contemporary change in
Goa. I say this whilst fully recognising the effects
on ordinary people of significant population change in
Goa but want to emphasise that demonising new people
seeking a life and contribution to Goa is not the way
to do it. It is a fact that virtually all people
resident in Goa today came from elsewhere in the
recent or distant past and that there will continue to
be transitions because of the normal human movement

We really have a global paradox today in that, in
virtually any part of the world, local residents are
besides themselves over new settlers in their midst
but at the same time, over 200 million (including
large numbers of Goans) are currently seeking a life
in new countries. This is a fact that, has to be
reconciled with, and adjusted to, through intelligent
means and endeavours by the Goans in Goa. There is
indeed, at least on Goanet, something to say that,
constructive and carefully thought-out planning is now
becoming more evident and I would want to wish this
aspect (rather than xenophobia) every success.
Cornel DaCosta, London.

--- Eddie Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Confiscate properties of UK Goans and deport them
 Source: Herald 14 May 2008 at
 By  Michelle Savage, UK
  Full text: 
 Eight years ago, my husband and I decided that we no
 longer wanted to deal
 with the stress of working in high pressure jobs.
 Our children were all
 married and half of them had moved abroad. We looked
 around and decided to
 move to Goa.


Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-15 Thread gwasha
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

Hi Eddie
This article by the so called foreigners, ( I would call them willing Goans)
to our politicians they are foreignor, NO Votes so call them alliens,
The concept of foreigners cannot buy land, why , like they have put it
accross, can we absorb all our Goans abroad, ??
What are we trying to do dig our past,
I would do the basic, hold on to my land,
we have survived by exodus to Sea , Africa, Gulf , UK, US and Australia, if
we can so can they.
I am a proud Goan , who lives here loves it here, I have tried to adjust,
Places , People and circumstances I cannot change , just myself.
 Do we really care about our  GOA. or just our pockets,
Ayres deSouza

On 5/14/08, Eddie Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Confiscate properties of UK Goans and deport them

 Source: Herald 14 May 2008 at
 By  Michelle Savage, UK

   Full text:

 Eight years ago, my husband and I decided that we no longer wanted to deal
 with the stress of working in high pressure jobs. Our children were all
 married and half of them had moved abroad. We looked around and decided to
 move to Goa.

 We approached a reputed builder and local advocate, who all told us we were
 safe to buy property in Goa. To be on the safe side, we asked the advocate
 to confirm through the Reserve Bank (RBI) that any purchase made by us was
 legal. We received a letter from the RBI advising that there would be no
 objection, providing we complied with FEMA. We still have this letter.

 As we are not great lovers of modern architecture, we purchased an old
 Portuguese house with a nice-sized garden. All the paperwork was completed
 and we took possession of the property. Renovating the property and grounds
 was expensive; in all honesty it would have been cheaper to build a new
 house. But we were happy that it was our last house and we would make it
 just as we wanted.

 For several years we were very happy in Goa. Then all of sudden we are
 treated quite disgracefully. The press runs daily horror stories of how Goa
 doesn't want people like us. We originally came on a 5 year X Visa. Then we
 were told we no longer qualify for these visas, and can only have a
 six-month tourist visa.

 Now MLAs are openly saying that properties purchased by foreigners will be
 confiscated and auctioned. We sadly decided to leave Goa, but were informed
 that we could not sell our property. Our builder, who has enjoyed our
 patronage for years, has said that he will deal with all the paperwork if
 sell the house to him for the initial purchase price (excluding what we
 him). My husband has become quite ill from all the stress, and we are now
 back in the UK so that he can be treated for the illness this has brought

 While we are here, I will asking the UK government to put in place a
 reciprocal arrangement whereby properties of Goan settlers in the UK are
 confiscated and the country's 60,000 Goan immigrants are forced to return
 India. We want to say that we wished we had never heard of Goa and had
 visited India. The whole experience makes me want to constantly cry, and I
 have been prescribed anti-depressants, something that never happened in the
 past. I would make a sincere plea to the authorities in Goa. We haven't
 anything wrong. Let us sell our legally purchased property and we guarantee
 we will come back again.

 Forwarded by Eddie Fernandes

 -Original Message-
 Goa has become a Toilet
 13 May: British Expats Goa Forum.

Ayres deSouza

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-15 Thread Carvalho
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008


 Hi Eddie
  Just for the record, I want to say how saddened I
 by what Michelle Savage had to say about the
 difficulties she and her husband faced in Goa 
Dear Eddie and Cornel,

A Irish gentleman read my letter on Goanet and wrote
in to thank me. I was rather glad he somehow came
across my letter, if only to reassure him that not all
Goans are xenophobes.

There is an outcry that Goans cannot afford property
or flats in Goa, so let me pose some pertinent

a) How many Goans can afford Wendel's creations? Does
this mean that Wendel must produce a designer line of
Kapod and Kasti, at affordable rates for Goans?
b) How many Goans can Remo find to finance, produce
and distribute his music? Does this mean he stop
producing music or does he seek financing and
distribution where he can?
c) How many Goans can afford the lobsters that are
sold at beach shacks for Rs600 a plate? Does this mean
Goan fishermen supply to shacks only after every
family in Goa has had a lobster on its plate?

Land is a resource and like any other resource it is
in short supply. People all over the world are facing
the same problem Goans are, which is why you elect
governments that put in place, affordable interest
rates, housing loan assistance, relieving the pressure
on the housing market by building low-cost housing.
These are some of the legitimate ways of doing it in a
free-market democracy.

Yes, ofcourse we have to conserve our land, our
culture and our heritage but we don't have to lose our
dignity or thwart democracy in the process. 



Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-15 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

It is quite wonderful that new laws can be introduced to protect Goa  Goan 
land from non-Goans or should this be non-PIO.  Yes wonderful.
  Is it so wonderful that these laws can then be back-dated to another time or 
put out a person or family from their home AFTER they have settled  lived in 
the country, no doubt contributing as did this couple in their retirement 
years, by doing up an old house  also the land surrounding it, only to be told 
to leave, Goa does not want you?
  I was approached by a developer some years ago, visited a conference they 
held at a hotel in Kensington, London.  Was absolutely thrilled to see what was 
happening in Goa, but that was some years ago, at least 15 years ago.
  My wife  me where self-employed business people on good money, we had a 
young family but thought about our future and wanted to do the same as this 
couple, buy a place and build a house, with a little land for cultivating own 
vegetables, have a nice tree or two and flowers etc.  
  But we were very wary of the rights of our children, being girls etc. 
in Goa.  Since my post on this last year, I was advised at the time that if my 
girls were PIO then there is no issue, there were several routes we could take 
to ensure their future, and property rights etc.
  After much ado, here  there we noticed the developers were always asking for 
money upfront, the villas or duplex's etc were not yet built but deposits were 
being taken, so we did not go ahead.
  Lucky for us.  PIO or otherwise, one of us is NOT a PIO, will the Goan or 
Indian Government then choose to add a further amendment to the law and 
prohibit any spouse of a PIO not reside in their house?
  Goa is getting hysterial with this, I am so very sorry for this couple, who 
in 8 years have managed to live  contribute to Goan society in their 
retirement but have been made to feel like the Ghattis the Goans abhor... 
PIO or not, this couple were Westerners sorry, but Goa is for Goans only, no 
other people, not even from India or other parts of the world are welcome to 
live there.
  Do come as tourists, we want your money, but if you decide to stay a bit too 
long, then we dont want you, we want new, fresh (young.?) things with 
money, spend spend spend on booze  drugs, till you drop, or we will drop you, 
one way or another.
  Disgraceful, I cannot believe my eyes and ears these days.  Luckily MY PIO 
spouse is from Mauritius, where I AM welcome, as her spouse, to live 
indefinitely, in much the same way as she is WELCOME to live in the UK, where I 
was born, of European parentage, live, work, contribute to the society, as she 
has done for past 19 years.  In Mauritius I know I will not be treated in this 
way, by the Mauritian Government, nor by the locals, with whom I have a great 
rapport.  I am not the only European welcome in Mauritius, but then I suppose 
Mauritius has kept its exclusivity, anyone who can rustle up a couple hundred 
quid can find their way to a hotel for a week.  For the same in Mauritius, 
well you need to rustle up five times that, and that's just the cheap end of 
the market.  Anyone wanting a week in Mauritius can say goodbye to Rs 200,000 
(fare, travel, food, hotel, sighseeing).
  Unless you are like me, married to a Mauritian and have Mauritian relatives 
who know how to save money, rent a bungalow for the same price as I would have 
paid in Goa, yes that CHEAP.
  Maybe its time to draw a line.. if you dont want strangers in 
your country, put a sign saying so, just as the sign we once saw on Goanet, 
from a house owner wanting to rent his house   FOREIGERS ONLY ... except now 
it should read  Goans only, no Ghattis or Westerners need apply.
  Welcome to Goa!
  Oh my goodness, this cant go on.  
Eight years ago, my husband and I decided that we no longer wanted to deal with 
the stress of working in high pressure jobs . We 
approached a reputed builder and local advocate, who all told us we were safe 
to buy property in Goa. To be on the safe side, we asked the advocate to 
confirm through the Reserve Bank (RBI) that any purchase made by us was legal. 
We received a letter from the RBI advising that there would be no
objection, providing we complied with FEMA. We still have this letter. As we 
are not great lovers of modern 

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-15 Thread Eddie Fernandes
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

Dear Selma,

It is comforting to know that there are other Goans who share my concerns.
Yes, I too am puzzled by some of the Goan reactions to Foreign Nationals
buying property in Goa.  We have been led to understand that the Goan per
capita income is the highest in India but property prices used to be
comparatively very low.  They are now catching up with national and
international levels but the locals will not accept this and are looking for

Your analogy about Goans not being to afford fish is interesting but the
reason for this I am often told is due to the presence of tourists in Goa!
If this is the case I cannot understand why fish cannot be brought into Goa
from Karwar and Kerala.  Also, do fish prices collapse in the May to Oct.
period each year?

I do not believe that the threat of confiscation of Foreign Nationals
properties will stand the test of the High Court since the law is a Union
rather than a State one.  The Goa Government knows this but continues to
beat the drum to appease the mindless citizens. The noise is scary!

Eddie Fernandes

-Original Message-
From: Carvalho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

It is very distressing to read the letter you
Forwarded ... What is going on in Goa at the moment is sheer and
utter madness. 


Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-15 Thread Mervyn Lobo
  5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
   Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

16-18, May 2008

 While we are here, I will asking the UK government to put in place a
 reciprocal arrangement whereby properties of Goan settlers in the UK are
 confiscated and the country's 60,000 Goan immigrants are forced to return to
1) It amazes me that in today's world, a person can migrate to another country 
and insist on keeping the nationality of his old country. 
2) Thankfully, the British have a sense of justice and do not pass 'revenge' 
laws for its citizens.
3) I agree with the author that Goa has become a toilet. The current crop of 
people who pose as politicians today are, essentially, the scum of Goan 
society. All they are concerned about is how to make money (bribes) in the 
short term. The pressure they are putting on foreigners to abandon their 
property has to be coming from their masters i.e. the builders and property 
developers from out of state.

Ask a question on any topic and get answers from real people. Go to Yahoo! 
Answers and share what you know at

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-14 Thread Eddie Fernandes
Confiscate properties of UK Goans and deport them

Source: Herald 14 May 2008 at
By  Michelle Savage, UK

 Full text: 

Eight years ago, my husband and I decided that we no longer wanted to deal
with the stress of working in high pressure jobs. Our children were all
married and half of them had moved abroad. We looked around and decided to
move to Goa.

We approached a reputed builder and local advocate, who all told us we were
safe to buy property in Goa. To be on the safe side, we asked the advocate
to confirm through the Reserve Bank (RBI) that any purchase made by us was
legal. We received a letter from the RBI advising that there would be no
objection, providing we complied with FEMA. We still have this letter.

As we are not great lovers of modern architecture, we purchased an old
Portuguese house with a nice-sized garden. All the paperwork was completed
and we took possession of the property. Renovating the property and grounds
was expensive; in all honesty it would have been cheaper to build a new
house. But we were happy that it was our last house and we would make it
just as we wanted.

For several years we were very happy in Goa. Then all of sudden we are being
treated quite disgracefully. The press runs daily horror stories of how Goa
doesn't want people like us. We originally came on a 5 year X Visa. Then we
were told we no longer qualify for these visas, and can only have a
six-month tourist visa.

Now MLAs are openly saying that properties purchased by foreigners will be
confiscated and auctioned. We sadly decided to leave Goa, but were informed
that we could not sell our property. Our builder, who has enjoyed our
patronage for years, has said that he will deal with all the paperwork if we
sell the house to him for the initial purchase price (excluding what we paid
him). My husband has become quite ill from all the stress, and we are now
back in the UK so that he can be treated for the illness this has brought

While we are here, I will asking the UK government to put in place a
reciprocal arrangement whereby properties of Goan settlers in the UK are
confiscated and the country's 60,000 Goan immigrants are forced to return to
India. We want to say that we wished we had never heard of Goa and had never
visited India. The whole experience makes me want to constantly cry, and I
have been prescribed anti-depressants, something that never happened in the
past. I would make a sincere plea to the authorities in Goa. We haven't done
anything wrong. Let us sell our legally purchased property and we guarantee
we will come back again.

Forwarded by Eddie Fernandes

-Original Message-
Goa has become a Toilet
13 May: British Expats Goa Forum.

Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-14 Thread Carvalho

--- Eddie Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Confiscate properties of UK Goans and deport them

Dear Eddie,
It is very distressing to read the letter you
forwarded, not the least of which is because I have
recently landed in London. It seems to me that
bad-luck follows me like a black cat wherever I go.
When I first landed in the US, I was very proud to
tell them that I came from Dubai. Unfortunately, 9/11
put a stop to me ever mentioning the Middle East. Now,
in the UK, I've been very proud to say I'm from Goa,
but seems like I shall soon have to invent a bogus
ethnicity for myself. Just the other day someone asked
me if I was from South America. Perhaps S.American is
a possible fake identity for me. I shall have to

What is going on in Goa at the moment is sheer and
utter madness. As a Goan, I understand that despair
and distrust have led to this backlash. However, it is
disgraceful that we Goans have turned out to be so
xenophobic. The British community who have bought
property or flats in Goa are a minuscule percentage,
who hardly make a dent in the overall property market.
(Note M Parriker makes the same assessment in his

There is this feeling that Goans in Goa cannot afford
to buy property in their own land. Well, NRI Goans
cannot afford to buy property in Goa either. Nor can I
afford to buy property in New York or London or Paris.
This is the reality of my personal finances. That
doesn't mean, I hold some hapless person responsible
for it. Goans cannot afford fish either, does that
mean we stop exporting fish?

There are things that we have to come to terms with,
and solutions that we have to seek within the
framework of a just and equitable system. Just making
laws as we go along, refusing to be part of a global
community, placing blame where none belongs and
embracing short-term solutions to long-term problems,
is what is primarily wrong with Goa today.



Re: [Goanet] Goa has become a Toilet

2008-05-13 Thread rajadhyaksha
I agree with the argument of the poster here, FN's should be allowed to
sell their properties and move on. Many of them, bought these places
because of wrong advice of friends, developers and advocates, who did
not have proper understanding the FEMA rules.

No point in closing register books or confiscating properties - just
sell the properties in open market. Many of them, will get a really good
ROI, compared to investments in UK or US.