Re: [Haskell-cafe] Storing failing testcases for QuickCheck

2011-04-24 Thread Roel van Dijk
On 24 April 2011 01:49, wren ng thornton wrote:
 I would *love* there to be a tool which (a) automatically saves failing
 QuickCheck values to disk, and (b) automates using HUnit to load those in
 and test them. I'm not so sure that QuickCheck should be doing the second
 step of that since that'd really mess with the QuickCheck infrastructure;
 once you have the code for reading from disk, it'd be trivial to just use

Maybe this is a job for test-framework? I think the API's of
QuickCheck and HUnit expose enough information for this to be

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] not redering correctly

2011-04-24 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 21/04/2011 02:36 AM, Conrad Parker wrote:

I thought the purpose of filing a bug report was to get things fixed?

The purpose of filing bug reports is to ensure that problems are not
forgotten. It allows the community (people like you) to have a useful
understanding of the problems that exist when choosing what tasks to
put time and effort into fixing.

*sigh* I guess that means the next step is to figure out if it's broken for
the Linux builds as well, or just for Windows. (Can't test for Mac OS since
I don't have access to the necessary hardware or software...)

The first step would be to make a patch that works for you, and to
attach it to the ticket.

Wouldn't that require me to somehow get hold of whatever repo contains 
the script for generating the Windows installer?

Then again if it's simply a matter of generating additional HTML text
(as opposed to styling/rendering issues) then it should be
straightforward to verify that the new content is added in the
generated files without worrying about other platforms.

I imagine the issue is something utterly trivial list a line of text 
missing from a file - which is why I'm so surprised that the problem has 
been reported multiple times and yet not fixed...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] A small Darcs anomoly

2011-04-24 Thread Andrew Coppin

I've discovered something interesting.

Darcs stores history as a partially-ordered set of changes. This is a 
beautiful and elegant idea. In theory, this lets me apply any 
combination of changes, possibly generating file versions which have 
never actually existed before. (E.g., the new type checker from GHC 7.0 
embedded in the GHC 6.6 codebase - not that I imagine it would compile, 
but in principle I can do it.)

So I was a little surprised to discover that... Darcs doesn't actually 
support doing this. Darcs is only really interested in the result of 
applying *all* changes in a repo. If you want to apply some subset of 
changes, you need to make a seperate repo containing only the changes 
you want applied.

It seems daft to me that you would design a sophisticated system for 
splitting history into independent chunks, and then not let me 
manipulate them independently.

(If you think about it, the difference between, say, GHC 7.0 and GHC 6.6 
is which set of changes are applied. Yet because Darcs doesn't support 
looking at it like this, you must have a completely seperate repo for 
each one...)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A small Darcs anomoly

2011-04-24 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Sun, 24 Apr 2011, Andrew Coppin wrote:

(If you think about it, the difference between, say, GHC 7.0 and GHC 6.6 is 
which set of changes are applied. Yet because Darcs doesn't support looking 
at it like this, you must have a completely seperate repo for each one...)

But darcs shares the patch files between repositories on the same file 
system using hard links.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] fishing for ST mutable Vector examples

2011-04-24 Thread Gregory Collins
I also recently implemented a Fisher-Yates shuffle in mutable vectors.
I probably should have used Gen (from mwc-random) in ST, but I already
had a GenIO hanging around for other reasons.

import   Control.Monad.ST (unsafeIOToST)
import   Data.Vector  (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector  as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable  as MV
import   System.Random.MWC

shuffle :: GenIO - Vector k - Vector k
shuffle rng v = if V.null v then v else V.modify go v
!n = V.length v

go mv = f (n-1)
-- note: inclusive
pickOne b = unsafeIOToST $ uniformR (0,b) rng

swap = MV.unsafeSwap mv

f 0  = return ()
f !k = do
idx - pickOne k
swap k idx
f (k-1)


On Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 5:21 AM, Globules wrote:
 brad clawsie clawsie at writes:

 hi all

 i was wondering if anyone could post some minimal examples on using
 mutable Vectors in the ST monad. i've been digging around in the usual
 places but haven't been able to find anything to get me over the hump

 thanks in advance

 I was just looking into the same thing.  This link at Rosetta Code has
 a list shuffling function, which is my first experiment with mutable

 The list is converted to a mutable Vector, the mapM_ performs a series
 of element swaps, then the result is frozen and converted back to a

 - Globules

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Gregory Collins

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] fishing for ST mutable Vector examples

2011-04-24 Thread Felipe Almeida Lessa
There is vector-algorithms [1] which has lots of mutable code.  Note
that it uses 'PrimMonad m = m ...', which means that the code may
work on ST or IO.




Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to use cabal's data-files feature and run in-place?

2011-04-24 Thread Henning Thielemann
balodja schrieb:

 For such purposes I use separate directory for Paths_pkg.hs and don't
 notice it in pkg.cabal. For example, imagine src directory with
 source files (appropriately mentioned in pkg.cabal with hs-source-dirs:
 src) and additional plugs directory with Paths_pkg.hs (that is not
 mentioned in pkg.cabal). In such case cabal builds project with
 autogenerated Paths_pkg.hs and ghci also can be launched in src
 directory with ghci Main.hs -i../plugs.

or you run from your package directory with

pkg$ ghci -i:src:plugs Main

This only works, if the module Main has filename Main.hs

Otherwise start with

pkg$ ghci -i:src:plugs src/Main.hs

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] More ideas for controlled mutation

2011-04-24 Thread Edward Z. Yang
Laziness can be viewed as a form of controlled mutation, where
we overwrite a thunk with its actual value, thus only running
the code once and reaping great time benefits.

I've been toying around with some ideas where we do alternative
forms of controlled mutation.  One such idea has to do with memoization.
One way we memoize functions is by building up a data-structure that
covers the entirety of input domain of the function, with the values
in each slot being thunks for the corresponding function call.  Now,
this is all very nice and well, but for some types of inputs (like
machine integers) we end up making a very big structure for a function for
which, in practice, we'll only store and retrieve a few values of the domain.

Hash tables take advantage of this fact by simply chaining together values
in a linked list if they land in the same bucket.  Could we have similarly
bucketized memoization?  What we want here is for a *thunk to possibly
evaluate to different values, but calls to the API be observationally
equivalent.*  That is, if the only way I can inspect a dictionary list
is do a lookup, I don't care if my representation is [(1,4),(2,2)] or
[(2,2),(1,4)].  An obvious way to do this is to use unsafePerformIO to
read out an IORef stating the value currently being looked up, and
have the thunk evaluate to the pair of that key and the result.  There
are some synchronization concerns, of course: ideally we would only
take out a lock on the thunk once we realize that the value doesn't
already exist in the memotable, but I don't think there's a way in GHC Haskell
to observe if a value is a thunk or not (maybe such a mechanism would be

This seems related to lazy IO, where thunks are co-opted into performing
input-output effects.  After all, mutation is just a controlled form of IO.  Is
lazy IO evil or not?  One consensus is that for operations that involve
limited resources (file descriptors, etc.) lazy IO is too opaque for its
own good.  It seems we also haven't cracked it's performance problems either
(for the relatively un-objectionable generation of an infinite stream of random
numbers, Don Stewart notes: There are real overheads here. Consider eagerly
filling chunks and extracting elements piecewise.).  But code that looks pure
and can be reasoned about like pure code, but has the efficiency benefits of
mutation is a very attractive thing indeed.  I think it's worth some thought,
though the programming world at large has a hard enough time reasoning about
laziness even when everything is completely pure!


P.S. An obvious question is whether or not we could use this technique to
implement splay heaps or hash tables with pure interfaces.  My opinion is
no, because these structures demand you be able to *observe* the mutation.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] More ideas for controlled mutation

2011-04-24 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Sun, 24 Apr 2011, Edward Z. Yang wrote:

Laziness can be viewed as a form of controlled mutation, where
we overwrite a thunk with its actual value, thus only running
the code once and reaping great time benefits.

Reminds me on a discussion about 'blue printing' in the past:

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] generics and sql

2011-04-24 Thread nadine . and . henry
Dear Group,

Greetings.  I have a feeling that what I am trying to do is easy, I
just don't know how to say it in Haskell.  Let's start with:

DeriveDataTypeable,  GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving  #-}
 import Database.HDBC
 import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
 import Data.Data 
 data C = C { str :: String, dbl:: Double }
   deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
 a :: C
 a = C twelve 12.0

Now I load this up in ghci and I can do the following:

 toSql . str $ a  -- result: SqlString twelve
 toSql . dbl $ a  -- result: SqlDouble 12.0

but what I would really like to do is something like:

gmapQ toSql $ a

which results in:
Could not deduce (Convertible d SqlValue)
  arising from a use of `toSql'
from the context (Data d)
  bound by a type expected by the context: Data d = d - SqlValue
  at interactive:1:1-11
Possible fix:
  add (Convertible d SqlValue) to the context of
a type expected by the context: Data d = d - SqlValue
  or add an instance declaration for (Convertible d SqlValue)
In the first argument of `gmapQ', namely `toSql'
In the expression: gmapQ toSql

In other words, I'm looking for a function with a signature:

(Whatever Instances I neeed here) = a - [SqlValue]

I have tried various incantations of type signatures, but thus far I
can't get it right.  Can someone point me in the right direction?  Thanks.

Henry Laxen

Nadine  Henry LaxenBelle, Venus, Aphrodite
10580 N. McCarran Blvd. Adonis, Miss Parker  Jarod
Suite 115-396   Via Alta # 6
Reno, NevadaChapala, Jalisco, Mexico 
89503-1896  CP 45900
 The rest is silence.  (Hamlet)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] generics and sql

2011-04-24 Thread Edward Z. Yang
Hmm, this is a bit peculiar.  The problem is you don't get
control over how gmapQ invokes the function toSql: it will
only ever be done with the type signature Data d = d - u.
There is good reason for this too: imagined you tried to run
gmapQ toSql on a data-type that contained a member that was
not convertible to a SqlValue: then it ought to fail with a type

You may be able to work around this with more generics madness:
use Typeable to check if the types of all the fields are kosher,
and then do an appropriate casts before invoking toSql.  But you
won't get particularly good static guarantees doing it this way.

So... what are you really trying to do? :-)


Excerpts from nadine.and.henry's message of Sun Apr 24 10:21:03 -0400 2011:
 Dear Group,
 Greetings.  I have a feeling that what I am trying to do is easy, I
 just don't know how to say it in Haskell.  Let's start with:
 DeriveDataTypeable,  GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving  #-}
  import Database.HDBC
  import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
  import Data.Data 
  data C = C { str :: String, dbl:: Double }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
  a :: C
  a = C twelve 12.0
 Now I load this up in ghci and I can do the following:
  toSql . str $ a  -- result: SqlString twelve
  toSql . dbl $ a  -- result: SqlDouble 12.0
 but what I would really like to do is something like:
 gmapQ toSql $ a
 which results in:
 Could not deduce (Convertible d SqlValue)
   arising from a use of `toSql'
 from the context (Data d)
   bound by a type expected by the context: Data d = d - SqlValue
   at interactive:1:1-11
 Possible fix:
   add (Convertible d SqlValue) to the context of
 a type expected by the context: Data d = d - SqlValue
   or add an instance declaration for (Convertible d SqlValue)
 In the first argument of `gmapQ', namely `toSql'
 In the expression: gmapQ toSql
 In other words, I'm looking for a function with a signature:
 (Whatever Instances I neeed here) = a - [SqlValue]
 I have tried various incantations of type signatures, but thus far I
 can't get it right.  Can someone point me in the right direction?  Thanks.
 Henry Laxen

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] generics and sql

2011-04-24 Thread nadine . and . henry
Thanks for the quick reply Edward.  What I'm trying to do is be lazy.  I have
a longish data structure, say:

data Loan = Loan {
  loan_address :: String,
  loan_initialAmount :: Double,
  loan_interestRate :: Double,
  loan_term:: Int,
  loan_originated :: Day,
  loan_minimumPayment :: Double,
  loan_usualPayment :: Double,
  loan_familiarName :: String,
  loan_password :: String,
  loan_lastVisit :: Day,
  loan_nextToLastVisit :: Day,
  loan_emailAddress :: String,
  } deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
where each component is an instance of (Convertible a SqlValue), and I would
like to be able to say something like:

let vals = magicalGmapIncantation toSql loan 
liftIO $ withtransaction db $ \d - run query vals

of course I could do:

let vals = [toSql (loan_address loan), toSql (loan_initialAmount loan) ...]

but that feels so dirty, when all those fields are just waiting for me
inside that loan data type.

Best wishes,

 EZY == Edward Z Yang writes:

EZY Hmm, this is a bit peculiar.  The problem is you don't get control
EZY over how gmapQ invokes the function toSql: it will only ever be done
EZY with the type signature Data d = d - u.  There is good reason for
EZY this too: imagined you tried to run gmapQ toSql on a data-type that
EZY contained a member that was not convertible to a SqlValue: then it
EZY ought to fail with a type error!

EZY You may be able to work around this with more generics madness: use
EZY Typeable to check if the types of all the fields are kosher, and then
EZY do an appropriate casts before invoking toSql.  But you won't get
EZY particularly good static guarantees doing it this way.

EZY So... what are you really trying to do? :-)

Greetings.  I have a feeling that what I am trying to do is easy, I
just don't know how to say it in Haskell.  Let's start with:

DeriveDataTypeable,  GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving  #-}
 import Database.HDBC
 import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
 import Data.Data 
 data C = C { str :: String, dbl:: Double }
   deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
 a :: C
 a = C twelve 12.0

Now I load this up in ghci and I can do the following:

 toSql . str $ a  -- result: SqlString twelve
 toSql . dbl $ a  -- result: SqlDouble 12.0

but what I would really like to do is something like:

gmapQ toSql $ a

which results in:
Could not deduce (Convertible d SqlValue)
  arising from a use of `toSql'
from the context (Data d)
  bound by a type expected by the context: Data d = d - SqlValue
  at interactive:1:1-11
Possible fix:
  add (Convertible d SqlValue) to the context of
a type expected by the context: Data d = d - SqlValue
  or add an instance declaration for (Convertible d SqlValue)
In the first argument of `gmapQ', namely `toSql'
In the expression: gmapQ toSql

In other words, I'm looking for a function with a signature:

(Whatever Instances I neeed here) = a - [SqlValue]

I have tried various incantations of type signatures, but thus far I
can't get it right.  Can someone point me in the right direction?  Thanks.

Nadine  Henry LaxenBelle, Venus, Aphrodite
10580 N. McCarran Blvd. Adonis, Miss Parker  Jarod
Suite 115-396   Via Alta # 6
Reno, NevadaChapala, Jalisco, Mexico 
89503-1896  CP 45900
 The rest is silence.  (Hamlet)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] generics and sql

2011-04-24 Thread Edward Z. Yang
Where did 'query' come from?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] generics and sql

2011-04-24 Thread nadine . and . henry
 EZY == Edward Z Yang writes:

EZY Where did 'query' come from?  Edward

I left that out because it was just a prebuilt db query.  It came from
something like:

dataNames :: Data a = a - [String]  
dataNames = constrFields . toConstr

loanNames = datanames (loan :: Loan) 
{- yielding:

let query = INSERT INTO loans ( ++ loanNames ++ ) values ( ++ 
   (intercalate ,  (replicate (length loanNames) ?)) ++

Best wishes,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A small Darcs anomoly

2011-04-24 Thread Jason Dagit
On Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 2:05 AM, Andrew Coppin

 I've discovered something interesting.

 Darcs stores history as a partially-ordered set of changes. This is a
 beautiful and elegant idea. In theory, this lets me apply any combination of
 changes, possibly generating file versions which have never actually
 existed before. (E.g., the new type checker from GHC 7.0 embedded in the GHC
 6.6 codebase - not that I imagine it would compile, but in principle I can
 do it.)

 So I was a little surprised to discover that... Darcs doesn't actually
 support doing this. Darcs is only really interested in the result of
 applying *all* changes in a repo. If you want to apply some subset of
 changes, you need to make a seperate repo containing only the changes you
 want applied.

 It seems daft to me that you would design a sophisticated system for
 splitting history into independent chunks, and then not let me manipulate
 them independently.

This is because of a deliberate choice that was made by David Roundy.  In
darcs, you never have multiple branches within a single darcs repository
directory tree.  To get the effect you want, you simply create two
repositories.  One having only the patches for ghc 6.6 and one having the
patches of ghc 7.0 and then you pull just the patches you want from 7.0 into
6.6.  There are options to 'darcs get' that help you select the right set of
patches to help you create the two repositories.

If you're interested in the details of how to do it, I would suggest asking
on the darcs-users mailing list.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] How to keep cabal and ghci package versions in sync?

2011-04-24 Thread Gracjan Polak

Hi all,

I have a project with a .cabal file listing package dependencies using
the usual version constraints ==X.Y.* Z.W or =K.J syntax.
Standard route cabal configure; cabal build works correctly as it is able
to select working set of package versions.

I have also a .ghci file. When I run GHCi it uses all latest installed packages
in the system. This prevents the project from loading.

I tried to use 'cabal-dev ghci', but this still selects latest global packages.

So, how to I load up ghci with the same package versions as selected by cabal?



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to keep cabal and ghci package versions in sync?

2011-04-24 Thread Rogan Creswick
On Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 11:13 AM, Gracjan Polak wrote:
 I have a project with a .cabal file listing package dependencies using
 the usual version constraints ==X.Y.* Z.W or =K.J syntax.
 Standard route cabal configure; cabal build works correctly as it is able
 to select working set of package versions.

 I have also a .ghci file. When I run GHCi it uses all latest installed 
 in the system. This prevents the project from loading.

 I tried to use 'cabal-dev ghci', but this still selects latest global 

This should only arise for the base ghc packages, which are tied
closely enough to ghc that you should probably switch ghc versions if
you want to work with different versions of those core packages.

If you're installing additional packages globally, my only advice is:
Beware, there be dragons!  I strongly recommend that you ghc-pkg
unregister all the non-essential packages from your global package db

 (1) cabal-dev will not bring you any benefit.
 (2) you will eventually run into ugly unsatisfiable dependency issues
between your local and global package databases.
 (3) you may inadvertently cause a base package to be upgraded, which
is somewhat easier to fix if it's installed to a local package db.

cabal-dev ghci should be able to do what you want, but it has no
control over the global db.  I'd be happy to send you a list of the
packages that ghc comes with, if you choose to unregister packages
from the global db (assuming you're using one of the OS/arch/ghc
combinations I have available :)


 So, how to I load up ghci with the same package versions as selected by cabal?



 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to keep cabal and ghci package versions in sync?

2011-04-24 Thread Christopher Done
On 24 April 2011 22:27, Rogan Creswick wrote:

 On Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 11:13 AM, Gracjan Polak
  I have a project with a .cabal file listing package dependencies using
  the usual version constraints ==X.Y.* Z.W or =K.J syntax.
  Standard route cabal configure; cabal build works correctly as it is able
  to select working set of package versions.
  I have also a .ghci file. When I run GHCi it uses all latest installed
  in the system. This prevents the project from loading.
  I tried to use 'cabal-dev ghci', but this still selects latest global

 This should only arise for the base ghc packages, which are tied
 closely enough to ghc that you should probably switch ghc versions if
 you want to work with different versions of those core packages.

 If you're installing additional packages globally, my only advice is:
 Beware, there be dragons!  I strongly recommend that you ghc-pkg
 unregister all the non-essential packages from your global package db

I'll second this; I had the same problem and just uninstalled the global
package and went ahead and uninstalled them all, no problems since. All my
projects are under cabal-dev so it's not a problem.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] More ideas for controlled mutation

2011-04-24 Thread Ketil Malde
Edward Z. Yang writes:

 I've been toying around with some ideas where we do alternative
 forms of controlled mutation.  One such idea has to do with memoization.
 Hash tables take advantage of this fact by simply chaining together values
 in a linked list if they land in the same bucket.  [...]
 An obvious way to do this is to use unsafePerformIO to
 read out an IORef stating the value currently being looked up, and
 have the thunk evaluate to the pair of that key and the result.  There
 are some synchronization concerns, of course:

Seen this?

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] More ideas for controlled mutation

2011-04-24 Thread Edward Z. Yang
Yep.  It harkens to my days of forcing impure, non-thread-safe
C libraries into nice, pure, Haskell FFI bindings.  I suppose what
I'd like to do here is work in the unsafe IO much more closely
with GHC's existing facilities, so that we spend as much time
as possible /not/ in unsafePerformIO.  A kind of hybrid approach,
if you will.

P.S. Don Stewart points out that Edward Kmett has can access
GHC's pointer tags,
thus allowing us to approximate evaluated/not evaluated.  Maybe
I'll hack up a prototype next time round.

Excerpts from Ketil Malde's message of Sun Apr 24 17:41:23 -0400 2011:
 Edward Z. Yang writes:
  I've been toying around with some ideas where we do alternative
  forms of controlled mutation.  One such idea has to do with memoization.
  Hash tables take advantage of this fact by simply chaining together values
  in a linked list if they land in the same bucket.  [...]
  An obvious way to do this is to use unsafePerformIO to
  read out an IORef stating the value currently being looked up, and
  have the thunk evaluate to the pair of that key and the result.  There
  are some synchronization concerns, of course:
 Seen this?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] generics and sql

2011-04-24 Thread Felipe Almeida Lessa
Not that it solves your problem, but you may want to take a look at
persistent [1].




Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] A parallelization problem

2011-04-24 Thread wren ng thornton

Hello all,

I have some loopy code I'd like to make parallel, but I'm not sure the 
best way to go about it. Everywhere else in this program I'm using STM, 
but that seems pretty heavy-handed for this task, and it looks like the 
perfect place for `par` and friends.

So the 10,000ft view of the code is something like:

foldl' step (0,state0) xs

step (n,stateN) x = (n+1, k stateN)
k = case lookup n stateN of
Nothing- error oh noes
Just substateN - insert (n+1) $
foldl' maybeInsert empty (views substateN x)

maybeInsert state (k,v)
| p (k,v)   = state
| otherwise = insert k v state

That is, for each x that comes in we add a bunch of things to a map 
datastructure. The thing that makes the inner loop parallelizable is 
that we happen to know that none of the new keys will (a) conflict with 
old keys (as indicated by the fact that we're nesting maps), (b) 
conflict with the other new keys, nor (c) depend on the other new 
key/value pairs. Thus, we know that we can reassociate the order of 
insertions without changing the semantics.

So the question is, how do I do it? One issue not apparent in this 
high-level look at the code is that I'm actually using ST for doing the 
inner loop efficiently, which is why I'm not just using fromList.

So far I'm using an IntMap for storing the state. The STM approach would 
be to store the IntMap in a TMVar and fire off threads to compute and 
insert each one of the views. But even as lightweight as Haskell's 
threads are, I worry that the overhead would swamp the benefits.

(Of course, it may be viable to push the ST down far enough to use 
(fromList . catMaybes). Then we could just construct the list and call 
par on all the elements. That wouldn't do much to parallelize the 
insertions themselves, but that shouldn't matter too much I hope. 
Perhaps I've just answered my own question; any other ideas?)

Live well,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Posix IO Unicode lookup exception

2011-04-24 Thread Lee Pike

I wanted to see if anyone had an idea about why the following program
results in an exception.  The issue seems to be related to stdin to a
POSIX file descriptors for a subprocess, and GHC's Unicode encoding
lookup.  I've tried to make the program as simple as possible to make
the issue obvious.


 module Pipe where

 import System.Process
 import System.IO
 import System.Posix.IO

 main = sequence_ $ replicate 10 f

 f = do
   (Just hin, _, _, prc) -
 createProcess (shell ./pipe_c.out) { std_in = CreatePipe
  , std_out = UseHandle stdout
  , std_err = UseHandle stderr}

   pin - handleToFd hin
   _   - fdWrite pin (h\n)
   closeFd pin
   waitForProcess prc

and a trivial C program to read in the data (but doing nothing with it):

#include stdio.h

#define SIZE 10

int main(void) {
  char in[SIZE];

  if(fgets(in, SIZE , stdin) != NULL);

  return 0;

and executing

 gcc -Wall -o pipe_c.out pipe_c.c
 ghci Pipe.hs
*** Exception: malloc: resource exhausted (out of memory)
iconvOpen (UTF-8,UTF-8): resource exhausted (Cannot allocate memory)

My best guess is that the GHC is calling iconv_open(),
but not making a subsequent call to iconv_close()
 (Actually, my best guess is I'm making a silly mistake, but I'm
having trouble seeing it. :) )

I am running 2.6.35-28-generic (Ubuntu) and GHC 7.0.2, but I've
observed the same issues with GHC 6.12.3.


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