[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Swapping parameters and type classes

2007-09-18 Thread Andrzej Jaworski
Salute Simon, hi everybody here!

Ian is scientific in his observations and has a valid point. I share his
objection to the Haskell list as unnecessarily misleading newcomers which, I
would add, sets precedents for others to be verbose. Then, creating a Beginner
list is less fortunate than creating Announcements list for obvious and not so
obvious reasons. There are things in this culture however that make the decision
difficoult. What stands out is that announcements gained in the Haskell list
much wider connotation and by renaming it into this name explicitly might kill
this overinterpretation and thus couple of interesting oservations might not
find its way to an audience. Ian's numbers tell however that this benefits
speakers more than the listeners;-)

Haskell-Cafe though deserves respect on the same scienific ground - the share
volume speeks for it!
I agree with you Simon that the name Cafe created sort of spiritual component to
the community which should not be underestimated. We are humans and even history
of mathematics is a stream of fashion between couple of great discoveries.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] PROPOSAL: Rename haskell@ to haskell-announce@

2007-09-24 Thread Andrzej Jaworski
Sorry guys for joining the thread of sinners on haskell@  today. Forgot to check
if guests had not moved to cafe;-)

It is a good example though how insufficient this verbal principles are, since I
have myself raised the need to revise names of the lists here.
On second thought, with rising traffic the problem should be approached by
introducing AI automation -  sort of scunning, learning, summerising and sending
tagged abstracts onto [EMAIL PROTECTED] In other words the only possible input 
haskell list should be robotic:-)

Be brave guys, you are ment to make history:-)

-Andrzej Jaworski

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] PROPOSAL: Rename haskell@ to haskell-announce@

2007-09-24 Thread Andrzej Jaworski
Flooding haskell-cafe with extra traffic from haskel@ will lead to
comp.soft-sys.matlab syndrom where few people read anything but their own
postings and discussion is virtually unknown. I can see only two options
available to us right now to preserve readability in the fast growing Haskell
community: divide haskell@ into more specific lists (haskell-cafe should
preserve its right to long threads !!!) or ascribe volunteers (on monthly bases)
to moderate and process haskell@ so as to receive tagged tree of links.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Re: [Haskell-cafe] PROPOSAL: Rename [EMAIL PROTECTED] haskell-announce@

2007-09-25 Thread Andrzej Jaworski
 (...) I subscribe to haskell so as not to miss
 anything important, and when something I'm interested in moves to
 haskell-cafe, (...)

Wrong assumption. Even if you know the author it makes more sense to wait and
see how others respond to his newest input. This means that you should check up
Cafe first to see if it is worth moving to Cafe;-)
Another false believe is that best things appear first in [EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
contrary, long threads in Cafe indicate that participants know what to expect of
each other and pick up a thread on the same principle some pick up new Stephen
King novel. Before reviews on the amazon.com publishers had to result to tricks
like labelling a collection of science fiction stories by various lesser known
authors with Isaac Asimov name even when his only cotribution was a preface.

As I said ealier - really big traffic will need intelligent screening and
lebbeling. And to what pathology it leads when unattended see

-Andrzej Jaworski

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskellers hate GUIs!!

2010-04-04 Thread Andrzej Jaworski

Hello Wisecrackers,
Cannot resist shering with you my perspective.

Computer is a logic device and logic builds complexity bottom up while graphics 
builds it top down.
They are therefore antagonistic by nature and in the single case of their 
glorious interplay - The
Euclidean Geometry - it blocked abstract thinking for two millennia (no zero, 
no negative numbers,
no continuity). The implications of that facts are 3-fold:

(1) Compositional GUI needs some non-geometric and perhaps non-commutative 
(2) GUI will always set limit on the scope of your thinking
(3) conceptually rich DSL is your best friend as human-computer interface.

The role of GUI has gone way beyond its usefulness and now serves the industry 
to sell computers as
candies. Apps like Acrobat Reader became little more than GUI when judged by 
size and only
spymasters' conflicting interests strip some GUI excess to see you swim in 
sewers of the
Internet-turned-video. This visual mania is dangerous as it discourages 
investigative thinking and
reliance on concepts. It is shocking and in my judgement not a coincidence that 
major theories (like
Chaos T.) were discovered using punched cards or plain pen and paper, while 
Artificial Intelligence
research has been very acutely wounded by mouse.

Down to Earth TTS reading should have human quality by now, had the researchers 
used conceptual and
compositional approach. If linguists knew Haskell they could write DSLs to 
intelligently query large
data sets and step by step discover human algorithms. Instead they use mostly 
statistics for pattern
recognition. If experts could build DSLs for amplifying their own human 
concepts they would multiply
computer power by human intelligence. Instead they are taught how to press GUI 
buttons. And what is
behind this buttons? Statistics and designer crap!

Down to the dust of your heels: make Acrobat Reader TTS read some PDF and you 
will hear main text
intermingled with unrelated footnotes and paragraph titles and copyrights of 
every picture or graph
repeated forever. You can correct this of course with several lines of Haskell 
code but then
Wall Street should sell Adobe and buy You;-)

I have been using Haskell for bizarre mathematical stuff but rarely feel the 
need for anything
more than Unicode. Still I would appreciate greatly a simple compositional GUI 
like Clean has.
Perhaps Haskell friendly drivers for selected cards is another path to 
simplicity? The ultimate GUI
waits for operator algebra action where Haskell may show its Category 
Theoretical teeth.

I doubt real world will ever learn Haskell so why Haskellers should pull every 
piece of real world
crap? My advice is: stay clean, the world is wrong. Alleluia!

- Andrzej Jaworski

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] [Fwd: Re: Computer Language Shootout]

2007-02-27 Thread Andrzej Jaworski
On 2/26/07, Kirsten Chevalier honored me with his attention:

Can you clarify what you mean by this? How do you formally prove that
a programming language (rather than a specific implementation of one)
performs better for a given problem? (..)

It is about my saying:SML was exhaustively proved to predict this logic
much better.

Formal proof requires a theory. So you might use Copernicus model to
formally prove that Australia is on the other side of  Earth against Europe.
Exhaustive prove might require you to dig a very deep hole in the
In case of proving softspots of Haskell, a couple of very knowledgeable
people here and there dug through exhaustive set of alternatives. That's it.

In case of formal proves over programming languages aspirations are limited
to program correctness and probably will never address performance. (see

Unfortunately I spend most of my time doing first kind of proofs, I am not
sure how it is with you;-)

I've read a few of your posts and I still don't understand what you
mean by a compiler address[ing] specific properties of a program.
Can you give an example of the kinds of program properties you're
talking about, and explain how C compilers exploit them in a way that
Haskell compilers currently fail to do?

My posts were intentionally motivational because I wanted to get feedback on
the problem.
As to address[ing] specific properties of a program.
In ADP a program deals with DNA and molecular structures. Because the
program is a sort of inference engine and simulator at the same time it is
desirable to introduce likelihood function as low as possible to avoid
blowing up search spaces when everything is constructed and reconstructed at
the same time. C is low so that's it. However that is done at a cost - the
routines that access the pre-calculated data are no longer identical to
those that access the routines that initially calculated the data. In Prolog
or Haskell they could remain the same.

Have a good time,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Patrick Perry's BLAS package

2008-06-06 Thread Andrzej Jaworski

Indeed, this has been long awaited. Long live Patrick!!!
And continue the good work:-)

However, such essential work shouldn't be dependent on heroic effort of an
individual. If Haskell is to remain non-commercial a disciplined community
effort should be taken akin to Pythonian. Perhaps also thouse of you who teach
Haskell could better use cheap labour of students,
after all Haskell's module system is not all that weak;-)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Patrick Perry's BLAS package

2008-06-07 Thread Andrzej Jaworski
On Jun 7, 11:21 am, Don Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 The best thing anyone here can do for haskell is contribute a library. 
 The more areas we cover with Haskell code, the easier the path is to 
 ongoing development, and a viable, sustainable Haskell world. 

Hi Don, 
I cannot agree more but: 
(1) I doubt that your consistant contribution and sense of 
responsibility can be replaced by independent volunteers. 
(2) More important than the number of libraries is their maintenance 
and accessibility by which I mean not just sufficient documentation 
but also reviews with pragmatic suggestions and shared experience 
formated into some knoledge base. 
(3) Haskell attracts guys that like originality [ like me;-) ] which 
is dengerous since building viable programming environment should be a 
top down affair. Regular coders are easier to cooperate. 

Conclusion: Some coordination effort is inevitable. Complementary 
librairs should be chained and updated together like toolboxes in 
Matlab, which might encourage writers to dedicate domain specific 
articles or a book around them. 

-Andrzej Jaworski 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] A hell of a question

2008-12-21 Thread Andrzej Jaworski

I just want to say Hello to let you know that there are some serious entities 
watching you besides
monads and FBI:-)

There has been a hell of a discussion recently about logos, languages and 
religion and I want to add
to this.

First let me disassociate Haskell from Taoism which to may taste has left us in 
an unhealthy climate.
It suffices to say that Taoism is a school of clever trics and cute aphorisms 
but without the
slightest attempt to explain or generalize let alone produce an abstract idea 
or a system. That is
why its wisdom is non transferable in spite of majority of humans desending 
from it. Haskell on the
contrary is a minority school that implements abstract ideas for problem 
solving in the most
transferable way to date, so that other languages look into it for their share. 
But don't worry,
thay will choke becouse it is them who practice Taoizm. Playing too many tricks 
will eventually
trick them, even if some are powerful enough to brainwash dicent professors to 
interoperability or the like. Every viable complexity needs a single underlying 
concept to survive,
including you and the universe. Microsoft and the like excluding;-)
Haskell has all that: consistency, transparency and self-contained concept.

However Haskell is also somehow asynchronic with the Bible as it is condemned 
to perpetual purity
only to be saved from it via monads, which according to Spinoza are arranged 
by God in a perfect
order which ascends to God, the supreme monad!!!. Thus we can look at 
Haskell's purity as a kind of
harmless attempt to play God by means of incapsulating the world only to ignor 
it. This could
somehow put it in the same boat with the devil. They both prefer your brain to 
Turing machin:-)

I would leave with the eternal question what the hell Haskell is? and with my 
Santa Close
emphasising Haskell's purity and my simplicity.
Here: http://haskell.org/sitewiki/images/7/79/WCF.Andrzej.Jaworski.gif

   Have fun,
-Andrzej Jaworski

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] A hell of a question

2008-12-22 Thread Andrzej Jaworski

Hi Luke,
When neurosurgeons split the brain into left and right hemisphere cutting it 
along corpus callosum
the patient will talk to you with his left
half and right half independently - each time unaware what his other half was 
talking about a moment
earlier. I believe Zen emulates such
split on a microscopic scale. We all go thru similar state when we conceive an 
original idea - if we
do not write this down or formulate it
immediately the discovery will loose its punch and sense of depth. The best 
documented and most
prominent example is Hegel's discovery of
dialectical logic - after extensive writing about that at some point he 
honestly admits loosing the
original concept. But if not for his
western oververbosity we might not today use the term 'naive' set theory. Every 
serious mathematician
touching foundations is today perfectly
aware of the price we pay for formulating things. But I am unaware of any 
virtue of trying to clap
with one hand;-)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A hell of a question

2008-12-22 Thread Andrzej Jaworski

Arnaud Bailly kindly exposed my mistake: I cited Leibniz Monadology attributing 
it to Spinoza. Call
me idiot but it wasn't thoughtless mistake, I really mixed up Spinoza's concept 
of 'modes' with
Leibniz's concept of 'monad'. But it is because of my laziness rather than 
foolishness (at least this
time). My argument is that in his final writings Leibniz's 'monads' encompass 
reality as perceptions
and emanate from God as thought emanates from the mind, which is exactly what 
Spinoza's 'modes' are
about. So monads and modes being equal I prefer Spinoza as a patron for Haskell 
for his purity of
cause-effect treatment.

Arnold adds another Haskell-Spinoza nicety, I hope he won't mind my including 
his all letter.
Thank you Arnold, it is encouraging to find guys like you. Philosophy is not my 
thing but I believe
every man should tackle it as exercise.

Hello Andrzej,
Thanks a lot for your bit of rationalism among all these devotions :-)

I think however that you are confusing Spinoza with Leibniz in the
following assertion. Monads are a concept invented by the latter,
together with the famous the best possible world ever mocked by
Voltaire in Candide.

The comparison between Haskell and spinozism is rather interesting
though, especially when one considers that Spinoza's Ethic is based
on the idea that the ultimate goal of one self is to increase its
power to live, an affect which it calls Joy.

Thinking of Haskell as a way to increase one's joy and one's power is
a nice thought.

Arnaud Bailly

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Haskell Chess

2007-03-19 Thread Andrzej Jaworski
Hi Andrew, and thank you for invitation.

Well, what can I say. I am glad that the wise game can spark spirit of
cooperation here. Perhaps it is time for Mr. Haskell to leave stale
university rooms and go out for beer:-)

On my part I can promise to watch the project and perhaps, architecture
permitting, I may suggest a module that could learn from mistakes.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] AI Strike Force!

2007-03-23 Thread Andrzej Jaworski
Hi Andrew and all the involved,

The idea is great. It will allow programming with a rewording feeling of
depth to the exercise right from the start. However tackling some of the
topics you mentioned, like GA, one first needs to develop new solid
programming techniques that would circumvent Haskell's inbuilt reluctance to
update variables distractively. I would myself wish to read a well
documented study of using ST monad or finite maps to achieve this end.
Perhaps then, your page should openly encourage the need to develop such
brute force methods.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] AI Strike Force!

2007-03-23 Thread Andrzej Jaworski
Hi Andrew and all the involved,

The idea is great. It will allow programming with a rewording feeling of
depth to the exercise right from the start. However tackling some of the
topics you mentioned, like GA, one first needs to develop new solid
programming techniques that would circumvent Haskell's inbuilt reluctance to
update variables distractively. I would myself wish to read a well
documented study of using ST monad or finite maps to achieve this end.
Perhaps then, your page should openly encourage the need to develop such
brute force methods.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What ever happened to Haskell 98 as a stable branch?

2007-03-25 Thread Andrzej Jaworski
If you answer because H98 is obsolete, then file this away as a
must-read after H' is released

Ideas always originate in a single mind. Good ideas are only footnotes to
the best idea that determine them.
Now: a team of people with different views on the same thing can achieve
their best decorating a Christmas Tree. Unless, it is Haskell;-)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why the Prelude must die

2007-03-25 Thread Andrzej Jaworski
I don't think he would be confused with functor in SML.

Call functors static classes and you cut the language from intuition. In
such language anybody can express anything. But to arrive at something one
needs intuition!

Now, what mathematically blind programmers can gain from learning about
monad if they are taught that functor is a class?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What ever happened to Haskell 98 as a stablebranch?

2007-03-26 Thread Andrzej Jaworski
Haskell is rather a Darwinian sort of place.

With whole respect. You need two components for evolution to work: the
survival of the fitness and Generator Of Diversity (GOD).

Now, Haskell attracts originality and easily accommodates changes but nobody
burns tires in testing anything so that complexity and learning curve grow
while deficiencies remain dormant.

Recent threads are a kind of healthy evolutionary pressure (survival of the
fitness), but you insist that Haskell should be committed to GOD;-)

With great respect,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What ever happened to Haskell 98 as a stablebranch?

2007-03-26 Thread Andrzej Jaworski
Daniel Fischer has cared to inform me that:
Diversity is generated by mutations.

With due respect, but this is hardly a revelation.
My point was that you need two competing components in relative balance to
grow something meaningful.
Cancer growth is based solely on mutation!

Also I was not theological. It is the advice to multiply Prelude and use
time to verify them rather cosmic in scale. It implies the assumption that
the world will freeze and wait for the verdict.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad/Functor Book

2007-03-27 Thread Andrzej Jaworski
 Categories for the Working Mathematician a couple of months ago, and while
 it sometimes takes a bit of work it's a very good introduction.  The only
 caution I have is that if you don't have that strong of a math background,
 or hadn't done it in a few years (like myself), you may have to lookup a
 of definitions in order to understand his examples.  Wikipedia usually
 provides enough of a detailed description that you can get the point.

Good lack to you but this is very bad advice. It is too much even for average
As a serious first read for CS guy I would recommend Categories for Types by 
Roy Crole.
For short introduction: Basic Category Theory for Computer Scientists by 
Benjamin Pierce.

The problem with learning CT lies in the large amount of mathematical intuition 
that is
assumed. This intuition can be build by studing topology and algebra. Learning 
CT without
this background is kind of a Turing test;-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad/Functor Book

2007-03-27 Thread Andrzej Jaworski
Haskell borrows from CT but it is too much engineered to be a model for 
computational CT.
However you can study it with CT:

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Why the Prelude must die

2007-03-28 Thread Andrzej Jaworski
On blessed Wed Mar 28 05:52:03 EDT 2007 Simon Marlow wrote:

 I support both reducing the prelude to just a few commonly used combinators, 
   requiring an explicit import Prelude. (...)

So YOU are the GOD's angle with the sword!

And thus we leave the orchard for a battlefield. I really like this:-)

Holy regards,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A wish for relaxed layout syntax

2007-03-28 Thread Andrzej Jaworski
 mylist =
   [ foo, bar, baz,
 qux, quux, foo,
 bar, baz, qux ]

Good direction.
Perhaps you can also figure out how to replace the disturbing $ operator? 


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A wish for relaxed layout syntax

2007-03-28 Thread Andrzej Jaworski
  Perhaps you can also figure out how to replace the disturbing $ operator?

 Why is it disturbing?

It is not that I am short on dollar or Eurofobic;-)
It introduces sort of daub aesthetics to the code. Also for someone that puts 
emphases on notation signs should have some semiotic responsibility and 
shouldn't shout at
you without having sufficient prominence.
I wouldn't use this arguments with Perl programmers of course.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A wish for relaxed layout syntax

2007-03-29 Thread Andrzej Jaworski
 Something out of Unicode?
 Greg Buchholz

Why not Braille alphabet? These guys at least don't complain;-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: A wish for relaxed layout syntax

2007-03-29 Thread Andrzej Jaworski
 I suggest  in place of $. For example:
 h x = f  g  x

I would feel better with :   | 

Ideally, redesigning Haskell syntax for 21st century should take more 
scientific course.
But with know-how here still much lagging we can only tap on experience with 
manipulation in mathematics. For instance: construction of formulas should 
store some
dynamics supportive for the underlying thought process. So for example  f a b 
springs up
no association while f(a, b) kick-starts the right thought.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: A question about functional dependencies andexistential

2007-03-29 Thread Andrzej Jaworski
 Are they for working around some problems of HM type systems or do
 they give Haskell super-language powers? I guess I could answer these
 questions if I understood what FD and GATDs are all about, but I'm not
 just there yet. :-)

When you are done with furniture and decide to help us with abstract algebra 
then you will
benefit from GADT.
But curiosity shouldn't wait : 
Perhaps the proverbial cat didn't know that:-)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Mutable variables eliminated from .NET | Lambda theUltimate

2007-04-02 Thread Andrzej Jaworski
 To ensure wide penetration of this significant update, Microsoft will be
 issuing updated Windows CDs to all licensed customers, free of charge.
 The new CDs can be identified by the distinctive holographic Haskell
 Inside logo, featuring a holographic version of this[1] portrait of Simon
 Peyton-Jones, grinning from ear to ear.

From the operating theater point of view Haskell is a donor!
In this scenario usually the recipients grin;-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Mathematics in Haskell Re: Why the Prelude must die

2007-04-02 Thread Andrzej Jaworski
 I too was put off by the Num issues though--strange mixture of sophisticated
 category theory and lack of a sensible hierarchy of algebraic objects.

Perhaps we should replace CT with lattice theoretic thinking (e.g. functor = 
function) before cleaning up the type-related mess?
See: http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/269479.html

 so count me in on an effort to make Haskell more mathematical.  For me that
 probably starts with the semigroup/group/ring setup, and good
 arbitrary-precision as well as approximate linear algebra support.

I agree: semigoups like lattices are everywhere.
Then there could be a uniform treatment of linear algebra, polynomial 
equations, operator
algebra, etc. So, perhaps haste is not a good advice here?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Comments from OCaml Hacker Brian Hurt

2009-01-15 Thread Andrzej Jaworski
If  you called your girlfriend Kitten and on a mountain trip she broke her leg would cry/phone for 
help to treat your Kitten or would you use a stupid high-brow term woman?

Or perhaps you would rename Washington Square for  My Kitten Square ?
There are hundreds programming languages designed by hackers, that is why I 
have chosen Haskell...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Mathematics for Uninterested

2009-01-16 Thread Andrzej Jaworski

After recent rant to Hell with Monoids and Mathematics I felt like Galileo 
awaiting execution. I
splashed toilet several times but the rant was still there, so I decided to 
find a scapegoat for this
malfunctioning. Of cours your mathematic teachers are to blame. They are the 
product of negative
selection, guys useless for research, mathematics was hard for them so like 
ancient Egyptian priests
used it as an edge over unenlightened crowd, right? I leave this to your 

Whatever the reason is, they have obviously failed to convince you that


You need only the second part for Haskell.
- Then why Monoids and the rest? Isn't that knowledge?
- It is knowledge without flesh as it is not tighten to any specific domain. 
Hence its simplicity and
universality. Category Theory generalizes our mathematical experience along the 
line that we know
more that we can prove.

- Why generalizations derived along mathematical experience are superior to 
yours the hacker?
- Because the time span between your one mistake or success and another mistake 
or success is too
long for your brain to infer any structural relationship. Mathematicians using 
general concepts and
powerful notation go way beyond human experience.

- Why stick with mathematical names?
- To have ample reference on them and to make people in different domains speak 
the same language.

Still not convinced that abstraction is your friend? Let me give you a hint, 
the only prerequisite is
to have 10 fingers:-)
(0) Try to do some arithmetic without the concept of infinite set. Don't tell 
me that you can program
calculator to do this. You would need
axioms of arithmetic which you would never discover without your brain 
imagining infinite
(1) The same way you need Cartesian product for tuples as their ultimate holder.
(2) The same way you need relational algebra to collect all manipulations of 
tables (and much more to
map them in XML).
(3) The same way you need Monoid to contain all Appendable and more.

One of you asked if mathematical precision is good enough for programming. My 
friend, you used words
that outside your body experience mean nothing. Take Topology which cannot tell 
the difference
between the fork in your beefburger from that in your compost. You would not 
use it to calculate
N-body problem, would you? But exactly such imprecise (qualitative) methods 
underpin recent dramatic
improvements of precision in Mechanics. Totally imprecise improves precision! 
Without the high of
mathematics our cognition is very misleading.

Another of you shrugged over unimportant for him book on abstract algebra. 
Fine, but the book
contains piece of flesh that brought to light methods for your Haskell. If you 
enjoy Haskell and want
stronger feel of the methods this flesh will be your Holy Sacrament. Amen.

Students at engineering have functional analysis in their curriculum which 
takes over 10 times longer
to learn than your prerequisites for Haskell. But one of you made an excuse 
that engineers actually
don't know this stuff. If that is so I will leave you with this thought 
experiment: suppose then that
Dr.Wolfram goes crazy (e.g. falling sales) and decides to terminate this 
civilization by introducing
a virus to his Mathematica upgrade...

Be happy!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Why monoids will abide...

2009-01-20 Thread Andrzej Jaworski
Monads are monoids in categories of functors C - C 
Arrows are monoids in subcategories of bifunctors (C^op) x C - C 
  Trees are a playing ground for functors in general:-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Why monoids will abide...

2009-01-21 Thread Andrzej Jaworski

Category Theory should speak for itself and I am so glad you guys have seen the 
beauty of this

Yes, Mauro you are right: locally small Freyd categories correspond to monoidal 
structure of Arrows,
but the strength in this correspondence is as yet unknown to me. I disagree 
however with your doubts:
Arrows indeed are Monoids! [in the functor category (C^op) x C - C with st, 
cost, ist.]

I will skip Monoid ubiquity in linguistics and its relevance to concurrency as 
not helpful in
learning Haskell.

Instead I will issue a guarantee that the time invested in CT will pay also in 
system analysis,
particularly in combination with Haskell type classes, which together might be 
used for describing
real world processes and knowledge. Few have scratched the subject as yet but 
the pay-off is huge.

Let me also suggest to bestow the official  guru status on Dan Piponi and 
Heinrich Apfelmus:-)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] The future of purely functional user interfaces?

2009-01-29 Thread Andrzej Jaworski

Yes, it is something unhealthy to seat on a bunch of far reaching ideas and 
still use artifact that
even Microsoft tries to shake off (outsourcing their Office XML Ribbons). But 
as recent roar about
monoids have shown - those who are Haskell most productive programmers are also 
most unlikely to tap
on anything theoretical. Researchers on the other hand wouldn't be who they are 
if they thought
mainly in terms of code.  Perhaps some new model of cooperation between a 
researcher and a group of
volunteers should be worked out.

Other work [4] seems to indicate that arrows are too general for the
dataflow programming and co-monads are more suitable and hence might be
usable for interactive interfaces.

I would be careful with moderating ambition here. It should be extremely open 
framework that could
allow to accommodate all present experimental (mostly reactive) stuff but also 
allow close
integration with functional database in the future. The GUI should also lower 
overheads for Geometric
Algebra. I think that in the future GA, fractals and wavelets will be inbuilt 
on graphic cards and
GUI might take a role of a sort of a synthesizer.

But of course anything functional would open lots of new possibilities and give 
us a lot of fun.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Google Summer of Code 2009

2009-02-12 Thread Andrzej Jaworski

If you have ideas for student projects that you think would benefit the
Haskell community, now is the time to start discussing them on mailing

Here is an idea that if done right might bootstrap Haskell real world 
applications with the help of greed
and adrenaline:-)

The ignition:
(0) Bind Haskell to an automatic trading platform [API]
(1) write real-time streamer and stock scanner. [PType] should offer more than 
was demonstrated in [F#]
(2) Join [apps] from any angle
(3) Consider a [DSL] for data analysis or write an [EasyLanguage]

[F#] http://channel9.msdn.com/pdc2008/TL11/
[PType] http://research.nii.ac.jp/~hu/pub/aplas04-xu.pdf
[DSL]  http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~saswat/research/one.pdf
[EasyLanguage] https://www.tradestation.com/support/books/pdf/EL_Essentials.pdf


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Google Summer of Code 2009

2009-02-12 Thread Andrzej Jaworski

If you have ideas for student projects that you think would benefit the
Haskell community, now is the time to start discussing them on mailing

Here is an idea that if done right might bootstrap Haskell real world 
applications with the help of greed
and adrenaline:-)

The ignition:
(0) Bind Haskell to an automatic trading platform [API]
(1) write real-time streamer and stock scanner. [PType] should offer more than 
was demonstrated in [F#]
(2) Join [apps] from any angle
(3) Consider a [DSL] for data analysis or write an [EasyLanguage]

[F#] http://channel9.msdn.com/pdc2008/TL11/
[PType] http://research.nii.ac.jp/~hu/pub/aplas04-xu.pdf
[DSL]  http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~saswat/research/one.pdf
[EasyLanguage] https://www.tradestation.com/support/books/pdf/EL_Essentials.pdf


Haskell-Cafe mailing list