Re: [Haskell-cafe] the problem of design by negation

2009-05-28 Thread Magnus Therning
On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 5:59 AM, Conal Elliott wrote:
 Thanks for bringing in this angle, David.

 My preference is for honest and humble practice and documentation of
 negative design.  Instead of saying that something won't work, can't
 work, is impossible etc (or rephrased via must, only, etc), I'd like
 honest admissions like I couldn't figure out X, I got stuck on Y, etc.
 After all, someone else might get further.  Or, in the rare cases, when
 something actually is impossible, say so prove it.

Yes, this angle is important, escpecially if you like me read a lot of
code and end up thinking why is this code so complicated, there must
be an easier way.  I often feel that thinking like that prevents
quick understanding of the code, simply because my brain is
pre-occupied with solving the problem more elegantly while trying to
understand what is going on :-)

Often a particular solution isn't impossible to use (i.e. the words
can't, won't etc shouldn't be used), instead solutions aren't as
good as others when resource constraints into account.  Of course the
negative reasons must be backed up with data (sometimes rough
estimates are enough), but this brings me to other pet peeves of mine
at work, the general lack of non-functional requirements and
prototyping with performance tests.


Magnus Therning(OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)  Jabber:|twitter: magthe
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] the problem of design by negation

2009-05-27 Thread David Fox
What I do like about this so-called negative approach is that it
represents a part of a program's documentation that is usually omitted.  You
can look at the code and see exactly how and (to a certain extent) why the
program does what it does, but what you can't see is all the things it
doesn't do, and the reasons it doesn't do them.  This can be extremely
important to know when you are thinking about modifying a program.  The
change you are considering may have already been tried and rejected, but
unless these sorts of negative decisions are documented in the software you
may end up spinning your wheels.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] the problem of design by negation

2009-05-27 Thread Conal Elliott
Thanks for bringing in this angle, David.

My preference is for honest and humble practice and documentation of
negative design.  Instead of saying that something won't work, can't
work, is impossible etc (or rephrased via must, only, etc), I'd like
honest admissions like I couldn't figure out X, I got stuck on Y, etc.
After all, someone else might get further.  Or, in the rare cases, when
something actually is impossible, say so prove it.

On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 8:34 PM, David Fox wrote:

 What I do like about this so-called negative approach is that it
 represents a part of a program's documentation that is usually omitted.  You
 can look at the code and see exactly how and (to a certain extent) why the
 program does what it does, but what you can't see is all the things it
 doesn't do, and the reasons it doesn't do them.  This can be extremely
 important to know when you are thinking about modifying a program.  The
 change you are considering may have already been tried and rejected, but
 unless these sorts of negative decisions are documented in the software you
 may end up spinning your wheels.

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] the problem of design by negation

2009-05-26 Thread Tony Finch
On Tue, 26 May 2009, Richard O'Keefe wrote:

 I have one of Brian Marick's ( stickers on my door.
 It reads
   to be less wrong than yesterday

 Two quotes I often give my students:
   Brethren, I beseech you in the bowels of Christ,
   consider it _possible_ that you _may_ be wrong.
   Oliver Cromwell

   Fear most of all to _remain_ in error.
   Me, deliberately misquoting Kierkegaard,
   quoting Socrates.  I changed 'be' to 'remain'.

Along similar lines, Esther Dyson's .sig says Always make new mistakes!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] the problem of design by negation

2009-05-25 Thread ajb

G'day all.

Quoting Conal Elliott

The main objection I have to the negative process (can't be done) is that is
so often bogus.  Proof by lack of imagination.  I guess it works for
Richard, though not for Michael's architect, because Richard is able to
catch his bogus reasoning *and he is willing*** to do so, which requires
humility and ego-strength.

Conal is definitely on to something here.  I've noticed that the best
designers have this weird personality quirk that allows them to put all
of their effort into pushing an idea, and then instantly back down and
revise the moment that it's been shown that the idea won't work.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] the problem of design by negation

2009-05-25 Thread Richard O'Keefe

On 26 May 2009, at 12:54 pm, wrote:

Conal is definitely on to something here.  I've noticed that the best
designers have this weird personality quirk that allows them to put  

of their effort into pushing an idea, and then instantly back down and
revise the moment that it's been shown that the idea won't work.

I have one of Brian Marick's ( stickers on my door.
It reads
to be less wrong than yesterday

Two quotes I often give my students:
Brethren, I beseech you in the bowels of Christ,
consider it _possible_ that you _may_ be wrong.
Oliver Cromwell

Fear most of all to _remain_ in error.
Me, deliberately misquoting Kierkegaard,
quoting Socrates.  I changed 'be' to 'remain'.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] the problem of design by negation

2009-05-24 Thread Richard O'Keefe

Design-by-negativity can *be* a way of being creative.
I've lost count of the number of times that I've been
explaining to someone why something can't be done, and
suddenly realised that one of the reasons was invalid
and seen how to do it.

The key is not whether you explore the design space
from a positive end or from a negative end, but whether
you *explore* it.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] the problem of design by negation

2009-05-24 Thread Michael P Mossey

Richard O'Keefe wrote:

Design-by-negativity can *be* a way of being creative.
I've lost count of the number of times that I've been
explaining to someone why something can't be done, and
suddenly realised that one of the reasons was invalid
and seen how to do it.

The key is not whether you explore the design space
from a positive end or from a negative end, but whether
you *explore* it.

Hi Richard,

I think we using positive and negative in a bit of a different sense (which 
may be my fault for not explaining perfectly in the first post). There are both 
positive and negative *facts* about design. There are things you can do, and 
things you can't. These are facts. I'm referring more to a specific kind of 
process (a specific kind of exploration)---in my terms, design by negation 
means that you dominant activity in design in cutting away possibilities, and 
what's left (however awkward) is what you must build. I have done this by habit, 
but I would like to shift into a mode of design that is focused on construction 
rather than destruction---to view design as an opportunity to meet most goals by 
clever combining of facets.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] the problem of design by negation

2009-05-24 Thread Conal Elliott
The main objection I have to the negative process (can't be done) is that is
so often bogus.  Proof by lack of imagination.  I guess it works for
Richard, though not for Michael's architect, because Richard is able to
catch his bogus reasoning *and he is willing*** to do so, which requires
humility and ego-strength.

   - Conal

On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 6:35 PM, Michael P Mossey 

 Richard O'Keefe wrote:

 Design-by-negativity can *be* a way of being creative.
 I've lost count of the number of times that I've been
 explaining to someone why something can't be done, and
 suddenly realised that one of the reasons was invalid
 and seen how to do it.

 The key is not whether you explore the design space
 from a positive end or from a negative end, but whether
 you *explore* it.

 Hi Richard,

 I think we using positive and negative in a bit of a different sense
 (which may be my fault for not explaining perfectly in the first post).
 There are both positive and negative *facts* about design. There are things
 you can do, and things you can't. These are facts. I'm referring more to a
 specific kind of process (a specific kind of exploration)---in my terms,
 design by negation means that you dominant activity in design in cutting
 away possibilities, and what's left (however awkward) is what you must
 build. I have done this by habit, but I would like to shift into a mode of
 design that is focused on construction rather than destruction---to view
 design as an opportunity to meet most goals by clever combining of facets.


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] the problem of design by negation

2009-05-22 Thread Jason Dagit
On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 10:53 PM, Conal Elliott wrote:

 One thing you may try is to ask the architect for evidence and/or logical
 proof of his claims that something cannot work.  As much as you can, ask
 from a place of curiosity and even awe.  After all, existence can often be
 proved by demonstrating an example, while non-existence proofs tend to be
 much more profound.  And stick to your open-minded disbelief until you
 really see evidence or logical rigor.  If the architect gets flustered and
 embarrassed, he may well go on the attack.  After all, bravado signals weak
 ego, which can quickly become a cornered animal.  So pay attention to his
 stress level, and help his salvage his ego, by suggesting he let you know
 more about the evidence and/or logic when he's worked it out.  Be careful to
 stay in your integrity, neither going along with someone's forcefulness, nor
 representing yourself as having more grounds for confidence than you really

Thanks Conal for that sagely advice.

I recently asked my local conversation expert how to deal with passive
aggressive people/managers, and he gave similar advice.  He said that
when someone is dragging their feet or providing excuses, change the
conversation into one about problem solving.  Instead of continuing to
make the request, ask what it would take for the request to be
possible.  I think your advice is exactly that, just in a slightly
different context.

Also, in the times when the speaker understands the problem better
than myself, I tend to learn something new about the problem domain
that, whether it is a show stopper or not, is a significant issue to

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] the problem of design by negation

2009-05-22 Thread Conal Elliott

 One flimsy argument I often hear is It wouldn't work because how ..., or
 because what   As if a question were an argument. I call this rather
 popular tactic proof by ignorance or proof by lack of imagination.

I just remembered another popular variation on this bogus argument. If you
question someone's claim of impossibility (or the only possibility), they
may retort: Well, then how would you do it?  The Game here is that if you
don't have an answer, the other guy is right!  I don't know why people
perpetrate and fall for this game.  One response I like is to affirm the
question.  Yeah, how indeed!  Anyone have some creative ideas?  Who wants
to brainstorm?  I gather that some people are terribly uncomfortable
without certainty.  If you take away their certainty, they demand an
immediate replacement!  These folks will suck the creativity out of a room
if they can, because creativity requires curiosity, and curiosity requires
willingness not to know.

  - Conal

On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 10:53 PM, Conal Elliott wrote:

 Hi Michael,

 I'm going to hazard a guess.  Please let me know how accurate it is.

 When asked to justify his design, the lead software architect explains
 everything that *wouldn't* work. We couldn't have a unique key for every
 entry because blah blah blah. We couldn't use a garbage collector because
 blah blah. We couldn't write a sugar layer because then you have to document
 it separately blah blah. So the chosen design seems to be the only thing
 left after eliminating everything you can't do.

 My guess is that your software architect is making flimsy arguments.  It's
 usually very difficult to prove that something *wouldn't* work.  In my
 experience, people make blanket statements about what cannot work, when the
 truth is that they just don't know how and don't have the imagination or
 will even to entertain the possibility of ways that they can't yet see.
 Instead of using logic and evidence, these people bolster their claims
 (often mistakenly called arguments) by putting across confident language
 (obviously, clearly, without a doubt), body posture, facial
 expression, and voice tone.  When someone is on solid ground, these bravado
 tactics are unnecessary.  (I think of obviously, etc as words that are
 useful only when inaccurate.  See

 One flimsy argument I often hear is It wouldn't work because how ..., or
 because what   As if a question were an argument.  I call this rather
 popular tactic proof by ignorance or proof by lack of imagination. I
 don't know where people get the idea that this sort of thing is rational.
 If I'm ever tempted to give it any weight, I think of Arthur Hoppe's proof
 of the existence of God: If there's no God, then who pops up the next

 Some of my favorite quotes on this dynamic:

 Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd. -

 They are ill discoverers that think there is no land, when they can
 see nothing but sea. - Francis Bacon

 To be positive: To be mistaken at the top of one's voice. Ambrose

 The greatest obstacle to discovering the shape of the earth, the
 continents, and the oceans was not ignorance but the illusion of knowledge.
 - Daniel J. Boorstin

 One thing you may try is to ask the architect for evidence and/or logical
 proof of his claims that something cannot work.  As much as you can, ask
 from a place of curiosity and even awe.  After all, existence can often be
 proved by demonstrating an example, while non-existence proofs tend to be
 much more profound.  And stick to your open-minded disbelief until you
 really see evidence or logical rigor.  If the architect gets flustered and
 embarrassed, he may well go on the attack.  After all, bravado signals weak
 ego, which can quickly become a cornered animal.  So pay attention to his
 stress level, and help his salvage his ego, by suggesting he let you know
 more about the evidence and/or logic when he's worked it out.  Be careful to
 stay in your integrity, neither going along with someone's forcefulness, nor
 representing yourself as having more grounds for confidence than you really

 Whether or not my guess is accurate or my advice relevant, good luck!  I'd
 love to hear how this situation develops.

- Conal

 On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 3:54 PM, Michael Mossey 

 This is not directly related to Haskell, but it's a thought that occurred
 to me after exposure to the Haskell community.

 I've spent most of the past 15 years doing scientific programming. The
 lead software architect and software managers are using good software
 engineering practice, though (this is *scientific* programming, not
 *programming by scientists*, ha ha). But, there is a particular culture in
 my company that has become more obvious to me by contrast to the Haskell

Re: [Haskell-cafe] the problem of design by negation

2009-05-22 Thread Conal Elliott

 Instead of continuing to
 make the request, ask what it would take for the request to be

Thanks, Jason.  I like this shift.  It moves the dynamic away from a tightly
confined yes/no (and often win/lose) to an expansive *how*.  It welcomes
collaboration in finding something better than either yes or no to the
original request, in that both/all parties' needs can be addressed, not just

  - Conal

On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 11:04 PM, Jason Dagit wrote:

 On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 10:53 PM, Conal Elliott wrote:

  One thing you may try is to ask the architect for evidence and/or logical
  proof of his claims that something cannot work.  As much as you can, ask
  from a place of curiosity and even awe.  After all, existence can often
  proved by demonstrating an example, while non-existence proofs tend to be
  much more profound.  And stick to your open-minded disbelief until you
  really see evidence or logical rigor.  If the architect gets flustered
  embarrassed, he may well go on the attack.  After all, bravado signals
  ego, which can quickly become a cornered animal.  So pay attention to his
  stress level, and help his salvage his ego, by suggesting he let you know
  more about the evidence and/or logic when he's worked it out.  Be careful
  stay in your integrity, neither going along with someone's forcefulness,
  representing yourself as having more grounds for confidence than you

 Thanks Conal for that sagely advice.

 I recently asked my local conversation expert how to deal with passive
 aggressive people/managers, and he gave similar advice.  He said that
 when someone is dragging their feet or providing excuses, change the
 conversation into one about problem solving.  Instead of continuing to
 make the request, ask what it would take for the request to be
 possible.  I think your advice is exactly that, just in a slightly
 different context.

 Also, in the times when the speaker understands the problem better
 than myself, I tend to learn something new about the problem domain
 that, whether it is a show stopper or not, is a significant issue to


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] the problem of design by negation

2009-05-22 Thread Michael Mossey

Conal Elliott wrote:

Hi Michael,

I'm going to hazard a guess.  Please let me know how accurate it is.


I think you described this situation well. You must know this kind of
person---I'm sure there's more than one in the world!

When asked to justify his design, the lead software architect explains
everything that *wouldn't* work. We couldn't have a unique key for
every entry because blah blah blah. We couldn't use a garbage collector
because blah blah. We couldn't write a sugar layer because then you have
to document it separately blah blah. So the chosen design seems to be
the only thing left after eliminating everything you can't do.

My guess is that your software architect is making flimsy arguments. 
It's usually very difficult to prove that something *wouldn't* work.  In
 my experience, people make blanket statements about what cannot work, 
when the truth is that they just don't know how and don't have the 
imagination or will even to entertain the possibility of ways that they

 can't yet see.

Yes, that's the impression I get from this guy. His personality causes him
to derive absolute rules or blanket statements from experience, instead of
a more gentle kind of wisdom. The more experience he gets, the more he's
full of constraining rules. So I really did mean to say that his design is
the ONLY thing possible after eliminating everything that won't fit with
his rules.

Instead of using logic and evidence, these people bolster their claims
(often mistakenly called arguments) by putting across confident
language (obviously, clearly, without a doubt), body posture,
facial expression, and voice tone.  When someone is on solid ground,
these bravado tactics are unnecessary.

You got it---the guy is great at winning debates because he is very
confident and can so quickly poke holes (what *seem* to be holes) in any
other position. Moreover, his confidence is why he is lead software
architect... managers are impressed by alpha males and tend to be alpha
males themselves.

Some of my favorite quotes on this dynamic:

Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd. - Voltaire

They are ill discoverers that think there is no land, when they can see
nothing but sea. - Francis Bacon

To be positive: To be mistaken at the top of one's voice. Ambrose 

The greatest obstacle to discovering the shape of the earth, the 
continents, and the oceans was not ignorance but the illusion of 
knowledge. - Daniel J. Boorstin

Good quotes. I was trying to get across this idea of imagination,
creativity, finding solutions in unlikely places.

Here's another one:

The whole trouble with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so
certain of themselves, and wiser people, always so full of doubts.
- Bertrand Russell

advice One thing you may try is to ask the architect for evidence
and/or logical proof of his claims that something cannot work.  As much
as you can, ask from a place of curiosity and even awe.  After all,
existence can often be proved by demonstrating an example, while
non-existence proofs tend to be much more profound.  And stick to your
open-minded disbelief until you really see evidence or logical rigor.
If the architect gets flustered and embarrassed, he may well go on the
attack. After all, bravado signals weak ego, which can quickly become a
cornered animal.  So pay attention to his stress level, and help his
salvage his ego, by suggesting he let you know more about the evidence
and/or logic when he's worked it out.  Be careful to stay in your
integrity, neither going along with someone's forcefulness, nor
representing yourself as having more grounds for confidence than you
really do. /advice

That's good advice. I'm not sure how well this situation can work because
I'm one of these people who is full of doubts, which I regard as
ultimately a positive trait, but it makes me poor at debate. (I know you
are not suggesting I debate him, but he wants to turn everything into a
debate, and it takes a very level-headed outgoing person to keep up with him.)

The best result from this experience is that I can improve my *own* design 
process. For example, I'm working on a personal project related to music, 
and after a few weeks of design, I realized that my thinking had turned 
into design by negation. I felt unhappy with every choice, and started to 
think of the design as the unhappy, but least unhappy, compromise. This is 
probably an old habit of mine. So I want to shift my thinking, by listing 
goals for the design, and finding ways to meet all of them. Win-win instead 
of lose-lose.

Based on a previous reply, I think some people think this sounds like vapid 
cheerleading, but I think you would agree with me that life (and software) 
always offers more possibilities when we engage our imagination with hope 
and energy, not giving up too soon, being willing to sit with problems for 
a time without a definite conclusion.


Re: [Haskell-cafe] the problem of design by negation

2009-05-21 Thread Thomas ten Cate
On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 00:54, Michael Mossey wrote:
 I call it design by negation. When asked to justify his design, the lead
 software architect explains everything that *wouldn't* work. We couldn't
 have a unique key for every entry because blah blah blah. We couldn't use a
 garbage collector because blah blah. We couldn't write a sugar layer because
 then you have to document it separately blah blah. So the chosen design
 seems to be the only thing left after eliminating everything you can't do.

 I want to aspire to positive design. I want to list the goals, and think
 of design as making clever choices that meet all the goals.

I think there is often a good default solution which is so obvious
that experienced software architects won't even bother to mention.
This is the case for both examples that you mention (unique keys in a
database, garbage collection). They then go on to give reasons why the
default solution would not work in their case.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] the problem of design by negation

2009-05-21 Thread Conal Elliott
Hi Michael,

I'm going to hazard a guess.  Please let me know how accurate it is.

When asked to justify his design, the lead software architect explains
 everything that *wouldn't* work. We couldn't have a unique key for every
 entry because blah blah blah. We couldn't use a garbage collector because
 blah blah. We couldn't write a sugar layer because then you have to document
 it separately blah blah. So the chosen design seems to be the only thing
 left after eliminating everything you can't do.

My guess is that your software architect is making flimsy arguments.  It's
usually very difficult to prove that something *wouldn't* work.  In my
experience, people make blanket statements about what cannot work, when the
truth is that they just don't know how and don't have the imagination or
will even to entertain the possibility of ways that they can't yet see.
Instead of using logic and evidence, these people bolster their claims
(often mistakenly called arguments) by putting across confident language
(obviously, clearly, without a doubt), body posture, facial
expression, and voice tone.  When someone is on solid ground, these bravado
tactics are unnecessary.  (I think of obviously, etc as words that are
useful only when inaccurate.  See

One flimsy argument I often hear is It wouldn't work because how ..., or
because what   As if a question were an argument.  I call this rather
popular tactic proof by ignorance or proof by lack of imagination. I
don't know where people get the idea that this sort of thing is rational.
If I'm ever tempted to give it any weight, I think of Arthur Hoppe's proof
of the existence of God: If there's no God, then who pops up the next

Some of my favorite quotes on this dynamic:

Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd. - Voltaire

They are ill discoverers that think there is no land, when they can see
nothing but sea. - Francis Bacon

To be positive: To be mistaken at the top of one's voice. Ambrose

The greatest obstacle to discovering the shape of the earth, the
continents, and the oceans was not ignorance but the illusion of knowledge.
- Daniel J. Boorstin

One thing you may try is to ask the architect for evidence and/or logical
proof of his claims that something cannot work.  As much as you can, ask
from a place of curiosity and even awe.  After all, existence can often be
proved by demonstrating an example, while non-existence proofs tend to be
much more profound.  And stick to your open-minded disbelief until you
really see evidence or logical rigor.  If the architect gets flustered and
embarrassed, he may well go on the attack.  After all, bravado signals weak
ego, which can quickly become a cornered animal.  So pay attention to his
stress level, and help his salvage his ego, by suggesting he let you know
more about the evidence and/or logic when he's worked it out.  Be careful to
stay in your integrity, neither going along with someone's forcefulness, nor
representing yourself as having more grounds for confidence than you really

Whether or not my guess is accurate or my advice relevant, good luck!  I'd
love to hear how this situation develops.

   - Conal

On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 3:54 PM, Michael Mossey m...@alumni.caltech.eduwrote:

 This is not directly related to Haskell, but it's a thought that occurred
 to me after exposure to the Haskell community.

 I've spent most of the past 15 years doing scientific programming. The lead
 software architect and software managers are using good software engineering
 practice, though (this is *scientific* programming, not *programming by
 scientists*, ha ha). But, there is a particular culture in my company that
 has become more obvious to me by contrast to the Haskell community.

 I call it design by negation. When asked to justify his design, the lead
 software architect explains everything that *wouldn't* work. We couldn't
 have a unique key for every entry because blah blah blah. We couldn't use a
 garbage collector because blah blah. We couldn't write a sugar layer because
 then you have to document it separately blah blah. So the chosen design
 seems to be the only thing left after eliminating everything you can't do.

 I want to aspire to positive design. I want to list the goals, and think
 of design as making clever choices that meet all the goals.

 I don't mean to suggest that design is never constrained. It often is. But
 it's a mindset I'm talking about. I don't like this mindset of design by

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] the problem of design by negation

2009-05-20 Thread Michael Mossey
This is not directly related to Haskell, but it's a thought that occurred 
to me after exposure to the Haskell community.

I've spent most of the past 15 years doing scientific programming. The lead 
software architect and software managers are using good software 
engineering practice, though (this is *scientific* programming, not 
*programming by scientists*, ha ha). But, there is a particular culture in 
my company that has become more obvious to me by contrast to the Haskell 

I call it design by negation. When asked to justify his design, the lead 
software architect explains everything that *wouldn't* work. We couldn't 
have a unique key for every entry because blah blah blah. We couldn't use a 
garbage collector because blah blah. We couldn't write a sugar layer 
because then you have to document it separately blah blah. So the chosen 
design seems to be the only thing left after eliminating everything you 
can't do.

I want to aspire to positive design. I want to list the goals, and think 
of design as making clever choices that meet all the goals.

I don't mean to suggest that design is never constrained. It often is. But 
it's a mindset I'm talking about. I don't like this mindset of design by 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] the problem of design by negation

2009-05-20 Thread Greg Fitzgerald
On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 3:54 PM, Michael Mossey wrote:
 I want to aspire to positive design. I want to list the goals, and think
 of design as making clever choices that meet all the goals.

Design by Thomas the Tank Engine?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] the problem of design by negation

2009-05-20 Thread Magnus Therning

Michael Mossey wrote:
This is not directly related to Haskell, but it's a thought that 
occurred to me after exposure to the Haskell community.

I've spent most of the past 15 years doing scientific programming. The 
lead software architect and software managers are using good software 
engineering practice, though (this is *scientific* programming, not 
*programming by scientists*, ha ha). But, there is a particular culture 
in my company that has become more obvious to me by contrast to the 
Haskell community.

I call it design by negation. When asked to justify his design, the 
lead software architect explains everything that *wouldn't* work. We 
couldn't have a unique key for every entry because blah blah blah. We 
couldn't use a garbage collector because blah blah. We couldn't write a 
sugar layer because then you have to document it separately blah blah. 
So the chosen design seems to be the only thing left after eliminating 
everything you can't do.

I want to aspire to positive design. I want to list the goals, and 
think of design as making clever choices that meet all the goals.

I don't mean to suggest that design is never constrained. It often is. 
But it's a mindset I'm talking about. I don't like this mindset of 
design by negation.

Design is always constrained, and arguably every choice that is made should be 
justified, that includes explaining why a particular solution was discarded.

I can understand your frustration with the negative attitude, I'm just 
trying to say that I've most often been in the opposite position; no one can 
answer why several, often much simpler, designs weren't good enough.  Often 
there is not even any record of any decisions having been made at all, which 
to me suggests that no one really thought about the problem at all before 
implementing a solution.  In short, I wouldn't mind seeing a bit more negative 
attitude in the place where I work :-)


Magnus Therning(OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)  Jabber:|twitter: magthe

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