Re: Standard Haskell

1997-08-22 Thread Fergus Henderson

Hans Aberg, you wrote:
   I would rather think that the reason that functional languages are not
 used is the lack of an ISO/ANSI standard, plus the lack of standard ways of
 making cooperation with other, imperative languages.

Of these two reasons, I don't think the first has much weight at all.
C++ doesn't have an ISO/ANSI standard, yet C++ does seem to be pretty
widely used in industry.  The same is true for Delphi.
(Well, Delphi is not used nearly as much as C++, but it is probably
used much much more than Haskell.)

Fergus Henderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW:   |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] | -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

Re: Standard Haskell

1997-08-22 Thread Fergus Henderson

David Barton wrote:
 Hans Aberg writes:
I do not think that the Pascal standardizing model is being used
anymore; instead one schedules a new revision, say every five years
(this is used for C++). There is already an application put in for
ISO/ANSI standardizing of Java, and I think Java is younger than
Haskell. So I think the question should at least be investigated;
perhaps it is the developed Standard Haskell that should be made

I think you really have to stop and think very carefully about
what you would gain from an ISO/ANSI standard for Haskell,
and about what you would lose.  I can see only two benefits:
prestige, and ability to use Haskell on certain rare government contracts.
But the latter is not an significant issue, since I don't think anyone
is considering using Haskell for those sort of government contracts
anyway.  There are certainly some potentially significant drawbacks.

 Having been through the standardization wars many times, perhaps I
 should interject here.  Virtually all of my experience has been within
 the IEEE process, although IEEE standards are often upgraded to ANSI
 and ISO standardization fairly quickly, with only an "up/down" vote
 (it is *not* automatic, however; Verilog was rejected).
 The IEEE *requires* restandardization every five years.  If another
 ballot is not taken, than the standard is dropped.

ISO is the same.  But standards don't get updated every five years.
Rather, each standard must be _reconsidered_ every five years.  One of
the possible results is for the standard to be reapproved unchanged.
If the standards committee does decide that the standard should be
changed, then it will start a new project to produce a revised version
of the standard.  This process itself takes years.  So typically
language standards get updated less than once every ten years.

Fortran: 66, 77, 90.
COBOL: 74, 85
Ada: 83, 95.
C: 89, 9X.  (Original standard in '89, currently undergoing revision;
revised standard, tentatively titled "C9X" due in 99, but
might not happen until 2000 or later.)

However, standards committees can publish normative amendements
in the intervening periods.  For example, there have been some
normative amendments to the C standard since 89 (relating to
internationalization and numerical extensions).

 Standardization does not particularly guarantee stability.  It does
 guarantee three things:
 3) It also means (cynically) that the standardization organization
 makes money off of the standard's publication.  If we were to
 standardize Haskell, the copyright of the document would have to be
 transferred to the standardization organization.  This means that we
 could no longer distribute the Haskell Report free on the net, and
 with every download.

This is not _necessarily_ true.  For example, the ISO Ada 95 standard
is freely available on the net.

However, convincing ISO of this would be a significant hurdle to

In any case, I agree with Dave Barton that ISO standardization for
Haskell should not be considered until after the current effort
at defining "Standard Haskell" is complete.

Fergus Henderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW:   |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] | -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

Re: how about main :: IO Int

1997-08-22 Thread Kevin Hammond


In Haskell you can use exitWith :: ExitCode - IO a from the System library,
so you don't need the program to "return" a "Int" (this is not a
esthetically pleasing in C!).  The IO a allows the operation to be used
in any IO monad context, not just IO ().


At 6:40 pm 21/8/97, Christian Sievers wrote:
Hello, I just wondered if it was ever considered to let the main function
have the type IO Int, in order to let the haskell programm be able to
return an exit code to the calling environment, as C's  int main(...)
does. I think real programms sometimes want to  exit(1)  in some

Christian Sievers

Division of Computer Science,   Tel: +44-1334 463241 (Direct)
School of Mathematical  Fax: +44-1334 463278
 and Computational Sciences,URL:
University of St. Andrews, Fife, KY16 9SS.

Re: how about main :: IO Int

1997-08-22 Thread Thomas Hallgren

Christian Sievers wrote:

 Hello, I just wondered if it was ever considered to let the main function
 have the type IO Int, in order to let the haskell programm be able to
 return an exit code to the calling environment, as C's  int main(...)
 does. I think real programms sometimes want to  exit(1)  in some

Real programmers can do this already. They simply use the standard library
function System.exitWith [1]. I don't like the idea of changing the type of
main to IO Int for several reasons...

Thomas Hallgren


what's wrong with instance C a = D a. Reply

1997-08-22 Thread S.D.Mechveliani

Christian Sievers [EMAIL PROTECTED]

writes (I format the text)

 The report says explicit that instance declarations like

instance C (a,a) where ...,
 or for  (Int,a)  or for  [[a]] 

 are not allowed. I tried to understand this by thinking these 
 types are too complex, but I had to learn that a type may also
 be too simple, i.e. just writing   
  instance D a 
 is not allowed either.

As to   `instance D a',   
it is not a loss. Because `instance D a' is the same as  
`class D a' - supplied with the default definition. For example,
the illegal declaration pair

  classC a = D a  where  d :: a - a

  instance C a = D a  where  d = definition

can be replaced with the legal and simpler declaration

  class C a = D a  where  d :: a - a
   d = definition

Correct me please, if this is a mistake, I am not much of an 
expert in Haskell (though keep on programming for two years!)

As to instance ... = C (a  ,a)  where ..., 
  ...  = C (Int,a)  where ..., 
and such,  
they might express a very meaningful mathematical sense, these
constructions are highly desirable. 

And, yes, the *overlapping instances* too. 
The developers often say these overlaps conflict with the separate 
compilation. But separate compilation is rather a technical detail. 
Besides, might it occure some way-out ... - ?

Sergey Mechveliani   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: what's wrong with instance C a = D a

1997-08-22 Thread Simon L Peyton Jones

 The report says explicit that instance declarations like
 instance C (a,a) where ...,  or for (Int,a) or for [[a]] are not

 I now only would like to know why this design decission was made,
 are there any problems with the instance declarations I have in mind?

You might find "Type classes - exploring the design space" useful.


Standard Haskell

1997-08-22 Thread John Hughes

Quite a lot of discussion has concerned standardization in the sense of
standards bodies --- in fact I'm a little sorry we used the word `Standard'!
Perhaps we should have called the fixed design `Haskell Omega' instead! What
we're proposing is simple to make one more revision --- call it Haskell 1.5 if
you like --- and then not to make any more. It's nothing to do with standards
bodies, government contracts or whatever. The problem `Standard Haskell' is
trying to address isn't to attract new industrial/government users who won't
touch anything without an ANSI stamp on it. It's to make life easier for the
people who already use Haskell: teachers, text book authors, researchers, and
of course industrial users who are not so bothered about official
standards. Take me personally for example: I couldn't care less if the
language I teach is officially standardised or not, but I do care if my notes,
program libraries and example programs become obsolete every time I teach my

Official standardisation is a different problem, with different goals. Someone
else is welcome to take that up, preferably after our committee has finished
its work, but I'm not going to.

The point has also been made that Haskell 1.4 lacks some features that are
already quite well understood and will be sorely missed for serious
applications --- multi-parameter classes, state threads, existential and
universal types. If this is the last revision then the most important
extensions must be considered now; they can't be deferred until the next
version. I'm well aware of that, and I think the rest of the committee is
too. Extensions are not ruled out: nevertheless I think it's right that we
should approach such matters in a restrictive spirit. The last thing we want
to do is add experimental features to `Standard Haskell', only to find out in
a year's time that we got the design wrong. It seems to me that the three
points above probably are sufficiently well understood for us to get the
design right now; other ideas like interaction with other programming
languages probably are not. However, I don't want to pre-empt the committee's
work here by saying in advance what will go in and what will not.

John Hughes

Re: RE: how about main :: IO Int

1997-08-22 Thread Lennart Augustsson

 Isn't this a Unix-specific convention, to treat the value returned by
 as the exit value of the process?
Yes, and it only works in some flavours of Unix.  The proper
way to exit a C program is to call exit().  The proper way to
exit a Haskell program is to call exitWith.

-- Lennart

Re: Standard Haskell

1997-08-22 Thread David Barton

I *strongly* agree with John.

Let's not even *talk* about "official" standardization until we get
Haskell 1.5 (nominally, "Standard" Haskell) done.

Then, and only then, will the question of "official" standardization
become (perhaps!) relevant.

Dave Barton *

Re: Standard Haskell

1997-08-22 Thread Sigbjorn Finne

Nothing to do with the content of the language (Standard) Haskell per
se, but if the next revision is going to be the final product of the
Haskell Committee, I'd like to encourage its members to at some stage
write something up about the decade-long design process.

A design rationale would be great, but just as important (and
shorter!) would be a from-the-trenches experience report on language
design by committee, i.e., what worked, what didn't etc.

If nothing else, it could force people to think twice about designing
a new language :-)


Re: Standard Haskell

1997-08-22 Thread Hans Aberg

At 07:10 97/08/22, David Barton wrote:
Let's not even *talk* about "official" standardization until we get
Haskell 1.5 (nominally, "Standard" Haskell) done.

  I believe we should keep the First Amendment. :-)

  Hans Aberg
  * AMS member: Listing
  * Email: Hans Aberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Standard Haskell

1997-08-22 Thread Tony Davie

John said:

The point has also been made that Haskell 1.4 lacks some features that are
already quite well understood and will be sorely missed for serious
applications --- multi-parameter classes, state threads, existential and
universal types. If this is the last revision then the most important
extensions must be considered now; they can't be deferred until the next
version. I'm well aware of that, and I think the rest of the committee is
too. Extensions are not ruled out: nevertheless I think it's right that we
should approach such matters in a restrictive spirit. The last thing we want
to do is add experimental features to `Standard Haskell', only to find out in
a year's time that we got the design wrong. It seems to me that the three
points above probably are sufficiently well understood for us to get the
design right now; other ideas like interaction with other programming
languages probably are not. However, I don't want to pre-empt the committee's
work here by saying in advance what will go in and what will not.

This sounds awfully as if the committee's mind is already made up. Yes we
are going to freeze Haskell. It seems to me that these are the very reasons
for not freezing Haskell.

Tony Davie, Computer Science, St.Andrews University, North Haugh, St.Andrews
Scotland, KY16 9SS,  Tel: +44 1334 463257,  Fax: +44 1334

Remember: You are unique like everyone else

Re: Standard Haskell

1997-08-22 Thread David Barton

Hans Aberg writes:

   At 07:10 97/08/22, David Barton wrote:
   Let's not even *talk* about "official" standardization until we get
   Haskell 1.5 (nominally, "Standard" Haskell) done.

 I believe we should keep the First Amendment. :-)

First Amendment?  Heck, if you even *think* about it, the Thought
Police will come breaking in your door!!! :-) :-)

Try it, and see..

Dave Barton *

Re: Standard Haskell

1997-08-22 Thread Frank Christoph

Sigbjorn Finne wrote: [in connection with the Standard Haskell discussion]
 If nothing else, it could force people to think twice about designing
 a new language :-)

Yeah, we don't need anything new.  In fact, I've been thinking of an
alternate way of standardizing Haskell.  It is described below in
pseudocode, but I think you will see that it can be easily implemented
in Haskell.  (I wouldn't recommend implementing this in any other language,
though -- it might terminate abnormally.)

 -- The Haskell Standard Mascot (`Wormsy')
 -- Purpose: To reduce unnecessary diversity
 import Set
 import Graph
 import qualified Inet
 import qualified Posix
 import qualified Regexp
 main =
   do url - getArg
  let safe x = domainName x == ""
  sites = filter (not . safe) (depthFirstSearch url Inet.connect)
  mapM (seekAndDestroy . findTrapDoor) sites
  mapM notify sites

 seekAndDestroy machine =
   do let fileSet = allFiles (Posix.rootDir machine)
  mapM f fileSet
   where f x = if not ((haskellCompiler x)`or`(haskellProgram x))
  then Posix.unlink x
  else skip
 notify =
   sendMail "To: root\n\
\From: Wormsy\n\
\Subject: Heil!\n\
\Your machine has been standardized.  Thank you for using Haskell."
 findTrapDoor site =
   if Regexp.match ".*Microsoft.*|.*Windows.*|.*NT.*" (systemType site)
  then remoteLogin site (LoginRecord {user="Gates_uber_alles",
  action=(launch "Winword")}
   -- a foolproof method for crashing Windows
  else complexEntryMethod site

-- FC

P.S.: (Need I say it?) j/k
P.P.S.: The quote by Sigbjorn was taken _very_ out of context.

sorting graph traversal. Reply.

1997-08-22 Thread S.D.Mechveliani

Zooko Journeyman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Honestly, would you use a language which does not allow to
 program a depth-first graph traversal in O(n).

 Ah.  I didn't realize it was that bad.  
 But I've yet to implement a graph structure of any sort (as far
 as I can remember) and then try to traverse it efficiently.
 Of course, graph traversal, sorting and such algorithms are 
 extremely important to a lot of work

At least, sorting is all right in Haskell - as in many other 
languages. Merge sorting can be srcipted in 4-5 lines, the program
costs  O( n*log(n) ),  and one cannot code this any better, even,
say, in C.

Concerning the depth-first graph traversal, could you formulate
the task?
And if it costed, say,  O( n*log(n) ),  I think it would be almost
like O(n) - ?

Sergey Mechveliani  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: what's wrong with instance C a = D a. Reply

1997-08-22 Thread Christian Sievers

Sergey Mechveliani wrote:

:   As to   `instance D a',   
:   it is not a loss. Because `instance D a' is the same as  
:   `class D a' - supplied with the default definition. For example,
:   the illegal declaration pair
:classC a = D a  where  d :: a - a
:instance C a = D a  where  d = definition
:   can be replaced with the legal and simpler declaration
:class C a = D a  where  d :: a - a
: d = definition
:   Correct me please, if this is a mistake, I am not much of an 
:   expert in Haskell (though keep on programming for two years!)

You may have learned from my other posting that I am also not an
expert :-) -- quite enthusiastic though.
You're equivalence is correct (as much as an illegal decl. can be
equiv. to a legal one), but not general enough for me. I didn't want
the class D to be a subclass of C. Maybe I should give the example
that I have abstracted away from. It's a simple variation of an example
from Mark Jones, given in "Fun. Prog. with overloading and
higher-order polymorphism" in 1st Int. Spring School on
Adv. Fun. Prog. Techniques, LNCS 925. There he defines

 class Dual a  where  dual :: a - a

(dual is expected to satisfy   dual . dual = id)

 instance Dual Bool  where   dual = not
 instance (Dual a, Dual b) = Dual (a-b)
  where dual f = dual . f . dual
 instance (Dual a) = Dual [a]  where  dual = reverse . map dual

and has also

  instance Dual Int   where   dual = negate

which I tried to replace by the obvious generalisation

? instance (Num a) = Dual a   where   dual = negate

However, this is not legal in haskell (no problem for gofer).
While this was just experimenting, there might be other examples where
one would like to be able to have instance decls like this. 

The report suggests using 
  class  (Read a, Show a) = Textual a
for which one would have to give explicit instance declarations as
well. If I want to give it for all possible instances, I would want
to write
  instance (Read a, Show a) = Textual a
but I can't.

:   As to instance ... = C (a  ,a)  where ..., 
: ...  = C (Int,a)  where ..., 
:   and such,  
:   they might express a very meaningful mathematical sense, these
:   constructions are highly desirable. 

Actually, these worry me less. If they are meaningful, maybe they
should be given meaningful names. For example, the one you left out,
namely [[a]], if it has some special meaning, which [a] has not, then
there is something really special about it, and it should be called
Matrix a  or so. Though less obvious, I think the same holds for the
other examples. Still, I'd prefer if they were allowed...

Christian Sievers