Re: draft-cadar-dhc-opt-imap-00

2004-07-09 Thread Eric A. Hall

If the DHCP options are stored in a DHCP-specific config somewhere, and if
your app has to fetch the options from that config in order to use them,
then this kind of thing is not only harmless but is also pretty handy,
since you can provide a user-config option that asks if they want to use
DHCP or not. If so, fetch the data.

If the DHCP client tries to update application-configuration data files
directly (pushing the DHCP options out to your app), then this also means
that somebody has modified the machine-wide DHCP client configuration with
the path information to your app config file, meaning that somebody with
privileges wants this to happen. If you use something like a DHCP
mini-config file that the admin can point to, then you can also give the
current user an option of using DHCP or some other configuration mechanism
with a basic config option.

Eric A. Hall
Internet Core Protocols

while we're on the subject

2004-01-06 Thread Eric A. Hall

A couple of observations and questions about folders and hierarchies:

There are no mechanisms for manipulating hierarchies via the protocol. If
I want to create or rename a folder hierarchy (eg, create a #public
hierarchy), then I have to do it off-line since there is no support in the
protocol directly. The largest addressable unit of data in the protocol is
the folder, not the overall mailstore or its individual partitions that
hold the different folders and hierarchies. Is this a weakness in the
protocol, and should this support be added?

Why do so many clients use LIST at the root of the namespace? Can't
everything they need to discover about that level of the namespace be
found with the NAMESPACE command, and wouldn't the NAMESPACE command be
more efficient for what they hope to learn? I must be missing something
obvious here, since the clear preference is for LIST.

Eric A. Hall
Internet Core Protocols

 For information about this mailing list, and its archives, see:

Re: while we're on the subject

2004-01-06 Thread Eric A. Hall

On 1/6/2004 2:22 PM, Mark Crispin wrote:

 As far as creating namespaces themselves, these are usually an artifact
 of the implementation software and not a level of hierarchy.  It may be
 helpful to think of namespaces as being like the D: and E: drives in 
 Windows with the default namespace being the C: drive.

Right, they are partitions of the underlying mailstore. The partitions may
be tied to one or more filesystems, or they may be logical representations
of a filesystem (eg, netnews) or some representation of a database
subsystem, or whatever.

 It's perfectly valid for an implementation not to have any namespaces; 
 think of UNIX which only has one filesystem.

Usually. Remote filesystems can have different semantics in some cases (a
DOS floppy, for example), although most of the time the filesystems are

With IMAP, the visible semantic differences tend to be in the separator
syntaxes, such as a newsgroup partition having a different separator
syntax than the personal partitions (even if the same filesystem is in use
for both of them).

Obviously I'm not telling anybody anything new here, but its also obvious
that partitions are discrete units of data (they can even be queried for
some attributes, but this is very limited functionality), and my feeling
is that it would be useful to allow their management as such.

 The largest addressable unit of data in the protocol is the folder,
 not the overall mailstore or its individual partitions that hold the
 different folders and hierarchies. Is this a weakness in the 
 protocol, and should this support be added?
 It's difficult to imagine how a protocol can manage creation of
 namespaces that refer to server based separate hierarchies.  Either the
 server has netnews or it doesn't.

Well, I don't see a lot of value in that particular example either, but
that's lots of value in being able to create an #archives partition on the
fly, assuming that the mailstore allows it.

The use of special-strings for partition mapping is something separate,
having more to do with the implementation than with the functionality I'm
talking about. Servers like UW-IMAP don't have to be excluded here --
special-strings can be mapped, while undefined partitions can be rooted
somewhere like /var/spool/imap -- but that's again product specific.

Eric A. Hall
Internet Core Protocols

Re: while we're on the subject

2004-01-06 Thread Eric A. Hall

On 1/6/2004 5:58 PM, Mark Crispin wrote:

 The barrier that your idea needs to overcome is why not use a root-level
 name instead of a namespace.

To be clear, I'm not making a proposal. My original question was whether
or not this is a hole in the protocol. Obviously it's not a very big hole
or else it would have been filled already.

To answer your question though, there are a lot of operational benefits to
dynamic partitions. An obvious benefit is that partitioning simplifies
replication. Another benefit is that it allows you to use alternative
storage mechanisms, like maybe putting a partition on a CD-RW drive, and
only bothering to make it available when you need to access it (this is
what I was thinking about with the #Archive thing).

Some of the more mundaine benefits are already well known (that's why
servers offer the off-line mechanisms that they do have, because they are
valuable). The only real question is whether or not there would be more or
less value in providing in-band mechanisms for this stuff. In the general
case, I think that having folder-managemenet tools available (eg, ACL
widgets) would be useful for partitions, although the frequency of such
usages may be suspect.

Eric A. Hall
Internet Core Protocols

Re: while we're on the subject

2004-01-06 Thread Eric A. Hall

On 1/6/2004 8:39 PM, Tim Showalter wrote:

 It's not necessary that partitions should map to NAMESPACE-advertised 
 parts hierarchy at all.  Cyrus allows mailboxes in the same hierarchy
 to live on different partitions.

I see what you're saying, but I think that level of abstraction is also
somewhere else entirely -- mailstore partitions built on top of
(product-specific) database partitions is an interesting architectural
discussion point, but maybe shouldn't be a design constraint anymore than
an overly-rigid filesystem mapping should be a design constraint. Or was
there something more to the statement that I missed?

 I can see why you might want filesystems and mailbox hierarchies to 

I don't want that explicitly, but where a specific server architecture
uses such an architecture, then the benefit is there for the mentioning as
an example. In the case of Exchange (as an opposite architecture, but with
the same potential) using mailstore partitions would also facilitate some
kinds of replication and near-line storage mechanisms, albeit with much
greater effort.

Really I'm just trying to figure out how useful it would be to have
partitions be full-fledged data-objects in IMAP. They are only partial
citizens right now, with just a couple of attributes and not much in the
way of management knobs and buttons.

Eric A. Hall
Internet Core Protocols

Re: IMAP not good enough?

2003-08-15 Thread Eric A. Hall

on 8/15/2003 11:37 AM Larry Osterman wrote:

 Ok, mine agrees with mine :)
 pro·to·col( P )  Pronunciation Key  (prt-kôl, -kl, -kl)
 Computer Science. A standard procedure for regulating data transmission between 

procedure is the key, not format

also see


A set of formal rules describing how to transmit data, especially across a
network. Low level protocols define the electrical and physical standards
to be observed, bit- and byte-ordering and the transmission and error
detection and correction of the bit stream. High level protocols deal with
the data formatting, including the syntax of messages, the terminal to
computer dialogue, character sets, sequencing of messages etc.

Many protocols are defined by RFCs or by OSI.

See also handshaking.

[Jargon File]


Eric A. Hall
Internet Core Protocols

1731, loose end

2003-07-11 Thread Eric A. Hall

Just noticed a trivial loose-end, but one which should be fixed.
Specifically, RFC 1731 isn't formally deprecated nor was it obsoleted by
RFC . However, since RFC 3501 explicitly references  now, 1731
should probably be snipped out of the standards-track document set by some
kind of administrative action.

Eric A. Hall
Internet Core Protocols

 For information about this mailing list, and its archives, see:

Re: adult and spam/junk keywords (was Re: I-DACTION:draft-melnikov-imap-keywords-01.txt)

2003-07-11 Thread Eric A. Hall

on 7/11/2003 1:13 PM Cyrus Daboo wrote:

 pick another character at the start, e.g. '%' and say that corresponds 
 to a registered vendor space, without having to have 'vendor' at the
 start of the keyword.

My only comment here is that I would prefer to see OIDs instead of vendor
names. Products change hands, some flags are designed to be used by
multiple products from the start, etc., and OIDs provide a natural way of
virtualizing identifiers while still preserving clear lines of authority.

The use of a special character makes sense to me.

Eric A. Hall
Internet Core Protocols

Re: Message flag caching and polling.

2003-03-12 Thread Eric A. Hall

on 3/12/2003 2:42 AM David Woodhouse wrote:
 On Wed, 2003-03-12 at 06:58, Eric A. Hall wrote:
I'm not trying to start a religious war here, but how much work would it
really be to have a protocol extension which allowed the client to request
flags which have changed since time. It seems that all of the difficulty
would be in the implementation (the server data-store), not in the
protocol, and there would be significant benefits to having this option
available in the protocol. Faster resynchronization between sessions would
be very good for all clients, online and offline alike.
 I'm going to assume you meant something sane when you said time, of
 course :) 

Uh, heh, I meant time alright. Specifically have the server return a
timestamp whenever a folder is closed, and let the client cache it. On
reconnect, the client can just ask for all messages with a modification
timestamp later than the last-cached value for that folder. For rich
data-stores, this just requires a last-modified-on attribute for each
message record; return those records which have a last-modified-on value
greater than the requested value.

 The protocol side could be fairly simple -- the idea that Timo Sirainen
 offered in [EMAIL PROTECTED] seems fairly close to
 what we'd want. You'd declare that a server supporting FLAGS-VALIDITY
 _MUST_ include any messages with changed flags in its response, and
 SHOULD make an effort not to include messages _without_ changed flags.

Doesn't this require the server to cache client state? It'd be a lot
simpler for the clients to keep track of their own state, since that's
what they're already doing.

Eric A. Hall
Internet Core Protocols

Re: Message flag caching and polling.

2003-03-12 Thread Eric A. Hall

on 3/12/2003 5:38 PM Steve Hole wrote:

 The answer -- the bigger the mailbox and the lower the transaction rate
  into the mailbox, the bigger the win.   If the mailbox was small or
 had a high transaction rate (lots of expunged and new messages) then it
 wasn't that much of a win.
 A number of mailboxes do have this type of activity pattern -- my inbox
  being one of those.

That seems like a reasonable outcome if you are only taking watermarks
periodically. If the watermark was updated frequently (such as each open
and close), wouldn't the problem be diminished for mailboxes that were
selected frequently?

Also the obvious point that where this feature benefits the most is
exactly where it is needed the most. I have more than a few folders with
4000 messages in them, and those folders take a very long time to open
whenever there is any significant latency or bandwidth constraint.

Eric A. Hall
Internet Core Protocols

Re: Message flag caching and polling.

2003-03-11 Thread Eric A. Hall

on 3/11/2003 4:56 PM Mark Crispin wrote:

 Have you noticed that Pine *does* completely cache within a session?  As
 long as you don't give up the session, Pine will never re-fetch the same

I'm not trying to start a religious war here, but how much work would it
really be to have a protocol extension which allowed the client to request
flags which have changed since time. It seems that all of the difficulty
would be in the implementation (the server data-store), not in the
protocol, and there would be significant benefits to having this option
available in the protocol. Faster resynchronization between sessions would
be very good for all clients, online and offline alike.

In those cases where it was impractical to store this kind of information,
the server wouldn't implement it, which is reasonable behavior for any
optional extension.

Ignoring the data-store issues which will dictate whether a specific
server is able to implement the feature, how feasible would this be?

Eric A. Hall
Internet Core Protocols

Re: How to unsubscribe

2002-10-11 Thread Eric A. Hall

on 10/10/2002 10:17 AM Marek Kowal wrote:
 Oh, by the way, since we already talk about the list itself... what
 content filter should I set up so that I am 100% sure, that it will
 match _ALL_ the messages from this list and direct them to specific

The Sender: header field is usually the best for this, although
technically it should never be rewritten by mailing list exploders, and
should therefore technically not function for this purpose (but it is
usually the best regardless of all that).

If a mailing list includes any of the List-* header fields, use one of
those instead. List-Post: mailto:imap; looks like a
pretty good candidate.

Eric A. Hall
Internet Core Protocols