Re: [Haskell-cafe] Increasing memory use in stream computation

2013-10-10 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen
Hi Arie,

On 10/10/13 14:02, Arie Peterson wrote:
 (Sorry for the long email.)
 Summary: why does the attached program have non-constant memory use?

Looking at the heap profile graph (generated with +RTS -h, no need to
compile with profiling) I see the increasing memory use is split about
evenly between STACK and BLACKHOLE.  I don't know what that means or why
it occurs, but replacing `small` solved that problem for me:

small = V.fromList $ (replicateM 7 [-1,0,0,1])

I get the same output 3999744 from your version and my changed version.


 I've written a program to do a big computation. Unfortunately, the 
 takes a very long time (expectedly), and the memory use increases slowly 
 (unexpectedly), until it fills up the entire memory and swap space of the 
 computer (many gigabytes).
 The rough structure of the program is:
 • create a long (up to 20 million) list of objects;
 • compute a number for each of those objects;
 • compute the sum of the resulting list.
 I switched the intermediate data structure from a list to a Stream (from the 
 stream-fusion package), hoping to fix the memory issue. It decreased both the 
 memory use and the rate of its increase, but after a long time, the program 
 still uses up all available memory.
  A simple program
 After many hours of cutting down my program, I now have a small program 
 (attached) that shows the same behaviour. It uses only said stream-fusion 
 package, and vector. (I haven't yet tried to cut out the use of vector. I 
 it is irrelevant, because all vectors are of fixed small size.)
 I compile the program with ghc-7.6.1 using
 ghc --make -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-M1G -K128M -O2 -main-is
   Test.main Test
 The rts options may not be strictly necessary: I added them at some point to 
 allow the use of multiple cores, and to prevent the program from crashing the 
 machine by using all available memory.
 When running the program, the resident memory quickly grows to about 3.5 MB 
 (which I am fine with); this stays constant for a long time, but after about 
 minutes, it starts to grow further. The growth is slow, but I really would 
 hope this program to run in constant memory.
  The code 
 Note that I added an instance for Monad Stream, using concatMap. This is 
 implicitly used in the definition of the big stream.
 The source of Data.Stream contains many alternative implementations of concat 
 and concatMap, and alludes to the difficulty of making it fuse properly. 
 it be that the fusion did not succeed in this case?
 Thanks for any help!


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] more gtk help

2013-08-12 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen
Hi Brian,

On 12/08/13 03:52, wrote:
 Couldn't match expected type
   Gtk.on Gtk.exposeEvent glCanvas $ \ _ - putStrLn foo
 I looked up the type of Gtk.on and exposeEvent :
   :: object
  - Signal object callback - callback - IO (ConnectId object)

I think you have the arguments flipped, try:

Gtk.on glCanvas Gtk.exposeEvent $ \_ - ...

As for explaining the types - as I understand it, you have an object and
a callback, and the Signal associates the object with the callback for a
specific event type.  The type variables occur more than once in the
whole type for safety: the right type of callback must be provided for
the event type, and the object must support the event type too.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Diagrams and GTK

2013-08-09 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen
Hi Michael,

On 09/08/13 08:21, Michael Oswald wrote:
 I am currently writing an application which draws the structure of some
 packets with help of the diagrams library directly to a GTK GUI.
 Now the packets can have several hundreds of parameters which have to be
 drawn so it takes some seconds to calculate the diagram itself. Of
 course this now blocks the GUI thread, so the basic idea was to put the
 calculation in a separate thread. Unfortunately this doesn't work as
 lazyness kicks in and the final diagram is calculated when it is
 rendered and not evaluated before. Using seq didn't help (because of
 WHNF) and there seems to be no deepseq instance for the diagrams.
 Does somebody has an idea on how to speed this up / get the diagram
 evaluated strictly as especially scrolling the DrawingArea is now really
 a pain?

Cairo is thread safe* so you could render the whole thing (if it isn't
super huge dimensions) to an image surface in the background thread,
then displaying could be a matter of copying the correct part (for
scrolling) of the surface to the DrawingArea.

Something like this perhaps (untested, incomplete):

import qualified Diagrams.(...) as D
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Cairo as C

renderDiaToSurface width height diagram = do
  let w' = fromIntegral width
  h' = fromIntegral height
  opts = D.CairoOptions  (D.Dims w' h') D.RenderOnly False
  (_, render) = D.renderDia D.Cairo opts diagram
  surface - C.createImageSurface C.FormatARGB32 width height
  C.renderWith surface render
  return surface


Hope this is useful,


* I had some very rare crashes in heavily threaded code, still not found
the root cause...


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] haskell-gtk entry question

2013-07-27 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen
Hi Brian,

On 25/07/13 04:14, wrote:
 This should be simple, and I thought it had it working, but I've broken it 
 and can't figure out why.
 What I want is to invoke the callback whenever the user activates and entry 
 in a dialogbox, so I did both this :

Not sure what you mean by dialogbox here.  A complete (but small)
example would help.

   Gtk.on entry Gtk.entryActivate (boxHandler entry)

Perhaps it's a terminology confusion: in GTK, activate for an entry
means pressing return key.  This program works fine for me, pressing
return prints the text I entered in the box:

import Graphics.UI.Gtk

main :: IO ()
main = do
  window - windowNew
  entry - entryNew
  set window [ containerBorderWidth := 10, containerChild := entry ]
  entry `on` entryActivate $ putStrLn = entryGetText entry
  onDestroy window mainQuit
  widgetShowAll window

 (I believe this supercedes the previous method which was onEntryActivate)
 and this
   Gtk.on entry Gtk.entryPreeditChanged (boxHandler entry)
 however neither method will invoke the callback.  The program compiles and 
 works just fine, it's just that the callback never runs.

Maybe you instead mean to do something when the widget is focussed for

import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
  entry `on` focusInEvent $ tryEvent $ liftIO $ putStrLn focusInEvent


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to correctly benchmark code with Criterion?

2012-10-18 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Hi Janek,

On 18/10/12 10:23, Janek S. wrote:

during past few days I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to write 
Criterion benchmarks,
so that results don't get skewed by lazy evaluation. I want to benchmark 
different versions of an
algorithm doing numerical computations on a vector. For that I need to create 
an input vector
containing a few thousand elements. I decided to create random data, but that 
really doesn't
matter - I could have as well use infinite lists instead of random ones.


The question is how to generate data so that its evaluation won't be included 
in the benchmark.

Something like this might work, not sure what the canonical way is.

main = do
  let input = L.dataBuild gen
  evaluate (rnf input)
 bench Lists $ nf L.benchThisFunction input

I did use something like this in practice here:



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Ordering of BigFloats in numbers-3000.0.0.0

2012-10-08 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

On 08/10/12 01:31, Michael Orlitzky wrote:
Mine may be unacceptably slow due to the dependent libraries.

I gave it a try -- the speed isn't an issue for me, but I need the trig
functions (which look like they pass through Double). These are
basically homework problems and related experiments for which I'm trying
to avoid MATLAB at all costs, so sin and cos show up a lot.

Ah thanks for the reminder that its implementation is incomplete so far 
- I do plan to implement the remaining algorithms properly but lack time 
right now, sorry.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Ordering of BigFloats in numbers-3000.0.0.0

2012-10-07 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

On 07/10/12 19:00, Michael Orlitzky wrote:

I'm trying to use,

You might also try my:

It's Ord should work, I've used it in anger, otherwise let me know and 
I'll fix it when I have time!

to get better precision for free out of some numerical code.

Mine may be unacceptably slow due to the dependent libraries.

I sent some make it turbo patches to the maintainer of 
'type-level-natural-number' but got no response, would it be ok for me 
to do a non-maintainer-upload that contains purely performance 
enhancements and no functionality changes?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] a parallel mapM?

2012-09-28 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

On 28/09/12 19:58, Patrick Mylund Nielsen wrote:

Check out the parallel combinators in parallel-io:


combined with

might be a solution


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Haskell] Well-Typed and Skills Matter offer Haskell courses in London in October

2012-09-24 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Hi Andres, list,

On 19/09/12 09:41, Andres Löh wrote:

Oops, I hit send too prematurely, sorry for the seeming bluntness (but it is
still a blunt message, can't apologize for that I suppose):

No need to apologize. There's a need for informal meetings as much (or
even more) as there is for courses and conferences.

Thank you.

Regarding London, I know there's the
Haskell Hoodlums meetup (

Thanks, I wasn't aware of this one.  I have signed up.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Haskell] Well-Typed and Skills Matter offer Haskell courses in London in October

2012-09-19 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

On 19/09/12 08:52, Andres Löh wrote:

Registration for all these events is open. I hope to see many
of you there.

Is there an informal hangout without the £225 price-tag


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Haskell] Well-Typed and Skills Matter offer Haskell courses in London in October

2012-09-19 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Hi list,

Oops, I hit send too prematurely, sorry for the seeming bluntness (but 
it is still a blunt message, can't apologize for that I suppose):

On 19/09/12 09:14, Claude Heiland-Allen wrote:

On 19/09/12 08:52, Andres Löh wrote:

Registration for all these events is open. I hope to see many
of you there.

(Referring to the October 10th event:

Is there an informal hangout without the £225 price-tag


Perhaps a monthly informal gathering similarly (self-)organised to 
Dorkbot but focussed on Haskell (and other functional languages) is what 
I'm really after, but that still requires some organisation time and a 
venue, neither of which necessarily come cheap :(

So, I understand the need to charge, but it seems quite a high fee to me 
(especially as there don't seem to be concessions for unwaged / students 
/ etc).


Thanks, sorry if this caused offence.

Three cheers if it revives a democratic informal londonhug thing.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to implement nested loops with tail recursion?

2012-09-19 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

On 19/09/12 19:00, wrote:
 So how do I force IO actions whose results are discarded (including IO ()) to 
 be strict?

() - foo :: IO () -- should work as it pattern matches, can wrap it in
a prettier combinator
!_ - foo :: IO a -- could work with -XBangPatterns

I've not tested either (been away from Haskell for a while..), but see also:
(regarding modifyIORef and leaky issues)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Bad interface problem.

2012-07-10 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen
Hash: SHA1


On 11/07/12 05:51, Magicloud Magiclouds wrote:
 I cleaned out everything, no luck
 On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 2:14 AM, Albert Y. C. Lai
 On 12-07-03 04:19 AM, Magicloud Magiclouds wrote:
 template-haskell- differs from name
 found in the interface file

You installed a bad template-haskell version.  You can only use a
version corresponding to your ghc version.

I had a similar problem recently.  My solution process was as follows:

1. check which template-haskell version came with my ghc:

$ ghc -V
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 7.4.2
$ ghc-pkg list template-haskell

2. make sure to forbid every other version of template-haskell
(because it will break horribly, as you found):

$ cabal install --constraint='template-haskell==' foo

3. if foo fails to install because it thinks it needs a different
version of template-haskell, try adjusting dependencies in foo.cabal

4. if foo installs and works with the adjusted dependencies, let the
maintainer know

 I think things are so messed up that it is time to clean out
 everything. See my
 In fact, time to read the whole article and avoid unsafe
 re-installs and upgrades.

It's a good read for sure!  Perhaps it could be updated to add a
problem I ran into recently:

cabal install --solver=modular --avoid-reinstalls sounds perfect, if
sicp.xhtml scared you properly.   But excessively avoiding reinstalls
is bad, as cabal-install seems to install a different allowable
version instead.  The result for me was horrible diamond dependency
problems - half my packages were built with one version of
mtl/transformers, and the other half with a different version of

When I then tried to ghci using some modules from both halves of my
installed packages, I got very very confusing type errors complaining
about almost-identical-looking types not being identical.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANN: prof2pretty-

2012-06-30 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen
Hash: SHA1

Hi all,

I wanted to try visual-prof[1] but found it was broken
by ghc RTS changes[2].  I ended up writing prof2pretty[3]:
- --8--
sccpragmabomb adds SCC pragmas encoding source location.
prof2pretty extracts those SCCs from the profiling output
to annotate the sources using HTML + CSS + JavaScript.
- --8--

[3] prof2pretty started as a fork of visual-prof but
soon there was none of the original code left,
though the essential concept remains the same


Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Confused by ghci output

2012-05-31 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Hi Clark,

ghci is defaulting to Integer
modexp2 forces Int
Int overflows with 3^40

On 31/05/12 17:35, Clark Gaebel wrote:

*X  3^40 `mod` 3 == modexp2 3 40 3

*X fromInteger (3^40 `mod` 3) == modexp2 3 40 3

*X  modexp2 3 40 3
*X  3^40 `mod` 3

*X 3^40 `mod` 3 ::Int

I'm confused. Last I checked, 0 == 0.

Int overflow is ugly!

*X 3^40
*X maxBound :: Int


Using GHC 7.4.1, and the file x.hs (which has been loaded in ghci) can be
found here:

I noticed this after prop_sanemodexp was failing.

Any help would be appreciated,
   - Clark

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] webcam library on github

2012-05-25 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Hi there,

On 25/05/12 08:07, . wrote:

On Fri, 2012-05-25 at 08:24 +0800, Conrad Parker wrote:

I've downloaded and built this. I had to also download Claude
Heiland-Allen's v4l2 source from gitorious, as that package does not
seem to be on hackage (though his other related packages are). I guess
your package won't build on hackage until v4l2 is uploaded ...

I've uploaded the 'v4l2' package to hackage now.

When I initially wrote it last year I had hoped to use it as a base for 
something similar to 'repa-v4l2' and perhaps 'opengl-v4l2' (*).

Alas, I don't have a pressing need to access v4l2 devices at the moment, 
so I don't expect there to be rapid development or even prompt bug fixes 
(unless people provide patches) - if someone more involved than I am at 
present in video devices + Haskell on Linux wants to take over the 
maintainership of these v4l2-related packages, let me know:



(*) I had written some code along those lines, though all I can find at 
the moment is a screenshot (live webcam video, processed to generate an 
overlay and displayed using opengl):

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANN: variable-precision floating point

2012-05-16 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Hi all,

I'm pleased to announce variable-precision-0.2:

There was no announcement for previous versions, as I quickly found 
their flaws to be too irritating in practice.

--8-- excerpt from the hackage page
Software floating point with type-tagged variable mantissa precision, 
implemented using a strict pair of Integer and Int scaled alike to 

Instances of the usual numeric type classes are provided, along with 
additional operators (with carefully chosen fixities) to coerce, adjust 
and reify precisions.

--8-- end excerpt

Known shortcomings of this release:
  * no implementation of (inverse) (hyperbolic) trigonometric functions
  * no support for negative zero
  * no support for rounding modes
  * accuracy has not been extensively verified
  * termination of algorithms has not been proven

The intention of this package is to be simple yet useable in the 
meantime until there is a version of hmpfr[1] or fixed-precision[2] that 
work without requiring a custom-compiled GHC.  The design of 
variable-precision was inspired by the latter, and variable-precision is 
probably inferior, but the lifetime of the variable-precision package is 
hopefully going to be short.


I'm currently mainly using variable-precision for exploring the 
Mandelbrot Set, particularly in algorithms using Newton's method (for 
example, tracing external rays, where more precision is needed the 
closer you get to the boundary of the set).



--8-- excerpt from ghci session
Prelude Numeric.VariablePrecision (pi :: F24) .@$ 200 $ show . (pi -)
Prelude Numeric.VariablePrecision (pi :: F53) .@$ 200 $ show . (pi -)
Prelude Numeric.VariablePrecision (2  :: F53) .@$ 200 $ show . log
Prelude Numeric.VariablePrecision log 2
Prelude Numeric.VariablePrecision (2  :: F53) .@$ 200 $ show . exp
Prelude Numeric.VariablePrecision exp 2
--8-- end excerpt

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANN: bitwise - fast multi-dimensional unboxed bit packed Bool arrays

2012-05-01 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Hi all,

I'm pleased to announce bitwise-0.1:

--8-- excerpt from the hackage page

Unboxed multidimensional bit packed Bool arrays with fast aggregate 
operations based on lifting Bool operations to bitwise operations.

There are many other bit packed structures out there, but none met all 
of these requirements:

  1.  unboxed bit packed Bool array,
  2.  multi-dimensional indexing,
  3.  fast (de)serialization, or interoperable with foreign code,
  4.  fast aggregate operations (fold, map, zip).

--8-- end excerpt

bitwise has been tested in hugs -98, ghc-7.0.4, ghc-7.4.1.

Bool data structures comparison (features numbered as excerpt above):
package  features additional notes
 1  2  3  4
arrayY  Y  n  n
bitarray Y  n  n  ?   based on array
bitstreamn  n  ?  ?   based on vector
bitstringY  n  ?  ?   based on bytestring
bit-vector   n  n  Y  ?   based on vector
bitwise  Y  Y  Y  Y
repa n  Y  Y  ?   based on vector
uvector  Y  n  ?  ?   deprecated
vector   n  n  Y  ?   uses a Word8 for each Bool

Known shortcomings of this first release of bitwise:
  * missing common instances (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, ...);
  * missing additional functions (counting, searching, ...);
  * missing documentation on ByteString format: the bits are taken
from the array and packed into Word8s, with the first bit (in array
order) becoming the least significant bit of the first Word8; the
last Word8 is padded with 0 at the most-significant-bit end;
  * PBM reading is not compliant to the official specification;
  * misleading benchmark (bitwise zipWith is fast, but there may be a
faster way to zipWith UArray ix Bool than the one I used).

What I'm using bitwise for at the moment:
  A building block for fractal imaging: an image is made up of cells,
  each cell can be in one of 4 states (represented with 2 bits):
* cell is 100% interior to a set of points in the plane
* cell is 100% exterior
* partially interior and partially exterior (ie, on the boundary)
* unknown
  with recursive subdivision of cells into images taking place only
  when the cell is on the boundary of the set being imaged.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] hint and type synonyms

2012-03-31 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Hi all,

What's the recommended way to get hint[0] to play nice with type 

A problem occurs with in scope type synonyms involving types not in scope.

I came up with this after looking at the source[2], but it makes me feel 

-- hint and type synonyms don't play nice
module Main where

import Language.Haskell.Interpreter

import Data.Typeable as T
import Data.Typeable.Internal
import GHC.Fingerprint.Type

main = failure  success

test t = (print =) . runInterpreter $ do
  setImports [ Prelude ]
  interpret 1/5 t

failure = test (as :: Rational)
-- Left (WontCompile [GhcError {errMsg = Not in scope: type constructor 
or class `Ratio'}])

success = test (as :: Q)
-- Right (1 % 5)

newtype Q = Q Rational

instance Show Q where
  show (Q a) = show a
  showsPrec n (Q a) = showsPrec n a

instance Typeable Q where
  typeOf _ = TypeRep (Fingerprint 0 0) (T.mkTyCon Rational) []




Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] hint and type synonyms

2012-03-31 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Hi Daniel, cafe,

On 31/03/12 17:47, Daniel Gorín wrote:

Could you provide a short example of the code you'd like to write but gives you 
problems? I'm not able to infer it from your workaround alone...

This problem originally came up on #haskell, where Rc43 had a problem 
making a library with a common module that re-exports several other modules:

My personal interest is somewhat secondary, having not yet used hint in 
a real project, but code I would like to write at some point in the 
future is much like the 'failure' below, unrolled it looks like:

main = (print =) . runInterpreter $ do
  setImports [Prelude]
  interpret 1/5 (as :: Rational)
-- fails

Having to remember that Rational is defined as type Rational = Ratio 
Integer and that Ratio is defined in Data.Ratio and then to add that to 
the setImports list is a little inconvenient:

main = (print =) . runInterpreter $ do
  setImports [Prelude, Data.Ratio ]
  interpret 1/5 (as :: Rational)
-- works

But for my own purposes this is probably much saner in the long run than 
my newtype wrapping approach below.

However, this is not always possible: supposing Ratio itself was defined 
as a type synonym of Ratio2, and Ratio2 was not exported.  Perhaps this 
is what Rc43 was experiencing, but I shouldn't speculate, as this is all 
getting a bit theoretical - I should try out hint in the real world to 
see if this problem makes things impractical for me - sorry for the noise!




On Mar 31, 2012, at 6:19 PM, Claude Heiland-Allen wrote:

Hi all,

What's the recommended way to get hint[0] to play nice with type synonyms[1]?

A problem occurs with in scope type synonyms involving types not in scope.

I came up with this after looking at the source[2], but it makes me feel ill:

-- hint and type synonyms don't play nice
module Main where

import Language.Haskell.Interpreter

import Data.Typeable as T
import Data.Typeable.Internal
import GHC.Fingerprint.Type

main = failure  success

test t = (print =) . runInterpreter $ do
  setImports [ Prelude ]
  interpret 1/5 t

failure = test (as :: Rational)
-- Left (WontCompile [GhcError {errMsg = Not in scope: type constructor or class 

success = test (as :: Q)
-- Right (1 % 5)

newtype Q = Q Rational

instance Show Q where
  show (Q a) = show a
  showsPrec n (Q a) = showsPrec n a

instance Typeable Q where
  typeOf _ = TypeRep (Fingerprint 0 0) (T.mkTyCon Rational) []




Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Unable to call function from DLL using FFI

2012-03-14 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

On 14/03/12 14:01, rajendra prasad wrote:

My c++ code(HelloWorld.cpp) looks like this:

Try adding extern C { ... } to use the C ABI instead of a C++ ABI 
(which usually features symbol name mangling to add type information, 
among other things).  (This may not solve the entire problem, but is an 
important puzzle-piece).

__declspec(dllexport) int doubleMe(int a)
 return 2*a;


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] space leak when repeatedly calling Control.Monad.State.Strict.modify

2012-01-29 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen


On 30/01/12 01:07, Joey Hess wrote:

The attached test case quickly chews up hundreds of MB of memory.
If modified to call work' instead, it runs in constant space.

Somehow the value repeatedly read in from the file and stored in
the state is leaking. Can anyone help me understand why?

Control.Monad.State.Strict is strict in the actions, but the state 
itself is still lazy, so you end up building a huge thunk in the state 
containing all the updates that ever took place to the initial state.

Using this should fix it:

modify' :: MonadState s m = (s - s) - m ()
modify' f = do
  x - get
  put $! f x  -- force the new state when storing it

With the attached code, the first case (using modify) prints out a trace 

MyState {val = vnbz}

Notice how the state updates are only evaluated right at the end, when 
the value is forced - note also that this means that all the data needs 
to hang around until then.

The second case (using modify') forces the state as it goes along:

MyState {val = lazz}

{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Main where

import Debug.Trace
import System.Random

import Control.Monad.State.Strict

modify' :: MonadState s m = (s - s) - m ()
modify' f = do
  x - get
  put $! f x

data MyState = MyState { val :: String } deriving Show

newtype Foo a = Foo { run :: StateT MyState IO a }
	deriving (
		MonadState MyState,

main :: IO ()
main = do
  print = execStateT (run test) (trace initial $ MyState )
  print = execStateT (run test') (trace initial $ MyState )
test :: Foo ()
test = trace test $ mapM_ work [1..10]-- massive memory leak

test' :: Foo ()
test' = trace test' $ mapM_ work' [1..10]

work :: Integer - Foo ()
work n = trace (work:++show n) $ do
  v - readSomeFile
  trace modify modify $ trace (update:++v) (\s - s { val = v })

work' :: Integer - Foo ()
work' n = trace (work:++show n) $ do
  v - readSomeFile
  trace modify' modify' $ trace (update:++v) (\s - s { val = v })

readSomeFile :: Foo String
readSomeFile = liftIO $ replicateM 4 (randomRIO ('a', 'z'))
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] DB vs read/show for persisting large data

2011-12-14 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

On 14/12/11 13:59, Marc Weber wrote:

Excerpts from Michael Snoyman's message of Wed Dec 14 14:34:30 +0100 2011:

On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 3:31 PM, C K  wrote:
Definite *don't* use read/show: if you make any updates to your data
structures, all old files will be lost.

Well you can work around it:

   data MyDataV1 = {
 name :: String
   deriving (Read,Show)

then you make an update:

 data MyDataV2 = {
   name :: String,
   age : Int
 deriving (Read,Show)

then you can do
   let (v1 :: MyDataV1) = tryReadDataToMaybe data
   let (v2 :: MyDataV2) = tryReadDataToMaybe data
   let real_data = upgrade v1 `or` v2

But you already see that you start writing boilerplate code.
It can be done for easy data structures .. But it soon will be a night
mare if you have complex data.

If you use a version control system you don't loose your data - it will
just be hard to update.


I ran into this very nightmare in one project, and was recommend 
safecopy [0] by someone on the #haskell IRC channel.  I've not (yet) 
used it but it looks very nice!



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Ridiculously slow FFI, or cairo binding?

2011-11-02 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

On 02/11/11 09:17, Eugene Kirpichov wrote:


I've got two very simple programs that draw a very simple picture using
cairo, doing a couple hundred thousand of cairo calls.
One program is in C++. The other is in Haskell and uses the cairo library

The C++ program completes in a fraction of a second, the Haskell program
takes about 7-8 seconds to run. They produce exactly the same output.

What could be at fault here? Why are the cairo bindings working so slow? (I
suppose there isn't too much cairo-specific stuff here, perhaps it's a
general FFI question?)

I filed a bug report about this some months ago, having noticed similar 

gtk2hs ticket #1228 cairo performance is very bad

My conclusion was that it isn't FFI being slow, but some other reason, 
possibly too much redirection / high level fanciness in the 
implementation of cairo bindings that the compiler can't see through to 
optimize aggressively, or possibly some Double / CDouble / realToFrac 


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Cabal rebuilding all of the C++ code for wxHaskell

2011-09-29 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

On 30/09/11 02:45, DukeDave wrote:

1. Is there some reason (other than 'safety') that cabal install cleans
everything up?

As far as I've experienced and understand it, it doesn't - it's more 
that GHC can detect when Haskell modules don't need recompiling while 
the same is not true for C or C++ sources.  For example, I change one 
module and see GHC report only that module and its dependents being 
recompiled, while the other compiled modules are reused from previous 
'cabal install' runs.  The C-sources: are recompiled every time even 
if unchanged, which I too find it somewhat annoying even with my small 

2. Why does setting cleanHook to return () not have any effect?

I think becausae the clean hook is probably not called by 'cabal 
install', but by 'cabal clean'.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] video for linux two (v4l2) bindings

2011-07-08 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen


On 05/07/11 10:19, Christopher Done wrote:

error: undefined reference to 'pthread_kill'


I guess on Claude's system it's linked to by default.  So for guys
trying the examples with that error I'd recommend the following

   cabal install v4l2-examples --ghc-option=-lpthread

I think this could be a bug in bindings-posix (maintainer CC'd), I guess 
it could do with this in its .cabal file:

Extra-libraries: pthread

Can't really play about with the webcam right now but I'd had a small
but cool project I've had in mind for a while that v4l is perfectly
suited for, so I'll get back to you with my experiences. Thanks for
releasing it, Claude. :-)

Cool, look forward to seeing it!  Hopefully I'll soon find time to 
upload to Hackage a preliminary (feature-incomplete) release of the 
higher-level interface that I'm working on; until then:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] video for linux two (v4l2) bindings

2011-07-03 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Greetings all,

I uploaded 4 new packages that may be of interest:

bindings-linux-videodev2 0.1
 - bindings to Video For Linux Two (v4l2) kernel interfaces

bindings-mmap 0.1
 - bindings to mmap for POSIX

bindings-libv4l2 0.1
 - bindings to libv4l2 for Linux

v4l2-examples 0.1
 - video for linux two examples

The first wraps the low-level structures and ioctls of the V4L2 API.

The second wraps the raw mmap/munmap functions and constants (which I 
couldn't seem to find on hackage, only higher level wrappers which I 
couldn't use for various reasons).  It would make more sense for this to 
be folded into bindings-posix at some point.

The third wraps libv4l2, which provides an interface very similar to the 
use of V4L2 ioctls, but the library adds extra capabilities behind the 
scenes (I'm led to believe colour space conversion is one of them) which 
is hopefully useful.

And the last is a crude example dumping frames from a video device (like 
a webcam) to stdout in YUV4MPEG2 format.  The code is *very* low-level 
and imperative (almost a direct translation from the C example provided 
on the linuxtv API reference), there is plenty of room for a much nicer 
layer to (for example) get video data into RePa arrays or OpenGL textures.

As these are raw bindings, documentation is best found upstream.

Thanks to Maurício C. Antunes's package for making this possible, I 
recommend it:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Data import from octave / text file

2011-06-15 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen


On 15/06/11 12:13, kaffeepause73 wrote:

  let m = read text :: [[Double]]
signalImport: no parse

read :: String - [[Double]] -- expects Haskell syntax

try something like:

parse :: String - [[Double]] -- expects plainer syntax
parse = map (map read . words) . lines


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] cap 3: stopping thread 3 (stackoverflow)

2011-06-07 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen


On 07/06/11 14:22, Johannes Waldmann wrote:

Would this work better with Data.Sequence instead of List?
(Is there a really cheap way (O(1)) to split some Data.Sequence roughly in 

I came up with this using immutable unboxed arrays, which gives a nice 
parallel speedup (and somehow avoids the stack overflows, I didn't work 
out where they were coming from unfortunately):

  SPARKS: 1000268 (102821 converted, 0 pruned)
  INIT  time0.02s  (  0.02s elapsed)
  MUT   time0.90s  (  0.46s elapsed)
  GCtime0.03s  (  0.03s elapsed)
  EXIT  time0.01s  (  0.04s elapsed)
  Total time0.97s  (  0.53s elapsed)
  %GC time   3.1%  (5.8% elapsed)
  Alloc rate586,961,335 bytes per MUT second
  Productivity  94.4% of total user, 173.5% of total elapsed

on my dual-core laptop until around 1e6 elements when I compile with:

ghc -O2 -Wall --make -threaded -rtsopts -fforce-recomp Subseqsum.hs

and run with:

./Subseqsum 1e6 +RTS -N -s -M1G -A512M

but after that (eg: 1e7) the GC time dominates and it slows right down.

Note that I haven't tested it for correctness!  So there may be bugs:

import Data.List (unfoldr)
import Control.Parallel (par, pseq)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid, mempty, mappend)
import Data.Array.Unboxed (UArray, listArray, (!))
import System.Environment (getArgs)

main :: IO ()
main = do
[ nn ] - getArgs
let n = read nn
xs = stuff
a = listArray (0, n - 1) xs
print . t $ sss 0 n a

stuff :: [Int]
stuff = unfoldr ( \ x - seq x $ Just ( x, mod (113 * x + 558) 335 - 167 
) ) 0

data O = O { s :: ! Int, l :: !Int, r :: !Int , t :: !Int }

instance Monoid O where
  mempty  = O { s = 0, r = 0, l = 0, t = 0 }
  o1 `mappend` o2 =
let s' = s o1 + s o2
r' = max (r o2) ( s o2 + r o1 )
l' = max (l o1) ( s o1 + l o2 )
t' = max (r o1 + l o2)
   $ max ( t o1 ) (  t o2 )
in  O { s = s', r = r', l = l', t = t' }
msingle :: Int - O
msingle x = O { s = x, r = max x 0, l = max x 0, t = max x 0}

sss :: Int - Int - UArray Int Int - O
sss lo hi a
  | lo == hi = mempty
  | lo + 1 == hi = msingle (a ! lo)
  | otherwise =
  let mid = (lo + hi) `div` 2
  x = sss lo mid a
  y = sss mid hi a
  in  x `par` y `pseq` (x `mappend` y)

PS: I keep telling my students that structural parallel programming

I don't know that term, so I might be missing the point.  Sorry if so.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Sub-optimal [code]

2011-02-15 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

On 15/02/11 20:35, Daniel Fischer wrote:

Which makes me wonder: unwanted sharing of lists [1 .. n] or similar is a
frequent cause of space leaks, so would it be possible to teach GHC to not
share such lists (unless they're bound to a name to indicate sharing is

In particular for enumerations [a .. b] of type [Int], [Integer] or
similar, I'm pretty sure that the cost of recomputation is far outweighed
by the memory consumption of sharing in almost all cases.

Compare with the heap profile graph output from this short program which 
uses a horrible data-dependency hack to force recomputation:

main = do
  print $ length
[(x,y) | x - [(1 :: Int) .. 1], y - [(1 :: Int) .. 1]]
  print $ length
[(x,y) | x - [(1 :: Int) .. 1], y - [x+1-x .. 1]]

The heap profile graph looks a little like this:


(Tested with ghc 6.12.3 -O2 on linux x86_64)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] HMatrix Vector/Matrix interpolation ala Matlab interp/interp2 ??

2011-01-23 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Hi Phil,

On 22/01/11 23:13, gutti wrote:

- are  t a b c d points or curve parameters ?

a b c d are points, t is the interpolation coefficient (between 0 and 1)

- how does lifting to matrix create a 1d spline to a 2d spline ? -- I don't
see how it works

essentially, it creates a matrix of 1d splines, but now I see that this 
isn't what you wanted...

for interpolated 2d matrix lookup, something like this, perhaps:

-- using the cubic interpolator from earlier in the thread
m @@+ (x, y) =
  let (i, j) = (floor x, floor y)
  (s, t) = (x - fromIntegral i, y - fromIntegral j)
  cx j' = cubic s (m@@(i-1,j')) (m@@(i,j')) (m@@(i+1,j')) 

  in  cubic t (cx (j-1)) (cx j) (cx (j+1)) (cx (j+2))

test =
  let m = (1616) [0 ..]
  n = 36
  r = 5
  (x0, y0) = (8, 8)
  in  [ m @@+ (x, y)
  | a - [0 .. n - 1]
  , let a' = 2 * pi * fromIntegral a / fromIntegral n
  , let x = x0 + r * cos a'
  , let y = y0 + r * sin a'


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] HMatrix Vector/Matrix interpolation ala Matlab interp/interp2 ??

2011-01-22 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Hi Phil,

On 22/01/11 14:07, gutti wrote:

Dear Haskellers,

I'm looking for Vector and especially Matric interpolation ala:

 z = interp2 (xMatrix, yMatrix, zMatrix, x, y)

- x and y can be single values or also vectors or matrices
- indeally with the options nearest, linear, quadratic, qubic..

Any hope that there is something similar especially using the HMatrix
matrices (Matrix Double). - If I have to code it any suggestions ?

Cheers Phil

I'm not sure if this is what you mean, as I'm not familiar with matlab, 
so apologies if this is totally a waste of time.. But I had a simple 
cubic interpolation implemented already, it wasn't too hard to lift it 
into matrices (there are many elevation permutations, I imagine), I used 
(fromLists ...stuff... toLists), but maybe there's a better way:

{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
module Interpolate where

import Numeric.LinearAlgebra
import Data.List (zipWith5)

-- cubic interpolation
cubic t a b c d =
  let a1 = 0.5 * (c - a)
  a2 = a - 2.5 * b + 2.0 * c - 0.5 * d
  a3 = 0.5 * (d - a) + 1.5 * (b - c)
  in  ((a3 * t + a2) * t + a1) * t + b

-- boring manual lifting
liftMatrix5 f a b c d e =
  let la = toLists a
  lb = toLists b
  lc = toLists c
  ld = toLists d
  le = toLists e
  in  fromLists (zipWith5 (zipWith5 f) la lb lc ld le)

-- test
mt = (33) [0, 0.1 ..]
ma = (33) [0, 1 ..]
mb = (33) [0, 2 ..]
mc = (33) [0, 3 ..]
md = (33) [0, 4 ..]
test = liftMatrix5 cubic mt ma mb mc md

{- test output
 [0.0,  2.1,  4.4
 ,6.9,  9.6, 12.5
 , 15.601, 18.9, 22.4 ]


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] implementing RealFloat decodeFloat

2010-12-22 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Hi everyone,

I've been working on [0] Haskell bindings for [1] libqd for [2] 
double-double and quad-double arithmetic, and have been struggling to 
implement [3] RealFloat, in particular [4] decodeFloat, mostly because 
of its postcondition but also some issues relating to variable precision:

If decodeFloat x yields (m,n), then x is equal in value to m*b^^n, where 
b is the floating-point radix, and furthermore, either m and n are both 
zero or else b^(d-1) = m  b^d, where d is the value of floatDigits x. 
In particular, decodeFloat 0 = (0,0).


(BTW: that should probably really be ... = abs m  ...; perhaps this 
code could be added to the report and/or documentation, if it is correct:

  validDecode :: RealFloat f = f - Bool
  validDecode f = case decodeFloat f of
(0,0) - True
(m, e) - b^(d-1) = abs m  abs m  b^d
  b = floatRadix f
  d = floatDigits f


The double-double and quad-double types do not have a fixed precision, 
though they do have a fixed minimum precision: this means that 
decodeFloat will (in general) lose some precision.  This is because for 
example in:

  data DoubleDouble = DoubleDouble !CDouble !CDouble
  dd = DoubleDouble a b

the semantics are that dd = a + b, with |a||b|; coupled with the 
IEEE implicit leading 1 bit, this means that there may be large gaps 
between exponents: for example: 1 + 0.5**100 :: DoubleDouble.

So far I've got a mostly working implementation thus:

  decodeFloat !(DoubleDouble a b) =
case (decodeFloat a, decodeFloat b) of
  ((0, 0), (0, 0)) - (0, 0)
  ((0, 0), (m, e)) - (m `shiftL` f, e - f)
  ((m, e), (0, 0)) - (m `shiftL` f, e - f)
  ((m1, e1), (m2, e2)) -
let fixup m e =
  if m  mMin
then fixup (m `shiftL` 1) (e - 1)
else if m = mMax
   then fixup (m `shiftR` 1) (e + 1)
   else (m, e)
mMin = 1 `shiftL` (ff - 1)
mMax = 1 `shiftL` ff
ff = floatDigits (0 :: DoubleDouble)
g = e1 - e2 - f
in  fixup ((m1 `shiftL` f) + (m2 `shiftR` g)) (e1 - f)
  f = floatDigits (0 :: CDouble)

This does meet the postcondition as specified (which leads to breakage 
in other RealFloat methods), but has a recursion with no termination 
proof (so far), and is lossy in general:

   let check f = uncurry encodeFloat (decodeFloat f) == f
   check (1 + 0.5 ** 120 :: DoubleDouble)

It does however seem to meet a weaker condition:

   let check2 f = (decodeFloat . (`asTypeOf` f) . uncurry encodeFloat 
. decodeFloat $ f) == decodeFloat f

   check2 (1 + 0.5 ** 120 :: DoubleDouble)


1. Is this weaker condition likely to be good enough in practice?
2. Can my implementation of decodeFloat be simplified?

Thanks for any insights,




Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] concurrency vs. I/O in GHC

2010-10-24 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

On 23/10/10 23:17, Donn Cave wrote:

Quoth Claude,

The conclusion I drew was that unsafe foreign functions block the
current capability (OS thread) and any threads (Haskell forkIO etc)
currently scheduled on that capability, but other capabilities and
threads continue executing as normal.

... until GC time when all capabilities must be ready. (?)

If a trivial test program would help, here I call the sleep() function,
which I believe on a POSIX platform suspends the thread until receipt

I wrote a program which shows some interesting behaviour:


{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
module Main (main) where
import GHC.Conc (forkOnIO, numCapabilities)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Foreign.C (CInt)
import System.Environment (getArgs)

foreign import ccall unsafe sleep sleep :: CInt - IO CInt

delayer :: Int - IO ()
delayer n = do
  print (delayer, n)
  threadDelay 10 -- 10Hz
  delayer n

sleeper :: Int - IO ()
sleeper n = do
  print (sleeper, n)
  _ - sleep 1   --  1Hz
  sleeper n

main :: IO ()
main = do
  m - (read . head) `fmap` getArgs
  mapM_ (\n - forkOnIO n $ delayer n) [1 .. numCapabilities]
  mapM_ (\n - forkOnIO n $ sleeper n) [1 .. numCapabilities - m]
  threadDelay 1 -- 100s


$ ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 6.12.3
$ uname -a
Linux zebimus 2.6.32-25-generic #44-Ubuntu SMP Fri Sep 17 20:05:27 UTC 
2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux

$ ghc -O2 -Wall -threaded --make DelayedSleep.hs
$ ./DelayedSleep +RTS -N4 -S -RTS 3


By interesting I mean there is lots of output from the delayer threads 
on capabilities without sleeper threads (as you would expect), with the 
delayer threads on capabilities also having sleeper threads being much 
less frequent (as you might also expect).  But then there are some long 
pauses where there is no output from any thread: my hypothesis is that 
the whole runtime is blocked waiting for all threads to be ready for GC 
(because +RTS -S shows some GC stats after the end of those pauses).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Error Calling Lua Function

2010-10-23 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Hi Aditya,

The problem is not that the file was not loaded, but that in Lua, 
loading a file only loads it and does not execute it; Lua is a dynamic 
language, by which I mean that definitions are created through execution.

Attached is a simple example, note that there is no proper error 
checking - you probably want to check the results rather than pattern 
matching against constants.



On 23/10/10 03:21, aditya siram wrote:

Hi all,
I'm having some issues calling Lua functions from Haskell. I have the
following in Haskell2Lua.lua:
function hello ()
return hello world

And my Haskell file Haskell2Lua.hs looks like this:
import qualified Scripting.Lua as

main =



 succ- Lua.loadfile l

 print succ

 Lua.callproc l hello

 Lua.close l

When I compile and run this file I get:
Haskell2Lua: user error (attempt to call a nil value)

I have tried some variations on calling the function including:
Lua.callproc l hello
Lua.callfunc l hello
Lua.callfunc l hello 

I know the Lua bridge is working because the following works:

Lua.callproc l print Hello from Lua

Any help is appreciated!

function hello ()
   return hello world
import qualified Scripting.Lua as L

main :: IO ()
main = do
  -- create a new Lua interpreter with libraries
  l - L.newstate
  L.openlibs l
  -- load a Lua source code file
  0 - L.loadfile l test.lua
  -- execute the loaded file
  0 - L.pcall l 0 0 0
  -- call a function defined when the loaded file was executed
  r - L.callfunc l hello
  -- print the result of the function call
  putStrLn r
  -- destroy the Lua interpreter
  L.close l
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] concurrency vs. I/O in GHC

2010-10-23 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

On 23/10/10 17:42, Gregory Crosswhite wrote:

On 10/23/10 7:54 AM, John Lato wrote:

On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 6:16 PM, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

Hello John,

Monday, October 18, 2010, 8:15:42 PM, you wrote:

 If anyone is listening, I would very much like for there to be a
 mechanism by which external functions can be called unsafe-ly, but
 without blocking all other Haskell threads. I have code that
does this:

+RTS -N2

This doesn't work, which was why the OP asked in the first place. When
a thread calls an unsafe foreign function, it blocks everything until
that function returns.

Is that true? The last time we discussed this in Haskell Cafe the
conclusion I drew from the discussion was that unsafe foreign functions
block the current thread but not any other thread.

The conclusion I drew was that unsafe foreign functions block the 
current capability (OS thread) and any threads (Haskell forkIO etc) 
currently scheduled on that capability, but other capabilities and 
threads continue executing as normal.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] back doors into the IO monad

2010-10-23 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

On 23/10/10 23:28, Manlio Perillo wrote:


What are the available methods to execute IO actions from pure code?

I know only unsafePerformIO and foreign import (to call a non pure
foreign function).

Assuming I want to execute external untrusted code using plugins (via
the `plugins` package), is it possible to completely forbid execution of
IO actions from user code?

Even pure code can cause denial of service through huge memory 
consumption or infinite loop.  Perhaps it would be wise to look at how 
'lambdabot'/'mueval' work, using OS-level security limits to restrict 
amount of memory and time that can be used by untrusted code (which 
already has had its IO priviledges revoked, see their source codes for 

Thanks   Manlio

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Maybe to Either -- is there a better way?

2010-08-03 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

On 02/08/10 15:14, Tom Davies wrote:

I find it convenient sometimes to convert a Maybe value to an Either thus 
(excuse the syntax, it's CAL, not Haskell):

maybeToEither :: a -  Maybe b -  Either a b;
maybeToEither errorValue = maybe (Left errorValue) (\x -  Right x);

but that seemingly obvious function isn't in Hoogle, AFAICT, so perhaps there's 
some other approach?

I just uploaded djinn-th [1], a fork of Lennart Augustsson's djinn [2] 
which uses TemplateHaskell to do things like:

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Language.Haskell.Djinn (djinnD)
$(djinnD maybeToEither [t|forall a b . a - Maybe b -  Either a b|])
main = print . map (maybeToEither foo) $ [Nothing, Just bar]

and get some results, if not always the one you intended.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] minimizing jitter while maximizing throughput

2010-08-01 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen


Jitter vs Throughput


I have the following scenario:

CPU with [C] cores
concurrent program
the 1 main thread  uses OpenGL for animated visual output
[W] worker threads uses FFI to lengthy numerical computations

with   the following desires :

(J) minimize jitter: the 1 main thread needs to be responsive
(T) maximize throughput: idle CPU time is a waste of time

The problem is, I want both (J) and (T)!


Some rough benchmarks from my 'production' implementation[1] where:

jitter = stddev of actual period  (target period = 40ms)
idle   = C - (real time) / (user+sys time)(cores used elsewhere)
(but for example Xorg will use some time for the OpenGL output, etc)

C W jitter idle
2 0  1.5ms 168% threaded RTS
2 1  1.9ms  65%  
2 2  9.4ms  46%  
2 3 13.3ms  37%  

For comparison, a (very) minimal GLUT program gives:

 0.3ms  threaded RTS
 0.5ms  non-threaded RTS

Picking (J) over (T), then setting W=1 when C=2 gives best jitter
Picking (T) over (J), then setting W=2 when C=2 gives best throughput


What is the best way to re-structure the program to have both low jitter 
and high throughput?

Options I am considering:

1. worker threads estimate the time needed to complete each job,
   and don't start a job if it is likely to break the deadline
   (bonus points if just those worker Haskell threads running on
   the same OS thread as the main Haskell thread need to pause)

2. change the foreign code to break jobs into smaller pieces,
   for example perhaps something like:

 worker :: IO (IO Bool) - IO ()
 worker getJob = forever $ do
   job - getJob
   whileM_ job yield  -- [2]

   instead of

 worker :: IO (IO ()) - IO ()
 worker = forever . join

3. re-implement the foreign code in Haskell instead of C and hope
   that GHC makes the Haskell go as fast as GCC makes the C go

5. wait (for a long time) for a new RTS with:
 full pre-emption (including interrupting/resuming foreign code)
 user settable thread priorities

(1) is a fun challenge (there may be PhDs awarded for less, I imagine)
(2) isn't quite trivial, some scope for tuning subjob chunk size
(3) is boring translation but could lead to interesting benchmarks
even (especially?) if it fails to be as fast as C

Which would you pick?



Thanks for any insight and advice,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] dear traversable

2010-07-31 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

On 31/07/10 12:13, wren ng thornton wrote:

Stephen Tetley wrote:

wren ng thornton wrote:

Ben wrote:

unzipMap :: M.Map a (b, c) - (M.Map a b, M.Map a c)
unzipMap m = ( fst m, snd m)

I don't think you can give a more efficient implementation using the
interface of Data.Map. You need to have a sort of mapping function that
allows you to thread them together, either via continuations or via a

Unless I'm missing something. This one has one traversal...

unzipMap :: Ord a = M.Map a (b, c) - (M.Map a b, M.Map a c)
unzipMap = M.foldrWithKey fn (M.empty,M.empty)
fn k a (m1,m2) = (M.insert k (fst a) m1, M.insert k (snd a) m2)

Well, that's one traversal of the original map, but you have to traverse
the new maps repeatedly with all those M.insert calls. And since
Data.Map is a balanced tree, that could lead to a whole lot of work
rebalancing things.

However, because we are not altering the set of keys, we are guaranteed
that the structure of both new maps will be identical to the structure
of the old map. Therefore, with the right primitives, we can keep one
finger in each of the three maps and traverse them all in parallel
without re-traversing any part of the spine. (The Either and Or variants
will have some retraversal as the smart constructors prune out the spine
leading to deleted keys. But this is, arguably, necessary.)

Why not something like this (with the correctness proof as an exercise):


import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M

unzipMap :: Map a (b, c) - (Map a b, Map a c)
unzipMap m =
  let (ab, ac) = unzip . map fiddle . M.toAscList $ m
  in  (M.fromDistinctAscList ab, M.fromDistinctAscList ac)
fiddle :: (x, (y, z)) - ((x, y), (x, z))
fiddle (x, (y, z)) = ((x, y), (x, z))


(and I now see after writing this that Henning Thielemann wrote much the 
same some hours ago, however there are some slight differences so I'm 
sending this anyway)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] dear traversable

2010-07-31 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

On 31/07/10 13:49, Stephen Tetley wrote:

Although I haven't calculated the Big-O scores suspect that original
post will actually be the best, the solutions that metamorph into a
list and out again look like they're doing needless extra work.

They're both O(size m) time, and yes the original is best (not least for 
its simplicity and elegance);  I now think that (on my part) it was a 
case of following optimisation strategies without thinking hard enough 
whether they apply: ie, traversing only once can be beneficial for space 
reasons under certain circumstances [1]

But as Data.Map is spine-strict, there is no space saving here by 
traversing only once, as the spine is already there taking up O(size m) 
space before we even start traversing (whereas with lazy lists the spine 
might not be taking up any space yet).

[1] to give a classic example:

mean :: Fractional a = [a] - a
mean xs = sum xs / genericLength xs

which often consumes O(length xs) space, reducible to O(1) if only one 
traversal is performed.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A question about State Monad and Monad in general

2010-07-16 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen


On 16/07/10 07:35, C K Kashyap wrote:

Haskell without using any standard library stuff?

For example, if I wanted an image representation such as this
[[(Int,Int.Int)]] - basically a list of lists of 3 tuples (rgb) and
wanted to do in place replacement to set the pixel values, how could I
go about it.

Break the problem down into parts:

1. replace a single pixel
2. modify an element in a list at a given index using a
   given modification function
3. modify an element in a list of lists at a pair of given
   indices using a given replacement function

I had a stab at it.  Without any standard library stuff I couldn't 
figure out how to print any output, though - so who knows if the code I 
wrote does what I intended.

The point is, it's libraries all the way down - so use them, study them 
where necessary for understanding, and write them and share them when 
you find something missing.

{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
module CKKashyap where

-- numbers are in the standard library

data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat

(+) :: Nat - Nat - Nat
Zero + y = y
(Succ x) + y = x + Succ y

zero = Zero
one = Succ zero
two = one + one
four = two + two
eight = four + four
sixteen = eight + eight
thirtytwo = sixteen + sixteen
sixtyfour = thirtytwo + thirtytwo
onehundredandtwentyeight = sixtyfour + sixtyfour
twohundredandfiftysix = onehundredandtwentyeight + onehundredandtwentyeight
Succ twohundredandfiftyfive = twohundredandfiftysix

-- booleans are in the standard library

data Bool = False | True

gt :: Nat - Nat - Bool
Zero `gt` x = False
Succ x `gt` Zero = True
Succ x `gt` Succ y = x `gt` y

eq :: Nat - Nat - Bool
Zero `eq` Zero = True
Succ x `eq` Succ y = x `eq` y
x `eq` y = False

-- lists are in the standard library

data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)

map :: (a - b) - List a - List b
map f Nil = Nil
map f (Cons x xs) = Cons (f x) (map f xs)

repeat :: a - List a
repeat x = Cons x (repeat x)

take :: Nat - List a - List a
take Zero ys = Nil
take (Succ x) Nil = Nil
take (Succ x) (Cons y ys) = Cons y (take x ys)

foldr :: (a - b - b) - b - List a - b
foldr op e Nil = e
foldr op e (Cons x xs) = op x (foldr op e xs)

nats :: List Nat
nats = Cons Zero (map Succ nats)

-- tuples are in the standard library

data Tuple2 a b = Tuple2 a b
data Tuple3 a b c = Tuple3 a b c

zip :: List a - List b - List (Tuple2 a b)
zip Nil _ = Nil
zip _ Nil = Nil
zip (Cons a as) (Cons b bs) = Cons (Tuple2 a b) (zip as bs)

-- modify list elements

modifyAtIndex :: (a - a) - Nat - List a - List a
modifyAtIndex f i as =
  let ias = zip nats as
  g (Tuple2 j a) = case i `eq` j of
 False - a
 True  - f a
  in  map g ias

modifyAtIndex2 :: (a - a) - Nat - Nat - List (List a) - List (List a)
modifyAtIndex2 f i j = modifyAtIndex (modifyAtIndex f i) j

-- images as lists of lists of tuple3 of nat

type Pixel = Tuple3 Nat Nat Nat
black :: Pixel
black = Tuple3 Zero Zero Zero
white :: Pixel
white = Tuple3 twohundredandfiftyfive twohundredandfiftyfive twohundredandfiftyfive

type Scanline = List Pixel
type Image = List Scanline

blank :: Image
blank = take thirtytwo (repeat (take thirtytwo (repeat black)))

plotPixel :: Nat - Nat - Image - Image
plotPixel x y img = modifyAtIndex2 (\_ - white) x y img

diagonal :: Image
diagonal =
  let is = take thirtytwo nats
  ijs = map (\i - Tuple2 i i) is
  in  foldr (\(Tuple2 i j) img - plotPixel i j img) blank ijs
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to get a list of constructors for a type?

2009-12-30 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Gregory Propf wrote:

Say I have something like

data DT a = Foo a | Bar a | Boo a

I want something like a list of the constructors of DT, perhaps as [TypeRep].  
I'm using Data.Typeable but can't seem to find what I need in there.  
Everything there operates over constructors, not types.

The approach below won't work in general because the constructors may 
have different (argument) types, but for the above:

[Foo, Bar, Boo] :: [a - DT a]

And you could manually build a list of constructor types, as a try:

[typeOf Nothing, typeOf Just] :: [TypeRep]

which doesn't work, due to polymorphic ambiguity, so you'd have to:

[typeOf (Nothing :: Maybe Int), typeOf (Just :: Int - Maybe Int)]

In general, maybe Data.Dynamic is what you need, but I don't think that 
can handle polymorphic values yet either.

What do you want to do with the list of constructors once you have them?

Where are they defined?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] river crossing puzzle

2009-09-28 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

pat browne wrote:

Does anyone know where there are any Haskell implementations of the the
River Crossing  puzzle (AKA Farmer/Fox/Goose/Grain).

I wrote some code to generate a map of some version of the game:

ghc -O2 --make BoatMan.hs  ./BoatMan | neato -Tpng | display

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Parallel graphics

2009-09-23 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Andrew Coppin wrote:
(OK, well the *best* way is to use the GPU. But AFAIK that's still a 
theoretical research project, so we'll leave that for now.)

Works for me :-)

There doesn't need to be a sound theoretical foundation for everything, 
sometimes sufficient ugly hackery will make pretty pretty pictures...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] graphical user interface library for editing graphs?

2009-06-12 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen


I have an idea for a project.  The eventual aim is rather eccentric, but 
the specifications I have sketched out are roughly as follows (best 
viewed with fixed-width font due to diagrams):

0. the graphical user interface is entirely mouse driven, mouse 
position/clicks/releases are shown by [ ]

1. the world consists of empty space, nodes, and links between nodes

2. nodes may either be filled (*) or hollow (o);
   call hollow nodes targets, targets may be highlighted (O)

3a. left-click on empty creates a filled node linked to a target:

  [ ]*
=   |

3b. left-click on a target fills it and links it to a new target:

   : :
=   |

4a. right-click on empty creates a filled node linked to two targets:

  [ ]*
=  / \
   o   o

4b. right-click on a target fills it and links it to two new targets:

   : :
=  / \
   o   o

5a. left-click-drag on a filled node with 1 descending link highlights 
all targets linked under it:

   : :
  [*]   [*]
   :   =:
   * *
  / \   / \
 o   o O   O

5b. left-click-drag as in 5a, when released on a highlighted target, 
creates a weak link (not considered as descending for purposes of 5a) 
from the original node to that target. that target is filled, all other 
targets are unhighlighted:

   : :
   * *
   :   =:\
   * * \
  / \   / \|
 O  [O]o  [*]

6a. right-click-drag from a filled node at the top of a connected 
component highlights all targets not in that connected component:

[*] * [*] *
 :  |  =  :  |
o O

6b. right-click-drag as in 6a, when released on a highlighted target, 
joins the graphs together, such that the original node fills that 
target, and all other targets are unhighlighted:

 *  * *
 :  |  = |
   [O]   [*]

7. when a connected component has no targets, double-clicking anywhere 
on it will launchMissiles

My question: can you suggest a library that would make implementing this 
specification relatively painless?

OpenGL-based would be preferable, as I would like to scale the graph 
under construction automatically to fit the display, and launchMissiles 
will require something with fast rendering.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] When folding is there a way to pick out the last point being processed?

2009-06-11 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Casey Hawthorne wrote:

When folding is there a way to pick out the last point being

I came up with these:

safeHead = foldr (const . Just) Nothing
safeLast = foldr (flip mplus . Just) Nothing

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] createProcess problem

2009-04-27 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Hi Vasili,

Vasili I. Galchin wrote:

import System.Process

main = do
 handle - runProcess
   blastall -- executable
   [-p blastn]  -- CLI args


[-p, blastn]

This passes multiple command line arguments instead of just one that 
contains a space.  Most shells use spaces to separate arguments.


Hope this helps,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type question in instance of a class

2008-11-16 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Maurí­cio wrote:


Why is this wrong?

class MyClass r where function :: r - s

data MyData u = MyData u

instance MyClass (MyData v) where function (MyData a) = a

GHC says that the type of the result of 'function' is both determined by
the rigid type from MyClass and  the rigid type from MyData. But why
can't both be the same?

particular instances can't add extra restrictions (eg: both types are 
the same) to the interface declared by the class (eg: both types are 

Compare this version:

{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances #-}
module Test where
class MyClass r s where function :: r - s
data MyData u = MyData u
instance MyClass (MyData v) v where function (MyData a) = a

And ghci session:

*Test function (MyData hello)

No instance for (MyClass (MyData [Char]) s)
  arising from a use of `function' at interactive:1:0-24
Possible fix:
  add an instance declaration for (MyClass (MyData [Char]) s)
In the expression: function (MyData hello)
In the definition of `it': it = function (MyData hello)
*Test :t function (MyData hello)
function (MyData hello) :: (MyClass (MyData [Char]) s) = s
*Test function (MyData hello) :: String

I don't know how evil those language extensions are, though - I just 
fiddled until it worked...

What am I doing wrong?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Dealing with CStringLen

2008-11-08 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Maurí­cio wrote:


How is CStringLen supposed to be used? The only
usual C string I'm familiar with is the null
terminated sequence of chars. I remember some
Pascal version where the first 2 bytes were used
as an integer counting the following characters.
What is the convention used in Foreign.C.String?

the docs (via Hoogle) tell me:

withCStringLen :: String - (CStringLen - IO a) - IO a
type CStringLen = (Ptr CChar, Int)

I have a C function signature like this:

void function (int,const void*,int,const void*)

where each (int,const void*) pair is a string.
Can (should) I use CStringLen here? How?

seems an approprate use case for withCStringLen, yes, as long as you 
take care with character encodings:

The translation between Unicode and the encoding of the current locale 
may be lossy.

So for a quick hack withCStringLen is probably the quickest solution, 
otherwise something that takes into account Unicode and locales etc 
would be preferable (I think there are some UTF string packages around, 
maybe on hackage?).

for withCStringLen something like this might work (completely untested!):

foreign import ccall function.h function
  function_c :: CInt - Ptr CChar - CInt - Ptr CChar - IO ()

function :: String - String - IO ()
function s t = withCStringLen s (\(sp,sl) -
   withCStringLen t (\(tp,tl) -
   function_c (toEnum sl) sp (toEnum tl) tp ) )
-- where toEnum :: Int - CInt
-- perhaps castPtr is useful depending on import declaration too...

Hopefully this is in the right direction,


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Looking for a more functional way to do this

2008-08-06 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Jefferson Heard wrote:

Adrian, my understanding is that it's not that simple, because I need
to preserve the state between calls to GLUT's callbacks, which all
return IO ().

Then maybe see:

2008/8/6 Adrian Neumann [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

There is the State Monad which is build just for that kind of purpose, I

That would safe you from passing around the State

Jefferson Heard schrieb:

Working with HOpenGL and GLUT,


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] parsec linking problem

2008-07-07 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

naruto canada wrote:

I run into linking error with parsec:

ghc -o /tmp/a.out accu.hs

Try ghc --make, or pass appropriate package flags on the command line so 
that it gets linked with Parsec.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] example of FFI FunPtr

2008-06-05 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Galchin, Vasili wrote:


   I want to model a Haskell function that is a callback from C. I have
only found one example in the unix package's Semaphore.hsc, which apparently
is not used. I want to be able to marshall a Haskell function that is a
first class citizen residing in a Haskell data type and pass to a C function
via FFI. Are there examples of this?

Attached is a simple example.

The main thing to note is 'foreign import ccall wrapper' which gives 
you a factory for turning Haskell functions into foreign function pointers.

More information:


module Main(main) where

import Foreign.C.Types(CDouble)
import Foreign.Ptr(FunPtr, freeHaskellFunPtr)

foreign import ccall wrapper
  wrap :: (CDouble - CDouble) - IO (FunPtr (CDouble - CDouble))

foreign import ccall callerback.h twice
  twice :: FunPtr (CDouble - CDouble) - CDouble - IO CDouble

square :: CDouble - CDouble
square x = x * x

main :: IO ()
main = do
  squareW - wrap square
  let x = 4
  y - twice squareW x
  z - twice squareW y
  print y
  print z
  freeHaskellFunPtr squareW
#include callerback.h

double twice(d2d f, double x) {
  return f(f(x));

typedef double (d2d)(double);
double twice(d2d f, double x);
CallBacker: CallBacker.hs callerback.c callerback.h
ghc -O2 -Wall -fffi -o CallBacker CallBacker.hs callerback.c
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Random numbers / monads - beginner question

2008-05-08 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Madoc wrote:

Given a list of numbers, I want to modify each of those numbers by adding a
random offset. However, each such modified number shall stay within certain
bounds, given by the integers minValue and maxValue. After that, I want to
continue computation with the resulting list of type [Int].

Personally, I'd do something like this, isolate the IO code outside the 
algorithm to keep the algorithm pure:

modify' :: Int - Int - Int
modify' offset a =  normalize (a + offset)

generateInfiniteListOfRandomNumbers :: IO [Int]
-- implementation left as an exercise

main = do
  randomNumbers - generateInfiniteListOfRandomNumbers
  print $ zipWith modify' randomNumbers [0, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000]

hope this helps,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] sound synthesis

2008-05-02 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Thomas Girod wrote:
Hi there. Following this advice 
(, I'm posting here.

Recently, I read a few articles about Haskell (and FP in general) and 

I remember an article ranting about how lazy evaluation would be great 
to do signal processing, but it was lacking real world example.

I tried to do a little something about it, even though I'm still an 
haskell apprentice. So, here I come with a small bit of code, waiting 
for your insights to improve it.

The task is to generate a sine wave and pipe it to /dev/dsp on my linux 
box. There is probably a nicer way to make some noise, like using SDL 
audio API bindings, but I didn't take the time to poke around this yet.

So here it is :

module Main where

import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Word
import IO (stdout)

rate = 44100

sinusFloat :: [Float]
sinusFloat = map (\t - (1 + sin (t*880*2*pi/rate)) / 2) [0..44099]

sinusWord :: [Word8]
sinusWord = map (\s - floor (s * max)) sinusFloat
where max = 255

byte = B.pack sinusWord

main = B.hPut stdout byte

It is supposed to generate a 880hz sine wav playing for one second, by 
typing ./bin  /dev/dsp, assuming your soundcard has a 44100hz 

/dev/dsp is supposed to receive its audio flux as an unsigned byte 
stream, that's why I'm converting my sine from [-1;1] to [0;1] and then 
to [0;255] Word8.

However, I must miss something because the sound does not have the right
frequency and is played too long. I guess the default sound format is 
44100hz 16bits stereo, which would explain why it doesn't behave as 


  The default is 8-bit unsigned samples, using one channel (mono),
  and an 8 kHz sampling rate.

Changing to rate = 8000 and sinusFloat = ... [0..rate-1] gives the 
expected output.

I'm wondering how I could convert a [Word16] to ByteString, and how I 
could use lazy evaluation to generate an infinite sine that stops with 
the interupt.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] elementary Maybe Monad problem .. sigh

2008-05-01 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Galchin, Vasili wrote:

data Bozo =
Bozo {
  id :: Int

bonzo :: Maybe Bozo - IO ()
bonzo   maybe_bozo = do
   if maybe_bozo == (Just (Bozo  x))
 return ()
 return ()

 I want x to be a pattern that matches id  ??


bonzo (Just (Bozo x)) = return ()
bonzo Nothing = return ()

Kind regards, Vasili

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Beginners arrow question

2008-04-05 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Paul Johnson wrote:
I'm using arrows for the first time, with HXT.  I think I'm getting the 
hang of it, but one problem has me stumped.  I have a function 
lookupFormatter which takes a string and returns an arrow, and I want 
to use that arrow.  Something like this:

myProblem :: (ArrowXml a) - a XmlTree String
myProblem = proc xml do
  name - getAttrValue name - xml
  fmt - arr lookupFormatter - name
  fmt - xml

But I can't figure out how to do it.  I get fmt: not in scope.

ArrowApply is one way, if there is an instance for it:

module Main where

import Control.Arrow

adder :: (Arrow a) = Int - a Int Int
adder i = arr (i+)

adderUser :: (ArrowApply a, Arrow a) = a Int Int
adderUser = proc x - do
  a - arr adder - x
  y - app - (a,x)
  returnA - y

main = mapM_ (print . (adderUser :: (-) Int Int)) [1..10]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Doing without IORef

2008-04-03 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Jinwoo Lee wrote:


Recently I wrote a code that uses readline library 
I had to maintain a state (file path) and do IO throughout the code, so 
I decided to use StateT monad.

The problem was that in order to retrieve the current state (file path) 
inside the handler that had been registered by using bindKey function of 
readline, I had to resort back to using IORef rather than using the 
state stored in the StateT monad. It's because the handler for bindKey 
should have the type of Int - Char - IO Int.


Is there any way in which I can do without IORef in tabHandler and 
commandLoop (written in red and bold, if you can see)?

Probably not, but this is worth a read if you want to hide the plumbing 
behind the scenes a bit:

Monadic tunnelling: the art of threading one monad through another

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] compilation succeeds -- execution fails

2008-03-30 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Jason Dusek wrote:

Stefan O'Rear [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The only type that you are allowed to assume corresponds to a C int is
 CInt, in the Foreign.C.Types module.  This probably isn't the problem,
 but it could make problems of its own on a 64-bit or otherwise weird

  So say I turn everything back to pointers to CInt, what is the
  accepted way to convert from CInt to Int and CInt to Char?

Type class methods:

-- for numbers like Int, CInt
fromIntegral :: (Num b, Integral a) = a - b

-- for Char
fromEnum :: (Enum a) = a - Int
toEnum :: (Enum a) = Int - a


  relying on the fact that CInt always wraps a Haskell integer
  an okay way to go?

I don't know what you mean by this.

   I might was well learn these things now,

  before I get into bad habits.

Hope this helps,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Recursion problem in infinite list model

2008-03-27 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Hans Aberg wrote:
When experimenting with list index sets (i.e. lists more general than 
provided by Haskell), I arrived at the problem that in the example code 
below for example

  h(list 6)
does not (in Hugs) write out the beginning of the list lazily. It does 
work for

  list 6
  first (list 6)
  rest (list 6)
  10 -+ (list 3)
and so on. So it seems to be a problem with h, also suggested by heap 
profiling, perhaps similar to that of foldl.

So is it possible to fix it? The function h x is derived by unwinding 
the monadic construct corresponding to (for lists)

  do {i - [x..]; return i}
So there are not many possibilities of change.

Below, (-+) corresponds, for lists, to :, first to head, and 
rest to tail.

  Hans Aberg

data List a = List(Integer-a)

instance Show a = Show (List a) where
  show (List f) = [ ++ show (f(0)) ++
concat [, ++ show (f(toInteger i))| i-[1..]] ++ ]

list :: Integer - List Integer
list x = List(\z - x+z)

(-+) :: a - List a - List a
x -+ (List y) = List(f) where
  f 0 = x
  f k = y(k-1)

first :: List a - a
first (List f) = f 0

rest :: List a - List a
rest (List y) = List(f) where
  f k = y(k+1)

h :: List a - List a
h x = (-+) (first x) (h (rest x))

The combination of (-+) and h is too strict, this modification works:

(-+) :: a - List a - List a
x -+ ~(List y) = List(f) where   -- lazy pattern match
  f 0 = x
  f k = y(k-1)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] separate input calculation output

2008-03-25 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Thomas Engel wrote:

inputvalues :: IO Input -- add a return (ve,de,...) to the end
compute :: Input - Output

How can I combine several function (calculations) in this function?

compute1 :: Input - Output1
compute2 :: Input - Output2
combine :: Output1 - Output2 - Output

compute input = combine c1 c2
c1 = compute1 input
c2 = compute2 input



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] more on FFI build error

2008-03-24 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Galchin Vasili wrote:

line #102 ...

   allocaBytes (#const sizeof(struct mq_attr)) $ \ p_attrs - do
definition of struct mq_attr on Linux ...

  struct mq_attr
  long int mq_flags;/* Message queue flags.  */
  long int mq_maxmsg;   /* Maximum number of messages.  */
  long int mq_msgsize;  /* Maximum message size.  */
  long int mq_curmsgs;  /* Number of messages currently queued.  */
  long int __pad[4];

Did you #include the header file that defines this struct?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Exporting Haskell Libraries to C Programmers

2008-03-05 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Bruce, Joseph R (Joe) wrote:

I hadn't looked at CABAL before.  It's a very useful tool and met all my 
library-forming needs.
That's only half my problem though.  I'm trying to make the use of this Haskell 
code as transparent as possible to the C programmers on the team.  Telling them 
about the Haskell base libraries dependency or distributing those libraries 
with my code is not too bad, but the list of -u flags that the linker needs is 
brutal.  Is there a way to avoid it, or embed it in the package?

Ex (using ghc-6.8.2 -v):
gcc -v -o primes Primes.o ./Primes_stub.o hs_primes_wrapper.o cprimes.c 


Maybe try compiling cprimes.c to cprimes.o with gcc, then link with GHC?

Something like:

gcc -o cprimes.o -c cprimes.c
ghc -no-hs-main --make -c *.hs
ghc -no-hs-main -package foo -o moo *.o

I know this isn't ideal, but it's similar to what I used to build a .so 
from Haskell code that can be loaded by a C app ignorant of Haskell.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Implicit parameters and Arrows/Yampa?

2008-01-07 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

ChrisK wrote:
Could I has one question?  What is the purpose of the stream function 
in the ArrowLoop instance?  Is it just to catch an unexpected [] at 

instance ArrowLoop SF where
   loop (SF f) = SF $ \as -
   let (bs,cs) = unzip (f (zip as (stream cs))) in bs
 where stream ~(x:xs) = x:stream xs

It looks like stream is (almost) an identity which would crash at 
runtime if it encountered a [].  In particular it is equivalent to

   where stream xs = head xs:stream (tail xs)

Not quite that, from a blog post of mine a while back:


But then the trouble arrived - I suddenly noticed that the paper was 
using infinite sequences, not the finite sequences I was using myself. 
Trying to implement an ArrowLoop as per the paper led to horrible grief:

-- instance ArrowLoop SF where
--  loop (SF f) = SF (loop (unzip . f . uncurry zip))

The problem is that this is far too strict - on non-empty input it 
caused stack overflow crashes, which isn't exactly what I wanted. I 
found the solution in Programming With Arrows [1] (page 17), which 
involves some subtlety with lazy patterns:

instance ArrowLoop SF where
  loop (SF f) = SF $ \as -
  let (bs,cs) = unzip (f (zip as (stream cs))) in bs
where stream ~(x:xs) = x:stream xs

[unsnip] [1]

Hope this helps,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Class/Instance : what am I doing wrong in this example ?

2007-12-20 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

david48 wrote:
| I'm really inexperienced at this :

class Gadget g where
  fInit  :: g - a - g

data FString = FString !Int !String deriving Show

instance Gadget FString where
  fInit (FString n _) s = FString n (take n s)

The types of:

 fInit :: g - a - g


 take :: Int - [a] - [a]

cause the mismatched types error.

You're trying to apply 'take n' to a value of type 'a' ('take n' 
requires [a]), moreover putting the value of 'take n s' into the FString 
further constrains its type to be [Char] == String.

So either fix the Gadget g class, or fix the Gadget FString instance.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Point and link

2007-12-07 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Denis Bueno wrote:

On Dec 7, 2007 1:50 PM, Andrew Coppin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi guys.

Here's a fairly basic question. I have several ideas for programs that
I'd like to write. They all involve placing units of some kind, and
then drawing connections between those units. How feasible is it to
program such a thing in Haskell? Where would you start? (Gtk2hs is the
only graphics API I'm familiar with using at present.)

A bit off-topic for this list, but seeing as I'm replying anyway, I've 
done something like that with SVG and Javascript:

I imagine (having never used it) Gtk has similar ways to bind event 
listeners to graphical elements to implement drag and drop type 
stuff, and it will most likely be much less error-prone than Javascript 
(I still haven't got the drag and drop right in Graphgrow...).

Do you need to update positions of the units in real time?  Do they
even evolve over time, or are you just trying to visualise?

If it's the latter, you might just take a collection of units and
connections between them, output them in the graphviz [0] format, and
see the resulting drawing.  Graphviz is for visualising arbitrary
graphs, and it's quite good at it.

Coincidentally I tried this the other day:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell code in Wordpress

2007-11-23 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Paulo J. Matos wrote:

Hi all,

I'm curious about the best way to typeset haskell code in a wordpress
blog. Using blockquote removes all indentation. :-(


Probably HsColour:
hscolour is a small Haskell script to colourise Haskell code. It 
currently has five output formats: ANSI terminal codes, HTML 3.2 with 
font tags, HTML 4.01 with CSS, LaTeX, and mIRC chat client codes.


Would be nice to have a server-side thing too, though.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Ideas

2007-08-26 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Evan Laforge wrote:

The only thing I'm uncertain about is whether it would have good
enough time and space performance.  All the real work is writing yet
another set of basic envelope, oscillator, and fft primitives.  You
*should* be able to go all the way down to the samples in pure haskell
though, which would be more elegant than those other languages :)

I've been playing with using Arrows as stream processors for audio, and
the dataflow syntax of arrows is quite nice for sample manipulation:

-- low pass filter (1-zero)

lop i = proc (x, f) - do
  sr - readState - SampleRate
  let c = clip (2 * pi * f / sr) 0 1
  rec y - delay i - o
  let o = x * c + (1 - c) * y
  returnA - o

lop :: (ArrowCircuit a, ArrowReader b a, Floating b, Ord b)
= b - a (b, b) b

Unfortunately it's *very* slow - to render a 5s sine oscillator sweep
from 20Hz to 2Hz through a low pass filter at 44100Hz sampling rate
takes around 17s.

Admittedly 40% of the time is spent outputting the numbers to a text
file, but it's still far far from realtime, and churns through 7GB of
memory in the process (the total memory usage at any one time is
constant and small, however).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] renderString problems

2007-08-02 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Hi Dave, everyone...

Dave Tapley wrote:

Hi all,

I'm having a lot of trouble using renderString from Graphics.UI.GLUT.Fonts.
All my attempts to render a StrokeFont have so far failed.
Using a BitmapFont I can get strings to appear but they demonstrate
the odd behaviour of translating themselves a distance equal to their
length every time my displayCallback function is evaluated.

My requests are:
  * Does anyone know how to keep the position fixed?

One way is to wrap the drawing action with preservingMatrix :

(re-exported from the main GLUT module, if I read the docs correctly)

This pushes the transformation state to a stack, executes the action, 
and restores the transformation state from the stack.

More useful when you have complex scenes/subscenes/subsubscenes etc, but 
should work here too.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] embedding Haskell: problematic polymorphism

2007-07-11 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen

Hi people,

I'm embedding Haskell into a C program with a stateful objects with 
message passing paradigm [0].  I want to make boxes with useful 
functions, then connect them together within the C program.  I know how 
to build a working version using Data.Dynamic, but that loses 
polymorphism [1].

Say I have 3 boxes:

Box 1:  [1,2,5,3]:: [Float]
Box 2:  reverse  :: [a] - [a]
Box 3:  putStrLn . show  :: (Show b) = b - IO ()

I wonder, is it possible to create these boxes separately at runtime 
(each box being compiled/loaded separately with hsplugins), then connect 
them together like {Box 1}={Box 2}={Box 3} (with a wrapping layer 
doing appropriate type checking/error reporting), or does the whole 
thing need to be compiled statically to generate specialized variants of 
the polymorphic functions?  As hinted in #haskell :

quicksilver ClaudiusMaximus: I don't think anything will allow you to 
pass around polymorphic values. They're an illusion of the type-checker, 
in a sense.

Thanks for any insights,



[1] Data.Dynamic (fromDynamic (toDyn (3.5::Double)))::(Typeable a = 
Maybe a)

Ambiguous type variable `a' in the constraint:
  `Typeable a'
arising from instantiating a type signature at interactive:1:0-59
Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] FunPtr stability - suggested clarification to FFI Addendum

2007-06-14 Thread Claude Heiland-Allen


I think the FFI Addendum should make explicit that FunPtr values are 
stable (in the sense of StablePtr).

I'm writing a Haskell plugin for an application written in C, and the 
control flow is:

C-Haskell-C ; C-Haskell-C ; ...

and I was confused by this statement in section 4.1 of the Addendum 
(under the subheading Dynamic wrapper):

The stub factory mkCallback turns any Haskell computation of type IO () 
into a C function pointer that can be passed to C routines, which can 
call back into the Haskell context by invoking the referenced function.


The usage of call back makes it clear that this control flow is ok:


but I wasn't sure whether the C code could store the pointer and call it 
later.  Apparently it is safe, but it isn't made explicit in the 
Addendum.  As SamB said in #haskell:

The fact that there is something called freeHaskellFunPtr seems to 
indicate that, yes, those things are stable.  It would be totally 
bonkers to have a free function if the associated memory was not 
stable (and, therefor, garbage collected).


Thanks for your attention,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list